a Free Platform License?

2011-11-24 Thread Clark C. Evans
I'm looking for a software license, which Debian would
support, that actively encourages use of free platforms;
and consequently restricts proprietary platforms. 

While GNU/Linux is the dominant server operating system,
it lags on the desktop.  Many of my colleagues who were
just a few years ago running GNU/Linux on their laptop
have switched over to OSX for pragmatic reasons: to
avoid hardware device issues and to be compatible with
applications that the business folk use.  Why don't
laptop vendors support GNU/Linux operating systems?  
Why do business apps still only work on OSX or Windows?

I think the issue isn't one of software quality, or
effort, or tech people just not getting design.  I
think the difficulty is how we license our software.

Free and open source software can be used without
restriction on proprietary platforms, yet, the reverse
isn't true.  If a open source application is useful
enough, it'll be ported to Windows or OSX.  As a result,
proprietary operating systems have all the goodness we
provide -- plus proprietary stuff we don't.

A platform's primary value isn't intrinsic.  Instead, it
is proportional to the platform's user base, which has a
virtuous cycle with the applications and services that
are available for this platform. 

Here's the rub.  When a free and open source application
is ported to a proprietary platform with a higher user
base, perhaps it brings higher value to that platform
than it does to the free platform it was developed with.
At the very least, a port neutralizes any relative
advantage the free platform might have had.

I think historically this was a very fine trade-off since
there was much free software to be written and the best
way to get new users was to write software that operates
on the platforms they were using.  However, is this the
right approach going forward?


Would Debian consider a Free Platform License (FPL) derived 
from the AGPLv3, but with the System Library exception 
removed (as well as the GNU specific prologue) [1]?

Perhaps more importantly, would a license such as this
actually promote free platforms in a manner that could
be somewhat enforceable?  I'm thinking for example of a
Python or Ruby application.  Would a Windows specific 
installer be permitted?

Thank you kindly for your thoughts.



[1] I'd like to thank RMS for his very helpful feedback.

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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-11-25 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Saturday, November 26, 2011 2:59 AM, Hugo Roy h...@fsfe.org
 Le vendredi 25 novembre 2011 à 12:04 -0500, Clark C. Evans a écrit :
  I understand that it's traditional for Free Software to impose
  restrictions primarily as a condition of distribution;
 Exactly, they're conditions but not restrictions. And it really seems
 that what you're looking to impose with the license are restrictions
 that discriminate. I hardly see how such a licensed software could be
 free software.

If a condition isn't satisfiable, there's no difference.
For example, the GPL restricts the distribution of derived 
works that would include proprietary (non-free) components.  

  | Would Debian consider a Free Platform License (FPL) derived 
  | from the AGPLv3, but with the System Library exception 
  | removed (as well as the GNU specific prologue)?
 How's removing the exception effective in what you are 
 trying to achieve? 

This license should prevent distributions which specifically 
target a proprietary platform.  While it would not directly 
prevent usage of the software on a proprietary platform -- it 
could hinder it in a practical manner.

Consider this license would include System Libraries as part
of the Corresponding Source (rather than excepting it).  In
this case, those who package the software are creating a
modified version.  As such, the system libraries it is packaged
to use must also be licensed under this or a compatible
license.  The Debian distribution would meet these conditions,
proprietary platform distributions won't.

For a C language program that must be linked to msvcrt.dll, 
the distribution condition is pretty much fatal.  It'd require
users compile their own copy of the program for private use.

For interpreted languages, such as Python or Ruby, this sort
of license may be less effective since the typical package 
files are platform independent.  If a platform installer was 
created, for example one that included a runtime engine 
compiled for a given platform, it'd be restricted.

Overall, I think the added encumbrance to distribution 
might be sufficient to provide an effective discrimination
while still remaining free software.

 People can install a free system library on a proprietary
 platform and then software licensed as such (GPLv3 minus 
 system library exception) could link to it, but installed 
 on a proprietary platform, which fails at doing what you're 
 trying to do.

I'm not sure what case you're outlining here. 

 In the end, I am really not sure a license is what's needed 
 to make free software operating systems grow (and I am also 
 not sure yet another license is needed at all. Copyleft is 
 already essential to achieve that).

Thank you for your time Hugo.



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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-11-25 Thread Clark C. Evans
  I'm looking for a license that discriminates against proprietary
  platforms. I'm open to any specific effects that may do this, subject,
  of course, to what is consistent with Debian's values.
 I'm pretty sure that the above stated intention is not compatible 
 with software freedom.

By design, copyleft discriminates against proprietary software.  
It just happens that the GPL has an exception for system libraries 
so that it doesn't discriminate against platforms (a specific kind 
of proprietary software).  Just because this exception exists in 
the GPL doesn't mean that it is necessary requirement for being 
considered free software.  Is it?

 Discriminate against proprietary platforms seems to necessarily
 entail discriminating against a field of use for the work, which 
 violates an essential freedom for the recipient of the work.

I don't understand how discriminating against a given software 
component licensed in a particular way would necessarily entail 
discriminating against a field-of-use, group of users, etc.
They seem quite orthogonal concerns to me.

 If you could prepare the work you're interested in packaging, 
 and the actual set of license terms, the discussion could 
 get more concrete.

I'm asking something fairly concrete here already:

| Would Debian consider a Free Platform License (FPL) derived 
| from the AGPLv3, but with the System Library exception 
| removed (as well as the GNU specific prologue)?

Reducing this to an actual license text is quite a bit of
effort -- especially if it weren't considered. 



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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-11-28 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:35 AM, Osamu Aoki os...@debian.org
 This definition of Major Component may include non-free binary blob in
 non-free kernel modules.  For example, ethernel device driver, HDD RAID
 driver, 3D Video driver, ...

If the work requires a particular non-free system library or 
driver or binary blob for its operation, then distribution 
would be restricted.  However, everything needed to build 
convey binary distribution from preferred sources is free 
and if the final work operates on an entirely free platform, 
then the distribution criteria would be met.

 Are you sure if a user uses PC with non-free NVIDIA driver as a major
 component, you request this?  If this is your intention ... Or you allow
 them as long as they use GNU/Linux.

For a free software license, how the user chooses to operate the 
work, on what hardware and on what platform isn't a concern.

On Monday, November 28, 2011 4:11 PM, Simon McVittie s...@debian.org
 By being a copyleft license with more restrictions than the GPL,
 I believe your proposed license is non-GPL-compatible.  This isn't 
 necessarily a barrier to DFSG compliance, but it's a major practical 

Yes, I agree it's a practical problem.  I also think your comments
are accurate.  I'm not sure I agree with your conclusion, I need 
a bit more time to digest your thoughtful analysis.

 Some interesting corner cases for you to think about:
 * If your software is ported to run on Wine, an LGPL implementation of
   the  Windows API, is that a free platform? (How could it not be, 
   given that its license is the same as glibc?) If it turns out the 
   same binaries run correctly on a Windows machine, have you achieved 
   anything by using this license, apart from annoying your users?
 * If your software is ported to run on GNUstep on Darwin, is that a free
   platform? If it turns out the same binaries run correctly on Mac OS X,
   have you achieved anything by using this license?

Yes.  Quite a bit actually.  We've ensured that any derived works 
will build and operate on a free platform and won't require a 
proprietary operating system for these purposes.  

Even so, would this be practical?  You couldn't just get away 
with packaging the software in a emulated environment, you'd 
have to ensure that it operates there as you expect; otherwise,
you'd be in violation.  Imagine a bug report comes in for 
a specific version of a platform due to a defect in the 
system library.  To develop an application-level work-around 
for this bug, you'd first have to ensure that your emulation 
environment also has this defect.

I guess to be absolutely clear about this, the license should
define the idea of preferred platform and require that this
platform be free software.

 * If I run your software in a FreeBSD or Linux virtual machine (e.g.
   VMWare or VirtualBox) on a Windows host, is that allowed? Why/why not?
 * A PC running your software has a non-free BIOS, and runs FreeBSD with
   binary-only drivers (nVidia!). Is that allowed? Why/why not?
   What if the binary-only drivers are needed to boot (network card

How a user wishes to use a copy of the work in the privacy of
their own organization is not the subject of the license.  

I think the virtual hardware emulation layer may be a great
way to think about it.  Perhaps the best test for compliance 
of a distribution is if you can build and deploy the work in
an emulated environment (say KVM) running only free software.


 I don't think whether your license is DFSG-compliant is the 
 important issue here;

I do.  If Debian, on general principle is opposed to any
license that would discriminate based upon platform, then 
this determination effectively eliminates further discussion.

So far in this thread, there have been several comments
that lead me to believe that even if this license may be
considered free software, it would not be DFSG compliant.

On  November 24, David Prévot taf...@debian.org wrote:
 If you're looking for a license that discriminate against 
 [a] group of persons [DGSG5], such as proprietary platforms 
 users, that's not going happen in Debian.

On November 26, Ben Finney ben+deb...@benfinney.id.au wrote:
 Discriminate against proprietary platforms seems to 
 necessarily entail discriminating against a field of use 
 for the work, which violates an essential freedom for the 
 recipient of the work.

On November 26, Hugo Roy h...@fsfe.org wrote:
  This license should prevent distributions which 
  specifically target a proprietary platform. 
 No, you don't want to prevent distributions, that would 
 be like taking away the freedom to distribute copies to 
 specific people. That would not be free.

I think the origin for this line thinking resides with 
DFSG/OSI non-discrimination clauses and has very little
do to with RMS's definition of free software.

For example, let's consider a case to which the GPL 
license is found 

Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-11-29 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 8:25 AM, Hugo Roy h...@fsfe.org wrote:
 I am talking of the freedom to distribute copies of the program. 
 If you restrict that freedom to specific people that is clearly 
 not free software, and that is totally consistent with RMS' l,
 definition as well.

The GPL provides conditions for distribution, when
those conditions are not met -- you can't distribute
a modified copy. Hence, the GPL prevents distribution.

 tightly integrating looks like it's a derivative 
 work. I don't think this is possible. Both would have 
 to be under GPL terms. (That's not a discrimination!)

Zeek does have the right to construct his derived 
work that combines the GPL and non-free work.  

 He can't put his work under the GPL… and this is true 
 to anybody. He cannot publish his modifications because 
 he cannot put John's non-free under the GPL.

Since Zeek can't distribute John's work under the GPL or 
a compatible license, he doesn't meet the distribution
criteria to be a distributable modification of Lisa's work.

 The GPL isn't preventing distribution. If the GPL was 
 preventing distribution, it would mean in the first
 place that Zeek has a legal right to distribute a work 
 of authorship.

Ok.  So this is the crux of why GPL doesn't discriminate;
since the GPL didn't provide the right of distribution to
Zeek, there isn't any right lost, and hence no discrimination.

 This right comes from copyright (in the US), but in 
 this precise example it would be a either:
  * a violation of copyright (John's copyright) if you 
pretend it's under GPL (or GPL-compatible license)
  * a violation of the GNU GPL (Lisa's copyright) if 
you distribute with the non-free library
 There are no discrimination by the GPL: nobody is 
 allowed to get this program, because Zeek has no right 
 under John's license to publish any derivative work. 

Oh, let's suppose John's license provides the rights to
make derivative works then, provided that his library's
license (say with an advertising clause) is incorporated.

 That's where the non-free comes from; not the GPL.

Well, I think this is a terminology / perspective issue.


So, according to this logic, the Free Platform License
described (as derived from GPLv3, without Affero) would
also not discriminate against platform users.  Since 
those who would wish to distribute FPL licensed software
for use specifically with a non-free platform have no
previous rights to do so.  Hence, there is no 
discrimination with this approach.



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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-11-29 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:25 PM, Francesco Poli wrote:

 On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:11:29 + Simon McVittie wrote:
  The tl:dr version: just use the GPL, or the AGPL if you must.

 My summary is somewhat similar: please just use the GNU GPL, 
 and nothing more restrictive than that (I don't think the 
 GNU AfferoGPL v3 meets the DFSG, so please avoid that 
 license, as well).  

Francesco has made a compelling case against including 
the Affero terms as part of the Free Platform License.
So, let's assume that the proposed license is derived
from the GPLv3 and doesn't not have restrictions on use;
I'll provide an revision of the proposed license text
later this week.


I suppose there are many grounds for dismissing this 
license and I'm not sure where I stand.  Here are the 
reasons as I've been able to ascertain.

License Proliferation: I think that this license is 
substantially different in its effects than existing
licenses and is written in a generic manner.  

Conflicts with GPL: Unfortunate as it may be, it is
not a reason to reject the proposal.  Lots of licenses 
conflict with various GPL versions and there are known 
techniques for handling these conflicts.  By using GPLv3
text as a basis, it will be compatible with the bulk
of non-copyleft licenses.

Adoption Problems: I think you can't say this license
wouldn't be popular.  I know many developers who dislike
when their work is used in combination with proprietary
platforms so much that they'd engage more if their work
were exclusive to free platforms; and I know still others 
who would kill for an effective way to dual-license by 
charging for compatibility with proprietary platforms.

Practical Problems: I think the license would provide a
very practical effect; it'd be far harder to make derived
works that rely upon specific platform features.  That
said, this probably needs a bit more exploration.

DFSG/Discrimination: This sort of license would treat
platform software in the same manner that the GPL treats 
proprietary libraries.  So, I think if there are problems 
here, the GPL shares those same issues.

Free Software Problems: I think this is a free software
license, and if it isn't, let's fix it.

Did I miss anything?  I'd prefer to continue this very
helpful discussion if those on debian-legal would be 
willing to continue to hear me out.  In particular, I 
don't understand the Practical Problems, so any thoughts 
on this would be especially delightful.



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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-12-04 Thread Clark C. Evans
- Original message -
From: Clark C. Evans c...@clarkevans.com
To: license-disc...@opensource.org
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2011 13:38:20 -0500
Subject: a Free Island Public License?

Please find for your amusement and hopeful commentary 
a different take on what it means to be Free Software.


This software is licensed for any purpose excepting
the right to make publicly available derived works 
which depend exclusively upon non-free software.

So long as this copyright and license are included in
all substantial copies of this work you may:

1. Publicly copy and use verbatim copies of this
   work including public distribution and performance.

2. Privately deal with this work in any way you wish,
   including internal usage, copying, and modification
   of this work.

You may also make publicly available via distribution 
or public performance any Derived Work only if the
following conditions are met:

1. the preferred source code for the Derived Work must
   be made freely available under this license;

2. the Derived Work must pass the Free Island test.

By Derived Work we mean a modified copy or adaptation 
of this work or a separate work such as a plug-in, 
protocol adapter, or wrapper which is designed to have 
intimate interactions with this work's operational 
details, or interfaces.

A Derived Work passes the Free Island test if it could 
be prepared, modified, compiled, tested, installed, and 
operated in a manner advertised or expected using only 
commodity hardware, Free Software, this software, and 
the Derived Work itself.  In particular, the Derived 
Work fails the test if it in any way depends upon remote 
network interaction or interfaces to works that do not
have a Free Software implementation.

By Free Software we mean any software which is readily 
available to the public without fee and this license, 
any license approved by the Open Source Initiative or 
any license considered free by the Free Software Foundation.

A safe harbor for passing the Free Island test is if
the Derived Work is fully usable as intended when
compiled  installed on a Debian virtual machine using 
software only from its 'free' distribution and KVM.  
If the Derived Work was created for interaction with 
other works, then it must be fully testable in 
conjunction with a Free Software alternative of this 
work as available on this virtual machine.


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Re: Are Web-API packages need to be in the 'main' repo ?

2011-12-04 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Sunday, December 04, 2011 3:55ser PM, Joey Hess jo...@debian.org
  Perhaps they should be moved to 'contrib' category, because they
  interface non-free web-services. Debian's 'main' repository seems not
  the right place for any such web APIs.

  How far down this line until it belongs in contrib or non-free? 
 I don't know.

I'd say that any dependency on non-free remote service fails Debian's 
Desert Island Test [1] and as such, even if the remote access is 
free-of-charge and functional, the code using it should be limited 
to contrib.  Software which has a configurable end-point and which 
access an implementation that is free software is free.



[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DesertIslandTest

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Re: Are Web-API packages need to be in the 'main' repo ?

2011-12-05 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Monday, December 05, 2011 10:51 PM, Andrei Popescu
andreimpope...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Lu, 05 dec 11, 21:55:28, Alexey Eromenko wrote:
  The contrib archive area contains supplemental packages intended to
  work with the Debian distribution, but which require software
  outside of the distribution to either build or function.
  This definition does not say 'non-free web services' - but points in
  such direction.

 Expanding more on the pidgin example, as far as I can tell pidgin has
 one single library (libpurple) for all protocols.

Pragmatically, I'd give Pidgin a pass since it has substantial
free software use, although with a wishlist to split out the
modules relying upon proprietary protocols.  As you mention, 
having software which does free and non-free equivalents 
side-by-side has a particular value. 

 Also, you don't specify what you understand by non-free web
 services. Remember that both Google and Facebook use XMPP for chat (a
 free protocol) and they might be using 100% free software on their

I picture client and server programs with a protocol between 
them as partial works; they exist in an intermediate state 
where they cannot be operated until they are linked together.

Therefore, if you have a client that lacks a server, or a
server that lacks a client, it makes no sense to talk of 
them as free software.  In particular:

1. Since it's not operational with only what was provided, 
   the user doesn't have the freedom to run the program, 
   for any purpose (freedom #0)

2. Since the user only gets half of the system, the user doesn't
   have the freedom to study how it works (freedom #1)

3. If you have only the client or server, the user doesn't
   have the freedom to share the software (freedom #2)

4. Without source code access to the other half, the user
   has no way to make or distribute modifications (freedom #3)

In my opinion, the only way to evaluate a client or server
application is if you can construct a full copy of the
system (requiring both parts) and demonstrate that it 
operates as expected by the developer. 

Certainly, once demonstrated in isolation that you're
providing free software either part (the client or
the server) may be bound to proprietary software as
the user sees fit.  This is their right.

Concretely, I think if the protocol used has a free software 
implementation, and if the client has some way to choose 
a service, then it is absolutely clean (you could run a 
Jabber/IRC server on your Free Island).

If the protocol only has a proprietary implementation, 
then even if the client code is under a free license,
it still isn't a completed work since it depends upon
proprietary software for its operation.  Hence, it 
belongs in contrib.

 Please don't get me wrong, I would love to able to use my system
 without any package from contrib or non-free, but free software is
 just not there *yet*.

Well, this is why Debian has contrib and non-free, yes?

 Free software is mostly on par with non-free software except a few
 special cases, but it is still not enough. It has to be so much 
 better that users will *massively* choose free software, despite 
 the marketing and the migration costs and whatnot.

I understand that my opinion here isn't shared widely, but I 
think it has to go much further than this.  Users have to be
given a hard choice: there needs to be free software which is 
exclusive to free platforms.  Otherwise we're just competing 
with one hand tied behind our back.

 This is where resources should go, not to alienating users by 
 making it even more difficult to switch than it already is.

I think clients which exclusively depends upon twitter or 
facebook are rather clear, while they may be licensed under
a Free Software license, they are chained quite profoundly 
to a proprietary web service.

The free/contrib distinction makes people scratch their heads.
Why isn't this Free?  It's an important lever.  Some people
just don't think of Twitter or Facebook as software at all
and will happily chain their work to it.  I think the awareness
of this is quite important.

User interfaces and package managers could choose to display
contrib and non-free works with a special icon or something
rather than completely ignoring their existence?



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Re: Are Web-API packages need to be in the 'main' repo ?

2011-12-12 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
  What happens if my application gets smart, it looks first
  for the proprietary dynamic link library; and if it isn't
  there, it uses a web service wrapper for that library?  Would
  this move an application from contrib to free?

 This software would not install on a Debian system as software
 can't install unless its dependencies are met. 

Let's say the Debian package for this only *suggests* the 
non-free library in its documentation or splash screen, it 
will after all work without the library since it can fallback 
on the proprietary web service.  In this way there isn't a 
technical installation dependency: only if you want it faster.

Can my GPL software package go into free now?  How about 
if it downloads the dynamic link library at startup?

 Again, I think by this logic, the entirety of software 
 included in the Debian archive that is used to access a 
 network service could be labeled contrib or non-free.  

Only if there isn't a free software implementation of 
that web service protocol.

 I think that's a serious mistake.  Debian has no control 
 over the operators of external SaaS providers. 

Isn't that the whole problem?  How can software be free
if the user who receives the work has absolutely no control
or right to actually use the software.

If you wish to look at this from a legal perspective, when
a client software program is written for the exclusive 
purpose of interfacing with a proprietary web service, it
effectively includes the Terms of Service of that service.

Hence, the GDrive adapter isn't just FLOSS licensed, it
implicitly includes Google GDrive Terms of Service; which 
by the way, includes a provision that they can remove the 
user's right to use the service at any time.

What about the 17 year old who can't use the Google+ client 
that is free software because he is too young?  They simply
canceled his account.   Ah, right, he can still fully use
the Google+ *CLIENT* application and enjoy the message 
about how he doesn't have an account... 

 To embed this -- oversight? -- into Debian policy is, in 
 my opinion, opening a Pandora's  box and a grave mistake.

One of the real and differentiating social purposes of 
Debian is to be a distribution of Free software.  It's 
not just a technical thing, it's about denying proprietary 
software equal footing in the distribution.  

I know you could argue that it's only the Facebook Client
and not Facebook itself that comes on Debian.  But, how
would a user know this or be able to make the distinction?
Why would someone use Diaspora if Facebook is just as free?

If a commercial web service wants to be available on GNU/Linux
systems, perhaps they should also provide an open protocol with 
an open source implementation?  Is that too much to ask?



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Re: Thoughts on GPL's Appropriate Legal Notices? or the CPAL?

2011-12-14 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011, at 01:37 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 An interactive user interface displays Appropriate Legal Notices
 to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently
 visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice,
 and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work
 (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that
 licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view
 a copy of this License.
 That is, the work can require the displaying of the Copyright notice
 and that there is no warranty, and that's it. The only other thing
 that can be done is [r]equiring [the] preservation of specified
 reasonable legal notices, but that does not include the displaying of
 those notices.

I think these are the criteria used to know when a work is displaying
Appropriate Legal Notices, not that it would limit items to be included.

In 7(b) the GPLv3 provides for permissive additions which 
Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices 
 or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate 
 Legal Notices displayed by works containing it

So, I think Attribution is absolutely included, the question for me is 
if Powered By SugarCRM is a reasonable author attribution.  I like
Simon's wording of something that would be covered...

| (By contrast, incorporates code from SugarCRM would remain a true
| and is nicely neutral: a non-binding request to acknowledge use of
| is much less adversarial and probably has about the same practical

My broader question is if Debian would permit the distribution of works 
with a reasonable attribution requirement.



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Re: Thoughts on GPL's Appropriate Legal Notices? or the CPAL?

2011-12-15 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011, at 09:36 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
 I'll mention, again, that this forum is not appropriate for general
 discussion about licenses in the absence of an actual existing work that
 is proposed for (or already in) Debian.

Hi Ben.

I'm working to open source a medical informatics package, 
RexDB, as well as a query language, HTSQL it uses; both of
these are used by dozens of research groups (and hopefully
many more in the coming years).  In particular, one of the
primary benefits to using a standard open source license is
that the work would be included alongside other Free Software
on fine distributions such as Debian.  This is why I'm here.

What seems to tip the scale in favor of doing an open source
release is the GPLv3's provisions for author attribution, in
particular as some sort of Incorporates RexDB (thanks Simon)
message.  As Richard noted allowing some sort of required 
attribution notice is part of the GPLv3 design.  If we added 
a clause requiring attribution, pursuant to 7(b) of the GPL 
would Debian legal have any specific issue with this? 

In particular, both Zarafa and SugarCRM language request a 
logo, or if not technically feasible, a short phrase 
Powered By SugarCRM or Initial Development by Zarafa. 

We would be looking to do something similar and I'm asking
for specific thoughts on the appropriateness of this for 
inclusion in Debian.  Thank you for your kind consideration.



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Re: Thoughts on GPL's Appropriate Legal Notices? or the CPAL?

2011-12-15 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011, at 02:28 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 The critical aspect here is whether author attributions are 
 required to be preserved in the material, or also in the ALNs.
 Retaining them in the material is clearly reasonable, but I 
 don't believe that forcing them to be present in the ALN 
 is consistent with the terms of the GPL.

It seems that 7(b) pretty clearly requires that they be preserved:

7(b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal 
 notices or author attributions in that material or 
 in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works 
 containing it;

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Re: a Free Platform License?

2011-12-17 Thread Clark C. Evans

Thank you for thoughts on this.  Pursuant to Ben's request,
the discussion of this hypothetical license (well, a 2nd pass)
has been moved to license-disc...@opensource.org




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Re: Local community license issue

2012-01-08 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Sun, Jan 8, 2012, at 06:10 PM, Charles Plessy wrote:
 if you and the other contributors are not worried that your works 
 will be used in proprietary derivatives, it may be most simple to 
 take extremely liberal licenses, like the Unlicense, or to explore 
 the way the Translation Project does, that is to promise to not 
 exert copyrights.


I think if you're looking for a public domain statement for the
Translation Project, I'd use the C0 instead of Unlicense.  The 
C0 license is endorsed by the FSF and will likely be listed as
a valid open source license by the OSI.  By contrast, the Unlicense
is viewed by some legal professionals as being quite problematic.

There was a brief mention of Unlicense on the OSI's license-review
list this past week, here's a quote from Rick Moen:

| I hadn't seen Unlicense before now, but my immediate impression is
| it's not well formed and should be avoided.
| Its first sentence professes to put the covered work into the public
| domain.  However, then the second sentence professes to grant reserved
| rights under copyright law.  However, who is granting those rights,
| erstwhile copyright holder who, one sentence earlier, professed to
| destroy his or her own title?
| By contrast, CC0 states explicitly that the current copyright holder 
| is attempting (I paraphrase) to the extent permitted by local law to
| disavow in perpetuity and on behalf of all successors all reserved
| rights, and _if that is locally unsuccessful_ grants a permissive
| license under his/her powers as copyright owner.
| I realize there are a whole lot of software engineers out there who'd
| like to handwave copyright law out of their lives (including you), but
| it'd be really nice if they'd occasionally bother to consult suitable
| legal help before shooting themselves and others in the foot.
If you're interested in more, here is a followup message.


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Re: GPLv3/Apache argument brought up some concerns over the current state of the GPL

2012-01-09 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012, at 07:41 PM, Felyza Wishbringer wrote:
 My biggest concern is that since it allows for small modifications,
 what would protect us, as the original authors, from someone taking
 our source, modifying a single line, then re-releasing under a
 modified GPLv3 that says that inclusion must state in documentation
 they had a part in the work.

I presume you're referring to provision 7b which requires the
*preservation* of specified legal notices or author attributions?

I suppose someone could take a GPLv3 licensed copy of your work, 
modify the source code so that it displays an attribution to 
themselves in the Legal Notices and then release their changes 
under the GPLv3 together with a clause under 7b so works derived
from theirs couldn't remove the attribution.  They could even 
attempt sell their copy for a few hundred thousand dollars!

However, this change wouldn't affect your version, nor anyone who 
is using your distribution.  My guess is that there one-line 
change would have to be pretty significant for someone to want to 
use their version over yours.  In particular, nothing they would 
do might force you to add an attribution in your documentation.

I can't imagine anyone every doing something like this. 




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Re: ITP fsmark - bug 655224: License restriction for lib_timing.c DFSG compliant?

2012-01-10 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  11  * additional restriction that results may published only if
  12  * (1) the benchmark is unmodified, and
  13  * (2) the version in the sccsid below is included in the report.

I think with professional legal assistance the intent of this
restriction could be phrased as a permissive additional term
under GPLv3 section 7(e).   What the author seems to be doing is
treating SCCSID as a trademark of sorts and wanting to restrict
how this trademark is used in published results.  So long as the 
author is OK with someone making a derived work and publishing 
results from that work using some other name, then probably
there is probably a reasonable compromise here.



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Forget Me Not - Commensurate Attribution

2012-01-22 Thread Clark C. Evans
I have approval to release HTSQL (http://htsql) under the AGPLv3
license so long as it contains an attribution requirement as
permitted by section 7 of the GPL.  We also plan to release some
other components of our RexDB work under a more liberal
permissive license with a similar attribution requirement.

The particular Additional Term I'm proposing can be found here:

Rather than do this in a manner that hurts license proliferation,
I'm attempting to make generally reusable AGPLv3 clause and such
license derived from the MIT so that others that wish attribution
could use these terms instead of minting their own.  To this end,
I've setup a GitHub project, for this Forget Me Not effort:


As part of this broader effort, I hope to also have a simple
compliance tool that would generate a static web page that 
could be used for credits  licensing.

I'd love your commentary and assistance making this broadly
useful and I particularly value feedback by Debian community.



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Re: Forget Me Not - Commensurate Attribution

2012-01-22 Thread Clark C. Evans
I apologize, the repository is https://github.com/tip-o-the-hat/fmn

On Sun, Jan 22, 2012, at 04:31 PM, Clark C. Evans wrote:
 I have approval to release HTSQL (http://htsql) under the AGPLv3
 license so long as it contains an attribution requirement as
 permitted by section 7 of the GPL.  We also plan to release some
 other components of our RexDB work under a more liberal
 permissive license with a similar attribution requirement.
 The particular Additional Term I'm proposing can be found here:
 Rather than do this in a manner that hurts license proliferation,
 I'm attempting to make generally reusable AGPLv3 clause and such
 license derived from the MIT so that others that wish attribution
 could use these terms instead of minting their own.  To this end,
 I've setup a GitHub project, for this Forget Me Not effort:
 As part of this broader effort, I hope to also have a simple
 compliance tool that would generate a static web page that 
 could be used for credits  licensing.
 I'd love your commentary and assistance making this broadly
 useful and I particularly value feedback by Debian community.

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Re: Forget Me Not - Commensurate Attribution

2012-01-22 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012, at 12:08 AM, Francesco Poli wrote:
 describes itself as an additional permissive term, but seems to
 actually be an additional requirement.

Quite right.  I was reading section 7 incorrectly and had 
mentally omitted the word other.  So, you're correct, this 
is a non-permissive additional term as defined by the GPLv3.
I've fixed this, thank you so much!

 I am not sure I understand which is the category of allowed
 non-permissive additional terms this one is intended to belong 
 to.  Section 7 of the GNU (Affero)GPL v3 lists 6 categories (a
 through f) of non-permissive additional terms that may supplement 
 of the terms written in the text of the license.

I was intending for it to be subject to 7b, in particular,

  Requiring ... author attributions ... in the Appropriate 
  Legal Notices displayed by works containing it

To help move things along, I've written a Language Discussion
section in the readme describing my logic. I'm hopeful to have 
commentary and any corrections you might see. 




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Re: Forget Me Not - Commensurate Attribution

2012-01-25 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Francesco Poli wrote:
 I am not sure your addition non-permissive term really follows 
 what is allowed by clause 7b...
 Please note the word preservation.

You are correct.  I apologize for the distraction.  So that
I'm tracking an actual submission for Debian, I'll prepare 
very specific/targeted 7b non-permissive term for HTSQL that 
closely tracks prior usage and is customary.

Thank you once again for your thoughtful analysis Francesco!


I will keep this license clause alive in a submission to 
the OSI; as we will dual-license some components with a
MIT-derived license having similar terms.  However, in
keeping with Ben's wishes to not use this as a license
development forum, I won't pursue this further here. 
If anyone is interested, you could track this: 

https://github.com/tip-o-the-hat/fmn#readme and via



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Re: custom license (package: bwctl)

2012-02-03 Thread Clark C. Evans

This looks like a non-symmetric copyleft-like attempt:

 then you thereby grant Internet2, its contributors, and its members

for that reason, I don't think it's free


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Re: custom license (package: bwctl)

2012-02-03 Thread Clark C. Evans
 I am not so sure.  It is not required to give them back the changes.

Although you are not required to provide them your enhancements, 
you are required to provide Internet2 licensing rights that are 
not granted to others should you wish to make the source code for
your derivative work generally available.

To me, and I'm not a lawyer, this license seems to discriminate 
against those who are not members of Internet2.  For example, I'm
not granted those extra permissions on derivative works.

This is truly a clever license... perhaps it is an anti-free license?
or the perpetually-permissive-for-consoritum-members license? 



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Re: custom license (package: bwctl)

2012-02-04 Thread Clark C. Evans

I'm not a lawyer, but this looks like a one-sided consortium
assignment agreement disquised as a BSD license.  It's not 
even remotely free software.  Let's read the license.

| You are under no obligation whatsoever to provide any 
| enhancements to Internet2 or its contributors. 

You're not required to send Internet2 your enhancements.
That's definately free, but it could be omitted.  

| If you choose to provide your enhancements, or if you choose 
| to otherwise publish or distribute your enhancements

Ah.  So, what's covered by providing enhancements to Internet2
is any sort of publication or distribution.  

| in source code form 

This one is interesting, I guess they explicitly don't want
to cover binary distributions of your enhancements.  So you
can keep those to yourself if you wish.

| without contemporaneously requiring end users to enter into 
| a separate written license agreement for such enhancements

Ok.  So, this language iss the one under debate I guess.  
Simply putting on a license text isn't sufficient, you need 
to *require* end users to *enter* into a *written* agreement.   

I don't think free software licenses are covered by this clause,
for two reasons.  First, anything that requires _assent_ by an
end user has traditionally been seen as non-free.  Secondly,
enter into a written agreement means that the licensor must 
co-sign the agreement, and hence, at the very least be notified
of the licensee's usage.  This has also been seen as non-free.

In summary, although you can license your Enhancements to others
without triggering the contribution language, you simply can't
use a free and open source license to do so.  This clause is 
meant to permit you to use a *non-disclosure* agreement or
some other high-level corp-to-corp sharing agreement.

| then you thereby grant Internet2 and its contributors a
| non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to install, use,
| modify, prepare derivative works, incorporate into the software or
| other computer software, distribute, and sublicense your enhancements
| or derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form.

So, a one-sided copyleft.  So, if you publish your derived work, they
can re-license it in any way they wish.  However, others can't.

On Sat, Feb 4, 2012, at 09:23 AM, Charles Plessy wrote:
 This license allows to make derivatives under any terms, 
 very similarly to the BSD license. 

Not any terms, it's absolutely GPL incompatible since your 
derivative is bound by this extra clause.

 It makes it impossible to publish derivatives under no terms at all.  

No it doesn't.  Internet2 simply doesn't care since they can use your 
derivatives without restriction no matter what license you use.  Unless, 
of course, you execute a written agreement with each end-user.

| This restriction is much weaker than copyleft licenses, 

This is in no way a copyleft.  Copyleft doesn't require assignment
back to the original company, this license effectively does.  

 Thefore, while the validity of this concept of default license may be
 questionable, I do not think that it is non-free.

It is absolutely non-free.  But wonderfully disguised.  It actively
discourages the free publication of course code, by penalizing those
that do so with effective assignment of derivatives to Internet2.  
By contrast, it does exactly what the GPL forbids: permits binary
derivative works and encouraging sharing only under under a NDA.




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Re: custom license (package: bwctl)

2012-02-07 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012, at 05:27 PM, Charles Plessy wrote:
 Le Sat, Feb 04, 2012 at 09:20:19AM -0500, Clark C. Evans a écrit :
  | without contemporaneously requiring end users to enter into 
  | a separate written license agreement for such enhancements
  Ok.  So, this language iss the one under debate I guess.  
  Simply putting on a license text isn't sufficient, you need 
  to *require* end users to *enter* into a *written* agreement.   
 In my understanding, “to enter into a written license agreement” 
 can be done by receiving a license text, reading it and accepting it. 

Even if it might be readable this manner, this clause still creates a 
non-free burden for those publishing a derived work: distributions 
must *require* that the user *enter into* the license agreement. 
proprietary software vendors use an Accept License Terms dialog with a 
prominent button saying I ACCEPT to satisfy this requirement.



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Re: Using freetranslation.mobi to translate .po files

2012-03-24 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012, at 02:09 PM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
 Now Petter had the idea to feed this into google translations, 
 using http://freetranslation.mobi and committed the result
 back into the debian-edu-doc svn repository.

I don't think you can do this.  

#1 Translations are copyrightable.  Small translations may be
   non-copyrightable or fair use, but from what I understand,
   we're talking about the translation of a whole manual.

#2 Copyright is automatic, not something you need to claim.
   Hence, those who produce the translation hold the copyrights
   to this material.  You need permission of the original 
   copyright holder to authorize the translation and the 
   permission of the translator to license their work back 
   under the GPL.

#3 FreeTranslation doesn't have a legal notice that puts their
   translations into the public domain or under the GPL; Google's
   terms of service explicitly reserves copyright for any content
   you may access and does not grant a license for its use.
   Hence, the output of the translation process is *not* licensed
   under the GPL 2+ as one would need to commit it back.

#4 FreeTranslation doesn't have a terms of service; Google's terms
   assume the right to publicly distribute derivative works under
   terms incompatible with the GPL.  Hence, use of this service with 
   GPL'd material may be both a violation of the original author's
   license and also Google's terms of service (since you lack the
   the ability to license the original work as Google requires).

It seems Petter is arguing that he might be able to work around
the copyright law by only translating a small piece at a time and 
then assembling the translated pieces.  I'm skeptical of this logic,
since it doesn't consider the intent of the effort and the work as
a whole. Phrases in a creative composition such as a manual arn't 
a set of independent facts that can be treated individually.  

The other argument is that the translation service is fully 
automated and hence there is no expressive creativity in the
translations.  I think this is a false assumption, the service
itself required creativity to implement, and the specific choice
of word associations in specific contexts is not algorithmic
nor factual, but individual calls by translation submitters who
have granted the translation service license to use their work.

I suggest that the developer may want to *contact* Google tell 
them what you wish.  They may be willing to accept the input under 
the terms of the GPL and produce output under those same terms. 
Especially if the output is reviewed and alternative, corrective 
phrase translations submitted back to Google under terms which 
they could use to improve their translation service.

I'm not a lawyer, this isn't legal advice.


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Re: Using freetranslation.mobi to translate .po files

2012-03-26 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012, at 01:36 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
  I think this is a false assumption, the service itself required
  creativity to implement, and the specific choice of word associations
  in specific contexts is not algorithmic nor factual, but individual
  calls by translation submitters who have granted the translation
  service license to use their work.
 By the same argument, the GCC copyright holders can claim to hold
 copyright in every program compiled using GCC, and the copyright holders
 in PHP can claim copyright in every web page that program renders. I
 think that's exactly as unsound as the argument you present.

I don't think your comparison is sound.  A compiler is going from 
one synthetic anguage with well defined semantics to another.  A 
human language translation isn't simmilar at all.

If you insist on assuming that the output is indeed the result of 
a mechanical compilation and if you presume the final result is 
GPLv2+, then the process must comply with Clause #6 of the GPLv3. 
This requires the corresponding *source code* needed to _generate_ 
the work from its source code be compatibly licensed  Hence, if 
you want to compare this process to the GCC case... the translator 
itself must be released under the GPLv3. 

I think presuming the translation output isn't copyrighted is 
wishful thinking, valuing *your* copyrights over the copyrights of 
others.  For example, if the chunks arn't copyrightable, and 
assembling chunks is just an automated process... why is the 
source document copyrightable, it's just a series of uncopyrighted 
facts (e.g. words).  If the sequence matters, then you're not just 
sending chunks to the service, you're sending the entire document.

I'm not a lawyer, this isn't legal advice.



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Re: Using freetranslation.mobi to translate .po files

2012-03-26 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012, at 09:53 AM, Steve Langasek wrote:
 Not in the least.  Releasing something under GPLv2+ means the 
 recipient gets to *choose* which version of the GPL they're 
 complying with, including when they create derivative works.

I've not studied GPLv2 at all, I was using GPLv3 since I'm at 
least a bit familar with it.  That said, I don't think you 
could take the output of the translation and pretend that it 
is licensed via the GPLv3.  I presume GPLv2 is similar.

 In the GPLv3 only case, I think there's also still room to maneuver; even
 though the translation is initially a mechanical translation, once done,
 doesn't this translation then become a new part of the *source*, subject
 to hand editing and revision?  If so, I don't think it falls under section 6.

I think there's two ways to look at it.  If you look at it 
through a non-technical lense, the translation is copyrighted 
and hence you can't simply slap a GPLv2+ license on it.

If you want to view it technically, I think the current 
explanations don't account for copyright on the sequence of 
non copyrightable chunks; or, if you might randomize your 
submissions, that the cached results don't amount to copying 
chunks of the translation dictionary used by the service.

 US copyright law recognizes that there may be creative expression 
 in the selection and organization of factual information.  This 
 is why a phonebook (or a timezone database!), which has a trivial 
 structure of organization and is intended to be exhaustive, is not 
 recognized as having a copyright

So, you claim that a translation dictionary isn't copyrightable?

I'm not sure this assumption is true -- which words to map to 
which words isn't factual, it is a judgement call and creative 
interpretation based on context.  Different translators may come 
up with different word choices.  Also, if you're in Europe, you 
may also have to comply with database laws, which, as I understand 
it, protect against copying of sweat-of-the-brow collections.

 So when you choose what bits to feed into the machine and how to assemble
 the output, the new copyright that attaches is yours, assuming that the
 choosing and assembling is non-trivially creative; the machine doesn't
 hold any copyright.

While it may be true that the translation process itself doesn't 
create a derived work, I believe the incorporation of a large 
corpus of individual creative choices found in the translation
mapping do make the resulting translation a derived work.  If not,
we'd have some strange force of nature which magically aligned 
peoples minds to consider the same words to have the same meanings ;)

I'm not a lawyer.  This is not legal advice.



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Re: foremost package - Licence of debian/* files

2012-04-14 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Sat, Apr 14, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Charles Plessy wrote:
 I would rather suggest a license more in line with public domain 
 works, such as Creative Commons zero license, the SQLite public 
 domain dedication, or the GNU all-permissive license.

For software works, I don't think this group should be recommending
public domain.  The SQLite dedication lacks a fallback license,
the CC0 license explicitly withholds a patent license, and the
unlicense has not had legal review.  The GNU all-permissive license
doesn't include the word use, which is an implicit patent grant.

When a recommendation from this group is possible for a permissive
work, I'd propose Apache 2.0 and Expat/MIT style license if at all 
possible since it protects both the one dedicating the work and 
also those who would incorporate the work in larger compositions.

I'm not a Lawyer, This is not Legal Advice.



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Re: Bug#669356: electricsheep unsuitable for Debian main?

2012-04-21 Thread Clark C. Evans

So, it's my opinion that there are two core requirements for
free software: the license needs to be free and the whole work
must be included.  What follows is my personal opinion, and 
I'm not a lawyer, a representative of Debian Legal, or providing
any sort of legal advice.

Whole Work

If the software is completely usable without _requiring_ 
specific non-free parts for its operation, then you've got 
the whole work.  It is the users' right to mix or use the 
work in any way they wish, including with proprietary content 
files that may be downloaded.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012, at 02:42 AM, Linus Lüssing wrote:
 However as far as I know the electricsheep package currently 
 heavily relies on non-free content to function properly which 
 could make it unsuitable for Debian main.

Providing the user the ability to cause the software to download
and use non-free resources on a website is quite fine, so long as 
the screen saver's software would completely work as the user
might expect without requiring those non-free resources.

If the work is effectively crippled without the connection to
their proprietary content, then they've not licensed the whole
work so as a matter of policy, I'd prefer partial-works not be
included in Debian.  In this case, it's not uncommon for someone
to fork the (incomplete) GPL'd work, remove non-free (CC licensed)
parts and contribue a working free software program.  The authors
should know this is a real possibility by using the GPL license.

  The videos downloaded and displayed by Electric Sheep are Creative
  Commons licensed (a mixture of CC-BY and CC-BY-NC).  Some jobs
  rendered by the network may be for images or animations which are not
  sheep at all, and will not appear in the screen-saver.  Some of these
  are used for commercial purposes in order to support the developers
  and servers that make the software.

I don't see the point.

In my personal opinion, if the web-browser analogy holds (that 
Electric Sheep is a browser for screen saver videos), then 
this should be unnecessary.  In this case, the user would have 
the ability to configure where it could get additional screen
saver materials at their own discretion.

Free License

What is meant by sheep generated by the algorithem on the 
http://electricsheep.org/reuse page?  Are these content files
that are downloaded?  If so... is there any value to the software 
besides connecting to a proprietary website?

If not, and the automatically generated sheep are part of the 
whole work that is being licensed, there is a conflict between
what this clarification page and standard GPL license they use.

If they mean to restrict the output of their program such that
it is under the by-nc, then their license should have a non-free 
term with this restriction, in which case, their software isn't 
free (or even open source).  It definately isn't GPL licensed.

Otherwise, if they intend to license their program under the 
terms of the GPL, then the output of this program is unencumbered 
and they should remove their clarification comment about sheep 
generated by the algorithem since it is incorrect.

I hope this helps.  This stuff can be complex so I'm sure others
may have a different take on it.



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Re: National Land Survey open data licence - version 1.0 - 1 May 2012

2012-05-10 Thread Clark C. Evans

I'm not sure why a open source license wouldn't work?
In any case, here are some comments.

   2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the Licensee
 Through reasonable means suitable to the distribution medium 
 or method which is used in conjunction with a product containing 
 data or a service utilising [sic] data covered by this licence [sic] 
 or while distributing data, the Licensee shall:
   * mention the name of the Licensor, the name of the dataset(s) 
 and the timewhen the National Land Survey has delivered the 
 dataset(s) (e.g.: contains data from the National Land Survey 
 of Finland Topographic Database 06/2012)
   * provide a copy of this licence or a link to it, as well as

It seems that these are OK, since these notices could be placed
into an About box or similar structure?

   * require third parties to provide the same information when 
 granting rights to copies of dataset(s) or products and services 
 containing such data and

This one seems problematic since it would require some sort of
license assent mechanism.  Perhaps this requirement could be 
softened to be a conditional, if you require acceptance of your
own license, you must require acceptance of this one?

   * remove the name of the Licensor from the product or service, if
 required to do so by the Licensor.

How do you comply with this given the other requirements?



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Re: Public Domain again

2013-02-05 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013, at 07:56 PM, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
 In addition, I'd like to note that's what CC0 is for, really. It has
 some neat fall-back clauses that trigger in the event a jurisdiction
 doesn't allow for public domain works as such, and also releases
 database rights[1] which some other public domain dedications may not :)

The CC0 also expressly excludes a patent license to use the work 
held by the author.   This makes CC0 excellent vehicle for groups 
wishing to share example code for a patented technique so that they
may request royalty after it becomes popular.  

The FSF has determined that CC0 is a free software license, however,  
the OSI has decided to pass (http://opensource.org/faq#cc-zero)

If you wish to become dependent upon software which is dedicated
to the public domain under the CC0, you might want to see if the 
original author would strike clause 4a as part of their dedication.

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Re: data and software licence incompatabilities?

2013-09-03 Thread Clark C. Evans
 Francesco Poli has been a longtime subscriber to the debian-legal mailing
 list.  He has quite extensive knowledge about licensing, and is often the
 first person to answer inquiries about new licenses sent to the list.

Not only that, but he reaches out to help you personally and does an 
excellent job on giving a fair shake to opposing view points.  It'd be a
serious loss without his involvement, even if I disagree with him.

 However, he also consistently, repeatedly uses the list to tell people
 about his personal positions on licenses where these disagree with the
 position taken on behalf of the project by the Debian ftp team.  

Worst things have happened.  *yawn*   



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