Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp

Great time with Mrs. Brenda at @ShootIndoors. She’s came to our weekly
firearms training class at the #SolutionaryCenter and today she shot
for the first time! Sessions are free to beginners because of YOUR
support. Give & retweet to spread the word!
IG took 2 of my pages at over 100k.
My new IG is @bigdaddytoure, follow me there.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Where are the Libertarians?
Have they no organization yet to take on the two-party game?

Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie
Thank you to @RepDanBishop for cosponsoring my bill to eliminate
the Federal Department of Education (HR 899). The bill is one sentence:
“The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022.”

Yang and Forward never said FreeAssange.

Polling, no one announced...
Democrat lineup so lame that without Biden, Kamala
is beating them all in primary with middling 23%,
with BernedOut and ButtSex next up at 8%.
DeSantis +15% sends Pence packing.
Pathetic puppetshow if BraindeadBiden win.
Potential bear market on Trump aging, and 14th.
Any Republican slight win in the General.

FBI Raid Has Solidified Trump's Clout In GOP Ahead Of Expected 2024
Run, Conservative Observers Say

The recent raid by the FBI on former President Donald Trump’s
residence has solidified Trump’s hold on the 2024 GOP presidential
nomination, according to conservatives and analysts.
Former President Donald Trump raises his fist while walking to a
vehicle outside of Trump Tower in New York on Aug. 10, 2022.
(Stringer/AFP via Getty Images)

The raid of Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s house in Palm Beach, Florida, was
aimed at preventing the former president from gaining office again,
they told The Epoch Times.

If anything, however, the raid has had the opposite effect, they said,
as the belief grows that Trump will announce a new presidential run
sooner rather than later.

Far from providing a smoking gun that opponents of Trump may have
sought to bar the former president from office, the raid has
demonstrated that Trump can never be reconciled to partisan special
interests in Washington that have a lock on government, thus ensuring
that Trump most certainly will run, said some.

In the end, either Trump or the “deep state”—a group of powerful
bureaucrats who Trump and others say really control the shots in
Washington—will prevail: That’s the message conservatives should take
from the raid, said two people interviewed who are the most familiar
with Trump’s thinking, Ken Blackwell and Sebastian Gorka, although
neither men claimed to represent the views of the former president.
Local law enforcement officers in front of the home of former U.S.
President Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., on Aug. 9,
2022. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)
Raid Has Made Trump More Powerful

“Without doubt, President Trump is more powerful now after the illegal
Mar-a-Lago raid than he has ever been politically,” former deputy
presidential assistant under Trump, Sebastian Gorka, who is one of the
former president’s fiercest allies, told The Epoch Times.

Gorka, 51, who hosts a syndicated radio show distributed by the Salem
Network, estimated that Trump’s base of voters has grown from 75
million voters to over 100 million voters since the billionaire
developer’s departure from the White House, just a year and a half

“The real issue is how the perception of Trump has changed in the eyes
of millions and millions of people,” added Gorka, who said that the
FBI raid has hastened Trump’s popularity, not diminished it.

Similarly, Ken Blackwell, who served on the transition team for Trump
in 2016 and is involved in the Center for Election Integrity at the
America First Policy Institute, a Washington-based think tank founded
by former Trump officials, noted that Trump’s popularity has always
tracked higher each year, in part, because of the people who oppose

Trump, Blackwell noted, added to GOP presidential vote totals in 2020,
gaining a net of just over 20 million more votes since 2012 for the
Republicans, calling the growth “extraordinary.”

“When you look at the number of battleground states that Trump won
over the years, it’s a clear indication that there’s a lot left in the
tank for Trump,” Blackwell said.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) speaks during a Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and
Related Agencies hearing on Capitol Hill on May 17, 2022. (Anna Rose
Layden/Pool/Getty Images)
GOP Hits Back

The echo of the FBI banging on the front door of Mar-a-Lago, the
Trump-owned resort that served as the second White House for Trump
while president, had not yet died before politicos not known for
defending Trump, were, in fact, defending the former president over
the raid.

The staff for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) promptly responded to an
inquiry by The Epoch Times for comment on the raid with a copy of a
letter to FBI director Christopher Wray demanding answers about the
raid, in one such closing of 

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Islam's Internal Credibility Problem
Many sects, each claiming true, murdering each other for it.
Most other religions gave up their internal battles ages ago,
nor really had much text raising external conflict either.

Many Casualties After Bombing Targets Taliban Mosque In Kabul

On Wednesday a large blast ripped through a centrally located mosque
during evening prayers in the Afghan capital of Kabul, with a huge
casualty count feared. One or more suicide bombers were reportedly
behind the attack.

Within the initial hours following the explosion, at least 10 have
been reported dead, including a prominent cleric, according to
regional reports. While there was no immediate claim of responsibility
for the attack, ISIS-K has recently stepped up bombings against
Taliban targets over the summer, and now reaching a year after the
final US military exit from the war-torn country.

A huge explosion has struck a mosque in #Kabul's PD17 during
evening prayers. As many as 35 people may have been wounded or
martyred. #KABULBLAST #Afghanistan #Taliban
— Wali Khan (@WaliKhan_TK) August 17, 2022

CNN cited a top health official for Afghanistan who said, "Following
today’s explosion, we admitted 27 patients to our Surgical Centre for
War Victims in Kabul, including five minors, one of them a
seven-year-old boy." The official noted that "Two patients arrived
dead, one died in the emergency room."

Underscoring the growing seriousness and frequency of ISIS-K terror
attacks, the official described multiple mass casualty events this
month alone:

"In the month of August alone, we managed six mass casualties in
our hospital, with a total of almost 80 patients. Throughout the year,
we have continued to receive gunshot injuries, shrapnel injuries,
stabbing injuries, and victims of mine and IED explosions on a daily
basis. The country is suffering the consequences of a very long
conflict that has undermined its future."

With emergency crews and police still on the scene, Taliban’s deputy
spokesman Bilal Karimi vowed vengeance for the attack. "The murderers
of civilians and perpetrators of similar crimes will soon be caught
and punished for their actions, God willing," he said in a statement.

ABC News reports of some of the details which emerged late in the day:

According to the eyewitness, a resident of the city's Kher Khanna
neighborhood where the Siddiquiya Mosque was targeted, the explosion
was carried out by a suicide bomber. The slain cleric was Mullah Amir
Mohammad Kabuli, the eyewitness said, speaking on condition of
anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

He added that more than 30 other people were wounded. The Italian
Emergency hospital in Kabul said that at least 27 wounded civilians,
including five children, were brought there from the site of the bomb

The casualty count is expected to mount, given a police spokesman said
of the blast's high casualties, "the numbers are not clear yet."

40 thieves have just invested $6 billion into blockchain & crypto companies

2022-08-18 Thread professor rat
Obviously this dilutes our revolutionary stake  - but needs must when the Devil 

Reposts etc

PETER THIEL goes shark diving

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
Hunting little Peters.

Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson goes fishing.

Re: Tom's Hardware: U.S. Wants China's SMIC to Stop Making 14nm Chips

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
China’s Trillion-Dollar Research Funds Squandered On Travel and Leisure

In the past four years, many Chinese IC stars that emerged from the
CCP’s "rapid chip-making" campaign have gone awry or ended in a
disastrous failure. ( NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP via Getty Images)

Chinese authorities had high hopes for China’s chip industry,
expecting to see a “semiconductor miracle,” which would then affirm
the “advantage of China’s whole nation system,” as well as overcome
technology sanctions imposed by the United States.

However, eight years into establishment of China Integrated Circuit
Industry Investment Fund, also known as the “Big Fund,” trillions of
yuan have been exhausted with little success in tech innovation.

China’s anti-corruption watchdog launched an investigation into the
former and current executives of the “Big Fund” in July, and seven
senior officials linked to the “Big Fund” have demoted since.

In fact, misusing government research and development (R) subsidies
and grants is common within China’s scientific community.
Where Did China’s Trillions in Research Funding Go

In April 2018, Chinese state media Sina Finance published an article,
asking the question, “China has long been spending trillions of yuan
in the field of semiconductors every year, but where did the huge
amount of funds go?”

The article went on to say that in the past several years, roughly
only 40 percent of the country’s research funding was actually spent
on science and technology research and development, and 60 percent was
spent on meetings and business trips.

“Whenever there are chances of business meetings, one can reimburse
travel expenses, gasoline cost, and the travel cost can be huge when
people go abroad to attend meetings. Even researchers at Tsinghua
University and Peking University are no exception,” it said. “Anhui
University of Engineering has also found that research funds are used
to reimburse entertainment, foot spa, HOA cost and other expenses
unrelated to the project. Moreover, the university noted a drastic
increase of business trips abroad in recent years.”

A researcher revealed to Sina Finance that usually for the so-called
inspection trips in foreign countries, the researchers simply made a
brief appearance at their targeted inspection sites, and the rest of
the time was spent on travel, leisure, and sightseeing.

In addition to holding or attending business meetings, Chinese
research institutions are also obsessed with buying equipment,
according to the article.

“Every year, when the funding is allocated, the first thing they do is
to update all the laptops, scanners, cell phones, and other resources
in the team, and sometimes a mentor with several topics in hand can
get himself several of the latest laptops,” it said.
R Fraud

Many researchers are very skillful at selling an idea—hyping up a
concept, sometimes to the point of committing R fraud, in order to
apply for a hefty amount of funding. “Some key projects can get
several millions or even several tens of millions of yuan as research
grant. These people’s desire for capital is greater than getting
down-to-earth with scientific research,” the article said.

Citing the Wuhan Hongxin scandal as an example, the article recounted
that in August 2002, Chen Jin, then dean of the microelectronics
school of Shanghai Jiaotong University, bought a Motorola chip from
the United States, and hired a few migrant workers to polish off the
MOTO logo from the chip with sandpaper. He then paid a small company
to put a “Hanxin One” trademark on polished surface of the chip.
Through layers of his personal connections, he was able to obtain
various certifications, claiming that it was China’s first high-end
DSP chip with independent intellectual property rights.

“As the whole nation was thrilled at his claim, Chen applied for
dozens of research projects in one shot, and even deceived the General
Armament Department of China’s military into filing a Weapons and
Equipment Technology Innovation Project. No one noticed any problems
before or afterwards. So he succeeded in defrauding over 100 million
yuan of scientific research funds,” the article said.

In an interview with The Epoch Times on Aug. 12, overseas China expert
Lu Tianming pointed out that China’s ambition of rapid chip R itself
is a good goal to set, but the thing is, the Chinese Communist Party
is rotten to the core.

“It can be said that every single communist official is corrupt,” Lu
said. “Actually, it would be abnormal if any official or supervisor
involved would not embezzle from the funds. They all wish to line
their own pockets when given such an opportunity.”

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Officials trashing everyone everywhere for Officials own Fuckups...

German Official Trashes Cost Of Living Protesters As "Enemies Of The State"

A top German official has trashed people who may be planning to
protest against energy blackouts as “enemies of the state” and
“extremists” who want to overthrow the government.

The interior minister of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia
(NRW), Herbert Reul (CDU), says that anti-mandatory vaxx and
anti-lockdown demonstrators have found a new cause – the energy

In an interview with German news outlet NT, Reul revealed that German
security services were keeping an eye on “extremists” who plan to
infiltrate the protests and stage violence, with the unrest being
planned via the Telegram messenger app, which German authorities have
previously tried to ban.

“You can already tell from those who are out there,” said Reul. “The
protesters no longer talk about coronavirus or vaccination. But they
are now misusing people’s worries and fears in other fields. (…) It’s
almost something like new enemies of the state that are establishing

Despite the very real threat of potential blackouts, power grid
failures and gas shortages, Reul claimed such issues were feeding
“conspiracy theory narratives.”

However, it’s no “conspiracy theory” that Germans across the country
have been panic buying stoves, firewood and electric heaters as the
government tells them thermostats will be limited to 19C in public
buildings and that sports arenas and exhibition halls will be used as
‘warm up spaces’ this winter to help freezing citizens who are unable
to afford skyrocketing energy bills.

As Remix News reports, blaming right-wing conspiracy theorists for a
crisis caused by Germany’s sanctions on Russia and is suicidal
dependence on green energy is pretty rich.

“Reul, like the country’s federal interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is
attempting to tie right-wing ideology and protests against Covid-19
policies to any potential protests in the winter.”

“While some on the right, such as the Alternative for Germany (AfD),
have stressed that the government’s sanctions against Russia are the
primary factor driving the current energy crisis, they have not
advocated an “overthrow” of the government. Instead, they have
stressed the need to restart the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, end energy
sanctions against Russia, and push for a peaceful solution to end the

Indeed, energy shortages and the cost of living crisis are issues that
are of major concern to everyone, no matter where they are on the
political spectrum.

To claim that people worried about heating their homes and putting
food on the table this winter are all “enemies of the state” is an
utter outrage.

As we highlighted last week, the president of the Thuringian Office
for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan Kramer, said energy
crisis riots would make anti-lockdown unrest look like a “children’s
birthday party.”

“Mass protests and riots are just as conceivable as concrete acts of
violence against things and people, as well as classic terrorism to
overthrow it,” Kramer told ZDF.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Racism and illegal practices rising courtesy Wokeism, CRT, BLM,
etc... a few of them now getting busted in courts for it...

US School system caught forcing the firing of white teachers first.

David Barrett of blogged that White Males are
only worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that he thinks everyone else is worth,
asked his employees to vote for the historically racist Democrats,
exhibits unexplained bias in hiring and website relative to demographics.

Democrats still keeping down, victimizing, and pandering to
minorities since more than decades.

"The negro here, though rising, is still on his knees and nude,"
Douglass wrote. "What I want to see before I die is a monument
representing the negro, not couchant on his knees like a four-footed
animal, but erect on his feet like a man."
Powerful paramilitary groups included the White League and the Red
Shirts, both active during the 1870s in the Deep South. They operated
as "the military arm of the Democratic Party", turning out Republican
officeholders and disrupting elections. Starting 10 years after the
war, Democrats regained political power in every state of the former
Confederacy and began to reassert white supremacy. They enforced this
by a combination of violence, late 19th-century laws imposing
segregation and a concerted effort to disfranchise African Americans.
New labor and criminal laws also limited their freedom.
To combat these efforts, Douglass supported the presidential campaign
of Ulysses S. Grant in 1868. In 1870, Douglass started his last
newspaper, the New National Era, attempting to hold his country to its
commitment to equality.
At the 1888 Republican National Convention, Douglass became the first
African American to receive a vote for President of the United States
in a major party's roll call vote.

RAF Pauses Offers To White Men And Recruiting Chief Quits In Protest

The Royal Air Force's head of recruitment has quit her post in protest
over an alleged "pause" in the RAF's acceptance of white male
recruits, as the once-glorious fighting force myopically chases
far-fetched diversity goals.

As Sky News was first to report:

The senior female officer apparently handed in her notice in
recent days amid concerns that any such restrictions on hiring...could
undermine the fighting strength of the Royal Air Force (RAF),
[defense] sources said.

In putting diversity and inclusion ahead of the need to fill open
slots, RAF Air Chief Marshall Sir Mike Wigston is compromising UK
national security, the defense sources said.
Men like these World War II RAF pilots need not apply...for now (Getty
Images via History Extra)

The Ministry of Defence has set a goal for 30% of all military
recruits to be women by 2030, up from 12% today. However, the RAF is
shooting for 40% women and 20% ethnic minorities. Women and
minorities, however, don't gravitate toward more combat-intensive
roles, such as guarding airfields.

"The levels of ambition for ethnic targets...are absolutely crazy,"
said one source. Another labelled them "impossible." Sky News didn't
name the female recruiting officer who turned in her notice, but did
say she is a "group captain," equivalent to a colonel in the US Air

One source noted with dismay that the warped priorities come soon
after UK army commander General Sir Patrick Sanders warned that
current world circumstances present a "1937 moment" for the country.

"Then you look at the head of the RAF and he's prepared to break
the operational requirement of the air force just to meet diversity
[targets]. I think he needs to be hauled up by the Ministry of Defence
and told: This is the defence agenda, get on it," the source said.

The defense sources also decried what they characterized as RAF
commander Tigtson's overly-woke agenda, which includes an emphasis on
gender-neutral pronouns, eschewing the term "airman," and permitting
beards. In 2016 , Wigston authorized and personally conducted a gay
marriage ceremony on Cyprus for an RAF enlisted man and his boyfriend.
Then-Air Vice Marshal Wigston presides over the 2016 marriage of an
RAF enlisted man and his boyfriend

Reacting to news of the alleged anti-white-male recruiting move, a
spokesperson for aspiring prime minister Rishi Sunak told Sky News,
"The only thing that should matter in recruitment is the content of
your character, not your sex or the colour of your skin. That the
Ministry of Defence would allow Britain's security to potentially be
put at risk by a drive for so-called 'diversity' is not only
disgraceful, it is dangerous."
RAF pilots in Hornchurch, Essex, in front of a supermarine Spitfire
Mark II in 1940 (via "Steve ~ Saved by God's Grace" on Pinterest)

An RAF spokesperson denied the claims made by Sky News and its

Spy Leaks: Couple Uses Crypto, Sells Nuke-Sub Secrets to FBI Sting Agent, Package Intercept Program

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Plea Deal Rejected For Couple Accused Of Selling Nuclear Submarine Secrets

A federal judge on Aug. 16 rejected a plea deal for a U.S. Navy
nuclear engineer and his wife who are accused of attempting to sell
U.S. submarine secrets to a foreign government.

Jonathan, 42, and Diana Toebbe, 45, from Annapolis, Maryland were
arrested by the FBI and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service
(NCIS) in October 2021 during a string operation and charged with one
count of “conspiracy to communicate restricted data” and two counts of
the “communication of restricted data.”

Prosecutors alleged that the couple had sold “restricted data” for
nearly a year to an individual they believed was a representative of a
foreign government. The data concerned the design of nuclear-powered

However, the individual they were attempting to sell the information
to was actually an undercover FBI agent.

The couple pleaded guilty in February in federal court in Martinsburg,
West Virginia, to one count each of conspiracy to communicate
restricted data as part of plea deals that saw two counts of
communication of restricted data dropped.

Under the plea agreement, Diana Toebbe would serve no more than three
years in federal prison while Jonathan Toebbe would spend between
roughly 12 years and 17 years behind bars.

However, on Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Gina Groh of the
Northern District of West Virginia rejected those plea deals, stating
that they were “not in the best interest” of the country.

The judge said the couples’ actions were done “for selfish and greedy
reasons” but could have caused great harm to the Navy and others.

“Counsel, it’s not in the best interest of this community or, in fact,
this country to accept these plea agreements,” Groh said. “Therefore,
I’m rejecting them. I don’t find any justifiable reasons for accepting
either one of these plea agreements.”

As a result of Groh’s decision, the Toebbe’s separately withdrew their
guilty pleas and Groh set a new trial date for Jan. 17.

Unrestricted Access to Nuclear Data

Jonathan Toebbe, a nuclear Navy engineer who was assigned to the Naval
Nuclear Propulsion Program, also known as Naval Reactors, held an
active national security clearance through the U.S. Department of
Defense, meaning he was able to access restricted data regarding
reactors for nuclear-powered warships.

According to prosecutors, the FBI became involved in the couple’s
scheme after an agent obtained a package intended for a foreign entity
that contained a sample of restricted data along with instructions on
how to establish a way to purchase further restricted data.

Prosecutors said the package contained U.S. Navy documents, a letter
with instructions, and an SD card containing specific instructions on
how the recipient should communicate with the Toebbes via an encrypted
communication platform.

“I apologize for this poor translation into your language. Please
forward this letter to your military intelligence agency,” the letter
with instructions stated, according to prosecutors. “I believe this
information will be of great value to your nation,” it added.

During the sting operation, email correspondence between the couple and
the undercover FBI agent continued for several months before the Toebbes
struck a deal with the agent to sell the restricted data for thousands
of dollars in cryptocurrency.

Prosecutors said the couple would conceal an SD card containing restricted
data relating to submarine nuclear reactors within a peanut butter
sandwich or a chewing gum package and leave it at an arranged drop-off
location for undercover agents.

Jonathan Toebbe's lawyer, Nicholas J. Compton, told the judge on Tuesday
that the 12 to 17 years range behind bars was "not a slap on the wrist"
and was a  significant punishment," The Washington Post reported.

Diana Toebbe’s attorney, Barry P. Beck, said a shorter term was needed
for his client because "her husband had an ill-conceived idea to make
money, and she agreed to go along with it."

Ultimately though, judge Groh disagreed. The couple are expected to reach
new plea agreements with the government before the next trial date.

Spy Leaks: Couple Uses Crypto, Leaks Nuke-Sub Secrets to FBI Agent

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Plea Deal Rejected For Couple Accused Of Selling Nuclear Submarine Secrets

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Confidence in...
US Congress - 7%
News Media - 11%
Supreme Court - 25%
Military - Dropping Like A Woke Hot Potato
Biden - Abysmal
Pick any Institution - Most far below 50%

Buchanan: How, When, Or Will We Ever Come Together Again?

When 30 FBI agents showed up at Mar-a-Lago to cart off boxes of
documents, it was an authorized, legitimate and justified procedure to
retrieve national security secrets being illegally kept there.

Or it was an unprecedented regime raid on the home and office of the
foremost political rival of President Joe Biden that called to mind a
“Third World country,” the East German “Stasi,” the KGB or the

And Jan. 6, 2021?

That was a riot, a disgraceful breach of the Capitol, involving
assaults on Capitol cops that deserved to be and are being punished.

No, it was more than that. Far more. It was an “insurrection,” a
“fascist coup,” an act of treason led by far-right extremists to abort
the transfer of power from the winner of the election of 2020 to the
loser. It ranks right up there with the 1814 burning of the Capitol by
the British.

Such is the magnitude of the divide in America, a divide that extends
far beyond our clashing views of Jan. 6 and the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Consider abortion. Before the 1960s, abortion was almost universally
regarded as a shameful and criminal act. Doctors who performed
abortions were disgraced and sometimes sent to prison.

But after the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court declared that Roe v.
Wade in 1973 was wrongly decided, restoration of women’s right to an
abortion is being championed by half the nation.

The other half of America yet believes abortion involves the killing
of an unborn innocent child.

Part of America celebrates the Supreme Court’s decision to declare
marriage equality for homosexuals. Yet, a traditionalist minority
believes such a mandate imposes on the nation a secularist morality
contradicted by the tenets of the Christian faith that was the basis
of laws for our first two centuries as a nation.

Nor is it only clashing morality that divides us.

For a nation, a country, a people, a democracy to endure, there needs
be a broad consensus of belief, culture, custom and politics.

On the issue of law and order, without which a republic cannot stand,
there is now disagreement over the role and conduct of our police.

During the George Floyd summer of 2020, “Defund the Police!” was the
clamor of the left, and among the street chants of Black Lives Matter
was, “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon.”

Only a stunning political recoil caused its abandonment.

For a nation, especially a great world power like the United States,
some things are indispensable to its preservation.

A democratic republic needs to preserve the value of its currency, to
defend its borders against illegal mass migrations and invasions, to
preserve law and order, especially in its great cities.

Which of these requisites exist today when the nation suffers 8%
inflation; 250,000 illegal aliens cross our southern border every
month; and “mass shootings” occur daily in our cities during which at
least four victims are gunned down, wounded or killed?

The preservation of a democracy also requires the confidence of its
people in its defining institutions.

Yet, since the Reagan era, Americans’ collective confidence in our
major institutions has fallen from one-half of the nation to

In 2022, confidence in the Supreme Court fell by a third to 25%. Only
a fourth of the country retained high confidence in the presidency;
and confidence in Congress plummeted to 7%, or one in every 14

One in 6 Americans had great confidence in our newspapers, with only 1
in 9 citizens saying the same about television news.

In summary, we are a country whose people have a diminishing
confidence in almost all of its institutions, from big business to the
churches, universities and media. Only small business and the U.S.
military enjoy the confidence of the American people.

Public approval of Biden’s performance is at the lowest level ever
recorded for a president at this point in his first term.

True, we have been through and recovered from divisive times.

In the 1860s, 11 of the 33 states seceded and fought for four years to
gain their independence of the Union.

The 1960s were divisive, but the left, with Sen. George McGovern its
political expression, captured less than 40% of the vote against
Richard Nixon in 1972. Ronald Reagan ran up two landslides in the

Those days are long gone.

The left today dominates the academic community and culture to a
greater degree than it once did and is further removed from the heart
of the country in Middle America than it has ever been.

When, how, does America ever unite again?

And what unites us, other than an external attack on the country, like
Pearl Harbor or 9/11?

Where is the common ground on which 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
A Deeper Dive Into The CDC Reversal

Was that the point after all, to cultivate low expectations for life
on earth and relinquish the soul’s desire for a full and free life?

It was a good but bizarre day when the CDC finally reversed itself
fundamentally on its messaging for two-and-a-half years.

The source is the MMWR report of August 11, 2022. The title alone
shows just how deeply the about-face was buried: Summary of Guidance
for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons,
Communities, and Health Care Systems — United States, August 2022.

The authors: “the CDC Emergency Response Team” consisting of “Greta M.
Massetti, PhD; Brendan R. Jackson, MD; John T. Brooks, MD; Cria G.
Perrine, PhD; Erica Reott, MPH; Aron J. Hall, DVM; Debra Lubar, PhD;;
Ian T. Williams, PhD; Matthew D. Ritchey, DPT; Pragna Patel, MD;
Leandris C. Liburd, PhD; Barbara E. Mahon, MD.”

It would have been fascinating to be a fly on the wall in the
brainstorming sessions that led to this little treatise. The wording
was chosen very carefully, not to say anything false outright, much
less admit any errors of the past, but to imply that it was only
possible to say these things now.

“As SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues to
circulate globally, high levels of vaccine- and infection-induced
immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention
tools have substantially reduced the risk for medically significant
COVID-19 illness (severe acute illness and post–COVID-19 conditions)
and associated hospitalization and death. These circumstances now
allow public health efforts to minimize the individual and societal
health impacts of COVID-19 by focusing on sustainable measures to
further reduce medically significant illness as well as to minimize
strain on the health care system, while reducing barriers to social,
educational, and economic activity.“

In English:

everyone can pretty much go back to normal.

Focus on illness that is medically significant. Stop worrying about
positive cases because nothing is going to stop them. Think about the
bigger picture of overall social health. End the compulsion. Thank
you. It’s only two and a half years late.

What about mass testing?

Forget it:

“All persons should seek testing for active infection when they
are symptomatic or if they have a known or suspected exposure to
someone with COVID-19.”


What about the magic of track and trace?

“CDC now recommends case investigation and contact tracing only in
health care settings and certain high-risk congregate settings.”


What about the unvaccinated who were so demonized throughout the last year?

“CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate
based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections
occur, though they are generally mild, and persons who have had
COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against
severe illness from their previous infection.”

Remember when 40% of the members of the black community in New York
City who refused the jab were not allowed into restaurants, bars,
libraries, museums, or theaters? Now, no one wants to talk about that.

Also, universities, colleges, the military, and so on – which still
have mandates in place – do you hear this? Everything you have done to
hate on people, dehumanize people, segregate people, humiliate others
as unclean, fire people and destroy lives, now stands in disrepute.

Meanwhile, as of this writing, the blasted US government still will
not allow unvaccinated travelers across its borders!

Not one word of the CDC’s turgid treatise was untrue back in the
Spring of 2020. There was always “infection-induced immunity,” though
Fauci and Co. constantly pretended otherwise. It was always a terrible
idea to introduce “barriers to social, educational, and economic
activity.” The vaccines never promised in their authorization to stop
infection and spread, even though all official statements of the CDC
claimed otherwise, repeatedly and often.

You might also wonder how the great reversal treats masking. On this
subject, there is no backing off. After all, the Biden administration
still has an appeal in process to reverse the court decision that the
mask mandate was illegal all along.

“At the high COVID-19 Community Level,” the CDC adds, “additional
recommendations focus on all persons wearing masks indoors in public
and further increasing protection to populations at high risk.”

The problem from the beginning was that there never was an exit
strategy from the crazy lockdown/mandate idea. It was never the case
that they would magically cause the bug to go away. The excuse that we
would lock down in wait for a vaccine never made any sense.

People surely 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Strategy: "Legalize" weed drink drugs psychs, they vote for you...
Reality: Keep them high, pacified on the couch, and tax them for it...
Some sort of 1984...

Japan Wants People To Drink More Alcohol As Generational Trend Cuts Tax Haul

In some sort of Bizarro World scenario, declining alcohol consumption
is causing alarm in the halls of Japanese government, as the trend is
putting a big dent in the country's tax haul.

Average adult alcohol intake dropped from 100 liters a year in 1995 to
75 liters in 2020. Meanwhile, alcohol taxes declined from providing 3%
of Japan's tax revenue in 2011 to 2% in 2020.

As the Financial Times explains, much of the trend can be attributed
to demographics:

A fall in the total volume of alcohol consumed in Japan was
inevitable once the indigenous population began to shrink over a
decade ago and the proportion of citizens aged over 65 increased to
more than a quarter of the country eight years ago.

Reflecting a worldwide phenomenon, Japan's younger generations aren't
drinking as much as their parents and grandparents did.

The general downtrend gained steam when the Covid-19 pandemic
disrupted lifestyles. Restaurants and bars closed or limited their
operations, and people socialized less and shifted to working from
home. "Many people may have come to question whether they need to
continue the habit of drinking with colleagues to deepen
communication,” a tax official told the Japan Times.

The drop in revenue from 2018 to 2020 was the largest in 31 years.
Taxes took a big hit in 1989 with a major change in Japan's Liquor Tax

Fear not -- having admitted it has an alcohol problem, Japan's tax
agency will no longer sit idle while sobriety insidiously spreads
throughout the population. A government campaign is afoot to encourage
people to hit the bottle.

The first phase of the drinking drive is a contest called "Sake
Viva!", which asks Japanese citizens between the ages of 20 and 39 to
come up with fresh ideas for juicing the country's alcohol business.
In addition to seeking "new products and designs" and new sales
methods, the tax agency also wants strategies to encourage people to
drink at home, reports The Guardian.

After winners are named at a gala in November, the tax office plans to
promote the adoption of the winning ideas by alcohol-related
businesses. Japan's health ministry isn't participating in the
contest, but said it trusted the ensuing campaigns would emphasize
drinking only "the appropriate amount of alcohol."

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Anti-DeepState gang gaining members lately...

Tulsi Gabbard: Washington Elite Pose "Greatest Threat" To Democracy

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) says that the greatest threat to
democracy isn't Trump voters, or parents protesting at school board
meetings - "but the permanent Washington elite which has weaponized
the govt and teamed up with corporate media to intimidate and silence
those who dare to disagree with them."

"When you look at permanent Washington, you look at all the different
hands that are involved," Gabbard said during a Wednesday appearance
on Fox News. "And as we're seeing this whole situation play out over
the last couple of weeks, we see very prominently placed is the
national security state and the mainstream media. And you've outlined
some of these changing narratives and new information when they see
the old piece of information wasn't quite having the impact that they

"It's hard not to be skeptical when you look at their tactics and
their timing to really question what their motives are. To leverage
their power and their influence. To have an impact on these midterm
elections that voters will be going to vote at in just a few weeks.
And to do what they have already stated publicly is their objective,
which is to prevent Donald Trump from running for president in 2024.
This is not something new," she continued.

The greatest threat to our democracy is not Trump voters or
parents protesting at school board meetings, but the permanent
Washington elite which has weaponized the govt and teamed up with
corporate media to intimidate and silence those who dare to disagree
with them.
— Tulsi Gabbard  (@TulsiGabbard) August 18, 2022

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp

IslamoCultureFacists like Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud,
and Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, both al-Asshole...

Doled out 34 years in prison for tweeting freely,
and years of house arrest torture for speaking and escaping...

And where are all the USA's Leftist Screaming Rage Brigades
and Feminazis on all this... silent cucks and apologists,
Biden's videos even promoted it..

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of
the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel
themselves subdued. Q9:29

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans
wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait
for them in every stratagem. Q9:5

Saudi Woman Given 34 Years In Prison For Tweets

Human rights defenders this week accused US President Joe Biden of
empowering Saudi oppression after an activist was sentenced to 34
years in prison for tweeting about the fundamentalist monarchy's
repression of women.

Salma al-Shehab, a 34-year-old Saudi mother of two and graduate
student at the University of Leeds in England, was on holiday in Saudi
Arabia in January 2021 when she was arrested, tried, and sentenced to
six years behind bars for social media posts expressing support for
activist Loujain al-Hathloul, who was imprisoned at the time for
advocating for women's right to drive and an end to the kingdom's male
guardianship system.
US President Joe Biden greets Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
with a fist-bump at the Al Salam Royal Palace in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
on July 15, 2022. Photo: Saudi Press Agency

Last week, Saudi Arabia's Specialized Criminal Court of Appeal
increased al-Shehab's sentence to 34 years, plus a 34-year travel ban.
According to the Freedom Initiative, a Washington, D.C.-based group
advocating for wrongfully imprisoned people in the Middle East and
North Africa, al-Shehab's is the longest-ever prison sentence for a
women's rights activist in Saudi history.

"Saudi Arabia has boasted to the world that they are improving women's
rights and creating legal reform, but there is no question with this
abhorrent sentence that the situation is only getting worse," Bethany
Al-Haidari, the Saudi case manager at the Freedom Initiative, said in
a statement.

"It is unfortunately no surprise that MBS feels more empowered than
ever in presiding over such egregious rights violations," she
continued, referring to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Despite vowing to make Saudi Arabia a "pariah" for its human rights
abuses including the gruesome murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi,
Biden met bin Salman in Jeddah last month, where they exchanged a
now-infamous fist bump. Weeks later, the Biden administration approved
the sale of more than $3 billion worth of Raytheon missiles to Saudi

"Without any real steps toward accountability, Biden's trip to Jeddah
and the international community's embrace must feel like a green
light," Al-Haidari added. "The Saudi authorities must release Salma
and ensure that her young boys do not grow up without a mother simply
because she called for freedom for human rights activists."
Salma al-Shehab

Lina al-Hathloul, head of monitoring and communications at the Saudi-
and London-based human rights group ALQST and sister of Loujain, said
that "Saudi activists warned Western leaders that giving legitimacy to
the crown prince would pave the way for more abuses, which is
unfortunately what we are witnessing now."

She added that al-Shehab's "appalling sentence makes a mockery of the
Saudi authorities' claims of reform for women and of the legal system,
and shows they remain hell-bent on harshly punishing anyone who
expresses their opinions freely." Loujain al-Hathloul was released
from prison weeks after al-Shehab's arrest, although she remains
confined to Saudi Arabia due to a travel ban.

"It is ironic that while Loujain's release was celebrated, Salma
remained behind bars on the ground that she called for that very
release," said Al-Haidari. "It's a pattern for Saudi authorities to
ensure that women activists can't celebrate or take credit for any of
their hard-won victories."

This has “I’ll sell you the oil but in exchange I want you to shut
up about our human rights abuses, got that?” written all over it.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) August 14, 2022

While some supporters have touted reforms 

Re: Morning Spam

2022-08-18 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
List Spammer: "I'm having trouble sending emails to this mailing list.
I'd better send one off for practice."

On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 8:20 AM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery,
One Victim of Many  wrote:
> Person wanders of MCBossCorp Headquarters.
> When they wander out, a bunch of mind controlled cultists,
> experimentees, politicians, spies, ceos, homeless folk, etc etc,
> wander after them so as to keep participating in the business with
> them.
> Person Being Followed By Huge Mass Of Slaves Doing Boss's Shit: "Oh,
> hello! How are you?"

Fwd: Dr. Jean Houston's VIP Invite to mentor you to IMPACT, INFLUENCE & Success

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
Taught me so much, this lady.

-- Forwarded message -
From: Influencer's Masterclass 
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2022, 7:46 PM
Subject: Dr. Jean Houston's VIP Invite to mentor you to IMPACT, INFLUENCE &


Dear Gunnar,

I’m writing you today with an extraordinary opportunity to get a deep level
of training with one of the most influential women of the last 100 years —
our very own Dr. Jean Houston, co-founder of the human potential movement.

Jean’s ready to pass the baton onto the next generation of change-makers…

And has joined forces with her very good friend and colleague, Dr. Claire
Zammit, who herself has had a mythic impact and influence as the founder of
Evolving Wisdom, Feminine Power and The Institute for Woman-Centered
Coaching, Training & Leadership…

To teach what she hasn’t shared anywhere else: The precise skills and
strategies that ALL change-makers must unlock to ignite movements, reach
millions, make their mark and create the greatest difference in the world.

I’m incredibly excited to announce…

The Influencer’s Masterclass:

Discover The Super Strategies and Deep Skills That Will Give You the Power
to Unlock Your Genius, Ignite Greatness in Others, & Impact The World with
Your Gifts

With Jean Houston, Ph.D. and Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

& A Global Community of Influencers

As a beloved member of our Community, we are delighted to extend you a VIP
coupon code to save on your course tuition!

$100 Community Discount Coupon CODE: VIP2022

Simply select your payment option and enter your coupon code at checkout.

When you join The Influencer’s Masterclass training
you’ll begin by learning how to source the “Deep Creativity” that unlocks
your own genius and births world-changing ideas, programs, films,
businesses, products, seminars, and other work that has a tremendous impact
and resonates deeply with others, uplifting them and igniting their

Jean and Claire will then support you to unlock your power to:


   LEVERAGE your gifts so that you can focus on the areas where you have
   the greatest chance of succeeding. This will include:

  Identifying your “Zone of Greatness” and focusing on what you can
  become among the best in your field.

  Attracting the audience that will most value and want to invest in
  what you have to offer.

  Embracing 1-2 of the 5 key leadership roles that best fit your life
  vision and gifts so that you can fast-track your success.

   SUCCEED in your business (even if you’re not sure where or how to get
   started or get to the next level) by:

  Leveraging your skills and expertise to start or grow the right

  Making a thriving living and fulfilling your deepest calling.

  Mapping your pathway to making a quantum leap in exponential
  expansion by focusing on either increasing cash flow, your reach, or the
  mastery of your service delivery.

   CONNECT and build deep and lasting rapport with your audience by:

  Speaking in a way that engages people’s emotions.

  Building the deepest level of rapport that you can with your audience.

  Fully embodying the stories you tell so that the reader is drawn in
  and can fully experience the story as you tell it.

   MOVE others through the written word (whether you’re a “non-writer” or
   you have a huge project to write like a book or dissertation) by:

  Using writing to immediately connect with your reader and allow them
  to see the value in what you have to share.

  Giving your writing more ease and flow, and allowing yourself to get
  more writing done in less time.

  Using words in such a way that they jump off the page and pull the

Re: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2022-056-01966 Acknowledged

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
Dear NYPD:

>From August 3,2022 to today we have not heard from you. - is concerned you are not doing what is right.

We demand a 24 hour request on the FOIL matter given circumstances.


Gunnar Larson -

On Wed, Aug 3, 2022, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Hello:
> On Feb 10 2022, I submitted a FOIL to the NYPD concerning Request Title:
> Sound Cannon; Sound Gun; Wave Gun; Sonic Weapons; Active
> Denial System.
> Today Aug 3 2022 the FOIL was due without receiving records.
> Can you please provide an update?
> Gunnar
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2022, 2:46 PM  wrote:
>> The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has *acknowledged* your FOIL
>> request FOIL-2022-056-01966
>> .
>> You can expect a response on or about Wednesday, August 3, 2022.
>> Additional Information:
>> Your request has been assigned to Police Officer Covo (646-610-6458).
>> *Note: Due to issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic there may be
>> extensive delays, lasting up to one year, in determining your request.*
>> Please visit FOIL-2022-056-01966
>>  to
>> view additional information and take any necessary action.
> Your request FOIL-2022-056-01966 has been successfully submitted to the
>> New
>> York City Police Department (NYPD). The details of your request are shown
>> below.
>> Request Title: Sound Cannon; Sound Gun; Wave Gun; Sonic Weapons; Active
>> Denial System.
>> Request Description: Other Request
>> Request Type: Other Request
>> *Other Request*
>> Type of Request: Administrative Guide
>> Report #:
>> Date: 02/04/2022
>> Time:
>> Precinct:
>> Location:
>> Description: We would like to receive a copy of the NYPD administrative
>> guide related to the use of Sound Cannon; Sound Gun; Wave Gun; Sonic
>> Weapons; Active Denial System technologies.
>> Requester's Contact Information
>> *Name:*
>> Gunnar Larson
>> *Title:*
>> Not provided
>> *Organization:*
>> *Email:*
>> *Phone Number:*
>> (646) 454-9107
>> *Fax Number:*
>> Not provided
>> *Street Address (line 1):*
>> You can view the request and take any necessary action at the following
>> webpage:
>> -2022-056-01966.

Re: MIA Coin and POX Kleptocracy: CORRUPTION FIN-2022-A001 - SAR 38(m).

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
Dear FinCen:

Kindly asking for an update on NYCCoin and MIA Coin.

We feel this is a matter of international peace and security.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson -

On Fri, Apr 15, 2022, 1:17 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Dear FinCEN:
> -, PBC thanks you for sending yesterday's advisory on
> kleptocracy and foreign public corruption. We have made 30 highlights to
> the FIN-2022-A001
> advisory for reference.
> *The aim of today's memo is to learn FinCEN's insights into MIA Coin and
> the consensus algorithm Proof of Transfer (POX). -, PBC is
> concerned about potential MIA Coin and City Coin kleptocracy that may be
> affecting our global enterprise. *
> *FinCEN may note that NYCCoin is illegal in New York State, given the
> BitLicense mandate. As such, we are not concerned with NYCCoin's legality
> given the clear BitLicense mandate.  *
>- On February 4, 2022 we submitted a City of Miami records request for
>any and all correspondence between the City of Miami concerning CityCoins,
>MIA Coin and Stacks (STX). Additionally, any and all related correspondence
>concerning CityCoins, MIA Coin, Stacks (STX), Digital World Acquisition
>Corp and Harvard Management Company.
>- Today, April 15, 2022
>we have yet to receive the 13, 092 records. Attached you will find our
>latest correspondence with Miami, notifying them of our intention to
>contact FinCEN concerning MIA Coin and POX.
>- Conducting independent marketplace research, -, PBC
>established a premise to potential kleptocracy between the City of Miami
>and City Coins, of Iceland 
>international registration. Furthermore, is registered
>in Germany .
>- Please find the City of Miami's resolution
> approving
>gifts from City Coins ... Furthermore, City Coins suggests a $25,000
>(that may be confused as bribery) for Mayors who participate.
> MIA Coin is powered by POX
> ,
> a computer protocol that may exploit the U.S. and international financial
> systems to launder illicit gains, including through the use of shell
> companies, offshore financial centers, and professional service providers
> who enable the movement and laundering.
> MIA Coin' POX protocol is a wealth extraction tool that unfairly rewards
> an inside group of miners, rewarding patronage networks that benefit his
> inner circle and regime. These practices harm the competitive landscape of
> financial markets and often have long-term corrosive effects on good
> governance, democratic institutions, and human rights standards.
> FinCEN, we are concerned Miami's City Coin
> resolution potentially confirms Miami leaders as kleptocrats, using their
> position and influence to enrich themselves and their networks of corrupt
> actors.
> Finally, we understand that MIA Coin and POX  operations are powered by
> international data warehouses, located in Iceland, Germany and Hong Kong.
> For these reasons, given FinCEN's alert on kleptocracy and foreign public
> corruption we kindly seek guidance.
> Sending you the very best regards.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> --
> *Gunnar Larson -  - ,
> PBC*
> MSc
> - Digital Currency
> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> +1-646-454-9107
> New York, New York 10001
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network <
> Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 2:46 PM
> Subject: FinCEN Updates: FinCEN Issues Advisory on Kleptocracy and Foreign
> Public Corruption
> To: 
> *You are subscribed to FinCEN Updates. The information below is available
> at*
> *FinCEN Issues Advisory on Kleptocracy and Foreign Public Corruption*
> The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today issued an advisory
> on kleptocracy and foreign public corruption, urging financial institutions
> to focus their 

Fwd: | Shelf Charter Update

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 11:40 AM
Subject: | Shelf Charter Update
To: Weintraub, Cathy (DFS) 
Cc: Gunnar Larson 

Dear Cathy:

Hope you are enjoying a nice day.

*'s Shelf Charter application is making good progress:*

   - In preview, kindly find an contents overview of the document.
   - When you have a moment, please review the attached and let us know if
   there are any additional key points we should cover for your team's full
   - How would you like us to include's virtual currency
   considerations into the Shelf Carter review?

Would it be possible to schedule a  phone conversation together this week?
It would be nice to connect on some other sensitive elements to the Shelf Carter application. For example, the document
compares/contrasts's leadership to that of our peers (example,
Robinhood). We want you to know our approach is not arrogant in this
comparison, obviously.

Looking forward to your feedback on the contents overview attached.

Warm regards,


*Gunnar Larson -  | *

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001 _ New York State Shelf Charter Application (Contents - 04.12.21).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Fwd: Conference

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Choy, Man-Ying (DFS) 
Date: Thu, Jul 15, 2021, 3:14 PM
Subject: Conference
To: Gunnar Larson 
Cc: Weintraub, Cathy (DFS) 

Mr. Larson:

As per our conversation, we would like to invite you for a conference call
at 3:30 pm today.

Please use the following call-in number:


*Access Code: 648 054 024*

*Man Ying Choy*

Principal Bank Examiner 1

*New York State Department of Financial Services*

One State Street, New York, NY 10004-1511

Phone: (212)

Fwd: | Research Paper

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Goberdhan, Harry (DFS) 
Date: Tue, May 4, 2021, 5:36 PM
Subject: RE: | Research Paper
To: Gunnar Larson 
Cc: Weintraub, Cathy (DFS) 

Thanks, Mr. Larson:

I will take a look and let you know if there is need for a meeting to
discuss any of the interesting point(s) in the article.

Best regards,

*Harry C. Goberdhan, Esq.*

Assistant Counsel

*New York State Department of Financial Services*

One State Street, New York, NY 10004

Phone: (212) 709-1669 |  Fax: (212) 709-1655

*From:* Gunnar Larson 
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 4, 2021 4:18 PM
*To:* Goberdhan, Harry (DFS) 
*Cc:* Weintraub, Cathy (DFS) 
*Subject:* | Research Paper

*ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open
attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails.*

Dear Harry:

Thank you for the call today.

Attached, there please find an "Off-the-Record" submission in part to our call today. You can also locate the file here:

Perhaps we can organize another Teams meeting this week to discuss any
points you may find interesting. Many of the questions today could be
answered via the research and 77 references attached to this email.

Thank you,



*Gunnar Larson -



- Digital Currency


- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)


New York, New York 10001

Fwd: Shelf Charter

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Weintraub, Cathy (DFS) 
Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 11:16 AM
Subject: Shelf Charter


I am the Director of Bank Applications at the New York State Department of
Financial Services.

I was forwarded your expression of interest in applying for a Shelf
Charter.  I tried to phone you this morning to discuss the application
process at 646-458-9107, but I was unable to complete the call.  Perhaps
you could call me today to discuss the steps in the process
(212-709-1531).  I can also send you written information that describes the
information requirements for an application.  I generally urge potential
applicants to arrange a pre-application meeting to discuss their business
proposal and the application process.

Regards, Cathy Weintraub

*Cathy Weintraub, *Ph.D.

Director of Bank Applications

*New York State Department of Financial Services*

One State Street,  New York, NY 10004+1511

Phone: (212) 709-1531 I *

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
>> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
>> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Trump Spox Calls For 'No Redactions' Of FBI Trump Raid Affidavit After
Judge Orders DOJ To Unseal 'Portions'

Update (1550ET): In response to Judge Reinhart ordering the DOJ to
release a redacted version of the Trump raid affidavit, Trump
spokesman Taylor Budowich called for no redactions," citing
"Democrats' penchant for using redactions to hide government

Trump spokesman @TayFromCA says again that affidavit should be
made public and calls for "no redactions," citing "Democrats' penchant
for using redactions to hide government corruption."
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 18, 2022

*  *  *

The Trump-hating judge who signed off on the FBI warrant to raid
Mar-a-Lago has ordered the DOJ to unseal portions of the underlying
affidavit, after several media outlets and activist groups made the
case that it was in the public interest to see it.

"I’m not prepared to find that the affidavit should be fully sealed,"
said Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart following a hearing in which a
top government lawyer argued that releasing the document could
"severely compromise" an ongoing investigation that's in its "early
stages," adding that a line-by-line redaction of the document was

"On my initial careful review ... there are portions of it that can be

Reinhart said he would "give the government a full and fair
opportunity" to make redactions, according to Bloomberg, setting a
deadline of next Thursday - after which he will review it and release
it if he agrees with the redactions.

*  *  *

Several media organizations have urged a Florida judge to release most
of an FBI affidavit which was used to justify the DOJ's search warrant
for last week's raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence.
A Palm Beach Police officer at the entrance of former US President
Donald Trump's house at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, on Aug.
9.Photographer: Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg

According to a filing by the group, which includes the New York Times,
AP and CNN, the public has a "clear and powerful interest" in what led
to the unprecedented action by the DOJ against the sitting president's
top political opponent.

While the group says that the document should be released "with only
those redactions that are necessary to protect a compelling interest
articulated by the government," the Justice Department says that such
a redacted version of the affidavit would leave the document so devoid
of content that it wouldn't provide any insight.

The government has given “little explanation as to how release
would harm the ongoing investigation” even though many details of the
probe are already public, the group said in the filing in federal
court in West Palm Beach, where US District Judge Bruce Reinhart will
hold a hearing on the matter Thursday.

The affidavit provides the basis on which the judge authorized the
search of Trump’s estate. The dispute over its release is the latest
fallout from the Aug. 8 search, which culminated in FBI agents carting
away 11 sets of classified documents in about 20 boxes. Threats
against the FBI -- and the judge -- have jumped since then. -Bloomberg

"The secrecy surrounding the search warrant, and the affidavit that
led to its issuance, has caused the nation to convulse with intrigue
and harmful speculation that will only increase the longer the truth
is kept from the public," said Judicial Watch in a statement. "The
heat must be replaced with light, and soon."

Trump has also called for the document to be publicly released, though
he hasn't filed anything in court to back that up.

The request comes as Newsweek reports that the FBI raid was
specifically intended to recover Trump's personal "stash" of hidden
documents - which reportedly deal with a "variety of intelligence
matters of interest to the former president, the officials
suggest—including material that Trump apparently thought would
exonerate him of any claims of Russian collusion in 2016 or any other
election-related charges."

When Trump left the White House in January 2021, many of the

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Putin's brutality continues...
> Putin the Invader, go fuck yourself.

Prediction Markets: "Will 'The Bridge' Fall?"

While Ukraine gets lucky smashing RU air and ammo dumps
in formerly verboten areas such as Crimea,
Russia and all others in the world bid on diabolical weaponry...

Russia Shows Off Robo-Dog With RPG At Military Convention

Russia displayed new and experimental technologies at its annual
defense convention at the Patriot Center near Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered an opening speech at the
Military and Technical Forum ARMY 2022 on Tuesday, organized by the
Russian Ministry of Defense, and said that over "28,000 modern samples
of military and dual-use products" are being showcased by
approximately 1,500 Russian manufacturers to defense officials from 72

In the speech, Putin continued:

"We are ready to offer our allies and partners the most modern
types of weapons, from small arms to armored vehicles and artillery,
from warplanes to drones. These guns are in demand among military
professionals all over the world for their reliability, quality, and
most importantly, their high efficiency. Almost all of them have been
used many times in real military operations."

Putin Speech at the opening ceremony: of the Army 2022
forum and the International Army Games 2022: Aerobatics teams at the
opening of the military-technical forum #Army2022 :International
military-technical forum "Army-2022" Vladimir Putin took part in the
— World News 24 (@DailyWorld24) August 15, 2022

One of the most modern types of weapons that Putin was referring to
appears to be an intelligent four-legged robo-dog wielding an RPG-26
rocket launcher on its back.

Videos of Russian engineering company Intellect Machine's M-81 robotic
system roaming the convention center floors with a rocket launcher
went viral on social media.

Ohh my… Innovation level: Russian robot dog with rocket launcher
at Russia’s Army 2022 Defense Exposition.
— CaucasusWarReport (@Caucasuswar) August 16, 2022

A Russian robot complex, assembled using Chinese technology and
capable of using RPGs, at the #Army2022 forum.
— خالد اسكيف (@khalediskef) August 16, 2022

 #ARMY2022
A robot dog with a grenade launcher on his back appeared at the
forum. This is a Chinese technology, the cost is about 1 million
rubles(16,161.75 US Dollars). Robopes became the star of the first day
of the forum.
— DanBardak (@DanBardak) August 15, 2022

This would not be the first time the West's adversaries have displayed
a robo-dog for war. Last month, a video surfaced on social media of a
Chinese robot dog by Hangzhou-based company Unitree Robotics with a
machine gun mounted on its back.

All the people who laughed off the “worrywarts” years ago for
freaking out about the Funny Dancing Robot Dogs (tm) should be forced
to watch this video once a day for the remainder of the year.
— Sean Chiplock @ (SOON) PWR^ South Bend (@sonicmega) July 20, 2022

Here are the other weapons displayed at the defense convention that
wraps up on Sunday:

Russian Helicopters Company, a subsidiary of state-owned Rostec
Corporation displayed during the 8th International Military-Technical
Forum (Army 2022) exhibition a new unmanned helicopter, called the
— Vnation 111 (@Vnation_111) August 17, 2022

Future "Arctic" SSBN concept: "Arktur" and its companion UUV "Surrogat-V".
Photos by @MuxelAero.

Borei-A for comparison. #ARMY2022
— Dmitry Stefanovich (@KomissarWhipla) August 15, 2022

First day of Russian forum #Army2022 #Армия2022. What’s new in
#UAV game? Not much so far. Two models of wannabe MQ-1 Predator -
Orion-E with control station, and old Foton-601 construction developed
by Ruskosmos with Samara University.
— Intel Takes (@inteltakes) August 15, 2022

Mini missile for Pantsir-S1M of which reportedly up to 48 can be
fired from a single launch vehicle. #ARMY2022
— Reggie Meezer (@ReggieMeezer) August 16, 2022

X-69 (Kh-69) air launched missile with 290km rangeit has
apparently been tested in Ukraine already #ARMY2022
— Reggie Meezer (@ReggieMeezer) August 16, 2022

"Linza" combat ambulance of the 2nd series #Army2022
— Prateek (@PrateekRoutray) August 15, 2022

It seems @RosatomGlobal has exhibited models of 152mm & 203mm
tactical #nuclear #artillery shells at #Army2022 in #Russia .
Signalling going out here !
Also products depicted are often for sale to "friends" , some
203mm nuclear artillery wouldn't be a bad thing to have you know.
— Ninjamonkey  

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Increasing Taxes, Arming Revenuers, Auditing People, Pork Spending,
Raising Debt... all surefire ways to piss off any electorate when
they wake up...

USA is literally bankrupt, only massive cuts will solve it, not taxes...

Taxation Is Theft (and War)...

The USA did just fine with trivial to no taxation.
Then GovCorp Politicians ruined it without consideration of the people,
a Deep State if you will...

Per recent rumblings... all fine component grounds for another Revolution.
Expect fun in 2024.

Data Shows Number Of Low-Income Audits Could Triple As IRS Grows

The Internal Revenue Service Headquarters Building in Washington on
Sept. 19, 2018. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

The IRS audited 197 low-income families for every high-wealth family
in 2019, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO)—a
number that some experts expected to climb under an IRS turbocharged
with more money and manpower.

Over the next decade, the Democrat’s new “Inflation Reduction Act”
will provide the IRS with 87,000 new agents and $80 billion in
funding, with nearly $46 billion earmarked for enforcement.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the tax and spend bill
is projected to bring in $203.7 billion in revenue from 2022 to 2031.

President Joe Biden’s administration has promised no new taxes or
audits on households making less than $400,000 per year.

But experts say that promise may be hard to keep.

A previous CBO analysis using a similar funding plan featured in the
Inflation Reduction Act found audit rates would be restored to levels
around 10 years ago. The analysis showed the audit rates would rise
for all taxpayers, but the ones with higher incomes would face the
biggest increase.

The oldest data available in the 2022 Government Accountability Office
report released this year was for 2010. That’s when the IRS was better
funded and staffed with some 95,000 full time employees.

>From 2010-2019, the IRS audited 0.9 percent across all income groups
compared to 0.25 percent now.

Rachel Greszler, a budget and entitlements senior research fellow at
the Heritage Foundation, told The Epoch Times that even returning to
the 2010 audit levels for those making more than $400,000 per year,
would still fall short of the IRS’s revenue goal.

“My rough estimate shows that returning to the 2010 audit levels for
all income groups would only generate a little over 20 percent of the
bills’ estimated enforcement revenues in 2031,” she said.

In her commentary on the Heritage Foundation’s website Aug. 12,
Greszler wrote the numbers don’t add up using 2019 data either without
the lower- and middle-class.

Even increasing recent audit rates 30-fold for taxpayers making over
$400,000—including 100 percent audit rates on taxpayers with incomes
over $10 million—still would fall more than 20 percent short of
raising the estimated $35.3 billion in new revenues by 2031, she

So it stands to reason that taxpayers can expect audit rates more like
those about a decade ago.

GAO statistics show a larger number of audits in 2010 for taxpayers in
the $0-$24,999 tax bracket than the high wealth households. About
579,000 audits were performed on the lowest tax bracket in 2010,
compared to 197,000 in 2019.

Yet for the wealthy, high wealth audits of $10 million or more stood
at 2,800 in 2010, dipping to 1,000 in 2019.

While a higher percentage of high wealthy households is audited more
than poor ones, the lower class sees more audits overall.

A better-funded IRS in 2010 audited the poor much more aggressively
than the super wealthy—at a rate of 207 to 1.

In recent years, the IRS audited taxpayers with incomes below $25,000
and those with incomes of $500,000 or more at higher-than-average
rates. But, audit rates have dropped for all income levels—with audit
rates falling the most for taxpayers 

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp

Re: 1984: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp  Trump Won

Evidence of Hillary's IT guy, Paul Combetta, asking Reddit how to
cover up emails.

Joe Biden wrote the Patriot Act, and the Drug Prison Act, and...

The WEF has recruited over 110,000 'information warriors' to control
the online narrative.
Operation Northwoods.
The CDC drastically relaxes guidelines to the point of “just go back
to normal” — Fauci denies ever suggesting lockdowns — Birx admits the
vaccine was “oversold” — watch these bastards try to walk back on
everything they ever did after ruining millions of lives. Don’t let

Our "leaders" are a bunch of 80-year-old drugged out gangsters who
steal our money and give it to their lobbyists. This system is a joke.
We need 4-year term limits NOW

Why don't famous people eat insects? Why don't they stop using private
jets and do Zoom calls instead, and downsize their homes to save the

My original post about Oprah Winfrey's private jet making 11 trips to
Epstein's island while there are numerous recorded cases of young
female students going missing from Oprah's privately funded school in

FBI Whistleblower leaks "Domestic Terrorism" symbols guide.

Why did the bulk of news organizations remove the ability to comment
on their articles on their websites?

LOL 4 doses! CEO of Pfizer advertising the "effectiveness" if his product

When is it time to admit that the Government was in bed with Big Pharma?
Builds mRNA factory on govt funded school property.

VP Kamala Harris is slammed as a hypocrite for condemning Russia's
'wrongful detention' of cannabis smuggler Brittney Griner when SHE
locked up a THOUSAND Californians for pot possession as state AG

Newly released photos show Maxwell and Epstein relaxing at a cabin
thought to be the porch of the Queen's log cabin. Is it possible this
all goes way, way deeper and worse than we thought?

Re: - New York State Saftey Concern

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
Dear Madam Attorney General:

This matter hangs in balance at the sacrifice of international peace and

As a Bill and Melinda Gates Scholar, with further international distinction
as a Blockchain Scholar and Al Neuharth Freedom Forum Scholar (Founder, USA
Today), - must implore immediate New York State action.

Warm regards,

Gunnar Larson -

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022, 8:25 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Dear Madam Attorney General:
> As - has continues to help pioneer digital asset
> innovation out of New York City, it has become apparent that our personal
> saftey is a concern. Specifically, we are aware of various threats to our
> saftey via alternative techniques concerning entrapment.
> Obviously, we support all vetting and effectiveness of intense
> interrigation from the effencent technology that is pioneering the next
> generation of saftey and surveillance. Yes, we are on the cutting edge of
> New York innovation and are proud to be engaged in group actions (NYPD,
> Trooper, FBI, DHS and other) monitoring - activities.
> Meanwhile, also as a litigation finance journalist living in Chelsea I
> have noticed particular threats to personal saftey. The FBI and NYPD have
> been very helpful in taking reports of these concerns and have offered
> general comfot to personal wellbeing.
> That being said we are aware of Palantir's system capabilities and respect
> the watchful eye of New York City authorities. However, we cannot be sure
> of the level of abuse to our enterprise. Furthermore, the Superintendent of
> New York State's Departmentof Financial Services holds certain conflicts to
> - security from our last correspondence with your office.
> We aim to not exacerbate the NYPD and FBI who are aware of the conflicts
> mentioned as we challenge our competitor's board directors under the NY-DFS
> Superintendent's auspicies.
> The "PayPal Mafia" is in the crosshairs of - and the
> Superintendent is not necessarily providing the NYPD and FBI a safe space
> for our efforts.
> Your office may find
> 158 highlights to DONALD J. TRUMP, vs. HILLARY R. CLINTON insightful to
> the RICO approaches:
> - is at the liberty of the esteemed New York State
> Attorney on the techniques currently in use. For added information we have
> corrinated 212 highlights to "The Entrapment Controversy" here:
> Madam Attorney General, as a Bill and Melinda Gates Scholar and Blockchain
> Scholar with further international distinction as a pricipal to the launch
> of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, I am
> confident that -'s RICO approach usurps Mr. Trumps at
> global scale.
> -'s access to litigation investment is not to be
> adversarial to New York State at any level. For these these reasons we
> kindly seek the Attorney General's Office urgent assessment of the matter.
> Additionally, we note the pending actions to our New York False Claims Act
> requests to challenge the PayPal Mafia's potential RICO at the libery of
> -'s global enterprise.
> Further NY-DFS FOIL requests are pending and we fear the Superintendent's
> Goldman Sachs and Brex associations are party to Mr. Trump's RICO approach.
> Sending you warm regards.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> -
> 646-454-9107
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2022, 10:46 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Dear Attorney General James:
>> - has been reporting concern of collusion between Peter
>> Thiel and Donald Trump with respect to the Moscow Exchange. Mr. Trump has
>> filed a similar RICO claim concerning Russia and Ms. Clinton.
>> This is a very serious problem.
>> We have contacted Meta Platform's Board and Palantir Technologies Board
>> Directors
>> Meta has responded signaling awareness of the Moscow Exchange and the
>> concern.
>> Palantir has yet to respond. Russia's President labels Palantir and Meta
>> potential extremists organizations.
>> Meanwhile, we have contacted the New York State Department of Financial
>> Services (NY-DFS) concerning Ms. Harris' former Brex role.
>> NY-DFS has responded and we have appealed for Ms. Harris' resignation.
>> We seek the Attorney General's office urgent assessment of the Moscow
>> Exchange concern. Meanwhile, we will notify the FBI who I understand may be
>> aware of the efforts.
>> Respectfully yours,
>> Gunnar Larson
>> -
>> 646-454-9107
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to 

Re: Assange's Case #FREEASSANGE

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Persecuted since 2010, subjected to siege in embassy asylum since 2012,
> and jailed since 2019, 12 years now... 12 years the State has spent
> trying to kill the Freedom of Speech and a Human Being...
> Julian Assange must be released.

US Attorneys representing Julian Assange launch lawsuit against Trump
CIA director Mike Pompeo for illegally spying on their conversations
View full complaint filed Monday in Southern District of New York

PETER THIEL see this

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
‘You can fuck some of the people all of the time, and all of the people
some of the time, but you are going to end up in a body bag or a pine box
before you manage to fuck all of the people all of the time.’

Hero of the revolution - Carl Johnson - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson

March 10, 2022


Mr. John Marzulli
United States Department of Justice
Eastern District of New York
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn New York, 11201

Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

Dear Mr. Marzulli:

The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo
#3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred
Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement

with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
enforcement being concerned.
Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of
aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and
serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided
capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.


   Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York
   State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against
   peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or
   participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of
   aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed

   In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple
   idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs
   alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the
   ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s
   assertion of war crimes.

   Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be
   amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing
   the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement
   being self-policing.

Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission
in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the
northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military
presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish
military control.


   The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of
   Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer
   Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the
   Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004.

   Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its
   Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now -
   was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference
   content from the world’s most important multinational organization.

   Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such
   projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.

Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that
would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the
war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military
divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.

The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s

Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side
whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of
aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s
core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border
war crime regulatory frameworks.


   On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman
   Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after
   foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets.
   Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10
   securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper
   notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily
   prohibited such transactions.

   On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily
   newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global
   Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of

Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is
one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing.
Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been
tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international
peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the
United States of America’s financial security.

Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace 

Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
You know, when your legal name is "Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson" ...
One day, you realize you have 'Donald' and 'Peter' in there.

Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson  obviously finds the whole - project an organic evolution.

158 highlights to DONALD J. TRUMP, vs. HILLARY R. CLINTON.

2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
158 highlights to DONALD J. TRUMP, vs. HILLARY R. CLINTON.

Honestly, I understand the FBI's scenario here. Why on god's green Earth
would New York be used and abused while at the expense of innovation.


2022-08-18 Thread Gunnar Larson
People should revisit the Whitepaper:

Yes, sure, the Bitcoin Whitepaper is famous too...

Spirit of 96

2022-08-18 Thread professor rat
1996 - Cypherpunks direct-action defense of privacy begins in earnest - 1996 
now over a quarter-of-a-century ago.

‘You can fuck some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of 
the time, but you are going to end up in a body bag or a pine box before you 
manage to fuck all of the people all of the time.’ 

Hero of the revolution - Carl Johnson


2022-08-18 Thread professor rat
Firstly there is more evidence for Hercules than any " Jesus " from 2k years 

Second - this bs ' Jesus " as described, reportedly said " Render unto Caesar 
what is Caesar's "

Statists like this can't complain when justice is served following their 
terrorist attack on some coin-mixers. Ecce homo. It would be better such a man 
was never born.

Finally and in related news . . . Mussolini was Catholic. Franco was Catholic.
Himmler, head of the SS, was a Catholic. The SS was set up on the Jesuit model. 
Goebbels was Catholic.
Hoss, the camp commandant of Auschwitz, was a Catholic. 
Frank,‘ the Butcher of Poland ’, was Catholic.

Fusion ignition reported as a first - paves way for color-conductive, ansible pixels

2022-08-18 Thread professor rat
APster assassinphone designers have long theorized a black-and-white TV-style 
Ansible based on Bose-Einstein-Condensate for black  and color-conductive, for 
white ' pixels '.

Though the engineering problems of bringing the very hot and the very cold 
together in a working device remain formidable at least some experimental 
progress is being made.


Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Bill Gates has his syringy hands poked in everything these days...

Deep State Cheney's still got their mitts poked in everything...

re 2016: Trump Announces Candidacy, Declares War On Deep State

Liz Cheney Vows To Do 'Whatever It Takes' To Stop Trump

Update 0842ET: Liz Cheney wants Americans to 'unite' across party
lines to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the White House following
her devastating defeat in Wyoming's primary on Tuesday.

Cheney lost to challenger Harriet Hageman, who received 66.3% of the
vote vs. Cheney's 28.9%.

In an early Wednesday statement to NBC, Cheney said she was "thinking
about" a 2024 presidential run - and has launched a new political
organization called "The Great Task," a reference to President Abraham
Lincoln's Gettysburg address.

Lincoln Project rebrand about to drop. The most overfunded and
media-beloved fringe group in history.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 17, 2022

"That’s a decision that I’m going to make in the coming months," she
said, adding "It is something that I'm thinking about."

“I’ll make a decision in the coming months.” — Rep. Liz Cheney
said about possibly running for President.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) August 17, 2022

"I have said since Jan. 6 that I will do whatever it takes to ensure
Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office and I mean

In addition to her new PAC, Cheney will have a public forum for
her campaign against Trump as vice chair of the committee
investigating the former president’s role in the Capitol insurrection
until she leaves Congress in January. Cheney was a rising Republican
star until she stood up to Trump. After she voted to impeach Trump in
the aftermath of the attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters,
the political costs for Cheney’s defiance mounted. The Wyoming
Republican Party voted to censure her and asked her to resign. Then
she was removed as the third-ranking  House Republican leader by her
colleagues, who accused her of abandoning the party.  That culminated
in her loss Tuesday to Hageman by a two-to-one margin with half the
votes counted. -Bloomberg

As Bloomberg also notes, Cheney's loss illustrates how strong Trump's
grip is on the Republican party - with just two of 10 House
Republicans who voted to impeach him following the J6 capitol attack
having survived their primaries to make the ballot in November's
general election.

*  *  *

Update 2020ET: In a widely expected outcome, former President Donald
Trump's highest-profile GOP critic, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, has
been voted out of Congress.

Her challenger, Harriet Hageman, was ahead by more than 30% with 13%
of the votes counted - enough for NBC News to call it for her.
Wyoming Republican Harriet Hageman

Cheney, the daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney, had been
the #3 ranked Republican in the House - easily winning her last
election in 2020. Things changed, however, when she became one of 10
Republicans that voted to impeach Trump - who Democrats accused of
inciting the January 6th riot. She later joined the January 6th
committee, on which she currently services as Vice Chair.

And look at what happened to the rest of the anti-Trump Republicans
who voted to impeach:

Cheney: Two years ago. I won this primary with 73% of the vote. I
could easily have done the same again. The path was clear. But it
would've required that I go along with president trump's lie about the
2020 election.. That was a path I could not and
would not take.
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 17, 2022

"Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN
in Wyoming," Trump said in a statement on Truth Social. "This is a
wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect
Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed
of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words
and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the
depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much
happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!"

*  *  *

If recent polls are any indication, neocon Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is
about to lose her seat in today's primaries, after going on a
poorly-received crusade against former President Donald Trump.

In one recent poll, Cheney challenger Harriet Hageman - who disputed
the legitimacy of the 2020 US election - was leading Cheney by nearly
30 points. Of note, 70% of Wyoming voters chose Trump in 2020 - the
highest percentage of any state in the nation.

Cheney, 56, sparked conservative backlash against her by choosing to
die on hill of election fraud and the January 6th committee, of which
she's the vice chair. Unsurprisingly, her warmongering father's
laughable campaign ad  in which he said there's 'never been a greater
threat to our republic than Donald Trump' didn't do Liz any favors.

"She’s almost certainly toast," said 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Bill Gates has his syringy hands poked in everything these days...

Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act "Secretly" Brought To You By Bill Gates

The Democrats' "Inflation Reduction Act" - which according to the
Congressional Budget Office will raise taxes on the middle class to
the tune of $20 billion - not to mention unleash an army of IRS agents
on working class Americans over the next decade, was made possible by
Bill Gates and (in smaller part) Larry Summers, who have been known to
hang out together.
Pals hanging out

The bill, of course, was signed yesterday.

This is what dementia looks like:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 16, 2022

In a Tuesday Bloomberg article that reads more like a newsletter for
the Gates fan club, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder recalls how
earlier this year, as moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and
Kyrsten Sinema continued to block the tax-and-spend legislation over
concerns that it would raise taxes on the middle class (it will),
Gates says he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he'd been
cultivating since at least 2019.

Gates was banking on more than just his trademark optimism about
addressing climate change and other seemingly intractable problems
that have been his focus since stepping down as Microsoft’s chief
executive two decades ago. As he revealed to Bloomberg Green, he has
quietly lobbied Manchin and other senators, starting before President
Joe Biden had won the White House, in anticipation of a rare moment in
which heavy federal spending might be secured for the clean-energy

Those discussions gave him reason to believe the senator from West
Virginia would come through for the climate — and he was willing to
continue pressing the case himself until the very end. “The last month
people felt like, OK, we tried, we're done, it failed,” Gates said. “I
believed it was a unique opportunity.” So he tapped into a
relationship with Manchin that he’d cultivated for at least three
years. “We were able to talk even at a time when he felt people
weren’t listening.” -Bloomberg

We know, gag us with a spoon.

Apparently Gates and Manchin's bromance began when the billionaire
wooed the West Virgina Senator at a 2019 meal in Seattle, in an effort
to garner support for clean-energy policy. Manchin at the time was the
senior-most Democrat on the energy committee.

"My dialogue with Joe has been going on for quite a while," said Gates.

After Manchin walked (again) on the bill last December over concerns
that it would exacerbate the national debt, inflation, the pandemic,
and amid geopolitical uncertainty with Russia, Gates jumped into
action. A few weeks later, he met with Manchin and his wife, Gayle
Conelly Manchin, at a DC restaurant, where they talked about what West
Virginia needed. Manchin understandably wanted to preserve jobs at the
center of the US coal industry, while Gates suggested that coal plant
workers could simply swap over to nuclear plants - such as those from
Gates' TerraPower.

Manchin apparently wasn't convinced, announcing on Feb. 1 that "Build
Back Better" (the Inflation Reduction Act's previous iteration) was

In an effort to convince him otherwise, Democrats pulled together a
cadre of economists and other Manchin influencers - including former
Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who convinced Manchin that the
bill wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class, or add to the deficit.

Collin O’Mara, chief executive officer of the National Wildlife
Federation, recruited economists to assuage Manchin’s concerns —
including representatives from the University of Chicago and the
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Senator Chris Coons
of Delaware brought in a heavyweight: former Treasury Secretary
Lawrence Summers, who has spent decades advising Democrats.

The economists were able to “send this signal that [the bill’s]
going to help with the deficit,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be
slightly deflationary and it’s going to spur growth and investment in
all these areas.” Through this subtle alchemy, clean-energy
investments could be reframed for Manchin as a hedge against future
spikes in oil and gas prices and a way to potentially export more
energy to Europe. -Bloomberg

Gates also sprang into action again on July 7, when Manchin was
spotted at the Sun Valley media conference in Idaho - which Gates also

"We had a talk about what was missing, what needed to be done," Gates
said. "And then after that it was a lot of phone calls."

Gates looks back at the new law with satisfaction. He achieved
what he set out to do. “I will say that it's one of the happier
moments of my climate work,” Gates said. “I have two things that
excite me 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020...

Joe Biden has gone 31 of the past 47 days without
taking a single question from the press. He has not
done an on-camera interview with an American press
outlet since February 10. Democrat Frauds.

"They banned a sitting president from social media,
impeached him two times, jailed his supporters, and
now raided his home And then they go on TV and call
us the fascists."

This is what Dementia looks like, along with $740B
in useless Govt Propaganda Scam, which is scarier...?


Deep State Guns For Trump, Just Like Assange...
The former CIA director over the last few days:
-called for the execution of Trump
-called the GOP the world’s most dangerous & contemptible ideology
But don’t you dare question the intelligence community’s integrity.
Yale Pediatric Gender Program director says she treats kids as
young as THREE on their “gender journey” including medical intervention.
Watch @SethDillon drop red-pill after red-pill on abortion
This video will make the Left very unhappy DO NOT SHARE!
Cheney's got thrown out, till Lincoln saved them and their
Deep State cronies, only to get KO'd in the coming round.
TUCKER: "I must say I feel sorry for her [Liz Cheney]. It turns
out American voters are harder to deal with than Iraqi civilians,
you can't just drone them to death."
"Liz Cheney is America's foremost defender of democracy,
but democracy spanked her hard last night..."
"Weird flex given adopting children into lifestyle is grooming."
"The true target was this private stash, which Justice officials
feared Donald Trump might weaponize... documents that Trump had been
collecting since early in his administration." "Including material
that...would exonerate him of... Russian collusion."

Massie: Our tax system is seriously messed up if it requires an army
of accountants with rifles and handguns. Why not simplify the tax code
instead of spending billions of dollars to hire 87,000 more agents?
Flat tax? Fair tax? Aren’t both preferable to the complicated system
we have?
Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle
I’ve been permanently demonetized & suspended (twice) by YouTube,
permanently banned from PayPal/Venmo, permanently banned from Twitch,
lost my merch stores on Represent & Teezily, & now I’m being warned by
Discord that my entire server might get nuked. So much for free
“Don’t you dare question the FBI”
Last year, Abrams, Warnock and Biden fueled a boycott with smears,
costing Atlanta small businesses $100M in revenue. Last week, Warnock
voted to send 87K new IRS enforcers after them, and this week Biden
gleefully signed the Bidenflation scam into law
Democrats cheer as Joe Biden signs a bill to raise taxes on the middle
class and worsen inflation. According to the nonpartisan Joint
Committee on Taxation, the Biden Tax Hikes will raise taxes on
Americans making as little as $20,000/year.

KUSI San Diego: The California government “is making life so
difficult” for Californians that even U-Haul is running out of trucks
because people are fleeing the state

CNBC: The worst cities for restaurants reopening after COVID are ALL
run by Democrats in Democrat-run states or districts.

MASK MADNESS: The liberal Jefferson County Public School Board refuses
to end the mask mandate on kids as young as 3. This means 96,000
students will be forced to wear masks this fall

MASK INSANITY: Democrat-run Prince George’s County, Maryland, is AGAIN
forcing students — including 4-year-olds — to wear masks this fall.

Today, we learned illegal immigrant encounters passed 2 MILLION for
the fiscal year (and the fiscal year isn't even over yet). We've never
seen numbers this high. Last year set the previous record, and so far
this year’s pace is 56% HIGHER.…
DEMOCRATS, then: The last thing you want to do is raise taxes during a
recession. JOE BIDEN, today: *signs law that raises taxes on the
middle class*

NEW: CBP reports 10 people on the 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp

First Ever Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Against Vaccine Mandates is Reached

Liberty Counsel has successfully reached an agreement with healthcare
providers over the country’s first class-action settlement against the
vaccine mandates. Illinois’ NorthShore University Health...
Marty Makary MD, MPH @MartyMakary
We are living in a new era: billions of NIH dollars spent on long
Covid research (which has yielded nothing) and almost no money
allocated to basic studies of heart injury in children like this one…
Vinay Prasad, MD MPH @VPrasadMDMPH
"The fact the US, CDC, NIAID, FDA, etc etc. have to rely on a Thailand
preprint for the first prospective study of cardiac biomarkers is
mind-boggling negligence. "…

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
>> "Remember Liveleak and numerous other sites being shut down all within a
>> week?
> The US Censorship Regime has permanently killed

We said once before and we will say it again. Censorship is about to
hit high gear, so buckle up. YouTube just gave a strike to one of the
largest live-streamers known to the internet, @scrowder. Crowder will
address the situation tomorrow, on Rumble, where we have his back.

Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle
Let me get this straight... @scrowder calls for the complete
dismantling of the FBI & deep state on his Youtube channel, then days
later he receives a 7 day suspension from YouTube? Yea, that sounds
about right. So much for free speech.

Jackson Hinkle retweeted
Jimmy Dore @jimmy_dore
The JIMMY DORE SHOW Is Live! NOW! Dems Have A Sad Over Liz Cheney’s
Primary Loss! Moderna Trashes 30M Vax Doses! With Jackson Hinkle
@JacksonHinklle Featuring Stef Zamorano @MiserableLib Plus fun with
Mike MacRae @MikeMacRaeMike
Biden administration officials including @ASlavitt demanded Twitter
ban @AlexBerenson for his tweets raising (valid) questions about the
effectiveness and efficacy of the Covid vaccines. Months later,
Twitter banned him.
The White House privately demanded Twitter ban me months before the
company did so
Federal officials targeted me specifically; when they met with Twitter
in April 2021, "they really wanted to know about Alex Berenson"

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp

Oh look, just in time for the news as usual lol,
a Pro Zoophilia Parade is making the rounds...
Pro Zoo Bestiality Parade
Rogan is right that it’s possible to cherry-pick videos to try and
misrepresent a group. But you can’t argue that Libs of TikTok has
misrepresented anyone when the Left consistently and aggressively
defends the behavior she’s highlighted.
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Oh no. @joerogan spoke about Libs of TikTok again, this time with
@SethDillon. He said Twitter banning me would be overreach and I
couldn't agree more. Here come the hit pieces

Ben, can you elaborate on this one? As a disinformation reporter. The
understanding is this hospital put out a public video, on their
website and in YouTube for anyone to view and listed as public and
your understanding is that the wrong people paid attention to it?
Ben Collins @oneunderscore__
Facebook has nuked LibsOfTikTok after their recent campaign against
children's hospitals that treat trans people.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> "Remember Liveleak and numerous other sites being shut down all within a week?

The US Censorship Regime has permanently killed
another LOTT channel...
Facebook just suspended our account. No reason given.
They suspended our account and we immediately appealed.
Within 2 minutes they answered that we’re suspended for good.
I’m sure we totally got a full and fair review.
"We have already reviewed this decision and it can't be reversed."