Re: Copias de seguridad-COMO

2000-06-03 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Agust=EDn=20Mart=EDn?= Domingo wrote:

 David Charro Ripa wrote:
  Estimados compañeros:
  Quiero hacer copias automáticas y completas de todo el sistema sobre una
  unidad de cinta.
  ¿Cómo lo haceis vosotros?
  Pensaba hacerme un script (con tar, cpio, dd o dump) y lanzarlo con el
  cron por la noche, pero he visto en potato varios programas de copias de
  seguridad (amanda, taper).
  El objetivo es que en caso de desastre cualquier técnico (sepa o no de
  linux) sea capaz de construir un disco duro idéntico metiendo un
  disquete y la cinta más reciente, sin que pregunte nada (o lo menos
 Yo utilizo tob, que es precisamente un script que se encarga de
 gestionar algunas de las partes más engorrosas. La mejor solución para
 mí es utilizar como método afio comprimido, que tiene la ventaja de que
 es una compresión archivo a archivo, por lo que si hay un problema en
 alguno no se corrompe el resto del backup, como ocurre con tar.gz.
 Aunque si lo que quieres es hacer copia de todo el sistema puedes
 utilizar directamente afio, creo que es mejor el camino tob, porque te
 guarda más información en tu disco duro de lo que has hecho, es más
 versátil, lo que escribe (si seleccionas ese método) es un volumen afio
 normal y corriente, y así siempre puedes recuperar la información con un
 diskette de arranque que tenga afio y gzip

Uno de los inconvenientes de grabar en formato comprimido en cinta
suele ser que si no cabe todo en una cinta no permite continuar con 
otra. Por ejemplo  'find . | cpio -oBH newc | gzip  /dev/st0 '
no se puede detectar el final de lacinta ya que el ejecutable que
tiene abierta la cinta ya no es cpio sino gzip.

Me pregunto si afio permite grabar comprimido sobre varios volúmenes.
Para mi esto sería incluso más importante que la posibilidad de la
corrupción de toda la cinta porque puede minimizarse dentro de lo 
razonable volviendo a leer la cinta y comparando, cosa que siempre hago.

 Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
 (U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Un saludo


/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Copias de seguridad-COMO

2000-06-03 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Estimados compañeros:
 Quiero hacer copias automáticas y completas de todo el sistema sobre una
 unidad de cinta.
 ¿Cómo lo haceis vosotros?

La copias completas son muy costosas. Yo creo que hay que alternar
copias totales y copias incrementales tomando el incremento como
los cambios ocurridos desde la última copia total. Siempre conviene
rotar varias cintas para no machacar la última copia. Cada instalación
tiene sus necesidades particulares en función de las distintas partes
del sistema atendiendo a su distinta importancia. Hay partes que 
pueden requerir copias de seguridad frecuentes y otras que no.

Por ejemplo hago copias totales de /home cada cierto tiempo rotandolas
sobre tres cintas y copias incrementales de /home diariamente rotandolas
sobre otro juego de tres cintas. Cuando las copias incrementales tardan
demasiado hago una nueva copia total.

Otras partes del sistema saco copias totales cada dos meses, y no hago
copias incrementales.

Independientemente de eso una copia que yo hago una vez cada 15 días es 
la siguiente. Pongo un limite de tamaño (50MBytes) y un número de días
60. Lo que hago es que los ficheros que han cambiado en los últimos
60 días irán o bien a cinta si son menores de 50MBytes o bien serán
listados para decidir más tarde que hacer con ellos. (Muchas veces
son copias temporales de CDs o cosas así que abultan mucho y ya no
sirven). Cada 15 días aproximadamente hago una copia de estas sobre
tres cintas que voy rotando. 

Este último tipo de copia combinado con los otros que he mencionado 
antes me da bastante seguridad.

==8--(cortar por aqui)

echo 1) Compruebe que estan montados todos los sistemas de ficheros deseados
echo y solo los deseados.
echo 2) Introduzca una cinta desprotegida para grabar los ficheros que sean
echomenos antiguos de $DIAS días y menores de $MAXSIZE.   
echo Pulse Intro para continuar
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
mt -f /dev/st0 status
echo Espere. Realizando prueba de escritura 
if ! echo Prueba de grabacion OK | blockout  /dev/st0
 echo   !!! Imposible escribir !!!
 blockout  /dev/st0 
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
echo ## Compruebe estado de la cinta ##
echo  pulse Intro para continuar
find / -mtime -${DIAS} -size +${MAXSIZE}  | egrep -v 
^/proc|^/tmp|netscape/cache/  demasiado_grandes_$$ 21 
echo Retension de la cinta .
mt -f /dev/nst0 retension
echo Grabando en cinta la copia de seguridad ficheros con
echo menos de $DIAS días de antiguedad y menores de $MAXSIZE
find / -mtime -${DIAS} -size -${MAXSIZE} | egrep -v ^/proc|^/tmp | tee 
grabados | cpio -oBH newc | bzip2  | blockout  /dev/st0
echo Inciando comprobacion
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
blockout  /dev/st0 | bzip2 -d | cpio -itBH newc  leidos
echo Comprobacion terminada.
ls -l leidos grabados
echo Diferencias =
diff grabados leidos
echo Lista de ficheros menos antiguos de $DIAS días pero no guardados por ser
echo mayores de $MAXSIZE. Guardelos en cinta aparte si es necesario.
cat demasiado_grandes_$$

==8--(cortar por aqui)

blockout es un programita que completa a nulos los bloques de datos
inclompletos porque algunos drivers de cinta parecen tener problema
con eso.

 Pensaba hacerme un script (con tar, cpio, dd o dump) y lanzarlo con el
 cron por la noche, pero he visto en potato varios programas de copias de
 seguridad (amanda, taper).
 El objetivo es que en caso de desastre cualquier técnico (sepa o no de
 linux) sea capaz de construir un disco duro idéntico metiendo un
 disquete y la cinta más reciente, sin que pregunte nada (o lo menos
 Hablo de un PC con Potato y un cintero DAT SCSI de SONY.
 Cualquier recomendación será bienvenida.
 Un saludo y gracias
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

[off-topic] Imagenes para/con rawrite

2000-06-03 Thread Lluís Vilanova
Siento el off-topic, pero no se me ocurrio donde mas preguntar :)

Tengo un amigo que quiere crear una imagen ghost (se le llama asi?)
para usarla como copia de todo el disco de unos ordenadores de un ciber.

Se puede utilizar rawrite para volcar la imagen, que estara en un cd o en un
disco en el servidor, a los clientes?

Me parece que con Nero (de Windows) se puede crear dicha imagen, pero con
sector de arranque y todo para tener un ordenador como nuevo cada vez que se
vuelque la imagen? Si no, con que programa (de WIndows, de momento)?

La otra cosa es que quisiera convencerle para que usara Linux en el servidor :)
pero con que argumentos? El debe convencer a sus jefes.

Me parece que hay gente por aqui que trabaja en algun ciber, me podrian dar
informacion o direcciones de como lo han hecho?

Muchas gracias

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2000-06-03 Thread Rodolfo García

El otro dia taba mirando como montar una base de datos en postgres, y parece 
que ya anda, ahora quisiera conectarme a ella con staroffice u otra 
herramienta, pero no lo consigo, si alguien sabe como va, pues que haga el 

Muchas gracias.
  ___   ___   ___
|  | /  /  /  / \/  /
|  |/  /  /  /\  \  /  /
|  /  /  /  /  \  \/  /Rodolfo García Peñas
|  \  \ /  /   /  /\  \[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |\  \  /   /  /  \  \
|  | \  \/   /  /\  \
The Face of Your NightMare

Register Linux User 62951. Powered by Debian 2.2
Kernel 2.2.14 - The love is now in my blood -
She changed me, now I am not a machine, I can feel

Re: [off-topic] Imagenes para/con rawrite

2000-06-03 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 03 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 18:30:29 +0200, Lluís Vilanova contaba:

Me parece que hay gente por aqui que trabaja en algun ciber, me podrian dar
informacion o direcciones de como lo han hecho?

 Te respondo por compromiso, ya que esto no te va a aportar nada
 :^/. No tengo jefes a los que convencer, y cuando me falla un disco
 duro lo copio desde otro (vamos, que no hago copias de seguridad).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: e agora

2000-06-03 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Giordano wrote:
 obigado pelas urls pessoal
 mas e agora o q eu devo baixar aqui no ftp?
 quais desses diretorios sao necessarios para a instalacao?

Os diretórios que são acessados dependem dos pacotes selecionados para a
instalação, todo o conjunto de diretórios ocupa 2 GB de espaço em disco.
fiz um script em mirror que faz o download dos arquivos da Potato e toda
semana rodo ele para baixar os arquivos atualizados, mandar um e-mail p/
dizendo o que foi atualizado, tempo de download, diretório copiado, etc,
legal mesmo... 

Ou você pode optar por fazer uma instalação via apt, se quiser
espaço e não esquentar a cabeça com o que baixar e o que não baixar. 
Neste caso basta configurar o arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list para apontar 
um servidor de ftp mais rápido e selecionar os pacotes com o dselect. Os 
pacotes necessários serão baixados e instalados na ordem correta em sua 
máquina. A seguinte linha no sources.list funcionará para você:

deb potato main contrib non-free

Depois disso basta dar um apt-get update para ele baixar o arquivo 
que contém o indice de pacotes para instalação e escolher o método de 
acesso apt no dselect. Dai para frente é com você :-)

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: How to see hidden files/dirs

2000-06-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 11:44:06PM -0300, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
 :: On Fri, 2 Jun 2000 19:14:22 -0700, Eric G . Miller said:
  Actually, the poster was asking about the gtk file open dialog box,
  which does not give you any options for showing/hiding dot files/dirs.
  It's a stupid oversight, IMHO.  Ever tried to save a palette or texture
  in GIMP to the .gimp dir?
 Did you try typing a dot and then tab? ;-)

Yes, but that doesn't negate the fact that the interface is lacking.
That functionality is not obvious.  The user shouldn't need to read a
doc on using a file/open dialog box.  One of the purposes of the GUI is
to provide visual ques/options/etc. for the user so they don't have to
remember all kinds of small arcana and can focus on performing the task
at hand.  

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: How to see hidden files/dirs

2000-06-03 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Fri, 2 Jun 2000 21:40:33 -0700, Eric G . Miller said:

 Did you try typing a dot and then tab? ;-)

 Yes, but that doesn't negate the fact that the interface is lacking.
 That functionality is not obvious.  The user shouldn't need to read a
 doc on using a file/open dialog box.  One of the purposes of the GUI is
 to provide visual ques/options/etc. for the user so they don't have to
 remember all kinds of small arcana and can focus on performing the task
 at hand.  

Hm, yes, I agree. I probably didn't realize that this wouldn't be
natural for one who's not used to bash tab-completion... When I didn't
see my hidden files there, I instinctively hit dot-tab. :-)

Anyway, you're right. There should be some preference setting, or some
little box one could click.


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Sendmail Config

2000-06-03 Thread Jay Kelly
Ok Guy's,
I need some help with sendmail. I use sendmailconfig and for the first
question mail Name I choose That's what I think I need to
use? my email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then I come to start host. I want my
linux box to download mail from my ISP and store it until I log on. When I
use a program such as Outlook I use for incoming mail and for outgoing mail. When I send a email I would like
it to say [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where will I put this information? Also where
do I setup my login and pass for my ISP so I can download mail. I have been
trying everything with no luck. I would really really appreciate if someone
would help me on this.

Re: X on a 486

2000-06-03 Thread David Fisher

Try IceWM or WindowMaker.  I used to use Windowmaker on a 486/75.


Ich fuhle, Luft von anderen Planeten

Note:  No Microsoft programs were used in the 
creation or distribution of this message.
If you are using a Microsoft program to view this message, 
be forewarned that I am not responsible
for any harm you may encounter as a result.

RE: vga=ask

2000-06-03 Thread Ragga Muffin

A. Scott White wrote:

 I want to use a different vga text mode (like 80x50) on my terminal. I do
 not like to use X Windows, it is too slow. I prefer to use the standard,
 text based terminal. I want, however, to be able to see more text on the
 screen at one time.

Have you tried the svgatextmode package ?

apt-get install svgatextmode

That's what I use instead of the kernel vga settings.



Re: Sendmail Config

2000-06-03 Thread Dan Brosemer
Try using a simpler mail transfer agent such as exim.  Sendmail is really
for big sites that need a lot of configurability.  You really don't need all
that configurability or complexity.

Other users will tell you to use qmail, postfix, or smail, I'm sure.  These
are all equally viable solutions.  Exim is just my preference for simple

as root type:
#apt-get --purge remove sendmail exim+

The exim configuration script will ask you questions, answer:
(accept the default)
(your username)

Now to configure where mail appears to be coming from is a job for your mail
user agent.  Unfortunately, I'm only familiar with how to do this in mutt.
Another user will, I'm sure be able to tell you how to do it in whatever
program you're using if you tell us what that is.

In mutt (in case that's what you're using):
add to your ~/.muttrc file:
set realname=Your Name
my_hdr From: \$realname\ \[EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 10:04:18PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
 Ok Guy's,
 I need some help with sendmail. I use sendmailconfig and for the first
 question mail Name I choose That's what I think I need to
 use? my email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then I come to start host. I want my
 linux box to download mail from my ISP and store it until I log on. When I
 use a program such as Outlook I use for incoming mail and for outgoing mail. When I send a email I would like
 it to say [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where will I put this information? Also where
 do I setup my login and pass for my ISP so I can download mail. I have been
 trying everything with no luck. I would really really appreciate if someone
 would help me on this.

... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122 section 1.2.2

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sendmail Config

2000-06-03 Thread Joseph de los Santos
But if you still want to install sendmail download a perl script from called install-sendmail.Install-Sendmail will configure
Sendmail and Fetchmail on your machine. That Perl script can be used to
setup a mail server for a simple network or it can configure email on a dial
up machine. All you need to know is your email address, login name and
password and optionally, the IP addresses of your network.

Good luck.

- Original Message -
From: Dan Brosemer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: Sendmail Config

Try using a simpler mail transfer agent such as exim.  Sendmail is really
for big sites that need a lot of configurability.  You really don't need all
that configurability or complexity.

Other users will tell you to use qmail, postfix, or smail, I'm sure.  These
are all equally viable solutions.  Exim is just my preference for simple

as root type:
#apt-get --purge remove sendmail exim+

The exim configuration script will ask you questions, answer:
(accept the default)

Re: Sendmail Config

2000-06-03 Thread Eric 'Alibut
On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 10:04:18PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:

 I need some help with sendmail. I use sendmailconfig and for the first
 question mail Name I choose That's what I think I need to
 use? my email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then I come to start host.

Smart host? For most dialups it's handy to set this; in your case, make it
'' and also use 'masquerade_envelope', which iirc is
an option in sendmailconfig. 

Use fetchmail to get your mail from your isp. Set it to poll
''. It's clear in the fetchmail config file where your login
and password should be placed. (Try perhaps fetchmailconfig, if that's what
it's called...I forget.)

Sendmail is fine for you. Ignore the religious war some would start rather
than answering your questions.

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA

perl and exim filter

2000-06-03 Thread ulla.russell
I have recently been setting up my email on 
the linux side and decided to use a tip that 
I found in an old addition of the linux gazette.

Basically the idea is to create a filter for mail
leaving the local system. I tried to use it a few 
times but the mail keep being sent back with the 

A message that you sent could not be delivered 
to all of its recipients. The following address(es) 

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
host []:
553 does not exist

Anyway here is the code in question. 

while () {
if (/^From: /) { 

The idea is to place a reference to this on exim.conf and it would
be used when mail was being sent outside of the system.
I know next to nothing about perl  and I'm not sure whether the 
author may have made a typo or the syntax may be outdated. When I 
try to source it I get the following:

bash: /usr/local/bin/mail-filter: line 3: syntax error near unexpected 
token `()'

bash: /usr/local/bin/mail-filter: line 3: `while () {'

exim and perl filter

2000-06-03 Thread ulla.russell
In an article in the linux gazette I found the following piece
of code:

-- #!/usr/bin/perl
-- $address = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
-- while(){
-- if(/^From: /){ s/.*/$address/; print; last; }
-- print;}
-- while(){ print; }

After naming it /usr/local/bin/mail-filter and changing it's
permissions (chmod +x ) it was meant to be inserted
into /etc/exim.conf as follows:

-- remote_smtp:
--   drivers = smtp
--   headers_remove = sender
--   transport_filter = /usr/local/bin/mail-filter
-- end

The problem is that it doesn't work and I'm forced to use


which works but changes the address of internal mail as well.
Can anyone see any problems with this code. I don't know much
about perl and was wondering if the code contained any obvious
(to perl coders) errors.

It gives the following when I source ( . /usr/local/bin/mail-filter )

-- bash: =: command not found
-- bash: /usr/local/bin/mail2: line 3: syntax error near
   unexpected token `while(){'
-- bash: /usr/local/bin/mail2: line 3: `while(){'

disk space problem

2000-06-03 Thread Joseph de los Santos
Hi, I am having disk space problems with one of my partitions but I have 
another partition that is free so what I did was download software on my 
second partition and created a directory there and linked it into my home 
directory in the hope of being able to install programs there (on the free 
second partition) but I think I'm doing something wrong since when I try to 
make..I get these errors but when I moved them to my true home 
directory...make there something I missed? I thought just creating 
the link would make it work.

Hope somebody can help

make -C src/ptlib/unix both ; make -C tools/asnparser both ;
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/ext/pwlib/src/ptlib/unix'
Makefile:209: /home/jhou/pwlib/make/unix.mak: No such file or directory
grep: /home/jhou/pwlib/version.h: No such file or directory
grep: /home/jhou/pwlib/version.h: No such file or directory
grep: /home/jhou/pwlib/version.h: No such file or directory
grep: /home/jhou/pwlib/version.h: No such file or directory
Makefile:354: /home/jhou/pwlib/make/lib.mak: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/home/jhou/pwlib/make/lib.mak'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/ext/pwlib/src/ptlib/unix'
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/ext/pwlib/tools/asnparser'
Makefile:51: /home/jhou/pwlib/make/ptlib.mak: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/home/jhou/pwlib/make/ptlib.mak'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/ext/pwlib/tools/asnparser'
make: *** [both] Error 2

time problems

2000-06-03 Thread john smith


I was wondering if anybody also experienced this problem...I use a dual boot 
system (debian/win98) and when I use debian and set the correct time/date 
the nxt time I boot into windows it shows me the wrong time/date so I set it 
again...then again when I boot into debian..same thing happens over and there a way I can make the time/date consistent on the  machine?

Thank you.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: X on a 486

2000-06-03 Thread David Fisher

Without knowing how much memory your machine has, I would say you certainly 
need more than the standard amount supplied in a 486.  Mine had 64 Mb in it, 
but had 32 at one stage which was okay.  More is definitely better when it 
come to memory.

Don't throw your 486 away when you eventually get a faster machine.  One day 
it will make a fine firewall.


Ich fuhle, Luft von anderen Planeten

Note:  No Microsoft programs were used in the 
creation or distribution of this message.
If you are using a Microsoft program to view this message, 
be forewarned that I am not responsible
for any harm you may encounter as a result.

Re: fdisk/mkfs problem

2000-06-03 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jun 02 2000, john smith wrote: still does'nt work. any other ideas?

Install dosfsutils. It contains the tool mkdosfs so that you
can format your partition. It also provides mkfs.vfat and

Hope this helps, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Re: Modifying /etc/apt/sources.list

2000-06-03 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jun 02 2000, Colin Watson wrote:
 deb woody non-US/main non-US/contrib 

If that's the stucture of the mirror, then it should probaly
also work with:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
deb woody/non-US main contrib non-free
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That is, specifying woody/non-US should take care of
eliminating the need of adding non-US in front of main,
contrib and non-free.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Re: compatible sound cards

2000-06-03 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jun 02 2000, Oliver Hingst wrote:
 Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 Yes, these cards are supported.  I use a Soundblaster 128 PCI.  It works
 using the OSS/Lite drivers (found in the kernel) as well as ALSA (what I
 am currently using).

Are you using the alsa packages that come with Debian or are
you using the stock packages? I'd like to try the stock ones
to use a card from Trident (it's Trident 4DX something) and
the only kernel releases that come with drivers for it are
those from the 2.3 series... :-(

I wouldn't like to use these 2.3 kernels but as I understand I
can't use the Debian ALSA packages/modules if I compile my own
kernel (can I)?

BTW, what are people's opinions on this card? I've tried using
it with 2.3.99-pre9 and its sound was terrible: *VERY* low and
if I raised it a little bit, the sound was totally distorted,
with the effect similar to clipping of samples. Is the sound
level of this card that low and do I need an amplifier? I
don't have the manuals of the card (only the card). :-(

Anyway, I thought that that was very strange and was hoping
that the ALSA drivers could be better.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Re: firewall

2000-06-03 Thread Michael Vlasov
On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Timothy C. Phan wrote:

   I'd like to know if there is any firewall software
   for Debian?  

And a'm want too firewall for Debian .
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WBR, Michael Vlasov, Matrix NOC, MICHAEL-RIPN 
(095) 961-2109 [ ] ICQ:12612617

Re: firewall

2000-06-03 Thread Michael Vlasov
On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 04:04:13PM -0500, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
I'd like to know if there is any firewall software
for Debian?  
 Firewalling is done in the kernel and set up with ipchains.
 Debian has a couple of packages which can be useful with this,
 ipchains-perl and ipmasq.
Sorry, but ipchains has more problewms in security with ipmasq.

 Bob Nielsen, N7XY  (RN2)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bainbridge Island, WA
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

WBR, Michael Vlasov, Matrix NOC, MICHAEL-RIPN 
(095) 961-2109 [ ] ICQ:12612617

Re: postgres database framework disappeared: Solved

2000-06-03 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 12:05:45AM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
 Johann Spies wrote:
   On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 11:03:23PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
   I found the culprit but still does not know how it happened:
   In  /etc/passwd  the line was 
   I removed the /lib part and then after a reboot it worked.
   How /var/postgres became /var/lib/postgres I do not know.  Earlier
   today there was no problem and I did not edit that file for months.
 Did you update base-passwd?

No.  How do I do that?

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen 
  me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not
  seen, and yet have believed.   John 20:29 

Re: firewall

2000-06-03 Thread Eric 'Alibut
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 11:54:44AM +0400, Michael Vlasov wrote:

 Sorry, but ipchains has more problewms in security with ipmasq.

I'd like to catch up on this question of ipchains  security. Do you have
any URL's handy?

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA


2000-06-03 Thread T
i just got a cd drive for my computer and i was wondering what module i should 
install to use it?  It is a 40x Diamond Data.  Could someone please help me.  I 
also got an internal modem.  How do i get it to recognise this?  When i try to 
set up a ppp account, it will not detect it as a modem.

GO Network Mail
Get Your Free, Private E-mail at

Re: X on a 486

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
Don't throw your 486 away when you eventually get a faster machine.
One day
it will make a fine firewall.

Apropos 486 and firewall: what requirements are there for a firewall /
masq. gateway to serve a LAN of approx. 20 - 50 clients?
I mean, I have seen a 486 25sx w/z a cable modem serve up to 5 clients
completely fine. It has IIRC 48 mbs of ram and was using about 100
ipchains rules. Are there any tests / comparisons on this subject?


UPS - setserial - baud_base?

2000-06-03 Thread Johann Spies
I bought a Tripp Lite Omnismart 1000 INT PNP ups. I have never before
used a UPS and am now living in an area with frequent power failures.

Now I have a few questions about he setup and software. According to
the documentation The port must be set to run at 2400 baud,
gety/login off, modem control enabled.

The man page for setserial says 

baud_base baud_base
  This option sets the base baud rate, which  is  the
  clock frequency divided by 16.  Normally this value
  is 115200, which is  also  the  fastest  baud  rate
  which the UART can support.

1. Does that mean that I have to do a setserial /dev/ups baud_base
38400(16*2400) to get 2400 baud? (I made a symlink /dev/ups --
/dev/ttyS2). I have tried the baud_base 2400 option but setserial
would not accept it.

2. Do I have to use the ^hup_notify option to disable getty/login on
the port?

3. What is modem control and how do I enable it on a serial port?

4. I see that genpower and smartups are two Linux packages that have
configurations for the Tripplite UPS.  Genpower is part of the Debian
distribution and smartups not.  Any opinion on which is would be the
best package to use in my setup?

5. I see in the documentation there was supposed to be a software CD
with the UPS which including software for unix.  I notified the dealer
that the CD was missing and he is trying to get it for me.  Will such
unix software work on Debian Linux or must I confine my use of
software to the abovementioned packages.


J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen 
  me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not
  seen, and yet have believed.   John 20:29 

Re: firewall

2000-06-03 Thread Michael Vlasov
On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Eric 'Alibut wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 11:54:44AM +0400, Michael Vlasov wrote:
  Sorry, but ipchains has more problewms in security with ipmasq.
 I'd like to catch up on this question of ipchains  security. Do you have
 any URL's handy?

See bugtraq maillist arhive on
 Bob Bernstein
 Esmond, R.I., USA
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

WBR, Michael Vlasov, Matrix NOC, MICHAEL-RIPN 
(095) 961-2109 [ ] ICQ:12612617

Re: compatible sound cards

2000-06-03 Thread Frank Barknecht
Rogerio Brito hat gesagt: // Rogerio Brito wrote:

 On Jun 02 2000, Oliver Hingst wrote:
   Are you using the alsa packages that come with Debian or are
   you using the stock packages? I'd like to try the stock ones
   to use a card from Trident (it's Trident 4DX something) and
   the only kernel releases that come with drivers for it are
   those from the 2.3 series... :-(
   I wouldn't like to use these 2.3 kernels but as I understand I
   can't use the Debian ALSA packages/modules if I compile my own
   kernel (can I)?

No, you can use the debian packages with kernel 2.2.xx, but you should
take the ones from woody. You may need to compile them from the source
(with dpkg-buildpackage). As for the modules, you just install the deb
package alsa-source and when you have built and installed a kernel on
your own (with make-kpkg) you just run make-kpkg modules_image to
compile the matching alsa-modules.
(Read /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/debian/README)

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi list

I am intending to download potato boot floppies. I wanna know what's
necessary for me to be able to use the 2.8 MB images. I have regular 1.4
MB floppies here.

Also, if using the regular 1.44 MB floppies, do I need to download
_all_ the images (*.bin) from
05-04/images-1.44/ ?
Cause if not, that would save me some time and money. Cheers!


Re: vga=ask

2000-06-03 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: vga=ask
Date: Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 10:38:02PM -0500

In reply to:A. Scott White

Quoting A. Scott White([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've set vga=ask in my lilo.conf and run lilo.
 I've specified the kernel image along with the command line vga=auto at the
 lilo prompt.
 I've run rdev -v \boot\vmlinuz-2.2.15 -3
 I've run vidmode \boot\vmlinuz-2.2.15 -3
 I have also tried all of the above with extended in place of ask (and -2
 in place of -3)
 None of this has worked for me. Any idea how I can squeeze more that 80x25
 out of my S3 Trio64 and my 21 monitor on Debian potato with kernel 2.2.15?

I followed the directions in 

and did the following to my lilo.conf

Image= /boot/Slink-2.2.15
  label  = Slink2.2.15
  Root   = /dev/hdb2
  VGA= 0x317
  append  = video=vesa:ywrap,pro,pmipal hdd=cdrom lp=parport0 

I deleted the vga=ask after experimenting with the options shown in the above 
I settelked on the 0x317 (128x40) as the best for _my_ Monitor.  YMMV


Unquestionably, there is progress.  The average American now pays out
twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
-- H. L. Mencken

X windows in and out puzzle

2000-06-03 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I have noticed the following strange behaviour of my X windows: If I log
in first as user, I can restart, quit it, without problems. It goes back
to it. But if I log in first as root, when I then logout to afterwards
enter as user, the X window doesn't come back, just hangs in a black
screen -console- on terminal F7.  The only way then is to type startx.
But then if I don't add -bp 32, it comes in -bp 16 or so. I am using
potato, xdm, afterstep.  Any ideas?

Re: help on setting up lan

2000-06-03 Thread navin rao
Dear sir 

ref: I got your reference from

Myself L Navin Kumar an electrical engineer,interested in setting up a 
based LAN (server and dumb clients/terminals) for Net Cafe in
Nagpur(Maharastra)  INDIA.
Please send me the information about how you  can help me .
e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am looking forward for your reply.

Truly yours
L Navin Kumar

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: Mouse troubles

2000-06-03 Thread adam.edgar
I had the same problem as you did and the easiest solution I found was
simply to kill gpm. I know its not a perfect fix but how often do you use
your mouse from a vt?
Adam S Edgar

On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Steve wrote:

 Need a little advice. I just loaded potato on my machine. I'm using a ps2
 style mouse with the psaux device. I also have gpm loaded and the mouse
 works fine with it. The trouble come when I load the GUI (gnome at this
 point). All the settings in XF86Config are the same as I've had before
 /dev/psaux and ps2(with RedHat and SuSE). Potato was a clean install, so
 there are no remnants left behind from an upgrade. Any ideas where I can
 look for a fix?
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Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
When writing - or trying to, anyway - the images, I get the following:

hp90:/mnt/hd2/data/Tmp/potato # dd of=/dev/fd0 if=base-1.bin bs=1024
dd: /dev/fd0: No space left on device
5+0 records in
4+0 records out
hp90:/mnt/hd2/data/Tmp/potato # cmp /dev/fd0 base-1.bin
cmp: /dev/fd0: I/O error

What's the problem? This is a normal 1.44 MB image used with an
(unformatted) new floppy of the same size!?


Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 02:53:36PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
 When writing - or trying to, anyway - the images, I get the following:
 hp90:/mnt/hd2/data/Tmp/potato # dd of=/dev/fd0 if=base-1.bin bs=1024
 dd: /dev/fd0: No space left on device
 5+0 records in
 4+0 records out
 hp90:/mnt/hd2/data/Tmp/potato # cmp /dev/fd0 base-1.bin
 cmp: /dev/fd0: I/O error
 What's the problem? This is a normal 1.44 MB image used with an
 (unformatted) new floppy of the same size!?

Problem is that diskette is unformated :)
Yes, yes - you don't need any filesystem on it but formatted sectors are
necessary :(


Re: Compile problems

2000-06-03 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Jay Kelly wrote:
 Can someone tell me the steps needed to compile a kernel. I am having
 problems with Unresolved symbols. I first run 'make config' and select the
 option I want. Then I use'make dep' 'make clean; after that I compile the
 kernel with 'make bzImage' then I use 'make bzlilo; The 'make modules;make
 modules_install'  and reboot. Evertime I get some kind of Unresolved symbol.
 And help would be great..

Hi Jay

You simply do too much things in the wrong order...

make config(or menuconfig)
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.x.y
cp /boot/

modify /etc/lilo.conf to apply to new kernel image and run lilo

note: x.y indicate the kernel version. i use this system since i use to
them frequently and maybe you don't need.

it also can appear ex: /boot/vmlinuz-custom or whatever you want.
it's just important you remember than to put the same name in lilo.conf

 _  ___  ____  ___  ___  _  __  _  _  __  _
|_   _||  _|| |  |  _||  _|| _ || \/ |  | ||_   _||  _  || |  | ||  _  |
  | |  |  _|| |_ |  _|| |_ | _ || \/ |  | |  | |  |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] - South European @ccess Back Bone
 -- ---
  Fabio Massimo Di Nitto   | Debian GNU/Linux Woody 2.2.15
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | running on
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Laptop AMD K6-2 400Mhz 64Mb

How to measure my bandwith

2000-06-03 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I have a server at an ISP that say for me that I have a 512Kb/s 
exclusive connection. How I can check if this is true?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique

mounting cdroms

2000-06-03 Thread Daniel Burrows

How do I give normal users permissions to mount cd-roms? Do I add them
to a group?? Which one?  Please 'CC' me in a reply.

Thanks very much.

woody: Delete key works like back space after my last apt-get.

2000-06-03 Thread Shaul Karl
I got used to not working with the Delete key becuase it had the functionality 
of a back space. But a few months ago I found out that it was fixed. Yet after 
my last apt-get I found that it is once again working exactly as the backspace 
Can you advise how to fix it? Why was the fix broken again?

Thank you.


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-06-03 Thread Jens Müller

How do I configure the sockd? I just want that i 
can enter some infos into all proggies on the LAN PCs, so that they can use 
services like ICQ, Napster etc. I use an ippp-connection.


Jens Müller

Re: woody: Delete key works like back space after my last apt-get.

2000-06-03 Thread Colin Watson
Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I got used to not working with the Delete key becuase it had the
functionality of a back space. But a few months ago I found out that it
was fixed. Yet after my last apt-get I found that it is once again
working exactly as the backspace key.
Can you advise how to fix it? Why was the fix broken again?

Please read Branden Robinson's recent posting to debian-user (and other
lists), headed:

  IMPORNTANT FIX: Having weird X problems?  Wheel mouse or xterm keys
  not working right?

He gave a patch, and said that this will be fixed in 3.3.6-8.


Re: perl and exim filter

2000-06-03 Thread nitebirdz
On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have recently been setting up my email on 
 the linux side and decided to use a tip that 
 I found in an old addition of the linux gazette.
 Basically the idea is to create a filter for mail
 leaving the local system. I tried to use it a few 
 times but the mail keep being sent back with the 
   A message that you sent could not be delivered 
   to all of its recipients. The following address(es) 
   SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
   host []:
   553 does not exist
 Anyway here is the code in question. 
   while () {
   if (/^From: /) { 
   s/.*/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/; 
 The idea is to place a reference to this on exim.conf and it would
 be used when mail was being sent outside of the system.
 I know next to nothing about perl  and I'm not sure whether the 
 author may have made a typo or the syntax may be outdated. When I 
 try to source it I get the following:
   bash: /usr/local/bin/mail-filter: line 3: syntax error near unexpected 
 token `()'
   bash: /usr/local/bin/mail-filter: line 3: `while () {'

I'm afraid I won't be of much help, but whenever I check for either or I don't seem to be able to find the domains at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jortega]$ nslookup

*** No address (A) records available for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] jortega]$ nslookup

*** can't find Non-existent host/domain

Are you sure you're not dealing with a simple name resolution and mail
problem here, as opposed to a scripting problem?

Tips, articles, news, links...

help with a simple C program

2000-06-03 Thread Shao Zhang
Could anyone explain to me why the following C program always fails?
I mean the setsockopt always fails. Thanks for the help.

Thanks for any help in advance.



=cut here==
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include sys/types.h
int main(void)
int sd, error;
const char f = 1;

sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); /* 0 for IP protocol */
error = setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) f, 1);
if (error == -1)
printf(setsockopt on %d failed!!\n, sd);

return 0;


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

arp -D

2000-06-03 Thread Scott Mann

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the -D
flag to arp. The man page simply says

Use the interface ifa's hardware address.

What does this mean?


Re: Compile problems

2000-06-03 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I would suggest to use instead the kernel-package, wich contains the command
make-kpkg. It is specially designed for debian, and takes care of all the 
steps. If
you need more details ask.

Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:

 Jay Kelly wrote:
  Can someone tell me the steps needed to compile a kernel. I am having
  problems with Unresolved symbols. I first run 'make config' and select the
  option I want. Then I use'make dep' 'make clean; after that I compile the
  kernel with 'make bzImage' then I use 'make bzlilo; The 'make modules;make
  modules_install'  and reboot. Evertime I get some kind of Unresolved symbol.
  And help would be great..

 Hi Jay

 You simply do too much things in the wrong order...

 make config(or menuconfig)
 make dep
 make bzImage
 make modules
 make modules_install
 cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.x.y
 cp /boot/

 modify /etc/lilo.conf to apply to new kernel image and run lilo

 note: x.y indicate the kernel version. i use this system since i use to
 them frequently and maybe you don't need.

 it also can appear ex: /boot/vmlinuz-custom or whatever you want.
 it's just important you remember than to put the same name in lilo.conf

  _  ___  ____  ___  ___  _  __  _  _  __  _
 |_   _||  _|| |  |  _||  _|| _ || \/ |  | ||_   _||  _  || |  | ||  _  |
   | |  |  _|| |_ |  _|| |_ | _ || \/ |  | |  | |  |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
   |_|  |___||___||___||___||___||_||_|  |_|  |_|  |_| |_||___||_||_| |_|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - South European @ccess Back Bone
  -- ---
   Fabio Massimo Di Nitto   | Debian GNU/Linux Woody 2.2.15
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | running on
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Laptop AMD K6-2 400Mhz 64Mb

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Re: OT: named cache

2000-06-03 Thread Nate Duehr
I've never seen any disk usage for anything other than master zones on
the seven nameservers I run, if that's any help.

Without having looked at the source, it would appear that named writes
some temporary files during zone-transfers, and can be configured to
dump statistics in a database-like format file.

Other than that, the cache is not using hard disk space at all, as far
as I can tell.

I'm in the process of building a CD-ROM boot disk that has a live Debian
filesystem on it and logging cranked down with logrotate aggressively
rotating off the logs ... that all runs from ramdisk as a test of how to
create cheap caching-only/forwarding nameservers.  I'll put up a URL
here in -user once I have it working if anyone wants to play with it.

On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 02:23:37PM -0700, Chris Baker wrote:
 Bob Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I haven't asked a big dummy question in awhile; here goes:
  Is named's cache of dns query results held in memory only or is it ever - 
  any reason - written to a file?
 Memory only, last time I checked at least.  Anybody else?


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Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: help with a simple C program

2000-06-03 Thread Chris Gray
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 11:58:50PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
 Could anyone explain to me why the following C program always fails?
 I mean the setsockopt always fails. Thanks for the help.
 Thanks for any help in advance.
 sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); /* 0 for IP protocol */
 error = setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) f, 1);
 if (error == -1)
 printf(setsockopt on %d failed!!\n, sd);

According to the setsockopt(2) man page, you should probably be using an
int for f.  This makes the length be 4, which makes the program work for
me.  Of course, I'm not a socket programming expert by any means, so
take this with a grain of salt.


pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
softly in the brimming bowl.

Re: X on a 486

2000-06-03 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 11:03, Sven Burgener wrote:
 Apropos 486 and firewall: what requirements are there for a firewall /
 masq. gateway to serve a LAN of approx. 20 - 50 clients?
 I mean, I have seen a 486 25sx w/z a cable modem serve up to 5 clients
 completely fine. It has IIRC 48 mbs of ram and was using about 100
 ipchains rules. Are there any tests / comparisons on this subject?

I once used a 486-DX100 between a 35+ client internal network and a 1.1MB
DSL line. No problems. May still be running for all I know, I don't work
there anymore.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: mounting cdroms

2000-06-03 Thread mcclosk

| How do I give normal users permissions to mount cd-roms? Do I add
| them to a group?? Which one?  Please 'CC' me in a reply.

If you put this line in /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda/cdrom  iso9660  ro,user,noauto,unhide

then any user should be able to mount a cdrom file-system at /cdrom,
with either:

  mount /dev/hda


  mount /cdrom

The device-name will probably be different on your system, of
course. If you have a symlink from /dev/cdrom to the real device-file,
I imagine you can use that instead.

The `ro' option mounts the file system as read-only.

The `user' option lets any user mount the file-system.

`noauto' means that the file-system is not automatically mounted at
boot time (presumably what's wanted in the general case)

`nohide' shows hidden and associated files.

One caution: only the user who mounts the cdrom can un-mount it again.

Hope this helps,


Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi Mirek, list

Problem is that diskette is unformated :)

I noticed that it worked after having formatted them. Thanks though.

Yes, yes - you don't need any filesystem on it but formatted sectors
necessary :(

Oh, well, that's news for me. Why is this though? AFAIK, dd writes
directly onto the disks without and not via an fs?

Anyway, I now have new problems. :-)
Aren't they nice, they give you something to spend your time with, don't
they. :-)

When booting, I get lots of errors about dependencies and when issuing
modprobe ppp or something, I get:

modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.0.35/modules.dep
(No such file or directory)

This is really weird as I am running potato here and not any of the
2.0.x series kernels!? In fact, 2.2.15 is what shipped with the boot
disks I sucked off a deb mirror.

Thanks for help!

Re: Compile problems

2000-06-03 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I would suggest to use instead the kernel-package, wich contains the command
 make-kpkg. It is specially designed for debian, and takes care of all the 
 steps. If
 you need more details ask.
 Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
  Jay Kelly wrote:
   Can someone tell me the steps needed to compile a kernel. I am having


Yes make-kpkg is also a good solution but i personal prefer to do it all
by hand ...
it give more satisfaction :)

 _  ___  ____  ___  ___  _  __  _  _  __  _
|_   _||  _|| |  |  _||  _|| _ || \/ |  | ||_   _||  _  || |  | ||  _  |
  | |  |  _|| |_ |  _|| |_ | _ || \/ |  | |  | |  |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
  |_|  |___||___||___||___||___||_||_|  |_|  |_|  |_| |_||___||_||_| |_|
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - South European @ccess Back Bone
 -- ---
  Fabio Massimo Di Nitto   | Debian GNU/Linux Woody 2.2.15
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | running on
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Laptop AMD K6-2 400Mhz 64Mb

Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
When booting, I get lots of errors about dependencies and when issuing
modprobe ppp or something, I get:

Besides that, when calling pppd, I get a message saying that the kernel
isn't config'ed for PPP. I surely chose this during the floppy
installation, though. What's the problem here?!
Probably also due to the modules problem, right? I _need_ to use it as I
want to fetch Exim, Samba and lots of other nice things from my local
debian mirror!

I want this potato baby to run, so I really need help here!! Thanks in


Re: Modules

2000-06-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
what kind of controller is the cdrom hooked up to? the onboard ide
controller? if so you need no module, if it is hooked up to a sound card
or something you must specify the soundcard or other controller for
someone to assist you. 

as for the modem is it a hardware modem? what com port is it set to? what
brand/model is the modem?


On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, T wrote:

icy4 Hi,
icy4 i just got a cd drive for my computer and i was wondering what module i 
should install to use it?  It is a 40x Diamond Data.  Could someone please help 
me.  I also got an internal modem.  How do i get it to recognise this?  When i 
try to set up a ppp account, it will not detect it as a modem.
icy4 THanks
icy4 Scott
icy4 ___
icy4 GO Network Mail
icy4 Get Your Free, Private E-mail at
icy4 -- 
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Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread John Hasler
Sven Burgener writes:
 Besides that, when calling pppd, I get a message saying that the kernel
 isn't config'ed for PPP.

That is one of pppd's favorite error messages, and it is almost always

 What's the problem here?!

Permissions, usually.  How are calling pppd?  Are you using pon?  How did
you configure ppp?  With pppconfig?

 Probably also due to the modules problem, right?

Could be.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
That is one of pppd's favorite error messages, and it is almost always
 What's the problem here?!

Permissions, usually.  How are calling pppd?  Are you using pon?  How
you configure ppp?  With pppconfig?

Yes, pon bw with bw as my provider connection name, having set up
the connection previously with pppconfig.

 Probably also due to the modules problem, right?
 Could be.

But how do I solve that? There are modules, but all of the new version,
so what's to be done?


Re: nextawg-0.5.1-34 vs. nextaw-0.8-2

2000-06-03 Thread Colin Watson
What's the difference between these two nextaw packages ? It seems that
only 1 of these can be installed at any time. And also, nextawg produces
the NeXt-style look that I want, but with nextaw the scrollbars of
X-apps become weird.

-g normally denotes a libc6 package, as opposed to the old libc5 ones
(though nextaw depends on libc6. Odd). Anyhow, nextaw is in the oldlibs
section, so you can ignore it in favour of nextawg.


pdflib install

2000-06-03 Thread Roger Hales

Hello list

Although thereare no pdflib deb packages 
available, I wish to install pdflib-3.0 as an extension of php4. 

i586 debian 2.2 potato

So far...

Php4 with mysql and gd extension working 
well. Pdflib compiled from sourcein /usr/local. php.ini has 
appropriate entry (and also as this 
was also required for a previous successful redhat6 install).
The .so files placed in 

Doesn't work...any help greatly 



2000-06-03 Thread Daniel Burrows

Could someone please send me there wine.conf file as I'm having trouble
getting it to work. Please 'CC' it to me.


Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener

 Besides that, when calling pppd, I get a message saying that the
 isn't config'ed for PPP.

That is one of pppd's favorite error messages, and it is almost always

I solved the ppp problem by setting up things correctly. :-) One thing
was setting the correct tty(!) Sorry, my apologies.
The other thing I did involved substituting ATDT with ATDI as I have an
(external) ISDN Adapter here.

On the other subject of modules, I have to apologise again as I booted
with the wrong(!) kernel into the right system. :-)
See, I have two different distros installed over two harddisks. Now I'm
still having initial trouble with correctly setting the other distro's
LILO to boot debian.

Now, after having done all that, I needed to delete the defaultroute as
it wasn't set correctly and as pppd doesn't replace a defaultroute
that's already set. I did this by editing /etc/network/interfaces. I
commented out the last line containing gateway. I just want to know if
that's the correct way.

Thanks for your support!
I love this stuff!



2000-06-03 Thread maxine
Hi-I just finished installing XFree4.0 over the top of XFree3.3.x.  My
problem is that I can't get the mouse to function.  Configure detects it
as /dev/mouse, that doesn't work.  I changed it to /dev/psaux, like
Xfree3.3.x, but this doesn't work either.  Anyone know how to get the
mouse working.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: OT: named cache

2000-06-03 Thread Eric 'Alibut
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 09:32:36AM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:

 I've never seen any disk usage for anything other than master zones on
 the seven nameservers I run, if that's any help.

Yes. As soon as I posted this question I thought to take a peek at
comp.protocols.dns.bind where my eyes almost immediately fell on a thread
Where's the cache? Here's a snip:

 Ok this might be a dumb question but my logs have a lot of messages like
 Cleaned cache of 49 RRsets, there's also the ncache_tt, which implies
 stuff is being cached on my box, where is this cache?

In named's memory.

I'm wondering what resources are being used and how running a caching

Use ps to see the size of the named process to see how much VM it's

There's nothing new under the sun. g

 I'm in the process of building a CD-ROM boot disk that has a live Debian
 filesystem on it and logging cranked down with logrotate aggressively
 rotating off the logs ... that all runs from ramdisk as a test of how to
 create cheap caching-only/forwarding nameservers.  I'll put up a URL
 here in -user once I have it working if anyone wants to play with it.

Please do!

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA

LILO boot problem

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

I have trouble setting up LILO correctly. :-(
When booting LILO V20 (on other distro), I get error 0x02. This is
when I try to boot debian potato from a different disk (/dev/hdb) using
the other distro's LILO. (Other distro is on /dev/sda)

This is what (part of) my config file looks like:

# Start LILO global Section
#compact# faster, but won't work on all systems.
vga = normal# force sane state
# End LILO global section


image = /vmlinuz
root = /dev/sda3
label = Normal

other = /dev/hdb
label = potato
#root = /dev/hdb1

On /dev/hdb, where debian resides, I have set up another LILO config
file and installed it and LILO into /dev/hdb and /dev/hdb1(this is the

What do I need to do next?!


naming kernel images (potato)

2000-06-03 Thread Pann McCuaig
Whenever I've built a kernel I've used the following syntax:

# make-kpkg --rev tux.1.0 kernel_image

where tux identifies the machine to me and 1.0 identifies which of
my revisions of the kernel I'm dealing with.

I install the resulting kernel-image-...-.deb with dpkg -i.

I recently upgraded a box to potato, grabbed the source for
kernel-2.2.15, and built and installed a kernel. No worries.


# apt-get update ; apt-get -s upgrade

offered to upgrade kernel-image-2.2.15 for me.  :-(

I definitely don't want that to happen. It's never happened before under
slink, hamm, bo, or rex that I recall.

Deep in the vague recesses of my memory I seem to recall an issue
similar to this being discussed, with a suggestion for naming kernel
images to avoid the problem.

Details, anyone? Thanks.

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: naming kernel images (potato)

2000-06-03 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 12:37:11PM -0700, Pann McCuaig wrote:
 Whenever I've built a kernel I've used the following syntax:
 # make-kpkg --rev tux.1.0 kernel_image
 where tux identifies the machine to me and 1.0 identifies which of
 my revisions of the kernel I'm dealing with.
 I install the resulting kernel-image-...-.deb with dpkg -i.
 I recently upgraded a box to potato, grabbed the source for
 kernel-2.2.15, and built and installed a kernel. No worries.
 # apt-get update ; apt-get -s upgrade
 offered to upgrade kernel-image-2.2.15 for me.  :-(
 I definitely don't want that to happen. It's never happened before under
 slink, hamm, bo, or rex that I recall.
 Deep in the vague recesses of my memory I seem to recall an issue
 similar to this being discussed, with a suggestion for naming kernel
 images to avoid the problem.


# make-kpkg --rev 3:tux.1.0 kernel-image

The 3 is an epoch (not sure that kernel-package will let you use them, but
give it a try). The epoch will override other versions of a lower epoch
even if the rest of the version is higher.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: naming kernel images (potato)

2000-06-03 Thread Bart Szyszka
 Whenever I've built a kernel I've used the following syntax:
 # make-kpkg --rev tux.1.0 kernel_image
 where tux identifies the machine to me and 1.0 identifies which of
 my revisions of the kernel I'm dealing with.
 I install the resulting kernel-image-...-.deb with dpkg -i.
 I recently upgraded a box to potato, grabbed the source for
 kernel-2.2.15, and built and installed a kernel. No worries.
 # apt-get update ; apt-get -s upgrade
 offered to upgrade kernel-image-2.2.15 for me.  :-(

I had the same problem and ended up putting the kernel-image...
package on hold using dselect. Now I'll just get new versions of

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
PayPal - Securely send money to an e-mail user![EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim and perl filter

2000-06-03 Thread Kris


which works but changes the address of internal mail as well.
Can anyone see any problems with this code. I don't know much
about perl and was wondering if the code contained any obvious
(to perl coders) errors.

It gives the following when I source ( . /usr/local/bin/mail-filter )

From what I can remember, the article in LG never tells you to do that. 
This filter is used by Exim, not by Mutt. Exim catches outgoing mail to 
non-local hosts, and filters them through the script. Mutt has nothing to 
do with it.

-- bash: =: command not found
-- bash: /usr/local/bin/mail2: line 3: syntax error near
   unexpected token `while(){'
-- bash: /usr/local/bin/mail2: line 3: `while(){'

That's bash complaining, not Mutt, nor Exim. You don't use 'source' on the 
script within Mutt or from the shell. Exim runs and uses the script. (if 
you're not using Mutt's source command, or the I might be confused).

Have you restarted Exim for the changes to the config file to take effect?

With regards to this error:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
host []:
553 does not exist

It seems as though it's the servers on the ISP side are rejecting the 
message because doesn't exist (maybe obvious, but I'm waffling 
anyway so I may as well say it). If is the domain that's in the 
From: header of your outgoing messages without the Perl script, then maybe 
you haven't restarted Exim.

I can't think of anything else; when I followed the instructions in LG 32 
(IIRC; maybe it was 42 or 43... there's a revised version in the issue 
after) I had no problems with it; worked fine.

Let me know how you get on and what the problem was.


Kris | ab imo pectore

Getting bigger and more disgusting as we speak.
  -- Ms FreakyBee

yahoo messenger

2000-06-03 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Has anybody tried the java version offered by the yahoo site? Do we have
any similar clone debianised?

printcap file

2000-06-03 Thread Joseph de los Santos

I've just setup my printer (hp deskjet 855c) and when I test it via lptest 
/dev/lp0 it prints but only the first line then stops or goes to the next page 
then printsjust one line again (some letters and some garbage) and I think 
this has something to do with my /etc/printcap file because I am using just 
the default one (generic). Can somebody please send me their printcap file (hp 
deskjet 855c preferably) or any printcap file that can work with this type of 


Re: potato boot floppies

2000-06-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 08:39:27PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
 On the other subject of modules, I have to apologise again as I booted
 with the wrong(!) kernel into the right system. :-)
 See, I have two different distros installed over two harddisks. Now I'm
 still having initial trouble with correctly setting the other distro's
 LILO to boot debian.

Just edit /etc/lilo.conf for one/both of the distros to have entries for
both distros (the first one is the default, if default isn't specified)
and run lilo (see man lilo).

 Now, after having done all that, I needed to delete the defaultroute as
 it wasn't set correctly and as pppd doesn't replace a defaultroute
 that's already set. I did this by editing /etc/network/interfaces. I
 commented out the last line containing gateway. I just want to know if
 that's the correct way.

pppconfig *will* set-up the default route if you select Advanced option
then select the Default route option.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: help with a simple C program

2000-06-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 11:58:50PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
 Could anyone explain to me why the following C program always fails?
 I mean the setsockopt always fails. Thanks for the help.
 Thanks for any help in advance.
 =cut here==
 #include stdio.h
 #include stdlib.h
 #include sys/socket.h
 #include sys/types.h
 int main(void)
 int sd, error;
 const char f = 1;
  ^^ (make it an int)
 sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); /* 0 for IP protocol */
 error = setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) f, 1);
   no cast,
 if (error == -1)
 printf(setsockopt on %d failed!!\n, sd);
 return 0;

Realize, I could be wrong (but those changes made it work here).

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: yahoo messenger

2000-06-03 Thread Joseph de los Santos
I do not know if there are any debianised clones of yahoo messenger but there 
are a lot of clones you can choose from like gtkyahoo,kyahoo,chimmy's yahoo 
client etc, take your pick. go to and search yahoo. 
unfortunately, you will most likely install it from source ;)

 Has anybody tried the java version offered by the yahoo site? Do we have
 any similar clone debianised?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

TCP domain connection

2000-06-03 Thread Igor Mozetic

I'm observing TCP connections to port 53 (domain) to our
(secondary) name server from unknown locations.
ippl.log looks like:

Jun  3 21:51:59 domain connection attempt from  [x.x.x.x]

As far as I understand, these are not DNS queries since they
are UDP. Is this a break-in attemtp, should I ignore it, how
to prevent it (TCP wrappers don't work here) ... ?

-Igor Mozetic

Re: TCP domain connection

2000-06-03 Thread Jens Müller

- Original Message - 
From: Igor Mozetic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2000 11:30 PM
Subject: TCP domain connection

 I'm observing TCP connections to port 53 (domain) to our
 (secondary) name server from unknown locations.
 ippl.log looks like:
 Jun  3 21:51:59 domain connection attempt from  [x.x.x.x]
 As far as I understand, these are not DNS queries since they
 are UDP. Is this a break-in attemtp, should I ignore it, how
 to prevent it (TCP wrappers don't work here) ... ?
ipfwadm or ipchains

Re: help on setting up lan

2000-06-03 Thread Shaul Karl
 Dear sir 
 ref: I got your reference from
   Myself L Navin Kumar an electrical engineer,interested in setting up a 
 based LAN (server and dumb clients/terminals) for Net Cafe in
 Nagpur(Maharastra)  INDIA.
   Please send me the information about how you  can help me .
   e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I am looking forward for your reply.

I would start with the HOWTOs:
The following seems to me relevant as well:

 Truly yours
 L Navin Kumar
 Get free email and a permanent address at
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--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mouse troubles

2000-06-03 Thread Dietmar
Steve wrote:

 Need a little advice. I just loaded potato on my machine. I'm using a ps2
 style mouse with the psaux device. I also have gpm loaded and the mouse
 works fine with it. The trouble come when I load the GUI (gnome at this
 point). All the settings in XF86Config are the same as I've had before
 /dev/psaux and ps2(with RedHat and SuSE). Potato was a clean install, so
 there are no remnants left behind from an upgrade. Any ideas where I can
 look for a fix?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

When I recently installed potato (first gpm, then X) I saw that my mouse-device 
set to /dev/gpmdata with Microsoft protocol. This works fine although I have a 
mouse, whereas /dev/psaux and PS2-protocol don't work.

potato base2_2.tgz?

2000-06-03 Thread Robert L. Harris

I have a friend who's trying to install potato, he got the floppies, 
downloaded the full binary-i386, etc, but we can't find base2_2.tgz
on  Anyone know a path?


Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: TCP domain connection

2000-06-03 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Igor!

On Sat, 03 Jun 2000, Igor Mozetic wrote:

 As far as I understand, these are not DNS queries since they
 are UDP.

DNS queries usually are UDP actually.


Re: naming kernel images (potato)

2000-06-03 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 03:45:39PM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 12:37:11PM -0700, Pann McCuaig wrote:
  Whenever I've built a kernel I've used the following syntax:
  # make-kpkg --rev tux.1.0 kernel_image
  where tux identifies the machine to me and 1.0 identifies which of
  my revisions of the kernel I'm dealing with.
  I install the resulting kernel-image-...-.deb with dpkg -i.
  I recently upgraded a box to potato, grabbed the source for
  kernel-2.2.15, and built and installed a kernel. No worries.
  # apt-get update ; apt-get -s upgrade
  offered to upgrade kernel-image-2.2.15 for me.  :-(
  I definitely don't want that to happen. It's never happened before under
  slink, hamm, bo, or rex that I recall.
  Deep in the vague recesses of my memory I seem to recall an issue
  similar to this being discussed, with a suggestion for naming kernel
  images to avoid the problem.
 # make-kpkg --rev 3:tux.1.0 kernel-image
 The 3 is an epoch (not sure that kernel-package will let you use them, but
 give it a try). The epoch will override other versions of a lower epoch
 even if the rest of the version is higher.

Yes, kernel-package will recognize the epoch.  I've been doing exactly


Bob Nielsen, N7XY  (RN2)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bainbridge Island, WA

Hosts.allow confusion

2000-06-03 Thread Jon Hughes
I am attempting to let machiens from a certain domain
( we'll call it) telnet into my machine.  
The IP Address will change each time so I know I can't
do the simple ALL: method.  I've looked in
hosts_access but the characters it indicates aren't
showing up correctly (in Console it says type character here) but that character is
different in a terminal in X).

Can anyone give me some advice on this?  Thank you


God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: yahoo messenger

2000-06-03 Thread Ron Farrer
Joseph de los Santos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I do not know if there are any debianised clones of yahoo messenger but there 
 are a lot of clones you can choose from like gtkyahoo,kyahoo,chimmy's yahoo 
 client etc, take your pick. go to and search yahoo. 
 unfortunately, you will most likely install it from source ;)
  Has anybody tried the java version offered by the yahoo site? Do we have
  any similar clone debianised?

GTKYahoo source is already debianised. Just grab the source and do a
dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc in the main source tree. 

According to the package, Maintainer: Dan Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED], is
the maintainer.

I've been running 0.16 for several months now and like it.


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alpha Linux Organization:
Alpha News:
Bellingham Linux Users Group:

Description: PGP signature

Re: TCP domain connection

2000-06-03 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Igor!

On Sun, 04 Jun 2000, Igor Mozetic wrote:

 Peter Palfrader writes:
As far as I understand, these are not DNS queries since they
are UDP.
   DNS queries usually are UDP actually.
 Well, this is my point. DNS queries are UDP and are not logged
 by ippl. But I get TCP queries to port 53. What are they ??

Sorry, I missed your point. AFAIK clients may open a TCP connection to 
a nameserver under some circumstances. IIRC exim does this for example 
when querying the MX record for a domain. I might be wrong though.


Re: potato base2_2.tgz?

2000-06-03 Thread Colin Watson
Robert L. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a friend who's trying to install potato, he got the floppies, 
downloaded the full binary-i386, etc, but we can't find base2_2.tgz
on  Anyone know a path?




Samba printing question

2000-06-03 Thread Bob Nielsen
I have set up samba so my wife can print from Windows 95 to the printer
on my Linux box (dj520 configured with magicfilter).  It prints fine,
but after the page ejects,  a second page is printed with:

%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
   %%[ LastPage ]%%

I suppose this is some PostScript code, probably generated by the
Windows Laserwriter II NT driver I selected. Is there any way to
suppress this?


Bob Nielsen, N7XY  (RN2)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bainbridge Island, WA

Re: potato base2_2.tgz?

2000-06-03 Thread Robert L. Harris

Actually, I meant woody instead of potato, but he is installing
potato.  I've gotten that base file.  Now to get lilo to work with
his drive (40Gig ide)...

Thus spake Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Robert L. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a friend who's trying to install potato, he got the floppies, 
 downloaded the full binary-i386, etc, but we can't find base2_2.tgz
 on  Anyone know a path?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

RE: Samba printing question

2000-06-03 Thread C. Falconer
Specifically about your question, I don't know but I have a DJ 850 here 
shared via samba (off the linux machine) and my win9x boxes have the HP 
driver for the 850 (1)

Why do you need to use a laserwriter driver?

(1) the HP drivers give much better quality colour than Micros~1 supplied 

From:   Bob Nielsen[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Sunday, 4 June 2000 10:50 AM
Subject:Samba printing question

I have set up samba so my wife can print from Windows 95 to the printer
on my Linux box (dj520 configured with magicfilter).  It prints fine,
but after the page ejects,  a second page is printed with:

%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
   %%[ LastPage ]%%

I suppose this is some PostScript code, probably generated by the
Windows Laserwriter II NT driver I selected. Is there any way to
suppress this?


Bob Nielsen, N7XY  (RN2)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bainbridge Island, WA

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Cfdisk + win98 + 8.4 GB = DANGER!

2000-06-03 Thread David Henningsson is what I've learned, the hard way (no guarantees, but I'm
quite sure about this now).

1) For large disks, win98 uses LBA mode. That is, the partition *must* be
Win95 FAT32 LBA and not Win95 FAT32. (Otherwise, windows writes on your
linux partition, which may cause severe file system damage)

2) In case you want to make logical partitions, cfdisk automatically
reserves a primary partition for this, which it gives id 5, Dos extended.
For large disks, THIS IS WRONG, because the LBA rule is here too: It should
be id 0f: Win95 Extended LBA. (Otherwise, windows writes on your linux
partition, which may cause severe file system damage) 

3) There can be only one primary DOS partition and one extended (primary)
DOS partition on one hard disk, or windows goes crazy complaining about
corrupt partition table (might have been why win-fdisk integrity-checked my

I don't know if this is something I should report somewhere, but at least
you know about it now. Spread the word.

/ David

Re: LILO boot problem

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener
When booting LILO V20 (on other distro), I get error 0x02. This is

Sorry, but the error code should have been 0x01 instead. Apologies.
In a README I've found data on error code 0x01:

   0x01   Illegal command. This shouldn't happen, but if it does, it
indicate an attempt to access a disk which is not supported by the
BIOS. See also Warning: BIOS drive 0xnumber may not be
in section Warnings.

Strange. It is /dev/hdb I'm trying to access that leads to the above
error (from the LILO which is on /dev/sda). The machine has an on-board
SCSI card. I can mount and play around with /dev/hdb fine after booting
the distro on /dev/sda.

An fdisk -l reveals the following infos:

Disk /dev/hdb: 16 heads, 51 sectors, 1010 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 816 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1   * 1   4819558+  83  Linux native
/dev/hdb249  19258752   82  Linux swap
/dev/hdb3   193 1010   333744   83  Linux native

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 131 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1 11 8001   83  Linux native
/dev/sda2 2748195   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda3 8  131   996030   83  Linux native

I have also attached the two LILO configuration files onto this mail.
I just can't boot debian (/dev/hdb) from suse (/dev/sda).

Anyone got a bright idea?

Thanks a lot!

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: LILO boot problem

2000-06-03 Thread Sven Burgener

I don't know if it would help you, but I got error 0x01...which was
I forgot to enable the disk in my BIOS.

In fact my error is 0x01, as yours. In my BIOS I too haven't enabled the
IDE disk. This hasnt been a problem to Linux so far as it bypasses the
BIOS in many cases AFAIK.

Now, upon booting I see that /dev/hdb has the CHS figures 1010 / 16 /
51. Even when using those, the BIOS errors telling me it couldn't
recognise any IDE disk!

The disk is a Quantum LPS420A-2. I saw that hdb indicates that the disk
isn't on first position on the IDE cable, so I changed it to first, but
funnily the disk still shows up as hdb when booting. This is weird, or
am I just missing something?
I did this as I the BIOS wouldn't let me enter data for the second IDE
device if the first one was unused.

Hmm, this is really tricky. Help is appreciated as always.


Re: yahoo messenger

2000-06-03 Thread Bart Szyszka
 Has anybody tried the java version offered by the yahoo site? Do we have
 any similar clone debianised?

No particularly Yahoo Messenger-specific, but you might want to look into
a Jabber client like Gabber:

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
PayPal - Securely send money to an e-mail user![EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TCP domain connection

2000-06-03 Thread Steve Zinck
It's probably nothing to worry about.  But if they're zone transfers, 
you can prevent that (BIND 8.x syntax ...) with allow-transfer in your 
named.conf.  ie:

zone {
allow-transfer { 123.456.7.8; };

Also, if you're worried about BIND security, you might want to look into 
running it under chroot.  I believe SecurityFocus and have 
good tutorials.


On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 11:30:46PM +0200, Igor Mozetic wrote:
 I'm observing TCP connections to port 53 (domain) to our
 (secondary) name server from unknown locations.
 ippl.log looks like:
 Jun  3 21:51:59 domain connection attempt from  [x.x.x.x]
 As far as I understand, these are not DNS queries since they
 are UDP. Is this a break-in attemtp, should I ignore it, how
 to prevent it (TCP wrappers don't work here) ... ?

 -Igor Mozetic


Video problems during 2.2 install

2000-06-03 Thread Larry Elmore
I have a 20 fixed-freq monitor that uses a special Permedia2 video card. It
works fine except for some DOS games that like  640x480 resolution (like
Harpoon 2 -- it doesn't _require_ higher res, but it's a whole _lot_ nicer
with it).

The Debian 2.2 boot disk apparently displays some graphic of a penguin when
it starts up the kernel (so I've been told). All I know is that my monitor
goes _dead_ at that point, as dead as if I pulled the cable from the video
card. There's disk activity afterwards, and if I put in the root disk after
it stops, and press ENTER, it appears to load it into RAM. Still no
display though, which makes further progress pretty much impossible. Is
there any way to turn off this graphic so I can install 2.2?

I can open up my machine and remove the PCI video card and disconnect the
monitor, borrow a 15 monitor and hook it up to the motherboard's video and
install it that way, but if there's a switch to pass to turn off the
graphic, I'd much rather do that. I really hope that answer's not in the
release or install notes or I'm going to feel really dumb because I've gone
over them a couple of time now without seeing any mention of this...

The 2.1 disks work on my machine, but absolutely refuse to recognize my UDMA
controller and the hard drive on it that I want to put Linux on. I pass the
proper parameters (linux ide2=0xfca8,0xfcba ide3=0xfcb0,0xfcbe) and I can
see that the kernel finds the drive just fine as it boots (the partition is
type Linux and formatted ext2fs). The install program does _not_ see that
drive at all, though.

Any help at all will be greatly appreciated!


Re: Hosts.allow confusion

2000-06-03 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya jon

check that your telnet daemon is called /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
   grep -i telnetd /etc/inetd.conf

remember that hosts.allow is read before hosts.deny

so you can use positive or negative logic which ever file
you decide to use...


# hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#   allowed to use the local INET services, as decided by
#   the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
# Version:  @(#)/etc/hosts.allow1.0005/28/93
# Author:   Fred N. van Kempen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# end of empty file

# hosts.denyThis file describes the names of the hosts which are
#   *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
# Version:  @(#)/etc/hosts.deny 1.0005/28/93
# Author:   Fred N. van Kempen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# deny everybody telnet access except: ( use ip# is even better )
in.telnetd :ALL EXCEPT
# end of file

restart inetdand try it

if you do not want to muck with these files on all machines...
allow/disallow  it from the firewall...

better still use ssh instead of telnet/ftp/pop3/etc/etc

have fun linuxing

On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Jon Hughes wrote:

 I am attempting to let machiens from a certain domain
 ( we'll call it) telnet into my machine.  
 The IP Address will change each time so I know I can't
 do the simple ALL: method.  I've looked in
 hosts_access but the characters it indicates aren't
 showing up correctly (in Console it says type character here) but that character is
 different in a terminal in X).
 Can anyone give me some advice on this?  Thank you
 God, Root. What is the difference?
   Pitr, User Friendly
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Editing the order of modules in the boot sequence

2000-06-03 Thread Eric Hagglund
How do I change the order of loading for modules? I
need to load my ppa driver before lp so that I can get
my zip drive to work. Also, once the driver is loaded,
how do I determine what device handles in in /dev?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Dual boot problem!

2000-06-03 Thread Daisy Nguyen Davis

I installed linux on apartition of 7GB using text installation and
fdisk instead of diskdruid because diskdruid limited the size of each
partition to 4GB maximum.

I installed the PC with dual boot: winnt and Linux.  When the system
boot up, it only see Linux at the boot time.  I was surprise that the
system did not see the NT partition.  I added the winnt in




Then boot it again and the system still cannot see the winnt partition.
This is my disk patition table:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1245 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   319   25623367  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2   320   344200812+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda3   345  1245   7237282+  83  Linux

I can see that in my first Linux PC (I used diskdruid) the patition table
has an extended partition the size of the entire Linux file system.
This is my first PC's partition table:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1245 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   392   3148708+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2   393  1245   6851722+   5  Extended
/dev/hda5   393   802   3293293+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6   803   835265041   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda7   836  1245   3293293+  83  Linux

You can see on the second one, I used fdisk and there is no extended
partition.  All partitions on the second PC with problem are primary.
Do you have any ideas what is wrong with the setup?  How can I make my
PC see both operating systems without reinstall it?

Thank you,

Re: Video problems during 2.2 install

2000-06-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 06:30:59PM -0600, Larry Elmore wrote:
 I have a 20 fixed-freq monitor that uses a special Permedia2 video
 card. It works fine except for some DOS games that like  640x480
 resolution (like Harpoon 2 -- it doesn't _require_ higher res, but
 it's a whole _lot_ nicer with it).
 The Debian 2.2 boot disk apparently displays some graphic of a penguin
 when it starts up the kernel (so I've been told). All I know is that
 my monitor goes _dead_ at that point, as dead as if I pulled the cable
 from the video card. There's disk activity afterwards, and if I put in
 the root disk after it stops, and press ENTER, it appears to load it
 into RAM. Still no display though, which makes further progress pretty
 much impossible. Is there any way to turn off this graphic so I can
 install 2.2?

Not sure, but I don't think the framebuffer is enabled by default (this
is what'll load that penguin logo).  Anyway, you can check while doin
the installation by switching to another VT, login as root and look at
/etc/lilo.conf.  To enable the framebuffer, it'll have a line like
'append=video=vesa:...'.  If it does have such a line, just remove it
and rerun lilo.  Otherwise, I'd say the problem is elsewhere.

 I can open up my machine and remove the PCI video card and disconnect
 the monitor, borrow a 15 monitor and hook it up to the motherboard's
 video and install it that way, but if there's a switch to pass to turn
 off the graphic, I'd much rather do that. I really hope that answer's
 not in the release or install notes or I'm going to feel really dumb
 because I've gone over them a couple of time now without seeing any
 mention of this...
 The 2.1 disks work on my machine, but absolutely refuse to recognize
 my UDMA controller and the hard drive on it that I want to put Linux
 on. I pass the proper parameters (linux ide2=0xfca8,0xfcba
 ide3=0xfcb0,0xfcbe) and I can see that the kernel finds the drive just
 fine as it boots (the partition is type Linux and formatted ext2fs).
 The install program does _not_ see that drive at all, though.


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Re: Samba printing question

2000-06-03 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 10:57:52AM +1200, C. Falconer wrote:
 Specifically about your question, I don't know but I have a DJ 850 here 
 shared via samba (off the linux machine) and my win9x boxes have the HP 
 driver for the 850 (1)
 Why do you need to use a laserwriter driver?
 (1)   the HP drivers give much better quality colour than Micros~1 supplied 

Probably, but the 520 is a black  white printer.  It was my
understanding that I needed to use a driver which output a format which
magicfilter understood.  That's the way I have set up printcap anyway,
but there are other ways to do it. Therefore I picked a postscript
driver.  The HP drivers I have for the 520 predate Windows 95.

 Sent: Sunday, 4 June 2000 10:50 AM
 Subject:  Samba printing question
 I have set up samba so my wife can print from Windows 95 to the printer
 on my Linux box (dj520 configured with magicfilter).  It prints fine,
 but after the page ejects,  a second page is printed with:
 %%[ Page: 1 ]%%
%%[ LastPage ]%%
 I suppose this is some PostScript code, probably generated by the
 Windows Laserwriter II NT driver I selected. Is there any way to
 suppress this?
 Bob Nielsen, N7XY  (RN2)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bainbridge Island, WA
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Bob Nielsen, N7XY  (RN2)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bainbridge Island, WA

Re: Editing the order of modules in the boot sequence

2000-06-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 06:56:04PM -0700, Eric Hagglund wrote:
 How do I change the order of loading for modules? I
 need to load my ppa driver before lp so that I can get
 my zip drive to work. Also, once the driver is loaded,
 how do I determine what device handles in in /dev?

You can add 'ppa' to /etc/modules to get it to load at boot, and for the
duration.  Don't know if lp and zip can work at the same time though...
I think /zip could be mounted on /dev/sda4 (at least that's what the jaz
drives defaulted to).  lp would be on /dev/lp0 (I think -- 2.2.x
kernels).  There are a couple of HOWTOs on iomega devices.  They may
discuss sharing with a printer.

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