Sobre fiestorro Benaguasil

1999-07-14 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Ante todo perdonadme el trainspoting, sobretodo después de cómo
tenemos todos los ánimos después de las últimas sesiones spammeras que
estamos teniendo en la lista.

Hoy es el último día para apuntarse a la Benaguasil Linux Party, y creo que
me voy a apuntar. Soy de Terrassa, Barcelona, así que si alguien se anima a
venir conmigo que por favor me lo haga saber llamándome antes de las 13'30h
a cualquiera de los siguientes teléfonos:
93-590.28.10 (preguntar por Manuel Trujillo -es el curro-).

Los tres días con comida son 6.000 Ptas c.u., y luego podemos compartir
gastos de gasofa y estancia.

A ver si se anima alguien... ;-)

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: /etc/shutdown.allow

1999-07-14 Thread Javier López

 De man shutdown:
   If shutdown  is  called with the -a argument (add this to the
 invocation of shutdown in /etc/inittab), it checks to  see if  the file
 /etc/shutdown.allow is present.  It then compares the login names in
 that file with the list of people that are logged in in a virtual
 console  (from /var/run/utmp). Only if one of those authorized  users
 or root  is  logged  in,  it  will proceed.
 Si mi inglés no me falla, acá dice que solamente si uno de los usuarios
 esta loggeado, ejecuta el shutdown, pero no dice nada sobre *quien* ejecuta
 el shutdown

Correcto, pero tiene que ser en la consola (una de las consolas
virtuales). Si no se deja a un usuario con autorización conectado en
ella, no se permite hacer shutdown. Se supone que si se tiene una sesión
abierta es porque el usuario está delante de la pantalla.


Re: Modernizar la Debian 2.1

1999-07-14 Thread Jose C. Garcia
Antonio Castro wrote:
 Desde que sale una version de Debian a la siguiente se producen
 considerables mejoras y tengo entendido que existen una recomendaciones
 de paquetes a actualizar o algo así. No se donde se encuentra esta
 información y si los paquetes para modernizar la Debian 2.1 estan
 localizados en algun sitio concreto para poder descargarlos con comodidad
 o para poder consultarlos etc.

   Pues en los mismos servidores ftp donde está la Debian 2.1, están los
paquetes de la Debian 2.2, aunque estos se modifican frecuentemente y no
tienen por qué ser tan estables. Están bajo la sección unstable, y
siguen la misma estructura que una distribución normal.
   Si lo único que quieres es actualizar aquellos paquetes de Debian 2.1
que tienen alguna clase de error importante y pueden tener problemas de
seguridad, éstos paquetes están en la sección proposed-updates, en los
mismos mirrors de Debian.
Un saludo

 José C. García Sogo

  Usuario Registrado  #90219
 Debian 2.0  Kernel 2.2.10

Everybody needs a little love sometime;
  stop hacking and fall in love.

Re: /etc/shutdown.allow

1999-07-14 Thread J Horacio MG
Javier López dixit:
  Si mi inglés no me falla, acá dice que solamente si uno de los usuarios
  esta loggeado, ejecuta el shutdown, pero no dice nada sobre *quien* ejecuta
  el shutdown
 Correcto, pero tiene que ser en la consola (una de las consolas
 virtuales). Si no se deja a un usuario con autorización conectado en
 ella, no se permite hacer shutdown. Se supone que si se tiene una sesión
 abierta es porque el usuario está delante de la pantalla.

Ah, pues yo tengo la combinación del teclado CtrlAltFin para que
me haga un shutdown, y da lo mismo que lo haga desde una consola abierta
o que lo haga después de haber salido (exit) de todas.

Valencia - ESPAÑA


1999-07-14 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Estimados compañeros linuxeros.

Hace tan solo un par de meses que tengo instalado Debian. Creo que
tiene muchas posibilidades como vosotros seguro sabeis, a pesar de no contar
con paquetes bien acabados desde el punto de vista visual. En concreto me
refiero a Emacs y en general a procesadores de texto y hojas de cálculo que
es lo que más uso.

Lo que me preocupa ahora es que quiero imprimir con una Fujitsu
DL900 (matricial de 24 agujas que emula IBM proprinter XL24 y Epson LQ2500)
y sé cómo hacerlo para texto ASCII pero no para archivos PostScript, dvi, etc.
Tengo entendido que hay un Magicfilter,  el programa GhostScript, tanto gráfico
como en modo texto, y otros, pero no sé cómo aplicarlos. Si me responde
alguien me gustaría que lo hiciera de manera muy clara y sin presuponer
conocimientos de estas cosas pues os recuerdo que soy de este mundo
desde hace dos meses.

Gracias anticipadas y un cordial saludo.

Diego Bote

Re: ¿Cómo imprimir

1999-07-14 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, jul 14, 1999 at 01:48:11 +0200, Diego Bote Barco wrote:
   Hace tan solo un par de meses que tengo instalado Debian. Creo que 
 tiene muchas posibilidades como vosotros seguro sabeis, a pesar de no contar 

Pues si :)

 con paquetes bien acabados desde el punto de vista visual. En concreto me 

Discrepo pero me saldría un mensaje un poco largo la réplica y como no es el
tema del 'subject'...

   Lo que me preocupa ahora es que quiero imprimir con una Fujitsu 
 DL900 (matricial de 24 agujas que emula IBM proprinter XL24 y Epson LQ2500) 
 y sé cómo hacerlo para texto ASCII pero no para archivos PostScript, dvi, 

Yo tengo una Fujitsu DL1100 Color (24 agujas) y lo que se ha de hacer es
ejecutar: 'magicfilterconfig' y cuando te pregunte el nombre del filtro a
usar indicarle 'epsonlqc-filter' ('epsonlq-filter' para la no color), así de
fácil. El script de configuración te preguntará más cosillas tipo tamaño del
papel etc, ya lo verás es muy muy fácil.

Con esto ya podrás imprimir postcript y más cosas sin problemas.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

¡¡Que horror!!

1999-07-14 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
¿Habeis visitado hoy?, *impresionante las letras 'debian' del
logo nuevo que han puesto*.

Por favor, si alguien sabe a quien se le ha de decir para que cambie eso de
inmediato que lo haga porque da una imagen de debian un poco lamenteble y
eso me apena bastante... si eso lo hago yo. Me inclino por pensar que el
webmaster se le ha ido la olla con el banner y ha puesto uno cutre sin darse
cuenta porque si ha sido a propósito ¡joDer!.

Saludos y buen rollo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Debian free pero ...

1999-07-14 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 09:23:08PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Debian es una distribucion totalmente libre no ?
 Cualquier modificacion de esa distribucion debe respetar el derecho
 a la libre distribucion de la parte no modificada que suele ser casi
 Voy a vender Debian de una manera u otra y pero me gustar?a saber
 opiniones acerca de la mejor forma de hacerlo. Estoy por ofrecer
 tal cual los cuatro CD's de Datom para no tocar algo que se que
 funciona y porque adem?s son los que tengo probados.

Para hacer eso legalmente tienes que estar seguro de que las
modificaciones de Datom son también de libre distribución
Además has de tener cuidado de no hacer mal uso de alguna marca
registrada (si Datom es marca registrada, y los CDs de Datom muestran
mensajes de presentación con esa marca, no puedes hacer uso de esos
mensajes en tus CDs, o estarían haciendo un uso no autorizado de la marca).

 Datom usa un sistema suyo de instalaci?n multi-cd2 que quizas sea 
 propietario pero la gracia es que las modificaciones que hizo en los
 CD's creo que solo permiten usar ese m?todo de instalacion y eso me
 da pie a pensar que legalmente Datom no podr?a reclamar nada si yo
 duplico los CD's tal cual y luego los vendo.

Pues por ahí no le veo fundamento a tu razonamiento. Cualquiera puede
escribirse de cero un sistema de instalación propietario para Debian,
y nadie tendría ningún derecho a redistribuirlo libremente. Sería un
programa independiente, así que el autor podría ponerle la licencia que
le viniese en gana. El hecho de que su uso sea desempaquetar debs no
implica ninguna restricción en la licencia a escoger.

Otra cosa sería que el sistema de instalación estuviese basado en
software libre... 

  Ademas no he visto nada 
 relativo a derechos de copia de Datom. Unicamente tiene un peque?o
 readme advirtiendo que no es la version oficial y que hay que 
 instalarlo de otra forma. Alguna revista creo que vulner? los derechos
 de licencia indicando unos supuesto derechos de copia. Por todo esto
 no creo siquiera necesario consultar a Datom pero como cosas parecidas 
 a estas ocurren no solo con Datom sino con cualquier CD que sale en 
 las revistas prefiero conocer otros puntos de vista.

En ausencia de información sobre la licencia, se usa implicitamente el
típico Reservados todos los derechos. Es decir, que si no hay
información relativa a derechos de copia de Datom, significa que no
tienes ningún derecho a copiar la Datom. Así que es imprescindible que te
pongas en contacto con ellos. 

Lo mismo con respecto a cualquier CD que salga en las revistas. Los
acuerdos a los que haya llegado el editor de la revista con el fabricante
de los CDs no son a priori extensivos a los lectores de la revista, así
que en ausencia de información explícita sobre los derechos de copia, el
lector no tiene ningún derecho, y lo mejor que puede hacer es ponerse en
contacto con el autor de los CDs.

Por supuesto, todo esto referido al contenido del CD como un todo. Cada
paquete por separado tiene una licencia específica, y en el caso de
Debian puedes coger todos los paquetes de main y hacer con ellos lo que
quieras, que para eso son totalmente libres. (Es legal ponerle una
licencia no-libre a una recopilación de material libre. Esta licencia no
puede impedir que copies uno por uno todos los paquetes del CD, pero sí
que clones el CD completito).

Mi consejo, si escoges el camino de planchar tus CDs sin colaboración de
nadie, es que uses las imágenes oficiales de Debian, que están para

PD: Por supuesto, todo lo de arriba es mi opinión al respecto, y no debe
tomarse como recomendación legal (IMHO, IANAL, standard disclaimer,
caveat emptor, kilroy was here, etc, etc, etc, ...) :-)
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ¡¡Que horror!!

1999-07-14 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 02:30:47PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 ¿Habeis visitado hoy?, *impresionante las letras 'debian' del
 logo nuevo que han puesto*.
 Por favor, si alguien sabe a quien se le ha de decir para que cambie eso de
 inmediato que lo haga porque da una imagen de debian un poco lamenteble y
 eso me apena bastante... si eso lo hago yo. Me inclino por pensar que el
 webmaster se le ha ido la olla con el banner y ha puesto uno cutre sin darse
 cuenta porque si ha sido a propósito ¡joDer!.

Según se comenta estos días por la lista debian-www, las páginas están en
obras para cambiar el logo (eso se ve bien en las réplicas, que aún
tienen una mezcla de logos antiguos y nuevos). Ya han dicho que uno de
los jpg ha quedado bastante feito, así que lo van a cambiar. Supongo
que en un par de días estará la versión definitiva.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ¡¡Que horror!!

1999-07-14 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, jul 14, 1999 at 02:08:40 +0100, Enrique Zanardi wrote:
 Según se comenta estos días por la lista debian-www, las páginas están en
 obras para cambiar el logo (eso se ve bien en las réplicas, que aún
 tienen una mezcla de logos antiguos y nuevos). Ya han dicho que uno de
 los jpg ha quedado bastante feito, así que lo van a cambiar. Supongo
 que en un par de días estará la versión definitiva.

Suponía que era un desliz pero por si acaso lo dejé caer :)
Ya me quedo más tranquilo XD
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

¿Cómo se busca un fichero dentro de los paquetes?

1999-07-14 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

El dselect está bien para seleccionar paquetes, pero el problema
es que necesito instalar el paquete que contiene el programa
makeinfo, y no lo encuentro en la lista con ese nombre, o info a

¿Es posible de alguna forma coger y abrir todos los paquetes
para hacer un grep de su lista de ficheros, que me pueda indicar el
paquete que necesito instalar?

En caso de que no sea posible, ¿en qué paquete encuentro el

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

Re: ¿Cómo se busca un fichero dentro de los paquetes?

1999-07-14 Thread Agustín Martín
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
 ¿Es posible de alguna forma coger y abrir todos los paquetes
 para hacer un grep de su lista de ficheros, que me pueda indicar el
 paquete que necesito instalar?

Lo que yo hago es tener una copia del Contents de mi distribución. Por
ejemplo, si fuera slink, sería


y busco dentro de él con el midnight commander. En ese fichero tienes
precisamente una lista con todos los archivos que están en la
distribución especificando en que paquete están. También te valdría algo
así como

zcat Contents-i386.slink.gz | grep makeinfo

que te da

$ zcat ~/debian/Contents-i386.slink.gz | grep makeinfo


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: timofometro

1999-07-14 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Facil, pon a los usuarios que quieras que accedan a ppp dentro del
grupo 'dip' y 'dialout', con esto ya podrían ejecutar pon sin problemas.
adduser usuario dip
adduser usuario dialout

y ya no tienes que hacer el 'su'

Un saludo


On Sat, Jul 10, 1999 at 02:16:18AM +0200, Cubikice wrote:
 Holas a todos!!
 Conecto siempre a Inet como root, aunque luego todo lo demás lo hago
 como usuario desde las X.
 Para conectar hago un 'su root' y escribo 'pon' y va todo bien, pero
 para que me aparezca el timofometro tengo que hacer antes del 'su' un
 'xhost +localhost' porque de lo contrario el script de ip-up.d se
 ejecuta pero no puede conectar como root y se queda como colgado.
 En mi antigua Hamm tenía en alguna parte de Xsession una línea que
 hacía el 'xhost' automáticamente al arrancar pero ahora el
 Xsession ha cambiado bastante y no si sería buena idea ponerlo ahí, he
 probado a ponerlo en el xinit pero no me arrancan las X.
 ¿podríais darme alguna solución?
 Gracias por adelantado.
 Saludos   CubikIce
 Linux: where do you want to go tomorrow?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: /etc/shutdown.allow

1999-07-14 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 10:04:26AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 De man shutdown:
   If shutdown  is  called with the -a argument (add this to the
 invocation of shutdown in /etc/inittab), it checks to  see if  the file
 /etc/shutdown.allow is present.  It then compares the login names in
 that file with the list of people that are logged in in a virtual
 console  (from /var/run/utmp). Only if one of those authorized  users
 or root  is  logged  in,  it  will proceed.
 Si mi inglés no me falla, acá dice que solamente si uno de los usuarios
 esta loggeado, ejecuta el shutdown, pero no dice nada sobre *quien* ejecuta
 el shutdown

Bueno, yo le veo sentido. Una pantalla/teclado con varios usuarios, si
de ellos uno está autorizado, estás autorizado. Parece lógico, donde
ves el problema?


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Re: Debian free pero ...

1999-07-14 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 (Es legal ponerle una licencia no-libre a una recopilación de material
 libre. Esta licencia no puede impedir que copies uno por uno todos los
 paquetes del CD, pero sí que clones el CD completito). 

¿Estás seguro de que es legal poner una licencia no-libre a una
recopilación de material libre?

Recuerdo que Simtel decía tener derechos sobre sus archivos como
recopilación, pero un buen bien día parece que alguien les convenció para
que el software de GNU (que estaba incluido) no formara parte de dicha
recopilación, y fue movido a un directorio separado.

[ Si te parece podemos mover el hilo a la lista del sobre ].

 98a296bab726904b1c8c065430526ce8 (a truly random sig)

Re: /etc/shutdown.allow

1999-07-14 Thread jvicente
   If shutdown  is  called with the -a argument (add this to the
 invocation of shutdown in /etc/inittab), it checks to  see if  the file
 /etc/shutdown.allow is present.  It then compares the login names in
 that file with the list of people that are logged in in a virtual
 console  (from /var/run/utmp). Only if one of those authorized  users
 or root  is  logged  in,  it  will proceed.

 Si mi inglés no me falla, acá dice que solamente si uno de los usuarios
 esta loggeado, ejecuta el shutdown, pero no dice nada sobre *quien*
 el shutdown

Bueno, yo le veo sentido. Una pantalla/teclado con varios usuarios, si
de ellos uno está autorizado, estás autorizado. Parece lógico, donde
ves el problema?
El problema es que no porque vos esés autorizado y loggeado en una máquina,
el otro (que no está autorizado), pueda hacer un shutdown.
A eso me refería. shutdown debería chequear que el usuario que lo ejecuta
esté en el archivo, y no que *alguno de los usuarios que está loggeado*
figure en el archivo.


Re: Debian free pero ...

1999-07-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 09:23:08PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
  Debian es una distribucion totalmente libre no ?
  Cualquier modificacion de esa distribucion debe respetar el derecho
  a la libre distribucion de la parte no modificada que suele ser casi
  Voy a vender Debian de una manera u otra y pero me gustar?a saber
  opiniones acerca de la mejor forma de hacerlo. Estoy por ofrecer
  tal cual los cuatro CD's de Datom para no tocar algo que se que
  funciona y porque adem?s son los que tengo probados.
 Para hacer eso legalmente tienes que estar seguro de que las
 modificaciones de Datom son también de libre distribución

En primer lugar las gracias a ti y a todos los demás por estos 
interesantisimos comentarios.

Una cosa tan basica como es la aplicacion de los derechos de licencia
deberían ser tan claros como para que las distintas opiniones que estoy
escuchando coincidieran un poco más. 

La licencia de Debian especifica que solo los trabajos independientes 
y separados por si mismos pueden evitar que los terminos de la licencia 
GPL le sean aplicados. Ademas insiste mucho en el derecho a la informacion 
del usuario para que siempre conozca y pueda usar del derecho a redistribuir 
bajo GPL. Por lo tanto algunas modificaciones pretendidamente propietarias 
podrían no serlo por no atenerse a estos requisitos.

 Además has de tener cuidado de no hacer mal uso de alguna marca
 registrada (si Datom es marca registrada, y los CDs de Datom muestran
 mensajes de presentación con esa marca, no puedes hacer uso de esos
 mensajes en tus CDs, o estarían haciendo un uso no autorizado de la marca).

En esto puedes tener razon. No se me había ocurrido pero creo que mencionar
una marca aclarando que es propiedad de la compañia tal no puede jamas ser
uso indebido. Me parece más incorrecto vender CD's de Datom sin decir
que son de Datom que lo contrario. Decir que son de Datom jamas puede
considerarse mal uso. Todas las marcas pueden ser pronunciadas sin riesgo
de cometer delito. Lo que no se puede hacer es apropiarse de la marca.
Por eso muchos documentos aclaran tal y tal marca son propiedad de .

  Datom usa un sistema suyo de instalaci?n multi-cd2 que quizas sea 
  propietario pero la gracia es que las modificaciones que hizo en los
  CD's creo que solo permiten usar ese m?todo de instalacion y eso me
  da pie a pensar que legalmente Datom no podr?a reclamar nada si yo
  duplico los CD's tal cual y luego los vendo.
 Pues por ahí no le veo fundamento a tu razonamiento. Cualquiera puede
 escribirse de cero un sistema de instalación propietario para Debian,
 y nadie tendría ningún derecho a redistribuirlo libremente. Sería un
 programa independiente, así que el autor podría ponerle la licencia que
 le viniese en gana. El hecho de que su uso sea desempaquetar debs no
 implica ninguna restricción en la licencia a escoger.
 Otra cosa sería que el sistema de instalación estuviese basado en
 software libre... 

Usar el deselect, el dpkg y añadir simplemente un nuevo metodo de 
instalacion multi-cd como ha hecho Datom no lo diría que es partir
desde cero. No me parece un procedimiento suficientemente independiente.
Todo se parece necesariamente demasiado a la distribucion oficial de
Debian. Digo necesariamente porque en Debian es donde se hace la mayor
parte del trabajo.

   Ademas no he visto nada 
  relativo a derechos de copia de Datom. Unicamente tiene un peque?o
  readme advirtiendo que no es la version oficial y que hay que 
  instalarlo de otra forma. Alguna revista creo que vulner? los derechos
  de licencia indicando unos supuesto derechos de copia. Por todo esto
  no creo siquiera necesario consultar a Datom pero como cosas parecidas 
  a estas ocurren no solo con Datom sino con cualquier CD que sale en 
  las revistas prefiero conocer otros puntos de vista.
 En ausencia de información sobre la licencia, se usa implicitamente el
 típico Reservados todos los derechos. Es decir, que si no hay
 información relativa a derechos de copia de Datom, significa que no
 tienes ningún derecho a copiar la Datom. Así que es imprescindible que te
 pongas en contacto con ellos. 

Como regla general puede valer pero no en todos los casos.
No creo que ningún juez pueda aceptar eso en el caso que estamos discutiendo. 
Metes un programa propietario en un CD con software mayoritariamente libre 
sin poner nada. Lo que parece es que o bien se quiere cazar a un incauto
que copio esa parte o bien si se dijo simplemente que en algun lado hay
algo propietario lo que se quiere es intimidar al usuario para que no
pueda copiar nada. El juez es el que decide cuando el texto de la licencia
se ajusta a derecho y cuando no.

 Lo mismo con respecto a cualquier CD que salga en las revistas. Los
 acuerdos a los que haya llegado el editor de la revista con el fabricante
 de los CDs no son a priori extensivos a los lectores de 

Internet muy lento!!!

1999-07-14 Thread Lucky

Ya he conseguido conectarme a Inet con el Kppp pero me 
encuentro que va muy lento en navegar. Sabeis que puede passar?

Tambien tengo problemas para recibir el correo, lo puedo 
enviar pero no recibir. Mi servidor es un


Alguem de Portugal na lista?

1999-07-14 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Algum usuario de Portugal que participa da lista?
Se existir, entre em contato comigo diretamente pelo E-Mail:



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!


1999-07-14 Thread Alvaro Reguly
Ola.. estou procurando o pacote que contem o makeinfo

onde esta isso ? como procuro isso pelo dpkg ?



RES: makeinfo

1999-07-14 Thread Leandro Dutra
 Ola.. estou procurando o pacote que contem o makeinfo

infoutils... essas coisas eu costumo procurar no, lá tem um índices de
programas, executáveis e pacotes que correspondem mais ou menos aos pacotes
da Debian.

Agora é que vi que tem um jeito melhor ainda, o *segundo* formulário
de busca em

 onde esta isso ? como procuro isso pelo dpkg ?

Não sei se o dpkg faz isso, alguém sabe?

Aliás, alguém sabe onde fica o dpkg para cygwin?

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: weird log entry

1999-07-14 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Jul-99 Jim wrote:
 Just looks like someone tried to connect to the afs3-fileserver port on
 your machine.  Perhaps inadvertently, or maybe even as part of a portscan
 To find out the actual port #, check /etc/services.  It should be defined
 in there.

I forgot to check /etc/services.  Now I know what it is, and it was
not a port scan.



CD-RW woes. Again.

1999-07-14 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I've been fiddling with my kernel configuration and I've tried
every combination I can think of, and still I can't recreate my
previous setup (before I `rm -rf /var/cache/ *'d my way into a
blank hard disk).

What I want is for /dev/hdc to remain an ATAPI controlled CD-ROM
drive - so that cdparanoia and cdplay work on it - and for
/dev/hdd (HP8100i CD-RW) to become /dev/scd0 or something and be
accessible through ide-scsi.

Currently, I've got all the IDE block drivers (disk, CDROM and
floppy), all the relevant SCSI drivers and the ide-scsi emulation
layer compiled straight into the kernel, and no matter what, the
kernel refuses to use ide-scsi for /dev/hdd. If I make the IDE
CDROM driver a module, the ide-scsi driver takes over and both
CDROM drives are only accessible as ide-scsi (not what I want).

My lilo configuration has an `append=/dev/hdd=ide-scsi' line (it
has been /dev/hdd=none and this makes no difference) and this
previously made everything work. Yes, I have tried typing the line
in at boot up.

I've tried to fix this myself for the last couple of weeks, and
I'm on the verge of giving up. Has anyone any idea how to get it
working? I swear if it works this time I'll write it down and
stick it on my wall.

alisdair mcdiarmid   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[empty black dead clean cold numb free alone afraid complete]

Re: sndconfig.rpm to .deb question

1999-07-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Mark Brown wrote:
 Probably as much to do with nobody having sufficient interest and
 enthusiasm as anything else.

Is it difficult to maintain a package? I wouldn't mind learning, but I
think it's beyond my capability right now. I just added that to my list
of things I'd like to be able to do...we'll see if it's realized.
 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: public_html directories not accessable outside of LAN

1999-07-14 Thread William Ono
On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, David Karlin wrote:

 If .../~username is put in the 
 address bar (replacing x's with dotted-quad
 address), the .../~username
 gets turned into hostname/~username and the
 browser tries to add .com or .edu or .net or
 whatever it thinks will work.

 something in the Apache config, but I'm not
 to sure where to start looking.

This is indeed in your Apache config.  In /etc/apache/httpd.conf, read
about the UseCanonicalName option.  You'll want to turn it off, I gather.

Hope this helps.

William Ono [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key: 0x93BA6AFD
 fingerprint = E3 64 C5 43 3E B3 2D A6  C6 D7 E3 45 90 24 78 DE = fingerprint
PGP-encrypted mail welcome!   640k ought to be enough for everybody.

Re: LILO version problem

1999-07-14 Thread dmacdoug
Well, I'm back from last week.  I had a version discrepancy with LILO. 
I still have not solved it.  The exact error message that I get if I
try to run LILO from the command line is:

First boot sector is version 18. Expecting version 20.

If I use the debian rescue disk and try the option there for making a
hard disk bootable, it tells me:

LILO wasn't able to install and then suggests it might be the more
than 1023 cylinders explanation which isn't the case.  In addition to
what I tried previously, described below, I also tried booting to a DOS
diskette and running fdisk /mbr thinking that maybe that would
eliminate the old version of LILO but I still get just the same error
messages.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Donald MacDougall

On  9 Jul, To: wrote:
 On  9 Jul, Stephen Pitts wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 12:52:31PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed Debian Slink on a system that previously had a Caldera
 system on it.  Then when I attempted to run lilo I got an error message
 that said something like The first somethingorother is version 18. 
 Version 20 expected and then lilo exits.  Eventually I figured that
 maybe I needed to uninstall lilo and then reinstall it.  But when I
 tried to reinstall I got the same message.  Then I booted to the rescue
 disk and tried to install lilo from there, but it says can't install
 and gives a nondescript reason.  Anyone know how I can clear this up?
 Donald MacDougall
 Please post the exact error messages.
 Ok, I'll try to do that on Monday,  I did this on my computer at home,
 and now that I've done it I can't do email at home, so I sent it from
 my office today, but my memory of the exact error messages had faded. 
 Naturally I didn't have the forethought to write it down last night. 
 Sorry about that, but, if I don't solve it over the weekend, I'll write
 it down and ask again on Monday.
 Donald MacDougall

Re: Save 70% of your Inernational Faxes Cost

1999-07-14 Thread Frankie
 Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

 On 13 Jul 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

  Novare host the Debian list server. When a mail is send to the list,
  it gets new headers. The listmasters have access to the original mail,
  and they will do something against this, as debian-user is not the
  only list receiving this spam.

  Hmm. Is there anyone actually doing anything about the spam on the Debian
 lists? Email inquiries I've sent have not been answered...

Apparently not - in the 9 months since I subscribed to debian-user the spam on 
list has increased from ~ none to 1 every week or two or three.

I do not know whether this reflects a general increase in spam on the internet, 
greater publicity of this list, or what, but what I do know is that spam should 
seriously followed up, especially as the American Senate seems to be pro-spam
(according to slashdot anyway) and what goes in America sooner or later goes in 
and Europe...


  Frankie |   Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  
  frankie at  |  

Exim vs. Win95

1999-07-14 Thread Don Strayer
I've just reloaded my gateway machine with Debian 2.1. It was formerly
Debian 1.3, so the MTA has changed from smail to exim. Exim refuses to
accept mail from a Windows 95 system connected to the gateway.

There are two Windows 95 systems connected to the gateway. System 1 can
send mail with no problem; System 2 can't. Both systems are configured
identically as far as I can tell. Both could send mail before the

There's no mention of either system in the gateway's /etc/exim.conf.
It's possible that bind isn't set up right, but it is at least set up
to treat each of the two systems the same way.  Something's apparently
different somewhere, though.

System 2 can receive mail that has arrived at the gateway using POP
with no problem.

When System 2 attempts to send mail, the bounce message on System
2 says, No transport provider was available for delivery to this

The message in exim's rejectlog on the gateway says (lightly edited):

1999-07-13 21:37:05 unqualified sender rejected: username \ ( []

The business looks fishy, but mail accepted from System
1 causes a similar-looking mainlog entry:

1999-07-13 21:29:34 114Dra-0003WK-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
( [] P=smtp S=675 \

What is exim trying to tell me?

rsync mirror

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Merten

I'm trying to locate a debian mirror in the US that allows rsync access.
Does anybody know of one?


Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #7:
Q:  What happened then?
A:  He told me, he says, I have to kill you because you can identify
Q:  Did he kill you?
A:  No.

Re: Exim vs. Win95

1999-07-14 Thread Ben Lutgens
On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 11:28:06PM -0400, Don Strayer wrote:
 The business looks fishy, but mail accepted from System
 1 causes a similar-looking mainlog entry:
 1999-07-13 21:29:34 114Dra-0003WK-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
 ( [] P=smtp S=675 \
 What is exim trying to tell me?
Looks to me like you MTA doesn't know it's supposed to relay mail for the
domain add to your exim.conf and tell me
how you come out. I am no expert but I think this should do it. Whether this
is the most graceful way to solve this problem I am not sure.

Let me know


Debian / GNU Linux: An OS the way god intended it; 32Bit, multi-tasking,
Rock Solid Stable, and always getting better.

Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is blutgens available @ hkp://

Description: PGP signature

Re: rsync mirror

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Merten
On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 10:32:07PM -0500, Michael Merten wrote:
 I'm trying to locate a debian mirror in the US that allows rsync access.
 Does anybody know of one?

Uhh, never mind.  I got it figured out. ;/


Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
The Ranger isn't gonna like it, Yogi.

squid question

1999-07-14 Thread Shao Zhang
Is there anyway to rebuild the index file swap.log.0 file from the 
actual cache??

We have accidentally removed the swap file, and we still have 32GB of 
cache... we don't want to waste all of that...




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 


1999-07-14 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

I've installed efax, but I can only
fax asci text.
Is it possible to fax text in for example
WP8 formart. Or an other format so I can
fax letters with bold and underlined text.



unable to mount 2 network filesystems simultaneously

1999-07-14 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,
I'm trying to mount to different network filesystems on
different mount points simultaneously and receive error
Device or resource busy or something like this, depending
on fs type (nfs, ncpfs, smbfs). Any filesystem can be mounted alone.
Additional mount of local fs doesn't affect.

Re: network problem?

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Colbeck

All VLAN stuff on switches makes use of oversize frames (or giants) as 
well. Basically they TAG the VLAN identifier and such like to a
standard ethernet frame thus if the frame is already 1500 bytes long
it becomes technically an illegal size. So if you have some switches
with VLANs you may see oversize frames on the LAN but they should only 
be interswitch communication.


[possibly off-topic] pppdup package not working properly

1999-07-14 Thread S. M.
Hey all,
I just installed the pppupd keepalive daemon and it doesn't work for
It installed properly and will successfully establish a connection
after a reboot.
But after a disconection from the isp it can't seem to re-establish the
(ie it calls the isp but fails to establish the ppp connection)
The doc for pppupd is very poor and doesn't explain what are the calls
made by the daemon upon connection.
Anyone has an idea about what could be the problem or has any hints?
many thanks,
Sebastian Massy
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: rsync mirror

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Merten
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 12:19:58AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Michael Merten wrote:
  I'm trying to locate a debian mirror in the US that allows rsync access.
  Does anybody know of one?
 Well, give me an email address that works and I can put you in contact
 with someone.
That's ok, I found what I was looking for.  Thanks!


Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
It is said that the admonishment to the defenders of Bunker Hill was,
Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.  Did you ever ask
yourself how far away that is?  Set that test up sometime in your own
front yard and let me know the results.  This may be established as the
effective range of the smooth-bore flintlock musket on a man-sized target.
 -- Jeff Cooper

Re: [ Re: public_html directories not accessable outside of LAN]

1999-07-14 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 10:26:11AM -0700, David Karlin wrote:
   Hi Jeff,
   First, thanks for the speedy response (4 minutes).
   Second, I tried your suggestion and set 
   UseCanonicalName no, but after I restarted Apache, it
   refused all connections, even from the LAN.
  You need to set UseCanonicalName off, not UseCanonicalName no, or
  Apache will barf.
 Acutally, that is what I had put in there.  I was typing the email
 from memory, which turned out to be faulty.
 Any other suggestions?
 Look in the error_log and access_log and see what it prints there. If this
won;t help try something like: 
strace -o somefile httpd
 This will produce file quite a lot of system calls and somesuch. Try looking
at it and see where it fails and why (look for some error messages and codes
from error.h (like ENOENT and so on)

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
  || the power of Source

sudden amount of authent requests at starting gnome

1999-07-14 Thread Krosigk, Lorenz Von
When I start gnome 1.0 on my debian 2.1 with kernel 2.2.4 i suddenly get a
storm of xterms caused by a panic of tcplogger who reports auth reqests at
port 5001 (not existing at my /etc/sevices) from unkown user at
Does anybody know where this requests come from and how I may stop them??

Re: M$CHAP with PPP

1999-07-14 Thread Martin Waller
I had problems connecting to my provider with chap (but whether its the same 
version as your chap I don't know), and I used the ppp-config to set it up 
once all my 'by hand' efforts had failed.  It worked a charm, but I say I'm 
not sure my provider uses your provider's version of chap.



From: Michael Merten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: M$CHAP with PPP
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:25:34 -0500

On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 01:14:30PM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 I'm going to bet that it isn't liking the entries in your chap-secrets 
file. It probably isn't matching the entry you've made.

Ok, my chap-secrets file is set up like this...

   ntdomain\\username isp password
   isp ntdomain\\username password

I do know that the ntdomain must be given.  Even logging in with Win, you
get repeated authorization dialogs until you enter the correct NT domain.

In my /etc/ppp/peers/isp file I have:

   connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/isp
   user username
   remotename isp
   ipparam isp

Note that I had to include the -am option in the above because when my side
of the connection sent an LCP packet requesting asyncmap negotiation 

the first thing sent), the other side dropped carrier.

Finally, /etc/chatscript/isp is:


   '' ATZ
   OK-AT-OK ATDT*70,ispphone
   CONNECT \d\c

I'm at a loss to figure out anything else to do.  I have logged in using
Win dial-up, so I know the username/password/ntdomain are correct.  Any


Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
It is now pitch dark. If you proceed, you will likely fall into a pit.

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redirect logs to tty?

1999-07-14 Thread andreas pålsson

My question is, if it is possible to get the logging-information
(syslog,messages) to one of the virtual consoles instead?
There's 6 of them and I only need 3 at most, and it would be nice to see
log-information by just pressing Alt+F6..

Any solution or reference to documentation are welcome.

   == andreas pålsson == [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==

GTK VIM debs

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Colbeck

Does anyone know the address of the site that has VIM debs compiled
against GTK ?



Re: redirect logs to tty?

1999-07-14 Thread Leen Besselink

try this, you will need to have syslogd reload it's config, after changing
this (kill -1 `cat /var/run/`). In /etc/syslogd:
# send all logging information to /dev/tty8:
*.* /dev/tty8

it's too bad apache has it's own logging mechanism, other wise, the
logging would also show up there. But pretty much everything else goes

Hope this helps you,

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, andreas [iso-8859-1] pålsson wrote:

 My question is, if it is possible to get the logging-information
 (syslog,messages) to one of the virtual consoles instead?
 There's 6 of them and I only need 3 at most, and it would be nice to see
 log-information by just pressing Alt+F6..
 Any solution or reference to documentation are welcome.
== andreas pålsson == [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

HELP: cvs problem!

1999-07-14 Thread Bruno Boettcher

i already asked on the newsgroup for cvs but got no response, perhaps my
problem is too stupid, but in any case i really need help:

i am using regularly cvs for my projects, now for the first time the
usefulness appeared clearly: an unfound bug creeped in the development that
made itself public some checkins later

since the bug couldn't be found, an old version without the bug was checked
out and brought to the state of the old project.

But now how to check this new version in as the new main tree without merging
the differences of  the buggy version?

Now i do not know if the problems are corellated, but i cannot checkin the
project on the server i get a Permission denied every time i try a ci
loooks like this:
? examples/done
? examples/cvslog
? examples/sim
? examples/
? examples/
? examples/
? examples/
Permission denied

long list before, to be noted that a subdirectory example exists, but doesn't
contain all the files mentioned (neither does the examples/CVS/Entries

now i used this repository before, so i do not understand why it doesn't work
now (perhaps it is a problem due to the upgrade to a new debian distribution
made lately...)

nevertheless, connection is made through ssh, and the permissions are set
(at least i think)
18:26:57 yoda:~$ whoami
18:26:59 yoda:~$ ssh erm1
18:32:00 erm1:~$ whoami
18:32:05 erm1:~$ echo $CVSROOT
18:32:10 erm1:~$ cd /usr/local/cvsroot
18:32:13 erm1:/usr/local/cvsroot$ 
18:32:13 erm1:/usr/local/cvsroot$ ll -d jSim/
drwxrwxr-x   7 bboett   users2048 May 15 08:29 jSim/
18:33:03 erm1:/usr/local/cvsroot/jSim$ touch test
18:33:11 erm1:/usr/local/cvsroot/jSim$ ll test
-rw-r--r--   1 bboett   users   0 Jul 12 18:33 test
18:33:13 erm1:/usr/local/cvsroot/jSim$ cvs --version

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.10.4 (client/server)
18:29:27 yoda:~$ cvs --version

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.10.4 (client/server)

so i do not understand where's the problem.
any help would really be greatly appreciated...

used system is a debian potato

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

ssl-certificate --force problems

1999-07-14 Thread Nate
Still trying to get apache-ssl working properly.

I'm trying to see if creating a new certificate will help.

When I type ssl-certificate --force I get the error:
/usr/sbin/ssl-certificate: ssleay: command not found

I have /usr/doc/ssleay and /usr/lib/ssl/lib/ssleay, but no
command 'ssleay.'

When I tinkered around with openbsd their ssleay package is a binary command
as well that generates the certificate for apache-ssl.

Why doesn't the debian ssleay or openssl have this same functionality?

I have the most current ssleay, openssl, and libssl09 installed.
Why won't this make certificates?  Thanks...

NatePuri (natedawg)   o m p a g e s . c o m 
Certified Law Student   p e r c r v t i o f i
McGeorge School of Law  e d i c a e a n m   n
Sacramento, CA  n i v e t r y   m   d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a a s e y s t u   s
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   t s d o   h n  e n   i i
UIN: 43504034 e   s t

smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
found some strange behaviour of smbmount-2.2.x, is it me or is it smb?

doing smbmount-2.2.x '\\ntserver\user' user -U user -c 'mount
/mnt/smb/user -u myname -g 0'   mounts as expected, but  touching a
file in smbmounted dir gives random   timestamps instead of actual time
looks like this:
 ls -l
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Dec  6  1985 test
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Feb 25  1911 test2
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Nov 30  1919 test3
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Mar 12  1946 test4

i run potato/2.2.9,  smbmount-2.2.x,  Version 2.0.4b; i'm able to verify
this wron timestamps throug an other linux-box that uses smbmount v2.0.2,
a WinNT-box shows also wrong but different timstamps on files above.
touching from the oter linux-box works korrekt.

what can i do?


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Fax

1999-07-14 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:

 I've installed efax, but I can only
 fax asci text.
 Is it possible to fax text in for example
 WP8 formart. Or an other format so I can
 fax letters with bold and underlined text.

Convert your file to postscript.  Read the fax manpage:

fax provides a simple user interface to the efax(1) and
   efix(1)  programs.  It allows you to send text or
   Postscript  files  as  faxes and receive, print or preview
   received faxes.  The fax help command prints a summary  of
   the possible commands.

   To  send  a  fax,  the original files need to be converted
   from ASCII or Postscript into a particular bit-map  format
   (TIFF  with Group 3 encoding).  This can be done automati-
   cally by the fax send command or you can use the fax  make
   command  to do the conversion before sending the fax.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the 
  fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 
   I Corinthians 1:9 

Re: Configuring two networks with the same interface card

1999-07-14 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 12:37:21PM +0400, Vadim Solonovich wrote:
  Hi !
 I want to set up my Debian to work with two ip addresses on different
 networks with one ethernet card.
 Asuming two different physical networks and :
 # insmod ip_alias.o
 # ifconfig eth0 netmask
 # ifconfig eth0:0  netmask
 # route add -net dev eth0
 # route add -net dev eth0:0
 # route add -host dev eth0
 # route add -host dev eth0:0
 Ping  is OK.
 # ping
 ping : sendto: Operation not permitted
 ping : wrote:  64 chars, ret = -1
 What's wrong ?

  route add -net netmask dev eth0
  route add -net netmask dev eth0:0
I have similiar setup. When you still have troubles send output of ifconfig
and route commands.


Re: Exim configuration question...

1999-07-14 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 George == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

George Set up exim as a standalone system UNABLE to deliver internet
George mail. This is an option in eximconfig and then add the one
George router listed above for LAN delivery to the one host. Any
George other mail will not find a capable router and will fail.

Should work as well. But as I only know the output of this Internet
Host eximconf option (which is also used some time ago), I opted for
it, and said 

 Remove the routers defined there and use 
 driver = domainlist
 transport = remote_smtp
 route_list = bydns_a

Both ways should work.


mozilla don't run

1999-07-14 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI

when i type mozulla in a shell i get :

bash-2.02$ mozilla
*** Registering html library
Registered Ok

but no mozilla window's opened.

is it normal ?

potato+last packages+kernel2.2.10

Re: smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-14 Thread Tom Allard

I believe this is a bug that occurs when the Windows 95 Bug Workaround is 
enabled in the kernel or kernel module.  Recompile your kernel without the 
bug workaround enabled.  For more information:


Re: new logo on

1999-07-14 Thread Kenneth Scharf
 I saw the new logo on and I'm curious..
 Exactly what is it supposed to symbolize?
 I don't have much of an artistic mind, but to me it looks like a pigs
- --
I do not care for it either. maybe there is more to the logo (as a
symbol) than we realize. For now I will stay with the Penguin, more

Hmmm...I downloaded the source from potatoe for linuxlogo (to fix what
got broken in slink with my K6 cpu) and see that it now uses the swirl.
 Wonder if I can put Tux back?  (Hey if you want that stupid bottle
have Barbra Edan (holding a penguin!) come out of the bottle instead of
the smoke!)
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

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Re: smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-14 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 01:04:51PM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
 found some strange behaviour of smbmount-2.2.x, is it me or is it smb?
 doing smbmount-2.2.x '\\ntserver\user' user -U user -c 'mount
 /mnt/smb/user -u myname -g 0'   mounts as expected, but  touching a
 file in smbmounted dir gives random   timestamps instead of actual time
 looks like this:
  ls -l
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Dec  6  1985 test
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Feb 25  1911 test2
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Nov 30  1919 test3
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Mar 12  1946 test4
 i run potato/2.2.9,  smbmount-2.2.x,  Version 2.0.4b; i'm able to verify
 this wron timestamps throug an other linux-box that uses smbmount v2.0.2,
 a WinNT-box shows also wrong but different timstamps on files above.
 touching from the oter linux-box works korrekt.
 what can i do?

From linux-2.2.10-ac5/Documentation/filesystems/smbfs.txt :)
Mount-Time Options
Windows 95 has several bugs that affect SMB operations, and smbfs includes
work-arounds for all of the bugs found (so far, at least.) These can be
enabled at compile-time with the CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 kernel option.

Unfortunately, some of the Win 95 work-arounds interact with Win NT bugs,
so if you're using several different types of servers on your network you
probably want to enable the work-arounds at mount time. To do this, answer
`N' to the CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 option, and add the needed options listed below
to the file mode argument of the mount command for the Win 95 servers.

Option  Value  Effect
Identify Win 95 Server1Enables bug fixes
Use Core Attributes   2Speeds up directory scans, only mtime
Use Dir Attributes4Alternate way to get file attributes

To apply the options, sum the values and prepend it to the file mode. For
example, to use options 1 and 2 with file mode 755, you would specify 3755:

mount /mnt/tmp -f 3755

Smbfs will print a message at mount time confirming the selected options.
Note that _only_ Windows 95 servers require special treatment; using the
core attributes option with Win NT will give trash timestamp values.

To summarize, if your network includes both Win 95 and NT servers:
(1) Do _not_ enable the CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 kernel option

(2) Add the desired work-around options to the mount command for your
Win 95 server(s).


Re: ssl-certificate --force problems

1999-07-14 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 04:04:11 -0700, Nate wrote:

Still trying to get apache-ssl working properly.

I'm trying to see if creating a new certificate will help.

When I type ssl-certificate --force I get the error:
/usr/sbin/ssl-certificate: ssleay: command not found

I have /usr/doc/ssleay and /usr/lib/ssl/lib/ssleay, but no
command 'ssleay.'

Maybe linking ssl to ssleay does the trick? I don't know, just a quick 

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

potato and dselect issues

1999-07-14 Thread shadgun
I am running a potato system, and recently when I update or install
packages through dselect, I see many errors concerning fsync and also
errors unpacking the debs. Is this limited to my system or a global issue?

Re: Fax

1999-07-14 Thread Phillip Deackes
= On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
=  Hi,
=  I've installed efax, but I can only
=  fax asci text.

Faxing from Linux works very well, but there is a steep learning curve
compared to the Windows apps like WinFAX. After a couple of years using
Linux it has only been a few months since I cracked it.

Basically, print from an application to a (postscript) file. Then enter
the following:

gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=letter.%03d
/dev/null (all on one line)

Change '' to whatever you called your printed file.


efax -d /dev/ttyS1 -o1 -t T letter.001

Change XXX to the telephone number you wish to call. Change the
serial port to match your own setup. You might need to make changes to
the efax config file for your modem. I have to run this as root, so I
add 'sudo' to the start.

To print a fax:

efix -ops -r600 -s1 letter.001 | lpr -Pprint_queue_name

I use r600 because my laser printer is capable of this resolution. YMMV.

If you use Applixware, I have a macro which will allow faxing directly
from the app, just like with Windows.

Hope this helps.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

Re: smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Mirek Kwasniak wrote:

 From linux-2.2.10-ac5/Documentation/filesystems/smbfs.txt :)

aah, i forgot to look there. but anyway, i'v 2.2.9 running. just got 2.2.10
and going to install..

 Mount-Time Options
 Windows 95 has several bugs that affect SMB operations, and smbfs includes
 work-arounds for all of the bugs found (so far, at least.) These can be
 enabled at compile-time with the CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 kernel option.

ther's no '95 around here, and i havent confiogured this support in. may be
it's default?

well, first i'll update kernel, look at docu, an try again. thanks.



1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

I love the ability to get at previous commands just by flicking the up arrow.  
But if the last 15 commands were mutt, its a little less conenient.  Is there a 
way that if the last 15  commands were ls preceded by 10 mutts amd preceded by 
three tops, then the uparrow would first show ls, then mutt and then top?
Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

Re: Exim Configuration Question...

1999-07-14 Thread Steve Beitzel
Thanks to Martin and George my mail delivery is working nicely now.



Re: .bash_history

1999-07-14 Thread Michael E. Touloumtzis
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 02:05:27PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 ... Is there a way that if the last 15  commands were ls preceded
 by 10 mutts amd preceded by three tops, then the uparrow would
 first show ls, then mutt and then top?

man bash
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

Re: mozilla don't run

1999-07-14 Thread Stuart Ballard
Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
 when i type mozulla in a shell i get :
 bash-2.02$ mozilla
 *** Registering html library
 Registered Ok
 but no mozilla window's opened.
 is it normal ?
 potato+last packages+kernel2.2.10

I don't know about normal, but I get the same thing. I also noticed
(because I ran it in the background with '') that the return code is 1,
which usually means an error. No indication of what the error is though.

On my setup I actually get registered Ok *before* I get registering
html library. Makes no sense to me though.

Anyone with any clues would be appreciated here too.


Started X11

1999-07-14 Thread Artur Correia

Thanks-a-lot for all your help.
Finally managed to start X11 - i re installed 
the whole thing, and eventually found that i've had started the ega server as 
the x server, wich, of course, made me run into a lot of trouble. So it's 
I'm sure i'll have to ask for help again. Untill 

Re: Offtopic - Amiga and Linux join forces?

1999-07-14 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Brian Servis wrote:
 *- On 13 Jul, Keith G. Murphy wrote about Re: Offtopic - Amiga and Linux 
 join forces?
  Brian Servis wrote:
  They are not making another distribution.  They are just using the
  Linux kernel, most other things will be all Amiga, of course they will
  be bound by the GPL to release any improvements they make to the
  kernel.  Read the following for more info:
  Thanks for the link.  It explains a lot.  I would quibble, however, and
  contend that this *is* yet another Linux distribution: it is a
  distribution of an OS that includes the Linux kernel.  That's a Linux
  distribution by definition, AFAIK.  Also, there's this:
  Amiga assure us that the AmigaSoft Operating
   Environment will not be just another Linux distribution.
  Meaning, in usual speech, that it is *a* Linux distribution (not *just*
  another, though).
  They're insane if they don't base it on Debian, considering the work
  that's already been done on m68k machines.  I mean, the debs are there
  and ready to be used, man!
 I think you misunderstand, I am not an expert but it doesn't sound like
 they are going to use any of the userland tools, i.e. the stuff that
 makes Debian Debian or Redhat Redhat.  They are just going to use the
 kernel which is the interface between the software and the hardware and
 is completely independent of ANY 'distribution' that is run on top of
 it.  For that matter Microsoft could choose to use the Linux kernel and
 still have the same 'distribution' as they have now.
Well, in my view, that would be a Linux distribution.  (Also not being
an expert).  It wouldn't be a GNU/Linux distribution, though.  Let's not
go on that jihad here, though.  ;-)  At one time, Tom Christiansen was
talking about doing a distribution that was a Linux kernel with BSD
tools, rather than GNU.  IIRC, he called it a Linux distribution.  (I
think he was just doing it to irritate the FSF.  Is it still an extant

If the Amiga folks are not going to use any of the GNU tools, or
dpkg/apt especially, that would be a perverse decision.  In fact, not
making it based on/compatible with m68k Debian would be perverse, seems
to me.
... if the problem persists ... get  a  3.5  ft ... length of sucker rod
and have a chat with the user in question.
-- Linux System Administration,
   SYSLOGD (8), page 7
   (Dealing with DOS attacks exploiting SYSLOGD)

Still PPP problems

1999-07-14 Thread Algernon NG
Hello there.

I still have some PPP problems (the same :( ). I killed diald, for it
did not allow ppd to connect correctly. Now i don't have that weird
defaultroute to sl0 in my routing table. I have ppp0 as defaultroute and
it is pointing to the remote ip. Still I can ping the remote ip, but I
can't do anything else. I tried to ping the name servers, nothing. Then
as I diald the same ISP with the same configuration under Win,
everything forks fine.

Anyone has any ideas what did I wrong?

Algernon NG
org:The MadHouse Project
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Head Designer  Webmaster
fn:Gergely Nagy

Re: potato and dselect issues

1999-07-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 08:37:35AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am running a potato system, and recently when I update or install
 packages through dselect, I see many errors concerning fsync and also
 errors unpacking the debs. Is this limited to my system or a global issue?

If you are referring to yesterday's potato update, you are not alone.

As apt-get was installing replacement packages, I received an
'out-of-memory' error (system has 64 MB plus 130 MB of swap).  I
suffered an extreme slowdown and wasn't sure from the error messages
whether things were getting installed or not. 

I tried to find the offender with 'ps aux' but that dumped core.  I
tried to halt the system, but that wouldn't work either.  I finally had
to hit the power switch and on reboot, the system wouldn't fsck cleanly.
A manual fsck worked, but resulted in a lot of messages which left me

'apt-get clean' doesn't indicate any problems with the installation, but
I wouldn't be surprised if there are some problems I haven't found yet.

I used 'apt-get upgrade' instead of dselect to avoid removing netscape,

I guess we occasionally need a reminder why there are warnings about
running unstable.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mozilla don't run

1999-07-14 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 12:32:33PM +, Stuart Ballard wrote:
 Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
  when i type mozulla in a shell i get :
  bash-2.02$ mozilla
  *** Registering html library
  Registered Ok
  but no mozilla window's opened.
  is it normal ?
  potato+last packages+kernel2.2.10
 I don't know about normal, but I get the same thing. I also noticed
 (because I ran it in the background with '') that the return code is 1,
 which usually means an error. No indication of what the error is though.
 On my setup I actually get registered Ok *before* I get registering
 html library. Makes no sense to me though.
 Anyone with any clues would be appreciated here too.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Run it as root once, then try to run it as a user. Odd, but it worked for me.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Diagramming Package for Linux

1999-07-14 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Does anyone know of any packages for Linux that provide the capabilities
of products like ILOG/Views or LOOX?

- Kris


1999-07-14 Thread Sera Hill
me again!  I'm having difficulty installing java-icq.  When I ran dselect on
it, dselect couldn't configure it properly.  Is there anyone else having
this problem?  Or shoudl I switch to another kind of icq?


Re: Java-ICQ

1999-07-14 Thread Robert Rati
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Sera Hill wrote:

 me again!  I'm having difficulty installing java-icq.  When I ran dselect on
 it, dselect couldn't configure it properly.  Is there anyone else having
 this problem?  Or shoudl I switch to another kind of icq?

Personally, I'd switch to another version of ICQ.  I used Java-ICQ and it
was very slow and buggy.  I've liked Licq a LOT and it's now got just
about all the functionality of the windows ICQ.  No other ICQ version that
I have seen has done that.  I currently use KIcq now because I am running
KDE, but still use LIcq when I need to do file transfers and stuff.  There
were some tricks to setting up Java-ICQ when I did it, but I don't
remember what they were, unfortunately.  Mainly getting jdk installed.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: Fax

1999-07-14 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Phillip Deackes wrote:

 = On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
 =  Hi,
 =  I've installed efax, but I can only
 =  fax asci text.
 Faxing from Linux works very well, but there is a steep learning curve
 compared to the Windows apps like WinFAX. 

hmm, learning curve?

i set up efax and was able to fax almost immediately. Is there anything
i forgot to learn?

 After a couple of years using
 Linux it has only been a few months since I cracked it.
 Basically, print from an application to a (postscript) file. Then enter
 the following:
 gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=letter.%03d
 /dev/null (all on one line)
 Change '' to whatever you called your printed file.
 efax -d /dev/ttyS1 -o1 -t T letter.001

use fax script. It's doing all the conversion for you

fax phone num ps file works just fine for me

 Change XXX to the telephone number you wish to call. Change the
 serial port to match your own setup. You might need to make changes to
 the efax config file for your modem. I have to run this as root, so I
 add 'sudo' to the start.
 To print a fax:
 efix -ops -r600 -s1 letter.001 | lpr -Pprint_queue_name
 I use r600 because my laser printer is capable of this resolution. YMMV.

you could probably save some toner using 300dpi resolution -
fax tiffg3 has something like 96dpi in normal and 192dpi in
fine resolution.

 If you use Applixware, I have a macro which will allow faxing directly
 from the app, just like with Windows.

same for lyx. If you install efax just rerun lyx configuration and
it will automatically detect fax capabilities

 Hope this helps.


Dumbterminal problem

1999-07-14 Thread Robert Rati
I've constructed a network in my home (ya I'm a geek) and just recently
hooked up a dumb terminal to the router.  I'm having an odd problem
though.  I can list dirs and things just fine from the router to the
dumbterminal.  When I go to through the router to the net, though, the
data comes back and starts getting jarbled on the screen.  I think the
problem is because the modem is running at 115200 and the dumbterminal is
running at 38400, but I'm not really sure.  Is there a way to setup flow
control so it will slow down the speed so that the dumbterminal can keep
up?  TIA


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: squid question

1999-07-14 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Shao Zhang  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Is there anyway to rebuild the index file swap.log.0 file from the 
 actual cache??

   We have accidentally removed the swap file, and we still have 32GB of 
 cache... we don't want to waste all of that...

I think that squid rebuilds that file on startup if it isn't there.
It might take a looonngg time though

Alternatively, squid should have the file open. If it's still running,
a reference to that file should be somewhere in /proc/pid/fd/fd,
you might be able to copy it from there. But then you're copying a
snapshot - by the time you restart squid to use the new file, it might
have changed and you're using an inconsistent swap.log file. That
might give a lot of strange problems.

Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers.

Re: .bash_history

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
Many thanks.  I edited /etc/skel/.bash_profile and it is much easier now.


On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 09:23:12AM -0400, Michael E. Touloumtzis wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 02:05:27PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
  ... Is there a way that if the last 15  commands were ls preceded
  by 10 mutts amd preceded by three tops, then the uparrow would
  first show ls, then mutt and then top?
 man bash
 export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

Re: Just my opinion

1999-07-14 Thread Urban Gabor
IMHO Texinfo and info is not so bad. I use emacs but read the info files
through the program info. The main advantage is that anyone can produce
very cool printouts, and no need for an overfancy web browser.

Installing Linux can be a very big challenge, but I do not want to
overstate it. My very first Debian install was bo, all in 3 hours. (No
net, no X, all dev stuff.) It went nice. My second install was hamm for a
friend, it was about 4-5 hours because he had some tricky hw gadgets. (No
net, X, important development stuff.) Most recently (last december) I
installed hamm for myself. It lasted for 5 hours, because I made some
wrong decision concerning hw settings. Though I must admit, I had 5 years
of user experience with IBM AIX.

Gabor Urban --- Lufthansa Systems Hungaria KfT 
mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel : (36)-1-431-2949 Fax :(36)-1-431-2977
I am not a cat to play with the mouse.

Wierd subject names in mutt

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

I keep finding my inbox full of subjects like A** and I suspect it started when 
I put lists debian-user in my .muttrc

Does anyone know why?

I'm pasting in a few lines:

   2 Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  12) .bash_history
   3 r   Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  12) ÀÄ
   4 O   Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  27)   ÀÄ
   5 O   Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  90) Re: Did you get my mail yesterday?
   6 Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  90) Ã*
   7 Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  93) À*  

Actually, it seems to have been mangled even further when I tried pasting.  
Usually, its lots of accented A's and symbols.

Thanks in advance.

Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

Re: M$CHAP with PPP

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Merten
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 03:27:04AM -0700, Martin Waller wrote:
 I had problems connecting to my provider with chap (but whether its the same 
 version as your chap I don't know), and I used the ppp-config to set it up 
 once all my 'by hand' efforts had failed.  It worked a charm, but I say I'm 
 not sure my provider uses your provider's version of chap.

The NT server I'm trying to connect to is definitely using the
M$CRAP^H^H^HHAP mentioned in one of the doc files included with ppp
(it's different from the standard CHAP).  To date I still haven't
managed to get this to work.

Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
New Hampshire law forbids you to tap your feet, nod your head, or in
any way keep time to the music in a tavern, restaurant, or cafe.
This signature was automatically generated with Signify v1.05.
For this and other cool products, check out

Re: .bash_history

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Merten
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 09:23:12AM -0400, Michael E. Touloumtzis wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 02:05:27PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
  ... Is there a way that if the last 15  commands were ls preceded
  by 10 mutts amd preceded by three tops, then the uparrow would
  first show ls, then mutt and then top?
 man bash
 export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

Thanks for that one!  Now I'm wondering why that wouldn't be the default

Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
A morsel of genuine history is a thing so rare as to be always valuable.
 -- Thomas Jefferson

More Net difficulties

1999-07-14 Thread Sera Hill
Whenever I try and access the net on Xwindows or a text-based program, I
can't connect to the network.  But when I'm on dselect, I can download
packages without problems.  Can anyone help me out?


Re: Wierd subject names in mutt

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Merten
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 04:44:27PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 Hi all,
 I keep finding my inbox full of subjects like A** and I suspect it started 
 when I put lists debian-user in my .muttrc
 Does anyone know why?
 I'm pasting in a few lines:
2 Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  12) .bash_history
3 r   Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  12) ÀÄ
4 O   Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  27)   ÀÄ
5 O   Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  90) Re: Did you get my mail yesterday?
6 Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  90) Ã*
7 Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  93) À*  
 Actually, it seems to have been mangled even further when I tried pasting.  
 Usually, its lots of accented A's and symbols.
Hmm, I don't think that's going to be your problem.  I use the lists setting
in my .muttrc without problems.  All it does AFAIK is allow you to use L
to reply to the list instead of the original sender.  I may be wrong.


Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --- NRA Life Member (
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder (
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to hide the bodies of
the slobs we have to kill for pissing us off ...

Re: Java-ICQ

1999-07-14 Thread John Foster
Sera Hill wrote:
 me again!  I'm having difficulty installing java-icq.  When I ran dselect on
 it, dselect couldn't configure it properly.  Is there anyone else having
 this problem?  Or shoudl I switch to another kind of icq?
Did you download the ICQ java app from and place it in /tmp ??
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173


1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

Can exim work as an IMAP server?  Or have I completely misunderstood what IMAP 
is?  Searching for imap in man exim shows nothing.

Thanks in advance.
Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

New Debian User w/ Emacs troubles

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Beeson
I recently installed Debian on my machine.  When running Emacs20, I can't
get a cursor over the text.  It works over highlighted text, inverted, etc,
but not over default text.  This makes files extremely difficult to edit.
But, it doesn't happened in any other program that I can see.  I tried
adding sw_cursor to my XF86Setup command line for X.  I tried running X in
different modes as well (8-bit, 16-bit) but nothing works.  I tried running
emacs -q --no-site-file.  Has someone encountered this problem before?  Oh,
it also does this when I run emacs over a ppp connection to another machine
which I know displays emacs correctly.  Thanks
Patrick Beeson

Re: More Net difficulties

1999-07-14 Thread John Foster
Sera Hill wrote:
 Whenever I try and access the net on Xwindows or a text-based program, I
 can't connect to the network.  But when I'm on dselect, I can download
 packages without problems.  Can anyone help me out?
Can you ping a known server from XTERM?
Can you telnet to a known server from XTERM?
Do you have Netscape installed or some other browser[Amaya,Chimera2,
Opera, Mozilla]
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Wierd subject names in mutt

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
This wierdness only seems to affect threaded replies to mailing lists so at 
least I know what the mangles subjects are.
Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

Re: Fax

1999-07-14 Thread Phillip Deackes
Oleg Krivosheev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
= hmm, learning curve?
= i set up efax and was able to fax almost immediately. Is there anything
= i forgot to learn?

I obviously lack intelligence. Coming from a Windows background I was used
to installing a Fax application from a floppy disk and printing to it from
any Windows application. Took all of 5 minutes and worked immediately. That
was my starting point. I spent a long time trying to get mgetty/sendfax
working, got more and more frustrated. I ended up finding that my modem at
the time was not supported - wrong class. Hours wasted. Tried the SuSE
implementation of Fax and got nowhere. I gave up and dual-booted into
Windows whenever I wanted to send a Fax.

Then I discovered a message sent to a list or newsgroup, just like the
message I sent to Cuno today. That was more help to me than anything else,
with some tinkering I managed to get things partially working. I was plagued
with minor problems and had to make some changes to fax itself. The process
was most definitely *not* intuitive or simple. I would say a steep learning
curve for the average person

Then there is the indignity of having to send a fax, which is a graphical
object, from the command line. That calls for a different mindset for the
average user.

=  use fax script. It's doing all the conversion for you

You see, here we go again, what is fax script? I assume you mean the command
'fax'. How does this differ from what I proposed?

I am pleased for you that you found it all so easy.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

Potato upgrade and Perl warnings...

1999-07-14 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite
I finally decided to try potato because I wanted an easy way of getting
the latest postgresql (6.5)...

I was running slink and used dselect to upgrade.

The biggest problem it seemed to find was a change in perl (DB1.85 -
DB2).  It said something about using perl-5.004 to dump the DB1.85
databases and then reload perl5.005 or use db_dump185(1) and db_load(1)
in libc6...

What is this talking about?  I only have perl loaded on my system
because some other package required it.  I am not sure what databases
this is talking about.  Any ideas?

I have seen some references to using apt to install programs.  Which
method is the best for someone who doesn't play with this stuff very
often - dselect or apt?




1999-07-14 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 14 Jul, Patrick Kirk wrote about IMAP
 Hi all,
 Can exim work as an IMAP server?  Or have I completely misunderstood what 
 IMAP is?  Searching for imap in man exim shows nothing.

No.  IMAP is a protocol for accessing mail folders on a remote machine.
Exim is just a Mail Transfer Agent(MTA) that delivers the mail to the
folders.  You need a IMAP server program like the one in the Debian imap
package to access those folders from a remote machine.  For local
reading you don't need an IMAP server, although you could access via
IMAP if you really wanted to.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Fax

1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk

The truth is that there is no fax software worthy of the name that could be 
called free.  Its worth going over to Windows when you need to send faxes as 
Linux just doesn't have a user-base whose itch can be scratched by fax 
Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

Re: Wierd subject names in mutt

1999-07-14 Thread David Wright
Quoting Patrick Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 This wierdness only seems to affect threaded replies to mailing lists so at 
 least I know what the mangles subjects are.

Exactly. It looks as if mutt is sending line-drawing chars which
something (VC/xterm etc.) doesn't know how to display. You might
set ascii_chars in .muttrc while you sort out your character sets.
This will make mutt use - | etc. from low ascii.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1999-07-14 Thread Patrick Kirk

What is the Debian IMAP package called.  A search under IMAP in dselect pulles 
up nothing.
Patrick Kirk

Captain, I cannot believe my ears! - Spock 

Basic debian package question

1999-07-14 Thread Mark Glassberg
The dosemu source packages have orig and diff in their names.  How do
these packages work together?

Re: mozilla don't run

1999-07-14 Thread Dan
Mozilla SUCKS. Netscape Nav. was so much better when I had my other systems 

To: user debian
Subject: mozilla don't run
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 14:52:32 +0100


when i type mozulla in a shell i get :

bash-2.02$ mozilla
*** Registering html library
Registered Ok

but no mozilla window's opened.

is it normal ?

potato+last packages+kernel2.2.10

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

Re: Fax

1999-07-14 Thread John Foster
Patrick Kirk wrote:
 The truth is that there is no fax software worthy of the name that could be 
 called free.  Its worth going over to Windows when you need to send faxes as 
 Linux just doesn't have a user-base whose itch can be scratched by fax 
Have any of you tried TKHylaFax? It works great for me. I'm a GUI
junkie, and proud of it.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Basic debian package question

1999-07-14 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Mark Glassberg wrote:

 The dosemu source packages have orig and diff in their names.  How do
 these packages work together?

There are several files that work together to form an overall
package.  The two you mentioned are used when building the Debian
package from the original source.

Jean Pierre


1999-07-14 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 14 Jul, Patrick Kirk wrote about Re: IMAP
 What is the Debian IMAP package called.  A search under IMAP in dselect 
 pulles up nothing.

Odd that it didn't come up. It is called imap.

dists/stable/main/binary-i386/mail/imap_4.4-4.deb but use
dists/proposed-updates/imap_4.5-0slink2_i386.deb which fixes security

If you are using apt add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb dists/proposed-updates/
replace with favorite mirror

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Wierd subject names in mutt

1999-07-14 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Wierd subject names in mutt
Date: Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 04:44:27PM +0100

In reply to:Patrick Kirk

Quoting Patrick Kirk([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hi all,
 I keep finding my inbox full of subjects like A** and I suspect it started 
 when I put lists debian-user in my .muttrc
 Does anyone know why?
 I'm pasting in a few lines:
2 Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  12) .bash_history
3 r   Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  12) ÀÄ
4 O   Jul 14 To debian-user@ (  27)   ÀÄ
5 O   Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  90) Re: Did you get my mail yesterday?
6 Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  90) Ã*
7 Jul 14 Matthew Kirkwoo (  93) À*  
 Actually, it seems to have been mangled even further when I tried pasting.  
 Usually, its lots of accented A's and symbols.
 Thanks in advance.

Those weird subjects are the threading of the mail that is done by
mutt.  Mine look more like

Re: routing problem?

How this is done is in the mutt manual.  The key to look for is 
ascii_chars or tree.

I have in my .muttrc
unset ascii_chars to show tha above display.

I would guess thæt you have set ascii_chars in yours.

Gee, the docs ARE good in debian, aren't they! 

Keyboard : Instrument used to enter errors into computer.

Re: un-umount-able hd and irqs of pci

1999-07-14 Thread Peter Allen
William T Wilson wrote:
 On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Peter Allen wrote:
  I'll try that, thanks.
  By the way, I *thought* that rather than a slot by slot basis it was
  meant to be handled by the bios, but then mine doesn't, and as it
  is an award bios at least half of all modern Pc's won't as well.
 It is supposed to be handled by the BIOS; the method the BIOS uses to
 determine who gets which IRQ is another story.
 PCI cards can safely share interrupts, provided the software supprots it.
 What model graphics card do you have?  I've heard that Riva based cards
 may have this problem, but as it doesn't affect me I don't remember the
 I think there is an X server patch, or seomthing ,that fixes this.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I've got an intel i740 AGP.  In the end I solved the problem by putting
soundcard in a different slot.  This then changed the irq.  
Apparantly Pc chips decided that no-one in there right mind would try
to use *both* the third pci slot and the agp one.  I mean, how could
use all the expansion slots.
having done that, it turns out the irq conflict (or sharing as it
looks like it is) is not the problem.
lpci or cat /proc/pci detects the card, gives all the stats for it, but 
a cat /proc/sound or cat /dev/sndstat doesn't show the card.  I tried to
remake the /dev/sndstat /dev/dsp with mknod just in case but that didn't
Any ideas?


Peter Allen

Re: Basic debian package question

1999-07-14 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 14 Jul, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote about Re: Basic debian package question
 On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Mark Glassberg wrote:
 The dosemu source packages have orig and diff in their names.  How do
 these packages work together?
 There are several files that work together to form an overall
 package.  The two you mentioned are used when building the Debian
 package from the original source.

To clarify. The 'orig' is the prestine upstream source. The 'diff' is
the diff file(see the patch man page) that adds the Debian modifications
and control files to make the Debian package.  There is also a 'dsc'
file that contains the package name, version, maintainer etc.  If you
want to build the package locally on your machine then install the
dpkg-dev package and download the three files to a common directory and
issue the command,

dpkg-source -x package.dsc

This will create a directory for the package.  Then to build it cd into
that directory and issue the commands,(you will need to make sure you
have the appropriate development libraries and headers installed)

./debian/rules binary

You will end up with the Debian package built in the parent directory.

The latest apt has an option built in to do all this for you.  Search
the list archives for discussion on how to do this.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Basic debian package question

1999-07-14 Thread Samuel R. Scarano
 The dosemu source packages have orig and diff in their names.  How do
 these packages work together?

the -orig is the pristine source code, straight from the author(s). I
believe that the -diff contains the modifications made by the Debian
maintainers to make it fit easily into Debian, as diff(1) output. If you
want to see the code used to make the actual debian package, untar the
orig, and then use patch(1) to apply the diff.

Personally, I never bother with the diffs -- I like to keep things as
simple as possible. (However, you may have to for one reason or

Re: Basic debian package question

1999-07-14 Thread Mark Glassberg
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 02:26:25PM -0400, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Mark Glassberg wrote:
  The dosemu source packages have orig and diff in their names.  How do
  these packages work together?
 There are several files that work together to form an overall
 package.  The two you mentioned are used when building the Debian
 package from the original source.

What commands are used to build the package?

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