Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Me gustaria montar un cluster linux con algun servidor de base de datos
sql que aprovechase la disponibilidad de un cluster, y despues de remirar
en y en solo he visto referencias a
RedHat en el primero y nada sobre aplicaciones en el segundo, si no tan
solo la librería de paso de mensajes pvm.

¿Alguien sabe donde encontrar información para montar un BeoWulf o algo
parecido con Debian?

¿Y un servidor de base de datos que haga uso de librerias como pvm o mpi?

Ya he visto el paquete pvm y el pvm-dev, pero no he encontrado en main
ningun programa que dependa de ellos. ¿no hay programas que hagan uso de
estas librerias? en no he visto nada más que el pvfs y
ni si quiera tengo claro que haga uso de pvm.

Saludos y gracias

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
02/28   The French Connection drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
02/29   French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704

Description: PGP signature

Re: Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 01:06:23AM +0100, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Me gustaria montar un cluster linux con algun servidor de base de datos
 sql que aprovechase la disponibilidad de un cluster, y despues de remirar
 en y en solo he visto referencias a
 RedHat en el primero y nada sobre aplicaciones en el segundo, si no tan
 solo la librería de paso de mensajes pvm.
 ¿Alguien sabe donde encontrar información para montar un BeoWulf o algo
 parecido con Debian?

Umh. Miraste en los archivos de Debian-Beowulf?, si no recuerdo mal.


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas con conexión a internet (solucionado)

2000-02-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 28 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 00:14:04 +0100, Barbie Dominatrix 

  Resultado de ifconfig y route con la PCMCIA insertada:

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   * UH0  00
localnet*   U 0  00
default UG0  00
default phd50.0.0.0 UG1  00

 Elimina la última ruta y debería funcionar.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux por satelit

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Algo más sobre satelites:

El 26 Feb 2000 a las 09:28AM +0100, Cosme P. Cuevas escribio:
 El Fri, Feb 25, 2000,
  Nestor A. Diaz wrote:
   Yo  estoy  en  Colombia,   me  consigo  los  equipos  para
   conectarme a un satelite, no cierto? y me
  Yo, que vivo en Chile, estaba pensando exactamente lo mismo,
  y creo que
 quizá esta noticia os pueda interesar,
 Habla del lanzamiento de 4 satélites de Globalstar, con lo que
 obtienen  una  constelación  de  52, que  si  darán  soporte
 a  Latinoamérica, etc  la  verdad  un artículo  bastante

Recientemente, Telefónica ha lanzado el Hispasat 1 C (creo que hace menos
de 2 semanas) y esperan ponerlo en producción este mes de marzo,
ofreciendo servicios es España para Abril, y en Europa y Sur de America a
lo largo del año, con conexiones VSAT. No se si es lo que buscais. A mi no
me parece muy fantástico el VSAT en el plan que lo plantea Telefónica en
España, pero igual hacen otras ofertas con otros precios y velocidades
garantizadas mayores de las que he visto yo y pueda ser util.

En todo caso, habrá que preguntar a Telefónica.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
02/28   The French Connection drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
02/29   French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas con conexión a internet (solucionado)

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Herrera

On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 12:14:04AM +0100, Barbie Dominatrix wrote:
  Resultado de ifconfig y route con la PCMCIA insertada:

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   * UH0  00
localnet*   U 0  00
default UG0  00
default phd50.0.0.0 UG1  00

Solucion de emergencia:

En el ip-up, añade un route delete default y despues un route add default ppp0

 | POWERED BY Debian 2.1 - Kernel 2.2.14 | 
 | Andres Herrera  User Reg. N.66054 |
 | Grupo LIMA | 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Una de unix

2000-02-28 Thread Fernando
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 El Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 08:49:01AM +0100, Fernando contaba:
 Pero yo busco algo al estilo xconsole pero sin x, quiero decir
 que sin interferir con el funcionamiento normal me permita capturar
 los mensajes dirigidos a la consola.
 ( Si xconsole puede hacerlo, es que se puede hacer :-)
 Pues nada más sencillo:
tail -f /dev/xconsole
 Te digo que utilices 'xconsole' porque este dispositivo está tratado
 especialmente por el syslogd. Es un FIFO y por tanto mucho más
 adecuado para que apliques un TAIL.
 Vas a tener que modificar los permisos de 'xconsole' para que tu
 usuario pueda acceder a el.


 Me corrijo a mi mismo. Esto no funciona. No entiendo el porqué, pues
 he trabajado con FIFOs usando el 'dd' y el 'cat' y creía que el
 funcionamiento era igual al de un fichero normal sólo que con tamaño
 El comando que sí funciona es el siguiente:
# less -f /dev/xconsole
 Pruebalo y dime si te ha servido de solución.

Había probado un tail -f /dev/console con resultados extraños, ya que 
me bloqueaba el teclado y tuve que hacer un ps y un kill con el copy-paste del

he probado lo que me dices y tampoco me funciona.
( No he cambiado permisos porque en principio no me parece necesario ? )

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root4 Oct  5  1998 /dev/console - tty0
crw--w--w-   1 sera sera   4,   0 Feb 28 08:35 /dev/tty0
(sera soy yo)
prw-r--r--   1 root root0 Feb 28 08:36 /dev/xconsole|



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: StarOffice

2000-02-28 Thread Diego Bote
On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo wrote:

 Alguien sabe donde se consiguen los drivers para impresoras HP del
 Staroffice (deskjet 660C y deskjet 810C)

Yo uso Staroffice y no he necesitado drivers de nada pues por defecto usa
la impresora que ya tienes definida y tal y como la tienes definida. Esto
es, que si ya te fncionaba antes esa impresora debería seguir
funcionándote ahora.



Re: Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-28 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Jordi wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 10:37:07AM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
  Hay gente que me pregunta que cuando puede estar la=20
  Debian Potato.
  Si no he entendido mal parece que hay problemas.=20
  Se comenta de eliminar 100 paquetes que presentan
  problemas y entre ellos tenemos nada menos que:
  Lo m?s sensato ser?a volver a retrasar la Potato no ?
 Bueno, que estos paquetes tengan bugs no quiere decir que no los vayan a
 El tema de los bug horizons lo puso en marcha Richard Braakman para
 deshacerse autom=E1ticamente de los paquetes mal mantenidos (si un
 desarrollador no responde a un bug critico en un tiempo prudente, est=E1 mal
 mantenido, *creo*). Si se cae de potato tu paquete favorito... hey, mantenlo
 tu, y estar=E1 al d=EDa :)

Gracias majete pero si vamos a personalizar la cuestión prefiero que el
mantenimiento lo hagas tú. Me parece que apache, fetchmail, gpm, y samba 
no deberían caer y no se trata de una preferencia personal.

  Se que pido algo muy dificil pero si alguien puede=20
  orientarme sobre fechas lo agradecer?a.
 Si todo va como esta previsto (s=F3lo 2 test cycles, la primera quincena de
 marzo en la calle). Personalmente yo har=EDa un tercer test cycle para tener
 claras bastantes cosas raras que le pasa a algunas personas. Si hubiese un
 3ro, ser=EDan 2 semanas m=E1s de freeze.

En mi caso no se trata de impaciencia ya que no tengo especial necesidad
de subir la versión. Logicamente cuando salga la Potato me actualizaré.
En mi caso es más crítico evaluar una fecha aproximada de salida para la
próxima versión sea la que sea. Yo tengo que planificarme y acepto las
cosas como vienen pero solo estoy preguntando para estar lo mejor informado
posible y para poder informar lo mejor posible a quien me pregunte. 

Si Potato sale dentro de varios meses pues vale, yo informaré a la gente 
que me pregunte y por mi parte me organizaré para ello y ya está. Si sale
antes pues mejor pero a mi lo que me interesa de verdad es estar lo mejor 
informado posible y nada más. Tu suspicacia está fuera de lugar.

En cualquier caso si quiero aclarar que siendo esta una de las pocas 
listas de Debian en Español para consultas sino la única no deberían 
existir temas tabus tratandose de Debian. 

Antonio Castro

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Ximo Nadal

Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server.
Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en
Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de
que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba
van bien).

¿Que puedo estar haciendo mal?, ¿a alguien se le ocurre por donde
meterle mano a esto?.

Mecanizados, s. a.
Informática. Ximo Nadal.
Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA (SPAIN).
Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Me gustaria montar un cluster linux con algun servidor de base de datos

¡anda! ¡que casualidad! ¡yo tambien!  ;-)

Hay una lista debian-beowulf pero parece un poco muerta
Pero Ramiro Alba, (que esta en esta lista), esta montado un beowulf con
debian. Seguro que el te contesta mejor sobre eso.
Un proyecto al que el mismo Ramiro me remitio, es mosix. Es un parche en el
kernel. Puedes poner maquinas y quitarlas del cluster con un comando. Lo que
hace es que cuando un nodo se carga empieza a derivar procesos a otro segun
un algoritmo. Posibilidades:

-Que es comodisimo
-Que segun entiendo, no hace falta ninguna libreria, ni reprogramar, ni
recompilar, es un parche del kernel.
-Puedes decidir cuando una maquina esta disponible o no para el cluster por
ejemplo con el cron, o si hay inactividad durante x minutos (en plan
-Intenta imitar un sistema de multiprocesadores simetrico.
-Que es GPL. Fundamental, pues lo hace una Universidad de Israel, y asi se
puede revisar lo que metes en tu ordenador. Estos israelies espiando son muy
buenos. (Este mensaje seguro que lo captura echelon, asi que sera mejor que
cambie de identidad, ;-))

Las desventajas respecto al beowulf a mi modo de entender son de
rendimiento. Ganas muchisimo en comodidad pero el rendimiento no debe ser
ninguna maravilla.

En el sitio veras una web hecha con un cluster de estos. Echale un vistazo y
me cuentas que te parece.
¡Ah si! ¡el sitio!

Vaya nombrecito, me recuerda a los servicios secretos de Isr... eh, oiga,
¿quies es usted?



Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread dfm

Perdona que no responda a tu pregunta, pero me gustaría saber qué
documentos has usado para configurar el SAMAB, solo el howto? o algo más?
es que yo en breve voy a meterlo en mi casa para dos máquinas que tengo.

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 28/02/2000 12.12.03

Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Configuracion Samba


Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server.
Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en
Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de
que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba
van bien).

¿Que puedo estar haciendo mal?, ¿a alguien se le ocurre por donde
meterle mano a esto?.

Mecanizados, s. a.
Informática. Ximo Nadal.
Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA (SPAIN).
Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-28 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 11:23:24AM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
  El tema de los bug horizons lo puso en marcha Richard Braakman para
  deshacerse autom=E1ticamente de los paquetes mal mantenidos (si un
  desarrollador no responde a un bug critico en un tiempo prudente, est=E1 mal
  mantenido, *creo*). Si se cae de potato tu paquete favorito... hey, mantenlo
  tu, y estar=E1 al d=EDa :)
 Gracias majete pero si vamos a personalizar la cuesti?n prefiero que el
 mantenimiento lo hagas t?. Me parece que apache, fetchmail, gpm, y samba 
 no deber?an caer y no se trata de una preferencia personal.

Antonio, creo que me has malinterpretado. No me refería a tí, con ese tú
me refería a _todos_ los usuarios de Debian. En RedHat seguramente lo harán
de otra manera, pero con los supersueldos que cobran de Debian los
maintainers de gpm, fetchmail, apache o samba, simplemente, si no pueden
arreglarlos, pues no pueden. Por algo lo de los Bug Festivals, por algo los
NMU's. Si te sirve de consuelo, ayer arreglaron GPM, en medio de una
flame-war en #debian-devel (algunos decían que el bug que rompe las X era
un bug y otros que no). Los bugs de openssh los ha arreglado Tommi Virtanen,
no Philip Hands, su maintainer (P. Hands dijo que estaría fuera y no podía).
Ayer yo hice lo que pude para arreglar gnome-napster, aunque un
desarrollador lo acabó por mí (espero).

No quería decir que tu personalmente lo tengas que hacer, simplemente esto
funciona así: si nadie lo hace y te interesa, hazlo tu (si sabes, por
supuesto). Mira la gráfica de RCbugs, verás como caen en picado. Siempre
pasa lo mismo, sale la lista con los [REMOVE] tags 2 o 3 meses antes del
release, y nadie hace ni caso. Quedan 2 semanas, y alguien se empieza a
preocupar por ssh. Quedan 3 días y todo el mundo se pone a arreglar bugs
pertenecientes a otros maintainers. Creo que no es el unico caso en el que
las cosas se hacen a ultima hora, jeje, yo lo veo todos los días en muchos
Al ritmo de anoche, de los paquetes en la lista para el bug horizon, se van
a caer algunos sin importancia (porque nadie está interesado en arreglarlos), 
ya verás.

 En mi caso no se trata de impaciencia ya que no tengo especial necesidad
 de subir la versi?n. Logicamente cuando salga la Potato me actualizar?.
 En mi caso es m?s cr?tico evaluar una fecha aproximada de salida para la
 pr?xima versi?n sea la que sea. Yo tengo que planificarme y acepto las
 cosas como vienen pero solo estoy preguntando para estar lo mejor informado
 posible y para poder informar lo mejor posible a quien me pregunte. 
 Si Potato sale dentro de varios meses pues vale, yo informar? a la gente 
 que me pregunte y por mi parte me organizar? para ello y ya est?. Si sale
 antes pues mejor pero a mi lo que me interesa de verdad es estar lo mejor 
 informado posible y nada m?s. Tu suspicacia est? fuera de lugar.

De nuevo, no se donde estaba la suspicacia. Si se me ha entendido mal, es
otro tema, pero en ningún caso te he atacado o lo he pretendido. Solo he
comentado como creo que van las cosas.

 En cualquier caso si quiero aclarar que siendo esta una de las pocas 
 listas de Debian en Espa?ol para consultas sino la ?nica no deber?an 
 existir temas tabus tratandose de Debian. 

Tampoco se cual es el tema tabú? Que nos estamos callando? Que los releases
son muy lentos? Yo no me lo callo: ya sabemos que tienen su parte negativa
(stable tiene gtk1.1) y su parte positiva (stable es rock solid).

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Clusters, Beowulf y PVM en Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos:

Bueno, no es que sea un experto en Cluster Beowulf, pero me he mirado
bastantes cosas. Aparte de el software mosix, que para tus necesidades
puede que sea la mejor opción (yo no me lo he mirado por mi cluster va
con otra filosofía), el mejor punto de partida es el Beowulf HOWTO y
sus referencias. En el fondo un cluster Beowulf son nodos en la red cuyo
grado de integración depende de la aplicación que se le quiera dar. Una
vez que estes situado puedes echar un vistazo a la lista de
Debian-beowoulf, pero como ha dicho David está muy poco activa. En
cualquier caso, consiste básicamente en la debianización de software que
se utiliza en el cluster, tanto para gestion de sistema y procesos, como
para ejecucion de procesos. Una lista de software (y más documentación,
la puedes encontrar en
Espero que te haya servido de algo, y de todos modos a medida que te
vayas introduciendo en el tema podemos comentar/intercambiar aspectos

Un saludo

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


RE: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Juanma
Si te refieres a que el guarrindous no se entera de la contraseña (perdón si
te contesto con una cosa diferente a la que preguntas), el otro día me
ocurrió lo mismo. Lo que hice fue decirle al innombrable que reconociera la
clave en texto plano (que no viene definida por defecto).

Para ello copie un archivo terminado en *.ini (Win95 noseque .ini ) o
terminaba en reg (no estoy muy seguro pero es facil de encontrar en el
paquete del samba). Despues instalé este archivo en el ordenador de Windows
(con el botón secundario etc etc etc para actualizar el regedit.

También hay que tener en cuenta que la clave es la misma que la clave del
usuario, con lo que en el servidor construí varias cuentas que eran las que
iban a utilizar la red.

Por cierto, cada uno de los ordenadores tenían versiones diferentes de
windows (98 y 95) pero no hubo ningún problema.

Recibe un saludo:


Re: Una de unix

2000-02-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 28 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 08:45:58 +0100, Fernando contaba:

 Me salgo del tema pero...

crw--w--w-   1 sera sera   4,   0 Feb 28 08:35 /dev/tty0

 Ese permiso es muy peligroso.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pregunta sobre Latex

2000-02-28 Thread Sergio Munoz \(Alumno de Doctorado Matematica - Logica\)\)

On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] Manuel Jiménez wrote:

 Un saludo a todos.
 Quiero editar en Latex un poema en bilingüe, de tal manera que en la página
 de la izquierda me quede la versión inglesa y en la derecha la versión
 transliteral en español. ¿Me podéis ayudar a hacer eso?
 Abrazos debianeros: Manuel
 Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Slink,
 registro nº 90705 en

En el encabezado pon \documentclass[twocolumn]... y etc. Ve documentacion
en /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex Debiera estar todo ahi.


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Re: Una de unix

2000-02-28 Thread Fernando
Hue-Bond wrote:
 El lunes 28 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 08:45:58 +0100, Fernando contaba:
  Me salgo del tema pero...
 crw--w--w-   1 sera sera   4,   0 Feb 28 08:35 /dev/tty0
  Ese permiso es muy peligroso.

No se si sera peligroso, pero yo no lo he cambiado,
tengo una version antigua de debian ( la Hamm ).

De todas formas este dispositivo se debe crear en el arranque
de la maquina con el primer usuario que se conecta a la consola no ?



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Reset al instalar en portátil ¿?¿?

2000-02-28 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez!

El día Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 07:13:08PM CET

 Al intentar instalar desde CD (Citius Debian 2.1), desde disquete con
 resc1440.bin, resc1440-safe.bin, resc1440tecra.bin o resc1440tecra-safe.bin
 ocurre siempre lo mismo: la máquina no termina de cargar el núcleo y se
 resetea, ¿alguien me puede decir qué es lo que pasa?. Yo creía que era cosa
 de bzImage versus zImage y el famoso a20 pero ya que me ocurre con los 
 'boot-floppies' tecra la cosa no debe ir por ahí.

puede ser cuasa del APM, desconectalo en tu portatil y luego compila un
kernel para que funcione con el


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
 SKaVeN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |:_/ |
 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)  //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-28 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Antonio Castro!

El día Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 10:02:36AM CET

Debian - oo  + ^

original, muy original  XD

 Creo que esta propuesta puede despertar posturas encontradas pero en un
 eslogan eso suele ser una buena se?al porque luego a fuerza de verlo no
 choca tanto y queda original.  Si se le pregunta a alguien que diga el 
 nombre de una mascota de campeonato de futbol o de unas olimipiadas 
 probablemente dir? Cobi que no gust? a casi nadie al principio.
 Bueno es una idea m?s y reconozco que queda raro pero podr?a funcionar.

a mi me gusta, pero veo complicado que la gente se enterara viendolo  


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
 SKaVeN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |:_/ |
 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)  //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\

cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

2000-02-28 Thread Juanma
Queridos amigos:

Tal vez la pregunta sea de demasiado novato.
Necesito dar una cuota de 100 mb a cada usuario en red de 20 ordenadores
conectados en red mediante samba. Los puestos son en guarrindows.

Pero no se cómo se hace.

Recibid mi gratitud anticipadamente.

Juanma Ginzo Santiso.

Re: cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

2000-02-28 Thread dfm

No lo he hecho nunca ni tengo idea de como se hace exactamente, pero si te
puedo dar una vista, QUOTA, un paquete de debian y creo que tb hay que
habilitar soporte en el kernel...

Espero haberte puesto en la pista


Daniel con fecha 28/02/2000 16.59.25

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Queridos amigos:

Tal vez la pregunta sea de demasiado novato.
Necesito dar una cuota de 100 mb a cada usuario en red de 20 ordenadore=
conectados en red mediante samba. Los puestos son en guarrindows.

Pero no se c=F3mo se hace.

Recibid mi gratitud anticipadamente.

Juanma Ginzo Santiso.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Informe de Prensa

2000-02-28 Thread midiario
Title: Informe de Prensa
   Usted puede configurar sus propios temas.Por ejemplo:  Internet(3 Noticias) Telecomunicaciones(3 Noticias) Economa(3 Noticias)  Informe de prensaReciba   por e-mail SOLAMENTE las noticias de su inters.  Presentamos Informe de Prensa, el primer diario personalizado que recopila y clasifica las noticias de su inters.Diariamente Ud. recibe por e-mail todas las noticias publicadas en diarios y revistas relacionadas con los temas que necesita conocer.De fcil lectura, Informe de Prensa se visualiza con cualquier browser. Su exclusivo Indice Temtico lo conduce rpidamente a las noticias seleccionadas con simples clicks de mouse.Informe de Prensa fue diseado para personas que necesitan mantenerse informadas de manera rpida y precisa, accediendo solamente a los temas de su inters.   Ud. define   los temas que desea recibir (Telecomunicaciones, Bancos, Internet,   Poltica, etc) y recibe solamente las noticias relacionadas.  Adems   puede solicitar el seguimiento de empresas, funcionarios, ejecutivos   o cualquier otra palabra clave; de esta manera Ud. slo   recibe las noticias que mencionen su perfil de consulta.  Informe   de Prensa ordena y clasifica las noticias publicadas por los   diarios de Capital, interior del pas y revistas de negocios.   Tambin se auditan medios de Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay   y Brasil.  Su formato   y diseo, junto con su exclusivo ndice temtico,   permite visualizar las noticias de manera rpida y sencilla   a travs de cualquier browser.  Informe   de Prensa permite enviar mltiples e-mail a usuarios   en la misma empresa, permitiendo adems que cada uno   defina su propio perfil de consulta.Precios   y Servicios disponibles:   Hasta   5 e-mailHasta   10 e-mail Informe   de Prensa, Capital Federal (1)$   195$   225 Informe   de Prensa, Interior (2)$   95$   125 Informe   de Prensa, Tecnologa (2)$   95$   125 Informe   de Prensa, Chile (2)$   45$   65 Informe   de Prensa, Paraguay y Uruguay (2)$   45$   65 Informe   de Prensa, Poltica (2)$   95$   125   (1) Tarifa   Base  (2) Adicionales; Servicios opcionales. Los precios   son por suscripcin mensual y no incluyen IVA.   Suscripcin semestral: 10 % de descuento.

samba sambita samba

2000-02-28 Thread Hue-Bond

 Al  compartir una  carpeta en  el S.O.  que tanto  amamos por
 aquí, sale  una linda opción  que permite  dar acceso bien  de sólo
 lectura o bien de lectura y escritura, dependiendo de la contraseña
 con  que se  conecte al  recurso  compartido. ¿Es  posible eso  con
 Samba?  Jeje, y ¿cómo? ;^).

 También, si me podéis dar un par de guías, direcciones o lo que
 sea,  sobre cómo  montar  el  pollo de  las  políticas de  grupo...
 de  momento  sé  que  necesito  Samba  2 y  que  he  de  crear  una
 carpeta Netlogon en  algún sitio, instalar el poledit  en los otros
 ordenatas y poco más.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Roberto Meyer
Ximo Nadal wrote:

 Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server.
 Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en
 Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de
 que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba
 van bien).

A ver, si mal no recuerdo (de esto hace ya bastante) samba no
sirve como PDC (Primary Domain Controller); en cambio si para
guardar las preferencias de los usuarios via un [netlogon]

Recuerdo que me resultaron muy utiles entonces 2 cosas: el
resource kit de Moco$oft y una peque~a aplicacion llamada
policy editor (en realidad edita la 'registry', ay!, ya me estan
dando nauseas ;-)

El RKit me costo _harto_ encontrarlo, tal parece que 'alguien' se
ha encargado que desapareciera de internet!, obviamente sin muy
buenos resultados, ya que siempre existe algun sitio 'warez' donde
encuentras esas cosas (en realidad esta en formato .hlp, solo es
una ayuda, Moco$osft haciendo desaparecer documentacion? que raro!

Si quieres te envie ambos me avisas.

Debian, eres libre de serlo
Por una comunicacion libre: bomba atentado FBI CIA SIDE interpol
secuestro IRA Palestina Gaza AMIA ETA unabomber mi madre ;-)

Log Ipchains

2000-02-28 Thread Joan Cirer

En mi maquina con potato, tengo el paquete ipmasq para el masqueradig y me
hace un log mediante el syslog de los paquetes que son rechazados por el

Desde hace unos 15 dias cuando me conecto a Internet a traves de Infovia+
me aparece en el syslog el siguiente mensaje:

Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=17 L=576 \
S=0x00 I=11092 F=0x4000 T=30 (#4)

Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=17 L=576 \
S=0x00 I=11095 F=0x4000 T=30 (#6)

Segun parece, es un broadcast de peticion bootp o dhcp que realiza alguna
maquina que estaria al otro lado de la conexión ppp

Eso tiene pinta de mala configuración de algun router de Telefonica...

Alguien sabe algo de porque puede ser debido? O que tambien le haya
aparecido en su log?


¿Dónde pongo el boot de lilo.conf?

2000-02-28 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
Hola a todos.

He recibido algunos mensajes con ejemplos de cómo configurar el
lilo.conf para 2 discos duros (yo tengo la partición de Win98 en /dev/hda1,
la de Linux Swap en /dev/hda2 y la de Linux Native en /dev/hdb1) y creo que
en todos instalais el LILO en el MBR, es decir, existe la línea:

boot = /dev/hda.

Yo creo haber leído en algún documento sobre LILO que es mejor tenerlo
en la partición raíz para la instalación de Linux (/dev/hdb1 en mi caso,
creo) si tienes otro S.O. en tu sistema. Pero como yo no tengo ni idea de
esto, os pregunto a vosotros qué es mejor poner en la línea 'boot' de

Muchas gracias.


Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 03:13 p.m. 2000-02-28 -0300, Roberto Meyer wrote:
Ximo Nadal wrote:

 Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server.
 Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en
 Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de
 que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba
 van bien).

A ver, si mal no recuerdo (de esto hace ya bastante) samba no
sirve como PDC (Primary Domain Controller); en cambio si para
guardar las preferencias de los usuarios via un [netlogon]

Creo que Samba  2.0 ya soporta PDC.

Eso no más...

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: samba sambita samba

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 28 Feb 2000 a las 06:52PM +0100, Hue-Bond escribio:
  También, si me podéis dar un par de guías, direcciones o lo que
  sea,  sobre cómo  montar  el  pollo de  las  políticas de  grupo...
  de  momento  sé  que  necesito  Samba  2 y  que  he  de  crear  una
  carpeta Netlogon en  algún sitio, instalar el poledit  en los otros
  ordenatas y poco más.

Lo que tienes que tener es el Netlogon compartido con el fichero
NTCONFIG.POL generado con el poledit de NT, y el
norecuerdoqueconfig.leches generado con el poledit de Windows 95. En estos
ficheros defines restricciones/características/directorios/etc del perfil
del usuario que se aplicarán segun dicho fichero de politicas en base a la
pertenencia a grupos que personalices en su interior, máquinas de la red o
usuarios en concreto.
Van por lados distintos el 95 y el NT, usan ficheros de politicas
Además, los usuarios deben iniciar la sesión en el dominio, si no, no se
aplican esas políticas.

Si tienes dudas, preguntame de nuevo.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
02/28   The French Connection drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
02/29   French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configuracion Samba

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 28 Feb 2000 a las 11:22AM +0100, Ximo Nadal escribio:
 Estoy intentando configurar un Samba (v 1.9.18p8) como logon server. 
 Siguiendo los pasos del documento DOMAIN.txt de /usr/doc/samba en 
 Debian, pero cuando accedo desde las maquinas con w95 ni se entera de 
 que Samba es el logon server (el resto de funcionalidades del Samba 
 van bien).
 ¿Que puedo estar haciendo mal?, ¿a alguien se le ocurre por donde 
 meterle mano a esto?.

Yo uso el 1.9.18p10 de slink y me va correctamente. En los windows debes
indicar en propiedades del cliente para redes microsoft en panel de
control / red que se haga logon en un dominio y teclear el nombre del

Por otra parte, si quieres, te envío como tengo mi smb.conf. También te
diré que conviene que uses contraseñas encriptadas y uses el comando
smbpasswd para configurarlas en el Linux, ya que así podrás usar clientes
98 y NT40=SP3 sin tener que tocarles el registry.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
02/28   The French Connection drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
02/29   French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704

Description: PGP signature

Re: Log Ipchains

2000-02-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 27 Feb 2000 a las 10:53PM +0100, Joan Cirer escribio:
 En mi maquina con potato, tengo el paquete ipmasq para el masqueradig y me
 hace un log mediante el syslog de los paquetes que son rechazados por el
 Desde hace unos 15 dias cuando me conecto a Internet a traves de Infovia+
 me aparece en el syslog el siguiente mensaje:
 Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=17 L=576 \
 S=0x00 I=11092 F=0x4000 T=30 (#4)
 Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=17 L=576 \
 S=0x00 I=11095 F=0x4000 T=30 (#6)
 Segun parece, es un broadcast de peticion bootp o dhcp que realiza alguna
 maquina que estaria al otro lado de la conexión ppp
 Eso tiene pinta de mala configuración de algun router de Telefonica...
 Alguien sabe algo de porque puede ser debido? O que tambien le haya
 aparecido en su log?

A mi tambien me aparecen. Son exactamente iguales pero los veo con el
debug en 31 para diald. Efectivamente tienen pinta de ser peticiones
bootp/dhcp, y solo me aparecen cuando conecto por infovia plus, no por
wanadoo con el 901900109 ni con nodo local de CTV.

¿Alguien de Telefónica que lea esta lista y nos de una pista?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
02/28   The French Connection drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
02/29   French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704

Description: PGP signature

Re: cuotas de disco duro para usuarios

2000-02-28 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Juanma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Queridos amigos:
 Tal vez la pregunta sea de demasiado novato.
 Necesito dar una cuota de 100 mb a cada usuario en red de 20 ordenadores
 conectados en red mediante samba. Los puestos son en guarrindows.
 Pero no se cómo se hace.

Bien, yo hace como 3 años que hice esto, asi que habrán cambiado
ciertas cosas. Bueno creo que tenias que habilitarlas en el núcleo
(alguna opción por ahi), e instalar el paquete quota.
También habia que añadir en la partición que ponias cuotas la palabra 
usrquota o quota (creo que esto ya no hace falta).

Despues creo el fichero quota.user en / (touch quota.user).
Ahora, para un usuario - edquota antonio
   - edquota -t antonio
   - edquota -p antonio demas_usuarios (copio para los 
Por último, las inicializo:
 - quotaon /dev/hda2
( Las añado a los scripts de inicializacion.)

Para cada usuario creo que podias configurar el limite soft, por
ejemplo 10 megas y el limite hard (15 megas por ejemplo, y que se
sobrepasase el limite blando durante x dias, pero solo hasta el limite
hard) bueno y cosas asi... hablo de memoria, perdón si me equivoco.
Quizas esta información este un poco desfasada, pero espero que te
sirva de ayuda.

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: configuração de tcp/ip

2000-02-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Entre os pacotes do Debian 2.1 (ha realmente muitos), havera algum com
 um programa para configuraaoo de tcp/ip? Algo como o Linuxconf, que e
 comumente encontrado em outras distribuicoes?
O que vc chama de configuracao de tcp/ip?  As configuraçoes de
rede?  Eh soh editar o /etc/init.d/network.  A melhor ferramenta grafica
para este fim eh o vi.

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

What happened to e-conf?

2000-02-28 Thread Cyrus Patel
Hi all,

I just installed E on a new computer and found out that e-conf
is not in the unstable dist anymore. I used to change my key bindings
using this tool.

Is there now an alternative way to change my key bindings? 
I checked all the E settings menus and I couldn't find a way.

Thx in advance,

possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread addiction

Rather silly question but here goes:

I don't have access to Windows or DOS and I need to extract the contents
of some .cab files. I was wondering if there is any tool I can use to do
this, since this is a Microsoft free Debian machine.

All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on
old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular).

I did consider the possibility of using dosemu or wine with some kind of
command-line program made for DOS (something like winzip or cabview I guess
it'd be) but since Windows/DOS is not installed on this machine I really
have no way of doing this (that I can think of).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.. either a recommendation for a
program which runs under Linux to extract such files, or any other logical
method I might use to accomplish this task.

Thanks in advance,

Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you
don't want Linux'.
(Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader)

Re: What happened to e-conf?

2000-02-28 Thread Marshal Wong
You have to copy /usr/share/enlightenment/config/keybindings.cfg (if
you're using a debian system, which I'm assuming) to
~/.enlightenment and edit it by hand.  Sorry, I guess they haven't had
time to work on e-conf for 0.16.

 Cyrus == Cyrus Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all, I just installed E on a new computer and found out that
 e-conf is not in the unstable dist anymore. I used to change my
 key bindings using this tool.

 Is there now an alternative way to change my key bindings?  I
 checked all the E settings menus and I couldn't find a way.

 Thx in advance, Cyrus

 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Can't print to print queue in GIMP

2000-02-28 Thread John Dalbec
  When I bring up the Print dialog I see
  Printer: File
  Clicking on the drop down menu reveals no other options.
  How do I set this up?  The manual was no help.
 I'm no GIMP expert, but wouldn't putting | lp in the file name
 field end up printing?
No, it creates a file named | lp.

I guess I didn't explain that well.  I see:
 +-+ +-+
Printer: | File || | |Setup|
 +-+ +-+
Clicking on the drop down menu that says File reveals that File is the
only option.  Clicking on the Setup button brings up a dialog box with:

DriverPostscript Level 2 (a drop down menu)
PPD file  (a blank text entry field)
Command   (nothing)

Shouldn't there be a way to get a text entry field to appear after the
Command heading so that I can type lpr there?
Am I required to use a .PPD file to print to a print queue?  It prints
to a file with no problem.
Is there a config file I should edit?  It would be nice if I could set
up the printer once and not have to worry about it again.

Re: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-28 Thread Jonathan Chang
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Hans wrote:

 Huh, what is setserial used for? I thought this didn't have any effect with
 pcmcia. --Hans
 BTW, what are you running: Slink, Potato or Corel? Where did you get the
 upgraded packages?

Hi, Hans,

I do not know the exact relation. The following is quota from the bug
tracking system (#56482):
From: Ross Paterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The last line of /etc/init.d/setserial:


examines all serial devices, even those that will be controlled by
pcmcia-cs.  (It runs before /etc/init.d/pcmcia-cs does.)  Somehow this
causes them to fail when pcmcia-cs takes over.  Without this line,
the modem works.
You can browse the debian web for the details.

I am currently using potato (frozen) and got these upgraded package
by apt-get.

ii  setserial  2.17-7 Controls configuration of serial ports.
ii  ppp2.3.11-1.1 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
ii  pppconfig  2.0.4  A text menu based utility for configuring pp
ii  pcmcia-cs  3.0.12-3   PCMCIA Card Services for Linux.

I hope these packages can solve your modem problem, too.

Best regards,

  Jonathan Chang

How to install Zope products in Debian

2000-02-28 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez

I'm trying to install some Zope products, particularly Squishdot,
following the install instructions of untaring the tar file in zope's
root directory (/var/lib/zope) and then restarting zope (zopectl
restart). However, the products never show up in zope (not even under
product management). Is there something Debian-specific about
installing zope products that I am missing?

I managed to install ZPhotoAlbum only because it comes with a .zexp file
that allows me to import it directly into zope. But there's no
equivalent import file on Squishdot.

I'd appreciate any suggestion. Thank you,


PS. I'm running Potato.

glibc 2.1.3 + kernel 2.3.47

2000-02-28 Thread ethan mindlace fremen

I've installed kernel 2.3.47 on my frozen potato box in order to take
advantage of large files (2GB).  I can run a test in the box, and it
sucessfully creates a 16GB file.  ls sees it as a 64MB file, however.

When I asked Matti (author of the large file portion), he referred me to
the large file summit, item 3.3:

What additional work, if any, do I need to do to get large files working
on my box?

Thanks very much,

ethan fremen

ps. I only really need this functionality for zope's database file.

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread kmself
On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 07:27:04PM -0500, addiction wrote:
 Rather silly question but here goes:
 I don't have access to Windows or DOS and I need to extract the contents
 of some .cab files. I was wondering if there is any tool I can use to do
 this, since this is a Microsoft free Debian machine.

I went looking for something a few weeks ago and turned up a project
which was trying to build some libraries to extract cab files.  I don't
think it's production level yet.

 All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on
 old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular).

Hmmm  Ok, that didn't work.  I was going to park a set of TT Fonts
on my website but I exceeded my space quota :-(

 I did consider the possibility of using dosemu or wine with some kind of
 command-line program made for DOS (something like winzip or cabview I guess
 it'd be) but since Windows/DOS is not installed on this machine I really
 have no way of doing this (that I can think of).

Try dosemu with FreeDOS.  I believe it's a deb you can download.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.. either a recommendation for a
 program which runs under Linux to extract such files, or any other logical
 method I might use to accomplish this task.

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

SAS for Linux:
Mailing list:  subscribe sas-linux to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ppp and genpower failure

2000-02-28 Thread Madarasz Karoly
Hello all!

How can I configure ppp so in case of a powerfailure signal
ppp logins to be disabled, and to be enabled on a powerok signal?

Normal console logins are disabled. For ppp logins I use mgettys
AutoPPP feature.
My system:
slink 2.0.28 kernel, pppd 2.3.11, mgetty 1.1.18-1, genpower 1.0.1-8


Re: apt-get -b

2000-02-28 Thread Oki DZ

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Sean Johnson wrote:

 I like to use apt-move to create a local mirror of all the packages I've
 installed. This makes it easy to keep the other machines on my home lan
 up to date. All I do is make the apt-move directory (in my case it's on

Thanks; it works fine.

 /mirror) mountable via nfs by all local machines, and go from there.

I added:
Alias /debian/ /mirrors/debian/
to my /etc/apache/srm.conf, so that I could do apt-get to the server where
my Apache lives. (Of course, the /etc/apt/sources.list on my local machine
had been updated to reflect the new configuration.) After an apt-move
localupdate, my server became a Debian distro server; configured with
all the installed packages on the server.

BTW, although this setting is neat (I could save some bandwidth), I have
to do apt-get -d install new_package and apt-move localupdate on the
server every time I want to have a package to be available on the server.
It would be nice if apt-move were working like Squid, become a daemon
that's waiting on the background and serving every package request from
any clients; storing the downloaded packages on the local disk and
building the local Apt database automatically. In other words, there's
still a problem (ie: making Apt to be not that cool) when the package you
request is not yet available on your local package server. 

The above setup would make sites with slow connection happy. Those with
faster connections, IMHO, would like to have someting like apt-mbone
daemon; for getting the package upgrade via multicast. 


Netscape 4.72 installed OK Composer still crashing!

2000-02-28 Thread John Foster
I finally got a copy of Netscape Communicator 4.72 Linux2.2 installed
and running. Composer is still crashing on my Potato box. I did as
suggested and disabled the java functions and the problem seems to go
away. Is this really a Java problem in Potato or is Netscape crapped
out. I do not have this problem on my stable Slink systems, and the
problem only appeared with Netscape 4.7, when I upgraded to Potato. Any
Ideas!! Is there something I need to do with Java??
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Netscape 4.72 installed OK Composer still crashing!

2000-02-28 Thread Seth R Arnold
* John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] [000227 23:16]:
 away. Is this really a Java problem in Potato or is Netscape crapped
 out. I do not have this problem on my stable Slink systems, and the

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but netscape communicator uses its own
JRE; it does not depend on the local system to have one.

Thus, upgrading your JRE or JDK should not have an effect.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help

Configuration management

2000-02-28 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Hi all,

Up to now, I've been managing my system's configuration in a rather ad
hoc kind of fashion: configuration during installation, fine-tuning it
with with the set-up/configuration utilities that come with a package
(or as a separate package) and roughly document what I did in a normal
ChangeLog file.

However, I'm not really happy with this way of doing things.  I'd like
to hear about some other ways.  I've toyed with the idea of using CVS,
archiving /etc and making a local package.  Slightly related, I'm also
looking for ways to quickly clone a system.

Your suggestions are most welcome.
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development


2000-02-28 Thread runner
Hi folks !

I'd like to setup my home network (I installed the cards, softwares, 
set up ipchains etc.) But I have a final question. If my look out to 
the world is ppp0, what should I wrote to the /ezc/init.d/network ?
The interfaco to the LAN is eth0 and that's clear that I don't have to 
add the default gateway address to this card, only the broadcast 
and IP address of this card. But, again, what to write to the ppp0, if 
this is my inerface to the outside and I get my IP dynamically ?
Could anyone post me a working /etc/init.d/network script to the 
situation like this ?

Problems with compiling FreeHDL (free VHDL) in slink - any other experiences?

2000-02-28 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I tried to compile the FreeHDL ( - The FREE
implementation of VHDL-93) on my linux/slink box.
When compiling the, the memory usage increased to 70MB causing 
the build process to fail. Does it really need so much memory, or there is
an error (eg. repeatedly included header file)?
Has anybody successfully compiled this package for debian?
I can add four 128MB swap files and run compilation in the evening ;-), but
maybe there is something to be fixed before.
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux - free OS for free people!

Is it possible to have isolatin on the shell?

2000-02-28 Thread Bruno Boettcher

this appeared when exchanging files with windows-users. they are able to
use the full isolatin charset when creating filenames, i can't... quite
frustrating, i looked at the bash manpage, but could find nothing about the
ability to use the iso-latin charset on the shell in general
it is surely a faq, but i didn't found correct pointers on the solution...

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Why is dictd so large?

2000-02-28 Thread Dylan Paul Thurston
After upgrading to unstable, I noticed that dictd seems to be rather
excessively large: it's taking up 8 megabytes at the moment.  Is this
normal?  (I have all the free dictionaries installed.)

Dylan Thurston

(Please CC: me on replies.)

How to send voice messages ?

2000-02-28 Thread Drews Klaus
Hi there,

I am using vgetty to simulate my answering machine. When I am not at home,
I used to convert incoming messages to wav and send them per Mail to where 
I am. That works as long as there is a soundcard somewhere around. It 
happend, that there was none. Bad luck.

Now, how do I manage to tell my machine to call a number and than play the
message ? 
It's like callback, but instead of login it should play the rmd file.


help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread chadi

hello all,

  ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some
problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a
PABX system ...  
  anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created thru
pppconfig) so that it will dial 9 first (for the dial tone) b4 dialing my


crontab + xset dpms

2000-02-28 Thread Seth R Arnold
Greetings fellow debheads;

I would like to set my monitor power off times to be different during
the night than during the day. To this end, I have added the following
lines to my crontab (output with crontab -l):

0   10  *   *   *   xset dpms 3600 0 0
30  0   *   *   *   xset dpms 300 0 0 

I have blank lines at the end of my crontab file.

I never log out of X. I do use xscreensaver; it has an auto-enable time
of ten minutes with locking.

Other lines in my crontab file get run (two include an Esetroot to
change my root background in X every two hours) -- so I am rather
mystified why this won't change the timeout values. Using these commands
by hand works just fine.

Any thoughts or ideas?

Thanks :)

(no, I don't get email about it -- but that is because, when openldap
broke, it was a whole lot easier to remove MTAs than to fix the ldap. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-28 Thread Högman

 Have you set up a /etc/printcap file? You can do so by running
 magicfilterconfig --force (as root). I'm not sure if your printer is
 supported directly, but you maybe able to find a filter that works
 for the most part. 

Well, I've got a printcap. Been trying to use the lexmark 5700/7000 drivers, 
but still no go. Is there any other way to find out what printers it might be 
compatible with? Or, for that matter, any way to send information to the 
printer without using lpr, so that it at least might send a test page?

(actually, some form of printer test program would be a nice addition to 
debian... Go through all filters, and then some ability to select one that 
might work... :))

.--- -- ---  -- +-
| Martin Högman  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|   [ ]
`--+ --- -   --  +

Esound, I broke it, can I fix it?

2000-02-28 Thread John Miskinis


I really do not want to re-install from scratch again!  I had
E+Esound working, with the ~vincent updates.  When I started to
build the Epplets-Base, it needed esd.h which was not provided
in the esound 0.2.14 debian package.  I found that it was included
as well as some other need stuff,  in the esound 0.2.8 tarball.  I
made/installed 0.2.8, and then sound broke.  I used dpkg to remove
esound (ignore-depends needed) and then re-installed it.  For
some reason esd will not startup properly.  I can type esd and
hear the beeps, but E can't communicate with it.

Does anyone know where/how esd is started automatically?  Can I
fix this?  Again this is slink...

Help? John
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] said

 hello all,
   ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some
 problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a
 PABX system ...  
   anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created thru
 pppconfig) so that it will dial 9 first (for the dial tone) b4 dialing my
 ISP ?
Isn't 9,yournumber enough?


Version: 3.12
GE d? s+: a- C++ UL++ P+ L+++ E- W++ N++ o-- K- w---
O- M+ V-- PS PE++ Y PGP++ t+ 5++ X+ R tv+++ b++ DI+ D-
G e+++ h* r+ y+

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mirror Cannot get remote directory details

2000-02-28 Thread Bob Hilliard
Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Bob Hilliard wrote:
   What causes this error from mirror?  
   Cannot get remote directory details (debian/dists/potato/main/binary-all)
   I have gotten this consistently on */binary-all, and occasionally
  on */binary-i386, since mid-January, using the same mirror scripts
  that I have used successfully for a long time.
 Same here, but only on non-US. It happens on two different mirror hosts.
 It started failing months ago.
 My error message is longer (or did you not quote all of it):
 package=debian-unstable-non-US -
 Failure at end of remote directory () because: timed out
 Cannot get remote directory details (/debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US)

 The first three lines you quote are, of course, normal messages
from mirror.  I have never gotten a message that included 
Failure at end of remote directory () because: timed out

 I have never had the problem with non-US, but have had it on
half-a-dozen US mirrors, always, with one exeception, on

 Since non-US was reorganized I have had to change my non-US
script to separate packager for the distributions:

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread James Grant
Try setting up 'pppconfig again and type the number you are dailing like this:
9,[then number].

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/28 6:43 AM 

hello all,

  ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some
problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a
PABX system ...  
  anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created thru
pppconfig) so that it will dial 9 first (for the dial tone) b4 dialing my


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ppp and genpower failure

2000-02-28 Thread aphro
while i havent tried it myself, PPP logins should be disabled if your
using pppd's auth and login option which will use the system's login
and use /etc/passwd for passwords. (I use it but havent tested it in event
of a power failure)

how is your pppd setup for mgetty?


On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Madarasz Karoly wrote:

mkarol Hello all!
mkarol How can I configure ppp so in case of a powerfailure signal
mkarol ppp logins to be disabled, and to be enabled on a powerok signal?
mkarol Normal console logins are disabled. For ppp logins I use mgettys
mkarol AutoPPP feature.
mkarol My system:
mkarol slink 2.0.28 kernel, pppd 2.3.11, mgetty 1.1.18-1, genpower 1.0.1-8
mkarol Thanks,
mkarol Karesz!
mkarol -- 
mkarol Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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7:05am up 192 days, 19:27, 1 user, load average: 1.09, 1.06, 1.09

Re: Gateway

2000-02-28 Thread aphro
you don't do anything, you run pppconfig and it will do it for you, since
ppp is usually not a dedicated link(modem) so pppd will handle bringing
the gateway up and down for a ppp connection.


On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

runner Hi folks !
runner I'd like to setup my home network (I installed the cards, softwares, 
runner set up ipchains etc.) But I have a final question. If my look out to 
runner the world is ppp0, what should I wrote to the /ezc/init.d/network ?
runner The interfaco to the LAN is eth0 and that's clear that I don't have to 
runner add the default gateway address to this card, only the broadcast 
runner and IP address of this card. But, again, what to write to the ppp0, if 
runner this is my inerface to the outside and I get my IP dynamically ?
runner Could anyone post me a working /etc/init.d/network script to the 
runner situation like this ?
runner Thanx,
runner Ago
runner -- 
runner Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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7:05am up 192 days, 19:27, 1 user, load average: 1.09, 1.06, 1.09

Upgrading libc6 from slink to potato (no network!)

2000-02-28 Thread Moore, Paul
Apologies if people have seen this before. I initially sent it via the news
gateway at our site as I was having trouble getting subscribed, but I'm not
convinced that the gateway is making it to the full mailing list (other
messages I've sent that way are not in the archives). Now that I've got
myself subscribed, I'm resending just in case it hasn't appeared - I really
need some help!

Apologies for the waste of bandwidth...

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:52:47 +0100, Paul Moore
On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 00:41:44 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1. Decide whether you want to run a 2.0 or a 2.2 kernel. DHCP is
an area where the two kernel series require different tools. I think
you'll be better off in the long run if you upgrade to kernel 2.2.x
now. (Debian 2.1r2 is still 2.0-based by default, but has worked fine
for me after I switched to a 2.2 kernel.)

I will look at 2.2.14 and the associated updates needed to use it with

Aargh. In order to run dhcpcd on 2.2.14, I need the version from
unstable (frozen, I guess). But that depends on the unstable version
of libc6, which depends on the unstable version of debianutils, which
depends on the unstable version of libc6

If I force an install of debianutils, the libc6 install fails on the
preinit script, with no indication of why.

Something is wrong here. How do I upgrade a clean slink system to use
the frozen/unstable version of libc6? Please, no-one say apt-get
upgrade - the WHOLE POINT is that I don't have a net connection!!!
Tell me what .debs to download, how to dpkg -i them in, and I'll be
happy. But don't suggest an upgrade - if I could have run potato, I'd
never have started with slink.

Thanks for any help - I'm getting VERY frustrated here!


Re: IOmega

2000-02-28 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Timothy C. Phan wrote:

   Does IOMEGA JAZ 2GB EXT SCSI DRIVE work well in Debian
   or Linux in general?  Anything should I be aware of before
   go out and buy the JAZ drive?

Only that they are expensive.
Check out for their Orb drive.  Th unit
is cheaper and the disks are a _lot_ cheaper.

I'm just a satisfied customer.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

Re: Esound, I broke it, can I fix it?

2000-02-28 Thread John Miskinis


FYI - I fixed it!  In case anyone else ever gets into this
boat, do a make uninstall in the (tarball) 0.2.8 directory, then
dpkg -r --force-depends esound.  Then re-install the esound
deb package, and things will work again.


John Miskinis
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Thought for the day

2000-02-28 Thread Eric Hagglund
Before Microsoft came along, they used to say that a
pack of cigarettes cut 3 minutes off your life :)
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Upgrading libc6 from slink to potato (no network!)

2000-02-28 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Moore, Paul) wrote:
Aargh. In order to run dhcpcd on 2.2.14, I need the version from
unstable (frozen, I guess). But that depends on the unstable version
of libc6, which depends on the unstable version of debianutils, which
depends on the unstable version of libc6

If I force an install of debianutils, the libc6 install fails on the
preinit script, with no indication of why.

libc6 has just been fixed. From the changelog:

  * Pre-Depends were a bad idea
- quit using readlink.
- removed pre-depends on debianutils.

When 2.1.3-5 hits your nearest mirror, do the download.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Off topic: Where does the group wheel come from?

2000-02-28 Thread David Teague

A buddy of mine asked me this question to which I haven't a clue:

History of Unix question for you: where does group wheel come from? 

I unzipped the classes that come with Netscape, and like a lot of
stuff, the files I unzipped were group wheel. I think there might
have been a uid that went along with that, and I suspect they come
out of ucb.  


Anybody have a historical bent? Where does the group wheel come

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.

Re: crontab + xset dpms

2000-02-28 Thread Frank Barknecht
Seth R Arnold hat gesagt: // Seth R Arnold wrote:

 I would like to set my monitor power off times to be different during
 the night than during the day. To this end, I have added the following
 lines to my crontab (output with crontab -l):
 0   10  *   *   *   xset dpms 3600 0 0
 30  0   *   *   *   xset dpms 300 0 0 
 Other lines in my crontab file get run (two include an Esetroot to
 change my root background in X every two hours) -- so I am rather
 mystified why this won't change the timeout values. Using these commands
 by hand works just fine.

Maybe try with the full path:

0   10  *   *   * /usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 3600 0 0

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Off topic: Where does the group wheel come from?

2000-02-28 Thread Shawn


A buddy of mine asked me this question to which I haven't a clue:
History of Unix question for you: where does group wheel come from? 

IMP Configuration

2000-02-28 Thread Erik van der Meulen
I have installed IMP 2.2.0 and am very pleased with it. It took a bit of
figuring out the installation of imap, but that seems to be working too.
One issue is still open. I would like the users mail data in ~/mail
(which is Debian standard, it seems). I cannot seem to get IMP to handle
that. I have tried all kinds of tricks in the setup.php3 file, but it
does not give me access to mail folders in my ~/mail directory.

I would be very pleased if someone could send me their setup.php3 file
as an example.

Also, I am having slight trouble with understanding the workings of
imap. Very little documentation comes with the package. Can someone give
me a pointer for some background reading? I would like to know things
like: Can I still use a pop3 client on the /var/spool/mail/name mailbox
file and imap alternatively?

Thanks a lot!

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-28 Thread Joe Block
Robert Varga wrote:
   One important point about cgiwrap - the current debian package puts the
   user cgis in ~user/public_html/cgi-bin instead of ~user/cgi-bin. I've
   filed a bug about it.  It's bad security for cgis and their associated
   datafiles to be web-readable.  Yes, I know security through obscurity
   isn't really security, but we should at least make the black hats work a
   little to get at the cgi source.
 And how can you set up /home/user/cgi-bin to be web-executable if you
 cannot describe it with a web url?

With cgiwrap, you don't directly specify the cgi, you pass it as a
parameter to the cgiwrap cgi

if you want to run ~user1/cgi-bin/a, the correct url is

cgiwrap will take care of making sure a.cgi belongs to the user, isn't
setuid, etc, etc and then run a.cgi as user1

 And another thing I have been running circles around is:
 -  how can I protect data files from being read from the filesystem,
 which should be readable from the web, but only after authentication?
 Since they should be http-served, they should be world-readable... Then
 how can I prevent anyone from reading them on the webserver system itself?

chgrp the files to www-data and set their permissions to 640.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: Why is dictd so large?

2000-02-28 Thread Bob Hilliard
Dylan Paul Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 After upgrading to unstable, I noticed that dictd seems to be rather
 excessively large: it's taking up 8 megabytes at the moment.  Is this
 normal?  (I have all the free dictionaries installed.)
   Dylan Thurston
 (Please CC: me on replies.)

 According to my build directory, the entire dictd package, source
+ binaries, totals 752 kb.  The combined installed size of the two
.debs is about 453 kb.  I have just checked the archives, and this
.debs on master are the same size as those in my build directory.

 The total installed size of the dictionaries I have packaged is
31026 kb.  (ls -l /usr/share/dictd).  These are all compressed, but
are still large because of the volume of data included in them.

 What files do you find taking up 8 mb?

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: nmbd refuses connection

2000-02-28 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
What machine is Is that the machine gateway? If so then is nmbd 
running? It might be configured to run from inetd.conf if it is then check out
/etc/hosts.allow and make sure that it's setup to allow connections. I'm 
guessing nmbd
probably isn't running for whatever reason and isn't set up to run from 
inetd.conf. It
could be possible you've got a bad smb.conf file.

Patrick Kirk wrote:

 I can't get samba to actually share.  Even on the server I get, this:

 gateway:/etc/samba# smbclient -L gateway
 Client started (version 2.0.5a).
 resolve_name: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name gateway0x20
 Connecting to at port 139
 error connecting to (Connection refused)
 Connection to gateway failed

 Anyone recognise this error?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: crontab + xset dpms

2000-02-28 Thread Carl Johnson
Seth R Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Greetings fellow debheads;
 I would like to set my monitor power off times to be different during
 the night than during the day. To this end, I have added the following
 lines to my crontab (output with crontab -l):
 0   10  *   *   *   xset dpms 3600 0 0
 30  0   *   *   *   xset dpms 300 0 0 

I think you have to specify the display, so try something like:
30 0 * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 xset dpms 300 0 0

The standard crontab allows variables to be set, so you can just
put a line 'DISPLAY = :0.0' earlier in your crontab, which will
set the variable for all crontab entries.

I am assuming that you are running this in your crontab, as the
same user that is running X, and not as root.  If you want it in
the root crontab, you have to give others permission to access the
display, which is a potential security hole.


Re: print all packages and versions a package depends on

2000-02-28 Thread Eric Hanchrow
 Mike == Mike Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 11:13:50AM +0100, Markus Fischer wrote:
 just a quick question: How can I print all packages and their
 version number a given package depends on ? I've seen it in the
 submitted bugs.

Mike If you have the grep-dctrl package installed, the command
Mike grep-available can do this.

Another package that does this is `pkg-order'.  Its `pkg-deptree'
command prints out a list of package names like this:


Things that are indented a lot depend on the things before them that
are indented less.

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 19:27:04 -0500, addiction wrote:

All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on
old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular).

Try this URL:

Disclaimer: I don't know whether the above software works AT ALL, I just came 
across it on my search for a Win32 CAB extractor that would extract 
InstallShield CAB files.

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Static MesaGL libraries

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
Are there static libraries available for MesaGL?


Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but
whenever they decide on a place, the time changes.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
**  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

apt and X window

2000-02-28 Thread ulla . russell

I was wondering if anyone knows of a site to
which I can point apt and download a newer 
version of X. I presently have the servers 
that ship with Debian 2.1 and they don't
support my videocard.



wine broke with libc6_2.1.3-5

2000-02-28 Thread John Bagdanoff
but when I degraded back to libc6_2.1.3-4, wine works.

My wine package is:


This is on a fresh install of potato I've been running the last month or

I never had the pre-depends problem.

Any one else having troubles with wine?


[no subject]

2000-02-28 Thread |{ . f| .

FW: IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debi an

2000-02-28 Thread Varga Róbert

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 4:50 PM
 Subject:  IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and
 Robert, you may use the Developer Kit or the Runtime Environment with
 Debian if you are satisfied with the way the code operates in that
 environment. The restrictions in the license agreement were in error
 and are in the process of being updated in the next two weeks to allow use
 with any Linux O/S.
 Java Marketing;  Software Group Solutions  Strategy
 Phone: (512) 838-0228  T/L 678Fax: 838-0169
 Building 903  Zip 9372   Austin, Texas   78758
 -- Forwarded by Jeff N Roberts/Austin/IBM on
 09:45 AM ---
 Brian Watt [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/25/2000 10:27:58 PM
 Subject:  IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debian
 I would suggest that you e-mail Jeff N. Roberts, Sr. Marketing Manager,
 in Austin, TX and ask him. His e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 WRT your questions on Debian, we have tested on RedHat, and Caldera,
 and, as such, those are the only distributions that we can be sure that
 it operates on, however, we are aware of many other distributions where
 people are using it successfully.
 In your note you mention the Developer Kit (AKA JDK) which does have
 restrictions on redistribution, but if you review the Runtime
 Environment (AKA JRE) you will find that it can be redistributed if the
 proper conditions are followed. Please review the LICENSE files and
 README files.
 Brian Watt
 Java Development
 Subject: Is it legal to use IBM JDK 1.1.8 on Debian Linux? - someone
 please answer!
 Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 17:48:47 +0100
 From: Robert Varga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: IBM Software Group
 The licence of IBM JDK looks very restrictive. Is IBM's opinion on the
 subject of using IBM JDK different Linux distributions that it allows it
 to be used only on RH6.0 and Caldera 2.2?
 Does IBM really intend to forbid its usage on eg. Debian? Our company
 needs to deploy a site using Apache JServ and GNUjsp. We would like to
 deploy it with IBM JDK and in all cases we want to deploy it on Debian
 Linux, but the license seems very restrictive about it.
 If the licence is really forbidding to use it on Debian, is there a way
 for our company as an IBM Business Partner to approach IBM to allow
 using IBM JDK on Debian Linux in specific cases and conditions?
 Robert Varga

Re: can't activate swap

2000-02-28 Thread FreeMan
I also have rebootet before I formated the disk, I tried it thousand 
times, no matter what I did, I always got swapon failed - drive or 
resource busy
I also tried other HDs, another RAM, nothing helped.

 you didnt mention that you rebooted, that message is very common when you
 do not reboot.  some system configurations REQUIRE it. make sure you
 reboot BEFORE you try to format the drive, otherwise you will probably
 screw the whole drive up.
 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, FreeMan wrote:
 c-3 I already tried what you told me. But it didn't work.
 c-3 A made a swap partition with 24MB (of course I changed the type 
 c-3 to Linux Swap), formatted the partition with mkswap, but when I 
 c-3 tried swapon I always got swapon: device or ressource busy
 c-3  On 27 Feb 2000, FreeMan wrote:
 c-3  c-3 Hi,
 c-3  c-3 
 c-3  c-3 I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 on an old Compaq-computer, but I 
 c-3  c-3 can't even activate the swap partition. I always get the error 
 c-3  c-3 message can't activate swap - device or ressource busy.
 c-3  c-3 What am I doing wrong or is it probably a problem with the 
 c-3  c-3 (I'm using a Compaq ProLinea 3/25zs with a WDC-chipset, i386/25 
 c-3  c-3 Processor and 4MB RAM - I tried various harddisks)
 c-3  login as root, run fdisk, find the swap partition 
 c-3  then quit fdisk
 c-3  type mkswap /dev/
 c-3  where  is the device name for the swap partition
 c-3  then swapon /dev/
 c-3  to turn it on, see what happens.  some systems you have to reboot after
 c-3  you change the partition table (before you even format the partition), 
 c-3  it still doesn't work include a listing of fdisk -l device where
 c-3  device is the name of your hdd (/dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/sda /dev/sdb 
 c-3  nate
 c-3  nate
 c-3 -- 
 c-3 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
 -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
 3:51pm up 192 days, 4:13, 1 user, load average: 1.18, 1.08, 1.01
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Re: Netscape 4.72 installed OK Composer still crashing!

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Cordes
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 01:18:45AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
 I finally got a copy of Netscape Communicator 4.72 Linux2.2 installed
 and running. Composer is still crashing on my Potato box. I did as
 suggested and disabled the java functions and the problem seems to go
 away. Is this really a Java problem in Potato or is Netscape crapped
 out. I do not have this problem on my stable Slink systems, and the
 problem only appeared with Netscape 4.7, when I upgraded to Potato. Any
 Ideas!! Is there something I need to do with Java??

 On redhat 6.0, I think someone found out that installing the 100dpi fonts
_and_ the 75dpi fonts is necessary to make netscape java work.  (maybe
you've got them both on your slink box, hence the difference?) Since rh6.0
uses glibc 2.1 and kernel 2.2.x, like potato, this bit of magic might work
for your potato system.

#define X(x,y) x##y
DUPS Secretary ;
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] ,

The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces! -- Plautus, 200 BCE

Re: help re ppp over PABX

2000-02-28 Thread Dannie Ginsburg
On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 12:57:21AM +1100, Chanop Silpa-Anan wrote:
 Once upon a time, I heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] said
  hello all,
ok, i havent touched ppp for quite some time now and im having some
  problems dialing to an ISP where the line im using is connected behind a
  PABX system ...  
anybody have any idea what should i add to my chatscript (created thru
  pppconfig) so that it will dial 9 first (for the dial tone) b4 dialing my
  ISP ?
 Isn't 9,yournumber enough?

If PABX issues dial tone after 9, 9W[yournumber] would be better.


Re: apt and X window

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi ulla!

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone knows of a site to
 which I can point apt and download a newer 
 version of X. I presently have the servers 
 that ship with Debian 2.1 and they don't
 support my videocard.


deb xfree-update main


PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread addiction
In our last episode, on Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 08:10:41PM +0100, Ralf G. R. Bergs 
 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 19:27:04 -0500, addiction wrote:
 All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on
 old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular).
 Try this URL:
 Disclaimer: I don't know whether the above software works AT ALL, I just came 
 across it on my search for a Win32 CAB extractor that would extract 
 InstallShield CAB files.

I had given this a try, and actually I couldn't get either the executable or
the lib to compile. If anyone tries and has any luck please let me know.


Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you
don't want Linux'.

RE: wine broke with libc6_2.1.3-5

2000-02-28 Thread Pollywog

On 28-Feb-2000 John Bagdanoff wrote:
 but when I degraded back to libc6_2.1.3-4, wine works.
 My wine package is:
 This is on a fresh install of potato I've been running the last month or
 I never had the pre-depends problem.
 Any one else having troubles with wine?

I had problems as soon as I installed that version, so I went back
to 0.0.991114-2

I am using libc6  2.1.2-11 


FW: IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debi an (fwd)

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Varga

Hello all,

Sorry for crossposting, but I think this may be important enough to
warrant that action.

I have received the following letter from IBM. This states that in two
weeks the license for IBM JDK will change so that it will not contain any
restrictions for the usage of it on any Linux system (the ridiculous
clauses concerning RH6 and Caldera2.2 will go away at the very least). 

I don't know anything about what the exact license will be, whether it
will allow packaging IBM JDK in non-free, or only the installer, but
anyway, there will be no legal problem concerning the usage of the
ibm-jdk11-installer. I don't expect IBM JDK to go open-source by the way,
so I don't think that it will go into main.

Robert Varga

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 4:50 PM
 Subject:  IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and
 Robert, you may use the Developer Kit or the Runtime Environment with
 Debian if you are satisfied with the way the code operates in that
 environment. The restrictions in the license agreement were in error
 and are in the process of being updated in the next two weeks to allow use
 with any Linux O/S.
 Java Marketing;  Software Group Solutions  Strategy
 Phone: (512) 838-0228  T/L 678Fax: 838-0169
 Building 903  Zip 9372   Austin, Texas   78758
 -- Forwarded by Jeff N Roberts/Austin/IBM on
 09:45 AM ---
 Brian Watt [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/25/2000 10:27:58 PM
 Subject:  IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition and Debian
 I would suggest that you e-mail Jeff N. Roberts, Sr. Marketing Manager,
 in Austin, TX and ask him. His e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 WRT your questions on Debian, we have tested on RedHat, and Caldera,
 and, as such, those are the only distributions that we can be sure that
 it operates on, however, we are aware of many other distributions where
 people are using it successfully.
 In your note you mention the Developer Kit (AKA JDK) which does have
 restrictions on redistribution, but if you review the Runtime
 Environment (AKA JRE) you will find that it can be redistributed if the
 proper conditions are followed. Please review the LICENSE files and
 README files.
 Brian Watt
 Java Development
 Subject: Is it legal to use IBM JDK 1.1.8 on Debian Linux? - someone
 please answer!
 Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 17:48:47 +0100
 From: Robert Varga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: IBM Software Group
 The licence of IBM JDK looks very restrictive. Is IBM's opinion on the
 subject of using IBM JDK different Linux distributions that it allows it
 to be used only on RH6.0 and Caldera 2.2?
 Does IBM really intend to forbid its usage on eg. Debian? Our company
 needs to deploy a site using Apache JServ and GNUjsp. We would like to
 deploy it with IBM JDK and in all cases we want to deploy it on Debian
 Linux, but the license seems very restrictive about it.
 If the licence is really forbidding to use it on Debian, is there a way
 for our company as an IBM Business Partner to approach IBM to allow
 using IBM JDK on Debian Linux in specific cases and conditions?
 Robert Varga

sorry for posting twice

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Varga

And sorry for posting my previous message twice, but it took a very long
time for my first message from a non-subscribed address to make it on the
list, so I thought that they are ignored by the list processor.

At the moment I sent my second letter did the first one from the list

Sorry again,

Robert Varga

Re: Why is dictd so large?

2000-02-28 Thread Dylan Paul Thurston
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 10:15:26AM -0500, Bob Hilliard wrote:
 Dylan Paul Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  After upgrading to unstable, I noticed that dictd seems to be rather
  excessively large: it's taking up 8 megabytes at the moment.  Is this
  normal?  (I have all the free dictionaries installed.)
  Dylan Thurston
  (Please CC: me on replies.)
  According to my build directory, the entire dictd package, source
 + binaries, totals 752 kb.  The combined installed size of the two
 .debs is about 453 kb.  I have just checked the archives, and this
 .debs on master are the same size as those in my build directory.

Oops, I forgot to say that I was talking about memory usage.  Here's
the output of top:

26313 nobody 0   0  8600 8600  7692 S   0  0.0  8.9   0:00 dictd

It's the second largest process on my system, second only to XF86.

Dylan Thurston

listserver commands sent to lists (was: (none))

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Palfrader

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, |{.f|. wrote:

Would it be possible to setup filters that intercept mails containing
a command like subscribe or unsubscribe in the first line of the body?

and something different: Is there a reason the default Reply-To
address is _not_ the list itself?


PGP encrypted messages prefered.

Description: PGP signature

SuExec(?) isn't installed?

2000-02-28 Thread andreas pålsson
This might be a stupid question, but how do I get support for SuExec in Apache?

I've been browsing the Apache website and /usr/doc, but there's no easy 
explaination of how to implement it.

I've noticed in several places that it is recommenden not to use SuExec, but 
what other alternatives are there if I want cgi-scripts to be executed with the 
users uid?


Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-28 Thread Högman
 You can try cat somefile.txt  /dev/lp0 (/dev/lp1). As far as
 compatibility is concerned, the only thing I can think of is to
 search the archives, or go and search there. Hopefully
 someone else has a similar printer and can make a better (more
 informed) suggestion.

Hm. Apparently, this printer should be able to use HP Deskjet 500/500c drivers 
under DOS. (Loathe...) But no reactions whatsoever. cat  /dev/lp0 
gives no reaction whatsoever. Kinda irritating this. Anyhow, a dmesg gives the 

parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP,PS2]
parport0: Unspecified, LexmarkLexmark 3200
lp0: using parport0 (polling).

And, utilizing the wonderful tool printop:
opening device '/dev/lp0' at 22:02
printing job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' at 22:02
printing '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' starting 0F at 22:02
printing data file dfA562moonspell', size 151670 at 22:02

--- so far, so good, no reaction, then... ---

finished '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', status 'JSUCC' at 22:03
subserver pid 564 exit status 'JSUCC' at 22:03
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' printed at 22:03
job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 22:03

.. and still no printout. Danggnabbit! This really irritates me. Well, if 
anyone has any suggestions, please come forth with them. I need to get this 
little sucker working!
  (actually, some form of printer test program would be a nice addition to 
  debian... Go through all filters, and then some ability to select one that 
  might work... :))
 That'd be great. I'd also like to see that Redhat sound
 configuration program on Debian too.

Well, if it could be done a little nicer... And more Debianized... :)

.--- -- ---  -- +-
| Martin Högman  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|   [ ]
`--+ --- -   --  +

raid0 or knfs -error

2000-02-28 Thread Peter Bartosch
hello, everybody

i'm using a 2.2.13ac3 kernel with hpt366 patches on an Abit BP6-board

i have my raid0 (pub, 34GB) exported, sometimes when i access the raid via
nfs (knfs 1.4.7  client) i get following message:

Feb 27 22:29:00 mind kernel: find_fh_dentry: 08:03/116774 dir/116815 not found!

can somebody tell by what this is caused? (i suppose it's the raid) -- and
tell my how to clean this problem?

until next mail B-)

   :~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~:
   :  student of technical computer science   :
   : university of applied sciences krefeld (germany) :
   FD314F21   C7 AE 2F 28 C1 33 71 77  0D 77 CD 6E 58 E9 06 6B

Re: can't activate swap

2000-02-28 Thread aphro
dont know what else to suggest other then wiping the whole drive out,
rebooting, adding a swap partition, rebooting again, format the partition
and try to mount it.  ive gotten that error and the above has always fixed
it(if you've tried it try again- delete ALL the partitions on the
drive). to be safe make sure the swap partition
is less then 128MB (you mentioned 24MB for your setup? - newer kernels can
support larger swap partitions but just incase..keep it to 128MB or
less) make sure its the right type(82 linux swap). here is a couple of
examples of 2 machines i got running:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1108 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1 115120456   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda2   *16   197   1461915   83  Linux
/dev/hda3   198  1108   7317607+   5  Extended
/dev/hda5   198   379   1461883+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6   380   561   1461883+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7   562   743   1461883+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8   744   925   1461883+  83  Linux
/dev/hda9   926  1108   1469916   83  Linux

and for a scsi setup:

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 554 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   Start  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *1  108   867478+  83  Linux native
/dev/sda2  109  554  35824955  Extended
/dev/sda5  109  261  1228941   83  Linux native
/dev/sda6  262  452  1534176   83  Linux native
/dev/sda7  453  518   530113+  83  Linux native
/dev/sda8  519  537   152586   83  Linux native
/dev/sda9  538  554   136521   82  Linux swap


On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, FreeMan wrote:

c-3 I also have rebootet before I formated the disk, I tried it thousand 
c-3 times, no matter what I did, I always got swapon failed - drive or 
c-3 resource busy
c-3 I also tried other HDs, another RAM, nothing helped.
c-3  you didnt mention that you rebooted, that message is very common when you
c-3  do not reboot.  some system configurations REQUIRE it. make sure you
c-3  reboot BEFORE you try to format the drive, otherwise you will probably
c-3  screw the whole drive up.
c-3  nate
c-3  On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, FreeMan wrote:
c-3  c-3 I already tried what you told me. But it didn't work.
c-3  c-3 A made a swap partition with 24MB (of course I changed the type 
c-3  c-3 to Linux Swap), formatted the partition with mkswap, but when I 
c-3  c-3 tried swapon I always got swapon: device or ressource busy
c-3  c-3 
c-3  c-3  On 27 Feb 2000, FreeMan wrote:
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  c-3 Hi,
c-3  c-3  c-3 
c-3  c-3  c-3 I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 on an old Compaq-computer, 
but I 
c-3  c-3  c-3 can't even activate the swap partition. I always get the 
c-3  c-3  c-3 message can't activate swap - device or ressource busy.
c-3  c-3  c-3 What am I doing wrong or is it probably a problem with the 
c-3  c-3  c-3 (I'm using a Compaq ProLinea 3/25zs with a WDC-chipset, 
c-3  c-3  c-3 Processor and 4MB RAM - I tried various harddisks)
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  login as root, run fdisk, find the swap partition 
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  then quit fdisk
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  type mkswap /dev/
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  where  is the device name for the swap partition
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  then swapon /dev/
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  to turn it on, see what happens.  some systems you have to reboot 
c-3  c-3  you change the partition table (before you even format the 
partition), if
c-3  c-3  it still doesn't work include a listing of fdisk -l device where
c-3  c-3  device is the name of your hdd (/dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/sda 
/dev/sdb etc)
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  nate
c-3  c-3  
c-3  c-3  nate
c-3  c-3 
c-3  c-3 
c-3  c-3 -- 
c-3  c-3 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
c-3  c-3 
c-3  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
c-3 Vice President Network Operations
c-3Firetrail Internet Services Limited
c-3 Everett, WA 425-348-7336
c-3  Powered By:
c-3  Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
c-3  -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
c-3  3:51pm up 192 days, 4:13, 1 user, load average: 1.18, 1.08, 1.01
c-3  -- 
c-3  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
c-3 null
c-3 -- 
c-3 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  

Re: SuExec(?) isn't installed?

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Varga

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] andreas pålsson wrote:

 This might be a stupid question, but how do I get support for SuExec in 

You have to set the suid bit of /usr/lib/apache/suexec or
/usr/lib/apache-ssl/suexec according to which one you use.

If you have suidmanager installed, then put it in /etc/suid.conf as well
(see doc for exact instructions).

Robert Varga

Re: possible to extract .cab files under linux?

2000-02-28 Thread Bradley Bell
The CD should come with a DOS program to extract the cab files,
EXTRACT.EXE, I think.  Have you tried using that under dosemu/freedos?


On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, addiction wrote:

 Rather silly question but here goes:
 I don't have access to Windows or DOS and I need to extract the contents
 of some .cab files. I was wondering if there is any tool I can use to do
 this, since this is a Microsoft free Debian machine.
 All I want to do is extract some truetype fonts from various .cabs I have on
 old cd-roms (I need them for something in particular).
 I did consider the possibility of using dosemu or wine with some kind of
 command-line program made for DOS (something like winzip or cabview I guess
 it'd be) but since Windows/DOS is not installed on this machine I really
 have no way of doing this (that I can think of).
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.. either a recommendation for a
 program which runs under Linux to extract such files, or any other logical
 method I might use to accomplish this task.
 Thanks in advance,
 Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you
   don't want Linux'.
   (Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Static MesaGL libraries

2000-02-28 Thread Robert Kerr
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Robert Kerr wrote:

 Hi all,
 Are there static libraries available for MesaGL?

Hi all,
Nevermind--I found them 
hits self with cluebat and asks Why didn't I look through dselect before


Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but
whenever they decide on a place, the time changes.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
**  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

Re: SuExec(?) isn't installed?

2000-02-28 Thread Adam Shand

 This might be a stupid question, but how do I get support for SuExec in

i just went through this a couple days ago.

 I've been browsing the Apache website and /usr/doc, but there's no easy
 explaination of how to implement it.

all you have to do is add the suid bit to /usr/lib/apache/suexec.  it should
look like this for it to work.

gotham(root)# l /usr/lib/apache/suexec 
-rws--x--x   1 root  root  9916 Oct 30 19:47  /usr/lib/apache/suexec

and then restart apache.  check your logs and you should see a line like
this if everything is working as expected:

[Mon Mar  6 13:39:35 2000] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 

if you are having problems with it working make sure you check the suexec
log file which is in /var/log/apache as well.

 I've noticed in several places that it is recommenden not to use SuExec,
 but what other alternatives are there if I want cgi-scripts to be
 executed with the users uid?

cgiwrap is the best other alternative, however it doesn't provide support
for ssi's.  i use suexec for virtual domains and cgiwrap for ~username


how do I pick gnome-terminal's meta key?

2000-02-28 Thread Cliff Draper
I got a new machine and am trying to setup the same meta key to work
under all of my programs.  gnome-terminal seems to want the alt key
and ignores the meta key, whereas emacs uses the meta key and ignores
the alt key.  So, I can't just swap them with an xmodmap.  Is there a
way to tell gnome-terminal to use meta instead of alt?


Kernel Compile

2000-02-28 Thread Sean McIlwain
I am attempting to compile the 2.0.38 kernel under debian using a 486
33MHz computer.  The current version of GCC is 2.91.66-0slink.  I also
have all the current versions of the library files.   After I configure,
make dep, make clean, then make bzImage (or zImage)  I get the following

as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
ld86 -0 -s -o bootsect bootsect.o
make[2]: Entering directory
./xtract /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38/vmlinux | gzip -9 | ./piggyback 
Non-GCC header of 'system'
Compressed size 20.
ld -qmagic -Ttext 0xfe0 -o vmlinux head.o misc.o piggy.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0fe0
misc.o: In function `fill_inbuf':
misc.o(.text+0x1ebc): undefined reference to `input_data'
misc.o(.text+0x1ec1): undefined reference to `input_len'
misc.o(.text+0x1ed7): undefined reference to `input_data'
make[2]: *** [vmlinux] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [compressed/vmlinux] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [zImage] Error 2

Any Ideas?

build raid on install

2000-02-28 Thread Brian Lavender
Is it possible to build RAID-1 on install before installing any
packages. I was looking at the software-RAID howto, and it says to
install linux on a single partition, then create your RAID devices,
and then move the data over to the raid devices. Here is my setup:

/dev/sda1  swap  64   Megs
/dev/sda5  / 100  Megs
/dev/sda6  /boot 10   megs
/dev/sda7  /usr  700  Megs
/dev/sda8  /tmp  250  Megs
/dev/sda9  /var  350  Megs
/dev/sda10 /home 7000 Megs

/dev/sdb164   Megs
/dev/sdb5100  Megs
/dev/sdb610   megs
/dev/sdb7700  Megs
/dev/sdb8250  Megs
/dev/sdb9350  Megs
/dev/sdb10   7000 Megs

As you can see, I have configured two disks almost identical. I want to turn

/dev/sda7 and /dev/sdb7 into /dev/md0

which in turn will be mounted at


and then I want to do

/dev/sda10 and /dev/sdb10 into /dev/md1

which in turn will be mounted at


When I read the software raid-HOWTO, it says install Linux on one root 
partition and
then prepare those other partitions, but don't mount them. Then once you have a 
running system, create the raid partitions, copy your data over, change you 
so it mounts the /dev/mdx and voila, you are off and running. 

Here's the problem. I only have 100 Megs as root. I suppose I could install a 
tiny system on this, but it would be nice to create the /dev/mdx devices before 
Is this possible?

Brian Lavender

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