RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 16, 2004 7:01 PM
Subject: RE: Airport insanity

On 15 Oct 2004 at 16:32, Tyler Durden wrote:

 He might have looked odd from the photo you saw circulated in
 the press, but I'd bet a lot of money no one would have
 picked him as looking like a terrorist.

But the people sitting beside him did pick him as looking like
a terrorist.

What's the false positive rate?  It's one thing if you see some guy lighting a fuse 
sticking out of his shoe, and quite another if you say You look kinda terroristy; I'm 
sending you off the plane.  This works as a reasonable strategy only if:

a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the overwhelming majority of people 
you throw off planes are innocent.  (They almost certainly will, just because 
terrorists are so rare.)

b.  The terrorists can't figure out how to make themselves look less threatening.  

 James A. Donald


RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
Thomas Shaddack:
   a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the 
   overwhelming majority of people you throw off planes are 

James A. Donald:
  Provided the number of people you throw off planes is 
  rather small, I don't see the problem.

Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows 
 when being interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to 
 blacklist *you*.

I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)

People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to 
kill people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us 
off those planes where most of the passengers are people like 
us.  This really is not rocket science. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 15:17, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 Pentagon protects their people by distance - being it by bombing from high 
 altitude, or by using cruise missiles.
 Everybody uses the technology available to them. What's bad on it?
 Invariably, the side that uses the defensive measure - being it smart 
 weapons[1] or human shields - classifies it as tactical, while the other 
 side considers it cowardly.
 A nice example of symmetry in asymmetry.
 [1] The defensive aspect here is to allow the attackers to attack from 
 distance beyond the reach of the other side's active defenses, thus not 
 risking anything more than a piece of overpriced electronics.

If some asshole is coming at you with a knife, it's cowardly to shoot
him before he's in range? Dumbass.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
  People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to kill
  people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us off those
  planes where most of the passengers are people like us.

Thomas Shaddack 
 Define us?

Easier to define them

Us is those people who do not much resemble them.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 12:07 PM -0700 10/18/04, James A. Donald wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
  People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to kill
  people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us off those
  planes where most of the passengers are people like us.

Thomas Shaddack
 Define us?

Easier to define them

Us is those people who do not much resemble them.

Here's *my* current definition of us:

A great book. The world's greatest business plan.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Tyler Durden
A very large number of muslims, particularly arab muslims- a
small minority in the US, a large minority or substantial
majority in many muslim countries, continually seek to confront
the infidel in a wide variety of ways, and interpret our
politeness and care to avoid harming muslims as weakness and
I would bet that statements that sound very, very close to this were uttered 
prior to Iraq II.

Care to Avoid harming Muslims?
You are either trolling with better skill than even I, the Great Tyler 
Durden could muster, or else you are completely and totally ignorant of 
world history.

Go read some history books and you will understand the reason we (the US) 
has been targeted in particular. You'll quickly find that their hatred of us 
in not accidental.

As for your looks like a mad bomber ideas, are you suggesting that, the 
day after a militant Indonesian muslim commits an act of terrorism, we 
should then exclude all asians from our airplanes, buses and subways?

I don't think you've thought this out very well.

From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Airport insanity
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:27:38 -0700
James A. Donald:
  If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you
  should have to drive.
  Thomas Shaddack
   Ever tried to drive to Europe? Or to Hawaii?
James A. Donald:
  Hard biscuit
Thomas Shaddack
 Do I interpret this statement correctly as the endorsement of
 ethnicity-based travel restrictions?
No.  You can take a boat, if they will have you, drive to
Mexico to fly with people less likely to be the target of mad
bombers who look like you, hire a private plane, or take a long
   Why airplanes don't count as a form of public transport?
  They do.
 I am afraid either I don't understand you correctly, or you
 are contradicting yourself.
I was unclear.  To clarify:  So far the terrorists have not
struck at buses outside Israel.  When they do start striking at
buses, then people who look like mad bombers should not be
allowed on buses.  Until then, they should be allowed on buses.
  The proposition that we need to walk delicately for fear of
  disturbing the tender sensibilities of arabs seems
 Being told I can't use some quite common resource, in this
 case an important means of transportation, because of so
 irrelevant factor as ethnicity, isn't exactly delicate.
A very large number of muslims, particularly arab muslims- a
small minority in the US, a large minority or substantial
majority in many muslim countries, continually seek to confront
the infidel in a wide variety of ways, and interpret our
politeness and care to avoid harming muslims as weakness and
 James A. Donald
Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
On 16 Oct 2004 at 19:42, Adam wrote:
 First of all, there were 19 children killed in the OKC 
 bombing. Were these children guilty of some crime worthy of 
 being killed by a truck bomb?

He was not targeting children.

 Second of all, you make it sound like McVeigh was just your 
 average-Joe American. How could a non-fundamentalist 
 knowingly kill 168 people?

Osama Bin Laden is not a fundamentalist, yet he killed three 
thousand people.  His religion is more like the Muslim
equivalent of liberation theology, which is as far from
fundamentalism as you can get.

 Third, does not being a suicide bomber make your cause more 

Not being a suicide bomber means there is no need to screen you 
from flying on planes.

 Curious why you seem to think McVeigh was justified in his 


 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 04:01 PM 10/16/04 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
Tim McVeigh did not target innocents, nor was he a suicide

Neither did M. Atta et al. target innocents, he targeted those who
elected the Caesars.  And they were not pursuing suicide (a
Moslem sin), since they are enjoying a comfy afterlife for
their martyrdom.

Nor, incidentally, was he a fundamentalist or a racist.

Neither is Osama et al.; only infidels call him a fundie, and
the Jihadists have no problem with lighter or asian folks who subscribe.

In fact, they can be quite useful, as they don't fit the rascist
that the TSA goons practice...

Re: Airport insanity..Ethnicity is Bullshit

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
Tyler Durden
 Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not
 because we had a few crazy Muslim fundamentalists out there
 that decided they hate our freedoms. The struck us because
 we've been fuckin' over a large swath of the Muslim (not only
 Arab) world for 100 years or so

And the reason they are murdering Iraqi Christians, Filipinos,
Ambionese and Timorese is?

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Sunder

There is still of course the matter of the unexploded bombs in that 
building that were dug out, and that the ATF received a Don't come in to 
work page on their beepers, and the seize and classification of all 
surveilance video tapes from things like ATM's across the street.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a plane 
 full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one guilty man on 
 board, there is no way in hell he himself would be on that 

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a 
  plane full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one 
  guilty man on board, there is no way in hell he himself 
  would be on that plane.

John Kelsey
 Well, he targeted a building full of innocents, so he could 
 get some BATF people in one part of the building, right?  I 
 guess I'm missing the part where he took especial care not to 
 blow up people who had no connection with the Waco disaster. 
 How would you differentiate his target selection from that of 
 the 9/11 attackers who hit the Pentagon?

If the 9/11 attackers had *only* targeted the pentagon, that 
would have been fine by me.  I am one of those who cheered in 
the movie theater when the aliens blow up Washington in the 
movie Independence day

 Though you're right, he didn't do the suicide bomber thing. 
 Does that constitute a guarantee that no white terrorist ever 
 will do so?

It is a good indication that sufficiently few will ever do so 
that it is not worth while checking shoes during boarding 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Let's examine your little clip here.

Tyler Durden
 Care to Avoid harming Muslims?
Your statement was that the US took special care in avoiding harm to 
Muslims. In this case we have Muslims tortured at Guantanamo and now angry 
as hell. And you expected...what?
: : Despite gaining their freedom by signing pledges to
: : renounce violence, at least seven former prisoners
: : of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have
: : returned to terrorism, at times with deadly
: : consequences.
Wow! Tortured prisoners signed statements and then went back on their 
promises? The nerve!

Note the incredible linguistic bias. Returned to terrorism?...That's a 
laughable statement for people who returned to their own country to fight an 
invader. And the word Despite it's arguable even more hilarious.

And of course, your quote of this piece in this context points to your 
ever-present logic of They're more evil than we are therefore it's OK if we 
fuck them over.

: : Additional former detainees have expressed a desire
: : to rejoin the fight, be it against U.N. peacekeepers
: : in Afghanistan, Americans in Iraq or Russian
: : soldiers in Chechnya.
Hum. Muislims helping Muslims to push the US or Russians out of their 
occupied countries. I've seen worse uses for religion.

But more importantly, are you seeing where this is headed? Let's forget 
differing ideologies and get really, really practical here. If you or I were 
grabbed in our own country and brought 7000 miles away, and then tortured 
for 2 years, wouldn't you most likely become convinced that the torturing 
nation was a great evil that had to be stopped? Even more, what if your life 
sucked in your own country and you didn't have a lot to live for anyway?

The violence sown by Western powers will continue to result in further 
Septemeber 11ths. Simply increasing the scope or intensity (a la Iraq II) 
isn't going to make things better.


 James A. Donald
Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® 

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 16, 2004 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

 Oh, and every white American (recall numerous references to 
 Mr. McVeigh)

Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a plane 
full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one guilty man on 
board, there is no way in hell he himself would be on that 

Well, he targeted a building full of innocents, so he could get some BATF people in 
one part of the building, right?  I guess I'm missing the part where he took especial 
care not to blow up people who had no connection with the Waco disaster.  How would 
you differentiate his target selection from that of the 9/11 attackers who hit the 

Though you're right, he didn't do the suicide bomber thing.  Does that constitute a 
guarantee that no white terrorist ever will do so?  (After all, an awful lot of Arab 
terrorists also plan on living to fight another day.)  

 James A. Donald


Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 16, 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

 For whatever reason, pictures of me always come out looking 
 like some crazed religious fanatic.  But that doesn't mean 
 that I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure hope that I'm 
 not going to be detained or denied entry because of how I 
 *look*, alone.

If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you should have 
to drive, or use public transport.

 James A. Donald

Surely this is a matter best left to the private companies offering transportation, 
subject only to restrictions to prevent future 9/11 attacks.  


RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Sunder
I think you need to read this remake of the First they came for the 
commies poem.  Short translation - whenever anyone's rights are being 
trampled upon, whether it affects you or not, you should protest.

Goes along with one of the unsaid credos about cypherpunks: I absolutely 
disagree with what she said, but I'll defend to the death her right to say 
it. which along with Cypherpunks write code fell quite short of its 

Here I'll save you the trouble.

- - -

They came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up...

By Stephen Rohde
(Author's Note:  The USA Patriot Act became law a little over one year 
First they came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a  
Then they came for the immigrants, detaining them indefinitely solely on 
the certification of the attorney general, and I didn't speak up because I  
wasn't an immigrant.
Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys, 
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a suspect.
Then they came to prosecute noncitizens before secret military 
commissions, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a noncitizen.
Then they came to enter homes and offices for unannounced sneak and peak  
searches, and I didn't speak up because I had nothing to hide.
Then they came to reinstate Cointelpro and resume the infiltration and  
surveillance of domestic religious and political groups, and I didn't 
speak up because I no longer participated in any groups.
Then they came to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinitely  
without any charges and without access to lawyers, and I didn't speak up 
because I would never be arrested.
Then they came to institute TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention  
System) recruiting citizens to spy on other citizens and I didn't speak up 
because I was afraid.
Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because it 
only aided the terrorists and gave ammunition to America's enemies, and I 
didn't  speak up ... because I didn't speak up.
Then they came for me, and by that time, no one was left to speak up.

Forum Column (from the Daily Journal, 11/20/02). Stephen Rohde is an 
attorney. He edited American Words of Freedom and was was president of the 
American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.

Does Rohde's text seem familiar? It should. He based it on one of the 
web's most widely-circulated texts about silence in the face of evil:

In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn't 
speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I 
didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade 
unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then 
they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a 
protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left 
to speak for me.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
 interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)
 People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to 
 kill people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us 
 off those planes where most of the passengers are people like 
 us.  This really is not rocket science. 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 07:42 PM 10/16/04 -0400, Adam wrote:
First of all, there were 19 children killed in the OKC bombing. Were
these children guilty of some crime worthy of being killed by a truck

They were being used as human shields by the fedcriminals in the
building.  They were collateral damage, in the modern parlance.
Ask the Iraqis to explain it to you.

Second of all, you make it sound like McVeigh was just your average-Joe

American. How could a non-fundamentalist knowingly kill 168 people?

He was a retired US soldier, carrying out his mission to protect the

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Young
James is wired to be unempathetic about victims, as was McVeigh,
as are fearless military and criminal killers, as are national leaders 
of a yellow stripe who never taste the bitter end of their exculpatory

What makes the wire work is that they do not believe that what 
they do unto others will be done to them. This is their faith, blind, 
cross-eyedly focussed vision which sees a right safe path down 
the thinnest of righteous tunnels of imagined invulnerability.

Call it the armor of cowards. 

Call it fundamentalism, or patriotism, or pinheads up their tiny 

Been there: saw the vision, sniffed the odor, licked the sides
of the honey-dripping tunnel, gagged, muttered what the shit is 
this stuff I've been preached is myrhh out of the backdoors
of virgins, yelled, hey, sarge, get me out of my hole. Sarge was 
long gone, preaching and laughing like the devil.

AIDS of the mind is hard to cure.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

  a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the 
  overwhelming majority of people you throw off planes are 
 Provided the number of people you throw off planes is rather 
 small, I don't see the problem.

It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows when being 
interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to blacklist *you*.

Do you propose a way to appeal the decision? Will the flight (and 
associated losses, eg. lost contract due to a missed meeting, etc.) 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Thomas Shaddack wrote:
  It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows 
  when being interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to 
  blacklist *you*.
 I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
 interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)

Never underestimate the power of the combination of the People With 
Agendas with Classified Computerized Profiling Algorithms. :)

Be vigilant.

 People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to kill people 
 like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us off those planes 
 where most of the passengers are people like us.

Define us?

 This really is not rocket science. 

Personally, as a relatively frequent flyer, I worry much more about things 
like cutting corners of fuselage and engine maintenance and quality of 
fuel (and, perhaps even more, the quality of onboard coffee) than about 
bombers on board. (On the other hand, local states grew out of their 
imperial-lust phase couple decades/centuries ago, which makes their people 
less disliked. Somehow lesser tendency to trigger-happy gung-ho a-ramboin' 
seems to be helpful too.)

Seeing things in perspective sometimes helps.

Re: Airport insanity..Ethnicity is Bullshit

2004-10-18 Thread Tyler Durden

  You also seem to forget there is another potential factor -
  not only the visible one (ethnicity), but also one that isn't
  obvious to visual evaluation - religion. There is a
  significant black minority that inclines to Islam, some of
  them potentially radical. Do you want to suggest banning
  blacks from flying too?

 Seen any black suicide bombers?
OK, let's just say it outright. In this case Ethnicity is just pure 
camaflauge for People who don't agree with my right-wing American Century 
politics. Just to remind us of the basics:

Afghans and Iranians are not Arabs.
Sub-saharan Africa has tens of millions of fully black Muslims.
Arabs are Semites.

 Black Muslim radicalism tends to express itself by mugging Jews and
 stealing television sets. Strapping dynamite to one's chest just does
 not seem to be a black thing.
Uh...what? If you're talking about the Nation of Islam (in the US), you 
almost NEVER find members in good standing mugging Jews or stealing TV 
sets here in New York, and any other location is going to be a statistical 

Let's also remember that we don't have US-backed/paid-for tanks rolling 
through black neighborhoods every day. If we did I suspect Black Muslims 
might start fighting back.

Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not because we had a 
few crazy Muslim fundamentalists out there that decided they hate our 
freedoms. The struck us because we've been fuckin' over a large swath of 
the Muslim (not only Arab) world for 100 years or so now. They're tired of 
us being there and muckin' around in their politics, and they want it to 
stop. The fundamentalist part is sort of a 'strengthener', let's's people who know they're probably going to have to kill large 
numbers of civilians to get their point across, so how can they justify 
this? Well, a nicely-tuned Wahabism will do just nicely thank you. Seems 
fairly predictable, really.

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Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Sadre protected himself with Iraqi women and young children as
 human shields, showing that he expected the Pentagon to show
 more concern for Iraqi lives than he did. 

Pentagon protects their people by distance - being it by bombing from high 
altitude, or by using cruise missiles.

Everybody uses the technology available to them. What's bad on it?

Invariably, the side that uses the defensive measure - being it smart 
weapons[1] or human shields - classifies it as tactical, while the other 
side considers it cowardly.

A nice example of symmetry in asymmetry.

[1] The defensive aspect here is to allow the attackers to attack from 
distance beyond the reach of the other side's active defenses, thus not 
risking anything more than a piece of overpriced electronics.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 James A. Donald:
 If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you 
 should have to drive, or use public transport.
 Thomas Shaddack
  Ever tried to drive to Europe? Or to Hawaii?
 Hard biscuit

Do I interpret this statement correctly as the endorsement of 
ethnicity-based travel restrictions?

Didn't domething like this been here already, in the form of Jim Crow 
laws, and later found unconstitutional?

  Why airplanes don't count as a form of public transport?
 They do.

I am afraid either I don't understand you correctly, or you are 
contradicting yourself. The ...or use public transport from your earlier 
statement seems to mean that you said something along the lines if they 
can't fly, they should use public transportation, which includes 

  This is a measure good for pissing off (which is often the 
  first step to radicalizing) the quite secularized majority of 
  American Arabs.
 The proposition that we need to walk delicately for fear of 
 disturbing the tender sensibilities of arabs seems laughable. 

Being told I can't use some quite common resource, in this case an 
important means of transportation, because of so irrelevant factor as 
ethnicity, isn't exactly delicate. What would you do if you'd be in the 
receiving end of such policy? Add more such restrictions and some 
percolating time - would you just bow and obey? How long it would take to 
get you pissed and eventually revolting?

 Are the arabs walking delicately to avoid offending our 

Vast majority of them yes. But you don't perceive them because they don't 
offend you and don't make the news.

  You also seem to forget there is another potential factor - 
  not only the visible one (ethnicity), but also one that isn't 
  obvious to visual evaluation - religion. There is a 
  significant black minority that inclines to Islam, some of 
  them potentially radical. Do you want to suggest banning 
  blacks from flying too?
 Seen any black suicide bombers?

Not yet. But maybe I just didn't look deep enough through the mass-medial 
fog of the terrorism war.

 Black Muslim radicalism tends to express itself by mugging Jews and 
 stealing television sets. Strapping dynamite to one's chest just does 
 not seem to be a black thing.

With the proper leadership, everything is possible. Don't forget the 
WW2 kamikaze pilots, who weren't quite Arabs.