Re: Imagenes de Potato

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
En esta dirección te cuentan un poco todo esto
Y en esta otra como bajarte los paquetes:

Básicamente necesitas dos programas, que pueden funcionar tambien en windows9x.

Uno de ellos es el  pseudo image kit y el otro es el rsync.
Yo he usado el pseudoimagekit en windows 95 . Como servidor uso el De aquí te bajas un fichero
con los listados de todos los paquetes que formen un disco CD. El pseudo image
kit, va haciendo FTP de cada
fichero y lo puedes hacer por partes, el guuarda una lista de lo que ha bajado
y o que le falta por bajar, etc.
Una vez que haya termindado, tienes que correr el rsync porque da la impresión
que esa lista no es suficiente para crear el
CDROM. El rsync no me funcionaba bien desde windows 95 y lo he corrido desde
debian, si la imagen es de 600 MB necesitas
otros 600MB donde te crea un fichero temporal. El rsync viene en la
distribución de slink. El comando que he
utilizado para rsync es el siguiente. Lo das desde el path donde tienes el
fichero creado con el pseudoimagekit.
Yo quería crear la imagen de una distribución para sparc y le daba la opción -T
porque no tenía espacio en el
disco duro de Linux y usé uno del PC con windows.

rsync -v --progress --stats -T /discoe --block-size=8192
iso .
Que no se te olvide el último punto.

Con lo que te cree el rsync, lo puedes probar montando este fichero con:
mount /ficherodersync /pathdondeloquierasmontar -t iso9660 -o loop
El núcleo lo tienes que tener compilado para soportar loop. Si el sistema te
monta bien el fichero y ves
en el path montado algo parecido a una distribución pues ya lo tienes todo bien
y a copiar.

Quiero agradecer a la lista , de paso, los que me contaron todo esto de rsync y


Fwd: Fw:_Ojo_informáticos!

2000-03-27 Thread Lluís

--- Marta Clua [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Marta Clua [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: sergi millans [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   lluis palomes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   itziar lueje [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   orestes garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Oscar_Hernández_Muga [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   neus bartra [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Laura Sempere [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Marc Soler [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: Fw:_Ojo_informáticos!
 Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:06:08 +0100
 Organization: Fihoca
 - Original Message - 
 From: Blanca Curria 
 To: Santiago Garcialoredo ; Rosana Blanco ; Ricard
 Marti ; Joan Roig ; Emilio Isamat ; Carles Espeja ;
 Andreu Jurado ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
 Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 9:46 AM
 Subject: FW: Ojo informáticos!
 - Mensaje original - 
 De: Joan Martínez Jové 
 Para: ZORAIDA ROSELLO ESPUNY ; Victor Ocaña Flores ;
 v80 ; jordi diaz ; JOANA MENCOS BELLPUIG ; Gemma ;
 eva ; David Morell ; David Granados ; Culleres ;
 Blanca Curria ; Alberto Javier Hermelo ;
 Enviado: jueves 23 de marzo de 2000 16:16
 Asunto: Ojo informáticos!
 No visitéis NUNCA la página web:
 Tiene un aspecto normal pero detrás de ella se
 esconden buenos hackers.Simplemente por visitar su
 web se pueden apoderar de vuestro ordenador.
 Mediante un sofisticado programa cada vez que os
 conectéis a la red vuestro ordenador recibirá
 montones de archivos inútiles (entre ellos virus,
 archivos destructores,...) hasta llegar a destrozar
 vuestros discos duros.
 Tener mucho cuidado porqué es la primera entrada que
 da el buscador al buscar hardware.Os lo
 repito, es muy peligroso!
 Enviar este e-mail a tanta gente como conozcáis para
 así poder parar esta mafia que cada vez más afecta a
 los internautas en general.
 Destruyamos a los hackers!

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Telefónica mediante ADSL ¿puedor?

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
Yo tengo una línea de pruebas con ADSL y el modem que tengo es externo y
necesito una tarjeta ethernet para conectarme a él. Tengo un Linux funcionando
y haciendo de proxy (con el squid) para los compañeros de la oficina y va muy
bien, pero repito el modem  es externo.
Lo que no he podido configurar bien el el dhcpcd (que con la distribución
doslinux sí pude). Pienso que es un problema mío el no saber configurar el
He salido del paso poniéndole la dirección ip fija pero sé que no es una
solución muy elegante, aunque de momento va bien, con algún problema si se va
la luz, etc.



2000-03-27 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Tengo una red con un servidor proxy en NT.

Configuré un par de cliente usando Debian, y no logré salir mas allá del
proxy. Intente decirle al equipo que el proxy era el gateway, y tampoco

Yo pensaba que el proxy era transparente, y que no había que hacer
ninguna configuración especial. Que puede estar pasando?

Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: problemas con DNS

2000-03-27 Thread J. Carlos Muro
David Charro Ripa escribió:

 Yo monte un DNS guiandome en el capitulo del BIND 8.x del manual de
 debian del administrador de redes. Me ayudo mucho, asi que lo traduje.
 Si esperas un poco, mañana te lo mando que lo tengo en casa. Si tienes
 prisa en lo encontraras en ingles (salvo que darlock lo
 haya subido en castellano). Es de los pocos capitulos que tiene este

¿No podría ponerse esa maravilla en algún sitio? Si no, a mí me molaría 
recibirlo también.
J. Carlos Muro

Re: problemas con DNS

2000-03-27 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Rodríguez Capote

Holas, me lo pueden enviar a [EMAIL PROTECTED] gracias

J. Carlos Muro wrote:

 David Charro Ripa escribió:

  Yo monte un DNS guiandome en el capitulo del BIND 8.x del manual de
  debian del administrador de redes. Me ayudo mucho, asi que lo traduje.
  Si esperas un poco, mañana te lo mando que lo tengo en casa. Si tienes
  prisa en lo encontraras en ingles (salvo que darlock lo
  haya subido en castellano). Es de los pocos capitulos que tiene este

 ¿No podría ponerse esa maravilla en algún sitio? Si no, a mí me molaría 
 recibirlo también.
 J. Carlos Muro

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: problemas con DNS

2000-03-27 Thread dfm

Me uno al grupo también, yo también lo quiero. con fecha 27/03/2000 14.22.47

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Re: problemas con DNS

David Charro Ripa escribió:

 Yo monte un DNS guiandome en el capitulo del BIND 8.x del manual de
 debian del administrador de redes. Me ayudo mucho, asi que lo traduje.
 Si esperas un poco, mañana te lo mando que lo tengo en casa. Si tienes
 prisa en lo encontraras en ingles (salvo que darlock lo
 haya subido en castellano). Es de los pocos capitulos que tiene este

¿No podría ponerse esa maravilla en algún sitio? Si no, a mí me molaría
recibirlo también.
J. Carlos Muro

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Unidentified subject!

2000-03-27 Thread ADnoctum
Hola a todos en la lista.

Tal vez no sea el mejor lugar para preguntar esto, pero no tengo
dónde más hacerlo. ¿Alguien conoce una buena lista(En español de
preferencia) de Perl? Estoy escribiendo unos cuantos scripts y tengo
algunos problemas.

Y ya que estoy en estas... ¿Alguien sabe cómo puedo copiar un fichero
en PERL? Actualmente estoy utilizando la función 'system( cp fuente 
destino);', pero supongo que habrá una mejor manera de hacerlo.

Y otra cosa ¿Cómo hago una función que acepte un filehandle(algo
así como esto 'mifunción DATA $var1, $var2;'?

Gracias a todos y perdonen el OFFTOPIC.

Microsoft reinventó la
rueda... como un cubo
Consigue tu dirección de email gratis y permanente en http://WWW.LETTERA.NET

Re: as86

2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 10:25:23PM +0200, Antonio Lara Quirós wrote:
 Hola, hoy he ido a recompilar el nucleo 2.0.36, y me ha dado este mensaje de
 error que nunca me haia dado:
 as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
 make[1]: as86: Command not found
 make[1]: *** [bootsect.o] Error 127
 make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
 make: *** [zImage] Error 2
 No tengo ni idea en que paquete estara, se que el as viene con el binutils.
 Si alguien sabe que pasa que haga el favor de mandar la respuesta a
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], gracias anticipadas, :).
El as86 viene en el paquete devel/bin86. Necesitas el as86 porque éste produce
código de 16 bits, y no de 32 bits como el as. El sector de arranque del
kernel no puede tener código de 32 bits, porque los PC's arrancan con el
procesador en modo real (emulando un 8086).

Por supuesto, el resto del kernel utiliza código de 32 bits.


Re: Cual es el puerto PS/2?

2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Mon, Aug 17, 1998 at 10:25:09AM +0200, Lucky wrote:
 Tengo el ratón conectado en un puerto PS/2 y Linux no lo coge, sabeis que 
 device es esté puerto?


Re: Sobre instalacion desde discos

2000-03-27 Thread Diego Bote
 necesito boot.img, drivers.img y yo me he copiado base14-1 a base14-7
 (que supongo que seran los diskettes para 1440).  ?Tengo suficiente para
 hacer la instalacion con eso?

Te falta el de drivers y el de rescate que es el de arranque

Tambien intento hacer la instalacion desde DOS (con install.bat) y me
 dice que boot no es una imagen valida.

Yo lo hice así y tengo un directorio debian el C que contiene.

drwxr-xr-x   2 root root32768 Feb 16 15:08 .
drwxr-xr-x  38 root root16384 Jan  1  1970 ..
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  139 Mar 28  1999 boot.bat
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root   172096 Mar 28  1999 fips.exe
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root   715259 Mar 31  1999 linux
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root32208 Mar 28  1999 loadlin.exe
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  1228800 Mar 31  1999 resc1200.bin
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  1474560 Mar 31  1999 resc1440-safe.bin
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  1474560 Mar 31  1999 resc1440.bin
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  1474560 Mar 31  1999
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  1474560 Mar 31  1999 resc1440tecra.bin
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root13614 Mar 28  1999 restorrb.exe
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root   708329 Mar 31  1999 root.bin
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root15196 Mar 28  1999
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root17863 Mar 28  1999 rw2_0.exe

Aunque algunas cosas no hacen falta.

 ?Puedo hacerlo igual desde el
 disco de inicio de Debian?(que tendre que bajarme de nuevo porque esa
 parte del CD es una de las que esta dannada).
Mi plan es tener las imagenes de los discos en una particion de DOS e
 ir montandolos a medida que me los vaya pidiendo. Si no puedo hacer eso
 supongo que podria montarlos desde Linux (tengo Redhat instalado) y
 sacar todos los contenidos a esa particion. ?Que metodo os parece mejor?
Gracias anticipadas.




2000-03-27 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:
 Tengo una red con un servidor proxy en NT.
 Configuré un par de cliente usando Debian, y no logré salir mas allá del
 proxy. Intente decirle al equipo que el proxy era el gateway, y tampoco

Si no me equivoco solo te servirá el proxy de http, o sea solo podras
salir a internet a traves de clientes de web (netscape, Lynx, apt-get)

si intentas usar netscape, en su configuración tendras que decirle que
el proxy de web es la direccion IP del proxy NT y el puerto es el 80

Si usas debian potato (no se si con slink funciona) deberias tener la
variable de entorno proxy_http=http://maquina_proxy_nt:80/; y asi te
funcionaran el lynx y el apt-get.

Para otros protocolos yo no he podido, si alguien sabe alguna cosa mas
que hable
Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Sobre instalacion desde discos

2000-03-27 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro

   Muchas gracias a todos :). Bajando cositas esta ahora mismito :)



2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
Perdón a todos los de la lista a los que les hayan llegado varios mensajes
míos atrasados. Parece que el cliente de correo del KDE me ha jugado una
mala pasada...

(esto me pasa por no haberle sido fiel al Mutt :-( )


2000-03-27 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:10:38PM +0200, Luis M. Garcia wrote:
 Perdón a todos los de la lista a los que les hayan llegado varios mensajes
 míos atrasados. Parece que el cliente de correo del KDE me ha jugado una
 mala pasada...

Aha, ya le estaba echando las culpas al pobrecito Murphy.


Re: default keymap y root

2000-03-27 Thread Diego Bote
On 25 Mar 2000, David Muriel wrote:
 El problema es que
 sólo parece funcionar cuando entro como usuario, y no como root. Si
 entro como usuario, funcionan todas las teclas, la ñ, acentos, ...
 Si entro como root, ni la ñ ni los acentos funcionan en la consola (si
 entro en el emacs si funcionan). He probado cambiando la variable LANG
 y no pasa nada. No es que necesite utilizarlo ahora mismo, pero me
 fastidiaría bastante el necesitarlo y no poder usarlo. 
 A ver si alguien me puede echar una mano pare solucionar esto.
 Hasta luego.

Yo tengo esto en mi /etc/inputrc

Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ more /etc/inputrc
# /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
# See readline(3readline) and `info readline' for more information.
# This allows iso-latin1 characters to be inserted directly, but requires
# you to use Esc-char instead of M-char.
set convert-meta off # Esta línea estaba comentada y la descomenté para
poder poner eñes y tildes.
# Be 8 bit clean.
set input-meta on
set output-meta on

Espero que te sirva.



2000-03-27 Thread drequena

Para ftp tambien debería de funcionar.

Para otros protocolos normalmente hay que usar un proxy socks que define
que paquetes debe pasar en función de las direcciones de origen y destino
ademas de los puertos utilizados. Si el NT tiene p.ej. el Netscape Proxy el
socks ya esta incluido. Otra cosa es que el administrador lo haya habilitado y/o

Por supuesto existen paquetes socks para linux.

Saludos cordiales,
David Requena Zabala

Information Systems and Technology
CSC Ploenzke S.A.
| |   Jordi Roman Mejias| |
| |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |           To:   |
| | |   Camilo Alejandro  |
| |   27/03/00 16.27|   Arboleda  |
| | |           cc:   |
| | |   Usuarios Debian   |
| | |   Español   |
| | |, |
| | |   (bcc: David   |
| | |   Requena/PLZ/CSC)  |
| | |           Subject:  |
| | |   Re: PROXY |

(Embedded image moved to file: pic30578.pcx)
Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:

 Tengo una red con un servidor proxy en NT.

 Configuré un par de cliente usando Debian, y no logré salir mas allá del
 proxy. Intente decirle al equipo que el proxy era el gateway, y tampoco

Si no me equivoco solo te servirá el proxy de http, o sea solo podras
salir a internet a traves de clientes de web (netscape, Lynx, apt-get)

si intentas usar netscape, en su configuración tendras que decirle que
el proxy de web es la direccion IP del proxy NT y el puerto es el 80

Si usas debian potato (no se si con slink funciona) deberias tener la
variable de entorno proxy_http=http://maquina_proxy_nt:80/; y asi te
funcionaran el lynx y el apt-get.

Para otros protocolos yo no he podido, si alguien sabe alguna cosa mas
que hable
Jordi Román Mejias                             e-mail:
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

(Embedded image moved to file: pic29394.pcx)

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Formato vfat

2000-03-27 Thread Diego Bote
Hola Debians

El otro día pasé mi linux a un disco de 13Gb pues estaba en uno de
1.2Gb y ya no cabía. El caso es que ya arranco desde él sin problemas y le
tengo hecho su sitio al innombrable que, por cierto, no me ve ese disco
duro, el cual, por tanto, no puede formatear. Lo que quiero es formatear
la partición que le tengo guardada y no sé como, con mkfs vfat no puedo
pues no tengo esa utilidad, si es que existe, y desde win no puedo por no
ver el disco. ¿Qué hago?

Por cierto gracias a eso he pasado de los problemas que tenía con
los dispositivos, ratón, lp*, ... En esta copia de linux que hice hace
unos días todo va bien.

Otra cosa es que la bios no me reconoce el disco y le he puesto
los parámetros a mano en la misma. No me da en la bios el tamaño real pero
arranca y linux va bien. Este me dice al arrancar que...

hdb: Maxtor 91361U3, 8063MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1655/255/63, DMA

Los parámetros CHS son los que yo dí en la bios pero el tamaño no
es. ¿Necesito actualizar el kernel?

Otra. He hecho un pequeñisimo script y quiero que el programa que
éste ejecuta quede en segundo plano sin enseñar nada en pantalla. El
programa, mpg123, se queda en segundo plano pero tiene la manía de que
cada vez que va a leer una nueva canción me muestra en pantalla cierta
información. ¿Cómo soluciono esto? Ahora tengo

mpg123 -b 1024 -z canciones   /dev/null

Gracias por todo.


Re: default keymap y root

2000-03-27 Thread 31
si, ya lo he solucionado con le inputrc en cosolas de root, muchas
gracias, pero sigo sin poder poner tildes con el netscape ´o ´i ´
ñ si me la pone. Eso es un bug, o solo me esta pasando a mi, ¿alguno
sabeis de que puede ser?

Kde, potato y las fuentes (fonts)

2000-03-27 Thread Sergio Gomez Bachiller

(Sin tildes intencionadamente)

He hecho una instalacion desde cero con potato a traves de ftp y al
instalar el KDE 1.1.2 no puedo ver las tildes por que la fuente
Helvetica no las soporta.

En mi caso que tambien uso la misma version de KDE 1.1.2 pero con slink
comprobe que tambien viene configurado con helvetica como fuente por
defecto pero alli no tengo ningun problema.

Alguien sabe el por que de esto y como solucionarlo.


Un saludo,

|Sergio Gómez Bachiller, operador becario de la Universidad de Córdoba |
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-27 Thread Arregui-García, Javier

A poco antigua que sea tu placa madre, la BIOS no te va a reconocer discos
de más de 8 GB correctamente. Para que win los vea, es necesario instalarte
un programita (por ejemplo dp.exe, que creo es la versión moderna del
ez-drive) que, al arrancar, no sé cómo lo hace pero consigue que win acceda
al dispositivo a través de él. Supongo que cambiará el mapeo de alguna
interrupción del sistema de acceso al disco duro ¿¿??. Si quieres, te lo
puedo pasar (primero tengo que pedirlo...)

Yo creo que Linux no debe tener ningún problema en reconocerlo bien, aún a
pesar de la BIOS. No sé por qué te reconoce sólo las 8 GB. ¿Alguien controla
más este tema?


 -Mensaje original-
 De: Diego Bote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: lunes 27 de marzo de 2000 17:41
 Asunto: Formato vfat
   Hola Debians
   El otro día pasé mi linux a un disco de 13Gb pues 
 estaba en uno de
 1.2Gb y ya no cabía. El caso es que ya arranco desde él sin 
 problemas y le
 tengo hecho su sitio al innombrable que, por cierto, no me ve 
 ese disco
 duro, el cual, por tanto, no puede formatear. Lo que quiero 
 es formatear
 la partición que le tengo guardada y no sé como, con mkfs 
 vfat no puedo
 pues no tengo esa utilidad, si es que existe, y desde win no 
 puedo por no
 ver el disco. ¿Qué hago?
   Por cierto gracias a eso he pasado de los problemas que 
 tenía con
 los dispositivos, ratón, lp*, ... En esta copia de linux que hice hace
 unos días todo va bien.
   Otra cosa es que la bios no me reconoce el disco y le he puesto
 los parámetros a mano en la misma. No me da en la bios el 
 tamaño real pero
 arranca y linux va bien. Este me dice al arrancar que...
 hdb: Maxtor 91361U3, 8063MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1655/255/63, DMA
   Los parámetros CHS son los que yo dí en la bios pero el 
 tamaño no
 es. ¿Necesito actualizar el kernel?

Re: Comunicacion con adaptador RDSI

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Daniel Payno [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 EL otro día, Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 08:17:08PM +0100, Antonio Beamud Montero 
  Si no recuerdo mal los adaptadores externos no funcionaban con
  Linux, aunque no me hagas mucho caso...
 ¿Podr´ias darme alguna URL con m´as info sobre RDSI y Linux?
    Utilisima !!! 

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: Formato vfat

2000-03-27 Thread Jordi
Hola Diego,

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 05:41:10PM +0200, Diego Bote wrote:
   Otra. He hecho un pequeñisimo script y quiero que el programa que
 éste ejecuta quede en segundo plano sin enseñar nada en pantalla. El
 programa, mpg123, se queda en segundo plano pero tiene la manía de que
 cada vez que va a leer una nueva canción me muestra en pantalla cierta
 información. ¿Cómo soluciono esto? Ahora tengo
   mpg123 -b 1024 -z canciones   /dev/null

Umh. nohup?

Re: default keymap y root

2000-03-27 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 06:18:34PM +0200, 31 wrote:
 si, ya lo he solucionado con le inputrc en cosolas de root, muchas
 gracias, pero sigo sin poder poner tildes con el netscape ´o ´i ´
 ñ si me la pone. Eso es un bug, o solo me esta pasando a mi, ¿alguno
 sabeis de que puede ser?

Si estás en Potato, instala los nuevos paquetes *-472, sin *-libc5.
Los anteriores eran para libc5 y no escribían acentos.

Re: Formato vfat

2000-03-27 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Diego Bote wrote:
 ... Lo que quiero es formatear
 la partición que le tengo guardada y no sé como, con mkfs vfat no puedo
 pues no tengo esa utilidad, si es que existe, y desde win no puedo por no
 ver el disco. ¿Qué hago?
Puedes usar el mkdosfs, del paquete dosfstools. En algún momento
necesité utilizarlo y tuve problemas con la versión de slink, pero me
conseguí los fuentes de potato (dosfstools V 2.5), lo recompile bajo
slink y me funcionó.

 Otra cosa es que la bios no me reconoce el disco y le he puesto
 los parámetros a mano en la misma. No me da en la bios el tamaño real pero
 arranca y linux va bien. Este me dice al arrancar que...
 hdb: Maxtor 91361U3, 8063MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1655/255/63, DMA
 Los parámetros CHS son los que yo dí en la bios pero el tamaño no
 es. ¿Necesito actualizar el kernel?
Probablemente. Para poder particionar un disco de más de 8 GB con un kernel
2.0.36 tuve que hacer malabares con el modo experto del fdisk. Una vez
que tuve la máquina instalada pude verificar que con el kernel 2.0.38 el
tamaño detectado del disco era el correcto, al igual que con algún kernel
de la serie 2.2 (no recuerdo exactamente cual).

... He hecho un pequeñisimo script y quiero que el programa que
 éste ejecuta quede en segundo plano sin enseñar nada en pantalla. El
 programa, mpg123, se queda en segundo plano pero tiene la manía de que
 cada vez que va a leer una nueva canción me muestra en pantalla cierta
 información. ¿Cómo soluciono esto? Ahora tengo
 mpg123 -b 1024 -z canciones   /dev/null
Probaste con:
mpg123 -b 1024 -z canciones  /dev/null

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-27 Thread Enver Romon

At 19.06 27/3/00 +0100, Arregui-García, Javier wrote:


A poco antigua que sea tu placa madre, la BIOS no te va a reconocer discos
de más de 8 GB correctamente. Para que win los vea, es necesario instalarte
un programita (por ejemplo dp.exe, que creo es la versión moderna del
ez-drive) que, al arrancar, no sé cómo lo hace pero consigue que win acceda
al dispositivo a través de él. Supongo que cambiará el mapeo de alguna
interrupción del sistema de acceso al disco duro ¿¿??. Si quieres, te lo
puedo pasar (primero tengo que pedirlo...)

Yo creo que Linux no debe tener ningún problema en reconocerlo bien, aún a
pesar de la BIOS. No sé por qué te reconoce sólo las 8 GB. ¿Alguien controla
más este tema?

supongo que sabras que ese tipo de programas se instala en la MBR, con lo 
que cuidadin con el LILO


RE: Conexion a Internet

2000-03-27 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Luis Arocha data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: domingo 26 de marzo de 2000 20:39
Asunto: Conexion a Internet


¿Sabeis si existe alguna posibilidad de ver la velocidad de la conexión
de forma continuada?

Por ejemplo con el xnetload.



2000-03-27 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos

alguém sugere um browser de HTML que tenha javascript e máquina virtual
java ??

Um abraço,


Re: Keymap problem when upgrading xfree86 in slink...

2000-03-27 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On 26 Mar 2000 19:09:10 -0300, Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I just noticed... I can startx as root, but not as ordinary user; it
seems to have something to do with that problem.


 I've just reinstalled my system, and something strange happens...

 (I'm running slink on a Pentium II)

 I have a S3 Trio 3D/2X video card... Which is not supported by xfree
 3.3.3 (which came with slink 2.1). So I first installed slink, then
 upgraded xfree86 from:

 deb xfree-upgrade main

 It worked fine, but after it runs the setup script, X does work in the
 test.. But when I go back to text mode, it says

 | System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb
 | -xkm -m us_intl -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp)
 | reports:-emp  -eml ?rrors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X
 | serverkeymap/xfree86 compiled/xfree86.xkm'

 I had installed slink once, and upgraded by downloading tar.gz files
 and installing them manually... That worked with no problems (except
 that dpkg didn't know I had a new version of X). 

 I tried to install it yesterday, using apt-get to upgrade X... And I
 had the same problem I have today. If I enter X, of course, I'll have
 backspace and delete being mapped identically...

 What could be wrong? Should I hve upgraded to slink 2.1r4 first (does
 this make any difference? That would be my next step, but I wanted to
 have X running before anything else)

 Thanks a lot,

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: CD Layout question (i386)

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez

Somewhere in the debian site they advise not to repeat the file structure in 
the cd,
since it will not work smoothly.

  Qustion still remains what files/directories to put on each cd!

  Also, should main, contrib and non-free be at the root of the
  cd's, or should it be
  /[stable|unstable|frozen|patato]/main.. etc or?

  Anyone? :)

 my cdrom has dists/[frozen|slink|stable]/main.  I think the best bet
 would be to imitate the ftp directory structure.



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  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: problem compiling a module!

2000-03-27 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 05:38:14PM -0600, Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
 I have a realtek 8139 compatible network card, and I downloaded the kernel
 2.2.14 sources. And evrything compiled fine!..except that 'make xconfig'
 doesn't allow me to select the realtek 8139 as a appears
 disabled!! How do I compile the rtl8139.o module???

Are you sure you selected Enable loadable module support in the Loadable 
module support section and Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) in the Ethernet (10 
or 100Mbit section ?  Thats all I needed to get the module option of this 
card selectable.


Re: emacsen-common fails to set-up

2000-03-27 Thread Grendel
** On Mar 26, Antonio Fiol Bonn?n scribbled:
 Well, I do not like writing too much, so I copy  paste...

Temporary cure is to create ^^^ this directory: mkdir -p
/etc/not-yet-set/site-start.d and then 'dpkg --configure --pending' - and
then wait for the maintainer to fix the bug :)


Description: PGP signature

Re: problem compiling a module!

2000-03-27 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
Yeap!! It's selected..What can I do?
I tried to copile the module by myself with the following line:
gcc -DMODVERSIONS -DMODUKE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -O5 -c

but then the compiler tells me the CAP_NET_ADMIN is undeclared!
any other ideas??

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Paul J. Keenan wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 05:38:14PM -0600, Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
  I have a realtek 8139 compatible network card, and I downloaded the kernel
  2.2.14 sources. And evrything compiled fine!..except that 'make xconfig'
  doesn't allow me to select the realtek 8139 as a appears
  disabled!! How do I compile the rtl8139.o module???
 Are you sure you selected Enable loadable module support in the Loadable 
 module support section and Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) in the Ethernet (10 
 or 100Mbit section ?  Thats all I needed to get the module option of this 
 card selectable.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[NEWBIE]not installing from which partition?

2000-03-27 Thread Dave Linsalata
Hi all,
I'm a newbie to linux and have a quick question about installing
debian.  The installation manual for intel says that if you have a linux
system running already (I have Mandrake), then you can update from that
system and just over-write it with debian.  BUT, it says do not do the
install from the partition you are going to be installing onto.

Unfortunately, I only have a /boot (100 meg), a swap (100 meg), and a / (3
gigs).  Is it possible to do the install from linux or do I have to use
windows? (plz plz plz say it is possible...installing linux from win2k is
a bitch and a half...)


meta key woes

2000-03-27 Thread Timothy J. Thomas

Using Debian Linux I am trying to map the F1 key to run pon
Here's what my /etc/inputrc looks like
set meta-flag on
set input-meta on
set convert-meta off
set output-meta on
\e0d: backward-word
\e0c: forward-word
\e[h: beginning-of-line
\e[f: end-of-line
\e[1~: beginning-of-line
\e[4~: end-of-line
\e[5~: beginning-of-history
\e[6~: end-of-history
\e[3~: delete-char
\e[2~: quoted-insert

then I did this:

Below, CNTRL-v means control-v followed directly by a control-m (seems
to work fine in vi).  (The cntrl-v makes the cntrl-m come out literally
instead of just being a carrage return.)

\e[11~: ponCNTRL-vCNTRL-m
\e[12~: poffCNTRL-vCNTRL-m

No joy. Anyone know what I am missing ?

Tim Thomas

Re: [NEWBIE]not installing from which partition?

2000-03-27 Thread John Hasler
Dave writes:
 Unfortunately, I only have a /boot (100 meg), a swap (100 meg), and a /
 (3 gigs).  Is it possible to do the install from linux or do I have to
 use windows?

Why can't you just do a regular install over top of the existing one?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Modem problem

2000-03-27 Thread Hilary Hertzoff

I just got a new computer and loaded Debian on it.  I've managed to switch
modems (it came with a winmodem) and after about a week of struggle
managed to get it to log on to my ISP...and now I know why it was so
difficult.  My modem/computer only seems to be getting the first 10-20
characters of whatever gets sent by the ISP and then hangs.  I can force
it to go on by pressing/sending a return (which is how I finally managed
to log on), but I can't get it to start PPP or get anything to run on a
shell account.

Any ideas?

Hilary L. Hertzoff  From here to there,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   a bunny go where a bunny must.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Little Bunny on the Move
  by Peter McCarty

Re: problem compiling a module!

2000-03-27 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
I've found the solution
I edited the file .config (in /usr/src/linux) and added the dollowing

Then make modules, etc!!

Re: x windows only allows root??

2000-03-27 Thread Lee Malatesta
john smith wrote:
   I am no longer able to log in x-windows (via xdm) on non-root account.. x
 windows only allows root to log on. when trying to log on using non-root
 account the screen flickers for a moment then returns back to the xdm login
 prompt. has this something to do with permissions or something?
 hoping for some kind of clue. thanks.

Can non-root users log into the console?

Have you done any mucking around with permissions or anything that would
affect permissions?

I had these symtoms on two seperate occasions.  One was when I moved the
HOME directories for non root users to a place they didn't have
read/write permission.  The other was when I screwed up using an admin
tools and expired all the non-root logins.

You might consider making a new user account and seeing if the new login
has the same problem as the old.

Xfree and glibc trouble after slink - potato

2000-03-27 Thread Lee Malatesta

I just upgraded from slink to potato.  Well, actually 
the upgrade was from rain (Storm Linux 2000) to potato.  
Aside from learning the hard way to never run apt-get 
dist upgrade from an xterm, things went pretty smoothly.

After several days of reconstructing my XF86Config 
(Storm's installer for dummies was one of the reasons 
why I chose to start with Storm instead of slink), I
came across my next 2 big problems (and I assume
that they are related).

1. kdm won't start on boot.  I get an error on the console:
Checking for valid XFree86 configurationUnable to check.
Not starting X display manager.

after loggin in, startx works just fine.

2. I can't start a terminal window in X.  My WM of choice
gives no error messages.  xterm just doesn't start.
If I try gnome-terminal, I get a mesage about not being
able to log in with the admonishment: If you are using
Linux 2.2.x with glibc 2.1.x this is probably due to
incorrectly set up Unix 98 ttys.

I'm thinking these problems might be related, but who
knows.  I would greatly appreciate anyone's insight on
getting this straightened out.



Re: printcap problems, please help

2000-03-27 Thread Terry Hancock
I had a look at your printcap file and compared it to mine.
I can't find anything wrong, so let me tell you how I
tested my printer:

1) Test hardware + basic devices:

ls -l   /dev/lp0

This sends the directory printout to your printer device
directly (i.e. without any filtering). Unless you have
one of those Windows-only (host-based) printers this
will usually produce some kind of output.  In any case,
if it doesn't you have a more basic problem than your
printcap. Maybe you've done this already, though. Also
makes sure you're using the right device name.

2) Make sure that your magicfilter file exists and
is executable. Of course, if it isn't, you shouldn't
hear anything from the printer.

3) Sometimes if the printer reacts, but doesn't print,
it means it's waiting for a form feed.  On some
printers you can give it one from the printer's front
panel. Otherwise, you can feed one straight to the
device to check. (I don't remember how to do this
offhand, but I know you can).

ALSO, I just noticed that with the Linux 2.2 kernel,
your first parallel port (~LPT1 in dosspeak) is
/dev/lp0. However you mentioned Slink, which is based
on the 2.0 kernel.  With that one, I had the first
printer port as /dev/lp1 in my printcap (I had to
fix this when I upgraded the kernel).

Well, maybe one of these suggestions will help.

Steve Winston wrote:
 I need a little help getting a printer working with
 On slink, I mistakenly erased my printcap while setting
 up an Epson Stylus 740. Because I also have Linux
 mandrake on the same computer with the same printer, I installed the mandrake
 printcap and then did /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force
 to convert the printcap to Debian. But when I try to print
 something (e.g., lpr something?), the printer makes a noise
 and then stops. Enclosed is my printcap file. Can anyone tell
 me what I should change?
 Thanks in advance.
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
Name: printcap
printcapType: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
Encoding: base64

Terry Hancock

Potato: NIC Module

2000-03-27 Thread Brian Clark


I'm installing from the Potato base floppies (Which isn't going so hot so 
far), and I was about to configure my network settings when I told me that 
my card (NIC) wasn't found. This didn't happen when I installed Slink some 
time ago.

My card is a 3Com 3905B-TX 10/100

So, I went to install the module in the net section of the Kernel module 
listings and I don't see anything for that card.

Am I supposed to be using a different module? Can anyone tell me which one 
to install for the above card? (I'd hate to screw something up and slow my 
machine to a crawl.)



P.S. I realize Potato is frozen...

Re: Limiting user access in ftp, ssh, samba, etc... 'passwords'

2000-03-27 Thread Adam Shand

  You can tell proftpd to allow logins without a valid shell. It can also
  set a default root directory for users so they can't see anything above
  that point.
 Is this what is called chroot?

it's technically not a chroot jail since in a chroot jail even the daemon
can't get outside the jail so you have to make copies of all libraries/
binaries etc that the user will need while in the jail.

that being said though, yes, it's basically a chroot jail.


Re: x windows only allows root??

2000-03-27 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sun, 26 Mar 2000 20:53:03 -0500, Lee Malatesta [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I had that problem, and I just found out that in my .xsession file I
was calling a window manager that I don have installed...


 john smith wrote:
 I am no longer able to log in x-windows (via xdm) on non-root account.. x
 windows only allows root to log on. when trying to log on using non-root
 account the screen flickers for a moment then returns back to the xdm login
 prompt. has this something to do with permissions or something?
 hoping for some kind of clue. thanks.

 Can non-root users log into the console?

 Have you done any mucking around with permissions or anything that would
 affect permissions?

 I had these symtoms on two seperate occasions.  One was when I moved the
 HOME directories for non root users to a place they didn't have
 read/write permission.  The other was when I screwed up using an admin
 tools and expired all the non-root logins.

 You might consider making a new user account and seeing if the new login
 has the same problem as the old.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: emacsen-common fails to set-up

2000-03-27 Thread john s jacobs anderson
 Grendel == Grendel  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Grendel ** On Mar 26, Antonio Fiol Bonn?n scribbled:
   Well, I do not like writing too much, so I copy  paste...

  Grendel Temporary cure is to create ^^^ this directory: mkdir -p
  Grendel /etc/not-yet-set/site-start.d and then 'dpkg --configure
  Grendel --pending' - and then wait for the maintainer to fix the
  Grendel bug :)

Actually, when I tried that workaround, I found that while it allowed
the package to install, it broke critical parts of Gnus -- like
reading mail with the nnml backend.

I fell back to the version from frozen and slapped a hold on it.



 John S Jacobs Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \* Genehack:  Not your daddy's weblog */
   \*URL: */

wget question

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
What is wrong with the following? Pasted next the output

bash-2.01$ wget*


   = `.listing'
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
== TYPE I ... done.  == CWD
pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
== PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.
.listing: Permission denied
unlink: Permission denied
No matches on pattern `*'.

no ssh in frozen?

2000-03-27 Thread Chris R. Martin
I noticed there is no ssh package in frozen.. is it not to be included in 
the next release? Can the ssh in stable be used with the other packages in 


Error Compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2

2000-03-27 Thread Bill Caskey
Following is a message I posted to the KDE User listserv a few days ago.
Stephan Kulow, developer of the kdenetwork package replied that he didn't know
what was causing the compile to terminate but did note that libdl was broken;
that I should have instead of libdl.a. I'm running slink with a kernel
built from 2.2.14 source. I did download and install the binutils in frozen but
still get the same compile error. Isn't the linker in binutils? Any other
suggestions as to why kdenetwork isn't compiling. As noteb, kdenetwork is the
last module I tried compiling; all others compiled and installed with no
problems. And, KDE runs, but, of course, I dont' have kppp and kmail--two
programs most important to me on my laptop. Thanks for any advice...Bill

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Error Compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 17:37:17 -0600
From: Bill Caskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm running Debian 2.1 (CD from McCarty's book) with a customized kernel I built
from 2.2.14 source. I compiled and installed all of KDE with kdenetwork being
the last module to compile.  After some half-hour or so of compiling, the
process terminates while (apparently) linking ksirc. The following lines
are the error messages generated. Can anyone help resolve the problem or
point me to documentation that will? Thanks.

/usr/bin/../lib/libdl.a(dlsym.o): In function 'doit.2':
dlsym.o(.text+0x22): undefined reference to '_dl_default_scope'
dlsym.o(.text+0x4c): undefined reference to '_dl_default_scope'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [ksirc] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kdenetwork-1.1.2/ksirc'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kdenetwork-1.1.2/ksirc'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kdenetwork-1.1.2'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

--Bill Caskey

Bill Caskey

Re: Xfree and glibc trouble after slink - potato

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 09:12:03PM -0500, Lee Malatesta wrote:
 1. kdm won't start on boot.  I get an error on the console:
 Checking for valid XFree86 configurationUnable to check.
 Not starting X display manager.
 after loggin in, startx works just fine.
 2. I can't start a terminal window in X.  My WM of choice
 gives no error messages.  xterm just doesn't start.
 If I try gnome-terminal, I get a mesage about not being
 able to log in with the admonishment: If you are using
 Linux 2.2.x with glibc 2.1.x this is probably due to
 incorrectly set up Unix 98 ttys.

I don't know if the two are related, but... If you upgraded to a 2.2.x
kernel (the default potato is 2.2.14), then there should be a script in
/etc/init.d called It should ``mount'' /dev/pts and make sure
/dev/ptmx and /dev/pts exist. If you haven't rebooted, you can
probably just run this script and it'll fix the Unix 98 ptys issue.

I assume you upgraded all of your kde stuff at the same time?

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: wget question

2000-03-27 Thread Shao Zhang
You cannot use wildcard in wget. Instead, you should say something like:

wget -r -np


Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is wrong with the following? Pasted next the output
 bash-2.01$ wget*
= `.listing'
 Connecting to connected!
 Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
 == TYPE I ... done.  == CWD
 pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
 == PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.
 .listing: Permission denied
 unlink: Permission denied
 No matches on pattern `*'.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: wget question

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I just tried, didn't work. Next is the output:

bash-2.01$ wget -r -np

Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
== TYPE I ... done.  == CWD 
pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.

== PORT ... done.== LIST ... done. Permission
 No such
file or directory
unlink: No such file or directory
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
== TYPE I ... done.  == CWD 
pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.

== PORT ... done.== RETR  ...
No such file `'.

FINISHED --20:17:27--
Downloaded: 0 bytes in 0 files

Shao Zhang wrote:

 You cannot use wildcard in wget. Instead, you should say something like:

 wget -r -np


 Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What is wrong with the following? Pasted next the output
  bash-2.01$ wget*
 = `.listing'
  Connecting to connected!
  Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
  == TYPE I ... done.  == CWD
  pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
  == PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.
  .listing: Permission denied
  unlink: Permission denied
  No matches on pattern `*'.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

Re: no ssh in frozen?

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 08:59:16PM -0600, Chris R. Martin wrote:
 I noticed there is no ssh package in frozen.. is it not to be included
 in the next release? Can the ssh in stable be used with the other
 packages in frozen?

It's in non-US:

$  dpkg -l ssh
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  ssh1.2.2-1.4  Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement (OpenSSH)

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: wget question

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:44:18PM +, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 What is wrong with the following? Pasted next the output
 bash-2.01$ wget*
= `.listing' Connecting to
connected!  Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!  ==
TYPE I ... done.  == CWD
pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ...
done.  == PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.  .listing:
Permission denied unlink: Permission denied No matches on
pattern `*'.  bash-2.01$ Thanks Antonio.

Don't you want the '-r' flag? I don't think wget understands wildcards.
Be careful with the '-r' flag though, you might end up with the whole

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: wget question

2000-03-27 Thread Shao Zhang
What version of wget are you using?
Are you actually in the directory that is writable by the user?

Mine is 1.5.3 and it works. See output below:
[13:32|pts/[EMAIL PROTECTED] % wget -r -np
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
== TYPE I ... done.  == CWD
pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
== PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.

0K - .

13:34:36 (4.51 KB/s) -
saved [1844]

== CWD not required.
== PORT ... done.== RETR Packages.gz ... done.
Length: 3,854

0K - ...[100%]

13:34:41 (928.00 B/s) -
saved [3854]

== CWD not required.
== PORT ... done.== RETR kdeadmin_1.1.2-19990906-1_i386.deb ...

Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just tried, didn't work. Next is the output:
 bash-2.01$ wget -r -np
 Connecting to connected!
 Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
 == TYPE I ... done.  == CWD 
 pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
 == PORT ... done.== LIST ... done. Permission
  No such
 file or directory
 unlink: No such file or directory
 Connecting to connected!
 Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
 == TYPE I ... done.  == CWD 
 pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
 == PORT ... done.== RETR  ...
 No such file `'.
 FINISHED --20:17:27--
 Downloaded: 0 bytes in 0 files
 Shao Zhang wrote:
  You cannot use wildcard in wget. Instead, you should say something like:
  wget -r -np
  Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What is wrong with the following? Pasted next the output
   bash-2.01$ wget*
  = `.listing'
   Connecting to connected!
   Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
   == TYPE I ... done.  == CWD
   pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/deb/potato/i386 ... done.
   == PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.
   .listing: Permission denied
   unlink: Permission denied
   No matches on pattern `*'.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
  Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
  University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` 
  Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, 
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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL 

Re: wget question

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
You are right, the error was that  I had created the directory as root, and was 
trying to write as user. Now it
is working, thanks a lot

Shao Zhang wrote:

 What version of wget are you using?
 Are you actually in the directory that is writable by the user?

 Mine is 1.5.3 and it works. See output below:
 [13:32|pts/[EMAIL PROTECTED] % wget -r -np

Re: problem compiling a module!

2000-03-27 Thread Dave Thayer
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 07:22:21PM -0600, Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
 I've found the solution
 I edited the file .config (in /usr/src/linux) and added the dollowing
 Then make modules, etc!!

I'm jumping in a little late here, but I thought that I should reply for the
archive's sake even though you were able do your compile...

The reason that make xconfig doesn't allow you to select the realtek 8139
driver is that it is still considered to be in an experimental/development
state, so you must answer yes to the question:

Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers (CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL)

at the beginning of the configuration, in the 'Code maturity level options'


your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

Potato configuration

2000-03-27 Thread steve doerr
I have a couple of questions about Potato configuration.  I just did
the apt-get  dist-upgrade from slink to potato and told it at every
prompt to KEEP my current configuration, yet it ruined my fonts, my x server,
my sound, other modules, and kdm.

Does anyone know if potato changed important configuration file
locations from slink, or made any changes to the startup routines?

Everything seems to be there (modules, kdm, etc.), but none of my prior
configuration applies anymore.

Any help greatly appreciated!


Potato - update-alternatives (Ian Jackson) and window managers - doubt (and Slink to Potato Success)

2000-03-27 Thread Taupter

First, I'm proud of Debian!

I upgraded my Debian system to Potato this weekend, and everything went
really fine! Enven my glibc 2.0.7 programs ran (almost all)!

Thank you all developers! Go ahead! Make the world better!

Second, I'm a bit confused about one point:

I compiled gnome, wmaker and a large bunch of X-related software, and I
was using a file in the /etc/X11/ (I can't remember its name, since it
was deleted during the upgrade) to set my default window manager to

When I restarted my computer and ran X (startx), I was in front of a
tiny almost-unuseable window manager. Digging the scripts I found one
symlink (/etc/alternatives/x-window-manager) pointing to that ugly wm. I
removed that symlink, created a new one pointing to
/usr/local/bin/gnome-session. startx went fine.
Till I restarted the computer.
Then, once again, that link was set to /usr/bin/X11/vtwm . What a mess.

I was poking update-alternatives, but didn't find a way to point my
default window manager to /usr/local/bin/gnome-session.
Yes I did read the man 8 update-alternatives, but it was a bit confusing
to me (as I think it is a bit confusing to anyone but the man writer aka
Ian Jackson), since it was not sufficiently explanatory (at least to me.
Shame on me...).

Could anyone explain to me the right way to make it work like I want, in
the update-alternatives way?

Thank you all!

P.S.: Is Ian the Deborah's husband? :) Just to know... :)

Thanks twice,


eth0 fighting ppp0 (maybe)

2000-03-27 Thread Brian Clark


I wrote a little while ago about which module to use for my NIC. Well, 
Brian Moore provided me with the answer, which, well, worked a little too 
well I think. g

I'm using Potato, as I mentioned, and I loaded the module 3c59x for my NIC. 
I'm at home right now, but I plan to take the box I'm working on back to 
the office to stick on the LAN to replace an, ehem, Red Hat box.

I'm using a modem to apt-get stuff that I need so that I can get the box 
ready to go, but I've ran into a small problem.

I fired up my connection, /var/log/messages said my connection appeared 
fine (plus my modem lights told me as well :-P). I have my resolv.conf 
entries in tact and I have my network settings set up properly.

I went to use apt to get a few things and it just sat there, trying to connect.

I took a closer look at /var/log/messages, and I now see an entry I didn't 
see before:

pppd[334]: Serial Connection established
pppd[334]: Using interface ppp0
pppd[334]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
pppd[334]: Remote message: Login Succeeded
pppd[334]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
pppd[334]: local IP address
pppd[334]: remote IP address

The line referring to `eth0 for proxy arp' looks like the problem, because 
it's never been there before on a normal dial-up machine, but I'm not a 
network person (*gasp*).

I can ping myself, of course, but I can't reach the outside world.

Essentially, I'm just trying to get this thing setup to be able to plug it 
in the network and go, but for now I just need to be able to use ppp to get 
the packages I need.

Is there a simple solution for this?

Thank you very much,


Re: Potato configuration

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:14:20AM +, steve doerr wrote:
 I have a couple of questions about Potato configuration.  I just did
 the apt-get  dist-upgrade from slink to potato and told it at every
 prompt to KEEP my current configuration, yet it ruined my fonts, my x server,
 my sound, other modules, and kdm.

You probably didn't want to do that. In most cases your old
configuration file should be renamed to foo.dpkg-old so you can use it
for reference. Many config files have subtle differences.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: eth0 fighting ppp0 (maybe)

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 11:14:32PM -0500, Brian Clark wrote:
 I wrote a little while ago about which module to use for my NIC. Well,
 Brian Moore provided me with the answer, which, well, worked a little
 too well I think. g
 I'm using Potato, as I mentioned, and I loaded the module 3c59x for my
 NIC.  I'm at home right now, but I plan to take the box I'm working on
 back to the office to stick on the LAN to replace an, ehem, Red Hat
 I'm using a modem to apt-get stuff that I need so that I can get the
 box ready to go, but I've ran into a small problem.
 I fired up my connection, /var/log/messages said my connection
 appeared fine (plus my modem lights told me as well :-P). I have my
 resolv.conf entries in tact and I have my network settings set up
 I went to use apt to get a few things and it just sat there, trying to
 I took a closer look at /var/log/messages, and I now see an entry I
 didn't see before:
 pppd[334]: Serial Connection established pppd[334]: Using interface
 ppp0 pppd[334]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0 pppd[334]: Remote
 message: Login Succeeded pppd[334]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
 pppd[334]: local IP address pppd[334]: remote IP
 The line referring to `eth0 for proxy arp' looks like the problem,
 because it's never been there before on a normal dial-up machine, but
 I'm not a network person (*gasp*).
 I can ping myself, of course, but I can't reach the outside world.
 Essentially, I'm just trying to get this thing setup to be able to
 plug it in the network and go, but for now I just need to be able to
 use ppp to get the packages I need.

You probably don't need proxy arp for anything, so comment out the
proxyarp line in /etc/ppp/options. But, I'd suspect the default route
might not be set to ppp0, but instead to eth0 -- check it with ifconfig.

AFAIK, proxyarp is only necessary for when your machine is accepting

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: eth0 fighting ppp0 (maybe)

2000-03-27 Thread John Hasler
Brian Clark writes:
 I have my resolv.conf entries in tact and I have my network settings set
 up properly.

Do you have a default route pointing to eth0?  If so, remove it.

 I can ping myself, of course, but I can't reach the outside world.

Can you get anywhere using IP numbers?

 The line referring to `eth0 for proxy arp' looks like the problem,...

It isn't.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Potato - update-alternatives (Ian Jackson) and window managers - doubt (and Slink to Potato Success)

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:11:19AM -0300, Taupter wrote:
 I compiled gnome, wmaker and a large bunch of X-related software, and I
 was using a file in the /etc/X11/ (I can't remember its name, since it
 was deleted during the upgrade) to set my default window manager to
 When I restarted my computer and ran X (startx), I was in front of a
 tiny almost-unuseable window manager. Digging the scripts I found one
 symlink (/etc/alternatives/x-window-manager) pointing to that ugly wm. I
 removed that symlink, created a new one pointing to
 /usr/local/bin/gnome-session. startx went fine.
 Till I restarted the computer.
 Then, once again, that link was set to /usr/bin/X11/vtwm . What a mess.

Try: $ update-alternatives config x-window-manager

 I was poking update-alternatives, but didn't find a way to point my
 default window manager to /usr/local/bin/gnome-session.
 Yes I did read the man 8 update-alternatives, but it was a bit confusing
 to me (as I think it is a bit confusing to anyone but the man writer aka
 Ian Jackson), since it was not sufficiently explanatory (at least to me.
 Shame on me...).

This takes a little more work, since you'll have to '--install' the
local version first. But, since there are pretty current versions of
gnome in potato you might use those. However,

$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-window-manager \
  x-window-manager /usr/local/bin/gnome-session 50 \
  --slave /usr/share/man/man1/x-window-manager.1.gz \
  x-window-manager.1.gz /usr/local/share/man/man1/gnome-session.1x.gz

might be close to what you want.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

ALSA Mixer Trouble

2000-03-27 Thread Terry Hancock

I just installed the ALSA driver on my system, which
appeared to go perfectly (after a lot of sweat, anyway :) ).

However, when I run amixer to unmute the card, 
according to the INSTALL instructions and the
online FAQ, I get:

peregrin:/proc/asound# amixer set Master on 
Can't access mixer 1/0
Failed to open mixer device

Clearly I'm missing a step somewhere.  Also, possibly
of use, here is /etc/modutils/alsa_sound which I
created after the install.  Running update-modules
sticks this text into the /etc/conf.modules file
(I checked to make sure):

# Modules setup for ALSA Sound driver
# Set up by Terry Hancock, 2000-3/26
# based on ALSA install instructions

#ISA PnP support
options isapnp isapnp_reserve_irq=9,10,11,12,13

#ALSA native device support (Avance Logic ALS120 -- Avance Logic ALS100
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-als100
options snd-card-als100 snd_index=1 snd_id=ALS120

#OSS/Free setup
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-services-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-services-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-services-0-3 snd-pcm1-oss
alias sound-services-0-12 snd-pcm1-oss

Also maybe useful:

peregrin:/etc/modutils# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
ppp_deflate38660   0  (autoclean)
bsd_comp3600   0  (autoclean)
snd-card-als100 4020   0 
snd-mpu401-uart 1472   0  [snd-card-als100]
isapnp 22949   0  [snd-card-als100]
snd-midi   12836   0  [snd-card-als100 snd-mpu401-uart]
snd-seq-device  2896   1  [snd-card-als100]
snd-sb16-dsp   15408   0  [snd-card-als100]
snd-pcm1   17256   0  [snd-sb16-dsp]
snd-mixer  29308   0  [snd-card-als100 snd-sb16-dsp]
snd-pcm 8632   0  [snd-card-als100 snd-sb16-dsp
snd-opl31760   0  [snd-card-als100]
snd-hwdep   2412   0  [snd-card-als100 snd-opl3]
snd-timer   8004   0  [snd-pcm1 snd-opl3]
snd34080   1  [snd-card-als100 snd-mpu401-uart
snd-midi sn
seq-device snd-sb16-dsp snd-pcm1 snd-mixer snd-pcm snd-opl3 snd-hwdep
unix9884  47  (autoclean)
soundcore   2372   2  [snd]
serial 19404   2 
parport_pc  6964   1  (autoclean)
lp  4956   0  (unused)
parport 7060   1  [parport_pc lp]
ppp20460   2  [ppp_deflate bsd_comp]
slhc4232   1  [ppp]
ne2k-pci3840   1 
83905828   0  [ne2k-pci]
rarp2864   0  (unused)
umsdos 24192   0  (unused)
ufs52736   0  (unused)
sysv   23672   0  (unused)
smbfs  25016   0  (unused)
vfat8816   0  (unused)
nfs28120   0  (unused)
lockd  30888   0  [nfs]
sunrpc 52132   0  [nfs lockd]
autofs  8932   0  (unused)

Anyway, there's no man page for amixer, and documentation
for the alsautils package seems to be extremely scarce,
so I'm hoping somebody knows what's going on, as I'm
starting to get stumped.  Thanks.


BTW, it would be nice to CC this to me direct, I know some
people on this list feel that it is inappropriate to
post questions without taking the list, but it's
pretty much like drinking from a firehose. Has anybody
considered maybe breaking this list up by sub-topics
or something?  (e.g. debian-user-install, 
debian-user-drivers, etc.) I've joined this list about
three times and finally given up after less than a
week each time, just because it really chokes up my
mailbox.  (Not that the content is bad, mind you,
just copious).

Terry Hancock

font.c ?

2000-03-27 Thread Mark Bathie

Can anyone tell me what debian package font.c is contained in ? The Debian
search page truncates before it prints what Iwant :(
Mark Bathie Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Infrastructure, ITS Phone: +61 7 3365 7236
The University of QLD, Australia

Re: custom kernel troubles

2000-03-27 Thread Robert Waldner
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 21:45:14 EST, Robert Braddock writes:
 Ok, so now I´ve set it to , but

Make sure you unset ARCH in the shell before starting the make at all, not
just set it to . There's a difference. Other than that, I don't have any
suggestions. Like I said, I had the exact same errors you had, and unsetting
ARCH fixed it for me, but I haven't really looked into what's going on
inside the make.

ok, now I´m a step further (I think), I´ve grabbed fresh kernel-sources,
applied the egcs-patches (from
(I´m using gcc 2.95.2), but of course there´s yet-another-problem ;-) :

test -f stamp-configure || make -f /usr/share/kernel-package/rules configure
make   ARCH=i386   \
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean/include -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -m486 
-malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586  -c -o
init/main.o init/main.c
In file included from init/main.c:46:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean/include/asm/bugs.h: In function
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean/include/asm/string.h:118: Invalid `asm'
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean/include/asm/string.h:118: fixed or
forbidden register 4 (si) was spilled for class SIREG.


init/main.c: In function `start_kernel':
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean/include/asm/string.h:532: Invalid `asm'
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean/include/asm/string.h:532: fixed or
forbidden register 2 (cx) was spilled for class CREG.
make[1]: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.38-clean'
make: *** [stamp-build] Error 2

I´ve also tried without the patch, the effect is the same.

If anyone could help me out with this one, I´d be most thankful (I might even
mention which is a nice shot
taken during my vacation last week ;-).

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: eth0 fighting ppp0 (maybe)

2000-03-27 Thread Brian Clark

John Hasler said:

Brian Clark writes:
 I have my resolv.conf entries in tact and I have my network settings set
 up properly.

Do you have a default route pointing to eth0?  If so, remove it.

 I can ping myself, of course, but I can't reach the outside world.

Can you get anywhere using IP numbers?

 The line referring to `eth0 for proxy arp' looks like the problem,...

It isn't.

Eric G . Miller said:

You probably don't need proxy arp for anything, so comment out the
proxyarp line in /etc/ppp/options. But, I'd suspect the default route
might not be set to ppp0, but instead to eth0 -- check it with ifconfig.

AFAIK, proxyarp is only necessary for when your machine is accepting

Yes, I checked it with ifconfig and the first listing is eth0, then local 
loopback, then ppp0. This is embarrassing, but how do I temporarily change 
that? (I CC'd the list so maybe this would help someone else one day.)

I checked /etc/ppp/options and all of my chatscripts but didn't see 
anything allowing me to specify anything.

I want to be able to change this back when I plug into the LAN, of course.



Re: Removing compiled-by-hand packages [WAS:] Potato - update-alternatives and window managers

2000-03-27 Thread Taupter
 ... But, since there are pretty current versions of
 gnome in potato you might use those...

Surely it woulb be _very_good_ idea, along with communicator and a
really _huge_ stuff I have in, but I really afraid about messing my
system with broken dependencies and so... Ok, removing almos all the
bunch I have would be a great idea too... but I have some questions to

1. Does Debian install any stuff inside /usr/local ?
2. Is secure to the system integrity to _wipe_ /usr/local (no
daemons/services stored in /usr/local and such issues)? The sense of
_wiping_ /usr/local means removing files/symlinks from /usr/local/bin,
/usr/local/lib and such.

I'm a bit short of space in my /usr partition, and it would be
useful... :)


ethernet adapter or card

2000-03-27 Thread Daniel Yang

Could anyone tell me what is 
the difference between Ethernet Adapter, Ethnernet Card, Ethernet Adapter Card? 
I am kind of think they are actually the same things but not quite sure. Sorry 
for this stupid question.

Re: custom kernel troubles

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
I'd suggest using gcc2.7.2 to compile kernels older than 2.2.14. There's
a debianized package for it gcc272. Just change the HOSTCC and CC from
gcc to gcc272 in the Makefile.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: emacsen-common fails to set-up (fwd)

2000-03-27 Thread FIOL BONNIN Antonio

I forward you all the maintainer's response.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: 26 Mar 2000 17:00:26 -0600
From: Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: emacsen-common fails to set-up


 I get the following message when updating my Debian distribution.
 Can you help me?

There are already several bugs filed with the bug-tracker about this
issue, and I've started a discussion to resolve it with the other
emacsen maintainers.  Please bear with us for a bit.

Note that you can fix the problem by downgrading to the previous
version of emacsen-common.


Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

Re: eth0 fighting ppp0 (maybe)

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:56:03AM -0500, Brian Clark wrote:
 Eric G . Miller said:
  You probably don't need proxy arp for anything, so comment out the
  proxyarp line in /etc/ppp/options. But, I'd suspect the default route
  might not be set to ppp0, but instead to eth0 -- check it with ifconfig.
  AFAIK, proxyarp is only necessary for when your machine is accepting
 Yes, I checked it with ifconfig and the first listing is eth0, then local 
 loopback, then ppp0. This is embarrassing, but how do I temporarily change 
 that? (I CC'd the list so maybe this would help someone else one day.)
 I checked /etc/ppp/options and all of my chatscripts but didn't see 
 anything allowing me to specify anything.

If you set up ppp with pppconfig, it should have given you the option to
set default route -- this is what you want for the moment. Have a look
at the route command. Your /etc/ppp/peers/provider file should have a
line like:


If you execute route you'll get a listing of what the OS knows about.
You can manually set the default route with the destination address of
the ppp0 interface.

route add default gw

Easier to let ppp do it for you :).

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: ethernet adapter or card

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:16:00AM -0600, Daniel Yang wrote:
 Could  anyone tell me what is the difference between Ethernet Adapter,
 Ethnernet Card, Ethernet Adapter Card? I am kind of think they are
 actually the same things but not quite sure. Sorry for this stupid
 question.  Thanks Daniel

Generic Term: Network Interface Card (NIC)
(Not necessarily Ethernet!)

Terminology often gets fuzzy (is contextual), but those all mean the
same thing -- usually.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Time taken by a script

2000-03-27 Thread Joey Hess
Debian Linux User wrote:
 Since Perl is an interpreted language

No, perl is a compiled language, with a 3 pass compiler.
man perlguts\n/compiled code

see shy jo

Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-27 Thread Joey Hess
Phoenix Amon wrote:
 Hmm. Is that right? The newsletters have been referring to potato as 
 a.k.a. release 2.2 since it's been frozen.

Eh?? I don't remember doing any such thing. I don't have a full DWN archive
here (on a train), but what I do have only refers to 2.2 when talking
about certian version of the linux kernel, and when talking about
_Debian_Gnu/Linux_2.2_Unleashed_, a draft title for a Debian book that was
released last year and that I profundly hope fixed its title before it was

Debian releases do not get a version number until they are released.

see shy jo, editor, Debian Weekly News

Re: Installing old packages

2000-03-27 Thread Joey Hess
Colin Watson wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matheson) wrote:
 I can't get the new version of WindowMaker to work, but I was wondering
 if there was a way to install the old version (the one on the CD of
 Debian Slink).  Is this possible?
 How about:
   dpkg --force-downgrade -i oldpackage.deb

Downgrade is forced by default, dpkg -i oldpackage.deb will suffice.

see shy jo

I've broken lilo; how to fix?

2000-03-27 Thread Eric House
I couple of weeks ago I was trying to teach lilo about my 8 gig disk
via some parameter added to the lilo.conf file.  I no longer remember
what I did, and have long since removed it.  But now lilo will not
run.  It boots the machine fine, and the machine works great; but I
can't change my kernel or make any other change that requires running

Running lilo gives me this error message:

Warning: device 0x0302 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit
geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (4464  1023)

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?  I'm not concerned about accessing the
8 part of the disk, but only with being able to run lilo again.


--Eric House

* From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Check out Crosswords for PalmOS:   *
*  The instructions said 'Win98 or better' -- so I installed Linux *

Re: eth0 fighting ppp0 (maybe)

2000-03-27 Thread Brian Clark

Eric G . Miller said:

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:56:03AM -0500, Brian Clark wrote:
 Eric G . Miller said:

  You probably don't need proxy arp for anything, so comment out the
  proxyarp line in /etc/ppp/options. But, I'd suspect the default route
  might not be set to ppp0, but instead to eth0 -- check it with ifconfig.
  AFAIK, proxyarp is only necessary for when your machine is accepting

 Yes, I checked it with ifconfig and the first listing is eth0, then local
 loopback, then ppp0. This is embarrassing, but how do I temporarily change
 that? (I CC'd the list so maybe this would help someone else one day.)

 I checked /etc/ppp/options and all of my chatscripts but didn't see
 anything allowing me to specify anything.

If you set up ppp with pppconfig, it should have given you the option to
set default route -- this is what you want for the moment. Have a look
at the route command. Your /etc/ppp/peers/provider file should have a
line like:


Yes, after playing with this for a while, along with the info you guys gave 
me, I figured out that the options files add the entry I get from ifconfig; 
ppp/options uses `deafultroute' to add it `on demand' it appears, but I 
don't know what network/options uses.

If you execute route you'll get a listing of what the OS knows about.
You can manually set the default route with the destination address of
the ppp0 interface.

route add default gw

Good to know..

Easier to let ppp do it for you :).

But ooops! Before I got your mail, I just commented out the card's entry in 
/etc/network/options, but left in lo, and it appears to let me out now. I 
can ping anywhere fine now.. haven't tried apt.

Correct me if I'm wrong (!), but so far I haven't gotten any funky results..

Thanks for all of your help..


Re: Removing compiled-by-hand packages [WAS:] Potato - update-alternatives and window managers

2000-03-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:00:44AM -0300, Taupter wrote:
  ... But, since there are pretty current versions of
  gnome in potato you might use those...
 Surely it woulb be _very_good_ idea, along with communicator and a
 really _huge_ stuff I have in, but I really afraid about messing my
 system with broken dependencies and so... Ok, removing almos all the
 bunch I have would be a great idea too... but I have some questions to

Understandable trepidation...

 1. Does Debian install any stuff inside /usr/local ?

Never! Well, almost never. There are a couple empty directories created
for perl, python, tex, ghostscript, others... (Those are for *you* to
add modules/extensions -- not debian packages).

 2. Is secure to the system integrity to _wipe_ /usr/local (no
 daemons/services stored in /usr/local and such issues)? The sense of
 _wiping_ /usr/local means removing files/symlinks from /usr/local/bin,
 /usr/local/lib and such.

Only ones you've installed. You'll still want /usr/local, though.

 I'm a bit short of space in my /usr partition, and it would be
 useful... :)

If you remove your versions, and install the debian versions, it's sort
of a half a dozen of one vs. six of the other kind of thing. If you
have drive space somewhere, you could move /usr/local to a new
partition, thus giving /usr more room.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: ethernet adapter or card

2000-03-27 Thread ktb
I didn't look to see if
had the answer to your particular question but a lot of times I find it

- Original Message -
From: Daniel Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 12:16 AM
Subject: ethernet adapter or card

Could  anyone tell me what is the difference between Ethernet Adapter,
Ethnernet Card, Ethernet Adapter Card? I am kind of think they are actually
the same things but not quite sure. Sorry for this stupid question.

Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-27 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Debian releases do not get a version number until they are released.

Huh?  Just about any Release file in frozen contains

  Version: 2.2
  Origin: Debian
  Label: Debian

Does that mean that frozen is released?

Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: C++

2000-03-27 Thread Roso Giuseppe \(Beppe\)

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Bart Friederichs wrote:

 I am writing a C++ program and I really need info on how to overload
 operators (especially + and ) and info on streams. Does anybody know a URL
 where this kind of info can be found?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
I suggest to visit some sites  - This is a good


you can find many libraries etc for C++ (This is a good site for software
for Linux).



Kernel 2.2.x and Physical Memory

2000-03-27 Thread Brian Clark

Greetings, once again.

If I'm not mistaken, I read that the 2.2.x Kernel and later no longer made 
you add:

append=mem=128M lilo.conf to get it to use more than 64MB of RAM (in my case, 128MB).

I have 128MB of physical memory, yet it's only picking up 64 megs using 
Potato and 2.2.14.

I've also read (please forgive me for not remembering where) that using 
`append' to force detection can cause weird things to happen.

Should I just compile a new Kernel, or is just using append=mem=128M 
perfectly fine?



Re: I've broken lilo; how to fix?

2000-03-27 Thread Roso Giuseppe \(Beppe\)

On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Eric House wrote:

 I couple of weeks ago I was trying to teach lilo about my 8 gig disk
 via some parameter added to the lilo.conf file.  I no longer remember
 what I did, and have long since removed it.  But now lilo will not
 run.  It boots the machine fine, and the machine works great; but I
 can't change my kernel or make any other change that requires running
 Running lilo gives me this error message:
 Warning: device 0x0302 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit
 geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (4464  1023)
 Can anyone tell me how to fix this?  I'm not concerned about accessing the
 8 part of the disk, but only with being able to run lilo again.
 --Eric House
 * From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 * Check out Crosswords for PalmOS:   *
 *  The instructions said 'Win98 or better' -- so I installed Linux *
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

If you don't exceed 1024 cylinders in your ext2 partition you don't have
problem, I think you must try in lilo.conf something regartds to linear
but I'm not sure of it (when I installed Debian 2.1 i made an ext2
partition in the first 1024 cylinders).

One question: Your bios support EIDE with more than 1024 cylinders?
Remember to install lilo on /dev/hda and not in /dev/hda1 or something



Re: Potato - update-alternatives (Ian Jackson) and window managers - doubt (and Slink to Potato Success)

2000-03-27 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Taupter wrote:
 I was poking update-alternatives, but didn't find a way to point my
 default window manager to /usr/local/bin/gnome-session.
 Yes I did read the man 8 update-alternatives, but it was a bit confusing
 to me (as I think it is a bit confusing to anyone but the man writer aka
 Ian Jackson), since it was not sufficiently explanatory (at least to me.
 Shame on me...).
 Could anyone explain to me the right way to make it work like I want, in
 the update-alternatives way?

update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

This will put the alternative in manual mode and pointing to the window
manager you have chosen when replying questions prompted by the script.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: ALSA Mixer Trouble

2000-03-27 Thread Frank Barknecht
Terry Hancock hat gesagt: // Terry Hancock wrote:

 However, when I run amixer to unmute the card, 
 according to the INSTALL instructions and the
 online FAQ, I get:
 peregrin:/proc/asound# amixer set Master on 
 Can't access mixer 1/0
 Failed to open mixer device
 # Modules setup for ALSA Sound driver
 # Set up by Terry Hancock, 2000-3/26
 # based on ALSA install instructions
 #ISA PnP support
 options isapnp isapnp_reserve_irq=9,10,11,12,13
 #ALSA native device support (Avance Logic ALS120 -- Avance Logic ALS100
 alias char-major-116 snd
 options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
 alias snd-card-0 snd-card-als100
 options snd-card-als100 snd_index=1 snd_id=ALS120

Just a guess: Could you try snd_index=0 ? At least, that's what I
have here. For setting the mixer you can also use alsamixer which is a
bit friendlier to use. 

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

exim ...

2000-03-27 Thread Tolga KIlicli
I canoot receive mails via exim although I can send...
I cannot figure out the problem, everything seems usual...

When i send a mail from a different host it is rejected. 
What is the problem!

Strange kernel crashes

2000-03-27 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans
I have installed potato recently (with the 2.2.8 install disks)
on my Athlon system (someone might remember the problems I had compiling
a new kernel for it; well that hasn't _yet_ happpened). This system has
2.2.14, and I am experiencing a rather lot of crashes. Most of the time,
these are just  pointer de-references (NULL pointers instead of
meaningful stuff), and ensuing kernel panics. One that happened today:

Mar 27 11:10:50 faust kernel: Call Trace: [sys_select+270/1264] 
Mar 27 11:10:50 faust kernel: Code: 8b 01 89 03 85 c0 74 27 8b 53 04 85 d2 75 
0e 89 19 89 c8 2b 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference 
at virtual address 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: current-tss.cr3 = 0268f000, %cr3 = 0268f000
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: *pde = 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: Oops: 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: CPU:0
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: EIP:0010:[kmalloc+75/336]
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: EFLAGS: 00010006
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: eax: c029bec4   ebx: c3fe9fe0   ecx:    
edx: 0013
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: esi: c3fef080   edi: 0003   ebp: 0282   
esp: c26bbd10
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: Process bash (pid: 259, process nr: 18, 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: Stack: 0003 c02ed520 c0134024 0013 
0015 c029d7f0 c26bbe68 c26ba000 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel:fff8 c011e9b5 c0244234 0080 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel:  c24f13e0 0003 
c02ed500 fff4 0029d804  
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: Call Trace: [load_elf_binary+568/2576] 
[do_generic_file_read+1353/1364] [cprt+1300/23589] [file_read_actor+0/84] 
[read_exec+180/336] [read_exec+322/336] [search_binary_handler+60/260] 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel:[do_execve+384/488] [do_execve+417/488] 
[sys_execve+44/100] [system_call+52/56] 
Mar 27 11:10:55 faust kernel: Code: 8b 01 89 03 85 c0 74 27 8b 53 04 85 d2 75 
0e 89 19 89 c8 2b 
Mar 27 11:12:57 faust syslogd 1.3-3#33: restart.

I can't compile any kernel that doesn't suffer of similar
problems earlier on (this happened when launching lynx, so the system
boots up nicely). In general, I get this problems with all sorts of

I don't know what's wrong here (could it be faulty memory?). I
have tried re-compiling a kernel with the minimum amount of stuff I can
get away with, but that doesn't seem to help at all. I must be
forgetting something (and I'm using gcc not egcs, even though the
problems are independent of whatever compiler I use). The sytesm is an
AMD K7 %00 MHz, in an MSI-6167 motherboard with an IDE hdd, 64 megs of
RAM and all that.

I have downloaded and installed memtest86, but after a weekend
of testing, it was still doing test #2. I don't know how to  use this
thing really :-/

Does anyone have any clues to what might be going wrong?
BTW, I am going to be unsubscribing to the list for a while, as
I'm not going to be around. Could you please CC replies to me as well,

Thanks for your help,
José L Gómez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: x windows only allows root??

2000-03-27 Thread Tony Crawford
john smith wrote (on 26 Mar 00, at 23:27):

   I am no longer able to log in x-windows (via xdm) on non-root account.. x 
 windows only allows root to log on. when trying to log on using non-root 
 account the screen flickers for a moment then returns back to the xdm login 
 prompt. has this something to do with permissions or something?

I had this symptom recently. Somehow my /dev/null permissions had got 
changed so that xrdb couldn't read from it except as root. chmod 666 
/dev/null fixed it.


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

Realplayer 7 and Esound

2000-03-27 Thread Lepus
I have installed Realplayer 7 on my Linux box, running Potato with ALSA
sound. But it works kind of weird, as when I try to play something on it,
I get an error message Cannot open the audio device. Another application
may be using it. If I then wait about five seconds not doing anything,
and try again, it works fine. If I run Realplayer as root, this problem
doesn't occour. (I AM in the Audio group as a user)
I thought maybe this is because the sound devices are used by esound,
(this is a bit awkward too, because my Esound uses the ALSA interface, and
I think Realplayer uses the OSS emulation, and even when playing a sound,
the WM sounds going through Esound can still be heard) the output device
in the Preferences window of Realplayer to Esound support. But so, even
though Esound _IS_ running, like this it doesn't work at all!
This bug is more of a little annoyance than a real problem, but I am
really curious what the cause could be...

Daniel Szabo

KDE office

2000-03-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Does anybody know where the binaries for the kde office are, I can't
find them in the corresponding /stable/potato/deb/i386 or so, whatever
the name is in the kde ftp site.

Zircon irc client under Potato

2000-03-27 Thread Lepus
When trying to run the aforementioned software, I get an error message
saying file not found. All the dependencies (tk8, tcl8) are installed
and well, as other packages depending on them run perfectly.
I have tried the Zircon version from the stable distribution also, but it
has the same problem.

Daniel Szabo

Re: Realplayer 7 and Esound

2000-03-27 Thread Bruno Boettcher
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:25:36PM +0200, Lepus wrote:
 I have installed Realplayer 7 on my Linux box, running Potato with ALSA
 am using woody with oss and i noticed this problem too, interestingly the
 realplayer doesn't work when i change the preferences i tryed first esd
 with no succes and the warning that another device is accessing the audio
 device and the oss which resultet in very slow motion with videos...

 so me too i would be interested in the causes and a possible fix, since it is
 quite annoying to have to stop and restart esd...

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

How to extract *.deb's from binary archive in /var/cache?

2000-03-27 Thread Olaf Stetzer

A little bit more in detail than in the subject:

I use my online-machine here in the institute to download packages
I need at home by simply installing them via apt/ftp and then take
the downloaded files from /var/cache/apt, carry them home on a 
zip diskette and install them there with dselect.

Now it semms that the downloaded files are not longer stored
simply in /var/cache/apt but stored (compressed?) in one single
file with the ending .bin. How can I extract the files from
this file to take them home and install them ?



P.S.: Should I copy this question to debian-admintools?

--   Olaf Stetzer  --  EC/JRC/Institute for Transuranium Elements   --
--  Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny.  Frank Zappa  --

Re: ALSA Mixer Trouble

2000-03-27 Thread markm
I don't have much experience with this myself, but have you tried
adding --with-debug=detect or --with-debug=full switches to your
./configure line? (assuming you are compiling from the source)

This may give you a bit more of an idea of what is going wrong in
your various logs.
 pretty much like drinking from a firehose. Has anybody
hehehe. No problem cc'ing people, but have you tried the digest and
splitdigest? The only problem is messing up threading for everyone.



2000-03-27 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 In order to do some filtering, it would be a very good idea to include in 
 the subjects of messages something like [debusers] or anything similar.

you are just boring ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: problem with libgnomeui32 1.0.9-3

2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
 I have d/l gnome-apt with apt-get and it of course has d/l and installed
 some others package like libgnomeui32. But now, every gnome application
 tells me:
  gnp: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined 
 symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info
 I do have imlib installed. I've tried recompiling libgnomeui but it
 complained about a bad version of libz.I have wich was
 with the slink I think
I had the same problem, and it was caused because the gdk-imlib1 package
was not updated during the gnome install (is this a bug in the dependencies?). 
I solved it with:
  apt-get update
  apt-get upgrade
This should upgrade all your packages to an up-to-date version.

HTH. Regards,

 Luis M. Garcia

Re: problem with libgnomeui32 1.0.9-3

2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 11:47:08PM -0400, Stuart Ballard wrote:
 Luis M. Garcia wrote:
   I have d/l gnome-apt with apt-get and it of course has d/l and installed
   some others package like libgnomeui32. But now, every gnome application
   tells me:
gnp: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ 
   undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info
   I do have imlib installed. I've tried recompiling libgnomeui but it
   complained about a bad version of libz.I have wich was
   with the slink I think
  I had the same problem, and it was caused because the gdk-imlib1 package
  was not updated during the gnome install (is this a bug in the 
 I believe it is - I posted with it to the mailing list some time ago and
 was told that it wasn't a valid/useful bug report because I couldn't say
 exactly what package was missing what dependency. My thoughts on the
 most likely problem, and someone pointing out a flaw in my theory, can
 probably be found in the list archives. If other people are having the
 same problem, then it should probably be fixed.

In the last days, there were a significant number of posts in this list
referring to this problem, so I also think that it should be fixed.

 By the way, I should amend the comments I made at the time. I postulated
 that some package (I forget which) didn't depend on another; the reply
 pointed out that the dependency actually was there. My theory now is
 that the dependency didn't specify the correct version of the package (I
 remember it just named the package, not a specific version).

Looking at the Depends header in libgnomeui32 we can read:

Depends: libgnome32, gdk-imlib1, libaudiofile0, libc6, libesd0, [...]
We can see that the dependency is there, but you're right, the correct
version isn't specified, I think it should be somethink like 
gdk-imlib1 (= 1.9.4), but I'm not sure.

Knowing this new data, sending that bug report is OK, IMHO. What do you

 Luis M. Garcia

Re: error executing gnome update for slink 2.1

2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 10:17:16AM +0200, Renzo Bagnati wrote:
 After installing the GNOME update for debian 2.1 (using apt-get as described 
 in and trying to run the gnome
 desktop, I got the following errors in the file .xsession-errors:
 panel: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info

Try upgrading the gdk-imlib1 package to 1.9.4-2.99.slink.1

 xterm:  fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) or KillClient on X server :0.0
 /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker fatal error: got signal 11 (Segmentation fault)
 /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: trying to start alternative window
 /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker fatal error: got signal 11 (Segmentation fault)
 /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker fatal error: crashed while trying to do some
 post-crash cleanup. Aborting immediatelly.

I suppose these errors are consequence of the first one.



  Luis M. Garcia

Re: Installing/Debianizing WindowMaker themes

2000-03-27 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 02:42:55AM -0600, Adrian Thompson wrote:
 Hello,  Windowmaker makes a dir in your home dir called 
 Under this dir is the dir Themes
 gunzip theme.tar.gz | -xvfIN the theme dir.  Your theme will be added.
 Salman Ahmed wrote:
  How can I either install WindowMaker theme tarballs
  or debianize them and then install via dpkg/apt ?

I install, as another option, the themes in 

The themes are then accessible to all users and using a directory
under /usr/local don't conflict with the package system.


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