Libro de Debian

1999-12-26 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo
Alguien sabe donde se puede comprar en la Argentina algun libro sobre
Debian en Castellano.
O si hay algun lugar de la red donde se pueda bajar.

Configuración del framebuffer bis

1999-12-26 Thread Miguel A. Abarca
Gracias por las indicaciones que me haceis. Efectivamente, el mensaje de
que no existía del dispositivo /dev/fb0 se debía a no haber arrancado en
modo gráfico. Y ahora una un poco más complicada:
He puesto en mi lilo.conf vga=ask con lo que me muestra al arrancar 
modos a elegir; sin embargo a mí sólo me deja elegir modos de texto con más
o menos líneas y columnas, aunque haga scan, me vuelve a mostrar los mismos.
Sin embargo he podido poner directamente un modo gráfico -por ejemplo 0314-
y me lo ha asumido y arrancado en ese modo -he podido observar el logo del
pingüino-. ¿Esto es siempre así?
No obstante, no he podido arrancar las X windows y ello a pesar de haber
seleccionado el servidor XF86_FBDev y haber modificado manualmente el
fichero XF86Config de la siguiente manera:
- He comentado todas las líneas de Modelines de la sección del monitor
- He creado una sección pantalla para el serviodor específico:
Section Screen
 Driver FBDev
 Device mi tarjeta
 Monitor mi monitor
 Subsection Display
  Depth 16
  Modes default

Al ejecutar startx se me viene abajo el servidor.
He comprobado el modo que tenía activo con fbset y me decía que era
800x600-75. Es posible que ese modo no esté soportado por mi monitor, sin
embargo no he logrado que me cogiera ningún otro con la profundidad de 16
bits. También he creado el fichero fb.modes con una única entrada que sí es
compatible con mi PC (800x600-56)y la he denominado mode default pero no
consigo acceder con esta resolución. ¿Sabe alguno de vosotros cómo poner un
modo gráfico específico al arrancar el PC? Es decir, si por ejemplo arranco
con el modo general 0314 (800x600 16 bits) ¿cómo hago para que sea el de la
velocidad de refresco horizontal y vertical compatibles con mi PC?
La entrada de fb.modes es:
mode default
 geometry 800 600 800 600 16
 timings 27778 128 24 22 1 72 2
 hsync high
 vsync high

mode 800x600-56 ,con los mismos indicadores de default

Gracias y felices fiestas

Re: Using Samba

1999-12-26 Thread Nitebirdz

Try replacing Documento with Documents.  It worked for me.  By
the way, that Documents/pdf directory is full of goodies in pdf format.


On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
  Para el que le interese:
  O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
  encontrareis en formato .pdf en:
 URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe.
 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gogosoftware -
  It said 'Win95 or better'... so I installed it under LiNUX :-)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: .pid

1999-12-26 Thread Nitebirdz

No te puedo decir si es un estandar de UNIX o no, pero si que te puedo
asegurar que FreeBSD 3.3.4 tambien lo utiliza.  Supongo que cualquier
version de BSD (SCO, HP-UX, etc.) tambien sigue esa regla.


On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Prog. d'un instal.lador wrote:

   mi pregunta es si esta normalizado el directorio /var/run para 
 que almacene todos los *.pid de los demonios en funcionamiento en todas
 las distribuciones linux (concretamente tambien en todos los unix).
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ftp anonimo

1999-12-26 Thread Faúndez
Hola, tanto tiempo, Feliz navidad

Bueno, estoy tratando de configurar un ftp anonimo en mi màquina
y estos fueron los pasos a seguir:

1. crear una cuenta ftp (adduser ftp) sin passwd
2. escribir el nombre de la cuenta 'ftp' en /etc/ftpchroot
3. dentro del directorio /home/ftp cree bin, etc y pub con los siguientes
pdr-x--x--x   2 root ftp  1024 Dec 26 15:18 bin
dr-x--x--x   2 root ftp  1024 Dec 26 15:19 etc
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root ftp  1024 Dec 26 15:19 pub
4. que en /etc/ftpusers no aparezca el nombre de la cuenta
 Al hacer una auto-conección :
host:  user:anonymous pass:[ email ]
me conecto pero a un directorio cache o algo así ya que los directorios
pub,etc,bin no aparecen.
¿Que podria ser lo que me esta faltando configurar?
¿o hay algo que no debì hacer?

Nos vemos y gracias.   

Re: Arreglar una vfat

1999-12-26 Thread Thoth
Xavier Andrade wrote:
 Alguien conoce una herramienta de linux para arreglar una filesystem

Las ultimas versiones de fsck.msdos, o creo que era fsck.vfat que van el
las dosfstools (yo me baje las fuentes, no se si en algun paquete) me
sirvieron para reparar un disco de 2Gb, pude formatearlo en fat32 y el
win me decia al intentrlo que la pista 0 estaba dañada...


If it's KA, it come like the wind, like a ciclon
Dark Tower IV (Stephen King)

Linux User 90535
Usando kernel 2.2.13 y 2.3.29 En Linux/GNU Debian 2.1

Re: Configuración del frame buffer

1999-12-26 Thread Thoth
Miguel A. Abarca wrote:
 Hola de nuevo, en vista de la imposibilidad de encontrar soporte para 
 tarjeta gráfica (S3 Savage3D) con Xfree86 -ni siquiera la versión 3.3.5-, me

Que extraño, en el Changelog de la 3.3.5 dice que la soporta y que
soporta la Savage4...

Echa un vistazo en /usr/doc/xserver-common/README.S3V
Igual tienes que usar el driver de la virge...


If it's KA, it come like the wind, like a ciclon
Dark Tower IV (Stephen King)

Linux User 90535
Usando kernel 2.2.13 y 2.3.29 En Linux/GNU Debian 2.1

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-26 Thread Thoth
Jose Luis Trivino wrote:
 Blu wrote:
  Hasta donde yo se la cadena funciona solo en un sentido, de la serial
  al modem y no desde la linea al modem.
 Bueno, ante la duda me picaba la curiosidad y lo comprobé
 ayer personalmente. Efectivamente una candena entrante a
 través de la línea telefónica también puede colgar el modem.
 El porque no soy capaz de decirlo. Aunque pensando un poco
 maliciosamente se me ha ocurrido que cuando nos conectamos a
 internet no solo usamos nuestro modem. Si no me equivoco
 (que me corriga alguien si no es así) el proveedor de
 internet también debe tener un modem al que se conecta el
 nuestro. Si este proveedor no ha configurado su modem
 correctamente (lo cual creo que es lo más probable) entonces
 el modem que cuelga no es el nuestro, sino el de nuestro
 proveedor. Que opinais? Si es así sirve de muy poco que
 protegamos nuestro modem pues con el otro no podremos hacer

Si, y no.

Se puede tener modems, pero eso es una patata, ya que la velocidad
maxima punto a punto se reduciria a 33600 y ademas te pueden colgar el
modem del otro lado si este no esta protegido.

Pero lo logico y lo normal (asi lo creo) es que se monten tarjetas
multipuerto, que son mas comodas y mas baratas que un pool de modems, en
este ultimo caso no habria problemas ya que la cadena no colgara el

Corregidme si me equivoco...


If it's KA, it come like the wind, like a ciclon
Dark Tower IV (Stephen King)

Linux User 90535
Usando kernel 2.2.13 y 2.3.29 En Linux/GNU Debian 2.1

Problemas con LILO.


Hola a todos.

Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo, antes de nada.

Os escribo para preguntar qué es lo que tengo mal en mi LILO para que no
me aparezca al arrancar el ordenador. Mi fichero lilo.conf es:


Mi particion de Linux está en hda3 y la de Windows, que es en la que
quiero que arranque por defecto y que es la que está activa, está en hda1.

Al arrancar el ordenador no aparece nada de LILO, ¿por qué puede ser? Me
ha pasado otras veces y me ayudasteis a arreglarlo pero ahora creo que lo
tengo todo igual que cuando lo hacía bien y sin embargo no funciona.

Gracias a todos y un saludo.


MMSN842 - Suporte no Linux

1999-12-26 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Vocês sabem se é possível incluir o suporte do 
Linux a placa de som MMSN842 (AT3100)? Este é 
um modelo usado no Infoway da Itautec e possui 
entradas para rádio, TV, etc, e também tem o 
Fax-Modem embutido com suporte a viva voz. 

A placa não é PnP mas opera com um tipo de configuração 
jumperless bem prehistórico onde um software a reconfigura 
toda a placa após cada boot do sistema. 

O problema começa por ai, este utilitário de 
configuração somente está disponível para DOS e 
sem ele não consegui mudar a IRQ ou habilitar o 
Fax-Modem (que é desabilitado por padrão após 
ligar o micro).

Os chips usados pela placa são: ATZ2316, OPL3, e 
Rockwell(28.800). A parte OPL3 funciona normalmente.

Será que é possível coloca-la para funcionar com 
os recursos que dispomos hoje no Linux? O principal
problema que estou futuramente prevendo é o software 
de configuração jumperless adotado pela placa, existe 
alguma alternativa no Linux sobre programas deste tipo? 

Infelizmente não encontrei nada no site do fabricante
falando sobre o suporte desta placa no Lin (foi 
difícil até encontrar drivers para DOS e Win).

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: Projeto de Lei

1999-12-26 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Andre Leao Macedo escreveu:

   Leiam esse projeto de Lei do Deputado Walter Pinheiro sobre a
utilização de software de código aberto por órgão governamentais:

Como uma pessoa que contribui com software livre, acredito que este 
projeto é uma mão na roda na divulgação do Linux e sua disseminação, 
mas por outro lado sem a devida atenção e divulgação da Imprensa 
nacional sobre este projeto, ele vai acabar caindo no esquecimento...

Alias, costumo ver revistas fora da área de informática sobre Bill Gates 
Microsoft, Windows, bla, bla, bla, mas nada sobre o movimento de 
desenvolvimento mundial do Linux que é um fato histórico e não vem 
obtendo devida atenção pela mídia.

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: Undeletable File Causing Massive Headaches

1999-12-26 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 12/25/99, Eliot Landrum addressed Undeletable File Causing Massive 
 is /lib/ and the permissions are as follows:
 p---rw--w-1 root 28531   0 Dec 21 20:04 /lib/

Apparently your group  ^ doesn't really exist in /etc/group.  You
could chgrp root /lib/libext... and then try deleting it.  You could
also chmod 666 /lib/libext... and then try deleting it.

Hope this works for you.


Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Re: Undeletable File Causing Massive Headaches

1999-12-26 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 12/25/99, Eliot Landrum addressed Undeletable File Causing Massive 

 This one file is causing me terrible grief and I need to get it fixed. The 
 is /lib/ and the permissions are as follows:
 p---rw--w-1 root 28531   0 Dec 21 20:04 /lib/
Looks to me like your group  doesn't exist in /etc/group, and that's
the only thing with write access to the file.  You could try doing a
chgrp root /lib/ or a
chmod 666 /lib/  and then try to delete it.

Hope this works.


Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Detecting IBM 13.5GB IDE HDD---anyone?

1999-12-26 Thread Alan E. Davis
Installing potato.  My system is as follows:
   Mainboard:  ASUS P5A
   CPU:K6-II 400

What is sfdisk?  Is it on the install disks---apparently not?  I have attempted 
to follow the Large Disk HOWTO and jumpered the drive as a 15 Head drive, as 
suggested.  Otherwise it was detected at 500MB.  

I only see 7.9 GB.  Several different BIOS parameters don't improve the 

Has anyone on this list succeeded at this?

Alan Davis

X-windows and fvwm2?

1999-12-26 Thread Reza Entezari
I have just installed Debian and X-windows which has
a few window managers like fvwm2 and WindowMaker and 

But, the viewport is not properly set. The viewport is smaller
than the size of my desktop;

How can I adjust the viewport in X/WM ?

Any help would be appreciated,

Re: Detecting IBM 13.5GB IDE HDD---anyone?

1999-12-26 Thread Richard
Actually, yeah. I have the IBM 14.4 GXP drive, and it detects fine. It's on 
as secondary on my secondary IDE controller, but I don't know if that 
affects anything. . . I have much the same system, except on an EPOX board 
with a bios that's only a few months old. . . You might wanna see if 
there's an update for your current board, because you may just need to 
flash so that the board can manipulate the heads, for instance..


At 12:08 PM 12/25/99 +1000, Alan E. Davis wrote:

Installing potato.  My system is as follows:
   Mainboard:  ASUS P5A
   CPU:K6-II 400

What is sfdisk?  Is it on the install disks---apparently not?  I have 
attempted to follow the Large Disk HOWTO and jumpered the drive as a 15 
Head drive, as suggested.  Otherwise it was detected at 500MB.

I only see 7.9 GB.  Several different BIOS parameters don't improve the 

Has anyone on this list succeeded at this?

Alan Davis

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: Undeletable File Causing Massive Headaches

1999-12-26 Thread Ethan Benson

On 25/12/99 Eliot Landrum wrote:

root (superuser) is unable to delete, chmod, modify, move or do ANYTHING to
this file. I've done gazillions of things to try and correct it. 
I've booted up
with tomsrtbt, fsck'ed the disk many times, run badblocks on it, 
tried deleting

it when the drive was not mounted as / and many many other things that people
have suggested. Here is what i get when root does rm -Rf

sounds like a immutable file, even though those permissions are 
totally wrong that is irrelevant to root, if you are getting 
operation not permitted for every action on it i would suspect 
immutability, try

lsattr /lib/

if you see sometihng like this:

---i--- /lib/

then its immutable, run

chattr -i /lib/

then try and remove it.

how it got that way i would sure like to know though...

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: Matrox Marvel G400 or Guillemot Cougar Video Edition

1999-12-26 Thread aphro
G400 by far as the best linux support of any videocard, full 2D/3D
acceleration as well as DVD playback(still in development but from what i
read it works)


On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Nico De Ranter wrote:

nico Howdy,
nico I want to buy a new graphics board. I can choose between
nico a Matrox Marvel G400 and a Guillemot Cougar Video Edition.
nico (I want something with a TV-out). What would be the best choice/
nico best linux support?
nico Nico
nico  It has been said that there are only two businesses
nico   refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
nicothe computer industry. 
nico Nico De Ranter
nico Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
nico Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
nico 1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
nico Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86
nico e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
nico -- 
nico Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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7:51pm up 128 days, 7:43, 2 users, load average: 1.48, 1.55, 1.54

Re: Detecting IBM 13.5GB IDE HDD---anyone?

1999-12-26 Thread aphro
are you running the latest BIOS ? 7.9GB is quite common on older boards as
a limitation (32GB is another barrier)  make sure you got the latest bios
and the drive should be in LBA mode i believe.

I just installed corel 1.0 on an IBM 18GB ide and it went fine (AOpen
AP5T-3 i430TX mainboard)


On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Alan E. Davis wrote:

adavis Installing potato.  My system is as follows:
adavisMainboard:  ASUS P5A
adavisCPU:K6-II 400
adavis What is sfdisk?  Is it on the install disks---apparently not?  I have 
attempted to follow the Large Disk HOWTO and jumpered the drive as a 15 Head 
drive, as suggested.  Otherwise it was detected at 500MB.  
adavis I only see 7.9 GB.  Several different BIOS parameters don't improve the 
adavis Has anyone on this list succeeded at this?
adavis Alan Davis
adavis -- 
adavis Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:51pm up 128 days, 7:43, 2 users, load average: 1.48, 1.55, 1.54


1999-12-26 Thread Robert L. Harris

  I did an apt-cache search xroger and it doesn't report any hits.
When my X screen saver kicks in, it says it can't find xroger.  This
should be a standard.  Anyone know where I can find it?

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

mwave modem -- any support?

1999-12-26 Thread Carl Fink
Any plans to support the IBM MWave DSP's modem features in Linux?  The
kernel docs indicate that sound support is in the process of being
added, but the current method is to load DOS level drivers . . . and
the IBM drivers for the modem are unfortunately Windows-level.

Hey, I hate to invest money in a PCMCIA modem for a laptop this old.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: xscreensaver

1999-12-26 Thread John Hasler
Robert L. Harris writes:
 I did an apt-cache search xroger and it doesn't report any hits

It's in the gnome-control-center package.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Logging user's logging in

1999-12-26 Thread Neil
**Please CC all replies to me - I'm not currently subscribed**

I would like to log via syslogd whenever a user logs in. How would I
go about doing this? 

Furthermore, I might also want to JUST log when root logs in, or when
someone's sus into root - how would I do this?

Thanks in advance,


Get my GnuPG key from

Moving from RedHat to Debian

1999-12-26 Thread linuxdevil

I've been using RedHat for about eight months, but I'd like to switch 
to Debian.  Is there any easy way to do this, or is it going to be a
painful transition?  Also, what's the best way to go about installing
Debian?  I have a fast connection, so I'm wondering if an ftp install
is the way to go?  Any suggestions?


FTP Installation Instructions

1999-12-26 Thread Hagen Finley
I would like to begin downloading Debian Linux but I remain a little
puzzled as to how this procedure really works. I have RedHat 6.1 on an old
P133 (64MB) 1 GB system at home I can play around with. The RedHat install
works fine and we use the same release at work where I am a unix admin for
HPUX  AIX systems. However, for reasons I can't really explain, I would
like to delve deeper into Linux and begin working with current builds - a
yearning likely to yield as much grief as pleasure, but I can't help myself.
With RedHat I have always used the boot floppy and the cdrom. That's 
simple nowadays, but one remains dependent on the prepackaged releases and I
end up with a very generic installation. That's functional enough, but its
boring. I imagine performing installs off the web will require a little more
Linux savvy, which is agreeable enough. So my question is, assuming I start
from the 6.1 platform I have, how would I go about downloading and
converting to the most recent / stable Debian release? By asking that I
don't really expect anyone to lead me through the process step by step and I
have read through at least some of the installation documentation on the web
site.  However, in spite of that, I remain unclear where I deposit the
Debian ftp download and how I initiate the installation. Do I create a boot
floppy and point it to a installation directory? Can someone point me to
some documentation that addresses installing from a ftp download?

Hagen Finley
Longs Drugs
Walnut Creek, CA

Re: Moving from RedHat to Debian

1999-12-26 Thread John Kerr Anderson
I myself have just recently started to switch from Redhat to Debian.  I
have found that Debian has a lot of useful features, but with those is
complexity.  It seems to me as harder to setup than Redhat.  I have tried
the ftp install and it is very good, but still slow especially if you
would be downloading a large package.

If you go to the website they offer a 2 CD-ROM
set of Debian for 3.95 (+5.30 S  H) 9.25 total.  That might be useful if
you run into problems or want to install it on other machines.  It will
also save you a lot of time.

John Anderson

On 25 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been using RedHat for about eight months, but I'd like to switch 
 to Debian.  Is there any easy way to do this, or is it going to be a
 painful transition?  Also, what's the best way to go about installing
 Debian?  I have a fast connection, so I'm wondering if an ftp install
 is the way to go?  Any suggestions?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

palm pilot vs visor

1999-12-26 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
hi all,

I am planning to purchase a palm OS based organiser.
I am eyeing on 3com's palm pilot IIIe and Handspring's Visor.
I would eventually sync with linux. Which one is best



Trouble with /dev/tty vs. /dev/ttyX

1999-12-26 Thread Joe Reinhardt

Debian potato, Linux davinci 2.2.13 #1 Fri Dec 3 13:33:40 CST 1999
i586 unknown

I was trying to use gpg and got this error:

~ {138}% gpg --gen-key
gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.1; Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

gpg: cannot open /dev/tty: Permission denied

The error occurs from either an xterm or a virtual term.  It looks
like the program is trying to open /dev/tty rather than /dev/ttyX
(e.g., /dev/tty2) -- I don't know why?

Joseph M. Reinhardt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Biomedical Engineering 1402 Seamans Center
University of Iowa   Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-5634  Fax: 319-335-5631

Re: Moving from RedHat to Debian

1999-12-26 Thread J C Lawrence
On 25 Dec 1999 14:47:55 -0700 
linuxdevil  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been using RedHat for about eight months, but I'd like to
 switch to Debian.  

Having made the switch for a number of machines (web servers, mail
servers, desktops, etc), its not *that* difficult.

 Is there any easy way to do this, or is it going to be a painful

It really depends on how well you've kept your house in order, and
your records straight on your RH box.  Wht do you do on your HR
boxes?  What applications do you use?  What versions?  Are those
same versions of those same packages available under Debian?  Are
older versions available?  Does the difference matter to you? How
much of your system did your build and configure from sources?  How
dependency and inter-relation is there between the critical
compnents of your work environment?  Do you know hoe to rebuild that
same level of relation from scratch with the raw applications?

The move need not be painful.  It took me about a half a day per
machine including install time to potato, with the larger servers
taking just over a week per machine due to gradual staged roll-overs
and running both servers in parallel for several days to watch
performance and configurations.

 Also, what's the best way to go about installing Debian?  

I started with the ISO image on the Debian FTP site to get the base
image installed, and then rolled straight to potato from a local
mirror.  Given a local mirror on 100base, you can get the entire
install done in about 15 or 20 minutes from the initial book.

 I have a fast connection, so I'm wondering if an ftp install is
 the way to go?  

HTTP is fastest, with FTP and NFS following close behind depending on
the performance of the various server stacks (Linux NFS on the
server is faster than FTP, Solaris NFS is slower due to Linux NFS

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Re: Moving from RedHat to Debian

1999-12-26 Thread Howard Mann

 I've been using RedHat for about eight months, but I'd like to switch 
 to Debian.  Is there any easy way to do this, or is it going to be a
 painful transition?  Also, what's the best way to go about installing
 Debian?  I have a fast connection, so I'm wondering if an ftp install
 is the way to go?  Any suggestions?

I have just done this and am very pleased with the transition so far.The 
installation is straightforward.( I do not have experience with an ftp 
installation )

I recommend installing from a bootable CD. Consider the boxed-CD set from ( $20). 

This includes :

Learning Debian GNU/Linux Book: 368 pages, written by Bill McCarty and 
published by O'Reilly 

and,  Debian GNU/Linux QuickStart Guide: 36 pages, written by Kameran Kashani 

Read the installation guide and Release Notes for Slink at before you install.

It has kernel version 2.2.12 and XFree86, 3.3.4. I initially used xf86config 
to configure X , and then simply copied my XF86Config file that I used with 
Red Hat directly to  /etc/X11

After installing the base system, I installed packages by selecting tasks, ( 
you may choose a profile instead) and then installed additional applications, 
such as Netscape and KDE, using apt-get. I did not use dselect to select 
individual packages.After installation, you can remove packages you do not need 
with dpkg. ( dpkg --purge package )Then you can upgrade your entire system 
using apt-get. Apt-get is an excellent application.

There are many differences between RH and Debian, but none substantial. This 
may be the subject of a  Red Hat to Debian : HOWTO   :-)


Howard Mann.

Re: palm pilot vs visor

1999-12-26 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 10:50:31AM +0530, T.V.Gnanasekaran wrote:
 I am planning to purchase a palm OS based organiser.  I am eyeing on 3com's
 palm pilot IIIe and Handspring's Visor.  I would eventually sync with linux.
 Which one is best supported. 

Well, in theory the Visor is completely Palm compatable.  Are you looking
at the cheap visor? 

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Moving from RedHat to Debian

1999-12-26 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sat, Dec 25, 1999 at 02:47:55PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been using RedHat for about eight months, but I'd like to switch 
 to Debian.  Is there any easy way to do this, or is it going to be a
 painful transition?  Also, what's the best way to go about installing
 Debian?  I have a fast connection, so I'm wondering if an ftp install
 is the way to go?  Any suggestions?

If you're really feeling adventurous, I seem to remember a post to
this list from sometime last spring from a guy who made that switch
... without rebooting.  It might be unnecessarily difficult to try,
but it would make you much cooler than all of your friends ...


Watch your mouth, kid, or you'll find yourself floating home.
-- Han Solo

RE: palm pilot vs visor

1999-12-26 Thread Hagen Finley
Dear gnana,

I can't speak to the Linux support question, but from the standpoint of
price for hardware, the Visor is significantly superior to the IIIx. The
Visor is purportedly equivalent to the PalmVx with 8MB RAM and the latest
screen enhancements. It also has the ability to accept program and hardware
modules (although its not clear what is presently available in this medium).
On the downside, compared to the Palm V the Visor lacks the rechargeable
batteries and the sexy case. Priced at roughly $275 the Visor versus IIIx
seems like a no brainer. The Visor does have something like a 4 to 6 week
backorder from Handspring and I have yet to see it marketed elsewhere.

Kind regards,

Hagen Finley
Longs Drugs
Walnut Creek, CA

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 1999 9:21 PM
To: Debian User List
Subject: palm pilot vs visor

hi all,

I am planning to purchase a palm OS based organiser.
I am eyeing on 3com's palm pilot IIIe and Handspring's Visor.
I would eventually sync with linux. Which one is best



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: palm pilot vs visor

1999-12-26 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
Hi Steve,

Thanx for replying.

 Well, in theory the Visor is completely Palm compatable.  Are you looking
 at the cheap visor?
yes. I am a beginner organiser. I am mainly looking for the software
compatibility. I would connect the cradle to my serial port and use
pilot-link software to sync data. Your suggestions are
most welcome.


Re: FTP Installation Instructions

1999-12-26 Thread John Carline
Hi Hagen

Welcome to Debian.

I'm assuming that you're planning on wiping out the disk and starting over once 
created the base system floppies?

If so, point your browser at  
look at Chapter 5. The subsections cover just about everything you need 
including how
to create the floppy disks (9) that will install your base system. If you have 
problems holler again on this list.

If not, take a look at the thread Moving from RedHat to Debian currently 
active on
the list.


 I would like to begin downloading Debian Linux but I remain a little
 puzzled as to how this procedure really works. I have RedHat 6.1 on an old
 P133 (64MB) 1 GB system at home I can play around with. The RedHat install
 works fine and we use the same release at work where I am a unix admin for
 HPUX  AIX systems. However, for reasons I can't really explain, I would
 like to delve deeper into Linux and begin working with current builds - a
 yearning likely to yield as much grief as pleasure, but I can't help myself.
 With RedHat I have always used the boot floppy and the cdrom. That's 
 simple nowadays, but one remains dependent on the prepackaged releases and I
 end up with a very generic installation. That's functional enough, but its
 boring. I imagine performing installs off the web will require a little more
 Linux savvy, which is agreeable enough. So my question is, assuming I start
 from the 6.1 platform I have, how would I go about downloading and
 converting to the most recent / stable Debian release? By asking that I
 don't really expect anyone to lead me through the process step by step and I
 have read through at least some of the installation documentation on the web
 site.  However, in spite of that, I remain unclear where I deposit the
 Debian ftp download and how I initiate the installation. Do I create a boot
 floppy and point it to a installation directory? Can someone point me to
 some documentation that addresses installing from a ftp download?

 Hagen Finley
 Longs Drugs
 Walnut Creek, CA

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Powered by the Penguin

Re: vga=ask in lilo.conf

1999-12-26 Thread Nate Duehr
Hi Andy,

The VGA stuff is kernel-based.  SVGATextMode is a program that you can load
after the kernel's loaded to use SVGA instead of VGA. 

So generally the answer to your question is, yes.  However, you can use the
SVGA stuff to get higher resolutions also.

Personally, I don't use the SVGATextMode stuff, as the resolutions and
text modes available under most of my VGA cards suit me just fine.

Hope it helps, enjoy.  You can read more in the man pages for the SVGA stuff
if your interested.  I've never really used it, as I like the VGA stuff

Enjoy, and hope you had happy holidays, 
On Sat, Dec 25, 1999 at 10:43:23AM -0800, Andy Thomas wrote:
 It's when it gets to Invoking SVGATextMode... on bootup that  it switches
 back to 80x25.  Is svgatextmode some sort of driver I should unload in
 order to get this to stick?

Re: xscreensaver

1999-12-26 Thread Robert L. Harris

According to apt-get, I have that at the newest version installed

Thus spake John Hasler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Robert L. Harris writes:
  I did an apt-cache search xroger and it doesn't report any hits
 It's in the gnome-control-center package.
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: Trouble with /dev/tty vs. /dev/ttyX

1999-12-26 Thread Scott Henry
 J == Joe Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

J I was trying to use gpg and got this error:

J ~ {138}% gpg --gen-key
J gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.1; Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
J This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
J This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
J under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

J gpg: cannot open /dev/tty: Permission denied

J The error occurs from either an xterm or a virtual term.  It looks
J like the program is trying to open /dev/tty rather than /dev/ttyX
J (e.g., /dev/tty2) -- I don't know why?

/dev/tty is a psuedo-tty that is always the current tty (whether a
real one, a serial port, or a pty). You need read and write access to it.

% ls -l /dev/tty
crw-rw-rw-1 root root   5,   0 Dec 31  1969 /dev/tty

on my system. (the odd date is because I am running with devfs patch).

   More Important Drivel from:
 Scott Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] /\/\/\

Re: Logging user's logging in

1999-12-26 Thread Shaul Karl
 **Please CC all replies to me - I'm not currently subscribed**
 I would like to log via syslogd whenever a user logs in. How would I
 go about doing this? 
 Furthermore, I might also want to JUST log when root logs in, or when
 someone's sus into root - how would I do this?

I did not try to configure syslog myself but on my machine su root is 
reported on the xconsole. I hope this might help you do what you want. 

Re: X-windows and fvwm2?

1999-12-26 Thread Shaul Karl
 I have just installed Debian and X-windows which has
 a few window managers like fvwm2 and WindowMaker and 
 But, the viewport is not properly set. The viewport is smaller
 than the size of my desktop;
 How can I adjust the viewport in X/WM ?

There is a ViewPort parameter in the /etc/X11/XF86Config file but 
I am not sure it is related to your problem.

From Xf86Config man page:

  ViewPort x0 y0
   This optional entry sets the upper left corner
   of the initial display.  This is only relevant
   when  the virtual screen resolution is differ­
   ent from the resolution of the  initial  video
   mode.   If  this  entry is not given, then the
   initial display will be centered in  the  vir­
   tual display area.

Re: Moving from RedHat to Debian

1999-12-26 Thread Shaul Karl
 I've been using RedHat for about eight months, but I'd like to switch 
 to Debian.  Is there any easy way to do this, or is it going to be a
 painful transition?  Also, what's the best way to go about installing
 Debian?  I have a fast connection, so I'm wondering if an ftp install
 is the way to go?  Any suggestions?

With a fast connection I would use the apt method.
You might want to start with the docs at
es/2.1.12-19991209 and probably continue with the other stuff on that dir, but 
keep in mind that the boot team is still working on this stuff. Alternatively, 
you can follow the docs for the stable release, which is pointed to on

moving to a bigger harddisk - weird (?) problem

1999-12-26 Thread Robert Waldner


I´m trying to move from a 1.6G[1] to a 25G harddrive. I put the new drive in as 
secondary master, the kernel detects the following

hda: Conner Peripherals 1620MB - CFS1621A, 1548MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=786/64/63
hdc: IBM-DJNA-352500, 24405MB w/1966kB Cache, CHS=49585/16/63, DMA

then I partition, move the data, put the harddisk to primary master, boot from 
CD (rescue root=/dev/hda2), but now can´t install lilo because

hda: IBM-DJNA-352500, 24405MB w/1966kB Cache, CHS=1027/255/63, DMA

which is confusing lilo and fdisk, because the partitions now don´t end on 
cylinder boundarys.

Any hints?


1: which I don´t want to use as bootdrive because it´s starting to fail.

- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

DEB files

1999-12-26 Thread Tux

  How to create .deb files?
  How to convert .rpm files do .deb files?

Thank you,

Re: DEB files

1999-12-26 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 26 Dec, Tux wrote about DEB files
   How to create .deb files?

   How to convert .rpm files do .deb files?

Install the alien package and read the man page and then try,

alien file.rpm

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: DEB files

1999-12-26 Thread Dennis Schoen
On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 11:54:12AM -0200, Tux wrote:
No Realname ??
   How to create .deb files?
Read the Debian Packaging Manual
   How to convert .rpm files do .deb files?

apt-get install alien

man alien

Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating System.
 It's just choosey about who its friends are.

Description: PGP signature

Mirror transformation of the Postscript files

1999-12-26 Thread Alexey Petrov
Hi All,

I have need in mirror transformation of the Postscript files for printing on
the transparence. I should be glad for any idea.

A. Petrov

Re: xscreensaver

1999-12-26 Thread John Hasler
Robert L. Harris writes:
 According to apt-get, I have that at the newest version installed

hasler//u/home/john dpkg -S xroger
gnome-control-center: /usr/share/control-center/.data/xroger.png
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

massive root filesystem corruption

1999-12-26 Thread Ethan Benson


I just had some massive filesystem corruption on the root filesystem 
of a debian potato system that was installed about a month ago and 
was working fine till now, running self compiled 2.2.13 kernel. the 
box has been running GNU/Linux (redhat) for about a year and a half 
with no trouble either..

after finding that all of /bin and nearly all of /etc contents were 
moved to lost+found losing their filenames after a fsck -y I ended up 
reinstalling the system.  is there any way to restore the files to a 
destroyed root filesystem (/var /usr and /home are all separate 
undamaged filesystems) ? or is a full reinstall the only way to 
really fix this other then restore from tape backups (which i do not 
have and cannot create)

now after reinstalling the system again and spending several hours 
reconfiguring things, running fsck a couple times every so often and 
finding nothing wrong, i did some more work and noticed a cron job 
ran causing a lot of disk activity (locate database building or 
something) so i checked the filesystems again and the root filesystem 
was again ruined just like before!  this time i had made backups of 
/bin /sbin /etc /boot /lib /root and such into tar archives on the 
/home partition (/ is the ONLY partition to be damaged, other then 
filetype errors that are always there on /var which i have mentioned 
before but never got reply on) i ran e2fsck -c and redirected all its 
output to a floppy so i could have a reference, after it finished 
`fixing' everything by mostly moving everything into lost+found in 
the form of inode numbers and restored the tar archives i had made 
since everything was ruined anyway, after after restoring most of 
them the kernel spat out a few errors about blocks or some such and 
the filesystem went totally hosed again, no commands worked any more 
since apparently the kernel could not read /sbin and /bin (though i 
could get listings using sash's built in ls)  rebooting resulted in a 
kernel panic no init found.

I am beginning to think that the disk may be going bad but badblocks 
e2fsck -c mke2fs -c all report no bad blocks. this is an IDE disk. 
is there any other way to find out if the disk is at fault or is this 
the kernel?  I am running 2.2.13 on a different machine and have been 
since it came out and have had no problems with it, except for the 
constant filetype errors that show up on the /var filesystem but they 
seem to be minor and not hurt anything that i can see.

would the fsck output be useful to anyone more knowledgeable about 
the filesystem than I in determining whether this is hardware or 
software related?  (I can send it to anyone who is interested, if 
only in admiring the completness of the ruination. the log file is 
about 64000 bytes.)

I have read there is still reports of filesystem corruption in the 
stable kernels but it has been mostly unreproducable, if that is what 
is happening here it looks like i can reproduce it just fine :|
I tend to think this is not a kernel problem since the 6 other 
mounted filesystems are completely undamaged after / gets hosed...

any other pointers on where I should go from here on troubleshooting 
this problem?


Re: apt-get can not remount /usr ro. How to use lsof to find the offending files?

1999-12-26 Thread Ethan Benson

On 23/12/99 Shaul Karl wrote:

Can it be that the removed files are not the problem with the 
failure of the remounting?

[04:17:04 /tmp]# mount -o remount,ro /usr/
mount: /usr is busy
[04:19:08 /tmp]# lsof +L1 |grep /usr/
[04:19:16 /tmp]#

if you are running 4.43 of lsof (the first version to support +L ) 
then that would appear to not be the problem for you, I am not sure 
what would be causing it then, other then some braindamaged program 
opening something in /usr with write permission, this would violate 
FHS since /usr is supposed to be completly read-only mountable 
without disturbing anything.

I just tested the +L and +L1 and it worked ok for me, I am running 
4.43 of lsof, so its probably not lsof lying to you at least :)


Re: xscreensaver

1999-12-26 Thread Robert L. Harris

  Thinking closer to clearly I just forced the screen saver to xroger
and on after 1 min.  I haven't changed anything and now it's working.
Really bloody odd.

Thus spake John Hasler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Robert L. Harris writes:
  According to apt-get, I have that at the newest version installed
 hasler//u/home/john dpkg -S xroger
 gnome-control-center: /usr/share/control-center/.data/xroger.png
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: Mirror transformation of the Postscript files

1999-12-26 Thread Jor-el
On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Alexey Petrov wrote:

 Hi All,
 I have need in mirror transformation of the Postscript files for printing on
 the transparence. I should be glad for any idea.

This may sound like a dumb question - but cant you just flip the
transparency onto its other side?


You have all eternity to be cautious in when you're dead.
-- Lois Platford

Re: Detecting IBM 13.5GB IDE HDD---anyone?

1999-12-26 Thread Jor-el
On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, aphro wrote:

 are you running the latest BIOS ? 7.9GB is quite common on older boards as
 a limitation (32GB is another barrier)  make sure you got the latest bios
 and the drive should be in LBA mode i believe.
 I just installed corel 1.0 on an IBM 18GB ide and it went fine (AOpen
 AP5T-3 i430TX mainboard)
 On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Alan E. Davis wrote:
 adavis Installing potato.  My system is as follows:
 adavisMainboard:  ASUS P5A
 adavisCPU:K6-II 400
 adavis What is sfdisk?  Is it on the install disks---apparently not?  I have 
 attempted to follow the Large Disk HOWTO and jumpered the drive as a 15 Head 
 drive, as suggested.  Otherwise it was detected at 500MB.  
 adavis I only see 7.9 GB.  Several different BIOS parameters don't improve 
 the situation.  
 adavis Has anyone on this list succeeded at this?
 adavis Alan Davis
 adavis -- 
 adavis Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


This was a question originated by Wichert Akkerman on linux-kernel
around the beginning of this month. If you look at the archives of the
linux-kernel around at time, you should find a lot of comments regarding
this problem. Here is one of them : 


You have all eternity to be cautious in when you're dead.
-- Lois Platford

Xscreensaver Modules crashes X

1999-12-26 Thread John Foster
I have the standard xscreensaver installed on my Slink server. I have it
set to random. When it loads the penetrate demo it locks up the system.
I have to turn off the system and reboot. NOT GOOD! Can anyone tell me
how to remove this demo module?
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: massive root filesystem corruption

1999-12-26 Thread Rick Macdonald

I had similar problems. I thought it was my IDE drive but then I finally
ran memtest86 (from hwtools) and it found that one of my 128MB DIMMs was
bad. Give it a try. 4 passes is apparently a complete run. 


HD boot/Potato 2.2.13

1999-12-26 Thread j way
I installed 2.2.13 from dwnld floppies  it runs fine from the boot
floppy.  It hangs with the hard disk boot.  There may be no boot record
on hd?  I'm using a 13.7 Gig HD, 100 MHz '486.  This same box with a
smaller HD boots  runs Slink without a prob.  Any suggestions? TIA.

Re: Undeletable File Causing Massive Headaches

1999-12-26 Thread Eliot Landrum
Finally! Some real assistance! :)

Strangely enough though, lsattr is just sitting here ... I'm not sure if
this is normal or not. I'll let it sit for 30 min to make sure it has
enough time to do whatever it is it is doing. 

What exactly is an immutable file though?

Thanks for the replies! Like I said, this is pretty much driving me

Eliot Landrum

On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Ethan Benson wrote:

 On 25/12/99 Eliot Landrum wrote:
 root (superuser) is unable to delete, chmod, modify, move or do ANYTHING to
 this file. I've done gazillions of things to try and correct it. 
 I've booted up
 with tomsrtbt, fsck'ed the disk many times, run badblocks on it, 
 tried deleting
 it when the drive was not mounted as / and many many other things that people
 have suggested. Here is what i get when root does rm -Rf
 sounds like a immutable file, even though those permissions are 
 totally wrong that is irrelevant to root, if you are getting 
 operation not permitted for every action on it i would suspect 
 immutability, try
 lsattr /lib/
 if you see sometihng like this:
 ---i---   /lib/
 then its immutable, run
 chattr -i /lib/
 then try and remove it.
 how it got that way i would sure like to know though...
 Ethan Benson
 To obtain my PGP key:

[Linux: DNS-Server] Hardware requirements

1999-12-26 Thread Michelle Konzack

can anyone tell me please, whats the minimum requirement for 
a non caching real primary DNS-Server ???

I will have around 20-30 Domain-Names with around 60-80 Hosts.
The Hosts are running on a K6 II-350 and a virtual Apache.

Is a 486 enough ??? Which speed ???

I have for testing a Cx486dx40 with 64 MByte of ram and a 
Conner CFS 210A with Debian 2.1 and Bind 8.2.x. 

How many Domains/Hosts can I run with it and whats the traffic ???

Thanks for your Help

Newbie seeks help...

1999-12-26 Thread Kenneth Vittrup
Hi All...

First of all, I am a newbie (in terms of Debian, before switching from
RedHat)... Still I have managed to install and currently run Debian...
But a few things still bother me...

1) why won't LILO install because my HD is to big? (and how to overrule)

2) how do you connect using ISDN (a simple answar, please)?
3) how do you configure a sound-card to be used with Debian?

- Kenneth

Re: Trouble with /dev/tty vs. /dev/ttyX

1999-12-26 Thread Joe Reinhardt

Thanks, this did the trick.

 SH == Scott Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SH /dev/tty is a psuedo-tty that is always the current tty
SH (whether a real one, a serial port, or a pty). You need read
SH and write access to it.

Joseph M. Reinhardt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Biomedical Engineering 1402 Seamans Center
University of Iowa   Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-5634  Fax: 319-335-5631

~/.Xresources - oclock*Stick: true

1999-12-26 Thread Shaul Karl
Can I set a flag in the ~/.Xresources file so that the oclock will always have 
the sticky feature set to true? What is the correct syntax?
Where can I learn more about the X resources?

safe to upgrade slink to potato?

1999-12-26 Thread Pollywog
I recall seeing many posts about systems being rendered unusable or broken
after upgrade from Slink to Potato.  Is this still a problem?  I do not want
to try it if I will just break my system.



GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: Undeletable File Causing Massive Headaches

1999-12-26 Thread Anthony Wong
Eliot Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
EL Finally! Some real assistance! :)
EL Strangely enough though, lsattr is just sitting here ... I'm not sure if
EL this is normal or not. I'll let it sit for 30 min to make sure it has
EL enough time to do whatever it is it is doing. 
EL What exactly is an immutable file though?

From the changelog of linux's ext2 fs source:
- New file attributes:
  - Immutable files cannot be modified.  Data cannot be written to
these files.  They cannot be removed, renamed and new links cannot
be created.  Even root cannot modify the files.  He has to remove
the immutable attribute first.
  - Append-only files: can only be written in append-mode when writing.
They cannot be removed, renamed and new links cannot be created.
Note: files may only be added to an append-only directory.
  - No-dump files: the attribute is not used by the kernel.  My port
of dump uses it to avoid backing up files which are not important.
Anthony Wong.

Re: safe to upgrade slink to potato?

1999-12-26 Thread kometboy
Pollywog wrote:
 I recall seeing many posts about systems being rendered unusable or broken
 after upgrade from Slink to Potato.  Is this still a problem?  I do not want
 to try it if I will just break my system.

I am a reformed Red Hat user. I've upgraded to potato on both my
machines, and have had no significant problems, other than the
occasional updated package that is broken. These are usually fixed in
a day or two, and info about them is always available on this list. I
use linux exclusively, and am happy with potato. I would assume that
others who might use their boxes differently than I do, such as for
networking,  may have had other experiences and may be able to shed more
light on the subject.

Les Eckert

palm pilot vs visor

1999-12-26 Thread Michael Perry

I am kind of following along with this and am wondering if people are using
jpilot to link their visors?  If they are palm compliant, will jpilot see
these and provide true desktop-palmtop integration?  I am using now a Casio
E100 which is quite nice (except for the OS) and it has some nice speed and
program enhancements which I enjoy like playing MP3's and voice recording.


Michael Perry   


1999-12-26 Thread Fish Smith
Date:  Fri, 24 Dec 1999 21:03:12 +0200 (SAST)  
From:  Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:   unrouteable mail domain 

I hope you all have a blessed Christmas weekend.

I get this error sometimes 
So do I. =)

On the other listserv I'm on last Christmas we even
had somebody tell us all we were going to hell if we
weren't Christians and would burn eternally, as part
of his Merry Christmas greeting.  I replied telling
him to stuff it and got chided by the list moderators.

Date:  Sat, 25 Dec 1999 12:38:37 -0600 
From:  Lyno Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:   Re: GnuPG stands for ...?   

At 09:23 AM 12/25/99 -0800, Fish Smith wrote:
Okay, if PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, does
mean GnuPG stands for GNU Pretty Good? I don't know
how this title conveys encryption...

I agree that GNU is Pretty Good, though.

My guess is that the full name is recursive AND a
palindrome. GnuPGPunG, folded back over itself (in
the manner of a palindrome) becomed GnuPG. It could
stand for GNU Pretty Good Privacy UNder GNU or,
perhaps, GNU Pretty Good Privacy Uses Namesake GNU.
That's my theory :-)

Naah, I think they just took GNU Privacy Guard and
initialed it GPG as a take-off on PGP.
That other stuff is just a coincidince.

Right now I'm on two listservs, one for a collectible
card game, and then this one.  Did you know
ccg(collectible card game) backwards is gcc (GNU C
compiler)?  Just something I noticed.

Copyright(c) 1999 Lyno Sullivan; this work is free
and may be
copied, modified and distributed under the GNU Lesser
Public License (LGPL) and
it comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY;

Darn, this means I can't use my normal procedure of
citing only the text in the message I reply to. 
Because your email is copyrighted and LGPLed I have to
attach your name to it.

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Mirror transformation of the Postscript files

1999-12-26 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Alexey Petrov wrote:

 Hi All,
 I have need in mirror transformation of the Postscript files for printing on
 the transparence. I should be glad for any idea.

I'd suggest using CUPS instead of standard lpd. (package cupsys from
unstable). This kind of stuff is done by just specifying -o mirror
option to the lpr command.
There is much more good to it.
Unfortunately the best part - the GUI interface and the drivers to several
hundreds of printers are commercial (I've got a multiuser package for our
department - very cool). But the generic drivers should be enough for most
of the typical situations, especially if you have a PostScript printer.

I hope at some point the CUPS is going to be THE standard.


Processed: this is an unimplemented feature of update-inetd

1999-12-26 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 reassign 25816 netbase
Bug#25816: xinetd use is problematic
Bug#10059: xinetd: inetd.conf changes don't auto-propagate to xinetd.conf
Bug reassigned from package `general' to `netbase'.

 merge 8927 25816
Bug#8927: netstd: update-inetd don't update xinetd.conf
Bug#25816: xinetd use is problematic
Bug#10059: xinetd: inetd.conf changes don't auto-propagate to xinetd.conf
Merged 8927 10059 25816.

Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Netscape 4.07 problem: Issuer Certificate is invalid

1999-12-26 Thread Daniel Mashao
I have searched to no avail and I am hoping someone can help
me. I used to and still access a site using netscape 4.03 running some
Java scripts program. Now I was foolish to want to install the latest
netscape 4.07 and I am very dissappointed. First I see no improvements
except frequent crashes and secondly my favourite investment site no
longer works. It fails with the message Issuer Certificate is invalid
and Java/Javascripts no longer works. Anyone knows what are my options.

Secondly I hate the Debian installer that requires me to register with
netscape. Is this big brother watching? If Opera becomes stable, there
will not be any reason why I would want to use netscape with its fat size.

Anyway can anyone help me access my favourite site:

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: [apt] Sets of packages that run the same command.

1999-12-26 Thread Joey Hess
Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 What would be the advantage of this? It seems to take only a few
 seconds to run anyway.

Beleice me, it takes longer on my low-end pentium. Let's not even discuss my
486. The real problem is it's cumilitive; on a single upgrade it may be run
10 times, which translates to 5 minutes or more of disk thrashing.

see shy jo

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new toy story release names

1999-12-26 Thread Magnus Danielson
From: Dale Scheetz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: new toy story release names
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 00:52:16 + (GMT)

 At the rate we are getting releases out, there should be a new Toy Story
 out before we use up these new names...

If there would be more frequent releases we migth be able to keep up to phase
with (virtual) reality. No?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DEB files

1999-12-26 Thread Shaul Karl
 *- On 26 Dec, Tux wrote about DEB files
How to create .deb files?

1) Is there a postscript version of this doc somewhere?
2) On my system, a bug with html2ps does not seems to get
solved. What are the alternatives?  

Re: Quake is GPL

1999-12-26 Thread Joseph Carter
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 09:45:52AM +0100, Christian Kurz wrote:
  I'm confused; are you saying that quake source is legal in Germany, but
  binaries aren't!? If that's not what you mean, what solution are you
  referring to?
 No, I'm not saying that the source or the binaries are legal. I'm only
 suggesting that we put a installer package for quake in potato that
 should download the source or binaries from a server, which is located
 in a location where it's not illegal.

I will NOT do that for a piece of GPL code.  I flatly refuse, and it's my

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

Bruce McKinney, author of of Hardcore Visual Basic, has announced that
he's fed up with VB and won't be writing a 3rd edition of his book.  The
best quote is at the end: 'I don't need a language designed by a focus

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: The default gpg comment sucks!  ;



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Quake is GPL

1999-12-26 Thread Richard Braakman
On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 02:22:55PM +0100, Christian Kurz wrote:
 On 99-12-26 Raul Miller wrote:
  So how about volunteering to contact those ftp maintainers and let
  them know about their governments' laws?
 And how has enough knowledge to do this? For example here in Germany you
 need to be a lawyer to really understand all the laws and to decide what
 you could have on your FTP-Server and what not.

So get a German lawyer to decide this, and let us know the results.
Or play it safe, and stop mirroring quake and other packages that
you expect to bring you problems.

Why do you keep expecting that the author/maintainer of a package will
know your country's laws better than you do?  I would certainly not
risk giving such legal advice myself.  Who knows, Lintian may be illegal
in Verweggistan for some reason.

Richard Braakman

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: /etc/profile should include sbin in PATH

1999-12-26 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 06:16:36PM -0500, Greg Stark wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Bushnell, BSG) writes:
  The GNU project adopted /sbin because ordinary users should not be
  burdened with executables that they *cannot* run usefully.  (Which is
  in fact the same reason that they are in /etc or /sbin in BSD.)
 I would be somewhat happier if that were the language in the FHS or Debian
 policy. However, there are many programs in sbin that are useful for ordinary
 users including the two explicitly listed in the FSSTND, traceroute and

Ideally, they possibly shouldn't be. Why is traceroute in /sbin
anyway? It's automatically setuid - doesn't this make putting it in
/sbin pointless?

 I personally don't buy this logic at all for two reasons:
 1) Nobody has been able to explain why these programs are a burden

There's no point in having programs like shutdown, fdisk etc. in
the users' path, and having them there could irritate in, for
exanple, tab completion.

 I guess I propose that either of two things happen:
 1) /sbin and /usr/sbin are put into everyone's path. 

Is there any other immediate solution?

 or there's a third solution
 3) abolish /sbin and /usr/sbin and put these binaries in /bin and /usr/sbin.
Make symlinks so scripts still work. 

This is kind of ugly.

 Obviously the path of least resistance at least for potato is (1).

But it's not a good long-term solution, as it makes /sbin
pointless. Right?
alisdair mcdiarmid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[burnt toast is what comes of trying to do too many things at once]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Logging user's logging in

1999-12-26 Thread hypnos
On Sat, 25 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 **Please CC all replies to me - I'm not currently subscribed**
 Furthermore, I might also want to JUST log when root logs in, or when
 someone's sus into root - how would I do this?

I believe this is a default in Debian.  At least, my system logs
these automatically, and I don't recall ever configuring it to.

Dec 26 13:50:40 debian login[11524]: ROOT LOGIN on `tty4'
Dec 26 13:52:11 debian su[17277]: + tty2 hypnos-root

The first line shows a root login on tty4. The second line shows
that on tty2, hypnos su'd to root.

Re: FTP Installation Instructions

1999-12-26 Thread hypnos
On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Hagen Finley wrote:

 site.  However, in spite of that, I remain unclear where I deposit the
 Debian ftp download and how I initiate the installation. Do I create a boot
 floppy and point it to a installation directory? Can someone point me to
 some documentation that addresses installing from a ftp download?

This is why I think Debian is the distribution which is easiest to 
install.  If you are going to an FTP install, you only need to download
approximately 10 MB of files (the base files).  If you are installing
Debian onto a machine that is in a networked environment (such as your
work place, where you have access to other *nix machines), you can copy
these files to one of those other machines (if you can mount one of 
their directories via NFS).  Otherwise, you'll need to copy the base
files to floppies (I believe it takes 7 3.5 floppies).  And, of course,
you'll need a boot floppy.  You start the installation with the boot
floppy, tell it (the installation program) where the base files are
located (on floppies, on an NFS share, etc.) and it will install those.
Debian's automated installation then takes over.  You go through the
list of available packages and select which ones you want installed.
The installation program will then connect to an FTP server, download
the packages you selected, and install them, without any work from you.

I tried to explain it briefly and simply, but it sounds more complicated
than it is.  When I was new to linux, I tried installing both Slackware
and Redhat, having different problems with each.  I then moved to Debian,
and I've been running it on multiple machines every since.


Re: moving to a bigger harddisk - weird (?) problem

1999-12-26 Thread Robert Waldner
ok, I figured it out. for the records, there where several steps necessary:

- an extra append when booting from cd-rom rescue root=/dev/hda2 
- _careful_ and __complete__ reading of the Hard-Disk-Upgrade - mini-Howto:
   10. ...With Debian, make sure
   that the boot line says /dev/hda rather than /dev/hda1 or
   similar if you want to install LILO on the Master Boot Record.
- now, of course, the rest was editing lilo.conf appropriate :-/

echo RTFM $self

I still don´t know why the kernel detects another CHS depending on whether the 
disk is primary or secondary master ...

- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

Re: DEB files

1999-12-26 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 26 Dec, Shaul Karl wrote about Re: DEB files 
 *- On 26 Dec, Tux wrote about DEB files
How to create .deb files?
 1) Is there a postscript version of this doc somewhere?

Check your local Debian mirror in the doc/package-developer/ directory:

 2) On my system, a bug with html2ps does not seems to get
 solved. What are the alternatives?  

Don't know. 

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Emacs 20.5

1999-12-26 Thread mcclosk


Does anyone know if there is a .deb available for Emacs 20.5 suitable
for slink?

I know that there was some discussion of including it in the current
stable release but I didn't see a definitive announcement and it
doesn't seem to be in the current 2.1r4.

It would be nice to have the final Y2K tweaks for emacs before the Big

Thanks for your help,

Jim McCloskey

Re: Quake is GPL

1999-12-26 Thread Joseph Carter
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 02:37:04PM +0100, Christian Kurz wrote:
  I would *personally* make sure that I was in compliance with the
  relevant laws. If I felt that that would take too much of my time, then
  I would stop mirroring.
 Just because a big group of developers isn't able to provide a solution
 for such cases which is better then stop mirroring?=20

So far your attitude has been Take quake out of Debian entirely now or I
will shut down my mirror because I don't have time to make sure my mirror
is legal and I want you to do it for me.  If that's how it has to be,
that's how it has to be.  You're better to stop mirroring.

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux developer   GnuPG key  pub 1024D/DCF9DAB3  sub 2048g/3F9C2A43
http://www.debian.org20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC 44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

* Knghtktty whispers sweet nothings to Thyla (stuff about compilers and
graphics and ram upgrades and big hard drives...)
Thyla oOO
Infinitas Knghtktty: that's positively pornographic...
* Thyla goes off into fits of ecstasy...

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: The default gpg comment sucks!  ;



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Quake is GPL

1999-12-26 Thread Christian Kurz
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On 99-12-26 Joseph Carter wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 02:37:04PM +0100, Christian Kurz wrote:
   I would *personally* make sure that I was in compliance with the
   relevant laws. If I felt that that would take too much of my time, then
   I would stop mirroring.
  Just because a big group of developers isn't able to provide a solution
  for such cases which is better then stop mirroring? 

 So far your attitude has been Take quake out of Debian entirely now or I
 will shut down my mirror because I don't have time to make sure my mirror
 is legal and I want you to do it for me.  If that's how it has to be,
 that's how it has to be.  You're better to stop mirroring.

You definitely misunderstand what I write. You assume things that I
don't write. Plese stop this or this discussion want reach far. I want
to provide every FTP-Maintainer with a mechanismen which makes it easier
for them to mirror only those packages that are legal. Nothing else.


* Christian Kurz  Debian Developer/QA-Team *
*   Use Debian - a free Operating System   *

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: GnuPG v1.1.0a (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: palm pilot vs visor

1999-12-26 Thread Steve Lamb
Saturday, December 25, 1999, 9:39:18 PM, Hagen wrote:
 price for hardware, the Visor is significantly superior to the IIIx. The

It all depends.

 Visor is purportedly equivalent to the PalmVx with 8MB RAM and the latest
 screen enhancements.

That is if he gets the expensive Visor.  The base Visor comes with 2Mb
just like the IIIe/Ve do.

 The Visor does have something like a 4 to 6 week backorder from Handspring
 and I have yet to see it marketed elsewhere.

They are getting swamped with orders.  It is a manufacturing problem.  If
they were marketed elsewhere the backlog would still be there.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: safe to upgrade slink to potato?

1999-12-26 Thread Tobias Zimpel
On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 07:42:37PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 On 26-Dec-1999 kometboy wrote:

[Updating to potato]

 Thanks for your thoughts on the subject.  I could be wrong, but it seems I saw
 more than a few posts from people who had upgraded and had some not-so-minor
 problems.  Unless someone says, don't do it because... I probably will
 try it.

Well, I broke my system completely a few weeks ago with a simple (segfaulting)
'apt-get dist-upgrade' while I was running potato for months without serious
problems. There was no chance to repair it; I couldn't even boot, and I
didn't manage to repair it using a rescue disk. The only sollution was to
install the whole system new from the scratch. :-(

But I'd say that potato is stable enough to use it without serious problems.



.signature lost...

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Installing an older compiler

1999-12-26 Thread Jor-el

I had to install some packages from unstable on my Slink system,
and the dependencies forced an upgrade of the compiler to gcc 2.95.2).
However, the 2.0 kernels wont compile with this. Is there a way to also
install the standard Slink compiler on my system so that I can use it to
compile the kernel?


You have all eternity to be cautious in when you're dead.
-- Lois Platford

Re: What's the deal with .gnome-desktop?

1999-12-26 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 11:26:32PM -0500,
Aaron Solochek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks to the few replies, I got it copied, however the links are not
 quite working the same.  On my system, the floppy and cd-rom links pop
 open a gmc windows open to the correct paths, however, it does not mount
 the relavent device.  And the little menus you get when you right click on
 them are different.  On the source system you have options like unmount
 and eject  While I just have the typical open properties etc etc..

Instead of copying his .gnome-desktop, just right-click on the desktop
and select the Recreate Default Icons item. This should create the
device icons, with the proper mount/umount/eject menu items.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All hail the Dollar, King of the Earth.

Description: PGP signature

[no subject]

1999-12-26 Thread Stach
Dla mnie jest super, że jest strona o Debianie, mały problem po co ona jest
skoro i tak najważniejsze rzeczy są w języku angielskim, po co marnować
miejsce na serwerze. Może da się coś z tym zrobić?

  Zrob swiateczne zakupy w Do 31 grudnia przesyla zamowione towary GRATIS!

Re: xscreensaver

1999-12-26 Thread Nathan E Norman
On 26 Dec 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 : Robert L. Harris writes:
 :  According to apt-get, I have that at the newest version installed
 :  already.
 : hasler//u/home/john dpkg -S xroger
 : gnome-control-center: /usr/share/control-center/.data/xroger.png

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ dpkg -S xroger
xscreensaver: /usr/X11R6/man/man1/xroger.1.gz
xscreensaver: /usr/X11R6/bin/xroger
gnome-control-center: /usr/share/control-center/.data/xroger.png

Should be in the xscreensaver package (potato; just updated 30 minutes

The xroger.png will be of little use, I'm afraid - it's an icon.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: safe to upgrade slink to potato?

1999-12-26 Thread Pollywog

On 26-Dec-1999 Tobias Zimpel wrote:
 Well, I broke my system completely a few weeks ago with a simple
 'apt-get dist-upgrade' while I was running potato for months without serious
 problems. There was no chance to repair it; I couldn't even boot, and I
 didn't manage to repair it using a rescue disk. The only sollution was to
 install the whole system new from the scratch. :-(
 But I'd say that potato is stable enough to use it without serious problems.

I am running potato on my other machine, but I want to upgrade my laptop from
Slink to Potato.  If I understand correctly, you had to install a whole new
Potato system from scratch.  That is exactly what I want to avoid; I want to
upgrade the system I have now.



[OFFTOPIC] Article- getting SB Live to work under Linux

1999-12-26 Thread Pollywog
I have seen several recent posts from people who could not get their SB Live
card to work under Linux.  If you have problems with this card, you might
check out the article at:


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Loadlin and DidkOnChip

1999-12-26 Thread Lyno Sullivan

I pulled loadlin off the Debian Slink CD and loaded it onto
my C: (DiskOnChip device) and tried to boot linux with the following
MS--DOS command:

c:\loadlin\loadlin c:\linux root=/dev/sda1 ro

and got the message not an Image file.

I am a Linux novice and not quite sure what is going on. Rather
than trashing my system by doing something less than smart, I thought I
would ask for a brief explanation of the issue and what my appropriate
remedy might be. Thanks for the help.

Printer configuration

1999-12-26 Thread Robert L. Harris

  Redhat has a neat little control panel that makes installing printers
and filters very easy.  Does debian have anything comparable or do I
need to learn the printcap for lprng?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

logging ppp

1999-12-26 Thread Bob Nielsen
syslog-ng in potato (which replaced syslog) uses
/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf instead of /etc/syslog.conf.  There is a
sample conf file in usr/share/doc/syslog-ng, but when I tried the ppp
/examples in this, they do not seem to work.  Putting a local2 line
in /etc/syslog.conf (which is now included in sysklogd) doesn't work
anymore either.  I'd like to be able to use plog, but don't know how to
get ppp to write to /var/log/ppp.log under this new configuration.

Can someone point me in the right direction.


Bob Nielsen, W6SWE  (RN2)Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QRP-L #1985