Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-02 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/1/01 12:51:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Whatever it was, it's obvious that we, the public, were NOT meant to see
  something until a certain point of time...for some reason we were
  precluded from seeing the front of the house until shortly after this
  mysterious garage door opening and closing incident...

  June, do you think this man may have owned a television?  Do you think
maybe he had it turned on during this time?


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-02 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Samantha L. wrote:
 Whatever it was, it's obvious that we, the public, were NOT meant to see
  something until a certain point of time...for some reason we were
  precluded from seeing the front of the house until shortly after this
  mysterious garage door opening and closing incident...

  June, do you think this man may have owned a television?  Do you think
maybe he had it turned on during this time?

Do you really believe that while his house was a burning inferno around
him, the electricity was even still working, let alone that he would
watch television?

But we WERE told that the authorities had Beck on the phone for some time
after the fire started burning...


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-01 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 1 Sep 01, at 1:44, Saba wrote:

 I hope that old bitch is happy now - a man is dead who did nothing other
 than say he was allegedly a Federal Marshall who trained dogs, and she
 called and they said no they did not train dogs and went around the
 neighborhood checking him out and he ends up with an arrest warrant.

He also murdered a policeman who was serving a legal warrent for his
arrest. If he was innocent he would have had the opportunity to present his
case in court. Instead he murdered a policeman. Why are you ignoring this?


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/31/01 8:51:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There was absolutely no reason to have
burned this man to his death in this manner.

You are absolutely correct. The fire could have been fought by the FD without
exposing themselves to gunfire. It seems that if you don't fit the parameters
somebody has established, you are an enemy that must be distroyed. See Waco.
THEY didn't like their brand of religion.


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-01 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Amelia wrote:
I watched this unfold on TV today, too, and was absolutely appalled
that there was NO ATTEMPT to extinguish the fire.  Not even when
the garage was the only part of the house left.

At that stage the reporters were saying that the authorities were still
saying that Beck may have still been alive and capable of shooting at


They stood and
sprayed water on the houses on either side and watched this man be
burned to death and did NOTHING to stop the fire.

Actually he probably succumbed to smoke inhalation long before the flames
reached his body.  But dead is dead.

One almost has to wonder if they WANTED to destroy evidence -- just like
at Waco.

What is wrong
with this country???  This on top of the people telling the woman
to jump from the bridge leads me to believe we are truly a nation
of savages.

It's nothing new.  Decades ago people were taunting people who threatened
suicide by jumping from skyscrapers to 'Do it!  Do it!

They could have put out the blaze and continued to negotiate with
this man but chose instead to burn him alive in that fire.  This is
inexcusable behavior.

Fox News had a hostage negotiating expert on, who continually criticized
how this was handled.  First thing he pointed out was that they shouldn't
have even attempted serving the warrant at Beck's home, the very place
where he supposedly had weapons stockpiled.  His second major criticism
was that more time wasn't spent trying to negotiate with Beck, and that
the teargas option was utilized so quickly.

And another thing, not all parts of guns burn.  They twist and warp
and melt but would STILL be recognizable.  There were NO explosions
as would happen with a large cache of ammo.  I, too, noticed the
neighbors said only a few shots were fired but cleverly, they were
evacuated so the assaulting officers can say anything they please
such as the hundreds and hundreds of rounds were fired at them
after the evacuation but the helicopter pilot would have mentioned
such a thing and he did not.

Exactly...which is why I suspect the fire was allowed to burn as much to
DESTROY evidence -- or obscure the lack of evidence -- as much as to
'protect the firemen'

This, Waco and Ruby Ridge are highly visible warnings to us of what
they will do if we dare to stand up to 'law enforcement,' no matter
what they are doing to us.  There was absolutely no reason to have
burned this man to his death in this manner.

According to an AP report posted to another list, Beck was an ex-cop who
had served on the Arcadia PD for a year, when he was let go due to 'not
passing probation', whatever that means.

It said that he had been convicted of burglary and 'impersonating an
officer', although it didn't give details regarding just what it was he
stole, nor when and where he served his sentence.  It also didn't say
what type of officer he allegedly impersonated in the past, for which he
was convicted.

I don't know if this will eventually come out or not but the truth
is that the suspect James Beck is a former DEA agent

Interesting.  This alleged role was NOT mentioned in the AP article I
mentioned above...

who several years
ago was arrested by the ATF for possession of machine guns.

Wonder if this is the supposed 'burglary' charge?


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-01 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, Saba wrote:
A report was also given to media that this man wanted to give up but
only if they promised not to kill or hurt his dog - this statement was
made several times.

I didn't hear about him wanting to give up if they promised not to hurt
his dog (not that I'm saying he didn't)...what I heard was that there MAY
have been at least one dog in the house, because the neighbors said that
he had one, maybe two dogs, that he claimed were part of the 'canine
unit' he was part of...

And it seems to me that even if the guy didn't want to give himself up,
he'd at least make sure the dogs got out...and especially if, as Saba
says, he made it a point to ask that his dog or dogs not be hurt...

Amelia mentioned that it would seem impossible anyone could have escaped
from the building while the helicopters were buzzing overhead...

But if you remember, for almost an hour the only shot we got from the
helicopter was from the rear of the house...from that angle, one could
only see the rear end of the car that was parked just outside of the
garage, a car that was pulled right up to the garage door.  One of the
reporters mentioned this, and was told by the helicopter reporter that
the police banned them from filming from any angle except the rear of the

Which seems pretty strange...

And then suddenly the helicopter was allowed to move to the front of the
house...we were told that shortly before that, that the garage door had
'mysteriously' opened and then closed again...

Why would the helicopters be banned from the front of the house until
after the garage door somehow opened and closed again?  What was it we
weren't supposed to see?

Conceivably someone could have been hiding under one of the vehicles in
the garage, and crawled under the vehicle in the driveway when the door

Of course, maybe the door opened and closed again because the fire at
that moment shorted out the connection...

But if someone DID leave the garage at that moment, supposedly someone
stationed out front would have seen -- and if they did, why wasn't it
announced that someone had left the building and ostensibly been taken
into custody?

Whatever it was, it's obvious that we, the public, were NOT meant to see
something until a certain point of time...for some reason we were
precluded from seeing the front of the house until shortly after this
mysterious garage door opening and closing incident...

It's just another of many discrepancies in this story...

The neighborhood they are quick to note was half million dollar homes -

Actually one of the reporters stated that he had looked to buy in the
area a few months earlier, and that the houses ran for just under $1
million...either way, we're not talking trailer park here...Beck had to
have some sort of lucrative income to be able to afford either a mortgage
or rent for the place...

however, the constructin looked cheap and shoddy

I don't know about that...after the roof collapsed, and the fire had
broken thru the floor to the lower story, one could still see many
interior walls on the upper level still looked as if they
were built out of something more than just sheetrock and 2-by-4s...

I watched a portion of it at the beginning but this woman - claimed she
had called the Federal Marshalls office to complain because she thought
he was not a marshall .so the began to investigate few days before
the incident.

I heard that woman, also...she actually said that 'they' -- meaning she
and a couple of neighbors -- got suspicious about a month ago, and 2
other neighbors had actually started calling around to the U.S.
Marshalls' etc. about 2 or 3 WEEKS ago, at which time they found out that
the U.S. Marshalls don't have a canine unit, as Beck allegedly claimed.

If you listened to this woman carefully, it wasn't clear whether Beck had
actually ever SAID he was anything, only that somehow the neighbors were
led to believe he was something he presumably was not, and Beck didn't
try to change their beliefs...

But later on, during one of their press conferences, a BATF spokesman
said that had actually been investigating Beck for three MONTHSif
this is indeed true, then it would seem that the neighbors' nosing around
into Beck's background initiated yesterday's events, but did not actually
'alert' the BATF to anything they already didn't know (altho perhaps the
U.S. Marshalls' were in the dark)...

One would have to wonder WHY these neighbors took such an inordinate
interest in Beck and the truthfulness of his alleged occupation...if Beck
was the unasuming guy that all these interviewed neighbors said he was,
seems to me most people would never think to start calling around to find
out if he really was a U.S. Marshall or not

So my guess is that Beck said or did something about a month or two ago
to tweak the interest of these neighbors enough that they started calling
around to verify his background...or that one of 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-01 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:
 I hope that old bitch is happy now - a man is dead who did nothing other
 than say he was allegedly a Federal Marshall who trained dogs, and she
 called and they said no they did not train dogs and went around the
 neighborhood checking him out and he ends up with an arrest warrant.

He also murdered a policeman who was serving a legal warrent for his

Actually the deputy who was killed was NOT serving the warrant -- reports
stated that he pulled up on his motorcycle and was shot as 2 other agents
were serving the warrant.  The neighbor Saba mentioned even corraborates
this, as she stated that she looked out of her window when she heard 2 or
3 'pops', and saw the deputy lying IN THE STREET by his motorcycle.  The
Sheriff's Dept. later corraborated this in their news conference, where
it was stated the deputy arrived late to the scene, after all other
agents were in place and 2 agents were in the process of serving the

So it could be very possibly that the unfortunate deputy was the victim
of friendly fire...

If he was innocent he would have had the opportunity to present his
case in court.

Just like all those people at Waco and Ruby Ridge, right?

Instead he murdered a policeman. Why are you ignoring this?

It's not being ignored...what is being pointed out are all the
discrepancies in the 'official story'...

And I'll point out once again a big discrepancy regarding the murdered
deputy...namely, why would Beck, if he indeed was the shooter, kill the
deputy and ignore the 2 agents actually serving the warrant?

According to the neighbor, only 2 or 3 shots were fired, not the
'hundreds of rounds' the authorities claim; her eyewitness account
described the wounded deputy being removed from the scene by fellow

Why would Beck for some reason ignore the 2 agents standing on his
front doorstep serving the warrant,and instead shoot a deputy who just
drove up OUT ON THE STREET, and then not snipe at the officers who came
to the aid of that deputy?  But then allegedly fired 'hundreds of rounds'
AFTER the deputy and the officers who came to his aid were gone?

It doesn't make sense, and suggests that there's a lot more to this than
is being revealed to the public...

Why is the warrant they served still sealed from public scrutiny?  A
spokesman yesterday said it would be 'weeks' before the warrant is
unsealed and available for public view


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-09-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 1 Sep 01, at 11:16, Bill Howard wrote:

   There was absolutely no reason to have
 burned this man to his death in this manner.

 You are absolutely correct. The fire could have been fought by the FD without
 exposing themselves to gunfire. It seems that if you don't fit the parameters
 somebody has established, you are an enemy that must be distroyed.

In fact, after the early moments of the firefighters' presence, the stream of
water applied to the house to the left of the pyre (looking from the rear where
the fire truck was), the stream was actually directed on the burning structure.
 After some minutes, the stream was directed away from the fire onto the
neighbouring house.  The fire truck was using a remote control device to aim
the water so ... anyway, the danger to the top of the hook 'n ladders' nozzles
was the same regardless of which house was being doused.

It seems to me that the place was allowed to burn as an act of revenge
(Waco, too?).  The police are hired to prevent acts of vigilantism, correct?


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Real Story About CA Shooting? More on Beck

2001-08-31 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There was a woman interviewed on Tv telephone only - she stated the guy
attended block parties, etc., that we are a close knit family
here..she then said that she was suspicious of this man for he had
told her he was a Federal Marshalland into canine training.

A report was also given to media that this man wanted to give up but
only if they promised not to kill or hurt his dog - this statement was
made several times.

The neighborhood they are quick to note was half million dollar homes -
however, the constructin looked cheap and shoddy - the man also was
throwing canisters out of the window - for more than one tear gas
canister was tossed into the house.

I watched a portion of it at the beginning but this woman - claimed she
had called the Federal Marshalls office to complain because she thought
he was not a marshall .so the began to investigate few days before
the incident.

Now in Columbus they used to take Federal Marshalls off the streets
advertising for them in newspapers; this jewish mafia lot, two were
going to get Federal Marshall badges and during this same time frame
Elvis Presley was attempting to get one - consider Jay Leno running
aorund with these other movie actors, etc., carrying guns and were made
deputy Sheriffs, etc.

The man had done nothing according to what I heard - except this woman
and you could hear her kid yelling in the back,  thought he was lying
about who he was.

So this led to the incident.   Will say this, Gordon Novel once told me
the BATF were the most dangerous people in the world and then said he
considered the FBI worse after Waco - he was special investigator down
there and had first hand knowledge of what really happened.

Something wrong here - one thing - so worried about the other houses
catching fire?   Well noted how cheap and shoddy construction was all on
slabs as earthquake area no basements.   Hardly any yard boxed in -
but then many homes seem to be built near a ravine where new trees are
grown no doubt to prevent erosion; however, it looked to me like a good
old fashioned rain and downpour which CA soon will be in for no doubt -
and they might have problems.   House burned like a tinder box..

This woman who spoke on the phone if what she said was true it is
because of her this man died as he did - she reminded me of the kid at
Littleton who called CNN rather than 911 to get on the air.

In Ohio once there was a law in Ohio Code which stated it was illegal to
wear masonic regalia and of course to impersonate an officer - in
contrary to law but that does mean a lot more than just telling someone
you re canine trainer with Federal Marshalls - the guy could have
trained police dogs for law enforcement agencies.

This Gary Condit's brother got 9 or 10 guns from the police in Modesto
and had a small arsenal which was illegal because he got them from the
deprtment where he worked

One item said this Beck was a policeman from Arcadia CA who had been let
go before his probation was up.

Now they are out with the character assassination but here is a man who
wanted to be in police work,  didn't make the grade - maybe not stupid
enough for them.the guy who was killed was supposedly riding up to
aid on a motorcycle and the shot was accidental but fatal and knowing
some of the police well something wrong here.

I hope that old bitch is happy now - a man is dead who did nothing other
than say he was allegedly a Federal Marshall who trained dogs, and she
called and they said no they did not train dogs and went around the
neighborhood checking him out and he ends up with an arrest warrant.

And this idiot crying for the death of the officer - he was crying for
himself for he was saying they had done nothing improper and he knew
without a doubt he job ws on line.

What else would one expect out of Los Angeles?   Tell me based on what
happened to this guy - and Waco - what evil element still lurks in these
police agencies that hey believe they can bull around people as they did
this man.

Showed one spokesman, and I swear they come in types for I have known
this bully type - something straight out of guestapo land...

What did the man do for a living - he lived in a half million dollar
home?   He made a mistake by trying to be friendly and going to block
parties with some bored stupid people and based on the words of this one
woman - the guy is now dead, his dog too no doubt, and his house was
burned down.

Why the need for so many tear gas cannisters and somebody ought to
check into the building code for I say this, these homes are pretty
shoddy construction and somebody took a payoff and no doubt many bulding
code close to these other houses .who built them

Sleaze land personified.

Wonder if the guy did shoot the officer or was it friendly fire?


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