Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

11/20/02 4:58:27 PM, David Sutherland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What do you mean?

The psychological burden is such in some that they are lured into a
religious state because of emotional trauma and guilt placed on them by
the shamanism of priestcraft?


Close.  It seems as though Fallwell and ilk have created for themselves an us vs them
situation wherein they exclude many from the possibility of being saved.  All 
are fair game for the revival tent.  Yet, the top fundies aren't eager to go out and 
those who who would be in the best positions to effect changes within their ranks.  
That is
to say, Usama being converted would be able to neutralise the inter-religion warfare by
dragging along his followers.  But, if Shrub, a saved person, suggests Usama or 
dead or alive (preferably [to him] the former), then he is in effect creating a 
where the rebirth is ended before being allowed to come to term, i.e., aborted as in

Now this supposes that anyone, Usama included, might be made to see the light according
to the RelRight (oka chickenhawks).  So, everyone has to be kept in a viable, 
emerging state in order to NOT prevent the spiritual renaissance from happening.  The
psychological burden is the missionary's position.  The un-harvested souls remain in a 
of grace because they have not undergone the baptism of fire and brimstone.  Which is
another interesting perspective.  The proselytisers lose brownie points because they 
failed to sway the masses of the unannointed, uninitiated, uninspired.

Killing the infidel as the missionary proselytiser conversionists' form of abortion.


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[CTRL] Well, when your capital is Londonistan ...

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


'Americans ignorant of their UK kinsfolk'

Nicholas Watt, political correspondent
Wednesday November 20, 2002
The Guardian

It is billed as the greatest special relationship on earth; two countries bound 
together by
common bonds stretching back centuries.

But most Americans are so ignorant of their kinsfolk in Britain they believe the UK is 
a far off
country somewhere in the Middle East, according to the outspoken tourism minister, 

Very often people do not understand the title of the country, Dr Howells told MPs of
Commons culture select committee yesterday. In America, people had heard of London,
some had heard of England, no one had heard of the United Kingdom - they thought it was
somewhere in the Middle East.

A spokesman for the culture department said Dr Howells, who hit the headlines when he
dismissed this year's Turner prize shortlisted entries as conceptual bullshit, was 
making a
light-hearted comment. Americans should not take offence, the department said, because
he had been just trying to illustrate the importance of using familiar expressions.

England and Britain are well known brands, they said, but the UK hardly registered. 
high-placed Americans struggle with the title. Foreign Office mandarins had to have a 
word with American diplomats in 1998 after the CIA world factbox said that 1801 marked
the date of the UK's independence.

Dr Howells' remarks yesterday came as he admitted that UK tourism chiefs had failed to
persuade visitors to venture beyond London. Asked about a multi-million marketing
campaign to persuade tourists to visit other parts of Britain, Dr Howells said the 
boards had dismally failed.

Meanwhile, the culture secretary, Tessa Jowell, rejected a charge by Ian Reynolds, 
executive of the Association of Travel Agents, that ministers were taking a laissez 
attitude to tourism, applying insufficient focus and resources.

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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-11-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

Dove wins Israel's Labour leadership
Chris McGreal  in Jerusalem
Tuesday November 19 2002
The Guardian

Israel's Labour party hauled itself back into the peace camp yesterday by electing a 
dovish former army general to lead it into January's general election.

An exit poll gave Amram Mitzna, the mayor of the coastal city of Haifa, 57% of the 
vote, compared to 35% for the current Labour party leader Binyamin Ben-Eliezer. 
Knesset member Haim Ramon was a distant third with 8%.

His victory offers voters a stark choice between Mr Sharon's belief in military 
control as the best means of assuring Israel's security and the view that peace will 
come only by ending the occupation of the Palestinian territories.

He has pledged to immediately remove the highly contentious Jewish settlements from 
the Gaza Strip and to dismantle most, but not all, of those on the West Bank.

To the fury of many on the right, he said that as prime minister he would begin 
unconditional negotiations with Yasser Arafat to establish an independent Palestine.

His most radical proposal is to unilaterally pull the Israeli army out of the West 
Bank and leave the Palestinians to govern themselves if talks fail by the end of his 
first year in office.

We will try to separate ourselves from the Palestinians by agreement. If that fails, 
we go to a unilateral approach, he said.

While Ariel Sharon and the right insist that they will not talk to Mr Arafat under any 
circumstances - and only to other members of the Palestinian leadership once the 
terrorist attacks stop - Mr Mitzna says he will not lay down any preconditions to 

We will talk as if there is no terrorism and we will fight terrorism as if there are 
no negotiations.

To say there can be no negotiations while there is terrorism is to give the right of 
veto to extremists. That's stupid, he said.

Mr Mitzna is also in a minority among Israelis in questioning the sincerity of 
previous peace offers to the Palestinians. As things stand, he is unlikely to be able 
to put his policies into practice.

An election today would probably see Mr Sharon's Likud snap up a third more seats in 
the knesset while Labour will be hard pressed to hang on to what they already have. 
Even half of all Labour members do not believe their party can win the general 
election on January 28.

But some of Mr Mitzna's al lies believe that voters are tiring of policies that may 
have hit back at the Palestinians but have done little for Israel's security.

It is one of the paradoxes of Israeli society that Mr Sharon's militarist approach and 
the peace camp both command high levels of support.

I can't say people are ready to leave the military option but I can say that both 
sides are ready to consider solutions they haven't considered before, said Yossi 
Beilin, a former Labour party cabinet minister.

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[CTRL] Hundreds of People Still Held In Secret US Government Prisons

2002-11-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


The Justice Department told a federal appeals court on Monday that
the names of hundreds of individuals who were arrested on
immigration charges after September 11, 2001, must remain secret,
contrary to a lower court ruling, because disclosing them would
assist terrorists.

See U.S. Says Revealing Names Would Aid Al Qaeda, by Neil A.
Lewis, New York Times, November 19:

Paradoxically, however, a Justice Department spokeswoman released a
press statement indicating that the secrecy was needed not for
security against terrorists but in order to respect the detainees'
personal privacy and that all detainees ... can disclose their
identity to the public at any time.  See:

The case came before the court as a result of a request filed by a
coalition of groups under the Freedom of Information Act.  For more
information see the website of the lead plaintiff, the Center for
National Security Studies, here:

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[CTRL] List of Terrorists

2002-11-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 23:29:51 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FC: A copy of what appears to be the FBI's post-9-11 watch list

Previous Politech message:


Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:55:48 +1100 (EST)
To: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Copy of the FBI's post-9-11 watch list

Here's a copy of the Venezuelan list mentioned in the WSJ article:

I've mirrored a copy here:

..and converted it to plain text (with very poor formatting):

I can't vouch for its authenticity; the document has been modified by and translated into Spanish somewhere along the way.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] F289 2BDB 1DA0 F4C4 DC87 EC36 B2E3 4E75 C853 FD93'm invisible, I'm invisible..


Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 20:18:51 -0800
Subject: Fwd: FC: FBI's secret, post-9-11 watch list acquires a life of
  its own

This story reminds me of the send a get well card to the poor little boy
in the hospital that went around the Internet for so many years that it
had essentially acquired a life of its own.

This blacklist propagated by the FBI will do untold damage to so many
people for so many years in the future... This is like a biological virus
with no vaccine or antidote - it will never be stopped and will continue to
morph and mutate into various forms, acquiring new names and damaging more
people as it works its way into every conceivable blacklist database around
the world.

I'd like to say that I am astonished at the lack of foresight shown by the
government in creating such a destructive entity, but I have seen enough of
their missteps over the past two years to be surprised by a blunder as
wrongheaded as this.

Sorry about the rant.

Daniel O'Donnell

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[CTRL] Article: Byrd, at 85, Fills the Forum With Romans and Wrath

2002-11-20 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
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Byrd, at 85, Fills the Forum With Romans and Wrath

November 20, 2002

WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 - As his colleagues hurriedly tried to
give the president a domestic security bill, Senator Robert
C. Byrd took the floor this morning to tell them of a
truly great senator from the first century A.D. named
Helvidius Priscus. One day this Roman was met outside the
senate by the emperor Vespasian, who threatened to execute
him if he spoke too freely.

And so both did their parts, Mr. Byrd said. Helvidius
Priscus spoke his mind; the emperor Vespasian killed him.
In this effeminate age it is instructive to read of
courage. There are members of the U.S. Senate and House who
are terrified apparently if the president of the United
States tells them, urges them, to vote a certain way that
may be against their belief.

Mr. Byrd, of course, is not one of those timid souls, and
his recent speeches have been extraordinary even for the
maestro of senatorial rhetoric, who turns 85 on Wednesday.
While his colleagues have debated the fine points of the
domestic security bill, he has been virtually alone in
asking the larger question: Why is this new department
suddenly so necessary? What will the largest and hastiest
reorganization of the federal government in half a century
do besides allow politicians to claim instant credit for
fighting terrorism?

This mon-stros-ity, Mr. Byrd has been calling the bill,
repeatedly lifting its 484 pages above his head with
trembling hands and flinging them down on his desk with the
fury of Moses smashing the tablets. Mr. Byrd used to be
known less for his distaste of federal bureaucracy than for
his love of federal aid - he once vowed to be West
Virginia's billion-dollar industry, while his critics
crowned him the prince of pork. But now he is riffing
against big government.

Osama bin Laden is still alive and plotting more attacks
while we play bureaucratic shuffleboard, Mr. Byrd told the
Senate. With a battle plan like the Bush administration is
proposing, instead of crossing the Delaware River to
capture the Hessian soldiers on Christmas Day, George
Washington would have stayed on his side of the river and
built a bureaucracy. Mr. Byrd imagined Nathan Hale
declaring, I have but one life to lose for my
bureaucracy, and Commodore Oliver Perry hoisting a flag on
his ship with the rallying cry, Don't give up the

It would not be strictly accurate to say that Mr. Byrd's
speeches have fallen on deaf ears in the Senate, since the
chamber was mostly empty when he spoke. But thanks to
C-Span, his recent oratory has won this traditional
Democrat new allies across the political spectrum - from
Barbra Streisand to Phyllis Schlafly, according to the
letters his office has received. While liberals have hailed
his opposition to the president on Iraq, which generated
more than 50,000 letters, conservatives have joined him in
warning of a threat to privacy from the domestic security

As he was waiting to speak on the floor yet again this
afternoon, Mr. Byrd sat in his office and marveled at the
rush to pass the bill.

That Department of Homeland Security will not add one whit
of security in the near future to the American people, he
said. In the meantime, the terrorists are going to be very
busy. I'm concerned that in our drive to focus on the war
in Iraq and the Department of Homeland Security, we're
going to be taking our eyes off what the terrorists may do
to us.

Mr. Byrd advocated slowly creating the department, with
Congress overseeing the process, and he pulled out the
ever-present copy of the Constitution from his breast
pocket to make his point. We're being recreant in turning
over to this president the power shift that is included in
that bill, he said.

One Democratic senator who voted for the domestic security
department said he and his colleagues were exasperated by
Mr. Byrd's delaying tactics on this and other measures.

More and more of our members feel he's dragging it on and
on ad infinitum, which is not necessary, that senator
said. Make your point. Have a vote. And move on. He's not
willing to do that. He's from a different school. At some
point you have to say, `Enough is enough.' 

That senator, acknowledging that Mr. Byrd is a powerful
colleague, declined to be named publicly, saying, I'll get

Mr. Byrd's long speeches have irritated some of his
colleagues anxious to adjourn, but he has his defenders
even across the aisle.

I don't happen to agree with Senator Byrd's position on
homeland security, but he deserves to be heard, said
Senator Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska. Some senators
think we ought to be on a bus schedule, but I don't have
any sympathy for people whining about being delayed. This
is our job. I agree with Senator Byrd that we sometimes
need to spend more time considering issues as important as

Mr. Byrd, who will celebrate 

[CTRL] Article: Internet Provisions in Security Bill

2002-11-20 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
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Internet Provisions in Security Bill

November 19, 2002

Filed at 6:05 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Internet providers such as America
Online could give the government more information about
subscribers and police would gain new Internet wiretap
powers under legislation creating the new Department of
Homeland Security.

Provisions of the bill tucked into a section about
``cyber-security enhancements'' received scant attention
during debate.

Most of these provisions passed the House as part of
separate legislation in an overwhelming 385-3 vote during
the summer, but they were never considered in the Senate.
Many are similar to changes made last year under the USA
Patriot Act, which included new laws affecting Internet
wiretaps and hacker investigations.

One new provision raises possible criminal penalties to
life in prison for hackers caught during electronic attacks
that cause or attempt to cause deaths. An attack aimed at
causing ``serious bodily injury'' could result in 20 years
behind bars.

The debate over appropriate penalties for serious hacker
attacks has intensified since the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
Experts have increasingly focused on Internet threats to
important computer systems that control power grids,
pipelines, water systems and chemical refineries.

``We must not ignore the growing threat of cyber attacks,''
said Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, who first introduced the
proposals as the Cyber Security Enhancement Act.

Just a few years ago, hackers vandalized popular commercial
and government Web sites, including those for the Pentagon,
White House and Senate. But compared with the threat of
electronic shutdowns of critical services, such attacks
seem like simple nuisances.

Supporters of the sentencing changes for hackers say they
eliminate differences with penalties for other crimes that
might also result in deaths. Critics noted that some
prosecutors have been accused of exaggerating the scope and
financial damages from hacker attacks.

The bill also calls for greater legal protections for
Internet providers, such as AOL or Microsoft Network, for
giving government officials information about their
subscribers during computer emergencies. If companies
believe ``in good faith'' that there is risk of death or
injury to any person, they can turn over details about
customers -- even their e-mails -- without a warrant, under
the bill.

Civil liberties groups, such as the Washington-based
Electronic Privacy Information Center, contend the bill's
language lets Internet providers reveal subscriber
information to any government officials, not just
investigators. Traditionally, U.S. companies have refused
to act as agents for prosecutors without court-approved
warrants, said Chris Hoofnagle, EPIC's legislative counsel.

The legislation requires government officials who obtain
such information to report details to Attorney General John
Ashcroft within 90 days. It also requires Ashcroft to
report results to Congress after one year.

Another part of the Homeland Security bill gives U.S.
authorities new power to trace e-mails and other Internet
traffic during cyber attacks without first obtaining even
perfunctory court approval. That could happen only during
``an immediate threat to national security,'' or an attack
against a ``protected computer.'' Prosecutors would need to
obtain a judge's approval within 48 hours.

Experts have noted that U.S. law considers as ``protected''
nearly any computer logged onto the Internet. And civil
liberties groups have frequently complained that obtaining
permission from a judge is too easy for this type of e-mail
tracing; if an investigator merely attests that the
information is relevant to an ongoing investigation, a
judge cannot deny the request.

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[CTRL] Welcome to the new American Gestapo

2002-11-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Welcome to the new American Gestapo
Nov 20, 2002, 08:32

Wonder if any of the vast sums of money approved Tuesday for the new
Department of Homeland Security are set aside for black uniforms with
knee-length boots and black leather trench coats?

Should be. Since we've gone to all this trouble to create the new American
Gestapo we might as well let them look the part.

Excuse me if I don't join in all the senseless celebration over creation of
yet another mammoth bureaucracy of the federal government. Pardon me if I
don't go ga-ga over a federal agency that has been given unlimited powers
to spy on Americans, trample all over the First and Fourth Amendments,
ignore the privacy of anyone it chooses and violate the rights of every
man, woman and child who used to live in the Land of the Free.

Our own paranoia has accomplished what Osama bin Laden and his minions
could not with hijacked airplanes and vague threats about future attacks -
these fears have forced America to abandon its principles and create a
police state.

This new Department of Homeland Security has the power to wiretap any
American it wants, without a court order, without cause and without
justification of any higher authority. Homeland Security goon squads will
have the power to enter any American home, without a search warrant,
without probable cause, simply because someone somewhere says hey, this
guy might be a threat. No checks and balances, no due process. Nothing.

Video cameras at ATMs, convenience stores, department stores and office
building lobbies already record Americans living in urban areas 75-100
times on any given day but that isn't enough for the new American Gestapo.
They plan to erect video cameras on streets, along public highways, in
neighborhoods and deploy them on helicopters and police cars to record
everything you and I do every day of the year.

We are entering a new era of domestic surveillance, says retired FBI
agent Franklin Postel. One where the constitution is secondary to the
cause. The new department has the power to document the day-to-day actions
of any American it chooses.

A secret court decision last may already gives the Justice Department
expanded powers to wiretap phones, spy on Americans and share information
with other law enforcement agencies.

These powers, granted under a dangerous piece of legislation called the
USA Patriot Act, allow Attorney General John Ashcroft to sign away the
normal rights and protections that Americans used to enjoy - little things
like just cause, due process and the now forgotten believe that any accused
is assumed innocent until proven guilty.

Ashcroft says he will implement the new powers immediately and is already
increasing surveillance of Americans.

Look closer at the powers granted under the act and you will find things
that would make Hitler proud.

They include provisions to allow private citizens to spy on other private
citizens without fear of prosecution if the Department determines their
actions were conducted in the national interest.

I've read some of the abstracts on the new law and they take the handcuffs
off people like me, says private detective Andrew Burlingame. I can tap
anyone I damn well please. All I have to do is claim I thought the guy was
a terrorist.

Under the new law, an agent of the Department of Homeland Security can walk
into your bank, flash a badge and demand to see your checking and saving
account records. No court order. All they need is the presumption of
guilt. They can stop you in your car without cause and search it and you.
They can hold you in jail for 30 days or more without filing any charges or
allowing you to make any phone calls.

They can call up America Online and put a trace on all your Internet
activity without a court order. They can require Visa to turn over all your
credit card activity records without notice.

In other words, they can do any damn thing they want and there isn't a
thing that any of us can do about it.

An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great
nation, the leader of another country once wrote. We must take steps to
ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland.

That was Adoph Hitler, writing about creation of the Gestapo in Nazi

Wecome to the American Gestapo. Be careful what you way and do. They are
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Re: [CTRL] Cashill: Iraq downed TWA Flight 800

2002-11-20 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Cashill: Iraq downed TWA Flight 800
-Caveat Lector-

It is extremely convenient and thus suspect. But that does not mean it isnt true.

on 11/19/02 10:55 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I find it a little too convenient to be pinning the blame for all unsolved crimes on Muslim extremists and/or Iraq at this date...don't you?

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. -- Mark Twain 


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Re: [CTRL] Cashill: Iraq downed TWA Flight 800

2002-11-20 Thread Nessie SFBG
-Caveat Lector-

 It is extremely convenient and thus suspect. But that does not
mean it isn't true.

It means nothing, one way or the other. Only forensic evidence has meaning.

But if you want to speculate, read this:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] TWA Flight 800/Friendly Fire/Sanders/Pilger

2002-11-20 Thread Gavin Phillips
-Caveat Lector-

Hi All,

TWA Flight 800 was shot down by the US Navy who were
out on manouveurs that day-end of story. If anyone is
interested in reading my 5,000 word footnoted article
that was published last year in Clamor and
Lobster, please let me know.

Jim Sanders said it was excellent and John Pilger
also congratulated me saying it was ...fine
Thanks. Gavin.

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 11/19/2002 12:00:37 PM Central
 Standard Time,

  The jury is in on TWA Flight 800, and the verdict
 is clear: There is
  absolutely no
  evidence of either a mechanical failure, or of a
 bomb planted in the
  fuselage. Indeed, all
  available evidence suggests the explosive event
 that destroyed the
  ill-fated airliner in
  1996 was caused by a terrorist group called the
 Islamic Change Movement.

 Oh bullshit.
 Give me a break.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Dan Hopsicker's Mohamed Atta Venice Airport story

2002-11-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

I think a small plane pilot's license is a prerequisite for big jet


- Original Message -
From: starpowernow 
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:00 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Dan Hopsicker's Mohamed Atta  Venice
Airport story
Good!! Someone else has come to the same conclusions
that I have at last!! It is not likely that Hopsicker's Mohammed Atta
would give his life for a cause, is it? That means one of two
things.1) Either Atta was on the plane but uninformed of the
suicide mission2) Or Atta was not on the planeLet us face
it, all we have on Atta's being on the plane is the word of the government
and the airport survailance video from Seattle.This is why I support the
REMOTE PILOTING THEORY. It is the most direct and fail safe method to
acheive the disired consequences. Depending on opperatives willing to
give thier lives leaves too much to last minute chance.
Hopsicker's work is unsurpassed. While others are bogged down with
the postings of low grade and unqualified opinion, Hopsicker sticks
strickly to the facts. And let us face another more than dubious
facet of the official story. It is just plain dumb to swallow this plot line
of the billionaire fanatic sending untrained pilots to America to get their
training for this mission at single engine flight schools. Is there
not someone else who sees something wrong with this picture? Does
anyone imagine that a billionaire would bet the farm on such a dubious plan
when there were better options. Americans are so stupid and willing to
believe anything, that they imagine that a billionaire can not find
fully qualified pilots in the entire Middle East who can be infiltrated
quickly to do the job. On high stakes covert missions TIME IS THE GREAT
TERMINATOR. They even imagine that this billionaire can not get his
hands on a decent SONY video camera. After all THEY ARE NOT LIKE
Quig I just managed to download and read Dan
Hopsicker's latest report on Mohamed Atta and the Venice airport connection
to 911.Mohamed Atta and his crew
clearly are not the God fearing, Bin-Laden Muslim fanatics they have been
publicly labelled. Snorting coke, swilling wine, beer and rum are
decadent pursuits enjoyed by westerners, not the strict religious adherents
of the Middle East. The Barry
Seal connection that Dan dug up is vital to understanding what the real
story is all about. Dan must be commended for his detailed, accurate
and important reporting. There can be no doubt that he is way ahead of
the pack in unpicking the shadow side of 911. No one else comes close
to him.Please let us stay on topic and be civil.To
unsubscribe please go to
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no

[CTRL] Fw: Fw: OFFLIST (yep, I checked) Re: Tolerance

2002-11-20 Thread Reverend Baroon
-Caveat Lector-

I got this in a discussion with some people that think that Ariel Sharon is
an honest man. I don't believe so based on what I've read, but I have a hard
time refuting what they say based on other than well, you may read tainted
info with pro-Israeli leanings which may be said for me that I've read more
pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli leanings.

If anyone here has a better grasp of history to either confirm what they are
telling me, or to refute what they are saying, I'd very much appreciate it
as I may only have part of the story and a hard time deciphering the truth.

Private email works too!


- Original Message -
From: PJ Blumstein
To: Reverend Baroon

At 6:54 PM -0800 on 11/19/02, Reverend Baroon typed:
Bashir Gemyal(sp?) got kilt and Israel looked to Beirut refugee capmps to
look for terrorists.  Numbers up to 6K (exact number seems to be hard to
find) of Lebanese and Palestinians got tutured/raped/murdered.
The commission that investigated that found Sharon personally responsible
for that one.

That was the Shatilla refugee camp. Let's look at it.

Before Israel went into Lebanon, the so-called Palestinians were there after
getting kicked out of Jordan for trying to assasinate the King twice! That
was known as the Black September massacre. King Hussein killed about 100k
and the rest went to Lebanon.

While in Lebanon, the pals did what they do everywhere they go: they
brutalized the local populous. At that time, Syria was in Lebanon, allegedly
as a police force. In reality, they felt ( feel) that Lebanon is part of
greater Syria and run it as a puppet state. They invited the Hizbolla in
(fiunanced by Iran  Syria) who promptly lobbed missiles into Northern
Israel, killing civilians. Israel tried to get Lebanon  Syria to stop them,
to no avail. they financed a group of Lebanese Christians (SLC), who were in
Southern Lenanon in the hopes of stopping the Hizbollah. That group had been
trying to get the Syrians out of their country. The missiles continued,
forcing Israel to enter Lebanon to disarm  and capture as many Hizbollah as
possible. The Pals who fought on the side of the Hizbollah suffered
casualties. These were not civilians.

This confusion gave the SLC an opportunity to get back at the Pals for their
killing Lebanese by invading the Shatilla Camp. Israel never killed any pals
there. They could have stopped the SLC but didn't. Figured it wasn't their
business. World reaction blamed Israel, as usual. The commission (which was
an Israeli commission, btw, said that Sharon should have intervened. While
they found him personally responsible for not intervening, they did not
think it necessary for any punishment.

Later Belgium charged him with warcrimes and Hobeika who was involved,
promised to testify in Belgium.. Hobeika was assassinated before he could,
as were two others that were involved with that case.

I'll check into that. I've never heard about it or don't recall.

Anyway, the number of dead came to about 18K they said around the end of
after Sharon had been going after PLO and Arafat in Beirut and killed a
of civilians.

Pals have a habit of calling dead soldiers civilians, even to the extent of
changing their clothing after they are killed. Some photos show bodies with
bullet holes wearing clothing without any.

There was the Quibya attack in '53 that brutally murdered 70-some people,
reportedly over 2/3rds were women and children.

There was Qualqilya where 80-some people were killed, there was Rafah in
1956 where he admitted to have slain 750 people, also in '56 during the
invasion of the Suez canal he supposedly offed 270 Egyptian POWs along with
Rafael Eytian(sp?)  in a couple of different operations.

I'll check into these.

Just this year he was offing carpetdealers in Jenin.

Sorry, but every outside group that yelled Jenin Massacre, retracted their
statements after an investigation. there wasn't any.

There is the 'random' slayings of Palestinians that are not involved in
demonstrations, roadblocks that don't let ambulances through, no medical
treatement resulting in several deaths etc.

There are no random slayings. There are a few targeted assassinations of
terror leaders on the wanted list that the PLO refuses to capture based on
treaties they signed.

And many ambulances were searched to reveal bombs and hidden terrorists.
That are all blocked until cleared. Medical treatment is done by Israelis.

While he might not have been quite up to Hitlers/Stalins par, it certainly
seems he is heading that way.

Bull! He is more restrained than a leader in any other country under the
same circumstances would be. He is afraid of being cut off.

how I feel Israel is a quite large terrorist sponsoring nation,

They are defending themselves. How many Israelis enter civilian areas and
blow themselves up. (Hint: None).

 not to
mention the billions of dollars *we* give them.

Some of that are loans. Some is in return for military information and

[CTRL] Mystery Surrounds an Apparent Suicide of Engineer

2002-11-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-,0,6
Mystery Surrounds an Apparent Suicide of Engineer
Man falls out of an airplane after he had been questioned about a stolen
NASA computer.
By Lianne Hart
Times Staff Writer

November 20 2002

HOUSTON -- He was an aerospace engineer, one of the hundreds who work in
gray anonymity at the Johnson Space Center south of this city. But after
federal authorities questioned him last Thursday about a stolen government
computer, 47-year-old Russell Edward Filler made a dramatic exit.

The recreational pilot apparently jumped to his death from the Cessna 152
he was co-piloting Sunday as his flight instructor momentarily looked away.
Filler's body was found late Tuesday afternoon by sheriff's deputies
searching the rice fields and pastures of rural Waller County northwest of

He was being treated for depression, and I think the legal problems with
the stolen computer just added to it, Waller County Sheriff Randy Smith
said. I think the flight on Sunday was just a pretext for him to commit

Filler had worked for six years at United Space Alliance, a space station
contractor with offices in the NASA complex. The computer -- a Dell
laptop -- disappeared after an Oct. 25 meeting in a space center conference
room, Harris County Sheriff's Capt. Robert Van Pelt said. Police traced the
laptop to Filler's home this month after he used it to go online, tripping
a device that sent his phone number to a government tracking center.

Faced with investigators from the Harris County sheriff's office, the U.S.
inspector general's office and Johnson Space Center security, Filler said
that he had spotted an ad for the computer on a bulletin board at a
neighborhood Kroger's grocery store. After paying the seller $500 in an
anonymous parking lot exchange, Filler said, he took the laptop home and
turned it on. It was then that he realized it contained government

He said he knew it was stolen when he bought it, but he never reported
it, Van Pelt said. He kept it in his possession.

Filler, who was single, needed more flight hours to renew his pilot's
license, Smith said. On Sunday, he drove 75 miles to a small airport in
Hempstead, Texas, where he climbed into the Cessna with a flight
instructor. Forty-five minutes later, the plane was cruising at 9,000 feet.
The flight instructor heard a noise, and the man had opened the door and
out he went, Smith said.

Filler's mother, who answered the phone Tuesday at his suburban Houston
home, said she had traveled to Texas from Ft. Wayne, Ind., after receiving
a distraught call from her son last week. He was real depressed, said the
woman, who would not give her name or talk about the cause of her son's
distress. And now this. It's so awful. No one can believe it.

He was a wonderful son, she added. He was very outgoing and had friends
all over the world because he traveled with his job.

Mike Curie, a spokesman for United Space Alliance, said that Filler had
worked for several Johnson Space Center contractors since 1981. His current
job included testing hardware before it was installed on the space station,
Curie said. Filler's death is a shock, he added.

Van Pelt said that there was nothing of a sensitive nature on the
computer. If no NASA secrets were stored on the computer, investigators
are left to ponder why a possible theft charge would cause Filler to take
his life. It's all speculation right now, Van Pelt said. I don't know
what was in this man's mind.
If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at For information about reprinting this article, go to


Copyright 2002 Los Angeles Times

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[CTRL] The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

2002-11-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Iserbyt Radio Interview Amarillo, TX

On Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 8:30 p.m. Paul Anderson, radio talk show host,
The Source, KJRT, 7208 Old Kent Road, Amarillo, TX 79109, 800-525-5737,
interviewed Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, the author of The Deliberate Dumbing
Down of America...A Chronological Paper Trail.

Mr. Anderson commenced the interview as follows:

P.A. I am Paul Anderson. You are listening to The Source. We are beginning
to talk with Charlotte Iserbyt...we are going to talk about her book The
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America...A Chronological Paper Trail and there
are going to be some real heated issues we are going to face here. Charlotte
worked from 1981-1982 in the U.S. Department of Education as a Senior Policy
Advisor in its Office of Educational Research and Improvement where she
first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative. It is a pleasure to
have you with us.

C.I. Thank you. I very much appreciate being invited on your show. I am
looking forward to it .

P.A. You have put together an awesomely thick book. How long did it take you
to research and put all this together?

C.I. I started in 1972. I went all the way to 1990 putting all the research
together and then I decided to sort it out chronologicaly because I truly
didn't want to accept the conclusion that I was coming to: that the dumbing
down was deliberate. It made me sick to think that that could be true. So, I
thought, well I am going to put it together chronologically to see what it
looks like from that vantage point...which I did, and then I could see the
picture was very clear that this has been a deliberate effort to take our
country - to put it under a planned economy.

P.A. I want to talk about that because there are so many conspiracy
theorists out there. Do you feel like you fall into that camp or that you
are just actually alerting us to something that is going on that is a real
tragedy for America.

C.I. The American people have to be informed that this was deliberate
because if they don't know that, they don't know where to look to fight it.
It was deliberate. There is absolutely no question in my mind. I would lay
my life on the line on that statement.

P.A. Let me interject here... you said when you were doing that study it was
hard for you to accept the fact that it was deliberate. What was it that you
found that made you realize that there was a concerted effort to dumb down

C.I. I was collecting research and most of the research I had were
government documents or old is a very important book that
Carnegie Corporation published in 1934. That is probably the most important
one of all to discuss since we don't have much time to go into all my
research. That book was given to me by a very brilliant fellow who was in
Naval Intelligence. He gave us his library. Carnegie Corporation
commissioned the American Historical Association to do the research over a
period of four years and the result was the AHA's Conclusions and
Recomendations for the Social Studies. The recommendation in the book was
to use the schools to change America from a free, individualist economy to a
planned, socialist, collectivist economy in the New World Order.

P.A. Why would an American corporation do something like that?

C.I. Well, I don't believe it (Carnegie) is the only one. The tax-exempt
foundations have been notorious for having spent taxpayers' money through
the years to implement a socialist agenda for this country. People have got
to get it through their heads that big corporations, multinational
corporations, etc. benefit from socialism, believe it or not, because they
don't have to compete. I remember David Rockefeller, about twenty years ago,
making a comment about Communist Angola. The press asked him Why would you
be interested in setting up an oil refinery in Angola? He responded, if I
recall correctly: Because we find it much easier to deal with centralized
governments and economies... We don't care what their politics are. So we
have to get over the idea that the major corpoirations are pure capitalists
-- especially when we are dealing with multinational corporations which have
absolutely no allegiance to any particular country.

And so this goes far back to 1934... at that time, in the twenties and
thirties, you had many educators and business people going back and forth to
the Soviet Union and they were in great admiration of this communist system
when it was young, and they came back with these ideas and they wanted to
implement that system here. And so Carnegie Corporation was deeply involved.
This little book is extraordinary since it lists all the major players ...
and after that recommendation was made, Carnegie Corporation consistently
without any breaks in time -- I have a chronological record as I said --
that is what makes it so interesting - put money into all the major aspects
of education which have brought us to right now where we are implementing


2002-11-20 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Nehad Fattah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 3:45 PM

 19th November 2002

 The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees (UPMRC) condemns the
 Israeli occupation of the Medical Relief Center in Jenin that occurred
 today, Tuesday 19th November 2002, at 5.00 am.

 We have received information that much of our equipment was intentionally
 destroyed. Our doctors and nurses were threatened at gun-point and
 from accessing the center, which is currently used as an operational base
 for the Israeli occupying army.

 This latest incident is just one in a series of recent events hindering
 provision of medical services. Today, a UPMRC ambulance was stopped at the
 Walaje check-point on its way from Bethlehem to Hebron. The ambulance
 was beaten by Israeli soldiers.
  Over the last five days, 10 patients from Yatta who are suffering from
 chronic kidney disease were prevented from receiving their kidney dialysis
 treatment in Hebron. Their condition is highly critical. In May 2002,
 similar events lead to the death of 21-year old Aisha Ali Hasan from

 In the same region, a young child Mohammed Abu Sabha who was suffering
 intermittent bleeding was denied treatment for two days.

 We urge our friends in the international community to take immediate
 and intervene on our behalf stressing the violation of basic human rights
 that is implied in the denial of medical services.

  Please send letters protesting against the obstruction of UPMRC services
 to the Offices of the Foreign Minister ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
 HaKirya Romena, Jerusalem 91950  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Tel:
 0972-25303531/3631/530, Fax: 0972-25303506)  or the Minister of Interior
 (Ministry of Interior, 29 Salah al-Din Str, Jerusalem 91010, Israel. Fax:
 097226294750/ Tel: 097226294701)

 Every letter or call does makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

 For more information contact Dr Mustafa Barghouthi, Tel: +972 59 254218
 or see our web-site:

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] TWA Flight 800/ Super. Conspiracy

2002-11-20 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Now please give this very ODD BALL posting a few seconds thought.

For I have number crunched for over 15 years and have a bit of an idea about
number patterns.

John D. Miller
London, UK

A supernatural Conspiracy - TWA 800

Imagine, I now will try to explain a supernatural conspiracy to some who
believe not in the supernatural; and some who never believe in any
conspiracy theory.

I suppose this is one of the most curious and terrible number crunching
exercises I have done. It seems as if the Devil himself made it happen by
using the mind of a military person who had his own finger on the trigger of
a United States cruise missile, to cause this person to kill 230 people.

The TWA Flight 800 and the Cross

On July 17th, 1996, about 8:31pm eastern daylight time, TWA flight 800, a
Boeing 747-131, N93229, broke up in flight and crashed in the Atlantic Ocean
near East Moriches, New York.

TWA flight 800 was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal
Regulations Part 121 as a scheduled international passenger flight from John
F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, New York, to Charles
DeGaulle International Airport, Paris, France.

The flight departed JFK about 8:19pm with 2 pilots, 2 flight engineers, 14
flight attendants, and 212 passengers on Board. All 230 people on board were
killed and the airplane was destroyed. Visual meteorological conditions
prevailed for the flight, which operated on an instrument flight rules plan.

The last part of the timeline of the TWA Flight 800 disaster was
approximately as follows:

8:31:10 Intact and climbing 747 approaches 13,800 feet.

8:31:11 Initiating Event at 13,800 feet followed immediately by the
commencement of the decapitation process.

8:31:47 explosion of Massive Fireball at 5500-7500 feet. The eyewitnesses
contend that the Massive Fireball explosion was immediately preceded by the
fiery streak.

8:31:50 Eastwind Airline pilot David McClaine's reported a Massive Fireball

8:31:55-8:31:57 crashed into the sea.

So now to some careful number crunching.

Now 8:31:57pm is 20.5325 hours after midnight, on July 17th 1996.

And so day of the year 197 + 20.5325 hours is 197.855520 days, and divided
by 365.242198 days + AD1996 is AD1996.541710

And the September 11th 2001 is day 253 divided by 365.242198 days + AD2001
is AD2001.69269 and less AD1996.541710 is 5.15098104 years.

And from the Festival of the Supreme Being on June 8th AD1794, in Paris,
France, during the French Revolution, is day 158 divided by 365.242198 days
+ AD1794 is AD1794.43259.

And the counting from the Festival of the Supreme Being to the Flight 800
crashed into the sea is 202.10912 years.

And 5.15098104 years x 365.242198 days x 202.10912 years x 365.242198 days
is 138,879,376.9

And the reciprocal 138,879,376.9 days divided by 1.0e+11 is 720,049.3182
days, or 1,971.4297 years.

And counting down from September 11th 2001 some 720,049.3133 days is day
96.060 of the year, or 1.44 hours after midnight on April 7th AD30, the day
of the Crucifixion of Christ, the time when Jesus Christ was under arrest
and mocked by the Roman soldiers in a Jerusalem prison, the day of death,
and the reason for the New Testament. For no Cross, no New Testament, and no
Church and no Christians.

And one seventh of 6 x the Dragon at 2300 at 13,800 years is 72,0048.906
days, nearly 10 hours afterwards, that is about 11am on Good Friday, and
some 2 hours into the Crucifixion.

So I say very loudly that the TWA Flight 800, and the killing of 230 people
points to the Crucifixion, meaning the Devil, the Adversary, mocks God, the

A supernatural conspiracy that is evil made manifest by shooting down of a
passenger plane.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: SOLIDARITY LUKASHENKO ! - Correction - N°28 - 19 Novembre/Novembre 2002

2002-11-20 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 3:55 AM
Subject: SOLIDARITY LUKASHENKO ! - Correction - N°28 - 19 Novembre/Novembre


 Newsletter of the CISL-LSIC/
 LUKASHENKO-SOLIDARITY international Committee
 Lettre d'information du CISL-LSIC/
 Comité international SOLIDARITE-LUKASHENKO

 N° 28 - 19 Novembre / November 2002
 Webmaster - Editeur responsable :
 This number 28 is send to 61.000 emails.
 Ce numéro 28 a été envoyé à plus de 61.000 mailes

 In this number 28 / Dans ce numéro 28 :

 Press release of the CISL-LSIC

 Communiqué de presse du CISL-LSIC





 Press release of the CISL-LSIC
 (Brussels and Paris) - November  19' 2002 :

 The American strategy in Europe of the East aims to isolate Russia, as
 Zbigniew Brezenzski exposes himself in his  Big chessboard .  And the
 actual opportunist friendship of Putin for Bush must not make illusion.
 After Yugoslavia of Milosevic, the Belarus of President Lukashenko is the
 next objective of the State Department.
 As Milosevic yesterday, Lukashenko has the double twists to be a patriot
 that defends his country facing imperialism and NATO and a socialist that
 defends acquirements of social justice and equality facing the
 of the eastern Europe by international capitalism. Motor of the Slavian
 Union between Russia and the Belarus, Lukashenko is to this title a target
 also important for Washington and the NATO, who don't want an imperial
 political recontruction on East.
 As in Yugoslavia yesterday, the American imperialism and its European
 send millions of dollars to finance a ghost opposition, through more than
 300 so-called NGO. The western media organizes an aggressive campaign of
 false informations and slander that aims to isolate president Lukashenko,
 who sustains a large majority of workers and peasants of Belarus, and who,
 we must recall it, won all elections since 1994.

 Facing these scandalous attacks against a democratically elected
 and aware of the Yugoslavian experience, the Comité international
 CISL-LSIC (1), launch an international call to suport President Lukashenko
 and the action of the committee.
 Victory for Lukashenko ! Lukashenko pobedit !

 Communiqué de presse du CISL-LSIC
 (Bruxelles et Paris) - 19 novembre 2002 :

 La stratégie américaine en Europe de l'Est vise à isoler la Russie, comme
 Zbigniew Brezenzski l'expose dans son Grand échiquier. Et l'amitié aussi
 opportuniste qu'éphémère de Poutine pour Bush ne doit pas faire illusion.
 Après la Yougoslavie de Milosevic, le Belarus du Président Lukashenko est
 prochain objectif du State Department.
 Comme Milosevic hier, Lukashenko a le double tord d'être un patriote qui
 défend son pays face à l'impérialisme et à l'OTAN et un socialiste qui
 défend les acquis de justice sociale et d'égalité face à la colonisation
 l'Europe orientale par le capitalisme international. Moteur de l'Union
 entre la Russie et le Belarus, Lukashenko est aussi à ce titre une cible
 prioritaire de Washington et de l'OTAN qui ne veulent pas d'une
 recontruction politique impériale à l'Est.
 Comme en Yougoslavie hier, l'impérialisme américain et ses valets
 déversent des millions de dollars pour financer une opposition fantôche,
 travers de plus de 300 pseudo ONG. Les media occidentaux, eux, organisent
 depuis des années une campagne agressive de désinformation et de
 qui vise à isoler le président Lukashenko, que soutient une large majorité
 des ouvriers et des paysans du Bélarus, et qui, rappellons-le a gagné
 les élections depuis 1994.

 La décision des marionnettes « européennes » de Washington d'interdire l'
 accès du l'Union européenne au Président Lukashenko et à ses proches
 collaborateurs a 

[CTRL] War Crimes Arrest

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-,,3-486536,00.html

Now all they have to do is get Chalabi, the Iraqis' version of Marc Rich and 
they'll have
a pair for backgammon!  AER

November 20, 2002

War crimes arrest blow to Iraqi opposition
By Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor

DANISH police arrested last night an exiled Iraqi
general tipped as a possible replacement for President Saddam Hussein. He faces charges
that he was responsible for killing thousands of Kurds in a chemical weapons attack 14
years ago.

The arrest of General Nizar Khazraji, the former Iraqi Chief-of-Staff and the most 
officer to defect from Baghdad, appeared to wreck any chances that he might lead a 
in the Armed Forces and help to topple Saddam’s regime.

He has been under investigation in the North Sea town of Soroe for the past year, 
after he
was reported to the Danish authorities by a Kurdish immigrant. Reports from Copenhagen
last night said that the police had charged him with war crimes, violating the Geneva
conventions and other human rights abuses.

General Khazraji, 64, commanded the Iraqi Armed Forces during the Iran-Iraq War, when
Baghdad used banned poison gas against Iranian troops and Kurdish civilians. In the 
notorious incident 5,000 Kurds in the town of Halabja were killed when Iraqi artillery 
warplanes bombed the area with nerve gas and mustard gas.

He remained military commander during the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, but fled to 
after falling out with Saddam. He applied for political asylum with his wife and son in
Denmark three years ago.

Iraqi opposition sources said last night that his arrest was a serious blow to their 
efforts to
build a credible alternative to Saddam’s regime. Next month they hope to convene a
conference in London for 350 Iraqi exiles as a first step to establishing an 
government.General Khazraji could have played an important role, particularly on 
and military matters.

“His arrest is a major setback for us,” one opposition figure said. “He is a man with
credibility back home. His arrest will make it that much harder to encourage other 
to defect if they fear that they will be charged, too.”

The Bush Administration is compiling evidence against several prominent members of the
Saddam regime, who could face war crimes trials if it is toppled. Washington, however,
would like any hearings to take place inside Iraq and to concentrate on a “dirty 
dozen” list
of suspects, including Saddam and his ruling clan.

General Khazraji, from a prominent Sunni Muslim family in the northern Iraqi city of 
was not believed to under investigation. Nevertheless, he was regarded in Washington 
London as one of the few former army officers with real clout inside the Armed Forces. 
arrest will probably be greeted with dismay in both capitals. The Bush Administration 
counting on the Iraqi Army to revolt en masse against Saddam in the event of a US-led

General Khazraji has consistently denied that he was responsible for ordering the use 
chemical weapons and claims that the accusations were orchestrated by Iraqi 
officers to prevent him co-operating with the opposition.

In a BBC interview earlier this year he predicted that the military would rise against 
in the right circumstances. “The most important thing is that the Iraqis must be sure 
that a
democratic regime will be there after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and Iraq will be 
independent country,” he said.

Although mentioned as a possible future leader, he said that he was not interested in 
job. “I am a military man, I prefer to stay on this side,” he said.

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[CTRL] All-American White House Christmas Boutique

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
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[CTRL] The Feds Knew About The Oklahoma City Bombing In Advance.

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
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Why Did Bill Clinton's National Security Council Fund ATF Experiments in Building 
Made ANFO Truck Bombs in 1994?

Media Bypass Magazine November 1996
(B)ureau of

By Lawrence Myers

According to the federal government, an Ammonia Nitrate-Fuel Oil (ANFO) truck bomb
allegedly destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma City on the
morning of Wednesday, April 19, 1995. Also, according to recently released government
documents, an individual experienced in loading large amounts of ammonia nitrate 
into a vehicle for use as a terrorist truck bomb was present at the OKC scene and 
witnessed the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. Records indicate that this ANFO
explosives expert and his associates had constructed and destroyed at least eight 
in test bombing experiments out at a secret range in the New Mexico desert in the 
months prior to the OKC bombing. He and his fellow explosives experts even photographed
and videotaped these truck bombs as they detonated.

This individual is, however, not a known associate of suspects Terry Lynn Nichols and
Timothy James McVeigh or any so-called anti government militia in the United States. 
vehicle bomb expert, Special Agent Harry Everhart, is an employee of the Bureau of
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. And, according to federal government records obtained by
Media Bypass, Everhart, an accomplished ATF expert in ANFO truck bombs, was actually
one of the first federal law officers to report the details of the bombing to his 
from the scene in front of the Murrah Building, within minutes of the blast.

The Department of Treasury confirms that Everhart called the ATF office in Dallas on 
cellular phone and reported that the Murrah Building had just been attacked by an ANFO
truck bomb at around 9:20 a.m. that morning. Records reveal that this particular ATF 
would clearly be qualified to make such an instant observation. Everhart, based out of 
BATF's Oklahoma City Resident Agency, serves on the National Response Team (NRT), a
group of experienced bomb and arson investigators who respond to major bombing crime
scenes throughout the United States. He also served on a secret government project in
1994 that conducted tests using ANFO and C-4 to blow up cars and vans in a classified 
government experiment known as Project Dipole Might. According to files, reports and
photographs obtained by Media Bypass from the Department of the Treasury through a
Freedom of Information Act request, the United States government initiated a
comprehensive ANFO and C4 vehicle bomb testing program about a year before the OKC
bombing. Records show the project was supervised and administered by ATF, but was
actually funded through a National Security Council directive. The Department of 
confirms the project was initiated under President Bill Clinton's NSC White House staff
shortly after he took office in 1993.

The Road to Oklahoma City?

The documents reveal that ATF not only built and detonated these home-made vehicle
bombs, they actually set up test surfaces to replicate four of the most common roadbed
types in the United States, to cause the bombs to function in an environment where the
crime scene teams evidently expected to encounter such a device somewhere in America.
Furthermore, video footage obtained through these secret experiments is expected to be
presented as evidence in the government's case against suspects Timothy James McVeigh
and Terry Lynn Nichols. The stated intent of the Dipole Might experiments in 1994 
making videos and computer models to be displayed in a courtroom to aid in the
prosecution of defendants in vehicle bomb cases, according to government documents
concerning the purpose of the project. The exact precedent and purpose of this 
activity is
unclear. ATF agents started blowing up vans and cars in Spring, 1994 at the White Sands
Missile Range in order to supposedly collect test data for post-blast forensics 
software packages to be issued out to National Response Team personnel when they
respond to truck bombings. Why the National Security Council would fund such an ATF
project, despite the absolute rarity of the crime, has not been explained. The NSC is 
part of
the Executive Branch and evidently mandated the ATF's funding for Dipole Might in early
1993, shortly after Bill Clinton was sworn in as President.

Nor has it been explained as to what specific threat assessment information the
government had when it decided to engage in such a project, just a few months before a
Ryder Truck laden with ammonium nitrate fertilizer exploded in front of the Murrah 
Indeed the only major ANFO vehicle bombing in U.S. history, prior to OKC, occurred in
August, 1970 at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, Wis. One of the key suspects 
that bombing, 

Re: [CTRL] TWA Flight 800/ Super. Conspiracy

2002-11-20 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-



Fuggin brilliant

Bravo indeed

on 11/20/02 3:21 PM, John Miller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Now please give this very ODD BALL posting a few seconds thought.

 For I have number crunched for over 15 years and have a bit of an idea about
 number patterns.

 John D. Miller
 London, UK

 A supernatural Conspiracy - TWA 800

 Imagine, I now will try to explain a supernatural conspiracy to some who
 believe not in the supernatural; and some who never believe in any
 conspiracy theory.

 I suppose this is one of the most curious and terrible number crunching
 exercises I have done. It seems as if the Devil himself made it happen by
 using the mind of a military person who had his own finger on the trigger of
 a United States cruise missile, to cause this person to kill 230 people.

 The TWA Flight 800 and the Cross

 On July 17th, 1996, about 8:31pm eastern daylight time, TWA flight 800, a
 Boeing 747-131, N93229, broke up in flight and crashed in the Atlantic Ocean
 near East Moriches, New York.

 TWA flight 800 was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal
 Regulations Part 121 as a scheduled international passenger flight from John
 F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, New York, to Charles
 DeGaulle International Airport, Paris, France.

 The flight departed JFK about 8:19pm with 2 pilots, 2 flight engineers, 14
 flight attendants, and 212 passengers on Board. All 230 people on board were
 killed and the airplane was destroyed. Visual meteorological conditions
 prevailed for the flight, which operated on an instrument flight rules plan.

 The last part of the timeline of the TWA Flight 800 disaster was
 approximately as follows:

 8:31:10 Intact and climbing 747 approaches 13,800 feet.

 8:31:11 Initiating Event at 13,800 feet followed immediately by the
 commencement of the decapitation process.

 8:31:47 explosion of Massive Fireball at 5500-7500 feet. The eyewitnesses
 contend that the Massive Fireball explosion was immediately preceded by the
 fiery streak.

 8:31:50 Eastwind Airline pilot David McClaine's reported a Massive Fireball

 8:31:55-8:31:57 crashed into the sea.

 So now to some careful number crunching.

 Now 8:31:57pm is 20.5325 hours after midnight, on July 17th 1996.

 And so day of the year 197 + 20.5325 hours is 197.855520 days, and divided
 by 365.242198 days + AD1996 is AD1996.541710

 And the September 11th 2001 is day 253 divided by 365.242198 days + AD2001
 is AD2001.69269 and less AD1996.541710 is 5.15098104 years.

 And from the Festival of the Supreme Being on June 8th AD1794, in Paris,
 France, during the French Revolution, is day 158 divided by 365.242198 days
 + AD1794 is AD1794.43259.

 And the counting from the Festival of the Supreme Being to the Flight 800
 crashed into the sea is 202.10912 years.

 And 5.15098104 years x 365.242198 days x 202.10912 years x 365.242198 days
 is 138,879,376.9

 And the reciprocal 138,879,376.9 days divided by 1.0e+11 is 720,049.3182
 days, or 1,971.4297 years.

 And counting down from September 11th 2001 some 720,049.3133 days is day
 96.060 of the year, or 1.44 hours after midnight on April 7th AD30, the day
 of the Crucifixion of Christ, the time when Jesus Christ was under arrest
 and mocked by the Roman soldiers in a Jerusalem prison, the day of death,
 and the reason for the New Testament. For no Cross, no New Testament, and no
 Church and no Christians.

 And one seventh of 6 x the Dragon at 2300 at 13,800 years is 72,0048.906
 days, nearly 10 hours afterwards, that is about 11am on Good Friday, and
 some 2 hours into the Crucifixion.

 So I say very loudly that the TWA Flight 800, and the killing of 230 people
 points to the Crucifixion, meaning the Devil, the Adversary, mocks God, the

 A supernatural conspiracy that is evil made manifest by shooting down of a
 passenger plane.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [unorganizedmilitia] Phoenix - Tank driver gunned down a

2002-11-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Liz Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:46:16 -0700
Subject:[unorganizedmilitia] Phoenix - Tank driver gunned
down at gas station - possible sniper
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here we go again. This fits the sniper model. Not six months ago I used to
live in this neighborhood and shop at this gas station all the time.

Tank driver gunned down at gas station

By 3TV / staff

 Beth Perry Reports

 A 37-year-old man was reportedly shot in the chest and killed while he was
 filling tanks at a West Valley gas station early Wednesday morning.

Jonathan Van Sant was found lying on the ground in the parking lot of the
Diamond Shamrock at 59th Avenue and McDowell Road in Phoenix. The victim
was the driver of a tanker truck.

Police say it is unknown where the bullets came from, but investigators say
witnesses reported hearing popping noises.

Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Randy Force says a station employee heard a
shot, followed by a scream and found Van Sant on the ground with a gunshot
wound. Paramedics tried to resuscitate Van Sant, but he was pronounced dead
at the hospital.

Force says preliminary autopsy results show that Van Sant was shot a close
range. But Force says the station employee didn't see anyone else in the

The shooting is under investigation.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Deo Vindice!!!
Liz Michael - Political Activism For The Liberation Of The
World - Liz Michael for United States Senate - New Confederate Constitution VP of
Operations, Analon Computers -
 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
 patriots and tyrants. --- Thomas Jefferson

--- End of forwarded message ---

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[CTRL] Rubin

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
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Rubin's Send Off
by Daniella Peled - Nov 20
Mosque-bomb suspect Irv Rubin was remembered as “a true Jewish hero” at his funeral in
Los Angeles this week.
The 57-year-old Jewish Defence League chairman died last week following a 10-day coma
after falling over a railing in a federal detention centre.

The father-of-two was about to leave for a pre-trial hearing when, according to US
marshals, he tried to slash his throat with a razor blade before plummeting 20ft to the

Rubin’s successor at the JDL, retired policeman Bill Maniaci, was among more than 200
mourners who gathered to grieve for the controversial activist.

Delivering his eulogy, Rabbi Tzvi Block said: “He cared for the elderly. He cared for 
defenceless. He cared for anyone who needed help. Irv was not a religious man, but he
was a very Jewish man. He gave so much, and now he gives his life.”

Rubin, arrested last December along with another JDL member, Earl Krugel, was charged
with planning to bomb the King Fahd mosque in Los Angeles and the office of a Muslim
congressman, Darrell Issa.

In a statement read at the funeral, Kruger described Rubin as “a true Jewish hero”, and
added: “I'll stay strong and see this through.”

Brett Stone, a spokesman for Rubin’s family, told TJ: “Irv was a friend of mine for 
over 20
years, and it is a great loss not only to the local community but to the world. People 
gave him credit for all his deeds and you didn’t need to be Jewish to call on him for 

“It is really sad that the mainstream Jewish community never supported him, and were 
first to convict him. But the JDL is going to continue.”

Meanwhile, Rubin’s family has continued to demand an enquiry into the prison fall, 
official claims of an attempted suicide.

A spokesman said: “The outpouring of love we have received from all segments of the
community, both Jewish and non-Jewish, has been overwhelming and extremely comforting
to us.

“We still want to know the truth of what happened to Irv. We want an independent
investigation into the events surrounding Irv's injuries and death. No person deserves 
to die
while in the custody of the US government.”

Attorney Bryan Altman told TJ: “We are still pursuing the investigation. The current 
is that the US attorney’s office has refused our requests for an outside investigation
because they do not think it is necessary.

They say our requests for information are premature, even though Irv Rubin has already
been dead for two weeks.

“We may ultimately launch a wrongful death tort against the bureau of prisons and 
marshals. We have a strong case. Our client died while in their custody.”

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[CTRL] Barak expects lengthy struggle / Protesters characterize speech by ex-Israeli leader as propaganda

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
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Barak expects lengthy struggle
Protesters characterize speech by ex-Israeli leader as propaganda
Charles Burress, Chronicle Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
©2002 San Francisco Chronicle.


In a Berkeley speech greeted by protests, Israel's former Prime Minister Ehud Barak
Tuesday warned that a protracted global struggle with terrorism was just beginning.

Before an audience of about 1,000 people at UC Berkeley's Zellerbach Hall, Barak also 
Mideast peace depended on building a literal fence between Israelis and Palestinians 
on an Israeli willingness to negotiate whenever Palestinian violence ceased.

We're just in the opening chapter of this ordeal, Barak said of worldwide terrorist 
predicting that half a generation may pass before peace is achieved. We have to win 
first World War of the 21st century, and we will.

Barak, usually called dovish in the Israeli political landscape, has made no secret 
in recent
U.S. comments of his support for President Bush's hard- line stance against Iraq and 
belief that war is inevitable.

Some 200 people -- from a wide range of anti-war and Jewish peace organizations --
demonstrated against Barak outside Zellerbach Hall, calling Barak's image as a 

Ehud Barak is a peace-faker, said Snehal Shingavi, a member of Students for Justice 
Palestine, one of the groups that organized the protest. Among the several groups
represented were the Berkeley Stop the War Coalition and the Bay Area Jewish Voice for

We've seen the horrors, Ishay Rosen-Zvi told the crowd. Rosen-Zvi, a self- described
conscientious objector of the Israeli Army, said he had been jailed for refusing to 
serve in
the military action against the Jenin refugee camp.

He called Barak's appearance in Berkeley organized and official Israeli propaganda.

At one point, a dozen protesters holding tickets to Barak's speech were evicted from 
hall after they removed outer garments to reveal T-shirts covered with the word LIE 
fluorescent green paint, and a few others were removed later after scattered shouts
interrupted him on two occasions.

With tight security screening and large numbers of UC police, the scene was nothing 
the demonstration in November 2000, when angry protesters blocked the entrance to a
speech by Israel's hawkish former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Berkeley
Community Theatre. Netanyahu canceled his appearance.

Barak, who was warmly applauded by the audience, said Israel should continue to deal
firmly with violent attacks against it, as the Sharon government is doing. But he said 
it must
also open the door for peace negotiations without preconditions, except the end of 
and should physically disengage itself from Palestinians through construction of a 

Barak, a former Labor Party leader who holds the largest number of decorations in the
history of the Israeli military, was a top general who won election to prime minister 
in 1999
on a peace platform.

In the failed Camp David negotiations with President Bill Clinton and Palestinian 
Yasser Arafat in July 2000, he offered concessions that were not enough for Arafat and 
much for Israeli hawks.

In his Berkeley speech, he blamed Arafat for refusing to negotiate Barak's offer of
concession, which Barak described as closer to the Palestinian position than the 
position, a claim that Jewish peace groups dispute.

Voters soundly defeated him amid renewed violence in February 2001 and elected current
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of the Likud party. A second Palestinian intifada, 
uprising, occurred after Sharon made a September 2000 tour of the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem and asserted Jewish claims to the site, which is holy to both Jews and 

Barak was invited to Berkeley by a pro-Israel campus group, the Israel Action 
and his appearance was co-sponsored by the office of UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert

Assistant Chancellor John Cummins said the chancellor's office had contributed $10,000 
the event from a $100,000 special fund for a series of events and speakers this school 
on both sides of the issue in the Middle East conflict. He noted that Columbia 
Professor Edward Said, a well-known Palestinian advocate, would speak on campus Feb.

Staff writer Joshunda Sanders contributed to this report. / E-mail Charles Burress at

©2002 San Francisco Chronicle.  Page A - 8

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[CTRL] War Is Peace

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Web Exclusives

Editor Matthew Rothschild comments on the news of the day.

October 17, 2002

War Is Peace

At the Oct. 16 signing ceremony for his war writ, Bush's remarks were offensive when 
weren't laughable.

First, he said this bill symbolizes the united purpose of our nation.

But the nation is not united: 133 members of the House voted against the bill, as

did 22 Senators.

And the American public is not clamoring for war.

Actually, a majority of Americans don't want the war unless the United States

gets U.N. approval.

And a growing segment of the population is against the war, no matter what.

I've been speaking on one campus after another lately, and the resistance to this

war is building. Bush is sorely mistaken if he believes the citizenry will fall in 
line for this

What was laughable was Bush's assertion that the United States takes the
resolutions of the Security Council seriously.

As scholar Stephen Zunes has noted, Israel has violated 32 such resolutions,
Turkey 24, Morocco 17, and Iraq 12. Somehow, we don't hear Bush talking about regime
change in Israel, Turkey, and Morocco.

And what was grossly offensive was Bush's assertions that this war would be for
the sake of peace or in the cause of peace or defending the peace.

How Orwellian is that?

In this war for peace, Bush warned that the United States would use whatever

means to confront Iraq.

This is a prospect that must concern all of us who worry about innocent people
being killed in Iraq,

Worrisome, too was Donald Rumsfeld's recently published assertion that we
should not limit the military's options by considerations of collateral damage. 
said that the National Command Authorities must not dumb down what is needed by
promising not to do things such as not to permit collateral damage). If saving 
civilians is
dumbing down, I'm all for it.

Bush also implicitly acknowledged that war may prompt Saddam to do what Bush
is so concerned about in the first place: use weapons of mass destruction against the
United States. We will confront an enemy capable of irrational miscalculations, 
capable of
terrible deeds.

Now if I were the parent of a U.S. soldier, I'd be furious at Bush today for
jeopardizing my child's life. If Saddam ends up using these weapons on invading U.S.
troops, Bush will have a lot of explaining to do.

-- Matthew Rothschild

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] - Conspiracies point to all but Muslims (By Don Greenlees, )

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-,6093,5522781,00.html

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Conspiracies point to all but Muslims
By Don Greenlees

THE headline of one Jakarta daily late last week added the latest twist to the run of
conspiracy theories about who carried out the Bali bombings.

Imam Samudra a CIA agent? The heading was splashed across a front page being
offered to Jakarta motorists.

In a country where the appetite for conspiracy theories is always great, the Bali 
have fired the imaginations of the internet gossips, headline writers, radio talk-show 
and political fringe-dwellers.

As fast as the police come up with fresh evidence, someone is ready to absorb it into a
conspiracy that blames everyone and anyone other than Indonesians or Muslims for the

When police named Mr Samudra, a 35-year-old West Java man, as one of the ringleaders
of the bombing, it was only a matter of time before someone was going to incorporate 
development into a new theory of CIA plots.

According to media commentators, sometimes the motive is as crude as selling extra
newspapers. In the rollicking marketplace for Jakarta newspapers and magazines, 
goes after the end of the tough press restrictions imposed by former president Suharto.

Two afternoon papers stand out for outlandish headlines: Rakyat Merdeka and Terbit. But
this is seldom carried off with the wit or flare of a London tabloid.

Says Wimar Witoelar, one-time presidential adviser and TV talk-show host: The press is
on a learning curve, and we keep saying that to the outside world. But we know the 
world has no patience with us while we damage our credibility.

But Witoelar, one of the sanest of Indonesian commentators, admits to the lure of the

He says it might be due to watching too many CIA movies, but it's hard to stop the
imagination wandering.

People of the responsible press have had their suspicions and doubts about outside
intervention. I even have some thoughts, says Witoelar.

At heart, many Indonesians don't want to believe members of their own Islamic community
could have perpetrated the Bali bombing.

This report appears on

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] CC Plans Mass Conversion (or Expul ...)

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Christian Coalition plans mass rallies in US

Elli Wohlgelernter
Nov. 18, 2002

The Christian Coalition of America intends to hold mass rallies in support of Israel 
next year
in every US state, and is also planning to bring large groups of tourists here, Roberta
Combs, its president, announced Monday.

Combs is here on a fact-finding tour as head of a five-person delegation of the 
Coalition, which represents two million members.

Combs said the state rallies are part of a follow-up to a large demonstration that 
took place
in Washington on October 11.

After we did that in Washington, and there was so much enthusiasm, we just felt like 
was something we should take to all 50 states, to activate people more in support of
Israel, she said, because we do have a common bond with one another, and we want to
show support, show that we're here for you and we'll be here for you. It's kind of a 
avenue for us in our organization, and we're excited about it.

Michael Brown, national church liaison and chief US House of Representatives lobbyist, 
many states did not get to send a delegation to the rally in Washington and show their
support for Israel, and there are very very strong states that want to express this. 
ambition and their desire is that they be able to exhibit this expression of support 
for the
Jewish state.

Monday was the first day of touring and meetings for the delegation, which started 
with a
meeting with Housing and Construction Minister Natan Sharansky in the morning, a tour 
the Western Wall and the Western Wall tunnel, and a visit to the Garden Tomb, a site
where Jesus is said to have been buried.

Later they toured eastern Jerusalem, including the Beit Orot Yeshiva on the Mount of 
where MK Benny Elon, its founder, greeted them.

I think the connection that we [the Christian Coalition and Jews] have is the very 
fact that
we know that we are not foreigners - not in Jerusalem, not in Judea, and not in 
Samaria -
and that we know that we are the children of Israel who came back to the land of 
Elon said. The real connection is the understanding that the Bible is not just a book 
on the
shelf, it's something real.

Combs said in the short time she has been here, it's an experience you can't explain. 
know it, and you feel it, but once you've done it, then you really know it, and that's 
where I
am now.

There is a reason for us to be here, and I think this is just the beginning of things 
that are
going to be happening with our relationship.
The delegation will continue their tour Tuesday with a visit to Hebron and Jewish
communities in the territories.

This article can also be read at
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[CTRL] Scoop: Jason Leopold: Secrets And Lies In Cheneys Closet

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Jason Leopold: Secrets And Lies In Cheney’s Closet
Wednesday, 20 November 2002, 9:13 pm
Opinion: Jason Leopold

Secrets and Lies In Cheney’s Closet

By Jason Leopold

The front pages of California’s major daily newspapers were buzzing last week with 
reports of one energy company ripping off the state in the spring of 2000 by 
keeping a power plant from generating electricity so the company could take advantage 
sky-high wholesale electricity prices the state was forced to pay to keep the lights 

The evidence, a transcript of a tape-recorded telephone conversation between an 
at Williams Companies, the Tulsa, Okla. based energy company, and an employee at a
Southern California power plant operated by Williams, shows how the two conspired to 
up power prices and create an artificial electricity shortage by keeping the power 
plant out
of service for two weeks.

The scheme worked. Williams earned $10 million from California consumers through its
manipulative tactics. In March 2001, in a settlement reached with FERC, Williams 
agreed to
refund California $8 million it obtained through the scam without admitting any guilt.

But here’s the real tragedy. The evidence has been under seal and in the possession of
President Bush’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; the governing body that is
supposed to make sure power prices is just and reasonable, for more than a year.

FERC released the transcripts after the Wall Street Journal sued the commission to 
the full copy of its report. However, it was New York Times op-ed columnist Paul 
who first wrote about the existence of the Williams tapes in a Sept. 27 column. The 
sued FERC after Krugman’s column ran and reported the findings of the FERC 
last week.

How could FERC keep this smoking gun concealed for a year? It’s no secret that 
politicians and consumer groups have blamed energy companies like Williams and Enron 
the state’s energy crisis and even alleged that energy companies created the illusion 
of an
electricity shortage by shutting down power plants in the state.

Had this evidence been released 18 months ago, pre-Enron, it would have driven that 
home. But it wouldn’t have jibed with Bush’s energy policy, which was made public 
in May 2001.

Around the same time, President Bush was in California and met with Gov. Gray Davis 
the state’s energy crisis. Bush told Davis the state implemented a flawed energy plan 
that and that alone was the reason for electricity price spikes. And all the while, 
sitting on a pot of gold and no one in California even knows it!

A few weeks before the meeting between Bush and Davis, Vice President Dick Cheney, who
chairs Bush’s energy task force, was interviewed by PBS’s Frontline for a special 
series on
California’s energy crisis. During the interview, Cheney flat-out denied that energy
companies ripped off California.

“The problem you had in California was caused by a combination of things--an unwise
regulatory scheme, because they didn't really deregulate,” Cheney said in the May 17
Frontline interview.
“Now they're trapped from unwise regulatory schemes, plus not having addressed the
supply side of the issue. They've obviously created major problems for themselves and
bankrupted PGE in the process,” Cheney said.

It’s true that California created a horribly flawed deregulation plan. But as state 
Sen. Joseph
Dunn, a Democrat leading the investigation into California’s energy crisis, says: “we 
have left the car running but the energy companies stole the car.”

When asked whether it was possible whether energy companies were behaving like a
“cartel” and if some of the high power prices in California could be the result of
manipulation, Cheney responded with a resounding “no.”

It’s highly unlikely that Bush, Cheney and members of the energy task force were kept 
the dark about the Williams scam, especially since the findings of the investigation 
took place around the same time the policy was being drafted.

According to evidence obtained by Congressman Henry Waxman, D-California, earlier this
year, the energy task force “considered and abandoned plans to address California’s 
problems in its report.”

Asked whether the energy task force knew about the Williams scam while it was drafting 
policy, the White House never returned the call.

Additional evidence has been released this year by federal and state investigators that
shows a pattern of deceit by energy companies, and which gives credence to the claims
that California’s energy crisis was manufactured. The notion that some of these same
companies may have influenced President Bush’s energy policy is akin to having a group 
murderers restructure the FBI.

This latest saga is just an example of why it’s crucial that Cheney release the names 

[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - Nat Hentoff | Ashcroft's Shadowy Disciple

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Now, in a free society, this should be applied evenly and universally.  As the 
man is being put under the microscope by the government, the government and their ant-y
toilers get the same in return.  AER 

Ashcroft's Shadowy Disciple
Someone to Watch Over Us
By Nat Hentoff
Village Voice

Friday, 15 November, 2002

The government [under the USA Patriot Act] can use [its powers] on people who aren't
suspected of committing a crime. Innocent people can be deprived of any clue that they 
being watched and that they may need to defend themselves. --Lincoln Caplan, editor,
Legal Affairs (A Magazine of Yale Law School), November-December 2002

In covering the highly visible and contentious midterm national elections, the press, 
in all its
manifestations, totally ignored the Bush administration's ceaseless attacks on the 
Bill of
Rights, orchestrated by Attorney General John Ashcroft. So did the candidates, 
writers, and commentators.

This silence on the deterioration of the liberties we are fighting to protect gives 
Ashcroft all
the more encouragement to pursue his plans, as reported in the October 21 Legal Times, 
prepare a second round of counterterrorism legislation. . . . Lawmakers could see a 
bill in January, after the new Congress convenes-- with the Republicans in control, 
most Democratic leaders silent accomplices of Ashcroft.

Across the country, the 94 United States Attorneys were charged in an October 1 speech 
the attorney general to vigorously enforce the USA Patriot Act and others of his 
against civil liberties. In front of his troops, Ashcroft accused his critics of 
before freedom's enemies--the terrorists. These dissenters, he added indignantly, have
been subjecting his methods to disdain and ridicule.

By contrast, a staunch patriot, by Ashcroft's definition, is George Pataki. How many 
Yorkers know that on September 16, the governor took time from campaigning to
announce, by executive order, the start of a new toll-free Statewide Public Security 
Tips Hot
Line that, Pataki assures us, will enable citizens from throughout the state to report
information about suspected terrorist activity.

This is Pataki's version of John Ashcroft's Operation TIPS, which House Majority 
Leader Dick
Armey, a conservative Republican libertarian, struck out of the still-pending bill to 
create a
Department of Homeland Security. Armey insisted that the government should not be
encouraging Americans to spy on one another.

Pataki, who has been tone-deaf to civil liberties throughout his terms as governor, 
has no
such compunctions-- a point Carl McCall might have mentioned. Because press coverage of
this state's very own Operation Tips has been minimal, I am grateful to Bob Perry,
legislative counsel for the New York Civil Liberties Union, for information on the 
scope of
this dangerous Ashcroftean plan to create watch committees, in neighborhoods and
elsewhere, that will report their suspicions not only to the state hot line but also 
to the New
York Police Department's hot line.

Keep in mind that all these tips on suspicious or unusual activity . . . will be 
referenced through federal, state and local databases, says the Pataki press release.
There is no indication that false tips will eventually be erased from those multiple,
intersecting databases.

In 1984, George Orwell predicted the Ashcrofts and Patakis to come: There of course 
no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment.

The governor should tell us the definition of suspected terrorist activity and 
activities. The senior adviser to the governor on counterterrorism, James K. 
whom I expected better, because he commended my civil liberties concerns some months

We ask that the public use common sense and sound judgment when making reports to
the hot line. Again, what do these terms mean--especially in the continuing climate 
of fear
of sleeper terrorists among us? And does Kallstrom believe that everyone in the state
adheres to what he may mean by common sense and sound judgment?

The governor's press release adds: If a lead is meaningful and can be corroborated, 
information will be given to the Joint Terrorism Task Force for investigation. A key 
in that Joint Terrorism Task Force is the FBI--hardly a model of scrupulous care in
investigating leads, as was evident during the decades of COINTELPRO, the FBI's 
program of infiltration and disruption of lawful activities by civil rights and 
anti-war groups--
and in the shotgun investigations it has often conducted since then.

Ashcroft has restored the reckless spirit of COINTELPRO by again giving the FBI the 
to conduct investigations under such loose guidelines that the Fourth Amendment might 
well be obsolete.

But the Pataki press release--before it says that 

[CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul on Unintended Consequences (Blowback)

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Unintended Consequences
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
November 20, 2002

Government efforts at benevolence always backfire. Inevitably, unintended consequences overwhelm the short-term and narrow benefits of authoritarian programs designed to make the economic system fair, the people morally better, and the world safe for democracy. One hundred years of intense government "benevolence" in the United States has brought us to the brink of economic collapse, a domestic police state, and perpetual war overseas. And now our obsession with conquering and occupying Iraq is about to unleash consequences that no one can accurately foresee. The negative possibilities are unlimited and the benefits negligible.

Some have warned that the planned pre-emptive invasion of Iraq could prove so destabilizing to the region and the world that it literally could ignite a worldwide conflict big enough to be called World War III. Nuclear exchanges are perhaps even more likely to occur under the conditions of an expanded Middle east war than they were at the height of the Cold War, when the Soviets and U.S. had literally thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other. If we carry out our threats to invade and occupy Iraq, especially if we do so unilaterally, the odds are at least 50-50 that this worst case scenario will result.

The best-case scenario would be a short war, limited to weeks and involving few American and Iraqi civilian casualties. This, in combination with a unified Iraqi welcome, the placing into power of a stable popular government that is long lasting, contributing to regional stability and prosperity, and free elections, just is what our planners are hoping for. The odds of achieving this miraculous result are probably one in 10,000.

More likely, the consequences will be severe and surprising and not what anyone planned for or intended. It will likely fall somewhere between the two extremes, but closer to the worst scenario than the best.

There are numerous other possible consequences. Here are a few worth contemplating:

No local Iraqi or regional Arab support materializes. Instead of a spontaneous uprising as is hoped, the opposite occurs. The Iraqi citizens anxious to get rid of Hussein join in his defense, believing foreign occupation and control of their oil is far worse than living under the current dictator. Already we see that sanctions have done precisely that. Instead of blaming Saddam Hussein and his dictatorial regime for the suffering of the past decade, the Iraqi people blame the U.S.-led sanctions and the constant bombing by the U.S. and British. Hussein has increased his power and the people have suffered from the war against Iraq since 1991. There are a lot of reasons to believe this same reaction will occur with an escalation of our military attacks. Training dissidents like the Iraqi National Congress will prove no more reliable than the training and the military assistance we provided in the 70's and the 80's for Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein when they qualified as U.S. "allies."

Pre-emptive war against Iraq may well prompt traditional enemies in the regions to create new alliances, as the hatred for America comes to exceed age-old hatreds that caused regional conflicts. Iraq already has made overtures and concessions to Iran and Kuwait, with some signs of conciliation being shown by both sides. Total domination of the entire Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea regions by the U.S. will surely stir survival instincts in these countries as well as in Russia. As the balance of power continues to shift in the U.S.'s favor, there will be even more reasons for countries like China and Pakistan to secretly support the nations that are being subjected to U.S. domination in the region. The U.S. will never have a free ride in its effort to control the entire world's oil supply. Antagonisms are bound to build, and our ability to finance the multiple military conflicts that are bound to come is self-limited.

The Kurds may jump at the chance, if chaos ensues, to fulfill their dream of an independent Kurdish homeland. This, of course, will stir the ire of the Turks and the Iranians. Instead of stability for northern Iraq, the war likely will precipitate more fighting than the war planners ever imagined. Delivering Kurdish Iraq to Turkey as a prize for its cooperation with our war plans will not occur without a heated and deadly struggle. Turkey is already deeply concerned about the prospect for Kurdish independence, and only remains loyal to America because U.S. taxpayers are forced to subsidize an already depressed Turkish economy caused by our Iraqi policies. More money will pacify for a while, but either frustration with the perpetual nature of the problem or our inability to continue the financial bailout will lead Turkey to have second thoughts about its obedience to our demands to wage war from their country. All of this raises the odds 

[CTRL] Blix The New Target For War Party's Chicken Hawks

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-,2763,842970,00.html

Blix bears brunt of hawks'frustration 

Right finds new target after losing argument to fight swift war on Iraq 

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Tuesday November 19, 2002
The Guardian 

The claims by Hans Blix, the chief weapons inspector, that he has been the target of a smear campaign by Pentagon hawks is the culmination of months of tension at the heart of the Bush administration about the UN inspection team. Earlier this year the deputy secretary for defence, Paul Wolfowitz, ordered a CIA report on why Mr Blix, as chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency during the 1980s and 1990s, failed to detect Iraqi nuclear activity. Mr Blix has much more sweeping powers now, but that fact has failed to banish the suspicions of a cluster of hardliners in the administration that includes Mr Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, the under-secretary for defence, and John Bolton, the deputy secretary of state. 

"There are a whole group of people in this administration who are against multilateral institutions, and also the people that staff them," said Joseph Cirincione, the director of the non-proliferation project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "Hans Blix to some of these people is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the multilateral approach." 

The resurrection of UN arms inspections for Iraq is seen as a defeat for the hawkish sections of the administration - both for relatively straightforward nationalists such as the vice-president, Dick Cheney, and the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, as well as for the faction led by Mr Wolfowitz, who have been described by scholars as "democratic imperialists". 

Mr Wolfowitz, influenced by Richard Perle, chairman of the defence policy board, is believed to view US military action in Iraq as the first step in a larger project of realignment and democratisation of the Middle East. 

For months, the hardliners pressed home the case for a military strike against Iraq, ratcheting up their arguments to such an extent that intelligence officials complained of intense pressure to cook up information that would support a war. 

In August, Mr Cheney said Iraq would have nuclear weapons "fairly soon" - in direct contradiction of CIA reports that it would take at least five more years. 

Mr Rumsfeld, meanwhile, accused Saddam Hussein of providing sanctuary to al-Qaida operatives fleeing Afghanistan - although they had actually travelled to Iraqi Kurdistan, which is outside his control. 

Until the summer, the hardliners were firmly in the ascendancy. But all their efforts were undone by George Bush's decision to take America's case against Iraq to the UN. "There is no question that a battle was won on September 12 when President Bush went to the UN, and instead of condemning it, praised it and embraced it and promised that the US would work through its administration to disarm Iraq and to resort to military force only as a last resort. That is not the strategy some in the Pentagon had been agitating for for months," said Mr Cirincione. 

Powell's campaign

Mr Bush's decision to work through the UN was a product of a dogged campaign by Mr Powell, detailed at great length in a series of reports in the Washington Post which paint a picture of a highly changeable administration prone to shifts in policy direction on an almost weekly basis. 

However, Mr Powell had been disturbed for some time at his dwindling influence in the administration - particularly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - a weakness he sought to remedy by requesting a series of personal chats with Mr Bush. 

The conversations, which began in August, appeared to have paid off as Mr Powell swayed Mr Bush towards his arguments to work with the UN. Even so, it was not seen as a secure victory. 

The hardliners continued to believe they could woo the president back to their way of thinking, and the Washington Post reported blistering rows between Mr Cheney, described as "hell-bent for action" against Iraq, and Mr Powell on the wording of the speech. In the end, Mr Powell triumphed. The rhetoric of the speech was scaled down, and he threw himself into the behind the scenes diplomacy that resulted in a unanimous security council resolution on November 8 for sending weapons inspectors to Iraq. 

But, as Mr Blix noted yesterday, it is virtually certain that the hawks remain determined to return to the ascendancy. "This may be a very low moment for them, but I think they believe in the long run they will have their chance," said Ellen Laitson, president of the Henry Stimson Centre, a Washington-based thinktank. 

"I think they have done a lot to set up very high expectations, and a very high standard, and they are already preparing for the inspections not to work. If you look at the deployment in the region, and how the bureaucracy is gearing up, they are putting a lot in motion militarily even though there may be 

[CTRL] Beyond Iraq to Israel

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Beyond Iraq to Israel
Shireen M Mazari

The writer is Director General of the
Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad

Now that the UN Security Council has ostensibly been given substantive power as reflected in the passage of Resolution 1441 relating to Iraq and the issue of weapons' inspectors, it is hoped that it will move in the same fashion on its other unfulfilled commitments also. Otherwise, the whole facade of neutrality will vanish and the UN will be seen for what it has become: merely an appendage in the implementation of US foreign policy objectives. This would be unfortunate because the facade allows for at least a veneer of international consensus to evolve and give cover to coercive action under the UN cover. And even the US has realised that despite its massive coercive power, the costs of "going it alone" may prove to be too high. So there is a need for even the US to at least sustain this international consensual facade.

In that context, then, now that the weapons inspectors are in Iraq, there is a need to pay heed to the Egyptian president's call that Israel's weapons of mass destruction also need to be inspected. After all, Israel's behaviour falls directly in the category of rogue states as defined by the US itself in its National Security Strategy paper. This Paper, inter alia, defines rogue states as those which,

* "display no regard for international law, threaten their neighbours, and callously violate international treaties to which they are party;

* " are determined to acquire weapons of mass destruction, along with other advanced military technology, to be used as threats or offensively to achieve the aggressive designs of these regimes;"...

On these two counts Israel fits the bill as a rogue state, especially given its clandestine nuclear programme, its aggressive policies against not only its neighbours but also against the Muslim world in general, and its massacre of the Palestinian people. In addition, it continues its illegal occupation of Palestinian land and continues to renege on its international commitments in this regard. Worse still, its dismissive attitude towards the UN shows a general contempt for international opinion and norms - as reflected in its continuous rejection of any UN interventions in Palestine. As for weapons of mass destruction, Israel has yet to sign the Biological Weapons Convention and to ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention. It has also not acceded to the NPT. So it has stockpiles of all three categories of weapons of mass destruction - and all unregulated by any international treaty! So, if ever there was a case for weapons inspections by UN inspectors, Israel fits the bill!

But of course the US has given carte blanche to the Israeli leadership - which presently is headed by a man responsible for the massacre of the Palestinian refugees in the Sabra and Shatilla camps - to do as it wishes with scant regard for any international norms of behaviour. And the worse of it is that the Muslim world is barely audible in its protest on this count. The recent demand by the Egyptian leadership has found no response amongst the Muslim world. No wonder then that the US feels Muslims are fair game to target at will.

And this is exactly what is being done under what is becoming more and more a pretext - that of dealing with "al Qaeda" - to hit out arbitrarily across the Muslim world. Take the case of the missiles launched from the UAV in Yemen against a jeep full of people. Given that almost nothing remains of these human beings, we really do not know who these people were. Whether they really were al-Qaeda members will now never be ascertained and the US word for it hardly carries with it a reassuring credibility. After all, US intelligence has hardly been accurate in such cases in the recent past - as shown most brutally by the killing of a wedding party in Afghanistan.

In any event, if al-Qaeda suspects had been identified, there is a legal way in which states are to proceed within the territories of other states. They can eventually go for the kill but not in the manner in which they did - simply intruding another state's territory and making a killing. The implications of such an action are too tremendous to contemplate. For instance, any group or person the US dislikes in the Muslim world can now be targeted in a similar fashion and literally annihilated so that no one will ever know the truth - the excuse being "al Qaeda membership!" Even governments who oppose US preemptive policies may be eliminated in this fashion. After all, a simple apology for a mistake can be made later. The element of total anarchy in such an approach is what makes it so dangerous. But then the US with Britain has been doing exactly this on a limited scale in Iraq since the Gulf War - with bombing raids and attacks in the so-called "no-fly zones" whenever their 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Hu's on First

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

For those of you who haven't been exposed to Abbott  Costello, this may seem a little 
amusing.  AER

--- Start of forwarded message ---

By James Sherman

Playwright Jim Sherman wrote this today after Hu Jintao was named chief
of the Communist Party in China.  I thought you would get a chuckle out of it.

(We take you now to the Oval Office.)
George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Lay it on me.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
George: That's what I want to know.
Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
   ! gt;
George: The Chinaman!
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.
George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's who's name?
Condi: Yes.
George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Look, Condi. I need to ! know the name of the new leader of
China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No.
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And
then get me the U.N.
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: Milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi: And call who?
George: Who is the guy at the U.N?
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: Will you stay out of China?!
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi.
George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.
(Condi picks up the phone! .)
Condi: Rice, here.
George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should
send some to the guy in China. And the Middle East. Can you get
Chinese food in the Middle East?

 End of forwarded message 

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] clergy abuse Law and Oregon, Homeland Sec. - internet, Iraqi arrested

2002-11-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Depositions Show Cardinal Was Notified Early of Abuse By Pam Belluck - Boston, 11/19/02 - "Virtually from the time he became archbishop of Boston in 1984, Cardinal Bernard F. Law received letters complaining about sexually abusive priests, but the responses to those accusations, either by Cardinal Law or aides working on his behalf, largely dismissed the concerns of the people making them, according to depositions released todayDespite a stream of complaints against priests, those who were accused of sexual abuse — and even those who admitted the accusations — were returned to parishes without parishioners' being informed about the abuse complaints. "I think it's no secret that there has been a pattern," said Jeffrey A. Newman, a lawyer working with Mr. MacLeish. "There was a pattern of protecting the priests despite specific knowledge by Cardinal Law and the bishops to the fact that there were allegations that children were being molested."

Fifteen sue seven priests from Oregon The alleged abuse victims seek more than $70 Million. Alan Gustafson 11/19/02 "In a new round of sexual-abuse litigation against Roman Catholic clergy in Oregon of sexual abuse in lawsuits against the Portland archdiocese and the Diocese of Baker, which cover western and Eastern Oregon respectively. Those lawsuits are part of a sexual-abuse scandal that has swept the U.S. Catholic Church. More than 300 priests have been removed from the ministry this year.""">
Scary Invasion of Privacy The Senate is poised ON TUESDAY to pass a version of the "Homeland Security Act" that would create a single database to round up personal information on every American. If the Senate passes this bill, the government will bring together in one grand database all the public and private information they can get their hands on including your credit history, the magazines you subscribe to, your banking, travel information, etc. Even conservative columnist and former Nixon administration official William Safire is frightened by the prospect -- Americans need to stop this. Please fill out the form and send the free faxes to your Senators.,,3-486536,00.html
November 20, 2002 War crimes arrest blow to Iraqi opposition By Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor
DANISH police arrested last night an exiled Iraqi general tipped as a possible replacement for President Saddam Hussein. He faces charges that he was responsible for killing thousands of Kurds in a chemical weapons attack 14 years ago. The arrest of General Nizar Khazraji, the former Iraqi Chief-of-Staff and the most senior officer to defect from Baghdad, appeared to wreck any chances that he might lead a mutiny in the Armed Forces and help to topple Saddam's regime. 
General Khazraji, 64, commanded the Iraqi Armed Forces during the Iran-Iraq War, when Baghdad used banned poison gas against Iranian troops and Kurdish civilians. In the most notorious incident 5,000 Kurds in the town of Halabja were killed when Iraqi artillery and warplanes bombed the area with nerve gas and mustard gas.
Internet Provisions in Security Bill By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) -- Internet providers such as America Online could give the government more information about subscribers and police would gain new Internet wiretap powers under legislation creating the new Department of Homeland Security. Provisions of the bill tucked into a section about ``cyber-security enhancements'' received scant attention during debate.The bill also calls for greater legal protections for Internet providers, such as AOL or Microsoft Network, for giving government officials information about their subscribers during computer emergencies. If companies believe ``in good faith'' that there is risk of death or injury to any person, they can turn over details about customers -- even their e-mails -- without a warrant, under the bill. Civil liberties groups, such as the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center, contend the bill's language lets Internet providers reveal subscriber information to any government officials, not just investigators. Traditionally, U.S. companies have refused to act as agents for prosecutors without court-approved warrants, said Chris Hoofnagle, EPIC's legislative counsel.Another part of the Homeland Security bill gives U.S. authorities new power to trace e-mails and other Internet traffic during cyber attacks without first obtaining even perfunctory court approval. That could happen only during ``an immediate threat to national security,'' or an attack against a ``protected computer.'' 

[CTRL] Were the 9-11 Hijackers Really Arabs? Maybe Not

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Were the 9-11 Hijackers Really Arabs? Maybe Not

Were those hijackers really Arabs? Would Israeli agents carry out a suicide mission that could cost American Jewish lives? Consider these little-known facts . . . 

by Michael Collins Piper - American Free Press 

In 1986 the New York-based leader of the terrorist Jewish Defense League, Victor Vancier, gave a prophetic hint of what may have been finally played out on Sept. 11, 2001: 

If you think the Shiites in Lebanon are capable of fantastic acts of suicidal terrorism, the Jewish underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp: "How could Jews do such things?" 

According to Vancier, quoted by Robert I. Friedman in The Village Voice on May 6, 1986, his allies were "desperate people" who "don't care if they live or die." 

Considering this warning it is entirely conceivable the "Middle Eastern" men described by passengers on the airliners were not Arabs at all. 

Evidence to be explored suggests that instead, these hijackers could well have been Israeli-sponsored fundamentalist Jewish fanatics (posing as "bin Laden Arabs") hoping to instigate an all-out U.S. war against the Arab world. 

"Jewish suicide bombers? Impossible!" cry critics. However, the fact is that there is a "suicide tradition" that is a much-revered part of Jewish history -- going back to the famous mass suicide at Masada by Jewish zealots. 

But in modern times, Israeli suicide missions have been undertaken. In The Other Side of Deception former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky described one 1989 venture: the participants were "all volunteers" advised that there was effectively "no possibility of rescue should they be caught." 

And what about the Arabic language heard on one airplane's black box? 

Consider a formerly secret CIA assessment, Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services, dated March 1979, which reported that it is a long-standing policy for Israeli intelligence to disguise Jews as Arabs: 

One of the established goals of the intelligence and security services is that each officer be fluent in Arabic. A nine-month, intensive Arabic language course is given annually . . . to students . . . 
As further training, these Mossad officers work in the [Israeli-controlled Arab lands] for two years to sharpen their language skills. . . . 
Many Israelis have come from Arab countries where they were born and educated and appear more Arab than Israeli . . . 
By forging passports and identity documents of Arab and western countries and providing sound background legends and cover, Mossad has successfully sent into Egypt and other Arab countries Israelis disguised and documented as Arabs or citizens of European countries. . . . These persons are also useful for their ability to pass completely for a citizen of the nation in question. The Israeli talent for counterfeiting or forging foreign passports and documents ably supports the agent's authenticity. 

Pulitzer Prize-winner Jack Anderson, a supporter of Israel, wrote on Sept. 17, 1972 that: 

Israeli agents -- immigrants whose families had lived in Arab lands for generations -- have a perfect knowledge of Arab dialects and customs. They have been able to infiltrate Arab governments with ease. 

On Sept, 29, 1998, Yossi Melman, writing in Israel's Ha'aretz, revealed that: 

Shin Bet agents, who worked undercover in the Israeli-Arab sector in the 1950s, went as far as to marry Muslim women and have children with them, in an attempt to continue their mission without raising suspicion. 

In fact, serious questions have been raised about the identities of the Sept. 11 "Arab hijackers." 

While the media reported the ringleader's passport conveniently landed atop rubble eight blocks from "Ground Zero," The Orlando Sentinel also reported that at least four men identified as hijackers are not dead and had nothing to do with the attacks. 

In The New Yorker on Oct. 8, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh pointed out: 

Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues about the terrorists' identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, "Whatever trail was left was left deliberately -- for the FBI to chase." 

Why Arabs would plant evidence implicating their own is a point mainstream media chooses not to address. 

Nor has the media ever ballyhooed the "hero" who tipped off the FBI where the hijackers' car (conveniently filled with "evidence") was parked. 

And for those who would doubt that Israel would endanger American Jews via terrorism, consider this: hard-line Israelis are willing to kill Jews if it means assuring Israel's survival. 

The late Rabbi Meir Kahane -- founder of the Jewish Defense League and one spiritual mentor of fundamentalists who support Ariel Sharon -- exemplifies those willing to sacrifice other Jews to guarantee Israel's future. 



2002-11-20 Thread Mike Clark

Historians looking back on this period 100 years from now ( if anybody 

still alive ) will say that WORLD WAR III started perhaps with 9-11. 

astute observers could point to the ZIONIST STATE created in 1948. 
Even more

astute observers could point to the BALFOUR DECLARATION in 

even more astute observers could point to the FAMOUS LETTER

between GIIUSEPPE MAZZINNI and ALBERT PIKE in August of 1871

describing the THREE MAJOR CATACLYSMS leading to the 

the PURE DOCTRINE of LUCIFER. PIKE'S letter said that at 

WORLD WARS and possibly a THIRD would be necessary to 

both ATHEISM and CHRISTIANITY at the same time.


makes the point that it was HIGH ROSICRUCIAN EDWARD 

who brought the MAFIA back out of complete obscurity. This was in 

BULWER-LYTTON then associate director of the BRITISH SECRET 

SERVICE resurrected the DEFUNCT MAFIA so that the EAST INDIA 

would have a better distribution apparatus in the United 

This can be confirmed by MEYER LANSKY'S famous confession in MAX 

LANSKY: MOB MOGUL " in 1981. LANSKY said it was a general secret 

the BRITISH OLIGARCHY ruled the MAFIA from tentacles which spread all 

way across the Atlantic.


Otherwise known as " VRIL: THE POWER of the COMING RACE ". This 

which was looked onas a MANUAL for the ARYAN RACE became 





because ADOLF HITLER feared that STEINER'S group had remote viewing 

Remote viewers were used by the BRITISH SECRET INTELLIGENCE 



  -Original Message-From: William Shannon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 3:45 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul 
  on Unintended Consequences (Blowback)-Caveat Lector- 
  ConsequencesRep. Ron Paul 
  (R-TX)November 20, 2002Government efforts at benevolence 
  always backfire. Inevitably, unintended consequences overwhelm the short-term 
  and narrow benefits of authoritarian programs designed to make the economic 
  system fair, the people morally better, and the world safe for democracy. One 
  hundred years of intense government "benevolence" in the United States has 
  brought us to the brink of economic collapse, a domestic police state, and 
  perpetual war overseas. And now our obsession with conquering and occupying 
  Iraq is about to unleash consequences that no one can accurately foresee. The 
  negative possibilities are unlimited and the benefits negligible.Some 
  have warned that the planned pre-emptive invasion of Iraq could prove so 
  destabilizing to the region and the world that it literally could ignite a 
  worldwide conflict big enough to be called World War III. Nuclear exchanges 
  are perhaps even more likely to occur under the conditions of an expanded 
  Middle east war than they were at the height of the Cold War, when the Soviets 
  and U.S. had literally thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other. If 
  we carry out our threats to invade and occupy Iraq, especially if we do so 
  unilaterally, the odds are at least 50-50 that this worst case scenario will 
  result.The best-case scenario would be a short war, limited to weeks 
  and involving few American and Iraqi civilian casualties. This, in combination 
  with a unified Iraqi welcome, the placing into power of a stable popular 
  government that is long lasting, contributing to regional stability and 
  prosperity, and free elections, just is what our planners are hoping for. The 
  odds of achieving this miraculous result are probably one in 
  10,000.More likely, the consequences will be severe and surprising and 
  not what anyone planned for or intended. It will likely fall somewhere between 
  the two extremes, but closer to the worst scenario than the best.There 
  are numerous other possible consequences. Here are a few worth 
  contemplating:No local Iraqi or regional Arab support materializes. 
  Instead of a spontaneous uprising as is hoped, the opposite occurs. The Iraqi 
  citizens anxious to get rid of Hussein join in his defense, believing foreign 
  occupation and control of their oil is far worse than living under the current 
  dictator. Already we see that sanctions have done 


2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By David Guyatt 

When it comes to Aum Shinrikyo - the sinister Japanese cult said to be responsible for the Tokyo subway Sarin attack in 1995 - almost anything is possible.  But some serious journalists and independent scientists who have investigated the shadowy background of Aum, are unravelling sinuous connections that leap-frog the Aum story into another league altogether.[i]  

These focus on claims that Aum were intimately involved in the research and development of futuristic doomsday weapons that make today’s nuclear missiles look like children’s toys.  These weapons, they believe, are so advanced that they don’t “officially” exist in the armouries of the major powers.  These involve the use of Tesla Electromagnetic pulse, earthquake inducing and Plasma weapons being covertly tested in remote regions of the world.  

 Laying at the centre of these allegations are a series of powerful earthquakes, strange fireballs and aerial lights manifesting above Western Australia.  They also revolve around the major January 1995 quake which laid waste to the Japanese City of Kobe.  The latter resulted in the crash of the Tokyo stock exchange - itself directly leading to the collapse of England’s spook-infested Barings bank.  Suggestions that the Kobe event may have been caused by a laser-powered seismic weapon continue to circulate.  

 Extraordinarily, Aum’s charismatic guru, Shoko Asahara, predicted the Kobe quake nine days before the event.  In an 8 January 1995 radio broadcast, Asahara stated “Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995.  The most likely place is Kobe.”  Hideo Murai, the late Science and Technology minister for Aum Shinrikyo also adhered to this view.  Murai - said to have been the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived - was murdered in a Yakuza orchestrated assassination shortly after speaking on the record to foreign news correspondents.[ii]  

 Murai presented his allegation in an April 7 1995 news conference at the Foreign Correspondent Club in Japan.  In answer to questions about the Kobe quake, Murai said “There is a strong possibility of the activation of an earthquake using electromagnetic power, or somebody may have used a device that applied force inside the Earth.”  The Aum leadership believed the Kobe quake an act of war: “The City of Kobe was hit by a surprise attack…” they claimed, adding the City was an “…appropriate guinea pig.”[iii] 

 Aum’s singular interest in weapons of mass destruction - including sophisticated earthquake, weather and plasma weapons - were considered serious enough to launch a special investigation by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.  Chaired by Senator Sam Nunn, the committee spent five months conducting hundreds of interviews of “both government and private individuals.”[iv]  These included classified briefings from numerous US intelligence agencies.  Their findings were published in an October 1995, 100 page report on the Aum cult. 

 The Nunn report, in addition to outlining Aum’s large international membership and massive finances of US$1 billion plus, also revealed the cult’s fascination for Tesla weapons.  The Senate report describes Aum’s visits to the New York based International Tesla Society (ITS), where they sought to obtain a number of his books, patents and papers.  A representative of the ITS told Senate investigators that Aum’s interest focused on Tesla’s experiments with “resonating frequencies,” adding that “Tesla had experimented in creating earthquakes.”  Significantly, the report also states that Tesla claimed “…with his technology he could ‘split the world’ in two.”  This astonishing assertion closely parallels remarks made by Soviet Premier Krushchev to the Presidium in 1960, where he referred to “…the advent of a new class of Soviet Superweapon, so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used.”[v] 

 Not least, the Senate report mentions Tesla’s development of a “ray gun in the 1930’s, which was actually a particle beam accelerator,” and which was said to be able to “shoot down an airplane at 200 miles.[vi]”  Following Tesla’s death in 1943, the US government seized his papers and research notes, placing them under national security lock and key.  An undoubted genius during his life, Tesla’s papers curiously remain highly classified today - 53 years later.  

 In addition to visiting New York’s ITS, Aum personnel also travelled to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade.  Their studies here included researching the so called “Tesla Coil” - a device used for alternating currents.  Additionally, they also uncovered Tesla’s work on “high energy voltage transmission and on wave amplification, which Tesla asserted could be used to create I seismological 

[CTRL] History revisionism at FEMA site -- Operation TIPS vanishes

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

History revisionism at FEMA site -- Operation TIPS vanishes

Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:25:52 -0500 
Subject: FC: History revisionism at FEMA site -- Operation TIPS vanishes 
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Everyone remembers Operation TIPS, right -- the citizen-informant program? 
Some background:

A detailed webpage about TIPS used to be here:

It's been mysteriously deleted. I've copied it from Google's cache and 
mirrored it here:

I wonder if the case of the disappearing TIPS has anything to do with the 
Department of Homeland Security bill:
Any and all activities of the Federal Government to
implement the proposed component program of the Citizen
Corps known as Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information
and Prevention System) are hereby prohibited.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Induction of Civic Insanity in the Age of Pharaoh

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Title: Induction of Civic Insanity in the Age of Pharaoh
-Caveat Lector-

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

The Induction of Civic Insanity in the Age of Pharaoh

Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael A. Hoffman II

For this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.

Nov. 20, 2002

In a November communique attributed to Osama bin Laden, President George W. Bush was referred to as the Pharaoh of this Age. Of course we have no way of knowing if the communique (in the form of an audio-tape) actually comes from bin Laden, or rather from the stellar nether regions of the Cryptocracy's drawer 13. We content ourselves with analyzing the symbolism of the message itself and its intended effect on its target audience.

The signature symbolism of the western secret society known as Freemasonry is derived from the icons of ancient Egypt, for example, the pyramid and sphinx and the golden funeral mask of Tutankhamen. When Dr. Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard University analyzed the Great Seal of the United States and pronounced it a dull emblem of a masonic fraternity, he was pointing out that one need not be a Harvard professor to grasp the blatant symbolism of the eye-over-the-pyramid icon most famously reproduced on the U.S. one dollar currency. The image on the dollar bill is of an unfinished monument of the Pharaohs. When the top tier or capstone of the monument is put into place by means of the panoptican surveillance system represented by the disembodied All-Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid, Pharaoh's rule will have been reimposed upon the world.

Among Biblically-literate people, Pharaoh has been a synonym for rule characterized by chattel slavery and tyranny. Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda network are said by the White House, the Establishment press and their Papal and Protestant partners in crime, to be Satanic and opposed to God and the Bible. Yet the communique attributed to bin Laden this month makes a Biblical identification of George W. Bush, as the Pharaoh of the Age. 

Osama bin Laden's well-publicized identification of Bush with Pharaoh coincided with publicity in November for the Pentagon's Information Awareness Office Surveillance System (IAO-SS). This massive, all-seeing eye enterprise is part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), headed by Admiral John Poindexter, the Reagan administration's arms purveyor to the Islamic Republic of Iran. IAO-SS purports to capture a person's information signature so that the government can track potential terrorists and criminals involved in what it terms,low-intensity/low-density forms of crime and warfare. 

The stated goal of this System is to track individuals throughout the earth by using computer algorithms to detect potential terrorist activity. The System aims to implement revolutionary technology for ultra-large, all-source information repositories, which would create a virtual, centralized, grand database. This database would include transaction data contained in current databases, such as financial records, medical records, telephone, mail, business and travel records, as well as unnamed new sources of information. Intelligence data would also be fed into the database.

A crucial component of the project is the development of data mining and knowledge discovery tools that can sift through the vast information glut to discern patterns and associations. Another item on the Pentagon's surveillance agenda is the deployment of biometric technology to 

[CTRL] Fw: DoD Research Project Necessary Adjunct to War on Terror

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Below is an official press release from the Department of Defense. It is
really strange.

"A Nov. 16 Washington Post editorial described the program as one to
terrify the readers of George Orwell, author of the book "1984" and its
all-seeing, all-knowing entity "Big Brother." Aldridge said the DARPA project is
no such thing, but merely an experiment."

Oh yeah! Then why the "all seing eye"

"The Defense Department has also
taken some heat in the civilian press for the person it chose to lead the
program, retired Rear Adm. John Poindexter. The admiral was convicted of lying
to Congress and of destroying documents during the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal.
The conviction was overturned on appeal.Some onlookers have questioned,
often derisively, Poindexter's being in charge of a project with so much
potential for abuse. Aldridge today steadfastly defended the retired admiral's
role in the project."What John Poindexter is doing is developing a tool.
He's notexercising that tool; he will not exercise that tool," Aldridge said
in response to media questions. "That tool will be exercised by the
intelligence, counterintelligence and law enforcement

Doesn't that make you feel bet4ter? It
will only be the FBI and CIA actually using the information.

The press release

Subject: DoD Research Project Necessary Adjunct to War on
By Kathleen T. RhemAmerican Forces Press
ServiceWASHINGTON, June 20, 2002 -- Stopping terrorists before they can
strike depends on government officials being able to search for clues in "a mass
of data." Defense researchers are working on a project that will enable just
such a capability.The Total Information Awareness System is an
experimental prototype-in-the-works that will "determine the feasibility of
searching vast quantities of data to determine links and patterns indicative of
terrorist activities."Pete Aldridge, undersecretary of defense for
acquisition technology and logistics, took reporters' questions on the project
this afternoon in a Pentagon briefing.He explained the project has three
parts: researching technologies that would allow rapid language translation;
discovery of connections between current activities and future events, and
"collaborative reasoning and decision-making tools to allow interagency
communications and analysis."It is being developed by the Defense
Advanced Projects Research Agency.A Nov. 16 Washington Post editorial
described the program as one to terrify the readers of George Orwell, author of
the book "1984" and its all-seeing, all-knowing entity "Big Brother." Aldridge
said the DARPA project is no such thing, but merely an experiment."In
order to preserve the sanctity of individual privacy, we'redesigning this
system to ensure complete anonymity of uninvolved citizens, thus focusing the
efforts of law enforcement officials on terrorist investigations," he
said.At issue among reporters was the potential of the federal
government to access the everyday transactions of ordinary citizens -- passport,
visa and drivers license applications, airline ticket or rental car
reservations, medical data, and even credit and debit card purchases, for
instance.Again, Aldridge defended the project. He said data put into the
system would be subject to the same Privacy Act restrictions that govern law
enforcement and government actions today. Officials would not be scrutinizing
everyday transactions by ordinary citizens. The system would only look closely
at transactions or combinations of transactions that officials know are possible
indicators of terrorist actions.For instance, if the system sees
evidence of an individual buying large amounts of chemicals that can be used to
make explosives then renting a van near a major metropolitan area, the system
might throw up a red flag. To further investigate the individual, law
enforcement agents would have to go through the same legal proceedings that are
necessary today to protect individual rights, Aldridge explained.He
stressed this system is a tool for law enforcement agencies that is merely being
studied by the Defense Department, not a way for the government to spy on the
American public."It is absurd to think that DARPA is somehow trying to
become another police agency," he said.The Defense Department has also
taken some heat in the civilian press for the person it chose to lead the
program, retired Rear Adm. John Poindexter. The admiral was convicted of lying
to Congress and of destroying documents during the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal.
The conviction was overturned on appeal.Some onlookers have questioned,
often derisively, Poindexter's being in charge of a project with so much
potential for abuse. Aldridge today steadfastly defended the retired admiral's
role in the project."What John Poindexter is doing is developing a tool.
He's notexercising that tool; he will not exercise that tool," Aldridge said
in response to media questions. "That tool will be exercised by the

[CTRL] Media ignores Bush's own Vietnam record - part AWOL, part deserter

2002-11-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Media ignores Bush's own Vietnam record - part AWOL, part deserter 
President prefers other people fight and die 
Dateline: Monday, November 18, 2002 
by Linda McQuaig 

It's often said that people just won't go into politics any more because of the intense media scrutiny one faces for even the smallest indiscretion in one's past. In fact, the media are temperamental beasts; fierce one day, gentle as lambs the next. 

Certainly the media showed its soft side last week. As George W. Bush piously observed Veterans Day, media pundits somehow restrained themselves from pointing to the irony that the U.S. Commander-in-Chief, who's sometimes referred to as a "former fighter pilot," has an embarrassing military past. His records show that for months at a time during the Vietnam War, Bush could be classified as, at best, "absent without leave" (AWOL) or, at worst, as an army deserter. 

This would be equivalent to the media withholding comment as former U.S. President Bill Clinton publicly espoused the virtues of marital fidelity. 

Indeed, one hardly needs to wait for Veterans' Day to note the irony in Bush's military fervour. The man can scarcely contain his enthusiasm for war - or at least for others going to war. As he inches closer each day to sending tens of thousands of American soldiers into Iraq (to be followed likely by hundreds of Canadian soldiers), any day would be appropriate for the media to satisfy its allegedly insatiable appetite for dirt on the rich and powerful by reporting the president's own military past. 

The legwork has already been done by the Boston Globe, which dug up Bush's military records and interviewed his former military commanders. 

While the paper published its dramatic findings during the presidential campaign of 2000, the rest of the media all but ignored the story and continue to do so, even as Bush has turned himself into arguably the most hawkish president in U. S. history. 

It's not that the media are not hard on military laggards. While there were only 49 media stories about Bush's military past during his presidential campaign, there were a whopping 13,641 media reports on Clinton's Vietnam-era draft dodging during his first presidential race, according to former Clinton aide Paul Begala. 

Begala made the observation on a media panel at a labour conference shortly after Bush's election. Other panelists, including journalists from major TV networks and Time magazine, agreed that Bush had had a much gentler ride, but attributed it to the media's alleged exhaustion after all the Clinton-era scandals. 

Of course, it's possible Bush was so morally repelled by the U.S. slaughter in Vietnam that he just couldn't bring himself to participate. But probably not. Here's what we know. 

Upon graduating from Yale, Bush applied for a position in the Texas National Guard, a coveted spot that required only part-time military duties at home, far from the battlefields of Vietnam. Bush was catapulted to the front of 500 other applicants after a friend of his father, then a wealthy Houston congressman, phoned the Speaker of the Texas House, according to the Boston Globe. 

After completing training as a pilot, George W. Bush requested and immediately received a transfer to an Alabama National Guard unit in May, 1972. But Bush never showed up for duty there, according to the Alabama unit's commander and the commander's assistant, who were interviewed by the Boston Globe . 

Military records show that Bush's two commanding officers back in Texas reported George W. did not show up for duty there either for a year, and that they believed he had been transferred to Alabama. Meanwhile, when Bush failed to take his required annual medical exam in August, 1972, his pilot status was removed. 

It should be noted that reporting for military duty is not something that's optional, particularly during a war. Those caught shirking National Guard duties were usually punished by being drafted into the real army - the one that landed you in Vietman, where some 350 American soldiers were killed each week. But, despite more than a year absent from duty, nothing happened to the well-connected George W. Bush. 

Favouritism is a sore point among those who actually went to war, including U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. As Powell wrote in his autobiography: "I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well-placed ... managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units ... Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal ..." 

You've got to marvel at Powell's anger management skills. 

As a reporter and columnist for The Globe and Mail, Maclean's Magazine and the National Post, Linda McQuaig has written extensively on politics, economics and social values, and has developed a reputation for challenging 

Re: [CTRL] DoD Research Project Necessary Adjunct to War on Terror

2002-11-20 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Nov 2002 at 20:19, Jim Rarey quoted:

 What John Poindexter is doing is developing a tool. He's not
 exercising that tool; he will not exercise that tool, Aldridge said in
 response to media questions. That tool will be exercised by the intelligence,
 counterintelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Poindexter is the tool (a huge phalus seeking absolute control). The rest
will be history, unless the people (sheeple?) wake up. Stop drinking tap
water (fluoride, brain neutralizer), among other vices that most do not even
suspect (cell phones, Nutrasweet, Prozac, etc.). The fools pay for their
poisons dearly.

George Orwell was a prophet and a genius.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] We are Now Under Official Observation

2002-11-20 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

You had better watch what you say.

Don't kid yourself. If you communicate on a phone, cellphone, or the
Internet, you are now being observed, or will soon be under observation.

Do you feel more secure?

Steve Wingate
(Some might be afraid to say some things now due to new measures. Are we more
Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fighting terror by terrifying U.S. citizens

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
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Fighting terror by terrifying U.S. citizens
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
©2002 San Francisco Chronicle.


Live by the Internet, be enslaved by the Internet.

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which funded the development of
the Internet, is now funding the Information Awareness Office (IAO) to develop a 
scale counterterrorism database. The idea is to keep track of every bit of 
information on
everyone in the country and detect, classify and identify foreign terrorists.

So far, the Pentagon scientists have terrified a lot of Americans. The program manager 
the IAO is John Poindexter, the retired admiral who masterminded the shameful Iran-
Contra arms-for-hostages scheme.

Now he's master-minding the supercomputers that DARPA developed in the '80s,

while he was lying to Congress.

Poindexter doesn't have all our phone calls, Macy's purchases and bridge crossings in a
database yet. So far DARPA has an arrows-and-boxes model of what this Total
Information Awareness (TIA) system will look like.

Your transactional data (financial, medical, governmental, etc.) will be combined 
biometric data such as fingerprints in automated virtual data repositories -- after 
through a dotted line in the flow chart labeled privacy and security.

It's a very thin dotted line.

Then the data will be fed into a collaborative multiagency analytical environment, 
probably means a bunch of spooks sitting around a table. From there the data goes to 
policy and ops environment, and the ops include pre-empt.

I don't know if that means Guantanamo or a bullet to the back of the head. But remember
who's in charge of the data. And remember that it's data on you.

So far individual crazies and wonks are ahead of Poindexter in mining data from the

In June, the Illuminati Conspiracy Archive posted a story on the IAO amid stories on 
and microchips implanted in humans. It pointed out that the official seal of the IAO 
is the
all-seeing eye associated with the Illuminati -- a shadowy group of Freemasons that 
centuries has been rumored to rule the world.

Sure enough, the IAO logo shows an eye on top of a pyramid shining onto a globe -- with
the Middle East most brightly lit.

Poindexter. The all-seeing eye. The Illuminati. A centralized database measured in
petabytes. Thank you, DARPA, for giving us the Total Paranoia System.

How could Big Brother be so dumb? DARPA has hired a proven scoundrel to rummage
through all our records without a warrant.

DARPA was founded in 1958, and the people who sat in that office in those early years
were much more attuned to broader policy issues, said Smithsonian Institution 
Martin J. Collins, who wrote Cold War Laboratory, on science, weapons development and
free society during the Cold War.

DARPA's notion of using Total Information Awareness to find a few terrorists sounds 
SOSUS, the Navy's Sound Surveillance System that picked up all the sound in the ocean 
track Soviet submarines.

That's an interesting analogy, said Collins, who found the use of acronyms similar 
to the
Cold War. But it makes it (TIA) sound too benign.

These are not whales, merchant ships and Foxtrot-class subs the government will be
listening to. The government will be listening to every move we make. You'll have to 
the word of a man who lied to Congress that he's just listening to terrorists.

On NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Monday, Marc Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Center
said: I think there's a real argument to be made at this point that this project 
should be
suspended by the U.S. Congress until further investigation of the capability and 
ends are understood.

Perhaps he puts too much faith in Congress. Poindexter has been there before, and
Congress is weaker now.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Beyond Iraq to Israel

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Beyond Iraq to Israel

Shireen M Mazari

The writer is Director General of the

Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad


Now that the UN Security Council has ostensibly been given substantive power as 
in the passage of Resolution 1441 relating to Iraq and the issue of weapons' 
inspectors, it is
hoped that it will move in the same fashion on its other unfulfilled commitments also.
Otherwise, the whole facade of neutrality will vanish and the UN will be seen for what 
it has
become: merely an appendage in the implementation of US foreign policy objectives. This
would be unfortunate because the facade allows for at least a veneer of international
consensus to evolve and give cover to coercive action under the UN cover. And even the 
has realised that despite its massive coercive power, the costs of going it alone may
prove to be too high. So there is a need for even the US to at least sustain this 
consensual facade.

In that context, then, now that the weapons inspectors are in Iraq, there is a need to 
heed to the Egyptian president's call that Israel's weapons of mass destruction also 
need to
be inspected. After all, Israel's behaviour falls directly in the category of rogue 
states as
defined by the US itself in its National Security Strategy paper. This Paper, inter 
defines rogue states as those which,

* display no regard for international law, threaten their neighbours, and callously 
international treaties to which they are party;

*  are determined to acquire weapons of mass destruction, along with other advanced
military technology, to be used as threats or offensively to achieve the aggressive 
of these regimes;...

On these two counts Israel fits the bill as a rogue state, especially given its 
nuclear programme, its aggressive policies against not only its neighbours but also 
the Muslim world in general, and its massacre of the Palestinian people. In addition, 
continues its illegal occupation of Palestinian land and continues to renege on its
international commitments in this regard. Worse still, its dismissive attitude towards 
the UN
shows a general contempt for international opinion and norms - as reflected in its
continuous rejection of any UN interventions in Palestine. As for weapons of mass
destruction, Israel has yet to sign the Biological Weapons Convention and to ratify the
Chemical Weapons Convention. It has also not acceded to the NPT. So it has stockpiles 
all three categories of weapons of mass destruction - and all unregulated by any
international treaty! So, if ever there was a case for weapons inspections by UN 
Israel fits the bill!

But of course the US has given carte blanche to the Israeli leadership - which 
presently is
headed by a man responsible for the massacre of the Palestinian refugees in the Sabra 
Shatilla camps - to do as it wishes with scant regard for any international norms of
behaviour. And the worse of it is that the Muslim world is barely audible in its 
protest on
this count. The recent demand by the Egyptian leadership has found no response amongst
the Muslim world. No wonder then that the US feels Muslims are fair game to target at 

And this is exactly what is being done under what is becoming more and more a pretext -
that of dealing with al Qaeda - to hit out arbitrarily across the Muslim world. Take 
case of the missiles launched from the UAV in Yemen against a jeep full of people. 
that almost nothing remains of these human beings, we really do not know who these
people were. Whether they really were al-Qaeda members will now never be ascertained
and the US word for it hardly carries with it a reassuring credibility. After all, US 
has hardly been accurate in such cases in the recent past - as shown most brutally by 
killing of a wedding party in Afghanistan.

In any event, if al-Qaeda suspects had been identified, there is a legal way in which 
are to proceed within the territories of other states. They can eventually go for the 
kill but
not in the manner in which they did - simply intruding another state's territory and 
making a
killing. The implications of such an action are too tremendous to contemplate. For 
any group or person the US dislikes in the Muslim world can now be targeted in a 
fashion and literally annihilated so that no one will ever know the truth - the excuse 
al Qaeda membership! Even governments who oppose US preemptive policies may be
eliminated in this fashion. After all, a simple apology for a mistake can be made 
later. The
element of total anarchy in such an approach is what makes it so dangerous. But then 
US with 

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-11-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

Harvard overturns bar on Oxford poet
Oliver Burkeman in New York
Wednesday November 20 2002
The Guardian

Harvard University has voted to reinvite the Oxford poet, Tom Paulin, to read his work 
there, one week after it withdrew the invitation amid protests at his opinion that 
Jewish settlers in the West Bank should be shot dead.

English department academics voted to overturn the decision, faculty chairman Lawrence 
Buell said, out of widespread concern and regret for the fact that the decision not 
to hold the event could easily be seen, and indeed has been seen - both within Harvard 
and beyond - as an unjustified breach of the principle of free speech within the 

Students and tutors had protested after Mr Paulin, who is lecturing at Columbia 
University in New York but is based at Hertford College, Oxford, had been invited to 
give Harvard's Morris Gray poetry reading, scheduled for last week. It was cancelled, 
the English department said, by mutual consent.

In an interview with the Egyptian paper Al-Ahram in April, Mr Paulin said settlers in 
the occupied territories were Nazis, racists for whom he felt nothing but hatred.

He added: I never believed that Israel had the right to exist at all.

One Harvard protester, Professor Rita Goldberg, said his comments constituted 
incitement to violence.

Last year, Mr Paulin, a regular on the BBC discussion show Newsnight Review, caused 
controversy with a poem in the Observer referring to Israeli soldiers as the Zionist 

Speaking about his Al-Ahram interview, he told the BBC: My quoted remarks completely 
misrepresent my real views. For that, I apologise.

Max Davis, a member of a pro-Israel group at Harvard, told the university's Crimson 
newspaper that Mr Paulin's opponents will be out there to give him the reception he 
deserves. If he comes back and has his free speech, I'm sure I'll have mine as well.

The decision may have implications for Vermont University which, it emerged yesterday, 
had cancelled an invitation to Mr Paulin shortly after Harvard's initial decision.

James Shapiro, a colleague of Mr Paulin's in the Columbia English faculty, said it had 
been an issue of free speech.

Nobody was defending what Tom Paulin said - everyone was defending his right to say 
it, and I think it took a few days for Harvard's English faculty to come to that 
conclusion. But they did, they acted impressively, and this is past history now.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-11-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

The tragedy of Kut
Military headstones have started arriving in Iraq from Britain. Not in preparation for 
an invasion but to commemorate allied soldiers who died in a previous attempt at 
'regime change'.
Ross Davies
Tuesday November 19 2002
The Guardian

The 500 military headstones that have just arrived in Baghdad from England already 
bear the names of soldiers killed in action in Iraq. But these troops died in an 
ill-fated, little-remembered attempt at regime change nearly a century ago. In the 
winter of 1915, towards the end of the first full year of the first world war, an 
Anglo-Indian force was sent to capture Baghdad. To the historian and veteran CRMF 
Cruttwell the attack was a capital sin: the advance on Baghdad was perhaps the most 
remarkable example of an enormous military risk being taken, after full deliberation, 
for no definite or concrete military purpose.

Officials from the Commonwealth war graves commission have just arrived in Iraq to 
assess the damage done by 20 years of upheaval - and many more years of decay - to the 
13 war cemeteries the commission tends there. The new headstones are the first phase 
of a major programme: a total of 51,830 British and Commonwealth servicemen died 
during the war in what was then Mesopotamia, and there are 22,400 graves (more than 
two-thirds of the troops who fought in Mesopotamia were Indians whose faith requires 
cremation rather than burial). Many of these deaths were the result of the decision to 
attack Baghdad, and in particular of what happened in a loop of the Tigris river at 

On November 22 1915, General Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend and his force of about 
9,000 men of the 6th Indian division were advancing on Baghdad by boat along the 
Tigris, the land being roadless - an arid billiard table. At Ctesiphon, about 20 
miles short of the capital, the Indian and British troops came up against a larger, 
better armed and better supplied Turkish force which had had months to dig in on both 
sides of the river.

Townshend's force drove out the defenders, but at the cost of 40% casualties. Unable 
to withstand a counter-attack, let alone continue the advance, Townshend retreated 
back down the Tigris, with 1,600 Turkish prisoners and more than 4,500 wounded from 
both sides. The long, slow journey was nightmarish for the wounded, for Townshend had 
been kept short of boats and medical supplies by a stingy government in India. An 
over-optimistic superior, Sir John Nixon, had ordained that the men would find all 
they needed - in Baghdad.

Collecting other troops as he inched along, Townshend made his stand at Kut, a 
strategic river junction he had captured a month previously. It had been one of a 
number of cheap and brilliant victories by a clever and resourceful soldier who knew 
the value of morale, and until the end kept the respect of his men. He had argued all 
along against going on to Baghdad; he lacked sufficient men, food and artillery as 
well as river transport and medical back-up. But the general and his men were to be 
the victims of their own success.

The invasion of Mesopotamia itself was about oil, but that required only a landing on 
the Gulf coast to secure the southern part of the country around Basra. This would 
keep the Turks away from the nearby Persian port of Abadan, terminus of the 
Anglo-Persian pipe-line which was the source of the Royal Navy's oil supply. Basra was 
taken and held with little cost at the end of 1914 by a small invasion force launched 
from India. By late 1915, however, the war cabinet needed a success story to round off 
a year of military disaster, most recently at Gallipoli, where the British were 
preparing to pull out, having failed to break out and take Constantinople. Why not 
push beyond Basra province and take Baghdad?

The Gallipoli campaign ended on January 8 1916 with a re-embarkation of Dunkirk 
proportions. By then, Kut, a collection of flyblown hovels, with Townshend and his men 
inside, had been surrounded for more than a month: included in the 13,500 penned 
inside were some 3,500 Indian non-combatants and 2,000 sick and wounded. There were 
also 6,000 Arabs to be fed.

They held out in freezing cold and then torrential rain against infantry assault, 
sniper fire, shelling, and bombing, until a relief force could get near enough for the 
defenders to risk breaking out. It never happened. Three attempts were made to relieve 
Kut. Each failed, at a total cost of 23,000 casualties. Food began to run out, and 
many of the Indian troops could or would not eat what meat there was. The defenders' 
draught animals, the oxen, were the first to go, followed by their horses, camels, and 
finally, starlings, cats, dogs and even hedgehogs.

Kut was the first siege 

[CTRL] Israeli forces beat journalist

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Thursday November 21, 2002

Israeli forces beat journalist in West Bank

20.11.2002 -

HEBRON, West Bank - Israeli border police kicked and beat a Reuters cameraman in
the divided West Bank city of Hebron on Tuesday (Wednesday NZT), witnesses said.

Mamoun Wazwaz, 27, was among a group of 13 Palestinian journalists leaving a Reuters
colleague's home after dinner there when three border police accosted them in a parking

Wazwaz was knocked to the ground, and one of the policemen bashed him in the leg with
an M-16 assault rifle, witnesses said. Wazwaz's colleagues rushed him to a nearby 
where X-rays showed no broken bones and he was treated and released.

Journalists in the group, who were shoved against a wall and held at gunpoint, said the
attack was unprovoked. They said a policeman held a gun to the head of one of their

Suddenly we heard shouting and they were beating Mamoud, Reuters cameraman Nael
Shyoukhi said. We told them we were journalists and not to deal with us like 

Before leaving, the police told Wazwaz he was wanted for questioning by Israeli 
services and ordered him to report to them later this month, his Reuters colleagues 

Reuters filed a letter of protest with the Israeli army and demanded an investigation. 
army had no immediate comment.

The incident occurred near an Israeli military post in the Israeli-ruled part of 
Hebron, which
was divided into Israeli- and Palestinian-run sections under a 1997 interim accord.

Israeli forces reoccupied the entire city this week after Palestinian gunmen killed 
five border
police, four soldiers and three settler security men in an ambush on Friday night.


©Copyright 2002, NZ Herald

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Betar

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Ideology of Betar

Ze'ev Jabotinsky




The duty and aim of Betar is very simple though difficult: to create that type of Jew 
the nation needs in order to better and quicker build a Jewish state. In other words, 
create a normal, healthy citizen for the Jewish nation. The greatest difficulty is
encountered because, as a nation, the Jews today are neither normal nor healthy and
life in diaspora affects the intelligent upbringing of normal and healthy citizens.

During two thousand years of exile, the Jewish nation lost the habit of concentrating 
willpower on an allimportant task, lost the habit of acting in unison as a people, 
lost the
ability to defend itself, armed in case of emergency, instead, the Jews became 
to shouts rather than deeds, to disorder and disorganization, to negligence, both in 
and personal life. Every step of the Betar education signifies, therefore, a desire to 
the top and achieve this normalcy even though it will take a long time for every 
Betari to
grow up in the proper ways of life and behavior. The goal is not easily attainable but 
at the
very beginning, it is reassuring indeed to know that the Betari remembers them and 
even if slowly, to arrive at the heights.


The basis of the Betarian viewpoint consists of one idea: the Jewish State. In this 
idea however, lies a deep meaning indeed. What do the nations of the world symbolize?
They symbolize that every nation must contribute its own share to the common culture of
mankind, a share which is distinguished by its own specific spirit. This contribution 
not and cannot consist merely of the ideas and good advice to other nations; it must 
as a living example of ideas and ideals, tangibly realized, expressed not only in 
books but in
the collective life of the people as well. For this purpose, every nation must possess 
its own
laboratory, a country wherein the nation alone is master and can freely suit the 
life in accordance with its own conception of good and evil. A people's own state is 
such a

There was prevalent for a long time the opinion among Jews that although the Jewish
nation has a mission of its own, a complexity of ideals which it must contribute to
civilization, we can, nevertheless, best serve this mission by remaining scattered 
among the
nations of the world. Thus we will be able by closer contact, they maintain, to offer 
ideas to every nation so that it should follow our advice in its collective life. This 
is a grave
mistake. As already stated, one cannot be taught by precept alone. The world is prone 
learn even new ideas from tangible examples only. England has, for instance, given to 
world an important social idea self government of a free citizenry. How then did the 
nation teach other peoples to understand and regulate such a parliamentary system?
Certainly not by being scattered among the nations and so convince them; just the 
is true. Thus it became an example from which the world learned. In a like manner, the
French nation carried out its mission of instructing the world the teachings of 
liberty and
equality which it accepted during the great French Revolution The only right way to 
mankind some good is to show practically, and not verbally, how to achieve it. It is 
not true
that the Zionists have ignored the idea of mission, the mission of the Jewish nation 
in the
world; rather we believe that the world will yet learn from us many truths, truths 
unknown to it. However, the single way leading to this is the creation of the Jewish 


What then is, practically speaking, a Jewish State? When can it truly be said that 
country has ceased to be Palestine and become Eretz Yisrael? Only then, when there 
be more Jews that non-Jews; for the first condition of a national state is national 

For a long time, many Jews, including Zionists, were unwilling to understand the simple
truth. They maintained that the creation of important positions in Palestine 
cities, schools, etc.) is enough. According to them a national life could be freely 
even though the majority of the population were to be Arab. This is a great mistake. 
proves that any national position, however strong and important cannot be safeguarded 
long as the nation which built it does not constitute a majority. A minority can 
safeguard its
cultural position only as long as it can control the local majority. Sooner or later, 
country in the world is to become the national state of the predominant nation there. 
if we desire that Eretz Yisrael should become and remain a Jewish State, we must first 
all create a Jewish