Re: Programas y juegos para Linux

1999-09-09 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Sep 07, 1999,

 root:: Quiero  migrar de  W98 a  Linux pero  me gustaria
 root:: saber  donde  encontrar   en  Internet  juegos  y
 root:: programs para este SO

 apt-get install appindex

¿Este paquete viene con la Slink? Yo no lo tengo, :-?

¿O `apt-get' es para instalar via ftp?

 appindex te da acceso a los  índices de freshmeat de un modo
 extremadamente cómodo (mucho más que utilizando un navegador
 para  dirigirte  a  páginas  web).  Tiene  como  unos  5.000
 programas clasificados y preparados para descargar.

Pero tienes que estar en línea para utilizarlo, ¿no?

A  propósito,  se   puede  acceder  al  sevidor   de  news  de
Freshmeat. No  es complicado  configurar Inn+Suck  para varios
servidores,   y  cada   día   tienes  una   lista  de   nuevos
paquetes. Aunque,  claro,  para  mirar  las  existencias  no
vale. Solo para estar al loro.


  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-  S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]   Free Software Foundationón en Castellano Open Resources
LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: Programas y juegos para Linux

1999-09-09 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 09:12:43AM +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas dijo:
 El Tue, Sep 07, 1999,
  apt-get install appindex
 ¿Este paquete viene con la Slink? Yo no lo tengo, :-?
 ¿O `apt-get' es para instalar via ftp?
Es parte del paquete 'apt' y puedes obtener los datos de multiples fuentes
(cdrom, algún directorio local, ftp, http...)

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa | POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

¿Cuándo sale potato?

1999-09-09 Thread J. Carlos Muro
¿Alguien sabe cuándo saldrá o para cuándo se espera que salga 'potato'?

Juan Carlos Muro

Re: Montar un servidor web

1999-09-09 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Andres Herrera wrote:
 Eso son 64K solo!!!
  Creo que lo he dicho todo, no? No tienes muchas mas opciones. Otra cosa
  seria pillarte una RDSI con tarifa plana a un proveedor (ISP) que te diera
  IP fija
   con eso y un bizcocho tendrias un mini-ISP
 Ojo, mini servidor web+loqueseteocurra, pero de ahi a un ISP hay una  gran
 diferencia (dar acceso a clientes, que pasa sobre todo por tener mas
 direcciones IP y mas ancho de banda).

Con el ancho de banda no se puede hacer nada sin dinero, pero en cuanto
a lo de las direcciones IP es cosa tuya lo de montar una intranet con un
servidor proxy y/o ip masquerading

 Es este un tema interesantisimo, porque justo hoy me han confirmado que
 tengo que montar algo exactamente igual por RDSI :-)), asi que ya me
 sufrireis :-)))


Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  

Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Ajedrez On-line en Linux

1999-09-09 Thread dfm

¿Sabeis de algún juego de ajedrez de Linux para jugar on-line contra otra
gente conectada a Internet? ¿Algún otro juego on-line divertido para



Re: Coffee cup (o algo asi) y otras yerbas...

1999-09-09 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Jaime E. Villate wrote:

 Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
  Es que  aprender ahora a trabajar  con Emacs me da  una pereza...
  ¿realmente notaría  la diferencia  respecto de  Vim? Quiero decir
  que si a parte de resaltar la sintaxis, que Vim ya lo hace, voy a
  disponer de cosas que marquen una diferencia importante. No se,
  ¿qué puede hacer Emacs que no pueda hacer Vim en el tema de HTML?
 Pues admito que a vezes uso vim en vez de emacs, pero no he explorado
 bien sus capacidades y no sé si hace lo siguiente que yo encuentro
 muy útil en emacs+psgml:
 1- En el menú Modify, seleccionas Decode Characters y
inmediatamente todos los aacute; ntilde;, etc. se transfoman
en algo que se puede leer mas facilmente (á,ñ). Cuando acabas
de editar, Encode Characters te vuelve a poner todos los acentos
en código html.
 2- Después de haber escrito centertabletr...tdb...
haciendo Ctrl-c-/, te va cerrando todos los tags que están  
abiertos, en orden (/b /td /tr ).
 3- Con Ctrl-c-e te crea un par cualquier-cosa /cualquier-cosa
y puedes usar el tab para completar cualquier-cosa (entre
una lista de posibilidades).
 4- Si al comenzar un documento haces Ctrl-c-e y enter, te pone
el html, head, body y un title donde comienzas a escribir.
 5- Después de hacer por ejemplo Ctrl-c-e a, para introduzir una
anchor (a/a), tu haces Ctrl-c-+ y el te pregunta el
nombre del modificador; respondes con h TAB (forma rápida de
decir href) y te pregunta el nombre del link y automáticamente
te pone a href=link (semejante para alt, width, etc).
 Hay otros trucos, algunos que incluyen los botones del ratón, pero
 no continuo para no aburrir mucho.

Desconozco el emacs pero en vim no puedes hacer esas birgerías. Lo que
si se puede usar es asociar una macro de teclas con un filtro particular.

Por ejemplo se puede hacer eso para firmar con PGP o para encriptar con
PGP o para corregir la ortografía y para pasar los acentos a 
vocalacute; tambien se podría hacer.

El vim tiene además la capacidad de reconocer la sintaxis de muchos
lenguajes incluido el html de forma que los diferentes elementos te
salen en colores pero como ves no se acerca a las maravillas que 
acabas de comertar del emacs.

 Jaime Villate
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Nº de paquetes en Potato

1999-09-09 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Correcaminos wrote:

 Mi ultima revision me da un total de 3953 paquetes en Potato.
   ¿Me lo confirma alguien ...?
   De ser asi, creo que la gente de debian se mereceria una felicitacion
 al cumplir los primeros 4.000 paquetes :-)

Y eso en número de CD's cuanto podría ser ?

___   _ _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Consulta sobre funcionamiento de una red

1999-09-09 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   David Miranda Canet [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   sábado 10 de julio de 1999 14:18
 Asunto:   [Fwd: Consulta sobre funcionamiento de una red]
 David Miranda Canet wrote:
  Se trata de como sabe el sistema quien es el root ;por ejemplo, de una
  red de tres màquinas.
  Porque en cada màquina hay un usuario root, no. ¿Alguien puede
  Un saludo,
Si lo piensas bien, esa pregunta no tiene mucho sentido ¿no?
Como tú bien dices, en cada máquina hay un usuario root, cada
usuario root es el root de cada máquina ;D. 
Si tú haces un telnet a otra máquina y quieres entrar como root,
tendrás que poner el password de root de esa máquina, digo yo.
El problema podría estar a la hora de copiar ficheros entre máquinas
con protocolo nfs :-m, pero según me comenta mi gurú particular, puedes
hacer que los ficheros que copia el root de aquí para allá se queden con un
uid específico.

Algo similar pasa cuando llevas en un diskette un programa que has
hecho bajo root en tu máquina o cuando te bajas por ftp un programa con los
atributos de root. 
- Cuando lo copias del diskette, se eliminan los atributos de root
del fichero y pasa a ser tuyo (del usuario que lo está copiando a su cuenta,
a la que previamente ha hecho login con usuario y password). El problema
sería ejecutarlo directamente de disquete, pero justamente por eso el
mount es un comando privilegiado, y se suele poner el noexec en el mount
de los diskettes o CD-ROMs, por ejemplo.
- Al bajártelo por ftp, no se conservan los atributos de root a
menos que sea el propio root el que se baja el archivo. Pasa como con la
copia del diskette, que el fichero destino asume la propiedad del que lo

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: Ni idea de cómo empezar

1999-09-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 08 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 23:51:03 +0200, Barbwired contaba:

¿Qué debería contener un $PATH razonable de root que no deba estar en el de 
los usuarios? ¿Algún link divulgativo por ahí?

 Yo diría que el path de root  = el path de los usuario + /sbin,
 /usr/sbin y /usr/local/sbin.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Re: Ajedrez On-line en Linux

1999-09-09 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿Sabeis de algún juego de ajedrez de Linux para jugar on-line contra otra
 gente conectada a Internet? ¿Algún otro juego on-line divertido para

¿Conoces el gnuchess? En hay una sección en la que
puedes jugar contra un ordenador. Pero contra otros jugadores online, no
creo que sea posible.

Para eso, he oído que un programa llamado XBoard que hace de frontend the
permite conectarte con otros jugadores, y chatear y esas cosas.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

I use Windows, but it doesn't han... AMI BIOS 65536 KB RAM...

¡¡¡Esta grafica no quiere ser vista!!!

1999-09-09 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos.

A ver si alguien me puede echar un cable con el problema que se me presenta
a la hora de insertar un detarminado gráfico '.eps' en un documento LaTeX.

El gráfico en cuestión lo genero mediante la opción 'Export-Postcript
(color, portrait)' de Scilab, lo inserto en un doc LaTeX (parece que no me
da error ninguno) pero a la hora de verlo con el 'gv' ghostview me da el
siguiente mensaje de error:

Error: /undefined in -2147483648
Operand stack:
   (drawpolymark)   2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   589
   Execution stack:
  %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop
.runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2
%stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   5   6
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:773/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:44/200--   --dict:220/300--
--dict:44/200--   --dict:64/100--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 1406583
GNU Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

[...y así para 13 'file positions' diferentes...]

Doy los detalles de cómo lo hago y adjunto el fichero de datos 'E60_101.d'
por si algún alma caritativa que use el mismo software que yo que me haga el
favor de comprobar y si sabe de qué va el rollo que me lo digo, ¡¡estoy

  * Genero el 'eps' desde Scilab mediante:
// Carga del fichero de datos E60_101.d

// Representacion gráfica de E60_101
plotframe(rect,tics,[%f,%f],['Remota: E60_101','Dia del mes','Nivel(/m)']);

  * Lo inserto en el documento LaTeX mediante:
   \centering \epsfig{figure=E60_101.eps,width=0.6\textwidth}
   \caption{Datos E60\_101}

Gracias y perdón por el tostón y por salirme un poco de la temática de la
lista pero es que no se si no a quien preguntar, perdón de nuevo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Description: Binary data

issue e

1999-09-09 Thread jvicente
Alguno sabe donde está el script que crean estos archivos?

En Redhat estaba en /etc/rc.d/rc.local, pero anoche no lo pude encontrar en
la slink.

Re: Nº de paquetes en Potato

1999-09-09 Thread Correcaminos
Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Correcaminos wrote:
  Mi ultima revision me da un total de 3953 paquetes en Potato.
¿Me lo confirma alguien ...?
De ser asi, creo que la gente de debian se mereceria una felicitacion
  al cumplir los primeros 4.000 paquetes :-)
 Y eso en número de CD's cuanto podría ser ?

Po's ni idea: Estoy en Potato, pero actualizo mediante apt. Solo me
traigo lo que me hace falta. De todas formas, recomiendo un vistazo a
los nuevos paquetes porque viene '''de casi todo''' :)

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Re: ¡¡¡Esta grafica no quiere ser vista!!!

1999-09-09 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, sep 09, 1999 at 03:07:50 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Error: /undefined in -2147483648
 Operand stack:
(drawpolymark)   2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   589
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
 --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
 --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop
 .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2
 %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   5   6
 Dictionary stack:
--dict:773/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:44/200--   --dict:220/300--
 --dict:44/200--   --dict:64/100--
 Current allocation mode is local
 Current file position is 1406583
 GNU Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
 [...y así para 13 'file positions' diferentes...]

Sigo sin saber por qué pasa esto pero como todos los caminos conducen a Roma
y hay mogollón lo he solucionado:
   * Salvando la gráfica como formato 'xfig'.
   * Importándola desde 'xfig' y exportándola desde el como 'eps'.

¿Meigas?, más bien que Scilab no es muy fino salvando a PostScript por lo
que se ve.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Esta grafica no quiere ser vista!!!

1999-09-09 Thread Juan A. Botia Blaya
Supongo que estas usando ssh, que utiliza un proxi para redireccion de las 
ventanas. Haz:
setenv DISPLAY tu_maquina_cliente:0.0
export DISPLAY

y ya esta.

El día Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:07:50 +0200  Javier Vi uales Guti rrez escribió:
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id PAA14674
 Hola a todos.
 A ver si alguien me puede echar un cable con el problema que se me presen=
 a la hora de insertar un detarminado gr=E1fico '.eps' en un documento LaT=
 El gr=E1fico en cuesti=F3n lo genero mediante la opci=F3n 'Export-Postcr=
 (color, portrait)' de Scilab, lo inserto en un doc LaTeX (parece que no m=
 da error ninguno) pero a la hora de verlo con el 'gv' ghostview me da el
 siguiente mensaje de error:
 Error: /undefined in -2147483648
 Operand stack:
(drawpolymark)   2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   589
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--=20
 --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
 --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop
 .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2
 %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   5  =
 Dictionary stack:
--dict:773/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:44/200--   --dict:220/300--
 --dict:44/200--   --dict:64/100--
 Current allocation mode is local
 Current file position is 1406583
 GNU Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
 [...y as=ED para 13 'file positions' diferentes...]
 Doy los detalles de c=F3mo lo hago y adjunto el fichero de datos 'E60_101=
 por si alg=FAn alma caritativa que use el mismo software que yo que me ha=
 ga el
 favor de comprobar y si sabe de qu=E9 va el rollo que me lo digo, =A1=A1e=
   * Genero el 'eps' desde Scilab mediante:
 // Carga del fichero de datos E60_101.d
 // Representacion gr=E1fica de E60_101
 plotframe(rect,tics,[%f,%f],['Remota: E60_101','Dia del mes','Nivel(/m)']=
   * Lo inserto en el documento LaTeX mediante:
\centering \epsfig{figure=3DE60_101.eps,width=3D0.6\textwidth}
\caption{Datos E60\_101}
 Gracias y perd=F3n por el tost=F3n y por salirme un poco de la tem=E1tica=
  de la
 lista pero es que no se si no a quien preguntar, perd=F3n de nuevo.
 Javier Vi=F1uales Guti=E9rrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webs: ViguLinux
 PGP public key:
 Content-Type: application/octet-stream
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=E60_101.eps.gz
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Cristina Amor
Barbwired wrote:

 tanto: no regales peces, enseña a pescar. Yo creo que leer manuales es 

Pues debo ser una excepción, porque y prefiero leerme todos los
manuales. Mi único problema es que quisiera poder leerlos en dos días,
pero necesito semanas para empaparme de todo. Tengo al menos 4 manuales
que quiero leerlos a fondo (uno de ellos, el que me recomendaste de, y que luego lo encontré ya traducido e impreso, como
Manual de Instalación incluido con los CDs que compré. Es el mismo,
con el único añadido de alguna introducción y de fotos de pantallas), y
apenas las he arañado por encima al día de hoy. Sé que algunas cosas
que pregunto vienen en esos manuales, pero es que digerirlos precisa
tiempo, y preguntar es más rápido si es algo que hay que arreglar.

Y eso sin contar con la documentación en línea, que no es poca

Y hablando de documentación en línea... aprovecho para hacer una
pregunta a la lista. ¿En alguna parte existe un índice de las páginas
man? Me gustaría disponer de ese índice con la finalidad de imprimar
las páginas que me interesan de forma ordenada.


  Cristina Amormailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Página personal (algunas cosas en
  Usuaria registrada de Linux nº 130.218   Debian 2.1   Kernel 2.2.10

Re: Nº de paquetes en Potato

1999-09-09 Thread Cristina Amor
Antonio Castro wrote:
De ser asi, creo que la gente de debian se mereceria una felicitacion
  al cumplir los primeros 4.000 paquetes :-)
 Y eso en número de CD's cuanto podría ser ?

Si tenemos en cuenta que la slink son 5 CDs (al menos, la distribución
que yo me compré), y se reparte así:

3 CDs de binarios, que son algo menos de 2.500 paquetes en total.

2 CDs de fuentes.

Pues 4.000 paquetes quedarían en:

5 CDs de binarios.

3-4 CDs de fuentes, dependiendo de la proporción de paquetes GNU y
paquetes contrib, non-free, etc.

En resumen, una distribución completa de potato, tal como la ponéis en
este hilo, sería de 8 a 9 CDs, y hasta quizás incluso 10 para cuando
esté completa. 

3.800 paquetes, lo que se habla ahora, quedaría muy ajustado en 4CDs.
Lo de 5CDs es si alcanza los 4.000 paquetes.

Ojo, sólo son estimaciones mías. Después de todo, lo que no hemos
mirado es el tamaño total de ese conjunto de paquetes.


  Cristina Amormailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Página personal (algunas cosas en
  Usuaria registrada de Linux nº 130.218   Debian 2.1   Kernel 2.2.10

Re: ¡¡¡Esta grafica no quiere ser vista!!!

1999-09-09 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 A ver si alguien me puede echar un cable con el problema que se me presenta
 a la hora de insertar un detarminado gráfico '.eps' en un documento LaTeX.
 El gráfico en cuestión lo genero mediante la opción 'Export-Postcript
 (color, portrait)' de Scilab, lo inserto en un doc LaTeX (parece que no me
 da error ninguno) pero a la hora de verlo con el 'gv' ghostview me da el
 siguiente mensaje de error:
 Error: /undefined in -2147483648

Pues acabas de descubrir un bug en ghostscript:

Error: /undefined in -2147483648

No logra trabajar con números grandes, a menos que se los pongas
en la forma -2.147483648e+9
Fijate que misteriosamente con el número -2147483688 si hizo
la converrsión para punnto flotante. La versión que
tengo de gs es la 5.50 que es la mas reciente en debian, pero
creo que ya salió una versión beta de la 5.60 en el site
de aladdin (por eso para reportar el bug a aladdin será necesario
probar con la versión beta).

Te sugiero que en tu fichero E60_101.d cambies la escala de los
datos dividiendo todo por ejemplo por 1000, o entonces usa la
forma 3.4e+9 (no sé como estarán tus datos porque no llegaste a
mandar el E60_101.d).

Espero que eso te ayude a acabar tu documento latex
(y que tu impresora ya esté funcionando bien!).

Jaime Villate

evitar salida correo

1999-09-09 Thread Fernando Sanchez
¿conoce alguien alguna manera de evitar que un determinado usuario
pueda mandar correo? :-? Sin hacer una regla a mano en el, digo,
claro :-) Cómo restringir la entrada es evidente, pero la salida no se me
ocurre cómo :-?

Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 10:54:29AM +0200, Cristina Amor wrote:

   Y hablando de documentación en línea... aprovecho para hacer una
 pregunta a la lista. ¿En alguna parte existe un índice de las páginas
 man? Me gustaría disponer de ese índice con la finalidad de imprimar
 las páginas que me interesan de forma ordenada.

$ man -kr .

Mira man(1) y regex(7) para que entiendas por que funciona esto...


Re: Nº de paquetes en Potato

1999-09-09 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 Y eso en número de CD's cuanto podría ser ?

Tres de binarios (i386) y cuatro de fuentes :-) 3944 paquetes a día de hoy,
por cierto.

Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Cristina Amor wrote:
 Y hablando de documentación en línea... aprovecho para hacer una
 pregunta a la lista. ¿En alguna parte existe un índice de las páginas
 man? Me gustaría disponer de ese índice con la finalidad de imprimar
 las páginas que me interesan de forma ordenada.

Se me ocurre 

- tkman
- xman

Creo que ninguna de ellas permite imprimir directamente, pero para ver
lo que hay te valdrán.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

RE: Montar un servidor web

1999-09-09 Thread dfm

Madritel a una pequeña parte de Madrid, Ono por Valencia, y cablecat en
Cataluña creo que ya está bastante extendida, no se de más..

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 07/09/99 11:35:08

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: RE: Montar un servidor web

 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:  martes 7 de septiembre de 1999 11:05
 Asunto: Montar un servidor web

 Quiero montar un servidor web con Apache.
 El problema que tengo es c'omo puedo conseguir una direcci'on IP
 y una conexi'on con un  ancho de banda suficiente para que no sea una
 tortura acceder a las p'aginas.

 Hab'ia pensado una conexi'on por cable, pero tengo entendido que no te
dan  una direcci'on IP fija.

Una cosilla: usando servicios de redireccionamiento dinámico, no necesitas
tener una ip fija.
Visita para más info.
De todas maneras ¿hay alguna operadora de cable que esté dando servicios de
internet por cable ahora ya?

Antonio Tejada Lacaci  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 05:25:47PM +0200, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:

 Creo que ninguna de ellas permite imprimir directamente, pero para ver
 lo que hay te valdrán.

Algo así:

$ p=foo ; f=$(man -w $p)  zcat $f | $(zcat $f | grog) | gv -
$ p=foo ; f=$(man -w $p)  zcat $f | $(zcat $f | grog) | lpr

en un alias funciona muy bien...


Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Gustavo CR
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 10:54:29AM +0200, Cristina Amor wrote:

   Y hablando de documentación en línea... aprovecho para hacer una
 pregunta a la lista. ¿En alguna parte existe un índice de las páginas
 man? Me gustaría disponer de ese índice con la finalidad de imprimar
 las páginas que me interesan de forma ordenada.

Si tienes espacio en disco podrías instalar el dwww (el sistema de 
documentación de
Debian), junto con el man2html y algunas cosas más, te permitirá ver con 
navegador las páginas man, la documentación de los programas instalados, etc. 
tiene un índice y te permite búsquedas.

Para todo esto, necesitas un servidor web (apache, por ejemplo), pero ya te 
dirá el



1999-09-09 Thread Jon
Por fin me pille una capturadora,una miro PCTV.
He recompilado el kernel con los modulos para la tarjeta...
instalo los modulos de la siguiente manera:
insmod videodev
insmod i2c scan=1
insmod bttv pll=1 card=6
insmod tuner type=5

ejecuto el xawtv, y tira,pero no me encuentra canales.
alguien tiene una miro pctv? estan bien los parametros de los modulos???

en que canales tengo que buscar,hay un huevo de ellos.

 Debian/GNU  / /  (_)__  __   __
 Powered by / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
   //_/_//_// /_/\_\

Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 05:25:47PM +0200, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
  Creo que ninguna de ellas permite imprimir directamente, pero para ver
  lo que hay te valdrán.
 Algo así:
 $ p=foo ; f=$(man -w $p)  zcat $f | $(zcat $f | grog) | gv -
 $ p=foo ; f=$(man -w $p)  zcat $f | $(zcat $f | grog) | lpr
 en un alias funciona muy bien...

¿Que diferencia hay entre eso y lo siguiente?

$ man -t foo | gv -
$ man -t foo | lpr

o si quieres ahorrar papel

$ man -t foo | psnup -n 2 -pa4 | lpr


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Problemas con la autoridad

1999-09-09 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 06:28:02PM +0200, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:

  $ p=foo ; f=$(man -w $p)  zcat $f | $(zcat $f | grog) | gv -
  $ p=foo ; f=$(man -w $p)  zcat $f | $(zcat $f | grog) | lpr

 $ man -t foo | gv -
 $ man -t foo | lpr

¿malas costrumbres de uno? Supongo que es de esas cosas que uno carga de
años; en algún momento quería imprimir alguna página, y man -t no
funcionaba, pero ahora veo que sí...


Re: issue e

1999-09-09 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alguno sabe donde está el script que crean estos archivos?
 En Redhat estaba en /etc/rc.d/rc.local, pero anoche no lo pude encontrar en
 la slink.

En debian, dichos archivos estan en el paquete base-files. El único (que
yo sepa) que se modifica en los scripts de inicio es el /etc/motd.

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 ** Powered by Debian/GNU Linux **
 Linux User 140860   Machine 61143

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

donde está el identd ?

1999-09-09 Thread Agustin MuNoz
¡Ché All!

Pues lo del subject, que desde hace unos dias, supongo que en alguna de las
actualizaciones a potato con apt-get, me ha desaparecido el identd :?

zeppelin inetd[21991]: execv /usr/sbin/identd: No such file or directory

y al parecer esto me está dando problemas con el envio de correo, el smail
lo envia directamente sin usar ningún SMTP. y al enviar a algunos dominios
como o los mails no puede enviarlos dice:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 553 syntax error, please forward to
your postmaster (#5.7.1)

sintax error ??

como puedo volver a poner identd, nidea de donde está, si hago: dpkg -S ident
lo unico que me aparece es libident.

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

... Es imposible hacer algo a prueba de tontos...son demasiado ingeniosos.

GNOME en potato

1999-09-09 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, ¿alguien usa los paquetes de GNOME de potato?

Desde que actualicé GNOME a las versiones de potato tengo algunos pequeños 
problemas. El más incómodo de momento es que al arrancar GNOME no me recupera 
las preferencias de los applets del panel. ¿A alguien más le está pasando?

Un saludo,


Segmentation fault

1999-09-09 Thread Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Hola a todos,

tengo una duda: tengo la Slink instalada y con el kernel 2.2.10, el caso es
que tengo unos emuladores de nintendo que al ejecutarlos me dice:
Segmentation fault. Y no entiendo como puedo solucionar el problema, ya que
en RedHat si que me funcionaba ese mismo programa.

¿Alguien sabe la explicacion del problema y que debo hacer para solucionarlo?


Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Registered Linux user #140941

Re: ??Bugs en Netscape desde hace mil versiones y los mismos!!

1999-09-09 Thread RESET
: En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED],


Daniel:: Cuando abro una página con formularios, en la cual hay
Daniel:: campos de todo tipo, por ejemplo uno de ellos es un campo
Daniel:: de selección entre varias opciones, y otro es un campo de
Daniel:: texto, donde se escribe a mano, si por ejemplo despliego
Daniel:: el campo de selecciones para seleccionar una opción entre
Daniel:: varias


Debe de ser bug del Notescapes, porque a mí me pasa exactamente lo
mismo.  De todos modos la solución que utilizo es relativamente
sencilla: cambiar de espacio de trabajo (en el mismo escritorio o en
otro) y regresar al original.  Una vez hago eso, Notescapes me deja
escribir en el formulario.  Creo que también se conseguía elevando y
bajando la ventana (pero hace tiempo que no tengo el problema y no me
acuerdo bien).

Un saludo.



Re: Problemas varios con Gnome

1999-09-09 Thread RESET
: El día Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:39:03 +0200 , Tejada Lacaci, Antonio


Tejada:: Puedes probar el mpg123 para reproducir mp3s (¿alguien le ha 
encontrado otra
Tejada:: utilidad al X11amp distinta de generador de cores? ;D).


Hablando de lo cual... ¿alguien sabe qué demonios le ha pasado al XMMS 
(antiguo X11Amp)?  Desde hace unas tres revisiones de la libc6 ha
pasado a no arrancar directamente, después de haber estado funcionando 
bastante bien una temporada.  Lo mismo GQview.

Habrá que quedarse con GQmpeg (mpeg123), pero XMMS tiene un soporte
mucho más completo para las skins de WinAmp. :-(

Un saludo.



Re: WMDock: presentación horizontal+abajo. Como?

1999-09-09 Thread RESET
: El día Tue, 7 Sep 1999 22:14:10 +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] se animó a decir:


Cosme:: Vale. ¿Donde está el Clip?

Cosme:: No me aparece en ningún menú y no tengo ningún ejecutable
Cosme:: (aunque sí algún icono).

Es normal, porque (hasta donde yo sé) no es programa independiente.
Creo que en la configuración por defecto aparece en la esquina
superior izquierda (podría no ser así, la verdad es que no me
acuerdo): es un icono con el clip que has localizado en tu sistema y
dos esquinas marcadas como flechas que sirven para desplazarse entre
los espacios de trabajo.

Si no lo tienes es que lo has deshabilitado.  Para volverlo a traer,
con WPrefs vete a Workspace Preferences y donde pone Dock/Clip marca
el cuadro inferior.  Si utilizas wmakerconf, en la sección F/X
desmarca DisableClip.  O si quieres hacerlo a mano, en
~/GNUstep/Default/WindowMaker elimina la mención DisableClip = Yes.

Esto debería solucionar el problema.  De todos modos, estaría bien que
el Dock pudiera colocarse en horizontal (y si vamos a eso, que bajara
con doblecliquear, como sucede en AfterStep :-).

Un saludo.



Re: Ajedrez On-line en Linux

1999-09-09 Thread Netman
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 09:33:53AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿Sabeis de algún juego de ajedrez de Linux para jugar on-line contra otra
 gente conectada a Internet? ¿Algún otro juego on-line divertido para

El programa estándar para esto es el xboard. Xboard te permite entre otras

1) Reproducir una partida previamente grabada en PGN.
2) Jugar contra el ordenador, usando programas como el gnuchess o el crafty.
   Además, el crafty permite entrar en un modo de análisis.
3) Conectarte a servidores de ajedrez, auténticos clubs de ajedrez virtuales.
   Los dos más conocidos son: - de pago, aunque con una semana gratis de prueba - gratuíto.
   Para usar el xboard para esto puedes usar este alias:
   alias fics='xboard -ics -icshost -icsport 5000 -telnet
-icshelper telnet -autoflag -colorize -autosave'.

Lamentablemte, todavía no existe un modo del xboard que te permita jugar
contra otro jugador sin necesidad de que haya un icshost enmedio, al
estilo de los programas ircchess o ajedrezchat para windoze.

Salu2, Netman.

If anything can go wrong, it will.
-- Edsel Murphy
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.12

Description: PGP signature

tkirc me está volviendo loco!

1999-09-09 Thread daniel
¿Alguno usais tkirc? Si es así por favor decirme si a menudo cuando lo 
arrancais y entrais en un canal no os sale la lista de usuarios del canal y si 
intentas decir algo te dice que no estas en ese canal pero cuando te haces un 
/whois se ves que estas en el canal, cuando pasa eso tampoco funciona el 
comando /channel, etc... en fin, una solución quiero...


   Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322

Where can I get xserver-svga-3.3.3-* i386 for potato?

1999-09-09 Thread Achim Bohnet

I've a Cyper 9397 chip.  For this chip one has explicitely turn
acceleration on  (disabled due to potential problems).

Option accel

worked fine with 3.3.3-* xserver-svga but is broken in the 3.3.4-*
xserver (fine, but horrible slow without Option accel).  All
window background are suddenly transparent. Only buttons and
images are visible :(

I've checked the debian mirror and the X strike force page but
could not find an old 3.3.3 deb for potato.

Where can I find the xserver-svga 3.3.3 potato i386 deb?


To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth everytime you use it.

RE: Other KDE apt sources?

1999-09-09 Thread B. Szyszka
 KDE TDYC is currently restructured (check kde-debian mail archive at  Network traffic/load was too high.  Hopefully the
 transition will be finished RSN (tm). After that there should be
 sources available again (but there will be no sources for kde2 until
 it reaches beta status).
Really?!? That's exactly why I needed the TDYC apt source, so I can
try out KDE 2.0. When is it expected to reach beta status? What about
other apt sources out there? It's always nice to be able to try a different
site if one fails.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Re: Upgrading mail-transport-agent to postfix?

1999-09-09 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
A conflict in the debian sense, or a conflict in the one is allowed but a

A conflict in the debian sense - ie dpkg produces a conflict error
message. Just in case enyone is confused (I don't understand why
everyone seems to be quoting my old case), I will requote the error

snoopy# dpkg --no-act -i postfix_0.0.19990601-3_i386.deb
Selecting previously deselected package postfix.
dpkg: regarding postfix_0.0.19990601-3_i386.deb containing postfix:
 postfix conflicts with mail-transport-agent
  qmail provides mail-transport-agent and is installed.
dpkg: error processing postfix_0.0.19990601-3_i386.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing postfix
Errors were encountered while processing:

single smtp server running at a time conflict? I do wonder why

I would suspect that this could be a problem, but not for long.
(however, if I could install both qmail and postfix, it would enable me
to transfer one stage at a time, instead of everything at once. I have
a few non-standard things in my setup (eg fidonet), that I am not 100%
sure of under postfix).

sendmail-purge qmail-install did not work for Brian, but to have both qmail
and sendmail on the same computer seems a little dangerous. :)

This was sometime ago (perhaps the first Debian version), so it
might be different now. I hope nobody was confused when reading
my original message, I previously upgraded sendmail to qmail, but
that is now history. I now want to upgrade **qmail** to **postfix**.
I repeat. I now want to upgrade

qmail - postfix

Anyway, the point is that I do encounter the problems when trying to
upgrade qmail -- postfix. I quoted the dpkg error message, above, and
in my previous message. 

I am not sure what you mean, sendmail-purge, qmail-install. I will
translate that to qmail-purge postfix-install. Perhaps,
I should create my own apt-source directory with the slink
package for postfix, and use apt instead of dpkg? However, that
seems excessive.

snoopy# dpkg --no-act --purge qmail
dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of qmail:
 ezmlm-idx depends on qmail.
 ifmail depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 mutt depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 inn depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 mailx depends on smail | mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package smail is not installed.
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 elm-me+ depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 newsgate depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 ifgate depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 anacron depends on smail | sendmail | mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package smail is not installed.
  Package sendmail is not installed.
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package qmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
dpkg: error processing qmail (--purge):
 dependency problems - not removing
Errors were encountered while processing:

I don't want to have to uninstall all of these packages (except
perhaps ezmlm-idx which might not work with postfix).

snoopy# dpkg --no-act --purge qmail -i postfix_0.0.19990601-3_i386.deb
dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of
the files they come in

(obviously dpkg is trying to purge packages named qmail, -i, and
postfix_0.0.19990601-3_i386.deb, hence I conclude that I cannot
remove one package and install another in an atomic operation
using dpkg)

I could run dpkg with --force-conflicts, despite the claim:

WARNING - use of options marked [!] can seriously damage your installation.

I don't think replacing qmail with postfix will break anything, unless
I somehow break my mail configuration.

Description: PGP signature

RE: Startup hangs because of bad partition

1999-09-09 Thread B. Szyszka
 try mounting our /usr partition - some editor should be there...

Yep, that's exactly what I did. Noticed /usr wasn't mounted so I mounted
it and was able to use an editor. Everything is fine now. Thanks everyone.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Re: Where can I get xserver-svga-3.3.3-* i386 for potato?

1999-09-09 Thread Marcin Kurc
Maybe try to download binaries for SVGA 3.5 and repleace with the one that 
comes with 3.3.4 package.

On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 01:05:17AM +0200, Achim Bohnet wrote: 
 I've a Cyper 9397 chip.  For this chip one has explicitely turn
 acceleration on  (disabled due to potential problems).
 Option accel
 worked fine with 3.3.3-* xserver-svga but is broken in the 3.3.4-*
 xserver (fine, but horrible slow without Option accel).  All
 window background are suddenly transparent. Only buttons and
 images are visible :(
 I've checked the debian mirror and the X strike force page but
 could not find an old 3.3.3 deb for potato.
 Where can I find the xserver-svga 3.3.3 potato i386 deb?
 To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
 a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
 You discover truth everytime you use it.

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: Zombie process using pppd

1999-09-09 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 09:47:19PM +0200, Laurent PICOULEAU wrote:
 On Wed, 08 Sep, 1999 ? 08:30:35AM -0400, Mark Buda wrote:
   Alex == Alex V Toropov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Alex In what situation process becomes Zombie ?
  When a process exits, it can return an exit status code to its parent
  process. The parent process retrieves this exit status code by
  invoking the wait() system call. A zombie process is a process that
  has exited, but whose parent hasn't used wait() to get its exit status
  code yet. It isn't doing anything, it's just there in the list of
  processes, waiting to be wait()ed for, unable to really die until that
  Eventually, even if the neglectful parent process never wait()s for
  it, it will go away, for this reason: When a parent process exits,
  init (process id 1) inherits all its child processes. And one of
  init's less well-known jobs is wait()ing for orphaned zombie
 Is there a way to determine the neglecting parent of a zombi ? Such as to be
 able to kill the parent if it's not a necessary program and letting init
 inherits the zombi process.


ps axuf

- gives you a nice process tree

just a thought



Marcin Owsiany

Re: Zombie process using pppd

1999-09-09 Thread Peter Ross
On 09-Sep-1999, Marcin Owsiany [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 09:47:19PM +0200, Laurent PICOULEAU wrote:
  On Wed, 08 Sep, 1999 ? 08:30:35AM -0400, Mark Buda wrote:
Alex == Alex V Toropov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Alex In what situation process becomes Zombie ?
   When a process exits, it can return an exit status code to its parent
   process. The parent process retrieves this exit status code by
   invoking the wait() system call. A zombie process is a process that
   has exited, but whose parent hasn't used wait() to get its exit status
   code yet. It isn't doing anything, it's just there in the list of
   processes, waiting to be wait()ed for, unable to really die until that
   Eventually, even if the neglectful parent process never wait()s for
   it, it will go away, for this reason: When a parent process exits,
   init (process id 1) inherits all its child processes. And one of
   init's less well-known jobs is wait()ing for orphaned zombie
  Is there a way to determine the neglecting parent of a zombi ? Such as to be
  able to kill the parent if it's not a necessary program and letting init
  inherits the zombi process.
 ps axuf
 - gives you a nice process tree
Also try 


New Xterm wont run.

1999-09-09 Thread Edward Murray

 After having just installed the new
3.3.4-2 version of xterm it no longer runs. Nor does rxvt or
wterm. Everything else seems to be o.k. I have read the README.Debian file
for xterm and it does not seem to have any answers. Could anybody give
me any help on this please?
Ed Murray ___
Highland Network Services /o \ /|
+ 061 2 94162140 \___/ \|

Re: Where are my copy buffers?

1999-09-09 Thread Brad

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, David Blackman wrote:

 I'm want to start writing perl  c programs that actually do stuff. What
 I'm wondering is this: 
 When I'm in X windows, and I highlight something, where does it go (I
 know to the clipboard), but is that an actual file I can access?

No, it's not an actual file. X actually has several types of selections.
Oddly enough, even though one is named CLIPBOARD, the standard clipboard
functionality is involved with selection PRIMARY.

When an application wants to own the selection, it calls
XSetSelectionOwner with the proper arguments.

Later on, when an application wants to get the value of that selection, it
calls XConvertSelection. This sends the selection owner a SelectionRequest

The first application recieves the SelectionRequest event, telling it who
wants the selection and what format it wants. It therefore sets a property
on the second's window and sends the second a SelectionNotify event. If it
can't comply for some reason, it sends a SelectionNotify event with the
property set to None.

The requestng application recieves the SelectionNotify event, and if the
property isn't None it can then retrieve the data with XGetWindowProperty.

Eventually, someone else will try to own the selection, and the current
owner will recieve a SelectionClear event.

Read the xbook on X11/Xlib for more info. Also, note that the various
toolkits may provide wrappers for all this. For an example, look at the
manpage Tk::selection(3pm), from the perl-tk package.

 When I'm on the console and I highlight something, where does it go?
 Is it a file I can access?

This one i don't know...

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: New Xterm wont run.

1999-09-09 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 01:52:12AM +, Edward Murray wrote:
 After having just installed the new3.3.4-2   version of xterm it
 no longer runs. Nor does rxvt or wterm. Everything else seems to be o.k.
 I have read the README.Debian file for xterm and it does not seem to
 have any answers. Could anybody give me any help on this please?

Ed, we gotta have error messages to help... :) it would also help to have
what version of debian you are using, how well-kept-up it is, etc..

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

dselect-upgrade error...

1999-09-09 Thread Eric G . Miller
Just last night I started having this problem with dselect. It fails
when running the INSTALL.  apt-get works fine, provided I don't use the
dselect-upgrade option.  Any clues?

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
/usr/lib/dpkg//methods/apt/install: line 41:  7398 Segmentation fault
$APTGET $OPTS dselect-upgrade
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

Re: CD player question

1999-09-09 Thread David Cureton
Hi Micheal,
Generally CD roms play audio cd's in the following way.

The CD-ROM reads the disk at 1x speed and converts the data to a audio signal 
via the internal DAC.

The audio output of your CD-ROM should be connected to your sound card via a 
wire seperate from the power cable and the IDE or SCSI cable.

The soundcard used this audio signal as just another analog  audio source and 
feeds it into the audio mixer just before the speaker outputs. The soundcard 
does NOT do any manipulation of the audio signal in the digital domain. (Basic 
soundcard here)

Therefore your soundcard and CDROM may be doing as they should but are missing 
the audio connection between them. You may have to puchase such a wire and 
install it. 

You can verify you CDROM is working correctly by pluging in headphones to the 
jack on the front of the unit. Using the software of choice command your CD-ROM 
to play an audio the CD. If you hear music you CD-ROM is OK. Look at the 
connection or the soundcard.

Cheer David


 Could anyone please explain to me how the CD players put out the music?
 It seems I'm having a problem with the sound card on one of my systems. I
 have one with a isapnp Sounblaster that works fine. For instance I can use
 play to play wav files, splay for MP3s, saytime tells me how late it is and
 xfreecd as well as gtcd play the CD. The only thing that doens't seem to
 work is emusic. But I didn't try more than just hitting PLAY on emusic so
 there is a lot of room for missing configuration on my part.
 My other system using an es1370 chip set PCI card that is (wherever
 possible) identically configured. I have no problem playing WAVs and MP3
 with play resp. splay. But that's about it. None of the CD players gives me
 any output. But I also get no error message at all. And saytime produces
 some static in the speaker. Now saytime uses /dev/audio while play/splay use
 /dev/dsp, so this may explain thsi difference. but why doesn't /dev/audio
 work? And why do all the CD players not say a word?
 As a last note on teh PCI system all works well when using M$. Good sound
 from the CD.
 P.S.: Please CC me on replies.
 Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
 Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
 Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
 Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: some Xemacs21 Q

1999-09-09 Thread Micha Feigin
Is there a way to make this global so it atomaticly starts when I load a C
file (or any other language it works with)?

On 8 Sep 1999, Mike Fabian wrote:

 Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I was wondering how to active some options under xemacs21:
  How do i enable a menu under c that shows me the functions in the file? I
  saw it done on some other computer and i din't kfind how to do it here.
 M-x function-menu
 Termuehlenweg 2, D-40885 Ratingen-Lintorf, Telephone: +49(0)2102/893130

Re: StarOffice freezing problems with potato

1999-09-09 Thread Brad

Today, i noticed libc6 version 2.1.2-1 on the mirrors. Nothing is
mentioned in the changelog, but my initial testing indicates that SO no
longer freezes when printing. Presumably, then, other threaded
applications which use the system(3) call will also work again.

Can anyone confirm this?

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


laptop advice

1999-09-09 Thread Matthew Dalton
Hi there,
I am thinking of buying a laptop, probably second hand, with the
intention of running linux only. Does anyone have any experience with
installing and using linux on laptops? Can anyone recommend any
particular laptop brands/models for running linux? What can I do to make
sure that any laptop that I buy will be useable with linux? (for
example: tests I can run on the laptop while in the shop, useful tools -
tomsrtbt?, etc...)


Re: IMAP problems

1999-09-09 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
I don't know if it is still in the bug tracking system but I got a report
like this once before from a user.  The solution was to upgrade to imap
4.5.  (Which is in potato but easy to recompile for slink.)


On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Pontus Lidman wrote:

 At my work we have an slink box running imap 4.4-4, and some WinNT
 machines with Outlook clients. The Outlook clients connect every minute to
 the IMAP server to check for new mail. inetd starts an imapd process for
 that. For some reason, the processes never terminate; when I got to work
 this morning the server box was almost unusable because of Too many open
 files, and there were hundreds of imapd processes on it.
 Is this a bug in imapd or in Micros~1 Outlook, and what can I do about it?
 Any advice would be appreciated. Please Cc: me as I'm not subscribed to
 this list.
 Pontus Lidman

Re: laptop advice

1999-09-09 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 12:57:22PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote:
 Hi there,
 I am thinking of buying a laptop, probably second hand, with the
 intention of running linux only. Does anyone have any experience with
 installing and using linux on laptops? Can anyone recommend any
 particular laptop brands/models for running linux? What can I do to make
 sure that any laptop that I buy will be useable with linux? (for
 example: tests I can run on the laptop while in the shop, useful tools -
 tomsrtbt?, etc...)

Matthew, if I recall correctly, there is even a debian-laptop mailing list!

See if you can buy the thing without an OS, since that should save roughly
$190 on Win98... :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: laptop advice

1999-09-09 Thread Matthew Dalton
Seth R Arnold wrote:

 Matthew, if I recall correctly, there is even a debian-laptop mailing list!

Coolness!! I'll check it out.

 See if you can buy the thing without an OS, since that should save roughly
 $190 on Win98... :)

Well, I'll probably buy second hand, so I'll be putting up with whatever
is installed on it. Rest assured though, if it be Windows, then it be
deleted ;)


help with building mod-perl

1999-09-09 Thread Iain Lamb
hello debian-users, it's good to be here!

i could use some help getting mod-perl working.

i've just subscribed to this list, so i am aware only of its
archived state only up to '18:22 GMT Tue Sep 07'; apologies if
somebody has made a recent inquiry into this.

i'm using ' unstable' as my apt source
and have encountered the following 'dependency/conflict' problem in dselect:  

libapache-mod-perl depends on apache-common ( 1  .3.7-0)

i want to get mod-perl working, so i reasoned perhaps the best thing
to do would be to build it myself.

i installed the apache-dev package and downloaded
mod_perl-1.21.tar.gz (from

gleaning what i can from the description of what comes with apache-dev
and given that i already .debs for apache and apache-common installed,
i'm guessing the best thing to do is use apxs to build it.

so i tried the following:

perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/usr/bin/apxs EVERYTHING=1

which gives me a warning:

Note (probably harmless): No library found for -ldbm

then, upon doing a make, i get the fatal error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lgdbm: No such file or directory

what am i missing?  i tried installing libgdbmg1, libmldbm-perl, even

thank you for any help,

/iain lamb

p.s. also, can somebody tell me what the apaci executable in
/usr/doc/apache-dev is for and when / if / how to use it?

re: laptop advice

1999-09-09 Thread Koyote
 I am thinking of buying a laptop, probably second hand, with the
 intention of running linux only. Does anyone have any experience with
 installing and using linux on laptops? Can anyone recommend any
 particular laptop brands/models for running linux? What can I do to make
 sure that any laptop that I buy will be useable with linux? (for
 example: tests I can run on the laptop while in the shop, useful tools -
 tomsrtbt?, etc...)

  Step one is to look through the HOWTO's and MINI HOWTO's- some truly valuable 
in there.
 Second- you really want to load from CD- Option one is to use a pcmcia cdrom 
port cd's appear to require drivers that you don't have in the base disk 
  You MUST have a floppy on board to boot form, and it's nice to have for 
operations. (This is my experience so far, and is based on the fact that most 
older laptops 
don't have bootable cdroms).
  I've had good experience with the Thinkpad from IBM (I'd advise either a 755 
or later 
 An onboard cdrom is a waste of battery time and money- I think. Used laptops 
cost a lot 
more with cd's than without. (and a pcmcia cdrom can be had for $60 if you are 
  The IBM thinkpad series also accepts the wonderful DOCK-II docking station, 
which has 
a fully supported adaptec aha152x (sp?) scsi controller and installing from 
cdrom on one of 
these is easy. (scsi cdroms are *sweet*).You also have an open bay and an open 
spot on 
your internal scsi cable.  This also has two open isa slots and two additional 
pcmcia slots. 
  The removable hard drive (on mine, a 755CE, it's a 540meg) is easy to replace 
and hard 
drives can be had- in the thinkpad casing, for 3040 bucks.
  There are also (big bennie) some hacked video modes for X that work well.

  The major downside is that thinkpads use mwave sound/modem cards. These are 
not supported under linux, though work is being done on that. There is a hack 
for linux 
involving a special boot floppy which will get the sound working, but the modem 
is a no-go.
  I'm to be testing an NEC versa V series as soon as the rest of the parts 
arrive- research 
indicates that there won't be a problem with it, but Thinkpad 755/760 series 
laptops and 
parts tend to run a bit less (money), and with higher performance, on ebay at 

 The seller for me is the engineering of the Docking station- having the 
capability to put a 
complete scsi based desktop together (I have a scsi cdrom, 5430 meg scsi drive, 
modem, keyboard, trackbal and old cast off crystal scan monitor- grand total 
$120) .


__register_frame_info : undefined symbol

1999-09-09 Thread Peter Mickle
hi users/readers,

thanks for helping with removed previously. if anyone can help
with the following problem, i would be very grateful.

i am trying to run a CAD program named Octree which many linux users needing
CAD use, i have worked through some shared library -  libtermcap -
problems with help from this list and the octree list, and i now receive the
following error message when trying to launch the program:

$ /usr/local/octre/bin/Linux/2.0g/ix86/graphics: error in loading
shared libraries: undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

octree (via a posting to dejanews) suggested a that this symbol belongs 
to one of the* libraries, but 

$ nm/usr/lib/libstdc++* | grep __register_frame_info

returns*: no symbols  for 9 different libraries. if i

$ nm /usr/lib/lib* | grep __register_frame_info,

another +/- 40 libraries return  *: no symbols.

i have checked on various lists and it seems there are refernces to
__register_frame_info, but i am unable to correctly determine what to do.

i am running slink/2.0.36, and i reinstalled libstdc++2.9-dev_2.91.60-5

any ideas will be appreciated, and if this is a simple problem arising from
simple ignorance, then, apologies from a new user. thanks very much, peter

insert a blank page in a ps file

1999-09-09 Thread Shao Zhang
Is there any easy way to insert an extra blank page after
each page in a PostScript file?

Say I have a ps file with pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I want to format it to a new ps file with the following pages:
1 blank 2 blank 3 blank 4 blank 5 blank 6 blank 7 blank

Thanks in advance.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Boot hangs at 'Starting PCMCIA services: modules' on ThinkPad i1476

1999-09-09 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Earlier I wrote:

Dear friends,
I've installed a dual-boot system (hamm/that other OS) on a brand-new
ThinkPad i1476 without any trouble, but the first boot hangs on
Starting PCMCIA services: modules
I'm suspecting that the built-in Lucent Win Modem is wrecking havoc,
but don't have a clue as to how to fix this.  I'd appreciate any sug-
BTW, I'll try with slink tomorrow, but am not very optimistic that
that will solve the problem.
Please reply directly as I don't subscribe just yet,  Haven't figured
out how to split incoming mail with Outlook Express ... doubt if I'll
ever bother when Debian boots OK.
Thanks in advance,

I've tried with slink without much success.  However, I noticed that
booting slink with the hamm kernel does not try to start PCMCIA, so I
could get at a boot prompt.  Moved /etc/init.d/pcmcia to somewhere
else and rebooted with the slink kernel.  BTW, I'm using loadlin to

Some experimenting showed that the pcmcia script hangs while trying to
load the i82365 module.  Inserting and removing a PCMCIA card in the
top slot causes it to continue.  Things seem to work OK, so far.

I have been looking at /var/log/messages to see if I can find out what
is causing the hang, but I'm afraid that is a little beyond me.  If
kind folks in the know would care to help me out, I'd appreciate it.
Olaf Meeuwissen
Where there's no walls, who needs windows?
Where there's no fences, who needs gates?

Problems with mount and kernel 2.2.10

1999-09-09 Thread Rogerio A. de Paula
In an earlier email, I asked about a problem that I run across related to
an incompatibility between Kernel 2.2.x (x7) and mount. I was advised to
update (rather than just recompile) the mount to potato (thanks!), however
it did not work. I updated the libraries, mount with all dependencies, but
I still getting a warning message that the version of mount is older than
the kernel. In addition, NFS gets starts sending tons of messages for
whatever it does. 

I'd appreciate any information or clue to help to fix this problem. 

- rogerio.
 Rogerio Abreu de Paula   
 Graduate Student 
 phone: 303 492-8136

IBM Thinkpad 560 - Nothing but problems installing (I got CDs today)

1999-09-09 Thread John Miskinis


I got the debian 2.1 CDs today.  I got peanut linux somewhat working
over the last few days, saw KDE, really cool.  I have been having
NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS INSTALLING debian 2.1 today/tonight.

No matter what I do, it won't see my CDROM during the install.  It
says Oh, I see you have a /dev/cdrom, but it doesn't see the
darn thing.  I have the H45 QuickCD PCMCIA version.  When I
boot up from /hda5 the base system comes up, and the darn CD
spins up for a couple seconds (?) and mentioned that tray
error.  I can't understand how it sees the CD.  During the
install, the PCMCIA config fails regarding an /sbin/cardmgr error.

I have been able to make rescue/driver disks OK.  I even got the
base system installed, by copying the stuff over to my C: drive
using windows 95.  I got the base system running OK.  I got it
to boot from /dev/hda2 which contains /dev/hda5 (native linux)
and /dev/hda6 (swap).

I chose Standard Development System so as to avoid the deselect
selecting stuff.  I do not know how to get back to this, so every
time I try, I have been starting from scratch.  I wish I knew
how to get to the point where it offers those choices again.

I also tried copying the WHOLE CD (#1) to c:/debian.  It can see
a couple things like dists/slink/main but refuses to see where
the contib and local stuff is.

TO USE THIS H45 QUICKCD?  I think it's messing up because it
is spun down until needed, and times out(?).

Where do I go from here.  I do not mind starting from scratch.  I
have already wiped out Windows95, and re-installed it about a
dozen times in the last week or so, learning about how to
correctly use fdisk (on both OSes).  It takes me several hours
each time, to get back, and back on the net.

Help anyone?

Determined John

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: StarOffice freezing problems with potato

1999-09-09 Thread Steve Mayer

  I noticed the SO print issue being resoved with the 2.1.2-pre12 libc6
  package.  Hopefully it will stay fixed!G


On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 09:50:59PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 Today, i noticed libc6 version 2.1.2-1 on the mirrors. Nothing is
 mentioned in the changelog, but my initial testing indicates that SO no
 longer freezes when printing. Presumably, then, other threaded
 applications which use the system(3) call will also work again.
 Can anyone confirm this?
 - -- 
   finger for PGP public key.
 Version: 2.6.3ia
 Charset: noconv
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: IBM Thinkpad 560 - Nothing but problems installing (I got CD

1999-09-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Sep-99 John Miskinis wrote:
 I got the debian 2.1 CDs today.  I got peanut linux somewhat working
 over the last few days, saw KDE, really cool.  I have been having
 NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS INSTALLING debian 2.1 today/tonight.

Did you use the Tecra rescue disk?  It worked on my 560


RE: IBM Thinkpad 560 - Nothing but problems installing (I got CD

1999-09-09 Thread John Miskinis


Yes, I was under the impression that I had to use the tecra
versions of rescue and drivers.  This got me up and running
with the base system.  I will try ANYTHING though if you
think this might be effecting the CDROM access.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

IBM Thinkpad 560 - Will this CDROM and adapter be better to try?

1999-09-09 Thread John Miskinis


I also have a JVC SCI CDROM (reader/writer) that I use with
a PCMCIA Bus Toaster SCSI-adapter, which is MUCH more reliable
(at least on Windows 95) as it stays spun up, and hardly ever gets
an error like the H45 Quick CD.

The reason I haven't tried this yet is that no one responded to
my post a while back.

ALSO, I noticed the message about the Thinkpad and modem.  I have
a Hayes Optima 336 data/fax card.  I was hoping to use this on
linux when I get a PPP ISP and get off AOL.  Am I to understand
that this won't work on linux on a THinkpad 560?


Get Your Private, Free Email at

RE: IBM Thinkpad 560 - Nothing but problems installing (I got CD

1999-09-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Sep-99 John Miskinis wrote:
 Yes, I was under the impression that I had to use the tecra
 versions of rescue and drivers.  This got me up and running
 with the base system.  I will try ANYTHING though if you
 think this might be effecting the CDROM access.

I remember now that I was only able to install Hamm via a network card to
my other machine, which has a CDROM drive.  I could not do this with Slink,
so after the base disks were installed, I finished installing Debian via


A bug in a menu entry ?

1999-09-09 Thread shaul
My slink system has the following entry in its menu system:

[07:49:18 shaul]$ grep pstree .fvwm2/menudefs.hook 
+ pstree Exec /usr/bin/X11/xterm -T pstree -e /usr/bin/pstree
[07:53:10 shaul]$

The problem is that the xterm that is showing the pstree is closed immediately 
after pstree has terminated, which makes this entry useless.
Am I right ?

I tried to find an xterm switch which will instruct the xterm to stay even 
after the pstree has terminated, but I could not find one. Is there something 
of the sort ? Another option I tried is to modify the entry for something like

 + pstree Exec /usr/bin/X11/xterm -T pstree -e /usr/bin/pstree | less

However, it does not work. Is there a way to solve it in this way ?

The xterm manpage says that:

 -e program [ arguments ... ]
This option specifies the program (and its command
line arguments) to be run in the xterm window.  It
also sets the window title and icon name to be the
basename of the program being executed if  neither
-T  nor  -n  are  given on the command line.  This
must be the last option on the command line.

Doesn't that makes the -T option above redundant ? Another thing about the -T, 
which is also taken from the xterm manpage is:

  The following command line arguments are provided for com-
patibility with older versions.  They may not be supported
in  the  next  release  as the X Toolkit provides standard
options that accomplish the same task.

. . .

  -T string
This option specifies the title for  xterm's  win-
dows.  It is equivalent to -title.

Re: insert a blank page in a ps file

1999-09-09 Thread Jon Leonard
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 02:05:15PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
   Is there any easy way to insert an extra blank page after
   each page in a PostScript file?

I'm not aware of a general tool for doing it, but you basically want to
put an extra showpage after every page.  For DSC compliant documents,
you should be able to put them before the lines starting %%Page: (except
the first) and one at the end of the file.

Sort of like this:

%%Page: 2 2
 more stuff

Check your results with gs before wasting paper, of course.

There's probably a program that'll do this for you, if only by merging with
a document consisting of lots of blank pages.

Note that in the general case this isn't possible, because PostScript files
are really programs, and can do all sorts of things -- most documents just

   Say I have a ps file with pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   I want to format it to a new ps file with the following pages:
   1 blank 2 blank 3 blank 4 blank 5 blank 6 blank 7 blank
   Thanks in advance.

Hope this helps,

Jon Leonard

Re: IBM Thinkpad 560 - Nothing but problems installing (I got CDs today)

1999-09-09 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, John Miskinis wrote:


Hi again John.

I installed Debian 2.1 to my Thinkpad 560 using a Dlink ethernet adapter
on a T1 line. The pcmcia-cs package included in the base install
automagically detected the card and set it to eth0.

 No matter what I do, it won't see my CDROM during the install.  It
 says Oh, I see you have a /dev/cdrom, but it doesn't see the
 darn thing.  I have the H45 QuickCD PCMCIA version.  When I
 boot up from /hda5 the base system comes up, and the darn CD
 spins up for a couple seconds (?) and mentioned that tray
 error.  I can't understand how it sees the CD.  During the
 install, the PCMCIA config fails regarding an /sbin/cardmgr error.

/dev/cdrom is usually just a symbolic link. It sounds like a problem with
detection and configuration of the interface card. I suggest trying the
other drive with the SCSI card. Then, you'll need to look at the messages
from pcmcia-cs (either using 'dmesg' or 'cat /var/log/messages') to see if
the drive is identified and given a device address. I think the /dev/cdrom
link is probably a red herring.

As always, good luck.

Cheers. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: A bug in a menu entry ?

1999-09-09 Thread Brad

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, shaul wrote:

 My slink system has the following entry in its menu system:
 [07:49:18 shaul]$ grep pstree .fvwm2/menudefs.hook 
 + pstree Exec /usr/bin/X11/xterm -T pstree -e /usr/bin/pstree
 [07:53:10 shaul]$
 The problem is that the xterm that is showing the pstree is closed
 immediately after pstree has terminated, which makes this entry
 useless. Am I right ?

Yeah, i think you're right. File a bug report against pstree, if one
hasn't been filed already?

 I tried to find an xterm switch which will instruct the xterm to stay
 even after the pstree has terminated, but I could not find one. Is
 there something of the sort ? Another option I tried is to modify the
 entry for something like
  + pstree Exec /usr/bin/X11/xterm -T pstree -e /usr/bin/pstree | less
 However, it does not work. Is there a way to solve it in this way ?

Note that you should copy the menufile (/usr/lib/menu/psmisc) to
/etc/menu, and edit the command in there. This way, your changes won't be
clobbered the next time update-menus is run.

Here's a hack that seems to work:
  /usr/bin/X11/xterm -T pstree -e sh -c '/usr/bin/pstree; head -1;'

However, it seems things can be fixed in a much more elegant way. The
menufile for pstree has two entries, one needs=text and one needs=x11. It
seems that placing the needs=x11 entry before the needs=text entry in that
file fixes the problem nicely.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: IBM Thinkpad or a Toshiba?

1999-09-09 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 09 Sep 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:
 A friend is thinking of buying a new laptop and putting Debian on it.
 Have you any recommendations on which one to get?  He is currently
 vacillating between getting the IBM Thinkpad and getting a Toshiba.

I'm using Debian on a Toshiba Satellite 4000CDT and am happy with it. In
fact I use it as an alternative to a desktop, with an external keyboard
and monitor. 

For details about setting it up, see my website:


Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

IBM Thinkpad 560, tried JVC drive, can't install BUT SEEN AT BOOTUP

1999-09-09 Thread John Miskinis


I just tried everything again from scratch.  This time I used
the JVC SCSI CDROM, with the New Media Bus Toaster PCMCIA-SCSI card.

Again, I could not use the CDROM for install.  I configured just
about all of the SCSI device drivers, and PCMCIA controller.  Now
when I boot, I see some info about the JVC drive though:

It mentions the aha152x adapter BIOS test passes, detected 1 contoller
It Identifies the JVC correctly as an XR-W2040.  IRQ=3 SCSI ID=7
Detected SCSI CD-ROM at scsi0 channel0 ID3 LUN0

I can't mount /dev/cdrom (or even /dev/hda1) complains about no fstab
entry.  The peanut linux I had running would at least allow me
to mount C: by mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /DOS.

2 questions:

Is there a way I can get back to where I choose Standard Development
packages ?

Is there a way to mount /dev/hda1 and /dev/cdrom without an fstab
entry?  If not, what is the syntax of the fstab entry I should

Thanks for any help,


Get Your Private, Free Email at

KDevelop in potato, anyone?

1999-09-09 Thread Bob Bernstein
Has anyone been able to build and run on potato the kdevelop 1.0 beta source,
in any of its incarnations? Here's the gist of two messages I've left on the
kdevelop list; they languish there uncommented upon.

-- snip ---

I have just built from cvsup sources the current kdesupport, kdelibs, kdebase
from the KDE_1_1_BRANCH. They built, thankfully, without incident and appear
to run just fine.

kdevelop was then built from the KDEVELOP_1_0 branch. All it wants to do is
seg fault. This same behaviour is displayed whether I build from the
kdevelop19990906.tar.gz snapshot, or from the kdevelop-1.0beta2.tar.gz
tarball, and now, from the cvsup sources.

This is a Debian potato system, 2.2.10, glibc2.1, g++ 2.95.1, etc. It's a
K6-233, with 64 meg ram. QT is 1.44.

The only arg to configure I use is '--disable-nls'. 

I rebuilt the cvsup source with debug; here's the 'where' story:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/local/kde/bin/kdevelop 

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x40625d4c in buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/
(gdb) where
#0  0x40625d4c in buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/
#1  0x40621afc in vfprintf () from /lib/
#2  0x4013a21f in debug () from /usr/local/qt/lib/
#3  0x401921f2 in qt_init_internal () from /usr/local/qt/lib/
#4  0x401929cf in qt_init () from /usr/local/qt/lib/
#5  0x400f4235 in QApplication::QApplication ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/
#6  0x405089d9 in KApplication::KApplication ()
   from /usr/local/kde/lib/
#7  0x40475fb3 in KWMModuleApplication::KWMModuleApplication ()
   from /usr/local/kde/lib/
#8  0x807bee7 in main ()
#9  0x405fe282 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

I don't know enough to be able to interpret this. What seems to be the

Bob Bernstein

Any resemblance to real persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Void
where prohibited. Some assembly required. List each check separately by bank
number. Batteries not included. Contents may settle during shipment. Use only
as directed.


1999-09-09 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
Hi all,

I amb usign WindowMaker and a lot of GNOME applications but I would like
to see in the WindowMaker root menu the Gnome applications menu (as in
enlightenment). Then, I would like to have another menu into the root menu
with Debian applications. How can I do it using the menu application ??

Many thanks.

 ** Powered by Debian/GNU Linux **
 Linux User 140860   Machine 61143

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Modem connection speed

1999-09-09 Thread Enrico Zini

On 8 Sep 1999, John Hasler wrote:

  This is my chatscript (I added ECHO and REPORT to the original pppconfig
  generated script, but nothing changed):
  connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/mclink2

 Change that to connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -r report_file -f 
 where 'report_file' is the file you want the speed written to.

Opening /var/log/connection_speeds...
chat:  Sep 09 16:23:04 CONNECT 50666/ARQ/V90/LAPM/V42BIS
Closing /var/log/connection_speeds.
Opening /var/log/connection_speeds...
chat:  Sep 09 10:55:38 CONNECT 50666/ARQ/V90/LAPM/V42BIS
Closing /var/log/connection_speeds.


Now, what if I wanted it to be logged through syslogd, possibly without
those Opening and Closing lines?

(and, BTW, another thing I would like to know is why doesn't it CONNECT
56000 :( )

TYA! Enrico

Mouse pointer in KDE

1999-09-09 Thread Tamas . GAIDOSCH

I wonder why do I get an X shaped mouse pointer in KDE 1.1.1. under slink.
It happens when I move the pointer to the desktop.  Its no big deal, but it
doesn't happen with other window managers.  When I start kwm from
WindowMaker, it doesn't happen either.


Re: qmail setup

1999-09-09 Thread Robert Varga

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Paul Nesbit wrote:

 I'm trying to get pine working on top of qmail.
 I'm having problems with ./configure  in  /var/qmail/qmail1.02
 The output of ./configure is as follows:
 Your hostname is nezgnu.
 soft error
 Sorry, I couldn't find your host's canonical name in DNS.
 You will have to set up control/me yourself.
 In control/me I have one line: the canonical name of
 the provider I am dialing-up to.  Should I change my hostname to

You should not set up your qmail to receive mail destined to your ISP.

If you have a fix IP name, then you should set up your machine so that
`hostname`.`dnsdomainname` would give your machines fix ip name.

If you have not, then you should set up a dns server on your machine, and
configure qmail for a bogus name, and you can use qmail only for local
use, but not for the internet, since the messages won't be delivered to
you anyway.

Robert Varga


1999-09-09 Thread Robert Varga

Where can I download Open-SSL from?
Or is there any ready-made program which provides an SSL proxy for a POP3
connection on the POP3 server?

Robert Varga

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-09-09 Thread David Teague

On 8 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I sent the enclosed canned message to you in response
to this request before. I iterate:

Please send requests for subscription/unsubscription to 


or use the web site

Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:

Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with unsubscribe as the only word in the subject, and with empty
body or with unsubscribe as the only word in the body, and with
empty subject.  This one line, issued at the command prompt,

mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

ought to do it.

If you need to contact a human listmaster, direct your mail to
machines in case one is off line.

Please don't send unsubscribe messages to the list, that doesn't
work. Best of Luck to you!

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

Re: scsi advice

1999-09-09 Thread David Teague
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Joakim Svensson wrote:

 Hi all,
 Just need some advice/input.
 I have just bought a HP scanjet 6200c and am looking around for a
 scsi card for it. 
 The somewhat pricey Adaptec U2W seems to work very well with linux
 so thats what I have in mind at this moment. 
 Anyone has any suggestions if this will be a good buy. At the
 moment only the scanner will be connected but I will probably use
 it in the future to add for example scsi hard disk. 


I thought there was a hardware compatibility HOWTO but I can't find
it. I did find a bunch of controllers that are supported in the
2.0.36 kernel (and following kernels.) Read these files in your
kernel source:


My experience with Adaptec cards is that they work well, but are
more expensive than some other cards, and they are _quite_ sensitive
to the quality of cables used. Poor cabes give scsi errors that
mimic bad devices. If you buy the absolute best cables, external and
internal, you will be fine. 

Some other controllers are said not to be so sensitive.  I hope
others will be able to advise you on other brands (most of which
work well with Linux)  and maybe tell us where the hardware
compatibility howto.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

Re: Open-SSL

1999-09-09 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 12:22:53 +0200, Robert Varga wrote:
 Where can I download Open-SSL from?

 Or is there any ready-made program which provides an SSL proxy for a POP3
 connection on the POP3 server?

ssltunnel? (also on non-US).

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-09-09 Thread David Teague
All, and lonelyforever

I wrote:
 Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:
 Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dang. Too early in the AM Sorry. I keep a generic file on
(un)subscribe. Clearly I edited the following line in my sleep. 

Please please make that 

 Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:
 Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Besides this, I was not as nice I want to be with folks entering 
and leaving the list. 

Apologies proffered.


On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, David Teague wrote:

 On 8 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I sent the enclosed canned message to you in response
 to this request before. I iterate:
 Please send requests for subscription/unsubscription to 
 or use the web site
 Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:
 Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with unsubscribe as the only word in the subject, and with empty
 body or with unsubscribe as the only word in the body, and with
 empty subject.  This one line, issued at the command prompt,
 mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null
 ought to do it.
 If you need to contact a human listmaster, direct your mail to
 machines in case one is off line.
 Please don't send unsubscribe messages to the list, that doesn't
 work. Best of Luck to you!

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

Re: xauth

1999-09-09 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, Sep 06, 1999 at 03:27:03PM +0100, Nick Dyer wrote:
 On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  Seth R Arnold said:
   On a whim I added a .rhosts file with the one word amidala in it. No
  If you want to grant global access for another machine to use your display,
  use the xhost command:  xhost amidala
 This is a bit of a security hole though.
 A good way to cope with X authentication is to use ssh; this not
 only sets up everything to do with magic cookies automagically but
 as a side effect encrypts your entire X session!

I like this solution, but it degrades speed on busy machines.
From man xauth is a example:

   xauth extract - $DISPLAY | rsh otherhost xauth merge -

I modified it for using ssh instead rsh:

   xauth extract - $DISPLAY | ssh otherhost xauth merge -


Re: Mouse pointer in KDE

1999-09-09 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder why do I get an X shaped mouse pointer in KDE 1.1.1. under slink.
 It happens when I move the pointer to the desktop.  Its no big deal, but it
 doesn't happen with other window managers.  When I start kwm from
 WindowMaker, it doesn't happen either.

WindowMaker sets up it's own mouse pointer, so, if you start then kwm, the
pointer is already set up. Check out xsetroot(1); there is info about
changing the mouse pointer.

The X pointer is really ugly.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 ** Powered by Debian/GNU Linux **
 Linux User 140860   Machine 61143

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Monitor various system informations

1999-09-09 Thread Enrico Zini

I am looking for a way to monitor various system informations for the debian
servers we install.

An example of informations to monitor is:
 - Network throughput
 - Uptime
 - Mail queue size
 - If I'm sending mail, what's the sending progress (1)
 - If I'm retrieving mail (fetchmail), what's the progress (1)
 - Is the modem connected? At what speed? What's its current throughput?
 - User specific disk and mail stats (requires user autentication)

...and the like.  The goal is to have various ways to read the stats (web page
on a server's http server, gnome application, win32 application).

The first step is to write ad application who's able to gather all the required
information and to share it in a consistent way.

That said, the questions are:

 1) SNMP seems to be a good way to share these informations, but I have to
learn it: before starting, is it the right way to go?
 2) LDAP instead? Other services?
 3) Is there a way to interrogate fetchmail about how's going?
If not, is someone working on it? Who? I'll give help.
If nobody's working on it, I will.
 4) Is there a way to interrogate exim and pppd about how's going?
Luckily diald already has a way to gather informations.

TIA! Enrico

Progress is something like:
sending message 3/7, 23Kb/85Kb (27%), 104Kb/541Kb (19%) total
GPG public key available on finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Matrox Millenium and slink

1999-09-09 Thread virtanen
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Jason Christensen wrote:

 The name of the debian SVGA Xfree86 X Server package is 
 It is part of slink r4. You'll of course need other packages as well: fonts,
 Xbase, etc. Dependencies should take care of that though.

I had problems with mattrox G100. The old slink XFree86 didn't support
that. The newer one suggested above does. Use that for G200, too.


Re: Modem connection speed

1999-09-09 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  9 Sep, Enrico Zini wrote about Re: Modem connection speed
 (and, BTW, another thing I would like to know is why doesn't it CONNECT
 56000 :( )

Here is a little article describing all the reasons.  Actually you are
lucky to get 50666.,29,0-1104-257672-257713-1,00.html

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Open-SSL

1999-09-09 Thread Robert Varga

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 12:22:53 +0200, Robert Varga wrote:
  Where can I download Open-SSL from?

ok, compiled and installed, although I could not build any of the demo
applications in /usr/doc/openssl/demos/ssl because the linker found lots
of undefined references... 

I have slink but rebuilt the 0.9.4-1 version of the openssl source with
the debian patches, so there should not really be any problem.

  Or is there any ready-made program which provides an SSL proxy for a POP3
  connection on the POP3 server?
 ssltunnel? (also on non-US).

I could not make it install, and it even had a compilation error.

Robert Varga

ps: by the way, is there ANY commercial program which supports SPOP3?

rexecd disappeared after update.

1999-09-09 Thread Steve Rothanburg
Anybody know where I can find in.rexecd? I just ran dselect this morning
and after the 8megs of updates rexecd is gone. It didn't get split off
to a separate package did it? I'm running Potato with a 2.2.10 kernel.

There is an old saying that if a million monkeys typed on a million
keyboards for a million years, eventually all the works of Shakespeare
would be produced. Now, thanks to Usenet, we know this is not true.

Upgrading XFree86

1999-09-09 Thread David Kanter
I need some advice on how to upgrade the XFree86 files that came with Slink. My 
problem is that I have a card (STB nVIDIA TNT, 16 Mb of RAM) not listed in the 
stable version, but listed in the unstable version of X. Newer versions of X 
that came with Mandrake (in rpm format) work fine; but the older X files that 
came with Slink don't.

I need to use the svga server. Currently, if I use the svga server I get 
terrible resolution, around 320 X something, but if I use the vga server I can 
at least get vga resolution. So, I need to upgrade X.

But that's where I'm confused. Which files must I upgrade? The Debian 
FAQ-O-MATIC says to upgrade: xbase, xlib6, xfntbase and the xservers that I'll 
use. However, these files each have different dependencies that make me wonder 
whether the above is a complete list. Is it best to download all the X packages 
at and then run dselect?

Thanks for any help. I'm almost there with a fully functional Debian.


Re: Upgrading XFree86

1999-09-09 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
[Please use  80 char linewidth]

On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 08:49:29 -0500, David Kanter wrote:
 I need some advice on how to upgrade the XFree86 files that came with
 Slink. My problem is that I have a card (STB nVIDIA TNT, 16 Mb of RAM) not
 listed in the stable version, but listed in the unstable version of X.

At you can find newer X packages compiled for use on

J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: Upgrading XFree86

1999-09-09 Thread Bob Nielsen
Put the following in /etc/apt/sources.list (in addition to the normal

deb x/

Run dselect/update, select the Xserver you need and let apt sort out the


On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 08:49:29AM -0500, David Kanter wrote:
 I need some advice on how to upgrade the XFree86 files that came with Slink. 
 My problem is that I have a card (STB nVIDIA TNT, 16 Mb of RAM) not listed in 
 the stable version, but listed in the unstable version of X. Newer versions 
 of X that came with Ma
ndrake (in rpm format) work fine; but the older X files that came with Slink 
 I need to use the svga server. Currently, if I use the svga server I get 
 terrible resolution, around 320 X something, but if I use the vga server I 
 can at least get vga resolution. So, I need to upgrade X.
 But that's where I'm confused. Which files must I upgrade? The Debian 
 FAQ-O-MATIC says to upgrade: xbase, xlib6, xfntbase and the xservers that 
 I'll use. However, these files each have different dependencies that make me 
 wonder whether the above is a co
mplete list. Is it best to download all the X packages at and then run dselect?
 Thanks for any help. I'm almost there with a fully functional Debian.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Upgrading XFree86

1999-09-09 Thread Greg Vence
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 08:49:29 -0500, David Kanter wrote:
  I need some advice on how to upgrade the XFree86 files that came with
  Slink. My problem is that I have a card (STB nVIDIA TNT, 16 Mb of RAM) not
  listed in the stable version, but listed in the unstable version of X.
 At you can find newer X packages compiled for use on
However, I've got a Viper 770 (TNT2 16 MB) and that doesn't show up
until 3.3.4 those files are at  
As of 48 hrs ago, it had dependency problems on the fonts.  I may try
again this weekend if there's been a fix.  Otherwise, I'm considering
the Potato option...

Enjoy -- Greg.
What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

Re: Upgrading XFree86

1999-09-09 Thread Nick Dyer
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 [Please use  80 char linewidth]
 On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 08:49:29 -0500, David Kanter wrote:
  I need some advice on how to upgrade the XFree86 files that came with
  Slink. My problem is that I have a card (STB nVIDIA TNT, 16 Mb of RAM) not
  listed in the stable version, but listed in the unstable version of X.
 At you can find newer X packages compiled for use on

Yep; I did this on a vanilla slink r1 install last night; downloaded
the xserver-svga- file (about 1.2MB) and installed it; it
worked a treat. Looks like you don't needed all the rest of those files
if you're just trying to install the new svga server.

[nick dyer]

Printing *should* work...

1999-09-09 Thread Raymond A. Ingles

 Okay, I'm tying to set up a 486-66MHz, 16MB RAM, 240MB HD, as a
demonstration for Linux Demo Day this Sunday. I've got it more-or-less
working for scanning (the world's worst SCSI card in there :- ) but
printing is giving me pause. Yes, this is old crappy hardware, but that's
why it'll be impressive. *If* I can get it working...

 I've got magicfilter, lpr, and all the other goodies on there. I've
checked my dmesg, and the parallel port is at /dev/lp1. I've temporarily
got an Epson FX-1050 printer hooked up to it. (I've printed with this
printer in the past. It works.)

 So far as I can tell, /etc/printcap is set up correctly. It's using the
epson9 filter, going to /dev/lp1, the spool directory exists, lpd is
running, and so forth.

 If I try to print (e.g. lpr somefile.txt), the job gets queued, but
nothing else happens. If I run lpq reports things in the right
queue, and lpstat claims that the daemon is running *and printing*, yet
so far as I can see, no signals go to the printer.

 Just for the heck of it, I set up a remote printcap entry, following the
Printing-HOWTO, and sent it to my main machine across the network. Same
thing; no errors, but no printout.

 What the heck is going on? Anything I should try? (I haven't actually
done a cat somefile.txt  /dev/lp1 yet, 'cause I didn't think of it
until later. I'll certainly try it tonight.)


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Destruction is *easy*. People do it all the time by accident.
 If you think you're so cool, try *improving* something.
   - Me

fixed sound problem at the 2.2.12 kernel level: bug??

1999-09-09 Thread James D. Freels
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to linux.sources.kernel as well.

Dear Linux developers:

I am not normally a kernel or c-code developer, but I wanted to relay
this to the community to correct a sound problem I have had.

My sound quit working (SB16 PnP) upon installation of a new kernel
(not sure which new kernel this happened).  I now have installed the
latest stable kernel 2.2.12 (this error may have occured earlier
2.2.11 or less?).  I got the following error message when the sound.o
module is initialized:

Sep  7 16:29:59 fea insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o: unresolved symbol 
Sep  7 16:29:59 fea insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o: unresolved symbol 

I also get a similar error message upon the depmod -a command (sound
is the only module):

fea# depmod -a
/lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o: unresolved symbol(s)

I dug into this problem and discovered that the variable
isa_dma_bridge_buggy is normally initialized in asm/dma.h.  Therefore,
I got my sound to work by adding the following line to

#include asm/dma.h

Perhaps this change should be added to kernel.

Where is pam_krb4?

1999-09-09 Thread lexchive
I was asked to install kerberos4 on our server, and I gladly noticed there
were debian packages for this. So far Im quite happy with it, except for one
thing: i cant find the pam_krb4 module. It is mentionned in both the
kerberos4kth doc and the libpam doc but is present in neither package. Do I
need to build this myself?


Description: PGP signature

NIS, /usr/bin/passwd, yppasswd

1999-09-09 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

I have just installed NIS on my network to keep passwords (among other
things) in sync between machines.  Users should now use yppasswd to change
the passwords on the client machines.  Would it be safe to rm
/usr/bin/passwd and symlink yppasswd to it so that the changes are
transparent to the users? Is there a better way to do it?  I considered
entirely removing the passwd package, but it provides more than just
/usr/bin/passwd and is in the 'required' section, so I figured it would be
a very bad thing.

Thanks for any advice.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: NIS, /usr/bin/passwd, yppasswd

1999-09-09 Thread lexchive
On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 11:03:58AM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 I have just installed NIS on my network to keep passwords (among other
 things) in sync between machines.  Users should now use yppasswd to change
 the passwords on the client machines.  Would it be safe to rm
 /usr/bin/passwd and symlink yppasswd to it so that the changes are
 transparent to the users? Is there a better way to do it?  I considered
 entirely removing the passwd package, but it provides more than just
 /usr/bin/passwd and is in the 'required' section, so I figured it would be
 a very bad thing.

On the computers at school (the clients are running redhat 5.2), passwd is
linked to yppasswd.

I dont know if that is a recommandation since there are some configuration
errors on these machines but it seems to work : (well, it used to until they
decided to add NT clients, now we have to use another program so that the samba
password is changed as well)

 Thanks for any advice.

Hope this helps


Description: PGP signature

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