Re: Ayuda con el correo

2000-02-02 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Tue, Feb 01, 2000,
Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren...

 Agradecería  a cualquiera  que hay  hecho una  configuración
 funcional de correo con WANADOO que me eche una mano (aunque

$ cat ~/.fetchmailrc
proto POP3
user x
pass  -- la misma que para conectar
is cosme here

Como MTA  utilizo Sendmail  configurado para enviar  el correo
directamente al  destinatario, sin pasar por  el servidor SMTP
de Wanadoo.

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf


Un saludo.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cadena para el módem [era] RE:[OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

2000-02-02 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 25 de nov de 1999, a las 09:39:14 -0500,  jcarlos  va y dice:

 Quiero proteger mi módem antes de que a algún listillo le dé por
 mandarme la cadenita (aunque de todas maneras no me pasó nada con los
 mensajes del thread).

añade: S2=255 a la cadena de inicialización de tu modem.

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... Aqui Challenger, despegue Ok, pasamos control a windows.BOUMM!

Re: Debian y KDE

2000-02-02 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Alejandro,

On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 12:56:56AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hola gente una pregunta, alguien conoce alguna URL para poner en mi 
 que tenga paquetes del KDE.

Si tienes 32MBytes de RAM el KDE usa swap para todo (que lo sepas)

La manera más rápida que se me ocurre de probar el KDE es instalar en una
 partición el CorelLinux :-)

 Yo uso FVWM2 para mi es muy comodo, todos estaran diciendo 
 UH QUE ANTIGUO!!! lo uso desde que uso Linux, desde mi comienzos con 
 he probado algunos  pero estoy muy acostumbrado a este y no me encuentro con

Fijate los años que tiene Unix y miranos ;-)

Yo uso WindowMaker (Slink) y de momento no lo cambio por nada que he probado.

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.13

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)


2000-02-02 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

  Creo que los bugs deben ser reportados en Ingles. Si estoy equivocado
  que alguien me informe. En caso contrario creo que esto supone un
  desperdicio de recursos. Ignoro si hay planes para que la comunidad
  hispana pueda colaborar en su propio idioma en el tratamiento de bugs.
   No lo creo, el hecho de utilizar el inglés es que todos los
 desarrolladores se manejan en ese idioma, es el único requisito idiomático
 para ser desarrollador.
   Si tuvieramos herramientas de traducción automática quizás se podría
 trabajar en el tema.
   Tener una base de datos independiente para los bugs en castellano no
 lo veo viable porque aún no hay suficientes desarroladores hispano
 parlantes y si aún no se han traducido documentos importantes de Debian
 mucho menos nos vamos a meter a traducir los bugs que lleguen.

Planteado así sería una locura pero no todos los bugs son igual de
importantes ni todos son fáciles de detectar. Se pueden traducir los
más importantes, se pueden clasificar sin traducir los medianamente 
interesantes, y se puede ignorar el resto. Bueno quizas esto no resulte
de gran interes porque el volumen de colaboración en Ingles debe de ser
muy alto pero los bugs dependientes del idioma no están precisamente
favorecidos. Existe alguna forma de saber que bugs podrían ser reportados
en otro idioma además del Ingles ? Existe un procedimiento para reportar
bugs en otros idiomas ? Creo que algo podría hacerse aunque asumo que
el idioma de trabajo del grupo es el Ingles los bugs no son reportados
por el grupo de trabajo de Debian sino por los usuarios que constituyen
un grupo más amplio no ?

   Mi solución: 
 1.- utilizar castellano cuando se sabe que el desarrollador
 que le va a llegar sabe castellano.

La idea es buena pero se podría facilitar esa información a los
que intentan reportar un bug.

 2.- buscar alguna herramienta libre de traducción en línea y sugerir a
 debian-www el utilizar en el servidor.

Esto de traducción en linea. No lo entiendo. Te refieres a las 
traducciones automáticas de un idioma a otro ? Lo poco que yo conozco
es bastante malo no ? Bueno no quiero descalificar ninguna solución
porque podría ocurrir que la solución a un bug importante viniera por
un bug descrito en Español y en ese caso el desarrollador que bucee
en medio de la basura producida por estos traductores podría en alguna
ocasión enconttrar algo util. Se podría dar indicaciones que facilitaran
la traducción de estos documentos tales como no usar frases largas, etc.
No estoy metido en estos temas pero me gustaría que existiera algo porque
dado el primer paso quizas más adelante surja la forma de continuar.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Pregunta sobre compatibilidad Corel Linux y Debian

2000-02-02 Thread dbaranda
Se que Corel Linux está basado en Debian.
Pero la pregunta es: ¿Es simplemente la nueva versión de Debian (Potato)
con un programa de instalación muy simple que no configura casi nada y que
pone el logotipo de Corel por todas partes? ¿O por el contrario, es un
Debian al que le han realizado un monton de cambios o algún cambio
¿Como cuanto de compatible es Corel Linux con Debian?  100%, 90%, ...

RE: Intalación de Oracle 8.0.5 en linux

2000-02-02 Thread jarregui

Yo toda la documentación que he utilizado está en inglés. No sé dónde puede
haber en español, pero seguro que buscando en internet hay un montón de

En la instalación, por defecto se crean estos usuarios:

sys (passwd: change_on_install)
system (passwd: manager)
scott (passwd: tiger)

Puedes utilizar el comando HELP dentro de sqlplus para ver la sintaxis de
las sentencias SQL, etc. ¡Ah! Y te recomiendo la herramienta de
administración oracletool, que la puedes encontrar en


P.D: Vaya, ya he encontrado algo:
 Aquí tienes un tutorial en español

-Mensaje original-
De: Juriscoop Seccional Bogotá [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes 1 de febrero de 2000 20:59
Asunto: Intalación de Oracle 8.0.5 en linux

si alguno de ustedes a instalado el oracle en debian, me podrían indicar
como adiciono/elimino usuarios, que usuarios crea en la instalación de este
y donde consigo un manual o un tutoríal en español.

Juan Carlos Burgos

Re: LS-120 y mtools

2000-02-02 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Hue-Bond wrote:
 El lunes 31 de enero de 2000 a la(s) 17:52:01 +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo 
 las mtools usan las cosas como grupo floppy.
  Tiene entonces un setgid, no?
 si en algún momento se hace un makedev
 volverá a su situación inicial y a ver quien se acuerda.
 ¿Se os ocurre alguna forma más elegante de hacerlo?
  Si  es el  caso, cambia  el grupo  del ejecutable  para que  se
  ejecute con setgid al grupo que quieras.

El problema es que /dev/hdd va con el grupo disk, por lo que si cambio
el setgid del ejecutable estoy permitiendo acceso a todos los
dispositivos del grupo disk a través de las mtools, lo que me imagino
que no será muy recomendable. Teniendo además en cuenta que se trata de
un ordenador con un único usuario, yo, tampoco es para calentarse los
cascos más que por curiosidad. Al final lo dejaré con /dev/hdd cambiado
al grupo floppy e intentaré acordarme si alguna vez cambio la LS-120 a
otro lugar.

Gracias y saludos,

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Debian y KDE

2000-02-02 Thread Cesar
Manel Marin wrote:

 Hola Alejandro,

 On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 12:56:56AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Hola gente una pregunta, alguien conoce alguna URL para poner en mi 
  que tenga paquetes del KDE.

 Si tienes 32MBytes de RAM el KDE usa swap para todo (que lo sepas)

 La manera más rápida que se me ocurre de probar el KDE es instalar en una
  partición el CorelLinux :-)

  Yo uso FVWM2 para mi es muy comodo, todos estaran diciendo
  UH QUE ANTIGUO!!! lo uso desde que uso Linux, desde mi comienzos con 
  he probado algunos  pero estoy muy acostumbrado a este y no me encuentro con

 Fijate los años que tiene Unix y miranos ;-)

 Yo uso WindowMaker (Slink) y de momento no lo cambio por nada que he probado.

 Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.13

 Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
 Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
  (Pasate por ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Estoy contigo
Yo tambien uso WindowMaker (Hamm) y tampoco lo cambio por ningun otro de los 
que he visto.


/proc/kcore (y ultimo)

2000-02-02 Thread Cesar

  Asunto solucionado.
 Anadiendo append=mem=128M en el lilo.conf ,rearrancando lilo  y a

# l /proc/kcore
-r   1 root root 134221824 Feb  2 14:15 /proc/kcore

Gracias a los que me habeis solucionado el tema.


Re: Fortunes español. ¿Nuevo paquete?

2000-02-02 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 28, 2000 at 05:05:35AM +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
  No tengo inconveniente en seguir añadiendo cosas según me lleguen,
  aunque yo no soy desarrollador de debian. Asimismo, si alguien quiere
  hacerse cargo del paquete de una forma más oficial, bienvenido sea.
 Si pones las fuentes de los paquetes Debian prometo descargarlas y
 enviarlas a 'unstable' (incluso quizás a frozen :)

Puestas están en

y los dos .deb en el directorio superior. Acabo de sacar una nueva
versión, simplemente con la primera línea de la cabecera en inglés

 Barbie Dominatrix [EMAIL PROTECTED]

La ventaja de lo que yo tengo es que ya está separado por
 categorías. Concretamente estas:

Al principio pensé hacerlo así, pero me parecía excesivo el número de
paquetes si hago uno para cada categoría. ¿Que opináis sobre eso?


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Fortunes español. ¿Nuevo paquete?

2000-02-02 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On vie, ene 28, 2000 at 05:05:35 +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
 Si les quieréis echar un vistazo están en

Muy buenas. ¿Cómo se genera el fichero '.dat'?, tengo un amigo que tiene
N-mil frases en una página web y leyendo el thread se me ha antojado
filtrarlas al formato fortunes, si quieres cuando las tenga te las paso y
así vamos engordando la cosa.

Dividirlas en temas sería una cosa buena la verdad. Las 'fortunes' no son
algo fundamental para Debian pero la verdad es que le dan un toque de sal al
que hacer diario, merece la pena castellanizar un buen puñado de ellas.

Yo puedo encargarme de juntarlas por temas partiendo o en colaboración con
Alberto Sesma. El creo haber leido hizo un script perl para el filtrado, si
está hecho no me pongo a ello... ¿o si? :-D

La cuestión es que alguien se ponga a recoger ficheros, clasificarlos por
temas más o menos y empaquetarlos. Tengo la duda de qué sería lo más
adecuado ¿ficheros-es o diretorio-es/ficheros?, la creación de directorios
puede degenerar en caos si cada idioma hace lo propio para cada paquete, me
inclino por ficheros-es, ¿alguna opinión?.

Un saludo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Fortunes español. ¿Nuevo paquete?

2000-02-02 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 On vie, ene 28, 2000 at 05:05:35 +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
  Si les quieréis echar un vistazo están en
 Muy buenas. ¿Cómo se genera el fichero '.dat'?, tengo un amigo que tiene
 N-mil frases en una página web y leyendo el thread se me ha antojado
 filtrarlas al formato fortunes, si quieres cuando las tenga te las paso y
 así vamos engordando la cosa.

Muy fácil, si tienes ya las fortunes en formato fortune, es decir en el
archivo mis_fortunes


simplemente haz

$ strfile mis_fortunes 

y ya está

 Dividirlas en temas sería una cosa buena la verdad. Las 'fortunes' no son
 algo fundamental para Debian pero la verdad es que le dan un toque de sal al
 que hacer diario, merece la pena castellanizar un buen puñado de ellas.
 Yo puedo encargarme de juntarlas por temas partiendo o en colaboración con
 Alberto Sesma. El creo haber leido hizo un script perl para el filtrado, si
 está hecho no me pongo a ello... ¿o si? :-D

Si hay mogollón de citas puede merecer la pena matizar en distintos
paquetes, pero mientras tanto no lo veo claro

 La cuestión es que alguien se ponga a recoger ficheros, clasificarlos por
 temas más o menos y empaquetarlos. Tengo la duda de qué sería lo más
 adecuado ¿ficheros-es o diretorio-es/ficheros?, la creación de directorios
 puede degenerar en caos si cada idioma hace lo propio para cada paquete, me
 inclino por ficheros-es, ¿alguna opinión?.

El fortunes-it no lo hace, pero el fortunes-cs las estructura en 


con distintos contenidos, aunque vienen todos los contenidos en un
paquete. Yo me inclinaría por esa forma de hacerlo, con por ejemplo
todas en


con distintos nombres dentro de ese directorio, pero en un único
paquete, salvo quizás las ofensivas, que irían en


o en 


(tengo que probar si esa parte está localizada)


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Banner para Debian

2000-02-02 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

¿No sería interesante tener un 'banner' de estos que pones en la
página web para hacer publicidad de un programa que usas? Los típicos
'Made with MacOS', y cosas de estas.

No se si ya existe, pero lo cierto es que no busqué demasiado para
encontrarlo. Cogí los logotipos de Debian y los metí en una imagen.

La verdad debería haber creado una imagen JPEG o PNG, pero cada uno
puede convertirla al formato que quiera.

Attacheo la imagen con este mensaje por si alguien la quiere usar (es
muy pequeñita).

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

02/02   Graham Nash is born in Lancashire, England, 1942
attachment: debian.powered.gif

Re: resucitando un viejo 486 con debian

2000-02-02 Thread yashan
Hash: SHA1


On 01-Feb-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Windowmaker es el más ligero que he probado...

En mi humilde opinion FVWM o FVWM2


WinError 01F: Reserved for future mistakes of our developers. ;-)))

Alejandro David Yashan

Acentos y e#es omitidas deliberadamente para evitar problemas de lectura  con
algunos clientes de e-mail

Linux Registered User #120401
POWER BY GNU/Debian Linux 2.1  Kernel 2.2.13
Linux is userfriendly, but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: resucitando un viejo 486 con debian

2000-02-02 Thread SKaVeN

El día Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 08:22:38AM CET
 Windowmaker es el más ligero que he probado...

pues deberias probar muchos mas  XDD

Nos leemos...

   Linux Powered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)
   Linux Registered User #158497 (

Re: Usar paquetes de la Corel Linux

2000-02-02 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Ugo Enrico Albarello!

El día Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 11:20:54PM CET

  ¿Alguién sabe cómo se genera esta splash screen y si hay alguna
 forma de hacerse otras distintas? ¿Dónde documenta lilo esto?
 LILO por si mismo no permite esas 'splash screens', pero por ahí existe
 un parche que deja hacer eso, creo haber visto el parche en la lista de
 los boot floppies de Debian, si encuentro el enlace del parche, te lo

ponlo por aqui para que lo veamos todos  ;)

Nos leemos...

   Linux Powered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)
   Linux Registered User #158497 (

Re: Coordinacion de la traduccion de documentos

2000-02-02 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a!

El día Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 08:57:18PM CET
   Como prometí, aunque llegue con retraso, ya tengo una lista de los
 documentos que están pendientes de traducir/encontrar un coordinador etc..
 la lista estará puesta en cuando se actualize el
 servidor, pero mientras tanto podeis ir a
 que también tiene una copia ahora.

la dirección no funciona

Nos leemos...

   Linux Powered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)
   Linux Registered User #158497 (

Re: Fortunes español. ¿Nuevo paquete?

2000-02-02 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El mié, 02 de feb de 2000, a las 12:43:40 +0100,  Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez  
va y dice:

 La cuestión es que alguien se ponga a recoger ficheros, clasificarlos por
 temas más o menos y empaquetarlos. Tengo la duda de qué sería lo más
 adecuado ¿ficheros-es o diretorio-es/ficheros?, la creación de directorios
 puede degenerar en caos si cada idioma hace lo propio para cada paquete, me
 inclino por ficheros-es, ¿alguna opinión?.

mejón ../es/ficheros

Tengo una buena colección de taglines de fidonet, no se si se consideran
fortunes como tal, por que sólo ocupan una linea, las que veis después
de los ... en mis mensajes, si sirven te las mando a ti Javier ??

por fin algo en lo que puedo ayudar, aunque sea de la sección /games/ :-))

PD: Si sirven avisa y organizo una colecta por las areas de fido :D

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... !Me llamo mulo, y hablando no podrás salvar tu culo! - Pulp Fiction

login xterm

2000-02-02 Thread Barbie Dominatrix

  Si desde un xterm hago:

   xterm -ls -e login usuario_normal

 se me abre una nueva xterm pidiendo el password del usuario. Lo meto y
sin problemas. Ahora sí, cuando hago:

  xterm -ls -e login root

 por mucho que insista no logro entrar como root.

  ¿A qué se debe?


El mejor modo de inspirar nuevas ideas, es haber cerrado el sobre
con lacre.
-- Ley de la carta.

Re: Desinstalar pgp

2000-02-02 Thread David Muriel
Lluis Vilanova [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hace un tiempo instale pgp del archivo pgp50i-unix-src.tar.gz, pero
 ahora que me he bajado el gnupg lo quiero desinstalar.  El problema
 es que no he encontrado ningun script ni nada que venga con el
 archivo y, aunque me he mirado el Makefile, no me acabo de aclarar
 en donde ha instalado los archivos, por lo que no se que borrar.
 ¿Sabe alguien que debo borrar o si hay una opcion para el make para
 borrar los archivos?

Si como dice Hue-Bond no te funciona el 'make uninstall' prueba a

make -n install

con esto te dice lo todo lo que va a hacer el make sin ejecutarlo, por
lo que puedes ver que ficheros te ha instalado y donde, aunque a veces
puede resultar complicado si empieza a utilizar 'for' muchas veces (en
general cuando tiene subdirectorios desde los que instalar cosas). Si
ves lineas del tipo

'install -mXXX path/al/fichero path/donde/instalarlo'

ya sabes que es lo que tienes que quitar.

David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (slink) + Emacs 20.3.2 + Gnus v5.6.45
Linux registered user #25632 (

Hi! I'm a signature virus!
Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: Coordinacion de la traduccion de documentos

2000-02-02 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Cuentas conmigo, Javier. Como también puedo poner documentos
en el CVs, podeís enviármelos también. De hecho, ya lo estoy haciendo
con las DWN (que posiblemente podrías incluir en la lista, se está
encargando de ello Héctor). También creo que puedo ir mirando todo lo
que vaya poniendo en el CVS, para corregir erratas y demás.



Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a writes:
   Como prometí, aunque llegue con retraso, ya tengo una lista de los
  documentos que están pendientes de traducir/encontrar un coordinador etc..
  la lista estará puesta en cuando se actualize el
  servidor, pero mientras tanto podeis ir a
  que también tiene una copia ahora.
   Estoy interesado en recibir correcciones/comentarios sobre la lista
  y *sobre todo* voluntarios para ponerse a coordinar *ya* un documento en
   Voy a seguir una estructura piramidal como la discutida en
   Para cada documento habrá un coordinador (que tendrá que ponerse en
  contacto conmigo). Este coordinador podrá traducir el documento o buscar
  colaboradores para que traduzcan parte de estos, aunque tendrá que
  encargarse de supervisar/integrar los cambios.
   Los documentos finales los debería recibir yo para enviarlos al
  repositorio de Debian, aunque acepto voluntarios también para ayudarme a
  coordinar (¿cuento contigo jgb?)
   Un saludo a todos
  PD: Siento haber tardado tanto pero de verdad estoy superado de trabajo
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | c/ Tulipan s/n
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

Re: Squid - problemas com restricao acesso

2000-02-02 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Jeff escreveu:
 #My ACL´s
  acl adm proxy_auth adm
  acl user1 proxy_auth user1
  acl user2 proxy_auth user2
  acl user3 proxy_auth user3
  acl host1 dstdomain
  acl host2 dstdomain
  acl host3 dstdomain
  acl daytime1 time MTWHF 00:00-06:00
  acl daytime2 time MTWHF 12:00-13:30
  acl daytime3 time MTWHF 17:30-23:59
  acl daytime4 time SA
  acl global dst

Tente colocar um ¨.¨ na frente do domínio ( ou

  #Default configuration:
  http_access allow manager localhost
  http_access deny manager
  http_access allow purge localhost
  http_access deny purge
  http_access deny !Safe_ports
  http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
  #My Rules
  http_access allow daytime1 daytime2 daytime3 daytime4 !all
  http_access deny user1 host1

Mude a linha acima para: ¨http_access deny user1 !host1¨

  http_access allow user2 host2
  http_access allow user3 host3
  http_access deny all

Estou ainda com um pouco de dúvida sobre o que está realmente ocorrendo,
que isto já ajude em alguma coisa. 
Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Squid - problemas com restricao acesso

2000-02-02 Thread Jeff

Ola amigos.

Estou configurando o Squid(2.1), com Debian 2.1, na minha Lan, mas estou
com dificuldades
de implementar estas caracteristicas:

- acesso irrestrito por todos os hosts da lan a qualquer host na
internet, porem somente nas faixas de horario permitido.
- acesso de usuarios do proxy a determinado(s) host na internet.


 Estes usuarios precisam atenticar-se(maquinas windows) para acessar o

usuario adm   - possui acesso para qualquer host
usuario user1 - possui acesso somente para
usuario user2 - possui acesso somente para
usuario user3 - possui acesso somente para slashdot

Nos horarios abaixo, qualquer cliente possui acesso irrestrito
ao proxy, independente de seu endereco, metodo
de requisicao, etc..

daytime1 -  seg a sexta00:00 as 06:00
daytime2 -  seg a sexta12:00 as 13:30
daytime3 -  seg a sexta18:00 as 23:59
daytime4 - sab/dom 00:00 as 23:59



 acl all src
 acl manager proto cache_object
 acl localhost src
 acl SSL_ports port 443 563
 acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
 acl purge method PURGE

#My ACL´s
 acl adm proxy_auth adm
 acl user1 proxy_auth user1
 acl user2 proxy_auth user2
 acl user3 proxy_auth user3
 acl host1 dstdomain
 acl host2 dstdomain
 acl host3 dstdomain
 acl daytime1 time MTWHF 00:00-06:00
 acl daytime2 time MTWHF 12:00-13:30
 acl daytime3 time MTWHF 17:30-23:59
 acl daytime4 time SA
 acl global dst


 #Default configuration:
 http_access allow manager localhost
 http_access deny manager
 http_access allow purge localhost
 http_access deny purge
 http_access deny !Safe_ports
 http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

 #My Rules
 http_access allow daytime1 daytime2 daytime3 daytime4 !all
 http_access deny user1 host1
 http_access allow user2 host2
 http_access allow user3 host3
 http_access deny all



- A configuracao acima nao funcionou da maneira esperada :(

- O user1 possue acesso ao host1, mas tambem ao host2 e 3.

- O Squid(2.1) que vem com o Debian 2.1 nao reconheceu a acl tipo
  entao peguei o source, recompilei mas mesmo assim nao funcionou.

- Utilizando uma acl do tipo ident, consegui restringir o acesso de
  usuario, mas quando tento nas maquinas clientes(windows) nao funciona.

- Tenho ipfwadm na rede, entao configurei o transproxy.

Nao sei se ficou bem claro; alguem tem alguma ideia de como fazer isso?

Toda ajuda eh bem vinda.


Re: what is wrong with 'adduser'?

2000-02-02 Thread Pollywog

On 01-Feb-2000 Colin Watson wrote:
 It looks like you haven't got /usr/sbin on root's $PATH (as evidenced
 also by the fact that you're using /usr/sbin/adduser instead of simply
 adduser). groupadd, groupdel, and the like live there. Fix this and all
 should be well.

I thought it might be that, and I do have /usr/sbin on root's PATH.  I later
closed the xterm window and tried with a new one and some things seemed to

 /usr/sbin should probably be on root's $PATH anyway, but it's probably a
 bug in adduser that it doesn't use absolute paths (a potential security
 hole, even?). You might want to file a bug about this.

I will, if this problem persists.



Kdevelop working?

2000-02-02 Thread David J. Kanter
I keep getting this error after apt-getting kdevelop:

Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

What can I do to fix this?
David J. Kanter

Re: apt-get probleme

2000-02-02 Thread Shaul Karl
I have no experience with proxy auth. However, if I got it correctly then the 
attached /etc/apt/apt.conf has the skeleton for this to be done.

I hope they will put back real soon what used to be the apt.conf example. 

[02:22:27 /tmp]$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf 
/* In some instances involving filenames it is possible to set the default
   directory when the path is evaluated. This means you can use relative
   paths within the sub scope.
   The configuration directives are specified in a tree with {} designating
   a subscope relative to the tag before the {}. You can further specify
   a subscope using scope notation eg,
 APT::Architecture i386;
   This is prefixed with the current scope. Scope notation must be used
   if an option is specified on the command line with -o.

// Options for the downloading routines
  // HTTP method configuration
Timeout 120;

  // FTP method configuration

/* Required script to perform proxy login. This example should work
   for tisfwtk */
Timeout 120;

/* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
   is prefered if possible */
Passive true;

   // Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
Pre-Invoke {mount -o remount,rw /usr;};
   apt-cache dumpavail  /var/lib/dpkg/available;
   mount -o remount,ro /usr;
// Pre-configure all packages before they are installed.
// (Automatically added by debconf.)
DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {dpkg-preconfigure --apt;};
[02:30:26 /tmp]$ 

 hello i have a problem with apt-get 0.3.13 ! 
 i want upgrade my dist with apt but we have a csm proxy with user and
 pass has anyone experience with the konfiguration?
 and how must i edit the apt.conf ?
 my apt output! 
 Err unstable/main Packages
   407 Proxy-Auth
 Err unstable/main Packages
   407 Proxy-Auth
 Ign unstable/main Release
 Ign unstable/main Release
 Err unstable/contrib Packages
   407 Proxy-Auth
 Ign unstable/contrib Release
 Err unstable/non-free Packages
   407 Proxy-Auth
 Ign unstable/non-free Release
 Reading Package Lists...
 Building Dependency Tree...
 this is my apt.conf 
 / Options for the downloading routines
   Queue-Mode host;   // host|access
   Retries 0;
   Source-Symlinks true;
   // HTTP method configuration
 Proxy http://proxy:8080;;
 Proxy:XXX:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080 DIRECT;  // Specific per-host setting
 Timeout 120;
 // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
 No-Cache false;
 Max-Age 86400; // 1 Day age on index files
 No-Store false;// Prevent the cache from storing archives
 # #
 # Linux is like a Wigwam: Thomas Braun#
 # No Gates, no Fences and Hammer GmbH  CoKg  #
 # an Apache inside !  :-) Schoenebergerstr. 21#
 # --- 52068 Aachen#
 # Tel: +49(0)241-9665-188 #
 # Fax: +49(0)241-9665-189 #
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Re: apt-get probleme

2000-02-02 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:

 I have no experience with proxy auth. However, if I got it correctly then the 
 attached /etc/apt/apt.conf has the skeleton for this to be done.

HTTP proxy authentication is very simple:

export http_proxy=http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your proxy will need to support http/1.1 defined proxy authorization.


Colour changes in Netscape/Motif

2000-02-02 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I'm struggling to make Netscape look similar to the rest of my most
often used applications. I want the windows to be gray80, with a white
3D highlight and a gray55 3D shadow.

I can set the background to gray80 (using the Netscape*background X
resource), but I can't see any way to set Motif's 3D colours. Is there
documentation on this anywhere? Has anyone managed it?
Alisdair McDiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pink text on white ground?

2000-02-02 Thread dkphoto
setterm -foreground [color]
setterm -background [color]

Hmm, these almost work! They change the colors, but not in the way one 
would expect. Foreground seems to change the background color and vice 
versa. Additionally the colors change to something very different from 
what is chosen (almost the opposite color, but not sufficiently opposite 
to be certain that is what is indeed happening). AND, the color changes 
that DO occur, don't last through the execution of the next screen 
refresh. Everything changes back to what I had before. 
Oh, and whatever color you have, pastel seems to be the rule. No darker 
colors, and black is completely out. 

What am I missing?

David Kachel


2000-02-02 Thread fnice
I have been using linux for a little bit now, and I am trying the
different versions out like redhat 6.1, and mandrake 7.0 , So anyway I
would like to know if there is a ISO download for debian's latest
version ? the ISO would be the full download of the software :o) ... I'M
cable so 600 MB is no problem, that is if it is freeware? and could U
tell me what is the latest version out is please.. please reply A.S.A.P.
... Thank-U ... Dave

Re: partition table lost [and found]

2000-02-02 Thread Dean Struss

 Hi Brian:
  I have norton's utilities and the main thing they stress is don't install 
during a
Something about screwing up files while trying to install. If you already have 
I have  the manual  for ver 3, I can look through for you. Dean

Brian Butler wrote:

 Now, we need advice on the best way to get this found partition information
 into the table on the disk.  Is it even slightly smart to just fire up fdisk
 or cfdisk and go to town?

 The owner of the box with the problem does have his copy of Norton Utilities
 from years ago, no manual readily available.  Is there a good way of getting
 this done with that tool?

 Thanks to everyone for all the help.

 --Brian Butler

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

total directory sizes?

2000-02-02 Thread Aaron Solochek
If I want to see how much space /usr or /home is taking up, how do I do

-Aaron Solochek

Re: partition table lost [and found]

2000-02-02 Thread William T Wilson
On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Dean Struss wrote:

 Brian Butler wrote:
  Now, we need advice on the best way to get this found partition information
  into the table on the disk.  Is it even slightly smart to just fire up fdisk
  or cfdisk and go to town?

If you know exactly what the partition information was, then Linux fdisk
should do the trick.  If you're concerned about losing data, just mount
the partitions read-only when you want to try and see if you got it right.
You'll need to know not only what size the partitions were, but also what
cylinders they began and ended on and, if any of them are extended
partitions, you'll need the same information for the partitions contained

Do not use DOS fdisk.  I wouldn't use cfdisk either - though, I don't use
cfdisk in general.  :}

Re: total directory sizes?

2000-02-02 Thread Ron Rademaker
 If I want to see how much space /usr or /home is taking up, how do I do
 -Aaron Solochek

I suggest: 
du -bcs


Re: total directory sizes?

2000-02-02 Thread Sean Johnson
Like with most things unixian, you have a few choices 

I have /usr and /home on different partitions, so df -h gives me that
Alternatively you could do du -sh /usr or du -sh /home. I'm sure there
are other options as well, but these seem to cover what I usually want
to know.


Aaron Solochek wrote:
 If I want to see how much space /usr or /home is taking up, how do I do

Re: total directory sizes?

2000-02-02 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 08:03:43PM -0500, Aaron Solochek wrote:
 If I want to see how much space /usr or /home is taking up, how do I do
 -Aaron Solochek

du -sh /home

(= disk-usage summary-only human-readable-sizes directory-/home)


Re: partition table lost [and found]

2000-02-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Brian, you can do it with any program that can edit a partition table,
including Linux fdisk and Norton's Disk Editor. 

Another possibility is the DOS based partition table editor from
PowerQuest called ptedit. That program is freely available from
PowerQuest's ftp site. The file you want is petedit.exe, which is the
DOS mode version.

I agree with the other post about NOT using Win9X fdisk for this job. It
wipes out the existing boot sector when it creates a new partition, not
to mention that you can specify cylinder numbers with it anyway.


Brian Butler wrote:
  There's a DOS based program called findpart that may help. You can find
  it here:
 Olaf's software has done it!
 We grabbed findpart from the above, made a DOS 6.22 system disk, put it on
 there, and just ran it according to the .txt file that came with it.
 It ran for a couple of seconds and gave us a list of the partitions, types,
 Now, we need advice on the best way to get this found partition information
 into the table on the disk.  Is it even slightly smart to just fire up fdisk
 or cfdisk and go to town?
 The owner of the box with the problem does have his copy of Norton Utilities
 from years ago, no manual readily available.  Is there a good way of getting
 this done with that tool?
 Thanks to everyone for all the help.
 --Brian Butler

Re: Colour changes in Netscape/Motif

2000-02-02 Thread Bart Szyszka
 I can set the background to gray80 (using the Netscape*background X
 resource), but I can't see any way to set Motif's 3D colours. Is there
 documentation on this anywhere? Has anyone managed it?

Do you mean the background of the application window or the background
in the frame where web sites are loaded? If it's the former I'd like to know
how you did it so that I could make NSN more uniform with my other
programs too.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: Need help on installing CD-ROM drive

2000-02-02 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 01:42:38AM -0800, Ricardo Rivera wrote:
 I'm a newbie to Linux.  I've installed Debian in my
 Packard Bell Packmate 850.  It's a 486 DX/2 50 mhz
 with 20 mb of RAM and a Sound Blaster 16 card with a
 CD-ROM attached to it.  The system does not recognizes
 this CD-ROM drive.  I tried to install different
 driver modules but the only one that do not failed was
 the SoundBlasterPro driver for the CD-ROM.  But it
 does'nt work.
 I managed to install all drivers modules and the base
 system using floppies.  I would like to have my CD-ROM
 to work properly in order to continue installing other
 applications from the Debian CD-ROM.


I have a CDROM hanging off a SB16 card too.  Mine is an ATAPI cdrom, but
not all of them are (look for messages about it in the bootup stuff or
dmesg).  Since the CDROM is on the ide2, it will be /dev/hde, but that
isn't there by default.

This fixed mine, and it may work for you:
cd /dev
./MAKEDEV -v hde   (note: you can use ./MAKEDEV -n -v to do a test run)

Good luck.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Colour changes in Netscape/Motif

2000-02-02 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 07:52:38PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
  I can set the background to gray80 (using the Netscape*background X
  resource), but I can't see any way to set Motif's 3D colours. Is there
  documentation on this anywhere? Has anyone managed it?
 Do you mean the background of the application window or the background
 in the frame where web sites are loaded? If it's the former I'd like to know
 how you did it so that I could make NSN more uniform with my other
 programs too.

I've just worked a few things out now. This is my current .Xdefaults
file's Netscape section:

! Disable blink tags
Netscape*blinkingEnabled: 0
Netscape*fontList: -bh-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1
Netscape*background: gray80
Netscape*bottomShadowColor: gray55
Netscape*topShadowColor: white
Netscape*urlComboBox*shadowThickness: 0
Netscape*urlComboBox*Text*shadowThickness: 1
Netscape*urlComboBox*Text*bottomShadowColor: black
Netscape*urlComboBox*Text*topShadowColor: black
Netscape*urlComboBox*ComboBoxMenuShell*borderWidth: 1
Netscape*urlComboBox*ComboBoxMenuShell*borderColor: black

This makes it look somewhat similar to the CoolIce GTK+ theme, my
current favourite.

Have a look at editres, it's a great program :-)

Alisdair McDiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: partition table lost [and found]

2000-02-02 Thread Brian Butler
William T Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Now, we need advice on the best way to get this found partition 
   into the table on the disk.  Is it even slightly smart to just fire up 
   or cfdisk and go to town?

 If you know exactly what the partition information was, then Linux fdisk
 should do the trick.  If you're concerned about losing data, just mount
 the partitions read-only when you want to try and see if you got it right.
 You'll need to know not only what size the partitions were, but also what
 cylinders they began and ended on and, if any of them are extended
 partitions, you'll need the same information for the partitions contained

OK, we do have the information, out of the utility called diskpart which
came from a handy URL posted to this list in this thread.

My concern is that fdisk may be inclined to not only DEFINE the partitions
in the table on the disk, but actually MAKE them -- zero them out, sector
info, that kind of thing.

If that is not what the standard fdisk in slink will do, then it will
certainly be the best tool for the job, all things considered -- in that it
already lives on the rescue disk and all of us have used it many, many

I can't really discern from the manpage what exactly happens with fdisk
behind the scenes.  I know it's great for making _new_ partitions, but what
about *re*making _old_ ones?

Thanks for all the help... have gone from a hopeless and especially painful
(the data's on the disk, and we can't get at it!) scenario to serious hope
for this box in  24 hours thanks to debian-user!

--Brian Butler

Possible convert

2000-02-02 Thread KevinJ2525
I have thinking for sometime switching over to linux.  Before I do a total 
conversion I want to test the waters a little bit.  I have an old Gateway, 
486 66 machine with about 16 megs of RAM, 1 gig of hard disk and 8X cd 
player.  Could iLinux be installed on such a machine?  I don't want to 
upgrade the hardware but I can if it will make a real difference.  
Thank you for any advice.
Kevin Jennings

Re: Possible convert

2000-02-02 Thread Aaron Solochek
Linux will run fine on that hardware.  What are you running now?

-Aaron Solochek


 I have thinking for sometime switching over to linux.  Before I do a total
 conversion I want to test the waters a little bit.  I have an old Gateway,
 486 66 machine with about 16 megs of RAM, 1 gig of hard disk and 8X cd
 player.  Could iLinux be installed on such a machine?  I don't want to
 upgrade the hardware but I can if it will make a real difference.
 Thank you for any advice.
 Kevin Jennings

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Re: 501 .... Sender domain must exist errors.

2000-02-02 Thread Todd Suess
In my experience, this error is often caused by the domain being
removed from the root servers because money is owed to Network Solutions
(Internic) for the domain.  This is easily checked at
I work as a Technical Support Manager at a large ISP and we see this all
the time, and most of the time that's the cause.  Other possabilities can be
broken DNS, etc.



On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, Tom Fuchs wrote:
 I am having the same problem with my server.  Have you figured out what
 needs to be done?
 Tom Fuchs
 Computer Systems Administrator
 EDMO Distributors, Inc.
 You're only a failure when you stop trying...
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Re: gcc (was: Beginner's Question)

2000-02-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 02:34:50PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  bash: stdio.h : not found  error message
  stdio.h file is in the /usr/include
  Do I have to setup something for gcc  compiler ?
 You have to set an environment variable for the includes, which is called
 For a quick shot, try
 export INCLUDE=/usr/include
 If that works, you can put the export in your profile (or append
 /usr/include to the existing export).
 BTW: This may be obvious, but you have to include stdio.h like this:
#include stdio.h
 NOT like this:
#include stdio.h

My gut reaction is that your installation is broken (or you don't have
libc-dev installed?). You should not need to specify /usr/include or
/usr/lib.  Also, I don't think it matters if you #include stdio.h or
#include stdio.h. The difference, if I understand correctly, is in the
first case, the compiler will look for stdio.h in the current directory
first. If its not found there, then it will look in the standard places
(i.e. /usr/include).  In the second case, it just looks in the standard
places.  This gives you the dubious ability to redefine system header

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Setting up Debian

2000-02-02 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 03:51:54PM -0800, davidturetsky wrote:
 I'm a newbie to Debian, but an old computer hand... experiencing
 considerable difficulty in setting up a Debian Linux system on my DELL
 Pentium III 34gb drive I set up a 8gb partition using fdisk and
 formated the lower 24gb with MS format. Then I used Partition Magic
 5.0 to set up a 1,000mb root partition, /, a 2gb /usr partition and
 a 1gb swap partition. I used Partition Magic to format each partition
 (root: Linux ex2; usr: Linux ex2; Swap partition: swap)

There is a rule that OS's must boot within the first 1024 cylinders of
the drive (I guess it's a BIOS limitation for PC style architecture).  On
older computers like my P90, that mean the first 512mb, on newer ones
like your's I guess that is about 8gb.  So having the lower 24gb as
windows won't work.

You need to get that windows partition down to just below 8gb.  You may
want to put a small /boot partition (like 10mb) next, a few gigs of
linux partitions, and then a big honking D: drive for windows.

I don't have experience with partition magic.  I guess it't pretty neat,
but I don't thing it will allow you to break the 1024 rule (I could be
wrong, I usually am...)

And like someone else said 1gb of swap is an awful lot.  The traditional
standard is 2x your RAM.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Hello

2000-02-02 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (fnice) wrote:
I have been using linux for a little bit now, and I am trying the
different versions out like redhat 6.1, and mandrake 7.0 , So anyway I
would like to know if there is a ISO download for debian's latest
version ? the ISO would be the full download of the software :o) ... I'M
cable so 600 MB is no problem, that is if it is freeware?

Er, yes, just a bit. :) Debian probably takes the most pains to be free
(as in free speech) of all the distributions, and is certainly free (as
in free beer).

and could U tell me what is the latest version out is please..

I recommend you wait for a month or two; potato (Debian 2.2) is
currently in code freeze, and will be released soon. It has enough very
significant improvements over slink (Debian 2.1) that I think it's worth

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problems after upgrading

2000-02-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 08:28:54PM -0200, Carlos H. S. Laviola wrote:
 I have been having some problems here and would like to hear of your
 thoughts. The latest pppd gives me the following message after a first
 pon provider:
 Can't open pty slave /dev/pts/0: File or directory not found

There's a bug in /etc/init.d/ that leads to this problem, it
should be updated soon. Change the '{' to a '}' at the bottom of
make_devpts(). Then run the script.

 Well, in fact that happens only after the first pon, then goes away.
 But the kernel keeps sending these ones after every ppp call:
 Feb  1 20:04:24 cdemo modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module

Add to /etc/modutils/aliases:

alias char-major-108 ppp

Then run 'update-modules'.

 And I've also got several mouse problems. I've adopted the solution of
 running gpm as -R and then selecting the mouse as /dev/gpmdata when
 configuring x, because if I haven't done that, I couldn't switch
 between x and the console (I could, but then I would come back and x
 would freeze.  *always*.) But that is really annoying, because the
 mouse now bugs x just like it bugs the console (random pasting, and
 all that gpm trouble :(), and the following startup errors:
  -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp  
  -eml Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
  keymap/xfree86 /var/tmp/xfree86.xkm' Warning: /dev/gpmdata unable to
  get status of mouse fd (Invalid argument)
 (after exiting x11:) waiting for X server to shut down
 cdemo:~$ X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server
 So it quits like if it was killed, when all I've done was select
 Exit (so x should quit normally?). I'm also obligated to kill gpm
 every time I run another application using the mouse without going
 thru gpm, like quake/quakeworld, and then rerun it when I quit the
 game. If you are able to give me some help with any of these problems,
 reply to my normal mail address (I am not currently subscribed to
 debian-user, because of its very high traffic). I'd appreciate any

Are you sure you have the correct mouse device? Most newer PCs use a
PS/2 mouse, so often you want /dev/psaux.  You might also consider doing
without gpm.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Setting up Debian

2000-02-02 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Try the initialize an existing partition (or something like that) Debian
install option.

When you scroll down you see the things that need to be done in order.  So
do what you think needs to be done (Initialize, mount, isntall kernel 
drivers, install base system, configure base system, configure network,
etc, etc, boot) 

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

What's going on with hylafax in potato?

2000-02-02 Thread John Foster
I just checked the most recent upgrade in potato and all of the hylafax
programs are now in obsolete/local except tkhylafax whice I think
requires those others but dselect does not say so. What's going on with
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

New kernel broke xserver (can't open socket)

2000-02-02 Thread steve doerr
After going from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.0 I can't get a socket for
the xserver.  Has anyone seen an error like this?  Did I miss something when I 
built the kernel?

The server reports the following (excerpts):

_XSERVTransSocketOpen: socket() failed for local
_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for local
_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for local/debian:0
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for

Operating System: Linux 2.0.36 i686 [ELF]  (the old  kernel)

Any help greatly appreciated!

Re: VMware

2000-02-02 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 02:43:31PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 02:37:43PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  VMware + W98 will run much slower than native W98.  A lot of memory
  (128 MB+) will help here.  I found it useless on a P-150 with 32 MB and
  only adequate on a K6-2/350 with 64 MB.
 Well, gee, they onlt recommend a P2-266 w/96Mb or better and say it would
 run (but not be blazingly fast) on less.  Let's at least give the straight
 facts and not your distorted view on the matter.

Chill!  I didn't mean to strike a nerve and I don't think my view is
all that distorted.  The original poster asked for experiences with
VMware.  This was mine.

Is it subjective?  Of course.

Do I think VMware is slow?  Yes, but I'm fairly certain more memory
than I used would help.  Win98 reportedly runs faster on version 1.2,
which is now in beta-test.

Do I use VMware?  Yes, but only for applications for which Linux
equivalents don't exist (I haven't tried wine recently.) Speed wasn't
really a factor in the decision, but I felt it was useful enough that I
purchased a license and got rid of my dual-booting setup.

IIRC, VMware originally recommended a P-266 w/64 MB.
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: New kernel broke xserver (can't open socket)

2000-02-02 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 After going from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.0 I can't get a socket for
 the xserver.  Has anyone seen an error like this?  Did I miss something when 
 I built the kernel?
 The server reports the following (excerpts):
 _XSERVTransSocketOpen: socket() failed for local
 _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for local
 _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for local/debian:0
 _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for
 Operating System: Linux 2.0.36 i686 [ELF]  (the old  kernel)

Did you include support for unix domain sockets?  Starting with 2.2.x they
are optional but still very much needed.  Don't ask me why.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Pink text on white ground?

2000-02-02 Thread Joey Hess
dkphoto wrote:
 How do I change the color of text? My Debian/68k Mac has pink text on a 
 white ground. I can barely read it! 
 Willl someone please tell me how I can change it?

I think the penguin prograqm you use to boot linux has settings that let you
change the colors.

see shy jo, in New York

Re: TV Cards....

2000-02-02 Thread Robert L. Harris

  A friend of mine and I have ATI All-In-Wonder-128 cards.  I haven't tried
yet, but he's using XF-86 and gatos with this card and says it's working


Thus spake Robert V. MacQuarrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 A friend has just told me he setup a TV card in his debian linux system
 and says it's been working great. He is using a Phoebe TV Master card
 ( with kernel 2.2.13 and 'some version' of xawtv.
 My current system is a dual P200 with 128mgs ram running debian 2.1 with
 kernel 2.2.5.
 I was wondering what other cards people have used and their price ranges
 aswell as opinions to their performance. The Phoebe TV Master is roughly
 49.00 (+12.00 SH) and includes an I/R remote. He has been unable to use
 the remote yet.
 Thanx for any additional info which you may like to add.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: TV Cards....

2000-02-02 Thread Cyrus Patel

Hi Robert, 

I have a Patrol TVRadio98 and it works great under Debian. However,
the brand of the card is not as important as what chip it uses. The
bttv drivers support the Bt848 family of video decoder chips. These
are the Bt848, Bt848A, Bt849, Bt878 and Bt879 chipsets.  

I use kwintv to watch television, IMHO the interface is a lot cleaner
than xawtv - but they are basically doing the same job.

Your system is more than powerful enough to use a tv card - a good thing
about the above mentioned chipsets is that they use very little
cpu power. 

The only problems I have had so far is that the radio on the
card and the I/R remote are not supported but apart from that
it's working great.

Hope this helps

PS I'm in Oz so quoting prices probably wouldn't help ;-)

Robert V. MacQuarrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A friend has just told me he setup a TV card in his debian linux system
 and says it's been working great. He is using a Phoebe TV Master card
 ( with kernel 2.2.13 and 'some version' of xawtv.
 My current system is a dual P200 with 128mgs ram running debian 2.1 with
 kernel 2.2.5.
 I was wondering what other cards people have used and their price ranges
 aswell as opinions to their performance. The Phoebe TV Master is roughly
 49.00 (+12.00 SH) and includes an I/R remote. He has been unable to use
 the remote yet.
 Thanx for any additional info which you may like to add.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Dept. of Computer Engineering   Debian GNU/Linux 
University of New South Wales   (Woody)
Sydney, Australia.  ICQ: 50738541

Re: TV Cards....

2000-02-02 Thread Brian Stults
I'm using an AverTV-Phone by Avermedia ( with kernel
2.2.13, the bttv driver, and xawtv.  It works very well.  I, too, have
not yet used the IR remote under linux, but I think I've seen somewhere
that it is supported or will be shortly.  It's also a pretty good video
capture card.  This card is also a stereo tuner, but I haven't tried yet
to use that under linux.

I bought this a long time ago, and then it cost around $75.  The newer
version is called TV98 and runs for about $65 (maybe less if you do some
leg-work).  I'm pretty sure it is also supported by the bttv module. 
Your system specs are certainly enough to run one of these cards.  

Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

distributed-net problem

2000-02-02 Thread Russ Cook
I have a problem with my background key cruncher on my network gateway
machine.  My other machine on my lan can get out through my gateway
machine to flush and update its key buffers, but my gateway machine
cannot.  It has over 990 blocks in the out buffer waiting to go.

My distributed-net.log file looks like this:

RC5DES v2.7105.434 client - a project of
Copyright 1997-1999
DES bitslice driver Copyright 1997-1998, Andrew Meggs
DES sboxes routines Copyright 1997-1998, Matthew Kwan
DES search routines Copyright 1997-1998, Svend Olaf Mikkelsen
Please visit for up-to-date contest information.
Start the client with '-help' for a list of valid command line options.

RC5DES Client v2.7105.434 for Linux started.
Using email address ( ID) '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

[Jan 30 12:47:10 UTC] Automatic processor detection found 1 processor.
[Jan 30 12:47:10 UTC] Automatic processor detection found an Intel Pentium.
[Jan 30 12:47:10 UTC] DES: selecting BrydDES core.
  RC5: selecting Pentium, Am486, Cx486/5x86/MediaGX core.

[Jan 30 12:47:10 UTC] Network::failed to resolve name
[Jan 30 12:47:10 UTC] Network::Open Error - sleeping for 3 seconds
[Jan 30 12:47:13 UTC] Network::failed to resolve name
[Jan 30 12:47:13 UTC] Network::Open Error - sleeping for 3 seconds
[Jan 30 12:47:16 UTC] Network::failed to resolve name
[Jan 30 12:47:16 UTC] Network::Open Error - sleeping for 3 seconds
[Jan 30 12:47:19 UTC] Network::failed to resolve name
[Jan 30 12:47:19 UTC] Network::Open Error - sleeping for 3 seconds
[Jan 30 12:47:22 UTC] Network::failed to resolve name
[Jan 30 12:47:22 UTC] 0 RC5 blocks (0*2^28 keys) remain in buff-in.rc5
[Jan 30 12:47:22 UTC] 892 RC5 blocks (922*2^28 keys) are in buff-out.rc5
[Jan 30 12:47:22 UTC] 1 cruncher has been started.

I'm running portmapper, and would be happy to upload my config files
to anyone who's interested.  Thanks for any help.


Re: Debconf: Failed to initialize Dialog front end

2000-02-02 Thread Paul Miller
The problem was not having dialog or whiptail not installed. Thanx for
the heads up Joey. I should have checked the suggest dependencies I

Joey Hess wrote:
 Paul Miller wrote:
  I get this error message every time. It worked once for me when Potato
  was unstable, but after upgrading my packages when potato was frozen, I
  get this error from Debconf.
 Reproduce prlblem, send me the output. (But first, you might check to see if
 you have dialog and/or whiptail installed.)

Paul Miller

NRL Administrator
Talons Alumni

Where do all the bits go when the computer is done with them?

Re: forwarding X11 over ssh

2000-02-02 Thread Paul Miller
Joseph A. Martin wrote:
 I maintain a Linux system at our office. Quite frequently I
 administer this system remotely via ssh. Today I wanted to try running
 an X app over the SSH link. I passed the '-X' option to ssh which the

Just in case is was not a typo ;-) 

The '-x' option disables X forwarding. The '+x' option, which is
default, enables X forwarding.

Good luck,

Paul Miller

NRL Administrator
Talons Alumni

Where do all the bits go when the computer is done with them?

Re: TV Cards....

2000-02-02 Thread Pollywog

On 02-Feb-2000 Brian Stults wrote:
 I'm using an AverTV-Phone by Avermedia ( with kernel
 2.2.13, the bttv driver, and xawtv.  It works very well.  I, too, have
 not yet used the IR remote under linux, but I think I've seen somewhere
 that it is supported or will be shortly.  It's also a pretty good video
 capture card.  This card is also a stereo tuner, but I haven't tried yet
 to use that under linux.

I also use an AverTV device but it works independently of the computer.  You
just connect the cables.  Nothing goes inside the computer.

I believe I got mine from TigerDirect.


Re: Setting up Debian

2000-02-02 Thread davidturetsky
Many thanks, Joe

Yes, I saw some reference in the documentation to the first 1024
cylinders... but not entirely decipherable. I will follow your suggested
course of action

I appreciate the several feedbacks I've been getting. Would love to have the
two OS's co-exist on this system. Welcome any help

Can't say enought good things about Partition Magic 5.0. An upgrade from
earlier version is available inexpensively via download


- Original Message -
From: Joe Bouchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: davidturetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: Setting up Debian

 On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 03:51:54PM -0800, davidturetsky wrote:
  I'm a newbie to Debian, but an old computer hand... experiencing
  considerable difficulty in setting up a Debian Linux system on my DELL
  Pentium III 34gb drive I set up a 8gb partition using fdisk and
  formated the lower 24gb with MS format. Then I used Partition Magic
  5.0 to set up a 1,000mb root partition, /, a 2gb /usr partition and
  a 1gb swap partition. I used Partition Magic to format each partition
  (root: Linux ex2; usr: Linux ex2; Swap partition: swap)

 There is a rule that OS's must boot within the first 1024 cylinders of
 the drive (I guess it's a BIOS limitation for PC style architecture).  On
 older computers like my P90, that mean the first 512mb, on newer ones
 like your's I guess that is about 8gb.  So having the lower 24gb as
 windows won't work.

 You need to get that windows partition down to just below 8gb.  You may
 want to put a small /boot partition (like 10mb) next, a few gigs of
 linux partitions, and then a big honking D: drive for windows.

 I don't have experience with partition magic.  I guess it't pretty neat,
 but I don't thing it will allow you to break the 1024 rule (I could be
 wrong, I usually am...)

 And like someone else said 1gb of swap is an awful lot.  The traditional
 standard is 2x your RAM.


 Thank you,
 Joe Bouchard

 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

compiling kernel on sparc/debian

2000-02-02 Thread Aaron Solochek
I am trying to compile a new kernel on a sparc, running debian.  I make
menuconfig, make dep, make clean, but after that I don't know what to
do.  zImage, bzImage, zlilo, bzlilo do not work.  What do I do?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: Yehaw!

2000-02-02 Thread Lee Chapelle
 On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Lee Chapelle wrote:
 How do I obtain and install the 2.3 kernel? I am running corel-linux


 cd to /usr/src
 and run this:

that's cool!

 mv linux linux-OLD

no such directory or fileSPLAT

 mkdir linux-2.3.41
 ln -s linux-2.3.41 linux
 tar -zxvf linux-2.3.41.tar.gz
 cd linux
 make menuconfig
 (configure the kernel to your liking)
 make dep ; make clean ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make modules_install
 cd arch/i386/boot
 cp bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.3.41
 cd /
 rm vmlinuz
 ln -s boot/vmlinuz-2.3.41 vmlinuz
 and reboot. there may be a better way but thats how i do it.  check
 /etc/lilo.conf to make sure the default kernel is /vmlinuz

RE: VMware

2000-02-02 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
I HAD good experiences with VMware under Debian.  

It worked fine for me last summer, but somehow somewhere something messed up. 
At the moment, vmware causes my system to lock up.  It brings up the gui and
the wizard just fine; however, just before it brings up the guest Bios, my
system freezes.  I can't kill X, and I can't telnet in, but I can ping the
system from another computer.

Has anybody seen this before?  Does anybody have an ideas as to what is
happening here? I would really like to get this issue resolved.

When I had it running, Windows 98 w/IE5 ran fine.  This was at 1024x768 @
24bit color.  It was quite fast (considering...) on my AMD K6-2 with 128MB
SDRAM.  I had VNC, ipmasq, samba, etc, set up on my system, so I could play
lots of interesting tricks with it.  I did find that shutting down extra things
on my debian system like apache, postgres, staroffice, etc, really helped
performance as well.

I've heard scary tales from someone who loaded an existing Windows
98 partition on its own partition... It tooks hours and hours to detect, add,
remove all the changed hardware.  After that, he couldn't dual boot into
Windows 98 natively.  Your best off not to take this route...

I know someone else who runs Mandrake, Windows 98, and Windows NT as guest OS's
on his Debian laptop with little problems.  Then again, he has one of those
nice new Dell laptops, so the system has lots of extra juice...

On 01-Feb-2000 Lance Heller wrote:
 What experience good, bad, or otherwise have Debian users had with
 VMware?  I have a requirement to use an application that only runs on
 one or another flavor of a Redmond virus and am deciding whether to
 convert my laptop to dual boot W98, or use VMware instead.  
 Thank you for your comments.


Wim Kerkhoff  

Re: Yehaw!

2000-02-02 Thread Lee Chapelle
I'm looking for Messenger I'm using corel-linux which has an earlier Netscape 
4.x in it already but no sign of Messenger Composer etc.. I downloaded the 
correct update from the FTP site as stated in the package manager in linux the 
one with -linuxglibc2.0.tar.gz , extracted to a folder, navigated to the folder 
in console and ran ./ns-install. It goes fine, updates Navigator to 4.7 but 
there's no still no Messenger. How do I add (find) Messenger? I gotta have a 
decent modern newsreader, I'm just no good with this terminal stuff.


- Original Message - 
To: Lee Chapelle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: Yehaw!

 extract the archive to whatever directory you want .. and cd to that
 directory and in a terminal/shell run ./ns-install is a shell script
 not an X windows app so u gotta be in a terminal or at the console to run
 if it still doesnt work let me know exactly what you are doing and i'll
 to help more
 On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Lee Chapelle wrote:
 canuck From: aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 canuck  try running ./ns-install
 canuck  it should work ..ive run it hundreds of times and never had a 
 problem on
 canuck  either linux or irix.
 canuck  nate
 canuck Thanks nate, before I reboot, can you please say explicitly, do I 
 just type ./ns-install in the Run box? Is there some requirement for the 
 archive to be placed or extracted somewhere specifically?
 canuck TIA
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
 -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
 9:07am up 165 days, 21:17, 1 user, load average: 1.06, 1.04, 1.06

Corel Linux debs

2000-02-02 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

Has anybody tried installing the Corel debs from
? I've tried them, but they depend on libapt-pkg2.5, which I can't seem to find

Does anybody know where libapt-pkg2.5 can be found?


Wim Kerkhoff  

kernel upgrading problems (2.0.36-.38)

2000-02-02 Thread Robert Waldner

 I have a problem upgrading to the recent 2.0.38 kernel, according to the
debian-faq I try to to make-kpkg --revision bla.1 kernel_image but there
seems to be a problem with the make-kpkg-skript:

bash-2.03# make-kpkg --revision bla.1 kernel_image
test -f stamp-debian || make -f /usr/share/kernel-package/rules debian
test ! -f stamp-configure  \
  (test -f .config || \
install -p-o root -g root -m 644 
/usr/share/kernel-package/config .config) \
   make  CROSS_COMPILE=i586-linux- \
 ARCH=i586 oldconfig \
   make  CROSS_COMPILE=i586-linux- \
 ARCH=i586 dep \
   make  CROSS_COMPILE=i586-linux- \
 ARCH=i586 clean  \
  touch stamp-configure
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38'
Makefile:153: arch/i586/Makefile: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/i586/Makefile'.  Stop.

it points to a i586-architecture where afaik there is no special
architecture for an i586 (as for m68k or alpha), one can only turn on some
compilation-optimization. I assume I´ve got something wrong here.

anyone can give me a hint or point me to the right faq?

-- +++ EUnet/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 15.-17.2.'2k, Ebene02/Stand08 +++
- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

question regarding compiling the kernel

2000-02-02 Thread joseph de los santos

 when trying to compile the kernel using make xconfig I get the following 
 debian:/usr/src/linux# make xconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkparse.o 
 tkparse.cgcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o 
 tkcond.o tkcond.c
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkgen.o 
 gcc -o tkparse tkparse.o tkcond.o tkgen.o
 cat  ./
 ./tkparse  ../arch/i386/
 echo set defaults \arch/i386/defconfig\
 echo set ARCH \i386\
 chmod 755
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
 wish -f scripts/
 make: wish: Command not found
 make: *** [xconfig] Error 127
 what am I missing here? is there a way to know what and where exactly to 
for along those lines should this missing thing occurs again?

thanks for any advice

Re: question regarding compiling the kernel

2000-02-02 Thread Robert Waldner
it seems you don´t have wish installed, according to dpkg --search wish this 
should be provided by tk8.0.


On Tue, 01 Feb 2000 14:38:25 PST, joseph de los santos writes:
 when trying to compile the kernel using make xconfig I get the following 
 wish -f scripts/
 make: wish: Command not found
 make: *** [xconfig] Error 127

-- +++ EUnet/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 15.-17.2.'2k, Ebene02/Stand08 +++
- ___   - Robert WaldnerEUnet/AT tech staff 
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- ---EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

Re: question regarding compiling the kernel

2000-02-02 Thread Matthew Dalton

joseph de los santos wrote:
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
  wish -f scripts/
  make: wish: Command not found
  make: *** [xconfig] Error 127
  what am I missing here? is there a way to know what and where exactly to
 for along those lines should this missing thing occurs again?

You're missing the tcl and tk packages (tcl8.0 and tk8.0 packages should
be okay) which are required to run the configuration program. Either
install these packages, or use make menuconfig instead of make


Re: VMware

2000-02-02 Thread Brad
On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 10:30:05PM -0800, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 I've heard scary tales from someone who loaded an existing Windows
 98 partition on its own partition... It tooks hours and hours to detect, add,
 remove all the changed hardware.  After that, he couldn't dual boot into
 Windows 98 natively.  Your best off not to take this route...

i managed to get a setup like this working. It wasn't pleasant, i'd
recommend against it unless you're the type of person who likes fixing
broken systems ;)

i ended up creating a second hardware profile for vmware and a dos-ish
boot menu for turning off my virus scanner under vmware (because it
locks up in the guest) and loading a different cdrom driver. Then i had
to fix the other hardware profile because windoze handles it with the
typical M$ brain damage. After fixing it the first time around from
before i had thought to do that. i also killed everything that had been
set to run on startup, because it takes long enough to boot without
extras ;)

Drifting slightly off topic, i did the backup-and-repartition deal
around the same time, to get more space in my fat32 data partition by
taking some of the wasted space from windows. When i created the two as
hdb1 and hdb2, winDOS insisted on claiming D: was a drive with 0 bytes,
and using hdb2 as E:. But when i made hdb1 and hdb5, it worked fine. Is
winDOS really that dumb that it can't handle multiple primary FAT

What was that sigquote? If Windows is the answer, it must've been a
stupid question

  finger for GPG public key.
  8 Jan 2000 - Old email addresses removed from key, new added

Description: PGP signature

Technical problem -- please help.

2000-02-02 Thread Jérôme Loisel

I am having a rather technical problem with my GNU/Linux system. I have
tried really hard to resolve this on my own, and am out of luck.

The sad thing is I'm not running Debian, but RedHat... However, I don't have
commercial support, and the people on this list feel like The Most Likely to
Actually Be Able to Help Me(TM)... So please help.

The RedHat 6.1 installer hiccupped on my mouse, so I had to do the text
install. No problem, but the hosts were not configured properly. The
/etc/hosts and related files were empty. I filled them as best I could with
localhost entries, scrupulously following man pages. But I feel something is
still wrong.
I almost always use X. Well, eventually, after 5 minutes or one day, I can
no longer start new apps. I get an error. (Luckily, it is happening now, and
I am not even kidding, so here is a transcript of terminal 1)
AUDIT: [date]: 1515 X: client X rejected from local host AUTH name:

And trying to start an app from a terminal yields the following results:

Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server Xlib: Client is not authorized
to connect to Server kedit: cannot connect to X server :0

I read the man pages on security and such. I put ALL in /etc/hosts.allow.
I tried erasing the .Xauthority file to see if it wasn't corrupt or
anything. Nothing works. I keep having those problems.

So here I am, restarting X I don't know how many times a day. And RedHat
can't bring itself to at least host a redhat-help mailing list... or if it
does, mention it on their page.

In any case, please help me. This is painful. I can provide additional
information to whoever wants it.
Thanks, and happy coding.
Jérôme Loisel

Get 100% FREE Internet Access powered by Excite

Re: VMware

2000-02-02 Thread Bernhard Rieder
Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 I HAD good experiences with VMware under Debian.
 It worked fine for me last summer, but somehow somewhere something messed up.
 At the moment, vmware causes my system to lock up.  It brings up the gui and
 the wizard just fine; however, just before it brings up the guest Bios, my
 system freezes.  I can't kill X, and I can't telnet in, but I can ping the
 system from another computer.

I have this problem when running xawtv in DGA mode. Do You have any
applications running using DGA?


Re: VMware

2000-02-02 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

On 02-Feb-2000 Bernhard Rieder wrote:
 Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 I HAD good experiences with VMware under Debian.
 It worked fine for me last summer, but somehow somewhere something messed up.
 At the moment, vmware causes my system to lock up.  It brings up the gui and
 the wizard just fine; however, just before it brings up the guest Bios, my
 system freezes.  I can't kill X, and I can't telnet in, but I can ping the
 system from another computer.
 I have this problem when running xawtv in DGA mode. Do You have any
 applications running using DGA?

No, as far as I know I don't.  All I have running is a couple windowmaker
docapps, xfmail, X, and that's about it.  I've attached ps axf and lsmod.

Do you run into this problem when ever you run xawtv in DGA mode?

At one point I thought that maybe vmware was having troubles loading or
unloading its kernel modules, but I disabled networking and it still happened.

Strange thing is, that my dialup connection to my ISP is still up, and my
workstation is still IP masquarding for the rest of the network here... it
seems everything that is in userspace is gone.


Wim Kerkhoff  

Law of Continuity:
Experiments should be reproducible.  They should all fail the same way.

Re: VMware

2000-02-02 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

On 02-Feb-2000 Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 On 02-Feb-2000 Bernhard Rieder wrote:
 Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 I HAD good experiences with VMware under Debian.
 It worked fine for me last summer, but somehow somewhere something messed
 At the moment, vmware causes my system to lock up.  It brings up the gui
 the wizard just fine; however, just before it brings up the guest Bios, my
 system freezes.  I can't kill X, and I can't telnet in, but I can ping the
 system from another computer.
 I have this problem when running xawtv in DGA mode. Do You have any
 applications running using DGA?
 No, as far as I know I don't.  All I have running is a couple windowmaker
 docapps, xfmail, X, and that's about it.  I've attached ps axf and lsmod.

Arggh, now I've attached that.
 Do you run into this problem when ever you run xawtv in DGA mode?
 At one point I thought that maybe vmware was having troubles loading or
 unloading its kernel modules, but I disabled networking and it still
 Strange thing is, that my dialup connection to my ISP is still up, and my
 workstation is still IP masquarding for the rest of the network here... it
 seems everything that is in userspace is gone.


Wim Kerkhoff  

The reason that every major university maintains a department of
mathematics is that it's cheaper than institutionalizing all those people.

Description: lsmod

Description: tmp

Install problem SMC etherpower II network card

2000-02-02 Thread J.B. Huijsmans
I have tried to install debian several times and every time it fails,
because I can't get connected to the network.
I don't have this problem with any other distribution I have tried (redhat,
mandrake, slackware).
The epic100 driver seems to detect my card properly - a least ifconfig shows
the ID correctly.
I'm to connect to a LAN network. On start-up I get a message like:

device temporarily unavailable
network unreachable

I'm sure the IP-numbers I gave are correct. Does anyone have an idea what
I'm doing wrong?


Re: Setting up Debian - II

2000-02-02 Thread davidturetsky
I followed Joe's recommendation and partitioned my 32gb IBM hard drive as
  c: 6,997.0   mb
  /   39.2mb
  swap  258.8mb
  /usr  5,004.6   mb
  e:   20,332.2   mb

When I tried to install Debian, avoiding any further partitioning within the
Debian install procedure, I ended up with: Floppy error: The attempt to
extract the Rescue Floppy failed

When I said, go ahead, partition, I ended up with Bad primary partition
0: Partition ends after the end-of-disk. Press any key to exit cfdisk

On exiting, the following message appeared, cfdisk has failed while trying
to repartition your disk. This may mean your disk's partition table is
corrupt or your disk is 'factory clean.' I may wipe out your disk's current
partition table and run cfdisk again...

(A few days ago when I allowed cfdisk to run again, it did indeed wipe out
my entire disk--- which quite likely was not properly partitioned, if at

When I tried to bypass all this and get in with a boot floppy generated
several days earlier, with the thought that I could see what Debian thought
the partitions looked like, I got, kernel panic: No init found. Try passing
init=option to kernel

I also tried to install using Red Hat 6.1 to see if the issue was unique to
the Debian installer, but Red Hat also did not see any partition



- Original Message -
From: Joe Bouchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: davidturetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: Setting up Debian

 On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 03:51:54PM -0800, davidturetsky wrote:
  I'm a newbie to Debian, but an old computer hand... experiencing
  considerable difficulty in setting up a Debian Linux system on my DELL
  Pentium III 34gb drive I set up a 8gb partition using fdisk and
  formated the lower 24gb with MS format. Then I used Partition Magic
  5.0 to set up a 1,000mb root partition, /, a 2gb /usr partition and
  a 1gb swap partition. I used Partition Magic to format each partition
  (root: Linux ex2; usr: Linux ex2; Swap partition: swap)

 There is a rule that OS's must boot within the first 1024 cylinders of
 the drive (I guess it's a BIOS limitation for PC style architecture).  On
 older computers like my P90, that mean the first 512mb, on newer ones
 like your's I guess that is about 8gb.  So having the lower 24gb as
 windows won't work.

 You need to get that windows partition down to just below 8gb.  You may
 want to put a small /boot partition (like 10mb) next, a few gigs of
 linux partitions, and then a big honking D: drive for windows.

 I don't have experience with partition magic.  I guess it't pretty neat,
 but I don't thing it will allow you to break the 1024 rule (I could be
 wrong, I usually am...)

 And like someone else said 1gb of swap is an awful lot.  The traditional
 standard is 2x your RAM.


 Thank you,
 Joe Bouchard

 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

apt-get error

2000-02-02 Thread Thomas Braun
hello list! 

i have a problem with apt-get ! 

i want to upgrade my slink to potato and i try apt-get update 
and then apt-get upgrade it downloaded many file but than he hangs ! 
i trryed another time and then i get the message try apt-get -f install 
i tryed but then there comes the message 
e: internal error, couldn't configure a pre-depend how can i find  the
error for it ! 

i tryed dpkg --configure -a and all is fine ! 

and help? 

thx for your help! 

cu thomas.

#   #
#   Linux is like a Wigwam: Thomas Braun#
#   No Gates, no Fences and Hammer GmbH  CoKg  #
#   an Apache inside !  :-) Schoenebergerstr. 21#
#   --- 52068 Aachen#
#   Tel: +49(0)241-9665-188 #
#   Fax: +49(0)241-9665-189 #

Based On

2000-02-02 Thread TroPeek


Is it there any other Linux Distribution based on 
Debian, besides Storm Linux 2000?


Re: Possible convert

2000-02-02 Thread hypnos
On Tue, 1 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have thinking for sometime switching over to linux.  Before I do a total 
 conversion I want to test the waters a little bit.  I have an old Gateway, 
 486 66 machine with about 16 megs of RAM, 1 gig of hard disk and 8X cd 
 player.  Could iLinux be installed on such a machine?  I don't want to 
 upgrade the hardware but I can if it will make a real difference.  
 Thank you for any advice.
 Kevin Jennings

The machine that I am composing this message on is an IBM ValuePoint
486dx2/66, with 16 MB RAM, and only a 120 MB HD.  I am mounting all the
main partitions over NFS until I can get a bigger drive to put in here.
This machine works great, and runs the X Window System fairly nice.  My
gateway/firewall/server/ipmasq box is a 486sx/25, with 20 MB RAM, and a
1.2 GB HD.  Both run Debian very nicely.  I have considered taking 8 MB
out of the other box and adding to this one (to give it 24 MB RAM), but
yet to do so.  I think you'll find that Debian will run very nice on
that machine.

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

possible netstat bug

2000-02-02 Thread Pere Camps

I'm running Debian Slink with the 2.0.38 kernel on a AMD K6 and I
found a weird problem.

When executing 'netstat -a', I get (from other usual stuff):

tcp0  0 *:smtp  *:* CLOSE

That should mean that the SMTP server (exim, via xinetd), should
accept any connections (weird enough already to be in this situation), but
if I 'telnet localhost 25' I get the usual SMTP banner and everything
works fine.

In fact, 'lsof | grep smtp' shows:

xinetd29746 root   22u  inet 0x04afe4140t0 TCP *:smtp

So it makes me thing there's a netstat bug. Has anybody found the
same thing?

ps: please answer directly via email as I'm not subscribe to the list due
to its high volume.

-- p.

Re: Setting up Debian - II

2000-02-02 Thread Philip Lehman
On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, davidturetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I followed Joe's recommendation and partitioned my 32gb IBM hard drive as
  c: 6,997.0   mb
  /   39.2mb
  swap  258.8mb
  /usr  5,004.6   mb
  e:   20,332.2   mb

Is this a typo or are you trying to reserve 39.2 megs for the root
system? Keep in mind that this partition will contain everything below
/ except /usr, so this setup would be unusable.


looking for Nvidia GeForce X server

2000-02-02 Thread Kovács Tamás

Hi Everybody!

I look for an X server to Geforce Chipset. Nvidia 
says: under construction
Can somebody help me, to find an useful X 
( I can't enjoy the 320X200 resolution... :-/ 



2000-02-02 Thread Ron Rademaker
Can anybody tell me where the list with packages that are selected in
dselect resites?
I'm currently installing debian on my new computer and want to install the
same packages as installed on another computer (that the computer where I
want to get that list) and some more that I'll do manually.


Re: Based On

2000-02-02 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (TroPeek) wrote:
Is it there any other Linux Distribution based on Debian, besides Storm
Linux 2000?

Corel Linux, Linux by Libranet, and Prosa Debian (Italian). See

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dselect

2000-02-02 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Rademaker) wrote:
Can anybody tell me where the list with packages that are selected in
dselect resites?
I'm currently installing debian on my new computer and want to install the
same packages as installed on another computer (that the computer where I
want to get that list) and some more that I'll do manually.

Try dpkg --get-selections (and its inverse, dpkg --set-selections).

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: forwarding X11 over ssh

2000-02-02 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Miller) wrote:
Joseph A. Martin wrote:
 I maintain a Linux system at our office. Quite frequently I
 administer this system remotely via ssh. Today I wanted to try running
 an X app over the SSH link. I passed the '-X' option to ssh which the

Just in case is was not a typo ;-) 

The '-x' option disables X forwarding. The '+x' option, which is
default, enables X forwarding.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ssh --help
Usage: ssh [options] host [command]
  -l user Log in using this user name.
  -n  Redirect input from /dev/null.
  -A  Enable authentication agent forwarding.
  -a  Disable authentication agent forwarding.
  -X  Enable X11 connection forwarding.
  -x  Disable X11 connection forwarding.

-X is not necessarily the default, either; see /etc/ssh/ssh_config.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Setting up Debian - II

2000-02-02 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Guys,

The Bootdisks vrom Debian 2.2 sucks.

I have downloaded the base2_2.tgz and all neccesary files last year and 
taken an installation from ZIP-Disk... It was working great.

Now I have downloaded the last version of it (27.01.2000) and now I can 
run install from the ZIP-Disk (Booted with a Dos-Boot-Disk) and I am 
running in truble, because Linux can Boot but do not find the hdc (my ZIP100).

I have the same Files on a second ZIP-Disk for Debian 2.1r2 and it works 
very well. 

Who is the maintainer of this packages ???

A ZIP-Disk is like a harddisk but it is not there. Why ???

If I run the Debian 2.1 Setup and I like to partition a Harddisk, the hdc 
(my ZIP100)is there but not in Debian 2.2.

Curently I have no running Linux workstation (it is died with my Harddisk)
and I do not like to install the OLD Debian 2.1


128 MB but only 64 MB

2000-02-02 Thread Ron Rademaker
My computer (Athlon 500) has 128 MB of memory, but linux says that there's
only 64 MB. At bootup the bios says 128 MB...
I want to use the other 64 MB as well... how???


maxima, gcl

2000-02-02 Thread Thomas Walter

I use Debian Linux (potato) and I want to ask if anybody has tried to
compile 'maxima'.  This is a package to do symbolic math in can be
found on any GNU mirror.

The general recipe to go is:

get and unpack 'gcl-2.3.tar.gz'
configure and compile it
get and unpack maxima-5.4.tar.gz
tell maxima's configure where to find the 'gcl' stuff from above
because it needs these bin, objects and sources
configure nad compile

Any hint is wellcome.


SUSHI?  Nein, Danke.  Ich esse keine Köder.

Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
Egerlandstr. 3  Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
91058 Erlangen, Germany email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mounting the floppy

2000-02-02 Thread debian

Something's wierd with mounting dos floppies under my current
installation of slink debian. It worked before I had a hard drive
crash and had to reinstall. I can read vfat hard drive partitions just
fine. mtools isn't helping, either -- it cannot open the floppy
device. I've tried mounting the floppy both as msdos and vfat
filesystems.  In both cases df agrees as to the usage of the floppy,
but ls returns gibberish.

Any ideas?


 mdir a:
Can't open /dev/fd0: Permission denied
Cannot initialize 'A:'

The relevant sections of /etc/fstab are:

/dev/fd0 /dos_a  msdos   user,noauto,exec  11
/dev/fd0 /fat_a  vfatuser,noauto,exec  11
/dev/fd0 /lin_a  ext2user,noauto,exec  11
/dev/hdc1/dos_d  vfatuser,exec  11
/dev/hda1/dos_c  vfatuser,exec  11

 mount /fat_a
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdc52028098  892468  1030808 46%   /
/dev/hda21022327  366409   603099 38%   /roar
/dev/hdc62028129  481074  1442231 25%   /purr
/dev/hdc11999776   14272  1985504  1%   /dos_d
/dev/hda11052160  98972862432 94%   /dos_c
/dev/fd01423 118 1305  8%   /fat_a
 ls -l /fat_a/
total 15767663
dr-xr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Jun 16  2016 eyt?=j^?.??
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  3214202816 Jul 30  1926 ij??|r??.t??
-r-xr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  1311207151 Nov 22  1953 j???s?r:.???
drwxr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Dec  2  1911 o??jp???.?x?
dr-xr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Jul  7  2008 r]:?.???
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  1523814270 May  1  2024 usq?[?m?.???
dr-xr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Jan 16  2015 u??u??uu.???
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  1246382200 Dec 30  2006 ?$??.??j
drwxr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Jan  6  1996 ??wg.??
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  917339672 May 10  1951 ?2?y???q.???
dr-xr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Mar 13  1923 g???.?w?
-r-xr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  3149585275 Nov  6  1998 .???
-r-xr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  1293774351 Jan 29  1961 ???y.u}w
-r-xr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  3080858075 Dec  2  1934 ? ??.!?4
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  408909675 Dec 22  2021 ?3%?.???
dr-xr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Nov 25  1965 ?[c???k?.?}?
drwxr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Aug 13  1913 ???r???.???
drwxr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Jul 22  2009 ??n??ddm.g?0
dr-xr-xr-x   0 blondie  blondie   512 Mar 24  1954 ?%5?.?w?

 mount /dos_a
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdc52028098  892489  1030787 46%   /
/dev/hda21022327  366409   603099 38%   /roar
/dev/hdc62028129  481074  1442231 25%   /purr
/dev/hdc11999776   14272  1985504  1%   /dos_d
/dev/hda11052160  98972862432 94%   /dos_c
/dev/fd01423 118 1305  8%   /dos_a
 ls -l /dos_a/
ls: /dos_a/u¢÷uuu.¹Õ×: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/üç£þ%5Û.õw¬: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/ç[cëÛúk®.Á}: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/eytê=j^Û.: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/Ê߯¾»ìy.u}w: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/«Ûôêwg.¦ÿ: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/oßÊjpäè.ºxÒ: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/«2y²Ì»q.ßêÓ: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/r]çä:ê.²: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/úùné×ddm.gè0: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/jïôÒs°r:.ÇÕÞ: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/µï½ÛúÅ.¾Ï: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/ijÓý|rïÛ.tÅÀ: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/ðr¯Þ.ùÊ: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/´¶Í¿g¢Ê.«wü: No such file or directory
ls: /dos_a/usqñ[m×.ë: No such file or directory
total 4625148
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  1246382200 Dec 30  2006 ?$??.??j
-r-xr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  3080858075 Dec  2  1934 ? ??.!?4
-rwxr-xr-x   1 blondie  blondie  408909675 Dec 22  2021 ?3%?.???

Re: TV Cards....

2000-02-02 Thread Peter Ross
On 03-Feb-2000, Cyrus Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PS I'm in Oz so quoting prices probably wouldn't help ;-)
I am in Oz and would like to know some prices.

Re: 128 MB but only 64 MB

2000-02-02 Thread dyer
Ron Rademaker wrote:

 My computer (Athlon 500) has 128 MB of memory, but linux says that there's
 only 64 MB. At bootup the bios says 128 MB...
 I want to use the other 64 MB as well... how???


in /etc/lilo.conf add:

run lilo, reboot


Lots of errors and page faults

2000-02-02 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks,

I've got a bit of a problem with one of my servers and I was wondering
if anyone could offer a suggestion.

I've got a slink system with a 2.2 kernel, and I'm getting lots of page
faults, and kernel errors, and so on. My kern.log file is full of
errors, sometimes happening every couple of minutes. Very rarely does it
actually bring down the server, but I'm sort of worried about random
things dieing all of the time! I also can't compile anything - most of
the time I get (seeminly random, different each time) errors in
./configure scripts.

My first though was that it was the RAM. I loaded up the memtest86
through lilo, left it running for quite some time, and didn't get even
the hint of an error.

My suspicion now is that maybe it is the swap partition. We had a bit of
a crash on this drive a while ago (turned out to be a dodgy motherboard)
which did some nasty things to the file system (which I recovered). I'm
thinking that maybe some bad blocks have appeared in the swap space, and
when the kernel tries to access them, it has an anurism (sp?). Does that
sound like a plausible theory?

Acting on that hunch, I tried disabling the swap, booting to single user
mode, and deleting, then re-creating, the swap (using fdisk, then
mkswap). This doesn't seem to have changed anything dramatically. Should
I try running badblocks over the swap (can you even do that?)?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Which packages are new in potato

2000-02-02 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Adrian Bunk wrote:

 I'm looking for a list of all packages that are new (not only a newer
 version) in potato compared to slink. Is something like that available

Just take the Packages.gz file from slink and potato, make a list of the
package names by doing something like:

zgrep ^Package: Packages.gz | awk '{ print $2 }'

Once you have files containing the package names for slink and potato, you
can see the lines in the second file which are not in the first one by
using this little gawk-script (call it exclude):

#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
  if (ARGIND == 1)
a[$0] = 1
  else if (! ($0 in a))
print $0

exclude slink-list potato-list will give you the list of new packages.

Hope this helps.

HELP: Mirror/wget over http-proxy with authorisation won't work

2000-02-02 Thread Mark Caspari
the situation:

I want to mirror potato on my local maschine. Direct ftp and http requests
don't go through our companies proxy und firewalls.

For using our proxy I need authorisation (username/passwd) for any
http-application which accesses the proxy. ftp via netscape is working

After installing squid on my local machine I found a way that squid does the
authorisations for me, any http app no works without doing the
authoristion-procedure, any time I start it.

Then I've been trying to get the perl script 'mirror' working. It tries to
connect via squid, but get's a time out
(ftp via netscape to works fine)

Next try wget: Made the http-authorisation setting in /etc/wgetrc,
passive-ftp and so on,  it seems to work, it's downloading some stuff, but
if I try to use any of the parameters like -m (mirror)

Example with http-proxy set to company proxy

wget -Y -v -r --no-parent --passive-ftp  --http-user=my_user --http-passwd=m
--- no route to host

wget -Y -v -r --no-parent --passive-ftp  --http-user=my_user --http-passwd=m
Connecting to connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 407 Proxy authorization required
14:34:01 ERROR 407: Proxy authorization required.

wget -Y -v -r --no-parent --passive-ftp  --http-user=my_user --http-passwd=m
Connecting to connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 407 Proxy authorization required
14:34:01 ERROR 407: Proxy authorization required.

Example with http-proxy set to squid on local machine
Connecting to connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response...

Any hints??

Potato broken...?

2000-02-02 Thread Sven Esbjerg

I have used Poatato on a lot of different machines for a long time now (app. 7
months.) and I have never hard a harder time than now. After fighting with
kernel 2.3.40 on potato with a lot of OpenGL stuff included I decided it was to
unstable (reboot every 3 hours or so) and wanted to reinstall me machine using
the 'good old' 2.2.14 kernel and potato. Last night I decided to reboot with
current debian-installation disks for i386 and get the rest from the net. Well
everything ran smoothly until I rebooted. Just before I get a prompt Init
reports that it's respawning to fast... I switch to getty-2 and do a 
check on what is running. Nothing of importence. I check inittab and see
something like this: '1:2345:respawn:/bin/sh /root/.bash_profile...' which I
uncomment and add '1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1' which works. 
Because I didn't start Debian the normal way nothing is really configured nd I
have to do the stuff myself 8-0
I run dselect do get what I need but something breaks on the way and I don't
get bin86 and other importent things. I rerun dselect and get the missing
stuff (I thought). Somehow Perl seemes to break a lot of dependencies and I
end up with a half installed Gnome and missing X-libs...
I fix most of it and compile a new kernel with support for SMP and get X
running. I create my default useraccount and get my home-dir via nfs only to
find out that my fonts are twisted, xscreensaver cannot be installed without
deinstalling half of the Gnome-stuff. I believe it's Perl thats busting it up
again but I'm not sure. 

So my conclusion from this experience: Unless the chosen ones (developers)
work really hard on potato it's not going to be out as stable soon. To be
honest: This was my worst experience with Debian and it seems like it's not
over because I'll have to compile a lot of packeges on my own to fix the

I still look forward to stable and will still continue to use Debian for a
long time but some of my confidence in the chosen ones have been lost.
Sven Esbjerg

Re: compiling kernel on sparc/debian

2000-02-02 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:02:21AM -0500, Aaron Solochek wrote:
 I am trying to compile a new kernel on a sparc, running debian.  I make
 menuconfig, make dep, make clean, but after that I don't know what to
 do.  zImage, bzImage, zlilo, bzlilo do not work.  What do I do?

# make vmlinux
# gzip -dc vmlinux  vmlinuz

Then you can use the vmlinuz image as you would any normal kernel image.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

RE: Installation Debian 2.1

2000-02-02 Thread tschmid
 i used the potato 2.2.5 boot disks because of a problem of the boot-cd
 within the debian 2.1 package with the initio-SCSI-host

If you only run into trouble when booting from CD, you should use the
Debian 2.1
bootdisks. There is a tool on the first CD to create them (rawrite, AFAIR).

Also have a look at the libc6 - libc6-bin-thread for further hints on
that one.


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