Re: Cryptocurrency: Milton on Free Markets

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 02:24:14AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Milton Friedman on Free Market Capitalism vs Socialism
> This election is about two entirely incompatible ideologies. It’s
> totalitarian liberalism versus freedom. Here’s Friedman explaining it
> beautifully. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

The US election vote is at least officially over - notwithstanding ongoing 
DemonRat shenanigans.

US election may have been a "heist of vote" honey trap -- Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 12:47:14AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Many twitter bots like these are being used to mirror
> election fraud videos against censorship, scraping the
> bots into archives for review and publication would be
> an interesting project...

Blockchain sting against the DemonRats may yet be a thing.

The demon rat fix may have been in and may yet be their very undoing - let's 
hope and pray muffas.

   Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” 
To Catch Them Stealing Election!
   Global Intel Hub - Deep Analysis

  The most shocking news of the year - Dr. Steve Pieczenik
  dropped a once secret plan to catch Democrats red handed in their
  crimes.  According to Dr. Pieczenik, Trump knew about their plans
  (why wouldn't he, with access to the NSA/CIA) to steal the
  election with voter (ballot) fraud.  That's why they pushed hard
  for the mail in ballots, due to "COVID" because it's hard to hack
  the election because every state uses a different system.  It also
  explains why we are seeing statistical anomalies, and why the
  Democrats didn't want Republicans to 'watch' what was going on.
  As we explain in Splitting Pennies - the world is not as it seems.
  Watch the full interview here (only 11 minutes):

  Of course, you are thinking the same thing we are - is this real?
  Is it possible?  All we can tell you is that this guy is one of
  the most credible people in US intelligence.  He's authored ops
  manuals for the CIA, he ran counterintelligence psyops for the
  CIA, he co-authored "Net Force" and "Op Center" with Tom Clancy,
  he has worked for Reagan, Nixon, Bush, and other Presidents
  directly, he has been the point man in foreign operations (such as
  meeting Noriega for a 4 hour dinner days before the US invasion).
  This guy is a super credible witness who has basically called it
  decades in advance, based on his experience with the deep state
  and globalists.  Having said that - we are waiting for these
  arrests to happen.  So we will see in the next 48 hours.  In the
  meantime, we can examine some of the circumstantial evidence.

   Groundbreaking Claim! Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Sting
   Operation – Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed
   by Kelen McBreen
   November 5th 2020, 5:10 pm

  ..“This is really a sting operation, contrary to what everyone
  else said,” Pieczenik explained. “We watermarked every ballot with
  QFS blockchain encryption code. In other words, we know pretty
  well where every ballot is, where it went and who has it, so this
  is not a stolen election.”

  Steve also said President Trump has been out of the spotlight of
  the media over the past few days in order to let the Deep State
  dig its own grave, politically.


Cryptocurrency: Milton on Free Markets

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
Milton Friedman on Free Market Capitalism vs Socialism
This election is about two entirely incompatible ideologies. It’s
totalitarian liberalism versus freedom. Here’s Friedman explaining it
beautifully. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
Many twitter bots like these are being used to mirror
election fraud videos against censorship, scraping the
bots into archives for review and publication would be
an interesting project...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
More new releases coming tonight...
Project Veritas accepts bitcoin donations.

Imagine how easy it is to scrape DMV, courthouse
data, and blackmarket fullz... for tens of thousands
of identities... then collect or print duplicates of mail
ballots, fill with the data, stamp, and dump them all
in boxes around cities.

Then remember which candidate was screaming for
early mail in balloting, and which was against it in
favor of physical presentation at polls with ID and
scrubbing registration lists.
"We have put together I think the most extensive
and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history
of American politics. -- Joe Biden"

"The idea initially was to protect voters, but then
they got to know the weaknesses of the system
and while correcting some of the problems, they
left the loopholes that only the Left could take
advantage of. -- Internet"

Re: The new "First Worthless Son"

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
> EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's laptop

Hunter, the being himself, is irrelavant focus re natsec risk.

Hunters drives data and geopolitical actions are relavant.

Joe Biden is the national security compromised one,
it is impossible to execute the office of presidency walking
in that environment which came out over a month ago,
not least of which evidenced by his "love" showing through
in first debate cry and rage fest over his sons, and in other
clips. That's human and foregone, but will remain easily
exploitable by adversaries, and he's a lame duck from
day one... IF he or anyone else ever makes it to inauguration
over Trump, and so far, Biden seems unwilling to drop his ticket.
It's miscalculated game of chicken, Biden heading ticket is
unable to win it cleanly.

Even the journos acknowledge the human part [of the natsec risk puzzle]...

Hunter ... black sheep of the Biden family with his ... problems ...
although his father has loyally stood by him.
After Hunter publicly acknowledged his battle with alcohol and drugs
in April 2019 – the same month in which he visited the Mac Store – Mr
Biden said: 'Beau was my soul. Hunter is my heart.'
Even last week, the man strongly tipped to become America's 46th
President described his son as 'the smartest guy I know'.

> "Hunter02" because he realized that
> "Hunter01" wasn't secure enough.

2 was a password change, 1 still protects the really good
stuff like his underage and chinese selfies.

there is nothing on the laptop to implicate Joe Biden in any wrongdoing.
One email relating to a failed Chinese deal refers to a payment of ten
per cent to 'the Big Guy', which some have suggested is the
presidential hopeful.
However, Mr Biden has insisted: 'I have not taken a penny from any
foreign source ever in my life.'

That is patently fake news.

Bobulinski testified, and Giuliani and other analysts showed,
that "Big Guy" and some other words are Joe Biden and that
10% was being held, not paid.

Corruption doesn't need one penny on past tax returns,
only domestic and foreign political favors, deals, and
alignments supporting your parties agenda, post public
office invitations to revolving business grandeur, etc.
Foreign corp and trust can also work wonders, you
don't need paid when you can signal spending
of such interests in your favor, including into political
slush and lavish for future party cronies.

American sheeple easily told 'tax returns' is the buck
stop determination on this. In politics, it's not, at all, ever.

'If a hostile state or individual had managed to hack into Hunter's
computer –and it wouldn't have been difficult considering the lack of
security on it – they would have easily found out who was guarding the
Vice President and potentially been able to threaten family members of
those Secret Service members.'

The unredacted cleartext is already in the hands of multiple
worldwide journalist employees, thus hostiles already have it.

Govt is a fuckup, there is no fixing it, only playing them
off to set the world free from it.

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
> And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear button!

Personality, and at least spoken word wise...
Biden does seem to be angry, an easily triggered explosive rager.
Trump seems more tonality... peace being stabler environment for
business deals, pull troops, have nukes but hope not use them,
potentially based in faith.

> Fuck Biden
> Double-Fuck Trump.

Come on man!, don't be biased with your fucking, grab all the pussy
equally, after all it's the Socialist-Dems 'equal outcomes' SJW way,
pass them around, fuck them all three times for good measure.

> idiocy

Is not the point of taking the system, even one side, to absurd
extremes, to indeed show that world's Governments themselves
are all entirely fucked and unnecessary, another way to disenchant
people with the collapse and waste of their own system arguments,
an emo pump and dump that could eject more masses into seeking
alternatives where entire new fields of freethought awaits them.

Many people here know Gov+Corp is shit, have a little fun with it.
The optimal paths to a way out are rarely made of single binary options,
if you see a way to use opponents against each other that could yield
your paths greener sooner, do that too. #VoteGold too.

> something rotten in * ... wasting time

One must still know the mechanisms of rot in order to defeat it,
still spend time wading in it, even living it, to see it clearly upon
exit, whereupon better attacks against it can then be crafted.
The trick is in balancing and optimizing time spent therein.

> publicizing ... crimes ... companies ... dystopia ... power ... leaks

Those topics are posted here a lot, to little further analysis.
If there is lack of capability developed to analyze an enemy,
that will make progress upon desired paths more difficult.

> conspiracy theories ... establishment boat

Theories always have some small element of truth. Kudos to the
rare analysts able to pull it out and make hay with it, though
often unfortunately and necessarily undertaken as a tiny boat
upon sea of [establishment] noise.

> at least now in Oregon you can also "do a little coke" ?!?  :P~

Expect Oregon or someplace to soon become the new hub
of the RC biz seeking the ultimate in clean harmless highs,
place your stakes in the cryptocorporate DAO's today,
"vote" for McAfee as CEO once you bust him out of jail
with AP, and export that synth to China to defeat its deadly
fentanyl and Corona attacks :)

The real work will be in getting biz freed, out from under the
'legalized' regime of taxation. A populace taxed, addled,
couched, happy, compliant, and kept selectively enforceable
via 'legalization' is exactly what GovCorp wants, it's an op.

> ponder

Yes, go ponder the solutions and program codes, but for fucks sake,
keep them all in one single fucking thread respectively for once...
the lack of basic fucking levels of attention to netiquette there
does not help anyone collate digest and work the paths to freedom.

The new "First Worthless Son"

2020-11-05 Thread jim bell
EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's laptop

Clearly, Hunter Biden used the password "Hunter02" because he realized that 
"Hunter01" wasn't secure enough. 

Re: That's not a peaceful protest ... THIS is a peaceful protest -- Coup not yet Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread jim bell

On Thursday, November 5, 2020, 01:08:26 PM PST, Zenaan Harkness 

More obvious targets for audit:

>   Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing 

>      ..In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131
      votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the
      difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters
      was a staggering 69,093.

 >     In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the
      GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the
      Democratic candidate for Senator.

 >     ..Yet, in two non-swing states, there was "no massive flood of
      mysterious empty Biden votes," leading US Rebel to suggest "It's

 >     In Wyoming, the difference on the Democratic side is is just 725
      votes, while in Montana the difference is 27,457.

  >    .. Stable numbers for GOP, and when you factor in 3rd party vote,
      no mysterious Biden-only ballots like the swings.
      — US Rebel (@USRebellion1776) November 5, 2020

>[We can imagine the pen markings and ink analysis might show "votes"
 made by the same vote scribers...

>Seems a natural target for local militia declaration of fraud.

>NOTE the difference between a "Declaration of fraudulent votes" and
 a "charge" of fraudulant votes.  The gov authorities generally have to
 lay a charge, whereas YOUR militia in its original authority can simply
 declare (others may challenge your declaration in the courts if they
 So we start to see the POWER inherent in a militia in its original
 jurisdiction and in its original authority ;)

---Jim Bell's comment:
This suggests to me that all ballots (absent the names of the voters, of 
course) should be recorded and publicized.  Not just the vote for the 
President, of course, but all the votes cast by the specific voter in a given 
ballot, for all the other races included.
Statistical analysis is quite powerful.    Patterns in seemingly suspicious 
ballots could be easily detected.  
            Jim Bell


U.S. Feds Seized Nearly $1 Billion in Bitcoin from Wallet Linked to Silk Road

2020-11-05 Thread jim bell

Dark Markets are a great idea.  But, the people who run Dark Markets need to 
learn from their mistakes.  Even in 2013, I pointed out that Dark Markets 
should be protected from seizure and prosecution with an AP-type system, where 
a small portion of the 'profits' are retained and offerred  to anybody who 
"predicts" the date of death of anyone who attempts to prosecute any Dark 
Market.  Judges, prosecutors, witnesses, even jurors if that should turn out to 
be necessary.  
And, perhaps, a rather serious reward for any jurors that participate in an 
acquittal or even 'hung jury'.    What if $1 million was offerred, to be split 
between all jurors who vote to acquit, and if none of them do, $1 million was 
offered on the heads of those same jurors?
This news item indicates that $1 billion in bitcoin (today's value)  was 
available in 2015.   If a person is now resigned to lose it, he should have 
been willing to lose it in 2015, or even earlier, in order to avoid having his 
Dark Market taken down.  
Unlike my 'traditional' proposed AP system, this kind of system wouldn't name 
specific names, since no names would be immediately known:  It would only be 
known who the targets will be once the prosecution begins.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 04:03:52PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> When including all candidates this became...
> >
> sn 1105202042301 20201105T0500
> turn 4700688
> tot 4646928
> diff 53760
> t 2373024
> b 2200470
> diff 172554
> t .5106
> b .4735
> diff .0371
> sn 11052020133301 20201105T1430
> turn 5568097
> tot 5508749
> diff 59348
> t 2637173
> b 2787544
> diff -150371
> t .4787
> b .5060
> diff -.0272
> 60k votes sitting in the count queue, and 865k/9h levels worth
> of turnout apparently still rolling into the queue. Without analyzing
> county and other trends, which is done by pundits to some fair extent...
> making calls, or declaring or conceding, is silly and goes to the
> absurdity of it all.

The Art of Counting Votes

3) True, Wisconsin has same day voter registration. But to be at 71%, WI would 
have yesterday needed 900k same-day registrations. ( If I'm doing my math 
wrong--please tell me. 3,288,771 divided by 4,588,771 equals 71% . 4,588,771 
minus 3,684,726 =900k)

4) Is that possible/conceivable? That would be akin to increasing WI's 
registered voting population by up to 30%--in one day. It would also suggest 
that if those same-day registrations hadn't happened, WI would have had a 
ridiculously LOW turnout.

5) I suppose it is possible WI's turnout was higher than 71% (again, not sure 
where MJS gets that). But that would be wild, given the state's own history and 
what we saw elsewhere yesterday. An even an 80% turnout would still require 
HUGE same-day registration.

7) So, more. I compared some vote totals to voter registration--by county. 
Nearly every county i've looked at so far--left and right--registered turnout 
of 89% or higher. (several at 93%) I suppose its possible--but still seems 

8) I think high voter turnout is great, and if WI truly did this, wow. I only 
question it because it is so strikingly at odds with any other state.

9)One thing that makes more sense is if MSP number of 71% if referring to 
voting-eligible population (rather than registered voters). But still, wow--89% 
turnout of registered voters

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread John Newman
It's depressing reading so much time and, I guess, effort put into this kind of 

Fuck Biden

Double-Fuck Trump.

There's something rotten in Denmark? There's something rotten in any part of 
the ruling elite. And wasting your time on idiotic shit like this is exactly 
what they love. You could be pondering solutions to this fucking rigid class 
structure, this murderous cabal of regimes. Writing code, publicizing the 
actual countless crimes committed by any and all of the ruling class, the 
mega-wealthy companies driving us into a dystopia, not even hiding it, all in 
the name of wealth and power.

Anything would be more useful than chasing your tail with bizarre and pointless 
conspiracy theories about the "crimes of Hitlery" and the attempted attempt at 
an attempt of a coup by... lol, what?  Can't you see that Trump is just a 
vulgar version of any other fucking asshole republican and Biden is just a 
gaffe-prone version of any other asshole democrat? The differences are 
superficial, not substantive.

Making some art? Consuming some art? Playing a goddamn video game? Smoking a 
little cannabis? Stop pretending like Trump is some sort of savior to Biden, or 
vice versa. But, what the fuck am I doing wasting my time even replying to this.


> On Nov 4, 2020, at 21:38, jim bell  wrote:
> Well, it looks like I spoke too soon!   However, the 'consolation prize' is 
> that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am satisfied that a 
> segment of the public will be outraged.   The people at the FBI and DOJ who 
> deliberately failed to properly investigate Biden's fraud, and failed to 
> publicize it, can be investigated by hearings in the Senate.
>   Jim Bell
> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell  
> wrote:
> Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped.  But it wasn't the coup some people 
> anticipated.   In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a coup, by the 
> trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for violations of the 
> Espionage Act.  Comey knew that if Hitlery had been indicted, she definitely 
> would have lost.  He hoped that by not indicting Hitlery, she might win.  He 
> chose the only path available to him that might let her win.
> Yet, she didn't win, anyway.  That's why I called that an "attempted coup".
> In December 2019, the FBI was given a computer laptop which contained Hunter 
> Biden's hard drive information.  The public  only learned of this information 
> in late September 2020, which seemed to be too late to expose what Joe and 
> Hunter Biden had been doing, playing footsie with Ukraine and China. So by 
> concealing this information, once again the FBI tried to stage a coup, hoping 
> that the public would only learn, too late, how this crook had been foisted 
> on them.
> I can only assume that the public smelled a rat, and decided that they didn't 
> dare give control of the Federal government to Joe Biden for four years.
> Not incidentally, on Election Day, Joe Biden confused the names of his two 
> granddaughters, and introduced one of them as his dead son, Beau Biden.
> And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear button!  
>  What unmitigated gall!
> I'm proud to have voted...for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. (I 
> live in Washington state, which as I write this Yahoo/AP said went 61% for 
> Biden.)No, Jo didn't win, but the public didn't lose nearly as badly as 
> it could have.
> Coup averted.
>Jim Bell

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

25,000 per hour joining "anti-election fraud" FB group -- Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 06:30:44AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> News Media results sites appear to be trying to trick Trump into conceding.
> Censorship of Internet data sleuths and posters of videos exposing
> fraud is happening.

   Facebook Censors Massive Pro-Trump Group Protesting "Widespread Ballot Fraud"

  ..Group was adding more than 25,000 people an hour just minutes before it 
was banned...

Silly-cons valley "big tech" execs are addicts: "Must ... stop ... discussion.  
Shut ... it ... down.."

25 THOUSAND members an hour joining a group to protest ballot fraud.


If you're not a gun totin' militia builder, consider prayer.

That's not a peaceful protest ... THIS is a peaceful protest -- Coup not yet Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
That's not a peaceful protest ... THIS is a peaceful protest:

   ACTUAL Peaceful Protest: Watch Trump Supporters Gather in Phoenix, Kneel, 
and Pray

May God bless all good, humble, principled, loving and caring North Americans.

More obvious targets for audit:

   Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing 

  ..In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131
  votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the
  difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters
  was a staggering 69,093.

  In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the
  GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the
  Democratic candidate for Senator.

  ..Yet, in two non-swing states, there was "no massive flood of
  mysterious empty Biden votes," leading US Rebel to suggest "It's

  In Wyoming, the difference on the Democratic side is is just 725
  votes, while in Montana the difference is 27,457.

  .. Stable numbers for GOP, and when you factor in 3rd party vote,
  no mysterious Biden-only ballots like the swings.
  — US Rebel (@USRebellion1776) November 5, 2020

[We can imagine the pen markings and ink analysis might show "votes"
 made by the same vote scribers...

 Seems a natural target for local militia declaration of fraud.

 NOTE the difference between a "Declaration of fraudulent votes" and
 a "charge" of fraudulant votes.  The gov authorities generally have to
 lay a charge, whereas YOUR militia in its original authority can simply
 declare (others may challenge your declaration in the courts if they
 So we start to see the POWER inherent in a militia in its original
 jurisdiction and in its original authority ;)

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
When including all candidates this became...
sn 1105202042301 20201105T0500
turn 4700688
tot 4646928
diff 53760
t 2373024
b 2200470
diff 172554
t .5106
b .4735
diff .0371

sn 11052020133301 20201105T1430
turn 5568097
tot 5508749
diff 59348
t 2637173
b 2787544
diff -150371
t .4787
b .5060
diff -.0272

60k votes sitting in the count queue, and 865k/9h levels worth
of turnout apparently still rolling into the queue. Without analyzing
county and other trends, which is done by pundits to some fair extent...
making calls, or declaring or conceding, is silly and goes to the
absurdity of it all.

The authorities of a militia -- Re: UPDATED: The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to impose presence at elections -- USA Coup yet to be averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
A militia may do those things that it decides to do.

A militia may operate in any way its members choose - such as in a
hiararchy or by committee (snigger).

When the authority of a militia is opposed by some other authority,
different paths to handling that are available, including:

 - arrest and charging of those who oppose the rightful and righteous
   authority of the militia

 - "appeal" to one or another court, in fact any court that you choose,
   although some courts may have limited jurisdiction to hear the case

 - monitoring of any and all election events, locations, etc, "to the
   satisfaction of the militia" (i.e. simply overrule/ bypass any
   bullshit about "you can stand over there, behind the forklifts"

 - any rightful and righteous task your militia sets for itself

Learn to live your authority folks.

Learn why certain powers want to remove your great second amendment.

Sheriffs are sometimes your ally.  Know the difference!




On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 05:33:27AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> In the face of this sort of fake "official" crap from "our superiors":
>Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit
> ... you may find yourself oddly inspired to join with others in a "local 
> militia".
> Once you find a few mates with a similarly good and healthy spirit as your 
> own, you might consider naming your group e.g. "First People's Militia Of 
> Detroit" hey hey.
> Next make a declaration of your principles, video it for proof in case you 
> and up in court.
> Make sure everyone present has affirmed the group's foundation principles.
> Next, agree on an action plan.
> Again, video it for later proof of your good intentions.
> Consider including words such as:
>We, certain armed people of LOCATION,
>in our original jurisdiction,
>and in our original and sole authority,
>hereby come together as the
>[e.g.] First People's Militia Of Detroit.
>We intend to bring to account what we see as obvious
>corruption by the so called "election authorities" as witnessed
>recently by Connie Johnson.
> ...
> Whatever you choose, Good luck and God speed!
> On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 05:09:51AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to
> > impose presence at elections.
> > 
> > The federation republic requires and relies upon, integrity of election.
> > 
> > Without election integrity, the federal republic is fundamentally
> > undermined, in its existence, in its interity, in its very essence.
> > 
> > Election by the people is the fundemental event which creates the
> > federal republic.
> > 
> > 
> > Here's the thing:  The states have no exlusive jurisdiction over votes
> > or over vote counting.
> > 
> > The people are inherently vested with some federal jurisdiction.
> > Indeed they are the fundamental sovereignty giving rise to all
> > political institutions and entities, which cannot exist without the
> > vote of the people, and may not operate even in the minutest except
> > with that jurisdiction granted by the people who are, who be, and who
> > remain the ultimate sovereigns.
> > 
> > Put in the first person: without our individual and collective
> > authority, no political entity lewfully exists:
> > 
> >  - not the state
> >  - not local councils
> >  - not burroughs
> >  - not the federation, the federal republic
> >  - not any polling "authority"
> > 
> > 
> > In this specific context of voting, and vote counting, and vote count
> > monitoring, each individual human is a higher authority than any local
> > "election official" who acts fundamentally illegally, and or
> > immorally, and or without historical precedent and in particular when
> > s/he acts against the interests of:
> > 
> >  - the voter
> >  - the state
> >  - the federal republic
> >  - any other entity arising (any organ of any government)
> > 
> > 
> > If a standing army or militia means anything at all (and it certainly
> > does) then it is one particular form of the collective authority of
> > the people.
> > 
> > Learn to EXERCISE THAT AUTHORITY people - not as an individual, not as
> > vigilante, but calmly, peacefully and collectively as that righteous
> > and upstanding authority which brings despotism to heel, which brings
> > forth the actual, lived (now) authority of the people!
> > 
> > Do it!
> > 
> > 
> > Get in comm with others.  Live your right to bring integrity to your 
> > election.
> > 
> > Without integrity in your election, your republic is lost, despotism
> > shall reign.
> > 
> > 
> > Similarly to the standing army of the people, also the Sheriffs in
> > their own right, and the National Guard in their own right, each have
> > similar authority to right wrongs, to bring forth integrity in a vote,
> > election, vote 

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread coderman

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, November 5, 2020 5:37 PM, John Newman  wrote:
> Fuck Biden
> Double-Fuck Trump.
> There's something rotten in Denmark? There's something rotten in any part of 
> the ruling elite. And wasting your time on idiotic shit like this is exactly 
> what they love. You could be pondering solutions to this fucking rigid class 
> structure, this murderous cabal of regimes. Writing code, publicizing the 
> actual countless crimes committed by any and all of the ruling class, the 
> mega-wealthy companies driving us into a dystopia, not even hiding it, all in 
> the name of wealth and power.
> Anything would be more useful than chasing your tail with bizarre and 
> pointless conspiracy theories about the "crimes of Hitlery" and the attempted 
> attempt at an attempt of a coup by... lol, what? Can't you see that Trump is 
> just a vulgar version of any other fucking asshole republican and Biden is 
> just a gaffe-prone version of any other asshole democrat? The differences are 
> superficial, not substantive.
> Making some art? Consuming some art? Playing a goddamn video game? Smoking a 
> little cannabis? Stop pretending like Trump is some sort of savior to Biden, 
> or vice versa. But, what the fuck am I doing wasting my time even replying to 
> this.

don't fret John, lots of company in the fuck establishment boat. ;)

the good thing about this cohort: they don't need to remind you about your 
status in the vessel every sordid minute!

put your time into action toward desired ends! don't waste breath blathering 
(virtual or otherwise) in defense of some cognitive bias...

best regards,

P.S. at least now in Oregon you can also "do a little coke" ?!?  :P~

Re: UPDATED: The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to impose presence at elections -- USA Coup yet to be averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
In the face of this sort of fake "official" crap from "our superiors":

   Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit

... you may find yourself oddly inspired to join with others in a "local 

Once you find a few mates with a similarly good and healthy spirit as your own, 
you might consider naming your group e.g. "First People's Militia Of Detroit" 
hey hey.

Next make a declaration of your principles, video it for proof in case you and 
up in court.

Make sure everyone present has affirmed the group's foundation principles.

Next, agree on an action plan.

Again, video it for later proof of your good intentions.

Consider including words such as:

   We, certain armed people of LOCATION,
   in our original jurisdiction,
   and in our original and sole authority,
   hereby come together as the
   [e.g.] First People's Militia Of Detroit.

   We intend to bring to account what we see as obvious
   corruption by the so called "election authorities" as witnessed
   recently by Connie Johnson.


Whatever you choose, Good luck and God speed!

On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 05:09:51AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to
> impose presence at elections.
> The federation republic requires and relies upon, integrity of election.
> Without election integrity, the federal republic is fundamentally
> undermined, in its existence, in its interity, in its very essence.
> Election by the people is the fundemental event which creates the
> federal republic.
> Here's the thing:  The states have no exlusive jurisdiction over votes
> or over vote counting.
> The people are inherently vested with some federal jurisdiction.
> Indeed they are the fundamental sovereignty giving rise to all
> political institutions and entities, which cannot exist without the
> vote of the people, and may not operate even in the minutest except
> with that jurisdiction granted by the people who are, who be, and who
> remain the ultimate sovereigns.
> Put in the first person: without our individual and collective
> authority, no political entity lewfully exists:
>  - not the state
>  - not local councils
>  - not burroughs
>  - not the federation, the federal republic
>  - not any polling "authority"
> In this specific context of voting, and vote counting, and vote count
> monitoring, each individual human is a higher authority than any local
> "election official" who acts fundamentally illegally, and or
> immorally, and or without historical precedent and in particular when
> s/he acts against the interests of:
>  - the voter
>  - the state
>  - the federal republic
>  - any other entity arising (any organ of any government)
> If a standing army or militia means anything at all (and it certainly
> does) then it is one particular form of the collective authority of
> the people.
> Learn to EXERCISE THAT AUTHORITY people - not as an individual, not as
> vigilante, but calmly, peacefully and collectively as that righteous
> and upstanding authority which brings despotism to heel, which brings
> forth the actual, lived (now) authority of the people!
> Do it!
> Get in comm with others.  Live your right to bring integrity to your election.
> Without integrity in your election, your republic is lost, despotism
> shall reign.
> Similarly to the standing army of the people, also the Sheriffs in
> their own right, and the National Guard in their own right, each have
> similar authority to right wrongs, to bring forth integrity in a vote,
> election, vote count, etc.
> Bearing arms is more than owning arms.  It is like baring /bearing teeth.
> There is a time and place to live certain rights, now is that time, so
> send this to the people you know who need to hear it.
> Without the people, there is not even a constitution.
> Iy you, we, the people, need to, we can do just about anything.
> We are the original sovereignty, the original authority, and the
> original voice after our maker - so USE IT!
> You can (with others) ANNUL certain votes/ elections due to true
> (factual) and righteous grounds.
> Figure it out.  Make it happen.
> Your president asked you to stand back and stand by, and to protect
> your great second amendment.  Is now the moment to stand forth with
> others and help bring justice and righteousness to this earth?
> Only YOU can answer that question.
> You don't have much time left, but you do have enough time (you can
> annul, re-run elections, declare vote dumps illegal etc - just do it
> with others to be safe, and to be effective!
> Good luck people, your nation is at stake and it looks from Australia
> that your president needs you NOW.
> On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:21:55PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Detroit:
> >
> >Insane video from the 

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
You're expressing your heart.

Thank you John.

You voice what a lot of us feel.


On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 11:37:17AM -0600, John Newman wrote:
> It's depressing reading so much time and, I guess, effort put into this kind 
> of idiocy.
> Fuck Biden
> Double-Fuck Trump.
> There's something rotten in Denmark? There's something rotten in any part of 
> the ruling elite. And wasting your time on idiotic shit like this is exactly 
> what they love. You could be pondering solutions to this fucking rigid class 
> structure, this murderous cabal of regimes. Writing code, publicizing the 
> actual countless crimes committed by any and all of the ruling class, the 
> mega-wealthy companies driving us into a dystopia, not even hiding it, all in 
> the name of wealth and power.
> Anything would be more useful than chasing your tail with bizarre and 
> pointless conspiracy theories about the "crimes of Hitlery" and the attempted 
> attempt at an attempt of a coup by... lol, what?  Can't you see that Trump is 
> just a vulgar version of any other fucking asshole republican and Biden is 
> just a gaffe-prone version of any other asshole democrat? The differences are 
> superficial, not substantive.
> Making some art? Consuming some art? Playing a goddamn video game? Smoking a 
> little cannabis? Stop pretending like Trump is some sort of savior to Biden, 
> or vice versa. But, what the fuck am I doing wasting my time even replying to 
> this.
> Later,
> John
> > On Nov 4, 2020, at 21:38, jim bell  wrote:
> > 
> > Well, it looks like I spoke too soon!   However, the 'consolation prize' is 
> > that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am satisfied that a 
> > segment of the public will be outraged.   The people at the FBI and DOJ who 
> > deliberately failed to properly investigate Biden's fraud, and failed to 
> > publicize it, can be investigated by hearings in the Senate.
> > 
> > 
> >   Jim Bell
> > 
> > On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped.  But it wasn't the coup some people 
> > anticipated.   In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a coup, by the 
> > trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for violations of the 
> > Espionage Act.  Comey knew that if Hitlery had been indicted, she 
> > definitely would have lost.  He hoped that by not indicting Hitlery, she 
> > might win.  He chose the only path available to him that might let her win.
> > Yet, she didn't win, anyway.  That's why I called that an "attempted coup".
> > 
> > In December 2019, the FBI was given a computer laptop which contained 
> > Hunter Biden's hard drive information.  The public  only learned of this 
> > information in late September 2020, which seemed to be too late to expose 
> > what Joe and Hunter Biden had been doing, playing footsie with Ukraine and 
> > China. So by concealing this information, once again the FBI tried to stage 
> > a coup, hoping that the public would only learn, too late, how this crook 
> > had been foisted on them.
> > 
> > I can only assume that the public smelled a rat, and decided that they 
> > didn't dare give control of the Federal government to Joe Biden for four 
> > years.
> > 
> > Not incidentally, on Election Day, Joe Biden confused the names of his two 
> > granddaughters, and introduced one of them as his dead son, Beau Biden.
> > 
> > And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear 
> > button!   What unmitigated gall!
> > 
> > I'm proud to have voted...for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. (I 
> > live in Washington state, which as I write this Yahoo/AP said went 61% for 
> > Biden.)No, Jo didn't win, but the public didn't lose nearly as badly as 
> > it could have.
> > 
> > Coup averted.
> > 
> >Jim Bell
> > 

UPDATED: The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to impose presence at elections -- USA Coup yet to be averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to
impose presence at elections.

The federation republic requires and relies upon, integrity of election.

Without election integrity, the federal republic is fundamentally
undermined, in its existence, in its interity, in its very essence.

Election by the people is the fundemental event which creates the
federal republic.

Here's the thing:  The states have no exlusive jurisdiction over votes
or over vote counting.

The people are inherently vested with some federal jurisdiction.
Indeed they are the fundamental sovereignty giving rise to all
political institutions and entities, which cannot exist without the
vote of the people, and may not operate even in the minutest except
with that jurisdiction granted by the people who are, who be, and who
remain the ultimate sovereigns.

Put in the first person: without our individual and collective
authority, no political entity lewfully exists:

 - not the state
 - not local councils
 - not burroughs
 - not the federation, the federal republic
 - not any polling "authority"

In this specific context of voting, and vote counting, and vote count
monitoring, each individual human is a higher authority than any local
"election official" who acts fundamentally illegally, and or
immorally, and or without historical precedent and in particular when
s/he acts against the interests of:

 - the voter
 - the state
 - the federal republic
 - any other entity arising (any organ of any government)

If a standing army or militia means anything at all (and it certainly
does) then it is one particular form of the collective authority of
the people.

Learn to EXERCISE THAT AUTHORITY people - not as an individual, not as
vigilante, but calmly, peacefully and collectively as that righteous
and upstanding authority which brings despotism to heel, which brings
forth the actual, lived (now) authority of the people!

Do it!

Get in comm with others.  Live your right to bring integrity to your election.

Without integrity in your election, your republic is lost, despotism
shall reign.

Similarly to the standing army of the people, also the Sheriffs in
their own right, and the National Guard in their own right, each have
similar authority to right wrongs, to bring forth integrity in a vote,
election, vote count, etc.

Bearing arms is more than owning arms.  It is like baring /bearing teeth.

There is a time and place to live certain rights, now is that time, so
send this to the people you know who need to hear it.

Without the people, there is not even a constitution.

Iy you, we, the people, need to, we can do just about anything.

We are the original sovereignty, the original authority, and the
original voice after our maker - so USE IT!

You can (with others) ANNUL certain votes/ elections due to true
(factual) and righteous grounds.

Figure it out.  Make it happen.

Your president asked you to stand back and stand by, and to protect
your great second amendment.  Is now the moment to stand forth with
others and help bring justice and righteousness to this earth?

Only YOU can answer that question.

You don't have much time left, but you do have enough time (you can
annul, re-run elections, declare vote dumps illegal etc - just do it
with others to be safe, and to be effective!

Good luck people, your nation is at stake and it looks from Australia
that your president needs you NOW.

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:21:55PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Detroit:
>Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit
> where the ballons are being counted and all Republican "integrity/ vote count 
> watchers", whenever they leave for the bathroom, are not allowed back in 
> afterwards.
> Such behaviour by the DemonRats is strongly indicative of fraudulent 
> behaviour.
> When such flagrant anti-integrity actions occur, how can this be remotely 
> accordant with constitutional principles?
> Is such action(s) sufficient grounds to send in armed escorts of some sort, 
> to ensure the Republican vote count watchers are able to watch the vote 
> counting?
> At what point are each of the armed branches of the federal and states, with 
> authority to "ensure election integrity" in the USA?
> Good luck and pray,

The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to impose presence at elections -- USA Coup yet to be averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to
impose presence at elections.

The federation republic requires and relies upon, integrity of election.

Without election integrity, the federal republic is fundamentally
undermined, in its existence, in its interity, in its very essence.

Election by the people is the fundemental event which creates the
federal republic.

Here's the thing:  The states have no exlusive jurisdiction over votes
or over vote counting.

The people are inherently vested with some federal jurisdiction.
Indeed they are the fundamental sovereignty giving rise to all
political institutions and entities, which cannot exist without the
vote of the people, and may not operate even in the minutest except
with that jurisdiction granted by the people who are, who be, and who
remain the ultimate sovereigns.

Put in the first person: without our individual and collective
authority, no political entity lewfully exists:

 - not the state
 - not local councils
 - not burroughs
 - not the federation, the federal republic
 - not any polling "authority"

In this specific context of voting, and vote counting, and vote count
monitoring, each individual human is a higher authority than any local
"election official" who acts fundamentally illegally, and or
immorally, and or without historical precedent and in particular when
s/he acts against the interests of:

 - the voter
 - the state
 - the federal republic
 - any other entity arising (any organ of any government)

If a standing army or militia means anything at all (and it certainly
does) then it is one particular form of the collective authority of
the people.

Learn to EXERCISE THAT AUTHORITY people - not as an individual, not as
vigilante, but calmly, peacefully and collectively as that righteous
and upstanding authority which brings despotism to heel, which brings
forth the actual, lived (now) authority of the people!

Do it!

Get in comm with others.  Live your right to bring integrity to your election.

Without integrity in your election, your republic is lost, despotism
shall reign.

Similarly to the standing army of the people, also the Sheriffs in
their own right, and the National Guard in their own right, each have
similar authority to right wrongs, to bring forth integrity in a vote,
election, vote count, etc.

Bearing arms is more than owning arms.  It is like baring /bearing teeth.

There is a time and place to live certain rights, now is that time, so
send this to the people you know who need to hear it.

Without the people, there is not even a constitution.

Iy you, we, the people, need to, we can do just about anything.

We are the original sovereignty, the original authority, and the
original voice after our maker - so USE IT!

You can (with others) ANNUL certain votes/ elections due to true
(factual) and righteous grounds.

Figure it out.  Make it happen.

Your president asked you to stand back and stand by, and to protect
your great second amendment.  Is now the moment to stand forth with
others and help bring justice and righteousness to this earth?

Only YOU can answer that question.

You don't have much time left, but you do have enough time (you can
annul, re-run elections, declare vote dumps illegal etc - just do it
with others to be safe, and to be effective!

Good luck people, your nation is at stake and it looks from Australia
that your president needs you NOW.

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:21:55PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Detroit:
>Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit
> where the ballons are being counted and all Republican "integrity/ vote count 
> watchers", whenever they leave for the bathroom, are not allowed back in 
> afterwards.
> Such behaviour by the DemonRats is strongly indicative of fraudulent 
> behaviour.
> When such flagrant anti-integrity actions occur, how can this be remotely 
> accordant with constitutional principles?
> Is such action(s) sufficient grounds to send in armed escorts of some sort, 
> to ensure the Republican vote count watchers are able to watch the vote 
> counting?
> At what point are each of the armed branches of the federal and states, with 
> authority to "ensure election integrity" in the USA?
> Good luck and pray,
> On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:06:03PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > With these sorts of vote corruptions:
> >
> >   
> >
> >   Allegedly, the officials in Fulton County told observers they were 
> > shutting down for the night, sent them home, and then "continued to count 
> > the ballots in secret."
> >   This is a major allegation!
> >   If this is true the legitimacy of these numbers has to be called into 
> > question.
> >   Furthermore, the observers in Fulton county have now been what are the positives out of this election?

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
For a good summary of "positives regardless of outcome", trust the good
folks at - summary points (without links) pasted here:

   Win or Lose, It Was a Good Election
   Gregory Hood • November 4, 2020 • 1,900 Words

  …First, there was no “blue wave.” The polls were wrong, and media
  outlets look foolish. President Donald Trump did not lose Florida
  or Texas.

  …Second, Big Tech openly supported the Democrats. Twitter is
  censoring the president’s tweets in the name of “election
  integrity” and conservatives are furious.

  …Third, President Trump won’t leave the White House in disgrace.
  He wasn’t repudiated by the nation. He would have suffered a
  narrow, controversial defeat. If many Republicans think the
  results weren’t fair, he’ll be a martyr.

  …Fourth, “Trumpism,” essentially anti-elite national populism,
  isn’t going away.
  …Senators Tom Cotton (who easily won re-election last night) and
  Josh Hawley will emerge as frontrunners for the Republican
  nomination in 2024. That’s assuming America’s most influential
  populist, Tucker Carlson, doesn’t run.

  …Fifth, Donald Trump personally isn’t going away. He may even do
  what he was reportedly planning if he lost in 2016 and start
  “Trump TV,”

  …Sixth, the Biden/Harris Administration will be weak.

  …Seventh, this was the worst possible outcome for “progressives”
  and democratic socialists.

  …Eighth, we could see more action at the state level. While
  secession from the Union is unlikely, secession from existing
  states is possible.

  …Ninth, the reason President Trump is in this position is because
  he didn’t do enough for white working-class voters. President
  Trump gained support with nearly every group except white men.
  Analysts, especially white advocates and nationalists, must hammer
  this crucial point again and again in the coming days.
  President Trump offered a Platinum Plan to blacks, an American
  Dream Plan to Hispanics, and empty rhetoric to whites.
  An ambitious Republican who can speak to such voters and actually
  offer them something (someone like Tucker Carlson) could win them
  This would not mean handouts for whites. It would mean fighting
  anti-white discrimination (“affirmative action”) and critical race
  theory in government, border security, and more economic populism.
  This would attract white voters without being “racist.” Don’t
  forget: Yesterday, voters in California kept the ban on
  affirmative action.

  …Tenth, you could argue that this election has stripped the system
  of legitimacy. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are satisfied.
  White advocates want change what lies outside what is politically
  possible now. Therefore, anything that undercuts system legitimacy
  is good for us. It opens new opportunities, and we should welcome
  a crisis of confidence, especially because our opponents in
  journalism, academia, and corporate America are clearly propping
  the system up.

  President Trump may still win this election. If he does, many of
  the benefits of a Democratic victory would disappear. However, the
  most important benefit would not. Our opponents are forcing white
  Americans either to defend their own interests or submit. Our
  opponents have a vast system of media, financial, cultural, and
  political control, and it is clearer than ever that they use this
  system against us. What President Trump represents — defiance of
  the ruling class — has always been more important than what he

  For now, be of good cheer. Be white-pilled. Throw yourself into
  the struggle. History has restarted, and our ideas are leading
  the way.

And Kurt Schlichter mocks the winners and losers in classic style:

   The Other Winners and Losers

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:22:25PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Detroit:
>Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit
> where the ballons are being counted and all Republican "integrity/ vote count 
> watchers", whenever they leave for the bathroom, are not allowed back in 
> afterwards.
> Such behaviour by the DemonRats is strongly indicative of fraudulent 
> behaviour.
> When such flagrant anti-integrity actions occur, how can this be remotely 
> accordant with constitutional principles?
> Is such action(s) sufficient grounds to send in armed escorts of some sort, 
> to ensure the Republican vote count watchers are able to watch the vote 
> counting?
> At what point are each of 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
News Media results sites appear to be trying to trick Trump into conceding.
Censorship of Internet data sleuths and posters of videos exposing
fraud is happening.


2200470+2373024+53607+6144+11235+2448 = 4646928
When you watch the data... You can see the vote numbers for Trump not
only go up, but also - right now - go back down. Um... @ 11:20 Trump
had 2,373,024 votes while in this screenshot (right side) @ 10:41 it
was 2,374,888 [sic]
Secretary of the Commonwealth @PAStateDept
"Using the title 'President' before the word 'Trump' really demeans
the office of the presidency... 4:49 AM - 7 Mar 2017"
"Every eligible vote, every voice, every participant in this great
democracy must be heard, must be enfranchised, must be counted
accurately and securely. [DemSpeak for including fraud votes]" lol

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness

   Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit

where the ballons are being counted and all Republican "integrity/ vote count 
watchers", whenever they leave for the bathroom, are not allowed back in 

Such behaviour by the DemonRats is strongly indicative of fraudulent behaviour.

When such flagrant anti-integrity actions occur, how can this be remotely 
accordant with constitutional principles?

Is such action(s) sufficient grounds to send in armed escorts of some sort, to 
ensure the Republican vote count watchers are able to watch the vote counting?

At what point are each of the armed branches of the federal and states, with 
authority to "ensure election integrity" in the USA?

Good luck and pray,

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:06:03PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> With these sorts of vote corruptions:
>   Allegedly, the officials in Fulton County told observers they were shutting 
> down for the night, sent them home, and then "continued to count the ballots 
> in secret."
>   This is a major allegation!
>   If this is true the legitimacy of these numbers has to be called into 
> question.
>   Furthermore, the observers in Fulton county have now been moved further 
> away from where the tabulation is taking place and forklifts have been placed 
> between the two locations to obscure the view of the observers.
> there is an argument to be made for bringing in either the police, marshalls, 
> national guard etc, to ensure a modicum of integrity in the process.
> On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 09:38:46PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > If vote counting malfeasance can be "proven" to SCOTUS/constitutional 
> > standards, then perhaps a full or partial re-election could be ordered by 
> > the Supreme Court?
> > 
> > If Trump manages to hold onto power through this turmoil, certainly a 
> > rigorous plan for "integrifying" the US vote system should happen - perhaps 
> > to be backed by a referendum of the people.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 09:16:03PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > Very disappointing of course.
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Except that some ground for unconstitutionality can be fairly raised (how 
> > > can "failure to allow vote counting monitors" (and boarding up the 
> > > windows) be remotely constitutional?), then it appears that the USA, and 
> > > therefore much of the west, is about to be fed a large dose of socialism 
> > > (i.e. neo-communism).
> > > 
> > > This is quite unfortunate, but on the other hand should speed up the US 
> > > dollar collapse.
> > > 
> > > Yay for the end of the empire, not so yay for the good people of North 
> > > America.
> > > 
> > > This is the low IQ individuals getting their way, so clueless that they 
> > > have no idea what's coming.
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   Biden: "I'm so sick of smart people."
> > > 
> > >   AOC: "Having to work again? We are NOT going back to that!"
> > > 
> > > 
> > > The outcome is still uncertain, but a very disappointing result in any 
> > > case...
> > > 
> > > Seems many folks simply won't learn without hardship.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 03:38:18AM +, jim bell wrote:
> > > >  Well, it looks like I spoke too soon!   However, the 'consolation 
> > > > prize' is that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am 
> > > > satisfied that a segment of the public will be outraged.   The people 
> > > > at the FBI and DOJ who deliberately failed to properly investigate 
> > > > Biden's fraud, and failed to publicize it, can be investigated by 
> > > > hearings in the Senate.
> > > > 
> > > >               Jim Bell
> > > > On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell 
> > > >  wrote:  
> > > >  
> > > >  Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped.  But it wasn't the coup some 
> > > > people anticipated.   In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a 
> > > > coup, by the trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for 
> > > > violations of the Espionage Act.  Comey knew that if Hitlery had been 
> > > > indicted, she definitely would have lost.  He hoped that by not 
> > > > indicting Hitlery, she might win.  He chose the only path available to 
> > > > him that might let her win.  Yet, she didn't win, anyway.  That's why I 
> > > > called that an 

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
With these sorts of vote corruptions:
  Allegedly, the officials in Fulton County told observers they were shutting 
down for the night, sent them home, and then "continued to count the ballots in 
  This is a major allegation!
  If this is true the legitimacy of these numbers has to be called into 
  Furthermore, the observers in Fulton county have now been moved further away 
from where the tabulation is taking place and forklifts have been placed 
between the two locations to obscure the view of the observers.

there is an argument to be made for bringing in either the police, marshalls, 
national guard etc, to ensure a modicum of integrity in the process.

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 09:38:46PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> If vote counting malfeasance can be "proven" to SCOTUS/constitutional 
> standards, then perhaps a full or partial re-election could be ordered by the 
> Supreme Court?
> If Trump manages to hold onto power through this turmoil, certainly a 
> rigorous plan for "integrifying" the US vote system should happen - perhaps 
> to be backed by a referendum of the people.
> On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 09:16:03PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Very disappointing of course.
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Except that some ground for unconstitutionality can be fairly raised (how 
> > can "failure to allow vote counting monitors" (and boarding up the windows) 
> > be remotely constitutional?), then it appears that the USA, and therefore 
> > much of the west, is about to be fed a large dose of socialism (i.e. 
> > neo-communism).
> > 
> > This is quite unfortunate, but on the other hand should speed up the US 
> > dollar collapse.
> > 
> > Yay for the end of the empire, not so yay for the good people of North 
> > America.
> > 
> > This is the low IQ individuals getting their way, so clueless that they 
> > have no idea what's coming.
> > 
> > 
> >   Biden: "I'm so sick of smart people."
> > 
> >   AOC: "Having to work again? We are NOT going back to that!"
> > 
> > 
> > The outcome is still uncertain, but a very disappointing result in any 
> > case...
> > 
> > Seems many folks simply won't learn without hardship.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 03:38:18AM +, jim bell wrote:
> > >  Well, it looks like I spoke too soon!   However, the 'consolation prize' 
> > > is that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am satisfied 
> > > that a segment of the public will be outraged.   The people at the FBI 
> > > and DOJ who deliberately failed to properly investigate Biden's fraud, 
> > > and failed to publicize it, can be investigated by hearings in the Senate.
> > > 
> > >               Jim Bell
> > > On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell 
> > >  wrote:  
> > >  
> > >  Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped.  But it wasn't the coup some people 
> > > anticipated.   In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a coup, by 
> > > the trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for violations of the 
> > > Espionage Act.  Comey knew that if Hitlery had been indicted, she 
> > > definitely would have lost.  He hoped that by not indicting Hitlery, she 
> > > might win.  He chose the only path available to him that might let her 
> > > win.  Yet, she didn't win, anyway.  That's why I called that an 
> > > "attempted coup".
> > > In December 2019, the FBI was given a computer laptop which contained 
> > > Hunter Biden's hard drive information.  The public  only learned of this 
> > > information in late September 2020, which seemed to be too late to expose 
> > > what Joe and Hunter Biden had been doing, playing footsie with Ukraine 
> > > and China. So by concealing this information, once again the FBI tried to 
> > > stage a coup, hoping that the public would only learn, too late, how this 
> > > crook had been foisted on them.  
> > > I can only assume that the public smelled a rat, and decided that they 
> > > didn't dare give control of the Federal government to Joe Biden for four 
> > > years.
> > > Not incidentally, on Election Day, Joe Biden confused the names of his 
> > > two granddaughters, and introduced one of them as his dead son, Beau 
> > > Biden.  
> > > And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear 
> > > button!   What unmitigated gall!  
> > > I'm proud to have voted...for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. (I 
> > > live in Washington 

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
If vote counting malfeasance can be "proven" to SCOTUS/constitutional 
standards, then perhaps a full or partial re-election could be ordered by the 
Supreme Court?

If Trump manages to hold onto power through this turmoil, certainly a rigorous 
plan for "integrifying" the US vote system should happen - perhaps to be backed 
by a referendum of the people.

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 09:16:03PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Very disappointing of course.
> Except that some ground for unconstitutionality can be fairly raised (how can 
> "failure to allow vote counting monitors" (and boarding up the windows) be 
> remotely constitutional?), then it appears that the USA, and therefore much 
> of the west, is about to be fed a large dose of socialism (i.e. 
> neo-communism).
> This is quite unfortunate, but on the other hand should speed up the US 
> dollar collapse.
> Yay for the end of the empire, not so yay for the good people of North 
> America.
> This is the low IQ individuals getting their way, so clueless that they have 
> no idea what's coming.
>   Biden: "I'm so sick of smart people."
>   AOC: "Having to work again? We are NOT going back to that!"
> The outcome is still uncertain, but a very disappointing result in any case...
> Seems many folks simply won't learn without hardship.
> On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 03:38:18AM +, jim bell wrote:
> >  Well, it looks like I spoke too soon!   However, the 'consolation prize' 
> > is that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am satisfied 
> > that a segment of the public will be outraged.   The people at the FBI and 
> > DOJ who deliberately failed to properly investigate Biden's fraud, and 
> > failed to publicize it, can be investigated by hearings in the Senate.
> > 
> >               Jim Bell
> > On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell 
> >  wrote:  
> >  
> >  Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped.  But it wasn't the coup some people 
> > anticipated.   In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a coup, by the 
> > trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for violations of the 
> > Espionage Act.  Comey knew that if Hitlery had been indicted, she 
> > definitely would have lost.  He hoped that by not indicting Hitlery, she 
> > might win.  He chose the only path available to him that might let her win. 
> >  Yet, she didn't win, anyway.  That's why I called that an "attempted coup".
> > In December 2019, the FBI was given a computer laptop which contained 
> > Hunter Biden's hard drive information.  The public  only learned of this 
> > information in late September 2020, which seemed to be too late to expose 
> > what Joe and Hunter Biden had been doing, playing footsie with Ukraine and 
> > China. So by concealing this information, once again the FBI tried to stage 
> > a coup, hoping that the public would only learn, too late, how this crook 
> > had been foisted on them.  
> > I can only assume that the public smelled a rat, and decided that they 
> > didn't dare give control of the Federal government to Joe Biden for four 
> > years.
> > Not incidentally, on Election Day, Joe Biden confused the names of his two 
> > granddaughters, and introduced one of them as his dead son, Beau Biden.  
> > And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear 
> > button!   What unmitigated gall!  
> > I'm proud to have voted...for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. (I 
> > live in Washington state, which as I write this Yahoo/AP said went 61% for 
> > Biden.)    No, Jo didn't win, but the public didn't lose nearly as badly as 
> > it could have.
> > Coup averted.  
> >            Jim Bell
> >   

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp

Seen all these and more, such as tenths of percent slowly
being shifted from trump to biden, just over 2% in total, when the
'estimated % in' didn't change over the same hours, as seen
via typical broadcaster results sites.

Michigan and sites are fucking incompetent, and corrupt (more later)...
sn 1105202042301 20201105T0500
tot 4700688
sn 1105202042301 20201105T0500
tot 4573494
t 2373024
b 2200470
diff 172554
t .5188
b .4811
diff .0377

Re: Coup Averted.

2020-11-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Very disappointing of course.

Except that some ground for unconstitutionality can be fairly raised (how can 
"failure to allow vote counting monitors" (and boarding up the windows) be 
remotely constitutional?), then it appears that the USA, and therefore much of 
the west, is about to be fed a large dose of socialism (i.e. neo-communism).

This is quite unfortunate, but on the other hand should speed up the US dollar 

Yay for the end of the empire, not so yay for the good people of North America.

This is the low IQ individuals getting their way, so clueless that they have no 
idea what's coming.

  Biden: "I'm so sick of smart people."

  AOC: "Having to work again? We are NOT going back to that!"

The outcome is still uncertain, but a very disappointing result in any case...

Seems many folks simply won't learn without hardship.

On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 03:38:18AM +, jim bell wrote:
>  Well, it looks like I spoke too soon!   However, the 'consolation prize' is 
> that it is so obvious that a 'coup' is attempted that I am satisfied that a 
> segment of the public will be outraged.   The people at the FBI and DOJ who 
> deliberately failed to properly investigate Biden's fraud, and failed to 
> publicize it, can be investigated by hearings in the Senate.
>               Jim Bell
> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 11:02:35 PM PST, jim bell 
>  wrote:  
>  Fortunately, "the coup" was stopped.  But it wasn't the coup some people 
> anticipated.   In 2016, the leadership of the FBI attempted a coup, by the 
> trick of refusing to prosecute Hitlery Clinton for violations of the 
> Espionage Act.  Comey knew that if Hitlery had been indicted, she definitely 
> would have lost.  He hoped that by not indicting Hitlery, she might win.  He 
> chose the only path available to him that might let her win.  Yet, she didn't 
> win, anyway.  That's why I called that an "attempted coup".
> In December 2019, the FBI was given a computer laptop which contained Hunter 
> Biden's hard drive information.  The public  only learned of this information 
> in late September 2020, which seemed to be too late to expose what Joe and 
> Hunter Biden had been doing, playing footsie with Ukraine and China. So by 
> concealing this information, once again the FBI tried to stage a coup, hoping 
> that the public would only learn, too late, how this crook had been foisted 
> on them.  
> I can only assume that the public smelled a rat, and decided that they didn't 
> dare give control of the Federal government to Joe Biden for four years.
> Not incidentally, on Election Day, Joe Biden confused the names of his two 
> granddaughters, and introduced one of them as his dead son, Beau Biden.  
> And this guy wanted us to give his finger authority over the nuclear button!  
>  What unmitigated gall!  
> I'm proud to have voted...for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. (I 
> live in Washington state, which as I write this Yahoo/AP said went 61% for 
> Biden.)    No, Jo didn't win, but the public didn't lose nearly as badly as 
> it could have.
> Coup averted.  
>            Jim Bell

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
This is actively being censored, distribute at will... USPS whistleblower ballot
backdating scam

Michigan USPS Whistleblower Claims Late Ballots Received Backdated Postmarks
Wed, 11/04/2020 - 22:00
Project Veritas

A US Postal Service employee from Michigan has reportedly turned
whistleblower, telling Project Veritas that his supervisor instructed
mail carriers to collect and segregate new ballot envelopes received
after the election cutoff so that they could be fraudulently
back-dated with a Nov. 3 postmark.
Poll workers count absentee ballots for the city of Detroit

Whistleblower: "We were told to collect any ballots that we find in
mailboxes, collection boxes, et cetera, for outgoing mail, at the end
of the day, we are supposed to separate them from the standard letter
mail, so they can hand-stamp them with yesterday’s date—and put them
through the Express Mail system—to get wherever they need to go," said
the whistleblower, adding "For clarification, today is the fourth of

James O'Keefe: "Hand-stamp them with Nov. 3’s date?"

Whistleblower: "Yes

James O'Keefe: "That seems wrong--"

Whistleblower: "Yeah, that’s why I am coming forward with this
information. That is a very shady—in addition to, as far as I am
aware, we’re not supposed to be counting ballots that are postmarked
after the third of November here in the state of Michigan."

The Insider said he was shocked when Barlow Branch morning
supervisor Jonathan Clarke told a group of mail carriers how late
ballots would be handled.

The Insider said there was a process set up for the post office
workers involved in the bogus postmark scheme.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-05 Thread grarpamp
Frauds list why Trump is the true winner, among others...

- Four years of Russia Hoax, now false.
- One year of bogus Impeachment, not guilty.
- Mass Broadcast, Print, Big Tech Social Media Bias and Censorship.
- Biased debate moderators and commissions.
- #LaptopFromHell China/Ukraine Biden and family compromised
 both on natsec and personal levels, corroborated by two other
 sources and DKIM.
- "Vote Early by Mail!"... Biden started screaming this when
 he knew the laptop was coming out and going public, tricking
 voters into casting irrevocable votes, a giant fraud on the
 entire voting public.
- "Vote Early by Mail!"... Biden screaming this with knowledge
 of Bias in mail-in voting due to Big City Democrats happily
 implementing more lockdowns on more millions of people than
 vs smaller that weren't locked down much, thus FUD funneling
 entire megacities of otherwise likely Trump voters into Biden's
 early and irrevocable vote Democrat trap.
- "Vote Early by Mail!"... Biden screaming this in order to
 trap votes prior to last debates and appearances that would
 end up exposing more of his lies and weaknesses and losing
 voters, as the Internet was already beginning to do and demand,
 ultimately resulting in Jumbotron exposes.
- "Vote Early by Mail!"... Biden screaming this in order to
 trap votes because the people and opinion were starting to
 revolt against lockdowns and move to Trump as a result.
- Biden-Kamala have zero executive experience.
- Biden spent 2x the money to get the same 50% vote split,
 this means Dems are 2x as bad and opposed regarding what
 America wants, but are corrupt enough to pull in 2x the money
 to outsell their badness to sheeple.
- Biden is geriatric physically and mentally unfit for office
 term with parkinsons and alzheimers, cannot spend a full day
 awake working and functional without constant handlers, cannot
 fend off political influence over him, etc... will ride off
 on Trojan Horse via 25th Amendment to Kamala and insane Left
 Squad before term ends, and will be sleeping and hiding instead
 of making appearances and work at home or abroad.
- Corona... the economy, freedom, etc prior to the hardly at
 fault happenstance of Corona.
- Corona... job and economy destroying lockdowns, millions
 with nothing to do but become pathetic SJW's seeking free shit
 joining Antifa-BLM to protest the Democrat Big Inner City Cop
 Training Program the Democrats themselves wrote and control.
 States and cities install or end lockdowns, not Presidents.
 Big Democrat cities and states locked down more than small / Rep.
- Turnout... Trump pulled 2-5 events per day at 5k-50k each
 while Biden couldn't pull even 5k total across all events.

There's still opportunity for faithless electors and other
mechanisms to weigh in before the Left can turn America
even more Socialist, over to Globalists, etc.