Re: Problemas con Smail

2000-01-19 Thread Blu
Lluis Vilanova wrote:
Tengo la Slink y he instalado el smail que venia como servidor de correo. 
 caso es que con root parece no haber ningun problema, pero al ejecutar el
 'mailq' o 'smail -v -q' con otro usuario me sale esto:
 mailq: setgroups() failed: Operación no permitida
 smail: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permiso denegado
 smail: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permiso denegado

Pues esto parece un problema de permisos... por que no mandas un ls -l
/var/log/smail  ?
Asi podemos ver y comparar con los permisos de nuestros tarros.

Felipe Sanchez

uso del mrtg

2000-01-19 Thread TooMany

Me he instalado el mrtg para ver qué tal, pero me encuentro que cuando
ejecuto el programa cfgmaker, no me rula.
Me pide un nombre community, osea, el community name SNMP de la máquina
a inspeccionar. ¿Qué nombre es ese? ¿dirección MAC, o qué demonios de nombre
es? ¿de dónde lo saco?
Es algo que me interesaría saber y conocer lo más pronto posible, ya que lo
aplicaría aquí en la empresa.

Muchísimas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: uso del mrtg

2000-01-19 Thread David Charro Ripa
Hola majo:

El snmp suele ofrecer dos claves para acceder a su información. Generalmente la 
clave publica
(no confundir con encriptación) te permite acceder a una información y la 
privada al resto.
Por defecto, la pública suele ser public. Y con ella te suele dejar ver el 
tráfico de la
red. Yo lo tengo instalado en el trabajo y vigilo un hub que tiene snmp. Saca 
unos gráficos
preciosos que le encantan a mi jefe. Si tienes más problemas te puedo mirar la 
que tengo, pero eso si, desde el trabajo, que ahora estoy en casa.

¿Has probado el tkined? Viene con el paquete scotty y puedes hacer planos de tu 
monitorizar variables snmp, descubrir redes, visualizar servicios que ofrece 
una máquina,
todo ello con ventanitas, como gusta a los jefes,  y a mi también  ;-)




 Me he instalado el mrtg para ver qué tal, pero me encuentro que cuando
 ejecuto el programa cfgmaker, no me rula.
 Me pide un nombre community, osea, el community name SNMP de la máquina
 a inspeccionar. ¿Qué nombre es ese? ¿dirección MAC, o qué demonios de nombre
 es? ¿de dónde lo saco?
 Es algo que me interesaría saber y conocer lo más pronto posible, ya que lo
 aplicaría aquí en la empresa.

 Muchísimas gracias por todo.

Re: uso del mrtg

2000-01-19 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Me pide un nombre community, osea, el community name SNMP de la máquina
 a inspeccionar. ¿Qué nombre es ese? ¿dirección MAC, o qué demonios de nombre
 es? ¿de dónde lo saco?
 Es algo que me interesaría saber y conocer lo más pronto posible, ya que lo
 aplicaría aquí en la empresa.

Mírate el siguiente artículo de LinuxFocus escrito por David Guerrero. Habla de 
snmp,scotty y cosas del estilo. A mi me ayudo muchísimo.

Saludos de nuevo.


Re: kdenetwork

2000-01-19 Thread Jordi
 Al final lo que he hecho ha sido extraer del paquete kdenetwork con el
 mc los ficheros del kmail y crear un paquete independiente que sólo
 ocupa 800 Ks instalado. Pero sería mejor que esto ya fuese así de
 serie, ¿cómo va la cosa en potato? ¿habría que sugerirselo a su
 Supongo que será lo mismo. Si te has fijado, esa es la forma de
 las aplicaciones kde, por grupos. Asi que si te quisieras compilar el
 kmail, tendrías que bajarte las fuentes del kdenetwork.
 Pues acabo de ver que en la versión para rpm el kppp ahora va en paquete
 PD: ¿porqué es tan rematadamente lento el mc extrayendo ficheros de
 paquetes debs?
 Si quisieras extraer un archivo a mano de un .deb, te tocaría hacer
 un 'ar -x paquete.deb' y después un 'tar xzf data.tar.gz' (o algo así)
 deberías comparar la velocidad del mc con la operación manual.

*** File '/tmp/mutt-fanelli-21709-68'
To: Lista Debian
Subject: Extraer en tar? [was: Re: kdenetwork]
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from Ricardo Villalba on Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 
09:51:35PM +0100

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 09:51:35PM +0100, Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 Por cierto, ¿porqué generalmente los programas de linux que manejan
 ficheros comprimidos no tienen ninguna opción para extraer ficheros

Si en un tar foo.tar.gz tienes muchos archivos y entre ellos esta el
path/hasta/el/archivo/file.c, puedes hacer:
tar zxvf foo.tar.gz path/hasta/el/archivo/file.c
y debería sacarte ese archivo. Supongo que puedes usar wildcards.


Re: Problemas con Smail

2000-01-19 Thread Barbwired
Lluis Vilanova decía:
 mailq: setgroups() failed: Operación no permitida

Yo no tengo esa orden por ningún lado...
De la página man:
 See /usr/include/sysexits.h  or  src/exitcodes.h  in the smail
source for the list of possible exit codes.

 smail: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permiso denegado
 smail: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permiso denegado

~-barbwired ls -l /var/log/smail/paniclog
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail0 ene 18 19:55 /var/log/smail/paniclog

I don't give a crap what the default setting of XYZ is in Debian, if I have some
odd need or perverse preference, I'll just change it.  - D. Foster -
 Barbwired (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.13) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: XFree86 3.3.5

2000-01-19 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, ene 18, 2000 at 10:17:54 +0100, Carlos Entrena wrote:
   Hola a todo el mundo. Ante todo quiero saludar al personal, ya que
 es mi primer mensaje a esta lista.


   Mi problema es el siguiente: Tengo un ordenador con Debian 2.1
 (slink). Dicho ordenador tiene una tarjeta gráfica, S3 Trio 3D/2X, que
 sólo es soportada a partir de la versión 3.3.5 de XFree86. La versión de
 XFree que viene con slink es la ¿Cómo puedo actualizarme a la
 3.3.5 sin:
   a) Tener que migrar a potato.

No te hace falta, yo tengo Slink y mi i740 está soportada apartir de XFree
3.3.5 y la tengo puesta.

   b) Fastidiar una posible actualización de slink.

En '' tienes XFree 3.3.5 empaquetada para
Slink y si tienes conexión permanente con ponerte la línea que te indica en
la página en '/etc/apt/sources.list' y hacer 'apt-get update' bastará. 

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

¿Efecto 2000 en

2000-01-19 Thread Raúl González
Acabo de estar en buscando un viejo
articulo de esta lista cuando me he dado cuenta que en la seccion de
busquedas no esta preparada para el 2000. El año 2000 lo mete como un solo
0 y lo pone al final de la lista de fechas, justo antes del 97. Si, ya se
que no es un problema muy grave pero es curioso ¿no?. ;-)

Re: [problemas al configurar X11]

2000-01-19 Thread Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga
Estimado Juan Carlos:

Espero que esta direccion aun contenga la solucion a tu problema:

 Ocurre de que actualice lo XFree de 3.3.2 a 3.3.5 porque la tarjeta de video
es SiS 620 pero no he podido configurar.
 Alguno de ustedes me puede guiar como hacerlo (quiero instalar el Gnome).
 Juan Carlos Burgos



Yes... i'm a registered Linux user by but i have forgotten
my number. Anyway who cares?

Free science and free software are just two aspects of the same complex
reality: long-term human survival.
Support humankind, use Linux.


The following invitation to get a free e-mail account is not from me. If you
want a web mail try to find another, cuz this need javascript. If it's
possible test it against Lynx or Links browsers.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: ¿Efecto 2000 en

2000-01-19 Thread Jordi
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 11:21:50AM +0100, Raúl González wrote:
 Acabo de estar en buscando un viejo
 articulo de esta lista cuando me he dado cuenta que en la seccion de
 busquedas no esta preparada para el 2000. El año 2000 lo mete como un solo
 0 y lo pone al final de la lista de fechas, justo antes del 97. Si, ya se
 que no es un problema muy grave pero es curioso ¿no?. ;-)

Es un bug en glimpse, el programa que busca por las listas htmlizadas.
*creo* que está corregido, y debe estar incluido en Debian 2.1r4 o en el
inminente r5.

Re: Linux Expo en Madrid

2000-01-19 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez writes:
  On jue, ene 13, 2000 at 02:48:57 +0100, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
   (España) en abril. Por un lado, puede que os interese enviar
   algo. Pero por otro lado, es posible que den metros cuadrados gratis
   para poner un stand de Debian. La pregunta es, ¿interesa esto? (en
  ¿Cómo?, pues claro ¿no?, muy interesante.


Rehago la pregunta: ¿interesa tanto como para que x personas,
que a ser posible incluyan algún miembro de Debian, se comprometa a
organizarlo? Yo puedo echar una mano, pero esos días voy a estar con
otras cosas, y no puedo ni siquiera garantizar que podré estar mucho
rato allí, y menos montar nada para que haya algo que enseñar en el
stand. Sí puedo ayudar con la organziación, y en alguans otras cosas.

Dicho esto, ¿interesa tanto o no? ¿Quién quiere meterese en
esto? ¿Alguien lo coordina?



Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | c/ Tulipan s/n
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

Re: Problemas con Smail

2000-01-19 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Blu wrote:
 Pues esto parece un problema de permisos... por que no mandas un ls
 /var/log/smail  ?
 Asi podemos ver y comparar con los permisos de nuestros tarros.

Pues esto es lo que me aparece con ls -l en /var/log/smail/:
total 17
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail 1897 ene 19 18:23 logfile
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail 1575 ene 19 14:43 logfile.0
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  150 ene 18 17:03 logfile.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  263 ene 17 18:23 logfile.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  202 ene 16 20:43 logfile.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  389 ene 15 21:43 logfile.4.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  680 ene  9 20:14 logfile.5.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  362 ene 19 15:37 paniclog
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail 1163 ene 19 14:43 paniclog.0
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  133 ene 18 17:03 paniclog.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  196 ene 17 18:23 paniclog.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  168 ene 16 20:43 paniclog.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  303 ene 15 21:43 paniclog.4.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root mail  181 ene 12 18:10 paniclog.5.gz

La verdad es que no tengo ni idea de que c**o son esos gz, creo que al instalar
el paquete no estaban


PD: pdrias mandarme el contenido de los ficheros en /etc/smail? la verdad es que
no acabo de aclararme con la configuracion

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Configurar PPP (era: Problemas con Smail)

2000-01-19 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Lluis Vilanova wrote:

 PD: Podria alguien indicarme la direccion de algun HOWTO o manual para
 configurar la conexion con ppp, es que hasta ahora utilizaba kpp, pero me baje
 la version 1.1.2 de las kde y cuelga al acabar de marcar

Usa pppconfig. No creo que te hagan falta muchos manuales o HOWTOs para


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: Varias cuentas de e-mail

2000-01-19 Thread Carlos
Tal día como Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 06:57:28PM +0100, Alexandre Maneu i Victòria 
me decía:

 Supongo que este tema ya estara tratado, pero... existe alguna forma de
 poder manejar varias cuentas de correo electronico con un mismo programa,
 que a ser posible pueda leer HTML?

Hummm! Supongo te refieres a algo parecido al Outlook. El programa de
correo de Kde (kmail) posiblemente sea lo que más se asemeje. Y creo
(sólo creo) que maneja html. Posiblemente también el Communicator te
sirva. El kmail resulta muy simple de configurar y maneja varias
cuentas; aspecto más o menos vistoso aunque sólo sirve para el entorno
gráfico. También puedes configurarlo para el smtp de tu servidor si no
quieres usar exim, sendmail o smail. Te viene en el paquete Kdenetwork 
y tendrás que tener instaladas las librerías del Kde, aunque puedes
arrancarlo desde cualquier gestor de ventanas, por supuesto. 
Aunque en Slink el exim se configura solo; para fetchmail tienes la
utilidad  fetchmailconf y el ~/.procmail cualquiera te lo puede pasar. 
De este modo puedes usar cualquier cliente de correo (el mutt también
queda configurado hasta para ver gráficos en consola instalando zgv y 
los html se los pasa a Lynx; y, por ende, resulta de lo más vistoso);
filtrar el correo para varios usuarios y que cada usuario filtre su 
correo en diferentes  carpetas... Simplemente dispones de más opciones 
con un ligero esfuerzo por tu parte. Eso sí, son varios programas
y no uno sólo.

carlos saldaña

Solucionado lo del papel tapiz.

2000-01-19 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
Hola a todos.

Ya he solucionado el poner una imagen como fondo de ventana. El problema
que tenía es que yo no tenía un .xsession en $HOME y era porque yo pensaba
que ese archivo se generaba de alguna forma, pero me he dado cuenta de que
había que copiarlo de un directorio de ejemplos (no me acuerdo muy bien de
la ruta) donde venía y luego modificarlo. La imagen la tengo que poner en
background para que se mantenga y luego pueda ejecutar el gestor de

Muchísimas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda, vuestra paciencia y
vuestro tiempo.

Un saludo.


Multiples dominios con sendmail

2000-01-19 Thread Eduardo Díaz

Hola a todos, me estreno en la lista de devian, 

Hace poco estoy configurando una maquina linux, 
para smtp estoy unsando sendmail, ardua configuración, me gustaria que el 
sendmail respondiera a multiples dominios.

por ejemplo 

para todos estos dominios si el nombre del usuario 
existe en el sistema que el correo se quede en la maquina.

Una solución puede ser configurando el DNS, pero se 
podria configurar en el send mail???

si podeis poner algun tutorial ( basado en ejemplos 
) de sendmail seria genial :-))

Gracias anticipadas, y linux al poder 

Re: Mpage me desborda la memoria de la HP

2000-01-19 Thread Han Solo
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 07:38:23PM +0100, Diego Bote Barco wrote:
 Me gusta bastante el programa mpage y lo tengo instalado en los dos equipos 
 que manejo. En uno no tengo ningún problema pero en el que da salida a la 
 HPlj3P me crea unos archivos que  al pasarselos a la impresora esta se para e 
 indica que tiene un desbordamiento de memoria. El caso es que los *.ps 
 generados de otra manera no dan esos problemas, lease, a través de dvips, o 
 generados en otros sistemas. Sus salidas tambien las puedo ver con gv, pero 
 de nuevo si las mando a imprimir me originan el susodicho problema. Incluso 
 me llevo el archivo creado por mpage al Bicho95 este me desborda la memoria 
 al intentar imprimirlo.

No se si es una solución muy buena, pero prueba con las psutils, que para mi
gusto son mejores y más completas que mpage. Yo tengo una HP4L y nunca he
tenido ningún problema (con 1Mb de memoria).
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature

Re: IP Masq

2000-01-19 Thread Ethan Benson

On 18/1/2000 Timothy C. Phan wrote:

  I'd like to know if the slink kernel is built with IP Masq?
  Or could someone point me to where can I find information
  on setup a IP Masq linux box.  TIA!

Check out the IP masquerading HOWTO, on your favorite HOWTO mirror. 
it explains all the options you need to enable when recompiling your 
kernel (if you need to, i never use stock kernels for any longer then 
it takes to compile my own) it also goes over in detail how to 
configure everything properly, for both 2.0 and 2.2 kernels.

potato and possibly slink have a ipmasq package which seems to work 
right out the box if your kernel is ipmasq compiled, though i think 
it would be a good idea to read the howto and go over those rules to 
make sure they are appropriate for your environment.  (you may have 
differing security requirements etc)


Re: libungif3g-dev: post-installation script error

2000-01-19 Thread Ethan Benson

On 18/1/2000 Christopher S. Swingley wrote:

I've been keeping up with potato fairly regularly (two or three times
a week), and occasionally I wind up with errors that look like this
(this is what I got today):

dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script:
Exec format error
dpkg: error processing libungif3g-dev (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit
status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

Sometimes I can get things to work by doing dpkg --purge, apt-get install,
but in this case several things depend on the library.  Is there a
way around this, or should I file a bug report and wait for a repaired
package?  Where do these installation / configuration scripts live --
perhaps I can fix it myself?

go edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/libungif3g-dev.postinst (or something 
close) you will find either a missing or malformed #! /bin/sh  add 
that and the problem will go away.  there seems to be a rash of weary 
developers lately either forgetting or putting #/bin/sh and other 
such things there.  i've had about half a dozen packages do this over 
the last 2 weeks.


Re: libungif3g-dev: post-installation script error

2000-01-19 Thread Pollywog

On 19-Jan-2000 Ethan Benson wrote:
 go edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/libungif3g-dev.postinst (or something 
 close) you will find either a missing or malformed #! /bin/sh  add 
 that and the problem will go away.  there seems to be a rash of weary 
 developers lately either forgetting or putting #/bin/sh and other 
 such things there.  i've had about half a dozen packages do this over 
 the last 2 weeks.

That's what it was; missing ! in #!/bin/sh



using openssh on slink (slightly o-t)

2000-01-19 Thread Jim B
I just grabbed the OpenSSH 1.2.1pre27 sources from the openssh web site.  
I already had a working installation of OpenSSL (also built from source).  
For the most part OpenSSH works fine, but I have 3 problems with it -- one
of which may be a bug in the Makefile/configure script, but anyway  
Really I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen these problems.  I'd
write to the OpenSSH list if it existed, but the only ones I see are for
developers and for bug reports and I'm not sure I'm ready to file a bug
report just yet.

Anyway, here they are:

1) When I send the process a HUP signal, it is unable to restart.  I see
this message in /var/log/auth.log:

sshd[21839]: Received SIGHUP; restarting.
sshd[21839]: RESTART FAILED: av0='sshd', error: No such file or directory.

Normally I would think that it was just a problem with the daemon's PATH
env variable, but even if I use env to run it with a path which includes
the binary's dir, I get the same error.

Ex: # env PATH=/usr/local/openssh/bin:/usr/local/openssh/sbin:$PATH

I have looked at the daemon's output under strace and with debug (-d) mode
enabeled but I don't see what file it can't find.

2) Though I set the pidfile dir to /usr/local/var/run, it still puts it in
/var/run.  Here was my configure line:

configure --prefix=/usr/local/openssh --enable-gnome-askpass --with-tcp-
wrappers --with-md5-passwords --with-pid-dir=/usr/local/var/run

Is this a bug?

3) Lastly, when I enable UseLogin in the sshd_config, the daemon boots
me out when I try to log in.  Here is what I see in auth.log:

sshd[22097]: debug: Allocating pty.
sshd[22097]: debug: Forking shell.
sshd[22097]: debug: Entering interactive session.
sshd[22101]: debug: Setting controlling tty using TIOCSCTTY.
sshd[22097]: debug: Received SIGCHLD.
sshd[22097]: debug: End of interactive session; stdin 0, stdout (read 125,
sent 125), stderr 0 bytes.
sshd[22097]: debug: Command exited with status 1.
sshd[22097]: debug: Received exit confirmation.
sshd[22097]: Closing connection to

And in sshd's debug output:

debug: Attempting authentication for user.
Accepted password for user from port 3695
debug: Allocating pty.
debug: Forking shell.
debug: Entering interactive session.
debug: Setting controlling tty using TIOCSCTTY.
debug: Received SIGCHLD.
debug: End of interactive session; stdin 0, stdout (read 125, sent 125),
stderr 0 bytes.
debug: Command exited with status 1.
debug: Received exit confirmation.
Closing connection to

While the client sees the following:

Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding.
  SSH_CLIENT= 3695 2519
login: No such file or directory
Connection to localhost closed.

I can log in with no problem if I don't enable the UseLogin option.  
Shouldn't sshd be able to find /bin/login if it's in its PATH?

Thanks for any help.

Sound from cassete to mp3

2000-01-19 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
What is the best way of transferring sound stored in cassete to mp3? Can
this be done without the microphone?

XFree86 question

2000-01-19 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans

I have just installed XF86 3.3.6 to add support for a ATI Rage
128 GL card. It all works fine, but when I get the prompt (after using
XF86Setup) to run xvidtune, the fonts on this are all fuzzy. The same
happens when I start X as a normal user: some fonts appear nicely, while
some others appear fuzzy and are impossible to read.

Maybe this is a bit vague, but :-) The relevant part of

Section Files
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled/
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled/
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled/
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/

Thank you!
José L Gómez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

mutt and iso 8859 characters

2000-01-19 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans
This is an easy one: what's the easy way to allow mutt to send
and receive all messages that have ISO 8859 1 out without problems? I am
writing this message with a couple of them: ¿¡ñóáâ. When viewed in
mutt's pager, they appear as ??. I don't know whether they're being
stripped in the process somewhere (do I need to send them encoded as
mime) or whether mutt is to blame. It won't even let me write these
characters on the subject line.

Thank you!
José L Gómez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

NEW x problem :/

2000-01-19 Thread claviola
I think I discovered my problem, but another came up. Here it is: I was 
tweaking some of /etc/X11/XF86Config, where it configures the mouse. I modified 
/dev/mouse to /dev/ttyS3 (where my mouse is). X failed. Tried to use 
/dev/gpmdata (while running gpm -R), and the mouse was moving like a crazy 
coachroach in x. Now that I switched back to /dev/mouse, and _still_ running 
gpm -R, here is the error X displays (when I crash it with control alt 
backspace, since I am mouseless):

/home/cyberdemo/.xinitrc: line 3:   291 Broken pipe blackbox
xinit:  connection to X server lost.

waiting for X server to shut down
Fatal server error:
Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)

If I just kill gpm, I can start x normally, and even switch to the console and 
back again to x (that was my original problem). Anyone with the same 
problem/suggestions/hints/prayers to keep gpm and x running at the same time? 
I'd appreciate your help.

NEW x problem :/

2000-01-19 Thread claviola
I think I discovered my problem, but another came up. Here it is: I was 
tweaking some of /etc/X11/XF86Config, where it configures the mouse. I modified 
/dev/mouse to /dev/ttyS3 (where my mouse is). X failed. Tried to use 
/dev/gpmdata (while running gpm -R), and the mouse was moving like a crazy 
coachroach in x. Now that I switched back to /dev/mouse, and _still_ running 
gpm -R, here is the error X displays (when I crash it with control alt 
backspace, since I am mouseless):

/home/cyberdemo/.xinitrc: line 3:   291 Broken pipe blackbox
xinit:  connection to X server lost.

waiting for X server to shut down
Fatal server error:
Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)

If I just kill gpm, I can start x normally, and even switch to the console and 
back again to x (that was my original problem). Anyone with the same 
problem/suggestions/hints/prayers to keep gpm and x running at the same time? 
I'd appreciate your help.

Re: Advanced hard disk mirroring!

2000-01-19 Thread Lindsay Allen
On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

[excellent post snipped]

A really simple way to do this is to use multicast ghost.  

Make a boot floppy with a packet driver to suit the NIC
Use it or 50 copies of it to boot the 50 workstations and run ghost
Run dhcp somewhere.
Run ghostsrv somewhere

and do the whole lab at once.


 Onno Ebbinge wrote:
  I'm a sysadmin and have two Debian GNU/Linux potato servers and 50
  windows 95 workstations under my care.
  My problem is with the 50 workstations:
  (the 50 workstations have the same hardware)
  I want to install ONE workstation and then mirror the hard disk to
  all other workstations.
  The first time I did it was with ghost and I hooked up the installed
  hard disk to every client and mirrored it... Not a nice job to do
  and there must be a better way do do it! I know that ghost CAN use
  NETBIOS connections and such but I don't know how to boot it from a
  1.44 flop and then use ghost.
  My question:
  I want to boot the workstation to be installed from a floppy with
  Linux or DOS. Then I want to make a connection to my server (or the
  installed workstation) and mirror the hard disk from a file (or
  hard disk).
  Frankly I don't care what is used or how it's being done (Linux/DOS
  with dd/ghost or something else!) but I don't want to hook-up all 50
  workstations again...
  Thanks for any ideas,
 Jens B. Jorgensen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486   32.0125S 115.8445E   Debian Linux

Re: NEW x problem :/

2000-01-19 Thread Ethan Benson

On 18/1/2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

/home/cyberdemo/.xinitrc: line 3:   291 Broken pipe blackbox
xinit:  connection to X server lost.

waiting for X server to shut down
Fatal server error:
Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)

If I just kill gpm, I can start x normally, and even switch to the 
console and back again to x (that was my original problem). Anyone 
with the same problem/suggestions/hints/prayers to keep gpm and x 
running at the same time? I'd appreciate your help.

i have gpm configured as follows:
append=-3 -a 3 -d 5 -l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\

and i have X set to use /dev/mouse as well, i have no problems 
running both at the same time, i have even tried to cause a problem 
by moving the mouse all over the place while switching back and forth 
between the console and X, after a few months never had a problem..

the -a and -d just control the acceleration in the console the -3 
tells it i have a 3 button mouse, -l is from debian defaults...

i think your problem was leaving -R on..  the repeater method with X 
i tried but it makes the mouse work like in windoze, i simply can't 
stand that, but fortunately there seems to be no need for the 
repeater thing.


Re: NEW x problem :/

2000-01-19 Thread Larry Fletcher
On Jan 18, 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think I discovered my problem, but another came up. Here it is: I was
tweaking some of /etc/X11/XF86Config, where it configures the mouse. 
I modified /dev/mouse to /dev/ttyS3 (where my mouse is). X failed. Tried
to use /dev/gpmdata (while running gpm -R), and the mouse was moving like
a crazy coachroach in x. Now that I switched back to /dev/mouse, and 
_still_ running gpm -R, here is the error X displays (when I crash it
with control alt backspace, since I am mouseless):
 /home/cyberdemo/.xinitrc: line 3:   291 Broken pipe blackbox
 xinit:  connection to X server lost.

 waiting for X server to shut down
 Fatal server error:
 Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)
 If I just kill gpm, I can start x normally, and even switch to the console
and back again to x (that was my original problem). Anyone with the same
problem/suggestions/hints/prayers to keep gpm and x running at the same
time? I'd appreciate your help.

I just setup X for the first time a couple of weeks ago and had the
same problem with a PS2 mouse.  I boot directly to X with four open
consoles and the mouse works everywhere I if start gpm after X is
loaded.  Basically I just disabled gpm on startup and run it at the end
of /root/.profile.  I don't know why this works or if it would work on
your system, but it works for me. 


Re: About Exim : HELP ME !!!!!!

2000-01-19 Thread Shao Zhang
Why do you send the same emails three times?? Please consider that
debian is a Non-profit organisation, and it costs them money!

While I am willing to help, I cannot understand your question, and that
is why I did not reply your first 2 emails.

You said:

Lorenzo Zampese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not able to send remote e-mails by 'Exim', but only locally.

and then you said:
 When I send e-mails to internet, my exim's configuration seems to work

and then you said:
 but my addresses don't receive my e-mails at all.

So is your problem receiving or sending??

 When I run 'fetchmail' it says something like this :
   SMTP error, I can't relay mail for following addresses : 

paste a couple lines from fetchmail logs would be very usefull. Have
you checked that exim is actually listening on port 25?
telnet localhost 25 see if you can get anything...

And what mda you are using to to deliver local mails? Procmail, or you
simiply forward them to port 25? You might have a look at the FAQ for
exim about the issues between procmail and exim.

 NOTE 1: my ISP's user name is different than my Linux's user name,
 so I need to use the exim's DB-rewrite feature,
 that I tested successfully with 'exim -brw address'.

why do you need this? You should be able to use your ISP's smtp with no
problem if you are dialing up from them


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

re: Is potatoe's exim 3.12-1 OK?

2000-01-19 Thread russell cook
  I have the same problem.  My messages eventually freeze, and the
error is SMTP timeout while connected to ...
many bytes weritten written, but message not completed.
I would have quoted your earlier post, but I'm mailing this
via telnet to port 25 of my ISP, because I can't post out
with Exim.
  Suggestions welcome (by both of us)!

Thanks much,

re: re: Problem with Wordperfect8 for Linux

2000-01-19 Thread russell cook
To Robert Kerr,
  You were right.  I was running Xwindows in 24 bpp mode, and 
switching to 16 bpp mode cleaned everything up nicely.  Funny
the installation docs made no mention of this restriction.
Anyway, thanks much, and thanks to all who replied.
  As others have said, help like this is why I recommend
Debian to others.


Re: Advanced hard disk mirroring!

2000-01-19 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 11:43:17AM +0100, Onno Ebbinge wrote:
 I'm a sysadmin and have two Debian GNU/Linux potato servers and 50 
 windows 95 workstations under my care. 
 My problem is with the 50 workstations:
 (the 50 workstations have the same hardware)
 I want to install ONE workstation and then mirror the hard disk to 
 all other workstations.
 The first time I did it was with ghost and I hooked up the installed 
 hard disk to every client and mirrored it... Not a nice job to do 
 and there must be a better way do do it! I know that ghost CAN use 
 NETBIOS connections and such but I don't know how to boot it from a 
 1.44 flop and then use ghost.
 My question:
 I want to boot the workstation to be installed from a floppy with 
 Linux or DOS. Then I want to make a connection to my server (or the 
 installed workstation) and mirror the hard disk from a file (or 
 hard disk). 
 Frankly I don't care what is used or how it's being done (Linux/DOS 
 with dd/ghost or something else!) but I don't want to hook-up all 50 
 workstations again...
 Thanks for any ideas,

I'm doing the same with a 486 server and a bunch of 386 workstations, all
IBM stuff with MCA buses, over a token-ring network, with small (~70MB-~200MB)
SCSI drives.  Basically, I made a boot disk that mounts a NFS filesystem
over the network and chroots to it. That image mounts another NFS
filesystem with all the Win95 stuff on it.  Everything pretty much works,
except the bootblock stuff (which I should get working tomorrow), and I
have yet to add the small random-number generator that will assign a
unique SMB computer name to the computer in a registry file that will be
imported on first bootup.

This all needs to be on one disk, because we all know the windows
computers will periodically have to be scratched and reinstalled, and this
is a one-time job for me, so I need to make it as easy as possible for
those who will maintain it. 

If all your hard drives are the same size, you could probably just
do a dd from, say, /dev/sda or /dev/hda to a file and back, and that would
copy all the partition tables and the like.

Anyway, if you need some specific help, by all means, e-mail me and I'll
see if I can help. 
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: package hell

2000-01-19 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 03:01:58AM -0800, Guyren G Howe wrote:
 How do I get out of package hell?
 In trying to install Enlightenment on my Debian/Corel machine, I've got
 myself trapped in all sorts of loops where apt-get, dselect and dpkg all
 refuse to install any of the things I need because they can't install other
 things that those things depend on.
 I've somehow managed to get my X Server uninstalled, and I can't reinstall
 it. I get several screens of errors about things that it can't install, and
 I can't find any way of piping this output to less or anything so I can see
 all the errors. The ones I can see say, for example, that things can't be
 installed because they depend on xfree86-common, which it doesn't get up to
 installing, because of these errors that come up first.
 I've tried everything I can think of. Just now, for example, I told dselect
 to remove everything. Then I told it to install xfree86-common. It complains
 it can't because cannot open help file
 I've tried apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade, but I just get the
 same errors.
 I thought this whole package thing was supposed to make this stuff easier.
 This makes windows look like something well organised.

First, try dselect update ; apt-get -f -y dist-upgrade.  It will cause
hell and remove and install a bunch of packages, but it might solve your
dependency problems enough to use dselect again. 

If you're stuck in a mutual dependency loop (I've gotten it with
kernel-image and alsa-modules packages), figure out what everything needs,
make sure you're right, and dpkg --force-depends -i the packages. 

But do this with small groups of packages at a time.

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt and iso 8859 characters

2000-01-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 12:53:17AM +, José Luis Gómez Dans wrote:
   This is an easy one: what's the easy way to allow mutt to send
 and receive all messages that have ISO 8859 1 out without problems? I am
 writing this message with a couple of them: ¿¡ñóáâ. When viewed in
 mutt's pager, they appear as ??. I don't know whether they're being
 stripped in the process somewhere (do I need to send them encoded as
 mime) or whether mutt is to blame. It won't even let me write these
 characters on the subject line.

I believe the easiest way is to set you LANG env variable.
For instace:
export LANG=en_US

Put this in your ~/.bashrc and/or /etc/environment.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Problem with Wordperfect8 for Linux

2000-01-19 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 08:13:47PM -0600, russell cook wrote:
 I have wordperfect running ... sort of.  The graphics icons are garbled.
 I have XPM4.7 version 3.4k-5.  I don not not have XPM4.7-alt dev 
 because I have a conflict.  Can someone tell me wahat packages I must have
 installed on my Potato system for Wordperfect to run properly?  If the 
 packages are obsolete, can you please tell me where to find them?
 Thanks for any help.

Sort of offtopic, but try this.  Make sure grammar proofreading is on.


There's 10 of us.

and hit enter.  Apparently, if you have bad grammar, it segfaults!

At least for me it does.  
If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: fidogate resend

2000-01-19 Thread Brian May
 Paul == Paul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul Please copy to this email address as fetchmail is now down
Paul as well so I`m using Netscape on another email account to my
Paul mailing list subscription.  I`ve just tried to install
Paul fidogate and inn, with a lot of error messages which I hope
Paul I`ve sidestepped for the present, but now when running
Paul fidonetconfig it says /usr/sbin/fidogateconfig: Please
Paul install innd!: command not found Problem is i managed to
Paul install inn and ps aux shows innd as a running process(if
Paul that`s the right term):

Paul news 20553 0.0 4.5 7936 2128 ?  S 21:13 0:00
Paul /usr/lib/news/bin/innd -p7  Has anyone got any experience
Paul with fidogate and could help me out, this is way over my
Paul head!

Paul Thanks -- -- Paul Walton * Powered by * Cambridge * Debian
Paul GNU Linux * U.K.  * * * PGP Public
Paul Key: *

Paul -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Re: fidogate resend

2000-01-19 Thread Brian May
 Paul == Paul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PS I apologize about my previous post. I accidently pushed C-c C-c in
xemacs (send) instead of C-c C-t (add address to To: field).

Paul I`ve sidestepped for the present, but now when running
Paul fidonetconfig it says /usr/sbin/fidogateconfig: Please
Paul install innd!: command not found Problem is i managed to
Paul install inn and ps aux shows innd as a running process(if
Paul that`s the right term):

I have never used fidogate, but have been told it is better then
ifgate which I am currently using. However, when I last tried to
install fidogate (IIRC potato version), the preinst and postinst
scripts were horrible, and wouldn't work properly unless you used
sendmail. I use Postfix...

I think you need to find out eactly what fidogateconfig
means when it gives that error. It might be something else
has gone wrong, and fidogateconfig is just displaying a generic
error message.

I doubt that fidonetconfig is looking for the inn binary, more likely,
it is looking for a copy of ctlinnd.

If fidogateconfig is a binary executable, I would try
strace -o/tmp/out -ff /usr/sbin/fidogateconfig

If it is a sh executable, I would try
sh -x /usr/sbin/fidogateconfig

I think you should be able to do something similar with perl to, but
not sure what the best way would be.


Re: mutt and iso 8859 characters

2000-01-19 Thread Brian May
 José == José Luis Gómez Dans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

José Hi!  This is an easy one: what's the easy way to allow mutt
José to send and receive all messages that have ISO 8859 1 out
José without problems? I am writing this message with a couple of
José them: ¿¡ñóáâ. When viewed in mutt's pager, they appear as

That seems to be OK here, with slink mutt on Linux textmode console.

To make sure it is correct:

The first two are ?! upside down, the following are noaa with accents

Are you using an X-Windows?

apt/squid errors

2000-01-19 Thread Brian May


I have apt configured to receive data from my squid proxy server.  The
data comes over a PPP connection. Anything from 14.4Kbps to 34.4Kbps
causes the following problem.

I never noticed the problem until I upgraded from the initial slink
release of apt to the latest security fix.

It is:

Could not connect to proxy (

When this problem occurs, all further transfers fail with the same
error. If I restart apt immediately, the same errors occur. I have to
wait about 5-10 seconds and then restart apt, and everything works

Any ideas what is going wrong?

Thanks in advance.

xfs will not start

2000-01-19 Thread Howard Mann

I am trying to get xfs to start on bootup.

I see the following message on bootup:

Starting X font server: xfs/etc/rc2.d/S20xfs : line 44 : 282 Aborted
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON

( I haven't noticed this message before)

This appeared - I believe -  after I edited the  catalogue line in
/etc/X11/xfs/config file , and tried to restart xfs with :  
/etc/init.d/xfs restart

ps -aux does not show xfs 

lsof | grep LISTEN does not show xfs listening to port unix/:7100 ( It
did before)

I do not see an entry for a in /var/run

What happened here ?  What have I done wrong?


Howard Mann.

Re: xfs will not start

2000-01-19 Thread Howard Mann
Howard Mann wrote:
 I am trying to get xfs to start on bootup.
 I see the following message on bootup:
 Starting X font server: xfs/etc/rc2.d/S20xfs : line 44 : 282 Aborted
 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON

Clarification :

Sorry - the full message is :

Starting X font server: xfs/etc/rc2.d/S20xfs : line 44 : 282 Aborted
 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON

already runningI left this out in the original post.

Howard Mann.

Re: xfs will not start

2000-01-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 11:41:09PM -0700, Howard Mann wrote:
 Howard Mann wrote:
  I am trying to get xfs to start on bootup.
  I see the following message on bootup:
  Starting X font server: xfs/etc/rc2.d/S20xfs : line 44 : 282 Aborted
  start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
 Clarification :
 Sorry - the full message is :
 Starting X font server: xfs/etc/rc2.d/S20xfs : line 44 : 282 Aborted
  start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
 already runningI left this out in the original post.

The question is, does /etc/init.d/xfs start work? And, have you been
messing with that script?
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: xfs will not start

2000-01-19 Thread Howard Mann
Howard Mann wrote:
 Howard Mann wrote:
  I am trying to get xfs to start on bootup.
  I see the following message on bootup:
  Starting X font server: xfs/etc/rc2.d/S20xfs : line 44 : 282 Aborted
  start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON

Sorry, it was the infamous typo   :-(  :

In /etc/X11/xfs/config, I had :  default-resolutions =

instead of :  default-resolutions = 100,100,75comma75

Oh, my aching eyes.

All is now well.



Re: Transparent network bridge+filter?

2000-01-19 Thread Onno Ebbinge
At 02:08 PM 1/18/00 -0600, Jeff Noxon wrote:
Can anything that runs on Linux do reliable network bridging  filtering?
I need a transparent filter that I can drop into an existing network.

Ipfilter will do the job with Open/NetBSD.  It may work on Linux, but
requires kernel 2.0.35 and isn't compatible with glibc.

Another guy ask -something like that- before,
I replied with an answer that worked ;-)

Here is my reply and maybe you can use 
parts of it:
(You don't want to use this route config ;-)

 This has been a while but here it goes:
 Please test if the next settings will do the trick.
 The debian box cannot be reached from the inet or lan,
 We can do something about the lan connection though...
 Note: Filtering firewall is WIDE open!
 Note: There is a route for all IP's because they are 
   on the same subnet (netmask) but NOT on the 
   same network device!
 Note: Youre gateway is
 root# ifconfig lo
 root# ifconfig eth0 promisc
 root# ifconfig eth1 promisc
 root# route add eth0
 root# route add eth0
 root# route add eth0
 root# route add eth0
 root# route add eth0
 root# route add eth1
 root# ipchains -P input ACCEPT
 root# ipchains -P forward ACCEPT
 root# ipchains -P ouput ACCEPT
 root# ipchains -F
 root# ipchains -X
 Please send me your results
 Good luck!

Re: New drive ready to partition. Just what some recommendations and suggestions.

2000-01-19 Thread Onno Ebbinge
Hmmm, does incremental backups sound good in this situation?



At 07:44 PM 1/18/00 +, John Gay wrote:

I've got some good suggestions, and apparently raised a few questions as well.
Let me outline my reasons for asking and what I hope to do:

I've got a CD-RW. I plan to use this for back-ups as well as software
publishing. I've also got a SCSI tape drive, but I'm not quite sure how to use
it yet. I've got / as a 500M partition. This is perfect for putting onto a
bootable CD-RW for emergency recovery. Being new, I've already screwed up my
system to the point where it wouldn't boot. Last time I had to do a complete

I would like to keep the other partitions small enough to put onto just a few
CD's each. Worst-case scenario, I trash a complete partition, I can recover 
just a few CD's. This also makes backing up each partition less work. I also
want to have a few partitions set aside for CD images. I would feel better
having a number of smaller partitions that I can back-up and recover quickly,
plus fsck would run faster, that just a few really big partitions and lots of
sym-links to hide the facts. I've read the multi-disk HOW-TO, as it has some
good info on partitions sizes and such. I've also read the FHS info as well. I
know StarOffice wants to install in /opt, and apt-get uses /var quite heavily. 
expect only three users, and maybe a business account, so mail shouldn't be too
much. At the moment I'm more concerned with being able to recover the various
system and user programmes before I make my next mistake as root, rather than
and user data. This would indicate a good scheme for recovering /usr. Probably
spitting it up may help, as long as my / partition would have enough to recover
the rest of the system in case of catastrophic failure.

Thanks again for your input. I'll have another read of the FHS documents and a
good think.

apt-get confused, how to repair?

2000-01-19 Thread Tapio Lehtonen
Hello all,

I seem to have a confused apt-get:

vendredi:~# apt-get check
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  debconf: Depends: fileutils (= 4.0-5) but it is not installed
  debhelper: Depends: fileutils (= 4.0-2.1) but it is not installed
  kernel-package: Depends: fileutils (= 3.16-4) but it is not installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.

vendredi:~# apt-get install fileutils
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 86 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 533kB of archives. After unpacking 1024B will be used.
Get:1 potato/main fileutils 4.0l-3 [533kB]
Fetched 533kB in 1s (516kB/s)
(Reading database ... 52491 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace fileutils 4.0l-2 (using
.../fileutils_4.0l-3_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement fileutils ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/fileutils_4.0l-3_i386.deb
 trying to overwrite `/bin/chgrp', which is also in package
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

-- 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 533kB of archives. After unpacking 1024B will be used.
Get:1 potato/main fileutils 4.0l-3 [533kB]
Fetched 533kB in 1s (516kB/s)
(Reading database ... 52491 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace fileutils 4.0l-2 (using
.../fileutils_4.0l-3_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement fileutils ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/fileutils_4.0l-3_i386.deb
 trying to overwrite `/bin/chgrp', which is also in package
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

It seems to me that /bin/chgrp is not in perl-5.005-base, apt-get just
thinks so. I have tried apt-get clean and autoclean, -f like apt-get
instructs, and running dselect but nothing helps. 

How should I proceed to get this system fixed? Is there a way to
recreate the database apt-get uses to store the installation state of
the system?
Tapio Lehtonen tel: +358 9 4131 2206
Tellabs Oy fax: +358 9 4131 2030
Sinimäentie 6  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
FIN-02630 ESPOOURL  http://www.Tellabs.FI/
FinlandSenior Systems Specialist
tel;cell:+358 40 590 1324
org:Tellabs Oy;RD Tools Competence Center
adr:;;Sinimäentie 6;Espoo;;FIN-02630;Finland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Systems Specialist
fn:Tapio Lehtonen

Re: Sound from cassete to mp3

2000-01-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi Antonio,

Antonio Rodriguez writes:
 What is the best way of transferring sound stored in cassete to mp3? Can
 this be done without the microphone?

you should be able to get an adaptor cable of the form 2-Chinch -
3.5mm (whatever this type of plug is called in English :-). These
cables are often part of a soundcard package.  If you do not own such
a cable, visit you local Hifi store.

Then connect your sound cards line in with the tapedecks output
sockets, hit record on your computer and play on you tapedeck.

If you own one of those compact stereos you'll have to check what type
of output sockets this machine offers.

I have to mention one thing,thoug:

Typically the sound quality of a regular tape is fairly low compared
to CD's, additionally there is always some background noise created by
the tape machine's motors.   You may be disappointed with the results
of your experient.  I'd simply see if I can buy the CD..

TTUL8R -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ***  ~, sweet ~ ***

Spell checker which understands HTML

2000-01-19 Thread Stephan Engelke \(Club Céronne\)

is anyone aware of a spellchecker that ignores HTML-tags while doing
its job?  Preferably one for which a German dictionary exists.  I know
that ispell is TeX- and nroff-aware (according to the manual), but I
have had no luck with HTML. I am running the ispell included in the
slink distribution - maybe I just missed a command line switch?!

Thanks for any hints in advance.

TTUL8R -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ***  ~, sweet ~ ***

Configuration of Exim

2000-01-19 Thread lorenzo . zampese
Hi to all!

I am not able to send remote e-mails by 'Exim', but only locally.

I have got a dial-up Linux Box (Debian 2.1), without a local network,
and I wish to deliver e-mails by my ISP's smart host.

I used 'eximconfig', but it didn't seem to set a good configuration for my
I have changed for a lot of times /etc/exim.conf but I can deliver

When I send e-mails to internet, my exim's configuration seems to work
butmy addresses don't receive my e-mails at all.
When I run 'fetchmail' it says something like this :
   Error 550, SMTP error, I can't relay mail for the following addresses :

NOTE 1: my ISP's user name is different than my Linux's user name,
so I need to use the exim's DB-rewrite feature,
that I tested successfully with 'exim -brw address'.
NOTE 2: my ISP connection works fine and it is well configured.
NOTE 3: '.fetchmailrc' is well configured too.

I don't know if I have to change something in '/etc/host' or what...
Please, is there anybody who can show me where I have to put the following
parameters in '/etc/exim.conf' ?

my hostname  :  xyz
Linux's user name:  myself_linux
my ISP account   :  myself
my address   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMTP server  :
POP3 server  :


Savage4 and Xserver question

2000-01-19 Thread Kovács Tamás


I have an Eagle S3 Savage4card. I try 
thedefault Svga X server on it, but this X server not support them. I 
finded on a Net one "handmade" svga X server ( i forget who made 
It's working now, but it's too slow.The 
window-moving on the 1024*765 resoution very "staccato".Otherwise, I use 
the latest stable Debian version (slink). I look for a faster X serverfor 
my Savage4 card.Can somebody help me?

Tamás Kovács

Re: Is potatoe's exim 3.12-1 OK?

2000-01-19 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
I had similar problems when I didn't use an smtp while sending mail to
certain adresses, only I use postfix. My error was:

(conversation with[] timed out while sending
end of data -- message may be sent more than once)

However, this turned out to be a router problem, not a Postfix
problem. So you might have the same problem. Have a look at and go to the FAQ. The exact description is at 
the item Mail fails with timeout or lost connection.

If you have this problem, you can't solve it yourself because it's
caused by some router fragmenting packets it should not fragment. 


Linux duckman 2.2.14 #1 Wed Jan 5 14:45:16 CET 2000 i586 unknown
 10:11am  up 2 days, 21:09,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.00

Re: Spell checker which understands HTML

2000-01-19 Thread Joey Hess
Stephan Engelke Club Céronne wrote:
 its job?  Preferably one for which a German dictionary exists.  I know
 that ispell is TeX- and nroff-aware (according to the manual), but I
 have had no luck with HTML. I am running the ispell included in the
 slink distribution - maybe I just missed a command line switch?!

In potato at least:

  -h The input file is in html format.

see shy jo

Re: Several problems

2000-01-19 Thread Dänzer

--- I can. Thank you. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have seen the same problem with the XF86_SVGA server with ATI cards. I
 could not switch between X and a virtual console without blanking the
 screen, freezing things, and other unpleasantness.
 I would suggest using an accelerated server if one is available, not only
 because it is much more stable and able to switch between video modes, but
 they're also typically a lot faster

And aren't free (neither as in beer nor as in speech ;)

XFree86 4.0 will beat 'em in most respects performance wise.

Another good idea might be to report this bug to XFree86 (include all
relevant logs and other server output please)


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Come on lorenzo, pleas stop the madness..

2000-01-19 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff

Hi lorenzo,

On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:01:50AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Return Receipt

  YourRe: Is potatoe's exim 3.12-1 OK?  

  was Lorenzo Zampese/Electrolux Professional   
  receivedS.P.A./Italy/Electrolux Group 

  at: 10.33.44 Today

I keep getting mails like this from you if I send an e-mail do
debian-users. Would you please be so kind to configer your mailer properly? 

I know you're out there because you just posted a message to debian-user
so please do something about it.

Slightly irritated,


Linux duckman 2.2.14 #1 Wed Jan 5 14:45:16 CET 2000 i586 unknown
 10:39am  up 2 days, 21:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.05, 0.01

Re: exponential dial PPP

2000-01-19 Thread Dänzer

--- Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dave == Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Dave I'm pretty sure that diald will do this.  Send it a 'force'
 Dave command and it will retry failed/dropped connections with
 Dave options for starting and maximum interval between retries.
 diald seemed to be an overkill for this application. I downloaded it
 and had a quick look (I didn't see the bit on intervals, so perhaps I
 was too quick), and saw that it required slip support to be compiled
 in the kernel. While I could compile SLIP support into the kernel, I
 doubt SLIP support is required in order to do what I want...
 I think diald is aimed at dial-on-demand, where my connection is
 permenant (or meant to be).

Have you looked at pppd's options, especially 'persistent' and the likes?


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Can't give non-root X access

2000-01-19 Thread Guyren G Howe
How do I give access to X from anything other than root? I get an error that
the user is not allowed to run X.

I realise that this probably involves xauth. But the explanations I can find
about how it works might as well be in Greek. They all talk about the name
of the host, for example. Why should I need this when I want to just be able
to create a non-root login on the same computer?

Can someone explain for me, step-by-step, how I let my non-root login use X?

Many thanks.

Re: fidogate resend

2000-01-19 Thread Paul
Thanks for the help Brian and Colin, as you can see I`ve still got a lot
of learning to do about Linux in general but I really want to get on
fidonet. I`ve been given  a point but I never realised that the software
would be so difficult.
Here`s the latest problems;

Brian May wrote:

 If it is a sh executable, I would try
 sh -x /usr/sbin/fidogateconfig

Here`s the last bit of output from the above command:

+ /etc/init.d/sendmail reload
+ inndcf
+ '[' '!' -f /usr/sbin/innd ']'
+ 'Please install innd!'
/usr/sbin/fidogateconfig: Please install innd!: command not found
+ return
+ rm -f /tmp/1323.tmp  

Colin Watson wrote:

/usr/lib/news/bin isn't normally on the PATH, which might be the
problem. You could either put it on the PATH with 'export
PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/news/bin' (but if fidogate itself, as well as its
configuration program, needs it then you might have to do a lot of
fiddling), or you could symlink /usr/sbin/innd to

(Debian inn doesn't normally install the daemon itself to
/usr/lib/news/bin. I take it this is a self-compiled package?)

This was a debian package. I tried to make a directory called
/usr/sbin/innd and link it to /usr/lib/news/bin/innd  with the

ln -s /usr/lib/news/bin/innd /user/sbin/innd  

In return for which I get:

 ln: cannot create symbolic link `/user/sbin/innd' to `/usr/lib/news/bi
n/innd': No such file or directory  

This is without doubt the most difficult software I`ve encountered on
Debian to date.
Paul Walton * Powered by * 
Cambridge* Debian GNU Linux *   
U.K.   * *
  * PGP Public Key: *

Re: NEW x problem :/

2000-01-19 Thread Dänzer

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think I discovered my problem, but another came up. Here it is: I was
 tweaking some of /etc/X11/XF86Config, where it configures the mouse. I
 modified /dev/mouse to /dev/ttyS3 (where my mouse is). X failed.

Have you set the correct mouse protocol/type in XF86Config?


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Realtek 8139 support ?

2000-01-19 Thread Johan De Messemaeker
Hi, yesterday, I installed Debian (frozen dist). I tried to compile my own
kernel 2.2.5.

However, i seems that there are no Realtek 8139-network drivers installed.
How comes ?
Should i download and install them manually ?

Thx, Johan

Re: help -- UDMA install....

2000-01-19 Thread Burt Kemp

Subject: Re: help -- UDMA install
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 23:34:38 -0800

A couple of things I would try also:

1) examine the motherboard to find out what type of UDMA support it has.  I
have an Asus MB with UDMA support but it only does UDMA-33.  I also have a
quantum 13gig UDMA-66 drive. I was having some problems with it, and went 
the quantum website.  I found there a util which somewhat described a 

I was having, and there was a utility to 'fix' the drive to UDMA-33.  This
didn't actually relate to my problem but the idea is to check out info on 

drives by the manufacturers and find out about what support the MB has.

2) I would also selectivly remove drives from the machine to see if another
drive is causing the problem.  Same ide channel?  Different ide channels?
Slaves / master conflict?

The drives should work on your MB.  There might in fact be a problem with 

maxtor drive.

As to UDMA support.. I am using the current stable kernel, and it does not
support my ide chipset.  So, I can't use UDMA support for my drives.  But
regardless, I can still function normally... It's just that disk/disk xfers
kind of suck.

Good luck.

- Paul

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 09:07:12AM +0100, Onno Ebbinge wrote:
 Just a few things you should check:

 Master/slave settings, isa card interferance,
 broken PCI cards, BIOS init, BIOS: NO PNP OS,
 broken chipsets, etc

 I hope this helps...



 At 01:26 PM 1/14/00 -0600, Marc D Chapman wrote:
 I'm currently trying to help a friend install Linux onto his
 system.  However, we are running into some massive problems.  Whenever 
 gets to the point where it is checking the disk for errors, or 
 the disk (basically any large amount of disk access), the system will 

 up completely.  One of his drives is a UDMA with on-motherboard support
 for this (there are a total of 3 hard drives and 1 CD-ROM on the IDE), 

 drive is a Maxtor 6 GB (I don't recall the model number).
 We tried a number of different distributions (Debian 2.1, Redhat 6.1,
 Mandrake), but all do the same thing.  Does anyone have any ideas as to
 what could be up (I checked the UDMA HOWTO, which didn't help, and also
 tried playing with drive settings (LBA vs. Large) also to no avail).  

 help is appreciated

I also had problems with Linux not detecting my ATA/66 (UDMA/66) drive.  My 
board supports ATA/66 but the current kernel does not.

Get Your Private, Free Email at


2000-01-19 Thread Alicia Benavent
Let me introduce myself. My name is Alicia Benavent. I'm staff editor of
two spanish magazines about the OS Linux. This
magazines are Sólo Linux and Linux Actual wich are published by Prensa
Prensa Técnica is a spanish editorial that publish magazines, books and
fascicles on Computer Science. Our magazines of OS
Linux are the best-sellers in Spain.
In this magazines there are a page of opinion. This page is writed by
important members from different enterprises, as Roland
Dyroff, CEO of SuSE Linux AG.
We are interesting about all enterprises can write in this page. If you
like to write in this page, please send me a mail to this
Thaks you
Great Regards
Alicia Benavent

Re: NEW x problem :/

2000-01-19 Thread Kovács Tamás
Can you try with XF86Setup?

- Original Message -
From: Michel Dänzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: NEW x problem :/

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think I discovered my problem, but another came up. Here it is: I was
  tweaking some of /etc/X11/XF86Config, where it configures the mouse. I
  modified /dev/mouse to /dev/ttyS3 (where my mouse is). X failed.

 Have you set the correct mouse protocol/type in XF86Config?


 Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
  -- Linus Torvalds

 If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
  -- Windows 95 BSOD
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Keyboard autorepeat

2000-01-19 Thread Ed Cogburn
Michel Dänzer wrote:
 --- Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There is, to me, something suspicious that I haven't noticed before.
  The last lines of the text console after starting X now include:
SetKbdSettings - type: 0 rate: 5 delay: 105 snumlk: 0
SetKbdSettings - succeeded
  Where is this coming from?  Its NOT the AutoRepeat thing in
  XF86Config, this is something new thats been added recently.
 Let's repeat it: It _is_ the AutoRepeat thing. It was ignored in former
 versions of XFree86.

Then there is another problem that I'm seeing because AutoRepeat does
nothing at all.  I can change the 250 to 500 or the 5 to 0, 6, or 15
and rerun X.  NO CHANGE.  Also, the SetKbdSettings lines do not change
either, the rate remains 5 and the delay 105.

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. --

Ed C.

Re: Hint: Finding packages with needed files

2000-01-19 Thread Dänzer

--- Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1. I have a USR V90 56k modem. If I let it connect at anything above
33600, the RX rate drops drastically - to around 1kB/s. Any
  But, do you think it will also help with this problem? It also shows up
  with virtually no load...
 Try doing a large zmodem download with minicom, if you get CRC
 errors when the HD is active then irqtune should fix it up.

Haven't tried that, but I am using irqtune now and the problem with disk
access stalling the serial device is gone. Thanks Bruce.

However, the above problem still remains. If I just initialize the modem with
'ATF1', it connects at 4 something bps. But I only get transfer rates
around 1 kB/s! Uploads are as fast as ever. OTOH after 'ATF1N21', it
connects at only 33600 bps, but I get 3.5 kB/s constantly.

Anyone has a suggestion about this one? Have I misconfigured my modem?
Doesn't my ISP support V90? ...


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Realtek 8139 support ?

2000-01-19 Thread Robert Varga

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Johan De Messemaeker wrote:

 Hi, yesterday, I installed Debian (frozen dist). I tried to compile my own
 kernel 2.2.5.
 However, i seems that there are no Realtek 8139-network drivers installed.
 How comes ?
 Should i download and install them manually ?
No, it is only that the driver is in the experimental section. Set the
flag concerning experimental features to set.

Robert Varga

problems setting horde

2000-01-19 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I'm having troubles setting horde (from frozen). The postinst
script gives me a error I could not solve. I even downgrade to pre6
version w/o success. 
Running dpkg --pending --configure gives:
Setting up horde (1.2.0.pre6-1.2) ...
dpkg: error processing horde (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

The same error occurs with pre7 (frozen version).
Do you know what's wrong?

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Come on lorenzo, pleas stop the madness..

2000-01-19 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:01:55AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am very sorry for my return receipt, but if I could disable it I would do

I don't  really believe that. 
Please contact your system administrator, look at the options, or
unsubscribe from debian user and subscribe with another mail addres,
perhaps a webmail service or something like that... 

The reward for answering your mail is a lot of crap from your mail
software, so that won't encourage people to answer your questions


 If somebody help me to configure 'exim', then I will not disturb anybody
 with my e-mails,
 and with my return receipts, because in that case I would use my Linux box,
 with a good
 MUA like MUTT.
 Sorry again.
-- Memo - Header ---
 To:   Lorenzo Zampese/Electrolux Professional S.P.A./Italy/Electrolux
 From: Wouter Hanegraaff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 19/01/2000 09.44.08 GMT
   19/01/2000 10.44.56
 Subject:  Come on lorenzo, pleas stop the madness..
 - Memo - Message --
 Hi lorenzo,
 On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:01:50AM +0100,
  Return Receipt
   YourRe: Is potatoe's exim 3.12-1 OK?
   was Lorenzo Zampese/Electrolux Professional
   receivedS.P.A./Italy/Electrolux Group
   at: 10.33.44 Today
 I keep getting mails like this from you if I send an e-mail do
 debian-users. Would you please be so kind to configer your mailer properly?
 I know you're out there because you just posted a message to debian-user
 so please do something about it.
 Slightly irritated,
 Linux duckman 2.2.14 #1 Wed Jan 5 14:45:16 CET 2000 i586 unknown
  10:39am  up 2 days, 21:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.05, 0.01

Linux daria 2.2.14 #1 Wed Jan 5 14:00:40 CET 2000 i586 unknown
 12:18pm  up  3:12,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.08

scsi-ide module

2000-01-19 Thread Aaron Stromas

could someone tell me where the scsi-ide module may be found? either in
binary for i386, kernel 2.0.36 or source. tia,

Aaron Stromas
Oracle Corp.

Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg
  (BRTN commentator, L'Alpe d'Huez, 1995 Tour de France)

tel;fax:+1 703-708 7923
tel;work:+1 703 708 6821
org:Oracle;Advanced Technology Solutions
adr:;;196 Van Buren Street;Herndon;Virginia;22070;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Principal consultant
fn:Stromas, Aaron 

Re: scsi-ide module

2000-01-19 Thread Peter Ross
On 19-Jan-2000, Aaron Stromas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 could someone tell me where the scsi-ide module may be found? either in
 binary for i386, kernel 2.0.36 or source. tia,
have a look in /lib/modules/2.0.36/scsi for ide-scsi.o


Re: scsi-ide module

2000-01-19 Thread Aaron Stromas
i did. also ran modprobe -l, it's not there.


Peter Ross wrote:

 On 19-Jan-2000, Aaron Stromas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  could someone tell me where the scsi-ide module may be found? either in
  binary for i386, kernel 2.0.36 or source. tia,
 have a look in /lib/modules/2.0.36/scsi for ide-scsi.o


Aaron Stromas
Oracle Corp.

Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg
  (BRTN commentator, L'Alpe d'Huez, 1995 Tour de France)

tel;fax:+1 703-708 7923
tel;work:+1 703 708 6821
org:Oracle;Advanced Technology Solutions
adr:;;196 Van Buren Street;Herndon;Virginia;22070;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Principal consultant
fn:Stromas, Aaron 

Re: mutt not y2k compliant???

2000-01-19 Thread David Wright
Quoting Brian May ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 ii  mutt0.95.3-0.2 Text-based mailreader ...
 Date: Mon, 10 Jan 00 12:59:30 +1100
 Most programs recognise 00 as the year 2000 (eg Gnus). Not mutt
 though - it displays the same entry as:
  188   * Feb 16 Ger Vloothuis   (   0) Y2K roll call
 How can mutt get so confused it replaces 10 Jan with 16 Feb???

It's actually completely screwed up; the year is 2036 though
you can't see it. It will only handle years 1970 through 2038
correctly. 0 and 1 catch it out and produce this screw-up,
most other dates seem to make it choose a different source
than the Date: header (after all there are plenty to choose from).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

ntp socket

2000-01-19 Thread Tim Thomas
Can anyone tell me why I am getting this ?
 What else would be using that socket ?

- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon root -

Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 06:00:05 -0600
From: root (Cron Daemon)
To: root
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] ntpdate  
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root

19 Jan 06:00:05 ntpdate[12943]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting

- End forwarded message -

Tim Thomas

Description: PGP signature

Re: IP Masq

2000-01-19 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi Ethan,

  Many thanks on the IP masquerading HOWTO. I'll download it
  and read it.

  I used to remember that debian has different way to compile
  the kernel.  Is there an HOWTO on Debian kernel compile/install.

  Secondly, I looked at all the packages that I've mirror on slink,
  I saw the base directory has only kernel-image-2.03[3-8]_2.3..
  My question is what is version 2.0 and 2.2 that you mentioned
  in your email(included).  What diff, and which to use.

  Lastly, what is in the ipmasg package?

  Thank you very much again!

Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 18/1/2000 Timothy C. Phan wrote:
I'd like to know if the slink kernel is built with IP Masq?
Or could someone point me to where can I find information
on setup a IP Masq linux box.  TIA!
 Check out the IP masquerading HOWTO, on your favorite HOWTO mirror.
 it explains all the options you need to enable when recompiling your
 kernel (if you need to, i never use stock kernels for any longer then
 it takes to compile my own) it also goes over in detail how to
 configure everything properly, for both 2.0 and 2.2 kernels.
 potato and possibly slink have a ipmasq package which seems to work
 right out the box if your kernel is ipmasq compiled, though i think
 it would be a good idea to read the howto and go over those rules to
 make sure they are appropriate for your environment.  (you may have
 differing security requirements etc)

Re: scsi-ide module - FOUND

2000-01-19 Thread Aaron Stromas
i found  the source in the kernel source package. thanks,

Peter Ross wrote:

 On 19-Jan-2000, Aaron Stromas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  could someone tell me where the scsi-ide module may be found? either in
  binary for i386, kernel 2.0.36 or source. tia,
 have a look in /lib/modules/2.0.36/scsi for ide-scsi.o


Aaron Stromas
Oracle Corp.

Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg
  (BRTN commentator, L'Alpe d'Huez, 1995 Tour de France)

tel;fax:+1 703-708 7923
tel;work:+1 703 708 6821
org:Oracle;Advanced Technology Solutions
adr:;;196 Van Buren Street;Herndon;Virginia;22070;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Principal consultant
fn:Stromas, Aaron 

potato - where's lp

2000-01-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I found it.  Oops!  You have to say yes to parallel
device in general setup to get printer support in char
devices.  Maybe I'm loosing my marbles but I didn't
remember this connection in the 2.0 kernel config. 
Also the help calls the parellel device option out for
things like zip drives etc... not printers in general.
 Is this connection new in 2.2?

Also I thought that there was support for USB in 2.2,
but I havn't found it in the menu config items (yet). 
I did select prompt for experimental code.  

One last question is potato now linked to frozen? 
Should I change my sources.list to point to frozen or
potato instead of unstable now?


Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Transparent network bridge+filter?

2000-01-19 Thread Jeff Noxon
You have an interesting idea, but it won't work in my case.  I have to
put this between a pair of Cisco routers running EIGRP.  They won't see
each other if the router discovery packets (etc.) aren't forwarded by
a bridge.  I also can't guarantee that the address of the router on one
side won't change -- it is not under my control.



On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 08:42:00AM +0100, Onno Ebbinge wrote:
 At 02:08 PM 1/18/00 -0600, Jeff Noxon wrote:
 Can anything that runs on Linux do reliable network bridging  filtering?
 I need a transparent filter that I can drop into an existing network.
 Ipfilter will do the job with Open/NetBSD.  It may work on Linux, but
 requires kernel 2.0.35 and isn't compatible with glibc.
 Another guy ask -something like that- before,
 I replied with an answer that worked ;-)
 Here is my reply and maybe you can use 
 parts of it:
 (You don't want to use this route config ;-)
  This has been a while but here it goes:
  Please test if the next settings will do the trick.
  The debian box cannot be reached from the inet or lan,
  We can do something about the lan connection though...
  Note: Filtering firewall is WIDE open!
  Note: There is a route for all IP's because they are 
on the same subnet (netmask) but NOT on the 
same network device!
  Note: Youre gateway is
  root# ifconfig lo
  root# ifconfig eth0 promisc
  root# ifconfig eth1 promisc
  root# route add eth0
  root# route add eth0
  root# route add eth0
  root# route add eth0
  root# route add eth0
  root# route add eth1
  root# ipchains -P input ACCEPT
  root# ipchains -P forward ACCEPT
  root# ipchains -P ouput ACCEPT
  root# ipchains -F
  root# ipchains -X
  Please send me your results

Re: potato - where's lp

2000-01-19 Thread Philip Blundell
devices.  Maybe I'm loosing my marbles but I didn't
remember this connection in the 2.0 kernel config. 
Also the help calls the parellel device option out for
things like zip drives etc... not printers in general.
 Is this connection new in 2.2?

Yes, it is new in 2.2.

Also I thought that there was support for USB in 2.2,
but I havn't found it in the menu config items (yet). 
I did select prompt for experimental code.  

I don't think there is any (usable) USB in 2.2.  Upgrade to 2.3 or wait for 


severe xfree86 hassles

2000-01-19 Thread Steve Winston
I continue with xfree86 problems. After downloading and configuring version
3.3.6, startx fails with what appears to be a keyboard error.
I use a Microsoft natural keyboard. Any suggestions? HEPppp
The messages:
System: '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1
-R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11xkb -xkm -m us_microsoft -eml The XKEYBOARD keymap
compiler (xkbcomp) reports:  -emp  -eml
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the Xserver
keymap/xfree86 compiled/xfree86.xkm'
Fatal Server error:
Could not open default font 'fixed'
x connection to: 00 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: potato - where's lp

2000-01-19 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Also I thought that there was support for USB in 2.2, but I havn't
 found it in the menu config items (yet).  I did select prompt for
 experimental code.

You also need to modify arch/i386/ and uncomment the line

# source drivers/usb/

for the item to show up.  But be aware that there are reasons that you
need to go through this extra hoop: the USB code in 2.2.x is pretty much
useless with anything but keyboards and mice.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: GRUB problems with Deb 2.0

2000-01-19 Thread Lars Weber

David Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 A GRUB floppy won't boot my old system which has a 486/66, 16 MB
 RAM, VL bus mother board, adaptec 2840 with (now) one 1GB scsi drive
 (Bios is enabled on the controller for that drive)  and a scsi CD
 ROM.  Linux 2.0 is on /dev/sda1, swap is on /dev/sda2. 2.0.34
 Kernel. The kernel is redev'ed to these parameters. 

I've heard that older versions of GRUB are having problems with ext2
file-systems created by recent versions of the e2fsprogs.  As you say
that you have reinstalled your system, you might want to try a newer
one (I don't know when exactly this has been fixed - I'm using 0.93.1
which works fine).

 I thought that grub understood ext2 file system and could
 thereby avoid the 500MB/1024 cylender problem. Can this  
 be wrong?!?

It's right, but only if you are using LBA.

Hope this helps,
 LocalWords:  LBA

Re: Can't give non-root X access

2000-01-19 Thread Ethan Benson

On 19/1/2000 Guyren G Howe wrote:

How do I give access to X from anything other than root? I get an error that
the user is not allowed to run X.

I realise that this probably involves xauth. But the explanations I can find
about how it works might as well be in Greek. They all talk about the name
of the host, for example. Why should I need this when I want to just be able
to create a non-root login on the same computer?

Can someone explain for me, step-by-step, how I let my non-root login use X?

nope /etc/X11/Xserver  first line is the path to your selected X 
server, the second is who is permitted to run it, options being 
RootOnly, Console (local ttys NOT ptys) and AnyBody (remote, local 
anyone with a shell)


Re: IP Masq

2000-01-19 Thread Ethan Benson

On 19/1/2000 Timothy C. Phan wrote:

  Many thanks on the IP masquerading HOWTO. I'll download it
  and read it.

  I used to remember that debian has different way to compile
  the kernel.  Is there an HOWTO on Debian kernel compile/install.

yes but its not required, get the kernel-package package and read its 
docs, it lets you create kernel  .debs like debian distributes.

  Secondly, I looked at all the packages that I've mirror on slink,
  I saw the base directory has only kernel-image-2.03[3-8]_2.3..
  My question is what is version 2.0 and 2.2 that you mentioned
  in your email(included).  What diff, and which to use.

kernel 2.0 is used in slink, potato uses kernel 2.2, 2.2 is a better 
kernel to use for ip masq IMO.  I am not certain if any debian 
packaged kernel has IP masq compiled in though, i suspect they do.

  Lastly, what is in the ipmasg package?

basically a set of prewritten ipchains rules to protect the internal 
private network, prevent spoofing and to set up the masqerading.  you 
install it and your done pretty much, i have looked at it and it 
seems sufficient.  do note that it does nothing to protect the 
firewall itself, it works on the assumption you disable all its 
services.  if not you need to setup some ipchains rules yourself 
(which i am now trying to do...)

  Thank you very much again!


Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Help gettin' X to work...

2000-01-19 Thread Rob Hensley
Hi, i recently ran 'apt-get install xf86setup xserver-svga' and installed
the svga x server as my default. After configuring it and everything, I
tried to run 'startx', but it didn't exist. So then I went into
/usr/X11R6/bin/ and ran './startx'. That's where I got the error:

X: X: cannot execute binary file

Then it just sits there. Is there anyway somone could give me
step-by-step directions on installing a working x windows system with
gnome and enlightenment? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Bye.

Rob Hensley

Double-Image in X

2000-01-19 Thread Kent West
Okay, I've struggled with this for two days, and tried to find
the answer myself to avoid adding traffic to the list, but no go.

I've just installed Debian for a friend on his Gateway P5-120
upgraded to P5-180. It has a 1MB Cirrus 5446 card in it.

When I start X, I get a double-image, one atop the other (imagine
squeezing your monitor's image to half-height, then making a
xerox copy of it, then placing them so the bottom edge of the top
image touches the top edge of the bottom image).

I've tried running both XF86Setup and xf86config several times,
both modifying the existing XF86Config file and removing it
entirely and starting over from scratch.

I've tried both the SVGA and VGA_16 servers.

I've tried all manner of modeline configurations and resolution

I've tried xvidtune.

If instead of choosing the 5446 card (or STB Nitro Video or
STB Nitro) in the XF86Setup list and choose Unsupported
VGA Compatible instead, I can get a working 640x480 display, but
it's ugly and full of flicker.

I did an ftp (apt) install from Stable, so whatever version of X
is there is what is on this box.

Thanks for any clues!

gpm repeating Intellimouse protocol?

2000-01-19 Thread ferret

Has anyone gotten gpm to repeat in Intellimouse protocol for X? I'm trying
to get my wheel mouse (logitech forst mouse+ serial) to work with wheel
events alongside my USB generic 3-button.

According to
Zephaniah E. Hull (GPM's maintainer) says that the gpm in Potato (which my
machine is running) will repeat into ms3 protocol. Unfortunately, when I
set up X to use protocol IntelliMouse with device /dev/gpmdata I get the
classic `pointer stays in top left corner and acts jumpy' behaviour. X
works with MouseSystems protocol even when gpm is (supposedly) repeating
in ms3 protocol. (gpm -t ms3 -R ms3). gpm repeating in raw mode didn't
seem to work with ANY X mouse protocol I tried.

Looks like a bug somewhere, but is it that potato's gpm is supposed to
repeat intellimouse but doesn't, or is it a bug in my setup? 

Re: gpm repeating Intellimouse protocol?

2000-01-19 Thread Zephaniah E. Hull
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 08:10:02AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone gotten gpm to repeat in Intellimouse protocol for X? I'm trying
 to get my wheel mouse (logitech forst mouse+ serial) to work with wheel
 events alongside my USB generic 3-button.
 According to
 Zephaniah E. Hull (GPM's maintainer) says that the gpm in Potato (which my
 in ms3 protocol. (gpm -t ms3 -R ms3). gpm repeating in raw mode didn't
 Looks like a bug somewhere, but is it that potato's gpm is supposed to
 repeat intellimouse but doesn't, or is it a bug in my setup? 

There was a bug in the init scripts up until a few days ago, you want
'-Rms3' not '-R ms3'..


Zephaniah E. Hull.

 PGP EA5198D1-Zephaniah E. Hull [EMAIL PROTECTED]-GPG E65A7801
Keys available at
   CCs of replies from mailing lists are encouraged.

Overfiend Espy: oh yes, Espy, let me ride your sparcbeast

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sound from cassete to mp3

2000-01-19 Thread Bob Billson
Stephan Engelke writes:
  What is the best way of transferring sound stored in cassete to mp3? Can
  this be done without the microphone?
 you should be able to get an adaptor cable of the form 2-Chinch -
 3.5mm (whatever this type of plug is called in English :-). These
 cables are often part of a soundcard package.  If you do not own such
 a cable, visit you local Hifi store.
 Then connect your sound cards line in with the tapedecks output
 sockets, hit record on your computer and play on you tapedeck.

Also take a look a the package gramofile.  It was originally written
to transfer those old antique analog CDs (otherwise known as
records) :) to digitized form.  I've been using it very successfully
to transfer old Jean Shepherd radio shows on cassette to mp3.

gramofile has a nice graphic (ncurses) VU-meter so you can properly
set record levels.  The resulting digitized file is not an mp3,
however.  It is a .wav.  So you will need to wav to mp3 encoder.  I've
used both bladeenc and lame.  On my 486/133, lame seems to do a better
job for me.  (I'm not sure if lame is debianized.)

Make sure you have plenty of hard drive space available.  A 45-minute
radio show ends up as an ~500 MB .wav.  When converted to an mp3, it
ranges from ~10 to ~17 MB depending on the bitrate you choose to
encode it at.

 Typically the sound quality of a regular tape is fairly low compared
 to CD's, additionally there is always some background noise created by
 the tape machine's motors.   You may be disappointed with the results

Agreed.  Tape-mp3 will definitely not be of CD quality.  However, 
if you are willing to accept the lower sound quality or if there is no
CD available, this might do the trick.

bob billson   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ham: kc2wz
(\  /)
  Linux{|||8-  beekeeper ...3 years  -8|||}
   Join the snowball!!  (/   60,000 head of livestock   \)

Re: GRUB problems with Deb 2.0

2000-01-19 Thread David Teague
On 19 Jan 2000, Lars Weber wrote:

Hi Lars.
 David Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  A GRUB floppy won't boot my old system which has a 486/66, 16 MB
 I've heard that older versions of GRUB are having problems with ext2
 file-systems created by recent versions of the e2fsprogs.  

This is Debian 2.0, so the version of e2fs is not recent.

 As you say that you have reinstalled your system, you might want
 to try a newer one (I don't know when exactly this has been fixed
 - I'm using 0.93.1 which works fine). 

This is the GRUB off a Dec 30 1999 snapshot of Potato, right off the
server. I'll check the version, but I suspect it is quite recent.
  I thought that grub understood ext2 file system and could
  thereby avoid the 500MB/1024 cylender problem. Can this  
  be wrong?!?
 It's right, but only if you are using LBA.

No LBA on this 1Gig drive, it is scsi. I got whatever Adaptec 2840
gives me.  Can I change geometry in some way?

It looks like I'll have to save my data, make a small boot partition
where I'll put the kernel, and reinstall. It WILL be Potato this
time, dadgummit. 

Many thanks.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

help with ftp site please

2000-01-19 Thread dkphoto
I am trying to download a basic package for the 68K Mac from the Debian 
ftp site and could use some help please.

 Files seem to be spread all over with no rhyme or reason. As a result I 
can't be sure what I need or where to find it (and I've installed Debian 
once before and BSD once too). There seems to be a basic package that is 
not clearly labeled as such (just Debian) and is, to my way of 
thinking, way too small to be a full basic install. (About 14 megs 
stuffed, including the Base2.1gz file which of course was somewhere else 
on the ftp site. WHY?WHY?WHY?). The minimalist information on the web 
site also seems to suggest very strongly that there are no man pages 
included with the above package, but that the man pages must be 
downloaded separately, also difficult to make sense of, from a separate 
page. The packages page took me a couple of hours to find at all, then 
when I did, it made little sense. I opened the X windows page and found 
everything in there EXCEPT X windows!!! Unless the Debian folks have 
performed a Guiness class miracle in compact software design, Xwindows is 
certainly not contained in the Debian package, it also isn't in the X 
folder of the ftp site, so can anyone give me a clue as to where it might 

Why on earth can't they put together some basic packages and clearly 
label them?:

1. minimal system install
2. full system install
3. full system + Xwindows install
4. all the other stuff you might need or want thrown in a box

Do they really think that someone wanting to install Linux might not want 
the man pages? Is that why they are off in some other corner of the web 
site? I can accept the argument, Linux is difficult to install. I can 
also accept the argument that, Linux is difficult to learn. But I find 
it hard to accept the argument that, Because they're Linux files, it is 
difficult to clearly organize and label them on the ftp site.

Thanks for letting me blow off steam. And TIA for helping me make sense 
out of this gibberish.

David Kachel

Re: severe xfree86 hassles

2000-01-19 Thread John Gould
Looks to me like you've got the fonts missing. The message says that the
keyboard error is not fatal to the server.

Regards JohnG 

_/  John Gould  _/
_/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
_/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
_/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
_/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
_/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

On 19 Jan 2000, Steve Winston wrote:

 I continue with xfree86 problems. After downloading and configuring version
 3.3.6, startx fails with what appears to be a keyboard error.
 I use a Microsoft natural keyboard. Any suggestions? HEPppp
 The messages:
 System: '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1
 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11xkb -xkm -m us_microsoft -eml The XKEYBOARD keymap
 compiler (xkbcomp) reports:  -emp  -eml
 Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the Xserver
 keymap/xfree86 compiled/xfree86.xkm'
 Fatal Server error:
 Could not open default font 'fixed'
 x connection to: 00 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: severe xfree86 hassles

2000-01-19 Thread aphro
the problem is not keyboard related it is font related. make sure you have
xfonts-base installed.


On 19 Jan 2000, Steve Winston wrote:

xee42 I continue with xfree86 problems. After downloading and configuring 
xee42 3.3.6, startx fails with what appears to be a keyboard error.
xee42 I use a Microsoft natural keyboard. Any suggestions? HEPppp
xee42 The messages:
xee42 System: '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1
xee42 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11xkb -xkm -m us_microsoft -eml The XKEYBOARD keymap
xee42 compiler (xkbcomp) reports:  -emp  -eml
xee42 Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the Xserver
xee42 keymap/xfree86 compiled/xfree86.xkm'
xee42 Fatal Server error:
xee42 Could not open default font 'fixed'
xee42 x connection to: 00 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)
xee42 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
xee42 -- 
xee42 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
8:31am up 152 days, 20:35, 1 user, load average: 1.57, 1.57, 1.56

IBM PS/1 Consultant problem

2000-01-19 Thread Bradley Pursley
Well, I'm pulling out of the mailing list, but I
wanted to leave you all with the results of what I
discovered after playing around with my settings on my
computer and such.

I found that no-way-no-how will Linux boot from
the floppy drive on my PS/1 Consultant (486 based)
computer, but it will boot and install from the Hard
Drive just fine and dandy.  I had to do an install
from a DOS partition in order to install it on my
system and then discovered that the packages I need to
get it running on my system exceeded the amount of
space on my Hard Drive that I was willing to use.  So,
I removed it and this is why I am pulling out for now.

There are no BIOS settings that can be changed to
eliminate this problem on this computer and I have no
idea why it won't boot from only the floppy drive.

I would like to thank you all for what little
input and help was given to me on this problem and
hope to try this again sometime in the near future.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Come on lorenzo, pleas stop the madness..

2000-01-19 Thread Mike Werner

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:01:55AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If somebody help me to configure 'exim', then I will not disturb anybody
  with my e-mails,
  and with my return receipts, because in that case I would use my Linux box,
  with a good
  MUA like MUTT.

Are you not reading your email?  I sent my *entire* exim.conf to the list
last night.  I know it made it to the list because I got a copy back from
the list last night - hours before you sent the bit I quoted above.  And if
I've counted correctly you've sent your request to the list seven times now.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: ntp socket

2000-01-19 Thread Mike Werner
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 08:26:19AM -0600, Tim Thomas wrote:
 Can anyone tell me why I am getting this ?
  What else would be using that socket ?
 - Forwarded message from Cron Daemon root -
 Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 06:00:05 -0600
 From: root (Cron Daemon)
 To: root
 Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] ntpdate  
 X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
 X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
 X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
 19 Jan 06:00:05 ntpdate[12943]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting

I was getting that message when xntpd was running.

HAL9000:/etc/init.d# ntpdate
19 Jan 11:51:49 ntpdate[1204]: step time server offset -27.728177 
HAL9000:/etc/init.d# ./xntp3 start
Starting /usr/sbin/xntpd...
HAL9000:/etc/init.d# ntpdate
19 Jan 11:52:00 ntpdate[1208]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting
HAL9000:/etc/init.d# ./xntp3 stop
HAL9000:/etc/init.d# ntpdate
19 Jan 11:52:09 ntpdate[1211]: adjust time server offset -0.047750 

Try killing xntpd before doing the ntpdate, then restarting xntpd afterward.
Or just kill xntpd period.  I'm really not sure what the relationship is
between the two - other than they won't play nice together. ;)
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

weird ppp output (fwd)

2000-01-19 Thread 2
I've been getting weird protocol junk on my ppp logs:

Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  41 41 41 41 41 41 2f 36 55 61 6c 69 6e a6 
da d4 2e 68 74 6d 22 3e 20 47 92 15 37 3a 30 74 61 72 67 03 86 7f 48 54 59 09 
3a 20 48 57 18 76 f7 6e 20 32 30 30 30 77 38 8e f6 28 81 c9 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 
6e 74
2e 70 58 19 20 28 5b 32 a9 97 2e 30 49 6e 3f 3e 20
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  74 52 10 92 2a 71 95 11 75 6e 74 79 e2 c9 
8c 16 67 41 50 6f 72 64 65 72 3d 30 0b da c0 15 ad b9 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0d 17 01 20 72 6f 72 
65 73
74 20 00 7c 04 6c 1e be 82 20 42 3f 06 e6 87 a3 67
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  90 31 b8 6d 73 6e 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 63 67 69 
2d 32 30 30 20 4f 4b 2c 48 f8 f8 2e 6d 73 6e 2e 63 6f 22 3e 3c 2f 61 3e 3c 2f 
74 64 3e 0a 3c 2b 0a 10 00 00 3f 62 6f 78 20 68 a6 65 8c 1a 00 00 41 41 41 41 
41 41
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0d
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  b3 ca]
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]: rcvd [proto=0x11] df 25 a5 4e 6e 28 22 14 2b
fc 99 69 6d 67 20 73 72 63 3d 20 69 6e 73 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 8c 7a 67 41 41
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  41 42 91 1b 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0d 0a 41 41 ec d9 00 00 07 08 67 41 41 41 42 34 5f 
cf 3e ff 6e 6e 69 3c 61 20 68 05 5d ff 5b 62 6f 6f 9d 9e 57 35 c8 76 2f 66 6f 
6e 74
00 3f 06 27 62 22 bc c9 a7 3e 00 42 69 76 70 61 32
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  41 41 41 41 41 41 2f 36 55 61 6c 69 6e a6 
da d4 2e 68 74 6d 22 3e 20 47 92 15 37 3a 30 74 61 72 67 03 86 7f 48 54 59 09 
3a 20 48 57 18 76 f7 6e 20 32 30 30 30 77 38 8e f6 28 81 c9 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 
6e 74
2e 70 58 19 20 28 5b 32 a9 97 2e 30 49 6e 3f 3e 20
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  74 52 10 92 2a 71 95 11 75 6e 74 79 e2 c9 
8c 16 67 41 50 6f 72 64 65 72 3d 30 0b da c0 15 ad b9 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0d 17 01 20 72 6f 72 
65 73
74 20 00 7c 04 6c 1e be 82 20 42 3f 06 e6 87 a3 67
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  90 31 b8 6d 73 6e 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 63 67 69 
2d 32 30 30 20 4f 4b 2c 48 f8 f8 2e 6d 73 6e 2e 63 6f 22 3e 3c 2f 61 3e 3c 2f 
74 64 3e 0a 3c 2b 0a 10 00 00 3f 62 6f 78 20 68 a6 65 8c 1a 00 00 41 41 41 41 
41 41
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0d
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  b3 ca]
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]: rcvd [proto=0x11] df 25 a5 4e 6e 28 22 14 2b
fc 99 69 6d 67 20 73 72 63 3d 20 69 6e 73 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 8c 7a 67 41 41
Jan 20 00:02:18 butler pppd[2071]:  41 42 91 1b 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0d 0a 41 41 ec d9 00 00 07 08 67 41 41 41 42 34 5f 
cf 3e ff 6e 6e 69 3c 61 20 68 05 5d ff 5b 62 6f 6f 9d 9e 57 35 c8 76 2f 66 6f 
6e 74
00 3f 06 27 62 22 bc c9 a7 3e 00 42 69 76 70 61 32

this fills my log files in a rediculous manner and lags all internet 
traffic, eventually causing the ppp connection to be killed. has anyone seen
this before and can tell me what the problem is? the ppp connection is 
between Debian Linux and Microsoft NT.


da Bobstopper
(Robert Marlow)

Re: terminals

2000-01-19 Thread Joe Block
Mike Werner wrote:
 What you should do is add lines like these - one line for each tty that
 you want.  For example to add one more tty you would add the line:
 7:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty7
 and after a reboot you would have tty's 1 through 7.  At least I *think*
 you have to reboot - I could be wrong on that one.  But this should at
 least point you in the right direction.

I think you can just kill -HUP 1 as root

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

X Windows Video

2000-01-19 Thread Michael Zielinski
Warningnew user...terminology may not be completely correct. ;-)

I've installed distribution 2.1 that comes with the O'Reily book and
have been using it via the bash shell and learning various commands. 
Now I would like to install X Windows, but I can't quite figure out my
video chipset.

I have an ATI Rage 128 Pro 16MB.  I went to the ATI site to determine
if it uses one of the Mach chipset, but it appears that the Rage Pro is
its own chipset.  If I'm correct on this, will any of the other xfree
installs work for me?

I have subscribed to the user list but did not receive any additional
message in response to my confirmation reply.  On other lists, I'm used
to having a welcome message come back giving me additional instructions
and commands.  Please CC: me in case I'm not subscribed correctly.

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Re: help with ftp site please

2000-01-19 Thread David Wright
Quoting dkphoto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I am trying to download a basic package for the 68K Mac from the Debian 
 ftp site and could use some help please.
  Files seem to be spread all over with no rhyme or reason. As a result I 
 can't be sure what I need or where to find it (and I've installed Debian 
 once before and BSD once too). There seems to be a basic package that is 
 not clearly labeled as such (just Debian) and is, to my way of 
 thinking, way too small to be a full basic install. (About 14 megs 
 stuffed, including the Base2.1gz file which of course was somewhere else 
 on the ftp site. WHY?WHY?WHY?).

I think you might have missed the installation guide in
debian/dists/slink/main/disks-m68k/current/mac/install.txt which
tells you which files you need to get started, viz.

 * mac/install.sit.hqx (StuffIt archive of the installation files),
 * mac/Debian-m68k-2.1-Mac.img.hqx (DiskCopy 4.2 image of the 'rescue'
   floppy), and
 * mac/resc1440.bin ('rescue' floppy image)
 * mac/drv1440.bin ('drivers' floppy image)
 * common/base2_1.tgz

base is in the common/ directory because all the other m68k machines
use it too.

 The minimalist information on the web 
 site also seems to suggest very strongly that there are no man pages 
 included with the above package, but that the man pages must be 
 downloaded separately, also difficult to make sense of, from a separate 

If you look in common/, you will see that people who are installing
from floppies have to download 7 (or 13) more floppies. Were the
man pages included, this number would increase dramatically.

The installation uses a bootstrap principle, where the first
rescue disk contains enough to run a linux system on a file system
in memory, which builds the small linux system on disk, which can
then download the packages (by ftp, CD etc.) you need to build the
type of system you want.

The multiple pages, or directories, are designed to keep the huge
number of package files organised into manageably-sized directories,
by distributions, licence categories, chip architectures, etc.

 The packages page took me a couple of hours to find at all, then 
 when I did, it made little sense. I opened the X windows page and found 
 everything in there EXCEPT X windows!!! Unless the Debian folks have 
 performed a Guiness class miracle in compact software design, Xwindows is 
 certainly not contained in the Debian package, it also isn't in the X 
 folder of the ftp site, so can anyone give me a clue as to where it might 

I'm not sure what you mean by the X windows page or the Debian package
or the X folder. The X packages are in
debian/dists/slink/main/binary-m68k/x11/ but using dselect (which the
installation process automatically starts) avoids your having to type
all that.

 Why on earth can't they put together some basic packages and clearly 
 label them?:
 1. minimal system install
 2. full system install
 3. full system + Xwindows install
 4. all the other stuff you might need or want thrown in a box

If the installation dialogues are the same for macs as x86, you
will be asked for a machine profile just before entering dselect,
though it's not obligatory to choose one.

 Do they really think that someone wanting to install Linux might not want 
 the man pages? Is that why they are off in some other corner of the web 

See above. What appears to be a corner is the right place for
dselect to find it, according to your chosen distribution, architecture,

 I can accept the argument, Linux is difficult to install. I can 
 also accept the argument that, Linux is difficult to learn. But I find 
 it hard to accept the argument that, Because they're Linux files, it is 
 difficult to clearly organize and label them on the ftp site.

The labelling is via the Packages files which are designed for
programs like dselect to read and present to the user.

 Thanks for letting me blow off steam. And TIA for helping me make sense 
 out of this gibberish.

So the intention is not that you peruse the directories (though you can
do that if you're familiar with them), but to get the disks-m68k files
you need, and then use the tools as they present themselves.

Good luck.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

BW vs color, bsd vs linux

2000-01-19 Thread dkphoto
Do I understand this correctly?

netBSD will boot only in BW on the 68Kmac, while DebianLinux will boot 
in color??? Is that correct?

David Kachel

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