Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-31 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/28/05, Daniel A. Nagy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Irreversibility of transactions hinges on two features of the proposed
 systetm: the fundamentally irreversible nature of publishing information in
 the public records and the fact that in order to invalidate a secret, one
 needs to know it; the issuer does not learn the secret at all in some
 implementnations and only learns it when it is spent in others.

 In both cases, reversal is impossible, albeit for different reasons. Let's
 say, Alice made a payment to Bob, and Ivan wishes to reverse it with the
 possible cooperation of Alice, but definitely without Bob's help. Alice's
 secret is Da, Bob's secret is Db, the corresponding challenges are,
 respectively, Ca and Cb, and the S message containing the exchange request
 Da-Cb has already been published.

 In the first case, when the secret is not revealed, there is simply no way to
 express reverslas. There is no S message with suitable semantics semantics,
 making it impossible to invalidate Db if Bob refuses to reveal it.

The issuer can still invalidate it even though you have not explicitly
defined such an operation. If Alice paid Bob and then convinces the
issuer that Bob cheated her, the issuer could refuse to honor the Db
deposit or exchange operation. From the recipient's perspective, his
cash is at risk at least until he has spent it or exchanged it out of
the system.

The fact that you don't have an issuer invalidates cash operation in
your system doesn't mean it couldn't happen. Alice could get a court
order forcing the issuer to do this. The point is that reversal is
technically possible, and you can't define it away just by saying that
the issuer won't do that. If the issuer has the power to reverse
transactions, the system does not have full ireversibility, even
though the issuer hopes never to exercise his power.

 In the second case, Db is revealed when Bob tries to spend it, so Ivan can,
 in principle, steal (confiscate) it, instead of processing, but at that
 point Da has already been revealed to the public and Alice has no means to
 prove that she was in excusive possession of Da before it became public

That is an interesting possibility, but I can think of a way around
it. Alice could embed a secret within her secret. She could base part
of her secret on a hash of an even-more-secret value which she would
not reveal when spending/exchanging. Then if it came to where she had
to prove that she was the proper beneficiary of a reversed
transaction, she could reveal the inner secret to justify her claim.

 Now, one can extend the list of possible S messages to allow for reversals
 in the first scenario, but even in that case Ivan cannot hide the fact of
 reversal from the public after it happened and the fact that he is prepared
 to reverse payments even before he actually does so, because the users and
 auditors need to know the syntax and the semantics of the additional S
 messages in order to be able to use Ivan's services.

That's true, the public visibility of the system makes secret
reversals impossible. That's very good - one of the problems with
e-gold was that it was never clear when they were reversing and
freezing accounts. Visibility is a great feature. But it doesn't keep
reversals from happening, and it still leaves doubt about how final
transactions will be in this system.


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-31 Thread cyphrpunk
One other point with regard to Daniel Nagy's paper at

A good way to organize papers like this is to first present the
desired properties of systems like yours (and optionally show that
other systems fail to meet one or more of these properties); then to
present your system; and finally to go back through and show how your
system meets each of the properties, perhaps better than any others.
This paper is lacking that last step. It would be helpful to see the
epoint system evaluated with regard to each of the listed properties.

In particular I have concerns about the finality and irreversibility
of payments, given that the issuer keeps track of each token as it
progresses through the system. Whenever one token is exchanged for a
new one, the issuer records and publishes the linkage between the new
token and the old one. This public record is what lets people know
that the issuer is not forging tokens at will, but it does let the
issuer, and possibly others, track payments as they flow through the
system. This could be grounds for reversibility in some cases,
although the details depend on how the system is implemented. It would
be good to see a critical analysis of how epoints would maintain
irreversibility, as part of the paper.


Re: [PracticalSecurity] Anonymity - great technology but hardly used

2005-10-28 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/26/05, Shawn K. Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 23:40 -0500, Travis H. wrote:
  Many of the anonymity protocols require multiple participants, and
  thus are subject to what economists call network externalities.  The
  best example I can think of is Microsoft Office file formats.  I don't
  buy MS Office because it's the best software at creating documents,
  but I have to buy it because the person in HR insists on making our
  timecards in Excel format.

 1) You have told your HR person what a bad idea it is to introduce a
 dependency on a proprietary file format, right?

This is off-topic. Let's not degenerate into random Microsoft bashing.
Keep the focus on anonymity. That's what the cypherpunks list is


Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication]

2005-10-28 Thread cyphrpunk
 From: Kerry Bonin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 06:52:57 -0700
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peer-to-peer development. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication
 User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)
 Reply-To: Peer-to-peer development. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are only two good ways to provide man-in-the-middle resistant
 authentication with key repudiation in a distributed system - using a
 completely trusted out of band channel to manage everything, or use a
 PKI.  I've used PKI for 100k node systems, it works great if you keep
 it simple and integrate your CRL mechanism - in a distributed system the
 pieces are all already there!  I think some people are put off by the
 size and complexity of the libraries involved, which doesn't have to be
 the case - I've got a complete RSA/DSA X.509 compliant cert based PKI
 (leveraging LibTomCrypt for crypto primitives) in about 2k lines of C++,
 30k object code, works great (I'll open that source as LGPL when I
 deploy next year...)  The only hard part about integrating into a p2p
 network is securing the CA's, and that's more of a network security
 problem than a p2p problem...

It's great to see this guy showing up yet another of the false dogmas
of the crypto hacker community: PKI can't work. According to this
view, only old fogies and tight ass bureaucrats believe in certifying
keys. All the cool kids know that the best key is a bare key. After
all, MITM attacks never really happen, this was just an invented
threat designed to force poor college kids into paying hundreds of
dollars a year for a verisign certificate.

But when we come into the P2P world things look very different. Where
MITM would require special positioning in the old net, in a
distributed P2P network, everyone's a MITM! Every key has passed
through dozens of hands before you get to see it. What are the odds
that nobody's fucked with it in all that time? You're going to put
that thing in your mouth? I don't think so.

Using certificates in a P2P network is like using a condom. It's just
common sense. Practice safe cex!


Re: [PracticalSecurity] Anonymity - great technology but hardly used

2005-10-28 Thread cyphrpunk
 The cypherpunks list is about anything we want it to be. At this stage in
 the lifecycle (post-nuclear-armageddon-weeds-in-the-rubble), it's more
 about the crazy bastards who are still here than it is about just about
 anything else.

Fine, I want it to be about crypto and anonymity. You can bash
Microsoft anywhere on the net. Where else are you going to talk about
this shit?


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-28 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/25/05, Travis H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 More on topic, I recently heard about a scam involving differential
 reversibility between two remote payment systems.  The fraudster sends
 you an email asking you to make a Western Union payment to a third
 party, and deposits the requested amount plus a bonus for you using
 paypal.  The victim makes the irreversible payment using Western
 Union, and later finds out the credit card used to make the paypal
 payment was stolen when paypal reverses the transaction, leaving the
 victim short.

This is why you can't buy ecash with your credit card. Too easy to
reverse the transaction, and by then the ecash has been blinded away.
If paypal can be reversed just as easily that won't work either.

This illustrates a general problem with these irreversible payment
schemes, it is very hard to simply acquire the currency. Any time you
go from a reversible payment system (as all the popular ones are) to
an irreversible one you have an impedence mismatch and the transfer
reflects rather than going through (so to speak).


Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Skype security evaluation]

2005-10-28 Thread cyphrpunk
Wasn't there a rumor last year that Skype didn't do any encryption
padding, it just did a straight exponentiation of the plaintext?

Would that be safe, if as the report suggests, the data being
encrypted is 128 random bits (and assuming the encryption exponent is
considerably bigger than 3)? Seems like it's probably OK. A bit risky
perhaps to ride bareback like that but I don't see anything inherently


Re: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-28 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/26/05, James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How does one inflate a key?

Just make it bigger by adding redundancy and padding, before you
encrypt it and store it on your disk. That way the attacker who wants
to steal your keyring sees a 4 GB encrypted file which actually holds
about a kilobyte of meaningful data. Current trojans can steal files
and log passwords, but they're not smart enough to decrypt and
decompress before uploading. They'll take hours to snatch the keyfile
through the net, and maybe they'll get caught in the act.


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-25 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/24/05, Steve Schear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think E-gold ever held out its system as non-reversible with proper
 court order.  All reverses I am aware happened either due to some technical
 problem with their system or an order from a court of competence in the
 matter at hand.

Back in the days of such companies as and there were cases where e-gold froze accounts
without waiting for court orders. I was involved with the discussion
on the e-gold mailing lists back then and it caused considerable hard
feeling among the users. E-gold was struggling to deal with the
onslaught of criminal activity (Ian Grigg described the prevailing
mood as one of 'angst') and they were thrown into a reactive mode.
Eventually I think they got their house in order and established
policies that were more reasonable.

 Its not clear at all that courts will find engineering a system for
 irreversibility is illegal or contributory if there was good justification
 for legal business purposes, which of course there are.

Yes, but unfortunately it is not clear at all that courts would find
the opposite, either. If a lawsuit names the currency issuer as a
defendant, which it almost certainly would, a judge might order the
issuer's finances frozen or impose other measures which would impair
its business survival while trying to sort out who is at fault. It
would take someone with real cojones to go forward with a business
venture of this type in such uncharted waters.


Re: [PracticalSecurity] Anonymity - great technology but hardly used

2005-10-25 Thread cyphrpunk

  I believe that for anonymity and pseudonymity technologies to survive
  they have to be applied to applications that require them by design,
  rather than to mass-market applications that can also do (cheaper)
  without. If anonymity mechanisms are deployed just to fulfill the
  wish of particular users then it may fail, because most users don't
  have that wish strong enough to pay for fulfilling it. An example for
  such an application (that requires anonymity by design) could be
  E-Voting, which, unfortunately, suffers from other difficulties. I am
  sure there are others, though.

The truth is exactly the opposite of what is suggested in this
article. The desire for anonymous communication is greater today than
ever, but the necessary technology does not exist.

For the first time there are tens or hundreds of millions of users who
have a strong need and desire for high volume anonymous
communications. These are file traders, exchanging images, music,
movies, TV shows and other forms of communication. The main threat to
this illegal but widely practiced activity is legal action by
copyright holders against individual traders. The only effective
protection against these threats is the barrier that could be provided
by anonymity. An effective, anonymous file sharing network would see
rapid adoption and would be the number one driver for widespread use
of anonymity.

But the technology isn't there. Providing real-time, high-volume,
anonymous communications is not possible at the present time. Anyone
who has experienced the pitiful performance of a Tor web browsing
session will be familiar with the iron self-control and patience
necessary to keep from throwing the computer out the window in
frustration. Yes, you can share files via Tor, at the expense of
reducing transfer rates by multiple orders of magnitude.

Not only are there efficiency problems, detailed analysis of the
security properties of real time anonymous networks have repeatedly
shown that the degree of anonymity possible is very limited against a
determined attacker. Careful insertion of packet delays and monitoring
of corresponding network reactions allow an attacker to easily trace
an encrypted communication through the nodes of the network. Effective
real-time anonymity is almost a contradiction in terms.

Despite these difficulties, file trading is still the usage area with
the greatest potential for widespread adoption of anonymity. File
traders are fickle and will gravitate rapidly to a new system if it
offers significant benefits. If performance can be improved to at
least approximate the transfer rates of non-anonymous networks, while
allowing enough security to make the job of the content lawyers
harder, that could be enough to give this technology the edge it needs
to achieve widespread acceptance.


Re: closing on 11/1

2005-10-24 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/13/05, Brian Minder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The CDR node will be shutting down on November 1, 2005.  This
 includes the cypherpunks-moderated list.  Please adjust your subscriptions

Gmail would facilitate automating a new cypherpunks-moderated list.
Gmail's spam filtering is great and even a regular cypherpunks
subscription has almost no spam.

Sign up a gmail account and subscribe it only to cypherpunks. Use the
POP interface to fetch message from gmail, and redistribute those to
the new cypherpunks-moderated list. Subscribers gain the anti spam
features of cp-moderated without any manual filtering or moderating


Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Skype security evaluation]

2005-10-24 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/23/05, Travis H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My understanding of the peer-to-peer key agreement protocol (hereafter
 p2pka) is based on section 3.3 and 3.4.2 and is something like this:

 A - B: N_ab
 B - A: N_ba
 B - A: Sign{f(N_ab)}_a
 A - B: Sign{f(N_ba)}_b
 A - B: Sign{A, K_a}_SKYPE
 B - A: Sign{B, K_b}_SKYPE
 A - B: Sign{R_a}_a
 B - A: Sign{R_b}_b

 Session key SK_AB = g(R_a, R_b)

But what you have shown here has no encryption, hence no secrecy.
Surely RSA encryption must be used somewhere along the line. The
report doesn't say anything about the details of how that is done. In
particular, although it mentions RSA signature padding it says nothing
about RSA encryption padding.

Is it possible that Skype doesn't use RSA encryption? Or if they do,
do they do it without using any padding, and is that safe?


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-24 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/22/05, Ian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 R. Hirschfeld wrote:
  This is not strictly correct.  The payer can reveal the blinding
  factor, making the payment traceable.  I believe Chaum deliberately
  chose for one-way untraceability (untraceable by the payee but not by
  the payer) in order to address concerns such as blackmailing,
  extortion, etc.  The protocol can be modified to make it fully
  untraceable, but that's not how it is designed.

 Huh - first I've heard of that, would be
 encouraging if that worked.  How does it
 handle an intermediary fall guy?   Say
 Bad Guy Bob extorts Alice, and organises
 the payoff to Freddy Fall Guy.  This would
 mean that Alice can strip her blinding
 factors and reveal that she paid to Freddy,
 but as Freddy is not to be found, he can't
 be encouraged to reveal his blinding factors
 so as to reveal that Bob bolted with the

Right, that is one of the kinds of modifications that Ray referred to.
If the mint allows (de-facto) anonymous exchanges then a blackmailer
can simply do an exchange of his ecash before spending it and he will
be home free. Another mod is for the blackmailer to supply the
proto-coin to be signed, in blinded form.

One property of Daniel Nagy's epoint system is that it creates chains
where each token that gets created is linked to the one it came from.
This could be sold as an anti-abuse feature, that blackmailers and
extortionists would have a harder time avoiding being caught. In
general it is an anti-laundering feature since you can't wash your
money clean, it always links back to when it was dirty.

U.S. law generally requires that stolen goods be returned to the
original owner without compensation to the current holder, even if
they had been purchased legitimately (from the thief or his agent) by
an innocent third party. Likewise a payment system with traceable
money might find itself subject to legal orders to reverse subsequent
transactions, confiscate value held by third parties and return the
ill-gotten gains to the victim of theft or fraud. Depending on the
full operational details of the system, Daniel Nagy's epoints might be
vulnerable to such legal actions.

Note that e-gold, which originally sold non-reversibility as a key
benefit of the system, found that this feature attracted Ponzi schemes
and fraudsters of all stripes, and eventually it was forced to reverse
transactions and freeze accounts. It's not clear that any payment
system which keeps information around to allow for potential
reversibility can avoid eventually succumbing to pressure to reverse
transactions. Only a Chaumian type system, whose technology makes
reversibility fundamentally impossible, is guaranteed to allow for
final clearing. And even then, it might just be that the operators
themselves will be targeted for liability since they have engineered a
system that makes it impossible to go after the fruits of criminal


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-21 Thread cyphrpunk
As far as the issue of receipts in Chaumian ecash, there have been a
couple of approaches discussed.

The simplest goes like this. If Alice will pay Bob, Bob supplies Alice
with a blinded proto-coin, along with a signed statement, I will
perform service X if Alice supplies me with a mint signature on this
value Y. Alice pays to get the blinded proto-coin Y signed by the
mint. Now she can give it to Bob and show the signature on Y in the
future to prove that she upheld her end.

A slightly more complicated one starts again with Bob supplying Alice
with a blinded proto-coin, which Alice signs. Now she and Bob do a
simultaneous exchange of secrets protocol to exchange their two
signatures. This can be done for example using the commitment scheme
of Damgard from Eurocrypt 93. Bob gets the signature necessary to
create his coin, and Alice gets the signed receipt (or even better,
perhaps Bob's signature could even constitute the service Alice is

I would be very interested to hear about a practical application which
combines the need for non-reversibility (which requires a degree of
anonymity) with the need to be able to prove that payment was made
(which seems to imply access to a legal system to force performance,
an institution which generally will require identification).


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-21 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/20/05, Daniel A. Nagy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 03:36:54PM -0700, cyphrpunk wrote:
  As far as the issue of receipts in Chaumian ecash, there have been a
  couple of approaches discussed.
  The simplest goes like this. If Alice will pay Bob, Bob supplies Alice
  with a blinded proto-coin, along with a signed statement, I will
  perform service X if Alice supplies me with a mint signature on this
  value Y. Alice pays to get the blinded proto-coin Y signed by the
  mint. Now she can give it to Bob and show the signature on Y in the
  future to prove that she upheld her end.

 I like this one, though there might be a problem if Alice does everything,
 except giving Bob the signed version of Y in the end. I can imagine scenarios
 where this might be a problem.

 However, it can be relatively easily solved if the mint publishes every
 signed proto-coin (instead of being handed to the payer, it goes to the
 public records, from where the payer can retrieve it). There's no reason not

Good idea! Even without this, if there is a problem then everything
will come out in the dispute resolution phase, where Alice will be
forced to reveal the mint's signature. Bob may claim at that time
never to have seen it before, while Alice may claim that she had sent
it earlier, but once they get this far both sides will be forced to
agree that Bob has now been paid so the contract can be completed. So
this method would be OK for contracts where timeliness is not an
important issue. But your idea of having the mint publish its
signatures could help even more.

  A slightly more complicated one starts again with Bob supplying Alice
  with a blinded proto-coin, which Alice signs. Now she and Bob do a
  simultaneous exchange of secrets protocol to exchange their two
  signatures. This can be done for example using the commitment scheme
  of Damgard from Eurocrypt 93. Bob gets the signature necessary to
  create his coin, and Alice gets the signed receipt (or even better,
  perhaps Bob's signature could even constitute the service Alice is

 This one requires additional infrastructure which needs to be rolled out,
 which is expensive. Simultaneous exchange of secrets is an elegant
 cryptographic feat, but the required tools are not available to the general
 public right now and the motivation to obtain them are insufficient. Thus, a
 system relying on this cannot be phased in cheaply.

I'm not sure what costs you see here. There are two main technologies
I am familiar with for signature (or general secret) exchange. One is
purely local and involves bit by bit release of the signatures. Both
parties first commit to their signatures and use ZK proofs to show
that the committed values are in fact signatures over the required
data. They then release their sigs a bit at a time, taking turns. If
one party aborts prematurely he has at most a factor of 2 advantage
over the other in a brute force search to find the missing bits of the
signature. While this takes many rounds, it is still pretty fast. Of
course the users don't manually initiate each round, it all happens
automatically under control of the software. I saw some code to
implement this a couple of years ago somewhere on Sourceforge. It
actually exchanged PGP signatures, of all things. It does not take any
new infrastructure.

The other technology is so-called optimistic exchange, where the
signatures are provably encrypted to the public key of a trusted third
party. The two parties each exchange such encryptions and prove they
are valid. Then they exchange the actual signatures in the
straighforward manner. If one party does not send his sig, the other
can go to the TTP and get it. Since this option exists, there is no
incentive for the parties not to complete the transaction and hence
the TTP will in practice almost never be used. This one does require
the TTP to exist and his public key to be available, but that should
be no more new infrastructure than is required for the cash issuer and
his key to be distributed. In fact the issuer could be the TTP for
dispute resolution if desired.

 The desirability of a payment vehicle depends on the assortment of goods and
 services available for it. Now, the lack of non-reversibility might be
 either a show-stopper or a significant additional cost in the case of some
 goods and services, while receipts are required in the case of others.

 Both might be required for transactions in the $100 ... $1000 range between
 a power-seller and one-time buyers in a low-trust environment. From the
 seller's point of view, the risk of a reversal might not be acceptable
 (basically, he cannot assess the probability of it, while the cost is
 substantial), because the value is too high, so he needs irreversibility.
 From the buyer's point of view, the risk of losing the money is not
 catastrophic, but highly undesirable; he wants to be able to name-and-shame
 the fraud. This would provide the seller

Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-21 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/20/05, R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 12:32 AM +0200 10/21/05, Daniel A. Nagy wrote:
 Could you give us a reference to this one, please?

 Google is your friend, dude.

 Before making unitary global claims like you just did, you might consider
 consulting the literature. It's out there.

You're such an asshole. Daniel's actual statement was simply:

 I know of no protocol for transfering blinded tokens with a receipt, but I
 do not rule out the possibility of its existence.

This is what you characterized as a unitary global claim. Aside from
the fact that unitary is meaningless in this context, his claim was
far from global. Instead it was a very modest statement about what
aspects of the technology he was familiar with, and explicitly
admitted the possibility that he might be mistaken. I don't think you
could ask for anything more in a world where no one has perfect
knowledge about any topic.

While Daniel Nagy has been a model of politeness and modesty in his
claims here, you have reverted to your usual role as an arrogant
bully. If Daniel's project should be successful then you will
undoubtedly switch over to your other mode of communication,
obsequious ass-kissing. I have experienced both from you, in my many
names and roles, and I have no taste for either one.

I would encourage Daniel not to waste any more time interacting with Hettinga.


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-20 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/19/05, Daniel A. Nagy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Note that nowhere in my paper did I imply that the issuer is a bank (the
 only mentioning of a bank in the paper is in an analogy). This is because I
 am strongly convinced that banks cannot, will not and should not be the
 principal issuers of digital cash-like payment vehicles. If you need
 explaination, I'm willing to provide it. I do not expect payment tokens to
 originate from withdrawals and end their life cycles being deposited to
 users' bank accounts.

Suppose we consider your concept of a transaction chain, which is
formed when a token is created based on some payment from outside the
system, is maintained through exchanges of one token for another (we
will ignore split and combine operations for now), and terminates when
the token is redeemed for some outside-the-system value. Isn't it
likely in practice that such transaction chains will be paid for and
redeemed via existing financial systems, which are fully identified? A
user will buy a token using an online check or credit card or some
other non-anonymous mechanism. He passes it to someone else as a
cash-like payment. Optionally it passes through more hands. Ultimately
it is redeemed by someone who exchanges it for a check or deposit into
a bank or credit card account.

If you don't see this as the typical usage model, I'd like to hear your ideas.

If this is the model, my concern is that in practice it will often be
the case that there will be few intermediate exchanges. Particularly
in the early stages of the system, there won't be that much to buy.
Someone may accept epoints for payment but the first thing he will do
is convert them to real money. A typical transaction will start with
someone buying epoints from the issuer using some identified payment
system, spending them online, and then the recipient redeems them
using an identified payment system. The issuer sees exactly who spent,
how much they spent and where they spent it. The result is that in
practice the system has no anonymity whatsoever. It is just another
way of transferring value online.

 Using currency is, essentially, a credit operation, splitting barter into
 the separate acts of selling and buying, thus making the promise to
 reciprocate (that is the eligibility to buy something of equal value from the
 buyer) a tradeable asset itself. It is the trading of this asset that needs
 to be anonymous, and the proposed system does a good enough job of
 protecting the anonymity of those in the middle of the transaction chains.

The hard part is getting into the middle of those transaction chains.
Until we reach the point where people receive their salaries in
epoints, they will have little choice but to buy epoints for real
money. That puts them at the beginning of a transaction chain and not
in the middle. Sellers will tend to be at the end. The only people who
could be in the middle would be those who sell substantially online
for epoints and who also find things online that they can buy for
epoints. But that will be a small fraction of users. For the rest of
them, anonymity is not a sellling point of this system.

If you take away the anonymity, is this technology still valuable?
Does it have advantages over other online payment systems, like egold,
credit cards or paypal?


Re: Judy Miller needing killing

2005-10-20 Thread cyphrpunk
On 10/18/05, Major Variola (ret.) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So this dupe/spy/wannabe journalist thinks that journalists
 should be *special*.. how nice.  Where in the 1st amendment is the class
 journalists mentioned?   She needs a WMD enema.

We put up with this needs killing crap from Tim May because he was
imaginative and interesting, at least when he could shake free from
his racism and nihilism. You on the other hand offer nothing but
bilious ignorance. If you don't have anything to say, how about if you
just don't say it?

The notion that someone who is willing to spend months in jail just to
keep a promise of silence needs killing is beyond bizarre and is
downright evil. This list supports the rights of individuals to tell
the government to go to hell, and that is exactly what Judy Miller
did. She should be a hero around here. It's disgusting to see these
kinds of comments from a no-nothing like Major Variola.


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-20 Thread cyphrpunk
Let's take a look at Daniel Nagy's list of desirable features for an
ecash system and see how simple, on-line Chaum ecash fares.

  One of the reasons, in the author s opinion, is that payment systems
  based on similar schemes lack some key characteristics of paper-based
  cash, rendering them economically infeasible. Let us quickly enumerate
  the most important properties of cash:

  1.  Money doesn't smell.  Cash payments are -- potentially --
  _anonymous_ and untraceable by third parties (including the issuer).

This is of course the main selling point of Chaum's system, where it
excels. I will point out that defining cash as merely potentially
anonymous leaves a loophole whereby fully non-anonymous systems get to
call themselves cash. This underplays the strength of Chaum's system.
It is not just potentially anonymous, it has a strong degree of

  2. Cash payments are final. After the fact, the paying party has no
  means to reverse the payment. We call this property of cash
  transactions _irreversibility_.

Certainly Chaum ecash has this property. Because deposits are
unlinkable to withdrawals, there is no way even in principle to
reverse a transaction.

  3. Cash payments are _peer-to-peer_. There is no distinction between
  merchants and customers; anyone can pay anyone. In particular, anybody
  can receive cash payments without contracts with third parties.

Again this is precisely how Chaum ecash works. Everyone can receive
ecash and everyone can spend it. There is no distinction between
buyers and vendors. Of course, transactions do need the aid of the
issuer, but that is true of all online payment systems including

  4. Cash allows for acts of faith or _naive transactions_. Those who
  are not familiar with all the antiforgery measures of a particular
  banknote or do not have the necessary equipment to verify them, can
  still transact with cash relying on the fact that what they do not
  verify is nonetheless verifiable in principle.

I have to admit, I don't understand this point, so I can't say to what
extent Chaum ecash meets it. In most cases users will simply use their
software to perform transactions and no familiarity is necessary with
any antiforgery or other technical measures in the payment system. In
this sense all users are naive and no one is expected to be a
technical expert. Chaum ecash works just fine in this model.

  5. The amount of cash issued by the issuing authority is public
  information that can be verified through an auditing process.

This is the one aspect where Chaum ecash fails. It is a significant
strength of Daniel Nagy's system that it allows public audits of the
amount of cash outstanding.

However note that if the ecash issuer stands ready to buy and sell
ecash for real money then he has an incentive not to excessively
inflate his currency as it would create liabilities which exceed his
assets. Similarly, in a state of competition between multiple such
ecash issuers, any currency which over-inflates will be at a
disadvantage relative to others, as discussed in Dan Selgin's works on
free banking.

Daniel Nagy also raised a related point about insider malfeasance,
which is also a potential problem with Chaum ecash, but there do exist
technologies such as hardware security modules which can protect keys
in a highly secure manner and make sure they are used only via
authorized protocols. Again, the operators of the ecash system have
strong incentives to protect their keys against insider attacks.

  The payment system proposed in (D. Chaum, 1988) focuses on the first
  characteristic while partially or totally lacking all the others.

In summary, I don't think this is true at all. At least the first
three characteristics are met perfectly by Chaumian ecash, and
possibly the fourth is met in practice as naive users can access the
system without excessive complications. Only the fifth point, the
ability for outsiders to monitor the amount of cash in circulation, is
not satisfied. But even then, the ecash mint software, and procedures
and controls followed by the issuer, could be designed to allow third
party audits similarly to how paper money cash issuers might be
audited today.

There do exist technical proposals for ecash systems such as that from
Sander and Ta-Shma which allow monitoring the amount of cash which has
been issued and redeemed while retaining anonymity and unlinkability,
but those are of questionable efficiency with current technology.
Perhaps improved versions of such protocols could provide a payment
system which would satisfy all of Daniel Nagy's desiderata while
retaining the important feature of strong anonymity.


Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-19 Thread cyphrpunk
  Just presented at ICETE2005 by Daniel Nagy:

  Abstract.  In present paper a novel approach to on-line payment is
  presented that tackles some issues of digital cash that have, in the
  author s opinion, contributed to the fact that despite the availability
  of the technology for more than a decade, it has not achieved even a
  fraction of the anticipated popularity. The basic assumptions and
  requirements for such a system are revisited, clear (economic)
  objectives are formulated and cryptographic techniques to achieve them
  are proposed.

This is a thorough and careful paper but the system has no blinding
and so payments are traceable and linkable. The standard technique of
inserting dummy transfers is proposed, but it is not clear that this
adds real privacy. Worse, it appears that the database showing which
coins were exchanged for which is supposed to be public, making this
linkage information available to everyone, not just banking insiders.

Some aspects are similar to Dan Simon's proposed ecash system from
Crypto 96, in particular using knowledge of a secret such as a hash
pre-image to represent possession of the cash. Simon's system is
covered by patent number 5768385 and the ePoint system may need to
step carefully around that patent.  See for
further critique of Simon's approach.