Re: Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-02 Thread Ismael Canales
El Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 11:39:23AM +0100, Manel Marin dijo:
 Feliz 2000 a todos,
 ¿No os ha pasado nunca que un cuelgue de las X os deja sin consolas?

 IDEA: En inittab hay una opción kb::kbrequest que puede llamar a un programa o
  script con una combinación de teclas definida en el controlador de teclado.

No creo que funcione porque las X ponen el teclado en modo raw. Esto hace el 
driver de
la consola no pillé las teclas, y por tanto tampoco avisará al init.

Yo me hice un demonio que cada cierto tiempo leia directamente del puerto
del teclado (060h) las teclas que se habian pulsado, lo que pasa es que si 
un ratón estilo PS/2 interfiere en las X, cada vez que el demonio lee del 
puerto se
mueve el ratón hacia arriba. :) 
Si es tipo serie funciona bien, lo tuve configurado para que dejando pulsada la 
pausa durante 2 segundos rebotesela máquina, funciona en las X y en lo que sea.

Si ya sé que es una burrada interferir con el puerto que debe manejar el
kernel, pero bueno menos es nada... En fin que es un poco bestia, y quizas a
alguien no le funcione, no está muy probado.

En fin si alguien lo quiere que me mande un mail, y se lo attacheo.

PD: Tengo raton PS/2 :(

Saludos y feliz efecto 2000.

 ______ _ ___
/  /\  /  //  __//  /\
   /  /_/_/  //  /\ /  / /
  /     //  /_/___ /  /_/__
 /_ /\__/_ /////\
 \__\/  \__\\\\\/
  Powered by Debian GNU/linux
Kernel 2.2.13 + ...
 For pgp key send mail with subject request pgp key

Re: Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-02 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000, Ismael Canales wrote:

  IDEA: En inittab hay una opción kb::kbrequest que puede llamar a un
   programa o script con una combinación de teclas definida en el

¿Y la función de Special commands de gpm no sería también buena idea? :-?

3 dudas 3 y un futurible

2000-01-02 Thread Manuel Jiménez
Un saludo a todos y felicidades para ese año lleno de ceros que se nos viene
Las primeras dudas vienen de Gnome, entorno que estoy probando -siempre fui
usuario de wmaker- y que me gusta y que encuentro muy al día y agradable
para el uso cotidiano.
Primera duda: Me sorprende, a veces, con mensajes del tipo No hay respuesta el 
'save yourself', puede que el programa sea lento, no esté operativo o no sé
qué ¿Por qué? ¿Tiene que ver con salvar sesión al salir?

Segunda duda: Cuando pulso el botón derecho del ratón espero el menú
contextual de Gnome pero me sale el de Enlighetenment. El de Gnome me sale
sólo si pulso la tecla ALT a la vez que el botón derecho: ¿Cómo puedo
modificar este comportamiento?

Tercera duda: Tiene que ver con Sendmail; me encuentro en el /etc/hosts.allow
un 'sendmail:all' cuando lo que tengo definido en ese fichero es que nada de

El futurible: ¿Qué está pasando con las news? ¿Se trata de un golpe de estado
en Internet? Creía tener entendido que la Red Iris había abandonado la
Usenet, y que la política de los distintos proveedores era un poco 'conmigo o
contra mí', y que dos y dos son cuatro casi siempre Los que sabéis más de
estas cosas: ¿es eso lo que está pasando? Porque si es así, y si lo que nos
quedan son los portales... ¡Apaga y vámonos de nuevo a fidonet!

En fin, abrazos, y nos leemos uno de estos siglos ;(
Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Slink, kernel 2.2.13
Registro nº 90705 en

RE: Otro intento de arrancar X windows con savage 3D

2000-01-02 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Miguel A. Abarca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Lista Debian
Fecha: jueves 30 de diciembre de 1999 18:48
Asunto: Otro intento de arrancar X windows con savage 3D

ejecuto startx (fichero x.log). Por cierto, el principio de cada una de
estas líneas es (--) o (**), ¿significa eso algo?

Creo que (--) indica un dato que ha sido detectado por el driver y (**)
que se lo has dicho tú por medio del fichero de configuración.

Ricardo Villalba

¿Efecto 2000, actualización de la bios,...?

2000-01-02 Thread Papa Noel
Resulta que no puedo conectarme a internet y no se si es un efecto del
2000 o tendrá que ver con que he hecho una actualización de la bios el
caso es que de repente he pasado de realizar la conexión sin problemas a
no realizarla. Para la conexión utilizo un script 'ineton' que os pongo
a continuación y que como veis utiliza pon para conectarse con el
demonio pppd, también os pongo el log que me aparece nada más lanzar
el pppd me saca de el. (El modem no llega a marcar evidantemente. Desde
W9x conecto sin problemas).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (/home/ijalonso)$ cat ineton
# ineton
#    Conectar a Internet 
# Lanzar el demonio pppd:
# Mirar en los log como va la conexion
(tail -f /var/log/messages | egrep ppd||chat)
#    Coger/Enviar correo 
# Normalmente se tardan 25 - 35 seg. en conectar
sleep 40
# Mato el plog
killall -v -9 tail
#Mando el correo en la cola:
smail -q
# Llamo a fetchmail:
fetchmail -d 600 -v -L /home/ijalonso/etc/fetchmail.log
# Se va viendo el log de fetchmail en la consola 8
(tail -f /home/ijalonso/etc/fetchmail.log  /dev/tty8) 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (/home/ijalonso)$ ineton
Jan  2 17:34:57 T1000 kernel: SLIP: version
0.8.4-NET3.019-NEWTTY-MODULAR (dynamic channels, max=256). 
Jan  2 17:34:57 T1000 kernel: SLIP linefill/keepalive option. 
Jan  2 17:34:57 T1000 kernel: Unable to load NLS charset
Jan  2 17:34:57 T1000 kernel: Unable to load NLS charset
Jan  2 17:37:57 T1000 kernel: registered device ppp0 
Jan  2 17:37:57 T1000 pppd[203]: pppd 2.3.5 started by ijalonso, uid
Jan  2 17:37:58 T1000 pppd[203]: Exit.
Jan  2 17:41:53 T1000 logger: Cron job - running checkerr as mail 
Jan  2 17:42:15 T1000 syslogd 1.3-3#31: restart.
Jan  2 17:43:58 T1000 pppd[455]: pppd 2.3.5 started by ijalonso, uid
Jan  2 17:43:59 T1000 pppd[455]: Exit.

Estoy absolutamente despistado y no se ni por donde meterle mano al
problema, así que cualquier ayuda que me presteis sera eternamente
agradecida :-)
_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O  
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ 

debian + oracle + apache-ssl ?

2000-01-02 Thread Jaume Teixi

Estoy proyectando una tienda virtual, en principio usaré Debian +
Oracle4linux + Apache-ssl para ello estaría ecantado de recibir
comentarios al respecto de:

-Alguien que haya creado alguna aplicación con Oracle en Linux... algo
en OracleDb ? ...o en Oracle AS ?

-Alguien que haya instalado un certificado en un servidor Apache-Ssl

y donde puedo encontrar información de todo ello

gracias !

jaume teixi

Re: Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-02 Thread Manel Marin
On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 08:14:52AM +0100, Ismael Canales wrote:
 No creo que funcione porque las X ponen el teclado en modo raw. Esto hace 
 el driver de
 la consola no pillé las teclas, y por tanto tampoco avisará al init.

Tienes razon, CTRL+ALT+SUPR tampoco va desde las X...

LA SOLUCION ( como me gusta linux, y como voy a fardar en el curro mañana ;-)

Para poder salir del modo RAW en que deja las X el teclado cuando se
cuelgan hay que recompilar el kernel activando la Magic SysRq key

1) Modificar en /usr/src/linux/include/asm/keyboard.h la linea

#define SYSRQ_KEY 0x54


#define SYSRQ_KEY 0x0f  /* Para usar TAB + r */
#define SYSRQ_KEY 0x0e  /* Para usar DEL + r */

MOTIVO: El teclado ya no genera el codigo scan 0x54 al pulsar la tecla SysRq 
COMO VER LOS CODIGOS SCAN: showkeys -s  (10 segundos sin pulsar nada para salir)

2) Recompilar el kernel (2.2.13) activando la opción:
Kernel hacking -  Magic SysRq key

3) Instalar la imagen, ejecutar lilo, y reiniciar el S.O.

4) Ahora con TAB + r puedes salir del modo raw, hacer ALT+F1...

Por cierto hay mas teclas magicas:
t[E]rm, k[I]ll  # Todos los procesos menos init
[S]ync, [U]mount, [B]oot# Para cierre cuando hay problemas 

TAB+a (ayuda) o TAB+h (help) te da la lista de teclas magicas

Mas info: con los fuentes del kernel en linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt

Feliz 2000 a todos,

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink) kernel 2.2.13 con SysRq enabled ;-)

Castellanización de Debian

2000-01-02 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Estoy de vuelta del campamento de la mili, tres meses en
Graná, y voy a volver a retomar la coordinación de la traducción
del servidor de Debian, colaborando con Jesús González Barahona, que
lo ha llevado en mi ausencia.

Al tiempo que voy a dedicarme a esta coordinación, y tras
discutirlo con Jesús, nos gustaría empezar a reunir gente para
un proyecto más ambicioso que consistiría en la completa
castellanización de la distribución. Este proyecto consistiría de
varias partes:

1.- traducción del servidor de WWW al castellano, proyecto
ya en marcha pero para el que es necesario un grupo de personas
interesadas en dedicar tiempo para ir traduciendo contenidos y
actualizar los ya traducidos.

2.- traducción de documentación. En principio empezando en
aquella que pueda ser de mayor interés para el usuario final,
trabajo ya comenzado con la traducción del manual de instalación
y algunos otros documentos, pero que necesita de mucho
empuje para llegar a traducir todos los documentos del
Debian Documentation Proyect.

3.- internacionalización de la distribución. Traduciendo las
herramientas de gestión de paquetes y la descripción de paquetes
misma, así como otros programas de gran interés para el usuario
hispano-parlante. Cabe destacar el esfuerzo de Enrique Zanardi
que coordina la traducción de la instalación (boot-floppies)
pero es necesario llevarlo más alla, trabajando en modificar
dpkg de forma que se puedan incorporar traducciones de las
descripciones de *todos* los paquetes integrantes de la

4.- Inclusión de paquetes exclusivamente pensados para
en la línea del trabajo desarrollado por debian-jp, y que yo
timidamente empezé con la creación de un paquete específico
para hispano-parlantes llamado 'user-es' que adapta el sistema
para que el usuario no tenga que configurar apenas cosas para
tenerlo *todo* en su propio idioma. Pero se podrían pensar
en muchas más cosas, que puedan luego incluirse en la distribución,
si tienen cabida, o dentro de un almacén de paquetes para
usuarios hispano-parlantes.

Como veis el trabajo a realizar es muy extenso, y para eso se
necesita que sean los propios usuarios y desarrolladores hispano-parlantes
los que colaboren en hacerlo posible.
Todo el trabajo se va a discutir, de momento (está en estudio
abrir foros alternativos), en debian-l10-spanish, así que rogamos
a los interesados que se apunten a esta lista de correo.

Estoy abierto a oir vuestras opiniones y sugerencias.

Un saludo y feliz año 2000

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

Re: Login to X Windows System

2000-01-02 Thread aphro
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DRBLON However when I'm in X and choose the exit option I just get an 
DRBLON log-in prompt again and the only way of re-booting is then as far as I 

If what your trying to do is go to the console, because of the way XDM
operates(its like an X wrapper, restarts X automatically if/when it
dies) then you have 2 options:

1) swap to the console with CTRL+ALT+F1 key combonation (not reccomended,
it can crash some videocards)
2) go to a shell, become root(if your not already) and kill  the XDM
process, then exit X either gracefully via the window manager, or if your
in a rush or in a pissy mood you can just nuke it by using the
CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE key combonation :) that will kill it _real_ fast. but
CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE will not kill XDM, only X.

or you could change to another display manager like KDM that allows
reboot/shutdown from the inital display.

if your looking to shutdown and/or reboot from X, just su up and hit
reboot, or type shutdown -h now (halt now) or shutdown -r now (reboot now)

DRBLON Thanks for your prompt responses and help I have to say I'm genuinely 
DRBLON impressed by the quality of support on this list.

sure, glad to help, if this didnt fully answer your question lemme know


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
3:58pm up 135 days, 3:53, 3 users, load average: 1.35, 1.46, 1.49

Yahoo messenger

2000-01-02 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Does anybody know if yahoo messenger (java version) works fine in UNIX?
Is there any other instant messenger such as ICQ, or ATT I am here for

Help with broken lpd

2000-01-02 Thread Benjamin T. White
Hello all,

I have had a Debian 2.1 setup running for several months as an AppleTalk
printer server.  It has worked quite well until the last few days.  Now
whenever I try to print from one of the Mac's on the network (or from a
linux machine through the AppleTalk network with 'pap').  I can still
print localy with 'lpr' and remotely with 'rlpr' on the affected machine

Here is the errors I get:


Jan  1 17:29:34 whitehouse papd[433]: child 718 for DeskJet from 21.4
Jan  1 17:29:34 whitehouse papd[718]: lp_conn_unix connect /dev/printer:
No such file or directory
Jan  1 17:29:34 whitehouse papd[718]: lp_print: lp_conn_unix: No such
file or directory
Jan  1 17:29:34 whitehouse papd[433]: child 718 done
Jan  1 17:30:34 whitehouse lpd[728]: lp: job could not be printed

Now, I'm no expert on such matters, but I assume that /dev/printer is a
unix socket for that lpd manages for local printing jobs.  I have no
such file listed under my /dev/ directory.  

I recently upgraded a bunch of packages that had available updates via
dselect/apt, but I have to admit that I didn't notice if lpd or netatalk
was among them.  All of my config files (i.e. printcap, papd.conf, etc)
are unchanged from the versions that were working a few days ago.

Any help with this perplexing problem would be greatly apprectiated.

   __oBenjamin White, MD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] or see my home page
Key fingerprint = DB0F124D 477EA116 3113F306 DC1D4858

Re: Yahoo messenger

2000-01-02 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 19:16, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

 Does anybody know if yahoo messenger (java version) works fine in UNIX?
 Is there any other instant messenger such as ICQ, or ATT I am here for

The Java version of Yahoo Messenger works for me. Debian slink, Kernel
2.0.36, Netscape Navigator 4.5.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Yahoo messenger

2000-01-02 Thread Pollywog

On 02-Jan-2000 Pann McCuaig wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 19:16, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 Does anybody know if yahoo messenger (java version) works fine in UNIX?
 Is there any other instant messenger such as ICQ, or ATT I am here for
 The Java version of Yahoo Messenger works for me. Debian slink, Kernel
 2.0.36, Netscape Navigator 4.5.

There are also ICQ clones for UNIX.  One of the best is Licq.

You will need to install QT if you don't already have it installed, in order
to use Licq.


Re: Yahoo messenger

2000-01-02 Thread hypnos
  Does anybody know if yahoo messenger (java version) works fine in UNIX?
  Is there any other instant messenger such as ICQ, or ATT I am here for
 The Java version of Yahoo Messenger works for me. Debian slink, Kernel
 2.0.36, Netscape Navigator 4.5.

and for me, running debian gnu/linux 2.1 (slink),
kernel 2.2.13, and netscape v3.04

also, there are a bunch of icq clients for linux. i
have micq ( installed, though i
hardly ever use it.

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xircom RealPort Ethernet/Modem on Debian

2000-01-02 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
I have it working (sort of) with slink on a no brand laptop. It took me a
while to configure it. The problem is I cannot use the ethernet and the
modem at the same time.

E-mail what you do and where it fails so we can give you more concise

*QUESTION*: Everybody using a Xircom Ethernet/Modem that works OK is also
using VESA framebufer in the kernel? I sopose you guys have SHARED IRQ for
serial device turned ON... don't you? I read in Kernel Traffic that VESA
framebuffer support in the kernel makes interrupt handling a little
sluggish. This means that some interrupts may ve lost and as I have to use
VESA framebuffer, I lose some interrupts (as reflected on syslog) AND my
Xircom card does not work to full exttent I thougt it may have to do with
VESA framebuffer support.

Anyway... Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!


De: Bryan K. Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Debian Laptop Mailing List, Debian-User
Mailing List
Asunto: Xircom RealPort Ethernet/Modem on Debian
Fecha: sáb., 1 ener 2000 02:20

 Hi everybody,
  Has anyone got these new Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56
 PCMCIA cards to run on Debian?  If anybody has any ideas, I would be most

 Bryan Walton

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LILO and Multiple Disks

2000-01-02 Thread S Law

I am quite a new user to Linux and thus I was looking to install a 
dual-boot system.  I have figured out this much so far...

I have two hard disks.  My Linux disk is on the primary master.  It 
contains the following partitions: hda1, hda2, hda5.  I also have a Windows 
98 disk on the secondary slave.  It contains the following partitions: [PTBL], 

I am quite able to boot up Linux, so I'm pretty sure I've got that set 
up correctly.  I can disable the primary master in my BIOS, which will then 
boot up my secondary slave drive and up pops a Windows 98 boot-up screen.  
However, what I cannot do is convince LILO that it should boot up Windows 98 
when I configure it thus:

--- BEGIN FILE lilo.conf ---

append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x320,eth1



 END FILE lilo.conf 

If it helps anybody, I've also logged what LILO does when it looks at 
this configuration file.

--- BEGIN LOG ---
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda1
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 827 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 827 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
fd 5: offset 512 - dev 128, head 35, track 4, sector 58
fd 5: offset 1024 - dev 128, head 35, track 4, sector 59
fd 5: offset 1536 - dev 128, head 35, track 4, sector 60
fd 5: offset 2048 - dev 128, head 35, track 4, sector 61
fd 5: offset 2560 - dev 128, head 35, track 4, sector 62
fd 5: offset 3072 - dev 128, head 35, track 4, sector 63
fd 5: offset 3584 - dev 128, head 36, track 4, sector 1
fd 5: offset 4096 - dev 128, head 36, track 4, sector 2
Secondary loader: 8 sectors.
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 827 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
fd 5: offset 1536 - dev 128, head 30, track 4, sector 9
fd 5: offset 2048 - dev 128, head 30, track 4, sector 10
fd 5: offset 2560 - dev 128, head 30, track 4, sector 11
fd 5: offset 3072 - dev 128, head 30, track 4, sector 12
Boot image: /vmlinuz
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 64 heads, 827 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Setup length is 9 sectors.
fd 6: offset 0 - dev 128, head 13, track 4, sector 63
fd 6: offset 512 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 1
fd 6: offset 1024 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 2
fd 6: offset 1536 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 3
fd 6: offset 2048 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 4
fd 6: offset 2560 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 5
fd 6: offset 3072 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 6
fd 6: offset 3584 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 7
fd 6: offset 4096 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 8
fd 6: offset 4608 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 9
fd 6: offset 5120 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 10
fd 6: offset 5632 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 11
fd 6: offset 6144 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 12
fd 6: offset 6656 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 13
fd 6: offset 7168 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 14
fd 6: offset 7680 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 15
fd 6: offset 8192 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 16
fd 6: offset 8704 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 17
fd 6: offset 9216 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 18
fd 6: offset 9728 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 19
fd 6: offset 10240 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 20
fd 6: offset 10752 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 21
fd 6: offset 11264 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 22
fd 6: offset 11776 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 23
fd 6: offset 12288 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 26
fd 6: offset 12800 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 27
fd 6: offset 13312 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 28
fd 6: offset 13824 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 29
fd 6: offset 14336 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 30
fd 6: offset 14848 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 31
fd 6: offset 15360 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 32
fd 6: offset 15872 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 33
fd 6: offset 16384 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 34
fd 6: offset 16896 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 35
fd 6: offset 17408 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 36
fd 6: offset 17920 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 37
fd 6: offset 18432 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 38
fd 6: offset 18944 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 39
fd 6: offset 19456 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 40
fd 6: offset 19968 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 41
fd 6: offset 20480 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 42
fd 6: offset 20992 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 43
fd 6: offset 21504 - dev 128, head 14, track 4, sector 44
fd 6: offset 22016 - dev 128, head 

Re: can someone pls. provide me a list of URI's for apt to work properly

2000-01-02 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:

 : Happy New Year to All!!!
 :Can someone please provide me a list of URI's to add to my sources.list 
 : for apt to work properly for slink/stable (main, contrib,non-free and 
 : non-us) because I am always having malformed errors whenever I try to 
 : install packages from the web.

deb slink main contrib non-free
deb slink non-US
deb slink updates
deb y2k-update main

Should work.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

a couple of questions

2000-01-02 Thread =: !!

Hi! I just wanted to ask a couple of questions:

 1. I just installed a compatible soundcard and I want to know how to make 
debian recognize it.

 2. I just recently installed a new browser netscape 407 but when I try to 
launch it nothing happens. I even tried installing mosaic too but  mosaic is 
not visible in my gnome desktop environment. I do not know whats wrong can 
somebody please advice?

3. is there a command to see  packages that are available in the debian ftp 
server after apt-get update?

thanks for any help.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: local mirror of potato?

2000-01-02 Thread Nathan E Norman
On 1 Jan 2000, Francois Deppierraz wrote:

 : Robert L. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 :  care if I mirror certain things.  Where, how would I mirror a potato
 :  site so I can tar the files up, put em on  a few zip disks to take
 :  home and un-tar to do an dist-upgrade?  Anyone doing this?  Can you
 : You can use the programm mirror which you can find at
 : and you can use the config files
 : avaiable in the debian package.

This is true.  It's also (IMO) bad advice - mirror sucks for any number
of reasons.

1) It's slow.

2) It beats the hell out of the client.

3) It beats the hell out of the server.

4) It doesn't always do the right thing (it makes mistakes).

A better idea would be to install the `rsync' package and find a debian
mirror which offers anonymous rsync access.  You can find rsyncable
mirrors by reading


Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

On-line help

2000-01-02 Thread Don Cavaiani

I just had X windows working and was reading some of the Debian on-line
help.  I don't what I did, but now I can't get the help to load up
again??  Maybe I damaged it when I ended the help session ?

new subject:  does anyone know if I can get the Zoom 56K PCI faxmodem -
model 2925L to work under Linux?  If so, is there a special trick?

Thanks for helping.


Re: a couple of questions

2000-01-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 02:36:33AM +, =: !! wrote:
 Hi! I just wanted to ask a couple of questions:
   1. I just installed a compatible soundcard and I want to know how to make 
 debian recognize it.

I don't think the stock Debian kernel has sound support built in. You
may need to compile a new kernel (not hard -- really!).  The harder part
is getting the correct driver configured and your hardware recognized.
You'll have to give more information about the type of sound card
(ISA|PCI) and what you've tried thus far.

   2. I just recently installed a new browser netscape 407 but when I try to 
 launch it nothing happens. I even tried installing mosaic too but  mosaic is 
 not visible in my gnome desktop environment. I do not know whats wrong can 
 somebody please advice?

Well, it's probably not not doing anything.  Try launching it from an
xterm by typing in `netscape'.  It may be seg-faulting automatically.
It may be you don't have all of the parts installed (unlikely if it's on
your menu) or it's having problems with libc5 compatibility.

I think the Mosaic package has a bug report against it for not setting
up a menu entry properly.  You can try it from the command line with
`mosaic'.  It's a poor substitute though.

 3. is there a command to see  packages that are available in the debian ftp 
 server after apt-get update?

dpkg --print-avail package
dpkg -l '*'  dpkg.list

Since there are so many packages (4000+), you'd be better off browsing
them from Debian's website or through dselect

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: rdate fails Y2K?

2000-01-02 Thread Bob Nielsen
It's working now:

# rdate
Sat Jan  1 20:12:01 2000

On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 05:06:59PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 On 01-Jan-2000 Pann McCuaig wrote:
 # ping
  PING ( 56 data bytes
  64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=47 time=85.3 ms
  64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=92.2 ms
  --- ping statistics ---
  2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
  round-trip min/avg/max = 85.3/88.7/92.2 ms
 # rdate -p
  rdate: Could not read data: No such file or directory
 Same here, just a couple of minutes ago.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: Yahoo messenger

2000-01-02 Thread Mike Werner
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 Is there any other instant messenger such as ICQ, or ATT I am here for

There are many ICQ clients for Linux.  For more info see:
There are Debian packages for some of them.  I know that for potato there is
at least licq, micq, zicq, everybuddy, and gnomeicu.  There may be others that
I missed.  I've used licq - works quite well.  everybuddy is supposed to be
able to talk with ICQ, AIM, and Yahoo Messenger all with the same program. 
Sounds pretty promising - I plan on trying it myself.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: On-line help

2000-01-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 09:06:51AM -0600, Don Cavaiani wrote:
 I just had X windows working and was reading some of the Debian on-line
 help.  I don't what I did, but now I can't get the help to load up
 again??  Maybe I damaged it when I ended the help session ?

What means ``Debian on-line help''? man? info? dhelp? dwww?  It's
unlikely that you broke it unless you removed something.

 new subject:  does anyone know if I can get the Zoom 56K PCI faxmodem -
 model 2925L to work under Linux?  If so, is there a special trick?

Buy a new modem! (PCI modem == Winmodem) 

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: need XF86Config for ThinkPad 560

2000-01-02 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000, Mike Werner wrote:

 Pollywog wrote:
  I can't seem to cook up a working XF86Config for my ThinkPad 560 this time
  On prior installs, the Debian install seemed to do this for me but it did 
  happen this time and without the specs, I can't seem to be able to do it.
  Does anyone have a working config they would share?

Hi! I missed the first message, so this is just to the list. I'm including
a working XF86Config for an original P120 TP560 with a 12.1 Active Matrix
screen. Don't use this config for the dual scan version.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

# XFree86 configuration for IBM ThinkPad 560
# Renaud Waldura 2/5/99
# Adapted from others, see

Section Files
RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb


Section Keyboard
AutoRepeat  500 5

Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse

Emulate3Timeout 50

Section Monitor
Identifier  ThinkPad
VendorName  IBM
ModelName   560

HorizSync   25-79
VertRefresh 20-76
Modeline640x480 28.32 640 664 760 800480 491 493 525
ModeLine800x600 28.32 800 808 1024 1040  600 600 626 640 +hsync +vsync

Section Device
Identifier  GUI
VendorName  Trident
BoardName   9385
Option  noaccel

Section Device
Identifier  svga
VendorName  IBM
BoardName   bar
Chipset generic
ClockChip   tgui

Section Screen
Driver  svga
Device  GUI
Monitor ThinkPad
DefaultColorDepth   16

Subsection Display
Depth   8 
Modes   800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth   16
Modes   800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth   32
Modes   640x400

Section Screen
Driver  VGA16
Device  svga
Monitor ThinkPad

SubSection Display
Depth   4
Modes   800x600 640x480

Re: On-line help

2000-01-02 Thread Mike Werner
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 09:06:51AM -0600, Don Cavaiani wrote:
  new subject:  does anyone know if I can get the Zoom 56K PCI faxmodem -
  model 2925L to work under Linux?  If so, is there a special trick?
 Buy a new modem! (PCI modem == Winmodem)

Not necessarily.  There are PCI modems that are known to be actual hardware
modems listed at  Granted they are
few and far between, but they do exist.

Having said that, the Zoom modem asked about is indeed listed as being a
Winmodem.  So in this case, a new modem is in order.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: On-line help

2000-01-02 Thread Howard Mann
Don Cavaiani wrote:
 I just had X windows working and was reading some of the Debian on-line
 help.  I don't what I did, but now I can't get the help to load up
 again??  Maybe I damaged it when I ended the help session ?


 new subject:  does anyone know if I can get the Zoom 56K PCI faxmodem -
 model 2925L to work under Linux?  If so, is there a special trick?

No, it is a Winmodem.

See :



Howard Mann   Online Troubleshooting Resources: HOWTO

Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread John Foster
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 Does dpkg -s mc show a dependancy on libgpm* ?
output from dpkg -s mc:

Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 667
Maintainer: Michael Bramer  Martin Bialasinski
Version: 4.5.40-2.slink.0
Depends: mc-common (= 4.5.40-2.slink.0), libc6, libglib1.2 (= 1.2.0),
slang1 ( 1.3), slang1 ( 1.2.2-0)
Suggests: gpm, rpm
 /etc/mc/mc.ext a2258b22e25d6e3f50a71d2eea885e9d
Description: Midnight Commander - A powerful file manager. - normal
version Midnight Commander is a feature-rich file manager. It has mouse
support in a linux console and in an xterm. It started as a Norton
Commander clone but now it is far superior to it. Among other things it
can do FTP, includes a hexeditor, comes with an internal editor which
can be invoked separately as 'mcedit' and lets you do most system
administration tasks. Browsing, unpacking and installation of Debian
packages is possible by just pressing enter on a *.deb file. Handling of
other archive formats like rpm, zip, zoo and tar.gz is equally
supported. This version comes with undelete for ext2 filesystems
compiled in.
This has me really perplexed. I can find no reason why the mouse is not
working. I only use it in mc, not in any other console programs.
It works fine elsewhere.
Thanks guys!
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread John Foster
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 I believe icewm-gnome knows when it's running under gnome session
 management and automatically hides the taskbar.  It's assumed that you'd
 be using panel.  You can disable this behaviour in
 ~/.icewm/preferences but when I did so, the side effects were
 undesirable.  Personally, when I use IceWM under gnome, I use two panel
 instaces.  One is a bottome panel with launchers, applets, monitors,
 etc. and the other is a corner panel that simply has the pager in it
 (set to autohide).  The set-up works pretty well.
 The pager was what I needed. This takes care of the taskbar issue.
Thanks!! Hope the mouse business is this easy.
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Same dates between Debian and Windows

2000-01-02 Thread Bart Szyszka

I have Debian and Windows installed on the system and for the
life of me I can't seem to be able to get their dates to match up.
I've tried various programs that do things with NTP servers and
have tried to configure them with/without GMT offsets and I've
also played around with linuxconf (with linuxconf-x package installed
too), but no matter what I do, the Debian and Windows dates don't
match up. They're 5 hours apart from each other. If I change one
of them to the correct date, the other one will be off by five hours.
Any ideas? This problem is especially annoying because of the
time it consumes just with me rebooting between the two OSes
to see if their dates are finally in sync.

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

RE: a couple of questions

2000-01-02 Thread Hagen Finley
  2. I just recently installed a new browser Netscape 407 but
when I try to
launch it nothing happens. I even tried installing mosaic too
but  mosaic is
not visible in my gnome desktop environment. I do not know
what's wrong can
somebody please advice?

Try launching it as non-root. I installed Netscape 4.07 from the tar format
on RedHat and it wouldn't let me run Netscape as root. Its possible your
encountering the same security issue. Supposedly, there is a way to allow
root  to run Netscape but I don't recall where that setting is made.

Kind regards,

Hagen Finley
Longs Drugs
Walnut Creek, CA

Re: Same dates between Debian and Windows

2000-01-02 Thread Kent West
Bart Szyszka wrote:
 I have Debian and Windows installed on the system and for the
 life of me I can't seem to be able to get their dates to match up.
 I've tried various programs that do things with NTP servers and
 have tried to configure them with/without GMT offsets and I've
 also played around with linuxconf (with linuxconf-x package installed
 too), but no matter what I do, the Debian and Windows dates don't
 match up. They're 5 hours apart from each other. If I change one
 of them to the correct date, the other one will be off by five hours.
 Any ideas? This problem is especially annoying because of the
 time it consumes just with me rebooting between the two OSes
 to see if their dates are finally in sync.
 Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
 B Grafyx
 Join and get paid to surf the Web!

You've got three separate clocks to be concerned with:
 1) the hardware (CMOS) clock
 2) the Windows software clock (read during boot from the hardware
clock, or set via some sort of ntp application)
 3) the Linux software clock (read during boot from the hardware clock
or set via some sort of ntp application)

First thing is to decide if you want the hardware clock set to local
time or GMT time. Most DOS/Windows computers have their hardware clocks
set to local time, whereas most UNIX computers have their hardware
clocks set to GMT time.

I'm not sure if Windows can deal with the hardware clock being set to
GMT time, so you might want to set the hardware clock to local time.

Then the Windows software clock and the hardware clock should agree.

Now, in Linux, you can use the tzconfig program to set the local time
zone. In addition, you need to let the system know if the hardware clock
is set to GMT or local time. According to man tzconfig, this setting
is specified in /etc/default/rcS. So edit this file, and there's a
GMT= line and a comment above that line that explains how the GMT=
line should be set. Assuming you've set the hardware clock to local
time, just leave the line as GMT=; if you've set the hardware clock to
GMT time, set it to GMT=-u.

Now all three clocks should agree.

Re: Same dates between Debian and Windows

2000-01-02 Thread Kent West
Oops, left out a step.

Kent West wrote:

 is specified in /etc/default/rcS. So edit this file, and there's a
 GMT= line and a comment above that line that explains how the GMT=
 line should be set. Assuming you've set the hardware clock to local
 time, just leave the line as GMT=; if you've set the hardware clock  to 
 GMT time, set it to GMT=-u.

Now run /etc/rcS.d/S[xx] start as root.

 Now all three clocks should agree.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Lost Interupt and Dead HD

2000-01-02 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks, and happy new year!

We have seen people posting about the kernel error message of
Lost_Interupt (or something similar) reasonably regularly, and then
people usually post back saying 'your HD is about to die, replace it',
and everyone then goes back on with their lives.

I too have had this error, and assumed that the HD was just going bad
(which was confirmed by doing a BIOS low-level format). No-one likes it
when a HD dies, but everything has a useful life-span.

However, I recently installed debian onto a machine, where this error
again showed up, twice, on different drives (on oldish, one brand new,
both from different manifacturers). The larger, newer drive was the
first to go - the drive made weird noises, spouted the error lots of
times. When I got around to running a fsck on the drive, most of the
contents had ended up in lost+found, and I basically had to write the
installation off.

I tried to convice the owner of said computer that it might have been a
faulty drive (there is an identical one running in a Mandrake 6.1
machine which has had no problems). I then got the smaller, older drive
in the same machine, and reinstalled onto that (I have been using this
smaller drive as the root drive, with /home and /var on the larger,
newer drive). After a few hours of reinstalling everything (the machine
had not yet gone into production, so there was no backup), and
installing the latest kernel (2.2.13, 2.2.12 had been running when the
drive died), everything seems håppy.

I get back from my new-years camping trip, and about an hour later I get
a call to say that the machine has died again, this time with the other
(older drive). Same symptoms - the owner turned off the computer when
the drive went nuts (those who had heard it know it's not a pretty sound
to hear from a delicate piece of electronics!), and although I have yet
to see it in person, I'm not going to surprised if this drive is cactus
as well (this time we have a backup).

So, what do we have. Two drives - different sizes, different ages,
different manifacturers, one the primary master, the other the secondary
master. Two different kernels, both with CONFIG_IDEDMA_AUTO=n (which
some have suggested might help), both with all the various IDE chipset
workarounds enabled. An extremely vanilla installation of debian 2.1
(with all the latest official add-ons, and non of the non-offical ones).
We have an identical drive working flawlessly in both other linux and
windows NT machines. The same machine (with same drives) also ran with
no problems with an NT installation). In both cases, the problem
manifested after the machines had been running 24/7 for a few weeks (not
sure exacly how long, but at least 14 days).

It is *possible* that both drives were faulty and about to die anyway,
but it looks very unlikely to me that they would both die in the same
machine in the same way.

Unfortunately I don't have the make and model of the motherboard with
me, but it was running a Cyrix 266 chip in a fairly generic motherboard,
the same combination we run in other machines with no problems that I am
aware of. If I had to guess, I'd say that maybe the kernel didn't like
the IDE controller (don't know make/model again), but it sounds like a
pretty lame excuse when other OSs didn't have any problem with it.

This machine was to be our new main server, running mail, dns, web, ppp,
firewall, all the mod cons. I managed to successfully argue running
debian, because if I was administering it, I wanted something I knew
well. Of course, since we have never had a problem with any of our other
RedHat or Mandrake boxes, Debian is being singled out as the culprate.
I'm being told I should install RedHat, and forget debian, as it's the
cause of all the woes in the world. I'd be very suprised if anything
partiular in debian was the problem, more likely to be a kernel issue, I
would think, which means it's distribution independent. But if I don't
come up with a solution soon, it's going to be back to redhat (or worse
still, NT)...

Switch MBs/Machines might be a solution, but the sad fact is that if I
have to use a new MB, I'm going to be going back to a P100 or something,
which is not an accpetable solution, as far as I'm concerned.

I *know* this issue has come up before, and I'm pretty sure no-one has
suggested a plausible solution other than 'dump the hardware'. Should I
just swap motherboards, go back to an underpowered machine (yes, it's
all relative, I know, but I've had to fight to get good hardware for the
linux servers)? Is there a chance it's debian related?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

Re: a couple of questions

2000-01-02 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hagen Finley) wrote:
  2. I just recently installed a new browser Netscape 407 but
when I try to
launch it nothing happens. I even tried installing mosaic too
but  mosaic is
not visible in my gnome desktop environment. I do not know
what's wrong can
somebody please advice?

Try launching it as non-root. I installed Netscape 4.07 from the tar format
on RedHat and it wouldn't let me run Netscape as root. Its possible your
encountering the same security issue. Supposedly, there is a way to allow
root  to run Netscape but I don't recall where that setting is made.

I wouldn't bother trying to find out. I can't think of any good reason
to run Netscape as root. If somehow your user X session is broken and
you need to find out from the net how to fix it, you can always use lynx
or w3m, which are both perfectly good text-mode web browsers.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Same dates between Debian and Windows

2000-01-02 Thread Brian May
 Kent == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kent I'm not sure if Windows can deal with the hardware clock
Kent being set to GMT time, so you might want to set the hardware
Kent clock to local time.

What do you mean? If Windows could deal properly with the hardware
clock being set to GMT, then I wouldn't have any problems with
daylights savings... Windows would no longer achieve its reputation
for being stupid ;-) (well... at least in this area).

Seriously, if anyone knows how, then please tell me

please help a newbie

2000-01-02 Thread john smith


 1. I just installed a compatible soundcard and I want to know how to make 
debian recognise it.

 2. I just recently installed a new browser netscape 407 but when I try to 
launch it in gnome nothing happens. I do not know whats wrong can somebody 
please help?

3. is there a command to see all available  packages that are available for 
install/upgrade in the debian ftp server after apt-get update?

thank you very much.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

alien not y2k compliant?

2000-01-02 Thread Robert L. Harris

  I'm trying to scan myself and build a nice little security tool.  This
is the first thing I've run into but still

{0}:wally:/usr/src/Util-System/nmapalien -d nmap-2.3BETA12*rpm
-- Examining nmap-2.3BETA12-1.i386.rpm
-- Unpacking nmap-2.3BETA12-1.i386.rpm
1222 blocks
-- Automatic package debianization
alien: 822-date did not return a valid result.

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

How to make all build using --cpu=pentium?

2000-01-02 Thread What name

Are there any globle settings to set a 'make' using gcc with 
--cpu=pentium? I don't want to change every Makefile when I try to have my
system optimized with pentium cpu. Maybe some setting for 'gcc' or


Re: Lost Interupt and Dead HD

2000-01-02 Thread aphro
advice i can give ..

1) it is possible the controller is faulty.  i had a BRAND new drive die
within hours/days when connected to a faulty controller.
2) get a diagnostics program for the drive/controller, unfortunately such
programs do not come cheap,  i suggest Microscope, availlable at
3) purchase a drive that has a diagnostics program for it, IBM has
*EXCELLENT* diagnostics for their drives(their software is on their
site) and maxtor also has a diagnostics programs(they forced me to run it
before they would issue me an RMA#)  that way you can at least tell for
sure if the drive is faulty, kernel errors are a good sign but its usually
not a sure thing until you start suffering data loss. 
4)  also never never ever do a bios low level format on an ide drive
unless the program comes from the maker of the drive, low level formatting
an IDE drive has about a 99% chance of destorying the drive, for
good. Really old IDE drives (say 420MB and smaller) didn't have a problem
with low level formats, but newer drives do.  I can't explain why it
destorys an IDE drive(when it is actually reccomended and sometimes
required on a SCSI drive), i've seen it happen many many times and read
countless people reccomend against it.

hope this helps, if you have more questions lemme know .


On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Damon Muller wrote:

dm-deb Hi folks, and happy new year!
dm-deb We have seen people posting about the kernel error message of
dm-deb Lost_Interupt (or something similar) reasonably regularly, and then
dm-deb people usually post back saying 'your HD is about to die, replace it',
dm-deb and everyone then goes back on with their lives.
dm-deb I too have had this error, and assumed that the HD was just going bad
dm-deb (which was confirmed by doing a BIOS low-level format). No-one likes it
dm-deb when a HD dies, but everything has a useful life-span.
dm-deb However, I recently installed debian onto a machine, where this error
dm-deb again showed up, twice, on different drives (on oldish, one brand new,
dm-deb both from different manifacturers). The larger, newer drive was the
dm-deb first to go - the drive made weird noises, spouted the error lots of
dm-deb times. When I got around to running a fsck on the drive, most of the
dm-deb contents had ended up in lost+found, and I basically had to write the
dm-deb installation off.
dm-deb I tried to convice the owner of said computer that it might have been a
dm-deb faulty drive (there is an identical one running in a Mandrake 6.1
dm-deb machine which has had no problems). I then got the smaller, older drive
dm-deb in the same machine, and reinstalled onto that (I have been using this
dm-deb smaller drive as the root drive, with /home and /var on the larger,
dm-deb newer drive). After a few hours of reinstalling everything (the machine
dm-deb had not yet gone into production, so there was no backup), and
dm-deb installing the latest kernel (2.2.13, 2.2.12 had been running when the
dm-deb drive died), everything seems h?ppy.
dm-deb I get back from my new-years camping trip, and about an hour later I get
dm-deb a call to say that the machine has died again, this time with the other
dm-deb (older drive). Same symptoms - the owner turned off the computer when
dm-deb the drive went nuts (those who had heard it know it's not a pretty sound
dm-deb to hear from a delicate piece of electronics!), and although I have yet
dm-deb to see it in person, I'm not going to surprised if this drive is cactus
dm-deb as well (this time we have a backup).
dm-deb So, what do we have. Two drives - different sizes, different ages,
dm-deb different manifacturers, one the primary master, the other the secondary
dm-deb master. Two different kernels, both with CONFIG_IDEDMA_AUTO=n (which
dm-deb some have suggested might help), both with all the various IDE chipset
dm-deb workarounds enabled. An extremely vanilla installation of debian 2.1
dm-deb (with all the latest official add-ons, and non of the non-offical ones).
dm-deb We have an identical drive working flawlessly in both other linux and
dm-deb windows NT machines. The same machine (with same drives) also ran with
dm-deb no problems with an NT installation). In both cases, the problem
dm-deb manifested after the machines had been running 24/7 for a few weeks (not
dm-deb sure exacly how long, but at least 14 days).
dm-deb It is *possible* that both drives were faulty and about to die anyway,
dm-deb but it looks very unlikely to me that they would both die in the same
dm-deb machine in the same way.
dm-deb Unfortunately I don't have the make and model of the motherboard with
dm-deb me, but it was running a Cyrix 266 chip in a fairly generic motherboard,
dm-deb the same combination we run in other machines with no problems that I am
dm-deb aware of. If I had to guess, I'd say that maybe the kernel didn't like
dm-deb the IDE controller (don't know make/model again), but 

Re: please help a newbie

2000-01-02 Thread aphro
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, john smith wrote:

inquir Hello
inquir   1. I just installed a compatible soundcard and I want to know how to 
inquir debian recognise it.

As far as i know there is no real easy way to do this, depending on the
chipset the soundcard uses cd to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/sound and insert
the module that your card uses.

inquir   2. I just recently installed a new browser netscape 407 but when I 
try to 
inquir launch it in gnome nothing happens. I do not know whats wrong can 
inquir please help?

make sure you are not root, the debian netscape launcher will refuse to
load netscape if you are root, or you could comment the lines of the
script out.  it would of been nice if they had used xmessage to show a
message in X. if that doesnt work, launch an xterm and type 'netscape' and
see what error(s) you get.

inquir 3. is there a command to see all available  packages that are available 
inquir install/upgrade in the debian ftp server after apt-get update?

im not an expert at dpkg/apt so i cant help here ..


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Re: How to make all build using --cpu=pentium?

2000-01-02 Thread aphro
Very little is gained by recompiling *everything* when optmized for
pentium.  Firstly the pentium optmization  does not optimize for Pentium
II or Pentium III or pentium pro or k6 or k6-2 or k6-3 or athlon.  Also
very few applications show a noticable performance boost when compiling
with pentium optimizations on. 

things like GLX, Glide, maybe xanim might show noticable increases in
performance, but generic apps, will not. basically its a waste of time to
compile everything for pentium :)  If you want real performance gains the
best way would be to change compilers, to say, pgcc, although it would
take some experimentation to determine what is optimal for


On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, What name wrote:

okey Are there any globle settings to set a 'make' using gcc with 
okey --cpu=pentium? I don't want to change every Makefile when I try to have my
okey system optimized with pentium cpu. Maybe some setting for 'gcc' or
okey 'make'? 
okey Thanks.
okey -- 
okey Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
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Re: a couple of questions

2000-01-02 Thread hypnos
Try launching it as non-root. I installed Netscape 4.07 from the tar format
on RedHat and it wouldn't let me run Netscape as root. Its possible your
encountering the same security issue. Supposedly, there is a way to allow
root  to run Netscape but I don't recall where that setting is made.

Running Netscape Navigator v3.4

[from /usr/bin/X11/netscape]

# Don't allow running netscape as root
if [ $UID -eq 0 -o $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
echo $0: Cannot be run an root (for security reasons)
exit 1

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Same dates between Debian and Windows

2000-01-02 Thread John Hasler
Bart writes:
 I have Debian and Windows installed on the system and for the life of me
 I can't seem to be able to get their dates to match up.

You probably told the install that your hardware clock was set to UTC (GMT)
when you installed.  Windows requires that it be set to local time.  Edit
/etc/default/rcS and change the UTC line.  I think that in 2.1 it reads 
GMT=u for UTC and GMT= for local time.

This should let you set the hardware clock to local time and keep Windows

 This problem is especially annoying because of the time it consumes just
 with me rebooting between the two OSes to see if their dates are finally
 in sync.

Windows doesn't have its own clock.  It just uses the hardware clock.
Under Linux the command 'hwclock' as root will show you the hardware clock,
while 'date' will show you what time Linux thinks it is.  Make sure that
you have your time zone set properly.  Use 'tzconfig' to set it. 

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Depends: mc-common (= 4.5.40-2.slink.0), libc6, libglib1.2 (= 1.2.0),
John slang1 ( 1.3), slang1 ( 1.2.2-0)

John This has me really perplexed. I can find no reason why the mouse
John is not working.

It does not depend on libgpmg1. Whoever recompiled it (check the last
entry in the changelog) did not have libgpmg1-dev installed.

Also libextfs2 is missing (ext2 undelete).

I don't have a slink system at hand to recompile it.

I would mail this person and make him aware of it. Maybe he can
recompile it with mouse support. It is not so much his
fault. autoconf'ed apps will build fine, even if some features are not 
available. build-dependancies will solve this, but they are new, and I 
didn't have time to play with them so far.


Re: alien not y2k compliant?

2000-01-02 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  1 Jan, Robert L. Harris wrote about alien not y2k compliant?
   I'm trying to scan myself and build a nice little security tool.  This
 is the first thing I've run into but still
 {0}:wally:/usr/src/Util-System/nmapalien -d nmap-2.3BETA12*rpm
 -- Examining nmap-2.3BETA12-1.i386.rpm
 -- Unpacking nmap-2.3BETA12-1.i386.rpm
 1222 blocks
 -- Automatic package debianization
 alien: 822-date did not return a valid result.

A quick look through the changelog for the versions between slink and
potato didn't show and y2k fixes but I did find the following:

alien (6.26) unstable; urgency=low

  * If 822-date fails, the error now suggests installing dpkg-dev. This is
way up there in the alien faw(sic, faq) and I'm tired of answering it.

Since you did not get a suggestion about dpkg-dev I assume you are using
a version prior to 6.26.  Just to make sure, do you have dpkg-dev
installed?  In slink dpkg-dev was only a Recommends dependency for
alien, in potato it is a Depends dependency.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

2 questions on apt-get

2000-01-02 Thread Ulrich Hansmair
hi freaks,

recently I´m using apt-get to install my potato. I think this way of
distributing debian is a great step into future and perfectly combines  the
abilities of the internet and free software. Debian should go this way.

Now to the questions. 
1. After apt-get update/upgrade I always get the standard kernel-image and
pcmcia-modules which overwrites my own compiled versions. How can I exclude
this packages from being upgraded?
2.apt-get upgrade gives the following message:

The following packages have been kept back:
dpkg-dev kernel-package perl perl-base

I wanna this packages be included in the normal upgrade-procedure. What is the
appropriate action?

I hope this questions are of common interest?


Re: 2 questions on apt-get

2000-01-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
Ulrich Hansmair wrote:
  1. After apt-get update/upgrade I always get the standard kernel-image and
  pcmcia-modules which overwrites my own compiled versions. How can I exclude
  this packages from being upgraded?

Read the docs for kernel package and use --revision=... when building your
own kernel.  You have to ensure that your local kernel .deb is a later
release than the standard one.

  2.apt-get upgrade gives the following message:
  The following packages have been kept back:
  dpkg-dev kernel-package perl perl-base
  I wanna this packages be included in the normal upgrade-procedure. What is t
  appropriate action?

They are kept back because of dependencies on some other packages; these
dependencies cannot be satisfied if they are upgraded. 

You must either remove packages that are causing the problem, or wait for
new versions of the problem packages to become available, or (if you
know what you are doing) force the installation of the packages you
want upgraded.

  Vote against SPAM:
Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love 
  thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto 
  you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do 
  good to them that hate you, and pray for them which 
  despitefully use you, and persecute you;  
 Matthew 5:43,44 

Re: 2 questions on apt-get

2000-01-02 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Jan, Oliver Elphick wrote about Re: 2 questions on apt-get 
 Ulrich Hansmair wrote:
   2.apt-get upgrade gives the following message:
   The following packages have been kept back:
   dpkg-dev kernel-package perl perl-base
   I wanna this packages be included in the normal upgrade-procedure. What is 
   appropriate action?
 They are kept back because of dependencies on some other packages; these
 dependencies cannot be satisfied if they are upgraded. 
 You must either remove packages that are causing the problem, or wait for
 new versions of the problem packages to become available, or (if you
 know what you are doing) force the installation of the packages you
 want upgraded.

Read the apt-get man page.  You probably want to run 'apt-get
dist-upgrade' and not 'apt-get upgrade'.  The upgrade option will not
remove or change other packages status(i.e. packages will be held back).
Or start dselect, select [U]pdate, select [S]elect, hit space, hit
return(probably a few times as it sorts out depenencies/conflicts),
select [I]nstall.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: please help a newbie

2000-01-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
On the sound card, it will be easier for someone to respond with helpful
information if you repost with the make/model of your sound card.
Someone else who has the same/similiar card will most likely respond
with plenty of help. In general, the kernel has to be configured and
compiled with sound support, and also with support of your specific

The dselect program is the traditional way of
displaying/installing/removing and generally managing the Debian
packages on your system. It works together very well with apt-get. To
see the listing of packages in dselect after running apt-get update:

1) run dselect as root
2) choose (A)ccess from the main menu and choose apt as the access
3) run (U)pdate from the main menu
4) choose (S)elect from the main menu to display all installed and
available packages 

By default, all installed packages that have upgrades available, will be
displayed at the top of the list in dselect. You can use / to search
for a particular package, and \ to repeat the same search. 

Dselect can be confusing at first, so be sure to look over the help
screens (? brings up the help screen in Select mode). You can also
find a tutorial on dselect here:

I would definitely read that over first.


john smith wrote:
   1. I just installed a compatible soundcard and I want to know how to make
 debian recognise it.
   2. I just recently installed a new browser netscape 407 but when I try to
 launch it in gnome nothing happens. I do not know whats wrong can somebody
 please help?
 3. is there a command to see all available  packages that are available for
 install/upgrade in the debian ftp server after apt-get update?
 thank you very much.

apt-get URLs proposal

2000-01-02 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
The question about the URLs for apt-get seems to be a never ending one,
especially if we consider that some times the person in charge of some
specific package makes the update available through a specific URL
through apt-get. So, it seems to me that we should put somewhere in the
site instructions about this, with a list of all possible URL, and that,
perhaps, if time allows, the specific update/upgrade URL for given

Re: webmin alternative?

2000-01-02 Thread Sven Gaerner
Robert Marlow (2) wrote:

 Linuxconf is available in potato with console (text) and X11 gui


 So there's no web frontend for it available in debian as yet? what i'm really
 looking for is something to make remote user configuration simple and 
 for clients
 rather than teaching them how to telnet and aquire root (which i believe would
 cause no end of trouble). Something very limiting of the users' powers over
 the system would be great. better yet, allowing certain users the ability to
 add users without needing the root password and while using a user friendly
 GUI on their own workstation would be wonderful.


 da Bobstopper

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I think the web access is also include but not as an extra module.
But linuxconf on Debian is not as stable as on other systems and not all 
modules are
Install it and read the readme for the not working modules.


Re: LILO and Multiple Disks

2000-01-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I believe you need to use the map-drive option in the lilo.conf file
to tell Lilo that you want to swap the drives when you boot Windows. I
seldom do this myself, as it's more straight forward to just have
Windows on the primary/master drive to begin with. 

Here's what I think the Win98 section of your /etc/lilo.conf file should
look like to do what you want:

  map-drive = 0x80  # Logically swap the drives so that when
to = 0x83   #  are accessed via the BIOS, the second
  map-drive = 0x83  #  will appear as the first and the
first as
to = 0x80 

Since your Windows drive will still be /dev/hdd when you run the lilo
installer, you want to leave the other= and the table= entries alone.
However, when you boot with Lilo, it depends on the BIOS to identify the
drives - so the map-drive lines will now make your Windows drive
/dev/hda, and your Linux drive /dev/hdd based on the following:

/dev/hda = 0x80 primary/master
/dev/hdb = 0x81 primary/slave
/dev/hdc = 0x82 secondary/master
/dev/hdd = 0x83 secondary/slave

Like I said, I seldom do this myself, but I think this is correct. If
not, I'm sure someone else will chime in. The map-drive option is
covered in the Lilo manual, which you can find at
/usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt.gz, or possibly
/usr/share/doc/lilo/Manual.txt.gz if you're running potato.


S Law wrote:
 I am quite a new user to Linux and thus I was looking to install a 
 dual-boot system.  I have figured out this much so far...
 I have two hard disks.  My Linux disk is on the primary master.  It 
 contains the following partitions: hda1, hda2, hda5.  I also have a Windows 
 98 disk on the secondary slave.  It contains the following partitions: 
 [PTBL], hdd1.
 I am quite able to boot up Linux, so I'm pretty sure I've got that 
 set up correctly.  I can disable the primary master in my BIOS, which will 
 then boot up my secondary slave drive and up pops a Windows 98 boot-up 
 screen.  However, what I cannot do is convince LILO that it should boot up 
 Windows 98 when I configure it thus:
 --- BEGIN FILE lilo.conf ---
 append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x320,eth1
  END FILE lilo.conf 


2000-01-02 Thread Rick Knebel

I have been using gnome-session to run gnome and enlightenment.
I wanted to try icewm-gnome.
How can i switch to this jsut for one specific user and not make it global.
I tried copying the Xsession file to my home directory and renaming it
.Xsession but it seems to ignore this.

I am using xdm.


Rick Knebel

Re: icewm

2000-01-02 Thread Lars Erik Kolden
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Rick Knebel wrote:

 I have been using gnome-session to run gnome and enlightenment.
 I wanted to try icewm-gnome.
 How can i switch to this jsut for one specific user and not make it global.
 I tried copying the Xsession file to my home directory and renaming it
 .Xsession but it seems to ignore this.

Have you tried .xsession (with small 'x')? If that doesn't work, maybe it
has to be executable.

Lars Erik

Lars Erik Kolden
+47 22 18 71 79 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+47 22 02 53 18 

Re: CTRL-C Doesn't work??!! ....

2000-01-02 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Fri, Dec 31, 1999 at 06:28:53PM +, Kevin Traas wrote:


 Any ideas would be ***greatly*** appreciated.
 i.e. What manages Job Control in a Linux system?  The kernel?  The
 shell?  Init?  (I've rolled my own init, btw.)  And, why might Job
 Control be disabled?
   TIA for your help/comments.
 Kevin Traas

My understanding is that the job control is done by the shell.
You can have multiple processes controlled from the same terminal,
and the job control deals with deciding which of those processes 
has access to the terminal device, and tells you when the status of
jobs under the control of the terminal changes.  That's why when you 
have backgrounded a process and it tries to write to the terminal,
the job controller tells you that the process is now stopped
waiting for tty output, and won't restart until you give it
the terminal by foregrounding it.  Look in the bash man page for
more details.

Ctrl-C normally sends a SIGINT signal to the process running in the 
foreground.  This normally terminates the process.  I would think
that either your terminal is not set up to map Ctrl-C onto SIGINT,
or the program you are trying to interrupt is ignoring the SIGINT.

funkiest:~$ stty -a
speed 38400 baud; rows 24; columns 80; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^H; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = undef;
eol2 = undef; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W;
lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 0; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff
-iuclc ixany imaxbel
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe -echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt
echoctl echoke

Note the second line contains intr = ^C, check your settings contain this.
If not, I think stty intr ^C should add it.

You can check if the program is ignoring SIGINTs by sending the signal
manually with kill kill -SIGINT pid.



Re: LILO and Multiple Disks

2000-01-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Those comment lines screwed things up a little in the posted message.
Here's that section of lilo.conf the way I intended it to look:

  map-drive = 0x80  
to = 0x83   
  map-drive = 0x83 
to = 0x80 


Re: 2 questions on apt-get

2000-01-02 Thread Fish Smith
hi freaks,

Who's a freak??

1. After apt-get update/upgrade I always get the
standard kernel-image
pcmcia-modules which overwrites my own compiled
versions. How can I
this packages from being upgraded?

I would backup the compiled ones, then put a script
into your shutdown sequence that replaces them with
the backups.  There's probably a better solution, but
this is how I'd do it.

2.apt-get upgrade gives the following message:

The following packages have been kept back:
dpkg-dev kernel-package perl perl-base

I wanna this packages be included in the normal
upgrade-procedure. What
is the
appropriate action?

Well, I'd answer, but considering I've just been
called a freak here... =)  Okay, ya got me, I really
don't know this one.

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: LILO and Multiple Disks

2000-01-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
And one more time to make it a hat trick...

I just noticed in your original post that /dev/hdd is identified as BIOS
device 0x82, not 0x83 

Boot other: /dev/hdd1, on /dev/hdd, loader /boot/chain.b
Caching device /dev/fd/6 (0x1641)
Device 0x1641: BIOS drive 0x82, 64 heads, 525 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Caching device /dev/hdd (0x1640)
Device 0x1640: BIOS drive 0x82, 64 heads, 525 cylinders,
   63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.

Meaning you probably will have to do this instead:

  map-drive = 0x80
to = 0x82
  map-drive = 0x82
to = 0x80


Re: Info sources for Programming

2000-01-02 Thread Cliff Rice
On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 07:56:41PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
 I don't know what clear_input() is, but yylex() is a lexical analysis
 function which should have been generated for that particular program by
 some derivative of the program 'lex', normally 'flex'. Install the flex
 package and see if that helps.
 Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks Colin, that was the missing link.  It even cleared the
clear_input error.


Re: 2 questions on apt-get

2000-01-02 Thread Edward Kear

At 06:40 AM 1/2/00 -0800, Fish Smith wrote:

hi freaks,

Who's a freak??

1. After apt-get update/upgrade I always get the
standard kernel-image
pcmcia-modules which overwrites my own compiled
versions. How can I
this packages from being upgraded?

I would backup the compiled ones, then put a script
into your shutdown sequence that replaces them with
the backups.  There's probably a better solution, but
this is how I'd do it.

Or...use dselect to mark the package hold - find the package using / and 
put it on hold with a =

then simulate the dist-upgrade just to be sure
apt-get -s dist-upgrade


Re: permanently turning on gcc Pentium optimization

2000-01-02 Thread Paul J. Keenan
I accidently deleted the previous mails in the thread,
so I'm hoping the original poster get's this !

To permanently turn on pentium optimizations, change
your /usr/lib/gcc-lib/2.92.2/specs (or similar) from

%(cc1_cpu) %{profile:-p}

%(cc1_cpu) %{profile:-p} -march=i586

As others have pointed out, the gains may be limited
with respect to the amount of work you do recompiling,
but I'm of the opinion that even of you get a 1% gain
then it (shouldn't) do any harm, so why not ?


Wrong timestamp on modules.dep

2000-01-02 Thread John Dalbec
My Hardware Clock is set to local time to keep another OS happy.
/etc/rcS.d has
(among others)
so modules.dep is timestamped as though the Hardware Clock were set to GMT.
I have kernel 2.2.13 and RTC stores time in GMT set to no under APM.
Did I forget to set thip crinkle and spoit to no? :)

Re: need XF86Config for ThinkPad 560

2000-01-02 Thread John Miskinis


Attached is my latest config file for the dual scan 560.  Note
the comments with the JM.  It will work as is without flicker,
but FVWM2 will not work correctly.  Feel free to switch to
the other modeline to use fvwm but with flicker.

Enjoy and post results,

John Miskinis
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Description: Binary data

Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread John Foster
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 * John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Depends: mc-common (= 4.5.40-2.slink.0), libc6, libglib1.2 (= 1.2.0),
 John slang1 ( 1.3), slang1 ( 1.2.2-0)
 John This has me really perplexed. I can find no reason why the mouse
 John is not working.
 It does not depend on libgpmg1. Whoever recompiled it (check the last
 entry in the changelog) did not have libgpmg1-dev installed.
 Also libextfs2 is missing (ext2 undelete).
 I don't have a slink system at hand to recompile it.
 I would mail this person and make him aware of it. Maybe he can
 recompile it with mouse support. It is not so much his
 fault. autoconf'ed apps will build fine, even if some features are not
 available. build-dependancies will solve this, but they are new, and I
 didn't have time to play with them so far.
Since I have all of these installed-- then I can recompile mc from the
source code and it should be OK--is that correct??
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: icewm

2000-01-02 Thread Sven Gaerner
Rick Knebel wrote:


 I have been using gnome-session to run gnome and enlightenment.
 I wanted to try icewm-gnome.
 How can i switch to this jsut for one specific user and not make it global.
 I tried copying the Xsession file to my home directory and renaming it
 .Xsession but it seems to ignore this.

 I am using xdm.


 Rick Knebel

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

The easiest way would be to use the GNOME control center (gnomecc) to switch to
another window-manager.
This change will only affect the current user.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Since I have all of these installed-- then I can recompile mc
John from the source code and it should be OK--is that correct??

Yes. If you can get hold of the Debian sources for this version, you
can also recompile the package, instead of compiling the upstream

When you have them dpkg-source -x mc*dsc will unpack them.


Re: Wrong timestamp on modules.dep

2000-01-02 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Jan, John Dalbec wrote about Wrong timestamp on modules.dep
 My Hardware Clock is set to local time to keep another OS happy.
 /etc/rcS.d has
 (among others)
 so modules.dep is timestamped as though the Hardware Clock were set to GMT.
 I have kernel 2.2.13 and RTC stores time in GMT set to no under APM.
 Did I forget to set thip crinkle and spoit to no? :)

Nope, it is a bug in the Debian package setup.  If you wait to reboot
longer than your GMT offset then you won't get the warning, =).
See the bug report at

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Y2K problem with slrn?

2000-01-02 Thread Pann McCuaig

Here is my $HOME/.jnewsrc.time:

NEWGROUPS 1000102 173956 GMT

Looks like there's a 100 where a 2000 ought to be.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: need XF86Config for ThinkPad 560

2000-01-02 Thread Pollywog

On 02-Jan-2000 John Miskinis wrote:
 Attached is my latest config file for the dual scan 560.  Note
 the comments with the JM.  It will work as is without flicker,
 but FVWM2 will not work correctly.  Feel free to switch to
 the other modeline to use fvwm but with flicker.
 Enjoy and post results,

Thanks for sending my the config.  It worked after I went into XF86Config and
set the default color depth to 8 bpp.  I am getting a small amount of flicker,
but I don't know how to fix that.  I had not seen any flicker before I
reinstalled Linux on this machine.  I will make sure I copy the config to a
disk this time :)


Segmentation Fault

2000-01-02 Thread Rik Burt
I have the slink version of debian installed an a second hard drive and it
was working quite well.  At the start of December I recompiled the kernel as
I had added a SCSI device to my system and as the kernel was compiling I got
an error Segmentation Fault.  These messages are becoming increasingly
more common.  Last night I was looking at going to potato but apt-get update
kept breaking and saying Segmentation Fault.  This is making my Linux
experience miserable.  I have been reading everything I have but can not
determine if this is a Software or Hardware problem.  Any one else ever had


2000-01-02 Thread Rik Burt
Does anyone have any idea why Matt Welsh in his book Running Linux
suggests not putting Lilo on the master partition of the boot disk?

Re: CTRL-C Doesn't work??!! ....

2000-01-02 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Kevin Traas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've got a system here that I've been building from scratch - just to
 ***learn*** how Debian / Linux works from the ground up (right from
 building my own boot disk - initrd, etc.).  I've got everything working
 great; however   Hitting CTRL-C does not kill a running process.
 The only clue I've got is that, sometimes, I get a message Job Control
 Disabled when starting a shell.  Seeing as CTRL-C is a form of job
 control, I'm thinking this might be related.  I'm using BASH as the

I'd suspect that your shell isn't configured or installed quite right.

The fact that you get the Job Control Disabled message seems to
indicate that control-C and the signal Oliver mentions are working
fine, but bash doesn't think it can do anything.

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Re: local mirror of potato?

2000-01-02 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ... mirror sucks for any number of reasons.
 1) It's slow.
 2) It beats the hell out of the client.
 3) It beats the hell out of the server.
 4) It doesn't always do the right thing (it makes mistakes).

What kind of errors are you talking about?

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Quake is choppy (potato)

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Quake is suddenly choppy on my potato system.  I had this problem a long
time ago, then it went away, and now it came back.

Note that it happens:
- In both QuakeWorld and Normal Quake (both X11 and svgalib versions)
- Even with the -nosound option.
- Intermittently
- Test map: Team Fortress: 2fort5r.bsp

Anyone else with the same problem or advice on fixing it?
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: permanently turning on gcc Pentium optimization

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 03:45:30AM +, Paul J. Keenan wrote:
 I accidently deleted the previous mails in the thread,
 so I'm hoping the original poster get's this !
 To permanently turn on pentium optimizations, change
 your /usr/lib/gcc-lib/2.92.2/specs (or similar) from
 %(cc1_cpu) %{profile:-p}
 %(cc1_cpu) %{profile:-p} -march=i586
 As others have pointed out, the gains may be limited
 with respect to the amount of work you do recompiling,
 but I'm of the opinion that even of you get a 1% gain
 then it (shouldn't) do any harm, so why not ?

Well don't do it if you're a package maintainer.  On many CPUs the
optimisations actually slow things down, and nobody wants that. 

Sorry, though, I don't know the answer to your question.
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Segmentation Fault

2000-01-02 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Jan, Rik Burt wrote about Segmentation Fault
 I have the slink version of debian installed an a second hard drive and it
 was working quite well.  At the start of December I recompiled the kernel as
 I had added a SCSI device to my system and as the kernel was compiling I got
 an error Segmentation Fault.  These messages are becoming increasingly
 more common.  Last night I was looking at going to potato but apt-get update
 kept breaking and saying Segmentation Fault.  This is making my Linux
 experience miserable.  I have been reading everything I have but can not
 determine if this is a Software or Hardware problem.  Any one else ever had

Sounds like a hardware problem, most likely bad memory.  Take a look at
the Sig11 page and see if the info on there helps you find the problem.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Dialout group

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Fri, Dec 31, 1999 at 07:59:10PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 Dwayne C . Litzenberger writes:
  Personally, I use sudo for pon.  That way, I can not only control who can
  control my PPP interface, but I can control what they can do with them.
  (ie. cli parameters)
 Do you know that many pppd options cannot be given on the command line by
 non-root users?

Exactly.  sudo allows you to specify what commands can be run, along with
the arguments they are allowed to give those commands.  So there's no
security loss here, just a gain in flexibility. 
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Kermit works in DOS with exact same settings but not Debian.

2000-01-02 Thread Christopher R. Barry
I need to connect to an HP49G calculator.
X-Face: $DD[\LKdxF)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:I8![LO*X#'|ctq-w]1aoQD8x1:[EMAIL 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher R. Barry)
Date: 02 Jan 2000 11:08:15 -0800
Lines: 44

I think I need help from a serial port guru.

I am using ckermit to transfer files between my PC and a HP49G
calculator. Under MSDOS, everything works fine. Here are my DOS kermit 

  SET SPEED 9600

I can then just put the calculator in server mode and from my PC do

  SEND file

and it transfers right over.

Under Linux I do the exact same thing except I specify /dev/ttyS0
instead of COM1 for the first serial port. When I try to transfer a
file it goes to the transfer screen and the errors counter just slowly 
accumulates. The HP calc indicates that there is serial activity; they 
just don't get the connection right I guess.

Again, this all works perfectly under DOS. My /etc/serial.conf looks

/dev/ttyS0 uart 16550A port 0x03f8 irq 4 baud_base 9600 spd_normal skip_test
/dev/ttyS1 uart 16550A port 0x02f8 irq 3 spd_normal skip_test

Is there some magic I can work with stty and setserial to get ttyS0 as 
close to the way it is under DOS as possible, or do any of you serial
gurus have any connection debug tips or know anything I could try?

Thanks very much in advance for any help; I worked on this all day
yesterday and all this morning and haven't made progress and am very


Re: need XF86Config for ThinkPad 560

2000-01-02 Thread John Miskinis


Thanks for sending my the config.  It worked after I went into XF86Config 
set the default color depth to 8 bpp.  I am getting a small amount of 

but I don't know how to fix that.  I had not seen any flicker before I
reinstalled Linux on this machine.  I will make sure I copy the config to a
disk this time :)

I forget which 560 hardware configuration you have.  I have the
P100 dual scan and the trident 9832 chipset.  I thought that
config file had 8bpp as the default.  I'm surprised that it did
not work as is.  I recently sent this to someone else, and it
worked for their machine, which must have been the same as mine.

If you come up with a better modeline or entire file, please let me
know.  With the modeline I had in that file, the screen is dimmer
than it should be, but I get no flicker.  With the other modeline
the screen is bright, even fvwm2 works, but I get flicker.  Again
I am not sure if we have the same hardware configuration though.
I can't risk damaging my HW by further experimental tweaking.  I
run with the file I sent you, and run wmaker and enlightenment with
no problems.  It's just fvwm2 that starts leaving pixels and blocks
behind after a few window drags.  Never figured out why.

John Miskinis
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Kermit works in DOS with exact same settings but not Debian.

2000-01-02 Thread Paul J. Keenan
Did you try playing with the character size setting ?
cs7 and cs8 are the most typical.  You can change this
with stty.


Re: Lilo

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 11:07:36AM -0700, Rik Burt wrote:
 Does anyone have any idea why Matt Welsh in his book Running Linux
 suggests not putting Lilo on the master partition of the boot disk?

Note that I don't really know.

I think it's because everything (Win* [setup|?fdisk?], and some other
things) overwrite the master boot record, thus making you need a boot
floppy to boot back to reinstall lilo.  I'm not sure, but my experience
has been that the master boot record gets overwritten a lot. 
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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Description: PGP signature

Re: LILO and Multiple Disks

2000-01-02 Thread Alberto Brealey G.

   I am quite a new user to Linux and thus I was looking to install a 
 dual-boot system.  I have figured out this much so far...
   I have two hard disks.  My Linux disk is on the primary master.  It 
 contains the following partitions: hda1, hda2, hda5.  I also have a Windows 
 98 disk on the secondary slave.  It contains the following partitions: 
 [PTBL], hdd1.
   I am quite able to boot up Linux, so I'm pretty sure I've got that set 
 up correctly.  I can disable the primary master in my BIOS, which will then 
 boot up my secondary slave drive and up pops a Windows 98 boot-up screen.  
 However, what I cannot do is convince LILO that it should boot up Windows 98 
 when I configure it thus:

it's win98 that doesn't want to boot, i think because it _has_ to be on the 
first harddrive... 
i have a similar setuop and had problems too, what you have to do is re-map the 
win HD so windows thinks it's on the primary master.
modify /etc/lilo.conf as follows:


that should solve the problem


High samplerate soundcard

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Does anyone know of a good sound card that does sample rates higher than
48kHz (like 128kHz), and possibly more that 16-bit sound? 

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Where is the mixer module?

2000-01-02 Thread Hans
Running Slink with a 2.2.13 kernel. Compiled in sound for my SB64AWE ISA card as follows:

Soundcard support   Y
OSS Sound Modules   M
100% SB compatible support   M

I don't want any midi support, only sound from CD, line-in etc.

When I insmod all the modules (sound, uart401 and sb with proper settings) the card produces sound quite nicely, but as there is no mixer module the volume control doesn't work. cat /dev/sndstat however has the following entry

1: Sound Blaster

So, what do I do next? All the other entries begin with a 0 (zero), so it seems the mixer entry is out of order. Who can shine a light on this? TIA -- Hans 

Re: xawtv says it's my fault.

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Fri, Dec 31, 1999 at 12:25:18AM +0100, Hans wrote:
 I bought a Miro Studio PCTV Pro card and try to get this working with a
 fresh Slink running a 2.2.10 kernel. I compiled V4L into the kernel and at
 boot up it recognizes the BT8xx card. So far so good.
 From the Slink CD I got xawtv, but when I run this the following happens.
 this is xawtv-2.19
 sh: v4l-conf: command not found
 v4l-conf had some
 trouble, trying to continue anyway
 DGA: server=1.0, include=1.0
 server=0.8, include=0.8
   available video mode(s): 1024x768
 app-defaults file is not correctly installed.
 Your fault (core dumped)

I think someone (the author) tried to be funny by changing the
Segmentation fault (core dumped) to Your fault (core dumped), though
it's just a guess. 
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

apt cache

2000-01-02 Thread 2

i've downloaded a few hundred potato debs while upgrading my workstation to
potato. now i'm starting to think it would be conveniant to organise all
the debs that apt has downloaded by placing them in directories corresponding
to each deb's section (just like the download site would have them). is there
any dpkg command or anything which would allow me to move each deb to the 
correct folder automatically? also, for future maintenance, how can i 
configure apt to place the debs in the correct directory to begin with?
basically, what i aim to have is a small subset of the potato distribution
sorted so as to be a site to which other hosts on my LAN can point apt.


da Bobstopper

Re: su and chsh never work

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Thu, Dec 30, 1999 at 07:33:42PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 30/12/99 matt garman wrote:
 Would it be a bad idea to just do a
 tar xzvpf base2_2.tgz
 from my root directory?
 I assume all the files will be put in the correct places, but will this
 throw off or otherwise interfere with dpkg's accounting in anyway?
 I really don't know, I am not familiar enough with what dbootstrap 
 does behind the scenes of installation to know what will get broken 
 and how badly by doing this.  i am sure there will be at least some 
 breakage in the form of creating a unconfigured base...
 does dpkg have a --set-perms option like RPM to set all permissions 
 in a package to what they should be?
 that would be perfect for this situation...

Try the attached script.
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0
# Usage: filename.tar.gz

octal_value() {
	if echo $1 | cut -b 1 | grep l /dev/null ; then exit 1; fi
	for e in `echo $1 | cut -b 2-4` `echo $1 | cut -b 5-7` `echo $1 | cut -b 8-10`
		oo=${oo}`oct $e`
 	echo $oo

oct() {
	case $1 in
		rwx)  o=7;;
		rw-)  o=6;;
		r--)  o=4;;
		r-x)  o=5;;
		rws)  o=47;;
		r-s)  o=45;;
		---)  o=0;;
		*)	o=-1;;
	echo $o

for file in $@ ; do \
	for e in `tar tvzf $file | cut -c1-10,48,52-` ; do \
		p=`echo $e | cut -c1-10`
		f=`echo $e | cut -c12-`
		if o=`octal_value $p` ; then \
			echo chmod $o $f
			chmod $o $f

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt cache

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 05:06:00AM +0800, Robert Marlow wrote:
 i've downloaded a few hundred potato debs while upgrading my workstation to
 potato. now i'm starting to think it would be conveniant to organise all
 the debs that apt has downloaded by placing them in directories corresponding
 to each deb's section (just like the download site would have them). is there
 any dpkg command or anything which would allow me to move each deb to the 
 correct folder automatically? also, for future maintenance, how can i 
 configure apt to place the debs in the correct directory to begin with?
 basically, what i aim to have is a small subset of the potato distribution
 sorted so as to be a site to which other hosts on my LAN can point apt.
 da Bobstopper

apt-get -y install apt-move
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt cache

2000-01-02 Thread Sven Gaerner
Robert Marlow (2) wrote:


 i've downloaded a few hundred potato debs while upgrading my workstation to
 potato. now i'm starting to think it would be conveniant to organise all
 the debs that apt has downloaded by placing them in directories corresponding
 to each deb's section (just like the download site would have them). is there
 any dpkg command or anything which would allow me to move each deb to the
 correct folder automatically? also, for future maintenance, how can i
 configure apt to place the debs in the correct directory to begin with?
 basically, what i aim to have is a small subset of the potato distribution
 sorted so as to be a site to which other hosts on my LAN can point apt.


 da Bobstopper

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Have a look at apt-move.
'apt-move localupdate' will put the packages in the directories you need to 
burn on
CD or to share with other machines.


alt key in jed under X

2000-01-02 Thread matt garman


I use jed with emacs keybindings as my editor.  Often, I need to use the
Alt key, but it doesn't take when I'm in X.  I know I can use the Esc
key to get the same functionality, but I'd rather not (then I might as
well use vi if I have to reach for the Esc key all the time :).  The Alt
key works as expected on the console.


And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

/bin/sh and ash, bash

2000-01-02 Thread matt garman

I noticed that Debian makes /bin/sh a symlink to /bin/bash by default.
I'd rather have /bin/sh link to /bin/ash.  I tried this quite a while
ago, and it seems as though some Debian-specific scripts rely on /bin/sh
actually being bash.  In other words, last time I linked /bin/sh to
/bin/ash, a few things got broken.

I was just curious if anyone knew whether or not it's safe to link
/bin/sh to /bin/ash?


And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

Re: Lilo

2000-01-02 Thread Konrad Mierendorff
Rik Burt wrote:
 Does anyone have any idea why Matt Welsh in his book Running Linux
 suggests not putting Lilo on the master partition of the boot disk?

A brief look at my German translation of the book this is not the case.
He talks about not putting in the MBR in certain situations but not in
any case.

- Konrad Mierendorff

Re: DPMS problem

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Thu, Dec 30, 1999 at 12:16:15AM -0500, John Dalbec wrote:
 OK, the problem didn't go away.
 What happens is this:
 When I first log in to X, starting xhexagons and clicking on it blanks the
 screen.  If I start Netscape (R)(TM)(C) first (apologies to RMS) 
 (my homepage is and then start xhexagons while Netscape is
 running, xhexagons complains:
 Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for Gray
 clicking on it doesn't blank the screen.  This is effective
 until I log out of X.  I can close Netscape, close and restart xhexagons,
 and the problem doesn't recur.  I just tried Option xaa_no_color_exp
 and that didn't help.  Any ideas?
 John Dalbec

I'll assume you are running an 8bpp X server.

Basically, you have a fixed colour palette of 256 colours.  Every program
that does not use a private colourmap instead allocates a chunk of the
system palette.  Netscape will take as much as it needs, but if it can't
get that it will settle for less.  xhexagons takes all it needs and fails
if it can't get it.

What you can do (what I used to do before I got a 16bpp server working) is
run netscape -install.  This will make Netscape allocate a private
colourmap.  The flicker when you move back and forth between windows is
annoying, but you get used to it after a while.  (It's a lot more
tolerable if you can set your window manager to only set the colourmap
that has the input focus (which you, of course, have set to click to
focus) - look under the Window Focus Settings in wmakerconf for

deep breath

There.  I said (sic) it.
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: /bin/sh and ash, bash

2000-01-02 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 03:34:51PM -0600, matt garman wrote:
 I noticed that Debian makes /bin/sh a symlink to /bin/bash by default.
 I'd rather have /bin/sh link to /bin/ash.  I tried this quite a while
 ago, and it seems as though some Debian-specific scripts rely on /bin/sh
 actually being bash.  In other words, last time I linked /bin/sh to
 /bin/ash, a few things got broken.
 I was just curious if anyone knew whether or not it's safe to link
 /bin/sh to /bin/ash?

That is the goal. If anything breaks when using a posix compliant shell
for /bin/sh, then a bug should be filed for the package woning them to the
affect that it needs to have #!/bin/bash for the interpreter.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Setting windows Computer Names via DHCP

2000-01-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Is it possible to have windows Computer Names set on the fly via DHCP
(or samba)?  I'm working on a whole bunch of cloned workstations, and the
only thing left that is causing problems is that I have to come up with
unique names for each box.  I'm setting this up for someone else, with a
boot disk to wipe the hard drive and reinstall off the network from
scratch, and it would be great if it required no user intervention.  Can
this be done via DHCP, or a .[ini|reg] file from /dev/urandom so I can get
this right? 

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Problem with my keyboard

2000-01-02 Thread Di Prétoro Emmanuel

I have a problem with my keyboard, it's a belgian keyboard, and there's two
choices. It tested both, but without any results to have the following
symbol : `
It's not a quote, it's a ???
But even it isn't a very used symbol, I use it with the following command
gcc xxx -o xxx `gtk-config --cflags --libs`

Under X Window, there's no problems, but under the console mode, I can use
this symbol. Is there another map for the belgian keyboard ?



Re: Y2K problem with slrn?

2000-01-02 Thread Colin Watson
Pann McCuaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here is my $HOME/.jnewsrc.time:

NEWGROUPS 1000102 173956 GMT

Looks like there's a 100 where a 2000 ought to be.


I imagine there'll be a new release of slrn out soon that solves this

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: /bin/sh and ash, bash

2000-01-02 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Jan, Ben Collins wrote about Re: /bin/sh and ash, bash
 On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 03:34:51PM -0600, matt garman wrote:
 I noticed that Debian makes /bin/sh a symlink to /bin/bash by default.
 I'd rather have /bin/sh link to /bin/ash.  I tried this quite a while
 ago, and it seems as though some Debian-specific scripts rely on /bin/sh
 actually being bash.  In other words, last time I linked /bin/sh to
 /bin/ash, a few things got broken.
 I was just curious if anyone knew whether or not it's safe to link
 /bin/sh to /bin/ash?
 That is the goal. If anything breaks when using a posix compliant shell
 for /bin/sh, then a bug should be filed for the package woning them to the
 affect that it needs to have #!/bin/bash for the interpreter.

Except that the bash package now has the /bin/sh symlink in the package
and not as part of the postinst script.  So if you change the link then
the next time you upgrade bash it will reset the /bin/sh link back to

But there is a solution to in the /usr/{share/}doc/bash/README.Debian
file for bash.

A kind of FAQ for bash on Debian/GNU\ {Linux,Hurd}

1. How can I make /bin/sh point to something else?


dpkg-divert --add /bin/sh

   and then point it to whatever you want. Upgrades to bash  won't upgrade
   the /bin/sh symlink. To put /bin/sh under dpkg control again, type

dpkg-divert --remove /bin/sh


Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

.emacs file please

2000-01-02 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

I'm just coming to grips with emacs and discovered that most people have a 
.emacs file with default settings that they can use.

Could someone send me this default file please?



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