[CTRL] Shiite opposition will not fight

2003-03-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Mon, Mar 24, 2003

Iraqi Shiite opposition will not fight alongside US against Baghdad: leader

Sat Mar 22,11:31 AM ET

DOHA (AFP) - Iraq (news - web sites)'s main Shiite opposition faction, based
in Iran, will not take part in the aggressive war being waged by the
United States and its allies on Iraq, its leader said.

AFP Photo

We believe that the method of dealing with (the Baghdad) regime should
not be through war. War is harmful,
Mohammad Baqir Hakim of the Supreme Assembly for the Islamic Revolution
in Iraq (SAIRI) told al-Jazeera TV news network.

Therefore we cannot ... be part of the US action since we do not believe
in this action, Hakim said Saturday.

SAIRI's armed wing, the Al-Badr Brigade, is believed to number between
10,000 and 15,000 fighters. Many are said to have crossed into Kurdish-held
northern Iraq in anticipation of the US-led war aimed at toppling Saddam
Hussein (news - web sites).

Hakim told the Qatari television station that because the war defied
international public opinion as well as UN Security Council resolutions, we
can consider it an aggressive war.

He also said that his group along with the rest of the Iraqi opposition
opposed any Turkish intervention in the north of Iraq, saying that this
would make the situation of the Iraqi issue very serious.

Both SAIRI and one of the main Kurdish opposition groups said earlier
Saturday that the Iraqi opposition would be allowed to rule the country
immediately after Saddam is ousted from power.

They said the United States had had a change of heart and abandoned
plans to install a temporary US military administration.

SAIRI number two Abdelaziz Hakim told AFP on Saturday that until now,
the al-Badr Brigade has not received orders from their superiors to get
fully involved (in the conflict) and we do not know when they will.

Shiite soldiers would, he hoped, play a part in ousting Saddam in due
time, but it would neither be with, nor under the command, of US forces,
he said.

Western diplomatic sources in Tehran say that the United States, which
sees SAIRI as too close to the Iranian regime for its liking, has told the
Shiite opposition that its armed forces were not authorised to enter Iraq
after the start of war.

The SAIRI leader was named at a meeting in late February as part of a six-
member collective leadership which is set to decide on a post- Saddam
interim government.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Rem Krassilnikov, Russian Bane of C.I.A., Dies at 76

2003-03-24 Thread Tenor Love
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Read between the lines to see how CIA/KGB were hand in glove after all.


Rem Krassilnikov, Russian Bane of C.I.A., Dies at 76

March 24, 2003

Rem Krassilnikov, a legendary figure within the K.G.B. who
was in charge of the investigations and arrests of the
American spies betrayed by Aldrich H. Ames, Robert P.
Hanssen and other moles in the final years of the cold war,
died in Moscow last week. He was 76.

Mr. Krassilnikov, who had been a major general in the
K.G.B., was virtually unknown outside the Soviet
intelligence service but wielded broad power within it.

During the critical years of the mid- and late 1980's,
before the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was chief of
the First Department within the K.G.B.'s Second Chief
Directorate, which placed him in charge of investigating
and disrupting C.I.A. operations in Moscow.

C.I.A. officers eventually came to recognize the quiet,
white-haired general as one of their main intelligence
adversaries. Within the K.G.B., Mr. Krassilnikov earned the
nickname the professor of counterintelligence, and some
American intelligence officers who went up against him saw
him as the real life embodiment of Karla, the mysterious
Soviet spymaster in the novels of John le Carré.

Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the demise
of Communism in Russia, Mr. Krassilnikov remained true to
his past and proud of the counterintelligence work he had
performed at the K.G.B.

Born in 1927, he was the son of a senior officer in the
N.K.V.D., the predecessor to the K.G.B., and was literally
fixed at birth with the stamp of Lenin's dream. His parents
named him Rem, an acronym for the Russian phrase meaning
world revolution. Rem Krassilnikov followed his father
into Soviet intelligence and was sent to overseas postings
that included Canada and Lebanon. He married a woman whose
parents had named her Ninel - Lenin spelled backward.

But it was back home in Moscow where Mr. Krassilnikov made
his mark as a specialist in counterintelligence. For a
time, he was chief of the Second Department of the Second
Chief Directorate, targeting MI-6, the British intelligence
service, in Moscow. He later said in an interview that he
learned much about British intelligence by spending time
with two famous British spies who had defected to Moscow,
Kim Philby and George Blake.

He had taken over the First Department of the Second Chief
Directorate, which concentrated on American activities in
Moscow, by the time that a series of American spies began
to give the Soviets a treasure trove of information about
C.I.A. operations in the mid-1980's.

First, in 1984, Edward Lee Howard, who had been fired by
the C.I.A. just before he was to be posted to Moscow, began
to provide information to the K.G.B. about spies working
for the C.I.A. in Moscow. In the spring of 1985, Mr. Ames,
chief of counterintelligence in the C.I.A.'s Soviet
Division, then volunteered to the K.G.B. and eventually
turned over a list of Russians working for the C.I.A.

In the fall of 1985, Mr. Hanssen, an F.B.I. agent,
volunteered to the K.G.B. and provided information on many
of the same agents betrayed by Mr. Ames. That intense
period of cold-war espionage has since come to be known as
the year of the spy.

For a brief time, that sudden wealth of inside information
led Mr. Krassilnikov and his K.G.B. spyhunters from triumph
to triumph, as they rolled up one American spy after
another throughout 1985 and 1986.

Perhaps the most important spy he captured was Adolf
Tolkachev, a Soviet scientist who had provided the C.I.A.
with thousands of pages of secret documents on Soviet
military aircraft designs and who is credited with helping
the United States Air Force design new planes that could
defeat the best the Soviets had on their drawing boards.
Mr. Tolkachev was arrested in early 1985 and later

In virtually every case, Mr. Krassilnikov's team would
arrest a Russian agent working for the C.I.A. in secret.
Later, the K.G.B. would often try to ambush a C.I.A. case
officer waiting to meet the spy, not realizing the agent
was already in prison.

The result of the Soviet offensive was that by 1987, the
C.I.A. had lost virtually all of its agents in Moscow, and
the agency's ability to track Soviet intelligence had been
severely damaged. Mr. Krassilnikov had scored one of the
most complete victories in the annals of modern espionage.

In interviews in recent years, Mr. Krassilnikov, who by
then had retired from the K.G.B., was clearly sensitive
about the fact that his investigators within the Second
Chief Directorate had not received the credit he believed
they deserved for so successfully thwarting and halting so
many American espionage operations.

He said he felt that it was unfair that historians assumed
that the Russian spies had been handed to the K.G.B. on a
silver platter by Mr. Ames and other 

[CTRL] Paying The Price For Politial Decisions

2003-03-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

America at War
Mounting casualties overwhelm American medical units
Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Mar 24, 2003, 06:03

CAMP VIPER, Iraq -- U.S. forces met sporadic resistance and suffered heavy
casualties Sunday in Nasiriyah, overwhelming medical units with patients.

In one incident near the city located on the banks of the Euphrates River
in south central Iraq, an armored personnel carrier with five U.S. Marines
aboard was hit by a volley from a rocket propelled grenade, one of the
Marines told doctors at a tent hospital operated by the Navy's Shock Trauma
Platoon No. 8.

We got hit with RPG's inside the carrier, the Marine said from his
stretcher at the entrance to a tent that functions as an emergency room.

I went out to hit back. Then all ... hell broke loose. They were attacked
with mortar, artillery and small arms fire, he said, and one Marine was
killed. Other Marines nearby responded with heavy machine gun fire, he
said. Crowds of Iraqi civilians were in the vicinity, he said, but he gave
no account of casualties.

In all, as many as 50 members of U.S. forces may have been wounded in and
near Nasiriyah, said Marine officials here. One shock trauma platoon
received more injured Marines than it could handle and called for help from
nearby units. At least three injured Marines were sent to a British medical
unit that specializes in burn treatment.

The names of the casualties will not be released until their families are

Shock Trauma Platoon 8 and a Forward Resuscitation Surgical System team had
just set up and equipped their tents a few hours before a call from a Navy
evacuation station alerted them that two of the first patients would be
arriving. They were among the wounded from the attack on the armored
personnel carrier.

Two dual-rotor CH 46 Sea Stallion helicopters dropped onto the desert near
the hospital, kicking clouds of sand into the faces of stretcher-bearing
Marines who were on hand to transfer the men to ambulances.

Where do you hurt? doctors asked the men as they approached the medical

My left leg, said the Marine who was most stable. His face had been
burned, and he had taken shrapnel hits in the buttocks and below the left

We are going to take care of you, a doctor said as his stretcher was
carried into the tent. First, we're going to give you some morphine. Even
with the medication, the soldier screamed as workers cut the pants from his
left leg revealing a hole where the shrapnel had hit.

Doctors said his wounds were moderate, but the other Marine had more severe
facial burns, shrapnel in the neck, a broken ankle and other injuries. His
eyelashes and eyebrows were completely burned off his face.

He shuddered and moaned as doctors worked to stabilize him, but he was
alert enough to say that the armored personnel carrier just blew up ... I
was surprised that we made it out of that thing. Doctors asked him how his
eyes were. I can only open one of them, he said.

I smacked my head on the (carrier) when it blew up.

Troops inside armored personnel carriers face three levels of risk, said
Dr. John Perciballi, a Navy Medical Corps Captain from Pensacola, Fla.

First, the explosion in the enclosed space creates the potential for fatal
lung injuries that may not be immediately apparent. Second, shrapnel hits
them. And third, they may suffer serious blows as their bodies are thrown
by the hit.

Both Marines were stable later Sunday, said Navy Lt. Commander Jim Pierce,
an emergency room intensive care nurse.

They were evacuated via helicopter to a larger hospital. The shock trauma
platoons are designed to stabilize the wounded and then send them to other

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[CTRL] Fwd: The World Pushes Back

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The World Pushes Back

Even if the US scores a quick victory in Iraq, the rest of
the world won't fall in line behind America's new global
agenda. Welcome to the era of ''soft balancing.''

By Robert A. Pape

March 23, 2003, The Boston Globe


OVER THE PAST six months, US diplomats have witnessed a
profound change in the world's response to American power.
They have seen not simply the reluctance of traditional
allies to join the US war effort, but active efforts by many
of the world's major powers to delay, frustrate, and
undermine war plans and reduce the number of countries who
would fight alongside the United States.

Such widespread opposition is unprecedented in our country's
history. Most troublingly, it is only likely to increase in
years ahead. America's decision to launch an unprovoked and
essentially unilateral war against Iraq is encouraging other
countries to form counterweights to US power. Today's
conventional wisdom holds that France, Germany, Russia,
China, and important regional states may be grumbling now,
but they will quickly mend fences once the war ends with a
decisive US victory. But the conventional wisdom is likely
to be wrong.

International relations specialists speak of ''hard
balancing'' when countries form military alliances to curb a
strong nation. But America's rivals today, with no hope of
matching our military power, are pursuing their interests by
other means, and they will continue to do so. Unless the
United States radically changes course, the use of
international institutions, economic leverage, and
diplomatic maneuvering to frustrate American intentions will
only grow.

In the future, for example, Europeans may threaten our
economy by paying for paying for oil in Euros rather than
dollars, and they may threaten our security by permitting
the construction of nuclear reactors in Iran and elsewhere.
The era of ''soft balancing'' has begun.

The price of unilateral war

In international politics, strong states are often viewed
with suspicion. They have the power to revise the status quo
in their favor, and are therefore potentially threatening to
others. To offset this, weaker states tend to work together
to restrain a superior power. Two hundred years ago,
Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia balanced against
Napoleonic France. A century later, Great Britain, France,
and Russia formed the Triple Entente to contain Germany in
the years leading up to World War I.

Thus far, the long ascendancy of the United States has been
a remarkable exception to this rule. Aside from the Soviet
Union, major powers have never made serious efforts to
balance against the United States. The reason is not
American weakness. The United States has been the world's
strongest state throughout the 20th century and a sole
superpower since the end of the Cold War. Nor is it American
reluctance to use force. In the past decade, the United
States used force many times, including major wars in Iraq
(1991), Bosnia (1995), Serbia (1999), and Afghanistan

Rather, the key reason is America's unparalleled reputation
for nonaggressive intentions. Although the United States has
fought numerous wars, it has generally used its power to
preserve the current political order in major regions of the
world. Throughout the 20th century, the United States has
pursued a strategy of ''off-shore balancing'': It has sought
to prevent other powers from dominating important regions of
the world rather than seeking to dominate those regions

It was this strategy that called us to the defense of our
European allies in World War I and World War II, of South
Korea and Vietnam during the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Buddhist Boards 2

2003-03-24 Thread RoadsEnd
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Title: 6-Story Newsletter Template + Images
-Caveat Lector-

Buddhist Boards 2, The Board That Will Not Die

In This Issue:

Spring 2003


Creator Kills Creation From Frustration


Antiwar Buddhists Actually Can Post


Buddhist Boards 2


Engaged Buddhists Slam It Into Gear


Whither American Buddhism?

Just Post Here

Creator Kills Creation From Frustration

Well it happened again!  Bernardo Aragon, erstwhile proprietor of BuddhistBoards.com, turned off the domain name.  Nothing there but a 404 Not Found.  Another Buddhist bulletin board has collapsed under the burden of trying to monitor the fractious tendencies of the unruly American Buddhist flock.  That makes at least three:  Tricycle and Zen Forum being the first two.  Like the Record Industry Association of American, these three Buddhist bulletin boards reflected a twisted agenda:  They hated their best customers!  Cyberkarma is quick indeed!

Click here for the dead link to buddhistboards.com

Buddhist Boards 2

As The Grateful Dead said, "one man gathers what another man spills," and in this case, it's a woman who welcomes you with open arms to a new homeland for outspoken Buddhist posting.  Whether you're new to Buddhism, or think you know it all, or both, you're welcome to air your wildest thoughts at Buddhist Boards 2.  All past hatchets will be buried here!

Buddhist Boards 2 will not be about anyone's agenda!  This is an offering of bandwidth, pure and simple, to create a public forum so the blessings of free speechcan flourish.  The forums are barely begun, bare as a baby's butt in most cases, because they are for YOU to begin.  There will be NO censorship, and NO fear that anyone will suffer terrible consequences from "divisive speech."

If you want a forum created just for you, drop the Administratrix a private message, and she will create it for you.  (She is eagerly awaiting requests!)  One forum per individual, and create as many threads in there as you like.  No one will be banned unless they undertake acts that make the board unusable for others (net-sabotage).

Come Visit and See All the Space

Whither American Buddhism?

Many people interested in practicing Buddhism wonder whether they should go for traditional nationally-tinged Buddhism as offered by the Tibetans, the Chinese, the Koreans, and other Asian sects.  Alternatively, they might look into traditional-lite type sects, of the Surya Das flavor.  Or they could  become "more traditional than thou," like the Damtsig.org people, aping a tradition with a zeal that shocks the originators.  Finally, they might just try to go full-bore intuitional, jettisonning the books and teachings, making a mad dash for the Bodhi tree with their hair on fire.  God knows, we've seen it all from our vantage point.  But let's get it all down in bits and bytes.  Board's open, so c'mon down and tell us where it hurts -- that's what Buddhism's all about, right?  Right ...

The Thread of A Thousand Replies Starts With A Single Post

Antiwar Buddhists Actually Can Post

Buddhists may not know much, since they usually interpret their path to prescribe a sort of radical tune-out of stimulus, but they should know that the Buddha said not to kill. While many Buddhists seemed to forget this after 9/11, eventually, their consciences returned. Some have even turned off Terror-TV, reclaiming their right to think without a siren blaring. So perhaps we can speak here now, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Land of Milk and Honey

2003-03-24 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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I'm a holistic physician with an interest in world peace. My website,
organicMD.org, is dedicated to improving world health. Please visit my
page called Land of Milk and Honey. It offers some practical suggestions
for the chronic conflict in the Middle East. I look forward to your
comments. Thank you.
Hugh Mann, The Patient Doctor
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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[CTRL] Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three
By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 

Americans to Take the "Fall" This Time

Something very worrisome is happening. Some of Rockefeller's best toadies oppose the Iraq war. But Rockefeller and his ilk are responsible for this war. What gives? 

It appears the global elite is dividing its minions into two "house teams" again. The last time this happened we had the Fascist-Communist slugfest called World War Two. The same satanic cabal controlled both sides and picked Germany to take the fall. 

This time, the U.S., Britain and the "coalition of the willing" are on one side. On the other are France, Germany, Russia and China. The center of global power is moving to China, Europe and Russia. I see a world war over Korea, or more likely Iran and control of Middle East oil. The U.S., overextended from Kuwait to Korea, will come up short. 

My guess is that the US will find itself increasingly isolated and vilified as a result of the Iraq war. I suspect the hidden agenda is to bring down the world's last superpower; to replace the UN with a new instrument of "world government"; to kill a lot of people, and to wean Americans off democracy and their high standard of living. 

Globalists Against the Iraq War?

Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, George Soros, Mikail Gorbachev and Walter Cronkite are all globalist elder-statesmen-for-hire. Curiously, they all oppose the Iraq war. 

Jimmy Carter, a creation of Rockefeller's "Trilateral Commission" publicly supported more UN inspections. Mikhail Gorbachev said the war is a big mistake. Nelson Mandela called it a "tragedy" and warned Bush was plunging "the world into a holocaust." 

Financial maven George Soros said:" The Bush doctrine is grounded in power; legality and legitimacy are decorations." Finally, Walter Cronkite, who is linked to (www.worldaffairscouncils.org/Patrons.htm Rockefeller's CFR) warned: 

"We are going to be in such a fix when this war is over, or before this war is over. Our grandchildren's grandchildren are going to be paying for this war. I look at our future as, I'm sorry, being very dark." 

The leaders of Russia, France, Germany and China also voiced opposition with uncharacteristic bluntness. They must have the OK of the global money masters. "Military action ... is a big mistake," Vladimir Putin said. " Iraq has presented no danger..." China urged the US and Britain to halt their military actions. 

France, Russia and Germany all refused a U.S. request to close their Iraqi embassies. North Korea apparently is preparing for war. 

Even in England, major newspapers like "The Mirror" have been scathing in their criticism of Tony Blair. British newspapers belong to the same clan. I suspect England will defect to Europe's side before this fiasco is over. 

Parallels to World War Two

Before World War Two, a faction of the British elite built up Hitler. This was known as the "policy of appeasement." After Hitler fell into the trap of attacking Poland, they did a "sleight of hand" and replaced the accommodating Chamberlain with the defiant Churchill. 

Iraq is a similar trap. The United States has squandered the sympathy and good will it earned on Sept 11. The images of the World Trade Center have been replaced in the world's mind by the spectacular explosions in Baghdad. 

The US comes across as a bully too cowardly to pick on anyone its own size. Notch this victory up beside its thrashing of Grenada, Panama and Serbia. The gloating by US TV commentators is particularly distasteful to the outside world 

The damage to America's moral authority is incalculable. After this war, who will have sympathy for Americans if Chinese atomic bombs rain down on Los Angeles and New York? The devil degrades his victims before he destroys them. 

Elite Treason

For almost 100 years, the American leadership class has belonged to an international cabal that is determined to dissolve all human loyalties, including the nation state, and establish a global tyranny. George Bush, who is part of this cabal, has led the American people into a trap. 

Who in their right mind would deliberately alienate 1.3 billion Muslims? Of course Hussein is a bad man but this is not the motive. The U.S. is acting as gofer for the Zionists and the oil cartels, two leading parts of the cabal. They will come out ahead while Americans will foot the bill and take the brunt of Muslim indignation. 

Can the U.S. even count on Israel? At his trial, Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard was called "the greatest traitor in the history of the United States" (Gordon Thomas, Seeds of Fire, p.31-32). In the words of CIA Director George Tenet, Pollard, an American Jew, stole "every worthwhile intelligence secret we have." In the year prior to his arrest in Nov. 1986, Pollard transmitted "over 360 cubic feet of top secret paper to Israel," his trial was told. 

According to Thomas, Israel's Mossad routinely trades 

[CTRL] The first disastrous week of war foretells a dire future

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

March 24, 2003
The first disastrous week of war foretells a dire future 

Up until Saturday our "embedded" media was projecting images of Iraqis dancing in the desert, delirious with joy at the arrival of their "liberators," but by Sunday morning the edges were already beginning to fray around the official story of a near-seamless "Operation Iraqi Freedom."

The U.S. media kept showing feel-good agit-prop as long as they could. We were treated to endless repetitions of that rather corny image of a portly Iraqi and a bunch of kids bouncing up and down with glee as a US soldier ripped down a portrait of Saddam in the border town of Safwan. National Review's Jonah Goldberg was quick to jump on it as evidence that he and his fellow laptop bombardiers had been right all along:

"There's every reason to assume that such stories will be multiplied a hundred, if not a thousand times over as U.S. forces approach the capital of the Republic of Fear."

Not so fast. By Sunday, reality was breaking through the obscuring mist of war propaganda, and Reuters was reporting the "liberation" of Safwan somewhat differently:

"As the convoy of British tanks and trucks rolled by, the Iraqi boys on the side of the road were all smiles and waves. But once it had passed, leaving a trail of dust and grit in its wake, their smiles turned to scowls. 'We don't want them here,' said 17-years-old Fouad, looking angrily up at the plumes of gray smoke rising from the embattled southern city of Basra, under attack from U.S. and British forces for more than two days. He pulled a piece of paper from the waistband of his trousers. Unfolding it, he held up a picture of Saddam Hussein. 'Saddam is our leader. Saddam is good,' he said defiantly, looking again at his well-worn picture showing the Iraqi leader with a benign smile, sitting on a majestic throne."

This was in southern Iraq, near Basra, the scene of a Shi'ite rebellion that was brutally crushed back in 1991,where the Americans expected to be greeted as heroes: one can only imagine how many Fouads there are in the north, closer to the seat of Saddam's power. 

For the first few days, we saw only sanitized images of a clean, hassle-free war, amid hints of a winged victory beckoning in the near future. But that is fast giving way to the gritty reality of the quagmire we are falling into. The "cakewalk" that Richard Perle and his fellow chickenhawks confidently predicted, is turning into a forced march into Hell.

The dilapidated remnants of the Iraqi armed forces, starved by sanctions for spare parts and calories, consists mostly of conscripts: their televised surrender fueled the War Party's premature triumphalism. While thousands of Iraqis have thrown down their arms and been taken prisoner, it's not nearly as many as in Gulf War I, where entire divisions threw down their pathetic vintage rifles and waved the white flag of surrender. Perhaps they remember what happened last time around to tens of thousands of surrendering Iraqis, as reported by Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker.

Refusing to be shocked and awed, the Iraqis are putting up a fight: as I write, Basra, the fall of which was assumed as a foregone conclusion, has yet to surrender. Umm Qasr, reported by Kuwait's state run KUNA news agency to have fallen, appears to be holding out. American forces are leaving these "pockets of resistance" in the dust, however, as they race toward Baghdad, determined to decapitate the regime.

But the road to Baghdad is not as smooth as we were led to believe in the debate leading up to this war. The President's recent prophecy that this was going to be a tougher battle than anyone ever imagined  now he tells us!  came just in time to be fulfilled. 

One hundred miles south of Baghdad, Iraqi civilian militia engaged the invaders for more than seven hours, armed only with machineguns mounted on pick-up trucks. "It wasn't even a fair fight. I don't know why they don't just surrender," said U.S. Army Colonel Mark Hildenbrand.

His bafflement is the reason why the Americans cannot, in the end, win this war. Why do people fight against overwhelming odds, even when they know it's hopeless? The Colonel can't figure it out, and neither can his superiors. But any street-smart homie could tell them to expect a fight to the death when attacking some else's turf. 

This war was never a fair fight. Iraq is a fifth-rate power, shrunken in military prowess by at least 30 percent since Gulf War I. But there are millions of Fouads in Iraq, and they are fighting back. Not for Saddam, or for the Baath Party, but due to the most basic of human instincts: hatred of foreign invaders. No amount of "shock and awe" will erase it from their hearts. Even after an American "victory," it will smolder, and its smoke will rise up and make the very air unbreathable for the occupiers.

In Nassiriyah, the American advance was stopped cold, as the 

[CTRL] Bush Uses War to Bury Probe of 9/11

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Memory Lane
Bush Uses War to Bury Probe of 9/11

Long before Genghis W. Bush and his Boardroom Horde launched their campaign of rapine against the clapped-out Iraqi regime, there was a little incident involving hijacked planes, famous buildings and the mass slaughter of innocent people on American soil that caused a good deal of commotion at the time. You might remember; it happened on September 11 a couple of years back.

True, Genghis does mention it occasionally, as part of his successful bamboozling of the shell-shocked American people into blaming Iraq for the atrocity, which was of course financed and carried out by faithful followers of the extremist variant of Islam propagated worldwide by the Bush Family's longtime pals and patrons, the Saudi royals. The attacks were also facilitated at least in part (and perhaps--let's be charitable--indirectly) by extremist elements in the Pakistani secret service, the ISI, longtime ally of the Bush family firm, the CIA. The connections between these Bush cronies and the Taliban, al Qaeda and the killers of journalist Daniel Pearl are extensively documented in the public record.

Of course, the American public is told nothing of this record. Their own history--even the recent horror that exploded live on their TV screens that fateful September morning--is being falsified and obliterated by the Bush Regime and its cowed, corrupted and ignorant enablers in the media. Dazzled by the glitzy video-game graphics of the wardrumming TV networks, and battered by a ceaseless barrage of lies from their leaders--even from the sainted Colin Powell, whose much-ballyhooed "case for the prosecution" at the UN has since been revealed as a farrago of fake documents, doctored tapes and plagiarised schoolwork--a full 45 percent of Americans now believe the transparent lie that Saddam Hussein was involved in the September 11 attacks. Yet in the first months after the assault--before the Bush fog machine went to work--only 3 percent of the public believed this lunatic conspiracy theory, the Christian Science Monitor reports.

This week we saw how the national amnesia induced by the Bush blizzard of bull is serving another useful purpose for the unelected junta: obscuring its hugger-mugger strangulation of the "Independent Commission" appointed to investigate the September 11 attacks. 

Of course, Genghis long resisted any outside probe into the catastrophic failure of his beloved secret services to thwart the plotters--not to mention the Horde's strangely tepid response to the attack itself. Even after severe public pressure forced Bush to convene an independent panel, he tried to sandbag the proceedings by appointing accused war criminal and self-proclaimed master of the public lie, Henry Kissinger, as chairman. But Hank exited the scene rather than submit to disclosure rules that would have revealed the extent of his role as bagman for the Saudis and other interested parties.

Finally, a less controversial bagman for Saudi interests, Thomas Keane--an oil business partner of Osama bin Laden's financier and brother-in-law, Saudi magnate Khalid bin Mahfouz--was appointed to head the panel. At last it seemed the commission's Establishment worthies could actually get down to work. But one should never underestimate--or even misunderestimate--the ingenuity of professional liars like the Bush boys. For they quietly found another way to nobble the commission: subjecting the panel members--who were picked, remember, because of their reputations for impeachable probity and public service--to months-long security checks before allowing them access to the secret documents at the heart of the probe, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports.

Most commissioners already have security clearance from their previous government service, but the Horde has decided to put many of them--those not directly appointed by Bush, apparently--through the glacially-paced FBI background checks yet again. How long will this take? Coy FBI officials will say only that the usual length for such checks is 10 months. But here's the beauty part: the panel is required to deliver its report to Congress in just 14 months--leaving only enough time for the kind of rush-rush, hush-hush whitewash the Horde has always wanted.

Family Quarrel 

Of course, America's carefully cultivated amnesia also covers the entire background history of the Bush rampage in Iraq. Few folks back in the Homeland realize that Bush's planned mass murder of Iraqi children--half the population targeted by his "Shock and Awe" missiles is under age 15--is simply a falling out among thieves, old comrades in crime. Yes, just like Daddy Bush's old punching bag, Panama's Manuel Noreiga, and even the Islamic Pimpernel himself, Osama, Saddam is a son of the CIA, as historian Roger Morris detailed in the New York Times this week.

In 1963, the CIA helped Saddam and his Baathist 

[CTRL] Buchanan: George Tony friends forever?

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
George  Tony  friends forever?
Patrick J. Buchanan
Posted: March 24, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

2003Creators Syndicate, Inc. 

Even conservatives who prefer that the cousins across the pond choose Tory leaders find much to admire in Tony Blair. He is arguably America's best friend. In the war on terror and the war in Afghanistan, this "Friend of Bill" (Clinton) has been a second U.S. secretary of state, traveling the world to line up support. 

President Bush seated him in the place of honor at his State of the Union. When Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder marshaled opposition to war in Iraq, Blair sent tens of thousands of British troops to the Gulf. He put his career on the line, though his nation is opposed the war. 

On the Friday before the Azores summit, Blair got his reward: a Bush commitment to the "road map" in the Middle East. The road map is the U.S.-E.U.-U.N.-Russian step-by-step plan that would deliver an independent Palestinian state by 2005. 

Blair relied on that commitment to carry the day in parliament for war. This proves we are even-handed, said Blair. Those who say we use a double standard in the Middle East do not speak the truth. We fight, he said, for the liberation of Iraq from a tyrant, and for an independent and free Palestine. 

Here, everyone believes that the Bush Rose Garden embrace of the road map  and the Azores summit  were to save Tony Blair. But unfortunately for Blair, he is waving about an IOU on which his best friend will have to default. Why? Because this road map has been rejected by Ariel Sharon, and  in an election year  George W. Bush is not going to squeeze a prime minister of Israel. 

The road map is as dead as Oslo, and a falling out between Bush and Blair seems certain. As the Guardian's Chris McGreal writes, Sharon already insists that the road map's idea of an independent Palestinian state be replaced by the idea of a state "with certain attributes of sovereignty." Sharon also insists that Israel "retain control of the state's external security, borders, airspace and underground water resources and ... have a veto over treaties with other countries." 

The Palestinians say they must agree to any amendments to the road map. But, as James Bennet of the New York Times writes, when Bush appeared in the Rose Garden, he "pleased Israelis and dismayed Palestinians by describing the draft proposal as open to amendment and saying, 'We will expect and welcome contributions from Israel and the Palestinians to this document that will advance true peace." 

Other members of the "quartet"  Russia, the United Nations, the European Union  see the road map as a fixed document. George W. Bush does not. 

On the issue of settlements, Blair's interpretation is that all new Israeli construction on the West Bank must stop when the road map is published. But U.S. policy has changed. Years ago, the United States considered Israeli settlements on occupied land to be illegal. Now, Bush accepts them. "[S]ettlement activity must end," says Bush, but only "as progress is made toward peace." 

There are other differences. Where Blair sees parallel steps by Palestinians and Israelis toward peace, Sharon sees the process as "sequential." Palestinians perform, and Israel decides whether to follow. What is Israel's indispensable first condition? 

The Palestinians must dismantle all terrorist groups and halt all violence before a return to negotiations. This gives the suicide bombers of Hamas veto power over peace. They will exercise it. 

Blair only deludes himself if he believes Bush will force Ariel Sharon to accept what Sharon has already rejected  surrender of the West Bank to Palestinians to let them establish a state that is sovereign over tens of thousands of Jewish settlers. 

Has Blair forgotten? Sharon opposed Oslo. He opposed Camp David. He opposed the Saudi plan. Unlike Yitzhak Rabin, who died for the principle, Sharon does not believe in land-for-peace and heads a far-right regime that will never tear down Jewish settlements, nor accede to a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem, nor yield sovereignty over the Temple Mount, nor allow the return of Palestinian refugees. 

If Bush tried to force Sharon to make such concessions, Sharon would charge him with a "Munich," forcing Israel to yield to terrorists. Bush would find himself under fire from evangelical Christians, the Israeli lobby, the neocon columnists and magazines, Republicans, and Democrats who would relish an opportunity to reverse the gains Bush and Karl Rove have made with the Jewish community. 

If Bush's choice is between making Blair unhappy or enraging Ariel Sharon  and it will come to that  Blair will find out that political survival for U.S. presidents usually trumps the best of old friendships.

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2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
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By: Novakeo

The dogs of war have been completely unleashed, the criminality of this war by the United States and British governments is without question, only an immoral and ludicrous soul can see otherwise. George Bushs war on Iraq has made the Bush government a criminal government that has broken both international laws and American constitutional law. Can we call it a war? Because King George does not have the lawful mandate under constitutional laws to initiate war on his own, the executive branch of government was never given that authority by the founding fathers, for good reason. While it is interesting to note that this illegal war initiated by United States is under the pretense that Iraq was in breach of a U.N. mandate, therefore ripe for the slaughter, the United States is itself in contradiction to international laws established after World War Two. The invasion of Iraq is no different than the invasion of Poland by German forces in 1939. Both were initiated under the pretense of preemptive self-defense and to liberate an oppressed people.

The visual magnificence of the wars magnitude and the stunning speed of its implementation brought to us by the prostitutes of yellow American journalism in mainstream television, a display in pyrotechnics minus the images of dead innocence, no, you have to go to foreign media to see the more down to earth images of the dead and dying, like a 3D video game minus the commercials, reveals the sorrowful reality that the world and country that we have known is gone. In its place has risen from the ashes of a once glaring republic, a beast, an imperial monstrosity, whose cup is full of corruptness and wickedness that will mutate much of the world into a demonic sphere of fear and violence. The blood lust of the war makers is at a fantastic boil, and with the Iraqis succumbing to the horrific onslaught of Shock and Awe, giving little resistance and capitulating at the first opportunity available to them  the defense of Baghdad could prove to be the exception - this state of affairs will only serve to embolden the warmongers to stage one invasion after another. The question will soon be where to unleash this capricious animal next. 

Will it be Iran or will it be Syria? Or will they have to wait until North Korea is dealt with? With such massive military forces already on the ground in the Middle East its doubtful they would be transferred to the Korean peninsula for a showdown with North Korea. That could quickly change considering the increase in Pyongyangs intransigence and saber rattling in recent days, but for now, the blood is boiling in the veins of the neocons who are the driving force in Washingtons policy of preemption against enemies of Israel, and North Korea will probably have to wait for now. The war party is now emboldened beyond measure, and their sights for the next regime change is probably tuned to Damascus. As I have written before, this war with Iraq has little to do with WMDs or terrorism or Saddam, it is a geo-strategic positioning of American power for the purposes of remaking the Middle East into a disingenuous image of an American controlled democratic plurality.

Behind the geo-strategic strategy of democracy by force is of course the ideology of the Bush clans war on terrorism which is essentially that the United States will confront all nations one way or another that harbor and sponsor terrorism towards the state of Israel. Syria is the next obvious target, with a host of terrorist networks operating within Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon. Terrorist networks such as Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the Palestinian Liberation Front, which are operating freely within the Syrian sphere of influence, must be dealt with. These are highly belligerent organizations whos sole purpose is to destroy the state of Israel which the neocons and their puppet masters in the Sharon government want eliminated soon after the mop up operations are completed in Iraq. Look for the neocon subversives within the Bush regime to begin to put pressure on Damascus to begin military actions against these terrorist networks and to demand a complete withdrawal of all Syrian forces from Lebanon. If Syrian President Bashar Assad fails to comply, then according to the terminology of the war dogs  Your Next!

With attention being focused on Syria, it would probably be a good time for the neocons to ferment unrest within Iran in a two pronged strategy, to soften it up for the inevitable confrontation with the ayatollahs. Iran, with American forces in control of Iraq is for all intents and purposes surrounded by United States centurions. By supporting opposition groups and even initiating terrorist attacks within Iran to destabilize that country such as was done in the former Yugoslavia would create the condition for action. Tehrans response to the potential 

[CTRL] Skull Bones Death Cult Creates War Again Borders puts Sutton's book in Speculation section but Robbin's in History

2003-03-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony Sutton

How The Order Creates War and Revolution

"The College textbooks present war and revolution as more or less accidental results of conflicting forces. The decay of political negotiation into physical conflict comes about, according to these books, after valiant efforts to avoid war. Unfortunately, this is nonsense. War is always a deliberate creative act by individuals.

Western textbooks also have gigantic gaps. For example, after World War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful to censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler. By the same token, Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917 Revolution and subsequent economic development; by Western firms and banks.

Revolution is always recorded as a spontaneous event by the politically or economically deprived against an autocratic state. Never in Western textbooks will you find the evidence that revolutions need finance and the source of the finance in many cases traces back to Wall Street.

Consequently it can be argued that our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored, and largely useless as that of Hitlers Germany or the Soviet Union or Communist China. No Western foundation will award grants to investigate such topics, few Western academics can survive by researching such theses and certainly no major publisher will easily accept manuscripts reflecting such arguments.

In fact, there is another largely unrecorded history and it tells a story quite different than our sanitized textbooks. It tells a story of the deliberate creation of war, the knowing finance of revolution to change governments. and the use of conflict to create a New World Order."

p 122

The elite deviants in the United States have again embroiled our nation and peoples in another war.  George W Bush a member of a Death Cult based at Yale University for over 170 years, The Order of Skull  Bones.  George W Bush (as was his father GHW Bush)  served as president of the Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) a fraternal international secret society that was also founded at Yale. 

War has been a major agent of change used by these elites in undermining our republic and installing a fascist (corporate) state in it's place.  The Order of Skull  Bones believes in War . One of the founders Alonzo Taft served as Secretary of War, as did his son and fellow Bonesman William H Taft. Bonesman Henry Stimson served as Secretary of War during WWII and takes credit for the unneeded atomic bombing of Japan.  The perfidity of tha acts of these elite deviants runs deep in the American pschye through caculated violence, murder and national trauma. 

Antony Sutton, a technology researcher uncovered the practice of the elites in supplying both sides of conflicts with the materials for wars of controlled conflict. He was studying Soviet Technology and found that our "enemy" was being propped-up by western technology secretly supplied by the elites. Professor Sutton, by not bowing to pressure to publish his findings, then began to follow the money and began to write about what he had discovered.  He was vilified, called names and lost employment because of his research, views and persistence in publishing his findings. 

Antony's research lead him to the order of Skull and Bones and the use Hegelian dialectic in moving our republic to a more controlled society. Antony "passed away" suddenly after his "magnum opus" on Skull  Bones was published for the first time in hardcover for wider distribution. Interestingly, his book now finally in some mainstream bookstores is being placed in the "speculation" classification with UFO's and Lizard-people, while the work of a 26-year old Yale secret society member that calls Skull  Bones a  neede Wizard of Oz and discards and dismisses with one sentence the very factual evidence of financing by Nazis by Bones members is put in the History section.

Please, if one can go by Borders and ask them why they are placing one book about Bones in History and the other in Speculation. ASE has much more documentation and reproductions of actual Bones materials than Robbin's book, but question Bones instead of praising it as Robbins does.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Group Shows Iraqis Welcoming US

2003-03-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

From another list

  Group shows Iraqis welcoming U.S.
By Arnaud de Borchgrave



 AMMAN, Jordan — A group of American anti-war demonstrators, part
 of a Japanese human-shield delegation, returned from Iraq
 yesterday with 14 hours of uncensored video, all shot without
 Iraqi government minders present, with Iraqis eager to tell of
 their welcome for American troops. Top Stories

 The Rev. Kenneth Joseph, a young American pastor of the Assyrian
 Church of the East, said the trip to Iraq had shocked me back to

  Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on camera, he said, told me they
  would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They were
  willing to see their homes demolished to gain their freedom from
  Saddam [Hussein]'s bloody tyranny.

 Mr. Joseph said the Iraqis convinced him that Saddam is a monster
 the likes of which the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler. He
 and his sons are sick sadists.
 Their tales of slow torture and killing made me ill, such as
 people put in a huge shredder for plastic products, feet first so
 the [torture masters] could hear their screams as bodies got
 chewed up from foot to head. The pastor and others making it
 across the border into Jordan tell harrowing stories about their
 journey. The only gasoline station between Baghdad and the
 border, a distance of 400 miles, was blown up by U.S.
 fighter-bombers. The station, in the one-camel village of Ramadi,
 had the only telephone booth on the road across the desert and a
 Jordanian, who had stopped to call his parents in Amman to let
 them know he was on his way home, was killed in the explosion.
 The few taxi drivers in Baghdad willing to drive to the Jordanian
 border are charging $1,500 per passenger. Very few Iraqis can
 afford the fare, and only about 300 third-country nationals,
 mostly Sudanese and Egyptians, have reached the border post since
 the shock and awe campaign began. Travelers have to struggle
 with their luggage across the last two miles on foot to Al
 Karama, the first Jordanian outpost. From there, they are taken
 by bus to a tent city at the Ruwaished refugee camp, 36 miles
 inside Jordan. The Baghdad-Jordan highway was busy with
 commercial traffic before the beginning of the war, with some 700
 tanker-trucks shuttling daily with part of the 12,000 tons of oil
 consumed by Jordan every day. All of it comes from Iraq at
 discounted prices under the U.N. oil-for-food program. Some 2,600
 Jordanian and 1,500 Iraqi tankers have been involved in the
 overland oil traffic. Movement was down to 140 tankers the day
 before the bombing started. It stopped abruptly two days ago.
 Jordan had made plans for a quick switch to tankers anchored off
 Aqaba. Qatar had pledged to replace whatever shortfall Jordan
 experienced. Jordanians see one favorable omen. Every day, almost
 a thousand white storks arrive at a supermarket parking lot on
 one of Amman's seven hills, a pit stop on their way from Africa
 to their East European breeding grounds. About 100,000 storks are
 expected to stop here over the next month, numbers not seen in 10
 years. Jordanians take this as a sign of ample rain and a good
 harvest ahead. The difference between official and private views
 of some ranking Jordanian officials may be an omen, too.
 Officially, they condemn the war and say they are deeply
 troubled by the prospect of repercussions of the war on the
 region, and describe the situation as critical. Privately, they
 say, the war is developing a new opportunity for peace in the
 Middle East. Says one former prime minister: If the U.S. can get
 a new Iraq to recognize Israel as a quid pro quo for a final
 Palestinian settlement, others will fall into place — Syria,
 Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states. Iran would then have to
 pull back its military support for Hezbollah. •Arnaud de
 Borchgrave is editor at large of The Washington Times and of
 United Press International. This dispatch was distributed by UPI

--- End of forwarded message ---

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[CTRL] Fwd: War with Iraq's Northern Front -- Talking Turkey

2003-03-24 Thread RoadsEnd
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Turkey's Wrong Turn

New York Times, March 24, 2003

WASHINGTON -- As several American "big birds" flew in from the West to airfields in the zone we protect in Iraqi Kurdistan, a freedom fighter turned to a Kurdish friend: "I have been a pesh merga for 25 years," he said. "I always dreaded the sight of aircraft because they brought death to our people. This is the first time I have seen an air force on our side." 

The transports arriving at the rate of four a day carry U.S. forces as well as loads of weapons to enable Kurds to follow up on our air and missile strikes at Ansar and Qaeda terrorists. Together with the 70,000 Kurdish warriors who call themselves the pesh merga, "those who face death," the U.S. troops being inserted daily are early elements of what will become the northern front. 

The missions of these coalition forces are to prevent Saddam from torching the Kirkuk-Mosul oil fields and to engage Iraqi troops that would otherwise join the defense of Baghdad. Top Baath Party leaders tell my Kurdish friends that Saddam's strategy is to use guerrilla tactics to give France and Russia two weeks to negotiate a truce. 

Such delaying tactics are helped by Turkey's foot-dragging. The new, Islamic-influenced government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan transformed that formerly staunch U.S. ally into Saddam's best friend. 

The main reason Turkey now permits U.S. overflights is that we have demonstrated our capability of doing it the long, hard way, from the west through Jordan. For that, we owe King Abdullah plenty; we owe Mr. Erdogan nothing. 

Before that, Ankara Islamists kept allied supply ships floating off Turkey's shores, while those politicians dickered over the price of a transit toll. Six billion cash plus 10 billion in loan guarantees wasn't good enough in that time-consuming bazaar. We had to send our ships around to Kuwait, lengthening the war and causing more allied and Iraqi casualties. 

Adding diplomatic insult to this military injury, Turkey massed 40,000 troops on its border with Iraq, hoping to grab the oil fields of Kirkuk if Iraqi Kurds rectified Saddam's ethnic cleansing by daring to return to their homes. 

The Turks' excuse for seizing today's moment of liberation to bite off a rich chunk of their neighbor is this: they insist that Iraqi Kurds plan to set up an independent state, which would then supposedly cause Turkish Kurds to secede and break up Turkey. That's strictly Erdogan's cover story for an oil grab, undermining the coalition's plans for an Iraq whole and free. 

Even America's severest critics recognize Turkey's move as venal: pacifist Germany just threatened to remove its crews from the Awacs sent to Turkey by NATO that we arranged to protect the Turks from any wartime backlash. Thus has the novice wheeler-dealer in Ankara succeeded in alienating both the trans-Atlantic coalition of the willing and old Europe's union of the unwilling.

The Turks also came up with a "humanitarian" reason for crossing their border: to block an expected wave of Kurdish refugees again running from Saddam's vengeance. They would be running from an attack by Saddam's troops invited by Turkey's refusal to permit passage by allied troops. 

Few are willing to denounce the new government of Turkey for this betrayal because wartime is not the best time. Last week, Colin Powell, biting his tongue, observed patiently that Ankara had yet to "operationalize" overflights. Gen. Tommy Franks also walked on eggs, noting that incursions by Turkish troops were by "very light formations." 

Barham Salih, an Iraqi Kurdish leader who spoke to me yesterday from Sulaimaniya, also was conciliatory: "Erdogan had been badly advised, before his election, that 

[CTRL] Fwd: Keeping Hope Alive

2003-03-24 Thread RoadsEnd
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Keeping Hope Alive
The War Has Started, But The Peace Movement Has Not 'Lost'

By Bill Hartung

March 23, 2003, Published by CommonDreams.org


As promised, President Bush started his war with Iraq last
week. The United States has marched off to war despite the
fact that the majority of the world's people oppose it,
despite the fact that the Bush administration could not
secure explicit authorization from the UN Security Council,
and despite the fact that many Americans are supporting the
war under false pretenses.

Roughly 44% of Americans think Saddam Hussein was behind the
9/11 attacks and over half of Americans think Iraqi citizens
were among the 9/11 hijackers. There were no Iraqi
hijackers, but there were 15 Saudi citizens. But other than
a few hard-line associates of Richard Perle, no one among
the American political elite is suggesting that we overthrow
the House of Saud.

You can be forgiven if, like me, you were a bit depressed to
hear that the war had started. Haven't we been down this
road before? But this is no time to go into a funk. It's
time to sustain and build the peace movement, and engage in
a full-throated debate about the meaning of this war.
Otherwise, as Michael Klare has noted, this could be the
first of many resource-driven wars for regime change.

At a panel discussion I attended last week, Stanley Crouch,
a syndicated columnist and cultural critic, suggested that a
major problem facing the anti-war movement is that 'the war
might not last more than a few weeks.' Therefore, how can
people expect to build the kind of opposition that was built
during Vietnam, which dragged on for years and years?

Crouch's analogy is insightful, but the solution to the
dilemma he poses has to do with re-defining the problem. To
be effective, the anti-war movement cannot limit itself to
being against the war with Iraq  it must be against the
'war without end' doctrine of military first strikes,
nuclear sabre-rattling, and aggressive unilateralism of
which the war in Iraq is just the opening act.

The chances of preventing George W. Bush  a true believer
in the cleansing powers of military force if there ever was
one  from going to war with Iraq were always small. But
look what the global anti-war movement accomplished. We
forced the Bush administration to take the issue to the UN;
we turned out millions of people in the largest coordinated
anti-war demonstrations in history; we helped embolden swing
states like Guinea, Cameroon, Mexico, Chile, Angola and
Pakistan to resist U.S. bullying and bribery at the UN
Security Council; we put the future of entire governments at
risk when they attempted to side with the United States
against the will of their own people.

That doesn't sound to me like a peace movement that is
'losing.' That sounds to me like a peace movement that may
have lost the first skirmish, but is poised to win the
larger struggle to put the doctrine of aggressive
unilateralism back in the trash bin of history, where it

For the next few weeks, anti-war voices may be muted in the
mainstream media as our loyal press corps covers the Iraq
war as if it were a sporting event, focusing solely on
tactical issues and 'who's winning,' not on whether it was
necessary to go to war to disarm Iraq in the first place.

As the Win Without War coalition has noted, other options
were available that would have allowed the Bush
administration to save face and back off from the war. As
chief UN inspector Hans Blix had pointed out, even if Saddam
Hussein had bent over backwards and turned cartwheels to
cooperate in disarmament, it would have taken a minimum of
two to three months to accomplish that. The Bush 

[CTRL] Fwd: (1) Israel's Zionist Founding Fathers Admired and Emulated the Nazis

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Yitzhak Shamir, Then and Now

Israel Shahak   
[Holocaust survivor and chairman of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights]

Let me begin by pointing out two salient features of Israeli politics, one known for about a year's time to all serious commentators, and the other revealed only very recently. The first is that Yitzhak Shamir wields power over Likud, his government coalition and the whole of Israel with an iron fist, even if sometimes clad in a velvet glove. This sometimes conveys a false impression of his "passivity." At the same time Shamir's popularity among Likud's rank and file is growing, even in the ranks of other parties of his coalition, including the religious ones. He is not hated by his opponents so virulently as Menachem Begin was, even though his policies are in every respect more hawkish than Begin's were.

The second salient feature of Israeli politics is Shamir's self-confidence. He entered the confrontation with U.S. President George Bush without even trying to disguise his certainty that he would emerge from the contest triumphant. This is something which no previous Israeli prime minister ever attempted. In 1956, when Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion confronted President Eisenhower's opposition [to the Sinai invasion], he retreated within 24 hours, even though he had France and Britain on his side. Shamir's policies are supported by not one foreign state. His only ally abroad is a coalition of American domestic interests led by the Jewish lobby. Yet nothing in his behavior points to the fact that he may contemplate a compromise. On the contrary, he keeps aggravating the confrontation with Bush, to all appearances deliberately. After his own ministers, Ariel Sharon and Rechavam Ze'evi, scolded Bush in the crudest of terms, the latter going as far as twice accusing Bush of anti-Semitism, neither Shamir nor any "senior official" uttered a word to dissociate himself from such statements, even though the failure to do so might have looked like Shamir's agreement with them (which it might well have been). Worse, the statements might have appeared to be coordinated by him because he considered them politically convenient.

Shamir's use of the iron fist is already common knowledge in Israel. A good description of how it looks in practice is provided by the Knesset correspondent of Al Hamishmar, Motti Bassok ("Everything happens as he says," September 17, 1991). The description opens by an observation that "although Israel is a democracy, the state is in actuality governed like a dictatorship." Insofar as foreign affairs are concerned, "the U.S. and other states realized already long ago that the only address for doing business [with Israel] was the Prime Minister's Office." 

In that office "Shamir surrounded himself with a special team in charge of American affairs. . . . All members of this team served for long periods of time in the Israeli Embassy in Washington. . . . All of them are reputed to be extreme but rational hawks." 

The term "rational" in this context means that, unlike the Gush Emunim or other religious zealots, they do not rely on a direct intervention of God but are capable of designing expedient methods toward the same goals. According to Bassok, Shamir is not interested (within the limits of the possible, of course) in any sector of administration other than the military and foreign affairs (i.e., including the settlements and the situation in the territories in general). He is not even interested in the budget. "The Israeli economy does not interest him. . . . In contrast to Begin, he is totally insensitive to the conditions of the poor." It suffices for 

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It is reasonable to suppose that Shamir, who throughout that time was an active LEHI militant, must have approved the vicious pro-Nazism of his admired leader. Even in his present-day policymaking he relies, to all appearances, on the same or at least similar principles. In fact his policies are hardly intelligible except as applications of LEHI's original ideology. Under such an assumption, they can even appear consistent and logical. For those familiar with his past, which he himself reveres, there is no room for surprises over his present political activities.

Yet in his LEHI days, Shamir, although a true believer par excellence in Yair's ideology, was known as an organizer and a man of action rather than an ideologue. The real history of his "pragmatic" activities in LEHI can also serve as a key to understanding his present policies. 

The central point in this history is the assassination of his commander, Eliyahu Gil'adi. 

The story can only be understood in the light of LEHI's operational peculiarities, which were as different from the practices of other Jewish undergrounds of the same period as its ideology. 

This aspect of LEHI's history is dealt with at great length in an article by a Haaretz expert on intelligence affairs, Yossi Melman ("Who was the first to draw?" September 27, 1991). The article reviews in detail the voluminous literature written by LEHI veterans and their opponents in the late 1940s. Melman interviewed various persons then politically active, most of whom preferred to remain anonymous. But he also discovered a previously unknown source: Shamir's testimony to the "Department of Documentation of Contemporary Judaism" of the Hebrew University. The date of this document is January 1973, an interim period after the termination of his Mossad service and before his entering politics as a Knesset member. But Melman also talked to a person who took Shamir's testimony -- Tzvi Tzameret, then a young student and now a distinguished historian -- acquainting himself with the latter' s notes and recollections.

Shamir's testimony is described by Melman as "very laconic and dry, sounding as if intended to fashion the currently prevailing image of the Prime Minister as an obstinate, suspicious individual resenting to give away any information." No wonder, therefore, that the testimony, whatever its importance in other respects, contains no description of the act of assassinating Gil'adi, who is referred to in the document under his underground alias of "Saul." Yet Shamir does justify the assassination. "The execution of Saul was indispensable, after I received complaints against him from many sources, all of them considering it indispensable. The decision to execute him was made by me alone, after some wordless consultations with some comrades. After the execution I assembled some of those who were of the same mind with me." Then he lists those LEHI members with whom he talked, to conclude this section of the testimony with an obvious lie: "I know of only two executions: those of Eliyahu Gil'adi and Shmuel Levy."

The case of Shmuel Levy (whose real name was Yehuda Arieh Levy) is discussed by Dr. Yosef Heller, the author of LEHI 1940-1949, the only book on the subject I would consider objective. The book's primary concern is the ideological development of LEHI, and the Levy assassination in January 1948 was strictly ideological. After the U.N. resolution establishing the Jewish state in a part of Palestine, which LEHI vehemently opposed, Levy informed his comrades of his intention to leave LEHI in order to join "Haganah," the largest Jewish underground of the time. In his testimony Shamir says: "Shmuel Levy's was the only instance when we 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Conyers Probing Possible Bush Impeachment?

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Congressman John Conyers is asking you if you want Bush impeached!

This just in--

Spread this far and wide, House Representative Congressman John Conyers on
the Judicial Committee is asking you to, through his legislative assistant
Alexia, fax or email  if you want Bush impeached.

Fax to
ATTN. : ALEXIA, assistant to Hon. Congressman John Conyers

Message from Alexia:
The phones are currently ringing off the hook, so please send a brief
message stating whether you are for or against impeachment via email or
fax: e mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OR Fax: (313) 226-2085
They are NOT introducing articles of impeachment now. They are only
TALLYING. e mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OR Fax: (313) 226-2085

Secrecy is the cornerstone of all tyranny.  Not force, but secrecy...
censorship.  When any government, or any church, for that matter,
undertakes to say to its subjects, This you may not read, this you must
not see, this you are forbidden to know, the end result is tyranny and
oppression, no matter how holy the motives.  Mightily little force is
needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked; Contrariwise, no amount of
force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free.  No, not the rack,
not fission bombs, not anything.  You cannot conquer a free man; The most
you can do is kill him.

-Robert A. Heinlein, Revolt in 2100

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world, We shall never surrender.  We will not go quietly into the night, we
shall fight to the end, to our last dying gasp, with every fiber of our
beings, with every thought and action.  We shall fight in the hills, we
shall fight in the cities, we shall fight in the streets.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Troops find hidden Iraqi cruise missiles (Brit and Russian munitions)

2003-03-24 Thread klewis
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--- Forwarded message follows ---

FromMichael Doughty [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From an LP list...

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now this,
London Guardian 3/24/03
Troops find hidden Iraqi cruise missiles

British soldiers stumble upon bunkers full of arms and ammunition
including sophisticated Russian-made rockets

Gethin Chamberlain of the Scotsman, with the Black Watch outside Basra
Monday March 24, 2003 The Guardian

British troops mopping up Iraqi opposition outside Basra have
discovered cruise missiles hidden in bunkers abandoned by Saddam
Hussein's disintegrating southern army. The massive arsenal includes
cases of rockets, giant anti-shipping mines and other ammunition piled
from floor to ceiling in dozens of bunkers at what is marked on maps
as the Zubayr heliport.

Some of the boxes are clearly marked with the names of British
manufacturers. One pile of boxes in a store housing rocket-propelled
grenades bears the name of Wallop Industries Limited, based in Middle
Wallop, Hampshire.

But the most disturbing find was two Russian-made Harith cruise
missiles, each six metres (20ft) long, and nine warheads hidden in two
enormous, reinforced-concrete bunkers.

Another missile, as yet unidentified, was found still in its crate.

The scale and possible implications of the weapons find took British
forces by surprise and raised fresh questions about the extent of the
Iraqi war machine and the ability of weapons inspectors to cope with
the task of scouring such a vast country for prohibited ordnance.

The discovery of the missiles - which were stamped with the year 2002
- came as British troops from the Black Watch regiment fought to
secure the area around Iraqi's second city, Basra, in preparation for
the capture of the city.

Several units were involved in skirmishes with pockets of Iraqi troops
and with civilians who have seized abandoned weaponry.

One unit from the Black Watch came under attack from rocket-propelled
grenades four times yesterday morning, but there were no casualties.

It was while trying to secure the area around the heliport that units
from the Black Watch stumbled upon the missiles and other weapons.

The vast complex, surrounded by barbed wire, stands to the south-west
of the town, defended by tanks. The defenders fled after coming under
attack from coalition forces.

Outside the perimeter fence about 40 bunkers were packed with
rocket-propelled grenades and other ammunition. Inside, 22 larger,
fortified bunkers contained larger weaponry including the Harith

The missiles, with al-Harith 2002 stencilled in red paint on the side
and covered with Cyrillic writing, were housed in 60ft-long bunkers
protected by steel double doors 1ft thick.

Painted grey, the missiles have two wings, each with a span of about
2ft, and three tail fins. There was no indication of the nature of the
warheads fitted and experts have been called in to examine them.

Also housed inside the reinforced bunkers were what appeared to be
large anti-shipping mines, and a host of other munitions. On one box,
written in English, were the words: Contract AS Navy. 5/1980 Iran.

Corporal Iain Robertson said troops had discovered the missiles when
they spotted children breaking into the heliport. We came to see what
they were looking at and found the bunkers with their doors wide open.
When we went inside we came across those things.

Corporal Steven Airzee added: The initial sight was a shock. We were
trying to figure out what they were. You have to wonder whether the
weapons inspectors have been there because they looked pretty big.

The entrance to the heliport was decorated with a picture of Saddam
Hussein in military uniform. The area was surrounded by wrecked
vehicles and abandoned, sandbagged fox holes, some flying white flags,
and was overlooked by a network of watchtowers.

Many of the buildings had already been looted by local people who took
anything that could be carried by truck.

There were also fears that weapons may have been taken from some of
the bunkers that lay open outside the perimeter fence.

Inside one, troops discovered open boxes containing rocket-propelled
grenades. In the same building were a large pile of wooden weapons
crates, unopened, marked Wallop Industries Limited. The boxes had red
stickers warning: Danger - do not load in passenger aircraft.

Lieutenant Angus Watson said soldiers had found the haul when they
arrived on Saturday night. The complex is massive and we were
surprised to find a lot of the kit intact, easily enough for a whole
brigade, he said.

They also discovered hundreds of leaflets lying on the floor, dropped
by coalition planes, urging the defenders to surrender. The leaflets,
and evidence of a bombardment from the air or by artillery, appeared
to have persuaded the defenders to abandon their posts without a

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[CTRL] Fwd: Gossip About the Rich and Political: Aitken+Khashoggi

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Aitken daughter in clinic after 'too much partying' 
By Adam Helliker
The Telegraph (UK)

PETRINA KHASHOGGI, the daughter of the former Tory minister Jonathan Aitken and the society beauty Soraya Khashoggi, is in a clinic that specialises in treating drink and drug addiction.

Exhausted: Petrina Khashoggi

The news comes after Miss Khashoggi, 21, made headlines last week over an interview and nude pictures along with her half-sister, Ali Aitken, in GQ magazine.
Miss Khashoggi was admitted to Farm Place, the rehabilitation clinic in Surrey, on the recommendation of a doctor shortly before Christmas. She told her mother that she was "exhausted" following "too much hard partying" and because of the stress of the break-up of her 18-month relationship with Joe Bamford, 23, the son of Sir Anthony Bamford, the JCB billionaire.
It is understood that a family friend is paying for her treatment at Farm Place, where private patients are charged about £2,200 a week. The clinic has a high success rate in curing drink and drug addicts through its "12-step" programme. Former patients include Jim Davidson, the game-show host, Earl Spencer's former wife Victoria and Prince Charles's godson Nicholas Knatchbull.
In an exclusive interview, Soraya Khashoggi told The Telegraph yesterday: "Petrina is trying hard to tackle her problems and all her family are willing her to get through this awful time. Although she is no longer going out with Joe Bamford, his parents are also being very supportive.
"This is every parent's nightmare and it's a scourge that can affect everyone, no matter who they are. Things just became too much for Petrina, who has had an awful lot to cope with in the last few years. She has no self-esteem and her problems just spiralled.
"I hope people will understand that it is crucial to her treatment that she is left alone so that she can continue working with the medical team helping her, otherwise she will just get more and more depressed. This really is a time to respect her privacy."
Mrs Khashoggi, who runs a florist's business near her home in Fulham, south-west London, and who is the mother of eight other children, has visited her daughter at Farm Place, as have Mr Aitken, her sister Octavia, and Sir Anthony and Lady Bamford.
A friend of Mr Aitken said that the former defence minister was "very concerned" about Miss Khashoggi. He has welcomed her as a member of his family and as a sister for his twin daughters, Alexandra and Victoria, although he discovered only three years ago that he was her father. 
Before Miss Khashoggi was born, her mother had parted from her husband, the Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi and, although she took his name, she was always aware that he was not her father.
She discovered her father's identity only when she became friends with Mr Aitken's daughters and noticed their remarkable resemblance. She learnt that she had been conceived in 1979 when her mother had a relationship with Mr Aitken that ended shortly before he married his Yugoslav-born wife, Lolicia Azucki.
The identity of her father was finally proved when Miss Khashoggi went for DNA tests. "Sometimes I find my situation overwhelming. Sometimes I wish I was just plain old Sarah Brown with a regular family life," Miss Khashoggi told GQ magazine.
Within months of the discovery of his daughter's paternity, however, Mr Aitken was jailed for 18 months in 1999 for perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice after lying to the High Court during his libel action against a newspaper and a television company.
Joe Bamford has spent the past few weeks in Barbados, where he is understood to have been entertaining a new girlfriend.


[CTRL] Fwd: Aitken's Political Obituary

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Jonathan William Patrick Aitken 
Luke Harding, David Leigh and David Pallister, "The Liar: The Fall of Jonathan Aitken," Published by the Guardian, 1999.


British politician, a Member of Parliament returned at the General Election of 6/11/1987. A respected politician who attained the post of Chief Secretary to the Treasury, he was subjected to allegations by the Guardian publications of traveling down a dark road of concealment, deceit, perversion and finally, perjury. He responded with a defamation suit and a fight that lasted 3 1/2 years before he was brought to justice. Clever, ruthless, formidable and charming, Aitken had a boyhood ambition to become Prime Minister of the UK, a game plan of riches and power. The nefarious means that he took to reach his goal began to unravel with a weekend in Paris on 9/17/1993, the weekend on which the Guardian reported and for which he sued for libel. Staying at a 1,000 pound-a-night suite, he later swore that his wife and daughter had been with him. In truth, she was never there. For the prior 15 years his patron had been Prince Mohammed, the son of the Saudi King Fahd. With the Prince, money flowed and his chief "fixer" was Aitken at the center of financial intrigue in the halls of power and wealth. Incredibly wealthy men dealt with awesome sums when buying and selling arms, frigates, helicopters, oil, favors  and women. Aitken's trip to Paris was not a matter of record, his bill was paid and his mission was secret. His Arab friend, Said Ayas, booked the rooms. The son of a conservative M.P., Aitken was an Eton graduate the class of '59. His uncle was the famed Lord Beaverbrook. His younger sister, Maria, became an actress. As a child of three, he had tuberculosis that spread to his bones, making it necessary for him to be immobile for three years of treatments, an ordeal that seems to have turned him inward to convoluted realms. During WW II, his dad joined the service and was injured, shot down.At Oxford, Aitken read law. He became secretary to Selwyn Lloyd, Chancellor of the Exchequer. At 21, he was one of 50 young parliamentary hopefuls and he co-authored his first book. The world was at his feet and his future seemed golden. In 1964, his dad died, and the young man joined a family paper as a journalist while writing his second book. He was taking LSD as part of the London youth scene and developing personal sexual proclivities that had started with his canings at Eton. In 1969 he was a conservative candidate when he was caught in his first political lie. He managed to sidestep and deny the issue. Handsome, sophisticated, witty and a charming companion, he had a number of affairs with noted women in the social milieu, including a notorious affair with Lady Antonia Fraser. He was returned as conservative M.P. in 1974. That year he married Serbian Olivera Lolicia Azuchi. At the time of his marriage he was having a foolhardy liaison with Carol Thatcher, the daughter of the Prime Minister. For the next 13 years, he sat on the back benches of the political house with no advancement. Jonathan and Lolicia had twin daughters, Alexandra and Victoria, in November 1979 and a son, William, in 1985. (In January 1997, he was served with a paternity suit by 18-year-old Petrina Khashoggi, the daughter of Soroya Khashoggi, the wife of an immensely powerful man. DNA proved that Petrina was indeed his daughter, born about a month apart from his twins.) 

Aitken focused on step two of his plan, making money in business. He began to develop his contacts with the Saudis. In the summer of 1973 he first met the Prince, the grandson of King Ibn Saud, and his good friend Said Ayas. By mid-1976 he was effectively on the Prince's payroll 

[CTRL] Fwd: Osama, Agent Provocateur for the Bush Octopus

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 Click here: Chapter 8: It's bin Laden's Fault

Among the tidbits:

"The factory [in Sudan, bombed by the US in 1998] was co-owned by Osama bin Laden and Salah Idris. The CIA accused the latter of complicity in the manufacture of chemical weapons and financing the Islamic Jihad group in Egypt. They froze his financial assets ... but then quietly lifted that measure in May 1999. 

"The 'terrorist' Salah Idris today controls 75% of IES Digital Systems and 20% of Protec through the offshore intermediary Global Security Systems. 

"IES Digital Systems is currently responsible for video surveillance of British government and military sites, just as Baron Cox revealed to the EU [Terror Links TVs Guard UK by Barnett  Walsh, The Observer, 14 Oct 2001; Inquiry Call Over Company Guarding UK Nuclear Plant, Barnett  Walsh, The Observer, 4 Nov 2001]. Meanwhile Protec oversees security for 11 British nuclear plants."

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: WARNING: New virus variant - W32/LovGate.F-m

2003-03-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
To: VirusEye Subscriber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: WARNING:  New virus variant - W32/LovGate.F-m
Date: 3/24/2003 6:42:07 AM

24 Mar 2003 - W32/LovGate.F-m


The details of the new virus are as follows (as at 1200 GMT, 24th Mar 2003):

Virus name: W32/LovGate.F-m
Number of copies seen so far: 15
Date first Captured: 23th Mar 2003, 14:09 GMT
Origin of first intercepted copy: South Korea
Number of countries seen active: 2
Most active countries: Germany, South Korea

Technical Details

On 23th March 2003, MessageLabs stopped several copies of a new variant
of the LovGate virus.  Initial analysis suggests that this is a mass-mailing virus
that incorporates an SMTP engine, and may be able to spread via network
shares as well as email.

Once activated, the virus appears to reply to any emails it finds in the
recipients in-box, attaching itself to the reply.

From the copies that MessageLabs have intercepted, the email may be
composed as follows:

Subject names appear to be based on existing emails that are in reply,
and therefore random.

The file attachment is written in Microsoft Visual C/C++ and is
compressed using ASPack and is 107,008 bytes in size.
Attachment file names may include:

Are you looking for Love.doc.exe
The world of lovers.txt.exe
How To Hack Websites.exe
Panda Titanium Crack.zip.exe
Mafia Trainer!!!.exe
100 free essays school.pif
CloneCD + crack.exe
Age of empires 2 crack.exe
Star Wars II Movie Full Downloader.exe
Winrar + crack.exe
SIMS FullDownloader.zip.exe
MSN Password Hacker and Stealer.exe

The body-text of the email may also include including the following text,
which is also appended to the email reply:

 sender's domain account auto-reply:

  If you can keep your head when all about you
  Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
  If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
  But make allowance for their doubting too;
  If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
  Or, being lied about,don't deal in lies,
  Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
  And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
  ... ... more  look to the attachment.

  Get your FREE sender's domain account now! 


Skeptic intercepted W32/LovGate.F-m heuristically.

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 End of forwarded message 

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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directions and 

[CTRL] Germany caught up by Weimar?

2003-03-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


powered by FreeFind

contact us - German Section

When will modern Germany be caught up by Weimar?

Schrder, a version of a modern Brning? Reparation costs destroy
democratic Germany
The fight between the EURO and the Dollar decides Germany's existence

Reichs-Chancellor Brning (left) was known as the Hunger Chancellor.
Schrder (right) seems to be the Chancellor who will become the modern
age Brning because of EU/War-Reparation costs.

Only recently ex German Finance Minister, Oskar Lafontaine and historian
Arnulf Baring, compared the condition of modern age Germany with the
situation of the Weimar Republic in its final stage. Lafontaine called
Chancellor Schrder Hunger Chancellor whereby he compared him with
Weimar Chancellor Brning. Mr. Baring supported Lafontaine's comparison
because the symptoms of the economical and political decay are the
mirror image of the situation 70 years ago. Baring sees the German
situation in such a way that he called upon the masses: Citizens, storm
the barricades! We must not allow that everything goes further down and
incompetent politicians let the country rot. (1)

Indeed, the conclusion is irresistible that modern day Germany suffers the
same disease the Weimar-Rupublic suffered before. The victors of World
War I were determined not to let Germany ever become a competitor in
the world market again and not allow Germany to challenge the supremacy
of France and Great Britain in Europe: In 1939 we didn't enter the war to
save Germany from Hitler or the Jews from Auschwitz or the continent
from Fascism. Just as in 1914 we entered the war for the no less noble
reason, that we could not accept a German predominance in Europe. (re-
translated from German, 2)

In order to eliminate a German power factor in Europe for all time and to
destroy Germany for good, they imposed the Versailles-Dictate upon her.
The London Times wrote in this regard: If Germany starts to trade again
within the next 50 years, this war was waged in vain. (3)

Germany must perish

There are 20 million Germans too many!
The measures taken by the victors to prevent an economical
convalescence for the German Reich were indeed effective: The
continuation of the blockade and the immobilization of Germany's
agriculture due to the handing-over of its produce has cost at least
800.000 lives of the civil population, according to unanimous international
estimates and it weakened the rising generation in its adolescent years a
lifetime. ... The hunger blockade had been prolonged despite the
armistice which shows the intention behind these measures, best defined
by Clemenceau (then French Prime-Minister) who said: 'There are 20
million Germans too many'! (4)

The fact that the Allies' active extermination policy towards Germany, had
not even been de- activated after the peace accord of Versailles, has
been confirmed by SPIEGEL-Publisher Rudolf Aufstein who wrote: After
the armistice in 1918 France pursued the destruction of Germany. It is
true, for the 'Tiger' Clemenceau there were '20 million Germans to many in
central Europe'. (5) At the time when the so-called peace agreement was
signed at Versailles it was already official French and British politics to
destroy Germany once and for all, at an appropriate time. Knowing these
facts one understands the particular charm during the solemn moment of
signing the Versailles-Treaty. Then Socialist Reich's-Chancellor, Philipp
Scheidemann, called the treaty a Murder-Plan. The memoirs of John
Fuster Dulles support Scheidenmann's assessment: John Foster Dulles, who
later became America's Foreign Minister, was in 1918/19 a member of the
American delegation to Versailles. In his memoirs he wrote: 'I remember
vividly how the members of the German Peace- Delegation were directed
into a compound, fenced in with barbed wire, looked at by the others like
wild animals in a Zoo. The Germans were not allowed to come in physical
contact with allied delegates'. (6)

On the eve of the signing in Versailles French Marshall Foch was asked at
a festive reception: 'Are you not happy that peace, for which you fought
so bravely, has now come?' 'Peace?' Foch repeated. 'This is no peace. It is
an armistice for 20 years!' When exactly 20 years and 66 days had passed
the French Republic declared on September 3, 1939 war again on the
German Reich. (7)

Churchill waged a war of extermination against the German civilian
What Marshall Foch had stated with a sinister look in his face and a muffled
voice, did not only become true, but surpassed any human imagination
because of the cruelty that followed on from it. Great Britain and France
declared war on the German Reich on September 3, 1939 with the sole aim
to exterminate the civilian population of Germany: We shall turn Germany
into a desert. There are means that will vanquish Hitler and that will be
through, an absolute devastating war of 

[CTRL] Fw: March 22, 2002, 1300hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow -

2003-03-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Dejan Mihajlovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:17 PM
Subject: SB292:Ne ide im bas najbolje


 Sve je na ruskom osim na Russian military

 March 22, 2002, 1300hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow -
 Additional information about the situation in the
 primary combat areas in southern Iraq became available
 by 1300hrs (Moscow time, GMT +3). The US command
 reports about the supposed surrender of the entire
 Iraqi 51st Infantry Division turned out to be a
 complete fabrication. According to our sources the
 51st Division continues to fight on the approaches to
 Basra and we can only talk about individual cases of
 Iraqi soldiers being captured in combat.

 Elements of the US 3rd Infantry Division and the 1st
 Marine Infantry Division ended up in an exceptionally
 difficult situation. While attempting to encircle
 Basra from the north and to block An-Nasiriya elements
 the 3rd and 1st infantry divisions found themselves
 wedged between the defending Iraqi forces. The Iraqi
 command used this situation and delivered a decisive
 counterattack with up to 80 tanks in the open flank of
 the US forces, slicing through their combat orders. As
 the result of this counterattack these US units are
 now at risk of being separated from the main coalition
 forces and being surrounded.

 By 1100hrs MSK Iraqi units advanced into the US attack
 front by 10-15 kilometers and Gen. Tommy Franks, the
 commander of the coalition forces, ordered his troops
 to switch entirely to defensive operations. At the
 same time he issued orders to the forward-deployed
 coalition tank units to halt their reconnaissance
 operations in the directions of Es-Samaba and An-Najaf
 and to move immediately to support the defending US
 forces. However, the situation is complicated by the
 fact that a part of the coalition tanks are currently
 disabled due to the lack of fuel and are awaiting the
 arrival of fuel convoys. Thus the tanks are able to
 gradually rejoin combat in small numbers as the fuel
 becomes available.

 Currently the US and the Iraqi tank forces are engaged
 in mobile head-on combat approximately 70-90
 kilometers to the south of An-Nasiriya. Combat orders
 have been received by the carrier borne aviation in
 the Persian Gulf, which until now did not take part in
 this battle. At the same time orders were issued to
 all available coalition strike aircraft in Qatar to
 scramble in support of the defending coalition forces.

 Intercepted radio communications indicate that during
 the morning period of March 22 the US forces lost
 10-15 tanks destroyed or disabled and up to 30 other
 armored vehicles. Medevac helicopters flew more than
 30 search-and-rescue missions, which suggests heavy
 coalition losses.

 Our sources report that during the early morning hours
 in southwestern Iraq in the vicinity of Akashat the
 Iraqi forces have engaged and surrounded a tactical
 paratroop unit of the 101st Airborne Division. Some of
 the surrounded paratroopers were able to break out
 into the desert, where they request air support and
 finally lost their Iraqi pursuers. However, up to 30
 US troops were killed or captured in this engagement.
 Additionally, [Russian] radio intercept units report
 that one the US attack helicopters providing close air
 support was shot down.

 The top US military command is planning to enhance the
 coalition command. During the Joint Chief of Staff
 meeting its Chairman Gen. Richard Mayers expressed
 strong criticism of the actions by the coalition
 commander Gen. Franks and proposed to strengthen his
 headquarters with several other senior military
 commanders. Gen. Franks is required to do everything
 he can to change the current situation on the front.
 Analysts believe that, if during the next 3-5 days
 Gen. Franks fails to achieve any significant results,
 than it is entirely possible that he will be replaced
 as the commander of the coalition forces.

 Update: The coalition forces were able to capture a
 bridge in the suburbs of Nasiriya. Their control of
 the Basra airport is tentative at best as large
 numbers of Iraqi forces continue to resist with heavy
 artillery and machine gun fire. Around Basra the
 coalition forces have advanced at most by 1.5
 kilometers. Gen. Franks has announced a change in
 plans: the coalition forces are no longer set on
 capturing Basra so not to create military
 confrontations in that city. The coalition forces
 still do not control Umm Qasr and appear to be losing

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[CTRL] Fwd: [apfn-1] Fwd: I, Dick Eastman predict that a genetics-discriminating p...

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, called in the Talmud  and Midrash
the Day of Judgement, but also,The Day of Awe,  was celebrated on
September 11, opening the lunar year 5762 (1999), but seven days
later in 2001.  On Rosh Hashanah the Shofar (ram's horn) is blown,
according to Talmud, in order to confuse Satan and his hosts.

The attack on Iraq was begun on the day of Purim -- it is the day
celebrating the events in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew
scriptures.  Esther was a nightclub dancer who did bumps and grinds
for Persian king Ahasuerus (Aratxerxes II?) who immediately dumped
his frigid first wife (who wouldn't dance at his parties) whereun she
was able to thwart the plan of wicked Hamon, the anti-Semitic guy,
through her inside connections and a tip-off from a local investment
banker, Mordecai.  Haman, after being made to lead Mordecai, mounted
on a horse in pomp and splender, around town heralding Mordecai, as
the Kings great favorite  --  and soon after,  Esther, at Mordecai's
word, informed the king that Haman was out to get all the Hebrews in
the land, and, that she herself was to be one of his victims and
added, rubbing her breasts against his beard, suggested that Haman
and a list of all his gang that she just happened to have with were
the cause of everybody's problems.

From the  Megillah:

While they were still conversing with him, the king's eunuchs
arrived and conducted Haman quickly to the banquet that Esther had
prepared.  The king and Haman went to Queen Esther's banquet and
again on the second day, while they were drinking wine, the king
asked Esther, What is your petition, Queen Esther?  It will be
granted you.  What is your request?  If it were half the kingdom.  It
shall be executed.

   Queen Esther replied, If I have won favor, O king, and if it
pleases your majesty, then may my life be granted me at my petiton
and my people at my request; because we have been sold, I and my
people, to be destroyed, to be killed, to be obliterated.  Had we
merely been sold as male and female slaves, I would have kept still;
although the enemy cannot compensate for the damage this will work to
the king.
King Ahasuerus spoke up.  He said to Queen Esther, Who is he,
and where is the person who dared contemplate such a thing?  Esther
replied, An oppressor, an enemy, this wicked Haman!  Then Haman was
in terror at the looks of the King and Queen.  ANgrily the king arose
from his wine and walked into the palace garden; but Haman remained
standing to plead with Queen Esther for his life; because he saw that
utter ruin had been decided against him by the king.
  When the king came back from the palace garden to the banqueting
hall, Haman had dropped down on the courch on which Esther  was
reclining, and the king remarked, Violating the queen before me in
my house!  No sooner had the word left the king's lips than they
covered Haman's face.  Harbonah, one of the eunuchs in waiting on the
king, observed, Then there is the gallows, 75 feet high, standing at
Haman's hourse, which he errected erected for Mordecai, who spoke on
behalf of the king.
   Hang him on it, said the king.  So they hanged Haman on the
gallows he had set up for Mordecai.  And the king's anger calmed
down.  On that same day King Ahasuerus transferred to Queen Esther
the belongings of Haman, the Jew-hater, and Mordecai became the
king's right-hand man; for Esther had made known how they were
related.  The king took off his signet ring, which he had taken back
from Haman and gave it to Mordecai; while Esther appointed Mordecai

[CTRL] Making a mess

2003-03-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Article24  March 2003
Making a mess
by Brendan O'Neill

On Friday the war in Iraq was, apparently, 'going well'. One report claimed
that 'the success of the US invasion shows that the right course of action
has been taken' (1).

Today, The Times (London) heralds the 'dawning of war's harsh reality', as
British and US

forces apparently 'suffered jolt after jolt in their advance towards
Baghdad' (2).

Watching the coverage (and trying to see through the 'fog of war'), it
seems that American

and British forces faced some fairly average wartime problems over the
weekend: scrappy battles in the south, friendly fire incidents, the death
of some troops and the capture of others. Yet some reports now claim
that it's all going horribly wrong, and that the invasion, and the military
strategy itself, are on 'very shaky ground'. What's going on?

The perception of 'war gone wrong' reveals as much about America's
cautious military

strategy as it does about events on the ground. Having launched a war
with the aim of doing as little as possible to achieve its ends - and a
military strategy that stressed avoiding risky action and hand-to-hand
combat - military commanders now seem surprised that they may actually
have to fight. It is the wishful-thinking element of the military strategy, and
America and Britain's own defensiveness, that makes the current situation
seem so very 'shaky'.

From the outset, the stated aim of the war was to do as little as necessary
to get rid of

Saddam's regime. Some US commanders expressed their hope that the Iraqi
leadership would simply implode once America and Britain started dropping
bombs. According to the Los Angeles Times, Pentagon officials hoped that
'shock and awe' bombing would 'stun the Iraqi system and plunge it into
such disarray that mutinies, coups or civil unrest will break out, isolating
Saddam from his forces' (3).

Other US officials hoped that, after coalition forces dropped their loads
over Baghdad, Iraqi

dissidents would finish off Saddam by themselves. General Richard Myers,
chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, wished upon a star that, having
witnessed America's power, Iraqis would 'clean their own stable' (4). In
military circles, this became known as the preferred 'silver bullet' outcome
- where Iraqis would take out their leader once they had seen the ferocity
of America's war machine.

After this strategic emphasis on doing not very much to topple Saddam's
regime, allied forces

now face 'pockets of resistance' apparently popping up all over the place.
When one of the USA's professed military aims was to show its hand and
then wait for things to collapse/ implode/work themselves out, the
existence of resistance must come as a bit of a shock.

At times, the US military seemed to hope (against hope) that a propaganda
war, or a 'Psy-

Ops war', would be enough to defeat Saddam's regime, instead of an all-out
military campaign. In Washington's military bunkers, officials discussed the
use of 'effects' and 'demonstrations of power' as means of overthrowing
Saddam's regime. In the run-up to war, one report said: 'Shock and awe is
the latest Pentagon buzzword for an American blitz against Iraq that, if war
comes, will seek to defeat Saddam Hussein with effects rather than the
physical destruction of enemy troops or their resources.' (5)

Having elevated 'effect' over engagement, it seems that reality now appears

frightening. When US commanders hoped that 'shock and awe' would be
enough to terrify Saddam's regime into surrender, it must come as a blow
to realise that more hard work will be needed - perhaps even scrappy
battles on the ground.

Consider Basra. Before the war, US officials talked about Basra as a relative
pushover. Basra

is a city with a large anti-Saddam Shi'ite population, and American
commanders hoped that its residents would welcome Western forces,
allowing coalition forces to 'capitalise on any scene of liberation and beam
it to a sceptical world' (6).

But, like everywhere else, Basra appears to have some of those dreaded
'pockets of

resistance'. Coalition forces have ended up dithering on the outskirts of
Basra, uncertain of whether to go in and face urban combat. The
difference between the strategy and reality in relation to Basra captures
the deep divide between the 'effects' of the military planning and reality of
the military campaign.

It may even be the cautiousness of the allied military strategy that is
buoying up the Iraqi

resistance. Many reports claim that small groups of Saddam's Republican
Guard are being sent to towns like Umm Qasr and Basra to hold off the
advancing US and UK forces by locating themselves in urban areas with
high numbers of civilians. If this is true, then the Iraqis would appear simply
to be exploiting the US strategy of avoiding urban combat and civilian

In the build-up to war, US Marine Corps Major General 

[CTRL] Hostages to fortune

2003-03-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

24 March 2003Printer-friendly version

Hostages to fortune
by Josie Appleton

The images of five American prisoners of war (POW) being interviewed by
their Iraqi captors that were shown on Iraqi TV have sparked furious
reactions from American officials.

US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld said that these pictures

violate the Geneva Convention's rules for treatment of prisoners of war.
'What they are doing is wrong - showing prisoners of war in a humiliating
manner.' (1) US president George W Bush said that the Iraqis could be
prosecuted for war crimes: 'People who mistreat prisoners will be treated
as war criminals.' (2)

Lieutenant-general John Abizaid, the USA's second highest

ranking officer in the Gulf, called the pictures 'disgusting'. General Myers
described the images as 'one more crime of the Iraqi regime' (3).

Given that for the past few days Western TV screens and

newspapers have been full of images of Iraqi prisoners of war, US
indignation seems somewhat overblown.

The images showed five American soldiers, who reportedly

appeared scared and wounded, being questioned on their names, place of
birth, and reasons for coming to Iraq. 'Why do you come?...You come to kill
Iraqi people?...How are you see Iraqi people?', one was asked. 'Because I
was told to come here', PFC Miller from Kansas replied: 'I [was] told to
shoot only if I [was] shot at.' (4) A soldier lying on the bed, apparently
seriously injured, had his head forcibly turned towards the microphone to
answer questions.

It is claimed that these images violate Article 13 of the Geneva

Convention, to which Iraq is a signatory, and which states that: 'prisoners
of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence
or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.'

But the Iraqi prisoners of war who were shown being searched,

handcuffed, and walking in lines with their hands above their heads could
also be said to have been shown in a humiliating light for the purpose of
public curiosity. 'There's been a little violation on each side', concludes
Dentley F Vagts, a specialist on the laws of war at Harvard University Law
School (5).

And when America seems to be running the conflict as a

propaganda war, with journalists 'embedded' to capture every piece of
action, and attacks planned for their telegenic effect, it is perhaps hardly
surprising that the Iraqis have responded in kind.

America side-stepped the Geneva

Convention in the Afghan conflict

Before both sides start indicting each other for war crimes, a little
perspective is needed. Of course, the standards for the humane treatment
of prisoners of war, as codified in the Geneva Conventions, are important.
When a soldier can no longer take part in hostilities, when in effect he is
no longer an enemy combatant, he should be protected and treated with
respect as an individual.

But should showing TV interviews with prisoners of war be

considered a 'war crime'? These accusations show how 'war crime', a term
once reserved for crimes like the Holocaust, has taken on an ever-
expanding meaning.

The American prisoners were being asked questions for TV

cameras; they were not being beaten or shot. Nor were they being made
to sing the praises of Saddam - in 1991, American POWs were shown on TV
saying: 'I think our leaders and our people have wrongly attacked the
peaceful people of Iraq.' (6)

In the recent film, by contrast, one of the American POWs was

shown openly mocking his captors. 'I'm sorry?', 'I don't understand', was all
he would say, staring defiantly into the camera. The Times (London)
predicted that this man's dignity under pressure would provide a boost for
American morale.

What's more, America may well be making a rod for its own back

here. By threatening the Iraqis with prosecution for war crimes, holding
Saddam up to standards of international law, America lays itself open to
criticism. After all, it was America that so blatantly side-stepped the
Geneva Convention in its dealings with prisoners from the Afghan conflict,
using terms like 'illegal combatant' and 'battlefield detainees' to avoid the
convention's legal constraints (7). Images of hooded prisoners in cages at
Guantanamo Bay were beamed around the world, and sparked outrage.

American actions in Iraq will be closely watched for their

compliance with international humanitarian standards. Should they fall
short, American officials could well be subjected to humiliating TV
interviews for the purposes of public curiosity.

Read on:

spiked-issue: War on Iraq
(1) Sun, 24 March 2003
(2) Daily Mail, 24 March 2003
(3) Sun, 24 March 2003
(4) The Times, 24 March 2003
(5) Experts Say War Crimes Trials Likely to Follow Iraq War, Salt Take
(6) US POWs Risk Torture in Iraq, '91 War Prisoners Say, Asia Reuters, 23
March 2003
(7) US flouts world opinion and Geneva Convention in treatment of Afghan

[CTRL] Bush Uses War to Bury Probe of 9/11

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


Memory Lane
Bush Uses War to Bury Probe of 9/11

Long before Genghis W. Bush and his Boardroom Horde launched their campaign
of rapine against the clapped-out Iraqi regime, there was a little incident
involving hijacked planes, famous buildings and the mass slaughter of
innocent people on American soil that caused a good deal of commotion at the
time. You might remember; it happened on September 11 a couple of years back.

True, Genghis does mention it occasionally, as part of his successful
bamboozling of the shell-shocked American people into blaming Iraq for the
atrocity, which was of course financed and carried out by faithful followers
of the extremist variant of Islam propagated worldwide by the Bush Family's
longtime pals and patrons, the Saudi royals. The attacks were also
facilitated at least in part (and perhaps--let's be charitable--indirectly)
by extremist elements in the Pakistani secret service, the ISI, longtime ally
of the Bush family firm, the CIA. The connections between these Bush cronies
and the Taliban, al Qaeda and the killers of journalist Daniel Pearl are
extensively documented in the public record.

Of course, the American public is told nothing of this record. Their own
history--even the recent horror that exploded live on their TV screens that
fateful September morning--is being falsified and obliterated by the Bush
Regime and its cowed, corrupted and ignorant enablers in the media. Dazzled
by the glitzy video-game graphics of the wardrumming TV networks, and
battered by a ceaseless barrage of lies from their leaders--even from the
sainted Colin Powell, whose much-ballyhooed case for the prosecution at the
UN has since been revealed as a farrago of fake documents, doctored tapes and
plagiarised schoolwork--a full 45 percent of Americans now believe the
transparent lie that Saddam Hussein was involved in the September 11 attacks.
Yet in the first months after the assault--before the Bush fog machine went
to work--only 3 percent of the public believed this lunatic conspiracy
theory, the Christian Science Monitor reports.

This week we saw how the national amnesia induced by the Bush blizzard of
bull is serving another useful purpose for the unelected junta: obscuring its
hugger-mugger strangulation of the Independent Commission appointed to
investigate the September 11 attacks.

Of course, Genghis long resisted any outside probe into the catastrophic
failure of his beloved secret services to thwart the plotters--not to mention
the Horde's strangely tepid response to the attack itself. Even after severe
public pressure forced Bush to convene an independent panel, he tried to
sandbag the proceedings by appointing accused war criminal and
self-proclaimed master of the public lie, Henry Kissinger, as chairman. But
Hank exited the scene rather than submit to disclosure rules that would have
revealed the extent of his role as bagman for the Saudis and other interested

Finally, a less controversial bagman for Saudi interests, Thomas Keane--an
oil business partner of Osama bin Laden's financier and brother-in-law, Saudi
magnate Khalid bin Mahfouz--was appointed to head the panel. At last it
seemed the commission's Establishment worthies could actually get down to
work. But one should never underestimate--or even misunderestimate--the
ingenuity of professional liars like the Bush boys. For they quietly found
another way to nobble the commission: subjecting the panel members--who were
picked, remember, because of their reputations for impeachable probity and
public service--to months-long security checks before allowing them access to
the secret documents at the heart of the probe, the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer reports.

Most commissioners already have security clearance from their previous
government service, but the Horde has decided to put many of them--those not
directly appointed by Bush, apparently--through the glacially-paced FBI
background checks yet again. How long will this take? Coy FBI officials will
say only that the usual length for such checks is 10 months. But here's the
beauty part: the panel is required to deliver its report to Congress in just
14 months--leaving only enough time for the kind of rush-rush, hush-hush
whitewash the Horde has always wanted.

Family Quarrel

Of course, America's carefully cultivated amnesia also covers the entire
background history of the Bush rampage in Iraq. Few folks back in the
Homeland realize that Bush's planned mass murder of Iraqi children--half the
population targeted by his Shock and Awe missiles is under age 15--is
simply a falling out among thieves, old comrades in crime. Yes, just like
Daddy Bush's old punching bag, Panama's Manuel Noreiga, and even the Islamic
Pimpernel himself, Osama, Saddam is a son of the CIA, as historian Roger
Morris detailed in the New York Times this week.

In 1963, 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Re: Someone Needed to Say It

2003-03-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Ahhh, Michael Moore. I grew up basically around the corner from him in the
Flint area and can tell you we are all amazed at the coverage he has
gotten. Essentially, he was and is a very rude, ego-centric power monger.
He tries to win arguements through verbal intimidation, basically of the
school ground variety, the same thing he has always done. If you don't
think the way he wants you to, you must be a moron and are open to any form
of public humiliation he can dream up. Let's look at this bit of drivel and
see whether this is a fact driven argument, or opportunity to name call and
get himself a little play..

1. There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and Fox News
aside) who is gung-ho to go to war. Trust me on this one.

74% according to last nights news do support this, and in Atlanta, the
support demonstration outnumbered the anti bush protesters.

Why? 'Cause NO Iraqis have ever come here and killed any of us! No Iraqi
has even threatened to do that.

Hmm, do we ONLY think that a fight is necessary if a knife is held to each
of our throats on our own soil? How many of us did Hitler kill on our soil
before we declared war? none. And the Iraqis have not threatened to bring
this fight to us on our soil, they have promised to do so on multiple

2. The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you..

Get over it Michael, they counted those votes every way the oppostion
thought they might have an advantage and still couldn't make 4 become 1.

the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their
retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars 

A little change of subjects, normal for Michael, revealing his true agenda.
This is an attack on bush, not a cry for peace. Of course, the stock market
is rebounding strongly now, and gas here dropped between 16 and 22 cents
per gallon this week.

3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to lose a
popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against you, Mr.
Bush. Count your fellow Americans among them.

A quote from a comedic monologue from the only man in media to lose his
show over attacking the President offered here as if it were an impartial
nugget of truth from a valid source.

4. The Pope has said this war is wrong, that it is a SIN. The Pope!

Duhhh, Michael, what does he expect the pope to say about war?

5. Of the 535 members of Congress, only ONE (Sen. Johnson of South
Dakota) has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces! 

Traditionally, the military is not overflowing with the children of the
rich and powerful, Michael. None of the children of congress and Senate
went to Kosovo for Clinton, but Michael didn't care about that. I don't
think he realizes that this whole portion of his arguement is valid if we
are drafting, but right now, we have a volunteer army, comprised of men and
women far better educated than at any time in our history. 96% possessing
either a high school or college degree. They made informed decisions and
chose the risk when they joined.

6. Finally, we love France ... have you forgotten we wouldn't even have
this country known as America if it weren't for the French? That it was
their help in the Revolutionary War that won it for us? 

Possibly, but the French did not join sides with us technically and never
saw this as the fight for American independence. They made small loans of
weapons and cash so we would be able to make trouble for the Brits and draw
attention away from other areas the French were interested in to the south,
and buy time until they could attack to regain the lost territory of the
French and Indian wars. They voted to not get involved, but Lafayette chose
independantly to come to America and funded personally the initial
involvement here. Then the French declared war on England and pitched in
with us with the understanding they would get choice of land.

That our greatest thinkers and founding fathers -- Thomas Jefferson, Ben
Franklin, etc. -- spent many years in Paris where they refined the concepts
that lead to our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution? 

 Franklin and Jefferson got their ideas from many sources, with Voltaire
being the lone Frenchman with a great deal of influence in their later
work. The French, built their own revolution and subsequent documents on
the back of ours, not the other way around.

Your ignorance of the world has not only made you look stupid, it has
painted you into a corner you can't get out of.

Another bit of name calling from the childish Mr. Moore. He wrapped it up
with a sarcastic paragraph of namecalling, which I need not repeat, and
another intimation that we are just after oil, etc. etc. his usual
pandering to the extreme left.

Why he is not a bit critical of the French an their 60 billion dollar oil
agreement with Saddam that 

[CTRL] Iraqis Curse Liberators

2003-03-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 24, 2003

U.S. Troops Aren't Welcomed
By Everyone in Southern Iraq

Relief Effort, Aimed at Easing Defiance,
Faces Obstacles to Delivering Supplies

Far from being hailed immediately as liberators, invading U.S. and British
forces in southern Iraq are facing deep hostility and gunfire from some
residents who are often desperate for food and water and sometimes furious
about the continuing military assault against their country.

The coalition is now rushing to get relief supplies into the region through
the seized port of Umm Qasr, hoping that food will ease the bitterness.

Even after supplies enter the country, however, distributing them in large
cities such as Basra could be difficult if many residents remain hostile to
the invasion and fighting persists, which isn't clear will happen. The
military, facing not only Iraqi troops but also defiant civilian
guerrillas, also may have to run separate supply routes into the south as
most coalition forces follow the latest military planning and move further
north toward Baghdad, bypassing other cities along the way.

In the dusty town of Az Zubayr, just south of Basra, some Iraqis in
civilian clothes fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns at
British and American troops. The Americans are destroying our country.
There will be a fight, said Ismail Hantush, an engineer at the state-run
Iraqi oil company. Nearby, a local tailor cradled his baby boy and said
with a smile: We hate you. You are all criminals.

Portraits of Saddam Hussein still lined the streets, and a lone British
unit camped under a red banner: Every last droplet of blood we'll give
you, O Saddam.

Schoolteacher Majid Kaddoum stood amid a group of farmers as coalition
tanks rumbled past, his voice shaking with anger: We are Iraqis, and we
will defend our country and defeat the aggressors. The farmers, in dirty
Bedouin dress, nodded in assent as Mr. Kaddoum, in a tattered leather
jacket, added with pride that he belongs to Mr. Hussein's Baath Party.
Saddam is our leader, and we will fight for him, he said.

U.S. officials now hope that a massive relief effort will help change the
thinking of local Iraqis, who remain fearful and feel threatened as long as
Mr. Hussein remains in power. One key to doing that is reopening Umm Qasr,
a crucial gateway for supplies, as the U.S. and other countries race to get
food, water and medicine into Iraq. Any delay will risk deepening the

President Bush, returning to the White House after a weekend at Camp David,
vowed that massive amounts of humanitarian aid should be moving within the
next 36 hours, and that's going to be very positive news for people who
have suffered a long time under Saddam Hussein. The initial relief
shipments are expected to follow military convoys overland from neighboring

All relief work will fall to military forces until areas are secure enough
to permit civilian groups to enter. That could take weeks.

Dashed Expectations

The early indications of hostility to the coalition invasion in southern
Iraq, the heartland of the Shiite community that rose up against Mr.
Hussein's rule in 1991, sharply contrasts with expectations among some U.S.
military commanders of being greeted there as liberators. Just a few weeks
ago, coalition officers in Kuwait were making plans to fly TV crews to film
cheering crowds in southern Iraq.

Many here remember all too well the harsh reprisals against those who
listened to American promises and took up arms in 1991, only to be crushed
by the Iraqi military.

Further south, residents in the quiet Iraqi town of Safwan, right on the
Kuwaiti border, were scrounging for food and water, with only little
assistance from coalition forces.

On the highway outside Safwan, near burning oil leaking from a pipeline,
U.S. Marine Staff Sgt. Brian Koenig's amphibious vehicle kept control of an
intersection. The crew had brought humanitarian rations from Kuwait, but
these were long gone, and villagers demanded the Marines' own food. They
just keep coming, Sgt. Koenig said. Little kids, moms. ... How can you
say no?

As the Army's own supply lines are stretched, there is only so much that
even the most good-natured soldiers can do. There is no water, no food, no
electricity, nothing left here. We want the world to help Iraq, implored
Ali al Zubaidi, a jobless 35-year-old in Az Zubayr.

U.S. and British forces seized the port of Umm Qasr after a daylong
firefight Saturday, but U.S. Marines continued to face fierce Iraqi
resistance in pockets of the city Sunday, at one point ordering in U.S.
airstrikes. But even as fighting continued around the city, British naval
units began to sweep the port for mines and to search for booby traps. They
are now racing to reopen the port by midweek for the delivery of
humanitarian supplies.

Massive Dredging

The U.S. Agency for 

[CTRL] Conservative Repubs Pee On Each Other

2003-03-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

When the shooting starts

March 24, 2003


On the day after President Bush delivered his ultimatum, Patrick J.
Buchanan stopped debating the war. The former presidential candidate and
longtime adversary of the Bushes wrote that ''patriotism commands that when
American soldiers face death in the battle, the American people unite
behind them.'' On that very day, the country's foremost conservative
publication listed Buchanan among ''leading figures in the anti-war
movement [who] call themselves 'conservatives' '' but hate their country
and want it to lose the war.

To my astonishment, I was among them. David Frum, a Washington journalist
and White House speechwriter early in this Bush administration, put
Buchanan and me on the top of the dishonor roll in ''Unpatriotic
Conservatives: A War Against America,'' the cover story in the current
edition of National Review.

We are accused of advocating ''a fearful policy of ignoring threats and
appeasing enemies.'' Concluding, he writes of us: ''[T]hey are thinking
about defeat, and wishing for it, and they will take pleasure if it should
happen. They began by hating the neo-conservatives. They came to hate their
party and this president. They have finished by hating their country.''

That demonstrably is not true of Pat Buchanan, and it is certainly not true
of me. Anybody who makes a living by dispensing strong comment should be
inured to attack, even when the accusations are totally false. During the
nearly 40 years that I have been privileged to write this column, I have
not subjected readers to my personal controversies. Now, however, I feel
constrained to identify myself as a Korean War-vintage Army officer
(non-combat) who has always supported our troops and prayed for their
success during many wars. This war is no exception. Dealing with statements
about me even so calumnious as Frum's might seem petty in time of war. But
broader issues are at stake. Frum represents a body of conservative opinion
 that wants to delegitimize criticism from the right of policy that has led
to war against Iraq.

Anti-war activity over the years has come mostly from the left. Those were
not conservatives who shut down Times Square on Thursday. Senate Democratic
Leader Thomas Daschle went over the line last Monday when he blamed
potential American deaths on Bush's failed diplomacy, but he had regrouped
by week's end to promise support of ''our troops and our

Like Buchanan, Daschle ended up following the old American custom of
supporting the war once the shooting starts. Frum, on the other hand, chose
that moment to begin shooting at ''paleo-conservatives.'' He brackets me
with his selected paleos--people whom I have never met or read and whose
anti-Semitic and white supremacist views I abhor.

Frum cannot find any such statements ever uttered by me. Nor can he find
anything I ever have said to indicate hatred for George W. Bush, much less
my country. His article cites four quotations from my columns, one
reporting that congressional sources predicted the CIA would be unable to
find Osama bin Laden, and the other three criticizing an overly close
identification of U.S. policy with Israel (especially the Ariel Sharon
government). Implicitly, that is unacceptable criticism from a

''[E]ven Robert Taft and Charles Lindbergh ceased accommodating Axis
aggression after Pearl Harbor,'' Frum writes. The implication: After 9/11,
conservatives should have refrained from debating the Iraq strategy or
questioning Israeli policy.

Nevertheless, Frum's mention of Lindbergh recalls the Lone Eagle's unhappy
experience. Gulled by Hitler into regarding the Nazi thugs as saviors of
Western civilization, Lindbergh was goaded by Franklin D. Roosevelt into
resigning his colonel's commission in the Army Air Corps Reserve. Lindbergh
sought active duty after Pearl Harbor but was blocked by a vindictive
President Roosevelt. He managed to fly secret combat missions in the
Pacific, however illegally, as a civilian. A newly naturalized American,
Frum might ponder how Lindbergh handled himself once the shooting started.

Copyright 2003, Digital Chicago Inc.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] A War Communiqué from South of the Equator

2003-03-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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March 24, 2003
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

I wrote this for you the other day….

New reports are now posted on Narco News. This is one…

SAO PAULO, BRASIL; MARCH 21, 2003: Autumn begins South of the Equator.
Today's Folha de Sao Paulo, the newspaper of record in this megalopolis of
ten-and-a-half million Brazilians, shouts, Attack of the Empire: USA begins
land invasion and increases bombings of Baghdad.

I refuse to read it. George W. Bush wants you and me to drop everything and
pay attention to his global tantrum. I decline to waste my time on his
war. It is not even an Authentic War, because a war has a winner and a
loser. Gulf War II, like his father's Gulf War I, will only have losers. I
want no part of it, not even as a spectator.

This war is a media show. The bravest soldiers refuse to fight in unjust
wars. I refuse to watch. I admit: I think less of the gullible people who
sit entranced in front of the television or the computer screen obsessed
with this war, whether pro or con. Don't they see? The war is being held
for them, for their attention, to bring them into power's trance, to keep
them from more life affirming activities. This war brings a bombardment of
their consciousness, too, to keep them stuck in place. What if they held a
war and nobody watched? Politicians would wage fewer wars.

And that is all I have to say about Gulf War II.

THE SO-CALLED WAR ON DRUGS is a real war. It has a winner and a loser. Drugs
won. Drugs keep winning. The losers are democracy, human rights,
sovereignty, health, economy, the people, the land… we are the losers. Drugs
- and the white-collar narcos in suit and tie who launder prohibition's
profits - are the winners. Everybody knows it. Few dare to say it.

The other day we met with some of the very top officials of the PT, the
Workers Party of President Lula da Silva here in Brazil, to talk about the
drug war. We know we need a new drug policy, one of them told Narco News
Director of Strategy Adriana Veloso and I over coffee. The only consensus
we have is that we want our policy to be different than the current policy
imposed by the United States.

And so, kind readers, my travels begin in the land of this awakened lion
called Brazil. I am here to listen, to ask questions, to learn. In the
coming weeks, I will be speaking with people from all over this vast
country, with political and social leaders, with artists and academics, with
organizers and activists, with real people in the giant cities and small
towns, walking through the favela slums of Rio de Janeiro and the jungle
paths of the Amazon… looking for the news, for the opportunities to make
news… not phony war news, but, rather, Authentic News, which is, more
often than not, the news that doesn't get reported by the control rooms
behind the screens.

LAST WEEK HERE in São Paulo I was invited to give a speech to the convention
called Mídia Tática Brasil (Tactical Media Brazil), titled: The Masses vs.
the Media: From May 1968 in Paris… to April 2002 in Caracas… to the
Immediate Present.

Authentic Journalist Karine Muller was there and today reports on those
events to you in Portuguese and English. The full text of my remarks will
also be posted in the coming days in English, Portuguese and Spanish:


Now, a few announcements…

I WOULD LIKE TO THANK and offer my public appreciation to Gary Webb for
having taken the helm of Narco News 

[CTRL] Four Plead Guility in Mass, pediatric stress, Moore/Iraq, collateral damage

2003-03-24 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Four Plead Guility in Mass. Child Abuse 3/22/03 Worcester, Mass. (AP) - "A woman and three men pleaded guilty Friday to charges involving the sexual and physical abuse of eight children, and were given sentences of up to seven years. The judge in the case said all four deserved longer sentences, but agreed to the pleas recommended by prosecutors to spare the victims from going through a trial. According to authorities, the children, ranging in age from 6 to 17, were raped, beaten, forced to watch pornographic torture videos and threatened and bribed to keep quiet. Some of them came forward in 2001." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-2499700,00.html

>From Backlash_ology Pediatric stress: Hormonal mediators and human development. Charmandari E, Kino T, Souvatzoglou E, Chrousos GP Horm Res 2003; 59(4):161-79 "The developing brain undergoes rapid growth and is characterized by high turnover of neuronal connections during the prenatal and early postnatal life. These processes and, hence, brain plasticity, slow down during childhood and puberty, and plateau in young adulthood. Hormonal actions in early life, and to a much lesser extent later, can be organizational, i.e., can have effects that last for long periods of time, often for the entire life of the individual. Hormones of the stress system and sex steroids have such effects, which influence the behavior and certain physiologic functions of individuals for life. Exposure of the developing brain to severe and/or prolonged stress may result in hyperactivity/hyperreactivity of the stress system, with resultant amygdala hyperfunction (fear reaction), decreased activity of the hippocampus (defective glucocorticoid-negative feedback, cognition), and the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system (dysthymia, novelty-seeking, addictive behaviors), hyperactivation of the HPA axis (hypercortisolism), suppression of reproductive, growth, thyroid and immune functions, and changes in pain perception. These changes may be accompanied by abnormal childhood, adolescent and adult behaviors, including excessive fear ('inhibited child syndrome') and addictive behaviors, dysthymia and/or depression, and gradual development of components of the metabolic syndrome X, including visceral obesity and essential hypertension. Prenatal stress exerted during the period of sexual differentiation may be accompanied by impairment of this process with behavioral and/or somatic sequelae. The vulnerability of individuals to develop varying degrees and/or components of the above life-long syndrome is defined by as yet unidentified genetic factors, which account for up to 60% of the varianceProfound stressors, such as those from sexual abuse, may elicit the syndrome in older children, adolescents and adults. Most frequently, chronic dysthymia and/or depression may develop in association with gastrointestinal complaints and/or the premenstrual tension syndrome. A lesser proportion of individuals may develop the classic posttraumatic stress disorder, which is characterized by hypocortisolism and intrusive and avoidance symptoms; in younger individuals it may present as dissociative personality disorder." From: Pediatric and Reproductive Endocrinology Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USA.

Posted on Sun, Mar. 23, 2003

Michael Moore criticizes U.S. war in Iraq in Oscar speech
Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - A standing ovation and a handful of jeers from Hollywood's elite greeted filmmaker Michael Moore when he criticized President Bush and the U.S.-led war in Iraq during his acceptance speech Sunday after winning the documentary feature Oscar for "Bowling for Columbine."

"We live in fictitious times. We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man who's sending us to war for fictitious reasons, whether it's the fiction of duct tape or the fiction of orange alerts," Moore said.

As U.S. approaches Baghdad, casualties mount
By LISA HOFFMAN Scripps Howard News Service March 23, 2003

"Those weren't the only distressing pictures Al-Jazeera shared with the world Sunday. The Qatar-based network also showed bloody Iraqi toddlers, children and women who apparently had been injured by U.S. bombs or missiles.Military leaders cringed at those photos, the first to document just the sort of "collateral damage" the Pentagon is trying mightily to avoid, knowing its capacity for inflaming the already intense opposition to the war in the Arab world, Europe and beyond."

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[CTRL] American Alchemists at Work in Iraq - Transmuting Silkworms Into Scuds

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon

American Alchemists at Work in Iraq
 Transmuting Silkworms into Scuds 

Joe Vialls, 23 March 2003  

Before the insane American-led mass murder started in Iraq, Bush, Blair, Howard and others swore blind that their sole objective was to Rid Saddam of his illegal weapons of mass destruction. Both legally and morally then, if the self styled Coalition of the Willing fails to locate any weapons of mass destruction during or after the premeditated ongoing devastation in Iraq, proper disarmament of Iraq will be proved to have been completed in advance of the illegal invasion, as consistently claimed by the Iraqi Government. Existing economic sanctions against the nation will then have to be lifted immediately, and America, Britain and Australia must be forced to pay massive war reparations to the Iraqi Government and people.
This is not an idle threat. Though Permanent Members France, Russia and China have so far chosen not to invoke UN Resolution 377 [1950] in order to stop the illegal American-led invasion of Iraq dead it its tracks, we can rest assured that all three nations will take aggressive action to bring the guilty parties to book once the slaughter is completed. The chance to severely punish savage American aggression overseas will prove too tempting to resist, and the resulting financial nightmare could easily finish off what little is left of the sagging American economy.
So what do you do when wittingly invading a country illegally in order to steal its sovereign oil reserves, while at the same time trying to obscure your real objective with tall tales of illegal doomsday weapons? The answer is that you dish out blatant disinformation from day one, feeding the compliant western media lie after unsubstantiated lie until the viewing public is finally saturated into accepting there is never smoke without fire.
To start the disinformation ball rolling on day one, air raid warning sirens wailed all over Kuwait while journalists pulled on gas masks and tried their best to look like chemical warfare victims. Amid frantic shouts of Gas gas gas!, muffled media voices spoke through several layers of charcoal, telling us all how Iraq had fired illegal Scud missiles at Kuwait, at least one of which had been shot down by a Patriot anti-missile system.
It was a performance probably worthy of several Oscars, but like so many other Hollywood productions in the past, the entire video sequence was carefully constructed fiction. The only missiles to hit northern Kuwait were a pair of antiquated Iraqi Silkworms shown in the pictures above, fired from missile batteries located on the Al Faw peninsula, shown on the large map below.  

Originally the Silkworm was designed as an onboard anti-ship missile with a range of about 60 kilometers, then upgraded for coastal [shore battery] protection against shipping with an enhanced range of 95 kilometers. The Americans anticipated that these weapons might be a risk to their invasion forces, and accordingly bombed what they believed to be the only Al Faw battery back on January 13, but failed to destroy all of the Silkworms.
Basically all the Iraqis did was move a few of the missiles and their launchers further back up the Al Faw peninsula, aim them at northern Kuwait and pull the trigger, a perfectly reasonable thing to do once a quarter of a million uninvited foreign murderers had already started to cross onto Iraqi sovereign territory. However, for the alchemists in the White House spin department, this was a gift from heaven. In less than an hour, the two lonely and slightly pathetic Silkworms were transmuted into six to ten Scuds fired from mobile launchers in the desert.
The fix was in, and we can expect many more convoluted lies like this during the months to come, because this so-called war is not going to over and done with in a few days or couple of weeks, as you were earlier faithfully promised by war criminals George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and John Winston Howard [Australia].
Despite facing almost impossible odds, the Iraqis are fighting back. Not because they like or dislike Saddam Hussein, but because like all of us everywhere, they are determined to protect their wives and families, their villages, and if possible their country.
Think about it people, think about it! If your own family was threatened by an invasion force numbered in the hundreds of thousands, would you give a fig who was running the joint back at headquarters? Of course you would not. First you would check your food and ammunition supplies, dig your family in as deeply as you could, and completely forget about useless politicians.
The reason this atrocity is going to last for months, and in the process completely destroy America in public relations terms, is best illustrated by a small band of regular soldiers dug in with their families at the small southern Iraqi oil port of Umm Qasr. Not your fancy 

[CTRL] While you weren't looking...Ashcroft Expands Use Of Search Powers

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Ashcroft expands use of search powers 
Number of secret inquiries has gone way up since Sept. 11 

Dan Eggen, Robert O'Harrow Jr., Washington Post Monday, March 24, 2003 

Washington -- Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Justice Department and FBI have dramatically increased the use of two little-known powers that allow authorities to tap telephones, seize bank and telephone records and obtain other information in counterterrorism investigations with no immediate court oversight, according to officials and newly disclosed documents. 

The FBI, for example, has issued scores of "national security letters" that require businesses to turn over electronic records about finances, telephone calls, e-mail and other personal information, according to the officials and documents. The letters, a type of administrative subpoena, may be issued independently by FBI field offices and are not subject to judicial review unless a case comes to court, officials said. 

Attorney General John Ashcroft also personally signed more than 170 "emergency foreign intelligence warrants," three times the number authorized in the preceding 23 years, according to recent congressional testimony. 

Federal law allows the attorney general to issue unilaterally these classified warrants for wiretaps and physical searches of suspected terrorists and other national security threats under certain circumstances. They can be enforced for 72 hours before they are subject to review and approval by the ultra-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. 

Government officials describe both measures as crucial tools in the war on terrorism that allow authorities to act rapidly in the pursuit of potential threats without the delays that can result from seeking a judge's signature. Authorities also stress that the tactics are perfectly legal. 


But some civil liberties and privacy advocates say they are troubled by the increasing use of the tactics, primarily because there is little or no oversight by courts or other outside parties. In both cases, the target of the investigation never has to be informed that the government has obtained his personal records or put him under surveillance. 

"When this kind of power is used in the regular criminal justice system, there are some built-in checks and balances," said David Sobel, general counsel of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), which is suing the Justice Department for information about its secretive anti-terrorism strategies. "The intelligence context provides no such protection. That's the main problem with these kinds of secretive procedures." 

The use of national security letters has been accelerated in part because Congress made it easier to use and apply them. The USA Patriot Act, a package of sweeping anti-terrorism legislation passed after the Sept. 11 attacks, loosened the standard for targeting individuals by national security letters and allowed FBI field offices, rather than a senior official at headquarters, to issue them, officials said. 

Records that can be obtained through the letters include telephone logs, e- mail logs, certain financial and bank records and credit reports, a Justice official said. 


According to documents given to EPIC and the American Civil Liberties Union as part of their lawsuit, the FBI has issued enough national security letters since October 2001 to fill more than five pages of logs. There's no way to determine exactly how many times the documents have been employed because the logs were almost entirely blacked out, according to a copy provided to the Washington Post by the ACLU. 

The Justice Department and FBI refuse to provide summary data about how often the letters are used. Several lawmakers have proposed legislation that would require the department to provide that kind of data. 

FBI spokesman John Iannarelli said: "it's safe to say that anybody who is going to conduct a terrorism investigation is probably going to use them at some point. . . . It's a way to expedite information, and there's nothing that needs expediting more than a terrorism investigation." 

Beryl Howell, former general counsel to Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and a specialist in surveillance law, described national security letters as "an unchecked, secret power that makes it invisible to public scrutiny and difficult even for congressional oversight." 

Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the government has the power to obtain secret warrants for telephone wiretaps, electronic monitoring and physical searches in counterterrorism and espionage cases. The Justice Department has expanded its use of such warrants since a favorable FISA court ruling last year, which determined that the Patriot Act gave federal officials broad new authority to obtain them. 

The warrants, cloaked in secrecy and largely ignored 

[CTRL] Why did the Administration endorse a forgery about Iraqs nuclear program?

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Why did the Administration endorse a forgery about Iraqs nuclear program?
Issue of 2003-03-31
Posted 2003-03-24

Last September 24th, as Congress prepared to vote on the resolution authorizing President George W. Bush to wage war in Iraq, a group of senior intelligence officials, including George Tenet, the Director of Central Intelligence, briefed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Iraqs weapons capability. It was an important presentation for the Bush Administration. Some Democrats were publicly questioning the Presidents claim that Iraq still possessed weapons of mass destruction which posed an immediate threat to the United States. Just the day before, former Vice-President Al Gore had sharply criticized the Administrations advocacy of premptive war, calling it a doctrine that would replace a world in which states consider themselves subject to law with the notion that there is no law but the discretion of the President of the United States. A few Democrats were also considering putting an alternative resolution before Congress. 

According to two of those present at the briefing, which was highly classified and took place in the committees secure hearing room, Tenet declared, as he had done before, that a shipment of high-strength aluminum tubes that was intercepted on its way to Iraq had been meant for the construction of centrifuges that could be used to produce enriched uranium. The suitability of the tubes for that purpose had been disputed, but this time the argument that Iraq had a nuclear program under way was buttressed by a new and striking fact: the C.I.A. had recently received intelligence showing that, between 1999 and 2001, Iraq had attempted to buy five hundred tons of uranium oxide from Niger, one of the worlds largest producers. The uranium, known as yellow cake, can be used to make fuel for nuclear reactors; if processed differently, it can also be enriched to make weapons. Five tons can produce enough weapon-grade uranium for a bomb. (When the C.I.A. spokesman William Harlow was asked for comment, he denied that Tenet had briefed the senators on Niger.)

On the same day, in London, Tony Blairs government made public a dossier containing much of the information that the Senate committee was being given in secretthat Iraq had sought to buy significant quantities of uranium from an unnamed African country, despite having no active civil nuclear power programme that could require it. The allegation attracted immediate attention; a headline in the London Guardian declared, african gangs offer route to uranium.

Two days later, Secretary of State Colin Powell, appearing before a closed hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also cited Iraqs attempt to obtain uranium from Niger as evidence of its persistent nuclear ambitions. The testimony from Tenet and Powell helped to mollify the Democrats, and two weeks later the resolution passed overwhelmingly, giving the President a congressional mandate for a military assault on Iraq.

On December 19th, Washington, for the first time, publicly identified Niger as the alleged seller of the nuclear materials, in a State Department position paper that rhetorically asked, Why is the Iraqi regime hiding their uranium procurement? (The charge was denied by both Iraq and Niger.) A former high-level intelligence official told me that the information on Niger was judged serious enough to include in the Presidents Daily Brief, known as the P.D.B., one of the most sensitive intelligence documents in the American system. Its information is supposed to be carefully analyzed, or scrubbed. Distribution of the two- or three-page early-morning report, which is prepared by the C.I.A., is limited to the President and a few other senior officials. The P.D.B. is not made available, for example, to any members of the Senate or House Intelligence Committees. I dont think anybody here sees that thing, a State Department analyst told me. You only know whats in the P.D.B. because it echoespeople talk about it.

President Bush cited the uranium deal, along with the aluminum tubes, in his State of the Union Message, on January 28th, while crediting Britain as the source of the information: The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. He commented, Saddam Hussein has not credibly explained these activities. He clearly has much to hide.

Then the story fell apart. On March 7th, Mohamed ElBaradei, the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in Vienna, told the U.N. Security Council that the documents involving the Niger-Iraq uranium sale were fakes. The I.A.E.A. has concluded, with the concurrence of outside experts, that these documents . . . are in fact not authentic, ElBaradei said. 

One senior I.A.E.A. official went further. He told me, These documents are 

[CTRL] Partial Video Of Interview W/ American POW'S (As not seen on American TV)

2003-03-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Right-click and "save as."

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[CTRL] Liberty Action of the Week: March 25,2003

2003-03-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Liberty Action of the Week: March 25,2003
On the home front
by Mary Lou Seymour

While Bush continues his War of Aggression in Iraq (or, who knows, by
the time you read this Iraq may have become part of the new American
Empire and our military may be contemplating new countries
to liberate), let's not forget the activities of his minions on the
homefront, to put in place a police state under the guise of Homeland
Security to protect us from terrorism. The draconian measures that
were initiated as most of the country sleepwalked in shock in the
wake of 9-11, and have continued to build for the past year and a
half, are now escalating at a fever pitch.

You'd think that even the most complacent of the sheeple would grasp,
even if dimly, the escalation of attacks on our personal freedoms,
but, apparently not.

With traffic-stalling vehicle checks on interstates, armed patrols
inside subway tunnels and briefcase inspections at heartland
statehouses, Americans encountered a new level of heightened security
on the home front Thursday. Most seemed to take the inconvenience in
stride. (Americans Face Check Points As War Begins, AP, 3/20/03)

Even the pretty darn blatant call for martial law by NJ Counter
Terrorism chief Sid Caspersen, on March 16 (If the nation escalates
to 'red alert,' which is the highest in the color-coded readiness
against terror, you will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy if
you so much as venture outside your home) only caused an uproar in
civil libertarian circles; where the ACLU denounced his statement
as essentially martial law, and North American Samizdat has awarded
its Jack Booted Thug Award to Kommissar Sid, for For taking off Big
Brother's velvet gloves and declaring war on he people of NJ.

Obviously, our work is cut out for us. While our countrymen are glued
to their TVs in rage and grief ... or vicarious thrill ... at
the shock and awe bombing of Baghdad, let's take action this week
to remind them of a greater threat to our security and freedom than
ANY hypothetical terrorist attach or WMD ... the steadily expanding
police state at home.

On the congressional front, the draft Domestic Security Enhancement
Act contains a multitude of new and sweeping law enforcement and
intelligence gathering powers -- many of which are not related to
terrorism -- that would severely undermine basic constitutional
rights and checks and balances. Go to the ACLU Stop the new Patriot
Act page to send an insant quick FAX to your Congresscritters on
this enormous threat to our liberties at home.

Computer-Assisted Passenger Pre-Screening System, or CAPPS II, a
secretive new system for conducting background checks on all airline
passengers, threatens to create a blacklist of Americans who cannot
travel freely. This new government program would search secret
intelligence and law enforcement databases and rate every airline
passenger a red-, yellow- or green-level threat. Go to Oppose the
new airline passenger profiling system to register your opposition
to the blacklist.

While you're at it, send a LTE to your local and national media on
these threats to our way of life. To easily find and contact local
and national media use the Media Guide, a neat tool, powered by the
Capitol Advantage system, where you can click on a state for list of
media, choose by zip code, name of media, or even reporter or
producer, choose up to 5 media at a time and compose a message to be
sent to those media outlets.

At the same site, check out the Soapbox Alert, where you can get
involved with your fellow citizens' issues, or even post your own
issue, tailored so visitors can contact their Congresscritter or
President for a small fee.

Finally, be prepared to defend your own rights at roadblocks
and terrorism checkpoints and help inform and educate others of
their rights (while we still have them).

Roadblocks Registry is compiling a registry of known and announced
roadblocks, by state and county, as well as info on state legislation
regarding roadblocks and publicity campaigns to eliminate roadblocks.
If you know of any terrorist checkpoints in your community, be sure
to add them to the registry.

Flex Your Rights has information on what to do at roadblocks, as well
as a downloadable flyer (Adobe Acrobat format) for you to print,
copy, and hand out to educate others.

For more information on your rights, R.J. Tavel's Freedom Law site
has links to pro se materials on traffic stops, tickets, and right to
travel, and, of course, there's the famous ACLU bust card ... no
purse, wallet or glove box should be without it.

While we mourn the actions of our government's imperialism abroad,
let's be sure to not slacken our efforts to prserve liberty on the

Til next week
For Freedom!

Mary Lou

PS: Don't forget, a buck or two in the virtual hat will keep this
column alive.

PPS: This week's alternate actions, listed on the web site for this
column, include Bring Them Home Now, with posters, bumper 

[CTRL] Conservatives Intoxicated With Big Government

2003-03-24 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Conservatives Intoxicated
With Big Government
By Chuck Baldwin
March 25, 2003

The Republican Party likes to tout itself as the party of limited
government. Unfortunately, their track record does not live up to
their rhetoric. In fact, under Republican leadership, federal
expenditures are currently in the process of mushrooming even
faster than under big-spending Democrats such as Lyndon

Furthermore, it is Republicans such as the governor of Tennessee
and mayor of New York City that are in the process of trying to
force new taxes upon the people in their respective cities and
- and they are not alone. Congressional Quarterly recently reported
that Republicans in Washington, D.C., are mulling a proposal to
increase federal gasoline taxes by as much as 20 cents a gallon!

House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Don Young
reportedly said, The tax increase will probably be included
the committee drafts a surface transportation bill later this
that would push the current 18.4-cent federal gas tax to more than
30 cents a gallon by 2009.

A never-ending increase in federal gasoline taxes is another
example of the so-called hidden taxes that Washington
politicians have become famous for. And no one plays this shell
game better than Republicans do.

While loudly promising to cut taxes on the one hand, Republicans
plan to quietly increase taxes with the other hand. It's the old
Potomac Two Step.

Furthermore, if history is any indication of the future,
conservatives across the board will offer little or no
When Democrats propose new taxes, conservatives protest
vehemently. However, when Republicans do the same thing,
conservatives become blind and mute.

The only way for the American people to realize a genuine
reduction in taxation is for them to hold their elected
representatives accountable to truly reducing the size and growth
of federal expenditures. However, that doesn't seem likely to occur
anytime soon. The American people, including
seem to be intoxicated with big government.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 50 arrested in San Francisco

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Geese 4 Peace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:52:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject:!b_a_Act: 50 arrested in San Francisco
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Bay City News. 24 March 2003. 50 arrested in Monday protests in SF.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Protesters throughout San Francisco are blocking
intersections and  buildings in the fourth day of citywide
demonstrations against the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

The San Francisco Police Department reports it has made 50 arrests
outside the landmark Transamerica Pyramid at Montgomery and Clay
streets after a group of protesters blocked traffic at the

Police Department spokeswoman Isabel Crowell said this morning the
demonstrators were taken into custody for the traffic violation. She
said  there have not been any reports of vandalism or violence at
protests  throughout the city today.

In the fourth day of citywide demonstrations against the U.S.-led
invasion of Iraq, Officer Maria Oropeza said small groups of people
have been  attempting to block traffic in Union Square and prevent
access to the Bechtel Corp headquarters at Mission and Beale streets.

California Highway Patrol officers have been brought in from
Stockton, Sacramento and San Jose to assist police in San Francisco and
guard traffic flow on and off the Bay Bridge.

It's just in preparation and contingency in case there is a big war
protest, CHP Officer Shawn Chase said today.

In the past few days, protesters have played a cat and mouse game
with CHP officers stationed at bridge on and off-ramps, according to

They go by one on-ramp or off-ramp and see if there's enough
personnel there. If there is, they move on, said Chase.

BART has heard reports for almost a week that demonstrators planned
on shutting down the train service.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

with photos


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[CTRL] The Amerikan Ruse

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

They told you in school about freedom
But when you try to be free they never let ya;
They said it's easy, nothing to it
And now the army's out to get ya;

I learned to say the pledge of allegiance
Before they beat me bloody down at the station;
They haven't got a word out of me since
I got a billion years probation;

Sixty nine American terminal stasis
The air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses;
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
And I'm sick to my guts of the Amerikan ruse;

The way they pull you over it's suspicious
Yeah for something that just ain't your fault;
If you complain they're gonna get vicious
Kick in the teeth and charge you with assault;

Yeah but I can see the chickens coming home to roost
Young people everywhere are gonna cook their goose;
Lots of kids are working to get rid of these blues
Cause everybody's sick of the Amerikan ruse.

Well well well, take a look around!

Words  music 1969 by the MC5

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2003-03-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Mar 25 2003

By Brian Reade

WITH every passing day it becomes clear that the muddled thinking behind
this illegal assault on Iraq is based on lies, greed and ignorance.

That the argument for the invasion is so morally weak and the objectives so
vague, that the only justification left is that it has to be right because
Our Boys are there.

How patronising and incalculably dangerous that logic seems, especially if
your loved one is now scrambling through the desert.

FIRE: Missile launched on the way to causing more havoc

What an admission that the war is being packaged in myth and sold by
deceit. And nowhere has that become more clear than in the language used to
flog it.

Washington claimed Iraq would be crushed by a new doctrine called Minimum
Lethal Force. Or MLF. Attempt to de-construct that phrase in your head
without laughing, or crying. Try to work out how, when it comes to war, you
can use the word minimum to soften the word lethal. Then realise they are
actually saying Not Quite Hiroshima.

Think of those other euphemisms that insult both the English language and
human dignity. Collateral Damage and Friendly Fire. Then remember how much
of it we have seen in so few days.

Coalition fire and accidents has claimed 16 British servicemen and an ITV
camera crew. America has lost five. A US missile has hit a bus full of
Syrian workers as they tried to flee Iraq, killing five and injuring 10.
Thirty-three Kurds were murdered as a stray bomb hit a village in
Kurdistan. Two Tomahawk cruise missiles have landed in Turkey and American
rockets have landed in Iran.

It's shocking all right. But not very awesome.

That is before we count the hundreds of Iraqi civilians maimed and killed
by that wonderfully benign doctrine MLF. And we are still only softening
Baghdad up for the real horrors.

Donald Rumsfeld said his heart breaks when he hears of friendly fire and
collateral damage. We all share the heartbreak but some of us also dredge
up the facts.

COLLATERAL DAMAGE: Syrian civilian with his arm blown off after a US
missile hit a bus full of workers

DURING the first Gulf War, 24 per cent of American deaths (35 servicemen)
were caused by their own friendly fire.

As for collateral damage who can forget last year's slaughter at the
wedding party in Afghanistan? Or the 64 Albanian refugees who were killed
on tractors as they fled Kosovo?

And after every one of these incidents the same excuse is trotted out. That
there has never been a eath-free war.

Well why then did Bush and Blair sell this as one while they tried to
arm-twist authorisation for it through the United ations?

The ambiguous language and the unsure notion of where America's WMDs
another beauty) should be landing, fits in perfectly with the ill-defined
nature of the conflict. Even the American convoy which was captured ended
up in Iraqi hands because the driver thought the area he was turning into
was under Allied control. Well when you control only areas of sand it is an
easy enough mistake to make.

The Allies are telling us they have taken towns and cities, then having to
go back and re-take them. And you wonder how well this bodes for any peace.
How easy it will be for guerrillas to wage a constant war for many years to
come, with our soldiers having to take these bombs and bullets. And for

In the south of Iraq the coalition says it is suffering major setbacks due
to the unforeseen level of resistance among soldiers and civilians. Why
didn't their intelligence predict this?

Meanwhile in the north, the nightmare scenario of Turkey invading Kurdistan
is unfolding, and with it a legality that Washington cannot question.
According to the Turks they are simply carrying out a pre-emptive strike on
a hostile people. Now where have we heard before?

This is the mess you end up in when your cause is neither just nor legal.
When contemptuous arrogance and blind stupidity makes a superpower believe
that because it has the technology, the fire-power and the dollars to buy
off the little guys, its might will prevail.

That simply turning up on Third World soil with promises to re-build the
country in your image after you have destroyed it, guarantees you the moral
high ground and the spoils of victory.

It was exactly what America thought in Vietnam - that is before the
body-bags kept being sent home in their thousands.

Suddenly having Their Boys over there seemed the worst justification of all

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement 

Re: [CTRL] Dumb and Dumber

2003-03-24 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

WellI don't think a term like "crapola" 
really adds anything much to anyone's knowledgebase. 

And really, it's a bit rich coming from 
aperson who reposts cheap, shady Judeo-phobicrants, shabbily 
disguised in esoteric codswallop from the mewlingvoice of Michael A. 
Hoffman II -- the hawg-caller and chicken manure salesman from KKK-Coeur 
d'Alene, Idaho, whose gibberish could only appeal to like minds witha 
brain capacity of a squished worm.

Frankly, I didn't think it was all that bad an 
article myself. It partly points out the facile dogmas and idiocyof 

Let's face it, the mewling hordes of the Left 
areblood-sucking parasitesliving on the arse-end of the Far Right 
and its sycophanticclerico-fascist supporters. 

All the anti-war drivel that comes from the 
Left is just aveil. 

TheLeftneed this war to give 
themselves some meaning and purpose to their useless lives, to aggrandise their 
shallow guilt-ridden psyches andto find a demon to cast their hate and 
vitriol upon,as much as the Right wanted this war for its own ideological 
and mercantile interests. 

Let's be honest, the Left is a parasitic form 
of ideological existence. It survives in a symbiotic relationship to the Right. 
It simply has nothing constructive or concrete to offer in the present except 
do-gooder clichsabout "peace". When they dorise to power, they 
squander the wealth and resources of peoples and nations 
alikeandexpose their true colours -- megalomaniacal 

That said -- any authorwho says 
thatthe former WWII Zyklon B salesmen, amateur stage actor come pope JP II 
and thepapal Reich should be tried, has got half way to getting 
some of my attention.


- Original Message - 

  William Shannon 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:08 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dumb and Dumber
  -Caveat Lector- Ah, the 
  neo-con National Review claiming that there is no neo-con conspiracy. 
  Thanks for the self-indulgent crapola 
  Newmedia...deleteBill.In a message dated 3/23/2003 
  7:01:29 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
NEOCONSERVATIVE CONSPIRACYIn a variety of subtle ways, it is alleged 
that the war is part of a neoconservative (read, Jewish) plot to force us to 
fight Sharon's battles. This conspiracy theory usually unfolds with 
preemptive  and often angry  disavowals that the suspicion is not at all 
anti-Semitic. Then it proceeds to round up the usual suspects: Perle, 
Wolfowitz, The Weekly Standard, Commentary, 
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Re: [CTRL] A Hashemite Antichrist?

2003-03-24 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

For some reason I get a strong sense that 
I'm being treated to a political message (mis)using the bible as a pretext to 
demonise a political enemy.

It runs along the lines of the Roman 
Catholic Jesuit Futurists, Anglo-American Dispensationalists and assorted 
Christian Zionists (not Jews) who first concocted the political rise of the 
State of Israel in'bible prophecy' which became 
aself-fulfilling prophecywith the exercise of 
political machinations in the West. 

Amid the prophetic machinations, up 
popsthe founder of Jewish Zionism who promises to make the pope(s) 
(erstwhile enemies of the Jews), "messianic" figures amongst Jews in return for 
the popes support of the ersatz political State of Israel. Without the support 
of Christian Zionists, no such State would have been possible. 

It is also clear from even a meagre 
reading of the bible that the following statement is faulty:

  "The scriptures reveal a lot about this person who turns 
  out to be the false deliverer. In them we discover his origins, his 
  motivation, his reign of seven years and his actions during each of the first 
  and second half of his reign. He is called by many names. Man of Sin, Son of 
  Perdition, The Wicked One, The Beast, The Little Horn, Gog, Antichrist, 
  the prince that shall come and The Peacemaker. But they're all 
  the same person."
These symbols are not all 
synonymous and certainly not all are symbols fora "person" as 
claimed. For example, the term "Beast" in bible prophecy refers not to 
a "person" as alleged, but to an empire, kingdom, nation or 

See for example the book of Daniel 
Chapter 7 (cf vs 7:3which says "And four great beasts 
came up from the sea, diverse one from another." The prophet in vision sees 
the rise of successive empires which are likened to wild beasts 
rising up from a "sea" of tumultuous 

I am not about to give a 
theological dissertation, I'm simply pointing out a fallacy in the authors 
political message which any layman can see if they simply bother to look at the 
literature these people quote.

Furthermore, I seriously wonder if 
this statement supports or demolishes the writers argument:

  "The worlds 
  undivided attention is presently being directed towards those very 
  kings, and that very territory, and for good 
This is supposed to be of some 
propheticimport in the unfolding revelation of bible prophecy and of 
"anti-Christ". It is allegedly some significant sign from god that all the 
world is watching and the eyes of the world are focused on these 
supposed prophetic events because it is gods will or purpose.

Yet, if one actually bothers 
to read the book Dispensationalists and co claim to use for their political 
theories, i.e. the bible and the book of Revelation, we discover that the world 
is apparently a little confused in its thinking and isLOOKING IN 

For it claims of the evil 
antichrist Beast power, "... one of his heads as it were 
wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world 
wondered after the beast". Revelation 13:3

Ifwe are to be consistent 
with "End Times" speculations, it seems to me that if the author claims 
some positive sign from god in his prophetic 'all eyes on Israel' 
and the mid-east scenario, then according to the book of 
Revelation the writers theory is a little back-arsed because the thing 
that the world is wandering after in wonderment is in fact the 
theology and politics of"the beast" and not 

Revelationindicates that the 
'Beast' is perceived as the very power of god on 
earthand the people of the earth "worship" it. This 
'Beast' motif speaks of, and claimsto have some "prophetic" 
significance via a second 'Beast' which arises and which Revelation terms 
the "false prophet" (cf Rev 16:13). Interestingly, whilst all 
the other empires (beasts) arise from the "sea," that is, from populated areas 
-the second 'false prophet' beast power arises out of the "earth," 
suggestive of a hitherto essentially unpopulated area.

Thus, in a nut shell, if all the 
world wanders astray because it wonders over Israel and the mid-east as 
some alleged prophetic sign from god, it seems logical toinfer that all 
these who wonder so are in fact those the bible claims are deceived by 
the 'Beast' i.e the author et al.

Revelation claims that 
"all theworld" is not wondering after any 
prophetic fulfilment from god, but it wonders because of the influence of 
the"false prophet" whose guidance directs them to the worship of the 
nefarious'Beast' power. If all the world wonders 
after the Beast, and all the worlds eyes are turned to 
Israel and the machinations over the Middle East, it stands to reason 
that according to the bible, this is position held by those in the camp of the 
deceived and of the false prophet likewise.

Hitler used all sorts of esoteric 
and bible literature to promote his empire. Nostradamus, the bible, Astrology 

[CTRL] Iraqi's -would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start

2003-03-24 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

"A group of American 
anti-war demonstrators who came to Iraq with Japanese human shield volunteers 
made it across the border today with 14 hours of uncensored video, all shot 
without Iraqi government minders present. Kenneth Joseph, a young American 
pastor with the Assyrian Church of the East, told UPI the trip "had shocked me 
back to reality." Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on camera "told me they 
would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They were willing to see 
their homes demolished to gain their freedom from Saddam's bloody tyranny. They 
convinced me that Saddam was a monster the likes of which the world had not seen 
since Stalin and Hitler. He and his sons are sick sadists. Their tales of slow 
torture and killing made me ill, such as people put in a huge shredder for 
plastic products, feet first so they could hear their screams as bodies got 
chewed up from foot to head." "

Lucky Break for Jordan 
By Arnaud de BorchgraveUPI Editor at LargeFrom the 
International DeskPublished 3/21/2003 2:46 
AMMAN, Jordan, March 21 (UPI) -- An unintended coalition of U.S. 
air power and Baghdad taxi drivers kept a potential flood of Iraqi refugees away 
from the Jordanian border Friday. The U.N. refugee agency and the Jordanian 
government were expecting a quarter of million people to stream across the 
border. Jordan is already home for 400,000 Iraqi refugees from the first Gulf 
U.S. fighter bombers took out the only gas station between 
Baghdad and the border, a distance of 600 kilometers. The one-camel village of 
Ramadi was also the only phone booth on the desert road and a Jordanian was 
killed by the explosion of the gas station while making a call to his parents in 
Amman to let them know he was on his way home.
At the same time, the few taxi drivers in Baghdad willing to run 
the risk of making it to the Jordanian border are charging $1,500 per passenger. 
Very few Iraqis can afford the fare. As a result, only some 300 TCNs (Third 
Country Nationals) reached the border post since the bombing started. They were 
mostly Sudanese and Egyptians. There were no Iraqis among them. They had to hump 
their luggage 1.8 miles across no-man's-land on foot to Al Karama, the first 
Jordanian outpost. From there, they were bused to the tent city at the Ruwaished 
refugee camp, 36 miles inside Jordan. 
The Sudanese and Egyptian governments agreed to pay for 
Jordanian Airlines charters to fly their nationals home. 
A group of American anti-war demonstrators who came to Iraq with 
Japanese human shield volunteers made it across the border today with 14 hours 
of uncensored video, all shot without Iraqi government minders present. Kenneth 
Joseph, a young American pastor with the Assyrian Church of the East, told UPI 
the trip "had shocked me back to reality." Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on 
camera "told me they would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They 
were willing to see their homes demolished to gain their freedom from Saddam's 
bloody tyranny. They convinced me that Saddam was a monster the likes of which 
the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler. He and his sons are sick 
sadists. Their tales of slow torture and killing made me ill, such as people put 
in a huge shredder for plastic products, feet first so they could hear their 
screams as bodies got chewed up from foot to head."
Iran informed the UN refugee agency Friday that it now has 3,000 
Iraqi refugees. Syria said its numbers were "insignificant." The picture could 
change for the worse as the United States steps up the bombing of Baghdad with a 
"shock and awe" campaign designed to stun and collapse what's left of the 
regime. Acute food shortages are expected before U.S. troops liberate Baghdad. 
U.N. officials in the Iraqi capital radioed today that some 500 disadvantaged 
children were suffering from malnutrition and they were rounding whatever 
supplies they could find. 
Prior to the war, some 700 tanker trucks shuttled daily between 
both countries. Jordan consumes 12,000 tons of oil a day. All of it comes from 
Iraq at discounted prices under the U.N. oil-for-food program. Some 2,600 and 
1,500 Iraqi tankers have been involved in the overland oil traffic. Movement was 
down to 140 tankers the day before the bombing started. It stopped abruptly two 
days ago. 
Jordan had made plans for a quick switch to tankers anchored off 
Aqaba. Qatar had pledged to replace whatever shortfall Jordan 
Jordanians see a good omen in the daily arrival of almost 1,000 
white storks. They alight near the Safeway on one of Amman's seven hills, a pit 
stop on their way from Africa to their east European breeding grounds. About 
100,000 storks are expected at the Safeway for the next month, numbers not seen 
in 10 years, and a sign of ample rain and a good harvest.
The official and private views of some ranking Jordanian 
officials appear to be diametrically opposed. Officially, 

[CTRL] Saddam's son beats 12-year-olds who say no to sex: defectors

2003-03-24 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Saddam's son beats 12-year-olds who say no to sex: defectors

March 22 2003, 8:20 AM

Saddam Hussein's eldest son mercilessly beats girls as young as 12 on the
soles of their feet if they refuse to sleep with him, Iraqi defectors said

Uday Hussein forces head teachers of schools in Baghdad's poorest districts
to send pupils to his palace where he arranges dates with those he likes.

If the chosen girls annoy him in anyway they are dangled over a wooden beam
held by his bodyguards and repeatedly hit with a wooden club, according to
two former members of his inner circle who recently fled Iraq.

He does it to a girl if she says she doesn't want to go out with him, or if
she finds another boyfriend, or is late or reluctant, one defector told
Vanity Fair magazine.

The 38-year-old warns victims not to flinch while the beating is
administered or they will have their legs broken. He often hits them up to
50 times, the report claimed.

Afterwards, when they can barely walk, he orders them to dance.

Uday, head of Iraq's Olympic Committee, was known to have beaten football
players and athletes when they lost.

The defectors said he also inflicted beatings, imprisonment and torture on
close friends and business associates - simply for being late to a meeting
or irritating him.

His punishments have become more brutal since an assassination attempt in
1996 which left him with walking difficulties and problems having sex.

Some victims have been branded on the buttocks with hot irons.

Uday tells them, 'this mark is never going to go from your body, so you'll
remember me until the day you die', one defector said.

One former friend died after being held down and made to drink huge
quantities of pure alcohol.

Business rivals have been shot in the arm or a leg and then allowed to bleed
slowly to death.

Uday also likes to deflower virginity, knowing that no one will touch them
after he has slept with them, the defectors said.

He likes joking about with his friends: 'look at her, after this she'll be
a prostitute'.

The defectors have been debriefed by MI6 and Pentagon officials and are
regarded as reliable sources on the workings of Saddam's regime, the
magazine said.

Intelligence officials believe Uday may have been in the bunker hit by a
cruise missile in the decapitation strike on Baghdad in the first hours of
the war.

His younger brother, Qusay, is Saddam's heir after Uday fell out of favour
when he murdered a close friend of his father in 1988.


This story was found at:

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[CTRL] War in Iraq - situation at An-Nasiriya (update)

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


   March 24, 2003

The IRAQWAR.RU analytical center was created recently by a group of journalists and
military experts from Russia to provide accurate and up-to-date news and analysis of 
war against Iraq. The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report 
on the Russian military intelligence reports.

[  previous report | next report  ]

March 24, 2003, 0800hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow - As of morning (MSK, GMT +3) March 24 the
situation in Iraq can be characterized as quiet on all fronts. Attacking coalition 
have settled into positional warfare, they are exhausted, lost the attacking momentum 
are in urgent need for fuel, ammunition, repairs and reinforcements. The Iraqis are 
busy regrouping their forces, reinforcing the combat units and setting up new defense

Exceptionally heavy fighting continued for two days and nights near An-Nasiriya. Both
warring sides employed large numbers of tanks and artillery. More than 20,000 troops of
the US 3rd Motorized Infantry Division, supported by 200 tanks, 600 other armored
vehicles and 150 artillery pieces, were opposed by the Iraqi 3rd Army Corps consisting 
up to 40,000 troops, up to 250 tanks, more than 100 artillery, up to 100 mortars and 
rocket propelled grenade launchers (RPG) and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). The two-
day battle ended without any significant results.

The Americans have failed in trying to use their momentum in capturing An-Nasiriya and
attempted to encircle the town from the west, where they encountered strong layered 
defenses and forced to withdraw. The Iraqi forces used this opportunity to attack the 
flanks with two brigades, breaking the US combat orders and causing panic among the US
troops. The US command was forced to halt the advance of its forced toward An Najaf and
once again redirect several tank battalions to support the attacked units. Nearly 6 
was needed for the US aviation to stop the Iraqi attack and restore combat order of the
US forces.

During the past day the coalition aviation flew more than 2,000 close support missions 
this area [An-Nasiriya]. We can only thank God for having air dominance!” said the
commander of the US 15th Marines Exp. Corps Col. Thomas Waldhauser in a private
conversation with one of the CNN reporters. Later the CNN journalist cited the Colonel 
a phone conversation with his editor. The conversation was intercepted.

According to the intercepted radio traffic, the US forces have sustained up to 40 
up to 10 captured and up to 200 wounded during the fighting near An-Nasiriya. There is
confirmed information about one lost attack helicopter and an unconfirmed report about 
lost ground attack plane. The US forces have also lost up to 40 armored vehicles,
including no less than 10 tanks. Several intercepted reports by the US field commanders
stated that their troops are unable to advance due to their soldiers being demoralized 
the enemy's fierce resistance and high losses.

Four days of continuous advance exhausted the coalition forces, which now have settled
into defensive positions nearly on every front to rest and regroup. As of this morning
(MSK, GMT +3) the coalition forces are in control of the western part of An-Nasiriya 
have no foothold on the left bank of Euphrates. The left bank of the river is 
by the Iraqi forces, which are conducting engineering works to reinforce their 
A part of the Iraqi forces have been deployed to strengthen the defense of An-Najaf,
where they expect the next coalition attack.

Around 2300hrs (MSK, GMT +3) March 23 a British platoon was ambushed by Iraqi Special
Forces unit near Basra. Following a powerful initial artillery barrage the Iraqis 
the British in close combat and destroyed several armored vehicles. After the Iraqis
withdrew the British commander reported up to 8 killed, two missing and more than 30
wounded British soldiers. Thus over the 30% of the unit's troops have been disabled in
the attack. Reinforcements and medevac helicopters have been dispatched by the 
to the scene of the attack.

During the past day there has been a sharp increase in combat activity in the 

Reports have been intercepted showing at least 5 attacks on the coalition military
convoys, 8 vehicles destroyed by landmines and 2 ambushes. Iraqi special operation 
are mining the roads, setting up ambushes and conduct search and reconnaissance
operations. The coalition forces have been ordered to halt the movement of convoys 
dark hours and to provide each convoy with combat escort units and air cover.

The situation around the borderline town of Umm Qasr (population 1,500) still remains
unclear. Radio intercepts and satellite images show that the town was under 

[CTRL] Thousands of Russians volunteer to defend Iraq

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


Thousands of Russians volunteer to defend Iraq

Around ten thousand Russian citizens have applied for entry visas into Iraq to defend
this country against the planned aggression by the warmongering USA and UK, according 
the Iraqi Embassy in Moscow.

Iraqi Ambassador to Moscow, Abbas Khalaf, declared last week that the Embassy had
received around 3,500 requests, a number which has multiplied in the last few days,
according to sources in the same Embassy.

The requests come from young males, some with combat experience, who describe 
as “volunteers” who are willing to defend Iraq against the illegal armed aggression of
the USA and the United Kingdom, two countries which continue to follow a belligerent
stance on crisis management, wholly outside the generally accepted concepts of a New
World Order based upon multilateralist approaches to problem solving, based upon the
United Nations Organisation, a position championed by president Putin’s Russian

For those who present an adequate reason for travelling to Iraq, the Embassy provides a
visa and transportation, free of charge.

Timofei BYELO

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] GOOD NEWS - FW: It is unravelling!

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   World-Action [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Tue, 25 Mar 2003 03:28:16 -
Subject:[cia-drugs] GOOD NEWS - FW: It is unravelling!
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: George Paxinos  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 March 2003 01:09
To: family
Subject: It is unravelling!

Here, in CH, heard from Ex and someone else
that it is all over TV and the media now, the entire
Bush family business interests in this war,
everything behind-the-scenes is coming out
and being openly discussed in Swiss, Austrian
and German media now.

People seem to be waking up!

--- End of forwarded message ---

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Saddam's son beats 12-year-olds who say no to sex: defectors

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Wow, that is a great reason to invade a country, an even better reason than for the 
Of course, this is probably just more disinformation which the US is full of lately. I
think I am living in the Soviet Union. No, it's just the United Snakes.


On 25 Mar 2003 at 15:17, David Sutherland wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Saddam's son beats 12-year-olds who say no to sex: defectors

 March 22 2003, 8:20 AM

 Saddam Hussein's eldest son mercilessly beats girls as young as 12 on the
 soles of their feet if they refuse to sleep with him, Iraqi defectors said

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Iraq Has A Legal Right to Kill Bush

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

And other government officials associated with the coalition military force. Think 
it. We are at war. Bush tried to kill Saddam Hussein. Bush is a valid target. I am not
advocating this, but I will not shed any tears if the Iraqis are successful. Don't 
they are not trying.


News alternatives to US corporate propaganda outlets like CNN and


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

(If Bush Sr. was on Halcyon; Bush Jr. is on crack. --SW)

Our Man in Nirvana

The New York Times

Wednesday, January 22, 1992

by Benjamin J. Stein

Bush takes a strong sedative. Too strong.

(Malibu, Calif.) In the first weeks of August 1974, when I was a speechwriter for
President Richard Nixon, I walked into the office of the White House physician, next 
to the White House. As I asked for some allergy medicine, I noticed a surgical-steel 
laden with filled syringes, their needles dripping. Next to them was a vial of a potent
chlorpromazine tranquilizer.

I knew the corpsman who was loading the tray and I asked him what it was all about. He
said is was for someone over there, jerking his thumb toward the White House. He 
not tell me who was getting shots of tranquilizers in those final days of the
Administration. He said only that it was someone who needs to have his head clear, and

This all comes to mind with the news that President Bush has been taking powerful
benzodiazepine sedation in the form of the prescription drug Halcion when he travels. 
was also revealed over a year ago that the Secretary of State, James A. Baker, had 
Halcion when he went to conferences overseas.

These are scary tidings. Halcion is the most terrifying drug I have ever used, and its
effects are incalculably more frightening when they are at work on the President. I 
been taking prescription tranquilizers since 1966. I have used almost every kind
imaginable: phenothiazines, chlorpromazines and others I cannot recall. But Halcion, a
chemical first-cousin to the tranquilizer Xanax, is in a class by itself for mind-
altering side effects. It is not a classic sedative, which basically just slow things
down. No, benzodiazepines are described by Halcion's maker, the Upjohn Company, as
anxiolytics, meaning they literally cut the anxiety in your brain.

When Halcion hits you, it's as if an angel of the Lord appears in your bedroom and 
you that nothing is important, that everything you were worried about is happening on
Mars and that nirvana, Lethe and the warm arms of mother are all waiting for you. 
who have used heroin tell me Halcion is better than heroin for making bad thoughts 

The flip side is that in my experience, as in the cases of many men and women I talk 
every day in a program that helps people get off drugs, Halcion took up residence in my
head. It does not just do its magic and then disappear. Without it, sleep is almost
impossible. I felt depressed and often suicidal for days after taking it and more or 
permanently depressed if I took it continuously.

It clouds judgment and forecloses careful analysis. It makes the user alternately
supremely confident and then panicky with an unnameable dread. It causes intense, truly
terrifying forgetfulness, as well as a serene bliss about that forgetfulness.

A friend of mine took a small dose of Halcion - less than what the President is 
to take - and then carried a gun through a metal detector at an airport. He had 
not only that he had a gun with him but also that guns are illegal at airports. Another
friend, a lawyer, repeatedly failed to show up at her own depositions when she had 
Halcion the night before.

Halcion is serious medicine. When the President takes it, it's not just a matter 
a civil servant and his physician. It's questionable whether the physician should even
prescribe it, considering that it is banned in England and is the subject of major
litigation and controversy over its side-effects in the U.S. and around the world.

A President with a chemical between himself and reality is the last thing America 
It's the plot of a suspense novel, not the stewardship that real life and real problems

Wake up, Mr. President, we need you on the job. And if you need the drug to sleep when
you travel, maybe you should just stay home.

- Benjamin J. Stein is a lawyer, writer and actor. -

News alternatives to US corporate propaganda outlets like CNN and


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Impeach Bush Now is your chance

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

(Compared to Clinton, Bush should be hanged for treason, not impeached. (Note I said
compared to. I am not advocating killing Bush. --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Khoji T. Lang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[Elfradbitchlist] Fw: Impeach Bush Now is your chance
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 24 Mar 2003 23:17:47 -0800

Subject: Impeach Bush Now is your chance.

 Subject: Congressman John Conyers is asking you if you want Bush

 Spread this far and wide, House Representative Congressman John
 Conyers on the Judicial Committee is asking you to, through his
 legislative assistant Alexia, fax or email  if you want Bush

 The phones are currently ringing off the hook, so please send a
 brief message stating whether you are for or against impeachment via
 email or
 fax: e mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OR Fax: (313) 226-2085
 They are NOT introducing articles of impeachment now. They are only
 TALLYING. e mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OR Fax: (313) 226-2085


 Subject: Lies of this war: Congressman Waxman challenges the President

 A month later, in your State of the Union address, you stated:  The
 British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought
 significant quantities of uranium from Africa.  Defense Secretary
 Rumsfeld subsequently cited the evidence in briefing reporters.

 It has now been conceded that this evidence was a forgery.  On March
 7, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
 Mohamed ElBaradei, reported that the evidence that Iraq sought
 nuclear materials from Niger was not authentic.  As subsequent
 media accounts indicated, the evidence contained crude errors,
 such as a childlike signature and the use of stationary from a
 military government in Niger that has been out of power for over a

 Even more troubling, however, the CIA, which has been aware of this
 information since 2001, has never regarded the evidence as
 reliable.  The implications of this fact are profound:  it means
 that a key part of the case you have been building against Iraq is
 evidence that your own intelligence experts at the Central
 Intelligence Agency do not believe is credible.

 It is hard to imagine how this situation could have developed.  The
 two most obvious explanations - knowing deception or unfathomable
 incompetence - both have immediate and serious implications.  It is
 thus imperative that you address this matter without delay and
 provide an alternative explanation, if there is one.


--- End of forwarded message ---

News alternatives to US corporate propaganda outlets like CNN and


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam

2003-03-24 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

klewis wrote:

 Anyone with half a brain must see that Saddam has to be taken out. It is
 extraordinarily ironic that the anti-war protesters are marching to
 defend a government which stops its people exercising that freedom.

Deep down everyone agrees that Saddam is a tyrant, and Iraqis would be better
off if he were taken out. Its a matter of legitimacy. If it was proved beyond
a reasonable doubt that Saddam had stashes of WMD, that he was supplying
terrorists with WMD, etc., then perhaps, within the pretext of the war on
terror, this invasion would be legit.

It's not about whether Bush has the power to topple Saddam, it's whether he
has the legitimate right to. If Saddam is going to be taken out, he needs to be
taken out within the established bounds of law and justice, not on the whim
of the US prez. It's an absurdity for Bush to claim he going to enforce
international law and treaties, and take out Saddam; while at the same time
he violates numerous international laws and treaties in order to take him out.
This is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is, in short, the
assumption of a right to banish the principle of justice itself, from off the
earth, and set up Bush's own personal will, pleasure, and interest in its

War is the greatest of all crimes - the prime evil. It is only justified in
self-defense. This pre-emptive war is not in self defense. It is evil no matter
how noble the professed intentions may be. That's something worth protesting
over (being a human shield for Saddam is taking it a bit too far though).

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dennis Kucinich Deserves our Support

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Democrats.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Dennis Kucinich Deserves our Support
Date sent:  TUE, 25 MAR 2003 02:19:09 -0400
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

March 24, 2003

Dear Friend of Democrats.com,

Since last summer, we have all done everything we possibly could to stop Bush from
invading Iraq.

We have documented the truth, discredited the lies, and exposed Bush's hidden agenda: 
conquer Iraq in order to control its oil and create a 21st Century American Empire, as
dreamt up by the right-wingers in the Project for a New American Century who now run 
Bush Administration.

We have worked with our progressive allies to organize an unprecedented grassroots
movement opposed to War. By the millions, we have petitioned, e-mailed and called our
Representatives and the media. And we have gone out into the streets in massive marches
all around the world.

Our efforts have produced some stunning successes. Despite overwhelming diplomatic and
economic pressure from Bush and Blair, the people of the world persuaded the United
Nations to Say No to War.

But on Wednesday March 19, George W. Bush launched an invasion of Iraq. He did so in
defiance of the United Nations, world opinion, and international law.

And two days later, after Iraqi troops responded with conventional arms only, George W.
Bush unleashed his dreaded Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad, a city of 5 million
people, half of whom are children under 15.

We believe Bush's actions are war crimes, and we believe Bush should be indicted,
prosecuted, and punished. We encourage you to sign our petition here:

Of course, we recognize the difficulty of achieving this goal, as well as the goal of
impeachment, which we also support here: http://democrats.com/impeach

So we are turning our attention to defeating Bush in the 2004 election - that is, if 
election is not cancelled by Bush, his Republican Congress, and his Republican Supreme

There are nine credible Democrats running for President. Five of them oppose Bush's 
War -
Howard Dean, Bob Graham, Dennis Kucinich, Carol Moseley Braun, and Al Sharpton. Of the
five, the strongest opponent of Bush's War has been Dennis Kucinich.

Dennis Kucinich has been working for peace his whole life, and has even defied 
and cynics by introducing legislation to create a Department of Peace. As chair of the
House Progressive Caucus, he has led the fight on issues we all care about - including
health care, a living wage, and globalization, to name just a few.

When Bush declared War on Wednesday, there was tremendous pressure on Democrats to
declare their support for War. But Dennis Kucinich stood firmly for peace. Here is what
he said:

I support the brave young men and women who are following orders that have placed them
in harm's way. I hope and pray for their safe return. My thoughts and prayers are with
them, their families and loved ones in this difficult time. While I will always support
the troops, I cannot support this mission. Last night, the President ordered an
unprovoked aggressive attack against Iraq in violation of American traditions of
defensive war. This war is wrong. As a nation we must come together to support the 
but, continue to challenge the policy that has put them at grave risk.

Kucinich did not just make a personal statement. As the leader of the opposition to War
in the House of Representatives, he also attempted to bring a non-controversial
resolution to the House floor, H. Con. Res. 105, to support the brave men and women who
are serving in our Armed Service. But that resolution was rejected by Republicans,
because they wanted a resolution hailing their newly-crowned Caesar, George W. Bush.

On Friday, Bush launched his Shock and Awe attack on Iraq. Once again, Republicans
pressured Democrats to stand and salute. But once again, Kucinich stood firm:

Today is a sad day, the United States has begun its 'shock and awe' air campaign 
Iraq. By all accounts this attack will rain thousands of bombs down on a heavily
populated area. The 'shock and awe' air campaign is a horrific acceleration of the 
States' unprovoked attack against Iraq. This air campaign is designed to aim the full
might of the United States military apparatus at the center of a civilian population.
Today, my thoughts and prayers are with the coalition service men and women serving in
the region and with the innocent Iraqi civilians. We must end this unjustified war.

Kucinich's opposition has not gone unnoticed. In reporting on Kucinich's powerfully
principled words, the arch-conservative Manchester (NH) Union Leader published an 
false headline declaring Kucinich Ridicules Bush. No doubt this is just a hint of the
full-scale assault on Kucinich that conservatives will unleash. 

Re: [CTRL] Pray for the Defeat of the US

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

(A response from a Bush war supporter, with minor changes to avoid offending some. 

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 24 Mar 2003 20:57:52 -0600
To: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:   Thomas J. Prescott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re.[CTRL] Pray for the Defeat of the US




Tom Prescott

--- End of forwarded message ---

Blessed are the peacemakers.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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