Re: ¿Software_para_mis_estudios?

1998-10-21 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 04:35:56PM +, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

  pero para hacer el ajuste por minimos cuadrados no se que existe. Lo que
  quiero es: yo doy 4 o 5 puntos y el programa me saca la recta de regresion
  con la expresion de la funcion.
  ¿Existe algo asi en Debian?


Hola de nuevo. Me gusta ;-)

  Sobre el tema de circuitos, para dibujo de esquemas, ¿que hay por ahi
  que me pueda exportar a PostScript? Veo el xfig, pero como tenga que
  dibujar cada resistencia a base de lineas quebradas, me puede dar algo.

 si puedes correr a 1024x768, hay un par de programas en 'electronics' que te
 pueden venir bastante bien.

Me ha gustado 'xcircuit'. Me permite dibujar los circuitos y esportarlos a EPS,
y ademas trae librerias. Ya me vale con eso (creo, ya veremos cuando me meta
con circuitos mas complicados)

 O si no usa TeX para hacer los circuitos, quedan
 increibles! (Te garantizo que el profesor te va a preguntar como los
 hiciste, porque ni con Electronic Workbench quedan asi)... para eso seria
 bueno que preguntaras por tu escuela si alguien tiene una copia de The
 LaTeX Graphics Companion, pues ocupas como 10 paginas del mismo para poder
 entender como hacer circuitos... miran en CTAN ( y busca los
 paquetes de LaTeX para electronica.

¿Esto se puede hacer desde Lyx? Bueno, supongo que tendre que leerme bien la
ayuda que trae Lyx antes de nada. Supongo que con lo que ahi venga sera
suficiente para hacer cosas majillas con LaTeX. ¿Lo sera?

  He visto el Spice para Linux, que supongo que sera un port del Pspice para
  windows. Ya me gustaria tener ese programa en version libre. La que yo he
  visto (vamos, he visto el archivo, porque no me compilan bien los SRCs),
  existe como paquete en RH. ¿No se ha planteado en Debian el crear el
  paquete para esta distribucion? La verdad que seria una buena idea
  hacerlo, y un favor ;-)

 Que es Spice y bajo que licencia se distribuye?

Es un programa de simulacion electronica muy pero que muy bueno. Es como el
MathLab de la electronica. Bueno, yo he probado en plan piratilla 'Pspice' o
tambien conocido como Msim v6.0(micro-sim o algo asi) Es para mi sin duda el
mejor. Luego esta por ahi (a lo mejor este te suena mas) Micro Cap. A mi el que
me gusta es Pspice. Te describo de que va:
En realidad es un paquete. Uno de los paquetes del programa (pspice schematics)
te permite dibujar esquemas, y colocar 'test points' donde quieras. Tu colocas
los componentes de librerias a lo 'OrCAD' y para cada uno defines los
parametros asociados (por ejemplo para una fuente de tension la tension de
pico, fase, pulsacion, ...) Al final, del fichero .sch (esquma) se genera el
.cir, que es el que contiene el 'lenguaje' de Pspice (antiguamente en la
version de MS-DOS tenias que generar tu a mano el .cir). Cuando tienes todo
dibujado, usas la herramienta 'sweep AC analysis' o 'transient analysis' (uff,
no recuerdo bien los items de menu), para ejecutar los analisis en regimen
permanente o estado transitorio respectivamente. Como salida de uno de los
analisis, se ejecuta el programa 'probe' (parte del paquete) en el que te salen
en una grafica las señales que tienes donde has colocado los 'test points'.(o
las que tu eligas por medio de los menus).
Realmente es una grandiosa herramienta para el estudio de circuitos. La pega,
pues lo de siempre: es comercial y creo (como es de suponer) que vale un ojo de
la cara, por no hacer referencia a otras partes de la anatomia maculina (perdon
para con las posibles damas de la lista ¿hay alguna? ;-)
Bueno, en cuanto a Spice (y no Pspice), es un port de Pspice a Linux apadrinado
segun mi entender por la universidad de Berkley. Lo puedes encontrar en:
No he podido compilarlo aun. De todas maneras, creo que su interface grafica
para el diseño de los esquemas (el analogo a 'schematics') es el que en dicho
directorio se puede encontrar como Spicecad

Por otro lado, existen ahora proyectos dentro del mundo GNU para programas de
electronica, pero creo que ninguno del calibre de Pspice. Hay uno llamado gEDA,
que tendra la guisa del Electronics Work Bench (eso se pretende al menos).

Ahora una pregunta. No se si fuisteis alguien de vosotros o fue en que me comentasteis sobre Octave como de un programa de
calculo matricial casi igual a MathLab.
La cosa es que he hecho un programa sencillo (yo es que todavia no tengo ni
idea ni siquiera de MathLab) y me da error en sentencias que en MathLab son
basicas. Un compañero de clase me ha comentado hoy que en MathLab tenemos que
cargar unas librerias como 'extension' al paquete base de MathLab o algo asi.
Me pregunto si es que estas funciones basicas de las que hablo no me funcionan
porque tengo que instalar algo en concreto o que ¿Me podeis ayudar con esto?
Bueno, esto es una especie de muestra de lo que quiero hacer y como lo haria en
n = [0.025]
d =[ 1 0.06 0]
[nc,dc] = 

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 QUE PASO ??????

1998-10-21 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 10:28:45PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:
 A todo esto... ¿alguien me puede proporcionar alguna dirección
 (preferentemente de algún mirror aquí en Spain) para ir dando un vistazo a

Así, de memoria: mejor de RedIRIS) ;-)ésta para los de Ibernet).

Si alguien ofrece un disco de 6GB, podemos montar, que
ya está haciendo falta. :-)

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-10-21 Thread TooManySecrets

La cosa marcha a muy buen ritmo.
Os querría pedir que, por favor, deis la máxima difusión al mensje, ya sea
en otras listas sobre Linux, o comunicándolo a todos vuestros amigos/as que
puedan estar interesados.
Para la siguiente semana (última de Octubre) y la primera de Noviembre, se
inaugurará el Grupo. Momentáneamente, y dado que varios de los asistentes
no son de Terrassa, es probable que el primer encuentro sea un fin de semana
por la mañana. Pero es algo que más adelante podríamos ir concretando.

Desde aquí, quiero dar las gracias a Antonio (Pep Indio), por su interés y
haber podido conseguir el local, sin el cual no podría pasar la cosa de ser
una mera reunión.

Os seguiré informando.

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: ¿Software_para_mis_estudios?

1998-10-21 Thread Tomas Bautista

No es que mee guste ir corrigiendo, pero...

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

 Bueno, en cuanto a Spice (y no Pspice), es un port de Pspice a Linux
 apadrinado segun mi entender por la universidad de Berkley.

Spice está funcionando desde muchísimo antes, porque Spice es el programa
original, de dominio público (creo que andan por la v. 3.4, si no estoy
equivocado). Pspice fue posterior, para PCs, y comercial.


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243 
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:
 \_)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Re: ¿Software para mis estudios?

1998-10-21 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Tue,20/Oct/1998 a las 23:13:14+, Juan Carlos Muro escribió:
 Ahora una pregunta. No se si fuisteis alguien de vosotros o fue en que me comentasteis sobre Octave como de un programa de
 calculo matricial casi igual a MathLab.

En primer lugar que el programa al que te refieres creo que es el MATLAB de 
la compañia MathWorks. Es MATLAB por que viene de LABoratorio de MATrices
y no de LABoratorio de MATHematicas :-).

Decirte que el Octave es, efectivamente, casi igual. Para mi gusto es mejor
aunque falla en el tema de los gráficos del nuevo Matlab (versiones 4 en 
adelante) que permiten bastantes virgerías ya que está orientado a 
objetos, mientras que el Octave utiliza el gnuplot :-(. De todas maneras si
sólo quieres gráficos bidimensionales y no hacer un GUI (Interface
Gráfico para Usuarios), tienes de sobra. En lo que supera claramente el 
Octave es en que es libre frente a Matlab que sale una pasta (Toolboxs 

 La cosa es que he hecho un programa sencillo (yo es que todavia no tengo ni
 idea ni siquiera de MathLab) y me da error en sentencias que en MathLab son
 basicas. Un compañero de clase me ha comentado hoy que en MathLab tenemos que
 cargar unas librerias como 'extension' al paquete base de MathLab o algo asi.
 Me pregunto si es que estas funciones basicas de las que hablo no me funcionan
 porque tengo que instalar algo en concreto o que ¿Me podeis ayudar con esto?
 Bueno, esto es una especie de muestra de lo que quiero hacer y como lo haria 
 n = [0.025]
 d =[ 1 0.06 0]
 [nc,dc] = cloop (n,d); = error:  `cloop' undefined near line 3 column 11 
 nc = nc * 100;
 t = linspace (0,10,11);
 y = step (nc,dc,t); = error: `step' undefined near line 10 column 5

Lo que te ocurre es que no tienes instalda la toolbox (conjunto de funciones)
de Control de sistemas (que se vende por separado). Tanto 'cloop' como 'step'
vienen es ese paquete. Para octave existe una toolbox de control aunque es
distinta a la de Matlab.

Toolbox Control:

 Bueno, no me alargo mas, que ya es demasiado este mensaje.
 Un saludo para todos y gracias por vuestras ayudas y sugerencias:
 Juan Carlos

Hasta pronto

  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-10-21 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Me he empezado a pelear con pppd, y ya lo tengo funcionando sin
problemas. Antes de usarlo necesito ejecutar dos comandos porque mi
modem es pnp, y se supone que los puedo meter en algún fichero rc.d,
pero claro, Debian tiene varios directorios con muuuchos ficheros, y
además no sé en qué runlevel habría que poner el comando.

¿Podría alguien decirme qué es cada runlevel y cuándo se ejecuta? Y
¿en qué fichero tendría que poner los comandos de inicialización del

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Gogosoftware -

Re: ¿Software para mis estudios?

1998-10-21 Thread Agustín Martín
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 creo que hay una interfaz con Tk para gnuplot... no estoy seguro... mira en

La hay, xgpl (o Xgnuplot), pero necesita un pequeño parche, que pego más

Sin embargo, te puede interesar más utilizar xgfe, que es una interfaz
para gnuplot que utiliza qt. La dirección que yo tengo apuntada es:

Estoy intentando conectarme ahora para verificarla pero no me da
resultado. Revisando la documentación también aparece:

Xgfe homepage:


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], -urw xgpl/xgpl_main.tcl
--- xgpl/xgpl_main.tcl  Sun Jun 12 19:49:21 1994
+++  Mon Dec 22 16:21:50 1997
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
pack [scrollbar $w.ll.scrollx -orient horizontal -relief sunken -width 3m \
   -command $w.ll.c xview] -side bottom -fill x
pack [canvas $w.ll.c -relief sunken -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
- -yscroll $w.ll.scrolly set -xscroll $w.ll.scrollx set\
+ -yscrollcommand $w.ll.scrolly set -xscrollcommand $w.ll.scrollx 
  -height $xh -width $xw -scrollregion 0 0 $xw $xl ] \
  -side top -expand 1 -fill both
 frame $w.ll.c.f -relief flat
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
   pack [scrollbar $w.t.scroll -width 3m -command $w.t.text yview \
 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2] -side right -fill y
   pack [text $w.t.text -relief flat -width 70\
--setgrid 1 -yscroll $w.t.scroll set] \
+-setgrid 1 -yscrollcommand $w.t.scroll set] \
 -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
   pack $w.t -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -expand 1 -fill both
   frame $w.c -relief groove -borderwidth 2
Only in xgpl_main.tcl.orig

Re: Tarjeta de 100MB

1998-10-21 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
Marcelo E. Magallon writes:
  On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 11:49:50AM +0100, jrivas wrote:
   Alguien conoce alguna tarjeta de 100MB que tenga drivers para linux
   (no importa precio).
  Intel Etherexpress *

Nosotros hemos tenido problemas con el soporte multicast para
estas tarjetas. Ningñun problema para aplciaciones normales, pero un 
problema muy grave para jugar con IP multicast o IPv6...


Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9430 | Departamento de Informatica
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid   | c/ Butarque, 15, 28911 Leganes, Spain

Re: ¿Software para mis estudios?

1998-10-21 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
Marcelo E. Magallon writes:
  On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 09:37:48PM +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
  El Spice es un programa se simulacion de circuitos escrito hace
   muuuchos años, por un profesor de una universidad estadounidense cuando no
   existia nada ni parecido entonces. (creo que hay un articulo en la
   Spectrum de OCtubre sobre el).
  Me suena conocido... creo haber leído algo hace varios años en una Dr Dobbs'.
  Voy a pedir prestada una Spectrum para ver que es el cuento...

El Spectrum es el de junio, julio o agosto (no lo tengo a mano 
pero lo puedo buscar)

  El original es libre (en el sentido original) ya que su autor ha
   sido un defensor del codigo libre (no lo patento y lo podía haber hecho y
   ganar una pasta... menos mal para nosotros)
  El único problema es que es demasiado libre[*], y por lo visto Berkeley
  tiene el copyright, y es tal que solo se puede distribuir para usos no
  comerciales... non-free.

He intentado trazar la licencia del Spice original, y nolo he
conseguido. Por la época y la Universidad (UCB) podría tener la misma
licencia clásica de UCB para Unix, lo que lo convertiría en libre
del todo. Pero no he conseguido verificar esto.

  No se donde se pueden encontrar las fuentes del spice original
  Busqué en SAL y me encontré que hay un rpm, y que se distribuye en forma
  binaria también. También existe una cosa que se llama SpiceCAD, para X11. Vi
  los readme's y no se ve muy prometedor...

Yo también estoy muy interesado en encontrar los fuentes del
Spice original. Y en ver su licencia, también original. Spice es
posiblemente el primer caso de programa libre (o quizás semilibre)
desarrollado fuera del ámbito puramente informático (la gente que lo
desarrolló y usó fueron fundamentalmente ingenieros de
microelectrónica). Es de la misma época aproximada a los primeros
desarrollos serios del CSRG y contemporáneo del primer GNU. Y al
parecer, su modelo de desarrollo fue muy parecido al del kernel
Linux... pero unos 15 años antes!!! Su desarrollo, por otra parte, ha
sido muy similar al de BSD Unix, con montones de spinoffs
propietarios, y con desarrollo paralelo libre o semilibre. Y durante 
mucho tiempo ha sido el líder en su sector (desconozco la situación actual).

Por si no ha quedado claro, apreciaría cualquier información
sobre él... ;-) He itnentado contactar con su autor, pero al menos la
dirección que he conseguido de él no me la contesta nadie... :-(


Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9430 | Departamento de Informatica
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid   | c/ Butarque, 15, 28911 Leganes, Spain

Re: Scripts................

1998-10-21 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 07:43:07PM -0300, Phillip Neumann wrote:
 Hola, que tal...
 Necesito un poco de ayuda con un script...

Nada, nada, se te echa una mano si hace falta :)
 Necesito saber cuanto tiempo estoy conectado a la red. 
 Hasta ahora llevo hecho un script que sabe contar...:
 HORA=`date +%r`;
 MES=`date +%B`;
 NUMERO=`date +%d`;
 TIME1=`date +%s`;
 echo Enter para stop;
 TIME2=`date +%s`
 echo Hoy, $NUMERO de $MES a las $HORA -\ $(((TIME2 -
 TIME1)/60)) [s] 
 Pero me falta lo mas importante: que empieze cuando pon se ejecuta y
 pare cuando me desconecto... Creo que para eso existe etc/ppp/ip-up.d y
 /etc/ppp/ip-down.d cierto??

Tal y como lo tienes ahora parece que se ejecuta una sola vez no? No
como un demonio, que está continuamente diciéndolo (sino tendrías un log de
varios Ms de grande después de algunos meses...)

 Bueno entonces bastaria poner este script en etc/ppp/ip-up.d para que
 empieze al conectarme... ahora viene la pregunta... como lo hago para
 que pare cuando me desconecto

Bien, creo que lo más sencillo es que pongas ese cuando te conectes
y que escriba eso en el log que indicas, yo lo cambiaría por algo así como:

echo Hoy, `date` me he conectado /var/log/prueba.log

y el de ip.down similar pero diciendo me he desconectado

Luego hacer un programa aparte que coga el fichero de logs y calcule el
tiempo en base a la pareja de conectados/desconectados (esto es muy sencillo
si utilizas date +%s, porque solo es ir restando.
El programita seguro que es un par de líneas en perl, a ver

while () {
if (/Hoy\, \d* me he conectado/) { $conectado=$1}
if (/Hoy\, \d* me he desconectado/) { $desconectado=$1;
$tiempo=$desconectado-$conectado if $desconectado  $conectado;

print \n Te has pasado $tiempo conectado;

Por supuesto se pueden hacer más cosas interesantes, estadísticas,
etc.. Para hacerlo te recomiendo que mires el paquete 'sac' que hace algo
similar pero con el wtmp (donde se guardan los accesos de los usuarios de
forma similar y al que se accede con el comando 'last').

Bueno, eso es todo. 



Re: ¿¿¿¿¿ IP MASQUERADING ó DNS ?????

1998-10-21 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
On Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 12:43:14AM +0200, Antonio Jesús Oliva González wrote:
 Hola a todos!
 El Subject tiene relación con la causa de mi problema:
 He probado el ip-masquerading en mi red local siguiendo las instruciones del
 HOWTO, y me he encontrado un problemilla (Uso Debian 2.0):
 Todo funciona perfectamente, el Núcleo está compilado con todo lo necesario,
 mi red funciona OK, el DNS funciona bien, etc., todo esto en la máquina que 
 hace de gateway.
 Máquinas de la red con Win95 y linux, todas con el mismo problema, osea, que
 el problema está en el Gateway pero no se cual es: 
 ~$ ftp
 Connected to
 220-Bienvenido al FTP ansnimo de RedIRIS
 Y se para aquí...
 Usando http pasa lo mismo que con ftp, resuelve la IP para el DNS pedido,
 conecta con la máquina remota y luego se queda esperando.

Bien, quizás te sirva recordar, Antonio, que el FTP utiliza dos
puertos, uno para datos y otro para comandos. Quizás pase que la conexión no
se establezca bien por eso.
Lo del http es más difícil de entender, porque se usa un sólo

De todas formas quizás te sean más conveniente utilizar un proxy
para estos servicios en el gateway, que hacer IP masquerading. De todas
formas una pregunta: funciona el telnet desde los terminales hacia fuera?



Re: ¿Software para mis estudios?

1998-10-21 Thread Tomas Bautista

On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Jesus M. Gonzalez wrote:

   Por si no ha quedado claro, apreciaría cualquier información
 sobre él... ;-) He itnentado contactar con su autor, pero al menos la
 dirección que he conseguido de él no me la contesta nadie... :-(

Debería aparecer en algún sitio de,
pero no he conseguido dar con ella.


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243 
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:
 \_)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Re: Problemas con las X

1998-10-21 Thread Jose Rodriguez

 Hola a todos, como es logico os escribo porque tengo un
 problemilla y espero que alguno me eche una mano. El problemilla es
 que al crear nuevos usuarios en la Debian 2.0, al entrar como un
 usuario de estos(no como root), no me deja ejecutar las X, sin
 embargo como root si, y estan bien configuradas.
 Un saludo.

Yo tuve ese mismo problema, y lo solucioné un poco a lo bestia con los
permisos. Como root tienes que hacer suid al servidor X. El servidor X
esta en /usr/X11R6/bin, y en mi caso se llama XServer_SVGA. El tuyo
dependera de tu tarjeta. Una vez tengas localizado el servidor X, como
root haces:

chmod +s XServer_SVGA 

Donde XServer es el nombre de tu servidor X.



1998-10-21 Thread TooManySecrets

Me gustaría poder montar un list-mail con Smartlist, pero ocurre que sería
bastante peculiar y necesitaría me dijerais si se puede o no.
Yo tengo una conexión a Inet como la de la mayoría de los mortales; con IP
dinámica y pagando pastón ganso a Timofónica. Pero, a pesar de todo, ¿puedo
montar el Smartlist en mi ordenador de manera que, cuando recoja el correo,
discrimine de alguna manera el From de quien provenga, y lo reenvíe a todos
los demás subscritos?
Claro que esto sería siempre que no hubiera mucha gente.

Gracias por todo.
Have a nice day ;-)

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 QUE PASO ??????

1998-10-21 Thread TooManySecrets
Enrique Zanardi el día Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 08:53:34AM +0100 expuso lo 
 Si alguien ofrece un disco de 6GB, podemos montar, que
 ya está haciendo falta. :-)

Hombre... ojalá pudiera. Pero si me juras y perjuras que lo recibirás tú
personalmente, puedo enviarte un poco de dinero para contribuir a la causa
(léase una cuenta tuya particular).

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: problemas con infovia en Debian2

1998-10-21 Thread Iron
Octavio Rodriguez Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo en una ocasión que:
  Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:
   Por cierto, en el mensaje de Antonio Calvo donde ponia como ejemplo sus
   ficheros de configuracion del PPP, no incluye el /etc/ppp/options. Las
   opciones de este fichero no se modifican con el programa pppconfig. ¿Es
   que este fichero no se usa con el nuevo formato del PPP? Yo las he
   modificado a mano, al fin y al cabo no es mas que descomentar dos o tres
  Lo tengo exactamente como viene en la distribucion.
  Las opciones las cambio en /etc/ppp/peers/provider
 Pues cuando ejecuto el pppconfig, al final las opciones que he elegido
 no se escriben en /etc/ppp/options, es mas, las opciones de este fichero
 son distintas que las del /etc/ppp/peers/provider. ¿Que hace entonces
 ahi el fichero options?

En Debian, el fichero /etc/ppp/options incluye la configuración de pppd
pero para *conexiones entrantes*, es decir, para que, si lo deseas, tengas
en tu máquina un servidor ppp. Al usuario común esto no le interesa lo más
mínimo, pero para una empresa puede tener su gracia.

Por eso se llevan la configuración de la conexión a proveedor fuera de
/etc/options. En la Debian 1.3.1 la configuración estaba en
/etc/ppp.options_out y el script de conexión en /etc/ppp.chatscript. En la
Debian 2.0 utilizan /etc/chatscripts/provider y /etc/ppp/peers/provider.
Todo esto contando con que utilizas 'pon' para la conexión.
 Despues de muchas pruebas, el ultimo error que tenia era el siguiente:
 send (ATDT055^M)
 Serial connection established
 Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 Es increible la de llamadas al 055 que apareceran en la proxima factura
 de Telefonica que le llegue a mi padre. Se va a trincar una  mosca!! Y
 lo que mas me fastidia es que despues de tantos intentos todavia no haya
 podido configurar el PPP.

Recuerda que Infovia tiene un bug, que hace que habitualmente no te asigne
en la negociación una dirección IP remota al canal PPP. Añade a tu
/etc/ppp/peers/provider las líneas:


Con la primera defines una dirección remota IP por defecto, por si durante
la negociación no se te asigna. No te preocupes por esa dirección, es una
dirección reservada para redes privadas y no te entrará en conflicto con
ninguna otra. Con la segunda especificas que la que se te asigne en la
negociación sustituirá a la primera.

Antes de tener esas líneas, necesitaba de media tres o cuatro llamadas
para conectarme. Desde entonces no he vuelto a tener cortes durante la
conexión más que en un par de ocasiones, y posiblemente debido a otros

Mira lo que dice el /var/log/messages de mi última conexión.

Oct 21 22:44:52 bosshog pppd[831]: Remote message: 
Oct 21 22:44:52 bosshog pppd[831]: local  IP address
Oct 21 22:44:52 bosshog pppd[831]: remote IP address

Y mira lo que dice el de mi penúltima conexión.

Oct 21 22:38:10 bosshog pppd[510]: Remote message: 
Oct 21 22:38:10 bosshog pppd[510]: local  IP address
Oct 21 22:38:10 bosshog pppd[510]: remote IP address
Esta se me habría cortado, si no hubiera especificado esta dirección, pues
a pppd le faltaría una remote IP para rular.

 Aunque no nos guste, tengo que decirlo. En W95 el acceso a Infovia me
 funciono a la primera, y  aunque es verdad que a veces no engancha la
 conexion y gasto una llamada, casi siempre que intento conectarme lo
 consigo. Mi modem es de la marca Zoltrix y dice alcanzar los 56000 bps
 (lo maximo que he conseguido es 4 bps). ME ESTABA PREGUNTANDO si no
 seria este uno de esos modems que solo funciona en Windows 95.

No puedo asegurar que Microsoft tenga de Telefónica información de primera
mano para soslayar el bug, pero lo cierto es que Dios las cría y ellas se
juntan :-)

Si tuvieras un Winmodem, no llegarías al Serial connection established ni
de coña.
Suerte y un saludo.
Ismael Valladolid ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~

'I gotta tell you my tale, Of how I loved and how I failed
 I hope you understand, These feelings should not be in a man'

Re: Scripts................

1998-10-21 Thread Luis Clausell

El Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 06:53:47PM +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a escribió:

 echo Hoy, `date` me he conectado /var/log/prueba.log
   y el de ip.down similar pero diciendo me he desconectado

Si utilizas esta entrada en el /etc/syslog.conf:

se puede hacer como primer paso -- cat /var/log/ppp.log | grep Connect
para obtener la fecha de inicio y fin de la conexión.

 #   ICQ UIN 1523792 Powered by GNU/LiNUX

Problema con el Kernel 2.0.34

Buenas, tenia instalado la version 1.3 de Debian con el Kernel 2.0.29
que me soportaba mi controladora Scsi Tekram DC-390, cuando instale
la Debian 2.0 , SORPRESA !! el nuevo Kernel 2.0.34 no soprta mi
controladora, me da un error disconect queue ... y me da un 
Kernel Panic !!! , como es posible ??? hay algun patch ???
Mi solucio ha sido Reinstalar Debian 1.3 y hacer el Upgrade, pero no 
puedo usar el kernel 2.0.34 Joee !!!

Re: Scripts................

1998-10-21 Thread Luis Clausell

El Thu, Oct 22, 1998 at 12:10:11AM +0200, Luis Clausell escribió:

 se puede hacer como primer paso -- cat /var/log/ppp.log | grep Connect
 para obtener la fecha de inicio y fin de la conexión.

Ya puestos, que sea del día  :-)

cat /var/log/ppp.log | grep Connect | grep  `date +%d`

Seguramente quedará mejor en Perl o awk   O:-)

 #   ICQ UIN 1523792 Powered by GNU/LiNUX

Re: 2 XServers on 1 terminal?

1998-10-21 Thread servis
*- Alexander Kushnirenko wrote about 2 XServers on 1 terminal?
| Hi,
| Could I run 2 X servers on one comupter?  So that Alt-F7 correspond to first 
| session, and Alt-F8 for the second session?  There are 2 people working on 
| computer, and we don't want to mess each other X sessions.
| Thanks,
| Sasha.

If you are using xdm edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers so you have one line
for the first display and one line for the second display.

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7
:1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt8

If you are using startx then you can do

startx -- :0

for the first display, and

startx -- :1

for the second.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: dvi viewer in 2.0

1998-10-21 Thread David S. Zelinsky
xdvi is in tetex-bin


 I have just upgraded to 2.0. Previously I could view .dvi files with xdvi.
 It is no longer present. Is there a .dvi viewer (preferably for x) that
 does not require a tetex installation?
Chuck Kaufman
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

SOLVED: 2 XServers on 1 terminal?

1998-10-21 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko

Disregard my previous message.  I already learned how to do it.

 Could I run 2 X servers on one comupter?  So that Alt-F7 correspond to first 
 session, and Alt-F8 for the second session?  There are 2 people working on 
 computer, and we don't want to mess each other X sessions.


Re: Step 1 for Seyon and ISDN

1998-10-21 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RB == Remo Badii [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RB I have read the ponderous documentation about ISDN, but did not
RB configure any of the device.ippp0, ipppd.ippp0, etc. files in 
RB /etc/isdn.

This is not neccessary for the thing you want to do.

RB As a first step, I'd like to know how to deal with /dev/ttyI0, i.e., the
RB argument to be passed to seyon. If I start seyon with -modems
RB /dev/ttyI0, I get an error: is this because nothing concerning ISDN is
RB configured or because I have to do something with /dev/ttyI0?

Should work this way (though I never used seyon). What is the error
you get?


Re: SOLVED: 2 XServers on 1 terminal?

1998-10-21 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 06:16:40PM -0500, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
 Disregard my previous message.  I already learned how to do it.
  Could I run 2 X servers on one comupter?  So that Alt-F7 correspond to 
  session, and Alt-F8 for the second session?  There are 2 people working on 
  computer, and we don't want to mess each other X sessions.


Thanks for the enlightenment,


Re: Intel740 graphic accelerator

1998-10-21 Thread Jeremiah Cornelius
Your timing couldn't be better!

RedHat has been working in a couple of partnerships to turn out some
binary-only servers for XFree (the XBF project.)  

They just yesterday announced a new beta release of their i740 driver
(the first beta had been tested with only 1 mfrs card.) 

This is at:

FYI:  This is a beta, and I haven't tried this myself.  It's packaged
as .RPM, I guess you can use alien to repackage as a .deb, although
making a .tgz and manually installing might be the proper route, if
you are comfortable with this.

For those with a tight, free-software-kink (and running Debian, who
doesn't?): There is hope that source will ultimately be released to
XFree86, as was the case with the RedHat/XBF NeoMagic drivers.


---Kirston Akos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I bought a vga card with Intel740 garphic accelerator. What kind of
 xserver can take the full advantages of it?  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jeremiah Cornelius
It's not whether you win or lose, but the platitudes you use.

Get your free address at

Re: ppp vs windows dialup networking

1998-10-21 Thread shaul
 when I connect to my isp in windows I get a dialog box showing the
 progress of the connection.  It finally reports the connection speed
 that the modem achieved.  Is there any way to get this information
 when connecting via ppp?

Try xisp (you'll need X for it).

Re: SOLVED: 2 XServers on 1 terminal?

1998-10-21 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko
Hi, Jeff!

   Could I run 2 X servers on one comupter?  So that Alt-F7 correspond to 
   session, and Alt-F8 for the second session?  There are 2 people working 
   on one 
   computer, and we don't want to mess each other X sessions.
It's actually described in details in file /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
# Example:
# :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt9 -bpp 16
# :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt10 -bpp 8
  Just uncomment those 2 lines.  I found it reading in 
/usr/doc/X11/README.Debian (They turn out to be quite useful for most of 
configuration problems).


 Thanks for the enlightenment,

Re: dosemu probs

1998-10-21 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 Dear all,
   I got the dosemu .deb and installed it. When I run an lredir, it
 always returns an error (the command is an exact copy of that given in the
 lredir help):
 Error 5f00 redirecting drive X: to LINUX\FS\TMP
 what am I doing wrong?

I see two things wrong here:

1. Change the second backslash to a forward slash:

lredir x: linux\fs/tmp

2.  Add lastdrive=x: to config.sys


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Admin tool needed

1998-10-21 Thread A. M. Varon
On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Ralph Winslow wrote:

   is there some admin tool for X ??
  package: xadmin
 dselect didn't find this for me in stable - do I need to go to frozen?

Xadmin was removed in the stable few weeks ago. I think the maintainer
removed it. It was a promising software...


== == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
== == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
== = ==
==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==   WebPage :

Need help configuring network in Deb2.0

1998-10-21 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran
I finally got my initial installation to complete (no previous Linux
experience), but the network config isn't quite right.  The message
during boot says the network is unreachable and that eth0 isn't found.
All the other settings are okay.  Can some kind soul tell me how to get
Linux to recognize my 3-Com Enet card?



Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic
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Wierd top (?) behaviour.

1998-10-21 Thread K. Arun

Something really wierd is going on. I'm on a single system,
not connected to any kind of network, logged in to my user account,
running X with fvwm2 and GNOME 0.28. When I check top's output it
shows me for a fraction of an instant, olwm and wmaker running at the
same time, with uid root and consuming huge amounts of CPU power and
memory ! Nobody on this system uses these window-managers. So  how is
it that they appear in top's output ? They slow the system down to a crawl.


- K. Arun

intoxicated, adj.:
When you feel sophisticated without being able to pronounce it.
K. Arun |  PGP key particulars
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Key Id: 5606B2B1 |Key: $WWWHOME/pgpkey.html

Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread Chris Leishman

Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).




REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q)   Debian GNU/Linux
Reply with subject 'request key' for PGP public key.  KeyID 0xA9E087D5

phantom in diald queue

1998-10-21 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Using diald, with a dynamic IP address, I sometimes get an annoying phantom
in the packet queue.  It's usually something like:

some.remote.address/80 = stale.local.address/1234

evidently coming from an aborted http transfer.  The stale local address is
the IP address I had on some previous connection.

The diald packet queue will show this for a minute, then disconnect when its
time expires.  The queue will remain empty for a minute or two, and then this
same entry will reappear, and cause the link to come back up.  It will sit
idle for a minute, the link will go down, and the whole cycle keeps repeating.

I've tried:
  * killing Netscape (which initiated the transfer originally)
  * killing and restarting diald

Neither of these stop the phantom from continuing to reappear.

I've tried running lsof to see what process is opening the connection -- but
lsof doesn't show it.

The only way I've been able to make it stop is by either waiting (it goes away
after 10 or 15 minutes); or by rebooting.

So, can anyone tell me what is causing this request to be continually
regenerated, and/or how to stop it?

Failing that, does anyone know a good exorcist :(

David Zelinsky

Re: Automate UPPER to lower case directory

1998-10-21 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Anthony Landreneau wrote:

 Thanks guys, got the job done.  I love ths little script, fits well in my
 /usr/bin too!
 Tell you, you don't get help like this from Microsoft!

I put my script in /usr/local/bin  keeps /usr/bin messy.. the way dpkg
likes it :)  (Also makes it easier to find.)

 Thanks again,
 Anthony Landrenea
 Infinity Data Systems
 I think this is from some HOWTO but I forget which one:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$less up2lo
 # up2lo - rename files from uppercase to lower case.
 for i in $*
 file=`echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`
 mv $i $file

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
OFFLINE 1.50  Virus check complete.  All viruses functioning normally
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

HELP, Shaw cable modem

1998-10-21 Thread John Maheu
Having just had a cable modem installed on my home machine I
find I can't telnet/ftp to most machines. I can't ftp to I know my domainname is not
correct, and the dnslookup is causing the problem. How can I fix this? 
How do I change my domainname on a debian system?

Running Deb2, with dhcpcd. 

BTW the machine appears to be identified with my dynamically allocated
ip address plus the cable modem's domain.

should this be my new domainname? 

Any help would be appreciated.

John Maheuphone  (403) 492-2049
University of Alberta email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Economics
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6G 2H4

Re: HELP, Shaw cable modem

1998-10-21 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, John Maheu wrote:

 Having just had a cable modem installed on my home machine I
 find I can't telnet/ftp to most machines. I can't ftp to I know my domainname is not
 correct, and the dnslookup is causing the problem. How can I fix this? 
 How do I change my domainname on a debian system?

To configure shaw properly and fully in debian you need to use the
dhcpc-beta packages. Edit /etc/dhclient.conf and put something like:

send host-name csxx-x;

Where the CS bit is your 'CS' number, this will be the name the install
tech gave to your windows setup.

A bit ago shaw was having a trouble with their DNS, they had names that
reverse resolved but did not forward resolve. If you got such an IP then I
suggest you phone and complain! You can check this by doing something
  host x.x.x.x.x
  host the name the above returned

They sould return each other.

The dhcpcd package does not seem to send the right host name and I
couldn't figure out how to fix it.. It does work but you get the wrong IP
You don't need to change your debian machines domain name..


Re: HELP, Shaw cable modem

1998-10-21 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, John Maheu wrote:

[ snip ]

 : *.*.*.*
 : ^^
 : should this be my new domainname? 

I have a sneaky suspicion that Shaw's forward and reverse lookups don't

Do an nslookup on the IP address you are assigned.  Now do a forward
lookup on the name you retrieved in step one.  If they don't match, call
and complain :)  Any ISP worth a darn should be able to get this

If that's not the problem, then I'm sorry for being unhelpful.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

RE: Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread Shaleh
 I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
 package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
 ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
 I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
 time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).

Not that I have found.  However there is one on the debian websites.  Look in
the package pages.

Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread kvaughan
I have a bunch of files (est. 200) which were brought over from OS/2 after
being detached from emails (I've not got Debian networked yet here at
work--subject of another post).  

All of them have this control character (^M) at the end of each line, as
seen in vi (which I know v. little about except very basic I/O).  These need
to be removed before the files can be compiled.  

I am really hoping there is a way to do this in bulk ... using sed or
something similar??  I am v. new to Linux, so have no grip yet on the more
powerful utilities and/or syntax.  (Nor am I a programmer.)  Is there a way
to do this??  Thanks!


Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread Havoc Pennington

There's a dos2unix command, looks like it's in the 'sysutils' package;
just 'dos2unix *' if they're all in the same directory; if they're in
different places you can do an appropriate find, like:

dos2unix `find -name *.cc`

or something like that. You might want to read the dos2unix man page, I'm
just assuming it works like this.

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All of them have this control character (^M) at the end of each line, as
 seen in vi (which I know v. little about except very basic I/O).  These need
 to be removed before the files can be compiled.  
 I am really hoping there is a way to do this in bulk ... using sed or
 something similar??  I am v. new to Linux, so have no grip yet on the more
 powerful utilities and/or syntax.  (Nor am I a programmer.)  Is there a way
 to do this??  Thanks!

Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread Daniel Martin

 I have a bunch of files (est. 200) which were brought over from OS/2 after
 being detached from emails (I've not got Debian networked yet here at
 work--subject of another post).  
 All of them have this control character (^M) at the end of each line, as
 seen in vi (which I know v. little about except very basic I/O).  These need
 to be removed before the files can be compiled.  
 I am really hoping there is a way to do this in bulk ... using sed or
 something similar??  I am v. new to Linux, so have no grip yet on the more
 powerful utilities and/or syntax.  (Nor am I a programmer.)  Is there a way
 to do this??  Thanks!

Install the sysutils package and then you can use the dos2unix
command (also known as fromdos) - it does bulk ^M stripping.

Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread Michael Stone
 All of them have this control character (^M) at the end of each line, as
 seen in vi (which I know v. little about except very basic I/O).  These need
 to be removed before the files can be compiled.  

perl -pi -e 's/\r//' *.txt 

(or *.whatever)

Mike Stone

ttyS0 S1 problems

1998-10-21 Thread Louis Lee
I have two standard ISA serial ports ttyS0/S1 and one internal modem ttyS2 irq5.

The modem is working prefectly.  But I cannot make ttyS0/S1 to work at all, 
even with minicom?

Is it possible some processes lock out the access?  If that the case, why ttyS2 
can work freely?  And how to resolve it?

Does anyone encounter the same problem?

HotBot - Search smarter.

Can't connect to Novell network

1998-10-21 Thread kvaughan
'Tis true.  Do I need Caldera's client for this?  I think the basic problem
is below this, though.

I've compiled Olicom's token-ring network card driver into the kernel with
no problems.  Bootup gives apparently normal messages in this regard except
a test download failure.   I also get an SIOADDR(something or another) not
available message (I get this also under OS/2, but things still work OK ...
??).  I do have Novell support compiled (ipx?  IIRC), and net-base, etc, are

I tried to configure things when I first installed without recognizing that
we have a DHCP server (which is new for our LAN).  Later I tried to install
dhcpd.  This failed under dselect (as I've noticed other posts also
mention).  Is this failure due to no connection?  

Might I need to remove or change the order of various parts of this in the
rc files?

I cannot ping a thing.  hosts and host.conf seem OK, as does resolv.conf. 
Should anything be changed here?

Sorry I don't have a more complete description--I'm not sure what is needed
to understand the problem.  Is there some other info which would help me
figure this out?  Thanks very much!


Thanks! Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread kvaughan
Wow!  Thanks for the quick replies, people.  Now I get to play with several

Are there any good books (starting at a basic level working up) for things
like this?  Perl seems to be a hot thing for Linux (as well as shell
programming/scripting).  While it will take me a while to get up the curve,
it would be nice to have so good refernces around.


Re: Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread A. M. Varon
On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Chris Leishman wrote:

 I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
 package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
 ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
 I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
 time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).

That's exactly what I also wanted... the closest thing which can be 

== == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
== == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
== = ==
==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==   WebPage :

Re: Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread A. M. Varon
On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, A. M. Varon wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Chris Leishman wrote:
 I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
 package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
 ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
 I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
 time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).

[oops. sorry for last incomplete e-mail.]
That's exactly what I also wanted... can it be included in dselect or in

Another side related question. Is there a deb package which is simillar to ? I like viewing by packages. 


== == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
== == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
== = ==
==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==   WebPage :

kdm window manager selection...

1998-10-21 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Does anyone know how I can get the window-manager selection combo box on
the kdm screen functioning?
It does allow me to choose window managers...  only the selection has no
effect on which one shows up.
if I didn't have startkde in my .xsession, it'd default to fvwm2...  Not


Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

enscript problem

1998-10-21 Thread Saisanthosh B
By mistake, I did a rm /etc/enscript.cfg, and so I decided to
re-install enscript package. 

[/cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/text] # dpkg -i enscript_1.5.0-8.deb
Selecting previously deselected package enscript.
(Reading database ... 55275 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace enscript 1.5.0-8 (using enscript_1.5.0-8.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement enscript ...
Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish (forking to background)
Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)
Setting up enscript (1.5.0-8) ...

Even after re-installing enscript, I am not able to find

Also, when I tried to execute enscript I get the following error
enscript: couldn't open config file
/usr/lib/enscript/enscript.cfg: No such file or directory

Any ideas / suggestions on what I should do ?


On the Internet, no one knows you're using Windows NT
(Submitted by Ramiro Estrugo, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Problem with man

1998-10-21 Thread Saisanthosh B
Man I try to update my man pages cache I get the following
error message: 

[~] $ man -u bash
Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. can't open 
/usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnudoit.xemacs20.1.gz: bad symlink or 
ROFF `.so' request
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuclient.xemacs20.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' 
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuattach.xemacs20.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' 
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuclient.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuattach.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnudoit.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/pstogif.xemacs20.1.gz is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/pstogif.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/pstogif.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request

The first line of the error message states that /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1 
is not found. But AFAIK, I did not delete any manpage in /usr/man/*

BTW, what package does gnuserv.1 (must be emacs) belong to and why are 
the man pages of gnuattach.xemacs.20.1.gz (and other such files)
pointing to the man page of gnuserv (which does not exist) ??

If you want to travel around the world and be invited to speak at a lot
of different places, just write a Unix operating system.
(By Linus Torvalds)

Re: Step 1 for Seyon and ISDN

1998-10-21 Thread Remo Badii
Ref.: Martin Bialasinski's answer to a Seyon-with-ISDN question.

Dear Martin,

When I start seyon as a user (I have not tried as root) with seyon -modems
/dev/ttyI0 , the following message appears in the xterm window:

Seyon Copyright (c) 1992-1993 Muhammad M. Saggaf. All rights reserved.
Version 2.1 rev. 4c i486-Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/28/98 20:09:08.

Locating Modems...
 Error: Unable to Open Modem ``/dev/ttyI0'': Permission denied.
Modem ``/dev/ttyI0'' is Unavailable.

 Error: No Modems Available.

In the popupwindow (blue background with a red button with Exit on it),
I see

 Modem initialization routine failed

Possible causes:
* no modem device is specified
* modem device is locked
* failure to open modem device
  (e.g. non-existent port,
  insufficient permission, ..etc)

Suggested action:
* check that you specified the correct
* check that no other process is using
  the modem

and I can only click on Exit and the program stops.

This is the output of ls -l /dev/ttyI0:
crw-rw   1 root dialout   43,   0 Sep 10 15:21 /dev/ttyI0

Do I have to change the permission (how)?

In case it is relevant, iprofd runs. I have not created a directory
~/.seyon, since the program should offer the possibility to do it and to
create the startup files in it. Unfortunately, I am not even seeing the
buttons/menus of the program yet.

Thank you for any help.

| Dr. Remo   |__ _   Debian User  | Paul Scherrer Institute |   
| Badii  |   / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  | CH-5232 Villigen |
| Nonlinear  |  / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /   | Switzerland |
| Dynamics   | / /__| | | | | |_| | | |
| Stochastic | \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\  | badii at   |
| Processes  ||  |

Re: Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, A. M. Varon wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Chris Leishman wrote:
  I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
  package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
  ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
  I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
  time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).
 That's exactly what I also wanted... the closest thing which can be 

mount /mnt
grep whatever /mnt/public/pub/unix/Linux/debian/dists/hamm/main/Packages |

This will pick up descriptions as well as package names. (you probably
should check contrib and non-free as well)



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: 2 XServers on 1 terminal?

1998-10-21 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Could I run 2 X servers on one comupter?  So that Alt-F7 correspond to first 
 session, and Alt-F8 for the second session?  There are 2 people working on 
 computer, and we don't want to mess each other X sessions.

Yes.  To add another session, you could go to a text console, and type

startx -- :1

and you have a second session under F8.  If you want xdm to run two
sessions, I think you should add something to /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers,
though I'm not certain what.  You will only want to do this on a
machine with plenty memory though!  Also note that the DISPLAY variable
for the second session should be my.machine.somewhere:1.0 if you have
to set it manually.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: phantom in diald queue

1998-10-21 Thread tko
David S. Zelinsky writes:
 Using diald, with a dynamic IP address, I sometimes get an annoying phantom
 in the packet queue.  It's usually something like:
   some.remote.address/80 = stale.local.address/1234
 evidently coming from an aborted http transfer.  The stale local address is
 the IP address I had on some previous connection.
 The diald packet queue will show this for a minute, then disconnect when its
 time expires.  The queue will remain empty for a minute or two, and then this
 same entry will reappear, and cause the link to come back up.  It will sit
 idle for a minute, the link will go down, and the whole cycle keeps repeating.
 I've tried:
   * killing Netscape (which initiated the transfer originally)
   * killing and restarting diald
 Neither of these stop the phantom from continuing to reappear.
 I've tried running lsof to see what process is opening the connection -- but
 lsof doesn't show it.
 The only way I've been able to make it stop is by either waiting (it goes away
 after 10 or 15 minutes); or by rebooting.
 So, can anyone tell me what is causing this request to be continually
 regenerated, and/or how to stop it?

A suggestion: Stop diald and check /var/log for diald.fifo. I found that
if diald is not shutdown properly, a bogus file gets created
(/var/log/diald.fifo). When you restart diald, I believe that it uses that 
bogus file instead of creating a new, clean fifo. If you have such a file,
rm it.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

Re: Step 1 for Seyon and ISDN

1998-10-21 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RB == Remo Badii [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Error: Unable to Open Modem ``/dev/ttyI0'': Permission denied.
RB Modem ``/dev/ttyI0'' is Unavailable.

RB This is the output of ls -l /dev/ttyI0:
RB crw-rw   1 root dialout   43,   0 Sep 10 15:21 /dev/ttyI0

RB Do I have to change the permission (how)?

Just add your user to the dialout group.

adduser username dialout


Re: enscript problem

1998-10-21 Thread Frank Barknecht
Saisanthosh B hat gesagt: // Saisanthosh B wrote:

 By mistake, I did a rm /etc/enscript.cfg, and so I decided to
 re-install enscript package. 
 Even after re-installing enscript, I am not able to find

 Any ideas / suggestions on what I should do ?
Try purging enscript with dpkg --purge enscript before you reinstall.
This removes the config file (which isn't there) and marks it as purged.
Maybe now the install installs /etc/enscript.cfg again. If not I could send
you mine, it's not big.

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: 2 XServers on 1 terminal?

1998-10-21 Thread Joey Hess
E.L. Meijer Eric wrote:
 Yes.  To add another session, you could go to a text console, and type
 startx -- :1

For what it's worth, I have a small program that allows you to type instead,
startx -- `getdisplay` -- that's useful for things like launching a new X
session from a menu, or when you're not sure what's a valid free display
number. I'm sure it has race conditions and things, but it works for me.

see shy jo
/* by Wakko */

#include unistd.h
#include string.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include stdio.h
#include errno.h
#include sys/socket.h

/* well, not what you'd think, but it's a start! */
int get_first_x_display()
 int sock, port;
 struct sockaddr_in sin;

 for (port = 6000;port  8000;port++)
  /* Create a port to listen for the host. */
  sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (sock  0)
   perror(Can't connect socket);
  /* Initialize socket address. */
  memset(sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
  sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  sin.sin_port = htons(port);
  /* Bind the socket to the address. */
  if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(sin)) = 0)
   return port - 6000;
 return -1;

void main()
 printf(:%d\n, get_first_x_display());

No command line prompt for root

1998-10-21 Thread LUK ShunTim

Something strange happened to my Debian system. I can login as an
ordinary user and it works normally but when I login as root, it printed
out the motd on the screen and said that root has been logged in. A
'who' from another user confirms it. It even told me no mail for root
but I don't get the command line prompt # and so I can do nothing as
root. Su'ing from an ordinary user meets with the same failure. A Ctrl-C
will give back the login: prompt. I've used the rescue disk to boot up
and checked the .bash_profile, .bashrc and /etc/passwd files and they
are all OK. 
(I upgraded to slink, kernel 2.0.35 from hamm a few days ago.)

Any ideas as to what happened and what is the remedy will be very much


Re: Step 1 for Seyon and ISDN

1998-10-21 Thread Remo Badii

Thank you for the adduser suggestion: indeed root can start seyon.
I shall add myself to dialout.

There is another problem, however. This is the message:

Locating Modems...
 Error: Could not get linux serial info: Invalid argument.
 Warning: invalid default BPS value: 9600.
Modem `/dev/ttyI0'' is Available.

 Error: /OFV/ Could not open the file Startup'.
 Notice: Tried the default directory ~/.seyon'.
 Notice: Tried the current directory.

The message about the directory ~/.seyon and the startup files is obvious:
I'll fix this when running seyon as a user.

The warning about the BPS value could be a consequence of the error about
linux serial info (whatever it is): when I try to select another BPS, in
fact, the error about the serial info comes up again.

Any idea? Thank you,

| Dr. Remo   |__ _   Debian User  | Paul Scherrer Institute |   
| Badii  |   / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  | CH-5232 Villigen|
| Nonlinear  |  / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  | Switzerland |
| Dynamics   | / /__| | | | | |_| | | |
| Stochastic | \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\  | badii at   |
| Processes  ||  |

Re: Mail (pop3) IP Masquerasing..

1998-10-21 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro

Hi Michael!

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

 I have had IP Masquerading running perfectly for the last 8-9 Months, but
 My friend got to his inevitable reformat of his Windows 98 Hard Drive, and
 he carefully asked me if I could install Linux for him... Fine by me, I
 could then make use of his 56k modem via IP Masquerading. Everything is
 installed and working well, but there is one problem. When I try to
 download my mail from my pop account at our ISP (We have our own accounts
 at the same ISP), fetchmail -v  gets to retrieving message 1, and then all
 hell slows to a halt. It takes forever for the mail message to be

are you using diald? (dial on demand)

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


floppy0: Unable to allocate DMA memory

1998-10-21 Thread Pere Camps

While using mtools I get the following error:

floppy0: Unable to allocate DMA memory
Can't open /dev/fd0: Device not configured
Cannot initialize 'A:'

And whilst using mpg123 I get this one:

Sound error: Couldn't allocate DMA buffer
Can't open /dev/dsp!

And free tells me:

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 95504  93484   2020  52712  26976  43312
-/+ buffers/cache:  23196  72308
Swap:   102276540 101736

I'm using Linux 2.0.35. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

Re: No command line prompt for root

1998-10-21 Thread Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan
 Something strange happened to my Debian system. I can login as an
 ordinary user and it works normally but when I login as root, it printed
 out the motd on the screen and said that root has been logged in. A
 'who' from another user confirms it. It even told me no mail for root
 but I don't get the command line prompt # and so I can do nothing as
 root. Su'ing from an ordinary user meets with the same failure. A Ctrl-C
 will give back the login: prompt. I've used the rescue disk to boot up
 and checked the .bash_profile, .bashrc and /etc/passwd files and they
 are all OK. 
 (I upgraded to slink, kernel 2.0.35 from hamm a few days ago.)
Your version of sysklogd is? if it is 1.3-29 then you have the bugged up 
version. download the latest sysklogd (it's been fixed to 1.3-30) from
your local mirror then  boot single and install it :)  It does sound
like this is the problem, and this error has been frequently raised in
#debian and on the dbian-user mailing lists :)


Re: Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread Chris Leishman
On Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 08:33:36AM +0100, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, A. M. Varon wrote:
  On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Chris Leishman wrote:
   I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
   package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
   ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
   I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
   time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).
  That's exactly what I also wanted... the closest thing which can be 
 mount /mnt
 grep whatever /mnt/public/pub/unix/Linux/debian/dists/hamm/main/Packages |
 This will pick up descriptions as well as package names. (you probably
 should check contrib and non-free as well)

You could just grep /var/lib/dpkg/wherever_the_package_is but this is
not what I was looking for.  Sure I know how to do this, but many users
would find this confusing to say the least.


Apache: TransferLog and VirtualHosts

1998-10-21 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro

Hi all

Apache complains me about including TransferLog options inside a
VirtualHost  directive with the following message

Syntax error on line 17 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'TransferLog', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
included in the server configuration

Server wide _TransferLog works ok_, I also tried it by disabling server
wide TransferLog... the same error message is shown...

Virtual hosts works ok...

one curious thing is that apache -h doesn't show the TransferLog
directive ???

This very extrange, also mod_log_common (wich provide the TransferLog
directive) is not compiled/loaded and even doesn't exist in the apache
module directory why TransferLog works when is used server-wide?

Compiled-in modules:

Is this a bug in the .deb package?

Any comment/suggestion will be greatly appreciated,



- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


Re: Mail (pop3) IP Masquerasing..

1998-10-21 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Ulisses Alonso Camaro wrote:

 Hi Michael!
 On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
  I have had IP Masquerading running perfectly for the last 8-9 Months, but
  My friend got to his inevitable reformat of his Windows 98 Hard Drive, and
  he carefully asked me if I could install Linux for him... Fine by me, I
  could then make use of his 56k modem via IP Masquerading. Everything is
  installed and working well, but there is one problem. When I try to
  download my mail from my pop account at our ISP (We have our own accounts
  at the same ISP), fetchmail -v  gets to retrieving message 1, and then all
  hell slows to a halt. It takes forever for the mail message to be
 are you using diald? (dial on demand)

Nope, But I found the problem, about 3 minutes ago.. The initialisation
strings for his modem were all f*ed up, and 56k was not being used...
subsequently, netscape is downloading faster now!

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 007 System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: kdm window manager selection...

1998-10-21 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Evan Van Dyke wrote:

 Does anyone know how I can get the window-manager selection combo box on
 the kdm screen functioning?
 It does allow me to choose window managers...  only the selection has no
 effect on which one shows up.
 if I didn't have startkde in my .xsession, it'd default to fvwm2...  Not

kdm passes the window manager selection to .xsession as a parameter.

(I think)

My $0.02
   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Klingons opened fire.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Debian Hamm Installation Questions

1998-10-21 Thread Kevin Grant

I'm a non-unix person installing Debian on a PC (there
will only be one user) for the first time, and have a
collection of installation related questions.  Perhaps
someone here can help.  I've already run through the
entire installation process once, but during the
process I had to make arbitrary decisions based on
total ignorance.  I'm sure things didn't turn out the
way I wanted them.  My approach here is to re-install
(many times if necessary) until I understand the whole

The questions:

1. My bios (Award 4.51pg if I'm reading the version info
right) supports LBA.  The motherboard (Tyan Trinity AT)
and hd (Quantum 3.2G) manuals seem to indicate that this
will allow the system to access partitions larger than
1024 cylinders at boot time.  Does this sound correct?
If so, then shouldn't I be able to use a bootable
partition of greater than 1024 cyls?  I was thinking in
terms of having one swap partition and one linux partition
for everything else.  Alternatively, if I should use a 1024
cylinder bootable partition in spite of this, then how
big should I make it?  Which elements of Debian, exactly,
should I put in it?  How do I tell the install program
which partition to put each part of the package into?
Remember that I'm a non-unix person.  I cannot make sense
of answers like put /dev/xxx/yyy/ in the boot partition
without a lot of work.  Not unless the install package is,
at some point, going to ask me something like choose
from the following partitions which one you want me to
put /dev/xxx/yyy/ into so that I can follow such
instructions blindly.  Then it seems that the kernal will
have to be told where each bit of the system is, although
I assume that the install package does this bit of
configuration automatically as stuff is installed in various

2. When it comes time to install device drivers I hit
problems.  First, the system tells me that if I highlight
any driver and press return I will see a page telling me
about the driver and giving me the option to install or
ignore it.  I do not get a page of information.  I get one
line that, for the generic cd-rom driver tells me something
like this is the generic cd-rom driver.  This doesn't
help much.  Is there more information about the drivers
that I should be able to access at this point and I just
don't know how?  Second, when I try to load the following
two drivers: PS/2 mouse (psaux.o) and XT hard drive (xd.o)
I get the following error message: Device or resource busy.
So I can't seem to load them.  Presumably I will need a
driver for my hard drive if the OS is to be able to access
it.  How do I load these drivers?  Third, when I try to
install the drivers I get a screen asking me to give it
whatever command line parameters I think should be provided
to the drivers when they are activated.  In order to answer
this I need a description of what parameters are allowed
for each driver, what they mean, etc...  Where do I find
all this info?

3. Dselect.  Powerful program.  Steep learning curve.
Problem.  I would like to use dselect to custom install
packages.  I activate the select option and get a list of
packages to select from.  No problems so far.  Part of the
list was of packages that were listed as no longer
available.  I want back to the main menu and used the
update option to get a list of all of the packages avilable
on the main Debian cd-rom (figured I'd hit the contrib
cd-rom after I finished with the main one).  The new list
really didn't seem to be related at all to the old one.
Weird, but I started selecting packages from the new list
anyway.  Got stuck.  Managed to find my way back to the
main menu.  Determined to go back to where I got stuck
I choose the select option again.  This time I get a new
list of packages entirely different from either of the
previous two lists I'd seen.  Conclusion:  I'm missing
something fundamental about dselect.  I can't seem to get
a consistent list of all of the packages that I have to
choose from on the main cd-rom.
4. I decided to install the packages selected anyway,
just to see what that part of the process is like.  This
bit took a long time, with many interruptions to ask me
questions that I couldn't comprehend.  Like What
priority should I give this package?.  The help seemed
to indicate that this means something like You click on
a gif file, and the highest priority package associated
with files of type gif is the one that this will activate.
But I suspect that this is not what the help means.  And
if it is then how do I select a priority when, being
ignorant of the relative merits of the packages being
loaded, I have no way to know what priorities I want?

With luck solutions to these issues should be enough
for me to make a second shot at a much better installation.
For the record I have looked at the faqs and installation
guides (printed out at least 400 pages of various Debian
and Linux install info off the net before hand, 'cause I
didn't think I'd be able to access 

a couple of mutt questions

1998-10-21 Thread Andrew

Okay, a couple of mutt questions:
the command 

set index_format=%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s

works fine, but 

folder-hook debian set index_format=%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4l) %s

gives a no variable Z error or somesuch. I think this is probably because
mutt is trying to expand the %Z during the folder-hook command rather than the
set command. I've tried using quotes and backslashes, to no avail. 

Q2 It'd be really nice if I could specify a
save-messages-to-this-file-by-default kind of a string. I have a lot of mail
to sort through and it's a bit tiresome deleting the default filename (the
first few letters of the sender's name) and typing in where I want it to go
for each and every message.

Q3. If I delete a whole bunch of messages and then find that somewhere within
that block there is one I need, I don't seem to have any option except to
undelete from the top to the one I need, then go back up and delete the rest.
Can I change this? 

Other than that, I really like this mail-reader. 


Andrew Tarr
We were so close to heaven --- Peter came out and gave us badges, 
proclaiming us `The Nicest of the Damned' 

Lockup problem with Winfast S230 vga and XF86_SVGA (FAQ didn't help)

1998-10-21 Thread Marc_Selis

Hi all,

I have a very weird problem with X.

Everytime xdm tries to start X with the SVGA server, my keyboard and mouse
freeze at the moment the login screen is being displayed.  The frame is
drawn, but there is nothing in it.  CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or CTRL-ALT-F1 don't
work.  The only thing I can do is reset.
If I try to start X manualy with startx, I get the same problem.
Everything (mouse, numlock key, etc) works until the console window frame
is painted, and than it hangs.
When I'm quick enough, I'm able to stop the server with CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE
before it displays the console window.  If I wait too long, everything
I've tried to wait for 5 minutes or so, but nothing happens.

The S3 server doesn't work at all.  It gives me a black screen, and (again)
everything hangs.
I tried the nolinear and nomemory options, but that didn't change anything.

The strange thing is that when I use the VGA16 server, everything works
fine, but than I can't use the higher resolutions.

Can someone give me some advice?

Some facts :

xbase version
xserver version

My graphics card is a Winfast S230 (S3 Vision864) with a S3 86C716 SDAC and
1024Kb memory
My motherboard is a Soyo 6KB with a Pentium II 233 and 96 Mb ram


Re: just shoot me

1998-10-21 Thread Lukas Eppler
On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 04:40:02PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Personally, on production machines that you don't have access to easily
 enough (for me that is walking into the next room) I'd not even think of
 upgrading from a stable to a frozen.  I'd just ride the stables out.

There is one thing which should be possible: keeping a debian box at least
secure against attacks. When a security problem is published, there must
be a quick fix somewhere, and easily to download. It seems to me that
stable is taken a bit too much like 'not changing' than 'not crashing' or
'not vulnerable'... I may be wrong and even paranoid, but I would feel
more secure when using unstable when it is at least frozen. I did not do
it, however, and with your sysklogd-problems i seem to be right.

But, what is the policy with security holes? are they fixed immediately in
stable, or will they come in an upgrade dir, like I saw with
'bo-upgrades'? I heard rumors that cd vendors are against every change in
stable, which is understandable. Maybe it will get better with apt?

Or can I feel secure by using stable?

Lukas Eppler (godot)

Re: a couple of mutt questions

1998-10-21 Thread Greg Norris
 the command 
 set index_format=%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s
 works fine, but 
 folder-hook debian set index_format=%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4l) %s
 gives a no variable Z error or somesuch. I think this is probably because
 mutt is trying to expand the %Z during the folder-hook command rather than the
 set command. I've tried using quotes and backslashes, to no avail. 

My ~/.muttrc has the following, which seems to work fine (mutt-i

folder-hook debian-user set index_format=\%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15a (%4l) %s\

'Fraid I don't know the answer to the other 2.

Waiting for scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

1998-10-21 Thread Moore, Paul
I have my PPP connection to my ISP set up, pretty much out of the box.
In /etc/ppp/ip-up.d, I have some scripts, one to send queued mail, one
to get a newsfeed via slrnpull. I will probably add extra scripts later
(mirror my homepages, download new packages, cache web pages,

My ISP also sends my Email via SMTP while I'm online. I can tell when
it's finished by fingering the post machine, and checking if it has any
messages left for me.

What I'd like to do is to write a script which starts the PPP
connection, then waits for all the ip-up.d scripts to run, and for my
mail to finish arriving, and then drops the connection with poff
(actually, I'd like it to ask me whether it was OK to go offline, and
allow me to override, but that's not too hard).

So, my question - can I do this? My guess is that I somehow need to loop
checking on the status of the various processes (probably by parsing ps
aux output) until everything has completed. But that may be messy, and
it almost certainly needs significant admin when I add new ip-up
scripts. I thought about using pstree or something, to look for children
of the pon script - does that work?

Any pointers?

Paul Moore.

PS Is it possible for a script to tell if it's running under X? Ideally,
I'd like to query the user via a dialog box if in X, but use a normal
stdin read otherwise...

RE: Unidentified subject!

1998-10-21 Thread Andrew Chittenden
Is your current directory on a NFS filesystem when you do su? Are you having
NFS problems at the same time? I've seen this problem in these circumstances
as the su tries to get the current directory but can't as the remote server
is down/unreachable. Hope this helps.

Rgds, Andy Chittenden

Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax:+44 1753 661011
WAVE Development, Madge Networks Ltd
Wexham Springs, Framewood Road, Wexham, Slough SL3 6PJ, England

 -Original Message-
 Sent: 20 October 1998 20:52
 Cc: recipient.list.not.shown
 Subject: Unidentified subject!
 Hi everyone!
 All of a sudden my root account seems to be quite 
 broken. When I su to
 root and type in the password and hit enter, it just stops 
 and doesn't do
 anything. I have to press Ctrl+C.
 If I try to login as root in another VC, it gets 
 Date: 19-Oct-98
 Time: 19:40:34
 This message was sent by XFMail.
 Powered by GNU/Linux 2.0.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: No command line prompt for root

1998-10-21 Thread LUK ShunTim
Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan wrote:
 Your version of sysklogd is? if it is 1.3-29 then you have the bugged up

That indeed is the case. Thanks. 

May be that's where the fun is -- you never know what interesting things
will come up. And you always got somebody willing to help. 


Re: Waiting for scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

1998-10-21 Thread Peter Iannarelli

Wouldn't it just be cleaner to use dial on demand (diald)
which would automatically bring up and/or turn down the
link based on idle time.


-Original Message-
From: Moore, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Debian Users'
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 6:41 AM
Subject: Waiting for scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

I have my PPP connection to my ISP set up, pretty much out of the box.
In /etc/ppp/ip-up.d, I have some scripts, one to send queued mail, one
to get a newsfeed via slrnpull. I will probably add extra scripts later
(mirror my homepages, download new packages, cache web pages,

My ISP also sends my Email via SMTP while I'm online. I can tell when
it's finished by fingering the post machine, and checking if it has any
messages left for me.

What I'd like to do is to write a script which starts the PPP
connection, then waits for all the ip-up.d scripts to run, and for my
mail to finish arriving, and then drops the connection with poff
(actually, I'd like it to ask me whether it was OK to go offline, and
allow me to override, but that's not too hard).

So, my question - can I do this? My guess is that I somehow need to loop
checking on the status of the various processes (probably by parsing ps
aux output) until everything has completed. But that may be messy, and
it almost certainly needs significant admin when I add new ip-up
scripts. I thought about using pstree or something, to look for children
of the pon script - does that work?

Any pointers?

Paul Moore.

PS Is it possible for a script to tell if it's running under X? Ideally,
I'd like to query the user via a dialog box if in X, but use a normal
stdin read otherwise...

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FN:Peter Iannarelli
ORG:GenX Internet Laboratories
TEL;WORK;VOICE:1+ 416-929-1885
ADR;WORK:;Madison;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;Ontario;;Canada
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Madison=0D=0A20 Madison Ave.=0D=0AToronto, Ontario=0D=0ACanada

Installation stops during system check

1998-10-21 Thread Stefan Möller

Hello everybody,

This is the first time installing Debian Linux.
After booting the Kernel, the installation stops during the 
system check.
Following messages appear:

VFS: Diskqoutes version dqout_5.6.0 initialized
Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error 
Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
Starting kswapd v1.4.2.2
Real Time Clock Driver v1.09
tpqic02 : Runtime config, $Revision : $, $Date : 
1994/10/29 02:46:13 $
tpqic02 : DMA buffers: 20 blocks, at address 0x277800 
Ramdisk driver initialized: 16 ramdisks of 4096K 
loop : registered device at major 7
ide : i82371 PII X (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 
 ide0 : BM-DMA at 0xf000 - 
: BM-DMA at 0xf008 - 0xf00f
hda : st31720A, 1626MB w/0Kb 
Cache, chs=826/64/63
hdc : CD-ROM CDU311, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0 - 0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170 - 0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
Floppy drive(s) : fd0 is 1.44M, fd1 is 360K PC
md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

any idea?


Stefan Mller
Kiel, Germany

RE: Waiting for scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

1998-10-21 Thread Moore, Paul
From:  Peter Iannarelli[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wouldn't it just be cleaner to use dial on demand (diald)
which would automatically bring up and/or turn down the
link based on idle time.

Sorry, I should have said this. Diald won't work for two main reasons.
First, my ISP passes mail to me when I'm online (not via POP3 - I can
use POP3, but it's not suitable for a number of complex reasons...). So
I have to go online anyway to grab mail. Second, I want to work in a
batch-online mode, where I get everything in one big slug (which I can
run, for example, while I have my tea :-) and then scan it all offline.

Hope this explains better,

Re: Installation stops during system check

1998-10-21 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
looks like the kernel is trying to found SCSI devices. Try again.
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

On Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 12:49:54PM +0200, Stefan Möller wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 This is the first time installing Debian Linux.
 After booting the Kernel, the installation stops during the system check.
 Following messages appear:
 VFS: Diskqoutes version dqout_5.6.0 initialized
 Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error reporting
 Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
 Starting kswapd v1.4.2.2
 Real Time Clock Driver v1.09
 tpqic02 : Runtime config, $Revision : $, $Date : 1994/10/29 02:46:13 $
 tpqic02 : DMA buffers: 20 blocks, at address 0x277800 (0x2777d8)
 Ramdisk driver initialized: 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
 loop : registered device at major 7
 ide : i82371 PII X (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 57
 ide0 : BM-DMA at 0xf000 - 0xf007
 ide1 : BM-DMA at 0xf008 - 0xf00f
 hda : st31720A, 1626MB w/0Kb Cache, chs=826/64/63
 hdc : CD-ROM CDU311, ATAPI CDROM drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0 - 0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170 - 0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
 Floppy drive(s) : fd0 is 1.44M, fd1 is 360K PC
 md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 any idea?
 Stefan Möller
 Kiel, Germany

Re: Searching in dselect

1998-10-21 Thread Frock

use the package search page at


On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Chris Leishman wrote:

 Hi all,
 I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
 package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
 ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
 I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
 time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).
 REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q)   Debian GNU/Linux
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Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


Re: a couple of mutt questions

1998-10-21 Thread Peter Granroth
On Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 11:15:36PM +1300, Andrew wrote:

 Q3. If I delete a whole bunch of messages and then find that somewhere within
 that block there is one I need, I don't seem to have any option except to
 undelete from the top to the one I need, then go back up and delete the rest.
 Can I change this? 

just enter the message number and enter. this will take you
to that message and you can then undelete it.

+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

RE: Waiting for scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

1998-10-21 Thread Moore, Paul
From:  Mitchell, James T1[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use demon, who also use SMTP to send email while online. My 'solution' is
based on the fact that I use diald to manage connections.

Actually, I use demon, too :-) [Are there any good web pahes about how
to set up Linux with demon?]

diald will bringup or drop a connection based on whether there is any
traffic that is being sent/received. So all I do is send a SIGHUP signal to
diald (which is the please go online signal) and if there is no email
waiting, diald will drop the line in about 30 seconds. If there is email,
demon sends it to me, causing traffic, causing diald to keep the link up
until there is no traffic left.

I didn't know about SIGHUP - that makes diald definitely more
attractive. But I still want to do a big batch download while I'm
having tea - if I add diald to my setup, and then change from doing pon
to kill -HUP diald, will all the ip-up.d scripts run (I assume that
once they start, they will generate traffic so that the line stays up
until they finish).

This looks like a good answer - thanks.


PS Is there a way to make slrn *default* to --spool mode? I'm forever
typing just slrn, which fails because isn't
available. With diald, I'd be dialing up every time ... :-) I guess an
alias does it...

Re: emacs-20.3

1998-10-21 Thread C.J.LAWSON
Sorry to bother you with this ... Is there a way to stop emacs from
wraping the text on the screen so that extra long lines do not wrap to the
next line (leaving the bulk of the line unfilled )


Jonathan Lawson 
Thermal Processes Unit 
Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics 
School of Mechanical Engineering, 
Cranfield  University, 
Cranfield, Bedford. UK.  

'They came forth from unholy darknesses 
 and were driven back by the rage of 

Re: dselect taking a _looong_ time

1998-10-21 Thread Patrick L. McGillan
Erik Forsberg wrote:
 When I use dselect, with the debian distribution mounted from a local
 nfs mirror, it really takes quite a horrible time telling me it's
 skipping deselected packages. I'm not so interested ! :)
 I think I've read somewhere there is a way to get dselect to just
 install the packages I've asked for, and quit. Without taking half a
 year listing all availiable packages.
 Am I wrong ? Where do I RTFM ?

I don't know where you may have read it, but I got tired of watching the
endless stream of messages too. So I now have all my computers use ftp.
Here are my general notes on the subject;

1. mount the cd as /cdrom, i.e. mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
2. set dslect to use ftp
3. use passive mode
4. username is some name other than root
5. password for that user
6. debian directory is /cdrom
7. ftp proxy is no
8. distributions is stable ( thats all thats on my cd )

I think thats all I did to get it to work. I also do that on other
machines instead of NFS or switching cd's or anything.

Try it, I'll bet you like it. I do :)

Can't seem to get apt to work the same way though!


Wishlist for dselect (was Re: Searching in dselect)

1998-10-21 Thread Chris Leishman
On Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 04:18:21AM +0200, Frock wrote:
  Hi all,
  I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
  package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
  ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
  I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
  time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).

Hi all.

In conclusion, there are a two ways of doing this, as follows:

grep the package files (I knew this one, but it's not
the most user friendly approach) 
use the package finder on the debian web page.

However both these approaches have disadvantages (I'll leave it to the
reader to identify these).  Perhaps a description search would be a nice 
feature to add to dselect/apt.

Now if someone will tell me how to file a wish list bug...


Description: PGP signature

Re: a couple of mutt questions

1998-10-21 Thread Chris Leishman

In answer to your questions:

I don't know the answer to (1) (but I believe that has been answered)

To solve (2) I define a macro, such as the following:

bind ,s save-message
macro index s ,s=
macro pager s ,s=

To solve (3) I define the following:

bind pager up previous-line
bind pager down next-line

If you like I can send you my .muttrc file (I have mine set up so that it
was easiest for me to change from pine - plus a few other enhancements).

Anyway, hope that helps.



Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:15:36 +1300   
From: Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Subject: a couple of mutt questions 
Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii  

Okay, a couple of mutt questions:
the command

set index_format=%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s

works fine, but

folder-hook debian set index_format=%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4l) %s 

gives a no variable Z error or somesuch. I think this is probably because
mutt is trying to expand the %Z during the folder-hook command rather than the
set command. I've tried using quotes and backslashes, to no avail.

Q2 It'd be really nice if I could specify a
save-messages-to-this-file-by-default kind of a string. I have a lot of mail
to sort through and it's a bit tiresome deleting the default filename (the
first few letters of the sender's name) and typing in where I want it to go
for each and every message.

Q3. If I delete a whole bunch of messages and then find that somewhere within
that block there is one I need, I don't seem to have any option except to
undelete from the top to the one I need, then go back up and delete the rest.
Can I change this?

Other than that, I really like this mail-reader.

REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q)   Debian GNU/Linux
Reply with subject 'request key' for PGP public key.  KeyID 0xA9E087D5

Description: PGP signature

Re: exim (was smail) problem

1998-10-21 Thread Paul Slootman
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

Problem is that exim doesn't know that
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is user here.  Had to set that up for fetchmail, and it
works great.  But when I send mail, my ISP thinks I'm unauthorized
(obviously, I am) and kicks my mail back.  How do I get exim to rewrite my
header from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Can I just get exim to read

Let me check I've understood the problem correctly; your ISP sends you
email at the address [EMAIL PROTECTED], and only accepts email from the
user [EMAIL PROTECTED], but you login as user ?

If so, try this at the bottom of your exim.conf:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ${if match {$header_from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 

This is off the top of my head, but should be in the right direction.
Be sure to check out .

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Netscape locales broken...

1998-10-21 Thread Lars Steinke
Has anybody found a workaround for those netscape bus errors yet ?
After upgrading to slink netscape bails out like this (both the new
modular netscape packages and netscape4):

communicator-smotif.real: locale `C' not supported.
Perhaps the $XNLSPATH environment variable is not set correctly?
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 64: 10529 Bus error
LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ $netscape $@

Maybe it's due to the slink libc6 ? Downgrading locales back won't help


   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Debian Hamm Installation Questions

1998-10-21 Thread Kenneth Scharf

The questions:

1. My bios (Award 4.51pg if I'm reading the version info
right) supports LBA.  The motherboard (Tyan Trinity AT)
and hd (Quantum 3.2G) manuals seem to indicate that this
will allow the system to access partitions larger than
1024 cylinders at boot time.  Does this sound correct?
If so, then shouldn't I be able to use a bootable
partition of greater than 1024 cyls? 
Older computers could not boot from partitions that were larger than
1024 cylinders.  Atleast the boot loader and software being loaded had
to reside within the first 1024 cylinders of a partition.  LILO is
loaded by the bios and resides in the MBR of the disk, or the boot
sector of the bootable partition.  Assuming that your linux partition
STARTS within the first 1024 cylinders you can make the partition ANY
size.  Some people will make two partitions (p1 = swap, p2 = linux /),
others might make a separate partition for /boot, keeping it small to
overcome the 1024 limit.  You bios allows LBA so you should have no
problems at all with partition size.  Make a swap partition as
partition #1, size of 16-128MB depending on your ram size (say twice
as much swap as ram).  Make partition #2 the rest of the disk.  This
will work without head scratching (My computer has partition #1 for
windows 95, #2 for linux swap, #3 for linux /, as I needed dual boot. 
Install windows first, but only partion the first partition using
windows fdisk leaving the lions share of the disk for linux.  My 5.4GB
drive has a 1g windows partition, 128M swap, and the rest is linux /. 

Get your free address at

Re: No command line prompt for root

1998-10-21 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Any ideas as to what happened and what is the remedy will be very much

This is a very common problem, and solution has been posted many times.
Sysklogd -29 is broken.

reboot in single user mode
chmod -x /etc/init.d/sysklogd
install a new sysklogd (-30) or the hamm version
make it executable
start it 



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Dell Optiplex GXa ethernet problem

1998-10-21 Thread Smith, Brian N.
Has anybody installed Debian on a Dell Optiplex Gxa?  I seem to be having
some problems finding the type of built in ethernet chip set it is using.


truncating long lones in Emacs (was emacs-20.3)

1998-10-21 Thread Peter S Galbraith

   Is there a way to stop emacs from
 wraping the text on the screen so that extra long lines do not wrap to the
 next line

To set this generally for all future buffers, pu this in ~/.emacs

 (setq default-truncate-lines t)

For this buffer only, set the variable truncate-lines:

 M-x set-variable [RET] truncate-lines [RET] t

Or stick this defun in your ~/.emacs and perhaps bind it to a key:

(defun toggle-truncate ()
  set or unset line truncation
  (if truncate-lines
  (setq truncate-lines nil)
(setq truncate-lines t)))

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

missing packages

1998-10-21 Thread Ferenc Kiraly

I'm using apt to upgrade my debian slink systems. But all to often
in hapens that files are missing on the mirrors ftp.??
Is this something we just have to live with, or should this be
reported to someone? This makes installing and upgrading debian
not so much fun. I know slink is not perfect yet, but at least the
packages listed in the 'Packages' files shoud be there (in my
humble opinion). 



1998-10-21 Thread Einaras

xbase upgrade

1998-10-21 Thread Richard B. Melrose
I have been happily using apt-get to maintain a laptop at the `unstable'
distributon for a few weeks with no real problems. However I am having
trouble with updates of xbase and xlib6. It looks as though `getreal' is
really missing (I can find no mention of it anywhere), or maybe there is an
error in a script. Any suggestions?  Here is a typical transcript (mostly
dpkg I guess).

Richard Melrose


The following extra packages will be installed:
2 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
2 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0b/907k of archives. After unpacking 5252k will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
(Reading database ... 44195 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xbase (using xbase_3.3.2.3a-3.deb) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/ getreal: command not found
dpkg: error processing xbase_3.3.2.3a-3.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 127
Preparing to replace xlib6 (using xlib6_3.3.2.3a-3.deb) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/ getreal: command not found
dpkg: error processing xlib6_3.3.2.3a-3.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 127
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code

Re: Thanks! Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 09:52:38PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow!  Thanks for the quick replies, people.  Now I get to play with several
 Are there any good books (starting at a basic level working up) for things
 like this?  Perl seems to be a hot thing for Linux (as well as shell
 programming/scripting).  While it will take me a while to get up the curve,
 it would be nice to have so good refernces around.

Any GOOD book on Unix in general will be a great help in running a linux
system. Just remember that some of the commands may be slightly differnt
(ie take what you read with a grain of salt and if it doesn't work as expected
check man command_name against th ebook ;) )

There are a few Linux books out there now... Learn Linux in 24 Hours comes
to mind (its broken up into 24 lessons...I got the UNIX version of the same
book for my father a while back (before the Linux version existed).

There is a book on debian..and i hear it is updated for 2.0 (dunno if its
releaced yet and I havn't read either one). 

RedHat published a book with ALL of the man pages they could get in one
big paperback volume. There are of course differences between Debian and
RedHat too can be helpfull at 3 am when you NEED paper docs
cuz your eyes are about to burst. (or the system is royally AFU ;) )

In general the best documentation I have found is probably already on your
system...check out /usr/doc/HOWTO - great stuff in there!

Perl is great...but I wouldn't recommend it as a first language ;) 
It isgreat but...a bit twisted. It makes a nice tool to write
fast an efficient programs...but hardly good for learning fundamentals ;)
even a good perl program tends to look as much like line noise as anything

of course the best way to learn is to have no fear of screwing it up :)
remember that (aside from loosing data) the worst that can happen from
screwing the entire system up is that you get REALLY good at re-installing
it :) (well ruins your uptime too...but so do power outages)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Re: Thanks! Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| Are there any good books (starting at a basic level working up) for things
| like this?  Perl seems to be a hot thing for Linux (as well as shell
| programming/scripting).  While it will take me a while to get up the curve,
| it would be nice to have so good refernces around.

For a gentle introduction to Perl, try the Llama-book:

Learning Perl published by O'Reilly.

For shell (bash) programming:

Learning the bash shell published by O'Reilly.

PS: This is not an advertising campaign for O'Reilly, but their books
with animals on the cover are generally excellent.

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
(Erd\H{o}s Paacute;l)

Re: kdm window manager selection...

1998-10-21 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Evan Van Dyke wrote:

 Does anyone know how I can get the window-manager selection combo box on
 the kdm screen functioning?
 It does allow me to choose window managers...  only the selection has no
 effect on which one shows up.
 if I didn't have startkde in my .xsession, it'd default to fvwm2...  Not

KDM will pass the selection to the Xsession script as a parameter.  You
need to modify the script to start a specific window manager based on what
this parameter is.  I can email you my global Xsession file, if you would
like to see an example.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Debian Hamm Installation Questions

1998-10-21 Thread M.C. Vernon

 4. I decided to install the packages selected anyway,
 just to see what that part of the process is like.  This
 bit took a long time, with many interruptions to ask me
 questions that I couldn't comprehend.  Like What
 priority should I give this package?.  The help seemed
 to indicate that this means something like You click on
 a gif file, and the highest priority package associated
 with files of type gif is the one that this will activate.
 But I suspect that this is not what the help means.  And
 if it is then how do I select a priority when, being
 ignorant of the relative merits of the packages being
 loaded, I have no way to know what priorities I want?

Generally, these 'priority' sections provide a default, which is probably
OK to select, unless you have a good reason for ignoring the default.
Select the default just by pressing return.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

**IMPORTANT** Slink sendmail and libdb2

1998-10-21 Thread Richard A Nelson
The last update of sendmail switched from libdb to libdb2, as
recommended by the sendmail group (and requested by a sparc user).

Unfortunately, this change means that sendmail databases (alias,
users, etc.) *must* be rebuilt.

I'll update the package to provide this warning - but those who
have already synched to Slink should do this ASAP!

Sorry for the confusion,
Rick Nelson

Re: Wishlist for dselect (was Re: Searching in dselect)

1998-10-21 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Chris Leishman wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 21, 1998 at 04:18:21AM +0200, Frock wrote:
   Hi all,
   I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
   package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
   ie. Search the description fields.  This would be really useful when
   I'm trying to see if there is a debian package of something (this
   time it was something to do haskell with - hugs as it turned out).
 Hi all.
 In conclusion, there are a two ways of doing this, as follows:
   grep the package files (I knew this one, but it's not
   the most user friendly approach) 
   use the package finder on the debian web page.
 However both these approaches have disadvantages (I'll leave it to the
 reader to identify these).  Perhaps a description search would be a nice 
 feature to add to dselect/apt.
 Now if someone will tell me how to file a wish list bug...

download a the source package...

insert code to search the description field.

Post it to the maintainers ;)


The first line of the body of the bug report should be 

Severity: Wishlist


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

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