Re: ENC: Estou preparando uma revista

1999-05-12 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Thu, 6 May 1999, Adriano Freitas wrote:
   Em nenhum momento eu falei que a RedHat (conectiva) é boa ou ruim. O
 que eu não aguento mais escutar é a associação que a mídia está
 fazendo de Linux com RedHat. Antigamente, fazia-se a seguinte pergunta:
 Você usa Linux? ou então Você  já instalou o Linux?. Hoje em dia a
 coisa é mais ou menos assim: Você usa RedHat (conectiva) ou então
 Você tem RedHat??.

Sim, eu ja conversei ate com o proprio Arnaldo sobre isso,
realmente e um problema, ver coisas como um livro entitulado Dominando
o Linux 5.0 Quando o kernel ainda nem saiu do 2.0 (na epoca do livro).
So por causa da versao da Red Hat. Mas eu entendo que isso e culpa da
Midia, e nao da Red Hat ou da Conectiva, reporteres sao pessoas que sabem
escrever em um espaco determinado. Sao obrigados a escrever sobre tudo, 
sem saber nada. Tudo bem que isso nao e justificativa para as confusoes
estupidas que aparecem na midia e se propagam exponencialmente em numeros
de leitores e novos usuarios, mas nao e culpa desta ou aquela distribuicao
so porque ela e a mais famosa. 

   Outra coisa que eu discordo nas distribuições RedHat é o fato da
 empresa ser comercial (www.redhat.COM). Pessoas são contratadas para
 desenvolverem os pacotes, os processos de instalação, etc, etc, etc... O
 Debian já não!! É todo um trabalho feito por voluntários espalhados pelo
 mundo todo, assim como o Linux surgiu e queremos que ele fica para

Cara, se a conectiva me contratasse para desenvolver a
distribuicao deles eu ia correndo! Quer coisa melhor do que receber para
escrever Free Software? Esta na lista dos meus dream jobs, se eu
resolver sair da Core, que foi a empresa que eu fundei para  Ganhar
dinheiro com Free Software o primeiro lugar em que iria bater na porta
era na da Conectiva (tai Arnaldo, fica a dica pra voces... ;)

Curiosamente eu sou um Debian Developer, dou suporte a Debian,
dou cursos de Linux, atualmente usando o Linux da Conectiva. Eu acho o
seguinte, converta o maior numero de usuarios para Linux, nao importa
a distribuicao, se ele estiver contente com a que ele tem, ele estara
feliz, se ele precisar de algo que a conectiva nao oferece , ele vai
procurar outras. Debian serve melhor do que ninguem ao nicho dos
servidores de Rede.

O que eu acho errado e que a SUCESU que negou apoio para a gente
em 93 para criar grupos de usuarios de Linux agora venha com um Linux
World'99 brasil e cobre de R$350,00 a R$1200,00 de *ingresso* com tanta
gente boa como o LinuxSP realizando eventos gratuitos para o publico
e de qualidade superior. Eu acho que era muito melhor que cada pessoa
destas que vai pagar R$350,00 por um evento da SUCESU desse metade
desse dinheiro quando fosse a um evento organizado por usuarios.


Mas mais uma vez, em principio, nao ha nada de errado em ganhar
dinheiro com Linux, mesmo a SUCESU tem liberdade para isso, e viva a
liberdade para todos sem distincao. Mas que eu nao vou incentivar ninguem
a ir, isso eu nao vou.

Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em

Smooth, Fast Mouse Motion

1999-05-12 Thread Jerry Gardner

I've been trying for several months now to get smooth, fast mouse
pointer motion in X without luck.

I've tried various 'xset m' settings, and I can either get smooth,
slow mouse motion, or fast, jerky motion, but not fast, smooth motion.

I do not like acceleration; I want smooth linear motion. Is there
any way to achieve this in X? The same machine and the same mouse give 
me exactly what I want in Windows NT, but Windows NT is not what I'd
rather run.

Jerry Gardner | Bill Clinton has all the steely resolve resolve
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | of a kamakaze pilot on his 37th mission.

Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-12 Thread André Bell
Is there a good shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember all the

I ask because I must be doing something wrong.  When I ungzip file.gz the
system converts my .gz file to one file with no extension instead of
unzipping the file and all of its contents.

I know there are multiple files in the gzips that I look at because I can
view all of the compressed files when I view the contents of the gzip file
on my pc, just not with gzip on linux :(

If you knoww why this happens and know what I need to do to work around it
please let me know.


p.s. If the files are small enough when uncompressed I just uncompress them
and then copy to a floppy before moving everything over to my debian/linux
system.  Seems there's gotta be a better way :(

I'd use my modem in the debian pc but I'm only running a 486 there and it
is terribly slow at downloading :(  So I download with my pc and trasnfer
via floppies.

Re: bad hostname (lpd complains)

1999-05-12 Thread Matt Folwell
On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 01:54:43PM -0700, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 I made my hostname 486 on my 486 desktop.  Now lpd complains about a bad 
 How do I fix this? I already changed this in /etc/hosts.  Is there somewhere 
 else I should change this?  Thanks...

You need to change /etc/hostname
I don't know what to do if you need to change your domain name though, but
it doesn't sound like you do.

Matt Folwell, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ

Re: Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-12 Thread Matt Folwell
On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 04:56:30PM -0500, André Bell wrote:
 Is there a good shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember all the
 I ask because I must be doing something wrong.  When I ungzip file.gz the
 system converts my .gz file to one file with no extension instead of
 unzipping the file and all of its contents.
 I know there are multiple files in the gzips that I look at because I can
 view all of the compressed files when I view the contents of the gzip file
 on my pc, just not with gzip on linux :(

Hi Andre
gzip only compresses one file at a time, but those files are almost certainly
tar archives.  (They should end in .tar.gz, but your pc might have truncated
the filenames.)  You can extract them with tar -zvxf filename.  You can
also list the files in the archive with tar -ztf filename, t being the most
obvious abbreviation for list :-)


Matt Folwell, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ

Re: problem with portmap

1999-05-12 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
If you'd like to not get these messages you can just put a line at the top of 
your /etc/hosts.allow file:

portmap: 134.58.X.Y : deny : severity

You'll then need to edit your /etc/syslog.conf and add:


into the definition of messages which go to /var/log/messages. Then do a 
'killall -HUP syslogd' and you should be set.

Dietrich Beck wrote:


 we have small PC cluster running Debian 2.1. Since a few days to of those 
 bother me with the following message:
 my_host portmap[6050]: connect from 134.58.X.Y to callit(ypserv): request 
 from unauthorized host. In principle that is o.k., because 134.58.X.Y should 
 have no access to our cluster. It is just, that this message appears once per 
 minute and only at two out of seven boxes.

 I checked with tcpdump and it seems, that 134.58.X.Y sends a request to the 
 address, which is then picked up by my_host (my_host has a 
 different IP number, of course). Does anybody has an idea why only 2 out of 7 
 boxes have that behaviour? Since it is the same software it must be some 
 setting, maybe in /etc. But where? How I can prevent the portmap from 
 picking up the request? It simply annoys me.



 P.S. 134.58.X.X is a machine of a neighboring institute. It is not a hacker 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: installing Debian 2.0 r3

1999-05-12 Thread Michael Beattie

When you enter parameters you must also include the kernel name. such as
linux (I cant remember if that is the name used on the install floppies)


LILO boot: linux [parameters]

On Tue, 11 May 1999, John wrote:

 I have a spare machine onto which I am trying to install 2.0 r3. The machine 
 Pentium MMX166 processor, two hard drives (one 426Mb with DOS 6.2 and W3.11:
 the other 1.1Gb empty and available for Linux), 32Mb FPM physical RAM, 1.44
 32x CD-ROM Drive, an S3 Virge/DX(PCI) Video Card and an SB compat Sound Card
 the Monitor is SVGA.
 The Motherboard is TX/1 and the BIOS Award which supports CD-ROM booting, both
 Hard Drives are on the Primary and the CD-ROM is Master on the Secondary.
 I have little computer experience (although now reasonably knowledgeable with
 am new to DOS and a complete newbie with Linux - also I'm old. I've turned to
 for interest and to avoid these persistent 'blue screens' on the main machine.
 I possess two sets of distributions acquired with Samms introductory book and
 Encyclopadia and can install RedHat and SuSE, but not Debian which may well be
 the distribution best suited to me. Both the InfoMagic and Linux Mall discs 
 the same version and each gives identical results.
 Booting direct from the CD-Rom Drive loads Root.bin and Linux, but whatever I 
 the boot prompt puts me into a continual rebooting cycle. I've tried all the
 referred and alluded to in the help files and books. A straight enter goes 
 (after some uncompressing too rapid to read). Adding parameters results in
 find kernel'. 
 I've created floppies from files downloaded from ftp.debian (RSC1440.bin,
 DRV1440.bin, Base-1.bin to Base-5.bin and Root.bin). Booting with RSC1440.bin
 in the floppy drive puts me into the same automatic rebooting cycle and no
 work - the 'can't find' message is displayed. I getthe chance to use only one
 Can anyone, kindly, explain what I'm failing to comprehend or what I'm doing
 I would appreciate help (otherwise I may be stuck with Mr Gate's water
 Incidentally, to check if some machine fault has developed, I've again booted
 from the CD-ROM Drive and I got direct to the installation program. 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 yip yip yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* NO TERRIER
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-05-12 Thread Rob Browning

We've got a number of machines here that we need to switch to
centralized account maintenance, and I was trying to figure out what
the best solution would be.  It looks like the two main solutions
would be NIS or ldap (via PAM), but I'm having a hard time finding out
enough about the ldap solution to do a good comparison.  Is there a
good HOWTO or similar somewhere?  Is there some other solution I've
overlooked.  (I thought about just using a cron job and a sync script
to keep all the passwd/group files in sync, but that requires you to
be able to atomically update the files, and I couldn't see a good way
to do that...perhaps some trick with chpasswd/add/deluser...


Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

Re: Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-May-99 Matt Folwell wrote:
 Hi Andre
 gzip only compresses one file at a time, but those files are almost
 tar archives.  (They should end in .tar.gz, but your pc might have truncated
 the filenames.)  You can extract them with tar -zvxf filename.  You can
 also list the files in the archive with tar -ztf filename, t being the
 obvious abbreviation for list :-)

I thought Andre was looking for an alias, so he would not need to remember the

something like:
alias tarx='tar -xvzf $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6'

for his .bash_profile ?


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: xosview

1999-05-12 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: xosview
Date: Mon, May 10, 1999 at 09:05:19PM -0700

In reply to:Joey Hess

Quoting Joey Hess([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Wayne Topa wrote:
  Think I read in the Debian Weekly News that the author had been told
  of the problem and was working on it.
 No, I never wrote that in DWN. I am filing a bug now though.
 see shy jo

Well I did read it somewhere!  Debian Weekly news has so much good
info I 'thought' that it was there.  Sorry Joey, BTW how come I can't
get the DWN mailed to me?  I have subscribed (via web
page) twice now.


Our OS who art in CPU, UNIX be thy name.
Thy programs run, thy syscalls done,
In kernel as it is in user!

Re: printout being chopped off...

1999-05-12 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: printout being chopped off...
Date: Tue, May 11, 1999 at 11:06:09AM -0700

In reply to:Sudhakar Chandrasekharan

Quoting Sudhakar Chandrasekharan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I have an Epson Color Stylus 640.  When I print 2-uped pages, a bit of the
 page (on the left hand side) gets chopped off.  I am printing to 'letter'
 Here is what I tried:
 * Installed slink's lprng, gs (not gs-alladin), enscript, psutils and
 * Ran /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig and chose stylus800, stylus_color_360dpi
 and stylus_color_720dpi as filters.
 * When I print from Netscape Communicator using lpr -Pprinter_name, the
 output is fine.
 * When I try to use print from Netscape Communicator using 'psnup -c
 -Pletter -n 2 | lpr -Pprinter_name' I see that a little bit (about 2
 characters) gets chopped off on the left hand side (when seen
 length-wise).  It is not that the printed area bleeds off the end of the
 paper.  There is a definite non-printable border.  It is at the edge of the
 border and the printable area that the bleed occurs.
 * Tried printing from command line using 'enscript -2r -G -Mletter
 -Pprinter_name foo.txt'.  Same problem.
 * Installed lprng, enscript and psutils from slink.  Installed gs-aladdin
 and apsfilter from potato.
 * Configured apsfilter for uniprint driver for Epson Color Stylus 600.
 * Tried printing with psnup and enscript.  Same problem as before.
 I guess I need to somehow change the printable area parameter for
 papersize letter.  How do I do this in a system-wide way?

I had a similar problem with my Brother Laser Printer.  I finally
fixed it by using a2ps and changing the papersize in a2ps.cfg
ie Medium: Letter   607 780.  I just keep changing it until I got
everything printing on the paper, correctly.


User n.:
A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

Re: bad hostname (lpd complains)

1999-05-12 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: bad hostname (lpd complains)
Date: Tue, May 11, 1999 at 01:54:43PM -0700

In reply to:Paul Nathan Puri

Quoting Paul Nathan Puri([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I made my hostname 486 on my 486 desktop.  Now lpd complains about a bad 
 How do I fix this? I already changed this in /etc/hosts.  Is there somewhere 
 else I should change this?  Thanks...

Simple answer, grep/rgrep /etc for 486. Make decision if that requires
changes or not.

There are two ways to write error-free programs.  Only the third one works.

Re: Installing Debian

1999-05-12 Thread Kent West
On Tue, 11 May 1999, Jayson Baird wrote:

 Anyone know of any trouble that when the kernel tries to load it causes a
 system reboot?
 Jayson S. Baird
 Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter -- Yoda

I've seen this on a couple of boxes when starting from DOS/Windows using
loadlin. Rebooting DOS/Windows and doing an F5 or F8/Safe Mode Command
Prompt Only solved the issue.

I've also seen weird behavior on a fresh install after downloading the
files (root.bin, resc1440.bin, loadlin.exe, etc) using Netscape
Communicator 4.x on a Windows box. Re-downloading the files using ftp
instead of Netscape solved that problem.

I doubt that either of these address your issue, but maybe

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-05-12 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 07:59:56PM -0500, Rob Browning wrote:

 We've got a number of machines here that we need to switch to
 centralized account maintenance, and I was trying to figure out what
 the best solution would be.  It looks like the two main solutions
 would be NIS or ldap (via PAM), but I'm having a hard time finding out
 enough about the ldap solution to do a good comparison.  Is there a
 good HOWTO or similar somewhere?  Is there some other solution I've
 overlooked.  (I thought about just using a cron job and a sync script
 to keep all the passwd/group files in sync, but that requires you to
 be able to atomically update the files, and I couldn't see a good way
 to do that...perhaps some trick with chpasswd/add/deluser...

Our good admin is already in the midst of setting up an LDAP based
account system. For info on what is being used for this please see and for the OpenLDAP and
nss_ldap/pam_ldap (all three of which are packaged in potato) programs.

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux
OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Choice of the GNU Generation
-- -- - - - ---   --- --  -  - ---  -  --

imitializing imlib fails

1999-05-12 Thread Richard Black
Hi all

whenever I try to start enlightenment, I get an error message telling me
that it can not initialize imlib (and that this is quite unusual!). 
Also, no gtk based programs don't work.

I'm not sure what to do :-(  Every thing was working okay until I
upgraded imlib to 1.9.3-3 a few weeks ago.  But alas, no longer.

I have tried reinstalling the imlib packages:

imlib-base_1.9.4-3.deb  imlib-progs_1.9.4-3.deb
imlib-dev_1.9.4-3.deb   imlib1_1.9.4-3.deb

but this didn't help

Suggestions would be _greatly_ appreciated.



Error in kernel compile

1999-05-12 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
I am using kpkg to compile (or trying to compile) kernel 2.2.5.  I have used 
this before with success but I am currently having
problems and am wondering if someone can help me figure out where to start on 
fixing this error.

../../gcc/haifa-sched.c:6749: Internal compiler error in function schedule_block
cpp:  output pipe has been closed
make[3] *** [swapfile.o] Error 1
make[2] *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[1] *** [_dir_mm] Error 2
make: *** [build] Error 2

I don't have a clue what all of this means!

Hope this is enough information.  I tried piping kpkg to a logfile and it 
worked up until the error then closed the logfile
and printed the error to the screen.


Wierd PPP Problems

1999-05-12 Thread Chris Hoover
I'm having some strange problems with ppp on my dial out server.  Everything
has been working fine for quite some time (over 51 days of uptime on 2.2.2), and
then tonight I started having problems connecting.  Does anyone know what is
going on, and how to fix it?

May 11 22:01:46 debian2 diald[138]: Running pppd (pid = 4673).
May 11 22:01:46 debian2 diald[4673]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd -detach modem
crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 netmask
May 11 22:01:47 debian2 pppd[4673]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
May 11 22:01:47 debian2 pppd[4673]: Using interface ppp0
May 11 22:01:47 debian2 pppd[4673]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
May 11 22:02:17 debian2 pppd[4673]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
May 11 22:02:17 debian2 pppd[4673]: Connection terminated.
May 11 22:02:17 debian2 pppd[4673]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
May 11 22:02:17 debian2 pppd[4673]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
May 11 22:02:18 debian2 pppd[4673]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 11 22:02:18 debian2 pppd[4673]: Exit.
May 11 22:02:20 debian2 modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
May 11 22:02:21 debian2 diald[138]: Nonzero exit status (7) on command
'/sbin/route add metric 1  dev sl0'
May 11 22:02:21 debian2 diald[138]: Nonzero exit status (7) on command
'/sbin/route add default metric 1  netmask dev s
May 11 22:02:26 debian2 modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
May 11 22:02:27 debian2 diald[138]: Nonzero exit status (7) on command
'/sbin/route add metric 1  dev sl0'
May 11 22:02:28 debian2 diald[138]: Nonzero exit status (7) on command
'/sbin/route add default metric 1  netmask dev s
May 11 22:02:29 debian2 diald[138]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to dial.


E-Mail: Chris Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11-May-99
Time: 22:47:23

This message was sent by XFMail

Off-topic: what is bogoMIPS?

1999-05-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I understand what MIPS is (Million Instructions per Second), but what does
the bogo stand for? My 486-33 measures 4 bogoMIPS during Linux boot-up, so
how is this calculated? -Hans

Partition Type A0 ??

1999-05-12 Thread Will Lowe
My girlfriend just bought a laptop.  On first booting it,  it asked if
we'd like to set up the hard disk for Windows95 or Win98.  She'll need to
dual-boot 95 and Linux,  so we let it install Win95,  which it proceeded
to do _without_ asking for a Win95 cd.

I booted it from the 2.1 CD,  and ran cfdisk.  It's a 4.something
gig drive,  which has 3 partitions:  a 2gig one,  another 2gig one,  a
162.5 gig one,  and 7 megs of free space.  The 162.5 gig partition (which
we'd like to delete) shows up as partition type A0 in cfdisk.

Looks to me like the company (AST) copied the Win95 cd into that
partition,  and that's how it did that crazy install-with-no-disk thing.
Does anybody know if that's possible?  Or know what partition type A0
really is?


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: Off-topic: what is bogoMIPS?

1999-05-12 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 May, Hans van den Boogert wrote about Off-topic: what is bogoMIPS?
 I understand what MIPS is (Million Instructions per Second), but what does
 the bogo stand for? My 486-33 measures 4 bogoMIPS during Linux boot-up, so
 how is this calculated? -Hans

see /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/BogoMips.gz

   `MIPS is short for Millions of Instructions Per Second.  It
   is a measure for the computation speed of a program.  Like
   most such measures, it is more often abused than used propAD
   erly (it is very difficult to justly compare MIPS for difAD
   ferent kinds of computers).

   BogoMips are Linus's invention. The kernel (or was it a
   device driver?) needs a timing loop (the time is too short
   and/or needs to be too exact for a non-busy-loop method of
   waiting), which must be calibrated to the processor speed of
   the machine. Hence, the kernel measures at boot time how
   fast a certain kind of busy loop runs on a computer. Bogo
   comes from bogus, i.e, something which is a fake. Hence,
   the BogoMips value gives some indication of the processor
   speed, but it is way too unscientific to be called anything
   but BogoMips.

   The reasons (there are two) it is printed during bootup is
   that a) it is slightly useful for debugging and for checking
   that the computers caches and turbo button work, and b)
   Linus loves to chuckle when he sees confused people on the

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Off-topic: what is bogoMIPS?

1999-05-12 Thread Robert Norris
 I understand what MIPS is (Million Instructions per Second), but what does
 the bogo stand for? My 486-33 measures 4 bogoMIPS during Linux boot-up, so
 how is this calculated? -Hans

It means 'bogus MIPS', in that it's not the real MIPS value for your system,
but a calculated one. I have no idea how it's calculated though.



1999-05-12 Thread Matt Kokidko
I apologize if this has already been beaten to death, but this is my first post 
and first few minutes in this newsgroup.  I was trying to run wordperfeft 8 on 
slink.  I originally had a library problem which hours of research has fixed.  
I installed old libraries, libc5, xlib6, and xpm4.7.
Wordperfect runs, but the pictures and banners and icons are all scrambled.  
When it is starting up the banner that is supposed to have a pen on it and say 
Wordperfect is just a scrambled mess of vertical lines.  Once it starts, all of 
the icons loook the same way.  And the window in the corner of screen that 
stays open to open new documents is scrambled as well.  I'm rather new to linux 
and my friend is telling me to give up on debian and go to redhat.  I'd rather 
hack out solutions.  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Matt Kokidko

Re: 2 network cards

1999-05-12 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Oz Dror wrote
 I have a similar problem, But instead of having 2 network cards I have
 one card using IP aliasing ( two subnets on the same card/network, one for 
 DSL and the
 second local 192.168.0.x).
 as soon as I start ipmasq I cannot  ping beyond the local subnet of each
 card, thus I cannot access the DNS server, thus I cannot ping or surf
 out side the to subnets.
 I tried to start ipmasq after after the two network are initialized,
 but as soon as ipmasq start I loose the DNS server and access beyond the
 local net.
 I have the latest potato system using kernel 2.2.7
 I have the latest potato version of ipmask.
 Does any one have any idea how to solve/debug this problem?
 Is this problem occurring because ipmasq make the second non local net
 a firewall? If that is the case how can I have ipmasq apply only to the subnet
 192.168.0.x and not to the DSL subnet.?
 how can I have ipmasq apply to eth0 ( 192.168.0.x) and not to the subnet
 of eth0:0 (DSL subnet)
 What does ipmasq do? I have a second linux computer running kernel 2.2.1
 (hybrid system of sling hamm and potato). I do not use ipmasq. I have
 ipalias working correctly with masquerading (apply the firewall only to the 
 subnet). I use ipchain to apply the rules.

Unless you need ip masquerading, you should uninstall ipmasq. Ipmasq checks
which interface your default route points to, and sets up packet filter
rules so that packets being forwarded via your default interface from your
*other* interfaces are masqueraded as coming from the default interface.  If
you have a 'private' subnet on your second NIC and a 'public' connection via
your default route this is likely to be useful, but if you don't then you
won't be able to access machines connected via your second NIC from machines
connected via your default NIC.  

If you need masquerading then ipmasq seems to be the best solution, if you
can get it to meet your requirements.  I haven't used the 'potato' version,
but the 'slink' version has bugs when dealing with aliased interfaces: look
in the bug tracking system for patches if you need masquerading and that is
your problem.

After you uninstall ipmasq you are likely to still have your existing packet
filter rules in place; under kernel 2.0.x, you can remove them by going
  ipfwadm -I -p accept
  ipfwadm -I -f
  ipfwadm -O -p accept
  ipfwadm -O -f
  ipfwadm -F -p accept
  ipfwadm -F -f
but you should be aware that /etc/init.d/netbase normally installs 'spoof
protection' rules to drop bogus packets, so you may also want to do
  /etc/init.d/netbase start
as well.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: transparent proxy with Squid?

1999-05-12 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote
 Has anybody successfuly configured Linux and Squid to act as a
 transparent proxy? I have looked at the Squid FAQ and an interesting
 pointer provided by it
 ( but have
 not succeded yet. All squid configuration options and and ipchains
 commands having been entred the www requests still go right past squid.

It worked for me; I installed tproxyd, booted a kernel with transparent
proxy support, and followed the advice in /usr/doc/tproxyd (from memory).

 I am using the latest Debian-potato snapshot with Squid-2.2 and kernel
 2.2.7 on our masquerading firewall.
 Thanks in advance for any help.
 PS: are there well-known disadvantages in using transparent proxying?
 (vs. configuring each browser on our LAN)

The only ones I am aware of are:
  - If squid is 'fooled' into treating a dynamic page as static, you
may see the wrong page, just like with any proxy;
  - If a server provides non-HTTP services (e.g., SSL) on port 80 you
won't be able to access them, as you are going via squid;
  - You don't get proxying for HTTP servers on unusual ports (81, 8080);
  - If squid stops/exercises a bug you can't just turn off or change
your proxy from your workstation.

I don't know how serious these are in the real world, but #4 is quite

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Dan Nguyen
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

: On 10-May-99 J Horacio MG wrote:
: I have some packages which require version 2.1.1 from libc6 (which I
: expect it can be found in potato).  My question is, do I have to expect
: any problems if I install it in slink, or is it just as straight forward
: as upgrading any other package?

: If you upgrade a slink installation to libc6 2.1.1, you will probably have
: some problems.  I know I did, and I went back to libc6 2.07

: I suppose you could upgrade to potato and avoid the problems.  

: If you try it on a slink system, do not go back from the potato version of
: to the slink version or you will break the system; I just kept the newer
: when I went back to the older libc6.

Do not upgrade only libc6.  It will break your system if you do.  If
you want to upgrade to libc6, upgrade all the way to potato.

   Dan Nguyen  | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   -La Rochefocauld, Maxims
25 2F 99 19 6C C9 19 D6  1B 9F F1 E0 E9 10 4C 16

Re: Wierd PPP Problems

1999-05-12 Thread John Hasler
Chris Hoover writes:
 I'm having some strange problems with ppp on my dial out server.
 Everything has been working fine for quite some time (over 51 days of
 uptime on 2.2.2), and then tonight I started having problems connecting.
 Does anyone know what is going on, and how to fix it?

At a guess, your ISP changed something.  Does it fail every time, or
intermittently?  What sort of authentication are you using?  What does your
chat script look like?

Dial in with minicom and see if anything has changed.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Re[2]: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Dan Nguyen
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes) writes:

:I had three problems. The first, JAVA, has now been resolved.

: How was it solved?  Is there a new jdk package which works?
It hasn't.  IIRC, The jdk maintainer can't get it to compiler.

: A problem which is solved is octave which is now working.

: wmaker has some problems, but works.  qps dumps core.  gif2png dumps
: core.

Looks like the maintainers hadn't recompiler them yet.

: smail behaves strangely.
Use exim, it is the default sendmail replacement, since slink.

   Dan Nguyen  | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   -La Rochefocauld, Maxims
25 2F 99 19 6C C9 19 D6  1B 9F F1 E0 E9 10 4C 16

Re: dhcpc breaks when I use kernel 2.2.7

1999-05-12 Thread Dan Nguyen
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

: Hi, I'm finally switching from kernel 2.0.35 to the new 2.2.7 kernel
: and I'm having problems with the dhcpc daemon.  Namely, it doesn't
: seem to work.  

: My ethernet card shows up at boot time with both kernels, all daemons
: seem to start up properly with no errors.  Has anyone seen anything
: like this?

: I'm using the following dhcpcd client:
: dhcpcd  0.70-5 a DHCP client

The networking model for Linux change drastically between 2.0.x and
2.2.x.  DHCP completely breaks, do a search in dselect for dhcp, there
is a version which works.  If you don't see one, I know it's in

   Dan Nguyen  | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   -La Rochefocauld, Maxims
25 2F 99 19 6C C9 19 D6  1B 9F F1 E0 E9 10 4C 16

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Robert Norris
 Do not upgrade only libc6.  It will break your system if you do.  If
 you want to upgrade to libc6, upgrade all the way to potato.

Actually .. it won't. I can't remember exactly what I installed, but I know
I installed the libc6 libs, headers, and gcc all from potato onto my hamm
system, and it's since worked without so much as a whimper.


Re: Partition Type A0 ??

1999-05-12 Thread Anders Arnholm
Will Lowe wrote:
  partition,  and that's how it did that crazy install-with-no-disk thing.
  Does anybody know if that's possible?  Or know what partition type A0
  really is?

I don't know about how AST makes it, but I have seen several Laptop's from 
Toshiba that uses an extra partition in the end that is used for power saving 
only. I don't have access to that machine anymore so I can't check the 
partition type. But I'm sure that you can place the Win95 cab-files, on the 
primary fat partionan and make it bootable from there. (As it was on my Dell 

/ Anders

Re: wordperfect

1999-05-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
What I like to know is how to put a shortcut on the X desktop for Word
Perfect. Can't figure out where to look. -- Hans


1999-05-12 Thread Robert Norris
Hi all

I will shortly be taking a two week vacation, and sadly, I have to leave my
trusty box behind *schniff* .. It has to stay running, however, because a
local user group relies on it for mail and web serving. There is no one else
who will have access to the machine, so I need to ensure that it will stay
up no matter what. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I should tweak the
system to make sure it behaves? I have the obligatory UPS, and on the event
of a kernel panic, it'll reboot itself after a ten second delay, but is
there anything else?

I'd be interested in hearing any ideas you may have.


Re: wordperfect

1999-05-12 Thread Robert Norris
 What I like to know is how to put a shortcut on the X desktop for Word
 Perfect. Can't figure out where to look. -- Hans

It depends on the window manager you're using. In KDE, its as simple as
right-clicking the desktop, and selecting 'New-Application'. GNOME has a
similar feature, I beleive. Most 'traditional' window managers, however,
don't have a 'desktop', but use some other mechanism for launching apps (eg
menus, or the WindowMaker/AfterStep Dock/Wharf approach).


Re: 2 network cards

1999-05-12 Thread Oz Dror
I fixed the problem by purging the ipmasq package
and instead writing my own ipchain commands in a local file at

 On %M 0, Oz Dror wrote
  I have a similar problem, But instead of having 2 network cards I have
  one card using IP aliasing ( two subnets on the same card/network, one for 
  DSL and the
  second local 192.168.0.x).
  as soon as I start ipmasq I cannot  ping beyond the local subnet of each
  card, thus I cannot access the DNS server, thus I cannot ping or surf
  out side the to subnets.
  I tried to start ipmasq after after the two network are initialized,
  but as soon as ipmasq start I loose the DNS server and access beyond the
  local net.
  I have the latest potato system using kernel 2.2.7
  I have the latest potato version of ipmask.
  Does any one have any idea how to solve/debug this problem?
  Is this problem occurring because ipmasq make the second non local net
  a firewall? If that is the case how can I have ipmasq apply only to the 
  192.168.0.x and not to the DSL subnet.?
  how can I have ipmasq apply to eth0 ( 192.168.0.x) and not to the subnet
  of eth0:0 (DSL subnet)
  What does ipmasq do? I have a second linux computer running kernel 2.2.1
  (hybrid system of sling hamm and potato). I do not use ipmasq. I have
  ipalias working correctly with masquerading (apply the firewall only to the 
  subnet). I use ipchain to apply the rules.
 Unless you need ip masquerading, you should uninstall ipmasq. Ipmasq checks
 which interface your default route points to, and sets up packet filter
 rules so that packets being forwarded via your default interface from your
 *other* interfaces are masqueraded as coming from the default interface.  If
 you have a 'private' subnet on your second NIC and a 'public' connection via
 your default route this is likely to be useful, but if you don't then you
 won't be able to access machines connected via your second NIC from machines
 connected via your default NIC.  
 If you need masquerading then ipmasq seems to be the best solution, if you
 can get it to meet your requirements.  I haven't used the 'potato' version,
 but the 'slink' version has bugs when dealing with aliased interfaces: look
 in the bug tracking system for patches if you need masquerading and that is
 your problem.
 After you uninstall ipmasq you are likely to still have your existing packet
 filter rules in place; under kernel 2.0.x, you can remove them by going
   ipfwadm -I -p accept
   ipfwadm -I -f
   ipfwadm -O -p accept
   ipfwadm -O -f
   ipfwadm -F -p accept
   ipfwadm -F -f
 but you should be aware that /etc/init.d/netbase normally installs 'spoof
 protection' rules to drop bogus packets, so you may also want to do
   /etc/init.d/netbase start
 as well.
 John P.
 Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux  since 8/15/94
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126

Re: Stability

1999-05-12 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I will shortly be taking a two week vacation, and sadly, I have to leave my
 trusty box behind *schniff* .. It has to stay running, however, because a
 local user group relies on it for mail and web serving. There is no one else
 who will have access to the machine, so I need to ensure that it will stay
 up no matter what. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I should tweak the
 system to make sure it behaves? I have the obligatory UPS, and on the event
 of a kernel panic, it'll reboot itself after a ten second delay, but is
 there anything else?
 I'd be interested in hearing any ideas you may have.

Just make sure that your UPS daemon does the right thing during a
powerdown... doesn't send a halt signal until you are sure that
the UPS has received a cycle-power signal.

I've seen power-strips that allow you to cycle-power from a touch
tone phone, but that may be overkill in your case.  Consider the
following and take heart:

[portal]$ uptime
  1:50am  up 205 days, 13:05,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.00

setting up a home lan

1999-05-12 Thread Shao Zhang
Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to set up two computers
to talk to each other via ethernet.

In particular, what kind of ip I can choose. Is there a HOWTO on this??

Also, is there any tools like fsck in linux which can repair the fat 




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Beware apt

1999-05-12 Thread Daniel Mashao
Yesterday I had to re-install a lot of packages as my system became
'unusable'. The problem began when I tried to fix Star Office after
upgrading. I think my system was slink/potato but I couldn't tell the
percentage of each system. Anyway I thought one way to ensure that the
system works is to put a slink CD and update/upgrade libc6 and all hell
broke loose. Not that apt did not warm me that it will be uninstalling a
lot of packages. But I had faith that if I said update libc6 it will leave
everything in its state and just update. It told me it was going to
uninstall several applications. Well I thought that did not matter since
it will install them again. - That how my system died. I finally had to
rebuild it one app at the time.

The good thing is that Star Office works. Learned my lesson though.

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: setting up a home lan

1999-05-12 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Shao,

On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 04:14:40PM +, Shao Zhang wrote:

   Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to set up two computers
   to talk to each other via ethernet.
   In particular, what kind of ip I can choose. Is there a HOWTO on this??

Check /usr/doc/HOWTO.  There should be (if installed) an Enterhnet-HOWTO
and a network-HOWTO; I'm not 100% sure about the names, just take a
look into the directory.

First you need to setup the hardware (network-cards, Twisted Pair or
RG58-wire, if you will be using TP).  If your netword-adaptors are 
Plug-and-Pray cards you will need to use isapnp (cf. man isapnp, 
man isapnp.conf) to initialize your cards. Next, you need to compile the 
networking support either into the kernel or compile and install the necessary
modules.  /etc/services and friends should be setup OK if you have not
changed them.  Depending on what you want to do, you may need to edit 
the /etc/hosts files on both computers or install a DNS server on one
of them to achieve name resolution.
Possible IP-addresses are (for example) everything starting with
192.168.  This is a private network, which is not used anywhere on the
internet, so you will not create any duplicate IP-addresses.

So much for a road-map.  The HOWTOs will know more about you specific

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

wmakerconf 1.99.4 seg faults

1999-05-12 Thread John Leget
It gets to 93% - WorkSpaceBack and seg faults
Im running Potato  anyone have this working ???.

Using wmaker prefs for now :)


Re: setting up a home lan

1999-05-12 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Shao Zhang wrote
   Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to set up two computers
   to talk to each other via ethernet.
   In particular, what kind of ip I can choose. Is there a HOWTO on this??

If you install the doc-linux-text or doc-linux-html packages, there is an
Ethernet HOWTO in /usr/doc/HOWTO that should tell you what you need to know.
There are three ranges of IP numbers that are 'non-routable', and are
reserved by the IANA for use on private networks, set out in RFC1918
(install doc-rfc to swap 15Mb of disc space for all the RFCs you can eat). 
They are:  (1 Class A networks)  -  (16 Class B networks) - (256 Class C networks)

Most people use one or more of the class C networks in the third block.

Debian 2.1 puts information about your network configuration in 
/etc/init.d/network; a typical such file:
  #! /bin/sh
  ifconfig lo
  route add -net
  ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
  route add -net ${NETWORK}
  [ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

Once you've installed your network card and cables, added the module for
your network card to /etc/modules and verified that the module loads
corectly, the software configuration should be just a question of 'filling
in the blanks' on your system and rebooting.

   Also, is there any tools like fsck in linux which can repair the fat 

The dosfstools package includes dosfsck, a utility to maintain and repair FAT
filesystems; read /usr/doc/dosfstools/dosfsck.gz carefully before using it.
I'm not sure that the version supplied with slink supports vfat partitions.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


1999-05-12 Thread Johan Pettersson

I have mounted a vfat partion (/dev/hda1   /win  vfat defaults  0  2)
But I can not change permissions under /win! Have I missed something
in fstab or is it something else ?

//thx Johan

sigset, sighold

1999-05-12 Thread Johan Pettersson

I am trying to compile a simple program. I know
it works under UNIX and now I will run it under linux.
But it say :undefined reference to 'sigset', 'sighold'
when I try to compile it! In which headerfile can I find
them ? Or do I need something else ?


Re: Help with Alien

1999-05-12 Thread Kirk Noonan
 Can anyone give me a quick tutorial on how to use dpkg to install rpm's
 with alien? Thanks...

The simplest way is: 'alien -i packagename.rpm'

otherwise 'man alien'


Re: setting up a HP 880C/850C

1999-05-12 Thread Christian T. Steigies
On Tue, 11 May 1999, David Wright wrote:

 I have an 895c and use the hpdj driver in gs-aladdin, which uses a lot
 less ink than hp550c which I believe is the traditional deskjet driver.
Gonna try that (have to update the notebook from hamm to slink...)
 Use the extra switch -M A4dj to tell a2ps leave an extra margin. I don't
 know how to integrate this into /etc/papersize, but then I always use
 a2ps through wrapper functions in .bashrc as there are far too many
 switches to remember my preferences.
Thanks for the hint! I should have read the a2ps docs...
Put in your ~/.a2psrc
# Default medium
Options: --medium=A4dj

Or change it in /etc/a2ps.cfg (standard is A4)


Re: chmod

1999-05-12 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Wed, 12 May 1999, Johan Pettersson wrote:

 I have mounted a vfat partion (/dev/hda1   /win  vfat defaults  0  2)
 But I can not change permissions under /win! Have I missed something
 in fstab or is it something else ?
Is it set read/writable by everyone or just root? Are you trying to do
that as root?
Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: chmod

1999-05-12 Thread Nicolas PROCHAZKA
change defaults with : rw,user,nosuid  0 0
for example (see man fstab)

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Daniel Mashao wrote:

 On Wed, 12 May 1999, Johan Pettersson wrote:
  I have mounted a vfat partion (/dev/hda1   /win  vfat defaults  0  2)
  But I can not change permissions under /win! Have I missed something
  in fstab or is it something else ?
 Is it set read/writable by everyone or just root? Are you trying to do
 that as root?
 Daniel J. Mashao  
 Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 University of Cape Town 
 Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Re: sigset, sighold

1999-05-12 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-Johan Pettersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to compile a simple program. I know
 it works under UNIX and now I will run it under linux.
 But it say :undefined reference to 'sigset', 'sighold'
 when I try to compile it! In which headerfile can I find
 them ? Or do I need something else ?

sigset and sighold are not part of POSIX signal handling (they are
from SVR3 and SVR4).

You should rewrite the program to use sigaction and friends.
If you check the manpages you may be able to figure out how.

MS-DOS: Micro$oft Denial Of Service. The most popular denial of
service attack. It is commonly disguised as an operating system.
The easiest fix is to install a freenix.

HELP! mail does not work (exim+fetchmail)

1999-05-12 Thread Shao Zhang
After a long time, I finally decide to replace smail with exim.
I have sucessfully set it up on one machine. But the other one
stops working...

After installing exim, my fetchmail does not work at more..

The error message is:

fetchmail: 4 messages for shao at (7683 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 RETR 1
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 4 (1200 octets)
fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed: Connection refused
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT^M

from exim is:

1999-05-12 21:18:55 10hX2N-7H-00 Completed
1999-05-12 21:23:00 Start queue run: pid=473
1999-05-12 21:23:00 10hWvm-6W-00 Message is frozen
1999-05-12 21:23:00 10hWio-5i-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]: unknown 
local-part shao in domain virge
1999-05-12 21:23:00 10hX6K-7g-00 =  R=10hWio-5i-00 U=mail 
P=local S=1684
1999-05-12 21:23:00 10hWio-5i-00 Error message sent to [EMAIL 
1999-05-12 21:23:00 10hWio-5i-00 Completed
1999-05-12 21:23:00 End queue run: pid=473

strange thing is I don't even know where is this shao come from! The 
only user one that machine
is s2193893.

My exim.conf looks as follows:
qualify_domain =
local_domains = virge : localhost

and the rest seems fine.

Thanks. (plz cc me to this address)



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: setting up a home lan

1999-05-12 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 04:14:40PM +, Shao Zhang wrote:
   Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to set up two computers
   to talk to each other via ethernet.
   In particular, what kind of ip I can choose. Is there a HOWTO on this??

You are free to use the 10.*.*.* and 192.168.*.* IP's.
The appropriate HOWTO's are:
/usr/doc/HOWTO/NET-3-HOWTO.gz (for TCP/IP)
/usr/doc/IPX-HOWTO.gz  doc included with mars (for netware emulation)
/usr/doc/SMB-HOWTO.gz  doc for samba (for WFW/Win9x emulation)

I have configured my home TCP/IP, Samba, mars/netware network
using these sources of information, and everything works great.
With IP-masquerading I managed to give all the local boxes the Internet access
through one only modem and single ISP account!!!

   Also, is there any tools like fsck in linux which can repair the fat 

I don't know, but if you use DOS, then you should have the DOS repair tools,
and if you don't use DOS, there is no need for usinf fat fs. Even if your
machine works as the fileserver for DOS machines (with samba or mars), it is
much more efficient to use e2fs for server volumes.

Hope this helps
Wojciech Zabolotny
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux - free OS for free people!

Re: printout being chopped off...

1999-05-12 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Tue, 11 May 1999, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

 I have an Epson Color Stylus 640.  When I print 2-uped pages, a bit of the
 page (on the left hand side) gets chopped off.  I am printing to 'letter'


I had similar problems with this printer and the bellow link led
me to a very useful page with tons of info about Epson printers:

Take a look. It's cool!

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Remove occurences of X from file

1999-05-12 Thread Stefan Baums
Hi all.

I use Emacs/MULE and write the following document:

   Hall� KuryLowicz

where (this is the important bit!) the L of this iso-latin-1 email is
actually the Polish l (l with a bar through it).

Then I save it in the encoding emacs-mule. According to less in an
iso-latin-1 terminal the file looks like:

   Hall82� Kury82�owicz

Question: Can anyone clue me how to write a small script to remove the 82
characters from the file? (The point is to then feed it to LaTeX and

Many thanks in advance,

Description: PGP signature

pgp help -- 2.6.2 5.0

1999-05-12 Thread Michael Stenner
debain folks all use 2.6.2 and RSA
I have other friends (in the windows world) who use 5.* and DH/DSS.

I would like to be able to deal with both without too much trouble.
This suggests that I use 5.0 and import an RSA keypair generated by
2.6.2.  Great!

Question:  How the )%(# do I do that?

Lots of places say it can be done - some are helpful enough to say
1) import the public
2) modify the trust
3) import the private

This is mostly useless to me.  It still thinks that I have someone elses
key - just that I trust them a lot.  I'm sure someone has dealt with
this before - I just need a quick tutorial.  How did you handle it?


  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

Re: Life at 4 bogomips

1999-05-12 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Sun, 9 May 1999, Pann McCuaig wrote:

 On Sun, May 09, 1999 at 04:50:30PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
  I guess I won't be compiling any kernels on that box ... well, maybe ONE
  just to see how long it takes.
 If memory serves, my first linux box, a 386SX-16 with 4MB took about 5
 hours to compile 1.0.9.

ISTR that compiling kernel V0.11 took about 5 minutes on the old Northgate
4MB 386-20 I was using in 1992.  Of course, the kernel's kind of grown
since then.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread J Horacio MG
~ In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
~ : On 10-May-99 J Horacio MG wrote:
~ : I have some packages which require version 2.1.1 from libc6 (which I
~ : expect it can be found in potato).  My question is, do I have to expect
~ : any problems if I install it in slink, or is it just as straight forward
~ : as upgrading any other package?
~ : If you upgrade a slink installation to libc6 2.1.1, you will probably have
~ : some problems.  I know I did, and I went back to libc6 2.07
~ : I suppose you could upgrade to potato and avoid the problems.  
~ : If you try it on a slink system, do not go back from the potato version of
~ : to the slink version or you will break the system; I just kept the 
~ : when I went back to the older libc6.
~ Do not upgrade only libc6.  It will break your system if you do.  If
~ you want to upgrade to libc6, upgrade all the way to potato.

So, what's the list of what should be upgraded?  I would imagine that
the first thing to do is to compile and run a 2.2.x kernel, the entire
potato base directory... what else?

I've also seen on this thread someone saying about the need to upgrade
the X system... to xfree 3.3.3?


Sparc Ultra5 (170)

1999-05-12 Thread Ian Keith Setford

I posted this question to the Sparc list but didn't get a reply so I'm
trying it here.

I have an Ultra5 that I would like to install on.  The installation pages
make no mention of this, or any other machine being supported. I am
curious because the RedHat installation manual specifically states that
the Ultra5 is unsupported.  I have also heard that this is a kernel
problem and the kernels after 2.2.5 *do* support this machine.

Can anybody clear this up? I have been using Debian on Intel for almost
three years and I'd like to put Debian on this box if at all possible.



Ian K. Setford   

PGP 2.6.3 1024/79D33BED 1999/05/10 Ian K. Setford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 52 D2 8D ED B7 78 4F D8  A0 1F 8C 36 58 7C D4 AA

Re: kernel and modules compiling

1999-05-12 Thread J Horacio MG
~ I also install the kernel using a small shellprogram provided (you will
~ need to switch that to executable using chmod +x)
~ The last thing I do is that I run lilo. 
~ make bzImage
~ make modules
~ # rm -rf /lib/modules/2.2.5 # Only if you are very sure about this!

I wondered whether that could / should be done.  The prob here is that
you won't be able to run any other previous kernel, just the new
compiled one.

~ make modules_install
~ depmod -a 
~ cd arch/i386/boot
~ ./ 2.2.5 bzImage ../../../ /

that script is just to copy the image to /boot/vmlinux-x.x.x and  or does it also add the lines to lilo.conf?

~ lilo


sorting this mail

1999-05-12 Thread tf
hey all

I don't suppose the list manager would consider putting somthing like [deb] in 
the subject line, would he (you)?  Sure would 
help me sort this stuff...

Re: wordperfect

1999-05-12 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 5/12/99 12:00:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Wordperfect runs, but the pictures and banners and icons are all scrambled. 
 When it is starting up the banner that is supposed to have a pen on it and 
 say Wordperfect is just a scrambled mess of vertical lines.  Once it 
 all of the icons loook the 

My guess is you're using a resolution of 24bpp - don't - WP (and Netscape for 
that matter) won't support it.


Re: Partition Type A0 ??

1999-05-12 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 10:46:22PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:

   I booted it from the 2.1 CD,  and ran cfdisk.  It's a 4.something
 gig drive,  which has 3 partitions:  a 2gig one,  another 2gig one,  a
 162.5 gig one,  and 7 megs of free space.  The 162.5 gig partition (which
 we'd like to delete) shows up as partition type A0 in cfdisk.

On a recent installfest I ran into that with a Toshiba laptop.  The owner
didn't know what that partition was for, so we removed it (~40 MB) using
linux's fdisk.  We proceeded with the installation, rebooted, and surprise,
surprise, the machine stopped booting!  We disable power saving and all that
stuff, and the machine wouldn't boot.  We removed the hd from the BIOS, and
the machine was able to boot from a floppy.  We recreated the partition
(same type, same place), and the machine worked again.

After reading the manual, which essentially doesn't say a thing about this
partition, I got the impression it's for the resume/suspend function of
the laptop.  I don't understand why the machine doesn't even boot without
it, but I learned not to touch those. Ever.


Re: Sparc Ultra5 (170)

1999-05-12 Thread Collins M. Ben
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 07:42:09AM -0500, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
 I posted this question to the Sparc list but didn't get a reply so I'm
 trying it here.
 I have an Ultra5 that I would like to install on.  The installation pages
 make no mention of this, or any other machine being supported. I am
 curious because the RedHat installation manual specifically states that
 the Ultra5 is unsupported.  I have also heard that this is a kernel
 problem and the kernels after 2.2.5 *do* support this machine.
 Can anybody clear this up? I have been using Debian on Intel for almost
 three years and I'd like to put Debian on this box if at all possible.

We have users and developers running stock slink on Ultra1's Ultra30's and
I believe an Ultra5. The boot disks to use are the 2.2.1-sun4u, I'm pretty
sure you will have no problems.

Re: ICQ-Java not working after upgrade

1999-05-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BGR == Bruno Goncalves Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BGR I've updated my system to potato, but now Icq-java doesn't work
BGR anymore.

There is a fixed version of jdk1.1 in Incoming. Check the mirros file
on where to find Incoming.


I'm in tears: SB 64 still not there.

1999-05-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I'm at wits end. For already two weeks I'm trying to get my Soundblaster AWE 64 working under Slink with a 2.0.36 kernel. I've done all the reading, poked at all places possible, but can't nail the problem down. Of course this is due to my inexperience with Linux, but give me a break and help me if you can, okay? (sniff)

I'm using a Pentium 200MMX with AMIBIOS v2.4 with the following settings: PnP aware O/S: Yes; DMA channels: PnP, IRQ 5: ISA/PnP (IRQ 5 is the one used by SB AWE 64).

I baked a new 2.0.36 kernel for use with the card, as described in the Soundblaster-AWE-HOWTO, but during bootup the message appears that SB AWE 32 has not been detected.

I used isapnp to configure the card and there the problem seems to be. After I do a pnpdump > isapnp.conf, this file contains a lot of conflicts, all FATAL. I checked for IRQ, DMA and IO conflicts, but there don't seem to be any. Apart from the SB AWE 64, which is the only ISA card in my PC, I have a network card and SCSI card (both PCI). Under Win95 I can't find any conflicts either.

Has anybody had this problem before, or can give me hints on what next steps to take now? As a last resort I thought about baking a 2.2.x kernel, which is supposed to have better PnP support. But that would also mess up my Debian 2.1 system and as I have been busy with Linux for only a month or so I don't want to do that.

For good order, below find the raw output of the pnpdump..


# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1.16 1998/10/09 22:19:06 fox Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e

(READPORT 0x0203)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e)
# Vendor Id CTL00c3, Serial Number 195476758, checksum 0x0C.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string -->Creative SB AWE64 PnP--
# Vendor defined tag:  73 02 45 00
# Logical device id CTL0045
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x39
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

(CONFIGURE CTL00c3/195476758 (LD 0
# ANSI string -->Audio--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
#   Next DMA channel 5.
# 16 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may not execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0220
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# (IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0330
# Maximum IO base address 0x0330
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
# (IO 1 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   IRQ 5, 7, 9 or 10.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))
#   Next DMA channel 5, 6 or 7.
# 16 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may not execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may 


1999-05-12 Thread Brian Schramm
OK, I know that this is almost as bad as 'editor wars' but I have to ask.

I want an email program that works in X and has the following capabilities:

alias support for addresses
grouping of addresses
threading of email (for lists)
some kind of sorting on reciept of a massage ( for news reports)
easy to use
reliable file transfer (for attached documents)
find a message on a search of the header or body

Let's here your favorite that can handle most of the above if not all.

Brian Schramm

Re: Re[2]: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Seth M. Landsman
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 12:10:15AM -0400, Dan Nguyen wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes) writes:
 :I had three problems. The first, JAVA, has now been resolved.
 : How was it solved?  Is there a new jdk package which works?
 It hasn't.  IIRC, The jdk maintainer can't get it to compiler.

The new jdk deb is in incoming.  I've been using it to run my
research system (which seriously taxes the jdk) for several days.  This is
on many different potato and slink boxes.

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread add|ct|on
- Original Message -
From: Robert Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

  Do not upgrade only libc6.  It will break your system if you do.  If
  you want to upgrade to libc6, upgrade all the way to potato.

 Actually .. it won't. I can't remember exactly what I installed, but I
 I installed the libc6 libs, headers, and gcc all from potato onto my hamm
 system, and it's since worked without so much as a whimper.


Rob, I'm curious-- did you upgrade the linker as well? when i upgraded that
in slink, i think that is what broke my system somehow. it happened to me
twice. that is why i ended up giving up and going all the way with potato...
was sick of having to manually re-link 30 or 40 .so files. no problems now,
i'm just curious. ciao.


help, I got sucked into /dev/null

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread add|ct|on


help, I got sucked into /dev/null

- Original Message -
Cc: Debian List
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

 So, what's the list of what should be upgraded?  I would imagine that
 the first thing to do is to compile and run a 2.2.x kernel, the entire
 potato base directory... what else?

 I've also seen on this thread someone saying about the need to upgrade
 the X system... to xfree 3.3.3?


here's my input...depends on how potato-ish you want to be... but if you
want to run a 2.2.x (or even 2.3.0!) kernel you will most likely need to
upgrade more than just libc6.
check out the Changes file in any 2.2.x kernel and it will tell you what
you need to change/ upgrade for THAT (very good listing, well done i might
add, and easy to follow). the documentation is fantastic. it tells you
everything that might go wrong and how to avoid it. most people have
problems because they do not read the kernel docs.
i am running potato now, and installed it as a base, but at one time i
DID successfully upgrade from slink to potato and a 2.2.x kernel. i did it
like this (i have endless free time smile):
upgraded via apt everything the changes file said i needed for the new
kernel (if you do that, incidentally, on my system anyhow i had to upgrade
my libc anyway because other things were dependant on it -- don't know how
it will work for you, but i couldn't upgrade my netbase or anything without
also upgrading my libc. (the potato net packages will not work with kernel
2.0.36, to the best of my knowledge, or i couldnt get them to anyway, so if
you care about interenet connectivity like i do be sure to have the new
kernel handy on the system to make after) after that, i compiled and
installed the kernel without rebooting inbetween. of course you can reboot,
i just didn't want to bother with it... i heard someone say rebooting an
ugraded system with a 2.0.36 kernel can make all hell break loose, but again
i don't really know, so i didn't take any chances.

good luck to you!

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 S == Sean  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

S I'm now wondering if anyone has any comments on how stable the
S unstable distribution is in general.

Pretty OK, but there are some known problems with glibc2.1

Netscape gets unstable.
Sometimes gives a bus error when closing a window - closing all of
netscape. Basic authentication (the paswod boxes) have problems. For
username and/or password longer than 8 characters, it is very likely,
that netscape will give a bus error.
Sometimes netscape hangs, and if I kill it, it will kill the X server.
No genuine fix available (the joys of no available source...). I think 
I will try to install the libc5 netscapae.

It used some internal symbols in libc, not available any more. A fixed 
version is available in Incoming.

Problem like in JDK. There is a workaround, by preloading glibc2. I
don't have the fix available, but it has been posted to this list.

Currently, there is a problem with PAM and xterm, but that is just a
normal error, not related to glibc2.1

These are the things I encountered.

If you still want to give potato a try, use apt. Change sources.list
to point to unstable. and do apt-get update  apt-get dist-upgrade

For GNOME or gtk1.2, add the slink gnome staging area to sources.list

deb unstable main

The verions there are a bit behind potato, but I am recompiling the
potato versions for slink right now.


Re: Java crashes in recent Potato?

1999-05-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SB == Stuart Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SB /usr/lib/jdk1.1/bin/../bin/i686/green_threads/java: error in loading
SB shared libraries:
SB /usr/lib/jdk1.1/bin/../lib/i686/green_threads/ undefined
SB symbol: _dl_symbol_value

SB Anyone else experienced this, or have a fix?

This is because of glibc2.1 (or rather jdk accessing glibc2 internal
symbols which are no longer available).

There is a fixed jdk1.1 in Incoming.


Re: 8 Newbie Questions

1999-05-12 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Look at the Linux Documentation Project, in particular `The Linux
Users' Guide' and `Installation and Getting Started Guide'

( for a list of mirrors)

 1) How do I move from one partitioned drive to another? How do I know the
 drive letters to use too?

There are no letters.  The partitions are `mounted' at various
directory mount points configured in /etc/fstab

 2) How do I copy files from my floppy drive to my partitioned debian drive?

This would mount it under directory /mnt:

$ su 
enter root passwd
# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt

You can also include it on /etc/fstab like so:

/dev/fd0/A  vfatuser,noauto

and then any user can mount it.  Not I used `vfat' here instead
of type msdos, but that only works if compiled into the kernel.

 to access 'man man' to read the manual (but get an error can't open the
 manpath configuration file /etc/manpath.config),

Looks like it's not properly installed.  Find the `man-db' package
and install it (dpkg -i man-db*)


Apt for bo

1999-05-12 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

Is there still a bo package for apt ? Where ?

Mario Filipe 

KDE -- please help!

1999-05-12 Thread add|ct|on

i sent this msg yesterday and got no replies, but 
i managed to fix the sound problem. it still crashes so i was wrong i guess 

i'm still getting that mysterious error message in 
my xsession-errors files:

Could not read '/tmp//kfm-cache-0/index.txt

does anyone know what that is??? please help. 

- Original Message - 
From: add|ct|on 

To: Debian-user 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 1:47 PM
Subject: KDE's untimely death

i am having a strange problem with kde... 
whenever it runs, and i try to open a program, it crashes, I.E. xdm (or kdm, 
to more precise) stops and x exits. i went through a lot of analysis and i 
came to the odd conclusion by trial and error that, if i log into it with 
users which don't have sound priveleges, it doesn't die. spotting this 
strangeness for what it was, i looked in my xsession errors files for the users 
with which kde stopped running - lo and behold, errors! and here it 
is:stretchPixmap 24x4 to 24x128Could not read 
'/tmp//kfm-cache-0/index.txt'kpanel: waiting for 
windowmanagerkaudioserver: Catching fatal X IO Error. Cleaning 

(ignorethis part, i fixed 
ok so, then i logged in as one of my users 
without sound priveleges again, and in the console as root i did a ps x... 
kaudioserver does not run. it used to run in the background if i'm not 
mistaken (if i am please correct me, but on my system anyhow it was running 
all the time during kde sessions).

i'm new to kde and i have no clue as to a) what 
happened to my kaudioserver, b) what the heck is that "Could not read 
'/tmp//kfm-cache-0/index.txt'" nonsense??, or c) how to even begin to fix 
any of this without uninstalling it all and starting over 

if anyone can help, or even give me some clues 
as to what to look for and where, i'd be most appreciative. 


help, I got sucked into 

Re: Partition Type A0 ??

1999-05-12 Thread Rune Linding Raun
you can touch it if you disable SUSPEND TO DISK or 0V SUPEND in BIOS!
its a supend to disk or 0V(V as Voltage) partition (type a0)
its normally allocated in the end of the diskarea and should be a little
greater than your physically RAM size eg 64M ram = 70-80M 0V parttion
the extra space is for cache+cpu state and so on :)


On 12-May-99 Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 10:46:22PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:
  I booted it from the 2.1 CD,  and ran cfdisk.  It's a 4.something
 gig drive,  which has 3 paions:  a 2gig one,  another 2gig one,  a
 162.5 gig one,  and 7 megs of free space.  The 162.5 gig partition (which
 we'd like to delete) shows up as partition type A0 in cfdisk.
 On a recent installfest I ran into that with a Toshiba laptop.  The owner
 didn't know what that partition was for, so we removed it (~40 MB) using
 linux's fdisk.  We proceeded with the installation, rebooted, and surprise,
 surprise, the machine stopped booting!  We disable power saving and all that
 stuff, and the machine wouldn't boot.  We removed the hd from the BIOS, and
 the machine was able to boot from a floppy.  We recreated the partition
 (same type, same place), and the machine worked again.
 After reading the manual, which essentially doesn't say a thing about this
 partition, I got the impression it's for the resume/suspend function of
 the laptop.  I don't understand why the machine doesn't even boot without
 it, but I learned not to touch those. Ever.

E-Mail: Rune Linding Raun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-May-99
Time: 17:09:37

This message was sent by XFMail

internet connection with ibm global net

1999-05-12 Thread mccorkle
I am helping a friend get Debin configured on his computer. The problem I
am having concerns getting his internet access with IBM global net
working. I would be interested in comparing notes with anyone who uses
this service.


R. Wayne McCorkle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Debian/GNU Linux - the maintainable operating system 
Check it out at

Re: Apt for bo

1999-05-12 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 May, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote about Apt for bo
 Is there still a bo package for apt ? Where ?

I think this will work.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Apt for bo

1999-05-12 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
Brian Servis wrote:
 I think this will work.

Mario Filipe 

RE: Beware apt

1999-05-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-May-99 Daniel Mashao wrote:
 Yesterday I had to re-install a lot of packages as my system became
 'unusable'. The problem began when I tried to fix Star Office after
 upgrading. I think my system was slink/potato but I couldn't tell the
 percentage of each system. Anyway I thought one way to ensure that the
 system works is to put a slink CD and update/upgrade libc6 and all hell
 broke loose. Not that apt did not warm me that it will be uninstalling a
 lot of packages. But I had faith that if I said update libc6 it will leave
 everything in its state and just update. It told me it was going to
 uninstall several applications. Well I thought that did not matter since
 it will install them again. - That how my system died. I finally had to
 rebuild it one app at the time.

Which commands did you use with apt-get?

I used apt-get yesterday and the only problem I had was that it would not
install the final package (there were 20).  I had to download that package
with my browser and install it manually.

I did not use 'apt-get upgrade-dist' though.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Netscape icons not in color-WHY?

1999-05-12 Thread John Foster
OK so I'm a perfectionist! I have Netscape communicator 4.51 installed
on my debian linux box. It runs fine no problems at all. I have noticed
the all the icons across the top are no longer in color as with previous
versions.Anyone know why or if there is something missing or set up
incorrectly. I have checked everything in preferences and see nothing
wrong there.begin:vcard 
org:AdVance-Computing Systems;WHQ
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:We Build Multi-Processor Computers
adr;quoted-printable:;;Stonetrail Drive=0D=0ASuite  A;Plano;Texas;75023-7223;USA
fn:John Foster

RE: wordperfect

1999-05-12 Thread Dan Willard
 Hmm, I'm using 24 bbp with the s3 xserver and haven't had any problems with
netscape or wp.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 9:12 AM
 Subject:  Re: wordperfect
 In a message dated 5/12/99 12:00:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Wordperfect runs, but the pictures and banners and icons are all
  When it is starting up the banner that is supposed to have a pen on it
  say Wordperfect is just a scrambled mess of vertical lines.  Once it 
  all of the icons loook the 
 My guess is you're using a resolution of 24bpp - don't - WP (and Netscape
 that matter) won't support it.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: I'm in tears: SB 64 still not there.

1999-05-12 Thread Robert Rati
I suggest a few things.  First would be to make a 2.2.x kernel.  Sound is
much easier under that system.  I run 2.1 with 2.2.5 kernel with no
problems.  Biggest pain will be transferring your settings from your old
kernel to the new one, but that's not too difficult.  Just kick up two
xconfigs (one for 2.2.x and other for 2.0.36) and match as much as you
can.  2.2.x kernels have a lot more options.  Secondly, you're going to
need to find out what DMAs your sound card uses.  Then, I'd uncomment the
appropriate lines in your isapnp.conf and see what happens.  The isapnp
output for the fatal conflicts has a comment saying it could be a warning.
I have a resource conflict when my pnp modem is detected that I still
haven't figure out, put it works so it's on a low priority.  I'd see what
arrises when you uncomment out the right lines for your card in the


On Wed, 12 May 1999, Hans van den Boogert wrote:

 I'm at wits end. For already two weeks I'm trying to get my Soundblaster
 AWE 64 working under Slink with a 2.0.36 kernel. I've done all the
 reading, poked at all places possible, but can't nail the problem down.
 Of course this is due to my inexperience with Linux, but give me a break
 and help me if you can, okay? (sniff)
 I'm using a Pentium 200MMX with AMIBIOS v2.4 with the following settings:
 PnP aware O/S: Yes; DMA channels: PnP, IRQ 5: ISA/PnP (IRQ 5 is the one
 used by SB AWE 64).
 I baked a new 2.0.36 kernel for use with the card, as described in the
 Soundblaster-AWE-HOWTO, but during bootup the message appears that SB AWE
 32 has not been detected.
 I used isapnp to configure the card and there the problem seems to be.
 After I do a pnpdump  isapnp.conf, this file contains a lot of
 conflicts, all FATAL. I checked for IRQ, DMA and IO conflicts, but there
 don't seem to be any. Apart from the SB AWE 64, which is the only ISA
 card in my PC, I have a network card and SCSI card (both PCI). Under
 Win95 I can't find any conflicts either.
 Has anybody had this problem before, or can give me hints on what next
 steps to take now? As a last resort I thought about baking a 2.2.x
 kernel, which is supposed to have better PnP support. But that would also
 mess up my Debian 2.1 system and as I have been busy with Linux for only
 a month or so I don't want to do that.
 For good order, below find the raw output of the pnpdump..
 fontfamilyparamCourier New/parambigger# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1.16
 1998/10/09 22:19:06 fox Exp $
 # This is free software, see the sources for details.
 # This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
 # For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
 # For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
 # Trying port address 0203
 # Board 1 has serial identifier 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e
 # (DEBUG)
 (READPORT 0x0203)
 # Card 1: (serial identifier 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e)
 # Vendor Id CTL00c3, Serial Number 195476758, checksum 0x0C.
 # Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
 # ANSI string --Creative SB AWE64 PnP--
 # Vendor defined tag:  73 02 45 00
 # Logical device id CTL0045
 # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x39
 # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
 # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
 # Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
 # Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be
 changed if required
 # Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy
 (CONFIGURE CTL00c3/195476758 (LD 0
 # ANSI string --Audio--
 # Multiple choice time, choose one only !
 # Start dependent functions: priority preferred
 #   IRQ 5.
 # High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
 # (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
 #   First DMA channel 1.
 # 8 bit DMA only
 # Logical device is not a bus master
 # DMA may execute in count by byte mode
 # DMA may not execute in count by word mode
 # DMA channel speed in compatible mode
 # (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
 #   Next DMA channel 5.
 # 16 bit DMA only
 # Logical device is not a bus master
 # DMA may not execute in count by byte mode
 # DMA may execute in count by word mode
 # DMA channel speed in compatible mode
 # (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))
 #   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
 # Minimum IO base address 0x0220
 # Maximum IO base address 0x0220
 # IO base alignment 1 bytes
 # Number of 

LPRng spooling and small HDDs

1999-05-12 Thread Jose L Gomez Dans
Any clues?
Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK
---End Message---

Re: KDE -- please help!

1999-05-12 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 5/12/99 11:19:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 i'm still getting that mysterious error message in my xsession-errors files:
  Could not read '/tmp//kfm-cache-0/index.txt

I know this isn't a solution - but I' ve been getting that message for what 
seems like ever, and it has never seemed to cause me any problems...  I would 
be interested to know what causes it - and frankly, I haven't checked the 
message archives for it.  


Re: Netscape icons not in color-WHY?

1999-05-12 Thread MallarJ
Are you running in 24bpp mode?  Netscape and WP don't seem to support 24bpp - 
try 32 or 16.


Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Dan Nguyen
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 02:07:32PM +0200, J Horacio MG wrote:
 ~ In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 ~ : On 10-May-99 J Horacio MG wrote:
 ~ : I have some packages which require version 2.1.1 from libc6 (which I
 ~ : expect it can be found in potato).  My question is, do I have to expect
 ~ : any problems if I install it in slink, or is it just as straight forward
 ~ : as upgrading any other package?
 ~ : If you upgrade a slink installation to libc6 2.1.1, you will probably 
 ~ : some problems.  I know I did, and I went back to libc6 2.07
 ~ : I suppose you could upgrade to potato and avoid the problems.  
 ~ : If you try it on a slink system, do not go back from the potato version 
 ~ : to the slink version or you will break the system; I just kept the 
 ~ : when I went back to the older libc6.
 ~ Do not upgrade only libc6.  It will break your system if you do.  If
 ~ you want to upgrade to libc6, upgrade all the way to potato.
 So, what's the list of what should be upgraded?  I would imagine that
 the first thing to do is to compile and run a 2.2.x kernel, the entire
 potato base directory... what else?

Yes, running 2.2.x kernel is very helpful.  I know that things like
Eterm, and ssh use the new pts/# terminals rather then ttyp#.  The
best way to upgrade from slink to potato, is to edit your
/etc/apt/sources.list file, which contains where you get packages via
ftp or http.  And change stable (or slink) to potato.  Then do a
apt-get update, apt-get upgrade-dist.  This might be a problem
however, since libc6-2.1 conflicts with the timezone package.  This is
because libc6 now provides timezones.  It can be a very complicated mess.

 I've also seen on this thread someone saying about the need to upgrade
 the X system... to xfree 3.3.3?

If your running the current xfree86 version in slink, the upgrade to will be just fine.  Amazingly they did a fairly good job on
it.  It will run fine, I did rerun XF86Setup.  My card is better
supported in, and I got my some problems fix doing so.  

   Dan Nguyen  | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   -La Rochefocauld, Maxims
25 2F 99 19 6C C9 19 D6  1B 9F F1 E0 E9 10 4C 16

1999-05-12 Thread Christian Dysthe

I keep getting the message below now installing packages using delect. 
Where does this come from, and how do I get rid of it?

ldconfig: warning: can't open /lib/ (No such file or
directory), skipping


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 12-May-99
Time: 11:41:59
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

Re: We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-05-12 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
But if you're not ready for potato then NIS will provide a ready-made solution. 
pretty straightforward. I'd be glad to offer assistance. As for a comparison, 
they're different. NIS has been around a long time, LDAP is newer.

Ben Collins wrote:

 On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 07:59:56PM -0500, Rob Browning wrote:
  We've got a number of machines here that we need to switch to
  centralized account maintenance, and I was trying to figure out what
  the best solution would be.  It looks like the two main solutions
  would be NIS or ldap (via PAM), but I'm having a hard time finding out
  enough about the ldap solution to do a good comparison.  Is there a
  good HOWTO or similar somewhere?  Is there some other solution I've
  overlooked.  (I thought about just using a cron job and a sync script
  to keep all the passwd/group files in sync, but that requires you to
  be able to atomically update the files, and I couldn't see a good way
  to do that...perhaps some trick with chpasswd/add/deluser...

 Our good admin is already in the midst of setting up an LDAP based
 account system. For info on what is being used for this please see and for the OpenLDAP and
 nss_ldap/pam_ldap (all three of which are packaged in potato) programs.

 --- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
 Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux
 OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Choice of the GNU Generation
 -- -- - - - ---   --- --  -  - ---  -  --

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Netscape icons not in color-WHY?

1999-05-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-May-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you running in 24bpp mode?  Netscape and WP don't seem to support 24bpp
 try 32 or 16.

This happens to me also if I try running X at greater than 16 colors.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-May-99 Dan Nguyen wrote:
 Yes, running 2.2.x kernel is very helpful.  I know that things like
 Eterm, and ssh use the new pts/# terminals rather then ttyp#.  The
 best way to upgrade from slink to potato, is to edit your
 /etc/apt/sources.list file, which contains where you get packages via
 ftp or http.  And change stable (or slink) to potato.  Then do a
 apt-get update, apt-get upgrade-dist.  This might be a problem
 however, since libc6-2.1 conflicts with the timezone package.  This is
 because libc6 now provides timezones.  It can be a very complicated mess.
I am glad you mention this timezones problem, because that is exactly what
happened to me and I believe it was the reason I went back to Slink.

I was using a 2.0.x kernel and I did not upgrade my entire system, only,
libc6, and gtk I believe.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: sorting this mail

1999-05-12 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 hey all
 I don't suppose the list manager would consider putting somthing like [deb] 
 in the subject line, would he (you)?  Sure would 
 help me sort this stuff...

You can only sort on the Subject field?  What type of program are you
using to sort?  Others on the list seem to have no trouble sorting
the list traffic, and I find the [label] prepended to the subject line
to be annoying.


Re: sorting this mail

1999-05-12 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 12 May 1999 08:30:48 -0400, Mitch Blevins wrote:

You can only sort on the Subject field?  What type of program are you
using to sort?  Others on the list seem to have no trouble sorting
the list traffic, and I find the [label] prepended to the subject line
to be annoying.

Most people don't hit upon the idea of sorting on to/cc for the list
email address until a few months of emailing.  Of course, people who love to
BCC the list then get on our nerves[*].

[*] Sender, X-List, etc aren't standard enough catch all of the lists.  to/cc
are required fields, at least.  :)

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: printout being chopped off...

1999-05-12 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
Mario Olimpio de Menezes proclaimed:
 I had similar problems with this printer and the bellow link led
 me to a very useful page with tons of info about Epson printers:

Thanks.  I took a look at the page.  But the things suggested in that page
did not fix my problems.  I have partially fixed the problem I was having. 
I edited /etc/enscript.cfg and used the dimensions specified against
letterdj for letter.  Now enscripts prints fine.

Son, this is the only time I'm ever going to say this.  It is not OK
 to loose.  -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   Indentured Slave

Re: printout being chopped off...

1999-05-12 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
Wayne Topa proclaimed:
 I had a similar problem with my Brother Laser Printer.  I finally
 fixed it by using a2ps and changing the papersize in a2ps.cfg
 ie Medium: Letter   607 780.  I just keep changing it until I got
 everything printing on the paper, correctly.

Could you give me more information?  How does a2ps work with apsfilter and

Son, this is the only time I'm ever going to say this.  It is not OK
 to loose.  -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   Indentured Slave

Re: Sparc Ultra5 (170)

1999-05-12 Thread Collins M. Ben
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 10:03:18AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Wed, 12 May 1999, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
  Can anybody clear this up? I have been using Debian on Intel for almost
  three years and I'd like to put Debian on this box if at all possible.
 Last I heard, Debian does not support the UltraSPARC processor yet.

That is incorrect, slink supports UltraSPARC, and as does potato.

netdate - ntp - chrony ?

1999-05-12 Thread Christian Dysthe

I want a simple task performed. ntp does it, but is not really made for a
dial-up system like mine.

chrony does it also, but what I wondered is: couldn't It use netdate for this?

I have put the following script in my /etc/ip-up.d

if [ -x /usr/sbin/netdate ]
/usr/sbin/netdate  /dev/null 21  
exit 0 is a time server.

In /etc/cron.daily I have this script:

#! /bin/sh
if [ -x /sbin/hwclock ]
   hwclock --adjust  
   hwclock --systohc --utc
exit 0

This last script is there since I do not often reboot, and still want the
hardware clock adjusted.

These two scripts seems to keep my clock correct without having to install ntp
or chrony, or have I as a newbie missed something here?

I would really like to know the difference between netdate and ntp/chrony. And
if you choose a time server to use with netdate, shouldn't it be just as
accurate as if you used ntp?

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 12-May-99
Time: 12:25:58
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

I'm trying to install debian distributions in a POWERDELL 6300

1999-05-12 Thread Ernesto Robayna Fernández
SORRY i've got a powerdell 6300, it's a multiprocessors (4 Intel Xeon) and it's 
got 2 SCSI drivers. I installed DEBIAN in other system but now i've problems 
and i can't install. The debian install kernel don't see my SCSI drivers and i 
can't go on with the installation. Can you help me. Thanks for all. [EMAIL 

Re: Netscape icons not in color-WHY?

1999-05-12 Thread Rune Linding Raun
its a Xserver prob
it scrambles 24bpp in some calls to the server
On 12-May-99 Pollywog wrote:
 On 12-May-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you running in 24bpp mode?  Netscape and WP don't seem to support 24bpp
 try 32 or 16.
 This happens to me also if I try running X at greater than 16 colors.
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

E-Mail: Rune Linding Raun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-May-99
Time: 19:58:43

This message was sent by XFMail

programming X

1999-05-12 Thread
Hallo there,
I recently purchased the O'Reilly Xlib Programming Manual with the
aim of learning how to
write X applications. My problem though is I can't get basicwin.c to
compile up at all!
I even downloaded the O'Reilly version and that didn't work. The
O'Reilly version complains
that it can't load Xlib.h although my compile line reads
gcc -g -lX11 -o basicwin basicwin.c
I tried it with a -DSYSV also but to no effect. My version has fits
complaining about undeclared
variables. I suspect I need to include Xfuncproto.h but I'm not certain.

My main question though is, should the example work exactly as
written in the book or do I
need to generate a GNU/Linux version? If so how? If the book's example
should work
then what am I doing obviously wrong?
I can post the compilation error messages once I've retyped the
source, I got annoyed and
blew it away.
Are there any newgroups I should subscribe to for this sort of


Re: wordperfect

1999-05-12 Thread Frank Barknecht
Matt Kokidko hat gesagt: // Matt Kokidko wrote:

 I apologize if this has already been beaten to death, but this is my .
 first post and first few minutes in this newsgroup. I was trying to  .
 run wordperfeft 8 on slink. I originally had a library problem which .
 hours of research has fixed. I installed old libraries, libc5, xlib6,.
 and xpm4.7 Wordperfect runs, but the pictures and banners and icons  .
 are all scrambled. When it is starting up the banner that is supposed.
 to have a pen on it and say Wordperfect is just a scrambled mess of  .
 vertical lines. Once it starts, all of the icons loook the same way. .
 And the window in the corner of screen that stays open to open new   .
 documents is scrambled as well. I'm rather new to linux and my friend.
 is telling me to give up on debian and go to redhat. I'd rather hack .
 out solutions. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated .

wp8 runs fine on my slink system. Maybe you need to install some more
libc5-compat packages. Wp8 needs the following:

$ ldd /usr/local/lib/wp8/wpbin/xwp = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4000e000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4005) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x400ee000) = /lib/ (0x400fc000) = /lib/ (0x40105000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x401c3000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x401cc000)

These are found in the following packages:

xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
xpm4.7: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
libc5: /lib/
libc5: /lib/
xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/

Tell us if it helped! 
Don't switch to Red-Hat! 
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: programming X

1999-05-12 Thread Prashanth Mundkur
On Wed, 12 May 1999, wrote:

 I even downloaded the O'Reilly version and that didn't work. The
 O'Reilly version complains
 that it can't load Xlib.h although my compile line reads
 gcc -g -lX11 -o basicwin basicwin.c
 I tried it with a -DSYSV also but to no effect. My version has fits
 complaining about undeclared
 variables. I suspect I need to include Xfuncproto.h but I'm not certain.

I would doublecheck whether you have the X development 
package xlib6g-dev 



1999-05-12 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I keep getting the message below now installing packages using delect. 
 Where does this come from, and how do I get rid of it?
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /lib/ (No such file or
 directory), skipping

This is a symlink created somehow in recent potato upgrades.  You should
be able to safely remove /lib/, which will get rid of
the ldconfig warning.  I still haven't seen on this list any verification
of which package is creating this link.


Re: hosed debian system

1999-05-12 Thread Ardo van Rangelrooij

I had this also some time ago.  I just did (within dselect) an Update
of the package lists, chose Install again and everything was fine.  I
guess dselect somehow lost some info.


Ben Cranston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 was trying to install package  minicom  and am now in
 a situation where dselect says:
 Broken Required packages in section base
  U** Req base   libncurses4  4.2-3   4.2-3Shared libr...
 Broken Optional packages in section x11
  U** Opt x11motifnls 2.1-2   2.1-4Files needed to...
 whatever I do, it says:
 internal error - no filename at -e line 12, P chunk 14.
 installation script returned error exit status 1.
 Any suggestions???
 Charles B. (Ben) Cranston
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ardo van Rangelrooij
home page:
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