Re: [CTRL] Myths of a Palestinian Homeland j2

2001-07-31 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

You must be kidding, Joshua.
Why read real historical accounts or true facts when you can just make it up
for yourself? The truth can be whatever you want it to be if you only
subscribe to this way of thinking. And I say the sky is green. I dare you to
prove me wrong! Huh, you say it's blue? I knew it! You must be a spy for the
COTSA! I know it's really YOU Adam!
Are you people researchers or clowns like Saba? You could easily find out
if Farrah is telling the truth or not. All you need to do is find histories
of the region that predate WWII. That way you won't get either side's

This isn't he said, she said people. The truth is out there.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Cleaning for the Redeemer

2001-07-31 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

Saba, I would think that as one who claims to understand the scriptures, you
could figure out what this simple story of growth means. It is obvious that
you only use the Bible to prove your pathetic theories instead of ever
gaining knowledge from it. Your stategy is sadly obvious: If someone knows
more than you(i.e.EVERYONE), call them names. Typical racist bullsh*t. You
have not one ounce of grace in you. It is clear to me, as a newcomer to this
list, that nobody takes you seriously except yourself(or should I say
selves). I hope you find the truth someday before it bites you in the ass.

As for Joshua, his truth is his own truth; to be he is the biggest liar
since Jonah said he was swallowed by a big white whale.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-07-31 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

Hey William,
Why is it that you keep posting crap from or about Lyndon LaRouche? Are you
a Neo-Nazi? He's a total freak and I can't imagine any sane person giving
him his/her attention.

From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 19:23:20 EDT



Mideast War Alert
On July 28-29 Weekend

This statement was issued by EIR on July 27, 2001.

Lyndon LaRouche has issued a blunt warning that Ariel Sharon and even more
hardline warhawks in Israel may launch their long-planned military assault
against the Palestinian Authority as early as Sunday, July 29. Events in
Middle East conform to the desires of a faction of the Anglo-American
financial oligarchy, who wish to detonate a Mideast-triggered religious
clash of civilizations in the near term, to block any further momentum
toward a Eurasian development alliance that could strip them of their

Sources in the Middle East cited three developments this week that could
signal that Israel is preparing to launch a full-scale assault into the
Palestinian Authority territories, aimed at driving a majority of the
population into Jordan, exterminating the Yasser Arafat leadership group,
permanently annexing the territory of Judea, Samaria, and Galilee.

1-Early this week, Israeli Defense Force Chief of Staff General Mofaz made
five-hour trip to Turkey, possibly to pre-alert the Turkish military to a
planned operation into the PA territory. Turkey has been conducting secret
back-channel negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and,
according to one account, General Mofaz may have asked the Turks to halt
their efforts. Turkey is planning to purchase Israeli-made Arrow
batteries, and Israel would not wish to jeopardize that sale by keeping the
Turkish military in the dark, were they to plan a major military operation
against the Palestinians.

2-The United States has escalated its pressure on Israel to accept an
observer force. President Bush came under strong pressure from Russia and
from the European Union at last weekend's G-8 summit in Genoa, to support
deployment of international observers, and the Administration has, since
then, reportedly been pushing the Sharon government to acquiesce to the
demand, that was included in the G-8 final communiques.

3-Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, on July 26, made statements that were
published in Ha'aretz and in the Jerusalem Post, warning that one more
suicide bomb would seal the fate of the Palestinian Authority. This
statement is being interpreted as a possible warning, that the Israeli
services could, themselves, trigger such an attack, in order to provide the
pretext for the long-planned invasion of Area A. The source was unsure of
whether Peres was, himself, signalling that he was now prepared to accept
inevitability of a military solution to the stalemate.

LaRouche commented on Friday that nothing is in the works to prevent an
early launching of an Israeli military assault on the Palestinian
territories, and, that, taking into account the character of the people we
are dealing with, this weekend represents a particular danger point.
LaRouche reiterated his statements on his A
HREF=;July 24,
2001 LaRouche in 2004
campaign webcast, that /Aonly an intervention from the U.S. could
convince the
parties behind this planned war offensive to call it off.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Candidate accused by former patient

2001-07-31 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on this article.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Candidate accused by former patient by Thomas R. O'Donnell - Des Moines
Register - 10/28/98 - A former Iowan who won a $ 10.6 million settlement
from a Chicago hospital and two psychiatrists said the diagnosis of multiple
personalities and repressed memories of satanic cults that led to her lawsuit
originated with a West Des Moines clinical social worker. But the social
worker, Ann-Marie Baughman, now a Polk County legislative candidate, said
that when she started counseling Patricia Burgus in 1982, Burgus was a
troubled woman who was threatening to kill herself and others. Burgus...also
was displaying behavior that Baughman could not understand. It was the
physical changes more than just the verbal expressions of what she was
telling me that led Baughman to conclude she was seeing multiple
personalities. The muscles in her face would all relax . . . and she would
just look different. It was just the eeriest thing. But suggestions that
Braun somehow planted the horrific memories in Burgus' head are wrong,
Baughman said, because they started surfacing during her sessions with Burgus
in Des Moines. In the settlement, reached last fall after six years of
litigation, neither the hospital nor the psychiatrists, Braun and Elva
Poznanski, admitted fault. Braun has said his insurance company settled over
his objections.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cleaning for the Redeemer j2

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Oh knock of the hate jews crap Joshua2...gloat over people being

 Israel wants to go to war let them go to war and get it the hell over.

 Look at the billions of dollars the USA has sent to Israel and see how
 our kindness and yes CHARITY has been returned - the USS Liberty - those
 israli planes were paid for with US Taxdollars.

 Israel wanted the war - there it is and it is their choice, but do not
 expect the Yanks to save their asses this time..remember Joshua, it
 was 55 million people who died in WWII not 6 million jews.

 What was it Sharon said - the Arabs had the oil but he had the matches -
 so who will light the match?

 Zionism is fascism - and the world has gotten a good look at it - in
 Israel you have jewish women, christian women, and moslem women
 organized now to say what Prince Faisal told me 30 years ago - they want
 to live in peace and the Zionists iwll not let them.

 USA did the right thing - we are no longer the ACE in the Hole for the
 Israelis.we paid for the defense sysems, so they want to go to war
 they have been armed.

 But what you want Joshua - another Littleton, two kids with uzis and
 propange gas tanks, attacking unarmed kids - calling it their Judgment

 Bullies?   Who are the bullies.Creating water shortages when
 Israelis have swimming pools in yard for the Palestins to see when their
 water is threatened?

 RASE IT RASE IT RASE IT...dash the heads of he children against the
 stones?   This is the motto of the Zionists - and I remember the olive
 trees destroyed too.

 Talk about the slaughter of the innocentswell, when Sadaam Hussein
 goes to war this time, the Yanks won't interfere - what will be, will


 You have persecution complex Joshua2 -  you still believe only 6 million
 people died in WWII and all were Jews?   What happened to the other 55
 million and who buried them - covered them up, or incinerated the bodies
 before disease spread.who paved the road to Zion?

 Now you see the face of Zonism and you do not even recognize the enemy.

That's beautiful baby. You have convinced me with your knowledge and
intelligence. Not to mention your expertise with simple subtraction.

Where do I sign up for Saddam's special forces?

 I wanna be a Saddam Ranger,
  Live me a life of thrills and danger.
  I'll kick dem Jews in their big fat butts,
  if Saba would only kiss my putz. 

You da best Colleen,
Love always,


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cleaning for the Redeemer

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 7/30/01 4:45:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Silly man. The Lord of the Universe has made HIS chosen people immune
 to Raid. Didn't you read that in the Bible? 

 That being the case, we will have use Sarin gas.

I suggest that you sniff it first to make sure it's fresh.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Finally the truth about Palestinian ' right of return ' .

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Special Dispatch - Egypt
July 31, 2001
No. 248

An Egyptian Intellectual:
Arabs Must Use the Demographic Factor Against Israel

In the London based daily Al-Hayat (1), Dr. Wahid Abd
Al-Magid, the editor of Al-Ahram's Arab Strategic Report
yearbook, wrote: The way to end the Arab-Israeli conflict
is through changing the demographic balance within Israel's
pre-1967 'Green Line' assuming  that Israel will have to
resort to racist policies.  Dr. Abd Al-Magid's plan is
based, primarily, on Israel's Arab community stopping
Jewish immigration to Israel and supporting the settlement
of Palestinians inside 'The Green Line,' in order to
establish one Palestinian state with Jews living under the
umbrella of our Arab culture:

In an article titled Arabs must take advantage of the
demographic threat on Israel, Dr. Abd Al-Magid wrote:

...The Arabs of 1948 [i.e. Israeli Arabs] may become a
majority in Israel in 2035, and they will certainly be the
majority in 2048, a century after their Nakbah and first

We must establish scenarios for the crisis' management in
the future. In these scenarios, there should be a special
status for the 1948 Palestinians. It is not long before
they become the supreme [decision-makers], who control the

The demographic threat does not derive solely from the
1948 Palestinians' natural increase, but also from the
infiltration of thousands of Palestinians into Israel.
These stay in Israel and create facts on the ground through
marriage with citizens of the 1948 population...

Therefore, there is a possibility that Israel would have
to expose its racism and try, in vain, to hide [the scale
of this phenomenon] through policies of denying some of the
social rights of the 1948 Palestinians, or through various
oppressive measures...

This would require a serious Arab action... that would be
difficult, unless the political elites and the security
apparatuses in some Arab countries heal from the disease of
suspecting and fearing the 1948 Palestinians... We must
support the connections [between Israeli Arabs and Arab
countries] so that better opportunities develop for Arab
action whose purpose is to make use of and increase the
demographic threat that faces Israel.

The first goal should be an organized action to expose the
racism of Zionism and with an effort to renew the UN
resolution that equates Zionism with racism, in order to
exercise external pressure on Tel Aviv that will decrease
its ability to carry out domestic measures [to counter]
that demographic threat. Today, there are Arab efforts to
launch a campaign against Israel in the UN International
Conference Against Racism that is organized by the UN in
South Africa.  This should be the beginning of a continuous
action and not a seasonal action that will end with the

The second goal is to confront the Jewish immigration that
the Jewish Agency tries to encourage once again - after the
numbers of immigrants to Israel have decreased in the first
six months of this year... True, the continuation of the
Intifada guarantees the foiling of the Zionist efforts to
increase the immigration, and may even encourage emigration
in the opposite direction, but the Arab league, with the
cooperation of Arab non-governmental organizations, can
also have a role by starting a dialogue with the Jewish
organizations in [the former USSR] states.

Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all immigrants are
Israel lovers. Some of them were forced to immigrate under
the pressure of economic and social conditions that are
being used by the Jewish Agency to encourage their
immigration to Israel. We can act to foil the role of this
Agency, through dialogue with the Jewish organization in
the immigrant-exporting states. Our claims should not be
limited to the moral aspect. We could describe to the Jews
of Russia and its neighbors the situation of Russian
immigrants in Israel, more than half of whom suffer of
conditions that are no less difficult than those that had
made them immigrate, in addition to the disappointment and
the marginalization felt by those immigrants, a phenomenon
that was mentioned by Ana Isakova in an important article
in Maariv.

A third goal, which can be shouldered by the civil
economic non-governmental institutions in the Arab world
and especially in Jordan and Egypt, is to support the
movement of Palestinians from PA territories and from
elsewhere into Israeli 'Green Line' borders. Such a
movement exists, but it is random and requires organizing,
especially since the Israeli authorities have increased
their counter-measures.

We are capable of increasing the demographic threat
against Israel, if we demonstrate the necessary
determination. It is high time for long-term planning of
the management of the Arab-Israeli crisis, whose life is
still long. We must give the 1948 Palestinians the status
they deserve, because without them, we cannot make
Palestine again Arab - and not bi-national - Arab Palestine

[CTRL] [Fwd: [Spy News] Hot: Code Red Worm InfoSec Bulletin]

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Code Red Worm InfoSec Bulletin

As a service to the Internet community, Digital Island is providing global access to these
consensus step-by-step instructions for eliminating the Code Red worm
vulnerability. The information provided here is from the SANS Institute.

In addition, we are making available the SANS Institute's short course

and PDF

 on how to eliminate the problem in Microsoft's IIS web server that makes
Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems vulnerable to the Code Red worm. Code
Red has already infected more than 300,000 Windows servers and, on July
19th,  caused major degradation of the Internet. It will begin a new
infestation on Tuesday evening, July 31. Anyone who runs Windows 2000 or
Windows NT may be infecting other users and hurting performance on the
Internet (Windows 95, 98, and ME users are unaffected). Patching your system
to keep it from being infected is critically important.

Follow this easy three-step process for protecting your computer if you are
running IIS version 4 or 5 on your computer, and you have not yet installed
the Code Red patch.  To execute this process, you must be logged onto your
computer's administrator account, or an account that has administrative
privilege on your computer.

To determine whether you are running IIS,

Launch Task Manager (an easy way to do that is to hit CTRL, ALT, and DEL
keys at the same time, and then click on 'Task Manager' in the dialogue box)

Go to Processes Tab and look for Inetinfo.exe in the image name column.

If it is there, you are running IIS and need to install the necessary patch.
If not, you are not running IIS and no further action is required.

If you find you are running IIS 4.0 or 5.0, then do the following:

Step 1. Download the patch from Microsoft

1.1  Create a folder anywhere on your hard drive and name it
Microsoft-patches so you'll have a place to store this patch and future

1.2  Windows 2000 and Windows NT have separate patches. Select the
appropriate one and save the file in the folder you created in Step 1.1.

.  Windows NT version 4.0:

.  Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server:

Step 2. Install the patch

2.1 Double click in Windows Explorer.  You may find Windows Explorer behind
the Start button or somewhere on the Programs menu.

2.2 Go to the Microsoft-patches folder you created in Step 1.1

2.3 Find the patch:

In Windows NT, the patch is named simply:


In Windows 2000, it is called:


2.4 Double click on the patch program

2.5 When it has finished, you will see a small pop-up that shows your system
has been updated:

Step 3. Reboot your system to clear the worm from RAM

By rebooting you not only activate your patch, but you also clean out the
worm if you had been previously infected .

Optional verification step: If you want to see whether your system has been
patched correctly, open a command prompt (from the Start menu, click Run).
Then run the patch program from the command line (include its folder in the
command) and use the -L dash L switch. Running this command will give you
a listing of all the hot fixes that are installed on your machine. If the
patch was installed successfully, you'll see its name in the list.

Additional Resources

Additional information about the patch and its installation, and the
vulnerability it addresses is available at:

If you are concerned that damage may have been done to your system by the
worm, you may wish to follow the recovery procedures documented at:

PLEASE NOTE: The patches can be installed only on Windows 2000 and Window NT
4.0 systems that have had recent service packs installed.  If your system
does not already have the required service pack, the patch installation will
produce an error message advising you that the patch will not install on
your system.  For free download of Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, go to
For free download of Window NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a, go to

If you have problems installing the patch, contact Microsoft product support
at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Questions related to installation and support of
all security patches are handled without charge.

The SANS Institute has 

[CTRL] Capitalism, not overpopulation is #1 cause of environmental destruction.

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Citigroup Funding Deforestation in Indonesia
Forest Networking a Project of, Inc. -- Forest Conservation Portal -- Forest Conservation Links --
   Indonesia and Malaysia Rainforest Conservation News and Information

Citigroup Funding Deforestation in Indonesia

Rainforest Action Network and others have launched a major campaign
against Citigroup - the largest U.S. financial institution.
Citigroup is an international leader in the financing of destructive
oil and gas, mining, and commercial logging operations.  In
Indonesia, Citigroup has been a major funder of companies engaged in
oil palm and paper pulp production, leading to massive deforestation
of these globally critical rainforest ecosystems.  If the World's
rainforests are to be conserved it is important that rainforest
activists go beyond railing against globalization in general, and
hold corporations responsible for such specific instances of
ecological misdeeds.  Holding Citigroup, Boise Cascade, ExxonMobil
(Esso) and others responsible for activities that threaten the
world's forests, climate and other ecosystems is an excellent eco-
activist strategy.  See RAN's Citigroup campaign page at for more information on
this exciting new rainforest campaign.  To help launch this campaign,
that is sure to grow until Citigroup yields to the will of the people
and stops funding industrial ecocide, participate in the action alert
below (or at has gotten this alert to 5000+ forest conservation
entities worldwide, but maximum efficacy depends upon you forwarding
this alert widely and encouraging your friends and colleagues to
sign-up for this free forest conservation email news at


Title:  Citigroup Funding Deforestation in Indonesia
Source:  Rainforest Action Network,
Date:  July 2001

AS THE FIRE SEASON in Southeast Asia approaches, international
activists are increasingly concerned about the fate of Indonesia's
rainforests. Of particular concern is the role of Citigroup (Citi),
North America's largest financial institution, in fueling
deforestation in the region. Citi is a key financial backer of some
of the most environmentally egregious projects in Indonesia,
including projects that have caused extensive rainforest destruction
and pose an ongoing threat to the country's remaining old growth
rainforests.  Additional background information is included below.

What You Can Do:

Demand that Citi funds not be used in Indonesia or anywhere else to
fund the destruction of forests, communities, and wildlife.  You can
send the email directly from RAN's web page at:
Or here is a sample letter that can be edited and sent to Citigroup

Stop funding the destruction of the rainforests!

Sandy Weill
Citigroup Center
153 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10043

Dear Mr. Weill,

I am outraged to learn that Citigroup is financing forest destruction
in Indonesia at the expense of indigenous peoples and endangered
species. As a key creditor of this devastating industry, you have the
opportunity-and the influence-to halt further forest destruction in

Almost 80 percent of the world's old growth forests have been
destroyed or degraded. Indonesia houses 10 percent of what remains. I
urge you to stop funding the destruction of old growth forests and to
promote sustainable development in Indonesia and around the world. As
one of the world's largest banks, Citi must set the standard for an
ecologically sane, democratic, and just economy.

Please let me know where you stand on this critical issue.

Thank you,


Background Information

One of Citi's top business partners in the region is Indonesia's most
infamous palm oil company, London Sumatra (Lon Sum). Lon Sum has been
implicated in illegal logging and human rights violations, and is
suspected of being among the palm plantation companies that
deliberately and illegally set fires in Indonesia in 1997. The
devastating fires destroyed vast areas of rainforest, which the
government then allocated to forest corporations. Many of these
companies sought the increased operating area in order to pay off
debt to foreign investors, such as Citi. Overall, palm oil
plantations have claimed nearly eight million acres of native forest
in Indonesia, and every year close to one million additional acres of
forest are targeted for 

[CTRL] Palestine ( sic )on the rack.

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Palestine on the rack.
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 23:29:09 +0100

If you want to be the best informed...use AFI Research

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   AFI Research  Armed Forces
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 For details of how you can buy either the full story below or an expanded
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  from AFI, contact us today
Please credit AFI Research if you use any part of this e-mail in any
publication, website or broadcast

  Palestine - the pressure mounts

Israel's  total blockade of Palestinian territory is beginning to undermine the
existence of both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israeli military deployments
have split the occupied areas into convenient 'bite-sized' portions bringing the
fabric of every day life to a virtual standstill.  An increasingly bleak
prospect faces
Arab businesses and the local utilities and while the standard of life and
continue to plummet, dissension amongst the Palestinian leadership grows daily.

Even long term supporters of Yasser Arafat are now questioning his chances of
survival, joining the ever growing array of dissenting elements. Antagonized by
Arafats ban on the use of mortars, Hamas, Islamic Jihads and even members of
Arafats own forces are intent on raising the stakes with a return to a sustained
bombing and mortar campaign.

Arafat is fearful that further bomb attacks will give Israel the excuse to
launch a
massive military invasion, but is aware that the alternatives are abject
surrender or
to accept the slow painful destruction of what remains of an independent
Palestinian homeland, either are likely to bring his final downfall.

Both the CIA and Israeli Intelligence have played a major part in keeping Arafat
power, but are now reassessing his continuing value to the prospects of
the stability of the region. This has largely led to General Sharon's decision
to dissect Palestine, which is being carried out with a combination of extreme
political intransigence, massive military preparedness, the widespread use of
intelligence services, the insidious use of propaganda and the successful
of a largely compliant Western press.

Covert operations are conducted from within the occupied territories by special
units such as the Sayeret Duvedevan which conducts deep-cover penetration of
Arab areas from its headquarters at Rama Army Base in Ramallah on the West
Bank, while a considerable effort has been made to ensure that bases and arms
dumps have been identified and that leading Palestinian militants are targeted
'Kidon' style assassination by the Sayeret Mat'kal or by Israel's unique use
of missile armed helicopters to ambush Palestinian vehicles.

Communications within the occupied territories and links to other Arab nations
closely monitored by a nation-wide telephone 'bugging' system under the overall
control of the internal security service, Shin Beth and by Unit-8200 from its
headquarters in Herzliya with a network of listening stations at Mitzpah Ramon,
Mount Hermon and Mount Meiron on the Golan Heights and from outstations
including the joint NSA  Unit-8200 intelligence base on the Eritrean island of
Dahlak from which they monitor much of the Arab world.

Palestine is on the rack and Israel is ratcheting up the pressure. General
Sharon is
listening to the hard-line Zionist views being expressed within his cabinet and
particularly in the USA, and appears to be set on a course to restore Israels
fearsome reputation for military toughness. This will almost certainly involve
military operations against neighbouring Arab countries, and Sharon may also
consider this a necessary pre-emptive strike in view of the contentious view
expressed recently that Israel may not be able to survive an all out Arab attack
without resorting to nuclear weapons!

For the most comprehensive and expert information on the Middle East,
contact AFI

   AFI, a commercial organization, has a well deserved reputation for
 major issues  with both impartiality and total independence from Government and
 Corporate influence


[CTRL] The Roots of Racial Profiling

2001-07-31 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

The Roots of Racial Profiling
Why are police targeting minorities for traffic stops?
By Gene Callahan and William Anderson

It is early in the morning, and the well-dressed young
African-American man driving his Ford Explorer on I-75
sees the blue lights of the Georgia State Patrol car
behind him. The officer pulls behind the sport utility
vehicle and the young man's heart begins to sink.

He is on his way to Atlanta for a job interview. The
stop, ostensibly for speeding, should not take long, he
reasons, as the highway patrol officer walks cautiously
toward the Explorer. But instead of simply asking for
a driver's license and writing a speeding ticket, the
trooper calls for backup. Another trooper soon arrives,
his blue lights flashing as well.

The young man is told to leave his vehicle, as the
troopers announce their intention to search it. Hey,
where did you get the money for something like this?
one trooper asks mockingly while he starts the process
of going through every inch of the Explorer. Soon, an
officer pulls off an inside door panel. More dismantling
of the vehicle follows. They say they are looking for
drugs, but in the end find nothing. After ticketing
the driver for speeding, the two officers casually drive
off. Sitting in his now-trashed SUV, the young man weeps
in his anger and humiliation.

Unmotivated searches like this are daily occurrences on
our nation's highways, and blacks and white liberals have
been decrying the situation for several years. Many
conservatives, on the other hand, dismiss such complaints
as the exaggerations of hypersensitive minorities. Or
they say that if traffic cops do in fact pull over and
search the vehicles of African Americans disproportionately,
then such racial profiling is an unfortunate but
necessary component of modern crime fighting.

The incident described above should give pause to those
who think that racial profiling is simply a bogus issue
cooked up by black leaders such as Al Sharpton and Jesse
Jackson to use as another publicity tool. One of us teaches
in an MBA program that enrolls a fairly large number of
African Americans, and the story comes from one of our
students. Indeed, during class discussions, all of the
black men and many of the black women told stories of
having their late-model cars pulled over and searched for

While incidents of racial profiling are widely deplored
today, there is little said about the actual root cause
of the phenomenon. The standard explanations for racial
profiling focus on institutional racism, but that idea
runs contrary to the sea change in social attitudes that
has taken place over the last four decades. On the contrary,
the practice of racial profiling grows from a trio of very
tangible sources, all attributable to the War on Drugs,
that $37 billion annual effort on the part of local,
state, and federal lawmakers and cops to stop the sale
and use of illicit substances. The sources include the
difficulty in policing victimless crimes in general and
the resulting need for intrusive police techniques; the
greater relevancy of this difficulty given the
intensification of the drug war since the 1980s; and the
additional incentive that asset forfeiture laws give
police forces to seize money and property from suspects.
Since the notion of scaling back, let alone stopping,
the drug war is too controversial for most politicians
to handle, it's hardly surprising that its role in racial
profiling should go largely unacknowledged.

The Practice of Racial Profiling

Although there is no single, universally accepted definition
of racial profiling, we're using the term to designate
the practice of stopping and inspecting people who are
passing through public places -- such as drivers on public
highways or pedestrians in airports or urban areas -- where
the reason for the stop is a statistical profile of the
detainee's race or ethnicity.

The practice of racial profiling has been a prominent topic
for the past several years. In his February address to
Congress, President George W. Bush reported that he'd asked
Attorney General John Ashcroft to develop specific
recommendations to end racial profiling. It's wrong, and
we will end it in America. The nomination of former New
Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman as head of the
Environmental Protection Agency was challenged on the basis
of her alleged complicity in racial profiling practices in
the Garden State. Whitman had pioneered her own unique form
of minority outreach when she was photographed frisking
a black crime suspect in 1996. Copies of the photo were
circulated to senators prior to her confirmation vote.
(By the same token, in February 1999, Whitman fired State
Police Superintendent Carl A. Williams after he gave a
newspaper interview in which he justified racial profiling
and linked minority groups to drug trafficking.) More
recently, Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of 

Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-07-31 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: ashley Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:31 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

 Hey William,
 Why is it that you keep posting crap from or about Lyndon
 LaRouche? Are you
 a Neo-Nazi? He's a total freak and I can't imagine any sane
 person giving
 him his/her attention.


There may be a lot of things you can't imagine; none of them require your
belief to exist, however.

Neo-Nazi and freak are convenient labels; however, as I have said many
times on this list, when labeling begins, thinking stops.

LaRouche is a political radical and may be a bit over-fearful. Then again he
may just know more than the rest of us. Even a small amount of balanced
research shows that whether you agree with LaRouche or not his economic
models and mathematical background go far beyond the average individual.

The main difference between LaRouche and others is his fanaticism is more
political and economic and less religious. I guess I prefer any type of
fanaticism other than religious.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Shopper's little helper

2001-07-31 Thread Peat

Shopper's little compulsive shoppers get help in the form 
of a pill thanks to a university study, and the study was funded by the company 
that manufactures the pill, everybody wins, right?
- - - - - - 
- - - - - -By Carina Chocano
July 30, 2001 | 
If the dystopian novel does not 
already exist in which a state-sanctioned corporate behemoth takes over the 
earth, mind by mind, by successfully selling an illness in order to sell the 
cure, someone should write it. What other genre would do justice to the saga of 
the medicated American consumer -- and his or her doctor -- on a lifelong 
shopping spree? 
Lately, compulsive shopping, the illness, has been popping up in the news. 
Last May, U.S. District Judge Matthew F. Kennelly caused a stir when he reduced 
what could have been an 18-month jail sentence in an embezzlement and wire fraud 
case to two years of probation, six weeks of community service and a $3,000 
fine. The defendant, Elizabeth Randolph Roach, had pleaded guilty to embezzling 
nearly a quarter of a million dollars from Andersen Consulting, where she earned 
a salary of $150,000 a year. 
Roach, who was described by her lawyer as a chronic depressive who shopped 
compulsively in an effort to "self-medicate," had padded her corporate expense 
reports over three years in order to finance epic retail benders (one came to 
$30,000) and help pay down her $500,000 credit card debt. Shortly before she was 
fired from her job, she was arrested for shoplifting at Neiman Marcus where, as 
a formerly valued customer, she had once spent $7,000 on a belt buckle and 
$9,000 on a handbag. Judge Kennelly bought the shopaholic defense, declaring her 
chronic depression "the driving force" behind the crime. 
Eight months before Roach's sentencing, Rosemary Heinen, an employee of 
Starbucks, was arrested for allegedly embezzling $3.7 million from her employer. 
Heinen's job consisted, in part, of reviewing and approving invoices that came 
into the company's information-technology department. Heinen reportedly created 
a bogus consulting company, which for a little under a year billed Starbucks for 
nonexistent services. 

When investigators searched the Heinen's suburban house, they reported 
finding it crammed with hundreds of boxes of Avon cosmetics, Barbie dolls and 
Franklin Mint products, all unopened. The hallways were clogged with piles of 
clothes and rooms were filled floor to ceiling with television sets, satellite 
receivers, Steinway pianos, stuffed animals and commemorative mugs. Also found 
were two motorcycles, a $200,000 powerboat and 31 cars -- including a 2001 911 
Porsche Turbo and an inconspicuous yet practical Model T. Heinen agreed to repay 
$2.5 million and the items found her home have since been auctioned off to pay 
back Starbucks. 
Roach and Heinen fit the criteria for compulsive shopping, which falls under 
the category of "Impulse-Control Disorders, Not Otherwise Specified," in the 
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatry Association. 
Researchers have characterized the ailment more specifically as "a preoccupation 
with purchasing unneeded items that causes marked distress, social or 
occupational impairment and/or financial problems." According to a variety of 
estimates, based mostly on limited university studies, 2 to 8 percent of 
Americans are believed to be compulsive shoppers; women who suffer from this 
condition outnumber men 9 to 1. And as is so often the case with newfangled 
disorders, the statistics have led to self-help books, which have paved the way, 
inevitably, to a pill. 
Last year, a team of researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine 
conducted a study on the effects of a drug called Celexa on compulsive shoppers; 
the initial results were published last fall. Dr. Lorrin Koran, a professor of 
psychiatry and the director of the obsessive-compulsive disorder clinic at 
Stanford University Medical Center, led the inquiry, which established that 
citalopram (Celexa is the brand name), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, 
or SSRI, helped curb the urge to purchase in compulsive shoppers. 
Compulsive shoppers are described by Dr. Koran as a group of people 
"motivated by 'irresistible' impulses, characterized by spending that is 
excessive and inappropriate, has harmful consequences for the individual, and 
tends to be chronic and stereotyped." 
The study concluded that "results suggest that citalopram may be effective 
for compulsive shopping. Additional research is needed to examine the role of 
mood symptoms in the initiation, continuance and relief of this disorder. Acute 
and long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of citalopram and other 
SSRIs for the treatment of compulsive shopping are indicated." In a statement, 
the researchers added, "Citalopram produced marked improvements on both the 
Yale/Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale 


2001-07-31 Thread Peat

APPLYBy Michael BeckerSmall Times 
July 30, 2001 -- As nanotechnology moves from the realm of 
science fiction to the real world of commercial application, legislation and 
regulation are going to have to play catch-up. 
Legal experts say the lag between technology and 

The respirocyte would be a spherical 
  nanorobot,approximately 1 micron in size. Just a 5ccdose should do 
  the work of all red blood cellsin the blood stream. But what laws 
  would governits use? These bacterium-sized gadgets wouldlikely to 
  force a debate over existing regulations. the law is a given. The Internet and Global Positioning System (GPS) 
technology have forced a rethink of areas such as copyright and the right to 
Biotechnology has led to a closer examination of patent law 
and what is patentable. Stem cell research is having a similar impact -- witness 
a recent bill that emerged from the judiciary committee of the U.S. House of 
Representatives in late July that seeks to outlaw not just the cloning of 
humans, but also the use of cloning technology to create stem cells to treat 
Nanotechnology will be no different. But the range and scope 
of laws and regulations could be much broader: everything from international 
trade law, to treaties banning chemical and biological weapons, to regulations 
governing medicine and the environment. 
A good example of a nanotechnology application that would 
likely to force a debate over existing regulations is the respirocyte. 
Theoretically, it would be a spherical nanorobot, approximately 1 micron in size 
-- about as big as a bacterium. 
Respirocytes would consist of a tiny, pressurized tank and 
pumps carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood stream. They would augment 
or even replace red blood cells -- just a 5cc dose should the work of all the 
red blood cells in the blood stream. 
While it may take 10 to 20 years to build and perfect 
respirocytes, the question is whether it would qualify as a medical device, as a 
drug or as something completely different. 
Robert Freitas, a research scientist at Zyvex Corp. in Richardson, 
Texas, who also holds a law degree, notes that other potential nanorobots 
designed to eat bacteria, repair individual cells and deliver precise drug doses 
to precise locations will force regulators to take a long, hard look at how to 
test, monitor and approve such technologies. 
"With greater potential for danger," he said, "comes greater 
need for regulation." 
Much of the existing body of law, however, will probably 
need only minor tinkering. 
"Whenever you see a new technology, there is always a 
temptation to say, 'We need all new laws to deal with it,'" noted Glenn 
Reynolds, a law professor at the University of Tennessee who has written about 
the legal implications of nanotechnology. 
This kind of reaction, he said, usually turns out to be 
wrong. "Old laws often work out surprisingly well," he said, adding that when 
legislators do try to craft new bodies of law to deal with new technologies, 
"the results are either pointless or disastrous." 
That is not to say that government should take a hands-off 
approach. T.S. Twibell, an associate with the Kansas City, Mo., law firm 
Kurlbaum Stoll Seaman Mustoe  McCrummen, who has also written about nanotechnology's legal 
implications, says government involvement will help lawmakers and 
"Government needs to have a hand in, to know what people are 
developing and be able to react to it," Twibell said. 
But the biggest area of concern is likely to be copyright 
and patent law. While some may question whether a company can patent an atomic 
structure, most legal experts agree that there are enough precedents involving 
biotechnology and genetic material to cover nanotechnology. Rather, the problem 
will more likely be protecting the intellectual property from illegal copies and 
Reynolds offers a hypothetical situation in which 
"disassemblers" are created that can examine something atom by atom, keeping 
track of the object's overall structure and making perfect copies of it. 
In such a case, it would be nearly impossible to determine 
if a copy of something was obtained legally or not. Zyvex's Freitas, when asked 
how the law might seek to resolve this, laughed, "that's a good question. I 
think as we get closer to it, the answer will emerge." But, he added, "it won't 
be painless, there will be economic adjustments." 
Freitas, Reynolds and Twibell all agree that in this kind of 
situation, the real value will reside not in the physical object, but in its 
design. Consumers would download the design of an object and replicate it 
themselves, rather than go out and buy it. 
Patent issues will also emerge with self-replicating 
nanotechnologies, especially if those technologies are designed to adapt to new 
surroundings. "If evolution occurred in a, 

[CTRL] Bush plans 'space bomber'

2001-07-31 Thread Peat

Bush plans 'space 
bomber',6903,529208,00.htmlSpecial report: George Bush's AmericaThe Bush files - Observer 
special Talk about 
it here Ed Vulliamy in New YorkSunday July 
29, 2001The Observer 
The United States is 
exploring the development of a 'space-bomber' which could destroy targets on the 
other side of the world within 30 minutes. 
As part of a weapons modernisation strategy personally directed by Defence 
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon is drawing up plans for a 'sub-orbital 
vehicle' launched like a spacecraft, which Rumsfeld describes as 'valuable for 
conducting rapid global strikes'. The craft - which would set the scene for a 
new generation of stratospheric warfare - would be able to drop precision bombs 
from a height of 60 miles, flying at 15 times the speed and 10 times the height 
of America's current bomber fleet. It is unclear whether it would be manned. 
Plans for the weapon appear to undermine claims that President George Bush's 
controversial Missile Defence Screen - dubbed 'Son of Star Wars' - is purely 
The new plane could be developed quickly by adapting shelved research for 
Ronald Reagan's 'Star Wars' together with plans for a reusable spacecraft called 
the X-33 Venture Star, under development by Nasa and Lockheed Martin. 
It would drop bombs from such a height that they would act as 'bunker 
busters', penetrating deep into underground silos without explosive warheads and 
causing massive pre-emptive damage on the ground within minutes of the start of 
a conflict - indicating a clear intention to take out enemy missiles before they 
have the capacity to launch. It would also be out of reach of conventional air 
defence systems. 
The bomber could return to base in the US within 90 minutes from any point on 
the globe. In 1999 it took US bombers in Kosovo 24 hours to return to base in 
The development of the bomber - details of which have been obtained by the 
Los Angeles Times - has keen supporters, including the man tipped to be 
nominated by Rumsfeld as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force 
General Ralph Eberhardt, commander of Space Command. 
Pentagon spokesman Admiral Craig Quigley is also optimistic, saying 'the 
military couldn't get anything [to a war zone] faster than this. It could be 
useful in any number of scenarios'. 
But the plan also touches many raw nerves, most obviously among those who 
object to the militarisation of space, which Democrat Senate leader Tom Daschle 
calls 'the single dumbest thing I've heard from this administration'. The 
project's supporters deny that the craft marks a move to militarise space, 
saying that its targets would be on Earth and that it would not make a full 
Last week the Pentagon announced its intention to test a space-based laser 
weapon, capable of zapping incoming missiles, as early as 2005 at a cost of $110 
million. The test would signal a return to the heart of Reagan's Strategic 
Defence Initiative - the so-called 'Star Wars' - of the early 1980s and 
constitute a clear and offensive violation of the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile 
Treaty with Russia. 
And, The Observer has learnt, US embassies have been instructed to inform 
host governments that the administration intends to test not just land-based 
missile interceptors, as it did two weekends ago, but 'other technologies and 
basing modes' for such weapons. 
As with many such projects, such as the Stealth bomber, the new craft could 
bypass a Congressional veto by being included in the secret 'black budget' of 
undeclared defence spending. 
Dan Plesch, director of the British American Security Information Council, 
said the development revealed that America was engaged in military 'anarchism' 
and was seeking to dominate space militarily before China or Russia were able to 
do so. 
'They are now engaged in a grossly militarised foreign policy which seems to 
be their only reaction to global politics,' he said. 
---Regards,Peter E 
LukeMere Meaningless Diversions? Or what's 
really happening?Visit or Sign Up Today  Find Out!Website: 
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[CTRL] Deadly Deception, Pretexts for War (fwd)

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Released July 30, 2001

The Wisdom Fund, P. O. Box 2723, Arlington, VA 22202
Press Contact: Enver Masud

Deadly Deception, Pretexts for War

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff approved plans for 'launching a secret and
bloody war of terrorism against their own country'

WASHINGTON, DC - Scott Ritter, former UN Special Commission inspector,
claims that Richard Butler, former chief UN weapons inspector,
deliberately planned UN inspections in 1998 to orchestrate a
confrontation between Iraq and the UN so the United States could carry out
its threats to bomb Iraq.  Ritter makes the allegations in a documentary
film, In Shifting Sands . .  . the Truth About UNSCOM and the Disarming
of Iraq, shown to journalists at the UN reported Ronni Berke (CNN, July
19).  Ritter's revelation should come as no surprise. The alleged pretext
for bombing Iraq, was just one more act of deadly deception, by the U.S.
and its allies, designed to rally the public against the enemy. Some

The annual commemoration of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,
invariably includes these words from the speech by President Franklin D.
Roosevelt: Yesterday, December 7, 1941a date which will live in infamythe
United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval
and air forces of the Empire of Japan. But, few Americans know, and
they're seldom told, that, The U.S. believed that war with Japan was
inevitable, and that 'the United States should provoke it at a time which
suited U.S. interests.' Analysts recommended an eight point plan designed
to provoke a Japanese attack, according to Robert Stinnett, writing in
Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor. The plan included
military provocations, and a recommendation to Completely embargo all
trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo by the British

The embargo was in place, and the U.S. had made several provocative
military moves, at the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Britain and France had their plan for taking back the Suez Canal after it
was nationalized by President Nasser of Egypt on July 26, 1956. France
secretly enlisted the help of Israel, writes James Bamford in Body of
Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency from the
Cold War Through the Dawn of a New Century. Mr.Bamford was Washington
Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings,
and has written investigative cover stories for the New York Times
Magazine, the Washington Post Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times

The intrigue involved Israel launching a war against Egypt, writes Mr.
Bamford. Then, once Egypt began defending itself, England and France would
go in as 'peacekeepers.' As part of the 'peace,' the canal would be taken
from Egypt and kept by Britain and France. Israel would capture the Sinai
from Egypt. The plan was agreed to by Israeli prime minister David
Ben-Gurion, defense minister Shimon Peres, and armed forces chief Moshe
Dayan, and Britain's prime minister, Anthony Eden.

Following the failed, Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba on April 17, 1961, by
1,300 members of a CIA-supported counter-revolutionary Cuban exile force,
the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) drew up and approved plans for
launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country
in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war
they intended to launch against Cuba. Mr. Bamford writes:

Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the plan . . . called for innocent people
to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba
to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be
launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed
for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony
evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer
[Chairman JCS] and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and
international backing, they needed to launch their war.
Accidents, writes Mr. Bamford, were to be used to advance U.S. interests.
Had the February 20, 1962 launch of John Glennthe first American to orbit
the earth, later a U.S. presidential candidatenot been successful, the JCS
were prepared to use John Glenn's possible death as a pretext for war.
The flight was to carry the banner of America's virtues of truth,
freedom, and democracy into orbit high over the planet. But Lemnitzer and
his Chiefs had a different idea. They proposed to Lansdale [U.S. general
in charge of Operation Mongoosecovert operations against Cuba] that,
should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, 'the objective is to provide
irrevocable proof that . . . the fault lies with the Communists et al Cuba
[sic].' This would be accomplished, Lemnitzer continued, 'by manufacturing
various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference on
the part of the 

[CTRL] Gates plays games with rivals, Java

2001-07-31 Thread Peat

Gates Plays Games With Rivals, 
Java - EWeek


Gates plays games with rivals, 
JavaBy Spencer F. Katt 
July 27, 2001 1:54 PM ET

Ever wonder what Bill Gates does in his spare time? 
The Kitty found out it might all be fun and games. At a recent Microsoft 
Global Sales conference in Miami, Mr. Bill displayed an old computer game that 
he wrote in BASIC several years ago. In the game, a driver tries to avoid 
oncoming donkeys. Gates showed the crowd that he's spiced up his old creation 
with a little XML here and a little .Net there. With the addition of the XML and 
some development tools from Visual Studio .Net, Gates showed that his old BASIC 
game was now a dynamic 3-D game where the driver travels over varied terrain and 
the donkeys can be turned into different characters. So, whom did he turn the 
donkeys into, you may ask? None other than Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy. "At 
least he didn't actually make asses out of them," quipped the Kitty. 
His Hirsuteness chuckled at Symantec's attempt to capitalize on all the 
security worries around Microsoft's Windows products. Launching a clever PR 
campaign last week, the anti-virus 
maker sent out an interesting package with a CD containing Build 31c of 
Symantec's Norton Anti Virus 2002, which includes "protection" for Windows XP. A 
note accompanying the package stated, "You are without protection due to the 
fact that it [Windows XP] is still a beta product. We at Norton feel it is 
important to protect your system during your evaluation of Windows XP." 
"Me-ouch," mused the Mouser. 
Future XP users who intend to download Java from Microsoft's Web site may 
want a security blanket of their own, according to a friend of the Furry One. 
Although it's common knowledge that Microsoft is dropping support for Java in 
XP, the tattler claims what hasn't been widely reported is that Microsoft has 
supposedly raised the security classification of Java from medium risk to high 
risk. That could mean that Java applets may not run in the Windows XP version of 
Internet Explorer if the security settings are set too high. 
The tipster added that he's found that Java doesn't run at all under Outlook 
or Outlook Express if they are running the default settings. According to the 
tattler, users might find that it may not be just a matter of downloading the 
Java engine—users might actually have to reconfigure their machines and drop 
their security settings to run Java. 
It seems Microsoft may be considering closing the San Francisco office of 
bCentral, its small-business portal operation. A Katt crony claims that a 
spokeswoman for Redmond confirmed last week that it was indeed evaluating its 
resources at the bCentral office in San Francisco, which contains some 40 
people, but said no final decision on a closing had been made. "The San 
Francisco office is the only office being evaluated as far as I'm aware," said 
the spokeswoman. 
While surfing the Web, El Gato spotted a site called 
This Web site provides a simple service--when you find a page on the Web whose 
address is too long to paste into an e-mail or other document, you can use this 
free service to generate a shorter, simpler address. The site claims that you 
can pass that shorter URL on to colleagues by e-mail confident that most e-mail 
clients will recognize it as a URL and turn it into a clickable 
Regards,Peter E LukeMere 
Meaningless Diversions? Or what's really happening?Visit or Sign Up Today 
 Find Out!Website: 
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[CTRL] Couple sues over flaming Pop-Tart

2001-07-31 Thread Peat

Couple sues over flaming Pop-Tart
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- The popular breakfast 
pastry Pop-Tarts has become a burning legal issue in New Jersey. 
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Saturday that a New Jersey couple is suing 
the Kellogg Co. for $100,000 in damages caused to their home when an unattended 
Pop-Tart allegedly burst into flames inside their toaster. 
Brenda Hurff of Washington Township put a cherry Pop-Tart in the toaster and 
left the house to drive her children to preschool, the newspaper said. When she 
returned 10 to 20 minutes later, smoke was pouring from the home and 
firefighters were already on the scene. 
"I never thought a Pop-Tart could turn into a blowtorch," Hurff's attorney, 
Mauro Casci, told the newspaper. "Did it pop? Did it not pop? Who knows?" 
The local fire company listed the cause of the blaze as "unattended food." 

A Kellogg spokesman declined to comment on the lawsuit but told the Inquirer 
that the cereal maker's products were safe and do not cause fires. 
Pop-Tarts, which are filled with fruit preserves, carry a warning on the box 
advising customers not to leave the toaster unattended due to a possible risk of 
The lawsuit, filed this week in Gloucester County Superior Court by Hurff and 
her husband, also named toaster-maker Black  Decker Corp. as a defendant. 
The newspaper said the appliance maker had no comment on the suit. 
In 1995, Kellogg paid $2,400 to a Springfield, Ohio, man who said that a fire 
started from a Pop-Tart had damaged his home, the Inquirer said. 
The man's lawyer had considered calling as a witness humorist Dave Barry, who 
had written two years earlier that he caused a pair of strawberry Pop-Tarts to 
ignite by putting them into a toaster and holding the lever down for six 
minutes, the newspaper said. 
Copyright 2001 Reuters. All rights reserved. This material may not be 
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
---Regards,Peter E 
LukeMere Meaningless Diversions? Or what's 
really happening?Visit or Sign Up Today  Find Out!Website: 
Get on the Bus:

[CTRL] The Truth Behind Teen Culture

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The Truth Behind Teen Culture
For more background on this topic see:

Do you think your teenagers mood swings, anger and rebelliousness are
awful enough representations of American teen culture.

Think again.

These are only the tip of the iceberg.

A recent Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) documentary has exposed the
reality about whats going on in many teenagers lives. This TV documentary
is an eye into teen culture that you wont see on the whitewashed teen
sitcoms usually seen on Friday nights.

Sex, group sex, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and gangs were once
thought to be a reality found only in the lower class, inner city
neighborhoods of America.

But The Lost Children of Rockdale County, which aired October 19, 1999
on the program Frontline, has shattered that myth.

The 90-minute documentary starts off describing an outbreak of the
sexually transmitted disease syphilis amongst a number teenagers in the
countys only town, Conyer in 1996.

Seventeen teenagers tested positive for the disease, about 200 others were
treated for exposure and about 50 reported engaging in group sex and other
extreme sexual behavior.

Upon investigation, parents, public health officials and other
administrators discover the teenagers, who are from middle to upper-class,
church-going families, have been involved in these activities.

Producers Rachel Dretzin Goodman and Barak Goodman interview, among
others, teens, parents, school counselors, a county commissioner and
experts about the outbreak, and on a deeper level, why teens from
seemingly good backgrounds, would be involved in such activities.

What becomes evident in interviews with the teenagers is the utter lack of
direction and structure in their lives, which some admit they crave.
Grappling with the fact that their parents are both at work during the day
tending careers and trying to provide the good life materially for their
kids, these teenagers are given little attention.

That also explains why most of the parties permeated with sex, drugs and
alcohol took place between 3 p.m. and 7p.m. and after midnight.

The sexual activity took place at a number of places. And probably the
two most common places for sexual activity to take place were either at
the home of one of the adolescents. A lot of the adolescents had parents
who worked, were at home alone, had parents who put in 40, 60, 80 hour
work weeks..., noted Claire Sterk, who was a member of the team which
investigated the syphilis outbreak.

Sometimes a parent would drop off their own children at a home where one
of these sex parties was going to take place but the notion was this
looks like a nice house, these must be nice people so nothing is going to
happen that I would not approve of, she added.

Parents, on the other hand, talk about the loss of control and discipline
with their kids. Whether its the fear of their violent teenagers, or their
power as parents taken away by authority figures like school counselors
and the police, who encourage permissive attitudes and lax ways of dealing
with rebellious teens.

A breakdown in communication (see between parents and
teenagers also explain why these young adults seek fun and acceptance with
their surrogate family of friends, who often pressure them into these

While most reviewers of the documentary praised it for its intelligent and
insightful treatment of the topic, others felt it was too weak on certain

One reviewer for the Atlanta Constitution noted the documentary presented
teens at two extremes: sex-mad or devoutly Christian virgins, while a
reviewer at the Boston Globe felt its treatment of the subject matter was
too superficial.

But no matter what the treatment or portrayal, the fact is that this is a
facet of teen culture in America today. Communities and parents may want
to bury their heads in the sand (as they did in Rockdale when a town hall
meeting was called to discuss the syphilis outbreak) and run away from it,
but this is what their kids face, especially if they attend public
schools. They can reject it, or accept it, but the power of peer pressure
is unmistakably evident .

While some may be tempted to say this represents only a small group of
teens in Rockdale County, some of those involved in the case think

This is a cross-section of adolescence in the United States in the
1990s, says Sterke. That even although we might be really shocked to
hear some of the things that took place in many ways the dynamics that
surrounded all this are common for adolescence all over.

To read more about this documentary visit PBS:

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[CTRL] Holy Cow!

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Holy Cow: Beef in Indian Dietary Traditions
By D N Jha
Published by Matrix
- (27th July)

The Elusive 'Holy Cow'

In an explosive essay, D N Jha, Professor of History at the University of
Delhi, argues that the image of the cow projected by Indian textual
traditions, especially the Brahmanical-Dharmasastric works, over the
centuries is polymorphic. Its story through the millennia is riddled with
inconsistencies and has not always been in conformity with dietary
practices current in our society. As Jha points out, Even today 72
communities in Kerala-not all of them untouchable perhaps-prefer beef to
the expensive mutton and the Hindutva forces are persuading them to go
easy on it.

This essay forms the last chapter of DN Jha's forthcoming book Holy Cow:
Beef in Indian Dietary Traditions. After being rejected by several
publishing houses because of its 'controversial' content, the book will
finally be published by Matrix Books (on August 8th), a new small press
committed to the publication of brave and offbeat academic research.

Several points emerge from our limited survey of the textual evidence,
mostly drawn from Brahmanical sources from the Rgveda onwards. In the
first place, it is clear that the early Aryans, who migrated to India from
outside, brought along with them certain cultural elements. After their
migration into the Indian subcontinent pastoralism, nomadism and animal
sacrifice remained characteristic features of their life for several
centuries until sedentary field agriculture became the mainstay of their
livelihood.  Animal sacrifices were very common, the most important of
them being the famous asvamedha and rajasuya. These and several other
major sacrifices involved the killing of animals including cattle, which
constituted the chief form of the wealth of the early Aryans. Not
surprisingly, they prayed for cattle and sacrificed them to propitiate
their gods. The Vedic gods had no marked dietary preferences. Milk,
butter, barley, oxen, goats and sheep were their usual food, though some
of them seem to have had their special preferences. Indra had a special
liking for bulls. Agni was not a tippler like Indra, but was fond of the
flesh of horses, bulls and cows. The toothless Pusan, the guardian of the
roads, ate mush as a Hobson's choice. Soma was the name of an intoxicant
but, equally important, of a god, and killing animals (including cattle)
for him was basic to most of the Rgvedic yajnas. The Maruts and the Asvins
were also offered cows. The Vedas mention about 250 animals out of which
at least 50 were deemed fit for sacrifice, by implication for divine as
well as human consumption. The Taittiriya Brahmana categorically tells us:
'Verily the cow is food' (atho annam via gauh) and Yajnavalkya's
insistence on eating the tender (amsala) flesh of the cow is well known.
Although there is reason to believe that a brahmana's cow may not have
been killed, that is no index of its inherent sanctity in the Vedic period
or even later.

The subsequent Brahmanical texts (e.g. Grhyasutras and Dharmasutras)
provide ample evidence of the eating of flesh including beef. Domestic
rites and rituals associated with agricultural and other activities
involved the killing of cattle. The ceremonial welcome of guests
(sometimes known as arghya but generally as madhupurka) consisted not only
of a meal of a mixture of curds and honey but also of the flesh of a cow
or bull.

Early lawgivers go to the extent of making meat mandatory in the
madhuparka-an injunction more or less dittoed by several later legal
texts.  The sacred thread ceremony for its part was not all that sacred;
for it was necessary for a snataka to wear an upper garment of cowhide.

The slaughter of animals formed an important component of the cult of the
dead in the Vedic texts. The thick fat of the cow was used to cover the
corpse and a bull was burnt along with it to enable the departed to ride
in the nether world. Funerary rites include the feeding of brahmanas after
the prescribed period and quite often the flesh of the cow or ox was
offered to the dead. The textual prescriptions indicate the degree of
satisfaction obtained by the ancestors' souls according to the animals
offered-cow meat could keep them content for at least a year! The Vedic
and the post-Vedic texts often mention the killing of animals including
the kine in the ritual context. There was, therefore, a relationship
between the sacrifice and sustenance. But this need not necessarily mean
that different types of meat were eaten only if offered in sacrifice.
Archaeological evidence, in fact, suggests non-ritual killing of cattle.
This is indicative of the fact that beef and other animal flesh formed
part of the dietary culture of people and that edible flesh was not always
ritually consecrated.

The idea of ahimsa seems to have made its first appearance in the
Upanisadic thought and literature. There is no doubt that 

[CTRL] Fwd: Palestinians Imprisoned By Arafat - both literally and figuratively

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NEWSFLASH:   NABLUS, West Bank (Reuters - 31 July, 7:11am ET) - At least five 
Palestinians were killed on Tuesday in an explosion in an office of the militant 
Muslim group Hamas in the West Bank city of Nablus, witnesses and ambulance workers 
said.   The witnesses said missiles fired from an Israeli aircraft hit the office. 
Ambulance workers at the scene said they saw at least five bodies.


MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 7/31:
Arafat has once again trapped and imprisoned his own people -- keep reading.   
Wherever he has set up his headquarters corruption, repression, nepotism, and scandal 
have followed.  And always these realities of what we have termed the Arafat regime 
are exploited to further fracture and weaken the Palestinian people -- a people whose 
basic claim to independence, return, and reparations should at this point be 
It was that way leading up to the Jordanian civil war in 1971, it was that way in 
Lebanon with Arafat fleeing leaving his people defenseless just before the horrible 
Sabra and Shatila Refugee Camp massacres in 1982, it was that way in distant exile in 
Tunisia, and it is that way in Gaza and the West Bank under the Arafat-created 
Palestinian Authority.  
This first article from Reuters today shows how helpless and defenseless 
individual Palestinians are under the agreements Arafat has signed.   The next two 
articles, the first from The Independent (London) and the second from Agence 
France-Presse (Paris), help explain the terrible circumstances in which Arafat has 
essentially trapped his own people who are still extraordinarily unprepared both on 
the ground and internationally to deal with what the Israelis are dishing out.

 By Michael Carney
JERUSALEM, July 31 (Reuters) - The Israeli soldiers whistled, so Khaled Rawashdeh 
pulled his yellow Palestinian taxi to the side of the Samou'-Hebron road in the West 
Bank. But instead of engaging in what Palestinians call the usual routine of 
humiliation and harassment, a dozen soldiers beat Rawashdeh and eight other 
Palestinians for two hours, the taxi driver said, according to a complaint he filed 
with a human rights group. 

We were nine men standing in a line...and the soldiers continued beating us as if 
they were playing a game, Rawashdeh told Israel's B'Tselem organisation, which has 
investigated numerous reports of brutality since a Palestinian uprising erupted in 
September. I saw one of the soldiers run from his position, six meters (20 feet) 
away, and kick one of the men in the stomach, Rawashdeh said two days after being 
released from hospital. They also threw stones at us and beat us with their hands and 
their gun butts. 

The soldiers also destroyed two taxis and stole about $300, according to four 
complaints filed with B'Tselem. 

The Israeli army confirmed that its soldiers behaved in a violent manner and were 
being investigated by military police, but said it had no information about the 
alleged theft. The army mentioned only one taxi in its response. 
In the next 24 hours the investigation will be concluded, and at that time any 
soldier found to be connected with this event will be tried and severely punished, an 
army spokeswoman told Reuters on Monday.   Tensions between Israelis and Palestinians 
have worsened dramatically since a Palestinian uprising against occupation in the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip began 10 months ago.  The army is also investigating reports of 
regular harassment and brutality at a checkpoint in the West Bank city of Hebron, a 
review announced on the same day the soldiers stopped Rawashdeh and another taxi 
driver, Muhammad a-Salamin. 

The soldiers, lounging alongside their jeep, whistled and motioned for the taxis to 
pull over near the Palestinian village of Karma.  When I stopped near the jeep, one 
of the soldiers came towards us and took my ID card and those of the passengers and 
told me to get out of the car, said Rawashdeh, 36.   Another soldier got into the 
taxi and opened the glove compartment. He threw the documents, the cassettes and the 
money that were in the glove compartment on the floor of the taxi. 

The soldiers then 

[CTRL] Informed Electorate

2001-07-31 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Many Americans don't accept evolution as proven scientific theory. A
March Gallup poll found that when given a choice, 48% of the public said
they believe more in the theory of creationism, while just 28% said they
believed more in the theory of evolution.  Interestingly, 81% of Americans
said they considered themselves to be at least somewhat informed on the
issue. Additionally, when asked directly about Charles Darwin's theory of
evolution, just 35% said that it was a scientific theory that has been
well-supported by evidence. Thirty-nine percent say that it has not been
well-supported by evidence. The rest say they don't know enough to say.

Now I know why so many people still believe in socialism.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jimmy Hoffa Is Alive and Well

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The son, that is - and like father, like is obvious by now
that Jimmy Hoffa . did not accept Clinton's invitation to join this
WTO.note Clinton seems oh so at home, in Harlemn - but wait until
those Black Panther's really oranize.   Seems the creators have lost
touch, with their creators.

The Teamsters Union to date is Not For Sale.
Jimmy Hoffa remained loyal to the Union that pays his salary and paid
the salary of his father - this man is not for sale.


July 30, 2001

Teamsters May Stall Bush Goals for Mexican Trucks and Trade
The Associated Press

Trucks lined up on Wednesday to enter Route 905 in San Diego after
crossing to the United States from Mexico. The Teamsters union is
lobbying to keep Mexican trucks off American roads, citing safety

Join a Discussion on the Bush Presidency

WASHINGTON, July 29 — A lobbying campaign led by the Teamsters union
to keep Mexican trucks off American roads is on the verge of handing
organized labor a major legislative victory over President Bush,
endangering one of his most cherished foreign policy goals and reminding
the White House of the political muscle still flexed here by labor

If the Teamsters prevail, it could undermine the president's hopes of
improved trade and diplomatic ties with Mexico, which has demanded the
opening of the border to Mexican trucks under terms of the eight-year-
old North American Free Trade Agreement. Mr. Bush had hoped to comply by
next year.
Nafta and its liberalized trade rules have long been a target of the
Teamsters, which has 1.4 million members, many of them truck drivers.

The union's critics offer grudging admiration for its tactics in the
legislative battle. They say the key to the union's success in blocking
Mr. Bush's open-border plan has been its ability to turn the debate from
one of protectionism — the desire of American truckers to prevent
low-paid, nonunionized Mexican drivers from taking their jobs — to one
of public safety.

The House voted last month to retain a near-total ban on Mexican trucks
on American roads outside a 20-mile-deep border area. The Senate is
nearing a vote on a measure that, while less restrictive, would still
impose strict security and insurance standards on Mexican trucks and
would probably delay a full border opening for years.

Mr. Bush, who has befriended President Vicente Fox of Mexico and has
made clear that he wants closer ties with Mexico to be a central legacy
of his presidency, is threatening to veto this year's $60 billion
transportation spending bill if it contains the House or Senate

But the Teamsters and their allies — among them a large, bipartisan
group of members of Congress, including many Republicans who usually
side with the White House — appear convinced that a veto could be

Their argument is bolstered by government studies showing that Mexican
trucks entering the United States fail safety inspections at a higher
rate than American trucks; about 37 percent of the Mexican trucks
inspected at the border last year were removed from the road because of
safety violations, versus about 24 percent for American trucks inspected

The administration has said it would beef up inspections and put a
program in place to scrutinize the safety programs of Mexican trucking
companies that would be given permits to operate in the United States.
But the Transportation Department's inspector general, in testimony this
month, questioned whether those plans were adequate to ensure safety.
In a procedural vote last week, 70 senators — 19 Republicans, all 50
Democrats and one independent — suggested that they would support the
measure to restrict Mexican trucks.

We have lobbied tremendously on this, said James P. Hoffa, the
president of the Teamsters. Mr. Hoffa has appeared on Capitol Hill
repeatedly in recent weeks to press members of Congress face to face to
block Mr. Bush's plan.

The issue of unsafe trucks coming up from Mexico is one that all of the
American driving public should care about, Mr. Hoffa said in an
interview. You could have trucks coming across the border with no
brakes, with no insurance, with untrained drivers, carrying hazardous
waste. It's untold the number of catastrophes that could happen.

The union's lobbying campaign has a been a traditional one, carried out
in coordination with consumer- protection and environmental groups that
also say they oppose the opening of the border on safety grounds.

I don't think this is happening just because of the Teamsters, said
Joan Claybrook of Common Cause. But I do think the Teamsters have done
excellent work.

The Teamsters say they have not needed outside lobbyists or pollsters to
make their case, and their advertising budget on the issue has been
minuscule by recent Washington standards: $50,000 for radio commercials
featuring the sound of truck wheels skidding on a freeway before
smashing into another vehicle.


2001-07-31 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded message follows ---


By Jim Rarey

July 31, 2001


This writer has been challenged by several subscribers to provide more
information on which the scenario was based in the Medium Rare article of
July 26th (Condit's Rock and a Hard Place). In that article it was
postulated that Chandra Levi may have come into possession of information
that made her dangerous to powerful people, not necessarily Gary Condit,
that required her "elimination."

Consequently, please bear with us while we "build the case."

It appears obvious that Chandra is (was) a bright inquisitive girl and
young woman with a penchant for intrigue.

In high school Chandra joined the Explorer Scouts police program where she
sometimes worked undercover to catch retailers selling alcohol to minors.
She was also a writer for the school newspaper.

After her 1995 high school graduation she spent four years at San Francisco
State University majoring in journalism with a minor in criminal justice.
She entered the graduate program at the University of Southern California
(USC) working toward, and earning, a masters degree in public

The USC program required a number of internships in lieu of a dissertation,
which Chandra fulfilled with a vengeance.

An in depth article by Washington Times writer Frank J. Murray, entitled
"Who is Chandra Levy," outlines an extensive and curious convergence with
the Condit family.

>From August 1998 to August 1999 she was an editorial assistant in the
>sports department of the Modesto Bee newspaper, a part of a newspaper
>chain including the Sacramento Bee which is a left leaning partisan
>supporter of California Democrats.

Overlapping that internship was a stint at the Modesto police department
where she worked as a clerk. Condit's older brother is a Modesto police
officer who was demoted in rank stemming from unauthorized purchases and
disposal of firearms from the police inventory of confiscated weapons.

During the period she was with the police department, Chandra, then 22, had
a year-long affair with another police officer Mark Steele, ten years her
senior. Steele, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, said Chandra
took it hard when he broke off the relationship and continued to pursue
him. Steel is no longer with the department.

For three months in 1999, ending in December, Chandra interned in the
lobbying office of Republican Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan.

>From February to June 2000 she interned on the legal staff of Democrat
>Governor Gray Davis. Two of Gary Condit's offspring were also on Davis'
>staff at that time. Son Chad was the governor's liaison to the Central
>Valley at a starting salary of $95,234 a year. Daughter Cadee made $30,000
>a year as a Davis press aide. It is not known if Chandra knew or even met
>Condit's daughter and son.

In October of 2000 Chandra started her intern job at the Bureau of Prisons
in Washington, D.C. According to Murray's article, "Her job at the Bureau
of Prisons information office required her to do Internet searches and scan
newspapers to prepare daily news summaries, answer telephone calls and
mail, and help with special projects. In one, she coordinated media
attendance at planning sessions for the execution of Oklahoma bomber
Timothy McVeigh." (Emphasis added.)

According to a Washington Post story, Chandra's duties also included
researching Bureau of Prison records.

In an earlier article, this writer had speculated that Chandra, during her
research, may have come across evidence supporting allegations made on the
Internet that Dr. Louis Jolyn (Jolly) West had visited McVeigh in prison a
number of times. One such article asserted the number of visits was

Dr. West (since conveniently deceased) was deeply involved in mind control
experiments with ties to the CIA. At one time West had tried to set up a
department at UCLA, where he was a professor, involving melting of brain
synapses to control the subjects' minds. These rumors had fostered the
belief in some that McVeigh was indeed a "Manchurian Candidate" programmed
for the Oklahoma bombing. McVeigh at one time claimed that a microchip had
been implanted in him while in the service.

It is entirely reasonable to suggest that Chandra may have uncovered such
evidence during her search of bureau records. If she let the wrong person,
including Condit, know she had that evidence, she may have signed her own
death warrant.

In the writer's last article, it was also suggested that the intelligence
community might be trying to divert attention from Condit to relieve
pressure on him from some damaging disclosure he could make.

Supporting that suspicion is one fact of which knowledgable readers will
immediately grasp the significance. The FBI's lead investigator on the Levy
case is one Bradley J. Garrett. According to author and investigative
reporter Todd Fahey, who specializes in intelligence 

Re: [CTRL] Palestine ( sic )on the rack.

2001-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/31/2001 7:48:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Sharon is
 listening to the hard-line Zionist views being expressed within his cabinet
 particularly in the USA, and appears to be set on a course to restore Israels
 fearsome reputation for military toughness. This will almost certainly
 military operations against neighbouring Arab countries, and Sharon may also
 consider this a necessary pre-emptive strike in view of the contentious view
 expressed recently that Israel may not be able to survive an all out Arab
 without resorting to nuclear weapons! 

Well at last.  I was wondering when the peace loving Israeli would get around
to this.  If they can use nuclear weapons, they can assure that no
Palestinians survive.  It might get a few Israeli as well, but that's okay
when one considers the benefits of that slight sacrifice.  This beats
smallpox infected blankets all to heck.  Does anyone know how to say, 'the
only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian' in Hebrew?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Twelve Worst Presidents

2001-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/30/2001 10:49:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The author is an economics professor.

Okay.  That explains it.   But wouldn't you have thought he'd have liked the
economy during Clinton's presidency.  I never knew an econ man who was so
concerned with the law and the slaughter of the innocent.  Amazing.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is interesting item; however, a flaw maybe done in haste, re
Mahoney being an intern .   Mahoney was not an intern but a manager of
the Starbucks where she and her fellow employees were murdered - one
victim shot 5 times which I thought unusual.

There was an informer to these crimes that was later murdered as I
recall; however the story going around was that Mahoney and Hilliary
Rodham Clinton were once caught in an affair, a story planted by a
police officer or security guard as I recall.

One thing I question - who started this stuff about Chandra being such a
loose lady and involved in whips and things like this?   Obvious attempt
to smear her reputation - while at same time attempting to make Condit
look like a victim?

Killer of Mahoney was alleged to be a crack head but these are the
types sometimes hired, to kill the innocents - and if they are caught,
well just another robbery - like say the shooting of John Stennis during
the Wilbur Mills and Wayne Hayes big star studded show for TV.Fannie
Fox, a stripper (hey Larry Flynt go into the business forming many
stripper joints, for he was a front man for organized crime) - but
Fannie had Wilbur Mills masonic ring - but she was not a princess
playing a prostitute, she was a prostitute playing the princess with a
drunken man, for Mills had problems

Many things going on in this country now - always wondered about the
death of John Ashbrook - found dead sitting on a toilet?   Big funeral
and we all watched his casket lowered into the ground  Danny Inouye was
there, among other constiuency..but then, it came out John Ashcroft
was NOT in the casket - his body lay in a basement of a funeral home,
where he once used this reserve for printing anti democrat literature,
etc.   Regardless, his brother had been murdered and his connections to
organized crime were something else.   Most people in Johnstown did not
like this new Mrs. Ashcroft, which some reported to be a cheap floosie -

So the legend grew but always this long arm of organized crimewe
have Jimbo Trafficant maybe going to prison and oh boy his old friend J
J Cafaro might go with him and that guy (is jewish mob no doubt) that
guy gave money to Democats and to Reublicans for he might want a pardon
someday?   Regardless they go to trial in February.and JJ Cararo
just gave not too long ago money to KLINGLE PARK SCHOOL so he knows the
lay of the  land and lots of construction going on there - Chandra
looking over Klingle Park area in her computer before she died?

How did all these bums get into our government in high posts - well, it
took big bucks that is for sure.

Starbucks that night had $10,000 approcimately in sales receipts; they
were not touched, but the murders were done in such a manner that it was
almost as though it were a revenge crime.

Think a lot more involved with little Chandra here for she wanted to
work for CIA or FBI not for murder inc.

This group of killers seemed to target places like massage parlours -
and I image these places normally run by organized crime (front men
actual run for them) and bars where guys like Larry Flynt at one time to
get a license for he had not yet a criminal recordbut all these
links seem to somehow return to sexm drugs murder - and involved and
intertwined with our US Congress and may a few Senators?

So worse thing said about this young Mahoney girl was that she was with
Hilliary insinuating they were lesbians, etc.

Do not believe Chandra Levy was as Condit's office tried to make her out
to be, anybody's one night standand I hope the parents sue the
hell out of him the police,  the one who put out the garbage - so maybe
Dan Rather showed some good sense by not printing the garbage.   Just
the facts, and at this point do we have any facts at all?

Well seems massaage parlours, and such were targets of the gang into
which the kiler of Mary Mahoney was initiated; however, the Hells Angels
have a somewhat similar gang - drugs, guns for hire, etc?

This small item I wonder how this fits in for someone wanted to silence
the voice of an informer who assisted police in the Mary Mahoney not thing these man are CIA connected - these men were
like say, a Gary Condit riding with known hoodlums who may hold him in
awe because, golly gee, he is a congressman, and holy crap he has
influenceHells Angels involved in heavy drug trafficking between USA
and Canada 


One does not send evidence to a prison file room - Chandra was a
little more than a clerk working in this office..if she wanted
evidence for something, you get next to the Judge 

Saturday December 6 4:14 PM EST
 Starbucks murder informant killed

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 [1997] (UPI) -- Three men were arrested Friday for
allegedly killing an informant who was helping police solve the July
slaying of three employees at a Georgetown Starbucks coffee shop. Police
describe the informant (Saturday) as a cocaine user, and say he was

[CTRL] (Fwd) [PCL] Socialist Fire, Socialist Death

2001-07-31 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: "PoliticalChatList" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Tue, 31 Jul 2001 06:08:24 -0400
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Subject:  [PCL] Socialist Fire, Socialist Death

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Socialist Fire; Socialist Death

by Walter Block

[Posted July 30, 2001]

The headline in the newspaper was horrendous: "Wildfire kills 4
firefighters in N. Cascades." Pictured was Pete Soderquist, the fire
management officer in charge on the Cascade Mountains in central Washington
state, who explained that the deaths occurred "when what had been a
five-acre fire exploded into a wall of flame that trapped the crew."

Also featured in photographs were the four firefiighters who perished:
30-year-old Tom Craven, 18-year-old Karen Fitzpatrick, 21-year-old Devin
Weaver, and 19-year-old Jessica Johnson, all who lived in either Ellensburg
or Yakima, Washington.

Any time there is a death of a human being, it is a tragedy (the reaction
of the overpopulationists to the contrary notwithstanding). When death
occurs for any reason other than old age, it is even worse. When death is
not instantaneous and relatively painless, this is worse yet.

When the victims are four people in the prime of their lives, the degree of
catastrophe rises even more, in view of the now never-to-be-realized
potential these four youngsters might have attained had they lived.

So far, these comments are pretty conventional. Very few would demur. But
there are two controversial points to be made about this tragedy, both of
which may teach important lessons.

First, this calamity occurred on public property, not private. The flames
that consumed these four people were in the Okanogan and Wenatchee National
Forests and are believed to have been set near Thirty Mile Campground,
another example of socialized land ownership. Now, I am not saying that
deaths never occur on private property, nor am I maintaining that these
particular occurrences necessarily would have been avoided had these lands
been under private control.

The two are related, however. When a forest fire consumes private timber,
there are individuals who feel it in their bank accounts; this is not the
case with socialized land holdings. This means that profit-making
individuals have greater incentives—by how much is an empirical matter—to
take greater precautions regarding their property than their public
counterparts do.

If we have learned anything from the fall of the Soviet economic system—and
this is a highly debatable point—it is that things work better under
private ownership. These four young people will have not died totally in
vain if we use their deaths as a rallying cry for privatization of the
forests. Perhaps if we succeed in this effort, other lives will be saved.

Second, there were two females amongst the death toll in this fire. I see
their smiling faces shining out at me from the newspaper coverage of this
event. Both young ladies were very pretty.

There was a time in our past when no such thing could have occurred: when
firefighting—along with other such dangerous activities as mining,
policing, soldiering, lumberjacking, deep-sea fishing, etc.—were the total
province of men. Women and children died in calamities, to be sure, but
only if they were caught up in them as victims. Nowadays, with our modern
dispensations, we place females in the front lines.

This is no less than an abomination. Females are far more precious than
males. It is not for nothing that farmers keep a few bulls and hundreds of
cows. It is due to patriarchy that we owe our very existence as a species.
Imagine if our cavemen ancestors had sent their women out to hunt and face
the lions and tigers when they came a-calling, instead of throwing
themselves at these enemies and sacrificing themselves so that mankind
could persist.

After World War II, the adult male populations of Germany, Russia, and
other countries that suffered the most from the fighting were virtually
wiped out. Yet the next generation, thanks to the relatively few men who
survived, was able to come into being as if those losses had never
occurred. Imagine if this war had been fought primarily by the fairer sex;
there would have been virtually no next generation. It cannot be denied
that, biologically speaking, men are, in effect, expendable drones.

So let us use the unfortunate deaths of these two young girls to resolve to
turn back the clock to an earlier day when women were treated the way they
should be treated. Let us return from "firefighters" to "firemen." Let us
no longer blithely acquiesce in the senseless slaughter of precious
females. Let us, instead, place them back up on that "pedestal" from which
the so-called feminist movement has thrown them.

Now, of course, in a free society, 

Re: [CTRL] Palestine ( sic )on the rack.

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Israelis have little neutron back pack bombs, but then so does Sadaam
Hussein who rides big white horse too...

Why are the women uniting - christian, jew, and moslem women, saying
they want to be friends and will not make their sisters, their enemies

Only outside in Holy Land the Zionists who now are keeping certain
places open on Saturdays and are as such the Zionists - for these are
the jews who say they are jews, and maybe like Henry Kissinger, are not
jews - but the real blue eyed devils to which Malcolm X referred?'

Maybe true secrets lay in color of eyes?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] In 1947-48, Palestinians became victims

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

In 1947-48, Palestinians became victims

by Charley Reese

July 26, 2001

Let's play let's pretend.

Pretend you live in Miami-Dade County, Fla., and you evacuate the area
because a bad storm is bearing down on it.

After the storm passes, you drive back but are met by military roadblocks.
You can't come back, you're told.

What do you mean I can't come back? I have a home and business there,
you say.

Not anymore, the soldier says. All of your property and possessions
have been declared abandoned property and now will be used by us. So turn
around. You've got 49 other states you can live in, but you're never going
to the home you abandoned.

Now, let's pretend that after NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia, the
Yugoslavian government said it was willing to negotiate a cease-fire, but
the Albanian refugees could not return to Kosovo. Do you think the United
States would have agreed to that? I don't think so. I think the United
States would have said to Yugoslavia the right of refugees to return to
their homes is non-negotiable and, if you try to stop them, you'll have to
get through us first.

Well, this is exactly what happened to 700,000 Palestinians in 1947-48. By
what one journalist called a psychological warfare campaign punctuated
with some well-timed massacres, the Israelis drove these people out of
their homes and villages with nothing much but the clothes on their backs.

Then, at a peace conference, the Israelis said first off that no refugees
would be allowed to return nor would they be compensated for any property
lost. That was Israel's original sin. It was also our original sin because
the United States government did nothing and it should have insisted on
the refugees' return.

Zionists, however, were not acting in an arbitrary manner. The Zionist
ideology, on which the current state of Israel is based, demands a Jewish
state defined as a state with a Jewish majority, a Jewish government and
Jewish laws. Small, non-Jewish minorities can be tolerated, though in
practice in Israel they have been treated like second-class people. But a
plural state is out of the question.

The problem the Zionists faced in 1947-48 was this: Despite their best
efforts, they had not succeeded in persuading a sufficient number of Jews
to emigrate to Palestine. Consequently, even in the territory allotted by
the partition of Palestine to the Jews, there were so many Palestinian
Arabs that the early Zionists knew they should soon equal or exceed the
Jews in number.

In 1919, there were 57,000 Jews and 533,000 Arabs in Palestine. The Jews
owned about 2 percent of the land. In 1946, the imbalance remained. There
were 608,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs. In 1946, Jews owned only 7
percent of Palestine.

An Arab majority was unacceptable to Zionist ideology, so they practiced
ethnic cleansing.

So, for the same reason they drove them out in the first place, they could
not let them back in. The Arab governments said if the refugees could not
return, then they would not sign a peace treaty. This original sin -- the
disposition of 700,000 Palestinians -- bred the conflict which rages to
this day and will continue to rage until the Palestinians get justice or
everybody on both sides are dead.

I know that it's difficult. The Israelis have done a superb job of
creating a racist stereotype of Palestinians in the minds of most
Americans. But try, for a moment, to put yourself in their shoes back in

You had a family, a farm or a business or shop. You had friends and
relatives in a village where your ancestors had lived for centuries. Then,
in the blink of an eye, you are torn from your roots and cast into a
foreign country with no possessions, no money and no state you can call
your own.

These people and their descendants still live in those camps, at least
those the Israelis haven't killed during their periodic bombing and
shelling. These are the people Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak told Yasser
Arafat that he must agree can never return or be compensated for their
losses. That alone would have prevented Arafat from signing the agreement.

It is this expulsion, not the establishment of the state of Israel, that
Palestinians mean when they speak of the Catastrophe. It was not only a
cruel act of ethnic cleansing, but it was one of the greatest robberies in
the history of mankind. Imagine if you could suddenly gain ownership of
Miami-Dade, with all its businesses, inventories, bank accounts, houses,
farms, and crops. Palestine was no Miami-Dade County, but the Palestinian
possessions were nevertheless quite a pile of loot for the Israelis.

This happened, by the way, before Jews left the Arab countries. It most
defintely was not a population transfer. The Palestinian victims of ethnic
cleansing had nothing to do with what happened to Jews in other Arab
countries later.


Re: [CTRL] Couple sues over flaming Pop-Tart

2001-07-31 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Jul 2001, at 7:42, Peat wrote:

 Couple sues over flaming Pop-Tart

 Brenda Hurff of Washington Township put a cherry Pop-Tart in the toaster
 and left the house to drive her children to preschool, the newspaper said.
 When she returned 10 to 20 minutes later, smoke was pouring from the home
 and firefighters were already on the scene.

She must have an IQ 10 points lower than the average garden slug.  Of
course she wants Kellog to payfor her stupidity.

Best wishes

   Woolybooger for the day:
Ideas are more powerful than guns.  We would not let our enemies have
guns, why should we let them have ideas. - Joseph Stalin.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vatican Assassins - jesuits,kennedy assassination

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;Vatican Assassins -
jesuits,kennedy assassinati…/A
Wounded in the House of My Friends
After Thirty-Six Years of Suppression

Exposing the Murder of President
John F. Kennedy,
by the bloody hand of the Society of Jesus,
by Order of its Jesuit General being
the Black Pope,
In Command of His Most Obedient Servant,
the infallible Pope Paul VI being
the White Pope,

He Controlling the Soviet KGB
and Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba
through the British, Russian and American
Branches of the Knights of Malta,
While in Command of His Jesuit-trained
Most Obedient Servant:
Francis Cardinal Spellman,
Directing the Cast of Organized American Traitors,
They Being the High Command of
The Knights of Malta,
Shriner Freemasonry
The Knights of Columbus,
The Mafia and therefore,
The Council on Foreign Relations
Controlling the Fourteenth Amendment American Empire Including Its:
Commander-in-Chief, President Lyndon Johnson,
Federal Government and War Machine,
Federal Reserve Banking System,
 Military Industrial Complex,
National Lucepress Media,
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Central Intelligence Agency,
Secret Service,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court with his Warren Commission,
Speaker of the House of Representatives with His Assassinations Committee,
and Vietnam War
Eric Jon Phelps, White American Freeman
and Dispensational Baptist-Calvinist
Jesuits, kennedy assassination, nights of malta, cia,kgb,fbi,secret service,
black pope, frees
 VZ/_‹ /;Éê´  p '
à @ Ä   !.Øá\

The single reason for the President's assassination was his interference
with the purpose of the Jesuits' Fourteenth Amendment American Empire created
in 1868.  That purpose was to restore and maintain  the worldwide Temporal
(political) Power   of that Jesuit Creation of 1870 - the infallible Pope.
In resisting the Pope's Temporal Power, he threatened the monopoly of the
Jesuits' Federal Reserve Bank by circulating four billion dollars in
interest-free United States Notes only to be recalled the day after his
The President also attempted to break the foremost international
intelligence arm of the Vatican's Jesuits - the evil Central Intelligence
Agency - into a thousand pieces.  In 1963 the CIA was manned by many of
Hitler's old warriors - the Jesuit-controlled Nazi SS - turned cold
warriors.  According to the great Frenchman, Edmond Paris, in his The Secret
History of the Jesuits, it was the Jesuit Staempfle who wrote Hitler's Mein
Kampf.  It was Roman Catholic Hitler who said of the Roman Catholic Himmler
having modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order,
I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola.
And lastly, one of the main posts of the feared SD, the Central Security
Service of the SS (after which the American CIA would be modeled with the
help of the repatriated Nazi General, Reinhard Gehlen), was manned by a priest
 - a former teacher of the evil Council of Trent at the Court of Bavaria, one
of the Jesuit General's favorites, a superior officer of the SS and the uncle
of Heinrich Himmler - the Jesuit Himmler!
Secreted out of Europe through the Vatican's Ratlines, these murderers
escaped their rightful punishment as war criminals who, during the Jesuit
Crusade in Europe and Russia, killed millions of Jews pursuant to the
Jesuits' evil Council of Trent, which, after condemning freedom of conscience
and freedom of the press, concluded with these words:
Accursed be all heretics.  ACCURSED!! ACCURSED!!
Lastly, President Kennedy began to end the Vatican's hoax known as the
Cold War, the American CIA and Russian KGB having secretly worked together
since World War II.  He also began to end that Jesuit Inquisition in Vietnam
, as its future highpoint would be Operation Phoenix, the CIA mass-murder
of 60,000 Vietnamese in cold blood according to its Director, William
Colby.  The President interfering with Rome's Holy Office of the Inquisition
could not be tolerated!  Millions of heretic Buddhists were to be
exterminated, the international drug trade would explode, American patriotism
and liberty would further be destroyed and Vietnam would be reunited under
another communist military dictator loyal to the Pope - like Stalin, like
Chairman Mao, like Castro -, Ho Chi Minh.
Waged under the guise of fighting godless communism, Cardinal Spellman
championed America's most disastrous conflict known as Spelly's War
overseen by Spelly's General, the Roman Catholic and CFR member, William
Westmoreland.  (Remember, according to Col. Fletcher Prouty in his JFK, the
forced movement of over 600,000 Roman Catholics on U.S. Navy transport vessels
 from North Vietnam into South Vietnam was one of the root causes of the
Vietnam War.  The arch-Catholic Secretary of the Navy responsible for
implementing that Jesuit-agitation was the Supreme Knight of the Knights of
Columbus, Francis 

[CTRL] Fwd: No Subject

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

To Whom it May Concern:

Today I received a letter from Sam Farr saying he passed on three volumes,
The JFK ASSASSINATION TIMELINE CHART, vol. 2 and vol. 11 of the de
Mohrenschildt Story to the Committee on the Judiciary.  His letter to
Congressman James F. Sensenbrenner was dated July 18, 2001:

Dear Chairman Sensenbrenner:

Though the Special Committee on Assassinations delved deeply inth the John
F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. deaths, there are some who still
believe not all the facts have been revealed.

A constitutent of mine, Mr. Bruce Adamson, has done extensive research on
the JFK assassination and has provided me with a copy of his findings.  I am
enclosing this information for you so you may make it available to the
appropriate authorities.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.  Sin. Sam Farr,
 Member of Congress.

If you would like to express your views to Mr. Sensenbrenner please do so by
writing snail mail at :

The Honorable James F. Sensenbrenner Chairman
Committee on the Judiciary
2138 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C.  20515-0001

Also note that Jackie Kennedy's hairdresser who bought a book last week also
included a photograph of himself with Hillary Clinton.

Note that a member of Clinton's administration is reviewing four of my

That's all to report for now.

Bruce C. Adamson

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[CTRL] Privacy Not

2001-07-31 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps with all the concerns about wiretaps, e-mail snooping and the like,
this might be a nice place to encourage the use of PGP encryption.  It would
be kind of like sticking our e-mails in a lockbox that only we can open.
Only thing is... how do we know an informant is not among us.  I dunno...
Maybe it's not even worth trying.  It's not like we're conspiring to
overthrow the government or anything.  We're just discussing things that the
government would probably prefer that we not even know about.

Thing is, though, if enough people use PGP, the government would spend so
much time straining their computers to crack the codes of e-mails that it
might make e-mail snooping something that's not worth doing anymore.

Might cause a mess, though... Does the list get a PGP key?  Do we all share
our keys with each other?  Plus we'd have to type in a passphrase for every
e-mail.  But is it any more inconvenient than opening an envelope?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Another Conspirator Joins the Michael Aquino Witchhunt

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Re: Another Conspirator Joins the Michael Aquino Witchhunt
From: XX
Date: Sun. 29 Jul 2001
To: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thank you for the input.  All I can tell you is that I have been following
Carol Mardeusz' Brady witness status and I have NEVER found her in a lie.
She, and her brother Tommy Van Zandt, organized a children and mother
support group in Sacramento where she was living at the time.  Shortly
thereafter Carol Valentine joined the group and tried to dissuade the women
from activism and get them to spend their energies making quilts for sale.
Carol told me that Valentine repeatedly said that she was the mother of twin
sons whose father was Aquino, her ex-husband.  I have interviewed other
women in this group and they have said the same thing.  I have no reason to
doubt their word.

Recently Valentine has joined other female/family activism groups and has
rapidly moved to control the energy in each one.  Who is she?  Who knows?
Can we find out?  We all know there are sponges paid for and prostituted by
the powers that be.

Thanks again.

[CTRL] Fwd: Gulf War vaccine row

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Monday, 30 July, 2001, 15:25 GMT 16:25 UK
Gulf War vaccine row

A scientist claims she has found stronger evidence that a alleged ingredient
vaccines given to Gulf War troops may have made them ill.

However, a UK defence minister has insisted that the ingredient, squalene,
never given to British personnel in vaccinations.

Research says veterans of the 1991 conflict appear more likely to suffer a
variety of severe and long-lasting illnesses than soldiers who served

Many believe that the different combinations of symptoms, such as severe
headaches, short-term memory loss, extreme fatigue and aching joints, are
manifestations of one illness - Gulf War syndrome.

However, despite theories about the origin of these symptoms, no single
has ever been established.

And some doctors hotly dispute the idea that these different illnesses could
related to a single cause.

Full text:
Video - Col. Redmond Handy
quit his Pentagon post in protest at the military's mandatory anthrax
vaccination programme linked to Gulf War Syndrome

[CTRL] Fwd: payback time?

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

we had another friend of our, whose brother was murderred. He was a farmer.
They waited outside of his gate and when he came they shot him. They then
went away and took nothing.

Ah the benefits of diversity and non racism.

Sorry about getting cynical..  but I have seen your future


[CTRL] Fwd: 100 Things Destroying America (Milton Friedman on socialism in America)

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan


Patricia A. Saye
Why is there such a general crisis hanging over America?
Mon Jul 30 17:32:54 2001

The following is taken from the Constitional Seminar titled:
The Unhinging of America

100 Things Destroying America

Why is there such a general sense of crisis hanging over America?

The average citizen finds his orderly world eroding or even crumbling
beneath his feet. His savings have recently become a very slippery kind of
security. Taxes, inflation, and high interest rates are ravenously gnawing
away at his dwindling standard of living. His hopes of a pleasant and safe
retirement are proving illusionary. He has a feeling that he is being
propagandized. programmed and over-governed to the point where his personal
freedom seems to be shrinking on all fronts.

Who has been tampering with the soul of America?

Suddenly There Is a Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Milton Friedman, Nobel prize-winning economist from the University of
Chicago, took over a television network early in 1980 to shock Americans
with the declaration that nearly all of our economic and political problems
plaguing the United States are the direct result of the Federal Government
indulging in practices which are entirely socialistic in their objectives
and completely opposite to the success formula of the American founding

In ten separate one-hour television broadcasts, Dr. Friedman hammered home
the message that the American founders had a better way. Then he backed it
up with a well-documented book entitled, Free to Choose.

Who Is to Blame?

Some people were offended when Dr. Friedman identified those who are guilty
of propelling us along our present disaster course. He said: If you want to
find the devil who is responsible for our becoming more socialist, go home
and look in the mirror. We are all of us responsible. If Washington has been
making us more socialist, it's because we, as citizens, have been asking
Washington to do so.

Special Interest Groups

Most Americans work through their own special interest groups to put an
avalanche of pressure on the system in order to gain special privileges or
unconstitutional advantages.

Nearly everybody got a wet dishrag in the face from Dr. Friedman. He
included the multinational corporations, the big banks. the Federal Reserve
System (whom he blamed for prolonging the 1929 depression), organized farm
lobbies, big labor, the National Education Association, big cities, little
cities, and a multitude of other special interest groups all trying to get
something which the Constitution and the free-enterprise system strictly

Actually, this always happens once a government starts drifting toward

Why Socialism is Popular with So Many Politicians

The classical definition of socialism will help explain why it is popular
with so many politicians. Socialism is defined as:

The government ownership or control of the means of production (farms,
factories, mines and natural resources) and the means of distribution
(transportation, communication, banks, commercial agencies, etc.).

To achieve this, socialism always imposes exorbitant taxes and plunges the
nation into a huge national debt. In the U.S. taxes now provide hundreds of
billions of dollars for distribution by the politicians. In addition, other
hundreds of billions are borrowed. Today, the annual interest payments run
up around sixty billion dollars -- more than the cost of World War I!

Why is Congress doing this?

Dr. Milton Friedman came right out and said it: The politicians are using a
lot of this money to buy votes.

What the Founding Fathers Said

Samuel Adams pointed out that the founders had done everything possible to
make the principles which we call Socialism, unconstitutional. 1

Socialism in the United States means power gravitating to Washington, and to
prevent this, the founders adopted the idea of separation of powers. The
Federal Government was given only a few limited and specific powers and all
other powers were retained on the local level by the States and the people.
(Tenth Amendment)

James Madison spelled it out in the Federalist Papers, Number 45, when he
said, The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal
Government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State
Governments are numerous and indefinite ... The powers reserved to the
several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course
of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and
the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

How Did the Federal Government Acquire So Much Power?

All the special interest groups from the big international banks and
multinational corporations down to the farmer and rank-and-file labor union
member, found they could do things through the national government which
were unlawful to do themselves. So a variety of schemes evolved.


[CTRL] Fwd: Canada lets terminally ill grow, smoke marijuana

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

X-eGroups-Edited-By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 03:43:12 +0200
Subject: [turmel] Congratulations!
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[[ JCT: Hi Freed:
Much in this is not true.
In Canada, we all say the Dutch are first legal.
Because government announces it is supposed to make it easier, NOT.
But thanks for passing this on and please send such cannabis info
not just to the [turmel] group but also to the discussions group:

Today, in the Dutch news, a message was broadcast that Marijuana has
been legalized for medical purposes in Canada as the first nation (even
before the Netherlands). I guess it is your success, and i like to
congratulate you cordially for that.

And i hope that you now be available again for the design of the new
money system. By the way, did you look at my musings accessible via my
opening page   If you have any comments,
additions, clarifications, i will be happy to add or change.

Here is the CNN article i found (no mention of your name though...):

Canada lets terminally ill grow, smoke marijuana

July 30, 2001 Posted: 3:49 PM EDT (1949 GMT)

OTTAWA, Canada (Reuters) --
Canada became the first country in
the world on Monday to allow
terminally ill patients to grow and
smoke their own marijuana,
overriding protests from doctors
who said the decision could put
them in an awkward situation.

Until now, anyone in Canada wanting
to smoke pot to alleviate pain had to
apply to Health Minister Allan Rock for
special permission. Some 300 have
already done so.

But from Monday, anyone with a
terminal illness expected to live less than a year will be allowed
access to marijuana on the production of a
doctor's certificate.

Others able to benefit will include those suffering serious pain from
conditions like multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS and epilepsy as well as
severe forms of arthritis and spinal cord problems.

This compassionate measure will improve the quality of life of sick
Canadians, particularly those who are terminally ill, Rock said in a statement.

Groups working with the terminally and seriously ill warmly welcomed the
change in rules.

I am very glad to be living in a country that is being so
progressive...(this) really makes us a country to be proud of and I hope
it stays that way, said Derek Thaczuk from the Toronto-based People
With AIDS Foundation.

Neuropharmacology professor Roger Pertwee, a leading expert on cannabis
from Scotland's Aberdeen University, told Reuters that Canada should be
praised for its courage. It will certainly make other countries take it
seriously, he said.

The Canadian move contrasts sharply
with the situation in the United States,
where the Supreme Court ruled in May
that cannabis clubs could not legally
distribute marijuana as a medical
necessity for seriously ill patients.

The U.S. Justice Department questions
marijuana's medical usefulness and says it must remain banned.

Marijuana is prohibited in Canada as well and sufferers will need a
permit to grow their own supply. But they can designate someone to grow
it for them or -- at some stage in the future -- buy it from
the government.

Last December, Ottawa awarded a C$5.8 million ($3.7 million) contract to
a company to grow federally approved marijuana in a former mine near a
remote Manitoban town. The first pot for sale should be ready next year.

Patients permitted to smoke marijuana for medical purposes will be
allowed a 30-day supply at any given time.

Canada's doctors are unenthusiastic about the idea, saying it will force
them to decide whether patients should be allowed access to a substance
that has no proven medicinal value.

We are still disappointed the fundamental medical issues of quality,
efficacy and patient safety have been ignored, the Canadian Medical
Association (CMA) said in a statement.

These regulations are placing Canadian physicians and their patients in
the precarious position of attempting to access a product that has not
gone through the normal protocols of rigorous pre-market testing.

The CMA said it feared patients might try to ask for marijuana to combat
the symptoms of any condition, or pressure their doctors to be given
marijuana for recreational purposes.

Rock dismisses talk that the new regulations will lead to the
decriminalization of marijuana, but there are signs the government is
under some pressure.

Justice Minister Anne McLellan says she is open to debate on the issue
while former prime minister Joe Clark, who leads the minority
Conservative party, said in May he supported moves toward
decriminalization of the drug.

Cannabis is widely used recreationally in Canada and Robin Ellins, owner
of a cannabis 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] What the World Gold Council has wrought

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Copyright 2001,

By Bill Murphy

Note: Some of following material has been presented to you over the 
past year, but it is essential that it be rehashed in order to lay 
out the foundation of a most disturbing situation regarding the World 
Gold Council and some of its most significant members. 

The World Gold Council is an association of gold producers 
headquartered in London ostensibly to promote gold demand and the 
product of the corporations that fund its operation. 

That funding is provided by those gold producers who are members. A 
couple of years ago each member contributed $1 per ounce of their 
gold production - with the total amounting to the $30 million plus 

The World Gold Council has been so unsuccessful in their efforts that 
the member producers decided to double their contributions this past 
year to $2 an ounce of production. 

If at first you don't succeed, then twice more of the same has to be 
better - double up on this dog has become their motto. The WGC has 
focused almost solely on promoting gold as jewelry and completely 
ignored its store of value component as well as its spectacular 
investment potential at these low price levels.

As a result, the price of gold closed out the 1997, 1998, and 1999 at 
exactly $288 per ounce. Since then, it has consistently traded around 
$266 per ounce, ad nauseum. The World Gold Council has made wonderful 
progress, eh?

The most influential members in this council are among the world's 
most productive gold producers as they contribute the most money. The 
number one gold producer in the world is AngloGold. The number one 
producer in North American is Barrick Gold. 

The World Gold Council has bashed the Gold Anti-Trust Action 
Committee every time they have an opportunity to do so. When two 
extraordinary, back to back, late August 2001 articles appeared in 
Germany's influential Frankfurter Algemeine Zietung, they felt 
compelled to trash GATA by engineering a story of their own in the 
same paper on September 6th:

Die Verschwörungstheorie am Goldmarkt ist abwegig und falsch

(The Theory of a Conspiracy of the Gold Market is Misleading and 

The English translation of excerpts of that FAZ story:
The Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA) Committee's conspiracy theory of 
the Gold market is rebuffed by the World Gold Council and Gold Fields 
Mineral Services (GFMS). Market analysis by gold expert Jessica Cross 
for the World Gold Council (WGC) shows no hints of a conspiracy by 
market participants or market machinations, says WGC. The WGC is an 
association of interests of gold producing companies.

GFMS is an independent consulting company for the precious metals 
market. If anybody feels he has proof of a conspiracy in the gold 
market, he should start legal action immediately, says Jessica Cross 
with regard to the accusations of GATA. However, it is known in the 
market, that GATA up to now, could not find a known lawyer in 
America, which takes their accusations seriously. GFMS also thinks, 
that GATA is stirring up trouble in the gold market with misleading 
information and that the assertion of a gold market conspiracy is 
untenable and simply wrong.

The World Gold Council and GFMS each reported numbers about the 
volume of gold leasing and short selling in the market, which are in 
clear contrast to the numbers of GATA's estimations. GATA believes 
that gold leasing of the official sector, this means central banks 
and other official parties, was about 9,000 to 10,000 tonnes by the 
end of 1999. But, data of WGC and GFMS show that official sector gold 
leasing was 4750 tonnes.

If there was no conspiracy, the gold price would be much higher says 
GATA. GATA tries to support their theory by pointing to the large 
gold leasing of central banks and the massive rise in derivative 
contracts of the bullion banks, warning that these actions are a risk 
to the market. With their conspiracy theory, they accuse several 
large German and American banks and also central banks and 
institutions like the International Monetary Fund. If we wanted to 
organize a conspiracy, we would do it with fewer institutions was 
the reaction of a banker to the accusations as he rejected the theory 
of GATA as not serious.

One suspicion of the industry is that behind GATA and its chairman 
Bill Murphy, there is a group of investors, hoping for rising gold 
prices with long positions in gold, and contracts for future 
delivery, which is now on the wrong side, because of the low price of 
gold. The market could take the whole thing as a ridiculous case, if 
they were not accusing important participants of the gold market. We 
appreciate a serious discussion of the gold market but not polemics, 
they say to Murphy who represents as having achieved a good reception 
of his conspiracy report, Gold Derivative Banking Crisis, by 
representatives of the American Congress. These 

[CTRL] Haldane and Darlington

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Two Geneticists: J.B.S. Haldane and C.D. Darlington

   By Gavan Tredoux

   J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) and C.D. Darlington (1903-1981) belong to
   the great school of British geneticists and biological statisticians
   produced by a country basking in the afterglow of the eminent
   Victorians, Sir Francis Galton and his cousin Charles Darwin.
   Darwin, of course, introduced evolution and banished superstition, but
   it was the more versatile Galton who elevated the studying of human
   traits to the level of science; inventing modern statistics,
   psychometrics and behavioural genetics in the process.

   Galton's long intellectual coattails started with his protégé and
   biographer, Karl Pearson, who followed Galton's lead in developing the
   mathematical statistics required to perform what came to be known as
   biometry - the measurement of biological phenomena, including the
   rigorous study of evolution.  Where Galton invented the 'regression'
   and 'correlation' statistics,  and 'percentiles of the normal
   distribution', Pearson generalized these concepts to provide an
   unprecedented level of mathematical sophistication and technical
   capability, most notably in goodness of fit to statistical models, and
   skew distributions.  Pearson's rival Sir Ronald Fisher formulated the
   analysis of variance; but he too was following Galton's lead,  since
   attention to statistical variance was totally absent before Galton
   insisted on it.  Joining Pearson and Fisher were Julian Huxley, J.B.S.
   Haldane and C.D. Darlington: between them, this eminent group not only
   cured the concrete foundations of the modern science of evolutionary
   biology, they also built the first dozen floors.  What is more, they
   were all eugenicists; commencing with Pearson, who become an
   especially zealous convert to Galton's dominating passion.

   Galton himself had coined the word 'eugenics' in 1883, and had used
   his considerable prestige in the last decade of his life to publicly
   promote its cause.  Few realize now that this was always an unpopular
   cause, so much so that Galton kept relatively quiet about it for the
   first 30 years after he had first raised in in his pivotal Hereditary
   Genius (1869). Things had turned round by 1939, largely due to the
   work of Galton's disciples, when the Hermann Muller's Geneticist's
   Manifesto was signed by the leading scientists of the day, including
   Fisher, Haldane, Huxley, and Lancelot Hogben. This near-consensus of
   leading scientific opinion was destroyed by WWII and the aftermath of
   Nazi atrocities.

   The eminent geneticists and Galtonians, J.B.S. Haldane and C.D.
   Darlington, have now slipped from popular memory. First Haldane
   volunteered himself into obscurity by self-imposed Indian exile, then
   Darlington was drowned out by the Sixties cacophony and its
   after-din.  This despite both being highly successful, best-selling
   authors of popular science in their day.  Both still repay careful
   attention: Haldane for his tragic descent into Stalinist orthodoxy and
   irrelevance, Darlington for his genetically-based universal history -
   which is still unique, challenging and richly suggestive.

   J.B.S. Haldane was the son of an distinguished scientist in his own
   right, J.S. Haldane.  An outstanding student at school, and rigorously
   trained at home by his father, he had original work on genetics
   accepted for publication while still a schoolboy.  Going up to
   Cambridge, he surprised everyone by changing his field of study after
   a year, from science to classics; exactly why we still don't know for
   sure. Nonetheless he took first class and went on to become an
   outstanding scientist anyway.  Haldane could do this because he
   possessed a rare combination of literary and scientific ability,
   becoming one of the most outstanding authors of science writing for
   broader audience - a field now known as popular science.  There are
   many writers of popular science, but few are first-rate scientists in
   their own right; Haldane was one, Richard Dawkins is another.

   The field Haldane devoted his career to was genetics, more
   specifically the mathematical theory of evolutionary genetics, which
   he helped to construct from the elements put in place by Galton,
   Pearson, and Mendel.  His career moved from Cambridge, to the John
   Innes Agricultural Institute, to University College London, and
   eventually exile in India; not because he liked to travel, but because
   he inevitably quarreled with any and every institution he encountered.
   Stubborn and prickly, with a near-Serbian capacity for bearing
   grudges, and hard to get along with, he either made enemies or
   acolytes. Yet his career might easily have been stillborn altogether
   when he interrupted his Cambridge education to enlist in the Great War
   of 1914-8.

   Haldane stands alone as the one veteran of the Great 

Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

2001-07-31 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 Jul 2001, at 10:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Perhaps with all the concerns about wiretaps, e-mail snooping and the like,
 this might be a nice place to encourage the use of PGP encryption.  It
 would be kind of like sticking our e-mails in a lockbox that only we can
 open. Only thing is... how do we know an informant is not among us.  I
 dunno... Maybe it's not even worth trying.  It's not like we're conspiring
 to overthrow the government or anything.  We're just discussing things that
 the government would probably prefer that we not even know about.

 Thing is, though, if enough people use PGP, the government would spend so
 much time straining their computers to crack the codes of e-mails that it
 might make e-mail snooping something that's not worth doing anymore.

 Might cause a mess, though... Does the list get a PGP key?  Do we all share
 our keys with each other?  Plus we'd have to type in a passphrase for every
 e-mail.  But is it any more inconvenient than opening an envelope?


The only way this would work would be for the list to share it's private
key with every member, which would pretty much defeat the purpose of
a private key.  The snoops could get the key by subscribing to the list.

Best wishes

   Woolybooger for the day:
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to
the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
-Article 29, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adopted and
proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reporter's jailing by feds draws criticism

2001-07-31 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

07/29/2001 - Updated 11:15 PM ET
Reporter's jailing by feds draws criticism
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

By Joe Jaszewski, AP/Houston Chronicle
Vanessa Leggett's case raises concerns that John Ashcroft may take
protections away from journalists.

The jailing of a Texas reporter who refused to give her research to U.S.
prosecutors has raised concerns that Attorney General John
  Ashcroft is reversing a policy that gives journalists wide latitude in
  confidential sources and unpublished information.
At the Justice Department's request, a federal judge jailed freelance
writer Vanessa Leggett on July 20 on contempt of court charges after
  she refused to turn over notes, tape recordings and other material she
  while researching a book on the slaying of Doris Angleton in 1997.
  was the wife of Robert Angleton, a millionaire ex-bookie who was
acquitted in
  1998 of hiring his brother to commit the murder.
The decision to jail Leggett, done at prosecutors' behest by an
unidentified judge in a closed court hearing in Houston, has drawn
  from press freedom groups and has become the latest curious twist in
the U.S.
  government's pursuit of the Angleton case. The focus of the federal
  is unclear.
The Justice Department last had a reporter jailed in 1991,
  when four South Carolina journalists were locked up for eight hours
when they refused to testify at the corruption trial of a state senator.
Since 1973, the U.S. attorney general has been required to approve
every federal subpoena issued
  to a reporter as well as every request by federal prosecutors to arrest a
Justice Department spokesman Chris Watney declined to discuss
Leggett's case or whether Ashcroft was involved. Watney said that
under federal
  policy, Ashcroft's approval would not be needed in such a case if
  did not consider the person withholding material to be a journalist.
This is a darn significant case, said Lucy Dalglish,
  executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the
Press. It's
  either an important shift in policy or (prosecutors are) ignorant of a
Justice Department policy in effect since the Nixon administration.
Leggett, 33, a writing teacher at the University of Houston,
  does not have a contract for her book and has not published any
articles related
  to it. She has talked with several magazines about publishing a story
on the murder case, however.
Leggett has spent several years researching the slaying
  in April 1997 of Doris Angleton, whose husband, Robert, was acquitted
in a state
  court in August 1998.
Robert Angleton's brother, Roger Angleton, committed suicide
  in jail in February 1998, leaving a confession that said he had acted
  Leggett interviewed Roger Angleton before his suicide.
The U.S. government began investigating Robert Angleton
  after his acquittal.
Media attorneys say that if U.S. officials pushed to jail
  Leggett with the idea that federal protections for journalists did not
  to her, the officials were in error.
She stands in the same shoes as any television or newspaper
  reporter, says Robert Lystad, an attorney for the Society of
Professional Journalists who is not involved in Leggett's case. She's
exactly the type of reporter or
  book author who shouldn't be harassed into turning over her notes.
Leggett's jailing also has been criticized because it was
  done secretly. The hearing was closed to the public at the
government's request.
  The transcript is sealed, and the judge's name was not released.
It's one thing to incarcerate a member of the press for
  not doing what the government wants. But to do it in secret and
threaten to
  jail (her) lawyer for talking about the details is outrageous, said Mike
DeGuerin, Leggett's attorney.
The Angleton murder case has attracted considerable attention
  in Houston. The CBS show 48 Hours is preparing a report on it.
Ken Paulson, executive director of the First Amendment
  Center, said Leggett will have difficulty winning her appeal. Texas does
  have a shield law that lets reporters protect confidential sources and
research material.
Leggett can be held for up to 18 months on the contempt

Best wishes

When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.
- Victor Marie Hugo

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Re: [CTRL] Myths of a Palestinian Homeland

2001-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/29/2001 9:48:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The
 first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed
 genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of
 Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be
 known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian
 people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans
 to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to
 Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power. 

Darn it!  I must really have a problem.  I seem to recall that name in our
big atlas at home, and I swear it was in a bunch of my text books when I was
in school.   What happened there?  It was Palestine right up to the end of
WWII, and then by magic it disappeared and became Israel.   I didn't mind at
the time, as I figured the people who lived there would just have to learn to
spell a new word.  I was wrong.  The people who lived there were not allowed
to live there any more, and the few who managed to hang on have been
tormented ever since.  It's really the only place where the Nazi won the war.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More from the Donald Scott Case

2001-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

FEAR also offers an unmoderated discussion list and digests for all lists
List update: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=FEAR-list-update


I got an urgent call today from Frances Scott, the widow of Donald
Scott, who was killed by the police in 1992 in a raid motivated by the
prospect of forfeiture revenue.  She is about to be evicted from her
home, after fighting all these years.

I have known Frances since the memorial service for Donald Scott, on
October 2, 1993, marking the first anniversary of his death.  She has
been through one legal battle after another trying to hold onto this
property for the past 9 years.  This latest development is very
serious.  She faxed me the eviction notice this evening.  It gives her a
deadline of Thursday, August 2.

Here's the e-mail she sent me.

Dear Brenda,
This is an emergency!  As You know my husband DONALD SCOTT was murdered
on October 2,1992 when we were falsely accused of growing marijuana.
The Ranch burned down to the ground one year later due to arson.  Now
the IRS is forcing the auctioning of our land  due to these unlawful
DEATH TAXES that has been
placed on all American families.  On January 30,2001, I had someone bid
on the ranch for our family to the tune of $1,950,000.00 with two other
financial backers in place but the  F.B.I. and other law enforcement
agencies raided their homes and businesses destroying their  lives
causing them to not be able to help me anymore!  The estate
lawyers are even holding my down payment of $195,000.00 for potential
damages leaving me penniless, once again!  Brenda, I must urgently beg
your help and I know how very busy you are!  I have fought a nine year
long and very hard battle to save my husbands land and have now opened
up the DONALD SCOTT MEMORIAL FUND at Bank of America,Point Dume,29171
Heathercliff Rd, Malibu, Ca 90264 and P.O. Box 6755, Malibu, Ca 90264.
Any contributions would be gratly apreciated more than words can ever
say!  I am getting ready to be evicted by the Sherriffs very soon!
Please go on my website and click on Frances Scott
to get update and
download music!  Thank You and God Bless You and Pass it on,

Frances Scott

FEAR also offers an unmoderated discussion list and digests for all lists
List unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=unsubscribe

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] In Praise of Sex Tourism

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

   In praise of sex tourism

   By Bart Croughs

   Sex tourists arent very popular. Discriminatory, prejudiced,
   stereotyped talk about this minority is all too common. And strangely
   enough, liberal intellectuals never object when this unpopular
   minority is attacked.

   One of the discriminatory stereotypes one often hears about sex
   tourists: they are ugly, old, bald, fat men who only can get sexual
   satisfaction in third world countries. Suppose this is true, whats so
   bad about this? I think every enlightened intellectual ought to
   applaud fat old men going to Thailand every summer. This way, the
   inequality in the world is being reduced - and this is after all the
   ultimate goal of the progressive thinkers. Men who are unattractive
   because of their fatness, baldness, old age etceteras are sexually
   worse off than men who are young, handsome, etceteras. This is a
   shameful form of inequality, and certainly not less of an injustice
   than the inequality in incomes that makes our Western capitalist
   societies so outrageously unjust. Happily, the sexually disadvantaged
   have the opportunity to visit third world countries, where they can
   eliminate their disadvantaged position. One could say that sex tourism
   is the means towards the liberation of the sexual proletariat. It is
   incomprehensible to me why liberals would object to this important way
   of achieving equality.

   Sex tourists are often criticized because they take advantage of the
   Third World prostitutes, who sell their bodies because they are forced
   by poverty to do so. This is a strange criticism. Everybody who cares
   about the welfare of the Third World hookers should hope that they get
   as many Western customers as they can handle. If sex tourists stay
   away from Third World countries, the only effect will be that the poor
   prostitutes in these countries, after losing the income from the sex
   tourists, will become even poorer. In fact, the sex tourists are
   giving a kind of foreign aid, and a very effective kind of foreign aid
   to boot. For a change, the money doesnt disappear into the pockets of
   corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, and it isnt being spent on
   weapons or senseless prestige projects either; instead, it goes
   straight into the pockets of the poor population. Add to this the fact
   that in general sex tourists act rather like feminists. Most of them
   practice a private form of affirmative action (without any laws
   forcing them to do so!): they prefer female prostitutes to male
   prostitutes. This way the disadvantaged women in Third World countries
   are given the opportunity to advance their economic position and catch
   up with the men.

   Sex tourists are also criticized because they dont pay the Third World
   prostitutes enough for their services. Expressions like exploitation
   are not uncommon. In this view, sex tourism is not bad in itself, only
   the fact that the tourists dont pay more than the prostitutes ask them
   to pay is bad. This is another peculiar criticism. Prostitution is not
   the only service that is relatively cheap in Third World countries:
   other services like hotels, restaurants, transportation etc. are also
   relatively cheap. Still, nobody is mad at tourists because they pay
   taxi drivers or restaurant owners no more than the market price. Why
   then should tourists pay prostitutes more than the market price?

   A final objection to sex tourism: there are women in Third World
   countries who are forced to prostitute themselves by threat of
   violence. But if one is to believe the reports in the Western media,
   many women in Europe are also forced to prostitute themselves by
   threat of violence. Those who agitate against sex tourism because of
   the violence some of the prostitutes suffer, ought to agitate against
   the whoremongers in the west as well. There is no reason to single out
   sex tourists for a special attack. On the contrary: when the
   whore-hoppers in the West decide to stop visiting prostitutes, the
   Western prostitutes who lose their jobs can go on welfare, whereas for
   most prostitutes in the Third World the only alternative is abject

   Furthermore, its a rather strange idea to abolish an entire industry
   just because there are some criminals working in that industry. It
   seems easier and more reasonable to try to stop the abuse. Today there
   are a lot of organizations like Fair trade or Trans-fair
   International, which have followed in the footsteps of the Dutch
   organisation Max Havelaar, the first fair trade initiative.

   These organizations offer their own consumer labels, which guarantee
   the liberal consumer that their snacks (chocolate, coffee, and the
   like) are made without child labour and other forms of capitalist
   exploitation. Why isnt there a progressive organisation that offers a

Re: [CTRL] Myths of a Palestinian Homeland

2001-07-31 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-



Actually, I forwarded this. I didn't write it. Nevertheless:

  The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The
  first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed
  genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of
  Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be
  known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian
  people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans
  to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to
  Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power. 

Darn it!  I must really have a problem.  I seem to recall that name in our
big atlas at home, and I swear it was in a bunch of my text books when I was
in school.   What happened there?  It was Palestine right up to the end of
WWII, and then by magic it disappeared and became Israel.

Yes, even the author of the piece you critiqued says as much:  The truth
is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The first time the
name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed genocide against the
Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of
Israel would be no more.

Edward   +

The desire to rule is the mother of heresies. ~ St. John Chrysostom

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] CIA role may grow in preventing US terror attacks

2001-07-31 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

CIA role may grow in preventing US terror attacks

...WASHINGTON : A US intelligence review is exploring possible new roles
for the CIA and other spy agencies in the domestic arena to protect the
United States from terrorist attack, a senior intelligence official said. US
intelligence agencies operate overseas and are generally prohibited from
having a hand in domestic affairs to ensure a taboo against spying on
Americans is not broken. It is not clear yet what new role they might take
...We know that we're going to increasingly be a target in this country
and we also know that intelligence is going to have a role to play in trying
to protect the homeland, protect the continental US a senior intelligence
official familiar with the review told Reuters.
...The official said that nobody has worked through the mechanics of
how all of that would work, but said it was expected that one of the
things coming out of this review would be some recommendations on how to
think differently about the intelligence role in homeland defence.
...President George W. Bush in May ordered a comprehensive review,
giving CIA Director George Tenet a broad mandate to challenge the status
quo and explore new and innovative techniques, systems, practices and
processes for foreign intelligence collection, analysis and distribution.
...The review is assessing programs with an eye to being ready to meet
future needs by 2015 and could recommend restructuring, the official and
intelligence analysts said in recent interviews.
...It is being conducted by a panel of government insiders led by Joan
Dempsey, deputy director of central intelligence for community management,
and a group of outside experts led by Brent Scowcroft, a former White House
national security adviser.
...CIA ROLE QUESTIONED: The United States has been trying to develop a
large-scale emergency plan to deal with any biological, chemical or nuclear
attack on US soil. Vice President Dick Cheney is leading a review of
America's ability to cope with such an attack.
...The Central Intelligence Agency is generally forbidden to spy on
Americans, but can under certain circumstances collect intelligence
information on US citizens if they are believed to be involved in espionage
or terrorist activities.
...The FBI is responsible for handling criminal activity inside US
borders and conducted by Americans.
...The review was not expected to recommend changing laws that limit the
role of US intelligence agencies relative to Americans. We wouldn't talk
about changing any of that, the intelligence official said on condition of
...But when does homeland defence transition from being (about)
criminal activity to being (about) a national security threat? Those are the
kinds of issues that I would expect to be coming out of this review, the
official said.
...The review is looking at how to combat threats emerging from diverse
directions since the Soviet Union dissolved.
...It reflects this ongoing concern that we are now 11 years after the
end of the Cold War and we still haven't seen tremendous response to that
alteration in terms of what the intelligence community does, said Mark
Lowenthal, senior principal at SRA International Inc, a consulting firm.
...NEW ESPIONAGE TECHNIQUES: The review also is looking at developing
new espionage techniques for collecting foreign secrets.
...It is increasingly true that our capabilities are extremely well
known and we have to develop capabilities that aren't well known, the US
intelligence official said.
...The National Security Agency (NSA), which eavesdrops on
communications worldwide using spy satellites and listening posts, is an
acknowledged problem child - struggling to keep pace with technological
advances from sophisticated encryption to hard-to-tap fibre optics.
...The NSA problem is really the most serious, Gregory Treverton, a
senior consultant at RAND and former vice chairman of the National
Intelligence Council, said.
...NSA must operate differently as it becomes harder to capture signals
using traditional methods, and rely more on using people who will risk
their lives to put objects with ears close to the targeted signal,
Treverton said.
...The understandable culture of secrecy is a huge obstacle, he said.
...For example In-Q-Tel, a CIA-sponsored venture capital firm that seeks
to bring private-sector technological innovations to the intelligence world,
has been faced with finding software it likes only to discover that a
foreigner was involved in writing it, which threatens its secrecy, Treverton
...In intelligence analysis, where resources are stretched to cope with
the huge volume of incoming information, one solution is to buy outside
expertise, the intelligence official said.


Re: [CTRL] Couple sues over flaming Pop-Tart

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/31/01 8:37:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 She must have an IQ 10 points lower than the average garden slug.  Of
course she wants Kellog to payfor her stupidity. 

She, like the vast majority of people today refuse to take responsibility for
their actions. Someone else is always responsible, in this case Kellog. Now
if Kellog goes on the Oprah show and apologies for selling pop tarts that are
flammable, then all will be forgiven.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] In Praise of Sex Tourism

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The most disgusting thing I have seen on television lately, the Invasion
of the Bed Bugs.

It seems our motesl and hotels - and alleged nice motels and hotels, the
mattresses in said motels have become infested with bed bugs.

And the cause given?   Multicultural occupants .not sure what they
meant by this, but I hope it gives the Bilderbergers fits.

Maybe they have been eatin chitlins or crackers in bed?   Or maybe it is
true - The Invasion of the Bedbugsbug warfare  and it could not
happen to a nicer place.

Motels have become virtually houses for prostitution a and one night
stands - and hey, today state officials have credit cards and invite
their paramours when they attend to state business while at the same
time, indulging in a little extracurricular activityand we the
taxpayers pay for same.

Wonder if this bastard Condit ever took Chandra to a motel - did they
check?   Tell me would you want to stay at any motel or hotel these
days, knowing its occupants indulge in - well like the local Ramada Inn
- pornography and drugs where kids would rent out rooms and behind them,
why organized crime figures cashing in..what was lovely at this
particular Ramada Inn know owned by Japanese I understand,  the local
gendarmes were on the payroll and I always wondered why a motel needed
security off duty police paying them twice their salaries?

Maybe to protect the drug dealers?

Who time you go to a motel bring your own
mattress...wonder if they provide curb service these days for
anything goes with the tourist trade..sure would like to look at
Gary Condit's credit cards but a man of a thousand faces, surely he left
paper trails somewhere with his many activities.

Lets Have One for the Bed Bugs in Motels - they have the occupants at
times, outclassed.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Roots of Racial Profiling

2001-07-31 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

Papers, we must see your papers. ..

because god forbid a person would stand up against the police.

the American constitution is dieing and getting deader all the time.

and dieing with a wimper not a roar.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Duh.

2001-07-31 Thread Peat

Surgery Works, Says Miss World Contender
CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - With a bit of ``physical preparation'' -- 
artificial breast implants, a nose job and a little trimming of fat from the 
hips -- you too can aspire to be Miss World (news 
- web 
So says Venezuela's latest candidate for the world beauty contest, Andreina 
Prieto, who admitted on Thursday night that were it not for the help of cosmetic 
surgery, she probably would not have made the line-up. 
The raven-haired 19-year-old was chosen from among 40 other contestants to 
represent the South American country at the next Miss World competition in South 
Africa on Nov. 17. 
Prieto, wearing a blue bikini, told reporters that prior to entering the 
competition, she had three separate operations: one to improve the shape of her 
nose, a liposuction to remove fat from her hips and breast implants. 
``If it wasn't for that, I probably wouldn't be here,'' she said. She 
displayed a brilliant smile, but did not say if that too was the result of 
Prieto said she was counting on her intelligence and ''physical preparation'' 
to help her win the Miss World crown. 
Oil-rich Venezuela takes the beauty industry very seriously and has gained a 
reputation as a ``factory'' of international beauty contest winners. Venezuelan 
women have won five Miss World titles and four Miss Universe (news 
- web 
sites) crowns. 
A private company, the Miss Venezuela Organization, specializes in preparing 
candidates for the Miss World and Miss Universe contests, and spends around 
$72,000 on each contender, in clothes, diets and, of course, cosmetic surgery. 

---Regards,Peter E 
LukeMere Meaningless Diversions? Or what's 
really happening?Visit or Sign Up Today  Find Out!Website: 
Get on the Bus:

Re: [CTRL] Myths of a Palestinian Homeland

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

In my one older bible, published by Oxford Press, SS Teachers Edition -
word Palestina means Land of Strangers.

What is there is the bible about a man who soays I am a stranger in my
own land...

This bible is 1875 or so and my late 1700 bible, has no map of palestine
but many engravings.

Term Beyond the Pale (name of my sister's former home and land) means
essentially beyond the reach of the law..

Israel means,  Soldier of God  and as I recall also Son of IsraelI
thouoght it could mean land of Sun God but whatever it is, Palestinian
are all semites, are they not?


Blue eyed devils like Henry Kissinger aka the Pig - are the ASHKENAZI
Euroean that Nazi ending for this I believe is the well, it
speaks for itself.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Duh.

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Like Hollywood - one nose at one time fit all?

Even Marilyn Monroe had a nose job, Barbara Streisand could not but she
still sings with nasal twang, Zsa Za Gabor - etc.

Even Elizabeth Taylor when very young had nose job.these noses when
new, often look like little pig snouts.

Remembe Rod Serling in one Twilight Zone episode had people getting nose
jobs and the worksand boy they all had those horible pig snouts -
even Joey Heatherton.

Now it is fat lips.but when they go back to normal, they now leave
vicious wrinkles around the mouth - what will Julie Andrews do.

Yes, one nose still fits all.glad I was born with a Roman


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NBC's Lack, Rep. Waxman Clashing

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

d=doc_id=39129display=breakingNewsCahners | TVinsite/A
NBC's Lack, Rep. Waxman Clashing

By Ted Hearn
Multichannel News
7/31/2001 12:21:00 AM
Printer-Friendly version
E-mail this to a colleagueRep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) wants NBC News to
surrender to him alleged in-house NBC videotapes that reportedly show
presidential-election-night interference with news operations by General
Electric Co. chairman and CEO Jack Welch in support of then-Texas Gov. George
W. Bush.
GE, one of the largest industrial conglomerates in the world, is the
corporate parent of NBC, which owns a national TV network, multiple local TV
stations and a stable of cable networks. Like many major news outlets, NBC
News called last November's presidential race for Republican Bush over
Democrat Al Gore, even though the contest wasn't decided by the U.S. Supreme
Court until more than one month later in Bush's favor.
NBC president and CEO Andrew Lack has repeatedly denied the Welch allegation,
both in sworn House testimony Feb. 14 and in two letters to Waxman subsequent
to his House Energy and Commerce appearance. But Waxman has kept pressing
Lack and complaining that his denials have been evasive.
In raising the Welch matter at the House hearing, Waxman said he was aware of
rumors -- perhaps recorded on videotape by NBC promotional and advertising
personnel -- that Welch made statements suggesting that he wanted NBC News to
call the race for Bush.
In a Feb. 16 follow-up letter to Lack, Waxman provided additional details
surrounding the Welch 'rumor' that Waxman said he hoped turned out to be
nothing more than an 'urban myth.'
For instance, Waxman said he heard of two NBC videotapes 'that would either
prove or debunk the allegation.' He said one tape is 'said to be in the
closet of Frank Raddis, NBC's East Coast head of advertising and promotion,'
and it captures NBC decision-desk events on election night in a comprehensive
manner with high picture quality.
Waxman said he was aware of a second tape shot in 'high 8' with a hand-held
camera by Steve Fastook or John Larrouso. Waxman did not identify these
individuals as NBC employees.
'This tape is reportedly not as comprehensive as the first tape, but it shows
Mr. Welch pressuring the desk to call the election for George W. Bush,'
Waxman told Lack in the Feb. 16 letter.
Waxman also recounted for Lack the substance of three rumors that showed
'inappropriate interference' by Welch, according to Waxman's unnamed rumor
Welch, Waxman said, 'reportedly cheered when things appeared to favor George
W. Bush and hissed when they appeared to favor Al Gore.' Welch also told
someone at the NBC decision desk: 'What would I have to give you to call the
race for Bush?'
But Waxman said the most serious allegation he knew of was that Welch was
'responsible for giving the order to call the election for George W. Bush.'
For his part, Lack has told Waxman more than once that Welch in no way
interfered with NBC News' election-night coverage. He added that because
Welch was totally uninvolved, there were no videotapes that would either
support or refute his claim.
I was there and in charge. It just didn't happen. So there can be no
videotape showing that it did,' Lack said in a Feb. 22 reply to Waxman. Lack
was president of NBC News, but he became president and CEO of NBC in May.
Although Waxman said he was reassured by Lack's general denials, he
complained that Lack did not specifically address his questions about the two
'I asked you a simple, direct question, and you responded with an artful and
transparent rhetorical evasion,' Waxman said in a March 15 letter to Lack.
'Instead of providing me with that information, you responded with
syllogistic reasoning: Mr. Welch did not interfere, therefore, `there can be
no videotape showing' he interfered.'
Taking one more swipe at Lack, Waxman concluded: 'I am confident that
reporters in your own news division would consider your Feb. 22 response
wholly inadequate if it were provided by a government official in response to
a journalist's question.'
The Waxman-Lack dispute could come to a head Tuesday. In a July 11 letter to
Lack, Waxman requested that NBC review his questions a second time and report
its finding by July 31. An NBC source was checking whether Lack would have
anything more to say to Waxman by the deadline.
In his House testimony, Lack called the Welch story a 'dopey rumor' that was
untrue and claimed he was unaware if the videotapes existed. Lack
acknowledged that Welch visited NBC News on election night and if a videotape
of Welch's appearance existed, Waxman 'was certainly welcome to the tape.'
But Lack has backed away from that promise of furnishing the video.
In his April 20 letter to Waxman, Lack said, 'It 

[CTRL] Fwd: softwar

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

According to China, illegal copies of Windows XP are on sale
inside the PRC.  The pirated copies of the new Microsoft
operating system are available for $13 on the streets of Hong

The FBI has run into a stone-wall from Chinese Ministry of State
Security (MSS) over the CODE RED virus.  The FBI is trying to
trace the origin of the CODE RED virus and has leads that point
east.  Beijing officials have not responded to requests from the
FBI to pursue the leads.

Don't expect the President Bush to make a big deal about the
CODE RED investigation stall from China.  Heavy pressure from
U.S. satellite makers - who want to restart exports to China -
has already forced the White House to ignore the EP-3 incident,
PRC human rights abuses and nuclear weapons violations.

Singapore has developed new a software package to monitor
suspicious behavior on computers.  The new software is
designed to help Singapore keep a close eye on its citizens by
tracking normal activity.

Pcyphered SIGNATURE:


[CTRL] The Policy Behind The Controversy (fwd)

2001-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 The Policy Behind The Controversy

July 25, 2001 by:  Phyllis Schlafly

You've got to hand it to the National Education Association. The
NEA's press people and spin artists know how to manipulate the

The NEA got widespread national publicity by announcing on
Independence Day that it was withdrawing its controversial proposed
New B resolution regarding Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender Education. Parents concluded they could relax in the
assurance that their darlings would not be exploited with such
teaching in the schools.

But not so fast. It was all smoke and mirrors. The 10,000 delegates
assembled in this year's annual convention in Los Angeles quietly
adopted at least ten separate resolutions that add up to substantially
the same subject matter as the withdrawn New B.

This episode began when it leaked out that the NEA planned to adopt
an in-your-face resolution demanding that the gay rights agenda be
incorporated into everything from school curricula to teacher hiring.
For the first time, there was revolt in the ranks of the NEA's 2.3
million teachers, and the Oklahoma affiliate publicly opposed it.

Tennessee delegates asked for a vote on New Business Item 59 that
read: The NEA shall hold its affiliates harmless, for a period of five
years, for any loss of dues revenue related to loss of membership
beginning with the 2001-2002 membership year if Resolution New B
is passed.

These delegates explained the rationale behind this item: A
significant number of NEA affiliates experienced membership losses
related to [last year's] passage of Resolution B-9. Most of them have
not recovered their losses, and we believe that we will experience
an equal or greater loss of membership if Resolution New B is

So, the NEA leadership decided to make a public announcement that
the new controversial New B would not be brought to a vote. However,
NEA President Bob Chase assured the delegates that in no way is
NEA backing away from dealing with the important issues raised by
the proposed Resolution. . . . Far from backing away from these
issues, this task force will expand the scope of the inquiry.

Chase's promise was confirmed when the NEA convention went
ahead and passed a dozen resolutions, mostly repeats from previous
years, affirming practically every point covered in the withdrawn New

Resolution B-7 calls for acceptance of diversity, which is defined
to include sexual orientation. It also calls for observances,
programs, and curricula that accurately portray and recognize the
roles, contributions, cultures, and history of these diverse groups and

B-9 calls for plans, activities, and programs that increase respect
and acceptance toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered
people. The resolution demands an end to stereotyping based on
sexual orientation.

B-9 also calls for extending this policy to curricula, textbooks,
resource and instructional materials, activities, etc. It demands that
we integrate into all curricula a portrayal of the roles of groups who
have been underrepresented historically.

B-38 demands that we recognize different family structures. This
includes recognizing domestic partners.

B-40 and C-22 call for comprehensive education programs about
HIV/AIDS as an integral part of the school curriculum. Integrating
subject matter in the curriculum means concealing it so that parents
cannot exempt their children from the class.

C-27 calls on the schools to provide counseling services and
programs for students who are struggling with their sexual/gender

D-8 calls for hiring policies and practices that include provisions for
the recruitment of a diverse teaching staff. Nobody is fooled by this

E-5 demands that educational materials and activities should
accurately portray cultural diversity. There's that word diversity

F-1 puts the NEA on record in support of affirmative action plans and
procedures that encourage active recruitment and employment of
men in underrepresented education categories . . . in order to
overcome past discrimination. This resolution includes sexual
orientation among other factors.

I-10 states that the NEA is committed to the achievement of a
totally integrated society. This includes eliminating all barriers
based on sexual orientation.

I-38 redundantly demands the elimination of discrimination based
on sexual orientation. I-42 deplores hate-motivated violence based
on sexual orientation.

Other resolutions among the dozens that were passed at the 2001
Convention in Los Angeles reaffirmed all the radical policies the NEA
has endorsed in the past. They reveal the NEA's paranoid opposition
to school choice, homeschooling, and parental supervision of sex

Many were shocked this year when the District of Columbia City
Council proposed lowering the compulsory school age to age three.
We shouldn't have been shocked: the NEA convention 

Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-07-31 Thread Mary

-Caveat Lector-

At 12:31 AM 7/31/2001 -0700, ashley Abraham wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Hey William,
Why is it that you keep posting crap from or about Lyndon LaRouche? Are you
a Neo-Nazi? He's a total freak and I can't imagine any sane person giving
him his/her attention.

Wow! Look out now - you're being WAAY too obvious in your ad hominem attack
on LaRouche and kill the messenger approach to Williams' post. It is such
a textbook disinformationalists' tactic that it made me go back to re-read
and reconsider the LaRouche article. Probably a few other folks here on the
list did the same and I don't believe that was your intention.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

2001-07-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

unfortunately this list is a bit of a playground for
retired CIA etc who are trying to make a bit of
pocketmoney - so the key wouldn't be safe

also - I'm pretty sure the government/NSA has
the ability to strip down PGP by now - its the
first thing i would ask ET for - computer capacity like

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 4:50 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Privacy Not

 -Caveat Lector-

 Perhaps with all the concerns about wiretaps, e-mail snooping and the
 this might be a nice place to encourage the use of PGP encryption.  It
 be kind of like sticking our e-mails in a lockbox that only we can open.
 Only thing is... how do we know an informant is not among us.  I
 Maybe it's not even worth trying.  It's not like we're conspiring to
 overthrow the government or anything.  We're just discussing things that
 government would probably prefer that we not even know about.

 Thing is, though, if enough people use PGP, the government would spend so
 much time straining their computers to crack the codes of e-mails that it
 might make e-mail snooping something that's not worth doing anymore.

 Might cause a mess, though... Does the list get a PGP key?  Do we all
 our keys with each other?  Plus we'd have to type in a passphrase for
 e-mail.  But is it any more inconvenient than opening an envelope?


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Hacking activity at all-time high

2001-07-31 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Hacking activity at all-time high

By John Leyden, The Register, 7/30/2001

Hacking activity is at an all-time high, according to stats compiled by
The Honeynet Project.
It bases this conclusion on the number of attacks perpetrated against a
network of servers, set up by the organisation specifically to collect
data on hacking attempts.
The intrusion detection system placed on the Honeynet's servers
generated 157 alerts during May 2000 but this figure had escalated by a
factor of almost nine to 1,398 alerts by February 2001. The Honeynet's
firewall showed a doubling of alerts from 103 to 206 per month between
May 2000 and February 2001.
Much of what the project discovered chimes in with the increasing
incidents of corporate Web site defacement and other hacking attacks but
it also throws up some interesting insights in the techniques used by
black hat hackers.
Some black hats have streamlined their scanning process to merely look
for a specific service, the Honeynet Project said on a report on its
work, which is available here. If they find the service, they launch
the exploit without even first determining if the system is vulnerable,
or even the correct system.
This aggressive approach allows black hats to scan and exploit more
systems in less time, said the report, which added the tactic of
focusing on exploiting a single vulnerability is used by many s'kiddies.
These numbers indicate black hat activity has continued to grow, most
likely the result of more aggressive, automated scanning tools and their
growing availability.
Between April and December 2000, seven default installations of Red Hat
6.2 servers were attacked within three days of connecting to the
Internet. From this the people behind the project concluded that the
life expectancy of a default installation of Red Hat 6.2 server to be
less then 72 hours. Scary stuff.
By contrast a default Windows 98 installation with shares enabled,
typical of that found in many homes, was compromised in just 24 hours.
The most popular attack method used by hackers were buffer attacks
associated with rpc.statd service on Intel machine and the most popular
scanning tool was found to be Syn-Fin.
The Honeynet Project maintained a closely monitored eight IP network
linked up to the net using an ISDN connection, such as a small business
might use. Within this network of honeypot machines, which are designed
to lure unsuspecting hackers inside, three systems (running either
Solaris Sparc, NT, Windows 98 or Red Hat Linux) were generally running
at most times.
The people behind the project collected and archived every attack on
this network for an eleven month period, between April 2000 and February
2001 but its results were only published this week. They admit that
their findings are specific to their network and that more research,
especially on using data to predict attacks, is needed.
The Honeynet Project reckons that enterprise users will see far more
attacks than those thrown against the project's machines.
Remember, the Honeynet used to collect this information had no
production systems of value, nor was it advertised to lure attackers. If
your organisation has any value, or is advertised in any way, you are
most likely exposed to even greater threat.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

2001-07-31 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

 -Caveat Lector-

 unfortunately fnord this fnord list fnord is fnord a fnord bit fnord of
fnord a fnord playground
 fnord for fnord retired fnord CIA fnord etc fnord who fnord are fnord
trying fnord to
 fnord make fnord a fnord bit fnord of fnord pocketmoney fnord - so fnord
the fnord key
 fnord wouldn't fnord be fnord safe

 also fnord - I'm fnord pretty fnord sure fnord the fnord government/NSA
fnord has fnord
 the fnord ability fnord to fnord strip fnord down fnord PGP fnord by fnord
fnord now - its
 fnord the fnord
 first  fnord thing fnord i fnord would fnord ask fnord ET fnord for
fnord - computer
 fnord capacity fnord like

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Iran blasts Israeli plan to build temple

2001-07-31 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


Iran blasts Israeli plan to build temple

Monday, 30 July 2001 18:57 (ET)

Iran blasts Israeli plan to build temple

  TEHRAN, Iran, July 30 (UPI) -- Iran Monday condemned the Israeli plan to
build a Jewish temple near the 1,300-year-old al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem,
calling it a provocative action which would escalate the crisis in the

  The Islamic Republic of Iran voices deep concern over the affair and that
the Israeli action has caused concern among all Islamic nations. Iranian
Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi said according to the official news agency
IRNA. This is a provocative action in the occupied Palestinian lands and a
desecration of Islamic sanctities which escalate the crisis in the Middle

  Kharrazi, who was meeting with a number of European and Asian diplomats in
Tehran, called for international action to stop what he called Israel's
Judaization bid by taking necessary measures to pressure Israel to respect
international regulations and conventions. He also called on the United
Nations Security Council to take immediate action to condemn the Israeli
plot and deploy international observer force to the region.

  Calling the Palestinian Intifada the legitimate right of the Palestinian
nation representing wrath against the violation of their rights, Kharrazi
reiterated Iran's stance that holding a referendum among Muslims, Christians
and Jews to determine their own fate and repatriation of Palestinian
refugees are prerequisites of a lasting and just peace in the Middle East.

Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

Edward   +

The desire to rule is the mother of heresies. ~ St. John Chrysostom

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

2001-07-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

you came up with an original word - amazing -
all you have to do now is get a few more and
make a sentence - and before you know it -
you may have expressed an original idea
in terms of a paragraph -
I would watch trying not to repeat the same idea
too often though - folks might get the wrong idea :)


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

  -Caveat Lector-
  unfortunately fnord this fnord list fnord is fnord a fnord bit fnord of
 fnord a fnord playground
  fnord for fnord retired fnord CIA fnord etc fnord who fnord are fnord
 trying fnord to
  fnord make fnord a fnord bit fnord of fnord pocketmoney fnord - so fnord
 the fnord key
  fnord wouldn't fnord be fnord safe
  also fnord - I'm fnord pretty fnord sure fnord the fnord government/NSA
 fnord has fnord
  the fnord ability fnord to fnord strip fnord down fnord PGP fnord by
 fnord now - its
  fnord the fnord
  first  fnord thing fnord i fnord would fnord ask fnord ET fnord for
 fnord - computer
  fnord capacity fnord like

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-07-31 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 7/31/01 2:31:30 AM Central Daylight Time,

Hey William,
Why is it that you keep posting crap from or about Lyndon LaRouche? Are you
a Neo-Nazi? He's a total freak and I can't imagine any sane person giving
him his/her attention.

Am I a neo-Nazi?
Nope, thanks for asking though...not a neo,paleo,femi, or judeo-nazi.

Are you suggesting that LaRouche is a "neo-nazi"?
I think that's a reactionary and ill-informed statement if indeed you are.
I post LaRouche because, though I disagree with him on several issues (drugs
for example) I respect him and all he puts up with in order to see his vision
through and when his writings aren't TOO obtuse he makes valid and
interesting points.


[CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-07-31 Thread William Shannon

Something is Rotten in the State of Israel  

by Uri Avnery 

There is no international law against stupidity. Therefore, Karmi Gilon 
cannot be tried on this account.

The foolish actions of the Ambassador-on-the-way (the way home) start with 
his agreeing to become the Israeli ambassador in Denmark in the first place. 
Denmark is a very sensitive country. For some reason, the Danes don’t like 
torture, nor do they like torturers. Why would a person who headed the 
Israeli Security Service (nicknamed Shin-Bet or Shabak, by its Hebrew 
initials), at a time when it practiced wholesale torture, insist on serving 
in Denmark of all places? Why should he not be content with the post of 
ambassador in Guatemala or the Congo?

One could phrase it like this: Early in life a person must decide what he 
wants to become when he grows up. He can either become a Shin-Betnick or an 
ambassador to Denmark. He can’t become both.

But Gilon accepted the job. That was folly #1. It was nothing compared to 
folly #2: After the outcry in Denmark had already started, Gilon undertook to 
explain to the slow-witted Danes that torturing Palestinians was not only 
extremely important, but also that the Shin-Bet would be well-advised to 
resort to it again (if indeed it has ever been stopped).

The resulting outcry induced the Danish government to consider arresting His 
Excellency on arrival.

The only diplomatic thing for the ambassador to do now is to break his leg 
diplomatically, so that he will be compelled to give up the post. If he does 
not do so voluntarily, Moderate Physical Pressure should be applied.

This affair has another aspect that should be considered. On the morrow of 
the Six-Day War, the prophet Isayah (Leibowitz) prophesied that the 
occupation would turn us into a nation of foremen and Shin-Betnicks. This 
prophesy has been fulfilled. In other countries, Secret Service people work 
in the dark. Even after becoming pensioners, they keep quiet. But in Israel, 
they are elected to the Knesset, figure in the gossip columns, star in high 
society parties, shoot their mouths off in talk-shows and write commentaries 
in the papers. Now they are being sent abroad as ambassadors.

And Foreign Minister Shimon Peres explains that Gilon, the great patriot, 
acted according to the laws of Israel and only followed orders. That tells 
the Danes that something is rotten in the state of Israel. "Only followed 
orders" sounds awful to people with a memory. The Danes, it seems, remember.

It is to be hoped that the Gilon affair will put an end to these nominations. 
The slogan will be: Shin-Betnick, Stay Home!

Parallel to the Gilon business, the Sharon affair is taking place in Belgium. 
This, too, has far-reaching implications.

It started years ago, but nobody noticed at the time. General Amos Yaron, a 
star of the Sabra and Shatila affair, was sent as military attache to the 
United States and Canada. When the massacre occurred, Yaron was the 
commanding officer in the area. Elli Hbeika, the Phalangist commander, 
orchestrated the massacre from the roof of Yaron’s command post,. Yaron’s 
officers heard what was happening and reported to him. After the war, Yaron – 
to his credit – admitted that "our senses had become blunted".

As military attache, Yaron did not encounter any difficulty in the States. 
But in Canada he hit a wall. The Canadians just did not want to see his face. 
He acted prudently and a scandal was avoided. Now he serves a Director 
General of the Ministry of Defense.

His boss, Ariel Sharon, has never admitted to blunted senses. Even now, when 
proceedings have started against him in Belgium for his part in the Sabra and 
Shatila atrocities, he professes to be a righteous man. "This is not a 
personal matter," he told reporters, "It is a matter of the State of Israel." 
("It is not a personal matter" has always been Sharon’s preferred 

Not a personal matter? A matter of the State of Israel? Very sorry, we are 
the citizen of Israel and it most certainly is not a matter of ours. We did 
not take a gang of certified murderers, who had already committed atrocities 
in half a dozen Palestinian camps, and put them into the defenseless Sabra 
and Shatila camps. We did not light the night for them, nor provide them with 
tractors to cover the bodies. If that was a war crime, it is a very personal 
affair of Sharon and his entourage.

I object to the involvement of the legal apparatus of the state, led by the 
pussy-footing Attorney General, in Sharon’s defense in my name and at my 
All these affairs have a common denominator: Something has changed in the 
world. The sooner this is understood in Israel, the better for many people, 
soldiers and functionaries.

At the beginning of the new century, at long last, humanity has woken up and 
started to deal with war crimes, the bane of the 20th century. The 
international criminal court is on the 

[CTRL] Martin- Sandbagged! Whistleblowers Beware

2001-07-31 Thread William Shannon

Whistle-Blowers Beware

by Al Martin
Here's what happens to guests on the Expert Witness Radio Show, hosted by 
Michael Levine and broadcast on WBAI in New York and KPFK in Los Angeles,

A brief history is in order. First, Mr. Levine postponed the show several 
times. Then his producer said that she would formulate questions to be asked 
about the new book, "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider." 
None of the questions were asked.

Both his producer Kristina Borjesson and the host Mike Levine had received 
review copies of the book. There had been substantial discussions with the 
show's producer Kristina Borjesson but it became clear that Mr. Levine had 
not read the book and was not familiar with the material. He kept flipping 
through it, naming chapter titles, but you could tell he hadn't even bothered 
to read the book.

Then Levine brings on his buddies, former DEA agents who are now private 
investigators, as is Levine himself. Essentially they did not refer to the 
book either. They asked no real questions about the content of the book, and 
they only mentioned the name of the book once.

Also they kept using the word "alleged" -- as "I have alleged this" and "I 
have alleged that." I told them that the book was autobiographical in nature 
and it was simply the story of what I had done, i.e., my own role in 
Iran-Contra and other circumstances of my life. Since there was no second or 
third party information in the book, it wasn't really necessary to say 
"alleged" incessantly.

Then they kept pressing me on how many documents I had and how much of this I 
could "prove in a court of law." I maintained that this was a radio show and 
not a court of law, that I was an author and not a prosecutor, and that these 
men were in fact radio talk show hosts and were not themselves prosecutors, 
and that they have no mandate from any government agency to be prosecutors.

They were simply trying to pump me for information -- for their own ends. 
They have formed their own private investigative agency, according to 
information they posted on their website. Mr. Levine had said on his show 
that they had gotten "thousands of people indicted that should have been 
indicted, but weren't before for political reasons."

I'm sure the public would be interested in seeing a list of the "thousands" 
of people that Mr. Levine et al have gotten indicted -- posted on Mr. 
Levine's website.

Furthermore, they attempted to get me to reveal sensitive documents and file 
numbers on the public airwaves - without having any understanding whatsoever 
of my position -- that in fact, it is my holding of these documents and the 
fact that those who could be hurt by these documents do not know exactly what 
I do or do not possess.

This has kept me alive and at large through these years.

It's hard to believe that Mr. Levine did not understand this -- that by the 
incessant questioning of my criminal history (which I freely admitted and 
elaborated in detail) and the documents, which I may have, he has jeopardized 
me. Whistle-blowers then should beware -- because Mr. Levine has acted quite 
unprofessionally on this show.

It was obvious that Ms. Borjesson was the tail wagging the dog. As producer 
of this show and its co-host, she asked me no direct questions during the 
show, and, on two occasions, had even attempted to tell her fellow co-hosts 
to move on. It was obvious from her tone that she was embarrassed by this 
shoddy display of unprofessionalism by Mr. Levine and his co-hosts.

These former DEA agents were courteous, but they were incessant in asking the 
same question over and over again - questions regarding my criminal history 
and questions regarding the veracity of my information. I kept repeating that 
I am an author, that I'm not a prosecutor, that I'm not a witness, and that I 
don't intend to be a witness. I'm just telling my story.

It was obvious by the line of questioning that Mr. Levine and Company have 
their own agenda - an agenda which goes far beyond being talk show radio 
hosts. That agenda appears to be to garner information from people like me in 
order to gain prosecutorial interest in others and thereby to gain 
potentially fee-paying clients for their new enterprise.

Meanwhile they lead me to believe that this show was being publicly broadcast 
live, when in fact it was being recorded. I was not told until the end of the 
show that it was actually being taped for later broadcast.

In other words, I didn't have the opportunity to fully defend myself from 
their badgering questions. They were able to steamroll me by making me 
believe that this was a live show.

They obviously had no idea of who I am. It was also obvious that they did not 
understand the "complex quid pro quos" people like me have to enter into, 

[CTRL] In 1947-48 Palestinians Became Victims

2001-07-31 Thread William Shannon


In 1947-48, Palestinians became victims

Charley Reese

Let's play let's pretend.

Pretend you live in Miami-Dade County, Fla., and you evacuate the area
because a bad storm is bearing down on it.

After the storm passes, you drive back but are met by military roadblocks.
"You can't come back," you're told.

"What do you mean I can't come back? I have a home and business there," you

"Not anymore," the soldier says. "All of your property and possessions have
been declared abandoned property and now will be used by us. So turn around.
You've got 49 other states you can live in, but you're never going to the
home you abandoned."

Now, let's pretend that after NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia, the Yugoslavian
government said it was willing to negotiate a cease-fire, but the Albanian
refugees could not return to Kosovo. Do you think the United States would
have agreed to that? I don't think so. I think the United States would have
said to Yugoslavia the right of refugees to return to their homes is
non-negotiable and, if you try to stop them, you'll have to get through us

Well, this is exactly what happened to 700,000 Palestinians in 1947-48. By
what one journalist called a "psychological warfare campaign punctuated with
some well-timed massacres," the Israelis drove these people out of their
homes and villages with nothing much but the clothes on their backs.

Then, at a peace conference, the Israelis said first off that no refugees
would be allowed to return nor would they be compensated for any property
lost. That was Israel's original sin. It was also our original sin because
the United States government did nothing and it should have insisted on the
refugees' return.

Zionists, however, were not acting in an arbitrary manner. The Zionist
ideology, on which the current state of Israel is based, demands a Jewish
state defined as a state with a Jewish majority, a Jewish government and
Jewish laws. Small, non-Jewish minorities can be tolerated, though in
practice in Israel they have been treated like second-class people. But a
plural state is out of the question.

The problem the Zionists faced in 1947-48 was this: Despite their best
efforts, they had not succeeded in persuading a sufficient number of Jews to
emigrate to Palestine. Consequently, even in the territory allotted by the
partition of Palestine to the Jews, there were so many Palestinian Arabs that
the early Zionists knew they should soon equal or exceed the Jews in number.

In 1919, there were 57,000 Jews and 533,000 Arabs in Palestine. The Jews
owned about 2 percent of the land. In 1946, the imbalance remained. There
were 608,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs. In 1946, Jews owned only 7 percent
of Palestine.

An Arab majority was unacceptable to Zionist ideology, so they practiced
ethnic cleansing.

So, for the same reason they drove them out in the first place, they could
not let them back in. The Arab governments said if the refugees could not
return, then they would not sign a peace treaty. This original sin -- the
disposition of 700,000 Palestinians -- bred the conflict which rages to this
day and will continue to rage until the Palestinians get justice or everybody
on both sides are dead.

I know that it's difficult. The Israelis have done a superb job of creating a
racist stereotype of Palestinians in the minds of most Americans. But try,
for a moment, to put yourself in their shoes back in 1947-48.

You had a family, a farm or a business or shop. You had friends and relatives
in a village where your ancestors had lived for centuries. Then, in the blink
of an eye, you are torn from your roots and cast into a foreign country with
no possessions, no money and no state you can call your own.

These people and their descendants still live in those camps, at least those
the Israelis haven't killed during their periodic bombing and shelling. These
are the people Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak told Yasser Arafat that he must
agree can never return or be compensated for their losses. That alone would
have prevented Arafat from signing the agreement.

It is this expulsion, not the establishment of the state of Israel, that
Palestinians mean when they speak of the "Catastrophe." It was not only a
cruel act of ethnic cleansing, but it was one of the greatest robberies in
the history of mankind. Imagine if you could suddenly gain ownership of
Miami-Dade, with all its businesses, inventories, bank accounts, houses,
farms, and crops. Palestine was no Miami-Dade County, but the Palestinian
possessions were nevertheless quite a pile of loot for the Israelis.

This happened, by the way, before Jews left the Arab countries. It most
defintely was not a population transfer. The Palestinian victims of ethnic
cleansing had nothing to do with what happened to Jews in other Arab
countries later.


2001-07-31 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:02:09 -0700
From:   Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Robert Lederman [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Carol A. Valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sherman Skolnick brings up some interesting points about similarities of
Monica Lewinsky and Chandra Levy, like the fact that Chandra's parents
retained the same attorney that Monica's mother retained --- former federal
prosecutor Billy Martin!!!

He speculates that in Chandra's position (the pun is intended) she could have
come upon sensitive McVeigh information that could well have threatened
her life.

If the AMERICAN public ever learned who really bombed the MURRAH
BUILDING there would be wide scale revolt.  It is hard to think of a better
reason for elimination or for flight.

Brian Downing Quig

Sherman Skolnick's revelations and speculations:

Some contend that Chandra Levy was also friendly with key Republicans,
including reportedly a circle of White House types that include White House
RESIDENT and OCCUPANT George W. Bush's strategy chief, officially
listed as White House Senior Advisor, Karl Rove. Just as some began
pursuing details reportedly of this circle, others started an apparent diversion
of Karl Rove on a stock situation involving a conflict of interest.

[9] Notice the time-line.  Ms Levy, a graduate student at the University of
Southern California, spent the winter and early spring here AS AN INTERN
friend introduced her to Mr. Condit, who represents Modesto, Ms Levy's
hometown. Her WASHINGTON INTERNSHIP ended on April 23. ON THE
EVENING OF APRIL 30, she turned in her membership at a local health club,
and the authorities say THAT WAS THE LAST TIME SHE WAS SEEN IN
PUBLIC. ON MAY 6, her frantic parents, unable to reach her, REPORTED
HER MISSING. New York Times, June 22, 2001 (Emphasis added.)

May 6, 2001, was ten days prior to the original date set for McVeigh's
execution. From their unit Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune ran the
following story, Thursday, May 10, 2001: Washington--Federal law
enforcement officials revealed Thursday that they had found some 3,000
pages of FBI materials that had been mislaid in the Oklahoma City bombing
case, and defense attorneys for Timothy J. McVeigh immediately said they
hope to win a stay of his execution scheduled in just five days.

As the New York Times stated in referring to Ms Levy's parents meeting with
the District of Columbia's police chief, The Levys, wearing yellow ribbons,
looked dazed and tired as they met with reporters in the sweltering summer
sun, both before and after their session with the chief. They said little, leaving
most of the talking to THEIR LAWYER, BILLY MARTIN, former federal
S. LEWINSKY, during the inquiry into Ms Lewinsky's relationship with
President Bill Clinton. NY Times, 6//22/2001 (Emphasis added.)

Some find it helpful, if not convenient, though not necessarily crucial, that
Condit is originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

So, did Chandra Ann Levy know too much about the real background of the
Timothy McVeigh matter? Through her FBI boyfriend, through her internship
with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and through her friendship with a
Congressman, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, and having topmost security clearance? Did she run for her life?
Was she caused to disappear? Persuaded to leave the U.S.? Or just
snuffed out?

Former intelligence operatives contend all this is important and urge further
investigation. Are they right? The story is obviously incomplete but we believe
it is an important start. More coming. Stay tuned.

--- End of forwarded message ---

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-31 Thread William Shannon

July 31, 2001

Editor: Sam Smith
Washington's most unofficial source
1312 18th St. NW #502, Washington DC 20036
202-835-0770 Fax: 835-0779

ESTIVATION MODE: During this languorous month, e-mail reports may be
somewhat sporadic. The latest Undernews, however, is always available at or


Everyone wants to breathe and nobody can and many say, We will breathe
later, and most of them don't die because they are already dead. - Graffiti,
Paris, May 1968


REUTERS: Chile's highest court gave the green light to a judge wanting to
question former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about the 1973 killing in
Chile of a U.S. journalist. Charles Horman, made famous in the 1982 film
Missing, was seized by troops in his home days after Chile's September
1973 military coup that brought dictator Augusto Pinochet to power. His
bullet-ridden body turned up at the morgue weeks later. Horman's family
believes that Kissinger and U.S. Embassy officials in Chile knew of his
detention but did nothing to obtain his release. Chile's Supreme Court said
it would send a list of written questions to Kissinger about the case
through diplomatic channels to U.S. legal authorities . . . State Department
reports declassified last year show that U.S. intelligence officials may
have tacitly helped in Horman's abduction.


Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY: Vanessa Leggett's case raises concerns that John
Ashcroft may take protections away from journalists. The jailing of a Texas
reporter who refused to give her research to U.S. prosecutors has raised
concerns that Attorney General John Ashcroft is reversing a policy that
gives journalists wide latitude in protecting confidential sources and
unpublished information . . . The decision to jail Leggett, done at
prosecutors' behest by an unidentified judge in a closed court hearing in
Houston, has drawn criticism from press freedom  . . . The Justice
Department last had a reporter jailed in 1991, when four South Carolina
journalists were locked up for eight hours when they refused to testify at
the corruption trial of a state senator. Since 1973, the U.S. attorney
general has been required to approve every federal subpoena issued to a
reporter as well as every request by federal prosecutors to arrest a reporter.

We are particularly disturbed because the federal court and the Justice
Department have kept every aspect of this case secret, said Lucy Dalglish,
executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Had
this journalist not sought help from journalism organizations prior to being
sentenced for contempt, she would have been secretly jailed as well.  . . .
  Leggett, who lectures at a local college, is a writer. She was working on a
book on the death of a Houston woman, Doris Angleton, who was found shot to
death in April 1997. Angleton's millionaire bookie husband Robert Angleton
and his brother, Roger, were charged in the case. Roger committed suicide in
the Harris County, Texas jail in February 1998. A state court jury acquitted
Robert, and a federal investigation of Roger soon followed. Leggett had
interviews from dozens of people surrounding the case, and it has been
reported that she interviewed Roger before his death.



KEN KEUFFEL, WALL STREET JOURNAL on The seventh National Black Theatre
Festival: As many as 50,000 patrons will take in plays, musicals, readings
and seminars all over town. Actors who are just starting out will get to
test their mettle on stage, often rubbing elbows with celebrities in the
process. New plays will emerge, and old ones will gain valuable national
exposure . . . The effects will be felt not just in Winston-Salem, though.
The festival, which runs through Saturday, provides a much-needed infusion
of energy for the nation's struggling black-theater scene. The number of
black-theater companies in the country, professional and amateur, has
decreased dramatically over the past 10 years.

Victor Leo Walker, a former theater professor, runs the African Grove
Institute for the Arts, a service organization for black theaters. He said
that there were about 200 companies in the 1970s and '80s; now, there are
fewer than 50. Moreover, companies that made their mark by developing the
best acting and playwright talent - including Crossroads Theatre Company in
New Jersey and the Inner City Cultural Center in Los Angeles - have gone
under. Many others are operating in the red. Given that situation, the
festival, which is the only one of its kind in the 


2001-07-31 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 28/07/01 4:15:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

 From Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear:


 OCTOBER 13, 2001


 1) Action des Citoyens pour le Desarmement Nucleaire (France)
 2) Action for Nuclear Disarmament (Cape Cod, MA)
 3) Action NOW!
 4) Activist San Diego (California)
 5) Alaska Community Action on Toxics (Anchorage)
 6) Alaskans Against NMD
 7) All India Letter Writers Association
 8) American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
 9) Amnesty Int'l (USF, Tampa)
 11) APDH Human Rights Organization (Bariloche, Argentina)
 12)  Arizona Institute for Peace Education  Research (Tempe)
 13)  Asheville Area War Tax Resistance
 14)  Association of State Green Parties (ASGP)
 15)  Association of World Citizens
 16)  Atomic Mirror
 17)  Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
 18)  Australian Peace Committee
 19)  Baltimore Emergency Response Network
 20)  Baltimore Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee
 21)  Bangladesh Campaign to Ban Landmines (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
 22)  Bolton CND (UK)
 23)  Brandywine Peace Community (PA)
 24)  CAAB (UK)
 25)  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
 26)  Cape Cod FOR (MA)
 27)  Catholic Action Network
 28)  Center for Social Action (Manhattanville College, N.Y.)
 29)  Central Coast Friends Meeting (San Luis Obispo, CA)
 30)  Central Coast Peace  Environmental Council (San Luis Obispo, CA)
 31)  Centre for Peace Studies (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
 32)  Chester River Monthly Meeting (Chestertown, MD) 33)  Christian
 Democrats USA (Tampa, FL) 34)  Christians Opposing the Militarization
 of Outer Space (Louisville KY) 35)  Citizens Budget Campaign of
 Western PA. 36)  Citizens Democracy Watch (Florence, OR) 37)  Citizens
 for Legitimate Government 38)  Citizens for Peace in Space (Colorado
 Springs, CO) 39)  Citizen Soldier (New York, N.Y.) 40)  City of Arcata
 Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Commission (CA) 41)  Cleveland Peace Action
 (Ohio) 42)  Columbus Campaign for Arms Control (Ohio) 43)  Communist
 Party USA 44)  Community Anti-Nuclear Network of Western Australia 45)
  CPPAX - Nuclear Weapons Abolition Task Force (MA) 46)  Darmstadter
 Friedensforum (Germany) 47)  Disclosure Project 48)  Ecological Life
 Systems Institute (San Diego, CA) 49)  Environment Centre of the
 Northern Territory (Darwin, Australia) 50)  Environmental  Peace
 Education Center (Ft Myers, FL) 51)  Fellowship of Reconciliation
 (Olympia, WA Chapter) 52)  Florida Coalition for Peace  Justice 53)
 Friends of the Earth Australia 54)  Flyby News 55)  Franciscan Sisters
 of Rochester, MN (Justice  Peace Network) 56)  Fylingdales Action
 Network (England) 57)  Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power
 in Space 58)  Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (New
 York) 59)  Grandmothers for Peace Int'l 60)  Grandmothers for Peace
 (San Luis Obispo County, CA) 61)  Green Earth Organization (Ghana) 62)
  Green Party (Cuyahoga County, OH) 63)  Green Party Florida 64)
 Greens (Lower Cape Cod, MA) 65)  Greens (Mid Cape Cod, MA) 66)  Greens
 (Upper Cape Cod, MA) 67)  Greens/Green Party USA 68)  Green Party of
 Brevard County (Florida) 69)  Green Party of Hillsborough County
 (Florida) 70)  Green Party of Manatee County (Florida) 71)  Green
 Party of Michigan 72)  Green Pary of Ohio 73)  Green Party of Sarasota
 County (Florida) 74)  Green Party of Scott County (Arkansas) 75)
 Green Party of Washington County (Arkansas) 76)  Ground Zero Center
 for Nonviolent Action (Poulsbo, WA) 77)  Headingley Green Party (UK)
 78)  Headingly  Kirsktall CND (UK) 79)  Healing Ourselves  Mother
 Earth (Tecopa, CA) 80)  High Desert Catholic Worker (Valyermo, CA) 81)
  Holland Peacemakers (Holland, MI) 82)  Homes Not Bombs (Toronto,
 Canada) 83)  Hopedance Magazine (San Luis Obispo, CA) 84)  Industrial
 Workers of the World (IWW) 85)  Impact Press (Orlando, FL) 86)  Indian
 Institute for Peace, Disarmament  Environmental Protection (Nagpur,
 India) 87)  Initiative for Immediate Change in Energy Politics (Trier,
 Germany) 88)  Int'l Association of Educators for World Peace 89)
 Int'l Center for Peace  Justice 90)  Int'l Parliament for Safety 
 Peace (India) 91)  Int'l Peace Bureau (Geneva, Switzerland) 92)  Int'l
 Youth  Student Movement for the U.N. 93)  Iowa Peace Network (Des
 Moines) 94)  Ithaca Coalition  for Global Justice (New York) 95)  Joan
 Russow, Global Compliance Research Project (Victoria, Canada) 96)
 Jonah House (Baltimore, MD) 97)  Just Peace Committee (UCC) New
 Orleans 98)  Korean Committee Against MD and for Peace 99)  Latin
 American Circle for Int'l Studies (Mexico City) 100) Little Flower
 Catholic Worker (Goochland, VA) 101) Loretto Disarmament/Economic
 Conversion Committee 102) Los Alamos Study Group 

[CTRL] Fwd: British Secret Service - The Rainbow scheme

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

The text below is excerpted from the much longer article.  Amazing stuff.

The idea for this secret and farsighted course arose from the intense debate
in England of the 1580's and 90's on war as the instrument for national
security and expansion. It was becoming clear to men like William Cecil, his
son Robert, the mathematician and intelligencer John Dee, scholar Hakluyt,
Francis Walsingham, and Francis Bacon that England's future lay in overseas
trade, expansion, inventions and that, because of its naval superiority,
insular England - in the words of Bacon - is at liberty and may take as
much and as little of the war as (it) will. The debate was a national one.
Students and teachers at Oxford were debating in that decade among the usual
Questiones Philosophicae such as Is Woman a nature's mistake?, Do many
worlds exist?, also Can war be just for both sides?, Should one advocate
war to promote national goals?, Is it wiser for a king to invade or [wait]
to be invaded? The same issues - as we shall see - were discussed among
lawyers and students of jurisprudence at Gray's Inn where Bacon worked in
1590's. In the intellectual atmosphere of the Elisabethan establishment
these debates reflected and influenced the political struggle on the issue
in the Court and the Privy Council between the peace party led by William
and Robert Cecil and the war party led by Essex, Walter Raleigh and
others. These argued as Essex did in May 1598 in his Apologia that Peace
will encourage the enemy, A just war is our necessity, while the Cecils
maintained what they always believed and acted upon, that War is a curse.
In that month at one fiery Privy Council meeting the elder Cecil shut up
Essex by reading to him prophetically from his pocket Bible about the men
of blood dying prematurily, which Essex did of the axe at 32 in 1601. By
1604 under James I who succeeded Elisabeth in 1603 the issue was settled.
Raleigh was in the Tower and Robert Cecil had negotiated for England a peace
after 30 years of strife and war with Spain, a peace that helped to open her
global ernpire to British trade.

The Grandest Scheme

Previous decipherers of the Rainbow, Frances Yates, Roy Strong and Rene
Graziani, approached it as an expression of courtly eulogy, of a cult of
Elisabeth or religious sentiment. For Elisabeth herself, her Privy
Council, Court and establishment, these were the sweets and trifles whereas
power politics, policy, knowledge, intelligence were the daily bread. For
the men of the new Elisabethan generation such as Essex, Raleigh, Francis
Bacon and others in the decade after the 1588 Armada defeat, the language of
art and religion, if used at all, was at best a means to communicate,
embellish or hide more ambitious political schemes. Theirs were the updated
concerns of the previous generation's explorers, sea dogs like Drake,
Cavendish, Hawkins, promoters of commerce like William Cecil and Gresham,
intelligencers like Walsingham, Richard Hakluyt and John Dee. Their exploits
and designs are described in great detail in Richard Hakluyt's The Principal
Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques  Discoveries of the English Nation, Made
by Sea or Over-Land to the Remote and Farthest quarters of the Earth at any
time within the compasse of these 1600 Years, published in London in 1589;
in biographies of William Cecil, Thomas Gresham, Francis Walsingham, John
Dee, Francis Drake and others. The aspiring minds of the new generation,
as shown by R. Elser, saw the whole earth as England's imperial Oyster to
be opened by Englishmen's intellectual, political, military, commercial
and geographic grand schemes, mighty designs, romantic models, as they
called them. They dreamed, in Raleigh's words to seek new worlds for gold,
for praise, for glory. Such was Sherley's idea to close Suez to Spanish
trade, Essex's plan to invade Spain, Robert Cecil's Grand Contract between
King and Parliament. Such were Raleigh's colonial expeditions and searches
for Eldorado, Bacon's goal for a total reconstruction of science, arts and
all human knowledge to serve England and by it humanity. Most such ideas
were, as a Venetian diplomat described Sherley's, Grand Scheme, Impossible
to accomplish. The Rainbow, I suggest was the grandest scheme of all. Some
time around the year 1600 cousins Francis Bacon and Robert Cecil, most
probably with the knowledge of Elisabeth, were involved in the production of
a farsighted statement of Pax Britannica and imperial strategy based not on
war but on England's intelligence, espionage, science, and other might.

Some of Elisabeth's portraits have one or two such strange features (the
Phoenix, the Ermine, the Sieve, the Ditchley'). The Rainbow has
three dozens of them. Why these unusual features? Why so many? What do they
mean? Up to now art historians who tried have not been able to answer these
questions. The Rainbow remains a mystery. FrancesYates, one of the most
productive and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Swapping lies: Fed and Treasury officials hanging themselves

2001-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

8:50p ET Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Treasury Department has replied to GATA's latest
questions, through Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, and the
answers are disappointing in the extreme.

Treasury's reply was dated July 13 and signed by John
M. Duncan, assistant secretary for legislative affairs.
Duncan writes that the U.S. government has undertaken no
gold swaps in the last 10 years. He declines to answer
GATA's questions about the reclassification of the U.S.
gold reserves at West Point. These questions, Duncan
writes, have been referred to the Bureau of the Mint
for a direct response.

As for GATA's desire to know what U.S. policy on gold
is, Duncan writes: The Treasury Department will
continue to hold U.S. gold reserves and to value these
reserves at $42. per ounce.

If you believe that this response is the full extent of
the thinking of the U.S. government on gold, I'd like to
talk to you about buying a bridge in Brooklyn that I was
unable to sell to Reg Howe at lunch today.

Fortunately, as you'll see from his latest incisive
essay, attached here, Reg and his remarkable discovery
team have found more references to gold swaps in Federal
Reserve minutes.

The Fed does seem to talk a lot about these supposedly
only mythical creatures. GATA will continue the hunt
for them in the flesh, and, in this hunt, more letters
to members of Congress, seeking a full and candid
explanation of U.S. policy on gold, will be crucial.

Along these lines, a GATA supporter has just sent to
Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning a letter that is so much to
the point that I must share it with you here, for it
shows what all of us have to do to try to engage our
members of Congress in the gold issue:

* * *

Dear Senator:

Forgive my not awaiting reply to earlier letters
(Attachments 1 and 2) on the gold scandal that is slowly
coming to light. I take seriously your inquiry into this
key matter, and want you to benefit from recent research
by recognized experts. With this in mind, I am enclosing
the essay, What is Happening to America's Gold
(Attachment 3), published by James Turk just last week.

As you read Mr. Turk's analysis, I ask you to consider
whether there is a giant coverup under way by those who
have mishandled our national gold stockpiles and now
seek to avoid detection. It is clear that the price of gold
has been manipulated by a few public and corporate
officials since the mid-90's. But it now also appears that
their chief tool has become the illicit selling (or
swapping) of U.S.-owned gold, and that records are being
altered to shield these transactions from Congress and the
public eye.

A possible added means of price manipulation is an
unapproved distribution of gold held by the International
Monetary Fund, which Congress explicitly vetoed two years

Thank you, in advance, for continuing to pursue this
critical issue.



* * *

Government officials can mislead and dissemble for a while
in response to our correspondence, but if we can engage a
few congressmen in the details and get some questions
asked at congressional hearings, such misleading will start
running risks. So let's keep at it.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Swapping Lies:
Fed and Treasury Officials Hanging Themselves

By Reginald H. Howe
August 1, 2001

Although the court case is not moving as swiftly toward
discovery as some had hoped, neither my discovery team
nor GATA's many supporters are remaining idle. Last
week two GATA stalwarts, Mike Bolser and Dave Walker,
working independently but for the common cause, came
across another official reference to gold swaps, this
time in the transcript of the minutes of the Federal
Open Market Committee on March 26, 1991:

This reference came at the end of a lengthy discussion
(pp. 8-21) concerning U.S. foreign exchange reserves,
which are held in approximately equal portions by the
Fed and the Exchange Stabilization Fund. The discussion
began with a presentation by Samuel Cross, Manager for
Foreign Operations, System Open Market Account, of the
pros and cons of holding significant foreign exchange
balances. On the negative side, Mr. Cross cited
exchange rate risk, including unrealized but reportable
losses on marking these positions to market in the
Fed's financial statements.

Addressing this problem, Chairman Alan Greenspan asked
(p. 17): Is there not any mechanism by which we can
create swaps or RPs or something of that nature in
which essentially we have fixed the exchange rate of
our holdings?

In response, former Fed governor Wayne Angell suggested
(p. 18): You could have an exchange of puts. In
effect, you could swap puts and thereby assume that
somebody would ultimately want to exercise that added
advantage. Mr. Cross then observed (id.): It sounds
like a forward exchange 

Re: [CTRL] Kucinich to Introduce Legislation to Ban Weaponization of Space

2001-07-31 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 27/07/01 2:01:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Cleveland) today announced his intention
 introduce legislation to ban the weaponization of space. 

 Tipical of a liberal. Wants to take the fun out of everything. Bet he stays
 up at night worring that there is someone, somewhere in the USA who is happy.

BHoward - Your non-sequitur reminds me of the following email exchange:

In a message dated 27/07/01 1:30:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

 Weaponization?  And then using the same ugly neologism seven times in one
 news release?

 Time for voluntary simplicity and a return to natural beauty in language,
Better that than ugly weapons which will bring nuclear winter to Earth.
Kucinich may be literally risking his life (political and otherwise) for this

Try parsing the nuances of space-based weapons as opposed to weapons in
space, which many non-American earthlings define as American missles
traveling through space before they destroy our beautiful planet.

There, just simple words this time. Are you American?

Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC ;-)

EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Myths of a Palestinian Homeland

2001-07-31 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 07/29/2001 9:48:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The
  first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed
  genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of
  Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be
  known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian
  people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans
  to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to
  Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power. 

 Darn it!  I must really have a problem.  I seem to recall that name in our
 big atlas at home, and I swear it was in a bunch of my text books when I was
 in school.   What happened there?  It was Palestine right up to the end of
 WWII, and then by magic it disappeared and became Israel.

So now you are finally starting to get it. Things change. And not according
to your view of how they SHOULD change. History is a long, long record of
unfair changes. It was unfair of the Israelites to take Canaan. It was unfair
of the Persians, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and others to take Israel. It was
unfair of you White Christian devils to take the lands of indigenous peoples
all around the world.

Life is unfair Prudy. But you can start making it better. Instead of sticking
you nose in the business of the peoples of the Mid-East, you can give your
house to a deserving victim of your unfairness. Find a nice Indian family
and turn your home over to them, and leave. It's only right.

 I didn't mind at
 the time, as I figured the people who lived there would just have to learn to
 spell a new word.  I was wrong.  The people who lived there were not allowed
 to live there any more, and the few who managed to hang on have been
 tormented ever since.  It's really the only place where the Nazi won the war.

You are SO full of shit.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Guns  Health Number of Physicians in the US:  700,000.
Accidental deaths caused by  physicians
per year: 120,000.
Accidental deaths per physician:  0.171
(U.S. Dept. of Health  Human Services)

Number of gun owners in the US:  80,000,000.
Number of accidental gun deaths per year
(all age groups): 1,500.
Accidental deaths per gun owner:  0.188

Statistically, Doctors are approximately 9,000 times
more dangerous than gun owners.

Not everyone has a gun, but most people have at
 least one Doctor.

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
We must ban doctors before this gets out of hand.

As a Public Health Measure I have withheld the
statistics on Lawyers for fear that the shock could
cause people to seek medical aid.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vietnam American Dog Tags

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

This is a sad thing to discuss, but I feel that there may be a friend or
relative of you or someone you know that did not come back from Viet Nam.
Please look in on the following website and pass along to someone that might
be interested.
Dave Russell, CCPR
Crestview, Fl

On a recent Today Show there was a story about two men who went to Hanoi
on a business trip. The men encountered a guy selling old GI dog tags from
US servicemen who were killed during the Viet Nam War. They were disgusted
by the thought of this man profiting from the sale of these tags. Upon
returning to the U.S., they decided to go back to Viet Nam and purchase
ALL the dog tags. They did so, paying 19 cents per tag! They brought home
several hundred tags. The plan is to return the tags to surviving family
members, when they can find them. The process has already begun with one
set being turned over to a grieving Mom on July 4th, (coincidentally, it
was on her birthday)! These two men have set up a website, listing the names of all those whose tags they
purchased. If you lost friends, family, or know of someone who lost a
loved one in Viet Nam, I suggest you check out this website. If you
recognize a name, there's an  e-mail address to contact these two men and
to help in their efforts to return the dogtag to it's rightful survivor.
Family members would be eternally grateful to have such an important item
returned.  Please help by checking this website


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 47 For America

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

47 For America
By Chuck Baldwin
July 31, 2001

One thing that both major political parties agree on is using American
taxpayer dollars to subsidize left wing, totalitarian regimes around the
world. This fact was demonstrated again last week when the House of
Representatives voted to continue such foreign aid expenditures via the
Export-Import Bank.

The price tag for this appropriations bill is $816 million and funds
projects such as nuclear power plants in China, General Electric plants in
Mexico and a host of other globalistic, corporate welfare programs. In fact,
the whole purpose of the Export-Import Bank is to subsidize foreign
governments and international corporations doing business with foreign

When the vote was tallied, 40 Republicans, 6 Democrats and 1 Independent
Congressmen voted for America. 375 Congressmen voted for more corporate
welfare, more globalism and more socialism. Not an encouraging picture.

It should be painfully obvious to everyone that both major parties are
committed to helping international mega-corporations construct a global New
World Order. Border restrictions between the United States and both Mexico
and Canada are tumbling faster than the stock market. Both the Clinton and
Bush White Houses were and are on a fast track to welcoming China into the
World Trade Organization. Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader, Bob
Dole, conspired to give us NAFTA and GATT. Bush is trying to figure out how
he can legalize millions of illegal aliens and still convince people he is a
conservative. Yes, Sir. When it comes to taking hard earned U.S. tax dollars
and using them to prop up socialist governments and international banking
cartels, there is virtually no difference between the two parties.

The underlying problem, of course, is the love of money. No man can be a
lover of wealth and a lover of liberty at the same time. Since World War II,
however, wealth and freedom have been lumped together, as if they are
synonymous. They aren't. Wealth is the fruit of freedom, not its root. To
suggest otherwise is pure folly.

Yet, globalist leaders such as G.W. Bush, Colin Powell and others constantly
tell us that the pursuit of wealth in China, for example, will ultimately
lead to that nation becoming free. Nonsense! Since pursuing trade with
Communist China, persecution of Christians and political dissidents is up,
not down. The chains of tyranny and oppression grow greater, not smaller.

What we should be doing is pursuing freedom thereby providing the framework
upon which prosperity can grow. Of course, liberty is predicated upon things
like private gun ownership, strong national borders, limited state
government and Biblical morality, all of which are anathema to the landlords
of the new global village that both Republicans and Democrats are helping to
construct. Therefore, out of 435 members of the House of Representatives,
only 47 voted for America.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Strange Case Of The Judeo-Nazis

2001-07-31 Thread William Shannon


"One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland."
-Yitzhak Greenbaum,
Chairman of the Jewish Agency during World War II.

"A man shot a bullet in the neck of my sister Salhiyeh, who was nine months
Then he cut her stomach, open with a butcher's knife."
-testimony of an Arab survivor of the Zionist massacre at Deir Yassin, April
9, 1948

Many observers, including quite a few Jews, have noted the bizarre symbiotic
relationship that Zionism has with Nazism and anti-Semitism. Zionist groups
have used the fear of a Nazi resurgence to boost fundraising and to enforce
internal discipline and national cohesiveness. The Nazi threat keeps the
sheep in line and the shekels coming.

Zionism is an irrational ideology, combining extreme Jewish chauvinism with
the desire to suppress all other nationalisms. A Montreal Jewish poet and
Zionist said it best: he hated the KKK and the Black Muslims not because they
hated Jews, but because he was not allowed to join either organization.

The same can be said of the Zionist fascination with National Socialism and
Fascism. Vladimir-Zeev Jabotinsky, a contemporary of David Ben Gurion and
founder of the 'Revisionist' wing of the Zionist movement, admired Mussolini
and dressed up members of his group in brown shirts. According to Yossi
Melman in his book,The New Israelis, some Revisionist Zionists went so far as
to say, "had Hitler not been anti-Semitic, they would have supported his
national-socialism." Jabotinsky also developed a 'fuhrer' cult by demanding
his devotees worship him.

Attempts by Israeli historians to downplay the influence of Revisionism, that
it was an isolated extremist sect with no link to mainstream Zionism, is not
borne out by the facts. Revisionism served as a vanguard of Zionism in
Palestine. Both the Jabotinsky and Ben Gurion loyalists held very similar
views, but disagreed at times on tactics. Often they coordinated a "good
cop-bad cop" routine in dealing with Arabs and the international community,
something which Israel continues to this with its Labour vs. Likud
horse-and-pony show. Menachem Begin was a devotee of the Revisionist movement
and commanded its 'Irgun' terrorist unit. Another Israeli prime-minister,
Yitzak Shamir, was also a Irgun member and the father of the present
prime-minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was a Revisionist as well.

Despite its public show of "antifascism", the Zionist movement had no qualms
about working with the Nazi government in Germany. Zionists bantered about
the slogan, "Wear the yellow star with pride", and generally approved of
Hitler's anti- assimilation policies in the early days. The Jewish Agency for
Palestine, Ben Gurion's "mainstream" Zionist organization, held extensive
talks with Nazi Party functionaries over the issue of creating a Jewish
"homeland". The Nazis even issued a medal to commemorate the event, with both
the Swastika and the Star of David on it!

Another inconvenient Jewish overture to Nazism revolved around the Zionist
terrorist group called LEHI (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), better
known as the 'Stern Gang'. Formed in 1940 as a more radical offshoot of the
Revisionists, LEHI held secret talks with German Nazi and Italian Fascist
diplomats in Beirut. LEHI terrorists wanted to form an alliance with the Axis
powers in order to expel the British from Palestine. Former Israeli
prime-minister, Yitzhak Shamir, was a leading figure in LEHI after he left

The Zionists claim a "moral right" to Palestine because of the catastrophe
that befell European Jewry during the Second World War even though the
Palestinians had nothing to do with this catastrophe in the first place. This
Zionist claim, of course, is absurd. Zionist settlement in Palestine did not
begin after World War II in response to the Holocaust, but in 1882.

Furthermore, the Zionists have no "moral right" because they openly sought
alliances with Hitler and Mussolini and even developed a debased form of
Jewish 'Fascism' whose direct lineal descendent is the ruling 'Likud' party
in Israel. And what about the Israeli Army, whose special units were built
around Irgun and LEHI terrorists? Have they not committed the same type of
atrocities the Zionists self-righteously accused the SS and Gestapo of
engaging in? 

[CTRL] 30 July 2001 Federalist Edition #01-31

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

30 July 2001
Federalist Edition #01-31
Monday Brief

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God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation
be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are a
gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God
is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever. --Thomas


An open mind, in questions that are not ultimate, is useful. But an
open mind about ultimate foundations either of Theoretical or
Practical Reason is idiocy. If a man's mind is open on these things,
let his mouth at least be shut. --C.S. Lewis


I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have
set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose
life, that both you and your descendants may live. (Deuteronomy
30:19)  ++  And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for
yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your
father served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of
the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we
will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)  ++  Be strong and of good
courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is
with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)  ++  The Lord is my rock, my
fortress and my deliverer. (2 Samuel 22:2)  ++  Even the youths
shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but
those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they
shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:30-31)  ++  Not by might nor by
power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6) [All
verses NKJV ]


The protective fence that surrounded even agnostics in past centuries
was rooted in the principles of the Ten Commandments and the
philosophy and instructions of the Beatitudes. But we aborted those
principles and now we abort ourselves. Soon, with no controlling moral
authority, we will euthanize the elderly and the handicapped. At each
stage, we will be consoled that we are doing good. --Cal Thomas


All too often, those demanding their rights are visible, while those
whose rights may be abridged must be imagined. Fairness demands a
balancing of conflicting rights. To achieve this requires the
recognition that a balance is necessary, plus a bit of imagination.
That is, fairness requires effort, not merely unthinking sympathy for
those who are shown to us on TV. This is especially true when those
who are invisible include children, crime victims, the elderly, and
others less able to ask for their own rights. The invisible are not
insignificant, and they too have rights. --David C. Stolinsky


The American culture is journeying through muck and smut, looking for
lower ground, not of necessity but of depravity. Unless we change
course, and soon, our destination is either moral anarchy and social
chaos, or the surrender of all our freedoms to Big Brother in exchange
for his promise to protect us from ourselves. --Linda Bowles


Americans need to be especially on guard against moves against free
speech and their right to keep and bear arms. The purpose of passing
hate-crime legislation is simply to lay the predicate for passing
hate-speech laws. ...Freedom and compulsion are contradictions.
..What the present generation must do is guard against the growing
trend toward more authoritarian government. Government 

[CTRL] Week Ending: 28 July 2001/8 Av 5761

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 28 July 2001/8 Av 5761

Awake, awake, clothe yourself in your strength, O Zion; Clothe yourself in
your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city. For the uncircumcised
and the unclean will no more come into you. Shake yourself from the dust,
rise up, O captive Jerusalem; Loose yourself from the chains around your
neck, O captive daughter of Zion. [Isaiah 52.1-2]

Highlights Of This Week:


the Israeli Supreme Court decided that the Temple Mount and Land of Israel
Faithful Movement would be allowed on Sunday to bring the cornerstone for
the Third Temple to the area of the southern Hulda Gates of the Temple
Mount which was the main entrance for the First and Second Temple. The
Court denied the petition by the Temple Mount Faithful to enter the Temple
Mount to pray and lay the cornerstone on the Temple Mount. The plan to
bring the cornerstone to the area near the Temple Mount has stirred the
Muslims and many nations as well. Palestinians warned on Saturday that
attempts to carry the 4.5-ton stone into the compound on Sunday would
outrage Muslims. PLO leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction called for a day
of rage on Sunday. (Just to make sure he is safe, Arafat's office said he
would leave Gaza for a one-day visit to Morocco on Sunday for talks with
King Mohammed on the security situation.) The Prime Minister's Office and
the Foreign Ministry Saturday held talks with the governments of the United
States, Egypt, Jordan and a number of European countries, and asked them to
use their influence on the Palestinian Authority [PA/PLO] to prevent unrest
during the ceremony. A senior member of the Waqf [Islamic authority on
the Temple Mount] has warned the government: We will react with a violent
and harsh response never before experienced by the Israelis, because from
our point of view, the Temple Mount is the crossing of a red line and no
Muslim will allow it to be touched. Go through, go through the gates;
Clear the way for the people [Isaiah 62.10a] The cornerstone can be seen
on the Temple Mount Faithful's Web site located at:

An advertisement jointly signed by the Yesha Council of Jewish Settlements
of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District, the headquarters of the Temple
Mount Faithful and Ha'Mikdash movements, and the council of Yesha rabbis
calls on the public to gather Saturday afternoon around the gates to the
Temple Mount for a prayer session. Jews, prime ministers and their
ministers have closed the gates of redemption to their people; they have
denied their G-d; they have denied their temples, the advertisement reads.
This is what caused the destruction of the land. We won't be partners of
leaders who block gates and make treaties with the enemy, who imagined
finding peace and found shame instead. Against the will of the miserables
of Zion, ministers, judges and Torah sages, the gates to the Temple Mount
will be opened with the grace of G-d, and all lovers of Zion will go up to
the mountain of G-d.

The U.S. State Department issued a public announcement Friday placing the
entire city of Jerusalem off limits to Embassy staff and their dependents
from Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 29.

:: YESHA RABBIS FOR TEMPLE MOUNT: The Rabbinical Council of Judea, Samaria
and Gaza recently called on all rabbis to bring their communities to visit
the Temple Mount - in accordance with halakha (religious law) - and it
urged the Israel public to do the same. This is the first time a group of
rabbis representing a substantial segment of the religious Zionist public
has ruled it is permissible for Jews to ascend the Temple Mount, as long as
certain areas are avoided. Most leading Torah sages have ruled that Jews
are not allowed on the mount at all, lest they accidentally tread on the
sites to which they would have been forbidden entry when the Temple was
standing. The rabbis plan to ask the Yesha Council of Jewish settlements to
organize mass trips to the mount from the settlements. Rabbi Dov Lior of
Kiryat Arba noted that the rabbis will have to prepare maps of the mount to
show Jews where they may go and where they are halakhically forbidden to
walk. Rabbi Yitzhak Shilat of Ma'aleh Adumin added that since religious law
does permit Jews to visit certain areas of the mount, our right,
obligation and ability to pray on the 

[CTRL] another American Mengele

2001-07-31 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-07-31 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

Hold on there, Dale. Larouche is a self-proclaimed anti-semite. Calling him
a neo-nazi is no huge leap of the imagination. You call my opinions
convenient labels, But they are just that: my opinions. You seem to have
no trouble expressing your own(religious fanaticism is Bad, it's Bad.), so
don't get too self-righteous if I do the same. My dog is stupid, she comes
in from outside and shits on the floor. She really is stupid, convenient
label or not. Some things deserve a label and I believe that LaRouche is
indeed a FREAK! And Mary, go ahead and reread the article again and again;
memorize it for all I care. It still won't be anything but garbage.

From: Dale Stonehouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 07:19:49 -0500

-Caveat Lector-

  -Original Message-
  From: ashley Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert
  Hey William,
  Why is it that you keep posting crap from or about Lyndon
  LaRouche? Are you
  a Neo-Nazi? He's a total freak and I can't imagine any sane
  person giving
  him his/her attention.

There may be a lot of things you can't imagine; none of them require your
belief to exist, however.

Neo-Nazi and freak are convenient labels; however, as I have said many
times on this list, when labeling begins, thinking stops.

LaRouche is a political radical and may be a bit over-fearful. Then again
may just know more than the rest of us. Even a small amount of balanced
research shows that whether you agree with LaRouche or not his economic
models and mathematical background go far beyond the average individual.

The main difference between LaRouche and others is his fanaticism is more
political and economic and less religious. I guess I prefer any type of
fanaticism other than religious.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

2001-07-31 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Privacy Not

 -Caveat Lector-

 you came up with an original word

no i didn't. 'twas a simple test to assess your understanding of the subject
you speak so authoritively. unsurprisingly, you fail.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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