Re: Acelerando el Fetchmail

1999-09-12 Thread Miguel Angel Rodriguez

   Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 12:30:59 +0200
   From: Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
   Sender: Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/8825
   Precedence: list
   Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   Si tenías algo como esto en tu fichero de configuración:

   poll pop3.server with proto pop3:
  user xmanoel password ### 
  mda procmail -u xmanoel;

   Cambialo por 

   poll pop3.server with proto pop3:
  user xmanoel password ### 
  is xmanoel here;

   Si aún así crees que esto va lento... pues entonces la culpa puede
   ser de tu MTA, itntenta conseguir que se acelere la distribución de
   mensajes. Pero eso ya es algo que debes preguntar a otro...

   ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

   09/08Anton Dvorak born in Nelahozeves, Czechoslovakia, 1841
   09/08Ron Pigpen McKernan (Grateful Dead) is born in San Bruno,

   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



Precisamente hace unos minutos descargué casi 900 mensajes con
fetchmail en poco más de 20 minutos. 

En mi ~/.fetchmailrc tengo esta línea:

   mda formail -s procmail 

¿Será mera cuestión de suerte? No lo sé.


Miguel Ángel Rodríguez   | Hay quien arroja un vidrio roto  
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | sobre la playa, pero hay quien  
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | se agacha a recogerlo.
##   |   J. Narosky  

Instalar desde disco puede?

1999-09-12 Thread Luis Coronado
Saludos usuarios de DEBIAN, aca les tengo una pregunta de 
principiante. De lo que habia leido me parecio sencillo 
instalar linux en mi maquina, lo cual fue cierto para el 
sistema base, el cual lo instale desde floppies, y despues 
desde mi disco duro que contiene win. Esto ocurrio muy bien 
sin problemas. Sin embargo, cuando quise instalar todo el 
software que viene con la distribucion, y lo cual tenia yo 
planeado que fuera por medio de mi disco que contiene el 
win (yo baje todo de un ftp, y esta esperando ahi que se 
utilize)...en el momento que le indicaba a DSELECT que 
instalara, me dice que dpkg-perl no es localizable y que 
sin eso no puede proceder...
Ok, quiesiera saber varias cosases posible instalar 
debian de la manera que lo estoy haciendosi fuera 
posible, que sera que estoy dejando por fuera?..les 
agradeceria cualquier ayuda al respecto...

Get your free web-based email at
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cards for any occasion at

[no subject]

1999-09-12 Thread pvazquez

WWW.BRUJULA.NET, Su Punto de Partida Internet

Re: Nº de paquetes en Potato

1999-09-12 Thread RESET
: En el artículo
Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:


Fernando:: Llevo el mirror que hay en (el otro
Fernando:: listado como oficial en .es además de
Fernando::, y mirroreo debian desde un mirror
Fernando:: primario en Europa, que a su vez lo hace de
Fernando:: Debian-non-US viene directamente
Fernando:: desde La lista de paquetes se
Fernando:: compara todos los días con los Packages que vienen para
Fernando:: cada sección, y está completa el 99.9% de los días :-)

Muchas gracias por la orientación.  Mi sources.list ya ha sido
convenientemente modificado :-)


Un saludo.



Notescapes (Episodio 3.04)

1999-09-12 Thread RESET
: En el artículo


Ricard:: Yo en el trabajo utilizo el Netscape hasta para respirar y despues 
de muchas
Ricard:: horas viendo meteoritos coer y que nunca le dan a la N he 
llegado a la
Ricard:: conclusion de que el mejor netscape hasta la fecha es el 3.04 ... 
provadlo, va
Ricard:: de maravilla ... 


Pues me puse a ello.  En lo poco que he podido utilizarlo, la versión
3 _parece_ más estable que la cuatro (aunque no tengo ni idea de por
qué).  Incluso más agradable :)

El problema es que no he conseguido hacer que funcione con mis
proxies.  Tengo dos (junkbuster y wwwoffle) y se niegan en redondo,
juntos y por separado, a dejar pasar una sola petición de la versión
3.04.  La 4.6 sigue funcionando, como siempre.

El caso es que no creo que realmente sea problema del navegador,
porque con Lynx pasa algo muy parecido, y es la última versión.  Con
lynx el mensajito es invalid header received from browser.  Con
Notescapes es (ajem) más... variado: desde errores en la red
(wwwoffle) a  permisos denegados (junkbuster).

Buscando en deja he visto que ha habido gente en Windows con el mismo
problema con el junkbuster y el cliente de setiathome, y se debían a
que no se enviaba en la petición de dirección una barra (/) final.

¿Alguien sabe si esto puede solucionarse y cómo?  ¿Es un bug?  ¿Es una 
`característica avanzada'?  ¿Es Supermán en Navidades?

En fin en fin...




1999-09-12 Thread Josetxu Malanda
Hola a todos,

Sólo este mensaje para presentarme por aquí, aunuqe llevo bastante tiempo
leyéndoos. Veo muchas caras conocidas de Fidonet por aquí. :)))

Decir que empecé con una Red Hat pero que en cuanto salió la Debian 2.1 en
la Linux Actual no dudé en cambiarme y estoy muy contento con el cambio.

Estoy intentando hacer una página web a base de Joe y Gimp pero es muy duro
(la costumbre del Windows O:) ), iré poco a poco. Por cierto, pedazo de
logos que se crean con el Gimp y 3 golpes de ratón. :o

Por ahora nada más. :))

Un Saludo,   |  Webs:   Fidonet: 2:344/102.11
 |   Subnet: 93:344/110.20
 Josetxu |   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 12.300.482

* La vida es com una caja de bombones. Nunca sabes cuál te va a tocar...
- Forrest Gump -

Re: capturadora

1999-09-12 Thread Manuel Fonseca
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Jon wrote:

 Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:18:50 +0200
 To: Lista-Debian
 Subject: capturadora
 Resent-Date: 9 Sep 1999 16:21:52 -
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 Por fin me pille una capturadora,una miro PCTV.
 He recompilado el kernel con los modulos para la tarjeta...
 instalo los modulos de la siguiente manera:
   insmod videodev
   insmod i2c scan=1
   insmod bttv pll=1 card=6
   insmod tuner type=5
 ejecuto el xawtv, y tira,pero no me encuentra canales.
 alguien tiene una miro pctv? estan bien los parametros de los modulos???
 en que canales tengo que buscar,hay un huevo de ellos.

Hola, yo tambien estoy pegando cabezazos con la Miro, la verdad es que la
tube funcionando perfectamente, con el kernel 2.0.36 y unos modulos que
traje de inet, pero ahora con el kernel 2.2.12 no he conseguido que
funcione todavia, primero compile con modulos el video4linux y el soporte
para Bt848, como no hacia nada recomplie con soporte en el kernel y ahora
cuando ejecuto un dmesg:

linux video capture interface v1.00
bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn: 80, irq:11, memory:
bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
bttv0: NO fader chip: TEA6300
bttv0: model: Bt848(Miro)
SAA5249 driver (SAA5249 interface) for VideoText version 1.7

bueno parece que esta bien, pero no hay rastro del dispositivo /dev/video,
por lo tanto cuando ejecuto xawtv:
open /dev/video: No existe el fichero o el directorio
can't open /dev/video: No exsite el fichero o el directorio
y termina diciendo:
no video grabber device available.

Y claro como yo soy tan listo me voy al /dev/ y ejecuto:
./MAKEDEV video

./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device video
y entonces si que ya toco techo, ya no se mas :-(

arf arf arf bueno ya me he desaogao.
alguien sabe que me falta por hacer?
la distribucion es la citius 2.1 kernel el 2.2.12

P.D:Jon me suena que para los canales tienes que crear un .xawtv en tu
home, hay un ejemplo en la man del xawtv, es ahi donde se definen los


Re: Problemas varios con Gnome

1999-09-12 Thread Sergio Rael Gutierrez
Hola Ricardo,
El sábado 11 de septiembre, Ricardo Villalba escribió:

 (¿alguien le ha encontrado otra utilidad al X11amp distinta de generador
 de cores? ;D).
 ¿? A mí el x11amp me funciona de maravilla, aunque supongo que tengo una
 versión algo antigua, la 0.7 creo que es.

A mí también me pasa lo mismo. El x11amp me funciona de maravilla y tengo
una versión 0.7, nunca me ha dado problema alguno. Pero según lo que veo, es
que hace ya tiempo que lo tengo instalado, venía en un paquete de Slackware
(tgz binario) que transformé a deb con alien.


Sergio Rael Gutiérrez

·.· Si no puedes aprender a hacerlo bien, aprende a disfrutar haciéndolo

Re: donde está el identd ?

1999-09-12 Thread Agustin MuNoz
¡Ché All!

Ya está solucionado lo del identd, efectivamente el oidentd es el que suple
ahora su función, pues en potato identd ya no está incluido en netstd.

Acias por vuestra ayuda :)

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

... El windows 98 es como un suicida, si las cosas van mal... se cuelga.

Unidentified subject!

1999-09-12 Thread Mauricio E. Ruíz Font

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font

Re: XMMS - Solucionado

1999-09-12 Thread RESET
: El día Sat, 11 Sep 1999 20:26:19 +0200 (CEST), Fernando Sanchez

Fernando:: Por curiosidad, ¿cuando encuentras cosas que no
Fernando:: funcionan sueles mandar un bug-report? :-? Igual el
Fernando:: mantenedor del paquete todavía no sabe que no
Fernando:: funciona.

La verdad es que no.  Alguna vez he pensado hacerlo, pero o he
descubierto que ya se había informado sobre él (el sistema de bugs de
debian es _inmenso_ en, o nunca estoy tan seguro de que el
error no sea de mi sistema (problemas de configuración, etc.).  Otras
veces pasa que la versión de debian no es la última del autor, de modo
que informar de un bug es inútil, o sucede como en el Notescapes: ya
nadie se toma en serio corregir los fallos, porque si a fin de año
sale la versión 5 van a jubilar toda la serie 4 a velocidad de escape.

En el caso del GQview no estoy seguro de a quién tendría que informar:
¿a los autores del programa o quienes llevan libc6?  (porque es casi
fijo que el error está ahí).

Sí que informaría, eso sí, si supiera cómo arreglarlo, o si pudiera
comprobar con el código que el error está ahí (no sé programar, ni soy
un usuario particularmente técnico), y también lo haría si en lugar de
potato usara slink, o si supiera que otros usuarios han comprobado el
mismo fallo que yo.

Y ya que estamos ¿tú lo usas? :-)

Un saludo.



[Mutt Anuncio] Lista de correo sobre Mutt para Hispano-hablantes

1999-09-12 Thread Agustin MuNoz
¡Ché All!

Algunos usuarios de mutt hemos creado una lista de correo en castellano
para hablar de trucos, configuraciones, recursos etc.. para este estupendo
lector de e-mail. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] La primera lista de discusión sobre mutt para 

Métodos de subscripción:

* Tradicional (mail)
$ echo subscribe mutt | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Funcional (mutt)
Para subscribirte envía un mensaje a:
con las siguientes líneas en el mensaje:
subscribe mutt

Si alguno tiene cualquier problema con la subscripción que me envie un
e-mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y estaré encantado de ayudarle.

La página del mutt en castellano:

En este sitio podeis encontrar una réplica en castellano de
además de la página man, los manuales traducidos y algunas cosas más.

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

... Hola, mi nombre es Annie Key. Por favor no me pulses!

Re: Presentación

1999-09-12 Thread Paco Brufal
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Josetxu Malanda wrote:

 Sólo este mensaje para presentarme por aquí, aunuqe llevo bastante tiempo
 leyéndoos. Veo muchas caras conocidas de Fidonet por aquí. :)))

Bienvenío ;)

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Are You Down. Leroy. 1993
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

xemacs y del

1999-09-12 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
hola a todos,

acabo de instalar xemacs y me molesta un pequeño detalle: cuando pulso 
del hace la misma función que al pulsar la tecla de borrado. No
estoy en las X y el teclado en la consola funciona perfectamente,
excepto en el xemacs.
Que debo configurar para que la tecla del funcione correctamente ?

PD: Porque hay tres versiones disponibles de xemacs (19, 20 y 21) al
igual que en emacs ??

  - Powered by Debian/GNU Linux -
  -- Linux User 140860   Machine 61143 --

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]-  --   -- --   -- -   -  My homepage  |  | | | | | | | |  | |  /  Best linux dist.  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | | /  GNU Project   ---|  | | | |   |

Re: capturadora

1999-09-12 Thread Antonio Tejada Lacaci
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999 14:49:25 +0200 (CET), Manuel Fonseca


Hola, yo tambien estoy pegando cabezazos con la Miro, la verdad es que la
tube funcionando perfectamente, con el kernel 2.0.36 y unos modulos que
traje de inet, pero ahora con el kernel 2.2.12 no he conseguido que
funcione todavia, primero compile con modulos el video4linux y el soporte
para Bt848, como no hacia nada recomplie con soporte en el kernel y ahora
cuando ejecuto un dmesg:
open /dev/video: No existe el fichero o el directorio
can't open /dev/video: No exsite el fichero o el directorio
y termina diciendo:
no video grabber device available.

Y claro como yo soy tan listo me voy al /dev/ y ejecuto:
./MAKEDEV video

./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device video
y entonces si que ya toco techo, ya no se mas :-(
Pues fásil: haz 
(creo que es tv ;D).

De todas maneras, siempre que tengas un problema de creación de

1) Haz un less /dev/MAKEDEV y busca ahí el device que te falta (en tu
caso, busca video poniendo /videoINTRO desde el less.

2) Si no tienes el fichero /dev/MAKEDEV, pero tienes instalado el 
código del kernel, el fichero /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt
te explica cuáles son los major number y minor number de cada
dispositivo. Luego no tienes más que crearlos con 
mknode /dev/nombre -b major minor
mknode /dev/nombre -c major minor
Dependiendo de si el dispositivo es de bloques o caracteres (el
devices.txt te lo dice). De todas maneras, man mknode, porque no estoy
seguro del formato exacto O;)

3) Es posible que el device esté creado, pero no su link simbólico:
puede que tengas que crear el enlace desde /dev/video al device real
(por ejemplo /dev/video0). Esto pasa p.ej. con el ratón /dev/mouse o
con el módem /dev/modem, que no son más que enlaces al /dev/SttyX
adecuado (ya sabes, ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video).



Antonio Tejada Lacaci

Re: Please, reply

1999-09-12 Thread Martin Fluch
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote:

 Hi all,
 I think that I've configured at last exim.
 Please, if you can read this email, reply :)
 Many thanks.

Here we go... :-)

For public PGP-key:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pgp question

1999-09-12 Thread Martin Fluch
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Peter Palfrader aka Weasel wrote:

 I'm a bit puzzled about the validy of keys that pgp (6.5.1) tells me.

I don't trust pgp 6.5.1.

For public PGP-key:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-12 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
More fundamentally, why would I need to use passive mode? I have
looked around a bit, and it appears to be a work-around to be able to
ftp from behind a firewall.  But I'm not behind a firewall, unless I
set something up terribly badly or I misunderstand.  This is a
standalone debian box and I connect to the net, as I mentioned
earlier, using dip to connect with a cslip emulator, slirp, on the
SunOS box at  Where in this chain is there likely something
like a firewall?

Once again, thanks.


Eric G . Miller writes:

 On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 01:15:51PM -0700, Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote:
  Now, how do I make it so that lynx or emacs or lftp or wget also use
  this passive mode?  I only seem to be able to make it work in the
  regular client.  Is there a system setting that all of these would
  look at to use passive mode?
  Thanks again.
   I don't know about a global setting. Anyone?

Re: blackbox, plus a few..

1999-09-12 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 03:58:39PM -0600, tf wrote:
 Hey guys,
 I finally got apt-get going--thanks.  I can't remember,exactly, but is there 
 a dpkg  --fix  --broken  that I can use to insure that I 
 have a full installation?  I've got some of netscape 4.6, I think, but not 
 enough to make it run (can run Mozilla fine under 
 blackbox).  The more I study dselect, the more confused I get.

There are netscatpe-smotif-46 and netscape-dmotif-46 pseudo-packages you
can install which have the depends set to install all you need.

 blackbox stuff:  how do you add menu items?  a background color?  how 
 changing the default video mode and color depth? (by 
 hand)  right now I use startx blackbox to get going...

I use entries in /etc/menu and run update-menus.  It will add things to
the blackbox menu (which is in /etc/X11/blackbox/Blackbox-menu.  The
appearance menu item has quite a few backgrounds available.  I have
experimented a bit with customizing the background with files from  The background stuff is in /usr/share/blackbox.

 an x-term is in the existing  blackbox menu, but it won't accept any input.  
 How may I get wterm going (just read a post 'bout it 
 and it sounds good)
 last but not least... phewy on exim.  I'm a beginner.  is smail any easier to 
 configure? Right now I have the mutt-exim-fetchmail 
 combo.  I visited some web document about exim and fetchmail, but lost the 
 url.  I just got the smail deb.
 once I get mail, and netscape, I'll have no more reason to borrow a computer!

smail is probably easier to configure than exim, but not as powerful.  I
use smail on one of my systems and sendmail on the others.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-12 Thread Seth R Arnold
Miguel, years ago when I used slrip, I needed to use PASV mode ftp too.


On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 05:04:01PM -0700, Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote:
 More fundamentally, why would I need to use passive mode? I have
 looked around a bit, and it appears to be a work-around to be able to
 ftp from behind a firewall.  But I'm not behind a firewall, unless I
 set something up terribly badly or I misunderstand.  This is a
 standalone debian box and I connect to the net, as I mentioned
 earlier, using dip to connect with a cslip emulator, slirp, on the
 SunOS box at  Where in this chain is there likely something
 like a firewall?
 Once again, thanks.
 Eric G . Miller writes:
  On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 01:15:51PM -0700, Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote:
   Now, how do I make it so that lynx or emacs or lftp or wget also use
   this passive mode?  I only seem to be able to make it work in the
   regular client.  Is there a system setting that all of these would
   look at to use passive mode?
   Thanks again.
I don't know about a global setting. Anyone?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Where is the http_proxy env var being documented ?

1999-09-12 Thread shaul
Can you tell me where is the http_proxy env var being documented ?

Thank you.

Re: Where is the http_proxy env var being documented ?

1999-09-12 Thread Seth R Arnold
Well, most programs will honor the environment variable http_proxy that lynx
uses... man lynx will show a wee bit of information..

if you mean for apt, the apt-docs in /usr/doc/apt (on my machine.. :)
describe it a bit too.

Basically, each program is free to do what it wants with your environments
variables, including ignore them. :)

On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 02:37:53AM +0200, shaul wrote:
 Can you tell me where is the http_proxy env var being documented ?
   Thank you.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

XF86 3.3.5 and debian - what is frame_register.rpm - is it needed?

1999-09-12 Thread John Miskinis


I noticed this problem ALSO posted at

I just installed XF86 3.3.5 to use on debian 2.1, but the postinstall
script gives an error regarding undefined symbol register_frame.

I noticed a .rpm file in the FTP dir named frame_register

There is no mention of this in the release notes and install

startx fails right away with execv



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Re: ppp serial device problem: please advise

1999-09-12 Thread ferret

On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Michael Phillips wrote:

  Michael, please ensure you are not running a WinModem (ie, one that relies
  on the CPU to do all the work..) I have heard there is coming support for
  those less fortunate modems, but... shrug
 No, it is a Rockwell chipset, PCI, 56K internal modem.  I have a relatively
 solid foundation in the hardware area, so I would never be inclined to
 purchase such an--indeed--unfortunate modem. :)


Well, PCI modems quite likely ARE WinModems, but there are some out there
that aren't. Unfortunately, there isn't native support for PCI serial
ports under the stable kernels, though there seems to be a way to
configure some using setserial manually.

Oh the other hand, there is PCI serial support in the development kernels
(I'm not sure when it was added, but it's there in 2.3.16. I'd suggest not
using 2.3.17, though. It made my development box's apt segfault. And yes,
I did copy over .config, and did kernel-package)
I also think you would need a newer pppd to run under that kernel. The PPP
support has been modularised with a finer grain and WOULD NOT work on my
system with slink's pppd. Kernel said PPP support was compiled in, and
pppd said it wasn't.

Could someone who knows the PCI modem/serial stuff better please offer

-- Ferret no baka

Re: undelete for partition tables?

1999-09-12 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 Partition records exactly as they appear in MBR (EMBR):
Starting  EndingStarting   Number of
 #  HD  FSCyl Head SectCyl Head Sect  sector sectors
 1  00  00  000  000   0   0
 2  00  00  000  000   0   0
 3  00  00  000  000   0   0
 4  00  83  1,023   63   63  1,023   63   63  34,186,320   1,044,225
 Unfortunately I don't remember exactly which raw devices mapped to which
 partitions when I set up this computer (and my colleague may have moved
 them around anyway) but putting our heads together we think the layout was
 something like this:
 fstype  size (MB) location (not sure)
 / ext2   512  /dev/hda7
 /usr  ext2  4096  /dev/hda8
 /home ext2  2048  /dev/hda9
 /var  ext2  2048  /dev/hda10
 swap  swap   512  /dev/hda4
 The first and second primary partitions were the DOS ones he created and
 may have had logical drives in them, he isn't sure.
 Thanks for your help, we really appreciate it.

Well, it may be possible, but this one won't be too easy. One thing I
notice right away is that /dev/hda4 is an ext2 partition (type 83), not
a swap partition (type 82) as is shown in your list. That's the only
partition remaining in the MBR partition table.

Putting aside that and other possible complications for nowsince
(apparently) the bulk of Linux was inside an extended partition, the key
to recovering those partitions (hda7 thru hda10) would be to find the
first partition sector of the extended partition. Once that is found,
the chain of logical partitions should be able to be rebuilt, as each
one will point to the next one.

Finding that sector may not be so easy though since the extended
partition itself has been deleted from the MBR partition table. That
entry in the partition table would have told us where the extended
partition started. 

In fact, I don't even know how he deleted that partition with DOS fdisk
since it normally is not capable of deleting an extended partition that
still contains non-DOS logical drives - which it also can't delete. 

Question: Was that possibly a Linux extended partition (type 85) as
opposed to a DOS extnded partition? That would explain why DOS fdisk
could delete it.

Question: Is there any guess as to what was on /dev/hda5 and /dev/hda6
which are not accounted for?

I have used Norton's Disk Editor in the past to search for a sector when
I have some knowledge of what's in that sector. For example, all
partition sectors end with the signature 55 AA as the last two bytes.
However, even the newest version of the Disk Editor (from NU4) is not
able to search a disk past 1023 cylinders (8 GB), and your disk is 17 GB

The best I can suggest right now is if you have a copy of Norton's Disk
Editor around, post back and I can give you a rundown on how to search
for that sector - understanding that it may not work because of the size
of the disk.

Failing that, maybe someone reading this list knows a way to attack this
problem using Linux tools. There's always a way, but it may come down to
how much time and effort you and your colleague are willing to devote to

Good luck,

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-12 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 05:04:01PM -0700, Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote:
 More fundamentally, why would I need to use passive mode? I have
 looked around a bit, and it appears to be a work-around to be able to
 ftp from behind a firewall.  But I'm not behind a firewall, unless I
 set something up terribly badly or I misunderstand.  This is a
 standalone debian box and I connect to the net, as I mentioned
 earlier, using dip to connect with a cslip emulator, slirp, on the
 SunOS box at  Where in this chain is there likely something
 like a firewall?
 Once again, thanks.

  Well, I'm no expert on the subject, but I think it'd be unlikely that (San Fransicso State?) would not have a firewall. If you're
  going through the Internet to some computer owned by sfsu then you'd
  be going through their firewall. But like I said, I'm not an expert on
  this topic.

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-12 Thread Mark Buda
 Miguel == Miguel Wooding SF Ten Union [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Miguel More fundamentally, why would I need to use passive mode? 

FTP uses two kinds of connections: a control connection, and a data
connection. The control connection is made FROM the client TO the
server, and it is the connection that commands and their results are
passed through.

Data connections are made when a file (or a directory listing) needs
to be transferred. One end of the data connection is the active end,
and the other end is the passive end. The active end makes the
data connection, and the passive end listens for it. So, the
connection is made FROM the active end TO the passive end.

The passive (PASV) FTP command instructs the FTP server to enter
passive mode, meaning that it (the FTP server) will be the passive
end of future data connections. Which means that the data connections
will be made FROM the client TO the server.

Note that the default behavior for data connections, which is somewhat
surprising, is that the data connection is made FROM the server TO the

The reason you might need to use passive mode, of course, would be
when a connection FROM the server TO the client at a client-specified
port number would be impossible. This can occur

when you are behind a firewall (that blocks incoming

when you are using IP masquerading/NAT

when you are using a PPP emulator on a shell account

when you are using a proxy server (?)

Any of these can, in principle, be made clever enough to make passive
mode unnecessary by detecting TCP connections to the standard FTP port
and fiddling with the data stream. I think slirp could do this, but
it's been a while since I used it; I haven't heard of anything else
that does this.

(Historical note: from skimming RFC 959 it looks like passive mode may
have only been included in FTP to provide a means of transferring
files between two FTP servers without directly involving the client.)
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

Newbie Installation ?s

1999-09-12 Thread NaKsanders
Hey all,

I am trying to install Debian for the first time (first time installing any 
GNU/Linux OS) on an old crappy 486 laptop currently running DOS/Windows3.1 
off 4 Megs of RAM (like I said, crappy), and I was wondering if there was a 
way to install Debian, and still keep it able to boot into DOS.  Perhaps I 
could partition the drive in half and have one on each?  If I did that, 
though, how would I be able to choose which one to boot from?
Also, does anyone know if a Mac will recognize Debian formatted disks (if it 
has it's own format at all - hey, I said I was a newbie!) and files (assuming 
there are converters available out there..).  I suppose if there wouldn't be 
any conversion problems, I wouldn't need to keep DOS, anyways, actually.. 


Re: Newbie Installation ?s

1999-09-12 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 09:13:58PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,
 I am trying to install Debian for the first time (first time installing any 
 GNU/Linux OS) on an old crappy 486 laptop currently running DOS/Windows3.1 
 off 4 Megs of RAM (like I said, crappy), and I was wondering if there was a 
 way to install Debian, and still keep it able to boot into DOS.  Perhaps I 

Yes, more than 1 way in fact (LILO, loadlin, and some commercial offerings)

 could partition the drive in half and have one on each?  If I did that, 
 though, how would I be able to choose which one to boot from?
 Also, does anyone know if a Mac will recognize Debian formatted disks (if it 
 has it's own format at all - hey, I said I was a newbie!) and files (assuming 
 there are converters available out there..).  I suppose if there wouldn't be 
 any conversion problems, I wouldn't need to keep DOS, anyways, actually.. 

The Linux kernel supports many filesytems, including dos, vfat, and I think
even Mac(?). Please read up on the INSTALL howtos and look at the Hardware
howto. You can find links to this info from the debian homepage.

Re: Newbie Installation ?s

1999-09-12 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 09:13:58PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,
 I am trying to install Debian for the first time (first time installing any 
 GNU/Linux OS) on an old crappy 486 laptop currently running DOS/Windows3.1 
 off 4 Megs of RAM (like I said, crappy), and I was wondering if there was a 
 way to install Debian, and still keep it able to boot into DOS.  Perhaps I 
 could partition the drive in half and have one on each?  If I did that, 
 though, how would I be able to choose which one to boot from?

You certainly can. :) There is a howto- that explains many more things than
I can possible remember, but the basic steps include a scandisk (or chkdsk)
and then a defrag, and then using a utility such as fips or partition magic
or partition manager (URL posted here in the last day or so..) to make your
DOS partition smaller.

The default boot loader, lilo, is smart enough to be able to boot both dos
and linux. Or, you could use chos or grub (in development..) or linload. you
might like linload more (or is it loadlin? I always get those two screwed
up :) because it actually loads linux after DOS has booted -- no mucking
with partition boot tables, or the master boot record, etc. (Yes, it
completely replaces DOS once you run it. :)

 Also, does anyone know if a Mac will recognize Debian formatted disks (if it 
 has it's own format at all - hey, I said I was a newbie!) and files (assuming 
 there are converters available out there..).  I suppose if there wouldn't be 
 any conversion problems, I wouldn't need to keep DOS, anyways, actually.. 

Well, linux and mac can both read fat16 floppies. So, all your DOS formatted
floppies will work on both (for recent macs, that is..) linux can also be
configured to read macintosh floppies (does that require 2.2.x?) 

have fun :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: ppp and kernel 2.2.12

1999-09-12 Thread John Hasler
Levi writes:
 I seem to have a problem involving ppp and the new kernel.

What does your ppp.log look like?  I'm having similar problems: my system
sends empty LCP packets when I run 2.2.12.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: how can I disable XDM?

1999-09-12 Thread Carl Fink
[This message has also been posted.]
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999 21:11:39 GMT Björn Bondén [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I turn off XDM? (I'm using slink).

Well, I often just su to root and killall xdm.  A more elegant way
would be init 2.  
This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy. 
-Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

mail 2 news: How to handle crossposts

1999-09-12 Thread Brian May

I have been experimenting with using mail2news in order to read the
Debian mailing lists. I have problems dealing with cross posts. Let me

eg I am subscribed to debian-policy as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] My .forward-debian-policy
file contains:

|/usr/bin/mail2news -n local.lists.debian.policy -x internet -o 'Snoopys 
Gateway' -S || true

Similarly, for debian-policy:

[580] [snoopy:bam] ~ cat .forward-debian-hurd
|/usr/bin/mail2news -n local.lists.debian.hurd -x internet -o 'Snoopys 
Gateway' -S || true

Note the | true part at the end. That is in case the message is
rejected, because if it is a duplicate (eg if it has been cross-posted to
both debian-policy and debian-hurd), I don't want it to send a bounce message
back to the mailing list. I consider it an ugly hack. It doesn't
even seem to be documented in mail2news documentation.

What is the recommended way of dealing with cross-posts? I would
rather have them show up in news as... umph... cross posts ;-).
I suspect this might be easier said then done though.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ppp serial device problem: please advise

1999-09-12 Thread Andrew L. Gould
Michael Phillips wrote:

 I've been ransacking the FAQs and list archives, but cannot find any
 information on this problem specifically.  I'm using kernel 2.0 from the CD,
 and I installed the system on my Windows box, using a 3.5 floppy to boot.
 That's most likely irrelevant, so I'll cut to the chase: I'm having PPP
 problems, and I think I have it narrowed down to the fact that my serial
 ports are screwed up.  More specifically, that the system isn't recognizing
 my serial port which would be COM2 under DOS.  I disabled COM2 in the BIOS
 of my Asus P2B-F motherboard so that Win98 would work with my Rockwell 56K
 modem; could this be the cause that the device is not recognized?  I played
 around with setting up devices and using pppd manually with a daunting
 command-line string, but it's not working for me.  The bottom line: I think
 the whole problem is because Linux isn't recognizing my modem at all, or the
 port on which it operates.  How can I set that up so that it will recognize
 my modem as a valid port?  I'm a newbie, so if the question is one which can
 be answered with the ever-concise RTFM, please point me in the direction of
 the FM which would be most beneficial to read.  Any replies are greatly

 Michael Phillips

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I had a similar problem with a modem on COM4; but after jumping through all 
sorts of
hoops, it turns out that the default configuration settings only configured the 
2 serial ports.

Have you tried using setserial to determine whether the serial port is properly
configured?  For COM2, I think the command would be:

setserial /dev/cua1 (or setserial /dev/ttyS1 if you're not using cua's)

If the serial port isn't configured, you can use setserial to manuall set the
information.  You'll need the uart, port and IRQ.

If this works, you'll have to adjust your configuration files if you want the 
port to will be configured at boot up.

I'm a newbie, so you might want to check my advice against the man pages.  :)

Good luck.  I hope this helps.

Andrew L. Gould

business is people

cfdisk hates me (FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends after end-of-disk

1999-09-12 Thread Seth R Arnold
Hey guys. I am a bit worried.

cfdisk gives me this error:
FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends after end-of-disk

I, being one of the sort-of-cautious type, am scared.

Here is a nice little output from df:
amidala:/home/sarnold/redwood# df
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6 13411348   1103240  11610889   9% /
/dev/hda131077  1348 28125   5% /boot

This is an ibm 14.4 gb hdd.

From my /var/log/messages file:
Sep  6 23:00:22 amidala kernel: hda: IBM-DTTA-371440, 7559MB w/462kB Cache,

Since things mostly worked, and still mostly work, I sort of ignored this.

Was this a Very Dumb Thing To Do?

Please help me understand this. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

lp1 out of paper

1999-09-12 Thread Seth R Arnold
My /var/log/messages file has some 36000 entries like this in the last few
days. (Well, 6000 some messages saying this message has repeated four to six

Sep  5 23:47:33 amidala kernel: lp1 out of paper

I haven't gotten the lpd system setup yet... will this go away when I setup
lpd properly (I think I am using lprng. :)


Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: lp1 out of paper

1999-09-12 Thread Peter Ross
On 11-Sep-1999, Seth R Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My /var/log/messages file has some 36000 entries like this in the last few
 days. (Well, 6000 some messages saying this message has repeated four to six
 Sep  5 23:47:33 amidala kernel: lp1 out of paper
 I haven't gotten the lpd system setup yet... will this go away when I setup
 lpd properly (I think I am using lprng. :)
I used to get this error message as well, for me it was because my print
queue wasn't empty.

Check your print queue using:


then remove the jobs from it using

lprm job number


Re: lp1 out of paper

1999-09-12 Thread Seth R Arnold

On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 02:46:30PM +1000, Peter Ross wrote:
 On 11-Sep-1999, Seth R Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My /var/log/messages file has some 36000 entries like this in the last few
  days. (Well, 6000 some messages saying this message has repeated four to six
  Sep  5 23:47:33 amidala kernel: lp1 out of paper
  I haven't gotten the lpd system setup yet... will this go away when I setup
  lpd properly (I think I am using lprng. :)
 I used to get this error message as well, for me it was because my print
 queue wasn't empty.
 Check your print queue using:
 then remove the jobs from it using
 lprm job number

Nope -- empty queue. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: ppp and kernel 2.2.12

1999-09-12 Thread Levi

On 11 Sep 1999, John Hasler wrote:
 Levi writes:
  I seem to have a problem involving ppp and the new kernel.
 What does your ppp.log look like?  I'm having similar problems: my system
 sends empty LCP packets when I run 2.2.12.

I cleared my ppp.log so I could tell what was new, but nothing ever got
written to it after that.



1999-09-12 Thread ecosse

when i install linux at the end of the 
installstation it says error configuering mouse what d i do 

[no subject]

1999-09-12 Thread pvazquez

WWW.BRUJULA.NET, Su Punto de Partida Internet

Re: how can I disable XDM?

1999-09-12 Thread Martin Fluch
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Carl Fink wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Sep 1999 21:11:39 GMT Björn Bondén [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I turn off XDM? (I'm using slink).
 Well, I often just su to root and killall xdm.  A more elegant way
 would be init 2.  

/etc/init/xdm stop

For public PGP-key:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LessTif 0.89

1999-09-12 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 18:00:38 +0200, I wrote:
 The debianisation patches for 0.88.9 don't touch the LessTif code at all,
 thus they apply fine to 0.89.0. You may want to consider building it from

I've now made a non-maintainer upload of 0.89.0 to unstable.

J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: ppp and kernel 2.2.12

1999-09-12 Thread Illo de' Illis
On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 04:54:41PM -0400, Levi wrote:
 I seem to have a problem involving ppp and the new kernel. I've got ppp
 set up and it works just fine with kernel 2.0.34, but I can never seem to
 get connected with kernel 2.2.12. I've read the kernel docs and they say
 2.2.12 requires pppd 2.3.8 or better, but I've got 2.3.9 intsalled, so i
 don't know what the problem is. Thanks in advance for any help I get.

I've got a similar problem since I upgraded to pppd 2.3.9 (the kernel is
2.2.12). It simply refuses to set up the default route to the remote
gateway (and the `defaultroute' option is set). The previous pppd worked.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong - I'm drowning with all the new stuff
that doesn't work anymore since the last time I upgraded my potato distro
(last July).


Ilario Nardinocchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Computer Science Adept since 1982

Know-nothing-bozo rule:
The views expressed above are entirely mine and do not represent the views,
policy or understanding of any other person or official body.

LyX + Postscript

1999-09-12 Thread Marius Aamodt Eriksen
I'm having problems with LyX.  When viewing a document created in LyX (either 
via Postscript of DVI) LyX produces blank output; just a blank page.  All the 
components that are needed seem to be there (dvips, tex, etc.)
Has anybody here experienced the same thing?  Any solutions?


Marius Aamodt Eriksen - tuneup section ( )

Upgrading slink to potato

1999-09-12 Thread

I have this computer, running Debian 2.1, and another one running Debian 2.2
Now I want to upgrade the 2.1 PC to 2.2, but I don't want to download all the
packages again since my connection is only 33k6. The 2.2 PC does have all the
correct packages, but I can't get them installed correctly. (dependancies)

Now I heard that there is a script on the loose which simulates an debian
archives server with packages on my own PC. So you can just update from
your own PC and not from InterNet. 

I was wondering if anyone else has ever done this, or knows the correct way
to do so. Manually installing all packages is not the correct way :]



| Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the galaxy and he'll beleive you
| Tell a man a bench has wet paint, and he'll have to touch to be sure.
| Linux: Reach out and GREP someone!

Got TP-560 to work in 800x600 256 colors! (with Debian 2.1 included X)

1999-09-12 Thread John Miskinis


Many thanks to all those who helped.  I am now
up and running 2.1 debian, using full 800x600
and 256 colors on my Thinkpad 560.

I am using the X that comes with 2.1, and it's fine.

It took a lot of playing around, but I'm there.

Sometime I will resume trying to get either external
CDROM to work, but for now I have a lot of cool things
to check out.

Proud to be running debian Linux,


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Enlightenment pager

1999-09-12 Thread Tommi L. Jensen
On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 08:59:00AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right click on what? You can right-click on the Gnome pager applet in the 
 to get it's properties, but no right click is available for the Enlightenment
 pager windows other than what is present for all windows in X. No specific 
 settings. The enlightenment configurator also lacks a way of turning those
 pesky windows off for those individuals who prefer the Gnome pager.

well.. I'm not sure about DR.0.15 however the DR0.16 have got a right click 
with pager settings included
I can't remember the command line to disable them as I have not used the for a 
while... will look into it tho...

You name it, I lame it
/LamerBill AKA platypus AKA Tommi L. Jensen


Kernel Module Programming

1999-09-12 Thread Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira
Hi all,
I'm doing a kernel module (my first) and there is a problem with
headers from kernel. The error message is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~/trab$ make clean
rm -f hello.o
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~/trab$ make
gcc -Wall -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -DLINUX -c hello.c
hello.c: In function `device_read':
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 3)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 4)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 5)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 6)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 7)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 8)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 9)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 10)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 11)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 12)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 13)
hello.c:184: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 14)
echo insmod hello.o to turn it on
insmod hello.o to turn it on
echo rmmod hello to turn if off
rmmod hello to turn if off

echo X and kernel programming do not mix.
X and kernel programming do not mix.
echo Do the insmod and rmmod from outside X.
Do the insmod and rmmod from outside X.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~/trab$ su
gonzaga:/home/baptista/trab# insmod hello.o
hello.o: kernel-module version mismatch
hello.o was compiled for kernel version 2.0.36
while this kernel is version 2.0.34.

I have a slink system (in this machine)
Thanks for any help,Paulo Henrique

Re: qmail setup

1999-09-12 Thread Tommi L. Jensen
On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 06:12:25PM -0400, Paul Nesbit wrote:
 I'm trying to get pine working on top of qmail.
 I'm having problems with ./configure  in  /var/qmail/qmail1.02
 The output of ./configure is as follows:
 Your hostname is nezgnu.
 soft error
 Sorry, I couldn't find your host's canonical name in DNS.
 You will have to set up control/me yourself.
 In control/me I have one line: the canonical name of
 the provider I am dialing-up to.  Should I change my hostname to
 I've tried doing just that with :
 set $ and several other variations of
 this command with no luck.  How do I change my hostname?

then use fetchmail to recieve mail.. (qmail will only send if you don't have a 
static domain name)


You name it, I lame it
/LamerBill AKA platypus AKA Tommi L. Jensen


Re: ppp and kernel 2.2.12

1999-09-12 Thread John Hasler
Levi writes:
 I cleared my ppp.log so I could tell what was new, but nothing ever got
 written to it after that.

Then you may have a very different problem.  Do you have debugging enabled?
Please post /etc/chatscripts/provider and /etc/ppp/peers/provider.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Two ethernet cards

1999-09-12 Thread Neil Booth
I have 2 PCI Planex ethernet cards in my machine, the first uses
tulip.c as its driver, and the second uses de4x5.c.

When I inserted the second card today and rebuilt my kernel (no
modules), during boot-time initialization the tulip driver initializes
successfully as eth0, but the second driver fails with:-

eth1: region already allocated at 0xe400

because that I/O port was grabbed by the tulip driver.

Is there a way around this, or can I not use these two cards in
the same machine?  I can't see any jumpers or switches that might
change either I/O port on the cards.



Re: Two ethernet cards

1999-09-12 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello Neil:

via the card configuration tool from the manufacturer,
you should be able to change the IRQ and I/O mapping
for the card(s) in question.


Neil Booth wrote:

 I have 2 PCI Planex ethernet cards in my machine, the first uses
 tulip.c as its driver, and the second uses de4x5.c.

 When I inserted the second card today and rebuilt my kernel (no
 modules), during boot-time initialization the tulip driver initializes
 successfully as eth0, but the second driver fails with:-

 eth1: region already allocated at 0xe400

 because that I/O port was grabbed by the tulip driver.

 Is there a way around this, or can I not use these two cards in
 the same machine?  I can't see any jumpers or switches that might
 change either I/O port on the cards.



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Re: undelete for partition tables?

1999-09-12 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Tom Pfeifer wrote:


 Question: Was that possibly a Linux extended partition (type 85) as
 opposed to a DOS extnded partition? That would explain why DOS fdisk
 could delete it.

Yes, originally this computer was set up by me with linux only.  It was my
colleague who starte messing with DOS fdisk.  (Strictly speaking win98

 Question: Is there any guess as to what was on /dev/hda5 and /dev/hda6
 which are not accounted for?

These were probably win98 partitions.  /dev/hda5 may have the beginnings
of a win98 installation on it but keeping it is not important.

 I have used Norton's Disk Editor in the past to search for a sector when
 I have some knowledge of what's in that sector. For example, all
 partition sectors end with the signature 55 AA as the last two bytes.
 However, even the newest version of the Disk Editor (from NU4) is not
 able to search a disk past 1023 cylinders (8 GB), and your disk is 17 GB

Bummer.  Perhaps there is a free or shareware disk editor that can do the
job?  (I was impressed by the Ranish Partition Manager you recommended and
will register it.)

 The best I can suggest right now is if you have a copy of Norton's Disk
 Editor around, post back and I can give you a rundown on how to search
 for that sector - understanding that it may not work because of the size
 of the disk.

Please do so.  I'll see if we can get a copy of Norton or find something
similiar on TUCOWS.

 Failing that, maybe someone reading this list knows a way to attack this
 problem using Linux tools. There's always a way, but it may come down to
 how much time and effort you and your colleague are willing to devote to

I think we'll give it a go.  Thanks once again for the help.


Re: Got TP-560 to work in 800x600 256 colors! (with Debian 2.1 included X)

1999-09-12 Thread Martin Fluch
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, John Miskinis wrote:

 Sometime I will resume trying to get either external
 CDROM to work, but for now I have a lot of cool things
 to check out.

I gues, the CDROM must be pressent at boot time. I have made the following
experience with the internal CDROM of my TP 770: If it's pressent at boot
time, it is recogniced by the kernel corectly, and it's even possible to
hot swap. If it's not present at boot time, the kernel won't recognice it


For public PGP-key:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: linux

1999-09-12 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 when i install  linux at the end of the installstation it says error 
 configuering mouse what d i do

Get the mouse configured right. What kind is it, where is it?

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354 the pages bundled together.
Version: 2.6.2


Re: Two ethernet cards

1999-09-12 Thread Neil Booth
Peter Iannarelli wrote:-
 Hello Neil:
 via the card configuration tool from the manufacturer,
 you should be able to change the IRQ and I/O mapping
 for the card(s) in question.

Hi Peter,

Literally all that came in the box was a manual, a cable for
Wake-On-LAN, and the card itself.

Could you elaborate?


Cannot remove the 3dfx.o module

1999-09-12 Thread Frank Barknecht
Hi all,

I am using an old and trusty Voodoo-I-Card for the ususal stuff (quake,
gsnes9x etc). Problem is, I can only use the card once as a non-root-user.
After that I always get the message that something is using /dev/3dfx. But
there is nothing using the device... Also lsmod shows the 3dfx-module, that
never gets autoclean'ed. Even rmmod or modprobe -r does not remove the

It is possible, though, that root starts another app using the voodoo card. 

I am using kernel 2.2.10 and the module 3dfx.o from Dev3Dfx-2.7.tar.gz

Thank you,
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Debian 2.2 (Potato) Midnight Commander Fix

1999-09-12 Thread

People at Midnight Commander development have created a cool script to
enter the directory you where when you was working with Midnight commander
Therefore they have renamed the MC executable to mc.real, and created a 
script called mc. This script was supposed to call mc.real, but people at
MC-Development have forgotten to change the script's mc to mc.real

So now you have a script with an infinite loop starting over and over again.
Just change mc in mc.real in the 2nd or 3rd line in the mc script!



| Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the galaxy and he'll beleive you
| Tell a man a bench has wet paint, and he'll have to touch to be sure.
| Linux: Reach out and GREP someone!

Allowing root to display to X...

1999-09-12 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

  I remember hearing once that if you linked your ~/.Xauthority to
/root/.Xauthority, a root shell would be able to run X applications (within
your regular user's X session). However, I tried this, and it doesn't seem
to work for me.

Any ideas? I'm trying to install Sun's latest Star Office.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux:

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
those who can't.

Re: undelete for partition tables?

1999-09-12 Thread Tom Pfeifer
  Question: Was that possibly a Linux extended partition (type 85) as
  opposed to a DOS extnded partition? That would explain why DOS fdisk
  could delete it.
 Yes, originally this computer was set up by me with linux only.  It was my
 colleague who starte messing with DOS fdisk.  (Strictly speaking win98

OK, but if it was a Linux type 85 extended partition, you would not be
able to access any Windows partitions inside of it *from* Win98. It
wouldn't recognize it as an extended partition. Also Win98 can't boot
from an extended/logical drive. It had to be installed on a primary that
has been deleted.

In the future, I would recommend saving the output of either...

1) Linux fdisk == fdisk -l  part.txt(this does all drives)
2) Ranish PM   == part -d 1 -p -r  part.txt  (for each drive) a file on a floppy disk, so that a record of the partition
table(s) is always available. It makes a job like this a relative snap.
It's too late in this case of course.

Despite the (understandably) sketchy details here, I'll try to get you
started with the disk editor. Please understand that finding that
extended partition sector is just the beginning of the job.

I wrote some web pages last year after helping someone else with a
similar, but much easier, problem. The procedure for searching for a
sector with the Norton Disk Editor is outlined on this particular page:

The only significant differences in your case would be the range of
sectors to search and the search criteria. Since all partition sectors
should end with a 55 AA as the last two bytes, the following can be
used as the search criteria:

specify hex values of 55 AA, located at an offset of 510 (decimal) in
the sector. The range of sectors to search would be essentially the
whole drive in your case. The Disk Editor can only search about half of
your drive (the first 8 GB)

Keep in mind that the partition sector you are looking for is not going
to be the only sector that will end with 55 AA. The MBR sector (first
sector on the drive), any FAT (16 or 32) boot record sector, and
remnants of previous partition boot records and partition sectors may be

When you find a sector that has 55 AA at the end, you can use Diskedit
to view it as a partition table by hitting F6. What you are looking
for is a partition table sector with two entries, looking something like
this in the Disk Editor's partition table view:

Instead of me trying to cover every possible detail now (which is
impossible anyway), I suggest you try following my procedure and try to
account for the differences in your situation as you do it. If you have
specific questions or problems, feel free to ask. If you really want to
do this, you are going to have to get into this up to your eyeballs
anyway  - I can only try to get you started.

There very likely is a better way to do this with Linux - I just don't
know it. There are professional data recovery firms that could also
handle this, but you are definitely talking about $$$ there.

Good luck,

weird entry in netstat

1999-09-12 Thread Pollywog
I don't have Licq or other ICQ clone running, and I ran 'netstat' and got

udp0  0

Anyone know what this is about?



Re: rexecd disappeared after update.

1999-09-12 Thread C. R. Oldham
Rob Mahurin wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 09:45:37AM -0400, Steve Rothanburg wrote:
  Anybody know where I can find in.rexecd? I just ran dselect this morning
  and after the 8megs of updates rexecd is gone.

 I think that rexec is now considered evil for security reasons and ssh
 is the recommended replacement.

Then it needs to become a separate package.  I depend on rexecd despite it's
insecurities because the protocol is supported by my Win32 X server (X-Win32).

BTW in.rshd is gone too.

I'm not new to Debian, but I am confused about how this daemon could drop out 
under all of us without a notice to some list?

  /-Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham   | NCA Commission on Schools  -\
 /[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Arizona State University  _-\
/-V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 | Tempe, AZ USA X_-\

Re: rexecd disappeared after update.

1999-09-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-Sep-99 C. R. Oldham wrote:
 Rob Mahurin wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 09:45:37AM -0400, Steve Rothanburg wrote:
  Anybody know where I can find in.rexecd? I just ran dselect this
  and after the 8megs of updates rexecd is gone.

 I think that rexec is now considered evil for security reasons and ssh
 is the recommended replacement.
 Then it needs to become a separate package.  I depend on rexecd despite
 insecurities because the protocol is supported by my Win32 X server
 BTW in.rshd is gone too.

I noticed that rlogin, rshd, and their friends are gone.  The reason I
noticed it is that I usually remove them myself, but there was nothing to
be removed.


RE: weird entry in netstat

1999-09-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-Sep-99 Pollywog wrote:
 I don't have Licq or other ICQ clone running, and I ran 'netstat' and got
 udp0  0

It seems that this is indeed the ICQ server; I had never seen an entry like
that one while connected with ICQ or after disconnecting.


Re: Two ethernet cards

1999-09-12 Thread George Bonser

On 12-Sep-99 Neil Booth wrote:

 Hi Peter,
 Literally all that came in the box was a manual, a cable for
 Wake-On-LAN, and the card itself.
 Could you elaborate?

If both cards are PCI there really should not be a problem. Try swapping the
order of the cards in the PCI bus and see if that helps. 

Just curious, why are you using the different drivers for the two cards? Can't
they both use the same one?

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-Sep-99
Time: 18:47:13

This message was sent by XFMail

[no subject]

1999-09-12 Thread Allix Primus

/.4/ISO/Debian/2.1_r2/i386 there are two binary files binary-i386-1.iso (611.37 
megabytes) and binary-i386-2.iso (516.03 megabytes).I'm downloading the 
first binary file and was just wondering if the second was another version or is 
it required to be downloaded.


lpd: daemon not started.

1999-09-12 Thread Justin Settle
I can't seem to print anything out with lpd + magicfilter.  I can cat
file out to the printer and I believe that magic filter is setup
correctly.  The problem is that if I do a lpc status it says no daemon
present.  I do a lpc up all and it says daemon started but if a lpc
status is done again it reply's no daemon is present.  lpr filename
does nothing - the printer doesn't move and the file never appears in

Any sugestions would be appreciated,
Justin Settle

Re: Pulled /home from / to New File Sys

1999-09-12 Thread Rev. DeFiLEZ
go to single user mode (not REALLY nessessary but good idea)

umount /home

cd /home
rm -r
mount /dev/blah /home

go back to multi user mode

ps you should you you cp -a when coping files (preserves link, rights, and 


On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 10:58:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ran out of space on /, so I decided to pull /home into its own
 partition.  I created /dev/hda8 and made an ext2 file sys there.
 I then mounted /dev/hda8 on /mnt, and issued 'cp -rp /home/* /mnt'
 This looked good, so I changed /etc/fstab to reflect this new home
 for /home, and rebooted.
 I'm happy in my new /home, but I want to clean out my old /home.
 'df -h /' still shows a full file sys, yet 'du -hs /home' shows over
 2M.  I'm assuming that 2M is still hiding under / somewhere,
 but how do I get at it?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: your mail

1999-09-12 Thread Phil Brutsche
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Allix Primus wrote:

 At /.4/ISO/Debian/2.1_r2/i386 there are two binary files
 binary-i386-1.iso (611.37 megabytes) and binary-i386-2.iso (516.03
 megabytes). I'm downloading the first binary file and was just wondering
 if the second was another version or is it required to be downloaded.
Get both - you won't have a complete copy of the distribution if you
don't.  Debian has so much stuff in it that it simply can't fit on one CD
any more.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Problems building book from source, Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage

1999-09-12 Thread Christian Ericsson

I have downloaded the source from, but I
have problems
building the book from the source. LaTeX keeps complaining about some fonts
that are missing.

The following fonts are missing:
- ecrm0700, ecrm0800, ecrm0900, ecrm1000, ecrm1200, ecrm1440, ecrm2488
- ecbx1000, ecbx1200, ecbx1440, ecbx2488
- ecss0900, ecss1000
- ecti0800, ecti1000
- nullfont

Do you have any idea which font package is missing on my system?

LaTeX also report:

LaTeX Error: File 'html.sty' not found.


LaTeX Error: File 'url.sty' not found.

Does anyone have any idea why?


PS. I have included the output from ./, when it's executed.
Script started on Mon Sep  6 20:33:08 1999
athena:~/doc# ./
rm: debian-tutorial.aux: No such file or directory
rm: debian-tutorial.dvi: No such file or directory
rm: debian-tutorial.i*: No such file or directory
rm: debian-tutorial.lo*: No such file or directory
rm: No such file or directory
rm: debian-tutorial.toc: No such file or directory
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
LaTeX2e 1998/06/01
Babel v3.6j and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n
ohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: debian 1999/05/06 v1.0 Standard LaTeX document class
(debian10.clo)) (/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty
(/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/t1enc.def)kpathsea: Running mktextfm  ecrm1000
mktextfm: Running mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000
This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.2)

kpathsea: Running mktexmf  ecrm1000
! I can't find file `ecrm1000'.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000
Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000
Transcript written on mfput.log.
mktextfm: `mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000' failed.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.

! Font T1/cmr/m/n/10=ecrm1000 at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not fou
to be read again 
l.98 \fontencoding\encodingdefault\selectfont
) (/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty beta test version
Writing index file debian-tutorial.idx

! LaTeX Error: File `html.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or RETURN to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Enter file name: 

! LaTeX Error: File `url.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or RETURN to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Enter file name: 
No file debian-tutorial.aux.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/cmr/m/n' in size 15 not available
(Font)  size 14.4 substituted on input line 81.

kpathsea: Running mktextfm  ecrm1440
mktextfm: Running mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1440
This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.2)

kpathsea: Running mktexmf  ecrm1440
! I can't find file `ecrm1440'.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1440
Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1440
Transcript written on mfput.log.
mktextfm: `mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1440' failed.
! Font T1/cmr/m/n/15=ecrm1440 at 14.4pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not fou
to be read again 
l.81 \maketitle
kpathsea: Running mktextfm  nullfont
mktextfm: Running mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input nullfont
This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.2)

kpathsea: Running mktexmf  nullfont
! I can't find file `nullfont'.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input nullfont
Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input nullfont
Transcript written on mfput.log.
mktextfm: `mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input nullfont' failed.
! Font \T1/cmr/m/n/14.4=nullfont not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
to be read again 
l.81 \maketitle
kpathsea: Running mktextfm  ecrm1200
mktextfm: Running mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1200
This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.2)

kpathsea: Running mktexmf  ecrm1200
! I can't find file `ecrm1200'.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1200
Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
* ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; 

One Without The Other

1999-09-12 Thread Allix Primus

So is it possible to just extract the first binary and install 
debian with the minimum amount of software or is the second one required 


RE: One Without The Other

1999-09-12 Thread George Bonser
You only REALLY need the first one.

On 12-Sep-99 Allix Primus wrote:
 So is it possible to just extract the first binary and install debian with
 the minimum amount of software or is the second one required ?

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12-Sep-99
Time: 19:44:17

This message was sent by XFMail

So is it possible to just extract the first binary and install 
debian with the minimum amount of software or is the second one required 


Re: undelete for partition tables?

1999-09-12 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Sat, 11 Sep, 1999 à 08:49:24PM -0400, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
 Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
  Partition records exactly as they appear in MBR (EMBR):
 In fact, I don't even know how he deleted that partition with DOS fdisk
 since it normally is not capable of deleting an extended partition that
 still contains non-DOS logical drives - which it also can't delete. 
I think that win98's fdisk is able of such abomination when you ask the
support of large disk.

 I have used Norton's Disk Editor in the past to search for a sector when
 I have some knowledge of what's in that sector. For example, all
 partition sectors end with the signature 55 AA as the last two bytes.
 However, even the newest version of the Disk Editor (from NU4) is not
 able to search a disk past 1023 cylinders (8 GB), and your disk is 17 GB
 The best I can suggest right now is if you have a copy of Norton's Disk
 Editor around, post back and I can give you a rundown on how to search
 for that sector - understanding that it may not work because of the size
 of the disk.
 Failing that, maybe someone reading this list knows a way to attack this
 problem using Linux tools. There's always a way, but it may come down to
 how much time and effort you and your colleague are willing to devote to
Loïc Prylli posted a C programm on the newsgroup fr.comp.os.linux some 2
years ago to detect an ext2 partition that can help to solve Jaldhar's problem.
This programm can be found on but I don't know
the exact URL. If you can't find it, I have a copy of it

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: Got TP-560 to work in 800x600 256 colors! (with Debian 2.1 included X)

1999-09-12 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, John Miskinis wrote:

 Many thanks to all those who helped.  I am now
 up and running 2.1 debian, using full 800x600
 and 256 colors on my Thinkpad 560.
 I am using the X that comes with 2.1, and it's fine.

I'm glad you got it working. If possible, you'll want to get 16bit color
depth--things will look a lot better. I'll give you my XF86Config if you
want, but I've got the TFT active display so it may not help.

Cheers. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.


1999-09-12 Thread lonewolf

My question is simply this. Will Debian linux ever 
support ACER 6206a CD-RW 
drives in the near future.

Thank you for your time 

Shane O'Connor


1999-09-12 Thread tf

hey guys,

I'm cheating here with netscape, but on my own machine!  yee haw.  
I don't seem to be swapping.  the boot messages include activating
swap, and I have a swap partition, but top shows nothing but zeros in
the swap line. any ideas?



1999-09-12 Thread David Blackman
Is there anything special about this drive?
if it's scsi or ide it's probably supported by cdrecord.
the OS has little to do with hardware support, it's the kernel and
packages you install.

Version: 3.1
GCS d- s+:+ a--- C UL++ P+ L+++ E+ W++ N++ o K- w
O-- M-- V-- PS++ PE Y+ PGP- t+ 5-- X-- R* tv+ b DI D++
G++ e* h! r-- !y+

On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, lonewolf wrote:

 My question is simply this. Will Debian linux ever support ACER 6206a CD-RW 
 drives in the near future.
 Thank you for your time 
 Shane O'Connor

Quake2 problems

1999-09-12 Thread Robert Rati
I'm having a problem running Quake 2.  When I try to run it I get this

--- sound initialization ---
sound sampling rate: 11047

--- Loading ---
ref_gl version: GL 0.01
recursive shutdown
Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx

When I get it running with the software renderer and try to switch to the
glx renderer, it seg faults.  I got it working with glx renderer once, but
it was really slow and not really there.  Only thing I could get was the
menu and it was dropping frames. Does anyone know what is file is that
it's complaining about?  I've had it running before so I have no idea what
this error is.  Am I missing something I need to run this?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  A REAL Man's OS!
 forever.  I'm outta here. |

dselect using smbmounted archive

1999-09-12 Thread David Karlin
I've been trying to get dselect and/or apt to work with an
official slink CD rom which is smbmounted to /mnt.

Unfortunately, the symlinks on the CD rom are not followed
by the windows server, so a straightforward copy of the
distribution is not available (looks for ...dists/stable...
which is actually a link to ...dists/slink...(?))

I've tried to use the access choice mounted with partial
success; the package listing was updated with the following
Using '/mnt/dists/slink/main/binary-i386' as main binary dir
Using '/mnt/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz' for main

After selecting packages, I chose install which failed
(too many errors).  Here is one of the many (identical
except for .deb name) error messages:
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
dpkg-deb: unexpected end of file in version number in 
dpkg: error processing 
/mnt/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/admin/stow_1.3.2-11.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Skipping deselected package sudo.

Why is dselect able to find Packages.gz, but not the .debs?
Is this some error inputting the archive location, or another
problem?  Is it possible to us a smbmounted CD rom in this way,
or do I need to find another solution?

David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

Re: weird entry in netstat

1999-09-12 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 05:40:36PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 I don't have Licq or other ICQ clone running, and I ran 'netstat' and got
 udp0  0

you can use:
fuser 1062/udp
to get the PID of the process using this port on your host...

hope this helps



Marcin Owsiany

Include iostream.h

1999-09-12 Thread Dan Smith
Please send replies directly to me--I am not
subscribed to the list
What debian package contains the include file
iostream.h?  And if there is none, where can I
download it?
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: linux

1999-09-12 Thread Kent West
 ecosse wrote:
 when i install  linux at the end of the installstation it says
 error configuering mouse what d i do

I assume this is not an X issue, but a command-line issue. It
sounds like gpm is not properly configured. Try running gpmconfig
and see what that does for you.

Re: Connect two computers

1999-09-12 Thread Kent West
Luis Moura wrote:
 I have just connect two computers with windows 98 with a
 RJ45 inverted cable, trought it's network boards.
 How do I configure the windows 98 network in order each one
 see each other ?

First Redhat questions, now Windows? Humph.

Just install NetBEUI on both PCs, give them unique computer
names, and put them in the same workgroup, and they should see
each other.

Re: Debian to be too late released

1999-09-12 Thread Stephan Hachinger
Surely I would appreciate a 2.4 ready distribution.

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

- Original Message -
From: andreas palsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-User List
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 1999 8:36 PM
Subject: Debian to be too late released


 My questions is, if Debian 2.2 is released before this date, will there
 be a kernel-and-depending-tools-update a few weeks after the relase of
 kernel 2.4?
 I am certainly one of those who would like to see that.
 Any one else who agrees/disagrees?
== andreas pålsson == [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==

Re: ppp and kernel 2.2.12

1999-09-12 Thread Levi

On 12 Sep 1999, John Hasler wrote:
 Levi writes:
  I cleared my ppp.log so I could tell what was new, but nothing ever got
  written to it after that.
 Then you may have a very different problem.  Do you have debugging enabled?
 Please post /etc/chatscripts/provider and /etc/ppp/peers/provider.

I've attached the requested files (modified to remove my passwd of

# This file was generated by pppconfig.  You can edit the following lines
# but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will
# confuse pppconfig.
noauth #pppconfig_noauth
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider  #pppconfig_connect
debug  #pppconfig_debug 
/dev/ttyS1   #pppconfig_dev
115200  #pppconfig_speed
defaultroute #pppconfig_route
noipdefault #pppconfig_ipdefault
user 'levi'  #pppconfig_user
# End of pppconfig controlled lines.  You can add lines below here without
# confusing pppconfig.
OK ATDT9246310
Username: 'levi'
Password: ''

Re: Two ethernet cards

1999-09-12 Thread Neil Booth
George Bonser wrote:-
 If both cards are PCI there really should not be a problem. Try swapping the
 order of the cards in the PCI bus and see if that helps. 

Hmmm, yes they are both PCI - swapping the card order made no difference -
the same card gets recognised first, and the second one ignored.

Does this indicate a hardware problem?

 Just curious, why are you using the different drivers for the two cards? Can't
 they both use the same one?

Yes, I now think (from the manufacturer's website) that they can both
use the tulip driver, but it seems to just ignore the second one
(presumably because they share I/O address).  Using the other Dec
driver, with which it seems compatible too, was what actually threw up
an error message, making me think that was the true driver.


modem speaker

1999-09-12 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
Hi all,

what do I have to do to disable the modem speaker when dialing to the
internet ?

Many thanks.
  - Powered by Debian/GNU Linux -
  -- Linux User 140860   Machine 61143 --

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]-  --   -- --   -- -   -  My homepage  |  | | | | | | | |  | |  /  Best linux dist.  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | | /  GNU Project   ---|  | | | |   |

RE: modem speaker

1999-09-12 Thread Pollywog

On 12-Sep-99 Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote:
 Hi all,
 what do I have to do to disable the modem speaker when dialing to the
 internet ?

In your connect script, add M0 to your init string.


Re: modem speaker

1999-09-12 Thread Marcin Kurc
use ATM0 instead ATZ in your initiation scripts
for example:

exec chat -v\
ABORT   '\nBUSY\r'  \
''  \rAT\
'OK-+++\c-OK'   ATM0\
ogin:   $ACCOUNT\

On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 12:29:32AM +0200, Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote: 
 Hi all,
 what do I have to do to disable the modem speaker when dialing to the
 internet ?
 Many thanks.
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Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

printer whoohs with LPRng

1999-09-12 Thread Brian E. Lavender
When I try to print something with my linux box, I get nothing. 
I am using LPRng. I also successfully configured my printer port.

$ echo Hello World  /dev/lp0

will print hello world. I have to manually form feed the page

But when I do

$ lpr /etc/passwd

it produces nothing. I then query the print spool

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'PostScript'
 Queue: 1 printable job
 Server: no server active
 Status: lp: Do_queue_jobs: cannot open '/var/spool/lpd/lp' - Is a directory at 
 Rank   Owner/ID   Class Job  Files   Size Time
1   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  328 /etc/passwd1297 15:22:26

It looks as if lp is trying to open a file title lp, but it is finding that it 
a directory. Indeed, if I ls the directory, I see that lp is a directory and not
a file

debian:~# ls -la /var/spool/lpd/lp
total 1319
drwxrwsr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Sep  5 13:58 .
drwxrwsr-x   3 lp   lp   1024 Sep 12 15:22 ..
-rw---   1 lp   lp107 Sep  5 13:58 cfA143debian.linux.bogus
-rw---   1 lp   lp  0 Sep  3 23:11 control.lp
-rw---   1 lp   lp   1151 Sep  5 13:58 dfA143debian.linux.bogus
-rw---   1 lp   lp102 Sep  5 13:58 hfA143
-rw---   1 lp   lp  5 Sep  5 13:58 lp
-rw---   1 lp   lp1335070 Sep  9 23:38 status.lp
-rw---   1 lp   lp  5 Sep  5 13:58 unspooler.lp

You can see that I have a file called, /var/spool/lpd/lp/lp
so it looks if I have something screwed up somewhere. Here is my printcap
I am using a filter called hp4laser

$ cat /etc/printcap

# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
# provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
# to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
# may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
# software without specific prior written permission. This software
# is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#   @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
##PRINTTOOL## LOCAL PostScript 600x600 letter {}
##PRINTTOOL## LOCAL PostScript 600x600 letter {}

This printcap works with BSD LPR, so I am a bit confused as to what is wrong 
Let me guess, LPR is different than LPRng, but these all look pretty basic.

Any suggestions?

Brian Lavender

Re: swap

1999-09-12 Thread Rob Mahurin
What does swapon -s say?  Where should your swap be and where is it?


On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 06:15:37PM +0300, tf wrote:
 I'm cheating here with netscape, but on my own machine!  yee haw.  
 I don't seem to be swapping.  the boot messages include activating
 swap, and I have a swap partition, but top shows nothing but zeros in
 the swap line. any ideas?

Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds exactly
the same opinion.
-- Oscar Wilde