half- and full-width CJK characters

2023-10-07 Thread Dr Bean via Cygwin
I am memorializing this for my own benefit here.

Benefitting from https://eng-blog.iij.ad.jp/archives/12576
I see that I don't need to change any envars, but only fonts.

The default Lucida Console font renders CJK as half-width chars, on 
this PC with 3 Windows language packs.

With MS ゴシック, Japanese かな and 漢字 look good.
Traditional Chinese ㄅㄛˋㄆㄛˋㄇㄛˋand 漢字 look good.
Korean 한글 doesn't look good. It looks like they're
half-width characters drawn with the space for one full-width 

I wonder if this is a problem with the Korean language pack.

Greg Matheson Teacher: a spooky-action-at-a-distance
http://drbean.sdf.org device for turning knowledge into
drb...@freeshell.org  learning

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Re: half- and full-width CJK characters

2023-10-07 Thread Thomas Wolff via Cygwin

Am 07/10/2023 um 10:23 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:

I am memorializing this for my own benefit here.

Benefitting from https://eng-blog.iij.ad.jp/archives/12576
I see that I don't need to change any envars, but only fonts.

The default Lucida Console font renders CJK as half-width chars, on
this PC with 3 Windows language packs.

With MS ゴシック, Japanese かな and 漢字 look good.
Traditional Chinese ㄅㄛˋㄆㄛˋㄇㄛˋand 漢字 look good.
Korean 한글 doesn't look good. It looks like they're
half-width characters drawn with the space for one full-width

I wonder if this is a problem with the Korean language pack.

Please describe the context of your observations (preferably a test 
case); do you have an issue inside the Cygwin Terminal?


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Re: Setup Ver 2.926 (64bit):can't file extract from qt5-webkit-debuginfo

2023-10-07 Thread Brian Inglis via Cygwin

On 2023-10-05 11:41, ASSI via Cygwin wrote:

ASSI via Cygwin writes:

I could reproduce that issue, no time yet to dig deeper.  It looks like
the decompressor loses track of where it is, then uses whatever data
comes after that to try and extract the next file (which obviously
doesn't look like it's expected to).

Both GNU tar and bsdtar (from libarchive) decompress the archive
correctly, so that would allow you to install manually.  Looking at the
file that produces the failure, it is quite a bit larger than 2GiB, so I
think that this simply means that the canned tar extractor in setup.exe
is just not large-file safe.

I hadn't realised that file was so large when decompressed: that definitely 
looks like a 32 bit signed overflow issue: changing the signed offset(s) or 
size(s) to unsigned, or size_t if larger, should eliminate future issues.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer but when there is no more to cut
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Re: half- and full-width CJK characters

2023-10-07 Thread Brian Inglis via Cygwin

On 2023-10-07 08:27, Thomas Wolff via Cygwin wrote:

Am 07/10/2023 um 14:47 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:

On Sat, 07 Oct 2023, Thomas Wolff via Cygwin wrote:

Am 07/10/2023 um 10:23 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:

I am memorializing this for my own benefit here.

Benefitting fromhttps://eng-blog.iij.ad.jp/archives/12576
I see that I don't need to change any envars, but only fonts.

The default Lucida Console font renders CJK as half-width chars, on
this PC with 3 Windows language packs.

With MS ゴシック, Japanese かな and 漢字 look good.
Traditional Chinese ㄅㄛˋㄆㄛˋㄇㄛˋand 漢字 look good.
Korean 한글 doesn't look good. It looks like they're
half-width characters drawn with the space for one full-width

I wonder if this is a problem with the Korean language pack.

Please describe the context of your observations (preferably a test case);
do you have an issue inside the Cygwin Terminal?

All mintty contexts. Viewing this email in an SSH session in screen
to a remote tmux session on freeshell.org, writing this reply in vim,
and changing the mintty font option from ,

Font=Lucida Console
Font=MS ゴシック

the above CJK characters change appearance from half-width to full-width,
except for the Korean 한글, which doesn't change appearance.

Attaching to the tmux session on freeshell, sshing in from my
phone with Termius, the characters don't change, of course.

I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with the default mintty font
option of Lucida Console. It looks good.

I am on the lookout for a good font for viewing korean 한글, so I
don't have to magnify the screen to read it.

By the way, thanks for mintty. It is a joy to use.

Judging by the name (which has Katakana characters), MS ゴシック is a Japanese 
font, so maybe it simply does not have any special Korean ideographs and the 
Windows font fallback mechanism substitutes some unsuitable font.
You should try to find a specific Korean font, I doubt MS ゴシック was 
provided by the Korean language pack. I could try to reproduce the issue if you 
tell me which font it is. As far as I know, the CJK names are only used with 
respective language packs installed, otherwise the same font can be addresses by 
an alternative name. You could also look up the font filename (in the Windows 
Fonts folder) to identify it. Thomas

Package fontconfig utilities fc-list, fc-match, fc-query are your friends here 
to match by character set ranges or language codes and give you the file or font 
names: here I have installed all non-MS Windows fonts as symlinks under 
/usr/share/fonts/windows/ e.g.

$ fc-list :charset=ac00-d7a3 | sort -t: -k2 -u | sort
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft/malgun.ttf: Malgun Gothic,맑은 고딕:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft/malgunbd.ttf: Malgun Gothic,맑은 고딕:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft/malgunsl.ttf: Malgun Gothic,맑은 고딕,Malgun Gothic 
Semilight,맑은 고딕 Semilight:style=Semilight,Regular

/usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_jp.otf: Unifont\-JP:style=Regular

/usr/share/fonts/windows/LastResort-Regular.ttf: Last Resort:style=Regular

/usr/share/fonts/windows/UnicodeBMPFallback.ttf: Unicode BMP Fallback 

/usr/share/fonts/windows/unifont.otf: Unifont:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/windows/unifont_sample-12.1.03.ttf: Unifont Sample:style=Medium
$ fc-list :lang=ko | sort -t: -k2 -u | sort
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft/malgun.ttf: Malgun Gothic,맑은 고딕:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft/malgunbd.ttf: Malgun Gothic,맑은 고딕:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/microsoft/malgunsl.ttf: Malgun Gothic,맑은 고딕,Malgun Gothic 
Semilight,맑은 고딕 Semilight:style=Semilight,Regular

/usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_jp.otf: Unifont\-JP:style=Regular

/usr/share/fonts/windows/LastResort-Regular.ttf: Last Resort:style=Regular

/usr/share/fonts/windows/UnicodeBMPFallback.ttf: Unicode BMP Fallback 

/usr/share/fonts/windows/unifont.otf: Unifont:style=Regular

Re: half- and full-width CJK characters

2023-10-07 Thread Dr Bean via Cygwin
On Sat, 07 Oct 2023, Thomas Wolff via Cygwin wrote:

> Am 07/10/2023 um 10:23 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:
> > I am memorializing this for my own benefit here.
> > 
> > Benefitting from https://eng-blog.iij.ad.jp/archives/12576
> > I see that I don't need to change any envars, but only fonts.
> > 
> > The default Lucida Console font renders CJK as half-width chars, on
> > this PC with 3 Windows language packs.
> > 
> > With MS ゴシック, Japanese かな and 漢字 look good.
> > Traditional Chinese ㄅㄛˋㄆㄛˋㄇㄛˋand 漢字 look good.
> > Korean 한글 doesn't look good. It looks like they're
> > half-width characters drawn with the space for one full-width
> > character.
> > 
> > I wonder if this is a problem with the Korean language pack.
> > 
> Please describe the context of your observations (preferably a test case);
> do you have an issue inside the Cygwin Terminal?
> Thomas

All mintty contexts. Viewing this email in an SSH session in screen
to a remote tmux session on freeshell.org, writing this reply in vim, 
and changing the mintty font option from ,

Font=Lucida Console
Font=MS ゴシック

the above CJK characters change appearance from half-width to full-width,
except for the Korean 한글, which doesn't change appearance.

Attaching to the tmux session on freeshell, sshing in from my
phone with Termius, the characters don't change, of course.

I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with the default mintty font
option of Lucida Console. It looks good.

I am on the lookout for a good font for viewing korean 한글, so I 
don't have to magnify the screen to read it.

By the way, thanks for mintty. It is a joy to use.

> -- 
> Problem reports:  https://cygwin.com/problems.html
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> Documentation:https://cygwin.com/docs.html
> Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
Greg MathesonFor every problem, there is a solution that is
http://drbean.sdf.orgsimple, neat, and wrong.
drb...@freeshell.org --HL Mencken 

Problem reports:  https://cygwin.com/problems.html
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Re: half- and full-width CJK characters

2023-10-07 Thread Thomas Wolff via Cygwin

Am 07/10/2023 um 14:47 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:

On Sat, 07 Oct 2023, Thomas Wolff via Cygwin wrote:

Am 07/10/2023 um 10:23 schrieb Dr Bean via Cygwin:

I am memorializing this for my own benefit here.

Benefitting fromhttps://eng-blog.iij.ad.jp/archives/12576
I see that I don't need to change any envars, but only fonts.

The default Lucida Console font renders CJK as half-width chars, on
this PC with 3 Windows language packs.

With MS ゴシック, Japanese かな and 漢字 look good.
Traditional Chinese ㄅㄛˋㄆㄛˋㄇㄛˋand 漢字 look good.
Korean 한글 doesn't look good. It looks like they're
half-width characters drawn with the space for one full-width

I wonder if this is a problem with the Korean language pack.

Please describe the context of your observations (preferably a test case);
do you have an issue inside the Cygwin Terminal?

All mintty contexts. Viewing this email in an SSH session in screen
to a remote tmux session on freeshell.org, writing this reply in vim,
and changing the mintty font option from ,

Font=Lucida Console
Font=MS ゴシック

the above CJK characters change appearance from half-width to full-width,
except for the Korean 한글, which doesn't change appearance.

Attaching to the tmux session on freeshell, sshing in from my
phone with Termius, the characters don't change, of course.

I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with the default mintty font
option of Lucida Console. It looks good.

I am on the lookout for a good font for viewing korean 한글, so I
don't have to magnify the screen to read it.

By the way, thanks for mintty. It is a joy to use.

Judging by the name (which has Katakana characters), MS ゴシック is a 
Japanese font, so maybe it simply does not have any special Korean 
ideographs and the Windows font fallback mechanism substitutes some 
unsuitable font.
You should try to find a specific Korean font, I doubt MS ゴシック was 
provided by the Korean language pack. I could try to reproduce the issue 
if you tell me which font it is. As far as I know, the CJK names are 
only used with respective language packs installed, otherwise the same 
font can be addresses by an alternative name. You could also look up the 
font filename (in the Windows Fonts folder) to identify it. Thomas

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Updated: lighttpd-1.4.72

2023-10-07 Thread Glenn Strauss
Version 1.4.72-1 of "lighttpd" has been uploaded.

lighttpd is a secure, fast, modular web server with low resource usage

lighttpd 1.4.72:

Source: https://git.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/lighttpd1.4.git/
News: https://www.lighttpd.net/
License: BSD 3-clause


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