[CTRL] Jackson and the Chicago dance club

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
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Corruption and greed in the name of “civil rights”

Jesse Jackson and the Chicago dance club tragedy

By Kate Randall
25 February 2003

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The deaths of 21 people, mostly young and African-American, who perished
in a stampede at a Chicago dance club in the early morning hours of
February 17, was a terrible human tragedy. It was also one of those events
that shed light on political and social realities normally concealed from the
public eye—in this case, the longstanding and thoroughly corrupt
relationship between the city’s so-called civil rights leaders, black
entrepreneurs and the political establishment.

The stampede began when a fight broke out at about 2 a.m. at the E2
night club on the city’s South Side. The club was operating illegally and
should never have been doing business that night.

Security guards reportedly used pepper spray on the crowd, and the
burning mist set off a charge by patrons down the club’s steep, narrow
staircase. Witnesses say other security guards blocked the door to the
street for several minutes, and dozens of people were trampled underfoot.
More than 50 were injured. It was the worst such incident in modern US

Soon after the tragedy, city attorneys reported that E2’s owners had been
issued a court order last July barring the use of the second floor at 2347
S. Michigan Ave., where the dance party was held. But the club’s owner,
Dwain J. Kyles, a long-time associate of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, kept the
club open while city officials and police looked the other way.

Jackson showed up at the dance club within hours of the tragic stampede
to extend his sympathies to the victims and their families. His presence at
the scene, however, was principally aimed at defending Kyles and the web
of enterprises exemplified by his business. Jackson’s son, Democratic
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., also sprang to Kyles’ defense, describing
him as “an upstanding example of a young professional person in our
community,” adding that “extending blame and pointing fingers is
inappropriate and unnecessary before the first funeral has been held.”
The city’s black ministers likewise warned against a “rush to judgment.”

The Jacksons have good reason to rally around the club’s owner, despite
the fact that he was operating the facility illegally. Dwain Kyles is an active
supporter of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. His is a prominent
member of a section of privileged blacks who have benefited from PUSH’s
activities, which center around securing contracts and perks for minority
entrepreneurs. Kyles has lobbied for the city and school board to use
more minority contractors, and summed up his outlook in an interview in
the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin in 1993: “I’m committed to the development
of the entrepreneurial class in our community.”

Kyles is also closely connected to the city’s black political establishment,
having contributed to the campaigns of many black politicians in the
city—including Jesse Jackson, Jr.—and worked as a lawyer for Harold
Washington, Chicago’s only black mayor.

In addition, Kyles’ South Side enterprise has connections to the Chicago
police. His business partner, Calvin Hollins Jr., is a former sheriff’s deputy
captain in the Southwest Side’s 22nd Ward. Hollins was convicted for killing
a man outside another nightclub, but won a pardon in 1991. As a convicted
felon, he should not have been involved in running E2, and the city now
says the club’s liquor license should be revoked for this reason. Kyles’
association with Hollins is indicative of the type of social element involved
in the club’s operation.

Jesse Jackson’s relationship with Dwain Kyles goes back decades. In the
early 1960s when Kyles was a young child, his father, Billy Kyles, headed
the Memphis chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
and later opened an office of Jackson’s Operation PUSH in the city. The
elder Kyle and Jackson were with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he was
assassinated in Memphis in 1968. Billy Kyles served as a national coordinator
on Jackson’s 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns.

Jackson’s long association with the Kyles family, however, has not served
to advance the social conditions of black working people and youth in the
city of Chicago, where PUSH is headquartered. Rather, it has been Kyle
and other black entrepreneurs Jackson has helped foster who have been
the privileged beneficiaries of Jackson’s drive for minority business

Jackson and other sections of what passes for the official civil rights
leadership in America have used affirmative action and racial preference
campaigns as a means of benefiting a small minority of blacks, while the
overwhelming majority of African-Americans continue to struggle for
survival in the f

Re: [CTRL] Explosion Kills Ten American Special Forces Officials In Zarmat

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

2/24/2003 7:31:24 PM, William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ain't nation building great?  After all, this isn't yet like the Balkans where
they've got a ready-made market for 'comfort stations' ... not to make
anyone assume that the Islamians are favoured but it IS their homeland and
somebody who wasn't there two years ago is THERE now and somehow I
think that if the shoes were on the different dogs, the Ameri-Homies
would be doing the same kinds of things.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Judge Rejects Legal Bid to Block Iraq War

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lindsey in on the 'Big Lie': Two Bldgs That Changed Things

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
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West: Bush's war plan 'absolute disaster'

Posted Monday, February 24, 2003 - 2:09 am

By Dan Hoover

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ambassador to Saudi Arabia John West said this weekend that the Bush
administration's plans for a pre- emptive strike against Iraq are "an absolute

West said the administration risks inflaming the Islamic world and would
further destabilize the volatile region with its go-it-alone policy without
affecting the root problem there.

Military analysts said Friday that the opening attacks by U.S. and British
forces could begin in mid- March. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said
there are now enough troops and equipment in place to launch an

"The evidence does not persuade me" that Iraq and its dictator, Saddam
Hussein, are a clear and present danger to the United States," West told
The Greenville News. Instead, he would pursue a policy of containment, as
is being utilized with another prospective nuclear club member, North

West, 80, of Hilton Head, was South Carolina's governor from 1971 to 1975
and was envoy to Saudi Arabia under President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to
1981. He has maintained contact with Saudi friends and officials and others
in the region since returning to his private law practice. He is a Democrat.

He said Bush and his advisers don't fully understand the complexities of the
Middle East, although "Carter understood it very well, that you'll never
have a stable Middle East peace until you resolve the Palestinian-Israeli
problem," the root cause of terrorism today.

"If we go into Iraq, particularly without United Nations approval, we're
going to create what, in my judgment, will be a chaotic situation. We'll be
an occupying power with a tremendous nation-building obligation, and
that's where the problem comes," West said.

Acknowledging that secret plans and intelligence reports he hasn't seen
could put a different light on the postwar situation, West said, "I do know
certain demographic situations" that could work against Washington's goals.

He cited the 61 percent of Iraqis who are Shiite Muslims and the Shiite
mullahs who run Iran.

"As one of my Arab friends said, 'You Americans go in, you can take Saddam
out with some casualties, but you're going to have to occupy it for a time,
maybe a couple of years. Then you'll have to have democratic elections
(reflecting) your system. Then the Shiites will take control of the
government and certainly have a relationship with their Islamic brothers in

All that, West said, will make for a difficult occupation and complicate the
restoration of a government in Iraq.

Without unified support going in, Washington faces postwar troubles
without help from Turkey, which has problems with its Kurdish minority,
and from Saudi Arabia, which has a large Palestinian population and strong
grass-roots opposition with ties to terrorist groups.

"I hope I'm wrong."

But Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a staunch supporter of the
administration's policy on Iraq, said West failed to consider the changes
brought about by the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

"It has fundamentally changed us as a people," Graham said. "We have now
been shown, in the most dramatic way in the history of our nation, that
terrorism unchecked is lethal to Americans and a free people."

He cited "direct, substantial and unequivocal evidence that (Saddam) is
supporting the al-Qaida murderers who plotted the 9/11 attacks and who
recently killed an American (diplomat) in Jordan."

"The Bush Doctrine, that if you 'harbor, aid or assist a terrorist,' you're just
as guilty as they are, is the appropriate doctrine post- 9/11," Graham said,
adding that Iraq has aligned itself "with the forces of evil, and this is a
battle of the forces of good and evil."

"Saddam is an imminent threat because he has the ability to empower
terrorists beyond their own capabilities," Graham said.

He acknowledged a mixed reaction from the Saudis.

"Secretly, they want to get rid of Saddam; at the same time, they have a
substantial religious right, the Osama bin Laden crowd," Graham said.

Dan Hoover covers politics and can be reached at 298-4883.

Tuesday, February 25

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[CTRL] Bush Biggest Threat to World Peace

2003-02-24 Thread Jei
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Bush Faces Increasingly Poor Image Overseas
By Glenn Kessler and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers

Monday, February 24, 2003; Page A01

The messages from U.S. embassies around the globe have become urgent and
disturbing: Many people in the world increasingly think President Bush is
a greater threat to world peace than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

U.S. embassies are the eyes and ears of the U.S. government overseas, and
their reports from the field are closely read at the State Department. The
antiwar protests by millions of people Feb. 15 in the cities of major U.S.
allies underscored a theme that the classified cables by U.S. embassies
had been reporting for weeks.

"It is rather astonishing," said a senior U.S. official who has access to
the reports. "There is an absence of any recognition that Hussein is the
problem." One ambassador, who represents the United States in an allied
nation, bluntly cabled that in that country, Bush has become the enemy.

This shift in public opinion has presented the Bush administration with a
much different set of circumstances than U.S. officials anticipated last
September, when, in a bid to create a coalition to confront Iraq, Bush
took the issue before the United Nations. It has seemed to embolden
political leaders in Europe and elsewhere who have long been wary of
military action. Although senior White House officials have insisted that
U.S. policy toward Iraq will not be affected by public opinion, they
acknowledged over the past few days that they need to confront the
worldwide mood opposing a move to war.

Polls have indicated that Americans are more likely to support an invasion
of Iraq if they believe it has international backing. Antiwar protests
were held in dozens of American cities at the same time as the protests in
other countries.

This week, the administration plans to begin a coordinated effort to draw
attention to what one official called "the plight of the Iraqi people,
with a focus on human rights and freedom and Saddam's brutality." As part
of that initiative, the administration has scheduled a briefing today on
Bush's plans for humanitarian assistance and reconstruction in Iraq, with
participants from the White House and the Pentagon.

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell embarked late last week on a series of
media appearances in Germany, France, Russia and the Middle East to help
explain the administration's urgency in confronting Iraq over its banned
weapons programs. "We know that there is great anxiety, that there are
many, many people who do not want to see war," Powell told a Russian

Still, White House officials are unapologetic about their overall
approach, which is based on forcing an early confrontation with Iraq
rather than agreeing to the stated wishes of several European allies to
allow U.N. weapons inspections to continue. White House officials even
contend that they expected this change in momentum toward those opposing
an early move to war.

Bush, in his public comments last week, appeared to shrug off the

"History has proven that the closer you are to potential hostilities, the
more vocal the opposition," White House communications director Dan
Bartlett said. "There is always going to be a faction of people that don't
agree. But I think anybody who gives a fair look at history on this will
see that this president and this administration is acting responsibly and
is attempting in every way possible to resolve this issue peacefully."

Bush said Tuesday that he had no intention of recalibrating his approach
based on last weekend's global protests. "Size of protest, it's like
deciding, well, I'm going to decide policy based upon a focus group," Bush
said. "The role of a leader is to decide policy based upon the security --
in this case, the security of the people."

Analysts and U.S. officials suggest a number of reasons the president has
become the subject of such vitriol overseas. Some of it stems from
personality: Bush's blunt manner and frequent references to religion
appear especially grating to European ears, these analysts and officials
say. But much of it is rooted in substantive questions about the role of
U.S. power in the world and whether Bush is properly using it in his
battle with Hussein.

"The debate [overseas] has not been about Iraq," a State Department
official said. "There is real angst in the world about our power, and what
they perceive as the rawness, the arrogance, the unipolarity" of the
administration's actions.

But, pointing to Bush's seemingly dismissive statements about the
protests, the official said the concerns reflected in cables from American
"overseas posts" appeared to have little impact on White House

Indeed, since the demonstrations, Bush has not acknowledged the concerns
of the protesters or the fears they expressed, and he has not tried to
counter their arguments that U.N. inspections must

[CTRL] 114 countries Urge Iraqi Backdown

2003-02-24 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


114 countries Urge Iraqi Backdown
Sunday Herald Sun | Australia

Sunday 23 February 2003

IN a show of support for Iraq coupled with appeals for Saddam Hussein to
disarm, foreign ministers for more than half the world have urged Baghdad
to comply with UN resolutions while adding their voice to the millions of
people who oppose war.

A declaration prepared for a Non-Aligned Movement summit also said that if
Iraq continued to cooperate with UN inspectors in eliminating weapons of
mass destruction, the debilitating sanctions imposed on Baghdad after the
1991 Gulf War should finally be lifted.

Although the draft declaration endorsed today by foreign ministers
addressed US concerns by stressing that Baghdad must comply with Security
Council resolution 1441 - which demands that Iraq disarm - its overall
tone left no doubt that the Non-Aligned Movement does not want to see a
military attack.

Leaders of the movement's 114 mostly developing nations, representing 55
per cent of the world's population and nearly two-thirds of UN members,
were expected to endorse the declaration at their summit starting on

US confrontations with Iraq and North Korea - nations allegedly possessing
weapons of mass destruction - dominated preparations for the summit.

"We reiterate our commitment to the fundamental principles of the non-use
of force and respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political
independence and security of all member states," the document on Iraq

There were two days of wrangling over the document's precise wording. The
latest version dropped the characterisation by some Arab countries of any
conflict as "aggression".

"It is a balanced statement because it shows everyone is against
unilateral action against Iraq or any other country," said Gholomali
Khoshroo, Iran's deputy foreign minister. "At the same time, they have
urged Iraq to cooperate with the United Nations."

"What we want is full compliance with Resolution 1441," said US envoy
Charles Twining, an observer at the conference. "It's really that simple."

Iraq is a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, which was set up in
1955 to pave a neutral path between the United States and the Soviet bloc
and which regularly opposes military action against any Third World state.

The draft declaration paid a nod to massive anti-war protests around the
world, and came a day before summit host Malaysia holds a peace rally
organisers expect to draw as many as 200,000 people.

"We are fully cognisant of the concerns expressed by millions in our
countries, as well as in other parts of the world, who reject war and
believe, like we do, that war against Iraq would be a destabilising factor
for the whole region," it said.

Not everyone at the summit faulted what the protesters perceive as US
President George W Bush's hawkish stance on Iraq. Nobel Peace laureate
Jose Ramos Horta said Bush's Iraq policy deserves more credit for boosting
Baghdad's cooperation with UN demands to disarm.

"If President Bush had not threatened to go to war in a credible manner by
building forces in the region, would Saddam Hussein have invited the
weapons inspectors back?" said Ramos Horta, foreign minister for East
Timor, which will formally join the Non-Aligned Movement on Monday.

"Did he invite them back because of the charming French attitude or
because of the German pacifist attitude, or because he knows that George W
Bush means business?"

North Korea - another non-aligned state - wanted the final declaration to
condemn Washington for causing its crisis over nuclear development, but
diplomats from other countries baulked at that request.

Meanwhile, North Korea resisted calls by fellow summit participants to
return to a key nuclear treaty, prompting some nations to say they feared
peace in Asia was in jeopardy.

"We are trying to find a middle way where we take note of North Korea's
withdrawal and hope they will rejoin the Non-Proliferation Treaty,"
Malaysian foreign minister Syed Hamid Albar said. "They must accept there
is a fear of a nuclear threat and it will jeopardise peace and security."

He said Malaysia is drafting wording that "we think reflects the Korean
concern and also reflects the concerns of non-aligned countries".

The North Korea crisis began in October when US officials said that
Pyongyang admitted having a covert nuclear program. Washington and its
allies suspended fuel shipment to North Korea as punishment, and Pyongyang
retaliated by expelling UN monitors and pulling out of the treaty.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Bush Cited Report That Doesn't Exist

2003-02-24 Thread Jei
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Editor: Bush Cited Report That Doesn't Exist
By James Toedtman
NewsDay | Chief Economic Correspondent

February 23, 2003

Washington - There was only one problem with President George W. Bush's
claim Thursday that the nation's top economists forecast substantial
economic growth if Congress passed the president's tax cut: The forecast
with that conclusion doesn't exist.

Bush and White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer went out of their way
Thursday to cite a new survey by "Blue-Chip economists" that the economy
would grow 3.3 percent this year if the president's tax cut proposal
becomes law.

That was news to the editor who assembles the economic forecast. "I don't
know what he was citing," said Randell E. Moore, editor of the monthly
Blue Chip Economic Forecast, a newsletter that surveys 53 of the nation's
top economists each month.

"I was a little upset," said Moore, who said he complained to the White
House. "It sounded like the Blue Chip Economic Forecast had endorsed the
president's plan. That's simply not the case."

Deputy White House Press Secretary Claire Buchan insisted Friday that the
survey, which mentioned "the likelihood that some version of the Bush
administration's latest stimulus package will be enacted," justified the
president's claim. Moore said that a survey taken in January before the
president announced his plan forecast 3.3 percent annual growth between
the last quarter of 2002 and the last quarter of 2003. A survey taken in
February reached the same consensus.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 17 British Firms That Armed Saddam With His Weapons

2003-02-24 Thread Jei
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Revealed: 17 British Firms Armed Saddam With His Weapons
Investigation: By Neil Mackay Home Affairs Editor
Sunday Herald UK

Sunday 23 February 2003

SEVENTEEN British companies who supplied Iraq with nuclear, biological,
chemical, rocket and conventional weapons technology are to be
investigated and could face prosecution following a Sunday Herald

One of the companies is Inter national Military Services, a part of the
Ministry of Defence, which sold rocket technology to Iraq. The companies
were named by Iraq in a 12,000 page dossier submitted to the UN in
December. The Security Council agreed to US requests to censor 8000 pages
-- including sections naming western businesses which aided Iraq's weapons
of mass destruction programme.

The five permanent members of the security council -- Britain, France,
Russia, America and China -- are named as allowing companies to sell
weapons technology to Iraq.

The dossier claims 24 US firms sold Iraq weapons. Hewlett-Packard sold
nuclear and rocket technology; Dupont sold nuclear technology, and Eastman
Kodak sold rocket capabilities. The dossier also says some '50
subsidiaries of foreign enterprises conducted their arms business with
Iraq from the US'.

It claims the US ministries of defence, energy, trade and agri culture,
and the Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories,
supplied Iraq with WMD technology.

Germany, currently opposed to war, is shown to be Iraq's biggest
arms-trading partner with 80 companies selling weapons technology,
including Siemens. It sold medical machines with dual-purpose parts used
to detonate nuclear bombs. The German government reportedly 'actively
encouraged' weapons co-operation and assistance was allegedly given to
Iraq in developing poison gas used against Kurds.

In China three companies traded weapons technology; in France eight and in
Russia six. Other countries included Japan with five companies; Holland
with three; Belgium with seven; Spain with three and Sweden with two,
including Saab.

The UN claims publicly naming the companies would be counter-productive.
Although most of the trade ended in 1991 on the outbreak of the Gulf War,
at least two of the five permanent security council members -- Russia and
China -- traded arms with Iraq in breach of UN resolutions after 1991. All
trade in WMD technology has been outlawed for decades.

UNSCOM found documents showing preparations by the Russian firms
Livinvest, Mars Rotor and Niikhism to supply parts for military
helicopters in 1995. In April 1995, Mars Rotor and Niikhism sold parts
used in long-range missiles to a Palestinian who transported them to
Baghdad. In 2001 and 2002, the Chinese firm Huawei Technologies sent
supplies to Iraqi air defence.

Foreign companies supplied Iraq's nuclear weapons programme with
detonators, fissionable material and parts for a uranium enrichment plant.
Foreign companies also provided Iraq's chemical and biological programmes
with basic materials; helped with building labs; assisted the extension of
missile ranges; provided technology to fit missiles with nuclear,
biological and chemical warheads; and supplied Scud mobile launch-pads.
Nearly all the weapons that were supplied have been destroyed, accounted
for or immobilised, according to former weapons inspectors.

The Foreign Office said: 'The UK will investigate and, if appropriate,
prosecute any UK company found to have been in breach of export control
legislation.' The Department of Trade and Industry said details on export
licences, including information on weapons sold to Iraq, was unavailable.

A spokesman for one of the British companies named, Endshire Export
Marketing, said it had sold a consignment of magnets to a German
middle-man who sold them to Iraq. Responding to claims that magnets could
be used in a nuclear programme, the spokesman said: 'I've no idea if this
is the case. I couldn't tell one end of a nuclear bomb from the other.'
The company was included on a US boycott list in 1991.

He said the company considered the deal 'genuine business' at the time but
that, with the 'benefit of hindsight', the firm would not have taken part
in the deal. A spokesman for the MoD's International Military Services
said he could not comment as no staff from 1991 were on the payroll and no
documents from then existed.

Mick Napier of the Stop The War Coalition said: 'How can we support a
government which says it's against mass murder when its record is one of
supporting and supplying Iraq? This government depends on public mass

Tommy Sheridan, leader of the Scottish Socialist Party, said: 'The
evidence of British armament companies, with central government support,
arming the Butcher of Baghdad lays to rest the moral garbage spewed from
the British government. It exposes the fact that Britain, along with
America, France and Russia, armed Saddam to the teeth while he was
butchering his o

[CTRL] 'creative destruction' and 'total war'

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World dispatch

Conflict and catchphrases

Brian Whitaker explains what 'creative destruction' and 'total war' mean in
the context of current US foreign policy

Brian Whitaker
Monday February 24, 2003
The Guardian

Faced with obstruction from the French and Germans, ransom demands
from the Turks, and opposition from millions of demonstrators around the
world, the desired invasion of Iraq has fallen behind schedule.

But not to worry. The process of selecting the next candidates for regime
change is already under way.

In a meeting with American congressmen last week, the Israeli prime
minister, Ariel Sharon, nominated three countries to be tackled after Iraq:
Iran, Libya and Syria.

Mr Sharon also met John Bolton, the US under secretary of state, who
reportedly told him that it will be "necessary" to deal with Syria, Iran and
North Korea after an attack on Iraq. That puts Syria and Iran into the lead
with two votes each, followed by Libya and North Korea, with only one.

The attraction of this approach is easy to see. After Afghanistan and Iraq,
conquering Syria and Iran would create an unbroken chain of puppet
regimes stretching from the Mediterranean to China.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, Palestinian regime change, or rather regime
dismantling, has begun. Yasser Arafat is now more or less written off,
although there is nobody to replace him, which suits Mr Sharon just fine.
The Saudis are also being targeted and, ultimately, Egypt will be, too.

While all this may be sold to the public, and to gullible leaders such as
Tony Blair, on the basis of specific issues, such as suicide bombings in the
case of the Palestinians, the vision driving US policy under the president,
George Bush, is far broader.

The two key phrases are "creative destruction" and "total war". Writing in
National Review Online, Michael Ledeen, one of the US's leading rightwing
ideologues, explained: "We should have no misgivings about our ability to
destroy tyrannies. It is what we do best.

"It comes naturally to us, for we are the one truly revolutionary country in
the world, as we have been for more than 200 years. Creative destruction
is our middle name. We do it automatically, and that is precisely why the
tyrants hate us and are driven to attack us."

The concept of total war, which is also espoused by Mr Ledeen, was
elaborated upon in the same publication by Adam Mersereau, a former
Marine Corps officer.

He contrasted total war with "limited" war, in which military force is used
to achieve a particular foreign policy objective "without mobilising the
entire nation, and while minimising casualties".

"By total war," he wrote, "I mean the kind of warfare that not only
destroys the enemy's military forces, but also brings the enemy society to
an extremely personal point of decision, so that they are willing to accept
a reversal of the cultural trends that spawned the war in the first place.

"A total war strategy does not have to include the intentional targeting of
civilians, but the sparing of civilian lives cannot be its first priority ... The
purpose of total war is to permanently force your will onto another people

"Limited war pits combatants against combatants, while total war pits
nation against nation, and even culture against culture."

This sort of thing may strike the average non-American as power-crazed
and mad (and, before the emails start flooding in from the US, I should add
that many Americans find it abhorrent, too). However, the real point is not
whether such ideas are mad, it is the amount of influence that they have
on policy.

Many of the total war and creative destruction crowd get their ideas
across to the public through an agency called Benador Associates, which
arranges their TV appearances and speaking engagements, and helps to
place their articles in newspapers.

The agency, which has offices in New York, London and Paris, is run by
Eleana Benador, a Peruvian-born linguist. Since I last wrote about Ms
Benador (US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy World dispatch,
August 19 2002), her business seems to have expanded remarkably.

She has added 10 more "experts" to her list of clients and, on February 13,
hosted a free lunch for a question and answer session with the Pentagon's
leading hardline adviser, Richard Perle.

In addition, she has started a mailing service, through which subscribers
receive, free of charge, up to six daily articles. Anyone who wishes to
monitor the developing thoughts of America's neo-conservatives, and can
resist being offended by the content, will find a subscription informative.

Ms Benador has been busy networking on the political-social circuit, too.
Although details are scarce, the website of Bob Guzzardi, a Pennsylvania
property man and Israel enthusiast, shows photographs of a jolly party
attended by Ms Benador along with Senator Joseph Lieberman,
Representative Jos

[CTRL] New axis of peace

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A trigger for war? New axis of peace throws UN into chaos
Ewen MacAskill, Gary Younge in New York, Ian Black in Brussels, and John
Hooper in Berlin
Tuesday February 25, 2003
The Guardian

The United Nations was in the throes of the biggest diplomatic
confrontation for decades last night after the US and Britain tabled a new
resolution paving the way for an assault on Iraq next month.

The resolution declares that Iraq has failed to grasp "the final
opportunity" to avoid war.

But France and Germany, the leading opponents of war, immediately
produced a powerful riposte by revealing that they had secured the
support of Russia and China for an alternative, peaceful plan that would
allow Iraq more time.

This formidable opposition alliance throws into doubt whether the
resolution will be adopted, and threatens to wreck the US-British
timetable for invasion.

The Franco-German proposal sets Iraq deadlines for disarmament
"programme by programme".

Speaking after dining with Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in Berlin, the
French president, Jacques Chirac, said that the majority of the members
of the UN security council were in favour of their proposal.

In a response to the US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld's dismissal of
France and Germany as "old Europe", Mr Schröder said the proposals
represented the views of "good old Europe".

He said: "An awareness of what war means and what it represents is deeply
scored into the collective consciousness of the peoples of Europe. That
perhaps allows us to understand better why Germany and France hope for
and want a peaceful disarmament of Iraq."

President George Bush said the US and British resolution would test the
relevance of the UN, but made it clear that if the UN did not support it
the US would go ahead anyway.

"Is it going to be a body that means what it says?" he said. "We certainly
hope it does. But one way or the other, Saddam Hussein, for the sake of
peace and the security of the American people, will be disarmed."

The stand-off may mean that the US and Britain will go to war without a UN
mandate, imposing an enormous political price on Tony Blair.

The resolution is co-sponsored by the US, Britain and Spain, and backed by
Bulgaria. The other 11 members of the security council are, at present,

In an attempt to win over the waverers, the US and Britain have
abandoned hope of a resolution explicitly authorising war and opted for a
watered-down version that reiterates much of the last UN resolution on
Iraq, 1441.

It accuses Iraq of submitting a weapons statement in December that was
false, contained omissions and "failed to take the final opportunity
afforded in resolution 1441".

The plan is to put the resolution to a vote soon after the UN chief
weapons inspector, Hans Blix, reports on March 7 on any Iraqi progress
towards disarmament. War could begin soon afterwards.

The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said Mr Bush had made it clear
that he expected the draft to be considered "in short order". The foreign
secretary, Jack Straw, said he expected a vote in a "fortnight or so".

The junior Foreign Office minister, Mike O'Brien, said Britain would
examine the French memorandum, but he was sceptical about its

The French foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, said a second
resolution was premature while the arms inspections were making

"There are some countries that think that today it's important to table a
second resolution," he said. "We think for our part it isn't necessary or
useful, since we are resolutely in a time of inspections. That is why we
have said we could not accept this second resolution."

The German foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, who is due in London today
for further discussion, also said the resolution was unnecessary and did
not correspond to the consensus reached by EU leaders last week.

Arab officials urged the EU meeting to avoid a war, which they said could
deepen frustration and militancy in the Middle East.

The Arab League's secretary general, Amr Moussa, told reporters: "You can
never belittle the consequences of any war, especially in an area like the
Middle East, already frustrated with the Israeli occupation and the bias
towards Israel. So adding insult to injury is too much for us."

Iraq could strengthen the Franco-German alliance by accepting Mr Blix's
demand that it should destroy its Samoud 2 missiles. It hinted yesterday
that itwould do so.

In the coming weeks Britain and the US will try to secure the necessary
nine-six UN majority by focusing on Chile, Mexico, Angola, Cameroon and
Guinea, helped by economic pressure from Washington.

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[CTRL] Humor maybe: Solana and Iraq

2003-02-24 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

With Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the cross-hairs, a new threat
looms on the horizon – his replacement.  It is time we considered who
will fill the vacuum Hussein presently occupies.  What kind of man will
be right for the new Iraq?

Iraq is an impoverished, isolated, and fearful state of oppressed
majorities and minorities alike, waiting patiently for the next
president whose grasp on his contempt for the world exceeds his grasp of
reality.  They want a president incapable of differentiating between
cultures.  They want a man who can appreciate the PR value of holding a
rifle.  They need a man who doesn't sleep around because he has to.

They need Javier Solana.

SANCTIONS.  The Iraqi people want someone to stop UN sanctions.  If
their nation wants to annex another, they should have a leader strong
enough and smart enough to head off UN efforts to stop them.  They need
someone furtive and clever enough to change the rules before the rules
change them.  They need someone who knows how to party in the 48 palaces
built in Iraq since the Gulf War – palaces which cost poor Saddam over
$2 billion.  Iraq needs Javier Solana.

NUTRITION.  The United States has unfairly forced Iraq to trade $7.7
billion in oil for food, medicine, and infrastructure – all of which
Iraq doesn't really need.  Surpluses from the $3.7 billion in food, for
instance, must be exported for hard cash, since the daily caloric value
of the ration basket has been raised 50% by the UN.  In contrast, child
mortality in portions of the Iraq outside of UN control have doubled.
These kids need guns, not food!  Iraq needs a man who understands the
expediency of putting a rifle in a kid's hand for political reasons.
Iraq needs Javier Solana.

APPROPRIATION.  Iraq oil exports are at near prewar levels.  $200 in
Phase 5 of the oil-for-food program has been allocated – 60% was spent
on medical equipment, and 40% on medicine.  Nevertheless, the Iraqi
people are still not better off, amidst widespread reports of health
problems.  Saddam has worked hard to bring in his own $6 billion fortune
with oil and smuggling – one less mouth to feed.  And yet thanks to his
enemies, he can't enjoy his success enough to take a stroll in public.
The Iraqis need a profiteer who isn't afraid to schmooze with them.
Iraq needs Javier Solana.

AMUSEMENT PARKS.  In 1999, the Iraqi government spent hundreds of
millions on an amusement park for government officials.  Yet who can
Iraqis rely on to maintain this resort for the government's elite when
Saddam is gone?  Iraq needs Javier Solana.

EXECUTIVE DECISIONS.  It takes quite a few strokes of the pen to rule
Iraq.  Over 2,500 prisoners have been executed since 1997.  In only two
decades, 3,000 Kurdish villages had to be destroyed.  Nearly a million
Kurdish and Turkomen citizens had to be displaced within Iraq recently,
and local officials have to be employed to insure these individuals are
refused employment, food, and shelter.  The 1988-89 Anfal campaign cost
Iraq dearly – 5,000 deaths in just one of a number of villages alone –
chemical weapons on that scale can't be cheap. The Iraqis need a leader
who will keep their people mobile across their great nation.  They need
a leader who is not afraid to handle matters of individual development –
someone with their own vision of environmental development.  Iraq needs
Javier Solana.

POLICY.  It takes a tyrant to rule a nation.  EU's unswerving devotion
to liberal rather than conservative policy unfairly obscures the
proactive career of Javier Solana.  Javier Solana has unflinchingly
implemented both conservative and liberal policy based on his own
objectives while kissing the ass of the broader national political
climate as needed.   Iraq has spent 20 years under a dictator.  Iraq
needs a dictator with experience.  Iraq needs Javier Solana.

LEADERSHIP.  Iraq is a complex nation that with a long, proud tradition
of dictatorial politics.  It needs a leader who both can inspire and
propagate his own personal policies with stealth and ruthless
efficiency, and without losing that veneer of good humor and affability.
Iraq needs Javier Solana.

ASSERTIVENESS.  Iraq needs a leader who is not afraid to take charge. It
needs a leader who can make a drinking buddy out of his boss while
plotting his overthrow.  Iraq needs a leader who is not afraid of
backpedaling – a leader who can profess to outlaw weapons one minute and
then re-arm the next.  Iraq needs Javier Solana.

POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT.  Iraq still has far to go if it is to realize its
dream of leading Arabs to victory over western oppression.  Iraq needs a
strong leader who answers to no one – and is smart enough to keep that
fact hidden.  Iraq needs Javier Solana.

POLITICAL ACTION.  International organizations don't understand what it
takes to govern a place like Iraq.  Sometimes sacrifices are necessary
to maintain the peace.  It needs a "take no prisoners" man of action in

[CTRL] Marbury v. Madison v. Ashcroft

2003-02-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

February 24, 2003
Marbury v. Madison v. Ashcroft

Two hundred years ago today Chief Justice John Marshall delivered the
judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Marbury v. Madison. As a
kindness to Justice Samuel Chase, who was ill, he announced the decision in
the Capitol Hill rooming house where most of the justices lived. In that
humble setting Marshall and his colleagues established the great principle
that judges have the power to declare acts of Congress void because they
conflict with the Constitution.

After 200 years Americans are so accustomed to judges having the last word
that alternatives seem unthinkable. We rely on the courts to enforce what
the Constitution promises us.

But in one area the courts have disappointed us. In time of war, actual or
threatened, they have repeatedly abdicated their function, bowing to claims
of national security. A dramatic example in the last century was the
internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II; bowing to government
claims that they were a security threat, the Supreme Court, in the
Korematsu case, refused to interfere.

We are now headed for a profound test of our commitment to the Constitution
in time of war: the war on terrorism, as President Bush has proclaimed it.
His administration has taken steps that radically impinge on the right to
counsel and other fundamental liberties. Will the courts, in the end the
Supreme Court, subject those measures to real constitutional scrutiny, or
give way to arguments of war emergency?

The war on terrorism is an especially dangerous occasion for judges to
close their eyes to violations of our rights. In every other historical
case of the courts yielding to wartime claims, the emergency ended before
long and the country regretted the abandonment of constitutional values. It
is extremely unlikely that the Supreme Court today would follow the
Korematsu decision and uphold the internment of hundreds of thousands of
Americans of a particular ethnic background.

But no one can imagine this war coming to an end any time soon. So every
piece of judicial deference to the power of government in war may crimp the
rights of citizens forever.

Aliens, both visitors and permanent residents, were harshly affected by
Bush administration measures after 9/11. Attorney General John Ashcroft
ordered more than 1,000 aliens detained, keeping their names and places of
detention secret. He also ordered many deportation hearings held in secret.
He required visitors from 25 countries, predominantly Muslim, to register
with the government. Those who failed to do so within 40 days were subject
to arrest, detention and deportation.

But the measure that most gravely menaces constitutional rights is the
arrest and indefinite detention of Americans without trial and without
access to a lawyer. The president has claimed the power to thus seize and
hold any American whom he designates an "enemy combatant." And the basis of
the designation, administration lawyers argue, is not subject to effective
review in any court.

Two American citizens are now held in solitary confinement under this
asserted presidential power. One, Yasser Hamdi, was found under unexplained
circumstances on a battlefield in Afghanistan. The other, Jose Padilla, was
arrested on arrival at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago after
spending time in Egypt and Pakistan. Both are totally isolated. They are
not allowed to speak to a lawyer. They may not see their families.

Lawyers appointed to act for Mr. Hamdi and Mr. Padilla challenged their
detention. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in
Richmond, Va., made the first appellate ruling - against Mr. Hamdi. It held
that the constitutional guarantee of the right to counsel "in all criminal
prosecutions" did not apply because Mr. Hamdi was not being prosecuted.

That reasoning reduced constitutional law to sleight of hand: The
government can impose solitary confinement, perhaps for life, if it simply
avoids giving the prisoner a trial. If what was done to Mr. Hamdi did not
technically violate the Sixth Amendment, it surely deprived him of liberty
without due process of law. James Madison, the principal author of the Bill
of Rights, would have been astounded at the notion. So would the average
American today if told he could be taken off the street and imprisoned
forever without being able to call a lawyer.

The Fourth Circuit also agreed with the government that courts must defer
to the president in wartime. It held that the president can detain
indefinitely anyone he calls an enemy combatant. And it said that judges
could not look into the basis of that designation if the president produced
any evidence for it, however slight and untested by cross-examination.

The last point, making it all but impossible to challenge the president's
designation of anyone as an enemy, is crucial. Throughout American history
the courts have accorded conclusive w


2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


What happened to the Columbia Space Shuttle and why NASA is mis-leading the public with easily hoaxed information.
A Scientific Explanation 

The partly-university and partly-military HAARP facility has very lax security, as shown by the pictures and text on their own website. It is only just a very large shortwave radio transmitter in Gakona, Alaska used for university research, isn't it? That's what they say. 

For several years, beginning about 1998, HAARP is normally turned on during the summer months, starting several hours before midnight. They are doing atmospheric auroral zone research for several hours each night when the sky is very dark, during that part of the month when the bright moon is below the horizon. That is the "University Research" mode. The shortwave transmitter pulses may have both long and short pulses with about equal-length spaces in between, and the pulse lengths may vary, depending on the academic research experiment, from 3 to 30 seconds. 

During the "Navy Deep-Sea Communication" operational mode, the shortwave radio pulses are all, with military precision, exactly 6.25 seconds long with either exactly 15 or 30 second spaces between pulses. Those long and short binary spaces in between the pulses are actually the coded message. Something like the dits and dahs of very slow Morse code. In this mode, the power is usually at maximum. Unlike the research mode, which mostly runs at night, the US Navy communication mode can be at any time of the day or night, any month of the year. The transmissions may run continuously for about 10 to 30 hours, or from one to several days. 

These communication pulses interact with the earth's magnetic field near the northern auroral zone. These very slow interactions, taking hours to send a short message, can be sensed by special magnetometer receivers in the US nuclear submarines miles deep below the ocean surface. This HAARP communication mode can operate far deeper into the ocean than any other nation can penetrate, so only US submarines are capable of long-term full-stealth mode, out of reach far below all other nation's submarines. All the while, still staying in communication with US Navy command headquarters. 

Following the 9-11 World Trade Center attack, and just minutes after the President declared the highest Defense Condition Four (DefCon4), HAARP began transmitting at highest power for 18 hours in "deep-sea communication" mode. This is the only way to communicate the DefCon4 condition and updated battle commands to the US nuclear submarines on station miles deep in the ocean. 

The "Air Force Missile Defense Shield" mode is usually heard as 4 or 5 second pulses about 20 seconds apart. The pulses also are modulated with circular polarization, changing in tone slightly faster or slower than the 1 Hz base frequency. This results in hearing sounds, which I call repeated "zooo-eep" sounds going upward or "zaah-oownd" sounds going downward. This causes very fast relativistic electrons or ions to be sprayed into outer space arcing from north to south magnetic pole, from the ionosphere, either upward to the magnetosphere, or downward from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere. 

These particles, moving at nearly the speed of light, stay only in the vacuum of space and are stopped whenever they hit the atmosphere. The focused fast moving particles can penetrate and damage the electronics of an incoming nuclear missile warhead and cause the missile to spin out of control and burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere. 

The damage effect is similar to the strong radiation from a nearby nuclear explosion. Thus the "missile shield" mode can quickly destroy incoming missiles almost anywhere in the world even before they re-enter the atmosphere. The graduate student technical research reports on the HAARP website for the summer study programs of 1999 and 2000 reveal they have succeeded in producing particle flow along "certain magnetic field lines." This is a secretive or obtuse way of saying that they have finally implemented a "focused missile defense shield" mode. 

The staffers at HAARP are several full time professional radio electronics operators and a number of part-time professors and graduate research students. They all have access to the facility which is the key to the back door of the small cafeteria/control room building. The HAARP facility does not even have a fence around it. 

CAUTION: What follows contains speculative material. 

One of the HAARP graduate students, Mustava Grufti, gets up in the middle of the night, and goes to work all by himself at 4:00 AM on a very cold Saturday Alaska winter morning. They usually don't work on the weekends, especially not in the frigid mid-winter. He turns on the cold diesel generators which produce the electrical power for the large radio system and starts up the transmitters. He plugs in

[CTRL] Indict the Council on Foreign Relations

2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Indict the Council on Foreign Relations
By Mike Schelstrate
February 23, 2003

As many of us are undoubtedly aware, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is in control of the shadow government that is actually running our country. Their membership includes many of the elite of American government, financial, and educational institutions. The CFR’s complete control over the domestic and foreign policy of America being unquestionable, this organization needs to be confronted with the spectacular list of failures of their policy since they took over our government. With power comes responsibility. There is sufficient evidence today to proceed with impeachment procedures against this illegal ruling body. This organization should be disbanded, and all of its members charged with treason! Maybe we should propose that the members be brought up before one of their “achievements”, the new International Criminal Court. 

The CFR was founded in 1921 as the demise of Woodrow Wilson’s brainchild, the League of Nations, became apparent with the failure of Congress to ratify the treaty. The Rockefeller dynasty and Colonel Mandel House, the power behind Wilson, were the driving force behind the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations. One needs only to study Colonel House’s novel “Phillip Dru, Administrator” to obtain a preview of the foundation this organization was built on, and the plan for the complete takeover of America by a socialist dictatorship. David Rockefeller continues to be involved with the direction of the organization today. Their mandate is to exert control over elected officials and official policy to further their ambitions of global economic and military domination...

It now appears that they are very close to realizing this lofty goal. American intervention into the Second World War was crafted by this organization with the express purpose of creating their new International organizations; the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank. Through these agencies, the CFR exerts their power and labor to fulfill their nefarious Global conquest.

One of the goals stated on their website is to “Identify and nurture the next generation of foreign policy leaders”. This goal can be interpreted to mean that the CFR searches out the best and brightest, indoctrinates them in the proscribed doctrine, and then supports their selection to important positions in government, media and educational institutions. By this method, the CFR is guaranteed the loyalty of future leaders to perform their required duties to further the private aims of the CFR. 

Recently, I read the novel “Three Wise Men”. I must tell you that these three men did not appear to be very wise to me. In fact, their entire careers were complete disasters for our country. They stumbled through one bad decision after another beginning with the end of World War II, and continuing through the Vietnam conflict. At least this is what appears to have happened. The alternate view that they were actually working towards the goal of the destruction of America is a distinct possibility. Of course, all three were members in good standing of the CFR. After absorbing this narrative and many others, I have grown increasingly concerned about the viability of our past and current government representatives. It appears that small, select groups of individuals from the “Eastern Establishment”, most graduates of Ivy League institutions and select private societies including Skull and Bones of Yale University, have held the reins of our government for the entire last century! It is not important which political party is in office, a quick perusal of administration staffs produce a proliferation of CFR members in the highest positions in both Democratic and Republican parties. Every president in recent history has been a member in good standing. America deserves better leadership than this. Our government has been purchased by the International Bankers of Wall Street, and the CFR is their chosen method of executing their commands. When I hear that the panderer and king of corruption Bill Clinton is addressing the Council on some new Globalist scheme, as he has quite frequently recently, this is more proof that we should not depend on this group of people to run our affairs! 

For many years, the CFR had operated incognito, avoiding contact with the press, and attempted to suppress knowledge of their activities. Over the last century, loyal members of Congress have attempted many times to rid our government of this evil. Every attempt has failed. Now, they are so secure in their position, that influential leaders proudly proclaim their membership without fear of reprisal. I discovered recently that one of the first copies of their periodical, Foreign Affairs, signed by Vladimir Lenin, is on proud display in their hallway. Why would the infamous Soviet leader

[CTRL] Explosion Kills Ten American Special Forces Officials In Zarmat

2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Explosion Kills Ten American Special Forces Officials In Zarmat

Reported by: Translated By Jihad Unspun
2/24/2003 (Daily Ausaf) :: 

Editors Note: Daily Islam also confirmed this report, with slightly lower casualty numbers.

>From news across the border, a severe explosion took place in Afghan province Zarmat when American Special Forces’ officials were leaving the area in a double cabin vehicle. The intensity of the explosion could be heard from several kilometers away. 

The vehicle was completely destroyed and all ten people on board were killed on the spot. The body parts of the soldiers were seen far away from the scene of the explosion. Almost all the dead bodies were beyond recognition. Soon after, rescue units converged on the area with both ground vehicles and helicopters, sealing off the area and transported the bodies to an undisclosed location via helicopter. The American investigators on the scene were to determine if the explosion was the result of a pre installed time bomb or a land mine.

Meanwhile, in other news, in suburbs of Kantar, an unknown assailant attacked an American Patrol in a surprise ambush. Americans soldiers managed to escape by jumping from the vehicles. According to details, the exchange of fire continued for more than an hour. Later on the Americans called for aerial support and the assailant fled the scene.

In other news, two big caches of weapons were found from Garbaz’s tribal area in Khost. According to locals, these caches were from the Taliban regime and a large number of weapons were stored by making a bunker. Coalition troops later on transported these weapons to Bagh-e-Sar airport. Afghan troops also took part along with coalition troops while helicopters hoovered overhead One American soldier was severely injured due to a land mine explosion. He has been shifted to Khost for medical treatment where his condition is said to be critical.

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[CTRL] Protesters march on Bones tomb

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

Anti-war protesters gather in the rain Saturday outside the Skull and Bones tomb on High Street. The protest march, sponsored by the city's Green Party, culminated at the tomb because of President Bush's membership in the society. (PHILIP RUCKER/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER)

Protesters march on Bones tomb
Published Monday, February 24, 2003
Protesters march on Bones tomb

Staff Reporter

Anti-war protesters gather in the rain Saturday outside the Skull and Bones tomb on High Street. The protest march, sponsored by the city's Green Party, culminated at the tomb because of President Bush's membership in the society. (PHILIP RUCKER/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER)

With chants of "No more skulls, no more bones, bring our soldiers home," some 500 protesters called for peace Saturday on the steps of the secret society tomb that they called the "secret campaign headquarters" of the Bush administration.

In a march from downtown New Haven to the Skull and Bones tomb on High Street, the protesters stopped traffic through the Yale campus. Before the march through the rain, which was sponsored by the New Haven Green Party, protesters packed the United Church on the Green for a peace rally with speeches from several community leaders.

Minister Kevin Mohammed, a representative of the Nation of Islam, said the war had nothing to do with the American people, but has everything to do with a few individuals with special interests. He even called on Bush to send his daughters to war.

"We have coke addicts and crack addicts, and America has become an oil addict," Mohammed said to a rousing applause. "If they want a regime change in Iraq, we definitely need a regime change in America."

Noted historian and peace advocate Howard Zinn wrote the opening statement for the rally.

"The talk [in the news] is about strategy and tactics," Zinn's statement said. "What is missing is what an American war in Iraq will do to hundreds of thousands of ordinary human beings."

Calling for Americans to wake up and say "enough is enough," Imam Zaid Shakir, a professor at Southern Connecticut State University, said in his speech that it was time to crash the party. He described the American revolution against "King George of Britain" and the current revolution in Britain against "King George of America," referring to what he said was Bush's lack of international political support.

"How history has come full circle," Shakir said.

Ward 2 Alderwoman Joyce Chen '01 said Bush ignores the American people.

"Where is democracy in America?" Chen said in her speech. "War is not inevitable, and it is us who will prevent it from happening."

Announcing the formation of a new group, Connecticut Labor Against the War, spokesman Nick Allen said the group's members will keep fighting until the drive to war is gone. Allen said the "blood that will spill in the streets of Baghdad" will be that of working-class people.

Kelly Anthony, a professor at Wesleyan University, was a member of an academic delegation that recently visited Iraq, and said a war is not the solution.

"I can tell you, the Iraqi people do not want this war," Anthony said. "They want democracy. Most of them do not want Saddam Hussein in power, but they do not want the United States in power either."

People came from around the state to join the Green Party in protesting the war. Wearing a helmet with pro-labor and anti-war stickers, Hal Ljongquist, of Wolcott, said he hopes Bush will come to his senses and not take America to war.

"I'm here to depress sentiment for and to increase resistance to the War in Iraq and to restore social programs that have been taken away," Ljongquist said.

Some protesters brought their children along. Seven year old Noah Segal-Gould of Hamden, who attended the rally with his mother, said he opposes what he calls the "War for Oil" and called Bush "a lunatic."

"If I say 'Peace for children,' do you think the President will hear me?" Segal-Gould asked.

The protesters proceeded from the church to "storm" Skull and Bones, which the protesters called the "New Haven home" of Bush. The society's membership includes Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush '48.

Copyright © 1995-2003 Yale Daily News Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always,

[CTRL] Yale succession more than coincidence

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
The Yale Herald
February 21, 2003  |  Opinion
 Yale succession more than coincidence


In 1949, Yale Daily News Editor William F. Buckley, Jr., DC '50, and my father, Yale English professor Richard B. Sewall, had a memorable exchange at Freshman Commons. They were there to help freshmen of the class of '53 make the most of their years at Yale. But they disagreed passionately about the purpose of education. Is it active (Buckley) or contemplative (Sewall)?


William F. Buckley believed in active education and leadership.

Buckley, the big man on campus, urged the freshmen to join, heel, compete and succeed. Yale, he said, is your chance to build the networks that will sustain you throughout life. Sewall, a teacher and scholar, urged the freshmen to read, write, discuss and understand. Yale, he said, is your chance to reflect on life itself. Years later, '53 alumnus Jim Thomson summed up the student response: "We all knew Sewall was right, but we wanted to be like Buckley."

   Since 1988, three Yale graduates have led the United States. This Yale succession is historic. Never before have three (or even two) successive U.S. presidents studied at the same university. During its tercentenary year, mother Yale codified this lineage by gathering its presidential progeny, separately, back to Yale. At graduation, President George W. Bush, DC '68, jokingly likened himself to the Prodigal Son.

 Today, Yale uses its presidential lineage as a beacon to attract students, raise money and extend its global presence. But no one studies it. By falling silent on something historic happening in its own backyard, Yale's community of scholars risks losing its perspective on history. Equally at risk is America's political press, given its stunning silence on one university's four-term (and counting) lock on the White House.

 So what's being overlooked? Under scrutiny, the Yale succession is a key to recent history and a gateway to leadership issues of concern to Yale as a "laboratory for future leaders," in President Richard Levin's phrase.
 All three Yale presidents owe their White House tenures to the Big Money that has tightened its grip on local, state, and national government since the advent of televised attack ads in the 1960's. In addition, Big Money's grip on education and media has helped the Yale presidents advance America's post-Cold War bid for military and economic empire without ever consulting or informing voters. Finally, it was on the Yale presidents' watch that Big Money corrupted and inflated corporate and political America until the bubble burst, plunging the world into a recession that economists say could last for years.

 No economy, national or global, can stand forever on a corrupt political base. Healthy societies, like healthy families, require trust. The seismic convergence of ethics and economics that toppled Japanese and American markets in 1991 and 2000, respectively, now rattles the entire world. Corruption and terror, widely seen as two unethical sides of the same coin of oil and empire, depress financial markets around the globe.

 In America, the Dow Jones average reflects a general loss of faith in institutions fueled by Machiavellian venality in politics and by Enronitis in business. The restoration of integrity—a sea change in America's civic and commercial life—is the task of a generation. It entails creating a new "balance of public and private interests in the global economy," writes Jeffrey Garten of Yale's School of Management. If not apparent now, the need for change will become clear as investor mistrust causes market rally after market rally to fizzle.

 Does the United States, in its commitment to freedom and democratic values, have the will to effect change? And does Yale, as a laboratory for future leaders, have the will to lead the way in imagining and implementing change? The unwillingness of Japan's elite universities to produce a generation of tough-minded reformers helps explain why that former economic superpower, now in its thirteenth year of recession, could be stagnate for years to come. Will America be next?

 Significantly, the Ivy League aura that shields the Yale succession from scrutiny is fading. In Secrets of the Tomb, a recent history of Skull and Bones, Yale grad Alexandra Robbins, SY '98, shows how four generations of Bonesmen created the Bush dynasty that comprises two thirds of Yale's presidential troika. Looking ahead to 2004, Robbins describes a possible Bush/Kerry contest as "the first Bones versus Bones presidential race."
 In this pairing, Yale comes off more as a club for oligarchs than a laboratory for leaders. Three more Yale-trained presidential hopefuls bolster this impression: Vermont Governor Howard Dean, PC '71, and Senators Joe Lieberman, MC '64, LAW '67, and Hillary Clinton, LAW '67.

 In 1949, Yale, in its wisdom, sent Bonesman Buckley and "barbarian" Sewall to Freshman Commons to encourage the class of '53 to

[CTRL] Columbia Disaster-Detailed Analysis Of Electri

2003-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

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Disaster; Wrong Place, Wrong Time!

Rick L. Sterling

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[CTRL] Bush Magic Turns Medicines Into Munitions

2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Magic Turns Medicines Into Munitions 

Rumsfeld told Congress he has asked COW head George W. Bush to sign a special waiver allowing American forces to use biochemical weapons against Iraqi troops and civilians in the upcoming stampede into Iraq, UPI reports. What's more, the COW chemicals would be launched unilaterally, as part of the standard Rules of Engagement--and not merely in retaliation for an attack with similar weapons by Saddam.


Six million marched for peace last week, but the Bush Regime and the Blair Regency were unmoved by this outburst from the ignorant rabble. Instead, the righteous leaders of the "Coalition of the Willing" (or COW) declared that no power on earth will halt their holy quest to rid the world of Saddam Hussein and his chemical weapons.

Strange, then, to see one of COW's biggest bovines--Pentagon warlord Donald "Squinty" Rumsfeld--informing the dazed and docile rubberstamps of Congress of his intention to assault Iraq with, er, chemical weapons.

Rumsfeld told Congress he has asked COW head George W. Bush to sign a special waiver allowing American forces to use biochemical weapons against Iraqi troops and civilians in the upcoming stampede into Iraq, UPI reports. What's more, the COW chemicals would be launched unilaterally, as part of the standard Rules of Engagement--and not merely in retaliation for an attack with similar weapons by Saddam.

In his extraordinary testimony--entirely ignored by the mainstream American media, natch--Rumsfeld openly complained about the onerous restrictions imposed on American forces by the stupid old Chemical Weapons Convention that the U.S. signed--indeed, initiated--many years ago. Rumsfeld told the Congressfolk of his deep "regret" that the U.S. had "tangled ourselves up so badly" with all that sissy-mary malarkey in the first place. But now, thank God, a real brush-clearin', pretzel-chompin' he-man is sitting on top of the COW, so Squinty is sure to get that waiver.

What Squinty wants to do is unleash a barrage of so-called "non-lethal" biochemical weapons against any godless Ayrab stupid enough to resist the incoming herd. This array of incapacitators--or to use the Pentagon's quaint term, "calmatives"--will include fighting pharmaceuticals developed by the world's leading drug companies. True, the weaponization of medicine is something of a departure from the Hippocratic Oath--but what's health and healing when your COW is calling you to war? Anyway, isn't the Hippocratic Oath--like the CWC, the ABM Treaty, the UN Charter, the Bill of Rights, indeed, the very notion of law itself--outmoded in the new Bush imperium?

Rumsfeld hopes to emulate the glorious success of Russian security forces, who used "non-lethal calmatives" to liberate the Nord-Ost hostages from their captors--and from the bonds of earthly existence as well. But there's one slight hitch: the Russians' employment of "calmatives"--however blundering and murderous--was legal under international law, which permits the use of "crowd-control devices" in domestic, law enforcement situations. But the use of any chemical weapon against people in wartime--no matter how supposedly non-lethal it might be--is expressly forbidden by a number of international treaties, all signed by the United States.

Not only that: the very production of such combat weapons is prohibited--which is supposedly why COW is on its high horse about Iraq. Squinty knows this, of course; that's why he and COW head Bush have quietly shifted funding authority for "calmative" research from Pentagon coffers to John Ashcroft's Justice Department--it gives "domestic" cover to the military program. Meanwhile, Squinty proudly notes that production of "delivery systems" for the weaponized drugs is rolling right along: the COW invaders will be able to use both an unmanned "loitering vehicle"--which hovers in the air and sprays brain-deadening and gut-wrenching juice over all and sundry--and a good-old fashioned mortar shell loaded with chemical cocktails.

Rumsfeld painted the deployment of field chemical weapons as a "humanitarian gesture," but here too there's a slight hitch. "There is no way known to medical science that can put large numbers of people to sleep without killing a sizable percentage of them," as Harvard biology professor and biochemical weapons expert Matt Meselson told The Nation. This is particularly disturbing in the light of Pentagon documents obtained by The Sunshine Project, a Texas-based group devoted to biochemical warfare issues, detailing the actual plans for the weapons.

The papers, produced by the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, stress a concern for "target discrimination." Like so many Pentagon terms, this phrase actually means the opposite: the weapons do not discriminate among targets--civilian from soldier, for example--they simply knock out (or kill) everyone within range, allowing

[CTRL] WAR PARTY STUMBLES - Their propaganda campaign is pathetic

2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

February 24, 2003
Their propaganda campaign is pathetic 

While war may be inevitable – at least, that's what we're supposed to believe – the War Party's propaganda campaign is stupefyingly unconvincing. What was billed as a "Support the Troops" rally at the Alamo was held the other day, where "about 1,000" participants waved signs proclaiming "God Supports President Bush." This echoes the President's own remarks, made the same day, in which he declared it was the will of "the Almighty" to "liberate the oppressed people of Iraq." Having abandoned the Constitution, and the foreign policy advice of the Founding Fathers, the President and his supporters have reverted back to an earlier doctrine: the divine right of kings. 

Meanwhile, Indianpolis, Indiana, where a similar group rallied in support of mass murder in Iraq, was the scene of a breathtakingly ugly – and telling – incident, when one chickenhawk confronted counter-demonstrators from Veterans for Peace:

"Things got contentious at the end of the less-than-hourlong demonstration when some at the rally confronted a group calling itself Vietnam Veterans for Peace. 'Go home and eat your wine and cheese, you sissies,' William G. Rice, 40, yelled at the group of about 20 people as they walked away. 'Cowards.' Rice, a laborer, said that although he had no military experience, he thought he understood the political situation better than the veterans. 'I seem to have a better understanding of the price of freedom than they do,' he said."

Such is the moral blindness inspired by our righteous President – and his neoconservative amen corner, who lecture us on the glories of bringing "freedom" and "democracy" to the Middle East – that the men who fought in the muck and mire of Southeast Asia are now "sissies," while this good-for-nothing "laborer" who never fought a day in his life has "a better understanding of freedom than they do." 

General Anthony Zinni, retired Marine commander Joseph P. Hoar, and the most decorated soldier of the Vietnam war era, Colonel David Hackworth – these are all "cowards," because they challenge the rush to war, while the manly Rice and his fellow chickenhawks are not only morally superior, but gifted with a special insight that entitles them to lead.

"First of all, you know, size of protests – it's like deciding, 'Well, I'm going to decide policy based upon a focus group,'" said the Boy Emperor, when asked about the effect of the recent anti-war rallies on U.S. policy. "The role of a leader is to decide policy based upon, in this case, the security of the people," he said, looking sternly presidential. 

Balderdash. This administration doesn't make a move without consulting focus groups. Karl Rove watches the polls, well, like a hawk, and the news is not good for the War Party, even in pro-military, staunchly conservative Alabama. Suddenly, the warmongers themselves are under attack from a growing anti-war movement – that's us, folks! – and an Associated Press report on the poll numbers attributes the shift in opinion to domestic anti-war sentiment as well as last week's dust-up with Turkey over the terms of their joining the coalition of the bribed:

"These events took a toll on domestic support for military action, according to polls taken last week by the Gallup Organization and the Pew Research Center. Both found that while majorities say they support the basic proposition of disarming Hussein by force, that support is strongly conditional on obtaining UN approval for any war."

With a large majority of the American people leery of war without UN approval, or some kind of international backing, Karl Rove must be having conniptions. This is the reason for the full-scale diplomatic offensive of the past few weeks, meant to bludgeon the French, the Germans, the Russians and the Chinese into line – not because the administration cares one whit about international public opinion, but to buttress Bush's own position at home. Pollsters attribute American ambivalence over this war to fears of the aftermath, in which the U.S. will be left alone to bear the postwar burden of policing and reconstruction. And in deep South states like Alabama, for instance, there is the knowledge that a great deal of the burden will fall directly on their shoulders, as the Mobile Register reports:

"Just as in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, however, it's likely that Alabama people will shoulder a disproportionate role in any new conflict. Although the ranks of the Alabama National Guard have shrunk in the last decade, its 15,000 members still make it among the largest state reserve forces in the country. Already, about 4,100 of those troops are on active duty, serving primarily in Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and stateside on homeland defense duties. In comparison with other states, 'we would be right at the top' in the percentage of mobilized personnel, said Norm Arnold, 

[CTRL] President Bush Must Fire Ashcroft

2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the February 28, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

President Bush Must Fire Ashcroft

by Edward Spannaus For the sake of the nation, and for the survival of his own Presidency, President Bush should dismiss Attorney General John Ashcroft at once. Under the guise of the "war on terrorism," Ashcroft has led a drive to systematically tear up the U.S. Constitution, in a manner that would have been unthinkable only a year or two ago. Moreover, by diverting massive law-enforcement resources into alleged counter-terrorism measures, Ashcroft is seriously undermining the nation's first line of defense against actual terrorism: effective local law enforcement.

And now, after more than a year of unprecedented dragnets of Arabs and Muslims, combined with secret detentions, trials and expulsions, Ashcroft's Justice Department has secretly drafted a sequel to the post-9/11 "USA Patriot Act" which would give the Federal government draconian new fascist police-state powers.

LaRouche's Warning About Ashcroft

While some may be surprised by how far Ashcroft has gone in such a short time to eliminate long-standing Constitutional protections, others, who remember Lyndon LaRouche's warnings in early 2001, are stunned by the accuracy of what LaRouche had forecast. In testimony opposing Ashcroft's confirmation as Attorney General, submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, LaRouche warned that, under crisis conditions, Ashcroft would be used to force through dictatorial measures comparable to the 1933 Nazi emergency laws in Germany—the Notverordnungen (see EIR, Jan. 19, 2001). LaRouche foresaw that it was not simply Ashcroft's role in the Justice Department that would be at issue, but his role as a leading member of the crisis-management team in the Administration as a whole.

(We have seen this broader role, for example, in the interplay between Ashcroft's Justice Department and Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon: in the use of military detentions to remove defendants from the civilian justice system, in the proposals for military tribunals, and the creation of a "Northern Command" which has ominous implications for the traditional dividing line between the military and domestic law enforcement.)

'Patriot II'

The draft new anti-terrorism bill is truly breathtaking in its sweeping elimination of Constitutional and due-process protections afforded to American citizens and to lawful immigrants. It would permit the Justice Department to investigate, detain, and punish suspected terrorists in secret, without court supervision. It would allow for investigations and extraditions at the request of foreign governments, and would bar a U.S. court from considering the nature of the requesting country's judicial system, or whether the requesting government is persecuting a person for his political opinions.

And don't think that the bill's provisions would only apply to alleged terrorists. Its definitions are so sweeping, that political protests which turn violent—even through the actions of agent provocateurs—could be labelled as "terrorist" actions. Likewise, innocent contributions to a non-profit organization could be defined as "material support" for terrorism.

The Center for Public Integrity in Washington obtained a leaked copy of the draft legislation, which was written in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy and entitled the "Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003." In recent months, senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee had asked the Justice Department if it were drafting a "Patriot II" bill, and the Justice Department lied, denying that any such legislation was being planned.

A number of observers believe that Ashcroft's intention was to wait for the launching of war with Iraq, or a major terrorist incident, to unveil it. This would be similar to the manner in which the first Patriot Act came about: after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Justice Department hastily dusted off many police-state proposals which its officials and their think-tank counterparts had been advocating for years, but had been unable to get through Congress.

Surveillance and Investigation

The "Patriot II" bill would make it much easier for the government to carry out electronic surveillance and secret "terrorist" investigations. It loosens the present requirements for "national security wiretaps" under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in a number of ways:

* Under current law, the "wartime exception" to FISA allows the Attorney General to authorize wiretaps or break-ins without court authorization for a 15-day period following a Declaration of War by the Congress. This is changed, so that the same 15-day exception can be used after a Congressional authorization of the use of force, or a Presidential declaration of emergency caused by an attack on the United States. (Both of those conditions were met in the d


2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


How pompous those people are, who do they think they are, and why are they supporting a thug? Arrogance from a friend is very disappointing, they act like the Bonaparte family is running the country! Just who is this imperial dictator that’s sending that "Grand Army" to the far corners of the empire? Who wants that "Continental" economic system that places sanctions on countries that oppose us! Just what kind of a world is it - run by an emperor - what a betrayal to the "Revolution". One would think this guy is a madman, a pyramid worshipper, wants to rule the world and ram his law down all our throats! Have all those peasants lost sight of why they got rid of the King? Now they willingly let this fellow place a crown on his own head while the mob cheers! What’s next, a swift crash of monarchical punishment coming straight down on your head? It’s hard to believe what is taking place. Just what will happen to all our foreign colonies? Can you believe it, some are even talking about breaking away! The way this is going, we might see domestic terror reign again, this time from the hands of a fraternal despot . . .  
Are you outraged that a "freedom loving" country would allow such a dictator to command the artillery? No wonder most of the world fears this man and his blood line. You would think he forgot the teaching of education and has reverted to the conduct of a ‘outlaw cowboy’ enforcing his brand of law and order, through the barrel of his gun. Acting like Judge Roy Bean, this law west of the pecos is now being extended to the sands of the gulf. 

By now you should know we are not speaking about Napoleon, nor is that country France. George W Bush has renounced the office, President of the REPUBLIC, and has taken up the task of emperor for the New World Order. And you wonder why the French have spoken so loud and clear, that they will not blindly send, their Foreign Legions into the desert? They remember the lessons of fighting the nomads with mercenary troops. Beau Gest meets "March or Die" by way of Casablanca doesn’t make intelligent U.S. foreign policy. Establishing permanent headquarters at Fort Saganne following a reincarnated "manifest destiny" fantasy is really a mirage. So why dump on the French when they are trying to save America from another Viet Nam? The Dien Bien Phu that faces America will not be a defeat like that of the Cherusi barbarians in the Teutoburger forest, but it will be a debacle for the NWO colonization empire. And misguided Americans blame the French for being disloyal when they are actually taking the bold lead to tell the ‘New Rome’ that foreign conquest by an imperial power is wrong, doomed to fail and will unleash the hordes seeking revenge? 

Today’s "Old Guard" is not the Imperial Guard of Napoleon or the a fateful army in service to King George Bush. Our "Old Guard" is the guardian of the 1776 Revolution. The American Conservative has it right: "While the War Party spits out tired insults about Gallic weakness, Paris seems to us a wise ally, trying to prevent an old friend from acting against her deep interests. Rather link the drunk who was denied the car keys, we suspect that America will one day be grateful if Paris succeeds in pushing us back from a looming, self-inflicted catastrophe".

It is sad and tragic that the NeoCons have aligned their loyalty to the interests of a suspect foreign and bogus ally, Israel; while abandoning our own nation and trashing our true friend France. When anti-war dissension is portrayed as the sole province of the kooky left, the lies of the NeoCon perverters of our country are exposed for their duplicity. Hear what those, normally labeled as progressive, some who oppose NWO globalization are saying:

Anti-American no, anti-Bush yes! "War begins with Dubya", "Bush-Sharon assassins", "Bush, l'empire du pire", "Stop la Busherie" (a play on the word "butchery" in French), "Cowboy go back to your ranch"... Very many demonstrators were calling for "justice for Palestine" and for an "alternative globalisation".

France now actually finds itself in a position of moral leadership -- a position that has been stunningly vacant for many years. 

They are correct in their view of the problem. We authentic conservatives need not accept their solutions or defer to a corrupt UN, but we welcome their opposition to the War Party. When ‘so called’ conservatives and former friends, like NewsMax promote (and want your donations) a S u p p o r t A m e r i c a ! - "Boycott Cowardly France Campaign", they betray our own Revolution and side with that Skull and Bones idol worshipper. France has and still is a genuine friend, and is appealing to our own conscience to rethink this avoidable long march down the road of tyranny.

If you dislike the argument of the Left or the "Old Cause" , consider the Libertarian po

[CTRL] US Cracks Down on Illegal Drug Paraphernalia Sales

2003-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

US Cracks Down on Illegal Drug Paraphernalia Sales

By Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday announced 55 people 
been charged with trafficking in illegal drug paraphernalia as part of a nationwide

Ashcroft said selling drug paraphernalia is a billion-dollar industry and sales have
skyrocketed through purchases over the Internet.

Of 17 indictments returned in the investigation, ten are against national distributors 
drug paraphernalia and seven involve businesses located in Western Pennsylvania, he 
a Justice Department news conference.

Ashcroft said drug paraphernalia sales had soared with the advent of the Internet, 
allows easy access to anyone with a computer.

"In homes across America we know that children and young adults are the fastest-growing
population of Internet users," he said. "The illegal drug paraphernalia industry has
invaded the homes of families across the country without the knowledge of those

The defendants have been charged with conspiracy to sell and offering to sell various
types of drug paraphernalia. The equipment includes miniature scales, substances for
diluting raw narcotics, bongs, marijuana pipes, roach clips and cocaine freebase kits.

Ashcroft said the defendants are alleged to have knowingly and intentionally sold the
items for use with illegal narcotics. Many of the items were disguised as common 
like lipsticks or hi-lighter pens, used by students to elude detection as drug

The defendants face a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Officials said two investigations had put 11 illicit dotcom companies out of business.
John Brown, acting chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration, said, "There are 11
dotcoms that are dot-gone."

He said sellers of drug paraphernalia were just as responsible as others for the 
drug trade. "They are as much a part of drug trafficking as silencers are a part of
criminal homicide," Brown said.

Ashcroft said a number of Web sites involving the drug paraphernalia have been changed 
people who attempt to access them will instead get the Web page of the DEA and will 
that the site has been restrained under court order.

He said the government would seek a court order to do the same thing for
an additional 15 or 20 Web sites over the next 30 days.

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] Fwd: [consortium] Greg Palast's magical mystery tour

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


Beginning this Sunday, I'll be talking about my latest investigations and the new 
edition of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy-out this week in the USA.  We'll be 
raising funds for co-sponsors of the tour-Pacifica Radio Network stations, Free Speech 
Radio (with Amy Goodman's Democracy Now), IndyMedia and many others who struggle 
financially to keep the truth alive.

Here are the appearances scheduled so far. Check my website calendar (click on 
"Appearances" up top) for details on these upcoming events in cities near you. Venues 
and times for some appearances are yet to be announced. Check the site frequently for 

Sunday,  Feb 23 - Los Angeles - for KPFK - 7 pm - Beverly Garland Hotel
Monday, Feb 24 - Houston - for KPFT - 6pm - Arab-American Cultural Center
Tuesday: Best Democracy Money Can Buy released in the US by Plume Penguin.

Wednesday, Feb 26 - Berkeley - for KPFA - 7 pm - First Congregational Church
Thursday Feb 27 - San Francisco - for Independent Media Center - 2 pm - New College 
Thursday, Feb 27 - Menlo Park, CA - 6 pm - Kepler's bookstore
Friday, Feb 28 - Sebastopol, CA - 5 pm - for Project Censored - Sebastopol Veterans 
Memorial Building Auditorium

Monday, March 3 - 7:30 pm - New York City - 6 pm - Barnes & Noble at 85th & Broadway
Tuesday, March 4 - 9 am - Democracy Now! (live national  radio appearance)
Wednesday, March 5 - Washington, DC - 6:30 pm - Olsson's Books
Thursday, March 6 - Baltimore - for IndyMedia - Stony Run Friends' Meeting House
Friday, March 7 - Boston - for IndyMedia - Brookline Booksmith
Saturday, March 8 - 12 noon - WBZE Boston (live radio appearance)

Tuesday, March 11 - Milwaukee - 6:30 pm - Harry Schwartz Books
Thursday, March 13 - St. Paul, MN - 7 pm - Resource Center of the Americas
Saturday, March 15 - Chicago - for In These Times - Northwestern University Auditorium

Monday, March 17 - St. Louis - 6:30 pm - Left Bank Books
Tuesday, March 18 - Cleveland (TBA)
Thursday, March 20 - Madison, CT - 6:30 pm - RJ Julia Books
Friday, March 21 - New York City - for Free Speech Radio - Community Church
at 35th Street Between Park and Lexington

Tuesday, March 25 - Austin - 6:30 pm - Bookpeople
Thursday, March 27 - Tampa/Miami, FL
Friday, March 28 - Tampa/Miami, FL
Saturday, March 29 - Taos, NM - for SOMOS (Society Of the Muse Of the Southwes

[CTRL] sex slavery, ritual crime, protecting children, Bush gives reactors to N. Korea

2003-02-24 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

two from L Moss Sharman Global summit aims to alleviate the plight of girls sold as sex slaves Carolyn Lochhead 2/23/03 "Slaves are traded every day, by the hundreds of thousands every year, in the United States and around the world. The trade goes largely unnoticed, perhaps because the slaves are women. Girls, actually -- as young as 6 or 7 -- who have been captured or sold or lured under false pretenses into prostitution, an estimated $7 billion annual business, involving an estimated 4 million women, including 75,000 in the United States."  

f Minnesotan gets three years in voodoo killing AP 2/23/03 Superior, WI - "A Minnesota man has been sentenced to three years in prison under a plea agreement for acting as an accomplice in the 1997 voodoo ritual killing of his uncle, a Minneapolis pharmacist and self-proclaimed voodoo high priest." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3669742.html
see SMART #49 for more info on this case

New book provides expanded study on child sexual abuse Ann Arbor, Mich.-Greater emphasis on the danger of false allegations of child sexual abuse is misdirected: The attention should be placed on the danger of being sexually abused and not disclosing the abuse, a University of Michigan professor says. "Children have lost their voice," said Kathleen Coulborn Faller, a professor in the School of Social Work and director of the Family Assessment Clinic. "Although publicity about priest cases helps some, it has not turned the tide in favor of children." Children who report sexual abuse must continue to meet a high threshold by providing a detailed account to authorities in order to be believed, she said. Only about 10 percent of the cases ever reach the criminal courts and about half are lost at trial, she said.  Faller provides comprehensive coverage of child sexual abuse in her new book, "Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment." Sage Publications, Inc. http://www.umich.edu/news/Releases/2003/Jan03/r013003a.html

Bush Gives N. Korea Two Reactors Capable Of Bomb-Making Comments 

Bush Gives N. Korea Two Reactors
Capable Of Bomb-Making By Matt Bivens Moscow Times
In his famous "axis of evil" speech, President George W. Bush said "North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens."   Fair enough.   So why is the United States hand-delivering to Great Leader Kim Jong Il a pair of nuclear power reactors capable of producing enough weapons-grade plutonium each year to make dozens of nuclear bombs?   In the early 1990s, North Korea was running domestically built reactors that were churning out bomb-grade plutonium. It was the heart of a covert weapons program that has, according to U.S. intelligence, already yielded "one or two" nuclear bombs. 
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[CTRL] D/L Alex Jones - Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove. (mpg)

2003-02-24 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

An Interesting excerpt from the movie (23 minutes -
69.3mb) that shows the world's elite engaging in occult rituals in Bohemian
So if you want to see it, get it while you can. I
will be removing it from my webspace in a a couple days to replace it with 911 -
The Road To Tyranny. (complete...a helluva lot better quality that Alex
Jones offers on infowars.com)
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Removal of whistleblower protection in TWA 800 shootdown

2003-02-24 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Executive Order 13039 of March 14, 1997 removed whisleblower protection
from U.S. Navy personnel in the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG).
This group was involved in the missile exercise that resulted in the shoot down
of TWA 800. 
The EO is in a pdf file that can't be copied, but can be printed from the
URL below.
Following is the provision in the U.S. Code cited in the EO as President
Clinton's authority to remove the protection from the NSWDG.
Title 5 USC Section 71


The President may issue an order excluding any agency or
subdivision thereof from coverage under this chapter if the President determines
that - 


the agency or subdivision has as a primary function
intelligence, counterintelligence, investigative, or national security work, and

the provisions of this chapter cannot be applied to that
agency or subdivision in a manner consistent with national security requirements
and considerations. 


The President may issue an order suspending any provision
of this chapter with respect to any agency, installation, or activity located
outside the 50 States and the District of Columbia, if the President determines
that the suspension is necessary in the interest of national security

Additionally, on January 7, 2002 President George W. Bush signed EO 13252
removing whitleblower protection from the following agencies.
United States Attorneys' Offices
Criminal Division
INTERPOL - U.S. National Central Bureau
National Drug Intelligence Center    
Office of Intelligence and Review
The EO can be found at the URL below.
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Re: [CTRL] Hussein Doesn't Use Focus Polls Either

2003-02-24 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

So what do we expect from Oedipus Moron? When 80% of the world is just a
"focus group" we know how much respect he has for global democracy.


On Mon, 24 Feb 2003, Euphorian wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> February 23, 2003
> To Bush, the Crowd Was a Blur
> http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/weekinreview/23PURD.html?ex=
> 1047017042&ei=1&en=3e8d573c5380529b
> ASHINGTON — Most politicians around the world were impressed by the
> scale and intensity of last weekend's global protests against a probable war
> with Iraq.
> Not President Bush.
> "Size of protest — it's like deciding, well, I'm going to decide policy based
> upon a focus group," Mr. Bush said.
> Not quite.
> A focus group is a handful of people, carefully culled to reflect diverse
> viewpoints, chosen to help politicians or companies figure out how to sell
> a policy or a product.
> Led by a facilitator, they are poked and prodded in a private room, asked
> about their likes and dislikes and encouraged to speak while strategists
> eavesdrop behind a one-way mirror.
> And while Mr. Bush may not like to acknowledge it, his administration does
> use focus groups, most recently to help determine how best to couch its
> public messages about domestic security.
> The technique was developed to test the effects of Army training and
> propaganda films in World War II, and politicians and Hollywood studios
> have since perfected it into a minor art.
> "I hate to see them maligned," Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster and
> focus-group maestro, said. "They're tools. They're no replacement for
> leadership. But they have their place. The interesting thing is that a public
> demonstration is actually not a representative sample, because the
> protesters share the same beliefs on the issue. In many ways, focus groups
> are more representative of public opinion."
> Focus groups are used to measure the whys behind the public's view of a
> given issue, while polls typically reflect the whats and how-muches. A
> moderator can test how audiences respond to even the smallest changes
> in wording or emphasis.
> What President Bush doubtless meant was that confronting Iraq is
> necessary, whether or not that makes him popular in Paris or Peoria. But
> he, too, is well aware of public opinion.
> "They do as much polling as the Clinton administration," said Alan K.
> Simpson, a former Republican senator from Wyoming. "I used to think they
> didn't, but they do."
> Mr. Luntz said what he saw of the protests "shook me up."
> "The fact that these were the biggest demonstrations in three decades
> does say something about underlying public opinion around the world," he
> said. "You can't ignore it. You don't have to accept it. You don't have to
> follow it. But you can't ignore it."
> Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company | Privacy Policy
> Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
> have to stand on their own merits.
> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
> is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
> expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
> for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
> "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
> not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
> tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
> rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
> written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
> the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
> careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
> reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
> Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
> from the Kalama Sut
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> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Antiwar Merchandise Banned by Worlpay

2003-02-24 Thread Paul Reilly
-Caveat Lector-

http://www.SmokeBush.co.uk T-shirts Banned

UK based Internet merchant facility Worldpay, confirmed today that they
would not get involved in the sale of uber-cool antiwar tshirts, even though
a significant percentage from every sale is going to Gulf War Veterans and
their families.

Worldpay's customer acceptance department sent the following
email to my good friend who is responsible for the campaign.

> After looking at the link you have provided, we have taken a look
> at the wording of the T-shirts.
> We reserve the right to decline any applications/products and feel
> this is not an area that WorldPay wishes to get involved in.
>Therefore, you will not be able to add the T-Shirts onto your existing
>Tracy Williams
>Customer Acceptance

The T-shirts may still be ordered via paypal but we expect it's only
a matter of time before paypal executives hear about the controlversial

For more details go to http://www.smokebush.co.uk


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2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Virtual March on Washington 

2003-02-24 Thread Anonymous, Not Robert Zetadroid
-Caveat Lector-

Virtual March on Washington Headquarters 

Welcome. MoveOn.org is hosting the online headquarters for the Virtual March on Washington on February 26th, sponsored by the Win Without War Coalition. Please join us NOW for the march.

On February 26th, every Senate office will receive a call every minute from a constituent, as they receive a simultaneous flood of faxes and e-mail. Hundreds of thousands of people from across the country will send the collective message: Don't Attack Iraq. Every Senate switchboard will be lit up throughout the day with our message -- a powerful reminder of the breadth and depth of opposition to a war in Iraq. And on that day, "antiwar rooms" in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles will highlight the day's progress for the national media, while local media can visit the "antiwar room" online to monitor this constituent march throughout the day.

We need your help NOW to make the Virtual March a reality. You can (1) prepare a free fax for transmission on the day of the march, and (2) register to make phone calls to Congress on the day of the march below. We're lining people up for every minute of the day in every state. Faxes are very easy and phone calls are the most effective. Do both or do whatever you can.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] US banks balk at damning evidence

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Bravo Eliot Spitzer.  Let the good times 
Can't wait to see all those good files that the Street are so 
nervous about... bet there's going to be some red, red faces ducking into 
waiting limo's on the day the release of files occurs.
Bravo Eliot Spitzer.

  - Original Message - 
  Lic. Jim adams 
  Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 3:11 
  Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] US banks balk at 
  damning evidence


US banks balk at damning 
evidenceBy Simon English in New 
York  (Filed: 24/02/2003) 
Wall Street banks are embroiled in a behind-the-scenes 
row with Eliot Spitzer, New York Attorney General, over his plans to 
make public his damning evidence that they routinely misled 



  In the open: Eliot Spitzer plans to publish all subpoenaed 
The banks and state regulators are in talks to agree the 
final terms of the historic $1.4 billion (£880m) settlement announced 
last year after one of the most wounding periods of scandal in Wall 
Street history.
Banks are upset at Mr Spitzer's intention to make all the 
internal documents he subpoenaed publicly available. They argue this 
will encourage a mass of class-action lawsuits that will take years to 
resolve and cost billions of dollars.
Privately some accuse him of undermining the entire legal 
process that banks enter into when they share internal emails, papers 
and phone transcripts with regulators.
Wall Street agreed to pay a record fine and fund 
independent share research after allegations that the share tips they 
foisted on the investing public were little more than sales documents 
for their own clients. Citigroup is paying $400m, Merrill Lynch $200m, 
Credit Suisse First Boston $200m, Morgan Stanley $125m and Goldman Sachs 
A legal adviser at one of the top banks said: "The 
Securities & Exchange Commission has been bringing enforcement 
action for 67 years - it has never taken files and made them public." 

He believes Mr Spitzer is subverting both the 
attorney/client privilege that banks agree to waive when they release 
details of interviews with staff and rules passed by Congress aimed at 
cutting frivolous lawsuits.
Mr Spitzer's office declined to comment on the row, 
though a spokesman said the evidence being released would "further 
embarrass many brokerage firms that swore they were not engaging in such 
The crux of Mr Spitzer's case against Wall Street was 
that supposedly independent analysts gave optimistic reports on flaky 
companies in order to keep fees rolling in for investment banking 
Damaging internal emails already released show 
high-profile finance experts admitting that the shares they were 
promoting were "dogs" and "pigs". The banks always insisted these emails 
were taken out of context and worry that the wider conversation which 
would exonerate them will not be included in the documents made 
Many more class-action lawsuits are likely if Mr Spitzer 
goes ahead with his plan to release evidence of malfeasance, which is 
likely to include details of how analysts' bonuses were calculated.
The banks are also contesting the wording of the final 


2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Details of the Plan To Invade America:




Find those responsible for:
















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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] Oh yeah, Computerized Votefraud . . .

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

For New Readers: Please read messages after this ewire. These short messages 
include how to subscribe and unsubscribe. Also, it appears Topica has begun requiring 
all lists to allow them to place their ads at the top of our email messages. At 
Network America we have tried to exclude all ads except in relation to politics. Any 
messages appearing are solely the responsibility of Topica.

Did you know there is a natural alternative to Prozac and

February 24, 2003 NA (Network America) e-wire

Oh yeah, Computerized Votefraud . . .

As to my promise of shorter e-wires, here’s a sample of one:

As veteran readers know, I spent the entire first year (2000) of this
e-wire trying to make the dangers of computerized votefraud a “household
word.” But since 9-1101 -- I have grievously neglected that subject.

Part of the reason is that it hasn’t been a Presidential election year.
And part of the reason is that I’ve already said everything that needs
to be said in the overall. (Many key articles can be found at
www.realnews247.com and then scroll down to the link: “Votescam:
Computerized Votefraud vs. Honest Elections.”

But a VERY IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT is about to happen. A new investigator,
Bev Harris, is about to come out with a new book: Black Box Voting. The
subtitle is: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century.

This is an excellent title, and she is going to expose who owns the five
or six major companies “counting” our votes by computer program, -- and
how UNVERIFIABLE and open to rigging their touch screen voting systems
are, as well as their other systems.

Go to www.blackboxvoting.com for more information on this soon to be
published book. Bev Harris is now carrying the torch for exposing this
monstrous fraud on the American people.

IF – hear me now – IF elections are not made OPEN, HONEST, and
VERIFIABLE – then American patriots will be left with no alternative
than to overthrow the usurpers county by county – with force of arms if
necessary – and enforce an open, honest, and verifiable count. See the
article: “Battle of Athens: Fight for America” at the realnews247.com
sight in the votescam section – for the sound historical precedent for
such patriotic action. Also, the Kraft Home Theater movie, “An American
Story” deals with this incident in fictionalized form. To get this movie
for excellent home viewing, call 1-800-Hallmark or go to
www.hallmark.com )

The easier course will be to win over the local Sheriffs and the Police
chiefs to get serious about doing their job in this area, -- who ideally
would show up with citizens and enforce their right to double check the
computer count – BEFORE the ballots leave the neighborhood precinct.

Such use of arms to reclaim our true constitutional freedoms, -- if it
would come to that – would NOT be overthrowing the government – it would
simply be stopping usurpers – who have seized power by unverifiable –
and therefore worthless -- computer counts. Honest citizens would
thereby stop these vote crooks from stealing the country and stealing
our children’s destiny.

Here is what intrepid internet correspondent Andrew Fuetterer had to say
on the subject:

“The continuation of unverifiable, easily rigged computerized elections
-- is planting the seeds for the necessity of citizens of the USA to
take other routes [to] regain control of our national destiny by
restoring honest, verifiable elections, -- as is our right, enunciated
in the founding documents of the United States of America, un

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Zionised America Destroyed Iranian Democracy back in 1953 .... now Iraq

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Australia baulks at US plans for a postwar Iraq 
By Marian Wilkinson in Washington and Tom Allard 
February 25 2003 

Australia has expressed concern to the United States about plans to 
rule Iraq for up to two years following the overthrow of Saddam 

Canberra voiced its fears after Australian observers attended a 
secret two-day meeting in Washington on how Iraq was to be run after 
a war.

The meeting, held by the Pentagon's postwar Iraq planning office, was 
described as a rehearsal for administering Iraq by US officials and 
their coalition supporters for up to two years until a new Iraqi 
Government could be put in place.

Australia and Britain want greater United Nations involvement in 
postwar Iraq, more opportunities for Iraqi opposition figures to 
participate and a swifter move to democratic elections.

"We've made it clear to the United States that we think it's very 
important that the United Nations has a key role in Iraq," 
Australia's Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, said yesterday. "I 
don't think it's necessarily going to be quite as simple as a US-led 
military administration."

The role for the US to maintain security in Iraq was "short-term", he 

Government sources fear the US plans could provoke further hostility 
towards the West in Muslim countries and undermine assurances that 
the US and its allies are liberators, not conquerors.

The Pentagon hopes that the Australian Government will make a greater 
contribution to postwar Iraq than the small humanitarian effort so 
far discussed. However, the Prime Minister, John Howard, is resisting 
efforts to draw Australia into it.

There are signs that the Bush Administration is deeply divided over 
what role the UN should play after the war. Some Pentagon officials 
want the US to be free from UN restraint.

Others, including some senators, believe that a UN presence will make 
a postwar administration more politically palatable in the region and 

The postwar plans were discussed last week with Iraq opposition 
leaders, who are being asked to sit on a "consultative council" 
advising US administrators. However, the opposition has been angered 
by US insistence that it will be in charge of the civilian government 
and overseeing reconstruction and humanitarian aid.

A Pentagon lawyer, Michael Mobbs, was named as the new civil 
administrator for Iraq. He would answer to the US military governor, 
General Tommy Franks, one report said.

• US military governor: General Tommy Franks, who now leads the 
forces aligned against Iraq.
• Civilian administrator: Michael Mobbs, a lawyer who argued that a 
US citizen captured in Afghanistan should be denied rights in the US 
court system.
• Consultative council to advise US administrators, a move that has 
angered Iraqi exiles. 

Mr Mobbs's appointment will also be viewed as controversial. He came 
to prominence in Washington for his legal arguments to a US court 
that an American citizen captured in Afghanistan should be deemed 
an "enemy combatant" and denied any legal rights in the US. 

Opposition leaders are meeting in northern Iraq this week and intend 
to debate the plans with US officials.

Time magazine reported yesterday that US construction companies were 
being briefed by the Bush Administration on $US900 million ($1.5 
billion) worth of contracts to rebuild the country.

The contracts would go "exclusively to US companies and to 
subcontractors from nations officially designated as friendly", the 
report said.

This story was found at: 

For more http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeam

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: what is Hollinger International all about?]

2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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It used to be the case (and may still be) that the non-board advisers and
members of international advisory panel were far more high profile than the
board itself.

I am re-posting my 20th January 2003 post providing some details of these

Anyone wishing to take a serious look at Conrad Black need only look at his
Hollinger Corp and those he has sitting on his Board of Directors,
International Advisory Board and Directors of subsidiary companies.  The
papers I have naming these are now a few years out of date (1993) but
included such notables as:

Baroness Thatchler (Honorary Senior International Advisor), Lord Carrington
(Senior Intl Advisor), Henry Kissinger (likewise), Giovanni Agnelli (member
Intl Advisory Board), Zbigniew Brzezinski (same), William Buckley Jr (same),
Sir James Goldsmith (same), Lord Hanson (same), Chaim Herzog (same), Richard
Perle (same), Lord Rothschild (same), Paul Volcker (same), Rupert Hambro
(director of subsidiary), Henry Kiswick (same), Lord King (same), Sir Evelyn
de Rothschild (same), Lord Swaythling (same).

This is a listing straight out of the Bilderberg Conferences and Trilat
memberships.  Dear old Peter Carrington, as a young Guards officer during
WWII, appears to have made a bit of a whoopsy-daisy during a significant
battle following the Allied invasion on D-day, by not prosecuting an
attack - using his tank troop - on a certain bridge that was defended by one
solitary Nazi tank.  That odd lack of action arguably resulted in the
failure of Montgomery's bold plan to capture the bridges in Holland and
enter Germany via the backdoor -- a plan so audacious that it was believed
it would end the war by Christmas 1944.

And just where did this mighty sit-down-and-do-nothing attitude occur?
Well, let's see... could it possibly be at a place called "Oosterbeck" -
famous, if for nothing else, for being the lexact geographical ocation of
the now infamous Hotel de Bilderberg, which hosted the first ever meeting of
the Bilderberg Group in 1954.

It would be even more curious if Lord Carrington ever attended a Bilderberg
Conference.  Which, of course, he did.  I wonder how he relayed the abject
inactivity of his Guards tank troop as it drew to a complete, grinding halt
on the far side of the Nijmegen bridge, just captured at an atrocious cost
by the courage of the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne.

One also wonders if it was during these monumentous events, that Peter
Carrington first met Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands - formerly a German
prince who, prior to his marriage in 1937 (as I recall) was employed by NW7,
the foreign intelligence division of the Nazi's most beloved I G Farben?
Perhaps cynicism is ruling my black heart and these two only met when
Carrington attended the Bilderberg Conference of which Prince Bernhard was
the Chairman (that is until he got caught soliciting bribes in the Lockheed

However, the thing about the failure of the attack on the bridge at Arnhem,
was that it left intact Bormann's capital flight programme, Aktion Fuueland
(Operation Fireland), which was set in motion a month earlier during the
then secret meeting at the Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg on 10th August
1944.  Bormann needed a year to get all the Nazi assets and plunder safely
stashed away before the war ended (which by then was inevitable, by the
way).  Had the war finished by Christmas 1944 - as predicted in the event of
the success of Operation Market Garden - then all that luvely jubely such as
cash, gold, artworks and industrial patents, diamonds, morphine, more cash,
platinum, gold coins, lots more cash, pre-war securities (mostly American
issued), more cash... would've quite possibly fallen into the "official"
hands of the Allied powers.

And that


2003-02-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Transcript: Jane Wallace Interviews Seymour Hersh
There was about a three or four nights in which I can
tell you maybe six, eight, 10, maybe 12 more-- or more
heavily weighted-- Pakistani military planes flew out
with an estimated-- no less than 2,500 maybe 3,000,
maybe mmore. I've heard as many as four or 5,000. They
were not only-- Al Qaeda but they were also-- you see
the Pakistani ISI was-- the military advised us to the
Taliban and Al Qaeda. There were dozens of senior
Pakistani military officers including two generals who
flew out. And I also learned after I wrote this story
that maybe even some of Bin Laden's immediate family
were flown out on the those evacuations. We allowed
them to evacuate. We had an evacuation. I am here to
tell you it was authorized — Donald Rumsfeld who —
we'll talk about what he said later — it had to be
authorized at the White House. But certainly at the
Secretary of Defense level. 



Questions surround a secret Pakistani airlift.

The `airlift of evil' 
Why did we let Pakistan pull `volunteers' out of

Washington Behind Indo-Pakistan Conflict: How American
Special Forces organised the evacuation of Al Qaeda
and Pakistan ISI Forces to Kashmir. 

US helped Taliban to safety, magazine claims 


US 'let Taleban men escape'


Transcript: Jane Wallace Interviews Seymour Hersh

JANE WALLACE: Thank you for joining us. 

SY HERSH: Glad to be here. 

JANE WALLACE: It might be safely said that the one
country for whom the war on terror has been a bombless
bonanza is Pakistan. In a matter of two weeks they
went from being an international pariah, to being our
new best friend. 

The aid started flowing. It is flowing in the
billions. Are they worthy of our friendship and our
aid, the Pakistanis? 

SY HERSH: In a perfect world, sure, it would be great
if Musharraf, the head of the country can hold it
together and they can become secular. And we can avoid
having an Islamic republic with a lot of nuclear
weapons. But it's di

[CTRL] www.truthaboutwar.org

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A History of Lies
We want to trust our President. And many of us were impressed by Colin
Powell's presentation to the UN Security Council. But anyone can
convince us of anything, if they don't share all the evidence.

You won't hear all the evidence about the Iraq conflict from our
politicians, or from most of the "ambulance chasing" media. But you can
find it in history books, in investigative journalism, and even in government
reports that rarely see the light of day. We have distilled much of this
information for you here.

Historians now know that many of our past conflicts were based on lies.
Sadly, the full list of these lies would fill many pages covering conflicts over
several decades, and spanning every part of the globe. Some of these past
lies are exposed here, but please realize that we usually don't learn the
whole truth about our wars until many years later, when the damage is
already done. Could this be happening now?

Our answer is yes. But this time we don't have to wait for the future
history of Gulf War II to be written to know that its justifications are based
on a thin tissue of political lies. We can know this now because history is
repeating itself.

Many of the leaders who gave us Gulf War I now want to start Gulf War II.
So we can judge their credibility now by examining what they did then.
The past actions of the Bush Presidents, and their family retainers like
Cheney, Powell, and others, expose the lies they are telling today.

continued below…

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  help broadcast our radio ads!

But the best political lies are usually wrapped in layers of truth, the better
to deceive, and so it is in this case.

It's true that Hussein is a brutal dictator, but that isn't why Bush wants to
remove him. The whole truth is that our politicians have encouraged
Hussein's brutality, thus showing that they have no quarrel with his
behavior in principle. Read the evidence for this claim by clicking here.
It's true that Hussein has violated UN

resolutions, but that isn't why Bush wants to remove him. The whole truth
is that our own politicians have no real respect for international law, and
have encouraged Hussein to violate these laws in the past. Read the
evidence for this claim by clicking here.
It's probably true that Hussein has some

UN prohibited weapons, but that isn't why Bush wants to remove him. The
whole truth is that our politicians have aided Hussein in acquiring these
weapons, and encouraged him in their use. Read the evidence for this
claim by clicking here.
It's true that Hussein has invaded his

neighbors, but that isn't why Bush wants to remove him. The whole truth is
that our politicians encouraged Hussein's first invasion, and were complicit
in his second. See Claim #4, Claim #5, and The truth about Hussein's

But not all government lies are wrapped in layers of partial truth—some are
simply lies, unvarnished by any cover of truth.

We're told that a war on Iraq is the next logical step in the war on
terrorism, but it isn't true. Regime change was our government's policy
long before 9-11. Our politicians have exploited the 9-11 murders as a
justification for their pre- existing desire, without regard to the true
needs of the war on terror. See Claim #7.
We're told that our past foreign

interventions were no part of the cause of the 9-11 murders, or of
terrorism in general, but it isn't true. Even the Pentagon's own experts
think there's a link between terrorism and our foreign policy. Read the
evidence for this claim by clicking here.
We're told that war on Iraq is the only

way to protect America, but it isn't true. In reality, invading Iraq will
increase the risk we face. And there's a time-tested alternative to pre-
emptive war that will make us safer. Read the evidence for this claim by
clicking here.

Finally, in addition to giving you the evidence against the war on Iraq, this
site also gives you tools to share the truth with your fellow citizens.

As you read this website you'll be struck by how little of this information
has been covered by the electronic media, despite its obsessive 24/7
coverage. So what can we do to get the facts out? Our approach is to
broadcast radio ads telling part of the story, and that will bring people to
this site to learn more. We need your financial help to broadcast these ads
to as many people as possible. This is very urgent. The war could start at
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is d

[CTRL] French Post Cards

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Those Shameful Frenchmen
by Harry Browne

February 22, 2003

WorldNetDaily recently published a number of outraged letters, blaming
the French for every imaginable moral crime — because the French won’t
join George Bush’s crusade against Iraq.

This controversy has provided a wonderful opportunity for people to
demonstrate their moral superiority. Oh those degenerate Frenchmen!
Dilettantes, cowards, opportunists, moral pygmies. We Americans, we’re
the brave ones, the defenders of truth, justice, and the underdog. Look
at the way we liberated Afghanistan. And now we want to do the same for
Iraq, but the craven, cowardly French are standing in our way. And they
have the gall to act as though they’re the moral ones!

That’s the thanks we get for saving France from the Nazis. Those ingrates
turn their backs on us — after all we’ve done for them.

Don’t they realize that what we (meaning a previous generation) did in
World War II makes them indebted to us forever — obligating every French
President to do whatever any American President commands, no matter
how violent, aggressive, or irrational?

This is similar to the mother who has a perpetual trump card: "I went
through labor for you, and this is the way you repay me. You owe me."
Presumably, for the rest of your natural life.

The poor French. They don’t realize that their debt will never be "Paid in

Don’t Forget the Collaborators

And we’re not supposed to forget how many of those cowards
collaborated with the Nazis.

Of course, Americans are morally superior to the French in that regard —
mainly because Americans have never been in the same position. It’s easy
for people in the safety of their American armchairs to decide how
courageous other people should be — that they should stand up to
tyranny, endure torture, sacrifice themselves. It’s easy when you never
have to face the same choices.

Of course, many Frenchmen did stand up to the Nazis. Over 100,000 of
them died before the U.S. ever got into the war. And speaking of
forgetting things, why have the tales of the heroic French resistance gone
down the memory hole?


Many of the letter-writers know why the French won’t join the American
crusade. It’s because they’re playing financial Footsie with the Iraqis.
They’re shamefully selfish — unlike Americans, who only want to bring
peace to the world through war.

Once again, maybe some memories need to be jogged.

It was Donald Rumsfeld, after all, who shook hands with Saddam Hussein in
1983. http://www.ithaca.edu/politics/gagnon/talks/us-iraq.htm
It was Americans who sold deadly chemicals to Iraq during the 1980s.
It was the Reagan administration that provided military intelligence to Iraq
in its war with Iran.  http://www.msnbc.com/news/795649.asp?cp1=1
And it was American ambassador April Glaspie who in 1990 gave Hussein the
green light to settle his oil disputes with Kuwait by force if necessary.

One disgruntled Frenchman, writing to WorldNetDaily, complained that
French politicians have always been chummy with terrorist nations — such
as Syria. He neglected to mention, however, that Gulf War members of the
coalition that attacked Iraq in 1991 (including the U.S.) gave Syria billions
of dollars — just to get Syria’s name on the coalition letterhead. Of
course, the Syrians didn’t actually fight against Iraq. They were too busy
attacking Lebanon to be able to help. But they did give moral support.

Who’s out of Step?

And rather than call the French out of step today, perhaps we should
notice that people all over the world are siding with the French, not the
Americans. Understand that I said siding with the French, not with Iraq.

It was the French presentation at the UN that was greeted with applause
— while Colin Powell’s accusations provoked stony silence.

Why There’s a Difference of Opinion

Perhaps the WorldNetDaily letter-writers should understand why the
Europeans aren’t as all-fired eager to go to war as so many Americans are.
And the reason has nothing to do with cowardice.

To most Americans, war is impersonal. War is dropping a few harmless
bombs on foreign countries, the regrettable-but-heroic deaths of a
handful of American soldiers, collateral damage, mopping up,
peacekeeping, General Schwarzkopf on TV explaining smart bombs.

But to Europeans, war is personal. Their parents and grandparents — and
even some of those living today — have experienced war first-hand.
They’ve seen the destruction of their own homes, the loss of the property
they worked a lifetime to accumulate, the murder of relatives and close
friends, whole cities flattened, dead bodies decomposing in pools of blood,
the brutality of conquering soldiers, damage that’s far from collateral, and
outcomes far different from what was promised. To them, war is real — not


2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
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Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: ArtBishop
Date: Sunday, 23 February 2003, 1:28 a.m.


Israel ignores the United Nations and has weapons of mass destruction.So
why all the fuss about Iraq?



"As the world debates the merits of another American-led war against Mr
Hussein, the idea
has returned in a new form. Israel has violated countless UN resolutions
and amassed
weapons of mass destruction, say those who oppose this war. Why then is
Iraq singled out
for yet more punishment while the Israelis get off scot-free?

This question is no longer being asked by Arabs alone. “No war against
Iraq, Free
Palestine” has become the slogan of anti-war demonstrators in Europe and
America. The two
conflicts have become entwined in the public mind in a way that the
West's politicians can
NOT ignore."

Israel is acting arrogantly and irresponsibly and speaking like a superpower
because it has
WMD's in their arsenals and know that "THEY" control America.

The A- Team of Zionists Wolfowitz Perle Libby Abrams Fliesher Eagleburger
Feith Luttwak
Kissinger Zakheim Satloff Grossman Haass Zoellick Schlessinger Sembler
Chertoff Bolten
Goldsmith Goldman Gildenhorn Gerstein Weinberger Bodman Cohen Davis
Bloomfield Lefkowitz
Frum Melman Blakeman Eagleburger Allgright Greenspan Liberman.The B-
Team and C- Team of
senators congressmen governors generals mayors judges is endless.

Most Successful Cabal in History


Bushes Rogues Gallery

"Perhaps the most telling decision in the gang was the selection of Paul
Wolfowitz over
Richard Haass. "It [was] a fight for the soul of George W. Bush on foreign
policy in
general but also Middle East policy specifically," commented AEI's Middle
East analyst,
David Wurmser. Haass is a Middle East specialist who served under
President Bush as senior
director for Near East and South Asian Affairs on the National Security
Council and
currently directs foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institute. He
comes from the
branch of the Republican Party most closely identified with President Bush
and James Baker,
a wing which opted against continued pursuit of Saddam Hussein's forces
in 1991 and which
also clashed with the pro-Israel lobby over loan guarantees in 1992. This
side of the
party, more closely tied to big business, and oil companies in particular,
has tended to
prefer multilateralism and diplomatic engagement over simple military
confrontation. On
Iraq, for example, Haass has argued against arming the Iraqi National
Congress for fear
that it would trigger "a region-wide war with Syria, Iran and Turkey." He
has also
advocated for a "more nuanced policy with Iran" and taking a firmer stand
with Israel.

Wolfowitz, on the other hand, is a preeminent hard-liner from the
Reaganite side of the
party which advocates an aggressive US policy of rolling back perceived
threats. He is dean
of Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies and
undersecretary of defense. "Wolfowitz is one of the best representatives
of the classical
neo-conservative Reagan Republicans. He believes very strongly that power
can be used very
effectively to create more power," Wurmser told The Forward of New
York. For years
Wolfowitz has been pushing hard to arm the Iraqi National Congress,
complaining to the
House International Relations Committee in February 1997: "For all the talk
supporting the opposition, the United States has yet to deliver a single
rifle." More
recently, Wolfowitz has advocated the use of US ground troops to carve
out pieces of Iraqi
territory, telling The New Republic in December: "It will take American
forces to create a
protected area in which opposition forces can organize and to which units
from Saddam's
army can defect." Gen. Anthony Zinni, commander of American forces in
the Persian Gulf,
called such plans "a Bay of Goats" scenario."


"Buttressing Wolfowitz on the far right is Richard Perle, another Vulcan
cold warrior and a
former assistant Secretary of Defense. Within the Reagan administration,
Perle earned the
nickname "The Prince of Darkness" for being so hard-line. He is credited
with bringing to
the Pentagon a number of staunchly pro-Israel activists who dramatically
increased weapons
sales to Israel. In 1996, Perle gained the distinction of simultaneously
advising both the
Dole campaign in the United States and the Netanyahu campaign in Israel.
He was the
principal author of "A Clean Break," a widely circulated policy paper
published by the
Institute for Advanced 

[CTRL] War "Prosperity"

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Myth of War Prosperity

by Robert Higgs

February 6, 2003
Letters to the Editor
The Wall Street Journal

To the editor:

Bob Davis and Gref Jaffe?s article (Feb. 4) on the likely economic
consequences of a U.S. war against Iraq errs by giving past wars credit for
creating positive economic effects. This hoary fallacy, it seems, just can?t
be killed.

The strongest case for it has long been World War II, which Davis and Jaffe
claim ?clearly was a boon for the U.S. economy.? But a boon in what
sense? Unemployment fell during the war entirely because of the buildup
of the armed forces. In 1940, some 4.62 million persons were actually
unemployed (the official count of 7.45 million included 2.83 million
employed on various government work projects). During the war, the
government, by conscription for the most part, drew some 16 million
persons into the armed forces at some time; the active-duty force in mid-
1945 numbered in excess of 12 million. Voila, civilian unemployment nearly
disappeared. But herding the equivalent of 22 percent of the prewar labor
force into the armed forces (to eliminate 9.5 percent unemployment)
scarcely produced what we are properly entitled to call prosperity.

Yes, officially measured GDP soared during the war. Examination of that
increased output shows, however, that it consisted entirely of military
goods and services. Real civilian consumption and private investment both
fell after 1941, and they did not recover fully until 1946. The privately
owned capital stock actually shrank during the war. Some prosperity. (My
article in the peer-reviewed Journal of Economic History, March 1992,
presents many of the relevant details.)

It is high time that we come to appreciate the distinction between the
government spending, especially the war spending, that bulks up official
GDP figures and the kinds of production that create genuine economic
prosperity. As Ludwig von Mises wrote in the aftermath of World War I,
?war prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague

Robert Higgs [send him mail] is senior fellow in political economy at the
Independent Institute, editor of The Independent Review, and author of
Crisis and Leviathan and the editor of Arms, Politics, and the Economy.

Robert Higgs Archives

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rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. to Abandon Seoul

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

U.S. to Abandon Seoul, South Korea: TOTAL U.S. NEWS BLACKOUT


by Todd Brendan Fahey
February 24, 2003

The U.S. "mainstream media" continues its blackout on disturbing military
and diplomatic moves on the Korean peninsula.

Recently, EtherZone.com via this writer brought to U.S. attention the
Pentagon's discussion of troop withdrawals and/or repositioning in South
Korea. The news initially broke via South Korea's MBC news network,
prompting heated denials from Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld and
spokespersons at the Pentagon. Articles running in South Korean
newspapers and Web sites were reversed, obviously at the behest of the
Pentagon, and it appeared for a few days that MBC broadcasting had egg
on its face.

Now, of course, given the spate of Pentagon statements, we know that
MBC reports were correct; that Secretary Rumsfeld lied; and that the
Pentagon is, indeed, withdrawing U.S. forces from the capital region of
Seoul, to be followed by a "reduction" in U.S. ground troops, generally...

The reasons given by Rumsfeld and General Leon J. LaPorte, who heads
the U.S. Forces in Korea (USFK) are, that housing troops in a dense capitol
city--and especially in light of the recent so-called "wave of anti-
Americanism in South Korea"--is too cumbersome a task; that U.S. troops
stationed in Seoul affect the daily lives of too many South Korean citizens,
and are, generally, too exposed.

On these counts, and as a resident of South Korea since 1999--having seen
the behavior of G.I.s in Seoul's many nightclub strips, "boys being boys,"
and all-- the Pentagon is probably correct in repositioning our forces to a
less populous area. But there is more to the decision than has been stated
by the Pentagon:

As we speak, the Pentagon, the U.S. Joint Chiefs and General LaPorte of
the USFK are planning to alter the structure of command under which U.S.
and ROK (South Korean) forces serve. The current structure--which has
been in place since the 1954 armistice that marked the informal end of the
Korean war--is such that the President of South Korea and his Ministry of
Defense have a vital say in the command/control of the joint-troops
(roughly 2/5ths, in Board of Directors' terms), but as a matter of reality and
policy, it is the governing General of the USFK, by way of the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff, by way of the U.S. Commander in Chief, which has ultimate
control of U.S. and ROK troops.

To summarize: Currently, the U.S. President has ultimate command over
U.S. troops and, for that matter, South Korean troops, where concerns
the safety and security of the South Korean portion of the Korean
peninsula. But being drafted now is a fundamental alteration in said
structure, and which would give the President of South Korea ultimate
control over the USFK forces--both the U.S. forces and the ROK's own

Sources in the U.S. Intelligence community, meanwhile, point out that 90%
of the SIGINT (signals Intelligence) received by South Korea on the
secretive goings-on of Kim Jong-Il and the DPRK (North Korea) come from
the United States--either by way of satellites, U2 aircraft, or electronics
aboard U.S. naval vessels patroling the waters surrounding the Korean

It has also been estimated by U.S. military and Intelligence officials that
the ROK (South Korea) would need 3 years and over $18 billion to reach
any semblance of America's SIGINT-gathering capacity toward a hostile

North Korea is secretive enough as it is. For the U.S. to "reshape the
USFK" and cease its Intel. functions in the region, placing the onus upon
an unready and unequipped South Korea would be a willful act of homicide
on the part of the Pentagon.

Questions of "should our forces be in South Korea at all" aside: Should U.S.
forces remain in South Korea, command and control of said forces must
remain in the hands of the Pentagon. To blindfold the average U.S.
infantryman for lack of information as to North Korea's movements is
unthinkable and unconscionable.

In light of the impending pullout of U.S. troops from the capitol region of
Seoul, and in light of this incredible Pentagon proposal to hand over to
pro-Pyongyang South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun the
command/control reins of the USFK (combined U.S.-South Korean military
forces), one wonders if the long-rumored "Seoul-grab" by North Korea isn't
about to take place.

The men and women of the USFK, serving to protect a free South Korea
from communist aggression not 30 kilometers from its capitol city, deserve
transparent and honest answers from the Pentagon. Immediately.


Fahey, a strategic writer stationed in South Korea, has served as aide to
Central Intelligence Agency agent Theodore L. "Ted" Humes, Division of
Slavic Languages, and to the late-Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) chief
Lt. General Daniel O. Graham; to former Arizona Governor Evan Mecham (R-
AZ), former Congressman John Conlan (

[CTRL] Idiots Special

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 100)
February 24, 2003
The Top 100 Conservative Idiots Special
Well we finally made it - welcome to the 100th Top Ten Conservative Idiots!
This week we've decided to do a look back at the Top 100 Conservative
Idiots since the site began two years ago. They're ranked in order by
number of appearance (although for entries with the same number of
appearances there is no particular order). We've highlighted some of the
entries, and we've also added some fun Top Ten facts for your
entertainment. Some of the external links have unfortunately died (sorry,
not our fault) but that shouldn't make much difference. There is no key
this week, just read and enjoy. And feel free to take a look back through
the archive to find out why some of these folks made it onto the list so
many times!

1. George W. Bush ...appearances on list: 105
There's never a dull moment when Dubya's around. In 100 editions of the
Top Ten Conservative Idiots, Our Great Leader has managed a staggering
105 appearances. Impressive!

>From Idiots 71: No doubt by now you have heard George W. Bush's
"trifecta"  joke. He's been going around telling people that he promised
during the campaign that he would balance the federal budget, unless
there was a war, recession, or national emergency. Then the punch line:
"Lucky me, I hit the trifecta." (I guess the joke is funny if you're
entertained by the idea of Muslim extremists crashing planes into the
World Trade Center.) Anyway, some reporters got smart and asked when
Bush actually made this promise on the campaign. The answer: never. But
someone else did: Al Gore. "Barring an economic reversal, a national
emergency, or a foreign crisis, we should balance the budget this year,
next year, and every year," Gore said on various occasions. Kinda makes
you wonder what the world would be like if we actually had a real


Dick Cheney ...appearances on list: 29
Trent Lott ...appearances on list: 27
John Ashcroft ...appearances on list: 22
Jeb Bush ...appearances on list: 20
Ari Fleischer ...appearances on list: 18
Katherine Harris ...appearances on list: 17

Katherine Harris doesn't actually wear makeup. Her bizarre
appearance is the result of a one-in-a-million kitchen accident.

The Bush Administration ...appearances on list: 17
Tom DeLay ...appearances on list: 15
Rush Limbaugh ...appearances on list: 14
Ann Coulter ...appearances on list: 12

12. Bill O'Reilly ...appearances on list: 10

Bill O'Reilly. Who could forget the Fox News "independent thinker's"
interview with Jeremy Glick, the son of a World Trade Center victim, which
ended with O'Reilly yelling at Glick to "shut up, just shut up?" Not us!

>From Idiots 47: Bill O'Reilly likes to tell his viewers that his television
program  is a "no-spin zone." It seems that he could also be calling it a
"frequent-lapses- into-outright-lying zone." Last week, CNN's Bill Press
exposed this egotistical blowhard for the lying fraud that he is. Press
writes that after he appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor," O'Reilly was
trumpeting what a fair guy he was because he let Bill Press, a liberal, on
his show, but "you wouldn't see me on CNN." It seems that O'Lie- ly would
have us believe that liberal CNN is afraid to have him as a guest. If only it
were true. Says Press: "Last Spring, during a debate on the Don Imus show,
my co-host Tucker Carlson invited O'Reilly to be a guest on CNN's 'The Spin
Room.' He agreed. Then he ducked multiple requests and never showed."
Caution: You are about to enter a no-spine zone.


Bill Simon ...appearances on list: 8

Enron ...appearances on list: 8
House Republicans ...appearances on list: 8
Pat Robertson ...appearances on list: 8
Bob Barr ...appearances on list: 7

Bob Barr has a 250-foot-tall nude statue of Ronald Reagan in his
back yard. The statue portrays Reagan as a young man enthusiastically
milking a goat.

Dick Armey ...appearances on list: 7

Fox News ...appearances on list: 7
Michael Bloomberg ...appearances on list: 7
Rudy Giuliani ...appearances on list: 7
The White House ...appearances on list: 7
Christie Todd Whitman ...appearances on list: 6

24. CNN ...appearances on list: 6

Why go to Fox News when you can get all the conservative hypocrisy and
Bush brown- nosing you need from CNN? Scrambling for viewers, the once-
proud network has finally opted for the billy-bob contingent.

>From Idiots 50: A comedy blunder of epic proportions gets CNN on the list
this week. After stealing Paula Zahn away from Fox News, one would
assume that CNN would go to great lengths to play up the journalistic skills
and professionalism of their new employee. After all, Paula Zahn is a
respected newswoman with years of experience. Which is why CNN were
forced to yank a promo for Zahn's morning show which went as follows:
"Where can you find a morn

[CTRL] The "Don't Know" Crowd

2003-02-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The "Don't Know" Crowd
by Charley Reese

The Bush administration adamantly insists that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, but despite 12 years of inspections, bombings and spying, it doesn't have a clue as to where they are.

It frequently warns us of terror attacks, but always says it doesn't know where, when or how. Nor have there been any terror attacks in the United States in the past 18 months.

Is it any wonder that millions of people around the world and in the United States don't support President George Bush's personal crusade to topple Saddam Hussein? Keep in mind that after the Sept. 11 attack, which Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with, virtually the entire world united in sympathy with us. Never has one president destroyed so much support by so many people in so short a time.

The fact is, the people in the Bush administration who want to go to war with Iraq wanted to go to war with Iraq before Sept. 11. As a matter of fact, they wanted to go to war with Iraq before George Bush was even elected president. That's a matter of record. This war against Iraq has nothing to do with disarming Iraq and nothing to do with terrorism. It has to do with the United States creating a situation in which it and Israel will dominate the Middle East and its oil resources.

The thing to remember about these alleged weapons of mass destruction is that nobody in the Bush administration or with the United Nations has ever laid eyes on them. What exists is a discrepancy between two numbers in reports — both supplied by the Iraqi government. One report stated that so many chemical bombs were used; another report had a different number. And the Iraqis are certainly right in that nobody can prove a negative; you can't produce for inspection what you don't have.

I personally don't know if these weapons exist in Iraq or not. I do know they exist in many other countries. I do know that in the Gulf War, Iraq did not use any chemical or biological weapons, even when it was being routed from Kuwait and "bombed back into the preindustrial age," to use an American phrase. I do know that in the 12 years since, Iraq has not used any chemical or biological weapons, even though it has been subjected to the harshest economic sanctions in modern history and to practically regular bombing. I do know that in the past 12 years, Iraq has not threatened, much less attacked, any of its neighbors, while during that the same period of time we have attacked Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Yugoslavia. I do know that every one of the "neighbors" George Bush claims Iraq is a threat to has said repeatedly that it does not feel threatened by Iraq.

I do know that the only leader threatening the world with nuclear weapons and pre-emptive attack is George W. Bush. It gives me no pleasure to point that out. But it is not the role of an American citizen to be a sheep. It has become apparent that those of us who supported Bush made a mistake. I'm beginning to believe that a philanderer and a liar is less dangerous than an upright but ignorant man who thinks God has appointed him to rule the world.

The best way to support our troops is to try to prevent the Bush administration from sacrificing their lives for the hidden agenda of the crazy neoconservatives in his administration. Young Americans should not die because a bunch of chicken hawks have a cockamamie idea that they can bring liberal democracy to the Middle East by making war. That's like trying to sell pork barbecue in Mecca. What the president is intent on doing is committing a crime against humanity. If he goes through with it, he'll have to change his ritualistic "God bless America" to "God forgive us."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of

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[CTRL] McAliskey Barred

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

February 22, 2003
Security Threat?

Bernadette Devlin McAliskey Barred Entry to the United States


Irish activist and former Member of Parliament, Bernadette Devlin
McAliskey was detained by immigration officials in Chicago, February 21,
and denied entry into the United States allegedly on "national security"

According to her daughter, Deidre, two INS officers threatened to arrest,
jail, and even shoot the legendary civil rights campaigner when she arrived
at Chicago's O'Hare airport. McAliskey (56) was then photographed, finger-
printed and returned to Ireland against her will on the grounds that the
State Department had declared that she "poses a serious threat to the
security of the United States."

"Mommy was this close to being locked up," said Deidre, Saturday in New
York. The two were traveling together from Ireland to the US to attend a

According to daughter Deirdre (27) the McAliskeys cleared US immigration
in Ireland prior to boarding, and received routine permission to travel, but
upon their arrival they were stopped at baggage claim. Detained by two
INS officers, they were told that the order to bar Bernadette McAliskey
came from US officials in Dublin.

During the dispute that followed, Deirdre says one INS officer used "very
thinly veiled threats" against her mother, including, "if you interrupt me
one more time I'm going to slam the cuffs on you and haul your ass to jail."

One officer, says Deirdre, "pulled his chair right up to mommy and I heard
him say 'Don't make my boss angry. I saw him fire a shot at a guy last week
and he has the authority to shoot.'"

Denied access to a lawyer, Bernadette was sent back to Ireland. "She's not
in the best of health and the 13 hours of travel put her at further risk,"
Deirdre says.

A tireless advocate for the Irish nationalist cause, at the age of 21,
McAliskey was the youngest person ever to be elected to the British
parliament. A witness to the deaths of 13 civilians shot dead by British
paratroopers during a civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland in 1972,
McAliskey narrowly avoided death a second time when she and her
husband were shot in their home by a loyalist death-squad in 1981.
Deirdre, who was present, was five years old at the time.

Famously articulate, McAliskey has been frequent visitor to the US for the
past thirty years, although this was her first visit in over eighteen months.
She has been awarded the symbolic "keys" to several US cities, including
New York and San Francisco. On her first trip, in 1971, the young
McAliskey made civil rights history when she refused to be met by
Chicago's Mayor Richard J. Daly on account of his treatment of opponents
of the Vietnam War.

On Monday, Deirdre intends to consult with a lawyer in New York. She has
several questions, among them: Is there or is there not a State Department
Review in her mothers's file? If there was nothing there on Friday morning,
when she was cleared for travel by US authorities in Dublin, why did INS
authorities in Chicago exclude her later that same afternoon?

Does the US government consider Bernadette Devlin McAliskey a security
risk? "I can't imagine what threat they could think she poses to US
security," says Deirdre, "Unless the threat is knowing too much and saying
it too well."

When the McAliskeys were detained in O'Hare airport, Deirdre says that
the INS were also questioning four young men "with Arabic sounding
names." She believes that the four were later taken to jail. The McAliskeys,
who have a long history fighting government repression on both sides of
the Atlantic, are concerned about the denial of all visitors' rights. Perhaps,
says Deirdre, they are a position to raise a ruckus that other people can't.

"However INS is required to deal with things, and whatever their protocol
may be, it is not part of their legal procedures that you should be
threatened with jail and threatened with being shot," says Deirdre. At this
point, she is urging visitors to the US to think twice, "if the state this
jumpy, I'd not advise anyone to come here unless absolutely necessary,"
she says.

Bernadette McAliskey is now in the process of filing a formal complaint
with the US consulate in Dublin.

Laura Flanders can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in any

[CTRL] Allies hushed

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Mon 24 Feb 2003

Allies hushed up weapons' destruction


THE highest-ranking defector ever to turn informant on Saddam Hussein’s
government told United Nations weapons inspectors in 1995 that Iraq had
destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks after the Gulf

But UN inspectors hushed up that part of Hussein Kamel’s story - which he
also told to debriefers from British and United States intelligence -
because they wanted to keep the pressure on Iraq to tell more.

The revelation, reported in the US magazine Newsweek, raises new
questions over claims by the US and Britain that Iraq has failed to account
for vast stores of chemical and biological weapons.

Of the thousands of chemical bombs and thousands of litres of deadly
anthrax said to have gone mysteriously missing inside Iraq, most date back
to before 1991.

Iraq has long claimed to have destroyed the weapons "unilaterally", but a
regime hardly famous for its honesty and openness is accused of failing to
provide hard evidence.

However "the defector’s tale raises questions about whether the WMD
[weapons of mass destruction] stockpiles attributed to Iraq still exist"
Newsweek reported.

Kamel, Saddam’s son-in-law, defected to Jordan with his wife and family in
1995. His sensational departure, in a convoy of black Mercedes, was
received as evidence that Saddam’s regime was soon to fall.

He was shot to death after he returned to Iraq six months later in the
hope of leniency from Saddam, along with his brother, also married to one
of Saddam’s daughters. If nothing else, the report sheds new light on one
of the most bizarre episodes in the history of the regime and its leader.

Kamel’s value as an informant, however, was huge; for ten years he had
run Iraq’s nuclear, chemical, biological and missile weapons programmes, as
well as Iraqi efforts to keep the weapons secret.

Kamel talked to both the then UN chief inspector, Rolf Ekeus, and agents
from the CIA and MI6 in Jordan. Among other revelations, he provided the
first report that Iraq was developing mobile biological weapons factories - a
subject on which Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, dwelt long and
hard in his recent damning presentation to the UN Security Council.

But Kamel’s story that Iraq had indeed - as it has long claimed - destroyed
chemical and biological stocks back in 1991 was never reported.

While UN inspection teams have been trying to investigate what weapons
Iraq may have built since the Gulf war, the mystery of what happened to
older munitions remains vital.

Iraq’s chief liaison officer to the UN inspection teams, General Hossam
Amin, said yesterday that Iraq had begun to dig trenches in the areas it
claims the weapons were destroyed.

A UN team was due in Baghdad on 2 March to examine the sites and carry
out soil tests, he said. Gen Amin also said Iraq had made no decision on a
UN order that it destroy its Al Samoud 2 missile programme. But "we are
serious about solving this", he said.

In his 27 January report to the UN Security Council, Hans Blix, the chief
UN arms inspector, bolstered the case for war when he accused Iraq of
co-operating on process, but not substance.

Early in his report, Mr Blix noted that "one of three important questions
before us today is how much might remain undeclared and intact from
before 1991; and, possibly, thereafter".

The second question, he said, was what if anything was illegally produced
or procured after 1998, when inspectors left the country, and the third
was how the production of weapons of mass destruction could be
prevented in the future. Mr Blix singled out the issue of 6,500 chemical
bombs that were unaccounted for, containing in total up to 1,000 tonnes
of chemical agents.

The missing bombs date back to before 1991, with Iraq claiming they were
used in the Iran-Iraq war, which ended in 1988.

Mr Blix also raised questions over about 8,500 litres of anthrax, which Iraq
"states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991. Iraq has provided
little evidence for this production and no convincing evidence for its
destruction," he said.

Iraq also has claimed that a small quantity of the deadly poison VX, which it
produced, was unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.

When Mr Blix returned to the UN with his much more favourable report on
14 February, he noted that Iraq had provided a list of 83 people involved in
the unilateral destruction of chemicals, which "appears useful". Newsweek
said it had obtained the notes of Kamel’s debriefing by the UN team, and
that he told the same story to MI6 and the CIA.

But his revelations were hushed up for two reasons, the magazine said.
Saddam did not know how much Kamel had revealed, and inspectors hoped
to call his bluff; in addition, there was no corroborating evidence that the
weapons were destroyed.

Kamel did not give Iraq a clean bill of health. He 

[CTRL] Hussein Doesn't Use Focus Polls Either

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

February 23, 2003

To Bush, the Crowd Was a Blur



ASHINGTON — Most politicians around the world were impressed by the
scale and intensity of last weekend's global protests against a probable war
with Iraq.

Not President Bush.

"Size of protest — it's like deciding, well, I'm going to decide policy based
upon a focus group," Mr. Bush said.

Not quite.

A focus group is a handful of people, carefully culled to reflect diverse
viewpoints, chosen to help politicians or companies figure out how to sell
a policy or a product.

Led by a facilitator, they are poked and prodded in a private room, asked
about their likes and dislikes and encouraged to speak while strategists
eavesdrop behind a one-way mirror.

And while Mr. Bush may not like to acknowledge it, his administration does
use focus groups, most recently to help determine how best to couch its
public messages about domestic security.

The technique was developed to test the effects of Army training and
propaganda films in World War II, and politicians and Hollywood studios
have since perfected it into a minor art.

"I hate to see them maligned," Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster and
focus-group maestro, said. "They're tools. They're no replacement for
leadership. But they have their place. The interesting thing is that a public
demonstration is actually not a representative sample, because the
protesters share the same beliefs on the issue. In many ways, focus groups
are more representative of public opinion."

Focus groups are used to measure the whys behind the public's view of a
given issue, while polls typically reflect the whats and how-muches. A
moderator can test how audiences respond to even the smallest changes
in wording or emphasis.

What President Bush doubtless meant was that confronting Iraq is
necessary, whether or not that makes him popular in Paris or Peoria. But
he, too, is well aware of public opinion.

"They do as much polling as the Clinton administration," said Alan K.
Simpson, a former Republican senator from Wyoming. "I used to think they
didn't, but they do."

Mr. Luntz said what he saw of the protests "shook me up."

"The fact that these were the biggest demonstrations in three decades
does say something about underlying public opinion around the world," he
said. "You can't ignore it. You don't have to accept it. You don't have to
follow it. But you can't ignore it."

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] $8.2 Mill for Rehab

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Jeb Bush And The Amazing $8.2 million Web Site:
Or How To Ensure Your Daughter Gets A Job When She Leaves Rehab!

State weaves tangled Web over FCAT site contract

Palm Beach Post Editorial
Thursday, February 20, 2003

It went from the Department of Education to the University of West Florida
to Infinity
SoftwareDevelopment Inc., but it was not a double-play  combination. The
state auditor general scores it as errors with $8.2 million in tax money.

The auditor's report and Education Commissioner James Horne's response
reveal the kind of business Gov. Bush has made state government. As the
auditors tried to follow the money, they found that the university, in
Pensacola, "was awarded the project approximately two weeks before it
submitted its proposal and approximately three months before it submitted
its application packet." The cart was moving long before the horse was
hitched up. What happened is this:

In 1999, Infinity called on the education department, pitching a Web site
to help parents and students cope with the Florida Comprehensive
Assessment Test. Three months later, the department gave the university
$8.2 million to get it done, and West Florida paid Infinity $7.5 million to do
it. The only paperwork the auditor found was in the packet the university
provided after the deal was done. "DOE also advised us that, to the best of
its knowledge, 'no documentation exists,' " the auditor noted.

The money, the auditor also found, came from an appropriation for
contracts, but DOE handled it as a grant. The state didn't seek other bids.
It's not as though Infinity bought special equipment for the job; 80 percent
of the grant money is for salaries. Tallahassee-based Infinity is holding open
a job for Gov. Bush's daughter, Noelle, when she becomes available.

What does Mr. Horne say? He says he does "not concur" that a no-bid
contract is a grant, but he has "initiated implementation" of the auditor's
recommendations. Two weeks after he wrote that, he gave a $50,000 no-
bid contract to develop the department's "communications strategy." It
went to Todd Harris, who was communications director for Gov. Bush's
reelection campaign. "I just need some help, and I thought Todd was
uniquely qualified," Mr. Horne told The St. Petersburg Times.

Similarly, Katie Muniz is uniquely qualified to be the St. Joe Co.'s public
affairs manager since she left the governor's press office. St. Joe, the
state's largest landholder, wants help to develop new communities and is a
major donor to the state Republican Party.

It's no surprise that, the auditor says, "payments were made to Infinity
without appropriate review of Infinity's work and related billings having
been performed." Taxpayers can see what they got for $8.2 million at
www.fcatexplorer.com. Upkeep will cost taxpayers $1.5 million a year into

Copyright © 2003, The Palm Beach Post
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] French veto

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

French veto at UN will not stop US war on Iraq, Perle warns
Sunday, 23-Feb-2003 4:00AM
Story from AFP
Copyright 2003 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

DUBAI, Feb 23 (AFP) - The United States will attack Iraq even if France uses
its veto to block a new resolution in the UN Security Council, top
Pentagon adviser Richard Perle said in an interview published Sunday.

The Bush administration hawk also indicated that after overthrowing Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein Washington might set its sights on Syria's Bashar

If Paris vetoed a resolution backing war, "We will go (to war) without an
international resolution," the Arabic daily Asharq al-Awsat quoted him as
saying in an interview.

"No American president can allow a French head of state to set American
policy," said Perle, a long-time supporter of a US-led invasion to oust the
Baghdad regime.

The US occupation of Iraq under General Tommy Franks would be only "for
an interim period ... not for a period of 10 years as some say", Perle said.

The administration hawk also offered support for Ahmad Chalabi, head of
the Iraqi National Congress opposition umbrella group, as a successor to
President Saddam Hussein.

"The State Department is not very keen on Chalabi because he's an
independent," Perle noted.

"The experience in Iraq will be a prelude to reforms in the region," Perle
warned. "I hope Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will consider reforms,
otherwise" he may say to himself, "'I could be the second target.'"


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[CTRL] Italian anti-war blockade

2003-02-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

ABC Online

Military convoys face Italian anti-war blockade. 24/2/2003. ABC News

[This is the print version of story

Monday, February 24, 2003. Posted: 01:11:55 (AEDT)

Military convoys face Italian anti-war blockade

Anti-war protesters are vowing to block all movement of US arms by rail

American bases in Italy, dubbing the convoys "trains of death".

Demonstrators have squatted on railway tracks and organisers are planning
a full-scale assault on similar convoys this week.

Italy's Defence Ministry has given the US clearance to use military bases
and ports in line with NATO commitments.

Local polls show 70 per cent of Italians oppose war even if sanctioned by
the United Nations.

The Italian labour union representing almost 90 per cent of dock workers
says it will boycott the loading and unloading of all shipments of US arms in
and out of Italian ports.

© ABC 2003 | privacy
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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Re: [CTRL] What is the equivalent offer from the other side?

2003-02-24 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/21/2003 10:26:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How does an international community vilify a nation that offers its own
blood to its enemies, while its own soldiers lie dying, and that, when
faced with race hatred that brands their blood unfit, diverts military
flights to bring blood more suitable to the taste of those who would
destroy them?"

One must have total admiration for such a community (although I would like to know how the Palestinians came to know it was "Jewish" blood).  I'm glad to see that the Israeli have come such a long way in their care for their Palestinan brothers.   Especially since that bit about it being okay to break the Sabbath to care for Jewish individuals in emergency situations, but that all others would have to wait until after the Sabbath.    Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Arrest of Sami al-Arian is Only the Beginning

2003-02-24 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/23/2003 5:57:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

During the election Dubya pandered to Muslim voters. You see, the 50,000 or
so registered Muslim voters in Florida are mostly Democrats. So when Gore
picked Joe Lieberman as his running mate the Bushites decided to take
cynical advantage of Arab dislike of the Zionist Lieberman. Little did these
Arabs know what would happen to them later. But then it's a fair bet to say
the Japanese-Americans who voted for FDR had no idea what'd happen to them,

Odd, I had understood that most Muslim voters were Republicans.  I know that the Armenians are, and a lot of Orientals.  I'm a Democrat, and I have a lot of distrust for Lieberman and would never vote for him.  Still since most Jews are Democrats, and since that covers the so-called "LIBERAL" media.  I guess he'll just breeze into the presidency.   The bedfellows in this current political morass are really weird, aren't they?  Prudy  
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[CTRL] Aerial photographs show number of protesters below estimates

2003-02-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Aerial photographs show number of protesters below estimates

Friday, February 21, 2003
(02-21) 00:39 PST   SAN FRANCISCO (AP) --
An aerial survey of Sunday's anti-war protest in San Francisco showed the number of
attendees was around 65,000 people -- not the 150,000 to 200,000 estimated by
organizers and police.

The survey, commissioned by the San Francisco Chronicle and SFGate.com, used a
series of high-resolution aerial photos. They showed that during the protest's peak, at
about 1:45 p.m. Sunday, there were approximately 65,000 people in attendance.
Although the number cannot account for protesters who left before that time or those
who showed up later, experts say such a survey is more accurate than visual scan
methods used by police and organizers.

"After hearing concerns from our readers about our accuracy in reporting crowd size
in demonstrations, we were determined to come up with a better method to calculate
the number of people who turn out for such events," said Chronicle Executive Editor
Phil Bronstein.

When told of The Chronicle's numbers, police and organizers stood by their

"Come on, that's ridiculous," said Bill Hackwell, spokesman for International
ANSWER, one of the groups that organized Sunday's protest.

Greg Suhr, the San Francisco deputy police chief who calculated the police figure,

"I can tell you for a fact that's an enormously low number," he said, adding that the
stands alone in San Francisco's Pacific Bell Park hold 40,000 people.

"The crowd at Pac Bell would pale in comparison to the crowd on Sunday," Suhr

Police estimates were based on the 43,000 people that Civic Center Plaza is
estimated to hold and previous estimates of crowd sizes on Market Street. The
roadway and sidewalk had about 100,000 people on them, Suhr said.

A media scholar said such doubts are to be expected.

"The number of people (in a crowd) is a mythical number, and now you're going to
turn it into a fact, and that won't be welcomed," said Alex S. Jones, director of
Harvard University's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public
Policy. "There's an old saying in journalism: People only see what they believe. This
is an emotional issue, not a factual issue, as far as most people are concerned."

To get the 65,000 estimate, the photographs taken from 2,000 feet were overlaid
with a grid. Each grid was evaluated and assigned a density of people from 10 to 100
percent full. Most were judged at 25 percent to 50 percent full.

This was the first time Air Flight Service, which has 20 years experience in taking
photographs for topographical maps for government agencies and private
companies, has used its equipment for crowd estimation.

Peace rally organizers based their number on comparisons to a Jan. 18 rally that
they said drew 150,000 to 200,000. Sunday's protest was similar is size, Hackwell

Police originally estimated there were 50,000 people at that Jan. 18 march, but
revised that figure later based on how many people could fit into Civic Center Plaza,
the crowd that spilled out onto the side streets and the movement of the crowd up
Market Street, police spokesman Neville Gittens said.

In other cities around the world on Saturday crowd estimates were based on the
average number of people in one area expanded to cover the whole route.

In London, police used helicopters to estimate crowds -- 750,000 marchers in the
streets and more than 1 million at Hyde Park. Italy's national police force -- the
Carabinieri -- estimated 700,000 people protested, based on the capacity of the
piazzas where the demonstrations happened and counting four people per square
meter during the march, according to an e-mail from a police spokesman.


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