[CTRL] Autoreply: Re: [CTRL] Forwarded Post

2000-03-23 Thread Ali Andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The account x98 has been closed. Please contact the user directly
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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2000-03-22 Thread Ali Andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The account x98 has been closed .

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Waco Video! Doyle's Boyz Exposed!

2000-03-20 Thread ali andrew

New Waco Video!  Doyle's Boyz Exposed!by Carol A. 
ValentineCopyright, March, 2000Published by Public Action, 
Inc."X: A True Revelation" is available from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>===As 
you know, the US wants the American public to come to "closure" on 
theWaco Holocaust.  And what better way to do this than to show that 
survivingDavidian Clive Doyle and the other Davidians have come to 
closure?  Recallthat Clive's beautiful 18-year old daughter Shari was 
killed.  If Clive cancome to "closure" on the Waco Holocaust 
while the murderers of his daughterstill walk free, shouldn't we be able to 
do the same?To this end, Clive and a number of "patriots" have 
stepped forward to showAmerica that we shouldn't hold grudges.  With 
volunteer labor and donatedmaterials, Clive and the patriots -- let's call 
them "the happy campers" --are building a new Davidian church on 
the old killing fields while themurderers continue to run our 
country.You can see the happy campers at work building the new 
the dozens of American flags on the background panel, all flying rightside 
up?  Ironic, since the 82 innocents were murdered under its 
shadow.Those happy campers sure are patriotic!;-)But now 
along comes a new Waco video which shows the truth of this "come 
toclosure" cover up effort.  The subject of the video is a 
November 28, 1999,demonstration by a single man against "the cover up 
church" outside thegates of the Mt. Carmel Center.The protester 
had the foresight to ask a colleague to videotape thedemonstration.  
This video, called "X: A True Revelation," is now availableto the 
public.  When you get your copy, you will see that:*  Clive 
Doyle objects to free speech on the cover-up church and threatensto call the 
McLennan County Sheriff's Department to remove the protester,* Clive 
Doyle challenges the protester to a fist fight,* The Sheriff's 
department sends A HELICOPTER and three squad cars toarrest the protester, 
who is unarmed!  It's all there on the video!* The protester is 
arrested while demonstrating on public land outside theMt. Carmel 
Center,* During the confrontation, one of Clive's happy campers boasts 
that hehelped soak the American flag in the blood of the world.We 
know that the video addresses an issue of substance because the incidentit 
documents resulted in these remarkable incidents:* On March 12, when the 
protester was again outside the Mt. Carmel Center,he received a death threat 
from a Clive Doyle supporter who cocked a 9 mmsemi-automatic at 
him.* The sheriff's department refused to take a report of the assault, 
tellingthe man that "you were warned to stay away" from the Mt. 
Carmel Center."If something happens [that is, if the murder threat 
is actualized], we'llgo from there with it,"  the Sheriff's 
department said.* The sheriff's department threatened the protester with 
arrest if he everreturns to the area *outside* the Mt. Carmel Center to 
protest, saying thatdemonstrations outside the Mt. Carmel Center are 
"against the law" becausethe sheriff's department says 
so."X: A True Revelation" has been produced by the protester, 
a man who callshimself Andrew X98.Believing that Clive Doyle was 
propagating David Koresh's teachings, Andrewcame to Waco three years ago to 
study the Bible with Clive.  For threeyears he served as the watchman 
over the Mt. Carmel grounds.   Andrewbrought with him an eclectic 
background in the study of religion andmysticism.* Keeping the 
Sabbath Holy *The Seventh Day Adventists, of course, take their very 
name from theimportance they attach to Saturday, the "seventh 
day," the Sabbath of theOld Testament.  The governing Scripture 
reads as follows:Exod.20[8] Remember the sabbath day, to keep it 
holy.[9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work.[10] But the 
seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thoushalt not do any 
work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant,nor thy 
maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within 
thygates:[11] For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, 
and all thatin them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD 
blessed thesabbath day, and hallowed it.Being Seventh Day 
Adventists, the Branch Davidians observe Saturday as theSabbath.  
Notice that the Scripture says that work on the Sabbath is notonly forbidden 
to the master, the servants, and the cattle, but that workis also forbidden 
to any "stranger that is within thy gates."Of concern to this 
story is that, on Saturday, September 18, 1999, thehappy campers measured 
and staked the ground for the new church; Cliveworked with them.  If 
Clive had been following Branch Davidian rules, hewould have not worked 
himself, nor would he have permitted the happycampers to work 
"within" the "gates" of the Mt. Carmel 
property.Andrew found out that the happy campers and Clive had worked on 
theSabbath.  And since that day, Andrew has vociferously objected to 


2000-03-18 Thread ali andrew

How are you so mislead? I am the watchman 
appointed by the survivors. I have given my life to them and the Martyrs. I am 
protesting the placing of the "Abomination That Maketh Desolate". You 
know that this is one of the signs of the coming of Christ. Do you have any idea 
about what is going on down here Biblically?
I am peaceful. And will protest peacefully as 
before, but be assured that I will defend myself to the fullest in the same 
manner that David Koresh and Livingstone Fagan did, if attacked in any physical 
manner. In the video you SEE who is Violent. I am attacked by Clive Doyle and 
his fellow government agents. Many people have seen this video and all agree 
that the building of the new church is a government operation under the control 
of the Bill Clinton Murderers of the Children of Waco.
What is wrong with the minds of the people of the 
country? Do you think that the oppression has stopped! or that you will put an 
end to it by praying? We are at WAR! Wars are not won by "Feel Good" 
delusions obtained through the Zionist media. Wars are won by fighting, as 
Christ had pointed out that when his Kingdom is of this world then would his 
servants FIGHT. These are the teachings of David Koresh.
The Bill Clinton Murderers of The Children of 
Waco want us to come to closure on this, so it is "Feel Good" time in 
the minds of the sleeping masses. You are playing right in to the hands of your 
enemy. Hear the "ALARM "and wake up!
You don't have to be a scholar to understand what 
I am saying, but the beast through the (ZOG) media has got us drunk with the 
wine of her fornication. We are all victims of mind control in this sense. Use 
the power of prayer to suspend this mental confusion and look at the clarity of 
what I am saying.
The church was founded on the Sabbath, Saturday 
18,1999. Also 99% of the Christians in this world believe that Sunday is the 
Sabbath, yet every Sunday work is being done.
Do you believe in the Ten Commandments? 

Only those of 
Anti-Christ will support this Abomination.
If a man who longs to be married falls in love 
with a woman and  just before the wedding he finds out that she is a whore; 
Should he still marry her to satisfy his desires, or should he leave her because 
she is an "Abomination" to those that Love the Lord? 
I am "The Watchman" and I am telling 
you that this woman that you seek to marry is the cheapest of WHORES known to 
man, she will Make you Desolate!
Lets discuss the teachings for which these people 
gave their lives. O.K.?
Andrew  "The 
Waco Video:   "X A 
True Revelation"  $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They were HACKED to death before 
the fire!http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/index.html
If you do not want updates on the 
current Government control of Mt.Carmel in New Jerusalem Waco Texas, reply to 
this post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
-Original Message-----From: 
Saturday, March 18, 2000 10:07 AMSubject: [apfn] Re: 
CHURCHDate: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 10:12:04 -0600Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"Guess I'll be seeing you 
there, not to protest, but to remember allthose killed in the massacre at 
Waco, and to pray that it will neverhappen again. I am going as a Christian, 
a believer in God and Christ.I hope you protest peacefully, as not to 
disrupt the serious mattersthat will be going on at the rebuilt church. If 
you cared for theDavidians, both survivors and those killed in the massacre, 
you toowould be there to remember them, not protest against them. 
Eric Radtke[EMAIL PROTECTED]"ali andrew" 
CHURCH> > From: "ali andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > Have you no Shame! > > Only those of 
Anti-Christ will enter a church built on the Sabbath. ThisAbomination will 
make all those that enter it Desolate. I will be at the gateApril 19, 2000 
to protest the continuing government control of Mt.Carmel byThe Bill Clinton 
Murderers of the Children of Waco. I urge all those of Christto join me in 
this protest against this COVER-UP CHURCH.> > > 
Andrew  "The Watchman"> > Waco Video:   
"X A True Revelation"  $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 
They were HACKED to death before the fire!> http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/index.html> 
> If you do not want updates on the current Government control of 
Mt.Carmelin New Jerusalem Waco Texas, reply to this post with UNSUBSCRIBE in 
thesubject line.> > -Original Message->


2000-03-17 Thread ali andrew

From: "ali andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Have you no Shame! Only those of Anti-Christ will enter a 
church built on the Sabbath. This Abomination will make all those that enter it 
Desolate. I will be at the gate April 19, 2000 to protest the continuing 
government control of Mt.Carmel by The Bill Clinton Murderers of the Children of 
Waco. I urge all those of Christ to join me in this protest against this 
Andrew  "The Watchman"Waco Video:   
"X A True Revelation"  $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]They were HACKED 
to death before the fire!http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/index.htmlIf 
you do not want updates on the current Government control of Mt.Carmel in New 
Jerusalem Waco Texas, reply to this post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject 
line.-Original Message-From: Eric Radtke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: Shonda Ponder 
Friday, March 17, 2000 8:46 PMSubject: [apfn] WACO MEMORIAL SERVICES TO BE 
From: Eric Radtke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
History Made – Memorial Services to Be Held on April 19, 2000 in 
Waco,Texas Inside the New Memorial Church That Volunteers Built for 
Andrew Wrote:In The Name of Truth Most Gracious, Most 
Merciful."The Watchman"Subject:  Protest 
UpdateDate: March 12, 2000This Sunday I went to Mt.Carmel in 
"New Jerusalem" Waco Texas to protest the building of the new 
"church" . As many of you know this "church was founded on the 
Sabbath, which was on a Saturday September 18,1999. Most people in this world 
believe that the Sabbath is on Sunday and yet they are building this 
"church" on that day.  So no matter which day you believe is the 
Sabbath you must declare this "church" to be an Abomination. 
Know this; According to the teachings of David Koresh it is: 
"The Abomination That Maketh Desolate"!Many of you have 
already seen the new video that was, in part, shot at the beginning of this 
Protest on November 28, 1999.  In the video "X A True Revelation" 
I was attacked, by Clive Doyle who is a government agent posing as a follower of 
David Koresh.  For telling people the truth of his crimes against God he 
had me arrested. They sent a helicopter gun ship and squad cars to take me into 
custody.  Since then I have continued my protest on the days of my 
choosing.  March 12th was the first 'Sunday" I protested there since 
the attack by Clive Doyle and the builders. When I arrived outside the 
gate I was met by a visitor who asked about the reasons for my protest.  
Once I explained it to him he, like all other Christians, swore that he would in 
NO WAY support this sinful project. While speaking to him two trucks came from 
the building site just as they do in the video. Those that have seen the video 
know how violent these people are. Anyone with knowledge of this current 
government church project call "The Phoenix Project" can imagine what 
I expected. Since there were no videos there to protect me I thought that there 
would be trouble.The truck drove up to where I was and James Ritter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
stepped out. This is the same man in the video that physically attacked me with 
Clive Doyle. Mr.Ritter extended his hand in peace and apologized for his 
behavior and for Clive's. He said that things just  "got out of 
hand". Yeah they got out of hand all right, and I  got put in 
Jail!  So, it seems that he has been told by his "handlers that they 
are to use different tactics since this video has been released. This is a weak 
attempt to stop the truth, but the video shows them for who they are 
"Members of the Bill Clinton Murderers of The Children of 
Waco".At about 5:00 that afternoon I was approached by 
"Scott" the watchman for their "church". He had a passenger, 
white male in his mid twenties. He drove up next to me and pulled a 
Semi-automatic 9 mm pistol, waved it at me cocked the hammer and smiled. 
This is a crime! A clear assault!  I called the police to report 
it.  You will not believe what happened next.After giving the Waco 
police a report #00-15973 I was told that since the crime occurred outside of 
Waco I would have to report it to the McLennan County Sheriffs Department. This 
I did and was put in contact with Officer Keon. He is the cop that arrested me 
in the video. Officer Keon said that he was too busy to come out to my house to 
take a report!  He was suppose to be here today, Tuesday the 14th. When he 
didn't show up I called again. This time when he called back he said that I had 
NO RIGHT to be there and that he w

[CTRL] Thibodeau and Doyle come out empty handed !

2000-03-14 Thread ali andrew
Title: Waco Survivor's Story(s) --True of False?

Fire fighters have to fight to keep 
MEN from entering a burning building were there loved ones are. But NOT these 
(men?) they left the women and children to die. What does that 

Waco Survivor Story(s) --True or False?The September 
9, 1999 edition of Salon magazine carried a story written by  Branch 
Davidian David Thibodeau, whom (we are told) survived the April 19, 1993 inferno 
at the Mt. Carmel Center in Waco.  Among other things, David T. discusses 
that fateful day. 
Can we rely on David Thibodeau's account of the events of April 19, 
1993?  Please read the following and come to your own conclusions. 
I see two major problems with Mr. Thibodeau's account(s): (a) important 
elements in his accounts keep changing, and (b) none of the accounts are 
Some history:  By the summer of 1995, the news of how the mothers an 
children died in the Mt.  Carmel center had made the rounds in the Waco 
protest movement: The moms and kids had hidden from the CS in an old concrete 
records storage room that was being used as a pantry in 1993.  Instead of 
protecting the moms and kids, the concrete room became their tomb. 
The story worried me from the beginning.  Mothers are practical 
people.  When the air is poisoned, the practical solution is to get 
away from it.  But the concrete room was a catch basin for poisoned 
air.  It was windowless.  It had a doorway, but no door.  
Poisoned air entering the room from the doorway would have nowhere to 
escape.  Why would the moms take their babies to a catch basin to 
escape the CS? 
I wanted to know more.  So in July, 1995 I interviewed David Thibodeau 
on the telephone. 
I asked David T. whether he had seen the mothers and children on April 
19.  First he said no.  Then I asked who told the mothers and children 
to go to the concrete room.  He said he did not know.  However, he 
confirmed that the mothers had gas masks and the children had no gas masks, so 
to protect the children, the mothers had buckets of water and cloths and with 
them; the mothers dunked the cloths into the buckets of water and covered the 
children's faces with wet cloths. 
But how could David Thibodeau know what was happening in the concrete room if 
he had not seen the mothers and kids that day? I asked him. 
Now he said that one of the mothers came out of the concrete room and told 
him what they were doing.  I asked which mother came out: He said he did 
not remember which mother. 
It is curious.  First David Thibodeau had not seen any of the mothers, 
then he had, but couldn't remember which.  How likely is it that?  
There were a limited number of mothers--friends and co-religionists with whom he 
had lived for years. 
One of the mothers inside that room was Michelle Jones, David Koresh's 
sister-in-law, the woman David Thibodeau says was his wife.  With Michelle 
were her three children--two-year-old twin girls and five-year-old Serenity Sea 
Jones.  Since he remembered the incident, and given his personal interest, 
we might expect that David would remember which mother had spoken to him. 
And what of the buckets and gas masks that David Thibodeau  said the 
mothers were using?  The Texas Ranger in charge of the collecting evidence 
in the concrete room, Sgt. Raymond Coffman, did not report finding any buckets 
or gas masks when he testified at the 1994 San Antonio trial of the Branch 
Davidians.  Nor do the Autopsy Reports indicate any buckets or gas masks 
were found in the concrete room near the bodies, and they do not mention any 
traces of gas masks on or near the bodies. (See Beware of the Causes of Death.) 
Some time after my telephone interview, I came across an article, "Marked for Death," published in the 
Jerusalem Post, October 14, 1994.  Reporter Haim Shapiro interviewed David 
Thibodeau who was visiting Israel at the time. 
According to the Jerusalem Post, when David Thibodeau heard the CS attack 
begin, he donned his gas mask.  Later a tank crashed through the front 
doors, and, according to Shapiro: 
He tried to reach the children--whom he believes were in a buried 
bus [emphasis added] which the group had prepared as a shelter--but with 
stairways wrecked and sheets of flame all around him, it was impossible. He 
staggered out the door and looked back to see Mt.Carmel totally ablaze.
"I knew that my friends were dying and I only hoped the kids 
were safe in the bus."Here is a diagram of the Mt. Carmel Center.  
Note in particular the locations of the buried school bus and the concrete room 
(called "cinder block" in this diagram).  Very different places. 
Now let's look at the September 
9, 1999 Salon Magazine story.  These are David Thibodeau's words: 
"It remains hard for me to clearly remember what happened after 
the tanks made their move. Walls collapsed, the building shook, gas billowed 
in and the air was full of terrible sounds: the hiss of gas, the 
shattering of wi

Re: [CTRL] waco Protest update

2000-03-14 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

No. I am making current information available to those that care about the
truth of what this filthy government did and is doing.

I wonder why you have nothing but sales pitches and praise for McNaughty's
Government film? Hm! Spooky isn't it?

Andrew  "The Watchman"

Waco Video:   "X A True Revelation"  $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They were HACKED to death before the fire!

If you do not want updates on the current Government control of Mt.Carmel in
New Jerusalem Waco Texas, reply to this post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 9:14 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Ali has a video for sale!

You wrote:
>Now you are using this list to sell a video. Prosletyzing, and using the
>list for commercial purposes. (That is Ali's email address.)

Because I spoke truth:

In The Name of Truth Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

"The Watchman"

Subject:  Protest Update

Date: March 12, 2000

This Sunday I went to Mt.Carmel in "New Jerusalem" Waco Texas to protest the
building of the new "church" . As many of you know this "church was founded
on the Sabbath, which was on a Saturday September 18,1999. Most people in
this world believe that the Sabbath is on Sunday and yet they are building
this "church" on that day.  So no matter which day you believe is the
Sabbath you must declare this "church" to be an Abomination.

Know this; According to the teachings of David Koresh it is:
"The Abomination That Maketh Desolate"!

Many of you have already seen the new video that was, in part, shot at the
beginning of this Protest on November 28, 1999.  In the video "X A True
Revelation" I was attacked, by Clive Doyle who is a government agent posing
as a follower of David Koresh.  For telling people the truth of his crimes
against God he had me arrested. They sent a helicopter gun ship and squad ca
rs to take me into custody.  Since then I have continued my protest on the
days of my choosing.  March 12th was the first 'Sunday" I protested there
since the attack by Clive Doyle and the builders.

When I arrived outside the gate I was met by a visitor who asked about the
reasons for my protest.  Once I explained it to him he, like all other
Christians, swore that he would in NO WAY support this sinful project. While
speaking to him two trucks came from the building site just as they do in
the video. Those that have seen the video know how violent these people are.
Anyone with knowledge of this current government church project call "The
Phoenix Project" can imagine what I expected. Since there were no videos
there to protect me I thought that there would be trouble.

The truck drove up to where I was and James Ritter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stepped out. This is the same man in the video
that physically attacked me with Clive Doyle. Mr.Ritter extended his hand in
peace and apologized for his behavior and for Clive's. He said that things
just  "got out of hand". Yeah they got out of hand all right, and I  got put
in Jail!  So, it seems that he has been told by his "handlers that they are
to use different tactics since this video has been released. This is a weak
attempt to stop the truth, but the video shows them for who they are
"Members of the Bill Clinton Murderers of The Children of Waco".

At about 5:00 that afternoon I was approached by "Scott" the watchman for
their "church". He had a passenger, white male in his mid twenties. He drove
up next to me and pulled a Semi-automatic 9 mm pistol, waved it at me cocked
the hammer and smiled.

This is a crime! A clear assault!  I called the police to report it.  You
will not believe what happened next.

After giving the Waco police a report #00-15973 I was told that since the
crime occurred outside of Waco I would have to report it to the McLennan
County Sheriffs Department. This I did and was put in contact with Officer
Keon. He is the cop that arrested me in the video. Officer Keon said that he
was too busy to come out to my house to take a report!  He was suppose to be
here today, Teusday the 14th. When he didn't show up I called again. This
time when he called back he said that I had NO RIGHT to be there and that he
will arrest me if I protest there again! Also he stated that he would not
take a report from me!!

Should I lay down like a good doggie? I will lay down only if they are
cowards enough to beat me down.  I am "The Watchman" and I will sound the

Please look at this for what it is. These people that are building this
Abomination are agents of the Bill Clinton Murderers of the Children of
Waco. The government remains in total control of this site of mass murder.
Do not be fooled by the
"Waco Suits for Waco Suckers" They are a smoke screen.


This Abomination

[CTRL] Justifiable Homicide 2-28-93

2000-03-14 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I wander if a "MAN" like Livingstone Fagan would pray in a church founded on
the Sabbath? I wonder if ANY Christian would!

I wouldn't!Would you?

That is the type of church Clive Doyle and fiends founded on Saturday
Sabbath September 18, 1999 and are building each and every Sunday, which is
the Sabbath to most Christians in this world. This Abomination is being
built on the very ground where the blood of Fagan's family was shed by The
Bill Clinton Murderers the Children of Waco!

What more *EVIDENCE* do we need to know that Clive Doyle is an agent of
falsehood? If the laws of God mean nothing to you then a great deal more is
needed so that you can stay asleep. Christians need no more than what is
before us!

Wake up and hear the alarm of "The Watchman".

We are in the 70 week prophesy! There will soon be an Earth Quake here in

Andrew "The Watchman"

Livingstone Fagan / Mar-09-00 13:50

Thrown to the Lions

It has been brought to my attention that a "statement" I made in a
early February has caused a stir.  It concerned something I did after
of my community were fired upon and killed in the assault against us,
February 28th 1993, by agents of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and
My statement made clear that I, after being fired upon myself, I likewise
responded in an act of self-defense.  I believe this was unavoidable given
the position we were placed in.

On the face of it, my making this statement might to some seem foolish!
Indeed I myself felt a great degree of reluctance when the Spirit moved me
speak concerning it as the deposition itself showed.  Nevertheless, I could
not resist The Spirit that hitherto had guided us as a community.

Perhaps I should say something about her.  We refer to her as Wisdom.  In
Hebrew she is known as Shekinah the Spirit of God.  She's referred to as the
Spirit of Truth.  She is further known to those of our community as the
heavenly mother. The female side of the Godhead.

Proverbs 8 speaks expressly concerning her. Versus 22-56 highlights her
nature and origin with God from everlasting at Mt. Carmel we became
intimately connected with her to the point we were perceptive of her nuances
by which we were made able to perceive the meanings and truth of the
scriptures.  This was particularly in regard to the matters concerning the
book sealed with Seven Seals spoken of in the book of Revelation.  Without
her we would not be who we are.

Being led by her we are not always cognitive of the end design of her
leading.  Nevertheless, over time we had come to trust her.  Walking by
with her in a relationship of mutual trust.  There were times the prospects
of following her lead seemed not to our immediate liking and we sometimes
resisted.  This was true of David Koresh too through whom she had brought
much truth to our attention.  Nevertheless, we know in our hearts the
righteousness of her counsel and came to trust her though sometimes
hesitantly. In a way it was like when as a child your mother asked of you
something not to your liking.  You end up complying though not cheerily.
Proverbs 1:20-33 again captures something of her personage.  She is known to
us- a very real presence.  Christ made reference to her in her context as
Wisdom and her children in Mt, 11:16-19, note verse 19.
Growing to know and trust her guidance was something that happened over time
and experiences with her.  She became our law and governance, known to us as
the Law of the Spirit.

How does all of this relate to the matters at hand?  Well, it was by her
the Mt. Carmel Community came into being.  It was by her that David Koresh
was made able to reveal the book seal sealed with Seven Seals. It was via
workings we sought to prevent what eventually occurred on February 28th
through April 19th 1993.  When this effort failed it was by her we were able
to mount a defense.
During the negotiations it was by her that David was directed.  By her he
informed of God to "wait" and subsequently to write down the matters he did
in the closing days before he was killed.  In the aftermath and up to today
we have continued to trust her lead.  It was by her I was prompted to make
the statement in the deposition reluctant though I was on account of my
distrust of the system.  It is by her that I now write this paper.

What started the stir was a news article containing my statement written by
Dick J Reavis, a journalist with The San Antonio Express News.  In his
article he draws attention to certain matters that have a bearing on the
credibility of the government and its system of "justice".  In effect, he
shows it not to be true, but in fact a lie posing as truth.

You will appreciate that in my deposition my statement was accepted
unequivocally as being true.  Ms. Hagen and those present did not believe
one instance that it was otherwise.  And rightly so, because it was spoken
the Spirit of Trut

[CTRL] Waco protest Update 3-12-00

2000-03-14 Thread ali andrew

In The Name of Truth 
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Subject:  Protest 
Date: March 12, 2000
This Sunday I went to Mt.Carmel in 
"New Jerusalem" Waco Texas to protest the building of the new 
"church" . As many of you know this "church was founded on the 
Sabbath, which was on a Saturday September 18,1999. Most people in this world 
believe that the Sabbath is on Sunday and yet they are building this 
"church" on that day.  So no matter which day you believe is the 
Sabbath you must declare this "church" to be an Abomination. 

Know this; According to the 
teachings of David Koresh it is: 
"The Abomination That Maketh 
Many of you have already seen the new video that 
was, in part, shot at the beginning of this Protest on November 28, 1999.  
In the video "X A True Revelation" I was 
attacked, by Clive Doyle who is a government agent posing as a follower of David 
Koresh.  For telling people the truth of his crimes against God he had me 
arrested. They sent a helicopter gun ship and squad cars to take me into 
custody.  Since then I have continued my protest on the days of my 
choosing.  March 12th was the first 'Sunday" I protested there since 
the attack by Clive Doyle and the builders. 
When I arrived outside the gate I was met by a 
visitor who asked about the reasons for my protest.  Once I explained it to 
him he, like all other Christians, swore that 
he would in NO WAY support this sinful project. While speaking to him two trucks 
came from the building site just as they do in the video. Those that have seen 
the video know how violent these people are. Anyone with knowledge of this 
current government church project call "The Phoenix Project" can 
imagine what I expected. Since there were no videos there to protect me I 
thought that there would be trouble.
The truck drove up to where I was and James 
stepped out. This is the same man in the video that physically attacked me with 
Clive Doyle. Mr.Ritter extended his hand in peace and apologized for his 
behavior and for Clive's. He said that things just  "got out of 
hand". Yeah they got out of hand all right, and I  got put in 
Jail!  So, it seems that he has been told by his "handlers that they 
are to use different tactics since this video has been released. This is a weak 
attempt to stop the truth, but the video shows them for who they are 
"Members of the Bill Clinton Murderers of The Children of 
At about 5:00 that afternoon I was approached by 
"Scott" the watchman for their "church". He had a passenger, 
white male in his mid twenties. He drove up next to me and pulled a 
Semi-automatic 9 mm pistol, waved it at me cocked the hammer and smiled. 

This is a crime! A clear assault!  I called 
the police to report it.  You will not believe what happened 
After giving the Waco police a report #00-15973 I 
was told that since the crime occurred outside of Waco I would have to report it 
to the McLennan County Sheriffs Department. This I did and was put in contact 
with Officer Keon. He is the cop that arrested me in the video. Officer Keon 
said that he was too busy to come out to my house to take a report!  He was 
suppose to be here today, Teusday the 14th. When he didn't show up I called 
again. This time when he called back he said that I had NO RIGHT to be there and 
that he will arrest me if I protest there again! Also he stated that he would 
not take a report from me!!
Should I lay down like a good doggie? I will lay 
down only if they are cowards enough to beat me down.  I am "The 
Watchman" and I will sound the alarm!
Please look at this for what it is. These people 
that are building this Abomination are agents of the Bill Clinton Murderers of 
the Children of Waco. The government remains in total control of this site of 
mass murder. Do not be fooled by the 
"Waco Suits for Waco Suckers" They are 
a smoke screen.
This Abomination must not be 
permitted to continue!  Speak against it! 
Do not support it with money! And 
for the sake of your own soul do not enter it!
Andrew  "The 
Waco Video:  "X A True 
Revelation"  $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They were HACKED to death before 
the fire!http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/index.html
If you do not want updates on the 
current Government control of Mt.Carmel in New Jerusalem Waco Texas, reply to 
this post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

[CTRL] Don't Rebuild the Church at Waco!

2000-03-08 Thread ali andrew


Don't Rebuild the 
A plan to protest the chapel at Waco.
Can you help stop the crimes of the 
Davidian Impostors this Sabbath?
Today some of the people that learned that this "church" is 
being built on the Sabbath, refused to even enter the property. All others vowed 
that they would never pray in it nor would they give a penny to 

Directions to the Mount Carmel Site

"Just east of WACO Texas"
Take I-35 towards WACO, Texas
Get Off at North Loop 340(also known as: Lake Shore 
Head East on North Loop 340 until you get to Farm Rd 
Turn Left onto Farm Road 2491
Go 8 to 9 miles until you get to the "Y" in the 
Veer Left at the "Y" and continue about 1/2 mile.
Where you should see TWO BLUE WATER tanks.
Turn Left onto EE Ranch Road and continue
for about 1/2 mile to the site located on the right.
Andrew "The Watchman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] Protest Rebuilding the Church at Waco

2000-03-08 Thread ali andrew

-Original Message-From: 
Wednesday, March 08, 2000 7:20 AMSubject: [apfn] Rebuild the 
Church at Waco From: "mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Don't Rebuild the church
 plan to "Protest" the chapel at 
Can you help this Sabbath?
Stop this 
ongoing crime against the laws of God


Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum: 
DeathDirectory of Exhibits  Catalogue 
of Evidence  Search Museum 
of a two year old Davidian child, Mt. Carmel Doe 51A, photographed on May 7, 
1993, just 18 days after alleged date of death. The remains have never been 

"Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous 
than that committed by a state against its own citizens . . . 
"The homicidal state shares one trait with the 
solitary killer--like all murderers, it trips on its own egoism and drops a 
trail of clues which, when properly collected, preserved, and analyzed are as 
damning as a signed confession left in the grave." 
--Forensic anthropologist Clyde Snow, speaking before the 
May, 1984 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He 
used his skills to expose the atrocities committed by governments. (Quoted by 
Christopher Joyce and Eric Stover in Witnesses 
from the Grave, Pg. 217). 
From the evidence we have examined so far, we hypothesize 
that the story of the Waco Holocaust is a story of at least three crimes: 

Mass murder 
Destruction of evidence 
Fabrication of evidence and perjury 
The stories are simple in concept, but 
complex in details. 

Mass Murder:  The nation's top military and 
paramilitary agencies are involved in one of the most horrendous mass 
murders in the nation's history. These are: the Pentagon's Special 
Operations Command and the select forces that serve under its auspices; the 
Department of the Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF); 
and the Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Among 
their victims are many mothers and children. 
This is the stuff that could topple a government . . 
. How to hide Crime Number One? 
Destruction of Evidence:  The times, causes, 
and circumstances of death must be disguised. The mothers and children's 
bodies are burned, mutilated, and dismembered. Almost every technique in the 
book is used to "launder" these bodies, applied as if by the hands 
of experts. How to hide Crime Number Two? 
Fabrication of Evidence and PerjuryA cover story is 
invented. It runs, in part, as follows: The mothers and children sought 
shelter from the C/S gas in the concrete room, and the structure collapsed 
on them and killed them. The bodies are "laundered" to disguise 
the real causes, times, and circumstances of death, and the concrete room is 
slated for demolition. 
Control of the crime scene and the bodies is given to 
incompetent and compliant local yokels. The locals can provide a plausible 
cover for the destruction of evidence already effected, and, through 
incompetence, effect even more destruction of evidence through their 
independent actions. FBI agents and other "helpers" are salted 
among the local yokels to ensure the results.But some things go wrong along the way. 
First, the demolition job fails: The concrete room does 
not collapse. Instead, only a two-foot hole is punched in the roof. 
Second, the FBI panders to the news services, permitting 
photography from the air and the ground. The widely publicized pictures 
contradict the cover story. The photos show the concrete room in pretty good 
shape, thank you, except for the two-foot hole. 
But it's too late to change the cover story. 
Third, FBI personnel forget the old adage, "Loose 
lips sink ships." They talk too much, and reporters dutifully print their 
ramblings. Is it news when leading FBI agent Jeff Jamar speculates on the 
location of the bodies before they are found? Only when he is right. And he is. 

The damaged roof is permitted to contaminate the remains. 
False information is placed in the Autopsy Reports, along with observations 
about the remains which provide evidence of crimes One and Two. 
Some of the locals testify at the Davidians' trial. They 
variously tell the truth, or hedge, or commit perjury, but they do give away the 

The hypotheses offered in this gallery are based upon a preliminary analysis of 
evidence on exhibit. 

Summary of Preliminary Findings 
Death: Directory of Exhibits 
Death: Catalogue of Evidence Next:  Summary of 
Preliminary Findings Home: Museum 
Entrance Search: Museum Text 

Alert! Learn about the continuing attempts to cover up 
the Waco Holocaust. Read a short or more detailed review of the 
disinformation video Waco: The Rules of Engagement, Wa

[CTRL] The Destroyed Pagan Altar

2000-03-07 Thread ali andrew

This is an update on the Current Situation at Mt.Carmel in New Jerusalem, 
Waco Texas.
From: "The Watchman" 
Charles Pace,
You are a disgrace to the Word of God and to the memory of the Martyrs. I 
received this forward from Ron Goins. How dare you ask a "True" seeker 
of God to help you rebuild your "Pagan Alter" unto Satan your god? 
Ever since I came to New Jerusalem that alter has been attacked by the children 
of God. Praises are due to Tina for bring that filth to an end. I am told that 
you have tried to rebuild it but that ONE of the stones from the original is 
missing. I was shown that stone some time ago when I asked what was to become of 
it, not wanting it near me, I was assured that it would be pulverized. 
If you send the police here to question me as to who had it I will tell 
them the that it was Clive Doyle. And that he sees you in truth... that you are 
a cancer in New Jerusalem because you slander the Martyrs and are in your person 
an Abomination.
Liars always change the subject when they are confronted with the truth. 
Ron wrote a testimony concerning my character and the corruption you are 
involved in by building a church on the Sabbath. Why not speak to what he has 
witnessed to? The TRUTH speaks louder than your lies.
>From: "Charles Pace" 
Re:Repairing the Altar>>Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 21:43:31 
PSTIn the Spirit of 
Truth,>>When do you plan on repairing the 
damage to the altar and the sign your >>friend Tina caused. Actions 
speak louder than words!!!Charles
Thursday, March 02, 2000 10:54 PMSubject: Re: Building a Church on the 
>   Peace and 
Blessings to all of an open mind;>>   I've received this 
request by E-mail from an interested party and thought >to answer it in 
the most logical way. I am often a poor vessel for the truth >since I try 
to look at situations from many angles.>>
>>From: "John 
Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>To: 
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 20:36:42 -0600So whats up with Andrew 
and this new church? What did he mean "the killers >>of the 
children of Waco" and "the abomination that maketh desolate". Im 
>>familiar with the verse. Not seeing the connection. ~ interested 
party. IJN>>>
>>   Well 
it's a long story starting with the personal relationship between >Andrew 
and Clive Doyle,the interim leader of the survivors group in 
Waco.>    Andrew came to Waco in December of 1996 from 
Philadelphia, Pa. He has a >long history of fighting authority 
(especially abusive authority). April 19 >1993 was a traumatic date for 
this entire country but especially traumatic >for those sensitive to 
issues of human rights and religious freedoms. All of >Andrew's circuits 
were fired that day , seeing men , women and children >consumed in a fire 
after being held hostage 51 days by the armed forces of >The Great Satan 
,the U.S. government. Familiar with many aspects of previous >misdeeds of 
the past administrations and somewhat knowledgeable of >comparative 
religion, Andrew made a study of this event. It would mark the >rest of 
his life.>    I knew Andrew at this time and saw many of 
the same things and puzzled >at the same mysteries. Why the raid ? Why 
the siege ? Why the assault? What >had these people done to deserve this 
gross injustice?>   Andrew spoke often of finding out the facts 
regarding Waco, but like must >of us never made the trip down here to 
find out. Until an accident on his >motorcycle left him injured and 
unemployed, Andrew probably would have >worked and studied at home, but 
this accident was advantageous to Andrew's >vision quest, and he decided 
to face his life and his life-long demons on >the 
road.>    Upon Andrew'a arrival he was faced with not only 
his issues of personal >survival , but with issues related to the 
conditions faced by the survivors >and the land (Mt. Carmel) itself. He 
lived in his van, knew nobody, had very >little resources, but with will 
and determination he pitched in to the lives >of people he felt a strong 
common bond with. He worked on the land, attended >Sabbath meetings, 
guarded the often vandalized property overnight for weeks >at a 
time.>He had many questions at this time related to the history of the 
land, and >the people who lived there. Not only the Branch Davidians but 
as far back as >the original native tribes. He brought these questions 
and more to the >survivors.>   Andrew learned much in 
his research and in his studies with Clive Doyle >(though Clive might say 
that Andrew came in with certain fixed ideas and >chose what might fit 
them (also true), and was in constant debate with 

Re: [CTRL] Waco Protest Today!

2000-03-07 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

This was probably your attitude seven years ago when the "Bill Clinton
Murderers of The Children of Waco" were torturing men women and Babies
because they would not submit to the illegitimate authority of
Babylon.. as you have.


-Original Message-
From: Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Waco Protest Today!

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>I wish that religion could produce as prodigious a supply of fresh
>clean water, as well as it produces such an overflowing of lunatics.
>> ali andrew wrote:
>>In The Name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
>> An Open Letter to "Clive Doyle"
>> I am coming to New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel) to declare the"Truth" about
>> the crimes that you are committing against the Martyrs and against
>> the laws of God.
>> I will not trespass on the property, because as I said on November
>> 28,1999 when you had me arrested for speaking the Truth, "I don't
>> want to come on that land be be a part of the "Synagogue Unto Satan"
>> that you are building there for the Bill Clinton Murders of the
>> Children of Waco.
>> I will be unarmed, because my God is enough of a protector from the
>> EVIL you and the KKK spread. I will again raise the flag of Christ
>> again against your flag that is soaked in the blood of the Children
>> of the World. If you attack it again I will defend it again...and
>> again you will lose.
>> I will be handing out flyers that state:
>>   X XX
>> The Abomination That Maketh Desolate
>>  The foundation of this "church" was laid on the Sabbath by
>>  Clive Doyle
>>  This is a violation of the Laws of God and a Slander of the
>>  *Now that you know "DO NOT" enter it or support it*
>> For more information about the current government control of
>> New Jerusalem
>>   Contact Andrew "The Watchman"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/index.html
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Waco Protest Today!

2000-03-06 Thread ali andrew

In The Name of God Most Gracious Most 
An Open Letter to "Clive 
I am coming to New Jerusalem 
(Mt.Carmel) to declare the"Truth" about the crimes that you 
are committing against the Martyrs and against the laws of God.
I will not trespass on the property, 
because as I said on November 28,1999 when you had me arrested for speaking the 
Truth, "I don't want to come on that land be be a part of the 
"Synagogue Unto Satan" that you are building there for the Bill 
Clinton Murders of the Children of Waco.
I will be unarmed, because my God is 
enough of a protector from the EVIL you and the KKK spread. I will again raise 
the flag of Christ again against your flag that is soaked in the blood of the 
Children of the World. If you attack it again I will defend it again...and again 
you will lose.
I will be handing out flyers that 
Abomination That Maketh Desolate
The foundation of this 
"church" was laid on the Sabbath by
This is a violation of the 
Laws of God and a Slander of the
*Now that you know "DO 
NOT" enter it or support it*
For more information about 
the current government control of
New Jerusalem
Contact Andrew "The Watchman"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-05 Thread ali andrew

It is like I said to you before on other list that you respond to my posts 
on "You "Spooks" make me sick.!" But being sickening is your 
job You are good at it. I too am good at my job. What is my job? Well, for 
now it is being ha Watchman, but in the near future it will be Isa 13. 
Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:16 AMSubject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a 
church on the Sabbath?>-Caveat Lector-   > -Cui 
Bono?->>Now you are the Watchman! And more prosletyzing! Will it 
ever stop?>>Tara>>>-Original 
Message->From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On>Behalf 
Of ali andrew>Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:08 AM>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
[CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?>>>Peace 
and Blessings Alan,>>NO! I am NOT happy. I am broken hearted at 
this crime against God and the>Martyrs. I will lift up a loud CRY. For I 
am the Watchman>Isa.58>[1] Cry aloud, spare not, lift up 
thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my>people their transgression, and the 
house of Jacob their sins.>>>The Sabbath is spoken of 197 
times in the Holy Bible. The people that were>killed at New Jerusalem 
(Mt.Carmel). by the forces of Babylon kept that>Sabbath, they  
.>>www.ctrl.org>DECLARATION & 
DISCLAIMER>==>CTRL is a discussion & informational 
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic>screeds are not allowed. 
Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters>and 
'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and 
outright>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major 
and minor effects>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. 
That being said, CTRL>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and 
always suggests to readers;>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 
credence to Holocaust denial and>nazi's need not 
apply.>>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
Available at:>http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html>>http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/>>To 
subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:>SUBSCRIBE 
UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:>SIGNOFF 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-04 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I don't know Jah. It is my hope in life to know her/him one day. Religion is
for people that believe in hell, while spirituality is for people that have
lived there.I am NOT religious.

-Original Message-
From: Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>Hey ali,
>Do you know a guy named Jah?
>I have always maintained that religion causes insanity.
>Here's more proof.
>> ali andrew wrote:
>> Peace and Blessings Alan,
>> NO! I am NOT happy. I am broken hearted at this crime against God
>> and the Martyrs. I will lift up a loud CRY. For I am the
>> Watchman
>> Isa.58
>> [1] Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew
>> my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
>> The Sabbath is spoken of 197 times in the Holy Bible. The people
>> that were killed at New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel). by the forces of
>> Babylon kept that Sabbath, they love not their live even unto death.
>> They honored the Words of Lord of the worlds.
>> Who would build this church on the ground that ran red with the
>> blood of men, woman and children for the word of God? The only ones
>> that could do such a sinful act before the eyes of the people of the
>> world and God are those that have forgotten the Book.
>> Exod.20
>>   1. [8] Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
>> There is no excuse for this for this action. For the past three
>> years I have lived at New Jerusalem where the land has been desolate
>> accept for my care. For seven years it has been a waist land. Now
>> that the Beast has decided to make a show. He puts his tabernacle
>> where David's was and calls the foolish to honor it. It is an
>> Abomination that will, according to the Word of the Lord in the
>> Seventy Week prophesy, be totally destroyed.
>> David taught that he was the Daily. We know thatb means a sacrfice.
>> He was working to open the Sixth Seal. So naturally after the taking
>> away of the Daily there is to be Seventy Weeks just before the
>> reserection in Daneil 12.
>> According to the teachings for which these people gave their lives
>> we are about to experience the terror of the Reserection.
>> [12] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there
>> was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of
>> hair, and the moon became as blood;
>> [13] And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree
>> casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
>> [14] And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together;
>> and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
>> [15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich
>> men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman,
>> and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of
>> the mountains;
>> [16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us
>> from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath
>> of the Lamb:
>> [17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able
>> to stand?
>> Andrew
>> -Original [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> From: Alan Bacon <>
>> To: ali andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 1:15 AM
>> Subject: Re: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?
>> Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and
>> then wonder why the world's going to hell.
>> Funny how we believe what the newspapers say,
>> but question what the Bible says.
>> Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have
>> to
>> believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says.
>> Or is it scary?
>> Funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but
>> still follow Satan (who, by the way,also "believes" in
>> God).
>> Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through
>> e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but

Re: [CTRL] Indy: NO MORE WACOS - Exclusive

2000-03-04 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

So here we have it another opportunity to sell the FAKE Waco Government
video to the American people through the Zionist media. They will use every
opportunity to effect your mind. And if there is no opportunity then they
will make one such as this. Do you think for a moment that  this is not
being staged at this sensitive time?


-Original Message-
From: SierratimesAlert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 6:16 PM
Subject: Indy: NO MORE WACOS - Exclusive

>SierraTimes.com Update...
>Local Talk Show Host Makes Defiant Stand. Breaking...
>Sierra Times Breaking News
>By: J. Johnson
>March 4, 2000 16:15 Pacific Time
>Indianapolis – A crowd estimated at over 1000 people from across the nation
>attended the Rally for Religious Liberty in hopes of saving the
>Indianapolis Baptist Temple. Greg Dixon, Pastor of the Temple, stated to
>crowd and to the government, “We’re not here to tell the government that we
>re tax exempt. We’re here to tell them that Churches don't pay taxes.”
>Federal Judge Barker reversed her own ruling, and ordered the
>Baptist Temple to pay $5.9 million in taxes and penalties to the Internal
>Revenue Service. This tax, according to the Church leaders and its
>congregation will not be paid.
>Stan Solomon, a well-respected, local radio talk show host addressed the
>audience as the Keynote Speaker. His message to the U.S. government was
>direct. “You can take away our land, but you will NEVER take away our
>Sierra Times Reporters Paul Zimmerman and Johnny Johnson have the exclusive
>Full Report can be found at:
>Coming up: Report from The Heritage Rally in Montgomery.
>all can be found at:
>"Waco-A New Revelation" has created a landslide of events unprecedented  by
>any other documentary in history.
>See and hear for yourself these new, shocking findings on the newly
>video, "Waco-A New Revelation."
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Day by Day

2000-03-04 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I agree. I have lived here in Waco for the last three years studying the
teachings of David Koresh. The major players involved at the decision making
level were from Baylor. If you look at its beginning and the writings of
Braun in the "Iconoclast" you will see the filth on which this cesspool was
founded. And what can come from a cesspool but scum!

It is said in Waco, by Sam Naive, an historian in his eighties that "Baylor
is the registration center for all those destined for hell".  :-)


-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Day by Day

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>Baylor College is heavily CIA connected.
>Implicated in GWS conspiracy, and others.
>It's also near the military base where the delta-murder commandos that were
>illegally sic'd on American citizens @waco were based.
>Based on the high level of unmitigated trash posted by shannon, I'd say
>one is par for the shannon course.
>Get a clue, budman.
>Dave Hartley
>-Original Message-
>From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
>Behalf Of William Shannon
>Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 8:41 PM
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] Day by Day
>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>In a message dated 2/29/00 9:11:58 PM Central Standard Time,
><< Bill,
> Please cite your proof that Koresh was a child murder/rapist. >>
>Hmmm...I'll try though you'll dispute the source (undoubtedly)...
>Bruce Duncan Perry, M.D., Ph.D.
>The Child Trauma Programs
>A Partnership of:
>Baylor College of Medicine
>and Texas Children's Hospital
>*This is an Academy version of testimony of Dr. B.D. Perry, before the
>Subcommitee on National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal
>of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight and the Subcommittee on
>Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary at the Oversight Hearings on
>Law Enforcement Conduct in Relation to the Branch Davidian Compound near
>Waco, Texas, and appended documents, Congressional Record, July, 1995.
>Destructive characteristics of this setting included undermining
>parent-child relationships by David Koresh. Attachments to parent figures
>were continually undermined and replaced with inappropriate dependence upon
>central figure, David Koresh. Continuous undermining of other
>including sibling relationships, husband and wife relationships, and
>friendships was pervasive. Any attachment judged to be more important to an
>individual than the attachment to God or David was undermined. By 1992,
>children were taught to view David Koresh as their father, and later, these
>children were taught to consider David as God (see slides). In the context
>this evolving theology, Koresh's views became increasingly restrictive,
>unpredictable and harsh for the children living at Ranch Apocalypse (see
>Attachment 7).
>These children had a set of inappropriate and age-inappropriate behaviors
>significant gaps in general understanding, reflecting the idiosyncratic
>teaching practices present in the compound. For example, very young
>including a six year old girl, knew an incredible amount about weapons,
>they knew almost nothing about other common age-appropriate concepts. In
>example, we had a room with a variety of toys, including a small bolt
>toy rifle. Invariably, in the first visit to the room, each child first
>over and picked up the rifle. In one interview, a young girl went over,
>picked up the rifle, pulled the bolt back, looked down the barrel and said
>with disgust, "This isn't a real gun."
>It is clear that these children were significantly traumatized by previous
>harsh and inappropriate disciplinary techniques including severe corporal
>punishment, extended isolation (overnight), severe food restrictions and
>separation from primary caretakers. These children were continually exposed
>to harsh, capricious, and humiliating disciplinary techniques. Children
>expected to be beaten for events such as spilling milk. Infants were
>spanked for 'misbehaving'. In addition, these children were threatened with
>death if they revealed aspects of life inside the compound to the
>'non-believers'. As is typical when an abusive adult threatens a child,
>were told that 'they will not understand our special ways'. These children
>were convinced that David Koresh would return from the grave and punish
>if they betrayed the Davidians by interacting with, or disclosing to, the
>'bad guys' (law enforcement, non-believers

Re: [CTRL] Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-04 Thread ali andrew

I am not proselytizing. I am informing you of a 
very important development in a current situation.

-Original Message-From: 
Saturday, March 04, 2000 9:37 AMSubject: Re: [CTRL] Who would 
Build a church on the Sabbath?
Whatever happened to the rule against proselytizing on 
this list?

[CTRL] Finishing Off the "FAKE" Branch Davidians

2000-03-04 Thread ali andrew

Dear Folks,
There has been a great deal of misinformation about Waco and "New 
Jerusalem" where 82 human beings were hacked to death "before the 
fire" by the Bill Clinton murderers of the Children of Waco. The media 
which is Zionist controlled, is more guilty than the pigs that did the 
slaughtering, because they continue to murder the minds of the people. The 
article bellow is an example of this psychopathic component of our society. This 
is our National shame!  If we do nothing about these "children of 
darkness" they will be our damnation.
I am the Watchman for the Martyrs.  I am sounding an ALARM. 
"The new church is an Abomination because the 
foundation was laid on the Sabbath".  For sounding 
this alarm I have been attacked and slandered, even thrown in jail. I will not 
be silent! I will declare this truth even in my death and when I stand before my 
Lord I will declare the truth continually.
The "FAKE" Davidians that are occupying New 
Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel) will not tell you the truth of what David taught.
1.Christ returns to Waco
2.There will be an Earth quake here soon, followed by a great flood.
3. The Seventy Week Prophesy is to be fulfilled at this time.
4. Koresh  comes from Iran to destroy this government and set up the 
Kingdom of God.
Why don't they warn the people? It is simple these are the people that 
Murdered 82 human beings to keep you from hearing this truth.
The writer below Sharleen A.K.A. Janice A.K.A. Clinton Mouth Piece,  
is an example of the ZOG agents of the Bill Clinton Murders of the Children of 
Waco. Know this that the Government is still very much in control down 
here.or do you think that they are sorry for what they did.  
The Zionist Media are working over time on our minds in hopes of capturing our 
souls. Their only problem is that we are not all sleeping and will fight them 
until the return of the Lord!!!
The Philadelphian,
Sharleen Wrote:
All of this makes me very angry.  And angrier still, that I cannot do 
anything to make this mess below stop.  How DARE the KKK even show 
their faces at Mt. Carmel!  They were at the roadblock during the 
siege, telling agents they were more than willing to help out, ( help attack 
the church, so the standoff would end), saying, "We're volunteering our 
services, we're just sick of seeing it drag on so long."  THEN 
they contact Mt. Carmel survivors 6 years later to "offer help" of 
another kind they want to help rebuild!? The survivors told them their 
"help" was not appreciated nor wanted.  Cheers to 
them!But now, it appears KKK has been threatening people and the church with 
fire!Another person referred to in this letter below, (the attacks to 
e-mail addresses), has been banned from Waco Tragedy News for trying to 
spread his poison and general harassment of Mt. Carmel survivors and 
supporters.  His ranting was of a 'mental patient' variety, and he has 
been arrested several times on Mt. Carmel property.Unfortunately, he has 
not been "banned" permanently from Mt. Carmel itself, and 
continues to be a thorn in their side.  I commend Judith for writing 
this, and showing the rest of America, just how the abuse continues to this 
day.I pray for you 
Finishing Off the Branch 
by Judith Vinson  There is any number of 
ways to kill people. They can be shot,  burned 
alive, gassed or otherwise condemned to some kind 
of  hell. If the observation that hell is the 
loss of hope, then  the surviving Branch 
Davidians are destined for Hell.  Apparently, 
for some, their departure will not be soon 
enough.  Six months ago, there were about a 
hundred Americans from all  over this country 
who decided to rebuild a modest church for  the 
twenty surviving Branch Davidians. For the most part 
those  survivors are elderly. Two are in there 
eighties. Some have  been badly burned, with 
hands scarred into almost useless  claws, or 
minus all their fingers, as in the case of one 
young  girl who was 16 at the time. They have 
no families now, some  no homes, and most are 
unemployable due to age or  disabilities. When 
asked how they might be helped, they said  they 
only hoped one day to have a little church in which 
to  worship. It seemed a reasonable request 
considering this was  
America.  A bank account was set up at Bank 
of America in Waco, Texas,  with the name, 
Rebuildthechurch.com. At the time, the bank's  
name seemed more than appropriate. Rebuildthechurch.com 
was  also the name of a web page where donors 
around the country  might be shown pictures 
that have been put up every week  showing the 
progress on the church. For six months now,  
donations have been received through that 
account.  So far, the total from all 
sources has been $76,859.00. – All  spent 
on materials. Heroic v

[CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-04 Thread ali andrew

Peace and Blessings 
NO! I am NOT happy. I am broken hearted at this 
crime against God and the Martyrs. I will lift up a loud CRY. For I am the 

Isa.58[1] Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a 
trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their 
The Sabbath is spoken of 197 times in the Holy 
Bible. The people that were killed at New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel). by the forces 
of Babylon kept that Sabbath, they love not their live even unto death. They 
honored the Words of Lord of the worlds. 
Who would build this church on the ground that ran 
red with the blood of men, woman and children for the word of God? The only ones 
that could do such a sinful act before the eyes of the people of the world and 
God are those that have forgotten the Book.


[8] Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
There is no excuse for this for this action. For 
the past three years I have lived at New Jerusalem where the land has been 
desolate accept for my care. For seven years it has been a waist land. Now that 
the Beast has decided to make a show. He puts his tabernacle where David's was 
and calls the foolish to honor it. It is an Abomination that will, according to 
the Word of the Lord in the  Seventy Week prophesy, be totally 

And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall 
pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the 
daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that 
maketh desolate. 

And from the time that the daily sacrifice 
shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set 
up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 


David taught that he was the Daily. We know thatb means a sacrfice. He 
was working to open the Sixth Seal. So naturally after the taking away of the 
Daily there is to be Seventy Weeks just before the reserection in Daneil 


And at that 
time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the 
children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such 
as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at 
that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be 
found written in the book.

According to the teachings for which these people gave their lives we are 
about to experience the terror of the Reserection.
[12] And I beheld when he had 
opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became 
black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;[13] And the 
stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely 
figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.[14] And the heaven 
departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island 
were moved out of their places.[15] And the kings of the earth, and 
the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and 
every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks 
of the mountains;[16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on 
us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the 
wrath of the Lamb:[17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and 
who shall be able to stand?
-Original Message-[EMAIL PROTECTED]From: 
Alan Bacon <>To: ali andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Saturday, March 04, 2000 1:15 AMSubject: Re: Who would Build a 
church on the Sabbath?
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God andthen wonder why the 
world's going to hell.Funny how we believe what the newspapers 
say,but question what the Bible says.Funny how everyone wants to go 
to heaven provided they do not have tobelieve, think, say, or do anything 
the Bible says.Or is it scary?Funny how someone can say "I 
believe in God" butstill follow Satan (who, by the way,also 
"believes" inGod).Funny how you can send a thousand 
'jokes' throughe-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when youstart 
sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about 
sharing.Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely 
throughcyberspace, but the publicdiscussion of Jesus is suppressed in 
the schooland workplace.FUNNY, ISN'T IT?Funny how someone 
can be so fired up for Christ on Sunday, but be aninvisible Christian the 
rest ofthe week.Are you laughing?Funny how when you go to 
forward this message,you will not sent it to many on your address 
listbecause you're not sure what they believe,or what they will think of 
you for sending it tothem.Funny

[CTRL] It Show Time Again

2000-03-03 Thread ali andrew

Here is more government mind-screw put out but the two of the Bill Clinton 
Murderers of the Children of Waco.TOMMY WITHERSPOON and MARK ENGLAND 
Tribune-Herald staff writers. They were on the scene from the beginning. And are 
responsible for the Sinful messiah series that ran in the paper the day before 
the murdering began.
The show goes on! the Waco Suits are for Waco suckers. No one is being 
charge with these murders and the ones paying for the new church are the 
American people. Clinton must be having quite a laugh at the fools of this 
country. Why shouldn't he? Anybody that falls for this line of garbage is a 
fool. Read this article about the "show" being put on by this 
murderous Government.
Kathryn Schroeder and Rita Riddle are to of the most questionable people 
involved in this mass murder. It is Schroeder who put innocent men behind bars 
to save her our skin. And Riddle left her daughter Misty behind to die. Consider 
for a moment the unbelievable testimonies of the so called "fire 
survivors". And Rita Riddle.
We have got to take our heads out of the sand and look at the truth that 
this government is still very much in control of New Jerusalem,i.e. Mt.Carmel. 
Their agent Clive Doyle,who laid the foundation of the new church on the 
"Sabbath"! is doing all he can to suppress the teachings of David 
Koresh. This law suit is a joke. The show is being staged for those that love 
their sleep and sleep they will until it is their children that are mutilated 
and tortured. They must think that the Murderer of the Children of Waco, Bill 
Clinton, will not harm them. David taught that he, The King of the North,  
will make this world desolate!


Waco Suits for Waco Suckers

They Couldn't Even Get the Names Right!
by Carol A. Valentine

Judge Charlie McCarthy presiding ...

Hey, Wow!  They're finally doing something about Waco! That video showed 
how the government shot the Davidians as they were trying to escape the fire, 
and tough Davidian lawyers are suing the government because of what they did! 
The judge is the same judge who was real mean to the Davidians back in 1994 
and sent them to prison for 40 years, but don't worry, he is nice now--he had a 
change of heart!  Now he's going after the government, not the Davidians! 
The FBI has admitted it lied about stuff.  Janet Reno and Louis Freeh 
are real ANGRY!  There are Congressional investigations, too, complete with 
turf battles! 
The nation is coming together!  Folks are feeling sorry about what 
happened, and are helping the Davidians rebuild their church!  They've even 
had a ground breaking ceremony, with the American flag fluttering in the breeze! 
It was very nice! 
Truth!  Justice!  The American Way!  Yes, indeed, it's all 
just around the corner!   
*   *   *
Do you believe all this?  THEN YOU ARE A SUCKER. 
The lawsuits and attendant media hoopla are part of a tawdry, choreographed 
vaudeville show designed to cover up the Waco Holocaust yet again.  The bad 
actors include Kirk Lyons, Ramsey Clark, Gordon Novel, Brigadier General Benton 
Partin, Michael Caddell, Michael McNulty, and Judge Walter Smith. 
Before we get into details, allow us to pose a question. Imagine you are a 
surviving Branch Davidian or a family member of one of those killed.  
Suppose you had voluminous, incontestable, publicly available evidence that 
members of your family and your friends were murdered with malice aforethought 
and their bodies desecrated in an attempt to cover up the crime. 
Would you file a lawsuit claiming that your women folk and children (a) died 
by accident, (b) committed suicide, (c) were murdered by other Davidians? 
Would you claim your dead friends and relatives set Mt. Carmel on fire? 
Would you ask that Americans who had no part in the planning or performance 
of the murders pay millions of dollars to you while the murderers went free? 
Would you take part in the falsification of history and consider your loved 
ones were in any way avenged? 
Now you understand the Davidian civil suits.  They re-assert the 
government's most pernicious black propaganda against Davidians living and dead, 
make exotic claims against the US that are completely unsupported or supported 
by weak and contested evidence, and ignore the most powerful and convincing 
evidence against the US. 

Table of Contents1.  
Charlie McCarthy Presiding ... 2.  The 
Importance of Truth in Justice 
3.  Kirk 
Lyons     3a.  Startle 
Summers ... No Body to Speak Of ...     3b.  
IS Aisha Summers.  (Please Don't Read the Autopsy Report.) 
    3c.  Forget 

Re: [CTRL] Building a church on the Sabbath

2000-03-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Tom Cook you are a disgrace to New Jerusalem. But that is why I am here to
expose you and Doyle for the criminals that you are.

You know very little of the teachings of David. You have proven that by
stating that you don't believe that Koresh is to come from Iran and Destroy
the government. You have stated that you would like to heal the wounds
between Clinton and the Branch Davidians! Also you openly rejected David
when he was alive and only became involved with the bill Clinton murderers
of the Children of Waco when you bailed Jessie Amen out of jail for Clinton.
Only a brain dead idiot would believe that he was not an agent sent in there
to confuse and distort the truth, and you are helping to continue that. This
Government's control of New Jerusalem. You will fail!

You admit that Doyle worked on the Sabbath, because there are too many
witnesses other wise you would have lied about this as you did when you were
telling people a few months ago about Clive Doyle and others being thieves
of the churches money. I opposed you then and I will forever oppose you in
you attempts to corrupt the teachings of David Koresh.

Your Enemy

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robert Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: Mt. Carmel Chapel detractor has tunnel vision.

> Clive found the volunteers staking out the perimeter of the
>chapel on Saturday September 18, 1999 and instead of running them off he
>worked with them and explained to not let this happen again as he stated
>before anything was started.  Alex Jones and Mike Hanson understood but the
>word did not filter down the line well.  Since then there has been no work
>on the chapel on Sabbath.  Peaceful approach with good results.
>- Original Message -
>From: ali andrew ISP #
>To: cd ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; David Thibodeau ; tom
>Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 4:06 AM
>Subject: Waco: Building a Church on the Sabbath!
>In the Name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
>Building a Church on the Sabbath!
>I sent out a post asking those that know about the Sabbath their opinion on
>a Church that was founded on the Sabbath by "fire survivor" Clive Doyle who
>is a government agent posing as the spokesman for David Koresh.  Sharleen
>has attack me with out right lies and slander. It stands to reason that
>those that would mutilate children would lay the foundation of a church on
>the very ground that they caused the blood of men, women and children to
>bleed into. This is my response to this governments attack. I fear no man.
>My lord is enough of a protector between me and those with the mark of the

>You are a lair!
>Clive Doyle laid the foundation to this church on September 18, 1999.
>can ask him. He can't lie because there are plenty of witnesses. I even
>Clive Doyle admitting it on video. So go peddle your lies to those that
>on them.
>Anyone that is interested in this crime against God should ask Clive
>You can ask Ron Goins he is also a student here in Waco.
>These are others that are witnesses but they like Clive Doyle try to make
>  What these people have done is set up the "Abomination That Maketh
>Desolate". What I am doing is sounding the alarm!
>Do you call Doyle and the murders of the children  members of the Koresh's
>church? Whatever their Church is it is not mine. And I have never said that
>I was a member of their corruption of the Word of God. I am a student of
>Seven Seals a follower of David Koresh and a member of the Church of
>I have never threatened anybody or that church! I have worked there for
>three years cutting the grass and protecting the interests of the true
>survivors and the Martyrs. Where were "you" then? It's time for a "feel"
>good church so it is time for your kind. I will continue to declare the
>truth that the foundation was laid on the Sabbath September 18,1999 by
>Doyle. I know that means nothing to you and those that would murder
>innocence. Your case is with God my Job is to sound the alarm those that
>listen will benefit those that do not will be rewarded accordingly.
>Andrew "The Watchman"
>From: "ali andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Peace and Blessings all,
>I have a question for you folks. I am involved with a group that laid the
>foundation of their church on September 18

Re: [CTRL] DMN/Lee Hancock- FBI didn't plan to fight Waco fire

2000-03-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Here again we have Lee Hancock Government disinformatioalist spewing more
tripe. Realize that she has been involved with the Bill Clinton Murderers of
the Children of Waco from the beginning.

Also Sharleen is their dupe on the net. She bows to the Beast as do the
impostors at New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel) Doyle, Cook et.al.

These people were killed before the fire! That is what the *EVIDENCE* shows,
but Hancock, Doyle and the others do not want you to look at the truth. If
you are interested in the truth go to this site and consider who these
people really are and what they are doing to your mind.



-Original Message-
To: undisclosed-recipients:; 
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 1:04 PM
Subject: DMN/Lee Hancock- FBI didn't plan to fight Waco fire

>THIS article, is WHY we must all protest the governments actions in Waco!
>If we sit in our computer chairs, seething with anger that they could LET
>those children burn with no consideration for their lives, and yet do
>about it, we are in fact accepting it. Please, SPEAK OUT NOW!
>FBI didn't plan to fight Waco fire
>Records in extensive sect filing
>By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News
>Hours after a federal prosecutor cautioned the FBI about the need for
>firetrucks at the Branch Davidian compound, the bureau's Waco commanders
>a message to Washington saying they wouldn't even try to fight any blaze
>might break out.
>FBI records show that the two exchanges occurred on April 9, 1993, as FBI
>leaders were finalizing plans to assault the sect's compound with tanks and
>tear gas.
>Lawyers for the sect included the documents in a Wednesday motion aimed at
>convincing a federal judge that the FBI's two Waco commanders, Jeffrey
>and Richard Rogers, should remain defendants in the Branch Davidians'
>wrongful death lawsuit.
>Justice Department attorneys maintain that federal law protects the Waco
>commanders from a civil lawsuit arising from their actions in the 1993
>Lawyers for the Branch Davidians on Wednesday also released their own arson
>experts' report on the fire that consumed the Branch Davidian compound
>hours after the FBI tear gas assault began on April 19, 1993. That report,
>Chicago-based fire investigator Patrick Kennedy, stated that adequate
>firefighting equipment could have been obtained for the siege and would
>saved many lives.
>More than 80 Branch Davidians died in the fire that ended the 51-day
>"If the fire had been extinguished in its early stages, there probably
>have been little, if any, loss of life," Mr. Kennedy's report stated.
>A document filed with the Branch Davidians' Wednesday motion, a two-page
>summary of an April 9 briefing, indicated that Assistant U.S. Attorney
>Jahn asked FBI leaders in Waco "if there was a firetruck available in case
>the Davidians attempted to torch the compound."
>A second document, described in the sect's motion as a phone report filed
>FBI headquarters at 7:30 that evening, reported that Waco FBI leaders were
>sending Washington their plan for emergency medical treatment during the
>proposed tear gas assault. But that report added, "per . . . Rogers, there
>would be no plan to fight a fire should one develop in the Davidian
>The Justice Department's lengthy 1993 review of the Waco tragedy gives no
>indication that Attorney General Janet Reno was advised of the FBI
>commanders' decision. Mr. Jamar later told Congress that he held local
>firetrucks back from the compound for more than 40 minutes after it caught
>fire because sect members had fired shots at FBI tanks that morning and he
>didn't want to endanger firefighters.
>The one-page document detailing his April 9 report to FBI headquarters was
>filed under court seal. Justice Department lawyers turned the document over
>to the Branch Davidians' lawyers on condition that it be kept confidential
>and not released to the public, Wednesday's court pleading indicated, but
>was included in the pleading.
>Government side
>Government lawyers contend that Mr. Jamar, the bureau's overall commander
>Waco, and Mr. Rogers, head of its Hostage Rescue Team, cannot be sued for
>"judgment calls" even if those lead to tragedy because they are broadly
>protected by federal law.
>Justice Department lawyers have told U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith
>strict federal limits on how and when the government can be sued preclude
>court from considering whether authorities contributed to the 1993 deaths
>ordering tanks to demolish the sect's building and then refusing to let
>trucks approach after it caught fire.
>They have also argued t

Re: [CTRL] Building a Church on the Sabbath

2000-03-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

This is a response from Ron Goins a Student of The Seven Seals living here
in Waco.



-Original Message-
From: ron goins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: Building a Church on the Sabbath

>   Peace and Blessings to all of an open mind;
>   I've received this request by E-mail from an interested party and
>to answer it in the most logical way. I am often a poor vessel for the
>since I try to look at situations from many angles.
>>From: "John Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 20:36:42 -0600
>>So whats up with Andrew and this new church? What did he mean "the killers
>>of the children of Waco" and "the abomination that maketh desolate". Im
>>familiar with the verse. Not seeing the connection. ~ interested party.
>   Well it's a long story starting with the personal relationship between
>Andrew and Clive Doyle,the interim leader of the survivors group in Waco.
>Andrew came to Waco in December of 1996 from Philadelphia, Pa. He has a
>long history of fighting authority (especially abusive authority). April 19
>1993 was a traumatic date for this entire country but especially traumatic
>for those sensitive to issues of human rights and religious freedoms. All
>Andrew's circuits were fired that day , seeing men , women and children
>consumed in a fire after being held hostage 51 days by the armed forces of
>The Great Satan ,the U.S. government. Familiar with many aspects of
>misdeeds of the past administrations and somewhat knowledgeable of
>comparative religion, Andrew made a study of this event. It would mark the
>rest of his life.
>I knew Andrew at this time and saw many of the same things and puzzled
>at the same mysteries. Why the raid ? Why the siege ? Why the assault? What
>had these people done to deserve this gross injustice?
>   Andrew spoke often of finding out the facts regarding Waco, but like
>of us never made the trip down here to find out. Until an accident on his
>motorcycle left him injured and unemployed, Andrew probably would have
>worked and studied at home, but this accident was advantageous to Andrew's
>vision quest, and he decided to face his life and his life-long demons on
>the road.
>Upon Andrew'a arrival he was faced with not only his issues of personal
>survival , but with issues related to the conditions faced by the survivors
>and the land (Mt. Carmel) itself. He lived in his van, knew nobody, had
>little resources, but with will and determination he pitched in to the
>of people he felt a strong common bond with. He worked on the land,
>Sabbath meetings, guarded the often vandalized property overnight for weeks
>at a time.
>He had many questions at this time related to the history of the land, and
>the people who lived there. Not only the Branch Davidians but as far back
>the original native tribes. He brought these questions and more to the
>   Andrew learned much in his research and in his studies with Clive Doyle
>(though Clive might say that Andrew came in with certain fixed ideas and
>chose what might fit them (also true), and was in constant debate with any
>and all he might talk to .
>   So Andrew and Clive may have been called friends at that point. Of
>there will always be points of difference between friends, and they had
>   One major difference was in the way each thought about the coming end
>times. Both believed that David Koresh was an anointed messenger of God, in
>the role of the Daily Sacrifice spoken of in Daniel. Clive, however did not
>find a way to apply the Bible prophecies to the current conditions other
>than to adopt a wait and see attitude. Andrew, not being a "wait and see"
>kind of guy, wanted to shout from the rooftops the truth as he sees it;
>the messiah long hoped for would be coming from Persia(Iran) to deal
>personally with the enemies of light (the New World Order of The Beast).
>David Koresh means Beloved Cyrus (of ancient Persia, who freed the captive
>Jews to rebuild Jerusalem). Andrew also holds to the time prophecies of
>Daniel, dealing with the cleansing, rebuilding, and eventual destruction of
>the temple due to the "over-spreading of abominations" therein.
>   So, 1290 days passed with no sign, and also 1335 days. At the 2300 day
>point (from the taking away of the daily) no change, but soon (about 40
>)September 15,1999 it was announced that a new "memorial chapel" would be
>built at Mt. Carmel.This was to be a good thing, but for certain
>   Some felt that the location of the chapel in it's original spot would be
>offensive to the mem

[CTRL] Fw: Building a Church on the Sabbath

2000-03-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: ali andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: Building a Church on the Sabbath

>This is a response from Ron Goins a Student of The Seven Seals living here
>in Waco.
>-Original Message-
>From: ron goins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 10:54 PM
>Subject: Re: Building a Church on the Sabbath
>>   Peace and Blessings to all of an open mind;
>>   I've received this request by E-mail from an interested party and
>>to answer it in the most logical way. I am often a poor vessel for the
>>since I try to look at situations from many angles.
>>>From: "John Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 20:36:42 -0600
>>>So whats up with Andrew and this new church? What did he mean "the
>>>of the children of Waco" and "the abomination that maketh desolate". Im
>>>familiar with the verse. Not seeing the connection. ~ interested party.
>>   Well it's a long story starting with the personal relationship between
>>Andrew and Clive Doyle,the interim leader of the survivors group in Waco.
>>Andrew came to Waco in December of 1996 from Philadelphia, Pa. He has
>>long history of fighting authority (especially abusive authority). April
>>1993 was a traumatic date for this entire country but especially traumatic
>>for those sensitive to issues of human rights and religious freedoms. All
>>Andrew's circuits were fired that day , seeing men , women and children
>>consumed in a fire after being held hostage 51 days by the armed forces of
>>The Great Satan ,the U.S. government. Familiar with many aspects of
>>misdeeds of the past administrations and somewhat knowledgeable of
>>comparative religion, Andrew made a study of this event. It would mark the
>>rest of his life.
>>I knew Andrew at this time and saw many of the same things and puzzled
>>at the same mysteries. Why the raid ? Why the siege ? Why the assault?
>>had these people done to deserve this gross injustice?
>>   Andrew spoke often of finding out the facts regarding Waco, but like
>>of us never made the trip down here to find out. Until an accident on his
>>motorcycle left him injured and unemployed, Andrew probably would have
>>worked and studied at home, but this accident was advantageous to Andrew's
>>vision quest, and he decided to face his life and his life-long demons on
>>the road.
>>Upon Andrew'a arrival he was faced with not only his issues of
>>survival , but with issues related to the conditions faced by the
>>and the land (Mt. Carmel) itself. He lived in his van, knew nobody, had
>>little resources, but with will and determination he pitched in to the
>>of people he felt a strong common bond with. He worked on the land,
>>Sabbath meetings, guarded the often vandalized property overnight for
>>at a time.
>>He had many questions at this time related to the history of the land, and
>>the people who lived there. Not only the Branch Davidians but as far back
>>the original native tribes. He brought these questions and more to the
>>   Andrew learned much in his research and in his studies with Clive Doyle
>>(though Clive might say that Andrew came in with certain fixed ideas and
>>chose what might fit them (also true), and was in constant debate with any
>>and all he might talk to .
>>   So Andrew and Clive may have been called friends at that point. Of
>>there will always be points of difference between friends, and they had
>>   One major difference was in the way each thought about the coming end
>>times. Both believed that David Koresh was an anointed messenger of God,
>>the role of the Daily Sacrifice spoken of in Daniel. Clive, however did
>>find a way to apply the Bible prophecies to the current conditions other
>>than to adopt a wait and see attitude. Andrew, not being a "wait and see"
>>kind of guy, wanted to shout from the rooftops the truth as he sees it;

Re: [CTRL] Day by Day

2000-03-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

We have never referred to a "CHURCH" as a compound until me were taught to
do so by the media which is fully under the control of the Bill Clinton
Murderers of The Children of Waco.

The *EVIDENCE* shows that the government use this story to justify the tank
attack on a "CHURCH".


-Original Message-
From: Amelia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Day by Day

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>This is one person/source.  There are many who say the children were not
>treated badly and that this is untrue.  Undoubtedly there are others that
>would concur with this source.  I am just curious as to how you or anyone
>who was not living in the compound could know which of these opinions to
>believe so positively.  IMHO, I do not think this can be proven either way
>except possibly by the survivors and not even there does one find a
>consensus.  I am reluctant to accept the "official" storyline on this as
>self-serving. Que bono, indeed.  Gottta work the children into the
>for an armed assault.  Otherwise, looks bad for launching this type of
>assault on a compound known to be full of children and subsequently killing
>them one and all.
>In a message dated 2/29/00 9:11:58 PM Central Standard Time,
><< Bill,
> Please cite your proof that Koresh was a child murder/rapist. >>
>Hmmm...I'll try though you'll dispute the source (undoubtedly)...
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The FBI Told The Child Abuse Lies!

2000-02-29 Thread ali andrew
Title: From 1995 PBS Waco Documentary Transcript -- Who In The FBI Told The Child Abuse Lies? [Free Republic]

 FreeRepublic.com "A Conservative News 

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From 1995 PBS 
Waco Documentary Transcript -- Who In The FBI Told The Child Abuse 
Events Breaking News News Keywords: HUBBELL, WACO, RENO, FBI, 
LIES, SESSIONSSource: www.pbs.orgPublished: 
October 17, 1995 Author: Peter Boyer & Michael Kirk, Frontline 
CorrespondentsPosted on 09/06/1999 05:34:34 PDT by L.N. Smithee 
PETER J. BOYER: The siege has gone on now for 23 days, 23 
days of two competing solutions: talk and action. [Jeff] Jamar, the 
agent-in-charge, has signed on for action. He makes it clear to Sage that his 
mind is made up. Byron Sage, the most visible negotiator, then recommends in 
writing an escalation of tactical measures, including tear gas.
MIKE KIRK: You signed on.
BYRON SAGE: Absolutely. I mean, this is kind of a radical departure for a 
negotiation team to recommend tear-gassing, but we're now what, 20, 23 days into 
a siege. Haven't had a child out since the 5th of March.
PETER J. BOYER: The HRT are ready with a plan. It's simple, aggressive and 
quick. Under the cover of darkness they would take the compound with Bradley 
tanks and gas. The Davidians, overwhelmed, would come out. They are ready to 
act, but first the plan must be approved by Washington.
The record shows that using tanks and gas on a compound still holding 25 
children was a tough sell to this attorney general. As a local prosecutor, Janet 
Reno had built a reputation as a zealous child advocate. And on Monday, April, 
12th, she said no to the gas plan.
The FBI didn't relent. They came back at the attorney general. "The 
plan's too aggressive,'' she said. Then they'll water it down. She worried the 
Davidians might use the children as shields. If they did, the FBI promised to 
back off. Most of all, she worried that the gas would permanently damage the 
children. A military expert assured her the gas was safe.
For five days the FBI tried to eliminate her objections. After the Waco fire, 
Reno would say again and again that she authorized the gas plan because children 
were being abused.
JANET RENO: [ABC News "Nightline''] We had had reports that they had 
been sexually abused, that babies had actually been beaten. I asked when I 
first heard that for them to verify it and, again, that was the report that was 
brought back.
PETER J. BOYER: When she said, "I was told that babies were being beaten 
and I said, 'What do you mean? Babies are being picked up and beaten?' 'Yes,' I 
was told, 'babies were being beaten' ''_
WILLIAM SESSIONS: Then she will have to say who told her that. Certainly, I 
did not.
PETER J. BOYER: She says she doesn't remember.
WILLIAM SESSIONS: Well, if it was impressive_ something that impressed her 
tremendously, then she's responsible for what she heard.
PETER J. BOYER: But FBI documents uncovered by FRONTLINE confirm that as 
the Bureau was pressuring Reno to approve the gas plan, someone in the FBI told 
her that children were being abused at Waco. But the FBI knew that children were 
not being beaten during the stand-off. [interviewing] At the time, what she 
said was, "I was told that babies were being beaten.'' She told me that she 
was told that. Web Hubbel [(sic)] told me that he heard her being told that. Did 
you tell her that?
PETER J. BOYER: It is still not known who had told Reno about the child 
abuse, but on Friday, April 16th, she changed her mind and approved the gas 
plan. The FBI is ready, but will the Davidians play the role the FBI has 
scripted for them? When the gas goes in, will they come out?

here for entire transcript. It is illuminating. I don't think folks who are 
looking at Byron Sage for the first time have any idea of how contentious the 
negotiations with Koresh were, although Koresh was definitely a frustrating and 
bizarre character. 
I posted this to make sure that it is understood that Reno's ignorance of the 
facts is not enough to get her off the hook. She has got to explain who gave her 
the story of the abused kids, which, if Boyer is accurate, seems to have 
been a carefully contrived lie to sway her to action. 
That person must be called on the carpet with the full weight of the 
bloodguilt for spurring the final deadly assault. 
If she can't or won't answer the question, the guilt shifts back to her. We 
should not tolerate the idea of a "Deep Throat" telling Reno "the 
kids are being beaten" in a parking garage. 
(BTW, has Webster Hubbell been asked who told Reno the kids were being 
beaten? I don't know where I can find a transcript of the original hearings 
I am sure that some will suggest that this would be going over old ground, 
but it should be pointed out that with the new revelations, no ground is 
"old" an

Re: [CTRL] Day by Day

2000-02-29 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Billy boy I mean Casper... As I  pointed out yesterday it is you and others
that are obsessed with the sexual issues. That are as I have said non
existent except in your libido.

If you are so concerned with sexual issues why don't you call for the
impeachment of the Murderer of the Children of Waco..Bill Clinton he is a
freak that you could spend hours titillating yourself with.

Yes David Koresh was the Christ that will destroy this country and the pigs
that support it. Read Isa. 45.

You Casper and the sow you work for will soon know who it is that rules this
world. Fear God! you fool.


>So Ali, you never did answer the reason for your obsession with a child
>rapist/killer, nor the proof of his divinity...Is Koresh a messiah?
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Day by Day

2000-02-29 Thread ali andrew


by James D. 

A careful reading of this chronology 
makes clear some rather significant and startling conclusions. Notice the 
various periods in which there were people being let out of the Mt. Carmel 
Center--once this seemed to stop, and David Koresh's position became firm 
about not coming out until he heard from God, the FBI began to significantly 
toughen its stance. You can see this in particular from March 15th on, and 
even though significant numbers of people exited (7 on March 21st alone), 
the tactical side of the FBI kept stepping up the pressure, harassment, 
threats, and so forth. Note also they totally gave up on David's ``Bible 
Babble,'' early on, and never understood that such was actually the only 
substantive channel of negotiation. Also, note how absolutely consistent 
David Koresh is, utterly to the end. He holds out, against all pressures, 
for his ``word from God.'' Yet when he finally gets it, it is not even given 
a moment's attention. Even when things began to move very positively with 
the visits of the lawyers on March 29-April 4th, the FBI became only 
deafened to what was going on and hardened its positions and actions. Their 
independent plans for the CS GAS attack, which were begun as early as March 
22nd, the very day they had their "get tough'' strategy meeting, had 
moved to a fast pace by April 9th, and it became clear that this was going 
to be the outcome--regardless of what else was going on. The "experts'' 
who evaluated the letters which were sent out on April 9, 10, 11, and 14th 
are much to blame for this whole matter, and are obviously unqualified when 
it comes to Biblical materials. They reinforced completely the FBI's 
impression that David's Biblical ideas were crazy, incoherent, and 
psychotic, that he was not coming out. What Dr. Phillip Arnold and Dr. James 
Tabor had done with their tapes, and through consultations with Dick 
DeGuerin, the very strategy that was working and getting a positive, 
coherent, and totally rational response from Koresh, was lost somehow in the 
background. It was actually the only "coherent negotiation strategy'' 
pursued in the whole episode, and it was working. 

Sunday, February 28

9:30am  BATF assault on Mt. Carmel Center (MtCC).

9:48am  911 call made by BD Wayne Martin pleading that they call
them back, stop firing. Justice Department Report does not
mention time of call, later classifies the whole affair an ambush
by the BD.

11:00am FBI Agent Jeff Jamar notified in San Antonio, negotiators
requested. Agent Byron Sage sent, gets on 911 line by 2:00 p.m.

Texas Rangers arrive (32 within few days), to lead criminal
investigation. FBI role to be limited to ending standoff.  US
Attorneys also arrive, two of which (Johnston & Phinizy) had
assisted with initial warrants, to immediately work on case
against BD, with homicide and assault charges formulated

4:00pm Koresh message broadcast over KRLD.  Repeated twice.

4:55pm Gun fight: Mike Schroeder shot, Delroy Nash arrested,
Robert Kendrick escaped, but later caught.  They had been at Mag
Bag at time of raid.

8:00pm CNN carried live telephone interview with Koresh.  FBI
told them not to conduct any more.

By 10pm Four children exit(2 Sonobe; 2 Fagan)

Monday, March 1

Clinton informed by Acting AG Stuart Gerson, told strategy was
negotiation, not tactical-- he was to be informed of any change
to tactical resolution.  Gerson states the FBI policy is to
"talk them out, no matter how long it takes."

FBI HRT begins arriving.

Two phone lines left open--calls out to FBI only.

6:00pm Armored vehicles moved into inner perimeter.  Koresh very
upset over phone lines being cut and restricted and armored
vehicles coming in.

Ten children exit by 11:00pm (4 Wendel; 3 Mabb; 1
Schroeder; 1 Martin; 1 Silvia).

Koresh promised to come out after a taped message played

Tuesday, March 2

1:20am Two children exit (Nobrega; Vaega)

8:10am Two adults; two children exit (Margaret Lawson, 75;
Catherine Matteson, 77; 2 Martins).

1:30pm Koresh Message played over KRLD and CBN Network

6:00pm Koresh reports God had told him to WAIT, he was not
coming out until he received additional order from God.
Wednesday, March 3

Two elderly women released the previous day are charged
 with attempted murder; BD very upset;
FBI got charges dropped.

12:40pm Koresh preaching (1 hour). All is up to his
Father now, he must wait.  He would still keep his word and
surrender when God told him it was time.

Request to speak with Robert Rodriquez denied

Body of Michael Schroeder recovered by agents

2:49pm Koresh preaching(1 hour).  FBI REPORTS IT RAMBLED,

4:26pm One child exits with puppies (Jones)

9:40pm Koresh p

[CTRL] Express-News/Dick Reavis/Koresh fulfilled prophecy of doom?

2000-02-29 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Once again your garbage spews forth. First you say Pace is a fraud then you
give him copy for his message. Only the weak in mind are taken by your
linguistic babblegarf.

Why is Pace and Government Agent Clive Doyle working hand in hand?

If you want to write about something why don't you tell the people of
America the truth about David's teachings i.e. Davidians believe that Koresh
is coming from Iran to destroy this filthy government and those that support
it? He will lay this place to waist!

That Government church that is being built was founded on the Sabbath. Now I
know that doesn't mean anything to you since you don't believe in God. At
least that is what you told me in June last year at "New Jerusalem"
(Mt.Carmel). Regardless of your honesty, or the lack there of, the fact
remains the  foundation to the Abomination you are calling a church was laid
on September 18,1999 By Clive Doyle. I have him on video admitting it just
after he assaulted me. He is working for Bill Clintonyour Boss.

I will be exposing some of the other tripe that you have written, i.e. You
work to setup Fagan!


-Original Message-
To: undisclosed-recipients:; 
Date: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 2:40 AM
Subject: Express-News/Dick Reavis/Koresh fulfilled prophecy of doom?

I chose to hold this story back a day, because I felt it would disrespect
survivors and the memories of those who died on the 28th.

This is an interview with Charles Pace, who "lives" off to the side of Mt.
Like his fellow "squatter" Amos Roden (Ben Roden's widow), they reject the
Branch Davidian testimony of what happened during the siege, and the
consequent fire. They are frequently seen preaching to people their own
version of what happened, to anyone that will listen.
Please keep in mind, that these people have also taken the position that
perfectly fine to collect "tourist money" from anyone who wanders too close
to where they are staying.  They offer their services at what amounts to a
few misguided "tour guides",  re-creating their own brand of truth as they
Off of my web site alone, I have been mailed from a dozen people who have
visited Mt. Carmel, and each one reported experiencing the exact same thing.
Their actions exploit and shatter the memories of those killed, and I have
comment that I find all of it very offensive.
There are others that live on the fringe of Mt. Carmel too... some of them
have attempted to disrupt several memorial services and have been arrested.
Someone has even went so far, as to threaten the new church with fire and

***Side note***
I received this in my e-mail, AS I was writing this letter to you just now!
I cannot believe the outright coincidence of this, and the COMPLETE
verification of what I just said above.  As they say,  I rest my case.

Subj:Waco Protest
Date:   02/28/2000 11:39:51 AM US Mountain Standard Time

Today (Feb 28th) I go to the church of David Koresh to protest the building
of a church that was founded on the Sabbath, September 18,1999 by Clive
It is "The Abomination That Maketh Desolate".

There is a party going on there today. The party is being thrown by the Bill
Clinton Murderers of the Children of Waco. They will most likely have me
arrested,as they did on Nov. 28,1999.)

It's sad to know that even after being abused by the government and losing
their families... the Davidians determination to rebuild and survive once
again, is being attacked by people in their own back yard.  I can only pray
this church and these courageous people, will be around for many years to
come. And that they are free to finally live in relative peace and harmony,
away from the "lunatic fringe".



Express-News Metro & State News

Davidian claims Koresh fulfilled prophecy of doom

(Last updated Sunday, Feb 27, 2000)

By Dick J. Reavis
Express-News Staff Writer

If the sworn statement they are now giving attorneys and authorities is
the fire that destroyed Waco's Mount Carmel in 1993 took David Koresh's
followers unaware.

But their fate could not have come as a surprise to Koresh, a longtime rival
is saying, because he warned the young Branch Davidian leader of what lay in

Charles Pace, who today lives in a mobile home only yards from where Koresh
died, is out to convert the dead preacher's following — and anyone else who
will lend an ear — by repeating predictions that he made as early as 1984.

Pace claims that he, former Davidian leaders and even the Bible prophesied
what happened during the 51-day federal standoff in 1993, down to the fatal

Koresh's rise and fiery fall, Pace claims, "were all part of a divine plan
show the church its sin."

Branch Davidians in W

[CTRL] 2-28-93 A Day to Remember

2000-02-28 Thread ali andrew

Nice work Bill Clinton! You 
and the Murderers that support you will one day stand before the Lord of the 
Universe and on that day there will be none to help you. God is calling you to 
judgment. Do you think that you will escape the judgment of his hand? NO! By 
Killing the servant of God ,David Koresh you have brought upon our country a 
judgment that will be ever lasting in the suffering that will 
Look and see what the 
Clinton Murders did while Clinton was dedicating the (ZOG) holocaust museum in 
Washington. As these children were dismembered Al Gore spoke in Warsaw on the 
50th anniversary of the burning of the Warsaw Ghetto and quoted Deuteronomy 4:9. 

What evil!!!

Waco Holocaust Electronic Museumhttp://www.Public-Action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseumor 
Mt. Carmel Doe 70Autopsy photograph of the alleged remains of Mayannah 

Waco Holocaust Electronic 

Waco Holocaust Electronic 
Mt. Carmel 31 AAutopsy photograph of the alleged remains of Aisha 
Summers --identified on Feb. 8, 1994 by DNA study (see identification 
matrix). Photograph also shows remains of Mt. Carmel Doe 31b (allegedly 
unborn Fetus Summers), Mt. Carmel Doe 31 DE, and Mt. Carmel Doe 31 F 

Re: [CTRL] Waco Protest

2000-02-28 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I only hope that I am as big a pain in your ass, which you obviously use as
your head, as I wish to be.
-Original Message-
From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, February 28, 2000 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Waco Protest

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>In a message dated 2/28/00 12:39:55 PM Central Standard Time,
><< I go now to defend the Martyrs, >>
>Good...will you be gone long? Take your time...
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco Protest

2000-02-28 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

  In The Name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful

February 28, 2000

Today I go to the church of David Koresh to protest the building of a church
that was founded on the Sabbath September 18,1999 by Clive Doyle. It is "The
Abomination That Maketh Desolate".

There is a party going on there today. The party is being thrown by the Bill
Clinton Murderers of the Children of Waco. They will most likely have me
arrested,as they did on Nov. 28,1999. But Christ never said that walking in
the truth was going to be easy. In fact he said that the beast would lock
you up torture you and kill you.

I have a video that shows Clives Doyle on Nov.28 in full cooperation with
the police and assaulting me. This video is free.
I may be out of action for awhile after today so if you are interested in
seeing how the Government still controls "New Jerusalem" in Waco Texas
contact my friend Ron Goins he is a "Witness" living here in Waco:


I go now to defend the Martyrs,


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] War Gallery (http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/war/war.html)

2000-02-27 Thread ali andrew
Title: Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum: War Gallery


Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum: WarDirectory of Exhibits  Catalogue of Evidence  Search Museum 
TextThe above picture of the ambulance and 
armored personnel carrier at the Mt. Carmel Center was taken on February 28, 
1993 and appeared in the Dallas Morning News, March 1. The caption does not say 
when the photograph was taken, but the presence of the ambulance and the APC 
together suggests that the APC was already there at about the time of the 

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a 
duck." Operation Trojan Horse--the code name for the Waco operation--was 
planned and executed from the beginning to the end as a military action, not a 
civilian action. 
That is, from February 28, 1993 to the final day on April 19, 1993, Operation 
Trojan Horse was a military action, and military equipment was on the scene. 
The Waco Tribune-Herald, 
March 1, 1993 also published a photograph of a military combat vehicle 
moving into Mt. Carmel on the day of the raid. 
On April 21, two days after the inferno at the Mt. Carmel Center, an Air 
Force cargo plane transported the ATF agents from Waco. Thus we see that the 
civilian law enforcement facade in the Waco action was thick in rhetoric but 
thin in fact; from beginning to end, the US military presence was the dominant 
Difference Between War and Law EnforcementWar and law enforcement have 
different goals. The purpose of law enforcement is to enforce the law. Alleged 
violators of the law are apprehended with only the force necessary to arrest and 
deliver them to the judicial system for trial. 
The purpose of war, on the other hand, is the domination of the target. It is 
the job of the war machine to kill, to maim, and to destroy. The war machine 
must also create terror to convince potential opponents to submit on command. 
Therefore, the war machine must not only inflict maximum death and suffering on 
its victims, but must also broadcast its achievements to convince others to 
submit on command. 
This is the story of the attack on the Branch Davidians. 
For reasons that are not clear at this time, a military and intelligence 
operation, with a civilian law enforcement facade, was planned against the 
Branch Davidians. The complex details of the Davidians' history and lives were 
woven into this facade. These details and their subplots serve to direct 
attention away from the essentially military attack and extermination of the 
Branch Davidians. 
Next: The New Military and the New 
Paradigm Reference: Directory of 
Next Gallery: Fire Gallery 
Home: Museum Entrance Search: 
Museum Text 

Alert! Learn about the continuing attempts to cover up the Waco Holocaust. 
Read a short or more detailed review of the disinformation video Waco: 
The Rules of Engagement, Waco 
Documentary Is A Hoax! Learn the truth about the bogus "new 
revelations" and the Davidian civil law suits.  Read Waco Suits for 
Waco Suckers 

Published by Public Action, Inc.,, a news and news analysis service. All 
commercial rights are reserved. A full statement of terms and conditions for 
copying and redistribution is available in the Museum Library. "Waco 
Holocaust Electronic Museum," "SkyWriter," and the sky writing 
logo are trademarks of Public Action, Inc. To receive occasional dispatches on 
Waco issues, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put 
SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 
http://www.Public-Action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
All original material is copyright 1996-2000 by Carol A. Valentine, on loan 
to Public Action, Inc. Postal Address: Carol A. Valentine, PO Box 10933, 
Burke, VA 22009 
This page last updated February 6, 2000. 


2000-02-27 Thread ali andrew
Title: War: Directory of Exhibits


War: Directory of Exhibits
See also the Catalogue of Evidence
The War Gallery is organized into exhibits, each dealing with a definable 
topic. They were designed for a sequential tour. To make a sequential tour as 
simple as possible, each page provides a link to the next. 

If you have not read carefully the main War Gallery page, you should do so now. 
Most of the following exhibits assume an understanding of the ideas in War, Not Law Enforcement. 
In order to understand what happened at Waco, we have to introduce you 
to something very few Americans know about: 
The New Military and the New Paradigm 
The Black Army 

Operational Philosophy 
Training Ruse 
Mind Set of Secret Commandos 
Murder and Torture of Civilians 
The Making of a Commando 
Lying and Secrecy--Standard Operating Procedure 
Special Ops Commandos Wear Civilian Disguises 
"Retired" from the Military 
Smear Jobs and Character Assassination 
Surprise--No Congressional Oversight A 
Death Cult Wears Black 

The Night Stalkers Bring Death in the Dark 
Body Mutilation and Drug Use 
Body Laundering HRT--Rescue Team or Death 

Melissa Morrison before the HRT 
Melissa Morrison after the HRT 
Peas in a Pod 
Dirty Harry with a Vengeance Now back to our 
The Stage 

Where the Branch Davidians Lived 
Aerial Photos of the Mt. Carmel Center 
Dumb Diagrams of the Mt. Carmel Center 
Smart Diagrams of the Mt. Carmel Center 
Ham Radio Tower The script 
Psychological Operations and the Verbiage of War 

Redefinition of Words 
Everybody's Satan: How Political Opposition Was Neutralized 
The actors and the victims 
Trojan Horses and Branch Davidians 

They called it "Operation Trojan Horse" 
The Davidians--How Many, and Who? More actors 
The Soldiers--How Many, and Who? 

Did Special Ops Take Part in February 28 Raid? The law 
enforcement facade 
The PretextThe agenda 
Waco: National Testbed Center 

Purpose of National Response Plan 
National Military/Police Take-over Plan 
How the Plan Was Tested 
Delta Force Founder on Hand to Critique 
Military Occupation of Local College 
And How Did the Test Come Off? 
And the Tests Go On . . . Designed to 

Gulf of Tonkin Precedent 
The Secret Raid That Lacked a Marching Band 
That's Not Murphy's Law The action, February 28, 
Who Struck John? 

Not an Ambush 
Blind Fire 
Entry of Agents into Second Story Window 
Killed by Expert Marksmen 
Death of ATF Agents Necessary Helicopter 

Eyewitness Statements 
Death of Jaydean Wendel 
Attorney Inspection of Building 
Unmarked US Army Helicopters Used 
Historical Perspective First Death 
CountThe siege 
What's To Negotiate? 

Communications Cut 
Davidians Prevented from Leaving--Tanks and Grenades Used 
Electricity Turned Off 
Morse Code Signals Jammed 
Mind Manipulation Experiments 
Acoustic Psycho-Correction Technology War Gallery: Catalogue of Evidence 
Back: War Gallery Entrance Home: 
Museum Entrance Search: Museum Text 

Alert! Learn about the continuing attempts to cover up the Waco Holocaust. 
Read a short or more detailed review of the disinformation video Waco: 
The Rules of Engagement, Waco 
Documentary Is A Hoax! Learn the truth about the bogus "new 
revelations" and the Davidian civil law suits.  Read Waco 
Suits for Waco Suckers 

Published by Public Action, Inc., a news and news analysis service. All 
commercial rights are reserved. A full statement of terms and conditions for 
copying and redistribution is available in the Museum Library. "Waco 
Holocaust Electronic Museum," "SkyWriter," and the sky writing 
logo are trademarks of Public Action, Inc. To receive occasional dispatches on 
Waco issues, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put 
SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 
http://www.Public-Action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
All original material is copyright 1996-2000 by Carol A. Valentine, on loan 
to Public Action, Inc. Postal Address: Carol A. Valentine, PO Box 10933, 
Burke, VA 22009 
This page last updated February 6, 2000. 

[CTRL] The First Death Count (http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/war/pa

2000-02-27 Thread ali andrew
Title: The First Death Count



The First Death 
Count "14 may be dead in 
compound," ran a headline in the Dallas Morning News, March 3, 1993. Heavy 
casualties among the Davidians is believable, given the strafing, the frontal 
infantry assault, and the flimsy structure. With time, however, the February 28 
death count was revised downward.  

The modest plywood shelter the Branch Davidians had built with the own hands 
could not be expected to withstand the barrage of helicopter machine gun fire 
and the hail of bullets from the frontal infantry assault of February 28. 
Early accounts indicated that a child, or "children" had been 
killed that day. This was surely not unexpected, because the helicopters had 
fired into the second story quarters where the children lived. 
When the Davidians were attacked, they called 911. The call was taped. The 
recording captured David Koresh's voice: "You see you brought your bunch of 
guys out here and you killed some of my children. We told you we wanted to talk. 
. ." Dallas Morning News, March 1, quoted Steve Schneider: "People are 
lying dead in here, babies and everything . . ." (pg. 13A), and also 
reported David Koresh saying a 2-year old girl was killed. 
Early in March, Waco researcher Ken Fawcett captured raw TV footage, not 
shown on nightly newscasts, which showed several black clad men carrying what 
appeared to be a small body in a body bag to an ambulance waiting outside the 
Mt. Carmel Center. The identical footage is shown in "Waco, the Big 
Reports also indicated that 14 Branch Davidians in the Mt. Carmel Center at 
the time of the raid had been killed. On March 3, the Dallas Morning News 
reported that ""a" McLennan County official who was familiar with 
the negotiations said that as many as 14 people are believed dead and that 'a 
whole lot' are wounded," (pg. 14A) Another Davidian, Michael Schroeder, was 
off site when the raid occurred, and was killed when he was repeatedly shot in 
the back while attempting to get back to the Center to reach his family. 
Schroeder's death would have been the fifteenth Davidian death on February 28. 
 On March 2 arrangements had 
reportedly been made to end the confrontation. David Koresh was to tape a 
message he wanted the American people to hear. The taped message would be aired 
on national radio. The dead and the wounded would be taken to Hillcrest Baptist 
Medical Center and the Branch Davidians would confront the government in the 
courtroom (Dallas Morning News, March 3, 1993). 
Hillcrest Hospital had set up a temporary morgue and emergency room to handle 
the Davidian dead and wounded. According to the Dallas Morning News, 
"Hillcrest expected that the Davidians were going to arrive after 2:30 pm 
on March 2. A triage area was set up outside the emergency room, and an area for 
a temporary morgue designated." Shortly before 1:00 pm, "agents 
arrived at the hospital in a large white truck and took up positions on rooftops 
surrounding the emergency room. They surveyed the area through binoculars and 
clutched assault rifles to their chests." (Dallas Morning News, March 3, 
1993, pg. 14A.) 
But the dead and wounded Davidians reportedly never arrived at Hillcrest. 
David Koresh's taped massage was not aired on national radio, but aired on a 
local station. The FBI would later say that David Koresh simply broke his word 
on March 2 and refused to let anyone leave. They implied that the local radio 
airing of Koresh's taped message should have been good enough. 
On the other hand, there could be an alternate explanation for the events of 
March 2. The FBI's Hostage Rescue Team had fully installed itself as the 
tactical unit in charge of the siege on that date (Treasury Report, pg. 118). 
Perhaps the "new management" decided against the release of the dead 
and the wounded. Surely there would be good reason to make the change. 
The confirmation that a child or children had been killed in the February 28 
raid would have surely had the gravest political consequences for the US 
government. The raid had taken place just weeks after the new Democratic 
president, William Clinton, had been inaugurated. But the raid had obviously 
been planned months in advance--when the Republicans were in power. Simple 
political expediency would dictate that the news of a murdered child or children 
be suppressed. 
The news reports of the death of a child or children abruptly stopped about 
March 3, and the news reports of the numbers of the dead Davidians also ceased. 
Occasionally there would be a reference to the wounded who were still inside. 
Recall that Mt. Carmel was implanted with sophisticated surveillance devices, 
and that there were a number of informants living within the community. 
Throughout March many Davidians who had been inside the Mt. Carmel Center at the 
time of the raid left. Upon leaving, each was immediately interrogated by the 
commandos from t

[CTRL] Bill Jonston *Waco Murderer*

2000-02-25 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

From: "ali andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No Shame!

It appears that Hancock knows no shame! This woman has been a member of the
Bill Clinton Murders of the Children of Waco from the beginning. She has not
rested once in her efforts it misinform and confuse the public about
Clinton's murderous crimes in Waco. This new attempt to present Bill Jonston
as a "Whistle Blower" is a new low even for her.

She seems to think that the people who care about what Bill Clinton did
here, are stupid enough to believe that Bill Jonston is a caring human
being. Look, Hancock you are not fooling anybody by trying to cover this
sick and twisted Clinton dog in sheep's clothing. This is the guy that is
responsible for the false imprisonment of Livingstone Fagan, The spokesman
of David Koresh. He is also responsible, as are you, for the torture and
mutilation of innocent men, woman and Children.

Now lets look at your lies that you call NEWS

Original Message-
To: undisclosed-recipients:; 
Date: Friday, February 25, 2000 12:04 PM
Subject: DMN: Bill Johnson's computer illegally searched

>Computer search angers House panel
>Prosecutors look into files of Waco whistle-blower
>By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News
>Efforts by federal prosecutors to access files from the government
>computer once used by a Waco whistle-blower prompted angry complaints to
>the Justice Department this week from a congressional committee
>investigating the Branch Davidian siege.
>House Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton sent a letter to
>Attorney General Janet Reno late Tuesday demanding a full explanation
>for the search, which occurred days after that committee's investigators
>conducted lengthy interviews with the whistle-blower, former federal
>prosecutor Bill Johnston.

So, Burton and Jonston are the champions of the people!? And the Sun rises
in the West every morning

>A spokesman for U.S. Attorney Bill Blagg of San Antonio, Mr. Johnston's
>former supervisor, said he was "familiar with" the matter but could not
>comment. A Justice Department official also declined to comment, saying
>the agency had not yet received the congressman's complaint but planned
>to cooperate "as fully as possible."
>Mr. Johnston left the U.S. attorney's office in Waco in early February,
>five months after warning the attorney general of a possible cover-up of
>key information about government actions during the 1993 Branch Davidian
>standoff. The warning made national headlines because it came from a
>career federal prosecutor who had worked longer on the Branch Davidian
>case than anyone else in the Justice Department.

Yeah, He worked longer than anybody to destroy the living after have
killing those that were defenseless..The children and women.

>After going public with his concerns last August, Mr. Johnston says he
>was largely ostracized by others in the U.S. attorney's office for the
>Western District of Texas, which includes Waco.

Poor Jonston. He was only defending the truth...Right? You know like when he
sent innocent people to jail.

>Mr. Johnston said he learned about the effort to search his computer
>after going to his old office late last week to fill out paperwork and
>being met by nervous staff and an Austin-based computer technician.
>He said a staffer from the Waco office told him on Tuesday that the
>computer technician had been sent by Mr. Blagg, the U.S. attorney, to
>remove the hard drive of the computer he had used.
>"The staffer told me that they've had a number of meetings in San
>Antonio about how to get into my computer and have tried to access it
>remotely to access information from it. They pulled what they could out
>of it that way, and then had to come up and get the hard drive," Mr.
>Johnston said. "The computer person told the Waco staff that she needed
>to do it in response to congressional subpoenas."
>He said the staffer who contacted him was particularly concerned because
>the computer technician did not want to tell Mr. Johnston what she was
>doing and even ran hurriedly from his former office to hide what she was
>doing after he unexpectedly dropped by.

"Dirty Tricks" by the Government.aren't  we lucky to have and honest
"man" like Billy "boy" to catch the bad guys?

>Mr. Johnston said he contacted Mr. Burton's committee on Tuesday to
>question why he had not been told about such a 

[CTRL] Fire Heart

2000-02-05 Thread ali andrew
Title: Waco Survivor's Story(s) --True of False?

and The Blessings of God Unto All that Read this Post,
On, Friday, 
February 04, 2000 2:46 PM  I received this post from David Thibodeau who is a "Fire Survivor" of the 
"Waco Holocaust". He was never treated for 
C.S. gas poisoning, yet he maintains that he was in there? He was only at 
Mt.Carmel a short while before the "Bill Clinton 
Murders" were committed. He never went to prison and he and Clive Doyle are at this time suppressing the *EVIDENCE* that proves that the children and the others 
were mutilated prior to the fire. What does this mean??? 
Well, lets look at his post first...and then the *EVIDANCE* will show us the meaning of this betrayal of the 
Martyrs of Mt.Carmel. 

-Original Message-From: 
February 04, 2000 2:46 PM
Andrew,I think you are very 
troubled. I am praying for you, that you see the reality of things and stop 
listening to conspiracy theorist like Carol Valentine who attacks the truth 
and THE SURVIVORS of the horrific incident. Who would target thoes who LIVED 
THROUGH IT ANDREW!!! You wern't there and I was so get over it 
please.David Thibodeau>Andrew,>>I think 
you are very troubled. I am praying for you, that you see the>reality of 
thingsThank you for your payers, 
but you should save them for yourself David Thibodeau you are in greater need of them in the Light of 
what you and Clive Doyle have done and are sill 
doing!You are right about my being troubled. I am very troubled by what 
the"Bill Clinton Murderers of the Children of 
Waco" have done here. Your "Testimony" 
is one of the things that troubles me most of all. Lets look at "the 
reality of these things", as you have said.Why David Thibdeau do you refuse to answer basic questions, 
with honesty, about why you are notin jail?And why does your 
testimony about the death of the Children not hold up to the 
light of common sense and truth?You state that:"My 
lawyer had information on "Judge Smith" that forced him tolet me 
go. He did not want that information out because it would have puthim behind 
bars!"I questioned you 
at the last memorial April 19,1999 about this story thatyour lawyer had 
black-mailed "Judge Smith" into letting you 
off. You of course confirmed this story, as you have many times on this net and 
in interviews. At that time I told you that the thousands of 
people that I have welcomed to Mt.Carmel weren't buying that story. I asked you 
then and I will ask you now:What was this information that was so 
damaging to "Judge Smith"?If what 
you say is the "truth" don't you think that 
you should come out with it to help those that are still in jail?Also 
let me ask you this:If your lawyer had enough "Juice" to keep you out of jail; why didn't he 
get the others out too?  Or at the very least have their sentences 
reduced?What do you say Thibodeau?  The 
people who care about the women and children that were Murdered by "Bill Clinton" would like to 
know!!!and stop listening to conspiracy theorist like 
Carol>Valentine who attacks the truth and THE SURVIVORS of the horrific 
In this statement alone you reveal 
yourself for who you really are. 
David Koresh taught for years, before you came to 
Mt.Carmel, that he and those that followed him would one day killed by the 
President of the United States, (The King of The North). He said that according 
to the Bible the women 
would be raped and the children would be cut to pieces before the eyes of their 
parents.Why is the work of Carol Valentine to 
bring this *EFIDENCE* forward bothering  you and 
Clive Doyle? She is only asking that we look at the 
*EVIDENCE*. You David 
Thibodeau  and Clive Doyle are not only 
refusing to do this, you are attacking the one that is bringing it forward. What 
can be "your" motives for suppressing this 
information? Are you afraid of that it shows both of you and Clive Doyle to be among the Clinton 
Murders? Lets have a look at this *EVIDANCE* 
and see why both You and 
Clive Doyle are suppressing it.
Before we look 
at your "Testimony" lets look at the *EVIDENCE* that proves that neither you nor Clive Doyle are followers of David 
You and Doyle state that the children died from the fire, 
gun shot wounds and mutilation from the bunker falling on them. You have even 
suggested that they were shot by their own parents and or set the fire 
themselves! Both of you follow the government line that the people died on the 
19th of April 1993, but the *EVIDENCE* does 
not show that at all. Neither does the *EVIDENCE*show 
that the bunker collapsed on them causing decapitation and mutilation, but you, 
David Thibodeau and Clive 
Doyle, follow the Clinton lies, by saying that 
it did!
The *EVIDENCE* you are suppressing shows you and Doyle to be two of the sickest liars in the whole 
"Waco Holocaust" Here is the 

[CTRL] Waco Shrooms?

2000-02-04 Thread ali andrew

I have been following this talk and 
it is great! McKenna's "food of the gods" is a good referance book for 
any good preacher of the word.
my reason for writing is that I've 
been down here from Philadelphia for the last three years and have been 
unfortunately Shroomless  : (  I have searched 
through more cow shit than a little but no luck. my studies show that the Wac 
Indians used maskel beans. You would think being so close to the Holy land there 
would be plenty of Manna.
Question: what is the deal on the Shrooms in Waco 
(City of the Noble One)?

-Original Message-From: 
Friday, February 04, 2000 2:54 PMSubject: Re: [CTRL] MANNA 
This is my first post to this list, so greetings 
everyone...I've been interested in Manna and psychedelics for a while now 
and I agree with the "shroom theory".  Soaking shrooms in 
honey for a long time will result in a stained blue and psychedelic 
honey...I liked the idea so much that I created www.bluehoney.org - This is my 
>>"Something falling from heaven is 
entirely different than something springing from the earth. The Israelites 
just couldn'thave been so stupid they could not tell that 
difference"--No one saw anything fall from the sky, 
the Manna appeared overnight with the morning dew (also they had no roots 
like other plants that they were familiar with).  Now, I wouldn't call 
anyone stupid but the Israelites did wander for 40 
years, you can't do that without going in a lot of circles. Besides...look 
at what these people did before they left Egypt...they were slaves, not 
gardeners. This is ignorance, not stupidity. How many Israelites could have 
had a mushroom experience before they escaped Egypt? None, hencethe name 
Manna - meaning "What is it?" - Whatever it was, it was important 
enough to preserve for future generations and keep in the Ark of the 
Covenant.>>"Shrooms in the desert!?! 
No way. Too dry. Need rain and cow pies. Trust me".--Exodus 
16-14 "And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of 
the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on 
the ground.".. Frost? Dew? Wilderness? Is this a desert?? Need 
grass, trees and moisture. Trust me.As for cows, well (to quote that 
web-page about Manna) "again referring to the Bible, it is clear that 
the children of Israel had journeyed to a land where there was dew in the 
morning. As a large, nomadic tribe, the Israelites brought a lot of cattle 
and sheep together in the area. That meant a great deal of manure. The 
change of climate from the arid lands of Egypt to the dewy climate of the 
wilderness created ideal conditions for the propagation and spread of 
psilocybe mushrooms in livestock 
dung.">the taste of it was like wafers 
made with honey(l6:31)...>>Wrong!>>After trying 
EVERY conceivable methos of eating those babies without gagging, the ONLY 
way we ever found that was tasteless(later in life the taste of freeze 
dried Kubensis didn't even really bother us that much any more), is to make 
a REAL ice cream shake out of them.  That is the ONLY way that we ever 
found that even the slightest taste of  them is not detectable...and we 
triedALL KINDS of things using honey in my dayto no 
avail!--Wrong!I have mushrooms that have been soaking in 
honey for many months (that's what blue honey is), you don't even need to 
eat the mushrooms, just the honey will do; but if you did you would not 
taste anything but sweet honey. Is there any other natural preservative 
other than honey?John 6-56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh 
my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.He is saying pretty clearly 
that the eating and drinking is physical. My body is flesh indeed, and My 
blood is drink indeed, and the added statement that when you eat, it is 
inside of you leaves little room for debate that this is a substance and not 
a phantom symbol alone. For those who choose to debate this I ask that they 
show me their substance because according to Jesus' words unless you eat and 
drink of "IT" you have no life in you. By the way, do I really 
need to mention that this is not some strange reference to Cannibalism? I 
sure hope not.John 6-31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as 
it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.John 6-32 Then 
Jesus said unto them, verily verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that 
bread from heaven; but my father giveth you the true bread from 
heaven.John 6-34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us 
this bread.John 6-35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of 
life.John 6-41 The Jews then

[CTRL] Who says........

2000-02-04 Thread ali andrew
Title: Sources of Information

So who says that 
Clinton is
Murder of Waco?
Only the Brave because they 
know that Bill Clinton cut the children and the women to peices and then set 
them on fire.  The Brave fear no man so why should they fear the  
sub-man ? 
I have been asked for the 
sources of my information here are some of them. To this list you could add the 
Holy Bible.

Sources of Information

(also see Bibliography) In assembling the Waco Holocaust 
Electronic Museum, the following information sources were consulted. A specific 
listing of these and other applicable materials can be found in the Bibliography. 

US Government Reports 

The Report of the 
Department of the Treasury on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and 
Firearms Investigation of Vernon Wayne Howell also known as David 
Koresh. We will call it the "Treasury Report." 
The Report to the Deputy 
Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas, February 28 to April 
19, 1993. We will call that the "Department of Justice 
Report," or the "DoJ Report." 
Veracity of US Government Reports The US Department of Justice 
and the FBI have a track record of destroying, fabricating, and altering 
evidence. See one such example described by FBI explosives expert Dr. Frederick Whitehurst 
during his direct testimony in the World Trade Center bombing case. The US 
Government reports concerning the Waco Holocaust are examined critically, 
but fairly. 

Autopsy Reports 

Autopsy Reports from the 
Justice of the Peace in McLellan County, Texas, in June and July, 1995. 
Autopsies were originally obtained by Waco Remembrance, from which the 
Museum project grew. 
Veracity of Autopsy Reports The people 
performing the autopsies had no discernible reason to exaggerate the degree 
of decomposition, dismemberment, and incineration of the corpses. The Museum 
accepts the descriptions of the corpses as accurate, but does not 
necessarily accept evaluations made by the autopsists, and will examine 
those evaluations in light of the evidence as a whole. 

Autopsy Photographs and Crime Scene Photographs 

Autopsy, crime scene, and a number of other photographs were donated 
to the Museum by unofficial sources. 
Veracity of Autopsy Photographs and Crime Scene 
Photographs Secret police and military intelligence 
organizations employ disinformation specialists whose mission is to guard 
the secrets of the agency. To achieve this, disinformation is leaked through 
unofficial sources with intent to mislead the recipient. The disinformation 
contained in the false leaks is often mixed with true information to give 
credibility to the package as a whole. Thus information from unofficial 
sources can be almost as unreliable as information from official sources. 
All sources of information must be reviewed critically. Internal 
inconsistencies are the most damning, of course. Corroboration from several 
sources is not always confirmation. 
The Museum has relied primarily on the Autopsy Reports for information on 
the condition of the remains of the Branch Davidians. Most of the autopsy 
photos bear close resemblance to the remains described in the reports. In 
those cases, the autopsy photos have been used to supplement the Autopsy 
Reports. In a few cases, the autopsy photographs are not consistent with the 
Autopsy Reports. In those cases, the official Autopsy Reports alone have 
been relied upon, and the photographs are regarded as problematic. 
The veracity of the crime scene photos are evaluated in the appropriate 
Many photos were taken at the crime scene by the FBI, the ATF, and the 
Texas Rangers. Many photos and x-rays were taken in the autopsy rooms. The 
Museum is currently in the process of requesting both crime scene and 
autopsy photos from official sources. 

Trial Transcripts 

Transcript of the 
trial of surviving Branch Davidians for the murder of ATF agents, 
held in San Antonio in 1994 (US v. Branch et. al., Case No. 
W-93-CR-046). Turn to Bibliography for more information. 
Transcript of the World Trade Center bombing trial; testimony of FBI 
explosives expert Dr. 
Frederic Whitehurst. (US v. Rahman, Case No. 93-CR-0181).) 
Completeness of Branch Davidian Trial Transcript At least one 
segment of 1994 San Antonio trial of the Branch Davidians is missing from 
the official transcript. That section is Judge Walter Smith's instructions 
to the jury regarding the right to self defense when faced with the threat 
of death or serious bodily harm at the hands of police forces. 
Judge Smith's instructions were made available to those w

Re: [CTRL] [Waco] DMN-Lee Hancock - FBI plan not followed, Davidian lawyers say

2000-02-03 Thread ali andrew

It is 
important to keep in mind that this whole trial business is a smoke screen. Most 
of the people were already dead at the time of the fire. This is what they do 
not want us to see even thought the evidence proves it. It is what David Koresh 
said would happen. You should consider this heavily!

-Original Message-From: 
Thursday, February 03, 2000 5:12 PMSubject: [Waco] DMN-Lee 
Hancock - FBI plan not followed, Davidian lawyers 
sayFrom: "DjL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
plan not followed, Davidian lawyers sayJudge told commanders' use of 
tanks makes U.S. culpable for deaths insiege02/03/2000By 
Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning NewsThe FBI's two lead Waco 
commanders violated a Washington-approved planbyordering tanks to 
begin demolishing the Branch Davidian compound in1993, andthus 
should be liable for the horrific tragedy that ensued, the sect'slawyers 
argued Wednesday.Their Wednesday plea in a Waco federal court lays 
out a detailed casefor howFBI commanders Jeffrey Jamar and Richard 
Rogers within hours divertedfromthe plan authorized by top FBI 
officials and approved by AttorneyGeneralJanet Reno. That written 
plan allowed for demolition of the sect'sembattledbuilding only 
after tear gas had been sprayed into it for 48 hours,but FBItanks 
began demolishing the rear of the building less than five 
hoursafterthe gassing began."The decisions made by 
Rogers and Jamar were unauthorized, outside thescopeof their 
authority, unjustified by the circumstances, and caused orcontributed to 
the deaths of countless innocent children and someadults,"the 
plaintiff's motion argued.The plaintiff's pleading came one day 
after the Justice Departmentarguedthat legal limits on lawsuits 
against federal agencies and officialsshouldprevent the Branch 
Davidians from putting the government on trial foritshandling of the 
1993 gassing operation, including its use of tanks.Thegovernment 
argued that federal law prohibits using lawsuits 
to"second-guess"the judgment calls of federal officials, 
even if those decisions havetragicresults.The motions from 
both sides come as Judge Smith prepares to make finaldecisions about the 
size and scope of the sect's wrongful-death case.He has set a trial 
for mid-May on three major questions: Did federalagentsuse excessive 
force in the raid that began the 1993 standoff, abotchedoperation 
that disintegrated into a gunbattle that left four agentsandseveral 
sect members dead? Did federal agents shoot at the 
BranchDavidiansand prevent their escape when the compound caught 
fire during theFBI's gasassault? And was the FBI negligent in 
failing to prepare for thethreat of afire and for refusing to let 
local firetrucks approach when a fire diderupt?More than 80 
Branch Davidians died in the fire, which began less thanan hourafter 
FBI tanks rolled deep into the building on April 19, 
1993.Governmentofficials have argued that the sect was solely to 
blame, noting thatgovernment arson investigators ruled that Branch 
Davidiansdeliberately setthe blaze.In his decision last July 
to allow the Branch Davidians' case to go totrial,Judge Smith 
dismissed Agent Jamar, Agent Rogers and most other federalofficials from 
the lawsuit.He left one defendant in the case: a hostage rescue team 
sniperaccused bythe sect of firing at the compound during the April 
19, 1993, tear-gasassault. The judge based that decision largely on the 
statement ofanotherFBI agent, who told investigators after the siege 
that he heard shotsfiredfrom the position where the sniper was 
assigned that day. The agenthas sincesaid he was misquoted, and 
other agents in the area have said that theonlygunfire they heard 
came from the sect.The sniper, FBI Agent Lon Horiuchi, has denied 
firing a shot. Earlierthisweek, lawyers for the agent asked the 
judge to dismiss him from thecase fora lack of 
evidence.Lawyers for the sect have conceded that the agent will 
probably bedismissed,despite recent revelations about evidence that 
could support thegunfireclaim. Texas Rangers issued a report last 
fall that described how adozenspent .308 shell casings had been 
found after the incident in thehouse whereAgent Horiuchi was 
stationed.The house had been used earlier by snipers from the Bureau 
of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms during the raid that began the standoff, 
andfederalofficials have argued that the shell casings came from ATF 
guns. Theofficeof special counsel John Danforth is performing 
forensic tests todeterminewhich agency's guns were used.The 
two FBI commanders were among the large number of 

Re: [CTRL] [last-days] John3:16

2000-02-03 Thread ali andrew

Now this is news! I am forwarding 
this to all the people that need to know the nature of this lying government. 
God is showing us over and over again who Bill Clinton really is, so that there 
will be no argument on the day of Resurrection. Truth will judge on that day and 
many will be ashamed.

-Original Message-From: 
Thursday, February 03, 2000 1:45 PMSubject: [last-days] 
John3:16From: Bob McReynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
John 3:16   Al Gore gave a big speech a couple 
of weeks ago about how his faith isso  "important" to 
him.  In his attempt to convince the American peoplethat 
we  should consider him for president, he announced that his 
favoriteBible  verse is John 16:3.  Of course the speech 
writer meant John 3:16 butnobody  in the Gore camp was familiar 
enough with Scripture to catch theerror.  Do you know what 
John 16:3 says?  "And they will do this because they  
have not known the Father or me."  Does the Lord have a sense of 
humoror  what?

Please click above to support our 

Re: [CTRL] My beliefs

2000-02-03 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


I have attended Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania in the past. In
these "schools" I have studied comparative religions ,Philosophy,
Physics,Arabic, English, law and psychology. When I said that I didn't
"know" the Books of God I meant that to "know" is a very unique state of
consciousness. It is what Kant called becoming "the thing in and of itself".
I, as a student can see with this light that I don't "know" anything,
because I am separated from my experience, e.g.The Books of God, by the
confusion of the sensory world. David "knew" the Bible, he was a walking and
talking Book.

Please lets consider what he had to say to see if it makes sense.

-Original Message-
From: Tenorlove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ali andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: My beliefs

>--- ali andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
><God for that matter. My reason for wanting to study "his" message is to
>see if what my heart sees can be confirmed in the material world.>>
>Start with the book of Galatians in the New Testament. THE most
>important factor in salvation is FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. Everything
>else: good works, end times prophecy, the Great Commission, etc.,
>follows faith. FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST is the foundation, the
>cornerstone. The rest is built upon that foundation of FAITH IN JESUS
>CHRIST. From that standpoint of FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST, everything else
>falls into place.
>I will be happy to answer your questions, and help you in your
>spiritual growth.
>Vaya con Dios, Alice
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2000-02-03 Thread ali andrew
Title: Why the Waco Holocaust Matters


Why the Waco Holocaust Matters 

Jennifer Andrade, age 21 at death.

Melissa Morrison, age 6 at 
Among those who died during the Waco Holocaust.

When barbarities are practiced by a government, civilized people must stand 
up and say STOP! lest the whole society be consumed by barbarism.   
Over the cornice of the US Supreme Court these words are etched: 

Equal Justice Under LawTo fair-minded Americans, those words 
apply to both the Branch Davidians and their murderers. 
As a society, we do not let murderers go free, for experience shows they will 
murder again. Under a system of equal justice, when physical and circumstantial 
evidence indicates a person has committed a crime, he or she is indicted and 
brought before a jury. So it should be: one rule of law for all. 
The American Revolution specifically rejected the concept of the Divine Right 
of Kings. The American revolutionaries believed that legitimate political power 
arose from each and every individual person, and was delegated by them to 
government. The government was to be a servant of the people. Under this system, 
servants of the people (the government) have no Divine Right to murder their 
employers (the citizens). 
Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty is nourished by the blood of 
tyrants and the blood of patriots. We citizens of the US will not be intimidated 
into silence or acquiescence. We are the inheritors of the American Revolution. 
By this crime, the US government proclaimed itself to be the enemy of the 
people. When the executive branch of government turns to murdering the citizens, 
what redress do the citizens have? Who will arrest and try a murderous general, 
and who will arrest and try a murderous attorney general? 
Congress could have taken a number of immediate remedial actions. It could 
have conducted an honest, vigorous investigation. It could have immediately 
reduced funding to the agencies involved by the amount spent. It could have 
disbanded the units involved, fired the personnel, and prohibited them evermore 
from federal benefits and employment. It could have impeached the military and 
civilian officials involved; it could have seen that a Special Prosecutor was 
appointed, and vigorous prosecutions conducted. 
When the Congressional hearings on Waco took place in the summer of 1995, 
many Americans hoped that an honest investigation would be done. But Congress 
suppressed the evidence and became accessories to the crime. 
For less evidence than you see on these pages, ordinary people are convicted 
and sentenced to death.  After World War II, the Allies prosecuted defeated 
Germans for alleged crimes against German citizens.  What hypocrisy makes 
the world community turn its face from the American crimes against the Branch 
Six years after the atrocity, not one of the murderers has been 
indicted.  Americans no longer live under the rule of law.  That is 
why Americans are arming themselves, to protect their families against the 
outlaws, whether the outlaws wear the uniforms of the US military or law 
Look at the evidence against the US military and law enforcement. We have 
documented their outrageous lies. We have the evidence of their murders. We have 
the autopsy reports, we have photos of the twisted bodies, of the tortured, 
gassed, mutilated, and burned. 
Righteous people of the world: Look! You are the jury. Look at our shame! 
Next: How to Tour the Museum 
Home: Museum Entrance  

Alert! Yet another attempt to cover up the the Waco Holocaust. Read about the 
new hoax documentary, Waco: The Rules of 
Engagement in the Museum's Burial Gallery. 

Published by Public Action, Inc, a news and news analysis service. All 
commercial rights are reserved. A full statement of terms and conditions for 
copying and redistribution is available in the Museum Library. "Waco 
Holocaust Electronic Museum," "SkyWriter," and the sky writing 
logo are trademarks of Public Action, Inc. 
 http://www.Public-Action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 All original material is copyright 1996-1997 by Carol A. Valentine, on 
loan to Public Action, Inc. Postal Address: Carol A. Valentine, PO Box 
10933, Burke, VA 22009 
 This page last updated April 2, 1999 

Re: [CTRL] Cosmic Awareness speaks 1

2000-02-03 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

hi eartthperson,

this is great stuff. As you know I am in Waco and have been studying the
Waco Indians in my efforts to find answers to the Holocaust of the
Davidians. One of the mysteries concerning these people is what happen to
them. Where did they go? Well Chief BOWELS who staged the 1828 massacre of
the waco's for Steve Austin, said that he could not defeat the WACOS BECAUSE


-Original Message-
From: earthman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 1:14 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Cosmic Awareness speaks 1

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>Whoa, what a read.
>Subject: Further News About The Grand Canyon Temple.Feb. 1, 2000.
>  In the past I have posted information about the discovery of a temple
>in the Grand Canyon.  I also posting items from  a lady called Mysty
>Moon who went into this temple a few years ago.  Now there is some
>information from an intelligence called The COSMIC AWARENESS that I
>will post at this time.  The information it puts out is channeled
>material.  Some people hate channeled material.  Some people don't
>like for me to make the statement, "This is channeled material so be
>careful."  Other people hate the writing of the COSMIC AWARENESS
>because it repeats the statement, COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness
>indicates."  If one or all of these things upset you then please
>don't read this material.
>  That is the story that appeared in the Phoenix Gazette, April 5,
>1909. Would Awareness comment on that and whether basically the
>information is true?
>  This Awareness indicates the information is correct. This Awareness
>has previously discussed underground caverns that run throughout
>the earth. This Awareness indicates that this civilization was a
>remnant of that which has been termed Lemurian civilization: The
>Lemurian civilization being essentially in the Pacific as its own
>origin, and it had some spreading in the direction of the present
>area referred to as the Oriental world.
>  There is also an opening in these underground caverns in Egypt;
>that Atlantis contained an opening into these underground caverns
>and that they do connect into Tibet and that which is called
>Shamballah. This Awareness indicates that many of these underground
>caverns or what may be termed "underground highways" have been blocked
>although many areas are open.
>  This Awareness indicates that some of these also go down into South
>  This Awareness indicates that the entities, the American Indians,
>particularly the Hopi, are descendants of entities who once lived in
>these underground caverns. This Awareness indicates it has been
>theorized that the American Indians have an origin in the China or
>Asian continent. This Awareness suggests that the theory is that they
>came across the area of Alaska.
>  This Awareness wishes to suggest, however, that some of these
>entities came through tunnels that went beneath the Pacific to
>Lemuria, of which the Hawaiian islands are a part, and on to the
>North American continent. This Awareness indicates that these
>underground caverns were once part of a great world civilization
>that included high technology from extraterrestrial civilizations.
>   How the Great Flood Was Created
>  The Titans, the Atlans, the Lemurians and many others of the time
>did travel underground through these subterranean fields or caverns
>and also had space travel. Much of this was destroyed after the
>conflicts that occurred in what may be termed a kind of space war or
>extraterrestrial war, when the firmament was likewise destroyed and
>that great flood was created. The flood was created from the melting
>of the polar caps through the use of certain extraterrestrial
>  Earth Changes Split Huge Cavern In Two This Awareness indicates
>that the Grand Canyon was a schism that occurred from the result of
>enormous earth shifts and broke apart a cavern that went through
>this area. If one could examine the opposite side of the canyon,
>downstream, one could find the continuance of this cavern, except
>that the canyon has been sealed from the shifts of the rocks and the
>movement of the plates so that it is not directly opposite the wall
>of the canyon. This Awareness indicates that it does carry on from the
>shearing-off action of 

[CTRL] Fw: Frontline: FBI/ATF Raid ELF Spokespersons Home (OR, USA)

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 10:49 PM
Subject: Frontline: FBI/ATF Raid ELF Spokespersons Home (OR, USA)

>   Frontline Information Service   -   Update 2/02/00
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Earth Liberation Front Spokesperson's Home Raided By
>FBI/ATF Agents;Subpoena Issued For Federal Grand Jury
>February 2, 2000
>PORTLAND, OR - Earth Liberation Front (E.L.F.) spokesperson, Craig
>Rosebraugh, had his home raided today by FBI and ATF agents.  For
>nearly six hours agents searched and seized a virtual truckload of
>property presumably related to Mr. Rosebraugh's work publicizing the
>actions of the underground E.L.F.
>Mr. Rosebraugh was also issued a subpoena to testify before a federal
>grand jury in Portland on February 29, 2000 which is investigating
>recent actions by the E.L.F.  This is Rosebraugh's fifth subpoena he
>has received to testify before a grand jury in three years.
>At 8:00am some 15 federal law enforcement personnel from the ATF and
>FBI entered Rosebraugh's home with guns drawn and a search warrant
>allowing the search of his home and vehicle.  Simultaneously, FBI and
>ATF agents also raided the offices of Liberation Collective in
>Portland, where Rosebraugh previously worked.
>"As it is obvious the law enforcement has no idea who is succeeding
>with economic sabotage in this country, it seems only fitting that they
>are going to target and harass the public spokesperson", Rosebraugh
>commented today.
>Recent E.L.F. actions have included the destruction of Boise Cascade's
>regional headquarters in Monmouth, Oregon, the burning of a genetic
>research program at Michigan State University, and a burning of a new
>home in Bloomington, IN.
>For more information contact:
>Craig Rosebraugh
>E.L.F. spokesperson (503)284-5432
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Brief History (http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/cover/c_page02

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew
Title: Brief History


Brief HistoryBetween the days of February 28, 1993 and April 
19th, 1993, approximately 80 men, women, and children living peacefully in their 
home near Waco, Texas, were killed by the combined efforts of the US Defense 
Department and other government paramilitary units: the US Treasury Department's 
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), and the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation (FBI). The incident also claimed the lives of four ATF agents. 
The civilians lived in a religious community called the Mt. Carmel Center. 
They were called Branch Davidians. 
The incident began with a military-style raid on February 28, complete with 
helicopter gunships firing down upon the women's and children's quarters. Then 
followed a long siege. On April 19, the US government sent tanks to GAS 
the building where the people lived. The government said they decided to gas the 
Davidians because they were concerned about the sanitary conditions in the 
house, because they were afraid one of the Davidians, David Koresh, was spanking 
babies, and because the FBI agents were getting tired. 
 The tanks tore big holes in 
the walls, drove into the house, and knocked down whole sections of the 
building. The government said they were only making holes in the building so 
they could get the gas in, and let the people out. But no Davidians came out. To 
some, it seemed the tanks were demolishing the Branch Davidians' home while the 
people were still inside. 
A fire broke out as the tanks were driving about. The fire became an inferno, 
lasted 40 minutes and burned the house to the ground. As they watched the 
inferno on TV, many wondered why they could not see Davidians escaping the 
burning building. Seventy-five people are said to have perished in the flames. 
Much public concern was focused on the circumstances surrounding the deaths 
of the 33 women, children, and babies whose remains were found in a concrete 
room which served as a pantry and food storage area off the kitchen in the Mt. 
Carmel Center. 
Circumstantial and physical evidence suggested to some Americans that the 
Branch Davidians were deliberately killed by the US government. A video was made 
which contained TV footage that showed what seemed to be a flame throwing tank 
backing out of the smashed building, flames coming out of its muzzle. Other 
footage showed uniformed US military personnel at the scene, and tanks fitted 
with plowblades pushing debris into the flaming rubble. The video was circulated 
nation-wide and caused people to become outraged. 
The US government repeated that the tanks made holes in the building so that 
the Branch Davidians could come out, but that the Davidians refused to do so, 
and then committed suicide by setting themselves on fire. 
Others said that the TV footage of the flame throwing tank was misleading. 
They said the fire started when the tanks accidentally tipped over some 
lanterns, and was fed by hay and household fuels that happened to be in the 
building. A public outcry for full Congressional hearings ensued. 
Two years to the day after the April 19 fire, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma 
City, where many federal offices were housed, was bombed. The US news services 
immediately inferred the building was bombed by those who objected to the Waco 
Holocaust. Waco Holocaust protesters said that the bombing of the Murrah 
building was most likely the work of the US government, seeking an excuse to 
extinguish Constitutional liberties, as evidenced by events in Waco. 
Finally, more than two years after the April 19, 1993 inferno in Waco, 
Congress held lengthy hearings. The hearings were held with the stated purpose 
of finding the truth, wherever it lay. It was promised that the hearings would 
put the Waco controversy to rest. 
Any serious investigation looks at physical evidence. And it examines that 
evidence directly. When serious investigators must rely on interpretations, they 
do not seek out interested parties to give those interpretations. 
However, Congress ignored most of the available physical evidence. When they 
did look at evidence, Congress was highly selective. When interpretations were 
sought, most came from interested parties. And finally, when penetrating 
questions were asked, government employees were permitted to avoid answering. 
The Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum will now make available to the public 
some of evidence that was suppressed by Congress. 
Next: Why the Waco Holocaust Matters 
Home: Museum Entrance 

Alert! Yet another attempt to cover up the  Waco Holocaust. Read about 
the new hoax documentary, Waco: The Rules of 
Engagement in the Museum's Burial Gallery. 

Published by Public Action, Inc, a news and news analysis service. All 
commercial rights are reserved. A full statement of terms and conditions for 
copying and redistribution is available in the Museum Library. "Waco 
Holocaust Electronic Museum," "SkyWriter," and the sky writing 
logo a

[CTRL] My beliefs

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Peace and blessing to All,

I have been asked by a number of folks about my position on the Seven points
of David Koresh's teachings. While my personal belief system it not at issue
here, there is a need to state my position in this study.

I am a student of the Seven Seals. I believe in all of the prophets I make
no difference between them. I think that David was the Word of God and that
he brought a great truth to mankind The United States government,lead by
Bill Clinton, killed him for that message. I do not have a great deal of
knowledge of the Bible or any book of God for that matter. My reason for
wanting to study "his" message is to see if what my heart sees can be
confirmed in the material world.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] important scottish x-file

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi Andrew,
I have for the last three years been studying X. It is closely related to
the Clinton Murders in Waco. Would you like to know how?

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hennessey <>
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 7:53 PM
Subject: [CTRL] important scottish x-file

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
> RUSSELL : important scottish x-file. by Andrew Hennessey
>I have been researching the ancient secrets of the edinburgh area
>[scotlands capital] for some time now - for something has been covered up
>and kept secret here - and in fact I have a briefing on it etc [also as a
>commercial CD]
>but thats not the point of this post.
>I have met a chap called Russell who has had some totally incredible life
>Generally a badly behaved chap in his early years - and prone to being on
>the wrong side of the law - a Big ball of light came down for Russell one
>night and took him away.
>It turns out to be an old friend - who takes him through a vortex and
>across the other side of the galaxy - where he looks down on the spiral
>arms of the milky way.
>The friend shows russell inhabited planets here and there - but there
>wasn't much happening - then takes him to a planet near the rim of the
>spiral arm - yes there was something going on there - its a blue glowing
>light in a dark and dense region - and he could see as he got closer,
>america - yep - something going on there - and then he could see a glowing
>cord coming from him stretching down to what looked like scotland - and zap
>- he was back in his body.
>He says that at that point he completely forgot who he was - he asked
>strangers he met who were actually his friends - who am I this time ?? - no
>I'm not kidding - who am I - he asked ?
>When he finally got it together after a couple of weeks, a profound change
>had come over Russell - who - aware of a greater eternity than most of us
>could imagine sought comfort in the Bible.
>Over the next few years - the lights would come back to him - as ball
>lightning he could hold - or expanding into glowing ufos the size of his
>house - or wandering stars that zapped back and forth at his behest.
>He would be taken away by these lights - and they would teach him things
>about the bible.
>They say that they are the Angels and that they have shown him the 'Host' -
>fleets of darting lightships - some huge.
>His friends of course, laughed - thinking him mad - so he took them outside
>on starlit nights and summoned the ships to him - calling down wandering
>stars to teach a mocking group of hells Angels as they zapped past them
>back and forwards at all heights and sizes - and some people who knew him
>that laughed - have had these lights in their gardens or outside their
>bedroom windows.
>One family of four - hid behind a couch.
>No-one that knows Russell now finds his claims of the returning angels of
>the host laughable - Russell believes that the host and the angels are
>currently in the process of turning the world around - bringing down the
>proud and base.
>Russell also knows and quotes the Bible with real authority - relating the
>signs and wonders and vapours of the end days - and the many lights
>documented in the old testament - to his own experiences.
>He has gone to the churches to seek wise counsel - but they just laugh and
>turn him away.
>Russell sees himself as a 'Watchman' who has a duty to remind people that
>there is still time to get real and change our ways - for these angels - he
>has seen in their thousands - as bright flying ships or stars - and they
>are here to assist in the transition of the human race - as it judges
>itself and is judged.
>On Russells wedding day two years ago - there was thunder and lightning and
>heavy rain - and as he went to church - he said Lord - this is not a day to
>get married - its so black - two of his light being/ships appeared and
>seemed to zip across the clouds and horizon and back - and it was as if
>someone had placed a pane of glass in front of the dark clouds, .. they
>were held back static above was a blue sky - the sun shining and the
>rain began evaporating from the churchyard.
>The strange weather front remained for the duration of the wedding - and
>when he shook the ministers hand in a parting handshake after the ceremony
>- the storm recommenced.
>Russell points out that his home town kirkcaldy - means kirk of the Culdeas
>meaning church of the workers of God.
>I point out again the connection with edinburgh and its seven hills and
>bloodlines, grails, arks, spears of destiny etc etc  and the tolkein
>connection where the returning king who will claim the throne from the
>stewards or stewarts belongs to the dunedain - 'dunedain' also being
>edinburghs celtic name
>[there are many others]
>The people who have met russell and have been changed by these truths also
>see these lights 

Re: [CTRL] Gen. Partin Goes Down in Flames

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

One day your work will be honored by the TRUE followers of David Koresh, as
they are now hated by his assassins.


-Original Message-
From: Carol A. Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: Gen. Partin Goes Down in Flames

>Apologies, friends.  An odd technical problem cropped up when I tried to
>submit this a day or so ago.  I am making a second attempt.  Forgive me if
>you received this already.
>Gen. Partin Goes Down in Flames
>by Carol A. Valentine
>Copyright, January 2000
>Published by Public Action, Inc.
>I had a recent exchange with a correspondent who read "Waco Suits for Waco
>Suckers" in the Burial Gallery of the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum.
>You can find a copy at
>(See especially sections 4c and 4d, "The Fireball and the Hole" and
>"General Partin Goes Down in Flames.")
>This correspondent liked the article well enough, but did not like my
>treatment of General Partin.  He said:
>>Interesting reading, Carol.
>>I think you're too harsh on Partin, however. *Something* made the hole
>>in the roof of the concrete room. It's probable that he hasn't seen the
>>autopsies, and so is only making a reasonable assumption that an explosion
>>on the roof of the room would subject the interior to a spray of concrete
>>rock shrapnel, killing anyone inside who might be alive. In any event, it
>>makes little sense to have him lie about Waco if he's telling the truth
>>about OKC.
>Consider the points I make in response:
>Of course we know SOMETHING caused the hole in the roof of the concrete
>room. But there is a reason Partin was asked.  Partin gives those reasons
>in his affidavit.  He spends several paragraphs describing his extensive
>background in air weapons.  "Because of my weapons background, I was asked
>Gordon D. Novel, and encouraged by The Honorable Ramsey Clark, to do a bomb
>damage analysis of the reinforced concrete church records vault ..." says
>Partin.  Partin was asked as an expert.
>Partin was not asked for a "reasonable assumption." He was asked for expert
>opinion.  In his affidavit, Partin gave his *expert* opinion about the hole
>in the roof of the concrete room and the fireball.  As an *expert,* he said
>the fireball appeared over the roof and was part of the phenomenon that
>caused the hole.
>As an *expert* we might expect Partin to base his opinion on the evidence.
>But the evidence contradicts Partin.  The fireball did not appear over the
>roof of the concrete room.  Therefore the fireball was not part of the
>phenomenon that
>caused the hole in the roof as Partin inferred.
>Partin got the location of the fireball wrong, despite easy availability of
>photographic evidence and layouts of the Mt.Carmel Center.
>Partin also said the fireball was caused by a breaching charge. So Partin
>also got the cause of the fireball wrong.
>Are we supposed to believe Partin wrote and signed an affidavit on the
>fireball and the hole in the roof without looking at the photographic
>evidence and layout diagrams, and Partin pontificated about the deaths of
>the mothers
>and children without looking at the autopsies?
>What WAS Partin basing his analysis on, if not the evidence?  Ian Goddard e
>mails?  Or does the same military intelligence unit write the scripts for
>Partin and Goddard?
>Twice during the last several years I have confronted Partin at public
>meetings and interrupted him as he was spooning out Waco disinformation ...
>disinformation about the concrete room and the bodies of the women and
>The first confrontation occurred before dozens of people at the 1997
>Surveillance Expo (organized by Jim Ross of Ross Engineering in N.
>Virginia).When I spoke up, Partin just tried to shut me up.  On one
>occasion Partin addressed the critical issues I raised with these words:
>"Details, details, details."
>If details are beyond an explosives expert, I'd hate to be around when one
>of his bombs go off.  They'd probably go off an hour early, in his back
>I had a second confrontation with Partin at a meeting of the Sarah
>McClendon Study Group in Washington DC.  The results were pretty much the
>same.  He just ignored my questions and went on with his script.  On
>neither occasions did
>Partin seem to be even remotely embarrassed.
>After both events I approached Partin and spoke to him amicably.  Because
>we have known each other slightly over a number of years and because we
>both live in the N. Virginia area, I invited Partin to my office to have a
>look at ALL
>the relevant evidence on my very own computer. Despite my repeated
>invitations and his knowledge of my phone number, Partin never called me to
>take me up on the offer.
>That is, he did not call me until the evening of January 5, 2000.  Someone
>had faxed him a copy of 

Re: [CTRL] FLASH!! MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I think people should remember that the air-lines was a major target of FC.
Why is no one considering that they are still at work? Or do you believe the
government line about FC?

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 1:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] FLASH!! MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
> MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix
> Reportedly Experiences Possible Stabilizer Problem
> PHOENIX, Updated 2:15 p.m. EST February 2, 2000 -- An
> American Airlines MD-80 made an emergency landing in
> Wednesday morning after experiencing a possible
>stabilizer problem.
> The pilot reported the problem about 20 minutes after
>taking off for
> Dallas. The plane immediately turned around and landed
>safely at Sky
> Harbor airport in Phoenix.
> There were no injuries. The passengers boarded another
>plane to Dallas.
> The American jet is part of the same series of
>McDonnell-Douglas planes
> as the Alaska Airlines plane that went down off the
>coast of California
> Monday.
> The Alaska Airlines MD-83 also apparently had problems
>with its
> horizontal stabilizer, which controls the pitch of the
>aircraft's nose.
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lady Godiva of Waco

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

"In The Name of The SHEkinah"
On Monday the 
10th of January 2000 a woman, with long flowing blond hair took off all of her 
clothes at Mt.Carmel center. Declaring that she was going to find the mystery 
source of the Holy Water at Mt.Carmel, she took a sledge hammer to a Pagan alter 
built by Charles Pace, and laid it to waste. Amen. The Police came out in force 
and took her away. She is now in Austin State 
Just another 
crazy. Right?  WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
This story has 
the character of the "moment to moment" unfolding of message of 
Koresh. Listen to the tail of our "Lady Godiva of 
On Monday 
evening there was to be a Bible study at my house. Two of the students of 
David's message, that have been studying with here for the last couple of years, 
wanted to talk about the Governments suppression of David's message and what we 
might do to get this message out to the world.
The two men, 
Peter Wagstaff and Ron Goins are serious students. Peter is from England but has 
made Waco his home in search of the mystery of David Koresh. Over the past four 
years he has had continual contact with Livingstone Fagan through the mail. 
Livingstone is the appointed spokesman for David's message. Peter would like 
Livingstone's  message to be heard but those that are in charge of 
Mt.Carmel have for the past three years that I have been here refused to allow 
any distribution of his writings at the site of the "Waco Holocaust" 
where Livingstone lost his Mother, Wife and Children!!! He is now serving 40 
years for a crime that he did not commit. He was sent out by David after the 
24th day of the siege. Clive Doyle who was in there "supposedly" from 
start to finish spent only a few months and is now actively suppressing the 
words of Livingstone. I wonder what that means?
 Ron Goins 
is a long time personal friends of mine from Philadelphia. 
Throughout the ten years that I have known Ron his greatest goal in 
life has been to walk in the light of the Lord through the example set by Jesus 
The Christ. Our "Lady Godiva of Waco" is Ron's girl 
friend. Before Monday her name was Tina.
Before she 
destroyed the pagan idol of Charles Pace I had met her only a few times. It was 
decided that she was too new to the message to come to the house that evening so 
Ron and Peter took her to Mt.Carmel so that she might spend some time with the 
From the moment 
I met Tina she showed herself to be well versed in scriptures with and 
unshakable belief in the Word of God as it is written. She is a zealot, not a 
nut as Charles Pace has been saying on the local T.V. news stations over the 
past two days.
Since Charles 
Pace's pagan alter was the object of her religious epiphany we need to look a 
little closer at him to see if it was an evil or a divine spirit that possessed 
Tina that evening.
Charles Pace has 
a non Biblical message that is the creation of his own mind. About fifteen years 
ago Pace had some kind of nerves brake down that lead him to believe that God 
was teaching him "New Light". The concept of "New Light" 
I.e. the Spirit of Prophesy, is a fundamental belief among the Davidians. If a 
person feels that they have New Light they take it before the community and are 
there judged by the spirit.  So outrageous was his ramblings that Lois 
Rodin the Prophetess at that time demanded that he not speak of these wild ideas 
any more. But Pace seeing himself as the reincarnation of Joshua continued to 
spew forth what had been deem by the community to be evil. In total disrespect 
for the words of the Prophetess he would not be silenced, so he was 
"forced" to leave Mt.Carmel. As he was being thrown out Lois had some 
final advice for him. She told him in the Light of the Lord that spoke through 
her that he was to leave the community and not come back, but most importantly 
he was not to teach his self-serving ideas to any other human being. He did not 
listen as evidenced by his return to Mt.Carmel and his preaching of  
anti-Koresh ideas over the ashes of the Martyrs. It is interesting to note that 
Clive Doyle while pointing out Pace's violations of the words of the Prophetess 
continues to allow him to preach at Mt.Carmel his doctrine of hatred. So both 
are going against the teaching of Lois and David, one through continuing his 
ramblings and Clive through his lip service that serves no one but himself and 
his shameless submission to the current "Government Project" at 
Mt.Carmel. It is because of the cooperative efforts of these two men that the 
words of Livingstone, I.e. The message of David Koresh, is being suppressed at 
the site of the "Waco Holocaust".
These men under 
the direction of the government are suppressing the truth about the murders too. 
Study the site below for an idea of their crimes in this area. 

Now back to Tina 
who was soon to become our "Lady Godiva of 
Remember we have 
five focal poi


2000-02-01 Thread ali andrew
Title: Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum: Fire



Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum:FireCatalogue of 
Evidence Fireball over Mt. Carmel Center 
on April 19, 1993 (Time Magazine, May 3, 1993).  

Military experts say this explosive phenomena is characteristic of Special 
Ops demolitions, effected by detonating 55-gallon drums of jet fuel. The Justice 
Department Report makes no mention of this fireball (see section "The 
Fire," pgs. 295-304).  

"Fire is so efficient at erasing things, it is very popular as a means 
of hiding the evidence of murder . . ." 
--Douglas Ubelaker, Curator of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institute, top 
consultant to the FBI in Waco, quoted in Bones, A Forensic Detective's 
Casebook,pgs.  140-141. 
September 5, 1999--A magician focuses the attention of the audience by 
twirling the hat in his right hand.  His audience is so distracted by the 
hat, they do not notice his left hand, in plain sight, performing the magic 
That is what is happening now in the "new 
revelations" about the inferno that engulfed the Mt.  Camel Center 
in Waco, Texas on April 19, 1993.  "Whatever you do, don't look at the 
fire!" says the magician.  "Look here instead, at the debate over 
pyrotechnic tear gas canisters!" 
We look.  "Outrageous," we say.  "Look, the FBI was 
only trying to get the Davidians to come out, but they used the wrong canisters 
and caused this huge house fire . . . "  And the magician gets 
away  with the trick, yet again. 
Ever since April 19, 1993, the US has presented the fire at the Mt. Carmel 
Center as one BIG house fire.  Various explanations for the fire were 
given.  Cover story Number One: The Davidians set their own house on 
fire.  Not everybody believed it. 
Then we heard cover stories 2.0 and 2.5, the Mrs. Murphy and cow 
explanations:  Tanks knocked over kerosene lamps inside Mt. Carmel, the 
kerosene spilled onto the hay, the hay caught fire and set the house on fire. 
That story did not sell too well, either.  There never was a 
satisfactory explanation of why the Davidians -- Bible students -- kept hay in 
their house.  Many members of the public smelled bull. 
All of these explanations, and now the current ones, are designed to deflect 
the public's attention from the obvious truth.  The Mt.  Carmel 
inferno was not a house fire.  It was started deliberately by the US 
military, the Special Operations Command, to cover its murders of the Branch 
Davidians.  The fire at the Mt.  Carmel Center was a Special 
Operations demolition fire, and it was fueled by petroleum. 
Let's have a look at the evidenceHere are some pictures of the ruins: 
US News and World Report, May 3, 1993: Aerial 
view of the Mt. Carmel ruins Chicago Tribune, 
April 21, 1993: Aerial view of the Mt. Carmel ruins Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Aerial view of the Mt. Carmel 
Notice that we can not see even the skeleton of the house.  The fire 
lasted 40-45 minutes.  It burned with extraordinary intensity.  No 
beams.  No rafters.  Nada.  Nothing. 
This was no ordinary house fire. 
Now let's have a closer look at the Mt.  Carmel Center before the fire, 
and note its architectural features.  Take a viewpoint facing the front of 
the building.  Notice that the three story residential tower in the center 
of the structure; notice that immediately behind that tower and to the left 
there is empty space and a swimming pool.  To the right there is a 
US News/World Report, May 3, 1993: 
Model of Mt. Carmel on final day Chicago Tribune, 
April 21: Diagram of Mt. Carmel site before the fire Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Diagram of Mt. Carmel 
Center Treasury Report: Mt. Carmel 
before raid 
Now look at this picture of the Mt.  Carmel Center during the inferno, 
and notice that this empty space and swimming pool area immediately behind and 
to the left of the three story tower is aflame. 
Newsweek, May 17, 1993: Aerial view of the fire 
Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Ground level view of 
the fire Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Ground level 
view of the fire (later photo) Soldier of Fortune, 
July, 1993: Ground level view of the fire Time, May 3, 1993: Ground level view of the fire 
Time, May 3, 1993: Ground level view of the 
fire (reduced image of above)   Notice the height of those 
flames!  Such magic!  Surely only the most gifted magician could get 
empty space to burn like that! 
But, no, Josephine.  Swimming pools and bare ground don't burn unless 
someone applies a flammable agent. 
Now go through those photos again and look at the color of the smoke.  
Yes, the smoke--all of it -is pitch black.  Even the smoke coming from the 
burning, empty ground immediately behind and to the left of the three story 
tower .  . . 
Black smoke is characteristic of a petroleum fire.  Click on a page in 
oil-well fire fighter Red Adiar's web page: 
"Kuwait was stripped and set on fire by the retreating Iraqi troops 
during the final days

[CTRL] Clinton Murders in Waco

2000-02-01 Thread ali andrew

The Murderers of 
Who are the 
murders of Waco? Was it just a few men who got out of hand? Was it a sick 
general or maybe even a sick congressman? Or was it the work of the Beastly 
Reno. If you answered yes to any of these, you are right and dead wrong. They 
are all guilty, but their leader is Bill Clinton the mass murder of Waco. He is 
what David called the Abomination that Maketh Desolate. Most of us did not need 
Waco to know that Bill Clifton is an abomination as a human being, but now that 
we have Waco before our eyes only the evilest of people will stand with 
The murderers of 
Waco are a complex group of military, civilian, political and media people who 
have chosen to give their lives to the Beast. They knowingly killed these people 
and are now knowingly attempting to kill our minds with misinformation anchored 
in emotionalism. 
Through media 
confusion like the bleeding heart work of McNaulty  we are stimulated with 
anger and guilt to demand justice. But justice for what? For setting them of 
fire and shooting some of them when they ran out the back of the building? The 
truth has been reduced to nothing and the people eat the refuse of the murders 
that they vomit through out the media. Our attention is directed away from the 
truth of the murders through the vaudeville act in the courts at this time, see: 
"Waco Suits for Waco 
 The media 
is Bill Clinton's favorite weapon of mass destruction. With it he has left 
millions brain dead.
The article below 
is written by one of the saddest murders involved with the slaughter from before 
February 28,1993. His name is  "MARK 
This is the guy that started 
the Sinful messiah series the day before the attack. Here is  a criminal 
that we know had prior knowledge of the coming Holocaust in which he was to play 
the roll of mentally conditioning the public to accept the torture of 
children.and yet he walks the street  un-chained and un-charged 
because...he did a damn good job of it. So good is he at confusion that he 
writes all most everything connected to the Branch Davidians in the Waco 
Tribune. Because of his ability to lead people astray he is working over time 
these days to get people to swallow the current Clinton lies. Most of all 
Clinton wants that we should be happy. If we look at the truth we will not be 
happy we will demand that he be arrested and tried for the murders of these 
innocent people.
What really happened 
here?  Well for the most part we don't know, because the EVIDENCE 
surrounding this crime has been destroyed by the murders and what is left of it 
that proves that it was murder in the first degree is being suppressed. David 
Koresh taught for year that this government would kill him. He said that when 
that would happen the people that are with him will be kill also. And he showed 
in the Book that the children would be cut to pieces before the eyes of their 
parents, Some of what he prophesied can be witnessed to by our very eyes. As for 
the dismemberment of the children we can only speculate. At least that is what 
the Clinton Murders would have us believe. The truth is that the evidence proves 
that they were dismembered. Some people were found without heads! In the coroner report 
we are told that there where piles of body parts! Clinton does not want us to 
look at the evidence so we are given the "Waco Suits 
For Waco Suckers" and the babblegarff of MARK 
ENGLAND . He present one story and tries to pass it off as news of a 
disagreement among witnesses. There is no disagreement. The Gov... says why they 
were doing it and the witnesses say how and why. MARK 
ENGLAND wants us to believe that there is a problem 
because the government is not admitting that they wanted to gas the men ,woman 
and babies by entering the back of the building. Why would they care if you 
thought that. Week after week we watched silently as babies were being tortured. 
And even now with all we know Bill Clinton is allowed to walk the streets a free 
man. So if they could tortured them before our eyes and we said nothing why 
should there be a problem saying they went in the gym to put more gas in?. This 
is NON-NEWS. MARK ENGLAND knows as well as anybody 
that is studying the Clinton Murders of Waco that the gym is NOT in line with 
the tower. In that little bit of information and its implications is 

Mark England can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
employees dispute government's explanation for actions at 
MountCarmelBy MARK ENGLAND Tribune-Herald staff 
writerFBI employees dispute the government's official explanation 
forrippingapart the Branch Davidians' gym as detailed in the 

[CTRL] The Work

2000-02-01 Thread ali andrew

What is the work YOU are becoming?

"If once [the people] become inattentive to the public affairs, you and
I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become
wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of
individual exceptions."
    --Thomas Jefferson to
Edward Carrington, 1787. ME 6:58

A man traversed land and sea to check for himself the Master's
extraordinary fame.
"What miracles has your Master worked?" he said to a disciple.
"Well, there are miracles and miracles. In your land it is regarded as a
miracle if God does someone's will. In our country it is regarded as a
miracle if someone does the will of God."
Anthony De Mello, SJ
"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it but what
he becomes by it." -John Ruskin