Los mejores precios en Computadoras Personales y accesorios...

2000-08-05 Thread novedades
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Horario de Lunes a Sábado de 10 a 21hs.

Este mensaje se envía con la complacencia de la nueva legislación sobre correo 
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titulo 3ro. Aprobado por el 105 congreso base de las normativas internacionales 
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Para ser removida de futuros correos simplemente responda indicando en el 


2000-08-05 Thread Gabriela Rubio

Hola mi problema es el siguiente:

Tengo una Pc Compaq presario con modem interno y 
logro hacer conexionesa donde deseo el problema es cuando trato de conectarme e 
mi servidor de correo (Exchange 5.5) cuando lo hago atraves del RAS no me baja 
mi correo y veo que la conexiones son a 28.000 si bien me va.

Hay alguna forma de hacer más veloz mi conexion 
y así poder bajar todo mi correo..???

Conexion puerto paralelo

2000-08-05 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia

Para conectar dos ordenadores por el puerto paralelo hay que usar un cable
laplink. Sabeis si para este menester serviria tambien el cable de la
impresora que poseo. Deseo hacer unas pruebas y si esto fuera posible no
tendria que comprar el cable laplink. Gracias 

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.airtel.net/personal/califa11 
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Linux Debian Potato-2.2.15 (Frozen)

RE: Conexion puerto paralelo

2000-08-05 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
me temo que no te sirve el cable normal, ya que el PLIP utiliza la línea de
estado número 5 del puerto, que no es utilizada por un cable normal. El
cable es barato, y si no, puedes fabricarte uno (mira en la Guía de
Administración de Redes Linux, yo la cogí de LuCas). Ayer conseguí conectar
mis dos ordenadores (por fin :) y es realmente rápido, pudiendo hacer ftp,

Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.astrored.net/elsol
GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Lite.
Usuario #184967

- Original Message -
From: Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 9:28 AM
Subject: Conexion puerto paralelo


 Para conectar dos ordenadores por el puerto paralelo hay que usar un cable
 laplink. Sabeis si para este menester serviria tambien el cable de la
 impresora que poseo. Deseo hacer unas pruebas y si esto fuera posible no
 tendria que comprar el cable laplink. Gracias

 Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
 E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Linux Debian Potato-2.2.15

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Las empresas se dejan debianizar?

2000-08-05 Thread aherrerm

El Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 09:56:43AM +0200, Antonio Castro disidio iscribir:
Debian tiene su leyenda negra, bastante infundada. Creo que se basa sobre todo
en dos cosas: Ni Hamm ni Slink tenian esos colorines tan monos que RedHat o
Suse ponian en la instalacion en los tiempos de, digamos, RH 5.1 o 5.2; por
 Ni falta que hace. Mi concepto de la amistosidad no va por ese lado.

Me alegro. Entonces estamos mas de acuerdo de lo que parece :-)

  Lo curioso es que, haya la leyenda que haya, la mayoria de los servicios y
  programas se configuran mas facilmente en Debian que en cualquier otra
  distribucion, y la instalacion sigo sin ver donde esta su dificultad.
 Pues realmente yo creo que eso depende. Debian es muy flexible y tiene
 muy bien resuelto todo eso. Otras distribuciones se centran en facilitar
 al máximo las configuraciones más normales en entornos domesticos y 
 ofimáticos. Para alguien que va a usar el ordenador en su casa para 
 conectarse a internet, para hacer algo de programación, algo de dibujo,
 diseño web, y otra serie de cosas no necesita lo mismo que el que va a
 instalar un servidor de Web en internet o un cortafuegos, etc..
 Para mi no son temas incompatibles porque se pueden ofrecer varias
 formas de instalar.

Y Debian lo tiene bastante resuelto con sus perfiles de instalacion. Puede que
debiesen ser mas abundantes, o puede opinarse sobre lo que dichos perfiles te
instalan, pero al menos la cosa ya esta andando. Y el tan odiado dselect me
parece estupendo para saber de que se dispone y de que no; quizas solo con
retocar un poco las teclas y hacerle un front-end curiosete para usuarios 
noveles la cosa seria mucho mas util.

Si se trata de usuario tecnico (programador, vamos), siempre esta el recurso
de compilarse eso que echa en falta (que no creo que en este perfil sea
problema). Si pensamos en el usuario domestico, puede que entonces si tenga
cierta importancia el estar al dia, pero para eso estan las versiones
unstable, que la mayoria del tiempo son mas estables que muchas distribuciones
a la venta. El problema en este ultimo caso es que esos CDs no se suelen
encontrar a la venta, y seria interesante remediarlo.
 Más o menos estoy de acuerdo con eso aunque creo que si empezamos a dar
 excesivo valor a la versión inestable se puede terminar cuestionando la
 utilidad de sacar versiones estables por el esfuerzo que supone. 

Yo creo que las versiones estables siempre van a ser muy importantes. Al fin y
al cabo son un punto de inflexion, un checkpoint por el que entran usuarios
que no quieren complicarse la vida mas de lo necesario o que aun no tienen
confianza suficiente con Debian como para aceptar la palabra unstable en sus
CDs. Dejando aparte, claro, servidores y demas.

Es la guerra de siempre. Antonio parece ponerse mas en el lugar del usuario
tipo guindosero, dando importancia al aspecto y a una supuesta facilidad de
 No me gusta el término guindosero porque descalifica a demasiada gente que
 ni siquiera le gusta windows. 

Perdon, lo pongo de otra forma :-) : tu te pones mas en el lugar del usuario
inexperto, o del usuario llamado domestico. Tu pareces buscar las facilidades
en la instalacion y en las configuraciones iniciales, ?me equivoco?

uso. Yo niego la mayor, y aunque no sea ninguna prueba definitiva mi opinion
se ve respaldada por mi experiencia enseqando a gente totalmente novata: el
entorno grafico ralentiza el aprendizaje y disminuye el rendimiento de
trabajo; tiene su utilidad, pero no es la base de nada que no sea dedicarse al
** grafico (pongase aqui lo que se quiera, diseqo, programacion de,
 Se vende muy bien las distribuciones que se instalan desde un entorno 
 gráfico pero yo no me refiero a eso. SuSE usaba una herramienta de 
 configuración y de instalación en mi opinión bastante buena Yast. Luego ha
 sacado Yast2 que es la versión gráfica. Tengo claro que eso se hace por
 motivos comerciales y para mi no supone niguna ventaja sino más bien lo
 contrario y espero que al menos continuen dejando las dos Yast y Yast2
 porque a mi me gusta mucho más la primera. 

Ademas de que, aunque tienda a olvidarse, existen ordenadores con pocos
recursos que aun pueden prestar grandes servicios, o simplemente maquinas que
no tienen por que tirar de entorno grafico.

 Parece que los gráficos refuerzan
 la apariencia de mayor amistosidad pero yo estoy hablando de la amistosidad
 real. Me refiero a que no te obliga a leer montones de cosas. Que te ofrece 
 libertad para hacer las cosas en plan sencillo con autodetección de hardware
 a tope y poca intervención del usuario o en plan flexible más laboriosa.

Todo eso me parece bien, y es necesario, pero valorando bien los
inconvenientes. Las autodetecciones de hard parecen conllevar riesgos de
cuelgues. Las instalaciones rapidas y automaticas tienen tendencia a
convertirse en monstruos que te instalan mas cosas de las que quieres, y al
final el usuario no sabe ni lo que tiene instalado realmente.

Re: Las empresas se dejan debianizar?

2000-08-05 Thread aherrerm

El Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 11:53:32PM +0200, Manel Marin disidio iscribir:
 ... por
  otro lado, Debian no basaba su configuracion en un linuconf o un yast.
 Detalle: Potato trae linuxconf (configuración fácil de Linux), y de momento
 lo he probado modificando el LILO, y montado un servidor DNS cache,
 resolviendo también las IP locales, y sin problemas...
 Sigo provando cosas, probaré la config de samba, apache, etc... creo que si el
 paquete está en Debian es que ya no tiene bugs muy gordos ;-)

Sassstamente :-)), el que este en Debian para mi ya hace que merezca un plus
de confianza. De todas formas, ese tipo de herramientas me da un poquito de
repelus: el webmin en slink, por ejemplo, hacia algunas cosas bastante bien,
pero otras a veces podia llegar a destrozarmelas.

A vre si encuentro un PC que no me importe dejar hecho unos zorros y hago unas

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test1
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD.

Re: Las empresas se dejan debianizar?

2000-08-05 Thread aherrerm

El Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 07:50:46PM +0200, Antonio Castro disidio iscribir:
 Las versiones inestables no son tan adecuadas para su comercialización 
 porque indirectamente se asume mayor responsabilidad en el contenido de 
 los CDs ofrecidos.  

Es un problema, desde luego.

 Lo que pasa es que en Octubre cuando Debian dijo que conjelaba la Potato, 
 las ventas de las Slink tambien se congelaron porque la gente se puso 
 a esperar la aparición de la versión estable y se descongelarán cuando
 salga la versión oficial de la Potato. 

Este proceso de congelacion ha sido terrorifico.

 Respecto a la comercialización de las versiones inestables me gustaría
 decir algo pero no se muy bien como plantearlo porque es algo que me afecta.
 Yo también ofreceré la Citius cuando salga.  Citius tiene previsto sacar
 versiones con más frecuencia que Debian pero hay que entender que 
 las versiones inestables de Debian o se usan como base para una 
 distribución basada en Debian y que se responsabilice de lo que mete en
 los CDs como tiene previsto hacer Citius o en mi opinión no son apropiadas 
 para la venta. No digo que no se pueda hacer legalmente pero seguro que son 
 una fuente de problemas y de malos entendidos del tipo porque se hizo esto
 en lugar de esto otro.

Quizas una linea de distribuciones mas puramente Debian, en el sentido de
poner algo mas al estilo de una simple recopilacion o snapshot a tal fecha 
en lugar de una distribucion propiamente dicha, podria ser mas adecuado.
Montar sobre algo tan cambiante como la unstable sin siquiera esperar a la
congelacion puede ser, digamos, estresante :-)))

Tambien estaria muy bien hacerlo en plan actualizacion parcial, aunque
entonces estaria el problema de que el tema de dependencias podria llevar a un
lio de cuidado :-(

 El problema no es donde comprar. El problema es que la versión oficial
 no se vende bien cuando se ha congelado la sucesora, y la versión inestable
 no es demasiado vendible. Para mi el remedio para todos en un futuro
 puede venir de la mano de Citius si lo hace bién que así lo espero y si
 logra aguantar el tiempo suficiente.

Ojala, y otro tema es la posibilidad de aparecer en revistas. Es evidente que
es la mejor publicidad para una distribucion, y en el caso de Debian (como en
el de muchas otras) una buena forma de conseguir clientes entre las empresas.

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test1
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD.

Re: Las empresas se dejan debianizar?

2000-08-05 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Es la guerra de siempre. Antonio parece ponerse mas en el lugar del usuario
 tipo guindosero, dando importancia al aspecto y a una supuesta facilidad 
  No me gusta el término guindosero porque descalifica a demasiada gente que
  ni siquiera le gusta windows. 
 Perdon, lo pongo de otra forma :-) : tu te pones mas en el lugar del usuario
 inexperto, o del usuario llamado domestico. Tu pareces buscar las facilidades
 en la instalacion y en las configuraciones iniciales, ?me equivoco?

Mejor usuarios domésticos, inexpertos y otros usuarios inexpertos que son
legión. Una empresa no puede olvidarse de sus secretarias. Hay usuarios
inexpertos que no usan el ordenador para jugar sino para cosas muy serias 
y productivas. Yo me preocupo por ellos no por simple altruismo sino porque
creo que no pienso en Linux como un SO para una selecta clase de personas.
Linux debería ser para todos pero no todos contribuyen al desarrollo de
Linux y por ello Linux es como es. Las empresas comerciales hacen cosas
muy necesarias que a Debian no le apetece haacer lo cual es una lástima
porque proyectos como GNOME han demostrado que la comunidad de usuarios
de software libre es capaz de hacer lo que sea y mejor que las empresas 
comerciales. Comparto la idea de Miguel de Icaza de que el software
propietario lo tendrá cada día más dificil.

  Parece que los gráficos refuerzan
  la apariencia de mayor amistosidad pero yo estoy hablando de la amistosidad
  real. Me refiero a que no te obliga a leer montones de cosas. Que te ofrece 
  libertad para hacer las cosas en plan sencillo con autodetección de hardware
  a tope y poca intervención del usuario o en plan flexible más laboriosa.
 Todo eso me parece bien, y es necesario, pero valorando bien los
 inconvenientes. Las autodetecciones de hard parecen conllevar riesgos de
 cuelgues. Las instalaciones rapidas y automaticas tienen tendencia a
 convertirse en monstruos que te instalan mas cosas de las que quieres, y al
 final el usuario no sabe ni lo que tiene instalado realmente.
 Ambas cosas serian muy utiles, pero hay que tener mucho cuidado con ellas para
 no caer en los defectos de otras distribuciones.

Si pensaramos en los usuarios noveles, inexpertos, domésticos, ofimáticos,
etc, la autodetección fiable la tendrñíamos regalada por los propios 
fabricantes de hardware. 

 Andres Herrera[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
 PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test1
 Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD.

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
  \\W// http://www.ciberdroide.com 
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| Más de 1.000 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en *Donde_Linux*  |
|  http://www.ciberdroide.com/misc/donde/dondelinux.html |

Re: Las empresas se dejan debianizar?

2000-08-05 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  El problema no es donde comprar. El problema es que la versión oficial
  no se vende bien cuando se ha congelado la sucesora, y la versión inestable
  no es demasiado vendible. Para mi el remedio para todos en un futuro
  puede venir de la mano de Citius si lo hace bién que así lo espero y si
  logra aguantar el tiempo suficiente.
 Ojala, y otro tema es la posibilidad de aparecer en revistas. Es evidente que
 es la mejor publicidad para una distribucion, y en el caso de Debian (como en
 el de muchas otras) una buena forma de conseguir clientes entre las empresas.

Las empresas no toman decisiones a la ligera. La aparición en una
revista es una excelente forma de darse a conocer pero las empresas
están preocupadas por temas de soporte, estabilidad, y actualizaciones 
de software entre otros. En un momento donde parece claro que las 
distribuciones de Linux no están haciendo esfuerzos de convergencia 
entre ellas, la decisión de una distribución supone una decisión

 Andres Herrera[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
 PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test1
 Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD.

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
  \\W// http://www.ciberdroide.com 
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| Más de 1.000 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en *Donde_Linux*  |
|  http://www.ciberdroide.com/misc/donde/dondelinux.html |

No puedo publicar la =?x-user-defined?q?=F1?=

2000-08-05 Thread Joaquin Saludes
Acabo de actualizar a Office 2000 y estoy utilizando FrontPage 2000. Mi
problema es que puedo redactar la página con la ñ, cuando la visualizo
en el explorador me sale la ñ pero cuando la publico la ñ desaparece
y en su lugar me sale un q. ¿Qué puedo hacer?
Gracias por anticipado.
Un saludo.

Núcleo ltecra

2000-08-05 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
Hola, por fin he conseguido arrancar Debian sin ningún problema en mi
portátil, e incluso ya me he conectado con el otro ordenador mediante PLIP.
Pero ahora quiero dar un paso más: Copié el núcleo ltecra a un disquete y le
puse el nombre de linux, pero lo que me gustaría es poder arrancar con LILO
desde el disco duro. Para ello me imagino que habrá que recompilar el
núcleo, ¿o no?, ¿o solo basta con sustituir el linux que tenga en el disco
duro por el que tengo en el disquete? Solo tengo problema en el arranque
(se me reinicia), luego funciona de maravilla.


Fermín Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Slink.
Usuario #184967

Re: No puedo publicar la ñ

2000-08-05 Thread Jordi Mallach
Hola Joaquin-Sandra.

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 03:42:38PM +0200, Joaquin Saludes wrote:
 Acabo de actualizar a Office 2000 y estoy utilizando FrontPage 2000. Mi
 problema es que puedo redactar la página con la ñ, cuando la visualizo
 en el explorador me sale la ñ pero cuando la publico la ñ desaparece
 y en su lugar me sale un q. ¿Qué puedo hacer?

Abre el ordenador y saca el disco duro. Ves al monte, coge almendras y
ábrelas con tu nuevo Abridor Hi-Tech. No saldrán eñes, pero que buenas están
las almendras!
(Prueba también a activar el Windows Scripting Host por si acaso).

 Gracias por anticipado.
 Un saludo.

Nada, hombre.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

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telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: No puedo publicar la ñ

2000-08-05 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jordi Mallach 
  Cuando:   sábado, 05 de agosto del 2000, a las 04:12, 
  Qué:  Re: No puedo publicar la ñ 

 Hola Joaquin-Sandra.
 On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 03:42:38PM +0200, Joaquin Saludes wrote:
  Acabo de actualizar a Office 2000 y estoy utilizando FrontPage 2000. Mi
  problema es que puedo redactar la página con la ñ, cuando la visualizo
  en el explorador me sale la ñ pero cuando la publico la ñ desaparece
  y en su lugar me sale un q. ¿Qué puedo hacer?

Estoy empezando a sospechar que alguien a susbcrito 'algo' a esta
lista. Ultimamente estan apareciendo demasiados mensajes que versan
'exclusivamente' sobre windows...

En fin ...

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__  http://www.gulic.org/
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic
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  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ayuda con inetd.conf

2000-08-05 Thread Alberto Rodríguez
Kion_ wrote:
 Manipulando un poco el archivo /etc/inetd.conf, para tener un poco de
 seguridad me he dado de cuenta, de que el puerto 80 no esta en dicho
 archivo y pienso que por eso cuando utilizaba lynx no me aparecia nada en
 la pantalla. Ahorra mi pregunta es como configurar dicho archivo para tener
 el servicio abierto para poder navegar por la web libremente y si lo que
 dije anteriormente es correcto o simplemente deduccion logica (se me
 Si no es mucha molestia alguien de la lista me podria decir, cuales 
 los codigos ASCII, que hay que meter en los archivo /etc/issue y /etc/motd,
 para tener mensajes personalizados; colores, valores, etc...
 Gracias por su tiempo y Adios.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Que yo sepa desde hace tiempo la mayoría de la distribuciones no
arrancan el servidor de web bajo el superdemonio inetd. Actualmente lo
hacen en modo standalone (en modo solitario). Vete dentro de
/etc/init.d, y allí (al menos en la slink es así) tendrás que tener el
apache instalado.
Si no lo tuvieras instálalo.


RE: Slink en el portatil:descomprime el núcleo pero se bloquea

2000-08-05 Thread I. Tura

At 20:09 03/08/00 +0200, you wrote:
tras bucear en los CDs de la distro descubrí un archivo llamado ltecra.
copié a disquete y le cambié el nombre, pasándose a llamar linux.
Introduzco el disquete en la disquetera y enciendo el sistema. Parece que
marcha, ya no se bloquea al descomprimir el núcleo :), verifica todo,
/tmp, etc... pero llega un momento en el que pone:

Updating locate database...done
INIT: Entering runlevel:2
Starting system log daemon:syslogd klogd.
Starting PCMCIA services: modules

Y se queda tieso :( Mi gozo en un pozo. Tarjetas PC no tengo, solo está el
puerto, ¿Qué puede ocurrir?

Yo tenía el mismo problema que tu. Un sistema fácil de solucionarlo es
usar el núcleo 'idepci'. No recuerdo que esté en Slink, sí en Potato. 

  \__|  els fills abandonats  |___/



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Re: Ayuda con particion

2000-08-05 Thread I. Tura
Muy bueno :)

Pero hay una cosa que no acabo de entender al respecto de poder crear
particiones para otros SOs desde particionadores GNU. En la documentación
de estos te recomienda que no hagas particiones de otros sistemas de
ficheros que no sean los de GNU/L. Yo de hecho hace unos meses y un señor
griego en debian-user tuvimos un cacao con las particiones FAT al hacer
estas desde GNU fdisk (el DOS podía ver todo el disco duro). Al hacer la
partición FAT desde M$ fdisk (y cargármelo todo) se acabó el problema.
¿Entonces por qué los particionadores GNU dan estas opciones? (por otra
parte ya me gustaría no haber de hacerlas desde M$ fdisk o el Administrador
de Discos, que cretinez de programas, el M$ fdisk no tiene perdón de Dios).


No es NTSC. NTSC es el sistema de vídeo japonés/norteamericano. Es NTFS
(NT FileSystem).

Gracias por la lectura,



   ¿Estoy leyendo mal ...?

   En fin, por si sirve de ayuda ;)

   Desde Debian, llama al cfdisk, pasandole como parámetro el disco
   duro que quieras particionar, por ejemplo ```cfdisk /dev/hdc'''

   Particiona el disco a placer y decide en que partición quieres poner
   el NT. Entonces, te situas sobre esa particón y te vas a la opción
   que hay para especificar los ```Type''' de particiones. Elije la
   numero ```86''', que se corresponde con ```NTFS volume set'''.

   Con eso, ya tienes una partición preparada para tu NT...

   En cuanto a lo de formatearlo con NTFS o FAT, yo que tu me lo haría
   con EXT2 }:-)

Post: Primero pensé en hechar una bronca por mandar semejante mensaje a esta
lista, pero, como todo tiene su explicación, tras reflexionar entendí que lo
que pretendía era hacercelo desde Debian. Era así, ¿no? ...

  \__|  els fills abandonats  |___/



Do You Yahoo!?
Achetez, vendez! À votre prix! Sur http://encheres.yahoo.fr

Re: me tire el lilo...

2000-08-05 Thread Alberto Rodríguez
Ricardo Adolfo Rodríguez wrote:
 Moviendo moviendo... le quite el tiempo de espera al lilo.. lo deje en
 0, ahora no espera ni un momento y arranca sin previo aviso
 Cochino-windows (que lo tengo para jugar quake). No tengo disco de
 rescate.. no tengo unidad de CD, de donde me hago un disco para despues
 montar /dev/hda6 y poder editar /etc/lilo.conf ?
 He probado bajando algunas imagenes pero siempre algo anda mal con los
 Muchas gracias
 Ricardo R.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pues yo creo que con el disco de rescate de Debian debería ser
suficiente. resc1440.bin o algo por el estilo. Visita la pagina de
Debian allí habrá un enlace desde donde te lo puedas bajar. Si tienes el
cdrom de Debian lo tendrás dentro. Si no puedes acceder a un sistema
linux, deberás crearte la imagen en el disquete con la utilidad rawrite
en dos.


Re: Netscape

2000-08-05 Thread Alberto Rodríguez
Santiago Romero wrote:
 El lun, 31 de jul de 2000, a las 10:24:51 +, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez dijo:
  Alguien sabe porque el netscape en algunas paginas se cierra
  Gracias por adelantado.
  es un fallito en el path de una de las fuentes para las paginas
  que tienen JAVA. En mi page (seccion linux) http://web.jet.es/s.romero/
  pone como se soluciona.
 El hombre nunca es demasiado viejo para aprender.
 |  NoP / Compiler   -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
 |  http://web.jet.es/s.romero   |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Podrías especificar exactamente donde explicas el problema del netscape.


Re: Gnome Y WMaker

2000-08-05 Thread Carlos
JFreak decía:
 ... me regalaron la distribucion Mandrake...
 forma del entorno que se puede usar de WindowMaker + Gnome, (que es lo
 que queria en Debian)
 es muy elegante y fue sencillisimo de hacer, solo tuve que configuar el 
 Gnome para que
 utilizara el WindowMaker como manejador de ventanas y listo (tal como

Yo uso el wmaker+gnome en slink sin nigún problema. Quizá si pruebas a
compilar el wmaker con la opción gnome en el configure del wmaker no tendrás
O conseguir el wmaker-gnome en paquete .deb:

(carldeb:~\csalda-dpkg -s wmaker-gnome
Package: wmaker-gnome
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 475
Maintainer: Chris McKillop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: wmaker
Version: 0.61.1-0.slink.0
Depends: libc6, libjpeg62, libpng2, libproplist0, libtiff3g, libungif3g (=
3.0-2) | giflib3g (= 3.0-5.2), xlib6g (=, xpm4g (= 3.4j-0),
zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3), wmaker (= 0.61.1-0.slink.0), cpp, libproplist0 (=
Description: wmaker with GNOME support...)

tal como yo hice, de un un cd de la dist Storm (basada en debian y con
paquetes .deb). Ignoro si la potato ya trae el wmaker amigablemente
compilado para gnome, pero podrías probar. O ir directo al ftp de
stormlinux. A mí no me dieron ningún quebradero de cabeza los paquetes de la
storm. Como apreciarás en las dependencias, deberás tener instalada una
versión del wmaker igual a la del wmaker-gnome (las demás ya las tienes en
tu slink). La instalación te pondrá un enlace simbólico desde /usr/X11R6/bin 
a /etc/alternatives. Si instalas además el wmaker-kde, imagino que deberás 
cambiar el enlace para usar el wmaker como gestor del kde en lugar de kwm.

 ...  no tengo el
 Gnome-File-Control (no se si asi se llama, pero es el que se utiliza
 para ver los archivos del
 disco y todo eso...), en el Gnome-Control-Center debo de poner el
 Window-Mannager que quiero
 que Gnome utilice pero como dije antes no tengo esta opcion.

El manejador de archivos es el gmc, paquete que puedes instalar sin más.
Respecto a que no tengas la opción del wmaker en el centro de control del
gnome, me remito a lo que te expuse más arriba. En mi centro de control,
sección manejadores de ventanas, me aparecen el wmaker, icewm y el twm. Los
dos primeros los saqué de la storm y el tercero viene por defecto con el
gnome. Quizá en la potato ya vienen compilados para gnome (como con la woody
pase lo mismo me pillo tarifa ondulada para eso el 2002... ).  

 Como comentario acerca de la amistosidad comparto con muchos el hecho
 de que esa amistosidad solo es cuestion de gustos...

Bueno, aquí, aparte de la famosa palabrita, se suele exponer la lentitud que
ha estigmatizado la salida de la potato. Y sí, la palabreja amistosidad es
cuestión de gustos, pues para mí, tras la superación inicial del dselect, me
rusultó muy amigable la debian. Sobretodo porque, acostumbrado a un disco
pequeño, poder tener todos los servicios (www, noticias, correo, proxy, etc,
etc, etc.) en menos de 200Mb, me resultaba, además de amigable, útil. Y con
la ventaja que no me daba la slak de atualizaciones rápidas y fiables (eran
otros tiempos, claro; aunque en mi pueblo las patatass se siembran para
Pascua y se recolectan en junio invariablemente año tras año...). Jamás
he conseguido instalar una dist con paquetes .rpm en menos de 500Mb. Pero
debo reconocer que, tal vez por la edad, soy un tanto torpe con esto de los
entornos amigables: nunca logré configurar el Outloock. Por no hablar del
trabajo que me dá decirle al OSR2 que los conductores de mi tarjeta
gráfica, hechos para su hermano pequeño, son válidos y que aquel trague...

 Hoy las cosas son muy diferentes, sabiando los conceptos minimos no es
 tan dificil instalar la Debian, he probado otras distribuciones y en lo
 personal siento que en algunas se esta tratando de windomizar Linux, o

Ya me perdonarás, pero el término que has elegido queda un poco como...

 sea hacer que el usuario se sienta como en windows al utilizar Linux,
 hasta los iconos son muy perecidos, de una forma muy personal no estoy
 de acuerdo con esto, a mi no me gusta, no significa que sea malo, para
 mi la Debian es todo lo que necesito y no tiene nada que envidiar a
 ninguna de las otras distribuciones.

No sólo eso, sino que algunas dists envidian a la debian: ¿te fijaste que 
la Mandrake dá la opción de poner un script para borrar el /tmp durante el
inicio? Y alguna cosilla más típica de debian, que ahora no recuerdo (¿tal
vez el upadates-menu?), le encontré cuando se la instalé a una amiga -a la 
que, por cierto, el entorno de instalación de la Mandrake no le resultó 
nada amigable-. De todas formas yo no veo nada mal las posibilidades que 
ofrece la diversidad. Esta amiga en cuestión se quedó entusiasmada al ver 
que mi empecinado linux arrancaba en modo gráfico y tenía el mismo navegador 
que el güindos (kde-explorer o algo similar)... Si bien jamás la 

Re: No puedo publicar la ñ

2000-08-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 05 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 15:42:38 +0200, Joaquin Saludes contaba:

Acabo de actualizar a Office 2000 y estoy utilizando FrontPage 2000.

 Toi pensando en comprar el ofis 2000, ¿cuánto te ha costado?

y en su lugar me sale un q. ¿Qué puedo hacer?

 Instala Linux :^P. Probablemente te  funcionen mal las bs, del,
 la ñ, los tildes y algunos  detalles más, pero aprenderás más sobre
 el teclado que en cualquier otro sitio.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Núcleo ltecra

2000-08-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 05 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 15:45:39 +0200, Fermín Manzanedo contaba:

Pero ahora quiero dar un paso más: Copié el núcleo ltecra a un disquete y le
puse el nombre de linux, pero lo que me gustaría es poder arrancar con LILO
desde el disco duro. Para ello me imagino que habrá que recompilar el
núcleo, ¿o no?, ¿o solo basta con sustituir el linux que tenga en el disco
duro por el que tengo en el disquete?

 Basta con eso y ejecutar lilo. Pero por si acaso, te recomiendo
 que no borres  el núcleo que funciona. Mete el  del floppy en /boot
 con otro nombre y añade lo correspondiente al lilo.conf.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Las empresas se dejan debianizar?

2000-08-05 Thread JFA
 Y Debian lo tiene bastante resuelto con sus perfiles de instalacion. Puede que
 debiesen ser mas abundantes, o puede opinarse sobre lo que dichos perfiles te
 instalan, pero al menos la cosa ya esta andando. Y el tan odiado dselect me
 parece estupendo para saber de que se dispone y de que no; quizas solo con
 retocar un poco las teclas y hacerle un front-end curiosete para usuarios 
 noveles la cosa seria mucho mas util.
Debian lo tiene más resuelto de lo que pudiera parecer, hay montones de
front-ends para el apt-get, como el console-apt. Además ¿ conoceis el
tasksel ?, 

 Ademas de que, aunque tienda a olvidarse, existen ordenadores con pocos
 recursos que aun pueden prestar grandes servicios, o simplemente maquinas que
 no tienen por que tirar de entorno grafico.
En eso estoy más que de acuerdo. Me viene a la cabeza un bridge de esos que
cuestan un ojo de la cara que un colega se montó con un pentium a 133, 32 Mb
de ram y una docena de tarjetas de red ( con espansores de bus ) daba gloria
verlo, y el solito llevaba una red de más de 200 ordenadores sin problemas.
 Todo eso me parece bien, y es necesario, pero valorando bien los
 inconvenientes. Las autodetecciones de hard parecen conllevar riesgos de
 cuelgues. Las instalaciones rapidas y automaticas tienen tendencia a
 convertirse en monstruos que te instalan mas cosas de las que quieres, y al
 final el usuario no sabe ni lo que tiene instalado realmente.

Bueno hay cosas que no veo tan difíciles, por ejemplo en /proc/pci tienes
todos los dispositivos pci listados. ¿ Para qué te pregunta qué tarjeta
gráfica tienes ?, creo que hasta yo - que soy muy burro - podría hacer un
script que instale el controlador para x necesario según esos datos ... y se
solucionarían el 90 % de las consultas en los canales de irc de linux.
Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian woody (unestable)  | -- JFA --

Re: Ayuda con tema ICEwm

2000-08-05 Thread JFA
On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 11:03:29AM -0700, Ezequiel wrote:
 Hola, se que esta pregunta no es muy especifica para esta lista pero quiza 
 alguno pueda ayudarme.
 Comenze a utilizar icewm con mi sistema Debian en X, bajando el window 
 manager y algunos temas del web, pero no logro encontrar el tema fvwm, mi 
 preferido cuando utilizaba slink (ya no dispongo del CD), parece que han 
 retirado este tema del sitio de temas de ice. Agradeceria mucho si alguien 
 puediera decirme donde buscar ese tema en especifico o enviarmelo si no es 
 mucho pedir.
 Gracias a todos.
¿ Ya has buscado en el paquete icewm-themes ?

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian woody (unestable)  | -- JFA --

Problemas de dependencia.

2000-08-05 Thread Kion_
	Saludos de nuevo a todos, les planteo mis dudas a ver si alguien me 
hiciera el favor de responder, por que, he instendo con todo y naaa. Mi 
problema se presenta cuando intento compilar el paquete kaffe, lo hago con 
el programa dpgk y le paso el siguiente parametro -i y el nombre del 
paquete deb, entonces me sale el siguiente mensaje, por lo que entiendo no 
tengo esos archivos en mi Linux, pero los he buscado en el sitio oficial de 
Debian y n. Aqui les muestro.

failed dependencies:
/sbin/ldconfig   is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
ld-linux.so.2 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libICE.so.6 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libSM.so.6 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libX11.so.6 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libXext.so.6 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libc.so.6 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libdl.so.2 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libjpeg.so.62 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libm.so.6 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libpng.so.2 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libungif.so.4 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libz.so.1 is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
/bin/sh is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.1) is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.0) is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) is needed by kaffe-1.0.5-6

Espero que me puedan ayudar y gracias...

Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Fri, 4 Aug 2000 20:21:42 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 

Hello Nate. Thanks a lot for replying.

Here are the specs:

Pentium II 400 Mhz,
Motherboard DFI PA61 ATX   (VIA Apollo Pro 133 chipset - 693/596b)
(Absolutely nothing on-board)
Award BIOS
64 Mb RAM (no ECC...)
Video Card Diamond SpeedStar A50 (SiS 6326 AGP, not on-board)
HD: Western Digital Caviar, 13.5 Gb, 7200 RPM

With stable kernels, I use ATA/33
With unstable kernels, I managed to get a patch to use ATA/66.

(I still didn't completely rule out ATA66, but... The system locked
with a stable kernel (and hence, with ATA33)

BTW, I have checked to see if I could find anything related to
problems with this chipset and HD, but found nothing.

 pelleg To see what could be the problem, I left the system with xmms running
 pelleg while I was out for 4 hours. When I came back, the keyboard was
 pelleg non-functionl, and nothing worked... Since it's a standalone box, I
 pelleg hadto reset it. I was sort of expecting this (I was actually trying to
 pelleg rule out some applications that could be locking the system)

 best thing to rule out first is X windows, disable X from starting:
 if you run X from a login screen like KDM/GDM/XDM remove the link:

No, I use startx...

 pelleg What could be happening? (I mean, why would it just ignore the
 pelleg comments and treat them like listed modules to be loaded?)

 I can't imagine a reason why it would, something else may be wrong, but
 the end result is harmless.

Hm, waht about the fact that it only happened after this lock? I
thought that perhaps this could mean filesystem corruption...

 pelleg I really don't understand what's going on... I suspected that my
 pelleg memory could be bad, but I've compiled lots of big packages (including
 pelleg several kernels, sometimes every two days), for months and never got a
 pelleg sig11. 
 check the kernel log /var/log/kern.log  if the kernel encounters an error
 it will be reported there, assuming it is not a serious hardware problem
 which causes the machine to freeze before the kernel can report anything.

Nothing there... Actually, it jumps from Aug, 4 to Aug, 21:50 (when I
resetted the machine). And the messages begin with the new
boot... Nothing in the period in which it crashed.

 pelleg I'm beginning to suspect this may be:
 pelleg - PS/2 mouse (these locks began to happen after I got a new mouse)

 what brand/model of mouse?

I got it from a cousin... It's a Leadership mouse, made in China.
Ordinary 3-button PS/2 mouse, it seems...

 and what kind of mainboard? i had serious PS/2
 trouble on an old AOpen AP5T-3, after a few months the PS/2 port worked
 intermittantly(sp) maybe one out of 10 boots and even then would cause
 random crashes, eventually i just moved to a serial mouse.(that
 motherboard is still in service after 3 years it currently runs
 mandrake7.0 and acts solely as a TV for my bedroom)

Hmmm... Maybe I should get a serial mouse...

 pelleg - X 3.3.6  (no problems happened with X 4)
 pelleg - video card (SiS 6326 AGP)

 what video mode are you running in?

1280x1240. I've been using this mode, with this card... For months!

 and are you using a framebuffer X server?

I believe there is no support to that for this card yet...

 again i would reccomend not running X to see if X has something to
 do with it, X can be a very good center place for lockups.

Hm, just now I realize... I use flwm as a window manager (fast, small,
and not configurable at all).
I did compile it myself here (and I think I tried to include some
compiler options to optimize it a little bit, like
--arch=pentiumpro)... And packaged. Now I've reverted to the .deb I
had before...

But could this be a problem? I mean... Building the package myself? I
was confident that the same package compiled by the mantainer could be
compiled here... You know... We can even do that automatically with
apt-get... :-)

 if you run X, i would also suggest redirecting the output to a logfile,
 when you login run:
 startx X.log
 all output will be saved to X.log, if there is a crash check it to see if
 any helpful info is available.

I forgot to do that, but will next time.

 pelleg Next thing I'll do is to compile X 4.0.1 and see if the problem goes
 pelleg away. If it does, then (and I'd be surprised) it'd be an X-3.3.6
 pelleg problem... 

 is it onboard video? if so do you have another video card to try? i
 wouldnt reccomend going to XF86 4.0.1 if you can avoid it its likely to be
 more buggy then XF86 3.3.6 for that video card(but i could be wrong)

Actually, I did use 4.0.1 for a few days, and it didn't crash... But
it may have been too little time.

(I thought this could be a reasonable option, since the code is a lot
different from that of 3.3.6)

 hope this helps!

Yes, that helped a lot already.



Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: potato installation problem: lp driver; get init_module: Device or resource busy message: MORE DATA

2000-08-05 Thread Daniel Barclay

 I'm having trouble with the current pre-release of potato.  I
 can't tell if this is a bug, an odd incompatibility in my system 
 (which works fine with slink), or something I'm doing wrong.
 When I get to the step of configuring device drivers, I can't 
 install module lp.

Here's something else I noticed:

When the system boots, right before the first installation program
dialog comes up, a number of repeated messages flash by on the screen, 
saying (approximately--they flashed by):
   ... modprobe: can't open dependency file /lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep

Also, I noticed a message on the fourth virtual console (I had booted 
with linux verbose debug):

   kmod: runaway modprobe loop assumed and stopped 

I tried running modprobe from the command line, and got the same
error message (one).

Are those messages normal?

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:  http://www.junkbusters.com/cgi-bin/privacy
http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi )

VMware with potato - any issues?

2000-08-05 Thread Rick Macdonald

I'm just about to try VMware on my potato system to run Win 95 or 98.

Are there any problems to know about?



2000-08-05 Thread Dale Morris
Is there a deb isapnptools package? I'm trying to set up kernel 2.2.16 to 
autoconfig my soundcard and it's not showing anything about isapnp in dmesg. I 
think I've got all the swithces right, and I've gotten it to autoload the 
modules for my yamaha oplsax soundcard before. any help or suggestions 

Re: @home network

2000-08-05 Thread John Foster
Jaron Abbott wrote:
 I'm wondering if anybody can help me figure out how to connect two computers
 to one net connection (@home network).  The computer I want to add is a
 Debian box (potato), the currently connected computer is a Windoze box.  I'd
 like to be able to run stuff like sshd, apache, etc. off the Debian box, but
 I don't want to take net access away from the Windoze computer.  I've
 thought about getting another NIC, so that the Debian box would have two
 NICs -- one connected to the net, the other to the Windoze box.  However, I
 have no idea how I would set something like this up, what software,
 documentation, etc.  Perhaps this isn't the best solution, even if I could
 get it to work.  Any suggestions?
 Thanks in advance,
The device you need is an ethernet hub. They are available with several
connections. The hub connects to the cable modem. each computer connects
to the hub. Each computer will need its own ip address if you use static
ip's. If your cable company uses DHCP or Boot p addressing schemes, you
will need to work out the details with them. Either way you will need to
work through them to get both boxes connected. There are other ways to
do this, but in my opinion this is the easiest most secure process. Good
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: @home network

2000-08-05 Thread Tom Marshall
I just got an @home cablemodem last weekend and I've been running ipmasq for
quite some time over a normal dialup.  The short answer is that you can
connect as many computers through your service as you like, using only one
IP address, and you don't really need two ethernet cards in any of the
computers (although I highly recommend it).

First off, @home (supposedly) uses standard DHCP to assign your computer its
net parameters (IP, gateway, netmask, DNS, and domain name).  I have not
been able to get DHCP working here using either windows or linux, so I
cannot speak for their DHCP.  However, I can tell you that their very first
solution to DHCP problems is to give you your static IP address.  It seems
their DHCP service is none too reliable to start with.  In practice, the
DHCP only exists to make it easier for the customer because they don't need
to remember any numbers.  Just click on automatic and off you go.  Every
customer has a preassigned IP and they will always get that same IP assigned
by DHCP.  So just use the settings from your windows box directly if you
can't get DHCP working on your linux box.  Pay careful attention to the
netmask though -- 24.*.*.* defaults to (class A) in most software,
but they want you to use (class C).

Now, on to the fun stuff.  As you should have guessed from the above, I am
going to describe how to setup your linux box as a gateway to the net using
the @home service.  If you want to continue using the windows box as the
gateway, go check out some of the windows software that is available for
this purpose.  There are several free, shareware, and commercial solutions. 
The most widely known is probably WinGate.  But none will be nearly as
flexible or give you as much satisfaction as using linux as your gateway. :)
I'm going to explain things in some detail so just skip over what you are
already familiar with.

Conceptually, you want a network that looks like this (view in a monospaced

   | CM |-- To the net
   |   |   |
 -   -   -
 | A |   | B |   | C |
 -   -   -

CM is your cablemodem and A, B, C are computers on your network.  This setup
would require three IP addresses though.  Not only do they charge extra for
more IP addresses, all your computers are now exposed to the net,
multiplying your security concerns considerably.  Let's insert a gateway
machine here, GW, that can direct traffic between your internal network and
the real world using only one external IP address.  This is called IP
masquerading or, in the more general sense NAT (Network Address

   --   --
   | GW |---| CM |-- To the net
   --   --
   |   |   |
 -   -   -
 | A |   | B |   | C |
 -   -   -

For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that GW has two ethernet cards. 
The one connected to the ethernet with A, B and C (call it eth0) will use a
private internal IP address and the other one (call it eth1) will use your
public @home IP address.  A good IP address range to use for a private
intranet is 192.168.1.*.  This is one portion of the officially designated
private intranet addressing space and you will never see these IP addresses
on the net.  So we will configure eth0 on GW with address and
the other machines with,, etc.  The other card gets
your public IP (call it for sake of explanation).  So:

ifconfig eth0 netmask
ifconfig eth1 netmask

The routes to these networks should be added automatically and you can
verify by running route -n:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   U 0  00 eth1   U 0  00 eth0

Now we need to tell the machine that our cablemodem is the gateway to The
Net, so (if .1 is your @home gateway):

route add default gw

Now your GW machine should be able to ping A, B, C, and anything on the net
by using IP addresses.  Now would be a good time to update your
/etc/resolv.conf for your local @home parameters so DNS works.  You will
also need to be aware of your local subdomain for configuring mail and such.
For example, my @home mailserver is mail.sttln1.wa.home.com (my @home domain
is sttln1.wa.home.com).

Now the masquerading.  The machine GW needs to route packets from machines
A, B and C that are destined for The Net and make it appear that all the
packets are coming from GW itself.  The bare minimum required to accomplish
this is to execute this command on GW:

ipchains -A forward -s -d ! -j MASQ

Configure the machines A, B and C with their gateway set to and
setup their DNS, and your should 

Re: isapnptools

2000-08-05 Thread Thomas J. Hamman
Yes, there is... apt-get install isapnptools.

Basically what you need to do is type (as root) pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf and
then edit that isapnp.conf file to comment out the correct settings for your
sound card.  Refer to the documentation in /usr/share/doc/isapnptools.

Take my advice with a grain of salt, because I couldn't get isapnptools +
OSS/Lite kernel modules to work for me in Debian (for my AWE64), and I had to
resort to alsa drivers to get my sound card to work.  (And if anyone would
like to help me get the OSS/Lite drivers to work, I'd appreciate it)


On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 03:19:17PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
 Is there a deb isapnptools package? I'm trying to set up kernel 2.2.16 to 
 autoconfig my soundcard and it's not showing anything about isapnp in dmesg. 
 I think I've got all the swithces right, and I've gotten it to autoload the 
 modules for my yamaha oplsax soundcard before. any help or suggestions 

Re: @home network

2000-08-05 Thread Tom Marshall
The third number in each of the addresses below should be 1, not 10.  Sorry
about the typos.

 ipchains -A forward -s -d ! -j MASQ
 Configure the machines A, B and C with their gateway set to and
 setup their DNS, and your should be set.

Xfree mouse trouble

2000-08-05 Thread Jeremiah Savage

Just finished installing my first debian system (potato) by the floppy
method. Everything is great except trying to use my mouse in X. The
slightest touch of the mouse causes it to go berserk - flying all over the
screen and briefly displaying popup menus eventhough I'm not pressing any
buttons. I can use the mouse just fine in terminal mode to highlight
text and paste the text using the middle button, so I think my hardware is
ok. Any clues?

My system is an AsusP2B, PII-400, PS/2 Logitech 3-button mouse. I was
previosly running Slackware 7.0 w/o a problem. I configured X with
xf86config and chose the ps/2 option, and I'm not emulating

Living in Lynx Land,


Re: Xfree mouse trouble

2000-08-05 Thread Jared Johnson

 screen and briefly displaying popup menus eventhough I'm not pressing any
 buttons. I can use the mouse just fine in terminal mode to highlight
 text and paste the text using the middle button, so I think my hardware
 ok. Any clues?

A very easy way to fix this would be to use the mouse in X through GPM (the
program that is used to support the mouse in terminal mode).  You can do
this by running gpmconfig and telling it to use the -R flag (or optionally
by editing /etc/gpm.conf to do the same thing); then, when you set up X,
set it up to use the device /dev/gpmdata and the protocol MouseSystems.

This is what I have ended up doing with both my old M$ Intellimouse PS/2
and my new wireless logitech 4-button mouse w/wheel, because both of these
didn't seem to work in X no matter what I tried.

Hrm, perhaps I'll post to the list about my wireless mouse troubles, since
i would really like to be able to use the wheel and perhaps the 4th button

Good luck.

Jared Johnson

It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)

Version:  3.12
GCS/C d+(-)-- s:+ a18 C$ UL$ P+ L+++ E--- W+ N+ o? K- w---
!O M-- V-- !PS !PE Y PGP- t+ 5-- X R-- tv- b+ DI+ !D G e++(+++) h-- r*

Volunteers needed for MashPotato tech support crew in #Debian on irc.debian.org around August 15.

2000-08-05 Thread Andrew Lau

Hash: SHA1
Hello, this is Andrew Netsnipe Lau from #debian at
irc.debian.org calling 
out for volunteers who know a bit of Debian GNU/Linux and can offer a
of time to help others. As many of you are well aware, the third test
of Debian is about to end soon, schedules on August 15 (no guarantees or

leaks here), and quite possibly, if we're lucky will officially become
Debian itself, unfortunately, despite progress in this area over the last

year or two, has never been an easy to install or configurable
for the beginner. Remember the first time as a Linux newbie when you

installed Debian and were intimidated by dselect (thank goodness tasksel

has been introduced). How long did it take you to get X or sound running
your own, or even when you switched distributions?
We here at #debian, the official IRC chatroom of Debian have decided that

when Potato 2.2 does officially become stable, that we will provide the

most comprehensive Debian GNU/Linux support service that we can to users

both new and old. However, being the official IRC room, #debian will be

overwhelmed with literally hundreds of users seeking installation and

configuration help. The task would be quite daunting for regulars there
we already handle several dozen help requests a day.
Hence the Potato release now has a dedicated IRC tech support crew 
nicknamed the Mobile Array of Support Helpers for Potato (MashPotato)
serve around the clock for users around the world. To make things easier,

we will also divert users to different channels from #debian to for
#debian-install and #debian-x, #debian-sound, #debian-gnome. However, we

will be lacking in numbers of people to answer the multitudes of
To sign up for the roster list for MashPotato, just come into #debian and

type in apt roster for further details, and return over the
next few days 
for more details. You don't need to be using Potato, but any Debian-based

help provided will be greatly appreciated.
So please, for the sake of new users, please volunteer for MashPotato and

help promote the Debian GNU/Linux community to new users as well. Debian
much more than yet another Linux distribution. It has a fine tradition of

being a community which distinguishes it as one of the best Linux 
distributions out there. Let's keep it that way.
Yours sincerely, 
Andrew Netsnipe Lau 
ICQ: 2194697
PS: MashPotato is not an official organization or division of the Debian

GNU/Linux project, however we do have members and links with those who
around at #debian. MashPotato is a volunteer group run by people at
in the spirit of the project. 
Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use


2000-08-05 Thread patrick
I try to configure my /etc/wvdial.conf file to have a better modem
connexion .
potato i386 and modem Olitec speedcomm2000
It's strange,

with a single line like :

Init1 = ATZ

The result is nearly the same than with for exemple :

Init1 = ATZ
 Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 S11=55 +FCLASS=0
 Init3 = ATE0V1C1D2Q0S0=0W2S95=43
# Init3 = ATE0V1C1D2Q0S0=0W2S95=47
# Init4 = ATS7=60S30=0L1M1\N3%C3K3B0X4
# Init5 = AT+MS=56,1,32000,56000
# Init5 = AT+MS=12,1,28000,56000
# Init5 = ATFK3B24

I've tried many of those stanges  line,  .

What is the best to do to improve a modem connexion ?


Re: Xfree mouse trouble

2000-08-05 Thread Jeremiah Savage
On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Jared Johnson wrote:

  screen and briefly displaying popup menus eventhough I'm not pressing any
  buttons. I can use the mouse just fine in terminal mode to highlight
  text and paste the text using the middle button, so I think my hardware
  ok. Any clues?
 A very easy way to fix this would be to use the mouse in X through GPM (the
 program that is used to support the mouse in terminal mode).  You can do
 this by running gpmconfig and telling it to use the -R flag (or optionally
 by editing /etc/gpm.conf to do the same thing); then, when you set up X,
 set it up to use the device /dev/gpmdata and the protocol MouseSystems.

Thanks for the help. I edited /etc/X11/XF86Config so that the Pointer
Device is /dev/gpmdata and the Protocol Microsoft (how horrible...)
and the mouse works now.


Re: dual boot with lilo Linux on slave drive

2000-08-05 Thread Torrey Peacock

At 01:02 PM 8/4/00 +0100, Wilson Yau wrote:

Can lilo installed on MBR of the 2nd HD handle dual boot at boot time?
If yes, how?

I'm not an expert, but I couldn't get that configuration to work.  It 
really seems best to have LILO on the first drive - I made a /boot 
partition on hda, and edited etc/lilo.conf to reflect that.  The Linux root 
partition is on the second drive, but the kernel image is in /boot, on the 
first drive.  You also have to make /boot an active (bootable) partition 
with Linux fdisk, or some other utility.  And run /sbin/lilo from root to 
update your configuration.


sendmsg problem

2000-08-05 Thread Marcus Clarén

When I boot my box, I get this message:

rpc.statd forgot to set AF_INET in udp sendmsg. Fix it!

After that, the following message is repeated about 25 times with about a 12 
second interval:

RPC: sendmsg returned error 101

Then the boot process i continued. Please help me fix this! 

Marcus Clarén

Re: potato installation problem: lp driver; get init_module: Device or resource busy message: MORE DATA

2000-08-05 Thread David Reviejo
* Daniel Barclay [EMAIL PROTECTED] [000805 11:57]:
  When I get to the step of configuring device drivers, I can't 
  install module lp.
 Here's something else I noticed:
 When the system boots, right before the first installation program
 dialog comes up, a number of repeated messages flash by on the screen, 
 saying (approximately--they flashed by):
... modprobe: can't open dependency file /lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep

Try running depmod -a by hand (as root); this command will make your
modules.dep. If this is ok, take a look at /etc/init.d/modutils: this
script run depmod at init; see if a symlink (S20modutils) to this file
exist in /etc/rsS.d


Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread David Reviejo
* Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] [000805 11:57]:
 To see what could be the problem, I left the system with xmms running
 while I was out for 4 hours. When I came back, the keyboard was
 non-functionl, and nothing worked... Since it's a standalone box, I
 hadto reset it. I was sort of expecting this (I was actually trying to
 rule out some applications that could be locking the system)

Two weeks ago I tried xmms with the same result: a locked system; I
think this app is broken. Don't use it (try freeamp), and see what

 But at startup, it now makes strange complaints, like:
 modprobe: can't locate module #
 modprobe: can't locate module are
 modprobe: can't locate module with
 But these are parts of commented lines in /etc/modules!!!

As you say, this is not a problem; but only for curiosity, take a look
at /etc/init.d/modutils: this script parses /etc/modules at init with a
loop; mine (from potato) is:

# Loop over every line in /etc/modules.
echo -n 'Loading modules: '
(cat /etc/modules; echo) | # make sure there is a LF at the end
while read module args
case $module in
auto)   [ ${startkerneld} -eq 0 -a -x /sbin/kerneld ]  \
echo  /etc/init.d/kerneld start  startkerneld=1;
continue ;;
noauto) continue ;;
\#*|) continue ;;  # - this strip comments
echo -n $module 
modprobe $module $args

Play doing this by hand, or make a test script using echo to see what's
going on.


Fwd: Re: Can't get online

2000-08-05 Thread Allan Peak

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.
As far as I can tell it doesn't recognize my Ethernet
card.  It gives error messages when booting that
scroll before I can read them.  Something like
Network unreachable and I saw something about eth0. 
I couldn't find anything that looked relavant in
/var/logs and looking at the Ethernet-HOWTO it said
that kernels before 2.0.31 might not recognize my
RealTek 8029, but Slink uses 2.0.36.  I know Linux can
recognize my card because it worked in RedHat 6.2.  I
just can't figure out how to do it myself!

--- Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What seems to be the problem?
 Read Ethernet-HOWTO for specific card installations.
 Basically, main thing
 is to get ethernet card working correctly. dhcpcd
 will take it from there.
 Any error messages in logs, what are the symptoms?

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.
---End Message---

Re: VMware with potato - any issues?

2000-08-05 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 10:59:10PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 I'm just about to try VMware on my potato system to run Win 95 or 98.
 Are there any problems to know about?

It works like a charm.  Win4Lin also works (less features, but faster),
but was a bit more of a hassle to set up (ymmv).

Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread steve doerr
Does anyone know if there is a workable journaling file system for
Debian yet?

Thanks for any input.

only running one emacs..

2000-08-05 Thread Jonas Moberg
If I got emacs running and type emacs somefile, I'd like the emacs I
already got running to open the file, not start a new emacs (atleast if I'm
not in X). How?


Re: potato installation problem: lp driver; get init_module: Device or resource busy message

2000-08-05 Thread John Bagdanoff

 lp1 at 0x0378, (polling)

Maybe it should be lp0?


Maybe that's the problem?

Using Linux

Re: Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 09:50:00AM +, steve doerr wrote:

 Does anyone know if there is a workable journaling file system for
 Debian yet?

there are Journaling FileSystems for Linux, yes. but, all are still
beta or alpha..

  o ReiserFS: a JFS, which uses a B-Tree (afaik beta),
  o Ext3: it adds Journaling-capabilities to ext2 (afaik alpha),

there are also some other... XFS (from SGI) and JFS (from IBM)... both
alpha, afaik. i don't know how usable they are.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: only running one emacs..

2000-08-05 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 05:06:42PM +0200, Jonas Moberg wrote:

 If I got emacs running and type emacs somefile, I'd like the emacs I
 already got running to open the file, not start a new emacs (atleast if I'm
 not in X). How?

info -f /usr/share/info/emacs-e20.gz
and search for 'server'...
or man emacslient..

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: VMware with potato - any issues?

2000-08-05 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 10:59:10PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
  I'm just about to try VMware on my potato system to run Win 95 or 98.
  Are there any problems to know about?
 It works like a charm. 

Good to hear! It would be nice to see Debian listed in their supported
distribution list.

 Win4Lin also works (less features, but faster), but was a bit more of
 a hassle to set up (ymmv).

I successfully run Quicken2000 under wine. I now would like to run some
audio software that needs to record from CD or audio IN (from a cassette,
etc). These programs slow music down while keeping the pitch constant (for
learning guitar solos, etc). I think I checked and Win4Lin doesn't handle

The vmware page says that sound _input_ is now supported in v2.x. I don't
suppose that you've accessed sound in this way?


Re: C programming

2000-08-05 Thread Philip C Mendelsohn
On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:

 I suggest going to comp.lang.c and checking the C FAQ. Specifically look
 for the inherent problem of putting the same variable on both sides of a
 relational operator: (x+y)  x

In this case, a little algebra shows that all you need to check is y  0.
That's legal and defined.

Phil Mendelsohn

Lottery:a tax on people who are bad at math

Re: Loading fetchmail man page in Gnome-help uses all memory

2000-08-05 Thread Francesco Bochicchio
On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 08:54:05PM +0100, Lee Elliott wrote:
 Hello list,
 I noticed a curious thing this evening - when I load the fetchmail man
 page in the Gnome help browser, it grabs all my memory - 256MB and ramps
 up swap usage until all that's gone too - another 256MB - previously
 none was used.  CPU utilisation runs at about 75% on both cpus (SMP
 system) while this happens.
 This all takes about 10 seconds on this system.  It then frees all the
 memory, effectively flushing the cache and buffer memory, and displays
 the fetchmail man page ok.
 Apart from the cpus being tied up, there's no other obvious effects or
 consequences - nothing crashes (tried a kernel compile and running
 Netscape) and the system then seems fine, although swap usage doesn't
 return to 0MB immediately but seems to drop off over time, probably as
 the system moves stuff back into main memory.  I just logged out and
 back in and that cleared most of the swap - only 9.5MB used now, down
 from 64MB after loading the man page several times, dropping to 29MB
 just before I logged out.
 There don't seem to be any spurious processes left hanging around.
 This happens on consecutive loads on this man page: start
 Gnome help, select Man Pages, select User Commands, select fetchmail -
 memory used.  Use the Back button, select User Commands (again), select
 fetchmail - memory used.
 I've got three discrete 2.2.17 Potatos on this system, all with the same
 s/w installed - I've tried it on two of them with identical results -
 reboots make no difference.  At least it shows I'm keeping them in
 This doesn't happen if the fetchmail man page is loaded from a Gnome
 term: 'man fetchmail'

Yep! Same on my machine ( potato, kernel 2.2.13, 64 MB + 150 MB swap )

 dmesg gives:
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for gnome-man2html...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for gnome-man2html...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for procmeter3...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for gnome-man2html...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for procmeter3...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for tasklist_applet...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for gnome-man2html...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for gnome-man2html...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for XF86_SVGA...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for sh...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for procmeter3...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for mount...
 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for procmeter3...
No. Nothing like that on my machine .

 I'm getting really crappy conections at the moment so I've not been able
 to check the bug list, but if any one else gets the same behaviour I'll
 check it out and raise a bug if neccessary.

I noticed that the man page of fetchmail is quite long. Gnome Helper calls
'gnome-man2html' to convert man pages into html pages, and probably this
is the program which sucks so much memory and CPU.
Dunno if this counts as a bug, though.


Re: VMware with potato - any issues?

2000-08-05 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Rick Macdonald wrote:
 I'm just about to try VMware on my potato system to run Win 95 or 98.
 Are there any problems to know about?

If you have managed to get Quicken 2000 running under wine (I bow), you
should have no problems getting VMware to run on Debian potato. You can
install it exactly according to their instructions and it works fine.

One note: there is a choice between an rpm install and a tar.gz install.
I had no problems with the tar.gz, while I've seen where others have run
into complications trying to install the rpm package on Debian via


Re: Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Does anyone know if there is a workable journaling file system for
 Debian yet?

 * reiserfs - it's a mostly-journalling file system, and should be quite
   stable (can't quite bring myself to use it on my own systems.  Some on
   debian-user have used with with good success, however).
 * ext3 - full journalling extensions onto ext2.  It's been used to good
   effect on some high-volume sites (www.rpmfind.net for one).  Sadly, the
   patches for 2.2.16 are RedHat- specific :(.  The patches for
   2.2.17preXX should be more generic.  I have the archive if you want it.
 * jfs - The journaling file system from IBM's AIX.  The patches are
   still very much alpha - don't even think about it if you're not running
   Linux on i386.  It reportedly works well, though.
 * xfs - The journaling file system from SGI's Irix.  Haven't heard how
   well it works.

Note that out of all of these, only reiserfs has been ported to the
2.4.0-testX series.

Even so, it's nice to have choices, isn't it :)

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: Eterm upgrade

2000-08-05 Thread Nate Duehr
On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 09:47:54AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 I just updated from eterm_0.8.10-10 to eterm_0.9.0-7 last night.  Although
 the new version plays much more nicely with WindowMaker, the process has been
 somewhat less than pleasant, what with changes to configuration options and
 even the name of the theme files changeing, but I've got it mostly working
 A few problems persist, however:
 - Most importantly, my Home and End keys no longer work.  I tried installing
 the Eterm.ti from /usr/share/doc/eterm, but it came back with a number of
 errors.  I've also tried changing $TERM from xterm (the new default) to
 xterm-debian (the old default), but that had no effect - either way, home/
 end just beep and display a ~.
 - Menus do not appear to be functional.  theme.cfg includes menus.cfg, which
 I assume to be valid, but no menu appears.
 - When pasting text into an Eterm, the cursor changes into a hollow block,
 which typically indicates a nonfocused window, even though the Eterm retains
 focus.  Moving the mouse over another window and back (I use sloppy focus
 mode) restores it, but it can be a tad confusing...
 Any tips on fixing these problems (other than go back to 0.8.10)?

I've noticed that the Save Current Settings in Potato's Eterm version
is horribly broken, but haven't had time to figure out why it is on my
system.  It saves config files that completely trash my keyboard
mappings and then Eterm doesn't work, so I end up manually hacking away
at MAIN until it's right again.

In your case the whole package seems broken.  Have you attempted a
complete removal of the Eterm package with 'apt-get remove --purge
Eterm' and a re-install to see if the broken paths will work?

Just a thought... 


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Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Eterm upgrade

2000-08-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
Nate Duehr said:
 I've noticed that the Save Current Settings in Potato's Eterm version
 is horribly broken,

And I've never even noticed that there was a Save Current Settings...

 In your case the whole package seems broken.  Have you attempted a
 complete removal of the Eterm package with 'apt-get remove --purge
 Eterm' and a re-install to see if the broken paths will work?

I actually managed to get Home/End working by installing the latest
ncurses-base (which includes updated terminfo files), but haven't managed to
find anything to fix the menus or the cursor oddness.  I think I'll have to
try the purge-and-reinstall to see if it cleans those up.

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: C programming

2000-08-05 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 11:31:02AM -0500, Philip C Mendelsohn wrote:
 On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:
  I suggest going to comp.lang.c and checking the C FAQ. Specifically look
  for the inherent problem of putting the same variable on both sides of a
  relational operator: (x+y)  x
 In this case, a little algebra shows that all you need to check is y  0.
 That's legal and defined.

Yup.  But I think the assignment of z = x+y makes z-x quicker then the
evaluation of x+y - x.  It's a floating point precision thing...

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

Re: Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread André Dahlqvist
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 11:57:36AM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:

 Note that out of all of these, only reiserfs has been ported to the
 2.4.0-testX series.

Actually, xfs has been ported too. I just saw on freshmeat an
announcement of xfs for linux-2.4.0-test5.

The website for the project is here: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfs/

And for the brave, the patches can be downloaded from here:


For those looking for a journaling filesystem right now I would go for
Reiserfs (http://devlinux.com/projects/reiserfs/). It has had quiet a
bit of testing, and it just barely missed inclusion in 2.4.

// André

Re: Eterm upgrade

2000-08-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
Dave Sherohman said:
 I actually managed to get Home/End working by installing the latest
 ncurses-base (which includes updated terminfo files), but haven't managed to
 find anything to fix the menus or the cursor oddness.  I think I'll have to
 try the purge-and-reinstall to see if it cleans those up.

Nope, didn't work.  Menus and cursor are still messed up.  But at least I
don't have the old-style config files laying around any more...

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 12:25:34PM -0500, Warren A. Layton wrote:

[Journaling FileSystems under Linux...]

 There is also GFS (Global File System) from the University of Michigan (I
 think...I could be some other university).
 Of all of these, I think ReiserFS is the most mature but (IMHO) Ext3
 looks the most promising (you can switch from ext2 tow ext3 and back
 again without too much trouble, or so I've been told).

but, ext3 doesn't use a B-Tree, afaik...

hmm, yes, switching to ext3 is quiet simple. you only need a kernel
with the ext3 patches, then you've to create the journaling file in
your file system and boot your kernel with a parameter journal=...
to use the journal..

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread Nate Duehr
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 09:50:00AM +, steve doerr wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is a workable journaling file system for
 Debian yet?
 Thanks for any input.

A good source of info for all Linux High-Availability projects is
www.linux-ha.org ... hope it helps.


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Description: PGP signature

Such few Open Hardware periphals?

2000-08-05 Thread I. Tura
Dear debianists,

I want to purchase some hardware for my computers. Because all 
need to run under Debian, I downloaded the latest Hardware-compatibility
HOWTO and I checked the Open Hardware section in Debian's site.
But I became astonished when I saw just four companies.
The last update is from October 1998, so it's the site very outdated or
almost all the hardware companies still are as nice as always?

Thanks for your attention,

  \__|  els fills abandonats  |___/



Do You Yahoo!?
Achetez, vendez! À votre prix! Sur http://encheres.yahoo.fr

Re: Eterm upgrade

2000-08-05 Thread Nate Duehr
It's a start!  :)

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 12:42:01PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 Dave Sherohman said:
  I actually managed to get Home/End working by installing the latest
  ncurses-base (which includes updated terminfo files), but haven't managed to
  find anything to fix the menus or the cursor oddness.  I think I'll have to
  try the purge-and-reinstall to see if it cleans those up.
 Nope, didn't work.  Menus and cursor are still messed up.  But at least I
 don't have the old-style config files laying around any more...
 Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
 So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
 Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
 !K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 5 Aug 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:

pelleg Pentium II 400 Mhz,
pelleg Motherboard DFI PA61 ATX   (VIA Apollo Pro 133 chipset - 693/596b)
my current board has that chipset i believe (asus cuv4x)

pelleg (Absolutely nothing on-board)


pelleg Award BIOS
pelleg 64 Mb RAM (no ECC...)
pelleg Video Card Diamond SpeedStar A50 (SiS 6326 AGP, not on-board)

i would replace that if it was mine, although SIS is getting better
support all the time.  I stick mainly to Nvidia/Matrox/3Dfx cards under
linux these days. Also have run the i810.

pelleg HD: Western Digital Caviar, 13.5 Gb, 7200 RPM
heard bad things about western digital, make sure to turn DMA *OFF* when
using it or you may get problems see:


pelleg With stable kernels, I use ATA/33
pelleg With unstable kernels, I managed to get a patch to use ATA/66.


pelleg (I still didn't completely rule out ATA66, but... The system locked
pelleg with a stable kernel (and hence, with ATA33)


pelleg BTW, I have checked to see if I could find anything related to
pelleg problems with this chipset and HD, but found nothing.

see the link above about the hdd. it may not be the source of the problems
but it can be the source of many(more serious?) ones.

pelleg Hm, waht about the fact that it only happened after this lock? I
pelleg thought that perhaps this could mean filesystem corruption...

that might be the last thing in the log, i dont know how active your
system is. wish you had another box on a network with that one to see if
you could telnet into it or ping it or something.

pelleg Nothing there... Actually, it jumps from Aug, 4 to Aug, 21:50 (when I
pelleg resetted the machine). And the messages begin with the new
pelleg boot... Nothing in the period in which it crashed.

sounds like hardware then.

pelleg I got it from a cousin... It's a Leadership mouse, made in China.
pelleg Ordinary 3-button PS/2 mouse, it seems...

leadership, havent heard of em but its possible it could cause problems if
its not totally compliant witht he PS/2 protocol it could be flaky. change
mice and see if it still happens.

pelleg But could this be a problem? I mean... Building the package myself? I
pelleg was confident that the same package compiled by the mantainer could be
pelleg compiled here... You know... We can even do that automatically with
pelleg apt-get... :-)

something could cause X to freeze, ive never had it happen with a
windowmanager though, i could always CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE(have you tried
this?) if something in X crashes, 3Dfx glide has caused serious hangs and
forced reboots but thats about it.

pelleg Actually, I did use 4.0.1 for a few days, and it didn't crash... But
pelleg it may have been too little time.
pelleg (I thought this could be a reasonable option, since the code is a lot
pelleg different from that of 3.3.6)

it might, im more concerned with how you get the system back to normal
after installing XF864.01 (if you want to go back to 3.3.6) it may be
difficult to get it working properly again(that may be part of the current
problem as well)


10:48am up 18 days, 18:15, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: VMware with potato - any issues?

2000-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
runnin it just fine, on 2.2.16


On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Rick Macdonald wrote:

rickma I'm just about to try VMware on my potato system to run Win 95 or 98.
rickma Are there any problems to know about?
rickma ...RickM...
rickma -- 
rickma Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

10:48am up 18 days, 18:15, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 14:30:35 +0200, David Reviejo [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Two weeks ago I tried xmms with the same result: a locked system; I
 think this app is broken. Don't use it (try freeamp), and see what

Hmmm... I'll begin using FreeAmp.
But I think the system locked once without xmms.

Anyway... I'll wait and see what happens.

 But at startup, it now makes strange complaints, like:
 modprobe: can't locate module #
 modprobe: can't locate module are
 modprobe: can't locate module with
 But these are parts of commented lines in /etc/modules!!!

Ok, after a new upgrade with dselect, the problem was gone... I think
modutils had some bug!

So, the 

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 11:11:39 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 

Hi Nate...

 pelleg Motherboard DFI PA61 ATX   (VIA Apollo Pro 133 chipset - 693/596b)
 my current board has that chipset i believe (asus cuv4x)

I think I heard some not so nice things about VIA chipsets...
Like, poor CPU performance when doing UDMA, and other problems.

 pelleg Award BIOS
 pelleg 64 Mb RAM (no ECC...)
 pelleg Video Card Diamond SpeedStar A50 (SiS 6326 AGP, not on-board)

 i would replace that if it was mine, although SIS is getting better
 support all the time.  I stick mainly to Nvidia/Matrox/3Dfx cards under
 linux these days. Also have run the i810.

Yes, I've been thinking about that. The card has * Mb on it, but can
use 4 only... :-/

 pelleg HD: Western Digital Caviar, 13.5 Gb, 7200 RPM
 heard bad things about western digital, make sure to turn DMA *OFF* when
 using it or you may get problems see:


 see the link above about the hdd. it may not be the source of the problems
 but it can be the source of many(more serious?) ones.

Hm, thanks. As far as I could see, mine is not blacklisted
(yet)... It's a WD153BA.
I've used it for a few months, and got no problems. But it's good
toknow that I shouldn't put a Maxtor sharing IRQs with it...

 that might be the last thing in the log, i dont know how active your
 system is. wish you had another box on a network with that one to see if
 you could telnet into it or ping it or something.

I keep it on all the time... And use it all day long.

But the modules problem was actually a bug in modutils... It's fixed

 pelleg I got it from a cousin... It's a Leadership mouse, made in China.
 pelleg Ordinary 3-button PS/2 mouse, it seems...
 leadership, havent heard of em but its possible it could cause problems if
 its not totally compliant witht he PS/2 protocol it could be flaky. change
 mice and see if it still happens.

Yes. I'll try a few things:

- switch from xmms to freemp;
- then, from ps/2 to serial;
- then, from X 3.3.6 to 4.0.1...

 pelleg But could this be a problem? I mean... Building the package myself? I
 pelleg was confident that the same package compiled by the mantainer could be
 pelleg compiled here... You know... We can even do that automatically with
 pelleg apt-get... :-)

 something could cause X to freeze, ive never had it happen with a
 windowmanager though, i could always CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE(have you tried
 this?) if something in X crashes, 3Dfx glide has caused serious hangs and
 forced reboots but thats about it.

When it hangs here, the keyboard just won't work anymore. Not even
caps lock... Or the SysRq key (I've compiled that thing into the
kernel hoping it'd help)

 it might, im more concerned with how you get the system back to normal
 after installing XF864.01 (if you want to go back to 3.3.6) it may be
 difficult to get it working properly again(that may be part of the current
 problem as well)

I backed up /etc/X11 and /usr/X11R6
And held all updates of packages that could install anything on

But I think that if you compile it yourself, you can install it in a
different directory (/usr/X11R6.4); then you could even keep
installing stuff under the old /usr/X11R6 and just include
/usr/X11R6.4 in your PATH...



Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

(No Subject)

2000-08-05 Thread Sajjad Haider

What are you N2?  Choose from 150 free e-mail addresses.

Re: @home network

2000-08-05 Thread Jaron Abbott
Wow!  You guys have been extremely helpful.  Thank-you everyone who 
responded.  From what I gather, it would be best to get another NIC and use 
my Debian box as a gateway.  Since I only have one computer to attach to it 
(for now), I'll first try without a hub.  If this doesn't work, I'll get a 
hub like everyone suggested.  Thanks also for pointing out what programs to 
use.  Since my knowledge of networking is fairly small, I have some reading 
to do :)

Best regards,


From: Tom Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jaron Abbott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: @home network
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 22:38:15 -0700 (PDT)
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I just got an @home cablemodem last weekend and I've been running ipmasq 

quite some time over a normal dialup.  The short answer is that you can
connect as many computers through your service as you like, using only one
IP address, and you don't really need two ethernet cards in any of the
computers (although I highly recommend it).

First off, @home (supposedly) uses standard DHCP to assign your computer 

net parameters (IP, gateway, netmask, DNS, and domain name).  I have not
been able to get DHCP working here using either windows or linux, so I
cannot speak for their DHCP.  However, I can tell you that their very first
solution to DHCP problems is to give you your static IP address.  It 

their DHCP service is none too reliable to start with.  In practice, the
DHCP only exists to make it easier for the customer because they don't need
to remember any numbers.  Just click on automatic and off you go.  Every
customer has a preassigned IP and they will always get that same IP 

by DHCP.  So just use the settings from your windows box directly if you
can't get DHCP working on your linux box.  Pay careful attention to the
netmask though -- 24.*.*.* defaults to (class A) in most 

but they want you to use (class C).

Now, on to the fun stuff.  As you should have guessed from the above, I am
going to describe how to setup your linux box as a gateway to the net using
the @home service.  If you want to continue using the windows box as the
gateway, go check out some of the windows software that is available for
this purpose.  There are several free, shareware, and commercial solutions.
The most widely known is probably WinGate.  But none will be nearly as
flexible or give you as much satisfaction as using linux as your gateway. 

I'm going to explain things in some detail so just skip over what you are
already familiar with.

Conceptually, you want a network that looks like this (view in a monospaced

   | CM |-- To the net
   |   |   |
 -   -   -
 | A |   | B |   | C |
 -   -   -

CM is your cablemodem and A, B, C are computers on your network.  This 

would require three IP addresses though.  Not only do they charge extra for
more IP addresses, all your computers are now exposed to the net,
multiplying your security concerns considerably.  Let's insert a gateway
machine here, GW, that can direct traffic between your internal network and
the real world using only one external IP address.  This is called IP
masquerading or, in the more general sense NAT (Network Address

   --   --
   | GW |---| CM |-- To the net
   --   --
   |   |   |
 -   -   -
 | A |   | B |   | C |
 -   -   -

For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that GW has two ethernet cards.
The one connected to the ethernet with A, B and C (call it eth0) will use a
private internal IP address and the other one (call it eth1) will use your
public @home IP address.  A good IP address range to use for a private
intranet is 192.168.1.*.  This is one portion of the officially designated
private intranet addressing space and you will never see these IP addresses
on the net.  So we will 

Re: Journaling file system

2000-08-05 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 11:57:36AM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
  Note that out of all of these, only reiserfs has been ported to the
  2.4.0-testX series.
 Actually, xfs has been ported too. I just saw on freshmeat an
 announcement of xfs for linux-2.4.0-test5.

So it is.  I think they did that on que :)

Thaks for pointing that out...

 The website for the project is here: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfs/
 And for the brave, the patches can be downloaded from here:
 For those looking for a journaling filesystem right now I would go for
 Reiserfs (http://devlinux.com/projects/reiserfs/). It has had quiet a
 bit of testing, and it just barely missed inclusion in 2.4.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

upgrading libgtk1.2/gkrellm from frozen

2000-08-05 Thread David S. Jackson
I want to run the latest gkrellm from potato.  What's the best
way to upgrade libgtk1.2?  Can you put woody in sources.list,
upgrade libgtk1.2, then reedit sources.list?

In short, how do you run the latest gkrellm (and thus use the
latest themes) from frozen?

You may already be a loser.
-- Form letter received by Rodney Dangerfield.

Re: Cool trick: gmc and Debs

2000-08-05 Thread Preben Randhol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/08/2000 (03:58) :
 add this to /etc/profile:  eval `/usr/bin/lesspipe` , source it, 
 and then  less whateveryouwant.deb. Cool, isn't it? Works with .rpm,
 .tar.gz, .zip too. 

Doesn't work for me. Odd.

Preben Randhol - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent,  Isaac Asimov

Re: ip masq with 2.3.x kernels?

2000-08-05 Thread Alberto

ipchains will be support on 2.4 and 2.3 series (with is going to 2.4) 
anyway netfilter like be the future.

Just take a look at: http://netfilter.kernelnotes.org/

At 15:44 04/08/00 +, Joseph de los Santos wrote:


   I am looking for some documentation on how to compile kernels 2.3.x 
with ip

masq support. The current HOWTO  doesn't  cover those kernels yet.

Thanks for any advice.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

MySQL and root password

2000-08-05 Thread jack
I'm having a hard time even getting Mysql to change the root password the way 
that debian recommends.
when I type :
mysql -u root mysql
I get the response :
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

Now, this happens when I am the normal user or root... same messgae.  This is 
also off a fresh install of MySQL... So what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your time,

Re: ip masq with 2.3.x kernels?

2000-08-05 Thread Pollywog

On 05-Aug-2000 Alberto wrote:
 ipchains will be support on 2.4 and 2.3 series (with is going to 2.4) 
 anyway netfilter like be the future.
 Just take a look at: http://netfilter.kernelnotes.org/

I used the ipchains kernel module with the 2.3 series, while I got iptables
working.  I compiled ipchains and iptables as modules so I could switch easily
from ipchains to iptables.


MySQL and root password

2000-08-05 Thread jack
Sorry.. I found it.  Got it working just fine now.
Have a good day,

Re: only running one emacs..

2000-08-05 Thread Christopher Tessone
On 5 August 2000 at 17:06, Jonas Moberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I got emacs running and type emacs somefile, I'd like the emacs I
 already got running to open the file, not start a new emacs (atleast if I'm
 not in X). How?

You want to use emacsserver.  Try the info system or the web for


Christopher Tessone   Computer Programmer
Illinois Mathematics  Science Academy Learning-at-a-Distance Program
GnuPG Key: http://www.imsa.edu/~tessone/mykey.asc

Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 5 Aug 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:

pelleg  pelleg Motherboard DFI PA61 ATX   (VIA Apollo Pro 133 chipset - 
pelleg  my current board has that chipset i believe (asus cuv4x)
pelleg I think I heard some not so nice things about VIA chipsets...
pelleg Like, poor CPU performance when doing UDMA, and other problems.

100% scsi !@ woohoo. ide is slow in any system.

pelleg Hm, thanks. As far as I could see, mine is not blacklisted
pelleg (yet)... It's a WD153BA.
pelleg I've used it for a few months, and got no problems. But it's good
pelleg toknow that I shouldn't put a Maxtor sharing IRQs with it...

ok then its prob not the hdd..

pelleg But the modules problem was actually a bug in modutils... It's fixed
pelleg now. 

oh, cool.

pelleg Yes. I'll try a few things:
pelleg - switch from xmms to freemp;
pelleg - then, from ps/2 to serial;
pelleg - then, from X 3.3.6 to 4.0.1...

thats good, what kind of soundcard? i dont think a program like xmms or
freeamp would hang the system but the sound driver may puke and cause such
a problem.

pelleg I backed up /etc/X11 and /usr/X11R6
pelleg And held all updates of packages that could install anything on
pelleg /usr/X11R6...

thats good.

pelleg But I think that if you compile it yourself, you can install it in a
pelleg different directory (/usr/X11R6.4); then you could even keep
pelleg installing stuff under the old /usr/X11R6 and just include
pelleg /usr/X11R6.4 in your PATH...

thats good, i remember compiling 3.3.4/3.3.5 from source for slink even
tho it worked great i didnt back anything up so it made deb upgrades quite
difficult(i just reinstalled w/potato on another drive)


1:11pm up 18 days, 20:39, 4 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.01

Re: some tcsh questions

2000-08-05 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
 Jonas == Jonas Moberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jonas I've (after many years of use..) been looking up what my
Jonas shell actually can do for me to make my life easier. I've
Jonas been going thru the features of tcsh (first shell I ever
Jonas used, but I'm determined to go thru bash and zsh or ksh
Jonas (when time permits that is..)).

plug subject=zsh Do yourself a favor and try zsh first... even
before tcsh (in other words: get rid of that), but certainly before
bash.  Go with the package in potato, or better yet, with 3.1.9* in
woody.  I'd bet you will *not* regret it...  /plug

Jonas This is something I've been looking for a long time, being
Jonas able to print the current process in the xterm-title (be it
Jonas top or joe or whatever). Not that this example works of
Jonas course ;).. But why? Is it depending on the window-manager?

If you tell us what WM you use... but think about it, the title bar is
decoration, which is done by the WM (if you start without a valid WM,
you get borderless windows... not window title).  So it might well be.

Though I don't know of any WM that doesn't... at least both Window
Maker and Sawfish are confirmed to be able to.  (I ran WMaker and do
full GNOME now (Helix got me ;-))

Jonas I've read the xterm-title mini-howto and it simply says
Jonas it's hard to do it in any other shell than zsh (the
Jonas author welcomes any suggestions).

Another reason for choosing zsh ;-)

Jonas Just for your info, I can't seem to get these other
Jonas xterm-titles using cwdcmd to work either. I'm not so good
Jonas that I understand what ^[]2; and ^G does.

Stupid question: you know that those ^ thingies are control codes,
right?  Now I don't know whether tcsh understand ^[ (two ascii chars)
to be ESC automagically or not...  make sure those are one char (in
Emacs or jed, type ctrl-q and then the char (esc or ctrl-g).  vi?  I
don't even have one one this system ;-)

I have this construct in my zsh PROMPT: ]2;%M:%~

Note how ^[ and ^G are not two characters each, but one.  Works
perfectly... even when closing an ssh connection, the host got


Jonas Of course, if you got any solutions or suggestions for bash
Jonas or other shells feel free to share them.. ;)

I'm glad I did. ;-)  HTHS.

Jonas While I'm at it, I'll get another tcsh issue of my
Jonas chest. Is there any possibility to get TAB to do the the
Jonas tcsh list-glob function (lists global patterns) aswell as
Jonas the commands-, dir-, var-, env-completion that it does by
Jonas default?

Don't know what this means... I only know plug subject=zshzsh's
completion system coolr0x/cool/plug. ;-))

Jonas Thanks!

What for? ;-)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard  eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
 MARS: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
   Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book;
   inside of a dog, it's very dark. --  Groucho Marx

Description: PGP signature

Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

2000-08-05 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 13:15:22 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 

 pelleg Yes. I'll try a few things:
 pelleg - switch from xmms to freemp;
 pelleg - then, from ps/2 to serial;
 pelleg - then, from X 3.3.6 to 4.0.1...

 thats good, what kind of soundcard? i dont think a program like xmms or
 freeamp would hang the system but the sound driver may puke and cause such
 a problem.

This is a SB 16, ISA... Plug and Pray.

FreeAmp didn't hang the system yet, but it does segfault
sometimes. I'll get the version from potato and see if it's any

Can this really be a problem?
I bought this soundcard some time ago... And indeed, it ws near the
time when I got the new mouse, etc...



Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: displaying binary files

2000-08-05 Thread john smith
Thanks Sven. But I was hoping for a script that would ask some sort of a 
question like this file is in binary form..would you like to see it anyway? 
 y/n something in that regard...and it should be global too.

From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: displaying binary files
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:09:12 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0

file comes in very handy for this. Recognises pretty many file
formats. Try it.

   I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

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Re: Fetchmail isn't working the way it should.

2000-08-05 Thread bsamuels
Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you tried 'fetchall'? Worked for me.

I tried it and it didn't solve the problem but that's not
surprising when I tell you why.

Realisation suddenly dawned!  I had been editing my user copy of
.fetchmailrc and although these had an effect if I ran Fetchmail
from the command line it had no effect when Fetchmail was running
as a demon because the demon is run as root!  When I finally
thought to look in root's .fetchmailrc I found that it included
'keep' from previous testing runs.

How embarrasing.  Sorry all.

All is now working as it should.

Barry Samuels

Re: displaying binary files

2000-08-05 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 08:56:41PM +, john smith wrote:
 Thanks Sven. But I was hoping for a script that would ask some sort of
 a question like this file is in binary form..would you like to see it
 anyway?  y/n something in that regard...and it should be global too.

You might be interested in the see command from 'run-mailcap'.
Basically the /etc/mailcap file has a bunch of mime-types and an
associated command to run.  There's usually a test for X via the
$DISPLAY variable.  I think it's in the metamail package.

MegaHAL quote:
I think a blowpipe is a marijuana cigarrette.  
It'll get you deleted!

Re: displaying binary files

2000-08-05 Thread Steve Waterman
How about 'file finlename'?

- Original Message -
From: john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: displaying binary files

 Thanks Sven. But I was hoping for a script that would ask some sort of a
 question like this file is in binary form..would you like to see it
   y/n something in that regard...and it should be global too.

 From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Re: displaying binary files
 Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:09:12 +0200
 MIME-Version: 1.0

 file comes in very handy for this. Recognises pretty many file
 formats. Try it.
 I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
 This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: displaying binary files

2000-08-05 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi John

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 08:56:41PM +, john smith wrote:
 Thanks Sven. But I was hoping for a script that would ask some sort of a 
 question like this file is in binary form..would you like to see it anyway? 
   y/n something in that regard...and it should be global too.

In that case I can't help you; dont know of anything like this. Maybe
someone else does?


Re: displaying binary files

2000-08-05 Thread Christopher Mosley

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, john smith wrote:

 Thanks Sven. But I was hoping for a script that would ask some sort of a 
 question like this file is in binary form..would you like to see it anyway? 
   y/n something in that regard...and it should be global too.
 From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Re: displaying binary files
 Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:09:12 +0200
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 file comes in very handy for this. Recognises pretty many file
 formats. Try it.
 I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
 This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Don't know when and where this thread began. So this might be irrelevant.
I suppose you could write a wrapper for viewing, but  MOST automatically
uses the two column format used in binary editors with dots for 8 bit chars
when it comes upon a binary file. Doesn't LESS simply replaces 8 bit
chars with a dot. I'm not sure but lynx might be able to be setup for 7 bits
the 128 column being knocked off, displaying the 7 bit char left, I seem to
remember this but I am not really sure. To tell the truth  I don't use the
console, didn't know the display was destroyed when viewing binary files -
really ? - no way around this? 

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Re: Cool trick: gmc and Debs

2000-08-05 Thread Patrick Dahiroc
first make sure you lesspipe on your system run 'which lesspipe'.  then
put eval $(lesspipe) in your .bash_profile or in the appropriate login
script for your shell.

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 09:19:05PM +0200, Preben Randhol wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/08/2000 (03:58) :
  add this to /etc/profile:  eval `/usr/bin/lesspipe` , source it, 
  and then  less whateveryouwant.deb. Cool, isn't it? Works with .rpm,
  .tar.gz, .zip too. 
 Doesn't work for me. Odd.
 Preben Randhol - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/
 Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent,  Isaac Asimov
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

As a general rule, if you have trouble 
 with the binary system, then probably it 
 is because you do not really understand 
 the decimal system ...
R.W. Hamming

Re: displaying binary files

2000-08-05 Thread Joseph de los Santos
File would work..if only users would try to file something first before
trying to display it with that accursed CAT command...

Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

setting up x terminal workstation

2000-08-05 Thread Chris Hoover
Can someone point me to some sites that explain how to get an older
computer working as a remote x-term/workstation.

Here is what I currently have:
1 486DX/2 50 laptop w/ 20 megs - This has a complete potato install
with a working X server.  I would like to convert this laptop into a
remote X workstation with everything possible (X wise) running off of my
local server.

How can I do this?



Re: Cool trick: gmc and Debs

2000-08-05 Thread Ed Cogburn
Paul Seelig wrote:
 kmself@ix.netcom.com writes:
  And that GNU Midnight Commander (aka mc
  aka gmc) had a similar functionality.  This is a tool which, as I
  understand, was adapted from Novell's Midnight Commander file browsing
 It escapes me why you seem to be associating the GNU MC with Novell?
 GNU MC, which i know and use since some five years, IMHO never had any
 relations with Novell.  It's look and feel were based on the Norton
 Commander of DOS fame, but has surpassed it in functionality since
 years now.
  It's a file manager on steroids, as a console tool.
 The Midnight Commander console version for me is the most
 imprescindible tool on any *NIX.  The GNOME offspring is a far cry
 from it regarding functionality.  The console MC can be considered the
 Swiss Linux Army Chainsaw. ;-)

gmc is on the way out anyway, the console version will continue on
though.  For GNOME, Eazel's Nautilus file manager will replace gmc. 
I thought from the beginning that trying to make mc into a graphical
file manager while simultaneously continuing with the console version
was a mistake.  For one thing, it has led to a fork in (console) mc
development, something which I hope is temporary.

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire

Ed C.

Re: holly crap!

2000-08-05 Thread Larry Fletcher
On Aug 03, 2000, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 11:13:04PM -0700, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
  I've done somethig very bad.. I did:
  rm * /var/spool/fax/outgoing 
  I was user not root (little sigh), but I lost a lot of data.. Is there
  ANYWAY to recover all the lost files in /home/me ???
 Remount the affected partition read-only (yet another reason to create
 multiple system partitions, BTW).  This will prevent any further changes
 to the system.
 Gnu Midnight Commander (mc or gmc) is alleged to have some data recovery
 potential.  You might want to investigate this.

Midnight Commander can recover deleted files.  The files that can be
recovered are displayed with numbers instead of names, so all you have
to do is undelete and rename.

 Generally speaking, file deletion is a pretty definitive act under
 There are data recovery firms which specialize in retrieving lost data.
 If the data are sufficiently important to you, you may want to get a
 Backups are good.  Early and often.
 Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Corel Linux--your opinions pls

2000-08-05 Thread Jeff Roediger
Hi all

Any one have an opinion, good or bad, re: Corel Linux?
I have just obtained a copy and don't know much about it. I have been
using freeBSD and Slack for a desktop only box.
 It appears to be targeted at people like me, who only have one
system as a desktop unit.


Re: Corel Linux--your opinions pls

2000-08-05 Thread Marko Cehaja
Why Corel when you have Debian?

Corel is based on Debian, but not at all good like it.

 Hi all
 Any one have an opinion, good or bad, re: Corel Linux?


Re: MC

2000-08-05 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Quoting Christopher Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  As an ex Rred Hat user, my midnight commander left me in the current working
  directory when I F10 out of it.  The Debian version dumps me back to
  the original directory.  Is there any way to convert my Debian potato MC
  to the redhat style?
 man mc, and look at the -P option and the script given there.

Interestingly, the man page says:

  Please  don't  add  verbatim copies of the function
  definitions below. Source the files
  tively /usr/lib/mc/bin/mc.csh (tcsh users) instead.
  This  way you will not need to change your profiles
  if the function definitions are improved,  provided
  that  you don't compile MC with a different prefix.
  /usr/lib/mc/bin/mc.sh  (bash and zsh users) respec-
  tively /usr/lib/mc/bin/mc.csh (tcsh users) instead.
  This  way you will not need to change your profiles
  if the function definitions are improved,  provided
  that  you don't compile MC with a different prefix.

But my potato machine doesn't have any /usr/lib/mc/bin/mc.sh.  In
fact, I can't find any mc.sh or mc.csh anywhere on the machine.  So
one can get the desired effect by copying the shell function, but it
doesn't seem possible to follow the instructions given in the man
pages. Does it warrant a bug report?  Documentation should accurately
reflect the system.


problem with xmodmap

2000-08-05 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
I'm trying to get my Intellimouse Explorer working with XFree 4.0 My
file has this:  
Section InputDevice 
Identifier Mouse0 
Driver mouse 
Option Protocol ExplorerPS/2 
Option  Device /dev/mouse 
Option Buttons 7 
Option Resolution 200 
Option  ZAxisMapping 6 7

I think this works well, but my problem arrives when I put this  on my
.xsession file:
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 

With this stuff I can't login with kdmit kicks me out!!
How can I fix this?

Re: Corel Linux--your opinions pls

2000-08-05 Thread Warren A. Layton
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 06:17:09PM -0700, Jeff Roediger wrote:
 Hi all
 Any one have an opinion, good or bad, re: Corel Linux?
 I have just obtained a copy and don't know much about it. I have been
 using freeBSD and Slack for a desktop only box.
  It appears to be targeted at people like me, who only have one
 system as a desktop unit.

If you have been running Slack and FreeBSD, you probably won't like Corel Linux
very much. It is made for non-technical people from the Windows world.

You would probably prefer Debian (Corel Linux is based on Debian).


In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded. --Terry Pratchett
Warren A. Layton
GPG Fingerprint: D287 F5D6 EFED 8851 AC3F  AB8A 4CFF 507A D904 4869

Description: PGP signature

Re: setting up x terminal workstation

2000-08-05 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 06:57:43PM -0500, Chris Hoover wrote
 Can someone point me to some sites that explain how to get an older
 computer working as a remote x-term/workstation.
 Here is what I currently have:
 1 486DX/2 50 laptop w/ 20 megs - This has a complete potato install
 with a working X server.  I would like to convert this laptop into a
 remote X workstation with everything possible (X wise) running off of my
 local server.
 How can I do this?


Get X configured locally (so you can use startx to go into graphics
mode, and have a working mouse cursor).

Remove XDM from your 486, if you have it installed; install it
on your server (which doesn't need a working X server) if it
isn't already.

On the server, edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess so it contains lines like

substituting the name of your network for 'localnet' (or, the
name of your client for '*.localnet').  Don't just use *, and
remember that X traffic is unencrypted: don't do this if you
don't trust your local network, don't use a wildcard that
matches untrusted machines, and don't use a wildcard that
matches machines the path to which includes untrusted networks
or machines.

The first line says that XDM should allow the specified machines
to login, and the second allows the specified machines to run a
chooser (which is irrelevant, if you only have one workstation
to login to).  If you've had to make any changes, run
# /etc/init.d/xdm reload

so that XDM sees them.  You can use GDM or WDM instead, but then
you need to find and appropriately edit their equivalent of
XDM's Xaccess file. 

Run this command as root on your 486:
# /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -query server.localnet  /var/log/x0.server.log

substituting the name of your server for 'server.localnet';
you should get an XDM prompt from your server on your local display.
If you have more than one server that you might want to login
to, you can use this command instead:
# /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -indirect server.localnet  /var/log/x0.server.log

This should get your server to present you with a menu
of hosts to choose from.  Note that currently this doesn't work
if the server is running gdm or wdm.

To make it more permanent, add a line to /etc/inittab like this:
x0:3:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/X :0 -query server.localnet

This sets the local Xserver to run in runlevel 3; test it with
# telinit 3
and, if it works, you can change :3: to :2: in inittab to
make it start in Debian's default runlevel.

If you're already running a local Xserver on your 486, change
the X :0 to X :1 (or whatever) so that they each use a
different display.

Hope this helps,

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services