[CTRL] (2 of 5)The No Soul Gang Behind Reverand Moon's Gnostic Sex Cult

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Agnostics and Gnostics

Bertrand Russell came to his position by birth. Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), who played Sancho Panza to Russell's Don Quixote, was a commoner, the son of a gardener and a house servant. Wells first gained access to the upper classes through the encouragement of Thomas Huxley, a biologist and prominent figure in the British intellectual elite. In 1884, the 18-year-old Wells received a scholarship from the London Department of Education to study at the Normal School of Science in South Kensington. His chosen field was biology; his teacher Thomas Huxley. Here was Huxley's view of the science of biology, as described in an 1889 essay, "The Nineteenth Century":

I know of no study which is utterly saddening as that of the evolution of humanity. Man emerges with the marks of his lowly origin strong upon him. He is a brute, only more intelligent than the other brutes, a blind prey to impulses, a victim to endless illusions, which makes his mental existence a burden, and fills his life with barren toil and battle.

Wells broke off his science education to pursue a writing career. Through Huxley, Wells gained entree to his first publisher, Astor's Pall Mall Gazette, and later to fellow Metaphysical Society member Lord Arthur Balfour. Ten years after leaving college, Wells wrote of Huxley, "I believed then he was the greatest man I was ever likely to meet, and I believe that all the more firmly today."

The key to the evil worldview of both Russell and Wells is already summarized in the philosophy of Huxley, an influential figure among avant garde intellectuals at the height of the British Empire. He was a leading member of the Metaphysical Society, which was founded in 1869 in an attempt to forge a more effective intellectual elite out of the membership of the Oxford Essayists and Cambridge Apostles. At a meeting of the society, Huxley coined the term agnosticism, an idea that would play out later in the conceptions of Wells, Russell, and the followers of the Reverend Moon. The atheist denied God exists. The agnostic left that question open. Instead, he denied the ability of man to actually know anything. Here in this conception, actually only a re-working of a metaphysics common to Aristotle, Hume, and Kant, was the "no-soul" doctrine which is at the heart of the Open Conspiracy. Huxley outlined the tenets of his agnosticism before a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1874:

No evidence can be found for supposing that any state of consciousness is the cause of change in the motion of matter of the organism The mind stands relegated to the body as the bell of the clock to the works, and consciousness answers to the sound which the bell gives out when it is struck.

We will find this same view enunciated later by Wells, Russell, and the Ernst Mach-influenced Vienna Circle which gave rise to Russell's Unity of the Sciences movement in the mid-1930s. But agnosticism, is only Gnosticism in disguise, and in this form, as a reincarnation of the ancient cult heresy, we shall find it at the heart of the "theology" of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

The Coefficients

In his autobiographical account, written years later, Wells described the dilemma facing Britain at the time he was attending the monthly sessions of the elite Coefficients Club. The Coefficients was a cross between a diners club and a modern think-tank, which met monthly over dinners at London's St. Ermin's Hotel from 1902 to 1908.

Among the members of this unappetizing group was the powerful Lord Robert Cecil, elder statesman of Britain's most powerful family, and cousin to Arthur Balfour, then serving as Conservative Prime Minister. Lord Alfred Milner, the High Commissioner of South Africa, was a regular. A factional ally of Milner's in the serious debate that went on at these affairs was Halford Mackinder, the newly appointed head of the London School of Economics and originator of the doctrine of geopolitics, who Hitler's ghostwriter for Mein Kampf, Maj.-Gen. Karl Haushofer, acknowledged as his source. Another Milner ally was Leo Amery, later intimate of Winston Churchill. The Earl Bertrand Russell was there, sometimes making up a faction of one. The Viscount Edward Grey, a hereditary peer who was to play a crucial role in shaping the post World War I era, attended regularly. Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Fabian socialists who would soon embrace Benito Mussolini, were regulars. The Webbs, who were solidly middle-class academics, were credited with having organized the group, most of whose members became part of a later formation, known variously as the Round Table, Milner's Kindergarten, and the Cliveden Set. The name Coefficients might have been a play on Mrs. Webb's incessant references to improving "efficiency" in government.

Here is how Wells recalled the situation facing the Coefficients at the beginning of the 

[CTRL] (3 of 5)The No Soul Gang Behind Reverand Moon's Gnostic Sex Cult

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

3. The Open Conspiracy

Despite the scandals, the Oxford circle continued to grow. In 1928, Buchman, the posturing pseudo-Christian, received another boost from the avowed atheist H.G. Wells, with the publication of the first edition of Wells' The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. The contradiction in theologies is only apparent. For both men, religion is a tool for power and social control. Through a study of Wells' Open Conspiracy, we can come to understand how a Gnostic sex cult such as Moon's, and a trained circus of pious peeping-toms such as Buchman's, may become instruments for achieving the same end.

Remember, the goal of Wells, Russell, and company is the destruction of the sovereign power of the nation-state, the United States above all, and with it the elimination of a philosophical, cultural, and religious tradition dating more than 2,500 years. Remember, this is to be achieved not by the obvious methods but by subversion. It will be accomplished in a manner that shall leave the typical patriot almost completely blindsided. In opposing one side of the operation, he will find himself embracing the same thing, from another side. Until he troubles to actually understand the true nature of the enemy he is up against, his impotent flailings will be not unlike the attempt to wrestle with an invisible man.

What makes the "open conspiracy" open, is not the laying out of some secret masterplan, not the revealing of the membership roster of some inner sanctum of the rich and powerful, which the typical deluded populist supposes to be the secret to power in the world. It is, rather, the understanding that ideas, philosophy and culture, control history. What constitutes a conspiracy, for good or evil, is a set of ideas which embody a concept of what it is to be human, and a conception of man's role in universal history. This Russell and Wells understood, even if their definition of a human being, apparently based on close, personal observation, was a two-legged ape that babbles. Neither "Sancho Panza" Wells, nor the "Ingenious Hidalgo" Russell, whose pretensions to philosophy we shall shortly expose, are intellectual giants. The power of their evil lies only in their possession of this bit of knowledge and the social connections to propagate it. Follow them then, in your mind's eye, as we retrace their crooked path which leads to the late 1960s unleashing of the Moonie scourge upon America, producing an effect similar to that achieved by the emptying of the world's largest loony-bin onto a university campus.

The New World Religion

The purpose of the Open Conspiracy, Wells tells us, with no evident shame, is the creation of a New World Religion. The first four chapters of the 1928 work present his "theological" analysis:

The old faiths have become unconvincing, unsubstantial and insincere, and though there are clear intimations of a new faith in the world, it still awaits embodiment in formulae and organizations that will bring it into effective reaction upon human affairs as a whole.

In the second chapter heading, he argues that the essence of religion is the subordination of self. Though the majority may have difficulty keeping to the strict teachings, there is a minority for whom "The desire to give oneself to greater ends than the everyday life affords, and to give oneself freely, is clearly dominant." This is the emotion Wells and his friends hope to tap.

In the third chapter, "Need for a Restatement of Religion," Wells hints at his plan for writing a new Bible:

Every great religion has explained itself in the form of a history and a cosmogony. It has been felt necessary to say Why? and To What End? Every religion has had necessarily to adopt the physical conceptions and usually also to assume many of the moral and social values current at the time of its foundation In these conditions lurked the seeds of an ultimate decay and supersession of every religion.

Later in The Open Conspiracy, Wells will refer to his threefold "modern Bible scheme." The first part (his replacement for Genesis and the books of the prophets) was his The Outline of History, published in 1920. Apparently Wells' Bible lacked an important one of the commandments. Modern scholarship has determined that Wells stole this multi-volume survey of the whole history of mankind (otherwise claimed to have been written in the extraordinary span of 18 months!) from a Canadian suffragist, Florence Deeks.[5]

The second part of Wells' Bible, his cosmogony, was even then being written in collaboration with Julian Huxley and Wells' own son. Titled The Science of Life, it was published in 1930 in four volumes. As elaborated there, Wells' new religion is nothing but the Social Darwinism he learned at the feet of Thomas Huxley, a crude appeal to biological determinism. The reader is overcome with a mass of detail, all conceived to 

[CTRL] (4 of 5)The No Soul Gang Behind Reverand Moon's Gnostic Sex Cult

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The CIA and Moral Re-Armament

In his 1989 book, The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA's Original Political Operative, top spook Miles Copeland brags of the intelligence agency's control over both Moral Re-Armament and L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology movement. Copeland reports that he served in the 1950s as head of an agency entity known as The Political Action Staff. Under this umbrella, his assistant, Bob Mandlestam, developed an operation called "OHP," or "occultism in high places," described by Copeland as "a theory of political activism based on an impressively detailed study of ways in which leaders of the world based their judgments on one form or another of divine guidance." One of Mandlestam's projects was to "plant astrologists on certain world leaders." Another was to deploy "mystics" in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., home to many government figures, who would use "voodoo magic," based on rites prescribed by the CIA itself, to manipulate Congressmen.

As part of OHP, Copeland and Mandlestam began to utilize the Moral Re-Armament movement, which "gave us useful secret channels right into the minds of leaders, not only in Africa and Asia but also in Europe." After this, Copeland writes:

When Bob made similar arrangements with Scientology, ... we were on our way to having a political action capability which would make the highly expensive, largely ineffective and largely overt "covert action" of Bill Casey's CIA seem trivial by comparison. "MRA will him 'em high, and the Church of Scientology will hit 'em low!" Bob liked to boast, and he was right.

Shocking as Copeland's revelations may seem, they barely scratch the surface of the age-old practice of political manipulation by cults. We will take up that matter, below, in the discussion of Moon's theology.

Moral Re-Armament Today

Moral Re-Armament continued to have a strong presence in the U.S.A., especially student layers, up into the 1960s founding of the anti-Vietnam War movement. Despite its anti-Communist, right-wing profile, Moral Re-Armament literature even found its way into the early anti-Vietnam War movement, in which Bertrand Russell played a guiding role. In the U.S.A., the campus-touring spokesman for the anti-war movement in the 1963-64 period was Russell Stetler, a Haverford College graduate student who had studied with Bertrand Russell in London, and returned as the representative of Russell's International War Crimes Tribunal.

MRA's Agenda for Reconciliation front group has been active in Lebanon, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, and elsewhere. It was behind the 1992 Clean Elections Campaign in Taiwan, a similar effort in Kenya, and one in Ghana in the May 2000 election. The Moral Re-Armament spinoff International Communications Forum held a big conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia in September-October 2000. Its U.S. headquarters are in Richmond, Virginia, where it runs an organization called Hope in the Cities. Its Gente que Avanza group, active in Latin America for more than 30 years, has trained 800 young people from 20 countries. Other fronts include Farmer's Dialogue, and a women's organization called Creators of Peace.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Moral Re-Armament launched a new front group, Foundations for Freedom, to penetrate into formerly Communist countries. In 2001, Moral Re-Armament changed it name to Initiatives of Change UK. It still holds international meetings at the Caux, Switzerland site, around the theme of reconciliation among the faiths. Tibetan Buddhism's Dalai Lama has attended twice, along with Jewish, Islamic, and Christian leaders. It continues to intervene on behalf of British grand strategy, using benign-sounding front groups to carry out devious political ends. The "role of the individual as an agent for change in an era of globalization," is a leading theme today.

5. Moonrise Over Asia

The rise of Moon's Unification Church, out of the networks of the Buchman Moral Re-Armament organization, took place in the immediate aftermath of the Korean War—in a nation still occupied by hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops, and governed by a dictatorship run from Washington. The oft-told tale that Moon was a creation of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency, and that the Moon penetration of America, beginning in the 1960s, was primarily a foreign intelligence penetration, is thus a half-truth—and a misleading one. Moon was up and down, a creation of the KCIA. But ask yourself: What was the controlling force behind the KCIA? Think before you answer, for the "obvious" here is also a trap. It was not "the CIA," as populist-minded Americans—and anti-Americans—conceive of it. Behind the popularly misused term, "the CIA," is something both more interesting, and yet less mysterious, than most conspirophiles imagine. If you truly wish to know dark secrets, seek out that historical-cultural cauldron in 

[CTRL] (5 of 5)The No Soul Gang Behind Reverand Moon's Gnostic Sex Cult

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

7. The Moon Lands on America

The unleashing of the Reverend Moon's Gnostic sex-cult freak show onto the streets of 1970s America only appears odd or inexplicable, if one chooses (as in deference to academic and media-approved opinions of modern history) to block out the openly stated aims of those who set up the cult in the first place: to destroy, by subversion, the unique experiment which was the American Revolution, and the intellectual tradition which produced it. Once that elementary point is grasped, all that need be explained is the changeover in tactics which took place in the 1960s.

This new phase of the Moon marked the promotion of mass insanity. Moon's missionaries came to the U.S.A. in the early to mid-1960s. Sang Ik-Choi, the first missionary to Japan, went to the U.S.A. with Yun Soo Lim, called Onni (Korean for "elder sister"). Onni was later "blessed" by Moon in a marriage to Dr. Mose Durst, whom she had converted. Together, they took charge of the Oakland Family in California, which became the most important center of Unification Church proselytism. In February 1972, with about 500 American members, Moon proposed at a Los Angeles meeting, the launching of an expanded recruitment drive based on forming mobile "witnessing teams" to tour the United States. This was the One World Crusade. Huge sums of money flowed in to set up permanent Unification Church centers in all 48 states, and to purchase a compound in Tarrytown, New York, on a property previously owned by the Bronfman family, of liquor and drug-money-laundering fame. (Rank-and-file Moonies were led to believe that their slave labor in producing wax candles, and street-corner sales of flowers and magazines actually paid for all this.) The Belvedere compound in Tarrytown became Moon's first home, when he relocated to the U.S.A. in 1972.

The One World Crusade was carried out with all-night, group brainwashing sessions, involving sleep- and food-deprivation, and use of psychedelic stimulants. After one notorious recruitment session at the New Yorker Hotel, bodies were found at the foot of the elevator shaft. This was the mad phase of the Moonie assault on America, the reason behind that all-too-familiar empty smile and vacant stare, worn by Moon's clean-cut, young street-corner zombies.

Why? Cui bono?

The Strategic Shift

The key to understanding the motivation behind this launching of mass insanity, is to recognize the important shift in the global strategic picture which had been achieved through Soviet General Secretary Khrushchov's assent to the 1963 test-ban and arms limitations agreements. For the Russell-Wells Utopians, this meant that the high rate of Western investment in scientific and technological progress, which had been required by the furious pace of the earlier arms race, could be slowed, without fear of losing everything. That had been the intent behind the U.S.-Soviet disarmament talks, initiated by the Russell-Szilard Pugwash movement in 1955. By the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, an essential part of that objective had been achieved.

The evolution of the Moonies into a mass cult in the late-1960s U.S.A., had been preceded by establishment of a wide range of business and influence-peddling fronts. Moon's U.S. operations began to really take off with the 1964 founding of the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, by Col. Bo Hi Pak. (Moon's KCIA controller had incorporated a U.S. Unification Church earlier, but it had only proto-cells and a tiny following.) A year later, Bo Hi Pak launched the Radio Free Asia project, a transparent scam to build the coffers of the Unification Church. With backing of factions in the U.S. intelligence community, Radio Free Asia solicited millions from American anti-Communists to operate a transmitter in Korea, already paid for by the Korean government. One after another, the business and political front groups were established by figures including Col. Bo Hi Pak; Neil Salonen, Moon's first high-level American operative; and others, until the listing reached 33 single-spaced pages.

Once the decision was made to deploy the mass-scale recruitment operation onto U.S. campuses, other networks of the Russell-Wells no-soul gang lent a hand. Some of the early psychological conditioning of the Moon cultists was carried out by the Michigan-based National Training Laboratories. This was the social-engineering operation, specializing in labor relations, run under direction of the Tavistock Institute-trained Kurt Lewin and University of Pennsylvania Prof. Eric Trist.


Just as the Utopian-managed war in Korea had provided the context for the Moon recruitment, so the Vietnam War, the next of the succession of managed conflicts (held below the threshold of total war by pre-agreement among the superpowers), provided the human fodder for the Moonie recruitment in America. Most of the 

[CTRL] The Price Of Israel

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

For Wednesday, December 18, 2002 

The Price Of Israel
by Charley Reese

The Christian Science Monitor published in its Dec. 9 edition a story about Thomas Stauffer, a consulting economist, who said recently that the total cost of U.S. support for Israel since 1973 is $1.6 trillion, or twice the cost of the Vietnam War. 

This is relevant because the Israelis have just demanded from the U.S. taxpayers another $4 billion to cover the cost of their oppression of the Palestinians as well as an $8 billion loan guarantee. 

Ladies and gentleman, there isn't a state in the union that is not facing a financial crisis, and if the U.S. government caves in yet again to the Israeli lobby on this matter, it will be prima facie evidence of mass insanity or of the worse corruption since the administration of Ulysses S. Grant. 

Stauffer made his speech in a lecture commissioned by the U.S. Army War College for a conference at the University of Maine. He has converted past aid into 2001 dollars and counts this cost as follows: 

Israel has been given $240 billion (remember, this is current dollars), while Egypt has been given $117 billion and Jordan $22 billion as bribes for signing a peace treaty with Israel. 

In 1973, when the Arabs attacked Israel in an effort to recover territory taken by Israel in the 1967 war, U.S. support for Israel triggered the oil embargo. This, according to Stauffer, kicked off a recession that cost $420 billion of output; the boost in oil prices cost $450 billion; the necessity to build a strategic oil reserve, another $134 billion. 

He points out that the United States has already guaranteed $10 billion in commercial loans to Israel and $600 billion in housing loans, and he expects the U.S. Treasury will end up paying for all of these. He goes on and on listing more costs, direct and indirect. Israel, for example, is the only recipient of foreign aid allowed to spend a sizeable percentage of the money on Israeli products rather than American. It's the only country from which our defense contractors are required to buy a certain amount of Israeli-made equipment. It is the only foreign country that gets its aid in a lump sum and then invests it in U.S. bonds so that taxpayers not only make an annual gift to Israel but also have to pay Israel interest on that gift. 

The fact is that the Israeli government and its powerful lobby have taken advantage of the good-heartedness of the American people. The American people are generous, but never generous enough to satisfy Israeli demands for more of our people's hard-earned tax dollars. 

It is one thing to provide emotional support. It is one thing even to guarantee coming to the defense of another country if it is attacked. It is quite another to undertake the permanent subsidy of a foreign country, something our federal government does not even do for its states. We have all kinds of problems in the United States that need attention. It's time to tell the Israelis "We can no longer afford you." 

I highly recommend that you read the complete story in the Monitor. It should open your eyes to a problem that will not be fixed unless the American people make their voices heard in Washington. 

If we are going to be forced to subsidize a foreign country, I would rather it be France. We can at least get a decent meal in France and enjoy the art treasures collected there. Furthermore, France would not involve us in its quarrels. 

It's America's policy of absolute support for Israel and Israel's cruel treatment of the Palestinians that are a big part of our problem with terrorism. We stand convicted in the eyes of the Muslim world of practicing a double standard by condoning Israel's human-rights violations and protecting it from international sanctions. That, too, is a terrible price the American people can no longer afford to pay.

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2002-12-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

Considering that this is a pre-mature birth of something that will be delivered 
dead, doesn't that amount to abortion?  If so, is this Shrub's signal that he 
favours spending unlimited amounts of taxpayer money on such things?  AER

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

America announces premature birth of Son of Star Wars
Rumsfeld says defences will be put in place before they work but will deter attacks
Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington and Richard Norton Taylor
Tuesday December 17 2002
The Guardian

Washington formally inaugurated the Son of Star Wars anti-missile shield yesterday, 
inviting Britain and other allies to subscribe to the controversial new vision of 
strategic defence.

It is expected to cost hundreds of billions of dollars over the coming decades, but it 
appeared yesterday that the US hopes to defray part of the cost by enlisting its 
allies in the project.

The White House expects to spend $7.4bn on the researching and developing the system 
in each of the next two years. Critics say the money should be spent on the war on 

The announcement was seen as further evidence of Washington's focus on the threat 
posed by ballistic missile proliferation, specifically in North Korea.

The project will be in the project stage for at least two years.

President George Bush said it was intended to protect our citizens against what is 
perhaps the greatest danger of all - catastrophic harm that may result from hostile 
states or terrorist groups armed with weapons of mass destruction and the means to 
deliver them.

A former assistant secretary of state for non-proliferation, Robert Einhorn, said: 
The belief of this administration is that missile proliferation is occuring faster 
than it was thought and that new and additional countries are acquiring these missiles 
some of which are not as easy to deter as the Soviet Union was, and so to be prudent 
we need a defensive capability.

Whether the threat materialises as quickly as they expect is an issue. They are 
predicting a rather rapid advance of this problem of ballistic missile proliferation 

One has to look at it in terms of tradeoffs, how effective is it, and how serious is 
the threat.

In London the defence secretary, Geoff Hoon, told MPs that the US had requested the 
use of the Fylingdales early warning radar on the North York Moors.

He said in a written statement that while there was no immediate significant threat to 
Britain from ballistic missiles, intentions can change quickly and the proliferation 
and development of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles is continuing.

The government had not decided how to respond and was keen that a decision would be 
informed by public and parliamentary discussion.

But he made it clear that the government would respond positively after a Commons 
debate in the new year.

He said: An upgraded Fylingdales radar would be a key building block in the extension 
of missile defence to Europe, should we and other European allies so desire.

The US said it would be prepared to extend missile defence coverage and make missile 
defence capabilities available to the UK ... subject to agreement on appropriate 
political and financial arrangements. Mr Hoon said the project offered opportunities 
for British hi-tech companies.

Opponents of the project, including many senior Whitehall officials, believe it is 
unnecessary - even dangerous in that it could fuel an arms race - expensive - it is 
estimated to cost Britain up to #163;10bn - and technologically unproved.

Malcolm Savidge, a Labour backbencher whose motion expressing concern at the project 
attracted the support of nearly 300 MPs, said yesterday that it undermined prospects 
for progressive disarmament.

It makes one wonder whether a PR exercise has been choreographed jointly by 
Washington and Whitehall, rather than having a democratic debate..

Last week the former defence minister Peter Kilfoyle said he feared the government was 
acting as a satellite to the US in this instance rather than an ally without any 
reference to anybody.

The US has made a similar request to the Danish government to upgrade the early 
warning radar at Thule in Greenland.

The initial stages of the plan are modest - far less ambitious in their scope than the 
1983 variant of Star Wars pursued by Ronald Reagan.

But it remains a considerable expansion of the ground-based programme pursued by 
President Bill Clinton by ordering research and testing of sea-based and space-based 

The plan involves an initial 10 land-based interceptor missiles at Fort Greely, 
Alaska, by 2004, essentially as a test facility, and an additional 10 land-based 
interceptors by 2005, Pentagon officials said.

Eventually it is expected to spread in 


2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/17/02 7:41:17 PM, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nice of LeBoutillier to catch up with the news.  As sson as I smelt the blood in the 
water, I
posted something with the subject, What are the Odds?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Independent News

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
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18 December 2002 04:40 GMT
Home   News   World   Politics

Leaked report says German and US firms supplied arms to Saddam

Baghdad's uncensored report to UN names Western companies alleged to have developed
its weapons of mass destruction

By Tony Paterson in Berlin

18 December 2002 War against terror UK task force to head for Iraq in four weeks  
report says German and US firms supplied arms to Saddam Opposition summit papers over
rivalries Al-Qa'ida regrouping in training camps on Afghan border, says UN  Two US
soldiers and interpreter hurt in Afghanistan grenade attack  'Radicals' arrested near 
over poison gas attack plot
Iraq's 11,000-page report to the UN Security Council lists 150 foreign companies, 
some from America, Britain, Germany and France, that supported Saddam Hussein's
weapons of mass destruction programme, a German newspaper said yesterday.

Berlin's left-wing Die Tageszeitung newspaper said it had seen a copy of the original 
dossier which was vetted for sensitive information by US officials before being handed 
the five permanent Security Council members two weeks ago. An edited version was
passed to the remaining 10 members of the Security Council last night.

British officials said the list of companies appeared to be accurate. Eighty German 
firms and
24 US companies are reported to have supplied Iraq with equipment and know- how for its
weapons programmes from 1975 onwards and in some cases support for Baghdad's
conventional arms programme had continued until last year.

It is not known who leaked the report, but it could have come from Iraq. Baghdad is 
keen to
embarrass the US and its allies by showing the close involvement of US, German, British
and French firms in helping Iraq develop its weapons of mass destruction when the 
was a bulwark against the much feared spread of Iranian revolutionary fervour to the 

The list contained the names of long-established German firms such as Siemens as well 
US multi-nationals. With government approval, Siemens exported machines used to
eliminate kidney stones which have a dual use high precision switch used to detonate
nuclear bombs. Ten French companies were also named along with a number of Swiss and
Chinese firms. The newspaper said a number of British companies were cited, but did not
name them.

From about 1975 onwards, these companies are shown to have supplied entire complexes,
building elements, basic materials and technical know-how for Saddam Hussein's
programme to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, the
newspaper said. They also supplied rockets and complete conventional weapons
systems, it added.

The five permanent members of the Security Council – the United States, Britain, 
France and China – have repeatedly opposed revealing the extent of foreign companies'
involvement, although a mass of relevant information was collected by UN weapons
inspectors who visited the country between 1991 and 1998. The UN claims that publishing
the extent of the companies' involvement in Iraq would jeopardise necessary 
with such firms.

German involvement outstripped that of all the other countries put together, the paper 
During the period to 1991, the German authoritiespermitted weapons co- operation with
Iraq and in some cases actively encouraged it, according to the newspaper which cited
German assistance allegedly given to Iraq for the development of poison gas used in the
1988 massacre of Kurds in northern Iraq. It said that after the massacre America 
its military co-operation with Iraq but German firms continued their activities until 
the Gulf

Die Tageszeitung quoted sources close to the US Vice President, Dick Cheney, as saying 
Bush administration was hoping to prove a German company was continuing to co-operate
with the Iraqi regime over the supply of equipment allegedly useful in the 
construction of
weapons of mass destruction.

American weapons experts have recently voiced concern that the German Government has
permitted Siemens to sell Baghdad at least eight sophisticated medical machines which
contain devices that are vital for nuclear weapons. The machines, known as 
use ultrasound to destroy kidney stones in patients. However, each machine contains an
electronic switch that can be used as a detonator in an atomic bomb, according to US
experts. Iraq was reported to have requested an extra 120 switches as spare parts 
the initial transaction.

The delivery of the machines was approved by the European Commission and the UN
because sanctions against Iraq do not apply to medical equipment. Siemens and the
German Government have insisted that the machines, which are being used in northern 
under a World Health Organisation programme, cannot be used to make nuclear weapons.


[CTRL] Iraq names European, U.S., Japanese suppliers

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Wednesday » December 18 » 2002

Iraq names European, U.S., Japanese suppliers to its former nuclear program


Canadian Press

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Dozens of suppliers, most in Europe, the United States and Japan,
provided the components and know-how Saddam Hussein needed to build an atomic bomb,
according to Iraq's 1996 accounting of its nuclear program.

The secret declaration, shown to The Associated Press, is virtually identical to the 
submitted to UN inspectors on Dec. 7, according to UN officials. The reports have not 
made public to prevent nuclear know-how from falling into the wrong hands and also to
protect the names of companies that wittingly or unwittingly supplied Iraq with the 
to make nuclear weapons.

UN officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the only difference between 
the two
reports is that the latest has a 300-page section in Arabic on civilian nuclear 
programs and
a slightly larger typeface that stretches it to 2,100 pages.

That foreign companies helped Iraq has long been known, and some of them have been
identified before, but the Iraqi accounting adds up to the most exhaustive list so far 
companies involved.

Iraq's report says the equipment was either sold or made by more than 30 German
companies, 10 American companies, 11 British companies and a handful of Swiss,
Japanese, Italian, French, Swedish and Brazilian firms. It says more than 30 countries
supplied its nuclear program.

It details nuclear efforts from the early 1980s to the Gulf War and contains diagrams, 
and test results in uranium enrichment, detonation, implosion testing and warhead

In one chapter, Iraq admits to having a pilot plan in September 1990 - one month after 
invaded Kuwait - to increase the enrichment of recovered uranium to 93 per cent using
centrifuges. The process is a complicated extraction and purification method that at 
scale requires thousands of connected, high speed centrifuges.

According to Iraq's report, the most detailed accounting of its former nuclear weapons
program, it was also pursuing electromagnetic isotope separation as another method to
enrich uranium, the key ingredient for an atomic explosion.

The Iraqis had everything they needed to make nuclear weapons, said Gary Milhollin,
director of the Wisconsin Project, a Washington-based think-tank on nuclear arms 
They weren't missing any components or any knowledge, he said in a phone interview. 
was simply a matter of time.

Milhollin said that had it not been for the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq would have had nuclear
weapons by now, thanks to hundreds of suppliers who sold it an impressive array of
equipment and expertise, often with their government's approval and without being aware
of the ultimate purpose. According to the Iraqi accounting, induction and electron beam
furnaces, which could be used in shaping uranium parts for an atomic bomb, came from
Consarc Corp. of Rancocas, N.J. The company says the items were never delivered,

Newport Corp. of Irvine, Calif., is listed as a supplier of optical fibre, a product 
with uses
ranging from communications to medical equipment. But the company said it doesn't carry
the model listed in the declaration.

EEV Inc., based outside New York City, is listed as a supplier of a thyratron, which 
company says is used in medical imaging equipment. It could not immediately verify the
sale of the item.

Motorola Inc., was listed as the seller of fast photodetectors, but company spokeswoman
Jennifer Weyrauch said she found no record to support the claim. A photodetector 
is not part of Motorola's current portfolio.

Most of the sales were legal and often made with the knowledge of governments. In 1985-
90, the U.S. Commerce Department, for example, licensed $1.5 billion US in sales to 
Iraq of
American technology with potential military uses. Iraq was then getting western 
support for
its war against Iran, which at the time was regarded as the main threat to stability 
in the
Persian Gulf region.

But inspectors have discovered over the years that Iraq often obtained supplies through
middlemen or by lying to companies about the products' intended use.

It was useful in the past and it will be useful in the future to go to companies and 
ask them
questions, said Ewan Buchanan, spokesman for the UN weapons inspectors. While the
Iraqi declaration provides a lot of important information, the companies can often give
inspectors insight into the real extent of Iraq's programs.

Since the Gulf War, dozens of companies have either admitted to sales or were 
in Europe for helping arm Iraq. Several no longer exist.

Revealing company names can discourage other companies from getting involved in deals
with countries like Iraq where you don't really know the true 

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

The mystery assassin
The shooting of three anti-Chavez demonstrators has unleased a wealth of conspiracy 
theories, says Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell
Tuesday December 17 2002
The Guardian

One of the mysterious aspects of the current crisis in Venezuela is who was behind the 
fatal shootings of three demonstrators taking part in a rally against the president, 
Hugo Chavez, earlier this month. Both sides are blaming the other for organising the 
attack and competing conspiracy theories have turned it into a Venezuelan equivalent 
of the Kennedy assassination.

A Portuguese-born taxi-driver, Joao De Gouveia, has already confessed to all three 
killings. On December 6, De Gouveia opened fire in Plaza Francia in Altamira, a centre 
for opposition protests. Josefina de Inciarte, 76, Keyla Guerra, a 17-year-old student 
and Professor Jaime Giraud, 53, were killed and are now seen as martyrs of the 
movement to remove Chavez. Thousands took part in marches in their memory last week.

De Gouveia was grabbed by demonstrators at the square after his gun appeared to jam 
and only rescued from a lynching by the police who took him into custody.

Owain Johnson, a Welsh freelance journalist based in Caracas, who was in the square at 
the time, told me: I thought he was going to be lynched on the spot. One big guy said 
'we can't put up with this any more, we've got to stand up for ourselves'.

The face of the gunman, bloodied in the attack, has appeared daily in the press and on 
television since then, often with the question attached: Who is Joao De Gouveia?

De Gouveia was born in Madeira 39 years ago this week and moved to Venezuela in 1980 
where he found work as a taxi driver. According to the daily El Nacional, he lived a 
solitary life and had told neighbours recently that he was planning to go to the US. 
Just before the shooting the black haired De Gouveia had his hair dyed red.

Initially, it was suggested that De Gouveia had mental problems and had been so 
angered by the anti-government coverage on private television stations that he decided 
to attack a television crew working for Globovision, the most anti-Chavez of the 

The opposition suggest that De Gouveia was probably hired by the government or its 
supporters to intimidate the opposition. A tape has been shown repeatedly on the 
anti-government stations which purports to show De Gouveia the day before the killings 
at a pro-Chavez rally that was also attended by Freddy Bernal, a pro-Chavez mayor.

The government, on the other hand, suggest that the opposition hired the gunman as an 
agent provocateur to create the climate for a military takeover. In April, a military 
coup took place after a similar attack with the military using the violence as a 
justification for the coup.

Mr Bernal, mayor of the Libertador municipality in the centre of Caracas, denies any 
knowledge of the gunman. He said that he believed that De Gouveia suffered from 
shizophrenia and paranoia and had been used by the opposition. It was a trick to 
create a provocation, said Mr Bernal who was previously a special forces police 
officer before entering politics. He suggested that the tape showing De Gouveia at the 
rally had been tampered with.

One senior government official has even claimed that De Gouveia has already confessed 
to receiving money from a dissident member of the armed forces and admitted to working 
for the CIA. The official said that he recognised that the allegation was like 
Mission Impossible. He said that De Gouveia confessed after being told that there 
had been a plan to kill him after the shootings, in the same way that Lee Harvey 
Oswald was killed after the assassination of President Kennedy.

All of this is dismissed by the opposition as a typical fabrication of the government.

Whether the full story will ever emerge seems, at present, unlikely. Journalists based 
in Caracas say the record for such investigations is not hopeful and the secretary 
general of the Organisation of American States, Cesar Gaviria, has criticised what he 
sees as a culture of impunity in the country. Venezuela remains in limbo as 
negotiations between the two sides, overseen by the OAS, continue.

At the weekend, Mr Chavez rejected a call from White House to defuse the situation by 
having early elections, arguing that he is only half way through the six year term for 
which he was elected. His opponents, who claim that he has seriously damaged the 
economy and behaved autocratically, say that he must go now for the good of the 
country. Both sides say they fear another shooting similar to that carried out by the 
mysterious De Gouveia.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Pentagon aide says German no on Iraq war equals support for Saddam

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Pentagon aide says German no on Iraq war equals support for Saddam
Tuesday, 17-Dec-2002 4:20AM

Story from AFP
Copyright 2002 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

BERLIN, Dec 17 (AFP) - Top Pentagon advisor Richard Perle said in an interview Tuesday
that a German no to strikes against Baghdad on the UN Security Council would be akin 
backing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

Following months of simmering tensions over German opposition to military action 
Baghdad, Perle told Germany's daily Die Welt that if Berlin were to use its non- 
seat on the Security Council from January to vote against a war, it would be 
for transatlantic relations.

If a chancellor refuses to support even a UN-led action, one can only see that as de 
support for Saddam Hussein, Perle said in comments printed in German.

It would be catastrophic for the German-American relationship.

He said abstaining in such a vote wouldn't change much. That's something for people 
can't make up their minds.

Beginning on January 1, 2003, Germany will take up a non-permanent seat on the 15-
member UN Security Council for a period of two years, and will take the chair in 

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's center-left government has declined to reveal how it 
vote on a possible UN resolution on the use of force against Iraq.

Schroeder's anti-war rhetoric helped his ruling coalition scrape to victory in the 
general election, but angered US President George W. Bush.

Relations have improved somewhat with Berlin's indication that it will not block the 
States and its allies from using its military assets based in Germany, but Schroeder's
coalition appears to be split over what to do if Washington attacks Baghdad without a 
UN resolution.

The US administration has said it will consult with the Security Council in case Iraq 
UN resolution 1441 on weapons inspections and disarmament, but has maintained a new
resolution authorizing use of force against Baghdad is not necessary.



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[CTRL] canada.com Story

2002-12-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
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Your friend [EMAIL PROTECTED] thought you might be interested in this 
canada.com story:

Poll suggests Americans don't buy Bush administration war case


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canada.com (http://www.canada.com)

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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

British envoy questions Israel on terrorism
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Monday December 16 2002
The Guardian

Britain's ambassador in Tel Aviv has described terrorism as justified, if defined in 
certain ways, drawing parallels between the Jewish fight for a state of Israel and the 
present day Palestinian struggle.

Sherard Cowper-Coles said that the killing of non-combatants, particularly children, 
could never be defended. Terrorism defined as attacks against innocent civilians is 
always and absolutely wrong, he told a conference in Berlin on European-Israeli 

However, he went on to say: If terrorism is defined more widely as attacks on formal 
military units, we can all think of times in history when it was not always wrong.

Mr Cowper-Coles pointed to Israel's own struggle for independence and the activities 
of the Stern Gang, labelled as terrorist by the British authorities in Palestine for 
bombing Jerusalem's King David hotel and for killing British soldiers but seen as 
national heroes by many Israelis.

Ariel Sharon's government prefers to describe the killing of all Israelis, in whatever 
circumstances, as terrorist. The Palestinian leadership argues that soldiers in the 
occupied territories and, sometimes, Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza are 

In carefully worded remarks, the ambassador suggested that the failure to pursue 
political options fuels terrorism.

Regarding the founding of the Jewish state, he laid the blame at the feet of Field 
Marshal Montgomery, who in 1946, he said, refused to negotiate with moderate Jewish 
insurgents in order to separate them from those the high commissioner viewed as 
extremists, such as the Stern Gang.

Montgomery insisted on a military solution. We put 100,000 troops into Palestine and 
20,000 paramilitary police with catastrophic results.

He likened terrorism to a cancer. You need to ask yourself what the carcinogens are 
and you need to use a range of therapies

Britain has learned from bitter experience, he said, that terrorism must be tackled by 
tough security combined with political, economic and social measures to separate 
terrorists from the sea of popular support in which they swim.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Have Yourself a Bloody Little Christmas! by Butler Shaffer

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Have Yourself a Bloody Little Christmas!

by Butler Shaffer

A van from a Christian church recently passed me on the street. On its rear bumper was 
sticker bearing a picture of the American flag and the words United We Stand! In my
view, no message more clearly epitomizes the utterly confused state of religion in our

Those who are familiar with my writings know that, in matters of a religious nature, I 
an agnostic. I believe that each of us has a spiritual need for transcendence, a 
desire for a
sense of connectedness with the universe. In the words of George Ripley, it involves 
search for an order of truths which transcends the sphere of the external sense. I 
believe that this need can be satisfied only through an interminable process of 
of constant questioning and openness to experiencing new patterns of life’s enchanted
nature. The key words to this spiritual sense, in my view, are process and 
words that connote continuing inquiry, rather than adherence to doctrines and dogmas
derived from the revered insights of others. My approach to religion has been the same 
it is for philosophy, politics, the sciences, art, and all other forms of human 
expression: an
abiding skepticism of anyone’s professed certainty regarding the ways of nature.

If one is to feel connected to the rest of the universe, one must discover how to live 
contradiction or division. One can hardly experience a sense of wholeness with others 
relationships are grounded in separation and the conflict inherent in divisive 
thinking. When
we are able to transcend our personal experiences by discovering our connectedness with
others, we generate social integrity: our individual differences, preferences, and 
unify rather than separate us. We learn to tolerate one another’s uniqueness, and to
discover the benefits to us all of diversity and pluralistic practices.

But as I developed more thoroughly in my earlier book, Calculated Chaos, institutions
insinuate themselves into our social relationships and insist that we identify our 
selves with their exclusive systems, a practice that has produced most of the division 
conflict we witness all around us. Nowhere is this more evident than in political 
systems, all
of which are premised on separating human beings into mutually exclusive categories of
us and them; with the state – which has helped us learn to see ourselves in such 
– invoking its coercive mechanisms on behalf of constantly shifting constituencies.

Organized religions have long involved themselves in such conflict-ridden practices. 
some two centuries in America, however, the doctrine of separation of church and 
has shielded much of this discord from the realm of politics. There has been a healthy
sense that, as the search for spiritual expression will take men and women in a 
multitude of
directions – from religious and philosophic speculations, to the sciences, to poetry 
and the
arts – the coercive machinery of the state ought not be available to impress upon 
either the
minds or bodies of others anyone’s particular visions of universal order. Just imagine 
beneficial such thinking would be if its logic was extended to the separation of 
and state!

But with the increased politicization of the world – wherein no form of thought or 
is regarded as beyond the reach of the state to either regulate, mandate, or prohibit 
– our
individual needs for a spiritual connection with the rest of the world have been 
into the service of political agendas. We have allowed our personal needs for
transcendence to be taken over and dominated by institutions. In so doing, we have
furthered the very sense of separateness and hostility that it has been the spiritual
dimension of our being to overcome.

From the Middle East to Northern Ireland to the struggles between India and Pakistan,
organized religions, in service to the state, have made a deadly mockery of the sense 
spirituality that is innate to us all. While I neither believe in nor support any 
religion, I have
had a good deal of respect for the teachings of Jesus. His appeals to peace, love, 
for one another, and personal responsibility, form the basis of any decent society. 
While I
make no pretense of being a Jesus scholar, I am unaware of any of his teachings that
advocate the use of state violence to accomplish desired ends.

This is in sharp contrast with various make-believe Christians who, in great numbers, 
lining up in support of President Bush’s appetite for endless wars against endless 
While many Christians do oppose Bush’s war plans, one opinion poll showed 69% of
conservative Christians favoring military action against Iraq. The evangelist, Jerry 
added his support for such a war, 


2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



December 16, 2002 -- WASHINGTON - Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy
Thompson said yesterday he does not plan to be inoculated with the smallpox vaccine and
recommends that other Cabinet members not request the inoculation either.

I do not believe it is necessary or should be taking place, he said.

President Bush said Friday he will take the vaccine along with U.S. military forces 
but was
not recommending the risky inoculation for most Americans. The inoculation will be 
free for
those who want it, Thompson said over the weekend.

The president is doing it because he is the commander in chief, and he believes that 
if he
is ordering his troops . . . to get this vaccination, he should do it as well, 
Thompson told
CNN's Late Edition.

He also is recommending that elected officials be considered just like the general 
and I have also made the same kind of recommendation to the governors and to health
offices who are not going to be in the first line.

Vaccinations for a few dozen military personnel began Friday. By late January, states 
expected to begin inoculating health-care response teams and others who would respond 
a smallpox attack.


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[CTRL] Law To Head 9-11 Commission

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Bush Names Bernard Law To Head 9-11 Commission

back to Bob's Fridge Door

Tell your friends about this page

President Bush named former Boston Cardinal Bernard Law to head the government
commission to investigate the Sep. 11 terrorist attacks. Law replaces Henry Kissinger 
resigned as chairman of the commission after concluding he would have had to cut ties 
all his clients including Idi Amin, Augusto Pinochet and Mars candy. Law appeared with 
president at the announcement in the East Room of the White House. “We needed someone
with the credibility and trust of the American people to let them know we intend to 
get to
the very bottom of what went wrong with our intelligence operations. Bernard Law has
shown that he will not tolerate secrecy and is committed to uncovering evil,” Bush 
White House aides disclosed that the selection of Law was initiated by presidential 
Karl Rove who believes the former cardinal will appeal to white males involved in sex
scandals, a group whose support Rove contends will be instrumental in the president’s
reelection campaign.

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[CTRL] Faith-Based Iniatives December 2002 Update: President Bush Releases List of Faith-Based Charities Qualifying for Multi-Billion Dollar Taxpayer Funding - WHITEHOUSE.ORG

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Go to the site for the table and linques

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Re: [CTRL] Law To Head 9-11 Commission

2002-12-17 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Judging by the real appointments, this is almost believable.


- Original Message - 
From: Euphorian 
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 4:57 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Law To Head 9-11 Commission
-Caveat Lector-http://bobsfridge.com/skew.htmBush 
Names Bernard Law To Head 9-11 Commissionback to Bob's Fridge 
DoorTell your friends about this pagePresident Bush named former 
Boston Cardinal Bernard Law to head the governmentcommission to investigate 
the Sep. 11 terrorist attacks. Law replaces Henry Kissinger whoresigned as 
chairman of the commission after concluding he would have had to cut ties 
toall his clients including Idi Amin, Augusto Pinochet and Mars candy. Law 
appeared with thepresident at the announcement in the East Room of the White 
House. “We needed someonewith the credibility and trust of the American 
people to let them know we intend to get tothe very bottom of what went 
wrong with our intelligence operations. Bernard Law hasshown that he will 
not tolerate secrecy and is committed to uncovering evil,” Bush said.White 
House aides disclosed that the selection of Law was initiated by presidential 
advisorKarl Rove who believes the former cardinal will appeal to white males 
involved in sexscandals, a group whose support Rove contends will be 
instrumental in the president’sreelection campaign.A HREF="'http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.orghttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION 
 DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These aresordid matters and 
'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
frauds—is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial 
and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
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[CTRL] Scoop: The Day The Empire Died - OAS Rejects U.S. Policy

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Day The Empire Died - OAS Rejects U.S. Policy
Tuesday, 17 December 2002, 7:40 pm
Article: narconews.com

The Day the Empire Died:
32 American Governments Reject DC over Venezuela

By Al Giordano
Publisher - The Narco News Bulletin
December 17, 2002

A paragraph in Spanish followed by its translation into English...

RESUELVE: Respaldar plenamente la institucionalidad democrática y constitucional de la
República Bolivariana de Venezuela, cuyo gobierno preside Hugo Chávez Frías, y rechazar
categóricamente cualquier intento de golpe de estado o alteración del orden 
venezolano que afecte gravemente el orden democrático.”

- la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)

“RESOLVED: To fully back the democratic and constitutional legitimacy of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, whose government is led by Hugo Chávez Frías, and to reject,
categorically, any coup attempt or alteration of constitutional order that seriously 
democratic rule.”

- the Organization of American States (OAS)

12:21 p.m. ET, December 17, 2002:

One hour and some minutes ago, the Organization of American States (OAS), for the
first time in the organization’s history, rejected a major United States initiative.

The OAS backed, by a vote of 32-0 – with two countries not counted – a resolution to
support the continuance of the democratically elected government of Hugo Chávez of

This unprecedented result of a fierce, tense, and extended, debate marks an historic
turning point for our América.

The nations of the Western Hemisphere rejected, once and for all, any attempt at coup
d’etat, in Venezuela or elsewhere. Washington’s spoonful of sugar to make the medicine 
down was language backing OAS secretary general Cesar Gaviria to “find a way to channel
positive energies” in Venezuela.

In a veiled message of “no confidence” for its own secretary general’s pro-coup 
efforts in
Caracas over the past 15 days, the Organization of American States equally called upon 
Carter Center and the United Nations to promote dialogue in Venezuela, but not to 
any coup attempt nor pretension of interrupting democracy; not even by the OAS’s own

We repeat: 32 American nations tonight, after an unprecedented Authentic Debate among
the members of the Organization of American states, rejected destabilizing proposals by
Washington to impose its policies on another American country: Venezuela.

The foreign ministries of Mexico and Peru – who had, 48 hours ago, been willing 
patsies for
Washington in this historic debate - stuck their fingers in the air, and saw which way 
wind was blowing. And by voting with the majority they kept the door open for their
membership in the New American Union that will gain traction in 2003.

December 16, 2002: The day the empire died.

At press time, we still don’t know which States were the two that did not vote, or 
were not present, for the resolution supported by 32 of 34 American countries that have
just turned América right-side-up again. We’ll find out and get back to you on that.

But we can’t help but add: The end of imposition has profound consequences for the pro-
narco drug policy imposed by Washington on other nations.

Narco News wishes all our readers, correspondents, sources, professors, students, and
allies, a New Year that sneaks up on the old one.

Oh my, it already has.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Scoop: I Was Raped By The Agents Of Bush-Whacko

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


I Was Raped By The Agents Of Bush-Whacko
Monday, 16 December 2002, 2:14 pm
Article: The Scoop Editor

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following email has been circulating widely on the Internet in 
days. It has not yet been authenticated, but Scoop understands that the author, and 
victim of “Bush-Whacker” (or should that be Bush Whacko?) and his increasingly heavy
handed-security apparatus, is to appear on the Meria Heller Internet radio show 
tomorrow. Watch this space.

Introduction From A Friend Of The Author

The attached e-mail is from my friend, Michael Moore. No, not the Michael Moore who
produced Roger and Me, wrote Stupid White Men, and produced Bowling For
Columbine. But, my friend Michael Moore will be contacting the other, already famous
Michael Moore very soon. I have known my friend Michael Moore for over 30 years.

He is 49 and a retired Chief Petty Officer of the U.S. Navy. He is a mild- mannered 
nice guy
who proudly served 20 years and three days in the U.S. Navy and told me recently he
wished he had stayed in until they kicked him out.

Here is a guy who called me and asked if I would come to Goldston the first Saturday in
November when the tiny town of Goldston hosted the First Annual Chatham County
Veterans Day Parade in which Mike proudly donned his Chief Petty Officer's uniform and
marched in the parade and passed out miniature American flags to the spectators. This 
what happened to him yesterday. I'll let him tell it in his own words:….

Rape By Our Democracy
By Michael Moore

Today, December 10, 2002 at approximately 1:00 pm EST, at my residence 1651 Goldston
Carbonton Road, Goldston, NC, I noticed 2 then 3 then 4 cars enter my driveway. I went 
to greet them and asked if I could help them with something. The gentlemen introduced
themselves by name and stated that they were from the Secret Service, showed me their
identification, and then asked if I was Michael Moore. One of the other gentlemen was 
Chatham County Sheriff.

The agents said that they work with the FBI and the National Security Agency (NSA) 
on national security issues. One of the Secret Service agents (all were wearing side 
approached me with why they were here to see me, in that they intercepted one of my
email messages I had written to an online friend expressing my outrage over the 
results where I called Bush Satan and that he’s the “third anti-Christ” among other 
They said that they had to assess the situation regarding my email to see if I posed a
national security risk to the President, whom I’ll now call “Bush-Whacker”.

I allowed them to come inside my home after they asked if they could, because they
needed to ask me some questions and fill out some forms, which they said would take
about 30 minutes of my time. Actual time was more than an hour. They asked questions
from “what drugs I am on” all the way to my ex-wife’s contact information. They had me 
sign a form to allow them access to all my medical history in the San Diego, CA 
Hospital and to the Veteran’s Hospital in Durham, NC. They asked for all my family
member’s names, addresses, and phone numbers. I was also asked for any friend’s names,
addresses, and phone numbers.

They wanted to know if I had a history of mental illness, what I thought about
assassinations, was I going to Washington, DC to shoot the president, when was the last
time I was out of the state, had I had any sniper training in the military, what work 
I did in
the Navy, if I had a grudge against the Navy, etc.

They wrote down information from my military Retiree’s I.D. card, my driver’s license, 
my vehicle license plate number. The Sheriff and one other man wandered through my
house casually everywhere while I was being interviewed by one of the other Secret
Service agents in my dining room. The agents wrote down all my medication label
information. When all of this was over, one of the agents took 4 Polaroid pictures of 
me and
asked me in a kind way to not go to Washington, DC.

What kind of democracy is this in our “so-called” great nation when we cannot even 
an email message without the fear of our government intercepting it and then being
violently raped through an intense personal and very sensitive interrogation? I was
absolutely correct in my interpretation of “Bush-Whacker,” and this ordeal today is THE
prime example and proof of our democracy in the “Republic of the Divided States of

Michael Moore

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[CTRL] Al-Qaeda Plans To Kidnap Father Christmas

2002-12-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Al-Qaeda Plans To Kidnap Father Christmas
By Billy Bob
North Pole News

According to sources who requested anonymity, the latest US
Military intelligence received from army teletubbies suggests
that Osama Bin Laden has allied himself with the Easter Bunny
to stop the Christmas!

The notorious duo are apparently planning to kidnap Father
Christmas and stop children from receiving any gifts for the
coming Christmas.

President George Bush earlier vowed to stop the evil
super-villain by nuking suspected Al Qaeda bases in Antarctica,
while Santa has seen fit to equip his sledges with US made
HellFire missiles, capable of blowing up any suspected Al Qaeda
sledges or reindeer that may approach.

According to a pseudonyme using military adviser Gargling
Throat in Pentagon, the plans by Al Qaeda have no chance of
success, due to their troops being used to sandy and warm
environments, instead of snow and ice. The adviser however
warned against the sense of false security and urged public
to not look at the full Moon.

Moon is reportedly the place where the Easter Bunny last seen
jumping around and has been reported to be developing a ghastly
new Mooning Beam Attack. Pentagon gas detectors and mirrors are
reportedly being installed all over Washington to detect and
protect the capitol against the horrible Mooning Beam Attack.

All Rights Reserved, Billy Bob, North Pole News

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] People's Commission/Organizing Meetings in NY SF

2002-12-17 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

hey kris,

this message may be unnecessary, but i wanted to check with you about the
consorts list since i think i neglected to mention to you that it is
normally a private list.  if you checked with carol before forwarding this,
then of course it's fine.  i don't think i explained the list to you so it's
entirely my fault if the privacy thing wasn't clear.  anyway, i don't think
there's any problem with stuff you've forwarded to CTRL.  just FYI.


 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 12:17:45 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] People's Commission/Organizing Meetings in NY  SF

 -Caveat Lector-

 Dear Consortium,

 I spoke with Premilla yesterday, who is the moving force behind New
 York WILPF's branch who is sprearheading the organizing effort for the
 initial gathering/conference in New York next month.  She and Kyle are
 organizing a meeting in New York City on Thursday, December 19th, to bring
 on more endorsers, organizations, and support for the People's
 Commission.  I thought that was a great idea and that we should also do the
 same thing here on the West Coast.  So, I called Henry Dakin and he will
 let us use 3220 Sacramento to show the latest version of Aftermath and hold
 an organizing meeting to gather endorsements and support for a People's
 Commision on 9-11. (If you can- please come- 7-10 pm, Thursday, December
 I went to an event last night organized by Not In Our Name and began my
 outreach efforts.  Kevin Danaher, of Global Exchange said that he would
 urge Global Exchange to endorse our effort.  I also spoke with other
 groups/organizations/individuals attending the event and invited them to
 come.  Today I will also post the meeting on the indymedia site, send out
 emails, make phone calls, and send out letters.  I would like a copy of
 Premilla's  WILPF statement for the various organizations, but I still
 don't have one (which is why I did write that synthesis last week- because
 I need something to move forward and organize with).
 I'm leaving the country Saturday for two weeks - and can do nothing
 while gone.
 My website has already signed on to the Ad-hoc Truth Alliance
 statement that we are struggling to complete and get out to all the 9-11
 websites/researchers/activists. I do think we need to act and get out some
 press release this week- particularly when the government obviously doesn't
 have their act together- [ I just received a long brilliant email looking
 at the Kissinger Commission debacle and latest tidbits- posted at
 http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/  enter site- go to War Against
 Terrorism Archive and click on 911 Cover-Up Wobbles - 15 Dec 2002.]
 I do think that the real consciousness raising, organizing activity is
 going on over the internet, but it is vital to manifest the tip of the
 iceberg with real human events, meetings, books, magazines, documentaries,
 demos, rallies, radio/television programs, public forums- it gives greater
 weight to our words. (My banner, inspired by Ruppert and Jared Israel and

 Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld...
 Guilty of 9-11 you ask why?
 Oil, Drugs, Power

 made the cover of the latest Global Outlook. Another 100,000 Deception
 Dollars have been printed and can be disseminated. We can start organizing
 premieres of Aftermath for January...)

 Carol 650-857-0927
 Aloha, He'Ping,
 Om, Shalom, Salaam.
 Em Hotep, Peace Be,
 All My Relations.
 Omnia Bona Bonis,
 Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
 Roads End

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Al-Qaeda is Another Zionist Plot...

2002-12-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Al-Qaeda is Another Zionist Plot...

16 December 2002   Email this story

Following Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s announcement that al-Qaeda had set
up cells and was operating in Gaza and from within the Palestinian
Authority, the PA press was replete with stories claiming that, in fact,
it was the Israeli secret service recruiting Arab youths, while letting
them think they were working for Osama bin Laden. The Palestine Media
Center, a PA press agency, reported that PA police subsequently arrested
several people for collaborating with the Mossad, in “an Israeli attempt
to use the [fictitious] cell as a pretext to maintain its aggression on
the Palestinian people.”

An editorial entitled “Sharon’s Qaeda”, which appeared in the Saudi
Arabian newspaper a-Sharq al-Awsat, published in London, called reports of
al-Qaeda operatives in Gaza a sign of “how far Israel and the United
States have gone in milking the Sept. 11 attacks to maximum benefit.”
According to the newspaper, after Prime Minister Sharon’s announcement,
“the next day Israeli troops swept into the Bureij refugee camp in Gaza,
killing 10 people in a Eid Al-Fitr massacre which included two UN
workers.” As for Sharon’s claims regarding al-Qaeda, the newspaper states,
“Obviously, Sharon dreamed up the idea in order to justify attacks in
Palestinian areas. And the United States was right behind as the abettor.
As Israel was raiding Bureij, the American media reported that Al-Qaeda
has set up a branch to help Palestinian militant groups fight Israel.”
However, according to a-Sharq al-Awsat, “The claim about the presence of
Al-Qaeda in Gaza does not hold water because Gaza is virtually sealed off
by Israeli troops. Israel has taken pride in its claim that no suicide
attacks on civilians inside Israel have originated from the area. It is
heavily barricaded and many of its inhabitants have been trapped inside
for more than two years.”

The Egyptian newspaper al-Gomhoureya cannot explain the behavior of the
Israeli Prime Minister without accusing him of deception. “How odd that
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon should accept in principle the
American roadmap plan, seeking the establishment of a Palestinian state,
at one minute and then accuses the Palestinian Authority of harboring
members of al-Qaeda network in the occupied territories and in Lebanon the
very next” the Egyptian newspaper points out. “Quite obviously, this
represents yet another link in a long chain of lies concocted most
cunningly by the Israeli government since 11 September 2001, lies by which
the Palestinian resistance has been branded with terrorism, and Tel Aviv
accordingly given America´s green light to squash it,” al-Gomhoureya

Another Egyptian paper, al-Akhbar, calls the “war on terror and the
elimination of bin Laden´s assistants, wherever they are... an everlasting
licence for aggression and for mounting retaliatory operations by such
countries as the US and Israel” For al-Akhbar, the claims of fighting
al-Qaeda are part of Prime Minister Sharon’s “race to win the
elections” Calling him “a butcher well-experienced in committing war
crimes,” the Egyptian newspaper writes that he “will not balk at launching
many vicious strikes against innocent and unarmed Palestinian civilians.”
Recent statements by Sharon that al-Qaeda has operatives in Gaza,
according to the editorial, is “an attempt to... brand Palestinian
resistance with terrorism and, accordingly, to justify the attacks against
the Palestinians”

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. public, 'elites' differ on immigration

2002-12-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

December 17, 2002

U.S. public, 'elites' differ on immigration
By Stephen Dinan

 Sixty percent of Americans believe present immigration levels are a
critical threat to the vital interests of the United States, but only 14
percent of the nation's leaders think so, a new analysis finds. Top Stories
 And when asked whether immigration levels should be kept the same,
increased or reduced, 55 percent of Americans opted for a reduction, while
18 percent of elites thought so, according to a report being released
today from the Center for Immigration Studies.
 The center advocates lower legal immigration and a stronger effort to
prevent and expel illegal immigrants. They say the polls show that the
public agrees with them. Those who defend the current immigration levels
say their surveys reveal the opposite.
 The gap between private and elite opinion is the largest among foreign
policy issues and goes a long way toward explaining United States'
conflicted public policy on immigration, says report co-author Steven A.
 For example, it explains why the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents
doubled in the 1990s, but interior enforcement to identify and expel
illegal immigrants became more lax, he says.
 How does one make sense of a schizophrenic policy like that? The only
way you do make sense of that is by looking at these poll numbers, Mr.
Camarota says.
 He and co-author Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, analyzed
data from the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations' 2002 survey of opinions
of the public and elites, who were defined as members of Congress, top
business and labor union executives, religious leaders, and newspaper
editors and television and radio news directors.
 In addition to the 60 percent of the public who view immigration as a
critical threat, 31 percent deem it important, and 8 percent don't see it
as a threat. By contrast, 41 percent of leaders were not concerned.
 There is also a similar gap between the public and leaders on illegal
 Among the public, 70 percent think that controlling and reducing
illegal immigration should be an important goal of foreign policy, about
the same number that ranked energy supplies and military superiority as
 Only 22 percent of elites say reducing illegal immigration is an
important foreign policy goal, about the same percentage that ranked trade
deficits and protecting weak nations as important.
 Immigration is simply not on the radar of the elite, whereas the
public seems to be quite concerned about the issue, the report said.
 There is a very small percentage of the American public that is
die-hard anti-immigrant, and there is a small percent that is die-hard
pro-immigrant, and there are a lot of people in the middle, says Angela
Kelley, deputy director for programs at the National Immigration Forum.
 Mr. Camarota says the best example of the perceptions gap on
immigration was seen this year when President Bush proposed to offer legal
status to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.
 Several congressional Republican leaders, almost the entire Democratic
congressional leadership, unions and business leaders, and religious
leaders all supported versions of the amnesty proposal, which Mr. Bush had
promised Mexican President Vicente Fox.
 But although it was set to pass by an anonymous voice vote, a
grass-roots public outcry spearheaded by conservative talk radio made it a
public issue and almost prevented it.
 Every interest group is lined up on one side of it, there's just one
group that hasn't bought into it, and it's the public, he says. In
essence, he says, support is not strong enough to force a cut in illegal or
legal immigration, but it is enough to prevent a pro-active policy.
 But Ms. Kelley says that what really happened on the amnesty bill was
that the sides were pushing very different proposals and couldn't agree on
a unified plan.
 This was not an issue that received the full-throttled effort of a
wide range of constituencies, including this organization, she says. The
timing wasn't right and the proposal didn't go far enough.
 To connect it up with public opinion is a pretty incredible
contortion that lacks credibility, she says.
 Mr. Beck says that the survey numbers also point to a political
 It does suggest that if a party or if a candidate that was in a
competitive position raised this issue, they could really gain a lot of
extra support, Mr. Beck says. If they tried to use the issue as a rallying
point, it could move even higher on the list of foreign policy concerns.
 The public doesn't tend to start acting until they see a leader
mobilizing them to act, and we've basically been without such a thing, he
 Ms. Kelley says history has been unkind to those who have taken on
that role. The most ardent restrictionists who are public figures are
those like a 

[CTRL] The papers that cried wolf: American Media Pushes War

2002-12-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

The papers that cried wolf

Brian Whitaker looks at how the American media are softening up public
attitudes to war with Iraq

Monday December 16, 2002

Last week brought yet another terrifying headline from an American
newspaper: US suspects al-Qaida got nerve agent from Iraqis.
The 1,800-word story in the Washington Post last Thursday got off to a
reasonably promising start by saying: The Bush administration has received
a credible report that Islamic extremists affiliated with al-Qaida took
possession of a chemical weapon in Iraq last month or late in October,
according to two officials with firsthand knowledge of the report and its

Less promisingly, the second paragraph begins: If the report proves true
...  The remaining 28 paragraphs offer little to suggest that it actually
is true, and several reasons for thinking it may not be. Paragraph six
tells us: Like most intelligence, the reported chemical weapon transfer is
not backed by definitive evidence.

Paragraph eight says: Even authorised spokesmen, with one exception,
addressed the report on the condition of anonymity. They said the principal
source on the chemical transfer was uncorroborated, and that indications it
involved a nerve agent were open to interpretation.

In paragraph 12, we are told that the report may be connected to a warning
message circulated to American forces overseas and an unnamed official is
cited as saying that the message resulted only from an analyst's
hypothetical concern.

As one would expect from the Washington Post, the story is carefully
written and meticulously researched. But it's basically worthless.

The reporter had clearly spoken to a lot of different people but he
failed - not for want of effort - to substantiate the claim that Iraq
provided al-Qaida with nerve gas. Although some officials were happy to
describe the claim as credible, none appeared willing to stand up and say
that they, personally, believed it.

The sensible course of action at that stage would have been to abandon the
story, or at least file it away in the hope of more evidence coming to
light. That might have happened with any other story, but in the case of
Iraq at present the temptation to publish is hard to resist.

This particular story was more tempting than many because it carried, as
the American military would say, a multiple warhead. It not only suggested
that Iraq - contrary to its recent declaration - does possess chemical
weapons but, additionally, that it has close links with al-Qaida.

The effect, if not the intention, of publishing the story was to give
currency to both these ideas. Stories in the Washington Post are instantly
regurgitated by other news organisations around the world, usually at much
shorter length and without all the cautionary nuances of the original.

Iraq itself helped the story along by issuing a denial which - since it
could produce no evidence by way of rebuttal - simply sounded unconvincing.

The Post's story is also discussed on the BBC website. Under the headline
Wanted: an Iraqi link to al-Qaida , Paul Reynolds, the website's world
affairs correspondent, views it as part of a long and unsuccessful effort
to link Iraq with al-Qaida.

One of the most intriguing questions in the 'war on terrorism', he
writes, is whether there are contacts between Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein
and Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaida network. Intelligence agencies are
constantly looking for the 'missing link'.

The quotation marks around missing link distance the BBC from the idea
that such a link exists, though the definite article preceding it suggests
otherwise. Why are intelligence agencies looking for the missing link and
not a missing link?

Journalistically, it's more interesting to talk about a missing link than
a possible link but even when the tone of discussion is sceptical - as it
was in the BBC's case - there's still a drip effect. The more we mention
missing links, the more people will assume they are out there somewhere,
waiting to be found.

The risk of giving currency to false or questionable claims is now a daily
problem for those of us who try to write about Iraq without turning into
other people's weapons of mass deception.

Even a simple reference to Iraq's weaponry can be problematic. Some readers
object that weapons of mass destruction is a tendentious phrase.
Chemical, biological and nuclear is accurately descriptive, though it
becomes too much of a mouthful when used repeatedly in a story. Reuters
news agency and others increasingly - and rather emotively - talk about
doomsday weapons. In practice, doomsday is beginning to mean anything
nasty possessed by Iraq, though not by the United States.

Last Wednesday, for example, a Reuters report stated: The United States
threatened possible nuclear retaliation against Iraq if its forces or
allies were attacked with doomsday weapons. Let's see how that looks the
other way round: The United States threatened retaliation with 

[CTRL] Bush Appoints Another CFR Member to Key Economic Post

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Appoints Another CFR Member to Key Economic Post
commentary by Chester L. McWhorter, Sr.
December 17, 2002

President Bush again appoints another member of the Socialist CFR to another office. He cannot seem to get away from the Socialists who are trying to destroy this nation. He may NOT WISH to get away from the people who have brought him along so far in his career. He may not give a damn about this country, only about the ultimate goal of POWER over the masses, sought after by the Socialist Council on Foreign Relatlions ever since WWI!... 

We do not have a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We have a government of the CFR, by the CFR, and damned well FOR THE CFR!.

>From Human Events, Vol 58 , Nbr 46, 16 Dec 2002:

Bush names Schumer contributor as White House economic
by David Freddoso

President Bush's new White House Economic advisor---former Goldman Sachs chairman Stephen Friedman [a member of the socialist CFR for many years. CLMsr.] has given more than twice the amount in political contributions to liberal Sen Chuch Schumer (D.-N.Y.) than he heas to any single Republican candidate for federal office, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records dating back to 1989.

Friedman is also a vice chairman of the Concord Coalition, an anti-budget deficit group that has loudly criticized Bush's 2001 tax cuts as "exceedingly unwise". The coalition, a non-partisan group [ there is no such thing in Washington, D.C. CLMsr ] headed by moderate-to-liberal former lawmakers, adheres to a philosophy that government surpluses should be kept in Wasington--in direct contradiction to that articulated by Bush himself, that surplus money is "the people's money" and should be given back. [ It is remarkable how many of these bastards want to give our money back to us, and we never see any of it. CLMsr. ] 

The White House did not respond to Human Event's requests for comment on the apparent incongruities.

Friedman has been a vice-chairman of the Concord Coalition since 1995 [ and a member of the CFR since long before 1993. CLMsr. ] according to the group's spokesman, John LeBeaume [ who does not appear on any of the public CFR lists. CLMsr]. LeBeaume refused to comment on the economic ideas either of Friedman or of his own group. However, the coalition's literature, readily available on the Internet, confirms that the group generally opposes tax cuts, which the group's executive director Robert Bixby [ not listed on any public CFR membership. CLMsr. ] called a "threat to fiscal discipline."

During the signing ceremony for the tax cut bill in June 2001, Bush stated: "We recognize loud and clear the surplus is not the Government's money. The surplus is the people's money and we ought (sic) to trust them with their own money."

Conservative writers and economic analysts, including Jack Kemp [ not listed as a CFR member. CLMsr. ], Larry Kudlow [not listed as a CFR member. CLMsr. ] and Human Events economics correspondent and Club for Growth President Sthephen Moore [ not listed as a CFR mbr. CLMsr. ] .voiced sharp criticism of Fridemen's appointment. When the official White House announcement was delayed for two days last week,many conservatives began to hope it might never occur.

But Club for Growth Co-Chairman Richard Gilder, [not listed as a CFR mbr. CLMsr. ] who originally tried to dissuade the administration from choosing Friedman, told Human Events that White House political advisor Karl Rove [not listed as a CFR mbr. CLMsr] had his mind made up. Therefore, at the Club for Growth, Gilder said: "We're saying, fine, it's a done deal, on with the next."

Gilder urged conservatives to look at the bright side, arguing that despite Friedman's apparent anti-tax cut leanings, his Concord Coalition credentials could make him a good ally for conservatives in fighting pork-barrel spending, new entitlement programs and government largesse in general. [However, you may be assured that he will take care of all the business ventures of his friends in the Council on Foreign Relations, of which he is a long time member. CLMsr.].

"If he were the No. 1 policy guy, I would be concerned," said Gilder. [ It looks like to me that Gilder has his head stuck up someplace where it is dark and stinky. Just how stupid does he think We The People are? CLMsr. ] "but I think he's a tough guy, FriedmanThey're going to use him, I would bet, to wage war against spending." [ Geez..We The People didn't just come in off the turnip truck!CLMsr.]

Fred Smith [ a non mbr of the CFR. CLMsr. ] of the Competitive Enterprise Institute worried that a "dealmaker" like Friedman, coming from the world of investment banking [ our civilian organization known as the FED. CLMsr. ], would replace Larry Lindsey, a policy oriented supply-sider who was recently forced out of the advisory role. "I don't know that you a deal-maker," 

[CTRL] Consultants tell Israel's amen corner: Pipe down!

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 16, 2002
Consultants tell Israel's amen corner: "Pipe down!" But will their advice be taken? 

A group of pro-Israel political consultants, the Israel Project, is telling partisans of the Jewish state to kindly shut up about their fulsome support for Gulf War II – lest they give the show away. A memo entitled "Talking About Iraq," directed at American Jewish leaders, as well as Israelis, advises:

"Let American politicians fight it out on the floor of Congress and in the media. Let the nations of the world argue in front of the UN. Your silence allows everyone to focus on Iraq rather than Israel."

"If your goal is regime change, you must be much more careful with your language because of the potential backlash. You do not want Americans to believe that the war on Iraq is being waged to protect Israel rather than to protect America."

If you guys just keep quiet, those stupid Americans may not notice that they’re fighting, dying, and paying for your wars. After all, how many of them can locate Iraq on a map? Geographically challenged, and naïve to a fault, most Americans don’t realize that Saddam’s "weapons of mass destruction," if they exist, haven’t got a range much beyond four-hundred miles. Iraq’s rickety Scuds could barely reach Israel, and are no threat to the U.S. Saddam’s target is Tel Aviv, not Toledo, Ohio, but we are supposed to forget that there is any distinction. 

Israel’s fans in the U.S. would do well to watch their language, but I’m afraid this good advice is wasted on them. Ever since 9/11, what Pat Buchanan calls Israel’s "amen corner" has been in the ascendant: an unholy alliance of neoconservative policy wonks who dream of "benevolent world hegemony" and dispensationalist Protestant nutballs who see war in the Middle East (with Israel at the center) as a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy – and a necessary prelude to the Second Coming. This union of maniacs, megalo- and mono, gained an important foothold in the GOP during the Reagan years, and was perfectly positioned to reap the full political benefits of 9/11 vis-à-vis U.S. policy in the Middle East. Neoconservative calls for an invasion of Iraq have been part of the background noise of American politics for a decade, but 9/11 emboldened them to demand more. They have been pushing hard for the goal of eliminating all of Israel’s enemies, one by one, using America as their cat’s-paw, and Ariel Sharon has hardly been subtle about demanding and getting increased financial support, even as he increases the weight of repression on the Palestinian people. 

This game is getting so obvious that the Israel lobby’s own political consultants – "led by Democratic consultant Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi," the Washington Post reports, "with help from Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg and Republican pollsters Neil Newhouse and Frank Luntz" – are telling them to knock it off, for the moment at least, and lay low. The Post goes on to report why this is unlikely to happen:

"An Israeli diplomat in Washington said the Israeli government did not request or fund the efforts of the Israel Project and that Israeli leaders were unlikely to follow all the advice. ‘These are professional public relations people,' the diplomat said. ‘There’s also a political-diplomatic side.’" 

The politics of the War Party impose a certain form and style on their activities, one that is driven by a need to keep the troops happy – in Israel, as well as the U.S.

Within Israel, a growing radical rightist movement is energized, in part, by a resentment of their country’s complete dependence on American largess, and bitter opposition to U.S. efforts to rein Israel in. To these elements, Sharon is a sell-out, and even Netanyahu is soft: the expulsion of the Palestinians from the occupied territories, the annexation of conquered lands, and the consolidation of a Greater Israel – in the wake of the intifada, and the breakdown of the peace process, these key planks of the far-rightist platform have gained in popularity. The upcoming Israeli elections show a massive shift toward extremism, with the far-rightists exerting ever more influence on Sharon’s Likud party. Sharon may have beaten back Netanyahu’s challenge from the right in the party primaries, but the militants gained the upper hand when it came to nominees for the Israeli Knesset. Leslie Susser, writing in the Cleveland Jewish News, points out Sharon’s dilemma:

"The Likud Party’s list of Knesset candidates, chosen in a party primary this week, left Ariel Sharon’s campaign strategists scratching their heads. With national elections approaching on Jan. 28, they had meticulously laid out a centrist … It is in the battle for the centrists that Israeli elections are won and lost, experts say.

"The problem for Sharon’s spin doctors is that the list of Knesset candidates elected by 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Price of gold is rising fast as people realize not much is left

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Gold is Exploding As Per GATA's Prediction;
The World Is Round, Not Flat

By Bill Murphy

  Gold $337.10, up $4.10
  Silver $4.68, down 1 cent

Gold's positive action has been classic and
in perfect textbook form. First, it moved up
to MAJOR key resistance at $330-$332. We then
witnessed an historic teacup breakout. That
was accompanied by another textbook maneuver,
the stunning close LATE in Friday's session.
The big league buyers clearly have the upper
hand and are actively toying with The Gold
Cartel (not to mention the mentally
challenged gold establishment/groupie crew).
Today, we saw another furious late buying
pattern while the trapped shorts continued to
suck their thumbs in total disbelief. As
mentioned in recent MIDAS commentary, the
smart money is BUYING and brazenly toying
with the cabal crooks.

There are no near-term gaps to fill either.
That is a healthy positive from a technical
standpoint. We are still due for the major
breakaway gap opening, as the gold
derivatives neutron bomb continues to ignite.

The Comex open interest only grew by 1950
contracts on Friday and now stands at 200,039

The news was gold friendly all over the

* The CRB soared AGAIN today, closing at
237.16, up another 2.38 and another multi-
year new high. But, there is no inflation!

* The bonds were down almost a full point,
reacting to the big day in the stock market
and sharply rising commodity prices.

* Gold rose once again, while the dollar was
flat. All along I have said the gold move up
would lead the dollar down, not the other way
around, as commonly written. Facts! Facts!
Facts! That is the way it was the first half
of this year and that is the way it is now.

* Gold moving sharply higher with a flat
dollar and strong stock market is the BEST
KIND of gold action, again as oft-repeated
here. Almost the entire investment world
remains completely oblivious as to why gold
can rise without a weak dollar and weak stock

Gold is soaring and the Wall Street bullion
dealers continue to be neutral to bearish.
Are they that stupid? Are they that corrupt?
Are they that inept? In toto, they have
earned their new nickname: Bullion-Banking

Find out what Frank Veneroso and Declan
Costelloe presented at The Fifth
International Gold Symposium in Lima, Peru:


This could not come at a better time.

The critical point is that Frank's gold
loan/swap work confirms the analysis of the
recently published Howe/Bolser report. I
worked with Frank and know he really believes
his gold loan/swap numbers to be around
15,000 tonnes, or on the higher sides of his
estimates. That is around the number that Reg
comes up with. Both did their calculations

This is staggering news for the gold and
investment world. They are going under the
assumption that the gold loan/swaps are less
than 5,000 tonnes, as per the numbers of
Goldfield Mineral Services and the World Gold
Council. The Venroso/Howe gold loan/swaps
numbers are three times that of the gold
establishment. The discrepancies of the two
are extraordinary. As such, the attendant
ramifications will play a significant role
and evolve as a major reason behind gold's
price going sharply higher in the weeks and
months to come.

Last week, a wire service gold reporter asked
a colleague of ours to give his opinion as to
why gold was moving up. He told this person
that one of the reasons for gold's move was
the dissemination of the Howe/Bolser report.
This person 

[CTRL] Ron Paul: What Does Regime Change in Iraq Really Mean?

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Does Regime Change in Iraq Really Mean?
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
December 17, 2002
The buzzwords in Washington concerning Iraq these days are "regime change," which in a sense is surprisingly honest. It means the upcoming Gulf War II will not be about protecting Kuwait or stemming Iraqi aggression. The pretenses have been discarded, and now we’ve simply decided Saddam must go. We seem to have very little idea, however, what a post-Saddam Iraq will look like. We should expect another lesson in nation-building, with American troops remaining in the country indefinitely while billions of our tax dollars attempt to prop up a new government.

With this goal of regime change in mind, the administration recently announced plans to spend nearly $100 million training an Iraqi militia force to help overthrow Hussein. A NATO airbase in southern Hungary will be used for military training. The problem, however, will be choosing individuals from at least five different factions vying for power in Iraq, including the fundamentalist Kurds in the north. Given the religious, ethnic, and social complexities that make up the Middle East, do we really believe that somehow we can choose the "good guys" who deserve to rule Iraq?

Of course any of these groups will be happy to use American military power to remove Hussein, and will form a short-term alliance with the Pentagon accordingly. Their opposition to the current government, however, should not be mistaken for support for America or its policies. As we’ve seen so many times in the past, the groups we support in foreign conflicts rarely remain grateful for long.

Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are perfect examples of our onetime "allies" who accepted our help yet failed to do our bidding for long. Both gladly welcomed American money, weapons, and military training during the 1980s. With bin Laden we sought to frustrate the Soviet advance into Afghanistan, and many Pentagon hawks undoubtedly felt vindicated when the Russian army retreated. Yet twenty years later, bin Laden is a rabid American-hating madman whose operatives are armed with our own Stinger missiles. Similarly, we supported the relatively moderate Hussein in the hopes of neutralizing a radically fundamentalist Iran. Yet this military strengthening of Iraq led to its invasion of Kuwait and our subsequent military involvement in the gulf. Today the Hussein regime is belligerently anti-American, and any biological or chemical weapons he possesses were supplied by our own government.

We’ve seen this time and time again. We support a military or political group based on our short-term objectives, only to have them turn against us later. Ultimately, our money, weapons, and interventionist policies never buy us friends for long, and more often we simply arm our future enemies. The politicians responsible for the mess are usually long gone when the trouble starts, and voters with a short attention span don’t connect the foreign policy blunders of twenty years ago with today’s problems. But wouldn’t our long-term interests be better served by not creating the problems in the first place?

 The practical consequences of meddling in the domestic politics of foreign nations are clearly disastrous. We should remember, however, that it is also wrong in principle to interfere with the self-determination rights of foreign peoples. Consider how angry Americans become when Europeans or Mexicans merely comment on our elections, or show a decided preference for one candidate. We rightfully feel that our politics are simply none of the world’s business, yet we seem blind to the anger created when we use military force to install governments in places like Iraq. The unspoken question is this: What gives us the right to decide who governs Iraq or any other foreign country? Apparently our own loss of national sovereignty, as we surrender more and more authority to organizations like the UN and WTO, mirrors our lack of respect for the sovereignty of foreign nations.

Ron Paul, M.D., represents the 14th Congressional District of Texas in the United States House of Representatives.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] The Day the Empire Died: 32 American Governments Reject DC over Venezuela

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-Caveat Lector-

December 17, 2002
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

A paragraph in Spanish followed by its translation into English...

RESUELVE: Respaldar plenamente la institucionalidad democrática y
constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, cuyo gobierno
preside Hugo Chávez Frías, y rechazar categóricamente cualquier intento de
golpe de estado o alteración del orden constitucional venezolano que afecte
gravemente el orden democrático.”

- la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)

“RESOLVED: To fully back the democratic and constitutional legitimacy of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, whose government is led by Hugo Chávez
Frías, and to reject, categorically, any coup attempt or alteration of
constitutional order that seriously affects democratic rule.”

- the Organization of American States (OAS)

12:21 p.m. ET, December 17, 2002:

One hour and some minutes ago, the Organization of American States (OAS),
for the first time in the organization’s history, rejected a major United
States initiative.

The OAS backed, by a vote of 32-0 – with two countries not counted – a
resolution to support the continuance of the democratically elected
government of Hugo Chávez of Venezuela.

This unprecedented result of a fierce, tense, and extended, debate marks an
historic turning point for our América.

The nations of the Western Hemisphere rejected, once and for all, any
attempt at coup d’etat, in Venezuela or elsewhere. Washington’s spoonful of
sugar to make the medicine go down was language backing OAS secretary
general Cesar Gaviria to “find a way to channel positive energies” in

In a veiled message of “no confidence” for its own secretary general’s
pro-coup efforts in Caracas over the past 15 days, the Organization of
American States equally called upon the Carter Center and the United Nations
to promote dialogue in Venezuela, but not to permit any coup attempt nor
pretension of interrupting democracy; not even by the OAS’s own

We repeat: 32 American nations tonight, after an unprecedented Authentic
Debate among the members of the Organization of American states, rejected
destabilizing proposals by Washington to impose its policies on another
American country: Venezuela.

The foreign ministries of Mexico and Peru – who had, 48 hours ago, been
willing patsies for Washington in this historic debate - stuck their fingers
in the air, and saw which way the wind was blowing. And by voting with the
majority they kept the door open for their membership in the New American
Union that will gain traction in 2003.

December 16, 2002: The day the empire died.

At press time, we still don’t know which States were the two that did not
vote, or perhaps were not present, for the resolution supported by 32 of 34
American countries that have just turned América right-side-up again. We’ll
find out and get back to you on that.

But we can’t help but add: The end of imposition has profound consequences
for the pro-narco drug policy imposed by Washington on other nations.

Narco News wishes all our readers, correspondents, sources, professors,
students, and allies, a New Year that sneaks up on the old one.

Oh my, it already has.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Bundesbank threatens to sell gold reserves as often as necessary

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FRANKFURT, December 17 (Reuters) -- With the
gold price flirting with $340, Bundesbank
President Ernst Welteke announced today that
Germany would consider selling its remaining
national gold reserves several times more ...
as often as necessary ... as soon as we can get
them back.

We know just where they are too, he insisted.


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[CTRL] Link - The Film Israel DOESN'T Want You To See

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
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[CTRL] China ships North Korea ingredient for nuclear arms

2002-12-17 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

  {PRIVATE}The Washington Times

China ships North Korea ingredient for nuclear arms
Bill Gertz
Published December 17, 2002

North Korea has purchased a large shipment of chemicals from China that can be used to
make nuclear-weapons fuel, U.S. intelligence officials say.
North Korean procurement agents succeeded in buying 20 tons of tributyl phosphate, 
as TBP, a key chemical used to extract material for nuclear bombs from spent nuclear 
said officials familiar with intelligence reports of the transfer.
The officials said the chemical also can be used in commercial processes, such as 
plastics, ink and paint.
U.S. intelligence agencies, however, believe North Korea will use the TBP for its 
based nuclear-weapons program, based on sensitive intelligence information, the 
officials said.
The chemical is used in a process known as plutonium-uranium extraction, or purex, 
produces plutonium from spent reactor fuel.
North Korea announced last week that it planned to restart its plutonium reactors at
The fact that North Korea is importing tributyl phosphate right now is rather 
ominous, said
Gary Milhollin, director of the private Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control. 
evidence that North Korea plans to extract more plutonium.
The chemical also can be used to prepare uranium for the weapons process, Mr. 
Milhollin said
in an interview.
North Korea has a large supply of spent reactor fuel that is under international 
The reprocessing of the spent fuel means Pyongyang could produce more bombs in fairly
short order, a matter of months, he said.
The TBP transfer, which happened earlier this month, highlights the Chinese 
failure to control the export of goods related to nuclear-weapons production.
The disclosure of the transfer also followed appeals from senior Bush administration 
in recent months for Beijing's help in halting North Korea's nuclear-weapons program.
The transfer itself is an indication that China's government, contrary to some public
statements, is unwilling to support U.S. efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear 
said administration security officials.
Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a 
summit in
Beijing this month that both favored a nuclear-free Korean peninsula.
Mr. Jiang also said during an October meeting with President Bush in Crawford, Texas, 
China favored a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, but stopped short of condemning 
nuclear program.
The two presidents agreed at the summit to discuss curbing the spread of weapons of 
However, senior administration officials said China continues to export nuclear, 
chemical and
biological weapons material and missile goods, despite claims of curbing exports by 
companies to rogue states or unstable regions.
White House National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice told a visiting Chinese general 
week that Beijing's help in stopping the North Korean nuclear program would be 
important to
U.S.-China relations.
North Korea's government revealed to a State Department official in October that it was
secretly developing uranium-enrichment capability to make fuel for nuclear weapons.
Pyongyang then announced it planned to restart three reactors at the Yongbyon nuclear
complex that were shut down under a 1994 agreement.
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told reporters yesterday that he did not 
China was helping North Korea's nuclear program and that Beijing was being helpful in 
efforts to curb North Korea's drive for nuclear arms.
China is working with the United States to make certain that we can resolve the 
with North Korea peacefully and diplomatically, and that is being done in concert with 
Korea, and Japan and Russia, as well, Mr. Fleischer said.
A White House spokesman had no comment on the Chinese-North Korean chemical transfer.
The TBP purchase is expected to lead to sanctions on the Chinese and North Korean
companies involved in the sale. U.S. officials said the company was located in Dalian, 
Chinese seaport, but they did not name the company.
U.S. intelligence officials first disclosed North Korea's effort to purchase tributyl 
phosphate in
China to The Washington Times earlier this month.
Henry Sokolski, head of the private Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, said the
transfer of the nuclear arms-related chemical shows the Chinese don't understand how
important this is to us.
If China thinks this is a good way to restrain North Korean nuclear activities, they 
need to
talk to us, Mr. Sokolski said.
Copyright ##169; 2002 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: VoxFux Raided by 40 Agents

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-Caveat Lector-

Subject: VoxFux Raided by 40 Agents
VOXFUX in trouble? 

Dear Valis 
Thank you for your excellent site. 
At 10 oclock this morning (Dec 13) Approximately 40 agents 
from a joint group of CIA, FBI, And Major Crimes unit. Surrounded my home
on Long Island New York (I was not there) and entered and proceeded to
conduct a thorough search and removal operation while detaining a tennant
who occupuys an apartment on the premises. I am in contact with my
counsel (from NYCLU) NY Civil Liberties Union. (Norm Seigal) 
I will try to make a further update tommorrow. As for now 
I wish someone could archive as many of the articles on my 
voxnyc.com site as possible. I apologize for such a brief note 
but it has been a terrible moment and I am literally on the run. 
I do not wish this information to be released until after I have suitable
time to consult with my counsul maybe a day or two. 
Thank you 

Registered User
Posts: 172
(12/17/02 2:37:11 am)
Reply Re: VOXFUX in trouble? 
At 10AM on Friday the 13th, A combined task force 
from the Secret Service, FBI, CIA, and Major Crimes 
Unit raided a Long Island home believed to be that of 
the political essayist who writes under the pen name Voxfux. 
There were simultaneous raids at several locations 
throughout New York City and Brooklyn. 
Voxfux is represented by Norman Seigal (From NYCLU). 
The civil rights lawyer Ron Cuby is also involved in the 
Later in the day Vox was interviewed at an undisclosed 
location with Amy Goodman from the radio program 
Democracy Now. 
There has been no formal charges presented so far. Neighbors were issued
orders to contact the Authorities upon seeing or hearing from the man
believed to be behind the caustic pen. 
A neighbor, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of 
violating any orders of the combined law enforcement effort, spoke
praises of her neighbor, There's no way he's a terrorist, he's a
sweetheart, I don't believe it for one minute. I've known him for
seventeen years. He's an artist and a writer. This is rediculous.

The case has the potential to be a lightening rod for civil 
libertarians, coming just days after the passage of the 
controversial Homeland Security Act. The articles Believed 
to be penned by the mystery writer can be found at 

The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State 
can shield the people from the political, economic 
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus 
becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its 
powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal 
enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the TRUTH
becomes the greatest ENEMY OF THE STATE. 
-- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels

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[CTRL] Press Release

2002-12-17 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Sean Penn condemns US threats against Iraq
Shaghdad, Dec 16, INA
The American has-been-movie-star and Madonna castoff,
Sean Penn has condemned the US-British threats to wage
war against Iraq. He told press conference that there is no
legitimate justification for the brutal campaign against an
authentic despotic state like Iraq. He confirmed that he has
personally inspected every square inch of Iraq with
technology supplied by aliens, and has proved conclusively
that Iraq is completely clear of weapons of mass
destruction and the United Nations must adopt a positive
stance towards Iraq or face total destruction from said
aliens. He also condemned the US misleading claims
arguing that it is the US and not Iraq who is practicing
such illegal behavior. Mr. Penn went on saying that he
would convey to the public opinion in US the real situation
that the Americans should force the US administration to
stop such aggressive campaign. Finally, Mr. Penn passed a
written communiqué in which he declared that his visit to
Iraq is to evaluate the humanitarian situation of  new
presidential palaces, and he has concluded that the palace
building program has nothing to do with the starvation of
the Iraqis and the U.S must reject the crippling sanctions
on Iraq since 1991.

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[CTRL] The Sun Herald | 12/17/2002 | Black Democrat could fill Lott's seat

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Posted on Tue, Dec. 17, 2002

Black Democrat could fill Lott's seat


Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott's insensitive remarks have triggered a chain of 
could put a black Democrat in his Senate seat.

State Democratic Party Chairman Rickey Cole said if Lott resigns and Gov. Ronnie 
appoints a replacement, Jackson lawyer Mike Espy would be the best choice. If I had to
pick, it would be Secretary Espy, hands down, Cole said. He has Washington 
and he's proven that he can build biracial coalitions. It would immediately begin the 

Espy, who served in Congress and as U.S. secretary of agriculture, would make a fine
senator if Lott is forced to quit the Senate because of his racially charged remarks 
at Sen.
Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party, Cole said.

For now, Lott is resisting suggestions that he resign. But political observers are 
discussing possible replacements for Lott. The list includes Espy, Attorney General 
Moore, recently defeated U.S. Rep. Ronnie Shows and Rep. Chip Pickering, the Republican
who beat Shows last month.

If Lott resigns, state law would require Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, a Democrat, to appoint a
replacement. A special election would be held within 90 days if the senator left this 
year. If
he resigned in 2003, though, the election for the seat would coincide with next year's 
Nov. 4
balloting for statewide offices.

Assuming Musgrove would appoint another Democrat, either scenario would temporarily
alter the partisan balance of the U.S. Senate, which Republicans now control by a 
margin. Equally interesting, though, is the impact Lott's resignation would have on 

Start with Musgrove, who would have to appoint Lott's replacement. Everything Ronnie
Musgrove does is going to be to enhance his re-election prospects, said Marty 
Wiseman, a
political scientist at Mississippi State University.

That could mean appointing a black to galvanize that base.

Espy probably has the most statewide appeal of any black Democrat. He demonstrated his
ability to win votes from white and black voters from 1987 to 1993, when he represented
Mississippi's 2nd Congressional District. In 1998, a four-year, $20 million corrputon
investigation by Independent Counsel Donald Smaltz ended in Espy's acquittal.

Still, black Democrats are traditionally underdogs in Mississippi, which hasn't 
elected a black
official in statewide balloting since Reconstruction.

Moore, a Democrat, may face better odds. Moore, who like Lott is from Pascagoula, is
known nationwide for helping direct lawsuits against tobacco companies in the 
He and Musgrove have often butted heads, though. Moore has even been rumored as a
potential Musgrove rival for next year's Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

Another possibility is Shows, a Democrat from Bassfield who lost a bitter race against
Pickering. Shows is damaged goods right now, but he won't be damaged goods for long,
Wiseman said.

On the GOP side, Pickering, a former Lott aide, is considered the senator's protege. 
this year, Lott was the chief backer of Pickering's father, U.S. District Judge Charles
Pickering, who was nominated to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals by President Bush.
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee killed the nomination by charging that the
elder Pickering was insensitive to minorities.

It wouldn't be hard to imagine a campaign by the junior Pickering to reclaim Lott's 

And, said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, the GOP 
hope that Lott leaves this year, forcing an election within 90 days.

Republicans would win, no question, if there were a shorter amount of time before the
election, Sabato said.

Regardless of his partisan affiliation, any new senator would be less adept than Lott 
bringing money to South Mississippi. Northrop Grumman Ingalls and local military bases
would be more reliant on Sen. Thad Cochran, a Republican from Jackson who sits on the
Senate Appropriations Committee.

Unless Lott changes his mind about his political future, though, such scenarios remain 
in the
realm of imagination.

Politics is a lot of fun to watch, Wiseman said. It can be a lot more fun to watch 
football, certainly from a Mississippi State perspective.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] FW: Sweden Providing Free Speech Platform for U.S. Officials

2002-12-17 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

-- Forwarded Message


 Subject: Sweden Providing Platform for U.S. Officials - Dennis Hans

 Sweden Providing Platform for U.S. Officials Cowed by Bush
 Intimidated bureaucrats regain their voice as protected guests of a
 genuinely democratic regime.
 By: Dennis Hans - 12/11/02

 STOCKHOLM - Blaine Williams hasn't stopped grinning since he arrived in
 Sweden two weeks ago. Several times a day he'll approach a complete
 stranger, offer a handshake and a smile, introduce himself as a former CIA
 analyst from America, and proceed to tell the bewildered Swede all the
 things he knows that directly contradict President George W. Bush's
 declarations about Saddam Hussein's intentions and capabilities.

 Free at last! Williams exclaimed to a reporter as he sat on his front
 porch and waved to new neighbors. I was stuck in a totalitarian bureaucracy
 for 14 months. What a relief it is to say in public who I am and what I

 Williams is the first of dozens of former U.S. government employees expected
 to take refuge in Sweden over the next several months, courtesy of a bold
 project of the new social democratic government.

 On October 15, the Swedish Parliament appropriated 500 million dollars for
 the Palme Plan. Named for former Swedish president Olaf Palme, it promotes
 the virtues of free and honest speech among government officials in
 underdeveloped democracies.

 Swedes have always been generous in providing economic aid to countries
 with underdeveloped economies, said Erland Carlsson, the parliamentarian
 who conceived the Palme Plan. But we've done little to promote democratic
 development in underdeveloped democracies.

 Some leaders of underdeveloped democracies have welcomed Sweden's democracy
 teams, encouraging their efforts to create a culture of candor and
 transparency in the corridors of power. Those efforts comprise the overt
 component of the Palme Plan. The covert component kicks in when a leader is
 hostile to the very notions of candor and transparency.

 Palme, who was Carlsson's political mentor, believed his greatest failure as
 president was his inability, during the Vietnam War, to persuade U.S.
 officialdom of the virtues of public candor. Palme believed that if the
 national security bureaucracy had not been cowed into silence in the face of
 a torrent of deceit from a determined White House, the U.S. would never have
 invaded and destroyed Vietnam, Carlsson said.

 An October 8 story in the Houston Chronicle, by Jonathan Landy and Warren
 Strobel (http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/nation/1607676), convinced
 Carlsson that the same suffocating environment had enveloped key sectors of
 the Bush administration.

 Thirteen officials from the CIA, State Department and Pentagon, many with
 vast experience in the Middle East and South Asia, told Landy and Strobel
 the same thing: The White House has squelched dissent, imposed conformity
 and silence, demanded skewed analyses to justify its hard line, and
 repeatedly exaggerated or falsified intelligence information to inflate the
 Saddam threat.

 What most alarmed the Swedish MP was that none of the analysts were willing
 to be quoted by name. Some were too frightened even to be quoted

 I couldn't help thinking that if these informed, respected patriots could
 raise their voices openly and in unison, they'd stop the administration's
 chicken hawks in their tracks, Carlsson said. Public and congressional
 support for the war path would whither, and the president would be exposed
 as the world's most crooked 'straight shooter.'

 Borrowing Bush's Brilliant Idea

 When Bush insisted that U.N. weapons inspectors be able to take Iraqi
 scientists and their families outside of Iraq for interviews, thus
 protecting the scientists from possible retaliation by Saddam's secret
 police, Carlsson had the solution that had eluded Palme so many years ago.

 That's it! he told a colleague. We'll offer U.S. bureaucrats and their
 families safe passage to Sweden and a secure environment from which they can
 speak freely and publicly to the folks back home. They can stay here at our
 expense until a climate of openness and honesty prevails in the Bush

 In addition to Williams, 28 other bureaucrats and their families are en
 route to Stockholm. All were spirited out of Washington by a team of Swedish
 secret agents who had honed their rescue skills in Yugoslavia and the Congo.

 Once the former officials settle into their new homes and get comfortable
 with saying who they are and what 

[CTRL] Israelis pick their first astronaut -- The Washington Times

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Washington Times

Israelis pick their first astronaut

Philip Chien
SPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published December 16, 2002

 Ilan Ramon, a colonel in the Israeli air force, is scheduled to become the first 
astronaut. Col. Ramon will fly on the STS-107 shuttle mission in January.
 In theory, the only people who get to fly in space are highly trained career 
In practice, money and politics are just as important.
 Anybody with enough money can purchase a weeklong ride to the International Space
Station from Russia. And countries on good terms with the United States have been 
seats on space shuttle missions.
 In the past, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has flown guest
astronauts from Canada, France, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine, among other nations.
Some were legitimate scientists and engineers flying with specific experiments.
 Some were token passengers flying because their countries purchased satellite 
from NASA. And many flew solely for political reasons. If the State Department wants to
encourage friendly relationships with another country, inviting that country to fly a
passenger on the shuttle goes a long way.
 After the Challenger accident, the Rogers Commission recommended that only trained
astronauts fly and said there was no place for nonprofessionals. If a position can be 
by a NASA career astronaut it is, with outside payload specialists flying only if 
they have
specific skills not available in the astronaut corps.
 The primary exceptions have been for foreigners. For example, Leonid Kadenyuk,
former Soviet cosmonaut from Ukraine, flew on the shuttle in 1997. He barely spoke
English, and none of the rest of the crew spoke Russian or Ukrainian. As a token 
mission, Mr. Kadenyuk tended several plant-growth experiments.
 In 1995 the Clinton administration offered Israel the opportunity to fly an 
and astronaut on the shuttle. Col. Ramon has excellent English skills and much more
training than many who have flown on the shuttle.
 Col. Ramon explained, I was selected out of the air force because the Israeli 
agency believed that the best person to be the first would be exactly as the seven 
[Mercury] astronauts out of the United States were — military pilots.
 Col. Ramon has a long record as an Israeli air force pilot, which he can't 
Rumors place him in one of the most daring military operations in the Middle East. On 
7, 1981, several F-16s were flown by Israeli pilots into Iraq. The F-16s bombed the 
nuclear reactor that Iraq was building supposedly as a civilian power plant.
 The United States sold the F-16s to Israel with the understanding that they would 
used only for defensive purposes and formally condemned the action, along with most
countries. But the United States and other countries were grateful that Iraq didn't 
get an
operational nuclear reactor.
 Col. Ramon was one of the first Israeli pilots trained to fly the F-16 and, 
according to his
biography, in 1981 he was a deputy squadron commander, which would have made him a
strong candidate for the Osirak raid.
 But he won't talk about whether he was involved. He said: I'm 30 years in the 
air force
and done a lot of operations. I can't refer to any of them. Use your imagination and 
you can
put me there or put me out of there.
 Unlike most payload specialists, Col. Ramon will be participating with more 
because of the mission's heavy workload. Payload commander Mike Anderson explained:
When we were assigned to the flight, I started looking at the payloads and it became
obvious Ilan would have to be fully integrated with the crew. Usually a payload 
specializes in one payload, but we couldn't have that luxury on this flight. So Ilan 
is fully
trained in all of the payloads. He's going to everything that the other astronauts on 
flight are
 The scientific reason for Col. Ramon's mission is Meidex, the Mediterranean 
Israeli Dust
Experiment. A special camera in the shuttle's cargo bay will be used to sweep across 
Mediterranean Sea and a portion of the Atlantic Ocean next to Africa to look for large 
 Former NASA administrator Daniel Goldin said, NASA has been working for the past
decade with the Israelis about studying aerosols, desert dust interacting with the 
over the Middle East. We got a counterintuitive result. It appears that instead of 
[rain] because of the additional seeding, it depresses it.
 The STS-107 mission had been planned for July but was delayed by technical 
with the shuttle fleet. NASA bumped STS-107 behind two space-station missions that were
more time-critical.

Copyright ?#169; 2002 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.


[CTRL] Amram Mitzna

2002-12-17 Thread thew
Title: Amram Mitzna
-Caveat Lector-

Mitzna's The Man

By: Marc Sirois - 12/16/02


Amram Mitzna gets all sorts of bad press -- even the unintentional kind. As if the Labor Party candidate for prime minister in Israel's January elections did not have enough of a challenge in trying to unseat Ariel Sharon, now the Western media is hobbling his efforts to connect with the voters. 

This is not to say that the journalists who cover the Middle East for wire services and major newspapers are hostile to Mitzna's candidacy. On the contrary, most of them fancy knee-jerk liberals and secretly long for him to win. The problem is that, while they fawn over him in private and actually try to help him with their reporting in public, they do so for all the wrong reasons and are therefore undermining the very cause they seek to buttress.

The current fashion is to describe Mitzna as a dovish former general. Virtually everyone who writes about the man has adopted this formula, never bothering to check whether or not it has any basis in fact. Given the track record of Western reportage from this part of the world, a failure to get the story straight should not surprise. What is amazing is that this time, the half-wits are shooting themselves in the collective foot because they refuse to learn anything about the subject matter at hand. 

For one thing, if these shapers of public opinion would get off their pedestals long enough to do even a bare minimum of research, they would quickly realize that a) Israeli voters have never been predisposed to backing doves; and b) they are even less likely to do so with the current conflict raging. They are, therefore, doing Mitzna no favors by making him out to be the second coming of Gandhi. 

In addition -- and this is even more pertinent -- Mitzna is anything but a dove. As commander of Israeli forces in the West Bank during the first intifada, he more than matched his counterpart in the Gaza Strip in terms of taking a tough approach against Palestinian activists and militants, including their families. 

To be sure, the experience taught him a thing or two about the futility of using violence and intimidation to solve political problems. It also left an indelible impression on him about the dehumanizing effect that the occupation was having on both Palestinians and Israelis. 

Having woken up to a painful reality does not make one a dove, however, only a sentient being capable of absorbing the powerful lessons imparted by first-hand experience. 

Even before then, Mitzna had had a crisis of conscience when he took part in Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon. That debacle, which included the massacre of hundreds of women and children at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut, scarred many Israeli soldiers and Mitzna was no exception. He even went so far as to offer his resignation, declaring that he could no longer serve under Sharon, who was then defense minister. 

Again, being disgusted by Sharon's depraved tactics does not make one a dove. Professional military officers are not supposed to like hurting civilians, so when they protest against such crimes, they are really just doing their duty. Like those Israeli Air Force pilots who dropped their bombs into the sea rather than follow instructions to strike residential areas, Mitzna was simply revolting against what he rightly perceived to be illegal orders. 

But, the determinedly misguided will bleat, Mitzna has to be a dove now because he wants to pull out of Gaza and start talks with the Palestinians before the shootings and bombings stop. 

Irrelevant. Gaza does not belong to Israel. Every Israeli there, soldier or settler, is a walking violation of international law as embodied by the Geneva Conventions. Getting them out of there is not dovish, only sensible. As for the timing of negotiations, history is replete with examples of people continuing to kill one another until the very moment their leaders announced that some sort of truce or treaty had been reached. As Mitzna likes to say, one makes peace with enemies, not friends. 

But, the resolutely confused will yammer, Sharon wouldn't do any of that. He's a hawk, so Mitzna has to be a dove. 

Judging one man solely by comparing him with another is always an exercise in inductive reasoning (i.e. a guess). In this case, the practice is even more flawed because Sharon is anything but a typical hawk. The latter is a hard-liner who frowns on compromise; the former is a mass murderer. Therefore, unless and until the person standing next to Sharon is Darth Vader or some sociopath who dines on human flesh, he or she will always be a dove by comparison. 

In reality, Mitzna is a no-nonsense type who rejects the dogma that imprisons so many Israeli politicians, including many on what is referred to as the left. He says that if he is elected, he will use both negotiations and force as he sees fit 

[CTRL] November 27th, 2002 - Vaccines to combat Bioterrorism - speech by Professor Richard Smallwood, Australia's Chief Medical Officer, at world Vaccine Conference, Sydney Australia

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


 A major problem, of course, is that the smallpox vaccine, as Frank Fenner put it
recently, is the worst of all vaccines. As he said, It was knocked off [the list of 
in the U.K. and U.S. in 1971-2, before the disease had been eradicated, because it was
judged there were more problems from the vaccine than from smallpox itself. 

27 NOVEMBER 2002

Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer


In thinking about a role for vaccines in combatting bioterrorism, it seemed to me that 
would be useful today to set vaccines in the wider context of potential health threats 
bioterrorism, and the possible responses from the health sector in countering those 

In doing so, I will be primarily referring to health sector preparedness in Australia, 
but also
to the approaches of one or two other countries, insofar as there is information in the
public arena.

You will appreciate that some information about Australia's preparedness must remain
secure and cannot be canvassed in a forum such as this. Nevertheless, I think that 
there is
ample opportunity to consider the problems facing us and the possible ways of dealing 

The possible threats we face comprise nuclear and conventional weapons on the one hand,
and on the other chemical, biological and radiological threats (CBR threats for short).

For overt attacks of the sort that took place recently in Bali, the health sector has 
to be able
to respond to deal with the consequences of such an attack. The consensus appears to be
that Australia's response to the outrage in Bali was prompt and effective. The 
in the health sector was efficient, and the severely injured and burned victims 
to hospitals around Australia received exemplary care. Just how extensive a surge
capacity the health sector has, or may need, to deal with the consequences of a major
terrorist attack here in Australia is under active consideration at the moment.

CBR incidents, by contrast, may be overt, and require emergency services to be 
mobilised -
police, fire, ambulance - but they may be covert. In this case, the early detection of 
attack may be difficult, and critically dependant on the vigilance and skill of health 
care and
public health practitioner.

[Top of page]

There are a number of epidemiological clues to suggest a deliberate release of a 
agent, some fairly subtle.

any case of a rare disease (smallpox, viral haemorrhagic fevers)
many cases of unexplained diseases or deaths
unusual routes of infection (inhalational anthrax)
an unusual disease outbreak for a particular geographic area or season
an outbreak in an unusual age group
unusual strains of organisms, or unusual antimicrobial resistance patterns
similar genetic make up in agents located from distinct locations at different times.
And a range of other clues that will alert the expert.

I might say that one of the chief defences we have in this country against a CBR 
attack is a
solid public health infrastructure with skilled public health and clinical 
together with a research workforce of outstanding bioscientists to advise government 
on its
policies and plans to combat bioterrorism.

For the dramatic attack, Australia has well-prepared disaster plans - nationally, in 
all States
and Territories, and in major hospitals. Preparation for the Sydney Olympics in 2000
enhanced and refined these plans, and the thousands of white powder incidents late 
year, following September 11 and the anthrax incidents in the U.S., meant that 
services had a series of very instructive dry runs. Fortunately, none of the white 
proved to contain anthrax spores or any other harmful agent.

In addition to the Commonwealth and State and Territory Departments of Health, there 
a number of other health agencies which would potentially have important roles in the
event of a terrorist attack. These include:

The Australian Disaster Medicine Group
The Australian Radiation Protection  Nuclear Safety Agency
Food Safety Australia New Zealand and an organisation known as OZFOODNET, and
particularly important in the event of a covert attack with a biological agent, two 
which sit under the National Public Health Partnership:

Communicable Disease Network of Australia (CDNA)
Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN)

These health sector organisations work closely with security and emergency response
agencies such as:

Emergency Management Australia
Commonwealth Departments of Prime Minister  Cabinet, Attorney-Generals, and Defence.

The Commonwealth health agencies are primarily there to provide resources, policy
leadership, planning and coordination, public communication, and to administer 
and public health legislation. Frontline response capacity 

[CTRL] Keeping An Eye On Total Information Awareness

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Where Mr. TIA lives

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Voltaire's Crime-Think

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

Dec. 17, 2002

The NY Times is patently a Zionist newspaper and it often consists in
little more than tom-tom bleatings from one corner of the tribe to the
other. Here is one such example, a Times review of Arthur Hertzberg's
book A Jew in America by Steven Zipperstein.

What's interesting is not just Zipperstein's casual acceptance of
Zionist ideology, but his articulation of the fear, on the part of
Judaism and Zionism, of staunch and principled opposition from the Left.

I am pleased to see Voltaire mentioned in this regard, because Voltaire
is part of the canon of Western Civilization and like Dickens and
Shakespeare, his critique of Judaism and its psychology cannot be easily
dismissed with the usual ritual denunciations and debasement.

Today's Republican Conservatives pretend that our heritage and
civilization are based on Judaism, when in fact Judaism emerged only
after the crucifixion of Christ and the destruction of the Temple, when
the oral Traditions of the Elders were committed to writing. Judaism
was seen by the Shakespeares and Voltaires --correctly -- as the
ideology of the Pharisees, and it was relentlessly exposed from the
first century until the middle of the 20th (read T.S. Eliot's scathing
lines about Sir Ferdinand Kline).

Now, of course, kosher-conservatism rules the roost and only enmity for
Islam has been preserved as a constituent of Western Civilization, but
even in that realm the kashrut Conservatives are half-cocked, since
there were many giants of the West who looked favorably on either Islam
or such noble Muslims as Sal'adin (Saladin).  Among these were St.
Francis of Assisi, Washington Irving, Sir Richard Francis Burton and
Thomas Carlyle.

The Talmud places Jesus in hell, where he is being boiled in hot
excrement, and the Kabbalah characterizes both Jesus and Mohammed as
dead dogs, so it would be only natural for those on the receiving end
of the rabbis' bon-bons, to seek common ground and exhibit a certain
grudging, mutual respect.

Given the tenor of our times, I expect that it will not be long before
Voltaire is excommunicated for his crime-think. Many of the rights that
have been a truism since the Enlightenment era are now trampled by our
latter-day King George II and his legion of western syph restorers.
The latest in this vein ( announced on the cover of last Sunday's NY
Times) is the American implementation of Israeli-style extra judicial
killing (assassination) of anyone the CIA labels a terrorist.

Someone should warn his Highness that quite a few folks on planet earth
regard His Majesty himself as a terrorist, although that too is
crime-think, since no Israeli agent (and that's Shrub's proper ID), can
be either a war criminal or a terrorist. Those designations are reserved
solely for Germans, Christians (the Serbs and the pre-Vatican II popes)
and Arabs.

New York Times December 15, 2002
'A Jew in America': The Education of Arthur Hertzberg

...Arthur Hertzberg has laid claim, quite explicitly, to having set in
motion three decades of amicable relations between blacks and Jews in
Congress, to having been a founder of the Israeli peace movement, to
having nearly derailed the 1977 government of Menachem Begin, and to
having told Begin's successor, Yitzhak Shamir, that ''I spoke for more
Jews than he did''...Hertzberg taught at first-rate institutions
(Columbia, Dartmouth, New York University)...What this 

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

The scourge of Wall Street on the cusp of a historic victory
Eliot Spitzer, New York attorney-general and champion of the small investor, scents 
David Teather in New York
Monday December 16 2002
The Guardian

Few people in the US had heard of Eliot Spitzer 12 months ago. In Britain, virtually 
no one had. The New York State attorney-general says that he still cannot quite 
understand why anyone outside his home state, let alone anyone overseas, should be 
interested. But it is a feint. He clearly knows why.

In the past year, Mr Spitzer has become the scourge of Wall Street. While the 
securities and exchange commission, the chief US financial regulator, foundered, it 
was Mr Spitzer who emerged as the champion of the small investor. He pointed out the 
corruption bred during the stock market boom and he did something about it. On his own 
website, he describes himself as the people's lawyer - a figure of retribution.

Now he is on the cusp of a historic victory, a sweeping reform of the largest and most 
powerful investment banks on Wall Street, while extracting fines likely to top $1bn.

The scandals of the past year have attracted a welter of investigations from Congress, 
the SEC, other securities regulators and the US justice department, many still running 
in parallel. But it is the inquiry into conflicts of interest inside investment banks 
led by Mr Spitzer which has been the swiftest and most successful. After three days of 
talks last week, a resolution is expected within weeks.

We are approaching a point now where I think it's fair to say there will either be a 
resolution of some sort in the reasonably near term or the efforts to reach that 
resolution will fall apart, he said. I'm hoping for the former and not the latter.

Mr Spitzer, lantern-jawed, with receding dark hair and piercing blue eyes is   dressed 
in a dark pinstripe suit with a bright red tie - the uniform of the City, albeit with 
an American flag on his lapel.

But while his clothes fit in with the financial world, his behaviour does not. He was 
after all invited to an awards dinner for institutional investors last month only to 
stun his hosts with an excoriating critique of analysts' conflicts of interest and the 
basis of the awards. I sort of gave a hard time to some of those who had won awards, 
he admitted. But with equity ownership comes responsibility and the notion of passive 
institutional investors is a notion that we have to get over. You have to get involved 
because if you don't you are abdicating and our notion of what equity ownership means 
is dissipated.

Mr Spitzer has stinging criticisms for each participant in the scandals that have 
arisen over the past year in corporate America. He describes a quagmire of 
self-interest that has robbed small investors of billions of dollars.

I use a simple ratio, he said of accountants. If you look at accounting statements 
and look at the ratio of text to footnotes, the more that ratio is weighted in 
footnotes the greater the problem. Lawyers put things they don't want you to read in 
footnotes and accountants do the same. Increasingly over the past couple of years, 
accounting statements had lengthy footnotes.

He rebukes the chief executives who became excessively empowered, directors who felt 
they just needed to show up to meetings and lawyers who did nothing more than 
paperwork. But it is the investment banks where he has turned the screw tightest.

Mr Spitzer has already wrung a $100m settlement from Merrill Lynch over allegations 
that research analysts at the bank were issuing supposedly impartial advice to 
investors that was overly rosy to please clients and win further investment banking 
business. To put pressure on the bank he used shock tactics, releasing a now infamous 
series of damning internal emails, describing shares in one case as a piece of shit 
while recommending them to the public as a buy. Mr Spitzer insisted the emails, many 
by former star internet analyst Henry Blodget, were released to ensure systemic 

The practice was widely known within the industry and the ferocity of Mr Spitzer's 
attack astonished the banks.

He has put similar pressure on Citigroup with a lawsuit aimed at five chief executives 
of clients who took shares in hot flotations during the boom years. The allegation is 
that they were payments in return for pushing business the bank's way and he wants the 
five to hand back $28m in easy profits made from selling the shares.

The writ again included internal emails embarrassing the bank and leading to the 
resignation of Jack Grubman, probably the highest paid analyst on Wall Street. The 
scrutiny has also put chief executive Sanford Weill under severe pressure and already 
precipitated structural 

[CTRL] The biggest threat: Osama or Saddam?

2002-12-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

The biggest threat: Osama or Saddam?

Posted: December 17, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002 David H. Hackworth

As each day passes, more and more U.S. bombs blast Iraq. And now Pentagon
planners are reinforcing this undeclared war with a mighty sea and ground
fist that might soon do unto Iraq what Ike Eisenhower did unto Nazi
Germany. Estimates place the cost of this exercise in regime change
anywhere from a low of $200 billion to a high of almost $2 trillion.

For sure, Ike's May 1945 victory knocked out the German half of the evil
twins who were dedicated to creating a new world order, and it went a long
way toward securing homeland America. And then when Imperial Japan went
down that August, we were home safe.

Unfortunately, removing Saddam Hussein and liberating his long-brutalized
people won't bring the same results.

If Iraq, Iran and Syria all suddenly become Born-Again Democracies eager to
join nuclear-packing Pakistan in our new-best-friend club, their retirement
from the gallery of rogue nations bent on putting us out of business won't
go very far toward changing the capability and the threat of this century's
most dangerous enemy - terrorism.

Unlike the Viet Cong during the 25-year-long Vietnam War - who needed bases
in Cambodia, Laos and North Vietnam as well as Soviet and Red Chinese
support in order to whip South Vietnam - today's international terrorists
don't need either sanctuaries or much outside help to outfit, train and
hide their soldiers. And Osama bin Laden's game plan isn't to storm
Washington, D.C., with tank regiments and infantry divisions like the Reds
did to Saigon but to freak us out enough to seriously screw with our

Remember what 19 fanatics did on 9-11, or what two freaks with only an
assault rifle did to the nation's capital and surrounding area a year
later? Both efforts fractured our minds and wounded our wallets. Ask
recently canned Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill or any airline or travel
executive or Wall Street insider if our economy isn't sitting on the lip of
the toilet as a result of these hits and those ticking away in Osama's
horror machine.

And count on it, there is a lot more misery coming down. An FBI source says
there are battalions of Middle Eastern terrorist sleepers embedded in the
USA waiting to strike, while police pals across the nation caution that the
sleepers are only a fraction of the total if you include homegrown crazies
like Timothy McVeigh and John Muhammad.

Paul Purcell, a sharp Georgia Homeland Security analyst, says: Conditions
couldn't be more perfect for a terrorist attack. Al-Qaida communications
traffic is up, Ramadan has ended, and our holiday shopping is a symbol of
American opulence coupled with major Judeo-Christian celebrations. An
attack on our easily accessible malls would not only cause panic, it could
seriously disrupt the 70 percent of annual retail sales that holiday
shopping generates, throwing us another economic curveball.

Retired Army Intelligence officer Hugh Blanchard adds, A dirty bomb would
be as easy to slip into a U.S port as a few tons of Colombian cocaine,
since it wouldn't evidence the same radiation signature as a nuclear

A recent war game explored the economic impact of such an event. In one
scenario alone, during which a dirty bomb exploded in the Port of
Chicago, our stock market crashed, our ports shut down, and cargo was
backed up for months. The economic cost was estimated at almost $60

Imagine what would happen if - at the same time our malls and ports were
zapped - a dozen commercial flights were shot down by shoulder-fired
anti-aircraft missiles as they were landing or taking off from airports
around the nation, and dozens of packed cinemas, theme parks, gas stations,
power grids, trains and oil refineries were also simultaneously struck.

Less than 1,000 murderers-in-waiting could do this job as slickly and as
quickly as their 9-11 kamikaze counterparts.

A Pentagon colonel says he heard Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld say,
After we do Iraq ...

Too bad that Bush and his very butch boys aren't focusing first on who's
really about to do us. Because no way are we prepared for or ready to
respond to the predicted second wave that could fill our hospitals and shut
down our country's cash registers in one well-coordinated yuletide

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2002-12-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


I hope I'm totally wrong on this, but I've got a feeling what's brewing is
the biggest thing since at least World War II. The historical clock looks
to me like it's at about 1936. Straws in the wind are starting to signal a
brewing hurricane. How much of the following were you aware of? Excuse the
editorial content if you disagree with my interpretation; I take this
seriously. The current U.S. military budget is $396 billion, and it's
expanding rapidly. That's roughly $5000 for every household in the U.S. But
what's more relevant is how it stacks up relative to other countries in the
world with militaries. And the fact is that it's significantly more than
the combined budgets of every other country in the world, which is even
more bizarre when you consider that the U.S. has only 4% of the world's

For your reference, here are the next largest military budgets: Russia $60
billion; China $42 billion; Japan $40.4 billion; United Kingdom $34
billion; Saudi Arabia $27.2; France $25.3 billion; Germany $21 billion;
Brazil $17.9 billion; India $15.6 billion; Italy $15.5 billion; South Korea
$11.8 billion; Iran $9 billion; Israel $9 billion; Taiwan $8.2 billion.

These numbers give a lie to the whole U.S. war on terror. Israel, which is
actually surrounded by enemy states while simultaneously fighting a
guerrilla war within its borders, only spends $9 billion. France and
Britain, which have close historical connections to scores of ex-colonies
who are a constant tribulation (e.g., the Ivory Coast), together only spend
a fraction of the US budget. Where does the money go? I don't think anybody
has actually figured it out. But 75% of it would be totally unnecessary if
the U.S. government recalled the troops from well over 100 countries around
the world where they're antagonizing the natives. The U.S. is, in effect,
in an arms race against itself. And the problem of having a powerful
military is similar to that of having a big hammer: pretty soon, everything
starts looking like a nail.

Of course, not all U.S. military spending goes directly to the U.S.

The U.S. gave $1 billion in aid to Somalia before its disastrous
peace-keeping mission in 1991 - including $154 million in weapons. It's
estimated that the U.S. Government gave the Taliban and other Afghan rebels
about $3 billion in military aid to fight the Soviets. And you certainly
won't hear Bush admitting that in 2001 alone, before the 911 attacks made
the Afghans the Devil of the Month, the U.S. government gave the Afghan
regime $125 million in aid. I haven't seen the numbers for the amount of
support to Saddam while Iraq fought the Iranians during the 80s. But the
Iranians were armed almost exclusively with American weapons left over from
the Shah's regime. It might be called the boomerang effect.

Passing out weapons to repressive regimes on the principle that my enemy's
enemy must be my friend is a proven formula for disaster.

In the war against terrorism, said Bush, we're going to hunt down these
evil-doers wherever they are, no matter how long it takes.

Of course, if the war is really against terrorism, Bush needn't send the
military to the worlds nether regions to find miscreants at huge risk and
expense. He could start right here in the U.S.:

** General Jose Guillermo Garcia has lived in Florida since the 1990s. He
was head of El Salvador's military during the 1980s when death squads
closely linked to the army murdered thousands of people.

** General Prosper Avril, the Haitian dictator, liked to display the
bloodied victims of his torture on television. When he was overthrown, he
was flown to Florida by the U.S. government.

** Thiounn Prasith, Pol Pot's henchman and apologist at the U.N., lives in
Mount Vernon, NY.

**General Mansour Moharari, who ran the Shah of Iran's notorious prisons,
is wanted in Iran, but is untroubled in the U.S.

** General Pervez Musharraf, the current dictator of Pakistan, who
overthrew a democratically elected government, might easily join that list
if he's ever deposed by a coup. Maybe at some point soon, considering that
Islamicist parties dominated the county's recent parliamentary elections.

If charity starts at home, one thing the U.S. might do (even before trying
to close down al Qaeda training camps) is to close down the School of the
Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia, which has trained about 60,000 Latin
American police and soldiers. It's well known that among the techniques
recommended for use against insurgents in its manuals are blackmail,
torture, execution and the arrest of the suspect's relatives. Those
techniques would be called terror if they weren't exercised by U.S.

The Washington Post ran an interesting article about something called The
Expeditionary Task Force, a 1,500-man unit of former Bolivian soldiers that
is totally funded, fed, clothed and armed by the U.S. Embassy in that
country. This is a first in the 


2002-12-17 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/17/2002 3:32:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

For your reference, here are the next largest military budgets: Russia $60
billion; China $42 billion; Japan $40.4 billion; United Kingdom $34
billion; Saudi Arabia $27.2; France $25.3 billion; Germany $21 billion;
Brazil $17.9 billion; India $15.6 billion; Italy $15.5 billion; South Korea
$11.8 billion; Iran $9 billion; Israel $9 billion; Taiwan $8.2 billion.

You left out Israel. Prudy
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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Fwd: VHeadline.com Venezuela regrets to inform

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-Caveat Lector-

December 17, 2002
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

We've just received this message in the newsroom from our valued colleagues
at Vheadline.com, the English-language Internet news publication reporting
from Venezuela.

Vheadline's work has been crucial this month - as it was in April - to break
the information blockade and get the true facts out from Venezuela to the

In Venezuela, where the sleazy pro-coup bosses of the big banks have held
every citizen's money hostage over the past week, shutting their doors last
Monday, reducing their banker's hours on other days, suddenly feigning
system breakdowns and other pretexts to rob rank-and-file citizens and
small business of their access to their own money, one of the sectors most
affected is the small and independent press.

Billionaire Gustavo Cisneros' Venevision won't be having cash flow problems,
nor will Associated Press, but more honest sources of information will.

The National Assembly (Congress) in Venezuela is investigating the bank
closures and slow-downs as violations of the Constitution, and the log-jam
will be removed. But meanwhile, Authentic Journalists need to keep the
information flowing.

After reading this appeal from Vheadline for international help, I'm
donating $100 to keep this vital news source reporting from the front.
Because Vheadline is an independent shoestring operation, a little bit of
help will go a long way.

Kind readers, you've helped Narco News when we were sued by narco-bankers
and when we lost our newsroom laptop. Thanks to you, we beat the
narco-lawsuit and now have three newsroom laptops accompanied by three staff
reporters and an entire School of Authentic Journalism. Narco News is
healthy and strong today. My own sense of Mutual Aid in times of crisis
tells me it's the hour to help keep Vheadline reporting its plurality of
news and views from Venezuela. Please join me in keeping the Authentic
Journalism Renaissance alive by helping our friends at Vheadline.

Address any questions, please, to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
Narco News

Text of Vheadline appeal:

Subject: VHeadline.com Venezuela regrets to inform Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002
11:50:56 -0500 (EST)

VHeadline.com Venezuela regrets to inform that we have been hit extremely
hard by the efforts of anti-government forces which have exacerbated what
is perhaps the most disastrous economic conditions that Venezuela has ever
faced.  As our 7th anniversary on the Internet approaches (January 1,
2003), we are forced to admit that, without substantial and immediate
funding our truly independent source of English-language news  views about
Venezuela will be forced to cease publication.  If you believe, as we
believe, that our e-publication is necessary to preserve a balance against
the overwhelming domestic and international campaign of lies and
disinformation about Venezuela, please help us survive with your financial
contribution to our efforts:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Feds Speed Approval Of Key Internet Change

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-Caveat Lector-

InternetWeek NewsBreak, Tuesday, December 17, 2002
SPECIAL FOCUS: Internet Security

The Bush administration sped approval for moving one of the Internet's
13 traffic-management computers after a prominent technology company
urged the government to declare some kind of national security threat
and blow past the process, according to federal officials' e-mails.
The correspondence provides a window into how U.S. corporations invoke
national security to expedite business requests. VeriSign moved the
DNS root server to make it less susceptible to attacks, following
October's unsuccessful attempts by hackers to take down the Internet's
top-level domains. This new revelation has all the earmarks of a
scandal. Government decision-making and procurement procedures are
often condemned as a lot of bureaucratic folderol, but they're put in
place to block corruption and favoritism. However, it's hard to work
up a sense of outrage about this instance, because it's hard to see
where any harm was done. It's simple, basic disaster-recovery practice
to locate critical data-center facilities geographically distant from
each other, protecting services not just from terrorists and hackers,
but also from earthquakes, weather, and backhoe operators. -- Tom


LEADING OFF: Feds Speed Approval Of Key Internet Change

LATEST HEADLINES:  MasterCard Tests Contactless Card Program

RESEARCH AND WHITE PAPERS: The Need For Software Asset Management

TECHWEB TODAY: New Wi-Fi 'Hotspots' Boost Wireless Access

This issue sponsored by The Annual InformationWeek Spring
Conference, Real-Time Business: Creating Visibility for
Innovation, March 2-5 in Amelia Island, Fla.  Hear from
InformationWeek editors Bob Evans, Stephanie Stahl, and Brian
Gillooly,  make time for Real-Time Business.  Register at:



* Feds Speed Approval Of Key Internet Change
The Bush administration sped approval for moving one of the Internet's

[CTRL] Fwd: http://www.dallasnews.com/jfk

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-Caveat Lector-

A high-school friend C.C. (in Dallas) sent me an ad by the Dallas Morning
News on JFK, have you seen this?


Prescott Bush lives at 624 West Lyon Farm Dr, in Greenwich, today. Related
to Bush family, mostly George Sr.'s brother.

Prescott Bush, Sr. lived on Grove Lane which is between Brookside and
Deerfield Drive no where near Belle Haven where Martha Moxley lived. It is
north of the POst Road where Belle Haven is south.

Bush family had homes on Stanwich Road, Grove Lane and Pheasant [sic]  none
of which were located in Belle Haven where Martha Moxley lived.  Bush
Family hated Kennedy's, in 1975 Bush Sr. was nominated to CIA around the
time Martha was killed.

Received a couple of emails on how other countrys have the small pox virus.
 I am not an expert, only know one can not find an answer to a question
unless he asks it.

Click on URL to see Edward Browder's letter and postmarked envelope.
Browder was a pilot who sold U.S. planes to the Haitian, Cuban and
Dominican governments if my memory serves me right.  I offered him a 30 %
discount and he didn't accepted it.  Or has not respond to my offer.


Bruce A.

Please visit website at http://ciajfk.com


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-Caveat Lector-

Note: Prescott Bush still owns a home in Greenwich, CT. in 1975 the Bush family owned a home. It does not appear that it was near where Martha Moxley's home. I can give you the exact locations if needed.
Dr. Newport:How ya doing? When you emailed me the last time, I think you said that the U.S. Government was the onlyperson in the world who had the small pox virus locked up in a vault. If they are the only people in the world who have it, why is Bush so concern about the vaccine? 
We never did find out who was mailing Anthrax to Senator Dashel, it appears that it was someone within the U.S. government. 
Hope all is well. 
bruce C. Adamson
Footnote:Dr. Newport was in the military with Kerry Thornley in the early 1960s and typed his book Idol Warriors the only book in the world written about Oswald prior to the JFK thing. Please visit website at http://ciajfk.com 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Sharon Threatens Global Nuclear War

2002-12-17 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/16/2002 7:11:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If there is one nation on this planet that deserves to be described and dealt with as a rogue state, armed with weapons of mass destruction and intent on using them, it is Israel, under the terror reign of war criminal Ariel Sharon. 

Oh my! Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Limits Sought on Wireless Internet Access

2002-12-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Limits Sought on Wireless Internet Access

December 17, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 16 - The Defense Department, arguing
that an increasingly popular form of wireless Internet
access could interfere with military radar, is seeking new
limits on the technology, which is seen as a rare bright
spot for the communications industry.

Industry executives, including representatives from
Microsoft and Intel, met last week with Defense Department
officials to try to stave off that effort, which includes a
government proposal now before the global overseer of radio

The military officials say the technical restrictions they
are seeking are necessary for national security. Industry
executives, however, say they would threaten expansion of
technology like the so-called WiFi systems being used for
wireless Internet in American airports, coffee shops, homes
and offices.

WiFi use is increasingly heavy in major American
metropolitan areas, and similar systems are becoming
popular in Europe and Asia. As the technology is installed
in millions of portable computers and in antennas in many
areas, industry executives acknowledge that high-speed
wireless Internet access will soon crowd the radio
frequencies used by the military. But industry executives
say new types of frequency spectrum sharing techniques
could keep civilian users from interfering with radar

The debate, which involves low-power radio emissions that
the Defense Department says may jam as many as 10 types of
radar systems in use by United States military forces,
presents a thorny policy issue for the Bush administration.

Even as the armed forces monitor United States air space
for signs of military or terrorist attacks and gear up for
a possible war with Iraq, the nation's technology companies
hope that the popularity of wireless Internet access will
help pull their industry out of its two-year slump. New
limits on that technology could help undermine the economic
recovery on which the administration is also pinning its

Nobody, including the Pentagon, doubts that this is
important for consumers and industry, said Steven Price,
deputy assistant secretary of defense for radio spectrum
matters. The problem comes when it degrades our military

So far, though, there have been no reports of civilian
wireless Internet use interfering with military radar,
Edmond Thomas, chief of the office of engineering and
technology for the Federal Communications Commission, said.

Industry executives say that military uses can coexist with
the millions of smart wireless Internet devices that can
sense the nearby use of military radar and automatically
yield the right of way. These devices are in use in Europe
and will soon be used in the United States.

But Pentagon officials say that the new digital
technologies are unproven and could interfere with various
types of military radar systems, whether ones used for
tracking storms, monitoring aircraft or guiding missiles
and other weapons.

The Pentagon wants regulators to delay consideration of
opening an additional swath of radio frequencies in the
5-gigahertz band that is eagerly sought by American
technology companies and is already in civilian use

In this country, industry executives and some members of
Congress see new spectrum-sharing technologies as a way to
jump-start innovation and commerce. Last month, for
example, Senator Barbara Boxer, a Democrat from California,
and her Republican colleague Senator George Allen of
Virginia, said that they would introduce a bill in the next
session of Congress to expand the radio spectrum available
for wireless Internet use.

The military-industry debate also involves the merits of a
technical standard known as dynamic frequency selection,
which is being used by advanced wireless Internet radios
overseas to avoid interference.

Military officials are asking the American industry, and
companies in other countries, to create and install even
more sensitive versions of dynamic frequency selection -
something that the companies say may cause the technology
to operate incorrectly. American executives say that the
military's demands may also curtail the capacity of
wireless Internet services and could even force a
complicated redesign of millions of computer communications
systems already in place or nearly ready for shipment.

An estimated 16 million WiFi-enabled computers and other
devices are already in use in this country and overseas.
And in the coming year, Intel plans to put currently
designed WiFi technology on all of the microprocessor chips
it ships for tens of millions of desktop, laptop and
hand-held computing devices.

This is a hugely important issue to Intel, said Peter
Pitsch, Intel's communications policy director in
Washington. I'm hopeful at the end of the day, the U. S.
government will accept a 

[CTRL] Mossad Exposed In Phony Al-Qaeda Caper

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the Dec. 20, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

Mossad Exposed in Phony
'Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper
by Michele Steinberg and Hussein Askary

The United States government has been provided with concrete evidence that the Israeli Mossad and other Israeli intelligence services have been involved in a 13-month effort to "recruit" an Israeli-run, phony "al-Qaeda cell" among Palestinians, so that Israel could achieve a frontline position in the U.S. war against terrorism and get a green light for a worldwide "revenge without borders" policy. The question: Does the United States have the moral fiber to investigate?

Evidence of the Israeli dirty tricks burst onto the public scene on Dec. 6, when Col. Rashid Abu Shbak, head of the Palestinian Preventive Security Services in the Gaza Strip, held a press conference revealing the details of the alleged plot, as his agency had put the pieces together. The revelations undermine the "big lie" that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has used to justify new brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and other occupied areas. Sharon claimed on Dec. 4 that Israeli intelligence had "hard evidence" of al-Qaeda operations in the Gaza Strip. Now, the top Palestinian leadership has shown the United States and other nations how Israeli intelligence entities were creating that al-Qaeda link!

American leader Lyndon LaRouche, a Democratic Presidential pre-candidate in 2004, commented that these revelations, if confirmed, could be "of strategic importance" in stopping the American, British, and Israeli warhawks pushing for a Middle East war, beginning with an invasion of Iraq. A war would justify the Sharon government's plan to annihilate the very idea of a Palestinian state. LaRouche warned that if institutions of the American Presidency and the international community successfully block an American pre-emptive war on Iraq, the biggest danger would be that a "mega-terror" attack, blamed on Palestinians, or an "Iraqi-linked" al-Qaeda, would be staged by Israel's ruling Jabotinskyite fanatics, to put the war back on the agenda.

News about the Mossad-run attempt to create an al-Qaeda cell came when well-informed intelligence sources based in Washington had already told EIR that there are many doubts about the Mossad's hasty declaration that "al-Qaeda" had been responsible for the Nov. 28 attack on a hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, where three Israelis were killed, and the failed rocket attack on an Israeli chartered jet that was departing from Mombasa airport. There was no identification of the bombers within the first five days of the incident, the sources pointed out, yet Sharon's government ministers went on an immediate propaganda rampage announcing worldwide revenge (see article in this section). Authorities in Kenya also denied the al-Qaeda link. But the usefulness of blaming al-Qaeda, for the Israeli right, was palpable, when Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the Kenya attacks "a golden opportunity" to prove to the United States that Bush's war on terrorism, and Israel's war with the Palestinians is the same thing. Netanyahu's faction has violently rejected the Palestinian Authority's revelations, and so far, the American and European press have followed suit, despite the dramatic nature of these charges, and the documents that the Palestinians have provided to the international press.

Chronology of the Revelations

On Dec. 7, the British news service, Reuters, the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, and Qatar-based Al-Jazeera TV network, all reported that the Palestinian Authority had accused the Mossad of creating a phony al-Qaeda cell in the Gaza Strip. Ha'aretz reported, "the head of Palestinian Preventive Security" in the Gaza Strip, Col. Rashid Abu Shbak, said on Dec. 6, "that his forces had identified a number of Palestinian collaborators who had been ordered by Israeli security agencies to 'work in the Gaza Strip under the name of al-Qaeda.' He said the investigation was ongoing and evidence would be presented soon." Al-Jazeera TV added that the Palestinian authorities had arrested a group of Palestinian "collaborators with Israeli occupation" in Gaza, involved in the operation.

Reuters' reporter Diala Saadeh, under the headline, "Palestinians: Israel Faked Gaza al-Qaeda Presence," quoted a number of Palestinian Authority (P.A.) senior officials, including President Yasser Arafat, who told reporters at his West Bank Ramallah headquarters, that Sharon's claims of al-Qaeda operations in Palestinian territories "is a big, big, big lie to cover [Sharon's] attacks and his crimes against our people everywhere." P.A. Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo detailed the case: "There are certain elements who were instructed by the Mossad to form a cell under the name of al-Qaeda in the Gaza Strip in order to justify the assault and the military campaigns of the 


2002-12-17 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

By Jim Rarey

December 17, 2002


When Dr. K (Kissinger) withdrew 
as co-chairman of the commission to investigate the 9/11 terrorist attacks after 
refusing to make his client list public, he bitterly asserted his consulting 
business represented no foreign companies or governments that would constitute a 
conflict of interest with his duties on the commission.

Although there is no particular 
reason we should believe anything Kissinger says, for purposes of this article 
let’s take that assertion at face value. That would mean if there is a conflict 
it must be with one or more of his domestic (U.S.) clients.

Kissinger’s two consulting firms 
(Kissinger  Associates and Kissinger-McLarty  Associates) advise a 
large number of U.S. companies. Yes, it is that McLarty, Mack McLarty who was 
Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and is now vice-chairman of the first firm and 
partner in the second.

The client lists of the two firms 
are closely guarded. However, from time to time some information leaks out. 
Although Dr. K has his own share of skeletons in his closet, e.g. his 
involvement in the overthrow of an elected government in Chile and the resulting 
thousands of deaths that have branded both Kissinger and Pinochet as war 
criminals, some of his domestic clients have their own scandals with which he 
may not want to be associated.

One that is, or has been, a 
Kissinger client is J.P. Morgan Chase, implicated in the Enron frauds as well as 
money laundering along with other New York investment banks. (But that’s only 
drug money and U.S. taxpayers’ dollars recycled through the Russian KGB/Mafia, 
not known to relate to terrorism.) Kissinger sits on the Morgan/Chase 
International Advisory Board.

Other examples could be cited but 
in this writer’s opinion, the association Dr. K is most afraid might be made 
public is with the little known company Acxiom.

Hardly a household name (we will 
try to change that), Acxiom has been selected the lead company to provide 
software and pull together the network to furnish the information to DARPA’s 
“Information Awareness Office” (IAO) where John Poindexter of Iran-Contra infamy 
will prepare individual dossiers on every American citizen and the millions of 
aliens (legal and illegal) in the country. 

The plan calls for the collection 
of information from a staggering number of sources e.g. banks, credit unions, 
health care organizations, the IRS and Social Security agencies, the INS, the 
FBI, grocery chains and any number of other companies and government agencies 
(federal, state and local) that have records of individual transactions.

But even this association might 
be covered up in these days of managed news. No, what scares Kissinger the most 
is the control and history of Acxiom itself. The company may be more than just a 
client. Mack McLarty sits on its Board of Directors, which implies some kind of 
investment to protect. 

While the name of the company 
means nothing to almost all Americans, perhaps a couple of the names under which 
it operated earlier will generate a spark of recognition. Before it morphed into 
Acxiom, the company was named Alltel. Still nothing? Then how about its original 
name, Systematics? Now memories come flooding back of the PROMIS software 
scandal and those associated with it.

The powerful PROMIS software was 
developed by Bill Hamilton’s company Inslaw. It was virtually stolen by the U.S. 
Treasury Department. It was then combined with software from Systematics and 
farmed out to the CIA for final modification (installation of a backdoor 

When treasury forced Inslaw into 
bankruptcy (by withholding payments due Inslaw) ownership of the software wound 
up with a CIA cutout the Hadron Corp. Hadron peddled the software to governments 
and financial institutions around the world thus giving the CIA backdoor access 
to secret information of a number of governments and banks.

But it doesn’t stop there. The 
person who controls Acxiom/Alltel/Systematics is Arkansas billionaire Jackson 
Stephens. Stephens, and those working with him, have been involved in myriad 
shady operations too numerous to cite here. We can only hit some of the 

At Systematics, one of the 
lawyers Stephens hired to represent the company was a bright young attorney 
named Hillary Rodham. After she joined the Rose law firm (then Hillary Rodham 
Clinton) Stephens employed the firm (mainly its partners Hillary, Vince Foster 
and Webster Hubbell) in several of his ventures.

Stephens was a financial angel to 
both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He gave final impetus to Clinton’s cash 
strapped presidential campaign with a large “loan” from his Worthen bank. 
Stephens (along with the Harvard University endowment) rescued one of Dubya’s 
companies from bankruptcy with sizeable investments.

Another scandal suppressed by the 
“watchdogs of the press” was the cocaine 


2002-12-17 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Actually Pru  Israel is mentioned twice, one mention is even in the bit of the message you quote in your reply.

Gotta take the blinders off if you wanna see, hon.

on 12/17/02 3:35 PM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/17/2002 3:32:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

For your reference, here are the next largest military budgets: Russia $60
billion; China $42 billion; Japan $40.4 billion; United Kingdom $34
billion; Saudi Arabia $27.2; France $25.3 billion; Germany $21 billion;
Brazil $17.9 billion; India $15.6 billion; Italy $15.5 billion; South Korea
$11.8 billion; Iran $9 billion; Israel $9 billion; Taiwan $8.2 billion.

You left out Israel. Prudy 

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

What do you mean we, white man?

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The biggest threat: Osama or Saddam?

2002-12-17 Thread alien
-Caveat Lector-

Excuse me?

 Remember what 19 fanatics did on 9-11, or what two freaks with only an assault rifle 
did to the nation's capital and surrounding area a year later?

19 Mossad agents? And a couple of unusual persons with unlikely
connections? Bzzt. Funny business. Next.

 An FBI source says there are battalions of Middle Eastern terrorist sleepers 
embedded in the USA waiting to strike

Would these be any kin to the seven Libyan assassins that Reagan was
losing sleep over back in the 80s? Hogwash -- the stuff of two-minute
hates. Bzzt. Next.

 homegrown crazies like Timothy McVeigh and John Muhammad.

CIA payroll. Bzzt. Next.

 Paul Purcell, a sharp Georgia Homeland Security analyst, says: Conditions  couldn't 
be more perfect for a terrorist attack.

Translated: Our previous 127 warnings of impending attack have faded
and we need another headline to maintain an acceptable level of fear and
paranoia. Bzzt. Next.

 Retired Army Intelligence officer Hugh Blanchard adds, A dirty bomb would

Dirty bomb. Squawk. Never been made. Squawk. Two-minute hate. Squawk.
Buzzword. Squawk. Bzzt. Next.

 A Pentagon colonel says he heard Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld say, After we do 
Iraq ...

Was he using an added emphasis on do as in screw or boink..?
Rumsfeld is a fascist. Squawk. Dirty bomb. Al Queda. Islam bad, Jesus
good. This has nothing to do with oil. Be afraid and obey orders. Bzzt. Next.

 Because no way are we prepared for or ready to respond to the predicted second wave 
that could fill our hospitals and shut

Second wave. Squawk. Anyone claimed responsibility for the first
wave..? Islam bad, Jesus good. Give us your oil or die. Obey orders. Do
not question anything. This is for your own good. We are men in suits
and you can trust us.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-12-17 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-


Congressman Crispin Beltan
Bayan Muna Party List Represenative 
Chairman,Kilusang Mayo Uno 
Chairperson, International League for People's Struggles (ILPS)

Keynote address before the Founding Assembly and Launching of ILPS-Philippines
August 1, 2002 
Miriam College, Quezon City

In the wake of the end of the Cold War, U.S. imperialism has come out clearly as the sole superpower with an overweening arrogance. But the world capitalist system is reeling from a grave economic crisis, the worst since the end of the second inter-imperialist war. 

Even before the Sept. 11 attack, the Bush regime was already agitating for an increase in military production as a way to revive the U.S. economy. In this connection, he has been warmongering and threatening and launching attacks of aggression against countries labeled by the U.S. as "rogue" states. 

Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the U.S. has used these as pretext for launching a war of aggression against Afghanistan, threatening other countries(the 'axis of evil' and 12 countries 'harboring terrorists') and undertaking massive war preparations. 

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 events in the U.S., the imperialists and their reactionary lackeys in client countries have launched a new offensive against the people's democratic rights under the pretext of waging a 'war against terrorism.' The U.S. has seized on the Sept. 11 events to wage aggressive wars and thereby accomplish their geopolitical objectives to establish control of strategic areas in the Middle East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. It has also taken the lead in imposing draconian measures that further infringe on the democratic rights of the people and to suppress any opposition to their anti-people policies.

We have seen U.S. military intervention and aggression in the Balkans, Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. We have seen the state terrorism of the U.S. violating International Humanitarian Law, disregarding and misappropriating UN resolutions. It even launched aggression under various pretexts, such as "human rights", "humanitarian mission", and "peacemaking." 

This war is a continuation of the economic terrorism of IMF-World Bank and WTO by military means. It is aimed at suppressing the peoples that wage revolution, the nations that fight for liberation and the countries or governments that assert national independence. The US is overconfident that it can carry out acts of aggression unilaterally or with the aid of its imperialist allies. But these allies are becoming wary of the propensity of the U.S. to undertake unilateral actions, its hysterical bellicosity and its extreme voracity in grabbing most of the spoils. The U.S. is sowing the ground for violent contradictions among the imperialist powers themselves.

"Free market" globalization has victimized most grievously the oppressed peoples and nations. But it has also weakened the puppet rulers. The loot to share among the competing reactionaries has diminished. Thus, they tend to become more violent in their political rivalry. They have become more corrupt and repressive than ever before.

The U.S. Hegemonic Drive in the Region

Let me cite a recently formulated strategy of U.S. imperialism to further expand its hegemonic drive in the world, particularly in Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region. Called the Quadrennial Defense Review 2001, this study states that America's overseas presence, concentrated in Western Europe and Northeast Asia "is inadequate for the new strategic environment, in which U.S. economic and security interests are global and potential threats in other areas of the world are emerging." The new strategic environment of course refers to one that is favorable to the global trade and investments of U.S. monopoly capitalism. 

Based on this strategic environment, QDR 2001 calls for a more aggressive U.S. global security posture, a "political-military" offensive different from what Bush officials call the Clinton administration's purely "defensive" stance. Accordingly, the U.S. global military posture will be reoriented to : " (a) develop a basing system that provides greater flexibility for U.S. forces in critical areas of the world, placing emphasis on additional bases and stations beyond Western Europe and Northeast Asia; (b) providee temporary access to facilities in foreign countries that enable U.S. forces to conduct training and exercises in the absence of permanent ranges and bases; (c) redistribute forces and equipment based on regional deterrence requirements; (d) provide sufficient mobility, including airlift, sealift, prepositioning, basing infrastructure, alternative points of debarkation, and new logistical concepts of operations, to conduct expeditionary operations in distant theatres against adversaries" 

In another earlier report, the 1995 

[CTRL] more on wetware

2002-12-17 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
Processing query : wetware

Volume 2 Issue 40

Information about military battle software 
Volume 6 Issue 81

Risks of banking -- audio tellers (Re: RISKS-6.80, Ritchey Ruff) 
Volume 6 Issue 90

"The Bell System"; aircraft navigation systems 
Volume 8 Issue 42

Confidentiality of incoming numbers (Re: RISKS-8.38) 
Volume 8 Issue 51

mechanical horse racing (Michael Trout, RISKS-8.50) 
Volume 9 Issue 15

Re: Drive-by-wire 
DARPA and Wetware http://www.libertythink.com/2002_12_01_archives.html#90035865


DARPA is "soliciting innovative proposals to (1) determine whether genetically-determined odortypes can be used to identify specific individuals, and if so (2) to develop the science and enabling technology for detecting and identifying specific individuals by such odortypes." See DARPA's presolicitation notice for the "Odortype Detection Program," December 13, here.Do you Yahoo!?
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] What's REALLY going on?

2002-12-17 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
EE Times - Glossary... gain control AI -- artificial intelligence AIA -- Aerospace ... Assistant PIA -- peripheralinterface adapter PIN ... HP consortium) Promis -- Project Management ... Description: Glossary of acronyms and terms for engineers and technical managers.Category: ReferenceDictionariesAcronymswww.eetimes.com/docs/gloss1.html - 48k - Cached - Similar pages
[PDF]Information Technology RD: Critical Trends and Issues (Part 11 ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML... with the more recent disciplines of computer science and artificial intelligence. ... voicerecognition; artificial intelli- gence; and interface standards. ... www.wws.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/byteserv.prl/ ~ota/disk2/1985/8511/85.PDF - Similar pages
[PDF]Table of ContentsFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML... the use of off-board power and a high degree of on-board artificial intelligence. ... nearthe fence, and a more uniform 'smeared' bristle interface between the ... www.sti.nasa.gov/Pubs/Aeroeng/eng334-3.pdf - Similar pages

[PDF]Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports Volume 37 APRIL 26, ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat... systems. 63 Cybernetics Includes feedback and control theory, artificialintelligence, robotics and expert systems. For related ... www.sti.nasa.gov/Pubs/star/star9909.pdf - Similar pages[ More results from www.sti.nasa.gov ] 

DARPA is "soliciting innovative proposals to (1) determine whether genetically-determined odortypes can be used to identify specific individuals, and if so (2) to develop the science and enabling technology for detecting and identifying specific individuals by such odortypes." See DARPA's presolicitation notice for the "Odortype Detection Program," December 13, here.Do you Yahoo!?
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] blurring the boundaries between cyberspace and mind

2002-12-17 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
start with http://www.google.com/search?q=wright-patterson%2Cinterface%2Cwetwarehl=enlr=ie=UTF-8oe=UTF-8
While Electro-Optic Counter Measure (EOCM) systems appear to be the best answer to the proliferation of battlefield EO systems, they have attracted substantial criticism from groups such as the Helsinki-based Human Rights Watch because of their potential to temporarily or permanently blind humans. In a 1995 report, the group identified ten US laser weapons systems under development, such as the Saber 203, that it claimed could be used to blind humans. The Sabre 203 is a 'laser grenade' deployed with the US Special Operations Command. It can be fired from a 40-mm grenade launcher mounted on an M-16 rifle. This system is reportedly designed to impair the vision of enemy soldiers and was deployed with US forces to Somalia in 1995. Another system, The Dazer, is a man-portable device capable of firing 50 shots per minute from a 1,000 shot battery magazine. It is now in use with US Special Operations Command. http://www.sfu.ca/~dann/Backissues/nn4-3_12.htm
"...At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, for example, the military's Alternative Control Technology Laboratory has experimented with systems that allow pilots to 'fly by thought.' By controlling their brain waves, human subjects at the laboratory can steer a flight simulator left or right, up or down, a skill that most people at the lab master in only an hour..." http://www.room23.de/room23_view_detail.php?ID=920
Caltech researchers have invented a "neurochip" that connects a network of living brain cells wired together to electrodes incorporated into a silicon chip. The neurochips were unveiled at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, held in New Orleans the week of October 25-30, 1997. http://pr.caltech.edu/media/lead/102797JP.html
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals on Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation (EHPA). The overall goal of this program is to develop devices and machines that will increase the speed, strength, and endurance of soldiers in combat environments. http://www.darpa.mil/baa/baa00-34.htm
NASA has fallen prey to the temptation of the lowly snake and gone back to the garden for inspiration for its next generation of spacefaring robots. http://www.space.com/news/snakebots_000504.html
"The ability to use biology to perform specific mechanical tasks on the nanometer scale with silicon provides a completely new approach to operate machinery autonomously, without external power or computer control. We have found a way to get DNA to do the work for us, so we don't need batteries, motors or the like to operate tiny machines," said James Gimzewski of IBM Research, in a statement released by the company. http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG2418S0019
In the early 1990s, I became totally fascinated with the fantastic ideas that coursed through much of the budding cyberculture, from virtual reality shamans to Extropian transcendentalists to ravers and technopagans and cyberspace mythologists. The more I looked into the cultural history of media technology, however, the more I discovered strange pockets of mystical technoculture, and my book explores those largely unacknowledged stories and influences. http://www.techgnosis.com/
See also:
Rutgers UniversityRutgers Master II
Sant'Anna School of University Studies and Doctoral ResearchPERCRO Exoskeleton
Southern Methodist UniversityPneumatic Haptic Interface
Virtual Technologies, Inc.Cybergrasp force feedback glove

DARPA is "soliciting innovative proposals to (1) determine whether genetically-determined odortypes can be used to identify specific individuals, and if so (2) to develop the science and enabling technology for detecting and identifying specific individuals by such odortypes." See DARPA's presolicitation notice for the "Odortype Detection Program," December 13, here.Do you Yahoo!?
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] the hacktivism list of yore: JAM ECHELON DAY EVERY DAY!

2002-12-17 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

this is robert kemp...ring a bell? JED? instigator?
wondered what exactly, THESE days, is going on with that...i read some so-called interview with you and thought i heard you say something to the effect that you had been there at the inception of JED (Jam Echelon Day) number one...i really don't recall you there i must admit - could you refresh memory? i DO remember the help of chuck0 and rdom and grant bayley..many thanks to http://wiretapped.net 
i have many readers and they will anxiously await your response:

and what about the accusations of Wired as NSA front? james glave certainly did NOT cooperate with the will of the group...and his pal broncbuster threatened me in an email in no uncertain terms..and he is/was supposedly from 2600.com - and linda thompson? pleeeze!
~I garnered governmental attention by fathering astunt commonly known as Jam Echelon Day. Cooked up inthe fall of 1999, it was a largely publicity orientedcampaign designed to shed some light on a system ofelectronic surveillance that had gone on unchecked,indeed even unrecognized for too long. Since it isharder for someone to get information from you thatyou wish kept secret if you know that they are there,we dove headlong into it and by "we" I mean myself andGrant Bayley - HTML designer for the original JEDwebsite at wiretapped.net. Of course, after itslaunch, the world took over spreading the word. Sixmonths or so later, Echelon was detailed on SixtyMinutes having gone from being a nutty conspiracytheory to knowledge in the public domain. It is thekind of thing that will get you on the shit list ofthe powerful.~The original campaignhttp://serendipity.magnet.ch/cia/bz1.html The village voice on the event: an article based on aby-phone interview i conducted with Sarah Fergusonunder the name of robert kemphttp://www.villagevoice.com/issues/9942/ferguson.php ~This accomplished another thing that I considerimportant: the spreading of some revolutionary memesor paradigms. Firstly, some people became acquainted,for the first time, with the notion that two peoplewho were not among the "powerful" could spark a globalmovement. Secondly, that the campaign was taken upglobally in several languages said to the world, "Wecan be one."Needless to say, these paradigms are the enemy ofsocial control. We made the National Security Agencylook bad and in the ensuing three years I would besubject to an insidious variety of psychologicaloperations designed to destabilize and discredit. Various manner of confusing techniques would be usedafter a few months of having operatives "befriend" mein order to discover what made me tick. By getting anidea of my belief system it would become easier toundo my "uppitiness." I would be targeted for"re-education."A program designed to track down corporate criticscalled Cybersleuth would enable such entities to trackme for such purposes. The ability to pin-point thegeographical precision your detractors was used as oneof E-watch's selling points in the marketing of thisprogram. I would later read that the CIA used theterm "re-education" to mean, quite literally,brainwashing.~Cybersleuthhttp://www.ewatch.com/pop_sleuth.html Tracking so-called "perpetrators" is also part of theservice, says eWatch National Product Manager TedSkinner. That's done by "using a variety of methods,such as following leads found in postings and Websites, working with ISPs, involving law enforcement,conducting virtual stings and other tactics," he says.http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/july2000/nf00707g.htm ~Also see the below links.~Local activists under government and corporatesurveillance http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/267 ~There is a man named James Glave that writes forWired magazine and it was wired that first picked upour campaign. James Glave was on the Hacktivism listduring all discussions of the planned event so he wasin on all of the information from the get go. Yet,when he wrote the article for Wired, entitled 'HackersAscend Upper Echelon,' the text contained grosslyinnacurate information. For one, the event was saidto have been initiated by Linda Thompson's AmericanJustice Federation, a right-wing tank of people that Iwould come, over the years, to know as fame-starvedand unscrupulous. Linda Thompson was not on the listnor was she involved in any way. Also, the date ofthe event was misrepresented as October 18, 1999instead of October 21 as per the globally distributedalert. This was designed, in my opinion, to have thefollowing effects:1. By attributing the event to the AJF and associatingit with Linda Thompson, it would be sneered at, evenlaughed at as just another right-wing paranoia push.2. By claiming the date as October 18 instead ofOctober 21, confusion would be wrought taking steamout of the campaign.3. With the date switch, the side 

[CTRL] Fwd: [STANDING_UP_WITH_DADS_SUDS] UK NEWS: Raids on paedophile porn suspects net 50 police officers

2002-12-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Raids on paedophile porn suspects net 50 police officers
By Ian Burrell Home Affairs Correspondent
18 December 2002

Scotland Yard detectives raided homes across London 
yesterday as part of an investigation into child pornography internet sites that 
has led to the arrest of 1,300 suspected paedophiles, including 50 police 
The raids were the largest single operation in a nation-wide police trawl and 
led to 34 further arrests. British police are investigating up to 7,000 
suspected child pornography users identified by the American authorities as 
having accessed "pay-per-view" sites.
Senior officers said the investigation, named Operation Ore, was 
under-resourced but was concentrating on the suspects believed to represent the 
greatest threat to children.
Jim Gamble, an Assistant Chief Constable at the National Crime Squad, said: 
"Fifty police officers have been identified and we are not hiding that fact. We 
want you to know about that to reassure you. Police officers are members of the 
communities that they serve and there will be good people and bad people in the 
Mr Gamble said eight of the police officers had been charged and the 
remainder had been given bail pending further inquiries.
Among the police officers who have been arrested are two Cambridgeshire 
officers who were involved in the inquiry into the murders of the Soham 
schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. Detective Constable Brian Stevens, 
41, a family liaison officer to Jessica's parents, and PC Anthony Goodridge, 34, 
an exhibits officer on the inquiry, were arrested in September.
Others arrested in the Operation Ore investigation include a senior Customs 
and Excise official, a PE teacher and an Army cadets officer.
In London alone, 28 children identified as being at risk of being abused have 
been placed with care agencies.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Carole Howlett, of the Metropolitan Police, 
said yesterday's raids, which involved 250 officers, represented the single 
largest operation of its kind mounted by the force.
Ms Howlett said the Home Office had agreed to allocate an extra £500,000 to 
support further action as part of Operation Ore. She said the money would be 
used to provide extra training in computer forensics for officers across the 
country and to buy equipment to assist in analysing the computers already 
seized. The first arrests under Operation Ore were made in May this year.
Ms Howlett said the forensic analysis of computer equipment was an extremely 
lengthy process and some forces, lacking resources, faced a backlog of up to 
nine months.
"The Home Office funding is going to go a significant way in terms of 
training and building up the expertise across the forces," she added.
Operation Ore is the UK response to a huge FBI investigation which traced 
250,000 paedophiles worldwide last year through credit card details used to pay 
for downloading child porn.
The names of British suspects were passed on by investigators in the United 
States. Suspects were traced through the Landslide website – a gateway to an 
international collection of child pornography sites.
Thomas Reedy, who ran the website and earned millions of dollars from it, is 
now serving several life sentences in the United States.
The children's charity NSPCC said it had been assisting the Met by responding 
to any emerging child protection matters. Colin Turner, head of NSPCC's 
specialist investigation service, said: "The arrests send out a strong warning 
to those that think they can remain anonymous and escape the law by using the 
internet to trade in child abuse images. Behind these indecent, 

[CTRL] MRC Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables (fwd)

2002-12-17 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 06:25:10 -0700
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MRC Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables

***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
10:25am EST, Tuesday December 17, 2002

Latest Edition of Notable Quotables

Below is the text of the December 9 edition of Notable
Quotables that we sent to the printer 13 days ago.

(But first, a Correction. The December 16 CyberAlert quoted an
argument on FNC's Fox Newswatch about whether the Media Research
Center has mow-mowed media outlets. Numerous readers suggested
the proper spelling of the term is mau-maued and that the term
is derived either from a tribe in Kenya or the title of a 1970
essay by Tom Wolfe, Mau-Mauing the Flack Catchers.)

Now, back to Notable Quotables:

As you probably know, NQ is the MRC's hard copy publication
which provides a bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous,
sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media.

The quotes for Notable Quotables are collated by the MRC's
Rich Noyes, who produced the hard copy issue, and Kristina Sewell
then extracted the text from the PageMaker file.

All these quotes have appeared in previous CyberAlerts but, as
always, the NQ provides a compact presentation of the most biased
quotes from over a two-week period.

The MRC's Mez Djouadi has posted the issue online at:

To access the Adobe Acrobat PDF version in blue:

For all the issues of Notable Quotables from this year:

Now the text of the December 9, 2002 edition of Notable
Quotables, Vol. Fifteen; No. 25:

Hyping GOP Threat to Clean Air

The rollback of clean air rules is a bonanza for hundreds of the
nation's oldest and dirtiest power plants. Under the change, those
plants will be allowed to pump out more power and consequently
more smokestack emissions without having to install costly
anti-pollution equipmentThe greatest threat may be to the
Northeast. Power plants throughout the Midwest and Southeast spew
heavy emissions that are carried by prevailing winds over New
England. Under the new rules, environmentalists warn, the fallout
will only get worse.
-- Bob Orr on the November 22 CBS Evening News.

The Republican Party collected $11 million from electric
companies and their employees over the past two years. The energy
industry gave the Bush campaign almost $3 million. With the White
House and Congress now in Republican hands, more controversial
environmental decisions are in the worksChanging clean air
rules may be the first of many post-election attempts to alter
long standing environmental policy.
-- ABC's Barry Serafin on World News Tonight, Nov. 22.

A lot of people, though, have been highly critical of the Bush
administration on the environment. They say that you came to the
EPA with incredibly strong environmentalist credentials. And yet,
you know, every proposal that you've tried to put forward has
gotten a kibosh by right-wing conservatives within the
administrationThe bottom line is do you, Christie Whitman,
feel comfortable with the Bush administration's environmental
-- Katie Couric to EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman on the
December 2 Today.

Claire Denies the Obvious

  George Will: The media is in league with the professional
hysterics in the environmental movementWhat the administration
would like to have -- can't have given the media's disposition --
is a reasoned discussion about the scientific tradeoff, economic
tradeoff, between measurable improvements in public health and
demonstrable costs.
  Claire Shipman: You can't just blame this on us. There are
Republican governors who are very critical in the Northeast of
what the administration is doing. That's not the media's fault.
  Will: The media make it extremely difficult, extremely
difficult, to get a discussion like this going because it all
comes down to who's putting arsenic in the child's water.
-- Exchange on ABC's This Week, November 24.

Jennings' Unique Anti-Bush Spin

The President said he is not encouraged by the weapons
inspections currently being done by the United Nations in Iraq,
even though the UN inspectors say that under the circumstances
things are going quite well.
-- Peter Jennings on the Dec. 2 World News Tonight.

Inside Iraq today the weapons 

[CTRL] Fwd: 9/11...Why did it happen?

2002-12-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Title: The Time Is Now Institute
-Caveat Lector-

CA-PRNewswire December 17, 2002
Why did it happen? What can we do to protect ourselves given the government 
and corporate accountability crisis in America?
is No Ordinary Time!
late 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini led a revolution in Iran, the Shah fled 
to the West and American citizens were held hostage for 444 days. On December 
16th, 1979, The Los Angeles Times published Eli Mellor's first manuscript, 
which questioned the Administration for our nation's stance in this crisis. 
Later, Mr. Mellor's manuscript was published in The Washington Post, The 
New York Times, The Boston Globe, and various other newspapers. The hostages 
were released when Ronald Reagan became President.
years later, in January 1991, Mr. Mellor led a large anti-war demonstration 
of 340,000 people in Washington with his second message, The Time 
Is Still Now! 
the forefront again, on December 14th, 2001, Mellor published his third 
treatise, The Time Was--Or Is Still--Now! in the Washington 
Times. This most recent essay clearly demonstrates that his dire predictions 
are becoming today's realities!
The Time Is Now Institute's thought provoking publications 
now at www.thetimeisnow.us and determine for yourself why September 11th 
happened, and how we can protect ourselves from a new avalanche 
of rules and regulations. Choose now and keep the door open 
for your family's future in America. Learn to unvolunteer and protect 
your business' and family's future before its too late!

  Learn more...

  We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. 
However, if you'd rather not receive future e-mail updates
from thetimeisnow.us, please visit our Unsubscribe 

2002 The Time Is Now Institute.
All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. 



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - Boxer Slams Bush War Drumbeat

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Go To Original

Boxer Rejects Talk of War, First Strikes
U.S. Losing Its Moral Authority, She Warns In S.F.
John Wildermuth, Chronicle Political Writer
San Francisco Chronicle.

Tuesday, 17 December, 2002

The Bush administration's drumbeat for war and backing for political assassination 
could be
a long-term disaster for the country, Sen. Barbara Boxer said Monday.

I believe we have lost the moral high ground with the talk of war, assassination and 
strikes coming out of Washington, she told about 200 people at the World Affairs 
Council in
San Francisco. Sometimes might might have to back right, but only as a last resort.

Recent reports indicate that the administration has authorized the Central Intelligence
Agency to hunt down and kill top al Qaeda leaders and terrorists, as well as 
that pre-emptive nuclear attacks could be used against countries and groups likely to 
weapons of mass destruction.

This is not a time for arrogance, Boxer said.

The United States has the military and political power to impose its will on the rest 
of the
world, she said, but only at the cost of sowing seeds of resentment, even among our 

We have led the world not only because of our military strength, but also because of 
strength of our ideas and ideals, Boxer said.

The United States must work more closely with allies and international agencies such 
as the
United Nations to deal with issues ranging from terrorism and women's rights to
environmental protection and disease control, she said.

If we stand tall, but alone . . . then we will have missed the unprecedented 
that stands before us, she said.

Boxer, one of the Senate's most liberal Democratic members, was preaching to the choir 
her talk on Monday. She was interrupted by loud applause when it was mentioned that she
voted earlier this year against giving President Bush the authority to wage war in 
Iraq and
was given a standing ovation at the end of her speech.

I didn't go to the U.S. Senate to be a rubber stamp for any president, she said.

I'm doing everything I can to ensure that the devastation . . . of war is avoided and 
disarmament (of Iraq) is achieved, she added.

Suggestions that an attack on Iraq could quickly remove a threat to the country's 
miss the point, Boxer said.

I don't care what (war) scenario you set, two days, 10 days or 30 days. It's brutal, 
harsh and innocent people will die, she said. Environments will be destroyed.

But while an anti-war, anti-Bush message works in a liberal stronghold like the Bay 
Boxer will have to sell that program to a much more diverse statewide audience when she
runs for re-election in 2004.

That's not a concern, she said.

This wasn't a speech about liberal issues, but one about American values, she told
reporters after the talk. I think it's a message that will be very well received in 

Boxer's opposition to war and backing for women's rights and the environment have been
staples of her political platform for the 20 years she has spent in the House and 
Senate and
won't change for her re-election effort, she said.

No one ever voted for me because they thought I would make going to war easy, she

In a state that voted overwhelmingly against Bush in 2000, there are plenty of 
uncomfortable with the president's apparent willingness to go to war with Iraq without 
backing of the United Nations or America's allies,

Boxer said.

I've never seen a president, Democrat or Republican, lay out the path for war every 
without setting out a plan for peace, she added. My speech was mainstream; what we're
seeing in Washington every day is extreme.


E-mail John Wildermuth at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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profit to
those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

[CTRL] Iraqi-German Connexion

2002-12-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-




Iraqi Report Could Prove Damaging to Germany

Iraq’s declaration of its weapons programs contains explosive news for Germany, a 
paper has reported. The dossier is said to detail covert arms deals between German
defense firms and Iraq.

Just as the heated debates within the German government over the role of German

troops and equipment in a possible war against Iraq seem to be cooling down, another
potential bombshell threatens to reignite the fires.

On Tuesday, the Berlin-based left-wing paper, Tageszeitung reported that aspects of the
12,000-page Iraqi report on Iraq's weapons programs, submitted to the U.N last week,
could prove highly embarrassing for Germany.

The newspaper - believed to be the first to have access to the top-secret dossier - has
written that the Iraqi declaration contains the names of 80 German firms, research
laboratories and people, who are said to have helped Iraq develop its weapons program.

Germany, Iraq’s number one arms supplier?

The most contentious piece of news for Germany is that the report names it as the 
one supplier of weapons supplies to Iraq. German firms are supposed to easily outnumber
the firms from other countries who have been exporting to Iraq.

They have delivered technical know-how, components, basic substances and even entire
technical facilities for the development of atomic, chemical and biological weapons of 
destruction to Iraq right since 1975.

In some cases, conventional military and technical dealings between Germany and Iraq 
said to date till 2001, ten years after the second Gulf war and a time when 
sanctions against Saddam Hussein are still in place.

The paper reports that the dossier contains several indications of cases, where German
authorities right up to the Finance Ministry tolerated the illegal arms cooperation 
and also
promoted to it to an extent.

Wait and watch says German Finance Ministry

The German Finance Ministry has said that it will react to the report only once it has 
the Iraqi declaration.

We’ll first wait till the report is in our hands, a spokesman from the ministry said 

The spokesman however said that the German government of the time in 1990 had
informed the parliament about such German supplies to Iraq.

Ever since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, there has been a strict embargo against the
country. The spokesman said that there have been a few cases of violation of the 
and the government has initiated investigations.

German military exports to Iraq nothing new

Explosive as the newspaper report may appear, it’s not the first of its kind.

For months rumors have been circulating in the German media of murky deals between
German arms companies and businessmen with Iraq despite the rigid embargoes in place.

In October this year, a magazine of the German radio channel, Südwestrundfunk reported
that electronics giant Siemens had delivered specialized technical equipment to Iraq 
for the
treatment of kidney stones, but which could also under certain circumstances be used 
as a
detonator for atom bombs.

Siemens insisted that the device could not be misused because it had commissioned an
Iraqi company to regularly monitor the equipment. In fact the delivery was even 
by the sanctions council of the U.N. and the Federal Office of Economics and Export 

The latest newspaper report also touches upon the gray zone between medicine and
armaments and writes of so-called dual-use goods that can be used for developing
weapons as well as for civilian purposes.

The German government was apparently informed in 1999 of the delivery of such dual-use
goods to Iraq, but is said to have turned a blind eye.

German defense firms conduct roaring trade with Baghdad

German arms companies in the meantime have been conducting booming business with
Iraq in recent years. According to the German Federal Statistics Office, German 
exports to Iraq have been steadily rising from year to year.

From annual exports amounting to 21,7 million euro in 1997, the volume of exports for 
following year shot to some 76,4 million euro. The trend continued in 2001 with 
exports to
Iraq bringing German firms profits in the range of 336,5 million euro.

German goods worth 226,2 million euro have already been shipped to Iraq in the first 
of this year. Some of the official heavyweights in the export scene are the German
electronics firm Siemens with medical equipment and energy distribution systems and
carmaker DaimlerChrysler. Both are reported to rake in revenues worth double digit 
in the millions.

Chancellor Schröder in precarious situation

Though the German government has not officially reacted to the Iraqi declaration 
its role in supplying Iraq with arms, there is little doubt that the issue is bound to 


[CTRL] nonlethals, media, Bush sex scandal?, abuse stats, Neuromarketing

2002-12-17 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

In this new age, there's no such thing as a 'nonlethal' weapon By Barbara Hatch Rosenberg and Mark L. Wheelis 12/9/02 "The same technological revolution that is accelerating the development of new medical products is also making it possible for coercive regimes to manipulate human beings by altering their psychological processes, controlling their behavior, interfering with reproduction or tampering with inheritance - and even to do so without the knowledge of the victims." http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/editorial/4697407.htm

The papers that cried wolf - Brian Whitaker looks at how the American media are softening up public attitudes to war with Iraq Monday December 16, 2002 "Last week brought yet another terrifying headline from an American newspaper: "US suspects al-Qaida got nerve agent from Iraqis"Less promisingly, the second paragraph begins: "If the report proves true ... " The remaining 28 paragraphs offer little to suggest that it actually is true, and several reasons for thinking it may not be. Paragraph six tells us: "Like most intelligence, the reported chemical weapon transfer is not backed by definitive evidence." Paragraph eight says: "Even authorised spokesmen, with one exception, addressed the report on the condition of anonymity. They said the principal source on the chemical transfer was uncorroborated, and that indications it involved a nerve agent were open to interpretation." In paragraph 12, we are told that the report may be connected to a warning message circulated to American forces overseas and an unnamed official is cited as saying that the message resulted only from an analyst's hypothetical concern. As one would expect from the Washington Post, the story is carefully written and meticulously researched. But it's basically worthless. 

pdf copy of Bush sex scandal lawsuit

LAW OF THE LAND Suit claims Bush conspired
to cover up rape Unsubstantiated report goes online prematurely Posted: December 13, 2002
By Jon Dougherty
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com A news report about a court filing by a Missouri City, Texas, woman who claims President Bush raped her was posted on the Internet prematurely and without sufficient fact-checking, says the editor of the paper. 

both from L Moss Sharman - Foster home numbers dwindle - 1,000 children in Ottawa need help, but only 278 offer care Bob Harvey -A study of 3,053 reported cases of child abuse and neglect in Ontario between 1993 and 1998 shows a 90-per-cent increase in physical abuse, a doubling in maltreatment and neglect, and an 870-per-cent increase in emotional maltreatment, largely cases of children being exposed to domestic violence. On the other hand, the study found, there was a 44-per-cent decrease in reported sexual abuse." Http://www.canada.com/ottawa/news/story.asp?id={E7D885DE-AD31-4933-BBF9-7AC8EA79FF73}

Let the healing begin Sault Star Editorial Staff 12/16/02 "Editorials - It's time for the Roman Catholic Church in Canada to get on board. Last week, the Presbyterian Church tentatively agreed to pay up to $2.1 million to settle abuse claims by former students at native residential schools. Last month, the Anglican Church settled on a deal which, if ratified by dioceses across Canada during the next three months, will see it pay up to $25 million for validated claims. The churches have agreed to these upper-limit settlements to cover abut 30 per cent of validated settlements for physical or sexual abuse in the government-owned schools they ran from 1930 to 1996. Ottawa will pay the rest. The Presbyterian Church is involved in less than two per cent of total claims alleged by about 240 plaintiffs. The Anglican Church is named in about 18 per cent of the lawsuits, involving some 2,200 plaintiffs. The United Church is named in about eight per cent of claims, and cost-sharing talks with Ottawa are set to resume next month. As horrible as these numbers are, they represent the bit players in 5,000 native residential school lawsuits claiming damages for physical, sexual and cultural abuse by 12,000 plaintiffs. Various Catholic groups are named in 72 per cent of lawsuits — by far the biggest share." http://www.saultstar.com/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentid=16932catname=Editorials

Brighthouse Institute for Thought Sciences Launches First "Neuromarketing" Research Company Company Uses Neuroimaging to Unlock the Consumer Mind Atlanta, GA – 6/3/02 – "BrightHouse Institute for Thought Sciences emerged from stealth mode today and announced its intentions of revolutionizing the marketing industry. Thought Sciences bridges the gap between business and science and provides its clients with unprecedented insight into their consumers' minds. The company plans to change the 


2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: John LeBoutillier

Never - ever - has any President of the United States so publicly attacked a Senate Majority Leader from his own party as G.W. Bush savaged Trent Lott last week.

And the brutal campaign against Lott continued over the weekend with a high-ranking White House aide - probably political guru Karl Rove - casually dismissing the thought of Lott leaving the Senate and the Democrats thus getting that Mississippi seat: "If he chooses to do that, that's his choice, so be it."

It is now very likely that the following scenario takes place - this week:

Lott - with a big push from Team Bush - is kicked out as Majority Leader. Then Lott, not wanting to hang around the Senate as a pariah, quits the Senate entirely. Then the Democratic Governor of Mississippi appoints a Democrat to fill the vacancy. Thus, the Senate will again be 50-50 - with Vice President Cheney breaking the tie and again keeping that body in GOP hands - for now.

Suddenly the pressure will be back on from the Democrats and liberals to pick off one more liberal GOP Senator ala Jim Jeffords 2 years ago. Rhode Island's Linc Chafee is their number one target. If that happens - and it might - then the Democrats will again control the US Senate.

That would be twice that G.W. Bush has so ticked off a GOP Senator that he will have forced the Senate into Democratic hands!

Why is this all happening?

It goes back to a simple rule of the Bushes: if you are not "for them, then you are against them."

Back in 1988 Trent Lott supported his friend and fellow House member Jack Kemp for president in the GOP primaries against then-Vice President George Bush. The Bushes have never forgotten - or forgiven - Lott for that.

And George W. Bush - the 'Enforcer' in his father's campaigns - has been lying in the weeds waiting to exact 'payback' on Lott.

But while finishing off Lott, Bush may also ruin any chance he has of enacting his agenda in the US Senate.

All because of this ridiculous 'loyalty' rule of the Bush Family.

Why doesn't Bush go after Democratic Senators with the same vengeance?

He kisses Teddy Kennedy and gives away the store on the Education Department - all to earn the moniker of "The Education President" - while trying to teach Republican Senators a lesson. He deliberately excluded Jim Jeffords from a Rose Garden ceremony and Jeffords nailed Bush back by switching parties.

Now Bush purposely went out of his way last week to criticize Trent Lott - when he could have done it more gently and led the charge for accepting Lott's apologies. 

What about W's well-known 'Christianity'? What about accepting an apology? What about 'forgiveness'?

No, in the world of the Bushes something is higher than following Christ's principles: loyalty to the father and to the Bush family. If you cross them, watch out! 

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[CTRL] (1 of 5)The No Soul Gang Behind Reverand Moon's Gnostic Sex Cult

2002-12-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the Dec. 20, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 


The 'No-Soul' Gang
Behind Reverend Moon's
Gnostic Sex Cult

by Larry Hecht

It is just that unwillingness to think evil, ... that may presently erase the British from the scroll of living significant peoples.

—H.G. Wells, Experiments in Autobiography

Back in the 1970s, when the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Gnostic Sex-Cult Freak Show was in its mass recruiting phase, the "Moonies" were the American parent's worst nightmare. Moon was the zombie-maker, the body-snatcher, who came in the night—or when the children were away at college, and stole their souls away. There was much basis in fact for this fear, as anyone who had ever looked into the vacant eyes or attempted to converse with the vacated mind of a "Moonie" will recall.

Today, this lunatic leader of a mass cult is the titular head of a multitrillion-dollar, worldwide apparatus of government influence-peddling and control that knows no equal. Moon literally owns whole countries in South America and Asia. His apparatus is rapidly buying up the U.S. Congress, the Presidency, and all potential opposition forces of left, right, and center. Moon's stock-in-trade is cash and sex—lots of it. The cash comes from the worldwide drug- and gun-running operations, part of which came to the surface in the Iran-Contra scandal: cocaine from the South American trade run under cover of the Moon-linked CAUSA group; heroin from Afghanistan and the Far East, laundered through dirty-money operations of the Moon cult that overlapped Ollie North's extracurricular activities while at the National Security Council.

The sex is a specialty of Moon's own Gnostic "family" cult. Remember the Congressional Madam scandals of the 1970s, featuring Tong Sun Park and Suzy Park Thomson? That was just the tip of the iceberg of "The Reverend" Moon's sexual-favors operation. Military intelligence officers who investigated Unification Church operations in Washington in the 1970s and '80s, report that the recruitment device used on ranking, conservative political and military officials was to hold weekly orgies, arranged by Col. Bo Hi Pak, the Unification Church official who was a top officer of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). The special treat at these affairs were the "Little Angels"—Korean schoolgirls brought over by Moon as a singing group. The photo files from these sessions are reported to be a powerful influence in certain circles to this very day.

But they didn't stop at Congressmen and high-ranking military. Moon now owns the religious right from Jerry Falwell to Gary Bauer, and has bought up most of the independent black ministers, the former base of the civil rights movement, to boot. Moon uses his ample supplies of money, gold-plated watches minted in his own factories, and his private stock of "Asian brides" for the most corrupt. Moon also owns a substantial chunk of the business operations of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has been appearing regularly at Moon-sponsored events since 1996, in one case on the same podium with former Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, and former Vice President Dan Quayle. After the events of 9@nd11, Moon focused his sights on the traditional Muslim religious community, and is making inroads into mosques across America.

Moon also runs the central control points of world academic opinion. Through his International Conferences for the Unity of Science and Federation of World Professors, Moon pays six-digit honoraria to leading scientists, with emphasis on using their reputations to promote population control, artificial intelligence, and world federalism. Moon owns the second major daily in the national capital of the world's greatest power, the Washington Times, and the second largest wire service, United Press International. He controls industries around the world, ranging from food production and distribution to arms manufacture, including the original producers of the Thompson sub-machine gun.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) recently received the 2002 "Truman-Reagan Freedom Award" from the Moonie front group, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. In 2000, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) presided over the award presentation. The president of this Foundation, Lee Edwards, is the editor of the Sun Myung Moon magazine, The World and I. Its public liaison officer is society editor of Moon's Washington Times. Included on the National Advisory Council of this Moonie front are: former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski; former Senators Robert Dole, Dennis DeConcini, and Claiborne Pell; former UN Ambassador and now head of the American Enterprise Institute Jeane Kirkpatrick; the head of the Heritage Foundation; and many more officials of "respectable" organizations and talking heads you see on