Re: Unicode

1999-06-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 11 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 13:33:37 +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos 

  usando carácteres gráficos vt100:

# pstree -G xmanoel

 A mí me sale bien. Tengo 80x60 (vga=6 en el núcleo) y la fuente
 que estoy usando es la... (¿algún comando para saberlo?).

  ahora con los unicode:

#pstree -U xmanoel

 Sí, más o menos lo mismo.

¿Que hay que hacer para ver carácteres unicode? Tenia yo ganas de ver
carácteres rusos y cosas de estas...

 Supongo que poner una fuente Unicode (supongo!).


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.9
PGP Public key at

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-13 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 01:47:15PM +0200, César Talón wrote:
 Perdonar esta disertación, pero realmente me parece que éste es un tema
 realmente importante para el futuro de la distribución. Si partimos de la
 base de que una de las bazas fuertes de esta colaboración con la gente de
 Corel es que todos nos podremos beneficiar de su esfuerzo, tal y como un
 posible frontend gráfico para la instalación y ese tipo de herramientas que
 algunos parecen echar de menos en Debian y que sí encuentran en RH...
 (bueno, ya tenemos el linuxconf en paquete debian ;)

También tenemos desde hace un par de meses un frontend gráfico para la
primera parte de la instalación (hasta cuando se reinicia el sistema y
pide la contraseña de root), sin que Corel haya aportado nada aún. De
momento parece que están centrando sus esfuerzos en reinventar el dpkg y
el apt (no sólo el dselect, sino todo el conjunto).
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-13 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, =?iso-8859-1?B?Q+lzYXIgVGFs824=?= wrote:

 He estado dándole vueltas a la cabeza sobre la colaboración de Corel con
 En principio me parece algo muy positivo para la distrución, pero mi
 preocupación es otra. Se supone que los de RedHat están contribuyendo
 activamente al desarrollo de Gnome, y se supone que Gnome también va a ser
 el gestor de ventanas o entorno oficial de Debian (o uno de ellos).
 Bueno, lo que me parece una contradicción es que sabiendo que Corel ha
 apostado por KDE como sistema para basar sus programas en su distrubución de
 GNU/Debian, cómo se supone que se va a aprovechar Debian de un desarrollo
 que estará en gran parte centrado en las librerías Qt.
 En cualquier caso me parece muy positiva esta colaboración y lo único que
 espero es que se pueda realmente aprovechar al máximo las mejoras de Corel.
 Quizás mi problema sea que hubiera preferido que se basaran en Gnome.

Bueno yo tambien pero no pasa nada. Creo que es mejor verlo como 
distintas alternativas.

Debian es la distribucion de las alternativas. Cuando GNU tenga su
propio nucleo estable podras elegir el kernel que quieres instalar.

Lo importante es poder elegir. Corel va a llenar un hueco que vendrá
bien para cierto perfil de usuarios que ahora elegían otras 
distribuciones, pero eso no significa que Corel sea la panacea para
todos los usuarios de Debian. 

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En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal [EMAIL PROTECTED].

/\ /\  (Tablon de anuncios en) 
 _|0 0|_   
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 03:02:10PM +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos contaba:
De momento voy a fijarme que tal lleva lo de la hora en los próximos
días y si no noto ningún cambio.

No he apagado el ordenador desde entonces y veo que la hora se ha
retrasado. Acutalmente está marcandome las 00:44 am y estamos en
realidad a 00:58 am.

Por tanto me parece que el `hwclock' y la nueva distribución no
tienen demasiado que ver. Es el Kernel es que me está haciendo

¿A ver si va a ser que cuando la CPU se me pone en modo ahorro de
energía se despista el Kernel? Es que hoy estuvo un par de veces

O si no a ver si va a ser que cuando cargo demasiado el sistema el
reloj se descontrola. Porque llevo horas compilando el GIMP (dios
mio, menuda experiencia, y yo que creía que el kernel era lo más) y
la pobre CPU debe estar baldada.

¡Que putada! Yo que nunca tuviera problemas con el kernel...

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Gnome básico

1999-06-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

Tenía que compilar un programa que utiliza GNOME, pero no me apetecía
(no puedo, no tengo sitio libre para instalarmelo) instalarme toda
la distribución. Ni mucho menos la mitad. 

Mirando las dependencias de `gnome-core' estos parecen ser los
paquetes básicos:


Lo del `libesd0' y `libaudiofile' me mosquea. ¿pasará algo si no
tengo los soniditos instalados? ¿Si no tengo el ESD (Englightment
Sound Daemon) para que quiero esta librería?

Me imagino que esto lo puedo solucionar bajandome las fuentes en vez
de los binarios y sacando estas dependencias del gnome-core.

¿El `imlib' es básico para el GNOME? ¿Se podría prescindir de el? 

Lo que me sorprende es... ¿no hace falta el ORBit?

Y otra cosa. El `gnome-control-center' además de las típicas
chorradas de configurar el escritorio... ¿es necesario para
configurar las aplicaciones GNOME?

Si tengo tiempo y me da por eso, a lo mejor lo que hago es preparar
una especie de GNOME-lite, unos cuantos paquetes de GNOME que
ofrezcan lo básico, ocupando poco sitio, que para ocupar 80 megas ya
se basta el amigo Bill Gates.  

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

RE: ¿Utilidad para desinstalar librerías sin usar?

1999-06-13 Thread Ricardo Villalba
 Probadlo,  plis. En  mi sistema  tarda casi  2 minutos  como ya
 dije. Quiero  saber cuánto  tarda en 300  MHz por  ejemplo. Además,
 quién sabe los paquetes que tendréis instalados inútilmente ;-).

Gracias a tu script he podido desinstalar unas cuantas librerías y paquetes
que no sé para que diablos servían. Creo que he recuperado unas 5 megas de
espacio. No parece mucho pero teniendo en cuenta que ahora mismo tengo 25
megas libres para mí es una cantidad importante.
En mi pentium 133 ha tardado 58 segundos.

Ricardo Villalba

HP-GL y convert

1999-06-13 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estoy empezando a usar el programa convert para imprimir diferente tipos de
formatos graficos, para imprimir datos HP-GL, dice que delega en el programa
hp2xx, pero no doy con el. ¿Sabe alguien donde esta?

Hablando de formatos, ¿sabeis si existe algun tipo de filtro para convertir
el formato IPDS a otros formatos?. Lo unico que se de este formato, es que
es bastante corriente en el entorno AS/400.



1999-06-13 Thread daniel

Vuelvo a hacer la misma pregunta sobre el mutt...

Cuando veo la lista de los correos que he recibido, no veo las cabeceras de 
quien los envia... veo las cabeceras del destinatario o el Cc.. como se puede 
cambiar eso en mutt? alguien sabe?

8 N   Jun 13 To debian-user- (   0) Gnome básico
9 N   Jun 13 To Debian Españ (   0) Paquete Debian

   Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322

el FTP de DEBIAN español tiene problemas o que?

1999-06-13 Thread daniel

Os escribo para preguntar si todos teneis los mismos problemas que yo casi 
todas las semanas con el, si no es con un paquete en concreto 
es con uno de los ficheros de la lista de paquetes, pero siempre acaba 
ocurriendo algo... ¿sabeis un ftp de Debian que esté cerquita y que no de 
tantos problemas? Este ya me tiene un poco harto...

   Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322

Re: Mutt!!!!!!!!

1999-06-13 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Cuando veo la lista de los correos que he recibido, no veo las
  cabeceras de quien los envia... veo las cabeceras del destinatario
  o el Cc.. como se puede cambiar eso en mutt? alguien sabe?

 set hdr_format=%4C %Z %{%m/%d} %-15.15F (%4c) %s

   77 N   06/13 daniel  (0.7K) Mutt
   78 N   06/13 daniel  (0.7K) el FTP de DEBIAN español tiene prob

 mira /usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz para más opciones.


Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-13 Thread Jose Angel Fdez Luengo
En Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 01:47:15PM +0200, César Talón escribió:

   En principio me parece algo muy positivo para la distrución, pero mi
   preocupación es otra. Se supone que los de RedHat están contribuyendo
   activamente al desarrollo de Gnome, y se supone que Gnome también va a ser
   el gestor de ventanas o entorno oficial de Debian (o uno de ellos).
   Bueno, lo que me parece una contradicción es que sabiendo que Corel ha
   apostado por KDE como sistema para basar sus programas en su distrubución de
   GNU/Debian, cómo se supone que se va a aprovechar Debian de un desarrollo
   que estará en gran parte centrado en las librerías Qt.

El tema de KDE me da a mi la impresion que poco tiene que ver con Debian. Con
respecto a lo que Debian puede sacar de su relaccion con Corel yo veo
bastantes posibilidades: si Corel hace su programa de instalacion GPL, como
parece que va a ser, eso será un beneficio para toda la comunidad de Debian,
puede ayudar a dar más conocimiente y a levantar mas interes sobre el modelo
de paquetes deb lo que nos puede llevar a recuperar algo de terreno con
respecto a los rpm,...
   Esto, que en principio podría ser un tema trivial si consideramos que
   KDE/Gnome son más o menos iguales, e igual que se puede imponer el uso de
   Gnome como gestor oficial se puede imponer el de KDE, no lo es desde mi
   punto de vista. La razón es que desde mi punto de vista me parece que el
   proyecto de Gnome es un proyecto mucho más ambicioso que KDE, es algo mucho
   más completo.

no necesariamente
   Perdonar esta disertación, pero realmente me parece que éste es un tema
   realmente importante para el futuro de la distribución. Si partimos de la
   base de que una de las bazas fuertes de esta colaboración con la gente de
   Corel es que todos nos podremos beneficiar de su esfuerzo, tal y como un
   posible frontend gráfico para la instalación y ese tipo de herramientas que
   algunos parecen echar de menos en Debian y que sí encuentran en RH...
   (bueno, ya tenemos el linuxconf en paquete debian ;)
   En cualquier caso me parece muy positiva esta colaboración y lo único que
   espero es que se pueda realmente aprovechar al máximo las mejoras de Corel.
   Quizás mi problema sea que hubiera preferido que se basaran en Gnome.

a mi me pasa igual, pero lo importante es que estamos ahi  ;)

Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-13 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos


Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que
ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.
Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
(¡malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con
hardware no soportado.


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

mouse bajo X no responde

1999-06-13 Thread horacio molina

Me he pasado a Debian luego de un buen tiempo en RedHat, y ahora
en mi segundo dia con Debian aun no puedo hacer que el mouse se
mueva en el entorno X.
El mio es un Easymouse Genius de tres botones y en la configuracion
del XF86 selecciono Mouse system que con RH 5.0 funcionaba bien,
pero ahora solo muestra el puntero y no se desplaza o responde a los
He probado quitando el gpm, cambiando el servidor X y nada.
Fuera de las X el mouse responde bien al gpm y en el mc. La version
Debian que instale es la 2.0, Hamm. Donde modifico los parametros
del mouse para las X?


  (o_   Horacio Molina 
  //\Com. Riv. - Argentina
  V_/_ Linux User #120586

Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-13 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Me parece que mi duda de hoy es de las muy, muy elementales, pero por más
que he buscado en man y /doc no he podido solucionarlo.. Supongamos que
estoy como usuario ijalonso y arranco las X-window (startx), ahora me paso a
la consola virtual 2 y entro como usuario mic y tambien quiero trabajar en
x-window. Pues no se como hacerlo ¿? 
¿como se puede hacer esto? ¿alguna lectura que me sirva de ayuda? :-)

 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O
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1999-06-13 Thread Benet Pomes
mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-13 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

Yo tengo un Toshiba Satellite 320. Pero creo que ya no lo
venden... :-) Eso s'i, me va de miedo, y me fucniona todo el


Rafael Cordones Marcos writes:
  Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que
  ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.
  Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
  (¡malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con
  hardware no soportado.
  Rafa C. Marcos
  BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)
 Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

Re: mouse bajo X no responde

1999-06-13 Thread jon
ejecuta XF86Setup,mira ahi a ver

horacio molina escribió:


 Me he pasado a Debian luego de un buen tiempo en RedHat, y ahora
 en mi segundo dia con Debian aun no puedo hacer que el mouse se
 mueva en el entorno X.
 El mio es un Easymouse Genius de tres botones y en la configuracion
 del XF86 selecciono Mouse system que con RH 5.0 funcionaba bien,
 pero ahora solo muestra el puntero y no se desplaza o responde a los
 He probado quitando el gpm, cambiando el servidor X y nada.
 Fuera de las X el mouse responde bien al gpm y en el mc. La version
 Debian que instale es la 2.0, Hamm. Donde modifico los parametros
 del mouse para las X?


   (o_   Horacio Molina
   //\Com. Riv. - Argentina
   V_/_ Linux User #120586

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Diccionario Ingles-Español

1999-06-13 Thread Alfredo Casademunt

He reescrito en C y con las librerías GTK+ 1.2 el diccionario
de Ingles-Español de Jose Luis Triviño, en principio para
hacerlo mas usable y al final le he añadido también un botón
de aprender y otro de búsqueda exacta. Lo he puesto en

Y de paso también he dejado en el mismo sitio el script que
uso para hacer rápidamente paquetes Debian.

Un saludo.


Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-13 Thread jon
pues creo que no se puede,porque solo tienes una tarjeta grafica

Ignacio J. Alonso escribió:

 Me parece que mi duda de hoy es de las muy, muy elementales, pero por más
 que he buscado en man y /doc no he podido solucionarlo.. Supongamos que
 estoy como usuario ijalonso y arranco las X-window (startx), ahora me paso a
 la consola virtual 2 y entro como usuario mic y tambien quiero trabajar en
 x-window. Pues no se como hacerlo ¿?
 ¿como se puede hacer esto? ¿alguna lectura que me sirva de ayuda? :-)

  _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O
 _/ _/ _/  _/ _/
_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/
  _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Thanks [was: Re: Where is /usr/bin/file?]

1999-06-13 Thread Greg Starkes
Brian Servis wrote:
 *- On 12 Jun, Pollywog wrote about RE: Where is /usr/bin/file?
  On 12-Jun-99 Pollywog wrote:
  On 12-Jun-99 Greg Starkes wrote:
  I downloaded xmms 0.9 last night. make complained about not being able
  to find /usr/bin/file. I used dpkg --search to see what packaged owned
  it, and found nothing. Is this not a part of the debian distribution? I
  noticed that RedHat has it.
  I have the file, though I am unable to determine which package it came 
  The Debian package search facility might have this information, on Debian's
  Very strange; I looked for the package on Debian's website, using the search
  facility, and I can't find the package that owns /usr/bin/file.
  I do have /usr/bin/file on my Potato system.
 You have to omit the leading slash, search for 'usr/bin/file'.

That's why I couldn't find it. I had the leading slash in when I
searched the web site.

Thanks everyone for the quick replies.

Visit my WindowMaker page at

You can twist perceptions, reality won't budge.
-Neil Peart, Rush, Show Don't Tell

Re: Re: ppp conection problem

1999-06-13 Thread Micha Feigin

--- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Micha Feigin writes:
  When i try to connect to one of my providers (university) i get a
  that ppp paniced because bit 7 all set to 0:
 Your chatscript is ending and letting pppd start sending LCP packets
 the provider is still expecting more login stuff.  The provider is
 the LCP packets while it waits for wahtever it needs.  It is still in
 mode so it clips off bit 8.  Pppd sees this and generates the error
 you see.
 Dial in with minicom and work through the login until you get the
 that indicates that ppp has started at their end.  Then log out and
 to your notes while running pppconfig to set up the connection.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

Well i tried that, and the strange part is that it sometimes does works
but mostly doesn't (it usually works when i call at earlier hours if it
gives any hint)

Sorry if this is nagging

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-13 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:00:56 -0400, Ed Cogburn wrote:

Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

Gotta love people who don't know how to delete lines, eh?  Geez.

 On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:08:34 +0200, Hartmut Figge wrote:
 yeah, but why so complicated?
 mc is just wonderful for things like that.
 Because mc isn't a pager.  :)

   From original message:  I am wondering about way to grep or to
view with editor /usr/doc/*/* files.

From your message yeah, but why so complicated?

   He never specified the solution must be a pager, but if it must
be a pager, then 'most' can do this just as easily as 'less'
does.  MC is still my first choice, though.

zgrep foo bar.gz seems to be (z)less complicated than mc -c, going down
to the file, then esc3/F3 to view it, *then* do a search, in my book.  Use
the tools that are there, not focus on one.  :P
- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Help!!

1999-06-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 06:36:28PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the difference between the i386 version and the others??

The different Debian versions are for different CPU architectures of the
computer hardware.



Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-13 Thread Hartmut Figge
Steve Lamb wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:00:56 -0400, Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Steve Lamb wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
 Gotta love people who don't know how to delete lines, eh?  Geez.
  On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:08:34 +0200, Hartmut Figge wrote:
  yeah, but why so complicated?
  mc is just wonderful for things like that.
  Because mc isn't a pager.  :)
From original message:  I am wondering about way to grep or to
 view with editor /usr/doc/*/* files.
 From your message yeah, but why so complicated?

well, now i _must_ respond. that wasn´t ed´s line, but mine. should i
know wright : geez, people who couldn´t read a mail?

no, i will not.
please, please, be friendly.

He never specified the solution must be a pager, but if it must
 be a pager, then 'most' can do this just as easily as 'less'
 does.  MC is still my first choice, though.
 zgrep foo bar.gz seems to be (z)less complicated than mc -c, going down
 to the file, then esc3/F3 to view it, *then* do a search, in my book.  Use
 the tools that are there, not focus on one.  :P

let´s agree to: different people like different ways.


php-cgi and non apache

1999-06-13 Thread Martin Saturka
I can't make to work php-cgi with non apache httpd's. Is there a way?
(I use cern-httpd, but I'm satisfied with any non gutsy eater httpd.)
THX, Martin

Esound problem (gnome) - sound device inadequate

1999-06-13 Thread Micha Feigin
I have a computer with no sound ( yes it's an old 486 there is still one
of these around :) ).
The thing is that whenever i try to start a gnome program it tries to
search /dev/dsp for a sound card (permision denied), fails, gives me a
message : Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.
and then sometimes it starts but usually segfaults. Anyway around this?
BTW i am using gnomever 1.0.5-3
BTW2 the full mesage:
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed
Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit stereo.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 22.05Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
Trying 44.1Khz, 16bit mono.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, mono, 8bit failed
Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit mono.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 22.05Khz, mono, 8bit failed
Trying 11.025Khz, 8bit stereo.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 11.025Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
Trying 11.025Khz, 8bit mono.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 11.025Khz, mono, 8bit failed
Trying 8.192Khz, 8bit mono.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Audio device open for 8.192Khz, mono, 8bit failed
Trying 8Khz, 8bit mono.
/dev/dsp: Permission denied
Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.
Segmentation fault


Balsa problem - new mailbox (pop3)

1999-06-13 Thread Micha Feigin
when i try to make a new mailbox through balsa (through prefrences add
server) and then try to check the mail i get a message wrong password
supplied and then balsa dies.
I know the account is on an smtp server (I don't know if thats the same as
What i am tring to do is access that account through balsa if possible.

kde mirrors

1999-06-13 Thread Bill West
Anyone know of any KDE sites like the (which seems to be
dead) one?

Bill West
Houston TX

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for public pgp key

Linux = The choice of a GNU generation

Re: php-cgi and non apache

1999-06-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MS == Martin Saturka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MS I can't make to work php-cgi with non apache httpd's. Is there a
MS way?  (I use cern-httpd, but I'm satisfied with any non gutsy
MS eater httpd.)

I have no problems with it on th Roxen webserver. I just do a redirect 

/(.*).php3(.*)$  /cgi-bin/php3.cgi/$1.php3$2

So unless you are not more specific (webserver, version, error message 
in browser and log file, setup you made for php-cgi), noone can help


RE: Esound problem (gnome) - sound device inadequate

1999-06-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Jun-99 Micha Feigin wrote:
 I have a computer with no sound ( yes it's an old 486 there is still one
 of these around :) ).

Have you tried adding yourself to the audio group?  It might work even
though you have no sound device.


starting pppd

1999-06-13 Thread Chuck Peters


We want to make it easy for our Windows users to setup ppp by having pppd
start if they dial into one of our modems or start lynx if they telent or
ssh in. 

The problem is I haven't figured out quite how to do it.

What we want is:
start ppp if they dial into the equinox SST, ie on ttyQ[1-16]
start ppp if they dial into our portmaster 2 named cthulhu
start lynx home.html if the file exists in their home directory.
or start lynx


For stabilty, superior networking and real consumer choice, use 
Open Source Software,  My choice is
Debian Linux,!

Apache won't run...

1999-06-13 Thread Eric G. Miller
I can't get my Apache to run. It always dies with

[Sat Jun 12 18:16:03 1999] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr
getpeername: Socket operation on non-socket
getsockname: Socket operation on non-socket
Error getting local address

I'm, obviously, trying to run this on my home computer without a FQDN.  I know 
this is possible, but I'm not sure where it's having the problem.  My hostname 
is set, and can be found with echo $HOSTNAME, the ServerName is set in 
httpd.conf, and the bogus IP address is in /etc/hosts.  What am I missing?

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: ppp conection problem

1999-06-13 Thread John Hasler
Could you post your /etc/chatscripts/provider, /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and
the output of plog?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-13 Thread Min Xu

I also tried that xemacs21 without good news. 

To install it in potato, I had to remove python-elisp to successfully install 
it. And after it was installed, I found that the /etc/*emacs/site-start.d/* is 
not loaded when the xemacs21 starts up and there are some errors in the 
starting phase reporting unknown symbols of some packages which though works 
well for xemacs20.

It can only starts without error with a -q option, i.e., no initial .emacs 

Any one got a better result?
Min Xu  
City College of NY, CUNY
Tel:(O) (212) 650-6865
(O) (212) 650-5046
(H) (212) 690-2119  

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-13 Thread OhkumaTadayoshi

Thanks so many people for replying me.
now I can do most operation :-) thanks.

Steve Lamb wrote:
 I still wish to have site policy of installing ungziped documents :-)
 I don't care to waste a little disk space...
 find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip

uum, I wish to do this under control of package manager...

for rpm, by using --excludedocs option, you can install
package without documents.

although rpm does not have more function than this, 
I wish dpkg would have this kind of flexbility for site policy.
for example:

  - managing /usr/doc as plain  (for simplicity)
  - managing without /usr/doc   (for extremely small disk machine)
  - managing without /usr/share (in case of using remote file system)

Tadayoshi Ohkuma
Omoikane Ltd.

Re: Enlightenment Seg Fault

1999-06-13 Thread Oz Dror
I have the same problem, but only when enlightenment sound is turned on.
the problem started when I upgraded to the latest potato packages.

Kelly Corbin wrote:

 I recently set up a potato machine and had enlightement working.  Then I
 installed sound in my kernel and turned it on in enlightenment.  Now,
 every time I fire it up, it seg faults and exits.  Sound is working
 correctly; I can use it with gnome and quake.  I also un-installed and
 re-installed enlightenment to no avail.  Any ideas?  Thanks.

 Kelly Corbin

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: starting pppd

1999-06-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 09:05:37PM -0500, Chuck Peters wrote:
 We want to make it easy for our Windows users to setup ppp by having pppd
 start if they dial into one of our modems or start lynx if they telent or
 ssh in. 
 The problem is I haven't figured out quite how to do it.
 What we want is:
 start ppp if they dial into the equinox SST, ie on ttyQ[1-16]
 start ppp if they dial into our portmaster 2 named cthulhu
 start lynx home.html if the file exists in their home directory.
 or start lynx
Install mgetty to automatically start pppd. Add some lines like this
to your /etc/inittab and run init q to start mgetty.

T2:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x0 -s 57600 ttyS2 

Look at the config files in /etc/mgetty and adjust them to your
liking. One caveat: the default pppd invocation does not look in
the /etc/ppp/* config files.

For the lynx thing, just add this to /etc/profile :
if [-x ~/home.html]
lynx ~/home.html

Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Balsa problem - new mailbox (pop3)

1999-06-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 03:35:51AM +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:
 when i try to make a new mailbox through balsa (through prefrences add
 server) and then try to check the mail i get a message wrong password
 supplied and then balsa dies.
 I know the account is on an smtp server (I don't know if thats the same as
 What i am tring to do is access that account through balsa if possible.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Some basic mail info:
SMTP servers handle outgoing mail.
POP3 and IMAP servers handle incoming mail. 
You cannot retrieve mail from an SMTP server.

In general, Balsa is a flaky program. Try something like
postilion (sp?), kmail, or mutt instead.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Upgrading a bo/hamm system

1999-06-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 09:58:34PM +0200, manu wrote:
 Did i make a mistake ?
 APT simply don't do anything useful.
 I wanted it to upgrade my entire system, but only 3 pakages were
 yes, i ve read the release-info.
 Can anyone tell me the secret ?
 Cause i really don't want to upgrade by hand...
 Emmanuel, France.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Without telling us exactly what you typed and the exact messages, your
request for help is too vague. Make sure that none of the packages are
on hold, then do a apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: apt problem

1999-06-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 07:02:44PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   Hi all,
   I have a potato system here at school that I cant upgrade anymore.
   When I use apt+dselect and go to install option dselect stops at line:
 Correcting dependencies...
   and dont go away.
   What is wrong?
   Thanks, Paulo Henrique
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

What are the specs of this system? Approximately how much time
did you give it? Switch to another virtual console and use top
to see what is going on.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Where do I put environment variables with wdm/xdm?

1999-06-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 03:49:57PM +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I have recently started using wdm (a variant of xdm) and am finding that
 environment variables I put in ~/bash_profile are not picked up. Where
 do these variables go?
 Many thanks.
 Phillip Deackes
 Debian Linux (Potato) 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Put them in ~/.xsession.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: kernel append options

1999-06-13 Thread Lazar Fleysher
 Lazar Fleysher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   HI all,
   Could some one tell me how to find if a given kernel release supports
   certain append option. In particular, I am interested in 
   2.0.36 supports ide-scsi option.
 I use 2.0.35 and it has it.  I use it for my IDE PD-CD drive, and
 have been for about two years (first as a patch to the kernel, I think).

What I meant is: is it possible to use ide driver and scsi emulation (on
different ide devices of course) under 2.0.x kernel? I have two cdroms
both atapi. And I have read that it is possible to access them as scsi
devices using ide-scsi emulation. However, when I do that, only one cdrom
is detected. So I thought, I'd run scsi emulation on one of them and
regular ide on the other. However, I do not see such kind of support under
2.0.x. Maybe it is impossible...? 

Just playing...


PS What is PD-CD drive?

   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )
 | |

Re: Boot error

1999-06-13 Thread Lazar Fleysher
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Kevin A. Foss wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 07:55:58AM -0700, Lazar Fleysher wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I have noticed that sometimes I get this boot error:
  mktime() failed unexpectedly (rc -1). Aborting.
  Could someone tell what and how dengerous it is?
 This is probably from hwclock, it will say this if your bios returns 
 what appears to be an invalid time.  (Until quite recently hwclock 
 was rather strict about where the century byte should be -- more 
 strict than the bios manufacturers.)  Try running hwclock and see
 what happens.
 I've gotten this error on every original IBM machine I've tried -- 
 both PS/2s and Valuepoints.  I'm not sure why you would get this
 only 'sometimes' however, it should really be everytime.
Thanks Kevin

This is exactly what happened. The bios clock was showing 2099 :)
I have seen this on several pentium machines (not running linux)..
'sometimes' is because I have noticed it and fixed the bios date back to 
1999 :)
Thanks again


   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )
 | |

Re: Upgrading my bo/hamm system

1999-06-13 Thread John Foster
manu wrote:
 Did i make a mistake ?
 APT simply don't do anything useful.
 I wanted it to upgrade my entire system, but only 3 pakages were
 yes, i ve read the release-info.
 Can anyone tell me the secret ?
 Cause i really don't want to upgrade by hand...
 Emmanuel, France.

If you are upgrading a hybrid system (i.e. bo/hamm) you will need to
edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list  to the locations that you want. I
will attach a copy of mine to assist you. I assume that you are wanting
to stay with a stable slink version so that is what my file is set for.
then simply run apt-get update then run apt-get dist-upgrade this
will upgrade you distribution. Remember upgrade will only alter those
items such as applications and the dependant files that are already
installed on your system. If there is an application that is available
from slink, that you do not already have a bo/hamm version of installed,
apt will not install it. You will need to use dselect to install new
stuff. It is my opinion that the apt program is the single most
important development in Debian in the last 2 years.
Good Luck!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
[EMAIL PROTECTED]# Use for a local mirror - remove the ftp1 http lines for the bits
# your mirror contains.
# deb file:/your/mirror/here/debian stable main contrib non-free
# See sources.list(5) for more information, especial
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US
deb dists/slink-proposed-updates/
deb unstable main

Re: Balsa problem - new mailbox (pop3)

1999-06-13 Thread John Foster
Stephen Pitts wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 03:35:51AM +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:
  when i try to make a new mailbox through balsa (through prefrences add
  server) and then try to check the mail i get a message wrong password
  supplied and then balsa dies.
  I know the account is on an smtp server (I don't know if thats the same as
  What i am tring to do is access that account through balsa if possible.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Some basic mail info:
 SMTP servers handle outgoing mail.
 POP3 and IMAP servers handle incoming mail.
 You cannot retrieve mail from an SMTP server.
 In general, Balsa is a flaky program. Try something like
 postilion (sp?), kmail, or mutt instead.
 Stephen Pitts
I second that, I have never got Balsa to correctly install. It always
asks for the location of the inbox when I first fire it up, then when I
key in the info, it will not save the location, pretty crappy!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

Re: starting pppd

1999-06-13 Thread Chuck Peters
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 09:05:37PM -0500, Chuck Peters wrote:
  We want to make it easy for our Windows users to setup ppp by having pppd
  start if they dial into one of our modems or start lynx if they telent or
  ssh in. 
  The problem is I haven't figured out quite how to do it.
  What we want is:
  start ppp if they dial into the equinox SST, ie on ttyQ[1-16]
  start ppp if they dial into our portmaster 2 named cthulhu
  start lynx home.html if the file exists in their home directory.
  or start lynx
 Install mgetty to automatically start pppd. Add some lines like this
 to your /etc/inittab and run init q to start mgetty.
 T2:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x0 -s 57600 ttyS2 
 Look at the config files in /etc/mgetty and adjust them to your
 liking. One caveat: the default pppd invocation does not look in
 the /etc/ppp/* config files.
 For the lynx thing, just add this to /etc/profile :
 if [-x ~/home.html]
   lynx ~/home.html

I should have made the point clearer.

We are a freenet running an old custom built BBS style interface (Chester
County Interlink, that runs on BSDi.  We are working toward
moving all the machines over to Debian Linux and want to replace the old
Interlink with lynx.   

We want the old users to still be able to dial in with their Bcom, hyper
terminal or whatever terminal program they have.  The default user will
have the following .bash_profile and be in group user so that we can
regulate time quota's with idled.

$ cat /etc/skel/.bash_profile 
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.

if [ -f ~/start.htm ]; then
echo -n ' Your Starting Page'; lynx start.htm

umask 022

If the user wants to invoke pppd with their default setup they have to use
the lynx jump command and enter jppp with a script or manually.  

I want the user to have the option of changing their default profile so
that pppd is started if they dial into a modem and they can still use the
lynx shell by telneting in.

So we want it to do something like the following.

if [ $(tty) = /dev/ttyQ* ]; then # This doesn't work right with the wildcard
/usr/sbin/pppd -detach  # If it worked equinox SST users would be OK
elif [ The user is dialing in the portmaster 2 using radius ]
/usr/sbin/pppd -detach
elif [ -f ~/start.htm ]; then
lynx start.htm

umask 022


Problems with bash

1999-06-13 Thread Matthew Guenther
I'm having a problem which looks to be a bug in bash and I was wondering if I
could get a confirmation/solution to my problem.  I recently upgraded to the
potato version of bash and now whenever I type a backspace on a blank line the
shell crashes (logs out if on the console, quits an xterm).  There have also
been various strange crashes when using filename completion.  If I change the
shell to csh or tcsh and try the same things nothing happens.  

The system is partially potato, but I didn't get any errors about missed
dependencies when I installed the new bash.  Anyone have any idea what's going


Infinite: Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some.  Much bigger than
that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real wow,
that's big, time.  Infinity is just so big that, by comparison, bigness
itself looks really titchy.  Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by
staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.
-Douglas Adams 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe'

[no subject]

1999-06-13 Thread nzfinnegan

qpopper error message

1999-06-13 Thread Matthew Thompson
Hello, is running slink with qpopper installed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] can retrieve their mail just fine, but
when they do, xconsole says:

Jun 13 00:33:22 doma in.qpopper[710]: connect from
Jun 13 00:33:22 doma in.qpopper[710]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: -ERR Unknown
command: xsender.

jay is a Umax J700 Mac clone and tpad is a thinkpad 560 running Win98.
I'm not super concerned considering everything seems to work OK, but I'd
like to eliminate any error messages. :)


Matthew Thompson
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

Re: php-cgi and non apache

1999-06-13 Thread Martin Saturka

On 13 Jun 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 MS I can't make to work php-cgi with non apache httpd's. Is there a
 MS way?  (I use cern-httpd, but I'm satisfied with any non gutsy
 MS eater httpd.)
 I have no problems with it on th Roxen webserver. I just do a redirect 
 /(.*).php3(.*)$  /cgi-bin/php3.cgi/$1.php3$2
 So unless you are not more specific (webserver, version, error message 
 in browser and log file, setup you made for php-cgi), noone can help

I use cern=httpd.deb (30A-2) server from Debian 2.2 (unstable).
It looks, I'm not able to do well redirecting. I've got php3 interpreter
as /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php3 (php3-cgi.deb). When I try to redirect, it
errors (I do just trivial form and I use a variable from it in php3
action file):
This server is not configured to handle POST, when I change method to
This server does not perform searches.

Cgi written in C (without interface to php) works well (with POST method

Text cursor disappears in Emacs

1999-06-13 Thread Andreas Voegele
Since the last update of my systems the text cursor disappears in GNU
Emacs 20.3-8 under X11.  The problem maybe has something to do with the
syntax highlighting.  Above colored parts of the text the cursor is

I've got two machines and the problem occurs only on one of them.

Both machines use the SVGA display driver.  The one with the problem
has a RIVA 128 chip.  The other one is a notebook with a CT chip.

On the notebook the package emacs20-el isn't installed.

Has anybody else got this problem?

Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR

1999-06-13 Thread Albert Claret

As strange as it seems, Infomagic has decided to (for some reason) not
include Debian in their June Linux Developer's Resource 4 CD-set. In their
website,, they state that
these CDs include Red Hat 6.0, SuSe 6.1, Slackware 4.0 and (for the first
time) Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 instead of Debian 2.1. I ask all of you to
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask them to put Debian back on their
CDs. Once they couldn't wait for hamm to come out so they stuck 1.3.1
there, now they take the whole distribution off. What are these people


Need sound driver for ESS1869

1999-06-13 Thread Franklin Phan
I use Debian Linux 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) and have an ISA sound card that uses 
the ESS1869 AudioDrive sound chip.  I understand that the current version of 
the sound driver supports this sound chip.  Unfortunately, the version of 
sound driver that came on the CDROM does not support this chip, and I am 
seeking to get an updated sound driver.  Where can I get this?

By the way, I use make xconfig to configure my kernel.

I don't know how to tell what version I am using except that when I run 
make xconfig one of the lines says Sound Driver v 3.5.5-beta1 for Linux. 
 I am guessing I need a version greater than 3.5.5.

I checked Metalab (formerly sunsite) and found nothing current.

Thank you.

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

[OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-13 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I heard that there are OpenGL drivers for the Matrox Millennium
G200 available for Linux, but I've looked on and
everywhere else I can think of, and I can't find them anywhere.
Does anyone know where they are?
alisdair mcdiarmid
[i won't tear again i won't breathe in the shards of what is left]

Netscape 4.6, receiving message: Your browser sent a message this server can't understand.

1999-06-13 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
Is there any way I can find out which server didn't understand?

Alan Davis
Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)
Saipan, MP  9695015.16oN 145.7oEGMT+10   Northern Mariana Islands

migration Suse - debian

1999-06-13 Thread Werner Reisberger
What's the easiest way to migrate from a Suse 4.2 dist to a recent debian?
I want to keep some configuration files in /etc, everything in /usr/local
and $HOME should be not touched. Suse 4.2 has no package system but a
little mess with programs not belonging to packages isn't a problem for me.


bash 2.02.1-1.4 problem

1999-06-13 Thread Dennis Schoen
I upgrade my bash from the slink version bash 2.01.-4.1 to the potato
version 2.02.1-1.4 everythink went find, but when i hit the tab button
and the filename is
not definite bash just exits and gives me the login prompt (no error
message). After downgrading to the slink version everythink is okay. Any
suggestion ?

My system is half potato/slink (already glibc2.1)

# Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating System.#
# It's just choosey about who its friends are. #

A: USR Sportster Message Plus modem

1999-06-13 Thread Ingo Hohmann
Now answering my own question of long ago

If you want to use a USR Sportster Message Plus modem with
linux, you may find some interesting programs and infos at (Sorry, but this page is in german.)

btw, they want to add other modems to the pages as well.


--  _  _
ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _  
www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_| 
  _|   _| 

Re: Problems with bash

1999-06-13 Thread Dennis Schoen
Matthew Guenther wrote:
 I'm having a problem which looks to be a bug in bash and I was wondering if I
 could get a confirmation/solution to my problem.  I recently upgraded to the
 potato version of bash and now whenever I type a backspace on a blank line the
 shell crashes (logs out if on the console, quits an xterm).  There have also
 been various strange crashes when using filename completion.  If I change the
 shell to csh or tcsh and try the same things nothing happens.
 The system is partially potato, but I didn't get any errors about missed
 dependencies when I installed the new bash.  Anyone have any idea what's going
 Infinite: Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some.  Much bigger than
 that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real wow,
 that's big, time.  Infinity is just so big that, by comparison, bigness
 itself looks really titchy.  Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by
 staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.
 -Douglas Adams 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe'
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I got exactly the same problem with the potato version. My system is
already glibc2.1
just a few packages are not upgraded. I installed it with apt-get and
there were no problems about dependencies.
After downgrading to the slink version everythink works fine again.

# Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating System.#
# It's just choosey about who its friends are. #

Re: Esound problem (gnome) - sound device inadequate

1999-06-13 Thread Dennis Schoen
Micha Feigin wrote:
 I have a computer with no sound ( yes it's an old 486 there is still one
 of these around :) ).
 The thing is that whenever i try to start a gnome program it tries to
 search /dev/dsp for a sound card (permision denied), fails, gives me a
 message : Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.
 and then sometimes it starts but usually segfaults. Anyway around this?
 BTW i am using gnomever 1.0.5-3
 BTW2 the full mesage:
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed
 Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
 Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit stereo.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 22.05Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
 Trying 44.1Khz, 16bit mono.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 44.1Khz, mono, 8bit failed
 Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit mono.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 22.05Khz, mono, 8bit failed
 Trying 11.025Khz, 8bit stereo.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 11.025Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
 Trying 11.025Khz, 8bit mono.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 11.025Khz, mono, 8bit failed
 Trying 8.192Khz, 8bit mono.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Audio device open for 8.192Khz, mono, 8bit failed
 Trying 8Khz, 8bit mono.
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied
 Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.
 Segmentation fault

Look out for a gnome-nosound (anythink like that) packages i think i've
seen somethink out there.

# Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating System.#
# It's just choosey about who its friends are. #

pt keyboard map

1999-06-13 Thread PMMA


 I'm writting this e-mail to ask 
you to include support for the portuguese keyboard in your next release. This 
would be something. Only SuSE 6.1 supports it. To set the keyboard map we have 
been using a script you may find in:

I believe the script is not copyrighted, but it 
would be nice to contact the author.I think he worked with SuSE for their 
latest version. I'm sure he will work with Debian to.

I hope you find my suggestion usefull.


 Congratulations for your Linux distrib.



Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-13 Thread Hugo van der Merwe
My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates,
especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I
do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox?

Please send a reply directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED], because I'm now going
to temporarily unsubsribe from this mailing list, until I find an
alternate solution.

Hugo van der Merwe

do I have to use Redhat?

1999-06-13 Thread Graham Seaman

I've been using debian for a while but am still a relative
newbie. I just bought a new pc with Advansys Initio SCSI driver.
The supplier asked me what OS I wanted; I asked for Linux. They
told me I would have to use RedHat, since the Initio drivers
(which are only supplied in binary format) have only been in the
kernel from 2.2.6 on. So I have a RedHat system - but I don't like
it much and would prefer to have Debian. I know how to upgrade
the kernel, given a particular distribution - what I don't know
is how to change the distribution given a particular kernel (I'd
also like to redo the partitioning, so I really need to start
everything from scratch).
I can't just run through the normal Debian installation procedure
since the install program (logically) can't see my hard drive.
Do I have to wait for potato, or is there some way round this?


smail immediate delivery

1999-06-13 Thread Daniel Daboul
smail used to work on my 'slink'-debian system to my full
satisfaction: incoming mail was delivered into my INBOX
/var/spool/mail/$USER immediately and xbiff beeped.

Now this changed (apparently after I installed a few packages from
'potato' to get licq version 0.61). Incoming mail now remains in
/var/spool/smail/input for too long. I don't now how long since it
doesn't seem to be the parameter supplied in the options ( -q10m )
which I changed temporarily to 1s without result.

In short, I don't understand what happened and I didn't succeed to
solve the problem.

Anyone can help?

Here some possibly relevant data:

SG:~uname -a
Linux SG 2.0.34 #2 Thu Jul 9 10:57:48 EST 1998 i686 unknown
SG:~smail -V
Smail- 1998-Aug-2 #2
SG:~grep ^FLA /etc/init.d/smail
FLAGS=-bd -q10m

My configurations are mostly standard, just that I start the smail at
boot. (I tried the other option as well) I can mail the configuration
files anyhow if someone is ready to look at them.

Thanks in advance,

(no subject)

1999-06-13 Thread Bmonte99
Check to see if you have the correct drivers installed for the NIC card, if 
not the resinstall the drivers for it and make the that card it using the 
correct interrupt, which should be IRQ 10 or 11. If you have a SCSI 
controller make sure that it is not trying to use IRQ 11 because it takes 
this be default, if your NIC card is using 11 than this can cause conflicts 
as well. Just something extra to take note of.

Re: kde mirrors

1999-06-13 Thread trapstep
There is an european mirror of snowcrash:

works great for me.
 Stefan Bunse


If you wanna contact me for any reason, do it!
You'll reach me at:
ICQ#:   21753787
Phone:  ask me :-)

fortune of the day:
We come to bury DOS, not to praise it.
-- Paul Vojta, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: qpopper error message

1999-06-13 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Matthew Thompson  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello, is running slink with qpopper installed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] can retrieve their mail just fine, but
when they do, xconsole says:

Jun 13 00:33:22 doma in.qpopper[710]: connect from
Jun 13 00:33:22 doma in.qpopper[710]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: -ERR Unknown
command: xsender.

jay is a Umax J700 Mac clone and tpad is a thinkpad 560 running Win98.
I'm not super concerned considering everything seems to work OK, but I'd
like to eliminate any error messages. :)

This is not an error. It's just an informational message. User jay tried
to use the command XSENDER, which isn't part of any official standard.
His MUA probably tries to detect if XSENDER is supported by simply
trying it. Sometimes you'll see this with other non-standard commands as well.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Threading Was Re: Balsa problem - new mailbox (pop3)

1999-06-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 12:26:38AM -0500, John Foster wrote:
 Stephen Pitts wrote:
  On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 03:35:51AM +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:
   when i try to make a new mailbox through balsa (through prefrences add
   server) and then try to check the mail i get a message wrong password
   supplied and then balsa dies.
   I know the account is on an smtp server (I don't know if thats the same as
   What i am tring to do is access that account through balsa if possible.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Some basic mail info:
  SMTP servers handle outgoing mail.
  POP3 and IMAP servers handle incoming mail.
  You cannot retrieve mail from an SMTP server.
  In general, Balsa is a flaky program. Try something like
  postilion (sp?), kmail, or mutt instead.
  Stephen Pitts
 I second that, I have never got Balsa to correctly install. It always
 asks for the location of the inbox when I first fire it up, then when I
 key in the info, it will not save the location, pretty crappy!
 John Foster
 AdVance-Computing Systems

Has anyone found an X-based mail program that does threading? That's
the crown jewel for mutt!
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: do I have to use Redhat?

1999-06-13 Thread John Foster
Graham Seaman wrote:
 I've been using debian for a while but am still a relative
 newbie. I just bought a new pc with Advansys Initio SCSI driver.
 The supplier asked me what OS I wanted; I asked for Linux. They
 told me I would have to use RedHat, since the Initio drivers
 (which are only supplied in binary format) have only been in the
 kernel from 2.2.6 on. So I have a RedHat system - but I don't like
 it much and would prefer to have Debian. I know how to upgrade
 the kernel, given a particular distribution - what I don't know
 is how to change the distribution given a particular kernel (I'd
 also like to redo the partitioning, so I really need to start
 everything from scratch).
 I can't just run through the normal Debian installation procedure
 since the install program (logically) can't see my hard drive.
 Do I have to wait for potato, or is there some way round this?

If this is not a production system, i.e. you make a living with it, You
could go ahead and install potato. I have had no real problems with it,
when installed from scratch, as it is reasonably solid. The only other
way is to build a custom rescue disk image with the compiled kernel
image that you need on it.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

Locating fdformat...

1999-06-13 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Where in potato are fdformat and setfdprm?  They aren't in util-linux.

Does Debian have a cross-reference of programs to the packages that 
contain them?

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR

1999-06-13 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 11:53:28AM +0200, Albert Claret wrote:
 As strange as it seems, Infomagic has decided to (for some reason) not
 include Debian in their June Linux Developer's Resource 4 CD-set. In their
 website,, they state that
 these CDs include Red Hat 6.0, SuSe 6.1, Slackware 4.0 and (for the first
 time) Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 instead of Debian 2.1. I ask all of you to
 email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask them to put Debian back on their
 CDs. Once they couldn't wait for hamm to come out so they stuck 1.3.1
 there, now they take the whole distribution off. What are these people

I got the impression that they do not put the same distributions
on CD every time. I have seen several combinations of different
distributions on their CDs. So sometimes they DO distribute debian,
sometimes they don't. Who cares, there are several vendors who
offer debian.



 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

Apt-get and dpkg --force-overwrite

1999-06-13 Thread Stuart Ballard
Did apt-get stop passing --force-overwrite to dpkg in the last few
versions? I just did a dist-upgrade last night and for the first time
got fatal errors for xfree86-common: trying to overwrite file
'something/X11' which is also in package afterstep. I had to locate the
debs in /var/cache/apt and dpkg -i --force-overwrite them myself. The
other one that had a problem was emacs20.

I believe I can change /etc/apt/apt.conf to tell apt-get to always pass
--force-overwrite to dpkg, but it isn't obvious that this is the right
way to solve this problem. What should I do?


Gnome-pager losing its state

1999-06-13 Thread Stuart Ballard
Since my last upgrade, gnome-pager no longer seems to store the
properties I associate with it. Is this a bug, or is there a known


Can't boot linux anymore from HD

1999-06-13 Thread Thomas Ruedas
yesterday I suddenly could not boot Linux from the HD anymore. When
booting, LILO begins the boot process correctly, but after that first
line Loading linux... is written to the screen, the PC reboots
immediately. However, it is still possible to boot from diskette (which
takes an eternity), and LILO also lets me boot into DOS correctly (DOS
is on my /dev/hda partition). After booting from diskette, I seem to be
able to work absolutely without problems. Also, I don't remember any
essential problems during the last sessions or the last shutdowns before
the problem appeared.
I'm using Debian Linux 2.0.34 on a P100 PC.

I would highly appreciate any suggestions concerning possible causes of
the failure or any advice at which parts of the system to look for
fixing the problem.
Please reply by direct e-mail as well, as I am not subscribed to the
Thank you,

Thomas Ruedas
Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, 
J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Feldbergstrasse 47  D-60323 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Phone:+49-(0)69-798-24949   Fax:+49-(0)69-798-23280

Re: Gnome-pager losing its state

1999-06-13 Thread Eloy A. Paris
Stuart Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since my last upgrade, gnome-pager no longer seems to store the
 properties I associate with it. Is this a bug, or is there a known

Yeah, I've seen this too. Since I had never used it before I thought
this was a missing feature but if you say it worked before then I
guess it is a bug.

The Gnome pager is pretty cool, though.


RE: Newbie needs dselect/CD help

1999-06-13 Thread Beerwinkle DE \(Dean\) at MSXWHWTC
Sorry for the late reply - out of office for a couple of days. The answer to
all of your questions are yes.  I have no doubt
this CD (purchased from Linux Central) is the problem.  My CD drive works
fine. I am at the top level.  Do you have any
suggestions where to purchase a reputable CD copy? Again thanks for your

 -Original Message-
 From: John Pearson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 3:04 AM
 To:   Beerwinkle DE (Dean)  at MSXWHWTC
 Subject:  Re: Newbie needs dselect/CD help
 On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 02:57:11PM -0500, Beerwinkle DE (Dean)  at
  Thanks for the reply.  Been there and no go.  At dselect [A], I choose
  multi-cd - After I enter top level - I get 'cant find'
  and then ' where is ' messages to which no path satisfies this(I have
  them all !) I have never been prompted for a second CD.
  I have chosen [A] cdrom , with slight more progress until I start
  same messages. Why would dselect not find these paths?
 Not meaning to sound repetitive, but just to confirm:
   - You inserted CD # 2 in your CD drive;
   - You selected 'multi-CD' under dselect's 'Access' option;
   - You confirmed what device your CD drive was (e.g., /dev/cdrom);
   - You were asked for the top-level directory for the CD (default is
   - Dselect said it couldn't find ''.
 If that is the case, then it seems like either:
   - your CDs aren't a 'real' multi-cd set;
   - the top-level directory isn't what you think it is;
   - your CDs and/or drive are defective.
 The top-level directory should be specified relative to the root of the
 CDROM; it should be a directory that *contains* the 'dists' directory. On
 the CDs I master, the top-level directory is /debian and dselect looks for
 the file /debian/dists/stable/binary-i386/ (for multi-cd
 access) or /debian/dists/stable/binary-i386/Packages (for most other
 methods).  If you have 'official' Debian CDs, only the last binary CD (CD
 contains a which lists files on both CDs; each CD contains
 a Packages file that lists packages on that CD *only*.
 Hope this helps,
 John P.
 Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in

UPS suggestion

1999-06-13 Thread Pere Camps

I need an UPS for my system (say 300 W plus 15 monitor) and I
would like to spend as little time seting it up as possible.

What UPS do you reccomend me in order to plug it, connect it to
the serial port (the UPS should bring the cable, I don't want to use the
soldering machine!), edit a /etc/* file and be ready to run in smart mode?


-- p.

Re: Threading Was Re: Balsa problem - new mailbox (pop3)

1999-06-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SP == Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SP Has anyone found an X-based mail program that does threading?

gnus in XEmacs.


apt-get didn't automatically install dependency

1999-06-13 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Last night, I did an apt-get install karpski. It went fine, but when I
tried to run it, it said it was missing libpcap0. So I installed the
libpcap0 package, and everything was fine.

I thought that apt-get was supposed to automatically install dependency
packages--is this true?  Does this problem indicate a bug in apt-get, or
a bug in the karpski package definition? Should I report this to

- Kris

Re: SVGAlib and Riva TNT card?

1999-06-13 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:53:45 +0200
   From: Frank Barknecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/52829
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Content-Length: 2254

Raymond A. Ingles hat gesagt: //  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

 I've got a Riva TNT card, and I'm using the X server and OpenGL lib from
nVidia. Everything's fine in X, but SVGAlib has problems. I upgraded to
SVGAlib 1.3.1 from unstable, but still there are issues.

 I sometimes run zgv and Maelstrom, but the main reason I want SVGAlib is
to try to run GLQuake. The Quake-HOWTO says I need SVGAlib to get there.

 If I force VGA-only, everything's fine, but the resolutions and colors
are, um, limited. If I force NV3 (Riva) mode, I get a blank screen. It
still responds to keypresses and I can telnet in, but until I
CNTRL-ALT-DEL the screen is hosed.

 I tried VESA mode this morning and ran Maelstrom. It came up and looked
okay, but when I quit, my monitor complained that the signal was out of
range: 28.something hsync, 60Hz vsync. Again, no screen until a reboot.
Switching VC's does nothing.

 I have seen claims that SVGAlib will work with a TNT, but I haven't made
it happen yet. Anyone have any suggestions?

   Correct me, but I don't think you can run hardware accelerated OpenGL quake
   with a Riva card under SVGAlib. The Riva GLX module only works if you are
   running X, I think. You will need SVGAlib if you want to run Quake with
   Glide on a Voodoo based card, though. Glide-Quake uses SVGAlib to manage
   access to the mouse and stuff, but soon after you typed glquake the 
   Voodoo-Card takes control.

   I have a Riva 128 here, which is not very good supported by SVGAlib, but
   enough to start GLQuake on the console with my old Voodoo I card. The new
   Riva X-Server can start quake2 with the OpenGL-Renderer, but then the 
   is only about 1 frame every 70 seconds. I'll never frag anyone this way ;(

1/70 fps looks exactly like pure software rendering, something is wrong 
in your setup
Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __


Re: apt-get didn't automatically install dependency

1999-06-13 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 I thought that apt-get was supposed to automatically install dependency
 packages--is this true?  Does this problem indicate a bug in apt-get, or
 a bug in the karpski package definition? Should I report this to

It's a bug in the karpski package - looks like it's already reported:


Re: Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-13 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:

 My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates,
 especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I
 do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox?

I suggest you subscribe to debian-user-digest, as I do. You'll recieve few
big messages (with 10-15 posts in them). It is very convenint.


Re: Can't start Xserver as user

1999-06-13 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 10:26:26AM -0500, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 In /etc/X11/Xserver

There are no comments below it?  Hmm.  Well, the above should work in any
case, as long as you have the xserver-svga package installed.

 I don't think I have Xwrapper installed.  I searched for it but didn't find 

Debian doesn't use the XFree86 Xwrapper, we use our own.

 also, I found /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc which has a link to
 /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc which does not exist

That is normal and okay, if a bit weird (we don't normally ship dangling

 can I create this file /etc/X11/xinit/sserverrc?  If so what do I need to
 put in it.  I am running XF86_SVGA or at least that is what is in my
 /etc/X11/Xserver file.

You don't need to create it.

Ensure that the Debian X server wrapper (/usr/bin/X11/X) is actually
installed setuid root.  An ls -l should looks something like this:

-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root 5636 Jun  5 05:39 /usr/bin/X11/X

G. Branden Robinson  |I am sorry, but what you have mistaken
Debian GNU/Linux |for malicious intent is nothing more
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |than sheer incompetence! |-- J. L. Rizzo II

Description: PGP signature

Re: Emacs without X in Debian?

1999-06-13 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Xemacs (the name says it all) needs X, but Emacs does'nt.
In this case, names don't say all: Xemacs doesn't need X, too.


Re: Locating fdformat...

1999-06-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
ftformat has been replaced by superformat, which is in
fdutils, along with setfdprm.  This is the case for both slink and


On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 12:29:45AM +0930, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
 Where in potato are fdformat and setfdprm?  They aren't in util-linux.
 Does Debian have a cross-reference of programs to the packages that 
 contain them?

Dpkg -S progname, if it is an installed package.  If not installed you
have to search the Packages file (this would be a nice additional
capability for apt/dselect/dpkg). 


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pppd/pon permission problem

1999-06-13 Thread Attila Csosz
I can use PPP as root but I'd like to use the PPP connection as a user.
I added self to the dip group. Calling pon provider I get the
following errors

/usr/bin/pon: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied

Currently( slink default ):

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 JÚN 19  1998 /usr/sbin//pppd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   45 JÚN 19  1998 /usr/bin/pon

Which permission should I set?


- Debian 2.1 Linux  / 2.0.36 / qmail  -

The Debian XFree86 FAQ

1999-06-13 Thread Branden Robinson
I see a lot of questions on debian-user, particularly about xdm, that are
answered in the Debian X FAQ.  Obviously there are lots of people that
don't know this document exists.

It is in /usr/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.

I have MIME-attached the latest version (which answers more questions than
the version in the slink X packages) for your reading pleasure.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |   Never attribute to malice that which can
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   be adequately explained by stupidity. |
Debian X Window System Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List

Copyright 1998, 1999 Branden Robinson.  This document is licensed under the
GNU General Public License (see /usr/doc/copyright/GPL).

This document isn't complete yet.  If your question is not answered here,
try /usr/doc/packagename/README.Debian (and other files in the package's
doc directory), manual pages, and the debian-user mailing list.  See for more information about the Debian mailing lists.

Two other FAQ's of interest are available:
  *) The XFree86 FAQ, provided in the xfree86-common package; this FAQ focuses
 almost exclusively on configuration and hardware support problems with the 
 server.  If you are having trouble getting the X server started,
 especially if you have newer video hardware, this FAQ often has an
  *) The XTERM FAQ, provided in the xterm package; this FAQ addresses various
 issues with one of the most popular and important of X clients -- the
 terminal emulator that ships with the X Window System.

Like all other documentation, these FAQ's are in /usr/doc/packagename/.

Finally, for the latest news about Debian XFree86 packaging development,
future plans, or to find out how you can help improve the quality of
Debian's XFree86 packages, check out the X Strike Force:


General Questions
*) What is the X Window System?
*) What is XFree86?
*) What are X servers and X clients?
*) Why is the X usage of server and client backwards from everyone else's?
*) What is an X session?
*) What is the root window?
*) What is a window manager?
*) What is a session manager?
*) What is window focus?
*) What are X resources?

How-To Questions
*) How do I customize my X session?
*) How do I change what appears in the root window?
*) How do I change the color depth of my X server?
*) How do I run more than one local X server simultaneously?
*) How do I set up the mouse buttons for left-handed use?
*) How do I stop xdm from starting at boot?
*) How do I tell xdm to start the X server on a different virtual console?
*) How do I run an X client as root when the X session is run by a user?
*) How do I change xterm's default terminal type or key bindings?
*) How do I keep my mouse from going crazy (or going away) when switching
   between X and the Linux virtual console?


*) What is the X Window System?

In the words of its primary manual page, X(1), it is a portable,
network-transparent window system.  Its primary distinction from other
well-known window systems like Microsoft Windows and Apple's MacOS is that it
was designed with the local area network in mind.  You can run programs on
one machine and display them on another.

Historically, the X Window System was initially conceived in 1984, at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a joint project between their
Laboratory for Computer Science and the Digital Equipment Corporation.
This joint effort was called Project Athena, and was headed by Bob
Scheifler.  The first version of the X Window System to be widely deployed
was Version 10 (X10).  It was shortly superseded by Version 11 (X11),
however, in 1987.

In 1988, a non-profit group called the (MIT) X Consortium was formed to
direct future development of X standards in an atmosphere inclusive of many
commercial and educational interests.  The X Consortium produced several
significant revisions to X11, concluding with Release 6 in 1994 (X11R6).

The X Consortium dissolved at the end of 1996, producing a final, small
revision to X11R6 called X11R6.3.  Ownership of X then passed to the Open
Group.  In early 1998, the Open Group released a further revision to X11R6,
called X11R6.4 -- a departure from the traditional licensing terms,
however, prevented adoption of this version of the X Window System by many
vendors, including the XFree86 Project, Inc. (see below).  In late 1998,
the Open Group relicensed X11R6.4 under terms identical with the
traditional license.

In May 1999, stewardship of the X Window System passed from the Open Group
to X.Org, a non-profit organization focused exclusively on maintenance and
further development of the X Window System.

*) What is XFree86?

Strictly speaking, the various groups that have developed the X Window
System over the years have been standardization groups, not software
developers.  However, they have 

Re: pppd/pon permission problem

1999-06-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 13 Jun, Attila Csosz wrote about pppd/pon permission problem
 I can use PPP as root but I'd like to use the PPP connection as a user.
 I added self to the dip group. Calling pon provider I get the
 following errors
 /usr/bin/pon: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied
 Currently( slink default ):
 -rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 JÚN 19  1998 /usr/sbin//pppd
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   45 JÚN 19  1998 /usr/bin/pon
 Which permission should I set?

Change/correct persmission of the following if not already set, well
this is what I have and it works for me,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
 118 -rwsr-xr--   1 root dip119004 Apr  5 06:40 /usr/sbin/pppd*
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -dl /etc/ppp
   1 drwxr-x---   6 root dip  1024 May 27 08:28 /etc/ppp/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -dl /etc/ppp/options
   1 -rw-r-   1 root dip   22 Apr 29 21:25 /etc/ppp/options
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -dl /etc/ppp/peers
   1 drwxr-x---   2 root dip  1024 May 17 16:59 /etc/ppp/peers/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -l /etc/ppp/peers/provider
   1 -rw-r-   1 root dip   682 Mar  4 08:29 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -dl /etc/chatscripts
   1 drwxr-x---   2 root dip  1024 May 19 08:51 /etc/chatscripts/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ls -dl /etc/chatscripts/provider
   1 -rw-r-   1 root dip   252 May 18 21:06 

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Moving a kernel

1999-06-13 Thread Robert Rati
I want to compile a kernel on one machine and move it to another, but am
having som problems.  The kernel README (2.2.9) just says to compile it,
copy it to where lilo looks for the kernel, and run lilo.  I've done this
on the other machine, and I get to the loading linux message and then
nothing happens.  It apparantly finds and uncompresses the kernel, but
gets no farther.  I'm at a loss of things to do.  Do I need to move more
files than just the kernel?  Can anyone help me out?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

echo connections

1999-06-13 Thread Pollywog
What is an echo connection?
I have never seen this type of connection in my logs, and I seem to be getting
them from root servers.  Is this a bad thing?



Re: [OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-13 Thread ferret

I'm also looking for the G200 drivers. : Unfortunately, I no longer have
my G200 machine, but I hope to be getting it again soon. Now to get OpenGL
drivers for my Mach64. ;

On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:

 I heard that there are OpenGL drivers for the Matrox Millennium
 G200 available for Linux, but I've looked on and
 everywhere else I can think of, and I can't find them anywhere.
 Does anyone know where they are?
 alisdair mcdiarmid
 [i won't tear again i won't breathe in the shards of what is left]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Moving a kernel

1999-06-13 Thread Lazarus Long
On Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 14:49:21 -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
  X-UIDL: 0d9df5dc8a159fe6188a1ccf5c5eeb52
  I want to compile a kernel on one machine and move it to another, but am

Probably the easiest way to accomplish this in the future (and more
Debian-style as well) is to use the kernel-package package to create
a .deb on the first machine, then use dpkg --install to install it on
the other machine.

(This also happens to be how the standard kernel-image-2.x.x packages
are generated.)

Here is the description:
  kernel-package - Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.
  This package provides the capability to create a debian kernel-image
  package by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a kernel source
  directory tree.  It can also build the kernel source package as a debian
  file, the kernel headers package. In general, this package is very useful
  if you need to create a custom kernel, if, for example, the default
  kernel does not support some of your hardware, or you wish a leaner,
  meaner kernel.
  If you are running on an intel x86 platform, and you wish to compile a
  custom kernel (why else are you considering this package?), then you
  may need the package bin86 as well.  (This is not required on other

  Do I need to move more files than just the kernel?

If you compiled anything as a module, it will need to be installed on
the new machine as well.  However, kernel-package takes care of all of
that for you automatically.  I recommend looking into it.

# apt-get update;apt-get install kernel-package;lynx /usr/doc/kernel-package

BTW, I used it to create a remote kernel just today for that matter. :-)


PGP Public Key available on request:
Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub  1024/CFED2D11 1998/03/05 Lazarus Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 98 2A 56 34 16 76 D5 21  39 93 99 EA 89 D4 B5 A2

Re: [OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-13 Thread scratch
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm also looking for the G200 drivers. : Unfortunately, I no longer have
 my G200 machine, but I hope to be getting it again soon. Now to get OpenGL
 drivers for my Mach64. ;

I presume that last one was a joke. Or isn't it?

-- nico (i have a mach64 based card :))

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-13 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Matthew Gregan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Has anybody tried installing these packages yet, and had much success?
I succeeded this way: 

1. Uninstall all emacs related debian packages which you want to use
   with xemacs21 (e.g. bbdb, apel, ...), they don't seem to work for
   me by now 

2. Grab the corresponding packages for the new packaging system from or one of its mirrors  (bbdb, auctex, gnus,
   psgml, ... whatever, there are no standard lisp packages included
   any more)

3. Install the packages according to the Quick Start Guide on the
   Xemacs home page (I made a link from
   /usr/local/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/ to
   /usr/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/ and installed it there)

Works out of the box here, as you can see from my X-Mailer line in the 
header. You can even update the packages online from within Xemacs now
(there is sort of a dependency system); the only thing I don't know
yet is how to install local lisp stuff properly.

Greetings and happy xemaxing,

Re: do I have to use Redhat?

1999-06-13 Thread Eric G. Miller
You can upgrade to potato using Apt/dselect.  I did this recently after 
purchasing a cheapbytes of Slink. I realized the Xwindows with Slink doesn't 
support my video card.  Anyway, just reinstall your system making the 
partition changes you want, then choose to install packages via Internet, but 
select dists/unstable main contrib non-free.  Choose the minimum number of 
packages that you can live with at first (cause this take several hours with a 
dial-up) but make sure you get the kernel-source-2.2.9 package so you can 
compile a new kernel.  Of course, if you have to pay for Internet by usage or 
if your connections are often dropped this may not be an ideal solution.  You 
might try ordering a snapshot CD of Potato (check the debian site for who 
supplies them) as this will certainly save the PPP long download.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: pppd/pon permission problem

1999-06-13 Thread Eric G. Miller
 Your permission problem may be at /etc/ppp. I noticed the default cron job 
kept changing permission on me there to root.root instead of root.dip.  Then 
when a normal user (member of dip) tried to run pon Permission denied 
because pppd couldn't read the config files... Take a look, then take a look 
at cron.daily for the offending line.


Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

access beyond end of device

1999-06-13 Thread Werner Reisberger
There is a cronjob with a lot of IO activity (glimpseindex and others)
which regularely causes the following kernel message written to kern.log:

 Jun  5 05:47:25 memo kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device 
 Jun  5 05:47:25 memo kernel: 08:0c: rw=0, want=67136178, limit=610438 
 Jun  5 05:47:25 memo kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device 
 Jun  5 05:47:25 memo kernel: 08:0c: rw=0, want=67136178, limit=610438 
 Jun  5 05:47:26 memo kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 08:0c):
 ext2_free_blocks: Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = 67136177, count
 = 1 

The limit is exactly the end of the device where the cron job runs. The
block which was tried to access is really beyond the device because the hd
has only 1785 sectors.

Do I have to worry about it? 


Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-13 Thread Jan Vroonhof
Joachim Trinkwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 2. Grab the corresponding packages for the new packaging system from or one of its mirrors  (bbdb, auctex, gnus,
psgml, ... whatever, there are no standard lisp packages included
any more)

Note that the debian version of psgml is newer than the one include in 
the XEmacs packaging system (the debian one is officially still beta I 

 Works out of the box here, as you can see from my X-Mailer line in the 
 header. You can even update the packages online from within Xemacs now
 (there is sort of a dependency system);

Unfortunately those dependencies are compile-time dependencies only
(i.e. source dependencies in Debian terms). Most of them these are
superset of run-time dependencies, but not always.  A real dependency
system is planned. 

 the only thing I don't know
 yet is how to install local lisp stuff properly.

stick them in /lib/xemacs/site-packages/lisp


Jan Vroonhof
Mathematik,   vroonhof @
HG E16, ETH-Zentrum,  Tel: +41-1-6325456/25154
Raemistrasse 101, CH-8092 Zuerich.  Fax: +41-1-6321085


1999-06-13 Thread Warren Chadwick
Hi All

I'm trying to install Debian on my machine, the trouble is it has a 
'not so well known' scsi card, Iwill 2935UW. Can anyone help me 
on how to get around this problem.




1999-06-13 Thread Lex Chive
Here is the problem: I am trying to install ssltelnet, but it depends on
libsocks4 (tho I dont see why). I already have socks5 on my system so
obviously I dont want to install libsocks4 over this. So I configured equivs
to provide libsocks4. No I have:
anoat:/usr/src# dpkg --status equivs
Package: equivs
Status: install ok installed
Provides: libsocks4

but when I run apt-get I get:
anoat:/usr/src# apt-get -s install ssltelnet
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libsocks4 ssltelnet

So, did I miss something? How am I supposed to use equivs, I just put the
package name in /etc/equivs.conf and run debian/rules binary, right? and while
we're at this how can I tell equivs to declare other package versions (eg if I
want it to declare libc6 installed it doesnt change dependancies for packages
wanting libc6(=2.1))?

Thank you.

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