Re: Anyone know easy symmetric cypher for perl?

2000-10-19 Thread petro

I need a perl module or a function that would perform symmetric key
encryption/decryption. I need it to encode secret information in
URLs. Thanks

I thought you were brighter than that Igor.
A quote from Petro's Archives:   **
Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with the government 
of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? 
Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let 
history answer this question. -- Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural

Re: Insurance (was: why should it be trusted?)

2000-10-19 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 9:11 PM -0500 on 10/18/00, Neil Johnson wrote:

 How does crypto-anarchy/libertarian/anarchy propose to deal with the
 "tragedy of the commons" where by doing what is best for each persons own
 interests they end up screwing it up for everyone (Overgrazing land with to
 many cattle is the example I've been given).

The tragedy of the commons is that nobody owns it.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Re: Insurance (was: why should it be trusted?)

2000-10-19 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 9:20 PM -0600 on 10/18/00, Anonymous wrote:

 Crypto-anarchy is in fact not really anarchy, since it only addresses
 some kinds of authority, ie government, and only in certain situations.
 True anarchy involves the dissolution of other hierarchical relationships,
 including those that spring from private property. Get rid of private
 property and many of these problems disappear.

Actually, in "cypherspace" you can private property without law. If it's
encrypted and I have the key, it's my property.

No, Virginia, property is not theft.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-10-19 Thread auto9950013

This list is no stranger to Tim May's sarcasm and anti-semitic rants.

You just used a German word. I'm reporting you to the Zionist League.

"Remember, children of Israel, "Eretz Israel" is not the same thing 
as "lebensraum," and the suppression of the ragheads in Eretz Israel 
is merely pest eradication, not the "Final Solution." War is peace, 
freedom is slavery, and Zionists are libertarians."

--Tim May

re:Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-10-19 Thread auto9950013

Tim's  anti Jewish sentiments are obvious in his current posts and in the 
If he had any guts he would admit what he really feels instead of using 
sarcasm and obfuscation.

Tim May writes
Nowhere in my article did I mention Jews or Judaism.

re:Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-10-19 Thread Tim May

At 2:05 PM -0500 10/19/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tim's  anti Jewish sentiments are obvious in his current posts and in the
If he had any guts he would admit what he really feels instead of using
sarcasm and obfuscation.

This anonymous poster complains that I haven't admitted what I really 
feel. Oh, the irony.

Also, I've expressed my views quite plainly in many thousands of articles.

As for Jews, I have nothing for or against them, per se. Ditto for 
Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Scientologists, Catholics, Lutheran, 
Jehovah's Witnesses, Wiccans, Baalists, or Baloneyians.

As for Zionism, I despise it. A political system which says that 
people living in Schenectady or Dublin or Krakow should travel to 
Palestine and expel the owners of farms and shops because some desert 
prophet claimed to have heard a message from his desert god 3300 
years ago that the land would be given to his followers...despicable.

As for the modern state of Israel, it has some good and some bad. It 
has some forward-looking high tech companies. Unfortunately, many of 
them are essentially state-owned. It has some well-educated people. 
It also has some fascists.

In the long run, I doubt Israel will survive in its present form. 
It's just packed-in too close to those with access to bombs, 
biological weapons, nerve gas, and so on. And some of those folks it 
expelled from farms and shops have long memories...and a martyr's 
sensibility. Some of those Palestinians will eventually decide to 
take out Tel Aviv with a suitcase nuke, or airborne Ebola, or any of 
the various Horsemen. Pouring out the vials, so to speak.

And what will I think of millions of Zionists being incinerated or 
coughing out their last breaths? I'll think of it as the inevitable 
consequences of encouraging people in this modern age to migrate to 
someone else's land and forcibly expel them. I'll think of it as 
evolution in action.

My biggest worry will be what will happen to my Intel stock if the 
Qiryat Gat wafer fab is destroyed. The former residents of the 
Palestinian village of Al Falujah, may return.

So, Mr. Anonymous Hushmail, I've expressed my views a lot more 
publically than you have. Twit.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Declan should hope Bush is elected!

2000-10-19 Thread Tim May

I know Declan is libertarian-leaning, but it seems to me he has good 
reason to hope Bush wins. Look at Bush's latest stump speech:

Thursday October 19 2:13 PM ET
Bush Calls Gore Out of Step with New Economy

Reuters Photo

By Patricia Wilson

FRASER, Mich. (Reuters) - Deriding Democrat Al Gore (news - web 
sites) for ''analog thinking in a digital age,'' Republican George W. 
Bush (news - web sites) on Thursday cast himself as a better steward 
of the new economy who would protect the Internet from ``the heavy 
hand of government.''

Bush touted the technology boom in Texas and pointed out that a 
Texan, Jack Kilby, won a Nobel Prize last week for inventing the 
integrated circuit in the 1950s.

``It was an amazing achievement, unrivaled in the annals of 
technology until 1986, when one senator from Tennessee, alone in his 
office, invented the Internet,'' Bush said.

Competing Plans

The reference to Gore and the Internet, drew hoots of laughter and 
prolonged applause. Gore, who while in Congress was credited with 
helping to push federal funding for research that brought about the 
Internet, has conceded one of his biggest mistakes was when he was 
seen as claiming credit for helping invent the Internet.

--end excerpt--

Seems to me that if Bush wins, Declan will be quite welcome in the 
White House. He may even be able to influence Bush further in the 
direction of "hands off" approaches, especially in censorship and 

If Gore wins, I expect Declan will face a chilly reception.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

re:Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-10-19 Thread auto9950013

Typical of May to wish that  those who he hates  be nuked, but please don'tt 
let it  effect his portfolio.

May Rants
And what will I think of millions of Zionists being incinerated or 
coughing out their last breaths? I'll think of it as the inevitable 
consequences of encouraging people in this modern age to migrate to 
someone else's land and forcibly expel them. I'll think of it as 
evolution in action.

My biggest worry will be what will happen to my Intel stock if the 
Qiryat Gat wafer fab is destroyed. The former residents of the 
Palestinian village of Al Falujah, may return.

Re: Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-10-19 Thread Matt Curtin

 "9950013" == auto9950013  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  9950013 Tim's anti Jewish sentiments are obvious in his current
  9950013 posts and in the past.

And your irrelevant drivel has earned you a place in my killfile.

Matt Curtin, Founder   Interhack Corporation
"Building the Internet, Securely."   research | development | consulting

Domain Registrar

2000-10-19 Thread phil
Title: Become an Authorized Domain Registrar and receive significant income on
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This Transparent program
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To begin, log on to, and sign up online. Or, e-mail us

Phil Cucci

Re: It's all property, folks

2000-10-19 Thread No User

Neil asked:

 Same deal.  I'd rather it not be polluted in the first place.
 And how do I sue some one if there is no judicial system or government to
 enforce the
 decision. "Joe's International House of Justice"  ?

   Most EarthFirst! folks have figured out that you just have to forget about
the government acting properly to protect Mother Earth. It takes direct,
individual (or group) action to do it. Thus came about ELF - Earth Liberation
Front -- and ALF, Animal Liberation Front. You probably recall some of 
their work -- Vail, for instance.  
   My problem with them is that they try to not hurt humans, which is 
stupid. No, you don't sue -- you get a gun and/or a car bomb and kill 
some of the assholes. Kill the CEO of the polluting company. Park a car bomb
outside the factory and detonate it in the midst of shift change. 
   They'll get the message. And here's where crypto comes in -- read up
on Jim Bell's Assassination Politics. People who don't like pollution can
act anonymously and pay off the hit men. Sweet, savage, but sweet!
   Your neighbor pollutes your lungs or your land and you don't know
what to do about it? Shit man, get real -- $5 bucks worth of gasoline
and a midnight stroll takes care of his house, him, and his family. 

Re: Rep. Armey questions Justice Department review of Carnivore

2000-10-19 Thread Mac Norton

well, is Armey opposed to Carnivore?  Or not?

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 And a Napster poll:
 Justice Department Carnivore Review a Sham?
 posted by cicero on Thursday October 19, @05:44PM
 from the say-could-it-be-an-election-year? dept.
 Dick Armey, House majority leader and Republican firebrand, is once
 again making trouble for the Clinton administration. Armey this
 afternoon sent a letter to Attorney General Janet Reno, saying that
 the Justice Department's review of Carnivore appears somewhat less
 than objective: "I have questioned the independence of this review.
 Several in the media have questioned this review. Several universities
 refused to submit review proposals because, in their opinion, the
 review process was unfair." Having the supposedly secret names of the
 government-affiliated reviewers revealed last month sure didn't help.
 Neither did the information in the Carnivore documents obtained under
 the Freedom of Information Act. (Armey's letter is below.)
 The letter:

re:Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-10-19 Thread James A.. Donald

At 02:05 PM 10/19/2000 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tim's  anti Jewish sentiments are obvious in his current posts and in the
  If he had any guts he would admit what he really feels instead of using
  sarcasm and obfuscation.

The suggestion that Tim does not say what he really feels is hilarious.

  James A. Donald

Immediate Downline - 1000 Members Per Month - It's FREE!!

2000-10-19 Thread Peter Johnson

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