Re: backing-up dselect state files

1997-11-14 Thread Olivier THARAN
On Fri, Nov 14, 1997 at 09:55:07AM -0200, Otavio Exel wrote:
> I see all dselect stuff live in /var/lib/dpkg; I'd say /var is not a
> safe place to keep such important stuff; any opinions?

Well then, where would you want it to be? The latest version of FHS
(Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) tells us this sort of thing should be in
/var/state/, more specifically in /var/state/dpkg (you can read the FHS at

/var is as important a hierarchy as any other, except for /tmp and
/usr/src I would say, and a serious backup strategy cannot overlook this
directory; think of /var/mail or /var/spool/mqueue as important as a home

Olivier Tharan, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Never make any mistaeks.

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Re: COM 5? Extra I/O Card?

1997-11-14 Thread Bruce Perens
> Can I somehow use this card and assign irq 5 to the new com port and move
> the sound card to say 7?

Edit /etc/rc.boot/0setserial . That will get the serial card going.

You might have to re-build the kernel to move the sound card IRQ.

Can you get your operating system fixed when you need it?
Linux - the supportable operating system.
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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RE: TCL Libraries

1997-11-14 Thread Ralph Winslow

On 14-Nov-97 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I need to know the path for the tcl.h file and I have been unable to
>locate it myself.  Any direction is greatly appreciated.

Try this:

find / -type f -name tcl.h -print

>Thanks in advance!
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Re: Linux + NT

1997-11-14 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Nov 14, 1997 at 01:17:10PM +0100, Alfredo Todini wrote:
> I have two disks: a 1Gb disk, with Windows 95, and a 2GB disk, with
> Linux. Now I need to replace Windows 95 with Windows NT. I read the
> Linux+NT mini-HOWTO, and it suggests to install Linux after NT. However
> I absolutely cannot destroy or damage my Linux partition; is it possible
> to install NT without damaging other partitions? I've heard that the NT
> installation erases everything else you have on your system; is it true?
> Thank you very much in advance.

I didn't have that problem here. NT is in /dev/hdb7,
Linux is in /dev/hda5 and /dev/hdb8.

Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.3rd year, RMIT. (PGP key here) CPOM: [* ] 59%
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RE: Linux + NT

1997-11-14 Thread Ralph Winslow

On 14-Nov-97 Alfredo Todini wrote:
>I have two disks: a 1Gb disk, with Windows 95, and a 2GB disk, with
>Linux. Now I need to replace Windows 95 with Windows NT. I read the
>Linux+NT mini-HOWTO, and it suggests to install Linux after NT. However
>I absolutely cannot destroy or damage my Linux partition; is it possible
>to install NT without damaging other partitions? I've heard that the NT
>installation erases everything else you have on your system; is it true?
>Thank you very much in advance.

To be absolutely safe, you could unplug the 2Gb drive until the NT installation
is done. You might have to move a jumper on the 1Gb drive before and after NT
installation, though. Do you have the documentation on the 1Gb drive?
>Alfredo Todini
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Re: Laptop install gone haywire

1997-11-14 Thread Michael Jinks
Thanks for the suggestions so far; running the install without
floppy=thinkpad does get me further into the install, but then I get
more strange stuff.  The system prints out a set of instructions for
continuing the low-memory install, then follows that with a list of
fdisk choices.  At this point it only lists choices 1, "Run the disk
partitioning system in order to make a swap partition," and 4, "Reboot".

So far so good.  But right after it prints those fdisk choices, it spits
out a list of errors, which follows:

floppy0: unexpected interrupt
floppy0: sensei repl[0]=c0 repl[1]=0
floppy0: sensei repl[0]=c1 repl[1]=0
floppy0: sensei repl[0]=c2 repl[1]=0
floppy0: sensei repl[0]=c3 repl[1]=0
floppy0: sensei repl[0]=80
attempt to access beyond end of device
02:00: rw=1, want=26, limit=2
attempt to access beyond end of device
02:00: rw=1, want=27, limit=2

I've gotten to this point before, just by trying different boot
options.  After this, I can still access the menu choice #1 to attempt
to create a swap partition, but here's what happens:  When I enter
choice 1, a list of stuff flies by too fast to catch, followed by the
prompt to choose a hard drive device name and the list of all available
names.  [aside: you would think that fdisk would be smart enough to
check and see that I only have one IDE drive and not a list of SCSI
devices as long as my arm, but I guess not all installs can be that

After I enter the choice /dev/hda and press enter, I get a repeat of the
instructions followed by the fdisk menu again, this time with choice 2: 
"initialize the swap partition" added.  If I press 2 and enter, I get
the following set of messages:

Please wait while swap partitions are detected. . . 
fdisk: not found
attempt to access beyond end of device
02:00: rw=0, want=27, limit=2
Major problem: unable to read inode from device 02:00
sbin/swapsetup: cannot create /tmp/13: directory nonexistent

The process then stops.  If I switch to the terminal on f3, there's
something being repeated too fast to catch.  On f4, there are several
repeats of the "attempt to access/02:00" pair of lines above, with the
want= number varying from 19 to 27, and at the beginnning of each line
either a <4> or a <6>.

Like I said last time, I think I can eliminate media trouble, and the
floppy=thinkpad boot option causes even more problems, but I do think
that what I'm seeing is some sort of problem with reading the floppy.

Somebody said I should send along the model number of the thinkpad; it's
2603-17N.  The processor is a 486SLC running at 50MHz.

Somebody else said that I should try the boot disk labeled for the
Toshiba Tecra.  I haven't tried that (my gut tells me it won't help) but
I will while I wait to see if anybody has any more ideas.

Please, help me save another machine from the clutches of DOS.  Getting
it to do what I want wouldn't be such a bad thing either.


Michael Jinks wrote:
> I'm new to this list and new to Debian -- I've been using RedHat for
> about the past two months though.  Before that I was very nearly
> Unix-free.
> A brief comb through the archives didn't turn up anything that looked
> like it pertained to my problem; if you know better, just let me know
> and maybe point me in the right direction.
> I'm doing my first-ever Debian install, and the target machine is an IBM
> thinkpad 486 with 4M RAM.  The rescue floppy works fine, up to the point
> where it asks me to insert the root floppy, at which point I've gotten
> several different sorts of errors.
> The one I've gotten the most times is:
> end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
> VFS: Cannot open root device 02:00
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00
> This looks to me like a media error, but I've tried two different copies
> of the root filesystem floppy and gotten the same error on both, so now
> I'm thinking it might be an install program goof, or maybe Linux just
> doesn't like my hardware?
> I did once get as far as trying to run fdisk, but it didn't behave even
> remotely like I expect fdisk to behave, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a
> real run.
> The boot line I'm using is:
> boot: floppy0 floppy=thinkpad
> First off, is this syntax even right?
> Any and all thoughts appreciated. . .
> -michael
> --
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Need reasons to GPL Haskell implementation

1997-11-14 Thread Bonard B. Timmons III
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to gnu.misc.discuss,comp.os.linux.advocacy as well.


This is a long post, so I've divided it into sections---Preface,
Request for Feedback, Consideration, Conclusion, Appendix---to help
you figure out whether it's worth reading. :) TIA for any feedback and
I will summarize if I get enough info.  Haters and lovers alike of the
GPL are invited to comment, criticize, flame, etc.

I. Preface

To those of you who do not know about Haskell, it is the most
important purely functional programming language.  Several groups
worldwide are actively developing Haskell implementations.  See
 for more info, such as on the implementations:
HUGS, GHC, Chalmers, NHC.

Again, to those unfamiliar with functional languages, consider the
place mathematics has had in advancing technology.  Consider the
potential for good in a programming language with an exceptionally
strong mathematical basis, such as Haskell.

II. Request for Feedback
_Next week_ top developers (of HUGS and GHC) are meeting to consider,
among many other things, whether to move to the GPL.  In the Appendix
is a license of one of the implementations, HUGS.

I have been asked to email them reasons why a Haskell implementation
should be GPLed, and I _ask you for feedback._

III. Considerations

(1) An important consequence of licensing is how amenable it is to
distribution, such as with the Linux distributions (RedHat, Debian,
etc.).  Restrictive licenses such as HUGS (see part [b] of the
license) or unclear licenses (such as with the GHC implementation)
result in many fewer people not enjoying and using some important
software.  I know that is why there is no Debian Haskell package yet.

(2) Naturally, one of the top concerns of the developers is that
Haskell is used as widely as possible.  It seems that they do not care
whether that is via the sharing that the GPL encourages or via the
binary distributions that are so typical in the Windows community.  In
my experience, I find that most users are oblivious to licenses,
though the Linux community seems to be more aware.  Therefore, the GPL
would be quite suitable.  

(3) In fact, although these implementations are available for several
platforms, there seems to be quite a bias towards Windows.  For
example, there has been collaboration with Microsoft Research on
developing a Haskell animation system ("FRAN") that works (naturally)
only in Windows, and while the Windows graphics interface has been
actively maintained, there is none available for the X Window system.
Please understand, FRAN is great stuff, and I have nothing against
development for Windows---it's just a real shame that little is being
done for other OSes.  At the very least a GPL might encourage more
development within the Linux community, for example.  OTOH, developers
of proprietary software (such as Microsoft) would avoid software
licensed under GPL.

(4) Probably (3) is motivated partly because of the ubiquity of
Windows.  But as a Linux user, I am deeply concerned when important
research occurs with proprietary, technically inferior OSes, while
free, excellent ones such as Linux and *BSD take a back seat.  Please,
no OS war; I just have yet to see that Windows [95 and NT] works as
well or provides as much freedom or flexibility.

(5) Regarding advanced languages in general, GUILE seems to be ahead
as far as technical merit and licensing go, but Haskell certainly has
some important advantages over Scheme.  Improving the license of a
Haskell implementation would make it a favorable alternative to

(6) Is there any license other than the GPL that better ensures that
important software technology remains freely available?

IV. Conclusion

Some believe the GPL and functional languages lead to the development
of good, reliable software.

I feel that a GPL on this important software will (A) encourage the
use and development of Haskell, and (B) help free OSes maintain a
place in an important area of CS research.

Now, (B) is all well and good and encourages us to care but of course
is irrelevant to Haskell implementors.  (A) is what I need help on.
Can anyone help?

V. Appendix
  ______   ______   __   __
 /  /   /  /  /  /   /  /  /  ___/  /  ___/   Hugs 1.4
/  /___/  /  /  /   /  /  /  / _   /  /__  
   /     /  /  /   /  /  /  / /_   /  /__   /  The Nottingham and Yale
  /  /   /  /  /  /___/  /  /  /___/  /  ___/  /Haskell User's System
 /__/   /__/  /_/  /_/  /_/

   Copyright (c) The University of Nottingham and Yale University, 1994-1997.
Bug reports: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web:


Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava

I use this as root: 
 # xauth -f ~srivasta/.Xauthority -i  extract - $DISPLAY  | xauth merge -

 "Therefore, one should never admit a garrison larger than one's own
 forces, especially when composed of barbarians." Polybios, writing in
 the mid-2nd century BC (paraphrased), after an account of the
 betrayal of Epeiros by its mercenary Gallic garrison to a passing
 fleet of Illyrian pirates. "Barbarians", of course, in the original
 sense of "non-Greeks"; "non-Arabs" or "non-Muslims" perhaps, in the
 Saudi case. -- Duncan Head
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Re: Modem configuration

1997-11-14 Thread Shaul Karl.
If your modem is not plug & play and you have luck, you probably don't have to 
configure the modem at all, since it is done at boot.
You can try 
setserial -g /dev/ttyS1
to see if it seems like your modem.
For my modem, also on COM 2, this gives:
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
Since you know your modem is on COM 2 (/dev/ttyS1), you can avoid the linking 
of /dev/modem.

> Ok, guys, I give...
> I have a base installation running from floppies (ver 1.3) on a 586
> sharing a hard drive with win95.  Everything works as it should, so
> far.  I'm trying to get ppp running so I can ftp the packages I need.
> I'm a real newbie to linux, and I'm not understanding the setup process
> for my modem, an external usr 33.6 voice/fax (not a "winmodem").  I know
> my modem is on com 2 / irq 3.  Do I need to make a link somewhere in
> /dev to get things rolling?  When I do a dmesg it shows both serial
> ports...
> I've tried reading the howto and other documentation, but it seems I'm
> getting myself more confused by the minute.  Can anybody direct me thru
> the sequence to get this thing running?  I hear a lot of talk about
> minicom, but I don't have it yet.
> I think I got most of the IP stuff in right when I did the install, so I
> think all I need to get done is get my modem operable & get ppp
> configured to get to my isp...
> Help please!
> --
>  Steve Morrill
>  Reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
>  Debian LINUX Where I really want to go today!

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Kernel error message(s)-pls help...

1997-11-14 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi, everyone --

I have a problem that goes way beyond my knowledge of linux:

while downloading a gnuplot example page in Netscape3.04 running on
machine from debian1.3 tree sources) whole server crashed - completely
closed down and threw me back to the command line on a virtual console
(X is started with startx cmd.). This has happened about two weeks ago
as well, with the crash of Navigator4.03, which prompted me to replace
the 4.03 with 3.04 Netscape, and I haven't had a problem since...Until
(note that the page that caused the crahes was NOT the same)
The problem is that when trying to restart X (by startx cmd) only menus
would work in afterstep1.0-4 wm - no background, no asclock, no asmail
or any other icons. Immediately exiting by exit menu choice worked, but
caused a slew of messages in the syslog file. I'm no programmer and
have no idea what is syslog trying to tell me beside obvious, of
course. The system works fine after a shutdown procedure and actual
hard reboot (hitting the power button after shutdown -h now command).
I am attaching a part of the syslog file which describes what had
happened. If there is any kind soul out there understanding what all of
this means, could you please translate it into a plain english for me?

thanks in Advance
Nov 14 14:23:00 DeepStar /USR/SBIN/CRON[262]: (mail) CMD (runq) 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: general protection:  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: CPU:0 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: EIP:0010:[ret_from_sys_call+133/144] 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: EFLAGS: 00010202 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStaNov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: EIP:
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: EFLAGS: 00010202 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: eax:    ebx: 0002   ecx:   
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: esi:    edi:    ebp:   
 esp: 013ebfec 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: ds:    es:    fs:    gs:    ss:
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Process kerneld (pid: 279, process nr: 21, stac
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Stack:   0200 bbf0 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Call Trace:  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Code: cf 8d 76 00 8d bc 27 00 00 00 00 89 e1 51
 f7 41 38 00 00 02  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: general protection: c0c0 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: CPU:0 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: EIP:0010:[ret_from_sys_call+124/144] 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: eax:    ebx: bc30   ecx: 00c0c0c0  
 edx: 00c0c0c0 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: esi: 00c0c0c0   edi: 00c0c0c0   ebp: 00c0c0c0  
 esp: 011ecfd8 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 0018   ss:
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Proce esp: 011ecfd8 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 0018   ss:
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Process .xinitrc (pid: 280, process nr: 21, sta
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Stack: 00c0c0c0 00c0c0c0 00c0c0c0 00c0c0c0 00c0
c0c0 00c0c0c0 00c0c0c0 00c082c0  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel:bc14 00c0c0c0  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Call Trace:  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Code: 1f 07 0f a1 0f a9 83 c4 04 cf 8d 76 00 8d
 bc 27 00 00 00 00  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereferenc
e at virtual address c00e 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, ^_r3 = 00101000 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: *pde = 00102067 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: *pte = 0^?D
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel:00010002 011f2fbc bc1c  4008
f440  fffc 
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Call Trace: [do_exit+274/496] [do_signal+587/68
8] [signal_return+18/64]  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar kernel: Code: 66 83 7e 0e 00 75 22 68 18 59 19 00 e8 f8
 01 ff ff 31 c0 83  
Nov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar modprobe: can't locate module binfmt-17791
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: general protection:  
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: CPU:0 
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: EIP:0010:[locksNov 14 14:39:49 DeepStar 
modprobe: can't locate module binfmt-17791
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: general protection:  
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: CPU:0 
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: EIP:0010:[locks_remove_locks+12/64] 
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282 
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: eax: f000ea97   ebx: 0171f018   ecx:   
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: esi:    edi: f000ea97   ebp: 011ec810  
 esp: 011f2f7c 
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss:
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: Process xmodmap (pid: 284, process nr: 21, stac
Nov 14 14:39:50 DeepStar kernel: Stack: 00030303 00123403 01

Is there anyway to fix this? (libc6 prob)

1997-11-14 Thread Udjat the BitMeister...

[bitgate]udjat ~ $> w
  1:22pm  up 17:11h,  2 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.06, 0.07
tigger   ttyp0   3:10am  8:54h  0.00s   ?-
udjatttyp1   8:06am  0.00s  0.00s   ?-

The PCPU & WHAT entrys no longer work. PLEASE HELP!!!



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Re: mail domain

1997-11-14 Thread David Gaudine

Sorry if this is a rerun, I think the list rejected it the first time
because my email address was bad, which is sort of the point of this

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> it was set to (none) ... changing it to also had no
> effect..  I don't think I have the NIS package installed, what is it?

I have a similar problem; when I run pine I get the message
   incomplete maildomain "annette"
   Return address in mail you send may be incorrect
Like you, my /etc/defaultdomain is correct and I created /etc/domainname,
and /cat/sys/kernel/domainname returned (none) so I changed it to

The only clue I have is that I think the problem started when I upgraded
using Hamm about a week ago.  I upgrade every few days, so if there was a
Hamm-related problem it was with a package that was updated last week.
But, then I would expect everyone to have the same problem, which would
have magically disappeared at the next update.
I can't think of any other reason why my domain name would suddenly be bad
after being fine for over a year.

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re: md driver

1997-11-14 Thread Pere Camps

If anybody sent replies to my reply about the re:, please send
them again. I accidentally deleted them.


Salutacions, Pere     __o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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NCR53c8xx, CD-RW

1997-11-14 Thread Pere Camps

I just bought a NCR53c8xx based card and a CD-RW drive, and it
seems that linux can't recognize the drive.

When I boot up, I get:
scsi host: 0 detected total

And /proc/pci doesn't say anything about the SCSI card.

I've read in the SCSI howto that linux needs the bios in order to
access this card. The problem is that my mainboard/bios is not detecting
the card (nothing about a PCI scsi). The manual for the card says that you
have to enable the "scsi drive" on the bios, but my bios is 2 years and
doesn't say anything about that. Also, it can't be flash-upgraded.

Does anyone know a workaround to this problem under linux?

Salutacions, Pere     __o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\<;_
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)"Lo importante es el concepto"

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Re: netscape

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Martin
Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mine has
>   ./include
>   ./include/X11
>   ./lib
>   ./lib/X11
>   ./lib/X11/XErrorDB
>   ./lib/X11/XKeysymDB
>   ./lib/X11/app-defaults -> ../../../X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
>   ./lib/X11/locale -> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale
> The XErrorDB & XKeysymDB files also used to be symlinked to
> /usr/X11r6/lib/X11 but aren't any more (although *I* don't remeber
> changing them)

I symlinked everything over, and it's working now!  Thanks.  Mayve this
will get rid of all of the unsupported locale messages I've had, too!

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |

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Re: netscape

1997-11-14 Thread Stephen Zander
Dale Martin wrote:
> No problem.  You did disprove my theory of mine however.  Normally, when I
> post to this list, if I don't get a response within 15 minutes one never
> comes. :-)

There's a link to Heilsenberg's (sp?) Uncertainty Principle there
somewhere :)

> Well, I'm running 3.3.1-1, I and have a directory
> "/usr/i486-linuxlibc1". It has in it:
> ./include
> ./include/paper.h
> ./include/X11
> ./lib
> ./lib/libpaper.a
> ./lib/
> Should there be anything else in it?

Mine has

  ./lib/X11/app-defaults -> ../../../X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
  ./lib/X11/locale -> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale

The XErrorDB & XKeysymDB files also used to be symlinked to
/usr/X11r6/lib/X11 but aren't any more (although *I* don't remeber
changing them)

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Re: squid

1997-11-14 Thread Behan Webster
Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> Neither can I, that's why I'd like you to try the latest version so that
> _if_ something is wrong I can base the fix also on that latest version..

Drat.  Same problem using squid version 1.1.17-1.  This is what I found
on the console after rebooting.


Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >> /var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
   /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 59:  
291 IOT trap/Abort  squid -D -s $conf >>$L 2>&1
Fri Nov 14 13:34:05 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >>
/var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
  /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 59:   312 IOT
  squid -D -s $conf >>$L 2>&1
Fri Nov 14 13:34:15 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >>
/var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
  /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 59:   333 IOT
  squid -D -s $conf >>$L 2>&1
Fri Nov 14 13:34:26 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >>
/var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
  /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 59:   354 IOT
  squid -D -s $conf >>$L 2>&1
Fri Nov 14 13:34:37 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >>
/var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
  /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 59:   375 IOT
  squid -D -s $conf >>$L 2>&1
Fri Nov 14 13:34:38 EST 1997: RunCache: EXITING DUE TO REPEATED FREQUENT


Perhaps my suid.conf would help?



Behan Webster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Modem configuration

1997-11-14 Thread Matthew Majka
I just got PPP working a couple days ago at home, so this is
still fresh in my mind.  For some reason, the /dev/cu
devices didn't exist (using minicom clued me into this), so
I had to do `cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV serial-cu` to get started. 
After I got the /dev/cu devices, things went very smooth.

Matthew Majka - Software Engineer
Honeywell Defense Avionics Systems
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

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autofs and 2.0.31

1997-11-14 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
> I have compiled a 2.0.31 kernel. One of the reasons for doing so was to
> use autofs. However when I did make menuconfig I didn't see an option for
> autofs support. I thought it was in the kernel anyway and instaled he
> package. However the package does not find autofs support and won't start.
> Does anyone use this package? If yes, how I go about activating autofs
> support ?

I remember seeing some such problem too.  Try the following -

* Make sure you have chosen 'y' for 'Prompt for experimental modules /
drivers'.  autofs support is still considered to be experimental.

* I would recommend 'make config'.  I definitely saw 'autofs' support
when I configured this way.

"It was so humiliating. They put me on a cold mettalic table and probed
with  Wait a minute. That was my last physical." -- Homer J Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   (650) 937-2354 (O)
International Websites Engineer (415) 940-1896 (H)

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Re: squid

1997-11-14 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
According to Behan Webster:
> > Really strange, I cannot reproduce this. Hmm. I just compiled squid_1.1.17
> > for libc5 and put it on
> >
> I'll give it a shot.
> Just a thought, I'm wondering whether it has to do with the order in
> which the various daemons and services are started, but I can't think of
> what could be causing the problem.

Neither can I, that's why I'd like you to try the latest version so that
_if_ something is wrong I can base the fix also on that latest version..

> Out of curiousity, what are the other packages in your ftp directory? 
> squid-cgi?  squid-novm? squidclient?  Sounds interesting!

Ah yes, I split up the original squid package into 3 parts:

squid   Just the daemon
squid-cgi   The cachemgr.cgi CGI admin program
squidclient command line utility to query squid

Some people wanted to be able to use the 2nd and 3rd package on their
own with installing the whole squid package.

Squid-novm is a variation on the standard squid. It uses much less memory
because it stores objects in transit on disk instead of holding them
in memory. It uses a lot more file descriptors on a busy cache, though.
That's no problem in most cases, and if it gets a problem there's a 3000-fd
patch for the 2.0.x kernel. The 2.1.x already has no real upper limit on the
number of file descriptors per process..

   Miquel van  | Cistron Internet Services   --Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   PTT's Het Net: Surfen in de gootsteen!<*>

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Is there something wrong ?

1997-11-14 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello all:

Is there something wrong with the list servers or is it me ?


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Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Kevin Sivits
On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Jan Echternach wrote:

>On 14 November 1997, Sten Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Another workaround is:
>>  cp /home/USER/.Xauthority /root/
>Or to set XAUTHORITY to point to the user's .Xauthority. I've done this
>with my "xterm -e root", and it works pretty well (unfortunately I
>can't tell you how exactly I did it, because it was at my home system;
>I used some sh -c, su -c and exec's).

Thw workaround i use is to install ssh and let do x forwarding with just
the command:
  ssh -l root localhost

As a bonus you get enrypted remote sessions if your paranoid :)

 `:::' Kevin Sivits  ...  ..
  :::  *  `::.::'one world
  ::: .::  .:.::.  .:: .::  `::. :'  one people 
  :::  ::   ::  ::  ::  :::::.  one goverment
  ::: .::. .::  ::.  `. .:'  ::.   one OS
..:::.::'   ..

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Re: squid

1997-11-14 Thread Behan Webster
Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> According to Behan Webster:
> > > > Sun Nov  9 14:01:48 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf 
> > > > >> /var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
> > > >   /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 38:   337 IOT 
> > > > trap/Abort
> > > >   squid -D -s $conf 1>&3 2>&3
> > >
> > I was running the libc5 version from bo (1.1.1-1), but then I upgraded
> > to the libc5 version in hamm (1.1.10-1).  The same problems occurred
> > with both versions.
> Really strange, I cannot reproduce this. Hmm. I just compiled squid_1.1.17
> for libc5 and put it on

I'll give it a shot.

Just a thought, I'm wondering whether it has to do with the order in
which the various daemons and services are started, but I can't think of
what could be causing the problem.

> Perhaps you can try if that works better? As a bonus you'll be running
> a much more recent squid :)

That would be great thanks!

Out of curiousity, what are the other packages in your ftp directory? 
squid-cgi?  squid-novm? squidclient?  Sounds interesting!



Behan Webster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: starting xdm

1997-11-14 Thread Gertjan Klein
"Oliver Elphick"  wrote:
 > Will Lowe wrote:

 >> I'd like my system to come up running xdm or kdm.  What is the proper
 >> place to do this?  Right now I'm just logging in and doing "sudo kdm",
 >> but I've a feeling that there's probably a correct runlevel or something
 >> to do this in.

 > In /etc/X11/config, you need the line


 > as explained somewhere in the Debian documentation for X.

  Note that if, when installing X, you answered "no" to the question
whether you wanted xdm to start at boot time, there will be no server in
the file /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers, even though the script comments claim
this should happen:

# X servers are automatically added to this file by the Debian
# xbase and xserver configuration scripts.

  I had a hell of a time figuring out what was wrong; it turns out I had
to add a line like the following to that file:

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X

  After setting this (and changing "no-start-xdm" and
"no-xdm-start-server" to "start-xdm" and "xdm-start-server" in
/etc/X11/config), things worked like expected.  I guess I should try to
figure out how to file a bug report, as the absent line in Xservers
seems a bug to me.


Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Boot Control home page:

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Re: Linux + NT

1997-11-14 Thread Chi Wong
Well, you could install NT onto of Win95. Meaning that you install in the
same partition of Winp5 but it gets confusing later on as you might have to
install software for both NT and 95. If you want trully NT and Linux. Kill
the 95 partion and install NT first on the first partition and Linux next.
You could use a program called bootpart that will allow the NT boot manager
boot up both NT and Linux. Or in other situation. Split the three partition
evenly. First partition Win95, the second NT, and the third Linux. Figure
out actually how much space you want to dedicate to Linux. You might not
need the full 1 gig, I got my to install with most of the stuff and
networking using 300 megs of hd space plus a 100 mb of swap. 

At 01:17 PM 11/14/97 +0100, Alfredo Todini wrote:
>I have two disks: a 1Gb disk, with Windows 95, and a 2GB disk, with
>Linux. Now I need to replace Windows 95 with Windows NT. I read the
>Linux+NT mini-HOWTO, and it suggests to install Linux after NT. However
>I absolutely cannot destroy or damage my Linux partition; is it possible
>to install NT without damaging other partitions? I've heard that the NT
>installation erases everything else you have on your system; is it true?
>Thank you very much in advance.
>Alfredo Todini
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Re: More newbie setup stuff...

1997-11-14 Thread Fabrizio Polacco
Daniel Martin wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:
> >   Checking for languages ... de_DECan't locate Getopt/ in
> > @INC at /usr/sbin/chmanconfig line 38.
> > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/sbin/chmanconfig line 38.
> >
> > Any idea what this means? Any suggestions?

install perl package before.

> By the way - in looking into this, I tried to discover just what the
> base perl installation _does_ have - unlike elvis-tiny, there doesn't
> seem to be a package "perl-tiny" or whatnot that contains this little
> perl. 

Before bo there used to be a package of perl marked essential (and
therefore not removable). AFAIK there will be one also in hamm.
I don't know for what reasons this perl package wasn't build as
essential in bo. This make possible for someone to see this error.
I have not yet understood what path is needed to get it: you are
installing things by hand and have not yet installed perl, or you
deselected perl in dselect?

| Pluto Leader - Debian Developer & Happy Debian 1.3.1 User - vi-holic
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cdrecord + "HP-CDWriter 7100" ; need help

1997-11-14 Thread Ararat A. Vardanyan

 Dear Users, 
 I ask you to help me to solve problems with using the "cdrecord-1.6"
 with "HP-CDWriter 7100" device.
 The situation is the folowing:
 I use the kernel-2.0.31 and I have my CD-writer as IDE/ATAPI.
 So I have received last version of cdrecord and xcdroast interface for it,
 install them,  following the recomendations of author of cdrecord: scsi
 emulation in kernel,
 generic ATAPI support disable, adding new lines in "ide.h" and
 "ide-scsi.c" files, and so on, everyting as You have written. OK! it
 works(partly), I have successfully created ISO image, but when tried to
 write it on CD, I got the message 
 I have tried to reboot my Linux and during booting I have seen the line :
 "ATAPI ovelapyng supported : no"
 what it means, and is it possible, that the problem is with  hardweres on
 my machine?
 Please, send me your recomendations on this points, if any.

 Thanks forward.
 Regards,   Ararat Vardanyan! 

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Re: mail domain

1997-11-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

: On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Nathan E Norman wrote:
: > On 14 Nov 1997, Carey Evans wrote:
[ snip ]
: > 
: > Notice the absence of "!
: Is this a problem w/ my name server, InterNIC, or and what
: needs to be done?

It's a problem at your server, as I said.  The solution is to make sure
that a line like

actually reads
as Carey pointed out, or you could do
IN  NS  ns
but this is not recommended.

Yes, there's a big difference!  BIND appends the domain name to any name
it finds that does not end with a "."  Reread the docs if you don't
understand this.

: > So, in my earlier post when I say you're set up all right, I was
: > incorrect ... the DNS at your site is wrong.  What I find interesting is
: > that it seems to be sane at the other two servers ...
: .. I only own 1 IP,, is this a problem?

The problem is that your server is not authoritative for your domain.  I
have no idea why the other two name servers contain different records
then yours, but you ought to talk to the administrators of those
machines ONCE you have fixed yours, and ensure that they are
secondarying your server.

: -Paul

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
Voice: (605) 334-4454 Fax: (605) 335-1173
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Re: mail domain

1997-11-14 Thread David Gaudine

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> it was set to (none) ... changing it to also had no
> effect..  I don't think I have the NIS package installed, what is it?

I have a similar problem; when I run pine I get the message
   incomplete maildomain "annette"
   Return address in mail you send may be incorrect
Like you, my /etc/defaultdomain is correct and I created /etc/domainname,
and /cat/sys/kernel/domainname returned (none) so I changed it to

The only clue I have is that I think the problem started when I upgraded
using Hamm about a week ago.  I upgrade every few days, so if there was a
problem it was with a package that was updated last week.  But, then I
would expect everyone to have the same problem, which would then
magically disappear at the next update.

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Keyboard Mapping Problem

1997-11-14 Thread Mike Nachlinger

Hi All,

Don't know what made this occur but any help would be great.
The last few days anytime I type a 
z or a 
Z may machine sends the 
z plus a line feed. Any Ideas on how to correct this?
Is an .inputrc file needed?


Mike NachlingerApres Ski Club, Inc.

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xdm trouble

1997-11-14 Thread Aaron Denney
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, you wrote:
> I upgraded some packages to unstable yesterday, and now xdm
> dies, restarts, dies, restarts, dies, ... so I can't log on
> to fix it (I probably removed the old libX, while xdm is still
> linked to it!). Is it possible to disable xdm from lilo, or boot
> in any other way, so this doesn't happen? (I don't have rescues,
> so if it's impossible I'll just install a minimum debian on a spare
> partition, and fix it from there...)

You should be able to login on a different virtual console and fix the
problem from there (try hitting control-alt-F1).  That might not work,
though, if xdm keeps on switching to X on restart.  If this doesn't work
you can try booting with the option 'single' to lilo, or 'init=/bin/sh'
if that fails.  They should let you login without xdm (or anything...)
trying to run.

Good luck.

Aaron Denney

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setting up a slip/ppp server

1997-11-14 Thread Colin R. Telmer
I have a machine that is connected to the net and want to set up a slip or
ppp server only so that I can dial into the machine via a connected modem
with a PDA (palm pilot) that can establish either a slip or ppp
connection. Setting this up must be covered in a FAQ, can I assign some
kind of local ip address to the PDA when it tries to get one without
creating problems because I am connected to the internet and the address
may already be in use? Cheers.

Colin Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
School of Policy Studies Building, Room 309, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6 (613)545-6000x4219   

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Re: mail domain

1997-11-14 Thread Paul Miller
On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Nathan E Norman wrote:

> On 14 Nov 1997, Carey Evans wrote:
> Hang on here.
> If I do "whois", I get (among other things)
>Domain servers in listed order:
> However ...
> brahe:/etc $ dig soa
> ; <<>> DiG 2.2 <<>> soa 
> ;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
> ;; got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; Ques: 1, Ans: 1, Auth: 4, Addit: 4
> ;;, type = SOA, class = IN
> 85937   SOA
> (
> 878825332   ; serial
> 10800   ; refresh (3 hours)
> 1800; retry (30 mins)
> 604800  ; expire (7 days)
> 86400 ) ; minimum (1 day)
> 163654  NS  SERV1.CL.MSU.EDU.
> 81593   NS
> 81624   NS
> SERV1.CL.MSU.EDU.   172285  A
>   A
>   86080   A
> ;; Total query time: 10 msec
> ;; FROM: to SERVER: default --
> ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 14 09:33:12 1997
> ;; MSG SIZE  sent: 32  rcvd: 263
> Notice the absence of "!

Is this a problem w/ my name server, InterNIC, or and what
needs to be done?

> So, in my earlier post when I say you're set up all right, I was
> incorrect ... the DNS at your site is wrong.  What I find interesting is
> that it seems to be sane at the other two servers ...

.. I only own 1 IP,, is this a problem?


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COM 5? Extra I/O Card?

1997-11-14 Thread Colin R. Telmer
I have recently acquired the need for another com port and am already
using com1 (mouse) and com2(UPS) and found the following paragraph in a
FAQ for the palm pilot (the palm pilot is a PDA that has a syncronization
cradle that connects to a com port):

What to do if you do not have a free serial port

One problem I encountered was that I did not have a free serial port. My
mouse is on cua0 and my modem on cua1.  For a while I had to switch the
Pilot cradle with my modem. This was highly annoying because I could not
use the modem while I was playing with my Pilot. I solved this with a $29
dollar ISA card I found at a local computer story, local as in locally
owned and operated. The card is called the COM-5 card and is manufactured
by Mouse Systems. 

The card is useful because if COM1 and COM2 are in use then COM3 and COM4
are not available. A COM port is simply a label that identifies a specific
IRQ and address. COM1 and COM3 share the same IRQ as does COM2 and COM4.
But this card allows you to add another serial port at any combination of
IRQ and address that you desire. I have mine set on IRQ 12 and address
238. To get this to work with Linux all I had to do was tell Linux to map
this specific address and IRQ combination to the device /dev/cua2. The
following command does this: setserial /dev/cua2 port 0x238 irq 12
autoconfig It tell Linux where the serial port is available and to what
device to map it. With this working I was able to play around with my
Pilot while using my modem. Also I now have an extra serial port should I
need it for other tasks. 

Someone at a local computer store is trying to convince me that I can do
this with any I/O card. He gave me one that has jumpers which allow the

Serial Port 1: COMA can be Com1(3F8) or Com3(3E8) with IRQ either 3,4,5
Serial Port 2: COMB can be Com2(2F8) or Com4(2E8) with IRQ either 3,4,5

At the moment, here are the interrupts that are in use:
 0: 518753   timer
 1:  18301   keyboard
 2:  0   cascade
 5:  3   sound blaster
11:  86783   NE2000
12:  28599   PS/2 Mouse
13:  1   math error
14:  76318 + ide0
15:  0 + ide1

Can I somehow use this card and assign irq 5 to the new com port and move
the sound card to say 7? If some could someone be kind enough to state
how:) If not can I assume that I need this specific Com-5 card
mentioned above? Cheers.

Colin Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
School of Policy Studies Building, Room 309, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6 (613)545-6000x4219   

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TCL Libraries

1997-11-14 Thread ian


I need to know the path for the tcl.h file and I have been unable to
locate it myself.  Any direction is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: mail domain

1997-11-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On 14 Nov 1997, Carey Evans wrote:

Hang on here.

If I do "whois", I get (among other things)

   Domain servers in listed order:


However ...

brahe:/etc $ dig soa

; <<>> DiG 2.2 <<>> soa 
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6
;; flags: qr rd ra; Ques: 1, Ans: 1, Auth: 4, Addit: 4
;;, type = SOA, class = IN

;; ANSWERS: 85937   SOA (
878825332   ; serial
10800   ; refresh (3 hours)
1800; retry (30 mins)
604800  ; expire (7 days)
86400 ) ; minimum (1 day)


SERV1.CL.MSU.EDU.   172285  A   A   86080   A

;; Total query time: 10 msec
;; FROM: to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Fri Nov 14 09:33:12 1997
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 32  rcvd: 263

Notice the absence of "!

nslookup in interactive mode gives the same ...

brahe:/etc $ nslookup
Default Server:

> set q=soa

Non-authoritative answer:
origin =
mail addr =
serial = 878825332
refresh = 10800 (3 hours)
retry   = 1800 (30 mins)
expire  = 604800 (7 days)
minimum ttl = 86400 (1 day)

Authoritative answers can be found from:  nameserver = METS.TCI.EAST-LANSING.MI.US  nameserver = SERV1.CL.MSU.EDU  nameserver =  nameserver =
METS.TCI.EAST-LANSING.MI.US internet address =
SERV1.CL.MSU.EDUinternet address = internet address =
serv1.tcimet.netinternet address =

So, in my earlier post when I say you're set up all right, I was
incorrect ... the DNS at your site is wrong.  What I find interesting is
that it seems to be sane at the other two servers ...

: Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: > Before installing BIND, the default mail domain was ''.. now
: > it is '' ... I want to change it back, how can I
: > do this?
: If this is the named I get on, it's still not set up
: right:
: % dig any
: ; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>> any 
: ; (1 server found)
: ;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
: ;; got answer:
: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10
: ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
: ;;, type = ANY, class = IN
: 1W IN MX100
: 1W IN MX100
: 1W IN A
: 1W IN SOA (
: 97110801; serial
: 1W  ; refresh
: 1D  ; retry
: 4W  ; expiry
: 1W ); minimum
: ;; Total query time: 1084 msec
: ;; FROM: psyche to SERVER:
: ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 14 19:14:04 1997
: ;; MSG SIZE  sent: 32  rcvd: 161
: You probably left out the dots after the server and email addresses in
: the SOA record, at least.  I also don't believe
: should be the LHS of a CNAME, when it's the RHS of an MX.

I believe Carey has nailed your problem here.

: Is your named authoritative for the domain?  It seems
: to me I should have recieved an authority record with the above
: answer.  I had a few hassles getting a private BIND answering
: authoritatively, and getting errors in syslog each time it started.

Again, as I showed you above, this is true.  Your local named is NOT
authoritative, cos it's set up incorrectly.

: It also seems a little confused about the PTR record:

Mounting Solaris 2.5.1 partitions..

1997-11-14 Thread Richard . Dansereau
Hello all!

Just tried taking an external SCSI disk from one of our SparcStations
running Solaris 2.5.1 and connecting it up to my x86 Linux box.  The
SCSI chain recognizes that a drive is there, but, I can't seem to mount
any of the partitions on the drive.  It was suggested to me to use the
ufs filesystem for doing this.  I tried the following:
mount -t ufs /dev/sda1 /disk1
But with no success.

Any ideas or reasons why?


Richard Dansereau
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Manitoba - Canada

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Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

: On 13 Nov 1997, Ben Pfaff wrote:
[ snip ]
: > BTW, why don't you add a Reply-To: header?  There is no host
: >
: damn.. I've had this problem since I installed BIND.  My email address
: used to only include my domain by default.. i don't know how to change the
: default mail domain..  for now I changed Pine's user domain.
: -Paul

I know I'm jumping into this thread late, but out of the corner of my
eye I've seen posts about your mail problem.  Have you tried to isolate
the problem by using elm instead of pine, or even "echo test | mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ??  If changing the user domain in Pine solved
your problem, then I'm not sure it's an smail problem ...

FWIW, I don't run smail. I run sendmail, and I'm preparing to try out
exim. Also, FWIW, your DNS configuration seems to be fine (I just used
dig and nslookup to check it out)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
Voice: (605) 334-4454 Fax: (605) 335-1173
PGP Key ID: 0xA33B86E9 - Public key available at keyservers  
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More Laptop Video stuff...

1997-11-14 Thread Andrew Akins
Thank you to everyone who has helped with this problem...

I got my laptop (with a cirrus logic GD7543 video chip and 800x600 TFT
LCD screen) to work in 800x600 mode using the VGA16 server. Works like a
charm, but of course it's only 16 colors.

When I switch the server to SVGA, the screen is shifted up about, oh, 20
pixels. That is, the top 20 or so pixels of the image are off the top of
the screen, and the bottom of the screen has a blank area about 20
pixels high.

the VGA16 server had this problem to...but xvidtune fixed it (just
changed the timings). But xvidtune (and even manually) can't seem to
shift the image down in SVGA. I've tried many suggestions that people
have offered:
  * setting chipset to be clgd5436. I just get a blank screen
  * setting "noaccel" and "no_bitblt" options. Nothing happens

The modeline is as follows:

Modeline "800x600" 39.99 800 840 968 1000 600 601 605 644 +hsync +vsync

This works in VGA16, but not in SVGA.

Any ideas?
| Andrew Akins   |
| May your villages remain ignorant of tax collectors, and may your  |
| sons be many and ugly and strong and willing workers, and may your |
| daughters be few and beautiful and excellent providers of love |
| gifts from eminent families that live very far away, and may your  |
| lives be blessed by the beauty that has touched mine.  |
|- Number Ten Ox, "Bridge of Birds"  |

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Re: Which book?

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, clif smith wrote:

> OK I know this question will generate subjective answers but 
Well, if you are looking for a book to help with installing and
understanding the Debian distribution, you could try my new book. (that is
about as subjective as I can get ;-)

Check out to order a hard copy of the book (you also
get a nice set of CDs), or you can download the html version directly from
the site.

There are many other good books on Linux, like:

"Running Linux" by Matt Welsh et al
"The Linux Bible"   by (don't remember ;-)
"Linux Man" Edited by John Purcell

As well as others that don't come to mind at the moment.

Hope this helps,

_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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Re: olvwm

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Bill Moran wrote:

> Hi 
> I am (still) trying to get olvwm to work under debian. When I run 
> /usr/bin/X11/olvwm, I receive the message 
> Cannot connect to (NULL DISPLAY)
> I have a .DISPLAY file in my home directory with 
> :0.0 
> in it. When I type "env" I cannot  find a DISPLAY variable.  How do I
> set the variable for olvwm?
Even with all this information things are a little sketchy.

I'm not clear on just how you are starting X. I start it with xdm and
olvwm just comes up. Is the top entry in /etc/X11/window-managers:



If you try to start the server and the screen blanks but never provides a
"desk top" then there are several possibilities for the problem that are
unrelated to olvwm. The most likely is that your configuration file
doesn't fit your graphics card, although this could involve fonts, or
other features of the system that are misconfigured. It is very important
that you configure the software for the proper card and monitor, otherwise
results are hard to predict.

Hope I have been of some help,

_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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Re: re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Otavio Exel
Dale Martin wrote:
> Daniel Mashao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > why not put /var and /tmp in the same root partition?
> When you run out of space on your root partition while compiling, it's a
> real pain.  I've had it happen.  I've never run out of space on /var, or on
> / if I don't have /tmp on it.  So, I have /tmp soft linked to the partition
> with the most free space on my system.  (This is a peculiarity of my
> environment, I know, but I still think that 16M is a tad small for /tmp,
> which is what I was originally responding to.)

yes, all this partitioning stuff becomes not so important if you
use symlinks; AFAIK the only true reason to avoid symlinking /var
or /tmp into another partition is that /var and /tmp are more
vulnerable to crashes on (say) power faillures;


> Later,
> Dale
> --
> +  finger for pgp public key  -+
> | Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
> +--+

Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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Re: squid

1997-11-14 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
According to Behan Webster:
> > > Sun Nov  9 14:01:48 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >> 
> > > /var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
> > >   /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 38:   337 IOT 
> > > trap/Abort
> > >   squid -D -s $conf 1>&3 2>&3
> > 
> I was running the libc5 version from bo (1.1.1-1), but then I upgraded
> to the libc5 version in hamm (1.1.10-1).  The same problems occurred
> with both versions.

Really strange, I cannot reproduce this. Hmm. I just compiled squid_1.1.17
for libc5 and put it on

Perhaps you can try if that works better? As a bonus you'll be running
a much more recent squid :)

   Miquel van  | Cistron Internet Services   --Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   PTT's Het Net: Surfen in de gootsteen!<*>

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Re: re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Otavio Exel
Daniel Mashao wrote:
> On 14 Nov 1997, Dale Martin wrote:
> > Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > This is a lot of space wasted unless you have large spool directories
> > > (news/mail). For a reasonable single-user station, 64MB should be
> > > largely enough on /var. /tmp is left to your choice (16 is a good
> > > number).
> >
> > I would find 16M for /tmp WAY too small.  I do development, and the
> > compiler wants to put it's temporary files /tmp - some of them can be
> why not put /var and /tmp in the same root partition?

basically because I was afraid symlinks could slow it down;
but I'l do just that; create /dev/hda2/tmp and /dev/hda2/var
and symlynk /tmp and /var there;


> /---/
> Daniel J. Mashao
> Electrical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> University of Cape Town
> Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa(w) 27+21+6502816   (h) 27+21+6863662
> /---/

Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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Re: re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Martin
Daniel Mashao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> why not put /var and /tmp in the same root partition?

When you run out of space on your root partition while compiling, it's a
real pain.  I've had it happen.  I've never run out of space on /var, or on
/ if I don't have /tmp on it.  So, I have /tmp soft linked to the partition
with the most free space on my system.  (This is a peculiarity of my
environment, I know, but I still think that 16M is a tad small for /tmp,
which is what I was originally responding to.)

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |

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Re: Where is the Local Guide to Latex?

1997-11-14 Thread Civ Kevin F. Havener
IIRC there is a TeTeX HOWTO that says it is meant to fill in some of the 
information thats supposed to be in the often non-existent local guide.  
Of course it can't supply info on where all the files are stashed on your 
local system, but I, like Dale, am about to set off down the Latex path 
and I found it informative.


On 13 Nov 1997, H Huang wrote:

> >>"Drake" == Drake Diedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Drake> On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:
>  >> I have finally decided to learn Latex, so I bought Leslie
>  >> Lamport's book and started reading ... but the first suggestion
>  >> has been difficult to deal with. He suggests that there is a Local
>  >> Guide to Latex that I should read to find out how to use the local
>  >> implimentation, like how to go from a .tex document to the
>  >> printer.
>  Drake>I've never seen such a file on any system with Latex.
> I saw one on our campus' workstations. The file name is local.tex. But
> obviously there's no file by this name in the Debian's tetex
> distribution.
>  Drake>The impression I've gotten is that the sysadmin (you) has
>  Drake>to write it.
> Yeah. This file is usually provided by the sysadmins, based on a
> sample version by Leslie Lamport. Here is what the cover page of our
> local guide looks like:
>Using LaTex on the Berkeley Software Warehouse
>  Ethan Munson
>based on a sample verion by
> Leslie Lamport
> The document basically contains some very basic stuff, such as how to
> process .tex, and create the .dvi and .ps, how to preview and print,
> just as Joost said. Then there's some introduction to document styles,
> fonts, etc. Obviously, it is not that important that you cannot miss
> it to learn Latex. So don't worry about this if you can't find one.
> -- 
> __  ___  __
> ___  / / /__  / / /
> __  /_/ /__  /_/ /
> _  __  / _  __  /
> /_/ /_/  /_/ /_/
> --
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Re: re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Daniel Mashao
On 14 Nov 1997, Dale Martin wrote:

> Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > This is a lot of space wasted unless you have large spool directories 
> > (news/mail). For a reasonable single-user station, 64MB should be 
> > largely enough on /var. /tmp is left to your choice (16 is a good 
> > number).
> I would find 16M for /tmp WAY too small.  I do development, and the
> compiler wants to put it's temporary files /tmp - some of them can be

why not put /var and /tmp in the same root partition?
Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa(w) 27+21+6502816   (h) 27+21+6863662

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Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Jan Echternach
On 14 November 1997, Sten Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another workaround is:
>   cp /home/USER/.Xauthority /root/

Or to set XAUTHORITY to point to the user's .Xauthority. I've done this
with my "xterm -e root", and it works pretty well (unfortunately I
can't tell you how exactly I did it, because it was at my home system;
I used some sh -c, su -c and exec's).

Jan Echternach

   Delta Internet
   Tel. +49 2932 91 6 161
  Zeit UmZuDenken! Fax. +49 2932 91 6 230

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Can't login anymore

1997-11-14 Thread Chuma Agbodike
Right after I installed postgres 6.2.1 and played with is a little I
can't log into my LINUX anymore. Everything goes on as usual until it
INIT: entering runlevel: 2
Then it differs from what it used to do, which is start the various
Now it says: Debian Linux 1.3 (none) tty1
(none) ? That's not what it used to say.

(none) login:

No matter how I login : even as root it takes me back to (none) login:

If I try  it loops also on the following:

"Give root password for maintenance"
(or type Control-D for normal startup):

Only way out is a hard reset

Please help. If there is any way rather than reinstall.


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Re: md driver

1997-11-14 Thread RedHat Linux User

>   Have you ran badblocks on /dev/hda4 ?

Thats what was reporting the error

> Salutacions, Pere     __o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   2:343/108.91   -  _`\<;_
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Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Sten Anderson
Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 13 Nov 1997, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > You can turn off this security by typing `xhost +localhost' at an
> > xterm prompt; thenceforth during that X session any user on the local
> > computer will be able to run clients.
> hmm.. I'll try that, maybe that will temperary fix my problem with running
> root programs while another user is using the display.

Another workaround is:

cp /home/USER/.Xauthority /root/

This will copy the users auth-cookie to root, and thus allow root to
run X applications. However, the procedure must be repeated every time 
a new cookie is generated, i.e. every time the user logs in.

- Sten Anderson

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Re: re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Martin
Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a lot of space wasted unless you have large spool directories 
> (news/mail). For a reasonable single-user station, 64MB should be 
> largely enough on /var. /tmp is left to your choice (16 is a good 
> number).

I would find 16M for /tmp WAY too small.  I do development, and the
compiler wants to put it's temporary files /tmp - some of them can be
fairly large.  Compiling with "-pipe" in g++ fixes this, and g++ does
respect the "$TMPDIR" environment variable, but those solutions feel like
kludges around the problem.  My answer was to make /tmp a soft link onto a
partition with a lot of space.  (I do actually use -pipe by default, but I
have a lot of RAM and not everyone does.)

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |

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Re: Linux + NT

1997-11-14 Thread Ben Pfaff
Alfredo Todini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have two disks: a 1Gb disk, with Windows 95, and a 2GB disk, with
> Linux. Now I need to replace Windows 95 with Windows NT. I read the
> Linux+NT mini-HOWTO, and it suggests to install Linux after NT. However
> I absolutely cannot destroy or damage my Linux partition; is it possible
> to install NT without damaging other partitions? I've heard that the NT
> installation erases everything else you have on your system; is it true?
> Thank you very much in advance.

NT can install itself dual-boot on an existing 95 installation without
wiping anything out, if you have the space for it.

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Re: netscape

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Martin
Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sorry for being so slow.

No problem.  You did disprove my theory of mine however.  Normally, when I
post to this list, if I don't get a response within 15 minutes one never
comes. :-)

> Did either of you add the /usr/i486-linuxlibc1 fix?  There was a bug in
> the xlib6 package whereby the locale, XKeysymDB & XErrorDB files where
> incorrectly pathed, but the 3.3.1-1 version seems to have fixed it.  Or
> maybe not as I already had the manual work-around in before I upgraded.

Well, I'm running 3.3.1-1, I and have a directory
"/usr/i486-linuxlibc1". It has in it:


Should there be anything else in it?


+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |

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Re: Where is the Local Guide to Latex?

1997-11-14 Thread David Morris
On "Fri, 14 Nov 1997 13:00:07 +0100." Santiago Vila Doncel wove together:
[> It may be worth to know that magicfilter supports .dvi format, so if you
[> have magicfilter installed, you can even do:
[> cat whatever.dvi | lpr

Or even more simply: 'lpr whatever.dvi'
The AtticKeeper: Rev. David Morris
Leap and the net will appear -- unknown
Nerdnosh Attic:
Lectionary Page:

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Re: re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Philippe Troin

On Fri, 14 Nov 1997 10:24:10 -0200 Otavio Exel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
br) wrote:

> - are symlinks really fast?

Quite, except on NFS. You really should worry about it unless you're 
a performance freak.

> - I read somewhere that "500mb for /var and /tmp" is fine;
>   what exactly does that mean? two partitions summing up 500mb?
>   one 500mb partition and symlinks from /var and /tmp?

This is a lot of space wasted unless you have large spool directories 
(news/mail). For a reasonable single-user station, 64MB should be 
largely enough on /var. /tmp is left to your choice (16 is a good 

> - why is /usr/tmp symlynked to ../var/tmp instead of /var/tmp?
>   same applies to /usr/spool; is it important?

Yes, all symlinks should be relative, in case you mount filesystems 
across NFS or with a boot disk: let's say you have
/dev/hda1 /
/dev/hda2 /usr
/dev/hda3 /var
Then mounting them from the rescue disk, you would have:
/dev/hda1 /mnt
/dev/hda2 /mnt/usr
/dev/hda3 /mnt/var
And /mnt/usr/tmp would correctly point to /mnt/var/tmp instead of 

> - what will happen with hard lynks if I "cp -d" from one part to
>   another?

They'll get duplicated. -d applies only to symlinks.
If you want to preserve files exactly, you want to use cp -a (or tar, cpio, 


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Linux + NT

1997-11-14 Thread Alfredo Todini
I have two disks: a 1Gb disk, with Windows 95, and a 2GB disk, with
Linux. Now I need to replace Windows 95 with Windows NT. I read the
Linux+NT mini-HOWTO, and it suggests to install Linux after NT. However
I absolutely cannot destroy or damage my Linux partition; is it possible
to install NT without damaging other partitions? I've heard that the NT
installation erases everything else you have on your system; is it true?
Thank you very much in advance.

Alfredo Todini

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Re: xdm trouble

1997-11-14 Thread Philippe Troin

On 14 Nov 1997 11:46:46 +0100 Ole =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F8rgen?= Tetlie 

> I upgraded some packages to unstable yesterday, and now xdm
> dies, restarts, dies, restarts, dies, ... so I can't log on
> to fix it (I probably removed the old libX, while xdm is still
> linked to it!). Is it possible to disable xdm from lilo, or boot
> in any other way, so this doesn't happen? (I don't have rescues,
> so if it's impossible I'll just install a minimum debian on a spare
> partition, and fix it from there...)

Entering 'linux single' at the lilo prompt will make you boot in single user 
mode (almost nothing running). From there, you will be able do disable xdm 
and/or fix your X server.


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re-thinking partitions

1997-11-14 Thread Otavio Exel
hi everybody,

I'm re-thinking my HD partitioning and would apreciate some advice!

- are symlinks really fast?

- I read somewhere that "500mb for /var and /tmp" is fine;
  what exactly does that mean? two partitions summing up 500mb?
  one 500mb partition and symlinks from /var and /tmp?

- why is /usr/tmp symlynked to ../var/tmp instead of /var/tmp?
  same applies to /usr/spool; is it important?

- what will happen with hard lynks if I "cp -d" from one part to


Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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Re: Where is the Local Guide to Latex?

1997-11-14 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> First LaTeX it, to create the .dvi. Then for a postscript printer:
>   dvips file
> to print it directly to the printer, or
>   dvips file -o
> to create the .ps file.

It may be worth to know that magicfilter supports .dvi format, so if you
have magicfilter installed, you can even do:

cat whatever.dvi | lpr

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


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backing-up dselect state files

1997-11-14 Thread Otavio Exel
hi everybody,

I see all dselect stuff live in /var/lib/dpkg; I'd say /var is not a
safe place to keep such important stuff; any opinions?

now some questions:

- what files should I backup from /var/lib/dpkg to be able to resume
  using dselect in case of crash in /var?

- is there a program that would scan the filesystem and re-build
  dselect's state files?


Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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xdm trouble

1997-11-14 Thread Ole Jørgen Tetlie

[Please CC any replies to me]


I upgraded some packages to unstable yesterday, and now xdm
dies, restarts, dies, restarts, dies, ... so I can't log on
to fix it (I probably removed the old libX, while xdm is still
linked to it!). Is it possible to disable xdm from lilo, or boot
in any other way, so this doesn't happen? (I don't have rescues,
so if it's impossible I'll just install a minimum debian on a spare
partition, and fix it from there...)

   Ole J. Tetlie, student at the University of Oslo
Debian GNU/Linux---Eiffel-
Java: The elegant simplicity of C++ and the blazing speed of Smalltalk

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Re: 2.0.31 kernel - SCSI problems

1997-11-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
I tried 2.0.31, but found that it broke my SCSI system - it would no longer
acknowledge the existence of tapedrive or scanner.  This was apparent at
boot-time, when they no longer appeared on the SCSI device list.

I am using an Adaptec 2940UW with the aic7xxx SCSI kernel code.

I wanted this kernel to use with the new isdnutils package, which requires it.
Can anyone suggest how to get the SCSI code working right? 

Isle of Wight

PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

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Re: Pentium Bug Fix for Linux?

1997-11-14 Thread Olivier THARAN
On Fri, Nov 14, 1997 at 09:25:45AM +0100, Kevin Traas wrote:
> I just heard on BugTraq that there's now a bugfix available for Linux
> Anyone heard of it or where it might be obtained?

It's in the latest 2.1.63 kernel, and hopefully will be integrated in


Olivier Tharan, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gotta run, the cat's caught in the printer.

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Re: autofs and 2.0.31

1997-11-14 Thread Olivier THARAN
On Thu, Nov 13, 1997 at 11:48:38PM +, G. Kapetanios wrote:
> I have compiled a 2.0.31 kernel. One of the reasons for doing so was to
> use autofs. However when I did make menuconfig I didn't see an option for
> autofs support. I thought it was in the kernel anyway and instaled he
> package. However the package does not find autofs support and won't start.
> Does anyone use this package? If yes, how I go about activating autofs
> support ?

Maybe you should answer 'y' to the 'Prompt for development and/or
incomplete code/drivers' question (that is the first one) when you do the
make menuconfig; it will ask lots of new questions about experimental
drivers, among which you will find the autofs question -- in the FS
section. We have autofs working with a 2.0.31 kernel here, so you're not
an isolated case!

Olivier Tharan, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If only women came with pull-down menus and online help.

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Pentium Bug Fix for Linux?

1997-11-14 Thread Kevin Traas
I just heard on BugTraq that there's now a bugfix available for Linux

Anyone heard of it or where it might be obtained?

For those that are wondering what I'm talking about


Kevin TraasBaan Business Systems
Systems AnalystLangley, BC, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (604) 882-8169

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Re: Laptop install gone haywire

1997-11-14 Thread Carey Evans
"Michael Jinks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
> VFS: Cannot open root device 02:00
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00
> This looks to me like a media error, but I've tried two different copies
> of the root filesystem floppy and gotten the same error on both, so now
> I'm thinking it might be an install program goof, or maybe Linux just
> doesn't like my hardware?

The install program hasn't loaded yet, so it's Linux not seeing the
floppy itself that's the problem.  For the initial load of the kernel,
Linux itself isn't involved.


> boot: floppy0 floppy=thinkpad
> First off, is this syntax even right?

I think so, although I've never done a low memory install.  However,
not all thinkpads need the "floppy=thinkpad" option.

Carey Evans  <*>  gc

   Neniu anticipas la hispanan Inkvizicion.

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Re: Modem configuration

1997-11-14 Thread RDuran2099
I have the exact same problem too.  I purchaced the CD from LSL afterwards
and installed DUNC.  For some reason at the end of the configuration proccess
I get a message:  "Error Executing command"  I read the Related HOW To's and
I'm still confused.  

If it's okay with steve, Could you please cc. me on any replies?


Randy Duran

P.S. I used DosLinux (Slackware based, I think) for awhile and even though
it's not a rich as Debian, the ppp dialup did work go figure???

In a message dated 97-11-14 02:34:01 EST, you write:

 Ok, guys, I give...
 I have a base installation running from floppies (ver 1.3) on a 586
 sharing a hard drive with win95.  Everything works as it should, so
 far.  I'm trying to get ppp running so I can ftp the packages I need.
 I'm a real newbie to linux, and I'm not understanding the setup process
 for my modem, an external usr 33.6 voice/fax (not a "winmodem").  I know
 my modem is on com 2 / irq 3.  Do I need to make a link somewhere in
 /dev to get things rolling?  When I do a dmesg it shows both serial
 I've tried reading the howto and other documentation, but it seems I'm
 getting myself more confused by the minute.  Can anybody direct me thru
 the sequence to get this thing running?  I hear a lot of talk about
 minicom, but I don't have it yet.
 I think I got most of the IP stuff in right when I did the install, so I
 think all I need to get done is get my modem operable & get ppp
 configured to get to my isp...
 Help please!
  Steve Morrill
  Reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
  Debian LINUX Where I really want to go today!

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Re: Laptop Monitors

1997-11-14 Thread Daniel J. Mashao
I have the same chipset  (CL754x). If you look at the X11 readme files
they mention that no-one is working on the chipset so they cannot
guarantee or fix bugs. I also have similar problems.

Daniel J. Mashao -- 

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Which book?

1997-11-14 Thread clif smith
OK I know this question will generate subjective answers but 

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Modem configuration, cont.

1997-11-14 Thread smorrill
Thank you all for the response! And, yes, Dwarf, I have your new book &
I think it's a great help!  Finally, something Debian specific!  But I
have to admit, I'm still just trying to get my modem working in the base
(floppy install only) system. Do I have to MAKEDEV for my modem?
 Steve Morrill

 PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
 Debian LINUX Where I really want to go today!

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Re: starting xdm

1997-11-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
Will Lowe wrote:
  >I'd like my system to come up running xdm or kdm.  What is the proper
  >place to do this?  Right now I'm just logging in and doing "sudo kdm",
  >but I've a feeling that there's probably a correct runlevel or something
  >to do this in.

In /etc/X11/config, you need the line


as explained somewhere in the Debian documentation for X.

You also need to start up xdm in the boot scripts.

Isle of Wight

PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

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Re: Does lesstif provide for Netscape?

1997-11-14 Thread Philippe Troin

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 22:05:47 MST Rick Macdonald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> The release notes for Communicator 4.04 say that Linux plugins only work 
> with the dynamically linked version of Motif 1.2.
> Does lesstif provide this, and do plugins work?

Lesstif provides *source* compatibility with motif 1.2 (when it will be 
completed :-), not binary compatibility.
Maybe you should start lobbying netscape to make a lesstif version of 
communicator, but I doubt it will work ;-)


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Re: ISDN link on demand.

1997-11-14 Thread Philippe Troin

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 23:27:48 GMT "Batista, M." ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

>  Know somebody set up the ISDN link to an ISP on demand?
>  I make this link by hand, but when the hangup time out to come, the
> ISDN driver shutdown the link and i have to start
>  up by hand once more.

Have you tried diald ?


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Re: mail domain

1997-11-14 Thread Carey Evans
Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Before installing BIND, the default mail domain was ''.. now
> it is '' ... I want to change it back, how can I
> do this?

If this is the named I get on, it's still not set up

% dig any

; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>> any 
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;;, type = ANY, class = IN

97110801; serial
1W  ; refresh
1D  ; retry
4W  ; expiry
1W ); minimum

;; Total query time: 1084 msec
;; FROM: psyche to SERVER:
;; WHEN: Fri Nov 14 19:14:04 1997
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 32  rcvd: 161

You probably left out the dots after the server and email addresses in
the SOA record, at least.  I also don't believe
should be the LHS of a CNAME, when it's the RHS of an MX.

Is your named authoritative for the domain?  It seems
to me I should have recieved an authority record with the above
answer.  I had a few hassles getting a private BIND answering
authoritatively, and getting errors in syslog each time it started.

It also seems a little confused about the PTR record:

% dig -x

; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>> -x 
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
;;, type = ANY, class = IN

;; ANSWER SECTION:  5h14m52s IN PTR  5h14m52s IN PTR

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:  1d21h34m46s IN NS  1d21h34m46s IN NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: IN A   1d13h46m55s IN A

;; Total query time: 730 msec
;; FROM: psyche to SERVER:
;; WHEN: Fri Nov 14 19:23:30 1997
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 45  rcvd: 210

Carey Evans  <*>  gc

   Neniu anticipas la hispanan Inkvizicion.

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Does lesstif provide for Netscape?

1997-11-14 Thread Rick Macdonald

The release notes for Communicator 4.04 say that Linux plugins only work 
with the dynamically linked version of Motif 1.2.

Does lesstif provide this, and do plugins work?

I recall that bash 2.0.1 (or was it 2.1?) is also required?


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[BIND] Delegation question--update

1997-11-14 Thread lung

I figured out a rough way to solve it, but I dont like it.

for each of the IP that they are allocated if i put an


into the reverse file for that class c it works because it looks to the
ns1 and ns2 name servers for more information, but to add one
of these lines for each IP will eventually be a pain and there has to be
a better solution.  Any ideas?


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1997-11-14 Thread Bill Moran

I am (still) trying to get olvwm to work under debian. When I run 
/usr/bin/X11/olvwm, I receive the message 

Cannot connect to (NULL DISPLAY)

I have a .DISPLAY file in my home directory with 


in it. When I type "env" I cannot  find a DISPLAY variable.  How do I
set the variable for olvwm?



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Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Paul Miller
On 13 Nov 1997, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:51 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
> >   Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
> This sort of message generally means that someone not authorized to
> connect to your X server tried to connect anyway.  Since the host was
> the local host, it probably means that a user not the one who started
> the X session tried to run an X client on the display.  This can
> happen if root tried to run a client on another user's display, or
> vice versa.

hmm.. I'm using Debian's xbase package with a X authority type program,
which only lets certain users use X... and I'm trying to get X to allow me
to su - to root, set the DISPLAY and run X programs as root... that must
have been why I received those errors..  for some reason Debian's program
denies root from running X programs while another user is using the

> You can turn off this security by typing `xhost +localhost' at an
> xterm prompt; thenceforth during that X session any user on the local
> computer will be able to run clients.

hmm.. I'll try that, maybe that will temperary fix my problem with running
root programs while another user is using the display.

> BTW, why don't you add a Reply-To: header?  There is no host

damn.. I've had this problem since I installed BIND.  My email address
used to only include my domain by default.. i don't know how to change the
default mail domain..  for now I changed Pine's user domain.


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Re: xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Ben Pfaff
Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:51 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
>   Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

This sort of message generally means that someone not authorized to
connect to your X server tried to connect anyway.  Since the host was
the local host, it probably means that a user not the one who started
the X session tried to run an X client on the display.  This can
happen if root tried to run a client on another user's display, or
vice versa.

You can turn off this security by typing `xhost +localhost' at an
xterm prompt; thenceforth during that X session any user on the local
computer will be able to run clients.

BTW, why don't you add a Reply-To: header?  There is no host

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Re: Modem configuration

1997-11-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, smorrill wrote:

> Ok, guys, I give...
> I have a base installation running from floppies (ver 1.3) on a 586
> sharing a hard drive with win95.  Everything works as it should, so
> far.  I'm trying to get ppp running so I can ftp the packages I need.
> I'm a real newbie to linux, and I'm not understanding the setup process
> for my modem, an external usr 33.6 voice/fax (not a "winmodem").  I know
> my modem is on com 2 / irq 3.  Do I need to make a link somewhere in
> /dev to get things rolling?  When I do a dmesg it shows both serial
> ports...
> I've tried reading the howto and other documentation, but it seems I'm
> getting myself more confused by the minute.  Can anybody direct me thru
> the sequence to get this thing running?  I hear a lot of talk about
> minicom, but I don't have it yet.
> I think I got most of the IP stuff in right when I did the install, so I
> think all I need to get done is get my modem operable & get ppp
> configured to get to my isp...
> Help please!
You might try my new book ;-) 

Section 6.3 is about PPP configuration.

You can get the html version of the book from (it's
about 360 k ... yep, just download it)


_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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xdm problems...

1997-11-14 Thread Paul Miller
I'm using Debian/hamm ... and I'm trying to get xconsole to work.. it
works fine from the window manager menus, but won't run with xdm/kdm..  I
also noticed this other problem..  and I don't know what it means.


AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:51 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:52 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:55 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0: line 8:   989 Segmentation fault  (core dumped)
xconsole -geometry 480x130+0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed
-exitOnFail -file /dev/xconsole -fg white -bg black
AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:56 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:58 1997: 975 X: client 4 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:59 1997: 975 X: client 4 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

how can I fix these?

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Re: Laptop Monitors

1997-11-14 Thread Bob Clark
Try specifying chipset clgd5436 in place of 754x.  It worked
for me on a Gateway Solo2100 laptop with a 7548.  Here's my

# This file is derived from Gordon Chaffe's
# web page
# This works for me with a Cirrus Logic 7548 on a Gateway
Solo 2100 Laptop
# with the XFree86 3.2 release running Debian/GNU Linux.  It
also works OK
# with XFree86 3.2A.  It only works with a setting of 1MB of
video memory.
# The 2MB setting is close, but not quite right.  Specifying
either of
# clgd5428 or clgd5436 seems to be alright.
Section "Files"

FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"


Section "Keyboard"
AutoRepeat 5 1

Section "Pointer"
Device  "/dev/mouse"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier  "LCD Laptop"
VendorName  "Gateway 2000"
ModelName   "Solo 2100"
Bandwidth   100.0
HorizSync   31-69
VertRefresh 40-120
ModeLine"800x600" 28.3 800 816 856 920 600
600 601 618
ModeLine"800x600" 36 800 824 896 1024 600
601 603 625

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Cirrus CL-GD7548"
VendorName  "Cirrus"
BoardName   "CL-GD7548"

Chipset "clgd5436"
#   Chipset "clgd5428"
Clockchip   "cirrus"
Option  "sw_cursor"

Section "Screen"
Driver  "svga"
Device  "Cirrus CL-GD7548"
Monitor "LCD Laptop"
Subsection  "Display"
Depth   8
Modes   "800x600"

Andrew Akins wrote:
> This may not be an appropriate place to ask this, but does anyone know
> the appropriate frequencies to use with Laptop TFT LCD monitors? I chose
> the SVGA monitor in the XF86Setup program - and it works, but it only
> gives me 320x200 resolution. I know this chipset (CL754x) and monitor
> can do 800x600 - that's what I ran windoze in. But none of the higher
> monitor choices seem to work - the screen freaks out.
> xvidtune doesn't core dumps. I checked in the various config
> files, and XF86Setup is only giving me 320x200 settings...any ideas why?
> Hey, it works great in 320x200! :P
> Side note: xdm doesn't work. I can do startx, and everything is fine.
> xdm does nothing...I immediately get the prompt back. Is this a big
> problem? If so, what might be wrong? Or can I just use startx (and how
> do I get it to automatically start -- when I get the resolution right).
> --
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XDM freezes keyboard: problem and solution

1997-11-14 Thread Mike O'Donnell

I have a problem with a solution, in case someone else hits the same
problem. I also hope that someone can provide a fuller explanation of
the problem, since mine has a few gaps.

I installed Debian 1.1 on 12 September 1996, then reinstalled 1.3.1 on
9 August 1997 from Linux System Labs CDs. I thought I had completely
re-installed, but now I wonder.

On 29 October 1997, xdm failed to respond to the keyboard. I
discovered today (13 November 1997) that xdm was started by
/etc/rc2.d/S01xdm, as the *first* service to start in runlevel 2. I
found that other installed systems had xdm starting last but 1, as
/etc/rc2.d/S99xdm, just before /etc/rc2.d/S99rmnologin. After renaming
the xdm link to /etc/rc2.dS99xdm, I had no more problem.

I conjecture that the problem has to do with trying to log in through
xdm before rmnologin has finished. If my conjecture is correct, then
there is still a small danger that xdm wins the race and locks. Since
the only way to reboot from the locked keyboard appears to be hardware
reset, there is some danger of file system damage.

I have no clue how I had the wrong sequence number for xdm in /etc/rc2.d.

Mike O'Donnell

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Re: Modem configuration

1997-11-14 Thread Britton

I used minicom fairly extensively when first setting up ppp.  I think it
would be worth your time to download that perhapd from win 95 and install
it.  Then you can check if your modem is installed right.  Mine is on an
odd port and interrupt (I don't remember which now) but I never had to
worry about that interrupt, since it is consistent for a given com port.
I just told the software (ppp or minicom) what serial device to use (you
can set up a singe device pointing to the correct device if you wish).
If you have your modem dialing than there are some other tricks that will
be useful to know.  Exactly how far along the process are you?

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, smorrill wrote:

> Ok, guys, I give...
> I have a base installation running from floppies (ver 1.3) on a 586
> sharing a hard drive with win95.  Everything works as it should, so
> far.  I'm trying to get ppp running so I can ftp the packages I need.
> I'm a real newbie to linux, and I'm not understanding the setup process
> for my modem, an external usr 33.6 voice/fax (not a "winmodem").  I know
> my modem is on com 2 / irq 3.  Do I need to make a link somewhere in
> /dev to get things rolling?  When I do a dmesg it shows both serial
> ports...
> I've tried reading the howto and other documentation, but it seems I'm
> getting myself more confused by the minute.  Can anybody direct me thru
> the sequence to get this thing running?  I hear a lot of talk about
> minicom, but I don't have it yet.
> I think I got most of the IP stuff in right when I did the install, so I
> think all I need to get done is get my modem operable & get ppp
> configured to get to my isp...
> Help please!
> --
>  Steve Morrill
>  Reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
>  Debian LINUX Where I really want to go today!
> --
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Re: Where is the Local Guide to Latex?

1997-11-14 Thread Nick Busigin
On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> I have finally decided to learn Latex, so I bought Leslie Lamport's book
> and started reading ... but the first suggestion has been difficult to
> deal with. He suggests that there is a Local Guide to Latex that I should
> read to find out how to use the local implimentation, like how to go from
> a .tex document to the printer.
> I have the tetex-doc package installed, and there is tons of stuff there,
> but I can't find anything that looks like it might be the guide.

Hi Dale,

I recently started using LaTeX too.  Once you are past the initial
learning curve, you will really like it.  You may want to take a look at
"The LaTeX Companion" by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin.  I find it
covers a lot of additional ground that Lamport's book only touches on.
I look at these two books as the LaTeX bibles.  ;-)  Another handy place
to look is the LaTeX info files.  They are a good concise reference.

The closest I got to the Local Guide, was the /usr/doc/latex/usrguide.tex

Best regards,


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core during preinst

1997-11-14 Thread Oleg Krivosheev


just tried to install netscape4
on my hamm system:

stas ~ # dpkg -i netscape4_4.0-6.deb
(Reading database ... 15923 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking netscape4 (from netscape4_4.0-6.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing netscape4_4.0-6.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault),
core dumped
Errors were encountered while processing:

Core was generated by perl:

stas ~ # gdb /usr/bin/perl core
GNU gdb 970507
Copyright 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
This GDB was configured as "i586-pc-linux"...(no debugging symbols

warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
Core was generated by `perl /var/lib/dpkg/ install'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
find_solib: Can't read pathname for load map: I/O error

#0  0x4007209d in ?? () from /lib/

have latest perl and dpkg

stas ~ $ dpkg -l per*
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  perl5.004.02-1 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and
un  perl-base(no description available)
un  perl-debug   (no description available)
ii  perl-suid   5.004.02-1 Runs setuid perl scripts.

any ideas ?



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Re: compiling wine/twin

1997-11-14 Thread Britton

You know that 'yacc' stands for Yet Another Compiler Compiler' don't you?
Don't know about you, but this scares me a little.  However if you think
you are up to it or have something to contribute to WINE:

What you want are the GNU versions of lex and yacc, known I think as flex
and bison.  Hope this helps. 

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> I tried to compile wine 11-01 and twin today and I'm missing some
> compilers... I couldn't find them w/ dpkg -S .. either..
> where can I find 'lex' or 'yacc'?
> -Paul
> --
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Re: Where is the Local Guide to Latex?

1997-11-14 Thread H Huang
>>"Drake" == Drake Diedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Drake> On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:
 >> I have finally decided to learn Latex, so I bought Leslie
 >> Lamport's book and started reading ... but the first suggestion
 >> has been difficult to deal with. He suggests that there is a Local
 >> Guide to Latex that I should read to find out how to use the local
 >> implimentation, like how to go from a .tex document to the
 >> printer.

 Drake>I've never seen such a file on any system with Latex.

I saw one on our campus' workstations. The file name is local.tex. But
obviously there's no file by this name in the Debian's tetex

 Drake>The impression I've gotten is that the sysadmin (you) has
 Drake>to write it.

Yeah. This file is usually provided by the sysadmins, based on a
sample version by Leslie Lamport. Here is what the cover page of our
local guide looks like:

   Using LaTex on the Berkeley Software Warehouse

 Ethan Munson
   based on a sample verion by
Leslie Lamport

The document basically contains some very basic stuff, such as how to
process .tex, and create the .dvi and .ps, how to preview and print,
just as Joost said. Then there's some introduction to document styles,
fonts, etc. Obviously, it is not that important that you cannot miss
it to learn Latex. So don't worry about this if you can't find one.


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Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH causes problems in hamm distribution

1997-11-14 Thread Jameson Burt

> On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Jameson Burt wrote:
>  : After upgrading ldso, libc6 and several other packages, several packages 
>  : failed to work, responding "segmentation violation",
>  :xv, xfig, xephem
>  : The cause of this was my setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .bashrc.
>  : I had used this setting with no problems for a year under rex and bo.
>  : 
>  : To correct this, I tried many combinations of paths in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 
>  : including those in /etc/  I could never get all packages to 
> work 
>  : with any LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  I could get xv and xfig to work, but then vim 
> would 
>  : respond "caught deadly signal SEGV".
>  : 
>  : The file /etc/ seems to do properly what LD_LIBRARY_PATH did.
>  : I presume we should NO longer use the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> What LD_LIBRARY_PATH's did you try?
> I never experience any problems with it. Make sure those programs get their
> libraries loaded from the correct directory (find out with ldd).
> bye,
> Remco
> --
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export  \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/Xaw3d:/usr/X11R6/lib/Xaw95:/usr/X11R6/
Vim: Caught deadly signal SEGV
Vim: Finished.

export  \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/X11:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/
gave for xv
Segmentation fault

export \
left vim, xv, ... generally working.

While I followed the libc5-libc6-mini-HOWTO.txt, I suspect I should do some 
more upgrading.  Upgrading most of the "base" directory helped some, though it 
broke xload until I upgraded its appropriate packages.  I consider that I 
would like to use dselect to upgrade everything at once, but then while some 
commands would work, many other commands would probably break.

I currently also notice outlining with the mouse in xterm now works bawkily, 
and xephem started from .xsession responds
Can not open edb/YBS.edb: No such file or directory
though it runs fine from the command line.

Having read about the latest gimp in Linux Journal, I moved to the hamm 
distribution with the much later version.  I got too greedy, so I now have 
several problems that did not exist before.

I can hobble around Debian Linux for the next couple months until I can 
install hamm via dselect, or maybe via divinity by then.  I am now using the 
"unstable" distribution after all.

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Modem configuration

1997-11-14 Thread smorrill
Ok, guys, I give...

I have a base installation running from floppies (ver 1.3) on a 586
sharing a hard drive with win95.  Everything works as it should, so
far.  I'm trying to get ppp running so I can ftp the packages I need.
I'm a real newbie to linux, and I'm not understanding the setup process
for my modem, an external usr 33.6 voice/fax (not a "winmodem").  I know
my modem is on com 2 / irq 3.  Do I need to make a link somewhere in
/dev to get things rolling?  When I do a dmesg it shows both serial

I've tried reading the howto and other documentation, but it seems I'm
getting myself more confused by the minute.  Can anybody direct me thru
the sequence to get this thing running?  I hear a lot of talk about
minicom, but I don't have it yet.

I think I got most of the IP stuff in right when I did the install, so I
think all I need to get done is get my modem operable & get ppp
configured to get to my isp...

Help please!


 Steve Morrill

 PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
 Debian LINUX Where I really want to go today!

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Laptop install gone haywire

1997-11-14 Thread Michael Jinks
I'm new to this list and new to Debian -- I've been using RedHat for
about the past two months though.  Before that I was very nearly

A brief comb through the archives didn't turn up anything that looked
like it pertained to my problem; if you know better, just let me know
and maybe point me in the right direction.

I'm doing my first-ever Debian install, and the target machine is an IBM
thinkpad 486 with 4M RAM.  The rescue floppy works fine, up to the point
where it asks me to insert the root floppy, at which point I've gotten
several different sorts of errors.

The one I've gotten the most times is:

end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
VFS: Cannot open root device 02:00
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00

This looks to me like a media error, but I've tried two different copies
of the root filesystem floppy and gotten the same error on both, so now
I'm thinking it might be an install program goof, or maybe Linux just
doesn't like my hardware?

I did once get as far as trying to run fdisk, but it didn't behave even
remotely like I expect fdisk to behave, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a
real run.

The boot line I'm using is:

boot: floppy0 floppy=thinkpad

First off, is this syntax even right?

Any and all thoughts appreciated. . . 


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newsgate: news2mail coredump

1997-11-14 Thread Steve Kostecke
The mail2news portion of newsgate works perfectly for me.  Unfortunately
that is not the case for news2mail.  I had a feeling that my posts to 
debian.user (my local store of debian-user) weren't going out to the list.  So
I tried running news2mail (as root) and fed it a message like this:

stasis# news2mail debian-user debian-user debian-user-request \ ./0.8794608830.t
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Then I invoked gdb:
stasis# gdb --exec=3D/usr/bin/news2mail --core=3D./core
GDB is [snip]
GDB 4.16 (i586-debian-linux), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Core was generated by `news2mail -. debian-user \
debian-user-request lists.=C8=89b'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /lib/ debugging symbols found)...done=2E
Reading symbols from /lib/ debugging symbols found)...=
#0  0x4006ca68 in strcpy ()
(gdb) quit

Any ideas ???

(I'm using Debian 1.3.1/bo with the current cnews, newsx, knews & newsgat=
e) =

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Re: xdm/X not terminating processes on logout

1997-11-14 Thread G. Kapetanios
Almost exactly the same thing is happening to my machine. I n case
FVWMButtons does not terminate. It has starrted happening after I
upgradeed to 3.3.1-1

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Brian M. Rectanus wrote:

> > 
> > For some reason processes are not being terminated after a user logs out of 
> > an
> > X session (via xdm).
> > 
> > Example:
> >  User  logs in and starts up "vi someprogram", then user xxx kills the X
> > session (ie kills WM, thus killing session).  User xxx logs in again and 
> > 's
> > "vi someprogram" is STILL running and using (according to top) about 92% of 
> > CPU.
> > 
> > 
> > I noticed this after I logged out one night and when I logged in the next 
> > day
> > my load was about 4.7 withnothing special (except the vi session) running.
> > Any Ideas why xdm would not kill all of the users processes?  Or is it xdm 
> > that
> > is supposed to do it?
> > 
> > -Brian
> < ... snip ... >
> In addition to this, I found that the ONLY processes that are not killed, are
> text-based programes like vi or top.  The xterm that they were running in DOES
> get killed.
> -Brian
> -- 
> Brian Rectanus
> Kansas State University
> Computing and Informational Sciences
> Multimedia/Web Programmer
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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