mixer no encontrada

2000-07-22 Thread MC_Vai
Cuando quiero modificar las propiedades de audio en Gnome (con Audio
Mixer) me sale un mensaje de error que dice:
No Mixers found. Make sure you have sound support compiled into the
Pero checando con el comando cat /dev/sndstat me sale algo como esto:
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: mi kernel
Config options: 0

0: Sound Blaster Live!

Tambien tuve un problema similar con esd que cuando queria tocar algun
mp3 en xmms me decia que no podia acceder a /dev/dsp esto lo solucione
agregando las siguientes lineas a /etc/init.d/gdm

# Carga esd antes de Enlightenment

No se si esto es correcto o debe de ir en otro lado (archivo). Pero lo
que no he podido solucionar es lo de la Mixer.

Cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida, un saludo y muchas gracias de

Problemas con mc 4.5.46-helix2

2000-07-22 Thread Antonio Calvo

Me he actuualizado a potato y aproveche para instalarme la version de
Helix que regalaba linux actual.

El problema es que mc no me funciona en consola mas que como root.
En cambio en un xterm funciona perfectamente.
¿Le pasa a alguien mas?

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Re: bug del proftpd

2000-07-22 Thread jrfern
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:01:29PM +0200, TooManySecrets [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 En la potato (a día de hoy 20-7-2000), viene el proftpd 1.2.0pre10-2. Según
 Security Focus, las versiones pre del 1.2 están afectadas por un bug que
 permite ejecutar código arbitrario.
 He mirado en el árbol de potato en security.debian.org, y no aparece ningún
 paquete de actualización del proftpd. Personalmente asumo que el
 mantenedor ha corregido el bug editando las fuentes y recompilándolas de
 nuevo, pero me gustaría asegurarme. ¿Sabe alguien algo al respecto?

En changelog.Debian.gz de la proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2:
* Use setproctitle(%s,foo) in main.c, [EMAIL PROTECTED] advisory. 

Si lees Bugtraq ya sabrás de qué va la cosa.
PGP 2.6.3ia  GnuPG keys available

Re: donde estan las lineas para los colores de vim

2000-07-22 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Cuando:   viernes, 21 de julio del 2000, a las 12:39, 
  Qué:  donde estan las lineas para los colores de vim 

 Un amigo me ha dicho que edite el fichero /etc/vimrc para que el vim
 utilice colores pero no existe tal fichero, donde o como puedo
 configurar el vim par que acepte colores.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg --get-selections|grep vim
vim-gtk install
vim-rt  install

Luego te vas a /etc/vimrc y buscas estas líneas:


 Vim5 comes with syntaxhighlighting. If you want to enable
 by default uncomment the next three lines.
if has(syntax)
  syntax on  Default to no syntax highlightning


Con eso, la próxima vez que utilices el vim, saldrá en colorines (si
editas un archivo que vim sepa colorear, claro)


___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__  http://www.gulic.org/
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic
Clave GPG en search.keyserver.net
  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Como funciona Zope. Donde estan los archivos

2000-07-22 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
31 writes:
  He instalado estos días el servidor Zope y el software squishdot, pero
  no entiendo muy bien como funciona. Bueno, la pregunta es que yo no
  estoy conectado y pongo http://localhost:9673 y me carga la página con
  todas las imagenes y textos y entonces yo me supongo que tiene que estar
  todo en mi disco duro, pues cuando pongo find -name unaimagendelaweb no
  me la encuentra ¿si no esta en el disco duro donde esta?¿porque no la
  No se si expliqué muy bien mi duda, pero es que cuando se vive en le
  pozo de la ignoracia ya se sabe...

 No encuentras las imágenes ni los textos porque Zope los
guarda en su propia base de datos. Echa un vistazo a la documentación,
cuenta estas cosas con bsatante detalle Mira  tambien en



Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 72 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-22 Thread Miquel
El vie, jul 21, 2000 at 12:48:04 +0200 31 ha dit:

 Si, ya me he olvidado de todo el embrollo anterior y he hecho
 simplemente apt-get install squishdot y debian solita me ha puesto a
 funcionar todo (otra razón más para seguir enamorado).

de debian, supongo :-)

 Ahora uso mi ordenador para servir la aplicación, pero se usa en le
 puerto 9673, y así que da la dirección http://IP:9673, ¿no hay forma de
 hacer que use el puerto 80?

por supuesto. puedes cambiarlo en el script de python que lanza el


busca la linea:


y ponlo en el puerto que quieras (zope no usa el 80 por defecto, porque
presupone que tienes corriendo también apache)

también se puede lanzar el servidor zope con la opcion -w puerto y
hace el mismo efecto.



Re: Como funciona Zope. Donde estan los archivos

2000-07-22 Thread Miquel
El vie, jul 21, 2000 at 02:29:46 +0200 31 ha dit:

 He instalado estos días el servidor Zope y el software squishdot, pero
 no entiendo muy bien como funciona. Bueno, la pregunta es que yo no
 estoy conectado y pongo http://localhost:9673 y me carga la página con
 todas las imagenes y textos y entonces yo me supongo que tiene que estar
 todo en mi disco duro, pues cuando pongo find -name unaimagendelaweb no
 me la encuentra ¿si no esta en el disco duro donde esta?¿porque no la
 No se si expliqué muy bien mi duda, pero es que cuando se vive en le
 pozo de la ignoracia ya se sabe...

son paginas dinamicas que ZServer (el servidor web de zope) construye al
vuelo. O sea, no existen mas que en una base de datos que se almacena en
un solo fichero:


si lo que quieres es acceder al codigo html de las paginas para
personalizarlas, debes hacerlo mediante http://localhost:9673/manage. Es
el modo en el que podras personalizar el aspecto visual de la pagina. En
el codigo veras intercalados muchos metodos zope que en realidad invocan
a funciones de python almacenadas en el script de squishdot (en
Squisdot.py), que se lanzan una sola vez al arrancar el servidor zope.
Para añadir funcionalidades o modificar las existentes (cosa que no te
recomiendo al principio y que a no ser que quieras hacer grandes cambios
a squishdot no te hará falta y podras arraglarte con el html y con el
manage de zope), tienes que modificar esos metodos y por tanto modificar
las funciones de python.

Recuerda que cada vez que modifiques un script .py debes reiniciar el
ZServer (el servidor de zope: con /etc/init.d/zope restart)

y por ultimo, tienes readmes, documentacion y faqs en
/usr/share/doc/zope y la info de squishdot la tienes en el propio weblog
de muestra que te instala por defecto squishdot... (y que es lo mismo
que hay en www.squishdot.org)



Paquetes KDE

2000-07-22 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
¿Alguien  conoce   un  servidor  ftp   o  http  para  incluir   en  el
/etc/apt/sources.list  que contenga  los  paquetes de  KDE, además  de
kde.tdyc.com, que parece que no anda muy fino ultimamente?

Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/
_/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
   _/_/  _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/
  _/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
 _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/
GNU/Linux Debian Potato,kernel 2.2.16,Toshiba 220CS.Usuario #69587

Re: donde estan las lineas para los colores de vim

2000-07-22 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 12:39:16PM +0200, 31 wrote:
 Un amigo me ha dicho que edite el fichero /etc/vimrc para que el vim
 utilice colores pero no existe tal fichero, donde o como puedo
 configurar el vim par que acepte colores.
   Saludos borxa ;)

Este el fichero de configuracion que yo tengo en ~/.vimrc
Lo unico necesario en tu caso es el syntax on, pero creo
que lo demás puede serte util.
No es necesario editar nada en el directorio /etc.

- cut --
syntax on
set nocompatible Use Vim defaults (much better!)
set bs=2 allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set ai   always set autoindenting on
set tw=78always limit the width of text to 78
set backup   keep a backup file
set viminfo='20,\50 read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more
 than 50 lines of registers
set ic   Ignore case in searchs
set hlsearch Highlight search
set incsearchIncremental search
set ruler
set ts=4
set background=dark

map Q gq Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting
map º ESC{!}par 70jCR}

augroup cprog
   Remove all cprog autocommands

   When starting to edit a file:
 For *.c and *.h files set formatting of comments and set C-indenting on.
 For other files switch it off.
 Don't change the order, it's important that the line with * comes first.
  autocmd BufRead *   set formatoptions=tcql nocindent comments
  autocmd BufRead *.c,*.h set formatoptions=croql cindent 
augroup END

augroup gzip
   Remove all gzip autocommands

   Enable editing of gzipped files
 read: set binary mode before reading the file
   uncompress text in buffer after reading
write: compress file after writing
   append: uncompress file, append, compress file
  autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre*.gz set bin
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz '[,']!gunzip
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz set nobin
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz execute :doautocmd BufReadPost  
. expand(%:r)

  autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost*.gz !mv afile afile:r
  autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost*.gz !gzip afile:r

  autocmd FileAppendPre *.gz !gunzip afile
  autocmd FileAppendPre *.gz !mv afile:r afile
  autocmd FileAppendPost*.gz !mv afile afile:r
  autocmd FileAppendPost*.gz !gzip afile:r
augroup END
-- cut -

Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
\ | / |  
-( )-/|\   
/ | \   /_|_\  
-\ o  o  o  )--
GNU/Linux Debian Potato,kernel 2.2.16,Toshiba 220CS.Usuario #69587

Re: Instalar un weblog

2000-07-22 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Miquel writes:
  El vie, jul 21, 2000 at 12:48:04 +0200 31 ha dit:
   Si, ya me he olvidado de todo el embrollo anterior y he hecho
   simplemente apt-get install squishdot y debian solita me ha puesto a
   funcionar todo (otra razón más para seguir enamorado).
  de debian, supongo :-)
   Ahora uso mi ordenador para servir la aplicación, pero se usa en le
   puerto 9673, y así que da la dirección http://IP:9673, ¿no hay forma de
   hacer que use el puerto 80?
  por supuesto. puedes cambiarlo en el script de python que lanza el
  busca la linea:
  y ponlo en el puerto que quieras (zope no usa el 80 por defecto, porque
  presupone que tienes corriendo también apache)
  también se puede lanzar el servidor zope con la opcion -w puerto y
  hace el mismo efecto.

  En Debian, es marginalmente más recomendable hacer eso mismo en
/etc/init.d/zope (y es lo que recomienda el README.Debian de
Zope). También puedes ponerle un Apache por delante, en el puerto
80, pasando a Zope lo que vaya para él (con lo que puedes tener lo
mejor de dos mundos). Detalles en /usr/share/doc/zope/README (si la
memoria no me falla)



Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 72 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

pdf-läsare med stöd för kryptering?

2000-07-22 Thread Kent Nyberg
Jag har laddat hem ett par pdf filer som jag skulle vilja läsa.
Det verkar dock inte bättre än att de på något sätt är krypterade:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/texter/$ xpdf Chomsky_Brazil.pdf 
xpdf version 0.90
Copyright © 1996-1999 Derek B. Noonburg
Error: PDF file is encrypted and cannot be displayed
Error: * Decryption support is currently not included in xpdf
Error: * due to legal restrictions: the U.S.A. still has bogus
Error: * export controls on cryptography software.
Error: Couldn't read xref table

Någon som vet om det finns någon annan bra pdf-läsare till Linux förutom
Självfallet ska den hellst av allt vara GPL.
För min del har xpdf alltid varit relativt bra innan, men elaka
FolketiBild/Kulturfront verkar ha krypterat sina dokument på något skumt

Microsoft has performed an illegal operation
and will be shut down

Re: pdf-läsare med stöd för kryptering ?

2000-07-22 Thread Bjorn Isaksson

Installera xpdf-i istället för xpdf. 
 apt-get install xpdf-i

xpdf-i har stöd för dekryptering.



Re: pdf-läsare med stöd för kryptering?

2000-07-22 Thread jens persson
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 03:59:31PM +0200, Kent Nyberg wrote:
 Jag har laddat hem ett par pdf filer som jag skulle vilja läsa.
 Det verkar dock inte bättre än att de på något sätt är krypterade:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/texter/$ xpdf Chomsky_Brazil.pdf 
 xpdf version 0.90
 Copyright © 1996-1999 Derek B. Noonburg
 Error: PDF file is encrypted and cannot be displayed
 Error: * Decryption support is currently not included in xpdf
 Error: * due to legal restrictions: the U.S.A. still has bogus
 Error: * export controls on cryptography software.
 Error: Couldn't read xref table
 Någon som vet om det finns någon annan bra pdf-läsare till Linux förutom
 Självfallet ska den hellst av allt vara GPL.
 För min del har xpdf alltid varit relativt bra innan, men elaka
 FolketiBild/Kulturfront verkar ha krypterat sina dokument på något skumt


Själv använder jag gv (ghostview) tillsammans med Debian paketet
gs-pdfencrypt. Den kombinationen klarar av det mesta, vid något
tillfälle har jag haft problem med någon fil men annars finns 
ju alltid Adobe Acrobat som ju tyvärr inte är fri (men väl gratis)


 jens persson #If the implementation is hard to explain,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]#it's a bad idea.
 Änggatan 3b  #   -- Tim Peters 17th Pythonic Thesis
 S-233 59 LUND;SWEDEN #
  GPG key: 3552 185A 4C55 0AC5 E8A0  FAF3 C846 57F6 2FBE BC81

Re: sendmailproblem

2000-07-22 Thread Karl Hammar

  Med senare versioner av sendmail måste man vilka domäner som den
accepterar att vidarebefordra. Definiera dina domäner med classen R
eller i filen /etc/mail/relay-domains.

$ zcat /usr/doc/sendmail/cf.README.gz | less

The primary anti-spam features available in sendmail are:

* Relaying is denied by default.
* Better checking on sender information.
* Access database.
* Header checks.

Relaying (transmission of messages from a site outside your domain to
another site outside your domain) is denied by default.  Note that
this changed in sendmail 8.9; previous versions allowed relaying by
default.  If you want to revert to the old behaviour, you will need
to use FEATURE(`promiscuous_relay').  You can allow certain domains to
relay through your server by adding their domain name or IP address to
class 'R' ($=R) using RELAY_DOMAIN() and RELAY_DOMAIN_FILE() or via the
access database (described below).

If you use


then any host in any of your local domains (that is, the $=m class)
will be relayed (that is, you will accept mail either to or from any
host in your domain).
confCR_FILE FR class[/etc/mail/relay-domains] Name of
file used to get the local additions
to the $=R (hosts allowed to relay)
   Rdomains we are willing to relay (pass anti-spam filters)

Sedan bör du se till att den sändande maskinen har en
'fully qualified domain name', dvs. att den finns med i DNS.

Sedan säger du i ditt mail att du har en smtpserver (som inte är samma
maskin). Om du har all mail på mailservern kan du väl använda FEATURE:

nullclient  This is a special case -- it creates a stripped down
configuration file containing nothing but support for
forwarding all mail to a central hub via a local
SMTP-based network.  The argument is the name of that

Eller om du är ute efter en nullclient, kolla in:

$ apt-cache show ssmtp


Karl HammarAspö Data   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lilla Aspö 2340   0173 140 57   Nätverk
S-742 94 Östhammar   070 511 97 84   PC/Sun datorer
SwedenLinux/Unix konsulting

From: Henrik Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: sendmailproblem
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 21:13:40 +0200

 Försöker få sendmail att vidarebefodra mail till min smtpserver (Netlink). 
 Men det står sender domain must exist [EMAIL PROTECTED] eller något 
 liknande. Kan jag fixa ett alias, eller liknande?
 Henrik Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pdf-läsare med stöd för kryptering?

2000-07-22 Thread Karl Hammar

  Definiera följande funktion (om du har sgrep installerat):

$ sdeb() { sgrep -i -o '%r\n' DEB_PKG\ containing\ \$@\ 
/var/state/apt/lists/* 2/dev/null; }

  och prova:

$ sdeb pdf | less

  Alternativt får du en lista här:

$ apt-cache show gs-pdfencrypt xpdf-i pstoedit gnome-gv gs gv pstotext xpdf 
acroread gs-aladdin | less


Karl HammarAspö Data   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lilla Aspö 2340   0173 140 57   Nätverk
S-742 94 Östhammar   070 511 97 84   PC/Sun datorer
SwedenLinux/Unix konsulting

From: Kent Nyberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: pdf-läsare med stöd för kryptering?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 15:59:31 +0200 (CEST)

 Jag har laddat hem ett par pdf filer som jag skulle vilja läsa.
 Det verkar dock inte bättre än att de på något sätt är krypterade:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/texter/$ xpdf Chomsky_Brazil.pdf 
 xpdf version 0.90
 Copyright © 1996-1999 Derek B. Noonburg
 Error: PDF file is encrypted and cannot be displayed
 Error: * Decryption support is currently not included in xpdf
 Error: * due to legal restrictions: the U.S.A. still has bogus
 Error: * export controls on cryptography software.
 Error: Couldn't read xref table
 Någon som vet om det finns någon annan bra pdf-läsare till Linux förutom
 Självfallet ska den hellst av allt vara GPL.
 För min del har xpdf alltid varit relativt bra innan, men elaka
 FolketiBild/Kulturfront verkar ha krypterat sina dokument på något skumt
 Microsoft has performed an illegal operation
 and will be shut down
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unidentified subject!

2000-07-22 Thread André Luís Lopes

Apresentação e Dúvidas

2000-07-22 Thread andrelop
Oi pessoal da lista

   Essa é a primeira mensagem que envio à lista . Espero poder aprender 
muito com todos e comprovar a tão aclamada superioridade do Debian.

   Estou migrando (em ambiente doméstico) do Red Hat 6.2 para o Debian. 
Gostaria da ajuda de vocês quanto a indicação de qual versão do Debian eu 
deveria baixar. A estável, a instável, a indicada como tendo o código em 
frozen ?

   A estável parece ter muitos pacotes bem antigos, por isso gostaria de 
baixar a mais atual, que creio ser o unstable, mas gostaria de saber de quem 
já utiliza se a versão instável este *usável*. Ou seja, não tem tanos 
problemas graves e se é possível usá-la em ambiente doméstico sem maiores 

   Agradeço desde já a atenção e possíveis respostas .



André Luís Lopes

Oi! Você quer um iG-mail gratuito?
Então clique aqui: http://www.ig.com.br/paginas/assineigmail.html

Re: Apresentação e Dúvidas

2000-07-22 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Recomendo a freeze (potato). Ela ainda não foi oficialmente lançada mas
sistema de instalação e pacotes estão em um ótimo nível de maturidade e 

Quanto a unstable (woody), ela não está sendo muito mexida, pois os
dos desenvolvedores estão concentrados no lançamento da Potato (por
a versão do X da woody está no 3.3.6-2 enquanto na frozen (potato) está 
na 3.3.6-10). 

A instalação da unstable é encorajada!

 Oi pessoal da lista
Essa é a primeira mensagem que envio à lista . Espero poder aprender
 muito com todos e comprovar a tão aclamada superioridade do Debian.
Estou migrando (em ambiente doméstico) do Red Hat 6.2 para o Debian.
 Gostaria da ajuda de vocês quanto a indicação de qual versão do Debian eu
 deveria baixar. A estável, a instável, a indicada como tendo o código em
 frozen ?
A estável parece ter muitos pacotes bem antigos, por isso gostaria de
 baixar a mais atual, que creio ser o unstable, mas gostaria de saber de quem
 já utiliza se a versão instável este *usável*. Ou seja, não tem tanos
 problemas graves e se é possível usá-la em ambiente doméstico sem maiores
Agradeço desde já a atenção e possíveis respostas .
 André Luís Lopes
 Oi! Você quer um iG-mail gratuito?
 Então clique aqui: http://www.ig.com.br/paginas/assineigmail.html
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Apresentação e Dúvidas

2000-07-22 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Olá André.

 Essa é a primeira mensagem que envio à lista . Espero poder aprender
 muito com todos e comprovar a tão aclamada superioridade do Debian.
Aprenda a mexer direito no dselect  (se ainda não souber) e vai começar
a enxergar uma imensidão de vantagens logo de cara!! ;-))
 Estou migrando (em ambiente doméstico) do Red Hat 6.2 para o Debian.
 Gostaria da ajuda de vocês quanto a indicação de qual versão do Debian eu
 deveria baixar. A estável, a instável, a indicada como tendo o código em
 frozen ?
Depende muito da sua necessidade. Exatamente pelo motivo de existirem
necessidades diferentes, existem diferentes versões simultaneas.
 A estável parece ter muitos pacotes bem antigos, por isso gostaria de
 baixar a mais atual, que creio ser o unstable, mas gostaria de saber de quem
 já utiliza se a versão instável este *usável*. Ou seja, não tem tanos
 problemas graves e se é possível usá-la em ambiente doméstico sem maiores
Eu uso a unstable há mais de um ano. Atualmente, tenho atualzado meu
debian todo final de semana e acho fantástico. Não existe outra
distribuição pra mim! Eu estou sempre com os pacotes mais atuais e,
sinceramente, não tive contato com um bug sequer. E olha que eu não uso
só o office no meu debian...
Se você tem o seu micro em casa para sua própria diversão ou sabe mexer
muito bem nele a ponto de não ter medo de procurar novas informações
caso aquele programa que vc usava há séculos ter o seu menu de opções
completamente alterado quando você der um update no seu debian via net,
então use unstable.
No entanto, se alguém usa algum aplicativo no seu micro e depende do
mesmo para trabalhar, por exemplo, então use umas versão mais estável,
pois esta terá menos variações quanto aos pacotes.
Versão instável não significa versão com bugs. Significa versão que não
para! Tenha isso em mente!!
Se tiver mais dúvidas, terei prazer em tentar responde-las.

Até mais,


Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://tilt.8m.com MLinuxer

(no subject)

2000-07-22 Thread osk46
How are you?

I use pc midi card; MQX-32M.

My install diskette is out of order, useless now.

So big problem is I can not setup midi driver.
WWW.OPCODE.COM does not answer me with MQX-32M.
Where can I get downloaded freely with the driver MQX-32M?




2000-07-22 Thread David S. Jackson
This is probably in a FAQ somewhere, but I don't know where.  :-)

I upgraded to Potato just recently (finally) and don't know the
name of the file that provides a compatability library for
libc.so.5.  Can anyone tell me so I can apt-get it?


Crow- these stupid head hunters want resumes in
ms word format Crow- can you write shit in tex and
convert it to word?  Overfiend 

Re: libc.so.5

2000-07-22 Thread Mike Werner
David S. Jackson wrote:
 This is probably in a FAQ somewhere, but I don't know where.  :-)
 I upgraded to Potato just recently (finally) and don't know the
 name of the file that provides a compatability library for
 libc.so.5.  Can anyone tell me so I can apt-get it?

Appropriately, the package name is libc5
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

esd mixer problem

2000-07-22 Thread MC_Vai
When I try to adjust the audio properties with the Audio Mixer in
GNOME I get these error message:

No Mixers Found. Make sure you have sound support compiled into the

But I checked and this is the output of '% cat /dev/sndstat':

0: Sound Blaster Live!

I used to have a similar problem with /dev/dsp and it turns out to be
that the esd daemon was not properly loaded so I think it might be
something like that with the Mixer. Which by the way, I appreciate
somebody tell me if it's alright to put this line in /etc/init.d/gdm:
# Load the esd daemon

Is this correct?

Any sugestions will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

RE: A strange little kppp error

2000-07-22 Thread Andras Simonyi
on 21-Jul-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Debian Potato ( kernel 2.2.16 ) with Slink version KDE.
 When I start kppp it displays a message which says that I don't
 have ppp compiled
 into the kernel or loaded as a module which is wrong (I have ppp as
 a module).
I ran into the same problem yesterday, (or was it today ?:), and for
my system (potato with kde stable for potato) the solution was to
upgrade kppp to the most recent version, 1.6.25 (I had to compile it
myself). Articles on Deja.com say that the older versions of kppp
relied on a bug in the kernels _before_ 2.2.14 IIRC. So the solution
seems to be either to upgrade kppp or to downgrade your kernel.

Hope this helps
Andras Simonyi   

Re: Blowfish

2000-07-22 Thread Morten Liebach
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 04:02:13PM -0700, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   Hi all,
   I have a OpenBSD machine that I have to pass all the accounts to a new
 box running Linux (Debian).
   I used the command newusers, but the passwords at OpenBSD are stored
 using blowfish. Anyone knows how install Blowfish at Linux?

I don't _know_ about Linux, but it might be possible, but nontrivial.

In OpenBSD you do have a chioce with the algorithm you use, blowfish is
just the default. I think MD5 is also one of the chioces, and I think
you can edit the adduser script/adduser.conf for that.

Another thing that occurs to me is that there is a way to transfer
passwords from Linux to OpenBSD, it's in the FAQ, take a look at that,
it might help you.

I can recommend tha mailinglist misc@openbsd.org too, they are generally
very helpfull and knowledgeable about such things.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Exim says: retry timeout exceeded

2000-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For one single domain, and only for that domain, exim immediatly sends
an error message saying retry timeout exceeded after I send a mail to
that domain. This occurs for all kinds of receivers.
Here the mainlog :
 2000-07-21 22:54:23 13FjoN-3Y-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=jan P=loc
al S=756
2000-07-21 22:54:23 13FjoN-3Y-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e R=smarthost defer (-1):
2000-07-21 22:54:23 13FjoN-3Y-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e: retry timeout exceeded
2000-07-21 22:54:24 13FjoO-3a-00 =  R=13FjoN-3Y-00 U=mail P=local S=1
2000-07-21 22:54:24 13FjoN-3Y-00 Error message sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I`m not able to sent a message to this domain anymore. What is the
problem here and how can I solve it.
My retry-part in exim-conf is the default.

Any sugestions?


XFree4 Debs

2000-07-22 Thread Troy Telford
Anybody know where I can check on the progress of debianizing of XFree86
4?  Are there any .debs of it yet?



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NetZero provides FREE Internet Access and Email

LILO and Printer

2000-07-22 Thread Chris Marsh

I am a newbie to Debian having just installed a frozen version of 
Potato.  I'm used to RedHat and am having problems with LILO and setting up 
my printer.

LILO:  No changes allow me to select which OS to enter on bootup.  I can 
change it to Windows or Linux, but not to choose between them.  I do this 
by editing lilo.conf and then running lilo.  In Redhat this sets up 
automatically, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

Printer:  Can't find anywhere in KDE2 to setup a printer.  Am used to 
printtool, but can't find it.  Did I miss installing something, if so what?

Thanks for your help!

Chris Marsh

Re: /bin/kill : Where art thou?

2000-07-22 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Not sure which Debian version you're running, but in both potato and
slink it should be at /bin/kill according to the output of 'dpkg -L'. 

In potato, /bin/kill is in the procps package, while in slink it's in
bsdutils. In both potato and slink there is also a /usr/bin/skill, and
it's in the procps package.

for potato:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dpkg -L procps  

for slink:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dpkg -L bsdutils


Eric G . Miller wrote:
 I seemed to have lost /bin/kill.  Now, I have /usr/bin/kill, but poff
 (and possibily others) are looking for /bin/kill.  I fixed poff, but I
 don't know what else might get broken due to the disappearance of
 /bin/kill.  Anyway, I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on the
 movement of kill?  I'd think I'd still want a /bin/kill in case /usr
 isn't mounted.  The culprit seems to be bsdutils, but I'm not sure.

Re: cron editor

2000-07-22 Thread Manoj Victor Mathew
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 03:06:02PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  If I do a 'crontab -e' I get a strange editor, unlike vim
  which I get on met 2.1 box.  Is there a way to change this

 it reads the value of $EDITOR from the shell and defaults to ae
 otherwise.  In your .bashrc place:

 export EDITOR

 this helps in many places.

 as an extra setting PAGER=less will use less instead of more
 for things like man page viewing.

In Debian you have the alternatives system. You can use
alternatives to decide which editor must be the default editor.
See man 'update-alternatives' for more info.

You can use 'update-alternatives --config editor' to change the
default editor. For those who want Vim when 'vi' is called can
have a look at 'update-alternatives --config vi'

There also exists an entry for 'pager'. Each file in
/var/lib/dpkg/alternatives  is an alternative.

Manoj Victor Mathew  (GPG#: 3D96A9B9)
Cochin, India.

Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-22 Thread Manoj Victor Mathew
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 02:48:05PM -0300, Christoph Simon wrote:
 As a normal user I type:
   fetchmail -v 21 | tee /tmp/fm.log

 fetchmail: POP3 +OK  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fetchmail: POP3 USER ciccio
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK ciccio gets mail here
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS *

 fetchmail: POP3 LIST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK Iteration follows
 fetchmail: POP3 1 3363
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 3363 octets
 reading message 1 of 1 (3363 octets)
 fetchmail: SMTP 220 baco.haus ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian 8.9.3-21; 
 Fri, 21 Jul 2000 14:30:22 -0300

 fetchmail: SMTP DATA
 fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter mail, end with . on a line by itself
 Here it stays eternally. Listing the incoming file in
 /var/spool/mqueue already showed 32k for the data file. The actual
 message is at the beginning, the rest are spaces (or non-printing
 characters shown as spaces by less(1)).

Well, I think, it is the POP server that is to be blamed. A POP3
server is supposed to return the message followed by a CRLF
and '.'  when a TOP n  or a RETR n is given. It that does
not happen, then a situation similar to the one you described can
arise. Can you get your e-mail provider to change their broken
POP server software?

I am surprised that other e-mail users (using the same POP3
server) aren't complaining!

 I can't tell if the lines
   fetchmail: POP3 LAST
   fetchmail: POP3 -ERR invalid command
   fetchmail: invalid command
 where happening before, as usually I included the option -a, and now I
 did not. Then it wouldn't show.

Either way, it does not matter. LAST is an optional command and
fetchmail can function with LAST.

Manoj Victor Mathew  (GPG#: 3D96A9B9)
Cochin, India.

Re: Debian 2.1 = Kernel problem

2000-07-22 Thread Stephan Hachinger

I for myself have got a debian2.2/2.1 mix on my machine, but it took a bit
of time until I solved all the dependency problems.

So I suggest using a debian 2.1 disk set for base install, then Sven would
have no problems switching dselect to multi_cd mode and installing further
packages from his slink cds.
The boot disk would have to be modified to recognize the scsi adapter.

Sven, can you access your hard drive when booting from the install cd? Or
can't you even install?

Tom Pfeifer wrote:

 Someone can probably help you with that SCSI problem, but failing that,
 there's no need to buy Debian 2.2 (potato). In fact you probably can't
 yet anyway since it isn't quite released yet.
I agree he there's no need of installing potato. Because I think you can't
also tell if the required module is included in the kernel bundled with
debian 2.2, I found the following possible solution:

One of us compiles an appropriate kernel, uploads a ready-to-go rescue boot
disk image and then Sven installs using this disk and a base install disks
set. Then he could boot Linux using the rescue disk and install the kernel
from the disk onto his hard drive, lilo (after configuring lilo.conf) and
boot from his HDD, although the kernel-image package installed is not
appropriate for his scsi hdd. It's just overwritten manually. This is my
suggestion because I don't also care much about the kernel/kernel
modules/kernel src packages, I just download a .tar.gz kernel and compile it
and configure lilo manually (no make kpkg or so). But other people might
regard this way as a bad one (what do you think??)

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

 Sven Meister wrote:
  Hallo Debians,
  I just received the Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 distribution. It consists of 5
  The first one is the install-CD. On this first CD there is the kernel
  and this kernel will be automaticly installed. But then I'll have the
  problem that my SCSI-Controller won't be detected. So I need to install
  2.2.x kernel dure the install process. But there's the problem with the
  first CD. And so my systen will never boot up, because it can't detect
  SCSI-Controller. Shall I buy the Debain 2.2 distribution and if so, what
  the main difference to the 2.1 one.
  Sorry if I sometimes ask simple questions, but I'm a newbie in those
  BTW: My SuSE distribution works, but I do not want to use it anymore. I
  think you all know why, don't you?
  Thanks to all debains!

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mutt and asking user

2000-07-22 Thread Sven Burgener

What option needs changing / setting when I don't want mutt to always
ask me whether I want to Move read messages to /home/$USER/mbox ([n],y)? 
when I am exiting?

I always quit by pressing enter thereby choosing the default, which is

I wasnt able to find this under /usr/doc/mutt/*, but then again, I might
have missed it somewhere.


Re: mutt and asking user

2000-07-22 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 12:22:20PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
 What option needs changing / setting when I don't want mutt to always
 ask me whether I want to Move read messages to /home/$USER/mbox ([n],y)? 
 when I am exiting?

set move=no
unset move

Whichever you prefer.

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: LILO and Printer

2000-07-22 Thread Andreas Hetzmannseder
 I'm used to RedHat and am having problems with LILO...
 LILO:  No changes allow me to select which OS to enter on bootup.  I can
 change it to Windows or Linux, but not to choose between them.  I do this
 by editing lilo.conf and then running lilo.

Concerning your LILO-Problem:

If you changed the Master Boot Record, you can do the following:

Escape Booting by pressing SHIFT in the right moment. You should see
something like 1FA or 3FA for example.
If you type the displayed number you choose the harddrive-partition
with the default OS. Type F, if you wish to boot from Floppydisk.
If you type A, you'll get a list of all hd-partitions plus the
F-Option, something like 1234F. You can choose the OS by typing
the number of the corresponding partition.
So you can switch between the OSs just by typing A1, A2, A3 or

I hope, this helps.


Zope 2.2 on Woody broken?

2000-07-22 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez

I installed the Zope 2.2.0-1 Debian package from Woody with no problems.
But when I try to access the web pages (localhost:9673) I get the
following Zope error:

Zope Error

Zope has encountered an error while publishing this

Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: unexpected keyword argument: validated_hook

The same happens when trying to access localhost:9673/manage for
maintenace. Looks to me like the page is broken. Any succesful installs?


Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-22 Thread Christoph Simon
  fetchmail: SMTP DATA
  fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter mail, end with . on a line by itself
 Well, I think, it is the POP server that is to be blamed. A POP3
 server is supposed to return the message followed by a CRLF
 and '.'  when a TOP n  or a RETR n is given. It that does
 not happen, then a situation similar to the one you described can
 arise. Can you get your e-mail provider to change their broken
 POP server software?
 I am surprised that other e-mail users (using the same POP3
 server) aren't complaining!

Indeed it is. My linux box is connected by DSL, but I also can connect
by modem by a windows box. And there it works without problems. If it
where the missing period at the end, how comes, that this affects only
the very last message, and that this last message is written as an
ever growing file in the spool directory. Wouldn't it be to expect a
missing period causing just doing nothing until a timeout?

Christoph Simon

Re: Question about MASQ chain behavior in ipchains

2000-07-22 Thread Michel Verdier
Stan Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

| Then in the rules for the External interface, only certain ports appear
| to be let back in. I presume that the second and third rules with
| destination ports 61000:65095 are for returning masqueraded packets, eh?


| This example doesn't make clear to me what happens to packets from the
| Internal network when they're jumped to MASQ. Do they get a new port (in
| the range 61000:65095) in addition to the masqueraded ip address so that
| when they come back they get past the Bad interface to get
| demasqueraded?


| Or do they just go around the Bad interface because in
| some other fashion they're identified as masqueraded packets through
| something MASQ does?

as you masquerade all sent packets, you should only receive masqueraded
packets. Only port range identifies these packets.

Too bad this mechanism could not be applied for a standalone system :
packets are not forwarded.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michel Verdier)

Re: XFree4 Debs

2000-07-22 Thread Corey Popelier
Yes, http://www.debian.org/~branden
No, no debs yet.

 Corey J. Popelier

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Troy Telford wrote:

 Anybody know where I can check on the progress of debianizing of XFree86
 4?  Are there any .debs of it yet?
 Why pay for something you could get for free?
 NetZero provides FREE Internet Access and Email
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Re: fetchmail troubles

2000-07-22 Thread Manoj Victor Mathew
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 08:17:43AM -0300, Christoph Simon wrote:
  Well, I think, it is the POP server that is to be blamed. A POP3
  server is supposed to return the message followed by a CRLF
  and '.'  when a TOP n  or a RETR n is given. It that does
  not happen, then a situation similar to the one you described can
  arise. Can you get your e-mail provider to change their broken
  POP server software?

 Indeed it is. My linux box is connected by DSL, but I also can connect
 by modem by a windows box. And there it works without problems. If it
 where the missing period at the end, how comes, that this affects only
 the very last message, and that this last message is written as an
 ever growing file in the spool directory. Wouldn't it be to
 expect a missing period causing just doing nothing until a

Its not just the missing period. Its just a guess, but what if
the POP server keeps returning spaces, instead of a period --
maybe due to some bug. Fetchmail just keeps reading till it gets
the period. However, thats what all mail clients are expected to
do. Since other mail clients (in Windows?) do not have this
problem, there is a chance that my inference could be wrong!

Try out a POP3 session by hand (telnet or nc  to port 110). Then
you can verify if it is the POP server is returning those spaces.

Manoj Victor Mathew  (GPG#: 3D96A9B9)
Cochin, India.

autoconf, default sysconfdir value

2000-07-22 Thread Tom Cato Amundsen
Is there a simple way to do AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT, but with SYSCONFDIR

I want a configure script to check gnome-config --sysconfdir by default
but let the user override this.

Yes, my shell programming skills sucks.

Tom Cato

kernel patches

2000-07-22 Thread Art Edwards
I'm sure this is an old question, but I have found browsing the list
archives daunting. I'm attempting to build a new 2.2.15-ide kernel from
2.2.15 sources. I have found the ide patch. I downloaded it into /root
and used dpkg to install it. Is it now applied to the 2.2.15 source
tree? If not, what do I do to apply it? Finally, do I need to rerun make
xconfig after the patch?


Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

Stranded in console (XFree to 4.0.1 upgrade!)

2000-07-22 Thread Ethan Pierce

Since no one responded to my messed up help request 
last night, Id thought Idhelp others that are trying to upgrade to x4.0.1 
- Noah M got me off to a good start and I was up until 4AM getting it going 

Apparently in Debian the kernel headers in 
/usr/include/linux are kept totally separate from 

I was getting make errors on the install for 
NVIDIAs Kernel module for XF4.0.1
 The solution to this was to mv 
/usr/include/linux /usr/include/linux-old ; ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux 
The module compiled fine once I did that...that had 
been throwing me a curve ball for about a week.

So anyway, Im up and running in XF4.0.1 - heres 
what I did to get my tnt2 working in it:
1. Compiled the source of XF4.0.1 from ftp.xfree86.org/pub/source (this 
takes about 15 mins on my machine, others without the 1/2 gig of ram will 
experience different, more timely results)
2. Installed the GLX OpenGL driver from www.nvidia.com
3. Compile the Nvidia Kernel Module also from 
Run xf86config, then add the driver line and glx 
load line from the FAQ at nvidia
4. XFree86

The downside to this is Enlightenment is now 
broken, I get an "error loading Shape Files, X-server out of date or 
misconfigured" If anyone knows how to fix this thats cool - a friend got 
me started with E from apt-get commands but I dont remember them...recompiling 
the kernel doesnt help :( 

The good news I get aHUGE performance boost 
on quake3 - my main goal!

Hope this helps some people questing for 4.0.1 as I 
have been for some time. -Ethan

Using Partition Magic with Debian

2000-07-22 Thread tsuess
Has anyone used Partition Magic in order to resize partitions under Debian?
The software claims to support resizing Linux EXT2 filesystems, etc, but will I 
trash my system if I do so?  I used Norton Ghost to image my system from a 2.1 
gig drive to an 8.4 gig drive and it's working great so far, but I have all 
this slack space I would like to assign to various partitions, /usr etc.

So, has anyone done this sucessfully and/or have alternate methods that can
be used to add slack space to existing partitions?

Any suggestions would be appreiciated,



This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.

Re: Using Partition Magic with Debian

2000-07-22 Thread adam b.
I have successfully used Partition Magic to alter the size of partitions
which already have assigned mount points (I installed from an MS-DOS
partition and then deleted the partition and made it part of root).  It
made the system scan the whole thing next time I booted up, but nothing
bad happened.  Try it on a partition which doesn't really matte first,
though, just to be safe.  :)

--adam b.

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone used Partition Magic in order to resize partitions under Debian?
 The software claims to support resizing Linux EXT2 filesystems, etc, but will 
 trash my system if I do so?  I used Norton Ghost to image my system from a 
 gig drive to an 8.4 gig drive and it's working great so far, but I have all 
 this slack space I would like to assign to various partitions, /usr etc.
 So, has anyone done this sucessfully and/or have alternate methods that can
 be used to add slack space to existing partitions?
 Any suggestions would be appreiciated,
 This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-07-22 Thread David
I'm real interested in downloading and running Debian, but I have win 95
on my machine now, can I leave win 95 on there and use debian too or?

Re: kernel patches

2000-07-22 Thread Jos Lemmerling
On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Art Edwards wrote:

 I'm sure this is an old question, but I have found browsing the list
 archives daunting. I'm attempting to build a new 2.2.15-ide kernel from
 2.2.15 sources. I have found the ide patch. I downloaded it into /root
 and used dpkg to install it. Is it now applied to the 2.2.15 source
 tree? If not, what do I do to apply it? Finally, do I need to rerun make
 xconfig after the patch?

Sorry, no answers but more questions...
I downloaded the next patch (kernel-patch-2.2.15-ide_2405-1.deb)
and i was wondering if this patch includes previous patches.
To use the Onstream DI30, Onstream provided a patch called 
ide_2_2_15.2124.patch.gz . Is this patch also ``added'' if i install
the debian-patch ??

Jos Lemmerling

Re: hi

2000-07-22 Thread Ethan Pierce
David, you certainly can.  You will need to establish some linux
partions...many on this list prefer fips utility, but I like partition magic
for dos...its graphical and you can get a good feel for the disk layout.

- Original Message -
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 2:48 PM
Subject: hi

 I'm real interested in downloading and running Debian, but I have win 95
 on my machine now, can I leave win 95 on there and use debian too or?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: hi

2000-07-22 Thread adam b.

The easiest (best?) way to get some hardware working under Linux is to
disable the Plug-n-Play features it may have.  This makes it a royal pain
to keep those hardware components working under the Win9x side of your
computer.  Making Linux do PnP or making Windows _not_ need PnP is one of
those annoying things that dual-boot people just have to deal with.  This
is probably only a problem is you have ISA cards.

Make sure to check out the hardware HOWTO before you get started to see if
there is any hardware you have that will require disabling PnP so you can
do so and get it working again under Windows before getting halfway in and
being annoyed. :)

--adam b.

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ethan Pierce wrote:

 David, you certainly can.  You will need to establish some linux
 partions...many on this list prefer fips utility, but I like partition magic
 for dos...its graphical and you can get a good feel for the disk layout.
 - Original Message -
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 2:48 PM
 Subject: hi
  I'm real interested in downloading and running Debian, but I have win 95
  on my machine now, can I leave win 95 on there and use debian too or?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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RE: A strange little kppp error

2000-07-22 Thread bsamuels
** Reply to note from Andras Simonyi [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat, 22 Jul 2000 
08:36:40 +0200 (CEST)
 on 21-Jul-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Debian Potato ( kernel 2.2.16 ) with Slink version KDE.
  When I start kppp it displays a message which says that I don't
  have ppp compiled
  into the kernel or loaded as a module which is wrong (I have ppp as
  a module).

 I ran into the same problem yesterday, (or was it today ?:), and for
 my system (potato with kde stable for potato) the solution was to
 upgrade kppp to the most recent version, 1.6.25 (I had to compile it
 myself). Articles on Deja.com say that the older versions of kppp
 relied on a bug in the kernels _before_ 2.2.14 IIRC. So the solution
 seems to be either to upgrade kppp or to downgrade your kernel.
 Hope this helps
 Andras Simonyi   

That doesn't explain why the same error message is *not* displayed when running
kppp as root.

Barry Samuels

Re: Exim/fetchmail/procmail - bad mail files

2000-07-22 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, James Green wrote:

 OK so I give up trying to figure this one out :-(
 I've got exim up and running. I used eximconf and selected option
 2. I also have fetchmail and procmail up and running.
 Mail comes in from mail.linux.com using imap. The connection is
 tunnelled over ssh. The connection goes fine and my proc.log shows
 mail being received and filtered to my mail folders.
 I can fire up mutt, and point it at a mailbox (any) and I get:
 /home/jg/mail.linux.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a mailbox.
 This also occurs on loading mutt, but with
 /var/spool/mail/jg instead.
 The mail files themselves look like this:
 Received: from mail.linux.com
 by localhost with IMAP (fetchmail-5.3.4)
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Fri, 21 Jul 2000 20:47:26 +0100 
 Received: from seralph10.essex.ac.uk (seralph10.essex.ac.uk [])
 by mail.linux.com (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id GAA24469
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 24 Mar 2000 06:57:57 -0800
 Received: from sunlab19.essex.ac.uk
 ([] helo=sunlab19 ident=jmkgre)
 by seralph10.essex.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 3.13 #1)
 id 12YVXA-0005xx-00
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 24 Mar 2000 14:57:56 +
 Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 14:57:55 + (GMT)
 Subject: vrml link
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
 Content-Length: 33
 Lines: 3
 [ at which point more emails follow ]
 This format is identical to /var/spool/mail/jg.
 I'm told that the formatting is wrong and that exim is to blame.
 However I am unable to find anyone in IRC who knows exim to help.

As far as I see the problem about the formatting is that you need a


line at the beginning of every message. You can make it by creating a
little wrapper-script in your favourite programming language (awk, perl,
python, bash, tcsh, even C/C++), and piping the message through the
script in your procmailrc.

Ask for help if you are not a programmer,

Re: A strange little kppp error

2000-07-22 Thread John Hasler
Barry Samuels writes:
 That doesn't explain why the same error message is *not* displayed when
 running kppp as root.

The message originates with pppd.  When it is unable to access the
resources it needs it jumps to the erroneous conclusion that there is no
ppp support in the kernel.  When run by root it can access anything.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: How to install Acroread

2000-07-22 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Nianwei Xing wrote:

 Hi, debians:
 I am a new comer for Debian. I just want to install
 acroread on my machine. I am not the super user and
 also I have download the linux-ar-405.tar.gz.
 Any infomation is appreciated!

acroread is packaged (there is a .deb in any debian site). So you can
download it. The NORMAL way to install a package is to ask the sysadmin
(the superuser). However, you can try unpacking it (try alien -- hope you
have this at least), and then making an exhausting re-configuration
(e.g. make it use something like /home/user/mypackage/etc instead of /etc
for configuration files). Also not all packages may be installed without
root permissions (I hope acroread is not one of them).

Hope someone makes a better offer,

Re: /bin/kill : Where art thou?

2000-07-22 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:

 I seemed to have lost /bin/kill.  Now, I have /usr/bin/kill, but poff
 (and possibily others) are looking for /bin/kill.  I fixed poff, but I
 don't know what else might get broken due to the disappearance of
 /bin/kill.  Anyway, I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on the
 movement of kill?  I'd think I'd still want a /bin/kill in case /usr
 isn't mounted.  The culprit seems to be bsdutils, but I'm not sure.

As a matter of fact in newer bash-es (I'm not sure since which
version) kill is a shell-built-in command, i. e. there is no separate
executable for kill (in neither /bin/kill, nor /usr/bin/kill). Of course
you can ln -s /usr/bin/kill to /bin/, or write a script like:

kill $@

and put it in /usr/bin; however, all new packages should be aware of the
in-building of the command and not use explicit paths (like /bin/kill).

Hope this is delightful,

Another ethernet configuration problem

2000-07-22 Thread James Polson

After having solved one problem with configuring an ethernet
card on one computer (thanks to the response to an earlier email
like this one!), I now have a problem with a different ethernet card 
on another computer!

The info I have on the card is as follows:

3Com905C Etherlink 10/100 PCI (-TX)

Also, I've installed Debian 2.1.

From what I can tell, the problem is that I'm lacking the
proper driver in the directory /lib/modules/2.0.36/net (?).
There is a module called 3c59x.o (?) which I thought should
work, but which doesn't seems to. 

I would appreciate any help on this matter very much!

After searching on the web, I understand that a 3c90x driver does 
exist, so I suspect, it's simply a matter of downloading the driver,
putting it in this directory, and then loading it up, etc.

Problem (trivial, I'm sure): how do I  download the driver when
I don't yet have a connection to the internet? I could download
it when I'm using Windows 98, but then how do I then get it
from one disk partition to the other? Anyway, I think you can
see what I'm getting at.
Again, any help would be appreciated! 


James Polson

Re: staroffice

2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 11:05:11AM +, Richard  Taylor wrote:
 Nick Croft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: staroffice:
  On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, David Teague wrote:
   On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
StarOffice is a bloated stuck pig.  It handles MS file formats fairly
well though.
  It may be the only use for SO, take a Word .doc and turn it into 
  Unix or universal like html.
  How fast does a computer need to be? I thought 133mh was slow. Put it on 
  333mh box today and it's no faster. Even at 600+ it would be slow if
  processor is the clue to speed.
  500 mhz works fairly well. Memory seems to be really important. I 
 started getting good performance at around 128 megs. {linux and win} 
 Admitted... the program's no speed demon and startups are slow as hell... 
 I does run pretty nicely once it is started. This package is as capable 
 as you make it... which makes it as good as anything on the market in my 
 book. Nothing that's geared to working in HTML with all its attendant 
 capabilities and is as well implemented and well organized as Star Office 
 is should be written off as a format converter.

From the O'Reilly conference, there are really *three* significant
aspects to the SO announcement:

 o Release under GPL.
 o Dual licensing -- I expect to see this become a more common practice.
 o Splitting up the applications.

The last should address performance issues with SOffice -- I saw a demo
at the show running IIRC on a Sparcstation, but roughly equivalent to a
200 - 300 MHz Intel system.  I asked what the hardware was because
response was significantly snappier than I'm familiar with.  Turns out
that pulling the integrated desktop out of the app reduces overhead.

  I don't need anything else {tho some sort of dict program would be nice 
 but... that's available through an HTML interface anyway} for office, 
 mail, HTML, database, etc, etc functions. Many people could get by with 
 this program alone. {which would make that startup problem a bit less of 
 an issue.}

I believe that plug-ins for optional dictionaries (eg:  spell/ispell)
will be provided.  Don't hold me to that.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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Description: PGP signature

Re: /bin/kill : Where art thou?

2000-07-22 Thread Eric G . Miller
I should of said woody.

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

PNP hardware and dual boot machine.

2000-07-22 Thread Shaul Karl
1) Another tool for disk partition management is
 parted - The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program.
I am not sure how GUI it is.
2) I believe that for a MS-Win and Linux dual boot machine you might want to 
look at the isapnptools deb. Suppose to let you use your PNP hardware without 
interfering MS-Win hardware management when it is booted. There is also a new 
kernel option for PNP which I have not explored. Any hints?

 The easiest (best?) way to get some hardware working under Linux is to
 disable the Plug-n-Play features it may have.  This makes it a royal pain
 to keep those hardware components working under the Win9x side of your
 computer.  Making Linux do PnP or making Windows _not_ need PnP is one of
 those annoying things that dual-boot people just have to deal with.  This
 is probably only a problem is you have ISA cards.
 Make sure to check out the hardware HOWTO before you get started to see if
 there is any hardware you have that will require disabling PnP so you can
 do so and get it working again under Windows before getting halfway in and
 being annoyed. :)
 --adam b.
 On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ethan Pierce wrote:
  David, you certainly can.  You will need to establish some linux
  partions...many on this list prefer fips utility, but I like partition magic
  for dos...its graphical and you can get a good feel for the disk layout.
  - Original Message -
  To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 2:48 PM
  Subject: hi
   I'm real interested in downloading and running Debian, but I have win 95
   on my machine now, can I leave win 95 on there and use debian too or?
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--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Donate free food to the world's hungry: see http://www.thehungersite.com

Re: Re Rescue Disks, Tom's btrt

2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 03:31:20PM -0400, David Teague wrote:
 This is tangential to Richard's inquiry, but 
 Has anyone considered distributing Tomsbtrt with Debian? That is one
 of the most useful tools I have found.

LinuxCare does, with their Bootable Business Card:
  ISO image:  http://static.linuxcare.com/iso/lnx-gold.iso
  Info:   http://www.linuxcare.com/bootable_cd/download.epl

...though I've found that while the TRB enclosed works, the Debian
installer doesn't (tested on several systems).  It's a cool idea though.

Both TRB and the LinuxCare BBC earn my SMA award -- that's saved my
ass.  Damned useful.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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Description: PGP signature

Re: PNP hardware and dual boot machine.

2000-07-22 Thread adam b.
isapnptools works okay, probably.

I have gotten cards to recognize and load drivers, but I have never gotten
them actually working before giving up.

Be prepared to edit long config files from pnpdump and also you must know
free IRQs, IO hexes, and Memory ranges for all your devices.  They will
probe, but he'll come up with like 5 or 6 viable configurations, only 1 or
2 of which might actually work (especially if you have a commercial
machine-in-a-box).  Also, you _may_ have to put your devices in
Memory-Mapped mode (I've heard rumors to that effect).  In this case, you
have to find a free memory range that's in the on-limits range for Debian.
Not too hard, but get the range from Debian.org before you go killing

I have no clue about kernel PnP...I'd love to hear about it though!  What
kernel are you running?

--adam b.

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:

 1) Another tool for disk partition management is
parted - The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program.
 I am not sure how GUI it is.
 2) I believe that for a MS-Win and Linux dual boot machine you might want to 
 look at the isapnptools deb. Suppose to let you use your PNP hardware without 
 interfering MS-Win hardware management when it is booted. There is also a new 
 kernel option for PNP which I have not explored. Any hints?
  The easiest (best?) way to get some hardware working under Linux is to
  disable the Plug-n-Play features it may have.  This makes it a royal pain
  to keep those hardware components working under the Win9x side of your
  computer.  Making Linux do PnP or making Windows _not_ need PnP is one of
  those annoying things that dual-boot people just have to deal with.  This
  is probably only a problem is you have ISA cards.
  Make sure to check out the hardware HOWTO before you get started to see if
  there is any hardware you have that will require disabling PnP so you can
  do so and get it working again under Windows before getting halfway in and
  being annoyed. :)
  --adam b.
  On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ethan Pierce wrote:
   David, you certainly can.  You will need to establish some linux
   partions...many on this list prefer fips utility, but I like partition 
   for dos...its graphical and you can get a good feel for the disk layout.
   - Original Message -
   From: David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
   Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 2:48 PM
   Subject: hi
I'm real interested in downloading and running Debian, but I have win 95
on my machine now, can I leave win 95 on there and use debian too or?
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   --  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: lock-up with thrashing

2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 01:37:12AM -0400, Michael Soulier wrote:
   So, I get home from finally seeing the X-Men movie (I truly
 expected them to hack it up horribly, but I was impressed...) to find my
 Debian box thrashing away like crazy. The mouse would barely respond, and
 a ctrl-alt-backspace only partially shut down X. It just sort of hung
 while the system went nuts, the harddrive sounding like it was about to
 blow its way out the side of the tower. I waited and waited, but it didn't
 give me a prompt, so I finally hit the reset. 
   It came back up fine, and all is well now, but looking in the
 various logs, I can't tell what it was doing when this occurred. If
 someone can give me a hint of what to look for and where, I'd love to
 track this down to prevent it happening again. 

I've had experiences on memory anemic systems going into fatal thrash
in low-memory situations.  Your best bet may be to ssh into the box and
start shutting down processes.  This works becuase ssh runs a number of
listener daemons which actually (IIUC) exec() a shell, meaning you can get
a process running even in some situations when a fork() won't work.  I'd
used this to get first a user shell, then exec su to root, then exec
sash to get the sash shell, though the problem in this case was a fully
occupied process table.

If you compile your kernel with magic-sysrq support, you can sometimes
regain control of your system by using the key combinations it supports
to shut down processes and restore a usable state.  If that fails, you
can usually safely unmount drives to prevent data loss.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Another ethernet configuration problem

2000-07-22 Thread Jos Lemmerling
On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, James Polson wrote:
 Problem (trivial, I'm sure): how do I  download the driver when
 I don't yet have a connection to the internet? I could download
 it when I'm using Windows 98, but then how do I then get it
 from one disk partition to the other? Anyway, I think you can
 see what I'm getting at.
 Again, any help would be appreciated! 
 James Polson
on my laptop i do the following:
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/wintendo

Make sure the directory /mnt/wintendo exists, and check out if your
windows-partition is hda1 (correct if it's different).

You can now access your windows-partition in the directory /mnt/wintendo
and copy your file.


Jos Lemmerling

Re: Re Rescue Disks, Tom's btrt

2000-07-22 Thread Phillip Deackes
kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 LinuxCare does, with their Bootable Business Card:
   ISO image:  http://static.linuxcare.com/iso/lnx-gold.iso
   Info:   http://www.linuxcare.com/bootable_cd/download.epl

Looks very interesting.

I don't have a writeable CDROM drive, but I do have an internal zip100
drive. Is there any way I can create a bootable Zip disk using the BBC?
My motherboard will boot from the zipdrive. I know nothing about ISO
images, but there must be a way to write them to other media.


Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: Re Rescue Disks, Tom's btrt

2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 09:38:22PM +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  LinuxCare does, with their Bootable Business Card:
ISO image:  http://static.linuxcare.com/iso/lnx-gold.iso
Info:   http://www.linuxcare.com/bootable_cd/download.epl
 Looks very interesting.
 I don't have a writeable CDROM drive, but I do have an internal zip100
 drive. Is there any way I can create a bootable Zip disk using the BBC?
 My motherboard will boot from the zipdrive. I know nothing about ISO
 images, but there must be a way to write them to other media.

You should be able to mount the Bootable Business Card (BBC) ISO image
as a loopback filesystem on your system, then copy this to the zipdisk,
which gets you part of your solution.

The BBC uses syslinux as a boot manager, I'm not overly familiar with
how this works, but I assume you'd have to muck with the Zip disk to
make it work properly.

Next, the BBC uses a file which starts off as a shell script then
includes actual image data, in compressed format, as a mounted static
image.  I don't know what specific magic was done to this, but it's
possible that this could be made to work without extensive changes.

Finally, you'd have to find where the BBC expects things to be on the
CDROM, probably changing /etc/fstab and other portions of the disk.

If you do decide to do this, you might want to ask more generally for
hints (or solutions) from other folks (try the LinuxCare website),
and/or post your own results.  Would make a cool little Linux Zip

...of which there are several which you may also want to look at.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0


2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 10:21:29PM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...


 This is off http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/subscribe (down towards the
 Mailing list advertising policy
 This policy is intended to fight mailing-list spamming. 
 The Debian Linux mailing lists accept commercial advertising for payment.
 We offer a fee waiver if you can show us the canceled check for a $1000
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 will bill you $1999 (U.S). The list operator will donate this amount,
 minus the expense of collecting it, to SPI. Please note that the lists are
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Has this fee ever actually been collected?  Excepting the Loki case

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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Description: PGP signature

Re: /bin/kill : Where art thou?

2000-07-22 Thread John Hasler
Pavel M. Penev writes:
 ...all new packages should be aware of the in-building of the command...

All POSIX shells do not provide 'kill' (ash, for example).

 ...and not use explicit paths (like /bin/kill).

Scripts should rely neither on $PATH nor on bashisms.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: How stable is WINE?

2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 12:48:32PM +1000, Frank Copeland wrote:

 wine has a long way to go before it provides a general replacement for
 windows, but frankly that doesn't bother me one bit since I won't be using
 it for that. Even so wine does two things that make it extremely useful
 right now. One is that it allows people like Corel to port their
 applications written for the windows API to linux without too much pain. In
 fact much of the recent improvement in wine can be attributed to Corel. 

This is IMO the main function of WINE -- it's essentially a kit for
porting Windows software to Linux, for certain values of Windows
software.  This is similar to the verso of Unix compatibility kits for
Windows.  Distinction being that the POSIX API is a well-documented and
modularized standard, while the Win32 API is an undocumented,
proprietary, tangled mess.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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Description: PGP signature

Re: Another ethernet configuration problem

2000-07-22 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 After having solved one problem with configuring an ethernet
 card on one computer (thanks to the response to an earlier email
 like this one!), I now have a problem with a different ethernet card 
 on another computer!
 The info I have on the card is as follows:
 3Com905C Etherlink 10/100 PCI (-TX)
 Also, I've installed Debian 2.1.

 From what I can tell, the problem is that I'm lacking the
 proper driver in the directory /lib/modules/2.0.36/net (?).
 There is a module called 3c59x.o (?) which I thought should
 work, but which doesn't seems to. 

It should; if you were using a newer kernel the ethernet card will work
just fine.

In other words, the Linux software on your computer is too old to work
with some of the hardware in your computer.

If you install the latest kernel-image-2.2.x from what is currently known
as 'frozen' (what will become Debian 2.2 - hopefully within the next
month) you'll have much better luck.

 I would appreciate any help on this matter very much!
 After searching on the web, I understand that a 3c90x driver does 
 exist, so I suspect, it's simply a matter of downloading the driver,
 putting it in this directory, and then loading it up, etc.

I'm not aware of a 3c90x driver - is that the one from 3com's website?

 Problem (trivial, I'm sure): how do I  download the driver when
 I don't yet have a connection to the internet? I could download
 it when I'm using Windows 98, but then how do I then get it
 from one disk partition to the other? Anyway, I think you can
 see what I'm getting at.

Floppy.  Zip disk.  Debian should also be able to read the Win98 partition
just fine.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-22 Thread kmself
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 12:59:47PM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 Dear Debians,
 I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
 and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
 If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
 disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
 of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include
 sending email like this to the list.  Gack!

In the better-late-than-sober dept.:

 o Concur on the complete absence of Linux viruses *in a practical
   sense*.  Yes, Bliss and one, possibly two, proof-of-concept viruses
   have been reported.  As a practical matter, however, viruses are
   *not* a security/integrity concern with Linux.

 o For an unbiased, third-party perspective, go to the anti-virus
   software vendors themselves.  They maintain comprehensive lists of
   known viruses, as well as general resources, virus-related FAQs, etc.
   There is some concern that these vendors *overstate* the virus threat
   in general (implicit business concern).  Yet there is little to
   suggest that there is a credible threat to Linux.  Norton/Symantec,
   MacAfee, F-Secure, etc.

 o Check also general sources for virus-related information.  Including
   'Web search engines (Google, Alta Vista, Lycos), Usenet (Deja), etc.
   A search at Google for linux virus turns up a MacAfee
   announcement, and a ZDNet article discussing a Russian company's
   announcement of a Linux market with discussion reflecting many of the
   issues I raise here.

 o Linux is *not* immune from worms of the type that plague Microsoft
   systems, particularly through email interfaces, *if vendors and
   developers start writing clients and software which run untrusted
   applications without user intervention*.  While Microsoft Outlook
   (the security hole that happens to be an email client -- Stephen
   Vaughan-Nichols) doesn't infest Linux, an application with similar
   capabilities could introduce similar security concerns.  While the
   Linux user / file permissions security model provides some
   protection, individual users could destroy, damage, or compromise 
   data confidentiality.  The fact that there is a *tradition* of not
   adopting unsafe data practices doesn't mean that bad habits can't
   develop.  This is, however, an application-layer transmission vector
   issue, and not specific to the Linux OS itself.

   On a related note, it appears that StarOffice and/or Eazel may be
   headed in the direction of automated association of filetypes with
   applications.  I asked about this at the StarOffice demo at this
   week's O'Reilly Open Source Conference, specifically WRT 
   MS Outlook-style VBA macro exploits.  I'm not convinced that SOffice
   won't repeat these accidents of design, and would caution adoption of
   it as a mail client until this issue is clarified.

 o System security is a multi-faceted issue, and should be evaluated
   _en toto_, not with respect to a single factor.  There are known areas
   in which Linux tends to suffer holes (primarily: service-related
   exploits, buffer exploits, and user-related behaviors with poor
   security practices).  The same or substantively similar issues
   affect proprietary Unices and WindowsNT, and are best addressed
   by a thorough understanding and audit of your systems and services
   required and provided.  Any security-related objections raised against
   introduction of Linux should reflect actual threats, and not fantasy.

In light of magnitude of the real threat to Windows vs. Linux from
viruses, the objection raised by management lies somewhere between
ill-informed and intentionally obstructionist.  The first condition may
be remediable.  In the event of the second, there are more and more firms
looking for skilled Linux experience, I'd suggest you start shopping
yourself where you *are* wanted.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: PNP hardware and dual boot machine.

2000-07-22 Thread Shaul Karl
 isapnptools works okay, probably.
 I have gotten cards to recognize and load drivers, but I have never gotten
 them actually working before giving up.

I only have one PNP card (my NIC). Works OK for me with the isapnptools.

 Be prepared to edit long config files from pnpdump and also you must know
 free IRQs, IO hexes, and Memory ranges for all your devices.  They will
 probe, but he'll come up with like 5 or 6 viable configurations, only 1 or
 2 of which might actually work (especially if you have a commercial
 machine-in-a-box).  Also, you _may_ have to put your devices in
 Memory-Mapped mode (I've heard rumors to that effect).  In this case, you
 have to find a free memory range that's in the on-limits range for Debian.
 Not too hard, but get the range from Debian.org before you go killing

isapnp requires some reading, config file editing and knowledge of hardware 
parameters. I do not know how to avoid it. Other sources for the hardware info 
beside pnpdump might be /proc and MS-Win reports on the system resources (My 
computer - properties?).

 I have no clue about kernel PnP...I'd love to hear about it though!  What
 kernel are you running?

I am running 2.2.17, which is, actually, 2.2.17pre6 if I am not mistaken.
Here is my knowledge about the kernel PNP option:

[01:41:05 /tmp]$ zgrep -A3 CONFIG_PNP /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.17/Document
  Plug and Play support allows the kernel to automatically configure
  some peripheral devices. Say Y to enable PnP.

  Some IEEE-1284 conforming parallel-port devices can identify
  themselves when requested. Say Y to enable this feature, or M to
  compile it as a module (parport_probe.o). If in doubt, say N.
[01:41:31 /tmp]$ 

Should go to the Documentation dir I suppose.

 --adam b.
 On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:
  1) Another tool for disk partition management is
   parted - The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program.
  I am not sure how GUI it is.
  2) I believe that for a MS-Win and Linux dual boot machine you might want 
  look at the isapnptools deb. Suppose to let you use your PNP hardware 
  interfering MS-Win hardware management when it is booted. There is also a 
  kernel option for PNP which I have not explored. Any hints?
   The easiest (best?) way to get some hardware working under Linux is to
   disable the Plug-n-Play features it may have.  This makes it a royal pain
   to keep those hardware components working under the Win9x side of your
   computer.  Making Linux do PnP or making Windows _not_ need PnP is one of
   those annoying things that dual-boot people just have to deal with.  This
   is probably only a problem is you have ISA cards.
   Make sure to check out the hardware HOWTO before you get started to see if
   there is any hardware you have that will require disabling PnP so you can
   do so and get it working again under Windows before getting halfway in and
   being annoyed. :)
   --adam b.
   On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ethan Pierce wrote:
David, you certainly can.  You will need to establish some linux
partions...many on this list prefer fips utility, but I like partition 
for dos...its graphical and you can get a good feel for the disk layout.

- Original Message -
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 2:48 PM
Subject: hi

 I'm real interested in downloading and running Debian, but I have win 
 on my machine now, can I leave win 95 on there and use debian too or?

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--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Donate free food to the world's hungry: see http://www.thehungersite.com

Re: Re Rescue Disks, Tom's btrt

2000-07-22 Thread Seth Cohn
   LinuxCare does, with their Bootable Business Card:
 ISO image:  http://static.linuxcare.com/iso/lnx-gold.iso
 Info:   http://www.linuxcare.com/bootable_cd/download.epl

You might also want to check out http://lubbock.sourceforge.net

Lubbock is based on the BBC, but we are currently planning to switch to
a Debian base... and broaden it to more than bootable cds, including
zip drives, ls-120s and more...  you'll be able to pick a selection of
deb packages and build a custom image automagically.

 Next, the BBC uses a file which starts off as a shell script then
 includes actual image data, in compressed format, as a mounted static
 image.  I don't know what specific magic was done to this, but it's
 possible that this could be made to work without extensive changes.

check out the CVS for lubbock, we've got everything needed to make changes

 If you do decide to do this, you might want to ask more generally for
 hints (or solutions) from other folks (try the LinuxCare website),
 and/or post your own results.  Would make a cool little Linux Zip

join the Lubbock mailing list, or even the Lubbock developer team...

Seth Cohn
lead developer

Re: LILO and Printer

2000-07-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 06:55:57PM +1000, Chris Marsh wrote:
 I am a newbie to Debian having just installed a frozen version of 
 Potato.  I'm used to RedHat and am having problems with LILO and setting up 
 my printer.
 LILO:  No changes allow me to select which OS to enter on bootup.  I can 
 change it to Windows or Linux, but not to choose between them.  I do this 
 by editing lilo.conf and then running lilo.  In Redhat this sets up 
 automatically, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

See 'man lilo.conf' for instructions on how to configure lilo for the
selection of multiple boot options.

 Printer:  Can't find anywhere in KDE2 to setup a printer.  Am used to 
 printtool, but can't find it.  Did I miss installing something, if so what?

Install magicfilter and run magicfilterconfig.

Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

Re: staroffice

2000-07-22 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Ed Cogburn, 
   The registration is a PITA, and they provide no help when an
 internet connection goes bad, you have to start the download all over
 again.  They don't allow ftp access which would have allowed me to
 resume the download.  The only other option was special plugins for
 IE/Netscape browsers, but only Windoze versions.  I had to download
 the thing using the multiple files:  10 megabytes at a time.

I have seen SO52 on at least one mirror FTP site (mirror.aarnet.edu.au,
which, I believe, is only accessably to .au's), so there is a good
possibility that you'll also find it on others. This lets you avoid
registration (hey, it's free anyway), and also may allow you to resume.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

- Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Description: PGP signature

ip-up problem under X

2000-07-22 Thread Kai Weber

I have a mysterious problem here. If I start my ppp-conection with pon
on a terminal it does all it should do... But when starting from a 
X-Terminal the ip-up script is not executed!

I can not find a hint in the logfiles, maybe you have one?

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~bond/

voodoo3 board not found

2000-07-22 Thread Aaron Maxwell
Hi.  Can anyone help me here?

I've tried to run quake3 and the demo version of descent3 on my
spanking new system, with its Voodo3 3K 16MB accelerator card.  Neither
can detect it -- the error message they give is:

gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board

I haven't been able to figure out why.  I'm running woody[1]; my gui is
gnome+enlightenment.  I think all the relevant packages are installed,
including: libglide2-v3, glide2-base, libglade-gnome0, libglade0,
libglib1.[12], and libgltt2. 

I don't quite grok video hardware, m'fraid... Thanks for your help, and
have a good weekend.


[1] More precisely, I have a CorelOS that's been converted to woody.  That
means remove all the packages with the string corel in them; edit
sources.list; then apt-get update  apt-get upgrade. 

Re: ip-up problem under X

2000-07-22 Thread Kai Weber

 I have a mysterious problem here. If I start my ppp-conection with pon
 on a terminal it does all it should do... But when starting from a 
 X-Terminal the ip-up script is not executed!

Update: the problem isn't a starting ip-up script but a stopping tail
-f /var/log/messages right after the connect.

If a watch the log on /dev/tty10 the output continues but not in a
xterminal with tail. Any ideas?

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~bond/

Re: LILO and Printer

2000-07-22 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 06:55:57PM +1000, Chris Marsh wrote:
 I am a newbie to Debian having just installed a frozen version of 
 Potato.  I'm used to RedHat and am having problems with LILO and setting up 
 my printer.
 LILO:  No changes allow me to select which OS to enter on bootup.  I can 
 change it to Windows or Linux, but not to choose between them.  I do this 
 by editing lilo.conf and then running lilo.  In Redhat this sets up 
 automatically, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

Please list your lilo config file (/etc/lilo.conf? sorry, I use
grub, and you should too, it is better than lilo).

 Printer:  Can't find anywhere in KDE2 to setup a printer.  Am used to 
 printtool, but can't find it.  Did I miss installing something, if so what?

Debian has printool. $ apt-get install printool
You could also try magicfilter or apsfilter? 

 Thanks for your help!
 Chris Marsh
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Dare to be naive.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

apt-move and alternate config file

2000-07-22 Thread Pat Mahoney
Is there a way to get apt-move to use an alternate config file
(~/.apt-moverc)?  Man page and docs reveal nothing.  Tests of various
.apt-move's fail.  Should I report this as a wishlist bug?


I cannot overemphasize the importance of good grammar.
What a crock.  I could easily overemphasize the importance of good
grammar.  For example, I could say: Bad grammar is the leading cause
of slow, painful death in North America, or Without good grammar, the
United States would have lost World War II.
-- Dave Barry, An Utterly Absurd Look at Grammar

Re: Using Partition Magic with Debian

2000-07-22 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 04:07:14PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone used Partition Magic in order to resize partitions under Debian?
 The software claims to support resizing Linux EXT2 filesystems, etc, but will 
 trash my system if I do so?  I used Norton Ghost to image my system from a 
 gig drive to an 8.4 gig drive and it's working great so far, but I have all 
 this slack space I would like to assign to various partitions, /usr etc.
 So, has anyone done this sucessfully and/or have alternate methods that can
 be used to add slack space to existing partitions?
 Any suggestions would be appreiciated,

If you have linux running you could try parted, the GNU partition
editor.  I have no experience with it but I think is is stable.


Dare to be naive.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: mutt and asking user

2000-07-22 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 12:22:20PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
 What option needs changing / setting when I don't want mutt to always
 ask me whether I want to Move read messages to /home/$USER/mbox ([n],y)? 
 when I am exiting?

You could set your mbox to the file you want the mail to end up in
(the same as where it starts) in your .muttrc with this command:

set mbox=~/Mail/inbox  # replace with the file you want

 I always quit by pressing enter thereby choosing the default, which is
 I wasnt able to find this under /usr/doc/mutt/*, but then again, I might
 have missed it somewhere.
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Dare to be naive.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: PNP hardware and dual boot machine.

2000-07-22 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 04:06:34PM -0400, adam b. wrote
 isapnptools works okay, probably.
 I have gotten cards to recognize and load drivers, but I have never gotten
 them actually working before giving up.
 Be prepared to edit long config files from pnpdump and also you must know
 free IRQs, IO hexes, and Memory ranges for all your devices.  They will
 probe, but he'll come up with like 5 or 6 viable configurations, only 1 or
 2 of which might actually work (especially if you have a commercial
 machine-in-a-box).  Also, you _may_ have to put your devices in
 Memory-Mapped mode (I've heard rumors to that effect).  In this case, you
 have to find a free memory range that's in the on-limits range for Debian.
 Not too hard, but get the range from Debian.org before you go killing

Well, if you already have Win95 installed it's not that bad; you
can use Window's autoprobing to do the work for you.  Open
Control Panel - System, click on the Device Manager (? working
from memory here) tab, find your PnP devices in the list, write
down what works for Windows; reboot, use that configuration in
/etc/isapnp.conf.  I've yet to see a device that requires a
memory-mapped area (other than for ROM or video memory, anyway).

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: ip-up problem under X

2000-07-22 Thread John Hasler
Kai Weber writes:
 If a watch the log on /dev/tty10 the output continues but not in a
 xterminal with tail. Any ideas?

Post the script.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

RE: LILO and Printer

2000-07-22 Thread Jason Holland
Try putting the option 'prompt' at the top of your lilo.conf and running
/sbin/lilo to write the changes.  You also might want to increase the
'timeout' option as well.


 On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 06:55:57PM +1000, Chris Marsh wrote:
  I am a newbie to Debian having just installed a frozen version of
  Potato.  I'm used to RedHat and am having problems with LILO
 and setting up
  my printer.
  LILO:  No changes allow me to select which OS to enter on
 bootup.  I can
  change it to Windows or Linux, but not to choose between them.
 I do this
  by editing lilo.conf and then running lilo.  In Redhat this sets up
  automatically, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

 Please list your lilo config file (/etc/lilo.conf? sorry, I use
 grub, and you should too, it is better than lilo).

  Printer:  Can't find anywhere in KDE2 to setup a printer.  Am used to
  printtool, but can't find it.  Did I miss installing something,
 if so what?

 Debian has printool. $ apt-get install printool
 You could also try magicfilter or apsfilter?

  Thanks for your help!
  Chris Marsh
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 Dare to be naive.
 -- R. Buckminster Fuller

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erratic ps/2 mouse behavior

2000-07-22 Thread Ethan Benson

I have installed debian potato on a 600Mhz Athlon system and have been
having problems with the mouse:

the problem is most noticable in X but also occurs in the console with

when i move the mouse it will at times go out of control, the pointer
starts jumping around the screen extremely fast with the buttons going
off randomly (i am not clicking the mouse buttons, but the windowmaker
menu, and window menus appear and my workspaces are switched around
when the mouse `clicks' my windowmaker clip several times, it has even
dragged icons off the dock and thrown them away) 

the pointer usually ends up in the upper right corner of the screen
but it jumps around so fast i can only see where it has been by where
menus pop up and windows get closed etc.  it is exceedingly annoying.

i have tried disabling gpm, with no effect, furthermore this problem
DOES occur in gpm without X and X without gpm, and with both running.  

i have also tried 3 seperate mice, 2 three button, one 2 button. all
exhibit this problem.

the mouse only starts going into these `fits' when i use it, it never
does this when the mouse is sitting idle. 

it appears to go into these fits more often when i move the mouse
faster, but moving the mouse at all (even slowly) still triggers it
(just not quite as often) 

X and gpm are configured for ps/2 mouse at /dev/mouse (symlink to
/dev/psaux) i am using the same configuration on two other intel
systems with no such troubles. 

here is my gpm.conf, but note that i have disabled GPM and still had
these problems in X:

append=-3 -a 3 -d 5 -l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\

and here is my X config:

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/mouse
   Resolution  100
   Buttons 3

the 2 seperate mice were all different brands, the one i am using now
is a 3 button Logitech PS/2.  

i am at a loss, i have NEVER seen anything like this before, any ideas?

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

grep crashes machine

2000-07-22 Thread Christian Pernegger

I just stumbled upon the following. If I do

# cd /
# grep -r * stuff

it outputs files for maybe half a second then hangs the whole machine. The
last matches were under /dev. I can't remember grep ever scanning device
files, but maybe it's just me...

If I do the same as user the process exits at the same point with a message
amounting to out of memory.

The machine is a P3-650E with 256MB RAM (+256MB swap) and ~200MB files on
all disks. A quite fresh potato-test-2 install.

Any comments?


Re: erratic ps/2 mouse behavior

2000-07-22 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 06:06:51PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote
 I have installed debian potato on a 600Mhz Athlon system and have been
 having problems with the mouse:
 the problem is most noticable in X but also occurs in the console with
 when i move the mouse it will at times go out of control, the pointer
 starts jumping around the screen extremely fast with the buttons going
 off randomly (i am not clicking the mouse buttons, but the windowmaker
 menu, and window menus appear and my workspaces are switched around
 when the mouse `clicks' my windowmaker clip several times, it has even
 dragged icons off the dock and thrown them away) 
 the pointer usually ends up in the upper right corner of the screen
 but it jumps around so fast i can only see where it has been by where
 menus pop up and windows get closed etc.  it is exceedingly annoying.
 i have tried disabling gpm, with no effect, furthermore this problem
 DOES occur in gpm without X and X without gpm, and with both running.  
 i have also tried 3 seperate mice, 2 three button, one 2 button. all
 exhibit this problem.
 the mouse only starts going into these `fits' when i use it, it never
 does this when the mouse is sitting idle. 
 it appears to go into these fits more often when i move the mouse
 faster, but moving the mouse at all (even slowly) still triggers it
 (just not quite as often) 
 X and gpm are configured for ps/2 mouse at /dev/mouse (symlink to
 /dev/psaux) i am using the same configuration on two other intel
 systems with no such troubles. 
 here is my gpm.conf, but note that i have disabled GPM and still had
 these problems in X:
 append=-3 -a 3 -d 5 -l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\
 and here is my X config:
 Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse
Resolution  100
Buttons 3
 the 2 seperate mice were all different brands, the one i am using now
 is a 3 button Logitech PS/2.  
 i am at a loss, i have NEVER seen anything like this before, any ideas?
 Ethan Benson

It sounds like either:
  - Wrong mouse type (maybe, try type mman for gpm / Mouseman or
MouseManPlusPS/2 in XF86Config); or
  - IRQ or I/O conflict: perhaps you have two devices on IRQ 12 (or
wherever your PS/2 post is located), and you're waking the wrong one up?

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Modem/PPP trouble ...

2000-07-22 Thread Karthik Ramaseshan

Hello everyone,

I am having trouble setting up PPP for a friend's computer. Here
are the details:

486 running Debian 2.1; base system installed by floppies.
Modem: USR Sportster 33600 Internal ISA modem.
UART: 16450 (According to setserial)
Modem on /dev/ttyS1. No interrupt conflicts as far as setserial can see.
Speed setting for serial port - 19200. (I tried 9600 and got the same

I am using chat to connect to the university's dialup service. The IP
address is dynamically assigned.

The problems are:

1 With only hardware flow control (hfc) enabled, pon does not even dial
the number. (On an earlier Debian system on this computer, minicom did
require hfc off to work. But as far as I can remember, for the ppp
setting (which worked a few months back), I used the default
/etc/ppp/options - which enables hfc).

The chatscript usually aborts after sending ATZ to the modem. (Looks like
it keeps waiting for the OK from the modem and doesn't get it). On one
occasion, it did try to dial the number, and failed. The plog output:

 chat[124]: send (ATZ^M)
 chat[124]: expect (OK)
 chat[124]: alarm
 chat[124]: Failed
 pppd[123]: Connect script failed
 pppd[123]: Exit.

2 With sfc on, the chatscript seems to work OK irrespective of hfc. It
does connect - but within a few minutes everything freezes up and the
connection is lost. (On some occasions, the link stayed up for about 2-3
minutes. For those few minutes - telnet worked, and I could ping other

The plog output on connecting:

 chat[120]:  19200/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M

The user authentication works OK, and PPP connection is established ...

 pppd[119]: Serial connection established.
 pppd[119]: Using interface ppp0
 pppd[119]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0xa magic 0xb4ecdfe2 
pcomp accomp]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3b asyncmap 0xa magic 0x966cbc3e 
pcomp accomp]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3b asyncmap 0xa magic 0x966cbc3e 
pcomp accomp]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0xa magic 0xb4ecdfe2 
pcomp accomp]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x6f addr]
 pppd[119]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x6f addr]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x966cbc3e]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [IPCP ConfRej id=0x1 compress VJ 0f 01]
 pppd[119]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 addr]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x2 addr]
 pppd[119]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3 addr]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3 addr]
 pppd[119]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
 pppd[119]: local  IP address
 pppd[119]: remote IP address
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x2 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x2 magic=0x966cbc3e]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x3 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x3 magic=0x966cbc3e]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x4 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x5 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x6 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x6 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x6 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x6 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: appear to have received our own echo-reply!
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x7 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x7 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x7 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x7 magic=0xb4ecdfe2]
 pppd[119]: appear to have received our own echo-reply!
 pppd[119]: No response to 4 echo-requests
 pppd[119]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Peer not responding]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Peer not responding]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x2]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 Peer not responding]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x3 Peer not responding]
 pppd[119]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x3]
 pppd[119]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x3]
 pppd[119]: Connection terminated.
 pppd[119]: Exit.

Any suggestions as to what is going wrong? Is this something to do with
the serial port speed - 16450 UART not being able to keep up with a 33.6
Kbps modem? Or should I have my modem connect to the dialup modem at a
lower speed? And why does enabling hfc without sfc make things go wrong?

Thanks --- Karthik