[CTRL] Ann Tells NYers the Gospel of the Times

2001-10-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
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Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Dressing for distress
Editor's note:  This is Ann Coulter's debut commentary for
WorldNetDaily.  You can find her column here each week on Wednesday
evenings -- a day before it appears anywhere else on the Net.
By Ann Coulter
© 2001 Universal Press Syndicate
I knew the events of Sept. 11 were big, but I didn't really realize
how big until I read in the New York Times that fashion was – and I
quote – Taking a Back Seat To Unfolding Events.

The Times also had a moving piece on the trials of people who lived near Ground Zero 
having to beat a quick retreat to Manhattan's finer hotels: [L]iving in a hotel – 
particularly a high-design hotel – can both speed and
 complicate a return to normalcy.

But insolent staff and high thread-count sheets are not the only suffering in Gotham.  
New York Times headlines could barely convey the unspeakable horror of it all: Style: 
O Fashion, Where Art Thou?; New Look for Ente
rtainment In a Terror-Conscious World; Refugees at the Ritz;  After The Attacks: 
The Magazines – Editors Rush to Revise Long-Made Plans.

There were innumerable wartime sacrifices made by many ordinary New Yorkers. By 
putting up a courageous front, fashionable businesses and institutions – even a single 
style arbiter – can provide a service during tough ti
mes.  Designers planned to give women freedom to dress as they want. (Get it?)

In another story from the frontlines, the Times somberly reported that Manhattanites 
were feeling an urgent need to connect primally.  Explaining that he wanted 
something physical, Adam Lichtenstein, 36, a film editor
 offered more detail than readers necessarily needed about his recent one-night stand. 
She is someone I very openly refer to as my wartime liaison, he said.

In addition to meaningless sex and courageous fashion design, there was a more 
controversial balm helping some New Yorkers through their grief.  It could not be 
discussed frankly in pages of the Times. This questionable t
opic would require the utmost brevity and delicacy.

The rescue workers found a cross standing in the rubble of Ground Zero.

It was discovered just a few days after the attack.  While performing the soul-numbing 
work of pulling human bodies and body parts from the smoking wreckage, construction 
worker Frank Silecchia happened upon a perfectly s
ymmetrical cross in the midst of the wreckage. It was standing straight, 20-feet high, 
surrounded by many smaller crosses.

Silecchia stopped in his tracks and stood crying for 20 minutes.  When I first saw 
it, it took my heart, Silecchia said.   It helped me heal the burden of my despair, 
and gave me closure on the whole catastrophe.

Meanwhile, as a Times reporter recounted, other Manhattanites took refuge in belly 
dancers.  Finally the belly dancer came through, and maybe it was all that pressure 
that had built up this week, but when she beckoned, a
 lot of people at my table started running.

Hard hat Silecchia brought his fellow rescue workers to the site of the cross and they 
have been making regular pilgrimages to the cross ever since.  Many of the men call it 
a miracle.

But for other New Yorkers, the Times reported:  Finding Solace Means Returning to 

The daily horror of pulling human remains from the rubble has the rescue workers at 
the breaking point. Someone etched God Bless Our Fallen Brothers on the cross.

In other news, the Newspaper of Record reported, New Yorkers are part of a huge 
come-back in sewing!  People want to sew, create and get back to basics, one shop 
owner told the Times.  Not only that, but some of the cit
y's darkest fears turned out to be needless hysteria: At the Plaza Hotel, a Fifth 
Avenue landmark, fears that the famed Oak Room and Oyster Bar will close have 
dissipated. Also, fast food is moving well.

The cross at Ground Zero was not simply the cross beams remaining from an existing 
building. It was formed out of beams from Building One plunging, splitting and 
crashing into Building Six.  There's no symmetry to anythi
ng down there, the FBI chaplain said, except those crosses.

In another weird coincidence, as the coping-through-belly-dancing article described, a 
lot of New Yorkers are having sex.  A woman named Miriam offered this insight in the 
pages of the Times: I also like watching porno a
nd that sort of thing. And I think [my boyfriend] finds that freeing.

The Times eventually mentioned the cross at Ground Zero in one small item on page B-12 
over three weeks after Silecchia found it.

A Franciscan priest, Father Brian Jordan, blessed the cross with Holy water in a 
ceremony attended by rescue workers, nuns and priests.  Bagpipes played Amazing 
Grace. The workers sang God Bless America.  It was argua
bly an even bigger event 

[CTRL] Saudi connections: Too Delicate to Touch?

2001-10-25 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: All The News That Doesn't Fit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Saudi connections: Too Delicate to Touch?
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:51 PM

Saudi connections: Too Delicate to Touch?

the Independent - 18 October 2001

'Saudi connection' puts new strain on alliance

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

Investigators are concentrating on a Saudi connection to the 11
September terrorist attacks on America, suggesting that part of the
conspiracy was hatched there - to the intense disquiet of Saudi
Arabia's ruling monarchy.

Relations were already queasy between America and the world's largest
oil exporter - which happens to be both Washington's most important
ally in the Gulf and the birthplace of Osama bin Laden.

American investigators soon discovered that up to 12 of the 19
hijackers of the four aircraft used that day entered America with
Saudi passports or with visas issued by US consulates in that
country. Since then more than 700 people have been questioned or
detained by the authorities in America in connection with the attacks
-among them an unspecified number of Saudi citizens.

Neither the Saudi embassy nor the Justice Department will say how
many of the suspects are Saudi: indeed, so little has been divulged,
and so minor are some of the charges on which the detainees are being
held that American civil rights groups are asking whether their
constitutional rights have been violated.

According to lawyers, two members of Saudi Arabia's ruling family
were detained for more than 20 days after being picked up at Denver
airport. They were released last week, but will still have to answer
for minor infringements of immigration laws.

The Saudi embassy has retained lawyers for all the suspects, The Wall
Street Journal reported this week, after personal instructions to
counsel from Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the veteran Saudi ambassador
in Washington, that each and every one of them is to be helped as if
you have no other cases and nothing else to do. This vigorous stance
may be an admirable example of a country helping its citizens who
find themselves in difficulty on foreign soil. But it is bound to
raise fears in America that, as with the investigation into the
deadly 1996 attack on US barracks at Khobar, Saudi Arabia, the
kingdom might prove less than fully co-operative with US
investigators into a terrorist incident with which it is linked.

In the case of the 11 September attacks, pointers to such connections
continue to grow.

American investigators believe that several of the hijackers were
recruited by al-Qa'ida cells operating in Saudi Arabia itself. The
inquiry is focusing on the town of Abha in the south west of the
country, where four hijackers are believed to have originated. People
from this region have also been linked with the attack on the USS
Cole in Aden last October, in which 17 American sailors died.

These allegations, and others that Saudi-based charities and
companies have channelled finance to Mr bin Laden and his network,
have placed the kingdom on the defensive, and increased resentment of
America in Saudi Arabia -the very outcome that the Bush
administration is seeking to avoid.

In a television interview last month, Prince Bin Sultan, who has been
ambassador since 1983 and is very well connected to the White House,
acknowledged that some people in Saudi Arabia supported Mr bin Laden,
but said their numbers were few. When you say 'so many' you have to
put it relatively, he told his questioner. Relative to what? Are
there sixteen, twenty, one hundred?

Bin Laden - what he represents, and people who preach like him or
support him - yes, they don't like my government. Yes, they don't
like my political system. But they don't like it for the wrong
reasons, not for the right reasons you think of. They want us to go
back 1,000 years. We want to move forward.

But these arguments have not stilled public criticism. A recent
editorial in The New York Times declared that the deeply cynical and
cold-blooded bargain at the heart of the Saudi-US relationship -
Saudi oil in exchange for American military protection -was in urgent
need of updating. Decades of equivocation and Hobbesian calculations
have left US-Saudi relations in an untenable and unreliable state,
the paper said. These deformities must be addressed before they do
further damage to both nations.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Stan Gotlieb Remembers Another Drug Fugitive

2001-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
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600,000 scholarships!

October 25, 2001
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

Veteran journalist Stan Gotlieb remembers Dan Del Santo, a former Texas
radio personality and musician who, because of U.S. drug laws, fled to
Mexico as a fugitive. Del Santo passed away recently, and Gotlieb,
publisher of realoaxaca.com, in a moving and socially-conscious essay,
remembers Del Santo's life and times.

Remembering Dan Del Santo:

Another Drug Fugitive Bites the Dust


From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] [DailyBrief] Penecillin VS Doxycycline VS Ciprofloxin

2001-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan

Comment: the following asks some good questions. I'll add one more: the Oct.
18 FDA Public Health Advisory
(http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2001/NEW00774.html) fails to address the
need for sensitivity tests to establish efficacy of doxy for a particular
strain. Is there any basis for the FDA's (undocumented) implication that
doxy is as effective as cipro for all strains, contradicting the AMA
position? Please cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on any replies.

Forwarded from Jerry L. Mothershead [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] from [DailyBrief]

Keep forgetting that there are a lot of non-medical types on this
list...just for clarification...up until the 18th of October, Cipro was the
only FDA approved drug for post-exposure prophylaxis for EXPOSURE (but not
necessarily infection with) anthrax.  It was also the recommended FIRST LINE
medication for TREATMENT of active disease.  In practicality, what this
means is that at the institutional level (e.g. OEP, the Military Services,
etc.) they cannot plan on widespread distribution of other medications for
post-exposure prophylaxis to anthrax, which would be called off-label use.
An individual physician COULD prescribe another medication for post-exposure
prophylaxis and/or for empiric treatment prior to identification of the
bug's sensitivity to various medications, but, again, in practicality, a
physician wouldn't do this unless there were clear reasons to avoid Cipro -
not just good medicine reasons, but also the ever-present legal ones...if he
uses another drug and the patient dies, he's going to have trouble
justifying his bucking of the recommendations in a lawsuit.

Now, on the 18th, without much fanfare, FDA released a press statement which
definitely states that it may be used for the TREATMENT of any form of
anthrax, and the release SEEMs to say that it can also be used for
post-exposure prophylaxis, which makes sense - if you can use it for the
disease, it only follows that you should be able to use it to prevent the
disease in the first place.

NOW...here is my dilemma on this, and if Jerry Hauer is on the list, maybe
he can explain the rationale to me...IF the FDA now approves doxy (in other
words, it is equal to Cipro), and signficant side effects are roughly
equivalent, AND the cost of doxy is so much cheaper than Cipro (doxy is now
generic, cipro and the other floxins are not), why is Secretary Thompson so
insistent on beating up on Bayer, rather than increasing the stockpiles of
doxy...even at 95 cents/pill for the Cipro, it is still 3-4 timew as
expensive as doxy...that is a lot of money that could be spent in other
areas of medical preparedness...I THINK I know what is going on here, but am
not sure...

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[CTRL] Fwd: Anthrax matches US bioweapon strain

2001-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan

Anthrax matches US bioweapon strain 
Anthrax spores now spreading terror in America closely match a strain
developed as a US bioweapon in the 1960s. According to the evidence, it is
not the same type as the one mass-produced for weapons by either Iraq or the
former Soviet Union. The FBI has confirmed that the anthrax sent to Florida,
NBC, and Senator Tom Daschle were all the same strain, Ames. This was the
name given to a strain isolated by the US Department of Agriculture's
veterinary laboratory in Ames, Iowa, in the 1930s and which still strikes
cattle in western America. But it also has a more sinister connotation,
according to a special report in the magazine New Scientist. Experts
analysing the anthrax used in the US attacks are comparing its DNA with a
library of strains collected from all over the world. The name Ames was
given to one of the strains in this collection, which came from a freezer
sample at the British biodefence establishment at Porton Down, Wiltshire, in
the 1980s. Porton Down had acquired it from the US Army Medical Research
Institute for Infectious Diseases in Maryland, the magazine says. Those who
compiled the library said it was the same strain the US used for anthrax
weapons. The programme ended in 1969 and the mass-produced anthrax was
destroyed, but samples were kept both by the US and its allies. One expert
interviewed by the magazine, Martin Hugh-Jones, of Louisiana State
University at Baton Rouge, said the Ames strain was a challenge to any
vaccine. When laboratory animals immunised with a vaccine now being given
to thousands of American troops were exposed to the anthrax, many still died
from it. 
© Copyright Press Association Ltd 2001, all rights reserved. 


2001-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan

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From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room



Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 25 October 2001, 4:29 a.m.

From Rayelan, Publisher Rumor Mill News:

I live in a small farm community which has a radio station called KOMY! The 
above headline, which was NOT written by me -- is wrong! KOMY is in Watsonville, a 
small town about 15 miles south of Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz is so leftist liberal you'd think they were part of communist 
China, rather than the United States. Watsonville is slightly more moderate due to the 
large number of farmers as opposed to Santa Cruz's University students! Santa Cruz is 
where I was born and I graduated from UCSC. If anyone has a right to criticize Santa 
Cruz, I do!

I now live in Watsonville, and the only station I can get without interference 
is the Watsonville station KOMY. It is the sister station to Santa Cruz radio station, 

Up until about a year ago, KOMY had a morning program featuring Jim Hightower. 
While he wasn't my favorite talk show host, he did have interesting guests and I liked 
the quality of research he presented!

Then Jim was replaced with some jerk named Peter Werbe. I tried listening to 
him a few times, but he was so rude to some of his callers, namely the ones that 
disagreed with him, that I turned him off and listened to classical music. For me, a 
talk show junky, to turn off a talk show host... you KNOW they have to be BAD!!

Werbe's politics are those that you expect to find at a far left liberal 
institution like the University of California at Berkeley and sadly, at MY Alma Mater, 
the University of California at SANTA CRUZ!!

Because I had stopped listening to KOMY at the time Werbe was on, I did not 
know he had been replaced! The first I heard of it was in a station editorial by KOMY 
co-owner, Kaye Zwerling. I was in my car at the time, and her editorial was so moving 
that I had tears streaming down my face and I had to wipe my eyes to see the road!

Needless to say, I agreed with what she had to say, both about Peter Werbe AND 
about the need for our country to come together at this time. I believe healthy debate 
is good and necessary for a country. Peter Werbe does NOT debate! When he discovers 
that a caller is a conservative, the caller is cut off.

I believe that NO writer should be censored, except when that writer is 
putting the lives of our men and women and/or our country in danger!

I believe that talk show hosts like Werbe and others that you find on CNN, CBS 
and other mainstream media outlets, give our enemies support and actually turn some of 
our more mush-minded citizens into anti-American supporters of our enemies!

I do not consider myself an authority on Peter Werbe, I just know I didn't 
like him and was very glad to find out that he was gone from my hometown station in 
the land of the Jolly Green Giant!

You can't imagine my surprise when I found an email, OF SUPPORT, for Peter 
Werbe on the RMNews Updates! I have left it there, in its original form, so everyone 
can see it!!


This Saturday, October 27th at 10:00AM California time, Peter Werbe is going 
to be on KOMY and sister station KSCO in a debate with co-owners Michael and Kaye 

I am certain that this is going to be one of the more exciting Saturday 
Specials that KSCO/KOMY has ever produced.

I encourage all of my readers who are in our area to tune in and listen to one 
of the last bastions of privately owned talk radio in the nation!

Keep this number handy:


This is the call-in line! I am certain the discussion will be heated!

If you are out of our area, I believe the station is going to put this show on 
the web.

Pull up the webpage and download what you need to listen before hand!


I have produced below, the Editorial by Kaye Zwerling which first alerted me 
that KOMY was safe to listen to again, AND the e-mail about Peter, (which some think 
he wrote himself... tell me what YOU think!) which was received at the RMNews Updates!

The editorial by Kaye is an mp3 file. Thanks to one of our German RMNews 
Agents, the file is on the web IN GERMANY!! You can listen while you read!


[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] Contradicting Some U.S. Officials, 3 Scientists Call Anthrax Powder Hi

2001-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan

The experts have finally spoken out and as some of us have suspected all
along, it's now obvious that Ridge, CDC officials, and Thompson have been
lying to the public in an attempt to avoid mass panic. It's clearly time to
close down the U.S. mail system immediately.


October 25, 2001


Contradicting Some U.S. Officials, 3 Scientists Call Anthrax Powder


cientists in and out of government said yesterday that the anthrax strike on
Capitol Hill involved an advanced, highly refined powder that is quite
dangerous and not the primitive form of the germ that some federal officials
have recently described.

Three top scientists — all with experience in germ weapons and knowledge of
the federal investigation — said in interviews yesterday that the powder was
high-grade and in theory capable of inflicting wide casualties.

And, two of the scientists said, the anthrax was altered from its natural
state to reduce its electrostatic charge, a process that prevents small
particles from sticking together and to nearby objects, thus making them
more likely to become airborne.

The experts noted that turning anthrax into a weapon of mass destruction
still required added steps, like making the powder in quantity and learning
how to disseminate it effectively. One expert said that only the United
States, the Soviet Union and Iraq were known to have developed the necessary
technique. But the experts said some officials were playing down the
powder's potency out of ignorance or an impulse to reassure a frightened

Federal officials and weapons experts have given varying descriptions of the
powder in the 10 days since an aide to Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota,
the majority leader, opened a letter containing the anthrax.

Some federal officials have said the germs were an unrefined preparation of
microbes, while others have warned that they were potent and easily turned
into a cloud that could infect many people. Anthrax spores in the powder
contaminated at least 28 people in Senate offices.

None of these people have become sick, but federal investigators said the
Daschle letter may have leaked anthrax in transit from New Jersey and
infected postal workers there and in Washington. Two Washington postal
workers have died of anthrax.

William C. Patrick III, a microbiologist who designed germ weapons for the
United States before President Richard M. Nixon renounced them in 1969, said
he had learned details of the federal inquiry from a senior investigator.
The Senate powder, Mr. Patrick said, was quite potent and capable of sailing
far through the air to hurt many people.

He said the makers of the anthrax spores sent to Mr. Daschle's office had
produced a dry powder that was remarkably free of extraneous material.

It's high-grade, said Mr. Patrick, who consults widely on making germ
defenses. It's free flowing. It's electrostatic free. And it's in high

Experts on germ weaponry agree that the removal of electrostatic charges is
a major step toward making an effective munition. The Soviet Union and
United States developed sophisticated ways of diminishing this attraction
and helping the particles float more freely, increasing their ease of
dissemination and likelihood of inhalation.

Mr. Patrick said that whoever sent the Daschle letter had clearly achieved
this step. It's fluffy, he said, quoting experts who examined the powder.
It appears to have an additive that keeps the spores from clumping.
Removing the charge, he added, is a black art, few details of which are
known publicly.

Assertions by some federal officials that the material was not the type that
would be used in weapons are nonsense, he said. The only difference
between this and weapons grade is the size of the production. You can
produce a very good grade of anthrax powder in the lab. The issue is whether
those efforts can be expanded in scale, so you can make large quantities.

Richard Spertzel, a microbiologist and former head of biological inspection
teams in Iraq for the United Nations, said he, too, had talked to federal
investigators about the Senate powder.

There's no question this is weapons quality, Dr. Spertzel said. It has
all the characteristics — fine particles and readily dispersible. Particles
must be small to penetrate deep into human lungs, where they can start a
lethal infection.

Al Zelicoff, a physician and expert on biological weapons at the Sandia
National Laboratory in Albuquerque, who is developing a computerized system
to allow epidemiologists to track suspicious disease outbreaks, said his
conversations with federal investigators had alarmed him.

These people know what they're doing, Dr. Zelicoff said of the anthrax
terrorists. I'm truly worried. They have the keys to the kingdom.

He cautioned, however, that the federal investigation was continuing and had
produced results that were preliminary, with no 

[CTRL] Unconfirmed: Osama, Omar killed by own troops?

2001-10-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-


Source at http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/05/20011024id36.htm

Report by China News Service quoting Japanese source in Tokyo per the
following (translated by AIT from Chinese from the site at:
http://www.chinanews.com.cn/2001-10-24/26/133210.html/ in Chinese, and
http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/05/20011024id36.htm in Japanese):

Chinese News Service Reports: Osama bin Laden Killed?

Filed by Hiroyuki Sugiyama, Yomiuri Shimbun Reporter based in Beijing.

Based on Japanese sources in Tokyo, news report (s) has been received that
on October 16th, both the leader of Taliban Afghanistan Omar and the leader
of AlQaida, Osama bin Laden, were both shot and killed in Afghanistan, by
elements within their ranks. However at this time no other news sources have
confirmed the assassinations.

The CNS news report stated that it is reported that Omar and Bin Laden had
returned to one of the underground Taliban bases near Kandahar in the south,
at approximately 11 a.m. local time in Afghanistan on 16 October. As the two
and others were entering the underground base, it was reported an ally fired
upon his (Omar's) back from the rear. The report is that Omar was hit in the
upper torso, and bin Laden was hit once in the chest and once in the upper
left shoulder area. Both expired at that location.

The report goes on to say that accompanying bin Laden were one of his sons
and this son's wife, who were also hit with gunfire in the chest, waist and
shoulder areas, and they too have reported suffered fatal wounds from this
attack. The second eldest son of Omar also suffered a gunshot wound to the
right side of his lower torso, and escaped the shooting, but expired on the
following day. End of Text

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Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/24/01 6:34:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

we get anthrax, and they get to party 

BATS! Watch out for those DAMN BATS! They are everywhere.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

hallucinogens are not like the dts

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:21:39 EDT
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/24/01 6:34:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 we get anthrax, and they get to party 

 BATS! Watch out for those DAMN BATS! They are everywhere.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-25 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Apollo watereth, INRI

Do you whistle while your urinating?
Psychological question here -


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Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-25 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 fight the worldwide sandal conspiracy!

 you know, jesus wore sandals...

 Yes, you are right. Sandal wearing is OK for desert and
 jungle dwellers but it is well recognized that Americans
 males over the age of 16 who wear sandals suffer from a
 high level of cranium - rectal disorder.

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Re: [CTRL] US, Israel head for confrontation

2001-10-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/24/01 8:18:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON - Long-time allies Israel and the United States appear headed
 a major confrontation following Prime Minister Ariel Sharon government's
 rejection on Tuesday of US demands that Israel withdraw its troops after
 their deepest incursions into Palestinian territory in a decade. 

Sure they are.  Well, I'll believe it when I see it.  I mean really see it.
 I never thought that Oh my goodness, you shouldn't do that, ranked as
confrontation.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Israeli-based drug gang nabbed near WTC (fwd)

2001-10-25 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli-based drug gang nabbed near WTC

By Samuel Maull, The Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) - Six members of an international drug gang, including a man
who refused to leave a stash house on the day the World Trade Center's
twin towers collapsed two blocks away, have been indicted on narcotics

Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said Wednesday that the
Israeli-based gang mostly sold ecstasy, a popular nightclub hallucinogen
that they imported from Holland, but they also trafficked in cocaine,
hashish and marijuana.

The first suspect arrested was Zwi Haim Harris, 30, whom firefighters
found in an apartment house at 300 Albany St., two blocks north of the
Trade Center, following the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, Morgenthau said.

The firefighters had gone into the apartment house about two hours after
the first tower fell to make sure that it had been evacuated.

Morgenthau said they found Harris acting suspiciously and turned him over
to police.

Asked by police what he was doing, Harris took them to a seventh-floor
apartment where he said he lived. When he opened the door to the
apartment, police noticed marijuana on a living room table, Morgenthau

Police arrested Harris and sealed the apartment.

After getting a search warrant for the apartment, they recovered more than
3,000 ecstasy pills, hashish, marijuana, drug paraphernalia that included
scales, grinders and chemicals, as well as two guns and numerous rounds of

Assistant District Attorney Daniel Castleman, Morgenthau's chief of
investigations, said the apartment's interior was covered in the gray dust
and ash that blanketed Lower Manhattan after the towers fell.

On Tuesday, detectives arrested another five men and searched nine
locations and seven cars, Morgenthau said.

He said the gang's leader, Yigal Dobakrov, 37, of Brooklyn, had 50,000
ecstasy pills worth $1.25 million.

Other items police recovered included 10,000 ecstasy pills worth about
$250,000, $15,000 in cash, and three guns.

Morgenthau said Dobakarov is a citizen of Israel who has an arrest record
there. His role was to oversee drug importation to America and the
shipment of money back to Israel, Morgenthau said.

The district attorney said others in the gang included:

Michael Brenman, 29, of Lakewood, New Jersey, the ring's wholesale
distributor in the New York metropolitan area;

Allen Agureyev, 48, Brooklyn, a courier who delivered drugs to dealers and
carried money that was paid for the drugs after Brenman made the deals;

Lior Hajaj, 28, of Manhattan, a mid-level distributor for Brenman and a
supplier to other distributors in the metropolitan area;

Frank Gomez, 46, of Manhattan, Brenman's cocaine supplier whom Brenman in
turn supplied with ecstasy.

The six men were variously charged in a 38-count indictment with criminal
sale of a controlled substance, criminal possession of a controlled
substance, criminal possession of guns and criminal possession drug

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Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-25 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

  From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:21:39 EDT
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq
  In a message dated 10/24/01 6:34:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   damn we get anthrax, and they get to party 
  BATS! Watch out for those DAMN BATS! They are everywhere.

thew wrote:

 hallucinogens are not like the dts

HST was definitely on hallucinogens.

Mark McHugh

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[CTRL] Jailed Spy Says He Had Warning Of Sept 11 Attacks (fwd)

2001-10-25 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Jailed Spy Says He Had Warning Of Sept 11 Attacks
Man Being Held In Canada Says He Is Navy Intelligence

The Toronto Star


Toronto, Canada -- While jet fighters drop bombs on Afghanistan in the
wake of the World Trade Center tragedy and FBI agents search for the
source of anthrax letters, an incredible tale has been unfolding in a
Toronto courtroom.

It draws together the threads of a narrative some describe as stunning
and fantastic, while others wonder if it isn't just the ravings of a

The man telling the tale in sworn court affidavits is Delmart Edward
Vreeland, who faces credit fraud charges in Canada and in the United
States, where officials are attempting to extradite him.

The 35-year-old American claims to be a lieutenant in a U.S. Navy
intelligence unit — a spy who says he knew in advance about the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks.

In his affidavit, he says he tried to warn Canadian intelligence about
possible terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon, along with
targets in Ottawa and Toronto, but was written off as a petty criminal.

So he wrote the warning on a piece of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and
handed it to jail guards a month before the attacks. They opened the
letter Sept. 14 and immediately forwarded the information to Ottawa.

His lawyers, Rocco Galati and Paul Slansky, are fighting extradition,
telling the court he could face treason charges and the death penalty in
the U.S.

In the first stage of hearings, federal prosecutor Kevin Wilson yesterday
told Mr. Justice Archie Campbell of the Superior Court of Justice that he
was skeptical of Vreeland's claims.

Is his story possible? I can't go so far as to say it's not possible, but
it's not plausible, Wilson said.

The prosecutor said he has seen no evidence to back Vreeland's claim that
Canadian embassy official Marc Bastien was murdered in Moscow in December.
Canadian officials said the 35-year-old computer specialist died of
natural causes.

So, who is Delmart Edward Joseph Michael Vreeland II?

According to court documents, Vreeland was 18 when he enlisted in the U.S.
Navy in 1984.

Two years later, Vreeland says in his affidavit, he joined a special unit
investigating drug smuggling into the U.S. by naval personnel. But the
navy says Vreeland was unsatisfactorily discharged in 1986.

Vreeland also claims he gathered information on a crime family in Detroit
and testified against them in 1998.

Late last year, he says, he came to Canada to help smuggle Russian
military secrets out of Moscow, including Russia's plan to counter the
American Star Wars missile defence system. While in Moscow, Vreeland
says, he met Bastien.

Vreeland was arrested by a police fugitive squad nine months ago. While in
Toronto (Don) Jail, he met Nestor Fonseca, who was facing drug smuggling
charges and extradition to the U.S. The court documents say Fonseca
allegedly told Vreeland of his plans to kill a Toronto judge and others.
Fonseca was charged with counselling to commit murder.

Galati and Slansky said in the documents that Vreeland should be put into
the witness protection program in Canada because he is the main witness
against Fonseca.

Galati writes in one document: Neither myself, nor Mr. Slansky ... have
seen anything as incomprehensibly frustrating, inexplicable and
irresponsibly absurd ... as the RCMP's position that they are not
interested in reviewing Mr. Vreeland's information.

It would appear, Galati says in the brief, that the Canadian and American
governments have written Vreeland off as a nut case, which he says is a
patently absurd conclusion.

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Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-


but ether and adrenaline dont count
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Mark McHugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Líonra Meiriceánach
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 16:21:20 -0500
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:21:39 EDT
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

 In a message dated 10/24/01 6:34:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  damn we get anthrax, and they get to party 

 BATS! Watch out for those DAMN BATS! They are everywhere.

 thew wrote:

 hallucinogens are not like the dts

 HST was definitely on hallucinogens.

 Mark McHugh

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[CTRL] Disgusting TV Ad Glorifying the Almighty Dollar

2001-10-25 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Anybody seen the NYSE ad on Fox News Channel lately that glorifies money?

This is a disgusting ad.  It actually glorifies the almighty dollar.  I
think the ad is one step away from ending with a glowing, golden $ right
in the middle of the screen with a light from Heaven shining on it.  I'm
not saying that ALL Americans worship money, but this ad sure does try to
draw up love for it.  Have a looksie.

It's been playing on Fox News Channel.

If anybody's interested, do have another MPEG file with a higher quality
sound and video, but it has the same physical dimensions.

If you want to see it, I uploaded (or actually am now uploading) it to
usenet in these two newsgroups:



Look for the subject header that reads:

 TVAD_Let-Freedom-Ring-LQ.mpg - Disgusting Commercial Proving that America's God is 


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Re: [CTRL] Disgusting TV Ad Glorifying the Almighty Dollar

2001-10-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/25/01 3:55:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Anybody seen the NYSE ad on Fox News Channel lately that glorifies money?

Damaeus, there is only one thing that money can't buy:  Poverty


Logic—A means of terrifing liberals

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Re: [CTRL] Disgusting TV Ad Glorifying the Almighty Dollar

2001-10-25 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

I saw the ad during the World Series - the NYSE is sponsoring that and as
far as I can tell they appear to be sponsoring the NFL matches also. It
struck me as somewhat tasteless but then so have those adverts with the
car companies implying that their 0.0% financing embodies the spirit of

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[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Bin Laden, Dead?

2001-10-25 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message

Bin Laden, Dead?
A Chinese report says so.
By Kathryn Jean Lopez, NRO Executive Editor
October 25, 2001 12:10 p.m.
National Review
James S. Robbins, a professor of international relations at the National
Defense University's School for National Defense Studies  NRO contributor.
The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not
necessarily reflect the views of NDU, the Department of Defense, or the
government of the United States. 
Kathryn Jean Lopez: There are reports on the Internet and in a Japanese
newspaper that Mullah Omar Mohammed and Osama bin Laden are dead. Where are
these coming from and should we have any reason to believe them ‹ over, say,
the claims of the Taliban?
James S. Robbins: On October 24 a Chinese internet news site, Zhongxin Wang,
ran a piece describing in detail the purported assassination of Osama bin
Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar by members of their retinue at
an underground base near Kandahar on October 16. They were both shot twice
in the back. One of bin Laden's sons and two of Omar's were also killed. The
story was picked up today by the Tokyo-based Yomiuru Shimbun, the largest
daily newspaper in Japan. Of course rumors and war go hand in hand, and
without proof one way or another what is one to think? 
Lopez: Last week there was a meeting in Afghanistan with top Taliban leaders
after which they announced that the Taliban would fight under other leaders
if Mullah Omar dies. This meeting began on October 16, the day this Chinese
site claims Omar was shot. Coincidence?
Robbins: Well, there were some strange things going on in Afghanistan last
week. The Pakistani press reported that Mullah Omar had convened a Shura
(council meeting) in Kandahar on the 16th of more than 100 Taliban
commanders. This alone strikes one as unusual. How could they get to
Kandahar safely? And, once there, wouldn't they present a perfect target for
the allied forces? Maybe they were ‹ the meeting lasted until the 19th,
which was the day of the U.S. Ranger raid on Kandahar. When the Shura ended
the Taliban issued some odd comments. For example, they advised Mullah
Omar to control the command of the Taliban army by remaining underground,
and also directed Usama bin Ladin and his associates to remain
underground. They also set up a line of succession should Omar be
martyred, and expressed their determination to remain united until the
end, even after their leader is martyred. It might sound like prudent
planning to establish a line of succession ‹ the United States has one for
example ‹ but in an authoritarian regime it is rare. Usually it amounts to a
death sentence for the person tapped as the successor. In this case four
Taliban commanders were named as possible successors ‹ which could mean that
the Shura could not decide on a single successor, and a power struggle is
underway. The AP report of the arrest of 100 people in Kandahar also fits
the puzzle.
And one more thing to consider: On Oct. 16, Taliban Corps Commander Mullah
Muhammad Akhtar Usmani, one of the people named as a possible successor to
Omar, made a lengthy statement that Omar and his family were safe at their
residence and completely unharmed. But no one had claimed otherwise. 
Lopez: What would be a possible motivation for the Taliban to kill either
Mullah Omar or Osama bin Laden? And if they did, why wouldn't they come
right out and blame it on us, possibly, even inciting international calls
for the U.S. to end the strikes on Afghanistan?
Robbins: Motives are hard to judge. The assassins were clearly on a suicide
mission. We can't know for whom they were working; maybe they were just
Afghan patriots. The alleged attack coincided with an unscheduled meeting
between Taliban Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmad Mutawakkil (another of the
possible successors and a so-called moderate) and U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell. It was rumored that Mutawakkil was defecting, but he returned
to Afghanistan. Not much has been heard of him since he pledged complete
trust in the leadership of Wakil Mutawakkil in an interview on al Jazeera
television October 19. It is satisfying to think that Omar and bin Laden are
dead, and we should know soon if this is true. This kind of thing can't stay
secret for long. If they are dead then we can assume that the faction that
killed them has been expunged and the Taliban has decided to fight on ‹
otherwise they would have announced the martyrdom, no doubt fighting the
American invaders or some such thing. If they aren't dead, this could be
disinformation, but by whom and for what purpose is unclear. It hardly
benefits the Taliban for these stories to get out. I think they should be
asked demonstrate unequivocally that they are alive. The United States
should sic the White House press corps on the Taliban spokesman until we get
some answers. 
If bin Laden and Omar are alive, let them show 

[CTRL] Jordan Calls For Arab Unity

2001-10-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Jordan's King Urges Unified Arab Stand In Face Of Israeli Aggression
Jordan Times (Amman)
By Saad G. Hattar
Posted Thursday October 25, 2001 - 11:03:38 AM EDT
Amman - His Majesty King Abdullah held talks on Wednesday with
Moroccan Prime Minister Abderrahman Youssoufi on means to build a
unified Arab stand against terrorism and rein in the Israeli
onslaught on the Palestinian territories, a Palace source said.
King Abdullah, who received a message from King Mohammad VI, called
for a concerted Arab action on the international arena so as to
avoid further deterioration in the security situation towards the
point of no return. He also underscored the need for reviving the
peace process on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 and
338 as well as Palestinian-Israeli binding agreements. The source
said the talks also revolved around the need to arrive at a united
Arab stand designed to explain to the rest of the world that Arab
states reject any attempts to link terrorism to Arabs or Muslims.
Youssoufi said the viewpoints of Jordan and Morocco were identical
as to the need for breaking the cycle of violence in the occupied
territories and jumpstarting the peace process. Earlier on
Wednesday, the Moroccan premier co-chaired the Higher Joint Jordanian-
 Moroccan Committee, along with Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb.
In a keynote addressed charged with political overtones, Abul Ragheb
called on the US, the European Union and Russia to launch a genuine
peace initiative with urgency and lay down practical steps that could
lead to a just, durable and comprehensive settlement on a solid
basis. He was referring to UN pertinent resolutions and the 1991
Madrid Peace Conference which kicked off the Arab-Israeli
negotiations on the land-for-peace basis, as enshrined in Security
Council resolutions 242 and 338.
Abul Ragheb told his guest that King Abdullah's recent diplomatic
shuttle across Europe and the US was aimed at seeking an immediate
international move towards peace and the cessation of Israeli
aggression on the Palestinian people. The Prime Minister said Jordan
hails recent US and European stands in support of the Palestinians
and in search for calm.
As part of a regional swing, a high-powered European delegation
headed by EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana arrived in Amman
yesterday and is due to hold talks on Wednesday with His Majesty, who
heads the rotating Arab summit presidency. (see separate story).
Abul Ragheb maintained that security could not prevail in the region
unless it was coupled by genuine peace on the basis of Israeli
withdrawal from all Arab lands it occupied in 1967 including (East)
Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and the rest of south Lebanon
including Shabaa farms. On another front, Abul Ragheb reiterated
Jordan's call for lifting the 11-year-old crippling sanctions on Iraq
and safeguarding its territorial integrity, sovereignty and
The Moroccan premier had flown to Amman on Tuesday from Damascus
where he held talks on Monday with Syrian President Bashar Assad on
the latest developments on the Arab and international scenes. He also
visited Lebanon.
© 2001 Jordan Times (Amman). This news item is distributed via Middle
East News Online (MiddleEastWire.com).

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Fwd: FTW Subscriber Bulletin 01-22 -- FOX News Confirms FTW Surface To Air M...

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

In a story posted today, FOX News has confirmed 
fears of attacks on nuclear power plants using commercial airliners. The report, 
jointly written with the AP, even has a photograph of a jetliner flying directly 
over the Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility. FTW warned of a threat to this 
facility on October 19. I have received dated documents today, originating with 
computer expert Michael Riconosciuto, that clearly confirm that he had warned 
the FBI and members of Congress that Islamic terrorist groups were in possession 
of Strella-3 and IGLA-9 surface-to-air missiles as long ago as this 
The story follows. You may view the photo and the story at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,37157,00.html.
What else aren't we being told?
Mike Ruppert - www.copvcia.com 

Details of Nuclear Power Left Open
Photo: A passenger plane flies over Three Mile Island nuclear 
power plant.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
WASHINGTON  A study that could serve as a veritable 
how-to guide for terrorists interested in waging a nuclear attack on the U.S. 
was available to the public until a few hours ago.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission study, which details 
the catastrophic effects a jetliner crash could have on a U.S. nuclear reactor, 
remained available in spite of evidence dating to 1994 that terrorists wanted to 
strike nuclear power plants and continued to be available after Sept. 
The 119-page report was available for public inspection in 
the NRC reading room.
Moreover, the very fact that reactors are vulnerable 
contradicts assurances made by nuclear officials in the aftermath of last 
month's attacks.
Ten days after the attacks, the NRC corrected assertions that 
American nuclear power plants could withstand the crash of a commercial 
jetliner, and said it could not rule out the possibility that a suicide hijacker 
could cause structural damage to a plant and force the release of some 
radioactivity. "Nuclear power plants were not designed to withstand such 
crashes," it said.
The 1982 study by the Energy Department's Argonne National 
Laboratory detailed the likely damage that a jetliner at certain speeds could 
inflict on the thick concrete containment walls protecting 
Though it addressed only accidental crashes, it included a 
chart that identified the speeds at which a jetliner would begin to transfer its 
force into the primary containment wall and interior structure of a nuclear 
And it estimated that if just 1 percent of a jetliner's 
fuel ignited after impact it would create an explosion equivalent to 1,000 
pounds of dynamite inside a reactor building already damaged by the impact. The 
more fuel, the worse the explosion.
The ignition of fuel "could lead to a rather violent 
explosion environment and impose upon the primary containment relatively severe 
loads," the report said. The report added that U.S. nuclear regulators may have 
underestimated the potential damage from such explosions.
The report didn't estimate at what point lethal 
radiation might be released in a crash. But it noted, "the breaching of some of 
the plant's concrete barriers may often be tantamount to a release of 
The report also suggested federal nuclear regulators had 
underestimated the potential damage caused by subsequent fire and explosions in 
such a crash.
"It appears that fire and explosion hazards have been 
treated with much less care than the direct aircraft impact," the report said. 
"Therefore the claim that these fire/explosion effects do not represent a threat 
to nuclear power plant facilities has not been clearly 
An NRC spokesman said Wednesday the agency has removed 
the document from its reading room and was also deleting from its public Web 
site similarly sensitive materials that could benefit terrorists.
"Clearly we've begun our effort with our Web site which 
we know is the vehicle through which one is most easily able to access 
information, technical reports and documents. That's our first priority," 
spokesman Victor Dricks said.
Dricks said the NRC has "had people working around the 
clock" to implement numerous improved security measures since Sept. 11, 
including some which specifically address vulnerabilities to suicide 
As for why officials hadn't taken such precautions 
beforehand, Dricks added: "It was 
never considered credible that suicidal terrorists would hijack a large 
commercial airliner and deliberately crash it into a nuclear power 
The federal whistle-blowers group that discovered the 
document Oct. 3 in the NRC reading room while researching for a lawsuit said it 
was astonished such sensitive information was left public.
Attorney Michael Kohn, general counsel for the National 
Whistleblower Center, said that when he was shown the document, he was 
astonished that such material was still in the public domain.
"And I still can't believe it," Kohn 
Kohn's group, which has successfully 

[CTRL] Fwd: Will Israel Die Just As It Was Born? : The Case Of Colonel Alfred Dreyfu...

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

Will Israel Die Just As It Was Born?
The Case Of Colonel Alfred Dreyfuss

10/25/01 11:15:51 AM
Jack Ross for LSN

Commentary -- Will Israel Die Just As It Was Born?

Jack Ross for LSN

Commentary - The ramifications of the news that Israelis are beginning to
purged from the Pentagon and that this may well be a prelude to the
and perhaps even the arrest of Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle for
information on special forces are huge.  It does not take a great leap to
discern that the loudest accusations of anti-Semitism imaginable would
from said dismissal, but the paralells to another case involving treason
by a
Jewish military officer are all to clear.

In 1895, Colonel Alfred Dreyfuss of France was tried and convicted of
vital secrets to Germany that were central to its victory in the
War.  Dreyfuss was innocent, but he was targeted not because he was
Jewish, he
was simply targeted by his rivals in the French army, and they merely
anti-Semitism to achieve their ends.  The debacle resulting from Dreyfuss'
conviction touched a chord among many Jews, not least of which was
Herzl, whose book Judenstaat indirectly gave birth to Zionism.

Unlike Dreyfuss, Wolfowitz and Perle are guilty of their crimes, but
overreaction to the slightest hint of anti-Semitism is just as ripe now as
was then, and in fact the anti-haters will be prone to exploit popular
sentiment in the face of Wolfowitz and Perle's dismissal just as it was
exploited by the French in their purely political trial against Dreyfuss.
fall of the Zionist faction of the Pentagon is only a reflection of the
growing isolation of radical Zionism in America and even in Europe, and
this is
evidenced by the brutal escalation of Israel's pogroms in Palestine being
only with the brutal escalation of condemnation by the world, including
especially from America.

The paralells to the Dreyfuss affair that would surely be exploited by the
radical Zionists would only be rewarded with further ridicule and
With Israel on the brink of chaos of the kind that even it has not ever
had to
deal with, it is ever more apparent that Israel will die just as it was
born -
out of the Jews' childish whining about their inadequacies at imperialism.
Just as the Holocaust constituted divine punishment for the Jews'
ambitions, so it is that Israel is a most clever punishment on God's part
not learning our lesson at Auschwitz and Dachau.

[LSN Note:  Just as LSN is not a Third Positionist, Communist or neo-Nazi
organization, we are also not an Orthodox Jewish organization.]

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

Re: [CTRL] Jordan Calls For Arab Unity

2001-10-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

no shit
I'm sure he wants this before the Palestinians  wake up and realize he is a
foreign oppressor on their soil, put in power by the British, and is no
different from the Israelis.
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 18:33:09 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] Jordan Calls For Arab Unity

 -Caveat Lector-


 Jordan's King Urges Unified Arab Stand In Face Of Israeli Aggression
 Jordan Times (Amman)
 By Saad G. Hattar
 Posted Thursday October 25, 2001 - 11:03:38 AM EDT
 Amman - His Majesty King Abdullah held talks on Wednesday with
 Moroccan Prime Minister Abderrahman Youssoufi on means to build a
 unified Arab stand against terrorism and rein in the Israeli
 onslaught on the Palestinian territories, a Palace source said.
 King Abdullah, who received a message from King Mohammad VI, called
 for a concerted Arab action on the international arena so as to
 avoid further deterioration in the security situation towards the
 point of no return. He also underscored the need for reviving the
 peace process on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 and
 338 as well as Palestinian-Israeli binding agreements. The source
 said the talks also revolved around the need to arrive at a united
 Arab stand designed to explain to the rest of the world that Arab
 states reject any attempts to link terrorism to Arabs or Muslims.
 Youssoufi said the viewpoints of Jordan and Morocco were identical
 as to the need for breaking the cycle of violence in the occupied
 territories and jumpstarting the peace process. Earlier on
 Wednesday, the Moroccan premier co-chaired the Higher Joint Jordanian-
 Moroccan Committee, along with Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb.
 In a keynote addressed charged with political overtones, Abul Ragheb
 called on the US, the European Union and Russia to launch a genuine
 peace initiative with urgency and lay down practical steps that could
 lead to a just, durable and comprehensive settlement on a solid
 basis. He was referring to UN pertinent resolutions and the 1991
 Madrid Peace Conference which kicked off the Arab-Israeli
 negotiations on the land-for-peace basis, as enshrined in Security
 Council resolutions 242 and 338.
 Abul Ragheb told his guest that King Abdullah's recent diplomatic
 shuttle across Europe and the US was aimed at seeking an immediate
 international move towards peace and the cessation of Israeli
 aggression on the Palestinian people. The Prime Minister said Jordan
 hails recent US and European stands in support of the Palestinians
 and in search for calm.
 As part of a regional swing, a high-powered European delegation
 headed by EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana arrived in Amman
 yesterday and is due to hold talks on Wednesday with His Majesty, who
 heads the rotating Arab summit presidency. (see separate story).
 Abul Ragheb maintained that security could not prevail in the region
 unless it was coupled by genuine peace on the basis of Israeli
 withdrawal from all Arab lands it occupied in 1967 including (East)
 Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and the rest of south Lebanon
 including Shabaa farms. On another front, Abul Ragheb reiterated
 Jordan's call for lifting the 11-year-old crippling sanctions on Iraq
 and safeguarding its territorial integrity, sovereignty and
 The Moroccan premier had flown to Amman on Tuesday from Damascus
 where he held talks on Monday with Syrian President Bashar Assad on
 the latest developments on the Arab and international scenes. He also
 visited Lebanon.
 © 2001 Jordan Times (Amman). This news item is distributed via Middle
 East News Online (MiddleEastWire.com).

 Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
 is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
 expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
 for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
 new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
 simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
 believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
 not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do

[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Lobby Scrambling For New Approach To Crisis : Part One Of Two Pa...

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

Israeli Lobby Scrambling For New Approach To Crisis
Part One Of Two Part Series

10/25/01 12:29:41 PM
Bill White for Pravda

Moscow, Russia -- P“America is finally running out of patience with us”
the headline read in
the Israeli daily Ha’aretz Tuesday.  Sharon had just rebuffed the American
demand that Israel withdraw its troops to behind the lines of occupation,
was holding more than five thousand Palestinian refugees trapped in the
and 'Azza/Beit Jibrin camps.  On Wednesday, the butcher Sharon began
the refugees as he did in 1982.. The US State Department was “feeling like
fire brigade” struggling with the potential for war not just in
but in Occupied Palestine and Kashmir as well.  On the home front, Israel’
allies in the United States were also scrambling.  Having been defeated in
their attempts to use the September 11 bombing to draw the United States
to Israel, they were facing a purge of their supporters in the Defense
Department, as it became clear that their agents on the inside were
leaking US
secrets to both Israel and the press. The “official” Jewish lobby was now
scrambling for damage control, and grasping at anything to distract public
attention away from the US-Israeli relationship.

P “Saudi Arabia is the home of … one of the most fanatical, intolerant,
extreme forms of Islamic fundamentalism,” Mortimer Zuckerman, an American
baron, publisher of US News and World Report as well as the New York Daily
News, and head of the powerful Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish
Organizations, wrote in his weekly column.  There had been a “mendacious
implication … that the September 11 attacks were related to America's
relationship with Israel” but now, Zuckerman wrote, “we … must face the
fact that Saudi Arabia, a nation we have long supported, is a central
disseminator of the poisonous spores of fanaticism.”

PCould the Zionist lobby be serious?  Could it really be trying to
the public that the reason for bin Laden’s attack on New York was not US
support of Israel, but the fact that the US paid “moderate” Muslim regimes
the Middle East primarily to keep them from attacking Israel?   If a
issued by Israel’s Foreign Ministry to pro-Israeli journalists was
they were.  And the attempt to distract the public showed the growing
desperation the lobby is using in its efforts to keep the disintegrating
situation in the Middle East from becoming a disintegration of their
power here at home.

PBThe Changing Tune/B

POnly a month ago, the Zionist-dominated elements of the American press
demanding the heads not of just the Taliban, but of the entire population
the Islamic world.

P “America's enemy is the Islamic Axis: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan
Afghanistan and the groups they fund, support and direct. These groups
the cells of Osama Bin Laden, Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO,” wrote
propaganda minister turned American journalist Zev Chafets, in Zuckerman’s
York Daily News, “The U.S. must invade these countries (if there is time),
dismantle their unlatched governments, disperse their armies and seize
arsenals. … If there isn't time [they] will have to be destroyed by
means necessary: the Japanese model.”

PChafets was not alone.

P “The enemy has identified itself in public and openly … Its name is
Islam” wrote columnist Charles Krauthammer on Sept 12, “there should be no
of bringing these people to ‘swift justice’ … We must carry their war to

PThey were just two of hundreds of voices, most of them Zionist, or at
tied into America’s “official” Jewish lobby, that demanded the destruction

PLittle more than a month later, their tune had changed, from a rumbling
mongering drum beat to a softer song of explanation and excuses:

P “What spawned the real Osama bin Laden … was the infidel's ‘occupation
’' of
Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca and Medina, the holiest cities in Islam.”
Krauthammer on October 19, as he played along with the fiddlers trying to
America’s attention away from Israel, “Bin Laden … in giving reasons for
jihad on America, never fails to cite the starving and bombing of Iraq.”

PNewspaper columns now avoided talk of Israel, not even recognizing the
Israeli occupation as a possible complaint of bin Laden’s, and certainly
mentioning it in the context of “terrorism”.  Israel was no longer safe.
Israeli lobby was on the defensive.

PBElder Lore/B

PThere is no question that a Jewish lobby, with goals and interest
just Zionism and Israel, exists in America.  It is divided into three
major “umbrella” organizations – the National Jewish Community Relations
Advisory Council (NCRAC or “nacrac”), the Conference of Presidents of
Jewish Organizations (the “President’s Conference”), and the
Political Action Committee (AIPAC).  Each organizations is  a council 


2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

 Original Message 
(destruction of evidence the certain motive)

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:42:18 -0700
From: Dick Eastman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FW:  Free speech? ZOG won't allow it.Please do not miss the life and death
relevance of this information.
I want you to provide me with lists of names I can contact in government
and elsewhere around the world.  I also want you to work by your own
avenues to get to any officials or law enforcement agencies with
jurisdiction in this case.  A war and the greatest crime in history are
involved, and many of the people responsible are standing in the way of

Here is evidence supplied by the Head of Security of the WTC on network
television indicating that the FBI floors (the 22nd, 23rd and 24th floors)
of the North Tower -- 70 floors below the crashbombing impact -- had been
devestated and reduced to debris that this same  Head of Security himself
dug through to get to trapped persons (whom he saved).But it was on
these floors that the entire accumulation of evidence and investigation
briefs on two highly important cases
were being stored:  1) the case against Mobil Oil and James Giffen on
illegal oil swaps between Iran and Kazakhstan (at that time before a New
York grand jury as described in great detail by Seymore Hersh in the July 9
New Yorker magazine); and, even more important,  the evidence in the
investigation  of gold price fixing stemming from charges brought against
Alan Greenspan, Morgan  Comapy, Goldman Sachs.  (see below for full
reconstruction of this crime  -- that is now all but confirmed by this
revelation of a bomb devestating the FBI floors of the North Tower before
the tower collapsed.)

At noon I received a phone call from New England from Steve.  He was
reviewing recorded footage of  coverage of the destruction of the WTC on
NBC's program 48 Hours.

Steve has reviewed the footage many times and taken detailed notes.
I took notes at my computer as he spoke.

After the south tower collapsed, men went up to the 22nd floor
of the WTC and dug someone out of the rubble he
found there.  {It is known that these floors contained the New York
FBI offices  -- Peter Jennings actually did a two-day network news
story on the effects of the destroyed evidence and files on American
financial crime investigations around the world.]

The 48 Hours anchor was interviewing the Head of Security of the WTC about
the evacuation who had received a call, after the South tower was down, from
the Port Authority's Command Center on the 22nd floor  asking for rescue.
The Head of Security himself travelled to that floor in the company of a NY
Fireman  where they found the offices devestated to the point where they had
to tunnel through debris to dig out  the two or three Port Authority
workers who were trapped there.

All of this happened 73 floors below crashbombing impact.

The man who called me about this -- Steve from Main -- said that
he had received a copy detailing the evidence for a terror frame-up
from one of the hundreds of people pester with my posts each day
( whose name I recall from my address book)  --  and that he had
been reviewing  three lists of occupants of the WTC.

He gave the sites for two different listings of WTC tower occupants,
which I copied as follows:

a href=http://www.cnn.com/special/2001/trade.center/tenants1.html;
tenants by floor and sq footage;  and

a href=www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/article/tower1.html
occupation my tenancy.

He noticed from these that listings were given for all floors
EXCEPT  floors 23 and 24, immediately above the location
of the call for digging out rescue  --  indicating that the debris
had fallen down from a destructive event occuring on the floor
directly above.

Steve left off with this statement (which I am not able now to
confirm or disconfirm):   The Murrah Building in Oaklahoma
City was where all of the records of the Waco Seige were
being kept.  I think this is their MO.  Meaning their modus
operandi  -- i.e.,  their distinctive pattern of crime.

Here is the post that prompted Steve's phone call:

Below I  present what I think are incontrovertable reasons for concluding
that the WTC/Pentagon crashbombings were a frame-up designed to benefit
members of, at least, these four groups:

1) people profiting from the opium trade of the Northern Alliance druglords
and the money-laundering through global investment channels that the opium
trade and the derivative heroin trade supports;

2) people seeking control of the $6 trillion worth of oil and natural gas in
Central Asia;

3) people seeking to win back support to increasingly unpopular Sharonist
policies in Israel; and

[CTRL] Strategic Ally or Constant Impediment?

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon
"Strategic Ally or Constant Impediment?"

by Matt Giwer

Israel and its supporters have been relentless in repeating the assertion
that Israel is a strategic ally of the US. They can rarely make a statement
regarding the relationship of the two nations without asserting that as a
mantra.  Much cynicism has been heaped upon the "ally" part of that
question. Very little has been said on the "strategic"  part. Just what is
its strategic value?

As examples of strategic value our bases in Germany, England, Greece,
Spain are strategic assets. Even our bases on little Diego Garcia in the
Indian Ocean are strategic assets. These permit pre-positioning troops,
supplies and the hardware of war. The US has no bases in Israel. Given the
US bases in Turkey, Greece and Saudi Arabia there is not the slightest need
for one in Israel.

With the modern reliance upon air power, passage through friendly air
space to get to the enemy in the shortest distance is strategically
valuable for many reasons. Israel is land-locked to the North, East and
South by nations ranging from unfriendly to hostile making it useless for a
US airbase.

If we look back to the Cold War days we do not find a strategic value for
Israel. Rather we find a political entity with the military capability to
confront Soviet sponsored military expansion in the region. One can argue
that was strategic but it was limited to a small part of the Mideast and
far from the oil region. With the Cold War over and with a US base in Saudi
Arabia in the middle of the oil region Israel cannot be considered of
potential, future strategic utility in any sense.

At times the US has considered some countries to be strategic assets such
as the Union of South Africa for metals needed for military jet engines and
oil in the Mideast today. Israel has no particular mineral assets and
certainly no rare ones. It exports no finished products which could be
considered necessities for the US.

It is clear by inspection Israel has no strategic value to the US. The
territory of Israel is of no value. The mineral assets of Israel are of no
value. Its products are of no value. It follows clearly Israel is of no
value to the US strategic or otherwise.

In reviewing the record we find Israel was useless to the US in the Gulf
War. We find Israel is useless in this current terrorism war. We can go
back further and find it did positive harm to the US with its invasion of
Lebanon in 1982 and provoking war with Syria in 1967.

In addition to specific events we find Israel's on-going policies of
military occupation, illegal settlement and oppression of Palestinians,
even if not one of the causes of the 9/11 attack, certainly pretexts which
can be exploited to the benefit of terrorists in recruitment and
organization. Israel has not only refused to even slow down it insists upon
escalating them.

Rather in this present near crisis, Israel has moved to take advantage of
the 9/11 attack to exacerbate every detrimental policy. Israel has done
everything but give a straight out refusal to cooperate. It has declined
every request to cooperate and support the US. Are those the actions of
even a friend, much less an ally, much less a strategic ally?

And in making matters worse Israel is directly harming the US effort to
establish a coalition. One might even suggest it is deliberately doing so
with that as the objective. That Israel would act as it is without fear of
US response suggests its Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, truly believed it
when he said in the Knesset, "Jews control America" a month after the 9/11

We cannot find any strategic value of Israel to the US. We do find Israel
refusing to act as an ally. We even find Israel believing Jewish Americans
are more loyal to Israel than to the US and apparently acting accordingly.
These are not the acts of an ally.

As a result of the 9/11 attack the true colors of Israel are being shown
to the US. Israel's idea of being an ally is only when it benefits and not
if bound to reciprocate. It has the unmitigated gall to impugn the loyalty
of Jewish Americans. These are not the acts of an ally but of an enemy.

[CTRL] Brits Nix Embargo

2001-10-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



LONDON [MENL] -- Britain has again ruled out the prospect of an arms
embargo  on Israel. British officials said the government of Prime
Minister Tony Blair has rejected pressure from Arab and Islamic
states to end British weapons exports to Israel amid its incursion in
Palestinian areas of the West Bank. At the moment we are not taking
punitive action on either side, parliamentary leader Robin Cook
said. We want to have respect on both sides  so that we can get
across our message that the present way of tit-for-tat  retaliations
is not going to break the cycle of violence. Last week, Blair met
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat amid increasing British
criticism of Israel for the war with the Palestinians.  Blair also
praised Arafat's efforts to implement a ceasefire with Israel. But
officials said this will not mean an end to arms exports to the
Jewish state. They said Britain exported a range of military parts,
technology and security systems to Israel over the last year. In all,
the Blair government approved more than 100 licenses for  military
equipment to Israel over the last year. The value of the exports is
estimated at several millions of dollars. Cook also played down the
significance of British weapons deliveries to Israel. He told a
briefing of Muslim journalists on Tuesday that  Britain supplied
very few arms to Israel. During the briefing, Cook defended
Britain's participation in the  U.S.-led war on Afghanistan. The
parliamentary leader said the allies have evidence that links Saudi
billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden to the suicide attacks on New
York and Washington on Sept. 11.
This service contains only a small portion of the information
produced daily by Middle East Newsline. For a subscription to the
full service, please contact Middle East Newsline at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for further details.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon



Below is CHAPTER 6, The 'Crown' and 'The City' of the book "DESCENT into SLAVERY" by Des Griffin.

When people think of England such terms as 'Great Britain,' 'The Queen,' 'The Crown,' 'Crown Colonies,' 'London,' 'The City of London,' and 'British Empire' come to mind and blend together into an indistinguishable blur. They are generally looked upon as synonymous, as being representative of the same basic system. During the 1950s and 1960s the author (Des Griffin) lived in England (London for five years) without even beginning to realize the vast difference that exists in the meaning of some of the above terms.

When people hear of 'The Crown' they automatically think of the King or Queen; when they hear of 'London' or the 'The City' they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch has his or her official residence.

To fully understand the unique and generally unknown subject we must define our terms:

When we speak of 'The City' we are in fact referring to a privately owned Corporation - or Sovereign State -occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres and located right in the heart of the 610 square mile 'Greater London' area. The population of 'The City' is listed at just over four thousand, whereas the population of 'Greater London' (32 boroughs) is approximately
seven and a half million.

The 'Crown' is a committee of twelve to fourteen men who rule the
independent sovereign state known as London or 'The City.' 'The City' is not part of England. It is not subject to the Sovereign. It is not under the rule of the British parliament. Like the Vatican in Rome, it is a separate, independent state. It is the Vatican of the commercial world.

The City, which is often called "the wealthiest square mile on earth," is ruled over by a Lord Mayor. Here are grouped together Britian's great financial and commercial institutions:

Wealthy banks, dominated by the privately-owned (Rothschild controlled) Bank of England, Lloyd's of London, the London Stock Exchange, and the offices of most of the leading international trading concerns. [Such as the British Invisibles, I kid you not]. Here, also, is located Fleet Street, the heart and core of the newspaper and publishing worlds.


The Lord Mayor, who is elected for a one year stint, is the monarch in the City. As Aubrey Menen says in "London", Time-Life, 1976, p. 16: "The relation of this monarch of the City to the monarch of the realm [Queen] is curious and tells much." It certainly is and certainly does !

When the Queen of England goes to visit the City she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, the symbolic gate of the City. She bows and asks for permission to enter his private, sovereign State. During such State visits "the Lord Mayor in his robes and chain, and his entourage in medieval costume, outshines the royal party, which can dress up no further than service uniforms." The Lord Mayor leads the queen into his city.

The reason should be clear. The Lord Mayor is the monarch. The Queen is his subject ! The monarch always leads the way. The subject always stays a pace or two behind !

The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. It tells them what to do, and when. In theory Britian is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These 'fronts' go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality,
they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. As the former British Prime Minister of England during the late 1800s Benjamin D'israeli wrote: "So you see... the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are
not behind the scenes" (Coningsby, The Century Co., N.Y., 1907, p. 233).

This fact is further demonstrated by another passage from Menen's book: "The Prime Minister, a busy politician, is not expected to understand the mysteries of high finance, while the Chancellor of the Exchequer [Budget Director] is only expected to understand them when he introduces the budget. Both are advised by the permanent officials of the Treasury, and these
listen to the City. If they suspect that some policy of the government will [back-fire]... it is no use their calling up British ambassadors to ask if it is so; they can find out more quickly from the City. As one ambassador complained to me, diplomats are nowadays no more than office boys, and slow
ones at that.

"The City will know. They will tell the Treasury and the Treasury will tell the Prime Minister. Woe betide him if he does not listen. The most striking instance of this happened in recent history. In 1956 the then Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden... launched a war to regain 

Re: [CTRL] Vatican Ratifies Child Soldier, Prostitution Pact

2001-10-25 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find excerpts from this article below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

The United States and Somalia are the only two countries that have not
ratified the treaty.

World - Reuters - updated 10:07 PM ET Oct 24

Wednesday October 24 9:24 PM ET
Vatican Ratifies Child Soldier, Prostitution Pact

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The Vatican (news - web sites) ratified on
Wednesday two amendments to a treaty that would stop the use of child
soldiers and protect children from sexual abuse, and it promised to lobby
other governments to do the same. The amendments, called optional protocols
to a 1990 landmark treaty on the rights of children, prohibit the use of
child soldiers and outlaw child prostitution, sexual slavery, child
pornography and forced labor.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely approved treaty
in the U.N. history, with ratifications from 191 countries.

Martino recalled U.N. figures that some 300,000 children under 18 were fought
in conflicts around the world. About 2 million have been killed, 6 million
injured, 10 million traumatized and 1 million without parents because of

The United States and Somalia are the only two countries that have not
ratified the treaty.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel Planning Ethno-Bomb.

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

Israel planning 'ethnic' bomb as Saddam caves in 

Uzi Mahnaimi
and Marie Colvin

ISRAEL is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources. The weapon, targeting victims by ethnic origin, is seen as Israel's response to Iraq's threat of chemical and biological attacks.

Yesterday Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader, backed away from the brink of war and agreed to resume co-operation with the inspection teams seeking his suspected chemical and biological weapons plants.

Kofi Annan, the United Nation secretary-general, said he believed Iraq had met UN requirements. As Britain and America stood by to bomb Saddam, however, Tony Blair's office said compliance must be unconditional.

The White House, which is threatening Iraq with the biggest onslaught since the Gulf war, said President Bill Clinton's advisers were assessing whether Iraq's offer was adequate. The Pentagon is ready to bomb within days.

Last week Downing Street warned Labour MPs that Saddam could be only weeks away from completing the construction of offensive biological weapons mounted on Scud missiles. Israel was hit by Scuds during the Gulf war and fears it would be the prime target.

In developing their "ethno-bomb", Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive genes carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.

The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host's living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes.

The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main research facility for Israel's clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.

A scientist there said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of semitic origin. But he added: "They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people." The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies.

The research mirrors biological studies conducted by South African scientists during the apartheid era and revealed in testimony before the truth and reconciliation commission.

The idea of a Jewish state conducting such research has already provoked outrage in some quarters because of parallels with the genetic experiments of Dr Josef Mengele, the Nazi scientist at Auschwitz.

Dedi Zucker, a member of knesset, the Israeli parliament, denounced the research yesterday. "Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied," he said.

Some experts said that although the concept of an ethnically targeted weapon was feasible, the practical aspects of creating one were enormous.

Dr Daan Goosen, head of a South African chemical and biological warfare plant, said his team was ordered in the 1980s to develop a "pigmentation weapon" to target only black people. He said the team discussed spreading a disease in beer, maize or even vaccinations but never managed to develop one.

However, a confidential Pentagon report warned last year that biological agents could be genetically engineered to produce new lethal weapons. William Cohen, the American defence secretary, revealed that he had received reports of countries working to create "certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic-specific". A senior western intelligence source confirmed last week that Israel was one of the countries Cohen had in mind.

The "ethno-bomb" claims have been given further credence in Foreign Report, a Jane's publication that closely monitors security and defence matters. It reports unnamed South African sources as saying Israeli scientists have used some of the South African research in trying to develop an "ethnic bullet" against Arabs.

It also says Israelis discovered aspects of the Arab genetic make-up by researching on "Jews of Arab origin, especially Iraqis".

The British Medical Association has become so concerned about the lethal potential of genetically based biological weapons that it has opened an investigation, which is due to report in January.

Dr Vivienne Nathanson, who organised the research, said: "With an ethnically targeted weapon, you could even hit groups within a population. The history of warfare, in which many conflicts have an ethnic factor, shows us how dangerous this could be."

Porton Down, Britain's biological defence establishment, said last week that such weapons were theoretically possible. "We have reached a point now where there is an obvious need for an international convention to control biological weapons," said a spokesman.

Additional reporting: Matthew Campbell in 

[CTRL] The Anthrax Money Machine!

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon


The Anthrax Money Machine!
Who Profits from an Anthrax Attack?

News Net Wire October 23rd, 2001

Some things that you won't read in the mainstream media about who benefits from this Anthrax attack.

The maker of Cipro the cureall for Anthrax is Bayer, a German company well known to have been connected to the Nazi's in WW II. The cell of terrorists that pulled off the 911 Attack had many members connected to German addresses, such as Mohammed Atta the ringleader. Cipro costs about 700.00 (US) for a treatment of Anthrax infection. A generic drug made in India costs about 20.00 (US). MONEY! Is it the key to the Anthrax attacks?

German finger prints are all over this Anthrax Attack! Nazi German fingerprints connected to ATTA and the 911 cell!

The US government needs to produce a Cipro type generic drug to treat such attacks. Screw Bayer and the Nazi's that probably run it! The Anthrax Vaccine is made by a company that has of all things the families of both the Bin Ladens and Bush's as investors! Before the Anthrax Attacks the vaccine for Anthrax was sold by the ounce for a few bucks to the US DOD (Department Of Defense) by one little privately owned company run by the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that being admiral William Crowe, who is also a member of the infamous CFR (Council of Foreign Relations for NWO conspiracy fans). The vaccine is now said to be worth thousands per ounce in the world market place!

The company that controls the US supply of Anthrax Vaccine is BioPort. A major part of BioPort is said to be owned by the Carlye Group (the source of this claim appears to be Sherman Skolnick a conspiracy political writer in Chicago), which is run and owned by people like former President GEORGE BUSH, James Baker III the former US Secretary of State, Frank Carlucci former US Secretary of Defense, John Major former PM of the UK, Eberhard v. Kuenheim former chairman of Bayer (the makers of Cipro) and BMW, Karl-Otto Pohl former President of Deutsche Bundesbank. Worst yet, a major investor in the Carlyse Group is the Bin Laden family (according to Skolnick's recent articles on Bioport!)

Sherman Skolnick was contacted to verify his claims about the hidden ownership in BioPort by the Carlyle Group and he claimed understandably that his sources feared for their lives. Skolnick also claimed that President Bush recently ordered that the information about the ownership of BioPort is protected under National Security interests. When we called the main number of BioPort, BioPort SECURITY answered the phone and we were directed to a press relations person who did not answer the phone and who also had a full phone mail box so a message could not be left. Skolnick is well known in conspiracy circles for exposing corruption in Judicial circles in Chicago.

BioPort is said to be under National Guard protection right now. So you have a Nazi connected German company making money off Cipro via the German company Bayer, and terrorist cells that carried out the 911 attack that were connected to Germany. And you have a vaccine controlled by a company said to be run by the NWO crowd where you have the families of Bush and Bin Laden profiteering off the vaccine to Anthrax as investors!

The Anthrax vaccine should be taken over by the US government and made for the masses.

The drug Cipro needs to be made by the US government and given to the masses.

Take the profit out of Anthrax cures and you might end up seeing Anthrax Attacks disappear!


It leads right to Nazi's,
and the NWO (New World Order)!

[CTRL] Permanent Panic Is Instant

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

Permanent Panic Is Instant

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/25/01) -- *Blitzkrieg* ("lightning war") propaganda attacks against the American people have been unleashed in a stunning avalanche.

As Angel Luis Lara observed in the Oct. 21, 2001 issue of the Mexico City daily, *La Jornada*, since Sept. 11th, when jets-cum-missiles slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we have been subjected to "panic as the everyday climate, the beginning of a permanent state of emergency." [1]

Our protection against the everyday virtual terror is the cabinet- level Office of Homeland Security, instantaneously born. Like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), originally created as a central coordinator of intelligence, Homeland's job now appears to be "coordinator of homeland intelligence."

Other instantaneous births are a huge bailout of the airline industry, a "global" war (i.e. a world war), and severe limitations on the Jimmy Carter-era Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). Attorney General John Ashcroft has issued "a new statement of policy that encourages federal agencies to 'resist Freedom Of Information Act requests, whenever they have legal grounds to do so.'" [2]

The American shopper is acknowledged as the last prop sustaining the 1990s New Bubble economy. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan has been frantically lowering the rent on money this past year, and the U.S. government is pouring liquidity into consumers' pockets with hurried economic measures. Again, as with the declaration of global war and the Fatherland CIA, the theme is instancy born from panic.

The word "panic" has financial connotations. In the 1800s, recurring collapses of U.S. economic bubbles were referred to as "panics."

Not as well known as the "shopper bulwark" sustaining the New Economy is the inflated real estate bubble which gave consumers a false sense of wealth. That false sense of wealth facilitated the 1990s shopping boom, with especially stocks as the preferred consumption item.

The real estate boom, in turn, was carried on the backs of the homeless. To increase housing prices, demand had to be accelerated. Demand for housing was accelerated by limited supply, which brought "collateral damage" in the form of homeless persons. Combating the trend was Jimmy Carter's "Habitat for Humanity," unfortunately a Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

The instant moment of panic arrived on September 11, 2001. The instant is permanent, "permanent panic," as Angel Luis Lara wrote. A point has no dimension and does not phenomenally exist (but without infinite points there can be no line.) Noumenally, though, the point exists. Notwithstanding ephemera, such as Homeland Security, the underlying panic is financial. Like the little Dutch boy with his finger stuck in the dam, Homeland Security believes it can save Holland.

[1] "La distincion imposible en la logica del Imperio" ("Impossible distinctions in the logic of Empire") by Angel Luis Lara. La Jornada, 10/21/01.

[2] "Beware of Sunshine Patriots," by Steve

[CTRL] Test

2001-10-25 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Real History And The Shanksville Crash

2001-10-25 Thread William Shannon

Thursday, October 25, 2001
(Key West, Florida, USA) 

IN July 1940 Mr Winston Churchill had to take a decision which deeply disturbed him and has occupied historians ever since: he ordered the British navy to attack and sink the fleet of France, a country which until a few days earlier had been his ally and upon which he had not declared war. He had misunderstood the correct translation of the word Kontrolle, in the German version of the draft peace treaty put to France (it means "supervision", not "control").

Seen in legal terms, it was an act of international brigandry. He had killed two thousand young French matelots. Churchill justified it to himself in several ways. He wanted to shock American public opinion. He wanted to make plain to his own that there could be no talk of peace with Germany. Oh, and he wanted to prevent French warships from falling into the wrong hands.

It never occurred to him, either then or afterwards, to suggest that the French sailors on board the ships had mutinied, overpowered their admirals, and sunk those ships themselves. Churchill openly announced and affirmed the decision that he had taken, to shoot down those ships. Nobody challenges that he was the better leader for having taken a tough decision, and openly defending it. 

WHAT is the relevance of this little narrative to today's events? It is this -- that a US president has evidently issued an order, which was most probably justified in the circumstances, but which he is not prepared to stand up for and defend in retrospect.

This is, for want of any other evidence or explanation, the only likely explanation for the mystery that lingers after the crash of Flight United 93 at Shanksville, Pennsylvania -- the fourth plane to go down on September 11.

It is sadly more probable than the version officially approved, that three or four brave passengers overpowered the hijackers and caused it to crash into the ground rather than into Washington DC. The first part of that story is probably true; which makes it seem rather a blemish that a US fighter plane then shot the airliner out of the sky pursuant to President G W Bush's orders.

Is that however what happened? I confess that I for one, being an inveterate disbeliever of government versions, suspected it from the moment when, that same morning, a television bulletin reported that a ground dispatcher had received a phone call from a passenger concealed in the plane's lavatory, reporting that the plane had been hijacked ("this is not a hoax") and then, said the dispatcher, there had followed a sudden silence, after the passenger said there had been an explosion and white smoke.

THE problem with this scenario is the same as with all conspiracy-type theories: How many people were in the know, then or immediately afterwards, who have had to be silenced or sworn to secrecy in consequence? (Quite a few, if press reports are to be believed: beginning with that dispatcher. We learned, days later, that the FBI had seized the tape, and -- so we now hear -- ordered him not to talk to the press).

The suspicion grew into a near-certainty when the television news reported, later that day, that Vice President Dick Chaney had indeed confirmed that the president had authorised his air force to shoot down any airliners not obeying orders from ground control.

I believe from memory that the time quoted for this presidential authorisation to shoot was 9:53 a.m. -- perhaps somebody else will confirm my memory for me; the bulletin then went on to reassure listeners that Flight UA93 had already crashed by that time, so "fortunately" the awful deed had not had to be carried out. (The actual time of crash was, we now know, about 10:10 a.m.)

The suspicion hardened: there were things that did not fit even on that day, and as the local news items filtered through the thump and blare of martial bulletins over the next weeks, it became a certainty.

One newspaper reported that debris had been found eight miles away. The authorities hastened to suggest that this was light stuff like nylon and fabric shreds, which had blown there with the wind. Other items, buried in the local press, said that body parts had been found some distance away, and even part of one aircraft engine.

True, or false? Should these items be put in the same round container as the apocryphal story of the WTC holocaust survivor, who "rode down from the top floor with the crashing building" and survived with cuts and bruises? 

WHY would the government lie about such a thing? Well, this is war; G W Bush has himself said so. It did not retroactively become war, so it wasn't one at the time; but the government may well quail before the prospect of the free press finding out that a US fighter plane did indeed shoot down one of their own airliners (the American public had not minded very much when the Israelis shot down that Egyptian airliner over the Sinai desert in the 

[CTRL] details of US-Bayer anthrax antibiotics deal

2001-10-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

Hi all.
Below is details of the deal with Bayer to provide the antibiotic cipro,
published by US Dept of HHS.

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 00:02:35 -0400
Sender:   US Dept of HHS: Press Releases, Other Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Automatic digest processor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  HHSPRESS Digest - 23 Oct 2001 to 24 Oct 2001 (#2001-184)
To:   Recipients of HHSPRESS digests [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are 2 messages totalling 266 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:


first story re: medline deleted

Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 14:56:25 -0400
From:Henneghan, Martha (HHS/OS) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date:  October 24, 2001
For Release:  Immediately
Contact:  HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343
Bayer Corporation
(203) 812-6439


HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson and Mr. Helge H. Wehmeier, president and CEO
of the Bayer Corporation, today announced agreement for a significant new
federal purchase of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (trademarked Cipro) at a
substantially lowered price.  The antibiotic is expected to be available by
year end.  Supplementing existing emergency stockpiles, it would be
available for use in the event of a bioterror event.

Under the terms of the agreement valued at $95 million, HHS will pay 95
cents per tablet for a total initial order of 100 million tablets.  This
compares with a previously discounted price of $1.77 per tablet paid by the
federal government.  Bayer said it will rotate the government's inventory,
as part of this agreement, to assure the American public a continuously
fresh supply of Cipro.  This inventory rotation adds an additional value of
30 percent for the government, which is included in the agreement.

Funds for the purchase are included in the $1.6 billion emergency proposal
made by President Bush Oct. 17, which awaits Congressional action.  HHS is
also carrying out substantial new purchases of other antibiotics that are
effective against anthrax, especially doxycycline.

The purchases will fulfill Secretary Thompson's proposal to quickly increase
the nation's emergency reserve of antibiotics.  Resources to be on hand by
January would treat up to 12 million persons immediately for anthrax
exposure.  Treatment would be with a mixture of effective antibiotic
products, with Cipro representing about 10 percent of the antibiotics on
reserve.  Currently, 18.6 million Cipro doses are available in the nation's
emergency reserve, which would enable immediate treatment of about 2 million
persons in combination with other antibiotics.

This agreement means that a much larger supply of this important
pharmaceutical product will be available if needed, Secretary Thompson
said.  The beneficial price also means that we can have more funds
available to assist state and local health responders to be ready for all
eventualities.  I commend the Bayer Corporation for its ongoing efforts to
ensure a fully adequate supply of this valuable product.

Bayer is fully committed to supplying America in its war on bioterrorism.
This agreement between Bayer and the Department of Health and Human Services
is an important security measure that will enable the nation to have in its
stockpile ample supplies of Cipro to combat the threat of anthrax, said
Bayer president Wehmeier.  Cipro has become standard for anthrax treatment.
The men and women of Bayer are 100 percent committed to delivering this
vital antibiotic to the U.S. government on schedule.

Secretary Thompson said current supplies of Cipro and other antibiotics
which are effective against anthrax are entirely adequate to meet the
current need.  This purchase is aimed at expanding our emergency stand-by
capacity, to make us even better prepared for the possibility of massive
exposure to anthrax or other biological agents.

As a further contingency, the agreement provides for the option of a second
order of 100 million tablets at 85 cents, and a third order at 75 cents, if
it is determined that further orders are needed.

Cipro is one of many antibiotics that have been found effective in the
treatment of exposure to anthrax in the incidents in recent weeks.  Current
treatment practice for anthrax exposure, including those possibly exposed to
anthrax, is a 60-day course, involving initial use of a broad spectrum
antibiotic like Cipro, for five days, followed by determination of other
antibiotics to which the pathogen is susceptible.

The Cipro to be purchased would be used to expand emergency stand-by
supplies in the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile (NPS), maintained by HHS'
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The NPS includes both vendor
managed inventory and 50-ton Push Packages, designed to be able to reach
any point in the continental United 

Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-25 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

  Yes, you are right. Sandal wearing is OK for desert and
  jungle dwellers but it is well recognized that Americans
  males over the age of 16 who wear sandals suffer from a
  high level of cranium - rectal disorder.

What about women over the age of 16 who wear sandals?  ;-)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] *Attac stands for

2001-10-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

WSWS : News
 Analysis : World
Attac conference in Berlin
Unbridled opportunism and unwavering loyalty to the state
By Stefan Steinberg
26 October 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author
The anti-globalisation movement Attac* held the first national
conference of its German section in Berlin last weekend, under the
slogan “Another World is possible”. Bernard Cassen, one of Attac’s
founders and a director of the French news monthly Le Monde
Diplomatique, and Susan George, vice president of Attac in France and
author of a number of books devoted to the consequences of
globalisation were among those who addressed the conference. One of
the main speakers was Oskar Lafontaine, the former German Social
Democratic Party chairman and briefly economics minister in the SPD-
Green Party coalition under Gerhard Schroeder.
Attended by some 2,500, and held over two days, the conference was
divided into a number of plenum discussions featuring leading Attac
members, as well as a host of workshops organised by over 70 various
pacifist, feminist, environmental and radical groups and NGOs (non
governmental organisations). Several leading members of the German
trade union bureaucracy were also present, such as IG Metall
executive member Horst Schmitthenner, and Margret Möhnig-Raane,
executive member of the new Ver.di trade union, as well as prominent
representatives of the Greens, such as Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
In his opening speech on Friday evening, psychologist Horst-Eberhardt
Richter made clear that the potential audience of Attac embraced all
of those who felt they had “lost out” as a result of globalisation.
Despite occasional heated exchanges and controversies, the entire
conference made patently clear that Attac is characterised by
unbridled political opportunism. In a number of contributions,
leading Attac members emphasised that they had absolutely no plans or
perspective for a fundamental change of capitalist society. Instead
they limited their criticism to what they described as the
“irresponsible repercussions of neo-liberal politics” and called for
a strengthening of the national state as well as international
capitalist organisations.
Attac and the nation state
The basic perspective of Attac was outlined by the editor of Le Monde
Diplomatique Ignatio Ramonet in a lead article four years ago: “The
globalisation of finance capital has made people insecure. It evades
and humiliates national states as the authoritative guarantor of
democracy and general well being... in combination with the trade
unions and many other organisations which have cultural, social or
environmental aims, Attac could emerge as a gigantic pressure group
of civil society in establishing a world-wide solidarity”. (December
12, 1997).
In a discussion he held with the right wing economist Thomas
L.Friedman, Ramonet was even more blunt about the role of Attac as a
pressure valve to dissipate growing social instability. Ramonet
declared: “In order to satisfy their basic needs, there are millions
of people all over the world who are prepared to erect barricades and
employ violence. I regret such a solution as much as Friedman. But
when we are clever, then it is not necessary that things proceed so
far. Instead we should make a tiny portion of the world’s wealth
available to the ‘damned of the earth’.” He closed his remarks with
the questions: “What can we do? How can we prevent half of humanity
from revolting and turning to violence?”
During the Berlin conference, speakers and delegates openly expressed
their concern at the decay and discrediting of national political
structures and the necessity of restoring credibility to and
strengthening democratic institutions. The defence of capitalist
property relations was made perhaps most bluntly by one of the
principle speakers in the opening plenum discussion, the judge Jürgen
Borchert. He described some of the disastrous social consequences
arising from the liberalisation of capital markets and then appealed
for a return to previous forms of market economy, which he claimed
were based on the principle of equality. He went on to plead for a
better deal for small businesses and closed his contribution with the
ominous warning that the “first victim of social discontent was cash
Borchert shared the platform with Barbara Unmüssig from the
organisation World Economy, Environment and Development (Weed) and
Bernard Cassen, whose own contribution will be dealt with later.
Unmüssig made unmistakably clear that the purpose of Attac was
limited to finding the ear of the political establishment. She
declared that the movement had recently achieved an important
breakthrough, and that its arguments for economic reform were now
being taken seriously by such newspaper as Germany’s Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung and the Financial Times. At the same time, she
emphasised that Attac had no binding theory, world-view or religious

[CTRL] Spooky 'Thrax

2001-10-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-




 Anthrax found at CIA
(CNN) -- Traces of anthrax have been found in a building at the
Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, where incoming mail
is sorted, U.S. officials tell CNN.
The amount of anthrax detected in what officials say were highly
sensitive and sophisticated tests was medically insignificant an
official said, but the building has been closed until further testing
and cleaning can be done.
Officials say 31 different sites in the mail receiving building and
the CIA's main mailroom have been checked since October 23. Only one
site tested positive for anthrax.
No CIA personnel have tested positive for anthrax exposure, however
antibiotics have been offered to all staff handling mail in bulk and
to any other interested employees of the agency.
Like many other U.S. agencies, the CIA receives its mail via the
Brentwood post office facility in Washington, where two postal
workers have died from inhalation anthrax and a number of others are
being treated in hospita
Anthrax apparently spread through the U.S. mail has infected at least 13 individuals, 
three of whom have died.
Latest developments
• Terrorists live within U.S. borders plotting, planning, waiting to kill Americans 
again, Attorney General John Ashcroft warned Thursday. Speaking before a gathering of 
the nation's mayors in Washington, Ashcroft again
 warned of the possibility of further attacks. (Full story)
• The U.S. Postal Service Thursday began trucking some mail addressed to federal 
government offices in Washington to an Ohio company to be irradiated to prevent more 
anthrax-laden letters from reaching government targets.
 (Full story)
• Crews in congressional office buildings are using a special solution to kill anthrax 
spores on walls, furniture and office equipment. (Full story) (More information)
• The State Department said Thursday the diagnosis that one of its mail handlers has 
inhalation anthrax has been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention. A second mailroom employee with flu-like symp
toms is being tested for anthrax. (Full story)
• New Jersey's top health official said Thursday a second employee at the Hamilton 
Township mail distribution center near Trenton may have inhalation anthrax. Two other 
postal workers in New Jersey have been diagnosed wit
h cutaneous, or skin, anthrax. (Full story)
• Shadowy terrorists using anthrax as a weapon are to blame for tainted letters sent 
to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and other targets, Homeland Security chief Tom 
Ridge said Thursday. He said the samples taken fr
om Daschle's letter were more dangerous than those received at the other sites.
• Flags at post offices nationwide are being lowered Thursday to half-staff in memory 
of two postal workers killed by anthrax, The Associated Press reported. The two died 
after being infected with inhalation anthrax, beli
eved to have resulted from spores mailed to the Senate.
• New Jersey officials have announced the creation of a state task force to identify, 
arrest and prosecute the person or persons sending letters laced with anthrax through 
the United States mail. (Full story)
• Hospital officials said Wednesday six more employees of the Brentwood mail center -- 
the Washington facility that employed two mail handlers who died of inhalation anthrax 
-- are suspected of having anthrax and are hosp
italized and are being given Cipro. (Full story)
• U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman Deborah Willhite said Wednesday
that environmental testing will be performed at mail facilities in
Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and the New York City area. (Full
story)  Find this article at:


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[CTRL] ATtA Bill

2001-10-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


See all of Reason's coverage of the war on terrorism here:
Terror Strikes
October 26, 2001
Surveillance Switcheroo
How the anti-terrorism bill got passed
By Sam MacDonald
In the days following September 11, it was easy to feel kinda bad for
Attorney General John Ashcroft. He really wanted to catch the
terrorists, but he just didn’t seem up to the job. Whiz-bang
encryption and communication technologies had left the cops in the
dust, he said, and unless the country acted fast, things would only
get worse. That’s compelling stuff, but it turns out to be an almost
complete inversion of the truth. As the debate over anti-terrorism
legislation boiled over late this week, one thing became painfully
clear -- in the nasty battle for information in the Internet Age,
politicians are still far too slippery for the privacy lobby to pin
Take the bill that the House passed Wednesday morning. News accounts
summarize the legislation by noting that it increases government
surveillance capabilities and has a bunch of money-laundering
provisions. That's all true, but it's also very general--and when it
comes to bills like this, the devil is always in the details. It
turns out that even most House members had no idea what they were
voting overwhelmingly in favor of.
Indeed, if you happened to know what the House bill actually said,
you were one of the lucky few. In a phone interview Thursday
afternoon, Wired News technology reporter Declan McCullagh said that
he couldn’t get his hands on the full text until after it passed. He
said he still had not pored over the enormously complex bill when we
spoke. The anti-terrorism legislation was rushed through Congress,
McCullagh says. There was little time for legislators to review the
legislation before the vote happened. To their shame, they pretty
much went ahead and voted for it anyway.
Although the House passed anti-terrorism legislation earlier this
month, it was far removed from a bill that made it through the
Senate. Deliberations that normally would have gone on in a
conference committee instead happened informally. In the meantime,
congressional sources who could have shed some light on the
proceedings were almost impossible to track down because of the
anthrax-induced frenzy on Capitol Hill. According to McCullagh, rank-
and-file House members were still in the dark Tuesday night as
leaders tried to hash out a deal with the Senate and the
administration: Members of the House of Representatives were saying,
‘Whoa, can I see a copy of this bill? We haven’t seen it yet.’
A House staffer complained that the Senate never held hearings on
some of the most important privacy issues: They sold the privacy
community down the river on that one. The source added that there
was too much pressure to keep the legislation from going forward; the
best privacy fans could do was add provisions like the sunset clause
that will force Congress to reconsider at least parts of the
legislation in 2004. The attorney general didn’t want to get blamed
for terrorist attack number two. He turned to the career bureaucrats
who dusted off all these old proposals. It was just thrown in our
Think tanks and reporters around Washington scrambled Thursday
afternoon to figure out what the final bill said. When I asked Jim
Harper of Privacilla.org what it all meant, he replied, I don’t know
if I’m going to be any less confused than you are. The Center for
Democracy and Technology had a media conference call at one o’clock.
Executive Director Jerry Berman and Deputy Director James Dempsey
addressed how some of the bill’s provisions might be abused. Berman
noted that the FBI could conceivably study all the traffic on news
sites that offer a pro-Middle Eastern spin: You’re going to get the
news, you’re trying to the get all the news. You haven’t even joined
a political party. You haven’t joined anything. But those are now of
interest. Why are you going to that site? Are you a member of an
organization? Are you a supporter of the terrorists? Why don’t we
also look at your other records?
This is not good stuff. One small reason to cheer: The final bill
does have the sunset provision (but it doesn't apply to all aspects
of the bill). More cautious legislators also managed to kill what was
probably the most controversial measure -- the one giving cops the
power to detain suspected immigrants indefinitely. (As passed, the
bill requires officials to charge people with something or deport
them within seven days.) Fortunately, it doesn’t even mention
encryption. On the other hand, there are real concerns: federal
officials can view e-mail subject lines and the addresses of Web
sites people visit with near impunity. Perhaps worst of all, there is
little in the bill that restricts the new police powers to terrorism
investigations. Once the feds stamp out terrorism, there is a very
real possibility that they will cast their new net in search of