Me falla apt-get

1999-06-25 Thread Correcaminos

  A ver ...

  Ahora mismo tengo el apt-get averiado... lo cual es una faena ...

  Al ejecutar una linea como esta:

  apt-get -f dist-upgrade

  se me queda parado intentando resolver las dependencias, concretamente en 
este punto ...

  Correcting dependencies...

  y ahí se me queda, in eternum, hasta que corto el proceso.

  Como es lógico, de momento no puedo actualizar nada, hasta que 'descubra' por 
donde viene el fallo. 

  Si le hago un strace, me sale esto:

gettimeofday({930263499, 639125}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({930263499, 639522}, NULL) = 0
) = 34ng Dependency Tree... DoneTree... Don..., 34
write(1, \n, 1
)   = 1
write(1, Correcting dependencies..., 26Correcting dependencies...) = 26
brk(0x8089000)  = 0x8089000
brk(0x808c000)  = 0x808c000
brk(0x8091000)  = 0x8091000
... y aquí se para ...

  En fin, vamos, que ando mosqueado ...

  Las dependencias que marca el paquete son estas:

Depends: libc6, libc6 (= 2.1), libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1

  y lo que yo tengo instalado, es esto:

Version del apt:0.3.7
Version de libc6:   2.1.1-12
Version de libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1:   2.91.66-2

  En fin...

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Re: ipchains vs. ipfwadm (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 02:36:28PM -0400, Ely J. Alvarado dijo:
Acabo de hacer un upgrade a mi kernel de 2.0.34 a 2.2.39, pero todavia
 tengo que bootear usando mi viejo kernel, debido a que no se como usar
 ipchains para habilitar ip masquerade, la instruccion anterior decia:
   ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

Podrías reemplazar ipfwadm por 'ipfwadm-wrapper' y dejarlo tal cual. El se
encarga de convertirlo todo a un formato que ipchains maneje.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Actualizar a libc6 2.1.

1999-06-25 Thread Netman
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 01:22:58PM +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
 he compilado el kernel 2.2.9, instalado, y después me he leído
 el `../kernel-source-2.2.9/Documentation/Changes', O:-)
 He  bajado los  paquetes que  necesito actualizar,  y aparecen
 dependencias para libc6 2.1, entre otros.
 ¿Puedo actualizar libc6 con `dpkg -i' y ya está?

mejor apt-get install libc6, trayendote los paquetes de una distribución

 Lo  digo por  si algún  programa  de Hamm  me va  ha dejar  de

Pues no estoy seguro, por un lado el paso de glibc2 a glibc2.1 no es
traumático, pero creo que no te vas a librar tan fácilmente del problema de
las dependencias.
En el peor de los casos, siempre puedes volver a instalar los anteriores
paquetes de libc6, con un force, por supuesto.

 Por cierto, he  activado las opciones de  Framebuffer, pero el
 pingüino  sigue  bajo  el  agua, aunque  con  `vga=ask'  puedo
 seleccionar  80x34. 

Para seleccionar ese modo no es necesario el soporte frame buffer.

Y   el  sevidor  X  para   framebuffer  no
 rula. Hago  `startx' (he  modificado el  `/etc/X11/Xserver') y
 hay se  queda, pero con  `ps' veo  que ha landado  las Xwindow
 (xterm, xclock, etc.). Ya cree los `/dev/fb*', pero nada.

Esto... ¿seguro que tu tarjeta de video es compatible VESA 2.0?
La mía sólo llega a 1.2. Por cierto tengo un estupendo EXE que bajo DosEmu
te dice el grado de compatibilidad VESA de la tarjeta gráfica.

 He bajado el fbset 2.0.1, que no tengo instalado. ¿Es por eso?
 (pues también pide libc6 2.1...)

Salu2, Netman.

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  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus
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Tal vez no estemos aquí para alabar a dios, sino para crearlo
   A. C. Clarke
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.10

Description: PGP signature

Re: ipchains vs. ipfwadm (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Netman
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 02:36:28PM -0400, Ely J. Alvarado wrote:
Acabo de hacer un upgrade a mi kernel de 2.0.34 a 2.2.39, pero todavia
 tengo que bootear usando mi viejo kernel, debido a que no se como usar
 ipchains para habilitar ip masquerade, la instruccion anterior decia:
   ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
 podria alguien ayudarme?

La solución más fácil es la siguiente:

ipfwadm-wrapper -F -a m -S -D 

Si sólo vas a hacer uso del firewall para enmascarar ip's, creo que puedes
ahorrarte la lectura del ipchains-HOWTO-spanish.

Salu2, Netman.

 Ely Alvarado

Tal vez no estemos aquí para alabar a dios, sino para crearlo
   A. C. Clarke
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.10

Description: PGP signature

RE: Driver para impresora Epson

1999-06-25 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

A mi me pasaba algo parecido con una deskjet, utilizaba el driver dj550
incluido en gs, ahora utilizo el driver uniprint, que tambien esta incluido
en el gs, y ha mejorado bastante en ese aspecto, todavia tengo algunos
problemillas, pero todavia tengo que probar algunas cosas que me han
indicado aqui.


 Hola a todos,
 tengo problemas para configurar mi impresora, una Epson Stylus Color
 640 en Debian 2.0. Me imprime pero no con una resolución óptima.
 Alguién sabe como sacarle jugo a una impresora que puede llegar a
 darte una altísima resolución. ¿Hay algún driver determinado para
 éste tipo de impresoras?

 Un saludo.

RE: Me falla apt-get

1999-06-25 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

A mi tambien me falla, yo hago apt-get update, recupera, y cuando esta
chequeando los ficheros, termina con errores del malformacion de linea
Priority, y otro sobre el timezones (NewVersion1), y a partir de ahi nada.


   A ver ...

   Ahora mismo tengo el apt-get averiado... lo cual es una faena ...

   Al ejecutar una linea como esta:

 apt-get -f dist-upgrade

   se me queda parado intentando resolver las dependencias,
 concretamente en
 este punto ...

 Correcting dependencies...

   y ahí se me queda, in eternum, hasta que corto el proceso.

   Como es lógico, de momento no puedo actualizar nada, hasta
 que 'descubra' por
 donde viene el fallo.

RE: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-06-25 Thread Valentin Ruano
Cuando montas sobre un cierto directorio, lo que en un principio tenias por
debajo deja de ser accesible, pero no se pierdes, vuelves a tener acceso una
vez que lo desmontes. Eso si, sigue ocupando espacio, y el problema sigue
existiendo. Lo que debes hacer es copiar lo que tienes en /usr/local actual
a la raiz de la nueva particion manteniendo la extructura. Para ello tendras
que montar la nueva particion en un directorio temporal (habitualmente se
utiliza /mnt) y copiar teniendo en cuenta dos cosas:

1) Cuando se copia de una particion a otra, se crean nuevos ficheros, por
tanto las fechas cambiara inremediablemente. segurmanete no te su pondra
ningun problema, pero es bueno tenerlo en cuenta.

2) Usar cp:

 a) Posiblemente (seguramente) perderas la informacion de usuario y grupo de
los ficheros
(todos pasaran a ser de root) y esto si que puede suponer un problema segun
que aplicaciones.

 b) La utilización de cp tambien proboca la perdida de hardlinks (un solo
fichero con mas de un nombre o path). Puede traer problemas de perdida
inecesaria de espacio, e incluso problemas en ciertas aplicaciones que creen
que modifican el mismo fichero.

La solucion recae en utilizar un programa de backup como cpio para hacer la
copia, este tiene encuenta hardlinks, usuarios y otras cosillas del sistema
de ficheros que cp pasa por alto.

   Espero haber
sido de ayuda, Valentin.

-Mensaje original-
Fecha: 24 juin, 1999 15:29
Asunto: Pregunta sobre particiones.

Bien, veamos...

Tengo una partición montada en /usr, que está casi llena, entonces, decido
crear otra, para liberar un poco de espacio moviendo algunas cosas.
Supongamos que la nueva partición la monto en /usr/local (como habian dicho
en un ejemplo que vi por ahi), qué pasa con la /usr/local que tengo en la
primer particion? Deja de existir? Debería copiar todo lo que tengo en
/usr/local hacia la nueva partición y montarla luego?

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Re: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-06-25 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Valentin Ruano wrote:
 1) Cuando se copia de una particion a otra, se crean nuevos ficheros, por
 tanto las fechas cambiara inremediablemente. segurmanete no te su pondra
 ningun problema, pero es bueno tenerlo en cuenta.
 2) Usar cp:
  a) Posiblemente (seguramente) perderas la informacion de usuario y grupo de
 los ficheros
 (todos pasaran a ser de root) y esto si que puede suponer un problema segun
 que aplicaciones.
Para evitar esto hay que usar la opcion -p de cp (preserva
atributos y usuarios).

  b) La utilización de cp tambien proboca la perdida de hardlinks (un solo
 fichero con mas de un nombre o path). Puede traer problemas de perdida
 inecesaria de espacio, e incluso problemas en ciertas aplicaciones que creen
 que modifican el mismo fichero.
Esto tambien se puede evitar con la opción -d de cp
(preserva los enlaces simbolicos y creo que tambien los

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

RE: instalar debian en 15 ordenadores

1999-06-25 Thread Valentin Ruano
Ye he llegado a instalar 40 slackware sin servidores iniciales, el sistema
tambien se debe poder aplicar a debians

Haces una instalacion normal con un ordenador con CD. Luego botando con el
disco de instalacion, creas una copia
exacta del sistema 'cerrado' (solo montado, si utilizarlo como /)
volcandola en otra particion del disco. Reinicias
este sistema tal cual. Exportaras por nfs la imagen para utilizarla en los
otros ordenadores a fin de crear clones de la primera instalación. A parte
de la copia, deberas realizar pequeñas tareas de personalizacion de los
clones (cambiar su IP, nombre, etc.) automatizables mediante scripts.

Tansolo he explicado la idea, la verdad es que requiere un poco de
experiencia en administracion para resolver ciertos problemas que surgen
durante el proceso. Pero quizas esto sea sufiente para más de uno.

Un saludo, Valentín.

-Mensaje original-
De: Correcaminos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Jose Luis Trivino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: 24 juin, 1999 02:51
Asunto: Re: instalar debian en 15 ordenadores

de Jose Luis Trivino el Wed, Jun 23, 1999 a las 04:12:44PM +0200

El Wed, Jun 23, 1999 a las 04:12:44PM +0200, Jose Luis Trivino dijo:
  Pablo Martin wrote:
  Se puede instalar la Debian 2.0/2.1 teniendo este en un
  servidor Novell? o si no como instalo el Linux en 15
  ordenadores? Solo uno de ellos tiene cd-rom y estan
  conectados en red, hay tambien un servidor NT 4.0 y los
  demas tienen widows 95
  una ayudita gracias
 No creo que funcione lo del servidor Novell, pero si puedes
 instalar linux en un ordenador con CDROM y despues exportar
 ese cdrom por nfs. Eso seria suficiente. En el resto de los
 equipos solo tendrias que instalar el sistema base desde
 disquette (unod 4 o 5 discos creo) y terminar de instalar el
 sistema a traves de nfs.

Con los dos disquetes básicos, ya se puede acceder a un server que
exporte por nfs, o mejor todavía, por ftp.

Si vas a instalar todos los equipos a la vez, y tienes sitio,
vuelca el primer CD, si es la 2.1, en el disco duro y realiza la instalación
por ftp. Harás las instalaciones mucho más rápido que si lo haces por NFS y
utilizando solo el CDROM.

Leer de CdRom puede llegar a ser una autentica tortura ...

El problema es la falta de automatización del proceso intermedio,
donde nos ponemos a elegir los modulos que queremos que lleve la

Esta parte es la que nos produce problemas durante las instalaciones
masivas. Si alguien sabe como automatizarlo, seguro que sería un comentario
muy bien recibido.

Una vez que tienes una instalación 'personalizada', es decir, con
los programas que crees necesarios para tí, puedes hacer utilizar estas

  dpkg --get-selections [pattern ...]   get list of selections to stdout
  dpkg --set-selections   set package selections from stdin

Con estas opciones, podrías 'pasar' de tener que elegir de nuevo
todos los paquetes que te has molestado en seleccionar durante la
instalación del primer equipo, el que luego hará de server durante la
instalación. De esa manera, te ahorrarías el tener que 'reseleccionar' todos
los paquetes en cada nuevo equipo.

Aparte de eso, otra opción que agradecerás será la de crearte tus
propios kernel's a la medida de los equipos de que dispongas, todo ello en
formato *.deb, de manera que instalar un nuevo kernel consistirá en un
simple 'dpkg -i nuevo-kernel.deb'

Eso lo haces con la herramienta 'make-kpkg'.

# Como root, nos vamos al directorio de las fuentes...
cd /usr/src/linux
# Arrancamos el programa de selección de opciones
make menuconfig
# Una vez elegidas las opciones que necesitemos, nos preparamos...
make-kpkg clean

# Ahora, nos fabricamos el paquete *.deb (Tener en cuenta el numero de
# version)
# Empaqueto las fuentes en formato deb
make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_source
# Preparo las cabeceras por si hicieran falta...
make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_headers
# El nuevo kernel, listo para instalar
make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_image
# Para tener la doc disponible tambien...
make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_doc
# Si no fuesemos root, la orden anterior se lanza como:
# 'fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_image'
#Ahora, lo único que nos quedaria, seria el instalarlo...
# dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_arch.deb


Con lo anterior, el proceso de creación de los kernel, para los
equipos que quieras, es un juego de niños :-)

Bueno, aquí me paro.

Si alguien conoce más formas de realizar el mantenimiento de varias
maquinas al tiempo, que las comente ...

 Otra posibilidad es utilizar el sistema de actualizacion de
 paquetes por ftp de dselect, pero no estoy muy 

Re: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-25 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 23 Jun 1999 a las 03:06PM +0200, Paco Brufal escribio:
 On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
  Luego de todo este rollo Dirigidos a usuarios de Slink (2.1)
  ¿Que os pasa a vosotros? ¿Os funciona todo bien? ¿Está en hora vuestro 
   El mio si, nunca he tenido problemas con eso...

El mio también, lo que pasa es que cada vez que me conecto, sincronizo
la hora con el exterior con:

/usr/sbin/rdate -s
/sbin/hwclock --systohc --utc

con lo cual no noto que haya diferencias de hora pasando el tiempo. Siempre
estoy en hora.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
06/25   Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
06/25   North Korea invades South Korea, 1950
06/26   Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
06/26   St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower  Queen Elizabeth II, 1959
06/26   Toothbrush invented, 1498
06/27   100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915
06/27   Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971
06/28   Supreme Court decides in favor of Alan Bakke, 1978

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
06/25   Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
06/25   North Korea invades South Korea, 1950
06/26   Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
06/26   St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower  Queen Elizabeth II, 1959
06/26   Toothbrush invented, 1498
06/27   100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915
06/27   Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971
06/28   Supreme Court decides in favor of Alan Bakke, 1978

Description: PGP signature

RE: Forma correcta de lanzar un proceso como usuario automaticamente

1999-06-25 Thread Valentin Ruano
Puedes hacer que lo lance init, el proceso encargado de las
inicializaciones. Este se configura mediante el fichero /etc/inittab, hay
encontraras claros ejemplos de como hacerlo, tambien tienes paginas man
sobre init y inittab. que te explican el formato del fichero. Quizas sea más
elegante integrarlo en el sistema de inicializaciones system V que utiliza
debian, veras ejemplos en el directorio /etc/init.d y rc.*

Para escoger con que usuario se debe lanzar un procesos, yo se dos formas:

a) Puedes hacer su usuario -c comando, su no pregunta password a root
por razones odbias

b) Declarar el fichero como SETUID. Un ejecutable marcado como setuid se
ejecuta directamente como del usuario propietario sin preguntar password ni
a root ni a nadie, tambien existe SETGID. Un ejemplo clasico de SETUID es
passwd, este debe tocar un fichero /etc/passwd o /etc/shadow protegido para
cambiar el password del usuario. El flag de SETUID o SETGID se guarda con
las protecciones de fichero y se modifica con chmod. Se indica con una s en
donde normalmente se coloca un x. p.e: wrs--x--x /bin/passwd

Espero haber
solucionado tus duda. Valentin

-Mensaje original-
De: Andres Seco Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Usuarios de Debian en español
Fecha: 24 juin, 1999 13:43
Asunto: Forma correcta de lanzar un proceso como usuario automaticamente


Quiero lanzar un proceso como un usuario siempre que se arranque el equipo.

Ahora lo que hago es, siempre que arranco el equipo, iniciar una sesión
como ese usuario y lanzar el proceso. Este proceso no necesita interacción
desde el teclado.

Lo que me gustaría es lanzarlo como un demonio en el arranque, como otro
del sistema, pero que se ejecute bajo el entorno del usuario con el que
yo ahora hago logon, no como root.

¿Cual sería la forma correcta y ordenada de hacerlo si es que la hay?
¿O cada uno lo hace de una forma?

Yo había pensado preparar un script en /etc/init.d que aceptase parametros
start y stop para lanzar y parar ese proceso y hacer enlaces en los rc
que correspondan para que arranque. Por cierto, ¿donde encuentro el
significado de cada runlevel?

Saludos y gracias

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
06/24 Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970
06/25 Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
06/25 North Korea invades South Korea, 1950

Re: Actualizar a libc6 2.1.

1999-06-25 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Thu, Jun 24, 1999,

  ¿Puedo actualizar libc6 con `dpkg -i' y ya está?

Netman mejor apt-get  install libc6, trayendote  los paquetes
Netman de una distribución potato.

Finalmente he  utilizado dpkg y parece  que funciona... aunque
aun no he acabado de instalar otros paquetes.

  Lo digo  por si algún programa  de Hamm me va  ha dejar de

Netman Pues no estoy seguro, por un  lado el paso de glibc2 a
Netman glibc2.1  no  es  traumático,  pero  creo  que  no  te
Netman vas  a  librar  tan  fácilmente del  problema  de  las
Netman dependencias.  En el peor de los casos, siempre puedes
Netman volver a  instalar los  anteriores paquetes  de libc6,
Netman con un force, por supuesto.

Ahora  mismo estoy  liado bajando  gcc,  g++ y  alguna lib  de
potato, por culpa de libc6-dev, :-)

Netman  Por cierto, he activado las opciones de Framebuffer,
Netman  pero  el pingüino  sigue  bajo el  agua, aunque  con
Netman  `vga=ask' puedo seleccionar 80x34.

Netman Para seleccionar  ese modo no es  necesario el soporte
Netman frame buffer.

Ah,  pero cuando  me pide  que elija  modo también  aparece un
`VESA 2.0' por ahí... :-?

Netman Esto... ¿seguro que tu  tarjeta de video es compatible
Netman VESA 2.0?  La  mía sólo llega a  1.2. Por cierto tengo
Netman un estupendo EXE  que bajo DosEmu te dice  el grado de
Netman compatibilidad VESA de la tarjeta gráfica.

Ya tardas... :-)

  He bajado el fbset 2.0.1,  que no tengo instalado. ¿Es por
  eso? (pues también pide libc6 2.1...)

Pues ya  he instalado el  fbset, pero teniendo  bien creados
los  devices  con  el  `MAKEDEV fb'  (MAKEDEV  2.3  1997/09/29
19:03:13 johnsonm Exp), el fbset me dice,

[anarres]~# fbset -v
Linux Frame Buffer Device Configuration Version 2.0-pre (28/10/1998)
(C) Copyright 1995-1998 by Geert Uytterhoeven

Opening frame buffer device `/dev/fb0'
open /dev/fb0: No such device


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus

RE: Discos gemelos

1999-06-25 Thread Valentin Ruano
Como ha dicho Saxa, lo mejor utilizar un RAID en redundancia, si se puede
tener los dos disco a la vez en el ordenador pero si no es asi o si
unicamente quieres hacer una copia, NUNCA lo hagas con el disco montado para
lectura/escritura, ya que se encuentra en un estado incosistente. Puedes
hacer una copia si esta montado para solo lectura, o simplemente no esta
montado. Puedes utilizar un disco de arranque con el minimo sistema para
hacer el dd. sin tener que montar los discos

Un saludo, Valentín.
-Mensaje original-
Fecha: 23 juin, 1999 08:45
Asunto: Discos gemelos

Tenemos dos HDs iguales uno de los cuales es una copia del otro. La
copia la hacemos con un dd, previamente hacemos un init 1. ¿Es
necesario pasar a init 1?, ¿Es esta la mejor forma de crear un disco

Lo que pretendemos es sustituir uno por el otro en caso de averia de
la forma mas sencilla y mas rapida posible.

Funciona con Debian GNU/Linux.

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Errores con el apt

1999-06-25 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estos son los mensaje de error que obtengo al hacer apt-get check:

E: Malformed Priority line
E: Error occured while processing timezones (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Estos errores los obtengo, aunque no haya nada en /var/state/apt/lists


Imprimir PS a dos caras

1999-06-25 Thread Jose M. Gurpegui
Quiero imprimir unos archivos postscript en una Apple LaserWriter
a dos caras, o sea una página por cada cara del folio.

¿Cómo se puede hacer? ¿con las psutils?

Muchas gracias.


José Miguel Gurpegui


Re: Imprimir PS a dos caras

1999-06-25 Thread Jose M. Gurpegui

Jose M. Gurpegui wrote:
 Quiero imprimir unos archivos postscript en una Apple LaserWriter
 a dos caras, o sea una página por cada cara del folio.
 ¿Cómo se puede hacer? ¿con las psutils?

pues con 

mpage -t

o con

a2ps -s2

Gracias Fernando.


José Miguel Gurpegui


RE: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-06-25 Thread jvicente

La solucion recae en utilizar un programa de backup como cpio para hacer
copia, este tiene encuenta hardlinks, usuarios y otras cosillas del
de ficheros que cp pasa por alto.
Espero haber sido de ayuda, Valentin.
Seguro que si!
No ahbía tenido en cuenta todos esos detalles...

Este cpio viene en la distribucion, o lo consigo donde?

Glibc 2.1

1999-06-25 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda

Tengo un par de preguntas:

1- Desde hace unos dias vengo pensando en la posibilidad de actualizar la
version de glibc en slink, sin tener que esperar por la salida de potato.
Alguno de ustedes sabe como hacerlo?

2- Seguro es muy elemental y por eso no he podido hacerlo. Pero, como puedo
cambiar el menú de debian para X?

Camilo Alejandro Arboleda

RE: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-06-25 Thread Valentin Ruano
Si te refieres a la debian, si que biene, almenos en la 2.0.X. En mi caso
esta en la seccion 'utils' con prioridad 'Important'. De todas formas, te he
indicado cpio porque estoy seguro que controla estos detalles, pero quizas
tar y otros programan tambien lo hagan. De todas formas leete el mail que ha
mandado Jose Luis Trivino, en el indica como hacer que cp tenga tambien en
cuenta estos detalles por medio de opciondes en la linea de comandos (lo
habia subestimado)

Un saludo,

-Mensaje original-

Fecha: 25 juin, 1999 15:10
Asunto: RE: Pregunta sobre particiones.

La solucion recae en utilizar un programa de backup como cpio para hacer
copia, este tiene encuenta hardlinks, usuarios y otras cosillas del
de ficheros que cp pasa por alto.
Espero haber sido de ayuda, Valentin.
Seguro que si!
No ahbía tenido en cuenta todos esos detalles...

Este cpio viene en la distribucion, o lo consigo donde?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
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Hospedaje Gratuito De Páginas en

Re: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-25 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Xose Manoel Ramos dijo:
 La culpa debe de ser atribuida a el `hwclock'. El nuevo script te
 configuración de `hwclock' incluye los siguientes comandos...
 ...¿Que os pasa a vosotros? ¿Os funciona todo bien? ¿Está en hora
 vuestro sistema?

Pues ya he instalado slink en varios ordenadores y en todos parece
funcionar bien el reloj, excepto en mi portatil (toshiba 4010CDS).
Cada vez que arranco en debian, la fecha aparece aleatoriamente entre
5 años antes o después de la fecha verdadera. Siempre pense que debia
ser que la pila del reloj estaba gastada (a pesar de que el ordenador
solo tiene 3 meses y ha dado ese problema desde el primer dia).
Solucioné el problema usando rdate, cuando estoy conectado a la internet
en la Universidad, pero en casa tenia siempre que ajustar la fecha
manualmente cada vez que lo enciendo.

A raiz del mensaje de Xose Manoel, fui a ver que pasaba en windows 98
(que hasta entonces estaba prácticamente virgen!) y ahí no aparecia
el error. Eliminé aquello del ajuste de tiempo del y ahora
funciona bien! Me pregunto si será porque un dia (recien instale slink)
cambie la fecha para el año 2000 para ensayar un script y esto puede
haber dejado valores errados en el /etc/adjtime que se propagaron desde

Concuerdo con Xose Manoel que ese script es peligroso y
de todas formas poco útil.


Re: Forma correcta de lanzar un proceso como usuario automaticamente

1999-06-25 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 ... ¿donde encuentro el significado de cada runlevel?
man init


Re: ipchains vs. ipfwadm (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Paco Brufal
On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:

  ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
 Podrías reemplazar ipfwadm por 'ipfwadm-wrapper' y dejarlo tal cual. El se
 encarga de convertirlo todo a un formato que ipchains maneje.

No lo recomiendo, yo confie en ipfwadm-wrapper y sin darme cuenta
tuve abierto el sistema por lo menos un mes. Parece que no funciona bien del

Fidonet 2:346/3.68

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Fidonet, la red de correo con más
preguntame como.

...Drop It (Original Mix). 3 Steps Ahead. 1995
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

RE: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-06-25 Thread Antonio Beamud
Yo lo hago con tar cfvP que te guarda todos los atributos, (creo que es p,
es que acabo de salir de un examen y estoy medio ajilipollao).
Lo comprimes y luego lo descomprimes en la partición montada. 

Re: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-25 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 10:00:08PM +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:

 ¿Que os pasa a vosotros? ¿Os funciona todo bien? ¿Está en hora vuestro 

No, hace años que tengo la hora mal, y pensaba que realmente era problema
de mi PC, pero ahora me haces dudar. Ajusto la hora contra slug, pero
esto hace que se disparen los procesos nocturnos de Debian, en fin, un
coñazo. Me has picao y sólo puedo ponerme a mirarlo...

Venga, un Saludo.

 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

vmware y mutt

1999-06-25 Thread Juanmi Mora

Tengo instalado el vmware, una beta bastante vieja, y me
gustaría desinstarlo, pero tengo miedo de que al ejecutar el script
de desinstalación se lleve algo por delante. Alguién lo ha hecho?
Se quedará mi Debian en el intento?


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-25 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 08:51:47PM +0200, Barbwired wrote:
 Rafael Cordones Marcos escribió:
  Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que
  ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo.
 Dell Inspiron 3000. Va muy bien. En mi página explico cómo configuré las
 cosas más imprescindibles y tengo links a otras páginas de portátiles.
  Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido
  (¡malditos ladrones!) pero no me gustaría llevarme sorpresas luego con
  hardware no soportado.
 No regales tu dinero. No te dejes, a ver si empezamos a hacernos oir.

Sí, efectivamente la gama Inspiron me atrajo mucho. Lo que sigue es mi
conversación con Dell. ;)

(Lo he reordenado para que se entienda la conversación)

Todo se inicia con un email preguntando si se puede comprar un Dell
Inspiron sin windows al que se me contesta con una negativa. 

[**NOTA**: He eliminado la dirección de mail porque no tengo ganas de
que la persona de Dell reciba e-mails desagradables de la comunidad. OK?] 

Le sigue esta respuesta mia:

From: Rafael Cordones Marcos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: Portàtil sin Windows
On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 10:24:22AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Estimado Sr,
 Problemas técnicos nos han impedido recibir su mensaje cuando correspondía
 y hoy, 22 de Junio, procedemos a responderle. Espero que durante este
 tiempo haya podido contactar con nosotros y hayamos podido encontrar una
 solución a
 su consulta.
 Si no ha sido así, le confirmo que NO es posible adquirir un portátil
 Dell Inspiron sin Windows.
Bien, entonces habrá que optar por otra marca de portátiles.

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)


From: Rafael Cordones Marcos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: Portàtil sin Windows

On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 02:12:36AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Estimado Sr,
 Permítame que le haga una recomendación personal y llévela a cabo si lo
 desea. Busque su portátil, elija su configuración y, posteriormente, llame
 a Dell al 902.119 085 y vea qué le ofrecemos. Le puedo garantizar que si
 busca prestaciones en un portátil (pantalla de 15, DVD, Zip, etc.), ninguna
 otra marca de reconocido prestigio se las ofrecerá al precio que Dell las
 Marketing Manager HSB España

Estimado Sr.,

En la era de Internet uno ya no llama por teléfono. Hoy en día, cuando
hay que comprar un producto informático lo *primero* que se mira es si
hay soporte para él en la Web y ustedes, francamente, tienen una de
las mejores webs que he visto. Exponen sus productos de manera clara y
uno puede calcular el presupuesto de una configuración dada. Es
*después* de haber visto sus productos y compararlos con otros que me
dirigí a ustedes porque el único problema que veía es el de tener que
pagar por un producto (Windows) que no iba a utilizar. No todo el
mundo usa Windows, existen otros sitemas operativos OS/2, BeOS,
FreeBSD, GNU/Linux, ... y no veo porqué los usuarios de otros sistemas
deban de pagar por algo que no van a usar. Estoy de acuerdo que la
inmensa mayoría de los clientes utilizan Windows y que de esta manera
ustedes rebajan mucho los costes al instalar directamente de fábrica
Windows en el disco duro. *Pero* debería existir alguna opción para
los clientes que no usen Windows. Además, aún en el caso de querer
usar Windows, yo ya compré (y registré) mi versión de Windows95 en el
pasado. La licencia de ese software me permite usarlo en el nuevo
portátil ya que no lo uso en ningún otro. ¿Cómo es posible entonces 
que una empresa que fabrica *hardware* no pueda vender ese *hardware* 
si no es acompañado de un software *determinado*? ¿Cómo es posible que 
no haya opción a *elegir*? 

En fin, francamente creo que como director de Marketing debería preocuparse 
por la pérdida de clientes que esta situación le origina. 
Es verdad que son muy pocos los clientes que puede estar perdiendo
hoy, pero en Internet un segundo es una semana (si no más) y las cosas 
cambian muy deprisa.


Rafael Cordones Marcos

P.S. Las opiniones expresadas en este e-mail son personales y no
reflejan en absoluto las de BCN Art Directe, S.L.

Contestación final de Dell:

Subject: RE: Portàtil sin Windows
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 08:50:23 -0500

Estimado Sr.

Agradezco sus comentarios y puedo, como usuario, estar de acuerdo con el
sentimiento que pueden tener clientes potenciales como Vd. Dónde nunca podré
llegar, como Responsable de 

Re: Me falla apt-get

1999-06-25 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 12:07:47AM +0100, Correcaminos wrote:
   A ver ...
   Ahora mismo tengo el apt-get averiado... lo cual es una faena ...
   Al ejecutar una linea como esta:
 apt-get -f dist-upgrade
Prueba con un apt-get -f install

Best regards,

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

Re: Forma correcta de lanzar un proceso como usuario automaticamente

1999-06-25 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 11:08:33AM +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez contaba:

Quiero lanzar un proceso como un usuario siempre que se arranque el equipo.

Supongo que lo que debes hacer es usar el `at' o el `cron' de ese
usuario. Por lo que sé, el `cron' y el `at' además de ejecutar los
comandos del sistema tambien comprueban los ficheros `crontab' de
cada usuario y ejecutan los comandos indicados en el.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-06-25 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 10:10:24AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:
Tengo una partición montada en /usr, que está casi llena, entonces, decido
crear otra, para liberar un poco de espacio moviendo algunas cosas.
Supongamos que la nueva partición la monto en /usr/local (como habian dicho
en un ejemplo que vi por ahi), qué pasa con la /usr/local que tengo en la
primer particion? Deja de existir? Debería copiar todo lo que tengo en
/usr/local hacia la nueva partición y montarla luego?

Haz lo siguiente:

monta la partición nueva en algún lado:
 # mkdir /tmp/nueva
 # mount /dev/hdxx /tmp/nueva
copia lo que hay en local a esta partición:
 # (cd /usr/local  tar cf - . ) | (cd /tmp/nueva  tar pxfv - )

Ahora podrías borrar lo que tienes en /usr/local y montar lo

Si tienes ficheros en /usr/local no vas a poder montar nada ahí. Sólo
puedes montar si el directorio está vacío. Y claro, si quieres tener
lo mismo en tu nuevo directorio, tienes que copiar lo que tenías
antes a la nueva partición.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink (fwd)

1999-06-25 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 11:50:36PM +0200, Luis Colorado contaba:

No me afecta... pero no por esa razón (hace tiempo que cambié todos los
scripts de debian por los míos) sino porque si este usuario empleara
xntpd y un servidor de hora, no tendría estos problemas.  Además, parece
no conocer muy bien los entresijos del funcionamiento del reloj en el kernel
de Linux, ya que si no, sabría que la hora en Linux/Intel se puede mantener
con un error de algunos microsegundos, típicamente.

Bueno, yo soy ese usuario que comentas. Y no me duele admitir que
desconozco las interioridades del kernel. ¿Quien puede decir que
conozca a fondo lo que pasa dentro del kernel?

Lo que sí que me he leído es el funcionamiento del `hwclock'. Y más o
menos he entendido como funciona este programa y lo que es más
importante como funciona su opción de `--adjust'.

A mi una diferencia de segundos no me preocupa. He de ser sincero,
pero lo que si me preocupa son atrasos de horas o minutos, y esto
estaba pasando en mi sistema. Quiero decir que arrancaba el
ordenador, y cuando se me daba por mirar la hora, esta estaba
atrasada en minutos con respecto a la real.

No había tocado nada en mi sistema, ni en la CMOS, ¿quien podría ser
el culpable? Imagino que la culpa la tendrá el `hwclock'. Ahora al
arrancarse se ejecutan varios comandos:

 hwclock --adjust
 hwclock --systohc

Es normal que le eche la culpa a alguno de esos. En teoría esto
debería funcionar de maravilla, pero la realidad puede ser muy

Lo curioso es que si ejecuto estos comandos en mi terminal, la hora
no sufre variación y todo parece funcionar bien:

 hwclock --adjust
 hwclock --hctosys
 hwclock --systohc

A lo mejor mi problema es que mi fichero `/etc/adjtime' era
incorrecto. Puede que sí porque nunca había puesto en hora el reloj
en mi sistema. Pero pienso que el `hwclock' debería ser inteligente y
si no existe este fichero pues no hacer nada.

Sea lo que sea, no echo la culpa a nada, pero pienso que de incluir
un script que hace cambios en la hora del sistema (escribe en la
CMOS) se debería de informar explícitamente al usuario y avisar de lo
que hay que hacer para configurar correctametne la hora del sistema.

Porque creo que no he sido el único que le ha pasado esta sorpresa al
instalarse SLINK.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Problema al compilar el núcleo

1999-06-25 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Hola a todos, resulta que al intentar compilar el núcleo en Debian
2.1 una vez puesto las opciones del núcleo a mi gusto, y de darle a
las opciones:

make dep
make clean
make zlilo

me aborta la compilación y me canta que no encuentra el fichero
bootSect.o. Estoy compilando el núcleo 2.1.25.

¿Alguién me podría echar una manita?

Un saludo.


Manuel Jerez Cárdenes
Dpto. Electrónica y Automática
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicaciones
Universidad de Las Palmas de G.C.
Tlf: +34 928451244/45
Fax: +34 928451243
Canary Island

Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian]

1999-06-25 Thread Lalo Martins
On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 07:27:27PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
  - na labs, /home/lages/teclado/  . Lá tem os arquivos e o Portuguese HOWTO,
para colocar o Linux com acento. Funciona 100% aqui em casa. Eu prometi e
vou ver se eu faço o script para colocar o acento logo..

Eu fiz, com base no que vem com o Conectiva, um
arquivo .kmap para o console-tools. O formato é bem parecido mas

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: boot-floppies traduzido

1999-06-25 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi Lalo,
Estou mandando atachado, gzipado para voce e a lista.
Voce faria o favor de dar uma conferida?
Quoting Lalo Martins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 03:04:50PM +, Diego Delgado Lages wrote:
  Nós traduzimos o boot-floppies e parece que na versão final tinha alguns
  poucos erros (falta de parenteses, etc) e o Zanardi nos avisou. Mandamos o
  boot-floppies para ele consertado, mas ele leva um mês (sério) para 
  um e-mail. Portanto, relaxem...
 Vcs poderiam enviar o lang_pt.h para a lista, ou colocar em
 algum lugar do site do linuxclub? Da maneira como está não dá
 nem pra ser testado.
   I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
  Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  pgp key in the web page
 Debian GNU/Linux   --
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

boot-floppies traduzido

1999-06-25 Thread Leandro Dutra
   Estou mandando atachado, gzipado para voce e a lista.

oo!  15kb para lista, viajou!

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Description: Binary data

boot-floppies traduzido (desculpas)

1999-06-25 Thread Leandro Dutra
  Estou mandando atachado, gzipado para voce e a lista.
   oo!  15kb para lista, viajou!

E o idiota aqui usou o M$ Exchange que reproduziu a besteira e
ajudou a detonar ainda mais...

Mil perdões, tanto pela resposta atrapalhada quanto por usar esta
porcaria, mas não tenho escolha... sistema proprietário em uso no trabalho.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: boot-floppies traduzido (desculpas)

1999-06-25 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Nao entendi?
15k é muito?
Se foi, nao mando mais. Mil desculpas.
Quoting Leandro Dutra ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Estou mandando atachado, gzipado para voce e a lista.
  oo!  15kb para lista, viajou!
   E o idiota aqui usou o M$ Exchange que reproduziu a besteira e
 ajudou a detonar ainda mais...
   Mil perdões, tanto pela resposta atrapalhada quanto por usar esta
 porcaria, mas não tenho escolha... sistema proprietário em uso no trabalho.
 Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
 Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

boot-floppies traduzido (desculpas)

1999-06-25 Thread Leandro Dutra
   15k é muito?
   Se foi, não mando mais. Mil desculpas.

Eu diria que sim, porque a gente está compartilhando a com muitas outras listas, deve ter dezenas de milhares de
usuário trocando dezenas de milhares de mensagens por dia... embora algumas
listas estejam quase mortas, como a win32, outras como a debian-user são tão
movimentadas que dá até aflição...

Ou alguém tem informações mais seguras pra dizer que não tem
problema, até X KB não deve ser problema?  E qual deveria ser esse X?

De maneira geral, tomo como regra nunca mandar binários nem qualquer
tipo de arquivo para listas...

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Reply-to

1999-06-25 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Lalo Martins writes:
 On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 12:52:08PM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
  Como eu já recebi várias mensagens (inclusive suas :-)) que eram pra ser
  enviadas para a lista toda, pedi para [EMAIL PROTECTED] definir
  o reply-to: nos cabeçalhos das msgs da lista. 
 Se bem me lembro é política do Debian não setar o reply-to.
 Segundo o listmaster, não é a maneira correta de se fazer, pq
 reply é pro autor, e se for pra lista seria followup. Na
 verdade existe um header followup-to ou coisa parecida que é
 usado nas listas do Debian (e no comando 'L' do mutt).

Então retiro o que disse... se bem que, como o Alexandre falou, não sei se
todos os programas de mail tem esse recurso.

  Por enquanto, por favor usem o group reply no Mutt ('g'), ou respondam 'y'
  para Reply to all recipients? (é isso mesmo?) no Pine, falou?
 Não não não... no mutt usem o list reply ('L'). Por favor. Eu
 _odeio_ receber a mesma mensagem duas vezes, uma no inbox e
 outra na pasta da lista.

Bom, é melhor uma pessoa receber a msg duplicada do que o resto da
lista não receber. ;-)

E se você usa procmail, essas 2 linhas evitam msgs duplicadas:

:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 32768 msgid.cache

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Montar /floppy com mais de um tipo de filesystem

1999-06-25 Thread Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
deixa ver... pode ser assim:

/dev/fd0/floppyfat   msdos rw,noauto,users,sync 0 0
/dev/fd0/floppy  ext2 rw,noauto,users,sync 0 0

na hora de montar escolha, assim:

mount /floppyfat


mount /floppy

- Arnaldo

A cada canto um grande conselheiro,
 Que nos quer governar a cabana, e vinha,
 Não sabem governar sua cozinha,
 E podem governar o mundo inteiro

 Gregório de Matos (1633-1699)

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Ivan Jose Varzinczak wrote:

 Ola' pessoal:
Alguem saberia me dizer se e' possivel especificar no fstab mais de
 um tipo de filesystem para se poder montar um diskette? 
Por exemplo:
 /dev/fd0/floppy  msdos rw,noauto,users,sync 0 0
neste caso, eu  quero  especificar tambem  o  tipo ext2 para que  o
 usuario possa optar por um dentre os dois tipos (ext2 e msdos) quando
 for montar o floppy. 
 Ivan J. Varzinczak - (mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Bolsista PET/CAPES - Depto. de Informatica - UFPR
 Curitiba - Parana - Brasil
 Phone: +55 (041) 347-3240 - 267-5244 r.315

Re: boot-floppies traduzido

1999-06-25 Thread Lalo Martins
On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 08:48:00AM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   Oi Lalo,
   Estou mandando atachado, gzipado para voce e a lista.
   Voce faria o favor de dar uma conferida?

Pois não :-) ainda restaram alguns erros, a correção vai no diff
attachado. Com essas correçòes ele compila.

Fora isso, no final (depois de tudo compilado) o
(creio eu) não consegue copiar o e morre:

+ /home/lalo/src/boot-floppies/scripts/rootdisk/generate_library 
cc: /var/tmp/root-tmp-15992/lib/ No such file or directory

o $ é sinal do most q sobrou coisa no final da linha - não vou
colar tudo pq a linha era enorme :-)

Se alguém fizer a menor idéia (pelo q eu vi é questão de alguém
entender awk), eu vou colocar o log (feito com tee) em

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Description: Binary data

Re: Name of Select and Install Profiles program?

1999-06-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 KS == Kevin Septor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KS program pops up allowing you to choose between tasks or profiles
KS and it then passes that info on to dselct so that you don't have
KS to tool around with 2000+ plus packages on your own.

KS Well I seemed to of blown by that screen (again) without getting
KS the name of it and I can't seem to find it on my own,

It is deleted after the run. I think, because you can do harm
(conflicts in the selection) if you use it after having
selected/deselected packages on your own.


I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Gentleman Loser

I got a CD with the Debian realease(a cd from 
the Boot Magazine's suplementary CD).

I guess all in all im fine with just blazing over my hard 
drive with linux, but i really want to keep my mp3 files, text/doc/wri files, my 
webpage, and real audio files. If you could only tell me one thing it 
would be how i could carry these things over to linux. I don't have a cd 
burner to store them, and some of the files are bigger that a floppy. The 
only thing i can think of is keeping them on the second drive while the first 
drive makes the conversion to linux, then im hoping that in linux i can still 
access the non-linux second drive, put it's contents onto the first drive than 
convert the second drive to linux. If that can be done, could you 
expalain how?

also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i 
like to make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my 
production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is this 

thanks for any info you can give me, also if you can think of 
anything else usefull to a linux newbie like me, please send it.

Joshua Klessig

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Will Lowe
 floppy.  The only thing i can think of is keeping them on the second
 drive while the first drive makes the conversion to linux, then im
 hoping that in linux i can still access the non-linux second drive,
Sure.  Linux can read disk drives that have been formatted under Windows,
no problem.

 also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i like to
 make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my
 production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is this
The answer is to put linux on one hard drive and windows on the other.
Linux (well, actually Lilo, the program that starts up linux) can ask you
whether you'd like to run Linux or Windows each time you boot, and you can
pick one.

Check out the LinuxWin95 HOWTO at


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
| And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing   |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread David Teague
On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Gentleman Loser wrote:

 I got a CD with the Debian realease(a cd from the Boot Magazine's
 suplementary CD). 
 I guess all in all im fine with just blazing over my hard drive
 with linux, but i really want to keep my mp3 files, text/doc/wri
 files, my webpage, and real audio files.  If you could only tell
 me one thing it would be how i could carry these things over to
 linux.  I don't have a cd burner to store them, and some of the
 files are bigger that a floppy.  The only thing i can think of is
 keeping them on the second drive while the first drive makes the
 conversion to linux, then im hoping that in linux i can still
 access the non-linux second drive, put it's contents onto the
 first drive than convert the second drive to linux.  If that can
 be done, could you expalain how? 
 also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i like to
 make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my
 production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is
 this possible?? 
 thanks for any info you can give me, also if you can think of
 anything else usefull to a linux newbie like me, please send it. 

If you install Debian on one drive, data on the other drive is
unlikely to be affected adversely, I suspect you have more data than
you really want to put on floppies. However, Assuming your files are
on MS DOS file system, you could use pkzip to put them on a sequence
of floppies.

You will be able to read MS DOS, Vfat, and NT file systems from
Linux if support for these is in your kernel.  The install kernels
usually have MSDOS file system support, but I don't think the will
have NT or Vfat (wind 95 32 bit fs) support. So I do not know
whether you will be able to get to your files with the kernel that
comes on your CD.

This is a wonderful bunch of men and women who provide help on this
list. Others probably will respond with words of assistance,
encouragement, and caution.

I wish you luck in installing and learning to use Linux.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

Re: X-server for Matrox Millennium G200 AGP

1999-06-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
rathon wrote:
 I never got a response for this request. Sorry for re-posting one more

I have the same card and I'm using version 3.3.3 of X and the G200 is
supported. To upgrade place the following in your sources.list file is

deb x/

then run 

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: SV: Getting there

1999-06-25 Thread Colin Tree
Except for people who try to understand
the workings of computers, most computer users
treat them as a tool. They learn how to use their applications,
maybe to only 1/10th of capability, but enough for
what they want to do. 
How many car drivers will do a full overhaul 
on the engine, or replace brake linings, or even a 
do a grease and oil change ?
When the support technician walks through
the door, they know all their computer problems will
be over. A tweek here, hammer there, install a thingy,
a careful explanation of how to avoid the problem in
the future. Pay the technician heaps of money and
everybodies happy. 
People want to walk into a shop, see a lovely
Linux box, buy it, take it home and use it. With a unix box
they can't break the operating system, they just install
and use their applications, great. They don't care how
the propellers go round, just that they don't crash.
If they want to fiddle, fine, there's enough complexity
in there to keep a geek happy for ages. 
Have a technician come and install a new
peripheral device, costs an extra $50, but its going
to work. An annual service to update the kernel, 
utilities or applications, costs $100. Good investment.

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi C.D.

On the other hand; I think you're (at least in part) right. The future for
Linux must be somewhere between getting a lot more userfriendly, so that
people like your girlfriend (and mine too...) will be able to install and
use it, and still facilitating all the tweaking that's going on (just look
at this list!). This is why: to enable it to spread and become popular among
every-day-users, Linux will _need_ more userfriendliness, (idiot-safe-ness,
we call it in Denmark), and to develop and grow and become better, faster,
easier, it needs the tweaking and all the nerds and programmers and that
sort of folks, who are making things work.

Colin Tree

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Kent West
Gentleman Loser wrote:

 I guess all in all im fine with just blazing over my hard drive with
 linux, but i really want to keep my mp3 files, text/doc/wri files, my
 webpage, and real audio files.  If you could only tell me one thing it
 would be how i could carry these things over to linux.  I don't have a
 cd burner to store them, and some of the files are bigger that a
 floppy.  The only thing i can think of is keeping them on the second
 drive while the first drive makes the conversion to linux, then im
 hoping that in linux i can still access the non-linux second drive,
 put it's contents onto the first drive than convert the second drive
 to linux.  If that can be done, could you explain how?

 Alternatively, you could do one or more of the following:
   1) If you have network storage somewhere, ftp (or etc) the files to
 the network.
   2) Borrow, buy, etc a zip drive, or jaz, or etc. and copy the files
   3) Temporarily put in another hard drive (cheapie or free 200MB
 drive from a garage sale, flea market, etc) and copy the files there;
 just make sure to test the retrievability of the files before
 committing yourself to wiping the original.
   4) Leave one drive (permanantly?) as Windows, and the other as
   5) Or, as you say, put linux on one drive for now, later copy the
 files to it and then convert the other drive. Basically you just
 install everything to one drive (the one without the files you want to
 keep); then copy the files over, format the second drive for Linux,
 and then mount the second drive as a subdirectory that used to be
 on the first drive. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is.

  also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i like to
 make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my
 production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is this

 Yes, check out WINE, dual-booting, and VMWARE. (three different
 options, any one of which might work well for you).

  thanks for any info you can give me, also if you can think of
 anything else usefull to a linux newbie like me, please send
 it. Joshua Klessig

Re: Switch console in xterm

1999-06-25 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well there's also the concept of an Alternate Screen in xterm. That's
 why you don't see, for example, the last screenfull of output from
 less when you quit, but just your interactive commands. less uses
 the alternate screen, and you can switch back and forth with Ctrl
 and a mouse button ...

Can that behavior of less be turned off?


Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-25 Thread Robert Pintarelli
On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 07:05:53PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
 I've now tried this and it didn't work.  The drivers reappear, but when
 I configure the mouse in XF86Setup the pointer refuses to respond.
 Does it make a difference that it is a PS/2 mouse?
 Thank you.

what says the driver, and which device did you configure in XF86Setup?

sometimes gpm makes some trouble with X. kill it and try it again.

in a world without fences, who needs gates?

problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Pollywog
I cannot get Fetchmail to deliver mail now that I upgraded Exim to 3.02.
The problem is with Exim or my DNS but I cannot figure out how to fix this.
Any ideas?

1999-06-25 00:41:27 connection from [:::] refused
(::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
1999-06-25 00:41:27 connection from [:::] refused
(::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
1999-06-25 00:41:52 Start queue run: pid=26490
1999-06-25 00:41:52 End queue run: pid=26490
1999-06-25 00:44:15 connection from [:::] refused
(::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
1999-06-25 00:44:15 connection from [:::] refused
(::: does not match any IP address for localhost)



Re: Name of Select and Install Profiles program?

1999-06-25 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 10:16:31PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  KS == Kevin Septor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 KS program pops up allowing you to choose between tasks or profiles
 KS and it then passes that info on to dselct so that you don't have
 KS to tool around with 2000+ plus packages on your own.
 KS Well I seemed to of blown by that screen (again) without getting
 KS the name of it and I can't seem to find it on my own,
 It is deleted after the run. I think, because you can do harm
 (conflicts in the selection) if you use it after having
 selected/deselected packages on your own.

As somewhat of a minimalist, I felt that it installed way too much, even
with the choices that sounded small. The first thing I did was go into
dselect and choose what to delete.  I have done subsequent installs the
old way, by using dselect, although with the number of packages growing
the way it is, this is probably a bit intimidating for a newbie.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Revenant
Mounting an MS-DOS filesystem should work - I was doing that until I
realised you could do VFAT.  You'll just be without your
long filenames.

There is a Windows 'emulator' called WINE for Linux but it's not 100%
reliable and is still listed as a developer's-only alpha release to the
best of my knowledge.

I believe there is a UNIX win emulator called WAPI, but it's commercial
and I don't know how much it would cost.

Wahoo!  My first opportunity to *give back* to this list. :)

David Teague wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Gentleman Loser wrote:
  I got a CD with the Debian realease(a cd from the Boot Magazine's
  suplementary CD).
  I guess all in all im fine with just blazing over my hard drive
  with linux, but i really want to keep my mp3 files, text/doc/wri
  files, my webpage, and real audio files.  If you could only tell
  me one thing it would be how i could carry these things over to
  linux.  I don't have a cd burner to store them, and some of the
  files are bigger that a floppy.  The only thing i can think of is
  keeping them on the second drive while the first drive makes the
  conversion to linux, then im hoping that in linux i can still
  access the non-linux second drive, put it's contents onto the
  first drive than convert the second drive to linux.  If that can
  be done, could you expalain how?
  also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i like to
  make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my
  production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is
  this possible??
  thanks for any info you can give me, also if you can think of
  anything else usefull to a linux newbie like me, please send it.
 If you install Debian on one drive, data on the other drive is
 unlikely to be affected adversely, I suspect you have more data than
 you really want to put on floppies. However, Assuming your files are
 on MS DOS file system, you could use pkzip to put them on a sequence
 of floppies.
 You will be able to read MS DOS, Vfat, and NT file systems from
 Linux if support for these is in your kernel.  The install kernels
 usually have MSDOS file system support, but I don't think the will
 have NT or Vfat (wind 95 32 bit fs) support. So I do not know
 whether you will be able to get to your files with the kernel that
 comes on your CD.
 This is a wonderful bunch of men and women who provide help on this
 list. Others probably will respond with words of assistance,
 encouragement, and caution.
 I wish you luck in installing and learning to use Linux.
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
I had the same sort of problem
Did you run eximconfig?
The .fetchmailrc should also have a line
mda /usr/lib/sendmail -oem $USER or something like that:
do a man fetchmail

My problem was that that it fetched the mail but would not deliver
it to me. Your problem may be a little more serious. In the
.fetchmailrc you have to have poll name of post office
user name at post office.

read /usr/doc/fetchmail.

Hope this helps

Sebastian CAnagaratna
 I cannot get Fetchmail to deliver mail now that I upgraded Exim to 3.02.
 The problem is with Exim or my DNS but I cannot figure out how to fix this.
 Any ideas?
 1999-06-25 00:41:27 connection from [:::] refused
 (::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
 1999-06-25 00:41:27 connection from [:::] refused
 (::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
 1999-06-25 00:41:52 Start queue run: pid=26490
 1999-06-25 00:41:52 End queue run: pid=26490
 1999-06-25 00:44:15 connection from [:::] refused
 (::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
 1999-06-25 00:44:15 connection from [:::] refused
 (::: does not match any IP address for localhost)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Pollywog

On 24-Jun-99 Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
 I had the same sort of problem
 Did you run eximconfig?
 The .fetchmailrc should also have a line
 mda /usr/lib/sendmail -oem $USER or something like that:
 do a man fetchmail
 My problem was that that it fetched the mail but would not deliver
 it to me. Your problem may be a little more serious. In the
 .fetchmailrc you have to have poll name of post office
 user name at post office.

Fetchmail is working, but Exim is refusing to accept the mail.
I think I will go back to the version of Exim that I was using, 2.11, which
did not have this problem.  The new Exim configs are confusing.



RE: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Pollywog
This is what Fetchmail says:

1 message for at (4589 octets).
reading message 1 of 1 (4589 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

If this is a DNS problem, I can't find it.


Package upgrade classes in dselect

1999-06-25 Thread Christian Dysthe

one thing I would like to see is some kind of warning when a package that can
be upgraded using dselect if the upgrade means the software needs to be 
majorly reconfigured after the upgrade.

An example would be if for instance program-x could be upgraded and
/etc/program-x.conf would have to be replaced with a new one with new syntax.
I would like to know this *before* I did the upgrade since this could mean a lot
of work. 

I know I cold go check doc's and changelogs before doing the upgrade, but one
of the wonders of Debian is that you safely can upgrade most software without
having to this. The only shortcoming of dselect is just the situation I have
described here.

I do not know how this could be done, but I would avoid some problems I have
had in the past because packages have been upgraded and syntax or placement of
configurations files has changes drastically. I am *not* talking about dselect
upgrades actually being broken or bad, only that they may take more time than
it initially looked like they would.

Maybe I even have overlooked an option where I would be able to see this in

Am I being too demanding? It is just an idea! :)

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Slink = Potato breaks Dosemu?

1999-06-25 Thread Curt Daugaard
After upgrading to Potato and Dosemu 0.98.1-7, the latter fails with the
following message:
  ERROR: slang_keyb_close(): failed to restore keyboard termios settings!
This happens when starting from the console or under X.

The only change was the upgrade itself and the updating of the new conf
file with my old settings, which worked all right on my Slink system
(except for a cursor that would vanish whenever I started an IBM host
session on the Passport package--but that's another story).

Can anyone shed some light on the error message above?



Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 25 Jun, Revenant wrote about Re: I need some info/piece of mind before 
installing linux
 I believe there is a UNIX win emulator called WAPI, but it's commercial
 and I don't know how much it would cost.

It's WABI.

There is also VMware( which is an amazing piece of
software. For a limited time you can get a 'non-commercial' version for
$75US!  It runs a virtual OS with bios and all on top of linux. 
See for some eye candy!

 Wahoo!  My first opportunity to *give back* to this list. :)


Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Switch console in xterm

1999-06-25 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well there's also the concept of an Alternate Screen in xterm. That's
 why you don't see, for example, the last screenfull of output from
 less when you quit, but just your interactive commands. less uses
 the alternate screen, and you can switch back and forth with Ctrl
 and a mouse button ...

Can that behavior of less be turned off?


Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-25 Thread Revenant
I configured PSAUX in XF86Setup.  This worked before I deleted the
device.  I don't understand what you mean by What says the driver?.

How do I kill gpm and try again?


Robert Pintarelli wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 07:05:53PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
  I've now tried this and it didn't work.  The drivers reappear, but when
  I configure the mouse in XF86Setup the pointer refuses to respond.
  Does it make a difference that it is a PS/2 mouse?
  Thank you.
 what says the driver, and which device did you configure in XF86Setup?
 sometimes gpm makes some trouble with X. kill it and try it again.
 in a world without fences, who needs gates?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

RE: Package upgrade classes in dselect - It happened again!

1999-06-25 Thread Christian Dysthe

too funny! Right after I posted this I upgraded to exim 3.02. AFTER the upgrade
dselect gave me this message:

Important! Exim configuration file format has changed!
Your old configuration file has been renamed to /etc/exim.conf-pre-v3. An
automatic conversion script has been used to write a new /etc/exim.conf for you.

However, this does not fix everything, and you should check it is OK. Because a
wrongly configured mailer can cause serious problems, exim is now disabled! When
you want to re-enable it, you should do eximconfig -i.

I now have serious problems. exim won't work with fetcmail (outgoing and local
mail works). If I had known this about the exim upgrade, I would have waited
and planned this upgrade.

This illustrates my earlier described problem perfectly! :) 

On 25-Jun-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 one thing I would like to see is some kind of warning when a package that
 be upgraded using dselect if the upgrade means the software needs to be 
 majorly reconfigured after the upgrade.
 An example would be if for instance program-x could be upgraded and
 /etc/program-x.conf would have to be replaced with a new one with new syntax.
 I would like to know this *before* I did the upgrade since this could mean a
 of work. 

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Pollywog

On 25-Jun-99 George Bonser wrote:
 Hmm, looks like you have enabled ipv6 support in some things but not
 others. ;)

YES :)  It looks that way, but I did not do that.  I will look at the docs to
see if perhaps I did so in error and how I might fix that.

I have returned to version 2.11 until I figure this out.



Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Pollywog

On 25-Jun-99 George Bonser wrote:
 Hmm, looks like you have enabled ipv6 support in some things but not
 others. ;)

It looks as though I will have to stick with version 2.11 of Exim, or else
build from source instead of a Debian package, so that I can keep the ipv6
stuff out.


Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Christian Dysthe
Please post a solution to the list. I have spent a lot of time
trying to make fetchmail/exim 3.02 work, but no go. I rely on my MUA's pop
abilities right now. 

Right now exim 3.02 and fetchmail is a no go combo.


On 25-Jun-99 Pollywog wrote:
 On 25-Jun-99 George Bonser wrote:
 Hmm, looks like you have enabled ipv6 support in some things but not
 others. ;)
 YES :)  It looks that way, but I did not do that.  I will look at the docs to
 see if perhaps I did so in error and how I might fix that.
 I have returned to version 2.11 until I figure this out.

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Re: X-server for Matrox Millennium G200 AGP

1999-06-25 Thread Matthew Dalton

rathon wrote:
 I installed the Xserver for this Matrox Millennium using the

rathon's x.log says:

XFree86 Version 3.3.2 / X Window System

This is your problem here... I'd say that the svga server v3.3.3.1 that
you said you installed is not being used, the old one is instead. Make
sure that the new XF86_SVGA file is in the right directory.

I had the same problem. I just copied the new XF86_SVGA over the old
one. Worked like a charm.

Re: Can't log in - Help!

1999-06-25 Thread Brad
On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, David Densmore wrote:

 When I try to login to my normal user account I get this message:
 Unable to cd to /home/dden
 I can still log in as root, but I don't know how to fix the problem.
 I used the adduser command to create a new account and couldn't
 get into that one either.

What happens when you do ls -ld /home and ls -l /home?

What happens if you login as root, su to dden, and try to cd /home/dden?

 Right before this happened I logged in as root and moved a subdirectory
 from my home directory to my root directory so that it would be
 inaccessable to my normal user account.  Could this have caused the
 problem?  I moved it back but that didn't help.

i don't think it would have caused the problem...

 I used Win98 to send this email, please forgive me.

i don't know... 95 maybe, but 98? ;)

Re: Support/Help software database

1999-06-25 Thread Isabelle Poueriet
Try MySQL.  It's a free database server.  It is supported by Linux.
got to  You 'll also need DBI.  Sounds like a good
Perl/MySql project.  You can also download DBI from the web.  Check out and search for DBI.  You'll also need a MySQL module.  You'll
find all the info in the DBI an MYSql pages.

Good luck.

\_ Isabelle Poueriet   \_ 
\_ \_
Q. How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. None.  They declare darkness, the standard.

On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 Good day :-)
 Some of the fellow techs I'm working with at an ISP have been working on a
 support/help document. They basically wish to put together a rather large
 document and then perhaps put it on a CD with their regular software.
 While I like the idea I was thinking of a database. Has anyone developed
 sometype of support software that a tech could use via the web? The
 software should be able to be edited/updated by administration and have
 questions/answers added easily.
 Since this would initially be myown project to setup and test a free, or
 free initial trial, download would be best. Thanx for any suggestions on
 this. If something is available but not packaged I maybe willing to
 package it. 
 Robert V. MacQuarrie[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PGP Key Request: Reply to this email with the subject as request pgpkey
 E-Mail Sent From A 100% Microsoft FREE Environment. Support Debian Linux!
 Debian GNU/Linux - The Only 100% Non-Commercial OS
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-25 Thread Lazarus Long
On Friday, June 25, 1999 at 12:40:33 +1000, Revenant wrote:
  X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.08 [en] (Win98; I)
  X-UIDL: 9569986813774c33b6403a623e7a5f5b

  I configured PSAUX in XF86Setup.  This worked before I deleted the
  How do I kill gpm and try again?

You appear to be using both gpm and X11.

Per you should not be using
/dev/psaux in xf86setup.

=== Snip ===
 Device  /dev/gpmdata

Note that the protocol of /dev/gpmdata device is always BusMouse no matter
what kind of mouse you have.
=== End snip ===

This is of course assuming you used the -R option with gpm.  Refer again
to the above faq-o-matic URL.


PGP Public Key available on request:
Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub  1024/CFED2D11 1998/03/05 Lazarus Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 98 2A 56 34 16 76 D5 21  39 93 99 EA 89 D4 B5 A2

Re: Can't log in - Help!

1999-06-25 Thread Matthew Dalton
Sounds like a permissions problem. If you moved your 'dden' directory
while logged in as root, it is possible that it is now owned by root and
as user dden you dont have access to it.

Can you do an `ls -la /home` and email the result?

or alternatively you could try this...

1. log in as root
2. cd /home
3. chown dden.dden dden
4. chmod 750 dden


David Densmore wrote:
 When I try to login to my normal user account I get this message:
 Unable to cd to /home/dden
 I can still log in as root, but I don't know how to fix the problem.
 I used the adduser command to create a new account and couldn't
 get into that one either.
 Right before this happened I logged in as root and moved a subdirectory
 from my home directory to my root directory so that it would be
 inaccessable to my normal user account.  Could this have caused the
 problem?  I moved it back but that didn't help.
 I used Win98 to send this email, please forgive me.
 David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #1128

1999-06-25 Thread Reid Priedhorsky

unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]


multisession RW-CD's?

1999-06-25 Thread Johann Spies
Cdrecord can write multisession CD's.  I want to use that function for
making backups on a RW CD.  My problem is that after such a backup, I can
only read the first file that was written on to the CD and not any other.

Is there anybody who do write multiple data-sessions using cdrecord?

I would like to know how they do it.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Honor thy father and mother; which is the first  
  commandment with promise; That it may be well with 
  thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
  Ephesians 6:2,3 

scsi-emulation error message

1999-06-25 Thread Johann Spies
My kernel is a 2.2.9.

dmesg gives the following error message:
ide-scsi scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
scsi : 1 host.
  Vendor: RICOH Model: CD-R/RW MP7040A   Rev: 1.1j
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
  Vendor: E-IDE Model: CD-ROM 24X/AKOx   Rev: 15B
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 20x/20x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x xa/form2 cdda tray
sg Unable to get major 21 for generic SCSI device
/lib/modules/2.2.9/scsi/sg.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
I cannot do insmod sg.  It also gives the above error message.
Sometimes I get scsi timeout errors when using the CDRW.

Can somebody help met to get this right please?


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Honor thy father and mother; which is the first  
  commandment with promise; That it may be well with 
  thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
  Ephesians 6:2,3 

still configuring PPP :-(

1999-06-25 Thread Isabelle Poueriet
Hello everyone.  I'm sorry to post this again, but I'm having new problem

I made some changes to those files I sent before and now when I type pppd
at the command prompt I get some garbage text on my screen, and after a
little while(30 seconds or so) I get the prompt back.  

I tailed d my /var/log/messages file and it reads as follows:

pppd started by root.
using interface ppp0
connect : ppp0 --- /dev/tty1
Lcp: time out sending config-Request
Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean
Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0

Any suggestions?  I tried minicom -h but minicom is not in my system.
I only have the base system installed.  It's Debian 2.1 (Slink).
I also tried wvdial.  Not installed either. 

I'm eager to get Debian going.  Please help.  
Thanks a million in advance.

The files I have are as follows:


OK ATDT*70,8071800# i verifyed the phone number
ername \dbella  # I verified this with my ISP
ssword: \qmypassword # I put my real password instead of mypassword


connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
/dev/ttyS2 # my modem is in com3.  This has been confirmed in windows
user bella


* newton  *
guest newton * -
root newton * -
bella * mypassword


lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

\_ Isabelle Poueriet   \_ 
\_ \_
Q. How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. None.  They declare darkness, the standard.

multi-cd help

1999-06-25 Thread Aaron Solochek
I'm attempting to install stuff using dselect off the double cd image
that I downloaded and burnt from  I have no idea how to do
this.  I put the second cd in first, and had it scan to look for the
files it wanted, but I don't know when or how to put the other cd in.
Is there a apge that deals with doing this?  I looked around the webpage
but didn't find anything useful, and since I'm on a modem, I'd rather
not use http or ftp.

-Aaron Solochek

ip-up with 2nd isdn interface

1999-06-25 Thread Klaus Pieper

I user two syncppp isdn interfaces ippp0 and ippp1 for dialin at the ISP
(ippp0) and my office (ippp1) respectively.
The first one works fine.
When I ping the ip address for ippp1 dialing works, but the
/etc/ppp/ip-up script is not executed so there is no  network setup with
the new IP addresses and ping does't work.

I traces the ip-up script which calls run-parts to execute the scripts
in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d.
I configured the network in isdnutils and can see that isdnutils is
executed for ippp0, but not for ippp1.

Where is the call to the ip-up script?


Re: Potential solution to netscape crashing?

1999-06-25 Thread Geordy Korte
 [never ending netscape crash discussion]
   I'm using Netscape Communicator with RedHat 6.0 on my box and it just 
   anytime it has to view a Java applet.  Is there any work-around for this?
   about installing a Java VM?  Anything would help.  I want to view job
  Common problem. To fix, add
  (and, if you have the 100dpi fonts)
  to the catalogue section of /etc/X11/fs/config
  Then restart xfs with /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart 
  See Deja for more.
 Just clarifying your statement, I don't know if it fixes the crash

Hmmm,  Just when I waz thinking this would solve my problem:-(  It
doesn't.  I seem to only get a crash when netscape asks me for a passwd to
a protected site.  If I type in the user name and passwd correct then no
probs.  If I get them wrong the crash goes netscape.

I have checked the fonts path and they are fine.  I am using kernel 2.0.36
with potato and netscape 4.6


Geordy Korte
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | ICQ 14458242   | Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key 

Re: Amanda tape definitions

1999-06-25 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
Max wrote:
 Did you make sure that you have an entry like
 tapetype DAT
 before all the tapetype definitions.  Also, you should have a line
 that says something like
 tapedev /dev/nst0
 If this doesn't help, e-mail me your amanda.conf file and I'll see if
 there are any obvious problems.  You can also try contacting the
 amanda mailing list (see

I think that both those requirements are present. In any case i'm
sending you both amanda.conf and diklist because i have another
question. When i tell it to do a backup it ends up saying that it's out
of tape but it cannot incrementally backup the disk. On one the docs it
says that when the tapes gets to the end the rest goes to the holding
area. In my case that never happens.

Do you think you can give me a hand with this. Thanks!

Mario Filipe 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Frankie
Will Lowe wrote:

  floppy.  The only thing i can think of is keeping them on the second
  drive while the first drive makes the conversion to linux, then im
  hoping that in linux i can still access the non-linux second drive,
 Sure.  Linux can read disk drives that have been formatted under Windows,
 no problem.

  also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i like to
  make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my
  production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is this
 The answer is to put linux on one hard drive and windows on the other.

What I am about to say probably isn't appropriate to a newbie, but depending on 
competence it may be useful, or you may remember this a few months down the 
In my experience this seems to speed up my computer by about 40 to 50% when I am
running lots of apps at once.
techie bit
if you don't understand the meaing of the above, you probably shouldn't read 
next paragraph :-P
If you split linux over the two harddrives, then the hard disk access will be 
because you are reading from two at once.
One way to achieve this is to split your swap partition over two harddrives, 
and set
them with equal priority.
/techie bit

about your techno music,  with what have you written it? Is it with a 'standard'
format like .xm or similar? Because there are players for various modules 
and there are (at least) four trackers available for linux. Unfortunately, I 
failed to get any of them to compile - read another post of mine on this list - 
as far as they know they are not packaged for debian. If/when I can get them to
compile, then I fully intend to package them up and make them available.
Just need to read the debian-devel docs again...


 Linux (well, actually Lilo, the program that starts up linux) can ask you
 whether you'd like to run Linux or Windows each time you boot, and you can
 pick one.

 Check out the LinuxWin95 HOWTO at


 |   |
 |PGP Public Key:|
 | And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing   |
 |you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
 |- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Frankie |Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[OFF-TOPIC] spammers on this list

1999-06-25 Thread Frankie
Has anybody ever extracted the $1999 or whatever from anybody who has
spammed this list?


 Frankie |Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread David Teague

Great that you should contribute back to the liet! congratulations.

The package you mention is WABI, Windows Application Binary
Interface or something like that, it is commercial, and as I recall
it only works for 3.1 applications. It has been a long time since I

This is the best part of Linux, and of Debian, namely the give an
take of problems and solutions. Except that these folk are really
nice too boot -- quick to answer and almost alwasy right, and 
if I goof, they are kind in correcting.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (Thanks folks.)

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Revenant wrote:

 Mounting an MS-DOS filesystem should work - I was doing that until I
 realised you could do VFAT.  You'll just be without your
 long filenames.
 There is a Windows 'emulator' called WINE for Linux but it's not 100%
 reliable and is still listed as a developer's-only alpha release to the
 best of my knowledge.
 I believe there is a UNIX win emulator called WAPI, but it's commercial
 and I don't know how much it would cost.
 Wahoo!  My first opportunity to *give back* to this list. :)

MP3 to WAV?

1999-06-25 Thread Michael Meskes
Is there a tool that allows me to transform MP3 files back to WAV? 


P.S.: Please CC me on your answer since I'm not subsribed here.
Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Use PostgreSQL!

Potato on ThinkPad 600E

1999-06-25 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I'm trying to get all the features of a ThinkPad 600E to
work with Debian potato.

What I have:

- all my PCMCIA-cards (xircom, fritz, adaptec) work
- sound (cs4232) works
- X (neomagic, 16bit) works

What I want:

- serial interface is detected but cannot be used
- irda-port?!
- internal modem
- sound does not load automatically
- I cannot have pci-support in the kernel when I want to
  use my PCMCIA-cards (I installed RH on another partition
  and their kernel uses pci-support _and_ PCMCIA works -
  at least with the notebook of my colleague)

I have nearly all the information you can get from the web
concerning ThinkPads. What I need is the address of
somebody who knows how the thing internally works -
especially as I have the impression that configurations
under windows (I have that on one partition) have some
effects on the linux-installation on my other partition.

What I really don't understand is, why the serial port
does not work.

When will the first ThinkPads with preinstalled Linux be
available from IBM?

Linux. The dot in /.

Re: still configuring PPP :-(

1999-06-25 Thread David Teague

Hi Isabelle

I had this error. I did not have the last line of my negotiation
right. You will need to know what your isp expects to be told to
start the negotiation to set up a ppp connection. If the ISP isn't
sent the signal to commence negotiating, your ppp thinks the ISP
isn't 8 bit clean, and gives up. 

It looks like you are very close.  You will need to find some
terminal emulation and talk to the isp directly to find what it
expects. I had a copy of Liux Kermit stashed in my files, so I used
that have that ftp site handy. I just looked it up, here is a url
you may start from:

or maybe 

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Isabelle Poueriet wrote:

 Hello everyone.  I'm sorry to post this again, but I'm having new problem
 I made some changes to those files I sent before and now when I type pppd
 at the command prompt I get some garbage text on my screen, and after a
 little while(30 seconds or so) I get the prompt back.  
 I tailed d my /var/log/messages file and it reads as follows:
 pppd started by root.
 using interface ppp0
 connect : ppp0 --- /dev/tty1
 Lcp: time out sending config-Request
 Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean
 Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
 Any suggestions?  I tried minicom -h but minicom is not in my system.
 I only have the base system installed.  It's Debian 2.1 (Slink).
 I also tried wvdial.  Not installed either. 
 I'm eager to get Debian going.  Please help.  
 Thanks a million in advance.
 The files I have are as follows:
 OK ATDT*70,8071800# i verifyed the phone number
 ername \dbella  # I verified this with my ISP
 ssword: \qmypassword # I put my real password instead of mypassword
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
 /dev/ttyS2 # my modem is in com3.  This has been confirmed in windows
 user bella
 * newton  *
 guest newton * -
 root newton * -
 bella * mypassword
 lcp-echo-interval 30
 lcp-echo-failure 4
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 \_ Isabelle Poueriet   \_ 
 \_ \_
 Q. How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
 A. None.  They declare darkness, the standard.

samba/win95 network over ip-masquerading

1999-06-25 Thread Paul Miller
I'm running Debian/Linux potato kernel 2.2.10 with Samba 2.0.4b and I'm
trying to setup a Linux box to masquerade and allow browsing across the
Linux box.  Currently, IP Masquerading is working and I'm using the default
Debian auto-configuration.  More specifically, I want the machines on the
local network to see and be able to access the machines on the outside
network and vice-versa.  And, if possible I'd like the Linux box to only be
seen/accessible by the local network (not as important).

Here's the situation:  There are 3 win95 machines behind the Linux box and a
WINS server on the outside, which I'm not in control of.  Right now the
local network is 192.168.1.x on eth0 and the outside is 192.168.100.x on
eth1 (which will be changed to a non-private IP in the future).

I've tried setting up the Linux box as a WINS server and having the local
machines point to it, but then there is no link to the outside machines.  If
the local machines point to the outside WINS server, nothing seems to work.
If I telnet into the Linux box, smbclient -L {machine} is able to locate the
clients without any problems or help from DNS, yet the machines don't report
a browse list containing machines from the other network.


Just recently I changed the firewall rules so the default policy is ACCEPT
for input, output, and forward and I deleted the DENY rule from the input
and output chains just to make things a little easier.  Now, the local
machines are set to the WINS server on the outside network and are able to
browse and connect to those machines + the inside machines.  So, one
direction is working.  Now, how can I get it to work the other way?

I think it should be possible because I think the WINS server stores the IP
and port of the clients machines, thus is the Linux ip masq box manipulated
the WINS connections from the inside to the outside network so that the
machine was the Linux box outside IP and changed the ports, everything
should work fine.  --- do I need more MASQ/firewall rules?

What can I do?


Re: named.local

1999-06-25 Thread Varga Robert

On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Attila Csosz wrote:

 I'd like to refer to my computer not only as localhost but also. I've installed the bind package because of some
 reasons. I'd like to solve this with it. I studied it the named.local file
 seems to be good to do that. How could I do that?

I assume you have bind 8.x since you have just put it up a few days ago
due to qmail needing it :-)

Let your ip address (with numbers) be aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

Put the following at the and of /etc/named.conf

zone {
type master;
notify no; 

zone {
type master;
notify no;

Then create a file /var/named/ containing the following:

@ IN SOA (
  1 ; Serial
  43200 ; Refresh
  10800 ; Retry
 604800 ; Expire
  86400 )   ; Default TTL

myhost IN A  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
   IN MX 10

Then create a file /var/named/ containing the

@ IN SOA (
  1 ; Serial
  43200 ; Refresh
  10800 ; Retry
 604800 ; Expire
  86400 )   ; Default TTL

@   IN NS

ddd IN PTR

That's all you need to do, and of course restart named (ndc restart)

Robert Varga

ps: I know Hungarian is a world-known language, at least anywhere I go,
someone always speaks it, but others may not share this opinion, and
others may also be interested in DNS problems, hence English :-)

Paralell Port problems

1999-06-25 Thread Algernon NG
Hi everyone!

My problem is that I have a Linux computer without CD, and a Lost98 with a 32x. 
I don't want to change anything in the hardware config, so I tried to connect 
the 2 computers with FastLinx (a DOS program to connect 2 computers via COM or 
LPT). It worked fine until I used it on the Linux machine on a Dos partition (I 
booted DOS too). Then I managed to set up Dosemu 0.98 to enable raw LPT access. 
Since then I can't connect the two computers. Not even if I am in DOS mode.

What did I do wrong?

Algernon NG of The MadHouse Project

Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Christian Dysthe
I just downgraded to 2.11. Reinstated my old exim.conf, and everything is back
to normal working order.

So, guess it will not be 3.02 on my box until this is fixed.

On 25-Jun-99 Pollywog wrote:
 On 25-Jun-99 George Bonser wrote:
 Hmm, looks like you have enabled ipv6 support in some things but not
 others. ;)
 It looks as though I will have to stick with version 2.11 of Exim, or else
 build from source instead of a Debian package, so that I can keep the ipv6
 stuff out.

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Re: Switch console in xterm

1999-06-25 Thread Remco van 't Veer
Use the -X switch.

On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 20:06, Daniel Barclay wrote:

  From: David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well there's also the concept of an Alternate Screen in xterm. That's
  why you don't see, for example, the last screenfull of output from
  less when you quit, but just your interactive commands. less uses
  the alternate screen, and you can switch back and forth with Ctrl
  and a mouse button ...
 Can that behavior of less be turned off?

splif explosion encryption Ft. Bragg PLO FSF Northold Peking abuse security
General Javier Solana genetic XTC South Africa Cthulhu VX ammunition

Installation on Fujitsu B110

1999-06-25 Thread Dieter Faulbaum

I tried to install a Debian system on a Fujitsu B110 without success.
I use the resc1440-safe.bin Disk form the slink dir and the notebook
restarts while loading the the kernel

`Loading root' works but then after the 13th point of
`Loading linux' it restarts the notebook.

The Linux on Laptops page shows, that a installation with the
`RedHat 5.2 boot disk' works. Has anyone an idea, why this dosn't work
with Debian/Linux 2.1?


___o ___o ___o ___o
  Dieter Faulbaum _`\ ,_  _`\ ,_  _`\ ,_  _`\ ,_
___  (_)/  (_)(_)/  (_)(_)/  (_)(_)/  (_) ___

Re: multi-cd help

1999-06-25 Thread ktb
Dselect automatically asks for the first or second cd as it needs it
when installing programs.  At least that has been my experience.  You
have to choose 'multi cd' in 'access.'  

Aaron Solochek wrote:
 I'm attempting to install stuff using dselect off the double cd image
 that I downloaded and burnt from  I have no idea how to do
 this.  I put the second cd in first, and had it scan to look for the
 files it wanted, but I don't know when or how to put the other cd in.
 Is there a apge that deals with doing this?  I looked around the webpage
 but didn't find anything useful, and since I'm on a modem, I'd rather
 not use http or ftp.
 -Aaron Solochek
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Amanda tape definitions

1999-06-25 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 Max wrote:
  Did you make sure that you have an entry like
  tapetype DAT
  before all the tapetype definitions.  Also, you should have a line
  that says something like
  tapedev /dev/nst0
  If this doesn't help, e-mail me your amanda.conf file and I'll see if
  there are any obvious problems.  You can also try contacting the
  amanda mailing list (see
 I think that both those requirements are present. In any case i'm
 sending you both amanda.conf and diklist because i have another
 question. When i tell it to do a backup it ends up saying that it's out
 of tape but it cannot incrementally backup the disk. On one the docs it
 says that when the tapes gets to the end the rest goes to the holding
 area. In my case that never happens.
 Do you think you can give me a hand with this. Thanks!

Ooopss ! Forgot to include the files. Here they go

Mario Filipe 
# amanda.conf - sample Amanda configuration file.  
# If your configuration is called, say, DailySet1, then this file
# normally goes in /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf.
# for explanation of the parameters refer to amanda(8) and
# /usr/doc/amanda/WHATS.NEW.gz 

org Evunix1   # your organization name for reports
mailto mjnf   # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser root # the user to run dumps under
inparallel 1# maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
netusage  600   # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

# a filesystem is due for a full backup once every dumpcycle days
dumpcycle 4 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
tapecycle 4 tapes   # the number of tapes in rotation

bumpsize 20 MB  # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 - 2
bumpdays 1  # minimum days at each level
bumpmult 4  # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult

#runtapes 9 # explained in WHATS.NEW
#tpchanger no-changer # the tape-changer glue script, see TAPE.CHANGERS
tapedev /dev/nst0 # Linux @ tuck, important: norewinding
# tapedev /dev/nrst8  # or use the (no-rewind!) tape device directly

tapetype DAT# what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
labelstr ^EVUNIX[0-9][0-9]*$  # label constraint regex: all tapes must match

diskdir /var/backup/holding   # where the holding disk is
disksize 1100 MB# how much space can we use on it
#diskdir /dumps/amanda/work   # additionaly holding disks can be specified
#diskdir /mnt/disk4
#disksize 1000 MB   #   they are used round-robin

# Amanda needs a few MB of diskspace for the log and debug files,
# as well as a database.  This stuff can grow large, so the conf directory
# isn't usually appropriate.

infofile /var/lib/amanda/Evunix1/curinfo  # database filename
logfile  /var/log/amanda/Evunix1/log  # log filename

# where the index files live
indexdir /var/lib/amanda/Evunix1/index

# tapetypes
# Define the type of tape you use here, and use it in tapetype above.
# Some typical types of tapes are included here.  The tapetype tells amanda
# how many MB will fit on the tape, how big the filemarks are, and how
# fast the tape device is.
# For completeness Amanda should calculate the inter-record gaps too, but it
# doesn't.  For EXABYTE and DAT tapes this is ok.  Anyone using 9 tracks for
# amanda and need IRG calculations?  Drop me a note if so.

define tapetype QIC-60 {
comment Archive Viper
length 60 mbytes
filemark 100 kbytes # don't know a better value
speed 100 kbytes# dito

define tapetype DEC-DLT2000 {
comment DEC Differential Digital Linear Tape 2000
length 15000 mbytes
filemark 8 kbytes
speed 1250 kbytes

# in amanda-users (Thu Dec 26 01:55:38 MEZ 1996)
define tapetype DLT {
comment DLT tape drives
length 2 mbytes # 20 Gig tapes
filemark 2000 kbytes# I don't know what this means
speed 1500 kbytes

define tapetype SURESTORE-1200E {
comment HP AutoLoader
length 3900 mbytes
filemark 100 kbytes
speed 500 kbytes

define tapetype EXB-8500 {
comment Exabyte EXB-8500 drive on decent machine
length 4200 mbytes
filemark 48 kbytes
speed 474 kbytes

define tapetype EXB-8200 {
comment Exabyte EXB-8200 drive on decent machine
length 2200 mbytes
filemark 2130 kbytes
speed 240 kbytes

define tapetype HP-DAT {
comment DAT tape drives
length 1900 mbytes  # these numbers are not accurate
filemark 100 kbytes # but you get the idea
speed 500 kbytes

define tapetype DAT {
comment DAT tape drives
length 2000 mbytes  # these numbers are not accurate
filemark 100 kbytes # but you 

Re: MP3 to WAV?

1999-06-25 Thread Dpk
On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Michael Meskes wrote:

   Is there a tool that allows me to transform MP3 files back to WAV? 
   P.S.: Please CC me on your answer since I'm not subsribed here.

If you are not subscribed it might be beneficial to check the
mailing-list archives, as many a time you will find the answer:

Below is a response recently posted regarding this.

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jun 25 08:47:00 1999
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 14:56:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: eric a. Farris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MP3 -- WAV
Resent-Date: 24 Jun 1999 18:56:36 -
Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;

On 24 Jun, Hans van den Boogert wrote:
 Does anybody know of an app that decodes MP3 to WAV or AU? 

All *nixes excel at providing little tools that, when used together,
can replace a lot of stand-alone tools on other platforms.

if you have mpg123 and sox (both available as debian packages), you
have everything you need.

this line has worked for me:

mpg123 -b 1 -s file.mp3 | sox -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c2 - file.wav

eric Farris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microcomputer Support Specialist
Academic Computing
Frostburg State University

This message composed in an MFCE (Microsoft Free Computing
Environment) courtesy of Debian GNU/Linux

The moment i let go of it was the moment i got more than i could handle
The moment i jumped off of it was the moment i touched down...

Re: [ Re: New windows]

1999-06-25 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 05:05:33PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote
 - Forwarded message from Wayne Topa [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 17:02:36 -0400
 From: Wayne Topa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: New windows
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i
   Subject: Re: New windows
   Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 07:18:34PM +0100
 In reply to:Anthony Campbell
 Quoting Anthony Campbell([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  On 22 Jun 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:
 Subject: Re: New windows
 Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 08:35:44AM +0100
   In reply to:Anthony Campbell
Could some Windowmaker enthusiast tell me what else is needed please?

   What version are you running?  I have Version: 0.53.0-2 and it is
   running fine.  Take a look in /usr/doc/wmaker-usersguide-ps/
   That should help you get on your way.  The orhewr docs are in
  My version is 0.20.3-5, which perhaps explains my problem. Where did you
  find the later version, and does it work with slink?
 I am also running Slink and I believe I picked it up from potato some
 time ago.  I just checked and the version in potato is now 0.60.0-2.
 Don't know if that will be able to run on slink without a glib2 update
 or  not.  You could try it and if it says you need glib2.1 'I' would
 say no, and cancel the update.

I'm using wmaker_0.53.0-1.9.slink.1, which I picked up from the gnome staging 
(url temporarily misplaced, but I got it from this list - check the
archives).  It's likely to install other stuff, but it's all built to
work nicely with slink.  There are gnome and non-gnome versions of both
icewm and wmaker there, as well as other stuff (Gnome 1.0).  Works for
me, modulo some minor drawing problems that are probably in the xserver.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Splitting swap onto two hard drives

1999-06-25 Thread [ Kaa ]

Frankie writes:
 What I am about to say probably isn't appropriate to a newbie, but 
depending on your
 competence it may be useful, or you may remember this a few months down 
the line...
 In my experience this seems to speed up my computer by about 40 to 50% 
when I am

 running lots of apps at once.

In that case you should probably run out and buy yourself more
RAM. If you are *so* dependent on swapping, you do need more memory.

 techie bit
 if you don't understand the meaing of the above, you probably shouldn't 
read this

 next paragraph :-P
 If you split linux over the two harddrives, then the hard disk access 
will be faster,

 because you are reading from two at once.
 One way to achieve this is to split your swap partition over two 
harddrives, and set

 them with equal priority.
 /techie bit

Well, technically speaking you cannot split you swap partition
over two hard drives, but you can have two swap partitions on
different hard drives -- that's probably what you meant.

Nit-picking aside, the answer to whether you'll get faster disk
access by doing this is the usual one: it depends. Generally it
depends on your hard disks controller(s) and the way they are set
up. To give an example, I believe that two IDE hard drives set up as a
master and a slave on a single IDE controller cannot be accessed
simultaneously and thus there is no point in creating two swap
partitions. There is much more interesting and detailed information in
Multi-Disk-HOWTO which can be found in the usual places.


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error in installation script for xaw-wrappers

1999-06-25 Thread Johan Ur Riise
I run a potato system an came over this while upgrading vi apt, in
the configure phase:

syntax error at /usr/lib/xaw-wrappers// line 42, near );
syntax error at /usr/lib/xaw-wrappers// line 57, near );
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/sbin/update-xaw-wrappers line 98.
dpkg: error processing xaw-wrappers (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2

i changed the mentioned script /usr/lib/xaw-wrappers/
(added two closing parantheses near the end of each of the lines
42 and 57).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] xaw-wrappers]# diff


Re: problems with new Exim and Fetchmail

1999-06-25 Thread Pollywog

On 25-Jun-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 Please post a solution to the list. I have spent a lot of time
 trying to make fetchmail/exim 3.02 work, but no go. I rely on my MUA's pop
 abilities right now. 

The author of Exim says it is an ipv6 issue and he is looking into it now.


Re: MP3 -- WAV

1999-06-25 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thanks, bedankt, merci, gracias, xie xie. It worked, but alas the header of
the MP3 file was corrupted, so even Sox couldn't help out here. -- Hans

At 04:18 PM 6/24/99 +0200, Remco van 't Veer wrote:
The following will create a.wav from a.mp3.

  mpg123 -s a.mp3 | sox -t raw -r 44100 -w -s -c 2 - a.wav

On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 20:50, Hans van den Boogert wrote:

 Does anybody know of an app that decodes MP3 to WAV or AU? 

Echelon Saddam Hussein RAF stealth Rule Psix Clinton RSA Zimmermann CRI
Kosto MDMA plutonium Khaddafi SIGINT VX Shell XTC semtex coup heroïne abuse

RealProducer...Anyone get it to run under Debian?

1999-06-25 Thread Person, Roderick
Hey All,

I just downloaded RealProducer from I untared and placed it in
the appropriate location and read the readme and did what it told me to do.
But, it doesn't run. I'm using potato and have recently install java1.2pre
from I think this may be the problem? Is anyone with a slink
system with java1.1 running RealProducer. They error stems from the loading
of a java lib that RealProducer supplies. Sorry I can't remember the excat
error, text I'm at work.

Roderick P. Person
Programmer I
CCBH (412)454-2616

 We're not that good. Everyone else just sucks!
 - anon. Navy Seal 

XF86Config for Trident 3DImage975???

1999-06-25 Thread Bruno Boettcher
as the title says

does anybody has a working config file for this card? XF86Setup segfaults, and
with the result of xf86configure i get only a splitted screen in 640x400

i am using potato thus i have XFree3.3.x

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Re: Potential solution to netscape crashing?

1999-06-25 Thread John Foster
Geordy Korte wrote:
  [never ending netscape crash discussion]
I'm using Netscape Communicator with RedHat 6.0 on my box and it just 
anytime it has to view a Java applet.  Is there any work-around for 
about installing a Java VM?  Anything would help.  I want to view job
   Common problem. To fix, add
   (and, if you have the 100dpi fonts)
   to the catalogue section of /etc/X11/fs/config
   Then restart xfs with /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart
I have a true type server also, and I am curious: should the font path
lines in /etc/X11/xfs/config match exactly those in /etc/X11/XF86Config
?? Including ALL the lines below?

Section Files
   Fontpath   unix/:7101
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/URW
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/sharefont
   Fontpath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

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