Problemas con gEdit

1999-10-18 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
Hola a todos.

He empezado a utilizar el gEdit para ver y modificar alguno de mis
archivos pero tengo un problema y es que, de vez en cuando (creo que al
encontrar algún acento), borra parte del texto siguiente (de 5 a 10

¿Le ha pasado a alguien?, ¿cómo lo puedo solucionar?

Y a propósito de esto, en vuestra opinión, ¿cual es el mejor (y,
relativamente, más sencillo) procesador de texto de Linux? Especialmente
para archivos de LaTeX (.tex).

Muchas gracias y un saludo.


Re: Nuevo documento sobre Server Side Includes

1999-10-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, oct 18, 1999 at 12:51:14 +0200, Paco Brufal wrote:
   Acabo de poner en mi web un documento sobre creación de HTML
 dinámico con Server Side Includes. Espero que le echeis un vistazo a ver que
 os parece:

Muy bueno Paco, esto era justo lo que necesitaba para ponerme manos a la
obra con shtml, gracias.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

RE: Nuevo documento sobre Server Side Includes

1999-10-18 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
Mú bonito el documentito ;) 

Sólo una cosa: el tratamiento de idiomas tal y como tú lo haces (incluyendo
una página u otra según el idioma elegido) creo que es mejor no hacerlo por
SSI, sino con las extensiones de idiomas que trae (ya sea con multiviews (que es más eficiente ya
que no obliga al apache a parsear el documento) o como viene explicado para
en particular las páginas de errores
Ah y otra cosa, la convención que se suele seguir para páginas multiidioma
es nombrepágina.html.idioma

Otra cosa sería que usases SSI porque sólo hay partes de una página que
quieras traducir, pero como en el ejemplo que pones prácticamente sustituyes
toda la página puesss :)

Vaaale, vaaale que sólo lo hagas a modo de ejemplo, pero te lo digo por si
no se te había ocurrido mirar donde te digo O:)

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: makeinfo en slink?

1999-10-18 Thread Vicen
El viernes 15 octubre de 1999 a las 19:22:59, Gorka Olaizola dijo:
 ¿Tiene slink este programa?
 como puedo averiguar en que paquete esta?

$ zgrep makeinfo /cdrom/Contents-i386.gz (o donde esté)...

usr/bin/makeinfo. tex/tetex-bin


De nadas.
Debian 2.1 - LINUX User Reg: 90136
Albacete - ES

Description: PGP signature

la verdad es que...

1999-10-18 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Lamentablemente, y digo ésto por que es una lástima, que Red Hat se está
convirtiendo a pasos agigantados en el Micropoft de Linux. Para muestra un

Red Hat 6.1 Advisory: RHSA-1999:040 New PAM packages available  -
The PAM packages shipped with Red Hat Linux 6.1/Intel may allow access to
locked NIS accounts on certain network configurations. If you have a Red Hat
Linux 6.1 workstation performing authentication against a NIS server then
you are at risk. Red Hat recommends that you upgrade the PAM packages on all
Red Hat Linux 6.1 workstations to the versions announced in this advisory

Y la 6.1 no ha hecho más que salir... ¿Para ésto tienen gente contratada
trabajando en exclusiva en su distribución

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: la verdad es que...

1999-10-18 Thread dfm

¿Por qué crees que por aquí usamos Debian? jejejejeje.. ahi tienes una
prueba... Desde mi punto de vista Debian representa realmente lo que es
Linux. Personalmente yo no considero una verdadera distribución de Linux a
la Redhat desde la 5.2, aunque no deja de ser una opinión, no quiero un
debate aquí sobre esto... ya se sabe, sobre gustos...

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 18/10/99 08:58:27

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: la verdad es que...


Lamentablemente, y digo ésto por que es una lástima, que Red Hat se está
convirtiendo a pasos agigantados en el Micropoft de Linux. Para muestra un

Red Hat 6.1 Advisory: RHSA-1999:040 New PAM packages available  -
The PAM packages shipped with Red Hat Linux 6.1/Intel may allow access to
locked NIS accounts on certain network configurations. If you have a Red
Hat Linux 6.1 workstation performing authentication against a NIS server
then you are at risk. Red Hat recommends that you upgrade the PAM packages
on all Red Hat Linux 6.1 workstations to the versions announced in this

Y la 6.1 no ha hecho más que salir... ¿Para ésto tienen gente contratada
trabajando en exclusiva en su distribución

Have a nice day  ;-)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Offtopic Ayuda personal

1999-10-18 Thread Juanma
Pues eso, necesitaría ponerme en contacto con algún linuxero (de debian por
supuesto) que resida en guipúzcoa o vizcaya.

Por favor

Re: Como se hacen debs?

1999-10-18 Thread Barbwired
Fernando Sanchez decía:
 Casi todo, de hecho :-) Puedes instalar el paquete maint-guide-es, que te
 explica todo el proceso muy bien, y en castellano y todo.

¿Es de Potato?

   I love computing because it's the most logical thing in my world.

Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

GNOME para slink?

1999-10-18 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Dónde puedo encontrar los paquetes de GNOME compilados para slink? Es que
estaba convencido de que en el sitio de GNOME los tenían, pero no
encuentro paquetes para debian por ninguna parte :(



Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Quitar los application icon

1999-10-18 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Existe alguna forma en WindowMaker de que no salgan los application icon?
Es decir, una especie de Atributes - Application Specific - No
application icon pero para todas las ventanas y para siempre.

Lo he intentado diciendole en Atributes - Window specification que es un
valor 'Defaults for all windows', pero parece no hacerme caso :( :?¿

Es que con GNOME no encuentro de utilidad los application icon y me
gustaría poder quitármelos de en medio.

Uso Slink con cosas sueltas de potato, y mi WindowMaker es
wmaker-gnome 0.53.0-1.9-slink2.



Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

depmod -a despues de reiniciar

1999-10-18 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Tengo una duda, ¿hay que hacer depmod -a despues de instalar el nuevo
kernel creado con make-kpkg? ¿Se hace esto aunque crees el kernel con
las herramientas de Debian, o Debian ya provee de un mecanismo para hacer
esto de forma automática al arrancar despues de una instalacion de kernel?
¿Se puede repetir este depmod -a, aunque ya se haya hecho? ¿Qué hace
realmente, contado en lenguaje natural comprensible?

Saludos y gracias

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
10/18   Boston Shoemakers form first U.S. labor org., 1648
10/18   Soviets anounce their probe took photos of the Moon's far side, 1959
10/19   Mao Tse-tung establishes the People's Republic of China, 1949
10/19   Napoleon's beaten army begins the long retreat from Moscow, 1812

Description: PGP signature

Re: Particionar Win 98 con FIPS

1999-10-18 Thread Juanjo Martinez
Hola a todos/as:

El Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 02:53:23PM +0100, Jose Rodriguez escribió:
 Un amigo mío tiene un problema: Quiere instalar Linux en su máquina que
 tiene Windows 98. Tras defragmentar el disco duro, y correr el Fips
 este  le dice que todo esta bien, pero que no hay espacio para una nueva
 particion porque hay algun fichero que ocupa los últimos clusters. Mi
 amigo tiene 1 Giga libre, así que no es por problema de espacio. Hace
 tiempo yo tuve ese mismo problema y lo solucione borrando un fichero
 oculto del disco duro (uno como el de swapping o el C:\BOOTLOG.TXT, pero
 no recuerdo cual) ¿Alguien sabe qué fichero es el que tiene que borrar?
 Sé que es uno que Windows 98 crea cada vez que arranca, así que no hay
 problema de que lo borre.

No puedo decirte que fichero has de borrar, pero recuerdo que cuando hice
esto mismo, desfragmenté el dd con las Norton 3.0. Vigila las opciones para
que haga lo que necesitas.

|Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  |
|   [Por favor quita 'NOSPAM' para responder]   |
| Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 [2.2.10]Linux Registered User #68887 |

Re: GNOME para slink?

1999-10-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, oct 18, 1999 at 08:13:01 +0200, Juan Ignacio Llona wrote:
 Hola a todos!

Hola :)

 Dónde puedo encontrar los paquetes de GNOME compilados para slink? Es que
 estaba convencido de que en el sitio de GNOME los tenían, pero no
 encuentro paquetes para debian por ninguna parte :(

Ahí no los tienen, pásate por:

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Necesito ayuda con el exim.

1999-10-18 Thread Gustavo CR
El mar, 05 oct 1999, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz escribió:

 Pues bueno, me reescribe el from, pero ¡de todos los emails! Es decir,
 los mails locales también son reescritos a [EMAIL PROTECTED], por lo que un
 reply no funciona, teniendo que cambiar manualmente la dirección a donde
 se va a responder, por la dirección local de email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Ya se que respondo un poco tarde pero mirando la FAQ
de Exim he encontrado algo que hace referencia a tu  problema:

Q1003: I want to rewrite local addresses in mail that goes to the outside
world, but not for messages that remain within the local intranet. 

Y viene un ejemplo de como se puede hacer. Quiizas la FAQ también venga en el
paquete exim-doc.

Saludos y suerte:
¡International Linux Free Beer Ring YA!

Re: Como se hacen debs?

1999-10-18 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Barbwired wrote:

  Casi todo, de hecho :-) Puedes instalar el paquete maint-guide-es, que te
 ¿Es de Potato?

Potato y Sid sólo, sí.

Re: OffTopic: Divulgação da Debian no Brasil

1999-10-18 Thread Clovis Sena
Sem querer ser chato,

mas eu ja havia percebido isto ha um tempo atras; e falaram que iam se
concentrar no trabalho e deixar a divulgacao para depois; mas, nao sei
se conhecem aquela historia da galinha e da pata; uma bota ovos e fica
calada e a outra tambem coloca os ovos se que faz um alarido, anuncio no
prog do faustao, etc; quem vcs acham que eh a mais conhecida...??

Facam banners, que a gente ajuda a divulgar; os organizadores, mandem
emails direitinho as principais revistas de informatica pedindo q eles
facam uma materia, coisa assim; tem algumas revistas online, ex,, e que
vcs podiam pedir para criar uma secao com noticias sobre o projeto, ou
fazer um link para o site da debian br; ou ainda colocar bannersm, etc.

Talvez seja hora de mostrar o excelente trabalho que vcs estao fazendo;
senao, vao passar batidos; pouca gente mesmo, mas pouca mesmo conhece o
site da debiar-br ( se nao me engano, nao eh ??
) e sera preciso um esforco ( agora ) imenso para contornar isto; tem
que pensar direito: se colocar banners do linswap, do linkexchange, se
paga anuncios online, ex no zaz, no uol ou sei la; pq eu mesmo tou vendo
que em toda revista, comercial que eh divulgado so aparece a 
conectiva/redhat/suse, e debian nada; a debian eh uma ex\celente
distrib, mas precisa ser mais trabalhada em sua divulgacao...

Eu pessoalmente nao uso o debian, no momento estou usando o conectiva
3.0 ( eh, nada de 4.0, nem redhat 6.x ), mas ja usei quase todas as
distribs, inclusive a debian ainda na versao 1.2 ( o primeiro linux a
gente nunca esquece, nao eh mesmo ? ) se nao me falha a memoria
e para nao dizer que eu falo muito e pouco faco, mandem-me uns banners q
eu coloco em minha pagina no E mais: se
vcs entrarem em contato com o Roberto ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )eh possivel
colocar um banner de vcs entre os banners que vao ficar rodando no site;
a gente ta midando o visual do site, nao ta funcionando ainda no site
todo, mas eh um inicio.

Clovis Sena

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva escreveu:
 Ola para Todos,
 Estava verificando estes dias sobre as chances de um usuário
 escolher a Debian como sua distribuição padrão.
 Ainda é difícil se encontrar bons sites de linux que divulguem
 a situação atual da Debian, e quando há divulgação elas ocorrem
 sobre a distribuição em lingua Inglesa. Não encontrei em nenhum
 mecanismo de busca da Internet algo que falasse sobre a Debian
 em Portugues, os esforços de tradução ou da
 lista debian-user-portuguese.
 Os Web masters (ou talvez vários usuários que já utilizam a Debian
 em Inglês) ainda não conhecem os esforços e os resultados da
 internacionalização da Debian ou até mesmo a existência desta
 lista de discussão.
 Atualmente, com a colaboração de usuários portugueses (Brasil e
 Portugal) pessoas que contribuem para a internacionalização da
 Debian, a situação é bem diferente. Vejo que já temos a principal
 parte em Português para iniciarmos uma divulgação da distribuição.
 Hoje estava verificando em ferramentas de busca e alguns sites
 conhecidos, alguma coisa que falasse sobre a Debian. Infelizmente
 não encontrei nenhum material que falasse sobre os esforços de
 tradução da Debian para o idioma Portugues.
 A Internet é um meior rápido de localização das informações, e
 sobre o Linux, existem várias Home Pages de divulgação de
 listas de usuários, novas versões e outros tipos de divulgação.
 Mas muitas delas não contam com dados atualizados sobre a situação
 atual desta distribuição, e sobre o suporte de nosso excelente
 grupo de usuários e técnicos participantes.
 Começei hoje o seguite trabalho: Todo o site que conheço que tiver
 uma parte falando sobre listas de discussão de usuários e não
 estiver incluida a debian-user, vou pedir ao responsável da página
 que inclua o endereço de nossa lista, porque é um esforço de
 voluntários para o crescimento da distribuição (seguindo o mesmo
 estilo do linux.
 Igualmente se o site estiver com dados desatualizados sobre a Debian:
 Em alguns em encontrei comentários ainda sobre a versão 2.0!
 Hoje dei o primeiro passo: enviei uma mensagem ao Responsável
 pelo site e pedi para que incluisse
 o endereço da lista debian-user portuguese, e para surpresa dele
 a Debian já estava disponível em Portugues!
 Acho que cada pessoa da lista conheçe ou tem a preferência de
 alguma Home Page de Linux, pediria que verificassem se ela
 tem a lista de discussão da
 e em caso negativo, que solicitassem ao responsável da página
 que ela seja incluida. O mesmo se dá para páginas que tem dados
 desatualizados sobre o Linux.
 Muitos usuários frequentam Home Pages de referência ao Linux, e
 poucos tem conhecimento sobre a situação atual de nossa
 Ah! deêm uma olhada no 


1999-10-18 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Gostaria de saber o que é esse aquivo que fica em /proc/kcore
 esse tal de kcore está comendo 25mb do meu HD. Ele está com a atribuição só
 de leitura e não dá p/ modificá-lo pelo menos eu tentei, bom dependendo que
 que ele seja queria saber uma maneira de apagá-lo bele
De uma olhada na FAQ que lah tem a resposta (alias, deveria ter
sido o primeiro local onde uma pessoa que se auto denomina Crash
Override olharia).

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

Re: OffTopic: Divulgação da Debian no Brasil

1999-10-18 Thread Clovis Sena
E eu esqueci de dizer: manda uns avisos de updates no linuxtoday,
slachdot, e outrs que eles estao aih para isto; se vc mandar um anuncio
certinho, junto com um pedido de ajuda o pessoal inclui a noticia e fica
mais facil.

ps: tb vale cadastrar ele no altavista, yahoo, excite, cade, miner, etc.


Clovis Sena

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva escreveu:
 Ola para Todos,
 Estava verificando estes dias sobre as chances de um usuário
 escolher a Debian como sua distribuição padrão.
 Ainda é difícil se encontrar bons sites de linux que divulguem
 a situação atual da Debian, e quando há divulgação elas ocorrem
 sobre a distribuição em lingua Inglesa. Não encontrei em nenhum
 mecanismo de busca da Internet algo que falasse sobre a Debian
 em Portugues, os esforços de tradução ou da
 lista debian-user-portuguese.
 Os Web masters (ou talvez vários usuários que já utilizam a Debian
 em Inglês) ainda não conhecem os esforços e os resultados da
 internacionalização da Debian ou até mesmo a existência desta
 lista de discussão.
 Atualmente, com a colaboração de usuários portugueses (Brasil e
 Portugal) pessoas que contribuem para a internacionalização da
 Debian, a situação é bem diferente. Vejo que já temos a principal
 parte em Português para iniciarmos uma divulgação da distribuição.
 Hoje estava verificando em ferramentas de busca e alguns sites
 conhecidos, alguma coisa que falasse sobre a Debian. Infelizmente
 não encontrei nenhum material que falasse sobre os esforços de
 tradução da Debian para o idioma Portugues.
 A Internet é um meior rápido de localização das informações, e
 sobre o Linux, existem várias Home Pages de divulgação de
 listas de usuários, novas versões e outros tipos de divulgação.
 Mas muitas delas não contam com dados atualizados sobre a situação
 atual desta distribuição, e sobre o suporte de nosso excelente
 grupo de usuários e técnicos participantes.
 Começei hoje o seguite trabalho: Todo o site que conheço que tiver
 uma parte falando sobre listas de discussão de usuários e não
 estiver incluida a debian-user, vou pedir ao responsável da página
 que inclua o endereço de nossa lista, porque é um esforço de
 voluntários para o crescimento da distribuição (seguindo o mesmo
 estilo do linux.
 Igualmente se o site estiver com dados desatualizados sobre a Debian:
 Em alguns em encontrei comentários ainda sobre a versão 2.0!
 Hoje dei o primeiro passo: enviei uma mensagem ao Responsável
 pelo site e pedi para que incluisse
 o endereço da lista debian-user portuguese, e para surpresa dele
 a Debian já estava disponível em Portugues!
 Acho que cada pessoa da lista conheçe ou tem a preferência de
 alguma Home Page de Linux, pediria que verificassem se ela
 tem a lista de discussão da
 e em caso negativo, que solicitassem ao responsável da página
 que ela seja incluida. O mesmo se dá para páginas que tem dados
 desatualizados sobre o Linux.
 Muitos usuários frequentam Home Pages de referência ao Linux, e
 poucos tem conhecimento sobre a situação atual de nossa
 Ah! deêm uma olhada no endereço da página que citei:
 e deêm uma olhada na seção noticias.
 O último parágrafo foi escrito pelo responsável da página (que usa
 a Suse) e para seu espanto, também não sabia sobre nosso grupo
 de usuários e da Debian em pt:
 É isso aí. Eu particularmente não uso a Debian, mas considero uma
 excelente distribuição, e certamente abalisarei com atenção a
 próxima versão. 
 MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
 Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tornando o Linux Operacional 
Clovis Sena
Para ajuda e informacoes, visite os sites abaixo:
O manual do Linux
Ajuda com o Linux
Planetarium Linux
Um site que eu to fazendo ( apenas preview)

Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
Tornando o Linux Operacional

Re: OffTopic: Divulgação da Debian no Brasil

1999-10-18 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Thu, 1 Jan 1998, Clovis Sena wrote:, e que

RevistaLinux - pode mandar para [EMAIL PROTECTED] ou
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que daremos um jeito de incluir os links e

 vcs podiam pedir para criar uma secao com noticias sobre o projeto, ou
 fazer um link para o site da debian br; ou ainda colocar bannersm, etc.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: OffTopic: Divulgação da Debian no Brasil

1999-10-18 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Aproveitando a deixa, estou fazendo uma espécie de apostila
Linux/Unix toda baseada em Debian e direcionada a iniciantes.  Na última
atualização que fiz, não inclui o suporte ao português, mesmo porque ainda
não saiu na versão stable, mas vou alterar e colocar um trecho falando
sobre os esforços e a lista.
Agora gostaria que vcs dessem opiniões sobre a apostila, que é
distribuída tipo GPL.  Quem quiser olhar, visite (versão html):
Os fontes estão no diretório abaixo (feitos em LaTeX).
Dispenso comentários sobre o LDP-BR.

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

Re: OffTopic: Divulgação da Debian no Brasil

1999-10-18 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Sem querer ser chato,

Chato? Você acabou de dizer toda a verdade!

mas eu ja havia percebido isto ha um tempo atras; e falaram que iam se
concentrar no trabalho e deixar a divulgacao para depois; mas, nao sei
se conhecem aquela historia da galinha e da pata; uma bota ovos e fica
calada e a outra tambem coloca os ovos se que faz um alarido, anuncio 
prog do faustao, etc; quem vcs acham que eh a mais conhecida...??

Sim acho que todos nós já haviamos percebido, mas não tinhamos a base
em Português e os voluntários que temos hoje. Nós sempre tivemos
a equipe de suporte nesta lista e ótimas sugestões para o 
da Debian.
Sobre a história da galinha, a história se repete no mundo real. A 
Microsoft se 
baseia mais nas propagandas mas o Linux se baseia no seu mérito.

Facam banners, que a gente ajuda a divulgar; os organizadores, mandem
emails direitinho as principais revistas de informatica pedindo q eles
facam uma materia, coisa assim; tem algumas revistas online, ex,, e que
vcs podiam pedir para criar uma secao com noticias sobre o projeto, ou
fazer um link para o site da debian br; ou ainda colocar bannersm, etc.

Alguém com tempo disponível pode fazer isto? 

Talvez seja hora de mostrar o excelente trabalho que vcs estao fazendo;
senao, vao passar batidos; pouca gente mesmo, mas pouca mesmo conhece o
site da debiar-br ( se nao me engano, nao eh 
) e sera preciso um esforco ( agora ) imenso para contornar isto; tem
que pensar direito: se colocar banners do linswap, do linkexchange, se
paga anuncios online, ex no zaz, no uol ou sei la; pq eu mesmo tou 
que em toda revista, comercial que eh divulgado so aparece a 
conectiva/redhat/suse, e debian nada; a debian eh uma ex\celente
distrib, mas precisa ser mais trabalhada em sua divulgacao...

É realmente isto que precisamos fazer agora. Ontem quando enviei a 
para, eu recebi 5 mensagens de usuários que adoram usar a 
Debian mas
acredito que quase todos não conhecem a lista ou os trabalhos que estão 
feitos por usuários Portugueses (porque nunca vi seus nomes na lista de 

Eu pessoalmente nao uso o debian, no momento estou usando o conectiva
3.0 ( eh, nada de 4.0, nem redhat 6.x ), mas ja usei quase todas as
distribs, inclusive a debian ainda na versao 1.2 ( o primeiro linux a
gente nunca esquece, nao eh mesmo ? ) se nao me falha a memoria
e para nao dizer que eu falo muito e pouco faco, mandem-me uns banners 
eu coloco em minha pagina no E mais: se
vcs entrarem em contato com o Roberto ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )eh possivel
colocar um banner de vcs entre os banners que vao ficar rodando no 
a gente ta midando o visual do site, nao ta funcionando ainda no site
todo, mas eh um inicio.



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Banners (Re: OffTopic: Divulgação da Debian no Bras il)

1999-10-18 Thread Lalo Martins
Pra começar, eu não entendi o que é ``off-topic'' aqui :-)

On Thu, Jan 01, 1998 at 08:26:50AM +0200, Clovis Sena wrote:
 Facam banners, que a gente ajuda a divulgar; os organizadores, mandem
 emails direitinho as principais revistas de informatica pedindo q eles
 facam uma materia, coisa assim; tem algumas revistas online, ex,, e que
 vcs podiam pedir para criar uma secao com noticias sobre o projeto, ou
 fazer um link para o site da debian br; ou ainda colocar bannersm, etc.

Seria legal, pra começar, ter versões traduzidas dos banners
``oficiais'' que estão em

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   ---
Brazil of Darkness -

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Todd Suess

I was brave, I just did apt-get dist-upgrade and waiting about 10 hours
for it to download everything and upgrade.  Have had very little trouble
with it.


ps. for this to work, you of course have to have apt installed and
a entry in sources.list pointing to an unstable archive.

At 04:33 AM 10/18/1999 +0530, T.V.Gnanasekaran wrote:

 Often you will see Slink = Stable, Potato = Unstable, but
 I have been using potato for a while now will little or no problems,
 and it works a lot better in many ways, at least for me.

I am running slink but I want to upgrade to potato. How do I go about?
What is the best way?


yamaha sound card support in kernel

1999-10-18 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
how do i include yahama sound card support in 2.0.36 (original kernel
that came with slink)? I have a new yamaha 32-bit sound card that I
want to use.


Re: your mail

1999-10-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
jh said:
 Hi. At the command line, how do I keep a message from scrolling so fast and
 missing it? Something like dos /p?

By using a pager such as more.  (There are others out there.  I usually use
less and there's also one I haven't gotten around to trying named most.)  If
you're just reading a text file, `more filename` is all you have to do.
To page through the output of a command is a little longer:
`command | more`.

 Also, is there a keyboard combination that will re-enter the last command?
 Like dos F3?

You can use the up and down arrows to scroll through your command history.

Re: looking before I leap (bye gnome!)

1999-10-18 Thread John Miskinis


I don't suppose you would be so kind as to outline the steps you took?
I really don't hate gnome or anything (prefer it to kde) and might want
to put it back sometime... you sound like you have some experience at


I just waded through the dselect package list, hitting - on
all of the gnome-* packages.  Other times, I would hit - on
something like libgnorbit0 or libgnorba27 and then it would list
all of the dependencies, and I would hit - on all of them.
Then of course, when hitting return in delsect on the remove
unwanted software those packages were actually removed from my

I actually mapped out all of the dependencies on paper once, while
trying to get newer gnome stuff up and running.  When I tried
(several times) to get things back, I was installing from my
win95/vfat partition using newer files I downloaded, using the
dpkg -i option, then when everything was there, using the
dpkg --configure --pending command.  I'm get over my head when
trying to get (newer) enlightenment-conf, which needs freetype2
and libc6 newer than what I can find :(   I am not quite up to
speed on the glibc ties to lib6c yet.

In any case, the procedures above got rid of most, if not all, of
the gnome related stuff.

Hope this helps,


Get Your Private, Free Email at

ipop3d - best way to run it?

1999-10-18 Thread aphro
ive been running ipop3d for about a year inside inetd.  and it gets a lot
of connections, i want to minimize inetd's usage is there another
(good/tested) thing out there i could use?  i know of xinetd but the best
of course for me at least seems to be being able to run a POP3 server
stand alone.  i dont use tcp_wrappers i favor ipfwadm above them, so ..any
suggestions on how better to have ipop3d run ? it gets seems to
get about 5-8 connections a minute. i guess its not a lot but it looks
like it is when im wathcin the logs :)

any ideas would be appreciated!@


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
  Linux System Administrator
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

Re: debian-sparc xfree

1999-10-18 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Is there a way to change color depth and resolution on sparc station
 using debian?

It depends on which SPARCstation you have; some of them (like my
IPX) aren't capable of high color depths.  I, for example, am forever
limited to 8 bit color, unless I log in remotely via X11 on my PII Linux

What model is your SPARCstation?

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

[Off Topic] latex section question

1999-10-18 Thread Shao Zhang
Sorry for the off topic question.

I am writing a very large document in latex. And I need to use
something like this:


But latex only goes to \subsubsection. I have already used \part
as well.

How do I over come this problem?
Thanks in advance.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 


1999-10-18 Thread Dave Wiard
are there any drivers for the TNT2 AGP (not the new ultra) available?

Dave Wiard

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Ben Wong
 Slink is the current stable debian release version, which is 2.1
 Potato is the current unstable release version, which is due
 to be released before the end of the year, god willing.  :)
 Often you will see Slink = Stable, Potato = Unstable, but
 I have been using potato for a while now will little or no problems,
 and it works a lot better in many ways, at least for me.

Then how come at there's a directory named slink and also
a directory named stable, and a directory named potato and also a
named unstable?

-Ben Wong, Keeper of the Squish, Breaker of Sailboats, and Aggravator of

A closed mouth gathers no feet.
-Lee Silva

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Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Todd Suess

Those are directory aliases, they go to the same place.
If you cd to slink you will get to stable
if you cd to potato you will get to unstable.



Then how come at there's a directory named slink and also
a directory named stable, and a directory named potato and also a
named unstable?

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Oct 17, 1999 at 10:00:51PM -0500, Ben Wong wrote:
 Then how come at there's a directory named slink and also
 a directory named stable, and a directory named potato and also a
 named unstable?
 Ever heard of a symlink?
 unstable - potato
 stable - slink

 I know that Windows doesn't have such things (cryin' shame), but
 they're very handy. Look it up with $ man ln
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: A driver for VIA Technologies, Inc Nile ISA 10 Base T VT86C916 Ethernet controller ?

1999-10-18 Thread shaul
 shaul wrote:
  Is there a driver for this chipset ?
 I assume you are speaking of the M-VIA version, as this is the only
 Linux version I know of. It only has support for Tulip, Intel Etherlink,
 Yellowfin, and Hamachi cards.

What is M-VIA version ?
I have a no name NIC. It works with the standard ne module, though it is not 
perfect. The point is that the box has an attached diskette with a fet916.c 
file that I currently can not compile, and this file seems to do some thought 
of a merge between the standard 8390 and ne modules.

Re: TNT2

1999-10-18 Thread iehrenwald
 are there any drivers for the TNT2 AGP (not the new ultra) available?

I'm using a TNT2 Ultra with Xfree 3.3.5 and the glx module from  I'm 99% sure that the X server and glx
module will work with the normal TNT2. 

--Ian Ehrenwald

X server still crashes...

1999-10-18 Thread Rajesh Radhakrishnan

I reinstalled my X and XF86_SVGA binaries but my X server still 
crashes with Signal 11 Segmentation fault(as I was told)

I don't know how to check if my hardware is cause of the crashes..

Any suggestions...

exim: removing 'host' from ''

1999-10-18 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran

I have registered and hosted a domain '' with my ISP. They
have given me a domain wide forwarding account

Then I use fetchmail to fetch all mails at [EMAIL PROTECTED] which
will also have my users mails at

My linux machine's full name is and I choosed 2nd
config option when I installed exim (set by eximconfig script). The
config is working fine for me except for one problem.  The host part
is also appeneded to all outgoing mails.  That is, if I send a mail
from linux, it goes fine but the address is in this form:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] which is supposed to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] How do
I accomplish that?


kde + slink

1999-10-18 Thread Dave Blears

anyone have a working link for slink kde debs?

Best Regards


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Re: Sun floppy boot

1999-10-18 Thread Oki DZ


Phil Brutsche wrote:
 You were at the  prompt, which is the old-style boot rom for
 compatibility with the Sun 3 and older.  When you're hit with that prompt,
 you need to hit n and enter to get to the ok prompt, which is what
 you're looking for.
 At the ok prompt, boot floppy will work the way you expect.

I have tried that, but the machine says that it boots from /obio../, and
the floppy drive doesn't spin.

BTW, can the actual device be redirected by the prom monitor? The
sequence goes like the following:
ok boot floppy
Boot device: /obio/SUNW/fdtwo
Bad magic number in disk label
Can't open Sun disk label package
Can't open boot device

It seems that the device floppy was misdirected to fdtwo (which
doesn't exist and that may explain why the drive doesn't spin). I'm not
so clear why the prom monitor complaining about package; there's no
relation between installed Solaris and the prom monitor, right?
 If you type help at the ok prompt you get some online help.

  How does the prom monitor see the floppy device? Is it as floppy,
  /dev/fd0? Or anything else?
 The boot ROM knows floppy as well as /fd.

Without the 0? I'll try that.


It's a small box, not unlike our other network computers except this 

has a CD-ROM in it and on the CD-ROM it has Linux and Netscape and 

some other things.
  Larry Ellison on NCs

Re: booting from SCSI

1999-10-18 Thread Oki DZ

Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
 Is there a way to boot off a SCSI disk (/dev/sda2 is my root
 partition) if there is also an IDE disk (/dev/hda[1-5] are present) ?

All you need is just to install lilo.
I have an IDE and a SCSI disk having NT and Linux; I put Linux on the
SCSI disk and write lilo on the IDE disk. (When I did that I knew that
it was pretty risky, but it worked fine.)

If your lilo doesn't work properly, just use a floppy to boot. What you
need to do is to copy your current kernel (of course, this assuming that
your Linux already runs) and use rdev to let the kernel know where the
root partition resides:
dd if=/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0
rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/sda2
rdev -R /dev/fd0 1

then reboot the machine.
 The ide disk does not have bootable partitions but it has lilo on it
 because I can't get the system to boot off the scsi disk directly.
 Also, inserting/removing an IDE removable hd confuses LILO.

I believe that you have to reinstal lilo if you removing/adding disks.


Re: Sun floppy boot

1999-10-18 Thread Oki DZ

John Davis wrote:
 I believe the OpenBoot (prom monitor) faq can be found at

Thanks a lot.
BTW, why does the site have no search engine?


Code names

1999-10-18 Thread Oki DZ

Where did hamm (?), slink, and potato come from? Toy Story?
When are we going to have buzz version?


Re: kde + slink

1999-10-18 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
i downloaded from:


Strange Cron Job Report

1999-10-18 Thread bwarsing

I am reposting this query because I don't know if it mad it to the 

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 15 00:40:08 1999
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from root by WEASEL with local (Exim 3.03 #1 (Debian))
   id 11c1y8-j6-00
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 15 Oct 1999 00:40:04 -0700
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] test -f /proc/modules  /sbin/rmmod -a
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 00:40:05 -0700
Status: RO
Content-Length: 45
Lines: 2

rmmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented

This is the entry in /etc/cron.daily/modultils that generated the email:

*/20 * * * * root test -f /proc/modules  /sbin/rmmod -a

I have a question...

What does the 'QM_MODULES' refer to?



Re: Code names

1999-10-18 Thread Martin Fluch
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

 Where did hamm (?), slink, and potato come from? Toy Story?


 When are we going to have buzz version?

Dono (no expert in that :)


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

menu problems

1999-10-18 Thread Mason Konkle
Somehow my menus from within X got messed up. All of the games are in
the root menu. So when i pop up the menu it goes off the top and bottom
of the screen. I tried running 'update-menus' and also tried installing
some applications that would cause the menu to update automagically but
it is still messed up. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Sound Module for Kernel 2.0.36

1999-10-18 Thread bwarsing

Can anybody tell me the name of the sound module for the slink/potato kernel?

This is the output from lsmod:
Module  Size  Used by
dummy   4096   0 
bsd_comp4096   0 
ppp20480   0  [bsd_comp]
nls_koi8_r  4096   0 
ipx12288   0 
epia   12288   0 
dstr   12288   0 
capidrv24576   0 
isdn   77824   0  [capidrv]
slhc8192   0  [ppp isdn]
capi8192   0 
bpck   16384   0 
aten8192   0 
cyclades   73728   0 
comm8192   0 
paride  4096   5  [epia dstr bpck aten comm]
b1pci   4096   0 
kernelcapi 45056   3  [capidrv capi b1pci]
capiutil   24576   0  [capidrv kernelcapi]
vfat   16384   0 
umsdos 20480   0 
serial 32768   1 
lp  8192   0 
rarp4096   0 
ipip4096   0 
ip_masq_irc 4096   0 
ip_masq_ftp 4096   0 
ip_masq_cuseeme 4096   0 
ip_alias4096   0 
nfs49152   0 
ncpfs  24576   0 
autofs  8192   0 
hpfs   12288   0 
cdrom   4096   0

I don't appear to have sound support.  I also have more than i need
in here.  A lot of this was added before I knew what it was.  Some of
it, I still don't.  Is there a table regarding what each is responsible



Re: Code names

1999-10-18 Thread Matthew Dalton
Martin Fluch wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Oki DZ wrote:
  Where did hamm (?), slink, and potato come from? Toy Story?
  When are we going to have buzz version?
 Dono (no expert in that :)

Debian 1.1 was 'buzz', 1.2 was 'rex' and 1.3 was 'bo'

Re: Sound Module for Kernel 2.0.36

1999-10-18 Thread Eric G . Miller
 Sound isn't compiled in by default. You'll have to build your own
 kernel for that. 
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Mail message-id uniqueness filter?

1999-10-18 Thread Dave Thayer
On Sun, Oct 17, 1999 at 10:08:23AM -0700, Bruce J. Perens wrote:
 I have my debian system forwarding filtered mail to the Palm VII. I
 would like to have the filter discard duplicate messages. Does a
 meseage-ID filter implementation exist?

If you are using procmail, this example recepie is in man procmailex(5)

  :0 Wh: msgid.lock
  | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

If you are not using procmail, it appears that formail is doing the real
grunt-work here, so you can probably get it to work with your filtering

Your Pal Dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

Re: [Off Topic] latex section question

1999-10-18 Thread Johann Spies
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:

   I am writing a very large document in latex. And I need to use
   something like this:
   But latex only goes to \subsubsection. I have already used \part
   as well.

Wouldn't \paragraph and \subparagraph do the trick?

| Johann Spies,Windsorlaan 19, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa|
| Tel/Faks Nr. 033-346-1310(vanaf/from 23.10.1999) Sel/Cell 082-255-2388   |

 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give 
  thee the desires of thine heart.  Psalms 37:4

mktemp segfaults

1999-10-18 Thread Bernhard Rieder
When calling mktemp I always get a segfault.
This short program was used for testing.

test.c: ---
#include stdlib.h

char *template = /tmp/tmpfileXX;

int main () {
   return printf(%s\n, mktemp(template));

$ gcc -o test test.c
$ ./test
Segmentation fault

Please don´t tell me that I schouldn't use mktemp.
I know already. But I cannot use mkstemp since I
actually need the filename only (for creating a
temporary pipe).

Is this a glibc-bug or did i make something wrong ?
I use libc6 2.1.2-5 from potato and gcc 2.95.2-0pre2.


   __ ___
  // )___---.
 \ |,( /`--  `.Bernhard Rieder
  \/ o\
  (   _.-.  ,';  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   |\   /`. \  ,  /   |
   | \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.__
 _-'.'| |--..,,,\_\
'''   _-'.'   ___-   )

Re: tetex-nonfree -- Potato -- foils.cls is gone?

1999-10-18 Thread Jens Ritter
Alexander Kushnirenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I used to prepare transparencies with foils.cls.  Apparently it's gone from 
 potato release of tetex-nonfree.  It worked fine on my slink computer.
 Should I report a bug or am I missing something?

I can´t find anything in the changelog in /usr/doc/tetex-nonfree.

Maybe you should ask at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or report a


P.S.: Please vote against Spam! At
(Sorry Europeans only)
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

Re: [Off Topic] latex section question

1999-10-18 Thread Paul Huygen
 Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [..] I need to use something like \subsubsubsection
 But latex only goes to \subsubsection. I have already used \part
 as well. How do I over come this problem?
I know four possibilities:

1) Use \paragraph instead of \subsubsubsection. I am not shure
   whether paragraphs are numbered in the usual styles.
2) If paragraphs are not numbered and you require numbering, hack your
   way in the style file.
3) Look in the CTAN archives for a solution. E.g. look at to
   search into the archive. I have only a dutch adress of the CTAN
   archives handy:
4) Look again at your manuscript. Is it absolutely necessary, and not
   ugly, to use numbered sections at five levels deep?


Paul Huygen

Re: kde + slink

1999-10-18 Thread Patrick Kirk
Add deb slink kde contrib rkrusty  to your
/etc/apt/sources/list and then enter the command apt-get update followed
by apt-get install kdebase kdeadmin kdeutils kdegames kdenetwork

Then there it is...a successful installation of the K Desktop Environment

Re: kde + slink

1999-10-18 Thread virtanen
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Patrick Kirk wrote:

 Add deb slink kde contrib rkrusty  to your

should be:


By the way, 

where to get these addresses in general?
Could someone put somewhere a database for these addresses? 


Re: HELP: Free space zero no matter what

1999-10-18 Thread Andrew Hately
Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
 Okay, I'm back and running, and I figured out my problem. ext2 filesystems
 have reserved blocks, though I don't know what they're for. It seems only
 root can access them, although I haven't really checked this.  tune2fs can
 lower the number of reserved blocks, but here's my question:
 Why, on a 6.4 GB hard drive, were there 300MB or reserved blocks?  What
 are they for, and do I really need them?

Some kilobytes of space is needed on the / and /var so that root can log in.
Free space of about this size was traditionally reserved for root so that
he/she could still log in to take corrective action even if the disk is
full. In the days when 50MB was a big disk, saving a few percent for this
requirement made sense. Applying these same old percentages - often 5% for
most kinds of unix, 10% on hpux, reserves an excessive amount of space;
often for no advantage. On /home and similar partitions it is my belief that
zero percent need be reserved. On / and if it is a separate partiton /var, a
few (5) megabaytes reseved is plenty. 
This is all purely subjective.

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread RAVIKANT K RAO
On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Ben Wong wrote:


  I have been using potato for a while now will little or no problems,
  and it works a lot better in many ways, at least for me.


what is better about potato? ( i'm still new to debian ; so just wondering
if i should go slink - potato )
thanks you
- ravi.

/etc/hosts manpage

1999-10-18 Thread Matthew Gregan
Hi everyone.

I'm going to file a bug report about this, but I thought I'd try and
gather a little more information first.

I'm running potato, and I just noticed there is no manpage for the
/etc/hosts file. I don't remember if there was one for slink (could
someone please let me know if there is, and what package it comes

I'd guess that netbase should be supplying the manpage, but I don't
[ Matthew Gregan ]   [ GPG ID: B63A1E95 ]   [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ GPG fingerprint:FB83 2911 F170 B31C 9E4A  E382 CA8A A2F6 B63A 1E95 ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: ok to move /home to /raid/home

1999-10-18 Thread Ed Cogburn
Charles Lewis wrote:
 Trying to set up a samba server for administrative use and since all my
 space is on the raid volume (/raid) I thought it would be a good idea to
 move /home to that volume, but being new to linux I'm not sure what kind of
 implications that would have. Anyone see any problems with this?

Disclaimer:  I'm not using Debian in a networked environment.

All you need to make sure of is the correctness of all users' home
paths, eg. /home/fred for user 'fred', in /etc/passwd.  When you copy
over home, make sure permissions don't get changed, ie. use cp -a.

Ed C.

Re: hdparm - hard disk tuning

1999-10-18 Thread Andrew Hately
 Has anyone had any experience using hdparm to increase the performance of
 your ide hard drives?  Does it work and are there any drawbacks?  Is there
 any software which can measure hard drive performance?

Yes, not that I noticed
hdparm itself and (more convincingly) timing a few big transfers between
partitions or drives, eg a cdrom image



Re: mktemp segfaults

1999-10-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 07:14:03 +, Bernhard Rieder wrote:
 When calling mktemp I always get a segfault. This short program was used
 for testing.
 #include stdlib.h
 char *template = /tmp/tmpfileXX;
 int main () {
return printf(%s\n, mktemp(template));

Quoting the fine manual `info libc Temporary Files':
:   *Note:* Because `mktemp' and `mkstemp' modify the template string,
:you _must not_ pass string constants to them.  String constants are
:normally in read-only storage, so your program would crash when `mktemp' or
:`mkstemp' tried to modify the string.

 $ gcc -o test test.c

As a workaround, you can compile -fwritable-strings. The proper solution is
to ensure that *template is writable; there's bound to be a clean way to do
that but I don't have one handy (except via malloc and strcpy).

J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Using dinamic librarys

1999-10-18 Thread Micha Feigin
How do I compile a program to use dinamic libraries (.so)?

1999-10-18 Thread Jens-Erik Bruecken

Linux not booting

1999-10-18 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I have a Debian machine that the monitor stopped to work and my friend
tried to change the video card also and now it isnt booting. The boot stop at
the line 
... Ok, now booting the kernel. This is with kernel 2.2.12 and with a
rescue floppy with 2.0.36.
What I can do?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique
PS: CC the answer for me.

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Michael Stenner
On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 02:17:27PM +, RAVIKANT K RAO wrote:
 what is better about potato? ( i'm still new to debian ; so just wondering
 if i should go slink - potato )

Potato is newer stuff.  The trade-off is that it is less stable -
hasn't been tested as thoroughly.  Potato is almost ready for
release.  It all depends on what you're comfortable with.  The months
before and after a freeze can be pretty rocky, so I might recommend
waiting until it goes beta at least (since you're new to debian).

(unstable - frozen - beta - stable)

unstable  = under development
frozen= no new packages, bug fixes only
beta  = final testing
stable= well, stable :)

On the other hand, I guarantee that you'll learn more and faster if
you upgrade :)  Either way, have fun!


  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

slink-potato and missing packages

1999-10-18 Thread Michael Stenner
So I'm upgrading from slink to potato (while it's still unstable so i
can call myself adventurous) and there are a number of packages
missing (from the ftp site, according to apt).  Some of them look
rather important (tcpd, etc).

Two questions:

1) out of curiosity, how does this happen?

2) what do I do about it?  I can just put those packages on hold and
hope on dependency problems arise.  What's the standard solution?

  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305


1999-10-18 Thread Micha Feigin
I need to use scheme for a some class I have I am taking, so I was
wondering what scheme compilers are available for linux, and how can I run
the programs from within xemacs?

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Dave Baker
On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Todd Suess wrote:

 I was brave, I just did apt-get dist-upgrade and waiting about 10 hours
 for it to download everything and upgrade.  Have had very little trouble
 with it.
 ps. for this to work, you of course have to have apt installed and
 a entry in sources.list pointing to an unstable archive.

Having just spent some of the weekend fighting with this, I wonder if I
can throw out a few Qs.

1) did you have gnome installed?  I had to uninstall practically all of
gnome by hand before apt-get would continue due to dependencies.

2) did you have emacs installed?  same deal as above.  Also some conflicts
with bind and dnsutils stepping on each other during the upgrade (had to
uninstall manually, then reinstall after it was done).  

3) when you add unstable sources in sources.list, do you first remove the
stable ones?  I wonder if this could have caused some of my probs.

4) at what point does your kernel get upgraded to 2.2.x (or 2.3.x)?  Mine
is sitting at 2.0.36 still and I'm in the process of using kernel-package
to go to 2.2.12 - I had expected this to be done through the dist-upgrade
but it didn't ...

5) I had to restart the apt-get dist-upgrade five or six times (or more)
because it kept being killed by packages that didn't install correctly.

My debian install was a fairly fresh 2.1r2 with gnome and kde updates
through apt.  Since I had a pretty awful time fighting through it, perhaps
it can be of use to help the old stable - new stable upgrade process go
smoother for everyone else ...


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

Re: nfs + setgid problem

1999-10-18 Thread Dietrich Clauss

Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's over knfs, with a patched 2.2.12 kernel on the server.

Applying the knfs patches to my 2.2.12 kernel did do the trick.


Dietrich Clauss   [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

Re: scheme

1999-10-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 14:07:19 +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 I need to use scheme for a some class I have I am taking, so I was
 wondering what scheme compilers are available for linux,

There are several Scheme compilers and interpreters already packaged for
Debian. For the course on concepts of programming languages I'm currently
assisting with, the students have been using Guile
( ,

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

(no subject)

1999-10-18 Thread mt25001

Re: (no subject)

1999-10-18 Thread RAVIKANT K RAO
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

either do a $ mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 if you're using some kind of a mail program 
send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe on
the subject line ... and _NOT_


Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Ben Wong wrote:

 :  Slink is the current stable debian release version, which is 2.1
 :  Potato is the current unstable release version, which is due
 :  to be released before the end of the year, god willing.  :)
 :  Often you will see Slink = Stable, Potato = Unstable, but
 :  I have been using potato for a while now will little or no problems,
 :  and it works a lot better in many ways, at least for me.
 : Then how come at there's a directory named slink and also
 : a directory named stable, and a directory named potato and also a
 : directory
 : named unstable?

stable and unstable aren't directories, they're symbolic links.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Using dinamic librarys

1999-10-18 Thread David Z. Maze
Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
MF How do I compile a program to use dinamic libraries (.so)?

By default any library you link against (with the -l switch to cc/ld)
is dynamically linked.  So, if you need to use, the standard
math library, you'd just use a command something like

cc -o foo myprogthatusessin.c -lm

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Sound Module for 2.0

1999-10-18 Thread Remco van 't Veer

On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 20:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone tell me what the name of the kernel module for sound is in
 version 2.0.36?

charge World Trade Center Bakunin SEAL Team 6 semtex Echelon triple-DES
reefer terrorist Northold Delta Force convict South Africa encryption jihad

external modem problem

1999-10-18 Thread Richard Weil
I'm having a problem with an external US Robotics 56K Faxmodem.  I'm
running a Potato system with the 2.2.12 kernel on a Toshiba Tecra
700CT.  I have never gotten the modem to work with Linux before, but I
have used it with Windows.

The problem is this: when I run Minicom (or anything else that requires
the modem) the modem is unresponsive.  The TR light -- Data Terminal
Ready light -- gets lit up and the modem won't talk to the software.
The same light also goes on when I run statserial to check the serial

However, there is definitely some communication between the OS and the
modem.  When I exit Minicom or statserial the TR light goes off.  Also,
when I re-initialize the modem within Minicom the light temporarily goes
off.  Also, when I updated my ppp connection with pppconfig I told it to
search for all available modems and it found the modem (which is
attached to /dev/ttyS0); when it was searching, all the lights on the
modem briefly flashed.

I've checked the dip switches on the modem and they seem fine -- they
are set to the factory default, which includes the DTR switch off (I've
tested it with it on as well; no good).  The serial port, /dev/ttyS0,
also seems fine.  I have support for the serial port loaded as a module
and when I type lsmod it shows up.  I don't think I have a getty running
on the serial port (I checked /dev/ttyS0).  The info from setserial
seems fine and I don't think that I have any conflicts (from

I'm stumped and any help would be much appreciated, especially since
I've managed to disable my PCMCIA modem (which may soon be the subject
of another post).


?complex args pass to other app w/o changing?

1999-10-18 Thread zhaoway
i want a wapper for make that do make -j -l 10.00-like things.
so i need the wrapper (pretend as make) to pass args to it to
the real make program. that is

for a call: make CXXFLAGS=-O2 -do-strength-reduce LD=-s
i want the wrapper (above fake make prog) to pass the CXXFLAGS=.. et al
to the real make prog (say, make_real).

but i cannot make a wrapper wrote in neither bash or perl do the trick.
they only passed CXXFLAGS=-O2 -no-trangth-reduce LD=-s (no quotes) as
seperate args as seperated by white space, w/ the double-quotes effect

can anyone enlighten me? TIA.


Re: motif qt and gtk

1999-10-18 Thread zhaoway
Bryan Scaringe wrote:
 Just to clarify:
 GTK is C based, but language bindings/wrappers exist for several languages
 (check , including C++.  The C++ wrapper is called

What 'bout the Perl/Python Gtk/Tk/Qt/KDE bindings? Just curious.
I use Perl/Tk to develope small GUI programs for personal amusement.


Re: Linux not booting

1999-10-18 Thread aphro
ive had similar probs like that, usually for me it ended up being a bad
rescue disk, and/or lilo got curropted somehow (reinstalling lilo fixed it
for me). some kernels used to crash for me at that point(2.1.xx), so
reinstalling the kernel may help too.(or in my case with the crashes
downgrading kernels)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
  Linux System Administrator
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

   Hi all,
   I have a Debian machine that the monitor stopped to work and my friend
 tried to change the video card also and now it isnt booting. The boot stop at
 the line 
   ... Ok, now booting the kernel. This is with kernel 2.2.12 and with a
 rescue floppy with 2.0.36.
   What I can do?
   Thanks, Paulo Henrique
   PS: CC the answer for me.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

NEED Help ASAP How to get missing file?

1999-10-18 Thread Alex V. Toropov
I've removed file /usr/bin/test (from shellutils)
What is the simple and correct way to reinstall package (or just missing
without removing package?


Re: NEED Help ASAP How to get missing file?

1999-10-18 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 18 Oct, Alex V. Toropov wrote about NEED Help ASAP How to get missing 
 I've removed file /usr/bin/test (from shellutils)
 What is the simple and correct way to reinstall package (or just missing
 without removing package?

You can just download the shellutils .deb and re-install it with dpkg
-i.  It will just replace what is already/or not there.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: slink and potato

1999-10-18 Thread Joe Block
On Sun, Oct 17, 1999 at 10:00:51PM -0500, Ben Wong wrote:
 Then how come at there's a directory named slink and also
 a directory named stable, and a directory named potato and also a
 named unstable?

They're aliases.  stable always points to the current stable distribution,
and unstable to the current unstable distribution.  That way when potato
is stabilized, no one has to edit their /etc/apt/sources.list

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

hda: irq timeout

1999-10-18 Thread Peter Weiss


running kernel 2.2.12 on a new machine I found the following kernel
messages in the syslog file with decreasing time intervalls:

Oct 18 16:28:38 Winona kernel: ide0: reset: success 
Oct 18 16:30:45 Winona kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
Oct 18 16:30:47 Winona kernel: ide0: reset: success 
Oct 18 16:33:15 Winona kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 

The drive occurs to be:

# hdparm -i /dev/hda 


 Model=IBM-DTTA-371010, FwRev=T77OA73A, SerialNo=WL0WL110
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs }
 RawCHS=19590/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=34
 BuffType=3(DualPortCache), BuffSize=465kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 DblWordIO=no, maxPIO=2(fast), DMA=yes, maxDMA=2(fast)
 CurCHS=1229/255/63, CurSects=19746720, LBA=yes, LBAsects=19746720
 tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: sword0 sword1 sword2 mword0 mword1 mword2 
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:240,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4 

the thing that bothers me is that the machine locks up for several
seconds. Appending a ide0=noautotune to the lilo configuration doesn't
improve the situation.

Does anybody have ideas/ suggestions?

 TIA -- Peter

Peter Weiss 

InterFace AG phone  +49 (0)89 / 610 49 - 231
Leipziger Str. 16fax+49 (0)89 / 610 49 - 85
D-82008 Unterhaching  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

100Mbit/10Mbit, Network Interface Card (NIC)

1999-10-18 Thread Christian Ericsson
Can you recommend a good NIC running at both 10Mbit and 100 Mbit that
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
have device drivers support? The NIC must also be a selling product today
(I don't want old stuff!)?

Re: need a linux book

1999-10-18 Thread David Teague
On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, jh wrote:

 Just a brief question. Do you guys think it is necessary to buy a debian
 specific book on linux or just a linux book in general? Do regular linux
 books cover topics like dselect? I live in a very small community and will
 need to buy online, so I can't browse.


Dale Scheetz has one at Linux Press,

It comes with a four Debian Linux 2.1 CDs, source and binary, and 
30 days of free email support. The registration slip has the email
address on it, copy it down before you send in your registration.

I have the books for the Debian 2.0 and the 2.1 versions, they are
quite good. The book can be downloaded free from the Linux Press web

Orielly, VA Research (a distributor of Linux workstations) and
someone else provide a package with Debian and an Orielly book. The
package I got free at the Atlanta Linux Showcase Thursday had only
one binary disk in it, along with the Orielly book. I have not had
time to examine the book or CD but if this is as good as other
Orielly books, it is fine. They say that this book can also be
downloaded free.

Hope this helps.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

RE: 100Mbit/10Mbit, Network Interface Card (NIC)

1999-10-18 Thread Paul McHale

3Com 3C905 series seems well supported.  This card is actually flaky during
install under windows, but runs very well with Linux.  The 3Com Etherlink
(ISA) works well also.  Either one has been trouble free.  I think any
NE2000 card will do as well.


-Original Message-
From: Christian Ericsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:33 AM
Subject: 100Mbit/10Mbit, Network Interface Card (NIC)

Can you recommend a good NIC running at both 10Mbit and 100 Mbit that
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
have device drivers support? The NIC must also be a selling product today
(I don't want old stuff!)?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: mktemp segfaults

1999-10-18 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 11:46:47AM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen Ray wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 07:14:03 +, Bernhard Rieder wrote:
  When calling mktemp I always get a segfault. This short program was used
  for testing.
  #include stdlib.h
  char *template = /tmp/tmpfileXX;
  int main () {
 return printf(%s\n, mktemp(template));
 Quoting the fine manual `info libc Temporary Files':
 :   *Note:* Because `mktemp' and `mkstemp' modify the template string,
 :you _must not_ pass string constants to them.  String constants are
 :normally in read-only storage, so your program would crash when `mktemp' or
 :`mkstemp' tried to modify the string.
  $ gcc -o test test.c
 As a workaround, you can compile -fwritable-strings. The proper solution is
 to ensure that *template is writable; there's bound to be a clean way to do
 that but I don't have one handy (except via malloc and strcpy).


#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h

int main() {
char *dir = /tmp, *prefix = fivec, *fname;
if (NULL == (fname = tempnam(dir,prefix))) {
fprintf(stderr,Unable to make temp file name.\n);

return 0;

work for ya?
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: eth1 can't be loaded

1999-10-18 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Take a look at the output of dmesg and see if there are any other messages being
generated which might indicate the problem. Perhaps it wants an IRQ it can't 
get? Have
you installed any new hardware into the machine?

Patrick Kirk wrote:

 Hi all,

 Does this look like a hardware failure on a NIC?  I'm getting a little
 desperate now as the kids will be most upset if they can't browse the
 Teletubbies sites over the weekend!

 enterprise:/lib/modules/2.0.36/net# ifconfig eth1 netmask
 0 broadcast
 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable
 enterprise:/lib/modules/2.0.36/net# cat /etc/modules
 # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
 # This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are
 # to be loaded at boot time, one per line.  Comments begin with
 # a `#', and everything on the line after them are ignored.
 # An entry named `auto' will cause the system to start kerneld immediately.
 # Kerneld then loads modules on demand. `noauto' disables kerneld


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: 100Mbit/10Mbit, Network Interface Card (NIC)

1999-10-18 Thread Gary Hennigan
Paul McHale [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 3Com 3C905 series seems well supported.  This card is actually flaky during
 install under windows, but runs very well with Linux.  The 3Com Etherlink
 (ISA) works well also.  Either one has been trouble free.  I think any
 NE2000 card will do as well.
 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Ericsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:33 AM
 Subject: 100Mbit/10Mbit, Network Interface Card (NIC)
 Can you recommend a good NIC running at both 10Mbit and 100 Mbit that
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
 have device drivers support? The NIC must also be a selling product today
 (I don't want old stuff!)?

I haven't had any trouble with my NetGear cards (FA310TX, Tulip
based), and they're cheap. Of course my small home network hardly
pushes their capabilities, but I was up and running with them pretty


Re: kde + slink

1999-10-18 Thread Jonathan Heaney
virtanen wrote:

 On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Patrick Kirk wrote:

  Add deb slink kde contrib rkrusty  to your

 should be:


 By the way,

 where to get these addresses in general?
 Could someone put somewhere a database for these addresses?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Someone already has.

Try this link-


Re: Flow chart drawing program

1999-10-18 Thread Robert Boyd
begin 644 Happy99.exe
M``!``,`@[EMAIL PROTECTED](```
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M`]B+`STN=5X=,]+F5D870//2YD871T68/#*$EUX^MBT,,*T,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MY/=#)/AP#``!2R0B1V#D(`BT,0BWL(*\[EMAIL PROTECTED]#`,`
MZPY`H`Z4``[EMAIL PROTECTED]`*,;#T(`N.'00C#P]`,%+P]`/[EMAIL 
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M``C8P]`#/`:@%04%!H,P]`.A/[EMAIL PROTECTED]`/A;,```A4P]`(/@#Z-3#T(`
M`48$K'X$(O0K'X$(O8K8/X`'[EMAIL PROTECTED](ZTF`;OP!P31OP`@[]`7,$QD;]

Re: Flow chart drawing program

1999-10-18 Thread Robert Boyd

 From: Heikki Vatiainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Debian-user
 Subject: Re: Flow chart drawing program 
 Date: Sunday, October 17, 1999 3:09 PM
  I am looking for a program to make flow chart, mainly for drawing
  dependencies for program design.
  Any good programs available for the job?
 You could try the old and trusty xfig or the new and flashy dia.
 Xfig is already available for slink and potato in every mirror. The
 latest version of dia is 0.80, but you have to get it from an
 Incoming mirror or compile it yourself. 
 The home page of dia is and 
 if you want to see a newer screenshot than the one on dia's home 
 page, check (140KB). The 
 screenshot was created just a few minutes ago.
 // Heikki
 Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

InterScan Virus Alert

1999-10-18 Thread interscan
InterScan has detected a virus TROJ_SKA in your mail traffic on 10/18/1999 
18:04:58 with an action moved.

Re: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions

1999-10-18 Thread Erich_Newell

Thank you very much.I'll be posting to the list how my install / setup
of everything
went as soon as I receive the software.

-- Erich

From: Eric Gillespie, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/15/99 01:12 AM GMT

Please respond to

cc:(bcc: Erich Newell/genserv/mesaaz)
Subject:  Re: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 05:01:19PM -0700,
 Quake / QuakeWorld  -- I'm guessing that the Linux build for these works
 the Debian distributionAny pointers? (Debian specific FAQ's)

Quake works perfectly on Debian. There are Debian packages that will make
installing it easier. XQF makes it easy to browse QuakeWorld.

 Word 6.0   -- I've been told that StarOffice is pretty good? (Pros /
 Cons please...)

I use AbiWord for a lot of things, but it's far from complete, so I also
have StarOffice installed.


StarOffice has database software.


Gnumeric. I've never had to turn to its StarOffice equivalent. It also
understands more Excel files than StarOffice.

 Photoshop 5.0


 RioShell 3.0

I'm guessing that this communicates with a Diamond Rio. lists
quite a few apps for this.

 Adaptec EZ CD4.0


 Abit BP6
 Dual Celery 450 (OC's to 504 )
 128 PC 100
 Seagate (Model?) 4.5GB UDMA33 Drive
 3Com 3C905B
 Diamond v770 Ultra
 Iomega Zip 100
 Iomega Jaz 2GB

I have a friend with an Abit motherboard with a celeron, and it works
great. I can personally vouch for the network card.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss.
 A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking-back,
 a dangerous shuddering and stopping.
 --Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: Binary data

Re: turning your computer off

1999-10-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting Ed Cogburn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 jh wrote:
  Is there a best way to shut down linux and turn off your computer? I read
  in an online guide that you should press ctrlaltdelete. When I do
  this and I later turn my computer on it says last boot failed...Then it
  installs. Is this the recommended way to turn off your computer?
   You can use shutdown as others have suggested, but frankly, the
 simplest thing to do is to use Ctrl-Alt-Del and wait untill the shutdown
 process is complete.  When you notice the hardware reset has occured
 (screen clears and shows BIOS message and/or your monitor cycles on, off
 and on again), then turn the machine off.  It only takes a few seconds
 of waiting.

I agree with Ctrl-Alt-Del being the simplest safe way, but there's
one other thing you may need to check on certain comuters.
Ctrl-Alt-Del by default performs a reboot, and usually you can just
switch off after the Rebooting ... message.

On some computers, however, the power switch won't work while the
computer is executing its self-tests etc. In this case you can do
one of three things, depending on circumstances.

a) Set a power-on password, and turn off at the prompt. (Other
boot prompts are usually just as useful.)

b) Change the line in /etc/inittab from
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h now

c) The risky one: wait until the power switch works again while linux
is booting, but don't let it go too far. Obviously you're safe at least
until the root partition is checked. It's very tedious if you're
distracted and the system comes up again...


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: external modem problem

1999-10-18 Thread Richard Weil
Oops.  I feel a little silly.  Almost right after posting this message I 
installed and
ran a version of the 2.2.12 kernel I compiled with plug-and-play included and 
modem works fine now.  Thanks anyway.

Richard Weil wrote:

 I'm having a problem with an external US Robotics 56K Faxmodem.  I'm
 running a Potato system with the 2.2.12 kernel on a Toshiba Tecra
 700CT.  I have never gotten the modem to work with Linux before, but I
 have used it with Windows.

 The problem is this: when I run Minicom (or anything else that requires
 the modem) the modem is unresponsive.  The TR light -- Data Terminal
 Ready light -- gets lit up and the modem won't talk to the software.
 The same light also goes on when I run statserial to check the serial

 However, there is definitely some communication between the OS and the
 modem.  When I exit Minicom or statserial the TR light goes off.  Also,
 when I re-initialize the modem within Minicom the light temporarily goes
 off.  Also, when I updated my ppp connection with pppconfig I told it to
 search for all available modems and it found the modem (which is
 attached to /dev/ttyS0); when it was searching, all the lights on the
 modem briefly flashed.

 I've checked the dip switches on the modem and they seem fine -- they
 are set to the factory default, which includes the DTR switch off (I've
 tested it with it on as well; no good).  The serial port, /dev/ttyS0,
 also seems fine.  I have support for the serial port loaded as a module
 and when I type lsmod it shows up.  I don't think I have a getty running
 on the serial port (I checked /dev/ttyS0).  The info from setserial
 seems fine and I don't think that I have any conflicts (from

 I'm stumped and any help would be much appreciated, especially since
 I've managed to disable my PCMCIA modem (which may soon be the subject
 of another post).


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Potato: dpkg errors??

1999-10-18 Thread J Horacio MG
Just yesterday I did the following potato upgrade:


Today, I upgrade the following from potato:


but the some packages (libstdc++2.9*) give me some errors while
installing (dpkg -i package).  I'm including a log of one `dpkg -i'
errors (same errors for both packages).

Is there anything v. wrong?


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita
Valencia - ESPAÑA

[Fwd: Re: InterScan Virus Alert]

1999-10-18 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
Ya, true. I saw happy99.exe virus just now. But why anyone would use
windoze to send mails? what is this interscan anyway?


Re: Strange Cron Job

1999-10-18 Thread David Wright
 Can somebody tell me what this means...
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 15 00:40:08 1999
 Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from root by WEASEL with local (Exim 3.03 #1 (Debian))
 id 11c1y8-j6-00
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 15 Oct 1999 00:40:04 -0700
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
 Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] test -f /proc/modules  /sbin/rmmod -a
 X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
 X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
 X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin
 X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
 Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 00:40:05 -0700
 Status: RO
 Content-Length: 45
 Lines: 2
 rmmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented
 It was generated by the cron.daliy entry 'modutils':
 */20 * * * * root test -f /proc/modules  /sbin/rmmod -a
 ...after I upgraded to potato I began receving this message in my
 mailbox precisely every 20 min.  But, I have no idea what it is 
 trying to tell me.

The cron job: I think 2.2.x kernels no longer remove modules after
one minute as the 2.0.x kernels did, but a cron job pops up and
looks through /proc/modules to see what to remove.

The error message: I've seen this one, but I can't remember exactly
what it means. However, I got it when I was playing around with
the sound modules. Most likely, I did a modprobe which partly
failed but didn't roll back correctly (which I think it's meant to).

Once I'd figured out the right modules to load, I didn't see it
again. You can perhaps check if this is right by trying yourself
to rmmod any module that has a zero usage count and no dependents.
But IIRC I cleared the problem by rebooting to give me a clean


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

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