[CTRL] New York Times -- Is the Pope Catholic...Enough? ''Garrulous Karolus, the Koran Kisser.''

2003-03-11 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-


  March 9, 2003
  Is the Pope Catholic...Enough?

  he first sign that something unusual was going on up the hill was the
appearance of a fleet of brand-new Volkswagen bugs, lined up on a muddy
bluff like a row of oversize Easter eggs. It was a local handyman who
spotted them while he was out on a walk through this little valley in the
mountains northwest of Los Angeles, near Malibu. Neighbors had already been
talking about the 16-acre property on the valley's south slope, and soon
word spread that a church group called Holy Family had purchased the site
with plans to break ground for a 9,300-square-foot Mission-style church

  Among the neighbors who wondered about the new arrival was my father,
a recently retired documentary filmmaker who joined the local homeowners
association when he moved to the area two years ago. This latest project,
however, wasn't the usual commercial complex or instant enclave of luxury
homes that tended to attract the association's attention. It was a church,
that much was clear, but it didn't sound at all like your garden-variety
community parish. A representative for the property owner explained that the
church was Catholic, but it wasn't affiliated with the Roman Catholic
archdiocese. While the church building was relatively large, the
congregation was quite small, with about 70 members. And though religious
practices and rituals would be familiar to Catholics, there was one big
difference: Sunday Mass, it was reported, would be conducted entirely in

  Lest anyone get the impression that this band of spiritual seekers
might disperse if the collection baskets were to run dry, a church
representative assured the neighbors that the church was supported by an
unnamed individual congregant with ''tremendous financial viability.''

  Would that explain the VW bugs? The handyman recalls posing the
question at an early community meeting. He was told that the congregant
financing the church ''had given them as gifts to his nieces and nephews,''
he says. ''I remember thinking, 'That's some generous uncle.'''

  The person behind the unusually well-endowed chapel turned out to be
the actor Mel Gibson, star of ''Mad Max,'' ''Lethal Weapon'' and
''Braveheart.'' The church is operated by a nonprofit corporation; according
to public financial records, Gibson is its director, chief executive officer
and sole benefactor, making more than $2.8 million in contributions over the
past three years.

  The fact that Gibson is building a church in the hills near Los
Angeles should come as no huge surprise. Gibson's Catholicism has never been
a secret, and in fact gives him a sort of reverse-exoticism in a town where
other stars dabble in Buddhism, kabala and Scientology. An avowed family man
still on his first marriage, with seven children to show for it, Gibson
smokes, raises cattle, publicly shuns plastic surgery and seems wholly
unmoved by most of the liberal-left causes favored by industry peers.
Recently, however, something beyond the impulse to entertain has been
showing up in Gibson's work. Last year he played a former minister who
rediscovers religion amid an alien invasion in ''Signs'' and a reverent
Catholic lieutenant colonel in the war drama ''We Were Soldiers.'' In these
films, but especially in a new movie, a monumentally risky project called
''The Passion,'' which he co-wrote and is currently directing in and around
Rome, Gibson appears increasingly driven to express a theology only hinted
at in his previous work. That theology is a strain of Catholicism rooted in
the dictates of a 16th-century papal council and nurtured by a splinter
group of conspiracy-minded Catholics, mystics, monarchists and disaffected
conservatives -- including a seminary dropout and rabble-rousing theologist
who also happens to be Mel Gibson's father.

  Gibson is the star practitioner of this movement, which is known as
Catholic traditionalism. Seeking to maintain the faith as it was understood
before the landmark Second Vatican Council of 1962-1965, traditionalists
view modern reforms as the work of either foolish liberals or hellbent
heretics. They generally operate outside the authority or oversight of the
official church, often maintaining their own chapels, schools, seminaries
and clerical orders. Central to the movement is the Tridentine Mass, the
Latin rite that was codified by the Council of Trent in the 16th century and
remained in place until the Second Vatican Council deemed that Mass should
be held in the popular language of each country. Latin, however, is just the
beginning -- traditionalists refrain from eating meat on Fridays, and
traditionalist women wear headdresses in church. The movement seeks to
revive an orthodoxy uncorrupted by the theological and social changes of the
last 300 years or so.

  Michael W. 

[CTRL] Twins Left Air Force Academy

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

DefenseWatch The Voice of the Grunt


From the Editor: Cadet Twins Left Air Force Academy in Disgust

By Ed Offley

When news reports appeared two weeks ago that the Air Force has
launched an outside

investigation of the U.S. Air Force Academy, it came as a small comfort to
Washington state residents William and Linda Graney.

The issue at hand involves allegations from current and former female
cadets that the institution has been unable or unwilling to forcefully
investigate alleged sexual assaults against female cadets. Spurred by
pressure from senior members of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
the Air Force has dispatched a special investigative team to Colorado
Springs, Colo., to investigate charges by 25 cadets that Academy officials
had refused to seriously respond to their reports of alleged attacks, and in
some cases had actually retaliated against the victims.

Responding to the allegations, Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., told The New
York Times last week that he feared the Academy  where about 640 of the
4,000 cadets are female  tolerated one [behavior] standard for men and
another for women. Allard told reporters that he is ready to ask for a full
hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee to probe the sexual
harassment incidents.

The Graneys are not directly involved with the ongoing probe, but they
too have struggled to force the Academy to deal with what they describe
as a wider issue  an atmosphere of failed leadership that they say drove
their two sons out of the institution.

The problem, as depicted by the Graneys in extensive interviews with
DefenseWatch, is far more serious than even a dual standard favoring male
cadets over females: It involves a disengaged Air Force commissioned
officer cadre allowing the (largely-male) cadet chain of command to ignore
longstanding regulations against physical and psychological abuse of
cadets, and a propensity to sweep accusations of wrongdoing under the

The Graneys say they have come a long way from their excitement and
pride in the summer of 2001 as their twin sons, Charlie and David, both
arrived at Colorado Springs as Doolie (first-year) cadets in the Class of

Instead of finding a strict and difficult but professional environment
dedicated to teaching academic and military leadership skills, the Graneys
say, their sons encountered a corrupt and dysfunctional institution where
harassment and physical abuse was tolerated by the Academy brass.

After Cadet Basic Training in the Summer of 2001, David Graney initially got
off to a poor start during the academic year with the upper-class cadets in
Cadet Squadron 17, particularly when he expressed dissatisfaction with the
four degree system in which upper-class cadets train and discipline the
newly-arrived Doolies.

In early 2002, Graney found himself braced at attention by a cadet 3rd
class (sophomore) who had been drinking. A cadet 1st class (senior)
discovered this and turned the 3rd class into the Academys Honor Board
for issues related to underage drinking. Graney subsequently testified to
the Honor Board that he could smell alcohol on the cadets breath.

After this incident, the Graneys said, other upper-class cadets singled out
David Graney for extra training and multiple demerits in what his parents
say was an obvious attempt to force him to resign.

During the Academys annual Recognition training of the 4th class
(freshman) cadets on March 17, 2002, and despite explicit regulations that
prohibit physical hazing or contact, an upper-class cadet who was
training David Graney, separated him from his peers against Academy
regulations, and head-butted Graney twice as he performed pushups. The
blows temporarily dazed Graney and as the upper-class cadet stood Graney
up, he punched Graney in the torso. The blows to Graneys head caused a
bloody knot over his temple.

David Graney reported the incident to his Academy Officer Commanding
(AOC) the next day. The Graneys say that when they heard from their son
a day after the assault, they also reported the incident by telephone to
Graneys AOC, an Air Force major, who assured them that this behavior
was not tolerated at the Academy and that he would investigate. However,
a month later in a follow-up conversation with the AOC initiated by Bill and
Linda Graney, the parents realized that no investigation had occurred.

After months of inquiries through the Academy chain of command, the
Graneys learned from the results of three Freedom of Information Act
requests they had filed that the AOC in late April  one month after the
assault occurred  had finally ordered a probe, but assigned the
investigation to the same upper-class cadets who had been harassing their

The cadet investigators did secure an admission by the upper-class cadet
that he had struck Graney, but they concluded that the 

[CTRL] [JBirch] End the Endangered Species Act (fwd)

2003-03-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:49:44 -0500 (EST)
From: Marv Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JBirch] End the Endangered Species Act

Here is an excerpt from an article on the ESA by someone who's seen it in action:
The ESA is abused each and every day. The wolf is a great example. The
wolf has been listed, but how can it be endangered when they are abundant
in Alaska and Canada, not to mention other parts of the world? The wolf is
no where near extinction in the world. There are plenty of them. Just
because one state or one county doesn't have any doesn't make them
endangered. It's time to stop this zip coding of animals for listing. You
see, that's the stupid joke they are playing with this act. This is the
abuse that has been brought to this act, and many others that cause them
to be tools to break down our freedoms and livelihoods. They don't do good
things, they do harm with this abuse.
Read it all at http://www.sierratimes.com/03/03/05/sheriff.htm

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Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

3/10/2003 8:39:09 PM, klewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IMO, your stated objections to this program are based on unimportant
where the course is being held; what that the particular city smells like;
the fact that
it's called an internship.

And I respect your opinion.  However, I will admit that most of what I am
working on is impressions.  As I pointed out, I changed my university
programs because I wasn't sure I was getting the correct impressions about
what I was learning.  (Subsequent travels to Europe confirmed my
suspicions.)  I am well aware of the fact that I am not located in the midst
of that about which I am drawing some inferences.

Yet, we don't normally draw conclusions about subjects because we have
complete and intimate knowledge of the events, personalities, and
conditions of a certain body of knowledge or experience.  What I am
looking at is more along the lines of identifying the same kinds of things
over time, a sort of trend analysis sampling sort of thing.  Obviously, I've
been to LA and have been in the area long enough and enough times to
know what contributes to the 91-octane mornings and my impressions of
them.  Traffic and heat and inversion layers and smog alerts and how it
creeps up over the mountains ... that sort of thing.

The news tells us about some interns and I'm well aware that this
represents a small percentage of the number who are/have been there
and further represents a small percentage of what good or bad things get
reported.  That doesn't -- going back to my original comment -- distract
from the fact that DC has quite a criminal problem, aside from the
government activities.  AnyTown, USA, doesn't work here.  Maybe
AnyBigCity will.

And we have all learned from being in good places as well as bad.  But
when the location and the faculty is concentrating on one location that is
supposed to represent all locations, therein lies my problem.  We don't
even know what the intern selection criteria is.  We (they?) don't know
who they are going to see and where they're going to go.  Yet, if they are
taken from places with the intention of taking them to a place that is the
shining city upon the hill and they find that DC is not much different than
where they came from, what's the point?  Could they not have gained
something similarly representative from their own -- representative -- state
capital?  In either case, they could have a guided (complete with blinders)
tour anywhere.  But sometimes the blind can even know more than the
supposed sighted.

Again, I am focussing on impressions (and a little research and some inside
knowledge).  I don't pretend to know all the ins and out, whos and whats,
whys and wherefors, ifs, ands, or buts.  But sometimes it makes more sense
to not be overwhelmed by too many details in order to see what the
overall impression is.  I tend to be unlike the Pointilists who made their
'impressions' by memorising and categorising every dot of paint, they who
were often too blind to even appreciate the work from a distance when it
was completed.  So, what they saw, they could not even see.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'The Pentagon Papers' Movie

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


My Thoughts on 'The Pentagon Papers' Movie
by Daniel Ellsberg
March 11, 2003

Tonight (Sunday March 9th), the made-for-TV movie The Pentagon
Papers, starring James Spader as Daniel Ellsberg and Claire Forlani as
Patricia Ellsberg, premieres on the FX cable TV station, 8 PM
Eastern/Pacific. The movie is not based on Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam
and the Pentagon Papers, (the script was written before Secrets came
out), and oddly, FX never contacted Dan about the film or consulted him
in any way. (The only contact, an impersonal one, was to send Ellsberg.Net
 along with hundreds of other websites  a mass email after the film was
made, asking that we place their banner ad on the site, in exchange for a
link from theirs, which we did). Someone with access to the film, who
thought Dan should be able to see the film that portrays him before it airs,
leaked Dan an advance copy of the film (FX never gave it to him and was
dismayed he had seen it before tonight). One would think, with so little
interest in contacting Dan or using him as a source for the movie, that the
film would be negative. Surprisingly, it is a respectful (though unnecessarily
fictionalized) and sympathetic portrayal, with a timely and important
underlying message. Here are some of Dan's thoughts on the film:

Every bit of dialogue is completely fictional (with the exception of a dozen
lines or so, mainly in my interview with Cronkite), nothing happened very
closely to the way it is portrayed, and there are errors in almost every
minute of the film. In fact, the script often has me saying things that I not
only didn't say, but I never would have said; in many cases they are the
opposite of what I believed. The same is true for most of the dialogue
associated with other named characters; they obviously weren't consulted
any more than I was. You could say that everything is wrong, in some
degree: and yet, the overall story is true to the underlying feeling of the

They have made a good movie, with an important message  in favor of
whistleblowing  that I would endorse; and the timeliness of the message,
undoubtedly by accident, is uncanny. The inaccuracies of the script are
somewhat frustrating to me but they won't be noticed by many others,
and every other aspect of the production is unusually well-done: the
casting and acting, direction and editing, the photography. It was fun for
Patricia and me to watch it together; we relived the start of our romance.
As in the rest of script, the circumstances are all wrong, but James Spader
and Claire Forlani show the electricity of our attraction, and Forlani
conveys behind her eyes  as one reviewer put it  Patricia's intelligence
as well as her beauty. We found it a gripping film, and I think others will
too: one that is true to the spirit and feeling of the events, if not the

There's a chance this film could encourage more whistleblowers, which is
what makes it so timely right now. It shows that it's possible for someone
with the background and values that I shared with many current officials
to change perspective and to decide to tell the truth to those outside the
Executive branch, and it shows that in unforeseeable ways that can be
effective. It shows that the personal costs of doing this can be
worthwhile, in terms of the possibility of saving lives.

I've been using every opportunity in the last five months to convey a
message to current officials who know  as I did in 1964-65  that the
president, and their bosses, are lying us into a wrongful, reckless,
unnecessary war. The message, which I think is implicit in this movie, is
that they should consider doing right now, before the bombs are falling,
what I wish I had done at a comparable point, in the months before the
onset of the Rolling Thunder bombing: going to Congress and the press
with documents that undercut official lies. There is still time to avert this
war with sufficiently comprehensive truth-telling, though there's only a
week or two left before the bombing may begin. That's why I'm particularly
happy this film is coming out at this moment. If one individual in
Washington gets that message by seeing this movie, and unloads a file-
drawer of revelatory current documents to the press and Congress, it
could make a great difference. A war's worth of lives is at stake.

The Pentagon Papers on FX

(If you missed Sunday the 9th, it will be playing five or six more times
throughout the month. Check out www.tvguide.com or FX's page for the
movie, for listings of future showings this month.)

comments on this article?

send them to backtalk!
[visit backtalk!]

Daniel Ellsberg worked on the Top Secret McNamara study of U.S.
Decision- making in Vietnam, 1945-68, which later came to be known as the
Pentagon Papers. In 1970, he leaked the study to Congress, and in 1971, to
the press. Since the end of the Vietnam War he has been a lecturer,
writer and activist on the 

[CTRL] The psychology of cowards

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The psychology of cowards
Printed on Friday, March 07, 2003  02:42:18 EST   ( )

By Bill Douglas

YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (United States)

(YellowTimes.org)  The most important question one can ask oneself is: 'Is
the universe a friendly place?' -- Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein recognized that from the answer to the question Is the
universe a friendly place? one could extrapolate the direction of every
subsequent life decision. One's entire reality would evolve from the answer
to that one all-important question.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and others in the present U.S. government
administration pulled strings to avoid military service in Vietnam. Why?
Apparently not because they didn't oppose the red menace in Vietnam;
after all, they supported others fighting that war. Therefore, the
unavoidable answer to that question is cowardice. A coward sees the
world as a very threatening place.

Herein lies the danger to all the people of the world. When coward are in
charge, they will direct the institution they lead to use all of its resources
to protect themselves from harm. This perceived harm could be
economic, political, or military. And they perceive harm coming from every
corner, from under every bed, and from anyone and everyone who
challenges their fearful view of the world. In a coward's world, you are
either with us, or against us.

The only way the coward can feel truly and ultimately feel safe is to
destroy preemptively all possible challenges to their perceived safety.
They don't savor competition and challenge, but rather see it as a direct
threat. They have no vision of a win-win scenario because everyone is a
potential enemy of their way of life. Therefore, all programs of social uplift
must be dismantled because leveling an unfair playing field in the economic
realm could pose a threat to their inherited place of economic

In the cowardly world of George W. Bush, free speech must be controlled.
Public television and public radio must be de- funded because if they are
not beholden to the corporate entities that share the Bush view of the
world, they may allow views of the world that directly threaten Bush's
safety and peace of mind. Because in a you're either with us or against
us world, any diversity of opinion is inherently against us. Long-time allies
who express dissenting opinions are immediately suspect, and implicitly
supporting the enemy.

On the political/military field, we must crush and/or make subservient
every nation on earth. Only a castrated world can pose no threat to the
coward. To have influence and control over the world's oil will effectively
castrate much of the planet and render it a non-threat. In the coward's
mind, the entire world is a very dangerous place. Divergent opinions from
other nations are a threat. In fact, diversity itself is a threat.

The facade of diversity is acceptable. Black and brown faces may appear in
the coward's very white world. However, those black or brown faces must
walk lockstep within the mindset of that world; otherwise, they too are
against us.

This is a Brave New World that humanity is embarking upon. It requires
great courage, and an inherent faith in the goodness of humanity and
nature. It will require us to let go of control of our lives so that we don't
destroy our ecosystem by manic attempts to reign in the forces of nature
to serve our will. It will require that we trust other's goodwill to do what is
right in the world without us controlling all that they do. To actually
foster democracy in other lands will inherently cause us to lose control
of the decisions those people make such as electing populists like Hugo
Chavez in Venezuela to lead them. It will require faith. Faith is the opposite
of fear. When one has faith, one does not fear even the Valley of the
Shadow of Death.

We live in a time when those who have little faith are controlling our
nation. They are driving the force and will of our nation in the direction of
control and conquest to allay their bottomless fears. What they cannot
see is that there is no absolute safety, and, in fact, the pursuit of that
absolute safety is a manic course that will only make the world more and
more unsafe.

America mourned the death of 3,000 innocents on 9-11. That mourning was
carefully directed into a manic rage of fear. This manic rage enables good
people to justify the slaughter of untold thousands in the name of our
safety. The revulsion of a world that will witness this slaughter in
Technicolor broadcasts will create a very dangerous mood for America to

Of course, the American media will try to protect U.S. citizens from the
images of mayhem and horror that several hundred missiles unleashed upon
the crowded city of Baghdad will undoubtedly cause. But the U.S. media,
try as it might, will not be able to prevent the rest of the world from
witnessing this horrific crime against humanity. The world 

[CTRL] US firms set to cash in

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

10am update

US firms set to cash in on reconstruction of Iraq

Danny Penman and agencies
Tuesday March 11, 2003
The Guardian

The American government is on the verge of awarding construction
contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild Iraq once
Saddam Hussein is deposed.

Halliburton, one of the companies in the running for the highly profitable
deals, was formerly headed by the US vice-president, Dick Cheney.
Halliburton has already been awarded a lucrative contract to resurrect
the Iraqi oilfields if there is a war.

Other companies have strong ties to the US administration, including the
construction giant Bechtel, the Fluor Corporation, and the Louis Berger
Group, which is involved in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

Only US companies are on the shortlist of five. The US Agency for
International Development (USAID) defended the narrow shortlist.

A spokeswoman said: Because of the urgent circumstances and the
unique nature of this work, USAID will undertake a limited selection
process that expedites the review and selection of contractors for these

The spokeswoman said that it was a policy of USAID to use US companies
for projects funded by the American taxpayer. Non-US companies were
free, through their governments, to organise their own business, she said.

The winning company would get about $900m (563m) to repair Iraqi health
services, ports, airports, schools and other educational institutions.

Sources at the companies said the invitation was unusual in that USAID did
not ask them to set a price for defined services but rather asked them to
say what they could do for $900m.

All five bidders have submitted their proposals or are preparing to do so
after USAID quietly sent out a detailed request soliciting proposals from
the likely bidders.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Iraq reconstruction plan will
require contractors to fulfil various tasks, including reopening at least half
of the economically important roads and bridges - about 1,500 miles of
roadway within 18 months.

The contractors will also be asked to repair 15% of high-voltage electricity
grid, renovate several thousand schools and deliver 550 emergency
generators within two months.

Construction industry executives said the handful of firms are competing
fiercely in part because they believe it could provide an inside track to
postwar business opportunities. The most highly sought-after prizes are oil
industry contracts.

The US government is believed to be wary of any backlash against an
invasion and is preparing plans for a hearts and minds operation that will
swing into place as soon as the country is occupied. The government is
mindful of the long-term benefits of feeding hungry Iraqis, delivering clean
water, and by paying teachers and health workers.

It's a sensitive topic because we still haven't gone to war, said one
industry executive. But these companies are really in a position to win
something out of this geopolitical situation.

It remains unclear whether Iraqis, Americans or an international
consortium will manage the oil industry during an early post-conflict

Steven Schooner, a George Washington University law professor, said many
billions of dollars are at stake. He estimated that $900m would barely last
six months given the scope of the projects the administration has
sketched out.

The most sophisticated firms that come in first, and establish good will
with the locals obviously will reap huge benefits down the road, said Mr

These are going to become brand names in Iraq. That's huge.

Guardian Unlimited  Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] Parking in the Dead Zone

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Necropolis proves headache for Vatican car park builders

Sophie Arie in Rome
Tuesday March 11, 2003
The Guardian

Tombs from the time of the Roman emperor Nero have been unearthed as
the Vatican tried to clear space for a multi-level underground car park.

Digging for the 300-space car park began several months ago, but Vatican
officials are now rethinking the project after the remains of the nearly
2,000-year-old necropolis were unearthed.

Among the graves is the tombstone of Nero's secretary, along with well-
preserved urns and amphorae.

Officials denied that the plans for the car park would threaten the

Of course, no one will destroy any archaeological finds, said Monsignor
Francesco Marchisano, the head of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred

Other Vatican officials, desperate to decongest the Vatican, told the
newspaper la Repubblica that ancient ruins were uncovered every time
digging began in Italy. In this case they did not seem that important, they
said, and should not prevent the car park from being built.

These days, even in the Vatican, it's difficult to drive around and find
somewhere to park, said Archbishop Gianni Danzi, who is in charge of the
Vatican's technical department.

The three-level car park is planned near a popular supermarket inside the
walls of Vatican City.

The Vatican has faced growing parking problems in recent years as its 900
residents compete with outsiders for slots. Visitors tend to leave their cars
in the Holy See before walking over the bridge across the Tiber into the
restricted centre of Rome.

Before the 2000 Jubilee, the Pope blessed a 900-space car-and-coach park
on the Janiculum Hill, next to the Vatican. Before it could be completed,
the frescoed walls of a second-century villa had had to be removed by the
Italian culture ministry.

Archaeological experts from the Vatican Museum were called in to advise
on the new car park in late February, reportedly when security guards
stopped a lorry leaving the building site loaded with amphorae and
tombstones from the necropolis, inscribed in Latin.

Professor Andrea Carandini, - the archaeologist who led excavations of the
walls on the Palatine hill, where legend has it that Romulus founded the
city of Rome - said: I don't believe that death should always triumph over
life. Sometimes the two can live together, as is the case for the Athens

But first, they need to decide if they really need this car park.

Guardian Unlimited  Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
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[CTRL] The Ralph of Enron

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
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GOP Consultant Named in Enron Ruling

The Associated Press
Monday, March 10, 2003; 7:41 PM

In a controversy that touched White House political adviser Karl Rove,
Enron Corp., signed contracts with GOP consultant Ralph Reed worth
more than half a million dollars, the Federal Election Commission revealed
in a ruling.

Enron paid Reed, the former Christian Coalition leader, about $300,000
before the energy company's collapse.

The payments came to light as part of an FEC inquiry into whether Enron's
hiring of GOP consultant Reed was a sham designed to disguise an in-kind
contribution from Enron to Bush's presidential effort.

In dismissing a complaint against Rove and the Bush-Cheney presidential
campaign, the FEC disclosed that the Enron-Reed ties involved far more
money than has previously been reported.

The FEC said that just months before Enron filed for bankruptcy in 2001 it
entered into a one-year contract paying Reed $30,000 a month plus
expenses. The contract was for ongoing advice and counsel to Enron in
pushing deregulation in the energy industry. The FEC ruling says that the
agreement apparently was cut short after four months as Enron careened
toward bankruptcy.

Reed collected about $200,000 from two earlier Enron contracts beginning
in 1997 as Bush prepared a bid for president and then ran, the FEC ruling

The FEC ruling also revealed generous terms of the first contract Reed's
firm had with Enron. Under it, the agreement for $114,000 plus expenses
was to continue in full, even if Reed's firm finished the work early.

Reed spokeswoman Elizabeth Baggett declined comment Monday about the
FEC ruling, which was dated Feb. 28.

The controversy stems from a New York Times story a year ago which
quoted unidentified associates of Rove as saying he had told them he
recommended Reed's firm to Enron in 1997 in order to keep Reed's favor
for a potential Bush candidacy.

Judicial Watch, a conservative group, filed the complaint alleging violations
of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

The FEC found that Reed's firm performed work for Enron in 1997,
collecting thousands of signatures in Pennsylvania where state officials
were crafting an electricity deregulation plan. On the other hand, the FEC
noted an apparent lack of work for the money in 1998.

Nevertheless, the FEC said that on balance the evidence indicates that the
retention of Reed's company was bona fide and not designed to hide a
contribution to Bush.

In responding to the FEC's inquiries, Enron's lawyers stated that the Enron
employees who were involved in this process do not recall having any
communication with Mr. Rove or any person who represented Mr. Bush in
his capacity as a potential presidential candidate, nor do they recall being
aware of any communication encouraging them to hire Reed or his firm.

The White House confirmed a year ago that Rove recommended Reed to
Enron. The New York Times article quoted Rove as saying that he thinks he
talked to someone at Enron about Reed but could not remember who or

The FEC said that given the passage of time, nothing is inherently
incredible about the apparent failure of recollection by either Rove or
Enron's executives.

 2003 The Associated Press
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
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[CTRL] A Far-Right Texan

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A Far-Right Texan
Inspires Antiwar Left


WASHINGTON -- A far-right Republican
congressman from Texas is looking like a voice of reason to the antiwar

Ron Paul is a political iconoclast who takes his libertarian ideology
seriously. He's a cheerful advocate of all sorts of unpopular causes like
abolishing the federal minimum wage and returning to the gold standard.

That few of his ideas will ever catch on doesn't deter him one bit. Rep.
Paul's nickname is Dr. No because he votes against so many things, often
alone. Despite his lack of clout in Congress, he ran as the Libertarian
Party's presidential candidate in 1988, drawing less than one half of 1% of
the vote.

But on an Iraq war Mr. Paul is finding plenty of allies, especially at the
other end of the political spectrum. Unlike his fellow Texas Republican in
the White House, the retired obstetrician believes Saddam Hussein poses
no direct threat to Americans and wants the U.S. to mind its own business.
A fiscal conservative, he also believes the country can't afford the war's
potentially staggering cost.

Ultimately, our money, weapons, and interventionist policies never buy us
friends for long, Mr. Paul wrote in one of his recent columns, which are
published on a range of Web sites, including libertarian and Christian. And
more often we simply arm our future enemies.

Rep. Paul attracts special attention across the Atlantic, far more than in
the mainstream U.S. media that largely ignores him. Writings such as his 35
Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq have appeared in French,
German, Russian, Italian and Swiss publications. The congressman's 3,200-
word Statement Opposing the Use of Military Force in Iraq was posted on
the progressive New Zealand publication Scoop, two days after its Oct. 8
delivery on the House floor.

Mr. Paul has even inspired an antiwar group, the Washington-based
National Peace Lobby Project. It was formed Feb. 6 to promote a
resolution introduced by Mr. Paul and Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio
that would repeal the authorization of military force in Iraq that Congress
granted to Mr. Bush last year.

Project founder Jenifer Deal is a Washington actress and D.C. Green Party
official. What we have here is a nexus of ideological concerns, Ms. Deal
says of her alliance with Mr. Paul. It doesn't faze her that she disagrees
with the congressman on almost every other subject. If he were a fascist
Klansman, I would obviously have misgivings, she says. But I actually think
Ron Paul has tremendous moral courage.

Mr. Paul's aggressive stand, a stark contrast to most mainstream politicians
reluctant to challenge the president, hasn't hurt him with his southeast
Texas constituents -- in fact, he is more popular than ever.

In November, weeks after joining just five other Republicans voting against
giving Mr. Bush authority to go to war, Mr. Paul was re-elected with 68% of
the vote. It was his most lopsided victory ever. It's so clear where he is,
and that works for him, says Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a liberal Texas Democrat
from an adjoining district.

Mr. Paul believes that, privately, he has much broader support within his
party. If this had been a Clinton war, the majority of Republicans would
be with me, he says, noting that most of his colleagues refused to support
North Atlantic Treaty Organization airstrikes in Kosovo.

Mr. Paul's swath of rural Texas stretches southeast from Austin to the Gulf
of Mexico. The region is populated by farmers and small-town folk who
voted twice against President Clinton and overwhelmingly backed Mr.
Bush. Mr. Doggett describes the mood as rugged individualism and
independence of the Texas frontier spirit.

Mr. Paul, in an interview, attributes his record re-election margin to the
combined forces of independent- minded Ross Perot types and
Democrats who are upset that their national party leaders aren't rigorously
challenging Mr. Bush on Iraq. Local Republicans, too, have misgivings about
their former governor's actions. I think people are a little apprehensive
about what's going on, says Mary Wyatt, leader of the Republican Party in
Victoria County. President Bush has a tremendous level of support here,
but everyone is concerned.


Right-wing and antiwar, Ron Paul is in a
category all to himself on Capitol Hill.  Born: Aug. 20, 1935, in Pittsburgh

 Occupation: Obstetrician/Gynecologist

 Ideological Inconsistency: A libertarian who supports a government ban
on abortion

 Political Inspirations: Doctor Zhivago; Austrian economist and free-
marketeer Ludwig von Mises

 Radical Positions: Wants to abolish the IRS and federal drug laws

 Infamous Quote: I fear, and there's a lot of people in this country who
fear, that they may be bombed by the federal government at another
Waco. -- (C-Span, February 1997)

Source: Congressional 

[CTRL] He did it! No, he did it!

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Exclusive: The Blame Game Between Bush and the Brits

Fall out over fake letters

By Richard Wolffe, Mark Hosenball and Tamara Lipper

March 17 issue  They have been the closest of allies. But under the
intense pressure of a diplomatic crisis at the United Nations and an
imminent war in Iraq, the friendship between the United States and Britain
is beginning to fray. The most recent strain emerged when U.N. nuclear
inspectors concluded last week that U.S. and British claims about Iraqs
secret nuclear program were based on forged documents. The fake letters
supposedly laid out how Iraqi agents had tried to purchase uranium from
officials in Niger, central Africa.

WHO WAS TO BLAME for undermining the case against Saddam? One Bush
administration official told NEWSWEEK that the uranium story was promoted
by the British. U.S. intelligence has always been skeptical, said one
official, saying there was no corroboration for the British report.
However, the British government never named Niger as the potential
supplier for Iraqs nuclear program. The Brits carefully said in September
that Iraq had sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.
London claimed several sources linking Iraq to a number of African states,
but never named Niger. It was the Bush administration that named Niger in
mid-December, when it listed dozens of omissions in Iraqs weapons
declaration to the United Nations.
Meanwhile, British officials have questioned the suggestion by Secretary
of State Colin Powell that there are links between Saddam Hussein and Al
Qaeda. And London has complained that the Bush administration has
limited diplomatic maneuvering room with its harsh rhetoric and restrictive
U.N. deadlines. Privately, British officials agree with their French
counterparts that there has been a rush to war led by the United
Statesa rush dictated by the political cycle in Washington and military
concerns about the weather, rather than the need to build a broad
coalition against Iraq.
Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair also differ on the whole U.N.
process. One senior Bush administration official admitted last week that
the latest resolution was designed only to help the British and Spanish
leaders at home, where they face huge opposition to war. Another U.S.
official said Bush didnt even care about the language of the resolution.
But for Blair, the fate of the latest vote will influence whether he wins or
loses a parliamentary vote on warand that, in turn, could even determine
whether he keeps his job in Downing Street.
That pressure helps explain the striking difference between the
passionate British pitch at the United Nations last week, and the weary
speech from Powell. Bush last week said it was time for all members of the
Security Council to show their cards. The danger for Blair is that for him,
the vote will soon look like a busted flush.

 2003 Newsweek, Inc.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Why Has It Taken Iraq 12 Years to Disarm?

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
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--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Institute for Public Accuracy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: Why Has It Taken Iraq 12 Years to Disarm?
Date: 3/11/2003 7:32:02 AM

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tuesday, March 11, 2003

 Interviews Available:
 Why Has It Taken Iraq 12 Years to Disarm?

In his presentation before the Security Council on Friday, Hans Blix
claimed: If Iraq had provided the necessary cooperation in 1991, the
of disarmament -- under resolution 687 -- could have been short and a
decade of sanctions could have been avoided.

However, an examination of U.S. policy indicates that for the last 12
years the U.S. government has maintained the economic sanctions
of Iraqi actions towards the weapons inspectors, creating a disincentive
for compliance -- and helping to explain why Iraq has taken so long to

April 3, 1991: U.N. Security Council passes Resolution 687, the cease
fire resolution. It includes many demands but states that once Iraq
complies with the weapons inspection regime, the economic sanctions
have no further force or effect.

May 20, 1991: President George Bush: At this juncture, my view is we
want to lift these sanctions as long as Saddam Hussein is in power.

March 26, 1997: Madeleine Albright, in her first major foreign policy
address as Secretary of State: We do not agree with the nations who
that if Iraq complies with its obligations concerning weapons of mass
destruction, sanctions should be lifted.

Mid-Dec., 1998: A widely-criticized report is issued by UNSCOM head
Butler who, under U.S. pressure, withdraws UNSCOM inspectors, and the
begins the Desert Fox bombing campaign on the eve of President Clinton's
scheduled impeachment vote.

Jan. 1999: U.S. media report that, contrary to U.S. denials, UNSCOM was
used for espionage.

Oct. 1, 2002: Just as Iraq is deciding whether or not to let inspectors
have total access to presidential palaces, Ari Fleischer talks of the cost
of one bullet being less than the cost of invasion.

Early March, 2003: As Iraq is destroying Al-Samoud missiles, U.S. escalates
its bombing of no-fly zones.

March 3, 2003: Richard Boucher, State Department spokesperson, claims:
have made clear all along that the goal was disarmament.

March 6, 2003: President George W. Bush: We will be changing the regime

BERT SACKS, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.scn.org/ccpi
Sacks has been to Iraq nine times, most recently with Rep. Jim McDermott.

RAÑIA MASRI, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.southernstudies.org,
Director of the Southern Peace Research and Education Center, Masri has
written extensively on Iraq.

Communications director of the Institute for Public Accuracy -- and author
of the recent article Follow the Policy: Why So Long for Iraq to Comply?
-- Husseini said today: Taking a clear-eyed look at U.S. policy not only
explains why Iraq has taken this long to comply, it raises extremely
troubling questions about the actual -- as opposed to stated -- goals of
U.S. foreign policy through three administrations.

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra


[CTRL] Vipers

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Sludge Report #148 - A Nest Of Vipers, But Whose?
Tuesday, 11 March 2003, 1:39 pm
Column: C.D. Sludge

In This Edition: A Nest Of Vipers On Penn. Ave. (And Across The Pacific In
The Lodge Too) - But What Of Our Guardians In The Fourth Estate? 
WHOSE VIPERS? Did George Bush Junior Work For Langley Like His Dad?
What Did The Dim Son Do When He Was AWOL? - Richard Perle Is A Spy -
Richard Perle Is A Also War Profiteer - War Is Just A Racket: History Always

NOTE: Authors of this report will be anonymous and wide ranging, and
occasionally finely balanced. Indeed you are invited to contribute: The
format is as a reporters notebook. It will be published as and when
material is available. C.D. Sludge can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Sludge Report is available as a free email service..Click HERE -
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/myscoop/ to subscribe...


Sludge Report #148

A Nest Of Vipers On Penn. Ave. (And Across The Pacific In The Lodge

It is probably a bit unkind to vipers to say so, but here at Scoop we have
of late being making much of George W. Bush's administration's use of
deceit in the information war.

And Sludge has now decided it is probably perfectly reasonable to add
Australian PM John Howard to the list of pathological liars who are leading
the world to war.

The official US and Australian PR strategy for the war is now more than
clear. To misquote Robert The Bruce, the motto being followed at
propaganda central in both Canberra and Washington these days is: If at
first you don't convince, lie, lie again.

For fairness's sake Sludge is not including Tony Blair among this nest of
vipers at this point, not because he is not lying (he is) but because he has
at least done his best to answer as many questions as possible on why the
world must now go to war. Blair's recent appearances on ITN and MTV
were examples of the most high-church self-flagellating imaginable, worthy
indeed of Henry the 2nd mourning his friend Bishop Beckett, and for this
he deserves some small credit.

At a press conference here in Wellington yesterday Sludge was privileged
to view one of the main protagonists of the plot to destroy peace on earth
in action in person.

Australian PM John Howard's strategy in answering questions on his
planned war is exactly the same as that displayed by the, apparently
medicated , US President (a.k.a. The Xanax Cowboy) at his press
conference last Thursday (Friday NZT). Namely:

1) avoid answering all questions unless they are patently self-serving,
2) waffle on at length mentioning a lot of buzzword phrases;
3) mention terrorism, 911 (and in Howard's case Bali) as frequently as
4) claim that making the decision to go to war is troubling you greatly
personally, but that it is the burden of leadership; and,
5) never allow a follow-up question, as someone may take you up on one of
the lies in your previous answer.

Sludge highly recommends the following articles for further reading by the
inimitable Dennis Hans on the subject of the techniques of official deceit.
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0303/S00040.htm
Dennis Hans: Bush the Fork-Tongued Scaredy Cat
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0303/S00011.htm
Dennis Hans: The Disinformation Age

Exposing Bush and His Techniques of Deceit

Dennis says it far better, and therefore it will suffice here to use just one
example from Howard's display of sophistry yesterday.

Leaving aside the diversion in the opening sentence alluding to the world
being in agreement that this is all about Iraq (the current crisis is not
about Iraq disarming, it is about the US, Australia and the UK
contemplating tearing up the International Rule of Law), consider the

I mean, we have a common view, all of us, we want Iraq disarmed, wed
love to see it occur peacefully, now that requires in my view a united
expression of world opinion through the Security Council and it involves a
recognition on the part of the Iraqis that the game is up. Now you won't,
in my view, get those two things occurring if you dont have a united
expression of opinion in the Security Council.

Good point, John. Only thing, isn't the answer also obvious?

If you want unanimity in the UN Security Council then why are you holding
a gun to its head?

Why does the world have to have a vote this week? And why does the
world have to agree to the US and UK solution to the crisis, seemingly
without argument for the world to become a safer place?

Of course noone was able to ask the Australian PM these questions.


But What Of Our Guardians In The Fourth Estate?

What indeed? Fortunately for the incumbent inhabitants of the Lodge, in
Canberra, and the White House, in Washington D.C., the Security and
Defence reporting community in the 

[CTRL] Trouble Ahead For New US Colony

2003-03-11 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

For Army, Fears of Postwar Strife
Iraq's Historic Factions May Severely Test a U.S. Occupying Force

By Vernon Loeb and Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 11, 2003; Page A01

The U.S. Army is bracing both for war in Iraq and a postwar occupation that
could tie up two to three Army divisions in an open-ended mission that
would strain the all-volunteer force and put soldiers in the midst of
warring ethnic and religious factions, Army officers and other senior
defense officials say.

While the officers believe a decade of peacekeeping operations in Haiti,
Somalia, the Balkans and now Afghanistan makes the Army uniquely qualified
for the job, they fear that bringing democracy and stability to Iraq may be
an impossible task.

An occupation force of 45,000 to 60,000 Army troops -- the range under
consideration by the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- could force an end to
peace-time training and rotation cycles in a service already deployed in
Germany, Korea, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and the Sinai.

Army officials note that they missed reserve recruiting goals in January
and February, as potential reservists faced lengthy overseas deployments
instead of the regular commitment of 39 days a year. There is even talk
among senior officers that the Marine Corps may be assigned peacekeeping
chores in northern Iraq to help share the burden.

But the greatest source of concern among senior Army leaders is the
uncertainty and complexity of the mission in postwar Iraq, which could
require U.S. forces to protect Iraq's borders, referee clashes between
ethnic and religious groups, ensure civilian security, provide humanitarian
relief, secure possible chemical and biological weapons sites, and govern
hundreds of towns and villages.

Should U.S. forces succeed in overthrowing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein,
they will inherit a country divided among armed and organized Kurdish
factions in the north, restless majority Shiites in the south and a Sunni
population that has been the backbone of Hussein's Baath Party rule. Adding
to the complexity will be the interests of at least two bordering powers --
Turkey, which has its own Kurdish minority and opposes any move toward
greater Kurdish autonomy, and Iran, which has historic ties to Iraqi

There's going to be a power vacuum, said one senior defense official
sympathetic to the Army. How will that be filled? I'm not an expert in the
region, but if you use the Balkans as a model, we may be getting into the
middle of a civil war.

The Army is wary of being the one left to clean up after the party is
over, added retired Lt. Col. Andrew Krepinevich, director of the Center
for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Washington think tank.

Retired Army Maj. Gen. William L. Nash commanded the first Army
peacekeeping operation in the Balkans in 1995. He also occupied the area
around the Iraqi town of Safwan on the Kuwaiti border with three battalions
for 21/2 months after the 1991 Gulf War. During that mission, his troops
dealt with recurring murders, attempted murders, ample opportunity for
civil disorder, and refugee flows they never could fully fathom, he said.

Nash said he believes 200,000 U.S. and allied forces will be necessary to
stabilize Iraq, noting that up to two divisions alone -- 25,000 to 50,000
troops -- could be required just to guard any chemical or biological
weapons sites that are discovered until the weapons are disposed of

There's apprehension inside the Army as to the extent of the mission and a
concern that there hasn't been the recognition by the senior leadership --
I read civilian -- as to the enormity of the challenge, Nash said.

The Army's concern bubbled up publicly two weeks ago when Gen. Eric K.
Shinseki, the Army's chief of staff, told the Senate Armed Services
Committee that several hundred thousand soldiers could be necessary for
peacekeeping duties. Two days later, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D.
Wolfowitz -- one of the architects of the president's postwar ambitions in
Iraq -- took the unusual step of publicly differing with the Army chief,
dismissing his estimate as way off the mark.

Shinseki and other defense officials have said they hope allied forces will
contribute significantly to the postwar mission, though it is unclear how
much other countries will be willing to pitch in. The Bush administration
has experienced difficulties recruiting other countries to send forces to
the Afghan peacekeeping mission.

Ivo H. Daalder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said recent
history shows that 60,000 peacekeepers were needed in Bosnia to separate
warring ethnic factions, just one facet of the mission that could confront
the Army in postwar Iraq. And Bosnia's population is 4 million, 17 percent
of Iraq's 23 million.

I have no doubt that the Army is perfectly capable of doing an
extraordinarily good job on this, Daalder said. This is something we know
how to do, as 

[CTRL] Fwd: Who's Watching the (Outsourced) Watchers?

2003-03-11 Thread RoadsEnd
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-
  VIDIUS: Just another Israeli intelligence-born high-tech "security" company that's now weaselling its way into one US corporate/government computer network after another, under the guise of fighting (of course) "child pornography" and (top selling point!) "terrorism." Ten years from now, we'll all be wondering how Mossad managed to obtain certain top secret classified data from the Pentagon. Not to mention taking advantage of opportunities for identity theft and money laundering 

Privacy Digest
Feb 21, 2001

LA Times - New Technologies Target Swapping of Bootlegged Files 

"...the new security tools are double-edged swords." 

 "Although Vidius and IpArchive say they are interested only in pirated entertainment and software, in theory the same technologies could be used on any large data file ... 

 "Robert Ellis Smith, editor of Privacy Journal, a monthly newsletter that explores contemporary threats to privacy, said the anti-piracy technologies are just one element in a wave of efforts to track consumers' behavior on the Web. But he gives Vidius and IpArchive credit for being overt and direct when enforcing copyrights by cutting off a download."


The Emerging Front

Southern California may emerge as an important center for the unfolding national mission. With this issue of LA VOX, larta begins profiling regional companies involved in various "mission-critical" areas. Between aiding disaster and recovery operations and tracking heavily encrypted and dangerous communication over networks, these two larta poster children are typical of a new breed of company, born in the throes of "defense conversion" and suddenly more relevant to national security again.

North Hollywood [and Israel]-based Vidius has kept busy assisting the the RIAA with its efforts to trace swapping of copyrighted songs. Vidius' network security technology tracks the sharing of licensed material over decentralized, peer to peer networks like Gnutella and Fastrack, (unlike Napster which is a centralized, server-based system). Vidius' technology was primarily developed for detecting and penetrating heavily encrypted files that would normally provide a cloak of anonymity to the participants, thus helping the recording industry stay on top of the increasingly dispersed and sophisticated means of file sharing as they unfold.
Vidius' interest in law enforcement applications began recently when the company established contact with the FBI earlier this year, proposing the use of their technology to track the distribution and sales of child pornography over networks. During a meeting last May with congressional members in Los Angeles, the company also indicated that these channels were being utilized by terrorist networks and that the technology could serve to track that activity. After September 11, company CEO Derek Broes says, "it just became obvious that it was necessary."

"Law enforcement has been using steganography and encryption technology for years," says Broes. (steganography allows for the hiding of data within graphic files.) The new challenge is the widespread use of peer-to-peer networks and the ease with which information gets transferred. Peer-to-peer networks, based as they are on "open source" standards, are ubiquitous and easily assembled. And while mass distribution networks are designed for widespread trading of, say, music files, he adds, " it's not that difficult for someone within the open source community or someone that has an engineering background to develop their own peer to peer network that is only distributed to select people." While each 

[CTRL] The Myth of War Prosperity

2003-03-11 Thread William Shannon

The Myth of War Prosperity 
Rep. Ron Paul

War has many costs, both human and economic, that must be carefully considered now that an invasion of Iraq appears imminent. The greatest cost of war, of course, is the cost in human lives. We all hope and pray that no Americans are killed or injured in Iraq. But the economic costs of war must also be considered. 

There is a commonly-held myth that war creates prosperity. Many believe that World War II ended the Great Depression. Unemployment went down because hundreds of thousands of men were drafted, and factories at home busied themselves with war production. This provided the illusion of a bustling wartime economy. But in truth the economy shrank and GDP plummeted. The hidden costs were enormous, because so much human energy and human capital was expended fighting the war rather than doing productive, specialized work back home. 

Bastiats broken window fallacy applies to our current dilemma in the Middle East. The situation in Iraq is the broken pane of glass, and fixing it will appear to benefit the economy in the short run. Certain industries will certainly benefit. But the hidden opportunity costs will again be enormous. The hidden costs will be the loss of economic activity that would have occurred if the money spent waging war had instead been spent at home. 

Inflation is certain during wartime, as the Treasury prints more money to fund military expenses. Our dollar will become weaker against other currencies because of the uncertainty caused by turmoil in the Middle East. Control of Iraqi oil wells, which is often cited as an economic windfall from the war, is not guaranteed and might not happen quickly. Oil prices almost certainly will skyrocket and will remain inflated after the war, especially given the deteriorating buying power of our own dollars. 

We should expect the financial markets to react badly to an invasion of Iraq. Although military victory should be swift, prolonged urban fighting in Baghdad or other cities would cause investor confidence to plunge. This lack of confidence in the U.S. economy will make trade more difficult and cause our trade deficit to rise. 

Furthermore, taxes or deficits necessarily rise when the nations productivity falls because of war. Estimates of war spending range from $100 billion to $200 billion, a figure that does not include tens of billions needed for nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq. As with past wars, a huge surge in spending will happen as tax revenues are falling dramatically. This spending can be sustained only by printing more money, borrowing from foreign nations, or raising taxes- all of which harm the economy. 

The greatest economic cost of war, however, comes from the expansion in the size and scope of government. Government always grows during wars and other crises. As economist Murray Rothbard noted, government uses crises to Engineer the great leaps forward, in the size of the state. When the crisis ends, government never returns to its former size. As government expands, individual liberty necessarily shrinks. True prosperity cannot exist without individual liberty and its corollaries of limited government, property rights, and free markets. Ultimately, war leaves us with less freedom at home. The sad irony is that while our soldiers have fought for the freedom of Europe, Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, and Iraq, the government uses war to steadily diminish freedom here at home. While we fight a war in Iraq, we must also fight to maintain and restore individual liberty in America. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Saytanides: Legislators from 6 Nations Call for Drug Legalization

2003-03-11 Thread RoadsEnd
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

March 11, 2003
Please Distribute Widely

Never before have I met face-to-face with congressmen from other Latin
American countries

 - Senator Carlos Gaviria, Colombia, in Mérida

Dear Colleagues,

As we complete our Full Coverage of last month's historic Drug Legalization
Summit in Mérida, México, we want to provide you with more details about one
of the most important meetings to occur there: that of the legislators from
different corners of our América.

Narco News Authentic Journalism Scholar Adam Saytanides - recent graduate of
Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism in Chicago - has
already reported to you the role of Mexican Congressman Gregorio Urías in
constructing cross-border coordination toward ending drug prohibition,
concretely, on the legislative front.

Today, Saytanides offers an overview of what each of the legislators - from
Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Mexico and Uruguay - had to say in
Mérida about the legislative prospects in their own houses and the potential
for Panamerican coordination among Senators and Congress members:


On a personal note, because your J-School president is particularly proud to
have rising talents like Saytanides on the intercontinental News Team, I'd
also like to bring your attention to the February 28 cover story in the
prestigious Chicago Reader: 'In Pakistan, She Would Be Dead': The needs of
a little girl with cerebral palsy run up against Ashcroft's stringent new
antiterrorism measures. This brilliant 4,000-word work of Authentic
Journalism was reported and authored by the very same Adam Saytanides. (On
the Chicago Reader website, it is only available by pay-per-view... all the
more reason we're thrilled to be able to offer you the gift of Saytanides'
reporting gratis at Narco News.)

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
Publisher (on Sabbatical?)
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Zbig c1983 Re: Bush Sr warning over unilateral action

2003-03-11 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Power and Principle,

p530 The Future

"the problem is not global domination by the Soviet
centralization of national security in the white
the mass public it is easier to understand problems
they are reduced to black/white
or doves...in one phase,
Realpolitik is extolled as the
highest virtue; in another the enhancement and application
of American power is denigrated as
immoral and unwarranted"

From: Sean McBride 

  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:40
  Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Bush Sr
  warning over unilateral action
  ..Do you really think that Jimmy Carter is in agreement with
  B No, but that wouldn't be
  thesis-antithesis-synthesis, would it?
  Itisn't a matter of
  extrapolatingsimple compromise or by averaging,

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


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Re: [CTRL] Trouble Ahead For New US Colony

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Can you say "Selective Service?"


- Original Message -
From: flw 
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Trouble Ahead For New US Colony
-Caveat Lector-washingtonpost.comFor Army, Fears of
Postwar StrifeIraq's Historic Factions May Severely Test a U.S. Occupying
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[CTRL] Fw: Northern Watch Flies Top Cover for U.S. Envoy in Northern Iraq

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

They must have been feeding those pilots "stay awake pills" by the
gross. - JR

- Original Message -
From: Press

Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:30 AM
Subject: Northern Watch Flies Top Cover for U.S. Envoy in Northern
By Maj. Bob ThompsonSpecial to the American Forces Press
ServiceINCIRLIK AIR BASE, TURKEY, March 11, 2003 -- What started out as
arequest for 48 hours of combat air patrols turned into six days
ofpractically nonstop flying as Operation Northern Watch kept skiesclear
while a U.S. envoy met with Iraqi opposition leaders in
northernIraq.Though not designed for around-the-clock operations,
OperationNorthern Watch aircraft patrolled Iraqi skies for more than 129
hourswhile flying 290 sorties between Feb. 24 and March 2."This was
one of the most challenging missions ever accomplished inthe history of
Operation Northern Watch," said Brig. Gen. Robin Scott,co-commanding general
of the combined task force based here. "Ourpeople proved once again that we
have the best pilots, the bestaircraft and the best maintainers in the
world."During the long hours of support to the envoy's meeting on
dangerousground, Operation Northern Watch achieved historic "firsts." For
thefirst time, coalition aircraft dropped precision-guided bombs Feb.
24in response to threats from Iraqi mobile surface-to-surface
missilelaunchers south of Mosul. The operation conducted its first
leafletdrop March 1, northeast of Mosul -- the 240,000 flyers warned
Iraqigunners not to target or fire upon coalition aircraft."It was
truly a team effort," Scott said. "My co-commander, Brig. Gen.(Levent)
Turkmen and his staff worked tirelessly, providing thenecessary coordination
and approvals from myriad Turkish agencies tokeep the mission on track. The
39th Wing worked with us day and nightto ensure we had all the support we
needed to carry out the mission."Though definitely not a first,
coalition aircraft also came underIraqi anti-aircraft-artillery fire midway
through the missions andresponded Feb. 27 by knocking out military
communication sites westand south of Mosul.Since the end of
Operation Desert Storm in 1991, coalition forces haveenforced the Northern
No-fly Zone despite being fired upon by theIraqis nearly every
mission."Our day-to-day Operation Northern Watch mission is difficult
anddangerous even under normal circumstances," Scott said. "Last
week,despite long hours, marginal weather conditions and
nighttimeoperations, our team stayed at the top of their game and made it
lookeasy."To keep up with the heavy demand for air refueling,
Operation EnduringFreedom tankers and aircrews were quickly drafted to
support themissions over northern Iraq."During the six days of the
operation, our tanker team offloaded 5.6million pounds during in-flight
refueling," Scott said. "Without thesecrucial assets, we would have never
maintained our 24/7 operationsover Iraq."During the mission,
coalition fighters, tankers, intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance
assets worked as a team to enforce theno-fly zone and provide air cover.
Missions required a mix of aircraftand on any given day have included the
E-3B Sentry AWACS, EA-6BProwler, EP-3 Aries II, F-15C Eagle, F-16CJ and
F-16CG Falcons, UH-60Black Hawk helicopter, MC-130 Combat Talon, KC-135R
Stratotanker, C-12Huron, British GR-3 Jaguar, Nimrod and VC-10
Tankers.AWACS crews of the 970th Expeditionary Airborne Air Control
Squadronfrom Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., flew 14 sorties and 173
hourswithout a single air or ground abort.Operation Northern Watch
personnel received thanks and congratulationsfrom Gen. Charles Wald, deputy
commander of U.S. European Command;Gen. Gregory Martin, commander of U.S.
Air Forces in Europe; and Brig.Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Special
Operations Component, EUCOM,Scott noted.(Maj. Bob Thompson is the
director of the Combined Information Bureau,Combined Task Force Operation
Northern Watch, at Incirlik Air Base,Turkey.)200303111a.jpg An F-15C
Eagle tops off its gas tanks during an aerialrefueling with a KC-135R
Stratotanker during Operation Northern Watch.Both aircraft are part of a
coalition task force that has enforced theno-fly zone over northern Iraq and
monitored Iraqi compliance withU.N. Security Council resolutions for nearly
12 years. (Click photofor screen-resolution
This is a plain text version of a web page. If your e-mail programdid
not properly format this information, you may view the story athttp://www.defenselink.mil/news/Mar2003/n03112003_200303111.htmlAny
photos, graphics or other imagery included in the article may alsobe viewed
at this web
the Department of Defense Celebrates Women's History MonthWeb site at http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/womenhistory03/for
a comprehensive look at the past and present contributionsof women,
especially in the 

[CTRL] Fw: FW: Pentagon: Who cares . . . [journalists] have been warned

2003-03-11 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 Subject: Pentagon: Who cares . . . [journalists] have been warned

 At 7:59 PM -1000 3/10/03, viviane wrote:

 10th March, 2003
 by Fintan Dunne, Editor
   The Pentagon has threatened to fire on the satellite uplink positions

 of independent journalists in Iraq, according to veteran BBC war
 correspondent, Kate Adie. In an interview with Irish radio, Ms. Adie
 said that questioned about the consequences of such potentially fatal
 actions, a senior Pentagon officer had said: Who cares.. ..They've
 been warned.
According to Ms. Adie, who twelve years ago covered the last Gulf
 War, the Pentagon attitude is: entirely hostile to the free spread of
I am enormously pessimistic of the chance of decent on-the-spot
 reporting, as the war occurs, she told Irish national broadcaster, Tom

 McGurk on the RTE1 Radio Sunday Show.
Ms. Adie made the startling revelations during a discussion of media

 freedom issues in the likely upcoming war in Iraq. She also warned that

 the Pentagon is vetting journalists according to their stance on the
 war, and intends to take control of US journalists' satellite equipment

 --in order to control access to the airwaves.
 Another guest on the show, war author Phillip Knightley, reported that
 the Pentagon has also threatened they: may find it necessary to bomb
 areas in which war correspondents are attempting to report from the
 Iraqi side.

 Audio of this very frank discussion of the problems facing reporters in

 Guests: Kate Adie, BBC; Phillip Knightley, author of The First
 Casualty, a history of war correspondents and propaganda; Chris Hedges,

 award winning human rights journalist, and former Irish Times Editor
 Connor Brady on the Sunday Show, RTE Radio1 9th March, 2003. =
 *** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
 material is
 distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
 receiving the included information for research and educational

 Come one come all!  Families United against War Rally and March, Sunday
2:00 p to 5:00 p, Hermann Hill by Miller Outdoor theater.  Child-friendly
events and activities!! Sponsored by the HCJNW.


 Join us for a weekly protest/vigil at Mecom Fountain, where Montrose Blvd.
ends at Hermann Park.  We will maintain a presence from 5:00 p to 8:00 p
every Friday.  Come when you can -- leave when you want.  Candles will be
 Sunday -- Dec. 1 -- 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm.  Special meeting to make plans for
nonviolent direct action on national protest day against the war on Iraq,
(December 10).  HPJC, 1627 W. Alabama.  All nonviolent peace activists

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[CTRL] New Bin Laden Info ?

2003-03-11 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

I'm not normally one for seeing anagrams, but I couldn't help noticing
that SPIN BOLDAK (see news source item below) rearranges to produce
OS BIN LAD PK - was that perhaps the real news item being conveyed
here ?...


March 11, 2003:

SPIN BOLDAK, Afghanistan (Reuters) - U.S.-led coalition  forces have
captured two people suspected of links with al Qaeda and the Taliban on
Afghanistan's southern border with Pakistan, an Afghan official said on

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The POPE to BAGHDAD as a human shield???

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Peace Activist Implores Pope to be 'Ultimate Human Shield'
'Only person' who can stop Iraq war
Helen Caldicott sets up campaign

A HREF=http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0306-

EMAIL:  Pope John Paul II: A
PHONE:  the Vatican directly, (from USA) dial 011-39-06-69-82-
FAX: ([from USA] 011-39-06698-85378
--from other countries drop the 011 prefix

His Holiness John Paul II
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City State Europe
(DO NOT put Italy anywhere on the envelope, as this will send your mail
into the Italian mail system which is independend of the Vatican system. )

Published on Thursday, March 6, 2003 by the A HREF=http://www.thestar.com/;Toronto

Peace Activist Implores Pope to be 'Ultimate Human Shield'
'Only person' who can stop Iraq war
Helen Caldicott sets up campaign

by Leslie Scrivener

Dr. Helen Caldicott, one of the world's most determined peace activists, is
imploring Pope John Paul II to go to Baghdad as he is the only person on
earth who can stop this war in Iraq. (see below) Caldicott has organized a
letter writing and e-mail petition, urging people around the world to write
to the 82-year-old Pope asking him to travel to Baghdad and stay there until
peace has been achieved.Your physical presence in Baghdad will prevent the
impending slaughter of hundreds of thousands of human beings, her letter
says.The Australian-born Caldicott, who has written extensively on the
nuclear threat, is a former Harvard professor, founder of Physicians for
Social Responsibility and subject of the award winning film If You Love This
Planet. In her letter, circulated on the Internet, she urges ordinary people
to make their opposition to war known and send a mountain of letters,
e-mails, faxes and phone calls to the Vatican to persuade the Pope of the
need for his immediate, unprecedented action.The Pope's presence in Iraq
will act as the ultimate human shield, she writes. Though the Bush
administration has shown no reservations about slaughtering up to 500,000
innocents in Iraq, there is one person whose life they absolutely will not
risk. That person is Pope John Paul II.The Pope's travel schedule is usually
set months, sometimes years in advance. He had hoped to travel to Iraq in
1999 and 2000, though trips were cancelled.During Ash Wednesday services
yesterday in Rome, the Pope called on Catholics to pray and fast for peace
during Lent, the 40-day season of penitence leading to Easter. And the Pope's
emissary, Cardinal Pio Laghi, met with U.S. President George Bush in
Washington yesterday. A White House spokesperson said Bush rejects the
argument there's no moral justification for a war.Canadian church leaders
marked Ash Wednesday by releasing a letter to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien,
asking him to redouble Canada's efforts to prevent a war in Iraq and
announcing a March 22 ecumenical peace vigil at St. Michael's Cathedral.The
18 leaders, including Archbishop Michael Peers, Primate of the Anglican
Church, and Bishop Jacques Berthelet, President of the Canadian Conference of
Catholic Bishops, stress their firm belief that war on Iraq, even with
explicit Security Council authorization, would be the worst option.
Copyright 1996-2003. Toronto Star Newspapers Limited###Urgent Appeal From
Helen CaldicottDear FriendsI write this appeal for your help as a
pediatrician, a mother, and a grandmother -- and I am writing about the lives
of tens of thousands of children.Although the current administration has
demonstrated it has no reservations about slaughtering up to 500,000
innocents in Iraq, there is one person whose life they absolutely will not
risk. That person is Pope John Paul II.While the Pope has already formally
denounced the proposed war, calling it a defeat for humanity, as well as sent
his top spokesperson to meet with Saddam Hussein, he now must take a
historically unprecedented action of his own and travel to Baghdad. The
Pope's physical presence in Iraq will act as the ultimate human shield,
during which time leaders of the word nation can commit themselves to
identifying and implementing a peaceful solution to this war that the world's
majority clearly does not support.To persuade the Holy Father to take this
unusual but potent action, he must hear from you and millions of others
around the world who have already been inspired to stand up and speak out for
peace. A mountain of surface mail, email, faxes, and phone calls are our
devices to inspire him. Please understand that your taking just a few minutes
right now to communicate with him may ultimately spare the lives of thousands
of innocent people who at this moment live in complete terror from the threat
of an imminent U.S.-lead military strike on their homeland.So here is what
you can do to be a part of this powerful final action to Stop the march to
war in Iraq. 


2003-03-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-



 LONDON [MENL] -- Iraq has procured inflatable motorized boats
from the former Yugoslavia for suicide missions against U.S.  and
allied forces in the Persian Gulf.  Western intelligence sources
identified the vessels as Zodiac-class boats procured from companies
in the Balkans.  The sources said the boats were purchased by Syria
and smuggled into Iraq for use by a new suicide unit formed by the
regime of President Saddam Hussein.  'The procurement of the boat
marks a strategy by Saddam to use suicide operations as a major tool
against U.S.  troops, a senior intelligence source said.  The
Republican Guard has been ordered to stress the formation of a
range of suicide units, including those of ground forces. Iraq, the
sources said, seek to obtain at least 100 such boats for suicide and
sabotage operations against U.S.  warships.  It is unclear how many
boats have already arrived in Iraq.

NOTE: The above is not the full item.  This service contains only a
small portion of the information produced daily by Middle East

For a subscription to the full service, please contact Middle East Newsline
at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for further details.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [piml] WND POLL: Threat assessment

2003-03-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


--- Forwarded message follows ---

  Which person, group or country poses most imminent danger to the U.S.?




--- End of forwarded message ---

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cornell Peace Protest

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Cornell Peace Protester: Bomb Israel!
By Joseph J. Sabia
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 11, 2003

Cornell Universitys Anti-War Coalitioncomprised of students, employees,

campus religious leaders, and professorsurged students to Skip Class for
Peace last week as part of their ongoing effort to protest U.S. military
action in Iraq. (Presumably, earlier proposals for Make the Deans List for
Peace and Work Overtime for Peace were nixed.) In lieu of attending
classes, the wild mob of Stalinists gathered at the entrance to the main
administration building and blamed the United States and Israel for world

The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition directed the rally, which
was implemented locally by Amy Levine, a graduate student in
anthropology, Tom Armalchi, an undergraduate student in industrial and
labor relations and Alex Bomstein, an undergraduate student active in the
local Green Party. These students are leaders of Cornell Students for
Peaceful Justice (CSPJ).

Although Cornell does not have an ANSWER chapter or a Young Communists
chapter, CSPJ has strong ties to pro-Communist organizations. Their
website prominently features writings from ZMag, a Noam Chomsky-style
publication that accused President Bush of planning a genocidal rampage
in Afghanistan and has frequently published work sympathetic to
Palestinian terrorists. CSPJ also has ties to the United for Peace
organization headed by longtime Communist Leslie Cagan, who views
Castro's dictatorship as the societal ideal.

Student Leftists, who pride themselves on being the voices of tolerance
and peace, used their anti-war rally to engage in an orgy of hatred, vitriol,
and profanity. Predictably, not a single speaker at the event spoke in
opposition to Saddam Husseins human rights record, the Iraqi
governments history of aggression, or Husseins weapons of mass
destruction program. All of the hatred was directed toward America and

One peace-loving protester, a prominent member of the Cornell Native
American Studies field, waved a placard that compared Israel to Iraq. Here
is a picture of that sign:
  Gotta see the image to understand the text

Many Cornell students, especially those active in campus Jewish
organizations, were outraged at the sign and crowded around the
protester, demanding that he explain himself. When confronted, he
defended himself, saying, Im not anti-Israel. I am anti-U.S. Later, he
acquiesced to demands from protester organizers and took the
magnanimous step of altering the punctuation of the signchanging the
exclamation point after the word Israel to a question mark.

Other students took to the streets with pro-drug slogans from the 1960s.
One such sign offered the compelling anti-war argument, Drop Acid, Not

A recurring theme of the anti-war rally was an alleged parallel between
U.S. military action in Iraq and al Qaedas attack on the World Trade
Center and Pentagon. A large contingent at front of the rally held a long
banner reading Preemptive Strike is Terrorism. Another student held a
sign that had the phrase War on Terror rewritten to read War is Terror.

The Leftists deep personal hatred for the Commander in Chief was evident
in the many comparisons of President Bush to Adolf Hitler. It was
crystallized in especially vulgar terms in a poster reading F*** Bush!
Another student proclaimed that the president, rather than Saddam
Hussein, was the threat to world peace and waved a sign that read Disarm

No anti-war rally would be complete without anti-globalization conspiracy
theorists. These are the folks who espouse the Marxist line that Jewish-
dominated corporate interests are conspiring with the military industrial
complex to wage war for the purposes of obtaining foreign oil and
enslaving racial minorities. Cornell Industrial and Labor Relations student
Tom Armalchi wore an American flag cape in which the traditional 50 stars
were replaced by 50 corporate symbols, including Bell, McDonalds, IBM,
and NBC). Others held signs which read Its the Oil, Stupid! and How
Many Lives Per Gallon? One environmentalist scrawled a piece of
cardboard that read, Go Solar, Not Ballistic!

Some conservatives on hand tried, perhaps foolishly, to engage some of
these protesters. One well-informed right-winger explained that if the goal
of the U.S. government were to obtain cheap oil from Iraq, we could do so
immediately and with far less international rancor by telling Hussein, You
give us oil at price X and we wont invade your country and overthrow
you. In response to this argument, a leading Leftist protester yelled, F***
Bush! and announced, I cant reason with someone like you because for
you, reason is treason. (Whenever liberals devolve into Jesse Jackson-style
rhyming, you know youve won the debate.)

There is some good news to come out of the venomous 

[CTRL] Bad Case of Gas

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, March 11, 2003


MARCH 11. Very little attention has been paid to Stephen Pelletieres op
ed piece in the New York Times (Jan. 31, A War Crime or an Act of War).

Pelletiere was the CIAs senior political analyst on Iraq during the 1980s
war between Iraq and Iran, and later served as a professor at the US Army
War College (1988-2000).

His op ed piece attacks the theory that Saddam gassed the Kurds. You
know, Saddam gassed his own people. That oft-repeated charge that
makes up a significant part of the administrations argument for war now.

Pelletiere had access to a lot of the classified data that was generated
around the Kurd matter. He was in charge of the 1991 Army probe that
investigated the question: How would Saddam fight a war against the US?

The major gassing incident occurred in March 1988 at a town called
Halabja. But the truth is, Pelletiere writes, all we know for certain is
that Kurds were bombarded with poison gas that day. This occurred near
the end of the Iraq-Iran war.

Pelletiere writes, immediately after the battle [at Halabja] the United
States Defense Information Agency investigated and produced a classified
report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-
to- know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the
Kurds, not Iraqi gas.

Obviously, this report has been intentionally ignored by several presidents
and their major mouthpieces.

Pelletiere goes on to write that both the Iraqis and the Iranian troops
used gas at Halabja. The condition of the dead Kurds bodies, however,
indicated that they had been killed with a blood agent---that is, a cyanide-
based gas--- which Iran was known to have. The Iraqis, who are thought to
have used mustard gas in the battle, are not known to have possessed
blood agents at the time.

If Bush were simply saying that Saddam deserves to die because he used
mustard gas, then Bush might want to mention, as well, that the US
employed tons and tons of Agent Orange (a chemical, the last time I
looked) in Vietnam.

Then Pelletiere raises and answers a very interesting question. Why was
the battle of Halabja fought? Iraq has the most extensive river system in
the Middle EastIraq had built an impressive system of dams and river
control projects, the largest being the Darbandikhan dam in the Kurdish
area. And it was this dam the Iranians were seeking to take control of
when they seized Halbja.

Pelletiere points out that a water pipeline through Iraq could bring the
waters of the Tigris and Euphrates south to the parched Gulf states, and
by extension, Israel.

To date that pipeline has not been built. But after Gulf War 2? Would Israel
become one of the prime beneficiaries in the aftermath?

Remember, the charge that has been leveled at Saddam is, he gassed his
own civilians. Pelletiere is offering evidence collected by US intelligence
and military analysts that refutes that charge.

Bush, Powell, Blair, and the rest of the crew are brushing all this off
without a glance.

JON RAPPOPORT www.stratiawire.com
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] It's Official: French = Freedom

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday, March 11, 2003  Last updated 10:57 a.m. PT

French Fries Get New Name in Congress


WASHINGTON -- Show the flag and pass the ketchup was the order of the
day in House cafeterias Tuesday. Lawmakers struck a lunchtime blow
against the French and put freedom fries on the menu.

And for breakfast they'll now have freedom toast.

The name changes follow similar actions by restaurants around the country
protesting French opposition to the administration's Iraq war plans.

Update. Now Serving in All House Office Buildings, 'Freedom Fries,' read a
sign that Republican Reps. Bob Ney of Ohio and Walter Jones of North
Carolina placed at the register in the Longworth Office Building food

Jones said he was inspired by Cubbie's restaurant in Beaufort, N.C., in his
district, one of the first to put freedom fries on the menu instead of
french fries.

This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong
displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally,
France, said Ney, chairman of the House Administration Committee.

Ney, whose panel oversees House operations, ordered the menu changes.

The French Embassy in Washington had no immediate comment, except to
say that french fries actually come from Belgium.

Ney said he was of French descent and once the French government
comes around we can get back to talking about french fries.

On a more serious note, Republican Jim Saxton of New Jersey has
proposed a ban on Pentagon participation in this year's Paris Air Show and
restrictions on French participation in any postwar construction projects
in Iraq.

But House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said at a news conference
that applying legislative sanctions to France was not necessary. I don't
think we have to retaliate against France. They've isolated themselves
pretty well, he said.
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rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Rumsfeld Glad Hands Saddam! (fwd)

2003-03-11 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 22:43:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Rumsfeld Glad Hands Saddam!

That was quite a report from Neil Macdonald to Peter Mansbridge tonight.
First the film clip showing Rumsfeld shaking the glad hand with Saddam
Hussein. But of course that was in the days when Rumsfeld was a private
businessman promoting U-S-A industry, including chemical and biological
exports, to Iraq. I wonder if Spain and Bulgaria have read the full-length
issue of the Christian Science Monitor Special Report from 1988 titled
Poison on the Wind: The New Threat of Chemical and Biological Weapons.
The entire 56 page issue was on this subject. Why was Rumsfeld in Iraq and
glad handing Saddam Hussein? Well, the answer is given on page 6: The
companies the Monitor found to be Iraq's suppliers were a mixed group.
Some were small specialty suppliers. Others were trading companies, with
few fixed assets, that have since gone out of business. At least one was a
subsidiary of a major US corporation. If Saddam Hussein is a war criminal
for using chemical weapons against his Iranian and Kurdish Secessionist
enemies, then Rumsfeld is his accomplice, some (with obviously twisted
logic) might say.

The attitude of the US toward chemical weapons is summed up on page 4:
People say that coughing your lungs out in three minutes because of nerve
agent is an immoral way of dying, while bleeding to death in 12 because
your leg has been shot off is somehow better. Those arguments leave me
cold, says Col. Robert Orton, head of the (US) Army's chemical weapons
modernization program. So Rumsfeld was actually serving as an angel of
mercy, saving all those Kurdish secessionists and Iranians from having
their legs shot off in a prolonged war and substituting a short and nasty
chemical war. Indeed, wasn't that the rationale used for the US dropping
atomic bombs on Japan? Perhaps then when it comes to war crime trials for
Rumsfeld et al, the UN War Crimes Court of the future should be lenient.
Ian Macdonald jumped to conclusions when he said, after the
Rumsfeld-Saddam clip that the US was actually helping them (the supposed
war criminals).

Appearances can be deceiving. When the US had its leading nuclear-weapon
equipped war ships in Vancouver and Halifax harbours in 1995 while Quebec
was casting its lawful secessionist vote, that was just a warning of what
a bloody conventional civil war could unleash (the same logic used against
Japan). BTW we had the USS Constellation in Vancouver Harbour. But the
point is that when Rumsfeld supplies weapons of mass destruction for war,
even if he supplies them to Saddam Hussein, he is the good-doer and Saddam
is the bad-doer for using them. How could Ian Macdonald not understand the
obvious reasonableness of this?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: DoD, USAID Teams Readying to Rebuild Iraq, Provide Assistance

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Will Halliburton get to use forced labor (conquered military) as
reconstruction laborers?

- Original Message -
From: Press

Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:08 PM
Subject: DoD, USAID Teams Readying to Rebuild Iraq, Provide
By Kathleen T. RhemAmerican Forces Press
ServiceWASHINGTON, March 11, 2003 -- "Free Iraqis" who have lived in
theUnited States and other democratic countries will provide
valuableliaison between local Iraqi government officials and U.S.
officialsoverseeing the country after any potential
conflict.Officials from the Defense Department and the U.S. Agency
forInternational Development are working to have teams ready to move
intoIraq in the event of military conflict to begin
coordinationimmediately for humanitarian aid and reconstruction.A
senior defense official was quick to point out to reporters todaythat the
president hasn't made a decision to force Iraqi disarmamentwith military
might. But if he does, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeldhas said the United
States is committed to making life immediatelybetter for the Iraqi
people.In January, President Bush authorized the immediate stand-up of
theOffice of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance. A senior
officialfamiliar with that office and its efforts also was on hand to
answerreporters' questions in the Pentagon today.That official
explained the agency is looking to hire more than 100"free Iraqis" on 90- to
180-day contracts to assist the civilministries and to act as
representatives in each of the 17 provincesand Baghdad to coordinate with
the local officials and help recommendreconstruction or humanitarian
projects."We think that's a good recipe," the official said, "to have
peoplethat were born and raised in those provinces but now have lived in
ademocracy. And now they can explain things to the people there who
havebeen oppressed for 30 years."He said he hopes to hire Iraqis who
have specific expertise in certainareas. For example, he is looking for
volunteers who have experience inpublic health administration and who can
assist officials in the Iraqihealth ministry.The official said the
goal of the Office of Reconstruction andHumanitarian Assistance is to pass
the country's governance to theIraqi people as soon as possible, "but with a
government that expressesthe free will of the people of Iraq."In the
immediate aftermath of any conflict, a civil administrator, whois a senior
Defense Department civilian official, would coordinateefforts in Iraq and
report directly to the chief of U.S. CentralCommand, Army Gen. Tommy Franks.
This administrator would oversee threeseparate teams coordinating
reconstruction, civil administration andhumanitarian assistance.A
cornerstone of the plan would be to keep Iraqi officials in theircurrent
positions within the civil ministries, police and militaryforces, and
courts, and to continue paying them. The Defense Departmentbriefer explained
officials are working to determine a fair pay scale,keeping in mind that as
much as 60 percent of all Iraqis now getgovernment food aid.He said
there are many possible sources of funding for payrolls. Hespecifically
mentioned frozen Iraqi assets as a potential solution.Regular
Iraqi army soldiers would provide the manpower for many civilreconstruction
projects, the official explained. Military forces aresuited to completing
engineering projects like road construction andremoving rubble, and to
demining and disposing of unexploded ordnance."Using the army allows us
not to demobilize it immediately and put alot of unemployed people on the
street," the official explained."They're working to rebuild their country.
It's re-establishing some ofthe prestige that the regular army has lost over
the years, and itallows us to get a lot of good things done for the
country."The official estimated the Defense Department
could get the mechanismsfor Iraqi self-governance into place within several
months. He'soptimistic, he said, these efforts will get Iraq back on its
feet morequickly than similar efforts in Afghanistan. He noted Iraq's
populationis more sophisticated and its infrastructure more developed
thanAfghanistan's."Even though it's been an oppressed country,
(Iraq) has the structureand the mechanisms in there to run that country and
run it fairlyefficiently," the official said. "At one time, it was probably
one ofthe most efficient countries in that part of the world, and a lot
ofthat talent's still
This is a plain text version of a web page. If your e-mail programdid
not properly format this information, you may view the story athttp://www.defenselink.mil/news/Mar2003/n03112003_200303115.htmlAny
photos, graphics or other imagery included in the article may alsobe viewed
at this web
the Department of Defense Celebrates Women's History MonthWeb site at 

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-03-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:21:05 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
March 11, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. CBS Admits Support Up for Iraq Action, UN Not Trusted, But...
CBS’s Bill Plante on Monday night acknowledged how a new CBS News poll
found “support for taking military action soon has risen by nine points
since last week” and Dan Rather followed up by pointing out how the poll
found “58 percent now say the UN is doing a poor job of handling Iraq.”
But, while Plante emphasized how “a majority still favors giving UN
inspectors more time,” he skipped over how the poll determined that 55
percent would approve of military action against Iraq even if the UN did
not support it and, once again, CBS refused to tell viewers that military
action against Iraq is favored by 66 to 30 percent.

2. Klein Complains Bush is Causing France to be “Humiliated”
Time columnist Joe Klein fumed on Monday’s Today that President Bush is
forcing a vote at the UN “which will either result in...France being
humiliated or the United States being humiliated.” Klein also claimed
that Bush “doesn't seem to have much of a style of diplomacy and was too
much of a “cowboy” during his press conference.

3. “Coalition of the Coerced”  Tax Cuts Contradict War on Terror
The coalition behind Bush’s Iraq policy is only “a coalition of the
coerced,” Time’s John Dickerson asserted on Sunday’s Chris Matthews Show
while CBS’s Bob Schieffer blamed Bush’s opposition to Kyoto for losing
the Germans before he admonished that “you can’t tell people one day that
we gotta defeat terrorism and that it poses this grave threat to us but
then the next day tell us, 'well we can do it with business as usual and
cut taxes.'”

4. Lange “Resents” Equating of “Being Anti-War and Anti-American”
Jessica Lange who, upset by President Bush's Iraq policy, charged during
a press conference at a film festival in Spain last September that “it is
an embarrassing time to be an American it's humiliating,” complained
on Monday's Late Show that “the thing I resent most is...some kind of
equation between being anti-war and anti-American.”

5. Vaughn  Grammer Show Not All Actors Enjoy Bashing America
Not all Hollywood celebrities are as embarrassed about U.S. policy toward
Iraq as Lange. Asked outside of the Screen Actors Guild Awards Sunday
night about the war, Kelsey Grammer professed support for it and Vince
Vaughn, who is scheduled to be the guest host of the Late Show with David
Letterman on Tuesday night (tonight), had a regular comeback when he was
in England, USA Today disclosed, for those who denounced America: “I'd
ask folks to think about the Marshall Plan a bit and get back to me.

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:

Media Research Center DisHonors Awards  Advertisement

On Sale Now!
Tickets are now on sale for the MRC's
DisHonor Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters
of 2002.

The 3rd Annual DisHonor Awards will take place the evening of
Thursday, March 27 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

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Bozell's News Column
Ted Koppel, Crank Caller

 As war against Saddam creeps ever closer, anti-war partisans are
feeling powerless and underappreciated. To them, the media seem dominated
by a White House war machine that is intimidating sheepish reporters.
Helen Thomas, who doesn't ask questions so much as accuse the
administration of heinous motives and declare that President Bush is the
worst leader in our history, is their kind of “reporter.”

 Some in the press are hearing these 

[CTRL] {attack} Congressman Ron Paul for President 2004 (fwd)

2003-03-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Read how Congressman Ron Paul wants to reduce the size of the US Federal
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Re: [CTRL] It's Official: French = Freedom

2003-03-11 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

Yanks dump Dom Perrion in the gutter but drink Smirnoff and Heineken when
all three countries took a very
similar stance. Go figure...

- Original Message -
From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 2:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] It's Official: French = Freedom

 -Caveat Lector-


 Tuesday, March 11, 2003  Last updated 10:57 a.m. PT

 French Fries Get New Name in Congress


 WASHINGTON -- Show the flag and pass the ketchup was the order of the
 day in House cafeterias Tuesday. Lawmakers struck a lunchtime blow
 against the French and put freedom fries on the menu.

 And for breakfast they'll now have freedom toast.

 The name changes follow similar actions by restaurants around the country
 protesting French opposition to the administration's Iraq war plans.

 Update. Now Serving in All House Office Buildings, 'Freedom Fries,' read
 sign that Republican Reps. Bob Ney of Ohio and Walter Jones of North
 Carolina placed at the register in the Longworth Office Building food

 Jones said he was inspired by Cubbie's restaurant in Beaufort, N.C., in
 district, one of the first to put freedom fries on the menu instead of
 french fries.

 This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong
 displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called
 France, said Ney, chairman of the House Administration Committee.

 Ney, whose panel oversees House operations, ordered the menu changes.

 The French Embassy in Washington had no immediate comment, except to
 say that french fries actually come from Belgium.

 Ney said he was of French descent and once the French government
 comes around we can get back to talking about french fries.

 On a more serious note, Republican Jim Saxton of New Jersey has
 proposed a ban on Pentagon participation in this year's Paris Air Show and
 restrictions on French participation in any postwar construction projects
 in Iraq.

 But House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said at a news conference
 that applying legislative sanctions to France was not necessary. I don't
 think we have to retaliate against France. They've isolated themselves
 pretty well, he said.
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 the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
 careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
 reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
 Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] What Secretary Powell Did Not Say

2003-03-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

>From Volume 2, Issue Number 10 of Electronic Intelligence Weekly, Published Mar. 10, 2003   
This Week You Need To Know

What Secretary Powell Did Not Say
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.  March 8, 2003

Monday, March 10th begins a week whose importance could possibly, even probably, prove more or less as significant, in its own way, as the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This memorandum serves to summarize the following crucial issues of the present crisis.

The Root of the Crisis

1. The first factor, the root of this crisis, is a Classical quality of existential crisis within the institutions of the U.S. government.

The pivotal issue of the crisis is, as France's representative said, implicitly: The issue of war or peace as such, is not Saddam Hussein or Iraq, but, primarily, two distinct but converging features of the current U.S. Bush Administration. The first cause of that aspect of the crisis, is the influence of the imperialist followers of the late fascist ideologue, Professor Leo Strauss, in creating the core of those war-mongers known variously as the "Chickenhawks" or "neo-cons." The second, converging cause of that critical factor, is the convergence among the pro-imperialist "neo-cons" inside the Bush Administration, with the thoughtless and stubborn, "barnyard-style unilateralism" expressed by President George W. Bush himself.

The added feature of the crisis, on the U.S. side, is that Cheney's and Wolfowitz's lunatic tribe of neo-con "Chickenhawk" fanatics, is reenforced, on the side of the Democratic Party, by those organized-crime-linked, pro-imperialist hard-core DLC Democrats who are typified by the circle of cronies of right-wing ideologue and war-monger Senator Joseph Lieberman.

What this bipartisan combination of imperialists and Bush's unilateralism has done, is to exploit the frightening effects of Sept. 11, 2001 to unleash a policy which currently sets the United States against, in fact, the most vital interests of every other sovereign nation-state of the planet. Summarily, if the U.S.A. is allowed to use the UNO-outlawed threat of unilateral force, even the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states, to blackmail the UNO Security Council into tolerating a war upon Iraq, that precedent either soon establishes a U.S. world-empire modelled upon the ancient Roman Empire, or forces the nations of the world to undermine the power of the U.S.A. to conduct such policies, or sends the world to spend a few generations in Hell as punishment for failing to prevent the proposed war.

In effect, as I, my wife, and others associated with me have warned on earlier occasions, the current Iraq policy of the Bush Administration is a caricature of the same hubristic folly which led ancient Athens into the tragic Peloponnesian War. Unfortunately, "Education President" Bush, is not notably strong on the subject of history.

For the U.S. to declare itself on the brink of launching unilateral, imperial warfare, when there is no objective need to go to war, especially when we have all the power and support we would require did a need exist, is not only a great folly, as the case of the Peloponnesian War attests. To launch such a war under such unlawful pretexts, including the pretext of the fraudulent reports transmitted from Israeli and other origins, through British channels, into an address of Secretary of State Colin Powell and the UNO Security Council, is also a crime against humanity, under the implications of those precedents accumulated since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. These are precedents freshly acknowledged, in 1945-46, as the lessons adduced from the combined experience of two preceding World Wars.

In fact, the unilateral Anglo-American warfare threatened by the bipolar froth from certain official and mass-media Washington and London sources, is not a war prompted by any action by Iraq itself. It is the use of wildly exaggerated allegations of external threats from Iraq as a pretext for launching what has been called by some relevant circles "A Clash of Civilizations" war, a war against not only the Arab world as a whole, not only the Islamic populations as a whole, but also China, and targets beyond. This threatens the outbreak, even during the month of March, of the third geopolitical world war launched by imperial maritime (and aerial) power against continental Eurasia as a whole.

That, in summary, supports the case which France has presented against the arguments presented by the U.S. and British spokesmen. In effect, the current U.S. Administration has declared an imperial war policy against the world. The events of Sept. 11, 2001, have been mis-used as a cover for reviving this imperial "preventive" nuclear war policy, first pushed during the mid-1940s by the evil Bertrand Russell and his pack of utopians, and which was already pushed during the 1991-1996 interval by then Defense 

[CTRL] Inconsistency Has Already Made the UN Irrelevant

2003-03-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Inconsistency Has Already Made the UN Irrelevant 
by Sherri Muzher

To be relevant or not to be relevant, that is the burning question for the United Nations.

In his January 28 State of the Union address, President Bush said, "The course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others."

Only three days later, President Bush told Britains Prime Minister Tony Blair, "1441 gives us the authority to move without any second resolution."

So, if the majority at the UN Security Council doesnt agree to force Iraq into complying with UN Resolution 1441, the UN may become irrelevant. On the other hand, if war occurs, then the United Nations will be relevant because it will demonstrate that UN resolutions have teeth. Such is the quagmire that the Bush Administration has put forth before the world. Well, guess what? The UN has been irrelevant for decades now because of its own inconsistent record.

As an American Republican of Palestinian descent, the recent speeches about the necessity of Iraqi compliance with UN resolutions have been less than amusing. Nobody doubts that Saddam Hussein is a tyrannical dictator, but to obsessively focus on Hussein while rolling out the unending red carpet for Israels Ariel Sharon is hypocrisy at its best. Please note that Sharon may still be brought before the Belgian courts when he leaves office - for his part in the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1982. 

The crux of the Middle East conflict is about Israels failure to comply with UN Resolutions, most notably 242, which demands Israels withdrawal from territories it seized in the 1967 Six Day War. While the neo-conservative hawks in Washington like to marginalize UN resolutions regarding Israel, they might want to consider the fact that I! srael was largely created as fulfillment of UN Resolution 181. For whatever reason, the United Nations truly believed they could solve the tragic persecution of Jews in Europe by creating the State of Israel in Palestine. Setting aside the resulting dispossession of Palestines original inhabitants, little has been done to force Israel into withdrawing to the 1967 borders.

Instead, we keep hearing about former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Baraks so-called generous offer at Camp David in 2000. The problem is Baraks "generosity" never meant fulfillment of the UN Resolutions, which have been on the table for nearly 36 years. At least 80% of illegal Israeli settlements were to remain, and sovereignty over Jerusalem would have consisted of eight Arab neighborhoods.

So why accept the disregarding of UN Resolutions in that case? And why wouldnt Saddam Hussein be encouraged to turn his no! se up on UN resolutions, when Israel has been doing it with impunity? President Bush has made much ado about the 17 UN resolutions that Iraq refuses to comply with. Yet, nothing is said of the 60 plus UN resolutions that Israel is violating -- many of which are listed in former US Congressman Paul Findleys book, "Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the US-Israeli Relationship." Interestingly, the most recent UN Resolution 1402 came as late as March, 2002. It calls for the immediate "withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah." While the foreign policy pundits debate among themselves as to why there is such an Arab rage at our government, it would be worthwhile to recall the 1996 Sixty Minutes interview with then-Secretary of State Madeline Albright. 

Leslie Stahl: We have heard that a half million children have died (as a result of sanctions against Iraq). I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it."

UN resolutions can be that important. Yet, Ariel Sharon openly thanked the American government for scuttling a proposed UN investigation into the tragic events of the Jenin refugee camp in 2002. Sharon, in fact, declared his heart-felt appreciation only moments before a meeting at the White House.

Indeed, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is where President Bush should be flexing his muscles of leadership. The scores of people killed in recent weeks alone prove just how pivotal it is that we resolve this crisis. Add to all of this, the Sharon government is now seeking at least $14 billion in aid from the US, despite our own economic problems. 

Ultimately, there can be few doubts that all roads of the Middle East conflict run through Jerusalem, not Baghdad. Unless we push for Israeli compliance, the UN is in danger of forever being irrelevant. 

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[CTRL] Whose War?

2003-03-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Whose War?

The War Party may have gotten its war. But it has also gotten something it did not bargain for. Its membership lists and associations have been exposed and its motives challenged.

by Patrick J. Buchanan

A neoconservative clique seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in Americas interest.

The War Party may have gotten its war. But it has also gotten something it did not bargain for. Its membership lists and associations have been exposed and its motives challenged. In a rare moment in U.S. journalism, Tim Russert put this question directly to Richard Perle: Can you assure American viewers ... that were in this situation against Saddam Hussein and his removal for American security interests? And what would be the link in terms of Israel?

Suddenly, the Israeli connection is on the table, and the War Party is not amused. Finding themselves in an unanticipated firefight, our neoconservative friends are doing what comes naturally, seeking student deferments from political combat by claiming the status of a persecuted minority group. People who claim to be writing the foreign policy of the world superpower, one would think, would be a little more manly in the schoolyard of politics. Not so.

Former Wall Street Journal editor Max Boot kicked off the campaign. When these Buchananites toss around neoconservativeand cite names like Wolfowitz and Cohenit sometimes sounds as if what they really mean is Jewish conservative. Yet Boot readily concedes that a passionate attachment to Israel is a key tenet of neoconservatism. He also claims that the National Security Strategy of President Bush sounds as if it could have come straight out from the pages of Commentary magazine, the neocon bible. (For the uninitiated, Commentary, the bible in which Boot seeks divine guidance, is the monthly of the American Jewish Committee.)

David Brooks of the Weekly Standard wails that attacks based on the Israel tie have put him through personal hell: Now I get a steady stream of anti-Semitic screeds in my e-mail, my voicemail and in my mailbox. ... Anti-Semitism is alive and thriving. Its just that its epicenter is no longer on the Buchananite Right, but on the peace-movement left.

Washington Post columnist Robert Kagan endures his own purgatory abroad: In London ... one finds Britains finest minds propounding, in sophisticated language and melodious Oxbridge accents, the conspiracy theories of Pat Buchanan concerning the neoconservative (read: Jewish) hijacking of American foreign policy.

Lawrence Kaplan of the New Republic charges that our little magazine has been transformed into a forum for those who contend that President Bush has become a client of ... Ariel Sharon and the neoconservative war party.

Referencing Charles Lindbergh, he accuses Paul Schroeder, Chris Matthews, Robert Novak, Georgie Anne Geyer, Jason Vest of the Nation, and Gary Hart of implying that members of the Bush team have been doing Israels bidding and, by extension, exhibiting dual loyalties. Kaplan thunders:

The real problem with such claims is not just that they are untrue. The problem is that they are toxic. Invoking the specter of dual loyalty to mute criticism and debate amounts to more than the everyday pollution of public discourse. It is the nullification of public discourse, for how can one refute accusations grounded in ethnicity? The charges are, ipso facto, impossible to disprove. And so they are meant to be.

What is going on here? Slates Mickey Kaus nails it in the headline of his retort: Lawrence Kaplan Plays the Anti-Semitic Card.

What Kaplan, Brooks, Boot, and Kagan are doing is what the Rev. Jesse Jackson does when caught with some mammoth contribution from a Fortune 500 company he has lately accused of discriminating. He plays the race card. So, too, the neoconservatives are trying to fend off critics by assassinating their character and impugning their motives.

Indeed, it is the charge of anti-Semitism itself that is toxic. For this venerable slander is designed to nullify public discourse by smearing and intimidating foes and censoring and blacklisting them and any who would publish them. Neocons say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo in Ariel Sharon.

And this time the boys have cried wolf once too often. It is not working. As Kaus notes, Kaplans own New Republic carries Harvard professor Stanley Hoffman. In writing of the four power centers in this capital that are clamoring for war, Hoffman himself describes the fourth thus:

And, finally, there is a loose collection of friends of Israel, who believe in the identity of interests between the Jewish state and the United States.  These analysts look on foreign policy through the lens of one dominant concern: Is it good or bad for Israel? Since that nations founding in 1948, these thinkers have never been in very 

[CTRL] The Myth of Prosperity PERIOD.

2003-03-11 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

The biggest conspiracy of them all

A must read. the only book I've ever read that
made me mad.


American Capitalism aka
Fuedalismby David F.EXCERPT:
"...the average reader paid more tax last
year than ATT, Du Pont, Boeing, Merrill Lynch, Dow Chemical,and
Walt Disney paid collectively from 1982 through 1985!! Do
yourself a favor and reread the above paragraph. (ref: Some big
companies did a strange thing in '87: They paid taxes" BusinessWeek (Dec 26
1988): p40) 
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[CTRL] Shriners pulled wool over eyes, Argentina Haven for Nazis, UN American spying

2003-03-11 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman Shriners 'pulled wool over eyes'Expected $130,000 profit from circus not going to kids' hospital after all By Jeremy Loome, Edmonton Sun "A leading local Shriner conceded yesterday that statements by club members may have misled the public into believing circus profits would go to sick kids. "We get members out talking and they bring things up and sometimes they're not totally true statements, because those particular people don't know," said Doug Grant, the past potentate of Edmonton's Shrine Temple. "They get all excited about things and they don't pay a lot of attention. They expect the executive to do all those things so sometimes their concepts (of how things work) are not quite totally true." Ticket buyers should know that none of the expected $130,000-plus profit from the Edmonton Shrine Circus performances will go towards Shriners Hospitals, he said. But a portion of the profits will go to other youth programs." http://www.canoe.ca/EdmontonNews

Argentina, a Haven for Nazis, Balks at Opening Its Files By Larry Rohter Buenos Aires, 3/7/03 Under fire because of a new book that documents for the first time how Juan Perón clandestinely maneuvered to bring Nazi and other war criminals to Argentina after World War II, the Peronist government here is resisting calls to release long-secret official records about the collaborationThe book that ignited the controversy, published in the United States as "The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina" (Granta Books: 2002), has become a best seller here. Its author, Uki Goñi, is an Argentine journalist who had to do much of his research in European archives after encountering closed doors here." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/09/international/americas/09ARGE.html

UN launches inquiry into American spying Martin Bright, Ed Vulliamy in New York and Peter Beaumont Sunday March 9, 2003 The United Nations has begun a top-level investigation into the bugging of its delegations by the United States, first revealed in The Observer last week. Sources in the office of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan confirmed last night that the spying operation had already been discussed at the UN's counter-terrorism committee and will be further investigated. The news comes as British police confirmed the arrest of a 28-year-old woman working at the top secret Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) on suspicion of contravening the Official Secrets Act. Last week The Observer published details of a memo sent by Frank Koza, Defence Chief of Staff (Regional Targets) at the US National Security Agency, which monitors international communications. The memo ordered an intelligence 'surge' directed against Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Bulgaria and Guinea with 'extra focus on Pakistan UN matters'. The 'dirty tricks' operation was designed to win votes in favour of intervention in Iraq. 
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[CTRL] Mysterious Webs In Texas Sky

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Wed, 12 Mar 2003 04:03:56 -
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Mysterious Webs In Texas Sky
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiders caused mysterious webs

By Michael A. Smith
The Daily News

Published March 11, 2003

Webs visible in the sky in Galveston and parts of Brazoria counties
for at least five hours Dec. 20 probably were produced by nothing
creepier than a whole bunch of spiders.

The Daily News hired SN Labs of Santa Ana, Calif., which specializes
is identifying small material samples, to analyze a wad of the
floating web.

The laboratory subjected the fibrous sample, which was about equal to
what could be pulled from the tip of cotton swab, to examination
under a microscope and to a process called Fourier-transform infrared
spectroscopy. That process entails exposing an unidentified substance
to infrared light and determining the wavelengths at which the
substance absorbs the light.

The resulting spectrum shows the material to be protein, wrote Neil
Springarn, the lab's director. Based on this chemical analysis and
microscopic examination, the material is most likely spider web.

On Dec. 20, the skies were literally filled with floating, shimmering
strands and fuzzy, luminescent wads. People in La Marque, near San
Luis Pass and in Pearland reported seeing the webs constantly between
about noon and 5 p.m.

Poles, trees and shrubs were left wrapped with the sticky stuff. An
article published in the Dec. 21 edition of the Daily News was widely
circulated on the World Wide Web and drew dozens of comments from
readers around the world.

Some said they thought the webs were fallout from a chemical plant
leak, others were certain they were radar chaff used by military
aircraft to avoid detection and enemy fire. A few said the phenomenon
clearly was a migration of hatchling spiders.

Most, though, said they thought the webs were connected to a
conspiracy theory having to do with chemtrails. Adherents to theory
say they believe the government is mixing unknown chemicals in jet
fuel and spraying them, via jet engine exhaust, on unsuspecting
people below.


--- End of forwarded message ---

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] Surreptitious Bids For Post-War Iraq

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Wed, 12 Mar 2003 04:01:25 -
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Surreptitious Bids For Post-War Iraq
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Building block

The surreptitious way the process for inviting engineering companies
to submit bids for the rebuilding of Iraq was handled could lead to
more trouble for the Bush administration, writes Mark Tran

Tuesday March 11, 2003

On the face of it, the Bush administration should get a pat on the
back for inviting engineering companies to submit bids for
reconstruction work in Iraq.
The move shows foresight as the US contemplates the enormous task of
rebuilding Iraq after a likely war and 10 years of crippling
sanctions that have undone years of economic progress.

But whatever kudos the White House may get for its foresight risks
being undone by the surreptitious way the bid process was handled.
Only five US companies have been invited to bid for contracts worth
at least $900m (£563m) and the names on the list are bound to give
conspiracy theorists a field day.

The select group of companies includes Kellogg Brown  Root, a
subsidiary of Halliburton, an oil services company, where the vice-
president, Dick Cheney, held the position of chief executive from
1995 to 2000.

Kellogg Brown  Root has already won a government contract to oversee
firefighting operations at Iraqi oilfields after any US-led invasion,
while the other companies also have strong ties to the US
administration, including the construction giant Bechtel, the Fluor
Corporation, and the Louis Berger group, already involved in the
reconstruction of Afghanistan.

The winning company would get contracts to repair Iraqi health
services, ports, airports, schools and other educational
institutions. The Bush administration is only too aware of the need
to be seen feeding hungry Iraqis, delivering clean water, and paying
teachers and health workers to dispel accusations of imperial

To speed up the project, the US agency for international development
(USAID) invoked special authority to solicit bids from just a few
companies. The move bypassed the usual rules that would have
permitted a wider array of companies to seek the contract, first
reported by Time magazine and the Wall Street Journal.

A USAID official defended the restricted nature of the contract on
the grounds of urgency and because of the unique nature of the work.
But that cut little ice with British unions, who criticised the move
as typical of the US's master and servant attitude towards its only
key ally on the eve of war.

Why should Britain have to share the blood in a war but British
companies not be allowed to share in the economic upturn afterwards,
said Richard O'Brien, a spokesman for Amicus, Britain's largest
manufacturing union.

An unseemly row over the spoils even before war has been fought is
the last thing the Bush administration needs as it desperately seeks
votes for a second resolution in the UN security council. But the US
has only itself to blame for the clumsy way it has handled this
particular aspect of reconstruction.

The brouhaha over these initial contracts is just a foretaste of what
is to come. The cost of reconstruction is bound to be a bone of
contention in congress as the US faces record budget deficits and
struggles to invigorate economy.

So far the White House has been coy about putting a price tag for war
and reconstruction so as not to alarm the American public on the vast
amount of work and expense that will be needed. President Bush has
only said that his administration would ask congress at the
appropriate time for a supplemental spending bill outside the
regular budget to pay for the war - estimated by analysts to cost
anything between $50bn and $200bn.

There has been talk about using revenue from Iraqi oil sales to pay
for reconstruction and to pay back nations for the costs of fighting
Iraq. But in reality, Iraqi oil is being used to meet the basic needs
of Iraqis at subsistence level, so there will be little scope for
using Iraqi oil to pay for reconstruction. Very probably, the scale
of reconstruction will be so large that US companies will not be able
to hog all the work, even if they wanted to.


--- End of forwarded message ---

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings Spells the End For His Career

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   erici44 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Wed, 12 Mar 2003 01:58:11 -
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings 
Spells the End
For His Career
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please read, this is genuine even if the title is wishful thinking,
and is the subject of major legal battles here in Scotland (to have
the d=ocuments released). It also involves  FBI paedophile
investigations .

It is true that many major UK politicians are preposterously
incompetent and stupid. Jack Straw, the foreign secretary's brother
is a convicted sex offender and he is the slimiest creature.


Exclusive to Propaganda Matrix.com by Mike James in Frankfurt: March
11 2003

NATO boss and Blair government insider Lord Robertson has threatened
to sue Scotland's leading independent newspaper over internet
allegations that he not only used his influence as a Freemason to
procure a gun licence for child killer Thomas Hamilton, but was also
a member of a clandestine paedophile ring reportedly set up by
Hamilton for the British elite.

On 13 March 1996, Hamilton, armed with four hand-guns, opened fire on
a junior school class, killing 16 children and one teacher before
turning the gun on himself, shattering forever the idyllic 13th
century Scottish town of Dunblane.

The controversy is certain to topple the Blair government, which has
already issued a D-Notice to gag the press from revealing the names
of known paedophiles within the British executive, including at least
two senior ministers; and the case highlights the government's

 antipathy toward the Sunday Herald and its brand of independent
journalism that has, among other things, exposed the role played by
the domestic security agency, MI5, in helping the IRA to carry out
terrorist atrocities.

As reported by this journalist last month at Propaganda Matrix and
Counter Punch, and by the Sunday Herald's Home Affairs Editor, Neil
Mackay, the British intelligence services are actively engaged in
preventing any further child sex revelations that could incite
further hostility to an already unpopular Prime Minister and destroy
the morale of troops set to invade Iraq. An intelligence officer told
Mackay that a 'rolling' Cabinet committee had been set up to work
out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony
Blair and the government if arrests occur.

Some commentators, mindful that one of Tony Blair's closest
confidante's is a practising paedophile, are even suggesting that
this particular scandal, and not Blair's repeated lies and fabricated
reports in regard to Iraq, may well prove the downfall of a
government mired in sleaze and corruption. The Sunday Times is
reported to have obtained an FBI list of Labour MPs who have used
credit cards to pay for internet child pornography, and Blair has
responded by imposing a massive news blackout, failing however to
stop the arrest of one of his most important aides, Phillip Lyon.

The latest allegations came to light following a campaign to lift the
secrecy on the Dunblane massacre. Large sections of the police report
were banned from the public domain under a 100-year secrecy order.
Lord Cullen, an establishment insider, also omitted and censored
references to the documents in his final report. Parents and teachers
were advised to concentrate their efforts on a campaign to outlaw
handguns instead of focusing on how the mentally unstable Freemason,
already known by the police to be a paedophile, had obtained a
firearms licence for six handguns. Hamilton allegedly enjoyed good
relations with both local Labour luminary George Robertson and
Michael Forsyth, the then Scottish Secretary of State and MP for
Stirling. Forsyth congratulated and encouraged Hamilton for running a
boy's club. Hamilton was also found to have exchanged letters with
the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth.

The rumours and allegations concerning Lord Robertson's ties to
Hamilton, and the possibility that the American intelligence services
may be blackmailing Tony Blair into continued support for a U.S.
invasion of Iraq, have been given fire by internet investigator and
intelligence expert Michael Keaney:

An additional, and potentially explosive, aspect of US leverage over
Blair is the FBI's investigation of users of child porn websites
which has already claimed a number of high profile scalps. [] The
biggest two fish that come to mind are indeed high profile: firstly
there is George Robertson, who today has announced that he will step
down as NATO Secretary General after four years and two months in the
job. Were he to be fingered the fall out would be spectacular but
short-lived -- he's been a long time out of the cabinet and is
sufficiently distant from Tony to be regarded as not requiring the

[CTRL] ALERT: Bush's Domination via Permanent Crisis Endless War

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Christopher Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:SNET: ALERT: Bush's Domination via Permanent Crisis  Endless 
Date sent:  Tue, 11 Mar 2003 20:22:56 -0700
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


UNEMPLOYMENT IS UP about 35% and the STOCK MARKET is DOWN about 35% since George W
Bush became president.

 Bush and Cheney have not yet been implicated in the many financial scandals 
California energy swindle, etc.) which occurred after he took office and that 
has been all but forgotten given the almost daily speeches by George Bush about the
evil Saddam Hussein and the need to make war against Iraq.

 As noted by Olman, this establishes an atmosphere of permanent crisis with its
side-bars of fear and patriotism that will help the GOP to push through the rest 
of its
ultra-conservative political agenda and win the next presidential election.
 Let me repeat that I am not speaking of Jews here but of right wing Zionists, or
those who subscribe to an extreme version of a nationalist ideology that is 
currently in
power in another country, a country that has a crucial stake in how the American
Government acts in its region.

 These are very dangerous times, not only for Iraq, but for Americans and for 
A war predicated on the reasons enumerated is the creation of a fascist-like
administration. It is uncivilized to go to war, especially for these reasons. Many
Israelis are opposed to this war. The whole world is proportionally against this 
Bush isn't listening.
by Hank Roth, http://pnews.org/
...General Zinni, a leading U.S.military figure and diplomat, has said that he 
know on which planet the hawks in Washington are living. And many others, 
including ex-
President Carter, General Schwartzkopf and even officials in the intelligence (sic)
community, have expressed similar sentiments.
 [Bertell Olman, Why War With Iraq? Why Now? - February 23, 2003, ZNet]
Olman says leaders of our Government are not that stupid or crazy, and war is too
important a matter to go forward without good reasons. They have their reasons. Indeed
they do and it is their holy crusade for oil and to absolutely control a region of the
world where resources are just too important to leave to local rulers who don't always 
what they're told to do.

Olman says, The Bush oiligarchy wants direct control over a country whose proven oil
reserves are second only to those of Saudi Arabia. American oil giants own none of this
oil now. How much do you think they will own one year after the war? Direct U.S. 
over Iraqi oil will not only put the profits of selling the oil and servicing the oil
fields into American hands, but will also put the U.S. Government in a position to 
the price of oil by determining how much of it is put onto the market at any one time 
to secure the dollar's position as the currency of choice in the purchase of oil by 
countries (since 2000, Iraq has tried to undermine the hegemony of the dollar in world
trade - with all its implications for U.S. financial domination - by selling its oil 
Euros). And, as the availability of this non-renewable source of energy begins to 
(it has been estimated that the world has about fifty years worth of oil left), the 
will be in a position to decide, almost unilaterally, which countries will grow and
develop and which will not.

Olman says controlling Iraq would also secure the water supplies - not often 
mentioned -
with which Iraq is blessed and all surrounding countries are to some degree dependent.

He also states that conquering Iraq would establish American military and political
power - if not direct colonial control - of a major Arab country in the heart of the
middle-east for an indefinite period to help ensure the existence of friendly 
and market economies throughout the region.

AND, of course it is very important that the war also provides a rationale to expand 
military budget and with it the profits of the arms industry, which includes the oil

And since the objective of capturing Osama bin Laden by fighting the war in Afghanistan
was never achieved this victory would make Americans forget that we lost the war in
Afghanistan, whose main objective was not to remove the Taliban but to destroy Al Queda
and capture Ossama Bin Laden. [NOTE: Some argue that the main objective WAS to get rid
of the Taliban who had eliminated the largest source of heroin production in the world
that CIA uses to fund a trillion/dollar per year black-ops budget. Reports are now that
production is almost back to normal. But don't expect confirmation of this in the
CIA/elite controlled media. -CR]

Not to forget 

[CTRL] President has lost control -- March 6, 2003

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Memorial Event a Set-Up?

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Phony 'Antiwar Protesters' Trash 9/11 Memorial
by Jeremy Sapienza
March 11, 2003

From the Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Whittier Daily News:

LA HABRA -- Antiwar protesters burned and ripped up flags, flowers and
patriotic signs at a Sept. 11 memorial that residents erected on a fence
along Whittier Boulevard days after the terrorist attacks in 2001 and have
maintained ever since.

The first question that enters my mind is, what good is done for the
antiwar movement when vandals trash a memorial to thousands of
slaughtered civilians? The answer is none, and that's why it seems like less
an antiwar protest and more the act of saboteurs. This incident can be
seized upon as a defining characteristic of the antiwar movement (a bunch
of anti-American vandals) by the War Party and pulled out whenever a
point needs to be made about our convictions.

This whole thing smacks of COINTELPRO-type tactics. It seems to me that
someone really wanted to smear the antiwar movement...how do we know
that this wasn't a horde of pro-war thugs with Peace buttons on their
shirts and some time to kill?

Another curious side of this already-odd story, is the fact that this was
done in plain view of La Habra police officers. And they weren't stopped or
warned  they were protected. La Habra Police Capt. John Rees said the
vandals were exercising the same freedom of speech that the people who
put up the flags were. The problem is that destroying private property
isn't free speech, and the memorial's builders and caretakers had the
permission of the site's owner.

No comment as of right now from the La Habra Police Dept., but I am
waiting for a callback.

So cops hurl obscenities and throw us in jail if we open our mouths or slip
off the sidewalk in a herded protest, but if you actually destroy someone's
property, they stand by and call it free speech! Is this what we have
police for? To beat the peaceful and protect the violent!?

We condemn this action no matter who is responsible, but the bottom line
is, we have no evidence that these are actually antiwar protesters. It
simply doesn't make sense. As peace activists try to gain recognition from
mainstream America as something other than just a bunch of anti-American
patchouli-drenched semi- communist granola-crunchers, an incident like
this has the potential to throw a giant wrench into the gears of the
Antiwar Machine.

comments on this article?

send them to backtalk!
[visit backtalk!]

Jeremy Sapienza is Assistant Webmaster/Editor for Antiwar.com, Editor-in-
Chief for the anarchist webzine Anti-state.com.. He lives in Miami Beach.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Backtracks on British (hasty retreat?)

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Rumsfeld Backtracks on British War Role in Iraq

Reuters Tuesday, March 11, 2003; 9:47 PM

By Charles Aldinger

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Tuesday
left open the

possibility the United States might invade Iraq without the help of British
forces, then quickly backtracked to quell the firestorm his remarks
touched off.

Pressed by reporters at a news briefing on whether Washington might go
ahead without British military help because of rising political pressure on
Prime Minister Tony Blair, Rumsfeld said it would be a decision for
President Bush to make.

I think until we know what the (U.N.) resolution is, we won't know the
answer as to what their role will be, Rumsfeld said.

And to the extent they are able to participate -- in the event that the
president decides to use force -- that would obviously be welcomed. To
the extent they're not, there are work-arounds and they would not be
involved, at least in that phase...

That is an issue that the president will be addressing in the days ahead,
one would assume, he said in comments that one U.S. defense official said
later caused a firestorm of reaction from British officials.

And, four hours later, Rumsfeld issued a terse two-paragraph written
statement expressing confidence that the forces of America's most
prominent ally would be side-by- side with U.S. troops should an attack
take place.

In the event that a decision to use force is made, we have every reason
to believe there will be a significant military contribution from the United
Kingdom, he said.


I have no doubt of the full support of the United Kingdom for the
international community's efforts to disarm Iraq. In my press briefing today,
I was simply pointing out that obtaining a second United Nations Security
Council Resolution is important to the United Kingdom and that we are
working to achieve it.

In London, a spokeswoman for British Prime Minister Tony Blair's office
shrugged off the original remarks and said there had been several phone
calls with Rumsfeld's staff, but could not say when.

Nothing has changed. We are working to get a second resolution. We are
not yet at the stage of military action. Throughout there has been
complete cooperation between the UK and the U.S. on military planning,
she told Reuters.

The United States and Britain have more than 250,000 troops gathered in
the Gulf region around Iraq, but British Prime Minister Tony Blair has come
under mounting anti-war pressure at home.

A U.S decision to go it alone would be slap in the face for the beleaguered
Blair who has gone out on a limb and sparked a revolt in his own Labour
Party to support Bush in his hawkish stance on Iraq.

Rumsfeld was asked at the Pentagon briefing by reporters whether the
United States, with about 225,000 of its troops already in the Gulf region
and thousands more on the way, might go ahead without Britain or
whether Britain might scale back its participation.

This is a matter that most of the senior officials in the government discuss
with the UK on a daily or every other day basis, said the secretary, adding
that he had spoken with British Defense Minister Geoff Hoon by telephone
about an hour ago.


Britain has recently appeared to show more willingness at the United
Nations to compromise on a controversial new resolution which might
authorize war against Baghdad.

Rumsfeld seemed to suggest that it stemmed from political pressure. Their
situation is distinctive to their country and they have a government that
deals with a parliament in their way, distinctive way, he told reporters.

And what will ultimately be decided is unclear as to their role, that is to
say their role in the event a decision is made to use force. There is the
second issue of their role in a post- Saddam Hussein reconstruction
process, or stabilization process, which would be a different matter.

Britain has committed about 42,000 military personnel, including ground
troops, to the potential war effort but only about 25,000 are in the Gulf
region so far,

 2003 Reuters
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Re: [CTRL] How to Talk Texan

2003-03-11 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector-

The only problem is Stevie Ray Vaughn is dead.

- Original Message -
From: Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] How to Talk Texan

 -Caveat Lector-

 At first I wasn't sure what this had to do with anything ... then I read
 subject line.

 Ha! Good one ;)

 However, there are a few good Texans, including Rep. Ron Paul, Stevie Ray
 Vaughan and Willie Nelson.

 - jt

 - Original Message -
 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Print this article |   Close this window
 Something to drool over

 March 5 2003

 Fashion-conscious teens who get their lips or tongues pierced may end up
 drooling like a St Bernard or speaking like a drunk, dental hygienists
 warned today.

 The Dental Hygienists Association of Australia said piercings could cause
 prolonged drooling, slurred speech, difficulty chewing and swallowing,
 damaged teeth, reduced taste sensation and permanent nerve damage.

 Many people were also unaware that smoking, drinking and oral sex should
 be avoided for up to six weeks after an oral piercing because of an
 increased risk of tissue damage and bacterial infections.

 Biting fingernails, putting your pencil in your mouth, kissing anyone,
 sticking your tongue in anyone's mouth, or anywhere else for that matter -
 oral sex is definitely out, spokeswoman Mary Beare told AAP.

 Meanwhile, the tongue could swell after piercing, causing the rings or
 barbells to become embedded in it and requiring surgery to remove the

 Damage to the oral nerves could also result in slurred speech or

 The cool factor of a tongue or lip piercing is quickly lost when you're
 drooling like a St Bernard and sound like
 you've had 12 beers before you've opened your first, Ms Beare said.

 She said people who were considering getting an oral piercing should
 consult a professional first and go to a piercing salon that complied with
 infection control standards.

 But Scott Hemsworth, manager of a popular inner Sydney piercing studio,
 said Ms Beare was overstating the risks of oral piercing.

 If that was the case we'd be out of business, he said.

 He said his studio pierced about 10 tongues, two lips and ten labrets (the
 skin just beneath the lower lip) a week.

 Mr Hemsworth said oral piercings had become less popular over the past
 six months.

 So pierced teenagers could face a prospect even worse than the health
 risks outlined by Ms Beare - they may find they have become last season's
 fashion victim.


 This story was found at:

 Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
 have to stand on their own merits.
 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
 is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
 expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
 for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
 Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
 not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
 tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
 rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
 written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
 the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
 careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
 reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
 Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
 from the Kalama Sutra

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
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 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Pentagon war hawks conflict

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

In response to expos on Pentagon war hawks conflict of interest

Richard Perle brands journalist Seymour Hersh a terrorist

By Bill Vann
12 March 2003

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A noted journalists unearthing of evidence of profiteering by a leading
architect of the Bush administrations war on Iraq has evoked an
extraordinary response. Richard Perle, chairman of the Pentagons
Defense Policy Board, answered the exposure of his use of public office
for private gain by denouncing veteran investigative reporter Seymour
Hersh as a terrorist.

Hershs article, appearing in this weeks New Yorker magazine, alleges that
Perle used his position on the Defense Policy Board and his influence on
the Bush administrations war plans to seek millions of dollars in
investments from Saudi businessmen for a venture capital firm where he is
a managing partner. The firm, Trireme Partners, L.P., specializes in
homeland security and defense.

The New Yorker story centers on a January meeting in France between
Perle and two prominent Saudi businessmen. One of them was Adnan
Khashoggi, a Saudi arms dealer with intimate ties both to the royal family in
Riyadh and the CIA in Washington. He gained international notoriety in the
1980s for his role in the Iran-Contra conspiracy, and later was implicated in
the spectacular collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International

Khashoggi described himself to Hersh as a go-between, who agreed to
arrange the meeting after being solicited by a letter from one of Perles
associates in Trireme Partners, L.P. The letter boasted that three of
Triremes managers advise the US Secretary of Defense by serving on the
US Defense Policy Board and one of Triremes principals, Richard Perle, is
chairman of that board. The other two board members referred to were
former secretary of state Henry Kissinger and Gerald Hillman, a close
business associate whom Perle had brought onto the Pentagon panel
despite his lack of significant government or military experience.

While Perle has publicly denounced the Saudi regime as bearing a major
responsibility for terrorism, the aim of the meeting in France, according to
the Hersh article, was to secure homeland security contracts with the
Saudi ruling family. The other Saudi participant in the meeting was wealthy
industrialist Saleh Al-Zuhair, who said he came with the aim of presenting
Perle with a proposal for avoiding war with Iraq.

Afterwards, Perles associate Hillman sent Al-Zuhair a 12-point
memorandum asserting that if Saddam Hussein admitted to possessing
weapons of mass destruction and agreed to resign and leave Iraq with his
sons and some of his ministers, the US would not have to go to war
against Iraq. Hillmans letter was leaked to the Saudi and Lebanese press,
where it was portrayed as a plan, backed by Perle, being negotiated with
the Saudi government.

Asked by Hersh about the meeting, Saudi Arabias ambassador to the US,
Prince Bandar Sultan, dismissed the claim about peace feelers, saying it
was a cover for a shakedown operation aimed at the Saudi regime.

There is a split personality to Perle, he said. Here he is, on the one
hand, trying to make a hundred-million-dollar deal, and, on the other hand,
there were elements of the appearance of blackmailIf we get in
business, hell back off on Saudi Arabiaas I have been informed by
participants in the meeting.

This is not the first time that Perle has been accused of a conflict of
interest. He is one of a number of leading figures in and around the Bush
administration who are closely identified with Israel, and specifically with
the right-wing Likud Party of Ariel Sharon. They include the second- and
third-ranking officials in the Pentagons civilian leadershipDeputy Defense
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas

In 1983, when he was an assistant secretary of defense, Perle came under
scrutiny in relation to charges that he recommended that the Army buy
weapons from an Israeli company whose owners had paid him a $50,000 fee
just two years earlier. He has also been accused of funneling classified
information to the Israeli embassy in the early 1970s, when he was an aide
to Senator Henry Jackson (Democrat of Washington)

Going back to the mid-1990s, the Defense Policy Board chairman has been
among the most vociferous proponents of a war to topple Saddam Hussein.
He was among those claiming long after administration officials knew that
the story was fabricatedthat the alleged leader of the September 11
hijackers, Mohammed Atta, met an Iraqi official in Prague.

Perles contemptible accusation against Hersh came in a television
interview with CNNs Wolf Blitzer broadcast March 9. Blitzer read from the
concluding paragraph of Hershs New Yorker article: There is no 

[CTRL] Ghost Riders

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Back to editor's note.

Guest article

Ghost riders in the sky
The alternative scenario

Release 1.2


The morning of September 11 dawned bright and clear over Boston's Logan
Airport as crews arrived for the first flights of the day. The departure
lounge for American Airlines Flight 11 was already filling with passengers
when John Ogonowski, the pilot, and Thomas McGuinness, the first
officer, arrived to board their Boeing 767 and begin the pre-flight check.

As they walked through the lounge, Ogonowski casually scanned the
waiting passengers, a longtime habit. Nothing out of the ordinary.

In the cockpit, he and McGuinness worked through the long checklist and,
when they came to engine start-up, the two giant General Electric
turbofan engines roared into life. The weather reports were good all the
way to Los Angeles. It would be a routine flight.

At 7:45 the flight crew closed the cabin doors and the 767 began to taxi
out to the runway. Clearance came minutes later, and at 7:59 the engines
opened to full throttle and the 767 became airborne. It climbed into clear
blue skies, leveled at 25,000 feet, and headed west toward Los Angeles.
Ogonowski called up the coordinates for Los Angeles on the flight control
computer, then engaged the autopilot. A flight attendant brought coffee
to the cockpit and stayed to chat briefly, before resuming her duties.

The flight continued normally until 8:27, nearly half an hour into the trip.
At that point Ogonowski's chest felt tight and he experienced difficulty
breathing. Was it a heart attack? He glanced nervously at McGuinness,
thinking that if the symptoms got worse, he should warn the co-pilot that
he was having a medical problem. But McGuinness's face was white and he
appeared to be gasping for air. Then he vomited. We have a situation,
declared Ogonowski, trying desperately to think. There were screams
coming from the passenger compartment behind the closed cockpit doors.
His mind seemed to be clouding over and breathing was now impossible. He
managed to say, Call the flight attendants, before passing out.
McGuinness's head was already lolling to one side.

Back in the passenger area, the last flight attendant to lose consciousness
sank slowly to her knees before passing out in the aisle. The aircraft
smelled of vomit and feces. Except for one or two passengers lying in the
aisles, most remained in their seats. They appeared to have all fallen
asleep, but they were dead. Everybody in the aircraft was dead.

Back in the cockpit, pilot and copilot sat dead in their seats, eyes staring
blackly at the deep blue sky above the cockpit windows. The aircraft
continued to fly normally when suddenly the numbers on the inertial
navigation system display changed. Instead of the coordinates for Los
Angeles airspace, new numbers jumped into place. The aircraft banked
steeply to the left and began a slow descent, adding another 100 mph to
the airspeed. In the distance, the New York skyline was growing steadily
larger through the cockpit windows. The aircraft was still descending and
seemed to be heading for lower Manhattan.

By the time the 767 crossed the East River, it was all too clear where the
aircraft was headed. The World Trade Center Towers loomed steadily
larger, dead ahead through the cockpit windows. At 8:45, the Boeing 767
slammed into the North Tower. A huge ball of flame, burning jet fuel,
blossomed from the southeast side of the North Tower. The passengers
and crew of Flight 11, having been gassed, were now cremated, along with
hundreds of office workers in the North Tower.

At 9:03, 18 minutes later, even as thousands of New Yorkers gaped upward
in astonishment and dismay at the burning North Tower, another Boeing
767, approaching from the southwest, crashed into the South Tower.
United Airlines Flight 175 had also departed from Boston Logan that
morning at 8:15.

At 9:45 another passenger liner crashed into one corner of the Pentagon
building. At 10:00 am, a fourth aircraft crashed in a field near Pittsburgh,
apparently unable to complete its mission.

Within minutes of the first crash, major networks carried the developing
story. Four apparent suicide attacks involving large passenger aircraft had
just struck two of America's most important landmarks. Asked for their
impressions, people on the street described it as unreal. The scale was
unprecedented. The drama swept away the debris of ordinary life,
shocking Americans into numbness, then anger.

In the days that followed, the story of four cells of Arab terrorists
emerged with unprecedented speed. The names of the hijackers were
revealed, along with their affiliation or links to al Qaida and the dreaded
Osama bin Laden. Soon President Bush would declare his war on
terrorism. Soon American forces would be heading for Afghanistan. Soon
Israel would be re-invading the West Bank and Gaza.

The September attacks acquired, almost from the 

Re: [CTRL] It's Official: French = Freedom

2003-03-11 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

WASHINGTON -- Show the flag and pass the ketchup was the order of theday in House cafeterias Tuesday. Lawmakers struck a lunchtime blowagainst the French and put "freedom fries" on the menu.And for breakfast they'll now have "freedom toast."Deja vu all over again...First we have Homeland Security and the so-called "Patriot Acts" recreating the Alien and Sedition Acts of WWI, along with the corresponding trashing of citizens' civil rights...And now we see a repeat of the WWI silliness of demonstrating one's patriotism by renaming items which have perfectly good names to begin with; in WWI it was anything that was Germanic that underwent the Orwellian treatment, whereby hamburger was renamed "Liberty Sausage", sauerkraut was renamed "Liberty Cabbage", and dachshunds were renamed "Liberty Pups"...One can only surmise that the new " 'Freedom' for 'French' " trend will grow, and we will now see "Freedom Poodles" shown at dog shows, one will find "Freedom-style" green beans in the frozen food section of their neighborhood supermarket, nail technicians will perform "Freedom" manicures, and patriotic lovers will partake of "Freedom Kissing", aka "Freedom-ing" (and utilize "Freedom" ticklers, if matters progress further)...And I suppose the Statue of Liberty will have to be completely draped from view -- after all, she IS French...June. 

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[CTRL] To the Hills and to the Country is Where Some People Head

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Devil went down to Texas

(Sung to the Tune of The Devil Went Down to Georgia)

The Devil went down to Texas
A favorite place for him
It has a douche like Charlie D.,
and the big old death pena'ty...

Its governor is squatting
In Wash. DC they say,
While his has-been friend old Charlie D.
Has plenty of stuff to say

Well you see old Charlie never served
In the service that he loves
But he wants your kid to get Saddam
And doesn't like no doves

When the killin' starts, old Charlie D.
Will be sittin' by the tube
Stuffin' his face and cheerin' on
Those dying for this rube

He'll write another letter Callin' Sean Penn a traitor
But him and Shrub will never 'splain
why Saddam couldn't wait til later...

Fire on the mountain run boy run
Charlie don't care if they kill your son
Stuffin' his fat face, wavin' the flag
Another chickenhawk in a big ole chair...

Thanks to JFW
Costa Mesa, CA
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[CTRL] Follow Bush into the Crusade

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

The Antichrist?

(see attached image)


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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attachment: bushchristhorns18k.jpg

[CTRL] Cannons don't get no looser

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

US ready to fight 'without UK'

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has sparked diplomatic confusion
by suggesting America has alternative plans if the UK decides not to go to
war with Iraq.

The remarks - later retracted - caused shock and surprise in Downing
Street, which chose to focus on continuing efforts to secure a new
United Nations resolution.

But rebel Labour backbenchers have seized on the remarks and are
expected to urge Tony Blair at Commons question time on Wednesday to
withdraw British military involvement.

The diplomatic flurry came as the prime minister said he was willing to
work night and day to secure enough common ground among UN security
council members for agreement on a new resolution.

They (the US) can do it without us and give Tony Blair the chance to get
out of the hole if he wishes
Graham Allen MP
Labour rebel

Mr Rumsfeld told reporters the UK's role was unclear because of Tony
Blair's difficulties in convincing a rebellious Parliament of the need for
military action.

Asked if he meant the US would go to war without its closest ally, he
added: That is an issue that the president will be addressing in the days
ahead, one would assume.

A Downing Street spokeswoman insisted: This has not changed anything.
We are still working to get a second resolution. We are not at this stage
(war) yet.

But there has been complete cooperation throughout between the
United Kingdom and United States on the military planning.

Weapons tests

Within the hour, Mr Rumsfeld tried to clarify his comments with a
statement saying he had no doubt in a significant military contribution
from the United Kingdom.

I don't think it is possible to exaggerate the degree of concern about the
illegality of what is proposed
Tam Dalyell

But Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies Campbell told BBC's
Newsnight that Mr Rumsfeld's comments appeared to devalue Britain's
military contribution and hence its political influence.

Labour MP Graham Allen said: The cat is out of the bag. They can do it
without us and give Tony Blair the chance to get out of the hole if he

The prime minister's frantic international negotiations continue on
Wednesday at dinner with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder at
Downing Street.

After talks with the Portuguese and Romanian prime ministers on Tuesday,
Mr Blair warned that Saddam Hussein will be let off the hook if France or
Russia uses a veto over a further UN resolution.

UK diplomats at the UN have proposed a series of tests they say Baghdad
should fulfil within a set time to prove that it is ready to hand over its

Mr Blair knows the risks he is taking
Nick Assinder
BBC News Online political correspondent

The proposals are part of an attempt to win wider support for a new UN
that gives the Iraqi leader a deadline to disarm before war.

Mr Blair hopes the plan will break the UN deadlock and ease mounting
political pressure at home following an attack on his strategy by Clare
Short, the international development secretary.

But on Tuesday, six undecided UN members - Cameroon, Angola, Chile,
Guinea, Mexico and Pakistan - suggested a 45-day deadline for Iraq to

This will be seen as a non-starter by America, which has rejected calls to
extend the deadline beyond 17 March, insisting that a UN vote on war
against Iraq will happen this week.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defence has denied claims by the Public
Accounts Committee that it has not learned enough from mistakes made
during a large desert exercise in Oman two years ago.

More than 20,000 troops were put through their paces amid criticism
about the equipment used.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2003/03/12 06:36:52

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[CTRL] It's that old voodoo economics ...

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, 11 February, 2003, 12:49 GMT
Economists attack Bush's 'madness'

Joseph Stiglitz: Bush package simply won't work

More than 400 economists, led by 10 Nobel prize

winners, have criticised President George W Bush's economic policy in the
US press.

In a full-page advertisement in the New York Times newspaper, the
economists said that proposed tax cuts would not help the economy in
the short term.

 When you are designing a tax programme, you look for the biggest bang
for the buck

Joseph Stiglitz
They also said the

planned cuts would benefit rich people the most.

Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz told the BBC's World Business Report that Mr
Bush's plans were fiscal madness, fiscal irresponsibility.

President George W Bush could spend less than a sixth of what he is
planning to on stimulating the economy, Mr Stiglitz said.

When you are designing a tax programme, you look for the biggest bang
for the buck, he said.

So rather than spending $600bn on the tax proposal that Bush has, the
kind of proposals I'm talking about would cost under $100bn and deliver
enormous amounts, directly and in the short run, without delivering huge
long-run deficits.


Mr Stiglitz is a well-known thorn in the side of more conservative

Formerly a senior figure in both the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund, he stepped down in order to criticise both agencies, and
the US too, for their policies towards the developing world.

He is also a staunch critic of the current White House - and a signatory of
Tuesday's advert in the New York Times.

The campaign is backed by the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal
Washington DC think tank.

Retrograde step

Mr Stiglitz was at pains to stress that far from improving the situation, the
package Mr Bush is pushing would make things worse by stocking up
massive deficits for the future.

The tax cuts would mostly benefit taxpayers who are already wealthy, and
are therefore the most unlikely immediately to spend their windfall -
which, he said, is what the economy needs.

More than half Mr Bush's planned spending is devoted to removing tax on
share dividends, but most taxpayers are already exempt through holdings
in pension funds and similar vehicles, he said.

You should get money out to people who will spend it and spend it
quickly, he said.

So that means getting money to the unemployed, who have had their
consumption cut back, so that would make a big difference.

A proper stimulus package would also give money to the individual states,
almost all of whom are experiencing a revenue crunch as the tax take falls
and so - under balanced budget rules - must slash spending.



Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz
There's a growing consensus in America today that Bush's economic
programme is just misguided

See also:

07 Feb 03 | Business
Nobel winners attack Bush

04 Feb 03 | Americas
Bush plans huge military

18 Feb 03 | Business
US economy hits the brakes

07 Jan 03 | Business
Bush unveils tax-cutting


14 Aug 02 | Hardtalk
IMF critic hits out

11 Oct 01 | Business
Nobel prize winner criticises


10 Oct 01 | Business
IMF critic wins Nobel
economics prize

Internet links:

Economic Policy Institute

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top Business stories now:

Hacker breaches credit card

Job losses escalate at

New SEC chief pledges
tough line

Oil prices push higher

Rwanda denies DRC


Overseas sales drive Wal-

Congo's finance minister

Blair keeps euro options

Links to more Business
stories are at the foot of the page.

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[CTRL] Human Shields to Surround US Military Bases Around the World

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Does that sound like a viable alternative? Keep the military personal from manning 
stations. Could also be used against key commercial military contractors. Just an idea.
Might get me put on another list. Sigh...


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush/Cheney Foreign Policy Controllers Website

2003-03-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Bush / Cheney Foreign Policy Controllers Website

They've been planning this war for a long time.

Project for a New American Century

The people behind your war. To be paid for by several American generations to come. 
the United States is eventually dissolved due to financial problem much like the late
Soviet Union.


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Smartest Man in the World

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

The Smartest Man in the World
Published on 12 March 2003

Ladies and Gentlemen: Please put your hands together for the smartest
man in the world,
Mr. George W. Bush!

Mr. Bush, before I go on any further, I want to apologize for making fun of
you over the past two years. For laughing at how the world media has
mocked your intelligence. For laughing at all the jokes I read about you on
the Internet. And for the remarks I heard over the years from the
international media about how unfit you are to be president of a

I had no idea, sir, that you were to prove me and the entire global
community wrong. Many scientists who were failures or dropouts at the
beginning of their lives turned out to be geniuses later in their lives.

Though many of us know that there is no link whatsoever between the
United States need to flush out Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and the military
buildup of nearly 300,000 troops in the Gulf for war against Iraq, you
managed to pull it off brilliantly. You are the only person in the world who
managed successfully to shift the attention of six billion people on this
planet from your war against terror to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein
and the destruction, as you put it, of his weapons of mass destruction.

Not only has the world community completely forgotten about Afghanistan,
but even world news agencies hardly print a single story from that part of
the world any more. We only see a sub-headline every couple of months
when a US soldier has died there, or when the warlords and gangsters that
now control the streets decide to take matters in their hands and settle
old scores. And of course, when the poor new Afghan President Karzai,
whom you left helpless after toppling the Taleban regime, gives a press
conference stating that he needs your aid and support as you had
promised him to rebuild Afghanistan.

And even though Bin Laden has yet to be found after more than a year,
and Al-Qaeda  judging by recent bombings in other parts of the world 
is still operational, you managed to convince the American people and the
entire world of the necessity to leave your unfinished business in
Afghanistan (mainly the rebuilding of the country you had promised the
leadership and the Afghan people) to wage war against an old foe.

I want to salute you for managing to come up with a new reason every
time you want to justify the war against Iraq.

First you told your people and the world that it was because Saddam tried
to kill your daddy when he visited Kuwait. Then you said Iraq was part of
an axis of evil. After that you said it was because he was a dictator who
used biological and chemical weapons against his own people. A few
months later it was because Saddam Hussein had links with Al-Qaeda. And
lately, its because he has weapons of mass destruction.

As for your latest press conference in which you said that you want to
topple the Iraqi regime so that the Iraqis can have a democracy and that
they would get the oil to build their nation after the dictator leaves, it
was superb. Nobody but you could have possibly pulled off such a beautiful
stunt. Yes, it might have been an old stunt used in Afghanistan, but
nevertheless, it was brilliant.

Yes, Mr. Bush. I can see it now. The heavy bombing of Iraqs strategic
military locations by US planes. The swift action of ground troops
afterward. The surrender of the Iraqi Army. Saddam Hussein overthrown.
The Iraqi people using their oil wealth to build their nation and prosper. A
democratic regime installed that rules the land. It sounds so good. No
risks. No casualties.

Once and for all you would have settled your score with the person who
almost got daddy killed. You also would end the danger of Iraq sending
chemical and biological missiles  that the UN inspectors somehow failed
to find  to the United States. You would please your boys and Congress
back home and would gain more support for your war against terror. And
most of all, you would prove to the world that the United States  the
sole superpower and protector of human rights  did humanity yet
another favor by scrapping a dictatorship. And again, you would have
proven to those Americans who feel doubtful about your policies in the
Middle East that Israel is still your only democratic buddy down there  a
country that has not abided by a single UN resolution in 50 years.

Mr. Bush, we want to thank you for all your efforts. Not only have you
proven to be the smartest man alive, but your intelligence and wisdom
have overwhelmed us all. You can return to your recliner now and pat
your black dog while the hawks in Washington play the dice.

Copyright  2003 ArabNews All Rights Reserved.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

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[CTRL] The Gertrude Bell Project

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Hussein's Muse: The Woman Who's Sending Americans to War

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


 Yet she could also attend a display of the force being deployed by the
RAF on the Kurds around Sulaimaniya: It was even more remarkable than
the one we saw last year at the Air Force show because it was much more
real. They had made an imaginary village about a quarter of a mile from
where we sat on the Diala dyke and the two first bombs dropped from
3,000ft, went straight into the middle of it and set it alight. It was
wonderful and horrible. Then they dropped bombs all round it, as if to
catch the fugitives and finally fire bombs which even in the brightest
sunlight made flares of bright flame in the desert. They burn through metal
and water won't extinguish them. At the end the armoured cars went out
to round up the fugitives with machine guns. 

Miss Bell's lines in the sand

She was an archaeologist, a linguist and the greatest woman mountaineer
of her age. And in Baghdad in 1921 she drew the boundaries of the
country that became Iraq. James Buchan on the extraordinary life of
Gertrude Bell

James Buchan
Wednesday March 12, 2003
The Guardian

In British diplomatic group photographs of the early 20th-century Middle
East, amid the plumes and uniforms and the calm paraphernalia of an
empire going to hell in a bucket, there is often a solitary female. The
woman is slim, with a head of luxuriant hair, and neatly dressed in billowing
muslins or in the pencil silhouette and cloche hats of jazz-age Baghdad.

The woman is Gertrude Bell, who is as responsible as anybody for the
rickety national state first known as Mesopotamia, and now as Iraq. As a
powerful official of the British administration in Baghdad after the first
world war, Bell ensured that an Arab state was founded from the three
Ottoman provinces of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra, but one which was too
weak to be independent of Britain. I had a well-spent morning at the
office making out the southern desert frontier of the Iraq, she wrote to
her father on December 4 1921.

One of Oxford University's most brilliant students, the greatest woman
mountaineer of her age, an archaeologist and linguist, passionate, unhappy
and rich, Bell saw in Arab male society, and what US President Woodrow
Wilson called the whole disgusting scramble for the Middle East after the
first world war, opportunities that were unthinkable at home.

John Buchan, in his novel Greenmantle (1916), and TE Lawrence in his
guerrilla exploits in Arabia the following year, made popular a myth that an
Englishman could become an Arab - only more so. To her generation in
Britain, Bell went one better. She seemed to move as an equal among the
sheikhs without compromising her British femininity. Her letters to her
father and stepmother, one of the great correspondences of the past
century, pass easily from orders for cotton gowns at Harvey and Nichols
[sic] to the new-fangled British air warfare being tried out on recalcitrant
Iraqi Arabs and Kurds.

The historical waters have closed over TE Lawrence. Even back in the 70s,
I could find nobody with any recollection of him at the scenes of his
exploits in western Arabia. But Miss Bell is still a name in Baghdad. Even in
conversations with the vicious and cornered cadres of Saddam Hussein's
regime, her name will come up to evoke, for a moment, an innocent
Baghdad of picnics in the palm gardens and bathing parties in the Tigris.

Yet Bell and her superior as British high commissioner, Sir Percy Cox, laid
down policies of state in Iraq that were taken up by Saddam's Arab Ba'ath
socialist party. Those policies were to retain, if necessary by violence, the
Kurdish mountains as a buffer against Turkey and Russia; to promote Sunni
Muslims and other minorities over the Shia majority; to repress the Shia
clergy in Najaf, Kerbela and Kazimain, or expel them to Iran; to buy off the
big landowners and tribal elders; to stage disreputable plebiscites; and to
deploy air power as a form of political control. Iraq can only be ruled by
force, a senior Ba'ath official told me in 1999. Mesopotamia is not a
civilised state, Bell wrote to her father on December 18 1920.

The Ba'ath is facing extinction. Any US civil and military administration in its
place will have the precedent of Bell's 1920 white paper (typically, the first
ever written by a woman), Review of the Civil Administration of
Mesopotamia. Sixteen volumes of diaries and about 1,600 letters to her
parents, transcribed and posted on the web by the University of
Newcastle library (www.gerty.ncl.ac.uk) are a must-read at the Pentagon,
less for their portrait of an oriental culture in its last phase as for their
perilous mingling of political insight and blind elation.

Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell was born on July 14 1868 in Washington,
Co Durham. Her family were ironmasters on a grand scale, with progressive
attitudes. In 1886, Bell went up to Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, where she
was the first woman to win a first-class degree 

[CTRL] How France Helped

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
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Arab News

How France Helped United States
Syed Salamah Ali Mahdi, Special to Arab News
Published on 12 March 2003

It is so unbecoming of a country which proclaims itself as the unchallenged
leader of
contemporary civilized nations and so unthankful of a nation that
punctiliously celebrates Thanksgiving every year to forget the critical role
that France played in the making of the United States of America.

For those Americans who are unaware of their history but have seen the
painting of Lord Cornwallis surrendering to Gen. George Washington
somewhere, sometime or viewed Mel Gibsons box office hit Patriot, both
the painted masterpiece and the climax of the film resurrect the defeat
and surrender of the British at the fateful Battle of Yorktown which led to
the making of the United States of America.

As it happens, in the months preceding this battle the British under Lord
Cornwallis and Gen. Howe with their death squads had almost vanquished
Gen. Washington and his motley crowd of patriots and subdued the two
Carolinas and Virginia. Having done that, Lord Cornwallis, camped in the
peninsula of Yorktown, and Gen. Howe in New York prepared for the final
showdown with Gen. Washington, who was waiting on the banks of Hudson
River. Gen. Rochambeau, who was with Gen. Washington, offered to march
down to Virginia with his 10,000 French regulars to fight Lord Cornwallis,
which they did on foot; a long and hazardous trip, to say the least.
Rochambeau also sent an urgent request to the 33-vessel-strong French
Fleet in the West Indies under the command of Admiral de Grasse to join
the forthcoming battle in Virginia, which he did. Soon the French were
blockading the entrance to Chesapeake Bay, preventing the British Fleet
sent by Gen. Howe from joining this battle.

Once he saw that defeat was inevitable, Lord Cornwallis sent one of his
generals to the French General, Rochambeau, proposing surrender. Not to
Gen. Washington, but to the French, because it was the French who had
defeated the British. As expected, Rochambeau declined the offer and
asked the British to surrender to Gen. Washington. After much negotiation
Lord Cornwallis agreed and sent his sword to Washington and surrendered
to the Americans.

The Americans had finally won their Independence, but with military
assistance from France, without which there would not have been a
United States of America. The French did not exact any price from
America for this assistance, they did it all on the principles of liberty,
equality and fraternity. Two centuries later America would repay this
historical debt by liberating France from Nazi Germany. In between, there
was the French gift to the United States of America of the majestic Statue
of Liberty.

Fifty-seven years later Americans are demanding their pound of flesh from
the French with the incumbent George Bushs You are either with us or
against us. Other princes of darkness  and there are many in America 
are crediting the President of France with dozens of qualities and the
French with more character traits, all negative.

Outside the United States there is a universal cry of vive la France! Stand
up for the universal principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. These
shall prevail, sooner than later.

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Judges for War Crimes Court Sworn In

2003-03-11 Thread Tenor Love
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Judges for War Crimes Court Sworn In

March 11, 2003

Filed at 1:18 p.m. ET

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The world's first permanent war
crimes court swore in its first 18 judges Tuesday to try
the 21st century's worst crimes in a move hailed as the
biggest legal milestone since Hitler's henchmen were tried
at Nuremberg.

Amid pomp and ceremony, the judges at the International
Criminal Court, or ICC, 11 men and seven women, were sworn
in to try people accused of genocide, crimes against
humanity and war crimes.

But even as the judges -- from Samoa and Latvia, from South
Africa, Brazil, Britain and France -- took their oaths,
there were concerns the court would struggle to flex its
muscle in the face of opposition from the United States,
China and Russia.

``By the solemn undertaking they have given here in open
court, these eleven men and seven women, representing all
regions of the world and many different cultures, have made
themselves the embodiment of our collective consciences,''
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said.

Some 89 countries have thrown their weight behind the court
to try alleged perpetrators who committed crimes after it
came into being in July 2002. But lack of support from the
United States and Russia -- two powers behind the Nuremberg
Trials -- has been a setback.

Support for the ICC -- a descendant of Nuremberg and Tokyo
war crimes trials after World War II -- was given added
impetus by ad hoc U.N. war crimes tribunals set up to try
crimes in the Balkans in the 1990s and the 1994 Rwandan

``The court which we have created, and in which we install
judges today, responds to one of the darkest parts of our
human experience, and yet this is also a ceremony of
hope,'' said Jordan's Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein,
head of the assembly of states who backed the Rome Statute
in 1998 to set up the ICC.


The ICC takes its seat in The Hague -- dubbed the world's
legal capital -- alongside the U.N. war crimes tribunal
trying ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and the
U.N.'s World Court, which only rules on disputes between

The United States, Russia and China -- three of the five
permanent members of the 15-seat U.N. Security Council --
have shunned the court with Washington leading a dogged
campaign to ensure it does not try to prosecute U.S.

Fearing U.S. troops could face politically motivated
prosecutions, Washington strongly opposes the ICC and
declined an invitation to join Annan for the ceremony.

The United States, which has withdrawn its signature from
the 1998 treaty that set up the ICC, has been busy
persuading other countries to seal bilateral agreements
exempting all U.S. citizens from the court's authority.

The court's supporters said the dispute would not remove
the symbolism of the inauguration hosted by Dutch head of
state Queen Beatrix. The European Union, a staunch advocate
for the court, also welcomed its becoming a reality.

``The court sends a powerful message to any potential
perpetrator of such crimes: impunity has ended,'' said EU
External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten.

Anyone -- from a head of state to an ordinary citizen --
will be liable to ICC prosecution for human rights
violations, including systematic murder, torture, rape and
sexual slavery. But it is still some way off being ready
for its first case.

The court officially opened in The Hague last year after 60
states backed it, but with just a skeleton administrative

Benjamin Ferencz, 82, a former U.S. prosecutor at Nuremberg
at the ceremony, lamented Washington's stance. ``The
current leadership in the United States seems to have
forgotten the lessons we tried to teach the rest of the
world,'' he said.

The ICC's first judges were elected in New York earlier
this year. A prosecutor is expected to be appointed in
April. The court has already received more than 200
complaints alleging war crimes, though it will say nothing
about the nature of them.

The new tribunal has jurisdiction only when countries are
unwilling or unable to prosecute individuals for
atrocities. Cases can be referred by states that have
ratified the treaty, the U.N. Security Council or the
tribunal's prosecutor after approval from three judges.

Unlike the U.N. war crimes tribunals for Yugoslavia and
Rwanda -- based in The Hague and Arusha in Tanzania -- the
ICC is not a U.N. body.


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