Re: ALSA drivers

1999-10-27 Thread Samuel Montosa
El Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 08:32:50PM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez dijo:
 Hola a todos
 He bajado los fuentes que he encontrado relativos a ALSA, para leer
 documentacion, pero tengo muchas dudas.
 La pregunta es:
 si tengo el kernel 2.2.12 y una tarjeta Crystal CS 4232, ¿deberia instalar
 todas estas cosas?
que son todas esas cosas?,si te refieres a todos los  modulos,  obviamente 
 no, solamente los de la tarjeta

mirate tambien el script de configuracion que viene en otro  paquete,  que 
 te lo hace todo casi automaticamente...
 Realmente es que no se que es ALSA
¿?¿?¿?¿? :-)
son unos driver de sonido, y por cierto... son la caña...

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1999-10-27 Thread TooMany

Bien... A unas malas, podemos ir quedando para vernos por el Simo, el
sábado quizás?

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

RE: tareas y StarOffice

1999-10-27 Thread Ricard P.G.
Que es y que hace ese dministrador de tareas quizas corra algo parecido por
freshmeat o se pueda programar algo. (SOLO POR JODER Y DAR ENVIDIA) es que como
en todo mi curro solo utilizamos Linux (hay mas pinguinos que en el artico) ...


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos!!!
  ¿Sabeis si el Scheduler del StarOffice, que tiene también
  para manejar el
  tema de tareas, puede manejar las del pedorro ése del Outlook?
 Ah!!!, solo me falta eso para no trabajar en la empresa con el Windol
 este..., por favor, si alguna vez encuentras algún aplicativo que solucione
 el tema de las tareas, o algo parecido al Team Manager for Team members
 (vaya cacho engendro diabólico que funciona cuando le sale de los c*j*nes)
 que lo diga, por favor!!!
 Gracias de antemano
 P.D: uff, pensaba que era el único que estaba en este punto ;-))

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at


1999-10-27 Thread Ricard P.G.
Paquete redir:


redir [direccion maquina NT] 80 80

Todas las petciones al Linux por el puerto 80 iran al NT a su puerto 80

Lo puedes poner en el inetd y todo 

--- Toni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Alguien me podria indicar como solucionar el problema que a 
 continuación detallaré, ya que ahora que he convencido a la 
 empresa para poner un servidor Linux i dejar-se de NT's, me 
 quedo a media instalación.
 En la empresa tengo dos redes ( y y
 una IP real que pongamos es .
 Esta IP se utiliza para dos cosas: para servir nuestra Web 
 (con NT i IIS) i para dar acceso a las dos redes internas
 a internet (a traves de un proxy wingate).
 La modificación consiste en instalar un servidor Linux que
 tenga tres tarjetas ethernet: una para la red, otra
 para la y la otra para la IP real
 Este servidor a traves de IP Masquerading daría acceso a 
 internet a las redes internas (siendo el gateway por defecto
 el gateway de la IP real), por lo que pondiramos unas rutas 
 tales que:
 route add default gw 
 (siendo esta IP el gateway de la IP real)
 ipfwadm -F -p deny
 ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -S -D
 ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -S -D
 (no se si es esta la sintaxi ya que escribo de memoria, pero 
 en este punto no me da ningun problema)
 y por ahora funciona funciona bien, pero el problema esta en que
 antes el servidor de nuestra pagina web estaba en el NT y con la
 IP real, y ahora la IP real la tiene el Linux  :-(
 La idea que tengo es darle una IP de una de las redes internas a 
 la maquina NT con IIS i decirle al Linux que si llega una peticion
 hacia esa IP me la enrute de alguna manera a esta IP interna. 
 Pero no se como hacerlo. 
 Alguien me lo podria indicar?
 La configuración que utilizo es:
 Distribución: Debian 2.1
 Kernel: 2.0.38
 PD: perdonad por el rollo que os he pegado, pero es lo mas detallado
 que lo he podido explicar.
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. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: quedada

1999-10-27 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, oct 27, 1999 at 07:45:10 +0200, TooMany wrote:
 Bien... A unas malas, podemos ir quedando para vernos por el Simo, el
 sábado quizás?

Definitívamente creo que no voy a poder ir al SIMO pero si al II Congreso
Hispalinux así que estaré en Madrid el sábado, no se, se me ocurre una
quedada por la noche para los que no podamos ir al SIMO. Un buen sitio puede
ser el Aenima (más señas del garito en ''), 
si le parece bien a Barbwired :-)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Partiton magic 4 disco de inicio, VAJATE la imagen.

1999-10-27 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 27 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 14:43:44 +0100, MIKEL AGUIRRE  

Bajate la imagen de partition magic 4, disco de inicio xDD ya!!1

de aqu?:

 Supongo que  voy a quedar de  borde pero ¿quién me  asegura que
 eso es el Partition Magic y no otra cosa?

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Partiton magic 4 disco de inicio, VAJATE la imagen.

1999-10-27 Thread dfm

Es como con Dios, has de tener fé...

Saludos... con fecha 27/10/99 12:30:35

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: Re: Partiton magic 4 disco de inicio, VAJATE la imagen.

El miércoles 27 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 14:43:44 +0100, MIKEL AGUIRRE

Bajate la imagen de partition magic 4, disco de inicio xDD ya!!1

de aqu?:

 Supongo que  voy a quedar de  borde pero ¿quién me  asegura que
 eso es el Partition Magic y no otra cosa?

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-10-27 Thread dfm

RE: quedada

1999-10-27 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Definitívamente creo que no voy a poder ir al SIMO pero si al II Congreso
 Hispalinux así que estaré en Madrid el sábado, no se, se me ocurre una
 quedada por la noche para los que no podamos ir al SIMO. Un buen
 sitio puede
 ser el Aenima (más señas del garito en
 si le parece bien a Barbwired :-)

Yo le eché un vistazo a su webopeich y tiene muy buena pinta el Aenima... y
parece ser que ponen buena música ;-) Pero creo que, a final de cuentas,
podríamos decidir un sitio (éste me parece bien), una hora, y luego dar un
margen para que llegue la peña mientras tomamos algo...

Have a nice day  ;-)


1999-10-27 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Estooo... perdona... pero, esto ¿a santo de qué viene? Vamos, si no es
molestia ni ofensa... ¿?

Have a nice day  ;-)

 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el: miércoles 27 de octubre de 1999 13:26

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Hola amigos.

El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con Staroffice.
Aún ni he visto la revista pues estoy bastante ocupado pero me imagino que
Staroffice no viene en paquete .deb. El caso es que casi todo lo que he
instalado era .deb y no quiero meter la pata al instalar esto. ¿Podeis echarme
una mano indicándome cómo hacerlo?

Gracias por todo y hasta pronto.

Apt y directorio local paquetes

1999-10-27 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
Hola a todos,
  tengo unos paquetes deb (concretamente el samba 2.0.5) que he creado
para slink desde los fuentes. Quiero ahora ponerlos en un directorio local
y que el apt los coja y pueda verlos en el dselect. He hecho lo siguiente:

- he creado: /usr/local/packages

- he creado: /usr/local/packages/override con los nombres de los paquetes
por linea añadiendo 'optional net'

- he ejecutado:  dpkg-scanpackages . ./overrride  Packages

- he añadido la siguiente línea en /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb file:/usr/local packages/

Cuando ejecuto 'apt-get update' obtengo:
Ign file:/usr/local/ packages/ Release 
y los nuevos paquetes no aparecen en la lista del dselect y si ejecuto 
'dpkg -l samba*' obtengo:

  No packages found matching samba-common_2.0.5a-2_i386.deb.
  No packages found matching samba-doc_2.0.5a-2_all.deb.
  No packages found matching samba_2.0.5a-2_i386.deb.

¿que hago mal? ¿cual es la forma correcta de operar?

Gracias por anticipado.

  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread dfm

Yo lo he instalado desde las X haciendo un sudo al programa de instalación
que tiene ya que cuando entro como un usuario cualquierca en las X no me
deja cargar aplicaciones como root. En cualquier caso se instala sin

Un saludo


PD: No he podido ejecutar StarOffice con un usuario distinto de root. con fecha 27/10/99 14:12:19

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Instalar sin dselect

 Hola amigos.

 El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con Staroffice.
Aún ni he visto la revista pues estoy bastante ocupado pero me imagino que
Staroffice no viene en paquete .deb. El caso es que casi todo lo que he
instalado era .deb y no quiero meter la pata al instalar esto. ¿Podeis
echarme una mano indicándome cómo hacerlo?

 Gracias por todo y hasta pronto.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-10-27 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Hola a todos:

Quería saber si alguien ha usado el paquete gxsnmp que viene en la
distribución de slink. Lo he cargado y arranca bien, pero al intentar
dar de alta algún host el programa casca parece ser que por la librería
gtk. Sin embargo otras funcionalidades como dar de alta una red sí

Estoy muy interesado en la gestión de redes por medio de snmp.
He usado el programa mrtg y el skotty. Si alguien me puede decir algun
paquete de gestión de redes SNMP interesante en entorno Linux se lo
agradecería. También quisiera saber si alguien ha hecho funcionar
correctamente el paquete gxsnmp de la distribución slink.

He bajado versiones más recientes de gxsnmp de 
pero no las he podido compilar porque me pide librerías gtk y glib más
recientes de las que tengo, pero estoy en ello.


RE: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread Manuel Trujillo
   El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con
 Aún ni he visto la revista pues estoy bastante ocupado pero me
 imagino que
 Staroffice no viene en paquete .deb. El caso es que casi todo lo que he
 instalado era .deb y no quiero meter la pata al instalar esto.

Precisameneteee, en el último Sólo Linux viene la manera de hacerlo,
usando la herramienta alien. Ya sabes... :
alien --to-deb paquete.rpm

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread Fernando
Manuel Trujillo wrote:
El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con
  Aún ni he visto la revista pues estoy bastante ocupado pero me
  imagino que
  Staroffice no viene en paquete .deb. El caso es que casi todo lo que he
  instalado era .deb y no quiero meter la pata al instalar esto.
 Precisameneteee, en el último Sólo Linux viene la manera de hacerlo,
 usando la herramienta alien. Ya sabes... :
 alien --to-deb paquete.rpm

En la ultima PC-actual, viene StarOffice en castellano.
Se puede instalar con cualquier usuario.



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread David Charro Ripa
 PD: No he podido ejecutar StarOffice con un usuario distinto de root.

Al ejecutar el script de instalacion, hay una opcion que creo es  /net  o 
Asi puede usarlo luego cualquier usuario.



Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread Rossy Roman S.

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, David Charro Ripa wrote:

  PD: No he podido ejecutar StarOffice con un usuario distinto de root.
 Al ejecutar el script de instalacion, hay una opcion que creo es  /net  
 o -net.
 Asi puede usarlo luego cualquier usuario.

La opcion correcta es -net. (Y despues cada usuario debe correr el
programa de instalacion por su cuenta)



Instalacion Potato

1999-10-27 Thread shadow
Hola, por fin me he bajado la potato, con los discos de instalacion
incluidos, pero la instalacion no va bien, en el momento que se reinicia el
sistema, olvida la seleccion de teclado y no tiene la supuesta lista de
tareas y paquetes para instalar con lo cual debo hacer la instalacion a
mano, con lo que esto supone en una lista de mas de 4000 paquetes, sabe
alguien donde se pueden conseguir los discos de instalacion para potato que
piten bien ??

Agradesio de Antemano

Ata luego cocodrilos

Problemas con es teclado en espanol...:-)

1999-10-27 Thread KebleR

Nada, he estado mirando de poner el linux para poder escribir y leer bien
en castellano, pero me pasa una cosa curiosa

Puedo escribir enes, en el prompt del login, pero cuando entro, si entro
como root, en la ene me aparece un q.
si entro como usuario normal, cuando intento escribir la ene, me pita...

nadie tiene un .bash_profile, .profile, o nada parecido, todo el mundo
coge lo que hay escrito en /etc/profile

Siempre puedo leer textos escritos con enes.

Mi /etc/profile, es:

set meta-flag on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off
export LC_CTYPE=ISO_8859_1
export LC_ALL=es_ES
export LANG=es_ES

Las fuentes que cargo, son lat1u-16.psf, y el loadkeys, carga

Alguien me puede ayudar...???


Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-27 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Fernando wrote:
 Manuel Trujillo wrote:
 El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con

Yo lo he instalado de una forma que creo que puede ser bastante
correcta, a saber:

1.- Como usuario root ejecuto el script de instalacion con el parametro
/net ( que crea una instalacion 'multiusuario' ) en un directorio comun,
yo escogi /usr/local/Office51a

2.- Creo un fichero para que tenga un menu, y ejecuto el comando
--- fichero de menu -- /etc/menu/staroffice ---
?package(local.staroffice):needs=x11 section=Apps/Misc \
title=StarOffice 5.1a \

2.- La primera vez que un usuario lo utilice se le arrancara el
instalador y llega un punto que le pide 2 formas de instalarlo:
- Instalacion estandar de estacion de trabajo (1.7 Mb)
- Instalacion estandar local (146.1 Mb)
Evidentemente se escoje la primera que lo unico que hace es crear un
directorio Office51 en el directorio $HOME de cada usuario lleno con 1.7
Mb de links y configuraciones de usuario

Si se quiere desinstalar el paquete se han de eliminar :

- La instalacion general (/usr/local/Office51a)
- El fichero de menus (/etc/menu/staroffice) y pasar el update-menus
- los directorios de usuario ($HOME/Office51)

Espero que os sirva de algo

Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

wmppp y kernel 2.2.11

1999-10-27 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Recientemente cambié de kernel de 2.2.0-pre6 a 2.2.11 y me dejaron de
funcionar el wmppp y el wmmon (dos aplicaciones de wmaker). Coger las
fuentes de potato y recompilar no ha sido solución.

Ambas aplicaciones usan la librería xpm4g (la versión que tengo es la
3.4j-0.6). Puede ser que esta librería tenga algún tipo de
incompatibilidad con el kernel nuevo? O no tiene nada que ver? :?¿ 


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

RE: Instalacion Potato

1999-10-27 Thread Alexandre Maneu i Victòria
Bueno, lo veo dificil. La verdad es que potato es MUY unstable...
Un amigo que tiene la suerte de conectar por cable con tarifa plana se bajo
los 3 cds de potato el fin de semana pasado, y un asco. Al instalar, dselect
daba problemas de dependencias por todos lados (slang, libc6 y apt estaban
en conflicto). Incluso de algunos programas requeria versiones anteriores!

Total, que me he vuelto a poner hamm... La verdad es que no se como
solucionar el problema, pero con los CDs que se bajo ese chico no habia
ningun problema de teclado. Supongo que como mas nueva sea la bajada,
mejor ira

Un saludo
ICQ: 12433233
Phones: +34932967792, +34619541839
PGP Public Key Available
3ª ala de combate de
las fuerzas reVeldes

- Original Message -
From: shadow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 4:22 PM
Subject: Instalacion Potato

| Hola, por fin me he bajado la potato, con los discos de instalacion
| incluidos, pero la instalacion no va bien, en el momento que se reinicia
| sistema, olvida la seleccion de teclado y no tiene la supuesta lista de
| tareas y paquetes para instalar con lo cual debo hacer la instalacion a
| mano, con lo que esto supone en una lista de mas de 4000 paquetes, sabe
| alguien donde se pueden conseguir los discos de instalacion para potato
| piten bien ??
| Agradesio de Antemano
| Ata luego cocodrilos

Re: quedada

1999-10-27 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

El viernes por la tarde estamos quedando en el Hispalinux'99
para la reuni'on sobre Debian. Habr'a alg'un desarrollador, y
hablaremos de lo que se tercie (yo quer'ia hablar al menos de
Debian-es, de potato, y de alguna otra cosa). Como ya habr'a all'i
gente de Debian, y muchos estaremos de todas formas en el Congreso,
creo que ser'ia buena idea quedar all'i... ?Qu'e os parece?

(El congreso es en Legan'es, cerca de Madrid)


TooMany writes:
  Bien... A unas malas, podemos ir quedando para vernos por el Simo, el
  sábado quizás?
 \|/  \|/
  Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
  TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

[Local: Madrid] RE: quedada

1999-10-27 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Vuelvo a dar la lata. ?Os parecer'ia bien montar la kedada el
mismo d'ia que quedamos los de Debian en el Hispalinux? Se podr'ia
quedar primero en la Carlos III, tal y como est'a planificado dentro
del horario del congreso (el viernes), y luego (con tiempo para
llegar) en el garito ese o en cualquier otro que os parezca bien...

Bastar'ia con que en vez de quedar el s'abado lo hag'ais el
viernes... Y as'i, quien quiera se arrima al Congreso, quien quiera al 
garito, y quien quiera a los dos sitios...

?Qu'e os parece?


Manuel Trujillo writes:
   Definitívamente creo que no voy a poder ir al SIMO pero si al II Congreso
   Hispalinux así que estaré en Madrid el sábado, no se, se me ocurre una
   quedada por la noche para los que no podamos ir al SIMO. Un buen
   sitio puede
   ser el Aenima (más señas del garito en
   si le parece bien a Barbwired :-)
  Yo le eché un vistazo a su webopeich y tiene muy buena pinta el Aenima... y
  parece ser que ponen buena música ;-) Pero creo que, a final de cuentas,
  podríamos decidir un sitio (éste me parece bien), una hora, y luego dar un
  margen para que llegue la peña mientras tomamos algo...
  Have a nice day  ;-)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

Club Conectados

1999-10-27 Thread Club Conectados
Por fin inauguro Club Conectados!!!.  Un lugar especialmente destinado a reunir 
chateros para conocernos y divertirnos. En el Club podes bailar, comer, jugar 
al truco, tomar mate, jugar al pool , al metegol, a otros juegos de mesa como 
Backgammon,ajedrez, generala etc. Hay un lugar con videogames y una baby siter 
para cuidar a los chicos. Tambien podes navegar o chatear por internet. Por el 
mes de Octubre como promocion la hora de internet es solo de $5.- 
No se cobra entrada y los fines de semana podes venir a bailar o a participar 
de shows en vivo sin gastar un peso.  Tambien podes festejar tu cumpleaños o 
el de tus hijos.
El Club Conectados queda en Mansilla 3935 , en el barrio de Palermo, el 
es 4832-6070
y esta abierto los dias de semana de 16 a 24, los viernes y sabados de 20 a 5 
y los lunes esta cerrado.
Si el tema no te interesa te pido disculpas.
Si no queres recibir mas mails con informacion sobre las actividades del Club, 
mandame un mail a:
y pone en el sujeto: borrame
Los esperamos por el Club Conectados!


1999-10-27 Thread Jon Noble

On mar, 26 oct 1999 10:40:56 Vidarte Ana wrote:
   Me dirigo a ustedes en busca de información. Deseo probar el sistema
 opertivo de tiempo real linux, rtlinux. Sin embargo, cuando trato de
 cargarlo a través de internet, no consigo la conexión con el servidor ftp
 desde la siguiente dirección: Recibo el
 siguinete mensaje: Extended server error message: Type set to A; Illegal
 PORT Command. De forma análoga, si trato de cargarlo desde las direcciones
 de su página wed,
 Se emplea Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. ¿Esa puede ser la causa de no
 conseguir cargar rtlinux? ¿Qué se necesitaría o cómo debería realizarse esa
 carga desde internet?

Con el Netscape de Linux yo no he tenido ningun problema en ese tipo de 
páginas. Supongo que con el Netscape de Win tb. te debería ir bien. Por cierto, 
si vas a usar rtlinux, echale un vistazo también a RTAI (, que es 
otra variante de linux en tiempo real (aunque no la he probado tiene muy buena 

   Por otra parte, no se si para poder emplear rtlinux debo cargar
 inicialmente una versión de linux normal, que tampoco consigo cargar a

Si, es mejor que primero pongas a punto un linux normal y luego apliques el 
patch para usar rtlinux.

 traves de internet. Para crear aplicaciones de tiempo real, ¿la programación
 puede realizarse en C, en un entorno cono Visual C o se requiere un entorno
 de programación propio y un compilador propio también? ¿Podría indicarme
 cómo conseguir rtlinux, linux y el entorno de programación y conmpilador, en
 caso de ser necesario?

La programación es en C. A partir de ahí puedes usar el editor que quieras.

 Se trata de cargar este sistema operativo en un PC bajo una particion del
 sistema Windows NT. ¿algún problema?

En principio no debería haber ningun problema.

Un saludo,


Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-27 Thread Taupter
Sean Johnson wrote:
 It's written Starzilla, but it's pronounced KOffice.

And about the conflict between Qt and GPL licenses?


Re: Sbpcd module trouble

1999-10-27 Thread John Carline
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

 Thanks a lot, John. My Cds are fromLinux System Labs,; but I am 
 suspecting that they are not complete.
 Reason: There are a bunch of files with 0 bytes, with just the name. Let me 
 give you
 examples: In the binary disk1, in \disks\slink\contrib\binary-i386 there are 
 a total of
 136 bytes

That sounds normal, all the contrib packages are on Disk 2. I suspect the files 
on disk 1
are simply place keepers.

Also, you probably already know this but just in case you don't  The multicd
installation should have Disk 2 in the drive before updating the package list. 
In other
words, disk 1 to start  and disk 2 for dselect.

One other thought,  if all else fails you can always use dselect with the apt 
option and
install via the web.

Good Luck



Powered by the Penguin

any need to upgrade kernel

1999-10-27 Thread zdrysdal

I am running slink with kernel 2.0.36.  Is there any advantage to upgrading
the kernel.  If so, which kernel would be best?

Or shall i just leave the kernel alone as things are working fine..


exim: Rewriting from address for outgoing mail ?

1999-10-27 Thread Shaul Karl
Package: exim
Version: 3.03-1
Severity: wishlist

How can I get exim to rewrite the from address only on outgoing mail ?

- -- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.2.12 #1 Thu Oct 14 09:29:24 EST 1999 i586 

Versions of the packages exim depends on:
ii  cron3.0pl1-53  management of regular background processing
ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone
ii  libident0.22-1 simple RFC1413 client library - runtime
ii  libpcre22.07-1 Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expre

--- End of Forwarded Message

# This is the main exim configuration file.
# It was originally generated by `eximconfig', part of the exim package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# This file originally generated by eximconfig at Sun Oct 24 10:02:18 IST 1999
# See exim info section for details of the things that can be configured here.

# Please see the manual for a complete list
# of all the runtime configuration options that can be included in a
# configuration file.

# This file is divided into several parts, all but the last of which are
# terminated by a line containing the word end. The parts must appear
# in the correct order, and all must be present (even if some of them are
# in fact empty). Blank lines, and lines starting with # are ignored.


# Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses
# here. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local callers by
# default. See the receiver_unqualified_{hosts,nets} options if you want
# to permit unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is
# not set, the primary_hostname value is used for qualification.

qualify_domain = rakefet

# If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a different
# domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here.
# If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used.

# qualify_recipient =

# Specify your local domains as a colon-separated list here. If this option
# is not set (i.e. not mentioned in the configuration file), the
# qualify_recipient value is used as the only local domain. If you do not want
# to do any local deliveries, uncomment the following line, but do not supply
# any data for it. This sets local_domains to an empty string, which is not
# the same as not mentioning it at all. An empty string specifies that there
# are no local domains; not setting it at all causes the default value (the
# setting of qualify_recipient) to be used.

local_domains = rakefet:localhost

# Allow mail addressed to our hostname, or to our IP address.

local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true

# Domains we relay for; that is domains that aren't considered local but we 
# accept mail for them.

#relay_domains = 

# If this is uncommented, we accept and relay mail for all domains we are 
# in the DNS as an MX for.

#relay_domains_include_local_mx = true

# No local deliveries will ever be run under the uids of these users (a colon-
# separated list). An attempt to do so gets changed so that it runs under the
# uid of nobody instead. This is a paranoic safety catch. Note the default
# setting means you cannot deliver mail addressed to root as if it were a
# normal user. This isn't usually a problem, as most sites have an alias for
# root that redirects such mail to a human administrator.

never_users = root

# The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming
# IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too
# expensive, you can specify the networks for which a lookup is done, or
# remove the setting entirely.

host_lookup = *

# Exim contains support for the Realtime Blocking List (RBL) that is being 
# maintained as part of the DNS. See for background.
# Uncommenting the following line will make Exim reject mail from any
# host whose IP address is blacklisted in the RBL at

#rbl_domains =
#rbl_reject_recipients = false
#rbl_warn_header = true

# The setting below allows your host to be used as a mail relay only by
# localhost: it locks out the use of your host as a mail relay by any
# other host. See the section of the manual entitled Control of relaying 
# for more info.

host_accept_relay = localhost

# If you want Exim to support the percent hack for all your local domains,
# uncomment the following line. This is the feature by which mail addressed
# to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (where z is one of your local domains) is locally 
rerouted to
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] and sent on. Otherwise x%y is treated as an ordinary local 

# percent_hack_domains=*


SDBM access with c

1999-10-27 Thread Evan Moore
I am trying to create a c program that can interface with a dbm created
from a perl scriptB. I know only how to access NDBM and GDBM databases, but
the person who wrote the database program in Perl used SDBM. How can I
access this SDBM database in c?


Re: any need to upgrade kernel

1999-10-27 Thread Brant Wells

Hi :)

I am running slink with kernel 2.0.36.  Is there any advantage to upgrading 
the kernel.  If so, which kernel would be best?

Or shall i just leave the kernel alone as things are working fine..

(Anyone reading this, please correct me...)

Upgrading the Kernel depends on what you need...  The newer kernels suppport 
newer hardware, and have new features.  I've heard that if you want to 
upgrade, 2.2.10 is the best.  I'm about to try it, because I'm having a few 
problems of my own w/ kernel 2.2.1.

Upgrading also depends on how good you are @ following step by step 
instructions.  There should be docs and everything with it... Seeing as I 
don't know how well you work with linux, I would say that if you try it, 
make yourself a rescue disk first!!  (I just got mine un fried, thanx to a 
boot disk!)...



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Re: Can't get seconf NIC to work

1999-10-27 Thread Bob Nielsen
Only the first NIC is autodetected, for a second card, you need to add
a boot parameter (if compiled into the kernel) or a line in
/etc/conf.modules (if a compiled as a module).  This is explained in
section 3.2 of the Ethernet-HOWTO (in Debian's doc-linux-text package or at

On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 07:54:15PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 Does anyone have a URL on how to get a second NIC to work under kernel 
 2.2.13?  The modules directory only has dummy.o in it.  What is it I have 
 missed?  The family are getting aggrieved that what was supposed tp be an 
 upgrade seems to have removed all net access for the PCs on the private IPs.
 On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 12:34:51PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
  Hi all,
  Effortless is one word I wouldn't use to describe the move to the 2.2
  kernel.  Can anyone suggest why lsmod shows nothing, why I can't load the
  tulip module or what I need to do to add a route for 10.
  Thanks in advance.
  enterprise:~# cat /proc/modules
  enterprise:~# route add -net dev eth1
  SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
  enterprise:~# cd /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/
  enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# ls
  dummy.o  tulip.o
  enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# modprobe tulip
  /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
  /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o failed
  /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o: insmod tulip failed
  enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# rmmod de4x5.o
  de4x5.o: No such file or directory
  enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# lsmod
  Module  Size  Used by
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Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: x windows

1999-10-27 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 01:43:39PM -0700, raymond ferrari wrote:
 I have been trying to get x windows up and running but have problems. I
 installed x during dselect, I have a color monitor. It seems as though
 the distribution I got at the Linux World Expo in San Jose may have a
 problem(comes from Linux Central). Seems as though I don't have a config
 file. I have tried everything told to me, and what I have read. I cannot
 startx because of config file. I have read in one book that I might have
 to build my own config file if it isn't part of the distro. Need help
 trying to figure this one out. I have all the xserver stuff and
 XF86Setup but no config. I have a diamond stealth 3D2000 graphics card
 and a S3-Virge/onBoard N1C3BD chip set. Do I need to download this from
 the net or should I look for it on the cd. Do I need to re-install x or
 should I configure.
 NOTE: The first line in etc/X11/Xserver reads: /usr/bin/X11/XF86_VGA16
 ConsoleIt then says this is the full path name of default
 Xserver-root only. I have 256 color and would like to use it. TIA. Ray

According to the list at, this card requires the SVGA
server, so you should install the xserver-svga package, if you haven't
already done so.

Read /usr/doc/xf86setup/QuickStart.doc.  It will explain how configure
X using XF86Setup or XF86Config.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shell account

1999-10-27 Thread Bob Nielsen
If you are connecting to them via a dialup terminal program like
minicom, you need to upload to them via zmodem and then upload from
them to wherever you want the files to go (with ftp).  Likewise with


On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 05:16:43AM +0300, tf wrote:
 hey guys,
 I just got a free shell account at I've never messed
 with anything like this before, and could use some zmodem advice.  I
 just installed the lrzsz package.  Um, should I upload files from my
 box, or from the remote computer?
 sorry, I'm clueless.  Is there a ultility I can get to make things
 easier on me?

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Error using apt-get install

1999-10-27 Thread Greg Wooledge
David J. Kanter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I tried this, but I still get the same error. Any other ideas?

   update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/ntpdate: file does not exist
   /var/lib/dpkg/info/ntpdate.postinst: /etc/init.d/ntpdate: No such file or

  touch /etc/init.d/ntpdate
  Then retry your installation.

Did the 'touch' command work?

Do you have an /etc/init.d/ntpdate file?

Does it still say No such file or directory?

If all else fails, you may need to edit
/var/lib/dpkg/info/ntpdate.postinst and take out the part that tries to
run update-rc.d.  But I'd only do that as a very last resort.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

cvs error

1999-10-27 Thread Micha Feigin
I tried to import a new project into cvs.
It gives me an ok message that everything went fine.
When I then try to do checkout for the project, it checks out the files,
and then gives me an error:
cvs [checkout aborted]: could not fchdir back to saved working directory:
Invalid argument
How do I fix this?

Re: potato boot hung at Starting printer spooler:

1999-10-27 Thread Greg Wooledge
Art Lemasters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

  My potato system is stopping for a very long time at
 Starting printer spooler:
 then, after 15 minutes or so,
 1999-10-25-18:05:08.036 Get_local_host: hostname 'heart' bad

Normally this is caused by an attempt to consult a name server that
can't be reached.

   Before this happened, I changed the bind config to forward
 only, and uncommented the /etc/named.conf line:
 query-source 53;
 I changed some /etc/init.d/network lines to give my Linux OS and the gateway (Cisco 675 router/modem)
 The ethernet card was configured to have
 I also had changed the /etc/resolv.conf file to add my ISP's

I don't understand all of that (specifically, the query-source part).

First, make sure you've got a fully qualified domain name for your
hostname in /etc/hosts.  You probably don't have 'heart' (is that your
hostname?) in /etc/hosts, or you don't have it fully qualified.  Make up
a domain name if you have to -- I use .local on all of my boxes. localhost   jekyll.localjekyll hyde.local hyde   dwarf.local dwarf phoenix.local phoenix   fishy.local fishy

Second, make sure that, in your boot sequence, you can get to your ISP's
name servers whenever you're running something that needs to talk to
the Internet.  E.g., if you start ntpdate to synchronize with a time
server on the Internet, make sure you can actually reach the Internet
when ntpdate starts up

Finally, make sure you consult local files first during name resolution.
In /etc/nsswitch.conf, you should have:

  hosts:  files dns

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: when will potato become stable?

1999-10-27 Thread Greg Wooledge
jack ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 When will potato be finally released?  That day will be the day I say
 goodbye to redhat.  So far, I have to stay with it, cause I need 2.2

Slink works great with a 2.2 kernel, except for the DHCP packages and
possibly a couple others.  If you use DHCP (either client or server),
make sure you upgrade to the potato version of the DHCP packages before
rebooting with the 2.2 kernel, and you should be fine.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: fetchmail and pine, for a RHL user!

1999-10-27 Thread Greg Wooledge
Mohammad S Sharawi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 and when i did :
  fetchmail -f 
 if showed me that it recieved one file from my isp, but i don't know 
 were it was put? I mean were does fetchmail store the retreived files?

Fetchmail delivers the messages to your local mail transfer agent (MTA).
The MTA will then (assuming everything is configured correctly) deliver
the messages to /var/spool/mail/msharawi (or whatever your username is).

Make sure your MTA (exim, sendmail, qmail, smail, ...) is configured
to deliver messages addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]... or else, tell
fetchmail to deliver the messages however your MTA likes to see them.

Then tell fetchmail to get the messages and send them to your MTA.

E.g., here's my fetchmail config file:

server protocol pop3
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] here is wooledge there password XX
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] here is mwooledge there password XX
server protocol pop3
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] here is gwooledge there password XX

(I didn't make my MTA accept @localhost, so I told fetchmail to deliver
to @dwarf.local which is what I have in /etc/hosts.  But there's more
than one way to do it(TM).)

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: paste appears to be disabled

1999-10-27 Thread Greg Wooledge
Brett Shand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I have gpm running and at the console it is functioning perfectly.
 In wmaker (in any of the xshells) it appears to be functioning properly in
 everything except it wont paste sigh

X doesn't use gpm, unless you go out of your way to set it up that way.

 I have tried killing gpm (sudo gpm -k), and I have tried it with various
 options all to no avail. It wont paste.  My /etc/profile does not have it

/etc/profile has nothing to do with cutting and pasting in X.

If you have a two-button mouse, you need to make sure you have
Emulate3Buttons turned on in your XF86Config file, and then use both
buttons together to simulate the middle mouse button you're lacking.

If you have a three-button mouse, just use the middle button to paste
whatever is highlighted.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sbpcd module trouble

1999-10-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I did the mount -t ... /dev/hdx, tried all, none worked.
I did later modconf to install the sbpcd, installed nicely, but again didn't 
let me read my
What I get is, after a lot of failures of the kind

sbpcd-0 [x]: Diskinfo: Read capacity y  returns - 602
sbpcd-0[x+1]: CD contains no data tracks.
sbpcd-0[x+2]: !st-diskok detected-retrying
sbpcd[x+4]: sbp status: failed after 3 tries
end_request: I/O error, dev 19:00, sector 64
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 19:00 iso_blknum 16 block 32
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom, or
too many mounted file systems.

My CDrom is not bootable. How long does it take to install from the web with a 
28800 bps
connection? Do you guys think the problem is with the CDRom, or with the module?

John Carline wrote:

 Also, you probably already know this but just in case you don't  The 
 installation should have Disk 2 in the drive before updating the package 
 list. In other
 words, disk 1 to start  and disk 2 for dselect.

 One other thought,  if all else fails you can always use dselect with the apt 
 option and
 install via the web.

 Good Luck



 Powered by the Penguin

Re: /var/log/ppp.log stays empty

1999-10-27 Thread Shaul Karl
If I remember correctly you have to edit /etc/syslog.conf and maybe also have 
the debug option on. Try looking at /usr/doc/ppp, I think this is on the FAQ.

I did not use ppp for sometime now, hopefully someone else will give you a 
more accurate response.

 most of my PPP activity shows up in messages and syslog. i setup my ppp
 with pppconfig.
 (running slink)
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
 -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
 On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I upgraded Debian 1.3.1 -- Debian 2.1,
  and reconfigured ppp.  It works, but now
  /var/log/ppp.log does not at all reflect what
  is happening during the ppp exchange.
  Where's the new log file for ppp?
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Re: Good News Reader?

1999-10-27 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 05:36:40PM +1000, Brian May wrote:

 Thanks for all the responses. So far it seems that slrn and Gnus are
 the most popular, and Gnus is the most feature rich (which comes at a
 disadvantage - how do you remember which feature you need to use and
 when to use it?).

The menus.  I generally find that if I think I'd like to... and then
peer through the menus an answer presents itself.  There's also the
manual, which is IME well written and complete enough.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: C programing

1999-10-27 Thread Shaul Karl
Although I am far from being a C expert I believe that standard C should not 
be so problematic. Perhaps you might want to post some specific questions ?

 Stephan Engelke wrote:
  On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 01:30:34PM +0200, Benak Istvan wrote:
   Someone tell me how can I find a doc about C programing (I downloaded
   the Programmer's Guide, but I can't programming under C, so I want to
   learn it!)
   So I need a doc for lammers!
  How 'bout Kerninghan, Ritchie:  The C Programming Language. Sorry,
  forgot the publisher.
  There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books around.  Check
  your local bookstore.
 cut snip
 After spending the last two days trying to convert a C program I wrote some 6 
 ago in microsoft C into linux. I just have to echo this question.
 Is there no linux specific/best book that covers gcc and g++.  One that 
 includes all
 the standard library calls . I currently have four books on C (not the 
 book though. I'll have to go look at it) and they're basically worthless. I'm 
 sure if it's that they're simply too old or too 'microsoft', but I'd love to 
 find a
 book on gcc that would be a simple but complete reference for the occasional C
 O'Reilly are you listening??
 Powered by the Penguin
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Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-27 Thread Oki DZ

John Foster wrote:
 Uh. It was already free, in the dollars and cents manner. They
 really gave back/up nothing. 

I think they give an impression: from now on, StarOffice is supported by

The only thing is that they can now turn it
 into a sun proprietary thin client to run on their servers, 

Sun is giving away StarOffice for Linux, right? I think it doesn't
matter if there's a proprietary version of it.

and voila'
 instant network office suite that really will compete with MS Office 2M
 for NT/WIN 2M. 

Unix community at large can take advantage of it; look, now is the
beginning of time where M$ Office has a worthy opponent (or contender if
you like).

If Sun can make NCs real, why not? 

Oracle has been touting NCs for quite a while, but they (the NCs) are
still somekind of vaporware. I don't know what makes the delay (slow
progress); maybe Oracle's NCs need to run Linux. 

BTW, M$ would have some difficulties in supporting NCs; NT is not
multi-user. I believe that if you want to compete with M$ (in terms of
the number of office-suite seats), NC is the battlefield.


It's a small box, not unlike our other network computers except this 

has a CD-ROM in it and on the CD-ROM it has Linux and Netscape and 

some other things.
  Larry Ellison on NCs

Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-27 Thread Oki DZ

B. Szyszka wrote:
 Well it's better than Microsoft capitalizing off others without giving them 
 worthwhile at all.   : )

You are forgetting something. Anything M$ provides (whether it's
worthwhile or not), M$ always gives away some other thing for free;


It's a small box, not unlike our other network computers except this 

has a CD-ROM in it and on the CD-ROM it has Linux and Netscape and 

some other things.
  Larry Ellison on NCs

Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-27 Thread Oki DZ

Dave Baker wrote:
 Unless they changed the license recently, this (stareoffice) is only free
 in the monetary sense, not the freedom sense.

I believe that monetary sense is the first step, and the freedom one is
the next. Ask Sun; if there are enough Linux developers who are willing
to support StarOffice (for Linux) if Sun releases the source, I think
Sun would think it over. 


It's a small box, not unlike our other network computers except this 

has a CD-ROM in it and on the CD-ROM it has Linux and Netscape and 

some other things.
  Larry Ellison on NCs

Re: /var/log/ppp.log stays empty

1999-10-27 Thread John Hasler
Shaul Karl writes:
 If I remember correctly you have to edit /etc/syslog.conf

You shouldn't have to.  The distributed syslog.conf has the proper entries.
I did a slink install earlier this week.  I just checked syslog.conf on that
machine: it has them.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Oki DZ

Charles Lewis wrote:
 make menuconfig (or xconfig)
 make dep (make clean??)
 make bzImage
 make modules
 make modules_install

Hi, you have been using slackware for a while, haven't you? Well, it's
what I do when recompiling the kernel on slackware.

 (I learned the hard way that when I copied bzImage directly to /vmlinuz, I
 was overwriting the previous kernel in /boot)

I think it's okay, as long as you don't forget to reinstall lilo after
the copy; or rdev if you don't use lilo.


It's a small box, not unlike our other network computers except this 

has a CD-ROM in it and on the CD-ROM it has Linux and Netscape and 

some other things.
  Larry Ellison on NCs

Re: Diskless and Stare Office??

1999-10-27 Thread Oki DZ

aphro wrote:
 diskless..i assume everything is mounted over nfs what stops you from
 loadin staroffice over nfs like any other app. 

Virtual memory. Swapfile doesn't work over nfs. Having a diskless
machine with 128MB RAM for doing office-suite would be slightly
overboard, I think.

Of course, if the diskless machine is used for remote X, that's another
matter; but you'd need a real powerful server for handling all those
remote users' processes.


It's a small box, not unlike our other network computers except this 

has a CD-ROM in it and on the CD-ROM it has Linux and Netscape and 

some other things.
  Larry Ellison on NCs

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 05:48:51PM -0500, Charles Lewis wrote:

 Install debian kernel source using dselect (not sure how to do patches)

To do a patch:

# cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12
# zcat ~/patch-2.2.13.tar.gz | patch -sp1

That'll do the trick. Removing a patch is exactly the same, except you
give patch the -R option as well... Something to watch out for is that
some patches are incremental (e.g. 2.2.12 - 2.2.13 - 2.2.14) whereas
others need to be removed and patched with a newer version (the ac
patches are an example of this).

 cd /usr/src
 tar zxpvf kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz
 cd kernel-source-2.2.12

You might want to link your current kernel source tree to

# cd /usr/src
# ln -sf kernel-source-2.2.12 linux

 make menuconfig (or xconfig)
 make dep (make clean??)
 make bzImage
 make modules
 make modules_install
 cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12
 rm /vmlinuz
 ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12 /vmlinuz
 (I learned the hard way that when I copied bzImage directly to /vmlinuz, I
 was overwriting the previous kernel in /boot)

You'll want to copy the to /boot as well.
# cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/ /boot/

 Now, my question is, is what I do above pretty much what everyone else does?
 And what would be the equivalent steps for doing the same thing using
 make-kpkg? After reading the man pages, I'm not sure what options I should
 use or what the resulting deb would be. This is what I've been able to glean
 so far:
 make menuconfig
 make-kpkg clean??
 make-kpkg --revision 1.0 --bzimage kernel_image

You might want to use something like --revision custom.1.0 or something,
since you run the risk of apt overwriting your kernel package with a
newer official Debian one (when one becomes available), which is
probably not what you want.

Unless you're doing this as root (bad), you'll need something like
fakeroot to finish the kernel package making process, since you need
root access to build a package. What I normally do is what you've done,
and then when it fails with an error about not having root access:

# fakeroot make-kpkg kernel_image

And it'll build up the package for you.

 dpkg -i ???

This looks right, although you don't need the --bzimage, since that's
the default anyway. The .deb you install is left just outside of your
kernel tree, (in your case, it would be in /usr/src).

kernel-image-*.deb will be the name of it...

 Another question is what exactly is the difference between bzimage and
 zimage, and which one should I be using?

bzImage is big zImage, and is able to load larger kernels (1MB),
whereas zImage is limited to something smaller (600kB?). You want to use
bzImage all the time, unless your machine doesn't like booting such
images (e.g. some laptops will only boot zImage kernels).

[ Matthew Gregan ]  [ GPG ID: B63A1E95 ]  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ GPG fingerprint:  FB83 2911 F170 B31C 9E4A  E382 CA8A A2F6 B63A 1E95 ]

Description: PGP signature

xemacs font recgnision error

1999-10-27 Thread Micha Feigin
xemacs worked fine up to now when it sudenly started givving me the
following error:
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset

Fatal error (11). 
Any idea's  how to solve this?
Under a normal tty it works fine.

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I've set a few defaults via the conffile:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] egrep -v (^#|^$) /etc/kernel-pkg.conf 
 maintainer := Gregory T. Norris
 priority := Low
 debian := custom.1
 kimage := bzImage

That being done, I proceed as follows:

 untar ; make *config
 make-kpkg clean
 fakeroot make-kpkg binary
 dpkg -i kernel-image*.deb

 Another question is what exactly is the difference between bzimage and
 zimage, and which one should I be using?

bzImage kernels get uncompressed into protected-mode memory, while
zImage kernels are uncompressed in real-mode, and then relocated into
protected-mode memory after the kernel gains control.  Basically this
means that zImage kernels MUST load and uncompress fully in the lower

It's generally recommended that you stick with bzImage, unless you have
a system which is unable to boot using that format.

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 05:48:51PM -0500, Charles Lewis wrote:
 Warning: newbie question...
 I have been able to recompile the kernel successfully a few times, but I'm
 not sure what all is going on, and whether I am doing it the best way or
 not. Here is an example of what I do when I update the kernel:
 Install debian kernel source using dselect (not sure how to do patches)
 cd /usr/src
 tar zxpvf kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz
 cd kernel-source-2.2.12
 make menuconfig (or xconfig)
 make dep (make clean??)
 make bzImage
 make modules
 make modules_install
 cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12
 rm /vmlinuz
 ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12 /vmlinuz
 (I learned the hard way that when I copied bzImage directly to /vmlinuz, I
 was overwriting the previous kernel in /boot)
 Now, my question is, is what I do above pretty much what everyone else does?
 And what would be the equivalent steps for doing the same thing using
 make-kpkg? After reading the man pages, I'm not sure what options I should
 use or what the resulting deb would be. This is what I've been able to glean
 so far:
 make menuconfig
 make-kpkg clean??
 make-kpkg --revision 1.0 --bzimage kernel_image
 dpkg -i ???

I'd add an epoch to the revision number:

make-kpkg --revision=3:custom.1.0 kernel_image

This will prevent a kernel-image in the distribution from installing
itself as an upgrade.

 Another question is what exactly is the difference between bzimage and
 zimage, and which one should I be using?

Sometimes zimage creates an image which is too large (and you'll get an
error message).  bzimage will handle this case (I'm sure it has a limit
also, however).  I've been using bzimage for several years as a habit. 
bzimage is the default for make-kpkg (see 'man kernel-pkg.conf' for
details on the configuration).

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(no subject)

1999-10-27 Thread Renato Sapienza

Re: Who is using up my root partition?

1999-10-27 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Wed, 27 Oct, 1999 à 12:08:05AM +0200, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 02:38:43PM +, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
  My root partition is reported as full but I fail to identify the files
 BTW did you made a 'bonie' to make a test?: its working by default
 in /, with a 100MB file.

No, it defaults to the current directory.

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: potato boot hung at Starting printer spooler:

1999-10-27 Thread Art Lemasters
 Thanks, Greg.  Those were some great ideas (especially
in re. boot sequences).  I've just gotten DSL to work in the
client mode and am working on getting it going in server modes.
Setting up the DNS will be the tough part.  ...haven't the
slightest about how to write the bind configs or which NAT
to use, but I'm searching for documentation on it.


Wmload is messed up

1999-10-27 Thread David J. Kanter
I was switching here and there to a number of window managers, and now my
wmload seems to be messed up.

The new background is green while the peaks are a more opaque green, and
they are dipping down from the top, not originating from the bottom (this is
the stalactite vs. the stalagmite thing, isn't it?)

Wmload is docked with WindowMaker.

David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1 

Re: /var/log/ppp.log stays empty

1999-10-27 Thread Peter S Galbraith

John Hasler wrote:

 Shaul Karl writes:
  If I remember correctly you have to edit /etc/syslog.conf
 You shouldn't have to.  The distributed syslog.conf has the proper entries.
 I did a slink install earlier this week.  I just checked syslog.conf on that
 machine: it has them.

No it doesn't.  I put in my slink CD, fired up Emacs with
deb-view.el to edit deb file contents, and looked at the
/etc/syslog.conf file in the package sysklogd_1.3-31.deb, and
there are _no_ ppp entries.


Embarassing NEWBIE Question

1999-10-27 Thread Bryan K. Walton
Please forgive me for asking such an embarassing question:  I have
installed Debian 2.1 on my laptop and have struggled to correctly
configure X.  So I am now preparing to install XFree86 3.3.5 which I have
been told will fix my problem.  I have all of the XFree86 3.3.5 files
burned onto a CD-ROM.  I need to copy the files from the CD-ROM to a temp
directory on my /usr partition.  Can someone please tell me exactly
what I need to type in order to do this?  How do I get into the
CDROM directory and how do I make Debian copy everything from that
CDROM to /usr/temp (a subdirectory I created for this purpose)?  


Re: Embarassing NEWBIE Question

1999-10-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 10:20:11PM -0500, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
   Please forgive me for asking such an embarassing question:  I have
nothing embarrassing...
 installed Debian 2.1 on my laptop and have struggled to correctly
 configure X.  So I am now preparing to install XFree86 3.3.5 which I have
 been told will fix my problem.  I have all of the XFree86 3.3.5 files
 burned onto a CD-ROM.  I need to copy the files from the CD-ROM to a temp
 directory on my /usr partition.  Can someone please tell me exactly
 what I need to type in order to do this?  How do I get into the
 CDROM directory and how do I make Debian copy everything from that
 CDROM to /usr/temp (a subdirectory I created for this purpose)?  
Bad... You shouldn't create directories willy nilly except in user
directories like /home, or perhaps in /usr/local. For future reference,
you might look at .

Am wondering were you got the binaries from? Are they debs (*.deb) or
are they tarballs (*.tar.gz, or *.tgz, or just *.tar)?

Anyway, you need to mount the cdrom. Try:

your_prompt$ mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom

For this to work: 

1) the empty directory /cdrom must exist (you can use /mnt instead --
it should exist). So mkdir /cdrom if it doesn't exist. 

2) /dev/cdrom should be a symlink to the real device name (e.g.
/dev/hdc). Can't help you with this without knowing whether you have IDE
or SCSI and how those are hooked up. 

Finally, if it worked.

your_prompt$ cp /cdrom/your files /tmp

Don't forgot to umount /cdrom when you're done.

If you have the man-db installed, you can read up on these commands with
man command name.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: trashing Netscape (was Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!)

1999-10-27 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Pann McCuaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 16:17, Daniel Barclay wrote:
  Please check this one for me (I don't see how this can be anything other
  than a Netscape bug, but if it is something else, I'd like to know):
  Does Communicator crash with a bus error?? 
 Nope, works just fine -- I can click until I'm blue in the face and
 Netscape (Navigator) just keeps on truckin'.

Hmm.  Maybe Navigator is stable and just Communicator is unstable?

 I'm not suggesting that Netscape is bug free, but it sounds to me like
 you're on a mission to stress test it to failure. 

Definitely not.  (Well, except for some experiments last night.)

 Why 2000 bookmarks for heaven's sake? 

Bookmarking bunches of things as I encounter them, cleaning them up
later.  (Well, theoretically.  That's why the 2000 doesn't get
trimmed down to something more reasonable.)

How many Netscape windows is it useful to have open at

As someone else already mentioned, it is frequently useful to open
links in a new window.  

(Sometimes I want to preserve the state of the original page, to be 
able to go back later to that page and check out other links, no matter 
how far I traverse from that first link.  Sometimes I want to note
links of interest but continue reading the original page; I pop open
windows and lower them, and eventually get back to them.)

 Other things I'd look at: What window manager are you using? Does
 Netscape give you fits under several different window managers? What

I haven't tried that.

 other tasks are running? 
Not much.

 What does top tell you about your resources?

Typically, plenty of free memory.  (I have 128MB with 128MB swap.)

 Etc., etc.

In experiments last night, I noticed something about Communicator's
behavior.  I was opening many, many windows (a hundred?) to probe
memory-problem theories.

I didn't get any solid results on memory size, but I did notice
that after a while, the netscape process would chew up about 90%
CPU time when it shouldn't have been doing anything.  It would
still function (redrawing exposed windows, responding to menu
commands, and usually responding to link clicks), but slowly.

On different runs, it happened at different resident set sizes
(so some crazy theory I had about some (non-Java) garbage collection 
or other memory management going on at 32MB was, well, crazy.)

That was when I hadn't run any Java applets.  With Java started, 
whenever it triggered into 90%-CPU mode, it stopped responding 
completely.  (No exposure redrawing, no menus, no Alt-Q.)

Oh yeah, another thing:  In non-Java 90% CPU mode, I could quit,
but the netscape process would keep running, using 90% CPU.
I didn't seem to be only temporary (e.g., to update the history
or bookmarks files or something).

In one run, middle-clicking on links no longer worked, but
right-clicking and using the open in new window menu item 
still worked.

Oh yeah, a different another thing:  Those test were with no 
bookmarks, history, mail, or anything, so I think that rules out 
file-size or file-contents problems.  

That was also booted from an alternate root partition with a 
fairly minimal slink installation I installed (several months
ago) to test Communicator without much extra software loaded.
That's not a pure test (my regular /usr/local partition was 
mounted), but it seems unlikely that something odd on my
system is causing the problem.


Re: Embarassing NEWBIE Question

1999-10-27 Thread Ethan Benson

On 26/10/99 Eric G . Miller wrote:

Am wondering were you got the binaries from? Are they debs (*.deb) or
are they tarballs (*.tar.gz, or *.tgz, or just *.tar)?

right, don't install tarballs or do make install for things that are 
managed by dpkg, I buddy of mine new to debian tried updating XFree 
by make install and dpkg did not take well to that, his system ended 
up in a state of ruination...

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Sound Card Problem

1999-10-27 Thread Rik Burt
My system is an old P5-100 with 48 MB RAM and a pnp modem, pnp on the
motherboard CS4232 sound card (this is disabled in WIN 95), and an pnp
AWE64 Sound Blaster.

The trouble I am having is that pnpdump is not seeing the Sound
Blaster.  On a friends machine (almost the same except no no onboard
sound chip) we were able to use pnpdump and configure the isapnp.conf
file, recompile the kernel and modules, sound then followed.

When may machine is booting I can hear a click like my sound card is
initializing but I have completely eliminated the isapnp.conf file and
mv the isapnp call out of the boot scripts so what on earth is
initializing the card?

I don't have any parameters being handed off in LILO and I am assuming
that this is where my problem is originating.

Printer Trouble

1999-10-27 Thread Rik Burt
I am having problems getting my printer to print.  I am using lprng and
The printer is an HP722c and I know from the How-To that is only
partially supported.

The trouble is that when I issue a lpr test.file I get a message that
says the message couldn't be sent.  I can't remember the exact syntax
but it seems like I can't get the file to spool even though lpd is

How do I send an lp=blah from LILO as I think this is a lot of the
problem.  The BOOT-PROMPT How To has me confused.

Re: Embarassing NEWBIE Question

1999-10-27 Thread Mary Honeycutt
Bryan K. Walton wrote:
 Please forgive me for asking such an embarassing question:  I have
 installed Debian 2.1 on my laptop and have struggled to correctly
 configure X.  So I am now preparing to install XFree86 3.3.5 which I have
 been told will fix my problem.  I have all of the XFree86 3.3.5 files
 burned onto a CD-ROM.  I need to copy the files from the CD-ROM to a temp
 directory on my /usr partition.  Can someone please tell me exactly
 what I need to type in order to do this?  How do I get into the
 CDROM directory and how do I make Debian copy everything from that
 CDROM to /usr/temp (a subdirectory I created for this purpose)?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hi, this should mount your CD-ROM:

  mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom (your /dev may not be hdc. It may be
hdb or

then, this should copy everything.

  cd /cdrom
  cp *.deb /usr/tmp

You may have to be root to do this, depending on how your permissions
are set.


Can Navigator spawn other mail proggy?

1999-10-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
 Was wonder if anyone knows if Navigator can be configured to spawn
 another program when following a mailto: hyperlink? I suspect no. But I
 dumped Communicator 4.71 and retreated to Navigator 4.61 cause
 Communicator was being flakey...and it'd occasionally be nice to do.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Embarassing NEWBIE Question

1999-10-27 Thread Mary Honeycutt
Mary Honeycutt wrote:
 Bryan K. Walton wrote:
  Please forgive me for asking such an embarassing question:  I have
  installed Debian 2.1 on my laptop and have struggled to correctly
  configure X.  So I am now preparing to install XFree86 3.3.5 which I have
  been told will fix my problem.  I have all of the XFree86 3.3.5 files
  burned onto a CD-ROM.  I need to copy the files from the CD-ROM to a temp
  directory on my /usr partition.  Can someone please tell me exactly
  what I need to type in order to do this?  How do I get into the
  CDROM directory and how do I make Debian copy everything from that
  CDROM to /usr/temp (a subdirectory I created for this purpose)?

I missed the version number bit.  If you're using potato packages, I
don't think
they will work in Slink without upgrading further.


Re: /var/log/ppp.log stays empty

1999-10-27 Thread John Hasler
Peter writes:
 No it doesn't.  I put in my slink CD, fired up Emacs with deb-view.el to
 edit deb file contents, and looked at the /etc/syslog.conf file in the
 package sysklogd_1.3-31.deb, and there are _no_ ppp entries.

I believe you.  I'm just saying that it's on my slink system, which I
installed from a CD I got from Linux Central.

What can I say?  File a bug.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Error using apt-get install

1999-10-27 Thread David J. Kanter
I fixed the problem. Yes, I touched the ntpdate file, but then cmod +x'ed
it. Now that it's an executable, everything goes OK.

On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 08:10:06PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
 David J. Kanter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I tried this, but I still get the same error. Any other ideas?
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/ntpdate: file does not exist
/var/lib/dpkg/info/ntpdate.postinst: /etc/init.d/ntpdate: No such file 
   touch /etc/init.d/ntpdate
   Then retry your installation.
 Did the 'touch' command work?
 Do you have an /etc/init.d/ntpdate file?
 Does it still say No such file or directory?
 If all else fails, you may need to edit
 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ntpdate.postinst and take out the part that tries to
 run update-rc.d.  But I'd only do that as a very last resort.
 Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

---end quoted text---

David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

How to install TTF fonts...

1999-10-27 Thread David Pollack


I got the GNOME problem fixed but I am still stuck w/o TT Fonts. I have
done the xfstt --sync and it found 198 fonts as I said before and I
added the line 

FontPath unix/:7101

to my XF86Config file and still when I startx, I don't get the true type
fonts. I have tried adding the font folder to the xfs config file and
that does not work either (though it shouldn't because I did not have X
connect to xfs). Now, should I continue to try to get X to connect to
the xfstt server or just user the xfs server???

Also as someone pointed out I do not want messages forwarded to me but
rather CC'd because I do not have the time to subscribe and wade thru a
bunch of messages. Though I might subscribe later and not just squeeze
this list for everything it is worth like a 2 dollar hooker... Just

Re: Can Navigator spawn other mail proggy?

1999-10-27 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 09:01:56PM -0700,
Eric G . Miller wrote:
  Was wonder if anyone knows if Navigator can be configured to spawn
  another program when following a mailto: hyperlink? I suspect no. But I

Yes, it can. See for an
example. While this launches mutt, I'm sure it can easily be modified to
launch another mailer.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I thought I was in love once. Later I learned it was an inner ear
 --Constable Benton Fraser (Due South)

Description: PGP signature

Re: trashing Netscape (was Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!)

1999-10-27 Thread Pann McCuaig
I'll give you credit for chasing this thing!

I've got only one further contribution:

On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 23:40, Daniel Barclay wrote:
 Oh yeah, another thing:  In non-Java 90% CPU mode, I could quit,
 but the netscape process would keep running, using 90% CPU.
 I didn't seem to be only temporary (e.g., to update the history
 or bookmarks files or something).

I have seen this, very occasionally on my own box, and sometimes on
other users' boxen at my last job. Never chased it, just killed it
and continued. I'd guess that it happens on average once every two
person-weeks of fairly heavy Netscape usage, but have no idea of how
Netscape was being used (even in my own case :-). Since I usually run
a 32MB box I just assume somebody ran out of memory. Killing the rogue
Netscape process always makes things well again.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Netscape and exim?

1999-10-27 Thread Johann Spies
I have recently installed netscape 4.7 communicator on my slink system.

I don't want to use for all my email, but would like to use it to email
messages to webmasters or while I am browsing the web.  I cannot figure
out how to do it.  What is the movemail program netscape refers to? 
Does netscape use exim? And fetchmail?  To me it seems if it provides its
own pop software.

Can I use pine, exim, fetchmail, procmail and netscape together for email
or is it not recommended.

Although I installed netscape with a deb-installer, there is no man page
and very little documentation.


| Johann Spies,Windsorlaan 19, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel/Faks 033-346-1310 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388  |

 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my 
  words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him
  also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh 
  in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. 
 Mark 8:38 

Re: Can Navigator spawn other mail proggy?

1999-10-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 11:51:12PM -0500, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 09:01:56PM -0700,
 Eric G . Miller wrote:
   Was wonder if anyone knows if Navigator can be configured to spawn
   another program when following a mailto: hyperlink? I suspect no. But I
 Yes, it can. See for an
 example. While this launches mutt, I'm sure it can easily be modified to
 launch another mailer.

 Thanks. I tried it but no dice. netscape dies with a bus error.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Good News Reader?

1999-10-27 Thread Brian May
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 05:36:40PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
  Use TM, and do S O m (calls the function gnus-uu-digest-mail-forward;
  see, it also can make digests of mails :-)
 I tried S o m, but it only did one message. I guess I should
 really try S O m ;-)

I tried S O m, and it inserts all messages into the
one rfc822 sub-part, with a short description at the top.

I don't think this is valid rfc822, which AFAIK:
- contains only *one* message.
- starts with rfc822 headers.

So, it looks like mutt still excels in the area of forwarding
multiple messages, mime encoded, and forwarding attachments that are

Does Gnus support Maildir format? Not that I could see, but
perhaps I was looking at an out-of-date version.

Hopefully these features will soon be added to PGnus...

Oh..., BTW..., is there anyway to save a list of messages to *a* mbox
file? I tried marking messages with '#', and the pushing C-o, but Gnus
asked me for each message what file I wanted to save it to...

Apart from these problems, PGnus seems to be very good. I might even try
to free up enough disk space on this computer, so I can install it ;-)

Another question: When does Gnus delete messages that have expired?
Obviously, it can't delete them if you not currently running PGnus, but
does it do it when it first loads? When you enter and/or leave a group?
Or when? I tried to find this in the documentation, but couldn't.

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Onno

 make menuconfig (or xconfig)
 make dep (make clean??)
 make bzImage
 make modules
 make modules_install
 cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/arch/i386/boot/bzImage 

 rm /vmlinuz
 ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12 /vmlinuz
 (I learned the hard way that when I copied bzImage directly to /vmlinuz, I
 was overwriting the previous kernel in /boot)

You'll want to copy the to /boot as well.
# cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/ /boot/

Would you elaborate on that please...



Re: shh for Linux?

1999-10-27 Thread Onno

At 01:57 PM 10/26/99 -0800, Ben Lutgens wrote:

wtf is shh?

It's called secure shell and you can use it
to get a safe (encrypted) connection to
a remote machine (that runs sshd ;-)


Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-27 Thread Brad

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

 John Foster wrote:
 The only thing is that they can now turn it
  into a sun proprietary thin client to run on their servers, 
 Sun is giving away StarOffice for Linux, right? I think it doesn't
 matter if there's a proprietary version of it.

Well, it does when the proprietary version is at 7.42 while the latest
free [beer] one is still 5.1a and can't read any files from 7.42... Not
saying this will happen, but there is the possibility.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Sbpcd module trouble

1999-10-27 Thread John Carline
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

 I did the mount -t ... /dev/hdx, tried all, none worked.
 I did later modconf to install the sbpcd, installed nicely, but again didn't 
 let me read my
 What I get is, after a lot of failures of the kind

 sbpcd-0 [x]: Diskinfo: Read capacity y  returns - 602
 sbpcd-0[x+1]: CD contains no data tracks.
 sbpcd-0[x+2]: !st-diskok detected-retrying
 sbpcd[x+4]: sbp status: failed after 3 tries
 end_request: I/O error, dev 19:00, sector 64
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 19:00 iso_blknum 16 block 32
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom, or
 too many mounted file systems.

Ouch!  I can't help you much here.;-(

Surely someone on the list must have experience with that type of cdrom.  If no 
one jumps in
with the answer, you might try asking  the question again. This
time mention the cdrom type in the subject line.

 My CDrom is not bootable. How long does it take to install from the web with 
 a 28800 bps
 connection? Do you guys think the problem is with the CDRom, or with the 


I installed potato via the web using dselect with the apt option, but I didn't 
time it.  I did
it on-and-off over several days, my wild guess would be 10-20 hours for a basic 
system with
xwindows. Depending, of course, on the quality of your phone line and the 
packages you select
for your system. Much longer if you're greedy.

If you decide to go this route, you'll need a site to download from.  One of 
the sites below
will work as will many others.

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable main contrib non-free

You can either edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list  and make sure it has one 
of the above
lines in it or you can simply enter the same address when dselect asks you for 

I'd start a little at a time, maybe with all of almost all of the 'required' 
and 'important'
packages. Then if all goes well, get whatever standard, optional and xwindow 
packages you



Powered by the Penguin


1999-10-27 Thread Dave Wiard
could somebody clue me in to what this is?  it's all over in my

Oct 26 23:59:37 morpheus kernel: sc 0(84,3e8,11d50)sc
sc 0(17,3e8,11d50)sc
 d8a000 1400 466740) 

Dave Wiard

RE: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-27 Thread Paul McHale


I am 
not sure what you mean by upgrade. Debian offers a unique program called 
apt-get which will download and install any packagein .deb format. 
It also scans forpackages whichhave been updated. It then 
downloads and updates them automatically. I haven't seen this in any other 
OS other than microsoft.


  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 
  1:07 AMTo: debian-user@lists.debian.orgSubject: just 
  curious about Debian vs Redhat
  I've used both Debian (at home) and Redhat (at 
  Both have reasonable tools for managing 
  software (dpkg for Debian, rpm for Redhat).
  I've also done upgrades for both Debian and 
  The upgrade I did for Debian took several nights and a few 
  The upgrade for Redhat took about 20 minutes (no 
  What is Debian's thrust? Why is it better than 
  [I'm just curious and not taking 

Re: C programing

1999-10-27 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 05:11:45PM +, John Carline wrote:
 Ingles, Raymond wrote:
   On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 10:07:28PM +, John Carline wrote:
   After spending the last two days trying to convert a C
   program I wrote some 6 years ago in microsoft C into linux. I
   just have to echo this question.
   This sort of question pops up on the C newsgroups and mailing lists
  a lot. There *is* no ANSI C way to, for example, clear the screen. The
  DOS functions from conio.h are completely separate from the C standard.
  (Indeed, they are heavily tied to real-mode 8086 and CGA/VGA graphics
  and PC hardware, and often can't even be *emulated* well on other
 Yup! you've just described my plight. Naturally my code is *heavy*  in calls 
 conio.h and graph.h.

For simple plotting to a window, be sure to look at libplot from the
plotutils package.  It is rather basic, but easy to use if all you need
is a simple plot.  As a bonus, it has the same interface for plotting to
a window as for plotting to postscript and various other file formats.
Plotutils has info documentation.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: exim: Rewriting from address for outgoing mail ?

1999-10-27 Thread Shaul Karl
 On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 02:08:45AM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
  Package: exim
  Version: 3.03-1
  Severity: wishlist
  How can I get exim to rewrite the from address only on outgoing mail ?
  # There are no rewriting specifications in this default configuration file.
  # This is an example of a useful rewriting rule---it looks up the real
  # address of all local users in a file
  # [EMAIL PROTECTED]${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
  #   {$value}fail} bcfrF
  # End of Exim configuration file
 you can enter the rewrite-rules into /etc/email-addresses or just put it into
 Here is a sample-text for the exim.conf:
 it changes neuro@anyhost to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for all outgoing mails.
 the syntax is quite simple and very well documented.
 Just put into the section REWRITE CONFIGURATION I quoted above.

Thank you.

I added 


Yet this is causing all mail, even the one that is sent locally, to have my ISP 
domain. How can I change this ?


1999-10-27 Thread peter karlsson
For some reason, my Debian installation has started providing me with a
DISPLAY variable even in console logins (and when logging in over the serial
line...), which renders my scripts that use DISPLAY to check whether to fire
up a X program or a console programs non-working.

Why? And is there any better way to check whether you're actually running X
or not?

peter -

AT1700FTPlus nic setup

1999-10-27 Thread Phyllis L. Owens
I installed 2.1r3 into an office PC with an AT1700 10Base-FL nic.  After I 
added io=0x300 irq=5 to the command line, the supplied 1700 driver 
installed using the install drivers menu and later the ifconfig command 
properly identified the adapters hardware address.  BUT I get a SIOCADDRT 
warning about not finding a network during boot and ping does not cause any 
activity on the card's tx LED.  The AT1700 driver message during boot 
reports the card in 10Base-2 mode (It only has 10Base-T  FL).  I have 
searched for alternate drivers - found nothing.  The NT  Win95 systems 
that share the box have no problem talking to the Novell hybrid system.  I 
am definitely a newbe and could use any suggestions.

Thank you,


1999-10-27 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
For some reason, my Debian installation has started providing me with a
DISPLAY variable even in console logins (and when logging in over the serial
line...), which renders my scripts that use DISPLAY to check whether to fire
up a X program or a console programs non-working.

Why? And is there any better way to check whether you're actually running X
or not?

This shouldn't happen.

Check that DISPLAY isn't being set by one of your login scripts.

Are you using screen?

What Debian version are you using slink (stable) or potato (unstable)?


1999-10-27 Thread Rune Linding Raun
hi !
i got a laptop with a yamaha opl3-sax (ymf719) soundchipset
system: deb 2.1 with kernel 2.2.13 amd-k6-2 333 128meg ram
the problem is that 16 bit sound cant function at 44kHz
if iam going to listen to eg mp3 :) i have to tell the player to sample
in 22kHz otherwise it sounds really scambled and it looks as it get
worse if i move the mouse or the hdd is active??

i cant see any dma/irq conflicts in my /proc and besides it works
perfectly on 22kHz besides i got my laptop with winblows and it worked
fine in 44kHz, i got this laptop for a year now and nobody seems to
have the answer;not being able to get 44kHz really stinks :)

hope someone can help


Graduate student,B.Sc. 
Rune Linding Raun
University of Copenhagencellphone:  +45 2625 6801
Institute of Molecular Biology  pager:  +45 5020 8680
Department of Biological Chemistry  phone(lab): +45 3532 2024
Sølvgade 83H Copenhagen fax(lab):   +45 3532 2040
   _   _ _   _   __   _ _ 
 / ___| \ | | | | | / /  _ \  ___| |__ (_) __ _ _ __  
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|_|___|_| \_|\___//_/\_\ |_(_)_|

[Linux: StarOffice] Where can I get the latest Source/Deb of Pro

1999-10-27 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello and good morning,

can anyone give me the Link (from SUN ???) for the Source/Deb of 
the latest free version of StarOffice Proffessionel please ???

Thanks and have a nice pinguin day


Re: Can Navigator spawn other mail proggy?

1999-10-27 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 11:09:23PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 11:51:12PM -0500, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 09:01:56PM -0700,
  Eric G . Miller wrote:
Was wonder if anyone knows if Navigator can be configured to spawn
another program when following a mailto: hyperlink? I suspect no. But I
  Yes, it can. See for an
  example. While this launches mutt, I'm sure it can easily be modified to
  launch another mailer.
  Thanks. I tried it but no dice. netscape dies with a bus error.

Debian Netscape packages use libc5 version (at least 4.614.7 for potato).
I did some dirty hacks and attached first my ugly attempt to run it.

diff -ruN navmutt-0.19/Makefile navmutt-0.19.deb/Makefile
--- navmutt-0.19/Makefile   Sat Jul 31 04:18:24 1999
+++ navmutt-0.19.deb/Makefile   Wed Oct 27 09:04:51 1999
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-CFLAGS = -O -Wall
-LDFLAGS = -G -lc
+CFLAGS = -O -Wall -I/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include
+#LDFLAGS = -G -lc
+LDFLAGS = -G -L/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib -lc
 OBJS = navmutt.o
diff -ruN navmutt-0.19/navmutt.c navmutt-0.19.deb/navmutt.c
--- navmutt-0.19/navmutt.c  Sat Jul 31 04:18:24 1999
+++ navmutt-0.19.deb/navmutt.c  Wed Oct 27 09:22:04 1999
@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@
 #include fcntl.h
-/*#define DEBUG*/   /* compiles in a bunch of fprintf(stderr)'s */
+#define DEBUG   /* compiles in a bunch of fprintf(stderr)'s */
 #define SUPPORT_BODY/* some mailers may not handle -i, but mutt does */
-#define TEMPDIR /home/brianw/.tmp
+#define TEMPDIR /tmp
 /* uncomment this line if you need us to explicitly spawn an xterm */
-#define XTERM rxvt
+#define XTERM /usr/bin/X11/xterm
-#define MAILPROG mutt /* mail reader to invoke */
-#define MAILNAME mutt /* what to call mailreader (-T) */
+#define MAILPROG /usr/bin/mutt /* mail reader to invoke */
+#define MAILNAME /usr/bin/mutt /* what to call mailreader (-T) */
 /*#define NEWSPROG trn*/  /* news reader to invoke */
-/*#define NEWSNAME trn*/  /* what to call newsreader (-T) */
+#define NEWSNAME /usr/bin/rtin  /* what to call newsreader (-T) */
 #ifdef XTERM

Compact version for running on 486/33 or /66 with 8-32 Mb ram

1999-10-27 Thread Robert Parker
While worming through the pages I found a reference to
a compact verison of Debian installation that was
designed to work on a 486.  I have not been able to
find the link since, after 3 days of looking.  Is there
anyone that can direct me to the site where I can get
more information on the deployment of DEBIAN on a
relatively small 486 system?  Or was my image an
illusion of too many hours starring at a screen.

Re: any need to upgrade kernel

1999-10-27 Thread jonnes
I am running slink with kernel 2.0.36.  Is there any advantage to upgrading
the kernel.  If so, which kernel would be best?

Not really. If your installation is fine, stay with it. There have been
some nasty bugs in the 2.2 series, so you're better off with a tried and
tested kernel (2.0).

Believe me, I was bitten badly by the 2.2.11 problem, and 2.2.12 was not
100% right either. I've gotta get out of this habit of upgrading for the
sake of it! :-)


Home page:


1999-10-27 Thread peter karlsson
Brian May:

 Check that DISPLAY isn't being set by one of your login scripts.

It's not, I checked both /etc/profile and my .bash* files, nothing there
sets it.

 Are you using screen?

It occurs whether I'm using screen or not.

 What Debian version are you using slink (stable) or potato (unstable)?

I'm following the unstable distribution.

peter -

Re: any need to upgrade kernel

1999-10-27 Thread aphro
depends ..

if your running SMP you may want to upgrade
if you want access to NTFS drives you may want to upgrade
if you use a TV card you may want to upgrade

2.2 provides some pretty good overall perforamnce boosters, but its clear
to me its still not really stable yet..i'm holding off on 2.2 on my
servers till at least 2.4 is out.  my dual processor server is still
running 2.0 even.  2.2.10 has prooved to be a great kernel for
me.  haven't seen any reports about adverse effects when using 2.2.13 as
of yet ..  if your not planning on upgrading/changing your hardware(to
something that may only be supported in kernel 2.2/2.3/2.4) i'd suggest to
stay with 2.0.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am running slink with kernel 2.0.36.  Is there any advantage to upgrading
 the kernel.  If so, which kernel would be best?
 Or shall i just leave the kernel alone as things are working fine..
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

re: Netscape memory hoarding

1999-10-27 Thread Paul
Daniel Barclay wrote:

 I didn't get any solid results on memory size, but I did notice
 that after a while, the netscape process would chew up about 90%
 CPU time when it shouldn't have been doing anything.  It would
 still function (redrawing exposed windows, responding to menu
 commands, and usually responding to link clicks), but slowly.
 On different runs, it happened at different resident set sizes
 (so some crazy theory I had about some (non-Java) garbage collection
 or other memory management going on at 32MB was, well, crazy.)
 That was when I hadn't run any Java applets.  With Java started,
 whenever it triggered into 90%-CPU mode, it stopped responding
 completely.  (No exposure redrawing, no menus, no Alt-Q.)
 Oh yeah, another thing:  In non-Java 90% CPU mode, I could quit,
 but the netscape process would keep running, using 90% CPU.
 I didn't seem to be only temporary (e.g., to update the history
 or bookmarks files or something).

I get exactly the same problem fairly frequently, resulting in a reboot
as the only way to free the memory that I know of.

Paul Walton * Powered by * 
Cambridge* Debian GNU Linux *   
U.K.   * *

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 08:41:47AM +0200, Onno wrote:

 You'll want to copy the to /boot as well.
 # cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/ /boot/
 Would you elaborate on that please...

I'll try, but I don't know much about the file, so what I
tell you could be wrong - you have been warned. :-)

The file is a map of the symbols in the kernel, and their
location (I think, if you look at the file it has what looks like
addresses and then a symbol name in the third column (I'm not sure what
that other character means, the t/T in the second column)).

Some programs (top, ps, etc.) can use the to discover and
display extra information... If you have the wrong file for
the current kernel, when you start those programs, they'll complain.
Most/all of the programs which use the now look for it in the
following order:


I think it looks in at least one other place, but I don't remember where
that is (sorry).

I haven't actually come across any information about the use of the so far, which is why I don't really know a great deal. Maybe
it's one of those things which you know the purpose of it if you truly
have a use for it. ;-)

The file isn't critical to the running of a system, so if you don't
bother updating it, I don't think anything Really Bad (TM) will happen.

Oh, if you use make-kpkg to build kernels, when you install them with
dpkg the updating of the is handled as part of that, so you
don't have to worry about it.

If someone can post a better explanation, or a pointer to some
information, I'd be very grateful...

[ Matthew Gregan ]  [ GPG ID: B63A1E95 ]  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ GPG fingerprint:  FB83 2911 F170 B31C 9E4A  E382 CA8A A2F6 B63A 1E95 ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-27 Thread aphro
i choose debian because..

- it seems to have the largest number of developers
- it has BY FAR the most binary packages (2000+ in slink 4000+ in potato)
- it is well respected as being a stable and secure linux

i have not, do not, and will not choose redhat because ..

- many software products are designed for it and don't support other
distributions, not just software(applications) but drivers too.  examples
would be drivers for DPT raid controllers and 3com network adapters(the
ones from 3com) come in binary form and depend on you using the kernel
that comes with redhat.  while this is not(probably) redhat's direct fault
i can't help but feel some negative stuff towards them.  while at other
times software companies may refuse to work with you on support issues if
your not using redhat, doesn't matter if the distribution your running is
101% compadible, if its not what they said you should run you're screwed.

- they jump too quickly into adopting new software.  i was kinda pissed
when they adopted glibc before most everyone else, most people started
developing stuff for glibc (and the early glibcs had MAJOR problems i saw
people talking about adding hundreds of megs of updates to get redhat's
glibc stuff working right) and would not run(binaries at least) and
sometimes wouldn't compile on libc5 (at the time i was using
slackware).  they've done the same with glibc2.1 now. i think they were
the first to adopt glibc2.1 on the x86 platform ?? so..chances are if u
d/l a binary for redhat 6 can't run it on glibc2.0 ..i also have
read that when they first adopted GNOME it was still quite buggy and
crashed often.

i hear mandrake is good though, some have said mandrake is 'redhat done
right' ..(somewhere along those lines)  i think redhat is doing good
things for the communitity, and although there are some side effects to
their efforts to commercialize linux, they do good things, they want
what's best..what's best isnt always possible for them(i.e. they gotta
support intel more now that intel's invested in them, same for VA Linux
systems, you see them selling AMD servers? or PowerPC? or Alpha?), which
is what is great about linux, you HAVE a choice :)

just my opinion.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've used both Debian (at home) and Redhat (at work).
 Both have reasonable tools for managing software (dpkg for Debian, rpm for 
 I've also done upgrades for both Debian and Redhat.
 The upgrade I did for Debian took several nights and a few e-mails.
 The upgrade for Redhat took about 20 minutes (no joke).
 What is Debian's thrust?  Why is it better than Redhat?
 [I'm just curious and not taking sides.]

Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-27 Thread Ed Cogburn
Oki DZ wrote:
 Dave Baker wrote:
  Unless they changed the license recently, this (stareoffice) is only free
  in the monetary sense, not the freedom sense.
 I believe that monetary sense is the first step, and the freedom one is
 the next. Ask Sun; if there are enough Linux developers who are willing
 to support StarOffice (for Linux) if Sun releases the source, I think
 Sun would think it over.

They won't release SO source under GPL, they have their own version
called the Sun Community License.  From a few comments I've heard
elsewhere, its not free in the freedom sense.  Look at Netscape's
Mozilla and the Mozilla Public Lincense.  If Netscape couldn't generate
a lot of interest and energy for Mozilla, what makes you think Sun can
get the attention of the free software community?

Disclaimer:  I am aware that Mozilla isn't 'dead', its progressing
slowly, but its clear Netscape didn't get the reaction it wanted from
the programmers of the free software world.

Ed C.

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