Re: ACPI Dual Monitor....

2000-02-13 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Fri, Feb 11, 2000,
Antonio Lara Quirós...

  Buenas,  pues  eso...  alguien  sabe de  recursos  por  ahi
 sueltos  sobre ACPI  y  algo parecido  al  Dual Monitor  de
 windows (dos tarj.  graficas  dos monitores  y poder abrir
 una consola  en cada uno,  o tambien poder llegar  a hacerlo
 con  las X...  ).  Bueno si  no hay  recursos  y alguien  ha
 probado estas cosillas pos que meche una mano, ;).

Lo  único  que  te  puedo   comentar  es  que  en  la  próxima
versión  3.4   de  las  Xfree   se  podrá  utilizar   dos  (¿o
más?)  tarjetas/monitores, y  creo  que  tanto para  desviar
aplicaciones a uno u otro,  como para visualizar el escritorio
en ambos como de uno se tratara.

Más información seguro tendrán en las páginas web de Xfree.


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Por mi mala cabeza

2000-02-13 Thread Netman
El Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 02:09:44PM +0100,
Fernando Sanchez dijo:

 On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Roberto Henriquez Laurent wrote:
  Yo movi el directorio /usr entre dos particiones usando la vieja (según 
  tar cvf - . | (cd /usr2; tar xvf -)

(cd $1; tar cf - . ) | (cd $2; tar xvpf -)  es más fino: preserva los permisos.

Otra alternativa posible es usando el mc. 
De hecho, parece que va incluso mejor: el tar de arriba duplica ficheros que
tienen hardlinks, y el mc los trata adecuadamente.

Salu2, Netman

Imbesi's Law with Freeman's Extension:
In order for something to become clean, something else must
become dirty; but you can get everything dirty without getting
anything clean.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.14

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas para compartir archivos en NFS

2000-02-13 Thread Cesar
Cesar wrote:

 Pookie wrote:

  por el mensaje que pone parece que tengas que poner unos : entre el host i
  el directorio es decir: en lugar de /mnt/PC1
  No he usado nunca NFS, asi que no se si sera eso.. :P pero prueba, y si es
  eso pos dimelo :)
  - Original Message -
  Linux onelist [EMAIL PROTECTED]; KplinuxBasic
  Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 3:28 AM
  Subject: Problemas para compartir archivos en NFS
   Quiero compartir el directorio /usr de un PC con otro y he hecho lo
   En PC1:   /etc/exports/usr (rw)
   En PC2:mount -t nfs /mnt/PC1
   I me da el siguiente error: directory to mount not in host:dir format
   Sabeis que hago mal?Gracias
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Este tema ya se trato anteriormente

  /sbin/mount -tnfs   /mnt/dir2

 donde dir1 es el directorio a montar  (el directorio exportable de la primera 
 maquina) y dir2
 es el directorio donde lo quieres montar.

 Espero que te sirva.

WMaker y startx

2000-02-13 Thread Cesar

   Saludos colisteros

 Estoy intentando que mi X-Win de Debian Hamm  (2.0.34)
abra una serie
   de ventanas de inicio en mi flamante WindowMaker
   por medio del archivo~/.xinitrc .
 Mi pregunta  es la siguiente ¿ Es posible que
   algunos de los programas y/o ventanas se abran en un
Workspace diferente del 1º.

Desde ya muchas gracias.

Off Topic: Protocolo en la lista

2000-02-13 Thread Raul Hernandez
Hola a todos/as:

Desde hace algún tiempo se viene discutiendo aquí sobre los problemas
y beneficios que conlleva el que personas no suscritas a la lista
envíen correo a la misma.

Yo quería dar mi opinión sobre lo que entiendo que debe ser una lista
de correo:

1.- Una lista de correo es un medio de intercambio de información
sobre un tema específico (Linux en nuestro caso) entre personas
con diversos niveles de conocimientos.

2.- Todos tenemos cabida, desde el más novato hasta el más gurú. Sin
embargo, entiendo que es apropiado intentar resolver el problema
con medios propios antes de preguntar a toda la lista. Antes de
preguntar hay que leer la información disponilble (o preguntar al
menos dónde encontrarla)

4.- La información de la lista no hay que buscarla a través de la red,
sino que llega al buzón de  correo del interesado/a. Por eso, es
necesario estar suscrito a la lista para recibir información, y en
teoría, también para enviar mensajes a la lista. En esto se
diferencia de las news, lo que permite evitar el SPAM, pues
alguien que no respeta a los demás colisteros es dado de baja.

5.- Las listas de correo son configurables por parte del usuario
mediante mensajes a una dirección de gestión de la lista
(majordomo, lista-request, ...). 
Aquí pongo algunos ejemplos, sacados del libro Internet, manual
de referencia de Harley Hann, y aunque problablemente no
funcionen en una lista específica, existirán otros similares:

· help: envía sumario con las órdenes básicas
· info ?: envía lista de información de temas
· info tema: envía información sobre un tema específico
· susbcribe lista nombre: causa alta en la lista especificada
· unsusbcribe lista nombre: causa baja en la lista especificada
· set lista nomail: interrumpe temporalmente el envío de mensajes

· set lista mail: reanuda el envío de mensajes de la lista
· set lista repro: envía copias de los mensajes propios
· set lista norepro: no envía copias de los mensajes propios

6.- Existe una persona encargada de gestionar la lista a la que se
puede recurrir si algo no funciona como cabría esperar, o para
solicitar las órdenes de configuración de la lista. 

El buen funcionamiento de una lista de correo depende de la gestión
que la persona encargada realice, pero sobre todo del buen uso que
hagan los usuarios de la misma.

Yo propongo algunas líneas de actuación:

a.- Eliminar de la lista todo SPAM tomando las medidas necesarias para
ello (obligar a la suscripción para enviar mensajes a la lista, o
cualquier otra opción)

b.- Evitar mensajes del tipo No me funciona XWindow sin más datos,
así conseguiremos que la lista sea más util. ¡Qué mínimo que saber la
versión, tarjeta, y mensajes del sistema! Todos somos novatos por
mucho tiempo que llevemos con Linux, y hay que entender las prisas por
tener un Linux UpRunning, pero la documentación está para leerla.

c.- Los mensajes de agradecimiento son correctos, pero deberían
incluir un resumen del problema y la solución, para que tengan sentido
para todos los suscriptores de la lista, si es que ha habido correo
privado entre quien pregunta y quien responde.

d.- No usar HTML en los mensajes para que sean de fácil lectura para

e.- Eliminar el cross-posting a varias listas de correo.

Esto es sólo mi opinión, no pretendo ir contra nada ni contra nadie,
sino a favor del mejor funcionamiento de la lista.

Perdón por el rollo, y...
Un saludo
Raúl Hernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sincronizacion de fecha y hora

2000-02-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 11 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 11:34:28 +0100, Conrado Badenas 

4b) rdate, con su opción -a, usa la llamada al sistema adjtimex(2) para
ir cambiando gradualmente la hora, lo cual es importante por el tema de
los crons.

 ¿Y cuánto tarda?  Lo digo porque una vez mi  reloj iba atrasado
 un par  de minutos, le  puse la  opción -a y  al cabo de  dos horas
 comprobé que sólo había ajustado 3 segundos.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Problemas compilando programas gtk

2000-02-13 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Tengo el siguiente problema compilando programas gtk (en este caso,
rep-gtk para el sawmill)

checking for gtk-config... (cached) /usr/bin/gtk-config
checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... no
*** Could not run GTK test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK was incorrectly
*** or that you have moved GTK since it was installed. In the latter case,
*** may want to edit the gtk-config script: /usr/bin/gtk-config
configure: error: need at least Gtk+ version 1.2

| Estado=No/Instalado/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: mayúsc.=malo)
||/ Nombre  VersiónDescripción
ii  libgtk1 1.0.6-2The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.1   1.1.2-2The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X, unsta
ii  libgtk1.2   1.2.6-0.slink. The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.2-dev   1.2.6-0.slink. Development files for the GIMP Toolkit
ii  libgtkxmhtml1 The Gnome gtkxmhtml (HTML) widget
ii  libgtop11.0.6-0.slink. Libraries for gtop system monitoring library

Alguien me puede decir qué es lo que está pasando? :?¿


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: Problemas compilando programas gtk

2000-02-13 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 01:55:35PM +0100, Juan Ignacio Llona dijo:
 Hola a todos!
 Tengo el siguiente problema compilando programas gtk (en este caso,
 rep-gtk para el sawmill)
[./configure no encuentra GTK=1.2, y está instalado libgtk1, 1.1 y 1.2]
 Alguien me puede decir qué es lo que está pasando? :?¿

Revisa que /usr/lib/ esté apuntando a libgtk-1.2.x.x.x, asi como 
Tienes programas que dependan de libgtk1.0 o libgtk1.1? Si no es así, puedes
desinstalar el paquete y revisar los enlaces simbólicos en /usr/lib (para 
cuales son, puedes hacer un ldconfig, si hay algun enlace huérfano, el te dirá
cual es).

En la página de sawmill ( puedes encontrar enlaces
a paquetes de sawmill para Debian slink y potato.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa | POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-13 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Está disponible en:

Una critica: ¡¡¡Hay que ver como se lo curran algunos!!!  :-
Un temor: Me temo lo peor, el dibujo de la ORCA, ¿lo has hecho en 
postcript?  ;-)
Un comentario: Del diccionario i2e aparece Alfredo Casademunt como autor. ¿No 
lo hizo tambien
Jose Luis Triviño?
Una pregunta: ¿Hay alguna relacion entre el dict e ispell? ¿Los podria usar 
¿Es un barbaridad lo que pregunto?
Un saludo:


Re: Necesito consejo para quitar disco duro y dejar todo igual

2000-02-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 10 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 16:07:59 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

En mi equipo tengo dos discos duros, /dev/hda con 6 GB. y /dev/hdb con 4
GB. el caso es que tengo instalado la partición Linux en el /dev/hdb y
dentro de poco me ocmpro un nuevo equipo sin disco duro y quiero ponerle el
de 6 GB. el caso es que en el de 6 GB /dev/hda está el mbr con el lilo que
arranca mi partición Linux en /dev/hdb y cuando quite el disco de 6 gb. el
segundo disco de 4 gb. pasará a ser /dev/hda y no tener ni lilo ni leches.

 Todo el  mundo te ha comentado  de hacer un disco  de arranque,
 cosa que no está mal, pero  para arreglar las cosas ya mismo puedes
 coger el lilo.conf, cambiar la línea boot para que apunte a hdb y
 ejecutar  lilo. Con  eso lilo  se instala  en el  disco que  tienes
 ahora, y  pasará a funcionar  cuando cambies los discos.  Luego por
 supuesto no te olvides de volver a cambiarlo por hda.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tarjetas graficas y de TV

2000-02-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 11 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 13:48:56 +0100, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio 

   En el propio site de nVidia tienes los servidores X y las GLX para
todas las tarjetas de nVidia.

 ¿Qué  es GLX?  Yo estuve  buscando información  sobre esto  por
 sites de nvidia y tal, pero acabé haciéndome un lío entre X, glide,
 mesa, opengl y glx.

Se supone que cuando saquen el xfree 4.0, junto con los DRI, las tarjetas 3D
acelerarán OpenGl en linux igual (si no más) que en win.

 Por  fin. Aún  recuerdo hace  unos  pocos meses  que tener  una
 aceleradora con Linux era como tener  una svga normal y no se podía
 aprovechar ninguna de las capacidades de la aceleradora.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: resucitando un viejo 486 (svgalib)

2000-02-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 12 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 00:07:15 +0100, Andres Herrera contaba:

Me parece que la svgalib esta muy infrautilizada, eclipsada por las X y por la
proliferacion de aplicaciones en modo grafico (para las X).

 A mí lo que me mosquea de  svgalib es que los programas que las
 utilizan  tienen que  ser setuid  root, cosa  que no  pasa con  los
 programas de X. Y sencillamente, paso.

 Soy un  forofo de consola,  pero me molesta bastante  tener que
 arrancar las X  sólo para ver una  fotito o navegar, así  que me he
 pasado a  las X, no por  gusto, sino por comodidad.  De hecho, sigo
 con mi mutt y mi joe.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

LILO con 'splash-screen'

2000-02-13 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
Por fin me acorde de enviarles este correo, pero bueno, mas
vale tarde que nunca.

En pueden encontrar
un parche para lilo 20 que mostrará una imagen en vez del texto
plano que vemos siempre. Pueden encontrar algunas imagenes en:

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Install problems with Phoenix BIOS

2000-02-13 Thread Jonathan Hall
I have now experienced problems with two different computers using old
versions of Phoenix BIOS, when booting the Debian 2.1 rescue floppy.  One
was a Packard Bell system at a free Linux Install our LUG did a couple
months ago... the other is a Gateway system.  Both 486's.

It gets give the SYSLINUX prompt, asks you to hit ENTER, and upon doing so,
it freezes, saying, I believe, Loading Linux...

A RedHat floppy on both systems worked fine.

At the Install a couple months ago, we ended up doing a custom boot from a
DOS floppy, using LOADLIN But certianly there's a better way.

What is it with the Debian Rescue disk that doesn't like the Phoenix BIOSes,
but that RedHat gets along just fine?

Is there a newer (potato?) or older (hamm or bo?) boot disk that is known to
work with these BIOSes?

Is this an as-of-yet unreported problem that should be submitted as a bug

'640K ought to be enough for anybody.' - Bill Gates, 1981
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Jonathan Hall  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  PGP public key available
 Systems Admin, Future Internet Services; Goessel, KS * (316) 367-2487  *  PGP Key ID: FE 00 FD 51
  -=  Running Debian GNU/Linux  =-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: graphical login

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster

 A couple people have suggested that, but isn't it just easier to
 do a dpkg --purge xdm?
 You may want to connect from another X machine to your local machine,
 and login via XDMCP ; in this case, all that is required is to tell
 xdm not to start an xserver on your machine, but to continue to
 service requests from other machines.  Thus /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.
Yes, that's what I think to. If I want to use the graphical login later
it is easy to uncomment the line. At the moment I use VNC to
administrate my server over a remote login, works fine.


X-Error 'No type converter registered for String to Bitmap'

2000-02-13 Thread Marko Cehaja
I reall need help for this:

I have standard Debian GNU/Linux (Slink) 2.1. Since  I have installed it (I 
tried to reinstall 3 times to get rid of it), I get following error in couple 
of X applications:

No type converter registered for String to Bitmap conversion.

This shows when I run xscreensaver on the screen, when I run gv or ghostscript 
(that's why it is annoying, for every printing-preview), and when I run couple 
of other X applications.

Basically, every screen saver gives this error to the STERR and other X 

Now, how to solve this?
Or, how to register the type converter?


Re: [*] how to install LyX

2000-02-13 Thread Marko Cehaja
The libforms 88 can be downloaded from Debian site.

Use the apt method in dselect, go in Selection, type / and libform, type 
+, go out, and choose Install.

repl: bad addresses:,
in domain-part of address ()

X crashes when moving mouse

2000-02-13 Thread Marko Cehaja
I have Slink 2.1.

When I start X, either via XDM or via startx, switch to konsole, switch back 
to X and in the same time move my mouse vigorously (or accidentaly) my X 

If I leave the mouse while switching to X for couple of seconds, everything is 

I have ps/2 mouse and it works fine. The crash comes when switching to X and 
in the same time trying to move the mouse (which doesn't move on the screen 
for couple of seconds).

What is this and how to get rid of this? This makes my work very unsecure, as 
it has a big risk to crash my applications, if I start using X immediately 
after the switch from the konsole.


RAID mounting at bootup

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
Hi there,

again a question form someone how has changed from SuSE to Debian:

- after building my RAID-Array I need to know how to mount it
automatically at bootup? In SuSE there is a file in
/sbin/init.d/boot.local where I can place my own commands which are
run at bootup time. The path might be similiar to /etc/init.d but I
can't find any script which compares with this named above.

Could anybody help?


Directory colors in console / xterm

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster

it's me again. There are still a lot of questions but I hope someone
will help me again. 

- Is there an easy way to define directory colors for the use in any
virtual console? For example every executable script should be listed in
red, any directory in blue, and so on

Thanks in advance,


Re: Directory colors in console / xterm

2000-02-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 02:03:01AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 it's me again. There are still a lot of questions but I hope someone
 will help me again. 
 - Is there an easy way to define directory colors for the use in any
 virtual console? For example every executable script should be listed in
 red, any directory in blue, and so on

Put this in your ~/.bashrc

export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
eval `dircolors`
alias ls='ls -F $LS_OPTIONS'
alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'

Then source it in your .xsession

# Source .bashrc
if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc]; then
source $HOME/.bashrc

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Directory colors in console / xterm

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
  - Is there an easy way to define directory colors for the use in any
  virtual console? For example every executable script should be listed in
  red, any directory in blue, and so on
 Put this in your ~/.bashrc
 export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
 eval `dircolors`
 alias ls='ls -F $LS_OPTIONS'
 alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
 alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
 Then source it in your .xsession
 # Source .bashrc
 if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc]; then
 source $HOME/.bashrc
Thank you a lot

It is unbelievably how FAST the Debian community reacts on a question!
Have you ever tried SuSE-Support? 

I hope one day I can give some usefull help back to other users,

Thanks a lot,


Web site not being fixed?

2000-02-13 Thread Carl Fink
I realize this is a volunteer project and all, but the search engine
on the Debian web site has been down since April of 1999, and the Y2K
problem on the mailing list archive search engine hasn't been fixed,
either.  Is anyone working on these?

I'd volunteer if I knew anything about maintaining web sites.
I-Con's Science and Technology Guest of Honor in 2000 will be Geoffrey
A. Landis.  See for I-Con information.

Re: RAID mounting at bootup

2000-02-13 Thread Peter Palfrader aka Weasel
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 01:59:23AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,
 again a question form someone how has changed from SuSE to Debian:
 - after building my RAID-Array I need to know how to mount it
 automatically at bootup? In SuSE there is a file in
 /sbin/init.d/boot.local where I can place my own commands which are
 run at bootup time. The path might be similiar to /etc/init.d but I
 can't find any script which compares with this named above.

This depents.

On my old slink system using mdutils, md devices got started
automatically by

Now on my potato system I'm using the new raidtools 0.90 wich need a
kernel patch. With them the kernel autodetects the md devices if the
partitions have type 0xfd.

I don't know about the old raidtools.


PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

Re: RAID mounting at bootup

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
 This depents.
 On my old slink system using mdutils, md devices got started
 automatically by
 Now on my potato system I'm using the new raidtools 0.90 wich need a
 kernel patch. With them the kernel autodetects the md devices if the
 partitions have type 0xfd.
 I don't know about the old raidtools.
What do you think is worth to use mdutils or raidtools?


Re: X crashes when moving mouse

2000-02-13 Thread Mike Werner
On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 03:48:58AM +0100, Marko Cehaja wrote:
 I have Slink 2.1.
 When I start X, either via XDM or via startx, switch to konsole, switch back 
 to X and in the same time move my mouse vigorously (or accidentaly) my X 
 If I leave the mouse while switching to X for couple of seconds, everything 
 I have ps/2 mouse and it works fine. The crash comes when switching to X and 
 in the same time trying to move the mouse (which doesn't move on the screen 
 for couple of seconds).
 What is this and how to get rid of this? This makes my work very unsecure, as 
 it has a big risk to crash my applications, if I start using X immediately 
 after the switch from the konsole.

I used to have that problem as well.  After doing an upgrade of the
X Windows stuff it stopped happening.  If I remember correctly, the
X stuff for Slink can be gotten by adding the line:
deb xfree-update main 
to your /etc/apt/sources.conf  Once that's been added you should
be able to get the newer X packages using whatever method you usually
use to do such things.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Install problems with Phoenix BIOS

2000-02-13 Thread Mike Werner
On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 05:59:28PM -0600, Jonathan Hall wrote:
 I have now experienced problems with two different computers using old
 versions of Phoenix BIOS, when booting the Debian 2.1 rescue floppy.  One
 was a Packard Bell system at a free Linux Install our LUG did a couple
 months ago... the other is a Gateway system.  Both 486's.
 It gets give the SYSLINUX prompt, asks you to hit ENTER, and upon doing so,
 it freezes, saying, I believe, Loading Linux...
 A RedHat floppy on both systems worked fine.
 At the Install a couple months ago, we ended up doing a custom boot from a
 DOS floppy, using LOADLIN But certianly there's a better way.
 What is it with the Debian Rescue disk that doesn't like the Phoenix BIOSes,
 but that RedHat gets along just fine?
 Is there a newer (potato?) or older (hamm or bo?) boot disk that is known to
 work with these BIOSes?
 Is this an as-of-yet unreported problem that should be submitted as a bug

I have an old 486 here that I had problems with as well.  In my
case the problem was solved by using the Tecra image instead of
the standard image.  I'm not 100% sure, but I do believe that
this 486 does use a Phoenix BIOS.  This 486 also refuses to boot
a kernel made with make bzimage but boots a kernel made with make
zimage just fine, so that *might* be something else to keep in mind.

From what little I understand of the whole thing, it's actually a
hardware thing.  Somehow the way that the motherboard is done is
just enough nonstandard that something in the kernel compression
routine barfs when it trys to hit a certain area in the memory or
something along those lines.  And as I understand it the Tecra
images were created specifically in response to this.  IIRC they
are named Tecra as that was the first machine to be made this way.
Bear in mind this entire last paragraph could well be nowhere near
reality, so don't take it as gospel.  It's just that's the way I
seem to remember things going.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

ld not finding X libs...

2000-02-13 Thread Eric G . Miller

For the last couple days, I can't compile programs that depend on some X
libs. At first, I thought it was a problem with the first program I
tried, but now another program that I've compiled before is giving the
same exact complaints:

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, not found
(try using --rpath)
/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/X11R6/lib/,
not found (try using --rpath)
/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ldd /usr/lib/ = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4014e000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40157000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4016d000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4017a000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40182000) = /lib/ (0x40221000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x8000)

I have the development libs for X,Mesa,Tcl/Tk8.0, etc.. Anybody have a

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |


2000-02-13 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
Try doing a search for lame or notlame on

On 10-Feb-2000 Shadow_OF_Darkness wrote:
 i want to get a wav to mp3 convertor ...

Re: ld not finding X libs...

2000-02-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 06:27:52PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 For the last couple days, I can't compile programs that depend on some X
 libs. At first, I thought it was a problem with the first program I
 tried, but now another program that I've compiled before is giving the
 same exact complaints:
 /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, not found
   (try using --rpath)
 /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/X11R6/lib/,
   not found (try using --rpath)
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldd /usr/lib/ = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4014e000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40157000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4016d000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4017a000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40182000) = /lib/ (0x40221000)
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x8000)

Check the perms on /etc/ and make sure they 644. If not them
chmod 644 /etc/ and rerun ldconfig.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Ned pointers in using KDE with Potato/Enlightenment

2000-02-13 Thread John Foster
David J. Kanter wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 08:49:22AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
  I have Debian Potato using Enlightenment set up on my server. I want to
  try out the KDE applications with the Enlightenment connections. I would
  appreciate tips suggestions etc. from anyone using these presently.
 ---end quoted text---
 What exactly are you asking? If you want KDE debs, put this in your
 deb potato kde contrib rkrusty

To Clearify:
I want to use the KDE Settings in Enlightenment to utilize the KDE apps.
I do NOT want to use the KDE display manager or the Kde Desktop. I want
to keep xdm as my display manager and the hybrid ice-gnome/Enlightenment
Desktop that I am currently using. I think this is possible, but would
like to hear from someone using this combination. If you know that this
is impossible I would appreciate that info also. The docs for
Enlightenment are not real clear on how this can be done.
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

where can I get kernel 2.2.13?

2000-02-13 Thread jdls

 I would like to know where can I download a binary format of potato
kernel version 2.2.13 so that I may use it to recompile my kernel.

thank you.

Re: Ned pointers in using KDE with Potato/Enlightenment

2000-02-13 Thread Bart Szyszka
 I want to use the KDE Settings in Enlightenment to utilize the KDE apps.
You mean you want to adjust the setting in KDE Control Center for the
programs you use withine Ice-Gnome/Enlightenment? Have you tried
running something like kcontrol or kcontrolcenter? Something similar
out to do it.

 I do NOT want to use the KDE display manager or the Kde Desktop. I want
 to keep xdm as my display manager and the hybrid ice-gnome/Enlightenment
 Desktop that I am currently using. I think this is possible, but would
 like to hear from someone using this combination.
It sounds like you want nothing from KDE, then, except to possibly be able
to run KDE programs? What happens when you try to run them?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: e-commerce solution needed

2000-02-13 Thread John Foster
Felipe Alvarez Harnecker wrote:
 It's there any decent e-commerce package that runs on debian??
 I don't care if it is commercial.
 I know intershop runs on Suse but never succeded to install it under debian.
 any pointer would be great.

 I too recommend:
 also, as a tool:
 also, as a tool:
 also, as a tool:

I use these with some success. Be aware that this stuff is not user
friendly and there is a very steep learning curve. It will help greatly
if you are skilled in perl, and have a thorough knowledge of HTML4
coding; also php4 or zope are very useful. If you can master it,
Minivend offers the most flexible programming environment available
for e-commerce. I repeat programming environment NOT shopping cart
system. Good Luck!!
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: ld not finding X libs...

2000-02-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 09:53:44PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
 Check the perms on /etc/ and make sure they 644. If not them
 chmod 644 /etc/ and rerun ldconfig.

Sure enough they were 600. Is that a Debian default or did some package
change them for me?
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: ld not finding X libs...

2000-02-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 08:02:39PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 09:53:44PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
  Check the perms on /etc/ and make sure they 644. If not them
  chmod 644 /etc/ and rerun ldconfig.
 Sure enough they were 600. Is that a Debian default or did some package
 change them for me?

Some packages were found to have a bug that caused this. They should be
all fixed by the time potato releases.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Ned pointers in using KDE with Potato/Enlightenment

2000-02-13 Thread John Foster
Bart Szyszka wrote:
 It sounds like you want nothing from KDE, then, except to possibly be
 to run KDE programs? What happens when you try to run them?

That is exactly what I want to know :-))??
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

defunct processes?

2000-02-13 Thread Aaron Solochek
I have a sparc 5, which I've set up as an imap server through a ssl
tunnel (using stunnel) and it is very unstable.  Its running potato.  It
boots up, runs stunnel and ssh a daemons, the rest of the standard stuff
though inetd, and everything works fine.  Eventually, in a matter of
hours, things break.  The imap server stops responding, my open ssh
connections are dead, and when I go to its console, and ps aux, I see
that sshd stunnel, imapd and a few bash's, are defunct.  What does this
mean?  What causes this?  This is really quite annoying.

-Aaron Solochek

Installing and help need

2000-02-13 Thread Ben Stine

In a nut shell,
I am running Win98. (early flaky pirate version)Trying to 
install Debian 2.1.
I have a 4gig hd with one partition that includes Win98 in the 
fat32 format.
fdisk shows the full 4gigs but Win98 only shows 2gig. (1gig 
used and 1gig free)
It would be labor and cost intensive to format the hd and 
partition properly. (I have lots of stuff on there that I do not have hard 
copies of and I don't have large backup capabilities)
Without spending another $50 for partition software, can I 
split the current partition?
If so, how?
B. Stine

Is frozen's ppp broken?

2000-02-13 Thread David Kanter
I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade to the newest frozen packages; upgrading ppp
REMOVED ppp-pam. Now I cannot connect to the Internet via Debian. I've got to
use Mandrake instead.

Is this some wierd dependency problem?

David Kanter
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois USA

Re: Is frozen's ppp broken?

2000-02-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Feb-2000 S. Salman Ahmed wrote:
 DK == David Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 DK  I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade to the newest frozen
 DK packages; upgrading ppp REMOVED ppp-pam. Now I cannot connect to
 DK the Internet via Debian. I've got to use Mandrake instead.
 DK Is this some wierd dependency problem?
 No it seems like a bug to me. /usr/bin/pon and /usr/bin/poff both try to
 use /usr/sbin/pppd. But since ppp-pam has been removed, the only pppd
 binary on my system is /usr/sbin/pppd.ppp-pam. That's why pon fails.

I saw it coming and I stopped my upgrade in time.


mirror maze

2000-02-13 Thread Ian
hello, I went serching through many of the mirrored and primary ftp site, 
and I really had no idea where I was supposed to be looking to find 
debian itself, can you please help me out? (possibly give me the exact 
link for it)

Segmentation fault

2000-02-13 Thread davidturetsky

I am executing a Linear Program program I wrote and 
compiled. It terminates without generating output (but creates the output file) 
with a "Segmentation fault"

I'm trying to convert programs to run under g++ 
which I previously developed using Visual c 5.0 and would appreciate any help in 
sorting this out

Is there a log which is generated which might 
provide further details?


Re: What sends IGMP packets?

2000-02-13 Thread David Coe
Anton Emmerfors [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a problem:
 Since a few days something is sending out IGMP packages to

When my family added an iMac to our internal network I started getting
a few IGMP packets each time the iMac powers up; don't remember the
dest. address, but the source address was clearly the iMac's private
ip address.  Probably not what you've got, but thought I'd mention it
just in case.

Re: X crashes when moving mouse

2000-02-13 Thread Rajesh Radhakrishnan

I had a similar problem and with X suddenly crashing... 

Even after updating the xfree86 version, I still had X suddenling 
crashing on me.

I later realized that it was my video card that had gone bust! Once I 
replaced my video card, my X windows has never been more stable.. :)

But this is my experienceUse this as your last resort if necessary,
'cause it was mine...


On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Marko Cehaja wrote:

 I have Slink 2.1.
 When I start X, either via XDM or via startx, switch to konsole, switch back 
 to X and in the same time move my mouse vigorously (or accidentaly) my X 
 If I leave the mouse while switching to X for couple of seconds, everything 
 I have ps/2 mouse and it works fine. The crash comes when switching to X and 
 in the same time trying to move the mouse (which doesn't move on the screen 
 for couple of seconds).
 What is this and how to get rid of this? This makes my work very unsecure, as 
 it has a big risk to crash my applications, if I start using X immediately 
 after the switch from the konsole.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-13 Thread aphro
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, davidturetsky wrote:

davidt I am executing a Linear Program program I wrote and compiled. It 
terminates without generating output (but creates the output file) with a 
Segmentation fault
davidt I'm trying to convert programs to run under g++ which I previously 
developed using Visual c 5.0 and would appreciate any help in sorting this out
davidt Is there a log which is generated which might provide further details?

while im not a programmer, using the program 'strace' can probably help
provide more info on the problem. strace is in package 'strace' in
slink(not sure about potato)

the format is: strace command

you may want to dump the outpuit to a file as it is quite verbose:

strace command strace.log  tail -f strace.log


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-13 Thread Peter Ross
On 13-Feb-2000, davidturetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am executing a Linear Program program I wrote and compiled. It
 terminates without generating output (but creates the output file)
 with a Segmentation fault
A segmentation fault occurs when you attempt to access memory that you
are not allowed to (usually deferencing an invalid pointer).

 I'm trying to convert programs to run under g++ which I previously
 developed using Visual c 5.0 and would appreciate any help in sorting
 this out
 Is there a log which is generated which might provide further details?
You can compile with the -g switch to turn debugging on, and then use
gdb to debug the program, and it will tell you which line caused the seg


Re: Installing and help need

2000-02-13 Thread Kent West
On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 11:47:24PM -0500, Ben Stine wrote:
 In a nut shell,
 I am running Win98. (early flaky pirate version)Trying to install Debian 2.1.
 I have a 4gig hd with one partition that includes Win98 in the fat32 format.
 fdisk shows the full 4gigs but Win98 only shows 2gig. (1gig used and 1gig 
 It would be labor and cost intensive to format the hd and partition properly. 
 (I have lots of stuff on there that I do not have hard copies of and I don't 
 have large backup capabilities)
 Without spending another $50 for partition software, can I split the current 
 If so, how?
 B. Stine

I've never used it, but fips might do what you want.

Pretty Park.exe Don't open this file!!!

2000-02-13 Thread Sean McIlwain
Hi folks,
sorry to bother you. I received a virus which is Pretty Park.exe.
I think I had accidentally activated it and spread it out to everyone
on my addresses book. Quickly deleted it and don't open that.

Sorry again!

Jit Chien

I Just recieved this file,  I'm sorry if it had transmitted to you
through me.  Please juust delete and do not open it!!


Sean McIlwain

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-13 Thread davidturetsky
Thanks, Pete

I see from further investigation that gcc wants me to be more actively
concerned with memory management than was required under Visual C, and I was
logging on to apologize for bothering the list. I posted because this code
ran cleanly under Visual C, so I thought I ran into a Linux nuance

It looks as though I was running into problems when trying to scan an input
file using c notation which is less efficient of memory, so I'm in the
process of revising all of the I/O to use c++ resources. Still, it comes as
a surprise, but I'm very early on the gcc learning curve

This is a large theoretical problem I was attacking so my initial preference
was not to alter anything that didn't requiring fixing, but the code is
certainly cleaner after reworking

In general, I am beginning to notice that gcc's posture is that you do more
for yourself. It also seems to be strictly limited to ANSI c. For example,
there doesn't seem to be any support for min, max, and itoa and I ended up
writing/rewriting that portion of the code

BTW, I notices that my non-working install of XFree86 3.3.6 (?) is also
generating Segmentation faults, suggestive of bugs in the newest release.
I've posted this to their developers

Is there a separate users group for gcc?


- Original Message -
From: Peter Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: davidturetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: Segmentation fault

 On 13-Feb-2000, davidturetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am executing a Linear Program program I wrote and compiled. It
  terminates without generating output (but creates the output file)
  with a Segmentation fault
 A segmentation fault occurs when you attempt to access memory that you
 are not allowed to (usually deferencing an invalid pointer).

  I'm trying to convert programs to run under g++ which I previously
  developed using Visual c 5.0 and would appreciate any help in sorting
  this out
  Is there a log which is generated which might provide further details?
 You can compile with the -g switch to turn debugging on, and then use
 gdb to debug the program, and it will tell you which line caused the seg


Re: Project Management

2000-02-13 Thread dan
On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 10:19:44PM -0500, Fabien Ninoles generated a stream of 
1s and 0s:
 On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 01:59:25PM +, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
  I wonder if there is any open-source project-management (à lá
  MS-Project) tool available, even if not debianized?

Check out Keystone. Should be very powerfull. Supports many databases.

What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

2000-02-13 Thread Phillip Deackes
I used to have a Debian test-based logon screen with a red swirl logo on
the left composed of ASCII characters. I can't for the life of me
remember the name of the package to re-install it. I have searched with all manner of words -boot, debian-boot and so on but
I can't find it.

Anyone know it?

Phillip Deackes
Using Debian Linux 

Re: What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

2000-02-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 10:05:00AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I used to have a Debian test-based logon screen with a red swirl logo on
 the left composed of ASCII characters. I can't for the life of me
 remember the name of the package to re-install it. I have searched with all manner of words -boot, debian-boot and so on but
 I can't find it.

As far as I can tell, it was included with the LinuxLogo package for a
while, and then it was removed. Why, I don't know.  I like it better
than the two that come with LinuxLogo. If you find it, let me know.  
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: [Missing modules in python]What about TKinter

2000-02-13 Thread Egbert Bouwman
On Thu, Mar 20, 2036 at 11:31:14PM -0800, Steve Winston wrote:

 Nor does my slink have TKinter. Why, o why?

We , or at least I, should read our Python for dummies.
Glob, fnmatch eo rside in python-misc, and it was not installed.
I believe Tkinter is  another .deb
Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 020 6257991

Re: Installing and help need

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
 Without spending another $50 for partition software, can I split the
 current partition?
 If so, how?
Try Partition Manager from;. We are using this
for a long time for all of our workstations and servers and also for all
our clients computers whitout any problem.


installing from DOS?

2000-02-13 Thread rick
what does this mean?

kernel panic: can't mount root fs on 01:00

many thanks in advance,

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-13 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (davidturetsky) wrote:
I see from further investigation that gcc wants me to be more actively
concerned with memory management than was required under Visual C, and I was
logging on to apologize for bothering the list. I posted because this code
ran cleanly under Visual C, so I thought I ran into a Linux nuance

It looks as though I was running into problems when trying to scan an input
file using c notation which is less efficient of memory, so I'm in the
process of revising all of the I/O to use c++ resources.

This surprises me; I'd have thought stdio was more memory-efficient than
iostreams, if it's an issue at all (which I rather doubt). Regardless, a
segmentation fault is an indication of a memory access bug in your
program rather than running out of memory (it may not have happened in
Visual C simply because you were lucky in the way Visual C allocated
memory for you), so you may be trying to fix the wrong problem by doing
all this rewriting. (Of course, you may be lucky and accidentally fix it
in the process, or the problem may have been that you didn't know how to
use stdio and are more successful in using iostreams, but I suppose it
depends whether you actually want to know what you're doing ...)

In general, I am beginning to notice that gcc's posture is that you do more
for yourself. It also seems to be strictly limited to ANSI c. For example,
there doesn't seem to be any support for min, max, and itoa and I ended up
writing/rewriting that portion of the code

I think you desperately need to read 'info gcc' and 'info libc'. gcc is
notoriously far from limited to ANSI C. :)

Actually, your problem is not with gcc, it seems to be that the GNU C
Library (libc/glibc) doesn't have what you want; it's far from limited
to ANSI C either, but any C programmer worth his/her salt knows that if
you use extensions in your code you should expect them not to be
portable. glibc simply has different extensions to Visual C; in general
I've found it a much more helpful and much better documented C library
than the Microsoft one, but I may be biased.

Besides, min(), max(), and itoa() are hardly difficult. How about:

#define min(a,b) ((a)  (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) ((a)  (b) ? (a) : (b))

... or equivalent function definitions if the double evaluation bothers
you, and sprintf() instead of itoa()? If you program in ANSI C wherever
possible to start with rather than lazily using extensions, you'll have
a much easier time of it.

Is there a separate users group for gcc?


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is frozen's ppp broken?

2000-02-13 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I had the same problem. What happened is that the latest version of ppp
now includes ppp-pam, so ppp-pam is removed when upgrading to ppp

However, there was an entry in /var/lib/dpkg/diversions that I think was
supposed to be removed when ppp-pam was removed but wasn't. In fact I
saw an error message flash by to that effect during the upgrade. The
entry in /var/lib/dpkg/diversions looks like this:


That apparently causes /usr/sbin/pppd to be renamed to
/usr/sbin/pppd.ppp-pam when installed. Not completely understanding this
at first, I manually deleted those 3 lines and then reinstalled ppp
2.3.11-1, which then installed the binary /usr/sbin/pppd. After that
everything worked OK. Actually, I later realized that /usr/sbin/pppd and
/usr/sbin/pppd.ppp-pam are the same file - so I just deleted the
pppd.ppp-pam copy. 

Here's the files that ppp installs in /usr/sbin according to 'dpkg -L



David Kanter wrote:
 I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade to the newest frozen packages; upgrading 
 REMOVED ppp-pam. Now I cannot connect to the Internet via Debian. I've got to
 use Mandrake instead.
 Is this some wierd dependency problem?
 David Kanter
 Northwestern University
 Evanston, Illinois USA

10 gig Drives W/O EZDrive?

2000-02-13 Thread Lane Lester
I have EZDrive installed in order to have full access to my two 10-gig
drives. I've found a way to run Win NT without EZDrive, but I'm
wondering whether Linux (and Win 98, for that matter) needs it to
access the drives fully.

Do you know? If it's possible, how does one remove EZDrive without
trashing everything on the drive?


Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Backup with TAR and long path names

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
Hi there,

does anybody know if there is a problem using TAR for backup if the
length of severel paths are nearly 1024 characters long?

Thanks in advance,


pam needed for ppp?

2000-02-13 Thread Lane Lester
I've never been able to connect to the Internet with Debian Linux,
even though I don't have that problem with Corel Linux. Another
message leads me to ask this question: Is the pam stuff needed for ppp
(pon and wvdial) to work?

If so, what do I tell apt-get in order to install what's missing? (I
installed a Dialup package my first install, and yesterday I left pam
out of my package-by-package install.)


Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Re: What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

2000-02-13 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 10:05:00AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
  I used to have a Debian test-based logon screen with a red swirl logo on
  the left composed of ASCII characters. I can't for the life of me
 As far as I can tell, it was included with the LinuxLogo package for a
 while, and then it was removed. Why, I don't know.  I like it better
 than the two that come with LinuxLogo. If you find it, let me know.  

apt-get source linuxlogo and a look at linuxlogo-3.0.2/debian shows a swirl
ASCII logo, in file ascii_debian.h.  Is that the logo you two are looking
for? I must say it looks neat, will install in my system as well :-)

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh 

Re: 10 gig Drives W/O EZDrive?

2000-02-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
Lane Lester said:
 I have EZDrive installed in order to have full access to my two 10-gig
 drives. I've found a way to run Win NT without EZDrive, but I'm
 wondering whether Linux (and Win 98, for that matter) needs it to
 access the drives fully.

That's a function of your BIOS more than anything else.  If you've got the
latest [c]fdisk and mke2fs, you shouldn't have any problems with it.  (You may
need to make multiple partitions out of it, but a lot of people say you should
split your system up across multiple partitions anyhow.  I've got a 17Gb drive
in this machine, and setting it up was a breeze, although mke2fs choked when
I tried to make a 17Gb partition, so it's set up as an 8Gb and a 9Gb

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: 10 gig Drives W/O EZDrive?

2000-02-13 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:

 split your system up across multiple partitions anyhow.  I've got a 17Gb drive
 in this machine, and setting it up was a breeze, although mke2fs choked when
 I tried to make a 17Gb partition, so it's set up as an 8Gb and a 9Gb

I have a 17GB partition on my 27GB drive:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 3322 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1 1  1023   8217216   83  Linux
/dev/hda2  1024  1039128520   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda3  1040  1055128520   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda4  1056  3322  18209677+   5  Extended
/dev/hda5  1056  1071128488+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda6  1072  1087128488+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda7  1088  3322  17952606   83  Linux



2000-02-13 Thread Robin Cook

   I am trying to install the current frozen potato 2.2.6 but I don't seem
   to be able to use the floppy install.

   I do not have a regular floppy on my system. I only have an LS-120 disk
   drive.  It boots fine from the rescue disk but then is unable to read
   the root disk.

   Is there any way to get it to read the root disk from the LS-120?

Best regards,
 Robin  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: irdp for Linux?

2000-02-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Feb-2000 George Bonser wrote:
 Anyone know of an irdp ( ICMP Router Discovery Protocol ) client for
 Linux? It is called rdisc or in.rdisc on most systems. There was a message
 posted in August 1998 on the LRP list about someone that managed to dig up
 the source code.  Any clues where to look?

Try here:

ping- cloned of an ancient NetTools-B-xx.
ping6   - cloned of a very old Pedro's utility set.
traceroute6 - cloned of NRL Sep 96 distribution.
rdisc   - cloned of SUN in.rdisc
clockdiff   - broken out of some timed.
arping  - ARP ping


Re: What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

2000-02-13 Thread Phillip Deackes
Henrique M Holschuh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 apt-get source linuxlogo and a look at linuxlogo-3.0.2/debian shows a
 ASCII logo, in file ascii_debian.h.  Is that the logo you two are
 for? I must say it looks neat, will install in my system as well :-)

Yes, that's the one. Why has it been taken out of the current linuxlogo
deb? Does anyone have linuxlogo with the Debian swirl? I don't know how
to get source pagages or how to turn them into .deb packages so can't do
this myself. I just had a look at and couldn't find
sources anywhere.


Phillip Deackes
Using Debian Linux 

balsa 0.6.0-1 crash

2000-02-13 Thread Oz Dror
 When balsa runs by non root user, it crashes with segmentation fault
 this does not happen when root runs balsa.

 I have the latest potato packages.


 Oz Dror

NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux  since 8/15/94
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-13 Thread davidturetsky
Yes, quite right. I was not being critical of gcc, but of my own coding
orientation. I've reached similar conclusions as you outline

There is a rather large body of material I desperately need to read and
absorb. That's exactly the problem I'm trying to contend with in trying to
convert my work to Linux/gcc/x/ppp... and why some gentle assists from the
list are so useful in helping me get started


- Original Message -
From: Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 2:54 AM
Subject: Re: Segmentation fault

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (davidturetsky) wrote:
 I see from further investigation that gcc wants me to be more actively
 concerned with memory management than was required under Visual C, and I
 logging on to apologize for bothering the list. I posted because this
 ran cleanly under Visual C, so I thought I ran into a Linux nuance
 It looks as though I was running into problems when trying to scan an
 file using c notation which is less efficient of memory, so I'm in the
 process of revising all of the I/O to use c++ resources.

 This surprises me; I'd have thought stdio was more memory-efficient than
 iostreams, if it's an issue at all (which I rather doubt). Regardless, a
 segmentation fault is an indication of a memory access bug in your
 program rather than running out of memory (it may not have happened in
 Visual C simply because you were lucky in the way Visual C allocated
 memory for you), so you may be trying to fix the wrong problem by doing
 all this rewriting. (Of course, you may be lucky and accidentally fix it
 in the process, or the problem may have been that you didn't know how to
 use stdio and are more successful in using iostreams, but I suppose it
 depends whether you actually want to know what you're doing ...)

 In general, I am beginning to notice that gcc's posture is that you do
 for yourself. It also seems to be strictly limited to ANSI c. For
 there doesn't seem to be any support for min, max, and itoa and I ended
 writing/rewriting that portion of the code

 I think you desperately need to read 'info gcc' and 'info libc'. gcc is
 notoriously far from limited to ANSI C. :)

 Actually, your problem is not with gcc, it seems to be that the GNU C
 Library (libc/glibc) doesn't have what you want; it's far from limited
 to ANSI C either, but any C programmer worth his/her salt knows that if
 you use extensions in your code you should expect them not to be
 portable. glibc simply has different extensions to Visual C; in general
 I've found it a much more helpful and much better documented C library
 than the Microsoft one, but I may be biased.

 Besides, min(), max(), and itoa() are hardly difficult. How about:

 #define min(a,b) ((a)  (b) ? (a) : (b))
 #define max(a,b) ((a)  (b) ? (a) : (b))

 ... or equivalent function definitions if the double evaluation bothers
 you, and sprintf() instead of itoa()? If you program in ANSI C wherever
 possible to start with rather than lazily using extensions, you'll have
 a much easier time of it.

Re: What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

2000-02-13 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 10:05, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I used to have a Debian test-based logon screen with a red swirl logo on
 the left composed of ASCII characters. I can't for the life of me
 remember the name of the package to re-install it. I have searched with all manner of words -boot, debian-boot and so on but
 I can't find it.
 Anyone know it?

The package is linuxlogo and it mostly comes with a penguin. The one
with the Debian swirl was apparently short-lived.

This came up awhile ago and I found I still had the deb sitting in
/var/cache/apt/archives/ so I put it up for anonymous ftp.

Just a reminder (no, there's nothing funny about this package). You
should think twice about installing packages that you don't get from an
official source.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

HELP - Screwed Up Package Listings

2000-02-13 Thread Chris Hoover
HELP - I've royally screwed up my dselect package listing.  I was working in
dselect to get rid of packages that I never use on my server (games, xemacs,
etc) and had a finger slip that removed a required package and exited to the
menu.  Now almost every package is set to remove.  How can I get the packages
list rebuilt?

If this has to be done manually, is there a way to force apt/dselect to
downgrade to slink (the slink cd is in the cd changer on the machine and the
machine is currently running potato)?



Your aims are high, and you are capable of much.

Re: your mail

2000-02-13 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
Le 2000-02-11 01:28:24 +0200, Shadow_OF_Darkness écrivait :
 i want to get a wav to mp3 convertor ...

GOGO is a good option.

It is available in RPM, and is easy to convert to

Hope it helps.

Jean-Philippe Guérard

Re: HELP - Screwed Up Package Listings

2000-02-13 Thread paul
Hi Chris,
 HELP - I've royally screwed up my dselect package listing.  I was working in
 dselect to get rid of packages that I never use on my server (games, xemacs,
 etc) and had a finger slip that removed a required package and exited to the
 menu.  Now almost every package is set to remove.  How can I get the packages
 list rebuilt?
 If this has to be done manually, is there a way to force apt/dselect to
 downgrade to slink (the slink cd is in the cd changer on the machine and the
 machine is currently running potato)?
Look in the directory /var/lib/dpkg at the files status *. there should be a 
status-old file that MAY match your package listing before your dselect 
screw-up.  If it does match, then rename this file to status and run dselect 
to check it.  If not, then look at the files status.yesterday.*, one of them 
may match your actual and/or desired status.  If this is so, then copy that 
file to ./status.  I've done this when in a similar situation, and suffered 
no ill effects.  I hope this is what you're looking for.


Re: Installing

2000-02-13 Thread Bruce Sass
The most recent boot-floppies build available for downloading can be
found at;, it is a 2.2.7 test
build and is much better than 2.2.6.  In a day or two there should be an
even better 2.2.7 build available in the main ftp archive (but that
really depends on how long it takes the upload to make it through
Incoming, 2.2.6 took almost a week :( ).

I don't know about the state of LS-120 support, and it may be best if
you direct questions regarding it to the debian-boot mailing list.  Off
the top of my head... you probably want to try the disks-2.88 files
since they include both the install system root and the kernel; the 1.44
and 1.20 files have the kernel in the rescue.bin image and the root
system in the root.bin image, because both will not fit onto a single

- Bruce

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Robin Cook wrote:

I am trying to install the current frozen potato 2.2.6 but I don't seem
to be able to use the floppy install.
I do not have a regular floppy on my system. I only have an LS-120 disk
drive.  It boots fine from the rescue disk but then is unable to read
the root disk.
Is there any way to get it to read the root disk from the LS-120?

Re: your mail

2000-02-13 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Actually the web site is now here

Jean-Philippe Guérard wrote:

 Le 2000-02-11 01:28:24 +0200, Shadow_OF_Darkness écrivait :
  i want to get a wav to mp3 convertor ...

 GOGO is a good option.

 It is available in RPM, and is easy to convert to

 Hope it helps.

 Jean-Philippe Guérard

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: HELP - Screwed Up Package Listings

2000-02-13 Thread Bruce Sass
If you have only just done this, and not played with dselect since,
then a
cp /var/lib/dpkg/status{.old,}

command will set things right.  It would be a good idea to look at the
status.old file first (more, less, your favorite text editor), just to
make sure it has what you want.

If you have been in and out of dselect, making changes each time, then
it may be possible to revert to one of the archive copies of the status
file (status.0, status.1.gz, etc.), although these may not reflect the
state of your system if you have added or removed packages since they
were created.  If which case you can manually add or delete the
appropriate entries by cut'n'paste and editing the status field to
reflect the state those packages are in.

Hope that helps,


On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Chris Hoover wrote:

 HELP - I've royally screwed up my dselect package listing.  I was working in
 dselect to get rid of packages that I never use on my server (games, xemacs,
 etc) and had a finger slip that removed a required package and exited to the
 menu.  Now almost every package is set to remove.  How can I get the packages
 list rebuilt?
 If this has to be done manually, is there a way to force apt/dselect to
 downgrade to slink (the slink cd is in the cd changer on the machine and the
 machine is currently running potato)?

New release date?

2000-02-13 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
When should we expect to have the new Debian release?

Re: HELP - Screwed Up Package Listings

2000-02-13 Thread Bruce Sass
Ack, sure enough, they are status-old and status.yesterday.0,
status.yesterday.1.gz, etc.

That is what I get for going online with only 1/2 a cup of coffee in me.

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Bruce Sass wrote:

 If you have only just done this, and not played with dselect since,
 then a
   cp /var/lib/dpkg/status{.old,}

Re: pam needed for ppp?

2000-02-13 Thread John Hasler
Lane writes:
 I've never been able to connect to the Internet with Debian Linux, even
 though I don't have that problem with Corel Linux

What have you tried?  What happened?  Did you run pppconfig?

 Is the pam stuff needed for ppp (pon and wvdial) to work?

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

SSLwrapper software

2000-02-13 Thread Mark Symonds

I'm still using slink, just curious if anyone has begun work packaging 
some sslwrapper software (sslwrap, stunnel).  I'd like to have pop-3s from 
an apt-getted .deb as opposed to doing the whole search and destroy thing.

Hopefully this is already in potato?


Re: XFonts?

2000-02-13 Thread Robert L. Harris

This works.  It REALLY slows down the performance.  Is there anything else
that may help to speed it back up?


Thus spake sgaerner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I had the same strange look when I used an ATI Rage 128 based 
 graphicsadapter. When I
 switched the hardware acceleration off, the fonts became normal. In the file
 /etc/X11/XF86Config there could be an entry like
 # accel off
 I uncommented this line an X11 works normal.
 Robert L. Harris wrote:
  I finally got XF86 from the frozen Debian (3.3.6 I believe) installed
  and actually working right.
  When I start it up the graphics all look right, but all the text is
  garbase.  My prompt looks like  |||\|  ^ and such.  Definitely
  nothing that looks like text.  Even if I try to bring up the menu
  from holding down ctrl-mouse-button in an Xterm.
  I've tried with and without the xfs running.
  Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
  Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
  \_   be accepted.  Require quality.
These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
   perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Library Names

2000-02-13 Thread Lane Lester
I was =sure= I installed every library I was likely to need, but I
can't even get nedit to run. It says it's missing and of
course, apt-get says there's no such package as libm.

I sometimes suspect that's one of the Linux Standards: no library file
can have a name that's even similar to the package that contains it.


Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

linux free download

2000-02-13 Thread ERICH SINGER

Re: Library Names

2000-02-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 02:14:54PM -0500, Lane Lester wrote:
 I was =sure= I installed every library I was likely to need, but I
 can't even get nedit to run. It says it's missing and of
 course, apt-get says there's no such package as libm.
 I sometimes suspect that's one of the Linux Standards: no library file
 can have a name that's even similar to the package that contains it.

I'm not sure why nedit uses it, but you need libc5 installed (libm is part
of libc).

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Iomega drives

2000-02-13 Thread davidturetsky

Where is accessing IOmega 100mb floppies 


Re: Iomega drives

2000-02-13 Thread john s jacobs anderson
 davidturetsky == davidturetsky  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  davidturetsky Where is accessing IOmega 100mb floppies 

On my system, at /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/mini/ZIP-Drive.txt.gz

If you didn't install the HOWTO's, you should probably try



 John S Jacobs Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \* Genehack:  Not your daddy's weblog */
   \*URL: */

Re: Is frozen's ppp broken?

2000-02-13 Thread Brad
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 06:36:01AM -0500, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
 I had the same problem. What happened is that the latest version of ppp
 now includes ppp-pam, so ppp-pam is removed when upgrading to ppp
 However, there was an entry in /var/lib/dpkg/diversions that I think was
 supposed to be removed when ppp-pam was removed but wasn't. In fact I
 saw an error message flash by to that effect during the upgrade.

The problem is that the ppp-pam postrm script tries to remove the
diversion as /usr/sbin/pppd.nopam, but somehow the diversion was
listed as /usr/sbin/pppd.ppp-pam instead (odd since the preinst agrees
with this... slink's version uses pppd.ppp-pam though, perhaps a problem
with the diversion changing but never being reset properly?).

Another way to fix it is to just remove the broken diversion by hand:
dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/sbin/pppd

  finger for GPG public key.
  8 Jan 2000 - Old email addresses removed from key, new added

Description: PGP signature

Decoding MP3 to WAV

2000-02-13 Thread Pavel Epifanov
Dear All,

There are plenty of tools to encode WAV - MP3.
I use bladeenc (just download and compile from its home).

Whats about back convertion (decoding). MP3-HOWTO only covers
encoding process if I am right. Is there a debiantized packages
already ?

Pavel Epifanov.


login.access v. login-PAM

2000-02-13 Thread Chris R. Martin
I recently upgraded my server to frozen, however now I cannot telnet in as 
root from my local network. In my old login.access I had:


What is the equivalent for login-PAM?


Re: Decoding MP3 to WAV

2000-02-13 Thread Robert L. Harris

mpg123 -o file.wave file.mp3

Thus spake Pavel Epifanov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Dear All,
 There are plenty of tools to encode WAV - MP3.
 I use bladeenc (just download and compile from its home).
 Whats about back convertion (decoding). MP3-HOWTO only covers
 encoding process if I am right. Is there a debiantized packages
 already ?
 Pavel Epifanov.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: First Kernel Recompile

2000-02-13 Thread Pavel Epifanov
On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

=I did a fair amount of reading and asking first, but now I've tried
=my first kernel recompile. make xconfig wouldn't work, and it seemed
=to be because it couldn't find the tk stuff. make config worked OK,
=but make dep wouldn't, and it seemed to be because it couldn't find
=the standard C headers, such as stdio.h.

As I am aware many -dev packages should be installed.

On my computer I have following packages installed (for any compilations
I have done ever, specially KDE):

ii  dpkg-dev   1.6.7  Package building tools for Debian
ii  libc6-dev  2.1.3-1GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Hea
ii  libggi2-dev1.99.2.0b2.1-1 General Graphics Interface development packa
ii  libgii0-dev0.6-1.1General Input Interface development package
ii  libjpeg62-dev  6b-1.2 Development files for the IJG JPEG library [
ii  libpng2-dev1.0.5-0.1  PNG library - development
ii  mesag3+ggi-dev 3.1-12 Development library for Mesa [libc6].
ii  mico-2.3.0-dev 2.3.0-0CORBA broker as used for KDE.  Mico Is COrba
ii  slang1-dev 1.3.9-1The S-Lang programming library, development 
ii  tcl8.0-dev 8.0.5-4The Tool Command Language (TCL) v8.0 - Devel
ii  xlib6g-dev 3.3.6-3include files and libraries for X client dev
ii  zlib1g-dev 1.1.3-5compression library - development

First you should check for libc6-dev indeed.

Pavel Epifanov.


Re: Debian logo et al.

2000-02-13 Thread t.bedlam
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 08:46:00AM -0800, Pann McCuaig was only escaped 
   alone to tell thee:
 Just a reminder (no, there's nothing funny about this package). You
 should think twice about installing packages that you don't get from an
 official source.

Speaking of logons, what control character may I write in the /etc/issue
file so the screen is cleared and text writing begins in the upper left
of the vc screen? I tried Ctl-L but it didn't work; I looked in the 
archives, no good, man pages getty and issue also ng.

I find that I really prefer being able to tell at a glance that I am
logged off a virtual console.

Though nothing is wasted, everything is spent. -- Annie Dillard
But to live outside the law you must be honest -- Bob Dylan

debian installation questions

2000-02-13 Thread Joshua Jacobs


I'm attempting to install debian for the first time (i'm a long time redhat 
user who recently got fucked over with some crackers and wants to try a real 
distro) and I was having a bunch of questions.  I've searched the faqs and 
online docs but to no avail, any assistance you could offer me would be much 

I'm trying to install debian over the network (as I have a fast connection 
here at school), but I'm having problems because the system isn't loading the 
device driver for my ethernet card (3com 3c590) and I don't know the correct 
way to do so.  I assume that i need to use the drivers disks to insert the 
correct modules for my ethernet card, but I couldn't find any info in the 
installation how-to as to how to do this (it simply skimmed over it).  Can 
anyone point me to some more specific info on doing an NFS install of the base 
debian system?

Also, I would like to install the latest release possible (potato, i can deal 
with the fact that its frozen and not stable), so i was using the potato 
instllation disks that i found on is this the best way to 
get the most recent software (or would i be better off intalling slink and 
then upgrading to potato?)?

I'm not subscribed to the list, so if you could cc my reply to my email 
address, [EMAIL PROTECTED], it would be much appreciated

Thanks alot.

-Josh Jacobs

Josh Jacobs

Re: login.access v. login-PAM

2000-02-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 02:00:32PM -0600, Chris R. Martin wrote:
 I recently upgraded my server to frozen, however now I cannot telnet in as 
 root from my local network. In my old login.access I had:

Comment out the line with from /etc/pam.d/login.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Debian logo et al.

2000-02-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski
 Speaking of logons, what control character may I write in the
 /etc/issue file so the screen is cleared and text writing begins in
 the upper left of the vc screen? I tried Ctl-L but it didn't work;
 I looked in the archives, no good, man pages getty and issue also

clear  file


Re: Decoding MP3 to WAV

2000-02-13 Thread Jacob Schmude

Actually' you'll probably want to use:
mpg123 -w file.wav file.mp3 rather than the -o switch. This will make
absolute sure it writes .wav output to the .wav file.

Jacob Schmude
ICQ: 53401220
email for public PGP key

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Robert L. Harris wrote:

 mpg123 -o file.wave file.mp3
 Thus spake Pavel Epifanov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Dear All,
  There are plenty of tools to encode WAV - MP3.
  I use bladeenc (just download and compile from its home).
  Whats about back convertion (decoding). MP3-HOWTO only covers
  encoding process if I am right. Is there a debiantized packages
  already ?
  Pavel Epifanov.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
 Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
   at RnD Consulting.  |  definitely doesn't mean it should
 \_   be accepted.  Require quality.
   These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Made with pgp4pine


Re: Iomega drives

2000-02-13 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Where is accessing IOmega 100mb floppies documented?

Probably in the ZIP-HOWTO (or something like that) at the Linux
Documentation Project and on this list - I've set up IDE and parallel port
drives under Linux.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein


2000-02-13 Thread Pee

Whenever I try to connect to my ISP I get:

Cannot open /dev/ttyS1 : Input/output error

How can I get this solved?

Re: What is the name of the Debian text-based logon with swirl logo?

2000-02-13 Thread aphro
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Phillip Deackes wrote:

gsmh I used to have a Debian test-based logon screen with a red swirl logo on
gsmh the left composed of ASCII characters. I can't for the life of me
gsmh remember the name of the package to re-install it. I have searched
gsmh with all manner of words -boot, debian-boot and so on but
gsmh I can't find it.

I *think* the developers modified the linuxlogo program to have a debian
logo in it, check into that.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
2:17pm up 178 days, 2:33, 1 user, load average: 1.00, 1.02, 1.00

Printing with GW?

2000-02-13 Thread Robert L. Harris

  Is anyone using Ghostscript (aladin, etc) to print to an HP printer?
Can you send me a listing of the gs packages installed and a copy of
your printcap?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

  1   2   >