-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

The mystery assassin
The shooting of three anti-Chavez demonstrators has unleased a wealth of conspiracy 
theories, says Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell
Tuesday December 17 2002
The Guardian

One of the mysterious aspects of the current crisis in Venezuela is who was behind the 
fatal shootings of three demonstrators taking part in a rally against the president, 
Hugo Chavez, earlier this month. Both sides are blaming the other for organising the 
attack and competing conspiracy theories have turned it into a Venezuelan equivalent 
of the Kennedy assassination.

A Portuguese-born taxi-driver, Joao De Gouveia, has already confessed to all three 
killings. On December 6, De Gouveia opened fire in Plaza Francia in Altamira, a centre 
for opposition protests. Josefina de Inciarte, 76, Keyla Guerra, a 17-year-old student 
and Professor Jaime Giraud, 53, were killed and are now seen as martyrs of the 
movement to remove Chavez. Thousands took part in marches in their memory last week.

De Gouveia was grabbed by demonstrators at the square after his gun appeared to jam 
and only rescued from a lynching by the police who took him into custody.

Owain Johnson, a Welsh freelance journalist based in Caracas, who was in the square at 
the time, told me: "I thought he was going to be lynched on the spot. One big guy said 
'we can't put up with this any more, we've got to stand up for ourselves'."

The face of the gunman, bloodied in the attack, has appeared daily in the press and on 
television since then, often with the question attached: "Who is Joao De Gouveia?"

De Gouveia was born in Madeira 39 years ago this week and moved to Venezuela in 1980 
where he found work as a taxi driver. According to the daily El Nacional, he lived a 
solitary life and had told neighbours recently that he was planning to go to the US. 
Just before the shooting the black haired De Gouveia had his hair dyed red.

Initially, it was suggested that De Gouveia had mental problems and had been so 
angered by the anti-government coverage on private television stations that he decided 
to attack a television crew working for Globovision, the most anti-Chavez of the 

The opposition suggest that De Gouveia was probably hired by the government or its 
supporters to intimidate the opposition. A tape has been shown repeatedly on the 
anti-government stations which purports to show De Gouveia the day before the killings 
at a pro-Chavez rally that was also attended by Freddy Bernal, a pro-Chavez mayor.

The government, on the other hand, suggest that the opposition hired the gunman as an 
agent provocateur to create the climate for a military takeover. In April, a military 
coup took place after a similar attack with the military using the violence as a 
justification for the coup.

Mr Bernal, mayor of the Libertador municipality in the centre of Caracas, denies any 
knowledge of the gunman. He said that he believed that De Gouveia suffered from 
"shizophrenia and paranoia" and had been used by the opposition. "It was a trick to 
create a provocation," said Mr Bernal who was previously a special forces police 
officer before entering politics. He suggested that the tape showing De Gouveia at the 
rally had been tampered with.

One senior government official has even claimed that De Gouveia has already confessed 
to receiving money from a dissident member of the armed forces and admitted to working 
for the CIA. The official said that he recognised that the allegation was like 
"Mission Impossible". He said that De Gouveia confessed after being told that there 
had been a plan to kill him after the shootings, in the same way that Lee Harvey 
Oswald was killed after the assassination of President Kennedy.

All of this is dismissed by the opposition as a typical fabrication of the government.

Whether the full story will ever emerge seems, at present, unlikely. Journalists based 
in Caracas say the record for such investigations is not hopeful and the secretary 
general of the Organisation of American States, Cesar Gaviria, has criticised what he 
sees as a "culture of impunity" in the country. Venezuela remains in limbo as 
negotiations between the two sides, overseen by the OAS, continue.

At the weekend, Mr Chavez rejected a call from White House to defuse the situation by 
having early elections, arguing that he is only half way through the six year term for 
which he was elected. His opponents, who claim that he has seriously damaged the 
economy and behaved autocratically, say that he must go now for the good of the 
country. Both sides say they fear another shooting similar to that carried out by the 
mysterious De Gouveia.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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