Re: Executing Windows commands from Cygwin with or without cmd: what are the pros and cons?

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 3:35 PM, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:


   Where can I find information regarding the pros and cons of using or
not using the cmd command to execute Windows commands from Cygwin?

I think there would just be cons to using "cmd.exe" commands from within
Cygwin. ;-)  Obviously, this can end up being pretty subjective.  But some
of cons would be:

  o Doesn't understand PTYs (an issue when running a terminal like mintty)
  o Doesn't understand impersonation tokens used by ssh for pubkey
  o Doesn't understand POSIX paths
  o Possible namespace/functional overlap and/or collisions

Many of these can be worked around in one way or another but that's not
enough to move them out of the "con" category. ;-)



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Re: Seeking a suggestion for unattended mass install procedure

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 2:11 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Alternatively, you can grab the sources for setup and add an option

to do what you want the way you want it.

Well, that's a trivial option with open source, of course.  But also
it means to maintain a branch of our own setup.exe, which is the
least favorable of all.

That's the glass half-full view of it. ;-)

Assuming what you come up with is not just specific to your needs, I
see no reason the new option couldn't be included into setup's sources.
After all, I believe that's the ideal option that you were hoping for
(but already knew didn't really exist) when you asked the question.



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Re: Seeking a suggestion for unattended mass install procedure

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 2:04 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Are you saying this won't work?
Or do you just not like it?

A little bit of both, actually.  Windows CMD.EXE has an 8K limit on the command 
length, AFAICT.  Even if that was not exceeded first time the package list
was created, it may easily get there on a complete re-run of the install 
(beginning with the manual package selection).  The worst part is that it may
fail silently without setup even noticing until after the system is placed
into production (and failing because of the missing packages).

OK, you certainly don't have to accept any alternative suggested.  But it
does sound to me like you're adding additional requirements that you didn't
previously state.  In other words, if using "setup*.exe" once manually to
populate a download directory (or simply creating a package mirror) is
enough to get you everything you need, you can certainly verify that it's
possible to install from that directory using the script you've created.
That should be all you need for at least one iteration of your unattended
installs.  If you plan to alter this process or the download directory on
a regular basis, then certainly there is some overhead in verifying the
script still works as you intend.  No argument here.



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Re: Seeking a suggestion for unattended mass install procedure

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 1:03 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Just make a list from that as part of your install script.

That is the problem, right there.  I counted some 150 directories,
many of which contain 10+ packages, easily.  A manageable install
command would have looked like "setup.exe -L directory -a" to
get and install everything it could have found under that directory,
rather than a command that spans two or more screen-fulls to list all
those packages.

I'm still not sure what you find so objectionable about this.  Are you
saying this won't work?  Or do you just not like it?

Any other alternative, please?

As Eric points out, you don't really have to list all the packages,
just the dependencies.  So if you don't like the number of overall
packages to list, you can cut that down to a more reasonable number
by specifying only the top-level ones.  But that does require more
work to figure that out (though I'm assuming this happens once or
rarely, if this is really just an unattended install).  That's why
I suggested the alternative of just listing all the packages in the
download directory.  It's brute force but it's easy to do.

Alternatively, you can grab the sources for setup and add an option
to do what you want the way you want it.



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Re: Seeking a suggestion for unattended mass install procedure

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 12:22 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Though I haven't experimented with this myself, I'd recommend looking at
using "setup*.exe" on the command line and listing the packages to install

Thanks.  But I P.S.'d about that option as undesirable -- as it requires to
maintain quite a long list of packages, all listed individually...

Why do you need to maintain a list?  You have the download directory, right?
Just make a list from that as part of your install script.

There are other, more esoteric ways to get "setup*.exe" to install a list
of packages but, in the end, it still requires a list of packages to know
what you want to install.  So I don't see an advantage in these other



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Re: Seeking a suggestion for unattended mass install procedure

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 11:22 AM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Hello All,

I am trying to help my site's Systems team to straighten up CYGWIN
installation process, which they will need to perform to build new
PCs, and I have volunteered to ask on their behalf here..

As far as they can tell, there is no such an installation option that
tells to install "everything from the download directory".  What they
do is that they run setup.exe to manually check everything from the available
packages that they want to have installed on a PC, then they follow the option
to download any left-over package dependencies, from which step setup.exe takes
control and downloads / installs the selections.

Now, they want to replay the setup unattended with using only those downloaded
packages again, on any other new PC, without going through the selection process
again, so basically to install everything that setup.exe has already
_downloaded_ to a certain directory when run manually (where all the
dependencies have already been satisfied, so the set is self-sufficient).

How / Whether can they do such an install?

Though I haven't experimented with this myself, I'd recommend looking at
using "setup*.exe" on the command line and listing the packages to install



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Re: vi stealing SYSTEM-owned permissions and ownership

2013-11-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 11/4/2013 9:50 AM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Haha, yes. But if my students have to administer remote

production-machines, most of the time they have no other option. I want them
to succeed where others fail.

Reading this thread, it looks like it digressed far away from the original point
($subject) as to why "vi" did not keep the original owner of an edited file.
(also pointed out was that "nano" did)...  A reasonable expectation, IMO.

I noted the same thing (to myself).  When I looked at the information
provided, I was left with the distinct impression that the 'vi' in use
was not a Cygwin version.  The fact that the file edited with it had no
POSIX permissions was a red flag for me.  I was going to suggest checking
this but as the conversation had already drifted into other areas, it
seemed of small concern to the larger issues being discussed.



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Re: Problem with multiprocessing module from Python

2013-10-31 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/31/2013 4:47 PM, Jean-Pierre Flori wrote:

would be exactly what I need.
I'll just be waiting for 1.7.26.

If you want to try this, you don't need to wait for 1.7.26.  Just grab a
recent snapshot and give it a go.



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Re: Problem with multiprocessing module from Python

2013-10-31 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/31/2013 2:27 PM, Jean-Pierre Flori wrote:

I just decompressed the cygwin tarball which only overwrote the dll in /
usr/bin but not in /bin.
Is there a canonical way to do that in a proper way?

What did you use to do the decompress and extract?  Windows tools don't
understand Cygwin mount points.

Putting it in a local directory and pointing setup.exe ot it?

Sure, that works and requires no special effort. :-)



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Re: fork() and NT error 0xC0000135 (STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND)

2013-10-29 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/29/2013 12:13 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

Hello All,

I can't find a similar problem reported earlier, so please excuse the question
if it looks familiar.

We have a software package that installs like a miniature CYGWIN deployment
(basically, only cygwin1.dll and just a few other libraries in /bin
along with cygrunsrv.exe), and there are no shells.

cygrunsrv.exe is used to register and launch a Windows service with a binary
located under "/opt/..." (which is a ported UNIX server).  The binary is started
just fine, but when it tries to fork(), it gets the error 0xC135 (w/ 
EAGAIN).  I traced it down to the fact that before fork() there is chdir("/") in
that server binary.  Can it be the reason for the failed fork() that it can no 
find cygwin1.dll?  Unfortunately, I can't extend Windows PATH to include the
CYGWIN /bin directory (because the cygrunsrv runs under an unmanaged service
account).  Is there any other fix?

I'll go out on a limb and say that all UNIX/POSIX platforms expect /bin
and/or /usr/bin to be in your path if you're not specifying an absolute
path when invoking your binaries.  This is not an unusual expectation
and isn't confined to the UNIX/POSIX world.  There isn't any "fix" that
will be forthcoming in the Cygwin DLL that will change this expectation,
though there may be others on this list that have some clever workarounds
that you could try.



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Re: popen: Permission denied - error opening man page

2013-10-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/25/2013 5:19 PM, Balaji Venkataraman wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

Perhaps not but it's worth checking your shells at least.

Not sure I understand exactly what you mean.

The thread you pointed to suggested that a shell had permissions
problems.  While I agree that it doesn't quite sound like your
issue, there's no harm in investigating and trying the solution

I'd recommend sending a full problem report.

Sorry I meant to attach cygcheck output. Find it now - it has been
'cleaned-up' to remove personal info - replaced by ''

Try removing this mount point:

C:\cygwin\bin/bin  system  binary,cygexec

Also try resetting your cygdrive mount to the default:

cygdrive prefix  /cygdrive  userbinary,noacl,posix=0,auto

You can also try running the problematic command directly from a
DOS prompt with 'strace' to see if it uncovers anything suspect.

I started a cmd.exe console. cd-ed to C:\cygwin\bin and ran:
.\strace.exe man.exe ls > strace-man-ls.out 2>&1

My mistake.  I thought you would have c:\cygwin\bin in your path
for the DOS prompt (or give the full path to 'man.exe').  Without
this, you picked up the 'man.exe' that's part of your Windows
installation of CMake.  Assuming the above suggestions don't
help, perhaps another strace of c:\cygwin\bin\man.exe will show
something useful.



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Re: Rebuilding cygwin1.dll - error: "TRANSACTION_ALL_ACCESS" redefined [-Werror]

2013-10-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/27/2013 5:51 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Oct 26 21:27, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 11:47:04AM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Oct 26 02:25, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 10:14:01AM +0400, Alexey Pavlov wrote:

/usr/include/w32api/winnt.h:3541:20: error: previous definition of
In file included from /work/Cygwin/winsup/cygwin/exception.h:15:0,
 from /work/Cygwin/winsup/cygwin/
/work/Cygwin/winsup/cygwin/include/exceptions.h:109:17: error: invalid
type in declaration before ?;? token
} exception_list;
/work/Cygwin/winsup/cygwin/../Makefile.common:43: recipe for target
'cygtls.o' failed
make[3]: *** [cygtls.o] Error 1

Feel free to provide patches.  Simple compilation issues do not
require copyright assignment.

I applied a patch.  The redefinition of _exception_list to
_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD for x86_64 was cruft from a very early
"just build, goddammit" porting stage.  Later on it turned out that
x86_64 doesn't use frame based exception handling anyway so all the
code using _exception_list is unused on x86_64 anyway.

I also changed the public header  so that it only
applies if !x86_64.

That leads to a question:

Why on earth do we have a *public* header exposing the exception
handling on a certain CPU?  This isn't a standard header, neither POSIX
nor Linux nor BSD systems have it.

If there isn't a compelling reason to keep the header, I would opt
for folding the content into the private Cygwin header exception.h
and drop the public header entirely.

I think its existence predates me.  I vote to nuke it.

2 pro votes, 0 dissenting votes.  Done.  I just hope the voting period
wasn't too short...

I demand a recount! ;-)



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Re: popen: Permission denied - error opening man page

2013-10-25 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/24/2013 6:34 PM, Balaji Venkataraman wrote:

I completely wiped my Cygwin32 install and re-installed the bare
minimum set of packages. But I still can't get something as basic as
'man ls' to run from a non-admin mintty bash shell.

x86$ man ls
popen: Permission denied
Attempt [/usr/bin/gunzip -c /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz] to expand man
page failed
No manual entry for ls

I had the same symptom before I wiped my system. Things do work okay
with an Administrator shell. It also works fine in cygwin64 - both a
admin/non-admin shell.

I found this ( old
thread but don't think the same fix applies.

Perhaps not but it's worth checking your shells at least.

Appreciate any feedback/help.

I'd recommend sending a full problem report.

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You can also try running the problematic command directly from a
DOS prompt with 'strace' to see if it uncovers anything suspect.



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Re: Problem with multiprocessing module from Python

2013-10-25 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/25/2013 11:08 AM, Jean-Pierre Flori wrote:

I have another quite unrelated question while I'm here:
I recently had trouble because in Sage two DLLs ended up with the same
name and wanted to be loaded at the same time, resulting in a "cannot
reloacte blah.dll at the same address".
Renaming one of the dll (C file and rebuilding) solved the problem.
I assume this is a windows limitations, is that right?

Very likely, yes.



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Re: ssh logon failure

2013-10-24 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/24/2013 8:52 PM, Dan Greenspan wrote:

I experienced the "operation not permitted" problem as many others have.

I had not changed my setup when the error was experienced, but I noticed
that every computer which presented this difficulty was a work machine with
our IT security suite installed.  On every PC _without_ an IT security
package, cygwin sshd worked just fine out of the box. On any PC without a
security package which subsequently had one installed, sshd stopped working.

Like at least one other user, I have concluded that my "evil" IT people are
the root cause of the problem.  However, they are of no help whatsoever. By
some combination of dumb luck, relentless hacking and bits of help online, I
arrived at the following conslusions and solution:

Problem one: by default, cygwin sshd uses the windows log, which is hard to
read and doesn't contain the desired diagnostic output. Fixing this revealed
useful clues.

Problem two: /var/empty had the incorrect owner.


1) Setup cygwin's sshd normally by invoking: ssh-host-config -y (If you have
been thrashing about trying to solve this problem and have changed
permissions and config files, just run the script again to ensure that your
setup is reasonable)
2) DON'T START sshd.
3) Issue "chown SYSTEM /var/empty"
4) Uninstall the default sshd service by invoking: cygrunsrv --remove sshd
5) Reinstall the service and make the sshd output go to /var/log/sshd.log by
invoking: cygrunsrv -I sshd -d "Cygwin sshd" -p /usr/sbin/sshd -a '-D -e'

I hope this works for you.

Thanks for taking the time to look into this and for posting your findings.
Can I ask what O/S version you're running on the machines where you see
this problem?  Part of my reason for asking is that "SYSTEM" is only a
valid owner for '/var/empty' on XP machines.  For later versions, it should
be "cyg-server" (and actually, "cyg-server" should work fine on XP machines
as well).



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Re: CHERE package missing from 64-bit Setup 2.830

2013-10-24 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/23/2013 7:27 PM, Charles Butterfield wrote:

Larry - Thanks for your suggestions regarding mixing 32 and 64-bit
installations (CHERE, INETUTILS, PING, etc). I have a couple of follow-on

1) Can I simply copy the 32-bit binaries into the 64-bit "bin"

You could but it's not recommended.  For one thing, you'd be ruining your
32-bit install and setting yourself up to overwrite the 32-bit versions
when the 64-bit ones arrive.  Too messy... at least.

That is, will they work fine with the 64-bit Cygwin DLLs in the path? Or do
I need to augment my path to include the 32-bit bin directories as well
(such as in my .bashrc file)?

You can call the 32-bit from 64-bit-land (i.e. call a 32-bit "ls.exe" from
a 64-bit "bash").  If you want this to happen transparently, I'd recommend
putting the 32-bit bin path in your "PATH" environment variable after your
64-bit paths.

2) I assumed CHERE somehow encodes "where minty and bash are".

Yes, it will use the 32-bit versions of these.



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Re: ps weirdness...

2013-10-24 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/24/2013 6:03 AM, Anthony Geoghegan wrote:

I was intrigued by Jeff's post so I tried a couple of experiments of
my own and was able to duplicate the same behaviour - including the
bash process being shown as a Windows process - on my Cygwin
installation. The only difference was that I was getting Jan 1 instead
of Dec 31 for the STIME.

FWIW, I'm running 32-bit version of Cygwin on 64-bit Windows 7 and can
supply the output of cygcheck if it's useful. Also, I started my
Cygwin shell yesterday so "Oct 23" is the correct STIME for the bash
and ssh-agent processes.

As for the date issue, what you're seeing is the traditional UNIX/POSIX
start time (the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970).  It's nothing strange.



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Re: Long wait until SSH drops you to cygwin prompt...

2013-10-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/23/2013 4:13 PM, Troy Cleland wrote:

We are having issues with users that are connecting to our cygwin ssh
server taking a long time to drop them to the prompt after login.


I use putty from my windows environment and connect it prompts for
username and pw and then shows the message of last login and then sits
for about 2 mins or longer to actually drop me to the prompt in

Its like the hand off from the authentication to cygwin prompt is
getting caught somewhere in the process. This happens with people
using mac or windows, doesnt seem to matter.

Does it make a difference if you use Cygwin's ssh-client from Windows?
If not, as a debugging aid you could add debugging flags to both 'ssh'
and 'sshd' (don't do this for 'sshd' from a command line unless you've
started the command line as 'cyg-server').



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Re: INETUTILS and PING package missing from 64-bit Setup 2.830

2013-10-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/23/2013 3:20 PM, Charles Butterfield wrote:

Also noticed that "inetutils" package is missing from 64-bit.
Also noticed that "ping" package is missing from 64-bit.

Gosh - I use both of these on occasion. I'm now feeling I may have made
a  mistake in upgrading to 64-bit.

My questions:

1) Is there some way to install and run the 32-bit versions of the
packages that are missing from the 64-bit distro?
2) Are the missing packages "Just around the corner" 3) Should I just
pack it in, nuke my 64-bit setup and revert to 32-bits? I
had been hoping that the 64-bit version would fix some of the limitations of
running 32-bit shell and apps on a 64-bit Win8 platform (e.g. the System32
and SysWOW64 craziness, and confusing names), but the current Cygwin 64-bit
rough edges are making me uneasy. Am I missing something?

You have a couple of Cygwin-specific choices:

  1. Install the 32-bit versions of the packages that you use and which
 aren't available yet for the 64-bit version.

  2. Just install the 32-bit version for now.



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Re: CHERE package missing from 64-bit Setup 2.830

2013-10-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/23/2013 3:19 PM, Charles Butterfield wrote:

I'm in the middle of re-installing Cygwin. Decided to go with the 64-bit
package this time. But I can't find the "chere" package, not any recent
reference to it in this list. Are there any workarounds that give me a right
click to open a bash shell?

You can always install it under 32-bit Cygwin.



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Re: ver 1.7.25 cygwin64 Error on Win 7

2013-10-21 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/21/2013 1:03 PM, Jonathan wrote:

On 21/10/2013 16:05, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 03:04:16PM +0100, Jonathan wrote:

When I run:

C:\Windows\system32>C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile

I get this back:

   0 [main] bash 1956! child_info::sync: wait failed, pid 0, Win32
error 6

Even if I just run:


I get a popup saying "C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe is not a valid Win32

Any ideas?

Either or a bad installation of bash.
Try reinstalling first, then check for apps which could be interfering
with Cygwin.

I've tried reinstalling and no difference.

I've just run cygcheck and am attaching the result.

As Chris mentioned, you want to look for possible BLODA candidates.
As part of that search, you can try enabling detect_bloda in your
CYGWIN environment variable (see

You might also try trimming everything from your path but the Windows
directories and see if that helps.  If so, you can use a search of
what's in your path to lead you to the BLODA.



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Re: FW: Cygwin64 Terminal - Windows is searching for mintty

2013-10-21 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/21/2013 12:04 AM, Matthias Hettwer wrote:

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit: After full installation of setup-x86_64 - done
repeatedly to correct any errors and misses - there still is a fatal error
when starting Cygwin64 Terminal, "Windows is searching for minty" with a
"Browse" button option. However, it can't be found anywhere on the hard drive.
I downloaded a version of mintty 1.0.3 from a download site and unzipped
all the content but no mintty executable can be found there either.

Right.  This is not a supported way of obtaining and installing a package.
It won't work.  While it's understandable that you might experiment some
trying to get things working, this approach isn't a viable option.

Any suggestions on how to repair the Cygwin setup-x86_64 installation to
have mintty ?

Please read and follow the problem-reporting guidelines found at the link

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Re: SSH Key Authentication is not working

2013-10-14 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/14/2013 6:11 PM, Tadej Animalix wrote:


I'm turning here for help since I have a feeling that I searched the
whole web and I didn't find a solution.

I use CYGWIN on Windows 7 to allow connections via SSH, and it works
OK if I use username and password for authentication, but it doesn't
work with key authentication.

At first I noticed that Putty log contains this events
("SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST" sent as last message):
 Event Log: Offered public key
 Event Log: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

In sshd.log I found that this error was recorded:
   "0 [main] sshd 20872 fork: child -1 - forked process 17012 died
unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC07B, errno 11"

I looked further and I found that in Windows "Event Viewer" error gets
reported by sshd:
 "The description for Event ID 0 from source sshd cannot be found.
Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your
local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or
repair the component on the local computer.

 If the event originated on another computer, the display
information had to be saved with the event.

 The following information was included with the event:

 sshd: PID 17112: fatal: seteuid 1000: Operation not permitted"

I found a guy who had similar problem
(, and there they
mention "there is no solution" for this problem, so I was wondering if
that's true?

You have a different error code so it's not clear that this is the
same case.

Could someone please push me into the right direction?

Sure.  Let's start here:

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Include how you've configured 'sshd' and your cygcheck output in your



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Re: Permalinks for versioned Cygwin setup.exe files

2013-10-14 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/14/2013 8:03 PM, Thomas Deinhamer wrote:

Hi there,

are there official permalinks for the setup.exe
file to download a specific version of Cygwin?

For example

No.  "setup*.exe" installs the current version if you "Install
from Intranet".



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Re: ERRORLEVEL not returning to Cygwin shell

2013-10-11 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/11/2013 11:53 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:42:47AM -0400, Earnie Boyd wrote:

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:

From: Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/11/2013 8:27 AM, paul hermeneutic wrote:

I am using CYGWIN_NT-5.1 PAC047922 1.7.25(0.270/5/3) 2013-08-31 20:39
i686 Cygwin

An exit code returned by a DOS batch file does not seem to be coming
back to the Cygwin shell. I am using bash.

$ cat myexit.bat
@echo off
echo got here with %1
exit /b %EXITCODE%

$ cmd /c c:/DOCUME~1/pwatson/bin/myexit.bat 8
got here with 8

$ echo $?

WJFFM.  Same version, same arch.  Guess you need to do some more digging.

FWIW, I get the same results as the OP:

$ cat myexit.bat
@echo off
echo got here with %1
exit /b %EXITCODE%
$ cmd /c myexit.bat 8
got here with 8
$ echo $?
$ uname -r

For grins, I tried with both Unix and DOS line endings. Made no difference.

Cygwin has no control and loses all communication with the cmd.exe
child process.  How is it supposed to return anything other than an
exit code of 0 because cmd.exe exited normally.  You simply cannot mix
Windows and Cygwin like this.

exit /b seems to cause CMD to exit with that value.  It does for me:

   % cmd /c myexit.bat 9; echo SAW $?
   got here with 9
   SAW 9

This is on Windows 7 64.  Maybe other versions of Windows differ.

Don't know if it's significant or not but I'm running W7 64 too,
running Cygwin 32bit.



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Re: ERRORLEVEL not returning to Cygwin shell

2013-10-11 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/11/2013 8:27 AM, wrote:

I am using CYGWIN_NT-5.1 PAC047922 1.7.25(0.270/5/3) 2013-08-31 20:39
i686 Cygwin

An exit code returned by a DOS batch file does not seem to be coming
back to the Cygwin shell. I am using bash.

$ cat myexit.bat
@echo off
echo got here with %1
exit /b %EXITCODE%

$ cmd /c c:/DOCUME~1/pwatson/bin/myexit.bat 8
got here with 8

$ echo $?

WJFFM.  Same version, same arch.  Guess you need to do some more digging.



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Re: How can I get cygwin 1.5.24-2?

2013-10-11 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/11/2013 5:18 AM, Chen Shu Hua wrote:

I used to use cygwin 1.5.24-2 to build a tool but anyway now I lose the
environment. Could you please tell me how can I get the cygwin 1.5.24-2?
  If I get up the setup file, how could I setup the environment?

Cygwin 1.5.24 is over five years old and is no longer supported by this
list.  See for the latest supported version of Cygwin.
If you absolutely must have version 1.5.24 for some reason, search for
"Cygwin Time Machine".  But if you do so and install an old version of
Cygwin, you're on your own if you run into any problems or questions.



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Re: ssh takes forever to interrupt-- known problem?

2013-10-09 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/9/2013 8:44 PM, Don Hatch wrote:

On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 07:30:42PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

... Some of your packages are reported as empty, which isn't right.
See if you can make those complaints go away.

Okay, I ran setup_x86.exe and uninstalled all packages
that appeared as "empty" in the first cygcheck output.
Ran cygcheck -s -r -v again, it showed a bunch of "Missing file:"
in gcc-core and libserf1_0, so I uninstalled and reinstalled those
two packages.

Rebooted, ssh problem persists.

New "cygcheck -s -r -v" output attached.

Thanks.  This looks better.

OK, I'm going to assume that 'sshd' was actually started when
you tried the latest rounds of tests.  If this wasn't the case, you have
another (probably non-Cygwin) SSH server running which is causing the
problem.  You'll need to shut that service down and start the Cygwin
one before trying again.

Beyond that, you could try invoking invoking 'yes' through 'strace' and
see if the output there gives you any clues.  You could also try cutting
down your path to eliminate potential interactions.  Lastly, you could
try adding "detect_bloda" to your Cygwin environment variable to see if
it points to some conflicting program/service:


If those don't provide any clues, I'm out of ideas. :-(



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Re: ssh takes forever to interrupt-- known problem?

2013-10-09 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/9/2013 7:21 PM, Don Hatch wrote:

On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 06:58:52PM -0400, Don Hatch wrote:

On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 06:38:10PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

WJFFM.  Maybe looking at your cygcheck output will provide a clue?

Hmm, wasn't expecting that it actually works fine for other people!

One more possibly relevant piece of information--
inside "ssh localhost",
the command "yes" without args
is much much harder for me to interrupt than
"yes a" --
about 6 minutes vs. about 12 seconds.
Does "yes" work just fine for you too?

Yup.  Some of your packages are reported as empty, which isn't right.
See if you can make those complaints go away.



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Re: ssh takes forever to interrupt-- known problem?

2013-10-09 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/9/2013 6:19 PM, Don Hatch wrote:

ssh'ing from a cygwin shell to a linux computer,
if I run an output-bound command
(e.g. "yes ")and I 
try to kill the command
using ctrl-c, it takes a long time, sometimes several minutes.
I'd love to get this fixed, as it's the one thing
that's preventing me from using cygwin/ssh effectively
as a remote terminal.

The problem occurs in the following situations:
 - cygwin ssh from windows to linux
 - cygwin ssh from windows to localhost

WJFFM.  Maybe looking at your cygcheck output will provide a clue?



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Re: cp creates unreadable file on Windows 7

2013-10-09 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/9/2013 5:30 PM, Frank, Matthew I wrote:

I believe my problem is identical to the one reported in:, but that message chain ended 
"mount your file system noacl" which isn't an option for me, so I'm looking for
other alternatives.

I create a file using cmd.exe in a directory created by cmd.exe.  Then in 
Cygwin bash I
mkdir a directory (two levels deep) and cp the file into the new directory.  
The resulting
file is not readable by any Windows or Cygwin executable.  I can't say whether 
this is
correct or not, but it surprised me.

I am on a corporate network (logged in using network credentials).  The 
filesystem is NTFS,
the machine is Windows 7.  I am an Administrator on the machine.  I am using 
the new 64-bit
Cygwin installed in c:\users\mifrank\cygwin64, but the problem was originally 
reported by
several of my users, and they are using slightly older 32-bit versions of 
Cygwin installed
in c:\cygwin.

Reproducer.  Step 1 (must be done in a cmd.exe shell.)

C:\>md dos-level1
C:\>echo foo > dos-level1\bar
C:\>cat dos-level1\bar
C:\>icacls.exe dos-level1\
dos-level1\ BUILTIN\Administrators:(I)(F)
 NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(I)(M)
 NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(M)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
C:\>icacls.exe dos-level1\bar
dos-level1\bar BUILTIN\Administrators:(I)(F)
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(I)(M)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

Step 2 (from Cygwin bash shell)

$ cygcheck -V
cygcheck (cygwin) 1.7.25
$ cd /cygdrive/c/
$ groups
Domain Users Users
$ umask
$ mkdir --parents cyg-level1/cyg-level2
$ cat dos-level1/bar
$ cp dos-level1/bar cyg-level1/cyg-level2/
$ cat cyg-level1/cyg-level2/bar
cat: cyg-level1/cyg-level2/bar: Permission denied

$ icacls.exe cyg-level1/cyg-level2/
cyg-level1/cyg-level2/ AMR\mifrank:(F)
AMR\Domain Users:(RX)
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(M)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
$ icacls.exe cyg-level1/cyg-level2/bar
cyg-level1/cyg-level2/bar AMR\mifrank:(D,Rc,WDAC,WO,RA,WA)
   AMR\Domain Users:(Rc,S,RA)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

On the other hand:

$ echo fromcyg > cyg-level1/cyg-level2/baz
$ cat cyg-level1/cyg-level2/baz
$ icacls.exe cyg-level1/cyg-level2/baz
cyg-level1/cyg-level2/baz AMR\mifrank:(R,W,D,WDAC,WO)
   AMR\Domain Users:(R)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

'bar' isn't owned by mifrank, Domain Users, or Everyone in its initial 
location so the POSIX permissions for it don't include read access for

any of the POSIX attributes (-rwxrwxrwx).  Try adding read permissions
for mifrank to the file and/or directories and see if that helps.



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Re: fixing BLODA-caused fork failures

2013-10-08 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/8/2013 3:25 PM, David Boyce wrote:

But as a point of practicality, 64-bit Cygwin can help with some cases of
DLL address space collisions.  So if you haven't experimented with
64-bit Cygwin in your environment, it may be worth your time.

This sounds very reasonable but I'm curious: is it to date just a
theory that makes sense or have there been actual reports of 64-bit
Cygwin solving address-space collisions?

Solving?  Well no.  It won't "solve" address-space collisions.  But the
larger address space means that there's less chance of the O/S picking
the address your DLL wants for another.  No guarentees of course. ;-)



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Re: baffling cygwin setup.exe behavior

2013-10-08 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/8/2013 2:52 PM, Don Hatch wrote:

So, as far as I can see,
the only way to get rcs 5.8.2-1 is to globally select "Curr"
and *don't click on rcs at all*.
So, to upgrade rcs and nothing else,
I'd have to globally select "Curr"
and manually change every package *except* rcs
to "Keep", leaving rcs alone.
That seemed like a lot of work and error prone,
and I knew I was going to be doing all this several times,
and who knows whether I'd run into other problems on the way.
So instead, I elected to upgrade
my entire system to "Curr", even though
that's not really what I wanted.

If anyone can explain what's going on here
(is this a bug? or something wrong with my thinking?)
and how to do this simple operation,
I'd really appreciate it.

I'm not sure why you cannot get back to 5.8.2-1.  I can but I
don't have 'rcs' installed so my cycle just goes from Skip->

I guess if all else fails, try uninstalling and reinstalling



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Re: transfering cygwin configuration from win XP to win 7

2013-10-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/7/2013 1:32 PM, J.-C. Mignot wrote:

Hi !
I have a cygwin working fine on windows XP. I'm moving to windows 7. Is
there a way to copy the configuration of the cygwin that works well to
windows 7 without using the wysiwyg setup.exe ? I mean something like a
single configuration file ?

No, there is no single configuration file for Cygwin that will make your
Cygwin installation on Windows 7 mirror your Windows XP install.  Short of
copying the entire install from XP to Windows, you'll likely miss something
if you go for something less.  And even then, there will still be some bits
that you may want that you'll have to do by hand (setting up shortcuts to
shells, etc.)  If just getting the same packages installed on Windows 7
is close enough, you can always just copy '/etc/setup/installed.db' into
place on the W7 machine and run the normal 'setup*.exe' to get things
installed.  That will still miss your local directory and customizations
that are in it plus those that may be in '/etc' but those probably become
obvious quickly.  Assuming your XP machine is still available, you can
grab them as you notice.



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Re: second exec channel cannot access windows share (open-ssh)

2013-10-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/7/2013 4:04 AM, gaillard wrote:

Thanks. Yes there are passwords on shares.

What confuses me is that it works on the first invocation of exec channel.
Is there any reason why it works then ?

There are some corner cases where this might work for an individual user
(i.e. the one that's running the service for instance).  But those have
limitations as well.  My guess is you're seeing one of those corner cases.



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Re: How to add a package to Cygwin from an external folder?

2013-10-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/6/2013 9:37 AM, Alessandro Francesconi wrote:

I'm new on Cygwin environment and I'm wondering if it's possible to
"link"  a package that's already stored on my hard-drive, but it's out from the
default Cygwin folder. I'll be more precise:
My Cygwin environment is in C:\dev\cygwin, I need to manually install a
particular version of a package that's not available in the default remote
repository, for example libgimp2.0-dev (version 2.6.0)

You can access paths that aren't under the Cygwin root directory
(C:\dev\cygiwn in your case) using the '/cygdrive' path from Cygwin shells.
See the section about cygdrive in the Users Guide for more details:



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Re: fresh 64 bit install question

2013-10-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/6/2013 11:30 AM, Bill Morgan wrote:

Just did a fresh 64 bit install and there are no
directories under Home.

Is this normal ?

No.  This is done in '/etc/profile'.  Take a look at that script and see
if you can figure out why it skipped creating your home directory.  If
you need more help, please follow the problem reporting guidelines at
the link below.

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Re: Available Download Sites empty

2013-10-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/4/2013 4:39 PM, Sean McKell wrote:

Running 'setup-x86_64.exe' in Win7, the 'Available Download Sites' list is
empty.  How do I get that to be filled in?
I don't use a proxy.
I've also tried putting in a mirror site from your website
'', but it fails with 'Unable to
get setup.ini'.
thanks for any help

WFFM.  If you're still having problems, see if you can get to the page
below.  It's what "setup*.exe" references to find mirrors.

It's a link that's available on the Cygwin site main page.  If that works
through the broswer, check your browser settings to see how it is set up
to access the Internet.  You'll want to replicate that configuration for
"setup*.exe".  If you can't get there through the browser or other tools,
you may just be blocked on your end (locally or somewhere along the path).
"tracert" may help find the problem spot.



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Re: second exec channel cannot access windows share (open-ssh)

2013-10-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/4/2013 3:26 AM, gaillard wrote:


My company uses cygwin to enable client users to access an application through
open-ssh server via an ssh exec-channel. After the session connects fine, the
firstly created exec channel is able to access the mounted shares installed on
the box (in my test a Windows Server 2008 R2).
The issue comes when opening the second exec channel that is not able to access
the shares.

 From the tests I made the second channel is not impersonating the user
since it happears the application process runs as "Local System" which would
explain the issue.

The open-ssh service is installed under a special user account that runs
with the
following settings in local security policy:
- adjust memory quotas for a process
- create a token object
- logon as a service
- replace a process level token

I tried to add this but without success:
- impersonate a client after authentication

I've also read the doc "Using Windows Security in Cygwin" but I'm unsure of the
correct diagnostic for the problem: wrong setting (do I need to use LSA
or is it a bug?

Any advice will be appreciated.

If you have passwords on your shares (and it sounds like you do), then
your only real altrernative is the third option as described in the
Users Guide:



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Re: fixing BLODA-caused fork failures

2013-10-03 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/3/2013 5:50 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:

On 03/10/2013 4:55 PM, Adam Kellas wrote:

My company uses Cygwin and we experience fairly frequent fork
failures, believed to be BLODA-related. I say "believed to be" because
in this corporate environment, like many, we cannot uninstall the
virus scanner even long enough to see what happens without it. The
presumed culprit in our case is Microsoft Forefront Endpoint
Protection, by the way.

So we need Cygwin and we're stuck with Forefront, putting us between a
rock and a hard place. It's clear from the documentation and mailing
list that the official stance wrt BLODA is "sorry, can't help you" and
I understand and accept that. I'm looking for the answer to a related
question: are BLODA-caused fork failures a logically unsolvable
problem due to the way Windows works or is it just a matter of round
tuits? In other words, if we were (hypothetically) able to pay someone
to make MS Forefront and Cygwin play nicely together, would that have
a chance of success? And would the Cygwin maintainers allow such work
into the code base or consider it an unfortunate precedent?

I can't comment on actual code changes, but having played around quite a bit
in the fork code, I can at least speak a little to the technical part.

BLODA commonly causes two classes of symptoms:

1. Fork failures due to injecting dlls at inopportune locations or otherwise
messing with address space layouts in a way that violates posix semantics
(memory-mapping a file where some cygwin dll should have gone, for example).
Cygwin can do nothing, because the damage is invariably done before
cygwin1.dll loads. The problem can only be fixed if the BLODA were to be
more circumspect about where it injects things, which is unlikely because
Windows processes normally care very little (if at all) about address space

2. Various file-related errors due to the BLODA touching/locking files at
inopportune times (e.g. right when a cygwin process tries to delete the
file, leading to an "unable to delete" error). This is simple Windows
locking at play, which Cygwin actually respects (unlike many Windows
programs). Again, there's little cygwin can do to address the problem on its
side, because the file really is locked...

... all of which is the long way of explaining why the official stance is
"sorry, you're SOL" ...

Nothing I say here should be misconstrued to in any way contradict what Ryan
just said.  Its a very good summary of the difficulties caused by BLODA.
But as a point of practicality, 64-bit Cygwin can help with some cases of
DLL address space collisions.  So if you haven't experimented with
64-bit Cygwin in your environment, it may be worth your time.



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Re: fonts for X11 and TexLive

2013-10-03 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/3/2013 12:24 PM, wrote:

Is there some X11 or other utiltiy that can display a list of available fonts to
1.) X11 and if different fonta available and 2.) TexLive's Context macro 

Why not ask this on the much more appropriate cygwin-xfree list?



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Re: Tried to remove cygdrive prefix, ended up "lost" in my filesystem

2013-10-02 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 10/2/2013 7:45 PM, Diego Mesa wrote:


I've tried the mount -c / command, as well as the changes in fstab
with a restart and it still doesnt work! Am I missing something?

You appear to be expecting that you can run the command above while
you're sitting in a path under /cygdrive and that you'll somehow
magically be remapped to the new location.  It doesn't work that
way.  Try this:

cd /
mount -c /
ls /c

With that you should see the contents of your C drive.  If you
don't see that, try 'mount -p'.  From that, you should see:

Prefix  Type Flags
/   user binmode

If not, you're definitely doing something wrong.  We'll need a
full problem report -> 

Also, keep in mind that setting the cygdrive path with the 'mount'
command is a runtime thing only.  As soon as the last Cygwin
process on your system terminates, it resets to 'cygdrive' again.
That's the reason the '/etc/fstab' method also exists.  But stick
with the above recipe until you understand what's happening and
you see results you want.  Then you can continue your experimentation
using '/etc/fstab' if you prefer.



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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: run-1.3.0-1

2013-09-30 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/30/2013 3:17 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:

Any updates on this?  Any other information we can provide to
expedite a fix?

I just had my PC upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7 and have been
reinstalling various applications including Cygwin.  I'm using the
32-bit version because not all the packages I use are available for
64-bit Cygwin.  One of my scripts stopped working after the upgrade
and I finally tracked the problem down to run-1.3.  After numerous
attempts to fix the problem by changing the quoting on the
arguments, I downgraded to run-1.2 and the script works fine again.

.  That's the
latest from Wednesday last week.



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Re: Run bash script in cmd with cygwin

2013-09-26 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/25/2013 5:25 PM, Ulrich Pogson wrote:

Thanks for your help

I got it to work with this line.
I: & cd I:\Work\GitHub\responsive\languages & c:\cygwin64\bin\bash -c

Cygwin prefers POSIX paths and separators.  You should prefer / over \
for this final path.



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Re: cp vs copy performance over local network

2013-09-25 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/25/2013 3:45 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:

There's overhead to handle POSIX permissions, etc.

For one file, the effects of copying the meta-data should be negligible.

You're right.  I didn't really look at the example (1 file) and the timing
difference (~10 sec).  I was assuming multiple files.  strace output still
might provide some insight.  Or perhaps as Andrey suggests, the x86_64
version might make up the difference.



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Re: cp vs copy performance over local network

2013-09-25 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/25/2013 1:17 PM, Wm. David Bentlage wrote:


I've often noticed that there's a big difference in the performance
between Cygwin cp and Windows copy over the local network -- cp
usually takes twice as long for the same operation.  Here's an

muser@A4826995 /c/Users/Muser
$ time cmd /c copy server\\w\\ .
 1 file(s) copied.

sys 0m0.046s

muser@A4826995 /c/Users/Muser
$ time cp server\\w\\ .

sys 0m2.432s

muser@A4826995 /c/Users/Muser
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 A4826995 1.7.17(0.262/5/3) 2012-10-19 14:39 i686 Cygwin

muser@A4826995 /c/Users/Muser
$ ls -lh
-rw-r--r-- 1 muser Users 513M Sep 25 11:47

Why is this?  Is there something I can do to increase the performance of cp?

Use '-l'. ;-)

There's overhead to handle POSIX permissions, etc.  Perhaps copying to a
mount point with 'noacl' would help.  Otherwise, you can see all the things
that are happening by stracing 'cp'.  It may point you to some hints/ideas.



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Re: cannot run setup64.exe without admin privileges (even if renamed foo.exe)

2013-09-25 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/25/2013 11:21 AM, Frédéric Bron wrote:

In fact, what would be the issue to set the requested execution level
to "asInvoker" for the official setup-x86_64.exe?
People with admin rights will still be able to install for all users
and people without admin rights will be able to install for

Doesn't that mean that "setup-x86_64.exe" needs to be "Run as Administrator"
to be installed for "All Users"?  If so, I wouldn't be in favor of the
change because it changes the default install behavior (= more confusion/
list traffic).

I understand. Halas, I cannot try this my-self.
Can somebody with admin rights try to install cygwin 64 for all users
using the following setup:

A quick check shows that yours definitely doesn't ask to elevate.
I can't check to see how that affects the downstream installation
and services ATM.



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Re: cannot run setup64.exe without admin privileges (even if renamed foo.exe)

2013-09-25 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/25/2013 10:11 AM, Frédéric Bron wrote:

In fact, what would be the issue to set the requested execution level
to "asInvoker" for the official setup-x86_64.exe?
People with admin rights will still be able to install for all users
and people without admin rights will be able to install for

Doesn't that mean that "setup-x86_64.exe" needs to be "Run as Administrator"
to be installed for "All Users"?  If so, I wouldn't be in favor of the
change because it changes the default install behavior (= more confusion/
list traffic).



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> Q: Are you sure?
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Re: What is the name of the pdftk package (setup-x86_64)

2013-09-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/23/2013 10:26 AM, Frédéric Bron wrote:

I cannot find pdftk in setup on x86_64.

Not yet available for 64 bits

Oh, I see. Is it then recommended to install cygwin 32bits on a 64bits
windows? Is cygwin 64 bits still considered 'experimental'?

See any of the recent Cygwin package announcements for that answer.  For

Also, finding the package containing a program can be answered by searching
the Cygwin packages for that program.  That search can be performed here:

Or just fire up "setup*.exe" and search once you get to the package
screen.  Of course, using "setup*.exe" to do the searching, while arguably
more convenient, means that you're restricted to searching a single
architecture.  The web page gives you search access to both.



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Re: Cygwin and lz/lza running out of memory?

2013-09-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/23/2013 2:28 AM, Matt D. wrote:

On 9/22/2013 10:25 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 9/22/2013 5:30 PM, Matt D. wrote:

Depending on the options I choose, I keep running into lz/lzma reporting:
"ERROR: Can't allocate required memory!".

This can occur before or during compression. The lz/lza process tends to
stop after gaining about 400MB on the process; then it exits with this
error. The problem does not appear to be how much available memory I have
but rather q question of why the process can't seem to allocate it.

Any advice?

Take a look at this thread and see if this leads you to an answer.


If not, please follow the problem-reporting guidelines found here:

Problem reports:

The link sounded promising but no matter how high I set it (tried up to
8192), I get the same error, even when bringing down the compression ratio a

I suggest reading through all the posts in the thread, particularly the
recent ones:


If you're still having problems, I recommend you update to the most recent
Cygwin DLL if you're not running it already.  If that's still no help, I
point you back to my recommendation about submitting a full problem report
with cygcheck output as described by the link I provided above.



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Re: Cygwin and lz/lza running out of memory?

2013-09-22 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/22/2013 5:30 PM, Matt D. wrote:

Depending on the options I choose, I keep running into lz/lzma reporting:
"ERROR: Can't allocate required memory!".

This can occur before or during compression. The lz/lza process tends to
stop after gaining about 400MB on the process; then it exits with this
error. The problem does not appear to be how much available memory I have
but rather q question of why the process can't seem to allocate it.

Any advice?

Take a look at this thread and see if this leads you to an answer.

If not, please follow the problem-reporting guidelines found here:

Problem reports:



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: cannot run setup64.exe without admin privileges (even if renamed foo.exe)

2013-09-22 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/22/2013 2:18 PM, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong (like I need to ask!), but my impression is that the
only thing for which setup for 'Cygwin for All Users' currently needs admin
privileges is to create shortcuts in "C:\Users\All Users\Desktop" and
"C:\Users\All Users\Start Menu" (or wherever they point to).

No, "All Users" is also required to set up services (like sshd, crond, etc.)
to work for all users (i.e. switch user context).  This is the recommended
way to install so that these subsequent facilities can be used with a
minimum of fuss or trouble.



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> Q: Are you sure?
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Re: Confused about several issues with setting up cron

2013-09-22 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/21/2013 9:00 PM, KARR, DAVID wrote:

I'm surprised that there's nothing in the user guide or the FAQ about
setting up cron.  I had to settle for the various questions about this on
StackOverflow and others.

For Cygwin packages other than the one providing the Cygwin DLL itself,
Cygwin-specific documentation is provided under /usr/share/doc/Cygwin.
General package documentation is found under /usr/share/doc/.



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Re: seteuid 1019: Operation not permitted

2013-09-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/17/2013 3:02 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

Hi Guys

I have the debug logs of an sshd that terminated connections when it
recieves the following error:

seteuid 1019: Operation not permitted

Perhaps this thread helps?

Ignore the stuff about getting a snapshot.  That's old data.  The changes
you need in the DLL are already in the version you have.



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Re: Fwd: Way to test cyglsa?

2013-09-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 4:50 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

Every day I learn something new. This cygcheck utility produces a lot
of useful information. I've done a diff on the cygcheck for the server
where sshd is working and the server where sshd is not working.

Summary of the diff is as follows:

 -  A gid 0 root group exists on the server where sshd works. The
gid 0 root group does not exist on the server where sshd does not

This probably isn't a big deal but you could check your '/etc/passwd'
file to see what Windows UID this maps to and see if that suggests

 -  The sshd service on the server where sshd doesn't work is
configured in debug mode. The sshd service on the server where sshd
does work is not configured in debug mode, for obvious reasons.

This is not significant.

 -  The cygserver service is configured to run on the server where
sshd isn't working. The cygserver service isn't configured to run on
the server where ssh was working. I remember thinking that cygserver
was necessary for cyglsa to work properly. Also, the server where sshd
is working had sshd working even without cyglsa configured.

cyglsa does not require cygserver.

The sshd logs for the server sshd isn't working on are in previous my
email. Below in this email are the cygcheck outputs for both the
servers. Each has Cygwin 1.7.25-1

Yeah, there are definitely a few difference here.  You might try going
through them 1 by 1 to eliminate them.  Start with the easy ones and
quit at the hard ones. :-)


Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Sep 16 21:21:11 2013

Windows 2003 Server Ver 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 2

Running in Terminal Service session

 C:\Program Files\Windows Imaging

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe
UID: 500(Administrator) GID: 513(None)
513(None)   544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

USER = 'Administrator'
PWD = '/home/Administrator'
HOME = '/home/Administrator'

HOMEPATH = '\Documents and Settings\Administrator'
MANPATH = '/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man:'
APPDATA = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data'
SHELL = '/bin/bash'
TERM = 'xterm'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel'
PERL5LIB = 'D:\oracle\ora10g\sysman\admin\scripts;'
OLDPWD = '/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop'
UATDATA = 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\UATData\D9F8C395-CAB8-491d-B8AC-179A1FE1BE77'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
temp = 'C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\3'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
TMP = '/tmp'
USERNAME = 'Administrator'
ClusterLog = 'C:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log'
LANG = 'en_US.UTF-8'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator'
TZ = 'America/New_York'
PS1 = '\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
SHLVL = '1'
COMSPEC = 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
PRINTER = 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer'
INFOPATH = '/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:'
PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files'
ORACLE_HOME = 'D:\oracle\11.2.0\dbhome'
_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygwin\Program Options
   (default) = (unsupported type)
   (default) = 0x0002
   (default) = '\??\C:\cygwin'
   (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

obcaseinsensitive set to 1

Cygwin installations found in the registry:
   System: Key: c5e39b7a9d22bafb Path: C:\cygwin

a:  fd N/AN/A
c:  hd  NTFS 76791Mb  21% CP CS UN PA FC
d:  hd  NTFS153597Mb  56% CP CS UN PA FC New Volume
g:  hd  NTFS102398Mb  62% CP CS UN PA FC New Volume
r:  hd  NTFS262138Mb  25% CP CS UN PA FC Recovery
z:  cd N/AN/A

C:\cygwin/  system  binary,auto

Re: setup.exe and mounting home directory in fstab

2013-09-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/19/2013 12:16 PM, Rob Siklos wrote:


I wanted my /home directory to point to c:\Users rather than the
out-of-the-box home directory created by cygwin.  In order to accomplish
this, I deleted the existing home folder and created a soft link mapping
/home to /cygdrive/c/Users.

This works great, except that I notice that every time I run setup.exe, my
soft link gets removed and a new profile is created for me the next time I
open a Cygwin terminal.

Every time this happens, I just delete the new /home folder and re-create
the soft link.  However, this is getting annoying, so I'm looking for a
different solution.

My current solution is to just mount it in fstab with the following line:

   c:/Users /home ntfs binary,posix=0,nouser

This is working fine, but now I'm worried about what setup.exe will do to
this folder the next time I update Cygwin.  Will it be safely left alone, or
will my user profile get deleted?

'setup*.exe' won't change this.  Alternatively, you can set HOME in your
Windows environment to point to the directory you want as your home.
Either will work.



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: Build Failure for APR library

2013-09-17 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/17/2013 12:06 AM, wynfield at gmail dot com wrote:

Larry thank you.  Your message helped me get Apache httpd up and running.

Glad you were able to get it running.

For other people after getting cygserver up and running, you will then
have to set the CYGWIN environment variable so that it contains the string 
and you will also have to  "rebaseall."

Actually, "server" is an obsolete setting of the CYGWIN environment



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: Fwd: Way to test cyglsa?

2013-09-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 3:56 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

The user cyg_server was generated by the ssh-host-config script and
while the server itself is on a domain, all the users involved with
cygwin / ssh / sshd are local users.

I've noticed that along with the local cyg_server account, there is
also a local sshd account. It appears to be disabled. Is that normal?

Yes.  That's for privilege separation.  It's fine.

What can I do to be sure that seteuid can be called by cyg_server? The
user is in the Administrators group and to my knowledge, that should
be a qualifier to run seteuid.

The only thing I can think of here is that cyglsa isn't doing what it
should.  Why don't you send along your cygcheck output
() in case there's something there
that would help there.

I went ahead and reconfigured /etc/passwd, the sshd service via
ssh-host-config, and the LSA passwords for the users. I'm still
experiencing the same problem but now with a new and odd variation.
Attempting to connect via ssh yeilds the same result as before but
additionally causes the sshd service to stop. No errros are being
reported in the event logs and the /var/log/sshd.log file looks the
same as before. Output is below:

Yep, that's expected when you run sshd as debug.  That's another
reason I set up a separate service for the debug version.  Keeps me
from needing to edit anything to switch back and forth and I never
have to worry about the "limitations" of running a debug version
when I don't mean to be. :-)



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: Fwd: Way to test cyglsa?

2013-09-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 3:06 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

Its great that I now have some actual debug output. Thanks a lot, Larry.

Towards the end of the log this appeared:

seteuid 1019: Operation not permitted

I'll check again that /etc/passwd, /etc/group, cyglsa-config, and
ssh-host-config all have the correct login credentials. Before I do,
is there anywhere else I can look? The cyglsa test from before did
pass so I'm almost certain the passwords entered into it are correct.
Does the order in which a user runs ssh-host-config and cyglsa-config

No, the order of running the config scripts doesn't matter.  cyglsa
can be used with sshd but that's not the only service that would
benefit.  And sshd can certainly be run without cyglsa, as you know.

So does the user running sshd have permission to seteuid?  A properly
configured 'cyg-server' user, as prepared by ssh-host-config, will have
the required permissions for local users.  For domain users, you need
to tweak 'cyg-server' so that it is a domain administrator at least.



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: Fwd: Way to test cyglsa?

2013-09-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 2:26 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

I would really like to run sshd in debug mode!

I wasn't sure what the best way to enable debug mode on sshd. The
approach I took was to edit one the registry entry I assumed cygrunsrv
uses to launch sshd.


Name: AppArgs
Type: REG_SZ
Data: -D

I changed '-D'  to '-Dd' but unfortunatley this rendered the service
un-start-able. I got the same result with '-D &> /var/log/sshd.log'

Try '-D -d'.

What in your mind is the best way to enable debug mode? Also, will the
debug output be sent to event log or to /var/log/sshd.log?

I've set up a new service in the past to be a debug version.  That way,
it's always there and ready for me when I need it.  I just stop the
normal service and start the debug one.  But that's just one way to
do it.  Your way should work.  The output goes to the log file by



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: Fwd: Way to test cyglsa?

2013-09-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 1:47 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

Thanks for the recommendaitons Larry.

If $USER is the test, then it appears cyglsa is working on this machine.

The firewall is disabled.

Thanks for refering me to the BLODA. I noticed some Symantec products
listed there. Symantec's Endpoint Protection and Symantec's Bakcup
Exec are installed on this server. I doubt those are causes because
the same programs are installed on another server where sshd works. In
fact, that other server is a copy of this server in question AKA the
one which isn't working. The copy was made a few years ago so there
are minor differences between the two machines. During my testing I've
used the same sshd configurations on both and I can't for the life of
me figure out why one works while the other doesn't.

For a while, I thought there was an issue with user switching but
event log shows success for cyg_server and even for the users I
attempt to login with via ssh.

If you haven't enabled debugging for sshd, I'd recommend trying that.  It
can provide info about what the server is doing which can reveal some
helpful details.  Presumably you've been able to get communication to
work fine using password authentication?

These servers sit on a domain with a 'strong password' requirement.
I'm wondering if there are special keyboard characters in the
passwords which may interfere with the way cygwin handles user

Since you're currently dealing with password-less authentication, I don't
think that should be a problem.



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> Q: Are you sure?
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Re: Build Failure for APR library

2013-09-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 3:01 AM, d.henman wrote:

I tried running httpd2 by hand and it dies immediately and violently:

  $ httpd2
zsh: invalid system call (core dumped)  httpd2

  $  cat httpd2.exe.stackdump
Stack trace:
Frame Function  Args

When executed from the bash shell:

$ /usr/sbin/httpd2
Bad system call (core dumped)
xxx@binki /tmp
$ echo $?

A crash like this is not a gracefull exit. I wonder how one would fine
find out about which system call caused the crash. The MS event look does
not showi it.

This means you're not running Cygserver.  Apache on Cygwin requires this.
See the documentation for Cygserver here:



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> Q: Are you sure?
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Re: Fwd: Way to test cyglsa?

2013-09-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/16/2013 11:03 AM, Evan Rowley wrote:

Hi All,

Is there a way to test whether or not cyglsa is functioning?

According to the documentation for the LSA stuff 

$USER will have the correct user name with LSA in the loop.

I've been having a lot of difficulty setting up sshd with passwordless
public key auth on a WIndwos 2003 server. Based on the problem I was
seeing, I thought that cyglsa might be the solution. The cyglsa-config
script was run and the machine was rebooted but I'm still having the
problems form before. At this point, I don't know what role cyglsa is
playing in the overall scheme of things.

Attempting to test sshd always ends in:

debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/Administrator/.ssh/id_rsa
debug3: send_pubkey_test
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
Connection closed by

No failures of any kind are being reported in the event log.

That looks to me like something is getting in the way of the connection.
Did you check your firewall settings and/or BLODA?



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: Cygwin installation - "Download Incomplete" on perl package

2013-09-10 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/10/2013 3:32 PM, B Baldwin wrote:

Attempting to install Cygwin.  Keep getting "Download Incomplete" errors,
eventually got all except Perl (perl-5.14.2-3.tar.bz2), which continues to
return this error.  This has been occurring for the last ~5 hours, on every
mirror listed.  There are about 10 mirrors listed in the setup program, and
the ~ 10 listed changed within the last hour, but still same error on each
mirror with the perl package.

Do I have a problem on my end or do I just need to wait longer for some
mirror updates to occur?

The latter.  Give it until tomorrow to see if the mirrors can catch
their breath with the recent deluge of "updates".



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Re: gcc writing to /dev/null actually writes to /dev/null.exe

2013-09-09 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/9/2013 12:24 PM, Adam Kellas wrote:

Is this a bug which is fixable in Cygwin or just something to be lived with?

% gcc -o /dev/null devnull.c

% ls -ld /dev/null*
crw-rw-rw-  1 dboyce Domain Users  1, 3 Sep  9 09:14 /dev/null
-rwxrwxr-x+ 1 dboyce Domain Users 53827 Sep  9 09:14 /dev/null.exe

% file /dev/null.exe
/dev/null.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

I'm aware of the .exe back story but this should be a special case, I think.

I can't imagine that this corner case is worth adding overhead to the
transparent exe handling code.  It also would open the door to arguments
to support other special cases.  That said, the final say goes to the
persons who generate a patch and those who review it.



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: Mirror sites/archives - "download incomplete" problem

2013-09-03 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/3/2013 5:23 PM, Mark Sheffield wrote:

Is there some likelihood that some of the mirrors have corrupted packages?

Sure, it's possible.  Just like it's possible for files to get corrupted
during your download.

Is there a method to determine whether or not any specific download
mirror has received the current build correct and intact?

There's an MD5SUM for the package in setup.ini.  You can check that value
against the value you get for the package.  That's essentially what
"setup*.exe" does though.  It sounds to me like it was reporting that
case to you (i.e. download incomplete).



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: ZSH "Address Space Needed By" problem

2013-09-03 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/3/2013 1:43 PM, Chris wrote:

Hey folks,

I fired up Cygwin this morning to find that my ZSH is having a problem
starting. I'm getting the following error message anytime I try to
start it:

Judging by the fact that your Cygwin package is 8 versions out-of-date,
I'm going to hazard a guess that you have not updated your Cygwin
installation between today and the last time you used it and that
you have rebooted your computer well before this problem appeared.
If my guess on all this is correct, it points to something else on
your system changing in the interim and instigating this complaint.
That "something else" would be BLODA (
Take a look and see what you can find, keeping in mind that recent installs
of other software may provide a clue.



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> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: Cygwin 1.7.25

2013-09-02 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/2/2013 11:34 AM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

I just released Cygwin 1.7.25.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding something.. but is 1.7.25 for x86_64 only or
also for x86 systems? The mirrors have the 1.7.25 64 bit but not the 32 bit.
In this case, it is still 1.7.24 the "release"..

Releases now are for both platforms.  Check another mirror or wait a bit if
what you're seeing doesn't match my statement.



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Re: Trying to build rxvt on Cygwin64.

2013-09-02 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 9/2/2013 10:08 AM, Robert McBroom wrote:

On 9/2/2013 9:00 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:

Greetings, mcforum!

The source tar balls I can find of rxvt are quite old and the config.guess
in the package doesn't recognize a win 7 x64, Cygwin64 system.  Any pointers
to getting a x64 rxvt to build?

If you're not building it out of pure curiosity, I suggest you state your
intentions more clearly.
If all you want is a graphical terminal window, look into mintty shipped with
modern cygwin installations.

Andrey Repin ( 02.09.2013, <16:57>

Sorry for my terrible english...

I'm accustomed to using rxvt.  I know how to set all the options that I want
to use.  mintty is to limited and xterm has too much stuff.

OK, if you're looking for a pre-built 64-bit version, keep your eye out here
for a package announcement.



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Re: Trying to solve my cygheap base mismatch issue

2013-08-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/28/2013 9:29 AM, Tony Whyte wrote:

Hi All
I have resorted to attempting a fresh install of a base Cygwin because
I suddenly started getting cygheap errors (after year of use) when I
launched the cygwin terminal window.

Im pretty sure it was related to a non-Cygwin dll, PGHook.dll, that
had grabbed a slot at  0x6110 thus crowding out cygwin1.dll from
its preferred base address of 0x6100.

This displacement however undermines a successful install also , as
post install scripts try to execute. (See error snippet below).

Visited: 49 nodes out of 49 while creating dependency order.
Dependency order of packages: libgcc1 libiconv2 libintl8 alternatives
base-cygwin libstdc++6 libattr1 cygwin libgmp3 libgmp10 libmpfr4
libreadline7 gawk tzcode coreutils terminfo libncursesw10 bash
findutils sed base-files libbz2_1 bzip2 libpopt0 cygutils dash
diffutils dos2unix editrights zlib0 file gettext libpcre0 grep groff
gzip ipc-utils libncurses10 less liblzma5 login xz man mintty rebase
run tar vim-minimal which
2013/08/27 08:37:31 running: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile
   6 [main] mkdir (2500) C:\cygwin\bin\mkdir.exe: *** fatal error -
cygheap base mismatch detected - 0x7A0970/0x720970.

To add some context I show listdlls.exe output for a dash.exe process below.

dash.exe pid: 1768
Command line: "C:\cygwin\bin\dash.exe"

BaseSize  Path
0x0040  0x1a000   dash.exe
0x7c90  0xb2000   ntdll.dll
0x7c80  0xf6000   kernel32.dll
0x6110  0x3f000   PGHook.dll
0x7e41  0x91000   USER32.dll
0x77f1  0x49000   GDI32.dll
0x0049  0x4b  cygwin1.dll
0x77dd  0x9b000   ADVAPI32.dll
0x77e7  0x93000   RPCRT4.dll
0x77fe  0x11000   Secur32.dll
0x6800  0x36000   rsaenh.dll
0x77c1  0x58000   msvcrt.dll
0x76bf  0xb000PSAPI.DLL

Its a bit of a catch-22 situation and Im looking for suggestions how
to get a completely successful Install done.

Things to try, in order of preference:

1. Uninstall Avecto Privilege Guard.
2. Disable the Windows service that loads PGHook.dll.
3. Rebase PGHook.dll to a new location.



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Re: Install problem with latest cygwin

2013-08-26 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/26/2013 12:46 PM, Ken Brown wrote:

On 8/26/2013 11:52 AM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 8/26/2013 5:05 AM, Allan Chandler wrote:

I've been running CygWin on my Win7-64 laptop for some time and I
decided to update to the latest packages, mainly because there's a bucket
load more stuff in there.

I renamed my cygwin directory to get it out of the way and downloaded/ran
setup-x86.exe. Selected ALL packages for download with no install and let
it run overnight.

The following day, I ran setup again and opted to install from the local
directory. This went well, right up to the post-install section where
I got
"Cannot locate cygncursesw-10.dll"-type dialog boxes for each of several
dozen packages. I also get it when I try to run bash after exit.

I had a look into the \cygwin directory where everything was created and
there's no sign of this file (though it appears under my old version of
CygWin in /bin). In the local package area where I downloaded everything,
it appears to exist in the x86/release/Cygwin64/cygwin64-ncurses tar.bz2
file but nowhere else in the package area is there a file even containing
"ncur". So I'm wondering whether the fact that I'm running the x86
installer means I don't get that file. In which case, why are the
post-install scripts (and bash) trying to use it?

Has anyone else manages to install the latest CygWin on Win7 this way?
anyone offer some advice on getting it to work?

Using the package search available at, it appears to me that
there has been a "hiccup" in the upload for this package.  Here are the
results of searching for cygncursesw-10.dll under x86 and x86_64:



Note that the 64-bit version is also listed under the 32-bit
installation and vice-versa.  And this doesn't seem quite right.

It's for cross-compiling, in case you want to build a 64-bit application
under 32-bit Cygwin (and vice versa).

Ah, OK.  That makes sense then.  So then I guess these cross-compile
packages don't need the DLLs, right?



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Re: Why are the 32- and 64-bit cygwin1.dlls incompatible?

2013-08-26 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/26/2013 9:51 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:04:06AM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Aug 25 13:26, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 11:05:06AM -0400, Earnie Boyd wrote:

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

I was having a private chat with Corinna about this.

Her doubts above mirror mine.  I wonder if this will add to the traffic

>from people who, e.g., expect their java apps to understand Cygwin

ptys.  Now we will have people who don't understand why their 32-bit
screen doesn't work under 64-bit Cygwin mintty.

The original error message was certainly not clear but maybe we need to
have something like:

"Can't run 32-bit Cygwin programs in a 64-bit Cygwin environment"

and vice versa with a, as you say, (ugh) way to turn this on and off.

What about CYGWIN=32bitCygwinExec or some such?

Yes, we were talking about a CYGWIN environment variable.  It would
probably be something like "arch_mismatch".  However, you're jumping to
implementation when it isn't even clear if this is something that we
want to do.

We shouldn't overburden the CYGWIN env var with lots of tiny, nagging
settings which are just as easy to keep in all the time.  Letting the
32 bit version of Cygwin run 64 bit apps...

And what about the other direction?

Apparently "vice versa" is not a universally understood term.

...and vice versa doesn't cost us anything.  We add a FAQ people can be
pointed to and that's it.

When I said "vice versa", I meant that we might need the same clear
warning for 64-bit programs running on 32-bit platforms.  I'm still not
clear on why this requires so much clarification.  But that's all right.
No need to enlighten me.  I'll just chalk this up to the Cygwin mailing
list confusion vortex.

You know I'm not a big fan of adding options to the CYGWIN environment
variable but I'm less of a fan of having people whine about something
not working, indignantly telling them to read the FAQ, and then having
them whine that there is no workaround.

This could all be a non-issue.  I was just trying to brainstorm and
think ahead.  But there's always that pesky vortex.

Indeed.  I can feel the vortex tugging at my brain. ;-)

I'm wondering if we going to go the interop route with the CYGWIN
environment variable switch and such if it doesn't make sense
to have the option be off by default but "detection" be on.  In
this case, the user would be warned about what's going on and
could be pointed to more info on how to turn on interop if that's
desirable.  I'm only proposing this in hopes that it would help avoid
lots of confusion about why things do and don't work in interop mode.



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Re: Install problem with latest cygwin

2013-08-26 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/26/2013 5:05 AM, Allan Chandler wrote:

I've been running CygWin on my Win7-64 laptop for some time and I recently
decided to update to the latest packages, mainly because there's a bucket
load more stuff in there.

I renamed my cygwin directory to get it out of the way and downloaded/ran
setup-x86.exe. Selected ALL packages for download with no install and let
it run overnight.

The following day, I ran setup again and opted to install from the local
directory. This went well, right up to the post-install section where I got
"Cannot locate cygncursesw-10.dll"-type dialog boxes for each of several
dozen packages. I also get it when I try to run bash after exit.

I had a look into the \cygwin directory where everything was created and
there's no sign of this file (though it appears under my old version of
CygWin in /bin). In the local package area where I downloaded everything,
it appears to exist in the x86/release/Cygwin64/cygwin64-ncurses tar.bz2
file but nowhere else in the package area is there a file even containing
"ncur". So I'm wondering whether the fact that I'm running the x86
installer means I don't get that file. In which case, why are the
post-install scripts (and bash) trying to use it?

Has anyone else manages to install the latest CygWin on Win7 this way? Can
anyone offer some advice on getting it to work?

Using the package search available at, it appears to me that
there has been a "hiccup" in the upload for this package.  Here are the
results of searching for cygncursesw-10.dll under x86 and x86_64:



Note that the 64-bit version is also listed under the 32-bit
installation and vice-versa.  And this doesn't seem quite right. ;-)
In any case, for the moment, I'd recommend that you install the
libncrsesw10 package for x86.  That should resolve the immediate
issue for you.



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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin package search down for a while

2013-08-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/23/2013 4:13 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 04:07:57PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 8/23/2013 3:22 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 01:27:13PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:

I'm working on bringing Cygwin's package search into the multi-arch
world so it will be down for a while while I tweak things.

It should be back up by Saturday so please don't panic unless it
seems broken after Saturday afternoon.

This went much faster than I expected.  The new package interface allows
you to switch between x86 and x86_64 when searching for or displaying

This interface now uses javascript to control which arch is displayed.

Very cool!  Unfortunately, though expected, the Firefox Cygwin Package
search plug-in now needs to be updated to match...


I wonder if the author has a Thursday available sometime soon. ;-)

I don't think I knew about that.  That seems like something you could
easily just make a firefox bookmark do.  I do something similar to
quickly get to bug reports at work.

Create a shortcut like:

save it with a keyword like "cygpackage" and you should be able to type:

cygpackage binutils

to search for junk.

Indeed.  That works quite well.  Thanks!

I bet the plug-in is doing something similar.



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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin package search down for a while

2013-08-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/23/2013 3:22 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 01:27:13PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:

I'm working on bringing Cygwin's package search into the multi-arch
world so it will be down for a while while I tweak things.

It should be back up by Saturday so please don't panic unless it
seems broken after Saturday afternoon.

This went much faster than I expected.  The new package interface allows
you to switch between x86 and x86_64 when searching for or displaying

This interface now uses javascript to control which arch is displayed.

Very cool!  Unfortunately, though expected, the Firefox Cygwin Package
search plug-in now needs to be updated to match...

I wonder if the author has a Thursday available sometime soon. ;-)



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Re: setting up sshd on windows 7

2013-08-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/23/2013 11:42 AM, Anatoly Yakovenko wrote:

So i ran sshd by hand, which gave me an obnoxious error about
/var/empty not being owned by root.  turns out it just needs to be
owned by the user running sshd.

after i was able to run it by hand with -d, i saw an error that
/bin/bash is not executable for my user.  I was able to fix this by
giving Everyone rwx access on my cygwin installation folder.

Because 'sshd' is finicky about permissions, doing this may well
have removed your ability to run 'sshd' as a service under the
default service user 'cyg_server'.  With that would also come the
loss of the ability to login with public key authentication.  If
any of this is important to you, you need to restore the previous



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Re: Why are the 32- and 64-bit cygwin1.dlls incompatible?

2013-08-23 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/23/2013 12:33 PM, Warren Young wrote:

I just hope this won't lead to more confusion if 32 bit processes
started from 64 bit (or vice versa) don't act as expected in some

Oh, it probably will, but a cygcheck dump will tell us when this is probably
happening, because both Cygwin bins will be in the PATH.

Probably but I think we need to keep a close eye on how much this adds to
the support load and user confusion.  If it is more than a small amount, I
think it's worth considering a sunset clause on this or perhaps a switch
(ugh) to turn this on for those that know, love, and want it. :-)



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Re: ghostscript running very slow from cygwin

2013-08-22 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/22/2013 3:48 AM, Laurence Jennings wrote:

I'm using cygwin 64 on a machine running windows 7. I need this to run
some unix optimized scripts which create .ps files and convert them to
.pdf using ps2pdf. When I'm running ps2pdf from the windows command
line it takes approximately three minutes to convert a 100 mb file.
When doing the same operation from cygwin it takes half an hour.

Are there any known problems with cygwin and ghostscript?

Specific performance problems, beyond what one might expect from
software running under an emulator?  No.  That doesn't mean that
there isn't a performance issue that could be addressed.  Let's
see if the ghostscript maintainer has any thoughts.



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Re: cygwin sshd dumping stack trace when not allocating pseudo-tty

2013-08-21 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/21/2013 6:42 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

On Tue, 20 Aug 2013, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 8/20/2013 4:32 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

On Mon, 19 Aug 2013, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

and to understand the method you're using to login.

SSH public-key auth, that is, RSA keys. (This is a requirement
because the process will run as batch job so we cannot use any
interactive auth method.)

Understood but method 2 and 3 allow for this as well.  They use a
very different way of "getting there".  One of these two methods
could work for you.

Hm. I must admit I’m a bit confused here, but AIUI if there’s a
problem with logging in (the auth method or that the home directory
is on the domain controller), then I should be unable to login with
SSH key, without password, interactively, too – right?

As things stands:

ssh-key interactive ⇒ works
password interactive ⇒ works
ssh-key batch ⇒ doesn’t work (-T, running a command, scp, rsync)
password batch ⇒ works

There's definitely a different path being taken here and the authentication
isn't "keeping up" in the failing case.  Putting 'sshd' in debug mode may
shed some light on why this is a problem in this particular installation.
But to re-iterate my point, in case your main goal is just to find a
way that works, methods 2 and 3 use different techniques to accomplish
the same thing.  For method 2, you have a different token, so if
authenticating with a created token is causing a problem, this could help.
Method 3 avoids all impersonation token issues by simply using password
authentication.  So this one seems like it should work based on your
current testing.

It's telling you that cmd.exe doesn't understand UNC paths.  And that
actually gives me an idea.  Can you create a local home directory

Hmm. When I login using ssh-key interactively, I get this:

tglase@tglase:~ $ ssh cygbox
Last login: Tue Aug 20 10:21:46 2013 from
tglase@cygbox:~$ pwd

So why would it work interactively but not in batch mode?

I'm saying cmd.exe is complaining, not the shell.  But if you really want
to understand how you get the message you're seeing in the batch case, I
recommend setting up 'sshd' in debug mode, enabling verbosity on the SSH
session, and turning on echoing of all scripts run by the shell.  This
will give you allot of output but also provide more context for the
messages you see.  That should help you narrow down where the complaint
is coming from.

and run ssh-user-config again to see if that helps?  If so, you can
either continue to use this configuration or try method 3.

Other things I noted:

   1. You're running cygwin 1.7.9.  The current version is 1.7.24.  You
  should upgrade.

I cannot “just” change things like this on the system unless
it’s known that not doing so fixes a problem (actually, the
system isn’t even normally mine to administer, I’m just helping

That's your choice but also it puts you into the category of an unsupported
installation.  Looking at it another way, how can you determine whether a
newer version helps address a problem if you don't try it?

   2. Your CYGWIN environment variable contains "sshd".  You should
  remove this.

I’ve got no idea where this is set; running a cygwin or CMD.EXE
doesn’t set $CYGWIN or %CYGWIN%, respectively, at all.

Must be part of the service settings in the registry then.



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Re: cygwin installed packages list without dependencies

2013-08-21 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/20/2013 8:26 PM, DynV wrote:

Hello people of cygwin,

Now for my main concern. I'd like to migrate from cygwin to cigwin64 but I
have many packages on cygwin, the 32-bit version, that I'd need to install
as well on the destination version (64-bit) before the move is made. I'm not
sure which packages are still useful although most should be as I read
thoroughly for a long time the first cygwin install. I'd like to review the
packages then install the same (what passed the cleanup) on cygwin64.

I did a search and the best I found was to use /cygcheck -c/ so I did on the
origin, cygwin, which give me a bit over 450 packages (the destination of
the migration being cygwin64). This is quite a list and I might as well
start from scratch as I fist did (for the 32-bit version). I would very much
like to know which of the 450 something were installed as dependencies so I
can skip them, knowing they would be installed by installing the dependent.

IIRC on aptitude, on "regular" *nix, there was a flag is a package was a
dependency. So if there would be a way to reproduce such a structure and
list everything that wouldn't have such flag, it would be pretty much what
I'm looking for.

There's no set tool for determining the dependencies for a package or list
of packages, beyond "setup*.exe" that is.  Dependencies for all packages are
listed in the 'setup.ini' file, so you could process that to find the
optimal set to install.  But it may be just as easy, if not easier, for you
to pick a set of packages that you know you want, install them, and then
compare the list of installed packages from that round with your target.
You also want to keep in mind that some of the packages you currently
have installed may be obsolete now, so you wouldn't want to blindly just
install everything from your current set.  I'd recommend going for the
directed, iterative approach.



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Re: cygwin sshd dumping stack trace when not allocating pseudo-tty

2013-08-20 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/20/2013 4:32 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

On Mon, 19 Aug 2013, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

and to understand the method you're using to login.

SSH public-key auth, that is, RSA keys. (This is a requirement
because the process will run as batch job so we cannot use any
interactive auth method.)

Understood but method 2 and 3 allow for this as well.  They use a
very different way of "getting there".  One of these two methods
could work for you.

Funnily enough, when I disable my SSH key and log in using a
password, not allocating a pseudo-tty works.

We need your cygcheck output

stderr is:

tglase@sbkgate-ts:~$ cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
CMD.EXE wurde mit dem oben angegebenen Pfad als aktuellem Verzeichnis gestartet.
UNC-Pfade werden nicht unterst?tzt.
Stattdessen wird das Windows-Verzeichnis als aktuelles Verzeichnis gesetzt.

It's telling you that cmd.exe doesn't understand UNC paths.  And that
actually gives me an idea.  Can you create a local home directory
and run ssh-user-config again to see if that helps?  If so, you can
either continue to use this configuration or try method 3.

Other things I noted:

  1. You're running cygwin 1.7.9.  The current version is 1.7.24.  You
 should upgrade.

  2. Your CYGWIN environment variable contains "sshd".  You should
 remove this.

  3. You have an orphaned installation at the level of your C drive.
 If you have not already, you should remove this installation.



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Re: g++-3 and g77-3 packages under setup-x86.exe

2013-08-20 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/20/2013 2:03 AM, LMH wrote:

Dmitrii, thank you for the thoughtful response. I really am looking for
information here.

If you're looking for the reason that gcc-3 was removed from your
computer during your recent upgrade, I believe that question has been
answered by Chris.  If you're wondering why gcc-3 is not offered
as an alternate package through Cygwin now, I have offered you the
reasoning behind the current state of things.  In addition, I've
provided you with ways of "resurrecting" gcc-3 on your system if
you wish to pursue that.  One of these ways should be enough to
restore you to a state where you can use gcc-3 in the cases you
want to do so.  Beyond that, I'm not sure what your question is.
If you have a specific one, go ahead and ask it.  A continued
discussion of how and why gcc-3 is useful for you isn't a real
interesting read for most on this list IMO.  Let's see if we can
bring this thread to its logical end.



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Re: g++-3 and g77-3 packages under setup-x86.exe

2013-08-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/19/2013 3:13 PM, LMH wrote:

I would be happy to build gcc-3 myself, I'm just looking for some
documentation to get that done.

I don't have a direct pointer for you but I'm sure you can find something
while looking around the net. might be the best place to get
some basic info about building gcc though.  Of course, there's no reason
you can't just grab the old Cygwin source package and try to build it from
there.  But unless that process intrigues you, I'd recommend skipping the
extra effort and just installing the package from the "Cygwin Time Machine".

Was there some particular reason to physically remove the gcc-3 bin from my
cygwin install? What would have been the harm in leaving it there, since I
already had it installed? I think that many cygwin users would find it
useful to have the gcc3 packages included in the cygwin package manager,
even if they are in the obsolete section.

The Cygwin package for gcc-3 is no longer supported.  gcc-3 hasn't been
supported by the gcc folks for quite a while (I believe the last
release by them was back in 2005).  Cygwin delivered it as a package
for quite a while after that simply because 'setup.exe' required
it to build.  But this has subsequently changed so support for it has
since been dropped.  As I mentioned, there is a separate service that
Peter Castro maintains called the "Cygwin Time Machine".  You can find
older versions of Cygwin and its packages through this service.
Everything available through that service is no longer supported by Cygwin
or this list of course.

If the packages still exist and can be installed manually, I would love to
know where to find the packages and documentation. If I have to build it
from src, that is fine to, but some documentation would really be helpful
there as well.

Again, I'd recommend just pulling what you want from the "Cygwin Time
Machine" if you just want the binary packages.  See:

Of course, if you do want the sources, you can grab those from the same



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Re: g++-3 and g77-3 packages under setup-x86.exe

2013-08-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/19/2013 1:27 PM, LMH wrote:

I recently tried to update my cygwin install and discovered I had to change
to the setup-x86.exe package for the update to work. After finishing the
update, I see that some binaries have been removed from my install. Which
g++-3 and which g77-3 now return no findings and those compilers appear to
have been removed from the package manager. There are some g77 listings
under the _obsolete category, but those are version 4.5-4.7. I very much
still need gcc3, so I would appreciate some information on how I can add it
back in.

gcc-3 and friends are desperately old and have been only grudgingly
included in the "recent" past to support building 'setup.exe'.  But it's
been a while now since 'setup.exe' required gcc-3.  Obviously, it is in
your interest to step away from gcc-3 as well.  If you absolutely cannot do
that for some reason, check your favorite search engine for the "Cygwin
Time Machine" to take a trip back into Cygwin's past.  Or generate your
own blast from the past by building gcc-3 yourself.



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Re: Trying to solve my cygheap base mismatch issue

2013-08-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/19/2013 8:18 AM, Tony Whyte wrote:

Hi All,

One morning last week, after 11 months of flawless cygwin-ing,  I was
suddenly unable to create a cygwin terminal on my Windows XP (SP3)
installation. The window would launch and then quickly close.  Ive dug
through the mail Archives and attempted the following suggestions:

   - ensure no extraneous cygwin1.dlls are around
   - launch cygwin.bat in a cmd shell (look for errors, yes cygheap
base mismatch errors)
   - try a recent update refresh via setup.exe (did that,now at 1.7.23
but still broken)
   - use listdlls.exe tool to see where dlls are based at (i think this
is telling me cygwin1.dll got bumped from its original 0x6100 address)
   - move rebase.db.i386 aside and then rerun setup.exe ( tried that
but i dont see a new rebase.db.i386 get created when i do this)

The state of my installation is such that I cant run 'rebaseall'
successfully. (Even from a dash.exe shell it fails with the
cygheap base mismatch error too.)

Im going on day 4 now with my problem and hoping dearly I can revive
my installation.

Ive attached data that includes:
   - cygcheck -s -r -v output, slightly redacted.
   - listdlls.exe tool data output while a dash.exe shell is up and running
   - rebase -is output,  ran in a dos cmd shell , shows many address
collisions  (*)

Thank you all for your work on this fantastic platform, and for any
suggestions to get around a cygheap base mismatch condition.

Sounds like you could be suffering from a case of BLODA
(  I'd suggest looking into that.



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Re: cygwin sshd dumping stack trace when not allocating pseudo-tty

2013-08-19 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/19/2013 7:58 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

We have a problem with a Cygwin SSHD installation: normal
logins work fine and use domain logins:

Connections that do not use a pseudo-tty do not work:

We need your cygcheck output and to understand the method you're
using to login.  See  and




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Re: Adding a new package to cygwin

2013-08-16 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/16/2013 7:17 PM, Tal wrote:

Hi guys,

  I would like to add some statistics tools to cygwin like top, free, sar, etc.

  I tried to add procps package by downloading it and using the setup program.
But obviously I do not do it well because I cannot find it inside the packages
list in the setup window (full list state).

  Can some one give me a step by step procedure to add a new package?

You haven't stated but I'm going to assume you're installing 64-bit Cygwin.
If that's true, then the answer is there is no procps package at this
time.  If you truly need it, you need to rebuild it yourself from
source, wait for someone to build it for you, or install a parallel 32-bit
Cygwin.  The 32-bit version contains a procps package.



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Re: Octave 3.6.4 cannot plot in X server

2013-08-15 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/15/2013 8:38 PM, Yuxiang Wang wrote:

Dear all,

I have installed Octave with Cygwin 64-bit, under Win 7. Besides
octave-3.6.4-1, I also installed xinit and xlaunch according to the
doc, and gnuplot just in case.

However, when I start X terminal, open octave (that all went
successfully) and enter plot(1:5), I got the following message:

octave:1> plot(1:5)
   0 [main] octave-3.6.4 2708 child_info_fork::abort:
C:\cygwin64\bin\cygoctave-1.dll: Loaded to different address:
parent(0xF0) != ch
error: popen2: process creation failed -- Resource temporarily unavailable
error: called from:
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.6.4/m/plot/private/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m
at line 30, column 44
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.6.4/m/plot/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m at line
72, column 19

Would anyone please help me with this?

In 64-bit land, the available address space for Cygwin DLLs is much
increased.  This should theoretically eliminate the "casual" overlap
of address spaces for loaded DLLs, which was a common fork failure vector
in 32-bit land.  But the 64-bit version is susceptible to BLODA*, just like
in 32-bits so I would recommend looking into that.



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Re: 64-bit Cygwin installation is missing /usr/bin/lockfile

2013-08-13 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/13/2013 6:49 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 05:29:46PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 8/13/2013 5:01 PM, Steve Rowley wrote:

I just installed 64-bit Cygwin on Win7, and noticed that
/usr/bin/lockfile is missing in my installation.

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it a problem with my
installation? If the latter, what package should I reinstall in an
attempt to get lockfile installed?

As always, you can find what package something is in by searching for it


In the case of lockfile, you can see the results here:


However note that, currently, this only searches the 32-bit version of
Cygwin.  Some packages are still missing from the 64-bit version.

The fact that some packages don't exist yet for 64-bit is something
that does deserve highlighting.  Of course, whether or not the package
actually exists for 64-bit, the package search will tell you if it
exists in the 32-bit world, so at least one knows what to look for.
In this particular case, I did go looking to see if 'procmail' was
already available for 64-bit.  As it turns out, it is.



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Re: 64-bit Cygwin installation is missing /usr/bin/lockfile

2013-08-13 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/13/2013 5:01 PM, Steve Rowley wrote:

I just installed 64-bit Cygwin on Win7, and noticed that
/usr/bin/lockfile is missing in my installation.

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it a problem with my
installation? If the latter, what package should I reinstall in an
attempt to get lockfile installed?

As always, you can find what package something is in by searching for it

In the case of lockfile, you can see the results here:



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Re: Directory under x86/release: Ruby or ruby?

2013-08-13 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/13/2013 10:22 AM, wrote:

My local Cygwin installation repository has had up to now a subdirectory
under release/ called Ruby (upper case first letter rare but not
unprecedented) to match the typography in setup.ini. In the latest
setup.ini incorporating a ruby update, the subdirectory under x86/release/
is called ruby (lower case first letter). Is this change deliberate and
will it stay that way? (I'm not certain when it was introduced but it is
made manifest by today's update.)

The structure of the repository has changed recently to better support the
two available architectures (32/64 bit).  But directory names are at the
discretion of the package maintainers.  I wouldn't read too much into case
differences however.  Also, since Windows is only case-preserving in most
circumstances, depending on case could cause you some grief in this area.



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Re: Messed up permissions on /var ?

2013-08-08 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/8/2013 11:39 AM, David Lee Lambert wrote:

I recently "migrated" a Cygwin instance from Windows XP to Windows 7
(wanted to save a bit of external bandwidth versus running the
installer again, also had a lot of custom stuff under /usr/local and
so forth).  X works fine.  I can't get sshd to work (started as a
daemon it would present a host key but not accept any password to log
in),  and I suspect I may have made things worse trying to fix it.

Trying to run the SSH daemon from a Cygwin command prompt started with
"Run as administrator...",

Oh, please don't do that!  You can't just start 'sshd' from the command-line
from your ID (or as "administrator") the way you can on Linux/UNIX.
Unfortunately, this is a common misunderstanding when trying to debug
'sshd' problems on Windows.  But doing this sets permissions on files
and directories used by 'sshd' so that only your user can run it.  That
means you cannot run it as a service under the properly configured
'cyg_server' account, so pubkey authentication won't work.  As a
consolation, it's quite likely the permissions on the important files
and directories were already 'hosed' as a result of the copy.

Try these options, in order of relative ease, to try to recover:

  1. Run 'ssh-host-config' and 'ssh-user-config'.

  2. Remove users 'sshd' and 'cyg_server' from '/etc/passwd' and delete
 the sshd service (cygrunsrv -E sshd; cygrunsrv -R sshd).  Then
 run 'ssh-host-config' and 'ssh-user-config'.

  3. Install via 'setup*.exe' to a new location and then copy in the
 bits you want.  Use 'ssh-host-config' to configure 'sshd' and
 'ssh-user-config' to configure your user files.



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Re: Telnet in latest Cygwin

2013-08-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/7/2013 5:18 PM, Andy Davidson wrote:


I have the latest Cygwin, setup is v2.819 (64 bit).  I want to install
telnet but the inetutils package isn't in the installer any more.  It
doesn't seem to be in the last version I installed around a month ago.
Any clues ?

The package still exists and 'telnet' is in there.  Try a different
mirror if the one you're using isn't showing the package.



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Re: chmod questions

2013-08-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/7/2013 2:33 PM, Drew Adams wrote:

I have read various info regarding trying to make Cygwin's `chmod'
work as (I) expected, including the Cygwin FAQ and user guide.
I am using Windows 7 with an NTFS disk.  My user and group are
defined as they should be AFAIK.

Two questions in this regard:

  . is "chmod a-w" supposed to set the Windows Read-only attribute
on Windows 7?


  . is "chmod a-w" supposed to cause "ls -l" to show -r-r-r on
Windows 7?

Not exactly.  More precisely, it will remove the write permissions for

When I do `chmod a-w' it does not seem to have any effect.  The
target file is still writable.  Can someone please tell me what
I'm missing?  Thx.

I'm assuming that you're not using the exact syntax that you have
above.  This works for me:

$ ls -l
total 23302
-rwxr-xr-x  1 lhall None72393 Jun 17 12:46 a.exe*
-rw-r--r--  1 lhall None   84 Jun 17 12:45 helloworld.c
-rw-r--r--  1 lhall None  587 Jun 17 12:45 helloworld.o

$ attrib

$ chmod -w *

$ ls -l
total 23302
-r-xr-xr-x  1 lhall None72393 Jun 17 12:46 a.exe*
-r--r--r--  1 lhall None   84 Jun 17 12:45 helloworld.c
-r--r--r--  1 lhall None  587 Jun 17 12:45 helloworld.o

$ attrib

Of course, whatever your umask setting is comes into play as well.



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Re: ssh logon failure

2013-08-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/7/2013 1:10 PM, Yuki Ishibashi wrote:

Marco and others:

I also had the same problem, and ultimately was able to solve the problem by:

- Completely removed any references to sshd and cyg_server in the
Windows user accounts and also in /etc/passwd
-Removed the "CYGWIN sshd" Service
(in a Run-as-Admin command line run 'sc delete sshd' )
- Ran the cygwin terminal As-Admin and the /bin/ssh-host-config script,
re-creating the deleted accounts and services by exactly following this guide:
( under 'Configuring OpenSSH in Cygwin')L

For the benefit of those that might find this set of instructions in a web
search, the above link is not associated with nor supported by this list.
Follow these instructions at your own risk and only if you know the
consequences of doing so.  This list recommends that you use Cygwin
resources to help set up OpenSSH and other packages.  Cygwin-specific
documentation is available under the /usr/share/doc/Cygwin directory.

After that (and running 'net start sshd'), ssh services were restored.
If you're still having this problem
(and for anyone who had to madly google this problem)
I hope this helps.



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Re: ssh login no longer allowed by local accounts other than main administrator account after taking machine off domain

2013-08-07 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/7/2013 12:55 PM, Yuki Ishibashi wrote:

Glad you got things working with what sounds like a minimum of
reconfiguration (i.e. no reinstall ;-) ).

I followed the defaults from the following link to setup ssh using

I'm glad you found this link useful and it helped you get OpenSSH working
for you again under Cygwin.  I would be remiss, however, if I didn't
point out that this link and site are in no way affiliated with
and therefore the instructions at are not supported or
recommended by this list.  While a quick review of the link suggests that
there aren't any fatal flaws in those instructions, there is at least
one piece of information (use of 'ntsec') which is obsolete.  Presumably,
this link and others like it will grow more and more out-of-date as time
goes on, with no one supporting the information.  This is why we recommend
to users that they avail themselves of the documentation provided by Cygwin
(see /usr/share/doc/Cygwin) instead of random web sites and links they might



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Re: ssh login no longer allowed by local accounts other than main administrator account after taking machine off domain

2013-08-06 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/6/2013 6:50 PM, Yuki Ishibashi wrote:

(Sorry if this goes to the wrong place, I'm a little unfamiliar to the
cygwin mailing list and its usage)

I wanted to thank Linda and Larry both for their responses to my
original post on Aug 2nd.

Linda: Process Monitor was a helpful suggestion, however there are as
you have said probably far too many system process messages, and even
trying to filter for what I wanted has proved not helpful

Larry: I did have the new users have ownership of their own /home/user

What about the files and dot files underneath?  Like I said, I suspect
that scripts that are being run as part of the login are actually the
cause of the "permission denied" message.  You need to look at what those
scripts are and what they are running.  You may find that changing your
shell to '/bin/sh' in your '/etc/passwd' file may help avoid the problem
by skipping some of these init scripts.  A different alternative is to try
adding 'set -x' to '/etc/profile'.  This will spit out every line of
every script run on login, which should help you localize where the
"permission denied" message comes from.

also /bin/bash.exe has 755 access, with user:old_admin group:Domain Users.

Expected but you might as well change the group ownership to 513 (None).
You could also change the user to something that exists on the local
system.  In my case, it's my user since I'm the one that installed
Cygwin in the first place. :-)

The problem looks most similar to what the user marco atzeri posted here:
, (unfortunately there was no resolution)

Perhaps what might help me is:
a) what are the standard permissions *supposed* to be on everything on
the cygwin terminal-side (i.e. 'ls -l /etc/*', etc),

In general, things will default to be owned by the user that installed
them and group 513 for a local user and 10513 for a domain user.
Permissions are the most critical though.  Those tend to default to
644 or 755, depending in whether the file is meant to be executable
or not.  But there are programs, like sshd, that require specific
ownership and permissions to work properly.  As I mentioned, ssh-host-config
takes care of setting these permissions and ownerships but you may need to
review the settings by hand as I'm not sure if the script will change
ownerships/permissions of all the files it requires from a domain setup
to a local one.

b) what account should the "CYGWIN sshd" service be running as in the
Windows side

Depends what version of Windows you're running (did you say?)  For XP it
defaults to SYSTEM.  On any later O/S, it should be cyg_server.  Again,
ssh-host-config will handle this for you.

c) what group should local users be in (i.e. 'mkpasswd -l' and
'mkgroup 'l') - currently the local users are in group 513 (in mkgroup
-l that's "None"), sounds weird but that's what it was before I took
it off the domain, and it was working earlier.

513/None is fine.  I'm in 513, 545, and 1001.  I don't believe 1001 is

d) Do i need to re-sync the mkpasswd -l with /etc/passwd and mkgroup
-l with /etc/group ? I had previously appended the newly created local
accounts (with associated SSIDs) to /etc/passwd using something like
"mkpasswd -l | grep newusername >> etc/passwd" (and something similar
for the /etc/group)

That should be enough to add 'newusername'.  I assume you mean
'/etc/passwd' above.  If you care to keep the previous contents
of these files, what you did is fine.  Otherwise, just create new

  mkpasswd -l -c >/etc/passwd
  mkgroup -l -c >/etc/group

I'm running into a brick wall here and not sure how I should approach
this... any general advice even would be appreciated, thanks so much!

If all else fails or you just get tired of fiddling with the tuning
knobs, move your current installation aside, follow the instructions
in this FAQ - ,
reinstall, and reconfigure sshd (run ssh-host-config).  If that doesn't
solve the permission problems, then you may be in the same boat as
Macro (i.e. BLODA).  You'll have to start looking at the possibilities



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Re: exit code 1

2013-08-05 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/5/2013 1:30 AM, Martin Baute wrote:

Am 31.07.2013 13:23, schrieb Martin Baute:

Hi there,

I've mailed this to cygwin-ports-general on 2013-01-23, and
got it confirmed, but today realized this bug does still
persist. Since I now know that libpango is part of the basic
Cygwin package, I'll report it here, again:

The libpango1.0 postinstall script fails with exit code 1.

Some inspection of /etc/postinstall/ quickly showed
the reason:

/usr/bin/pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules

The directory /etc/pango does not exist. Creating it beforehand
resolves the error.



Thanks for the report.  I'm sure the maintainer of this package
appreciates your report and will integrate the change you mention.



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Re: checkX problem or misunderstanding

2013-08-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/4/2013 9:50 PM, wrote:

Larry Hall wrote:

Re: checkX

$ checkX --version
  run2 0.4.2

checkX doesn't work as I understand the description below:

 Determines  if  X is installed, Xserver is running on specified DISPLAY
 and will accept clients. Returns 0 if yes, nonzero otherwise"

Environment / Procedure to duplicate the error:

   - I have an X11 server running, started in pty0, where I will test checkX

   - In this pty0, I start an X11 server, which from the xinitrc starts up 
another mintty
  terminal, pty1 with Display environment variable set to :0

   - Testing checkX in pty1 (which has DISPLAY set) returns a 0 or successful 
 checkX :0  --> returns 0

   - Moving back to pty0 and running the same command with the same argument 
 checkX :0  --> return 1 and error condition or no server available.

However, if I simply manually set DISPLAY=:0 in pty0   X11 clients will run.

-  export DISPLAY=
-  checkX :0  --> Nnw reports an o.k. this server is useable.

If one relied on checkX the runing server would be missed.  It is doing
nothing that a check if DISPLAY var is set or not andn then possible
testing it.  It should has used the value :0 I sent it and do some X11
stuff I am not aware of.

Perhaps we're misunderstanding your confusion here.  Can you explain what
about Chuck's description of checkX at the link below isn't clear?



It is clearly written in my message, in fact in imported it from the
checkX documentation. What part of the problem I'm describing is not clear
to you?

  Determines  if  X is installed, Xserver is running on specified 
  and will accept clients. Returns 0 if yes, nonzero otherwise""

In fact:
   checkX :0 returns a false when, but the X11 server on :0 will accept client

I guess I'm not clear why you're not using the syntax Chuck recommends in
his message (see the link to it that I included above).  He stated you need
to use the '--display' flag.  Here's a quote from Chuck in that message:

You have to tell IT where you think the X server is running, and it
willtell you if it can contact a server there. So:

$ checkX --display=
[exits with status value 0 or 1]

So, does that syntax work as Chuck described it?



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Re: ssh login no longer allowed by local accounts other than main administrator account after taking machine off domain

2013-08-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 8/2/2013 3:13 PM, Yuki Ishibashi wrote:

Hi all,

Recently I've been tasked with taking a Win7 machine that was running
Cygwin and sshd off of my company's old Active Directory domain...

Before taking the machine off the domain I created local accounts that
were able to be ssh'd into (our other servers were able to SSH into
the Win7 machine using ssh keys and the newly created local accounts),
but once I took the machine off the domain only the newly created
'OpsAdmin' local administrator account is allowed to SSH in
successfully .

For the rest of the local accounts connection is accepted, and
password security is accepted, Authentication succeeded, ssh sends
'Last login', then says:
/bin/bash: Operation not permitted
and closes the connection .

'bash' will report this when it runs into a permission problem while
running a script.  What this suggests to me is that your .bash_profile
and/or other login scripts aren't owned by the "new" owners that you
created as local accounts.

I've tried to re-run ssh-host-config and said 'yes' to all of the
options (yes to priviledge separation), it mentions the sshd service
is already installed, and completely successfully. "net start sshd"
then works correctly, with the behavior I described above.

In the Windows Services side, CYGWIN sshd service seems to only start
correctly if I login as the main local administrator account.

This is certainly troubling.  Presumably you were always starting 'sshd'
previously with a 'cyg-server' account that was created on the domain.
Starting it as a local administrator would not give you all the permissions
you need to switch user contexts for pubkey authentication, even if you
were only working with local users (which you have clearly stated you
were not).  I'd highly recommend that you review the permissions and
ownership settings that 'ssh-host-config' performs and make sure that
all the files and directories it sets up have only those permissions
and owners.  Anything else puts you in the "you better know what you're
doing" category.

many of the files in the C:\cygwin\ folder on the Windows Explorer
side of things have Everyone Read & execute permissions (plus main
administrator account)  full permissions, and the 'None' group able to
read and execute, Administrators group able to Read write & execute.
On the / Cygwin console-side, I see a lot of ownership by the previous
admin username and Domain Users group, some files with
'Administrators' owner, 'Domain Users' Group, and a few others with
the local administrator owner, 'Administrators' group.

OK, so it sounds like you haven't changed the permissions and ownership
of at least the home directories that you're trying to access now with
the local accounts.  You need to do that otherwise 'bash' won't be able
to run the login scripts and, um,... permission will be denied. ;-)

A couple of other notes:

  1. You're running Cygwin package version 1.7.16.  The current version
 is 1.7.22, so you're 6 versions out of date.

  2. Your cygcheck output suggests that the standalone OpenSSH package,
 which uses Cygwin, is installed.  It's best to remove it.



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