[Fwd: Who's using debian?]

2002-10-18 Por tema Colin Walters
Could someone translate this for me?


1-Nombre de la Organización:
 Centro d’Información i Animació Juvenil.deXirivella (Valencia España)
2-Tipo de organización:
3-Dirección de Pagina Web:
 Actualmente no disponemos, estamos construyéndola.
 Somos un centro de información y animación juvenil, que hemos montado un aula 
de ordenadores para uso de todos los jóvenes que quieran utilizarlos.
Ofrecemos no solo conexión a la web si no que tenemos en marcha nuestro propio 
servidor de correo, hospedaje de pagina web para todos nuestros usuarios, y 
organizamos cursos de iniciación a linux para todos los que quieren empezar en 
este mundo.
Nuestra pequeña sala de usuarios tiene 8 ordenadores con debian(woody), más dos 
equipos destinados a funciones de administración, sus funciones principales son 
cortafuegos,proxy,nis,nfs,dhcp,servidor de correo, servidor de web,servidor de 
base de datos,dns  y servidor de impresión.

La verdad es que cuando me propusieron montar esta aula tenía las ideas claras, 
siempre he sido usuario debian creo que se puede decir que es de la pocas 
distribuciones que siguen fiel al espíritu linux, además de ofrecerme gran 
cantidades de paquetes.
Las demás distribuciones que he probado siempre han sido un escándalo de 
desorganización, es horrible para usuarios como yo no encontrar las cosas en su 
sitio ya que nunca he sido amigo de usar herramientas graficas para obtener las 
configuraciones optimas, ademas de las engorrosas actualizaciones que con 
debian son prácticamente automáticas,por lo que le eleccion era clara.

---End Message---

Re: [Fwd: Who's using debian?]

2002-10-18 Por tema Santiago Vila
Colin Walters wrote:
 Could someone translate this for me?

*Approximate* translation:

They are an information and entertaining center for youths who
have setup a computer lab for all the young people who wants to use it.

They offer not only connection to the web but also they have their own
mail server, web pages for all their users, and they have short
courses about Linux for those who want to start in this world.

They have have 8 computers running woody and two more machines for
administration purposes. These computers are dedicated to firewall,
proxy, nis, nfs, dhcp, mail server, web server, database server, dns
and print server.

When he was proposed to setup this lab he had clear ideas about it, he
has always been a debian user, which is one of the few distributions
faithfull to the linux spirit, as well as offering a great amount of

The other distributions he tried have always been an organizational
disaster. For people like him, he says, it's a very sad thing not to
find things in their right place, and he never liked graphical tools
to configure things, not to mention heavy upgrades which, using debian,
are nearly automatic, so his choice [for debian] was clear.

Please note that this is a quick translation. I'm sure I have made
some mistakes (for example, I don't know the exact english word
for engorroso :-). If you want a version to put in a public
place (I mean: more public that the archives of this list :-), then
please say so and we can polish the translation (if required) in the
debian-l10n-spanish list before you put it somewhere else.


Re: [Fwd: Who's using debian?]

2002-10-18 Por tema Colin Walters
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 19:28, Santiago Vila wrote:

 Please note that this is a quick translation. I'm sure I have made
 some mistakes (for example, I don't know the exact english word
 for engorroso :-). If you want a version to put in a public
 place (I mean: more public that the archives of this list :-), then
 please say so and we can polish the translation (if required) in the
 debian-l10n-spanish list before you put it somewhere else.

Yes, this will go on the Debian users page
(http://www.debian.org/users/), so I'd like it to be high quality. Your
translation is pretty good though, I think.  By the way, please feel
free to directly reply to the submitter to work out details!  There's no
particular reason for me to be an intermediary, especially given I don't
speak a word of Spanish :)

Most of the issues with your translation were minor English grammatical
things; I can just fix these before I add it to CVS, once you've got a
version you're happy with.

Thanks a lot!