[CTRL] Looters in the White House

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Looters in the White House
by Liberez L'Ours, Unknown News
Oct. 23, 2003

Is it a rat I smell? No. Worse ...

It is the aroma of the Bush Regime preparing to loot the USA as never before
... as never before even imagined!

Here's the deal: "Fannie Mae" (FNM, Federal National Mortgage Association) and
"Freddie Mac" (FRE, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) are
pseudo-government agencies that fund mortgages in a big way. They are actually
private companies but have the implicit backing of the US government and have
parlayed that implicit backing into outstanding debts of $1.5 trillion dollars.

Those debts are leveraged 50:1, by the way, meaning that Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac have 2% collateral supporting their merry business.

This summer, accounting "scandals" rocked Freddie, and neither company is
required by law to make normal corporate disclosures to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) -- even though their stock trades on the New York
Stock Exchange! It gets even worse: they are regulated by the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)! Ho ho.

And ... their business has involved lending huge sums of money at the lowest
interest rates in 40 years, with derivative wagers used to offset the risk of
rising interest rates. But with 50:1 leverage, a tiny error would wipe out
their balance sheets. That is where the fun really begins.

You see, the U.S. dollar has been tanking, big time, thanks to the Bush Regime
treating the U.S. Treasury like its own piggy bank — or rather, behaving like a
military junta in a banana republic.

Right now people aren't freaking out about the U.S. dollar falling because
foreign countries still recycle their export earnings back into U.S. debts,
such as debts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You can tell the worry factor is
small because, though the dollar is falling, interest rates are stable.

If and when the disaster hits, the dollar will fall and the stock markets will
fall but interest rates will rise. And when that day happens, a mere 2% jump in
interest rates that Fannie and Freddie cannot hedge away will mean that they
are technically "broke."

Now, the government won't really want to allow Fannie and Freddie to stop
creating mortgages, but according to the latest news, Congress isn't
particularly interested in restructuring these casino-like corporations either.

>From the Bush Regime's perspective, it will be better to allow Fannie and
Freddie to fail momentarily, and then swoop in and seize the assets — which can
then be salvaged with money from the U.S. Treasury, and re-sold to FOB (Friends
of Bush) for pennies on the dollar.

Nice theory? Crazy? Well, that's basically what happened in the Savings and
Loan "crisis." Pennies on the dollar, baby. Hundreds of billions of dollars in
free profits to connected insiders (anyone who wants to see the correct
details, send an email...). Historians will recall the name of Neil Bush in the
S&L debacle.

Neil Bush served no jail time for that, either. He's still in business, but of
course he'll never be able to run for public office. Why? Because he is a
crook? No, because he got caught. (Heheh.)

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[CTRL] Too many Journalists parrot the establishment's spin on 9/11

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Too many Journalists parrot the establishment's spin on 9/11
by Paul Donovan
(Friday, October 24, 2003)

The willingness of journalists to accepts the establishment's view of events
during and after 9/11 is truly staggering.

One of the major weaknesses of journalism today is how easily some are seduced
by power. The premier role of the journalist should be as a check on power;
however, many seem to turn this dictum on its head and seek greater job
satisfaction as parrots of the official truth.

Nowhere is this tendency more prevalent than amongst Parliamentary lobby
correspondents in Westminster. It has been the supine nature of many of these
individuals that has allowed the likes of Alastair Campbell and his cohorts to
become so powerful in spinning their version of events to the wider world.

There is much rubbish given our about "spin" when what it really amounts to is
putting an emphasis on a story that is favourable to a valued contact and
acceptable to the owner of the media organization concerned. The easiest
spinning comes, of course, when the interests of the source and the owner

The ease with which journalists are seduced by the powerful was nicely
illustrated recently by Simon Hoggart in the Guardian. Hoggart went into some
detail as to why Dr. David Kelly could not have been murdered. Justifying the
depth of his analysis, he stated "I mention this only because the internet
mill, favoured by Michael Meacher in his researches into 9/11, will no doubt
grind out more conspiracy theories." Hoggart continued, confirming his touching
relationship with power, describing Lord Hutton's "soft, educated almost
beguiling Ulster accent." In these few words Hoggart proved himself to be
completely taken in by the establishment figure whilst dismissing anyone, like
Meacher, who might suggest the whole train of events that led to wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan had more than a touch of coincidence to them.

For those who inhabit a world outside of the Parliamentary lobby, the views
expressed by Meacher as to the way the whole 9/11 scenario and what followed so
easily fitted with the Bush administration's agenda is anything but
conspiratorial. In his piece Meacher quoted from sources across the media
including the Times, the Daily Telegraph, Newsweek, the BBC and Time magazine.
His crime for establishment journalists is in putting together the various
pieces of information to come up with a credible rationale for what has
happened over the past two years. The fact that the account seems so incredible
is reflective of how poorly others have done their jobs in terms of informing
the public.

Meacher is not the first to raise questions regarding the sequence of events
post-9/11. John Pilger and Noam Chomsky have consistently exposed the truth and
put the sequence of events of the past two years in context. Another is
American writer (and confidante of the late President John F. Kennedy), Gore
Vidal, who in the Observer last year suggested that George W. Bush will be
impeached for his handling of 9/11 and events thereafter. In his excellent
book, Dreaming War, Vidal continues to ask crucial questions that until
recently have been swept under the carpet. He quotes at some length from
retired U.S. army veteran Stan Goff, who taught military science and doctrine
at West Point.

Goff is astonished that people are not asking questions about the actions of
Bush and company on the day of the attacks. As some will remember, Bush went to
a school on that day to talk to the children. In the U.S. there is a standard
order of procedure that once a plane has deviated from its flight plan, fighter
planes are sent up to find out why.

"The planes are all hijacked between 7:45 and 8:10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
Who is notified? This is an event already that is unprecedented. But the
president is not notified and [is] going to a Florida elementary school to hear
children read," says Goff. "By around 8:15 a.m. it should be very apparent that
something is terribly wrong. The President is glad-handing teachers. By 8:45
when American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Centre, Bush is
settling in with children for his photo ops at Booker Elementary. Four planes
have obviously been hijacked simultaneously, an event never before seen in
history, and one has just dived into the world's best-known twin towers, and
still no-one notifies the nominal Commander in Chief."

At 9:03 a.m. the second plane crashes into the World Trade Centre. Bush is told
but continues with his school visit. Some 25 minutes later Bush tells the
public what they know already; namely, that there has been an attack by
hijacked planes on the World Trade Centre. At this time, an airliner is heading
for Washington DC, but still no fighter planes have been scrambled.

At 9:35 one of the hijacked planes does a 360-degree turn over the Penta

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Conspiracy theories kneading city

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/27/03 1:41:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't think it's healthy to
dwell on the possibility of conspiracy. It tends to make people afraid,
and I don't think that's a good place to be. I'd rather be positive and
move on."


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-Caveat Lector-

Conspiracy theories kneading city



SANTA CRUZ - Santa Cruz Mayor Emily Reilly is warning her constituents in
this liberal beach town not to jump to conspiracy theories about several
unusual events involving her bakery in the days since the city council
decided to challenge President Bush.

It was Reilly who, after a Santa Cruz City Council vote on Sept. 9, sent a
letter to Washington asking the U.S. House Judiciary Committee to consider
impeaching President Bush.

Four days later, a sophisticated burglar pried moulding off a window at
Emily's Good Things to Eat bakery, evaded a motion detector and stole an
old computer hard drive and the hard-drive backup.

Then, on Sept. 17, Emily's Good Things To Eat bakery was visited by an
agent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration who introduced himself,
showed his identification, and looked around. He asked if they used
artificial coloring (heavens no!) or if they transported anything across
the state lines (they've been known to mail cookie-grams).

Reilly is not convinced there is any link between her recent council
stance and the unusual events at her business.

"I think it's a coincidence," she said. "I don't think it's healthy to
dwell on the possibility of conspiracy. It tends to make people afraid,
and I don't think that's a good place to be. I'd rather be positive and
move on."

FDA spokeswoman Veronica Castro said it might take her a few days to find
the specific reasons behind Emily's surprise visit. Speaking in
generalities, FDA officials said such visits are a usual part of their

Still, suspicions were rising like fresh yeast among other bakers in Santa

June Hoffmann, who co-owns the downtown Hoffman's Bakery Cafe, said that
in almost two decades of shaping marzipan and kneading breads, she has
never been visited by the FDA.

Bakers were baffled as well at the House of Bread. "Not one of our 10
House of Breads has ever been visited by the FDA," said Sheila McCann.
"I'd say this sounds a little bit suspect."

The city of Arcata last week followed in Santa Cruz's footsteps,
unanimously adopting a letter urging the Judiciary Committee to
investigate whether the Bush administration violated the constitution by
exaggerating the threat posed by Iraq before the war.

Arcata council member Dave Meserve was in Washington on Thursday, hoping
to hand-deliver Arcata's letter on Capitol Hill while attending a
conference of representatives of the 188 cities and three states that have
publicly opposed the USA Patriot Act.

Meserve said he expected federal scrutiny of the conference attendees, but
had not faced any repercussions personally for his campaign to raise the
impeachment question.

"I was not on the no-fly list today, I can tell you that much," he said
with a laugh. "I think the response of the Santa Cruz mayor is a very
healthy one that I would share unless something very scary happens. I
don't like to jump on conspiracy theories of any kind."

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Workers Fight the Wal-Mart-ization of Big Grocery

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Workers Fight the Wal-Mart-ization of Big Grocery

Matthew Cardinale, AlterNet October 24, 2003
Viewed on October 27, 2003


After working for the Albertson's supermarket in Irvine, California for
16 and a half years, Susan, 52, has been shut out of her workplace after
she and other workers demanded to keep their health care benefits and
wages even though their contract was over.

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), represents 70,000 workers for
the "Big Three" grocery companies in Southern California -- Albertson's,
Ralph's and Von's. Irvine workers belong to Local 324.

The strike began when workers at Albertson's, Vons/Pavillion, and Ralphs
Grocery were shut out of their stores on October 11. Before they left,
they were responsible for training the temp workers how to run the store
-- people whom the companies brought in literally off the streets to
keep the stores open during the times of the strike.

"We had to train them," said one assistant manager on strike, "and if we
didn't, we were being insubordinate. But I tell you, it's heartbreaking
to see somebody else doing your job and you know they're not as

Deciding to strike was a difficult decision. Workers risk their jobs,
their unions, and their future. They do not receive wages while they are
on strike, although the union does pay them about minimum wage to

The corporations claim they need to "stay competitive" in order to
compete with the Wal-Mart stores encroaching on their territory and
undercutting prices -- yet Vons, Ralph's and Albertsons' combined
profits are 91 percent higher than they were four years ago. Further, on
average, only about 25 percent of these supermarkets need to compete
with a Wal-Mart in a given area. In terms of profitability, each of the
Big Three surpassed Wal-Mart in the Fortune 500. Meanwhile, 15 corporate
executives earned $70 million last year amongst themselves.

The union has launched a website: www.saveourhealthcare.org that shows
how well the Big Three are doing economically.

"I'm just a few years away from retirement and they want to take my
pension away from me," Susan says. "And I've been working all this time.
I feel like I've been betrayed by my company. To me, a promise is a
promise. I gave up my weekends with my family to work at Albertson's.
The truth is that we played by the rules -- the company didn't."

Albertson's and the other companies are attempting to create a two-tier
system, in which the current workers would receive some of their current
benefits, while new workers would receive no benefits and lower wages.
As the present workers retire over the coming 20 years, the companies
would undergo a complete "Wal-mart-ization."

"I look at our country," Susan continues, "And I look at how it's going.
We're going to have only the very rich and the very poor. We're not
going to have any middle class. Some companies give the same bonus,
which is a share of the profits, to everybody, from the managers to the
janitors, because it takes everybody to make a company."

Instead, Albertson's, Vons and Ralph's are glorifying the negative
example set by Wal-Mart and treating their workers as if they were
merely a commodity, merely a cost to be cut.

Todd said, "We're told Wal-Mart sends their employees to get food stamps
because they don't pay them enough to afford food. And this is what
Albertson aspires to become?"

There are apparently more Wal-Mart-ization schemes on the horizon.
According to one worker, the Big Three have unveiled plans to phase in
non-union stores, phase out butchers and food clerks, and increase the
responsibilities of bag boys who are paid $6.75 an hour to start.

"How would you feel? Wouldn't you be pissed?" asks a striking worker
named Connie. "What about the people wh

[CTRL] Catholic body reveals 150 sexual abuse claims in England and Wales

2003-10-27 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news article

Catholic body reveals 150 sexual abuse claims in England and Wales Catherine Lyst  "The Catholic Church is investigating scores of new cases of alleged sexual abuse in England and Wales, according to a report to be published today.  The first report of the Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (COPCA) spells out at least 150 cases, ranging from allegations of inappropriate behaviour to cases considered serious enough to be reported to the authorities." http://www.news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=1184442003
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: New scandal spotlights terror flight school's hidden ties

2003-10-27 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

 New scandal spotlights 
terror flight school's hidden ties http://www.madcowprod.com/In the absence of the 
government “white paper” promised by Secretary of State Colin Powell in the wake 
of the 9/11 attack, it was left to British Prime Minister Tony Blair to release 
a “summary of evidence” making the case against Osama Bin Laden. Blair 
said: “Al Qaeda is a terrorist organization with ties to a global network." 
VENICE, FL—May 27 [Photo]Jeb Bush with Hillard-Williams 
Crime Familyhttp://www.madcowprod.com/the 
'family' that preys together-1.gifby Daniel HopsickerA 
controversy over the sudden closing of a flight school in Orlando in early March 
reveals a hidden connection between the bankruptcy in Orlando and the secretive 
organization which ran Huffman Aviation in Venice, the unacknowledged home base 
of Mohamed Atta and his Hamburg cadre during almost their entire time in the 
U.S. The investigation into the disappearance of millions of dollars 
which students had been forced to pre-pay in tuition has led to 70-year old 
Wallace J. Hilliard of Naples, FL, the shadowy financier whose purchase of 
Huffman in partnership with Dutch national Rudi Dekkers, currently awaiting 
trial on felony fraud, set in motion a chain of events culminating in two former 
students piloting Boeing 767's into the World Trade Center Towers. When 
21-year-old Tiffany Traynor moved from Michigan to Central Florida last year to 
pursue her childhood dream of becoming an airline pilot at the Airline Training 
Academy (ATA) in Orlando, the last thing she expected was to lose $75,000 and 
have her career placed on hold when the school closed without warning and its 
owners dropped out of sight. But that’s what happened to her, and 300 
other fledgling pilots whose career dreams were dashed by the loss of millions 
they had pre-paid the school in tuition for training they will never receive. 
In the blink of an eye, bright futures turned bleak, as 20-yr-old 
students were suddenly left with $100,000 student loans to pay off and nothing 
to show for it. Individual losses were so large because the Airline 
Training Academy, owned and run by the family of retired Delta pilot Jim 
Williams, followed the unusual practice of forcing students to pre-pay, in full, 
for training. It appears in hindsight that the Williams family was 
thinking ahead. "No big deal. It only filled two suitcases." But 
while the sudden closing of ATA in Orlando is a heavy blow to hopeful future 
airline pilots, it has proven useful in illuminating the murky world of aviation 
from which the 9/11 tragedy sprung. “Mystery financier” Wally Hilliard 
is the common thread between the flight school ‘bust-out’ in Orlando and the 
story of the terrorists flight training. How and why Hilliard, a retired 
insurance executive from Green Bay, Wisconsin, has come to play a pivotal role 
in aviation in Florida is just one of the many critical questions about 9/11 
which remain unexplained. Besides playing host to Mohamed Atta, 
Hilliard’s most notable recent aviation involvement was as owner of a Learjet 
surrounded by machinegun-toting DEA agents on the runway of Orlando Executive 
Airport in July of 2000--the same month Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi began training 
at his flight school--and discovered to be carrying 43 pounds of heroin aboard. 
Officials later described the haul as the largest seizure of heroin in Central 
Florida history. But none of the frantic would-be airline pilots seeking 
to discover what had happened to their money when the doors clanged shut at the 
Airline Training Academy had yet heard of Wally Hilliard. But that was 
about to change. The student's nightmare began when they showed up for 
classes on a typical Friday morning, only to learn that the school’s doors had 
closed. They went looking for the school’s owners and managers—all 
members of the Williams family—for answers. "Mum's the word in Orlando." 
But there wasn't anybody from the school's management to ask. What the 
students found, instead, were grim-faced security guards, who told them to leave 
and ushered them away from the school by mid-morning. For the students the 
frustration was only beginning... The company's phones went unanswered. 
Executives could not be reached. The corporation's Orlando lawyer did not 
respond to phone calls at his office or at home. Amid rumors that some had 
skipped town, the school’s management had  dropped from sight. 
Students questioned why the school had continued taking large sums of 
money for tuition even as it was about to shut down. “They closed on a 
Thursday night,” student Ted Ballard told the Orlando Sentinel. “On that 
Thursday, they took tuition money as late as 11 a.m., had it deposited in the 
bank by 2 p.m. and closed the school at 5 p.m.” The owners weren’t 
talking. The Williams family made no statements. When the school shut down, 
"they basically just disappeared,” said student Ballard. And this is 
where Wall

[CTRL] Fwd: From crop circles to politics

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Conspiracy theories

>From crop circles to politics, we tell you everything you need to know
about what some say really happened

Sarah Left
Tuesday October 21, 2003
The Guardian

1. There are those who firmly believe that someone other than a drunk
driver killed Diana, Princess of Wales, and her lover, Dodi al Fayed, in Paris
in 1997. And this week's revelation that she feared an arranged car crash
would clear the way for Prince Charles to remarry has raised all the best
conspiracy theories once more.

2. Who doesn't enjoy a good conspiracy theory? Crop circles have proved
to be a fascinating area for debate for years: are they the work of aliens?
Natural energy? Mad landscape architects?

3. The epicentre of the alien conspiracies crash-landed into Roswell, New
Mexico in 1947. Some say that the US military recovered and concealed an
alien craft and its occupants at Roswell air force base. The US military
claims that the only strange bodies recovered were those of
anthropomorphic test dummies carried in high altitude balloons for
scientific research.

4. Is there anyone left who believes that a lone gunman shot John F
Kennedy? Or his brother, Robert? Or Martin Luther King, Jr?

5. Though JFK theories would at least seem to be based on evidence and
witness accounts, some conspiracy theorists need no such facts.
Footballer turned lizard conspirator David Icke has written ten books and
toured the world on the back of his theory - that the world is controlled
by shape-shifting reptiles.

6. US politics is rife with conspiracies, not that the 2000 "election" helped
matters. The latest involves electronic voting machines, and the possibility
that the companies who make them could warp the outcomes of elections.

7. Islamist hijackers financed by a Saudi terrorist network hellbent on the
destruction of western civilisation seemed, to many, too straightforward a
scenario for the September 11 terror attacks in New York, Washington and
Pennsylvania. Step forward Michael Meacher, the former environment
secretary, who is convinced that the US knew in advance about the
impending attacks, but chose not to act on the warnings.

8. The Catholic church has been the target of numerous paranoid theories
throughout the ages, but the Vatican gives as good as it gets. Its latest
idea, that condoms spread Aids through microscopic holes in the latex, has
been widely condemned by scientists. But the atheist heathens at the
World Health Organisation would say that, wouldn't they?

9. A recent study found that 60% of the US population believed one of the
following: that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, that
Saddam Hussein worked closely with the September 11 hijackers, and that
most people in the world supported the war in Iraq. All are false. However,
80% of people who cited their primary news source as Fox believed at least
one of the statements.

10. We have uncovered one, incontrovertibly true, conspiracy involving
MI6, the Libyans and the royal family. It seems that the Queen [this section
has been redacted by the Guardian's legal team]. You read it here first.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by 

[CTRL] Operation Two Towers

2003-10-27 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

'Operation Two Towers' is a summary of the 9-11 info that has run into so
much trouble getting attention.  While initially, it seems a rather short
piece, if one follows all the links regarding the research that these
theories rest upon, one will find one with months worth of reading to catch
up and I strongly suggest everyone catch up.


Operation Two Towers

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-10-27 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

October 27, 2003
In 1967, they sunk the U.S.S. Liberty â and LBJ engineered a cover-up

Retired Captain Ward Boston, a former U.S. Navy attorney who was senior legal counsel to the military investigation of the sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty by the Israelis, in 1967, has finally revealed the truth in a signed affidavit:

"For more than 30 years, I have remained silent on the topic of the USS Liberty. I am a military man and when orders come in from the Secretary of Defense and President of the United States, I follow themâ.

"The evidence was clear. Both [the late] Admiral [Isaac C.] Kidd, [Jr.] and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their superiors who had ordered the attack, were aware that the ship was Americanâ.

"I am outraged at the efforts of the apologists for Israel in this country to claim that this attack was a case of 'mistaken identity.' â I know from personal conversations I had with Admiral Kidd that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary."

At a news conference, put on in the Rayburn House Office Building with the help of Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan), retired Admiral Thomas Moorer, a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thundered from his wheelchair:

"Why in the world would our government put Israel's interest ahead of our own?"

A good question, one that baffles patriots â and is especially relevant today.

When Israeli war planes descended on the Liberty, which was parked in international waters in the Mediterranean, the crew was caught completely unawares: sailors were up on deck sunning themselves. It was a cowardly and vicious attack in which 34 U.S. sailors were killed, and 171 wounded. When the Israelis, after torpedoing the ship, came back in a second assault, they strafed the lifeboats as the crew tried to clamber aboard â a war crime. Those rafts are now on display in an Israeli museum, according to one account, and, as the [UK] Guardian points out:

"No one was ever court-martialed, reduced in rank or even reprimanded. Israel chose instead to honor motor torpedo boat 203, which fired the deadly torpedo at the Liberty. The ship's wheel and bell were placed on prominent display at the naval museum, among the maritime artifacts of which the Israeli navy was most proud."

Ah yes, our friends, the Israelis. It takes a special kind of arrogance to memorialize such a wanton, brazen murder â especially when U.S. taxpayers paid for that memorial, as they pay for practically everything else in Israel, from helicopter gunships and tanks to special subsidies for religious schools and right-wing politicians. 

Apologists for Israel defend the attack, saying it was a "mistake," and, alternately (and often simultaneously) pointing out that the Liberty was spying on Israel in wartime, and so deserved its fate. But now, thirty-five years later, the truth has been uncovered at last. The question raised by Admiral Moorer is surely relevant, but beyond that, another issue arises: what else are they covering up?

The official verdict was hardly challenged at the time â except by the survivors and the families
of the dead â an attitude that reflected the generally pro-Israel bias of the American media, but there was one prominent exception: National Review. The flagship journal of the American conservative movement ran an article that gave "the inside story" on the incident. Author James Jackson Kilpatrick reported what many of the survivors were saying at the time: that the attack was deliberate.

Now that NR has been vindicated, do you think they'll have a piece triumphantly pointing out that Jackson's reporting was right? Sadly, I rather doubt it. The NR of yesteryear was a patriotic nationalist magazine that put America first: the NR of today is Ariel Sharon's bitch. No, we won't be seeing so much as a note about this in the thoroughly neocon-ized National Review any time soon. 


Speaking of cover-ups, has anybody noticed that the story about the anti-terrorist sting operation involving the sale of surface-to-air missiles seems to have disappeared into the ether? It was an odd item, involving a reputed arms dealer, Hemant Lakhani, a native of India, and one Yehuda Abraham, of Rego Park, New York, an Orthodox Jewish gem merchant. Mr. Abraham was charged with coordinating the financial transactions involved. He denies knowing what was being sold and to whom. Lakhani and a Malaysian accomplice were detained without bond, while the 75-year-old Abraham was released on a $10 million bond. The story then dropped out of sight, exc

[CTRL] Spare parts for the brain?

2003-10-27 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:45:20 -0700
 Subject: Spare parts for the brain?

To create an interface between silicon-based hardware on the one hand, and
brain cells (“wet ware”) on the other, the two entities need to speak the
same language. Researchers have made great advances in understanding how
the cochlear of the ear and the retina of the eye function at a neural
level, and these advances have led to developments such as the cochlear
implant (a device that can restore a semblance of hearing to the severely
deaf). What people understand much less well is how the central nervous
system communicates. However, this area is slowly starting to give up its

Spare Parts for the Brain?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Are Jews Rulers or Ruled?

2003-10-27 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

You ought to lay off those poppers of Amyl Nitrate...they're making you a little wacked. Just looking out for ya...


In a message dated 10/26/2003 8:58:34 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm sure Billy Shannon and his esoteric alien-in-communiqué girlfriend Acharya S, will enjoy the same freedom of speech when these pious god-isers, in the vein of Makow, achieve more political leverage than they currently have. Under Makow's holy god, in times past, Billy's esoteric girlfriend would have most likely been burnt or strangled as a witch. 
But then, when the slightest scent of Judeaophobia is afoot, it seems Billy will jump into bed with anything.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Al-Qaida planned U.S. forest fires

2003-10-27 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Monday, October 27, 2003

  BULLETINAl-Qaida planned U.S. forest fires 
  FBI memo described plot to set blazes in the 
  Posted: October 27, 20031:00 a.m. EasternEditor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is a weekly 
  online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of 
  WorldNetDaily.com – a journalist who has been developing sources around 
  the world for the last 25 years. 
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com 
  As arson wildfires consumed nearly 200,000 acres in Southern 
  California, destroying 850 homes and killing at least 13, the inevitable 
  question arises: Who started the fires? 
  While firefighters focus on containing the blazes rather than the 
  detective work necessary to prosecute arsonists, many are wondering about 
  a possible connection with terrorism. 
  In August, Australian authorities launched an investigation into 
  reports al-Qaida planned to spark bushfires in a new wave of devastating 
  terror attacks. 
  A June 25 FBI memo to United States law enforcement agencies revealed a 
  senior al-Qaida detainee claimed to have developed a plan to start 
  midsummer forest fires in the U.S. 
  The terrorist hoped to mimic the destruction that devastated Canberra 
  last summer, killing four people and destroying more than 500 homes, as 
  well as in other parts of Australia. 
  The memo, obtained by the Arizona Republic newspaper, said an 
  unidentified detainee revealed he hoped to create several large, 
  catastrophic wildfires at once. 
  "The detainee believed that significant damage to the U.S. economy 
  would result and once it was realized that the fires were terrorist acts, 
  U.S. citizens would put pressure on the U.S. government to change its 
  policies," the memo said. 
  The detainee told investigators his plan called for three or four 
  operatives to travel to the U.S. and set timed explosive devices in 
  forests and grasslands. 
  "Australian security authorities are aware of reports that al-Qaida has 
  considered starting bushfires in the U.S. as a form of terrorist attack," 
  said a spokeswoman Australian Attorney General Daryl Williams. "Arson 
  attacks are just one of a wide range of scenarios which have been 
  considered as part of our investigations into al-Qaida's ability to 
  conduct attacks in Australia." 
  In fact, Arab terrorists in Israel have started dozens of major forest 
  fires over the years. And al-Qaida has been known to learn from and take 
  inspiration from the activities of Palestinian Arab terrorists – who, for 
  instance, first pioneered airline hijackings. 
  As far back as 1988, Israeli police caught more than a dozen 
  Palestinian adults in the act of setting fires, while other Arabs 
  confessed to arson after arrest. Some fires followed specific calls by 
  underground Arab terrorists. A leaflet issued by the Palestinian 
  uprising's underground leadership called for ''the destruction and burning 
  of the enemy's properties, industry and agriculture.'' 
  Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said at the time: ''The need to set 
  fires, which also leads to murders, is in my eyes worse than 
  Israeli nature reserve authorities said 408 fires in May and June of 
  1988 destroyed 400,000 acres of land, nearly seven times the acreage 
  burned from 1974 to 1986. 
  Last year, Gilad "Gidi" Mastai, chief ranger in the Galilee region of 
  Israel, told the Jerusalem Post: "It's extremely hard to find arsonists, 
  just like it's hard to close off the Green Line to terrorists. The forests 
  here are on the front line." 
  But, he said, the vast majority of deliberate fires are started by 
  Arabs with political motives. 
  Forest rangers often need the help of the Israel Defense Forces to 
  battle the terror blazes. 
  Arson cases account for one-third of Israeli forest fires. "Political" 
  arsonists cause the most with negligent hikers a close second. 
  Subscribe to Joseph Farah's G2 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with

[CTRL] Jeff Rense Program - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-


I will be on the Jeff Rense Program, October 27, 2003 at 7.00 pm Pacific Time and will be discussing the new book:

Fleshing Out Skull & Bones

You may listen on radio or on the Internet.

Jeff Rense Program

Please listen and call in if you wish.


Kris Millegan

Fleshing Out Skull & Bones


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[CTRL] A Holocaust in the Making (Paul Craig Roberts)

2003-10-27 Thread Sean McBride
Title: A Holocaust in the Making , by Paul Craig Roberts
-Caveat Lector-

  Such weapons caches will exist wherever 
  neoconservatives declare them to be. For the neocons, the advantage of a 
  nuclear over a conventional attack is that the former solves the manpower 
  problem and, by obliterating the target, conveniently rules out discovering 
  the embarrassing fact of nonexistent WMD. 
  Obviously, nuclear weapons of any size are too 
  destructive to use against terrorists, who are scattered among much larger 
  populations. The only purpose of the "small nuclear weapons" – an oxymoron if 
  ever there was one – is to incinerate Muslim cities. Just as Iraq, Iran and 
  Syria are declared, propagandistically, to be "terrorist states," Damascus, 
  Tehran, Baghdad, Mecca, Cairo, and Mogadishu will be declared "terrorist 
  cities." It looks as if the neocons intend a final solution to their "Muslim 
  problem" and are organizing genocide for Arabs. 



  A Holocaust in the Makingby 
  Paul Craig RobertsOctober 27, 2003 




  stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass 
  destruction." Vice President Dick Cheney, 8-26-02. 
  those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devises or banned 
  weapons, they're wrong, we found them." President George Bush, 5-30-03. 
  When it became obvious that the neoconservatives would succeed in 
  turning the "war against terrorism" into war against the Muslim Middle 
  East, I said that the consequences would be the return of the draft or US 
  use of nuclear weapons. 
  administration neoconservatives have concluded that reinstating the 
  military draft would incite more opposition than inaugurating a new 
  weapons program to produce "useable nukes." 
  In the 
  October 26 Telegraph (UK), Washington correspondent Julian Coman reports 
  that "influential advisers at the Pentagon are backing the development of 
  a new generation of low-yield nuclear weapons – so-called mini-nukes – in 
  a controversial report . . . the report argues for a move away from the 
  Cold War view of nuclear arms as catastrophic weapons of last resort." 
  In place of 
  bad old nuclear weapons, the good new nukes will be easier to use and more 
  "relevant to the threat environment." 
  extraordinary proposal from the world's Arms Control Hegemon demonstrates 
  the fanaticism of the neoconservatives. They are indeed the heirs of the 
  French Revolution just as Professor Claes Ryn shows in his new book, 
  America the Virtuous. 
  The Pentagon 
  report, which has been leaked to a defense magazine, designates 
  "terrorists" as the targets of the mini-nukes. New nuclear weapons are 
  said to be necessary in order to destroy deeply buried biological weapons 
  caches, terrorist cells and hidden weapons of mass destruction. 

  Such weapons 
  caches will exist wherever neoconservatives declare them to be. For the 
  neocons, the advantage of a nuclear over a conventional attack is that the 
  former solves the manpower problem and, by obliterating the target, 
  conveniently rules out discovering the embarrassing fact of nonexistent 
  nuclear weapons of any size are too destructive to use against terrorists, 
  who are scattered among much larger populations. The only purpose of the 
  "small nuclear weapons" – an oxymoron if ever there was one – is to 
  incinerate Muslim cities. Just as Iraq, Iran and Syria are declared, 
  propagandistically, to be "terrorist states," Damascus, Tehran, Baghdad, 
  Mecca, Cairo, and Mogadishu will be declared "terrorist cities." It looks 
  as if the neocons intend a final solution to their "Muslim problem" and 
  are organizing genocide for Arabs. 
  buried caches of weapons of mass destruction exist nowhere except, of 
  course, in the US, Israel and Russia – countries that are not to be found 
  on the neocons' terrorist list. But neocons are betting that a rumored 
  threat can be used to justify a new generation of nuclear weapons. 
  about nonexistent weapons caches is fuel for the neoconservative jihad 
  against Islam, just like fabricated claims of Iraqi WMD were used as a 
  pretext for invading Iraq. It is not American "virtue" but nuclear fallout 
  that neocons intend to spread in the Middle East. 
  During three 
  short years of the Bush administration, neoconservatives have turned US 
  foreign policy on its head. Neocons dismantled US multilateral 
  relationships that were a half century in the making. Neocons used lies 

[CTRL] Fw: US Missiles Targeted Against Iran By Israel (Gordon Thomas)

2003-10-27 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 9:48 AM

missiles armed with nuclear warheads are now aimed by Israeli’s fleet of 
Dolphin-class submarines against Iran’s nuclear facilities.Following 
September’s exclusive report in American Free Press about Israel’s submarine 
nuclear attack capability, over 100 Harpoon cruise missiles have been secretly 
flown to the remote island of Diego Garcia, a joint UK-US base in the Indian 
Ocean.The three Israeli submarines which arrived at the base early this 
month were each loaded with 24 Harpoon missiles.They then set sail for the 
Gulf of Oman – bringing Iran’s nuclear facilities all within range of their 
submarines’ multi-payloads.The decision to launch them is entirely in the 
hands of Israel’s prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Just as he gave Washington only 
a short warning he was going to attack an alleged terrorist camp deep inside 
Syria, Sharon has made it clear to Washington that the same rule of engagement 
will apply if it comes to launching the Harpoon missiles.Sharon made his 
position clear in a telephone call to President Bush the day after the attack on 
Syria.According to one Israeli source, Bush said he “just wanted to be kept 
informed”.Credible intelligence sources say the reality is that Sharon 
believes he would have the support of Bush if he did launch an attack.But an 
indication of the deepening concern that some members of the Bush Administration 
now feel, is that national security advisor Condoleezza Rice last weekend 
allowed one of her senior aides to confirm our September report to the Los 
Angeles Times and London’s Guardian newspaper.Both drew heavily on the 
original American Free Press story. The senior Pentagon and State department 
sources for our first story, about Israel’s Dolphin class submarines, have told 
us exclusively that, in the words of one high-level Pentagon source, “matters 
have now advanced considerably and for the first time Rice is sounding alarm 
bells in the Oval Office”.Rice’s decision to leak is also the first clear 
indication of her concerns over Israel – as well as her own direct challenge to 
the authority of Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld.She is now engaged in 
an internal power struggle with Rumsfeld – and has chosen to use what she sees 
as his failure in the Middle East to harness Sharon’s behaviour as her launch 
pad to have the Secretary of State ousted.“Rice has a long-term strategy to 
become Secretary of State. While Rumsfeld is no supporter of Powell, he knows 
that having Rice in charge of State would give her more power than she even has 
now. And there is also the ultimate ambition for Condi, to be Bush’s running 
mate, if not in this election, then in the one afterwards. Her own inner circle 
say that she would relish a face-off with Hillary Clinton in 2008. If Condi 
became vice-President, then she is but a step away from becoming the first Black 
woman in the White House. That is what is driving her,” said a senior Washington 
analyst.Meantime, Rice’s concerns have deepened following Sharon’s stark 
warning last Sunday that “states harbouring terrorists are legitimate 
targets”.Aides in Tel Aviv have confirmed to American Free Press that “Iran 
and Syria are top of that list – with Iran in the top spot”.The revelation 
comes at a time of rapidly escalating tensions in the region.Israel’s senior 
Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gideon Meir, insisted “any country that harbours a 
threat to Israel is a legitimate target for us out of self-defence”.Today, 
American Free Press can reveal, again for the first time, that a team of US 
computer specialists flew to Diego Garcia to fit the latest version of the 
software known as “over the horizon”. This would allow a Harpoon missile to hit 
any of Iran’s nuclear establishments with pin-point accuracy.Originally 
developed by Inslaw, the Washington based specialist computer software company, 
the “over the horizon” capability has been enhanced to handle the sophisticated 
electronics of the Harpoon missiles.In the meantime, Sharon has ordered 
Mossad to put together a specialist team to infiltrate Iran. Their mission is to 
snatch some of the scientists working in the country’s nuclear facilities at 
Natanz, Arak and Saghand.ends 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endo

Re: [CTRL] Rummy's Ruminations

2003-10-27 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-
(BIs there any newspaper in any nation in 
(Bthe world except Israel which would select Paul Wolfowitz as man of the 
(BIf not, why not?
(BCould Conrad Black get away with naming 
(BPaul Wolfowitz as man of the year in any Canadian 
(BWere the people of any other nation in the 
(Bworld (as measured by objective polls) more enthusiastic about Paul Wolfowitz's 
(BIraq War than Israelis?
(BIs any other nation besides Israel urging 
(Bthe United States to attack Syria, Iran and other neighbors of Israel as soon as 
(BIs Paul Wolfowitz a Catholic?  Are 
(Bmost of the leading neocons Catholics?  Did the Roman Catholic Church 
(Bsupport the Iraq War?  Does the Roman Catholic Church support the neocon 
(Bcampaign to ignite World War IV?  Is the Pope a Likudnik and Ariel Sharon 
(BMy post was in response to David 
(BSutherland's uninformed personal attack on Justin Raimondo, which focused on 
(BRaimondo's alleged Catholic/Jesuitical agenda.  Sutherland failed to 
(Baddress a single factual point in the Raimondo essay he was replying to, but 
(Binstead crudely tried to smear him as a Catholic 
(BThe background information on Conrad Black 
(Bis highly interesting, of course.  It's no secret that Israel's main 
(Bsupporters these days are Christian fundamentalists.  In fact, Christian 
(Bfundamentalists are almost Israel's only supporters.  The fundies have 
(Bturned off almost all the rest of the world on Israel.
(BUnfortunately, Christian fundamentalist 
(Bsupport for Israel  could go sour at any moment.  Witness the 
(Bcontroversy over Mel Gibson's new film on Jesus Christ, in which the virulent 
(Banti-Semitism undergirding the fundies came to the surface in an 
(BThe Israelis have chosen as their main 
(Bally the group which has the potential to hate them the most -- a sign of real 
(B  - Original Message - 
(B  From: 
(B  Kris Millegan 
(B  Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 12:20 
(B  PM
(B  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Rummy's 
(B  Ruminations
(B  -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 10/26/03 
(B  7:16:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(B  writes:
(B  By the way, Paul Wolfowitz, the chief architect of the Iraq War, 
(Brecently won a man of the year award from the Jerusalem Post -- one of 
(BIsrael's leading newspapers.What's the point, 
(B  McFraud? The Jerusalem Post is just the octopus with a different 
(B  face.http://www.democraticunderground.com/forum_archive_html/DCForumID30/1313.html
(BCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
(Bscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
(Bsordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
(Bdirections and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
(Bmajor and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
(BThat being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
(Balways suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
(Bcredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
(BLet us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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(Bhttp://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
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[CTRL] Fw: [JUGOINFO] Milosevic "trial": A modern play from real life...

2003-10-27 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Coord. Naz. per la 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 10:06 PM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Milosevic "trial": A modern play from real 
CRIME- a modern play from real 
life - CAST OF 
elected head of Serbian and Yugoslav state; leader of Serbian people and its 
resistance against the aggression of the worst tyranny in the history of 
humankind (US/NATO); abducted from his own country, kept in illegal detention 
for more than two years and put on trial by NATO illegal tribunalGENERAL 
SIR RUPERT SMITH – NATO military commander, man who ordered bombing of Bosnian 
Serbs and who took part in the bombing of YugoslaviaJUDGE RICHARD MAY – 
failed politician from a NATO country promoted into a judge; selected and paid 
by NATO to play a role of presiding judge in the show-trialPROSECUTOR 
GEOFFREY NICE – unscrupulous barrister from the same NATO country, selected 
and paid by NATO to fabricate charges against President MilosevicJUDGE 
O-GON KWON – a judge from a country occupied by NATO, selected and paid by NATO 
to play a minor role***The Hague, Thursday, 9 October 2003, the 
"court room"[Open session][The accused entered 
court]Upon commencing at 9.06 a.m.JUDGE RICHARD MAY: Yes, Mr. 
Nice. Yes.PROSECUTOR GEOFFREY NICE: Your Honour, the next witness is 
General Sir Rupert Smith. (…)GENERAL SIR RUPERT SMITH: I solemnly 
declare that I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the 
truth.PROSECUTOR GEOFFREY NICE: Your full name, please.GENERAL 
general of the British army, with a service history from 1964 covering 
experience in many theatres around the world, serving in the Gulf War, and 
involving yourself in the Balkans as early as late 1992 and early 1993 when you 
were in London at a desk position which gave you an overall view of the Balkans. 
Did you take command of the United Nations Protection Force in 
Bosnia-Herzegovina in January 1995, holding that position until December of 
MILOSEVIC: That, unfortunately, was discovered subsequently. But you believe 
that Mladic, at the time when he was negotiating with you, knew that somebody 
had killed those people [in Srebrenica]?GENERAL SIR RUPERT SMITH: 
Yes.PRESIDENT SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: On what grounds, General? Do you 
believe -- you met Mladic. I assume you knew -- came to know him quite well. You 
had a large number of meetings with him, didn't you?GENERAL SIR RUPERT 
SMITH: I met him. I don't believe I know him well.PRESIDENT SLOBODAN 
MILOSEVIC: Do you have any, any knowledge to the effect that General Mladic 
could have ordered such a dishonourable act?GENERAL SIR RUPERT 
SMITH: I have no evidence that he ordered the act, but he was, nevertheless, the 
commander, and I believe he knew what was happening in his 
command.PRESIDENT SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: General Smith, you were 
deputy NATO commander when Yugoslavia was bombed; isn't that 
SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: Do you know that NATO planes bombed refugee columns, that 
they bombed the Chinese Embassy, that they bombed buses and 
trains?JUDGE RICHARD MAY: Just wait a minute. We'll deal with one 
thing at a time. The witness can only give evidence about the time when he was 
in Sarajevo. During that time, General, were, to your knowledge, any refugee 
columns bombed?GENERAL SIR RUPERT SMITH: When I was in Sarajevo, 
no.JUDGE RICHARD MAY: The other -- no. Look, what happened later, 
what happened later, which we've heard very much about in this trial, is not for 
this witness. We have other witnesses who will give evidence about what happened 
then. We're talking about events in 1999.PRESIDENT SLOBODAN 
MILOSEVIC: Mr. May, the witness said that Mladic must have known because he 
was in command. Now, I'm asking the witness since he was in command in 1999, 
whether he knew or should have known, must have known that columns of civilians 
were being bombed, buses, hospitals, the Chinese Embassy, Radio-Television 
Serbia, et cetera.JUDGE RICHARD MAY:It's all totally 
irrelevant.He has dealt with the matter concerning General Mladic. I in fact let 
him do so, although it's doubtful if it was a question which was properly 
directed at him. It's a matter that we're going to have to determine as to how 
much Mladic knew about what was going on, whether he ordered it or did not. Now, 
those are all matters for us. Now, peripheral issues of that sort are not 
relevant.JUDGE O-GON KWON: General, I noticed -- just a moment. I 
notice that you have not answered to the question when the accused asked you 
what is your base in believing Mr. Mladic should have known what had happened in 
Srebrenica. Could you help us with that.GENERAL SIR RUPERT 

[CTRL] Fwd: Wolfowitz Cabal Consults "Bible Code" for Clues to YHWH's Will

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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On the eve of war, military brass listened intently
 as Michael Drosnin expounded the Bible code

Decoding Bible's 'cryptogram' 
Will Saddam Hussein be overthrown? Where is Osama bin Laden hiding? 
For answers, see the Good Book 

Ron Csillag, National Post

Among the hundreds of meetings and briefings that took place in the Pentagons bowels in the months leading up to Operation Iraqi Freedom, one earned the fleeting disdain of The New York Times, whose columnist, Bill Keller, sniffed that "several man-hours of valuable intelligence-crunching time" had been "consumed [by a writer] who claims -- I am not making this up -- that messages encoded in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament provide clues to the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.
"Maybe were all a little too desperate these days for a simple formula to explain how our safe world came unhinged," Keller said.

The gathering, which reportedly took place Feb. 21, was said to have been convened by Paul Wolfowitz, the hawkish U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defence, and attended by 10 top military intelligence officials, including Vice Admiral Lowell "Jake" Jacoby, director of the massive Defense Intelligence Agency, and Wolfowitz's deputy, Linton Wells, who is in charge of the Pentagon's nerve centre, known as 3CI (Command, Control, Communications).

On the eve of war, the military brass listened intently for a full hour as Michael Drosnin expounded on his two brisk-selling volumes on the Bible code.
Drosnin argues the Hebrew Torah -- the first five books of the Old Testament -- were intentionally encrypted, by a higher power, with prophetic warnings that have accurately predicted the Great Depression, the Second World War, the Kennedy assassinations, the moon landing, Watergate, and 9/11 -- and foretell the fall of Saddam Hussein and the precise location of bin Laden.
The Americans "took it very seriously," Drosnin says. "They're practical people and I wanted to give them something of practical use."
As a result of the meeting, Drosnin says U.S. and Israeli intelligence forces are hot on bin Laden's trail in that very place the Bible mentions, "right as we speak." Of course, he would not divulge where that place is.
As for Saddam Hussein, the Bible's embedded code ponders, "Who is destroyed?" and then, in the same matrix, answers, "Hussein," with the following number crossing his name: 5763, the Jewish year that corresponds to 2003. "That foretells the outcome of this conflict," Drosnin says confidently. "It might be obvious now, but it wasn't when I told them."
It could be that the U.S. defence establishment is grasping at straws, or that more and more people in Washington are motivated by a White House that frequently invokes God and religious imagery. Drosnin discounts the religious angle.
"This is not based on faith. This is based on experience. The code keeps coming true."
Drosnin is a secular Jew, a former police reporter for the Washington Post and former writer for The Wall Street Journal. To be sure, his books, The Bible Code (1997) and last year's sequel, Bible Code II: The Countdown have been used by various fundamentalists, prophets of doom and supermarket tabloids as sure signs the Good Book knows all and that the end is nigh. Detractors point out the code violates the Bible's own ban on soothsaying.

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[CTRL] Fwd: (c) Kenya-AQ: "little direct proof"

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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AP Exclusive: Little direct proof linking Kenyan terror suspects to al-Qaida hotel bombing 

MATTHEW ROSENBERG, Associated Press Writer  Saturday, October 25, 2003  

(10-25) 09:49 PDT NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- Prosecutors have amassed a wealth of circumstantial evidence linking six Kenyans to the deadly al-Qaida bombing of a hotel last November. One suspect was spotted with the suspected bomb-builder, others married off their daughters to wanted al-Qaida operatives. But as the six men go on trial Monday, there appears to be little direct proof, according to 164 pretrial statements from witnesses and investigators seen by The Associated Press. The typed statements, most 1-3 pages long, were provided to the AP on Friday by a source close to the trial. They detail personal ties among the suspects and one's description of a later al-Qaida plot, but little else. The prosecutor, John Gacivih, said the complete case -- witness testimony and physical evidence, which he refused to detail -- will confirm the defendants' role in the attack that killed 15 people, including three Israelis. "It's presumptuous to make conclusions before you have all the evidence on the record," he said. The attorney for three of the suspects, Maobe Mao, called the case "entirely circumstantial" and said there was no physical evidence linking them to the bombing. "It's a political case -- the United States wanted people charged," he said. Among the documents viewed by the AP, there were no statements from the suspects, or U.S. and Israeli investigators. The first four suspects were charged June 23, days after then-U.S. Ambassador Johnnie Carson told a Kenyan television station that while other countries attacked by al-Qaida have managed to arrest suspects "in Kenya, there has not been a single arrest or conviction." Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network claimed responsibility for hotel attack and the August 1998 car bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, an attack that killed 219 people, including 12 Americans. Four men were convicted in the United States for that attack. Minutes before the hotel was bombed, unidentified assailants unsuccessfully tried to shoot down an Israeli charter jet as it was taking off from Mombasa's airport. No one has been charged for that attack. Fearing more terror, the United States and Britain warned their citizens away from Kenya in May, and British Airways temporarily suspended its flights to the East African country. By June -- after police reportedly uncovered an al-Qaida plot to destroy the new U.S. Embassy -- American pressure to clamp down on terrorism had intensified. One of the defendants, Salmin Mohammed Khamis, confessed after his arrest June 17 that he and other al-Qaida operatives planned to attack the new U.S. Embassy with a truck bomb and plane laden with explosives, according to a police report of his interrogation. But Khamis has not been charged for that alleged plot, and did not tell investigators he had any part in bombing the hotel north of Mombasa, an Indian Ocean port. The strongest evidence against another suspect, Omar Said Omar, appears to be that he was seen with Saleh Nabhan, the suspected bomb-builder who remains at large. The evidence against three other suspects -- Aboud Rogo Mohammed, Kubwa Mohammed Seif and his son, Mohammed Kubwa -- is mainly their personal ties to Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, alleged mastermind of the hotel attack. All three denied knowing Abdullah Mohammed was part of al-Qaida and had been indicted in New York for the 1998 bombing. Rogo Mohammed, who lived near Mombasa, apparently brought Abdullah Mohammed to Siyu, a tiny fishing village on an island off Kenya's coast, sometime in 2001. Abdullah Mohammed lived in Seif's home in the village and in December 2002 married his daughter, Amina. Rogo Mohammed 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] webf's no-soul people-neutralizing MO's freudian slip

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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of by some populist-minded conspirophile" is a phrase
you may remember from Webfairy's magic wand, the No-Soul
Gang article by Laurence Hecht, but that is a pro-corporate no-soul
jibe from the author  himself and thus by Webfairy, not Moon!

Webf is a diehard "anti-populist-minded" pro-corporate no-soul gang
banger. Here is another telltale anti-people point for Webf's own
no-soul scorecard (no witnesses, no planes, no weapon, no crime,
no perps, No Soul). Don't get painted into an empty corner of the

Les Coleman's Trail of the Octopus is good for revealing many
people from the Pentagon and CIA in the same religious orgs
mentioned by Hecht as being targeted through Moon. Moon is
a figment of Singlaub's imagination. If you sold roses by the road
you could guess where the big money really comes from, and
why Koreans don't need a hard-working uncle to obtain business
loans for cash businesses.


of the Sciences

Russell-Wells ‘No-Soul’ Gang Behind the Moonie Freak Show

Laurence Hecht

is just that unwillingness to think evil, . . . that may presently
the British from the scroll of living significant peoples.”

Wells, Experiments in Autobiography

from 21st Century, Winter 2002–2003, pp. 6–29)

Who, or What Is Moon?

who really is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and what is behind him? The
answer is not...dreamed
of by some populist-minded conspirophile.

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


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[CTRL] Fwd: MLK had Castro in crosshairs Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Chomsky--Cuba in the Crosshairs

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

Chomsky's low point was saying that the Lansdale-Shackley
ZRRIFLE JFK assassination program was doing something
other than assassinating the head of state they had trained to
assassinate that day,"A plot to kill Castro was initiated on the
day of the Kennedy assassination.".

That sludge is only rivalled by Chomsky's veiled argument
that if JFK and RFK were trying so hard to assassinate Castro
as Chomsky alleges, they deserved to be assassinated by the
blowback of a program that was theirs, not Permindex and
Skull and Bones'. I think this belies the fact that someone
came to them with the offer of an asset to gain cover for
that asset which was always intended to assassinate JFK
RFK MLK, and while we're at it, I find it rather shocking
that Chomsky fails to mention MLK's obsession with
developing a sniper team to assassinate Castro.

If Chomsky was worth his salt he would tell us where
Lansdale, Bush and Shackley were the day of the Martin
Luther King assassination. We can see Lansdale in Dallas
http://www.prouty.org/photos.html and FBI director J. Edgar
Hoover was kind enough to document briefing Bush, what
use is Chomsky to anyone but the Bushwhackers?


Brian Salter wrote:

> On Sunday, October 26, 2003, at 01:45 AM, Tom Mooney wrote:
> > Outrage over defiance goes far back in American history. Two hundred
> > years ago, Thomas Jefferson bitterly condemned France for its
> > "attitude of defiance" in holding New Orleans, which he coveted.
> > Jefferson warned that France's "character [is] placed in a point of
> > eternal friction with our character, which though loving peace and the
> > pursuit of wealth, is high-minded." France's "defiance [requires us
> > to] marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation," Jefferson
> > advised, reversing his earlier attitudes, which reflected France's
> > crucial contribution to the liberation of the colonies from British
> > rule. Thanks to Haiti's liberation struggle, unaided and almost
> > universally opposed, France's defiance soon ended, but the guiding
> > principles remain in force, determining friend and foe.
> seems like chomsky just can't resist inserting at least one hatchet-job
> distortion of history in every piece... comparing jefferson's handling
> of the louisiana purchase to the destabilization of castro's cuba is a
> comical stretch.  for one thing, most of the pro-US elements in the
> french elite were long since deposed from power, although the US was
> still trying to maintain the relationship, and the "marry ourselves to
> the British fleet" quote is totally out of context. second, jefferson
> pursued a course of diplomacy amidst calls for aggression, all of this
> amidst intense british intrigues and subversion against the US,
> including the covert activities of traitors burr and gallatin in his
> administration. *sigh*, classic chomsky.
> http://nsccux.sccd.ctc.edu/~mnutti/pnw_main/html/content/
> thomas_paper.html
> http://teaching.arts.usyd.edu.au/history/hsty3080/3rdYr3080/Louisiana/
> lead-up_to_the_purchase.htm
> it's always fun to see what comes up when checking chomsky's sources.
> of course, with his "rethinking camelot" being totally debunked and
> discredited, chomsky is not a reliable source on the history of the
> kennedy admin either, notwithstanding the fact that US abuse of cuba is
> an important issue to bring up in general.
> all of this falls within chomsky's role as a disinfo asset, which
> includes falsely smearing america's founders and founding principles by
> associating them one-on-one with america's current leadership &
> imperialist policies, thus making dissidents increasingly cynical and
> hesitant to join efforts to restore the republic & the constitution,
> because "radical" historical 

[CTRL] Fwd: Dr. Henry Makow Explains about Dr. Mahathir's Speech

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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Dr. Henry Makow Ph.D.
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad recently
made headlines for this statement to the Organization
of the Islamic Conference, the world's largest Muslim

The speech was actually opposed to terrorism but the
world media presented it (in the words of one Jewish
leader) as "an absolute invitation for more hate
crimes and terrorism against Jews."

This is a classic example of how Jewish leaders create
a false spectre of anti Semitism to manipulate Jews,
and Americans in general, to oppose Muslims.

At a time when Israel and the US are threatening Syria
and Iran with attack, as part of a larger "war of
civilizations," it is necessary to highlight such
media machinations.


Mohamad actually exhorted his fellow Muslims to
imitate the Jews by thinking, and not acting
impetuously. Spontaneous acts of terror are not the
most practical course. "It is winning the struggle
that is important, not angry retaliation, not
revenge," he said.

"[The Jews] survived 2000 years of pogroms not by
hitting back, but by thinking. They invented and
successfully promoted Socialism, Communism, human
rights and democracy so that persecuting them would
appear to be wrong, so they may enjoy equal rights
with others. With these they have now gained control
of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny
community, have become a world power. We cannot fight
them through brawn alone. We must use our brains

Just as angry people [Muslims] make mistakes, so do
arrogant people.

"Of late because of their power and their apparent
success they have become arrogant. And arrogant
people, like angry people will make mistakes, will
forget to think. They are already beginning to make
mistakes. And they will make more mistakes. There may
be windows of opportunity for us now and in the
future. We must seize these opportunities."

But generally, the tone of the speech was not

"We also know that not all non-Muslims are against us.
Some are well-disposed towards us. Some even see our
enemies as their enemies. Even among the Jews there
are many who do not approve of what the Israelis are

The speech focused on the feckless, despondent and
divided state of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims.
Mahathir said the Muslim people are rich in faith,
numbers and natural resources, but pitiful in terms of
power. He counseled a "strategic retreat" and an
Islamic spiritual revival, without which:

"The Muslims will forever be oppressed and dominated
by the Europeans and the Jews. They will forever be
poor, backward and weak."

He bade them to remember the "considerateness of the
prophet to the enemies of Islam" and follow a
disciplined reaction:

" We must not antagonize everyone. We must win their
hearts and minds. We must win them to our side not by
begging for help from them but by the honourable way
that we struggle to help ourselves." (Emphasis mine.)


Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the
Anti-Defamation League, said in response, "Prime
Minister Mahathir has made what amounts to a call for
global war against the Jewish people by 1.3 billion
Muslims. This is nothing more than a call to Holy War
against Jews. It is grotesque anti-Semitism on an
international scale. Mahathir's speech needs to be
condemned by responsible leaders of the civilized
world as an unacceptable outrage and an affront to
civilized society."

U.S. Deputy State Department spokesman Adam Ereli
said. "Let's be clear: the remarks were offensive,
they are inflammatory, and we view them with the
contempt and derision they deserve."

The German Foreign Ministry denounced Mahathir's
comments as "totally unacceptable" and said it called
in Malaysia's charge d'affaires in Berlin to protest.
"It was made cl

[CTRL] Fwd: The Cabal Helped Al-Qaeda Win the "War on Terror"

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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http://shades.dgrundy.com/âCountdown with Keith Olbermannâ (MSNBC-TV) Oct. 23 - transcriptOLBERMAN: Joining us now, with more on the purported double life of this prominent Muslim-American (Alamoudi) is John Loftus, host of âThe Loftus Reportâ and frequent quest on this show. John, good evening. JOHN LOFTUS, HOST, âTHE LOFTUS REPORTâ: Good evening, Keith. OLBERMANN: Well, they sure vetted this guy. How-what happened here? LOFTUS: Well, you know, itâs a funny story. About a year-and-a-half ago, people in the intelligence community came and said - guys like Alamoudi and Sami al-Arian and other terrorists werenât being touched because theyâd been ordered not to investigate the cases, not to prosecute them, because there were being funded by the Saudis and a political decision was being made at the highest levels, donât do anything that would embarrass the Saudi government. So, of course I immediately volunteered to do it and I filed a lawsuit, against al-Arian charging him with being a major terrorist for Islamic Jihad, most of his money came from Saudi charities in Virginia. Now, Alamoudiâs headquarters were in the same place, he was raided the same day, on March 20.  An hour after I filed my lawsuit, the U.S. government finally got off its butt and they raided these offices. And, the stuff that theyâre taking out of there now is absolutely horrendous. Al-Arian has now, finally been indicted, an along with Alamoudi, today. But, who was it that fixed the cases? How could these guys operate for more than a decade immune from prosecution? And, the answer is coming out in a very strange place. What Alamoudi and al-Arian have in common is a guy named Grover Norquist. Heâs the super lobbyist. Newt Gingrichâs guy, the one the NRA calls on, head of American Taxpayers. He is the guy that was hired by Alamoudi to head up the Islamic institute and heâs the registered agent for Alamoudi, personally, and for the Islamic Institute. Grover Norquistâs best friend is Karl Rove, the White House chief of staff, and apparently Norquist was able to fix things. He got extreme right wing Muslim people to be the gatekeepers in the White House. Thatâs why moderate Americans couldnât speak out after 9/11. Moderate Muslims couldnât get into the White House because Norquistâs friends were blocking their access. OLBERMANN: How does this tie back into the thing that apparently pulled the stopper out of the drain, if you will --The developers at Guantanamo bay? How rotten is the system of the interpreters and the chaplains -- the Muslim Chaplains that Alamoudi was involved in setting up? LOFTUS: Itâs as rotten as it gets. Think of the Muslim chaplainâs program that he set up as a spy service for al-Qaeda. The damage thatâs been done is extreme. It wasnât just sending home mom and dad messages from the prisoners. These guys, this network in Guantanamo, stole the CIAâs briefing books. Everything that the CIA knew about al-Qaeda is now back in al-Qaeda hands. Thatâs about as bad an intelligence setback as you can get. OLBERMANN: John, how does this end up? How far will the investigation into this necessarily have to go to get to the bottom of it? LOFTUS: Thereâs a lot more to go. Norquist had a lot of other clients. Thereâs a whole alphabet soup of Saudi agencies that funded terrorism in this country. They had an awful lot of protection. And, one of the things we may find about 9/11 is that people out in the field werenât allowed to connect the dots and questions will be asked whether guys like Grover Norquist were part of the problem. OLBERMANN: I got chills down my spine. The former Justice Department official, John Loftus of radioâs âLoftus Report.â As always John, many thanks. LOFTUS: Youâre welcome. 
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[CTRL] Fwd: FBI Aware of Al Qaeda Cells in US -- But Will Do Nothing

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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Continuing FBI Counter Terrorism Failures With Al-Qaeda Inside US Described to Congressional Staffs

Personal Conversations by Author with Congressional Staffs
Oct 14, 2003
Patrick B. BrileyToday, October 14, 2003 I spoke at length to major Congressional Committees about the continuance of major counter terrorism failures by the FBI against AlQaeda inside the US which are putting the lives of Americans in serious jeopardy. I spoke to the staffs of the Homeland Security Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator James Inhofe, Senator Don Nickles and Senator Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and discussed in some detail the information listed below.1. The October 12, 2003 New York Times article âInside the Lackawanna Terror Case [AlQaeda Cell, Analysis of US Counterterrorism Failures]â by Matthew Purdy and Lowell Bergman posted at:http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=24969&Disp=5#C5 

2. The PBS Frontline documentary airing Thursday, October 16, at 9 P.M., "Chasing the Sleeper Cell" which will examine the extended, long term FBI surveillance of an AlQaeda terror cell at Lackawanna, New York after 9/11 populated with US citizens who were Muslims recruited by AlQaeda terrorists allowed to move freely in and out of the US by the FBI for years. 

3. The August 23, 2003 New York Times article "Six Groups Said to Be Monitored in U.S. for Possible Qaeda Links" by Don Van Natta, Jr. posted at :http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=21488 

4. The October 2001 Washington Post article by Bob Woodward describing ongoing monitoring of 5 AlQaeda cells inside the US based on interviews with senior FBI officials.

5. The testimony of Senator Orin Hatch (and his 1998 interview with Cal Thomas) and FBI Director Louis Freeh before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1995 and in 1997 describing FBI policy to allow up to 2000 known AlQaeda and Abu Nidal terrorists to come into the US for "tracking" over four years.6. The tracking of AlQaeda terrorists inside the US by FBI SAC Danny Defenbaugh from 1997-2000 without adequate arrests or oeping criminal investigations using Dallas police officers to follow Bin Ladenâs secretary and FBI/CIA double agent Ali Mohammed.7. The public complaints of a number of FBI agents like Robert Wright of Chicago saying that they were only allowed to follow terrorists for years inside the US but never allowed to open a criminal investigation against them for prosecution and arrest.I pointed out to the staff members that the PBS documentary and the New York Times article on the Lackawaana AlQaeda cell provide a basis for concluding the FBI's policies and effectiveness are poor and dangerous and need total review and change. According to the NY times author Lowell Bergman some intelligence officials say that the way the FBI handled the Lackawanna case âshows the FBI is not up to the job and that we need a new domestic counterintelligence and counterespionage agency." I also told the staff that the NY Times article on the Lackawanna cell includes an interview with former FBI official Dale Watson of the Joint FBI and CIA Counter terrorism Center (CTC) that blocked search of Moussaoui's computer by Minnesota FBI agents.  Watson and other CTC officials were aware at the time of FBI and CIA tracking of hijacker pilots training in the US before 9/11. Watson currently works for former CIA Director Admiral Woolsey's firm Booze, Allen, Hamilton.

I further told them that in the most revealing section of the article during interviews with CTC Chief Watson one can find the following disturbing statements by Watson:â in this case, Mr. Watson said, the bureau felt it could ensure that nothing would happen while it continued to watch the suspects, in the hope of being led to bigger p

[CTRL] Fwd: Dept of Defense Looking for People to Staff DRAFT BOARDS Nationwide

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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 "If a military draft becomes necessary, approximately 2,000 Local and Appeal Boards throughout America would decide which young men ..." 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Omitted Intro to Loftus Interview on Alamoudi

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âCountdown with Keith Olbermannâ for Oct. 23   
   KEITH OLBERMANN, HOST (voice-over): Which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? 
   Abdurahman Alamoudi, tonight the man who helped set up the Muslim Chaplain Program, who met presidents Clinton and Bush, who tried to run $340,000 into Syria, is connected to Osama bin Ladenâs nephew.    The Rumsfeld leak: He is appalled, but he is elaborating. When is a leak a leak? When is it an accident? When is it a trial balloon? 
   Niagara Falls: The really, really, really, really high diver, still says he did it because heâs depressed, but another resident of the psych ward said she hear him negotiating a movie deal.    âThe Lion Sleeps Tonight?â âWho Let Dogs Out?â âBaby back, baby back, ribs.â If you ever heard these musical phrases repeat uncontrollably in your head, good news. Youâre not nuts. Youâve got an ear worm.    And please say âHelloâ to Sparky the beer drinking pony. Donât mind my friend here, heâs just a little horse. Wonder if thatâs Colt 45 that heâs drinking.   All that and more now, on COUNTDOWN. 
   OLBERMANN: Good evening. He met with George W. Bush before Mr. Bush became president. He appears, smiling, in a photo op with the former president, Mr. Clinton. So, how is it that a man who has traveled in the highest of American political circles is also now suspected of secretly funding al-Qaeda and Hamas? And tonight, the dots are being connected and he appears to be tied also to the nephew of Osama bin Laden. Our fifth story on the COUNTDOWN: An indictment handed down against the man our military once turned to for Muslim chaplains. For the latest details on the case of Abdurahman Alamoudi, hereâs NBCâs Lisa Myers.    (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)
   LISA MYERS, NBC CORRESPONDENT: Keith, tonight federal prosecutors have indicted the founder of the Chaplain Program on charge that he illegally dealt with Libya and laundered money. But, there are even more serious allegations about him in some new documents. 
   MYERS (voice-over): Abdurahman Alamoudi, a consultant to the Pentagon on the Chaplain Program for more than a decade, now accused of helping Osama bin Laden and Hamas. Court documents filed late last night, claim Alamoudi has provided âfinancial support to Hamasâ and âfinancial support to fronts for al-Qaeda.â One of the groups allegedly tied to Alamoudi is a charity which gave this Virginia post office as its address. Alamoudi was vice president. Who founded it? Abdullah bin Laden, Osama bin Ladenâs nephew. Also ringing alarms, Alamoudiâs palm pilot which the government claims included the names and numbers of six designated global terrorists.    STEVE EMERSON, TERRORISM EXPERT: The public face of Mr. Alamoudi was 180 degrees different from the private face. And, the private face clearly showed that he was involved or directing fundraising for Hamas, fundraising for other terrorist groups. 
   MYERS: The government also alleges Alamoudi had a Swiss bank account and $2.2 million in unreported income on which he failed to pay taxes. Today, Alamoudiâs lawyer says he never supported any terrorist group. And that Osama bin Laden has dozens of nephews who have nothing to do with al-Qaeda. Yet, in an audiotape of a conversation obtained by NBC News, he seems to embrace violence, suggesting al-Qaeda should choose better targets.    ABDURAHMAN ALAMOUDI, ALLEGEDLY CONNECTED TO AL QAEDA (through translator): I prefer to hit a Zionist target in America or Europe or elsewhere. 
   MYERS: Alamoudiâs lawyer says her client doesnât remember saying such a thing and questions the tapes authenticity. Over the year, Alamoudi has been a familiar face in W

[CTRL] Fwd: Cameo of (Future President) Jeb Bush and the Trafficante Mob

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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 Click here: Creative Loafing Atlanta | NEWS & VIEWS | THE NAZIS IN DUBYA'S CLOSET 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bank That Laundered Money for 9-11 Terrorist Run by - BUSH FAMILY

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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"The [Bush] Administration has to date objected to the Inquiry's efforts to interview the informant in order to attempt to resolve those inconsistencies. The Administration also could not agree to allow the FBI to serve a Committee subpoena and deposition notice on the informant. Instead, written interrogatories from the Joint Inquiry were, at the suggestion of the FBI, provided to the informant. Through an attorney, the informant has declined to respond to those interrogatories and has indicated that, if subpoenaed, the informant would request a grant of immunity prior to testifying.

Why would The ]Bush] Administration want to block a more thorough investigation into what the FBI informant might have known?

Maybe because there is far more to this story than most people know.

One of the other characters involved in this story was Omar al-Bayoumi, supposedly just a simple Saudi student studying in the US. The report has some interesting things to say about this simple student though,

"Despite the fact that he was a student, al-Bayoumi had access to seemingly unlimited funding from Saudi Arabia. For example, an FBI source identified al-Bayoumi as the person who delivered $400,000 from Saudi Arabia for the Kurdish mosque in San Diego. One of the FBI's best sources in San Diego informed the FBI that he thought that al-Bayoumi must be an intelligence officer for Saudi Arabia or another foreign power."

Turns out that some of the money al-Bayoumi received was from Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan, and daughter of the late King Faisal. The money then ended up in the hands of Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi for monthly living expenses while they rented rooms in the home of the FBI informant.

The checks from Princess Haifa were drawn on Riggs Bank in Washington D.C. One of the chief officers of Riggs Bank is Jonathan Bush, an uncle of President George W. Bush.

According to Margie Burns in her article titled Bush-connected firm provided security at World Trade Center,  "Given that Jonathan Bush, the president's uncle, is a Riggs executive, it is difficult to understand any obstacle for US authorities pursuing the recently reported 'Saudi money trail.' The princess's charitable activities were processed through Riggs, but attention focused on the Saudis seems not to extend to the US bank they used."

So this is most likely one of the main reasons why information relating to the funding of Al Qaeda by the Saudis has been redacted from the report. If Bush was really serious about starving the terrorists of their funding, he'd have to start by seizing Saudi money from his Uncle Jonathan's bank in Washington D.C.

So it appears to me, that the redaction of the Saudi information from the 9-11 Report had more to do with covering the President's own ass from the embarrassing fact that his own uncle was part of the Saudi money trail that enabled two of the hijackers to crash a plane into the Pentagon, and very little to do with jeopardizing our national security at all.

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Re: [CTRL] Rummy's Ruminations

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
(JIn a message dated 10/26/03 7:16:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:(B
(JBy the way, Paul Wolfowitz, the chief architect of the Iraq War, recently won a man of the year award from the Jerusalem Post -- one of Israel's leading newspapers.(B
(J (B
(JWhat's the point, McFraud? The Jerusalem Post is just the octopus with a different face.(B
(J Jerusalem Post is owned by a Canadian Christian fundamentalist!(B
(J Thomas A. Rose is the publisher and CEO of Jerusalem Post. Rose had worked in management for Hollinger International, a Chicago-based company that publishes the Jerusalem newspapers. Prior to that he was the manager of policy development in former Republican Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmiths office. Goldsmith married Dan Quayle's sister and he is now working in the Bush White House as the point-of-contact with faith-based organizations.(B
(JIn addition to the Jerusalem Post, Hollinger owns most of the newspapers in Canada as well as the following newspapers in Illinois: Beacon News in Aurora, The Courier News in Elgin, The Herald-News in Joliet, and the News Sun in Waukegan, as well as a paid community paper, 11 free weeklies, and a shopper.(B
(J With the Chicago Sun-Times as its flagship, Hollinger now owns a regional daily cluster of daily and weekly papers that extends from Gary, Indiana to the Wisconsin-Illinois border.(B
(J Conrad M. Black, a French-Canadian Christian Conservative, is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer for Hollinger International.(B
(JConrad Black(B
(JIf you hate Anne Coulter, you will find her to be quite a liberal when measured against Conrad Black's wife, Barbara Amiel Black.(B
(J Black has spoken at length about the media having an obligation to report the political philosophy of its corporate owners:(B
(JLooking back on Conrad Black$B!G(Js views on media ownership(B
(JBy Conrad Black(B
(J Nor should the publishers and corresponding executives in other media be lightly excused for allowing the Left in the working press successfully to represent proprietary vigilance for professional standards as abusive interference with editorial integrity. This insane segregation of commercial and editorial management was elevated into a cardinal virtue as editors and journalists praised noninterventionist newspaper executives while they highjacked their products and became either bland or antagonistic to the communities being served. This was like the head of Coca-Cola saying he didn't care how his beverages tasted, or the head of General Motors saying he didn't care what his cars looked like or whether they actually worked.(B
(JIn the case of the newspaper industry in North America in the 1970s and 1980s, there was too much sanctimonious talk about the sacred trust of the journalist and too many slovenly work practices-not enough objective reporting and too much self-serving advocacy.(B
(JI don't believe these problems would have become as serious as they did without the propagation of the rather exaggerated theory that American republican institutions and the U.S. Constitution were saved by a couple of investigative journalists supported by Ben Bradlee and Katharine Graham in the Watergate affair.(B
(JMeasured by ink spilled and opinions marshalled, the acquisition by Conrad Black's international newspaper company, Hollinger, of 60 out of Canada's 105 newspapers was the story of the year.(B
(JOpinion on Hollinger's newsprint hegemony is generally divided between despair and fury. As a result of buying control of the Southam newspaper chain and combining it with his existing holdings, Black put himself where he seems happiest -- on trial as the Great Satan of Canadian media.(B
(JThe case for the prosecution is presented in a new book by Maude Barlow and James Winter, The Big Black Book (Stoddart, $18.95 paper). It is remarkable for being as tedious, one-dimensional and mean-spirited as its subjects. Recycling material from past books, speeches and op-ed pieces, the authors argue that Hollinger's domination of Canadian newspapers, combined with the paleoconservative views of Black and his wife, veteran journalist Barbara Amiel Black (who now holds the title of vice-president, editorial, at Hollinger) bodes ill for the land.(B
(JBarlow (chairperson of the uber-patriotic Council of Canadians) and Winter (a professor of communications at the University of Windsor) have gathered most of the printed words of their subjects. These have been chopped up and reorganized into categories of infamy: the Blacks lack sympathy for people who aren't rich, they curry favor with the powerful and famous, they view the conduct of business as a form of warfare, they think j

[CTRL] Fwd: The Joke's On Us -- Bush & Enron

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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Dec 17, 2002

Feds Want To See Enron Videotape
President Bush Also Takes Part In Skit

HOUSTON -- Skits and jokes by a few former Enron Corp. executives at a party six years ago were funny then, but now border on bad taste in light of the events of the past year. 

A videotape of a January 1997 going-away party for former Enron President Rich Kinder features nearly half an hour of absurd skits, songs and testimonials by company executives and prominent Houstonians, the Houston Chronicle reported in its Monday editions.

The collection is all meant in good fun, but some of the comments are ironic in the current climate of corporate scandal. 
In one skit, former Administrative Executive Peggy Menchaca played the part of Kinder as he received a budget report from then-President Jeff Skilling, who played himself, and Financial Planning Executive Tod Lindholm. 
When the pretend Kinder expressed doubt that Skilling could pull off 600 percent revenue growth for the coming year, Skilling revealed how it could be done. 
"We're going to move from mark-to-market accounting to something I call HFV, or hypothetical future value accounting," Skilling joked as he read from a script. "If we do that, we can add a kazillion dollars to the bottom line." 
Richard Causey, the former chief accounting officer who was embroiled in many of the business deals named in the indictments of other Enron executives, made an unfortunate joke later on the tape. 
"I've been on the job for a week managing earnings, and it's easier than I thought it would be," Causey said, referring to a practice that is frowned upon by securities regulators. "I can't even count fast enough with the earnings rolling in." 
Joe Sutton and Rebecca Mark, the two executives credited with leading Enron on an international buying spree, did a painfully awkward rap for Kinder, while former Enron Broadband Services President Ken Rice recounted a basketball game where employees from Enron Capital & Trade beat Kinder's Enron Corp. team, 98-50. 
"I know you never forget a number, Rich," Rice said.

President George W. Bush, who then was governor of Texas, also took part in the skit, as did his father. 
At the party, the younger Bush pleaded with Kinder: "Don't leave Texas. You're too good a man." 
The governor's father also offered a send-off to Kinder, thanking him for helping his son reach the governor's mansion. 
"You have been fantastic to the Bush family," the elder Bush said. "I don't think anybody did more than you did to support George." 

Federal investigators told News2Houston Tuesday that they want to take a closer look at the tape. 
Investigators with the House committee on government reform are in the process of obtaining a copy of the tape, according to News2Houston. 
Former federal prosecutor Phil Hilder said that what was a joke could become evidence for federal investigators. 
"There's matters on there that a prosecutor may want to introduce as evidence should it become relevant," Hilder said. 
Former employees were shocked to see the tape. 
"It's too close to the truth, very close to the truth," said Debra Johnson, a former Enron employee. "I think there's some inside truth to the jokes that they portrayed." 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Secret "Slush Funds" Everywhere in Bush Admin Military Budget

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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 Click here: Tampabay: Military stashes covert millions 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Ordered Hands-Off Treatment for Bin Ladens (Recent News Item)

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Edinburgh Evening News
3 Sep 2003  
Bin Laden family's US exit 'approved' 

BILL ANDREWS The United States allowed members of Osama bin Ladenâs family to jet out of the US in the immediate aftermath of September 11, even as American airspace was closed. Former White House counter-terrorism tsar Richard Clarke said the Bush administration sanctioned the repatriation of about 140 high-ranking Saudi Arabians, including relatives of the al-Qaida chief. "Somebody brought to us for approval the decision to let an aeroplane filled with Saudis, including members of the Bin Laden family, leave the country," he said. Mr Clarke said he checked with FBI officials, who gave the go ahead. "So I said: âFine, let it happen.â" He first asked the bureau to check that no-one "inappropriate" was leaving. "I have no idea if they did a good job," he added. Dale Watson, the FBIâs former head of counter-terrorism, said that, while the bureau identified the Saudis who were on the plane, "they were not subject to serious interrogations". The plane is believed to have landed in ten US cities picking up passengers, including Los Angeles, Washington DC, Boston and Houston. At the time, access to US airspace was restricted and required special government approval. Tom Kinton, director of aviation at Bostonâs Logan Airport, said: "We were in the midst of the worst terrorist act in history and here we were seeing an evacuation of the Bin Ladens." But he said it was clear the flight had been sanctioned by federal authorities. Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the US who is said to have organised the exodus, met President George Bush on September 13, 2001, two days after the terror attacks. It is not known if they discussed the repatriation plan. The White House has declined to comment on the claims, but sources said the Bush administration was confident no secret flights took place. Mr Clarke said he did not recall who requested approval for the flights, but believes it was either the FBI or the State Department. But FBI spokesman John Iannarelli said: "I can say unequivocally that the FBI had no role in facilitating these flights."  http://www.edinburghnews.com/index.cfm?id=971322003 

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[CTRL] Fwd: "Al Qaeda" or the Octopus?  All Roads Lead to BUSH ...

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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   Researcher Daniel Hopsicker claims that the Florida pilot training school that "unwittingly" prepared the 9-11 hijackers for flying planes into the World Trade Center --a school now no longer in business, with its owners suddenly "vanished"-- operated, in effect, as a "black ops" front used by the Bush Octopus.  
   Attached: Jeb Bush in a "family values" groupshot with the school's owner.  

   "A controversy over the sudden closing of a flight school in Orlando in early March reveals a hidden connection between the bankruptcy in Orlando and the secretive organization which ran Huffman Aviation in Venice, the 
unacknowledged home base of Mohamed Atta and his Hamburg cadre during almost their entire time in the U.S. 
   "The investigation into the disappearance of millions of dollars which students had been forced to pre-pay in tuition has led to 70-year old Wallace J. Hilliard of Naples, FL, the shadowy financier whose purchase of Huffman in partnership with Dutch national Rudi Dekkers, currently awaiting trial on felony fraud, set in motion a chain of events culminating in two former students piloting Boeing 767's into the World Trade Center Towers. "

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[CTRL] The 2004 Election Has Already Been Rigged

2003-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Proclaiming Total Emancipation and Working Towards Democracy.


 Date: Mon Oct 27, 2003  8:51:12 AM Asia/Bangkok

The 2004 Election Has Already Been Rigged 

 Posted September 2, 2003 thepeoplesvoice.org

By Schuyler Ebbets

The Neocons have determined that elections can be manipulated easily with the new touch-screen voting systems and when accompanied by a media pounding of lies, the public will accept the rigged election results as fact.

The pollsters have recently been forced to admit that the majority of Americans are against the re-election of George Bush. Two wars, thousands of dead human beings, and nine million lost jobs later and people are beginning to realize that something is very wrong. In spite of this gradual awakening most registered voters continue to depend on TV for their news and they are kept woefully in the dark about issues like election reform and touch screen voting. The media has gone to great lengths to foster an illusion of legitimacy and normalcy surrounding the electoral process. People have been intentionally lead to believe that their vote counts and Bush could actually be booted out of office on Election Day. No way is Bush going to lose, it just can't happen. The 2004 election has already been rigged. The corporations and the military industrial complex have bought them selves a government and they aren't going to let some silly little presidential election jeopardize their investment.

On February 23, 2001 Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris suggested that Florida rent rather than buy touch screen voting machines in time for the 2002 midterm election. She said, "I think it would be wrong-headed and precipitous to purchase any equipment now. If you buy now, you're buying antiquated technology". According to her twisted logic, it was acceptable to use faulty voting systems in the election, it just wasn't a good idea to purchase them.

Prior to Florida's outrageous September 10, 2002 primary election, poll data showed heavy support for Janet Reno in Broward County, but election results from one Broward precinct alone revealed an impossible 0% turnout among more than 800 registered voters. Reno requested a recount of eighty precincts containing 31,375 registered Democrats because they reported only 1,952 votes. Her request was immediately turned down by the State Elections Board. According to an AP analysis, if those precincts matched the average county turnout, they should have produced 10,260 votes, more than five times the number recorded by the Election Systems & Software (ES&S), iVotronic touch-screen voting machines.


 Almost two months later on election night, November 5th, 2002, tens of thousands of Floridians experienced difficulties using the iVotronic machines. Voters called in to Neil Rogers AM radio talk show the day after the election and complained of "broken" voting machines, and machines that voted multiple times for Bush when McBride was selected. Electronic voting expert, Rebecca Mercuri told American Free Press, "Numerous severe voting system problems occurred throughout Florida electronic voting on November 5th, but none of the major news networks are covering these problems," On November 6th, David Host, spokesman for the Florida Secretary of State, declared the elections, "an unqualified success", and the Associated Press reported, "The closely watched contest for governor in Florida was decided without a hitch." This propaganda might have been believed if 103,222 ballots in Broward County alone had not been "misplaced".

Katherine Harris is infamous for using her position as Florida's Secretary of State during the 2000 election to unjustly purge over 90,000 predominantly black and Hispanic Democratic voters from the rolls. People remembered how Harris had taken away their civil rights when she prevented them from voting. On November 5th, 2002, most of the Democratic electorate of3.7 million people turned out to vote. Although registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans by 340,000, it was too late, the newES&SiVotronic machines had already been installed in eleven keyFloridacounties. On November 5, 2002 Jeb Bush became governor of Florida again, and Katherine Harriswas given a seat in the House of Representatives with only 138,940 votes, defeating Democratic opponent Jan Schneider's oddly low 114,618 votes.

This wasn't the first Republican victory involving "Election Systems & Software"(ES&S). Former right wing radio talk-show host and CEO of ES&S, Chuck Hagel, decided he would run for the U.S. Senate inNebraskawith his own ES&S machines counting the votes.Hagelfailed to mention that he had been both CEO and Chairman of ES&S on his disclosure documents, or that he was an owner in the company that installed, programmed, and operated the voting machines used b

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Good thing the war is over - I mean Bush said so, reme...

2003-10-27 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/26/2003 9:38:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - In a daring strike, anti-American forces unleashed a barrage of rockets Sunday against the Al Rasheed Hotel, a symbol of the U.S. presence, where visiting Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz was staying. Wolfowitz escaped, but a U.S. soldier was killed and 15 people were wounded. 
He was in no danger.  Only the good die young.  As to the war being over, I guess Dubya must know.  You remember when we made Kuwait safe for democracy, and King George the First was voted out.  The first thing he did was head for Kuwait to accept an award/reward or whatever.  Wouldn't you think King George the Second would be eager to run over to Iraq to have a special ceremony?  Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] On the Self-Destruction of the Republican Party

2003-10-27 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

Yes, but with the new voting machines coming, they won't have a bit of trouble winning the next election.  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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