Re: Varias impresoras y LPRng

1998-10-19 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 08:09:17PM +0200, J.Parera wrote:

  Creo tener lo que me comentas correcto, yo apuntaría a un error en
  el spool de las impresoras pero no sé que puede ser.

   $ egrep -v '^*($|#)' /etc/printcap
   lp|lj|hplj4m|HP Laserjet 4M:\

 ves que la cola está en /var/spool/lpd/hplj4m, así:
   $ ls -l /var/spool/lpd 
   total 3
   drwxrwxr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Oct 18 15:43 hplj4m
   drwxrwsr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Nov  9  1997 lp
   drwxrwsr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Jul 30  1997 remote
   $ ls -l /var/spool/lpd/hplj4m/
   total 2
   -rw-r--r--   1 root root   19 Oct 18 15:43 lock
   -rw-rw-r--   1 root root   25 Oct 18 15:43 status

 ¿Qué dice lpc status?

   $ lpc status
   queuing is enabled
   printing is enabled
   no entries
   no daemon present

 ¿algún mensaje en /var/log/syslog después de arrancar lpd?


DEBIAN 2.1 QUE PASO ??????

1998-10-19 Thread Lord of Hell
Este es mi primer e-mail en una lista de debian
Tengo varias dudas con el 2.1 Supuestamente el debian 2.1 lo iban a lanzar para 
el viernes que paso 15 o 16 de
Pero me han comentado que no van a sacar todavia la 2.1
Alguien tiene idea de la fecha  de lanzamiento del 2.1 ???
( estoy rezando para que sea muy pero muy pronto si es posible esta misma 
semana )

Tengo un modem Pnp que todavia no logra hacer trabajar bajo linux en micro 
funciona perfecto !!!
Si alguien me puede echar una mano con el modem se lo agradesco
En mi computadora me trabaja todo a excepcion del modem
Y siento repulsion de usar internet bajo Win !!!

A continuacion una descripcion muy detallada del problema del modem !!!

Estoy tratando de andar un modem Diammond Supra Express 33.6
Use el isapnp , pnpdump , como leeran mas abajo me la reconoce pero
al colocar la misma configuracion que win donde me trabaja bien
Pasa lo siguiente
Ya no me dice IO error
Ahora dice
pppd : start by root time
ATFWO1 algo asi
y ahi se queda
En condiciones normales
luego de iniciar el modem con ese comando
marca , llama , y se conecta

Alguna ayuda

Lord of Hell wrote:

 Necesito saber como le puedo decir a linux que no me habilite com2
 Tengo un modem Pnp que bajo Win 95 usa COM2 IRQ 3
 trate de usar el isapnp
 Me detecta la tarjeta de modem
 Pero al quererme conectarme a internet me aparece este mesaje

 pppd: algo .. IO error

 Investige con dmesg | grep  -i irq

 tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15

 Automaticamente me di cuenta que habia un conflito con el IRQ y con EL

 segui investigando

 ahora en proc

  0: 257585   timer
  1:  13108   keyboard
  2:  0   cascade
 13:  1   math error
 14:  40186 + ide0
 15:  0 + ide1

 -001f : dma1
 0020-003f : pic1
 0040-005f : timer
 0060-006f : keyboard
 0080-009f : dma page reg
 00a0-00bf : pic2
 00c0-00df : dma2
 00f0-00ff : npu
 0170-0177 : ide1
 01f0-01f7 : ide0
 02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
 0376-0376 : ide1
 0378-037f : lp
 03c0-03df : vga+
 03f0-03f5 : floppy
 03f6-03f6 : ide0
 03f7-03f7 : floppy DIR
 03f8-03ff : serial(auto)

 COMO ven el 2f8 Com 2 esta siendo usando por el serial ( auto ) y por el

 Que puedo hacer  ???
 Me gustaria poder la internet bajo linux !!!
 Antes que se me olvide utiliza isapnp lo actualiza a enero de 1998 1.3.2
 Tengo Linux Caldera lite 1.1 2.0.29

 Espero su ayuda , si no me pueden ayudar pero saber de algun sitio que
 indique como
 manipular los IO los IRQ y que archivos debo configurar

 Muchas gracias por su

 tiempo y ayuda


Re: Mi disco duro esta frito ...y sin tomate (sigue la odisea)

1998-10-19 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
 Víctor wrote:
 El error puede se por 2 causas:
 1º)Linux usa los discos de manera diferente a los
Vale, hasta aqui lo domino y ya he resuelto alguna que otra
vez problemas similares.
 El archivo dañado no se cual es, ya que no especificas si
 aparece cuando accede al disco o si es cuando te dice que
 tu sistema de archivos está limpio.
Aqui esta lo extraño. No me indica ningun fichero dañado.
Solamente me da una ristra de errores (veo que reintenta
varias veces leer el mismo bloque) y al final, cuando parece
que todo esta corregido me dice que hay un error y si quiero
ignorarlo. Si le digo que no fsck para y no arregla nada y
si le digo que si continua y me muestra unos cuantos errores
mas. Tras esto para sin decirme si ha corregido algo y deja
el disco con los mismos errores
 2º)Podría ser un problema más grave, ya que si se
 te fue la luz y justo estaba escribiendo, entonces se
 pueden haber dañado varios clústeres y aparte de estar
 dañado el software, tambien estarlo el hardware
Bien, lo que yo quisiera saber es como diferencias ambos
casos. Ademas, serie interesante que me permitiese marcar
esos sectores como malos y ahorrarme reformatear la
particion. Se puede hacer esto?

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Varias impresoras y LPRng

1998-10-19 Thread Fernando Sainz Munoz
J.Parera wrote:
 Si es eso lo que querías decir continua sin funcionarme, me da el error que
 [~]$ lpq
 Host 'localhost' - cannot open connection to [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection 
 [~]$ lpq -P econofast
 Host 'localhost' - cannot open connection to [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection
 Un saludo,
   J. Parera
  Por si sirve de algo la impresora por defecto la instalé con el MagicFilter.


Estoy peleandome todavia para instalar magicfilter con
una impresora remota y me aparecieron estos mensajes varias
veces. resulto ser un problema de permisos en /var/spool/lp...



1998-10-19 Thread Juanjo Martinez

Me dirijo por primera vez a la lista despues de haber sustituido mi
anterior Slack 3.3 por la nueva Debian 2.0 de LA-4 y tengo algunos
problemas. Espero que no se moleste nadie si lo que pregunto no se
ciñe estrictamente al tema de la lista, pero no se por donde meterle
mano a esto.

En primer lugar me gustaria saber si la lista tiene una FAQ y donde la
puedo encontrar.

En cuanto a los problemas que tengo, el principal es el siguiente.
Tengo 2 dd's, el primero (809Mb) con Debian 2, y el segundo (2Gb) con
W-98. He instalado LILO en el mbr del primer disco, al arrancar
aparecen las 2 opciones (Linux arranca perfectamente), pero al
intentar arrancar la otra particion, recibo el siguiente msg:

Disco de sistema incorrecto
Error E/S
Cambie el disco y presione una tecla

y claro, no arranca (este LILO 'habla muy rarito' ¿verdad? :-) ). No
hay problemas con la bios, creo. Incluso puedo montar y acceder
plenamente a la particion /dev/hdb1 desde Debian. Si instalo el dd de
W98 como maestro primario (el solo en el equipo), no hay problemas.

En el /etc/lilo.conf tengo la siguiente entrada:

que creo que esta bien, corregirme si me equivoco. Por supuesto
ejecuto 'lilo' despues de modificarlo. Todavia no he recompilado el
kernel, uso el que instala por defecto, ¿tiene algo que ver? ¿alguna
opcion que se me escape? Esta misma configuracion, sw y hw, es la que
tenia antes con la Slack 3.3 y w95, y funcionaba perfectamente.
En fin, ya se aquello 'no te instales w9x', etc. pero el ordenador tb
lo usan otras personas y lo necesitamos.

Muchas gracias por todo y hasta pronto... ¡palabra!  :-)

Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Por favor quita NOSPAM para responder]
[Please remove NOSPAM to reply]

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 QUE PASO ??????

1998-10-19 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Lord of Hell wrote:
Tengo un modem Pnp que todavia no logra hacer trabajar
bajo linux en micro funciona perfecto !!!
Si alguien me puede echar una mano con el modem se lo agradesco
En mi computadora me trabaja todo a excepcion del modem
Y siento repulsion de usar internet bajo Win !!!

A continuacion una descripcion muy detallada del problema del modem

Estoy tratando de andar un modem Diammond Supra Express 33.6
Tengo exactamente ese mismo modem (Pnp) y lo uso perfectamente dersde linux
1.3.1 (bo).
Use el isapnp , pnpdump , como leeran mas abajo me
la reconoce pero
al colocar la misma configuracion que win donde me trabaja bien

Creo que tu problema por lo que cuentas mas abajo es que estas confundiendo
los ttyXX con los ttySXX, es decir, mi modem no esta en el tty03, sino
en el ttyS03. (Es decir, el COM4 de MS-DOS).Por ultimo, si
tu modem es pnp, no tienes que usar la misma configuracion que Win (y desde
luego, no uses el COM2(ttyS01), porque los PC's ya vienen con uno
y puede haber conflicto).

En su lugar, haz lo siguiente (como root):

a)Haz una copia de seguridad del isapnp.conf
 mv/etc/isapnp.conf /etc/isapnp.conf.old

b)Crea un nuevo isapnp.conf
 pnpdump >/etc/isapnp.conf

c) Editalo y activa una de las posibles configuraciones.
 vi /etc/isapnp.conf

d) Activa de nuevo el pnp (isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf) o reinicia el ordenador.

e) Ahora deberias leer en el ordenador (Al arrancar o al activar el
Pnp) el dispotivo deberia ser reconocido como
 SUP xx xx xx xx xx ...
 Donde xx xx xx ... son una serie de numeros en hexadecimal.

Si te sale eso, entonces es que tienes el ppp mal configurado.
Me podrias enviar tu isapnp.conf, si quieres, para que te lo examine.

Lord of Hell wrote:

Jose Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia SPAIN

Re: problemas con infovia en Debian2

1998-10-19 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
 Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:
  Por cierto, en el mensaje de Antonio Calvo donde ponia como ejemplo sus
  ficheros de configuracion del PPP, no incluye el /etc/ppp/options. Las
  opciones de este fichero no se modifican con el programa pppconfig. ¿Es
  que este fichero no se usa con el nuevo formato del PPP? Yo las he
  modificado a mano, al fin y al cabo no es mas que descomentar dos o tres
 Lo tengo exactamente como viene en la distribucion.
 Las opciones las cambio en /etc/ppp/peers/provider

Pues cuando ejecuto el pppconfig, al final las opciones que he elegido
no se escriben en /etc/ppp/options, es mas, las opciones de este fichero
son distintas que las del /etc/ppp/peers/provider. ¿Que hace entonces
ahi el fichero options?

Despues de muchas pruebas, el ultimo error que tenia era el siguiente:

send (ATDT055^M)
Serial connection established
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2

Es increible la de llamadas al 055 que apareceran en la proxima factura
de Telefonica que le llegue a mi padre. Se va a trincar una  mosca!! Y
lo que mas me fastidia es que despues de tantos intentos todavia no haya
podido configurar el PPP.

Aunque no nos guste, tengo que decirlo. En W95 el acceso a Infovia me
funciono a la primera, y  aunque es verdad que a veces no engancha la
conexion y gasto una llamada, casi siempre que intento conectarme lo
consigo. Mi modem es de la marca Zoltrix y dice alcanzar los 56000 bps
(lo maximo que he conseguido es 4 bps). ME ESTABA PREGUNTANDO si no
seria este uno de esos modems que solo funciona en Windows 95.

 RedesTb : Se pasara a Retenet proximamente.
Gracias por la informacion.



Unidentified subject!

1998-10-19 Thread mailbox


1998-10-19 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 09:39:00AM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 06:54:16PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:
  ¡ATENCION! ¡PREGUNTA! ¿Puedo hacer yo lo mismo, o algo parecido, con Debian
  2.0? Es que ya no sé dónde acudir para conseguir screenshots de la
  instalación. Repito: es para un artículo sobre Linux, para una revista que
  se sube ahora al carro linuxero; PC-Plus.

Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] (otro miembro del equipo Debian)
está escribiendo un artículo similar para una revista alemana, y ha
estado preparando algunas imágenes. Tal vez pueda enviarte copias.
  Enrique está mucho mejor calificado que yo para contestar esto, pero
  creo que sería posible que tomaras el paquete boot-floppies, compilas
  las cosas y corres el dinstall... me imagino que así debe ser como
  Enrique prueba las cosas... ¿Enrique?

EL problema es que dinstall no tiene opción test en todos los módulos,
así que hay algunos que no se pueden ejecutar así. Tengo un parche para
añadir las opciones test que faltan. Intentaré tenerlo listo para la

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 QUE PASO ??????

1998-10-19 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 12:09:43AM -0400, Lord of Hell wrote:
 Este es mi primer e-mail en una lista de debian
 Tengo varias dudas con el 2.1 Supuestamente el debian 2.1 lo iban a
 lanzar para el viernes que paso 15 o 16 de octubre

Pues no, lo que se iba a hacer (y se hizo) era congelar la 2.1. Es
decir, a partir del viernes pasado no se pueden añadir nuevos paquetes a
la 2.1 (irán a la futura 2.2, tal vez 3.0) y entramos en la fase dura
de prueba y corrección de errores, que debe durar en torno a mes y medio.
Así que si todo va bien, la Debian 2.1 saldrá a primeros de Diciembre. 

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemas con Lyx

1998-10-19 Thread Miguel Camstra
Tras instalar Lyx en Debian 2.0 puedo escribir en castellano, es decir, con
letras acentuadas, eñes, etc. Pero no puedo escribir los signos de abrir
interrogación y admiración, en su lugar salen unos simbolos extraños.
¿Como puedo configurarlo correctamente?.

Re: Novato

1998-10-19 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Juanjo Martinez wrote:

 En primer lugar me gustaria saber si la lista tiene una FAQ y donde la
 puedo encontrar.



Aunque no es la FAQ de la lista, sí es la FAQ de Debian.
Si hay alguna pregunta muy preguntada sobre Debian (no sobre Linux)
que creáis que deba estar me lo podéis decir, también me encargo de la
FAQ inglesa.

 0ad360c51c39892ad067c62f7294a393 (a truly random sig)

posible bug en indent

1998-10-19 Thread Fernando

He estado probando la utilidad indent y parece
no ejecutar la opcion -bap.
¿Puede alguien confirmar si funciona o no esta opcion en debian 2.0?


Re: Novato

1998-10-19 Thread gustavo
 Date:  Mon, 19 Oct 1998 10:34:08 +0200
 From:  Juanjo Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Novato


 En primer lugar me gustaria saber si la lista tiene una FAQ y donde la
 puedo encontrar.

No se si eso es lo que quieres, pero en Debian están archivados los
mensajes de la lista desde abril de 1998.

Gustavo Cano Rodríguez
Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Re: Debianizar software

1998-10-19 Thread Santiago Vila
On 8 Oct 1998, Jesus Rodrigo wrote:

  habla sobre debmake y éste ya no se usa mucho (de hecho no se recomienda
  su uso).
 ¿Y qué se usa ahora? ¿los dh_noseque?

Se usa lo que cada uno quiera.

En particular, quien quiera crear un paquete haría bien en leerse los
manuales, cogerse el GNU hello de ejemplo (que no usa debmake ni debhelper
ni nada) y tomarlo como modelo.

[ Soy el actual encargado de debmake, pero para mis propios paquetes no
  uso ni debmake ni debhelper ].

 fc0dae20f5c6e64b48e4a2f48c4d66dd (a truly random sig)


1998-10-19 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Víctor wrote:

 Poseo una tarjeta AGP, concretamente una ATI 3D Rage II +, y según las
 tarjetas soportadas por las X's v. 3.3.2, mi tarjeta debería ir sobre el
 servidor Match 64, pero no se que le pasa a las X's que no me coge el AGP y
 se cuelgan. ¿Quién me puede ayudar? :)

Es Mach 64, no Match. En Debian está en el paquete xserver-mach64.

En casa tengo una ATI 3D Rage II C y solucioné mi problema (más o menos) 
leyendo la FAQ sobre XFree86:

[ La solución consistía en añadirle una línea   ChipId nomeacuerdo ].

 62d7eed02bcecc93d064c1d5aba66110 (a truly random sig)

Conectar dos ordenadores via modem

1998-10-19 Thread Slew Linux
Estamos intentando conectar dos ordenadores via modem para transmitir
ficheros de datos, utilizamos en los dos ordenadores Linux Debian 1.3.

El problema es que no conseguimos que se establezca comunicación entre
ellos, no hay forma de que uno llame y el otro recoja la llamada.

Os pedimos ayuda haber si nos podeis echar una mano y conseguir que se
entiendan de una vez por todas, os agradecemos cualquier tipo de
informacion acerca de protocolos de comunicacion en Linux o si alguien
esta en nuestra situación que nos ayude con los scripts.

Muchas gracias de antemano por vuestra ayuda.



Linux Debian 1.3 

¿Software para mis estudios?

1998-10-19 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.
Empieza el curso y empiezan a caer las primeras practicas :( bueno, y
sacamos del baul del recuerdo aquellas asignaturas que a algunos como yo
le quedan de primero : la Fisica ;-)
Bueno, la cosa es que tengo que hacer las memorias de las practicas, y
consisten en tomar datos de la realidad y hacer luego en casa ajustes
por minimos cuadrados, recta de regresion, etc, ademas de explicar el
contenido de la practica y tomar conclusiones.
Para hacer esto, he pensado en Lyx,  con las macros de LaTex. Para hacer
los dibujos ilustrativos he pensado en xfig, pero para hacer el ajuste
por minimos cuadrados no se que existe. Lo que quiero es: yo doy 4 o 5
puntos y el programa me saca la recta de regresion con la expresion de
la funcion.
¿Existe algo asi en Debian?
Estoy echando ojo a Octave, que me han dicho que se parece mucho a
Mathlab (programa que necesito para la asignaturas de Regulacion
Automatica, Informatica Industrial II, etc ...) Parece ser que usa
gnuplot para representar las funciones.
¿Existe alguna interface grafica a estos programas? ¿Creeis que Octave
me puede valer para aprender Mathlab? La cosa es que este año me niego a
instalar windows. Si alguna vez me es imprescindible, me bajare a los
PCs de la uni, pero me gustaria prescindir de ello, asi que me gustaria
encontrar la mayor cantidad de aplicaciones posibles para desarrollar
mis estudios (I.T. Electronica Ind.)
Sobre el tema de circuitos, para dibujo de esquemas, ¿que hay por ahi
que me pueda exportar a PostScript? Veo el xfig, pero como tenga que
dibujar cada resistencia a base de lineas quebradas, me puede dar algo.
¿Cabe la posibilidad de alguna especie de libreria o algo asi para este
programa, donde vengan los elementos de electronica y no tenga mas que
He visto el Spice para Linux, que supongo que sera un port del Pspice
para windows. Ya me gustaria tener ese programa en version libre. La que
yo he visto (vamos, he visto el archivo, porque no me compilan bien los
SRCs), existe como paquete en RH. ¿No se ha planteado en Debian el crear
el paquete para esta distribucion? La verdad que seria una buena idea
hacerlo, y un favor ;-)

Bueno, espero vuestras sugerencias, que seguro me van a ser de gran
ayuda. ¿No os haria ilusion poder completar vuestros estudios sin
utilizar otro sistema operativo que Linux, y en concreto nuestra
distribucion favorita, Debian? ;-)

Un saludo y hasta pronto:
Juan Carlos

configurar SANE

1998-10-19 Thread Miguel Barrio Orsikowsky
Hola a todos,
Tengo un escáner Tamarack Artiscan 9600/300c de puerto paralelo. He leído
toda la documentación de SANE y no consigo configurarlo, ya que mi escáner
ni se menciona a pesar de que está soportado y find-scanner sólo funciona
para dispositivos SCSI.

¿¿¿ Alguien puede echarme un cable ???


1998-10-19 Thread Jose Marin

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Santiago Vila wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Víctor wrote:
  Poseo una tarjeta AGP, concretamente una ATI 3D Rage II +, y según las
  tarjetas soportadas por las X's v. 3.3.2, mi tarjeta debería ir sobre el
  servidor Match 64, pero no se que le pasa a las X's que no me coge el AGP y
  se cuelgan. ¿Quién me puede ayudar? :)
 Es Mach 64, no Match. En Debian está en el paquete xserver-mach64.
 En casa tengo una ATI 3D Rage II C y solucioné mi problema (más o menos) 
 leyendo la FAQ sobre XFree86:
 [ La solución consistía en añadirle una línea   ChipId nomeacuerdo ].

Si el problema es que te aparece la pantalla dividida en varias
franjas verticales que se solapan, la linea es:

ChipID 0x4754

Esto lo encontre no en la FAQ (aunque quiza se haya actualizado desde
final de Agosto), sino en el Web site de SuSE. 


Dept of Maths   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 4513230
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Former address:  Dept. de Física de la Materia Condensada
 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN

Re: ¿Software para mis estudios?

1998-10-19 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 04:35:56PM +, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

 pero para hacer el ajuste por minimos cuadrados no se que existe. Lo que
 quiero es: yo doy 4 o 5 puntos y el programa me saca la recta de regresion
 con la expresion de la funcion.
 ¿Existe algo asi en Debian?


Script started on Mon Oct 19 11:32:57 1998
[1 mmagallo pollux:~] i=0 ; datos ; while [ $i -lt 5 ] ; do let 'i=i+1' ;
let 'j=2*i+1' ; echo $i $j datos ; done

[2 mmagallo pollux:~] cat datos
1 3
2 5
3 7
4 9
5 11

[3 mmagallo pollux:~] gnuplot

Linux version 3.5 (pre 3.6)
patchlevel beta 347

gnuplot y(x)=a+b*x
gnuplot fit y(x) 'datos' via a,b

Initial set of free parameters:

Iteration 0
chisquare : 55relative deltachi2 : 0
deltachi2 : 0 limit for stopping : 1e-05
lambda: 0.01

actual set of parameters

a   = 1
b   = 1


After 6 iterations the fit converged.
final sum of squares residuals: 0
abs. change during last iteration : -1.57772e-30

H Sum of squared residuals is zero. Can't compute errors.

Final set of parameters

a   = 1
b   = 2
gnuplot quit

[4 mmagallo pollux:~] exit

Script done on Mon Oct 19 11:33:23 1998

Si usas datos reales y no sinteticos entonces te da los errores y

Luego puedes:

gnuplot plot [0:5] 'datos' with points, y(x) with lines

 ¿Existe alguna interface grafica a estos programas? ¿Creeis que Octave
 me puede valer para aprender Mathlab? La cosa es que este año me niego a
 instalar windows. Si alguna vez me es imprescindible, me bajare a los
 PCs de la uni, pero me gustaria prescindir de ello, asi que me gustaria
 encontrar la mayor cantidad de aplicaciones posibles para desarrollar
 mis estudios (I.T. Electronica Ind.)

creo que hay una interfaz con Tk para gnuplot... no estoy seguro... mira en

 Sobre el tema de circuitos, para dibujo de esquemas, ¿que hay por ahi
 que me pueda exportar a PostScript? Veo el xfig, pero como tenga que
 dibujar cada resistencia a base de lineas quebradas, me puede dar algo.

si puedes correr a 1024x768, hay un par de programas en 'electronics' que te
pueden venir bastante bien. O si no usa TeX para hacer los circuitos, quedan
increibles! (Te garantizo que el profesor te va a preguntar como los
hiciste, porque ni con Electronic Workbench quedan asi)... para eso seria
bueno que preguntaras por tu escuela si alguien tiene una copia de The
LaTeX Graphics Companion, pues ocupas como 10 paginas del mismo para poder
entender como hacer circuitos... miran en CTAN ( y busca los
paquetes de LaTeX para electronica.

 ¿Cabe la posibilidad de alguna especie de libreria o algo asi para este
 programa, donde vengan los elementos de electronica y no tenga mas que

Si, bajate el xfig de slink, y ese tiene bibliotecas. Dibujas lo que
requieras y luego lo puedes usar en otros documentos.

 He visto el Spice para Linux, que supongo que sera un port del Pspice para
 windows. Ya me gustaria tener ese programa en version libre. La que yo he
 visto (vamos, he visto el archivo, porque no me compilan bien los SRCs),
 existe como paquete en RH. ¿No se ha planteado en Debian el crear el
 paquete para esta distribucion? La verdad que seria una buena idea
 hacerlo, y un favor ;-)

Que es Spice y bajo que licencia se distribuye?


Problemas con las X

1998-10-19 Thread MJerez.EET
Hola a todos, como es logico os escribo porque tengo un 
problemilla y espero que alguno me eche una mano. El problemilla es 
que al crear nuevos usuarios en la Debian 2.0, al entrar como un 
usuario de estos(no como root), no me deja ejecutar las X, sin 
embargo como root si, y estan bien configuradas.

Un saludo.


Manuel Jerez Cardenes

Dpto. Electronica, Telematica y Automatica
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicaciones
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Re: posible bug en indent

1998-10-19 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Fernando wrote:

 He estado probando la utilidad indent y parece
 no ejecutar la opcion -bap.
 ¿Puede alguien confirmar si funciona o no esta opcion en debian 2.0?

Sí funciona, crea dos ficheros que contengan esto:

int main() {;}
int jander() {;}
int klander() {;}

En uno prueba con -bap y en el otro con -nbap.
Verás que en un caso deja una línea en blanco y en otro no.

La que sí que no funciona es -bbb, pero eso es fallo del manual
(ya me lo han dicho, dos veces).

 1bbe05aee09a8527eccbdb394e2e48d0 (a truly random sig)

Re: Problemas con las X

1998-10-19 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 que al crear nuevos usuarios en la Debian 2.0, al entrar como un 
 usuario de estos(no como root), no me deja ejecutar las X, sin 
 embargo como root si, y estan bien configuradas.

Ejem, esto era uno que va a casa del adivino y llama a la puerta,
pom! pom!. El adivino pregunta ¿quien es?...

En serio: si en vez de decir no me deja ejecutar las X nos dijeras
exactamente qué error te da tal vez sería más fácil, pero en cualquier
caso:  ¿Tiene /tmp permisos 1777? (drwxrwxrwt)

( Sí, estoy haciendo de adivino, a pesar de todo :-)

 2af56be98af165fc59d71d3f2dde08ce (a truly random sig)

Re: Múltiples proveedores

1998-10-19 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa y dice ¿Múltiples proveedores?

 Hola a todos,

   he estado configurando los scripts y demás para conectarme a
 internet usando /etc/chatscripts/proveedor y /etc/ppp/peers/proveedor, y
 todo funciona muy bien. El problema es que tengo diferentes proveedores y,
 claro, 'pon proveedor' no me cambia el /etc/resolf.config dependiendo de a
 cual me he conectado (y también ejecutar o no algunas cosas del ip-up.d e
 ip-down.d dependiendo de él).

   He pensado en hacerme un script que fuera como el pon, pero que
 además arreglara algunas cosillas como por ejemplo tener resolv.conf por
 proveedor y antes de la coneción, que resolv.conf se linkara al que toque
 (y lo mismo con ip-up.d, ip-down.d). ¿Hay alguna solución mejor?

añade donde esta configurado el  perfil /etc/ppp/peers/loquesea
una linea que ponga
ipparam palabra_interesante

luego palabra_interesante se almacena en la variable PPP_IPPARAM que se le pasa
a todos los scripts de /etc/ppp/ip-up.d, asi que basta con que la compruebes 
para que ejecute una cosa y otra, este es uno de los fichero que tengo en 
# actualiza la configuracion del servidor de nombres

if [ ${PPP_IPPARAM} = internet ] ; then
cat /etc/resolv.conf fin_de_resolv_conf

if [ ${PPP_IPPARAM} = infovia ] ; then
cat /etc/resolv.conf fin_de_resolv_conf

# si no hago esto, los usuarios no tienen DNS, y no encuentran las cosas.
chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf
   Otra pregunta, ésta sobre permisos: para que el pon me funcionara
 he hecho suid tanto el chat como el pppd. ¿Hay alguna solución mejor?
   Por cierto, tengo Debian 2.0

lo unico que debes tocar es que los usuarios que quieran usar pon/poff deben de
pertenecer al grupo dip

Kissing girls is a goodness. It beats hell out of card games.
Gretting  /\ __\ \ \  _\ __\[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   of \ \   \ \_\ \=\   \
Saludos\ \_\_\___\___\_\_\ ** PGP Key avalible in WEB page **
   de   \/___/___/___/_/_/ Asturnet: 98:98/1.10  ICQ#17770744
PGP Fingerprints:  3853 1613 5BEC 5455 AFB9  EAA2 7978 8ED8 3493 94E9

Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-19 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a y dice ¿Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)?

   En primer lugar presentarme, soy Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña,
 colaborador de Linux Actual y el que hizo los CD's para LA4. Había leido en
 l-linux (en el índice WWW) que había gente que había tenido problemas con
 los CDs de la revista, lo cual me fastidia enormemente. Tenía muchas
 Al parecer la estampadora ha entregado a la redacción un conjunto
 de CDs algunos perfectos y otros defectuosos (quiero creer que no lo han
 hecho a sabiendas), y los que habeis tenido problemas habeis tenido la mala
 suerte de dar con los  defectuosos. También parece que, para rebajar costes
 las estampadoras bajan la calidad y resulta que los CDs se leen bien
 en lectores de baja velocidad (hasta 12x) pero a más alta empiezan
 a fallar.

si vale de algo, yo he instalado uno de los buenos con un cd de x36
sin problemas.

Sorry, this virus requires Mocosoft Gindos
Gretting  /\ __\ \ \  _\ __\[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   of \ \   \ \_\ \=\   \
Saludos\ \_\_\___\___\_\_\ ** PGP Key avalible in WEB page **
   de   \/___/___/___/_/_/ Asturnet: 98:98/1.10  ICQ#17770744
PGP Fingerprints:  3853 1613 5BEC 5455 AFB9  EAA2 7978 8ED8 3493 94E9

Re: Varias impresoras y LPRng

1998-10-19 Thread Ignacio Arenaza
 Marcelo == Marcelo E Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marcelo On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 02:32:04PM +0200, J.Parera wrote:
 [~]$ lpq Host 'localhost' - cannot open connection to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection refused

Esto tiene toda la pinta de que la maquina esta rechazando las
conexiones tcp usadas para contactar con el demonio servidor de
impresion. Hay varios sitios donde puede ocurrir esto:


Los dos primeros son genericos y son los que controlar los
tcpwrappers. Creo que en el caso de LPRng no tienen sentido no por ser
arrancado desde /etc/inetd.conf. Pero el tercero de ellos puede ser
donde radique el problema. Alli se relaciona quien tiene derecho a
conectar con el demonio servidor y que operaciones puede realizar.
Echale un vistazo.

Marcelo $ cat /etc/hosts
Marcelo  mi_maquina  localhost
Marcelo simula

En general no es buena idea poner un alias con el nombre de la maquina
a la direccion Se de al menos un programa que tiene serios
problemas con este tipo de cosas: sendmail (version 8.8.x y
posteriores si no recuerdo mal).

En estos casos es preferible utilizar una direccion de clase C del
rango privado (192.168.x.y).

Saludos. Iñaki.

Sigo con problemas con las X

1998-10-19 Thread MJerez.EET
El directorio /tmp tiene los permisos que me indicaste.
El mensaje de error exacto que me sale cuando ejecuto las X como 
un usuario normal es:

Fatal server error:
xf86OpenConsole: Server must be running with root permissions. 
You should be using Xwrapper to start the server or xdm.
We strongly advise against making the server SUID root!
When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send the 
full server output, not just the last messages.

-X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can t connect: errno=111 giving up
xinit: connection refused (errno 111):unable to connect to X 
xinit: No such process(errno 3): Server error

Espero que el error haya quedado mas detallado.
Un saludo.


Manuel Jerez Cardenes

Dpto. Electronica, Telematica y Automatica
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicaciones
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria




1998-10-19 Thread TooManySecrets
Enrique Zanardi el día Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 11:15:42AM +0100 expuso lo 
 On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 09:39:00AM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 06:54:16PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:
   ¡ATENCION! ¡PREGUNTA! ¿Puedo hacer yo lo mismo, o algo parecido, con 
   2.0? Es que ya no sé dónde acudir para conseguir screenshots de la
   instalación. Repito: es para un artículo sobre Linux, para una revista que
   se sube ahora al carro linuxero; PC-Plus.
 Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] (otro miembro del equipo Debian)
 está escribiendo un artículo similar para una revista alemana, y ha
 estado preparando algunas imágenes. Tal vez pueda enviarte copias.

Ya me pasastes su dirección, ya hace ya casi dos semanas que le escribí,
pero o no mira mucho su correo, o mi inglés es pésimo, o está
super-atareado, por que ni si quiera me ha dicho aquí estoy yo.

 EL problema es que dinstall no tiene opción test en todos los módulos,
 así que hay algunos que no se pueden ejecutar así. Tengo un parche para
 añadir las opciones test que faltan. Intentaré tenerlo listo para la

¿Cómo puedo ejecutar el programa este (dónde está)? Aunque no pueda ejectuar
todos los módulos, con algunos ya me bastaría.
Por cierto que hace un tiempo, no sé qué leches escribí (tratando de
manejarme con los módulos), que me salió la pantalla de configuración de los
módulos de la instalación, pero ahora no me acuerdo de qué comando utilicé.
He probado algunas opciones, pero no me sale ni a tiros, ahora que lo
necesito... :-(
¿Alguna ayudita, por favor?

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-19 Thread Petrus
Yo utilizo un lector Asus 34x sin problemas.


Re: Problemas con las X

1998-10-19 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 09:44:51PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:

 ( Sí, estoy haciendo de adivino, a pesar de todo :-)

Ah, ¡yo también juego!

En /etc/X11/Xserver

$ cat /etc/X11/Xserver 

The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)

(los comentarios están el archivo)


Biff: porque no funciona ?

1998-10-19 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

  el paquete 'biff' que tengo instalado se supone que, una vez
  activado al arrancar el shell ('biff y' en .bash_profile) te
  avisa en caso  de que tengas nuevos  mensajes mostrándote el
  remitente, asunto  y primeras líneas. Pero al  entrar nuevos
  mensajes  sigo  recibiendo en  aviso  típico  'you have  new
  mail...' y  nada más. Si edito '/etc/login.defs'  y pongo la
  variable  'MAIL_CHECK_ENAB no',  pues  entonces ni  siquiera
  aparece el mencionado mensaje.
  ¿ Cómo funciona este paquete ?
  Un saludo.

No puedo recompilar GDB 4.16 y 4.17

1998-10-19 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Estoy intentando recompilar el paquete GDB 4.16 (y 4.17!) y ambos me dan
el mismo problema (que, por cierto, no me daba en Debian Bo).

Resulta que instalo el source con 

deb-source -x gdb_4.16

Y luego dentro del directorio tecleo ./debian/rules
y al cabo de un rato compilando me da un error. Al parecer hay una
constante no definida (??). Esa constante viene definida en el #include
sys/ptrace.h, pero resulta que no se incluye porque por otro lado otro
fichero nm-i386v.h, si no recuerdo mal, define la opcion #define
NO_PTRACE. Alguien ha conseguido compilarlo? Alguna idea?

Lo extraño era que en Debian 1.3.1 si compilaba. Probe tambien con el
gdb 4.17 (que es el que viene con HAMM) y da el mismo error. ??

Jose Rodriguez

Re: Install Question

1998-10-19 Thread Robert Claeson
Joe Loyall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to install the Debian 2.0 distribution on a Compaq Prosignia VS,
which has a Compaq SCSI controller built into the motherboard.

I don't see any Compaq SCSI devices listed in the Linux Hardware
Compatibility HOWTO document, and when I boot from the rescue disk, it
doesn't find the SCSI controller.

Does anybody know a way to get Linux to see this controller, or am I out of

Unfortunately, Compaq has a great tradition of inventing their own
hardware that's not compatible with anything else and not giving out any
about it. I don't know of a driver for Compaq's SCSI adapters and I haven't
it mentioned anywhere that there would exist any.

On the other hand, my computer has two UW Adaptec channels built-in on the
motherboard. They use the latest chipsets from Adaptec that doesn't even,
as far as I know, exist on any PCI cards yet. Linux recognized them right
away without problems, a feat that not even Microsoft's operating system
could repeat.

Re: [Debian]: shutdown

1998-10-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 EF == Elmar Fasel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

EF Wie kann ich usern Rechte zum shutdown erteilen? Und wie ändere ich den
EF cold reset in einen warm reset (oder war es hard und soft? :-) )

Ich benutze das Paket super dazu. Folgende Zeilen in

ausschalten /sbin/shutdown -h now martinb
booten  /sbin/shutdown -r now martinb

Der aufruf ist dann super booten bzw. super ausschalten. Ja, ist
etwas länger, aber wann braucht man das schon :-) Außerdem habe ich es 
in das Menü von fvwm2 gelegt.

Du kannst dir auch einen Alias in der bash anlegen:
alias booten='super booten'


Re: [Debian]: ISDN-PPP-Dialin mit dynamischen IP-Adressen

1998-10-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski
 APB == Arne P Boettger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

APB Ich würde es gerne diversen Leuten ermöglichen, sich bei meiner
APB Linux-Kiste einzuwählen, wobei nicht unbedingt jeder vollen Zugriff
APB haben soll, z.B. auf telnet oder so. Und mit den Dateien hosts.access
APB und hosts.deny kann man das ja Adreßabhängig machen.

Meine Config für SyncPPP Einwahl (Kommentare gestrichen). Mit den IPs
ist das glaube ich doppelt-gemoppelt, allerdings funktioniert es, also 
ist es OK für mich :-)

Prüfe auch /etc/isdn/ip-{up, down}.d/isdnutils, damit dort für ippp1
keine defaultroute gesetzt wird.

In /etc/hosts habe ich übrigens noch  ich.dialin  gegner.dialin


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

dhcp and nis problems solved

1998-10-19 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 11:41:38AM +0200, Rainer Clasen wrote:
 Lee Bradshaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 11:18:13AM +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
   In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   nis specific problems:
   When I run dhclient, /etc/resolv.conf is written with the new dns info,
   but /etc/defaultdomain doesn't change. I guess the file doesn't need to
   change, but the value returned by (nis)domainname isn't modified either.
   I'm using the dhcp-beta_2.0b1pl6-0.1 and dhcp-client-beta_2.0b1pl6-0.1.
  I set the domainname to a garbage value, ran dhclient, and then expected
  to see the updated nis domainname from dhcp. But on my system the
  nis information doesn't appear to be updated by dhcp. Am I missing
  something? Here is the dhcp server nis information again:
option nis-domain;
option nis-servers;
  Do I need to do anything on the client to enable dhclient to override a
  previous value for the nis domain?
 theoretically this should work:
 a) put apropriate request / require lines in your dhclient.conf. dhclient
only asks for dhcp-options it needs / you told it to ask. cat
/var/db/dhclient.leases to see what options it got.
 b) You need to extend your /etc/dhclient-script. By default only the bare
minimum of all those nice dhcp-options is used: IP adress(es),
ip-alias(es), default route(s), netmask?, broadcast, DNS domain name,

Thanks Ranier,

The dhclient-script was the piece I was missing.

I made a few modifications if anyone is interested:

  function update_static_routes () {
 local action static_routes destination gateway
 static_routes=$2# add space for easy looping
 while [ $static_routes ]; do
   destination=${static_routes%% *}
   static_routes=${static_routes#* }
   gateway=${static_routes%% *}
   static_routes=${static_routes#* }
   route $action $destination gw $gateway

I added the following code twice:

# don't need to test old values for domain/host
# no problems if resetting them to identical value??
if [ x$new_nis_domain != x ]; then
  echo $new_nis_domain /etc/defaultdomain
  nisdomainname `cat /etc/defaultdomain`
if [ x$new_host_name != x ]; then
  echo $new_host_name /etc/hostname
  hostname --file /etc/hostname

# old and new static routes different?
if [ x$old_static_routes != x$new_static_routes ]; then
  # delete old static routes if they existed
  if [ x$old_static_routes != x ]; then
update_static_routes del -net $old_static_routes
  # add new static routes if they exist
  if [ x$new_static_routes != x ]; then
update_static_routes add -net $new_static_routes

I'm sending a wishlist bug to extend the debian dhclient-script.

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FYI: DMA/33 and kernels

1998-10-19 Thread Philip Thiem
You'd be surprises how often that can happen.  I purchase from a
wholesaler, and they don't check to see if the drives are good, though
they have allways been good about replacing them.  Many resalers are
similar, though some do do some testing.

Philip Thiem

Michael Stone wrote:
  On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 01:11:25PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
   In my case, no, it is definately a problem with the linux ide driver and
   how it handles UDMA drives. I have seen exactly the same problem on two
   different systems with two different hard drives of different manufacture
   with different motherboards and chipsets. Once I got enough features
   disabled (turning off the drive's internal readahead with hdparm -A0,
   turning off multiwrite with -m0, eliminating filesystem readahead with
   -a0) and turning off enough BIOS features, I finally have a drive that
  I have had two Quantum drives basically eat themselves (the sound they
  make is like an old window shade spring suddenly snapping back with a
  'whirr' noise). They have been UDMA drives, running on an Asus MB with
  a K6-233, and Debian 2.0 running the default kernel. So I am very much
  interested in what you report!
 FWIW, I also had two drives go south. One was a 8G Maxtor, one was a 6G
 WesternDigital bought as an emergency replacement for the Maxtor. The
 Maxtor started losing things, and the WD had a loud clicking death. I
 pulled another 8G Maxtor out of a working system and put it in the linux
 machine and haven't had any problems since then. As unlikely as it
 seems, I can only conclude that I got burned with two bad drives.
 Mike Stone
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

   All windows user please exvacuate the building
 (So I can install a better OS on the comps)
Pass on the GAS get NASM instead.

Re: WP 8 Suite

1998-10-19 Thread Ted Harding
On 18-Oct-98 Bob Nielsen wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, D'jinnie wrote:
 A while ago, there was a buzz about Corel releasing a WP Suite 8 for
 Linux. It was slated to come out mid-summer...I can't find any mention
 of it anywhere on Corel's site. Did they give up on the idea, or what?
 All they have released so far is the WP 7 word processor.  There was a
 beta of version 8, but it was for the word processor only and it
 appear to be available at present.  Look at for further
 information.  I'd like to see Quattro Pro added, at least.

If you go to one of the sites listed on for WP7, you can
find the pre-release of WP8, dated August 1998

(and read the README in that directory: you can either get a 38MB tar.gz
file, or several files less than 5MB each. Also note what it says about
unpacking the file[s]).

The directory /pub/linux/corelwp/ itself contains the files for WP7.

Hope this helpes someone!

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 19-Oct-98   Time: 01:30:38

Re: WP 8 Suite

1998-10-19 Thread Ted Harding

On 19-Oct-98 Ted Harding wrote:
 On 18-Oct-98 Bob Nielsen wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, D'jinnie wrote:
 A while ago, there was a buzz about Corel releasing a WP Suite 8 for
 Linux. It was slated to come out mid-summer...I can't find any
 of it anywhere on Corel's site. Did they give up on the idea, or
 All they have released so far is the WP 7 word processor.  There was a
 beta of version 8, but it was for the word processor only and it
 appear to be available at present.  Look at for further
 information.  I'd like to see Quattro Pro added, at least.
 If you go to one of the sites listed on for WP7, you can
 find the pre-release of WP8, dated August 1998
 (and read the README in that directory: you can either get a 38MB
 file, or several files less than 5MB each. Also note what it says about
 unpacking the file[s]).
 The directory /pub/linux/corelwp/ itself contains the files for WP7.
 Hope this helpes someone!
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 19-Oct-98   Time: 01:30:38

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 19-Oct-98   Time: 01:31:44

HELP: Repair of tar.gz files??

1998-10-19 Thread Albert Hurd
I dwnloaded   newsletr.tar.gz from the CTAN site. On attempting a tar
xvfz, I got:

icarus:~/writing/newsletter tar xvfz  newsletr.tar.gz
tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next file header

Is there anything I can do to recover the file, or am I out of luck for
a Tex newsletter include??

Albert Hurd

Re: HELP: Repair of tar.gz files??

1998-10-19 Thread Egon Schmid
Thats wrong. The four letter contains only one option with an additional
paramter (the filename). I bet Albert had only forgotten to switch in
binary mode before download.


On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 Make sure that f is the LAST option just before the filename. Try it this
 tar zxvf newsletr.tar.gz
 On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Albert Hurd wrote:
  I dwnloaded   newsletr.tar.gz from the CTAN site. On attempting a tar
  xvfz, I got:
  icarus:~/writing/newsletter tar xvfz  newsletr.tar.gz
  tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive
  tar: Skipping to next file header
  Is there anything I can do to recover the file, or am I out of luck for
  a Tex newsletter include??
  Albert Hurd
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 George Bonser
 The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site near you!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ipfwadm error

1998-10-19 Thread Collin Rose
When I boot my system it says

ipfwadm: setsockopt error protocol not available 

or something like that. What is the problem?

cc replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] please

Re: diald auto-dial bug/feature

1998-10-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Beattie writes:
  I imagine you have no NIC? If so, then for people that do, probably dont
  need to do this. e.g.:
 No Sir, I do have a NIC installed. I'm using an unrouted address (192.168.x.x)
 And diald was doing the dirty deed 8-) inspite of the additional information
 in my /etc/hosts file.

Okay, thats weird.

My hosts file only has localhost bound to, and the other's are
bound to my NIC IP... 

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  Unsolicited email advertisements are not welcome; any person sending
 such will be invoiced for telephone time used in downloading together
with a NZ$ 40 administration charge.  (Hmmm another Stolen Sig)
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Debian's recommendation for the size of the swap.

1998-10-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
For now I probably don't need that much.  But my plans include setting my 
system up as a server for two windows machines, that should increase the 
demands on virtual memory.

Attached is a free run.  (with X, Netscape (reported to need 64M available), 
xterm fvwm95, xconsole running.

---shaul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If anyone is taking a survery...
  My machine also has 64M or ram, and I am using 128M of swap space (I
  figured with a 5.4GB drive I'd max out the swap partition.)
 I am curious if that size of swap is realy needed: could you email the 
 of a free command ?
   Thank you. 

Get your free address at

Description: foofree

Re: permission denied in root.

1998-10-19 Thread Brent McMillan
I can't even get hello world to run from that directory.  I
suppose I could move everything to another directory and try it, but I'd
like to know why root can't run it's programs from that directory.

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Brent McMillan wrote:
  I'm trying to get the wordPerfect demo up and running, but when I
  try to run the setup executable (./Runme) I get a permission denied.  the
  file is executable, I own it, I own the directory, I tried as root and
  non-root alike.  The directory is not mounted on my main partition (if
  that has anything to do with it.  No executable files will run in this
  directory.  What's going on?
 I'm not too familair with WP, but i seems that Runme is trying to exec
 something that isn't +x. If Runme is a script then open it up and take a
 look at what it is trying to exec and check that.
 UnixGroup Admin - NASA LaRC
 Version: 2.6.3ia
 Charset: noconv

Re: New motherboard (and processor)

1998-10-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Beattie dixit:
  On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi there,
   I recently had the motherboard changed in my machine.  There's nothing 
   changed in Debian since, and it seems it had no problems with the change. 
   Just one though, Ctrl+Alt+Del doesn't work properly.  It starts the 
   down process down to the last line, but when it comes to actually 
   the system, the screen stays blank and it doesn't reboot (so, I have to
   resort to the reset button).  Instead, windows95 restarting works fine.
   Any idea of why this might be?  May be anything I have to change in the
  You haven't gone from an AT board to ATX have you? If you have, its a
  simple matter of recompiling the kernel with ATX support.
 I'm just checking on it... now, the old m'board is an AT based on the UMC
 UM8498F... (made in Taiwan... ops, like faked watches, no wonder...).
 The new one is: Pentium 571 TXPROII VGA/3D SO (whatever this all means).
 I just hope I don't have to recompile the kernel, I have no idea on how to
 do it (besides, it seems to be working ok, except for the rebooting bit).

Your manufacturers website: (I think thats right)
They should have some specs on your MB, But as a stab in the dark, I would
say that yes, you do have an ATX board.

Recompiling the kernel is easy, install the kernel-package and
kernel-source-2.0.34 packages, and read the docs for kernel-package.
Also, I got hold of an Intel MMX processor (I currently have a
   P-120), and am wondering if I have to tell Debian somehow about the 
   or will it be just like with the m'board.
  Shouldn't matter. Mine didn't complain.
 That's good news... will they keep coming?

Im sorry.. I dont understand?
 Thanks so much.

No worries.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 007 System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: HDD sleep

1998-10-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Dave Swegen wrote:

 I'm trying to set my system up so that I can leave the computer on while I
 sleep. I discovered that a fair amount of the noise was caused by the
 HDDs, and sending them to sleep made things a lot quiter. However, whilst
 I can spin down the secondary HDD (/usr), the main one (/) only remains
 asleep for 10 seconds or so, before spinning up again. Anyone have any
 suggestions what I can do about this?

This one bothers me too... I used to have it sorted, it was smail running
to send mail..  I use exim now, but it isn't that, I have disabled its
crontab entry.

 Also, does an eventual hdparm script go into /etc/rc.boot?

I was really replying about this... Yes, it does. (I find it is easier in
there than anywhere else.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   A feature is a bug with seniority.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Can't login as root

1998-10-19 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 13:48:45 -0400, Shin Ogino wrote:

After updating a few packages with dselect and rebooting my machine, I
am not able to login as root any more.  When I type root and its
password on login prompt, I do not get any response. I have to use CTR-c
to kill process.

Downgrade sysklogd from -28 to hamm's -26.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: test Exim header rewrite

1998-10-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 Looks like it worked ... no Reply-To header, though.

If its not there to rewrite, does exim put one in?

 On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Russell Cook wrote:
  a test of header rewrite
  from should be [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  reply-to should be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 015 Mouse not found - A mouse driver has not been installed.
  Please click the left mouse button to continue.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: compiling 2.0.35 kernel for Hamm?

1998-10-19 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Chris Evans wrote:

 It seems I need to upgrade the 2.0.34 kernel I have for Hamm with 
 a 2.0.35 kernel which has better support for the dawicontrol SCSI 
 controller I've now got which uses an ncr53c875 chip.  At the 
 moment the system seems to hang from time to time and one 
 occasion showed a scsi abort on a timeout so I think something in 
 the ncr53c8xxx module is the problem.  So how do I install 2.0.35?
 I have the kernel package installed and have managed to recompile 
 and install a kernel once before so I think I can do that, what I don't 
 know at the moment is how I'd get the 2.0.35 kernel and put it in a 
 place where the kernel package would be able to use it for the 
 recompile.  As far as I can see Hamm only has 2.0.33 and 2.0.34.  
 All advice gratefully received.

You can either get the kernel-source package from slink or the tarball
from, etc.  If you get the latter, kernel package doesn't
care where you put it.   Either /usr/src or /usr/local will do, for
example.  You need to run kernel package from the top level directory of
the linux source and it will place the resultant .deb file in the next
higher directory.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can I upgrade hamm to slink via ftp?

1998-10-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all-

By the term slink freeze, is it meant that slink is ready to go? I've
seen many mention slink here, so I was wondering if it's possible for me
to upgrade my hamm installation to slink via ftp? If so, can someone
point me in the right direction for documentation on upgrading debian
installations? Also, I've heard rumors that there is to be a graphical
frontend to installation (besides dselect). Being somewhat dselect
challenged, is this true, and if so, what is it called?

Thanks a bunch!
__   _
Mark Wagnon-o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA/\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: test Exim header rewrite

1998-10-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
  On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:
   Looks like it worked ... no Reply-To header, though.
  If its not there to rewrite, does exim put one in?
 Nope. That is the mail client's job but you CAN write a filter rule to do

Just what I thought... Russell probly didnt configure his MUA to use one.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Does The Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Bad Sector

1998-10-19 Thread David Stern
Hi Debianeers,

Today I moved some scsi partitions around and now fdisk, cfdisk and 
sfdisk complain that sector 3,672,497 cannot be read, and they won't 
allow access to that drive.

My linux root partition is on the affected drive, but so far linux is 
running along quite well (and I've rebooted numerous times), but I was 
only half finished with partition relocations, so this configuration is 
kind of a frankenstein (mismatched partition sizes), but hey, it works.

Verifying the disk media with the scsi controller did not yield any 
results at boot time, nor did reseating all the cables and cards.

The good news is that I have a backup, albeit not super convenient 
(it's on a second hard drive in logical partitions, iow: not bootable).

What should I do about a bad sector?  The drive is only about 9 months 
old (ibm DCAS-34330-UW), and it's a 4.3 GB.  Is this repairable?  Would 
low-level formatting fix things, or should I be thinking about a new 

Any ideas appreciated,

David Stern

fwiw: NT crashes with the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE blue screen of 
death. (I was just trying to see if I could run some adaptec 
diagnostic utilities.)

RE: Can I upgrade hamm to slink via ftp?

1998-10-19 Thread Shaleh
Slink was the current/unstable branch.  it is now frozen.  What this means is
that no new packages will appear and all possible packaging bugs are getting
fixed.  Consider it pre-release now.  In a month or so it should go deep
freeze.  This means that only packages in dire need of an update will be

The easiest update path is to grab apt from slink.  it is in base if I recall. 
Once you have done this fire up dselect and choose the new apt method.  This
makes dselect a rather nice tool.  You can also use apt via command line.

The GUI dselect is a early developer play version made by another Debian
developer.  The apt authors have the true version under wraps -- it promises
to be nice.

On 19-Oct-98 Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi all-
 By the term slink freeze, is it meant that slink is ready to go? I've
 seen many mention slink here, so I was wondering if it's possible for me
 to upgrade my hamm installation to slink via ftp? If so, can someone
 point me in the right direction for documentation on upgrading debian
 installations? Also, I've heard rumors that there is to be a graphical
 frontend to installation (besides dselect). Being somewhat dselect
 challenged, is this true, and if so, what is it called?
 Thanks a bunch!
 __   _
 Mark Wagnon-o) / /  (_)__  __   __
 Chula Vista, CA/\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 19-Oct-98
Time: 00:54:30

This message was sent by XFMail

ntpd freezing when computer goes into suspend...

1998-10-19 Thread e-van
Hrrm, an interesting problem here:  When my computer goes into suspend mode,
the clock freezes, litterally, so that it is mis set when it unfreezes...
usually off by several hours so that my ntpd daemon won't change it(because the
skew is so large)...  is there any way to keep this from happening?  Or,
alternatively, to have it run the ntpd restart agent when it unfreezes(as I
have edited that script to kill ntpd, run ntpdate, and then restart ntpd).. 
Thanks in advance


Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the screen.
  --Dilbert to Management

Re: [Dual boot] dual boot NT and debian?

1998-10-19 Thread Richard Alhama
On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan wrote:

 On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:
  I currently have debian running on a ide drive on my computer and I have
  recently purchases a scsi drive so that I can boot windows from the
  scsi.  Can I use lilo to tell it to boot the scsi drive up and run
  windows?  Trying to make a dual boot machine.
 I only know two people running dual boot NT/linux (actually tri-boot
 NT/95/linux) and they inform me that lilo won't boot NT or NT need the
 mbr or something and so they have to use the NT bootloader and loadlin
 to get linux bootstraped.

I also dual-boot to NT/Debian on the same hard drive and LILO seems to get
the job done.  Although I installed Debian first then NT.  Just make sure
you have the emergency and root disks handy in case something goes wrong.

 Admiral Charah
 Technical Support Group
  Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Re: exim: never stop Mail delivery failed

1998-10-19 Thread ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana

There is one alias for root and that is maric and is real.
The host exists in the DNS database.

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana wrote:
  : Ok. It work but now I receive in that user a lot of messages like that:
  : Cron[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /usr/sbin/exim -q  false with the next contnBet
  : 1998-10-16 12:09:01 queue run: process 23976 crashed with signal 11 while
  : delivering 0zUD7c-0004xc-00
  : 1998-10-16 12:09:02 queue run: process 23981 crashed with signal 11 while
  : delivering 0zUDM9-00055V-00
  : 1998-10-16 12:09:03 queue run: process 23986 crashed with signal 11 while
  : delivering 0zUDaf-0005Cy-00
  : 1998-10-16 12:09:03 queue run: process 23991 crashed with signal 11 while
  : delivering 0zUE3h-0005TT-00
  : 1998-10-16 12:09:04 queue run: process 23996 crashed with signal 11 while
  : delivering 0zUElF-0005qr-00
  : The paniclog and mainlog files increase rapidly. I installed exim when I
  : installed debian with dselect and I was root.
  : this is a sample from mainlog file:
  : 6 12:23:10 0zTurN-98-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  : [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
  : 6 12:23:10 0zTurN-98-00 Completed
  : 6 12:23:11 0zTucu-8t-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  : [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
  : 6 12:23:11 0zTucu-8t-00 Completed
  : 6 12:23:11 0zTvKP-AT-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  : [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
  : 6 12:23:11 0zTvKP-AT-00 Completed
  : ...
  : 1998-10-16 12:46:51 refused relay 
  : (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  : H=(maric)...
  : 1998-10-16 12:53:01 Start queue run: pid=24401
  : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTnfQ-4E-00 ** root@: unrouteable mail domain 
  : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zUFwG-0006Lb-00 Error while handling error message:
  : at least one malformed recipient
  : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTnfQ-4E-00 Process failed (1) when writing error
  : message to root@
  : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTtRH-us-00 Message is frozen
  : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTq92-pr-00 Message is frozen
  : rejectlog file:
  : 1998-10-16 12:14:57 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  : from [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=(maric) []
  : 1998-10-16 12:46:51 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  : from [EMAIL PROTECTED]H=(maric) []
  : Any suggestion?
 Last time I saw this I had not set up an alias for the root account.
 Exim seems to dislike selivering mail to the root account.
 Edit /etc/aliases and make sure that ONE alias exists for the user
 root, and that it refers to a real mail account somewhere.
 Nathan Norman
 MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: ***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-19 Thread fantomas
- Basic Unix Secruity 101 - If the person has physical access to the
- machine, there *IS* *NO* *SECURITY*.  Want proof?
- I pop the HD out, place it as slave on my machine, mount what I want, 
- of story.  Before this thread goes any further I recommend that anyone who
- considers this a threat that is addressable by Debian to go read 
- Unix Security from O'Reilly and Associates.  Esp. anything relating to the
- physical security of the machine.
- That's what cryptographic filesystems are designed to cope with.

in that case the key should be stored not in the computer and the person who
has the key must be there when the filesystem is being mounted...not very
good but usable in some special cases... 

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

Re: compiling 2.0.35 kernel for Hamm?

1998-10-19 Thread Remo Badii
You can create a directory
in it you unpack the kernel-source-2.0.35.tar.gz
which goes into a subdir /usr/local/src/linux
cd to it
make menuconfig (or xconfig)
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

if you have modules in /usr/src/modules which you want to compile with
this kernel, append modules_image to the line above.
This creates a package kernel-source-2.0.35+custom...deb in 
/usr/local/src which you can install via
dpkg - i /usr/local/src/packagename.deb
then, you'll have a vmlinuz and a vmlinuz.old in /
which point to the different kernels in /boot.
edit /etc/lilo.conf so as to be able to boot from the new and the old
lilo -v -v
and reboot.
| Dr. Remo Badii | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and | 5232 Villigen PSI |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland   |
| badii at  | |

Re: GDB and ADA.

1998-10-19 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 08:21:26AM +0200, shaul wrote:
 I tried to look for slink's gdb. All I could find is some m68k staff. (I
 did find some relevant lines in Contents-i386.gz) What did I miss ?


Note the gnat in there.

J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: ipfwadm error

1998-10-19 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Collin == Collin Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Collin When I boot my system it says
 Collin ipfwadm: setsockopt error protocol not available 

 Collin or something like that. What is the problem?

Chances are, you moved to a 2.1.1XX kernel. The never kernels
 reuire ipchains, not ipfwadm.

 Lackland's Laws: Never be first. Never be last. Never volunteer for
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: permission denied in root.

1998-10-19 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
   I'm trying to get the wordPerfect demo up and running, but when I
 try to run the setup executable (./Runme) I get a permission denied.  the
 file is executable, I own it, I own the directory, I tried as root and
 non-root alike.  The directory is not mounted on my main partition (if
 that has anything to do with it.  No executable files will run in this
 directory.  What's going on?

Run the `mount' command and check if the disk the script is running on
is mounted with the `noexec' option (might be useful for vfat
partitions and the like).  Also check if the directory you are going to
write to is mounted rw (not ro), and if that directory is writable.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Debian on Notebooks

1998-10-19 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 02:00:19PM +0400, Alexey Vyskubov wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 10:45:49PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
  Really? The SVGA server in hamm admits that it doesn't really support
  the chip (not the NeoMagic 128 or something in a friend's Acer notebook
  anyway) and we had to find another SVGA server on the web.
 Did you try xserver-neomagic from non-free?

Whoops, didn't even know it existed. I guess that's the disadvantage
of installing from CD-ROM.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Debian on Notebooks

1998-10-19 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 09:25:05AM -0500, D'jinnie wrote:
 it. From other comments I've read, it seems prudent to stay away from IBM
 and Toshiba, but YMMV...

?? Toshiba 310CDS works fine here. A few install hassles with the Tecra
disks but after that, just make sure you build the kernel as zImage rather
than bzImage.

APM on it works just fine too with Linux.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Need a HOT system. K7 and Linux?

1998-10-19 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I hope this is not too far OT for the list ...
 I teach chemistry at a local community college and am seeking grant monies
 for the creation of a hub of high power PC's to perform heavy quantum
 mechanical calculations using GAMESS and the like (for you chemists out
 there ..  ;).  I really need some input on system design in order to quote
 intelligent prices for this proposal.  I have some thoughts, but don't know
 about Linux support (our school is a Windoze repository of ineptitude).  Can
 anyone advise me about these?  (I want to implement Linux, if it isn't
 obvious.  But I'm still at the early stages on the learning curve.)

 2)  the Pent. II 400/450 with a 440BX MB is the obvious choice for this very
 intensive FPU stuff now, but I'm reading about AMD's K7 and the better
 DEC-based MB's.  Anyone have ANY thoughts/knowledge about the K7/MB and Linux?

Fast alpha's (the newer 5xx/600MHz ones) are really fast.  But they are
not that cheap, and there are far less people able to help you out if
you get into trouble.  The K7 has one big disadvandtage I can see now:
it isn't on the market yet.  Also, when it will be introduced, it
probably won't be cheap.  But maybe you can wait a year.

 3)  SCSI absolutely.  AHA2940UW quoted constantly, but I've heard others on
 this list complain about them.   ??? yes/no/alternatives?

Think about it twice.  Good scsi performs better than ide, but not by a
spectacular margin for most things.  Good scsi is also notably more
expensive than ide.  If you intend to support a lot of users or
processes that use the disk intensively, you may benefit from scsi.  If
you are just going to run computations that read some data, run for
a long time, write some results, and exit, scsi won't buy you much.
Spending the money instead on memory will gain you far more in most

 4)  Good SCSI drives?  I know nothing about these.  
 5)  Is a second drive the best backup device? (using its 1st partition as

I'd consider a CD (re)writer.  Also great for storing data you might
need some time in the distant future (or not).

 6)  A number of the apps I am considering are OpenGL/Mesa.  From Tom's
 Hardware page it seems that the Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro (3DL Permedia 2
 chip) is an obvious choice.  Linux and this card?

I'm not quite sure if there are drivers already.  Don't take the newest
video card, take one that is well supported (  This will
save you a lot of trouble.


All this is just my humble opinion ;)


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Hello, problems with installing

1998-10-19 Thread Craig M. Kimmer


I am having problems installing the kernel images and source
from the CD-ROM.  The reason that I want this section, is due to the fact
that the present kernal from the intial install does NOT recongnize the
CD-ROM drive, thus I can not add or upgrade any of the packages that
reside on it.  I have tried copying the necessary parts on to the hard
drive and then install in from there, but I can not get it to accept most
of the packages with out the errorlevel 1 or 2 coming up.

The system specs are as follows:

CPU:Cyrix 5x86 100MHz   
Sound card: Sound Blaster Pro (compatible) a220 i5 d1 t4
Floppies:   3.5
Hard Drives: 1.2 Gb Bigfoot and 4.0 Gb Western Digital
root location:  hdc7 (on Western Digital)
DEbian Version: 2.0
Controler location: on motherboard
Memory: 24 Mb
Operating systems on machine:   MSDOS 7.0 and Win 95 version A
booting method:  floppy (3.5)


Craig Kimmer

Re: wierd problem with ppp; need help!

1998-10-19 Thread Eugene Sevinian

On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Jim Foltz wrote:

 You need to give more information about your connection to get a more
 precise reply. Try including log files, /var/log/ppp.log and use the debug
 option in the /etc/ppp/peers/provider file.

Below I had tried to supply all information which might be
usefull to figure out what is wrong with ppp. Would be obliged if someone
can help me.

I had run pon test and tried to telnet to peer but hang at
login during entering password. From another xterm  ping-ing gave no   
results at all. This is the typical picture after upgating to hamm.
At the same time connection from w95 to the same peer (which is running
bo) is ok.

- /etc/ppp/peers/test
- /etc/ppp/options
- outputs of ping, ifconfig, netstat -r 
- /var/log/ppp.log
- /var/log/ppp.log (from server side)

(Remark: All stared localremote IPs was correct)


noauth #pppconfig_noauth
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/test  #pppconfig_connect
debug  #pppconfig_debug
/dev/ttyS1   #pppconfig_dev
115200  #pppconfig_speed
defaultroute #pppconfig_route
194.*.*.*:194.*.*.* #pppconfig_ipdefault
user sevinian  #pppconfig_user


asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

crdppp.root:~$ ping 194.*.*.*
PING 194.*.*.* (194.*.*.*): 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
22 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

crdppp.root:~$ ifconfig
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:194.*.*.*  P-t-P:194.*.*.*
  RX packets:31 errors:14 dropped:14 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:66 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

crdppp.root:~$ netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
194.*.*.*   * UH  542 0  0
localnet*   U  3584 0  0
default 194.*.*.* UG  542 0  0

/var/log/ppp.log (Remark: local/remote IPs are OK)

Oct 14 00:14:53 crdppp pppd[260]: Serial connection established.
Oct 14 00:14:54 crdppp pppd[260]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 14 00:14:54 crdppp pppd[260]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Oct 14 00:14:54 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x20c2 pcomp accomp]
Oct 14 00:14:54 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 542
0x0 auth pap magic 0x21a79b3f pcomp accomp]
Oct 14 00:14:54 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 mru 542
0x0 auth pap magic 0x21a79b3f pcomp accomp]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x20c2 pcomp accomp]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x20c2 pcomp accomp]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=sevinian
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 Login ok]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: Remote message: Login ok
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr
194.*.*.* compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr
194.*.*.* compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 addr
194.*.*.* compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 addr
194.*.*.* compress VJ 0f 01]
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: Cannot determine ethernet address for
proxy ARP
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: local  IP address 194.*.*.*
Oct 14 00:14:57 crdppp pppd[260]: remote IP address 194.*.*.*
Oct 14 00:15:27 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1
Oct 14 00:15:27 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1
Oct 14 00:15:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x2
Oct 14 00:15:57 crdppp pppd[260]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x2
Oct 14 00:16:27 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x3
Oct 14 00:16:57 crdppp pppd[260]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x4
Oct 14 

Re: Dialup ISDN performance

1998-10-19 Thread Dimitri P.
Thanks for the replies so far...
Here is what I did over the weekend:
I went and bought a NETGEAR RT328.
ISDN in/ 10MB/s ethernet out. 

My highest transfer rate ( reported by Netscape was 14.9 KB/s)

It takes care of IP masquarading , dhcp, dial on demand and will use 1 or 2
B channels dynamicaly based on how much data is being pulled through.

I am keeping it!


At 11:38 AM 10/13/1998 -0700, Dimitri wrote:
I am using a Bitsurfer Pro on a linux box and a win 95 box.
Download rates from my provider's site seem not all that exciting. 
With my x2 modem I can download at the rate of about 4-5 Kb/KB, with ISDN
using both channels its around 6-8 KB at best.

I would like to hear from anyone else using dialup isdn either on linux or

Dimitri P.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

ISDN Sedlbauer speed card

1998-10-19 Thread Martin Oldfield

Does anyone know if the isdn support in either hamm or slink supports
this beast ?

Martin Oldfield.

Problem duplicating system

1998-10-19 Thread Andy Spiegl

I got a problem here without a solution. (as usual)

I want to duplicate a debian system from one (remote) pc to a new one.
So I made a cd-image on a jaz drive medium and had it send to me via
normal mail.  I booted the new machine with the rescue floppy and went
through the install menus up to partitioning the hard disk and mounting
them in /target.  Then I mounted the cdrom image (as a loop device) under
/cdrom.  So far everything went perfectly.

But then I got stuck. :-(
I could not figure out how to copy the contents from /cdrom to /target.
The simple cp on the root image couldn't do it.  The simple tar star
I didn't know how to use (is there any documentation anywhere) and 
trying to use the cp command on the cd-image /cdrom/bin/cp failed because
the necessary libraries couldn't be found.  I also tried to set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to /lib:/cdrom/lib, but that didn't help either.

I there any correct method to do a recursive copy in this simple state
of the system?

Thanks in advance,

 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
o  _ _ _
  - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Re: ISDN Sedlbauer speed card

1998-10-19 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 11:13:19AM +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
 Does anyone know if the isdn support in either hamm or slink supports
 this beast ?
No, you will need a patch for pcmcia-cs to support the card.

Unfortunately, I couldn't made mine to work even with this patch. The author
couldn't tell me why and I didn't have time to investigate it further.

The ELSA card worked (but a patch is needed also. No PCMCIA ISDN card is
supported out-of-the-box)


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: permission denied in root.

1998-10-19 Thread john
Brent McMillan writes:
 I can't even get hello world to run from that directory.  I suppose I
 could move everything to another directory and try it, but I'd like to
 know why root can't run it's programs from that directory.

Do you have the partition mounted 'noexec'?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: ISDN Sedlbauer speed card

1998-10-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Martin,

On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 11:13:19AM +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
 Does anyone know if the isdn support in either hamm or slink supports
 this beast ?

the Sedlbauer cards are supported as part of the HiSAX-ISDN driver.
It's part of the recent kernels. Check your kernel configuration, you 
need to include the ISDN subsystem and compile support for the protocol 
(probably Euro-ISDN) and for the card's chipset into the kernel.  Just
run make menuconfig and go to the section ISDN-subsystem.

You are also going to need the isapnp tools, since the Sedlbauer cards are 
plug and pray cards (check the manpages for isapnp and pnpdump).

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***

Help. Can't login

1998-10-19 Thread Victor Torrico
Running a pentium all slink box.  Been working fine for months.

Can't login when in console.  It just stops at a blank line when I login and
hit return.  Runlevel 1 works OK.  Xwindows comes up OK but su and pon
wont work.  They also stop at a blank line when I hit return.  Control C
gets the prompt back.

Perplexing?  Am dead in the water for now.

Best regards.


Re: Midnight Commander

1998-10-19 Thread Alan Tam
Thank you all very much. I found the mc files and installed it by dpkg 
according to
your path.
Thanks alot.


Christian Lavoie wrote:

 Where can one find the Midnight Commander (GNOME version) 4.1.35 .deb files?

 Christian Lavoie
 UIN: 947212

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Re: ***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-19 Thread Paul Crowley
George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 My problem with encrypted filesystems is that if you loose the key, you
 might as well mkfs the drive.

There are ways around this.  You could, for example, break the key
into five pieces using a secret sharing scheme and put them in five
different secure places, arranging that three of the pieces are needed 
to reconstruct the key.
\/ o\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh fetish club Permission \ /
/\__/ Paul Crowley  Nov 8 /~\

ppp vs windows dialup networking

1998-10-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
when I connect to my isp in windows I get a dialog box showing the
progress of the connection.  It finally reports the connection speed
that the modem achieved.  Is there any way to get this information
when connecting via ppp?

Also, I have had a problem where the first time I ran pon it would
fail to dial out and connect, If I kill the first pppd and then
restart pon it always connects on the second try.  Now some insight. 
I bought a new modem and (hayes v.90 to replace my motorola modem
surfer 28.8 ... both external) and installed it under windows.  Until
I changed my dialup network properties to use the new modem it refused
to dial out.  But both modems were on the same port, and both obey the
same hayes AT command set.  So what gives?  Windows must be first
checking that the make and model of modem specified are connected to
the port.  So windows goes through some pre-dial handshaking with the
modem before dialing.  Can this be added to ppp (probably sets some S
register values and reads them?).  

BTW on linux all I had to do was just plug in the new modem and it
worked.  (So who has the REAL plug and play?).

Get your free address at

Sound and Hamm Home setup?

1998-10-19 Thread lanceh
When I setup up Hamm I selected the 'Home-User' option believing that it 
compiled the kernel with the sound drivers.  I
don't appear to have sound.  How can I check to determine if the driver was 
compiled in the kernel?


Re: I can config man-db, the man command is unavaliable.

1998-10-19 Thread Alan Tam
I've just installed man-db and manpages from the following URL

follow the instructions, then man command IS avaliable with comfort.

Alan Tam.

ayin wrote:

 Dear Sir

 When I install the man-db package , the dselect utility tell me that I
 should have groff. But groff need libg++272.

 The problem is that I have installed libg++272( the dselect show installed)
 but the groff item still shows that libg++272 does not appear in the
 installed packages list, and be unavaliable.

 So that I can not run man utiltiy, then how can I do?

 Give me some advice , Please .

 ayin from Shanghai

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ppp vs windows dialup networking

1998-10-19 Thread marvin stodolsky
Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 when I connect to my isp in windows I get a dialog box showing the
 progress of the connection.  It finally reports the connection speed
 that the modem achieved.  Is there any way to get this information
 when connecting via ppp?
 Also, I have had a problem where the first time I ran pon it would
 fail to dial out and connect, If I kill the first pppd and then
 restart pon
it always connects on the second try.

Your  /etc/chatscripts/provider  probably needs an extra line.
On the 1st try ATZ isn't resetting to the modem optimum for ppp
Do the following:

After a successful 2nd, do a
cat /var/log/ppp.log 
and see the ATx sent to the modem
Then modify your /etc/provider so it reads like the following

OK ATE0Q0S0=0M0V1X1C1D2 your new line, I added in the M0 for
quiet modem
OK ATDT3012539182


1998-10-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have read many posts to this list about netscape not working, what
version to use, etc.  Not knowing any better I loaded the '.rpm' from
redhat 5.1 figuring that it was a libc6 version (I converted the rpm
to a deb using alien and then just dpkg -i on the deb.)  I did not use
the debian netscape installer, so I had to edit the fvwm95 'rc file to
point the menu to the exact path that netscape got installed into. 
This seems to work fine, except once in a rare while it complains
about ilegal fonts or colors.  Once this happens I have to kill
netscape and re-start it.  Looks like some web sites can cause this.

Get your free address at

Juliet image.

1998-10-19 Thread Liran Zvibel

How can I create an iso9660 with Juliet extensions? (It has to have
Juliet, would be nice to add RR)

Usually I do it with mkisofs, but it (my version at least) doesn't have
any switch for Juliet.


PnP in the kernel

1998-10-19 Thread Adam Greene
Is PnP in the production kernels yet?? (I've asked about 3 times and no
responses.  I am preparing to sell a line of Office (Corel WP8.0, etc),
Graphics (GIMP, NeoGeo Blender, etc), Server (Samba, POP, SMTP, Apache),
Development (EGC, Perl, etc) computer systems, and I would love to know if
PNP works yet).  Anyways, if anyone in the Atlanic Provinces, Canada is
interested in Linux savvy computers, email me.

Need a HOT system. K7 and Linux?

1998-10-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf

9)  Please don't shoot me, but is anything bigger than a 17 monitor

Depends on how myopic you are.  X seems to eat more resolution than
windows. (XMille needs  1024x768 to fit on the screen!!!)  I am
interested in running cad/eda type stuff so I needed more than
1024x768 (which is about the limit for a 17 unless you have real good
eyes and a dot pitch of  .24).  I just got a 19 monitor (Digital
Research Tech.) from a computer city store that was going under. (they
were taken over by comp usa).  The current street price for this was
$499, but it was reduced to $468, and D.R.T. had a $100 mail in
rebate.  So $368 ain't bad for a 19.  BTW this is a .26 dot pitch,
looks great in 1280x1024 will do 1600x1200 (but my video card
won't---don't push it that far thou it will hurt your eyes!)

Get your free address at

FVWM - Not all modules included?

1998-10-19 Thread Moore, Paul
I've just got FVWM2 set up and running on my Debian 2.0 system. I wanted
to play with some options, and I looked for the FvwmConsole module which
comes with Fvwm2 (at least it did on my previous SuSE setup). But it
doesn't seem to be included...

Have I missed something, or is FvwmConsole not included in the debian

Assuming it isn't, how do I add it?

Paul Moore

Re: permission denied in root.

1998-10-19 Thread Brent McMillan
Yup, that was the problem.  My /etc/fstab didn't specify to mount it
'noexec' but I guesse that's what happens when you leave out 'defaults'
from the line.  Problem solved. Thanks all for the help.

 Run the `mount' command and check if the disk the script is running on
 is mounted with the `noexec' option (might be useful for vfat
 partitions and the like).  Also check if the directory you are going to
 write to is mounted rw (not ro), and if that directory is writable.
  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: StarOffice

1998-10-19 Thread joseph evan porter
 A while ago, someone mentioned that it was possible to d/l a version of
 StarOffice. I've looked at the (rather feeble) and
 couldn't find any mention of it. Could someone please post the location of
 it? Thanks!
Look at

Don't be fooled by the 01/49 directory.  01 is the English distribution,
and 49 I think is German.  

Hi/True Color mode for X ! please help

1998-10-19 Thread Linh Dang
I have just installed ham from SLS. Everything is fine except X
in Hi (16bits) or True (24bits) color.

I have a Sony CPD 200sf and a PCI ATI 3D Rage II+ with 8Mb on board.
I have an excellent [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 8bits depth but when I switch to
a 16/24/32 bits mode, I get an 1-inch-wide column of noise at 1/4 of 
the screen on the left side. All the other area of the screen is OK 
except for that column.

- I configured X with XF86Setup and tuned it with xvidtune.
- Windog95 has no problem in [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 16bits.

Please Help!


Re: Help me setup dynamic DNS server address.

1998-10-19 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 06:11:25PM +0200, Noam Gordon wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I am a Linux newbie. I have installed Debian 2.0 successfully. I would like
 to set up ISDN dial-up to my ISP.
 My ISP asigns me an IP address AS WELL AS DNS server address , dynamically
 (In my win95 setup, I didn't need to input any info at all). I read in the
 Linux tutorial that while setting up IP address dynamically at connect time
 is indeed possible, Linux doesn't support dynamically asigned DNS server
 addresses. Really?
 If so, how can I work around this?
 If it IS possible, then simply, How?
 thx for any info/advice,

freefall ~ $ nslookup
Default Server:  localhost

 set type=ns
Server:  localhost

Non-authoritative answer: nameserver = nameserver =

Authoritative answers can be found from:  internet address =  internet address =

They probably don't really _change_ the nameserver addresses
dynamically. So add these servers to your /etc/resolv.conf file
and things should work.

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: screen and window

1998-10-19 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 12:43:15PM -0700, Zheng Wang wrote:
 Thanks. I got it.
 I have another problem. Except the bash shell , I can not let the
 backspace work properly. I don't know how to config it. Could you help me

Run XF86Setup and use the Xkb extensions.

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ***HUGE*** security hole??!! (Re: Lost root passwd)

1998-10-19 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 09:51:43AM +0100, Paul Crowley wrote:
 George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  My problem with encrypted filesystems is that if you loose the key, you
  might as well mkfs the drive.
 There are ways around this.  You could, for example, break the key
 into five pieces using a secret sharing scheme and put them in five
 different secure places, arranging that three of the pieces are needed 
 to reconstruct the key.

I read some really cool articles on a system like this called coded
replication earlier in the year. You use a communications code which
has redundancy built in to encrypt the data; eg each byte could be split
among 5 machines, with 3 being needed for an access. So as long as any
3 are available, you have 100% availability. If one machine goes down
it can rebuild. If one machine is stolen, they don't have enough parts
to get the data out. If the network is split, the people with less than
half the keys can't write anything, so there are no integrity problems.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

How big can an install get?

1998-10-19 Thread Peter S Galbraith

When I used slackware a few years ago, my installation used up 140 MB.
My Debian installation is up to 650MB on a 700MB root partition.  I'm about
to get a new disk (and a chance to more stuff and repartition).  How big
does Debian get with _everything_ installed?

I may make it 1.5 GB, but I think I'll fill that up too... eventually!

(home is on a different partition, and so is data I use.  They use up the
rest of 4GB).

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

Re: New motherboard (and processor)

1998-10-19 Thread homega
Michael Beattie dixit:

 On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm just checking on it... now, the old m'board is an AT based on the UMC
  UM8498F... (made in Taiwan... ops, like faked watches, no wonder...).
  The new one is: Pentium 571 TXPROII VGA/3D SO (whatever this all means).
  I just hope I don't have to recompile the kernel, I have no idea on how to
  do it (besides, it seems to be working ok, except for the rebooting bit).
 Your manufacturers website: (I think thats right)
 They should have some specs on your MB, But as a stab in the dark, I would
 say that yes, you do have an ATX board.
 Recompiling the kernel is easy, install the kernel-package and
 kernel-source-2.0.34 packages, and read the docs for kernel-package.

In that case, wouldn't it be worth to recompile the latest stable kernel

 Also, I got hold of an Intel MMX processor (I currently have a
P-120), and am wondering if I have to tell Debian somehow about the 
or will it be just like with the m'board.
   Shouldn't matter. Mine didn't complain.
  That's good news... will they keep coming?
 Im sorry.. I dont understand?

I was just hoping you would give me the same good news about the m'board, so
good news would keep coming.

Thanks yet again.

Un saludo,



Re: screen and window

1998-10-19 Thread Zheng Wang
Actually, I have Diamond permedia 2 graphic card. It is not support by
XF86Config. Is there some way to edit the config file directly.

Zheng Wang, Ph. D
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability 
University of California, Santa Barbara

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Lee Bradshaw wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 12:43:15PM -0700, Zheng Wang wrote:
  Thanks. I got it.
  I have another problem. Except the bash shell , I can not let the
  backspace work properly. I don't know how to config it. Could you help me
 Run XF86Setup and use the Xkb extensions.
 Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
 Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem duplicating system

1998-10-19 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| I could not figure out how to copy the contents from /cdrom to /target.
| The simple cp on the root image couldn't do it.  The simple tar star
| I didn't know how to use (is there any documentation anywhere) and 
| trying to use the cp command on the cd-image /cdrom/bin/cp failed because
| the necessary libraries couldn't be found.  I also tried to set the
| LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to /lib:/cdrom/lib, but that didn't help either.

I'm not sure if the cp on the floppies is different from the normal cp.
Have you tried 'cp -a source destination'?

Eschew obfuscation(go on; look them both up)
   (Brian White)

Re: Sound and Hamm Home setup?

1998-10-19 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| When I setup up Hamm I selected the 'Home-User' option believing that it 
compiled the kernel with the sound drivers.  I
| don't appear to have sound.  How can I check to determine if the driver was 
compiled in the kernel?

Try 'cat /dev/sndstat'.

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: wierd problem with ppp; need help!

1998-10-19 Thread john
Eugene Sevinian writes:

 asyncmap 0
 lcp-echo-interval 30
 lcp-echo-failure 4

Try commenting out lcp-echo-interval and lcp-echo-failure.  If that helps,
puth them back in and experiment with different values for
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Need a HOT system. K7 and Linux?

1998-10-19 Thread Peter S Galbraith

 9)  Please don't shoot me, but is anything bigger than a 17 monitor
 worth  it?  

I wish I had bought one at work.  I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] on a ViewSonic PT775
17 inch monitor with a Matrox Millenium video card.

I can put an Emacs frame and an rxvt window side-by-side.

Fonts? I use 9x15 for both rxvt and Emacs, and they are quite readable.
I get 74 lines in my Emacs frames (great for coding or writing text).

Everything is just big enough, but 1600x1200 would be better in a 19 inch

Bigger fonts at higher resolution are better than smaller fonts at lower
resolution, even if the higher resolution fonts turn out to be a little
bit smaller physically.

I don't understand people who but 21 inch monitors and run them at

My two cents.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

Intel740 graphic accelerator

1998-10-19 Thread Kirston Akos


I bought a vga card with Intel740 garphic accelerator. What kind of
xserver can take the full advantages of it?  



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