Re: Escoger fuente Xterm (Re: Tamaño de las letras de XTerm)

1999-04-28 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Apr 19, 1999,
Cosme Perea Cuevas...

 El Thu, Mar 25, 1999,
 Marcelo E. Magallon...
   Listo,   recarga   los   recursos   de   X   (xrdb   -merge
   ~/.Xresources), y el próximo  xterm debería arrancar con tu
 he  probado,   pero  no  me  funciona. Con   `xfontsel'  acabé
 eligiendo lo siguiente, que tego puesto en el `~/.Xresources':
 ! ~/.Xresources personalizado (y conciso)
 XTerm*Font: -misc-fixed-medium-*-normal-*-200-*-*-*-0-iso8859-1
Bueno, he repetido el proceso con otra fuente, y funciona, O:-)

La fuente es:

XTerm*Font: -sony-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-120-100-100-c-80-iso8859-1

Pero quiero hacer un par de comentarios:

1. Si, con Ctrl+mB3 cambio el tamaño a 'medium', o el que sea,
también se cambia la fuente.

2. El tamaño  de la fuente tal  como esta definida es  un poco
grande para  mimonitor vga,  pero si la  reduzco la  fuente se
afea hasta ser casi ilegible, ;-)

¿Alguna solución?


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Description: PGP signature

Re: Información sobre este sistema

1999-04-28 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Apr 26, 1999,
Rudolf Federisk...

 He leido una nota en  un diario argentino sobre las bondades
 de este sistema y es mi intención en conocerlo.

 Les ruego me  indicquen de donde lo puedo bajar  y la manera
 de instalarlo.


puedes   empezar   por   ladirección   de   LuCAS   (Linux
documentation   project  en   CAStellano),  en   la  dirección Desde  allí  tendrás  acceso  a
documentos de iniciación, y muchos más.

La forma más  sencilla de obtener una _distribución_  en CD de
Linux (hay  varias, una es  Debian), es en las  librerías, con
alguna revista de informática que la regale.

También puedes comprarla, si  consigues encontrarla en tiendas
con  sección  de  informática  (quizás más  fácil  en  grandes
centros  comerciales). O,  a  través de  internet,  hay  casas
comerciales que  te la  venden. El precio  es más  que módico,
comparado con W$, y teniendo en  cuenta que no solo se incluye
el s.o. en sí, sino que  se acompaña de muchísimos paquetes de
software de  todo tipo  (la última versión  de Debian,  más de
2000), Además  de lo que  puedas bajarte de la  red. Es decir,
menos de 4000 ptas (+/- 25$).

Dos   direccionesde   lasposibles   sonI+D   Agora,   en  españa,   y  otra   es  Datom,  en  alemania. En la  página  de
Debian puedes  encontrar una lista
más completa.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Description: PGP signature

Kernel compilado :-)

1999-04-28 Thread Dragonbreath
Hola todos!

Gracias a Horacio por su ayuda, ya logre compilar mi kernel. Como no se
mucho aun del asunto, quisiera consultar con ustedes algunas dudas:

Boot sector 512 bytes
Setup is 3416 bytes
System is 525 Kb

Esta bien? O le monte muchas cosas?

- La resolución de la consola se ha rebajado :-( Antes usaba el modo 0122,
ahora esperaba ver el tan susodicho pinguinito que todo el mundo ama,
pero resulta que mas bien los modos se acortaron a solo 8. Why???

- No se conecta! :´( despues de tanto sufrir, ahora no se conecta! el
modem se detecta al inicio, el puerto esta... todo bien pero nada... pon
provider... y hasta alli llega.

Y dos problemillas con las X que vienen desde antes:

- El startx se daño. Ya no sirve, tengo que iniciar el modo grafico
con xinit. El otro da algo como acces denied.

- Al fin logro altas resoluciones. Pero como cambio la profundidad del

Gracias a todos!

Adrian E. Moya

Re: ispell, latex, xemacs y los acentos.

1999-04-28 Thread Dardo S Botto

ispell -T latin1 -d /usr/local/lib/espa~nol fichero_a_corregir


On Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 06:04:33PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Saludos a todos,
 Me he puesto a corregir la ortografía de un texto hecho en Latex dentro de
 XEmacs y los acentos no me los pilla como debiera.
 Por ejemplo:
 Representación me dice que tiene un error ortográfico pues el ispell ve una
 palabra que no conoce, Representaci y pasa de ón. En la lista de
 palabras que usa ispell parece que las acentuadas están preparadas para usar
 con latex sin: 
 Al tener yo esto en mi definición de formato de documento y poner palabras
 como representación en mis ficheros tex como representación y no como
 representaci'on no puedo pasarle el corrector.
 ¿Alguien podría echarme un cable?
 P.D: Otra cosa, ¿es posible cambiar el color que te pone el XEmacs para las 
 órdenes latex '\orden'?, por defecto es naranja y el fondo es gris claro y
 el contraste es un poco coñazo.
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

|   Dardo Sergio Botto|
|   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  |

Re: Arabe y textos

1999-04-28 Thread Francisco Callejo
On Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 03:37:42PM +0200, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Estoy buscando mapa de caracteres árabe. Alguien de debian si puede ser
 ha visto algo parecido. En principio el procesador de texto podría ser
 el Wordperfect, el Staroffice o cualquier cosa que hayais utilizado.

Lo mejor que existe para escribir con caracteres árabes es ArabTeX: te
permite escribir un documento entero en árabe o mezclar texto en árabe
y en cualquier otro idioma, introduciendo el texto con una notación
muy similar a la de la transcripción.  Admite también variantes de
otros idiomas (persa, urdu, etc.) y algunas características antiguas
(como la eliminación de puntos diacríticos).  También puede presentar
la transcripción directamente.  Con el mismo paquete se puede utilizar
el alfabeto hebreo.

Eso sí, tienes que conocer TeX/LaTeX.  Aunque parezca complicado al
principio, vale la pena.  (Si no lo conoces, empieza por

Un saludo,

Francisco Callejo Giménez
Bornos, Cádiz, España

Re: Acceso a part. LiNUX.

1999-04-28 Thread J.E. Marchesi
On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Han Solo wrote: 
 Si, se llama Paternoster y te lo puedes bajar de cualquier mirror de mediante ftp anónimo (no piden el nombre al entrar).

   Lamentablemente no puedo acceder al FTP, al estar excomulgado y 
condenado en varias vertientes (no es anonimo del todo) ;-)

 Hablando en serio, no puedes hacerlo. Lo más parecido es tener corriendo
 cada sistema en una máquina e instalar un ODBC para postgres. Yo no lo he
 probado, pero creo que funciona muy bien tanto con access como con visual

 Sig !! Desde luego la versatilidad de W95 cada vez me sorprende menos. 
En fin, no hay mal que por bien no venga, ahora usare W95 para una cosa 
menos (y me quedo en una : arrancarlo).

 Por cierto, ¿de dónde es eui? 

Escuela Universitaria de Informatica. 

  J.E. Marchesi

Re: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-28 Thread Ramiro Alba
Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Correcaminos wrote:
   Estamos hablando de aprender informática, de todas formas no siempre los
   juegos mas modernos son los mas entretenidos. :-)
Es cierto. A mi hija, con 5 años, le encanta el xonix. De todas
  formas, en el campo de los juegos, habrá que esperar un poco para tener la
  variedad que existe en otros sistemas.
Es un terreno que no se puede descuidar, aunque parezca banal.
 Estoy de acuerdo contigo pero más que juegos lo que se necesita
 es software educativo infantil de calidad y por supuesto multimedia
 que es lo que gusta a los críos. Para Windows abunda.
 (El gran atlas del pequeño aventurero, Trampolin, Oceanos,...)
 Creo que esto solo puede llegar de momento de la mano de empresas
 privadas como el Grupo Zeta, Anaya Multimedia, y bueno Oceanos es
 de M$ así que por aqui no es probable )
 Lo malo es que ni siquiera parece que se estén haciendo cosas más
 modestas. Creo que para produccir soft multimedia harían falta
 herramientas que no se si existen en Linux.

Hablando del tema. Tengo una hija de 4 años y estoy buscando algo
apropiado para su edad (juegos aparte) bajo Linux (no estoy por la labor
de la opcion Windows), para empezar a introducirla an informática en
plan ameno e interactivo ¿Alguien sabe de algo?

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Compilando kernel...

1999-04-28 Thread '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Arregui-García, Javier dixit:
~ Bueno, a ver si me entero: yo ahora tengo el kernel 2.2.5 compilado y
~ funcionando. 
~ Observo que /usr/include/linux contiene ficheros que NO corresponden a este
~ kernel (por ejemplo, version.h indica 2.0.36)
~ ¿Cómo es esto? Los ficheros de /usr/include los ha metido allí libc6-dev.
~ ¿Qué hay que hacer? ¿Machacarlos con los que vienen con el kernel?
~ Hasta ahora ni me había dado cuenta, pero me ha fallado una compilación
~ diciéndome que mi version.h no se ajusta a mi versión de kernel.

Imagino que por eso el fichero README que viene con los fuentes del
núcleo dice lo de borrar /usr/include/linux, y recrearlo como un enlace
simbólico a /usr/src/linux/.../linux (y lo mismo con los ficheros asm y

Ahora, si según han dicho la recomendación de Linus Torvalds es
diferente... no sé, imagino que si así es lo dirá en el fichero README.

~ Supongo que esta labor es la que hacen los paquetes kernel-headers-x,
~ ¿no? Pero que yo sepa, no hay un kernel-headers-2.2.5.
~ Ahora mismo no sé qué debo hacer. Supongo que leerme a fondo la
~ documentación del kernel, pero se admiten todo tipo de aclaraciones... ;-)

¿Qué dice al respecto el README que viene con el 2.2.5?

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Re: Problema con deselect

1999-04-28 Thread Santiago Vila
[ Perdón por el retraso, no acababan de arreglar la UPS de la Uni... ]

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Santiago Vila wrote:
  Otra cosa que puedes hacer es prescindir del CD 2 y usar el CD 1 para
  actualizar todo lo que puedas, como si el CD 1 fuera todo lo que hay,
  usando APT (de hecho, la mayoría de los paquetes populares están en el
  primer CD).
 Vale algun doc sobre apt para usarlo la proxima vez, o con el man vale.

Depende de cómo lo vayas a usar.

Si vas a usarlo como método de dselect, no hace falta saber casi nada, el
fichero de configuración /etc/apt/sources.list es autoexplicativo y se
cambia muy fácilmente (esto si lo quieres cambiar directamente, si no, la
opción [A]ccess de dselect, cuando seleccionas APT como método de acceso,
ya te hace pregunta lo que hace falta).

Para actualizar el sistema, el fichero Release-Notes de slink dice que se
haga así:

apt-get update
apt-get -f dist-upgrade

apt y apt-get tienen páginas man, pero son escuetas, si te resultan
insuficientes hay documentación muy completa en HTML en el directorio
/usr/doc/apt (al menos en la versión que tengo instalada, que es la de

 b25c2dc45eec0c79ea29eee45de1a1b7 (a truly random sig)

RE: Problema con deselect

1999-04-28 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Me temo que con los CD's de Datom no vale otro método que el multi-cd2,
porque han metido el .../main/binary-all en el segundo CD, con lo que
necesita el segundo CD prácticamente seguro. 


Re: Duda sobre dependencias

1999-04-28 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Ignasi Modolell wrote:

 Por lo que he visto, dentro de cada versión de Debian los paquetes
 dependen siempre de las versiones de librerías y otros paquetes incluídos
 en esa misma versión; es decir, la versión es cerrada.

Por supuesto. Sería algo así como una estafa que algún paquete de
Debian 2.1 dependiera de una biblioteca que solamente esté en Debian 2.0.

 Ahora la pregunta clave... ¿cabe la posibilidad de que alguno de esos
 paquetes funcione con versiones anteriores de las dependencias?

Si te refieres a que si puedes recompilarlo en tu sistema para que no
dependa de una biblioteca que ni tienes ni quieres instalar, la respuesta
es que sí, en general.

 Por lo que
 he visto, puede que sí, siempre y cuando uno compile ese paquete para
 depender de esas versiones anteriores, y siempre y cuando el código fuente
 no requiera de esa versión posterior de las librerías.
 ¿Me equivoco en algo?
 Es que si no me equivoco, dejaré de bajarme miles de .deb cuando quiero
 actualizar un programa, y me bajaré sólo el fuente parcheado para Debian y
 lo compilaré en mi sistema.

La cosa estaría en ver si el conjunto de todos los fuentes parcheados que
piensas bajarte ocupa más o menos que los nuevos .deb y las nuevas

Pero sí, si te gusta más hacerlo así, seguramente te funcionará.

 69188351e290cc206efe88e5d4286a7c (a truly random sig)

Re: Compilando kernel...

1999-04-28 Thread Ramiro Alba
 Arregui-García, Javier dixit:
 ~ Bueno, a ver si me entero: yo ahora tengo el kernel 2.2.5 compilado y
 ~ funcionando.
 ~ Observo que /usr/include/linux contiene ficheros que NO corresponden a este
 ~ kernel (por ejemplo, version.h indica 2.0.36)
 ~ ¿Cómo es esto? Los ficheros de /usr/include los ha metido allí libc6-dev.
 ~ ¿Qué hay que hacer? ¿Machacarlos con los que vienen con el kernel?
 ~ Hasta ahora ni me había dado cuenta, pero me ha fallado una compilación
 ~ diciéndome que mi version.h no se ajusta a mi versión de kernel.
 Imagino que por eso el fichero README que viene con los fuentes del
 núcleo dice lo de borrar /usr/include/linux, y recrearlo como un enlace
 simbólico a /usr/src/linux/.../linux (y lo mismo con los ficheros asm y
 Ahora, si según han dicho la recomendación de Linus Torvalds es
 diferente... no sé, imagino que si así es lo dirá en el fichero README.
 ~ Supongo que esta labor es la que hacen los paquetes kernel-headers-x,
 ~ ¿no? Pero que yo sepa, no hay un kernel-headers-2.2.5.
 ~ Ahora mismo no sé qué debo hacer. Supongo que leerme a fondo la
 ~ documentación del kernel, pero se admiten todo tipo de aclaraciones... ;-)
 ¿Qué dice al respecto el README que viene con el 2.2.5?


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: 1FA: al tratar de arrancar desde HD

1999-04-28 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Mon, Apr 26, 1999 at 07:05:43PM +0200, Ignacio J. Alonso contaba:
 1FA es, aunque no lo parezca, un menú:
 1. Arranque de partición 1 de tu disco duro.
 F. Arranque de diskette (floppy)
 A. Otros arranques (alternatives)
 Nunca he estado seguro de si es algo que pone la BIOS o es
 algo de LILO, por cierto...
De la bios.. A mi me salia antes de tener LILO instalado (incluso
antes de tener Linux) ;-)

No, esto es el programa `MBR' que viene por algún sitio de la
distribución Debian. Es una especie de LILO minimalista.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Repositorio de .debs? Herramienta de administracion?

1999-04-28 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
No conozco el `'. 

Pero bueno, yo uso desde hace años el fabuloso servicio de `FTPsearch'
(, que te permite buscar por millones de
servidores de ftp (que incluyen los que contienen mirrors de Debian).

A mi me funciona muy bien, y no he llegado a necesitar nunca un
servicio especializado que sólo indexe paquetes de debian. Con este
me va bien y bastante rápido.

Utilizo la búsqueda `glob' y busco ficheros de tal guisa:




ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Comando como parametro.

1999-04-28 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
La cosa es asi. En mi sistema hay un programa PC que llama via shell remota
a un comando en UNIX. La cosa es que el comando en UNIX recibe como
parametro otro comando. Este ultimo comando se quiere reemplazar con otro
para que le haga un tratamiento previo a la informacion. Lo que prove fue
con alias, definirme un alias de ese comando,pero nop he podido, porque no
me acepta espacios en blanco ni cosas raras en el lado izquierdo de la
Alguien me puede ayudar a resolver este problema? Los procesos originales no
quiero tocarlos porque esta aplicacion no es el unico que los usa, y los
otros sistemas estan estables como estan.


Trident 9440 Agi

1999-04-28 Thread Javier Martínez Sánchez
  Mi problema es el siguiente:
Tengo (486/DX2 - Debian 2.0)) una 
Trident 9440 Agi (1 Mb) y 
únicamente consigo 8 bpp (EN WIN95 - 24 bpp). 
 He estado configurando diferentes parámetros
pero siempre consigo lo mismo. Si pudiera 
conseguir 16 bpp.

 Espero que alguien sepa como solucionarlo.

Re: Trident 9440 Agi

1999-04-28 Thread Javier Martínez Sánchez
On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Fernando wrote:

 Javier Martínez Sánchez wrote:
Mi problema es el siguiente:
  Tengo (486/DX2 - Debian 2.0)) una
  Trident 9440 Agi (1 Mb) y
  únicamente consigo 8 bpp (EN WIN95 - 24 bpp).
   He estado configurando diferentes parámetros
  pero siempre consigo lo mismo. Si pudiera
  conseguir 16 bpp.
   Espero que alguien sepa como solucionarlo.
 Todo depende de la resolución que estes usando, ya
 que la memoria esta limitada.
 manda tu /etc/X11/XF86Config a la lista para que podamos
 Supongo que ya sabes como cambiar la profundidad al arrancar
 las X  startx -- -bpp 24
 El problema es que justo con este modelo (tgui9440agi)
al hacer el xf86config me advierte que no utilice 
linea de Clocks y aunque en Win95 tengo 16 M en linux
(Reademe.TRIDENT) creo  que dice que este modelo no 
soporta 24/32 bpp. Por eso mi esperanza es poder obtener
almenos 16 bpp. Sino no puedo ver nada en condiciones.
 Gracias, Fernando, por la rapidez de la respuesta.


kernel 2.2.3 y emulación ide-scsi

1999-04-28 Thread Alberto Valverde
Hola a todos,

He actualizado el nucleo de la versión 2.0.36 a la 2.2.3. Antes podía
usar la grabadora con el parámetro append = hdc=ide-scsi en el
/etc/lilo.conf y el nucleo compilado con la opción de 'scsi generic

Al arrancar con el 2.2.3, me dió el mensaje correspondiente a la
detección de la grabadora repetido muchas veces. He suprimido la línea
del lilo.conf y ahora el mensaje de inicio queda:

  ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
  hda: FUJITSU MPA3043ATU, 4172MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=531/255/63, (U)DMA
  hdb: ATAPI 24X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
  Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.52
* hdc: ATAPI 6X CD-ROM DVD-RAM CD-R/RW drive, 768kB Cache
  Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
  FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
* scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
* scsi : 1 host.
* scsi : detected total.

¿Quiere decir esto que está activada la emulación scsi?. En realidad,
xcdroast no reconoce el dispositivo, ni siquiera como ide.

-- Gracias a todos.

PS: Aprovecho para presentarme: tengo una hamm, la grabadora es una HP
7200+, y estoy bastante perdido aún con este maravilloso sistema


1999-04-28 Thread Juan Ramón Larrea

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Ángel Carrasco wrote:

 Hola amigos,
 Tengo una rdsi configurada en mi ordenador y deseo que acepte llamadas mías
 y me autentifique para poder trabajar con él desde una oficina a otra.
 Ruego, me puedan ayudar, gracias.

Creo que te puedo ayudar.

Lo primero mira en esta direccion:;
encontrarás una gran cantidad de link con configuraciones de otras
persona que ya lo tienen funcionando. y si no te basta con esto aqui te
mando mi propia configuración. Funciona con el acceso telefónico a redes
de Windows y da menos problemas que infovia.
#! /bin/sh




isdnctrl verbose 7
# isdnlog -m16 /dev/isdnctrl0 2  /var/log/isdncalls 


isdnctrl addif $DEVICE


isdnctrl eaz $DEVICE $NUMERO_LOCAL1
isdnctrl addphone $DEVICE in *
isdnctrl l2_prot $DEVICE hdlc
isdnctrl l3_prot $DEVICE trans
isdnctrl encap $DEVICE syncppp
isdnctrl secure $DEVICE off
isdnctrl huptimeout $DEVICE 300
isdnctrl ihup $DEVICE off
isdnctrl bind $DEVICE itk0,0 exclusive


/sbin/ifconfig $DEVICE $IP_LOCAL pointopoint $IP_REMOTA
/sbin/route add -host $IP_REMOTA $DEVICE


ipppd useifip auth +pap -bsdcomp -vj -defaultroute /dev/$DEVICE 
Espero que te sirva de ayuda. Hasta otra.

Unidentified subject!

1999-04-28 Thread Jose Luis Guerra

Unidentified subject!

1999-04-28 Thread Jose Luis Guerra

RE: ¿Para cuando debian 2.2? y crítica a debian

1999-04-28 Thread Ricardo Villalba
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
La diversidad es riqueza, cuando es diversidad de verdad. De
nada me valen dos sistemas de paquetes distintos pero que
realmente hacen lo mismo (no me conozco internamente rpm y
deb y no se si realmente son iguales o no, lo que digo es
simplemente un ejemplo).

No se lo dificil que puede ser técnicamente que solo haya un
sistema de paquetes, pero desde luego politicamente es bien
fácil y desde mi punto de vista, creo que es que querríamos

Pues si debe haber solo un sistema de paquetes, que sea el .deb.

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Debianizar paquetes

1999-04-28 Thread Ricardo Villalba
 2) Usar deb-make - Cuando hay que compilar.

/usr/src/fujiplay-root deb-make
Email-Address   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date used   : Sun, 25 Apr 1999 19:11:06 +0200
Maintainer  : root
Current directory name must be package-version for debmake to work!
No underscores are allowed!

Debes crear un directorio 'programa-version' (por ejemplo, en mi programa es
timofometro-0.11/) y descomprimir en el los fuentes, y después ejecutar el

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Compilando kernel...

1999-04-28 Thread Miguel Angel Abarca

- Mensaje original -
De: Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado: martes 27 de abril de 1999 8:04
Asunto: Re: Compilando kernel...

 On 26 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hola todos...
  Ya descomprimí las fuentes del kernel, todo bien (gracias a quien me
  ayudo aqui). Me situo en /usr/src/linux:
  make menuconfig (ok)
  make dep (ok)
  make clean (ok)
  make bzImage
  Hasta aqui llego. Luego de mucho texto saltando por la pantalla, se
  detiene de repente:
  gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11

 Esto suele ocurrir por prolemas de hardware.
 Sobre todo por problemas con la RAM o con las caches de de la placa.
 Un procesador sobre acelerado quizas tambien.
 Si puedes eliminar un banco de memoria hazlo y prueba de nuevo, la
 compilacion del kernel tambien se utiliza para testear la memoria.
 Luego pruebas con otro banco o intercambiando. Puedes probar a
 desactivar la cache en la BIOS en el caso de que eso tenga sentido
 en tu placa.

Un tanto extraño que un error de compilación se deba a problemas de
hardware, ¿no?. El caso es que yo también los tengo pero no en la misma fase
de compilación. A mí el error me ocurre al compilar el fichero checksum.c
que se encuentra en /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.0/arch/i386/lib,
concretamente las líneas de error dicen así:

checksum.c:200:redefinition of 'csum_partial_copy'
checksum.c:105:'csum_partial_copy' previously defined here
{standard input}:Assembler messages:
{standard input}:188:Fatal error:Symbol csum_partial_copy already
make[2]:***[cheksum.o] Error 1
make[2]:Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernel./arch/i386/lib'
make[1]:***[first_rule] Error 2
make[1]:algún mensaje más y se detiene la compilación.

¿Alguna sugerencia para este asunto? He creado varias configuraciones
distintas, algunas muy simples pero ni por esas, siempre se me atranca en el
mismo sitio. Tengo instalado Debian 2.0 con el núcleo 2.0.34 y estoy
tratando de compilar el kernel 2.2.0

Re: Apache y PHP

1999-04-28 Thread Han Solo
On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 09:55:32PM +0200, Andres Herrera wrote:
 Estoy intentando echar a andar PHP3 + Apache + Postgres (aunque este aun no
 ha entrado en juego: estoy aun en el kilometro cero).

Te voy a dar un consejo. Pasa de php, yo creo que es mejor que hagas los
cgi's directamente. Te los puedes currar en el lenguaje que más te guste, y
creo que en general quedan mejor. Si lo haces en perl (a mi modo de ver la
mejor opción), hay un montón de múdulos para conctar con bases de datos. Usa
la comn¡binación DBD+DBI, que permite además abstraer las consultas de la
base de datos, con lo que si un día decides cambiar de base, no tienes que
cambiar el código. Además, el perl es de lo mejor que hay para tratamiento de
cadenas, muy útil para consultas SQL. Para más imformación, mira cualquier
murror del CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). Hay uno en rediris. Si
quieres cosas con más detalle, mándame un mail.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-28 Thread Correcaminos
de Enrique Zanardi el Wed, Apr 28, 1999 a las 09:33:34AM +0100
X-Sistema-Operativo: Linux elsa 2.2.6 
X-Agradecimientos: A mi mujer...
X-PGP: Buscar en

El Wed, Apr 28, 1999 a las 09:33:34AM +0100, Enrique Zanardi dijo: 
 On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 09:53:56AM +0200, Ramiro Alba wrote:
  Hablando del tema. Tengo una hija de 4 años y estoy buscando algo
  apropiado para su edad (juegos aparte) bajo Linux (no estoy por la labor
  de la opcion Windows), para empezar a introducirla an informática en
  plan ameno e interactivo ¿Alguien sabe de algo?
 He leido que la gente del proyecto SEUL ( tienen algunos
 programitas en plan educativo, pero aún no he tenido tiempo de verlos.
 Tal vez puedas empezar por ahí.

Tambien me apunto a echarle un vistazo...

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Re: Hablando de Logos

1999-04-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 27 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 05:50:32 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon 

   Molaría que pbmtoascii entendiera  de colores y pudiera generar
   también secuencias  de escape acordes  jeje (eso si el  pbm soporta
   colores, que no lo sé).

 The Gimp hace eso.

 Depends: aalib1 (= 1.2-7), ...

 el formato es AA si no recuerdo mal.

 Dada  la dependencia  que das,  deduzco  que te  refieres a  la
 versión de  gimp de  la slink.  Yo tengo la  de la  hamm y  sólo me
 permite guardar en  .aa cuando la imagen está en  escala de grises.
 No lo pilla ni con 24 bits, ni con 8 (color) ni con 4 ni con 1. Por
 tanto, no hay colores  :-(

 Actualizaré gimp, a  ver si es de  eso (y aalib y  vete a saber
 qué montón de dependencias más ;-)).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.6
PGP Public key at

[OFF-TOPIC] which computer rack?

1999-04-28 Thread Obi
Sorry for the off topic question, but since it looks like few people on
the list had to deal with cluster of PCs I was wondering if I can get
any advice on a computer rack. We'll have about 6-8 machines (running
Debian of course :)).


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

Re: How unstable is unstable?

1999-04-28 Thread Dan Nguyen
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
Your problem was you didn't upgrade fully...  Debian Potato is a major
change from slink  (2.2).  Potato binaries will not always run
reliably on previous systems, because Potato now run glibc2.1 while
slink run glibc2.0

: I've sworn off the unstable directory since I downloaded a buggy C library
: that trashed by entire system.  I ended up having to do a reinstall from
: bootable CD because even the mount command couldn't complete its task.

   Dan Nguyen  | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   -La Rochefocauld, Maxims
25 2F 99 19 6C C9 19 D6  1B 9F F1 E0 E9 10 4C 16

Copying system to another disk

1999-04-28 Thread Micha Feigin
I want to copy the whole system to another disk to run on another
computer (after  copy it i can take care of configuration). Seems to
easier and shorter then downloading about 300 megs.
I was wondering how  do i go abou doing this.
If anyone knows the answear or can point me to an apropriate HOWTO.

Another problem is that it will probably no longer be on drive C and
would reside together with win95. Where is the information on setting
this up? 

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Get your free address at

Re: tz screwed up with new libc 2.1

1999-04-28 Thread Dan Nguyen
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
: I just upgraded from 2.07 to glibc 2.1.

: alls well except the octton picking time zone.

libc6 now provides timezones, and therefore must conflict with
timezones.  So my suggestion is to install libc6, and not timezones.

: if i have /etc/locatime -- /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST5EDT for example, i 
: get a time 4 hours earlier that it really is. i switched over to NT
: and the time reads correct there.

Are you running at UTC time? Check /etc/default/rcS

Also did you try to reboot?  There was a race condition which was
affecting cron, which I believe was corrected, but I might be wrong. 

: if i pull the link in /etc, i get 

: (gustav)~/: date
: Sun Apr 25 21:00:16 /etc/localtime 1999

: which happens to be the correct time, but when i send mail:

: Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 20:57:37 + (/etc/localtime)

cuz you have not time zone set

   Dan Nguyen  | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   -La Rochefocauld, Maxims
25 2F 99 19 6C C9 19 D6  1B 9F F1 E0 E9 10 4C 16

Re: Copying system to another disk

1999-04-28 Thread Aaron Solochek
I just tried doing this, and ran into an interesting problem.  I think that it 
had to
do with copying /lib over, but when it finished untarring the new system, it 
just gave
me a login prompt.  I logged in, got the message of the day, told me I had no 
and then gave me the login prompt.  when I tried to reboot with ctrl-alt-delete 
asked for the administrator password for maintenance, which didn't seem to work.
Basically I needed to hit the reset switch, and then install the system from 
So be careful.

-Aaron Solochek

Micha Feigin wrote:

 I want to copy the whole system to another disk to run on another
 computer (after  copy it i can take care of configuration). Seems to
 easier and shorter then downloading about 300 megs.
 I was wondering how  do i go abou doing this.
 If anyone knows the answear or can point me to an apropriate HOWTO.

 Another problem is that it will probably no longer be on drive C and
 would reside together with win95. Where is the information on setting
 this up?

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adding new libs (.a) to debian (gnome xml)

1999-04-28 Thread Micha Feigin
I tried to add the gnome_xml libs to debian.
Due to the fact that i couldnt find a .deb I compiled the package, did
make install which copied the said libs to /usr/local/libs.
I then added the directory to /etc/ (i hope i'm not getting
the file name wrong) and then ran ldconfig.
Then when i tried to compile another package which tried to link
against the xml libs (gnome_print) i got an answear somthing like:
error with -lxml no such library (I don't remember the exactly how it
was writen).
If anyone know of .deb instead of these two packages it would be

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Re: Copying system to another disk

1999-04-28 Thread Oleg Krivosheev


did it several times:

1. prepare rescue disk

2. put new disk into comp and mount it to /mnt

3. Go back to old disk and as root

   cd /
   find . -xdev | cpio -vdump /mnt

4. remove old disk from the system, reboot with rescue disk
   (rescue root=/dev/hdxxx) and fix /etc/fstab, /etc/lilo.conf, 
   /etc/hostname, ...
   run lilo


On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Aaron Solochek wrote:

 I just tried doing this, and ran into an interesting problem.  I think that 
 it had to
 do with copying /lib over, but when it finished untarring the new system, it 
 just gave
 me a login prompt.  I logged in, got the message of the day, told me I had no 
 and then gave me the login prompt.  when I tried to reboot with 
 ctrl-alt-delete it
 asked for the administrator password for maintenance, which didn't seem to 
 Basically I needed to hit the reset switch, and then install the system from 
 So be careful.
 -Aaron Solochek
 Micha Feigin wrote:
  I want to copy the whole system to another disk to run on another
  computer (after  copy it i can take care of configuration). Seems to
  easier and shorter then downloading about 300 megs.
  I was wondering how  do i go abou doing this.
  If anyone knows the answear or can point me to an apropriate HOWTO.
  Another problem is that it will probably no longer be on drive C and
  would reside together with win95. Where is the information on setting
  this up?
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 Oleg Krivosheev, 
 MS 220, BD/Physics,
 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
 P.O.Box 500, Batavia, Illinois, 60510
 phone: (630) 840 8460
 FAX  : (630) 840 6039

Re: kernel 2.2.6

1999-04-28 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-04-27 23:49, Helge Hafting wrote:

 The processor do indeed have 1MB to play with, but only 640k of
 that is RAM.  The rest of that address space is reserved for
 memory mapped devices such as the cga/vga compatible screen.
 The 640k limit applies to all real-mode software, not 
 msdos only.

Yes, you're right.

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Re: lost sound after changing video card

1999-04-28 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-04-27 16:23, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:

The only obviuos thing that I think think of is IRQ, DMA or IO
conflict which would prevent the (sound) driver to prosper.  The
device busy is normal though - at least, I've seen that with working
cards as well.

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

silly question

1999-04-28 Thread Jonathan P Tomer
(please cc: me to replies)

is it currently possible to do a straight potato initial install, or must
one first install slink's base system and then aptify?

For a price I'd do about anything, except pull the trigger: for that I'd
need a pretty good cause -- Queensryche, Revolution Calling
PGP 5.0 key (0xE024447449) at

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread debian
In actual fact this virus deletes your FLASH BIOS rendering motherboard
useless unless of course your got a bios chip around.

- Original Message -
From: Mitch Blevins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 April 1999 2:38
Subject: Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

 In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
  after my kid was playing games on win95 yesterday
  evening i was unable to boot into Linux - actually unable
  to boot into win95 also... Looks like some kind of
  virus destroyed boot sector with partition table.
  i can remember approximate partition sizes and order.
  Is there any way to recover partition table and the system
  as well ?

 You got hit with the CIH virus.  It was well publicized at least
 a week prior to the detonation date (yesterday).  All reports that
 I have seen don't hold much hope for recovering without a full reinstall.
 (hope you backed up your data..)

 It is an unfortunate fact that if you want to run Windows on a machine
 nowadays, you must pay tribute to the antivirus gods or suffer their
 wrath from time to time.


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Re: Lothar Project

1999-04-28 Thread Benoit.Joly
y do we need a gnome or kde interface?
y cant we have a console interface first?

it's probably easy to rip code from this project to start and then create 
a nice console interface.

i dont think this kind of tool should be X oriented.

Benoit Joly

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:

 But the Desktop Manager is KDE and Debian doesn't have KDE package (It's 
 better like this). So Debin could make another project :
 glothar wich includes gnome instead of KDE
 On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 09:51:25AM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote:
  Sticking with the idea of making Linux (Debian) easier to install, has any 
  the Debian geniuses looked at the Lothar Project?  I think it would be easy 
  start putting into that project and get the Debian distribution better for 
  it.  I
  am not that good of a programmer but I know that Debian has the best
  programmers on the team.  
  So, what is the thought on that?  Maybe Corel could even step into it?  Who
  knows.  I think it would benefit Debian to have full hardware sensing in it.
  Brian Schramm
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  // -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--\\
 | Sami Dalouche  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | AIM : linhax|
 | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ : 25529539  |
  \\ -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--//
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Somebody's scanning my ports or what?

1999-04-28 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

To continue my new Linux user paranoia, I have just noticed in
xconsole that someone's been trying to connect to every port from port 
2 thru 1024. It looks like this:

Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: tcpmux connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 2 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 3 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 4 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Apr 27 20:08:13 main tcplogd: port 1024 connection attempt from [EMAIL 

This one was the last. Bellglobal is my ISP provider, and I'm
connected via ADSL modem. In between these messages sometimes there
are the following (I guess that's when existing service was found):

Apr 27 20:03:46 main in.telnetd[7141]: connect from
Apr 27 20:04:34 main in.ftpd[7145]: connect from

Is this within frames of acceptable. I feel like complaining, but
don't want to look like an idiot. :)

Any comments highly appreciated!
Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Unidentified subject!

1999-04-28 Thread Jason Winters
how do you install kde?

Jason E Winters

Diald not installing defaultroute to sl0

1999-04-28 Thread Nissim Karpenstein

I'm having some trouble setting up diald.  I put the defaultroute option
in the diald.options file, but after running diald, the slip connection
is not being set up as the default route.  Here is the setup

accounting-log /var/diald/log
mode ppp
device /dev/ttyS0
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/
speed 115200
connect-timeout 30
dial-fail-limit 5
fifo /var/run/diald.fifo

\rAT  \
'OK-+++\c-OK' ATH0   \
OK 'AT *v2=5 s69.5=1 *p=3 *d0=1' \
OK 'ATDT8129147'   \

lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

after running diald -- /var/log/messages:
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Using fifo /var/run/diald.fifo
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Starting diald version 0.16.5
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Proxy device established on
interface sl0
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Setting pointopoint route for sl0
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Establishing routes for sl0
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: proxy arp: scanning 2 interfaces
for IP
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: proxy arp: examining interface lo
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: proxy arp: examining interface sl0
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Changed snoop device to sl0
Apr 27 11:19:09 prophet diald[2500]: Diald initial setup completed.

after running diald -- output of route -n :
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH1  00
sl0   U 0  00
lo U 1  02

Shouldn't there be a G in the flags next to the bottom one?
Does anyone know why it's not working?



Re: Lothar project

1999-04-28 Thread Benoit.Joly

i dont think this kind of tool should be X oriented. At least we should 
have a console app for people who dont want to run X.

it's probably easy to rip code from this project to start and then create 
a nice console interface.

then if needed, we should create a nice gui (gnome or kde), but i think 
this tool is usefull at the first time of a debian install. So dont think 
X will be installed and maybe a X install app is too much for our needs.

it's just my opinion, but the idea of lothar is great :).

Benoit Joly

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:

 But the Desktop Manager is KDE and Debian doesn't have KDE package (It's 
 better like this). So Debin could make another project :
 glothar wich includes gnome instead of KDE
 On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 09:51:25AM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote:
  Sticking with the idea of making Linux (Debian) easier to install, has any 
  the Debian geniuses looked at the Lothar Project?  I think it would be easy 
  start putting into that project and get the Debian distribution better for 
  it.  I
  am not that good of a programmer but I know that Debian has the best
  programmers on the team.  
  So, what is the thought on that?  Maybe Corel could even step into it?  Who
  knows.  I think it would benefit Debian to have full hardware sensing in it.
  Brian Schramm
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  // -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--\\
 | Sami Dalouche  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | AIM : linhax|
 | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ : 25529539  |
  \\ -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--//
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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A few questions

1999-04-28 Thread Jesse Lee
First off. Why cant I send mail to the debian list when I'm logged on
as root. I get all my messsages back. Hey give some message about not
sending mail as root. The message doesnt show up in the list. (Using
my hotmail account to send this) should I just use my hotmail account
to send and my ISP account to recieve?

Second. Why can t I open my cdrom when enter KDE. I've tried to force
software eject it and it says the device is busy, even if there isnt a
cd in the drive. I have to exit X then put in the cd, then startx X
again. Its a bit annoying, especially if I am downloading a huge file,
so I have to either suffer without the cdrom and not get any work
done, or stop the download.

3rd. Anyone know of some good text to speech software thats easy to
use? I just need to be able to type something in and have it say it to
me, and I need to be able to record the sound. I'm looking for
something along the lines of the MS speech SDK stuff.

Thanks in advance, all

Jesse Lee

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

Re: Somebody's scanning my ports or what?

1999-04-28 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Hi all:
 To continue my new Linux user paranoia, I have just noticed in
 xconsole that someone's been trying to connect to every port from port 
 2 thru 1024. It looks like this:
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: tcpmux connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 2 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 3 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 4 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:08:13 main tcplogd: port 1024 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 This one was the last. Bellglobal is my ISP provider, and I'm
 connected via ADSL modem. In between these messages sometimes there
 are the following (I guess that's when existing service was found):
 Apr 27 20:03:46 main in.telnetd[7141]: connect from
 Apr 27 20:04:34 main in.ftpd[7145]: connect from
 Is this within frames of acceptable. I feel like complaining, but
 don't want to look like an idiot. :)
 Any comments highly appreciated!

This is not acceptable.  This is analogous to some stranger on the street
coming up and feeling your crotch.

I suggest you contact bellglobal and complain.  If that does not work,
learn proper counter-measures.


Re: Somebody's scanning my ports or what?

1999-04-28 Thread Benoit.Joly
im getting this kind of things about 2 or 3 times a week...
with some netbus and bo try.

i sent lot of emails to their isp but still receive 2 or 3 attack per 
week from other ips...

what should i do?, is there a way to protect me against this? currently i 
have fakebo.

Benoit Joly

On 27 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Hi all:
 To continue my new Linux user paranoia, I have just noticed in
 xconsole that someone's been trying to connect to every port from port 
 2 thru 1024. It looks like this:
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: tcpmux connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 2 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 3 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 4 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:08:13 main tcplogd: port 1024 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 This one was the last. Bellglobal is my ISP provider, and I'm
 connected via ADSL modem. In between these messages sometimes there
 are the following (I guess that's when existing service was found):
 Apr 27 20:03:46 main in.telnetd[7141]: connect from
 Apr 27 20:04:34 main in.ftpd[7145]: connect from
 Is this within frames of acceptable. I feel like complaining, but
 don't want to look like an idiot. :)
 Any comments highly appreciated!
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: A few questions

1999-04-28 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 [skip 1 and 2... sorry] 
 3rd. Anyone know of some good text to speech software thats easy to
 use? I just need to be able to type something in and have it say it to
 me, and I need to be able to record the sound. I'm looking for
 something along the lines of the MS speech SDK stuff.

Get festival (apt-get install festival)

Compiling xfstt

1999-04-28 Thread Greg Scharrer
I downloaded the xfstt tar file, extracted it, and then tried to run
make. I got the following error:

xfstt.cpp:38: X11/fonts/FS.h: No such file or directory
xfstt.cpp:39: X11/fonts/FSproto.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [xfstt.o] Error 1

The xfstt FAQ says that a package xdevel or something similar must be
installed. I could not find xdevel on my Debian CD (Official release
from Cheapbytes) and I could not find it at the Debian site. Does it
have another name in Debian?

I got xfstt installed by downloading the .deb package from the Debian
site. But I would like to know what package is missing in case I want to
program with X later.


Greg Scharrer

Re: Compiling xfstt

1999-04-28 Thread James M . Mastros
On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 01:52:00AM +, Greg Scharrer wrote:
 xfstt.cpp:38: X11/fonts/FS.h: No such file or directory
 xfstt.cpp:39: X11/fonts/FSproto.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [xfstt.o] Error 1
 The xfstt FAQ says that a package xdevel or something similar must be
 installed. I could not find xdevel on my Debian CD (Official release
 from Cheapbytes) and I could not find it at the Debian site. Does it
 have another name in Debian?
On my system, leastways, it's in xlib6g-dev.  Slink likely has it in

-=- James Mastros
My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us.
-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.
cat /dev/urandom|james --insane=yes
ICQ: 1293899   AIM: theorbtwo  YPager: theorbtwo

Re: Compiling xfstt

1999-04-28 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 28 Apr, Greg Scharrer wrote about Compiling xfstt
 I downloaded the xfstt tar file, extracted it, and then tried to run
 make. I got the following error:
 xfstt.cpp:38: X11/fonts/FS.h: No such file or directory
 xfstt.cpp:39: X11/fonts/FSproto.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [xfstt.o] Error 1
 The xfstt FAQ says that a package xdevel or something similar must be
 installed. I could not find xdevel on my Debian CD (Official release
 from Cheapbytes) and I could not find it at the Debian site. Does it
 have another name in Debian?
 I got xfstt installed by downloading the .deb package from the Debian
 site. But I would like to know what package is missing in case I want to
 program with X later.
 Greg Scharrer

Use the Contents search tool at to search for missing files.
Or download a copy for local use of the Contents-*.gz file and use
zgrep to search it.

usr/X11R6/include/X11/fonts/FSproto.h   x11/xlib6g-dev

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-04-28 Thread ktb
Jason Winters wrote:
 how do you install kde?
 Jason E Winters

Here are the directions from a few days ago.  I followed this and
installed kde on Slink.  I had to install the rpm package and librpm1 in
addition to what is listed below.

Paul Winkler wrote:
 I recently installed Kde 1.1 on Debian 2.1.  I did it this way;
 1.  Install the qt library version 1.42 -2 from the debian site
 2.  Download from ,
 (or a mirror) , the following fpackages and install them using 
 (dpkg -i package.deb) in this order:
 This desktop is very nice!

RE: checking system integrity? which files are from debian / whi

1999-04-28 Thread Shaleh

On 27-Apr-99 .Oliver_Thuns. wrote:
 How could I check, if there are files which are not from debs and if
 there are modified files?

if it is not in /usr/local it is the result of a package in some way UNLESS you
have installed items from source or friends in places other than /usr/local.

There is an app called cruft which will list all files that the system is
unsure of.

RE: adding new libs (.a) to debian (gnome xml)

1999-04-28 Thread Shaleh

On 27-Apr-99 Micha Feigin wrote:
 I tried to add the gnome_xml libs to debian.
 Due to the fact that i couldnt find a .deb I compiled the package, did
 make install which copied the said libs to /usr/local/libs.
 I then added the directory to /etc/ (i hope i'm not getting
 the file name wrong) and then ran ldconfig.
 Then when i tried to compile another package which tried to link
 against the xml libs (gnome_print) i got an answear somthing like:
 error with -lxml no such library (I don't remember the exactly how it
 was writen).
 If anyone know of .deb instead of these two packages it would be

it is libxml I believe.  Also GNOME packages exist in a staging area and will
soon appear in Debian proper.  So if you can wait a week or two, patience will

RE: silly question

1999-04-28 Thread Shaleh

On 28-Apr-99 Jonathan P Tomer wrote:
 (please cc: me to replies)
 is it currently possible to do a straight potato initial install, or must
 one first install slink's base system and then aptify?

Until we are close to freezing, I would say do a slink install and update from

Sabre fails

1999-04-28 Thread Steve Gore

I'm having a prob w/Sabre flight sim.  When I run it, this happens:

---snip here---

Sabre Fighter Plane Simulator Version 0.2.4 01/01/99
Initing graphics
Initing graphic interface
svgalib: Failed to initialize mouse.
Initing edge bounds
Initing zbuffer
256000 bytes allocated for zbuffer
Setting port_3D params
Initing font object
found 8x8 font in /usr/lib/games/sabre/lib/simfnt-8x8
chaining SIGFPE handler
reading world file a.wld
reading palette file a.plt
reading texture file a.txr
Reading terrain info
Reading static object definitions
Reading static object instances
reading flight info a.flt
check failed got_line
Press Any Key ...Exiting

---snip here---

I'm not much for games, but this looks interesting.  I'd appreciate any input.


Testing sub directories using perl AGAIN

1999-04-28 Thread Shao Zhang
Thank you for all the kind anwsers to my question a couple of weeks

But it is still not exactly what I want. All the answers used the
idea to compare the string, but what about
the following case:

dir1 = /www/info/world;
dir2 = /www/info/world/usa/../../../.

Now, clearly dir1 is a sub directory of dir2. So how do I test. Since
the security is a big concern of us, we cannot
afford the case like above.




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

EQL problems - Update

1999-04-28 Thread Chad C. Walstrom
Chewie here, with a quick update on the EQL problems I was having.  In
case  you hadn't seen the previous post, here's a quick synopsis.  I
had compiled the 2.2.5 kernel with eql support, initiated my two modem
connections with no (absolutely NO) compression, and enslaved the
devices to the eql device.  My routing table was set up correctly, and
I watched the tcpdump on each device to find that data was being sent
and received, but just not finalized.  The initiating program didn't
receive packets...they seemed to disappear somewhere between the modem
device and the eql device.

Well, since I had done everything right, as according to documentation
and the advice of a friend, we decided to go back to the 2.0.36
kernel.  Lo-and-behold, it worked!  After establishing a stable eql
environment, I applied the firewall and masquerading rules to make the
connection LAN accessible.  Mission accomplished.

The short and long of it, eql on kernels newer than 2.0.36 should be
assumed to be broken until further notice.  I will be reporting the
bug to the tracker sometime tomorrow morning.


Linux user since 2.0.32

Re: Testing sub directories using perl AGAIN

1999-04-28 Thread James M . Mastros
On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 01:42:48PM +, Shao Zhang wrote:
 But it is still not exactly what I want. All the answers used the
 idea to compare the string, but what about
 the following case:
 dir1 = /www/info/world;
 dir2 = /www/info/world/usa/../../../.
 Now, clearly dir1 is a sub directory of dir2. So how do I test. Since
 the security is a big concern of us, we cannot
 afford the case like above.
Is it valid (IE do you have permissions to) cd into the directories in
quesion and then `pwd` to get a cannonical name?  (However, this won't work
if directories are hardlinked.  Fortunately, IIRC, that isn't possible.)

My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us.
-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.
cat /dev/urandom|james --insane=yes
ICQ: 1293899   AIM: theorbtwo  YPager: theorbtwo

Re: Somebody's scanning my ports or what?

1999-04-28 Thread Benoit.Joly

i wantt to thanks you for this bunch of usefull things :)

i just found a free tool to minimize attack on a linux box...
logchecker, portsentry which deny automaticly suspected host, hostsentry 
for watching login access...

seems to be nice.

Benoit Joly

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Benoit.Joly wrote:
  im getting this kind of things about 2 or 3 times a week...
  with some netbus and bo try.
  i sent lot of emails to their isp but still receive 2 or 3 attack per 
  week from other ips...
  what should i do?, is there a way to protect me against this? currently i 
  have fakebo.
  Benoit Joly
 You can not prevent your system from being scanned, all you can do is
 control what is learned from the scan. It is not a crime, as far as I
 know, to simply attempt connections to a machine on the public internet.
 First thing I would do is only have ONE machine exposed directly to the
 internet. Use this machine as a firewall/gateway for all the other
 machines. Turn off all services on this machine that you are not using.
 Carefuly plan and put into place a set of packet forwarding / masquerading
 rules for traffic between your internal protected network and the public
 internet. For services that you wish to provide to outside hosts, make a
 separate network different from the internal network. This is commonly
 called a DMZ in network documents.
 So your internet firewall / gateway will probably have THREE interfaces if
 you wish to provide public access to some services:
 1. The interface to the external internet.
 2. The interface to the private local network.
 3. The interface to the internal network with public services (www,
 ftp, mail, news, etc.)
 The whole world can access certain ports in your public access net ( 80,
 21, 23, 25, 119, etc) Nobody in the outside world has direct access to
 your internal net. Nobody on the public access net has access to your
 internal net and your internal net has access to everything.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Testing sub directories using perl AGAIN

1999-04-28 Thread Joey Hess
Shao Zhang wrote:
 But it is still not exactly what I want. All the answers used the
 idea to compare the string, but what about
 the following case:
 dir1 = /www/info/world;
 dir2 = /www/info/world/usa/../../../.
 Now, clearly dir1 is a sub directory of dir2. So how do I test. Since
 the security is a big concern of us, we cannot
 afford the case like above.

Here's a quick solution since I had some code that can do it lying around
from something else. Probably overkill or not ideal, but it should work.

if (GetAbsolutePath(DeSymlinkPath(GetAbsolutePath($dir1))) eq
GetAbsolutePath(DeSymlinkPath(GetAbsolutePath($dir2 {
# whatever

And have these functions defined:

# Passed a filename, find all elements of it that are symlinks, and replace 
# with the symlink destination directory names. Calls itself recursivly until
# no more symlinks are left in the filename.
# Note that the path this returns may be ugly and have lots of extra /'s and
# ..'s and .'s in it. Use GetAbsolutePath to clean it up. Also note that this 
# only works if it's passed an absulte path to begin with. Therefore, a 
# typical invocation will be something like:
# GetAbsolutePath(DeSymlinkPath(GetAbsolutePath(file)))
sub DeSymlinkPath { $_=shift;
my $dirty=undef; # set to 1 if we encounter a symlink.
my @list=split(m:/:, $_);

my $a=undef;
foreach $elt (@list) {
if (-l $a/$elt) {
my $b=readlink($a/$elt);
if ($b=~m:^/: eq undef) { # relative symlink, add to 
current pwd.
else { # absolute symlink, replaces current pwd.
else { # normal directory or file, add to pwd.

if ($dirty) {
return DeSymlinkPath($a);
else {
return $a;

# Passed a filname that may be relative, determine the absolute filename. 
# So we have to get rid of relative pathnames, and we even have to handle 
# things like ./../../../usr/X11R5/../X11R6/bin/./foo
sub GetAbsolutePath { $_=shift;
if (m:^/: eq undef) { # doesn't start with / , so is a relative path.
my $pwd=`pwd`; # isn't there a perl function for this?
chomp $pwd;

tr:/:/:s; # replace all // with /

my @dirlist;
foreach $dir (split(m:/:, $_)) {
if ($dir eq '..') {
pop @dirlist; # go down 1 directory.
elsif ($dir ne '.') {
push (@dirlist,$dir);

$_='/'. join('/',@dirlist);
tr:/:/:s; # replace all // with /

return $_;

see shy jo

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Ajith Peter

Hi there,

Seems ur sys is infected by the CIH virus and this will destroy ur
HDD as well as ur BIOS.  Many computers in our locality is infected.
Their BIOS had to be replaced and the data in the HDDs could not be
recovered.  I have got a scan for the virus.  U can have more details on
the virus from  This virus will only infect Windows
machines and not Linux.


 Keeping up the spirit of Amateur Radio and Free Computing 

Re: Copying system to another disk

1999-04-28 Thread Bill Wilson
It's not just plain, it doesn't exist.
The web site should be:



Print spooling, SMB browsing, communism and other mishaps

1999-04-28 Thread Jesse Wolfe

i've finally decided to give up and ask a question instead of 
trying to understand some particularly bad 

1. Printing. i've got a Canon BJC-4200. 
I'm using kernel 2.2.5.
I can echo "Hello"  /dev/lp0 and get it on paper. i cant 
get lpr to actually do anything even after i checked the printcap file (it was 
lp1 but changing it didnt solve the problem). 

2. Samba... I'm using 2 ip addresses and samba loves the 
second interface only-- i have them both installed in smb.conf but it wont 
contact any computer on the first subnet (i'm probably cheating... there's no 
wins server or anything). I got LinNeigborhood (altavista told me 'bout it)... 
it says browsing does not work (sorry i dont have it 

Re: Print spooling, SMB browsing, communism and other mishaps

1999-04-28 Thread Shao Zhang
Jesse Wolfe wrote:

 i've finally decided to give up and ask a question instead of trying
 to understand some particularly bad 1. Printing. i've got a Canon
 BJC-4200. I'm using kernel 2.2.5.I can echo Hello  /dev/lp0 and get
 it on paper. i cant get lpr to actually do anything even after i
 checked the printcap file (it was lp1 but changing it didnt solve the
 problem). 2. Samba... I'm using 2 ip addresses and samba loves the
 second interface only-- i have them both installed in smb.conf but it
 wont contact any computer on the first subnet (i'm probably
 cheating... there's no wins server or anything). I got LinNeigborhood
 (altavista told me 'bout it)... it says browsing does not work (sorry
 i dont have it verbatim)

With the 2.2 series, I think they have changed the device name for the
parallel port. You should edit your printcap
file to make it points to /dev/lp0. Then did you do a /etc/init.d/lpd
stop; /etc/init.d/lpd start??

Hope it helps...



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread debian
So does it make the disk usable? or can if simply be reformatted?

- Original Message - 
From: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 April 1999 13:37
Subject: Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

 On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, debian wrote:
  In actual fact this virus deletes your FLASH BIOS rendering motherboard
  useless unless of course your got a bios chip around.
 It deletes your BIOS after writing over the disk ... not just the
 partition table.

Re: Print spooling, SMB browsing, communism and other mishaps

1999-04-28 Thread Jesse Wolfe
actually i did exactly that...
and nothing seemed to change.

- Original Message -
From: Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Print spooling, SMB browsing, communism and other mishaps

 Jesse Wolfe wrote:

  i've finally decided to give up and ask a question instead of trying
  to understand some particularly bad 1. Printing. i've got a Canon
  BJC-4200. I'm using kernel 2.2.5.I can echo Hello  /dev/lp0 and get
  it on paper. i cant get lpr to actually do anything even after i
  checked the printcap file (it was lp1 but changing it didnt solve the
  problem). 2. Samba... I'm using 2 ip addresses and samba loves the
  second interface only-- i have them both installed in smb.conf but it
  wont contact any computer on the first subnet (i'm probably
  cheating... there's no wins server or anything). I got LinNeigborhood
  (altavista told me 'bout it)... it says browsing does not work (sorry
  i dont have it verbatim)

 With the 2.2 series, I think they have changed the device name for the
 parallel port. You should edit your printcap
 file to make it points to /dev/lp0. Then did you do a /etc/init.d/lpd
 stop; /etc/init.d/lpd start??

 Hope it helps...



 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/
_` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/
/___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: limiting per user CPU time

1999-04-28 Thread ulisses

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Pere Camps wrote:

   Is there any way to do that? I've read ulimit(1), but that only
 applies to bash(1) and it's sons (and it can also be changed). Another
 option would be automatically nicing proceses that use more CPU time than
 their quota.

Take a look at getrlimit, setrlimit and getrusage(2), I think the best way
to do this is to make a daemon wich monitor process and applies the niceness
of process...

Maybe already it does exsist something similar? (check it at

I hope this helps


Debian/GNU Linux: a dream come true
- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

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Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Mark Wagnon
Mitch Blevins wrote:
 As you pointed out, the smaller market share makes it less of a target
 for the virus writers slaving away in the backrooms of antivirus software

I've always suspected this, hmmm...?

 Win9x is like
 a 10-generation, inbred, backwoods, hillbilly family where a common
 cold can be introduced and wipe out the whole clan.  GNU/Linux has a much
 more robust gene pool.


 Because of the Unix security model, spreading of virii is harder.  Notice
 how many more viris warnings you see for Win9x than for NT.
 Data files in GNU/Linux tend to be common ascii text.  This would be much
 harder for a virus to hide in than the corfortable, dark and damp interior
 of a MSWord file.  (data files are a common way for virii to spread)

Yeah, my boss has managed to pass along a nice little macro virus to
just about everyone in the office. But hey, she sure has the nicest
collection of jokes, .avi's, etc.

 Since GNU/Linux users are not conditioned to blindly run binary-only
 programs, they are less likely to comply when they get that fateful
 email with an attached executable and the spiffy subject line of
 Cool... run me.  Fwd to your friends

I am surprised by how many people I know who blindly open e-mail from
people/sources unknown to them. I've warned them, so one of these

 Also, I would hope that if antivirus software does become necessary
 for Debian users, some smart people would step up and put the virus-cleaners
 under a Free license, so we can use apt's auto-web-update capabilities
 to sleep well at night.

and that's the beauty of Linux.

Mark, chained to a windows machine :(

Re: Creating PDF files

1999-04-28 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 16:04:36 +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
 html2ps isn't Debianized,

html2ps is debianised, at least in the unstable tree.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Re: Copying system to another disk

1999-04-28 Thread homega
Micha Feigin dixit:
~ I want to copy the whole system to another disk to run on another
~ computer (after  copy it i can take care of configuration). Seems to be
~ easier and shorter then downloading about 300 megs.
~ I was wondering how  do i go abou doing this.
~ If anyone knows the answear or can point me to an apropriate HOWTO.
~ Another problem is that it will probably no longer be on drive C and
~ would reside together with win95. Where is the information on setting
~ this up? 



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DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }

1999-04-28 Thread John Leget

Is anyone able to give me some pointers as to where im going wrong here
, i keep getting lots of the following
in the attempt of mp3'ing an audio cdrom to my hard drive

Apr 28 18:58:31 gabriel kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Apr 28 18:58:31 gabriel kernel: hda: DMA disabled
Apr 28 18:58:32 gabriel kernel: hda: ATAPI reset complete
Apr 28 18:59:49 gabriel kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Apr 28 18:59:49 gabriel kernel: hda: ATAPI reset complete

I have had little success solving the above, im currently running potato


Ftechmail query !

1999-04-28 Thread Nidge Jones

I have been playing around with Fetchmail just recently. And it is
working just fine etc.

However, I am wondering if it is possible to leave mail on the server
for XX amount of days before deleting it.

Ie, collect all NEW mail today, but don't delete if off the server for
another 2 days time. So when in two days time I connect again, the mail
is NOT fetched (old mail) but is deleted.

I have a situation where I sometimes access one POP mailbox from a CE
box and a mobile phone, but if the Linux box got there first (automated
dial ups) then I miss the mail.

Thanks in advance  

Nidge Jones

Mutt - one more problem

1999-04-28 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All!
I'm on my way from pine to mutt. Last time I discovered however a big
problem. When I send the letter with non-ASCII characters in the subject 
and body of the letter (I use ISO-8859-2 encoding) and attach a file,
the users of Pegasus Mail get the cut and corrupted attachments.
Where is the problem?

Wojtek Zabolotny

Java Problem

1999-04-28 Thread Trevor Glen
Hi All,

I am having problems running java. In fact it is anything to do with
java. Whenever I type java I get this:

/usr/lib/jdk1.1/bin/../bin/i586/green_threads/java: error in loading
shared libraries:
/usr/lib/jdk1.1/bin/../lib/i586/green_threads/ undefined
symbol: _dl_symbol_value

Any ideas?


Re: Somebody's scanning my ports or what?

1999-04-28 Thread Ookhoi
  im getting this kind of things about 2 or 3 times a week...
  with some netbus and bo try.
  i sent lot of emails to their isp but still receive 2 or 3 attack per 
  week from other ips...
  what should i do?, is there a way to protect me against this? currently i 
  have fakebo.
  Benoit Joly
 You can not prevent your system from being scanned, all you can do is
 control what is learned from the scan. It is not a crime, as far as I
 know, to simply attempt connections to a machine on the public internet.
We (as a ISP) do report portscans to the provider of the scanner. And
almost always we get the reply that the scanner has been warned or
someting similar. A portscan can only be used for criminal actions, so
providers do see is as a crime.

Groetjes, Ookhoi

 First thing I would do is only have ONE machine exposed directly to the
 internet. Use this machine as a firewall/gateway for all the other
 machines. Turn off all services on this machine that you are not using.
 Carefuly plan and put into place a set of packet forwarding / masquerading
 rules for traffic between your internal protected network and the public
 internet. For services that you wish to provide to outside hosts, make a
 separate network different from the internal network. This is commonly
 called a DMZ in network documents.
 So your internet firewall / gateway will probably have THREE interfaces if
 you wish to provide public access to some services:
 1. The interface to the external internet.
 2. The interface to the private local network.
 3. The interface to the internal network with public services (www,
 ftp, mail, news, etc.)
 The whole world can access certain ports in your public access net ( 80,
 21, 23, 25, 119, etc) Nobody in the outside world has direct access to
 your internal net. Nobody on the public access net has access to your
 internal net and your internal net has access to everything.

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Richard Harran
Wasn't there a 'how to make a machine really secure' thread on this list
a little while back (probably around the last time one of these data
viruses exploded)?

If I remember correctly suggestions started with using 'tripwire'
software, progressed through not using any floppies at all, then
disconnecting from any network access, and ended up with a linux box
encased in concrete in a secret underground bunker with automatic
sentries, and switched off.

The point is that it is impossible to completely protect your computer
from some sort of 'foreign' interference without rendering it useless. 
Thus the sensible thing to do is to make regular back-ups, and also to
have some way of detecting when your integrity has been compromised
(excuse the lapse into pseudo-military jargon, I've been watching too
many war movies on the news), so that you don't back up corrupted data
over older but intact data if you use incremental back-up.

Having said all that, I'm absolutely useless at keeping backups, so I'm
probably heading for a complete loss of data.


Helge Hafting wrote:
  I'm curious about virii and Linux...
  Am I wrong to assume that Linux is not immune to virii (I don't even know if
  virii is a word - but it just sounds cool  :) ?  Obviously the security
  features of Linux can prevent some virii from affecting certain files on 
  system... but what about the boot sector?  And what if you happen to be su'd
  or logged in as root when you get (and heaven forbid) execute an infected
 Viruses activate when infected files or bootsectors are executed.  Some
 dos viruses also take over certain system calls.
 Viruses can be written for linux, but it haven't happened yet as far as I 
 Dos/windows viruses are usually incompatible and can't work with linux,
 just as dos programs don't run in linux (unless a suitable emulator is used).
 So a linux-only machine is very safe.  It can be vulnerable to booting
 with a boot-virus infected diskette in the drive, because such a thing
 may obliterate the harddisk before linux is loaded.  These viruses will
 usually only mess with lilo though, possibly making the machine unbootable
 but no damaged files.
 These viruses may install their own int 13 handler (bios disk access)
 but linux doesn't use that after the kernel is loaded, so it is
 effectively isolated.
 dos-Viruses that affect files doesn't understand ext2 or the various
 linux executable formats, so no danger there.  The only way to activate
 such a virus is by running some dos program in an emulator.  The emulator
 will stop the virus from obliterating the disk (i.e. dos fdisk activities
 don't work in linux)  The virus will only be able to mess with
 files that the user is allowed to mess with, and it won't find dos/windows
 executables among those.  It can only spread to other dos files.
 It may crash the dos emulator only, not linux.
 A dual-boot system is worse.  The viruses can do anything when dos/windows
 is running, but they don't understand ext2.  Infection can spread to
 the boot sector of the linux partition, not the files.
 Of course the virus may do damage enough by interpreting the ext2
 partition as a FAT partition and write to it in this manner.  Virus
 writers don't bother testing for such mistakes.  Also, overwriting
 random disk sectors is a common way to to damage when the virus
 pull the trigger.
 If you want a real safe machine, make it linux only.  No dos
 partition, no dos emulator.  And set it up so it won't try booting
 from the floppy drive.  (You can always change that back if you ever
 need to boot a floppy.)  Such a machine will be immune until a
 linux virus is written.  And a linux virus wouldn't be able
 to do much damage other than destroying the user's personal files.
 Helge Hafting
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Apache?

1999-04-28 Thread John
If you are asking how to connect to the apache web server with a
browser, then you should just be able to type one of the
following into the location field of netscape:


substituting 'mycomputername' with the actual name of your
computer, i.e. in my case.

If none of these work then there is something wrong with
apache.  If localhost works but mycomputername does not, then
there is something wrong with your network set up (could just be
missing entries in /etc/hosts or something worse).

Hope this helps.

Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ying shang wrote:
  When I boot the Debian, I find that it tells me Apache starting. But I
  not find out where is the home directory of the apache.
 I think the gentleman was asking about where to put the HTML docs
 for the webserver. Well, that's easy; just point your browser to the
 local host, and the default index page will tell you all about it.begin:vcard 
tel;fax:+31 20 34 22 820
tel;work:+31 20 34 22 820
org:OA Europe
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Technical Consultant 
adr;quoted-printable:;;Objective Alliance=0D=0AHoghilweg 14L;Amsterdam;Zoud Oust;1101 CD;Nederlands
fn:John  Stevenson

Re: Writing CRON job to null.

1999-04-28 Thread Jim Jackson

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 4/27/99 3:36:20 AM Central Daylight Time, 
   What does the 2 and 1 stand for, and the  ?
   One is standard output, right?
 21 is the Linux was of saying - send all the standard output (1) and error 
 msgs (2) to a file.   The  is necessary syntax to make it work.  

21 is the sh/bash way of saying .

In csh/tcsh there is a different syntax to redirect both stdout and stderr


In all Unices I've used, cron uses sh/bash to run the jobs - not sure if
that can be changed, I haven't delved.

Re: Java Problem

1999-04-28 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
if you have potato installed, you can't use java, you have to go to slink 
glibc6), or wait jdk 1.2 who is in prerelease.

Re: Ftechmail query !

1999-04-28 Thread Richard Harran
I don't think that you can use fetchmail to do exactly what you want,
but you may solve your overall problem by doing the following:
Run fetchmail as a background deamon with the '-k' for keep
option normally.

Periodically, perhaps using cron, run fetchmail with the '-F'
for flush option.  Obviously, you should time this so that it
doesn't interfere with your mobile fetchmailing.

(this should mean that your debian box gets your mail, but leaves it on
the POP server marked as read for you to fetch with the CE thing, untill
the '-F' fetchmail is run, which deletes all the read messages from the
POP server).

Hope this is of some use

Nidge Jones wrote:
 I have been playing around with Fetchmail just recently. And it is
 working just fine etc.
 However, I am wondering if it is possible to leave mail on the server
 for XX amount of days before deleting it.
 Ie, collect all NEW mail today, but don't delete if off the server for
 another 2 days time. So when in two days time I connect again, the mail
 is NOT fetched (old mail) but is deleted.
 I have a situation where I sometimes access one POP mailbox from a CE
 box and a mobile phone, but if the Linux box got there first (automated
 dial ups) then I miss the mail.
 Thanks in advance
 Nidge Jones
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Sendmail+IDA?

1999-04-28 Thread Remco van de Meent
 What is IDA? Does debian's sendmail package include IDA? Is there a quick
 method of configuring sendmail?

IDA is some extension to old, _old_, versions of sendmail. Sendmail got
almost completely rewritten with the 5.x-8.x transfer. Debian comes with
sendmail 8.x and you can configure it with the sendmailconfig script.


Re: Java Problem

1999-04-28 Thread Trevor Glen
budi wibowo wrote:

 have you run ldconfig before?


gtkicq with different fonts??

1999-04-28 Thread Shao Zhang
Is there a way to change the default font that gtkicq is using??




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Java Problem

1999-04-28 Thread Trevor Glen
Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:

 if you have potato installed, you can't use java, you have to go to slink 
 glibc6), or wait jdk 1.2 who is in prerelease.

Oh. That would explain a few other probs. So how do I downgrade?


system shutdown from xdm

1999-04-28 Thread Dave Whiteley
In the olden days I worked with a PDP11/44 running Unix.  I did not know
a lot about Unix, but I was trusted to  shut the system down by logging
is as a special user shutdown.

Now I am playing with my own linux systems, and I want to create a
similar user to give my Wife an easy way to shut down the PC.

I have created the user, and logging in as shutdown  from a non-X
console works well. However, now that xdm has been installed I have

I have made the user shutdown's shell a script which calls the
shutdown command. However xdm does not seem to run this script.

Is the whole idea a bad one?   If not, what am I doing wrong.

Dave Whiteley

Re: Lothar Project

1999-04-28 Thread Paulo J. da Silva e Silva
Sami Dalouche writes:
  But the Desktop Manager is KDE and Debian doesn't have KDE package (It's 
  better like this). So Debin could make another project :
  glothar wich includes gnome instead of KDE

Sorry, but I think you haven't take a look in their URL posted previoulsy in
this thread:

They plan GTK and QT interfaces. Actually the screen shots in the site are of
a GTK version using some theme I can't remember the name now. I do agree with
with the opinion already expressed that a console interface would be welcome.

Before thinking to start a flamewar people should at least get informed...

Paulo José da Silva e Silva   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ph.D. Student in Applied Math. 
University of São Paulo - Brazil

May the code be with you :-)

Re: system shutdown from xdm

1999-04-28 Thread Richard Harran
I find that I often need to shutdown as a normal user ('cos I turn my
computer off every night), but rarely need to reboot.  Thus I have set
the behavior of the ctrlaltdel keys to shutdown, rather than
reboot.  This is done with the following in /etc/inittab:
# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h now
(I think that by default you will have the above line, but with '-r'
instead of '-h').

This works for me, but I don't use xdm, so I cannot comment on whether
it traps ctrlaltdel or not.  If it does then that is just another
reason why, IMHO, xdm is pants.


Dave Whiteley wrote:
 In the olden days I worked with a PDP11/44 running Unix.  I did not know
 a lot about Unix, but I was trusted to  shut the system down by logging
 is as a special user shutdown.
 Now I am playing with my own linux systems, and I want to create a
 similar user to give my Wife an easy way to shut down the PC.
 I have created the user, and logging in as shutdown  from a non-X
 console works well. However, now that xdm has been installed I have
 I have made the user shutdown's shell a script which calls the
 shutdown command. However xdm does not seem to run this script.
 Is the whole idea a bad one?   If not, what am I doing wrong.
 Dave Whiteley
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Somebody's scanning my ports or what?

1999-04-28 Thread Anderson
Why don't you use ipfwadm?? I got almost the same problem... 

Type man ipfwadm



At 21:38 27/04/99 -0400, Benoit.Joly wrote:
im getting this kind of things about 2 or 3 times a week...
with some netbus and bo try.

i sent lot of emails to their isp but still receive 2 or 3 attack per 
week from other ips...

what should i do?, is there a way to protect me against this? currently i 
have fakebo.

Benoit Joly

On 27 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Hi all:
 To continue my new Linux user paranoia, I have just noticed in
 xconsole that someone's been trying to connect to every port from port 
 2 thru 1024. It looks like this:
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: tcpmux connection attempt from
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 2 connection attempt from
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 3 connection attempt from
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 4 connection attempt from
 Apr 27 20:08:13 main tcplogd: port 1024 connection attempt from
 This one was the last. Bellglobal is my ISP provider, and I'm
 connected via ADSL modem. In between these messages sometimes there
 are the following (I guess that's when existing service was found):
 Apr 27 20:03:46 main in.telnetd[7141]: connect from
 Apr 27 20:04:34 main in.ftpd[7145]: connect from
 Is this within frames of acceptable. I feel like complaining, but
 don't want to look like an idiot. :)
 Any comments highly appreciated!
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Real need for upgrades?

1999-04-28 Thread homega

I started using Debian 1.3 for a short while, a few months later 2.0
came out, so I ordered it, and made a reinstall;  now I'm waiting for
2.1 to arrive (still... damn post!), and I'll try not to reinstall, just
to upgrade (that's the way it should be, right?).

As I see it, releasing new versions can take place more than twice a
year.  While ppl are waiting for the next official release, they keep
gradually upgrading their systems from the ftp server, so by the time
the new release is official, they already have their systems greatly
upgraded but they still re-upgrade ... and with some packages they
downgrade since they already installed from the version after next.  Is
it all that necessary?

The same goes for new kernel releases.  While I see some using the very
latest Linux kernels (2.2.x), others still use older versions of the
kernel (2.0.2x) and they seem to be quite happy with them.  Same goes
for this:  unless there is a specific new feature (module) in a newer
kernel version, is there much point in upgrading it?

With M$, OS or applications upgrades were, most times, a matter of $$$,
which I hated;  but this is obviously not the case here.

Is there any pointer where to see what the differences from one
distribution release to another are?  and for kernels?


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Re: system shutdown from xdm

1999-04-28 Thread H C Pumphrey

Dave Whiteley asked how to let a normal user shut down a Debian box and in
On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Richard Harran wrote:

[snip:  How to make CTRL-ALT-DEL do a shutdown for a normal user]
 This works for me, but I don't use xdm, so I cannot comment on whether
 it traps ctrlaltdel or not.  If it does then that is just another
 reason why, IMHO, xdm is pants.

CTRL-ALT-DEL does nothing in xdm. However you can do CTRL-ALT-F1 to switch
to a text console and immediately do CTRL-ALT-DEL to shut down (assuning
it is set up as Richard describes) . So someone in Dave's position (like
me) can tell their non-root users to hold down CTRL and ALT and press DEL
and F1 in succession. Alternatively you can install KDE and you will find
that its login manager, kdm, has a little shutdown the machine menu.

In either case, make sure they know to wait for the power down or
system halted message before they hit the power off switch.



Hugh C. Pumphrey, Dept. of -| Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
Meteorology, Univ. of Edinburgh | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside U.K

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, George Bonser wrote:
 Actually, Emacs is a very good vehicle for viruii

 I have the following in my .emacs file to prevent such things:

;;; For security reasons, to prevent odd little inclusion in files from
;;; causing harm...
(setq enable-local-eval nil)
(setq enable-local-variables nil)

 I *think* recent versions of emacs have these off by default. When set,
you can embed Lisp code in documents that is executed when you open it up.
Considering that Emacs is practically an operating system unto itself,
there isn't much you can't do with an Emacs macro. Unless you actually use
this feature, it's much better to turn it off.


 Ray Ingles(248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is knowledge knowable? If not, how do we know this? -- Woody Allen

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, debian wrote:
  In actual fact this virus deletes your FLASH BIOS rendering motherboard
  useless unless of course your got a bios chip around.
 It deletes your BIOS after writing over the disk ... not just the
 partition table.

 Actually, only some chipsets are vulnerable to getting their BIOS
trashed. If your disks are toasted, that's small consolation, but at least
the thing will boot tomsrtbt and you can try fixing things.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
  -- Philip K. Dick

Solved! (?) Re: lilo: 'Kernel /vmlinuz is too big'

1999-04-28 Thread Tony Crawford
Hi gang!

Got the 586 kernel running!

I don't know why. I did make bzlilo instead of make bzImage, and it 
failed with the same error message from lilo in the second-to-last 
message. But then I copied the bzImage from that compile by hand to 
/, ran lilo by hand, and bingo. Go figure.

So I'm no wiser, but quite thrilled with how many people pitched in 
to try and help me out. Thanks guys!


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Helge Hafting wrote:

  I'm curious about virii and Linux...
  Am I wrong to assume that Linux is not immune to virii [...]
 If you want a real safe machine, make it linux only.  No dos
 partition, no dos emulator.  And set it up so it won't try booting
 from the floppy drive.  (You can always change that back if you ever
 need to boot a floppy.)  Such a machine will be immune until a
 linux virus is written.  And a linux virus wouldn't be able
 to do much damage other than destroying the user's personal files.

 There have been two known Linux viruses. The first was called Staog,
and the second was called Bliss. They haven't really made it far in the
wild, but they have been written.

 I don't know much about Staog, but apparently it does try to subvert
root. Unless it's been updated the vulnerabilities probably have been
patched (it appeared in the fall of 1996).

 More info on Staog at; and;.

 Bliss is a less malicious virus that doesn't try to subvert root. It even
has a disinfect option; if you invoke an infected file with
--bliss-disinfect-files-please, it will try to disinfect itself.

 More information on Bliss is at;,;, and;.

 Information on these viruses and Unix viruses in general is at;.


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Something can be comprehensible, even comprehended, and still be
marvelous, wonderful, and valuable. - Me

Re: VB asp on Apache

1999-04-28 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On 27 Apr 1999, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Pere Camps  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can apache serve VB asp pages?
 Sure, apache can serve them, but there is no VB interpreter for Linux
 so the output will look not quite the way you intended it.

 If it absolutely *had* to be done, there's a commercial product called
VBIX that will interpret VB code under Unix. You can find it at;, and apparently is does support ASP.

 It seems much simpler to do scripting in php or perl or something more
unix-friendly, but sometimes you don't have control over the system


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you get an email that says, FORWARD THIS IMMEDIATELY TO ALL YOUR
 FRIENDS, *RIGHT* *NOW*!, don't. It's a hoax, I guarantee it.
   - Me

Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread David B.Teague

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Richard Harran wrote:

 Having said all that, I'm absolutely useless at keeping backups, so I'm
 probably heading for a complete loss of data.

I'm that way as well, and I'm sorry you are. I quite sympathize!
I have a W95 OS on my disk, the warranty requires it.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
(Thanks guys!)

Re: Somebody's scanning my ports or what? REVISITED

1999-04-28 Thread Arcady Genkin
Arcady Genkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've checked my logs and discovered that exactly the same thing
happened exactly a week ago at the same hour. The same IP too. The
regularity for me implies that it could be a routine my ISP is running 
weekly. Also, the IP is in my ISP's domain.

Is that practice accepted anywhere else, or is it just my ISP's
invention (assuming I'm correct to say that it *is* the ISP and not
some CrAcKeR dUdE)?

FWIW I've posted enire extracts from the logs of April 27 and April 20 
I've also complained to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for any input.

 To continue my new Linux user paranoia, I have just noticed in
 xconsole that someone's been trying to connect to every port from port 
 2 thru 1024. It looks like this:
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: tcpmux connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 2 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 3 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:03:09 main tcplogd: port 4 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
 Apr 27 20:08:13 main tcplogd: port 1024 connection attempt from [EMAIL 
Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Re: Writing CRON job to null.

1999-04-28 Thread Regine Bast
Jim Jackson:
 In all Unices I've used, cron uses sh/bash to run the jobs - not sure if
 that can be changed, I haven't delved.

Actually cron set the Variable SHELL to /bin/sh.
That means if you really (what for) want to change this,
you can either link it to a different shell then bash
or start the crontab file with SHELL=your shell

(At least in Linux, I don't know about the other UNIX-variants)

But I wouldn't do this.
Normally I but all things I want to be start from cron
in separate shell scripts, whith I start with

#!the shell I want

so that I know which shell I use in every case.

Problems playing mp3's under potato

1999-04-28 Thread Charles E. Suprin

I have a potato system that I update regularly.  Recently I put in a
custom 2.2.5 kernel to support my soundblaster 16.  This is whats is
causing me problems.  

If I cat /dev/audio  it works correctly. However once if I try
to use x11amp or splay or anyone of the other mp3 players I get no

Has anyone seen anything like this?

I have looked through the bug lists and monitored the list and have seen
no-one with similar problems.  


Charles Suprin

SOLVED! Re: Mutt - one more problem

1999-04-28 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 10:15:20AM +0200, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 Hi All!
 I'm on my way from pine to mutt. Last time I discovered however a big
 problem. When I send the letter with non-ASCII characters in the subject 
 and body of the letter (I use ISO-8859-2 encoding) and attach a file,
 the users of Pegasus Mail get the cut and corrupted attachments.
 Where is the problem?

Sorry for responding my own message, but I've just solved my problem.
I added the unset allow_8bit to the .muttrc and it helped.
BTW Shouldn't it be unset by default? I think that it is common that
e-mail does not handle correctly 8-bit characters...

Wojtek Zabolotny

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