Re: latex y lyx

2000-01-09 Thread Luis M. García Ruipérez
Pablo Faúndez Hoffmann escribió:
 He instalado la version de lyx 0.12.0 que viene en non-free de debian
 (slink), he instalado el tetex-base, tetex-bin y tetex-nonfree pero no
 puedo visualizar mis archivos *.lyx ni en view dvi ni en view ps.
 He hecho todas las combinaciones posibles de instalación pero no puedo
 solucionar el problema.
 El mensaje que me entrega es:
 Latex did not work:
 Missing log file
 tambien me entrega el mismo mensaje cuando quiero imprimir.

¿Qué versión tienes de tetex-bin? En proposed-updates tienes una nueva
versión del paquete tetex-bin (la 0.9.981113-4). Tengo entendido que
las versiones anteriores de este paquete tenían algún problema
relacionado con el año 2000. Asegúrate de tener instalada esta última
no vaya a ser este el problema.

Si no es esto, prueba a exportar el archivo, desde Lyx, como Latex y
ejecuta el comando 'latex' a mano, a ver qué errores salen.

Espero que esto te ayude. Un saludo.

Re: OT: Kde

2000-01-09 Thread Xavier Andrade

On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, IJAS wrote:

 Siento el off topic pero soy mi única lista de linux O:-)
 1) Como hago para que el wm de Kde sea el que sale por defecto (ahora
 sale el fwm95).
 2) ¿Se puede usar kde sin usar kdm? ¿Como hago para quitar kdm? ¿y luego
 para arrancar kde?
 3) Si entro en kde como root puedo oir sonidos, es decir la tarjeta de
 sonido funciona, pero si entro como usuario ijalonso no funciona ¿?
 ¿alguna idea?
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Edita el archivo /etc/X11/window-managers y pon el kde en primer lugar
de la lista. Yo uso kde sin tener instaldo el kdm, solo saca el paquete
de kdm. Respecto al sonido revisa los permisos de los dispositivos de
audio en /dev.



2000-01-09 Thread Antonio Lopez Rodriguez

como puedo instalar cdwrite en mi hp8100?
donde puedo bajarlo gratuitamente?

kernel 2.2.xx

2000-01-09 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo
Cuando compilo los kernels de la serie 2.2.xx o 2.3.xx despues de
compilarlo instalarlo y configurar el lilo al reiniciar con ese kernel
carga todos los drivers hasta que en un momento da el mensage de kernel
panic y no sale de ahi, tengo que reiniciar la maquina y usar el kernel
2.0.38 que es el que compila sin problemas.
Uso la debian 2.1 slink, tal vez tenga que instalar algun paquete
adicional para usar las series nuevas de kernels, la verdad no se.
Alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar algun manual de debian en castellano
si se puede bajar de la red o comprar un libro de texto (en la
Gracias por la atencion.

Re: kernel 2.2.xx

2000-01-09 Thread Raul GN
El Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 06:45:55AM -0300, Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo escribió:
 Cuando compilo los kernels de la serie 2.2.xx o 2.3.xx despues de
 compilarlo instalarlo y configurar el lilo al reiniciar con ese kernel
 carga todos los drivers hasta que en un momento da el mensage de kernel
 panic y no sale de ahi, tengo que reiniciar la maquina y usar el kernel
 2.0.38 que es el que compila sin problemas.

Cerciorate de que no has incluido como modulo cosas esenciales para que 
linux arranque como el soporte para discos ide o particiones ext2.

 Uso la debian 2.1 slink, tal vez tenga que instalar algun paquete
 adicional para usar las series nuevas de kernels, la verdad no se.
 Alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar algun manual de debian en castellano
 si se puede bajar de la red o comprar un libro de texto (en la

Mira en:


Su ratón se ha movido. Debe reiniciar Windows NT para
que el cambio surta efecto. ¿Reiniciar ahora? ACEPTAR
Raúl González [EMAIL PROTECTED]Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX Slink
Linux User #99718pronto Potato. je, je.

Diamond MX-300

2000-01-09 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo
Alguien sabe de algun parche para el kernel para que me soporte la placa
de sonido diamond MX-300 con chipset Aureal Vortex 2.
O donde se puede buscar.


P.D.: Si es para el kernel 2.0.38 mejor pues por ahora la serie 2.2.xx o
2.3.xx no me funcionan

Re: Estar al día: APT por RTB?

2000-01-09 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Alexandre Maneu i Victòria!

El día Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 08:51:24PM +0100 decías:

 Soy usuario de hamm y conecto por la RTB de forma bastante penosa. Veo como
 gente con conexiones buenas (es decir, cable y demás) puede tranquilamente
 hacerse apt-get para estar siempre al día de los contenidos. Sin embargo yo
 veo cada vez más lejana esa opción... si yo hago ahora un apt-get, me va a
 tener que bajar 100 mb de actualizaciones e historias
 Mi pregunta es... existe alguna forma de estar mínimamente actualizado por
 la RTB que no sea por APT? (o, por ejemplo, dicho de otra forma, se puede
 hacer apt a trozos, en plan getright?)

apt es capaz de bajarse los paquetes por partes en distintas sesiones y
hasta que no estan todos en tu máquina no comenzara con la instalación de
estos para mantener la estabilidad del sistema asi que puedes usarlo para
lo que necesitas sin problemas

Nos leemos...

prueba (no leer)

2000-01-09 Thread xxx
1 2 3 probando :D

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Re: pregunta

2000-01-09 Thread Nestor A. Diaz

Antonio Lopez Rodriguez wrote:

como puedo instalar
cdwrite en mi hp8100?donde puedo bajarlo gratuitamente?

MM. mejor utiliza el cdrecord, yo tengo una grabadora HP8100, con
el kernel 2.2.13 lo unico que tiene que hacer es cambiar una linea al codigo
del kernel y recompilar
root:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.13/drivers/block# rcsdiff -r1.3
RCS file: RCS/ide-cd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -r1.3 ide-cd.c
/* 10 sec */
> #define IDECD_SEEK_TIMEOUT (100
* WAIT_CMD) /* 1000 sec */
ya con eso queda listo, y para grabar usa el cdrecord:
 cdrecord -eject -v -multi speed=4
dev=1,0 imagen.iso
donde imagen.iso es la imagen ya creada y con la opcion multi
puedes crear el cd como multisesion y poder seguir grabando despues.
puedes crear una imagen iso utilizando el comando mkisofs
mkisofs -f -a -r -T -o imagen.iso /directorio
Esto crea una imagen iso del directorio, la cual puedes probar despues
para saber como quedo utilizando el comando mount, de la siguiente manera:
mount -r -t iso9660 -o loop imagen.iso /mnt
Eso es todo, primero crea una imagen con mkisofs, montala con mount
y mira si todo quedo OK, eso si comprate una caja de cd's bien baratos
porque vas a danar bastantes aprendiendo, una vez le cojas el tiro vas
a ver que es mas seguro que en Windows, y mucho mas rapido !!!
Lo unico que no he visto todavia es un sistema parecido al de adaptec
para montar el cdr y empezar a grabar en el como si fuera un dispositovo
comun y silvestre, bueno si alguien sabe de algo asi, me gustaria que me

Nestor A. Diaz L.
Ingeniero de Sistemas y Computacion
PGP Public Key: Disponible bajo demanda.
Vendo CD's GNU/Linux

"Vale la pena buscar oportunidades para aprovechar el trabajo ajeno en
vez de hacerlo uno mismo... es un medio mas barato de ser mas productivo"
 ( El Entorno de programacion UNIX ) B.K. R.P.

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title:Ingeniero de Sistemas y Computacion
adr;quoted-printable:;;Calle 53 #4A-93=0D=0AOficina 410;Santa Fe de Bogota;;;Colombia
fn:Nestor A. Diaz

Problemas con Smail

2000-01-09 Thread xxx
   Tengo la Slink y he instalado el smail que venia como servidor de correo. El
caso es que con root parece no haber ningun problema, pero al ejecutar el
'mailq' o 'smail -v -q' con otro usuario me sale esto:

mailq: setgroups() failed: Operación no permitida
smail: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permiso denegado
smail: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permiso denegado 

ademas de que se generan un monton de mensajes de error por culpa del cron, que
son como este:

From root Sun Jan  9 17:43:00 2000
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 17:43:00 +0100 (CET)
From: root (Cron Daemon)
To: mail
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] runq
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/var/spool/mail
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=mail

runq: setgroups() failed: Operation not permitted
runq: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permission denied
runq: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permission denied 

que creo son generados por el archivo /etc/smail/crontab, que no se que hace
(tampoco se para que sirve /etc/cron.daily/smail)

¿donde esta el problema? he probado a reinstalar smail, purgando la version
anterior y poniendo sendmail para volver a instalar smail, pero igual. ¿es un
problema de permisos? 

¿Alguien sabe de algun manual para principiantes sobre smail :?

PD: Podria alguien indicarme la direccion de algun HOWTO o manual para
configurar la conexion con ppp, es que hasta ahora utilizaba kpp, pero me baje
la version 1.1.2 de las kde y cuelga al acabar de marcar

Muuuchas gracias, y felices 0s :)

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Re: Modem ¡estoy desesperado!

2000-01-09 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
IJAS decia:
 Pues nada que como os he contado en mensajes anteriores mi modem ni se
 entera Es un modem externo conectado a Stty1 (Com2) existe
 /dev/modem como enlace a /dev/stty1 es más hasta hace poco (creo que
 hasta que hice una actualización de la bios) funcionaba perfectamente
 (en windows lo sigue haciendo).

En efecto el problema parece ser que ha sido la actualización de la bios, en
la versión anterior con los puertos serie puestos en 'auto' linux reconocia
los dos puertos pero en esta nueva versión de la bios con 'auto' no lo
reconocia, forzando la habilitación del puerto en la bios todo solucionado
Vuelvo a utilizar mutt :-DDD

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Re: [saK] y Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-09 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

he estado haciendo más pruebas y ya me imagino lo que está pasando...

He recompilado el kernel SIN soporte de frame buffer, y he hecho 
MAGIC SYSRQ + saK, resultado:

1) Las X se reinician y funcionan...
2) Las consolas virtuales se quedan con exactamente el mismo dibujo (fondo y
 login) solo que aparecen una rayas blancas verticales de unos 4 o 5 mm a todo
 lo largo de la parte superior de la pantalla
3) El teclado va bien, y a ciegas se puede hacer cualquier cosa

Lo he probado en otro PC, con otra targeta grafica (S3) y el 2.2.13 y lo mismo.

¿Me lo podeis confirmar?


a) Parece que el kernel por si mismo y sin el soporte de framebuffer no sabe
 nada de modos gráficos de la SVGA, ni hace ningún intento.
b) Las X deben restablecer el modo grafico de la SVGA al salir normalmente y
 no lo hacen al asesinarlas con [saK]
c) El kernel con framebuffer SI sabe de modos graficos, pero con mi targeta
 debe de haber algun bug que hace que los caracteres queden desparramados por
 la pantalla. Con otros servidores X todo va bien.


A) De momento si se me cuelgan las X haré MAGIC + unRaw y luego ALT + F1, y 
 asesinare las X desde la consola.

B) Las pruebas con kernel 2.2.13 sin soporte de framebuffer me han dejado mal
 sabor de boca, si las X se cuelgan te puedes quedar sin consolas virtuales...
(Nadie ha sabido decirme que comando usar para reiniciar el modo grafico VGA)

C) Estaria bien tener un MAGIC SYSRQ + Vga que reiniciase el modo gráfico de la

 MAGIC SYSRQ es para usuarios avanzados, no le explicaré a mi hijo ni a mi
 mujer como funciona...

 ¿Que os pareceria que DEL + F1 conmutara a VC1, hiciera un saK, y reiniciara
 el modo grafico de la VGA? Esto se lo podriamos explicar a cualquier usuario...

 ¿Que os parece?

 ¿A quien tengo que comentarle esto? ¿A Linus?

Agradeceré todo comentario/orientación por pequeño que sea... ;-)

On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 12:31:22AM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  Las consolas quedan inutiles, se las puede acceder pero no muestran 
  ASCII, si no puntos blancos distribuidos irregularmente.
  Bueno no quedan bloquedas, se puede hacer login a ciegas y ejecutar comandos
  (reboot ;-)
  He probado a lanzar el comando reset y no lo soluciona...
  Y tambien a killear los getty y nada
  Uso framebuffer, y arrancando en modo texto normal es incluso peor... X-C
  Mi servidor X es el XF86_Mach64 ¿No le gusta que le killeen a saKo y se 
  toma la


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)

Re: [YA SE LO QUE PASA...] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-09 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos, me confirmo a mi mismo y os envio dos chuletas ;-)

On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 12:26:06AM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 ¡¡¡AL FIN HE DESCUBIERTO LO QUE PASA!!! (Me estaba volviendo loco)
 La combinación ALT + SysRq + Tecla  NO FUNCIONA en algunos teclados,

Lo he verificado con cinco teclados, en uno de los cinco no va bien, (y no
 es la tecla que le he apretado fuerte y todas las demás teclas van bien)

Os adjunto dos archivos:

Espero que os aprovechen... ;-)

 Enviamos un reporte de bug de kernel pidiendo que la tecla MAGIC no pierda su
 uso normal en las consolas (de hecho no lo pierde en las X en modo RAW y no
 pasa nada...)
 De esta forma se podria utilizar cualquier tecla normal para hacer de MAGIC,
 por ejemplo el DEL (DEL + Tecla)
 - ¿Que os parece?

Me lo he estado pensando y con opciones tan peligrosas como Umount, Boot, Reboot
 no me parece apropiado que todo principante utilice la tecla MAGIC... aunque
 a mi me parece GENIAL!!!

 - ¿Como se hace el reporte de bug del kernel? (nunca he hecho ninguno...)

!!!A ver si me contestais leches!!! :-(


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)
teoria-teclado: (0.01)
Breve descripción de como funciona el teclado

Estos son los códigos que envia el teclado al PC.
Muchas teclas del teclado generan un byte de datos cuando se pulsan
 y otro cuando se sueltan.
Tambien generan repetición si se mantienen pulsadas.

Ejemplo tecla ESC

Al pulsar un codigo: 0x01
Al soltar un codigo: 0x81  ( es decir 0x01 + 0x80 )
Genera repetición al mantenerla pulsada

Esto es cierto para muchas teclas excepto para:

a) Teclas de cursor, Insert, Supr y grupito, teclas windows y otras...

Al pulsar dos codigos: 0xe0 XXX,
Al soltar dos codigos: 0xe0 XXX+0x80,
Generan repetición al mantenerlas pulsadas

b) Tecla Pause/Break

Al pulsar seis codigos: 0xe1 0x1d 0x45 0xe1 0x9d 9xc5
Al soltar NADA
NO GENERA repetición al mantenerla pulsada

c) Tecla PrintScreen/SysRq ** (De esta tecla hablo más abajo)

Al pulsar cuatro codigos: Oxe0 0x2a 0xe0 0x37
Al soltar cuatro codigos: 0xe0 0xb7 0xe0 0xaa
Genera repetición al mantenerla pulsada
Al pulsar ocho codigos: 0xe0 0x2a 0xe0 0x37 0xe0 0xb7 0xe0 0xaa
Al soltar NADA:
NO GENERA repetición al mantenerla pulsada

Ahora que ya sabes lo que esperas ver, puedes ver estos códigos usando:
 showkey -s (diez segundos sin pulsar nada para salir ;-)

Estos son los códigos que asigna el kernel a las teclas.
El kernel asigna un solo código para cualquier tecla cuando se pulsa y
 uno solo cuando se suelta.

Muchos coinciden con el código SCAN CODE, pero los de dos/más bytes NO.

Ejemplos:   SCAN CODE   KEYCODE*
ESC 0x01  1
A   0x1e 30  ( es 0x1e en hexadecimal )
Insert  0xe0 0x52   110
SysRq   Oxe0 0x2a 0xe0 0x37  99

* Los KEYCODE los pongo en decimal porque el showkey los muestra asi.

Ahora que ya sabes lo que esperas ver, puedes ver estos códigos usando:
 showkey ó showkey -k (diez segundos sin pulsar nada para salir ;-)

De cinco teclados que he probado uno solo generaba los ocho bytes al pulsar
 y ninguno al soltar.

Obviamente este teclado no puede generar secuencias SysRq + Tecla, o
 ALT + SysRq + Tecla porque la secuencia que genera al pulsar SYSRQ es la
 de pulsar + soltar por lo que no funciona para hacer de MAGIC SYSRQ

Este teclado era:
Made in Malaysia
Part No K5400408512
Model No LT-5000A SPN102
Serial No 90104AM03617
( lo siento no se el fabricante...)

Los otros teclados empleados en las pruebas eran:
Cherry, IBM, un Windows made in China, y otro clónico.
trucos-cuelgueX: (0.04)
Como descolgar las X sin apagar la maquina ;-)

Para poder salir del modo RAW en que deja las X el teclado cuando se cuelgan
hay que recompilar el kernel (solo 2.2.X) activando la Magic SysRq key

ATENCION: La tecla MAGIC tiene opciones potencialmente peligrosas si no se
 sabe lo que se esta haciendo, aunque es tremendamente util cuando se sabe ;-)
Ejemplo: Umount, Boot, Off, hacen lo que parece e inmediatamente y sin pedir

1) Modificar en /usr/src/linux/include/asm/keyboard.h la linea

#define SYSRQ_KEY 0x54  /* Para usar ALT + SysRq + R */


Re: [YA SE LO QUE PASA...] Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-09 Thread Jordi
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 09:09:32PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  - ¿Como se hace el reporte de bug del kernel? (nunca he hecho ninguno...)
 !!!A ver si me contestais leches!!! :-(

/usr/src/linux/REPORTING-BUGS :)

Luego miraré los attachments, tienen buena pinta ;)


Description: PGP signature

Re: [saK] y Recuperar de cuelgue de X y consolas

2000-01-09 Thread Jordi
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 10:13:33PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  ¿Que os pareceria que DEL + F1 conmutara a VC1, hiciera un saK, y reiniciara
  el modo grafico de la VGA? Esto se lo podriamos explicar a cualquier 
  ¿Que os parece?
  ¿A quien tengo que comentarle esto? ¿A Linus?

Según la documentación de MagicSysRq,
*  I have more questions, who can I ask?

You may feel free to send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will
respond as soon as possible. If that email address does not work, use

Será o no será el maintainer todavía? Imagino que sí, de otro modo hubiesen
cambiado el readme :)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Netscape 4.7 and Fortify

2000-01-09 Thread Brad
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 10:54:04AM -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Has anyone got Fortify work with Netscape 4.7?

Yes, but i had to change the md5 sum in the index file. Check the
archives, i've posted about this before.

The package in question is the navigator only package, not the
full-communicator version.

 Well, the size is right for the binary... How do I manually check the
 md5 checksum?

use the md5sum command, which is in the dpkg package.

  finger for GPG public key.
  8 Jan 2000 - Old email addresses removed from key, new added

Description: PGP signature

RE: Inspiron 7500 network setup

2000-01-09 Thread Terry Katz
I have a Latitude CPx (which I'm sure uses a different dock), but I believe
when I first installed windows it said it was a 82559-based adapter.. but
with the drivers installed it says its a 3com 3c920 adapter .. anyway, I use
the 3c59x/905 driver and it works fine  try that .. though the inspiron
dock may be totally different...


 -Original Message-
 From: Harley Pebley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2000 6:55 PM
 Subject: Inspiron 7500 network setup

 I've got a Dell Inspiron 7500 with a NIC built into the docking
 station (not a PCMCIA card). I've got a base Debian partition
 running that was built from floppies.

 Anyone have any idea how to get the NIC in the docking station
 recognized so I can finish configuring Linux and really use it?

 If it helps any, Windows says it's an Actiontec 82559-based
 miniPCI adapter.

 Thanks for any help,
 Harley Pebley

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: How to set 'e2fsck' to run at boot?

2000-01-09 Thread Jim B
Apologies if this has already been answered.  I just subscribed so I may
have missed it if so.

Anyways, you can create a file in / named forcefsck if you really want
to do this:

touch /forcefsck

See /etc/rcS.d/ to see why.  :)

poff doesn't work... ???

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay

I could find nothing in the latest archives, so am throwing this out...

I just upgraded to the latest potato, and all seems to be doing well so far
except that poff doesn't kill the connection.  This is true whether I'm a
normal user or as root.  The messages I get reflect kill not finding a file
(a lock file identifying the process number?) and having nothing to kill. 
Plog shows a still active connection.

What has changed?  File locations with no update of that in a config file?



Re: apt-get upgrade

2000-01-09 Thread Joseph Heenan
  Nathan York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i just did an apt-get upgrade today and got this
 The following packages have been kept back
   bash cdrecord dpkg less libncurses4 libreadlineg2 ncurses-bin procps
   psmisc sniffit tkdesk xpdf
 why are these packages being kept back, i didn't place any of them on hold
 except for the anyone else experiencing this problem..

You'll probably find that the new versions depend on a new version of
a library that you have something depending on a old version, or
depend on a new library that's not get in the distribution. You
should find apt-get will give you a clue as to why they're been held
back if you do apt-get install bash (for example).



Joseph Heenan, Coventry, UK

Re: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 01:55:21PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 Cant seem to kill a running process with ^C anymore. Noticed the problem
 last night but do not know when the problem crept in.
 I can suspend the process with ^Z and then kill it manually with kill but
 ^C does not seem to work anymore. 

It is su, and it will be fixed in tomorrow's dinstall run.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Aaron Solochek
Yep, ctrl-c wasn't killing dselect for me this afternoon, I upgraded last night.
I was su'ed in, btw.

-Aaron Solochek

George Bonser wrote:

 Cant seem to kill a running process with ^C anymore. Noticed the problem
 last night but do not know when the problem crept in.

 I can suspend the process with ^Z and then kill it manually with kill but
 ^C does not seem to work anymore.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt-get upgrade

2000-01-09 Thread Bart Szyszka
 i just did an apt-get upgrade today and got this
 The following packages have been kept back
   bash cdrecord dpkg less libncurses4 libreadlineg2 ncurses-bin procps
   psmisc sniffit tkdesk xpdf
 why are these packages being kept back, i didn't place any of them on hold
 except for the anyone else experiencing this problem..

Have you tried installing the packages individually? I.e. apt-get install
bash; apt-get install dpkg, etc. That's what I've always done when this has
happened to me. I'm assuming it's because some of those packages
can't be installed at the same time that the others get installed.

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: apt-get upgrade

2000-01-09 Thread Mike Werner
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 06:32:01PM -0600, Nathan York wrote:
 i just did an apt-get upgrade today and got this
 The following packages have been kept back
   bash cdrecord dpkg less libncurses4 libreadlineg2 ncurses-bin procps
   psmisc sniffit tkdesk xpdf
 why are these packages being kept back, i didn't place any of them on hold
 except for the anyone else experiencing this problem..

I just upgraded from Slink to Potato over the past few days, and had a
similar problem.  What I wound up doing was running apt-get dist-upgrade
a couple of times to let all the dependancies settle themselves out.  I'm
not sure if that was the correct way to do it, but it seems to have worked.
The only (semi) major problems were the ncurses link problem that has been
discussed before on this list and the debconf problem that has also been
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: CORRECTION: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Pollywog
I also read (on Dalnet #debian) this morning that debconf is broken so it
should not be upgraded.


Re: apt-get upgrade

2000-01-09 Thread Pollywog

On 09-Jan-2000 Mike Werner wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 06:32:01PM -0600, Nathan York wrote:
 i just did an apt-get upgrade today and got this
 The following packages have been kept back
   bash cdrecord dpkg less libncurses4 libreadlineg2 ncurses-bin procps
   psmisc sniffit tkdesk xpdf

I also have some of the same packages kept back and I did not put them on hold.


RE: LI for LILO or loading from a second harddrive

2000-01-09 Thread Bryan Scaringe
Lilo must be installed in the MBR of /dev/hda.  That is where your BIOS
looks to boot your system.   change your  boot line to look like:

This will install LILO in the MBR of /dev/hda.

LILO can *boot* things pretty much anywhere in your system
(like /dev/hdc1) but it must be located where the BIOS looks
(generally the boot sector of your first floopy drive, or the MBR of 
your first Hard disk. 


On 08-Jan-2000 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 I've installed potato on the second harddrive. Lilo won't boot from
 the HD (hangs at LI prompt). I can boot from the boot floppy just
 My lilo.conf and the disk layout are quoted below. I tried adding
 linear and compact (interchangeably) to lilo.conf, as well as
 changing line boot=/dev/hdc for boot=/dev/hdc1, but the problem is
 still the same.
 FWIW, I'm using a third-party multybooter (BootMagic), but it picks
 out Linux installation on the second drive just fine. Also, since LILO
 does get started, I assume that the problem is with my LILO
 configuration, rather than with the mutlibooter's.
 I belive that during installation I chose to install lilo into MBR on
 The drive is an IBM's 13G, connected as an only drive on secondary IDE
 controller. Root is a primary partition in the very beginning of the
 drive, and is only 100M big.
 I'm stuck not being able to use custom kernel. :^( Any input greately
 ,[ mount output ]
| /dev/hdc1 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
| /dev/hdc5 on /tmp type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hdc6 on /var type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hdc4 on /usr type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hda5 on /mnt/slink_local type ext2 (rw)
| /dev/hda4 on /mnt/slink_root type ext2 (rw)
| proc on /proc type proc (rw)
 ,[ lilo.conf ]
| boot=/dev/hdc
| root=/dev/hdc1
| install=/boot/boot.b
| map=/boot/map
| delay=200
| vga=normal
| image=/vmlinuz
| image = /zImage
|   label = linux
|   read-only
 Arcady Genkin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Interesting situation.

2000-01-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
Hans said:
 1) How do you know what device a program pipes it's output to?

lsof | grep programname

 2) How can you change that?

Depends on the program.

 3) Can you make global settings, so that e.g. all wav file are send to
 /dev/audio regardless of what program you use to play it with?

GNOME or KDE's integration features _might_ allow this to be done with
compliant applications, but in general, I doubt it.

 4) How can you see what the hardware device is behind each device?

dmesg will give you some devices, but not all of them.  You can probably get
more information by poking around in /proc.  On this system, for instance,
dmesg includes information about my sound card's IRQ/DMA/etc. allocations,
but no device identifiers.  cat /dev/sndstat (as root) or cat /proc/sound (as
anyone), however, gives me a list of audio devices, although it only lists
the device numbers, so you have to know whether device 0 of a certain type is
/dev/audio0, /dev/dsp0, /dev/mixer0, etc.

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Possible workaround for bad timestamp on modules.dep

2000-01-09 Thread John Dalbec
I got a good timestamp on modules.dep by renaming
/etc/rcS.d/ to /etc/rcS.d/
Is this safe?  I rebooted and nothing appears broken yet.
(I have my Hardware Clock on local time (EST) to satisfy another OS.)

Re: SCSI CD, reported by kernel, isn't there.

2000-01-09 Thread Alan Eugene Davis

   finn  : in kernel config did u enable support for scsi cdrom *and* vendor 
   finn  : extensions for scsi cdrom (99% of the scsi cdroms need this for 
   finn  : reason) its in the scsi menu in kernel config.

I have compiled 2.2.14 with vendor specific extensions, and all is
working well.  I cannot verify that this was the problem for the other
two kernels.



An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh (John William Strutt),
  or else his son, who was also a scientist.

Some news

2000-01-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Has anyone seen this story posted on about pine and debian?

Also I just got a catalog from tigerdirect in the mail
and they are now selling computer systems with linux
pre-loaded.  Nowwhere do they say what distro is being
preloaded (probably redhat) but they are also selling
most of the popular distros as well.  They have
Redhat, slackware, corel, turbolinux, caldera, and
even freebsd (which they say is a version of linux!).

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: poff doesn't work... ???

2000-01-09 Thread John Hasler
Kenward writes:
 The messages I get reflect kill not finding a file (a lock file
 identifying the process number?) and having nothing to kill.

Please post the *exact* messages.  I cannot reproduce this.

 What has changed?  File locations with no update of that in a config

No.  poff uses ps and pidof.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Soft ejects

2000-01-09 Thread Brian May
 Fish == Fish Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Fish Unlike many others, I don't share the view that linux needs
Fish to be made more newbie friendly.  Doing that will kill
Fish everything that made it great, and turn it into another
Fish Windoze.  I don't care if the entire world doesn't all use
Fish GNU systems, as long as I have them to get my work done.  If
Fish somebody doesn't understand, I will be helpful and try to
Fish explain, but if they don't want to tolerate a system with a
Fish learning curve then they don't have to use it, and probably
Fish don't deserve to.  Leave this domain to those of us who do
Fish care to learn.

It is not only newbies that can make stupid mistakes, and remove a
floppy disk that is currently mounted...

Perhaps the real problem with soft ejects is that current
implementations make it to easy to override, eg when the power is off.
Personally, I think I would much prefer the risk of not being able to
eject a disk, rather then the risk that someday I will accidently
currupt an important disk by ejecting it when it is still mounted.

These protection devices not need to turn you into a windows[1] user, I
think it is just plain common sense. Other protection mechanims
already exist in Linux, eg you can't eject a CDROM that is mounted (I
guess this protects programs from crashing that are currently using
it), you can't e2fsck a mounted filesystem, etc.


[1] Dos/windows copes with this problem in a different (IMHO broken)
way - it keeps track of which disk is inserted, and if it needs to
read/write to another disk, it complains to the user to reinsert the
original disk. Why is this mechanism broken? For starters: some games
will automatically eject a CD-ROM and ask you to insert the next
CD-ROM. For some reason, windows will often decide that it still
needed the original CD-ROM, and ask you to reinsert it!!! It even goes
as far as to suggest that the CD-ROM might be dirty. Now thats what I
call machine is smarter!!!


Re: NIS and shadow all over the place

2000-01-09 Thread Brian May
 Joseph == Joseph Heenan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've installed NIS, but I can't prevent the shadow file of
 being public now:( Anybody on my machine can do ypcat
 shadow.byname and start cracking those passwords. I thought
 the hole point of shadow was to let nobody but root see
 it. It's not a problem yet, I trust my wife and kids, but I
 would be happier if it were hidden.
 Or maybe I should consider switching to something else like
 Kerberos or PAM?
 I'm still running mainly Ham (eagerly waiting for potato to
 become stable:) but have upgraded things, e.g libc

Joseph I'm running the latest potato, and it behaves correctly
Joseph for me.  ypcat shadow.byname shows the file when run as
Joseph root, but not when run as a normal user. For lack of a
Joseph better suggestion, perhaps try upgrading to the potato nis
Joseph package?

I think it is configured in /etc/ypserv.conf (at least on slink).

I have:

*: shadow.byname: port
*: passwd.adjunct.byname : port
*: *: none

Note: this only offers extra security when you trust the security of
the network and every computer that is connected to the network that
has NIS access.

As the maintainer of Heimdal ;-), I think that Kerberos is the best
way to authenticate users, but even then you will have problems with
the authorization data (eg user IDs). I think LDAP is a secure way of
distributing authorization information (instead of NIS), but haven't
yet tried it (but plan to ASAP). At the moment, I have modified
openldap so that it will link against heimdal, but need to fix a minor
packaging bug (the ud binary wasn't created, whatever that does).

mke2fs -c /dev/hda8 fails!

2000-01-09 Thread Eric G . Miller
I'm trying to move around partitions on my system.  I have four primary
partitions -- one is extended. Here's the fdisk output:

calico:~# fdisk -l /dev/hda

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1247 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   500   4016249+  83  Linux
/dev/hda2   501   516128520   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda3   *   517   523 56227+  83  Linux
/dev/hda4   524  1247   58155305  Extended
/dev/hda5   524   778   2048256   83  Linux
/dev/hda6   779   804208813+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7   805   932   1028128+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8   933  1024738958+  83  Linux
/dev/hda9  1025  1247   1791216   83  Linux

When I get to mke2fs -c /dev/hda8, I get the following error.

mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/hda8: Invalid argument passed to ext2 library while setting up

So how do I get filesystems on /dev/hda8 and /dev/hda9?
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: CORRECTION: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Bob Nielsen
Today's potato upgrade has debconf 0.2.67 which fixes the problem.

On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 02:02:40AM -, Pollywog wrote:
 I also read (on Dalnet #debian) this morning that debconf is broken so it
 should not be upgraded.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE)  (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: UMAX Scanner

2000-01-09 Thread William T Wilson
On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Jesse Jacobsen wrote:

   So do the SCSI UMAX Scanners use a 50-pin connection?
  Yes.  (Wow, wasn't that a waste of bandwidth)
 My UMAX Astra 1200S uses a DB25.

But the DB25 is functionally the same as 50-pin SCSI, and conversion
between the two is straightforward, unlike with the more-pin SCSI

Re: java doesn't work for 2.2.13

2000-01-09 Thread aphro
its a bug in the java package, upgrade the package or downgrade the kernel
(see the debian-user archives i have a few urls from past mails there)


On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Michael Laing wrote:

mpl I am running a straight slink system using a custom 2.2.12 kernel. My
mpl java development and execution using jdk-1.1 and jdk-1.1-native has been
mpl going fine.
mpl After I compiled a 2.2.13 kernel using my same config and installed it,
mpl I could no longer run any java apps. I always get the following error:
mpl Can't create /proc/xxx for GC
mpl where xxx looks like a process id.
mpl It looks like the JVM cannot create a thread for the garbage
mpl collector? I do have the proc filesystem configured and other
mpl processes look normal in thee.
mpl Does anyone have the answer? I can continue my work using my 2.2.12
mpl kernel but I would like to upgrade.
mpl Thanks,
mpl Michael Laing
mpl -- 
mpl Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
10:51pm up 142 days, 10:50, 2 users, load average: 1.31, 1.42, 1.46

Re: Poor networking performance

2000-01-09 Thread aphro
sounds like a driver problem..

i have rt8139 card in a caldera box and a eepro100 in a debian box on a
10/100 switch, and i get about 3.4MB/s, i am quite confident the
bottleneck is the IDE drive on the caldera box in my case.

upgrade *both* drivers, grab the latest from nasa's site(forgot the url
off hand search for nasa at


On 8 Jan 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

a.genk My li'l home LAN consists of two boxes, connected via a 100base
a.genk network. I have a D-link DFE-530TX (via-rhine driver) in my
a.genk workstation, and an Rtl-8139-based card in my server/nat box.
a.genk My server box runs FreeBSD, and my workstation runs Debian Linux.
a.genk I have never been satisfied with my networking performance... The
a.genk fastest I could ftp large files from the server into workstation is
a.genk 1.5MBps, and a little faster in the other direction.
a.genk Recenlty I've bought a new harddrive for the workstation, a fast one
a.genk (7200rpm, with 2MB cache), and decided to first install FreeBSD onto
a.genk it (to give it a try on a workstation). Believe it or not, I started
a.genk getting 5.5Mbytes transfers both ways right out of the box. I don't
a.genk mean to start BSD vs. Linux discussions, but just want to find out
a.genk *why* my box performs worse under Linux than under FreeBSD...
a.genk Then I installed potato instead of that FreeBSD installation (i.e.,
a.genk the same harddrive, same hardware all the way). The transfer rates are
a.genk pretty dull again. :^(
a.genk Any thoughts?
a.genk Some specs of my hardware:
a.genk ,[ Workstation ]
a.genk | Celeron 300A
a.genk | D-Link DFE-530TX nic
a.genk | Running Potato
a.genk `
a.genk ,[ Server ]
a.genk | Pentium 166
a.genk | RTL-8139 nic
a.genk | Running FreeBSD
a.genk `
a.genk -- 
a.genk Arcady Genkin
a.genk -- 
a.genk Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
10:51pm up 142 days, 10:50, 2 users, load average: 1.31, 1.42, 1.46


2000-01-09 Thread EZ
Cool :-)
Je suis Ez ...(musique libre :-)))
Mon nouvel album est là:
et il est gratuit, plein de MP3 à télécharger et de REAL à écouter.
Passez me voir !

EZ, free MUSIC, free MP3  free REAL:

where is the command line options for the X server located?

2000-01-09 Thread Joseph de los Santos


 I would like to know where the Xservers file for xdm is located so that I 
may change the display resolution in dots per inch.

Thank you.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Netscape 4.7 and Fortify

2000-01-09 Thread Arcady Genkin
Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Has anyone got Fortify work with Netscape 4.7?
 Yes, but i had to change the md5 sum in the index file. Check the
 archives, i've posted about this before.

Thanks a lot, Brad! Problem solved by modifying the Index file.
Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

Re: restricting logins on tty1

2000-01-09 Thread Ethan Benson

On 8/1/2000 Jim B wrote:

One other quickie: what's the functional difference between
/etc/login.access and /etc/security/access.conf?  When I place
restrictions in the latter, nothing seems to happen, though the files are
in exactly the same format.  What then is the purpose of the one in

/etc/security/access.conf is used by which you need to 
add to the appropriate PAM service files in /etc/pam.d/ (such as 

/etc/login.access I am not sure about, I thought it was obsolete but 
i could be wrong.

as for what your are trying to do not working, I am not sure, I have 
had problems trying to get access.conf and such to work right as 
well, either the docs are not quite good enough yet or something is 
still a bit buggy...

one thing that could be causing the wheel group troubles is the 
ambiguity caused by gid 0 being called `root' just like uid 0, I 
personally just made a new group called wheel and use that to enforce 
the BSD style wheel group (only wheel members may su to root) but I 
did this more because i got tired of fixing packages which install 
all there files gid 0 writable.  (i don't want halfway root 
permissions to the filesystem unless i actually switched to root)

just out of curiosity why did GNU/Linux not follow the BSD semantics 
on the wheel group? and instead name gid 0 root and have it function 
as root's private (primary) group?

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: mysql_pconnect() function

2000-01-09 Thread Andrei Popov
--- Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 having this problem while connecting (trying:-( ) my
 IMP/HORDE webmail server:
 Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined
 function mysql_pconnect() in on line 73

Is there dl( in  Looks like
PHP was unable to locate mysql support module.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Soft ejects

2000-01-09 Thread Ethan Benson

On 9/1/2000 Brian May wrote:

[1] Dos/windows copes with this problem in a different (IMHO broken)
way - it keeps track of which disk is inserted, and if it needs to
read/write to another disk, it complains to the user to reinsert the
original disk. Why is this mechanism broken? For starters: some games
will automatically eject a CD-ROM and ask you to insert the next
CD-ROM. For some reason, windows will often decide that it still
needed the original CD-ROM, and ask you to reinsert it!!! It even goes
as far as to suggest that the CD-ROM might be dirty. Now thats what I
call machine is smarter!!!

I never noticed that back when i briefly tinkered with win95, one 
thing I find interesting is windoze does NOT lock the cd drawer 
closed when a CD is in use like GNU/Linux and MacOS do, for example i 
insert a CD and run some program on it under win95 then press the 
eject button and it spits out the CD and windoze blue screened 
shortly thereafter.

I have never seen windoze ask for a device back again, i didn't know 
it had such a function win* does not appear to really have a concept 
of `mounted' filesystems as far as i could tell.

MacOS on the other hand has what you describe, extremely annoying at 
that.  (it halts the entire OS when it decides it must have a disk 


Re: where is the command line options for the X server located?

2000-01-09 Thread aphro
the file you probably want is /etc/X11/XF86Config


On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:

jh0u Hello!,
jh0u   I would like to know where the Xservers file for xdm is located so that 
jh0u may change the display resolution in dots per inch.
jh0u Thank you.
jh0u __
jh0u Get Your Private, Free Email at
jh0u -- 
jh0u Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:15am up 142 days, 12:13, 2 users, load average: 1.85, 1.77, 1.64

Access diretories in proftpd

2000-01-09 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira

Hi Debian users,
I installed proftpd and want to deny access to anyone logging in the
server at the /var and /etc and dont find anything in the configuration file
about it.
Thanks for any help,Paulo Henrique
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: Poor networking performance

2000-01-09 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sat, 08 Jan 2000 23:19:15 PST, George Bonser writes:
From Solaris box to Linux box on 10MB ethernet with other people also
using the net:
ftp output
14850578 bytes received in 17.35 secs (835.9 kB/s)

From Linux box to Solaris

ftp get linux-2.2.12.tar.gz
ftp output
14850578 bytes received in 15 seconds (937.01 Kbytes/s)

I had a similar problem some time ago, my linux box acts as a router between a 
100baseTX and a 10baseT network, transfers from one network into the other 
peaked at about 400kB/s, the solution was turning on optimize as router not as 
host, which gave me approx doubled throughput, tuning firewall rules (ipfwadm, 
2.0.38), eg moving allow established to the top of the list boosted rates to 
about 1mB/s. From the linux box to a w95 on the 100baseTX-network I can now get 
about 4,5mB/s which means I´m using ~40% of the available bandwidth.

In general:
- tune your kernel
- tune your firewall- and forwarding-settings, eg move the most-often-matching 
rules to the top of the list
- turn off accounting, this costs some time, too
- try other protocols for sending/receiving, eg samba, nfs, scp
- maybe play with the routing table
- it may also be worth peeking around with irqtune, although I haven´t tried 

-- +++ EUnet/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 15.-17.2.'2k, Ebene02/Stand08 +++
- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

OT: Re: Soft ejects

2000-01-09 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sat, 08 Jan 2000 23:09:43 -0900, Ethan Benson writes:
On 9/1/2000 Brian May wrote:
as far as to suggest that the CD-ROM might be dirty. Now thats what I
call machine is smarter!!!

which reminds me of a user crying:
you dumb computer, do what I want, not what I say!


-- +++ EUnet/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 15.-17.2.'2k, Ebene02/Stand08 +++
- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

problem(s) w/ sound card

2000-01-09 Thread Wyatt Hurlbut
Good morning Dave, or anyone, really, that might like an easy problem
to resolve.

I'm having a couple problems I'd like to sort out.  I've got a 400mhx
celery chip, w/64 meg ram, a Sound Blaster Live! card, a modem, hard
drive, and other assorted paraphanalia (even a generic Jensen microphone!), 
running the 2.0.36 kernel.  My problem lies with enabling the Sound Blaster
[SBLive] card.

From what I understand, the Creative has made SBLive opensource, and has
even done work on ensuring it works under RedHat and Mandrake
(, but has not worked on Debian specifically yet.
I've tried to compile the proper modules/drivers that they recommend and
failed miserably because I lack a sound.h header in u/s/k/i/l.

Through my puttering around though, I've gotten quite lost as to what
steps I may or may not have taken.  At this point, I am fairly certain
I do not have the module installed, and with the three days away from
this, I don't remember where I wanted to try puttering next.

Any assistance would be appreciated, and I'd be glad to answer any
secondary questions you'd like to email me.  I'm not beyond going with
unstable, but I haven't been willing yet because I don't want to play
with the Viper v770 card again, should that go haywire again.

Any suggestions that I should use easier to install hardware will be
disregarded due to lack of currency.

---Jstlook @

Patience is not my virtue. -- Warriors of Virtue

Re: poff doesn't work... ???

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
The exact lines are as follows:

kaynjay:~# poff
/usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill failed.  None stopped.
kaynjay:~# plog
Jan  9 00:24:47 kaynjay pppd[279]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x4 magic=0x7cdd927f]
Jan  9 00:24:47 kaynjay pppd[279]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x4 magic=0x5941b437]
   (list truncated)


Re: fetchmail and multiple users in one POP3 box

2000-01-09 Thread hypnos
On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Steve George wrote:

 Basically I need fetchmail to look at the username in front of the @ symbol
 and then deliver the mail tothe correct user, for example:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] is john here
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] is bert here


poll using protocol pop3
   user a there is john here password secret;
poll using protocol pop3
   user b there is bert here password blah;


hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: poff not working... ???

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
Well, I figured it out after much puttering about...

There is no function kill on my system AFAICT.  I presume it's a builtin
for the shell?? 

I replaced the line in poff 

and it works fine.  Am I shooting myself security-wise with this?

If kill IS somewhere, I can't find it.. yet.


More on my problems with debconf and perl

2000-01-09 Thread John Gay

I mentioned in a previous mail about the slight problem I had with debconf when
I tried to install timidity. I've been following the thread about debconf, but
my problem is much different.

When I first updated timidity from unstable, it installed perl 5.004 and 5.005.
This completed properly, but there was something about changing some scripts? I
don't use perl, and know nothing about it, so I just left it be. debconf then
failed for some strange perl error? it said something about looking for a file
in perl. I don't have the details with me, the Linux box is a home. I tried it
again last night, with the new, fixed debconf package but I still get the error
about the missing perl file. timidity does work with the timidity and
timidity-patches installed and not configured due to the debconf problems, but I
would like to figure out what is wrong with perl and why it is stopping debconf
from configuring? I don't actually use perl, or debconf, and I'm not sure why
timidity should depend on it, but I am new to Linux. Please bear with me.

Other than that, I really like the apt-get package. Most of this is small AND
self-inflicted by using unstable, but I wanted xmms, sane 1.0.1 and timidity. I
can see why Corel chose Debian. and that decision make me feel real good about
my decision to use Debian when I first started playing with Linux about a year
ago. Keep up the good work.


 John Gay

Re: fetchmail and multiple users in one POP3 box

2000-01-09 Thread Phillip Deackes
Steve George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I currently have mail for a domain which is sent to my ISP's POP3
 I'd like to have multiple users on the domain be delivered to
 different users
 on my system but the documentation on fetchmail seems to be saying
 that this
 is a bad idea.  Is anyone doing this?
 Basically I need fetchmail to look at the username in front of the @
 and then deliver the mail tothe correct user, for example:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] is john here
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] is bert here

Hi, Steve.

I do just that on my system. I have two users, gsmh and scott (Scott's
email name is sah1). I use fetchmail, which hands the mail onto exim for
delivery, so exim gets the mail to the right account. My email address
with my IP is [EMAIL PROTECTED], so my IP username is
effectively scgf:

My .fetchmailrc looks like this:

protocol pop3
username scgf is gsmh an this system
password xxx

Then I have a .forward file which begins:

# Exim filter  == do not edit or remove this line!

if error_message then finish endif
logfile $home/eximfilter.log

if $header_to: contains sah1 
then deliver scott

elif $h_x-mailing-list matches ^debian-(.*)@lists\\.debian\\.org
then seen save $home/Mail/Debian

I (gsmh) am the only user who collects mail so the system works very

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux 

bash does not export variables (was Re: CORRECTION: ^c broken in latest potato)

2000-01-09 Thread Andrei D. Caraman
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 05:34:52PM -0800, Alex Romosan wrote:

 ... when i am logged in as root using bash
 as my shell things start to break. also, bash doesn't seem to export
 environment variables. this breaks a lot of scripts. we better get
 this fixed soon.

I suppose you did a `set -a', didn't you?  Last time I read
bash(1) (and that was in the ole days of 1.14.7) it did not
export variable by default.


How to recover from crash (urgent for me)

2000-01-09 Thread Fam. Engelen

After having crashed my slink-with-a-bit-potato, the following 
appears on boot:

/dev/hda5 contains a fs with errors, check 
/dev/hda5: Inode 87941 has illegal block(s).

  (i.e., without -a or -p 

fsck failed. Please repair manually and reboot. Please note 
that the root filesystem is currently mounted read-only. To remount it 
  mount -n -o remount,rw 

I have never used fsck before. When giving the command 'fsck' 
or 'fsck --help', the following is the only response:

Parallelizing fsck version 1.12 (9-jul-98)

and 'man fsck' failes because the fs is read-only. Only, when 
I remount it read-write, this apprears:

EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is 

**what should I do? **

I managed to mount one of my windows disks and copy my home 
directories. They seem to copy all-right, but I am worried about the error 
messages: a lot of 'permission denied' (butI am root??), and 'attempts to 
read beyond end of system (or similar)' fail.

Please Help! This is urgent, for me!

Arnout Engelen

cron not running?

2000-01-09 Thread Carl Fink
Today, man informed me that its database was over 8 days old. 
Investigating, I find that after the Y2K rollover, syslog is full of
messages like this:

Jan  2 07:30:01 localhost anacron[12334]: Anacron 2.1 started on 2000-01-02
Jan  2 07:30:01 localhost anacron[12334]: Job `cron.daily' locked by another 
anacron - skipping
Jan  2 07:30:01 localhost anacron[12334]: Job `cron.weekly' locked by another 
anacron - skipping

This did *not* happen in December.

Before I report this as a bug, I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing
I-Con's Science and Technology Guest of Honor in 2000 will be Geoffrey
A. Landis.  See for I-Con information.

Re: poff not working... ???

2000-01-09 Thread Joseph Heenan

 Well, I figured it out after much puttering about...
 There is no function kill on my system AFAICT.  I presume it's a builtin
 for the shell?? 
 I replaced the line in poff 
 and it works fine.  Am I shooting myself security-wise with this?
 If kill IS somewhere, I can't find it.. yet.

/bin/kill is part of the procps package. I guess that means the ppp
package should really depend on the procps one...



Joseph Heenan, Coventry, UK

Re: How to recover from crash (urgent for me)

2000-01-09 Thread Ethan Benson

On 9/1/2000 Fam. Engelen wrote:

** what should I do? **

I managed to mount one of my windows disks and copy my home 
directories. They seem to copy all-right, but I am worried about the 
error messages: a lot of 'permission denied' (but I am root??), and 
'attempts to read beyond end of system (or similar)' fail.

first my condolences,

you will have to run fsck on the root filesystem and see how much 
ruination remains after words, you should not have remounted it 
read-write when its damaged however, that will only make it worse, 
making backups of what you can is a good idea however before running 
fsck since its repairs are often as bad or worse then the disease (ie 
all your files end up in lost+found with names like #49589)

when you have finished trying to get your data off of the READONLY 
filesystem then run fsck -n /dev/hda1 (or whatever device your root 
filesystem is) and see what it says, that will not actually run the 
repairs, but you see what its going to ask to do, then you can run it 
again as fsck or fsck -y which will repair every error it finds.

after fsck repairs see whats left of the filesystem, look in 
/lost+found and see how much got dumped there, check various 
directorys to see if they appear intact, such as /etc /bin /sbin and 
so on.

it sounds like you have encountered one of the filesystem corruption 
bugs in the 2.2 kernel series (from that end of device error you 
mentioned specifically) what kernel are you running?  I experienced 
massive filesystem corruption under 2.2.13, all on the root 
filesystem and the ruination was so bad both times (yes twice, the 
second time was right after i finished reinstalling and 
reconfiguring) i had to just start over and reinstall, 90% of /etc/ 
was in lost+found along with /bin and lots of other stuff.

if you have backups you can just restore, if not you will have to 
reinstall more then likely, trying to fix this is more difficult I'm 
afraid (at least nobody answered my question on if there is a better 
way to recover after this when it happend to me)

just a note about kernel 2.2.13 which NOBODY should use anymore IMO, 
here is a tidbit from 2.2.14's changelog:

Extfs   Fix obscure bitmap and block corruption cases under very high load.

and a excerpt out of a 64000+ byte fsck output log:

Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Duplicate blocks found... invoking duplicate block passes.
Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad blocks
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 65: 50375
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 66: 50376
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 67: 50377
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 68: 50378 50379 50380
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 69: 50381 50382 50383 50384 50385
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 70: 50386 50387 50388 50389 50390
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 71: 50391 50392 50393 50394
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 72: 50395 50396 50397 50398 50399 
50400 50401 50402 50403 50404 50405 50406 50407 50408 50409 50410 

Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 73: 50412 50413 50414 50415 50416
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 74: 50417 50418 50419 50420 50421
Duplicate/bad block(s) in inode 75: 50422 50423 50424

[... and MUCH more ...]

all the inodes mentioned got a new home in /lost+found...

this is why fsck is a 4 letter word.

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: How to recover from crash (urgent for me)

2000-01-09 Thread Joseph Heenan
  Fam. Engelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After having crashed my slink-with-a-bit-potato, the following
 appears on boot:
 /dev/hda5 contains a fs with errors, check forced.
 /dev/hda5: Inode 87941 has illegal block(s).
 (i.e., without -a or -p options)
 fsck failed. Please repair manually and reboot. Please note that
 the root filesystem is currently mounted read-only. To remount it
 mount -n -o remount,rw /

At this point you should find you have a shell, or a request to enter
the root password so you can get a shell. Type 'fsck -c /dev/hda5',
and sit back and watch. Enter 'y' if fsck asks if you want to fix
something. When it finished, run it again to check everything is
still ok - it shouldn't fix anything this time - if it does, you
probably have bigger problems (such as imminent hardware failure).

Once you're happy, hit ctrl-D and the system should bootup normally.



Joseph Heenan, Coventry, UK


2000-01-09 Thread Christopher Clark
I would like to set up a computer with two SCSI cards,
probably an Advansys U2W and a NCR. i.e. two different
makes.  I know recent Red Hats can cope with this but am
not sure Debian can.  Are there any gotchas?


Regards from Chris

Please Help me!!!

2000-01-09 Thread VEVE ROUDY

There's longtime I'm looking for
a program on linux as net2phone or applet
on windows, please could you tell me a pgrogram PC-to-Phone
on linux, so I can make free call or cheap call via Internet.

Sound in Debian

2000-01-09 Thread Jeff Flowers

I have been using Debian on and off for some time. However, I have not
yet seen how to add sound to a Debian system. Is there a package for
Debian that supports sound? If it matters, I have an ESS 1371.


Jeff Flowers

Re: poff doesn't work... ???

2000-01-09 Thread John Hasler
Kenward writes:
 /usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill: No such file or directory

You are missing the kill binary, which is in the procps package.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: poff not working... ???

2000-01-09 Thread John Hasler
Kenward writes:
 I replaced the line in poff 

 and it works fine.  Am I shooting myself security-wise with this?

It should work fine, but your system is broken if you are missing
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Sound in Debian

2000-01-09 Thread 2
you'll need to recompile your kernel and enable sound support. Read the
kernel HOWTO document and the Sound HOWTO (should be in /usr/doc/HOWTO by
default i believe). then u'll want to go get some sound software. they'll
be in the sound section of your debian installation disk 
(this will probably be /cdrom/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/sound depending
on what directory u mount ur cdrom to.)

 I have been using Debian on and off for some time. However, I have not
 yet seen how to add sound to a Debian system. Is there a package for
 Debian that supports sound? If it matters, I have an ESS 1371.
 Jeff Flowers
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: fetchmail and multiple users in one POP3 box

2000-01-09 Thread Jeff Flowers
Can this command be run everytime that I connect to the internet?


 poll using protocol pop3
user a there is john here password secret;
 poll using protocol pop3
user b there is bert here password blah;

Re: mysql_pconnect() function

2000-01-09 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Andrei Popov wrote:

 --- Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined
  function mysql_pconnect() in on line 73
 Is there dl( in  Looks like
 PHP was unable to locate mysql support module.

no! Is this some bug? All this stuff was working before I did an update
in the server.

there are some files in /usr/lib/php3/apache and
/usr/lib/php3/cgi directories. They are from php3-mysql and php3-cgi-mysql
packages, respectively.

btw, where should I put the above line? Also, I couldn't find any line
containing dl( in all .inc files. Is this correct?


Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

MP3 -- Audio tools

2000-01-09 Thread Randy Edwards
   Can anyone give me a suggestion for utilities to convert audio CD songs
to/from MP3s; I haven't really played with MP3s seriously and want to create
a couple of greatest hits-type CDs.  TIA.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/Linux - - More software than
 .| *any* distribution, rock solid reliability, quality control,
 Randy| seamless upgrades via ftp or CD-ROM, strict filesystem layout,
  | adherence to standards, and militantly 100% FREE GNU/Linux!

Re: poff not working... ???

2000-01-09 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re:  poff not working... ???
Date: Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 01:09:19AM -0800


| Well, I figured it out after much puttering about...
| There is no function kill on my system AFAICT.  I presume it's a builtin
| for the shell?? 

dpkg -S kill
bsdutils: /bin/kill

on a Slink box anyway. 

Every program has two purposes -- one for which it was written and
another for which it wasn't.

Re: MP3 -- Audio tools

2000-01-09 Thread Robert Waldner
for ripping from audio-cds I can suggest cdparanoia, to encode the wavs you may want to use 
something like gogo, if 
you also want to have a nice interface, cddb-integration et al you should have 
a look at grip

just a few pointers to get you started


On Sun, 09 Jan 2000 16:50:11 GMT, Randy Edwards writes:
   Can anyone give me a suggestion for utilities to convert audio CD songs
to/from MP3s; I haven't really played with MP3s seriously and want to create
a couple of greatest hits-type CDs.  TIA.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/Linux - - More software than
 .| *any* distribution, rock solid reliability, quality control,
 Randy| seamless upgrades via ftp or CD-ROM, strict filesystem layout,
  | adherence to standards, and militantly 100% FREE GNU/Linux!

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/

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-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

rspfd behaves very badly

2000-01-09 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

Hi all, I tried the latest rspfd in potato and crashed triggering a
kernel panic too. I had also big troubles removing the package because
for some reason it tried to start the daemon before removing it (very
stupid thing,  I think). 
Kernel version here is 2.3.35 (yes I know it's a developer's release)


 Pierfrancesco Caci  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  ik5pvx - Firenze   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.3.35 #1 Wed Dec 29 16:09:39 CET 1999 i686 unknown

Re: NIS and shadow all over the place

2000-01-09 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 02:46:34AM +0100, Carel Fellinger wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 10:00:09PM +, Joseph Heenan wrote:
  I'm running the latest potato, and it behaves correctly for me.
  ypcat shadow.byname shows the file when run as root, but not when run
  as a normal user. For lack of a better suggestion, perhaps try
  upgrading to the potato nis package?
 glad it works in potato, I try to resist the temptation, as the
 price of downloading all is a little high:( anyhow, first I have

wel i couldn't resist:) grabbed the potato version and much to my
embarrishment it was just a matter of configuration. fortunately
hiding the shadow files is now default, so i just followed potato
and put * : shadow : port into /etc/ypserv.conf and all is swell

groetjes, carel

Re: NIS and shadow all over the place

2000-01-09 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 10:00:09PM +, Joseph Heenan wrote:

 I'm running the latest potato, and it behaves correctly for me.
 ypcat shadow.byname shows the file when run as root, but not when run
 as a normal user. For lack of a better suggestion, perhaps try
 upgrading to the potato nis package?

glad it works in potato, I try to resist the temptation, as the
price of downloading all is a little high:( anyhow, first I have
to get nfs working and turn this machine into a diskless X-term.

groetjes, carel

Install help, ne module does not reload on reboot (potato)

2000-01-09 Thread Stan Brown
I am trying to install the latest potato

I have an ISA NE2000 clone. it worked fine when i booted from the
rescue disc. Ieben installed the base system over NFS. It's IO is at
0x280, and it's IRQ is 5. 

Howeer this module fails to install when booting from the hard disk :-(
I even find the following in /etc/modutils/modconf:

options ne io=0x0280 irq=5

Trying to do in insmod ne results in messages about unresolved symbols.
They are:

ei_open, ethdev_init, ei_interupt, NS8390_init, and ei_close.

Can some kind soul please tell me how to fix this, so I can proced with
the install?


Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 1999 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: Soft ejects

2000-01-09 Thread Fish Smith
It is not only newbies that can make stupid mistakes,
and remove a
floppy disk that is currently mounted...

I was taught in kindergarten /never/ to remove a disk
when the light was on, and I never do it.  Removing
while it is mounted but not currently being read or
written isn't very damaging--you just get an error
message, have to unmount and remount.

Perhaps the real problem with soft ejects is that
implementations make it to easy to override, eg when
the power is off.
Personally, I think I would much prefer the risk of
not being able to
eject a disk, rather then the risk that someday I
will accidently
currupt an important disk by ejecting it when it is
still mounted.

This is more or less the same as saying personally I
would prefer not to be able to delete a file, rather
than the risk that I someday will accidentally delete
something important.  Should your OS not allow you to
delete files manually?  It is generally good policy to
ask are you sure you want to delete this file but
there is always going to be a chance of deleting files
you need, no matter how many precautions are added,
short of simply not allowing user deletion of files.

These protection devices not need to turn you into a
windows[1] user, I
think it is just plain common sense. Other protection
already exist in Linux, eg you can't eject a CDROM
that is mounted (I
guess this protects programs from crashing that are
currently using
it), you can't e2fsck a mounted filesystem, etc.

But if you had a hard eject button, you could eject
the CDROM while mounted, (even if the OS didn't like
it) something I have needed to do plenty of times but
have been unable.


[1] Dos/windows copes with this problem in a
different (IMHO broken)
way - it keeps track of which disk is inserted, and
if it needs to
read/write to another disk, it complains to the user
to reinsert the
original disk. Why is this mechanism broken? For
starters: some games
will automatically eject a CD-ROM and ask you to
insert the next
CD-ROM. For some reason, windows will often decide
that it still
needed the original CD-ROM, and ask you to reinsert
it!!! It even goes
as far as to suggest that the CD-ROM might be dirty.
Now thats what I
call machine is smarter!!!

Everything windows does is (IMHO) broken.  That's my
point.  However, DOS doesn't have a problem with
taking media out whenever, as long as it doesn't have
the light on.  I've never had DOS ask for a different
disk (except for individual applications which ask for
the disk they need, not the last one in.)

The bottom line I'm getting at here is the idea that
these machines are here for our effective use.  They
make plenty of mistakes, always have and always will. 
So do we, of course, but /we/ are the ones paying for
our /own/ mistakes, whereas if we give the machine
power over the decisions, presuming it is infallible,
/we/ pay for /its/ mistakes.  If I'm paying for a
mistake, it damn well better be a mistake I made.  One
thing I've learned in life, don't put yourself in a
position of depending on someone else unless you're
sure they'll come through.  By that token, I also hate
others depending on me because if I don't come
through, somebody else is paying.  I should be the
only one paying for my mistakes, and only for mine.

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Is unstable really _this_ unstable?????

2000-01-09 Thread Stan Brown
First forgive my frustration, it's been a _long_ painful weekend trying
to install unstable on a newly upgraded computer :-(

In any case, I seem to be having serious problesm with the lates
unstable disks. I could not get the base system installed using the
menu, because it kep failing during the gunzip | tar -xf stage of the
base2_t.tgz step.

Finally tarced this down to gunzip failing. So i gunziped base2_2.tga
to base2_2.tar on another machien. mounted it's disk, and did the

cd /target
tar -xf /installmount/base2_2.tar

That got me installed. The after fighting with LILO for a whiel, and
discovering a missing allias in /etc/modutils/alliases for my ne200
card, I though Whew, at least i can now turn dselect loose, and sit
back for a while WRONG!!

dselect is unable to gunzip the packages files! The gzip I have on my
syste is brok! OK, I think I'll just garb the gzip package of the ftp
site, and use dpks -i to install it. WRONG! dpkg core dumps, probably
because it's trying to gunzip somethin, I geuss.

Can some kind soul PLEASE give me some advice on where to go fro here?

OH BTW I had to ftp to the debain box, because the ftp that's on there
dies witha can't find error!

Iam _not_ having a good weekend!

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 1999 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

UNIX variant for old PC

2000-01-09 Thread Fish Smith
I know that the intel version of Linux is written for
80386 up.  Is there any UNIX variant available for an
8088 or 8086?  What processors does Minix run on?

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: mysql_pconnect() function

2000-01-09 Thread Andrei Popov
--- Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 no! Is this some bug? All this stuff was working
 before I did an update in the server.

I do not think this is a bug -- Debian PHP3 package
has always been modular.  All extra stuff on top of
regular PHP is in separate packages like php3-mysql,
php3-pgsql, php3-cgi-gd, etc.

I had the similar problem sometime ago, and the reason
was that I needed to declare in my PHP script that I
want to use such and such module.

 there are some files in
 /usr/lib/php3/apache and
 /usr/lib/php3/cgi directories. They are from
 php3-mysql and php3-cgi-mysql
 packages, respectively.

Good, now the only thing remaining (provided this is
the reason) is...

 btw, where should I put the above line? Also, I
 couldn't find any line
 containing dl( in all .inc files. Is
 this correct? have the dl( in the beginning of a
script that would be calling a function.  This may
also be a top-level php config script, or your
index.php3 file.  See also

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: ISDN SyncPPP Problem Part 2

2000-01-09 Thread Sven Gaerner
Ron Rademaker wrote:

 I've found another error, that has to do with my previous question,
 this will help someone to supply me with an answer. When the script is
 finished another error occurs:

 Sorry- isdnPPP driver version 0.0.0 is out of date.
 Maybe ippp0 has no 'syncppp' encapsulation.

 This 'll probably have to do with the earlier occured error:

 ippp0: SyncPPP support not configured
 ippp0: Invalid argument

 (For more info on that one read my previous mail: ISDN SyncPPP Problem).

 Hope anyone can help me,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I think that you do not have choosen the syncppp support when compiling the 
You find the syncppp support on the ISDN config page.
Run make menuconfig or make xconfig and compile your kernel again.

There's also an very nice FAQ. You'll find it under


ssh won't compile on fresh potato - what's missing?

2000-01-09 Thread Peter Schuller

I just made a fresh potato install a few days ago (thankfully, after that
big security problem had been fixed) and because of a broken TP cable I
ended up having to install packages manually (the last part of the
installation procedure failed).

As a result, there seems to be a few packages mission. One symptome is that
ssh 1.2.26 won't compile, with the following message:

login.c: In function record_login':
login.c:437: structure has no member named ut_syslen'
login.c:441: structure has no member named e_termination'
login.c:442: structure has no member named e_exit'
login.c:454: WTMPX_FILE' undeclared (first use in this function)
login.c:454: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
login.c:454: for each function it appears in.)

Which library defined WTMPX_FILE? Reading login.c, the memeber
names are non-existent memebers of a utmpx structure.

I have no idea which library these are supposed to come from. Anyone?


/ Peter Schuller

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Mail: Web:

Re: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Peter Schuller
  Cant seem to kill a running process with ^C anymore. Noticed the problem
  last night but do not know when the problem crept in.
  I can suspend the process with ^Z and then kill it manually with kill but
  ^C does not seem to work anymore. 
 It is su, and it will be fixed in tomorrow's dinstall run.

Which package is su part of? That is, which package should one apt-get
install to get rid of this problem once the fix is in?


/ Peter Schuller

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Mail: Web:

procps held back.. was Re: poff does not work

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
People have suggested the installation of procps to bring /bin/kill back
into my system.  Sounds good.  I ran dpkg -l procps to see what its status
was, and found hi returned, so it has been installed (2.0.3-3) but was
apparently held back when I upgraded last week.

?? Why was it held back (something inadvertant I did?), and does this imply
I should Not upgrade the package?

As I recall, there were 6-8 packages held back during the upgrade.  I assume
this is a normal occurance, but when does one upgrade those?  Or are these
packages typically ones which never change and so aren't touched?



Re: procps held back

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
regarding my query about packages held back in the upgrade, they were 
  flwm kbd kdelibs2g moonlight procps
Are there problems with these?


Re: java doesn't work for 2.2.13: workaround

2000-01-09 Thread Michael Laing
Thanks - I took Robert Vargas' suggestion and installed the ibm version.
Works OK, but had to fool with the CLASSPATH to get to the debian java
repository and still had to keep jdk1.1 to satisfy the improper
dependencies of cup and jflex...

Anyway - I am running the 2.2.14 kernel and everything works!


aphro wrote:
 its a bug in the java package, upgrade the package or downgrade the kernel
 (see the debian-user archives i have a few urls from past mails there)
 On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Michael Laing wrote:
 mpl I am running a straight slink system using a custom 2.2.12 kernel. My
 mpl java development and execution using jdk-1.1 and jdk-1.1-native has been
 mpl going fine.
 mpl After I compiled a 2.2.13 kernel using my same config and installed it,
 mpl I could no longer run any java apps. I always get the following error:
 mpl Can't create /proc/xxx for GC
 mpl where xxx looks like a process id.
 mpl It looks like the JVM cannot create a thread for the garbage
 mpl collector? I do have the proc filesystem configured and other
 mpl processes look normal in thee.
 mpl Does anyone have the answer? I can continue my work using my 2.2.12
 mpl kernel but I would like to upgrade.
 mpl Thanks,
 mpl Michael Laing

Re: Problem with mutt sources - unknown C syntax?

2000-01-09 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 02:50:14PM +, Paul J. Keenan wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 12:24:26PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
  Hi All, 
  The problem is that I don't know what does mean the underscore preceeding
  the paranthesis around the string definition?
  Is it a GCC extension?
  Wojciech Zabolotny
 I don't have the mutt sources, but I just did a test, and underscore
 is a perfectly valid (if somewhat terse!) function name.  Look for a
 function definition returning a char * called _ in the source - it
 is probably used for preprocessing the string before printing it,
 perhaps to add mutt[PID]:  to the beginning or something.

Now I do have the sources for mutt to do something unrelated, so looked at 
this again.  I tracked the definition to mutt.h :

# include libintl.h
# define _(a) (gettext (a))

So it's a macro which defines _ as an alias to calling gettext, presumably
to keep the code less busy.  The gettext function returns the translation
of the text in the target language if you are using internationalisation.


Re: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 06:23:39PM +0100, Peter Schuller wrote:
   Cant seem to kill a running process with ^C anymore. Noticed the problem
   last night but do not know when the problem crept in.
   I can suspend the process with ^Z and then kill it manually with kill but
   ^C does not seem to work anymore. 
  It is su, and it will be fixed in tomorrow's dinstall run.
 Which package is su part of? That is, which package should one apt-get
 install to get rid of this problem once the fix is in?


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: SVGATextMode Chip ?

2000-01-09 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 08 Jan 2000, matt garman wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 10:37:59AM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
  I have a SR9 Number 9 video card.  I am trying to setup SVGATextMode for 
  new card.  Anyone have this card and know what Chipset I should uncomment
  in TextConfig to get the card working?  When I use S3Virge I get
 You might want to look into the linux kernel's framebuffer options.  The
 framebuffer makes SVGATextMode more or less obsolete.  Try this on for
 It's pretty easy to setup and use, too.

In fact, the author of SVGATextMode said a few months ago that he was
ceasing to maintain this program because there was little need for it


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

It's no go the Yogi Man, it's no go Blavatsky  - Louis MacNeice

Re: Is unstable really _this_ unstable?????

2000-01-09 Thread Vincent Murphy
= Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2109 1818]:
   Can some kind soul PLEASE give me some advice on where to go fro here?

 be advised that AFAIK there is a lot of development work being done on
base-floppies to make them ready for potato's move to stable.  they are
changing frequently.

 the way i see it, you have a couple of alternative courses of action:

  - install a slink base system, install the apt .deb (and it's dependencies)
from potato with dpkg, and upgrade to potato with `apt-get dist-upgrade'.

  - try the potato base-floppies again.  they might work this time.  :)

 the rest of potato is relatively stable; i've been using it in one form or
another on my desktop since about a month after slink went stable (and
started getting stale).  base-floppies is what's giving you grief.


Re: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread der.hans
On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Peter Schuller wrote:

 Which package is su part of? That is, which package should one apt-get
 install to get rid of this problem once the fix is in?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ dpkg -S /bin/su
login: /bin/su




# +++=+++ #
#  #
#   I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans   #
# ===+=== #

Re: Inspiron 7500 network setup

2000-01-09 Thread Calum Mackay - Computer Systems CTE

 I've got a Dell Inspiron 7500 with a NIC built into the docking
 station (not a PCMCIA card). I've got a base Debian partition
 running that was built from floppies.
 Anyone have any idea how to get the NIC in the docking station
 recognized so I can finish configuring Linux and really use it?
 If it helps any, Windows says it's an Actiontec 82559-based
 miniPCI adapter.

The potato kernel (2.2.13) (with ethernet configured in) detects this card
automatically. It uses the i82557/i82558 driver eepro100, the Intel
EtherExpress Pro 100B driver; works perfectly for me.

This driver is also in the 2.0 slink kernel, so if it's not being detected
automatically, maybe you need to build yourself a kernel with ethernet turned


Re: diald

2000-01-09 Thread Francois Deppierraz
Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to configure diald but without success.

 I have my ppp link working (pon ... poff) but now I whant to try

 I have installed the package with apt-get install diald, I looked at
 the manuals (man diald) and I have created the /etc/diald.optins file,

 How do I create the other files (connect and diald.configure)?

For connect you can use the chatscript already created for pppd. To
make this work use the following option in diald.options :

connect /usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/chatscripts/provider

With this options you don't need a /etc/diald/connect file.

I don't know the usefulness of the diald.configure file.


Francois Deppierraz  student
ICQ: 176 770 09

Re: Poor networking performance

2000-01-09 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, aphro wrote:

 : i have rt8139 card in a caldera box and a eepro100 in a debian box on a
 : 10/100 switch, and i get about 3.4MB/s, i am quite confident the
 : bottleneck is the IDE drive on the caldera box in my case.

While I'm sure that in your case the IDE subsystem is your bottleneck,
it's generally acknowledged that the rtl8139 cards aren't a prime
example of excellent NIC design (read the driver source once to get the 
author's opinions on the buffer design).

Having said that I've built an IP masq box with two rtl8139 cards and
performance is satisfactory.  I prefer the tulip cards though; the
Netgear cards are cheap and (so far) dependable).

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: ^c broken in latest potato

2000-01-09 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 06:23:39PM +0100, Peter Schuller wrote:
   Cant seem to kill a running process with ^C anymore. Noticed the problem
   last night but do not know when the problem crept in.
   I can suspend the process with ^Z and then kill it manually with kill but
   ^C does not seem to work anymore. 
  It is su, and it will be fixed in tomorrow's dinstall run.
 Which package is su part of? That is, which package should one apt-get
 install to get rid of this problem once the fix is in?

login, see below:

$ dpkg -S /bin/su
login: /bin/su

Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE)  (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: More on my problems with debconf and perl

2000-01-09 Thread John Gay

I had a similar problem (or as near as I can tell without the error
message).  For some reason, perl-5.005 was not installed completely,
so I went into /etc/alternatives and changed the link `perl' to point
to `perl-5.004' instead of `perl-5.005', everything worked fine after
that.  In other words (as root):

# cd /etc/alternatives
# rm perl
# ln -s /usr/bin/perl-5.004 perl



Thanx for the info. I had another look through the Debian package site for
unstable and had a good dig through the bug reports for some of the things that
failed. I 'think' I may have found a bug report relating to this in perl. I
think it might be a termcap problem, whatever that is. I'll have another look at
it when I get home. I really appreciate Debians extensive system to ensure All
dependencies are met before installation, but it can be frustrating when a
package you want installs things like perl and debconf that you will probably
never use. But , better safe than sorry.


 John Gay

Re: UNIX variant for old PC

2000-01-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 07:53:25PM +, Fish Smith wrote:
 I know that the intel version of Linux is written for
 80386 up.  Is there any UNIX variant available for an
 8088 or 8086?  What processors does Minix run on?

I'd rather suggest to use such machines as terminals (running NCSA-telnet
under FreeDos) and connect them to one 386 or better Linux server...

Wojciech Zabolotny  Free DOS for free people!

Re: Problem with mutt sources - unknown C syntax?

2000-01-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 07:53:28PM +, Paul J. Keenan wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 02:50:14PM +, Paul J. Keenan wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 12:24:26PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
   Hi All, 
   The problem is that I don't know what does mean the underscore preceeding
   the paranthesis around the string definition?
   Is it a GCC extension?
 Wojciech Zabolotny
  I don't have the mutt sources, but I just did a test, and underscore
  is a perfectly valid (if somewhat terse!) function name.  Look for a
  function definition returning a char * called _ in the source - it
  is probably used for preprocessing the string before printing it,
  perhaps to add mutt[PID]:  to the beginning or something.
 Now I do have the sources for mutt to do something unrelated, so looked at 
 this again.  I tracked the definition to mutt.h :
 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
 # include libintl.h
 # define _(a) (gettext (a))
 So it's a macro which defines _ as an alias to calling gettext, presumably
 to keep the code less busy.  The gettext function returns the translation
 of the text in the target language if you are using internationalisation.

Thank's a lot to all who responded. Anyway I don't know why mutt 1.0.1
works perfectly on one slink system (in my office) and segfaults on the
other (at home).
The libraries versions (displayed by ldd) are the same.
Maybe the i18n settings are different?
Probably I have to wait for potato...
Wojciech Zabolotny  Use Linux - an OS without trojan horses inside

Re: Please Help me!!!

2000-01-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 07:53:26PM +, VEVE ROUDY wrote:
 There's longtime I'm looking for
 a program on linux as net2phone or applet
 on windows, please could you tell me a pgrogram PC-to-Phone
 on linux, so I can make free call or cheap call via Internet.

I know about two such programs: VAT and speak-freely.
AFAIK both are available as debian packages.

Wojciech Zabolotny  Linux - free OS for free people!

BitchX irc server list

2000-01-09 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I'm struggling to get BitchX to recognise my server list. I've put an
ircII.servers file in /etc/irc/, copied it to just /etc/irc/servers/,
and even /usr/lib/bitchx/. I still can't get it to use my [shorter]
list of servers.

The only way so far I've managed to do it is by downloading the source
package and compiling it straight in, but I don't want to do that. The
source says: 

 * Set your favorite default server list here.  This list should be a
 * whitespace separated hostname:portnum:password list (with portnums and
 * passwords optional).  This IS NOT an optional definition. Please set this
 * to your nearest servers.  However if you use a seperate 'ircII.servers'
 * file and the ircII can find it, this setting is overridden.

Where can I put the ircII.servers file so that `ircII can find it'?
alisdair mcdiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[the day is done but i'm having fun i think i'm dumb maybe just happy]

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