Re: [CTRL] Castro faces international criminal charges

2002-02-27 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BF>Castro is an evil thug.  However, I fail to reason why Castro, Pinochet, or
Saddam Hussein should be tried outside of their nations.  None of them committed
crmes in Belgium, and thus should not be tried under their jurisdiction.  What part
of "national sovereignty" don't globo-nazi Europeans understand?
I'm in a bad mood tonight, as you can see.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Barak @ the Bar

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Judge puts Barak under suspicion

Jonathan Cook and Graham Usher in Jerusalem
Thursday February 28, 2002
The Guardian

Israel's former prime minister, Ehud Barak, and his security minister, Shlomo Ben-
Ami, were warned last night by a panel of judges that they are under suspicion of
acting illegally during its investigations into events at the start of the intifada.

The commission, headed by Justice Theodor Or, sent both men letters advising
them to prepare for more investigation. It has powers to recommend prosecutions for
those it warns.

Mr Barak's government fell in February last year after his negotiations with the
Palestinian leadership failed to reach a peace agreement. His challenger, Ariel
Sharon, defeated him by a large margin.

Justice Or has spent a year examining the events in October 2000 which led to 13
Arab citizens being shot dead by police during protests in the northern Galilee region.

Evidence presented to the commission has shown that the demonstrators were
unarmed. Testimonies, including some from police officers, have hinted at a shoot-
to-kill policy.

It was unclear last night what aspects of Mr Barak's and Mr Ben-Ami's role in the
affair prompted the judges' warning. They may be suspected of having provided false

The Or Commission also examined Mr Sharon's visit to the Haram al-Sharif, or
Temple Mount, in Jerusalem on September 28 2000 - an event seen as triggering
the intifada. Mr Barak and Mr Ben-Ami were questioned about their role in approving
the visit.

Yesterday also marked the first day of the trial of Azmi Bishara, a Palestinian
member of the Israeli parliament. He is charged with "supporting a terrorist
organisation", which carries a maximum sentence of three years' imprisonment.

Mr Bishara had become the first knesset member in history to lose parliamentary
immunity for something he had said, rather than done.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Should His Editors Have Sent Him There?

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>>>This is interesting considering several many (about 9) journalists were killed or
wonded PRIOR to Pearl's terminal event without raising the hackles of the
mediacracy.  But I can't understand *why* the WSJ (the "Pearl of Wisdom of the
busniess elite)(I didn't make up the name and I didn't make up the phrase) would
send someone -- a journalist, basically -- somewhere where his kind (scribe) has
already been targeted, and successfully.  Then, they let him take his wife ... to what
is essentially a war zone with refugee Al Qaedans and Talebaniaqs ... whose
emotions are already white hot.  None of this makes sense.  This is especially true
when you try to guess the backgrounds (!) of the broadcast journalism content
providers who work for Fox and report from Pakistan daily and nightly.  More than
one of them calls Pearl "Danny" as if they were friends.  The ones from Fox might
report any problems they've experienced.  But I haven't heard of any.  None of this
Pearl stuff makes sense.  A<>E<>R <<<


February 26, 2002

American Journal

Daniel Pearl: Should His Editors
Have Sent Him There?

By Alexander Cockburn

Daniel Pearl's dispatches reminded me somewhat of Peter Kann's in the days when
he was the Journal's most light-heartedly stylish reporter, before assuming the
imperial purple and becoming the company's CEO. It was Kann, back in the late
1970s, who traveled to Afghanistan, reported that the place was a dump covered
with flies and that it was hard to understand why any Great Power would want any
truck with the place.

Ironically, since his captors charged him with being an agent of the American Empire
and of Zionism, Pearl was not afraid to file reports contradicting the claims of the
State Department or the Pentagon or even of the mad dogs on the Journal's editorial
pages whose ravings fulfill on a weekly basis the most paranoid expectations of a
Muslim fanatic. Just about the time they were killing Pearl, had they paused to buy a
copy of the Wall Street Journal, his killers would have found a reprint on the 
pages of a particularly feverish article from Commentary, in-house periodical of the
American Jewish Committee, stating flatly that to be to be opposed to Israel was to
be anti-Zionist, and to be anti-Zionist was to be anti-Semitic. It's the familiar 
logic of the Israeli lobby: oppose the sale of Apache helicopters to Sharon or the
bulldozing of Palestinian homes means you are a co-conspirator in the Holocaust.

The Wall Street Journal editorial page wrote, the day after news of Pearl's death was
confirmed, that it showed "evil" was still stalking the world, "evil" being the current
term of art for "awfulness beyond our comprehension". Now, these editorial writers
have spent years writing urgent advisories to whatever US president happens to be
in power that the most extreme reactionary forces in Israel must be given
unconditional backing. It would take any Islamic fanatic about fifteen minutes in a
clips library to demonstrate that if bombs are to be dropped on Palestinians, peace
overtures shunned, just settlement rejected, then the Wall Street Journal's editorial
page is on board, full throat.

Why was it left to Pearl's wife to offer herself to the kidnapers in lieu of her 
Why did not the WSJ's editorial page editor, Paul Gigot, proffer himself, or if he had
protested that his credentials were not yet sufficiently seasoned since he has only
recently plumped his behind into the editorial chair, why not bring Robert Bartley out
of retirement, send him to Karachi for discussion of the relationship of editorial 
in the Wall Street Journal to overall moral responsibility for US policies in the 
East and South Asia?

So if that WSJ editorial writer who invoked "evil" had been honest, he might have
written, "it may well be that Danny Pearl was killed because his murderers held him
responsible for positions on the Middle East conflict and on Islam oft expressed in
these editorial pages. If so, then he died for principles that we honor and will always
uphold", or something of that sort, while simultaneously emphasizing that reporters
are not editorial writers and that Pearl bore no responsibility for the editorials.

Might it not have occurred to Pearl's editors, those who assigned him to South Asia,
that the fact that he was an Israeli citizen might have put him in extra peril, given 
fact that he was seeking to contact an extremely dangerous crowd of Muslim
terrorists in Karachi? . The fact of his citizenship only emerged after his death, in a
report, February 24, in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, by Yossi Melman:

"Professor Yehuda Pearl, father of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel
Pearl, has told Ha'aretz that he fears that making public his son's Israeli citizenship
could adversely affect investigative efforts by Pakistani police to apprehend the
killers a

[CTRL] When Things Turn Weird, The Weird Turn Pro

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

When Things Turn Weird, The Weird Turn Pro
Propaganda, The Pentagon And The Rendon Group

Jeff Stein is co-author, with Khidhir Hamza, of Saddam's Bombmaker: The Daring
Escape of the Man Who Built Iraq's Secret Weapon (Scribner 2000).

A few years ago, Washington media consultant John Rendon was regaling an
audience of cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy with one of his favorite war

When victorious U.S. troops rolled into Kuwait City, he noted, they were greeted by
hundreds of Kuwaitis waving American flags. The scene, flashed around the world
again and again on CNN, left little doubt that the U.S. Marines were welcome in

"Did you ever stop to wonder," he asked, "how the people of Kuwait City, after being
held hostage for seven long and painful months, were able to get hand-held
American, and for that matter, the flags of other coalition countries?"

A ripple of knowing chuckles passed across Rendon’s military audience.

"Well you now know the answer," he said, "That was one of my jobs then."

And what a job it was. It was a global propaganda coup, especially in corners of the
Arab world where even Saddam Hussein usually wins a popularity contest with Uncle
Sam. From Cairo to Karachi, millions of people saw the American liberators
welcomed to Kuwait -- again and again.

And that’s just one of the reasons that John Rendon, a beefy media wizard who
started out in national politics scheduling campaign stops for Jimmy Carter, shuns
the label of public relations flack in favor what he billed himself at the Air Force
Academy: "an information warrior and a perception manager."

Rendon has had a lot of plum assignments since Desert Storm, including a $23
million propaganda campaign in 1991 aimed at undermining Saddam Hussein with
smuggled leaflets and radio broadcasts beamed into Iraq. And now Rendon has
another plum -- it was reported recently that he’d been hired for $100,000 a month to
help the Pentagon plant propaganda in the foreign media as part of the Bush
administration’s War on Terrorism.

According to The New York Times, which broke the story February 19, "The
Pentagon is developing plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to
foreign media organizations as part of a new effort to influence public sentiment and
policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries."

The leak clearly ambushed the Pentagon, which quickly retreated in a fog of
contradictory statements that culminated in an announcement just a week later by
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that the whole idea had probably been

"I met with Undersecretary Doug Feith this morning and he indicated to me that he's
decided to close down the Office of Strategic Influence," Rumsfeld told a Pentagon
news conference.

That didn’t mean, of course, that the idea was dead, or couldn’t be moved to another
agency with more experience in "disinformation," such as the Central Intelligence

No one at the Pentagon, the White House, or The Rendon Group would respond to a
reporter’s call asking whether the idea could be resuscitated elsewhere, or whether
The Rendon Group’s contract had been canceled or transferred.

Rendon was already working for the Pentagon. After the terrorist attacks of
September 11, the Pentagon quickly awarded The Rendon Group a $392,000
contract to counter negative portrayals of the U.S. bombing in Afghanistan abroad,
according to news accounts last fall.

A spokeswoman for the company said she could not reveal what the company did for
the Pentagon on that project, but a well-informed source who has worked with
Rendon said it went beyond wooing foreign journalists to setting up disguised-
source, pro-U.S Web sites in several foreign languages and blast-faxing foreign
media and search engines with pro-U.S. information.

If the Rendon Group’s track record is any guide, however, the company’s real
expertise is in spending taxpayer dollars.

Rendon has had clients in 78 countries, according to its own Web site, ranging from
the Kuwaiti Royal Family to the embattled Colombian Army to the Haitian
government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In 1989, it was hired by the CIA to assist the
campaign of Guillermo Endara against Manuel Noriega in Panama, according to
ABC News. It also has corporate and non-profit clients, such as the Vietnam
Veterans of America Foundation, which it helped promote the ban of landmines.

If the Rendon Group’s track record against Saddam Hussein is any guide, however,
the company’s real expertise is in spending taxpayer dollars.

In 1992, according to several later accounts, including a book by the journalists
Andrew and Patrick Cockburn (Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection of Saddam
Hussein) the CIA hired The Rendon Group to assist London-based Iraqi exiles in
toppling the Baghdad regime. It started out by giving the exiles, an unwieldy coalition
of Sunni and Shiite Muslims and Kurds, its name: the Iraqi Nati

[CTRL] Folly in the trenches of Bosnia

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Weather | Sports | Forums | Comics | Classifieds | Calendar | Movies

Folly in the trenches of Bosnia

By STEVE PERSALL, Times Film Critic

© St. Petersburg Times, published February 21, 2002

The follies of war are brilliantly skewered in a Bosnian trench by first-time director
Danis Tanovic's No Man's Land.

The follies of war are brilliantly skewered in a Bosnian trench by first-time director
Danis Tanovic's No Man's Land.

Tanovic takes a simple setup, enemies trapped together, and turns the situation into
a Strangelovian satire. It doesn't matter whether Serbs or Croats were justified to
fight; Tanovic's view is that things have spun out of control so long that mending
barbed-wire fences now is impossible.

The film opens in 1993 when a Serb patrol gets lost in a fog, a clever piece of
symbolism. The soldiers are ambushed, but one, Ciki (Branko Djuric), survives and
tumbles into a battlefield trench.

He watches as two Croats inspect the trench and install a land mine under a fallen
comrade, an insidious booby trap that will mutilate anyone lifting the body. Ciki kills
one soldier and wounds another, Nino (Rene Bitorajac). A stalemate develops until
the rivals realize that the booby-trapped soldier, Cera (Filip Sovagovic), isn't dead.
But if Cera moves in the slightest way, they all will be.

News of the situation attracts United Nations peacekeepers (snidely referred to as
Smurfs because of their powder-blue helmets). Tanovic saves his sharpest barbs for
these referees, depicting them as well-intended posers without genuine impact.

Right behind the U.N. on Tanovic's hit list is the electronic media, represented by TV
reporter Jane Livingstone (Katlin Cartridge), who knows the drama in that trench
could earn big ratings.

No Man's Land never stoops to slapstick, but Tanovic's canny sense of the absurd
makes everyone appear to be slipping on political banana peels. It's a film laden with
wise metaphors and offhand gestures of incompetence when they're needed least.
The movie becomes its own sly punch line.

Knowledge of Bosnian war dynamics isn't necessary because the human failings
contributing to the mess are universal. The laughs catch in your throat with Tanovic's
final image, a stunning symbol of a post-Sept. 11 world bracing for the next
senseless explosion.

No Man's Land won the Golden Globe for best foreign language film and is
nominated for an Academy Award in the foreign film category. The film also won the
best screenplay award at the Cannes Film Festival.

Shown with English subtitles, although much of the dialogue is in English.

No Man's Land

Grade: A

Director: Danis Tanovic

Cast: Branko Djuric, Rene Bitorajac, Filip Sovagovic, Katrin Cartlidge

Screenplay: Danis Tanovic

Rating: R; profanity, violence

Running time: 98 min.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do 

[CTRL] India braced for anarchy

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-,,3-221487,00.html

February 28, 2002

India braced for anarchy after fatal train attack
By Catherine Philp, South Asia Correspondent

INDIA faces the prospect of more mob violence after Hindu hardliners vowed last
night to build a temple on the disputed Ayodhya holy site.

This was despite an attack in which Muslims set fire to a train carrying Hindu 
from the site, killing at least 55 people, including 14 children.

Religious tension is rising against the background of the War on Terror and the
conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir which has a Muslim majority.

Across the state there were reports of sporadic unrest last night: two buses were
attacked and burnt in Ahmedabad. Elsewhere one man was killed and two others
injured in apparent revenge attacks.

The Indian Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, has appealed for calm and
cancelled a visit to this weekend’s Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in
Australia. In the town of Godhra, where the train was set on fire, a youth of 17 was
shot dead by police as they dispersed the mob. The streets were later deserted as
police enforced a curfew.

Thousands of Hindus had gathered in Ayodhya to plan the building of the temple on
the ruins of the 16th-century Babri mosque. Its destruction by a Hindu mob ten years
ago caused riots throughout India in which 3,000 died.

The Sabarmati Express was taking Hindu militants home to Gujarat from a
purification ceremony at the temple site when it was attacked. Police said that a mob
gathered outside the station as the passengers shouted Hindu slogans. As the train
left the station it was surrounded by about 2,000 people. They doused one carriage
with petrol and set it alight, trapping dozens of passengers inside.
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wealthy donors to cover Law's settlements

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Wealthy donors to cover Law's settlements

by Tom Mashberg and Maggie Mulvihill
Wednesday, February 27, 2002

A top financial adviser to Bernard Cardinal Law said yesterday that Law will ``bend
over backwards'' to compensate the victims of pedophile priests, even though the
cost of doing so will exceed the insurance available to the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Boston.

The adviser, John J. ``Jack'' Shaughnessy Sr. of Milton, a construction magnate and
member of the board of Catholic Charities, also said church benefactors have
assured Law they will ``step to the plate'' and make funds available to help the
archdiocese cover settlement costs - which by some estimates could reach $100

``It's safe to say the price of all this will far exceed the insurance available,'' 
Shaughnessy, president of Shaughnessy & Ahern Co. of South Boston. ``But His
Eminence, and I would say most of his advisers, are 1000 percent behind the
proposition that the legitimate victims of these few aberrant priests must be made

The issue of how to cope with numerous suits against the church, some longstanding
and others recent, has been a topic of spirited debate within the cardinal's inner
circle, Shaughnessy said. Legal advisers, he said, have urged Law to contest all
lawsuits vigorously, fearing a generous payment strategy might prompt dubious

But the faction that supports ``prompt and fair'' payouts - including prominent lay
Catholics and members of Law's hierarchy - has prevailed, said Shaughnessy, who
cleared his remarks by phone this week with aides to Law.

Law's hope is threefold, Shaughnessy said: to ensure victims and their families fair
compensation; to reverse the tide of dismal publicity afflicting the archdiocese over
the abuse scandal; and to destigmatize the ``good priests'' demoralized by the
drumbeat of ugly revelations.

Lawyers for the bulk of the 125-plus plaintiffs against the church reacted with caution

``Right now I am guarded in my response, based on my recent experiences with the
church and my clients,'' said Jeffrey A. Newman, who represents 14 victims of serial
child molester and former archdiocese youth worker Christopher J. Reardon. ``I have
clients who are literally coming apart at the seams, who need institutionalization, yet
they are still laboring through mediations with church attorneys.''

And Mitchell Garabedian, lawyer for 86 alleged victims of convicted and defrocked
pedophile priest John J. Geoghan, said Law's lawyers just yesterday put off a
deposition with him set for today.

``Obviously the church should do the right thing and settle,'' he said. ``But I've been
hearing those kinds of comments for years.''

Putting an exact figure on the lawsuits either settled or pending against the
archdiocese for molestation claims has proven difficult.

The Herald first reported on Jan. 26 that at least 50 Archdiocese of Boston priests
have settled molestation lawsuits involving one or more victims in the last 40 years.

Since then, the archdiocese has given Massachusetts law enforcement officials
more than 80 names of suspect priests. Because there is duplication due to
overlapping jurisdictions, the actual number lies somewhere between 60 and 80,
attorneys familiar with the suits say.

The cost of previous settlements is unknown, but payouts run from $10,000 to
$500,000, depending on extent of abuse, according to settlements reviewed by the

In recent weeks, as the magnitude of priestly abuse has become known, numerous
new plaintiffs have stepped forward to sue the archdiocese, and Law personally, for
letting known pedophiles migrate from parish to parish despite clear signs they might

In addition to the Geoghan and Reardon plaintiffs, who all told number about 120,
multiple allegations have arisen in recent weeks against the Revs. Paul R. Shanley,
with 6 accusers, and Paul M. Desilets, with 21 accusers; and former Revs. Paul J.
Mahan, with 15 accusers, and Bernard J. Lane, with 3 accusers. Single new
allegations have also been made against dozens of current and former priests.

Experts say future settlements, which often include funding for long-term
psychotherapy as well as large damage awards, could average $500,000, putting
potential liability in the $100 million range.

In January, as the molestation scandal gained steam, Law stated emphatically that
insurance would cover the price of all settlements.

But the Herald soon reported that the church's insurance till was running dry. Some
legal advisers then urged Law to embrace the ``charitable immunity cap'' - a state
law limiting liability of nonprofits to $20,000 per settlement.

Law sought the advice of prominent Bay State Catholics, meeting three times in the
past six weeks with an ad hoc group of friends and backers. Given the ``boiling pot''
of bad publicity, Shaughnessy said, the consensus now is 

[CTRL] ICTY Goes ICKY on Slobo

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

The Hague Tribunal: Milosevic charges NATO with war crimes

Part One

By Chris Marsden
28 February 2002

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This is the first of a three part series dealing with the trial of former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic at The Hague.

On Tuesday, February 12, proceedings opened in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic at
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague.

For the next two days, the prosecution team led by Carla Del Ponte offered its
introductory remarks in the indictment of the former Yugoslav president for war
crimes in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Afterwards, in what was obviously highly politically embarrassing for the ICTY and
the Western powers, Milosevic’s defence statement presented a legally impeccable
rebuttal of the charges against him. Milosevic then turned the tables on his accusers
by arguing cogently that the main responsibility for the eruption of ethic conflict in 
Balkans rests with the United States, Germany and the other NATO powers and that
it is they who should in fact be charged with war crimes.

Milosevic was naturally keen to present himself in the best possible light at all times
and no objective observer of Balkan events over the past two decades would fail to
acknowledge that he shares political responsibility for the tragic events of the 1990s.
But the fact remains that his version of what took place contains far more truth than
the equally self-serving account presented by the Western governments that
provides the political underpinnings of the present trial.

In opening the prosecution argument, del Ponte said that the ICTY was based on the
application of “international humanitarian law”. Milosevic was being prosecuted “on
the basis of his individual criminal responsibility”, and “No state or organisation is 
trial”. “This is a criminal trial,” she went on and the prosecution would not respond 
Milosevic’s attempt to “make interventions of a political nature”.

These gyrations are extraordinary. How can Milosevic be on trial simply as an
individual, given that he is being charged precisely because he was a former head of
state? Moreover, who but the wilfully naïve could possibly accept the non-existence
of a political dimension to the most high-profile trial in the world today?

Del Ponte attributed the entire tragedy of the breakup of Yugoslavia to the personal
ambition of Milosevic. Her attempt to do so reached bizarre dimensions. Milosevic
was neither nationalist nor racist, she said. Rather, “Beyond the nationalist pretext
and the horror of ethnic cleansing, behind the grandiloquent rhetoric and the
hackneyed phrases he used, the search for power is what motivated Slobodan

Senior Trial Attorneys Geoffrey Nice and Dirk Ryneveld followed up with an outline of
the charges against Milosevic, listing various examples of killings and atrocities in
Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

In order to make Milosevic directly responsible for crimes that were mostly attributed
to various Serbian irregular forces, and less often to soldiers serving in the regular
army, Nice simply insisted that Milosevic must have known what was happening and
was therefore culpable.

Beginning with the indictment on Kosovo, Nice accused Milosevic of poisoning the
political atmosphere through repressive acts and inflammatory nationalist speeches.
Nice did acknowledge the emergence of a separatist movement within the ethnic
Albanian population in the late 1980s. But as regards terrorist violence by the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA), he gave this an apologia by stating his surprise that “the
reaction of Kosovo, or of the Kosovo Albanians, was as muted and peaceful for a
time as it was.”

Nice played a clip from a speech by Milosevic on June 28 1989, celebrating the
600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, highlighting just one statement: “Six
centuries later— today—we are once again fighting battles and faced with battles.
They are not armed battles, although such battles are not excluded either.” The fact
that Milosevic did not exclude “armed battles” was meant to associate him with what
followed in the next years.

Nice then gave a highly truncated chronology of the subsequent breakup of
Yugoslavia and the conflict that ensued. He insisted that the unifying thread between
the conflict in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo was Milosevic utilising ethnic cleansing to
carry out his “aim or objective of control and domination by Serbs over territory with
different co-perpetrators who were all part of a common plan.” In Croatia, everything
carried out by the army, the Territorial Defence units of the Krajina and of Slavonia,
the Territorial Defence of Serbia and of Montenegro and “a broad array of
paramilitaries” was supposedly done as part of Milosevic’s “plan”. “The evidence
shows that the forces I’ve cited op

[CTRL] Jews and Springmeier

2002-02-27 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

Mike Clark wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> It wouldnt just be the ZIONISTS.  You would have to
> count the KHAZARS.  And the BRITISH ISRAELITES.  Who
> knows the ZIONISTS might actually be Jews.  But the KHAZARS
> and the BRITISH ISRAELITES are true impostors.

BF>Khazars, if they converted, are Israelites (Book of Ruth).  British Israelites
are another matter.

Dear Friends,

Today is 16 February, 2002, and this is an update on my (Fritz Springmeier’s)


BF>Springmeier is paying the price because he exposed how blood-lines interlock.
He is wrong on many points, but the fact remains that key descendents of European
monarchs play a key role in ruling the world, for good or for ill.  I cannot
imagine that someone who has made this many enemies would not pay the price.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-27 Thread Saba

--- Begin Message ---

--- End Message ---

Re: [CTRL] KLA Supports Slobo

2002-02-27 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BF>Without defending Milosevik, I can say that you can trust Islamic extremists---to be
Islamic extremists.  The propaganda was definitely one-sided.  If the United States, 
the pure
and innocent, were faced with what Yugoslavia and Israel have faced, then I think that 
would have been a torrent, as there was in Afghanistan.   Instead, there was 
moralizing from
Albright and Colin Powell about "all sides coming to the negotiating table" as if 
there was a
moral parity.  No more moralizing to the Israelis or the Russians now!   These two 
have every right to defend themselves against the evil forces arrayed against them.
Milosevik was a thug, who committed acts that cannot be defended, but he also 
faced a big
problem that can bring the ugliness out of so many would-be thugs.  He faced a series 
national secession movements, many of which conducted their own campaigns of ethnic
cleansing.  The Union in the Civil War conducted a similar campaign against the South, 
Americans, and others who threatened it.  War is aweful, and should be avoided.
Unfortunately, when it happens the worst is brought out in people and often that 
cannot be
Slobo was also right about somthing.  We essentially fought on the same side as Bin
Laden, with no thanks from him.  These terrorists respect only one thing, and that is
strength, just as do their neo-nazi allies which are a domestic fifth column here in 
west.  So strength it must be.

Euphorian wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> >From LA Times
> }}}>Begin
> Ruin Marks Blood, Honor in Kosovo
> Yugoslavia: The tale of a massacre at the home of a guerrilla leader may unwittingly
> support the core of Slobodan Milosevic's defense.
> February 26 2002
> PREKAZ, Yugoslavia -- A memorial is being constructed here to honor the memory
> of Adem Jashari and his family, who ignited all-out war for Kosovo's independence
> by sacrificing their lives four years ago.
> >From the perspective of ethnic Albanians who backed the armed struggle against
> Serbian rule, the ruined home where 20 Jasharis--including women and children--
> died is drenched not only in blood but also in honor. Glossy brochures for visitors 
> the story of events here in that spirit.
> Just what happened in March 1998 has assumed renewed importance because the
> first prosecution witness at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav President
> Slobodan Milosevic cited the Jasharis' massacre as a key point of his testimony.
> Mahmut Bakali, an ethnic Albanian politician, told the court Feb. 18 that Milosevic
> had defended the killings to him as a justified police action against terrorists. A
> pamphlet available here at the memorial site, though written to glorify Adem Jashari,
> can be seen as unwittingly supporting an argument central to Milosevic's defense:
> that the war in Kosovo originated primarily as a fight between armed secessionists
> and government forces.
> Prosecutors will be trying to prove that Milosevic bore responsibility for the 
>actions of
> his forces in Kosovo three years ago. The 1998 killings in Prekaz are not listed in 
> indictment. But whether these deaths, which ushered in a wider war between ethnic
> Albanians and Milosevic's forces, are interpreted as a coldblooded massacre or as
> the result of a justifiable police action could help set the tone for the trial.
> Milosevic is accused of genocide and crimes against humanity, in part for the actions
> of Yugoslav soldiers, Serbian police and paramilitary forces. Thousands of ethnic
> Albanians were slain and hundreds of thousands driven from their homes before
> North Atlantic Treaty Organization airstrikes forced Milosevic to withdraw his forces
> from Kosovo in 1999 and accept a U.N. administration that continues today.
> Most ethnic Albanians see the current situation as virtually ensuring eventual
> independence for Kosovo, which technically remains part of Serbia, the dominant
> republic of Yugoslavia.
> Acting as his own lawyer, Milosevic cross-examined Bakali last Tuesday about the
> Jasharis' deaths. In a question apparently meant to suggest that the family forced 
> hand of police, he asked: "Did you know that they did not want to surrender and they
> shot at policemen?"
> The pamphlet distributed at the battle site focuses on Adem Jashari--a founder of the
> separatist Kosovo Liberation Army--and the 19 members of his family who died with
> him. It does little more than mention the 36 distant relatives and neighbors also 
> in the three- day siege. But the brochure presents a picture of a family fiercely
> devoted to the fight for independence and ready to give their lives for that cause.
> Titled "The Jasharis, the Story of a Resistance," the pamphlet traces Adem Jashari's
> eight- year ar

Re: [CTRL] Left and Right Agree

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Labour Welfare Party - I like that.   No class.

Maybe we can get Clinton to move to Canada and run.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Left and Right Agree

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There is no such thing as a liberal or a conservative.

We have only liberals who talk like tories and tories who talk like

And our perennial candidates who are in it for the 12 million bucks.

For 12 million bucks I would run for President - wouldn't you.


This is why these losers take their loss with such grace.

As for that hockey game like Civil War - Lee surrendered,  not the
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Left and Right Agree

2002-02-27 Thread Labour Welfare Party

-Caveat Lector-

* "Life, liberty and security of the person", Canadian Constitution,
means all persons under the law have the same right to life and health
whether in institutions and protected by Section 215, Criminal Code, or
outside of institutions, in community living. *

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:

> Then in 2002 we whipped your asses in hockey. So there!

Political right and left agree!

> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Saba wrote:
> > Well once there was a day Dr. Poleywhen Canada complained all the
> > companies of importance were owned and made by USA.So Canada took
> > what we had to offer.
> >
> > Then in 1967 there about remember reading about a man who lost both his
> > arms, taking a bomb out of a went off.   I thought this
> > can't happen, how uncivilized in a country such as Canada.
> >
> > This was maybe first shot heard in Canada.
> >
> > Our country is being trashed by the refuse from other's shores.
> >
> > Canada will so be trashed but some of these killers you are sending to
> > us with love, should be eliminated.
> >
> > My sister worked with Canadians,  Air Canada was one of her favorites.
> > Once when she went to the place where they have this big new modern
> > spoke in sky, the hotel said hey, you do not have reservation.   We
> > shall have to find you a room.   For the work she had done, suddenly she
> > found herself in the Presidential Suite, cost 700 dollars a night, in
> > gratitude for her work.
> >
> > She loved Canada.but today, someday we will wake up and Niagra falls
> > will be gone the way it is going.
> >
> > But the USA helped you ingrates - you took what we had to offer and
> > Canada if not careful will go down primrose path.
> >
> > Do not know how Air Canada goes today, but they recognized my sisters
> > work with them and also once provided charter plane for her with the Mr.
> > Big of Chamber of Commerce for the idea was to assist in these areas,
> > for let us say had Yankee Doodle not intervened, Canada would be living
> > in teepees?
> >
> > Well not all of Canada.but you all took what we had to offer
> > you..but that one day when this bomb went off in the mailbox you
> > never recognized the first shot heard, in Canadasince then, not a
> > shot has been fired, right?   Oh so quietly, the theft of a nation.
> >
> > This EU might well have been organized by Zionists in Nazi Germany.   It
> > will go busto, I will say this.
> >
> > Let us say the USA had greatness thrust upon them, and our young men
> > were killed fighting in wars when they should have let these bastards
> > all self destruct - for what the hell do we have to do with places like
> > Israel - of no strategic value, but stocked with jews like salmon in a
> > river.
> >
> > How you been Fang Wang.
> >
> > Come to USA and see the multicultural world and cesspool being created.
> >
> > Once, there were giants here but you Canadians did not appreciate them
> > any more than the Americans for they prefer the Mafia to murder and
> > slaughter the giants and stand refuse in their stead.
> >
> > OSaba
> >
> >";>
> > ==
> > CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> > screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> > sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> > directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> > major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> > That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> > always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> > credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> >
> > Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> > 
> > Archives Available at:
> >
> >";>Archives of
> >
> >  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> > 
> > To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> > To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> > Om
> >
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CT

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Bush to Nominate Helgerson CIA Inspector General

2002-02-27 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Posted: 05:44 PM EST Wednesday, February 27, 2002.

Bush to Nominate Helgerson CIA Inspector General

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush intends to nominate John Helgerson to
the post of CIA inspector general, a position that conducts investigations
of possible internal wrongdoing at the U.S. spy agency, the White House said
on Wednesday.

If confirmed by the Senate, Helgerson would fill the vacancy left by former
CIA Inspector General Britt Snider, who retired in January 2001 and this
month was appointed to lead a congressional investigation into intelligence
failures surrounding the Sept. 11 attacks on America.

While inspector general, Snider conducted reviews into the CIA's handling of
the computer-misuse scandal involving former CIA Director John Deutch, who
placed classified material onto non-secure home computers, and into the CIA
picking a target for the NATO bombing campaign on Yugoslavia that mistakenly
turned out to be the Chinese Embassy.

The CIA inspector general also conducts inspections of different components
of the spy agency to identify strengths and shortcomings, as well as
financial audits.

Helgerson, 58, had a lengthy tenure with the CIA, joining in 1971 and
serving from 1989 to 1993 as its deputy director for intelligence, which is
the head of the spy agency's analytical department.

Helgerson currently is chairman of the National Intelligence Council, which
operates like a government think tank for intelligence issues, producing
classified assessments on topics ranging from missile threats to terrorism.
He joined the National Intelligence Council in August from the post of
deputy director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

``John's breadth and depth of experience at CIA and throughout the
intelligence community -- as well as his sense of fairness and his absolute
integrity -- make him eminently qualified for this demanding and
extraordinarily important position,'' CIA Director George Tenet said in a

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[CTRL] How to Make People More Responsible

2002-02-27 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

L i b e r t y W i r e


Harry Browne's weekly "Liberty & Peace" commentary
appears today on . . .

How to Make People More Responsible

by Harry Browne

Some people object to libertarian ideas because
there are too many irresponsible people in the
world -- people who will cause trouble if the
government doesn't restrain them.

They say we must have big government because some
people won't act decently toward others, some
people won't plan for their own retirement, some
people are too stupid to take care of themselves

In fact, the entire effort to wed morality and
politics is based on the assumption that there are
immoral or irresponsible people whom the
government must control.

Yes, there are plenty of people who won't act
responsibly. There are people who have no regard
for the consequences of their own acts. There are
people who seem incapable of behaving wisely or

But we already have a $2 trillion federal
government. Why is it that after amassing so much
power and taking so much of our money, the
government hasn't already protected us from

It's because politicians don't use the power and
money you give them to do the things _you_ want.
They use those resources to do what _they_ want.
And all they want is more power -- and more
power -- and more power.

Your Are the Target

That power is aimed at you, not at the people you
want to control.

Politicians exploit the existence of irresponsible
people to justify rigid controls on _your_ life.
Because some people won't plan for their old age,
_you_ must be forced into Social Security. Because
some people will do strange things if they look at
dirty pictures on the Internet, _your_ access to
the Internet must be restricted.

We ask for a government that will restrain or
punish those who impose their way physically on
others, but we get instead a government that
regulates virtually all areas of our own lives.

Discouraging Irresponsibility

So what should we do about people who won't take
responsibility for their own actions? I believe
the answer is simple:

_Set them free_.

Give them the freedom to make their own decisions,
to face the consequences of their own acts, to see
for themselves what their actions do to others and
how others respond to them.

Only free people have an incentive to be virtuous.
Only people who bear the consequences of their own
acts will care about those consequences and try to
learn from their mistakes.

A free society rewards virtue and punishes
irresponsibility. Government does just the
opposite -- subsidizing irresponsibility while
taxing work and responsibility.

What do we do about people who might not plan for
their own retirement?

_Set them free_.

Let each person know that his future depends
largely on his own actions. If younger people see
older people who haven't planned ahead and have to
rely on charity, the young will be more likely to
provide for the future. Today when someone plans
poorly, the only consequence people see is a
demand for more government.

What do we do about people who are insensitive to
other people?

_Set them free_.

Let other people shun them or respect them for
what they do. Let each person bear the results of
being civil or uncivil.

Freedom & Responsibility

It's often said that freedom and responsibility
are two sides of the same coin -- that if you want
freedom, you must first accept the responsibility
that goes with it.

The truth is simpler. Freedom and responsibility
aren't interconnected things. _They are the same

Freedom _is_ responsibility. Responsibility is
experiencing the consequences of your own acts --
not the consequences of others' acts or making
others pay for what you do.

And that's what freedom is. Without government to
force others to pay for your pleasures or
mistakes, and without forcing you to pay for what
others do, you are a free, responsible human

Freedom and responsibility are inseparably
linked -- not because they _should_ be, but
because they _are_. Responsibility accompanies
freedom, whether or not you want it to.

So the only way to induce people to be more
responsible is to _set them free_.

First Things First

We are told America must have a moral revival
before we can have greater freedom -- that people
must be taught responsibility before they can be
free. This puts the cart before the horse.

If we wait on government to make people
responsible, we will wait forever.

We have to decide whether we want a nation of
self-reliant individuals who improve their own
lives by offering needed services to others -- or
a nation in which everyone is responsible for
everyone else and so the government must control
every aspect of our lives.

We don't need a moral revival, we don't need
politicians making moral decisions for us, we
don't need more controls. If we want people to act
more responsibly, there's only one way to

[CTRL] USA Is the Real Rogue State

2002-02-27 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Posted on Mon, Feb. 25, 2002

Philadelphia Inquirer

In its unilateralist disregard, U.S. is the real 'rogue

By Richard B. Du Boff and Edward S. Herman

Most people believe that their own country is virtuous and
that only others misbehave enough to qualify as
international outlaws. But the United States has elevated
this popular sentiment to the level of national policy - by
designating certain countries, of its own choosing, as
"rogue states."

The dictionary defines rogue as "a fierce and dangerous
animal, like an elephant, that separates itself from its
herd." By this standard, the United States, not the piddling
tyrannies named by the State Department, is the world's
number one rogue.

Since it obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 -
cities, not military targets - the United States has bombed
18 countries, and invaded still others, with no declaration
of war nor any possibility of retaliation, at least until
Sept. 11.

In the case of Afghanistan, the United States launched a
unilateral war of revenge against a brutal regime of its own
creation, although none of the 19 hijackers were Afghan and
none of the thousands of "detainees" held in the United
States and abroad have been charged with any participation
in the crime. Furthermore, the alleged "mastermind," still
at large, might well have been turned over to the United
States through negotiations - which President Bush rejected
outright from the start.

All this is defended on the ground that we are "so good" (as
the President has said) and always act in the world's
interest. But in fact, U.S. actions reflect the power of
corporate interests. For example, the United States refused
to participate in Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development-sponsored talks in Paris in May 2001, on ways to
crack down on offshore and other tax and money-laundering
havens. For any other nation, this would now be highly
embarrassing in the age of Enron, but such a thought would
never even occur to U.S. policymakers.

Or consider Bush's declaration in March 2001 that the Kyoto
Protocol was "dead" - all because it might harm the U.S.
economy. Bush separates himself from the global consensus
based on his reading of U.S. interests alone - and his
stance coincides with that of the oil industry, not with the
real interests of the American people.

Several U.S. unilateral positions have been geared to the
demands of the military-industrial complex, and other
parties advocating an aggressive foreign policy. The United
States has withdrawn from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile
Treaty, gutting this landmark arms control accord to the
dismay of virtually every country in the world. The United
States has not ratified the Comprehensive (Nuclear) Test Ban
Treaty signed by 164 nations; Bush opposes it. This country
rejects the Land Mine Treaty, concluded in Ottawa in
December 1997 and signed by 122 countries. This country was
also the only nation to oppose the U.N. Agreement to Curb
the International Flow of Illicit Small Arms in July 2001.

The United States rejects an International Criminal Court
because our personnel might become subject to its
jurisdiction. The United Nations is treated the same way:
When the United States can get the Security Council to do
what it wants - say, bomb Iraq in 1991 - it goes that route;
if not, as with its invasion of Panama in 1989, it simply
disregards the United Nations or uses its veto.

In Afghanistan, the administration couldn't be bothered with
the United Nations or any other international body to deal
with what it declared to be a "crime against humanity": It
simply bombed. As for the Guantanamo Bay prisoners,
classified as "unlawful combatants," South African jurist
Richard Goldstone points out that this is "not a term
recognized by international law." If prisoners, they are
entitled to POW treatment; if simply criminals, "under the
U.S. Constitution, they've got even better protection."

But for U.S. leaders, international law is for others, not
ourselves. Whether an action involves waging war, with the
devastation and death that "precision bombing" brings to a
chosen country, or expanding environmental controls, the
United States is proclaiming, more loudly than ever, that it
will "act unilaterally," whatever the cost to others - and
sooner or later to its own people.

Richard B. Du Boff is a professor emeritus of economics at
Bryn Mawr College. Edward S. Herman is a professor emeritus
of finance at the Wharton School, University of
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of ti

[CTRL] A History of Terror

2002-02-27 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "M.A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A History of Terror
Date: Sunday, February 10, 2002 10:21 PM

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

A History of Terror
by Adam Young

CIA director George Tenet told the Senate Intelligence
Committee that there is every reason to expect more
terror attacks in the coming months, because al-Qaida
has not been destroyed. He is probably right, and he
might have gone on to note that government has failed
in its promise to protect Americans against terrorism,
and that would-be terrorists of the world are now more
motivated than ever before. This should raise some
fundamental questions about the whole rationale of
the war and U.S. foreign policy.

In a 1997 report on the scourge of terrorism, the
Pentagon's Defense Science Board observed: "Historical
data show a strong correlation between U.S. involvement
in international situations and an increase in terrorist
attacks against the United States."  Recognizing that fact
is crucial to understanding why both terror and the
response to terror have become such grave threats to
freedom and prosperity.

As a part of its status as the world’s only "superpower,"
the U.S. is the only country in the world that actively
attempts to police regions outside its own, so it should
come as no surprise that one-third of all terrorist
attacks worldwide are perpetrated against U.S. targets.
Far from providing security, U.S. policy is stirring up
security threats, even as the government uses the aftermath
of successful attacks as rationales to expand government

Let’s recount some highlights of the last half-century of
terror in light of U.S. foreign policy:

o November 1, 1950: Puerto Rican nationalists attempt to
   assassinate President Truman. In 1954, the House of
   Representatives would be sprayed with gunfire,
   wounding five congressmen. In 1973 and again in 1974,
   bombs would be set off in New York City. In 1975, the
   FALN would plant bombs in New York, Chicago and
   Washington, D.C., killing several people and wounding

o June 5, 1968: Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated by Sirhan
Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant who regarded RFK as a
collaborator with Israel.

o March 1971: The U.S. Senate is bombed again. Suspected
   this time are opponents of the Vietnam fiasco.

o November 4, 1979: Supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini
   storm the U.S. embassy in Teheran in anger at the
   longtime U.S. support for the Shah's despotic regime.
   It would not be until two years later that the hostages
   would be freed.

o December 1979: A mob of Iranians burns down the U.S.
   embassy in Tripoli, Libya. Iranian-sponsored terrorism
   against the United States is promoted as a just cause
   in retaliation for U.S. support for the Shah and Israel.

o April 8, 1983: The Iranian-backed Hezbollah bombs the
   U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. The attack kills 17
   Americans. All attacks by Hezbollah in Lebanon around
   this time are in retaliation for the U.S. openly choosing
   sides, supporting the Christian government against the
   Muslim militias by training and arming the Lebanese
   National Army (the LNA). U.S. Marines even began
   patrolling with the LNA, and the U.S. Navy and Marines
   began shelling the Muslims to support the LNA.

o October 23, 1983: A suicide truck-bomber from Hezbollah
   attacks the U.S. embassy and destroys the U.S. Marine
   barracks in Beirut, killing 290 people and wounding
   200 more. The U.S. Marines soon withdraw from Beirut.
   A Hezbollah spokesman brags that it took only two
   "martyrs" to force the Marines out of Lebanon: one
   who blew up the embassy, and the other who drove the
   truck that destroyed the Marine barracks. In September
   1984, Hezbollah would bomb the U.S. embassy annex in
   East Beirut, killing 23 people and wounding four Marine
   guards. During the 1980s, Hezbollah would kidnap 19
   American diplomats, educators, businessmen, clergy,
   journalists, and military personnel, and kill at
   least four.

o March 1986: The largest peacetime American naval
   armada ever assembled sails across the "line of
   death," which, according to Khadafy, marks Libyan
   territorial waters in the Gulf of Sidra. Fulfilling
   the predictions of U.S. defense analysts, he shoots
   off missiles at the fleet. U.S. forces then destroy
   a missile site and three Libyan naval craft. In
   retaliation, Khadafy sponsors the bombing on April
   5, 1986, of the La Belle nightclub in West Berlin,
   which killed an American soldier and a Turkish
   woman. On April 15, 1986 (two weeks after the
   "line of death" incident in late March), the U.S.
   retaliates for the La Belle bombing w

[CTRL] THE PLOT SICKENS-The anthrax mystery deepens – and the implications are ominous

2002-02-27 Thread William Shannon

The anthrax mystery deepens – and the implications are ominous

In my last column, I pointed to the probable genesis of the mysterious anthrax letters – a clique of former US scientists, including one in particular who had been fired from his US government job at Fort Detrick's biowar research lab – and complained that a government cover-up was in the works. The piece was posted on Friday. On Monday, a Washington Times story announced that the authorities had focused on a former US government scientist who had once worked at Ft. Detrick and had been fired – twice. I'm not assuming cause-and-effect, but then again: that's pretty quick results, wouldn't you say? Now if only I could get the same kind of action on the Fox News story about a certain foreign intelligence agency that had foreknowledge of 9/11…. 


The Washington Times also reveals that the chief suspect is "employed as a contractor in the Washington area." Curiouser and curiouser. Is his contract with a government agency? If so, which one would have use for a maker of mass murder? As a libertarian, I am naturally for privatization: but there are some government-owned and operated assets that just can't – or, rather, shouldn't – be privatized: that is, if one could even define germ warfare as an "asset" in any meaningful sense of the term. As my friend Lew Rockwell said to me recently: "If you want to see the real evil of government, then ask yourself: what other entity would unleash something so monstrous?"


Citing law enforcement sources, the Washington Times reports that the suspect's reaction to the events of 9/11 was to make a threat to use anthrax. His home was searched, where "numerous chemicals" were found – but no anthrax. The story cites Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a microbiologist with the Federation of American Scientists, whose fascinating analysis of the anthrax mystery is must reading – but only for those who don't scare all that easily. Because what she reveals about this grotesque case is unsettling in the extreme, leading to the undeniable conclusion that the US government has something to hide. As to just what that might be, I almost don't want to go there


Rosenberg says that she can't understand the FBI's lethargy in this matter. After all, they've been working on a very short list of suspects: not that many people have both the scientific knowledge and the access to vital materials necessary to the making of such highly weaponised anthrax as was delivered to the offices of Senators Daschle and Leahy. The FBI, Rosenberg contends, has finally narrowed it down to "a particular person ... a member of the biochemical community." This person, it seems, has been questioned more than once, but no one is pressing any charges. Why not? "Is the FBI dragging its feet?" Rosenberg asks. Her answer gives law enforcement the benefit of a doubt: "I just don't know. And, if so, I don't know why." If the FBI is our only protection against anthrax-wielding terrorists, then I don't think I want to know. God help us all.


Naturally, the FBI has denied the Washington Times story, and Ari Fleischer, the President's spokesman, averred that the number of suspects is more than one: "I wish it were that easy and that simple right now," he said. Yet they're still sticking to their "lone nut" theory, with Van Harp, assistant director of the FBI's Washington office, writing in a letter to microbiologists nationwide that this person has "a clear, rational thought process and appears to be very organized in the production and mailing of these letters." Oh, now I get it: instead of arresting him, they're going to make him a job offer. But just how credible is this brilliant-but-mad scientist scenario?


Both the FBI and the Washington Times assume that we are dealing with a single perpetrator, a lone nut who, for some reason, and with remarkable efficiency, managed to pull off a feat many at first attributed to state-sponsored terrorism. I don't buy it. As Dr. Meryl Nass puts it in Red Flags Weekly:

"I am referring here to the anthrax attacker in the singular and using the male gender, although I suspect that, for logistical reasons, it is unlikely that one person acted alone, or was even a loner, as the FBI profile has suggested."


Dr. Nass asks some very interesting questions that give us some insight into the possible motives of the attacker(s):

"Why had the anthrax been sent in letters, rather than released in ventilation systems, tunnels or subways? The (estimated) two trillion spores per letter could have caused a lot more mischief in another setting."


A true terrorist would want to spread death, and not just fear. Aside from that, however:

"Something else was odd. The attacker had actually warned the recipients that the letters contained anthrax, a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Solari Action Network: Letter to Lawrence Summers, President of Harvard

2002-02-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Even better, I'd like to see Mr. Summers work for $13.40 an hour and
affordable family medical care.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Israel and the U.S.: A Unique Relationship

2002-02-27 Thread William Shannon

Israel and the U.S.: A Unique Relationship
Professor James Petras

U.S.-Israel relations have been described in a variety of ways. Politicians refer to Israel as the U.S.'s most reliable ally in the Middle East, if not the world. Others speak of Israel as a strategic ally. Some speak of Israel and the U.S. sharing common democratic values in the war against terrorism. On the Left, critics speak of Israel as a tool of U.S. imperialism for undermining Arab nationalism, and a bulwark against fundamentalist Islamic terrorism. A few writers point to the "excess influence" which the Israeli governments exercise on U.S. government policy via powerful Jewish lobbies and individuals in media, financial and governmental circles.

While there is a grain of truth in much of the above there is a unique aspect in this relationship between an imperial power like the U.S. and regional power such as Israel. Unlike Washington's relation with the EU, Japan and Oceana, it is Israel which pressures and secures vast transfer of financial resources ($2.8 billion per year, $84 billion over 30 years). Israel secures the latest arms and technology transfers, unrestrictive entry into U.S. markets, free entry of immigrants, unconditional commitment of U.S. support in case of war and repression of colonized people and guaranteed U.S. vetoes against any UN resolutions.

From the angle of inter-state relations, it is the lesser regional power which exacts a tribute from the Empire, a seeming unique or paradoxical outcome. The explanation for this paradox is found in the powerful and influential role of pro-Israeli Jews in strategic sectors of the U.S. economy, political parties, Congress and Executive Branch. The closest equivalent to past empires is that of influential white settlers in the colonies, who through their overseas linkages were able to secure subsidies and special trading relations.

The Israeli "colons" in the U.S. have invested and donated billions of dollars to Israel, in some cases diverting funds from union dues of low paid workers to purchase Israel bonds used to finance new colonial settlements in the occupied territories. In other cases Jewish fugitives from the U.S. justice system have been protected by the Israeli state, especially super rich financial swindlers like Mark Rich and even gangsters and murderers. Occasional official demands of extradition from the U.S. Justice Department have been pointedly ignored.

The colonized Empire has gone out of its way to cover up its subservience to its supposed ally, but in fact hegemonic power.

The U.S.-Israeli relationship is the first in modern history in which the imperial country covers up a deliberate major military assault by a supposed ally. In 1967, the U.S. Liberty a communications and reconnaissance ship was bombed and strafed by Israeli fighter planes in international waters for nearly an hour, killing and wounding hundreds of seaman and officers. Intercepted Israeli messages as well as the clearly displayed U.S. flag demonstrates that this was a deliberate act of aggression. Washington acted as any Third World leader would faced with an embarrassing attack by its hegemon: it silenced its naval officers who witnessed the attack and quietly received a compensation and pro-forma apology. Apart from the fact this was an unprecedented action in U.S. military and diplomatic relations with an ally, there is no case in record of an imperial country covering up for an assault by a regional ally. On the contrary, similar circumstances have been followed by diplomatic and bellicose responses. This apparent anomaly cannot in any way be explained by military weakness or diplomatic failures: Washington has far superior armaments and its diplomats are capable of forceful representation to allies or adversaries, when the political will is present. The Jewish-American lobby, Congress people, media and Wall Street moguls strategically located in the U.S. political economic system ensured that President Johnson would act as a docile subject. No direct pressures were necessary, for a hegemonized political leadership, acts, seemingly on its own beliefs, having learned the rules of the political game. Israel-U.S. is a unique relationship, that not even an unprovoked military attack should call into question. Like all hegemonized powers, Washington threatened the U.S. Naval witnesses with a court marital if they spoke out, while they coddled their attackers in Tel Aviv.

Another illustration of the asymmetrical relation is found in one of the most important espionage cases during the Cold War involving an Israeli agent, Jonathan Pollard and the Pentagon. Over several years Pollard stole and duplicated bagfuls of top secret documents about U.S. Intelligence, counter-intelligence, strategic plans, military weaponry and turned them over to his Israeli handlers. This was the biggest case of espionage carried out against the U.S. by any ally in r

[CTRL] Fwd: IndependentUK/The US's 'DISAPPEARED'--First, They Came for the Muslims...

2002-02-27 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

The US's 'DISAPPEARED'--First, They Came for the Muslims...

= = = = = = = = =

The Disappeared

Since 11 September last year, up to 2,000 people in the United States
have been detained without trial, or charge, or even legal rights. The
fate of most is unknown. Andrew Gumbel investigates a scandal that
shames the land of the free

26 February 2002

They came for Rabih Haddad in the afternoon, as his family was getting
ready to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Three men from the Immigration
and Naturalization Service took him away from the apartment in Ann
Arbor, Michigan, that he shared with his wife and four children. His
wife frantically shoved a few dates into his pockets so that he would
have something to break his fast as he headed off to jail.

That was 14 December, more than two months ago. Since that time, Haddad,
a widely respected religious leader and founding member of one of the
United States' largest Muslim charities, the Global Relief Foundation,
has been held in solitary confinement, first in Ann Arbor and then at a
federal facility in Chicago. He is in his cell, alone, for 23 hours a
day. Every time he leaves, either to exercise in a special high-security
cage or to take one of his thrice-weekly showers, he is handcuffed.

At first he was allowed to see his family for four hours a week; now
that has been reduced to just four hours a month, and on one recent
occasion his wife and children were turned away without explanation.
Personal phone calls are restricted to 15 minutes per month.

And yet Haddad, a Lebanese citizen who was educated in the United
States, has been charged with no crime. According to the Treasury
Department – the only branch of government to give any explanation
whatsoever – he and his charity are suspected of links to Osama bin
Laden's al-Qa'ida organisation. But no evidence has been publicly
forthcoming to substantiate the claim and no formal accusation has been
made against him.

On the day he was arrested, Global Relief's assets were frozen by the
Treasury Department and its headquarters in Bridgeview, Illinois – a
suburb of Chicago – was raided by 15 FBI agents, who seized every last
piece of computer and video equipment, as well as the entire archive of
office records. At the same time, the charity's field offices in Albania
and Kosovo were raided in similar fashion by Nato troops and two of
their operatives hauled off into custody for several weeks. The
charity's executive director, Mohamad Chehade, was questioned at his
home for two hours and, according to his lawyer, watched helplessly as
field officers stripped his dwelling of paperwork, ripped open the
Ramadan presents that were due to be opened that night, tore up the
furniture and even confiscated his daughter's computer games. Chehade
has since stated in court papers that he was never shown a search warrant.

After more than 10 weeks of investigation, neither Mohamad Chehade nor
any of Global Relief's other full-time employees in the United States
has been detained or accused of wrongdoing. In fact, the only ostensible
reason for Haddad to be behind bars is a minor visa irregularity. The
tourist visa he used to enter the country most recently in 1998 expired
after six months, and at the time of his arrest he and his wife were in
the process of applying for permanent resident status, in accordance
with a visa amnesty law passed in the dying days of the Clinton administration.

This is far from the first case of an Arab or south-Asian national being
rounded up and subjected to indefinite detention in the wake of the 11
September attacks on New York and Washington. The Justice Department
acknowledged the arrest of 1,200 people before it stopped releasing
numbers in November; human rights groups believe the total number could
be as high as 2,000. But Haddad's case is perhaps the most troubling of
all because of the sheer severity of his treatment and the shockingly
abrupt suspension of his rights to due legal process. Government lawyers
have refused to spell out what evidence, if any, they have against him,
saying that they do not have to under the Bush administration's stiff
new anti-terrorism law passed in late October, the so-called Patriot
Act. The US Attorney's office in Chicago refused all comment.

The court proceedings in his case have been so secret that even Haddad
has been barred from attending; he has had to watch them on video from
his jail cell, without the right of participation. And his visa
irregularity is so minor that most immigration experts agree it would,
under any other circumstances, be settled by an exchange of letters and
the payment of a modest fine.

Haddad's case has caused barely a blip in mainstream public opinion or
the media in the United States, in part because of the prevailing mood
of unquestioning

[CTRL] Off the Lists

2002-02-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Any of you who would like to get the news, please email me because I'm
getting off this Liberal run List!

God Bless;

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Manhattan Institute And The Axis Of Evil : Another Slogan in Service...

2002-02-27 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

The Manhattan Institute And The Axis Of Evil
Another Slogan in Service to the NWO

2/27/02 11:10:24 AM
Robert Lederman

Commentary -- [LSN:  Also note that the Manhattan Institute is a wholly
owned subsidiary of
the Bradley Foundation, which is run by Michael Joyce, who believe the
root of
Western civilization is the ancient "Greco-Israeli" civilization.  We
guess he
is allowed to believe this because there comes a point where one becomes
rich other people are afraid to tell you how stupid you are.]

Axis of Evil:

Another Manhattan Institute Slogan in Service to the NWO

by Robert Lederman

The man who coined GW's now infamous slogan, "Axis of Evil" was a senior
at the Manhattan Institute (MI) before joining the Bush administration. He
just been dropped from the Bush payroll according to the Washington Times
article below]. MI also coined the slogan, "Compassionate Conservatism"
for GW,
who publicly claims the Rockefeller-funded organizations’ influence on his
thinking is, “second only to the Holy Bible“.

What is the Manhattan Institute?

MI is a right wing think tank founded in 1978 by William Casey,
CIA director. Following WWII Casey helped bring thousands of former Nazis
involved in eugenics and the Holocaust to the U.S. As CIA director he
funded bin Laden and Co. with billions in arms, terrorist training and
cash and
was also a key player in arming the Contras.

MI is funded by JP Morgan/Chase bank (owned by David Rockefeller) and by
pharmaceutical companies (Pfizer and Lilly) directly connected to
Bush senior and many of the current Bush administration officials. Bush
was director of Eli Lilly in the late 70‘s. Bush Budget director Mitch
was also a Lilly senior executive. Donald Rumsfeld formerly headed Searle
Pharmaceuticals. All of these companies depend in large part for their
on research originally done by the IG Farben chemical cartel in Nazi

Rockefeller’s Chase bank was among Hitler's biggest U.S. supporters before
during WWII. The Rockefeller families' Standard Oil of NJ was half owner
of IG
Farben - the industrial base of the entire Third Reich. GW Bush’s
Prescott Bush and Prescott’s father-in-law George Herbert Walker (who GW
named after) were Wall Street bankers whose fortune was made operating and
financing shipping companies, banks and steel foundries for the Nazi

MI’s most famous alumni after Rudy Giuliani is Charles Murray author of
Bell Curve” a modern classic of eugenics. The Bell Curve popularized the
that Blacks are genetically inferior in intelligence to Whites as a
justification for eliminating welfare, increasing so-called quality of
arrests, limiting parole, taking children from Black families etc. Murray
was a
paid consultant on Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson’s welfare program and
is a
spokesman for the Federalist Society, which has direct ties to a number of
current U.S. Supreme Court judges.

Thompson’s #2 man on welfare reform was Jason Turner, who Rudy Giuliani
hired to head up NYC’s welfare reform. Turner actually quoted the motto
the gates of Auschwitz to explain Giuliani’s workfare policy and was later
forced to apologize. Rudy Giuliani also claims to get all of his ideas
from MI. Many of his policy ideas are directly based on Murray‘s books.

MI has spearheaded a decades long effort to make the goals of eugenics
respectable again. The Bush family, the Harriman family (the Wall Street
business partners of Bush in financing Hitler) and the Rockefeller family
the elite of the American eugenics movement.

Axis of Evil. You’ll find the center of that axis right here in NYC at the
Manhattan Institute.

To verify that David Frum is associated with MI see: “Where Did the Sixties Come From?
David Frum Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.”

Or do a search at the MI website on David Frum
are hundreds of pages of documents related to him.

Hundreds of mainstream media quotes on the Manhattan Institute, Bush,
the CIA, Chase Bank and the connection of them all to Nazism, eugenics and
will be found in the articles at: At the end
the eugenics article below are a sample of these quotes which I’ve spent
years compiling.

Excerpted from THE WASHINGTON TIMES 2/26/2002

'Axis of evil' writer leaves Bush's staff author: Robert Stacy McCain
Frum, credited with authoring the headline "axis of evil" phrase in
Bush's State of the Union address, has left the White House speechwriting
staff. "It has been the experience of a lifetime and it's been the honor
of a
lifetime to be here during this presidency," Mr. Frum said in a telephone
interview yesterday. 

Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 2/27/02 2:24:18 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?

As usual with Richer, not much...


[CTRL] Disinformation News Agency First News Report: Disinformation News Agency Closed. Reporting Only the Truth From Now On. Really. Trust Us.

2002-02-27 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Joanna Ensum
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3:40 PM
Subject: Pentagon "defense marketing" unit closed

Rumsfeld's disinformation unit has been closed due to damage by
"inaccurate news reports".
There is a God.



Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld emphatically killed the Pentagon's
new Office of Strategic Influence, saying yesterday that inaccurate news
reports had damaged the new propaganda coordination office beyond
Rumsfeld defended the office even as he buried it. Even though much
of the media commentary was "off the mark," he told reporters at the
Pentagon, "the office has clearly been so damaged that it's . . . pretty
clear to me that it could not function effectively, so it's being closed
Pressed by reporters about whether the office would have
disseminated false information overseas, as had been reported, Rumsfeld
insisted that it wouldn't have done so. At any rate, he said, the new
office's charter hadn't been completed, "so what it was to do was an
open question, even today as it ends its very short, prominent life."
Rumsfeld added, with characteristic vigor: "The office is done. It's
over. What do you want, blood?"
The swift demise of the new office, which was created in November to
better coordinate the military's dissemination of information overseas,
represents a victory for the military public affairs community and a
surprising setback for the new "information warfare" specialty.
Military public affairs specialists had worried that the new office
would blur the line between their work of dealing with the media and the
public and the "black" world of covert operations, which sometimes
involves disseminating false information. "I'm sure that the public
affairs community is having a drink tonight," said one veteran military
But specialists in information warfare -- which can cover anything
from dropping leaflets to hacking into foreign computers -- believed
that the Pentagon public affairs community had done a poor job in the
Afghan war, especially in putting U.S. views before foreign audiences.
"It's frustrating for us" to see the office shut down, one officer
involved in information operations said yesterday. He said the new
office was mainly involved in what might be called "defense marketing,"
and that only about 5 percent of its planned work would have involved
covert operations.
One idea under consideration, he said, was to seek to justify U.S.
actions to the Pakistani public by putting up billboards in that country
showing an image of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on
Sept. 11 and indicating the death toll resulting from that day's
terrorist attacks in New York, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.
"The lesson is what a lot of us have known for a long time, that
truth is always the best weapon, and everyone who works for Secretary
Rumsfeld knows that to be true," said Victoria Clarke, the Pentagon's
chief spokeswoman.
Rumsfeld said that the functions of the now-defunct office would be
carried on by other Pentagon offices. "We'll just have to do it with the
offices that existed previously," he said.
The public affairs veteran predicted that the propaganda function
now would be performed by other, lower-profile offices, perhaps by
private companies working on contract. But the officer involved in
information warfare said the incident has shaken the confidence of his
colleagues and has done some damage to their emerging specialty.
At the same briefing yesterday, Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that, with another 14 people turned over
by Pakistan over the past two days, there are now about 500 suspected
members of al Qaeda and the Taliban leadership in U.S. custody, with
about 300 being held at the U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo, Cuba, and
another 194 in captivity inside Afghanistan.
Myers said he expects that the number of captives will continue to
increase. "We still have a lot of people we've not looked at completely
that the Afghans and the Pakistanis have," he said.
Rumsfeld indicated that the top U.S. priority in interrogating the
detainees is to gather intelligence, and then to deal with them in terms
of possible law enforcement actions. "We are beginning that process
now," he said.
He said the U.S. government is "pretty close" to releasing the rules
under which trials might be held. Most of those rules have leaked
already, and they generally seem to resemble the U.S. military justice
system, legal experts say.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'cons

[CTRL] Follow the money, as they say, and you'll find the smoking gun

2002-02-27 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: American Patriot Friends Network [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 4:52 AM
Subject: Follow the money, as they say, and you'll find the smoking gun.

Follow the money, as they say, and you'll find the smoking gun.
The truth is out there ... right?
At first, it all seemed so obvious. It was those Islamic
terrorists. Osama bin Laden. Mullah Omar. George W. Bush
had nothing to do with it ... did he?

Ian Mulgrew
Vancouver Sun
Saturday, February 23, 2002

"The right wing benefited so much from September 11 that, if I were
still a conspiratorialist, I would believe they'd done it."
Norman Mailer

When the paladin of Camelot joined the fray, I knew 9/11 had become
the Kennedy Assassination of the 21st century -- a real-life X-Files
episode occurring before my eyes. Like those X-Files accounts of
aliens living in oil deposits, this was a story with such staggering
implications the mainstream media are loath to go near it. The
question isn't who killed the president -- it's who piloted the
airplanes that slammed into the World Trade Center towers, the
Pentagon and the Pennsylvanian countryside.

Just as there remains lingering doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald fired a
burst of fatally accurate shots from the Texas Book Depository, so
there is skepticism that cells of Islamic terrorists secretly
coordinated and simultaneously commandeered four commercial jetliners.
The culprit responsible for the Sept. 11 attack is now rumoured to be
the same one who lurked behind the grassy knoll: the oil-dependent
U.S. military-industrial complex.

Not everyone is ready to accept this -- a substitute teacher in North
Vancouver's Sherwood Park elementary school has been called on the
mat for suggesting to Grade 5 students the Central Intelligence
Agency might have been involved in 9/11.

And at last count, there were a dozen U.S. Congressional Committees
investigating the tragedies and how such an intelligence and security
breakdown was allowed to occur.

But President George W. Bush and his right-hand man, Vice President
Dick Cheney, have taken the unprecedented step of trying to restrict
those investigations, pouring fuel on the simmering conspiracy
theories being propagated in alternative publications, on wingnut Web
sites and among some serious media outlets.

In Germany, a former minister of technology, Andreas von Buelow, made
headlines when in an interview he dismissed the U.S. government's
explanation that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network is responsible
for the attacks. His own explanation implicated the White House.
"I wonder why many questions are not asked," von Buelow said. "For 60
decisive minutes, the military and intelligence agencies let the
fighter planes stay on the ground; 48 hours later, however, the FBI
presented a list of suicide attackers. Within 10 days, it emerged
that seven of them were still alive."

In Britain, a flight engineer has published a detailed paper
asserting the U.S. took the joysticks out of the pilots' hands using
a method of remote control developed by the American military in the

In the U.S. and Canada, independent publisher and editor Mike Ruppert
(a former LAPD cop who hates the CIA) has drawn huge crowds to his
two-hour lecture in which he states baldly that the U.S. government
was complicit in the attacks and had foreknowledge. He opens his
documentary presentation with an offer of $1,000 US to anyone who can
prove any of his sources were misrepresented or inauthentic.

A former U.S. government agent also has given interviews claiming the
CIA has been dealing with Osama bin Laden since 1987.

According to those who do not believe in The Lone Gunman, the truth
is as plain as the nose on your face: Sept. 11's terrorist acts were
planned and paid for by the CIA to enable the Bush Administration
to "legitimately" bomb Afghanistan into submission on behalf of the
oil industry.

After all, everyone knows the Bush family has strong and long
acknowledged ties to the oil industry, as do other senior members of
the administration. Cheney until recently was president of a company
servicing the oil patch. National Security adviser Condoleeza Rice
was a manager for Chevron. Commerce and Energy Secretaries Donald
Evans and Stanley Abraham worked for Tom Brown, another oil giant.

Follow the money, as they say, and you'll find the smoking gun.

Under this scenario, conspiracy theorists say a pliant Afghan regime
was essential because of plans to pipe central Asian oil across
Afghanistan. And there is a harvest of coincidence and contradiction
to feed such imaginings.

Consider first that the intelligence breakdown that led to 9/11
appears to have been a consequence of the Bush Administration telling
the Federal Bureau of Investigation to back off on its investigation
of Middle Eastern terrorism. A sen

[CTRL] KLA Supports Slobo

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From LA Times



Ruin Marks Blood, Honor in Kosovo

Yugoslavia: The tale of a massacre at the home of a guerrilla leader may unwittingly
support the core of Slobodan Milosevic's defense.


February 26 2002

PREKAZ, Yugoslavia -- A memorial is being constructed here to honor the memory
of Adem Jashari and his family, who ignited all-out war for Kosovo's independence
by sacrificing their lives four years ago.

>From the perspective of ethnic Albanians who backed the armed struggle against
Serbian rule, the ruined home where 20 Jasharis--including women and children--
died is drenched not only in blood but also in honor. Glossy brochures for visitors 
the story of events here in that spirit.

Just what happened in March 1998 has assumed renewed importance because the
first prosecution witness at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic cited the Jasharis' massacre as a key point of his testimony.
Mahmut Bakali, an ethnic Albanian politician, told the court Feb. 18 that Milosevic
had defended the killings to him as a justified police action against terrorists. A
pamphlet available here at the memorial site, though written to glorify Adem Jashari,
can be seen as unwittingly supporting an argument central to Milosevic's defense:
that the war in Kosovo originated primarily as a fight between armed secessionists
and government forces.

Prosecutors will be trying to prove that Milosevic bore responsibility for the actions 
his forces in Kosovo three years ago. The 1998 killings in Prekaz are not listed in the
indictment. But whether these deaths, which ushered in a wider war between ethnic
Albanians and Milosevic's forces, are interpreted as a coldblooded massacre or as
the result of a justifiable police action could help set the tone for the trial.

Milosevic is accused of genocide and crimes against humanity, in part for the actions
of Yugoslav soldiers, Serbian police and paramilitary forces. Thousands of ethnic
Albanians were slain and hundreds of thousands driven from their homes before
North Atlantic Treaty Organization airstrikes forced Milosevic to withdraw his forces
from Kosovo in 1999 and accept a U.N. administration that continues today.

Most ethnic Albanians see the current situation as virtually ensuring eventual
independence for Kosovo, which technically remains part of Serbia, the dominant
republic of Yugoslavia.

Acting as his own lawyer, Milosevic cross-examined Bakali last Tuesday about the
Jasharis' deaths. In a question apparently meant to suggest that the family forced the
hand of police, he asked: "Did you know that they did not want to surrender and they
shot at policemen?"

The pamphlet distributed at the battle site focuses on Adem Jashari--a founder of the
separatist Kosovo Liberation Army--and the 19 members of his family who died with
him. It does little more than mention the 36 distant relatives and neighbors also 
in the three- day siege. But the brochure presents a picture of a family fiercely
devoted to the fight for independence and ready to give their lives for that cause.

Titled "The Jasharis, the Story of a Resistance," the pamphlet traces Adem Jashari's
eight- year armed struggle and declares that family members were "loyal co-fighters"
who were "ready for sublime sacrifice."

Jashari's wife, Adile, was the first person killed in the 1998 siege, "while taking
ammunition to Adem," the brochure says. The last to die was their son Kushtrim, 13,
who fell "holding the automatic gun in his hands," it says. Most of the family
members--including Jashari's mother, a 7-year-old niece and 11 others--were killed
when a Serbian mortar shell hit the house, while Jashari's niece Besarta survived the
siege "to tell about the . . . hell," it says.

According to reports at the time by foreign journalists quoting survivors of the 
some of the distant Jashari relatives who lived nearby were executed after being
captured or killed while trying to flee. The pamphlet does not address how the others
died, but it stresses that none of the 20 people killed in Adem Jashari's immediate
family had tried to escape.

Jashari and his family knew the previous night that Serbian forces were assembling
for an assault, the pamphlet says.

Growing up on stories of "century-old battles for liberation" waged by Kosovo's ethnic
Albanians, Jashari came to "adore heroes" and "never parted from his gun," the
pamphlet says.

"In 1991, Adem and his friends went to Albania to get prepared for the battles to
come," it says. ". . . During 1991 they frequently crossed the Kosovo-Albanian
border, beginning armed actions against the Serbian police. Numerous actions were
successfully undertaken. . . . The Serb state was being hit in its most sensitive part:
in its repressive apparatus."

Serbian police and military first "laid sie

[CTRL] Bush Seals Fate of Office of Influence in Pentagon

2002-02-27 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

And THUS started the domestic release of dis-information to Americans.
Give'em a big hand!

Maybe the "office" will not be there, but they aren't claiming that they
wouldn't be doing it. More likely they'll just let the existing agencies
or outsourced private companies do the work.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 21:36:22 +0100
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[Spy News]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Spy News] Bush Seals Fate of Office of Influence in Pentagon

February 26, 2002


Bush Seals Fate of Office of Influence in Pentagon


WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 — President Bush expressed alarm today over the possible
activities of a new Pentagon office intended to influence public sentiment
abroad and strongly endorsed efforts to disband or reconfigure the agency.

When asked today whether he had ordered Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
to close the office, Mr. Bush said, "I didn't even need to tell him this; he
knows how I feel. I saw it reflected in his comments the other day."

Mr. Bush went on to say that he was confident that Mr. Rumsfeld would
"handle this in the right way."

Interpreting the president's remarks, a senior administration official said,
"He specifically mentioned that the office would be shut down before it
started or that its focus would be dramatically narrowed to obvious things
like leaflet campaigns."

Proposals from the new agency, the Office of Strategic Influence, have
stirred outrage in Congress and inside the administration.

Its director, Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden of the Air Force, had proposed that
the office coordinate activities as varied as issuing news releases and
conducting secret "information warfare" in friendly as well as unfriendly
countries — which could include spreading inaccurate information, military
officials said.

Mr. Rumsfeld said on Sunday that the Pentagon might eliminate the office
because its credibility had been badly damaged by disclosures of its
proposed activities.

Senior military officials said today that it was now virtually certain that
the 15-person office, as currently constituted, would be disbanded or
restructured. Officials were discussing how to incorporate its missions that
had not raised opposition elsewhere in the Pentagon bureaucracy.

The office reports to Douglas J. Feith, the undersecretary of defense for
policy. Mr. Feith was traveling in Russia today, so any final decision about
the office's fate will wait until he returns this week, a Pentagon official
said tonight.

The Office of Strategic Influence was formed after the attacks on Sept. 11
to coordinate disparate information operations inside the Defense Department
that were intended to assist the military overseas. Administration officials
have expressed frustration that the United States is losing public support
for the war on terrorism, especially in the Islamic world.

Senior Pentagon officials had endorsed the office's general mission, but Mr.
Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz had not approved any
of its specific, classified proposals, which had been circulating at lower
levels of the Pentagon, military officials said.

The office's activities, disclosed last Tuesday by The New York Times,
caused major concern among Bush administration officials traveling with the
president in Asia.

Karen P. Hughes, senior adviser to Mr. Bush, called back to aides, and
asked, "Did you know about this?" one administration official said. The
official added, "We're obviously careful about any kind of effort to mislead
the public."

Stephen J. Hadley, the deputy national security adviser, called senior
Pentagon officials to express concern about the office's reported
activities, the administration official said.

The matter also raised questions on Capitol Hill. Senator Carl Levin, a
Michigan Democrat who heads the Armed Services Committee, sent a letter to
Mr. Rumsfeld late on Friday seeking more information about the purpose of
the office.

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[CTRL] Genetically Modified Broccoli Shrieks Benefits At Shopper

2002-02-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Genetically Modified Broccoli Shrieks Benefits At Shopper

BREMERTON, WA- A head of genetically modified broccoli shrieked its numerous
benefits at shoppers Monday in a Seattle-area Safeway. "I contain 40 percent
more vitamin A than non-modified broccoli!" the head screeched at terrified
produce-aisle customers. "I can fight off insects and disease without the
use of pesticides!" Monsanto, makers of the vegetable, stressed that
genetic-modification technology is still in its infancy, and that more
pleasantly voiced broccoli should hit store shelves by 2003.";>
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[CTRL] GAO Spikes Plan Columbia

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


> Tuesday February 26, 3:04 PM
> US Congress questions efficiency of Colombian anti-drug program
> The investigative arm of the US Congress has called for a halt in US funding for 
>Colombian coca and poppy eradication programs, unless
> "measurable progress" is achieved in reducing drug- generating crops.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 27 Feb 2002 at 1:36, Joshua Tinnin wrote:

> Well, yes, fair enough, and I do the same thing, and my political
> views are undeniably different than Bill R's in many respects ...

A while ago, I posted something from the WSWS.  A day or so later, some fellow
from Hungary or Slovakia keyed in on the source of the article, reflecting on the fact
that the Cold War was fought against "socialism" and he had left his native land for
the Land of the Free to escape that political perspective.  Unfortunately, he had been
exposed to an Eastern European flavour of "socialism" that probably tended more
towards "totalitarianism" with a kinder and gentler name only.

I explained to him that just because the name is there doesn't determine an ablsolute
contextual content.  Just because the site is "socialist" doesn't mean the articles are
bad or are filled with wrong information.

When I first began visiting the site, the articles were filled with all kinds of 
catch-words and -phrases (the bourgeoisie this and the workers of the world that).  It
became a hassle to read beyond that when the information was basically very good.
I wrote to them (as I am sure others did as well) to explain to them that they could 
their point across quite well in the WAY they presented the information without using
all the Marxist lingo we're so used to hearing from North Korea, for example.

Perhaps due to me or due to other factors, the articles dropped much of that
politicisation.  My first visit was due to a linque at Yahoo!  Now, I find linques to
WSWS from all over the place, simply because they cover various subjects from a
unique perspective.  No one else will catalog the jobs that are lost by company or
sector the way they do.  This became informational when Bill Jeff was touting his
jobs creation efforts when -- in fact -- almost as many jobs were being lost.
Employment was a wash at many times.  But the mainstream media only highlighted
the gains, mostly in the service sector when manufacturing jobs were lost.

Regardless of any political perspective presented, there's always the possibility for
obversion, looking at the other side of the coin.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Florida Terrorist Flight School Linked To CIA

2002-02-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Venice Terrorist Flight School Linked To CIA
   Wednesday, 27 February 2002, 1:05 pm
   Article: Daniel Hopsicker

  Venice Terrorist Flight School Linked To CIA
 Firm has 'green light' from local DEA

   Sitting in front of Rudi's hangar: a commuter plane belonging to
  (take your pick) Florida Air, Express Air, or Sunrise Airlines

 by Daniel Hopsicker
 February 25--Venice, Florida
 (originally published at The Mad Cow Morning News)

 New evidence linking the owner of the Venice Florida flight school
 which trained Mohamed Atta to the Central Intelligence Agency
 surfaced earlier this month.

 The new evidence adds to existing indications that Mohamed Atta
 and his terrorist cadre's flight training in this country was part of a
 so-far unacknowledged U.S. government intelligence operation
 which had ultimately tragic consequences for thousands of civilians
 on September 11th.

 Far from merely being negligent or asleep at the switch—the thrust
 so far of allegations expected to be aired at joint Senate and
 House Select Committee hearings next month—the accumulating
 evidence suggests the CIA was not just aware of the thousands of
 Arab student pilots who began pouring into this country several
 years ago to attend flight training, but was running the operation,
 for still-unexplained reasons.

 During a controversy over the awarding of a bid for an aviation
 maintenance facility in Lynchburg, Virginia, what had begun as a
 purely local spat took on national importance when it unearthed
 connections between Rudi Dekkers—the Dutch national whose
 Huffman Aviation trained both of the pilots at the controls of the
 airliners which crashed into the World Trade Center—and the CIA.

 "Good-by Magic Dutch Boy; Hello Jerry Falwell"

 The CIA's links to Dekkers surfaced when an unknown company
 called Britannia Aviation was mysteriously awarded a five-year
 contract to run a large regional maintenance facility at the
 Lynchburg Virginia Regional Airport.

 At the time of the award virtually nothing was known about
 Britannia except that the company worked out of a hangar at Rudi
 Dekker’s Huffman Aviation at the Venice, Florida airport.

 But when Britannia was chosen over a respected and successful
 Lynchburg company boasting a multi-million dollar balance sheet
 and more than 40 employees, aviation executives there began
 voicing concerns to reporters at the local newspaper...

 "There was some sentiment that there might be something
 suspicious about Britannia Aviation," stated business reporter Chris
 Flores of the Lynchburg News-Advance. "There was a clear feeling
 that nobody knew who these guys were, or where they were
 coming from."

 The suspicion deepened when it was discovered that Britannia
 Aviation is a company with virtually no assets, employees, or
 corporate history. Moreover, the company did not even possess
 the necessary FAA license to perform the aircraft maintenance
 services for which it had just been contracted by the city of

 At a Lynchburg City Council hearing on the dispute there were
 vocal objections from observers baffled as to why a company with
 virtually no qualifications was being awarded a contract to take
 over a large regional maintenance facility designed for major
 carriers like Delta and USAir Express.

 "It was as if someone with a learner’s permit from the DMV got
 picked to drive Richard Petty’s car at Daytona," explained one local
 aviation executive and NASCAR fan.

 "It made absolutely no business sense that anyone could see."

 "Be True to Your School."

 When Britannia Aviation’s financial statements were released after
 prodding by the local aviation community they revealed Britannia to
 be a "company" worth less than $750.

 Paul Marten, a British aircraft mechanic who was the Britannia
 executive in attendance, rose to say it wasn't true. Britannia’s
 assets, he was sure, amounted to more than $750, though how
 much more was a question he left unanswered.

 A Lynchburg city official attempted to wave aside objections that
 Britannia was insolvent with a joke. "At least they have more on
 their balance sheet than Enron," said Lynchburg City Councilman
 Robert Garber.

 Trying to save further embarrassment, Britannia executive Marten
 reassured those in attendance that at Huffman’s hangar at the
 Venice Airport they had for some time been successfully providing
 aviation maintenance services for Caribe Air, a Caribbean carrier.

 And that is how the world learned that under Rudi Dekker’s FAA
 license Paul Marten's little dummy front company worked f

[CTRL] Bush-Ashcroft...Religion Conspiracy

2002-02-27 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 13:01:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Re: [TheEagle-L] NWO promoters posing as phony
Christian leaders

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Misty wrote:

> By Eric Jewell
> Do the worlds leading Christian evangelicals have ties to these
> organizations?
> Yes they do, and it is thoroughly documented.

big clip

For sure they are not followers of Jesus Christ and they should be charged
under RICO laws. But one of Ashcroft's duties is to "front" for these
religion racketeers. US laws tolerate maximum religious freedom. They do
NOT tolerate religious fraud.

Look, the proof is easy. During the Cold War all kinds of Marxist zealots
charged forward to prove that Marxist Culture was the best in the
world. It is inconceivable that Marxists would not want to actualize
Marxist Culture, that Muslims would not want to actualize Muslim Culture,
that Buddhists would not want to actualize Buddhist Culture. Whether they
are misguided or not is another matter.

Now ask the champions of all the new "good doer vs. evil doer" rhetoric
what the culture of "America the Good" is like, mindful that St. Luke said
of Jesus Christ "(He) went about doing good" and that DeToqueville said
"When America ceases to be good it will cease to be great".

Tell us about the culture of "America the Good" by articulating just one
model city built anew plus surroundings, mindful that almost all Americans
live in such a surroundings.

Then watch these champions of "good doing", these bogus followers of Jesus
Christ who said, "I came to tell the truth" scatter like the cockroaches
they are.

Bush and his fellow hypocrites preach to China about "religious
freedom". The freedom to do what? "Pray" upon a vulnerable public by
giving protection for RELIGIOUS FRAUD starting with "The Whitehouse
Preachers"? In China, crooks like the Grahams, Falwells, Robertsons and
Hagees would be in jail alongside the Falun Gong criminals which is where
they all belong.


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* What would a Model City plus surroundings for "Good Doers" of the "Axis of Good" 
be like, vs. a contrasting city for "Evil Doers" in the "Axis of Evil"? *

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Timothy McVeigh's Jury Supervisor US Marshal Scandal

2002-02-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Matthew Gaylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:39:31 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh 

(202) 514-2008

DENVER, COLORADO -- The Department of Justice announced that Benny
Bailey of Denver, Colorado, formerly a Deputy United States Marshal
for the District of Colorado, was indicted today by a federal grand
jury in a two-count indictment charging him with perjury and false
statements.  If convicted, Bailey faces on each count up to five
years in prison and a fine of not more than $250,000.

According to the indictment, Bailey helped supervise the jury in the
1997 trial of Timothy McVeigh, who had been charged with bombing the
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  After the McVeigh trial
concluded in June, 1997, Bailey became involved in an intimate
relationship with an alternate juror from the trial.   In 1998 the
trial court and, subsequently, defense counsel for McVeigh, received
anonymous facsimiles alleging that Bailey and the alternate juror had
an intimate relationship during the McVeigh trial and that Bailey
attempted to influence the outcome of the trial by persuading this
juror of McVeigh's guilt.  As a result of these anonymous facsimiles,
the U.S. Marshals Service and the McVeigh trial judge investigated
whether or not any improprieties had occurred between Bailey and any
of the McVeigh jurors.

In Count One, the indictment charges that Bailey lied to his
supervisor, the United States Marshal for the District of Colorado,
when he falsely denied having had an intimate relationship with any
McVeigh juror at any time.   In Count Two of the indictment, Bailey
is charged with committing perjury when, during a hearing conducted
by the trial judge, Bailey lied under oath about his contacts with
the alternate juror in question.
The investigation, conducted by the Office of the Inspector General,
found no evidence of improper contacts with the McVeigh jury during
either the trial or jury deliberations.  Rather the indictment
charges Bailey with lying about a relationship with an alternate
juror after the trial.  The juror did not deliberate or participate
in the verdict in any way.  The full results of this investigation
were provided to the Court, as well as to McVeigh and his counsel.
Prior to McVeigh's execution, after reviewing these results, the
Court determined that there were no grounds for concluding that the
verdict in the McVeigh case had been improperly influenced or

The case was investigated by the Office of the Inspector General, and
is being prosecuted by the Public Integrity Section of the United
States Department of Justice.

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2002-02-27 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Yeah I'd say we're on the same wavelength here.  It never occurred

to me before I read Nicholas Goodriche-CLarkes  " The Occultic Roots of

Naziism " that all of these groups are both Luciferian-Satanic-Ahrimannic

in addition to being Secret Aryan cults.  For some reason over the

last 11 years of research I managed to overlook the Aryan part.  But

as Goodriche-Clarke stated so well in his book , the term EUGENICS


-Original Message-
From: Man on the Run [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:36 AM

-Caveat Lector-

BF>So you're referring to a pluralistic group that is unified by a commen thread of 
That is what I tend to think also.

Mike Clark wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> By the term Illuminati.  I refer to the Higher degrees of Freemasonry.
> ( There are degrees above 33 ) And degrees above the York Rite ( which is
> 9 as I recall ).  I refer also to other Secret Aryan cults such as
> the Rosicrucians.  The Brotherhood of the Aeth.  The American Confederation
> of Initiates.  The Hermetic Brotherhood. The Cult of Isis. The Cult of 
> The Thule Society. The Vril Society.  The Edelweiss Society. The 
> Society.  The Theosophical Society.  Lucis Trust. The Order of the New 
> The Order of the Old Templars. The Astrum:Argenteum. The White Lodge. The
> Order of the Silver Star.  Opus Dei.  The Jesuits. The Sovereign Military 
> of Malta. The Grand Black Druid Council. The Committee of 300.
> Plus various and sundry secret corporations.  Such as the Virginia Company.
> I.G.Farben.  The British East India Company.  The Royal Africa Company.
> The Bank of International Settlements.  The Ditchley Financial Group.
> The Society General of Belgium.
> And about 1500 other ones which I dont have time to mention.  There may be
> in fact more than 1500.  It may be more like 15000.
> Essentially the secret groups who rule the world.
> -Original Message-
> From: Man on the Run [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:53 AM
> -Caveat Lector-
> BF>Perhaps yopu could define what you mean by "Illuminati" when you say "Illuminati 
> Countries"?
> Bates
> Mike Clark wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > I was thinking of more Illuminati Artificial Countries.
> >
> > MONACO - a country the size of New Yorks central park . Yet has over 10,000
> >
> >  multinational corporations chartered there.
> >
> > SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER of MALTA -  This is a separate sovereign COUNTRY
> >
> >  that is NOTHING MORE than a CASTLE a few miles from the Vatican
> >
> > THE CITY of LONDON - How in the NAME of GOD could I have FORGOTTEN this 
>one. Wh.
> >
> >  Chartered in 1607 by a well Known Vampire. The Queen of England 
> >
> >
> > ANDORRA - Country in the ALps the size of a Postage stamp.  Who knows what 
>goes on
> >
> >  here.
> >
> > SAN MARINO - Another postage stamp country.  Who knows.
> >
> > HONG KONG & SINGAPORE - At least up until 1997 when the British East India 
> >
> >   charter ran out.
> >
> > LIECHTENSTIEIN - More shady FINANCIAL transactions.
> >
> > LUXEMBOURG  -  Still more shady FINANCIAL transactions.
> >
> > DIEGO GARCIA - Tiny island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Big time 
>Naval Base
> >
>for the
> >
> >Falklands War of 1982.
> >
> > QUEEN MAUD LAND - Founded in 1936 by Nazi Antarctic expedition.  Held in 
>trust for
> >
> > Der Fuehrer.
> >
> > GALAPAGOS ISLANDS - Secret NWO NAVAL BASe off the coast of Ecuador
> >
> > REVILLA GIGEGO - Secret naval base of the French Government
> >
> > FRENCH FRIGATE SHOALS - Secret ELF transmitter site
> >
> > PETER ISLAND - Another secret Submarine base country uncertain
> >
> > BELIZE - the Former British Honduras.  MI-6 base of activities in the 
> >
> >  Americas.  Native females very good looking and very friendly.
> >
> > GITMO BAY CUBA - Naval base in defiance of Fidel
> >
> > FREE STATE of VAN ZANDT -  a county in East Texas incorporated into Texas 
> >
> >  in

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism

2002-02-27 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-


> Subject: The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism
> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:02:49 +0200
> From: "Taylor, John (JH) (Solvents)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Millegan, Kris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism
> This matches perfectly with this
> And what is the difference between a fascist and communist state?
> One believes in being raciallly conscious and the other is racially conscious, but 
>in a different way.
> One believes in international conquest...but the other believes in international 
>conquest, but in a different way.
> The only difference is which elite rules?

BF>Well, it is very complex.  One thing to remember is that the political spectrum is 
not a line.  One person has
identified it as a mobius strip.  Stalinism and Fascism are so similar as to be 
indistinguishable.  However, Marxism
is based on the premises of nineteenth century democracy, as opposed to Leninism which 
is based on the corporate
socialism of H.G. Wells, one of the first socialists to praise the role of 
multi-national corporations!  Definitely a
heretic by Leftist standards, Wells still managed to define the dialectic of the 
twentieth century, influencing the
secret world government, then headquartered in England, as perhaps it still is, and 
influencing them in a direction
different than that of the traditional Imperial direction as defined by Cecil Rhodes.  
To put it simply, the battle
against Marxism never was a battle against Marxism, but a battle in which both sides 
were disciples of H.G. Wells.
The interesting fact is that if we do follow Marx, then we have a situation in 
which feudalism yields to
capitalism, global capitalism, setting the stage for Marxist "worker" control.  The 
falling away of feudalism occured
in 1989 with the fall of the Soviet Union and South Africa, along with the growth of 
democracy in many nations outside
of the Arabic world and China.  Interestingly, the nineteenth century revolutionaries 
from the eighteen fourties had
among them someone who predicted a world war in the twentieth century in which 
revolutionary American would battle
victoriously over reactionary Czarist Russia, leading the world in to a one world 
government based on enlightenment
and progress.  Marx tended to side with America against Russia or other reactionary 
powers in any potential "Cold War"
scenerio.  If there IS an international Communist Conspiracy, perhaps it operates 
differently than most have
suspected?  I leave this one vague, because I do not know where to go with it.

If socialists/communists understood the scam amd rip-off
of central banks like the Fed, they would abandon their
socialist views, as F. Hayak shows so well in THE ROAD TO

BF>Well, this statement simplified matters.  It assumes that socialists stand by 
private ownership of the world's
money by private banks.

New York sinks slowing into the rising son.the great Babylon is
falling, Babylon is falling and you know what - nobody seems to really
give a crap, they are so busy counting insurance dollars, and firing
people, no place to evice people though who are already evicted.

BF>A rare gem in the midst of a junk-heap of otherwise nonsense.  Yes, Ms. Osaba, you 
are quite correct on this one.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2002-02-27 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BF>So you're referring to a pluralistic group that is unified by a commen thread of 
That is what I tend to think also.

Mike Clark wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> By the term Illuminati.  I refer to the Higher degrees of Freemasonry.
> ( There are degrees above 33 ) And degrees above the York Rite ( which is
> 9 as I recall ).  I refer also to other Secret Aryan cults such as
> the Rosicrucians.  The Brotherhood of the Aeth.  The American Confederation
> of Initiates.  The Hermetic Brotherhood. The Cult of Isis. The Cult of 
> The Thule Society. The Vril Society.  The Edelweiss Society. The 
> Society.  The Theosophical Society.  Lucis Trust. The Order of the New 
> The Order of the Old Templars. The Astrum:Argenteum. The White Lodge. The
> Order of the Silver Star.  Opus Dei.  The Jesuits. The Sovereign Military 
> of Malta. The Grand Black Druid Council. The Committee of 300.
> Plus various and sundry secret corporations.  Such as the Virginia Company.
> I.G.Farben.  The British East India Company.  The Royal Africa Company.
> The Bank of International Settlements.  The Ditchley Financial Group.
> The Society General of Belgium.
> And about 1500 other ones which I dont have time to mention.  There may be
> in fact more than 1500.  It may be more like 15000.
> Essentially the secret groups who rule the world.
> -Original Message-
> From: Man on the Run [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:53 AM
> -Caveat Lector-
> BF>Perhaps yopu could define what you mean by "Illuminati" when you say "Illuminati 
> Countries"?
> Bates
> Mike Clark wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > I was thinking of more Illuminati Artificial Countries.
> >
> > MONACO - a country the size of New Yorks central park . Yet has over 10,000
> >
> >  multinational corporations chartered there.
> >
> > SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER of MALTA -  This is a separate sovereign COUNTRY
> >
> >  that is NOTHING MORE than a CASTLE a few miles from the Vatican
> >
> > THE CITY of LONDON - How in the NAME of GOD could I have FORGOTTEN this 
>one. Wh.
> >
> >  Chartered in 1607 by a well Known Vampire. The Queen of England 
> >
> >
> > ANDORRA - Country in the ALps the size of a Postage stamp.  Who knows what 
>goes on
> >
> >  here.
> >
> > SAN MARINO - Another postage stamp country.  Who knows.
> >
> > HONG KONG & SINGAPORE - At least up until 1997 when the British East India 
> >
> >   charter ran out.
> >
> > LIECHTENSTIEIN - More shady FINANCIAL transactions.
> >
> > LUXEMBOURG  -  Still more shady FINANCIAL transactions.
> >
> > DIEGO GARCIA - Tiny island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Big time 
>Naval Base
> >
>for the
> >
> >Falklands War of 1982.
> >
> > QUEEN MAUD LAND - Founded in 1936 by Nazi Antarctic expedition.  Held in 
>trust for
> >
> > Der Fuehrer.
> >
> > GALAPAGOS ISLANDS - Secret NWO NAVAL BASe off the coast of Ecuador
> >
> > REVILLA GIGEGO - Secret naval base of the French Government
> >
> > FRENCH FRIGATE SHOALS - Secret ELF transmitter site
> >
> > PETER ISLAND - Another secret Submarine base country uncertain
> >
> > BELIZE - the Former British Honduras.  MI-6 base of activities in the 
> >
> >  Americas.  Native females very good looking and very friendly.
> >
> > GITMO BAY CUBA - Naval base in defiance of Fidel
> >
> > FREE STATE of VAN ZANDT -  a county in East Texas incorporated into Texas 
> >
> >  in 1840 which involved a paperwork error.  Which has rendered
> >
> >this CIVIL WAR MASONIC STRONGHOLD a separate country.  Was
> >
> >  the FIRST PLACE in the United States to SECEDE from the
> >
> >  Union in 1860.  Then in 1867 AGAIN SECEDED from the
> >
> >  Union and DECLARED WAR on the UNITED STATES ( I'm not kidding 
> >
> >  Was destroyed by soldiers from General Phillip Sheridans 
> >
> >  governorship from New Orleans.
> >
> > 814 FATHERLAND DRIVE NASHVILLE TENNESSEE - at first the home and medical 
> >
> >of Doctor Sylvestor Frank James ( brother of Jesse ). Then later
> >
> >

Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

> There are no conspiracies; there are only underinformed people who
>think there are such things because they failed to keep abreast of things.

A "conspiracy" is when others act together to accomplish a common
goal - and I disapprove of the goal.

A "combined effort" is when others act together to accomplish
a common goal - and I approve of the goal.

A "conspiratorial combined effort" is when others act together to
accomplish a common goal - but the stated goal is different
from the actual goal.

A "subliminal conspiracy" is when others act together to accomplish
a common goal - but do so instinctively since they share a similiar
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2002-02-27 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

By the term Illuminati.  I refer to the Higher degrees of Freemasonry.

( There are degrees above 33 ) And degrees above the York Rite ( which is

9 as I recall ).  I refer also to other Secret Aryan cults such as

the Rosicrucians.  The Brotherhood of the Aeth.  The American Confederation

of Initiates.  The Hermetic Brotherhood. The Cult of Isis. The Cult of Osiris.

The Thule Society. The Vril Society.  The Edelweiss Society. The 

Society.  The Theosophical Society.  Lucis Trust. The Order of the New 

The Order of the Old Templars. The Astrum:Argenteum. The White Lodge. The

Order of the Silver Star.  Opus Dei.  The Jesuits. The Sovereign Military Order

of Malta. The Grand Black Druid Council. The Committee of 300.

Plus various and sundry secret corporations.  Such as the Virginia Company.

I.G.Farben.  The British East India Company.  The Royal Africa Company.

The Bank of International Settlements.  The Ditchley Financial Group.

The Society General of Belgium.

And about 1500 other ones which I dont have time to mention.  There may be

in fact more than 1500.  It may be more like 15000.

Essentially the secret groups who rule the world.

-Original Message-
From: Man on the Run [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:53 AM

-Caveat Lector-

BF>Perhaps yopu could define what you mean by "Illuminati" when you say "Illuminati 

Mike Clark wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> I was thinking of more Illuminati Artificial Countries.
> MONACO - a country the size of New Yorks central park . Yet has over 10,000
>  multinational corporations chartered there.
> SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER of MALTA -  This is a separate sovereign COUNTRY
>  that is NOTHING MORE than a CASTLE a few miles from the Vatican
> THE CITY of LONDON - How in the NAME of GOD could I have FORGOTTEN this one. 
>  Chartered in 1607 by a well Known Vampire. The Queen of England has
> ANDORRA - Country in the ALps the size of a Postage stamp.  Who knows what 
>goes on
>  here.
> SAN MARINO - Another postage stamp country.  Who knows.
> HONG KONG & SINGAPORE - At least up until 1997 when the British East India 
>   charter ran out.
> LIECHTENSTIEIN - More shady FINANCIAL transactions.
> LUXEMBOURG  -  Still more shady FINANCIAL transactions.
> DIEGO GARCIA - Tiny island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Big time Naval 
> SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND -  Another SECRET SUBMARINE BASE.  The real reason for 
>Falklands War of 1982.
> QUEEN MAUD LAND - Founded in 1936 by Nazi Antarctic expedition.  Held in 
>trust for
> Der Fuehrer.
> GALAPAGOS ISLANDS - Secret NWO NAVAL BASe off the coast of Ecuador
> REVILLA GIGEGO - Secret naval base of the French Government
> FRENCH FRIGATE SHOALS - Secret ELF transmitter site
> PETER ISLAND - Another secret Submarine base country uncertain
> BELIZE - the Former British Honduras.  MI-6 base of activities in the Central
>  Americas.  Native females very good looking and very friendly.
> GITMO BAY CUBA - Naval base in defiance of Fidel
> FREE STATE of VAN ZANDT -  a county in East Texas incorporated into Texas 
>  in 1840 which involved a paperwork error.  Which has rendered
>this CIVIL WAR MASONIC STRONGHOLD a separate country.  Was
>  the FIRST PLACE in the United States to SECEDE from the
>  Union in 1860.  Then in 1867 AGAIN SECEDED from the
>  Union and DECLARED WAR on the UNITED STATES ( I'm not kidding )
>  Was destroyed by soldiers from General Phillip Sheridans 
>  governorship from New Orleans.
> 814 FATHERLAND DRIVE NASHVILLE TENNESSEE - at first the home and medical 
>of Doctor Sylvestor Frank James ( brother of Jesse ). Then later
>  later the original ( ORIGINAL ) site of the Grand Ole Opry.
> UNITED NATIONS BUILDING NEW YORK CITY - home of the International Elite.
>  Was originally a SITE KNOWN as the GREAT KILLING GROUND. On
>  18 acres ( 6 6 6 ) The Oldest and largest SLAUGHT

[CTRL] Fwd: Solari Action Network: Letter to Lawrence Summers, President of Harvard

2002-02-27 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: Living Wage

Dear Mr. Summers:

I hope you will accept the Harvard janitors generous offer of a starting
wage of $13.40 an hour and affordable family medical care.

As I drive around America and try to simulate what our economy would be like
without substantial government and private coercive intervention to enhance
the control and financial returns of corporate management and investors, I
find that one of the most economically productive groups in the work force
are those who clean and maintain our physical spaces.

In English, what this means is that people who do real concrete work and are
trustworthy are substantially underpaid relative to the large and growing
group who are using government and the destruction of the rule of law to
steal from us.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you as President to demonstrate that
Harvard understands the wisdom of productivity as the prime vehicle for the
allocation of economic resources as opposed to coercion and lawlessness.

I am confident that Harvard will do the economically sound thing, I only
pray that it does it quickly.


Catherine Austin Fitts
Former Assistant Secretary of Housing,
  First Bush Administration



Over 700 students and workers came out today to help janitors get a fair
contract. Nine workers, students, and community supporters were arrested for
civil disobedience as they sat on the street facing Holyoke Center - which
houses Harvard's labor relations office. This group included students,
janitors, clerical workers, alunmi, and union officials. By bringing the
janitors' plight out in the public realm, and by forcing Harvard to face
public scrutiny, these brave women and men have made history at Harvard. The
momentum is building, and janitors need your support!

*** Wednesday, February 27, 9am : supporters will picket outside of Sheraton
Commander (16 Garden Street) before negotiations begin at 10am. Negotiations
are open and all supporters are invited.

As leaked to the press by Harvard administration, at tomorrow's
negotiations, Harvard may offer $11.35 as a starting wage for janitors. A
decade ago, the same work on this campus paid between $12 and $14 an hour in
real terms. Today, area universities such as MIT, BU and Wellesley pay
starting wages of $14 to $16 an hour. Harvard's offer does not meet the
basic expectation of its own Commission (HCECP) to make up for the
administration's misguided policies over the past ten years. Sitting on a
$18 billion endowment, Harvard's offers show that Larry Summers is still not
serious about justice on this campus. In contrast, janitors are asking for a
starting wage of $13.40 an hour and affordable family medical care .

*** ANYTIME: Call or fax President Summers - ask him to pay janitors a fair
wage that reflects Harvard's own past practices and wages paid by its peers
such as MIT. PHONE: 617-495-1502 FAX: 617-495-8550 EMAIL:

*** Monday, March 4, 7pm : Come to a Living Wage meeting at Phillips Brooks


--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Certify This: The Ballad of Ramon Arellano Felix

2002-02-27 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-->
Buy Stock for $4.
No Minimums.
FREE Money 2002.

February 27, 2002
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

Narco News today translates what the Mexican press is saying about the
rumored death of alleged Tijuana cartel boss Ramón Arellano Félix, including
the fact that the rumor was started by a U.S. DEA official.

It's a complicated rumor because officials have "lost" the body.

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Jeffrey Davidow and State Department fixer Randy
Beers have each weighed in with their (somewhat contradicting) theories.

We also report from a transcript of Beers deflecting a question last Monday
about what DEA officials are saying: That the volume of cocaine trafficked
through certified Mexico into the United States has risen by ten percent
over the past three months.

As for the rumors of the death of an Arellano Félix, according to a new song
by the narco-corrido group, "Los Embajadores del Norte," there is another
theory popular on the street.

Narco News today premiers "The Ballad of Ramón Arellano Félix":

We don't know if the theory contained in this new song is any less fictional
than those of Davidow, Beers and the other officials.

But at least it has a song in its heart.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] U.S. Begins Anti-Terror Assistance In Georgia

2002-02-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Begins Anti-Terror Assistance In Georgia

By Vernon Loeb and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, February 27, 2002; Page A01

The Pentagon has begun providing combat helicopters to the former Soviet
republic of Georgia and will soon begin training several Georgian battalions
to counter what defense officials believe is a growing terrorist threat in
the country's mountainous Pankisi Gorge region, senior U.S. officials said

The move to train and equip the Georgian military opens a new front in the
Bush administration's war on terrorism and is fueled by a belief shared by
the United States and Georgia that al Qaeda members and other Islamic
extremists from Chechnya have taken refuge in northern Georgia along the
Chechen border.

The mission also represents a belief by the Bush administration that Arab
fighters connected to al Qaeda have joined Chechen rebel forces to battle the
Russian army, an assertion long made by Russia's president, Vladimir Putin,
but publicly doubted until now in Washington. "We have a clear connection
between Chechens and al Qaeda. They clearly fall under the potential targets
of the global war on terrorism," said a U.S. defense official.

About 40 U.S. military personnel, including Special Forces troops, visited
Georgia this month to assess Georgia's security needs, according to Lt. Col.
Ed Loomis, a spokesman for the U.S. military's European Command near
Stuttgart, Germany. The assessment team has filed its report, which is now
the basis ofthe Pentagon's deliberations, he said.

The Pentagon has already provided the Georgian government with 10 UH-1H Huey
helicopters, six for operations and four for spare parts, Loomis said. A U.S.
military trainer and six contractors are in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital,
training Georgian personnel in how to operate the aircraft.

In taking its war on terrorism to Georgia, the administration is also seeking
to bolster the standing of Eduard Shevardnadze, Georgia's president, and
build stability in the volatile Caucasus region. Georgia, a transit point for
Caspian oil and an aspiring member of NATO, has been considered a U.S. ally
since it won independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

"We're only beginning down this path," said an administration official,
discussing the Pentagon's reconnaissance trip. "What we've decided to do is
think more creatively. That requires a harder look at the real situation on
the ground. And doing this in a way that ensures that the Georgians and the
Russians are consulted fully -- and that in the end, it's a cooperative

The White House promised to help Shevardnadze during a visit he made to
Washington in early October, according to Georgian diplomat David Soumbadze.
"He was promised there would be a program of training and even providing some
equipment. There was no detailed discussion about when and how," Soumbadze
said yesterday. "This is being done specifically to enhance Georgian armed
forces' ability to fight terrorism."

The decision to train and equip Georgian units comes as 80 U.S. Special
Forces troops are on the ground in the Philippines training Filipino units in
counterterrorist tactics against rebels belonging to the Abu Sayyaf, a Muslim
extremist group that the United States says has ties to al Qaeda and its
leader, Osama bin Laden, who is accused of orchestrating the Sept. 11 attacks.

The U.S. military also is conducting intelligence-gathering flights over the
southern Philippine island of Basilan.

Asked about the possibility of intelligence flights over Georgia, the senior
defense official said: "As far as our ability to surveil the area, we've got
some significant surveillance assets in that theater that give us a pretty
good look at threats on the ground."

But the official said that he did not want to draw too many parallels between
Georgia and the Philippines. "I think we're sophisticated enough at this
point not to try to put this situation in the same box as the Philippines,"
the official said. "It's of equal interest, I would say, but the geopolitical
situation in this area in very different than it is in the Philippines."

The Bush administration, which has not yet settled on a source of funding for
the training mission, believes that Arab fighters trained in al Qaeda camps
in Afghanistan have found safe haven in the Pankisi Gorge. "We know they have
contacts with bin Laden's people, that some of them have trained in
Afghanistan," one official said. Chechen rebels are also said to be among an
estimated 5,000 to 7,000 Chechen refugees in the region.

U.S. officials said there is not an explicit goal of training Georgian forces
to capture suspected terrorists, but one policymaker said the potential to
question fighters in the Pankisi Gorge is "an element" of the
administration's think

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Manhattan Inst. runs Bush Administration-proof from their website

2002-02-27 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Axis of Evil: Another Manhattan Institute Slogan in Service to the NWO by
Robert Lederman

The man who coined GW's now infamous slogan, "Axis of Evil" was a senior
fellow at the Manhattan Institute (MI) before joining the Bush
administration. He's just been dropped from the Bush payroll according to
the Washington Times [see article below]. MI also coined the slogan,
"Compassionate Conservatism" for GW, who publicly claims the
Rockefeller-funded organizations' influence on his thinking is, "second only
to the Holy Bible".

What is the Manhattan Institute?

MI is a right wing think tank founded in 1978 by William Casey,
Bush/Reagan's CIA director. Following WWII Casey helped bring thousands of
former Nazis involved in eugenics and the Holocaust to the U.S. As CIA
director he later funded bin Laden and Co. with billions in arms, terrorist
training and cash and was also a key player in arming the Contras.

MI is funded by JP Morgan/Chase bank (owned by David Rockefeller) and by
pharmaceutical companies (Pfizer and Lilly) directly connected to
Rockefeller, Bush senior and many of the current Bush administration
officials. Bush senior was director of Eli Lilly in the late 70's. Bush
Budget director Mitch Daniels was also a Lilly senior executive. Donald
Rumsfeld formerly headed Searle Pharmaceuticals. All of these companies
depend in large part for their products on research originally done by the
IG Farben chemical cartel in Nazi Germany.

Rockefeller's Chase bank was among Hitler's biggest U.S. supporters before
and during WWII. The Rockefeller families' Standard Oil of NJ was half owner
of IG Farben -  the industrial base of the entire Third Reich. GW Bush's
grandfather, Prescott Bush and Prescott's father-in-law George Herbert
Walker (who GW is named after) were Wall Street bankers whose fortune was
made operating and financing shipping companies, banks and steel foundries
for the Nazi regime.

MI's most famous alumni after Rudy Giuliani is Charles Murray author of "The
Bell Curve" a modern classic of eugenics. The Bell Curve popularized the
idea that Blacks are genetically inferior in intelligence to Whites as a
justification for eliminating welfare, increasing so-called quality of life
arrests, limiting parole, taking children from Black families etc. Murray
was a paid consultant on Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson's welfare program
and is a spokesman for the Federalist Society, which has direct ties to a
number of current U.S. Supreme Court judges.

Thompson's #2 man on welfare reform was Jason Turner, who Rudy Giuliani
later hired to head up NYC's welfare reform. Turner actually quoted the
motto from the gates of Auschwitz to explain Giuliani's workfare policy and
was later forced to apologize. Rudy Giuliani also claims to get all of his
ideas directly from MI. Many of his policy ideas are directly based on
Murray's books.

MI has spearheaded a decades long effort to make the goals of eugenics
respectable again. The Bush family, the Harriman family (the Wall Street
business partners of Bush in financing Hitler) and the Rockefeller family
are the elite of the American eugenics movement.

Axis of Evil. You'll find the center of that axis right here in NYC at the
Manhattan Institute.

To verify that David Frum is associated with MI see:
"Where Did the Sixties Come From?  By David Frum Senior Fellow at the
Manhattan Institute."

Or do a search at the MI website on David Frum
There are hundreds of pages of documents related to him.

Hundreds of mainstream media quotes on the Manhattan Institute, Bush,
Giuliani, the CIA, Chase Bank and the connection of them all to Nazism,
eugenics and 9/11 will be found in the articles at:
At the end of the eugenics article below are a sample of these quotes which
I've spent eight years compiling.

Excerpted from THE WASHINGTON TIMES 2/26/2002
'Axis of evil' writer leaves Bush's staff
author: Robert Stacy McCain
"David Frum, credited with authoring the headline "axis of evil" phrase in
President Bush's State of the Union address, has left the White House
speechwriting staff.
 "It has been the experience of a lifetime and it's been the honor of a
lifetime to be here during this presidency," Mr. Frum said in a telephone
interview yesterday. "I leave with nothing but the highest regard for all of
my colleagues."...Mr. Frum specifically denied commentator Robert Novak's
claim, made yesterday on CNN's "Inside Politics," that he was ousted from
the speechwriting team because the president was angered by an e-mail from
Mr. Frum's wife that became public this month.
 Author Danielle Crittenden e-mailed friends after the Jan. 29 State of
the Union address expressing "wifely pride" that her husband had contributed
the "axis of evil" phrase. Mrs. Crittende

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well take the Mayor of New York City, Shylock let us call him - is this
man a conservative or what?

Now this man believes he "reigns" over New York, but in this country,
nobody "reigns" over us though the Old Testament one would believe the
streets have been paved for the Jewish Messiah - and he sure came in
with a bank didn't he, all keyed to and geared to the Old Testaments.

So this Shylock, this Mayor is going for fire 6,000 people, 3, 000
already lost jobs in the "God Forbid" demise of the Twin Towers that
this sainted man Larry Silverstein anticipated and with his 7 billoin
dollar insurance policy - hey is that guy a liberal.

Now you want to buy the people's Brooklyn Bridge from Shylock - he needs
fast bucks to cover up the fact that all these arenas, etc., New York
City was going busto long before 911..

Nice plot - it thickens.but one has to consider what a liberal
really is and in his year of Jubilee might do well to remember this
story from the Jewish Old Testamentkeeping in mind that if the Arab
Princes had loaned all that money to New York City, they would have done
so with NO INTEREST.

New York sinks slowing into the rising son.the great Babylon is
falling, Babylon is falling and you know what - nobody seems to really
give a crap, they are so busy counting insurance dollars, and firing
people, no place to evice people though who are already evicted.

Think about New York City - how much of their budget going to paying
interest on debt.and then think of the humble Arab Muslims WHO DO
NOT BELIEVE IN USURY. And Osama bin Laden did not pull off that Twin
Towers job.   And what the hell would ANYBODY want with New York City or
Israel, today - maybe their leaders - for Giuliani, Shylock Bloomberg,
and Sharon all met together - maybe these so called public servants will
all get what they deserve.

Tell me how they going to evict all those homeless people lying in
gutters, subways, tents, withing sight of the ghosts of the Twin Towers?


True Test of a Shylock and a Scrooge - Old opposed to
what was it Oscar Wilde wrote - yes, he talks like a liberal but he
still eats with the Tories.  I prefer the Tories, for at least they have
a little bit of class - this hoodlum Bloomberg, the great Shylock,
does not..he will get, his pound of flesh for evidently Twin Towers
was not enough for these people"


Deuteronomy, chapter 15

"1": At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.

"2": And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth
ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his
neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's release.

"3": Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine
with thy brother thine hand shall release;

"4": Save when there shall be no poor "5": Only if thou carefully
hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these
commandments which I command thee this day.

"5": Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God,
to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day.

***Secret to Theft of Nation and Usury***

"6": For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou
shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt
reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.
(Saba Note - Vs. 6 is key to bin Laden for he lent money to the Saudis
when in troube and in like Larry Flynt with ADL then and FBI.   Bt see
nation...New York City pays half its budge in interest no
doubt..this is Christian Zionist at its worst..for Shylock had
to be first Zonist of ill repute?   Other than Judas the bagman.   Mafia
does not pay taxes and with their dirty money they are buying up America
and our wonderful Senate and Congress..see Marc Rich, Cafaro, Larry
Flynt, ADL and their dirty laundering of moneysee Clinton and see
fall of Babylon but of course will pick up cheap by dirty money?)

"7": If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any
of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt
not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:

"8": But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend
him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.   (saba note:
yes Money Gougers solution is usury, once we hangned people for such a

"9": Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The
seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil
against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto
the LORD against thee, and i

Re: [CTRL] Saudi writer: PA no longer credible

2002-02-27 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

on 2/27/02 11:05 AM, Saba at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At least this is what I was told?

By whom?

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

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Re: [CTRL] Saudi writer: PA no longer credible

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes Prudy - last seen Arafat, this old man but not quite so ugly and old
looking as Ariel Scheinman Sharon, had a broken arm, broken fingers and
was was hanging upside down by his heels.

So John F. Kennedy took the "responsibility" for the Bay of Pigs - for
he realized the buck stopped with him, even though the Jewish Mafia
headed by Meyer Lansky, who would later murder him too, was the element
behind the Pigs incident.  It was then he discovered that the Black Ops
of CIA had been hiring killers - hit men - who also broke arms for two

Cheap outfit at that.

At least this is what I was told?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism

2002-02-27 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

Fascist and communist govts are both big govt/statist as
opposed to small govt/populist.
I think it was Gary Allen in "None Dare Call It
Conspiracy" who pointed out that the accurate way to rank
govts is populist to statist.
The other way - "left = communist" on one extreme, "right
= fascist" on the other, with "democracy" (should be
republic, another mind-f**k in that word/concept
substitution/confusion) - primarily serves  thoroughly to
muddle the people's thinking & grasp on the political
realities of their world.
Another interesing one is the way 'liberal', which used to
mean one who favored Jeffersonian small non-interfering
govt., has come to mean one who supports socialist govt.
Socialist/communist govt by definition/unavoidably is BIG
govt - and  history demonstrates that big govt is always
totalitarian govt.
If socialists/communists understood the scam amd rip-off
of central banks like the Fed, they would abandon their
socialist views, as F. Hayak shows so well in THE ROAD TO
Yet more clever mind-muddling disinfo is the
identification of those favoring small govt with those who
care not for the poor. Fact is, under socialism in this
country, the standard of living has fallen steadily. We are
now rapidly becoming a second world nation - as per the
globalists'  long-range plans.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism

2002-02-27 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

The Role of State Monopoly Capitalism

This matches perfectly with this

And what is the difference between a fascist and communist state?

One believes in being raciallly conscious and the other is racially conscious, but in 
a different way. 

One believes in international conquest...but the other believes in international 
conquest, but in a different way.

The only difference is which elite rules?

--- End Message ---

Re: [CTRL] Saudi writer: PA no longer credible

2002-02-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/26/02 10:08:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< "Now, not only is Arafat confessing to the [Israeli] account, but he goes
 further still, and has sent [a letter] to the American secretary of state
 [from] which it can be interpreted that he takes responsibility for this
 incident. >>

Very interesting.  Does anyone have more information on this confession and
letter?  Prudy";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

You are right on track, Euphorian.always follow the little red dots
and arrows until you find a copy of the Koran.

Or track all the Bufords in the world, to the FBI.

give credit where credit is due.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Bill, it was John McCain who was trying to get the Republicans to
tell Bush that everytime someone sang O'Susannah, that McCain who was
Manchurian Candidate, would go bananas.

Problem here was, if they sang that - Egyptian Jews would start bombing
American Movie Houses and Embassies..(Lavon Affair - when Israelis
played this song on their radio the REAL Manchurian Candidates like
Zombies, who blow up all those yankee doodle movie house and blame on
those poor arabs..)


At least Bush gave that guy who created the "Evil Axis" or "Axis of
Evil" - my gosh forgot that one alrady - but at least, Bush gave his
speechwritere full credit for that line.   What a nice man.";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Axis of Hubris

2002-02-27 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well I am only sorry Bush saw fit to use this term; and, some of his
speeches are redundant - and felt insincere to say the least.

When one thinks of Axis - always thing of WWII and this is a new game

As nobody ever questioned the fact that it was claimed that Abraham
Lincoln, wrote over 1 million words and like a Handel, who wrote the
Messiah on his knees, is alleged to written the Gettysburg Address, on
his knees.   Nice words for a slaughterman to have written, right?   But
in some old books yoiu find the Rosicrucians in this Fama thing, who
more or less by innuendo , suggest who, wrote what.

Like A House Divided Cannot Stand.well lots of people think Abraham
Lincon wrote that line; no, he plagiarized it from Jesus Christ.

Axis of Evil?  Bush needs a new song book, because the guy who wrote
that line hey that was so bad Bush made sure he took the credit - first
time in History a ghost writer got due credit.

Biggest mistake made - we now count more enemies on two hands than we do

But it is written with Bush all things are yet possible; but in the end,
like Jesus Christ - maybe only a handful of women will stick with him to
the end.

Or a new beginning?

Now I know why Bush said "Keep Your Powder Dry"..for guys like that.

So as much as I dislike Lincoln, will have to say the Gettysburg Address
these words should always be attributed to him.  As Janet Reno would say
"for the children"

Lincoln got off some good ones though on his own - which better maybe
expresses one of the best one liners I ever heard

Lincoln lost a man to death in office, and so many people were out to
get the job (times change, people don't) - even before the guy was

This one man applied directly to Lincon for the job, saying "I would
like to take his place Mr. President", to which Lincoln replied (words
to best of my recollection) - Lincoln replies "its okay with me, if the
undertaker doesn't mind".

Wonder who got that job.


Exit one member of a cast of characters I could do without - not go get
that asshole Wolfowitz, the Prince of Darkness.";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

i understand what you're getting at; there are plenty of posts that
are more or less partisan propaganda but may contain some unusual
bits of info that are useful or informative.  i'm totally open minded
if i'm learning something new, and i always take time to scan through
all posts to see if there is something there.

but i would assume that everyone is smart enough to keep up on news
that is easily available through mainstream channels?  anyone with
two brain cells to rub together knows by now what john mccain's
stance is on campaign financing legislation.  so, i didn't see the
post in question as offering anything informative at all, only
hardcore propaganda.  no dots.

however, if there is an interesting, well articulated, and factually
detailed argument to be made that mccain is an NWO socialist, i would
be fascinated to hear it!

that would be the kind of thing i joined this list for.


>-Caveat Lector-
>On 27 Feb 2002 at 17:18, Brian Salter wrote:
>>  may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?
>We play this little game here called "connect the dots".  The Secret
>to the game is to
>get dots.  Now, on some topix there might be a lot of dots and on
>others there may
>be only a few.  And some dots are just for fun.  But we try to make
>the pictures come
>out nontheless.
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

At 03:18 AM 2/27/02 , you wrote:
>-Caveat Lector-
>may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?

Because McCain is one of THEM.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Dick Gregory

2002-02-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 27 Feb 2002 00:16:32 -0500
From:   Barbara Herskovitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Dick Gregory
BCC to:

unless you have time to listen to the entire interview - start listening at
about 38 minute mark.

there are some very interesting comments about 9-11.
--- End of forwarded message ---

"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes."

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

Well, yes, fair enough, and I do the same thing, and my political views are
undeniably different than Bill R's in many respects ...

But the WJPBR Email News List is not the only source for information, even
as a conservative. And they do a lot of smear pieces with a dualatiy of
politics as their main crux. Personally, I believe that's also part of the
problem, so any ctrl articles with celebrate one party and demonize the
other consistently are not to be taken seriously, at least by me. Yes, there
may be valuable information there, but objectivity is more important in
ferreting out conspiracy theory than in other journalism, I would opine.

Not that it makes the facts less worthwhile, but it does place it in one
corner right away ...

- jt

- Original Message -
From: "Euphorian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 27 Feb 2002 at 17:18, Brian Salter wrote:
> > may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?
> We play this little game here called "connect the dots".  The Secret to
the game is to
> get dots.  Now, on some topix there might be a lot of dots and on others
there may
> be only a few.  And some dots are just for fun.  But we try to make the
pictures come
> out nontheless.
> When reading and researching for a LONG time, little bits and pieces of
> make sense in the larger construct of things, even when they aren't major
foci in the
> articles.  Years ago, I started posting articles on the Caspian oil
ventures.  At the
> time, they seemed just like another business series that had not much
> beyond the boardroom and the prospecti.  Well, now we have this little war
going on
> in South Asia and the Caspian oil relationship seems to be pretty
> Many times the sense is very subtle and other times it's like a pie in the
face.  And
> then there are times when nothing goes nowhere.  But we all try to have
> There are no conspiracies; there are only underinformed people who think
there are
> such things because they failed to keep abreast of things.
> A<>E<>RIntegrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
> The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
> new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 27 Feb 2002 at 17:18, Brian Salter wrote:

> may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?

We play this little game here called "connect the dots".  The Secret to the game is to
get dots.  Now, on some topix there might be a lot of dots and on others there may
be only a few.  And some dots are just for fun.  But we try to make the pictures come
out nontheless.

When reading and researching for a LONG time, little bits and pieces of articles
make sense in the larger construct of things, even when they aren't major foci in the
articles.  Years ago, I started posting articles on the Caspian oil ventures.  At the
time, they seemed just like another business series that had not much meaning
beyond the boardroom and the prospecti.  Well, now we have this little war going on
in South Asia and the Caspian oil relationship seems to be pretty pertinent.

Many times the sense is very subtle and other times it's like a pie in the face.  And
then there are times when nothing goes nowhere.  But we all try to have fun.

There are no conspiracies; there are only underinformed people who think there are
such things because they failed to keep abreast of things.

A<>E<>RIntegrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

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article/day. * [Emperor's Clothes]

by Rick Rozoff
[27 February 2002]

The BBC story, posted below, refers to Tajikistan as the "last former Soviet
Republic to join" NATO's Orwellian-named Partnership for Peace (PfP)
military bloc. Presumably the BBC means it is the fourteenth former Soviet
Republic to do so, as Russia is not a member.

A revealing oversight, and one that indicates the true purpose of the
Partnership: To entangle all the non-Russian former republics in a U.S.-NATO
dominated military command structure, one which will dictate not only the
foreign policies but internal political and economic affairs in all of the
affected countries.

Though not mentioned in this report, the first effect of Tajikistan joining
the PfP will be that it participates in the US and NATO's war in Afghanistan
and beyond. With nineteen current full members of NATO and thirty PfP
candidate members, there are now almost fifty national units in the
constantly expanding bloc, most nowhere near the Atlantic Ocean whose name
was appropriated to disguise the real mission of NATO.

To understand how Russians and others must feel about this open-ended
aggressive aggrandizement in a world where this isn't even a pretense of a
rival military alliance, imagine that in the 1980s every member of NATO in
Norh America and Western Europe, except the United States, had joined the
Warsaw Pact, participated in a Russian war against Guatemala and built
military bases in every nation in the Western Hemisphere...except the United
--Rick Rozoff


BBC World Service - Wednesday, 20 February, 2002, 14:49 GMT

Tajikistan joins Nato peace

Tajikistan has become the last former Soviet republic to join Nato's
partnership for peace programme.

The Nato secretary-general, Lord Robertson, praised what he said had been
Tajikistan's prominent role in the recent war against terrorism - it was a
key component in efforts to bring stability to the region, he said.

The Tajik ambassador to Brussels, Sharif Rahimov, who signed the partnership
agreement for his country, said joining the programme - which gives members
regular political contact with Nato and military co-operation - would help
Tajikistan modernise its armed forces.

Correspondents say Tajikistan - which becomes the 30th member of Partnership
for Peace - has blamed the delay on joining on the country's five-year civil

>From the newsroom of the BBC World Service
(C) BBC 2002 * Reprinted for Fair Use Only


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Further Reading on US/NATO Encirclement of Russia

* Why Does Washington Want Afghanistan?
by Jared Israel, Rick Rozoff & Nico Varkevisser
What are the real objectives?
* En Français
* Deutsch

* What's the Target of the U.S. Move into Central Asia?
Two news reports look at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which
includes Russia, China and the Central Asian former Soviet Republics.

* Afghan Operation Leaves Russia 'Encircled' by US-NATO
by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey Chichkin

* 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and Trying to Force Milosevic to
Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser. Can be read at

Emperor's Clothes Urgently Needs Your Help!

Emperor's Clothes has only one source of income - your donations. We want
everyone to read our articles, whether they can afford to contribute money
or not. But if you can contribute, please do; we urgently need the help. We
are considerably behind on all our bills - rent, utilities, long distance
and overseas telephone and Internet costs.

Since September 11 our readership has increased more than 600%. We now
transfer over 1 gigabyte of data a day. But our income has not kept up with
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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 2/27/02 3:24:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?
> >
> Isn't odd that this Republican acts like a Democrat!

Well, not to me, though I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican. Such a
perspective can help sometimes.

> He befriends socialists
> and communists and probably is thick in the NWO.  Ain;t you glad you

The primary proof for this that you offer is that he is doing something
which disagrees with you as a Republican. While that's fine to be upset with
a political view, it does not alone a conspiracy make.

OK, then, Bill, whom do you consider to be "clean?"

- jt";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Losing the Afghan Peace

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


A new war is brewing in Afghanistan

Unless British troops stay for the long haul, fighting may reignite

Luke Harding in Kabul
Wednesday February 27, 2002
The Guardian

The scene was faintly reminiscent of Julius Caesar. Lying in a freshly dug grave was
Afghanistan's murdered aviation minister, Abdul Rahman. As rain drizzled down on
Kabul's muddy cemetery, Afghanistan's interior minister, Younis Qanooni, stepped
forward. Dr Rahman, gruesomely murdered on his own plane, was a fine man who
survived imprisonment by the Russians, Mr Qanooni said. He came back from exile
only to meet an untimely death, he added. There was only one thing troubling about
Mr Qanooni's funeral tribute - the fact that his own intelligence chief appears to have
played a key role in bumping off Dr Rahman, the man lying in the ground.

Two weeks ago Afghanistan's interim leader, Hamid Karzai, accused three members
of his own government of murdering Dr Rahman when he was besieged by angry
pilgrims whose plane to Mecca had failed to turn up. What, then, does this tale of
post-Taliban assassination mean for Afghanistan? The answer is depressing: that
Afghanistan is now in real danger of sliding back into civil war. Rockets are not yet
raining down on Kabul. And we have not returned to 1992-1996 when rival mojahedin
factions shelled each other, during the bleak pre-Taliban era. But the seeds of future
conflict are being sown by a political settlement that gives too large a role to the
Taliban's old adversaries - the Tajiks - and too small a one to the ousted militia's 
ethnic group, the Pashtuns.

The three officials who apparently killed Dr Rahman are all members of Jamiat-i-
Islami, the Tajik party (and faction of the Northern Alliance) that effectively runs 
country's new administration. There are whispers that Dr Rahman's unIslamic
lifestyle - he liked parties and women - may have brought about his undoing. But the
most credible explanation for his murder is political revenge. Many of Rahman's
former Jamiat colleagues grew to view him as a traitor when he defected from the
party in the 1990s and joined the royalist camp of Afghanistan's exiled king,
Mohammad Zahir Shah.

The fact that his enemies felt bold enough to plunge a knife, Cassius-like, into him
soon after getting jobs in government is ominous. Jamiat troops took over Kabul last
November after the Taliban's speedy departure. In the Bonn agreement that
followed, the party was generously rewarded. It got the defence, interior, justice and
foreign affairs ministries. It also controls the security and intelligence services.

Hamid Karzai is Pashtun, the ethnic group which makes up about 40% of the
population, while the Tajiks account for 25%. But increasingly he seems isolated and
vulnerable, even within his own administration. Critics wonder whether he is much
more than an American puppet. Mr Karzai is still rapturously received abroad: he
meets the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, today in Delhi. But he controls little of
Afghanistan beyond his presidential palace in Kabul. And unlike the old mojahedin
warlords now back in power, he doesn't have an army.

Since reoccupying Kabul, Jamiat has appointed its own supporters to crucial civil
service posts. Many of the government's new advisers are decent, educated and
pleasant, a refreshing change from the obscurantists who used to haunt the
Taliban's ministries. The problem is that the new appointees are almost exclusively
Tajik. Sooner or later this imbalance is likely to cause resentment in the Pashtun-
dominated south.

Britain is meanwhile preparing to do the one thing most likely to bring about another
civil war: clear off. The government has said it wants all its 4,000 peacekeeping
troops to leave Kabul by mid-April. Mr Straw has been trying to persuade Turkey to
take over Britain's lead role in the International Security Assistance Force when its
three-month term is up. But the Turks do not appear to want the job.

Britain should instead commit to Afghanistan for the long haul and send
peacekeepers outside Kabul, where they could be of real use. Some of the interim
authority's Tajik ministers also need to be convinced to hand over their portfolios to
Pashtuns when a permanent government in Kabul is formed later this year. If they do
not, then a new war is clearly on the cards.

The Taliban are currently demoralised. Those members of the regime not yet in US
custody are hiding out in the tribal regions of Pakistan. But forces that once
supported the Taliban - and have now trimmed their beards and dumped their black
turbans - will not remain dormant indefinitely. Unless they are included in the 
process, they are likely to stir up trouble. Nobody wants the Taliban back. But even
their most grudging critics conceded that during their brutal stint in office they 
peace. It would be a dark irony if the international coa

[CTRL] Axis of Hubris

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Proud wife turns 'axis of evil' speech into a resignation letter

Matthew Engel in Washington
Wednesday February 27, 2002
The Guardian

The public had a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the White House yesterday
when David Frum, the man said to have invented the phrase "axis of evil", resigned
from President George Bush's speechwriting team, causing a debate as to whether
he walked out or was pushed.

Mr Frum became well known after President Bush used the term in his state of the
union address. But his celebrity came about only because his wife, Danielle, emailed
friends with "wifely pride" to claim credit for her husband. The message was picked
up by the media.

This was considered an affront to the discreet and collegiate traditions of the
speechwriters' room, whose occupants are accustomed to having their precious
words appropriated by the president, rewritten or scrapped, but are expected to
remain stoically anonymous.

The Frumgate affair erupted when the commentator Robert Novak claimed on CNN
that the president was so infuriated by the emails that Mr Frum was fired. This was
denied by the White House and Mr Frum, who accused Mr Novak of "making stuff
up" and said he had given a month's notice on January 24, while the speech was
being written.

In her email to friends and family, Mrs Frum wrote: "I realise this is very 
of me to mention but my husband is responsible for the axis of evil segment in
Tuesday's state of the union address. It's not often a phrase one writes gains
national notice... so I hope you'll indulge my wifely pride in seeing this one repeated
in headlines everywhere!"

Presidents have a core team of four or five writers working on their speeches. Like
most White House staffers, they rarely last through the length of a presidency,
although Mr Bush has only been in office 13 months and Mr Frum is one of the first
senior figures to go.

"What you get is the excitement of being at the centre," said a team member from a
past administration, who asked, in keeping with the tradition, for anonymity.

"You're playing with history. But the job really takes it out of you. You break a lot 
promises to your kids.

"And there are a lot of frustrations. Once a speech is made, it's supposed to be the
president's, not yours.

"The current team does a lot of collegial writing, and they're very good at it. That
takes a strong bond and very special people."

Mr Frum intends to return to more conventional writing under his own name. He has
already published two critiques of conservative politics and a history of the 1970s.
His new-found fame is unlikely to do him any harm with publishers contemplating

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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/27/02 3:24:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?
>  -b
Isn't odd that this Republican acts like a Democrat!  He befriends socialists
and communists and probably is thick in the NWO.  Ain;t you glad you asked!";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The American and French Revolutions

2002-02-27 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BF>Let me share a few very short thoughts on the difference between the
American Revolution and the French Revolution.  The American Revolution
is often claimed to have been conservative, while the French Revolution
was radical.  However, there was a definite democratic component to the
American Revolution.  There was also an elitist component to the French
Revolution.  The real differences between these two go deeper than those
involving Locke battling with Rousseau.
 In my opinion, the difference between the two revolutions was not
that one was a movement of independence and the other a revolution, as
Russell Kirk and other conservatives have claimed.  In a sense, if our
Revolution was a movement of independence then we have the strange
spectacle of the colonists first trying everything to reconcile with the
Crown.  The Eagle did not want to separate from the Lion.  The American
Revolutionaries only attempted independence when it was clear that their
Lockean claim that taxation was wrong without representation would not
be accepted by a Fillmorean England.
 The French model began with a conservative rebellion of noble
against king, and ended with a blood-bath, and then a conservative
restoration of the monarchy, even if a "citizen monarchy".  The French
monarchy ruled by some concept of divine right, and the Republic
attempted to replicate this with its "Goddess of Reason" and "Cult of
Reason".  The Appolonian religion of the Jacobins degenerated in to the
Dionysian rite.  The French attempt to impose the rule of law could not
overcome the irrationality it so strongly opposed.  Thus we have the
tragedy of all attempts to ignore the irrationalism that will surface in
such atrocities as the Holocaust, Pol Pot's purges, and other historical
tragedies.  Such appeals to "reason" over reality are doomed to
disregard reason entirely.
 In contrast, the American model recognized law, the restraint of
passion, as the guiding principle.  If the American Revolution was
"conservative", as some who have compared it with the French Revolution
have claimed, then it would not have differed from the Whig revolutions
of England.  America did differ considerably from Whig England.  The
Whig revolutions, with their Hannoveran monarchy and their unwritten
constitutions, had no protections for the individual other than a set of
precedents.  This conservatism may have preserved England during her
darkest hours, but did not function as a workable model for the United
States.  Obviously, French Revolutionary traditions were never accepted
by the mainstream of the American liberal tradition.  American
liberalism emphasized legalism and compromise, not strident ideology.
However, both the Anglican conservative model of constitutional liberty
and the French model of radical republicanism are seen as foreign to the
American mainstream for the same reasons.  Protection for the individual
is seen as a matter of legal protections, ignored by the English and
French models alike.  Plenty of nations have constitutions.  Very few
have the Bill of Rights that we have, putting a spine in the
 The French Revolution was the soil in which nationalism in its
modern form was born.  The non-monarchical State no longer relied on the
patriarchical notion of the oldest son succeeding the oldest son.  The
State no longer had a personalist basis, except for demagogic States.
The new State was impersonal, and yet demanding total obedience from its
citizens.  The United State was not consolidated in this manner until
World War I, when the war state took the helm.  The war state meant the
death knell of tolerance.  Tolerance and legalism, with a strong dose of
pragmatism, are the trademarks of American liberalism.  American
liberalism may have some of its origins in Christian and Enlightenment
traditions of total certainty.  However, for good or for ill, it differs
from these traditions in the sense that it does not claim the
certainties that Christian and Enlightenment traditions claim.
 The American model of legalism has survived great strains on its
resurces.  War scares have taxed the traditions of tolerance greatly, as
even Wilson lamented.  Today, we have the "Patriot Act" purporting to
save us from enemies in our midst.  What Americans must understand is
that the sentiments held in the Declaration Of Independence, set to
music against a waving flag, do not save us from tyranny.  They are
simply sentiments if they are not backed by a set of binding legal
precedents.  The Constitution holds these binding legal precedents in
its Bill of Rights.  They are no vague sentiments.  Unfortunately, they
were so legalistic as to not be universally inclusive at the beginning.
However, they provided the basic structure that allows for an expanding
tolerance.  They are not Utopian, and have permitted evils to flourish
under the banner of "choice".  A profound philosophical argument could
be raised as to what exte

[CTRL] Big Apple Overripens

2002-02-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


> While Bloomberg talks about “sharing the pain,” he also insists
> that there can be no increase in personal income or corporate
> taxes, lest businesses and the wealthy flee New York. As a result
> the super-rich, like the billionaire mayor himself (his net worth,
> it has been pointed out, coincidentally amounts to roughly the same
> figure as the projected $4.8 billion deficit), will pay nothing.

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America

New York City mayor slashes public services

By Alan Whyte and Peter Daniels
27 February 2002

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The budget proposed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg earlier this month
would mean major cuts in public and social services. The mayor called for closing a
projected $4.76 billion budget deficit with funding cutbacks for city agencies ranging
from 6 to 26 percent, along with a series of increased fees that will 
affect workers and the unemployed. About 6,000 city jobs are to be cut through
attrition and employee buyouts.

The reductions in services will come precisely as rising unemployment and poverty
make the programs all the more necessary. The budget for the Administration for
Children’s Services, for instance, will be cut by about 18 percent, or $80 million,
resulting in the elimination of 10,000 slots in a proposed day-care expansion
program. Sixteen million, or 19 percent, will be slashed from the budget of Youth and
Community Services, leading to the likely disappearance of 2,000 summer jobs for

At the Department for the Aging the cuts amount to $26.1 million, or 16 percent.
Prescription drug reimbursements would be eliminated, along with weekend meals
for the elderly. Seven senior citizens centers would be closed and four others would
not be opened as previously scheduled.

The Department of Homeless Services would be cut by 17 percent at a time when
the number of homeless is steadily increasing. Legal services that help families fight
evictions would also be cut, a step sure to increase the demand for the homeless
services being slashed.

The city’s public schools are in desperate shape, with necessary supplies, such as
paper, unavailable. After two decades of increased immigration—rising at a rate
unprecedented in the past 100 years—the overcrowded and dilapidated school
buildings are a scandal, yet Bloomberg proposes to cut the schools construction
budget by $692 million, or 20 percent. The operating budget for the schools will be
cut by $354 million, or 7 percent, leading, at the very least, to the elimination of 
extracurricular activities. On the college level, City University funding is to be cut 
13 percent.

Other public services are also coming under the axe. Library funding is to be cut by
$39 million, or 15 percent, on top of previous cutbacks over the past decade. Branch
libraries that are currently open for six days a week will probably be cut back to 

Other suggested cuts include $10 million from the Fire Department, to eliminate
some ambulance shifts; $56 million from the Sanitation Department, eliminating
metal, plastic and glass recycling; and another 13 percent at the Parks Department,
the agency that has been all but decimated even during the boom years.

The mayor has depicted himself as a hands-on manager of the city’s finances, firm
but compassionate, making sure that the “sacrifices” are shared equitably. The
media has taken up this reassuring refrain, with the New York Times pointing to the
pledge to hold off on layoffs for a year and editorializing that Bloomberg “seems to be
trying hard to be fair.”

When the budget was announced by Bloomberg on February 14 the Times declared
“what he has done can hardly be called a St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. By avoiding
layoffs and spreading the pain broadly across the city, the mayor may even manage
to win a few hearts.”

Notwithstanding these claims, it is obvious to all that the wealthy will hardly be
affected at all by the cuts. They have no need for the city’s public schools and social
services. Central Park, the city’s crown jewel in the heart of the wealthiest
neighborhoods, is maintained largely through private funds as a result of changes
carried out over the past 20 years.

Bloomberg made much of the fact that even the Police Department, in the aftermath
of September 11, will be asked to absorb a reduction of about 6 percent. He
reiterated his commitment to “zero tolerance” for crime, however, and said that
whatever resources were necessary would be found immediately if there was any
increase in the crime figures. He made no such promise about finding money for
schools, hospitals or other services.

While Bloomberg talks about “sharing the pain,” he also insists that there can be no
increase in personal income or corporate taxes, lest businesses and the wealthy flee
New York. As a result the super-rich, like the billionaire mayor himself (his

Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?


>-Caveat Lector-
>Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
>John McCain, Traitor
>By Robert Tracinski (April 2, 2001)
>[CAPITALISMMAGAZINE.COM] It is time to put the John McCain myth to rest.
>For years, the national media and a gullible grass-roots following have
>glorified McCain as a man of integrity who deals in "straight talk." They
>have promoted his image as a hero who fought bravely for his country in
>Vietnam and who is now fighting to save politics from corruption by special
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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