arranque automatico como root de fetchmail y diald

1999-02-22 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Quiero que esten arrancados siempre como demonios fetchmail y
diald como root.
¿donde los arranco?

Andres Seco Hernandez

Migrar NT Server a Debian Linux

1999-02-22 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola hola

M$ no se cansa de intentar convencer a la gente de migrar
desde otros entornos a NT. Y a mi me ha dado por migrar NT
a Debian GNU Linux.

Pero me faltan algunas cosillas.

Asi para empezar, tengo el dhcp y el bind para sustituir a los
servicios DHCP y DNS de M$. Pero me falta algo para sustituir a
WINS. No he visto en la lista de paquetes de hamm algo como
un servidor de nombres netbios. ¿Hay alguno? ¿Qué puedo

Para continuar, samba me viene bien para compartir directorios
con clientes 95 y cosas asi. ¿Pero como hago para simular desde
Linux una impresora de las de 95 o NT? Esto creo que esta peor. A
lo mejor lo mas sencillo es usar un puerto LPR desde el cliente 95
o NT para imprimir sobre una impresora LPD de Linux ¿no?

En cuanto a bases de datos SQL, tengo donde elegir. Son un poco
distintas a SQL Server, pero eso no importa. El ODBC hace milagros.

Lo que no se es que hay para Linux que sustituya a SNA Server.
Necesitaria un terminal 3270 (via telnet o con comunicaciones SNA
nativas) y a ser posible un gateway de tcpip a QLLC para que los
clientes solo usasen tcpip contra el gateway.

Para acabar, ¿alguien usa tarjetas X.25 con Linux? ¿Qué
tarjetas usa? ¿Alguien ha visto tarjetas Eicon (no RDSI) sobre

Un saludo.

Andres Seco Hernandez

Corte de la luz

1999-02-22 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola a todos.

Normalmente dejo mi pc encendido dia y noche, y en ocasiones,
cuando llego a casa, veo que ha saltado la luz en algun momento y
el pc no ha rearrancado (cosas de las ATX y la bios). El caso
es que arranco la maquina y me hace un fsck y muestra
el progreso del test de disco, sus fases y sus correcciones.

La pregunta es:
¿Se guarda en algun fichero de log ese resultado de mensajes
para analizar con mas tranquilidad?

Otra pregunta:
¿Es estable el sistema de ficheros ext2fs? Me refiero a que
si se pierden muchas veces datos cuando no tienes UPS y se va al
garete la luz.

Y la ultima:
¿Hay que hacerle mucho caso al resultado del fsck? Es decir,
¿hay que preocuparse mucho y revisar de nuevo el sistema operativo
de punta a punta o normalmente sigues hasta que algo te falle?

Andres Seco Hernandez.

Opciones de compilacion del kernel

1999-02-22 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Aun no tengo suficiente control de Linux (es decir, todavia no
he leido y probado lo suficiente) como para atreverme a compilar
un kernel, pero necesito saber qué tiene compilado el kernel
que tengo puesto, qué es lo que soporta.

¿Hay alguna forma rapida de saber lo que tiene dentro? Por cierto,
es el kernel 2.0.34 que viene en la hamm de Datom.


Andres Seco Hernandez

Re: Migrar NT Server a Debian Linux

1999-02-22 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Hola hola
 M$ no se cansa de intentar convencer a la gente de migrar
 desde otros entornos a NT. Y a mi me ha dado por migrar NT
 a Debian GNU Linux.
No hay mucha gente tan decidida en este entorno.

 Para continuar, samba me viene bien para compartir directorios
 con clientes 95 y cosas asi. ¿Pero como hago para simular desde
 Linux una impresora de las de 95 o NT? Esto creo que esta peor. A
 lo mejor lo mas sencillo es usar un puerto LPR desde el cliente 95
 o NT para imprimir sobre una impresora LPD de Linux ¿no?
Lo mas sencillo es usar el mismo SAMBA. Solo tienes que
configurar las impresoras correctamente en linux (fichero
/etc/printcap) y despues añades las siguientes lineas al
fichero smb.conf

   printing = bsd
   printcap name = /etc/printcap
   load printers = yes

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = no
   path = /tmp
   printable = yes
   public = no
   writable = no
   create mode = 0700

Hala, ya tienes todas las impresoras de linux compartidas
para maquinas windows. En windows las utilizarias como si la
maquina unix fuera una maquina windows, esto es, con la
opcion añadir impresora de red.

Suerte con la migracion.
Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Diccionario Español-Inglés

1999-02-22 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
A quien pueda interesarle, tengo disponible un diccionario
Español-Inglés Inglés-Español en entorno X. Tiene 25000
terminos aproximadamente (muchos sobre informatica) y lo
tengo en forma de paquete debian. Si os interesa lo podreis
encontrar en:

Espero que os guste. Si teneis alguna sugerencia no teneis
mas que mandarme un correo. Pero no seais muy criticos que
solo lo he hecho para aprender un poco de tcl-tk y ya se que
no es ninguna maravilla.

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida


1999-02-22 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Estimados amigos,

Estoy instalando el Oracle 8 para linux. Sigo los siguientes pasos:
1) Hago el grupo y el usuario, dba y oracle respectivamente.
2) En /etc/profile escribo todos los export necesarios.
3) Ejecuto
4) Hago un su -l oracle y esas cosas
5) En /cdrom/orainst/ ejecuto orainst y sigo la instalación, (por cierto,
hay que corregir scripts sobre la marcha).
6) Cuando acaba toda la fiesta. Cambio a usuario root.
7) Dentro del subdirectorio donde te crea todo y tal como dice voy a
8) No encuentro ningún ejecutable o algo por el estilo  y mira que veo
que hay ./oracle y cosas así.

Ruego que a partir de aquí si alguien sabe que hay que hacer me diga algo
porque estoy muy interesado en aprender y no hay forma humana de instalarlo
sin saber chino.

Un saludo. Angel (Gracias anticipadas)


1999-02-22 Thread José Illescas

¿sabe alguien como se activa el sonido en WindowMaker una vez instalado el
paquete wmakersound?


/\  _`\/\  _`\ /\__  _\ José Illescas
\ \ \/\_\  \ \ \L\ \   \/_/\ \/ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \ \ \/_/_  \ \ ,  /  \ \ \ ICQ# 12553232 AIM Screen: yoburtu
  \ \ \L\ \__\ \ \\ \   __ \_\ \__  __  El Webteam de
   \ \/\_\\ \_\ \_\/\_\/\_\/\_\ E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\/___/\/_/ \/_/\/ /\/_/\/_/\/_/ Junta de Castilla-La Mancha.

Re: Migrar NT Server a Debian Linux

1999-02-22 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Hola hola
 M$ no se cansa de intentar convencer a la gente de migrar
 desde otros entornos a NT. Y a mi me ha dado por migrar NT
 a Debian GNU Linux.

Buena Elección

 Pero me faltan algunas cosillas.
 Asi para empezar, tengo el dhcp y el bind para sustituir a los
 servicios DHCP y DNS de M$. Pero me falta algo para sustituir a
 WINS. No he visto en la lista de paquetes de hamm algo como
 un servidor de nombres netbios. ¿Hay alguno? ¿Qué puedo

la respuesta es SAMBA. Se puede comportar perfectamente como un
servidor NT
 Para continuar, samba me viene bien para compartir directorios
 con clientes 95 y cosas asi. ¿Pero como hago para simular desde
 Linux una impresora de las de 95 o NT? Esto creo que esta peor. A
 lo mejor lo mas sencillo es usar un puerto LPR desde el cliente 95
 o NT para imprimir sobre una impresora LPD de Linux ¿no?

La respuesta vuelve a ser SAMBA. Mirate la sección [PRINTERS]
 En cuanto a bases de datos SQL, tengo donde elegir. Son un poco
 distintas a SQL Server, pero eso no importa. El ODBC hace milagros.

Para el resto de preguntas se me acabo la ciencia


Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Re: Corte de la luz

1999-02-22 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 Hola a todos.
 Normalmente dejo mi pc encendido dia y noche, y en ocasiones,
 cuando llego a casa, veo que ha saltado la luz en algun momento y
 el pc no ha rearrancado (cosas de las ATX y la bios). El caso
 es que arranco la maquina y me hace un fsck y muestra
 el progreso del test de disco, sus fases y sus correcciones.
 La pregunta es:
 ¿Se guarda en algun fichero de log ese resultado de mensajes
 para analizar con mas tranquilidad?

No lo se.

 Otra pregunta:
 ¿Es estable el sistema de ficheros ext2fs? Me refiero a que
 si se pierden muchas veces datos cuando no tienes UPS y se va al
 garete la luz.

En mi opinión es muy estable.

 Y la ultima:
 ¿Hay que hacerle mucho caso al resultado del fsck? Es decir,
 ¿hay que preocuparse mucho y revisar de nuevo el sistema operativo
 de punta a punta o normalmente sigues hasta que algo te falle?

Si el proceso chequea automaticamente todo y arranca normalmente
no merece la pena preocuparse por nada más. Esto es pura rutina.

Si no es capaz de chequear en modo automático todo, merece la pena
poner algo de atención y ver si aparece algo recuperable en lost+found.

Esto no debería ocurrir salvo en muy raros casos y si ocurre de vez en
cuando es muy mala señal. Puede ser un problema de hardware.

Cuando hago una instalacíon de Linux por primera vez me gusta poner
a currar como loco al Linux con muchos procesos accediendo 
simultaneamente al disco duro y apagarlo a las bravas en plena
actividad. Si no arranca de forma totalmente automática despues de
un obligado fsck me mosqueo, y empiezo a investigarlo todo.

De todas formas no se me ocurre apagar el sistema mientras esté
chequeando el disco duro. Puede no pasar nada pero eso es muy
mala leche. Por eso si alguna vez se va la luz por una causa
desconocida y vuelve a los pocos minutos esperaté diez minutos
para ver si aguanta sin volver a irse. Que duda cabe una UPS
cumple su cometido incluso con un Linux.  :-)

 Andres Seco Hernandez.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: Opciones de compilacion del kernel

1999-02-22 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 Aun no tengo suficiente control de Linux (es decir, todavia no
 he leido y probado lo suficiente) como para atreverme a compilar
 un kernel, pero necesito saber qué tiene compilado el kernel
 que tengo puesto, qué es lo que soporta.

La compilación de un kernel de Linux es algo bastante sencillo.
En otros sitestamas es un tema más complicado.

Siempre hay que tener la precaucion de poder arrancar con el
kernel antigüo las primeras veces pero por lo demás probar no
representa ninguna complicación. Para esto tendrás que mirar
algo de LILO o de loadlin.

Si entras en /usr/src/linux y haces make menuconfig empiezas
a configurar el kernel y normalmente las opciones por defecto
son las que se usaron la última vez. En cada nivel puedes
consultar la ayuda con ?.

Después haces:

1) make dep  - Actualiza dependencias
2) make clean- Borra restos de compilaciones anteriores.
3) make zImage   - Crea el nucleo (Ver A)
4) make modules  - Crea los módulos necesarios
5) make modules_install  Instala los módulos copiandolos en 
6) depmod -a - Crea el fichero de dependencias entre módulos. (Ver B)

No olvides copiar el nucleo al lugar correcto desde donde será
cargado por el LILO o por loadlin y configurar LILO o loadlin.

A) El fichero imagen del kernel se genera en:

B) Fichero con las dependencias que será usado por modprob para
averiguar que modulos son necesarios para ese módulo:

C) El fichero con la configuración de los modulos está en:

D) El mapa de los modulos está en:

 ¿Hay alguna forma rapida de saber lo que tiene dentro? Por cierto,
 es el kernel 2.0.34 que viene en la hamm de Datom.

La estructura del nucleo esta permanentemente reflejada en 
/proc/ mira los ficheros que aparecen y veras muchas cosas
interesantes. (los nombres totalmente numericos representan
procesos activos).

En caso de problemas recuerda que en /usr/src/linux/Documentation
vienen cosas tan utiles como la ayuda del configure
y  modules.txt donde viene la informacion relativa a los modulos
Una vez cargado el kernel nuevo se puede comprobar los mensajes
en el momento del arranque con dmesg o mirar en /proc o listar
los modulos disponibles con modprob -l. Tambien puedes consultar
los modulos que kerneld tiene informacion sobre ellos.

Kerneld determina que modulos deben de cargarse consultando
/etc/conf.modules. Si este fichero no contiene toda la información
necesaria puede crearse con:
modprobe -c | rep -v '^path'  /etc/conf.modules

Se puede instalar o desintalar un modulo con las utilidades
insmod y rmod (consultar con man)

Para mas informacion hay varios HOWTO's

man modprobe
man kerneld
man depmod

Los beneficios de recompilar el nucleo y adaptarlo a tus propias
necesidades son muy grandes. Merece la pena hacerlo cuanto antes.

 Andres Seco Hernandez
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Pregunta sobre paso de la 2.0 a la 2.1

1999-02-22 Thread Tomás Bautista

Estoy trabajando con una 2.1 actualizada desde una 2.0, y... bueno, no es
que vaya mal: todo lo contrario.

El caso es que el otro día le instalé a un compañero una Debian 2.1 con
slink y me fijé que hay ficheros que en la mía no estaban. Para más señas
me refiero a /etc/environment. Y además en la mía está el método ftp para
dselect y en la de él no (realmente está escondido con el apt). En el
caso de los ficheros nuevos, supongo que habrá sido que se crean al poner
el sistema base. Pero sólo es eso, que lo *supongo*.

Entonces... ¿qué hay que hacerle a una actualizada de 2.0 a 2.1 para
quitarle esas diferencias? ¿Hay algún paquete específico para eso?

Muchas gracias.

Un saludo,


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:
 _)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Thinking of running your critical apps on NT?
 Isn't there enough world suffering?
   -- Sun Microsystems.

Re: Novato de Debian.

1999-02-22 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 07:34:28PM -0600, ISC. Francisco Villagrana wrote:
 Compañeros de la Lista.
 Haber soy novato en lo que respecta a la instalacion de DEBIAN 2.0,
 no se si ustedes tengan un manual en español que me pudieran facilitar
 por que la verdad es que me urge poner un firewall.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Guiones con Latex en Debian

1999-02-22 Thread Jose Marin
On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Tomas Bautista wrote:

 On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Jose Marin wrote:
  Y despues usa esto:
  \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Usa EC fonts en vez de CM (mejor para Babel)
  \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % Podras usar acentos directamente:
% áéíóúñ..., en vez de \'a, etc.
 Creo que da probblemas con ficheros generados en gnuplot para LaTeX. Yo
 tendría cuidado.

Que yo sepa, si lo que haces es incluir graficos creados con el gnuplot en
*postscript* (ps o eps), no hay ningun problema. Si te refieres a graficos
creados en gnuplot con el device LaTeX, puede ser. Pero de todas formas
nunca recomendaria hacer los graficos asi, sobre todo ahora que el
interface para incluir graficos postcript (\usepackage{graphicx}) esta
estandarizado y funciona a las mil maravillas.

A los que esten interesados en pasar el documento final a pdf, les puede
interesar saber que las EC fonts todavia no estan en formato PS-type-1
(que yo sepa). En tal caso les puede compensar seguir usando las fuentes
CM de siempre (aunque el hyphening no funcione tan bien).

Dept of Maths   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 451 3893
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Former address:  Dept. de Física de la Materia Condensada
 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN

Actualización fallida, ¿recuperación?

1999-02-22 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
Hola a todos,
  mi problema es el siguiente:
*tenía una máquina funcionando con Debian Slink, de hace un par de semanas,
  funcionando perfectamente.
*hace un par de días hice un 'apt-get udate' y 'apt-get upgrade'
 y tambien me traje el 'gnome' de 'potato' para probarlo.

   la maquina se cuelga 2 segundos despues de entrar en las X

   *he quitado el xserver-svga3.3.2.3a-10 que me vino nuevo y he puesto el de
   'hamm' pero no se arregla.

Cuestión que me surge:
  ¿como puedo saber que paquetes me actualizó el 'apt-get upgrade'?
  ¿hay alguna forma automática de deshacer el cambio?
   ¿hay alguna forma de decirle al apt-get que actualize sólo unos determinados
   paquetes y no todos los nuevos?



  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Guiones con Latex en Debian

1999-02-22 Thread Tomás Bautista
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Jose Marin wrote:

  Creo que da probblemas con ficheros generados en gnuplot para LaTeX. Yo
  tendría cuidado.
 Que yo sepa, si lo que haces es incluir graficos creados con el gnuplot en
 *postscript* (ps o eps), no hay ningun problema. Si te refieres a graficos
 creados en gnuplot con el device LaTeX, puede ser.

A eso me refería. Siento no haber sido tan claro :-(


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:
 _)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Happily working under GNU/Linux 2.1.


1999-02-22 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estoy viendo este mensaje al arrancar con kernel 2.2.1 (con versiones
anteriores, no lo he visto):

PIIX4 not 100% in native mode...

¿Que quiere decir realmente?


Re: Fetchmail, ip-up y runq

1999-02-22 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Andres Seco Hernandez y dice ¿Re: Fetchmail, ip-up y runq? 

 Ya lo he probado. Si que en realidad deben de ejecutarse como root
 los procesos de ip-up.d ya que efectivamente cogen el .fetchmailrc
 de /root.

Yo para coger el correo de un usuario tengo en el ip-up.d esto:

su alvaro -c fetchmail 2/dev/tty11

y consigo tener la configuracion de mi usuario ( y que el correo le llege a el) 
y ademas veo en la consola 11 ( que no uso ) lo que va pasando.

 Además no da mensajes de error porque tiene dirigido la
 salida estándar a /dev/null. Puedes hacer exec para redirigir
 las salidas...

ebius tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mo ...

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734


1999-02-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Luis M. Fuertes wrote:

 [...] y que le hace falta las libc6-2.0.7u.

No, a algunos paquetes de slink o potato no les hace falta la versión
2.0.7u, sino (para ser exactos) cualquiera que sea mayor o igual que
la 2.0.7u, pues tienen algo como esto en la línea Depends:

libc6 (= 2.0.7u)

Por ese motivo dpkg deja de protestar (como te han indicado) cuando
instalas la versión, que es posterior a la 2.0.7u de
acuerdo con las reglas de comparación (si a alguien le interesan, deben
estar en el manual de empaquetamiento). Las versiones 2.0.7u-x ya no
existen porque el sistema de numeración ha cambiado. Para el que le
interese, se pasó de 2.0.7pre a 2.0.7r, y de ahí a 2.0.7s, de ahí a
2.0.7t, y luego 2.0.7u, y luego cambió el encargado del paquete, quien se
dió cuenta de que las letras se acababan peligrosamente y decidió utilizar
la fecha como sufijo para el número de versión.

 5bdf1dc7e62a43f565c0885f55a53989 (a truly random sig)

Re: Imprimir siempre a un archivo (-lp1-archivo)

1999-02-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Miguel Barrio wrote:

 Tengo una impresora que sólo funciona bajo Windows :-(((, y ya que uso
 bastante Linux, me gustaría saber cómo redirigir siempre lo que los programas
 envían a lp1 hacia un fichero (añadiendo los datos a éste), para luego
 imprimirlo desde Windows.
 El magicfilter lo tengo configurado para HP500C, ya que la Winprinter tiene
 un emulador de esta impresora.

No me entero... Si esa impresora acepta ficheros de impresión formato
HP500C, ¿por qué no te los acepta cuando se los mandas directamente desde

 339c245823fe1d7ebf8a08953a5b13c9 (a truly random sig)


1999-02-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Sergio Rael Gutierrez wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
Algunos paquetes  para el  kernel 2.2.1 también  necesitaban la
2.0.7u  y yo  tampoco la  encontré, pero  bajé la y
ningún paquete se ha quejado de nada. De momento.
  Lo mismo me ocurrió a mí con Enlightenment, y la me resolvió
  la papeleta.
 Yo lo que siempre he hecho en estos casos es compilarme las fuentes del
 paquete DEB. Con este sistema el paquete ya no se preocupa de versiones
 porque se amolda completamente a tus versiones de librerías. Esto funciona,
 pero ... ¿Tendré algún problema con estos paquetes en el futuro? [...]

No creo. De hecho, recompilar todos los paquetes que tenían el dichoso
libc6 (= 2.0.7u) en la línea Depends es una de las cosas que Debian
debería haber hecho, en mi opinión, para asegurar la compatibilidad
completa de los paquetes de Debian 2.1 con los de Debian 2.0, el problema
fue que recompilar más de 600 paquetes no es una idea que suela
entusiasmar a un grupo de voluntarios (y además la cosa no era
excesivamente grave, pues solamente te obliga a instalar libc6 y

 34692c82479b74522286e73dac8eaba4 (a truly random sig)

Re: dpkg, tar.gz

1999-02-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Santiago Vila wrote:
   De .tgz a .deb, el alien no es una muy buena solución.
 ¿Tienes alguna mejor, de .tgz a .deb? :-)
  Mucho mucho mcho README y a currarte el paquete a mano  ;-)

Yo decía mejor ;-)

Si por currarte el paquete a mano entiendes compilarlo tú, entonces esto
no es de .tgz a .deb. Por de .tgz a .deb yo entiendo de archivo tar
comprimido estilo slackware a paquete .deb (también binario) de Debian.

 e1b9e58f83cbd24208014551b3130044 (a truly random sig)

Re: Programando la unidad de disquettes

1999-02-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren wrote:

 Agradecería cualquier ayuda que me permitiera localizar cualquier
 información sobre la estructura de un floppy y cómo leerlo y formatearlo
 a bajo nivel para Linux y para DOS.

Supongo que en el código fuente de mtools encontrarás algo.

 7b5018991c7e271d4ed76294675707a6 (a truly random sig)

Re: Opciones de compilacion del kernel

1999-02-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 Aun no tengo suficiente control de Linux (es decir, todavia no
 he leido y probado lo suficiente) como para atreverme a compilar
 un kernel, pero necesito saber qué tiene compilado el kernel
 que tengo puesto, qué es lo que soporta.
 ¿Hay alguna forma rapida de saber lo que tiene dentro? Por cierto,
 es el kernel 2.0.34 que viene en la hamm de Datom.

El .config con el que está hecho el núcleo predeterminado debe estar en el
código fuente del paquete kernel-image (creo).

 56d0a9cc3f1c81a7f845d67e1779ea25 (a truly random sig)

Re: Migrar NT Server a Debian Linux

1999-02-22 Thread Saxa Egea
A ver... 

No se si no me he mirado bien el paquete de Samba o no lo se configurar

Samba no permite gestionar un dominio, o sea, ser un PDC. O si?

Porque entonces tienes el problema que CUALQUIER persona puede entrar en
tu maquina de W95/W98/NTWks... me equivoco?


Jordi Roman Mejias escribió:
 Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
  Hola hola
  M$ no se cansa de intentar convencer a la gente de migrar
  desde otros entornos a NT. Y a mi me ha dado por migrar NT
  a Debian GNU Linux.
 Buena Elección
  Pero me faltan algunas cosillas.
  Asi para empezar, tengo el dhcp y el bind para sustituir a los
  servicios DHCP y DNS de M$. Pero me falta algo para sustituir a
  WINS. No he visto en la lista de paquetes de hamm algo como
  un servidor de nombres netbios. ¿Hay alguno? ¿Qué puedo
 la respuesta es SAMBA. Se puede comportar perfectamente como un
 servidor NT
  Para continuar, samba me viene bien para compartir directorios
  con clientes 95 y cosas asi. ¿Pero como hago para simular desde
  Linux una impresora de las de 95 o NT? Esto creo que esta peor. A
  lo mejor lo mas sencillo es usar un puerto LPR desde el cliente 95
  o NT para imprimir sobre una impresora LPD de Linux ¿no?
 La respuesta vuelve a ser SAMBA. Mirate la sección [PRINTERS]
  En cuanto a bases de datos SQL, tengo donde elegir. Son un poco
  distintas a SQL Server, pero eso no importa. El ODBC hace milagros.
 Para el resto de preguntas se me acabo la ciencia
 Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:
 Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

La página del C:

1999-02-22 Thread Carlos Costa Portela
¡Hola a todos!

Creo mi querida y gran página del C ha alcanzado su mayoría de edad (¡ya
hemos superado las 150 entradas!). Quizá parezcan pocas, pero ya son un
número respetable... que decuplicaremos :-) con vuestra ayuda.

Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis colaborado, y os invito a que lo
sigáis haciendo (y a que quienes no la conozcan la visiten):

Como quiera que esta es una cuestión de programación, quizá sea un poco
offtopic en alguna lista. Pido disculpas si a alguien le molesta.

Y eso, que si me podéis hacer llegar links, sugerencias, críticas... os lo


(por ejemplo).

Si queréis estar al tanto de los nuevos cambios, os podéis dar de alta
escribiendo vuestra dirección email en el casillero de registro, y
pulsando Register.

Un cordial saludo,

+-- C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a +
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: |
| Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.|
| The C Page - La página del C -|

Diferentes usuarios en el KDE

1999-02-22 Thread Lucky Kentucky

Como puedo poner una configuracion estandar para 
todos los usuarios en KDE

Official Debian

1999-02-22 Thread Allen Wong
If I find a piece of software useful, I buy it.  With this small
gesture, I hope to support and encourage those developers to continue
their work.  Does anyone know where I can buy an official Debian Linux
package?  I know LSL sells an official Debian CD, but the price is
under $5.  Is this the genuine article?

Re: hamm/pppconfig?

1999-02-22 Thread Larry Fletcher
John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Larry writes:
 Can anyone tell what went wrong and how to fix it?

In /etc/ppp/pap-secrets you will find a line like:

   ay903   *   

The line turned out to be:

molec3  *   password

Change it to:

   ay903  *   qwertyuip

Where 'qwertyuip' is your password.

You nailed it!  It's working again and I'm happy enough about it
not to wonder excessively why it was working before I changed the
phone number.

It also looks to me as if you should be able to connect with an ordinary
PAP setup.

I don't think I'll tempt the hands of fate right now, maybe later. :-)

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Thanks John!!!  And thanks to everyone else that replied!

  Larry Fletcher
  Redondo Beach, CA USA

Re: Official Debian

1999-02-22 Thread Joey Hess
Allen Wong wrote:
 If I find a piece of software useful, I buy it.  With this small
 gesture, I hope to support and encourage those developers to continue
 their work.  Does anyone know where I can buy an official Debian Linux
 package?  I know LSL sells an official Debian CD, but the price is
 under $5.  Is this the genuine article?

Yes. If you want to support and encourage debian, you can make a donation at
the same time which will go to the debian project.

see shy jo

Re: Official Debian

1999-02-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
Allen Wong wrote:
 If I find a piece of software useful, I buy it.  With this small
 gesture, I hope to support and encourage those developers to continue
 their work.  Does anyone know where I can buy an official Debian Linux
 package?  I know LSL sells an official Debian CD, but the price is
 under $5.  Is this the genuine article?

The actual cd's are cheap (official or not). I think what makes them
official is whether or not the vendor uses Debian's official cd
images. Some places (LSL, Cheapbytes, etc.) give an option of making a
donation to Debian. For more info check out:

  __   _
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: GRiD install

1999-02-22 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been trying to install linux on a grid laptop and when it probes the ide
 controller ( I think, its after the line starting with hda, identifying the
 harddrive, one more line comes up then) the system reboots.  Anyone know how
 to fix this?

This sounds a lot like the problem I had with a Pentium motherboard I
tried to use recently.  The problem turned out to be an old BIOS that (as
I recall) wasn't properly initializing the keyboard controller or some
such.  I upgraded the BIOS and it started working.

This was a desktop computer, but that sort of thing might be something to
look at, anyway.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: hamm/pppconfig?

1999-02-22 Thread John Hasler
Larry Fletcher writes:
 I thought pressing enter on all of my previous defaults except for the
 change from PAP to CHAT might be causing pppconfig to think that nothing
 was changed, so I was trying to get rid of my defaults and start over.

No, pressing enter like that is just like re-entering everything.  That
should have given you a setup exactly like your previous one except for the
new phone number.

 I just have no idea why changing the phone number with pppconfig would
 cause a login failure?

I think your isp changed more than just his phone number.

 Here's my /etc/ppp/peers/provider file:

That looks fine, but I would like to see your /etc/chatscripts/provider
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Replying to messages with gnus

1999-02-22 Thread Bob Hilliard
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union) writes:
 When replying with gnus the mail-self-blind and mail-signature*
 variables are not honored.  Instead use you can use
 message-default-headers, message-signature, and
 message-signature-file.  I think the following should do what you


 (By the way, I, too, found this change in behavior a bit obscure and
 not obviously documented.)  I'm using xemacs, not fsf emacs right now,
 but I think this applies to gnus under fsf emacs as well. Let me know
 if this works for you.

 Thanks a lot.  It works strictly as advertised.  I've lost
track of a lot of replies I have sent because I overlooked that the
Bcc: wasn't set.

 While Gnus is a first-rate mail reader, its excellence doesn't
extend to its documentation!

Thanks again,

-- _
  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: Apache and public_html directories

1999-02-22 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Mark Ciciretti wrote:

 How do I set up public_html directories for users?  I installed the
 1.3.4 package of apache and apache-common.  I then created a public_html
 directory under /home/mark/.  When I enter the URL localhost/~mark/ I get

 You don't have permission to access /~mark/ on this server.

Is the file /home/mark/public_html readable by the user or group that
Apache runs as?  I set the home directories of my users up to have
permissions of 710 and membership in the group that Apache runs as
(wheel on my main computer, www-data on every Debian installation I've
ever seen) and the public_html directory has permissions of 775.

This means that Apache can get into everybody's public_html directory, but
no users can.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: Debian Logo *Idea* Contest! (Delay for painting contest required)

1999-02-22 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 12:27:28AM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
 Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
  This is silly. You are ruling out a hell lot of possibilities without
  technical reasons. I think both is possible, a logo without Debian and a
  logo that plays with the letters Debian.
 My examples may be bad but one of the requirements (not made by me)
 was that the logo needs to look good with and without the Debian
 words.  I fully agree to this that the logo is something different
 than a letterset.  The letters may be added afterwards but the logo
 shouldn't contain them (except it is some abstraction like Ean's

You are wrong. The original rules were written by Wichert Ackermann, and did
not contain this inappropriate limitation. The text was actually crippled by
the person who put the rules on the gimp page, probably because he though
that this would be obvious. (unfortunately, this is not the only thing that
happened along the way. The person who put the text on the web page did drop
some other important information, too, originally).

Here is Wichert's original wording:

* works both with and without text at the bottom (can be ignored if the text
  `Debian' is part of the logo)

You can read the full text in


Please stop making the claim that the logo must not contain the word Debian
at all.

Thank you,

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: ip-up question

1999-02-22 Thread Peter Ludwig

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 My /etc/ppp/ip-up does not appear to be working.  Am I correct in assuming
 that in Debian, ip-up won't work unless it is placed in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d ?
 I want to start fetchmail when I go online and I believe that is where my
 script needs to be placed.

What I did to get fetchmail to run when I connected (I'm also using SLRN
so I've got one for it as well, same theory applies).

I put a script into the ip-up.d directory called fetchmail (giving it read
and execute access for all users) which contained a command line to run
fetchmail (I set it up as a deamon).  Here's the script I use :-

# Fetchmail Start Up Script
su -l -c fetchmail -d 300 khan

# End of Script

That's basically all I had to do to get it running properly, now all I've
got to do to connect is run 'pon' as root (I suppose I could run 'pon' as
a user, but I would have to go in and change a lot of permissions, so I
run it as root, it's just as easy).

Catch ya l8r,
Peter Ludwig

Re: /etx/X11/Xserver

1999-02-22 Thread servis
*- On 21 Feb, Deniz Dogan wrote about Re: /etx/X11/Xserver
 servis == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 servis It is created by the xserver-common package during
 servis install. Files that are created in the install scripts are not
 servis registered as beng owned by a package. From
 servis /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-common.postinst:
 Thanks.  Well, which script/program using this?

/etc/X11/Xserver is used by /usr/X11R6/bin/X (which is a wrapper program
and not the real X server binary) to determine which X server binary to
use.  The wrapper X program is in place to take care of security issues.
The explanation of this used to bin in /usr/doc/xbase/xbase-readme but
I don't know were it moved to with the 'Great X Reorganization'.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: color broken after slink upgrade

1999-02-22 Thread Joey Hess
Ryan Yeske wrote:
 I recently did an apt-get dist-upgrade on my hamm system to upgrade to
 slink.  Everything worked smoothly, except now I notice that I am not
 getting color in a few places that I used to, namely aalib stuff and
 nethack.  Where there was color before in these programs I simply get
 inverse text.  ls --color still works, as does mutt, dselect, and mc.
 Note that I am not running X windows, this is all on the plain text
 Does anyone have any ideas as to what might have happened here?  I
 assume its related to upgrading ncurses and or slang.

The aalib in slink doesn't use slang, so it probably won't have color
support. This is fixed again in potato.

see shy jo

Re: Soundpro Under 2.2.1

1999-02-22 Thread Peter Ludwig

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Under 2.0.34 I setup my soundcard as a sound blaster, but with the new
  version, it refuses to detect the sound Card (it's a Soundpro or for the
  Techies, a CMI8330 PCI (onboard) sound card).

 I have the sound adapter card on my motherboard.  How did you 
 setup the system to use sound?  Did you go through isapnptools 
 and then compile the soundblaster module in the kernel with the 
 options you configured under isapnptools?

Well, I compiled the soundblaster stuff into the kernel.  Sure, it holds
at the sound init for about 30-40 seconds but then it continues on without

I really would like to know if there is a native or free driver for
the Sound Card, as I noticed that the Open Sound Drivers have the card in
them, but the Open Sound Free do not seem to have it available.  I cannot
find out about the latest versions because I cannot seem to find a site
that has it on it.

Catch ya l8r,
Peter Ludwig

Printing to non-postscript printer via smb

1999-02-22 Thread Chris Frost
I have a quick question reguarding magicfilters; I need to do a postscript
to pcl (hp laserjet 4p) conversion and then send this to a printer
resident on a win95 box via smb. How would I do this? About all I know how
to setup is the printer while on my box through magicfilter's config

Thanks for any help/pointers!
- Visit Me At -

   Public PGP Key:
 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject retrieve pgpkey or

Description: PGP signature

Re: color broken after slink upgrade

1999-02-22 Thread surak
 I recently did an apt-get dist-upgrade on my hamm system to upgrade to
 slink.  Everything worked smoothly, except now I notice that I am not
 getting color in a few places that I used to, namely aalib stuff and

Well, from what I hear from the Nethack maintainer (Ben Gertzfield),
linking to ncurses 4 seems to have broken color, so it's not just you.



Re: ip-up question

1999-02-22 Thread Pollywog

On 22-Feb-99 Peter Ludwig wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 My /etc/ppp/ip-up does not appear to be working.  Am I correct in assuming
 that in Debian, ip-up won't work unless it is placed in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d ?
 I want to start fetchmail when I go online and I believe that is where my
 script needs to be placed.
 What I did to get fetchmail to run when I connected (I'm also using SLRN
 so I've got one for it as well, same theory applies).
 I put a script into the ip-up.d directory called fetchmail (giving it read
 and execute access for all users) which contained a command line to run
 fetchmail (I set it up as a deamon).  Here's the script I use :-
# Fetchmail Start Up Script
 su -l -c fetchmail -d 300 khan
# End of Script

Thanks, I fixed my script by adding a sleep 10s to the top of the script.
Fetchmail works now.


How to move system directory to other partitions?(debian 2.0)

1999-02-22 Thread tboy
I have several partitions and want to move my /home to another partition. How 
to do this and make it work properly?
I've tried this( / is in /dev/hda3):

mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb2 /home

But I couldn't execute any script in the new '/home',even as root.
BTW: I noticed that some directories have a strange mode, e.g. drwxrwsr-x. What 
does the 's' mean? System directory? Why all the documentation I read don't 
mention it?

Unable to load NLS charset

1999-02-22 Thread Jim Power
The following lines are thrown out during boot time:
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)

I wonder why and how to get rid of them. Anyone give me a hand, please? TIA.


1999-02-22 Thread eferen1
I got the dial-up to finally work.  Now my question is: Where do I find some
DNS numbers?  (Like Netscape.home, Internic, etc).

Thanks for any help you can give.


Re: ppp difficulty - resolved

1999-02-22 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Thanx to everyone who responded on this... I'm happy to report that the
problem is now resolved.  There turned out to be two things I needed to
do in order to resolve the problem.  Firstly I needed to be using the
same network/netmask pair as the official network (I had been
mistakenly trying to work from what ifconfig reported after establishing
the ppp connection).  Secondly, I needed to add gw remote-ip-address
to the route add -net command.

Thanx again, it's working beautifully now!

Re: exim

1999-02-22 Thread Gregory T. Norris
That took care of it.  Thanx for the pointer!

On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 09:56:22PM +0100, Robert Vollmert wrote:
  When I use fetchmail to retrieve my mail, exim delivers the first 10 and
  then leaves the rest queued until cron next fires-up it's queue-runner.
 Take a look at `smtp_accept_queue_per_connection' in
 /usr/doc/exim/NewStuff.gz .

Re: Unable to load NLS charset

1999-02-22 Thread eferen1
I have the same problem when I start KDE.
-Original Message-
Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 02:22
Subject: Unable to load NLS charset

The following lines are thrown out during boot time:
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)

I wonder why and how to get rid of them. Anyone give me a hand, please? TIA.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Exim wierdness

1999-02-22 Thread Jim Foltz

I am experiencing some wierdness with exim. I run fetchmail and download
say 30 messages, but only some of them show up in my mail box. Running
mailq doesn't show anything. The messages show up eventually, magically from
somewhere but I have no way of knowing if all of them made it that were
sent originally. 

Where does the mail go in between the time fetchmail delivers it until it
shows up in my mailbox, sometimes many minutes later? How can I know if
all of the mail came through ok if it doesn't show up in the output from
mailq? Is there a way to force exim to deliver any undelivered mail, like
the runq from smail used to do?

I searched the debian user list more than a year into the past for any email
abouot exim and read them all. I mangaged to get exim to rewrite outgoing
mail headers correctly, and setup a .forward for exim (which I have attached.)

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

   Jim Foltz   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ACORN techie
  AOL/IM   jim_foltz
# Exim filter
if error_message then finish endif

if $header_x-loop: contains debian-user
save $home/Mail/debian-user

if $h_x-loop: contains debian-devel
save $home/Mail/debian-devel

if $header_subject: is Test
save $home/Mail/test

Re: Official Debian

1999-02-22 Thread Tyson Dowd
On 21-Feb-1999, Allen Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I find a piece of software useful, I buy it.  With this small
 gesture, I hope to support and encourage those developers to continue
 their work.  Does anyone know where I can buy an official Debian Linux
 package?  I know LSL sells an official Debian CD, but the price is
 under $5.  Is this the genuine article?

Yep.  Debian doesn't make profits from CD sales -- it relies upon
donations.  Official CD images are created which anyone can download
to create official CDs.  The official bit just means the vendor
hasn't modified it.

Many vendors allow you to make a donation alongside your payment for the
CDs.  You can also send donations directly to SPI who will keep the
money on behalf of Debian.

The quantum sort: 
while (!sorted) { do_nothing(); }

Re: Exim wierdness

1999-02-22 Thread Gregory T. Norris
 I am experiencing some wierdness with exim. I run fetchmail and download
 say 30 messages, but only some of them show up in my mail box. Running
 mailq doesn't show anything. The messages show up eventually, magically from
 somewhere but I have no way of knowing if all of them made it that were
 sent originally. 

For non-admin users, exim only displays messages which are owned by that
user.  Adding queue_list_requires_admin = false to /etc/exim.conf will
allow you (any user, actually) to see the entire list.

 Where does the mail go in between the time fetchmail delivers it until it
 shows up in my mailbox, sometimes many minutes later? How can I know if
 all of the mail came through ok if it doesn't show up in the output from
 mailq? Is there a way to force exim to deliver any undelivered mail, like
 the runq from smail used to do?

You should still be able to use runq to force an immediate delivery...
at least, it still works on my system (slink).

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] which runq
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /usr/sbin/runq
   lrwxrwxrwx   1 rootroot   4 Nov 11 06:31 /usr/sbin/runq - exim

Perhaps /usr/sbin isn't in your $PATH?

If you want to force exim to deliver all incoming mail immediately, you
can add smtp_accept_queue_per_connection = 0 to /etc/exim.conf.

 I searched the debian user list more than a year into the past for any email
 abouot exim and read them all. I mangaged to get exim to rewrite outgoing
 mail headers correctly, and setup a .forward for exim (which I have attached.)
 Thanks for taking the time to read this.
 ACORN techie
   AOL/IM   jim_foltz

 # Exim filter
 if error_message then finish endif
 if $header_x-loop: contains debian-user
 save $home/Mail/debian-user
 if $h_x-loop: contains debian-devel
 save $home/Mail/debian-devel
 if $header_subject: is Test
 save $home/Mail/test

X/KDE weirdness

1999-02-22 Thread Stephen Pitts
I just switched from WindowMaker to KDE and I'm having some keyboard
problems. Sometimes, for no reason, my keyboard just locks up. I'm 
using the Intel 740 server from RedHat (installed using alien), the
KDE packages from, and the latest potato X packages on
the archive. Can anyone help? I could post my XF86Config if needed.
The freezups have occurred in both mutt (running in konsole), emacs,
and Wordperfect. Once the system is froze, I have to use the mouse
to exit all applications, then use kdm to restart the X server. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Printing to non-postscript printer via smb

1999-02-22 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 07:51:24PM -0600, Chris Frost wrote:
 I have a quick question reguarding magicfilters; I need to do a postscript
 to pcl (hp laserjet 4p) conversion and then send this to a printer
 resident on a win95 box via smb. How would I do this? About all I know how
 to setup is the printer while on my box through magicfilter's config
 Thanks for any help/pointers!
 - Visit Me At -
Public PGP Key:
  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject retrieve pgpkey or

I did this with an HP Laserjet 3 attatched to a Windows 98 box across the room.
The basic procedure is this: set up two printers:
1. hpljet3: do magicfilter conversion and send the output to hpljet3-remote
2. hpljet3-remote: dump whatever it gets to the network printer using smbprint

Here is the relevant config info and steps: Modify it for your setup (should be
just a matter of changing lj3 to lj4)
1. Get smbprint from /usr/doc/samba-doc/examples/examples/printing. Put 
   I put mine in /usr/local/etc/ (can't remember why). Read it and setup the 
   file accordingly.
2. Add the printcap entries for the virtual printers:
3. Setup the magicfilter scripts:
in /etc/magicfilter/ljet-filter-remote:
#! /bin/sh
/etc/magicfilter/ljet3-filter | lpr -Phplj3-remote
4. Find a Postscript file and test the setup!
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Transfering mail from netscape

1999-02-22 Thread wax_man
Is there anyway to transfer mail out of netscape? (Specifically to



Re: pine mutt

1999-02-22 Thread John Galt

I dunno about scoring--I rarely use the function, but I re-migrated back
to TRN when I realized that SLRN had no killfiles, what I consider to be
an essential tool in USENET.

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 07:50:57AM +0100, Frederick Page wrote:
  Well I tried pine at first (it did news, but not too good), then tried
  SLRN, which was pretty good, but had no nice filtering/scoring. Then
  I tried tin and it's IMHO great.
 Aroo?  In what way is SLRN's scoring poor?  IMHO it is pretty much
 perfect and IIRC it had scoring before tin did.
  Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
  ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: ip-up question

1999-02-22 Thread John C. Ellingboe
Hey Peter,

Don't change any permitions anywhere, just add yourself to the group


Peter Ludwig wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Pollywog wrote:
  My /etc/ppp/ip-up does not appear to be working.  Am I correct in assuming
  that in Debian, ip-up won't work unless it is placed in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d ?
  I want to start fetchmail when I go online and I believe that is where my
  script needs to be placed.
 What I did to get fetchmail to run when I connected (I'm also using SLRN
 so I've got one for it as well, same theory applies).
 I put a script into the ip-up.d directory called fetchmail (giving it read
 and execute access for all users) which contained a command line to run
 fetchmail (I set it up as a deamon).  Here's the script I use :-
 # Fetchmail Start Up Script
 su -l -c fetchmail -d 300 khan
 # End of Script
 That's basically all I had to do to get it running properly, now all I've
 got to do to connect is run 'pon' as root (I suppose I could run 'pon' as
 a user, but I would have to go in and change a lot of permissions, so I
 run it as root, it's just as easy).
 Catch ya l8r,
 Peter Ludwig
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nullbegin:  vcard
fn: John C.  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW
n:  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW;John C. 
org:The Guntersville Computer Center
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Owner/Admin
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Which services are being used by Messenger !?

1999-02-22 Thread Nuno Carvalho

  I'm configuring my firewall with ipchains and when I try to send some
mail to my POP3 server using Netscape Messenger it takes too much time
  Does anyone knows which services are needed !? I'm configuring with
pop-3 and smtp services. Would be enough !? Is there anyone ? Probably
pop-3 service would be suficient, rigth ?

 Thanks in advance.

 Best regards,
Nuno Carvalho

Re: Exim wierdness

1999-02-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Jim Foltz,

you wrote on Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 09:48:00PM -0500:

I am experiencing some wierdness with exim. I run fetchmail and download
say 30 messages, but only some of them show up in my mail box.

(some filters snipped)

You did not specify, what to do with the messages, that *don't* fit 
into your filter-patterns. So I suggest the following (of course
you'll need to adjust those):

#  deliver personal mail to local account fpage
   deliver fpage

#  this takes care of emails from cron, uucp, news, etc.
   $sender_address matches (uucp|news|root)@thebetteros
   save $home/mail/statistics

#  *LAST* filter pattern in~/.forward as safety-net
#  if filter reaches this point and mail is still undelivered:
#  save to abnormal and email root (it's alias) about this
   not delivered
   mail text Abnormal Delivery! $header_subject
   save $home/mail/abnormal

Tell us, if it works.

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

my systems just keeps rebooting

1999-02-22 Thread limonada
I just finished installing Debian 2.0 for the third time and it just
doesn´t seem to be working.  Everything seems to install properly but
when it comes the time for the smoke test, it just keeps rebooting,
from the system floppy i created during the instalation and from the
hard drive when i make it bootable.  Also i have tried booting with the
rescue disc and with the tecra rescue disk and neither one works, it
also reboots endlessly.  The only way to stop this is to reboot with a
DOS system disk, and of course that´s not what i need. 

Anybody can help me figure out what is going on please?  I woudl really
appreciate it, thanks.

PS Sorry about my bad english, not native language :).

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi John Galt,

you wrote on Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 09:13:38PM -0700:

I dunno about scoring--I rarely use the function, but I re-migrated back
to TRN when I realized that SLRN had no killfiles, what I consider to be
an essential tool in USENET.

You might want to read /usr/doc/slrn/SCORE_FAQ.gz, I quote:

Subject: 4. How do I score postings from a specific person?

Score: -

assigns a score of - to the person [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A score of - is a special score. If an article scores this value
on a given test, any other tests for the article will be skipped and
*the article will be killed*.

What's your problem?

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: Screen Size in X

1999-02-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 09:53:06AM +1100, Stephen Lavelle wrote:
 How do I adjust the size of myscreen in X. Its too tall (vertical) and when
 I open some apps (Emacs, MAKE xCONFIG) i cannot see some parts of them.
 I think its currentlt set to 640x480 . also how do i get the output of the

You will have to have defined modelines for higher resolutions in
/etc/X11/XF86Config, and then use them in the Screen section that
corresponds to the X server you use.

For instance, in the Monitor section:

Modeline 1152x864 110 1152 1156 1316 1446 864 865 875 899 # 76.7kHz/85Hz
Modeline 1024x768 85 1024 1028 1148 1276 768 772 775 795 # 66.4kHz/84Hz
Modeline 800x600 50 800 804 924 984 600 601 607 626 # 50.5kHz/81Hz

Note that these modelines may not work for your monitor or video card.

And then, in the Screen section that uses the driver that corresponds to
your X server:

   SubSection Display
  Modes1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Knowing out to redirect standard output and standard error is one of the
most fundamental things to learn about using Unix shells.

startx  xserver.output 21

This says, run the startx command, but instead of sending output to the
screen, send it to the file xserver.output; also, send standard error there
as well.

This works for Bourne-type shells (sh, bash, ksh).

If you use csh or tcsh, try:

startx  xserver.output

G. Branden Robinson  |Damnit, we're all going to die; let's
Debian GNU/Linux |die doing something *useful*!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |-- Hal Clement, on comments that space |   exploration is dangerous

Description: PGP signature

SLRN killfiles (was: pine mutt)

1999-02-22 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 21:13:38 -0700 (MST), John Galt wrote:

I dunno about scoring--I rarely use the function, but I re-migrated back
to TRN when I realized that SLRN had no killfiles, what I consider to be
an essential tool in USENET.

Uhm...  Uhm  John, John, John  *sigh*

In the scale of how things work, scoring is *above* killfiles.
Killfiles are an absolute yes/no.  Do you get the article, yes or no?
Scoring are a set of rules that apply a positive or negative score to an
article.  Once all rules are applied to the article then action is taken on
that article, *including killing*.  A score of - in SLRN's scoring *is*
functionally identical to a killfile.  

For example:

Score:: -
Xref: .*:.* .*:.* .*:.* .*:.* .*:.*
Xref: advocacy
Subject: \$\$
Subject: \#\#
Subject: \[Ss][Ee][Xx]\
Subject: \!
Subject: 011
Subject: (?\d\d\d)?[- ]\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d
From: ;

That is my killfile, or a portion of it, really.  I didn't show and of
the From: filters.  But anything crossposted a few times, crossposted to
an advocacy newsgroup, that has $$, ##, a variation of sex, !, 011, a phone
number, or a ; in the related fields gets killed.

But here is where killfiles get useful.  Let me show you three score
rules and an example of what can happen with them.  

Score:: 100

Score:: 100
Subject: [Jj][Oo][Ee]
Subject: [Jj][Ee][Dd]

Score: 1
~Subject: Re:

 Those three read that anything from [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] should be give a score of 100.  Anything with joe or jed
in the subject gets a score of 100, and anything that doesn't have Re: in
the subject is given a score of 1.  The first two rules are there because
they are people I want to read messages from, the last one gives a minute
boost to all new articles so when I go into a rather large newsgroup I can
skim the new headers and ignore the unscored articles, if I choose, because,
in theory, I've looked at the thread and deemed them not worth my time.

So, if I go into comp.editors and John Davis, author of JED, is talking
about JED in a new thread, it gets a score of 201 and is filtered to the top
of my article list.  Any followups by other people are attached to it by
threading (for that session) and get a score of 100.  Any new articles, or
articles which contain joe/jed in the header get respective scores.  The end
result is an article list which is presented to me in a threaded format but
with articles I want to read near or at the top of the list.

My favorite rule is this one:

Score:: 1000

Anything to me gets a score of 1000.  Shoots it right to the top of the
list.  I don't think I've ever missed a response to me.  Also, once I
participate in a thread the theory is that I am interested in it, so even
though the 1 score for new thread doesn't apply to later replies, I
still read these threads fairly quickly.

Finally, this rule:

Score:: -500

This is an individual I don't like reading messages from.  However, I
don't want to kill his posts because sometimes they may be directly to me
and I want to answer.  IE, he hasn't warrented the absolute kill of a
killfile.  So if he starts or participtes in a thread, that thread is moved
almost unilaterally to the bottom of my article list.  If he responds to any
post by me, the value is cut in half, placing it at the bottom of articles
at the top which are scored high for me.  IE, I get to go through all the
articles and then am presented with the rubbish that I can either choose
to read or discard, but has been filtered low for me so I know it is there.

These are, admittedly, simplistic examples of what scoring can do.  You
can, obviously, score up and down on a variety of criteria that gives you
quite a diverse set of scores, both positive and negative, so that articles
are presented in a priority of your choosing.

As for killfiles, as has been stated, anything - is killed, no
questions asked.  Even messages which are to me (+1000) are killed because
the value - is special.  So a +1000 and a - is still - and
killed.  The only way to prevent that is a + *before* the -.  +,
as you may surmise, is keep, no matter what.

Another thing you can do, which is something I do not do, is set the
kill value lower than -.  You can set it to anything you want,
positive or negative.  Anything less than that value is killed.  So if you
have a bunch of negative rules that cumulatively get over that threshold,
boom, it is outta there.

Hope this clears up the grave misunderstanding you, and others might,
have about SLRN.  :)

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343

vim has no color after moving uo to slink

1999-02-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
Anyone else experience this? When I was running hamm, my vim displayed
colored syntax highlighting, but now I have no color, and I get this
error message:

   Error detected while processing /etc/vimrc:
   line   55:
   Can't open file /usr/lib/vim/syntax/syntax.vim

vim still has the ability to display color because when I start it, the
tildes are displayed in blue. Where might the syntax.vim or its slink
equivalent be located?

I found vim-rt on the debian site. It mentioned syntax highlighting in
the description. I downloaded it and installed it. The error is gone
(cuz I let it overwrite my /etc/vimrc), but I still get no syntax
highlighting :(

Could I replace my lost syntax.vim file with one from someone else's
system? Or does anyone have another solution to my dilemma?

  __   _
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ where?

1999-02-22 Thread cej

Does anybody know in which .deb package is located?

TIA, Peter.

Re: where?

1999-02-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anybody know in which .deb package is located? -- libc5 -- libc6


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IP_Masq and Modem Help Needed

1999-02-22 Thread Robert Current

I just installed Debian by floppy on an old 386SX20 that I plan to make
the gateway to my home LAN.  (right now my gateway is a P60 that dual
boots, so it's a pain in the butt for others in the house if it is in
the wrong OS ;-)

Anyhow, I used the setup app pppconfig to get everything configured,
that's fine ;-) it connects ok.

I have an ethernet card configured for the box on my home LAN, and it
sees all the other boxes fine (can telnet in and out and stuff).  So,
that's good.

The pon thing works fine, it connects when I run it.  But that's as
far as I have gotten.

So, the stuff I need to figure out how to do now are the following:

1) get pon to come run from the time the box boots, and redial/reconnect
if it looses carrier or get's a busy signal, etc...  If this box is on,
I want the modem connected.  Not sure what to do here, anyone got a
script or two I could use, and tell me where they go?

2) change the default gateway in this box to be ppp0 instead of eth0 (I
routed it through my current LAN and other gateway to grab a couple
packages)  Not sure where this is exactly, what should I be looking

3) Stick the following in some  rc.d somewhere to run at boot time:
echo ip_masq
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp.o
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio.o
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc.o
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
/sbin/ifconfig eth0
/sbin/route add -net
/sbin/ipfwadm -A in -i -S
/sbin/ipfwadm -A out -i -D
But where should that go?  the rc.d stuff looks a little different in
Debian that what I am use to.

I think that's it..  After that I should be able to set the default
gateway on all my boxes over from to and be all

Any help greatly appreciated! ;-)

Robert W. Current [EMAIL PROTECTED] - email - work stuff personal web site - editorial coordinator
Hey mister, turn it on, turn it up, and turn me loose. - Dwight Yoakam

Re: magic cookie error

1999-02-22 Thread Richard Harran
George Bonser wrote:
 xhost is ridden with security problems, use the xauth method.  Anyone on
 any host in your xauth table can view your screen, even change things like
 remap your keyboard, while you are completely unaware that it is
 happening.  If you have typed xauth +myhost at some point, any user on

I think this is a typo for xhost?  It seems to contridict what you have
said about using the xauth method over the xhost method, above.  I tried
this, line, and got an unknown command +myhost error from xauth.


 myhost can see exactly what you are seeing any time they want to.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: IP_Masq and Modem Help Needed

1999-02-22 Thread Shaleh
 1) get pon to come run from the time the box boots, and redial/reconnect
 if it looses carrier or get's a busy signal, etc...  If this box is on,
 I want the modem connected.  Not sure what to do here, anyone got a
 script or two I could use, and tell me where they go?

The supplied ppp package can do this, read the docs and you will discover. 
However should you is another question.  Tying up a one of your ISPs lines just
because you can is noy a nice thing to do.  Use it when you need it.

 2) change the default gateway in this box to be ppp0 instead of eth0 (I
 routed it through my current LAN and other gateway to grab a couple
 packages)  Not sure where this is exactly, what should I be looking

From below it sounds like you have a 2.2 kernel going -- it will do the routes
for you.  Do not set them, do not worry.

 3) Stick the following in some  rc.d somewhere to run at boot time:
 echo ip_masq
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 /sbin/depmod -a
 /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp.o
 /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio.o
 /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc.o
 /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
 /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
 /sbin/ifconfig eth0
 /sbin/route add -net
 /sbin/ipfwadm -A in -i -S
 /sbin/ipfwadm -A out -i -D
 But where should that go?  the rc.d stuff looks a little different in
 Debian that what I am use to.

When you install and config ipmasq one of the things it ask is should ipmasq be
run when the ppp connection goes up -- tell it yes and config the /etc/ipmasq
stuff and you are all set, no muss no fuss.

As to the modules, place a scrip in /etc/init.d and then read the man page for
update-rc.d.  Should cover ya.

2.2 does all the routes you need.  Do not bother setting them.

Re: where?

1999-02-22 Thread Shaleh

On 22-Feb-99 Bob Nielsen wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know in which .deb package is located? -- libc5 -- libc6

remember to install the -dev packages too.

Re: Re: Modem

1999-02-22 Thread Doug Dine

It's a generic internal 28.8 hayes clone modem. I will do as you
suggest and see what happens.


At 2/21/99 3:41:00 PM, you wrote:

What kind of modem is it? 
Anyway, that freezing sounds like it could be an IRQ conflict. Check
cat /proc/interrupts to see which IRQs are taken, and 
setserial -g /dev/ttyS* to see what are the stats on COM ports. This can
help, since if you know what COM port the modem is on, and it's
conflicting, you can reassign the stats.
Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Many questions

1999-02-22 Thread Bon Lam
1.When I
boot Linux I always get this kernel message
invalid argument
later when I start isdn network service: SIOADDRT: operation not
supported by device. What does this mean
and how to fix it.
2.I have got
Wine, but I don't understand it, so I would like to have an
example, like how to start winzip with wine.
3.Why don't they
people of Debian make a powerful systemadministrationtool 
Yast of SuSe? This makes administration for beginners more easier.

that's it. thank you

The Greatest Bork And Duck In The Whole Universum.

X window don't work properly

1999-02-22 Thread ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana
I have a deabian 2.0 and an ATI all-in-wonders pro AGP video card.
I took the xfree86 binaries and put them on my system, in order to
recognize my video card.
Super Probe said: First-video: super-vga
Chipset: ATI 264GT3 (3D Rage III) (port probed)
Memory: 8192Kbytes
RAMDAC: ATI Mach64 integrated 15/16/24/32 -bit DAC w/clock
(with 6-bits wide lookup tables(or in 6-bit mode))
(programable for 6/6-bit wide lookup table)
Attached graphics coprocessor:
Chipset: ATI Mach64
Memory: 8192kbytes
Monitor: Horzi. freq: 30-70khz continuous
 Vert. freq: 47-95 hz continous
 Bandwidth: 100MHz
 Rez: 1280x1023 non-interlaced.
I run the xf86config and configured it and I start the Xserver.
In the the line /usr/X11R6/lib exists. Also the link
X to XF86_Mach64 server exists.
The X window starts but apear only the terminal window,in which you can
type everything, the mouse work, the server switch between resolution mode
(640x..., 800x..., 1024x...) but everything is in monochrome mode and the
specific menu for x window manager do not appear.
Could someone tell me what to do? I tried all I know.

  \\  - -  //
   (  @ @  )
*Bubulac Angela Tatiana - National Institute for RD of Materials Physics*
* (System Administrator)  Bucuresti - Magurele P.O.B. MG-7   *
* Romania*
*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   phone :401-7806925/126   *
*   |*
*   |   fax   :401-4231700   *
  oooO   (   )
 (   )) /
  \ ((_/

Re: Many questions

1999-02-22 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
[Drop the HTML please. This is mail, not the web]

On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 10:02:48 +0100, Bon Lam wrote:
1.  When I boot Linux I always get this kernel message

SIOADDRT: invalid argument

and later when I start isdn network service: SIOADDRT:
operation notsupported by device. What does this mean and how to
fix it.

I have that too; I wouldn't worry about it. My guess is this is a result
from having the ISDN drivers compiled as a module.

3.  Why don't they people of Debian make a powerful

like Yast of SuSe? This makes administration for beginners
more easier.

It's difficult to make a good system administration tool, and very easy to
make a bad one. Debian developers are mostly power users and won't accept a
sysadmin tool that takes over and makes the standard (edit config file)
approach more difficult or impossible.

That said, I believe people are working on Linuxconf for Debian, and some
developers are participating in the development of COAS

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Unidentified subject!

1999-02-22 Thread Berni

decoding/viewing pictures

1999-02-22 Thread ivan
Hello again !

As I often download fractal images from the newsgroups I would like to find
a news reader which will auto-decode the encrypted graphics and auto-exec a
viewer programme ?

Can anyone recommend a good picture viewer - prefer svgalib based rather
than X based but any _good_ viewer is better than nothing ?

My inability to find this software is the only reason I have left to use
Win95 and, although I don't have a phobia about MS products, I would prefer
to use Debian consistently.  It's an absolute pain to have to re-boot just
because I want to look at pretty pictures and then re-boot to get some work
done (and, of course, I lose my dial-up connection with each re-boot !)

As always, any and all comments are welcome.


dos filesystem panic

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum

every week or two, I get a filesystem panic on one of my dos partitions,
and when I reboot to DOS, sure enough, it's a mess.

I don't know which comes first, the panic or the mess.

I fix it (PC Tools diskfix and/or DOS chkdsk), and a week or two later it's

Any idea what might be causing that?

The message in the log is usually `fat_free: deleting beyond EOF', and it
sets the filesystem read-only.

In kern.log, this is preceded by:
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: 03:01: rw=0, want=210587, limit=194737
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: 03:01: rw=0, want=210587, limit=194737
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: 03:01: rw=0, want=210587, limit=194737

I don't think it's the kernel, since I recently switched from the default
2.0.34 to my own compiled 2.0.36+sym53c416

They are ordinary DOS partitions; I boot from one of them (using loadlin);
most commonly, the panic pops up when the disk is being used over samba (in
fact I can't remember it happening otherwise). BIOS spins the disk down,
but normally it spins up again whenever I access it.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Curious Question.

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum
Dan Willard:
  Just how closely does Linux match with Unix?  If I know Linux and sitdown
 in front of a Unix terminal am I just going to notice a few differences (ie
 file locations and a couple of commands) or am I going to be lost?  I think
 I already know the answer but would like confirmation. Thanks.

Probably the most noticeable difference will be between the GNU utilities
and the usual Unix utilities. Most obviously, normal unix doesn't have the
double-dash long options (ie, you must say `ls -a' rather than `ls --all').

Also, GNU utils often have more options; for example, tar might not have
the `z' option, so you have to compress as a separate step:
# tar cvf abc.tar ... ; compress abc.tar
rather than
# tar cvzf abc.tar.gz ...

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: How to give users certain privileges?

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum
 Additionally, it would be nice if they could shut down without my
 Ah ... one other thought.  Ctrl-Alt-Del is a safe reboot as defined,
 isn't it?

Yes (though faster than default).

Linux allows you to have one other combination that works like
Ctrl-Alt-Del; you could use that for the shutdown if you want... I believe
historically it would start up a new console, but Debian has it commented
out, so it does nothing and isn't bound to any key combination.

(If you trust your users, you can also make shutdown suid.)

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Kernel: Unable to load interpreter

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum
Chris Kaltwasser:
 Does someone know the meaning of this message?

I don't know what the message means, but I got it when I ran out of virtual

A way to check how much memory is free is using Shift-ScrollLock (with the
default keyboard map). This works even if there isn't enough memory free to
run `free'.

If you don't know what's gobbling up the memory, try running `top' and
pressing `M', which is the sort-by-memory key. You can leave it running on
a spare terminal, so that it's there when you need it (use the secure
option if necessary).

 The hard drive starts thrashing, and just about everything I try to do
 becomes impossible.

That would be consistent with running out of memory - first the computer
starts using swap (hence the thrashing), then it runs out altogether.

If you need a lot of virtual memory on a short-term basis, you can use a
file-based swap - not as efficient as a partition, but a lot easier to set
up. Wouldn't get rid of the thrashing, but it'd let the computer finish
what it's trying to do (assuming it's something that actually finishes

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

bash question

1999-02-22 Thread Eugene Sevinian
Hi ppl,
As far as I did not find the answer in bash manual, I hope that
someone can help me here. Let say I have two bash scripts and I need the 
parameter which is set in scr2 to be visable in scr1. 

  export LANG=lang1
  echo LANG is $LANG in $0 
  echo LANG is $LANG in $0
  echo LANG is $LANG in $0 
  export LANG=lang2
  echo LANG is $LANG in $0

However the output is :
LANG is lang1 in ././scr1
LANG is lang1 in ./scr2 
LANG is lang2 in ./scr2
LANG is lang1 in ././scr1
  ... so I have got here the old value of LANG.
The question is it possible to get the NEW value which is assigned in


CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: bash question

1999-02-22 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Hi ppl,
 As far as I did not find the answer in bash manual, I hope that
 someone can help me here. Let say I have two bash scripts and I need the 
 parameter which is set in scr2 to be visable in scr1. 
   export LANG=lang1
   echo LANG is $LANG in $0 
   echo LANG is $LANG in $0
   echo LANG is $LANG in $0 
   export LANG=lang2
   echo LANG is $LANG in $0
 However the output is :
 LANG is lang1 in ././scr1
 LANG is lang1 in ./scr2 
 LANG is lang2 in ./scr2
 LANG is lang1 in ././scr1
   ... so I have got here the old value of LANG.
 The question is it possible to get the NEW value which is assigned in

Yes.  You need to source the script instead of executing it in a
separate shell.  Then scr2 can actually be viewed as a part of scr1,
but only contained in another file.  You source a script with the `.'

. scr2

The problem with this is that nothing in scr2 is separated from scr1, so
the usefulness of having two scripts is gone.  As an alternative you
could let scr2 print the new value, like

   export LANG=lang2
   echo $LANG

   export LANG=lang1
   echo $LANG
   echo $LANG

But this may not be what you want.  The `export' command only works
`downward':  the exported variable is put in the environment of shells
and programs called from the shell where it is used.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Xcopilot on Debian 2.0

1999-02-22 Thread Dan Hugo
Has anyone gotten XCopilot 0.6.6 to run on a Debian 2.0 system using a
PalmIII Rom?

I keep getting the following when I run it:

$ ./xcopilot -datadir ~/.xcopilot -romfile pilot2.rom -ramsize 2048
-memversion 2   
Bus error: read a long from undefined memory address 0x10d8

This is the binary that I built on my machine.  I also tried the debian
package and the normal intel binary from
using ROMs that I downloaded with both pi-getrom and getrom2 from
pilot-link.0.9.0 (also built on my machine).

I've been reading through the code, and I can't see exactly how this is
happening (yet), but it is definitely in mc68k/memory.c.  The
scratchfile is created, the ramfile is the correct size... my guess is
that the ROM file is corrupt, but I did use two separate apps to suck
the rom out of my pilot.  I have tried a variety of command line
options, and I have read some usenet postings from people who claim to
have it working.  H.

I've only spent about an hour on this so far, but any pointers would be

Dan Hugo

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-22 Thread Christian Kurz
John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

  On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 07:50:57AM +0100, Frederick Page wrote:
   Well I tried pine at first (it did news, but not too good), then tried
   SLRN, which was pretty good, but had no nice filtering/scoring. Then
   I tried tin and it's IMHO great.
  Aroo?  In what way is SLRN's scoring poor?  IMHO it is pretty much
  perfect and IIRC it had scoring before tin did.

 I dunno about scoring--I rarely use the function, but I re-migrated back
 to TRN when I realized that SLRN had no killfiles, what I consider to be
 an essential tool in USENET.

If a give a person or a subject a score of - it is killed and I
don't see his articles anymore. This score can also be lowered by the
configuration to other values. So you have a combined Score- and

/* Kurz */

Re: Xcopilot on Debian 2.0

1999-02-22 Thread Dan Hugo
Note: my build does appear to work with the DEBUG Rom image from the
Palm web site, both v2.0.2 and v3.0 

I did have the 3.0.x (2 I think) update in my new ROM... perhaps this is
the problem?

Still, if anyone has any input, I would like to know, but at least I can
use it.


Dan Hugo wrote:
 Has anyone gotten XCopilot 0.6.6 to run on a Debian 2.0 system using a
 PalmIII Rom?
 I keep getting the following when I run it:
 $ ./xcopilot -datadir ~/.xcopilot -romfile pilot2.rom -ramsize 2048
 -memversion 2
 Bus error: read a long from undefined memory address 0x10d8
 This is the binary that I built on my machine.  I also tried the debian
 package and the normal intel binary from
 using ROMs that I downloaded with both pi-getrom and getrom2 from
 pilot-link.0.9.0 (also built on my machine).
 I've been reading through the code, and I can't see exactly how this is
 happening (yet), but it is definitely in mc68k/memory.c.  The
 scratchfile is created, the ramfile is the correct size... my guess is
 that the ROM file is corrupt, but I did use two separate apps to suck
 the rom out of my pilot.  I have tried a variety of command line
 options, and I have read some usenet postings from people who claim to
 have it working.  H.
 I've only spent about an hour on this so far, but any pointers would be
 Dan Hugo
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1999-02-22 Thread Frank Barknecht
eferen1 hat gesagt: // eferen1 wrote:

 I got the dial-up to finally work.  Now my question is: Where do I find some
 DNS numbers?  (Like Netscape.home, Internic, etc).

You should ask your internet provider for the IP-numbers of his name servers 
and put them into /etc/resolv.conf

Or do it the hard way: Install and configure your own nameserver with
the debian package bind. Read the DNS-Howto for more information 
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: decoding/viewing pictures

1999-02-22 Thread Frank Barknecht
ivan hat gesagt: // ivan wrote:

 As I often download fractal images from the newsgroups I would like to find
 a news reader which will auto-decode the encrypted graphics and auto-exec a
 viewer programme ?
 Can anyone recommend a good picture viewer - prefer svgalib based rather
 than X based but any _good_ viewer is better than nothing ?
 My inability to find this software is the only reason I have left to use
 Win95 and, although I don't have a phobia about MS products, I would prefer
 to use Debian consistently.  It's an absolute pain to have to re-boot just
 because I want to look at pretty pictures and then re-boot to get some work
 done (and, of course, I lose my dial-up connection with each re-boot !)

For viewing pictures under svgalib there is the package zgv. It is similar
to xv which you could only use with X.

A good newsreader for the console is IMO slrn. To uudecode a message just
put the cursor on it and hit the key :
It will load the message and decode it. 
To decode multipart messages tag them all with the key # and the press
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: A couple more strange sound probs...

1999-02-22 Thread Graham Ashton
On Saturday 20 February, Paulo Silva wrote:

 I have promissed to write yesterday, but I completly forgot. Here goes 
 my awe64 setup information.


that's a very clear description - thanks a lot for the info. I'll try it
later on today (maybe tomorrow if I'm too busy), and let you know how it

thanks again.


Re: decoding/viewing pictures

1999-02-22 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 22 Feb 1999q, ivan wrote:
 Hello again !
 As I often download fractal images from the newsgroups I would like to find
 a news reader which will auto-decode the encrypted graphics and auto-exec a
 viewer programme ?
 Can anyone recommend a good picture viewer - prefer svgalib based rather
 than X based but any _good_ viewer is better than nothing ?
 My inability to find this software is the only reason I have left to use
 Win95 and, although I don't have a phobia about MS products, I would prefer
 to use Debian consistently.  It's an absolute pain to have to re-boot just
 because I want to look at pretty pictures and then re-boot to get some work
 done (and, of course, I lose my dial-up connection with each re-boot !)
 As always, any and all comments are welcome.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

zgv will do this without X. I suppose you could link it with a news reader
but I don't know about this. It certainly works from mutt for me.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: bash question

1999-02-22 Thread Eugene Sevinian
Thanks Eric,
I tried sourcing scr2 and it works faster then CALLING scr2.


On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  Hi ppl,
  As far as I did not find the answer in bash manual, I hope that
  someone can help me here. Let say I have two bash scripts and I need the 
  parameter which is set in scr2 to be visable in scr1. 
export LANG=lang1
echo LANG is $LANG in $0 
echo LANG is $LANG in $0
echo LANG is $LANG in $0 
export LANG=lang2
echo LANG is $LANG in $0
  However the output is :
  LANG is lang1 in ././scr1
  LANG is lang1 in ./scr2 
  LANG is lang2 in ./scr2
  LANG is lang1 in ././scr1
... so I have got here the old value of LANG.
  The question is it possible to get the NEW value which is assigned in
 Yes.  You need to source the script instead of executing it in a
 separate shell.  Then scr2 can actually be viewed as a part of scr1,
 but only contained in another file.  You source a script with the `.'
 . scr2
 The problem with this is that nothing in scr2 is separated from scr1, so
 the usefulness of having two scripts is gone.  As an alternative you
 could let scr2 print the new value, like
export LANG=lang2
echo $LANG
export LANG=lang1
echo $LANG
echo $LANG
 But this may not be what you want.  The `export' command only works
 `downward':  the exported variable is put in the environment of shells
 and programs called from the shell where it is used.

  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Eugene Sevinian

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: bash question

1999-02-22 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Thanks Eric,
 I tried sourcing scr2 and it works faster then CALLING scr2.

This is to be expected: if you call a script, separate shell is started
that runs it.  This takes some time.  If you source a script, the only
overhead is opening and reading an extra file.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

libc.xo.6 missing (for netscape and staroffice)

1999-02-22 Thread Micha Feigin
I tried to instaal netscape 4.05 and staroffice but i keep getting the
message that i am missing (at list for netscape i don't remember
what staroffice was missing but it was almost the same. been some time
since i tried to install it).
If anyone knows how to solve the problem.
I am running hamm on a 486dx2/66

Re: Unable to load NLS charset

1999-02-22 Thread Frank Barknecht
Jim Power hat gesagt: // Jim Power wrote:

 The following lines are thrown out during boot time:
 Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
 Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
 I wonder why and how to get rid of them. Anyone give me a hand, please? TIA.

The National Language Support in the kernel is not satisfied with the
modules you are trying to load. The FAT file systems now have an option with 
which you can set the codepage. I have in /etc/fstab the following:

/dev/hda1   /dos/c  vfat  umask=002,gid=35,codepage=850

This loads the 850 codepage used here in germany. Chack that you have the
right modules in /lib/modules/kernel-version/fs/ and if not either recompile 
your kernel and configure your preferred code pages or give the right codepage
option when mounting FAT partitions.

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Iomega Easy 800

1999-02-22 Thread Florian Attenberger
Is there a Linux driver for this Streamer on the printer port???
(BTW: In the Hardware-HOWTO is none)

florian attenberger

upgrade from hamm to slink

1999-02-22 Thread Micha Feigin
How do i upgrade from hamm to slink?

Right to Left languges (Hebrew)?

1999-02-22 Thread Micha Feigin
I wnat to write in hebrew under debian.
The question is if this is possible, and also if it is possible to convert
wordprocessors and editors to work with hebrew (mainly write from right to
left and use hebrew fonts)
also if that is possible, how do i install the new fonts (hebrew fonts).
I know i have true type fonts i amnot shure about what others.
I looked at the hebrew-HOWTO and it doesn't provide any answear.

Re: Right to Left languges (Hebrew)?

1999-02-22 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 16:40:47 +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 The question is if this is possible, and also if it is possible to convert
 wordprocessors and editors to work with hebrew (mainly write from right to
 left and use hebrew fonts)

Some editors (e.g. vim) have Hebrew support and a right-to-left mode.

There's a TeX system TeX-XeT which supports right-to-left and was designed
for Hebrew.

 also if that is possible, how do i install the new fonts (hebrew fonts).
 I know i have true type fonts i amnot shure about what others.

You'll need xfstt then (detailed instructions on how to use TrueType fonts
on Debian have been posted to debian-user in the past; look in the mailing
list archives).

 I looked at the hebrew-HOWTO and it doesn't provide any answear.

The Hebrew HowTo covers vim, TeX-XeT, X fonts etc. If you find it lacking
and the author doesn't respond, you could consider adopting it (the version
I came across was from 1995).

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Re: i740 and Xserver as user

1999-02-22 Thread Kent West
This is  being forwarded to the list; please include Micheal in your reply.

At 11:11 PM 2/21/1999 -0500, you wrote:
I am replying to your post re the Intel i740 driver and Debian 2.0. 
I've recently switched to Debian from Redhat 5.2 to try it out. 
Everything installed well. I can only use XWindow as root. 
Everything seems to be in order: /etc/X11/Xserver file seems to be 
OK and I have Console on the second line. Just wondering why I'm 
not able to run X as user. My permissions seem to be ok and 
things seemed to be linked correctly. Any suggestions will be 
greatly appreciated. There aren't very many posts on this subject, 
just thought you might be able to shed some light on this problem. 
I don't know why Debian should be so difficult to configure. 
Thanks for anything.

Best regards,

 I'm still a little too green to know these answers, so I've forwarded your
message to the Debian Users list. If I were you, I'd probably use dselect
to remove X base, which should give a message about dependency problems and
hopefully remove other X stuff. Then let dselect/dpkg remove it. Then turn
around and add X base back to your system (dependency stuff should include
what you need), make sure you install the X server you want to use (SVGA,
Mach64, etc), and let dselect/dpkg reinstall all that. Then see if things
work the way you want.

I'm sure there's a better way to fix this, but being limited in knowledge
of the under-the-hood workings, this is what I'd try.

Re: Web email packages question

1999-02-22 Thread whbell
 What packages are available that would allow me to get
 to my email from the web server on my system?

   Run -- don't walk! -- to and grab Ivan
Moore's IMP setup.  When I did an overview of all the web-based systems IMP
stood out as at least one of the best, if not the best of the bunch.  Ivan has
a really slick deb created of it.

 Regards,   | Windows 98: n. minor bug-fix/patch release of 32-bit
 .  | extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to
 Randy  | an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit 
| microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't 
| stand for 1 bit of competition.

I walked, (while I got the base system running), but I will have to say,
you are right!

Thanks Randy,


This mail sent through IMP:

[Linux] nfs server crashing all the time

1999-02-22 Thread Nico De Ranter


I have a Linux compilation server running in a mostly SUN and SGI
environment.  Everything is running fine except for the NFS which is
really a pain.  When I try to reach an exported filesystem from a SUN
or SGI, the nfs daemon crashes after a few minutes (well, it's still there
but it stops accepting connections).  Every once in a while the PC
completely hangs (even Ctrl-Alt-Del gave up) with a lot of messages like

   nfs warning: mount version older than kernel

on the console.

I'm running kernel 2.1.131 (ATM support) and nfs-server-2.2beta37.
I'd like to install the latest version of the nfs-server but I can't find
it (no refs in the documentation :-( ).

Any ideas where to find it or how the get the #$%#$% nfs working stable?

Thanks in advance,


ps: the server is running Redhat 5.2, but I also have nfs troubles on my
portable running debian.

system failure ... hit any user to continue ...
Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (PSDC-B/DNSE-B)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

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