
1998-12-14 Thread Phillip Neumann

Existe alguna manera de saber sobre la existencia de las diferentes librerias 
para c++? y como usarlas? O tutoriales o manuales o algo?

Phillip Neumann

Re: pon no se que esta haciendo

1998-12-14 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 06:47:00PM +, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez dijo:
 Hola a todos,
 cuando lanzo el ppp mediante pon me salen un mogollón de mensajes que
 antes no aparecían (y que no aparecen si lanzo la conexión mediante kppp):
 Dec 12 19:43:58 akela pppd[691]: rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0xa5 magic=0xda86d1]
 Dec 12 19:43:58 akela pppd[691]: sent [LCP EchoRep id=0xa5
 y así hasta el infinito...
 ..e incluso trancurrido cierto tiempo se me para la conexión (no pasa con 
 ¿Cómo lo puedo arreglar?

Como te puedes dar cuenta, los mensajes aparecen cada 4 segundos. A mi
me pasó lo mismo. Esto tiene que ver con la opción lcp-echo-interval en
el archivo /etc/ppp/options. En el mío yo tengo lo siguiente:

# If this option is given, pppd will send an LCP echo-request frame to
# the peer every n seconds. Under Linux, the echo-request is sent when
# no packets have been received from the peer for n seconds. Normally
# the peer should respond to the echo-request by sending an echo-reply.
# This option can be used with the lcp-echo-failure option to detect
# that the peer is no longer connected.
lcp-echo-interval 600

Si no quieres que pppd verifique la conexión, puedes quitar esta línea
y no volverán a aparecer estos mensajes (por lo menos, eso creo...)

Espero que te sirva...

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   | www.debian.org
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 2.0 |  www.gnu.org
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Problema de Memoria

1998-12-14 Thread · Mig · Miguel \ Pérez Colino
At 18.03 13/12/98 -0300, you wrote:
Hola para todos, soy nuevo usuario linux y tengo el  debian 2.0. Luego
de compilar el nucleo, me reconose solo 16  Mb. de memoria, cuando tengo
64.   Agradeceria sy alguien sabe de este  problema. Marcelo Lepra
Montevideo -  Uruguay 

Hay una opcion en el Kernel para limitar la memoria a 16 Mb, ¿has mirado si
puede ser eso?.


 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|   http://www2.adi.uam.es/~migpc  |

Menus locales en Hamm/Slink

1998-12-14 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Ayer consegui tener en mi casa (hamm) menus locales en xwindow,
simplemente generando un fichero identico a los gue vienen en un
paquete, colocandolo en /etc/menu/ y diciendole que esa entrada de menu
viene del paquete local.

Pues esto en el slink de la faena (menu 1.5-12) no me funciona.

¿Alguien tiene alguna idea de porque?

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de
?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l aoadmd ponent
?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l aoadmd migjorn

?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l aoadm marinada
?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l aoadm xaloc

?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l gtides ponent
?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l gtitest ponent
?package(local.sesiones):needs=text section=Maquinas title=sh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] command=ssh -C -l gti marinada

Re: Problema de Memoria

1998-12-14 Thread José

On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Marcelo Lepra wrote:

 Hola para todos, soy nuevo usuario linux y tengo el debian 2.0.
 Luego de compilar el nucleo, me reconose solo 16 Mb. de memoria, cuando tengo 
 Agradeceria sy alguien sabe de este problema.
 Marcelo Lepra
 Montevideo - Uruguay

Hola Marcelo,
Anhade la linea:

en tu /etc/lilo.conf y despues ejecuta  
lilo -C /etc/lilo.conf
shutdown -r now

Un saludo,

Re: Herramientas de administracion

1998-12-14 Thread Agustín Martín
TooManySecrets wrote:
 En la 2.0 viene el xadmin, que está bastante bien.

Venía en las betas, pero al final se quitó porque parece que tenía algún
bug serio y creo que no se ha vuelto a añadir. Así que cuidado con el


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

Re: tutoriales?

1998-12-14 Thread Carlos Costa Portela
On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:

 Existe alguna manera de saber sobre la existencia de las diferentes librerias 
 para c++? y como usarlas? O tutoriales o manuales o algo?

Como ya he comentado por estos barrios, estoy poniendo en marcha una
página sobre el lenguaje C (incluye C++) y hay algo -no demasiado- en la
sección tutoriales de la misma. En concreto, de C++, me parece que no casi
nada. Si tenéis alguna sugerencia, adelante. Lo que sí puedo garantizaros
es que la página mejora día a día.


Un saludo,

+-- C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a +
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: ccp.servidores.net |
| Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.|

Re: Mesa 3-D Y Voodoo2

1998-12-14 Thread Carlos Sosa Gonzalez
On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Carlos Sosa Gonzalez wrote:

 Hola a todos:
 Estoy interesado en hacer programación Grafica 3D utilizando Mesa 3-D y
 el chipset de
 3Dfx Voodoo2. Centrándose la marca Creative Labs hay se ofertas dos
 1 - 3D Blaster Voodoo2 (la clásica)
 2 - 3D Blaster Banshee
 La segunda es más barata (unas 7.000 pts de diferencia)que la primera,
 tiene mas memoria (16 frente a 12 Mb) y aparentemente parece mas
 efeciente. Sin embargo por las especificaciones técnicas me
 da la impresión de que es mas 2D que 3D, y que la primera tiene mas
 potencias para mover texturas
 Los vendedores de la tiendas informáticas no te saben explicar
 claramente la diferencias tecnicas y
 se limitan a venderte el producto que mas les interesa. Ahora parece que
 toca la Bashee.
 ¿Alguien podria aportarme un poco de luz sobre el tema para ayudarme a
  tomar una decision?

La Voodoo 2 es mas rapida en 3D que la Banshee, me parace que la
 primera tiene dos unidades de calculo de texturas y la segunda solo tiene
 una, la cual se suplememta con mas memoria y un aumento de la frecuencia
 del Banshee. La verdad es que he visto las dos y he jugado con el G-Police
 (un poquito) en la tienda de un colega. La diferecncia se nota en
 altisimas resoluciones(mas de 1024x800x24bits). La PC Actual del mes de
 Noviembre habla de ellas.
Yo estoy frito por comprarme una de ellas, lo mas seguro una
 Voodoo 2, pero como no tiene soporte para las Xfree, ooo Ya lo tienen...??
Ah!! el driver de Open-GL de la Banshee no se como se comporta,
 pues para el Quake II trae su propio mini-OpenGL (Sobervio). jejeje creo
 que he sembrado la duda mas que aclarar algo... jeje.
 \/_/\ \   _   __   ._. __
\ \ \ /\___ \ /\ \ /| |/\ \
  __ \ \ \\/| __ \\ \ \|| |\ \ \
 /\ \_\_\ \/\ \L\ \\ \ \| | \ \ \_\V/_
 \ \__/\ \/ \ \___|  \ \_\  d o o b
  \/_/  \/___/   \/__/\/_/   \\_//
 | CMA (Centro de Microelectronica Aplicada) |
 |   U.L.P.G.C.  |
 |Canary Islands |
 |   Mientras que TODOS hos empe#ais en arreglar |
 | el Futuro, nosotros los Ingenieros, lo intentamos |
 | Inventar. ;)  |

¿Qué hace pon?

1998-12-14 Thread vigu
Hola a todos,

hace poco mande un mensaje en el que contaba que al lanzar pon,
aparecáin un mogollón de lineas en la xconsole que no entendía, del

Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 f4  13 
0e 01 69 6e 66 6f 76 69 61 2d 4d 50 50]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 magic 0x338a132c 
pcomp accomp]

Al cabo de cierto tiempo de inactividad, se corta la conexión.

Alguien de la lista (Ugo Enrico Albarello creo, gracias) sugirió que
que podria estar causado por las líneas: 
lcp-echo-interval 30; lcp-echo-failure 4; lcp-restart n;
lcp-max-terminate n; lcp-max-configure n; lcp-max-failure n
del /etc/options, pero:

a) Creo que al configurar la conexión con pppconfig, pon usa
   /etc/ppp/peers/provider y no /etc/options.
b) Si comento las líneas anteriores, pon sigue haciendo salir los
   mismos mensajes a xconsole.

Mi cuestión es que no sólo es que me moleste que salgan mensajes en
xcosnsole que desconozca sus significado sino que se rompe las conexión
al estar inactiva durante un cierto tiempo. ¿Alguien sabría decirme qué
es lo que está ocurriendo?, ¿qué lo causa?. Si nocento con kppp no me
pasa lo anterior. 

Para más datos adjunto:
mensajes en xconsole (fichero xconsole)


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

# This file was generated by pppconfig.  You can edit the following lines
# but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will
# confuse pppconfig.
noauth #pppconfig_noauth
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider  #pppconfig_connect
debug  #pppconfig_debug
/dev/ttyS0   #pppconfig_dev
115200  #pppconfig_speed
defaultroute #pppconfig_route
noipdefault  #pppconfig_ipdefault
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] #pppconfig_user
# End of pppconfig controlled lines.  You can add lines below here without
# confusing pppconfig.
OK ATL0DT954547000
Dec 14 10:30:32 akela pppd[703]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (BUSY)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (VOICE)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: send (ATZ^M)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: expect (OK)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: ATZ^M^M
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: OK
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]:  -- got it 
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: send (ATL0DT954547000^M)
Dec 14 10:30:34 akela chat[704]: expect (CONNECT)
Dec 14 10:30:34 akela chat[704]: ^M
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]: ATL0DT954547000^M^M
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]: CONNECT
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]:  -- got it 
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]: send (\d)
Dec 14 10:30:56 akela pppd[703]: Serial connection established.
Dec 14 10:30:57 akela pppd[703]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 14 10:30:57 akela pppd[703]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Dec 14 10:30:57 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 magic 0x338a132c 
pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa auth chap 05 pcomp accomp  11 04 05 f4  13 0e 01 69 6e 66 6f 
76 69 61 2d 4d 50 50]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 f4  13 
0e 01 69 6e 66 6f 76 69 61 2d 4d 50 50]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 magic 0x338a132c 
pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa auth chap 05 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa auth chap 05 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 
e3f24866ae4d80a665bf16aab6578104, name = MMSSBE10]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 
2d426a5f0d516e069d4f05bf252b9b05, name = [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 magic 0xd0dd7a6f 
pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x0]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP code=0xc id=0x5e 00 00 00 00 56 49 
3d 33 43 4f 4d 20 53 50 3d 53 57 2f 4e 42 44 50 45 2d 44 57 2c 31 31 2e 31 2e 
30 2e 30 30 53 32 32 20 53 56 3d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31 31 2e 31 2e 30 2e 
30 30 53 32 32 20 43 49 3d]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP CodeRej id=0x3 0c 5e 00 47 00 00 00 
00 56 49 3d 33 43 4f 4d 20 53 50 3d 53 57 2f 4e 42 44 50 45 2d 44 57 2c 31 31 
2e 31 2e 30 2e 30 30 53 32 32 20 53 56 3d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31 31 2e 31 
2e 30 2e 30 30 53 32 32 20 43 49 3d]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5e mru 4500 auth 
chap 05 magic 0x814657a7  11 04 11 94  13 09 03 08 00 02 27 f4 a4]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x5e  11 04 11 94  13 

¿Qué hace pon?

1998-12-14 Thread Javier
Hola a todos,

hace poco mande un mensaje en el que contaba que al lanzar pon,
aparecáin un mogollón de lineas en la xconsole que no entendía, del

Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 f4  13 
0e 01 69 6e 66 6f 76 69 61 2d 4d 50 50]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 magic 0x338a132c 
pcomp accomp]

Al cabo de cierto tiempo de inactividad, se corta la conexión.

Alguien de la lista (Ugo Enrico Albarello creo, gracias) sugirió que
que podria estar causado por las líneas: 
lcp-echo-interval 30; lcp-echo-failure 4; lcp-restart n;
lcp-max-terminate n; lcp-max-configure n; lcp-max-failure n
del /etc/options, pero:

a) Creo que al configurar la conexión con pppconfig, pon usa
   /etc/ppp/peers/provider y no /etc/options.
b) Si comento las líneas anteriores, pon sigue haciendo salir los
   mismos mensajes a xconsole.

Mi cuestión es que no sólo es que me moleste que salgan mensajes en
xcosnsole que desconozca sus significado sino que se rompe las conexión
al estar inactiva durante un cierto tiempo. ¿Alguien sabría decirme qué
es lo que está ocurriendo?, ¿qué lo causa?. Si nocento con kppp no me
pasa lo anterior. 

Para más datos adjunto:
mensajes en xconsole (fichero xconsole)


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

# This file was generated by pppconfig.  You can edit the following lines
# but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will
# confuse pppconfig.
noauth #pppconfig_noauth
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider  #pppconfig_connect
debug  #pppconfig_debug
/dev/ttyS0   #pppconfig_dev
115200  #pppconfig_speed
defaultroute #pppconfig_route
noipdefault  #pppconfig_ipdefault
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] #pppconfig_user
# End of pppconfig controlled lines.  You can add lines below here without
# confusing pppconfig.
OK ATL0DT954547000
Dec 14 10:30:32 akela pppd[703]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (BUSY)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (VOICE)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: send (ATZ^M)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: expect (OK)
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: ATZ^M^M
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: OK
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]:  -- got it 
Dec 14 10:30:33 akela chat[704]: send (ATL0DT954547000^M)
Dec 14 10:30:34 akela chat[704]: expect (CONNECT)
Dec 14 10:30:34 akela chat[704]: ^M
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]: ATL0DT954547000^M^M
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]: CONNECT
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]:  -- got it 
Dec 14 10:30:55 akela chat[704]: send (\d)
Dec 14 10:30:56 akela pppd[703]: Serial connection established.
Dec 14 10:30:57 akela pppd[703]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 14 10:30:57 akela pppd[703]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Dec 14 10:30:57 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 magic 0x338a132c 
pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa auth chap 05 pcomp accomp  11 04 05 f4  13 0e 01 69 6e 66 6f 
76 69 61 2d 4d 50 50]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 f4  13 
0e 01 69 6e 66 6f 76 69 61 2d 4d 50 50]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 magic 0x338a132c 
pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa auth chap 05 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa auth chap 05 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 
e3f24866ae4d80a665bf16aab6578104, name = MMSSBE10]
Dec 14 10:30:58 akela pppd[703]: sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 
2d426a5f0d516e069d4f05bf252b9b05, name = [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 magic 0xd0dd7a6f 
pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x0]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP code=0xc id=0x5e 00 00 00 00 56 49 
3d 33 43 4f 4d 20 53 50 3d 53 57 2f 4e 42 44 50 45 2d 44 57 2c 31 31 2e 31 2e 
30 2e 30 30 53 32 32 20 53 56 3d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31 31 2e 31 2e 30 2e 
30 30 53 32 32 20 43 49 3d]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP CodeRej id=0x3 0c 5e 00 47 00 00 00 
00 56 49 3d 33 43 4f 4d 20 53 50 3d 53 57 2f 4e 42 44 50 45 2d 44 57 2c 31 31 
2e 31 2e 30 2e 30 30 53 32 32 20 53 56 3d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31 31 2e 31 
2e 30 2e 30 30 53 32 32 20 43 49 3d]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5e mru 4500 auth 
chap 05 magic 0x814657a7  11 04 11 94  13 09 03 08 00 02 27 f4 a4]
Dec 14 10:30:59 akela pppd[703]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x5e  11 04 11 94  13 
09 03 

Fetchmail no me tira??

1998-12-14 Thread vigu
Perdón por los dos mensajes seguidos e iguales pero con distinto
From: anteriores mios, pero es que acabo de configurar tkrat y puse
mal en principio el campo From:. El de verdad es [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Al lio,

no me tira fetchmail, así que para recojer el correo he de utilizar
netscape, ¿qué hago mal en mi .fetmailrc o en la llamada?.

Para llamar a fetchmail hago:
fetchmail -d 600 -v -L /root/etc/fetchmail.log

y mi .fetchmailrc es así:
# .fetchmailrc

defaults# Comandos comunes a todos los servidores
fetchall# - Coger todos los mensajes en el buzon
#flush  # - Borrar todos los mensajes ya recogidos
#   en anteriores llamadas al servidor

poll pop.ctv.es # Indica el primer servidor al que llamar
user vigu   # Nombre de usuario (cuenta) en este servidor
pass  # Password para esta cuenta de correo
to root # Usuario local al que enviar el correo

¿qué hago mal?.

Cómo le indico a sendmail que por ejemplo envíe el correo de la cola de
mensajes cada 10 minutos, y si no estoy conectado en ese momento ¿dará
error o me lo mantendrá en la cola hasta nueva conexión?.



Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Problema con los menus

1998-12-14 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Hace un rato he mandado un mail comentandoc que la configuracion de
menus locales que tengo en casa no me funciona igual en la maquina del

Pues bien la situacion es mas grave, no se me actualiza ningun menu de
ningun paquete. Me he dado cuenta al instalar el goshtview ya que no me
ha creado el menu pertinente.

Alguien me sugiere alguna cosa.

PD1: ya he reinstalado el paquete menu (las versiones 1.5.12 y 1.5-18)
supongo que debe ser alguna cosa de los menu-methods.

PD2: Me falla en wmaker y fvwm2 ( no tengo mas window manager )

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Postgres: usuario www-data

1998-12-14 Thread Correcaminos
Esta semana me ha dado por trastear con PostGreSQL y me he encontrado
un pequeño problema:

- Al intentar crear al usuario 'www-data' para realizar accesos a
Postgres desde la Web, me indica que el nombre del usuario contiene un
caracter erroneo.

¿Como puedo crear a este usuario, manteniendo este nombre...?

Bueno, esto es todo, por ahora ;)


Salu2 del Correcaminos

==  LUIS CABRERA SAUCO, miembro del Grupo GULIC
==  http://gulic.ml.org/
==  http://gulic.eu.org/
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, España

Configurar tkRat

1998-12-14 Thread vigu
Cóm hago para que en el campo From de la cabecera de mis mensajes
aparezca mi nombre y no mi dirección de correo.



Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Cuestión de fetchmail

1998-12-14 Thread vigu
¿Como puedo hacer para que fetchmail me baje los mensajes del servidor
pero sin borrarlos y que al ir otra vez al servidor no vea los mensajes
antes leidos y no borrados como nuevos y lo baje otra vez, llenándome de
mensajes idénticos INBOX.?


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Estoy hecho un lio con el INBOX

1998-12-14 Thread vigu
Vamos a ver,

resulta que uso para listas de correo tkrat+sendmail+fetchmail+procmail
y pine para otros menesteres.

Cuando me llega un correo nuevo se queda en /var/spool/mail/root, el
watcher de tkrat me avisa y me voy directamente a los mensajes nuevos y
al leerlos permanecen en /var/spool/mail/root, cosa que no pasa al
ejecutar mail desde el shell y abandonarlo con q, lo mete en ~/mbox y
ya no es visible desde pine.

Veamos, como veo que me estoy haciendo un lio voy al grano...

...necesito unificar un poco el tema de los directorios y carpetas de
correo para usarlo desde clientes diferentes. ¿Alguien me puede
aconsejar cómo hacer esto de forma que si me da por probar otros
clientes de correo algún día no tenga que empezar desde cero?.

Se agradece cualquier orientación,... ya que yo estoy un pelín perdi
do %-?


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Fetchmail no me tira??

1998-12-14 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)

 El 14-12-98 a las 12:34h, [EMAIL PROTECTED], despierto y en pleno uso
 de sus facultades mentales; comentó inteligéntemente:

  Al lio,
  no me tira fetchmail, así que para recojer el correo he de utilizar
  netscape, ¿qué hago mal en mi .fetmailrc o en la llamada?.
  Para llamar a fetchmail hago:
  fetchmail -d 600 -v -L /root/etc/fetchmail.log

Yo utilizo un fetchmail a pelo, sin ningún parámetro.

  y mi .fetchmailrc es así:
  # .fetchmailrc
  defaults # Comandos comunes a todos los servidores
   fetchall# - Coger todos los mensajes en el buzon
  #flush   # - Borrar todos los mensajes ya recogidos
   #   en anteriores llamadas al servidor
  poll pop.ctv.es  # Indica el primer servidor al que llamar
   user vigu   # Nombre de usuario (cuenta) en este servidor
  pass   # Password para esta cuenta de correo
  to root  # Usuario local al que enviar el correo

Te pongo el mío a ver si te funciona.


# mi fichero .fetcmailrc

poll databaseint.databasedm.es protocol auto:
dns, user jcp, flush, password mu_difísil;
poll pop.ctv.es protocol pop3:
dns, user jjcp328, keep, password este_musho_má;

Fíjate que en la segunda cuenta (la de ctv) uso keep en lugar de flush,
 te lo pongo a modo de ejemplo, es lo que deberías utilizar hasta que tengas
 el tema del correo configurado, así no perderás mensajes ya que estos se
 conservan en el servidor (bueno, veo que esto ya lo sabes).

  ¿qué hago mal?.
No se, quizá deberias poner:

   poll pop.ctv.es  # Indica el primer servidor al que llamar
user vigu   # Nombre de usuario (cuenta) en este servidor
   with pass    # Password para esta cuenta de correo
   is root here # Usuario local al que enviar el correo

  Cómo le indico a sendmail que por ejemplo envíe el correo de la cola de
  mensajes cada 10 minutos, y si no estoy conectado en ese momento ¿dará
  error o me lo mantendrá en la cola hasta nueva conexión?.
Parámetro -q al arrancarlo, esto sólo funcionará si lo arrancas en modo
 endemoniado, ( con -bd ).

p.e : -q5m   examina la cola cada 5 min.

Una de las premisas del protocolo SMTP es que en mensaje no debe
 perderse jamás, así que si no lo puede enviar lo mantendrá en la cola hasta
 que sea posible el envio, o te lo devolverá cuando pase el tiempo máximo que
 hayas definido en sendmail.cf. Las opciones serán algo como:
 (del sendmail.cf)
 # timeouts (many of these)
 #O Timeout.initial=5m
 #O Timeout.connect=5m
 O Timeout.iconnect=30s
 #O Timeout.helo=5m
 #O Timeout.mail=10m
 #O Timeout.rcpt=1h
 #O Timeout.datainit=5m
 #O Timeout.datablock=1h
 #O Timeout.datafinal=1h
 #O Timeout.rset=5m
 #O Timeout.quit=2m
 #O Timeout.misc=2m
 #O Timeout.command=1h
 #O Timeout.ident=30s
 #O Timeout.fileopen=60s
 O Timeout.queuereturn=5d    Te lo devuelve después de 5 días en cola.
 #O Timeout.queuereturn.normal=5d
 #O Timeout.queuereturn.urgent=2d
 #O Timeout.queuereturn.non-urgent=7d
 O Timeout.queuewarn=2d  Te avisa de que hace 2 que está encolado.
 #O Timeout.queuewarn.normal=4h
 #O Timeout.queuewarn.urgent=1h
 #O Timeout.queuewarn.non-urgent=12h
 #O Timeout.hoststatus=30m


This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.35
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454

Re: Linux actual y la madre que la...

1998-12-14 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Comentario jugoso (podría ir al linux-qmd)...

Solo Linux es marca registrada de Prensa Técnica (la editorial de Linux
Actual), cuando los de Tower se enteraron después de sacar el nº1 de la
susodicha entonces le añadieron al título Programadores, así que se puede
leer Solo (Programadores) Linux con lo de Programadores en vertical con
respecto al título y en pequeñito.

Los de Prensa Técnica son muy listillos y lo registraron al registrar Linux
Actual porque querían el binomio Programación Actual - Linux Actual pero
no el de la competencia Solo Programadores - Solo Linux, muy listos ellos.
De hecho creo que les van a llevar a tribunales (por infringir una marca

Y además Prensa Técnica está preparando una revista que no saldrá
regularmente y que será un especial que se llamará Sólo Linux.

Sólo era para aclarar lo del acceso directo, lo de los volcados de pantalla
me parece lamentable, también me lo parece que un colaborador distinga entre
gratis y libre llamando gratuito a todo lo que el resto del mundo
llama libre (¡y encima lo explica en un cuadrito!)



On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 08:42:33PM +0100, Carlos Costa Portela wrote:
 ¡Hola a todos!
 Ciertamente, es lamentable lo de los cd's de esta revista. Yo, ni me he
 molestado en meterlos en el cd, no sea que me lo cargue.
 Y el contenido de la revista, sí, es ciertamente _muy bueno. Pero, por
 favor, ¿quién ha hecho la portada?. En ella se ve un volcado de pantalla
 de Windows 95 y otro de Windows 3.11... y en el primero se puede observar
 un Acceso directo a Solo Linux ;-)
 Un saludo,
 +-- C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a +
 | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: ccp.servidores.net |
 | Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.|
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Cuestión de fetchmail

1998-12-14 Thread Roberto Ruiz

On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 05:53:54PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿Como puedo hacer para que fetchmail me baje los mensajes del servidor
 pero sin borrarlos y que al ir otra vez al servidor no vea los mensajes
 antes leidos y no borrados como nuevos y lo baje otra vez, llenándome de
 mensajes idénticos INBOX.?

No uses la opción fetchall (-a), solo utiliza la opción keep (-k).

Roberto Ruiz

Backups are for whips. I upload my stuff to a ftpserver and
 have people from all over the world mirror it   /Linus

Re: Help with libc6/libstdc++2.8

1998-12-14 Thread Charles Collicutt
On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 The combination of dpkg (or newer), libc6 2.0.7u-7.1 (or newer),
 libstdc++2.8 2.90.29-2 (or newer), libstdc++2.9 2.91.59-2 (or newer) should
 be fine.

Well I have libstdc++2.8 2.90.29-0.6 and libc6 2.0.7t-1 installed, however
dselect says libc6 2.0.7u-7.1 and libstdc++2.8 are available
but not installed. This is beacuse I get dependency conflicts and dpkg
won't install either package again as they apparently conflict with each
other and they are both supposedly installed. gcc isn't working so I
presume my installed version of libc6 is either not installed or broken,
but I can't install any libc6 package again as it conflicts with
libstdc++2.8... I've just solved this (it isn't very difficult), if you're
interested my solution follows:

I tried to install libstdc++2.8 2.90.29-2, this doesn't work but it is
sufficient to have replaced my old libstdc++2.8 package - if only with an
unconfigured one. Now that the old libstdc++2.8 is replaced I have a
package without the dependency bug installed so it will now let me install
libc6 2.0.7u-7.1, which in turn lets me configure libstdc++2.8 2.90.29-2.  

Thanks for the help.


Re: recommendation on presentation software

1998-12-14 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 11 Dec 98 14:41:33 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 Take a look at MagicPoint (the mgp package).
Where can I find it? Dselect (in hamm) asked for `Magic' finds only

Try a search for mgp, as Ray suggested.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: system instablity

1998-12-14 Thread john
Ed Cogburn writes:
 I don't see anything similar in Win95.

That tends to point toward memory.  Different OS's have very different
memory usage patterns, and a bit that usually ends up storing user data
in one may get part of a kernel data structure in another.

 In fact, IIRC, I've never seen the 'General protection/failure' message
 from any other software.

It is a kernel bug for any user program to be able to cause a GP.

 ...if it were a hardware problem, I'd be seeing other Linux software
 (unrelated to dselect/apt/dpkg) having similar and frequent problems,...

I always know it's past time to clean my air filter when gnus crashes.  It
is not unusual for some software to be particularly sensitive to certain
hardware problems.  Usage patterns again.

 ...but its clear to me that its not a hardware problem, even though I
 understand that you don't believe me, and you are not the only one to
 tell me its not Debian software thats causing the problem.

We aren't just being defensive.  Many of us have had quite a bit of
experience with diverse software and hardware, much of it buggy.  Your
problem smells like hardware.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Real Server Basic G2 does not stream from WWW-links

1998-12-14 Thread trapstep
Hi out there!

I set up the free Real-Server G2 on my machine. It works fine, but whenever
i click at my browser a link to: rtsp://...:554/...rm he (the browser)
tries to open http://.../rstp://.../...rm and this actually doesn´t
work. if i enter the corrct URL directly, he doesn´t find the host
rstp Why doesn´t he recognize rstp as protocol?
I hope anybody could help me, because at the moment the only chance to
stream the content (some hiphop-mixes, if interesting) is to use
File-OpenLocation at RealPlayer and enter this:
TIA for every help...

Re: Network cards.

1998-12-14 Thread wb2oyc

Just go for an Adaptec. You will have problems that you never dreamt
The topic was about ethernet cards!


Re: resolve.conf specification

1998-12-14 Thread wb2oyc

BTW, not only it would have to be able to choose the right resolv.conf file,
but also the right pap-secrets file, I believe... or I think there's a way
of writing different userIDs and passwords in pap-secrets... ?

You must have missed the earlier part of the thread.  Supposedly, 
will deal with it all, except for the /etc/resolv.conf; ie, the 
to use.

Easiest thing to do about it is to use your own DNS, on your own machine.

You could run a caching only nameserver which would work for any and all
ISP's you might ever use.  OR, as is done with NetBSD, use your 
file to call a script that copies/renames or links the proper resolv.conf
for each one.

I choose to use my own DNS, in caching only mode, but thats mostly because
my ISP sucks, and either their nameserver or mailserver is down every 
other day.


Re: Help with libc6/libstdc++2.8

1998-12-14 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 12/13/98 
   at 03:00 AM, Charles Collicutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Well I have libstdc++2.8 2.90.29-0.6 and libc6 2.0.7t-1 installed, however
dselect says libc6 2.0.7u-7.1 and libstdc++2.8 are available but
not installed. This is beacuse I get dependency conflicts and dpkg won't
install either package again as they apparently conflict with each other
and they are both supposedly installed. gcc isn't working so I presume my
installed version of libc6 is either not installed or broken, but I can't
install any libc6 package again as it conflicts with libstdc++2.8... 

Hmm... I was fighting this one as well, and solved it by installing ldso
(sorry, no version # here, simply the one in the slink/main directory) and
the libc6 2.0.7u-7.1 together.  Followed that by reconfiguring (dpkg
--configure) the upgraded and broken libstc++2.x libs.  All went smoothly
then.  Haven't played with gcc yet (soon enough, though).


Help Wanted: Telepath.  You know where to apply.

rvplayer problem

1998-12-14 Thread Oz Dror
 I have installed debian on an new P-2 system that have the 
 ensoniq PCI 1371 sound card. (I got the sound driver from OSS)

 Sound works fine but realaudio does not. The connection is being made,
 but no sound is made, there is no error message.

 Does any one how I can debug/test this problem.

 Oz Dror

NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  since 8/15/94
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126

Re: Network cards.

1998-12-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, wb2oyc wrote:

 : Just go for an Adaptec. You will have problems that you never dreamt
 : of.
 : The topic was about ethernet cards!


Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

RE: Problems with Maelstrom

1998-12-14 Thread Peter Kovacs
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Darren Benham wrote:

 No, quite frankly, Maelstrom doesn't seem to be working for me, either.  The
 only way I can get it to work is to d/l pristine source and compile it myself

I even tried that.  I wouldn't compile for me, complaining about some
function which didn't seem to exist:
 dga_framebuf.cpp:626: must use .* or -* to call pointer-to-member
 function in `DGA_FrameBuf::DGA_Blit (...)'

Of course, I haven't really tried to figure out why, I'm in the middle of
finals you see.


Peter D. Kovacs UIN: 241701
Operator, Perl Programmer, Computer Guy

I tweaked my Linux box too much!

1998-12-14 Thread Monte Copeland

I know you know the old saying, If it's not broke don't fix it. I
was trying to tweak
my X Window System display by running XF86Setup utility. I had had a
nice display setup already but I thought if I tinkered with it some more
I could get pictures to be little sharper than they were in netscape. (
I have a 4 MB AGP Diamond Stealth Card ) After I changed some settings I
saved them and exited the program. When I rebooted the system, it went
through the standard boot-up routine except when it got to xdm my screen
went blank and everything locked up. I figured that if I new how to
disable xdm, I could boot up to just the Linux command line and run
XF86Setup again, but I do not know what config file to edit in order to
disable xdm.

Monte Copeland

Knoxville TN

Re: I tweaked my Linux box too much!

1998-12-14 Thread Mitch Blevins
Monte Copeland wrote:
 I know you know the old saying, If it's not broke don't fix it. I
 was trying to tweak
 my X Window System display by running XF86Setup utility. I had had a
 nice display setup already but I thought if I tinkered with it some more
 I could get pictures to be little sharper than they were in netscape. (
 I have a 4 MB AGP Diamond Stealth Card ) After I changed some settings I
 saved them and exited the program. When I rebooted the system, it went
 through the standard boot-up routine except when it got to xdm my screen
 went blank and everything locked up. I figured that if I new how to
 disable xdm, I could boot up to just the Linux command line and run
 XF86Setup again, but I do not know what config file to edit in order to
 disable xdm.

Reboot, and when you get to the lilo prompt, enter 'linux 1'
or whatever your label is followed by a 1.

This will put you into single-user mode, from which you can edit your
/etc/inittab on the line that says something like


and switch the 5 (or whatever it is) to a 2

Reboot, and now you are in multi-user, but without xdm starting auto-


Re: exmh presort fails

1998-12-14 Thread Mark Phillips
Dear Steve,

 I think I had the same problem and tracked it down with
 the enclosed--see where it goes awry.  (It simulates what
 exmh does.)

Thanks for this!  I used the script that you included below and eventually
managed to work out what the problem is.

It would seem that you need to chmod .maildelivery so that only you have
rw access to it.  This didn't seem to be in the documentation anywhere!
That I could find anyway.



 set +x
 inc +my-inc-tmp
 cd ~/Mail/my-inc-tmp
 for i in *; do
   /usr/lib/mh/slocal -v -user $LOGIN  $i
 echo don't forget to clear out my-inc-tmp
 #rm -rf ~/Mail/my-inc-tmp

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Network cards.

1998-12-14 Thread wb2oyc


oopps, guess I missed that myself!


Re: exmh presort fails

1998-12-14 Thread Richard Coleman
 Thanks for this!  I used the script that you included below and eventually
 managed to work out what the problem is.
 It would seem that you need to chmod .maildelivery so that only you have
 rw access to it.  This didn't seem to be in the documentation anywhere!
 That I could find anyway.

If you run slocal with the flag `-verbose' it will echo a warning if
there are permission problems with your .maildelivery file.

But you are right in that this is not mentioned in the slocal man
page.  I will add such a note in the slocal man page, for the next
release of nmh.

Richard Coleman

Re: diald setup problem

1998-12-14 Thread okushi
   I'm having trouble setting up diald on my Linux box.  The problem I have
   right now, which I haven't been able to figure out for the last couple of
   hours, is that ppp0, when the link comes up, assumes the IP address
   assigned to eth0.  I just cannot figure out how it gets it!

I found out what the reason for this was: It appears that
pppd was trying to find out what the IP address of ppp0 is
by looking at /etc/hosts, which had an entry for the host,
which was meant for eth0.  Adding noipdefault as an option
to pppd solved the problem.

I still have other problems but I hope to investigate a
little more before asking for help.:-)


Fumi Okushi

Re: recommendation on presentation software

1998-12-14 Thread Eric Jensen
If only Staroffice would _SAVE_ as powerpoint files...  :(

 _  _ 
| |(_) http://www.iit.edu/~jenseri
|  _|  | | Page me via ICQ at
| |___ | | http://wwp.mirabilis.com/19022931
|__/ | or by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Randy Edwards wrote:

  i need to make a presentation, and i'd like to do it with my laptop a la
  Powerpoint. (ie video output of laptop plugged on LCD retroprojector)
Go to ftp://narnia.mit.edu (or http://www.stardivision.com) and download a
 copy of StarOffice5.  The StarOffice office suite has a presentation graphics
 program in it which is very, very similar to PowerPoint.
  .   | For those old-timers like me who remember
  Randy   | with nostalgia the days of 4.77mhz 8088 PCs;
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | get that old time feeling back any time you
  http://www.golgotha.net | want -- just run Windows on your Pentium!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Maelstrom problem...FIXED!

1998-12-14 Thread Peter Kovacs
Well, I got the sources and compiled.  I did an strace and got an endless
loop of:
  select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 6}) = 0 (Timeout)

So I figure there some sort of delayed loop that isn't exiting.  Probably
waiting for something like sound to start.  Sooo...I started with volume=0
and it works!


Anybody running the devel kernel get sound to work in this game?  I miss
all the cool sounds...:)  (More info: I'm using an ESS1868 with linux


Peter D. Kovacs UIN: 241701
Operator, Perl Programmer, Computer Guy

[MrG0D@aol.com] CDrom

1998-12-14 Thread Alexander Koch

This mail got caught in a spam trap and since it is no spam
I'm forwarding it here.

Would somebody of you please help him?

Alexander Koch -  - aka Efraim - PGP - 0xE7694969 - Hannover - Germany
Dear Debian User,
I just installed Debian 2.0 am I am configuring it now. But I am having a
problem with the mounting of my CDrom. I can see the list of different CDrom's
but I can only see from the m's and down. I have a HP Pavilion 6340 with the
default CDrom. Can u help me? mount -t iso9660 /dev/ /cdrom 



---End Message---

Re: [MrG0D@aol.com] CDrom

1998-12-14 Thread Andrew Ivanov

What do you mean, from m's and down?
Do an
ls | more 
in the /dev to view the content page by page.


Buslogic BT-958 failing with Exabyte 8200 8mm tape drive

1998-12-14 Thread Jameson Burt
With a Buslogic (Mylex) BT-958 scsi adapter, my Exabyte 8200 8mm
tape drive fails.
With an Adaptec 2940uw, that same 8mm tape drive works well.
I merely switched scsi adapters on the same P2B motherboard
of my computer, using the same kernel and modules.
I want to use the Buslogic adapter with my Exabyte 8200 tape drive,

Here are some more details.
I run kernel version 2.0.34 with some of the following kernel parameters
   CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y  #scsi disk support
   CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST=y  #scsi tape support
   # CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN is not set
   CONFIG_SCSI_AIC7XXX=y#for Adaptec
   CONFIG_AIC7XXX_PROC_STATS=y  #for Adaptec
   CONFIG_SCSI_BUSLOGIC=y   #for Buslogic
Here is my Buslogic scsi bus diagram:
 Fujitsu wide-ultra-scsi disk drive (id 0)
 -- Buslogic BT-958 scsi adapter card (id 7)
 -- 68pin-50pin (terminating empty pins; from Granite Digital)
 -- Exabyte 8200 8mm tape drive (id 5)
 -- active terminator externally on the tape drive
On the Buslogic card, at boot, I have NOT invoked ultra scsi;
the Fujitsu is set to negotiate at 20MB, wide, scsi-id 0;
the Exabyte is set to negotiate asynchronously, on disconnection,
off wide-negotiation, off motor-spin-up, on Bios-scan, scsi-id 5.
Other general Buslogic settings are
on cd-rom-boot-support, 0 boot-hard-disk-scsi-id,
on bios-support-for-1-GB+, on bios-support-for-2+ hdd,
disable isa-compatible-port, on scsi-parity-detection,
off scam-mode, auto termination,
on enable-bios-scan.

On booting, with the kernel option BusLogic=TraceErrors I see 8656
successive sets of the following three lines:
   Dec 13 23:47:17 rabbit kernel: scsi0: CCB #10069 Target 5: \
  Result 8 Host Adapter Status 00 Target Status 08
   Dec 13 23:47:17 rabbit kernel: scsi0: CDB00 00 00 00 00 00
   Dec 13 23:47:17 rabbit kernel: scsi0:  \
Sense  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

I suspect these are benign errors, reflecting the old age of my
Exabyte drive's protocols, but I am largely ignorant about
their meaning.

When I try using dump, I get the following response:
  rabbit#  /sbin/dump 0uBf 250 /dev/nst0  /usr/lib/tripwire
 DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sun Dec 13 23:45:16 1998
 DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
 DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda1 (/usr/lib/tripwire) to /dev/nst0
 DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
 DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
 DUMP: estimated 23865 tape blocks on 0.01 tape(s).
 DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
 DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
**   DUMP: End of tape detected #The Adaptec would not do this.
 DUMP: Closing /dev/nst0

Simultaneously, in /var/log/syslog, I get the following messages:
** Dec 14 00:21:52 rabbit kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout\
 : pid 14855, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Write (6) 02 34 d9 04 00
   Dec 14 00:21:52 rabbit kernel: scsi0: Aborting CCB #17835 to Target 0
   Dec 14 00:21:53 rabbit kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 14855) timed out \
 - resetting
   Dec 14 00:21:53 rabbit kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
   Dec 14 00:21:53 rabbit kernel: scsi0: Sending Bus Device Reset \
   CCB #17837 to Target 0
   Dec 14 00:21:54 rabbit kernel: SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset\
 (pid 14855) timed out - trying harder
   Dec 14 00:21:54 rabbit kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
   Dec 14 00:21:54 rabbit kernel: scsi0: Resetting BusLogic BT-958 \
   due to Target 0
   Dec 14 00:21:54 rabbit kernel: scsi0: *** BusLogic BT-958   \
 Initialized Successfully ***
   Dec 14 00:21:56 rabbit kernel: scsi0: CCB #17838 Target 5: \
 Result 2 Host Adapter Status 00 Target Status 02
   Dec 14 00:21:56 rabbit kernel: scsi0: CDB0A 01 00 00 1E 00
   Dec 14 00:21:56 rabbit kernel: scsi0: Sense  70 00 06 00 00 00 \
00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   Dec 14 00:21:56 rabbit kernel: st0: Error with sense data:\
   extra data not valid Current error st09:00: sense key Unit Attention

it has somehow gotten the wrong signal.

If I use tar (rather than dump) on my tape drive, I get a response like
  rabbit:tar -cvf /dev/nst0 /usr/lib/tripwire
 tar: Removing leading `/' from absolute path names in the 

Re: shell magic/info

1998-12-14 Thread Jiri Baum

 They always start with that usual executable magic #!/bin/sh .

Actually, they can start with the full path to *any* program there.

 My concern is actually to write a program that will prompt a user 4 or 5
 inputs only, (pon, poff, elm, quit)

Check out whiptail (in the whiptail package, if memory serves).

 then make it as her default login shell,


 that way, i dont give her a fully interactive shell

Hmm, that's a bit harder - there's a lot of programs where you just press
`!' and there's a shell for you.

 (and a potential security hole for my feline friend).

If it's just felines you are worried about, then I guess that'll do :-)

 INXS: if not at all that busy, i really would like a template script, w/
 only 2 choices, a pointer on where/how do i start.

while true; do
  if whiptail --title Luser Menu --menu Select 20 60 10 \
   elm Read mail \
   /usr/games/fortune;head -1 Get a fortune cookie \
/bin/sh tmp.$$
rm tmp.$$

# How it works: while true loops forever. if whiptail runs the whiptail
# commands, with the switches given, redirecting 2=STDERR into tmp.$$ and,
# if the user picked OK, gives tmp.$$ to /bin/sh, otherwise it exits.
# The whiptail options: the three numbers are height, width and menuheight
# (you can adjust those); then follow pairs of command Explanatory text
# (with a backslash on the end of each line). Note in the fortune cookie
# entry, the head -1 makes the computer wait for the user to press Enter.
# Make sure you have backslashes on the correct lines - they're important


How to test RAM?

1998-12-14 Thread Ed Cogburn
 Ed Cogburn writes:
  I don't see anything similar in Win95.
 That tends to point toward memory.  Different OS's have very different
 memory usage patterns, and a bit that usually ends up storing user data
 in one may get part of a kernel data structure in another.
  In fact, IIRC, I've never seen the 'General protection/failure' message
  from any other software.
 It is a kernel bug for any user program to be able to cause a GP.
  ...if it were a hardware problem, I'd be seeing other Linux software
  (unrelated to dselect/apt/dpkg) having similar and frequent problems,...
 I always know it's past time to clean my air filter when gnus crashes.  It
 is not unusual for some software to be particularly sensitive to certain
 hardware problems.  Usage patterns again.
  ...but its clear to me that its not a hardware problem, even though I
  understand that you don't believe me, and you are not the only one to
  tell me its not Debian software thats causing the problem.
 We aren't just being defensive.  Many of us have had quite a bit of
 experience with diverse software and hardware, much of it buggy.  Your
 problem smells like hardware.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

Yea, I did sound a little shrill there didn't I, John.  Well, the logic
still escapes me (a hardware/memory problem that only shows up when
running just *one* program, dselect/apt, but is *random* and *transient*
when running that software?), but I'll go along with this.  So, how can
I check my RAM?
There was, a long time ago, a thread in debian-user about testing RAM. 
Does anyone remember this?  Does anybody know of a Win95/DOS/Linux
program (freely available) that does a thorough test of RAM?

Ed C.

Re: sorting russian text; perl

1998-12-14 Thread Damon Buckwalter
Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 12, 1998 at 11:13:09PM +0400, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
  Hi all,
  about one month ago there were posting about locale's usage under
  perl.  I tried to use it for sorting russian, but it did not work for me.
  Is there any additional tricks beside setting LANG=ru_RU; export LANG? I
  used /usr/share/keytables/ru.map for inputing some russian text. Hope this
  corresponds to koi8 coding.
 Maybe try setting LC_ALL too?

I believe 'man perllocale' has all of the answers.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP and GPG public keys at http://meta-x.net/keys/

Re: ftping StarOffice in small doses

1998-12-14 Thread Britton

You want ncftp.  Use the get -C command.

GNU GPL: The Source will be with you... always.

Britton Kerin

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, tracheotomy bob wrote:

 Hi all,
   I want to download StarOffice but with it being 70Mb I don't fancy 
 having an
 open line for seven hours plus. Does anyone know of an ftp program that can 
 in chunks at a time and doesn't mind frequent interruptions. I think in the 
 past someone 
 mentioned 'cftp' but I can't find any information on that.
   Does anyone know if StarOffice 5 is libc5 or libc6. Libc6 would be 
 better from 
 my point of view, if it's not can anyone recommend an alternative.
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Re: I tweaked my Linux box too much!

1998-12-14 Thread Richard Alhama
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Monte Copeland wrote:

 I know you know the old saying, If it's not broke don't fix it. I
 was trying to tweak
 my X Window System display by running XF86Setup utility. I had had a
 nice display setup already but I thought if I tinkered with it some more
 I could get pictures to be little sharper than they were in netscape. (
 I have a 4 MB AGP Diamond Stealth Card ) After I changed some settings I
 saved them and exited the program. When I rebooted the system, it went
 through the standard boot-up routine except when it got to xdm my screen
 went blank and everything locked up. I figured that if I new how to
 disable xdm, I could boot up to just the Linux command line and run
 XF86Setup again, but I do not know what config file to edit in order to
 disable xdm.
Know your initdefault then goto /etc/rc(initdefault).d/ , find the file
with xdm in it like S99xdm then delete that file.

It's just a symlink to /etc/init.d/xdm

Hope this helps

Admiral Charah
Tech Support, Cyberspace Laoag, ISP
Overuse of the smiley is  mark of loserhood --The Jargon File V4.0.0

Re: Cannon BJC-4100 printer

1998-12-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Anyone already printed with BJC-4100 with colors?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
Quoting Phillip Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On mar, 08 dic 1998 10:55:11 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Hi Debian users,
  I have a problem.
  I installed lpr and magicfilter from hamm and can't print in
  colors with
  my printer: Canon BJC-4100. I tried the bjc-600 filter.
  Is there anyone with this printer?
  Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
 Hi i have the same printer and it works ok... i think you have to install gs 
 to print with colors...
 / /
/  Phillip  Neumann   /
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RE: hardware questions - Promise Ultra DMA 33 + Asus TX97E

1998-12-14 Thread Chang, FKK
Thanks, though I didn't really need it (it is mostly about patching
old kernels). 

I got things working by experimenting with the order, jumpering
and master/slave combinations of the drives. 
(Quite a lot of combinations, 4 interfaces, 8 ports, 5 drives, 
master/slave choice, etc,etc..) At a certain point it just
miraculously worked..

Can't (won't :)) even reproduce the problem now. Strange.

 Felix Chang
 Hoogovens Research  Development
 P.O. Box 10.000
 1970 CA  IJmuiden
 tel (+31) 251 492927
 fax (+31) 251 470114
 From: Curt Daugaard[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: donderdag 10 december 1998 12:31
 To:   Chang, FKK
 Cc:   recipient.list.not.shown
 Subject:  Re: hardware questions - Promise Ultra DMA 33 + Asus TX97E
 My hardware is similar to yours and the mini-howto helped me get
 up and running.  You'll find it at 
 If you find you have trouble with Lilo let me know.  I found I had
 to alter its source and recompile it before things would work
 Good luck.
 Curt Daugaard
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: calculating bandwidth requirements

1998-12-14 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 11:53:43PM +0100, Ben Bucksch wrote:
 Can't one force the users to use theproxy at port
Yes, by using a custom kernel with the TRANSPARENT_PROXY option enabled.
Install the transproxy package and read the enclosed documentation. It's not


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Problem with the mailing-list?

1998-12-14 Thread W. Gernot Bauer

I didnt receive the debian-user-digest for 4 days now. Do you have
troubles with it?

Wolfgang Bauer  SKWB Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
Sterneckstr. 5, 5024 Salzburg, Austria - Phone: ++43-662-8684-364

Microsoft does have a year 2000 problem - we're it.

Printing Quota

1998-12-14 Thread Llista mail debian
Hi All!

I want to do a printing quota under Linux using de LPRng. The
quota system is very easy (Quota = Quota - Num_lines_printed), but I don't
know who to interact with de LPR, I need a filter? How I put my script in
the filter? (I see that de lpf filter give me de number of lines printed)

The idea is that anybody send de text to the printer, before print
it, I need to check de quota and if the quota is OK then print else not

Can anybody help me?


LDAP and Netscape Mail ...

1998-12-14 Thread Mario Filipe

I'm starting to fiddle arround with a directory server! I'm using umich-ldap
without any changes.

Now I'm trying to configure my netscape to use this directory server to search
for info. I configured netscape with the following parameters:

Description: Teste
ldap server: neptuno.sc.uevora.pt
search root: o=Universidade de Evora, c=PT
port number: 389
Max Hits   : 1000

Every time I try to connect i get this :

Failed to bind to 'Teste' due to LDAP error 'Unknown error' (0x)

This search was for 'name contains mario'! If I use 

10:05:53$  ldapsearch  -b o=Universidade de Evora, c=PT

I get

cn=Mario Filipe, ou=Servico de Computacao, o=Universidade de
Evora, c=PT
cn=Mario Filipe
member=cn=Teste, o=Universidade de Evora, c=PT

Can someone please help me! Any hints on how to debug this are very welcome!

thank you! 

Mario Filipe 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Any one using voice modems (mailbox) on Debian with US Robotics Modem

1998-12-14 Thread Dan Hugo
A vgetty documentation site:


I used to have a link to the mgetty+sendfax page which included the
sources and various bits of info for vgetty as well, but that link seems
to have moved...

I too have a USR Sportster voice on a shelf somewhere, and I was going
to set up vgetty, but... 

good luck (and let me know how it turns out!)


Mike Schmitz wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 11, 1998 at 12:45:27PM +0200, Daniel Mashao wrote:
  I am looking for tips of how to get US Robotics Sportster Voice modem to
  work as a voicemail system. I have to software to get it work in Windows
  but I do not want to go that route.
   Mike Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz
   Don't blame me - I voted libertarian!http://www.lp.org/
   Use Debian Linux - the free Gnu/Linuxhttp://www.debian.org/
  If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption
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[Off Topic] Creative Hardware Question

1998-12-14 Thread Dan Hugo
It's late, and I have a meeting in something like 7 hours to talk about
this subject, so I thought I might post a question here to see what my
fellow Debian users think.

Given the WebPad from Cyrix
(http://www.cyrix.com/html/emerging/index.htm), the Netwinder from Corel
(http://www.corelcomputer.com/  and http://www.netwinder.org/ ) and some
other interesting hardware and pro-Linux stuff out there:

What would make a near-perfect mobil/palm-top/mini/whatever Linux

For example

12.1 Reflective AMLCD
Resistive touch screen (the reflective would make this hard, but...)
StrongARM processor
32 Meg memory
wireless ethernet
PCMCIA support ?
IR Port?
USB (eventually...)
(note lack of keyboard, mouse, hard drive, CD-ROM drive, etc etc... in

Would it be a standalone device?
An X terminal?
Some other form of graphic terminal?

Would battery life win out over performance?
Weight over size?

Is a backlight important (as opposed to reflective) ?

Does it need a drive of some sort?  Would a CD-ROM/CD-R/CD-RW suffice
(assuming some network connectivity) ?

So, basically, I am wondering what a Debian Linux user would want in
such a device, if such a device would be desirable at all.

(I really do have a meeting about something along these lines in 7
hours, but I am posing the question for some projects we have coming up

Thanks for any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and non-flames...

Dan Hugo

ps I work for none of the companies I mentioned above, and this meeting
is with no one from any of those companies.

Re: CDrom

1998-12-14 Thread Martin Schulze
 Dear Debian User,
 I just installed Debian 2.0 am I am configuring it now. But I am having a
 problem with the mounting of my CDrom. I can see the list of different CDrom's
 but I can only see from the m's and down. I have a HP Pavilion 6340 with the
 default CDrom. Can u help me? mount -t iso9660 /dev/ /cdrom 

It is probably an ATAPI cdrom, so try /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd.



Linux - the choice of a GNU generation

Please always Cc to me when answering on the lists.

Re: Configuring scsi controller on ISA bus

1998-12-14 Thread David Herbert
I did type in what you asked. I also thought it was strange about the
error returnedI deside to use a CD rom that would be on the frist
controller to solve this problem until I have a up and running
kernelThanks to you and Kent for your helpI'm sure once I'm up
I'll be back.

Damir J. Naden wrote:
 Hi David Herbert; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
  I tried your suggestion, it did not return an error but also did not
  work I continued on and also tried your suggestion using a shell from
  inside install program it return the error couldn't find kernel
 I don't know enough about the kernel, but are you sure you typed =0x340? the
 line above suggests you typed =.0x3
 if that is not the problem, try typing:
 linux aha152x=0x340,11,7,1
 note the linux part!
 Also, this will either work or it won't when you give that parameter at the
 boot prompt, I don't think you can enter that from the shell; not unles you
 are insmod it, but for that your kernel will need to be recompiled.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

XFree and the dead keys

1998-12-14 Thread Peter Weiss

don't know if this has been asked before:

How do I set up my XF86Config-File in way that the german keyboard
produces a plus asterisk asciitilde instead of plus asterisk
deadtilde ?

The following does not work:

  Section Keyboard
 XkbLayout   de

Setting XkbLayout to de(nodeadkeys) doesn't change anything.

 Thanks for hints -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Sonnenstra?e 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---

Gimp file formats?

1998-12-14 Thread Gossamer

The save as option on my Gimp only offers its internal
(.xcf) format instead of stuff like .gif.  What'm I
missing here?


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.tertius.net.au/~gossamer/
: I'm not one of those who think Bill Gates is the devil.  I
: simply suspect that if Microsoft ever met up with the devil, it
: wouldn't need an interpreter.
: -- N Petreley, Sept '96 issue of Inforworld

C++ include files

1998-12-14 Thread Peter Makholm
When I'm trying to compile C++ files it doesn't finds the C++
headerfiles automatically. It works when I'm telling it where to find
them as in:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  g++ -I/usr/include/g++-2 test.cc

- or -

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  setenv CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/include/g++-2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  g++ test.cc

What have I done wrong?

I using egcs1.0.3 (?) and libstd++2.9 (I think.)

Peter er den mindst gamle af de gammeldags usenettere, og moderator på
den eneste modererede gruppe i dk.*, so there.
- citat RockBear

Re: C++ include files

1998-12-14 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 12:52:37 +0100, Peter Makholm wrote:
 I using egcs1.0.3 (?) and libstd++2.9 (I think.)

That may be your problem. For egcs 1.0.3, you need libstdc++2.8(-dev), not
2.9. 2.9 is for use with egcs 1.1 and 1.1.1 .

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

cfengine cron job

1998-12-14 Thread Graham Ashton
I've just installed a new hamm system, and am getting mail messages
about cfengine's cron job;

Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 06:44:51 +

cf:alice:/etc/cfengine/cfengine.conf:26: parse error 
cfengine:alice::26: Warning: actionsequence is empty 
cfengine:alice::26: Warning: perhaps cfengine.conf has not yet been set up?
cfengine:alice::Execution terminated after parsing due to errors in program
45375 45375

I understand that this is because I've not configured cfengine, and
don't intend to in the near future (it looks like the sort of thing I'd
like to play with before too long though).

What would be the most debian friendly way of disabling it? I thought
of removing the cfengine package, but then thought that there might be a
less heavy handed approach, other than deleting/moving the files from
/etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.weekly.

Is there a nice way to do it?


Re: system instablity

1998-12-14 Thread Sourcerer
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Ed Cogburn wrote:

  Ed C. writes:

   I realize this is a rare problem, because few if anyone is seeing it,
 but its clear to me that its not a hardware problem, even though I
 understand that you don't believe me, and you are not the only one to
 tell me its not Debian software thats causing the problem.

I had 3 GPF's recently with Hamm, once while in dselect (after a long
d'load), and twice just idling. I assumed it wasn't ram, because I
successfully compiled a kernel.  I went into Bios and normalized it,
including shutting off some shadow ram -- but left it PnP. The problem
hasn't returned. In betwee GPF 2 and 3, I had 1.3 installed and that
didn't fault. Go figure.

You may want to review install.txt and normalize your bios. It can't

Re: shell magic/info

1998-12-14 Thread Frank Barknecht
Sibuyas Bombay hat gesagt: // Sibuyas Bombay wrote:

 My concern is actually to write a program that will prompt a user 4
 or 5 inputs only, (pon, poff, elm, quit) then make it as her default
 login shell, that way, i dont give her a fully interactive shell (and
 a potential security hole for my feline friend).

Take a look at the package pdmenu. It is a nice graphical shell interface 
that can easily be configured to do exactly what you want. A lot of examples 
come with the package.
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

X keyboard mapping

1998-12-14 Thread Armin Wegner
I would like to switch between two keyboard mappings - us and german - whenever
I need to. I've written two input files for xmodmap, accordingly. These are 
correct. I typed 

xmodmap file  

but nothing happend. I can remember that this worked some installations 
before. What could be the fault? Are there any other methods of keyboard
layout switching under X?


Re: moving the root partition (esp. /dev)

1998-12-14 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 13, 1998 at 12:39:36AM -0500, John Paul Lorenti wrote:
  I'm trying to move all the files in my root partition to a different
  disk parition. I had no problems using cp -ar to do this with the /usr
  tree, but /dev is giving me problems. I can't seem to copy the devices
  in /dev. I get messages like cp: /dev/sdh3: Operation not supported by
  device. MAKEDEV doesn't seem to create all the devices, or set the
  proper file ownerships. Is there anyway to do this other than
  re-creating the hundreds of them by hand?
 When I make boot/root disks I use:
 cp -dpR /dev /mnt  

... which is the same as cp -a:

man cp:
   -a, --archive
  Preserve  as  much as possible of the structure and
  attributes of the original files in the copy.   The
  same as -dpR.

Copying / with cp works best with cp -ax, IMHO.
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Remote printing

1998-12-14 Thread mark . lake

I'd like to print directly to a networked laser printer that has its
own IP address.

I can't find anything in the usual documentation to suggest:

1) whether this is possible or desirable,

2) how to go about it?

Any clues gratefully received.


Dr. Mark Lake

Institute of Archaeology  Tel: +44 (0) 171 391 1535
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London, WC1H 0PY  Fax: +44 (0) 171 383 2572

driver for intel etherexpress won't install

1998-12-14 Thread Aaron Stromas
can someone explain to me what does the message which i get when i
attempt to install the drivers for intel etherexpress pro 100 pci lan
adapter mean:

/lib/modules/2.0.35/net/eexpress.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

Installation failed.

what do i have to do to install the divers. i'm using the debian 2.0
hamm with drivers floppy image from

Aaron Stromas |   Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg
Oracle Corp.|   BRTN commentator, L'Alpe d'Huez, 1995 Tour
de France
+1 703 917 48 72  |

Re: Problem with the mailing-list?

1998-12-14 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
 I didnt receive the debian-user-digest for 4 days now. Do you have
 troubles with it?

No, I don't think so. Maybe there were some troubles with your e-mail
account, and you have been deleted from the list (it happened to me

Subscribe again, and everything should be fine.


Re: Gimp file formats?

1998-12-14 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
 The save as option on my Gimp only offers its internal
 (.xcf) format instead of stuff like .gif.  What'm I
 missing here?

Layers can only be saved in gimps own format. So you have to flatten
an image first, before you can save it as GIF. Also if it has more
than 8-bit colors, it can't be saved as GIF an must be converted
Third thing to mind is, that GIF is in the non-free Package for
gimp. Did you install this one?


Still the less fortune problem...

1998-12-14 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
 case $- in
   *i*)# interactive shell only
 echo \n
 fortune -a

Hm, this gives me an
Illegal variable name.


Re: How to test RAM?

1998-12-14 Thread Rick Macdonald
Ed Cogburn wrote:

 So, how can
 I check my RAM?
 There was, a long time ago, a thread in debian-user about testing RAM.
 Does anyone remember this?  Does anybody know of a Win95/DOS/Linux
 program (freely available) that does a thorough test of RAM?

memtest86 in the doc/hwtools package.


Unpacking Mac HQX files in GNU/Linux

1998-12-14 Thread Stefan Baums
Hi all!

OK, so I download this true type font pack which turns out to be
Mac compressed. The filename is


Does anyone know how to get at its contents under GNU/Linux? Is there
even a Debian package for this? Or do I have to mail the site 
maintainers and beg them to make their stuff available in something
other than incompatible-with-the-rest-of-the-world Mac garb?

Thanks in advance,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Funky mouse.

1998-12-14 Thread Brent McMillan

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, John C. Ellingboe wrote:

 Brent McMillan wrote:
  I recently picked up an old (circa 1986) Digital, DEC VSXXX-AA mouse.  I
  picked it up because it didn't use a track ball, but rather an horizontal
  and vertical roller on the underside.  It look kinda like it had a PS/2
  connection, but it doesn't.  What are the odds I could get this to work on
  my PC running Linux?  I'm hoping all I need to do is get a serial cable
  and connect up the wires.  However I'm sure life is never that easy.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Here is some info on the mouse that you have.  It is made for a DEC
tech stuff snipped

wow, thanks for all the detail.  but I'm not too sure what to do with it.
*grin*  are there any websites I can look at that can make me more
familiar with the hardware (esp. rewireing a mouse) or writing a driver,
or what exactly I need to do.

Running seperate eth0 ppp0 networks

1998-12-14 Thread Ian Stuart
I'm trying to set up my machine to use two networks:

I occasionally access an ISP (who requires that all non-web access is
done only through their modem-banks) on my workstation which is connected
to my academic LAN.

what I wish to do is set up my PPP connection so that (when it is up) all
requests for the ISPs network is routed via ppp0, whilst all other traffic
is routed via eth0


(Assume that my academic lan is the class B 129.1 and my ISP is the class
B 130.2)

many thanks...

 ** Ian Stuart

Land Rover : A British car that was meant to survive the charge of an
  adult bull rhino and be field-stripped in the jungle with a Leatherman
  and a lump-hammer

   WWW: http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~kiz/

Re: driver for intel etherexpress won't install

1998-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
Aaron Stromas wrote:
  can someone explain to me what does the message which i get when i
  attempt to install the drivers for intel etherexpress pro 100 pci lan
  adapter mean:
  /lib/modules/2.0.35/net/eexpress.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
  Installation failed.
It possibly means that the module is trying to initialise the card with 
incorrect interrupt, DMA or I/O parameters.  I had that when trying to
load the ALSA sound drivers with the wrong parameters.

Isle of Wight  http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee 
  more and more.  Psalms 71:14 

Re: cfengine cron job

1998-12-14 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 12:20:51PM +, Graham Ashton wrote:
 What would be the most debian friendly way of disabling it? I thought
 of removing the cfengine package, but then thought that there might be a
 less heavy handed approach, other than deleting/moving the files from
 /etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.weekly.

Execute this command:

/usr/sbin/dpkg-divert --local --add --rename --divert /etc/cron.daily/cfengine 

This will move the cron file so that dpkg knows you did it. Also the '.'
in the new name will make run-parts not run it (norun :). To mave it back:

/usr/sbin/dpkg-divert --remove /etc/cron.daily/cfengine.norun

good luck,

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Smail and POP3

1998-12-14 Thread Patrick Colbeck

Well I have got my X working now (finally found the old SUSE Matrox server on
the Webi its gone from the SUSE hompage). Now I have a smaill Smail problem. I
am using Smail to send mail and fetchmail to pull incoming mail from the
company POP3 server. 

I have set my visable domain to be esc.azlan.co.uk useing the smail-config
program and mail going to other domains is OK. However if I try and send any
mail to anyone who is in my own domain (esc.azlan.co.uk) Smail bounces it
back at me claiming that user does not exist.

What I think is happening is that it is looking for the user on this PC and
not trying to forward it to mail.esc.azlan.co.uk.

When I used to use sendmail there was a DM option you could set so as to
masquarade as the mail server for a domain. Basically anything going to
another domain was sent direct from your machine with a header rewrite
(replacing [EMAIL PROTECTED] with [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and any mail sent just to 
local domain was sent to the main domain mail server. 

Is there a way to get this behaviur with Smail ?


PS Thanks for all the help I have had from everyone so far in migrating from
RedHat to Debian, even after using RedHat for a couple of years its more of a
culture shock than you would think changing to a new distribution.

anyone using xringd in the UK?

1998-12-14 Thread G. Kapetanios


I would like to know if anyone has had any luck with getting xringd to
work with an ISP service in the UK?
If yes could you send me an email  with more details ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html


Re: Unpacking Mac HQX files in GNU/Linux

1998-12-14 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 15:17:17 +, Stefan Baums wrote:

According to the file extensions list at http://whatis.com/ , that's BinHex

The macutils package can convert that.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Re: fetchmail + procmail setup

1998-12-14 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Graham Ashton wrote:

 humbug% cat .forward 
 |IFS=' '  exec /usr/bin/procmail -f || exit 75 #ashtong
 humbug% ll .forward 

Thanks, I was setting ~/.forward the wrong way ;-)

r i c h a r d  l. a l h a m a
technical support group
cyberspace laoag, isp
2900 phils.

Wrong configuration of tkinter in python

1998-12-14 Thread Manuel Gutierrez Algaba

I've got this message when I try to do 
python dialog.py in the Demo/tkinter/guido :

XIO:  fatal IO error 0 (Unknown error) on X server :0.0
  after 53 requests (51 known processed) with 0 events remaining

I use the tk8.0 and tcl8.0 that comes in Debian 2.0 .

I suspect that this is related to xdm and xauth, but I don't know
exactly what to do. Please help me!

My addresses / mis direcciones: 

www.ctv.es/USERS/irmina --- lritaunas peki project/proyecto in python
www.ctv.es/USERS/irmina/pyttex.htm --- page of spanish users of latex
/ pagina de usuarios en espanyol de latex
www.ctv.es/USERS/irmina/texpython.htm -- page of drawing utility for tex 
/ pagina de utilidad de dibujo para Latex

...abandoneis el campo y vuestras casas y acudais a defender el
mar y la ciudad...no lamentarse por las casas o la tierra, sino por
las vidas humanas, pues aquellas no nos proporcionan hombres, 
sino los hombres aquellas -Pericles

Re: Problems with Maelstrom

1998-12-14 Thread joseph evan porter
 No, quite frankly, Maelstrom doesn't seem to be working for me, either.  The
 only way I can get it to work is to d/l pristine source and compile it myself
  I used to play this game for hours and hours on my old Mac LC III.
  Anyway, I just discovered that it existed last night, and I'm having a few
  problems starting it.  In X, I start it with the -nofade option, and the
  load status bar fills up and the game apparently crashes.  The window is
  still there, but nothing else happens.
  Anybody know why this is happenning?  Anybody figure out how to get
  Maelstrom working? 
I had it working for a little while as root, then I set up an audio group
to access /dev/audio so I could use it in my own account.  This worked for
a little while, too, but then stopped (for an unknown reason).  It never
exited very cleanly.  I could still use it for some time as root, and then
that stopped working, too.  I'm not really pursuing it now.

Hope that helps,
-Joe P.

Re: Running seperate eth0 ppp0 networks

1998-12-14 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Ian Stuart wrote:

 I'm trying to set up my machine to use two networks:
 I occasionally access an ISP (who requires that all non-web access is
 done only through their modem-banks) on my workstation which is connected
 to my academic LAN.
 what I wish to do is set up my PPP connection so that (when it is up) all
 requests for the ISPs network is routed via ppp0, whilst all other traffic
 is routed via eth0

man ifconfig

r i c h a r d  l. a l h a m a
technical support group
cyberspace laoag, isp
2900 phils.

Install problem with .tgz files?

1998-12-14 Thread Martin Smith
I recently bought my first computer - a Cyrix P180 without an OS - and
have been trying unsuccessfully for the last week to install Linux.  I
hope someone can help this frustrated newbie.

I first tried to install Debian 2.0 using CDs from CheapBytes. 
Everything went fine until it came time to install the base system, at
which time the machine said it couldn't read the file base2_0.tgz. 
There was an error message obscured by the curses window which looked
like it said something about invalid compressed data.  After a bunch of
fruitless fooling around, I downloaded the base system from the net onto
floppies and was able to install it that way, although the system hung
when it tried to reboot.

I now have a bash shell, but when I now run dselect, I get a number of
error messages something like the following:

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data -crc error
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 2
dpkg: error processing -/var/lib/dpkg/blahblahlah (-install)
corrupted file system tar file
corrupted package archive

What's going wrong?

Martin Smith

getting to runlevel 3 after X crash?

1998-12-14 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

information junky that I am, i set rvplayer running again on friday, 
and it crashed X another couple of times.  The bad way, so that it 
can't be restarted (failure in apmsync() and the blinkies).

This time, I remembered that some had suggested that going to runlevel 
3 rather than rebooting might solve things (somehow, when X goes down, 
it corrupts something badly enough that it has the sync problem when it 
tries to restart).

I tried logging in remotely and using telint 3 as root, but when I 
came back to my office, it was still in a fit of the blinkies; xdm had 
not been killed.

Do I need to do something more? (killall -9 xdm first??)

And is there a way to force my video card to fully reset itself?  My 
uninformed  ignorant suspicion is that it's something on the card 
itself that gets reset during boot, but not upon instantiating X . . .

how to check whether everything is installed

1998-12-14 Thread Birgit Kellner
I thought that I had successfully installed Debian, but it so happens
that bash replies command not found to just about every second command
I type, including such basic things as make config. Before I lose my
temper, erase everything and start from scratch - 

(1) How can I check which packages are and which are not installed on my

(2) In case a particular command is not recognized, how can I find out
what package is needed to make it work?

Additional question: What does mktimes mean? 

birgit kellner
department for indian philosophy
hiroshima university

Re: [GUI-SIG] Wrong configuration of tkinter in python

1998-12-14 Thread Guido van Rossum
 I've got this message when I try to do 
 python dialog.py in the Demo/tkinter/guido :
 XIO:  fatal IO error 0 (Unknown error) on X server :0.0
   after 53 requests (51 known processed) with 0 events remaining
 I use the tk8.0 and tcl8.0 that comes in Debian 2.0 .
 I suspect that this is related to xdm and xauth, but I don't know
 exactly what to do. Please help me!

You may have to search the Python FAQ or the archive.  I think this
has to do with the X server not being built for threads.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Re: Remote printing

1998-12-14 Thread Kent West
At 02:07 PM 12/14/1998 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to print directly to a networked laser printer that has its
own IP address.

I can't find anything in the usual documentation to suggest:

1) whether this is possible or desirable,

Yep, it's possible. Desirable? Depends. If you're the only one printing to
it, sure. If others are printing to it also, it's probably better to point
everyone to one queue instead of having multiple queues serving the same
printer. Otherwise, two people printing at the same time will force their
respective queues to fight for supremacy.

2) how to go about it?

I was afraid you were going to ask that. Hopefully someone else on the list
will be a better source of info, but here's my /etc/printcap entry:

lp| rlp|Remote printer entry

I'm no expert, and I'm not even sure this works since I never print from
this box (my other box that I used regularly had to be temporarily
converted to an ACK!!! NT box, so I can't look up my printcap on that
machine that I know worked). Basically everything's the same except you add
the rm=ip.address.of.remote.printer line and the
rp=name_of_remote_printer line. Also, filters are not run for remote
printers, IIRC, so my filter line is essentially ignored. In order to run a
filter for a remote printer, you have to use a bounce queue, which means
addding a bq=printcap_entry_that_runs_the_filter line. You can read about
it I think in man printcap, but don't quote me on it.

Any clues gratefully received.


Dr. Mark Lake

Institute of Archaeology  Tel: +44 (0) 171 391 1535
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London, WC1H 0PY  Fax: +44 (0) 171 383 2572

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: How to test RAM?

1998-12-14 Thread Dan hursh
Hi all,

I found a tar ball of this, and I will try to compile it tonight, but
I'm willing to bet the compile will fail, so I'll ask now.  Do anyone
know where a binary of this might be?
When I tried to compile my own kernel, Iit failed in xconfig and menu
config on a bunch of parse errors.  In the classic config, it barfed on
parse errors, after I told it I wanted to config sound.  I hope it's just
memory and not CPU.


On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Rick Macdonald wrote:

 Ed Cogburn wrote:
  So, how can
  I check my RAM?
  There was, a long time ago, a thread in debian-user about testing 
  Does anyone remember this?  Does anybody know of a Win95/DOS/Linux
  program (freely available) that does a thorough test of RAM?
 memtest86 in the doc/hwtools package.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

viedo player for debian 2.0?

1998-12-14 Thread Greg Fox


I am desperately seeking a viedo player for debian 2.0. 
I haven't been able to get the src for xanim to compile,
and the xanim ELF does not work for 2.0 (I have even copied
over the libraries from a libc machine, but it seg faults).

mpeg_play with a tk frotend is ok for .mpg/etc but I
also need to play .mov and .avi files.. 

Is there any alternatives?


- greg

Re: Remote printing

1998-12-14 Thread Michael E. Touloumtzis
On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (in part):
 I'd like to print directly to a networked laser printer that has its
 own IP address.

I print to an HP LaserJet 8000 N directly from Linux, both plain-text
files (lpr file-name) and graphics (using Netscape).  Since the printer
is IP addressable and PostScript ready, I don't need an intermediary
print server machine or any fancy filtering (except a hacked-together
banner page generator; see below).  The only trick in all this is
that filtering if= and remote printing rm= are mutually exclusive in
printcap, so I print locally to a spool (lp) that filters and redirects to
the real print spool (uswswdpt).  This is done in the same script that
adds the banner page.  There must be more elegant ways to do this, but
this has worked for me for a long time.  Be aware that this is specific to
my particular environment; e.g. the script that adds the banner adds TWO
page ejects because the printer is printing on both sides of the paper.

A final caveat: I set this up in my old Slackware days (I'm now running
hamm), so this may not be the good Debian way to go about things.

Below you will fine my /var/spool/lpd directory structure, the input
filter for creating a banner page, and the /etc/printcap file.

- MikeT

$ ls -lR /var/spool/lpd
total 4
drwxrwxr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 16 10:42 ljet
drwxrwxr-x   2 root bin  1024 Sep 16 10:42 ljet-if
drwxrwxr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Sep 14 12:16 lp
drwxrwxr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Jul 13 13:28 remote
total 2
-rw-r-   1 root lp 20 Sep 16 10:42 lock
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root   20 Sep 16 10:42 status
total 3
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   321 Sep 14 12:20 input_filter
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   20 Sep 16 10:42 lock
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root   25 Sep 16 10:42 status
total 2
-rw-r--r--   1 root root5 Sep 13 06:47 lock
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root   43 Sep 13 06:47 status
total 0

$ cat /var/spool/lpd/ljet-if/input_filter
echo Host: $7 User: $5 Date: `date`   $tmpfile
printf \n   $tmpfile
/usr/games/banner -w35 $5 | head -57  $tmpfile
printf \f\f $tmpfile
cat   $tmpfile
lpr -Puswswdpt $tmpfile
rm $tmpfile
exit 0

$ cat /etc/printcap
# /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
# You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
# your own filters. See /etc/filter.ps, /etc/filter.pcl and
# the printcap(5) manual page for further details.

Michael E. Touloumtzis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

missing space on / partition

1998-12-14 Thread digger
Hello all,
Recently I was given a new hard drive and moved around my partitions.  
some reason df shows the root partition as nearly full. Could it be the way I 
partitioned it?  Here's some info:

df -xcd :

13436   /
13519   total


Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda2  50749   46380 1749 96%   /

fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 621 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda111  595  1199488+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/hda2   *  596  596  62152416   83  Linux native

Re: Install problem with .tgz files?

1998-12-14 Thread Kent West
At 04:34 PM 12/14/1998 +, Martin Smith wrote:
I recently bought my first computer - a Cyrix P180 without an OS - and
have been trying unsuccessfully for the last week to install Linux.  I
hope someone can help this frustrated newbie.

I first tried to install Debian 2.0 using CDs from CheapBytes. 
Everything went fine until it came time to install the base system, at
which time the machine said it couldn't read the file base2_0.tgz. 
There was an error message obscured by the curses window which looked
like it said something about invalid compressed data.  After a bunch of
fruitless fooling around, I downloaded the base system from the net onto
floppies and was able to install it that way, although the system hung
when it tried to reboot.

I now have a bash shell, but when I now run dselect, I get a number of
error messages something like the following:

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data -crc error
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 2
dpkg: error processing -/var/lib/dpkg/blahblahlah (-install)
corrupted file system tar file
corrupted package archive

What's going wrong?

Martin Smith

Are you still pointing dselect to your CD? It kindda sounds like your CD is
not being read properly (an configuration problem or a bad CD?). But this
is just a guess.

If you have net access, try pointing dselect to an ftp site and install a
package you've already tried and see if it installs properly.

Re: Install problem with .tgz files?

1998-12-14 Thread Kent West
At 04:34 PM 12/14/1998 +, Martin Smith wrote:
I recently bought my first computer - a Cyrix P180 without an OS - and
have been trying unsuccessfully for the last week to install Linux.  I
hope someone can help this frustrated newbie.

I first tried to install Debian 2.0 using CDs from CheapBytes. 
Everything went fine until it came time to install the base system, at
which time the machine said it couldn't read the file base2_0.tgz. 
There was an error message obscured by the curses window which looked
like it said something about invalid compressed data.  After a bunch of
fruitless fooling around, I downloaded the base system from the net onto
floppies and was able to install it that way, although the system hung
when it tried to reboot.

I now have a bash shell, but when I now run dselect, I get a number of
error messages something like the following:

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data -crc error
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 2
dpkg: error processing -/var/lib/dpkg/blahblahlah (-install)
corrupted file system tar file
corrupted package archive

What's going wrong?

Martin Smith

Actually, on second thought, since your machine hung on reboot, I might
also suspect your hard drive, your hard drive controller, RAM, CPU, etc. I
vaguely remember seeing something that Linux needs some special
considerations when running on some sort of non-Intel CPU; maybe it's
Cyrix. You might search the web for references to Cyrix and Linux.

Re: Epson Stylus Color IIs

1998-12-14 Thread Jens Ritter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (van den Hurk) writes:

 Hi everybody out there!
 Is there any support under Linux for the Epson Stylus Color IIs?

AFIAK The Epson Printers talk ESC/P2.  

There is support for st(ylus)color. So you should at least be able to
use it as a Stylus Color printer. 



KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
 Nach dem Spiel, After the game,
 ist vor dem Spiel.  is before the game.
-- Sepp Herberger

Re: ftping StarOffice in small doses

1998-12-14 Thread Jens Ritter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tracheotomy bob) writes:

 Hi all,
   I want to download StarOffice but with it being 70Mb I don't fancy 
 having an
 open line for seven hours plus. Does anyone know of an ftp program that can 
 in chunks at a time and doesn't mind frequent interruptions. I think in the 
 past someone 
 mentioned 'cftp' but I can't find any information on that.
   Does anyone know if StarOffice 5 is libc5 or libc6. Libc6 would be 
 better from 
 my point of view, if it's not can anyone recommend an alternative.

Most common implementations of ftp (as the netbase one) implement



KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
 Nach dem Spiel, After the game,
 ist vor dem Spiel.  is before the game.
-- Sepp Herberger

Re: Install problem with .tgz files?

1998-12-14 Thread Kent West
At 04:34 PM 12/14/1998 +, Martin Smith wrote:
I recently bought my first computer - a Cyrix P180 without an OS - and
have been trying unsuccessfully for the last week to install Linux.  I
hope someone can help this frustrated newbie.

I first tried to install Debian 2.0 using CDs from CheapBytes. 
Everything went fine until it came time to install the base system, at
which time the machine said it couldn't read the file base2_0.tgz. 
There was an error message obscured by the curses window which looked
like it said something about invalid compressed data.  After a bunch of
fruitless fooling around, I downloaded the base system from the net onto
floppies and was able to install it that way, although the system hung
when it tried to reboot.

I now have a bash shell, but when I now run dselect, I get a number of
error messages something like the following:

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data -crc error
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 2
dpkg: error processing -/var/lib/dpkg/blahblahlah (-install)
corrupted file system tar file
corrupted package archive

What's going wrong?

Martin Smith

According to: http://electron.phys.dal.ca/Hardware-HOWTO-4.html
A few very early AMD 486DX's may hang in some special situations. All 
current chips should be okay and getting a chip swap for old CPU's should 
not be a

ULSI Math*Co series has a bug in the FSAVE and FRSTOR instructions that 
causes problems with all protected mode operating systems. Some older IIT and
Cyrix chips may also have this problem.

However, I doubt this relates to you. Other sites I scanned indicate that
there's no problem between recent Cyrix chips and Linux, so you can
probably ignore my earlier suggestion to that effect. I'd still suspect
other hardware issues. Also, you might try tinkering with some of the
settings in CMOS (turn off Power Management, etc).

Kernel boot problem!

1998-12-14 Thread Jeff Browning
When I boot up my Linux box it get's stuck on LILO Loading Linux... 
This has never happened before. I just compiled and installed a sound 
supporting kernel, but that has been working until now. I installed my 
kernel backup but it still does the same thing. The only way that I can 
boot my computer is with the bootdisk that I created during setup.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Printing Quota

1998-12-14 Thread Jens Ritter
Llista mail debian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi All!
   I want to do a printing quota under Linux using de LPRng. The
 quota system is very easy (Quota = Quota - Num_lines_printed), but I don't
 know who to interact with de LPR, I need a filter? How I put my script in
 the filter? (I see that de lpf filter give me de number of lines printed)

It is easy to print out rubbish on a large amount of pages using a one
line ps file. What do you want to do in such a case?

   The idea is that anybody send de text to the printer, before print
 it, I need to check de quota and if the quota is OK then print else not

I would try to use a printer which is capable to report the pages
printed and base the quota on this information. 

See package cti-ifhp for more information.



KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Das ist halt der Unterschied: Unix ist ein Betriebssystem mit Tradition,
 die anderen sind einfach von sich aus unlogisch.
-- Anselm Lingnau in de.comp.os.unix.discussion

Re: incorrect username on 'From:' line of outgoing messages

1998-12-14 Thread Daniel Elenius
Britton writes:

The subject pretty much says it all.  My 'smarthost' is aurora.uaf.edu,
and my username on this system is fsblk, but my username from my home
maching (which is 'gandalf') gets put in the From: line.  I have tried
responding with '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' when asked by smailconfig for my
systems visable address, but it doesn't allow this.  Is there any way to
change this behavior so my outgoin messages have '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
in the 'From:' field, or do I just need to use a 'Reply-to:' field.  Any
help or advice greatly appreciated.

Search the debian-user archives at www.debian.org. There's been a lot
of discussion on this subject lately. Just search for 'exim', and you
will eventually find the info you want. 

Best Sound Card

1998-12-14 Thread John
Hi All,

I'm going to replace my opti931 sound card. (I never could get the *%##@
running on a linux only drive.) What I'm wondering is which sound card
is the best quality and easiest to configure with the Debian system
using linux only. Please don't tell me it's the Turtle Beach Pinnacle.
While I'd love one, I don't think I can afford it ;-)

Thanks for any advice I can get.


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