Programa de edición de video

2000-09-21 Thread pfragosom
Mi pregunta es si hay para linux un programa que permita, editar (copiar y
pegar trozos) de videos (por lo menos avi y mpeg) y tambien cambiar de un
formato a otro.
Saludos y gracias.

problema grabadora

2000-09-21 Thread Carles Pina i Estany

(Eurielec=versión que habia hace tiempo de RedHat en castellano)

Tengo un Pentium II 450 MHz con una tarjeta SCSI Adaptec AHA-152x y una
grabadora externa Philips CDD-2000. Tambien tengo un CD-ROM SCSI intenreto
Pioneer 12x y un Magneto-Optico Fujitsu 230MB externo.

Primero, hace años, usaba Eurielec 2.0 con el kernel 2.0.x y no tuve
problemas con la grabadora.

Cuando pasé al kernel 2.2.x con eurielec 2.0 todo iba bien, si recuerdo
bien (hace más de un año y ahora tengo mis dudas)

Con Eurielec 3.0 se me colgaba el equipo al intentar grabar con cdrecord
(o xcdroast, evidentemente).
Sencillamente, cuando iba a empezar, se colgaba todo, hasta el mouse, los
pings desde la red local, etc.

Con Eurielec 3.0 cambié varias veces el kernel, 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2,
2.2.10, 2.2.14 si recuerdo bien (quizás hay otras) y apliqué varios
parches en el kernel relacionado con el SCSI pero nada.

Y hace una semana puse Debian Potato (kernel 2.2.17) y sigue pasando lo
mismo :-(

No sé qué pensar, problema solo de hard no puede ser pq. aún tengo un
kernel 2.0.x para grabar :-( pero se me hace muy extraño que ningún 2.2.x
pueda grabar con él... 

alguien tiene una idea? 
a alguien más le ha pasado?
busqué en las news pero no encontré nada, ni por internet (hace tiempo, lo
volveré a intentar)

No os envio el log de cdrecord pq. no estoy en casa pero va normal y se
cuelga, creo que hasta inicia la sesión y graba algo (unos segundos)
pero tampoco estoy seguro.

Muchas gracias y hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   Doctor0101, creo01 que10 el0 ordenador1010 me01 ha1 dominado010100

Re: Apt: evitar actualizacion de un paquete concreto.

2000-09-21 Thread Paco Brufal
Allá por 19/sep/2000, iba diciendo Cosme P. Cuevas:

 kernel-image en la  base de datos de  paquetes instalados, y
 al  hacer `apt-get  update; apt-get  dist-upgrade' me  intenta
 actualizar el kernel.
 ¿Se pueden indicar paquetes intocables?

echo kernel-image hold | dpkg --set-selections

...Brainwash (Dj Paul  Darrien Kelly Ott Mix). Ni-Cad. 1994
--- Mutt 1.2 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Programa de edición de video

2000-09-21 Thread pfragosom

¿Está disponible como paquete debian?.

Ramiro Alba 
Enviado por:Asunto:  Re: Programa de 
edición de video 


09/21/00 11:26  
a. m.p. m.$ 




 Mi pregunta es si hay para linux un programa que permita, editar (copiar
 pegar trozos) de videos (por lo menos avi y mpeg) y tambien cambiar de un
 formato a otro.
 Saludos y gracias.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Avi no, pero mpeg y quicktime si. Mira en:


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


¿Qué tal la 1024 live OEM?

2000-09-21 Thread Jose Aparicio Patino
Hola a todos,
Tengo una PCI64 de Sound Blaster y claro lo de los midis es una lata por
las limitaciones físicas de la tarjeta.
Sabe alguien si una 1024 Live OEM que reproduzca bien los midis (no por
emulación ni otras gaitas) o es mejor comprarla con caja y todo.
Gracias anticipadas!
# Jose Aparicio Patino  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
# visita
# --El pasado nos tienta, el presente nos aturde y el futuro nos
# ---Embajador Molari, del Imperio Centauri (Estacion Babylon 5).

Problema basico con Exim

2000-09-21 Thread VerdeOliva

Viendo en la lista que mucha gente usa exim y mutt, y por
lo que algunos de vosotros me comentásteis en mi anterior mail,
he decidido instalar ambos.

Tengo los CD de la Debian Citius 2.1 que regaló en su día Linux Actual.
Aunque me gustaría actualizarme a potato... (¿alguna revista o precio
asequible?, es que por internet ...).

Ayer noche intenté ponerme mano a la obra, y cual fue mi sorpresa
que exim no terminó de instalarse, o mejor dicho, de configurarse. No hubo
ningún problema de dependencias, pero en la fase de configuración aparecía
un mensaje tal que: Exim no puede finalizó la configuración: usuario 'mail' no

Creo que tiene que ver con que eliminé todos los usuarios no necesarios de
passw y shadow... pero no sé.

Evidentemente intenté proseguir instalando mutt 0.95 pero también se quejó:
no hay mta configurado para el envío de correo, o algo así.

...por eso este mail lo escribo desde W98.   :-)))

Muchas Gracias por arrojar luz necesaria.

Re: Programa de edición de video

2000-09-21 Thread Ramiro Alba
 ¿Está disponible como paquete debian?.
 Ramiro Alba
 Enviado por:Asunto:  Re: Programa de 
 edición de video
 09/21/00 11:26
 a. m.p. m.$
  Mi pregunta es si hay para linux un programa que permita, editar (copiar
  pegar trozos) de videos (por lo menos avi y mpeg) y tambien cambiar de un
  formato a otro.
  Saludos y gracias.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Avi no, pero mpeg y quicktime si. Mira en:

Que yo sepa no, pero antes del verano lo compilé en slink sin
mayores problemas y de todos modos tienes un .rpm en la web
que puedes convertir a .deb con alien. Yo lo he hecho (en la potato)
ahora mismo y aunque envia warnings de que no encuentra un pluging el
programa se instala bien y se ejecuta. Pruebalo.


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Problema basico con Exim

2000-09-21 Thread Carles Pina i Estany

 un mensaje tal que: Exim no puede finalizó la configuración: usuario 'mail' no
 Creo que tiene que ver con que eliminé todos los usuarios no necesarios de 
 passw y shadow... pero no sé.
no sé de Exim, lo siento

Pero supongo que tendrás que añadir el usuario y grupo mail y ya está ¿? 

Ponlo sin password

hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   Se venden mapas para gente que no se encuentra bien.


2000-09-21 Thread jvicente
Alguno lo está usando?
Cómo resolvió el tema de la llicencia?, ya que la versión de prueba es por
tiempo limitado, no?
No existe un vmware bajo GPL?

Re: VMware

2000-09-21 Thread Carlos López
Yo lo estoy usando acutalmente para hacer correr un
Windows NT. Y no, no hay licencia libre para vmware.
Tienes un soft parecido que se llama plex86 en, per oes muy beta. Y otro que se llama
Win2linux de no se quién pero también es comercial.

Eso es lo que hay. Bueno te queda wine, que para
algunas cosas te puede servir para salir del paso ...
pocas, pero que se le va hacer...

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  Alguno lo está
 Cómo resolvió el tema de la llicencia?, ya que la
 versión de prueba es por
 tiempo limitado, no?
 No existe un vmware bajo GPL?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe

Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

Re: CD-RW en puerto paralelo - Lo he conseguido

2000-09-21 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Lo he conseguido.

El 19 Sep 2000 a las 06:04PM -0400, Blu escribio:
 On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 05:06:17PM +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
  Tengo un problema para poner en marcha una grabadora HP 7100, de puerto
 Tengo una HP 7200, por puerta paralela.
  He seguido las instrucciones del paride.txt de la documentacion del
  kernel. Es en el 2.0.38 de Debian 2.1r4. Cargo los modulos siguientes
  insmod paride
  insmod epat
  insmod pg
  y tras cada comando aparecen las respuestas correctas. Al final, el ultimo
  hace que parpadee la luz del grabador de CD, y aparece su nombre completo
  He creado con el script mkd del paride.txt los dispositivos y ya tento
  Ahora lo que me falta es hacer correr a cdrecord, que no reconoce este
  dispositivo. ¿Cual sería la linea de comando de cdrecord para grabar una
  imagen iso?
 Ya no me acuerdo exactamente todas las opciones, pero
 por ejemplo si hago un cdrecord -scanbus:
 Cdrecord 1.8a40 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
   0,0,0 0) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 7200 ' '2.02' Removable CD-ROM
   0,1,0 1) *
   0,2,0 2) *
   0,3,0 3) *
   0,4,0 4) *
   0,5,0 5) *
   0,6,0 6) *
   0,7,0 7) *
 Entonces, para hacer cualquier cosa con el cdrecord tengo que
 darle el parametro dev=0,0,0 y NO dev=/dev/pg0.

Si, ya, esto ya lo había leido.

Bueno, la solución vino porque vi que en la lista de autores del cdrecord
1.8noseque de potato venía un colega llamado Grant R. Guenther que añadió
el driver para cds por puerto paralelo, y este colega no aparecia en el
1.6noseque de slink. A partir del cdrecord 1.6.1 se pueden usar CDR
por puerto paralelo, y no antes.

Descargé el cdrecord 1.8.1 con el .tar.gz, hice make y funcionó. Solo
hacen falta los modulos paride, epat y pg para una 7x00 de HP. Nada de
SCSI ni emulación IDE-SCSI.

Gracias y saludos.

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

usuarios virt. en cyrus

2000-09-21 Thread TooMany

Por lo que me ha parecido, el cyrus puede manejar cuentas de usuario que no
existen; llámalas virtuales o como quieras. He estado creando los mailboxes
para usuarios (del sistema), etc, pero por más que he mirado, e sido
completamente inútil de ver cómo demonios se maneja ésto.
¿Alguien que sepa cómo, o darme algunas ideas, podría ayudarme, por favor?

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: usuarios virt. en cyrus

2000-09-21 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 17:29 21/09/00 +0200, you wrote:


Por lo que me ha parecido, el cyrus puede manejar cuentas de usuario que no
existen; llámalas virtuales o como quieras. He estado creando los mailboxes
para usuarios (del sistema), etc, pero por más que he mirado, e sido
completamente inútil de ver cómo demonios se maneja ésto.
¿Alguien que sepa cómo, o darme algunas ideas, podría ayudarme, por favor?

No tengo ni idea de lo que es cyrus, en me rechazan, y en tienes una peich mogollón rara...

Yo uso sendmail, que me permite crear usuarios virtuales.

Los virtusers són muy parecidos a los 'aliases', son alias de correo que
redireccionan a otro correo 'real', dentro o fuera de tu máquina. La
diferencia entre los 'aliases' y los 'virtusers' es que mientras los
aliases es un alias de n [EMAIL PROTECTED], los
virtusers son un [EMAIL PROTECTED] a otro

Tá claro que no me explico bien ;-) ... A ver si mejoramos... Si tienes el
usuario popuser1 y quieres hacer que
[EMAIL PROTECTED] te mande a popuser1, lo metes en el
/etc/mail/aliases, haces 'newaliases' y marchando. Ahora bien: Si tienes
dominio1 y dominio2 y te encuentras que debes ofrecer servicio de correo a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] y [EMAIL PROTECTED], como cuenta depende del dominio, lo
metes en /etc/mail/virtusertable de forma que [EMAIL PROTECTED] vaya a
popuser1 y [EMAIL PROTECTED] vaya a popuser2.

Sigo sin explicarme bien... Aunque seguramente ya has pillado por donde
voy... No se si es lo que buscas, pero si te sirve mejor.

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

RE: VMware

2000-09-21 Thread Vicente

- Original Message -
From: Carlos López [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: VMware

 Yo lo estoy usando acutalmente para hacer correr un
 Windows NT. Y no, no hay licencia libre para vmware.
 Tienes un soft parecido que se llama plex86 en, per oes muy beta. Y otro que se llama
 Win2linux de no se quién pero también es comercial.

 Eso es lo que hay. Bueno te queda wine, que para
 algunas cosas te puede servir para salir del paso ...
 pocas, pero que se le va hacer...

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  Alguno lo está
  Cómo resolvió el tema de la llicencia?, ya que la
  versión de prueba es por
  tiempo limitado, no?
  No existe un vmware bajo GPL?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Para copiarme la potato?

2000-09-21 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Siento volver a preguntar esto, pero ahora que un amigo me la va a bajar, en hay DOS directorios con los CDs de Debian
(imagenes_oficiales_debian y imagenes_debian), pero ahora no se cuales bajarme.

Supongo que las oficiales cumpliran el MD5SUM del master-site, pero solo hay
3cd, no falta un cuarto?
En cambio, en la carpeta no oficial hay 4 imagenes (de distinto tamaño) con su
MD5SUM, que no es igual al del master site.

Y digo yo, que diferencia hay entre los dos directorios (en los 3 primeros cds)
y pq en un directorio hay un cd mas? Por ahi dice que el 4º CD son los non-free,
que por tanto no pueden estar en la distribucion oficial, pero que distingue a
los otros tres?

Gracias de antemano

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Fetchmail-daemon | bounce | spam?

2000-09-21 Thread JAT
 Xose == Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Xose Hola!  A mi me pasa con algunos mensajes.  Como dices en tu
Xose caso, con 'From:' demasiado grandes.

O mayores del valor que tenga exim para estos casos(¿?).
Yo con sendmail me acogo a la recomendación de 32k, alguno caerá:

  # /etc/mail/
  # Maximum length of the sum of all headers
  O MaxHeadersLength=32768
Xose Pero ya digo son pocos mensajes y
Xose ninguno de interés. A la basura y punto.

Estoy contigo.

Xose La solución del evitar el MTA y pasar directamente al MDA no
Xose me gusta.  Antiguamente hacía así, pero hay dos razones para
Xose usar el MTA:

Tomo nota para futuro tiempo libre.


 La vejez es la pérdida de la curiosidad.   (Azorín) 

 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   Kernel 2.2.17

Re: Fetchmail-daemon | bounce | spam?

2000-09-21 Thread JAT

 inetd == inetd  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

inetd a ver si alguien me puede aclarar un poco a que es debido
inetd eso de:

inetd mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] bounced to

Hace unos días me ocurrió lo mismo que a tí, con segmentation 
fault de postre. Sacado del manual de fetchmail y el fichero de configuración
de sendmail: al recibir cabeceras que exceden del máximo establecido por tu 
mda (con sendmail la opción MaxHeadersLength contiene el valor _aconsejado_ de
32k, como medida antispam), fetchmail actua eliminado el mensaje del servidor,
mandándolo al origen (si tienes la opción set bouncemail en tu .fetchmailrc)
o al postmaster (mediante la opción set no bouncemail).
Para que esto suceda tienes que tener el puerto 25 listo para envios por smtp.

inetd porque no entiendo que fetchmail, o fetchmail en modo
inetd daemon envie mensajes a otras direcciones.
Hay dos casos más que fetchmail actua ante respuestas del mda 
filtrando/enviando/descartando el mensaje para prevenir el spam. 

inetd Tambien me gustaria que alguien me explique, o me de
inetd referencia al correspondiente texto o manual, que es eso
inetd del bounce porque el tema me tiene mosqueadito.

Leete el manual de fetchmail y lo tendrás claro, por si no he sido explícito.
Aunque no hay problema, cambia la opción del fichero de configuración de 
fetchmail para ser tú el que reciba el mensaje pasado de bytes. 
Para traducir a pelo esta muy bien el i2e:
bounce (to -) : saltar
bounce : rebote
bouncer : guapo


 La vejez es la pérdida de la curiosidad.   (Azorín) 

 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   Kernel 2.2.17

Re: [sendmail] MaxUsage

2000-09-21 Thread JAT

Errata en el subject, anda que empezamos bien.:-)
Subject correcto:
[sendmail] MaxHeadersLength


 La vejez es la pérdida de la curiosidad.   (Azorín) 

 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   Kernel 2.2.17

Unidentified subject!

2000-09-21 Thread Consulogo


Re: Para copiarme la potato?

2000-09-21 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 10:27:47PM +0200, Lluis Vilanova wrote:
 Supongo que las oficiales cumpliran el MD5SUM del master-site, pero solo hay
 3cd, no falta un cuarto?

Las oficiales son 3.

 Y digo yo, que diferencia hay entre los dos directorios (en los 3 primeros 
 y pq en un directorio hay un cd mas? Por ahi dice que el 4º CD son los 
 que por tanto no pueden estar en la distribucion oficial, pero que distingue a
 los otros tres?

Que estarán hechas a mano, así que seguramente habrá lo mismo, + non-free.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apt: evitar actualizacion de un paquete concreto.

2000-09-21 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Thu, Sep 21, 2000,
Paco Brufal...

  ¿Se pueden indicar paquetes intocables?

   echo kernel-image hold | dpkg --set-selections

Gracias  Paco,  y   a  todos  los  que   han  contestado,  que
seguramente  estarán  intrigados como  yo  en  saber de  dónde
deduciste que se podría hacer así, porque yo por lo menos solo
he sabido colocar esa etiqueta desde `dselect', O:-)

Por cierto, por  privado me comentan que lea  el último Debian
Weekly News - 2000-9-19, que  comentan algo a este respecto. Y

An important new set of features have been checked into
apt's development cvs branch. They allow apt to pin
packages at a particular version or Debian release, so they
will not be upgraded even if apt sees that newer versions
are available. This makes it possible to add both stable
and unstable to sources.list, configure apt to only use
stable by default, and override apt at the command line as
needed to easily download packages from unstable. Other uses
include downgrading, and controlling how apt uses third party
repositories such as Helix GNOME, and other things we are only
beginning to think of. Jason Gunthorpe adds, Sadly, I don't
have a complete set of docs for this function yet, and I'm not
finished my major source-incompatible changes to the library
so this code isn't going into unstable for a good while yet.

De  todas  formas,  mientras  disponemos  del  nuevo  apt,  la
solución hold será efectiva. Además he colocado la siguiente
línea en el `/etc/apt/apt.conf':

APT::Ignore-Hold true;


Cosme P. Cuevas - ICQ 86011094 - GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


2000-09-21 Thread Lemus Moreno Jose A
Que tal lista us saludo

Tengo un poblema con la configuracion de mi squid ya que cuando me
conecto por netscape le doy al navegdor el nombre de la maquina que es el
nombre y el puerto y cuando le doy uan direccion de una pagina que no este
en el cache del proxy me pone simpre una pagina que ya esta en el proxy,
como puedo hacerle para que el proxy cuando no encuentre la pagina en el 
cache salga a internet y la cargue pues no lo esta haciendo


C Corp

How do I remove/unload isapnp?

2000-09-21 Thread STrandahl
I suspect that isapnp may be conflicting with the 5.9c ALSA drivers I'm 
trying to load.  How do I configure the system so that I save my 
configuration files, but isapnp doesn't run?

I'm hoping that ALSA can't configure the drivers because isapnp already 
activated the card.  However, if I'm wrong, I don't want to lose the work I 
spent configuring isapnp.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Steve Trandahl

Re: Filtering with Procmail

2000-09-21 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 09:47:25PM -0400, Adam Scriven wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 09:13:46PM -0400, Joel Dinel wrote:
  Can I use Procmail to also filter out SPAM I get on a regular basis from a
  bunch of spam servers (,, V3) ? 
 You should pose this question to the procmail list, but I think this recepie
 will do.
  And how would I do that ?

there is no need to do mailbox locking on /dev/null.

 * ^From:.**
 I think that'll work.

that will work, just get rid of the locking for /dev/null to avoid
lots of spurious errors in procmail.log.

also the trailing .* after is probabaly not necessary.
its best to not go overboard with the regexp otherwise you risk
throwing away legit mail too!

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
trying to get VPN going, still, this time with pptpd--and the
config script seems kaflooey--

# apt-get install pptpd
/usr/sbin/ Permission denied.
# ls -l /usr/sbin/
-rw-r--r--1 root   root   1581 Feb 22  2000 /usr/sbin/

no chmod +x ?

# perl !$
Can't exec Permission denied at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/IPC/ line 188.
open2: exec of failed at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 46
Use of uninitialized value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 303.

am i missing a piece? (i ran this as root, so it wouldn't appear to be
a normal user permissions snag...)


2000-09-21 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 11:21:37PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 trying to get VPN going, still, this time with pptpd--and the
 config script seems kaflooey--
   # apt-get install pptpd
   /usr/sbin/ Permission denied.
   # ls -l /usr/sbin/
   -rw-r--r--1 root   root   1581 Feb 22  2000 /usr/sbin/
 no chmod +x ?
   # perl !$
   Can't exec Permission denied at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/IPC/ line 188.
   open2: exec of failed at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 46
   Use of uninitialized value at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 303.
 am i missing a piece? (i ran this as root, so it wouldn't appear to be
 a normal user permissions snag...)

not even root can execute the non-executable.  

file a bug against the package, and run chmod 755 /usr/sbin/ 
as root

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: About Nestcape 4.75

2000-09-21 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Michael P. Soulier wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 08:27:03PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
  Actually, isn't it simply because communicator-*-475 packages are actually
  _different_ packages, and not new versions of the previous
  communicator-*-473 (or whatever) packages? IE, you can install them at the
  same time independently.
 Ah, that would make sense. Can you actually install them at the same time
 and not have the step on each other?

Yes, it seems to work. I have all of these installed:

timshel:~$ communicator
communicator communicator-smotif-473  
communicator-smotif-472  communicator-smotif-475  

 Really, IMHO, they should be versions of the same packages.

Normally I would agree, except that Netscape is so unstable...


Re: Spammer by incompetence, RBL may be an option

2000-09-21 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 12:19:58 PDT, writes:
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 04:21:42PM +0200, Robert Waldner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
at) wrote:
 Also the RBL is used throughout the internet for *blackholing* all=20
  IP-connectivity from spammers. If you misconfigured your MTA (or=20
  simply chose a, say, broken, one), what would you say if you were=20
  cut off from ~ 40 % of the internet, as would be the effect if you=20
  were RBLed?

A few dozen idiots is tolerable.  A few dozen thousands of idiots gets
to be a real problem.

Again, the RBL is mostly used to block *all IP*-connectivity, so that´s 
like shooting with cannons on bugs, blocking SMTP-connectivity would be 
much cleaner imho. Allowing for the needed granularity, there should be 
a BML (Broken Mta List), which one could use or not to his 
liking...who volunteers? Also note that none of this options would 
solve our current problem, because my.netvigators bounces get delivered 
via the list, and I don´t want to block ;-) so 
whatever the method, it would have to be used there, not on our ends.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: system v

2000-09-21 Thread Adam Lazur
Manfred Kissel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 is there a tool in the debian distribution like ntsysv in red-hat
 which i can manage my init scripts to start and stop in different

Check out rcconf

Description: Configure rc?.d/ scripts
 rcconf is the configuration tool of rc?.d/ directory, which is CUI interface
 to the update-rc.d command.


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: FA310TX (tulip) and potato

2000-09-21 Thread Aaron Brashears
I've been using tulip/fa310tx combos for over a year now with great
success. The key is that there are 2 different fa310tx cards out there.
Rev 1 doesn't play nice with linux, whereas Rev 2 works great. There is
a subtle difference in the serial number scheme which is detailed on the
netgear website and in the linux installation instructions on the driver
floppy (which comes with an old tulip.c file).

Evan DiBiase wrote:
 I have been trying (over the course of the last few days) to perform a
 network install of Debian potato release on my system which contains a 
 FA310TX network card which uses the tulip driver. I have encountered some
 serious problems, and am hoping that someone out there can help me.
 Essentially, the tulip module in the drivers set loads fine (as does
 every other tulip module I've tried). However, the network card just can't 
 to get a response from any computer inside the local network or outside! The
 lights on the hub flash, but there is no response from any of the local
 computers during a ping request nor from the DNS server when the install 
 attempts to download the base install set.

Re: Spammer by incompetence, RBL may be an option

2000-09-21 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:27:13 MDT, Bruce Sass writes:
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
 Ask our list admins to unsubscribe these incompetents.  Since we are
 only seeing responses to list postings, that will eliminate the


I don´t think you´ve got the right (or all) subscriber(s) ;-)

Your done was sent at Wed 22:27, but I´ve received another bounce 
from them now, at Thu 05:24 (all UTC+-0).

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: Do you recomend to upgrade to Woody?

2000-09-21 Thread Andre Berger
Aaron Maxwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  What's the best way to downgrade from woody to potato?
 I've never done it, but I think just editing /etc/apt/sources.list to
 point to 'potato' instead of 'woody', then 'apt-get dist-upgrade', will do
 it.  apt-get  friends just know that woody and potato are different
 distributions; they don't know that one is more 'advanced' than the other.

MMWY. Because the woody packages have the same or a higher version
number, apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't install _any_ packages. I got a
hint though: 

dpkg -i -E -O -R --force-downgrade path-to-potato-binary-i386

may do the job, but is of course dangerous. Hmm.

-- Andre

Re: Spammer by incompetence, RBL may be an option

2000-09-21 Thread Bruce Sass
On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Robert Waldner wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:27:13 MDT, Bruce Sass writes:
 On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
  Ask our list admins to unsubscribe these incompetents.  Since we are
  only seeing responses to list postings, that will eliminate the
 I don´t think you´ve got the right (or all) subscriber(s) ;-)
 Your done was sent at Wed 22:27, but I´ve received another bounce 
 from them now, at Thu 05:24 (all UTC+-0).

Uhm, I sent a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], whether they do
anything or not is out of my control.  :)



Re: off topic - scsi partitions swap raid

2000-09-21 Thread C. Falconer
Concur with Wesley -  raid on one drive is like mounting a ramdisk as /tmp 
- pointless because any benefits from the technique are nullified by the 
way you've done it.

Now for:
raid 0 (striping) min drives 2, reads and writes faster, no reduncancy.
raid 1 min drives 3, 2/3 of your total disk space is available.  Fault 

raid 4 min drives 3(?) One whole drive is for parity.
raid 5 min drives 3, distributed parity bits, allows one disk to fail.
raid 6 min drives 4, distributed parity bits, allows for two disks to fail.

I'd recommend two more 18 Gb drives for a speedy 54 Gb raid 0, or a 36 Gb 
raid 1 or 5.

(from the guy who has been playing with raid on three 80 Mb conner scsi 
(next plan is to make a raid 0 or 5 over a raid0(80+80+80) + raid0(80+160) 
+ 250 Mb

drives.  Need more power supplies first :)

At 03:31 PM 9/20/00 -0500, you wrote:

I picked up a 18 gig drive.  I was planning on doing 3 6 gig partitions and
raid'n two of the partitions for linux.  Question is what about the 
swap?  Would

I really need to do two 6 gig, 2 128 meg, then what's left for windows?

This will be my first time for raid  scsi under linux, is there a nice howto
that covers both?


Re: About Nestcape 4.75

2000-09-21 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 01:49:52PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Johann Spies wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 01:10:00AM -0500, Rogelio E. Castillo Haro wrote:
   To install netscape 4.75 on Potato, my sources.list must link to stable
   o unstable version?
  deb potato/updates main contrib non-free
  enabled me to upgrade from 4.72 to 4.75.
 OK, I added this, ran 
apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade
 and it updated only netscape-base-4_1%3a4.75-2_i386.deb which is a tiny
 37KB deb file. 
 Did you actually get the full 4.75 installed?

Yes.  It took quite a while to download.

Sorry, I can not explain why apt-get did not properly install it on
your system.  Maybe somebody else has a hint.


J.H. Spies
Tel/Faks +27-21-876-2337 Sel/Cell +27-82 898 1528
 But my God shall supply all your need according to his
  riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


2000-09-21 Thread John Reinke
I just tried installing a .deb from an old CD, and I used apt-cdrom.
Somehow, it must have decided to remove a lot of my applications the next
time I ran dselect. I just hit enter and when I looked back, I found out
that I had just removed a large percentage of my applications!!!

Is there a way to return to the previous state in dselect, so I can
re-install these applications? I can't find a way to do this, but it  seems
to remember things like that, and I sure don't want to have to select and
configure over a hundred packages again.

Please reply, since I'm not currently subscribed.



Re: this beeping makes me sick

2000-09-21 Thread Litwiniec Robert
QBA wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 02:10:54PM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
  xset b off 
  I have that in my .xinitc and it works like a charm.
 I run this xset b off  and still beeping. I even disabled 'Keyboard Bell'
 in my Gnome control center and either no result.
 Where can it be written?
 Thanks for help,
xset b 0 0 0
on my console (display at sun) is still beeping, but the beep is

-- - humor, emulator Amigi, Linux, animacje, mp3 -mulinux 9.x - 1-dysk.Linux+X Win,GCC+man
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User # 137705 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Install of VMware

2000-09-21 Thread John L . Fjellstad
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 05:29:12PM -0400, John C. Plummer wrote:

 When it asked for the
 headers location I gave it /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.12.

Make sure this is the kernel you have.  The command `uname -r` will
tell you which kernel you are using. Make sure this is the headers
you have.

Otherwise, you can try /usr/include

 Using apt-get update and upgrade and trying again did not change the
 situation.  Any

My understanding is that 'apt-get upgrade' doesn't upgrade the kernel.

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
icq: thales @ 17755648

#  I'm subscribed to this list, no need to cc:  ##

Description: PGP signature

Re: mySQL errors

2000-09-21 Thread Erdmut Pfeifer
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 12:15:55PM -0700, Account for Debian group mail wrote:
 New mySQL install (3.22.32-3) on Debian 2.2 (kernel 2.2.17). I can easily
 issue a /etc/init.d/mysql start|reload|stop okay, but once it's running I
 try a simple mysqladmin version and the tty hangs. 
 This is what I see in mysql.err:
 mysqld started on  Tue Sep 19 14:02:07 PDT 2000
 /usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/var/log/mysql.log'
 (Errcode: 13)
 /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections
 Number of processes running now: 0
 mysqld restarted on  Tue Sep 19 14:02:14 PDT 2000
 000919 14:02:14  Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Address already
 in use000919 14:02:14  Do you already have another mysqld server running
 on port: 3306 ?
 000919 14:02:14  Aborting
 mysqld ended on  Tue Sep 19 14:02:14 PDT 2000
 I've already tried giving the mysql.log file 777 perms and changed the
 ownership from root to mysql and back, but no luck on getting rid of the
 initial Can't create/write error. When doing a ps, there are no other
 mysqld processes listed.

occasionally it helps to remove the socket file mysql.sock (if you
have one), which is by default created in /tmp. I don't know why
sometimes mySQL cannot do this by itself (permissions?), and also I
don't really know, what this is created for, but I assume it is
supposed to allow local clients to connect via a unix domain socket
instead of the usual inet socket on port 3306.

Maybe that helps,

Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing gmbh
Hagellocher Weg 71  phone: +49 (0)7071-9457-255
D-72070 Tuebingen   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --

RE: isdn

2000-09-21 Thread Kjell Helge Strom
Got the same error with Potato install.

Have not managed to configure my Isdn card yet. 
One major problem I see with linux is that you can't install only the boot
for a distribution and then use network through your ISDN card to
the rest of the distribution

If you get any solution on your problem I will appreciate to hear from you.

Kjell Helge

 -Original Message-
 From: Fehér Csaba - Egyetem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 19. september 2000 19:19
 To: debian
 Subject: isdn
 I'm very beginner in Linux. I'm using the Slink with 2.0.36 kernel.
 My first problem is:
 I'd like to use ISDN, but the hisax answers: 'resource busy' 
 when I try to
 install it.
 My configuration is:
 AMD K6/233 + 64MB RAM + COM1 + LPT1 + S3Virge (4 MB RAM) (PCI) +
 Sony CD Rom CDU711 + 2 HDDs + Adaptec AHA-1542 SCSII card (ISA)+
 Matshita CD-R CW-7502 + ISA NE-series Ethernet Adapter + 
 Fritz! Card PCI
 (for ISDN) + SB Live Value sound card
 My second problem is:
 I do not install the SB Live Value.
 Thanx for helping!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Have to restart ssh(?)

2000-09-21 Thread Rino Mardo
I was trying to connect to my 2.2 box via ssh and noticed that I'm unable to.
I haven't touched my box for about 3 days now and I know I didn't made any
changes to it.  So after checking /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny and my
firewall script nothing has changed in order to block me from ssh to it.

So what I did is restart sshd and it worked.  I'm now writing from an ssh

Could this be a bug in the .deb implementation of OpenSSH?  My box hasn't been
restarted for almost a month now.


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Basic hostname question

2000-09-21 Thread Anthony Campbell
How are you supposed to form a hostname if you are not on a network but
just connect intermittently to an ISP?

Unless you have a dotted quad name, some hosts reject emails.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles: http://www.freethinker/

Palo y tente tieso. (Spanish proverb)
Free translation: Hold fast is your only dog.

Re: Basic hostname question

2000-09-21 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Anthony Campbell, 
 How are you supposed to form a hostname if you are not on a network but
 just connect intermittently to an ISP?
 Unless you have a dotted quad name, some hosts reject emails.

Basically, you have to make your mails look from the outside like they
are coming from your ISP.

How you do this depends a lot on the MTA that you are using. For qmail
(which I use), it's merely a matter of setting the QMAILHOST and
QMAILUSER environment variables before you send the email, which sets
the envelope sender. I'm sure there are equally easy ways to do it using
other MTAs, but I don't know what they are.

A better way is to maybe use your ISP as a smarthost, but then, I'm not
sure if most smarthosts re-write the envelope senders.

Personally, I use both.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Question about upgrading to version 2.2

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
It's that time again! My wife is out of town for a few days, so I can
sit down and make my annual attempt to install Debian Linux.

I've been trying since 1997 to get Debian installed, so far without ever
getting it into such a state that I can actually use it. My latest
attempt resulted in a partial install of version 2.0, with a bunch of
brokenly installed packages, and no clear way of fixing them.

My questions are these:

1) Can I perform an upgrade to 2.2, with broken packages in the
system? I really don't want to install from scratch, as I only have five
days available for this attempt, and it took two weeks to get the GUI
part working last time. That black and white console screen starts
getting old after a while...

2) Is there some magic invocation that can fix the broken packages, or
remove them prior to the upgrade?

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
In Windows 95, no one can hear you scream.

Re: X launchbar?

2000-09-21 Thread Robin M. Stephens
On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:29:15AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Does anyone know of a basic X launchbar?  Basic as in doesn't depend on
 too many libraries to run.  Gets to be a pain to launch programs from
 different machines to my local desktop from the command line of each machine.

Do a google search for tkgoodstuff.  Requires TCL/TK.

This neat toolbar is not in Potato :-(


Re: Basic hostname question

2000-09-21 Thread Rino Mardo
On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 09:37:05AM +0100 or thereabouts, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 How are you supposed to form a hostname if you are not on a network but
 just connect intermittently to an ISP?
 Unless you have a dotted quad name, some hosts reject emails.

What you can do is setup an account with and get one of
their dialup tools.  This tool would allow you to update the ip
address of the domain name you registered with so that it
points to the current ip address you are using when you dialin to
you ISP.

For example, at home I have registered as the
domain name for my home box.  Whenever I connect to my ISP I would
just run the utility so that would point to the
ip address I'm using now.  Hence, I can always send emails directly
from my home box to anyone.



Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: Install of VMware

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I'd guess (maybe incorrectly) that you are running a newer version of
the kernel than 2.2.12, because the latest release of VMWare for Linux
(2.02, build 621) has precompiled modules for kernels up to 2.2.15
including 2.2.12. So if you are actually running 2.2.12, then VMware
should have just used it's pre-compiled modules. 

The precompiled VMware modules should be located in:

As the other message said, you can check your kernel version with 
'uname -r'.

Also, hopefully you are installing using the tar.gz file and not the rpm
file. Many who have tried installing on Debian with the rpm (via alien)
have had problems. The tar.gz install went very smoothly here on potato.
I've recompiled the VMware modules a few times as I've upgraded to newer


John C. Plummer wrote:
 Found in the archives that others have loaded vmware on Debian 2.2
 w/o too much difficulty.
 But I had one small problem trying with the install of the current
 release for Linux.  It did not
 find any prebuilt vmnet modules that worked and wanted to build one.
 When it asked for the
 headers location I gave it /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.12.
 It erred with a message that there might be a slight inconsistency
 between the current
 kernel and the source headers.  Its recommendation was to rebuild the
 kernel with those
 headers.  However, rebuilding kernels is a little out of my league right
 Using apt-get update and upgrade and trying again did not change the
 situation.  Any
 suggestions.  Should I supply a different location?  Should I download
 and supply a different
 library?  Thanks in advance for your support.  If you guys are ever near
 Johnstown, PA, the
 pizzas on us.

Re: Install of VMware

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Tom Pfeifer wrote:
 The precompiled VMware modules should be located in:

Of course, they have to be located in /lib/modules/2.2.XX/misc at run
time. The VMware installation should normally put them there during the

Here's what you should see there: (only the last 3 are for VMware)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/
total 212
-rw-r--r--1 root root 8500 Sep 10 07:45 lp.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root13675 Sep 10 07:45 parport.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root11304 Sep 10 07:45 parport_pc.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root24028 Sep 10 07:45 serial.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root78824 Sep 10 07:45 sunrpc.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root26453 Sep 10 07:54 vmmon.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root24397 Sep 10 07:54 vmnet.o
-rw-r--r--1 root root 8446 Sep 10 07:55 vmppuser.o


Re: Getting an Internal Error trying to install 2.2

2000-09-21 Thread Jim Lynch
Thanks, but that didn't help.  Something is screwed up.  I manually installed
everything in the list with an apt-get install package and went back
and attempted it again and got the same message.  Oh well, I think everything
is installed, but the auto upgrade is still hosed.

To see my .signature file, go to

Re: Question about upgrading to version 2.2

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Another related question:

Browsing the archives a bit, I find references to apt 0.3.19, which purports 
to be
an Advanced front-end for dpkg. I assume this to be an improvement to the 
unfriendly dselect that came with my 2.0 installation.

3) Can I install apt 0.3.19 on my 2.0 installation, and would it help with the
previous two points (repeated below)?

Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

 1) Can I perform an upgrade to 2.2, with broken packages in the
 system? I really don't want to install from scratch, as I only have five
 days available for this attempt, and it took two weeks to get the GUI
 part working last time. That black and white console screen starts
 getting old after a while...

 2) Is there some magic invocation that can fix the broken packages, or
 remove them prior to the upgrade?

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
In Windows 95, no one can hear you scream.

Network configuration questions

2000-09-21 Thread Cory Echols
After a move I went from a cable modem w/static ip to DSL with dhcp.  I'm
trying to figure out what configuration
changes to make to my machine.

Since this is a dhcp machine now, what should I put in 
/etc/hostname?  I tried putting a hostname in there and
defining hostname as in /etc/hosts, but 
sendmail puts errors in my mail logs saying I can't 
qualify hostname. Using short name instead.  I'm 
assuming that this may cause problems.  Email from my 
machine may get filtered by anti-spam bots, for example.

I've also noticed that sendmail puts my old machine name
(from my previous static ip cable modem configuration) in
the From line (not From:) in outgoing email.  This
is probably a bad thing too.  How can I fix that?

This also brings up the bigger question of where the
machine's hostname and domain name are actually defined.
I had always thought the hostname was set in 
/etc/hostname and the domain name was set by the search
line in /etc/resolv.conf.  My recent experience with
sendmail leads me to think otherwise, however.

BTW:  I am considering switching to exim.  Does it have
features that would help it play nicer on dhcp configured

Thanks in advance for the help.

Cory T. Echols

How a Debian/GNU is Storm?

2000-09-21 Thread Örn
Yo Stormies, Debian's!

I'm a devoted Linux user, been experimenting with almost all of the most common
Linux distributions in several different versions. I am a great admirer of the
Debian/GNU project and I have tried several times to configure and run
Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 and 2.2, but without satisfying results. My default dist
has  been SuSE for about a year now, but I always keep on running other dists
for testing. At the moment I got Storm 2000 'Rain' installed to test it.
I like it a lot so far, the installation (in text mode) was great except that I
did not have the possibility to install Lilo on the /boot partition which I
would have wanted. And there are a few things that are not working:

* I've run pppconfig but when I run pon it says that no ppp is configured in
the kernel, which is not true. So, I'm without Internet in Storm.

* No sound (I've got a Linux compatible Ess1371 card which is easily configured
in other dists)

But I still like Storm because; it's base is Debian/GNU and it got the KDE
desktop. But what I would like to know is:

* Does Storm keep the same directory structure as Debian/GNU Linux?

* Am I running Debian/GNU when running Storm or just a cheap clone?

* Where are the Storm Linux users? The mail list doesn't seem to be that

* Where does Storm come from?

Helgi Örn


   Helgi Örn [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Now running SuSE Linux 7.0  
Forgive, oh Lord my little jokes on thee,  
  and I will forgive thy big one on me.   

Re: off topic - scsi partitions swap raid

2000-09-21 Thread Mike Leone
Now for:
raid 0 (striping) min drives 2, reads and writes faster, no reduncancy.
raid 1 min drives 3, 2/3 of your total disk space is available.  Fault 

You mean minimum 2 drives, don't you? And usable space is 1/2? I believe raid 1 
is also known as mirroring.

Michael Leone 
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

RE: Debian 2.2

2000-09-21 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:36:23PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 Ask book store for replacement or use it as coffee coaster.

I've found that CDs unfortunately don't make good coasters.  Now I
a CD shaped stain on my table.  It's easier just to throw them out.
Though I have heard that microwaving them can be fun.

Just don't try snapping them in two.  I did once and was wearing an
eyepatch for the next 3 days.


Re: How a Debian/GNU is Storm?

2000-09-21 Thread Andrew D Dixon
Helgi Örn wrote:

 * I've run pppconfig but when I run pon it says that no ppp is configured in
 the kernel, which is not true. So, I'm without Internet in Storm.

I installed the slink base system, which configured the ppp conection right off 
bat with no problems.  The potato base system would hang while installing the 
disk though.

 * No sound (I've got a Linux compatible Ess1371 card which is easily 
 in other dists)

 But I still like Storm because; it's base is Debian/GNU and it got the KDE
 desktop. But what I would like to know is:

 * Does Storm keep the same directory structure as Debian/GNU Linux?

I don't know for sure but what I've heard is that Storm is Debian with some gui 
for install and system admin.

 * Am I running Debian/GNU when running Storm or just a cheap clone?

 * Where are the Storm Linux users? The mail list doesn't seem to be that

Switch to Debian.  The debian-user list is really great.

 * Where does Storm come from?

 Helgi Örn


   Now running SuSE Linux 7.0
 Forgive, oh Lord my little jokes on thee,
   and I will forgive thy big one on me.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Get your free address at

Re: Basic hostname question

2000-09-21 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Damon Muller wrote:
 Quoth Anthony Campbell,
  How are you supposed to form a hostname if you are not on a network but
  just connect intermittently to an ISP?
  Unless you have a dotted quad name, some hosts reject emails.
 Basically, you have to make your mails look from the outside like they
 are coming from your ISP.
 How you do this depends a lot on the MTA that you are using. For qmail
 (which I use), it's merely a matter of setting the QMAILHOST and
 QMAILUSER environment variables before you send the email, which sets
 the envelope sender. I'm sure there are equally easy ways to do it using
 other MTAs, but I don't know what they are.

If you are using exim, set 'qualify_domain' in /etc/exim.conf.  If you
are still using smail, stick a domain in /etc/mailname.

Just use your ISP's domain name for these.

Re: How to split up a mailbox

2000-09-21 Thread Yannick Jestin
Sergio Da Silva wrote:
 2) How do I split up my mailbox into separate mails (debian-user-digest to x 
 single mail messages) ?

  Use formail. I use it to split the digest with these lines in my

*^(Resent-Sender|Resent-From|From): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*^Subject:.*debian-(user|devel)-(digest|digest-digest) Digest.*
| formail +1 -ds  debian

  formail belongs to the procmail package


How to instal Xmysql on a debian system?

2000-09-21 Thread Daniel Mashao
How can I install Xmysql on a Debian system?

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa   (w) 021-6502816  (c) 082-928-3692

Re: junkbuster user-agent defaults to Mozilla 3.0 for Macintosh

2000-09-21 Thread caffeine
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 04:06:30PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
 What's with this silly junkbuster default
 user-agent @
 in /etc/junkbuster/config ? 
 From the manpage:
 In  Version 1.4  and later,  if user-agent  is set  to @  (at) these
 headers are sent  unchanged in cases where the  cookiefile specifies
 that  a cookie  would be  sent,  otherwise  only default  User-Agent
 header  is  sent.  That  default  is  Mozilla/3.0  (Netscape) with  an
 unremarkable Macintosh configuration. 
 In other words, the user-agent  is mangled by junkbuster to be Mozilla
 3.0 for Macintosh.  I noticed this when my friend  wanted to check her
 hotmail account on my linux box and hotmail complained about
 an old browser version (although it would probably also explain some
 problems I've had with other sites).

Setting the user-agent to @ means that you can add and to your cookiefile, so that your user-agent can get sent
through unchanged.

 Shouldn't  this be debianized  to some  reasonable default  (like .,
 which passes the user-agent string through unchanged), or am I missing
 something here?  -chris

With junkbuster making everybody look like they are running a Netscape 3 on a
Macintosh, nobody knows you are running Mozilla on a solaris box, or wget on a
Cray, or lynx on a hp300. You might argue that you couldn't care less if
people find out what exact browser you are using: if so, just disable the
User-Agent mangling completely. 

The are two main reasons you might want to use junkbuster:
1) reduce ads
2) privacy

If the reason you are running junkbuster is just 1, then you will probably
get annoyed by junkbuster killing cookies and telling the whole world you are
a Macintosh user. I know a lot of people use junkbuster for privacy though,
and I believe @ as the User-Agent is still a good default.

caffeine at mindrape dot org
1024D/448354FA 3329 C287 FE9F 3BFE FED1  1F10 DE05 1767 4483 54FA


2000-09-21 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hey everyone,

I did recently upgrade from Perl 5.00404 (Original debian 2.1-version)
to new 5.6 which I did compile by myself. Now I am either getting
Server Configuration Errors when accessing Perl-Scripts or error
messages related to @INC... e. g. Can't locate neomail.conf in @INC (@INC 
contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/kapa/neomail) at
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 31. 

Fact is that the paths are right, but how may I change the @INC (and
in which file) or how may I solve this error ?

Any help is appreciated very well :-) !

Thanks in advance !

Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at

KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA! 
Teilnahme unter:

Re: [SLU] How a Debian/GNU is Storm?

2000-09-21 Thread Valerio Ferreira
Helgi Örn:
 Yo Stormies, Debian's!
 I'm a devoted Linux user, been experimenting with almost all of the most 
 Linux distributions in several different versions. I am a great admirer of the
 Debian/GNU project and I have tried several times to configure and run
 Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 and 2.2, but without satisfying results. My default dist
 has  been SuSE for about a year now, but I always keep on running other dists
 for testing. At the moment I got Storm 2000 'Rain' installed to test it.

  Try to get the Hail release or visit or
  This release is fantastic.

 I like it a lot so far, the installation (in text mode) was great except that 
 did not have the possibility to install Lilo on the /boot partition which I
 would have wanted. And there are a few things that are not working:

 * I've run pppconfig but when I run pon it says that no ppp is configured in
 the kernel, which is not true. So, I'm without Internet in Storm.

  In the Hail release you get Stormix Dialer so internet access is very

 * No sound (I've got a Linux compatible Ess1371 card which is easily 
 in other dists)

  I have this sound card too, and it is working in Hail release, 
not so fine but works.

 But I still like Storm because; it's base is Debian/GNU and it got the KDE
 desktop. But what I would like to know is:
 * Does Storm keep the same directory structure as Debian/GNU Linux?
 * Am I running Debian/GNU when running Storm or just a cheap clone?
 * Where are the Storm Linux users? The mail list doesn't seem to be that
 * Where does Storm come from?
 Helgi Örn

   Storm linux is a based Debian 2.2 potato, easy to install and with
3 main especific programs.
   - Storm Dialer
   - SAS , Storm Administration System 2.0
   - Storm Package Manager

  Stormix come from Canada.


Re: FA310TX (tulip) and potato

2000-09-21 Thread Gary Hennigan
Evan DiBiase [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Yes, this is the second comment I've heard to the effect of the
 FA310TX is not worth the circuit board it's printed on. I've always
 had nothing but luck with them, and I don't particularly feel like
 purchasing a 3Com NIC and getting it shipped overnight, but that
 looks like it may be the only option.
 Sadly, I've tried the latest drivers and encounter the same
 problems. ::sigh:: Looks like is going to get some more
 of my business tonight, unless I can get this thing to work...
 Thanks for your advice, though, this isn't to say that I don't
 appreciate it :) I'd just rather not buy anything more right now :\

Well, just to offer a counterpoint, I've got 3 of these beauties. One
in a machine dual booting Win98/Debian potato and two in a PPro 200
system I use as a firewall/router/masq. One FA310TX in each system is
attached to a Netgear 8-port hub, and the second NIC in the PPro is
attached to a Cisco 675 DSL modem. I have had ZERO trouble with the
cards! Two of the cards I purchased over a year ago, and the second
card in the firewall I purchased at CompUSA a week ago. I was
expecting some trouble with the dual-NIC system but experienced
absolutely none. The second card was automatically detected by the
tulip module and I was off and running.

There's always a chance you got a bad card. Might call up their tech
support and see what they have to say.

Good luck,

Re: /lib/module/2.2.17/modules.dep

2000-09-21 Thread Patrik Magnusson
SW Gilliland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I see at least four messages describing problems booting/installing 2.2
 - all seem to be related to the the subject, and no one has gotten a
 response yet.
 Is it a secret, or can someone point us to something to read?
 Thanks - Stewart.

Have you tried 'depmod -a'? I have 2.2.17 running, and that's
the only non-obvious thing I can remember doing.

/Patrik Magnusson

sound in debian

2000-09-21 Thread Christopher Fonnesbeck
I am having a hell of a time getting my SB sound card working in Debian
(2.2). I have tried loading it as a module and in the kernel, but to no
avail.  Modconf configures and installs the module without errors or
conflicts, yet any audio application complains that there is no sound
hardware available.  If I cat a soundfile to /dev/dsp, I get distorted

Here is my /dev/sndstat

fisher:/dev# more /dev/sndstat
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux fisher 2.2.17 #1 Wed Sep 20 15:49:42 EDT 2000 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 

Card config: 

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)

Synth devices:

Midi devices:

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster


Christopher J. Fonnesbeck
PhD Student
Georgia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife 
 Research Unit
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-2152


Re: Help!! with modules

2000-09-21 Thread Cam Ellison
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 18:40:57 -0500, Pat Mahoney wrote:

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 05:32:58AM +0800, Cam Ellison wrote:
 For some reason, I cannot get the modules loaded (or so it seems) with
 kernel 2.2.17.  I go through all the steps: make menuconfig make dep
 make bzImage make modules make modules_install make bzlilo. 
  Can't open dependencies file: /lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep (no
 such file or directory)

Try running depmod.  Also check out kernel-package.  It contains make-kpgk
that compiles a kernel and puts it into a deb package.

I will have a go at both.  Further analysis indicates that the modules
are simply not being copied/written to /lib/modules/2.2.17.  That is,
there are only three that are: ppp_deflate.o, bsd_comp.o (in
/lib/../net), and zft-compressor.o (in /lib/.../misc).  There are no
other subdirectories, and modules.dep contains only those three.

Interestingly, the kernel source (i.e. in /usr/src/linux shows exactly
those three modules in /usr/src/linux/drivers/modules, and no others). 
If I attempt to insmod rtl8139.o, for example (I'm trying to set up a
home network), using /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/rtl8139.o, I get the
error message:  couldn't find the kernel version the module was
compiled for.

Would it suffice to simply copy all the drivers to /lib/modules/2.2.17?



Cam Ellison, Ph.D., R.Psych.


From the lovely Sunshine Coast, where it only SEEMS to rain.



2000-09-21 Thread w-valbue

I have some problem with Fetchmail.

I have fetchmail with crond, to make POP , but some days ago I have this

18 messages for pajarito at (1934931 octets).
reading message 1 of 18 (13987 octets) fetchmail: socket error
while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=2

I don´t know where is the problem , because Fetchmail and crond works
correctly in my account...


p.d: Anybody knows alternative software like Fetchmail?Ex. for my

junkbuster: how to pass through all cookies

2000-09-21 Thread Krzys Majewski
How do I tell junkbuster to leave cookies alone? I've tried 


in /etc/junkbuster/cookiefile, but I'm not convinced this works. 

Re: junkbuster: how to pass through all cookies

2000-09-21 Thread Adam Scriven
On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 08:39:35AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
 How do I tell junkbuster to leave cookies alone? I've tried putting 
 in /etc/junkbuster/cookiefile, but I'm not convinced this works. 

I just have
in mine, and it seems to work OK


Re: X launchbar?

2000-09-21 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

Thursday, September 21, 2000, 2:40:19 AM, Robin wrote:
 Do a google search for tkgoodstuff.  Requires TCL/TK.

 This neat toolbar is not in Potato :-(

Cool, thanks for the pointer.  :)

- --
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink,
I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard
of souls.
- ---+--
- ---

Version: PGP 6.5i


Which netscape version works?

2000-09-21 Thread Krzys Majewski
I know netscape  has its faults but  I really need it for  some of the
sites  I use,  like my  bank. Otherwise  I'd be  using lynx,  really I
would. OK now that that's settled.. 
I've got navigator 4.74 right now  and it seems pretty buggy. A lot of
sites just refuse  to work with it. What's the  best version out there
for linux? (I don't need  the mail stuff etc., just standalone, though
I'm willing to try the bloaty one if it's more stable) -chris

Re: junkbuster: how to pass through all cookies

2000-09-21 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 How do I tell junkbuster to leave cookies alone? I've tried 
 in /etc/junkbuster/cookiefile, but I'm not convinced this works. 
a single * _should_ work for both directions. to verify it, enable cookie
warning in netscape and visit a page which will flood you with cookies
(try, or something).

look at my version of the junkbuster at


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 

Re: About Nestcape 4.75

2000-09-21 Thread Peter S Galbraith
I'm also pretty sure there _used_ to be a netscape package that
installed everthing (or maybe it was just an installer package).
You need communicator-smotif-475 or navigator-smotif-475

$ apt-get install communicator-smotif-475


Nate Bargmann wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 01:49:52PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
   deb potato/updates main contrib non-free
   enabled me to upgrade from 4.72 to 4.75.
  OK, I added this, ran 
 apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade
  and it updated only netscape-base-4_1%3a4.75-2_i386.deb which is a tiny
  37KB deb file. 
  Did you actually get the full 4.75 installed?
 I had the same thing happen.  I then ran dselect, did the update and select
 menus and rather than selecting any packages, I noted that it had selected
 NS to upgrade, went to the install option and the update worked fine,
 along with the glibc update.
 Dunno why the apt-get cammands didn't work...

Impresora Canon BJC-3000

2000-09-21 Thread Manuel C. Arenaz Silva

I have tried to install a Canon BJC-3000 printer using
magicfilter1.2-35, the default slink packet, but none of the filters for
Canon printers worked.

umia:~# ls -l /etc/magicfilter/bj*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4847 Nov 16  1999
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4848 Nov 16  1999
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4920 Nov 16  1999
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4914 Nov 16  1999
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4827 Nov 16  1999
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4976 Nov 16  1999
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4963 Nov 16  1999

The version magicfilter1.2-39 is available at,
nevertheless no new Canon printer filter is available in this packet.

How can I install this printer? Is there any other tool, apart from
magicfilter, for printer configuration?

Thaks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

PD: The printer is correctly installed as it works under Windows'98.
Will a Canon BJC-3000 filter be available for Linux soon?

python-visual and libgl1

2000-09-21 Thread Charles Kaufman
I have a .deb file of python-visual from Carnegie-Mellon U.
It depends on libgl1. I cannot find libgl1.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Charles Kaufman

Re: How do I remove/unload isapnp?

2000-09-21 Thread Mark Schiltz
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I suspect that isapnp may be conflicting with the 5.9c ALSA drivers I'm 
 trying to load.  How do I configure the system so that I save my 
 configuration files, but isapnp doesn't run?

rename the file /etc/isapnp.conf to /etc/
example: mv /etc/isapnp.conf /etc/

When you reboot isapnp will not find the config file and will not run. You may
also want to change or save your modules setup info. If you are using woody and
sndconfig, then rename the file /etc/modutils/sndconfig to
/etc/modutils/ and don't forget to run update-modules. I have
also found it is a good idea to reboot after changing sound modules. They may
load with no errors but the sound may not work properly until the reboot.

I'm here to paint but I've forgotten my brush...
You got beer?

Mark Schiltz

Re: Which netscape version works?

2000-09-21 Thread John Reinke
There is a newer version - 4.75, which seems *slightly* less buggy for me.
If you don't already have it, add the security line to your
/etc/apt/sources.list file, and then run:

apt-get update; apt-get upgrade

and it will install the newer version, as well as any other security fixes
you may need. I don't have the security line handy right now, but it is in
other messages posted to the list today.

Netscape crashes a lot - particularly from web pages containing java and
javascript - but that's probably what you need for your bank's web site.
Look at the email archive from earlier this month to see a discussion of
other web browsers, but none have all the features (good or bad) of

Good luck,

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 I know netscape  has its faults but  I really need it for  some of the
 sites  I use,  like my  bank. Otherwise  I'd be  using lynx,  really I
 would. OK now that that's settled.. 
 I've got navigator 4.74 right now  and it seems pretty buggy. A lot of
 sites just refuse  to work with it. What's the  best version out there
 for linux? (I don't need  the mail stuff etc., just standalone, though
 I'm willing to try the bloaty one if it's more stable) -chris
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

more mySQL errors

2000-09-21 Thread Account for Debian group mail

For those who read my earlier posting about mySQL troubles, I am also
seeing the following error when trying to run the mysql_install_db script: 

/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/var/log/mysql.log'
(Errcode: 13)

However, this is what I have in the /var/log dir - as you can see the
mysql.err files are the same and have no problems. I've even tried
chmod'ing mysql.log to 777 with no success.

-rw-r--r--1 root root  984 Sep 21 10:47 mysql.err
-rw-rw-r--1 root mysql 637 Sep 21 06:25 mysql.err.1.gz
-rw-rw-r--1 root mysql  32 Sep 18 06:25 mysql.err.2.gz
-rw-rw-r--1 root mysql  32 Sep 17 06:25 mysql.err.3.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root0 Sep 21 11:08 mysql.log
-rw-r--r--1 root root0 Sep 20 06:25 mysql.log.1
-rw-rw-r--1 root mysql  32 Sep 18 06:25 mysql.log.3.gz
-rw-rw-r--1 root mysql  32 Sep 17 06:25 mysql.log.4.gz
-rw-rw-r--1 root mysql  32 Sep 16 06:25 mysql.log.5.gz

Any suggestions?

  Marcus Hecht
  Support Supervisor
  PCEZ.COM (R) - Internet Services (R)
  503-639-0828   Ext. 105
  PCEZ.COM is a registered trademark
for PCs Made Easy, LLC

apache doesn't find user

2000-09-21 Thread Sommer Guenther -MLA-
i'm using debian 2.2 (apache 1.3.9) 

i created with htpasswd a passwordfile and included it in httpd.conf 

Directory /web/klbg/funkspruch
AuthType Basic
AuthName itnernal
AuthUserFile /web/pass/klbg/user
require valid-user

after the update to debian 2.2 it doesn't work any more. i createt 
the user-file again under 2.2

i only get following error, but i'm not able to find something about it 
in the internet:

[Thu Sep 21 18:46:29 2000] [error] [client] richi: not 
a valid FDN: /funkspruch/dp/dienstplan.pdf

can someone help me???

thanx, guenther sommer.

austrian red cross, district klosterneuburg, lower austria.


2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 08:42:20PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 11:21:37PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
  trying to get VPN going, still, this time with pptpd--and the
  config script seems kaflooey--
  # apt-get install pptpd
  /usr/sbin/ Permission denied.
  # ls -l /usr/sbin/
  -rw-r--r--1 root   root   1581 Feb 22  2000 /usr/sbin/
  no chmod +x ?

 not even root can execute the non-executable.  
 file a bug against the package, and run chmod 755 /usr/sbin/ 
 as root

agreed. but that's not the problem. (gotcha!)

as you know...

$ filename

entered like this, it's being run as a command, so it would need +x permissions.

$ perl filename

this way, perl reads the file and then runs the script therein, as long as it's
readable.  (a file doesn't need to be executable unless you're trying to run it
as a shell command.) 

perl can even run commands from STDIN, such as

$ perl  filename
$ cat filename | perl

so it only needs to be able to READ the file; execute permissions are for the
commands to be run directly from the shell. (saves us lazy folk from typing
a few keystrokes here and there.)



still, when i have perl run the file directly (no chmod +x needed there)
it still bombs with

  # perl /usr/sbin/

# cat  /usr/sbin/ | perl
if you must

  Can't exec Permission denied at 
  /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/IPC/ line 188.
  open2: exec of failed at 
  /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 46
  Use of uninitialized value at 
  /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 303.
  am i missing a piece? (i ran this as root, so it wouldn't appear to be
  a normal user permissions snag...)

what's up with that?

using apt-get to install unstable packages

2000-09-21 Thread Jason Hammerschmidt
Hi, I've installed potato but am looking to get my intel810 sound
chipset to work, this requires the latest version of ALSA, but the
ALSA that comes with potato isn't.

So, can I use apt-get to install from the unstable packages list that
contains a more recent version of ALSA?  Even though I'm running

I've so far tried downloading the .deb's from woody and using dpkg but
it failed the install horribly, I believe I'm now at a half state of
woody ALSA and potato ALSA.  I've also tried compiling it by hand, and
after downloading all the tarballs,  and compiling the kernel (just to
get a version.h) it crapped out on something else (that I have no idea
about or the will to figure it out right now) and thought there's got to
be an easier way.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance

Jason Hammerschmidt

xmcd question

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
dear all,

when i start xmcd with an internet connection, after a few seconds, a pop-up
window appears and says file save error.   i assume it's trying to save
the CDDB information.

the cd plays just fine, though.

i tried using strace to figure out what file it's trying to write to, with
no luck.  the file save error happens whether i'm a normal user or root.

any guesses as to why this is happening?


French Canadian in console mode

2000-09-21 Thread Joel Dinel
Hash: SHA1

How can I switch between US and French Canadian keyboard configuration
while in Command Line Interface (Eterm or pure console) ?

Or even better; how can I simply create the accents a la Windows
(ALT-something) ?

Thanks !

Joel Dinel

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.71b
Charset: noconv


ripping audio CDs to soundcard

2000-09-21 Thread Krzys Majewski
I posted a question a while back about using the soundcard's D/A instead of
the one in the CDROM drive. I've since tried cdparanoia and
cdda2wav. They both work, but  they both spin the hard disk constantly
when writing  an audio file, even  if the file isn't  being written to
the hard disk. Anyone know why  they are doing this? What I would like
is to  read the data from  the CD and  pipe it to my  soundcard's D/A,
without the hard disk being involved. -chris

Re: Which netscape version works?

2000-09-21 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard John Reinke say

 There is a newer version - 4.75, which seems *slightly* less buggy for me.
 If you don't already have it, add the security line to your
 /etc/apt/sources.list file, and then run:
 apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
 and it will install the newer version, as well as any other security fixes
 you may need. I don't have the security line handy right now, but it is in
 other messages posted to the list today.

No, yoiu have to use either dselect or console-apt or manually apt-get
install to fetch netscape package unless you have either communicator 
or netscape package which are meta packages installed.

| May Debian be with you ~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Description: PGP signature

Re: exim howto newbie ?

2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
welcome to the EXIM corner of our little dungeon...

On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 10:00:27AM +1000, christo wrote:
 when i send mail to :-
 all 3 receives them
 nowif i send emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 userA and userB receives this email where they SHOULDNT

it took me an intense 9-hour day after weeks of poking and prodding
to figure this part out-- maybe i can spare you the same anguish...

i've got 14 domains here on my potato box, and this works well for me:

# mkdir /etc/exim

# cd !$

# cat
user1 user1
userUno   userUno
userPrime userPrim

# cat
user2   user2
duo duo
*   systemwonk

# cat
*   luckysoul

# cat
user3 user3
trois trois
dudethree dudethree

# cat  DOMAINS
# *   /etc/exim/aliasfile


(i'm indenting for clarity, you understand... cutpaste
at your own risk... :)

the /etc/exim/DOMAINS file is a 'table-lookup' sheet relating incoming
email domains to their alias files. you can have several domains 'point'
to one file (see dom-uno and dom-one above) if you like.

in the example above, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be
referred through the alias file /etc/exim/, where
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would instead wind up using the
/etc/exim/ aliases: the first matches
exactly, the second would match * instead. cool!
(and given the setup for, all messages wind up
going to 'luckysoul'.)

you can also make sure that you catch undelivered mail to certain
hosts this way: see '* systemwonk' in /etc/exim/ above.

here's how you tell exim to use that table-lookup arrangement:

in /etc/exim.conf put

local_domains = 

and then further down, in the DIRECTORS section BEFORE the /etc/aliases

# check aliases for virtual hosts --
#   virtual hostname-alias file mapping is in /etc/exim/DOMAINS
#   alias@hostname-is in /etc/exim/virtual from DOMAINS
#   and global default aliases '*: someone' is possible in each
#   virtual host alias file, because we use 'search_type=lsearch*'

driver = aliasfile
domains = partial-lsearch;/etc/exim/DOMAINS
file_transport = address_file
pipe_transport = address_pipe
file = /etc/exim/${domain_data}
search_type = lsearch*

(if you put this after the /etc/aliases file, then those will override the
domain-specific aliases. if that's what you want, then by all means do so.
configuration files are a pain to figure out, but there's a whole lotta
power in them thar files...)

i predict it'll take three hours of uninterrupted concentration on the
exim.conf possibilities before you grok the lsearch (or any search)
facility -- and once you do, look out!

CAVEAT -- this will get unweildy in a hurry if you have a large number
of users and/or a large number of domains. there are alternatives,
but once you figure out this part, you can probably figure out the
next steps...



Print to windows Printer?

2000-09-21 Thread Robert L. Harris

Anyone have a quick and dirty on setting up a Potato box to print to 
a windows based printer, or a cut-paste they can send me?

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

apt-get tut

2000-09-21 Thread Ray Percival
Does anyone know of a place with good apt-get info? That and a couple of 
questions. How does one find out what packages are out there? I'm looking for 
helix code Gnome 1.2 in particular but would really like general info. Also is 
X 4.x apt-getable and if not how do you do a .deb that is not. Thanks for your 

More X questions.....

2000-09-21 Thread Ray Percival
Just switched from Red Hat I *will* get this to work in order to get the 
advantages of Debian. Thank you all for your help so far. I just had a thought 
I have copies of my X config files from RH setting around. Are these files 
distro specific? The only thing I'm having trouble with is X everything else is 
great *very* cool. Once again thanks. 

SmartList: problem subscribing

2000-09-21 Thread Wade Parker
I'm using Debian 2.2, Exim 3.1, procmail 3.13.1 and SmartList.

I've installed Smartlist using dselect.  I can create a list.  But I
cannot get anyone subscribed to the list or if I add an address
manually, Smartlist will not send out any messages to that person.

The only changes I've made to the configuration were:

Adding to my /etc/aliases
listname: | /var/list/.bin/flist listname
listname: | /var/list/.bin/flist listname-request

and setting in /var/list/.etc/rc.init

LOGFILE = ../$default/log

When I test with exim -v -bt listname
exim indicates the address is deliverable to the pipe program.

When I send in a subscription, exim's log indicates the message was
delivered to the pipe program.  But there is not entry in
/var/list/listname/dist and there is no log.

I've also tried changing the pipe alias with:
|/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname
the mail-daemon returns the message stating:

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. The following address(es) failed:

  listname[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
generated |/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname:
Child process of address_pipe transport returned 127 from command:

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

-- |/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname --

exec: exec: No such file or directory

I would appreciate any advise or suggests on how to fix this problem or
how to test flist.

Wade Parker

Re: off topic - scsi partitions swap raid

2000-09-21 Thread C. Falconer

At 08:57 AM 9/21/00 -0400, you wrote:

Now for:
raid 0 (striping) min drives 2, reads and writes faster, no reduncancy.
raid 1 min drives 3, 2/3 of your total disk space is available.  Fault

You mean minimum 2 drives, don't you? And usable space is 1/2? I believe 
raid 1 is also known as mirroring.

Yup yup - sorry about that...  too much fudging on my part :)

To all the geeks of the list - If you want to go on and do something, learn 
something new then messing with raid is a good thing to do...  install 
bonnie and raidtools, and decide for yourself whats good and bad about raid.


Re: Spammer by incompetence, RBL may be an option

2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 04:21:42PM +0200, Robert Waldner wrote:
 I sent a (friendly) message to the postmaster at 
  already, informing them of the problem and pointing out directions to 
  fix it. You may want to do the same.

i did too. three weeks ago. and last week.

as you can see, they're concerned about taking immediate action.


Re: More X questions.....

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
as with everything else, yes.

and no.

most of it should be distro independent, but off hand i can think of one
thing which may NOT be distro independent -- your FontPath directives.

i don't think there are others, but there might be.  also note that the
location of the file itself is distro dependent.


On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Ray Percival wrote:

 Just switched from Red Hat I *will* get this to work in order to get the 
 advantages of Debian. Thank you all for your help so far. I just had a 
 thought I have copies of my X config files from RH setting around. Are these 
 files distro specific? The only thing I'm having trouble with is X everything 
 else is great *very* cool. Once again thanks. 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: apt-get tut

2000-09-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 21-Sep-2000 Ray Percival wrote:
 Does anyone know of a place with good apt-get info? That and a couple of
 questions. How does one find out what packages are out there? I'm looking for
 helix code Gnome 1.2 in particular but would really like general info. Also
 is X 4.x apt-getable and if not how do you do a .deb that is not. Thanks for
 your help.

X 4 is not officially packaged yet.  Doing so involves a significant change to
Debian.  It will appear though.

As for a apt-get tutorial, one is attached to this message. And as always, look
in /usr/share/doc/package.

To find out what is available, the best way is to use either dselect or
console-apt.  Both of these give a console, curses based GUI.

Description: Binary data

Re: Message saying this lists's mailbox is full

2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 01:46:02AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote: has a moron with root password instead of a system
 administrator who knows how to configure an MTA (or replace it with
 one that does not suck) 
 this has been going on for at least 2 or more weeks.  just add this
 to your .procmailrc and be done with it:

would this be an evil idea?

Re: Configuration router / gateway use

2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 10:40:45AM +0200, Stefan Bellon wrote:
 vici:/etc/network# route
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
 localnet*   U 0  00 eth0   *   U 0  00 lo
 default UG1  00 eth0

hmm. maybe
# apt-get install ipmasq
and then after
# ifconfig
shows your ports and connections are fat dumb and happy (alive and working)
# ipmasq

just a thought...

Re: More X questions.....

2000-09-21 Thread Jens P. Elsner

 Just switched from Red Hat I *will* get this to work in order to get the 
 advantages of Debian. Thank you all for your help so far. I just had a 
 thought I have copies of my X config files from RH setting around. Are these 
 files distro specific? The only thing I'm having trouble with is X everything 
 else is great *very* cool. Once again thanks. 
No, the X config file is not Distro specific. You just cant mix 3.X config 
files with 4.X . 

Just place your config file in /etc/X11 .


Re: /etc/init.d/network v. /etc/network/*

2000-09-21 Thread will trillich
On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 06:26:47PM -0700, wrote:
 Could someone set me straight on the distinction between
 /etc/init.d/network and the definition files under /etc/network:  
 interfaces, options, and spoof-protect.
 We've got a balky server which doesn't like coming on-line (and
 occasionally likes going off) when it boots.  I suspect multiple network
 config upfsckage.
 Docs I've been able to find are less than crystal on the distinction
 between these files.

what i've seen says that
/etc/init.d/* are SCRIPTS that are run when entering various
runlevels (rcS at startup, rc2 when entering runlevel 2...)
are the CONFIGURATION files for various network facilities.

% man interfaces
will tell you about the /etc/network/interfaces file.

Re: More X questions.....

2000-09-21 Thread Jason Hammerschmidt
If you copy a RedHat XF86Config file, remove the line
and replace with

RH uses an X Font Server, Debian doesn't (at least potato doesn't).  Other
than that there are no distro specific idism's.

Ray Percival wrote:

 Just switched from Red Hat I *will* get this to work in order to get the
 advantages of Debian. Thank you all for your help so far. I just had a
 thought I have copies of my X config files from RH setting around. Are
 these files distro specific? The only thing I'm having trouble with is X
 everything else is great *very* cool. Once again thanks.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


2000-09-21 Thread Robert Waldner
(sorry, haven´t got the rest of the thread, and it´s not yet showing up 
 in the archives, so forgive me if I´m stating the obvious, repeating 
 something, not getting the point etc pp ;)

 On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 11:21:37PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
  trying to get VPN going, still, this time with pptpd--and the
  config script seems kaflooey--
 # apt-get install pptpd

You may want to try pptp (no -d, though), you can get it from . It´s only for outgoing 
 connections, though, so YMMV. The two versions are for different
 types of some alcatel-adsl-modems, the upstream homepage is
 stated somewhere in the accompanying documentation.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: Spammer by incompetence, RBL may be an option

2000-09-21 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:46:46 CDT, will trillich writes:
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 04:21:42PM +0200, Robert Waldner wrote:
 I sent a (friendly) message to the postmaster at 
  already, informing them of the problem and pointing out directions to 
  fix it. You may want to do the same.

i did too. three weeks ago. and last week.

as you can see, they're concerned about taking immediate action.


They´re not sending their bounces via the list (now? don´t know, have 
 deleted the mails). Fixed the problem for me via

/etc/mail/access: Thou art not considered worthy. Go away.

(using sendmail)

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

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