Re: mgetty & log files

1998-04-15 Thread Paul Miller

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, shaul wrote:

> > It seems that mgetty stops logging information after the logs have been
> > cycled.  If I kill mgetty, it restarts and begins logging again... Is
> > there a safe way to tell mgetty the logs have been cycled w/o killing
> > mgetty?
> It doesn't happen on my system, although we might have a different version of 
> mgetty. Perhaps there is a bug with mgetty ? Have you tried the mgetty 
> mailing 
> list ?

I'm using:
mgetty+sendfax by Gert Doering
experimental test release 1.1.9-Aug17

this message has been sent to the mgetty mailing list


Please reply directly to me, as I am not on the mgetty mailing list.

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Re: mgetty & log files

1998-04-15 Thread shaul

> It seems that mgetty stops logging information after the logs have been
> cycled.  If I kill mgetty, it restarts and begins logging again... Is
> there a safe way to tell mgetty the logs have been cycled w/o killing
> mgetty?

It doesn't happen on my system, although we might have a different version of 
mgetty. Perhaps there is a bug with mgetty ? Have you tried the mgetty mailing 
list ?

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Re: Newbie Questions...

1998-04-15 Thread shaul
> If you could choose one book to help you learn Linux, what would it
> be?  I'm looking for something that covers  installation, use, and
> administration.  Oh yeah, and also  how to format a floppy disk : )

The LDP (Linux Documantation Project) is a very good source. It has a link from 
Debian home page (although I think that accessing it from sunsite might be a 
better idea). The "books" there (Linux instalation and getting statrted, 
user-beta, sag) can help a lot.

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Re: CD-rom + zip

1998-04-15 Thread shaul
> Hi,
> Anyone have any ideas on this:
> I have a Zip-drive as master IDE on my second controller and my CD-rom is
> slave on the same controller. Whenever I want to acces my CD, it spins up my
> Zip, but  doesn't  read the files. The CD-rom drive doesn't get activated at
> all.
> How can I configure the system to use both drives. If that isn't possible
> for now I'll live with it, but would like to have a functional CD-rom,
> because my Linux, CD's are coming in this week.

Perhaps changing the master and slave, i.e letting the CD be the master, might 
help ? Maybee you have to set up some jumpers on the CD drive/Zip drive/board 
in a different way ?

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non-free licences

1998-04-15 Thread Andreas Jellinghaus
after reading all non-free licences, i have a list what can go on a
cdrom. this is my personal list, yours may be different. no waranty.

this is not an official debian list. debian takes no position,
and will not include non-free packages on their official cdrom.

i included packages, if this is ok :
 - personal use
 - educational use
 - commercial, for-profit distribution, for a reasonable fee.
(don't mail me, if you think this is too restrictive.)

maybe you have your own list, so we can compare ?
if you think, that i'm wrong on some package, please write
whether the package can be included or not, and include the full licence 
(and clarifying emails from the author ).

abc2mtex abuse-sfx angband arabtext archie axe battleball biglog
bsdgames-nonfree calctool cgiwrap chos distributed-net
distributed-net-proxy dmalloc doom dqs dungeon echo-linux
figfonts figfonts-cjk fractxtra freefont frotz gettyps glimpse gopher-client
gsn-curses gsn-jigsaw gumshoe http-analyze idled ines inform inform-docs
l3 lha libforms-bin libforms-dev libforms-doc libforms0.86 libforms0.86-altdev
libforms0.88 libglide2 libmsql1 libmsql2 libsrgp1 libsrgp1-altdev libsrgp1g
libsrgp1g-dev maelstrom majordomo mikmod mirrormagic mosaic mp3asm
mp3info msql msql-doc msqld oonsoo pgplot picasm pine-docs povray-misc
quake-lib quake2 quake2-dm r-mlbench rel remind rman rocks-n-diamonds
seyon sharefonts so-far speech-tools-dev spim squake strn tin tkman
tracker ts unzip w3-msql weather wwwtable x3270 x3270-htmldoc xanim
xfmail xgalaga xgobi xinetd xmame xmikmod xpacman xpdf xquake
xtoolplaces xtrojka xv xwpick zip

amp biss chimera chktex circus cthugha cucipop dgs dgs-dev doc++
doc-html-w3 dvi2tty epan ethiop ezlm-source festival festlex-cmu
festlex-oald festlex-poslex festvox-don festvox-kdlpc16k festvox-kdlpc8k
fftw1 gfont giftrans gravitywars gs-aladdin html2latex hwb lclint
libcgic1 libcgic1-altdev libcgicg1 libcgicg1-dev libgd-perl libgd1
libgd1-altdev libgd1g libgd1g-dev libjpeg-gif mcvert mirror mpg123 musixtex
musixtex-doc mysql-base mysql-bench mysql-dev mysql-doc mysql-manual
mysql-server ncftp ncompress nedit netpbm-nonfree newsgate noweb ocal
optimizer opustex pdl qmail-src qt-doc qt1g qt1g qt1g-dev serialmail-src
snns snns-doc swi-prolog tatctae tetex-french tgif tkdiff tripwire
ucbmpeg ucbmpg-play unarj wwwcount xacc-smotif xanim xautolock
xfractint xpostitplus xtrkcad xzx zoo

diablo fftw1-dev gdk-imlib-nonfree-dev gdk-imlib-nonfree
imlib-nonfree imlib-nonfree-dev jdk1.1-dev jdk1.1-docdemo povray
povray-doc snns-examples snns-tools tkgofer xmame-svga xmame-x
xmayday xmayday-doc xpvmpov xsqlmenu

CHECK: i got my information with cat usr/doc/*/*copyright*,
but with these packages, i got empty files, so i have to look at them manualy.

TODO : check non-US packages.

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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Alex Romosan
>> And some 2.0.33 systems (mine at least) are quite stable with hamm.
>> Bob
>Quite possible if it only runs a few hours/day or is lightly loaded. I
>would consider it a ticking timebomb, though.  One particular system of

we have quite a few systems running 2.0.33 up 24/7 with plenty of
people constantly running plenty of cpu intensive simulation jobs and
i haven't had any of them crash on me yet. your mileage may vary


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread King Lee

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Brian Mays wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Maarten Bezemer) wrote:
> > Someone told me there are far more rpm-packages available, and other
> > distributions also use rpm. What's true about that?
> The core set of RPM packages, what RedHat produces, is much smaller
> than Debian's main distribution.  While some other companies and groups
> distribute their software in RPM form, the majority of the RPM packages
> that you are hearing about are put together by RedHat users, and therefore
> can be of somewhat dubious quality.  Debian has a policy document to

While  Debian does have more packages, it also seems to stricter, in 
terms of including packages into their core distribution, than 
Red Hat.  There were several important (IMHO) packages 
available on Red Hat cdroms that were not available on Debian cdroms.  
These packages are available from their site in their directory
of non-free software, so the packages are still available, but
less convenient to access.

Also, IMHO, Red Hat has more included more documentation 
on their system than Debian. In particular, I like the Red Hat
manual which comes in HTML format. 

Red Hat supplies many of their administrative with a graphical
interface e.g. glint, control-panel which require X11. I much
prefer command line or vt100, since when I have problems  or
working over the net, I won't have X11 running.  

I have both distributions installed, and by and large seem
to prefer Debian. Both are fine.

King Lee

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-15 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Tamas Papp wrote:

> > I don't think 'debian-flame' would be quite appropriate.  How about
> > debian-discussion, or debian-advocacy or something?
> It's a good idea, "flame" was just a thought  (after the Hungarian list
> linux-flame). The name debian-discussion would be quite appropriate for
> the topics that I mentioned. So, how can we start this list? Who is the
> person to ask?

That'd be [EMAIL PROTECTED] There are several ppl in
charge of list administration.


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Re: Nescape on Alpha?

1998-04-15 Thread Steve Mayer
Not sure about an Alpha version of Netscape, but you should be able to
use em86 to run the x86 version.

Steve Mayer

Jorge L. deLyra wrote:
> Does anybody know whether it is possible to run Netscape under Linux on
> Alpha? I can't seem to find a package anywhere. Also, I cannot find
> anything about this on the Netscape web site... Maybe one can fix things
> to run the OSF/1 version? Or maybe we have to wait for version 5?...
> Jorge L. deLyra,  Associate Professor of Physics
> The University of Sao Paulo,  IFUSP-DFMA
>For more information:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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PPP dies early

1998-04-15 Thread Erik van der Meulen

I am doing my best to get a ppp connection with my
ISP working. I would have expected this to be fairly
easy, because my provider supports Linux and has some
scripts available for this purpose.
Unfortunately, this did not turn out as easy as I hoped.
My modem dials my provider and the script manages to get
me logged-in. I seem to receive an IP address for the session,
but after a second or three the line drops and I am lost.
Even during the 3 seconds 'on-line', ifconfig does not report
an ppp interface, so I assume that I am not really 'alive'.
I have added both scripts and a portion of the log file,
hoping that someone might be able to give me a clue where
to look for the problem. This would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


LOCAL_IP= Local IP address if known. Dynamic =
REMOTE_IP=   # Remote IP address if desired. Normally
NETMASK=   # The proper netmask if needed

/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS0 spd_vhi
if ! /usr/sbin/pppd -d \
/dev/ttyS0 115200 user avondel connect $DIALER_SCRIPT
echo pppd error.

- --
- --

exec chat -v\
ABORT   '\nBUSY\r'  \
''  \rAT\
'OK-+++\c-OK'   ATH0\
OK  'ATZ'   \
OK  'ATM0DT5350535'   \

- --
- --

Apr 15 21:48:11 souterrain pppd[28858]: pppd 2.2.0 started by erik, uid 0
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: timeout set to 3 seconds
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: abort on (\nBUSY\r) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: abort on (\nNO ANSWER\r) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: abort on (\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: send (rAT^M) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: expect (OK) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: rAT^M^M 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: OK -- got it 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: send (ATH0^M) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: timeout set to 30 seconds
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: expect (OK) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: ^M 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: ATH0^M^M 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: OK -- got it 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: send (ATZ^M) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: expect (OK) 
Apr 15 21:48:13 souterrain chat[28859]: ^M 
Apr 15 21:48:14 souterrain chat[28859]: ATZ^M^M 
Apr 15 21:48:14 souterrain chat[28859]: OK -- got it 
Apr 15 21:48:14 souterrain chat[28859]: send (ATM0DT5350535^M) 
Apr 15 21:48:15 souterrain chat[28859]: expect (CONNECT) 
Apr 15 21:48:15 souterrain chat[28859]: ^M 
Apr 15 21:48:32 souterrain chat[28859]: ATM0DT5350535^M^M 
Apr 15 21:48:32 souterrain chat[28859]: CONNECT -- got it 
Apr 15 21:48:32 souterrain chat[28859]: send (^M) 
Apr 15 21:48:32 souterrain pppd[28858]: Serial connection established.
Apr 15 21:48:34 souterrain pppd[28858]: Using interface ppp0
Apr 15 21:48:34 souterrain pppd[28858]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
Apr 15 21:48:40 souterrain pppd[28858]: Remote message: ^M Starting PPP for 
address^M ^M
Apr 15 21:49:19 souterrain pppd[28858]: Modem hangup
Apr 15 21:49:19 souterrain pppd[28858]: Connection terminated.
Apr 15 21:49:19 souterrain pppd[28858]: Exit.

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NAS Audio spontaneously stopped working

1998-04-15 Thread Peter S Galbraith

I noticed that my audio wasn't working any more (on Debian 1.3 bo).
Any hints to how to get it working again are appreciated. (Did running
2.0.33 finally catch up to me?  I don't know.)

 # bplay bplay ~/ 
 bplay: /dev/dsp: No such device or address

 # cat ~/ > /dev/audio
 bash: /dev/audio: No such device or address

 # mtvp file.mpg
 Device busy or sampling rate not supported (muting): No such device or address

I get the same sort of error trying to start nas (which is what I usually use) 

 bash-2.01# /etc/init.d/nas start
 Starting the Network Audio System
 Fatal server error:
 could not create audio connection block info

When I call `au' explicitely:

 bash-2.01# strace /usr/X11R6/bin/au
 open("/dev/dsp", O_RDWR)   = -1 ENXIO (No such device or address)
 open("/dev/pcaudio", O_RDWR)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 write(2, "\nFatal server error:\n", 21

The dsp device is there:

 bash-2.01# ls -l /dev/dsp
 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   3 Apr 14 08:50 /dev/dsp

The `pcaudio' wasn't (although I don't remember it ever being there)

 bash-2.01# ls -l /dev/pcaudio
 ls: /dev/pcaudio: No such file or directory

 bash-2.01# ./MAKEDEV pcaudio
 bash-2.01# ls -l /dev/pcaudio
 crw-rw   1 root audio 13,   4 Apr 15 11:43 /dev/pcaudio

 bash-2.01# rm /dev/dsp
 bash-2.01# cd /dev
 bash-2.01# ./MAKEDEV dsp
 bash-2.01# ls -l dsp
 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   3 Apr 15 11:43 dsp

I still get an error after creating /dev/pcaudio or recreating /dev/dsp

 bash-2.01# strace /usr/X11R6/bin/au
 open("/dev/dsp", O_RDWR)   = -1 ENXIO (No such device or address) 
 open("/dev/pcaudio", O_RDWR)   = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
 write(2, "\nFatal server error:\n", 21

Here my sound stat file:

 bash-2.01# cat /dev/sndstat 
 Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Thu Jan 22 11:44:21 EST 1998 root,
 Linux mixing 2.0.32 #2 Thu Nov 27 16:29:33 EST 1997 i686 unknown)
 Kernel: Linux mixing 2.0.33 #1 Thu Jan 22 11:46:21 EST 1998 i686
 Config options: 0
 Installed drivers: 
 Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
 Type 2: Sound Blaster
 Type 7: SB MPU-401
 Card config: 
 (Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5)
 (SB MPU-401 irq 1 drq 0)
 (OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0)
 Audio devices:
 Synth devices:
 Midi devices:
 0: System clock

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
 ** New E-Mail. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is cut off **

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kernel-package: How to change loader?

1998-04-15 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
I currently use kernel-package_3.63.  Is there a way to tell
kernel-package, that I want to use chos instead of lilo or silo?

I used to edit the /usr/lib/kernel-package/image.postinst file
directly, unfortunately these changes are lost with each update.


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Nescape on Alpha?

1998-04-15 Thread Jorge L. deLyra
Does anybody know whether it is possible to run Netscape under Linux on
Alpha? I can't seem to find a package anywhere. Also, I cannot find
anything about this on the Netscape web site... Maybe one can fix things
to run the OSF/1 version? Or maybe we have to wait for version 5?...

Jorge L. deLyra,  Associate Professor of Physics
The University of Sao Paulo,  IFUSP-DFMA
   For more information:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: ficticious login

1998-04-15 Thread Tim Sailer
Bob Nielsen wrote:

> > On 15 Apr 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> >
> > >Occassionally running 'who' shows something like:
> > >
> > >nielsen  ttyp1Apr 15 08:49 (:0.0)
> > >
> > >There have been no network logins, however.  What would cause this
> > >indication?
> > >
> > > Running an xterm.
> Strange...removing the xterm killed the listing with 'w' but it's still
> there with 'who' (even after exiting x altogether).

Hrm.. I see the same thing.. mostly with xterms.. but, wu-ftp sessions never
to log out either... how bazaar...


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Re: ficticious login

1998-04-15 Thread Bob Nielsen
> On 15 Apr 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> >Occassionally running 'who' shows something like:
> > 
> >nielsen  ttyp1Apr 15 08:49 (:0.0)
> > 
> >There have been no network logins, however.  What would cause this
> >indication?
> > 
> > Running an xterm.

Strange...removing the xterm killed the listing with 'w' but it's still
there with 'who' (even after exiting x altogether).

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: ficticious login

1998-04-15 Thread Bob Nielsen
On 15 Apr 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:

>Occassionally running 'who' shows something like:
>nielsen  ttyp1Apr 15 08:49 (:0.0)
>There have been no network logins, however.  What would cause this
> Running an xterm.

Ahhh!  Thanks.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: ficticious login

1998-04-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> Occassionally running 'who' shows something like:
> nielsen  ttyp1Apr 15 08:49 (:0.0)

Are you logged in to X11 on the console? (using xdm maybe?)



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Re: ficticious login

1998-04-15 Thread Ben Pfaff
   Occassionally running 'who' shows something like:

   nielsen  ttyp1Apr 15 08:49 (:0.0)

   There have been no network logins, however.  What would cause this

Running an xterm.

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ficticious login

1998-04-15 Thread Bob Nielsen
Occassionally running 'who' shows something like:

nielsen  ttyp1Apr 15 08:49 (:0.0)

There have been no network logins, however.  What would cause this


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Stephen Carpenter
Wow thanx
It turns out that MY CPU has a metal heat sink with a fan attached
but no heat sink grease (I will add some)
as fo r the memory
About a month back my memory went bad (2 days after a pwer
failure...I runa  UPS now -- 1.5 KVA..its nice) and I grabbed 32
MB out of an old Pentium 100 since it was the only RAM I had
One of the reasons I want the new motherboard is that the DIMM
slots on the old mother board don't work...all attempts to upgrade
the RAM have failed (so I have been stuck with 32 MB of old
unfortunatly my problems with the NEW board I DOUBT are heat related...
they seem to be IDE controler problems
but once i get them squared away...I will be sure to try adding some heat sink
then again...I believe my system exhibited the same problem with
SIG11 even after being off for hours...(previously it had been
up for a few weeks)
My CPU has always seemd to run cool...couse.//
my heatsink is large with a fan...and I have a larger case fan blowing crosswind

George Bonser wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:
> > I am pretty sure that my current problem is not CPU related (unless the
> > pentium also has the sam ebug) because I have swapped it out
> > but...I want to walk away from all of this mess with a
> > solid system
> > -Steve
> Are you the one that posted about Sig11 faults?  If the faults do not
> occur in the same place twice, the trouble is usually one of the
> following:
> You have overclocked your CPU, put it back.
> You have a cheap or ineffective CPU fan and the CPU is getting too hot.
>  Replace the fan and add heatsink compound to the area where the heatsinkk
>  contacts the CPU.
> You have installed memory that is too slow for your machine causing random
>  errors.  Get the proper RAM.
> Your cache RAM is failing.
> Your power supply is failing.
> In 99% of my cases with random sig11 faults, it is related to CPU heat.
> Installing a good fan/heatsink with heatsink compound has fixed it.
> NEVER, EVER, EVER, use one of those "stick-on" cpu fans with double-sided
> tape. The tape actually INSULATES the CPU and can make it run hotter.
> George Bonser
> If I had a catchy quip, it would be here.
> Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4
and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

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Re: debian packages : DESTDIR

1998-04-15 Thread Ben Pfaff
   DESTDIR should be debian/tmp and not `pwd`/debian/tmp no ?
   How can change it ?

No, DESTDIR should probably be an absolute path, so `pwd` is correct.
The likely cause of the error is that the program's Makefile attempts
to install files into directories that it does not create first.  You
can either modify the Makefile to create them or you can create them
in the binary target before running make install.



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debian packages : DESTDIR

1998-04-15 Thread Julien Ortega
im making my first package using deb-make (im using a doc witch explain
how to do with the game empire), but i have a problem with DESTDIR. This
is the error message:

make install DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/tmp
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/julien/empire-1.1'
/usr/bin/install -o root -g root -m 0755 -s empire
/usr/bin/install: debian/tmp/usr/local/games/empire: No such file or

DESTDIR should be debian/tmp and not `pwd`/debian/tmp no ?
How can change it ?

Julien Ortega -- EXTERN

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Re: Software RAID configuration in hamm install?

1998-04-15 Thread Jens Ritter
Remco Blaakmeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > ...but... you have make a mistake ;-) 
> > in hamm mdutils has been replaced by raidtools
> Yes, silly me. I knew that, I just didn't think of it.

I always though raidtools is for 2.1.XX and mdutils for 2.0.xx

Am I wrong?

Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread shaleh
He is correct.  E .13 needs too much work to make a deb worth it.  As soon as 
.14 is out and usable there will be a debian package of it.  I have already 
relased a imlib and a gdk_imlib package.  A fnlib package will be out when it 
is stable and compiles nicely.

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Re: cdrecord

1998-04-15 Thread Norbert Veber
On Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 10:09:36AM +0200, Bernd Kummer wrote:
> hi,
> does anybody know if there is another cd recording program for linux
> than cdrecord ???

cdda2wav and soundrecorder <- analog

Description: PGP signature

Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-15 Thread Jens Ritter
Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been wondering about whether putting a swap partition on one IDE
> drive, while putting most of linux on a different IDE drive will speed up
> swap by allowing both disks to be accessed at the same time.
> Unfortunately I think I read somewhere that when you have a Master/Slave
> IDE pair, only one of the disks can be accessed at any one time, so that
> having the swap partition on a separate disk doesn't help.
> However my motherboard is capable of using 4 ide devices.  It has two
> pairs:
>   Primary Master/Primary Slave
> and
>   Secondary Master/Secondary Slave
> What if I put linux on one of the primary disks, and the swap partition on
> a secondary disk, will that mean both disks can be accessed at the same
> time, hence giving a swap speedup?

Yes. If you put one disk on each ide channel/adapter/whatever and if
you put swap partitions on each drive, you will get a speedup as the
kernel is able to use both partitions concurrently (up to a point). 

You can get even a greater speedup, if you use RAID0 (See package
mdutils). Startup of emacs is ~5-10 secs faster on my system, since I
converted my /usr partition (using cp -a).

Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

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Re: cdrecord

1998-04-15 Thread Jens Ritter
Bernd Kummer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi,
> does anybody know if there is another cd recording program for linux
> than cdrecord ???


Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 15 Apr 98 12:09:52 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris) wrote:

>Another thing - is there any plans for debianizing the enlightenment
>window manager?

>From the "Prospective Packages" list posted here regularly, it seems
that there is:

   By Shaleh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 * [10]The enlightenment window manager

Also, Shaleh mentioned on the list recently that he's waiting for the
E code to become more stable/compatible with Debian, or something like
that.  The next major version of E is the end of May, so he's looking
at a mid-June release of the Debian version.  (but this sort of date
is never set in concrete)

I'm getting itchy already, what with Enlightenment, the Gimp/GTK,
Mozilla, Debian 2.0, Kernel 2.2 and the like just about to arrive in
full force...  Time to buy a plastic keyboard cover and a box of
Kleenex, I think.  :->

Rob Wilderspin.
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
--= (send replies to rob@)

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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 15 Apr 98 11:54:27 GMT, in linux.debian.user Maarten Bezemer wrote:

>Someone told me there are far more rpm-packages available, and other
>distributions also use rpm. What's true about that?

Whether it's true or not, Debian can install rpm packages!  Use the
"alien" package to convert them to debs and install away (after
reading the alien documentation, of course).

And it's quality, not quantity, that counts in this world.  ;-)

Rob Wilderspin.
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
--= (send replies to rob@)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HELP!!!

1998-04-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

[litany of problems snipped]

> IDE and put in a ISA IDE controler, and it worked just fine I don't
> hoeveer consioder this a solution becaus eit is a NEW motherboard which
> i got Saturday Is it possible that the IDE controller is a buggy one or
> of a weird chipset that will not work under linux? (installing bo so
> kernel 2.0.29) 
> the board is a BioStar 8500 TTD (it is a TX chipset)  where can I find
> this out? should I just return this borad and try to get a new board of
> a diffetn model and company (I already returned this board once and got
> it no avail) 

My advice: run for the shop and get another board. Another brand and
model. I don't know how you value your time, but I would certainly shell
out some money if it would save me a week of hassle. 

I have had some hassle with linux now and then, but the time that I put in
solving problems I have always found well-invested. I've always come out
better and knowing more. 

With hardware, I find that problems are almost always intensely
frustrating. The only thing I've ever learnt from hardware problems is
that you're best choice is to look at it for no more than an hour and
bring it back to the shop. 

Don't feel embarassed towards the shop personnel or yourself. If the shop
only sells motherboards of the crappier^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hcheaper sorts, go to
another shop to buy the replacement. 

Hardware problems are my only reason for not buying stuff from mailorder
companies, although they're usually much cheaper and often carry known
good brands. On more than half the computers that I've bought (I regularly
buy computers for friends and relatives) I had to go back to the shop to
get a replacement or an upgrade. 

I don't expect any software to run stable on rotten hardware. Because I
buy equipment for other people, I want the hardware to work 100% because
I don't give support on Windows (people tend to take it as an excuse to
not try to figure things out themselves anymore - besides, having to give
windows support is a form of mental abuse anyway.) 

Good luck,


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Re: CD-rom + zip

1998-04-15 Thread Norbert Veber
On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 11:40:55AM +0200, Marc van der Vossen wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone have any ideas on this:
> I have a Zip-drive as master IDE on my second controller and my CD-rom is
> slave on the same controller. Whenever I want to acces my CD, it spins up my
> Zip, but  doesn't  read the files. The CD-rom drive doesn't get activated at
> all.
> How can I configure the system to use both drives. If that isn't possible
> for now I'll live with it, but would like to have a functional CD-rom,
> because my Linux, CD's are coming in this week.
> Thanks in advance for your ideas,

I had a similar problem, I have a SyQuest SparQ 1 gig drive, and a cdrom.  I
put the SparQ on secondary master and the cdrom on secondary slave, but
linux would only detect my cdrom.. Then I looked at the jumpers at bit more
closely, and found that I forgot to set the cdrom to be the slave drive.  I
suspect you have the same problem.

Description: PGP signature

Re: X Server Locks Up at 16 bpp

1998-04-15 Thread Norbert Veber
On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 12:26:19AM -0500, David Densmore wrote:
> I have a Diamond Speedstar Pro and am running the svga server.
> VGA: chipset:  clgd5429
> SVGA: videoram: 1024k
> When I try:
> startx -- -bpp 16
> the screen locks up and the colors are strange (black screen, odd green
> lines at top of screen).   After a couple of minutes I can move the mouse
> around the screen as long as I don't move it over the xterm window, at
> which time it locks up again.
> I can run at -bpp 8 ok.
> Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

I don't know what is wrong exactly, but the output from startx might be
usefull.. run it as startx -- -bpp 16 1>>out 2>>out wait a bit, then press
CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE (should quit X) then look at the file out, it might
provide some clues..

Description: PGP signature

-----> How-to recompile kernel ??????

1998-04-15 Thread Pierre Dupuis
Hello !!µ

I just wondering about how to recompile the kernel on the debian ??

(it is to make my sound card working properly)


Pierre Dupuis
Rédacteur du Music Review

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Re: HELP A NEWBIE: user:nobody invoking find

1998-04-15 Thread Stephen Carpenter
Albert Hurd wrote:

> Could anyone help me understand the following, and what to do about it:

I can try :) .

> Wheh I am on the net (with netscape 3.04) my disk suddenly begins
> thrashing. A look at top shows a "find / ( -fstype" under user:nobody.
> The rather extensive find explains the disk thrashing, but who is
> nobody,

nobody IS is a username that denotes that it is not a personwho
currently has an acount on the system
some programs which "delete a user" take otu the user from the passwor dfile
and get rid of their home directory...
then they set any other files that that person owned so they are
now owned by "nobody" (instead of the now invalid User ID)
nobody is also used by some other system processes that try to be careful and
don't want to run with root privilages, yet also don't want to take the risk of
doing something as some other "real" user

> and how do I tell him to knock it off. This has happened twice on two
> consecutive days. Many thanks.

You probbaly don't want to tell "him"  to knock it off.What youa re seeing is
actuallt a "cron job" this is run daily
(see the file /etc/cron.daily/find )
it runs "updatedb" every day to catalog your filesystem .
The upshot of this i sthat you can use the locate commenad
try "locate "
you will see why...
if you don't want it ...then just delete the above mentioned file...
but..then you will have to run updatedb yourself by hand when you want it

> Albert Hurd
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

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Re: HELP A NEWBIE: user:nobody invoking find

1998-04-15 Thread Peter S Galbraith

George Bonser wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:
> > I forgot to mention that the find operation is being run as the "nobody"
> > user.  Below is the command in /etc/cron.daily/find that probably starts
> > the find process you mentioned:
> > 
> > cd / && updatedb --localuser=nobody 2>/dev/null
> > 
> Ok, this is the daily updatedb that is run from cron. This is a friendly
> program. In exchange for the disk activity, you get a system that can find
> things faster when needed.  

Somebody should tell the original poster *what* uses it!

Check out the very cool `locate' command to quickly find any word-readable
file on your system.

The associated `updatedb' command that accesses the disks is usually setup
to run at 6AM.  Edit /etc/crontab if this doesn't suit your use.  I'm
usually sleeping when mine runs!
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
 ** New E-Mail. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is cut off **

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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Stephen Carpenter

Jeff Noxon wrote:

> to 2.0.32 or 34pre?  My K6 is one of the ">32M bug free" ones.

You have me a bit worried
I posted last night (througha friend) and a littlwe while ago about a
major hardware problem
When I replaced my motherboard I also got some more RAM...
my new motherboard has 128 MB of SDRAM (single DIMM)
and I have an AMD K6 do I know if my processor
is not >64 MB bug free ones?
I am pretty sure that my current problem is not CPU related (unless the
pentium also has the sam ebug) because I have swapped it out
but...I want to walk away from all of this mess with a
solid system

> I suspected the memory immediately and took it out.  But it appears to
> be good stuff -- 60ns Micron EDO, just like what was already in there.
> Naturally, it also passes every memory test I throw at it.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4
and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

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Re: HELP A NEWBIE: user:nobody invoking find

1998-04-15 Thread Ossama Othman
I forgot to mention that the find operation is being run as the "nobody"
user.  Below is the command in /etc/cron.daily/find that probably starts
the find process you mentioned:

cd / && updatedb --localuser=nobody 2>/dev/null


Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- PGP Keys ---

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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 10:39:40AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Jeff Noxon wrote:
> > I have 2.0.33 running on an ABIT IT5H 2.0, K6-233 w/ 64 megs of RAM.
> > It's rock solid, but when I add another 64 megs, things start to segfault
> > all over the place.  Is that a symptom of this problem?  Should I switch
> > to 2.0.32 or 34pre?  My K6 is one of the ">32M bug free" ones.
> Let me put it this way, booting a 2.0.32 kernel is a quick and easy way to
> rule .33 out, isnt it? Remember that you can have several different
> kernels on your system and select which one you want at boot-time.
> It would be consistant with .33's known memory corruption problems.

I'll try .32.  The problems do not show up immediately, so I'm nervous to
try it...  But what the heck!  :)  I did notice the system ran significantly
faster with 128M in it.


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Re: HELP A NEWBIE: user:nobody invoking find

1998-04-15 Thread Ossama Othman
> Wheh I am on the net (with netscape 3.04) my disk suddenly begins
> thrashing. A look at top shows a "find / ( -fstype" under user:nobody.
> The rather extensive find explains the disk thrashing, but who is
> nobody,
> and how do I tell him to knock it off. This has happened twice on two
> consecutive days. Many thanks.

I think that you can safely ignore the "nobody" user.  :)

"Nobody" is a user that most if not all UN*X systems have.  However, it
"nobody" is not a login account, meaning that no one should be able to
logon as "nobody."  The only way to use the "nobody" account is via a
setuid call or via an su.

Basically what is happening is that the cron daemon (daemon to execute
scheduled commands) is running some commands that use the "find" command.
>From what I can tell, the /etc/cron.daily/find file is what cron is
running everyday on your system and everyone elses Debian system,
including mine.

I hope that this answers your question.  :)


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Re: How can I get dselect to reinstall all installed packages?

1998-04-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Louis W. Erickson wrote:

> I have a desire to get dselect to reinstall every package that I have
> installed, from my known-clean CD-rom.
> (I've had a security issue arise, and don't know the extent of the
> possible changes.)
> I don't want to have to remove every package, or to upgrade to a new
> version of Debian; I'm very happy with the packages I have installed.
> Is there a way to get dselect to overwrite files with the same version,
> instead of skipping them?

Mount the cd, cd to main/binary-i386 and type:

  dpkg -iGROB stable/main/binary-i386

When dpkg is finished, do the same for contrib/binary-i386 (and
non-free/binary-i386 if that's on your cd as well.)

When you run dselect, it does something very much alike, but it runs dpkg
with the additional switch -E aka --skip-same-version, which makes it skip
packages that you've already installed.

You can read some of these things in the dpkg manpage or by typing 

  dpkg --help.



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HELP A NEWBIE: user:nobody invoking find

1998-04-15 Thread Albert Hurd
Could anyone help me understand the following, and what to do about it:

Wheh I am on the net (with netscape 3.04) my disk suddenly begins
thrashing. A look at top shows a "find / ( -fstype" under user:nobody.
The rather extensive find explains the disk thrashing, but who is
and how do I tell him to knock it off. This has happened twice on two
consecutive days. Many thanks.

Albert Hurd

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: giflib2

1998-04-15 Thread Rev. Joseph Carter
On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 11:27:53PM +0200, Klas Lindberg wrote:

> > Namely that the package you're asking for doesn't exist.  HOWEVER, there
> > is a libgif2 and that is what you want.  Assuming of course that you're
> > willing to hack apart the .deb file, edit the dependancy, and put it back
> > together again.  I do not advise forcing the package.
> There is a much more straight forward solution:
> Get the sources and compile them yourself (support, libs, base (the 
> rest in any order)). This requires a pretty fat developers installation of 
> Debian, but it definitely pays off since dependecy problems are virtually 
> blown away. (they come back in a more digestible format when trying to start 
> KDE for the first time...)

This could be done I suppose..  But it has a disadvantage too in that it
defeats the purpose of packaging the thing.

> This also has the benefit (?) of getting the installation into the 
> /usr/local/ tree (same as QT) instead of the RedHatian /opt/ tree.

AFAIK, the /opt/ thing is the way the KDE people say to do it, though it
breaks policy (then again so does qmail if you're doing it as designed)
and I am personally unsure as to whether /usr/local/ would indeed be
better than /opt/.  Perhaps symlinking would be better?  Yes, that would
do it I think.

Thinking that line, what would then be really nice is a debianized package
version done "properly", in an attempt to make the whole thing as close to
policy as possible (and have resolvable deps..)

If I knew the current still-non-free-but-at-least-nicer-than-it-was stuff
wrt Qt were going to pan out okay, I would happily try to do this myself.
Granted, since I do not know what the helpful tools are for making .deb
files I would end up building the package directories by hand, but hey.

My only real objection to Qt is that Troll has a financial interest in
making sure people pay them for it.  I want to know they will not pull an
Open Group move on us.  I'll like Qt much more when I am sure this will
not happen.

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1998-04-15 Thread Stephen Carpenter
A friend of mine sent out an e-mail about this last night (taking
half-assed dictation in his own way) I woul dlike to elaborate and
ask again for help...I am desparate.
Last thursday I was recompiling my kernel (2.0.29) on a hamm system
(pre-freze but this had worked b4) and I got the dreaded SIGNAL 11.
I checked out the SIG11 FAQ...and as it mentioned I ran Make again and
it went a little farther and died the FAQ says "then it must
be a
hardware problem".
I replaced the motherboard.
On the new motherboard I am having still major problems.
I have swapped out nearly every part, to no avail
Here are the symproms:
I can boot MS-DOS and use Loadlin to start the Debian installation
I can install with no errors (checking badblocks etc, remaking the
partition table etc - I make a 1024 MB root partition,
a 128 MB swap partition, and the rest of the 3.2 gig drive is for
When I reboot...
The BIOS does "its thing" and comes to
"lilo" after which I see "loading Linux" and then it pauses for up
to 20 seconds...then it gives me "Error 0x20" and stops
if I again boot DOS and go into the install...
then on the seocnd VC I run "e2fsck -f /dev/hda1"
it comes up with major errors and deletes most of the filesystem
(I once saw nearly everything gone leaving only the
"lost+found" directory)
I tried this hard drive in a second computer, it installs linux fine
when that drive is moved back to this computer, it exibits
the SAME refusal to boot...however I disabled the onboard
IDE and put in a ISA IDE controler, and it worked just fine
I don't hoeveer consioder this a solution becaus eit is a NEW
motherboard which i got Saturday
Is it possible that the IDE controller is a buggy one or of a weird
chipset that will not work under linux? (installing bo so kernel 2.0.29)

the board is a BioStar 8500 TTD (it is a TX chipset)
where can I find this out? should I just return this borad and try to
get a new board
of a diffetn model and company (I already returned this board once and
got it no avail)
a quick response is apreciated
I have over 1000 e-maisl on my ISP...and have been without a home PC
for almost a week
This is really setting back my projects and things
if you need any more info please let me know

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison
between NT 4 and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can I get dselect to reinstall all installed packages?

1998-04-15 Thread Louis W. Erickson

I have a desire to get dselect to reinstall every package that I have
installed, from my known-clean CD-rom.

(I've had a security issue arise, and don't know the extent of the
possible changes.)

I don't want to have to remove every package, or to upgrade to a new
version of Debian; I'm very happy with the packages I have installed.

Is there a way to get dselect to overwrite files with the same version,
instead of skipping them?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [tcsh] disabling autologout?

1998-04-15 Thread Keith Beattie
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I diable autologout in tcsh?  The man page tells me how I can enable

unset autologout

> it.  The problem seems to be that even under X my DISPLAY is not being set

I don't see how these two problems could be related but...

If your DISPLAY is not being set for local xterms make sure you are
setting it using "setenv" instead of "set" in your login shell.  For
remote xterms, look into the REMOTEHOST environment variable.

  Use bash (instead of tcsh) and ssh (for connecting to remote hosts).


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Anthony Campbell
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Isabelle Dauthieu wrote:

> In my humble opinion, there is no great difference between installing a
> debian or a red hat distribution, but upgrading a debian one is far
> easier. Moreover a debian installation is able to install redhat packages,
> the reverse is false.

No, you can install deb packages on a RedHat system using alien; I've done it
several times.


Anthony Campbell   Using Linux - Windows-free zone

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [tcsh] disabling autologout?

1998-04-15 Thread servis
On 15 Apr, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I diable autologout in tcsh?  The man page tells me how I can enable
> it.  The problem seems to be that even under X my DISPLAY is not being set
> and tcsh running under xterm keeps logging me out after a period of
> inactivity.
> S.


unset autologout

in your .login. 

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Fabien Ninoles
On Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 10:16:26AM -0400, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:
> The original post also asked about the enlightenment wm.  The list of
> prospective packages
> ( lists it as one
> that's being "worked on".

IIRC, the future maintainer post a mail about releasing Enlightment deb
at the beginning of June 1998. The current version of Enlightment aren't
ready for packaging and it there are a major release announce for the
end of May.


Fabien Ninoles  Running Debian/GNU Linux
WorkStation [available when connected!]:
RSA PGP KEY [E3723845]: 1C C1 4F A6 EE E5 4D 99  4F 80 2D 2D 1F 85 C1 70

Description: PGP signature

Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:

> Isabelle Dauthieu wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:
> > 
> > > > where to ask this question to Red Hat users. Maybe someone can tell me
> > > > what distribution is better?
> > > >From my own experience (a portable using a PCMCIA network adapter),
> > >
> > > RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
> > > to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_
> > > superior..
> > 
> > Just a correction : debian now only needs 1 floppy to install
> > if your CDrom is quite standard. If it is not the case, you will need 2
> > floppies (the rescue disk and the drivers disks which contain drivers for
> > all CDroms).
> I feel I must clarify my position here - I've done ally my installs from
> FTP sites.
> It's one of the advantages of working for an Academic site

Or of living in an area with flat-rate telephone service.

> In this situation, RedHat seems to offer an easier install...

On a system with DOS and a CD-ROM, you can install Debian without any

On the other hand if you have a non-standard CD-ROM Red Hat is almost
impossible to install.  Also, unless things have changed since 4.1
(the last RH version I used) version upgrades are almost as painful as a
new installation, which is definitely not the case with Debian (even


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[tcsh] disabling autologout?

1998-04-15 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan

How do I diable autologout in tcsh?  The man page tells me how I can enable
it.  The problem seems to be that even under X my DISPLAY is not being set
and tcsh running under xterm keeps logging me out after a period of

  "Whom the gods would destroy, they first teach BASIC."
Sudhakar C13n  International Websites Engineer

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Scott Ellis
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Marco Anglesio wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:
> > I don't believe that is true
> > I am using pine under hamm obn my pc here at work
> Yes, you and me both downloaded the .deb of pine (and pico, and
> pine-docs, probably). However, it's been removed from binary-i386. I'd
> like to know why it's only there in source form, if anyone can answer
> that.

This is becoming a FAQ.  The reason the binary pine was removed from the
archive is because the pine licence from uwash doesn't permit
redistribution of "derivative works", which includes the patched version
of pine that we had been mistakenly been distributing in binary form.
Pine sources are available on the archive in debian source format.  It is
reasonably easy to compile a binary package for your own use from that,
but we can't redistribute the binarys ourselves.

Many people have been migrating to mutt, which suffers none of pine's
non-freeness and seems to have some more features (and which is more
frequently updated).

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
>As we all know, public profiles & reality often differ...

>RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
>to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_

speaking of profiles & reality differing :)

You're off by 6 :)

Either boot from a cd, or if you already have a working dos partition, copy the 
install files to c:\

The only reason you'd ever need 6 is if you have a machine with no prior OS and 
no CD.  Though I usually boot off the root disk anyway, wiht just the other 
files around, but that's because I never bothered to figure out loadlin :)


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Marco Anglesio

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

> I don't believe that is true
> I am using pine under hamm obn my pc here at work

Yes, you and me both downloaded the .deb of pine (and pico, and
pine-docs, probably). However, it's been removed from binary-i386. I'd
like to know why it's only there in source form, if anyone can answer

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Life is like a bad margarita with good tequila,  I thought, as I poured whiskey onto my granola
Running Debian Linux 2.0  and faced a new day.

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new ATI Mach64 boards, expert@work, 3D RAGE II+

1998-04-15 Thread Steve Izma
>From a search of the list archives looking for info on
the Mach64 server, I've seen references to the fact that some
of the recent ATI boards ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 3D RAGE II+ chips) don't
work with the Mach64 server supplied with Debian 1.3.1.r6. One
reply indicated that downloading the XFree86 package numbered
*_3.3.2-3.deb (which I found in the unstable hierarchy) would fix
the problem. I started with the Mach64 server of that release and
immediately got a dependency problem: it requires libc6. Do I
understand correctly that libc6 will only work with the full
Debian 2.0 release and that I should wait until this release is
closer to stable before I update the XF86 package for these new
boards? Or is there another way of using the newer drivers
(re-compiling the source, or something) that allows me to use
these boards with 1.3.1.r6?

One problem with the 3D RAGE II+ (sorry for the shouting, but
it's the chip name given not-too-intelligently, in my mind, by
the manufacturers) seems related to video memory. Our boards have
4M, but the normal configuration setup (xf86config) comments out
the "VideoRam 4096" line in the XF86Config file. The server
refuses to start with messages indicating that the board has
insufficient memory for any of the listed modes, an indication, I
assume, that the server is not probing the board properly for memory
info. When I uncomment this line, I get some results with some modes,
but multiple images on the screen, etc. This reminds me of the problems
I had about 2 years ago when updating XFree86 (to 3.1 or something)
immediately fixed these problems, rather than having to re-calculate the
figures in the mode lines.


--Steve Izma, Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3C5
(519) 884-0710 ext. 6125 FAX: (519) 725-1399

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Re: Another Debian 2.0 Question - GMT

1998-04-15 Thread Bob Hilliard
"Oliver Elphick"  wrote:
> Use tzconfig to set your timezone. 
> Then set your clock right with date.
> Finally, use hwclock --hctosys --utc to set your hardware clock to the
> current Universal time.

 If you want to use local zone time instead of GMT (for instance
if your machine is dual boot with a DOS system), edit the GMT vaiable
in /etc/default/rcS.  I use local time, and my /etc/default/rcS reads:

   # Set GMT="-u" if your system clock is set to GMT, and GMT="" if not.

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Alan Su
Ian Stuart wrote (Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:14:33 + ):
|>> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:
|>> >
|>> > RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
|>> > to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_
|>> > superior..
|>I feel I must clarify my position here - I've done ally my installs from
|>FTP sites.
|>It's one of the advantages of working for an Academic site
|>In this situation, RedHat seems to offer an easier install...

I have to jump in here.  If you're installing from FTP sites, you only
need 2 floppies maximum:  the rescue/boot disk and the drivers disk
(as Isabelle noted).  I've done all my installs (granted only two =))
from an academic site, and I've never used more than two disks.
Perhaps you didn't realize that the base system could be installed
over FTP?

There may be advantages to Red Hat, but I don't think they are in the
installation process...


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Brian Mays
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Maarten Bezemer) wrote:

> Someone told me there are far more rpm-packages available, and other
> distributions also use rpm. What's true about that?

The core set of RPM packages, what RedHat produces, is much smaller
than Debian's main distribution.  While some other companies and groups
distribute their software in RPM form, the majority of the RPM packages
that you are hearing about are put together by RedHat users, and therefore
can be of somewhat dubious quality.  Debian has a policy document to
specify how things should be done (to avoid problems), and almost all
of Debian's packages (a few packages are looking for new maintainers)
are supported through its bug tracking system.


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Re: Xwindows

1998-04-15 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi Mike,

Below is the message I sent to some one else who was having problems with
his Voodoo Rush card.  I hope that it helps.


Forwarded message:
I too have a card with the Voodoo Rush chipset, an Intergraph Intense 3D
Voodoo.  The Xserver/driver that you want is in the latest XF86_SVGA
server, i.e. in XF86 3.3.2.  I'm not sure if that is available as a bo set
of packages.  If it isn't just download the Linux_ix86 XF86-3.3.2 binaries
(not the glibc ones) from any XF86 mirror.  The glibc XF86 binaries are
for Linux libc6/glibc2, not Linux libc5 which is what is normally found on
bo systems (Debian 1.3.1) such as yours.

The binaries you might want to get include:


and perhaps some others and some fonts.  Use your judgement and read the
binary installation instructions. :)

>From what I recall, the tar files are archived relative to /usr/X11R6.

Be careful where XF86Setup and/or xf86config store the XF86Config file
after you are done configuring X.  Debian places the XF86Config file in
/etc/X11 and XF86 stores it in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/(something or other) by
default.  You can choose where to save the XF86Config file right after the
setup is done, I believe.  Also, if the setup/config programs ask you
whether or not to set a symbolic link to X, then answer "no" or whatever
the negative response is.  Debian's "X" is an suid wrapper for the X
server.  The server to use is set at the very top of /etc/X11/Xserver.

Good luck.


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Ian Stuart
Isabelle Dauthieu wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:
> > > where to ask this question to Red Hat users. Maybe someone can tell me
> > > what distribution is better?
> > >From my own experience (a portable using a PCMCIA network adapter),
> >
> > RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
> > to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_
> > superior..
> Just a correction : debian now only needs 1 floppy to install
> if your CDrom is quite standard. If it is not the case, you will need 2
> floppies (the rescue disk and the drivers disks which contain drivers for
> all CDroms).
I feel I must clarify my position here - I've done ally my installs from
FTP sites.

It's one of the advantages of working for an Academic site

In this situation, RedHat seems to offer an easier install...

Ian Stuart
Medicine & Veterinary Medicine Computing Support
The University of Edinburgh

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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Isabelle Dauthieu

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:

> Chris de Weth wrote:
> > I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why so much people use Red
> > Hat linux? 
> As a newbie to this arena, my impression is that RedHat has a better
> public profile.
> As we all know, public profiles & reality often differ...

I may add that red hat CD's are easier to find than debian ones (well in

> > I'm thinking of going to use Linux at work, so security is quite
> > important. From a friend I just got this list address, and I don't know
> > where to ask this question to Red Hat users. Maybe someone can tell me
> > what distribution is better?
> >From my own experience (a portable using a PCMCIA network adapter),
> RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
> to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_
> superior..

Just a correction : debian now only needs 1 floppy to install
if your CDrom is quite standard. If it is not the case, you will need 2
floppies (the rescue disk and the drivers disks which contain drivers for
all CDroms).

In my humble opinion, there is no great difference between installing a
debian or a red hat distribution, but upgrading a debian one is far
easier. Moreover a debian installation is able to install redhat packages,
the reverse is false.
So I would advise to use debian, and if you need something that can only
be found in redhat, you'll be able to install it without any problem.

Isabelle Perinelle

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Re: RAID installation

1998-04-15 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:

> I want to install Debian in a RAID 5 w/ 4 9.1GB HDs server. Are there
> something that I must know?

Yes, you must know how to do that. :-)

Read the relevant HOWTOs and man pages. Documents you should read include 
at least:

and the man pages in the raidtools package


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Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-15 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mark Phillips writes:
> > 
> > 
> > I have been wondering about whether putting a swap partition on one IDE
> > drive, while putting most of linux on a different IDE drive will speed up
> > swap by allowing both disks to be accessed at the same time.
> > 
> > Unfortunately I think I read somewhere that when you have a Master/Slave
> > IDE pair, only one of the disks can be accessed at any one time, so that
> > having the swap partition on a separate disk doesn't help.
> > 
> > However my motherboard is capable of using 4 ide devices.  It has two
> > pairs:
> > 
> > Primary Master/Primary Slave
> > and
> > Secondary Master/Secondary Slave
> > 
> > What if I put linux on one of the primary disks, and the swap partition on
> > a secondary disk, will that mean both disks can be accessed at the same
> > time, hence giving a swap speedup?
> You need to think in terms of available "bandwidth". If the swap
> partition is on the same cable as the root partition, then it has to
> share the bandwidth with the other partition(s). Moving the swap
> partition to the secondary controller (where it is by itself), will
> increase available bandwidth. You can use this trick with a CDROM drive
> also.

No, there is more to it than this. If the OS send a (read, write or
whatever) command to an IDE disk, the IDE controller is 'busy' until the
command is fully completed. All this time you can not use the other disk
on the same controller at all. So, if you try to read a lot of data from
both disks simultaneously, they'll be spending a lot of time just waiting
for each other.

If you put the disks at two different controllers, you don't have this

> The second thing that you can do is to move up to the new "ultra-DMA"
> IDE drives. The bandwidth (bytes per second) is much higher than the
> standard IDE drives and will speed up Linux as a whole.

If you want to really speed up your hard drives, switch to multiple SCSI
drives. Period.

> The third thing that you can do to speed up your system is add more memory so
> that you don't even need to access the swap partition.

True, but I know from experience that if you add more RAM, you'll use it
all eventually. I have 48MB in my system nowadays and I still use the swap
partitions I have.


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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread jdassen
On Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 10:09:52PM +1000, Chris wrote:
> Can anybody tell me when hamm is expected to go stable?

When the're no more release critical bugs left. A list of these is posted on
debian-devel-announce with some regularity (latest:
This list is derived from the list of bugs with Severity:
{critical,grave,important} as registered with the bug tracking system

There's recently been an announcment about this: which
also explains what you can do to help.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

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Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-15 Thread David Wright
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, tko wrote:

> Mark Phillips writes:
> > 
> > I have been wondering about whether putting a swap partition on one IDE
> > drive, while putting most of linux on a different IDE drive will speed up
> > swap by allowing both disks to be accessed at the same time.
> > 
> > What if I put linux on one of the primary disks, and the swap partition on
> > a secondary disk, will that mean both disks can be accessed at the same
> > time, hence giving a swap speedup?
> You need to think in terms of available "bandwidth". If the swap partition is
> on the same cable as the root partition, then it has to share the bandwidth
> with the other partition(s). Moving the swap partition to the secondary
> controller (where it is by itself), will increase available bandwidth.

Why /the/ swap partition? Put one on each disk if you want. That way, the 
system can choose which to use according to load.

See /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Multiple...whatsits...


David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
U.K.  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tel: +44 1908 653 739  fax: +44 1908 655 151

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Re: Software RAID configuration in hamm install?

1998-04-15 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ulisses Alonso Camaro wrote:

> Hello Remco!
> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> > On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Ulisses Alonso Camaro wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > I'm novice to RAID, and I want to try with it. I would like to know if
> > > hamm provices in its installation the tools to setup a RAID0 (stripping)
> > > installation. Also I would like to know if the menu for installation has
> > > RAID0 configuration options
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > 
> > >   Ulisses
> > > 
> > > PD: Does ships hamm?
> > 
> > Sorry for the late reply, I am catching up with the mailing list.
> Thanks for your reply! :-)
> Your info is great for me!
> ...but... you have make a mistake ;-) 
> in hamm mdutils has been replaced by raidtools

Yes, silly me. I knew that, I just didn't think of it.


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newbie :X & Arena www brower

1998-04-15 Thread demonspawn
I have been unable to get arena www broweser working and configure X
windows to load stuff automatically?
I ran dselect ,arena is installed (dkpg -s arena).Its not on any menu on
any of the window managers(wm),In the xterm I typed arena,get message
bad command error.Days have past.Now I'm about to try to install
netscape in the next couple of hrs!

Simply I have got afterstep as the default window manager.I want fwm2
to  be it.
ran update-menus but when I was using olwvm it only has two menu
Which docs will be helpful ?I can't find anything on .xsession file.I
can't read html stuff!.

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Re: network startup script

1998-04-15 Thread Scott Ellis
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> Can anyone suggest why this script doesn't seem to work on 2.1.90?
> It's my /etc/init.d/network. I added the netmask on the route line
> for lo because it seemed to help, but I still get some other errors,
> and ifconfig seems to hang.
> #!/bin/sh
> ifconfig lo
> route add -net netmask
> ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
> route add -net ${NETWORK}
> route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

The 2.1.x series kernels automagically add the net routes by default.  If
you need to override them, you need to provide the netmask and other
information as well, it isn't extrapolated anymore.  I've edited my
/etc/init.d/network as follows (it might be good for the netconfig stuff
from hamm to do something similar):

--- snip ---
#!  /bin/sh
ifconfig lo

# 2.1.x kernels don't need this and emit harmless but annoying errors
if [ `/sbin/kernelversion` = "2.0" ] ; then
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}

# 2.1.x kernels don't need this and emit harmless but annoying errors
if [ `/sbin/kernelversion` = "2.0" ] ; then
route add -net ${NETWORK}

[ "${GATEWAY}" ] && route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
--- snip ---

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: kernels

1998-04-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> Can anyone suggest an easy way to ensure that I never download a debian
> kernel package where I already have a custom kernel installed? 
> dpkg/apt/dselect
> continually replace my kernel-package-2.0.33 with the standard one,
> which doesn't suite my hardware at all of course (and causes random reboots
> during startup in fact, as some kernels do --- bzImage problem I think).
> I guess I can always build mine with --revision 9 or something.
> Is there an easier way? Is there an easy way to get dpkg or apt
> to set packages to hold from the command line?

I always build kernel.debs with these switches to kernel-package:

  make-kpkg --revision 3:custom.1.0 kernel_image

The "--revision custom.x.y" should do it already, because "custom" is
evaluated as a higher number than anything the kernel-image maintainer
puts in the default package.

Notice that I added an epoch (3:) to satisfy all lingering paranoia. Thi
should not be necessary under normal circumstances, but there have been
moments when the kernel-images in the distribution had an epoch (1:) too,
thus replacing any home-crafted kernel-images with a custom version
number. I assume that the kernel-image will never need an epoch of level
three (knock knock.)



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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't believe that is true
> I am using pine under hamm obn my pc here at work
> well..I have it installed...due to problems with firewall issues and DHCP
> I can't seem to get mail working but...
> I downloaded pine as a binary for hamm
> I saw the deb of hamm in hamm/non-free/binary-i386/mail
> -Steve

There may have been a pine binary .deb for hamm before people got the
license figured out.  The fact is, the University of Washington
forbids distributing modified binary versions of pine.  (There was a
binary .deb in bo because the license isn't perfectly clear that
that's forbidden, but if you look for it, it's there) Yes, this is
highly annoying.  Yes, many people have tried to get them to change
it, with no success.  I know many people annoyed at pine's
non-freeness have chosen to go with mutt - you may want to look at

The original post also asked about the enlightenment wm.  The list of
prospective packages
( lists it as one
that's being "worked on".

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Re: Stopping XDM

1998-04-15 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Shaleh wrote:

> All daemons in Debian can be stopped by calling the start-stop-daemon. 
> An easier way is to look in /etc/init.d and call its script.  for XDM it
> is /etc/init.d/xdm stop (start would restart it).

Yes, and change the line 'start-xdm' in /etc/X11/config into
'no-start-xdm' if you don't want xdm to be started at boot time. But if
you want to stop xdm, you must do this before you change this file or the
/etc/init.d/xdm script will not stop xdm.


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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, George Bonser wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris wrote:
> > I am, however, conserned about stablility...
> > 
> > Does anyone know of any major problems with a hamm system?
> > 
> > Chris
> Only on systems that have run 2.0.33.  All systems running 2.0.32 are
> fine.  There are none of the problems that Red Hat has been having with
> its 5.0 release.

And some 2.0.33 systems (mine at least) are quite stable with hamm.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-15 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Thomas Kocourek wrote:
> And lastly, if you are
> using EDO memory SIMMs and your motherboard supports SDRAM memory, switch over
> to SDRAM. You can get a large speed up doing this alone. My kernel
> compile times used to be ~35 minutes. When I changed from EDO to SDRAM, the
> kernel compile times dropped to 12 minutes (without any other changes).

That is impressive.  Did you install the same amount SDRAM as EDO RAM?
What type of CPU have you got?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 12:29:39AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
> There are some rather severe problems with memory corruption.  Generally,
> you will only see them on busy systems. Other problems include memory
> leaks, filesystem problems and system hangs. There are also networking
> issues. 2.0.33 is pretty bad. It DID introduce some hardware support that
> other kernels did not have.
> You are better off with 2.0.32 until 2.0.34 which I hope will be out
> pretty soon. It is currently at pre7 or 8. See freshmeat for details on
> where to find it if you want to build it.

I have 2.0.33 running on an ABIT IT5H 2.0, K6-233 w/ 64 megs of RAM.
It's rock solid, but when I add another 64 megs, things start to segfault
all over the place.  Is that a symptom of this problem?  Should I switch
to 2.0.32 or 34pre?  My K6 is one of the ">32M bug free" ones.

I suspected the memory immediately and took it out.  But it appears to
be good stuff -- 60ns Micron EDO, just like what was already in there.
Naturally, it also passes every memory test I throw at it.



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Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-15 Thread tko
Mark Phillips writes:
> I have been wondering about whether putting a swap partition on one IDE
> drive, while putting most of linux on a different IDE drive will speed up
> swap by allowing both disks to be accessed at the same time.
> Unfortunately I think I read somewhere that when you have a Master/Slave
> IDE pair, only one of the disks can be accessed at any one time, so that
> having the swap partition on a separate disk doesn't help.
> However my motherboard is capable of using 4 ide devices.  It has two
> pairs:
>   Primary Master/Primary Slave
> and
>   Secondary Master/Secondary Slave
> What if I put linux on one of the primary disks, and the swap partition on
> a secondary disk, will that mean both disks can be accessed at the same
> time, hence giving a swap speedup?

You need to think in terms of available "bandwidth". If the swap partition is
on the same cable as the root partition, then it has to share the bandwidth
with the other partition(s). Moving the swap partition to the secondary
controller (where it is by itself), will increase available bandwidth. You can
use this trick with a CDROM drive also. The second thing that you can do is to
move up to the new "ultra-DMA" IDE drives. The bandwidth (bytes per second) is
much higher than the standard IDE drives and will speed up Linux as a whole.
The third thing that you can do to speed up your system is add more memory so
that you don't even need to access the swap partition. And lastly, if you are
using EDO memory SIMMs and your motherboard supports SDRAM memory, switch over
to SDRAM. You can get a large speed up doing this alone. My kernel
compile times used to be ~35 minutes. When I changed from EDO to SDRAM, the
kernel compile times dropped to 12 minutes (without any other changes).

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

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Re: RAID installation

1998-04-15 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
I want to install Debian in a RAID 5 w/ 4 9.1GB HDs server. Are there
something that I must know?


Leonardo Ruoso

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Re: Xwindows

1998-04-15 Thread Ossama Othman

> I own a Hercules Stingray 128/3D 3DFX card (pci)6 megs vidram.
> and when I do xwindows, I get gigantic icons and screens.
> has anyone else ran across this problem, if have please let me know how
> you repaired it.

I own an Intergraph Intense 3D Voodoo which has the same Voodoo Rush
chipset your card has and I have had no problems.  Are you using the
latest XF86 distribution and server (XF86_SVGA)?  I am using XF86-3.3.2 on
my hamm system.  By the way, only 4MB of your RAM is useable by Linux.
The other 2MB is for textures which may be used by applications that use
Glide for Linux, for example.  I'm not sure if the Glide library with
Voodoo Rush support has been ported to Linux yet, however.


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Liran Zvibel
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Maarten Bezemer wrote:

> I installed Debian 1.3.1 even without any floppy (one actually, the boot
> disk created after the install to boot the new system)
> Just booted from CD and all went quite easy. If your system didn't support
> IDE/ATAPI-CDROM boot, you only need the first (rescue) floppy, the drivers
> disk is on the CD.
> Someone told me there are far more rpm-packages available, and other
> distributions also use rpm. What's true about that?

I use Debian, too. I like it very much. I think Red Hat has more publicity
since they can spend the money. They are a commercial company that can do
that. Debian are a bunch of volunteers that don't have a lot of money.

As for the rpm-packages - Debian can read those with the alian package.
Furthermore, Debian has twice more packages then RedHat (at least that
what the Debian peoples say...)

Liran Zvibel

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1998-04-15 Thread Mike Holliday
I own a Hercules Stingray 128/3D 3DFX card (pci)6 megs vidram.
and when I do xwindows, I get gigantic icons and screens.
has anyone else ran across this problem, if have please let me know how
you repaired it.

Mike Holliday

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Re: KDE Beta-3

1998-04-15 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131
>> >  trying to install KDE beta-3, I have downloaded the .deb files and I am
>> > trying to install them but it is saying that I need libgif2 or greater,
>> > anyone know where I can get this from as I can't find it anywhere?  And is
>> > avaliable in .deb format?
>>KDE is sort of a non-Debian *.deb.  As I understand it the package was
made by
>> the KDE folks and is still pretty broken.  I found it was interesting that
>> installs itself into /opt rather than /usr/local or some other standard
>> My solution was to kill the package and to wait until there is real Debian
>> for it.

I ran it on my RedHat system before I upgraded my RedHat Dist and Beta-3 ran ok
not many problems at all.  I would but I don't like many of the others window
managers.   /opt is new directory in the FHS if i remember correclty, Netscape
Communicator 4 will install itself in there if if exists by default to.



>> --
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-I- Re: email sendmail problems?

1998-04-15 Thread Carroll Kong
Ignore this.. i think i may have fixed it.  :(  Sorry about the flood of
'newbie' questions.  Heheeh :)

Carroll Kong

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Carroll Kong wrote:

>   For odd reasons, I cannot send email to one user on my college network.
> Pine immediately says, blahblah username not found.  Not sending.  I thought 
> it
> is supposed to send it with sendmail?!?!  Have I configured sendmail 
> improperly?
> Carroll Kong
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: kernels

1998-04-15 Thread Ossama Othman

> Can anyone suggest an easy way to ensure that I never download a debian
> kernel package where I already have a custom kernel installed? 
> dpkg/apt/dselect
> continually replace my kernel-package-2.0.33 with the standard one,
> which doesn't suite my hardware at all of course (and causes random reboots
> during startup in fact, as some kernels do --- bzImage problem I think).

Just place your kernel-image package on hold in dselect, i.e. highlight
the kernel-image package in dselect and press the "=" button.  That will
prevent your kernel-image from being upgraded.  I've done the same.


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Ossama Othman

> combination in between.  It has a good package system and does not seem to 
> have
> as many bugs as redhat.  Although I could be wrong since red hat has a lot of
> patches.  Try them yourself and get a feel for it.

This could be interpreted several ways.  Either RedHat is quicker at
getting bugs fixed, RedHat has more bugs, Debian is slower at getting bugs
repaired or Debian has less bugs.  I tend to think that Debian is a
technically superior distribution, i.e. in the way it is put together and
managed, perhaps resulting in less bugs.  I've spoken to a colleague who
uses RedHat 5.0. He told me the initial release was _very_ buggy.  Hence,
RedHat would almost have to put out many patches.  Don't get me wrong, I
believe RedHat to be a fine distribution, too.  I just prefer Debian.


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Graham Pople
>   There is no "better" distribution.  It is a matter of taste and style.
>I like slackware, but it has no package system.  :)  I find Debian to be a nice
>combination in between.  It has a good package system and does not seem to have
>as many bugs as redhat.  Although I could be wrong since red hat has a lot of
>patches.  Try them yourself and get a feel for it.
>Carroll Kong
>On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris de Weth wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why so much people use Red 
>> Hat linux? To me it seems that they have a far greater community to 
>> support others questions.
>> I'm thinking of going to use Linux at work, so security is quite
>> important. From a friend I just got this list address, and I don't know 
>> where to ask this question to Red Hat users. Maybe someone can tell me 
>> what distribution is better?
Well, security is definitely prioritised a lot with Debian - one of the
first questions it asks you is whether you want to install shadow
passwords. I haven't had any real problems with my Debian 1.3 then 2.0
frozen systems - with that superb package system it all works fine.
However, Red Hat is supposedly a lot easier to use.

Graham Pople ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SNES emulators at Emulation One (
All emulators at E1 Newsletter (

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email sendmail problems?

1998-04-15 Thread Carroll Kong
For odd reasons, I cannot send email to one user on my college network.
Pine immediately says, blahblah username not found.  Not sending.  I thought it
is supposed to send it with sendmail?!?!  Have I configured sendmail improperly?

Carroll Kong

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1998-04-15 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Can anyone suggest an easy way to ensure that I never download a debian
kernel package where I already have a custom kernel installed? dpkg/apt/dselect
continually replace my kernel-package-2.0.33 with the standard one,
which doesn't suite my hardware at all of course (and causes random reboots
during startup in fact, as some kernels do --- bzImage problem I think).

I guess I can always build mine with --revision 9 or something.
Is there an easier way? Is there an easy way to get dpkg or apt
to set packages to hold from the command line?


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Re: KDE Beta-3

1998-04-15 Thread Graham Pople
>Hi all,
>I am trying to install KDE beta-3, I have downloaded the .deb files and I am
>trying to install them but it is saying that I need libgif2 or greater, Does
>anyone know where I can get this from as I can't find it anywhere?  And is it
>avaliable in .deb format?

Providing you have installed KDEsupport, which provides libgif2, you
don't need libgif 2. As it says in the KDE FAQ, just type 
dpkg -i --force-depends .deb
and it will ignore all dependencies for that package. 
>Also if you install a .tgz format program (i.e. source compile and install) how
>do you tell dpkg that the required files are installed, as doesn't it look at
>its package database to se if the .deb package it needs is installed?
Again, just use force-depends to overide dependencies, and hopefully it
should work. Incidentally, I think I remember you when I was trying to
get KDE beta 3 to work myself - if it was you, then thanks, as I
eventually got it up and running!

Graham Pople ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SNES emulators at Emulation One (
All emulators at E1 Newsletter (

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network startup script

1998-04-15 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Can anyone suggest why this script doesn't seem to work on 2.1.90?
It's my /etc/init.d/network. I added the netmask on the route line
for lo because it seemed to help, but I still get some other errors,
and ifconfig seems to hang.

ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask


ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

This script seems to need changing every few new kernels. I wish
they would make up their mind.


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Carroll Kong
There is no "better" distribution.  It is a matter of taste and style.
I like slackware, but it has no package system.  :)  I find Debian to be a nice
combination in between.  It has a good package system and does not seem to have
as many bugs as redhat.  Although I could be wrong since red hat has a lot of
patches.  Try them yourself and get a feel for it.

Carroll Kong

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris de Weth wrote:

> Hi!
> I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why so much people use Red 
> Hat linux? To me it seems that they have a far greater community to 
> support others questions.
> I'm thinking of going to use Linux at work, so security is quite
> important. From a friend I just got this list address, and I don't know 
> where to ask this question to Red Hat users. Maybe someone can tell me 
> what distribution is better?
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Stephen Carpenter
I don't believe that is true
I am using pine under hamm obn my pc here at work
well..I have it installed...due to problems with firewall issues and DHCP
I can't seem to get mail working but...
I downloaded pine as a binary for hamm
I saw the deb of hamm in hamm/non-free/binary-i386/mail

Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris wrote:
> > Can anybody tell me when hamm is expected to go stable?
> >
> > Also, I am in the middle of installing a hamm system onto a clean drive,
> > however it seems alot of old packages are missing (ie. pine, etc).  Will
> > these be included when it goes stable?
> pine is distributed in source-only form (but with Debian patches,
> so that you may create .deb packages for it). You will have to compile
> it yourself. Get the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz files from the
> FTP archives (hamm/non-free/source/mail) and do the following:
> dpkg-source -x pine_3.96L-7.dsc
> cd pine-3.96L
> debian/rules binary (under root)
> That's all. Then you can dpkg -i pine.deb
> Version: 2.6.3ia
> Charset: latin1
> I8YwM3HXHvtM1ER4F5fGoaw8Wky42hlZ6N4ceTn1vaf9bMBGeyYt5GVw3qC5KJVZ
> hTdLi/OzC/2WK14Mo5cZC7uBtDvuXMJ0zowcCf01wfDd9ZfI2kst8dj8l8oXB6GK
> B7fWVTagQ1s=
> =QMnw
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4
and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

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KDE Beta-3

1998-04-15 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131
Hi all,

I am trying to install KDE beta-3, I have downloaded the .deb files and I am
trying to install them but it is saying that I need libgif2 or greater, Does
anyone know where I can get this from as I can't find it anywhere?  And is it
avaliable in .deb format?

Also if you install a .tgz format program (i.e. source compile and install) how
do you tell dpkg that the required files are installed, as doesn't it look at
its package database to se if the .deb package it needs is installed?



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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Stephen Carpenter
Chris wrote:

> Can anybody tell me when hamm is expected to go stable?

I forget whether a date is set or not...but my system crashed due to major
hardware failure (I am
respondign from work now)...hamm seems rather stable

> Also, I am in the middle of installing a hamm system onto a clean drive,
> however it seems alot of old packages are missing (ie. pine, etc).  Will
> these be included when it goes stable?

I have been dowloading files at work and burning CDs...
Pine is in "non-free" ...I noticed some things missing too...
I saw Apache (web server) listed in Packages  but...the deb file
was not there...then again...I bvurened my hamm CD before the
code freeze...
just remember to check out non-free and all the toher places
you never know where a package could end up

> Another thing - is there any plans for debianizing the enlightenment
> window manager?

hmm I think I looked at Enlightenment...and I think it looked coolthat was a
while ago tho...

> Thanks alot,
> chris
> BTW.  I noticed that the rescue target doesn't work on the new rescue
>   disk, nor does the base installation install any kernel modules...
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4
and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris wrote:

> Can anybody tell me when hamm is expected to go stable?
> Also, I am in the middle of installing a hamm system onto a clean drive,
> however it seems alot of old packages are missing (ie. pine, etc).  Will
> these be included when it goes stable?

pine is distributed in source-only form (but with Debian patches, 
so that you may create .deb packages for it). You will have to compile
it yourself. Get the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz files from the
FTP archives (hamm/non-free/source/mail) and do the following:

dpkg-source -x pine_3.96L-7.dsc
cd pine-3.96L
debian/rules binary (under root)

That's all. Then you can dpkg -i pine.deb

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


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Re: Upgrading to hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Carroll Kong
I was in the same position as you as of yesterday.  I upgraded,
although, i had to use the upgrade script three times (well just to make sure, I
only needed to do it twice) for dependencies.  However, I could not figure out
how to reexecute the script installation after the first time, so I redownloaded
all the files again!  No big deal to me since i have a good inet connect, anyone
know how do resolve this?  (can i just goto /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/base/ and
install all the .debs manually?!?  How can i get the script to auto continue and
do it again without redownloading everything?!?)
Ok... after that, I rebooted.  I did the /var/wtmp and utmp fix which is
told in the  (or else who and last do not work... and they really
don't unless you do it. :)  )  Then.. the dreaded hamm upgrade! I advise not
doing this while you are in X (the hamm upgrade).  Use dselect to get the hamm
package, (I had a cd of the packages so I escaped unscathed), ftp dselect failed
for me... but someone told me how to do it.  Try this.

"Use "dists/frozen/main dists/frozen/contrib dists/frozen/non-free".  It
works fine for me." 

This is quoted from Bob who assisted me.  I did not try it, but it should work. has the newest packages btw.  

My grep was broken on the CD, however, the new package fixes it.  My sendmail
broke too after the hamm packages upgrade, I got sendmail.8.8.8-14.deb and had
to install it twice.  (weird eh?)  Then it finally went.  I had to do some funky
things with the and .cf and what not to get it working... although
it works now.  (heheh i should get the crab book).  Aside from that, not too
painful, but reconfiguring afterstep 1.4 took a bit of time. Generally took 8
hours for me to fully reconfigure and feel happy about the system again.  (it
takes me a while for these things).

Hope this helps.  (no unstablility yet...)

Carroll Kong

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently running a debian bo system, and I am considering upgrading
> (or more to the point - re-installing) to a hamm system.
> I am, however, conserned about stablility...
> Does anyone know of any major problems with a hamm system?
> Chris

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Re: RAID installation

1998-04-15 Thread Martin Schulze
On Thu, Apr 09, 1998 at 12:53:55PM +0200, Ulisses Alonso Camaro wrote:

> I'm planning to install hamm on a system with raid0(stripping), but seems
> to me that raidtools is not included in the base system so a raid
> installation cann't be done through the installation method, so I suposse
> the way to do this is to install the base system in a non-raid partition
> and move it over the raid partitions after the installation completes.

Hmm, you're correct, the bootdisks lack real RAID support.  I've
brought this up on the appropriate auditorium now.  I don't think
it will be changed for 2.0 but might be for 2.1.

Yes, your way is correct.  Please notice that you need take special
attention if your root file system should be a RAID.  Most of all
other directories doesn't make problems.

If you plan rootfs-raid, contact me again and I'll give you my



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
/ Install joe (Joey's Own Editor) correct: Joe's Own Editor /

Description: PGP signature

A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Chris

Can anybody tell me when hamm is expected to go stable?

Also, I am in the middle of installing a hamm system onto a clean drive,
however it seems alot of old packages are missing (ie. pine, etc).  Will
these be included when it goes stable?

Another thing - is there any plans for debianizing the enlightenment
window manager?

Thanks alot,


BTW.  I noticed that the rescue target doesn't work on the new rescue
  disk, nor does the base installation install any kernel modules...

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-04-15 Thread John Boggon
How can I get mirror to leave the debian/contrib and debian/non-free
directories but still retrieve the hamm | slink/contrib, hamm |
slink/non-free directories ?
If I add the lines
to my mirror script it will not retrieve any of the contrib directories.


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Re: installation

1998-04-15 Thread Maarten Bezemer

On Mon, 13 Apr 1998, Peter Luongo wrote:

> i am trying to install Debian 1.3 and am not getting very far.  instead
> of loading and decompressing linux first, the rescue disk is trying to
> load root.bin, and failing each time.  it then just tells me that the
> boot failed and to insert a new disk.  I thought it might just be a
> problem involving the reading of the floppy, but I have tried to boot
> with four different disks, with the same result each time.  any
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> -pete

this seems like your rescue disk wasn't written correctly. Try downloading
and rawriting it again. It could also mean you've not enough memory or you
have a virus. What kind of computer is it?

Good luck!

Maarten Bezemer

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Re: Where did my init.d/boot go?

1998-04-15 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 05:46:07AM +0200, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> > 
> > Your install is broken by buggy grep 2.1-6.
> > I got the same result but I upgrade a copy of my system :)
> > Get grep 2.1-7 and maybe reinstall all packages by hand (whith: dpkg -i).
> No, these are two different problems. grep_2.1-6 is severely broken and
> should be replaced by a newer version. The boot.OLD file is not a bug or
> an error, it is intended behaviour. The /etc/init.d/boot script has bee
> split up into several scripts. Take a look in /etc/rcS.d/ to see what it
> run in which order ar boot time.

Yes, I know that /etc/init.d/boot has been split. Upgrading init files (and
all others) was broken because grep_2.1-6 was installed and upgrade to
grep_2.1-7 don't solve problems with broken system without reinstall all of
broken packages :(

> If your sysvinit is really broken, you can boot Linux directly into bash.
> At the LILO boot prompt, type
> linux init=/bin/bash
> This will load bash instead of init, so you get a root shell with no
> questions asked.

Thanks for hint :)


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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Maarten Bezemer

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:

> > I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why so much people use Red
> > Hat linux? 
> As a newbie to this arena, my impression is that RedHat has a better
> public profile.
> As we all know, public profiles & reality often differ...
> RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
> to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_
> superior..

I installed Debian 1.3.1 even without any floppy (one actually, the boot
disk created after the install to boot the new system)
Just booted from CD and all went quite easy. If your system didn't support
IDE/ATAPI-CDROM boot, you only need the first (rescue) floppy, the drivers
disk is on the CD.
Someone told me there are far more rpm-packages available, and other
distributions also use rpm. What's true about that?

 Maarten Bezemer

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Re: why debian?

1998-04-15 Thread Ian Stuart
Chris de Weth wrote:
> Hi!
> I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why so much people use Red
> Hat linux? 
As a newbie to this arena, my impression is that RedHat has a better
public profile.

As we all know, public profiles & reality often differ...

> I'm thinking of going to use Linux at work, so security is quite
> important. From a friend I just got this list address, and I don't know
> where to ask this question to Red Hat users. Maybe someone can tell me
> what distribution is better?
>From my own experience (a portable using a PCMCIA network adapter),

RedHat is easier to install initially (it's only 2 floppies as opposed
to Debians 6+), however the updating system in debian (dselect) is _far_

Ian Stuart
Medicine & Veterinary Medicine Computing Support
The University of Edinburgh

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