Re: Ayuda Urgente! Perdí la partición Win

2001-01-07 Thread Carles Pina i Estany

prueba de modificar el fichero /etc/lilo.conf como puedas (conoces algun
editor de textos para linux?)

y añades al final de todo:


creo que con esto basta

corre lilo (ejecutas) (como root)

y reinicias. Cuando salga LILO: (te sale? sino arriba del fichero añade
prompt) escribes win


On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Amigos debianeros de habla hispana, un cordial saludo desde Rio de Janeiro.
 Soy un español que vive en Brasil, y es un gran alivio
 encontar que esta lista existe. Porque soy muy nuevo con Linux

 Tengo un gran problema del que no sé como salir.
 Tratando de instalar Debian, creo que borré el
 Master Boot Record y ahora no me arranca Windows.
 Esto es un gran problema para mi, porque actualmente todo
 mi trabajo lo tengo en la particion Windows, y parece
 que C desaparecio. ¿Alguien sabe como volver a bootear Windows?

 Más detalles de mi situación

 Tengo un laptop Sony Vaio 505 TX sin CD ROM. Con Win98.
 Creé una partición con Particion Magic para instalar potato usando
 diskettes. Creo que el problema fué que usé diskettes viejos
 con sectores dañados y cuando estaba comenzando la instalación
 se me clavó dando un mensaje de kernel panic.
 Esto me creo un verdadero panico y tratéw de dar marcha a atras
 e iniciar windows. Pero windows no arrancó.
 Solo Linux, que se quedaba a medias.
 Entonces entré en DOS con un diskette bootable
 a ver que pasaba, y ví que aun tenía todas mis cosas en C:
 Ahí ví un fichero llamado algo así com MBR y algo más,
 y pensando que esto era lo que me hacía bootear Linux
 y no Windows lo borré.
 Tal vez hubo un conflicto de LILO con Paricion Magic.

 Ahora cuando Trato de usar un diskette bootable de DOS, llego a A:
 y cuando trato de cambiar a C: esto en un disco virtual
 de Ram y no mi disco duro.
 Sé que mi partición windows aun está ahí porque cuando
 miro al esquema de las particiones con FIPS veo que
 está ahí. Pero ¿Cómo acceder ahora?

 Estoy en un gran aprieto.
 Ahora estopy temporalmente usando la computadora de un amigo
 para mandar este mensaje.

 ¿Alguien sabe como volver a acceder C: o hda1 y volver
 a arrancar Win98?

 No sé mucho sobre las tecnicalidades de Linux. Solo sé sobre las razones
 del porqué Linux es una alternativa, y me gustaría aprender
 para poco a poco ir migrando mi tragbajo a Linux.
 Y aunque quizas Debian sea la distribucion más difícil
 para comezar, es para mí el Linux puro por lo que quiero
 hacer el esfuerzo.

 No sé si es posible arreglar esto desde la situacion
 en que estoy de no tener ningun sistema operativo,
 y si seria mejor completar la instalacion de Linux
 con diskettes nuevos y arreglarlo desde ahí.

 Pero necesito urgentemente poder volver a acceder
 Win98 para trabajar.

 Gracias anticipadas.

 Honorio de la Iglesia Lopez

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   No, no soy viejo, tengo muchos años porque hago coleción.

Re: Transportar archivo en disquetes

2001-01-07 Thread José Esteban


Si haces lo que dice Jordi, creo que no necesitas ni el tar en DOS. Que 
yo recuerde, el comando COPY (compruebalo con COPY /?), con la opción 
/B, permite concatenar ficheros binarios. De memoria, creo que sería 
algo como esto:

copy /b fich1+fich2+fich3 figordo


Enrique Marcote Peña wrote:


Necesito transportar un ejecutable (ocupa casi 3 megas comprimido) que
me he bajado de la red por encargo.  Yo en mi máquina sólo tengo linux
(hace ya varios años que mandé la partición de windows a tomar por ...),
el caso es que la máquina donde se desea instalar el programa sólo tiene
windows y carece de conexión a Internet (como ya habreis imaginado).

Sabría como archivar el fichero en varios disquetes con el tar, pero
¿hay tar para DOS? ¿funciona igual que el nuestro?

¿Con el zip de linux es posible fragmentar un archivo por varios discos?
He echado un vistazo rápido al man zip y no encontré ninguna opción
para tal cosa.

Cómo podría hacer esto de manera sencilla (No tengo grabadora de CD).

Un saludo y que os hayan dejado muchas cosas los Reyes Magos,


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

He pedido drivers para Linux. Nº 00073030:

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Contraseña en lilo

2001-01-07 Thread Hue-Bond
 Esto es  sólo una advertencia  por un  detalle que me  acaba de
 pasar con lilo: Cuidado para los que pongáis caracteres que no sean
 ni letras ni números, que el teclado todavía no está en español. Si
 queréis unos dos puntos : en la clave, a la hora de teclearla hay
 que darle a la Ñ.

 Menudo susto que me he llevao :^).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

RE: Ayuda Urgente! Perdí la partición Win

2001-01-07 Thread rlnieto
Hombre, siempre tienes la solución desesperada de hacer un fdisk /mbr,
eso te restaurará la mbr de Windows

- Mensaje original -
Enviado: domingo, 07 de enero de 2001 1:19
Asunto: Ayuda Urgente! Perdí la partición Win

Amigos debianeros de habla hispana, un cordial saludo desde Rio de Janeiro.
Soy un español que vive en Brasil, y es un gran alivio
encontar que esta lista existe. Porque soy muy nuevo con Linux

Tengo un gran problema del que no sé como salir.
Tratando de instalar Debian, creo que borré el
Master Boot Record y ahora no me arranca Windows.
Esto es un gran problema para mi, porque actualmente todo
mi trabajo lo tengo en la particion Windows, y parece
que C desaparecio. ¿Alguien sabe como volver a bootear Windows?

Más detalles de mi situación

Tengo un laptop Sony Vaio 505 TX sin CD ROM. Con Win98.
Creé una partición con Particion Magic para instalar potato usando
diskettes. Creo que el problema fué que usé diskettes viejos
con sectores dañados y cuando estaba comenzando la instalación
se me clavó dando un mensaje de kernel panic.
Esto me creo un verdadero panico y tratéw de dar marcha a atras
e iniciar windows. Pero windows no arrancó.
Solo Linux, que se quedaba a medias.
Entonces entré en DOS con un diskette bootable
a ver que pasaba, y ví que aun tenía todas mis cosas en C:
Ahí ví un fichero llamado algo así com MBR y algo más,
y pensando que esto era lo que me hacía bootear Linux
y no Windows lo borré.
Tal vez hubo un conflicto de LILO con Paricion Magic.

Ahora cuando Trato de usar un diskette bootable de DOS, llego a A:
y cuando trato de cambiar a C: esto en un disco virtual
de Ram y no mi disco duro.
Sé que mi partición windows aun está ahí porque cuando
miro al esquema de las particiones con FIPS veo que
está ahí. Pero ¿Cómo acceder ahora?

Estoy en un gran aprieto.
Ahora estopy temporalmente usando la computadora de un amigo
para mandar este mensaje.

¿Alguien sabe como volver a acceder C: o hda1 y volver
a arrancar Win98?

No sé mucho sobre las tecnicalidades de Linux. Solo sé sobre las razones
del porqué Linux es una alternativa, y me gustaría aprender
para poco a poco ir migrando mi tragbajo a Linux.
Y aunque quizas Debian sea la distribucion más difícil
para comezar, es para mí el Linux puro por lo que quiero
hacer el esfuerzo.

No sé si es posible arreglar esto desde la situacion
en que estoy de no tener ningun sistema operativo,
y si seria mejor completar la instalacion de Linux
con diskettes nuevos y arreglarlo desde ahí.

Pero necesito urgentemente poder volver a acceder
Win98 para trabajar.

Gracias anticipadas.

Honorio de la Iglesia Lopez

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Contraseña en lilo

2001-01-07 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 01:07:34PM +0100, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Esto es  sólo una advertencia  por un  detalle que me  acaba de
  pasar con lilo: Cuidado para los que pongáis caracteres que no sean
  ni letras ni números, que el teclado todavía no está en español. Si
  queréis unos dos puntos : en la clave, a la hora de teclearla hay
  que darle a la Ñ.

Hm. Bonito bug :)
Hay otro reportado (release critical para woody), si un lilo.conf tiene
carácteres raros, lilo hace segfaults.
Deberías reportar eso también como bug, prioridad normal por ejemplo.

  Menudo susto que me he llevao :^).

Su doctor recomienda Grub contra los sustos informáticos :

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: [plip]Timeout, timeout ...

2001-01-07 Thread Manuel Jiménez
El vie, 05 de ene de 2001, a las 01:15:46 +0100, Manuel Jiménez dijo:
 La cosa es que, aprovechando las vacaciones, terminé de configurar el plip
 para conectar mi portátil con el buque insignia. Aparantemente todo va bien
 salvo que cuando intento el 'ping', el 'ftp' o el 'mount -t nfs' empiezan a
 desfilar los 'plip0: timeout' hasta que se muere el intento de conexión. A ver
 si me podéis echar una mano. (...)

Me contesto yo mismo: El problema estaba en la configuración que las
BIOS de los dos ordenadores tenían par el puerto paralelo. Cambié SPP
por el modo 'Extended' EPP y ya está. La conexión vía puerto paralelo
va como un rayo. No me imaginaba que funcionara tan bien. Al final me
conseguí un conmutador de un escáner Primax que un amigo ya no usaba;
dejo el cable enrolladito y dispuesto y sólo tengo que conectar el
portátil, darle al botón del 'switcher', ejecutar mis 'scripts' y 
listo. ¡Qué bien, mi primera incursión en redes! A la próxima, me
atrevo con las 'ethernet'..., cuando instale la regrabadora que me han
echado los Reyes... ;)

---fin de respuesta a mensaje [EMAIL PROTECTED]---

Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
Registro 90705 en
ICQ UIN: #63192058

Re: Ayuda Urgente! Perdí la partición Win

2001-01-07 Thread hilopez
Sigo en las mismas despues de haber probado las dos
sugerencias. Aun no puedo acceder win

 Creo que no has perdido windows:
 Prueba a arrancar con un disquette en la unidad a: y teclea:
 fdisk /MBR
 Asegúrate también (con fdisk) que la partición de windows es la que está

Probe esto pero aun no puedo acceder C desde el diskette

 prueba de modificar el fichero /etc/lilo.conf como puedas (conoces algun
 editor de textos para linux?)
 y añades al final de todo:
 creo que con esto basta
 corre lilo (ejecutas) (como root)
 y reinicias. Cuando salga LILO: (te sale? sino arriba del fichero añade
 prompt) escribes win

Tambien probe esto, y consigo arrancar normalmente Linux
si en LILO tecleo Linux, pero si tecleo win
me arranca Linux tambien, pero con un mensaje que se repite
muchas veces y me llena la pantalla, algo asi como

modprobe: Can't open dependencies file
(No such file or directory)

Alguna otra sugerencia?

Gracias a todos de antemano

Pregunta: dselect

2001-01-07 Thread Jesus Hellin

Tengo una duda sobre el dselect y no se si se puede hacer. Resulta que
le he dicho que quiero actualizar desde un ftp y él me ha señalado los
paquetes que necesito actualizar en mi sistema desde ese ftp, la
pregunta es si yo tengo algún modo de decirle que los baje, pero no lo
instale hasta que yo se lo diga (quiero hacerme una copia en un cd de
estos paquetes) o si se instala automaticamente, como puede indicarle
que deje una copia de los paquetes para yo luego recuperar.


Jesús Hellín

Re: problema con fuentes 100dpi

2001-01-07 Thread Gerardo Lopez

Asunto: problema con fuentes 100dpi
Fecha: Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 01:28:56AM +0100

Time to reply!

Citando a  Fermín Manzanedo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Tengo un problema con las fuentes en mi debian 2.2: Leí en la lista que para
 hacer  legible el escritorio y el netscape, tenía que desinstalar el paquete
 xfonts-100dpi. Lo hice, y mi escritorio (gnome) aparece perfecto; pero el
 problema  me viene en que cuando entro en el netscape (4.76) recién
 actulaizado  del ftp de la uc3m hay caracteres que no me aparecen
 (acentos,enyes ...) y en su lugar aparece una especie de rectángulo
 raro. También  en consola me salen caractéres extraños (letras griegas para
 los  acentos, un signo matemático para la enye). Esto también me pasa con el
 programa de irc bitchx.
 A qué puede deberse?? Hay alguna forma de poder leer correctamente y en
 castellano ?

Hola, me da en la nariz de que no tienes las fuentes xfonts-75dpi, o estas no
estan correctamente listadas en el archivo /etc/XF86Config. Por si te sirve de
algo comprueba que en ese archivo aparezcan dichas fuentes en primer lugar, es

unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled, [...]

Por otro, comprueba que la codificación que emplea Netscape es la correcta:
Western(iso-8859-1), y que la fuente elegida acepta carácteres como acentos,
eñes, etc. (Esto último se puede mirar con xfontsel)

Espero que sirva, un saludo.

___  (o_  __ | ___ 
 //\ | 
 V_/\?  ···o_| 

Re: Transportar archivo en disquetes (solucionado)

2001-01-07 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña
Hola, ya he solucionado mi problemilla, muchas gracias a todos,


1-. Parto el archivo con split tal y como cometaba Jordi (gracias de nuevo 

split -b 1400k mifichero.exe mifichero.

Esto me crea los archivos: mifichero.aa, mifichero.ab ...

2-.  Los uno con el copy de DOS

copy mifichero.aa /B + mifichero.ab /B mifichero.exe /B

Y listo

Un saludo a todos,


Enrique Marcote Peña wrote:


 Necesito transportar un ejecutable (ocupa casi 3 megas comprimido) que
 me he bajado de la red por encargo.  Yo en mi máquina sólo tengo linux
 (hace ya varios años que mandé la partición de windows a tomar por ...),
 el caso es que la máquina donde se desea instalar el programa sólo tiene
 windows y carece de conexión a Internet (como ya habreis imaginado).

 Sabría como archivar el fichero en varios disquetes con el tar, pero
 ¿hay tar para DOS? ¿funciona igual que el nuestro?

 ¿Con el zip de linux es posible fragmentar un archivo por varios discos?
 He echado un vistazo rápido al man zip y no encontré ninguna opción
 para tal cosa.

 Cómo podría hacer esto de manera sencilla (No tengo grabadora de CD).

 Un saludo y que os hayan dejado muchas cosas los Reyes Magos,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Transportar archivo en disquetes

2001-01-07 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña
Muchas gracias José, es una pena no haber recibido tu correo un poco antes, al 
final tras
bucear un rato por la ayuda de DOS me topé justo con lo que tú mencionas, 
muchas gracias por

Un saludo,


José Esteban wrote:


 Si haces lo que dice Jordi, creo que no necesitas ni el tar en DOS. Que
 yo recuerde, el comando COPY (compruebalo con COPY /?), con la opción
 /B, permite concatenar ficheros binarios. De memoria, creo que sería
 algo como esto:

 copy /b fich1+fich2+fich3 figordo


 Enrique Marcote Peña wrote:

  Necesito transportar un ejecutable (ocupa casi 3 megas comprimido) que
  me he bajado de la red por encargo.  Yo en mi máquina sólo tengo linux
  (hace ya varios años que mandé la partición de windows a tomar por ...),
  el caso es que la máquina donde se desea instalar el programa sólo tiene
  windows y carece de conexión a Internet (como ya habreis imaginado).
  Sabría como archivar el fichero en varios disquetes con el tar, pero
  ¿hay tar para DOS? ¿funciona igual que el nuestro?
  ¿Con el zip de linux es posible fragmentar un archivo por varios discos?
  He echado un vistazo rápido al man zip y no encontré ninguna opción
  para tal cosa.
  Cómo podría hacer esto de manera sencilla (No tengo grabadora de CD).
  Un saludo y que os hayan dejado muchas cosas los Reyes Magos,
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 He pedido drivers para Linux. Nº 00073030:

 José Esteban
 Granada. Spain.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Varios Linux

2001-01-07 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me decidí a instalar Debian... En fin, como supondreis 
a mi inexperiencia y mi momentanea falta de conocimientos, la cosilla va 
lenta... pero bien... :-... Pero, de momento, necesitaría tener otro 
linux RPM en mi sistema pues es al q estoy más acostumbrado... ¿E$s ésto 
posible, me refeiero a tener Debian y otro Linux RPM en el mismo ordenador?
Un salud@

Open Office

2001-01-07 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
¿Habéis probado alguno el Open Office?... Me han comentado que tiene 
demasiados bugs y que de momento no es recomendable 
Otra cosa... Si quisiera instalar el Open Office o el Star Office en mi 
equipo de manera que todos los usuarios (somos tres) tengan acceso ¿dónde 
tengo que instalarlo?
Un saludo

Re: Varios Linux

2001-01-07 Thread Carlos Pérez Pérez

El Dom 07 Ene 2001 17:18, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano escribió:
 Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me decidí a instalar Debian... En fin, como 
 debido a mi inexperiencia y mi momentanea falta de conocimientos, la
 cosilla va lenta... pero bien... :-... Pero, de momento, necesitaría
 tener otro linux RPM en mi sistema pues es al q estoy más acostumbrado...
 ¿E$s ésto posible, me refeiero a tener Debian y otro Linux RPM en el mismo
 ordenador? Un salud@

Se puede. Yo tengo WinME+Mandrake 7.2+Debian Citius 2.2.
No te aconsejo el Mandrake 7.2 por la cantidad de recursos
que consume, antes tenía el RedHat 6.2.

Un saludo.

La civilización no suprime la barbarie, la perfecciona. Voltour
Carlos Pérez Pérez   cperezperez  terra es. Usuario Linux: 193134
Yo uso software libre

version debian y pcmcia_cs

2001-01-07 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Por cierto, las pcmcia_cs que tengo son la versión .3 (no sé qué putno
tres, en el Documentation/Changes piden la .1)

Y Debian es una woody, aunque un dia hará una semana o 5 dia s me pasé de
largo y me puse sid (ahora hace dias que estoy con woody y como tenia sid
no se me actualiza nada :-(   )

hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Sómo de la generasión X: eXtremadamente pobreX i deshamparadoX.

Re: pcmcia con 2.4.0

2001-01-07 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
On dom, ene 07, 2001 at 06:56:10 +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 Con el final igual, meto el fichero del test12, make menuconfig, reviso,
 make dep, clean, bzImage, modules, modules_install... reinicio, veo mi
 framebuffer, las pcmcia hacen sus ruiditos, voy a navegar... argh! no hay
 red, ifconfig, no hay eth0, ip link list, no hay eth0, cardctl reset,
 tampoco, el cardct config me dice que no está, cardct ident tampoco, mato
 el demonio cardmgr, lo enciendo, nada...

A mi me pasa lo mismo, de hecho lo pregunté también en la lista hace poco.
Lo único que puedo decirte es que si tienes no-me-acuerdo-que-opción del
núcleo que te autodetecta mediante un demonio si insertas o no tarjetas y su
naturaleza, saca y mete la tarjeta y verás como aparece en poco tiempo tu
querido eth0... chapuza si, pero es que no se tampoco qué hacer.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pregunta: dselect

2001-01-07 Thread Migue Reyes
El Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 05:56:39PM +0100, Jesus Hellin dijo:
 Tengo una duda sobre el dselect y no se si se puede hacer. Resulta que
 le he dicho que quiero actualizar desde un ftp y él me ha señalado los
 paquetes que necesito actualizar en mi sistema desde ese ftp, la
 pregunta es si yo tengo algún modo de decirle que los baje, pero no lo
 instale hasta que yo se lo diga (quiero hacerme una copia en un cd de
 estos paquetes) o si se instala automaticamente, como puede indicarle
 que deje una copia de los paquetes para yo luego recuperar.
 Jesús Hellín

En el proceso de instalación, no se si es posible evitar que los paquetes
marcados para instalar, una vez en el ordenador, mediante algún comando se 
aborte el proceso.

Lo que sí es seguro es que una vez instalados, dselect te pregunta si quieres
borrar los .deb.

Siempre puedes hacer ftp al servidor que hayas puesto en el sources.list y
bajártelos uno a uno. Luego tu verás si te los instalas o no con apt-get.


---fin de respuesta a mensaje [EMAIL PROTECTED]---


Miguel Angel Reyes con GNU/Linux 
Debian 2.2r0 Potato -104631- 

Re: Varios Linux

2001-01-07 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano wrote:

 Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me decidí a instalar Debian... En fin, como 
 supondreis debido 
 a mi inexperiencia y mi momentanea falta de conocimientos, la cosilla va 
 lenta... pero bien... :-... Pero, de momento, necesitaría tener otro 
 linux RPM en mi sistema pues es al q estoy más acostumbrado... ¿E$s ésto 
 posible, me refeiero a tener Debian y otro Linux RPM en el mismo ordenador?
 Un salud@

Puedes tener distintas distribuciones en distintas particiones. Si quieres 
puedes organizar una particion comun para datos, scripts, y binarios 
compilados estáticamente  (cc *.c -static ). Los ejecutables binarios 
normales tiran de librerías compartidas que estarán organizadas de forma
distinta en cada distribución porque no hay un estandar para esto.

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Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
| |

mis pcmcia

2001-01-07 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


bueno, despues de recompilar el kernel 2.4.0 final con más opciones para
pcmcia (la seguna o tercera del apartado) ahora no detecta ninguna pcmcia

así que vigu o quien tenga más info si sabe algo... :-)

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   El que avisa no es traidor, es avisador.

Re: Pregunta: dselect

2001-01-07 Thread Francisco Callejo
El domingo, 7 de enero de 2001, Jesus Hellin escribió:
 Tengo una duda sobre el dselect y no se si se puede hacer. Resulta que
 le he dicho que quiero actualizar desde un ftp y él me ha señalado los
 paquetes que necesito actualizar en mi sistema desde ese ftp, la
 pregunta es si yo tengo algún modo de decirle que los baje, pero no lo
 instale hasta que yo se lo diga (quiero hacerme una copia en un cd de
 estos paquetes) o si se instala automaticamente, como puede indicarle
 que deje una copia de los paquetes para yo luego recuperar.

Con dselect no sé, pero con apt-get sí:

apt-get -d paquete ...

Los baja y los deja en /var/cache/apt/archives/

Un saludo.
Francisco Callejo.

Re: pcmcia con 2.4.0

2001-01-07 Thread Andres Herrera

El Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 06:56:10PM +, Carles Pina i Estany disidio iscribir:
 Con el final igual, meto el fichero del test12, make menuconfig, reviso,
 make dep, clean, bzImage, modules, modules_install... reinicio, veo mi
 framebuffer, las pcmcia hacen sus ruiditos, voy a navegar... argh! no hay
 red, ifconfig, no hay eth0, ip link list, no hay eth0, cardctl reset,
 tampoco, el cardct config me dice que no está, cardct ident tampoco, mato
 el demonio cardmgr, lo enciendo, nada...

A mi me van bien, aunque he notado que al meter la tarjeta de red en caliente
la mayoría de las veces no es capaz de inicializarla :-(, pero si arranco con
ella va como la seda.

# cardmgr -V
cardmgr version 3.1.22

# uname -a
Linux portatil 2.4.0 #1 Sun Jan 7 12:52:17 CET 2001 i586 unknown

# insmod --version
insmod version 2.4.0

Comprueba tus versiones, a ver si puede ser algo de eso :-)

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | N.Reg: 66054
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test12
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD. | con ReiserFS ;-)
  Clave GPG:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Open Office

2001-01-07 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 06:21:03PM +0100
Sujeto: Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Comunicaba sobre: Open Office

 ¿Habéis probado alguno el Open Office?... Me han comentado que tiene 
 demasiados bugs y que de momento no es recomendable 

La verdad es que no, yo me he quedado con Staroffice 5.1 . Es algo que
uso únicamente para llevar una hoja de cálculo y poco más...

 Otra cosa... Si quisiera instalar el Open Office o el Star Office en mi 
 equipo de manera que todos los usuarios (somos tres) tengan acceso ¿dónde 
 tengo que instalarlo?
 Un saludo

Donde se quiera instalar él :-) 

Luego lo único que tienes que hacer es exportar el directorio por NFS
a las máquinas que quieras que tengan la aplicación y ya está. Eso sí,
ten en cuenta que lo tendrás que instalar con la opción /net. En el
README tienes la información


---Llave pública vía E-mail. Asunto: Mandar clave PGP---
Debian 2.1 Slink + apt-get dist-upgrade = Debian 2.2 Potato
Aprender  sin pensar  es inútil. Pensar  sin aprender  es peligroso.  --
Confucio. (551-479 a.C.) Filósofo y estadista chino.

Description: PGP signature

Mouse muere de repente...

2001-01-07 Thread Druida

Hola a todos... el mouse me dejó de funcionar 
de repente sin razón aparente, lo acabo de configurar exactamente como estaba 
con el XF86Setup y nada, no quiere andar de ninguna forma. Alguien tiene idea 
qué puede ser y cómo arreglarlo? en un momento anduvo en un movimiento nada mas, 
lo estaba moviendo y se movió de repente unos 10 centímetros pero murió de nuevo 
para siempre. Pensé que era problema de hard pero en Windows anda perfecto, asi 
que eso lo descarto... qué podrá ser? gracias anticipadas... un abrazo a 

Re: mis pcmcia

2001-01-07 Thread Miquel
El Sunday, 07 Jan 2001, a las 22:30, Carles Pina i Estany contaba:

 bueno, despues de recompilar el kernel 2.4.0 final con más opciones para
 pcmcia (la seguna o tercera del apartado) ahora no detecta ninguna pcmcia
 así que vigu o quien tenga más info si sabe algo... :-)

pues a mi me van como la seda (tengo dos, una ethernet ne2k y otra un
modem 56k). Te paso las opciones del kernel que tengo activadas (serie y
ethernet), a ver si te sirve para algo:


# cardmgr -V
cardmgr version 3.1.23

# uname -a
Linux ono-sendai 2.4.0 #3 dom ene 7 03:52:39 CET 2001 i686 unknown

# insmod --version
insmod version 2.3.23

sort! ;-)


Miquel Vidal| aka Yonderboy en
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Proyecto
CSOA el Laboratorio | Using Debian GNU/LiNuX woody  | GnuPG public information: 1024D/F724244F

Description: PGP signature

Ayuda con DNS

2001-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Espero que mi email no los moleste.. de lo largo que es.., pero no veo otra.

Estoy tratando de crear un dominio para una Intranet sin conexion a la red
de redes, pero se me nota lo principiante :-)... instale potato en el server
con la siguiente confiracion:

IP Mask

El named.conf:

options {
directory /var/cache/bind;

// Esto no se que es...

logging {
category lame-servers { null; };
category cname { null; };

//Esto lo comente por que el DNS como me dice que elimine el archivo
//de cache y haga los archivos de la zona. Para mi caso de intranet

// prime the server with knowledge of the root servers
// zone . {
//type hint;
//file /etc/bind/db.root;
// };

// Estos los deje igualitos //

zone localhost {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.local;

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.127;

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.0;

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.255;

// Estos si los escribi.. bueno algunas cosas //

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.192;

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/;

@   IN  SOA (
1   ; Numero de serie
604800  ; Refresh
 86400  ; Retry
   2419200  ; Expire
604800  ; Negative Cache TTL
1   PTR
2   PTR

@   IN  SOA (
1   ; Serial
   604800   ; Refresh
86400   ; Retry
 24119200   ; Expire
   604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL

localhost   A

Bueno.. creo que es algo largo.. 

Lo cierto es que por ahora los clientes son windows, vamos a ir haciendo la 
transicion poco a poco, sobre todo con los USUARIOs por asi llamarlos de la 
red. He tratado de configurar los equipos windows colocandoles en la conf, su 
respectivo host pepito y dominio, IP Netmask, pero al tratar de abrir con el netscape, nada de 
nada.. y claro el apache esta instalado en el server... y desde el server puedo 
hacer lynx lynx localhost y todo lo demas... desde el cliente 
hago ping al server.. pero no puedo abrir con el Netscape, 
tampoco ping

Muchas gracias por adelantado si pueden ayudar a esta pobre alma perdida..

A una notica.. el primer ejemplo del DNS como.. es algo complicado... alguien 
sabe donde hay algo para nosotros los mortales..?

Ricardo Rodriguez

For Valentine's Day shop by Brand, Product, Price, Store and Location!

Re: min deamon.log växer...

2001-01-07 Thread Karl Hammar

  $ ls -l /dev | grep ' 5,'
  crw--w--w-1 root tty5,   1 Jan  7 16:13 console
  crw-rw-rw-1 root tty5,   2 Jan  7 20:51 ptmx
  crw-rw-rw-1 root tty5,   0 Dec  9 15:21 tty

console och tty: man console ger viss (hmm) vägledning.

ptmx är sysV's pseudoterminal master device, kolla in följande rutiner:
  /* SysV pty utility functions */
  char * ptsname(int);
  int grantpt(int);
  int unlockpt(int);


Karl HammarAspö Data   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lilla Aspö 2340   0173 140 57   Nätverk
S-742 94 Östhammar   070 511 97 84   PC/Sun datorer
SwedenLinux/Unix konsulting

Subject: min deamon.log växer...
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 20:40:03 +0100

 Detta meddelande adderas kontinuerligt till min /var/log/deamon.log:modprobe 
 can't locate char-major-5. Jag vet ärligt talat inte vad char-major-5 är för 
 något så här på rak arm. Någon annan?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-07 Thread Vinicius De Mario

bom, eu NUNCA consegui fazer o KPPP funcionar, desde a primeira versao 
do KDE.
O erro tambem era este que ocorre com voce, o pppd terminava 

Desisti do KDE e estou com o GNOME e nao abro ...


Raphael Pereira (DephiNit) wrote:


Eu tenho instalado o kde2 para potato (atualizado ontem) e estou tentando 
fazer funcionar o KPPP. Crio a conta, configuro o modem. Ele chega a 
conectar, mas logo que conecta, diz que o pppd fechou inesperadamente com 
exit status 1. Olhando na manpage, isso significa:
An immediately fatal error of some  kind  occurred, such  as  an essential 
system call failing, or running out of virtual memory.

Eu tenho a conexão funcionando através do pppconfig (pon, poff), mas gostaria 
de ter isto funcionando para facilitar para os usuários leigos aqui de casa...

Qualquer ajuda é bem vinda,




with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mouse

2001-01-07 Thread Vinicius De Mario
Provavelmente a porta eh a ttyS0 (COM1). Se funcionar, voce pode criar 
um link fazendo /dev/mouse apontar para ttyS0, mas nao precisa, pode 
deixar configurado como ttyS0.

Configure isto usando o gpmconfig, como superusuario.


ColdWater wrote:


Depois de enfrentar a placa de video onboard (com a grande ajuda do Edson),
estou agora brigando com o mouse. Tenho uma placa mae M6TWG (aquela que tem
tudo lixo!) e o mouse instalado nela. Um mouse Upson UP-885 na
COM1.  Quando iniciou o LinuX, ele apresenta como detectado PS/2 mouse
(porta esta que existe em minha placa). O problema eh que tanto em PS/2,
como em COM1 nao consigo faze-lo funcionar. Sera que nao eh /dev/mouse, ou
sera que esta faltando algum modulo?

Uma ajudinha em bem vinda.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread ColdWater

Com a ajuda de voces, consegui fazer funcionar o meu sistema X completamente
(graficos, mouse, etc.). Pretendo agora instalar o sistema por completo. Nao
sei se eh melhor instalar o KDE, ou o X Window inteiro, ou se existe um
outro ambiente melhor.

Alguem tem uma sugestao?

Re: Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Eu gosto do Window Maker, eh bem leve, bonito e prático. Tem também o
Blackbox, icewm, enlightenment, afterstep, gnome e kde. 

O bom é voce instalar todos e testar pra ver qual voce gosta mais. A
do ambiente gráfico é uma escolha pessoal :)

ColdWater wrote:
 Com a ajuda de voces, consegui fazer funcionar o meu sistema X completamente
 (graficos, mouse, etc.). Pretendo agora instalar o sistema por completo. Nao
 sei se eh melhor instalar o KDE, ou o X Window inteiro, ou se existe um
 outro ambiente melhor.
 Alguem tem uma sugestao?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

### -- Arranhe aqui e veja o seu prêmio.


2001-01-07 Thread Ricardo Sandrin \(strange\)
Olá Pessoal;

Gostaria de saber se alguem aqui tem ou já teve alguma experiência com
um Placa de Som Aztech 3000 (AZT3000) ela é on-board e já consigo fazer
ela funcionar mas o problema é que ela só toca MP3s em 8bits gostaria de
mudar isso quer tiver alguma dica por favor me diga... =)


linha do sources.list

2001-01-07 Thread Antonio A. Lobato

Eu instalei o sistema basico do potato de uma particao Dos/Win num disco
rigido local. Agora, estou tentando instalar os pacotes (da mesma particao)
usando o deselect. Quando vou fazer o Updating (segundo passo do deselect),
ele reclama da primeira linha do arquivo sources.list:

deb file:/win/main/binary-i386 main  

Antes, eh claro, eu montei o filesystem /win com sua respectiva linha em
Quem sabe o que esta acontecendo ? 

Re: AZT3000

2001-01-07 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Ricardo Sandrin (strange) wrote:
Eu tive, 

Infelizmente ela não tem um suporte bom no Linux, o único modo que
consegui fazer 
uma dessas funcionar foi via driver da Sound Blaster genérico. A
com a AZT3100 também foi idêntica. 

 Olá Pessoal;
 Gostaria de saber se alguem aqui tem ou já teve alguma experiência com
 um Placa de Som Aztech 3000 (AZT3000) ela é on-board e já consigo fazer
 ela funcionar mas o problema é que ela só toca MP3s em 8bits gostaria de
 mudar isso quer tiver alguma dica por favor me diga... =)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Graças ao avanço da informática na área do lazer, o desocupado de hoje
tem ao 
seu alcance milhares de oportunidades e coisas para não fazer.

Re: Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
Apoiado Gleydson =)

mas... o amigo (NiTrOgEn... me pergunto o q o nickometer do apt-br acha
disso...) estah fazendo uma confusao normal entre os novatos...

o X eh um servidor que cria o ambiente grafico, os window managers tb 
conhecidos como desktops (no caso de gnome, xfce e kde (cde) ) usam o
X para funcionar...

entaum, vc precisa ter o X funcionando... o kde, wmaker, icewm, gnome
eh vc que decide qual deles vai usar =)


On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 08:21:29PM -0400, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Eu gosto do Window Maker, eh bem leve, bonito e prático. Tem também o
 Blackbox, icewm, enlightenment, afterstep, gnome e kde. 
 O bom é voce instalar todos e testar pra ver qual voce gosta mais. A
 do ambiente gráfico é uma escolha pessoal :)
 ColdWater wrote:
  Com a ajuda de voces, consegui fazer funcionar o meu sistema X completamente
  (graficos, mouse, etc.). Pretendo agora instalar o sistema por completo. Nao
  sei se eh melhor instalar o KDE, ou o X Window inteiro, ou se existe um
  outro ambiente melhor.
  Alguem tem uma sugestao?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
 ### -- Arranhe aqui e veja o seu prêmio.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
*  *
*GPG Key:*
* - #debian-br UIN: 20766822*

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread Christoph Simon
On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 23:58:50 -0200
Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Apoiado Gleydson =)
 mas... o amigo (NiTrOgEn... me pergunto o q o nickometer do apt-br acha
 disso...) estah fazendo uma confusao normal entre os novatos...
 o X eh um servidor que cria o ambiente grafico, os window managers tb 
 conhecidos como desktops (no caso de gnome, xfce e kde (cde) ) usam o
 X para funcionar...
 entaum, vc precisa ter o X funcionando... o kde, wmaker, icewm, gnome
 eh vc que decide qual deles vai usar =)

Mais confusão: wmkaer, icewm, fvwm, twm, swafish, etc. são
alternativas das cuais se escolha uma, porque são window managers,
gerenciadores de janelas. KDE e Gnome são `desktop environments',
entornos de mesa (?) e não window managers. kde e gnome podem
coexistir debaixo do mesmo window manager, ou seja, podemos escolher
mais de um. Na prática, não escolhemos tanto o desktop enviroment,
senão o programa baseado nele, e o apt faz o resto para instalar um
monte de coisas que em realidade não precisamos saber que existem...

Christoph Simon


2001-01-07 Thread Clovis Fabricio Costa
Em Sexta 05 Janeiro 2001 09:56, você escreveu:
  make menuconfig
  depois da um make-kpkg --revision=nome_da_kernel kernel_image
 Voce nao poderia me fazer um grande favor, e me dar um exemplo do
 procedimento acima?

Ai vai um passo-a-passo pra compilação facilitada da kernel no linux DEBIAN
Linhas que comecam com um $ sao pra digitar no prompt (sem o $ eh claro)

Vou supor que voce queira compilar a kernel 2.2.17 ok?

Pegue o fonte:
$ apt-get install kernel-source-2.2.17

Va para o diretorio do fonte
$ cd /usr/src

Descompacte a kernel que voce pegou
$ tar Ixvf kernel-source-2.2.17.tar.bz2

Isso vai criar um diretorio /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17
Voce vai e cria um link chamado linux apontando pra este diretorio
$ ln -s kernel-source-2.2.17 linux
pronto! Agora voce pode entrar no diretorio linux que na verdade voce vai 
estar entrando no diretorio kernel-source-2.2.17! é tipo um atalho!
$ cd linux

Agora vem a compilação
Primeiro dê um
$ make-kpkg clean
pra limpar tudo se voce tiver compilado anteriormente.

$ make menuconfig
para configurar

A tela de configuração da kernel vai abrir e você tem q escolher o que quer 
na kernel em cada tela.
Depois é só dar um
$ make-kpkg --revision=nome-kernel.versao kernel_image
Aqui em casa por exemplo eu pus clovis.1.0 no nome da kernel e versao.
Isso é pra voce mesmo achar o pacote, caso voce recompile varias kernels.
Depois que acabar de compilar vai gerar um pacote no /usr/src chamado

é só instalá-lo com 
$ dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.17_nome-kernel.versao_i386.deb

E pronto!

Clovis Fabricio Costa
Linux User #97332

Re: linha do sources.list

2001-01-07 Thread Clovis Fabricio Costa
Em Domingo 07 Janeiro 2001 21:45, Antonio A. Lobato escreveu sobre linha do 
 Eu instalei o sistema basico do potato de uma particao Dos/Win num disco
 rigido local. Agora, estou tentando instalar os pacotes (da mesma particao)
 usando o deselect. Quando vou fazer o Updating (segundo passo do deselect),
 ele reclama da primeira linha do arquivo sources.list:

   deb file:/win/main/binary-i386 main

   Antes, eh claro, eu montei o filesystem /win com sua respectiva linha em
   Quem sabe o que esta acontecendo ?

Deveria ser 
deb file:/win/

porque o proprio apt ja vai procurar as diversas sections (main, devel, etc)


Clovis Fabricio Costa
Linux User #97332

Re: Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread Clovis Fabricio Costa
Em Segunda 08 Janeiro 2001 00:22, Christoph Simon escreveu sobre Re: Ambiente 
 On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 23:58:50 -0200
 Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Apoiado Gleydson =)
  mas... o amigo (NiTrOgEn... me pergunto o q o nickometer do apt-br acha
  disso...) estah fazendo uma confusao normal entre os novatos...
  o X eh um servidor que cria o ambiente grafico, os window managers tb
  conhecidos como desktops (no caso de gnome, xfce e kde (cde) ) usam o
  X para funcionar...
  entaum, vc precisa ter o X funcionando... o kde, wmaker, icewm, gnome
  eh vc que decide qual deles vai usar =)
 Mais confusão: wmkaer, icewm, fvwm, twm, swafish, etc. são
 alternativas das cuais se escolha uma, porque são window managers,
 gerenciadores de janelas. KDE e Gnome são `desktop environments',
 entornos de mesa (?) e não window managers. kde e gnome podem
 coexistir debaixo do mesmo window manager, ou seja, podemos escolher
 mais de um. Na prática, não escolhemos tanto o desktop enviroment,
 senão o programa baseado nele, e o apt faz o resto para instalar um
 monte de coisas que em realidade não precisamos saber que existem...

Bom... O KDE tambem é um WindowManager. Ele gerencia coisas do tipo mandar 
sinais pro servdor X pra minimizar, maximizar etc e tamanho e posicao das 
janelas qdo elas aparecerem etc.
Claro que programas pra KDE rodam em qq outro windowmanager.
Porque os programas sao pra X e usam a lib do kde...
Já o GNOME eu nunca vi rodando sozinho (sem outro WindowManager), só em 
conjunto com o WindowMaker, Enlightenment...
Alguem sabe se tem jeito?


Clovis Fabricio Costa
Linux User #97332

Re: Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread Rodrigo S. de Castro
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 01:13:03AM -0200, Clovis Fabricio Costa wrote:
 Em Segunda 08 Janeiro 2001 00:22, Christoph Simon escreveu sobre Re: Ambiente 
  On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 23:58:50 -0200
  Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mais confusão: wmkaer, icewm, fvwm, twm, swafish, etc. são
  alternativas das cuais se escolha uma, porque são window managers,
  gerenciadores de janelas. KDE e Gnome são `desktop environments',
  entornos de mesa (?) e não window managers. kde e gnome podem
  coexistir debaixo do mesmo window manager, ou seja, podemos escolher
  mais de um. Na prática, não escolhemos tanto o desktop enviroment,
  senão o programa baseado nele, e o apt faz o resto para instalar um
  monte de coisas que em realidade não precisamos saber que existem...
 Bom... O KDE tambem é um WindowManager. Ele gerencia coisas do tipo mandar 
 sinais pro servdor X pra minimizar, maximizar etc e tamanho e posicao das 
 janelas qdo elas aparecerem etc.
 Claro que programas pra KDE rodam em qq outro windowmanager.
 Porque os programas sao pra X e usam a lib do kde...
 Já o GNOME eu nunca vi rodando sozinho (sem outro WindowManager), só em 
 conjunto com o WindowMaker, Enlightenment...
 Alguem sabe se tem jeito?

O KDE instala um window manager dele, o kwm, se não me
engano. Já o GNOME não tem um desenvolvido pela própria equipe de
desenvolvimento, por isso vários são compatíveis e qualquer um desses
funciona com ele. Eu particularmente prefiro o Sawfish (para usar com
o GNOME), mas tem várias opções como o próprio Window Maker.

PS: O Christoph está correto em toda explicação dele.

Rodrigo S. de Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ambiente X

2001-01-07 Thread Custodio

Eh...assim que eu apertei o botao SEND eh que percebi a merda que
escrevi...desculpa por esta.


Re: apt-get netscape v4.76 problem

2001-01-07 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 09:33:48PM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
 I have done:
 apt-get install netscape-base-4
 apt-get install netscape-base-476
 apt-get install netscape-java-476
 apt-get install navigator-base-476
 apt-get install communicator-base-476

Try either:

$ apt-get install navigator


$ apt-get install communicator

Both are psuedo-packages, in they only supply the dependencies
necessary to get all the parts installed.  The first justs gets the
browser, the second gets the whole Netscape/Navigator/Mail thingy.

It's confusing, because the executable is like navigator-smotif-476,
but it needs these other parts as well.

Eric G. Miller

Re: Cannot Open /dev/dsp device

2001-01-07 Thread Aaron Maxwell
 If some other program is using /dev/dsp, you'll also get that error.
 Check to see if 'esd' is running, it'll snatch up /dev/dsp. I know there
 are ways to make it release it every so often, but I can't remember how.

esd is not running, I'm certain.  I don't have any apps running that
might grab dsp that I'm aware off.  

btw, I'm running sawfish with kde, mixed woody and potato.


Voodoo 3

2001-01-07 Thread David Steinberg

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what to do to set up my
voodoo 3 to provide hardware-accelerated OpenGL under X 3.3.6?

At this point, what I think I know is that Mesa is a free implementation
of the OpenGL API, and that it can work with (over?) Glide, which is the
Voodoo's API (also the name of the implementation thereof).  Am I anywhere

But I'm completely lost as to what to do to get it to work...

I've installed the following packages (from potato):

Okay, so the dev packages are probably overkill at this point, but what
the heck?  :)

If I try to run /usr/bin/test3Dfx, I get:
gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
gd error (glide): grSstSelect:  non-existent SSTSegmentation fault

In the description for libglide2-v3, it says You'll need the /dev/3dfx
kernel driver to use this library.  I have no clue what to do about
this; where would I get the this kernel driver?

I haven't had much luck in finding current documentation (I assume things
have changed significantly since the 3dfx howto was last updated 3 years
ago, since it specifically mentions that there is no kernel configuration
necessary).  If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be most


David Steinberg

Re: Cannot Open /dev/dsp device

2001-01-07 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Aaron Maxwell [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#  If some other program is using /dev/dsp, you'll also get that error.
#  Check to see if 'esd' is running, it'll snatch up /dev/dsp. I know
#  are ways to make it release it every so often, but I can't remember
# esd is not running, I'm certain.  I don't have any apps running that
# might grab dsp that I'm aware off.  
# btw, I'm running sawfish with kde, mixed woody and potato.

Well, I know you've probably already checked, but in the interests of
thoroughness ;): is arts running? It's the KDE sound server.

I apologize if you've already checked - I can't help it :)


Re: xmms and sound

2001-01-07 Thread Michael Smith
Are you running esound?  Try running it with esd as root.  Second, make xmms 
use another plugin, try oss.

Olivier Billet wrote:

 Hi all,

 i'm trying to make xmms make sound...
 so here's the problem:
 i'm able to hear sound from cdcd, from gcd or from wmcdplay for example 
 (so i can play cd's), BUT i can't hear anything from xmms !

 what's wrong ? (ok, i think it's the output plugin -- i do not have any in /lib -- but how do i do to work around ?)

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: Cannot Open /dev/dsp device

2001-01-07 Thread Aaron Maxwell
Actually, I hadn't checked for arts.  It is not/was not running. Thanks.


 Well, I know you've probably already checked, but in the interests of
 thoroughness ;): is arts running? It's the KDE sound server.
 I apologize if you've already checked - I can't help it :)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: lilo.conf

2001-01-07 Thread Russell Coker
I've got a new lilo package on .  It will be in 
unstable in a few days.

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: lilo.conf

2001-01-07 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Russell Coker [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark

Hey, I didn't know you wrote bonnie++ :) Great utility, thanks :)


Re: JDK 1.2.2 or higher

2001-01-07 Thread Benjamin Black

Mitchell wrote:

Does anyone know of an apt source which has a later  version of JDK than
the one in the woody tree. Either 1.2.2 or higher? 


From  Mitchell


deb woody non-free

and you should be set.  this information can be [1]found on the 
blackdown site, also.



|_ |_ | _  _ |_  Gravity cannot be held responsible
|_) .  |_)|(_|(_ |\ for people falling in love. -- Einstein

Re: debconf

2001-01-07 Thread Mircea Luca
Rob VanFleet wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 08:06:19PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
  Rob VanFleet wrote:
   How does one go about changing the message priority in debconf?
  You may be looking for 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' -- without a bit more
  explination I can't tell for sure.
 Sorry about the vagueness.  Basically, when I did my initial install,
 debconf was set to only give me high priority messages, I would like to
 set this to low.  I did dpkg-reconfigure debconf-tiny and I got no
 errors, but nothing happened either.

what I do usually is

apt-get install dialog

dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=dialog debconf

you can use --frontend=text as well but IMHO dialog looks better.

Re: CPU optimization

2001-01-07 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jan 06 2001, Mircea Luca wrote:
 Hmm..well I read in the gcc manual that -O3 is optimize even more
 and is the maximum.:-)

First of all, I must say that I'm enjoying this discussion a
lot and that although I never used this pentium-builder thing,
I think that it's pretty slick.

I guess that recompiling every package is not worth the
trouble, but recompiling multimedia and CPU intensive ones may
be a major gain (say, MPEG players and such).

BTW, you can use -O6 for your programs. If I remember
correctly, it will fallback to whatever is the highest mode of
optimization (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong -- I
read this a long time ago and didn't find it listed in the
current documentation now; the funny thing is that it's not
mentioned in the current potato manpage).

I also don't know if -O6 does the same thing as -O9.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: apt-get netscape v4.76 problem

2001-01-07 Thread Glyn Millington
On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 09:33:48PM -0800, thus spake Xucaen:

Just in case, here is a solution from the bottom up!

Ok, in the following order ( as root ):

dpkg --purgeall your netscape packages - clear 'em out. Find out
what you have with aptitude.


cd /etc/apt
mv sources.list sources.list-save
now copy the file attached to /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install netscape-smotif-476

Steven Wayne posted this on uk.comp.os.linux last week.

If you need to do this, don't forget to re-instate your own sources.list
afterwards, unless you want to go for woody!Sorry if this is too basic -
it worked for me!


so here we are then
   Running Debian/Gnu Linux  
   8:20am  up 38 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.37, 0.57, 0.39
deb woody main non-free contrib
deb-src woody main non-free contrib
deb woody/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src woody/non-US main contrib 
#deb woody main
#deb-src woody main

#deb galeon/ 
#deb-src galeon/ 

woody main
#deb woody main

Re: Problem running Java code

2001-01-07 Thread Benjamin Black

Kenward Vaughan wrote:

Sorry for what may be a trivial ?? for the Java-folks, but I'm not one
myself... yet.  I DL'd a package called jchempaint for my chemistry classes
which is a java app.  I installed java-common and kaffe, believing that to
be what was need to run the program.  But when I try it, I get:

  daddy:~# jchempaint
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/JPanel
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(

Am I doing something obviously wrong, or missing a package?

you're trying to use an app that uses the Sun Java Foundation Classes 
(JFC).  these are not free.  see the [0]blackdown project page for 
information on downloading the official Java2 SDK for Linux.



|_ |_ | _  _ |_  Gravity cannot be held responsible
|_) .  |_)|(_|(_ |\ for people falling in love. -- Einstein

Re: CPU optimization

2001-01-07 Thread Mircea Luca
Rogerio Brito wrote:
 First of all, I must say that I'm enjoying this discussion a
 lot and that although I never used this pentium-builder thing,
 I think that it's pretty slick.
 I guess that recompiling every package is not worth the
 trouble, but recompiling multimedia and CPU intensive ones may
 be a major gain (say, MPEG players and such).
Yes,I was thinking more like X ,KDE ,Gnome and multimedia so I guess the
things left won't take that much time.:-).

 BTW, you can use -O6 for your programs. If I remember
 correctly, it will fallback to whatever is the highest mode of
 optimization (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong -- I
 read this a long time ago and didn't find it listed in the
 current documentation now; the funny thing is that it's not
 mentioned in the current potato manpage).
 I also don't know if -O6 does the same thing as -O9.
 []s, Roger...

I've read something on a archive of a gcc mailing list but apparently it
relate to the gcc we use-don't remember the link ,I researched this for
a few hours.I got stuck at the debian/rules when I decided to ask for

Re: Turning off services SOLVED

2001-01-07 Thread Matthew Sackman

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 13:49:46 -0800, Ross Boylan said:

 At various times I have wanted to turn off certain daemons without
  uninstalling their packages.  I couldn't find any good way to do this,
  so I wrote a little script.  I'm making it available under the GPL.
  I've since discovered that the some packages also create a bunch of
  crontab jobs, and they are still cluttering things up a bit.
  If there's a better way to do this, I'd love to hear it.

Try finding the line in the file /etc/inet.conf and comment it out for the
services that you don't want to run. You may have to reboot then, or try
restarting the internet superserver - try a /etc/init.d/inetd restart. You
might have to kill a few other processes or just stop them using their scripts
in /etc/init.d/.

Hope this helps

  #! /usr/bin/python
  # Usage: (--on | --off) list of demon names
  # This script will scan, turn off, or turn on selected
  # demons in /etc/rc?.d/.  It does so by renaming S* symbolic
  # links so the services won't start.
  # Scan mode (neither --on nor --off) simply reports the status
  # of the demons.
  # Note that demons are not actually started or stopped by this script;
  # it just controls what will happen at system startup.
  # (c) 2001 Ross Boylan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  # Made available under the GPL (see
  import glob, os.path, re, sys
  class Demon:
  Information and actions on a demon
  gDisabled = Disabled-
  def __init__(self, name):
  Name of demon
  if not os.path.exists(/etc/init.d/+name):
  raise name +  is not a known demon
  self._name = name
  self._statuses = []
  def checkStatus(self):
  Check status at various run levels
  def turnOff(self):
  Make it so won't run at next system start
  def turnOn(self):
  We will start on next run level change
  def doOverRunLevels(self, method):
  Invoke method over all run levels
  for rl in glob.glob(/etc/rc[0-9Ss].d):
  method(rl, rl[-3])
  def _checkStatus(self, directory, runLevel):
  See if we are around and fill in _statuses if we are
  aRegex = re.compile((+Demon.gDisabled+r)?S(\d\d)+self._name);
  for file in os.listdir(directory):
  aMatch =
  if aMatch:
  aStatus = DemonStatus(runLevel,, not
  def _turnOff(self, directory, runLevel):
  Disable demon for future reboots
  aRegex = re.compile(rS(\d\d)+self._name)
  for file in os.listdir(directory):
  aMatch = aRegex.match(file)  # must be at start
  if aMatch:
  os.rename(os.path.join(directory, file),
os.path.join(directory, Demon.gDisabled+file))
  # no return values documented for os.rename
  def _turnOn(self, directory, runLevel):
  Enable demon for future reboots
  aRegex = re.compile(Demon.gDisabled+rS(\d\d)+self._name)
  for file in os.listdir(directory):
  aMatch = aRegex.match(file)  # must be at start
  if aMatch:
  os.rename(os.path.join(directory, file),
  # no return values documented for os.rename
  def reportTo(self, file):
  Send human readable report to stream
  file.write(Demon %s:\n%self._name)
  for aStatus in self._statuses:
  class DemonStatus:
  Status of a given demon
  def __init__(self, runlevel, priority, enabled=1):
  Priority (nn) of demon and whether it is enabled
  # runlevel is a single 0, 1, ...
  self._runlevel = runlevel
  self._priority = priority
  self._enabled = enabled
  def __str__(self):
  if self._enabled:
  msg = Enabled
  msg = Turned off
  return %s for run level %s (priority %s)%(msg, self._runlevel, 
  def isEnabled(self):
  if self._enabled:
  return on
  return off
  aCommand = sys.argv[1]
  if aCommand[0] == -:
  if aCommand[-1] == f:
  anAction = turnOff
  elif aCommand[-1] == n:
  anAction = turnOn
  print Command not understood
  names = sys.argv[2:]
  anAction = 


2001-01-07 Thread Sunil Thomas Thonikuzhiyil


 My ls -l listing shows lines like this
drwx--S---5 sunilsunil4096 Dec 13 09:21 Desktop/
drwxr-sr-x5 sunilsunil4096 Aug 24 07:28 GNUstep/
 I know s bit is suid on files and x permission on directory allows you
to traverse it . But what does s and S  mean on directories also what 
is the difference between S and s



Sunil  Thomas  Thonikuzhiyil  Powered By Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
Principal, College of Applied


still Cannot Open /dev/dsp device

2001-01-07 Thread Aaron Maxwell
I just realized my response below kinda makes it seem like the problem 
has gone away: but it hasn't.  When running 'xanim foo.wav', I still 
get the error 'Cannot Open /dev/dsp device', and I still need help
fixing that :)  

sorry 'bout the confusion...

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Aaron Maxwell wrote:

 Actually, I hadn't checked for arts.  It is not/was not running. Thanks.
  Well, I know you've probably already checked, but in the interests of
  thoroughness ;): is arts running? It's the KDE sound server.
  I apologize if you've already checked - I can't help it :)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unable to Install Debian From CD

2001-01-07 Thread
I have run dbootstrap from the Debian CD and installed the base system. I've 
done all the steps up to the point where the system is rebooted. When it 
reboots from a diskette, it runs the first part of the installation (set up 
partitions, install base system etc.), but if I try to access the CD, it says 
CDROM mount failed.

When it boots from the HDD, I see that it finds the CDROM and calls it hdb. But 
when I run dselect, it only gives three options for access methods:

   nfs install from an NFS server (not yet mounted)
   floppy  install from a pile of floppy disks
 * apt APT acquisition (file,http,ftp)

I want to continue the installation from the CDROM discs resuming at the point 
where the Debian installation system boots from a Linux HDD, but I do not know 
how to proceed. Could someone provide assistance? Thank you.

NOTES: The BIOS of my system does not support booting from CDROM. I believe I 
am using a standard ATAPI IDE drive (Wearnes CDS-2420). The CDROM drive is 
slaved to the HDD on the primary channel of an add-in IDE controller.

Are you a Techie? Get Your Free Tech Email Address Now!
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Re: Cannot Open /dev/dsp device

2001-01-07 Thread Nick Croft
You can probably play music from a cd with any cd player, you can probably
play a wav file with 
play  file.wav

but you can't play an .mp3 with xmms.  You'll need to recompile a kernel
with your sound card selected.

Have look at the Debian University:

I've just emerged from the cannot open /dev/dsp  dilemma myself.

You may still need to run xmms with sudo, even though you're in the audio

Get hold of grip; put a cd in you cd; you can play any track.
Rip a track (right click on it to select).
Play it as a .wav.
Get BladeEnc.
Encode a .wav.
sudo xmms
Select your .mp3  .

You'll know then if you need to recompile the kernel.

Best wishes. 

Re: Unable to Install Debian From CD

2001-01-07 Thread Sebastiaan

have you included a /cdrom line in your fstab? If the installation program
cannot find a cdrom itself, you are able to fix it this way, I think,


On 7 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have run dbootstrap from the Debian CD and installed the base system. I've 
 done all the steps up to the point where the system is rebooted. When it 
 reboots from a diskette, it runs the first part of the installation (set up 
 partitions, install base system etc.), but if I try to access the CD, it says 
 CDROM mount failed.
 When it boots from the HDD, I see that it finds the CDROM and calls it hdb. 
 But when I run dselect, it only gives three options for access methods:
nfs   install from an NFS server (not yet mounted)
floppy  install from a pile of floppy disks
  * apt APT acquisition (file,http,ftp)
 I want to continue the installation from the CDROM discs resuming at the 
 point where the Debian installation system boots from a Linux HDD, but I do 
 not know how to proceed. Could someone provide assistance? Thank you.
 NOTES: The BIOS of my system does not support booting from CDROM. I believe I 
 am using a standard ATAPI IDE drive (Wearnes CDS-2420). The CDROM drive is 
 slaved to the HDD on the primary channel of an add-in IDE controller.
 Are you a Techie? Get Your Free Tech Email Address Now!
 Many to choose from! Visit
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ATA-100 disk under 2.2.18 -- horrible performance

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
I have an IBM ATA-100 30G harddrive, attached to a ASUS CUSL2-C (Intel
815EP-based) mobo.

The kernel is not even using the drive in UDMA mode.  The performance
is *horrible*: every time I copy to the disk the CPU usage goes up all
the way and I'm seeing things like load average: 5.47, 5.02, 3.27,
which is only caused by disk access.

,[ dmesg ]
| PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086, DID=244b
| PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
| ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa800-0xa807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
| ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa808-0xa80f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
| hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, ATA DISK drive
| ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
| ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
| hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM10.2, 9797MB w/1900kB Cache, CHS=19906/16/63, UDMA
| hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, 29314MB w/1916kB Cache, CHS=59560/16/63
As you can see, the other HD (which is an ATA-66 Quantum) is at least
used in UDMA mode.

What is the reason the kernel dislikes the drive so much? ;^)
Do you suppose I've missed some option in kernel configuration?  Any
other possible reasons?  Could the fact that the whole drive is one
30G ext2fs partition have anything to do with the slowness?

Many thanks for any suggestions,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

mutt w/IMAP4+SSL?

2001-01-07 Thread Nate Amsden
Since i got some free time this weekend i was going to try out mutt
for the hell of it ..since i hear its a good reader..but i can't
get it to connect to my IMAP4+SSL server. it connects fine to
just the IMAP4 port but i must have it connect to the SSL
port. the package description says it supports SSL and
according to the FAQ i set the configuration to use

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ more .muttrc
set spoolfile={}INBOX
set folder={}
set imap_user=aphro

when i load mutt:
{}INBOX is an invalid IMAP path, if i
remove the /ssl it works fine, provided i turn
off my firewall for port 143 ..

from the MUTT faq:
I'd like to get my mail via IMAP!

Mutt does now officially support IMAP. Please upgrade to a 
recent version and use --enable-imap and preferably 
--with-ssl if you have OpenSSL installed to get
SSL encryption for your IMAP connections.

Then you simply set your spoolfile to {mailhost/ssl}INBOX
to access your email (replace mailhost with the name or IP 
of your IMAP server and omit the /ssl if you
don't have SSL support). INBOX is the canonical name for 
your mail spool via IMAP. With IMAP, you can have more than 
one mail folder and access them with {mailhost/ssl}INBOX/foo 
with the name foo.

going to be a hard transition for me i think, being a pine
and netscape mailer user for the past 5+ years ..but
i trust the end result will be worth it not really
looking to recompile mutt to get this if it
is possible let me know what i am missing for it to work.

btw im running potato looks like mutt is 0.94-5



ICQ: 75132336

Re: Permissions

2001-01-07 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 05:03:35AM +0530, Sunil Thomas Thonikuzhiyil wrote:
  My ls -l listing shows lines like this
 drwx--S---5 sunilsunil4096 Dec 13 09:21 Desktop/
 drwxr-sr-x5 sunilsunil4096 Aug 24 07:28 GNUstep/
  I know s bit is suid on files and x permission on directory allows you
 to traverse it . But what does s and S  mean on directories also what 
 is the difference between S and s

s means the execute bit is also set, S means its not.  so if you
remove the s bits from those directorys you get:

drwx--5 sunilsunil4096 Dec 13 09:21 Desktop/
drwxr-xr-x5 sunilsunil4096 Aug 24 07:28 GNUstep/

see?  its done that way since the s is in the same position as an x
bit so otherwise you could not tell if the file is user|group
executable if it was s[ug]id.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: ATA-100 disk under 2.2.18 -- horrible performance

2001-01-07 Thread Nate Amsden
Arcady Genkin wrote:
 I have an IBM ATA-100 30G harddrive, attached to a ASUS CUSL2-C (Intel
 815EP-based) mobo.
 The kernel is not even using the drive in UDMA mode.  The performance
 is *horrible*: every time I copy to the disk the CPU usage goes up all
 the way and I'm seeing things like load average: 5.47, 5.02, 3.27,
 which is only caused by disk access.
 ,[ dmesg ]
 | PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086, DID=244b
 | PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later

looks like the system doesn't know what kind of controller it is
try patching from


ICQ: 75132336

Re: [2.4.0] migration to devfs

2001-01-07 Thread Stefan Nobis
Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 instead of /dev/hda1 or /dev/wd0a whenever i need to do anything
 related to raw devices is a performance improvment.  nor is writing
 huge kludgy initscripts or bloated daemons just so i can do:

I can't see why a daemon about 30k in size is bloated.

See it this way: The old way to manage devices is with major/minor node
numbers. There are not much free numbers these days and if we put the system
to 32 Bit numbers or the like, the kernel will be very much more bloated than
that small daemon in user-mode could ever be bloated.

One other IMO very good argument is, that with the old system the list of
numbers is used at two different locations, one in the kernel and one in /dev
or MAKEDEV scripts. With devfs there is now only one list in the kernel. (Not
to mention that numbers are given in a very chaotic way to devices.)

Last but not least without /dev being an ordinary directory one is much more
flexible with the root-dir. It's much more simple now to make / read-only
without the need vor a ramdisk and the like.

And at least i'm very pleased that now i can have a look in /dev and see
what's really there.

By the way i love dynamically managed resources and i don't like the idea that
resources are managed statically -- only think about USB.

 chgrp wheel /dev/somedevice
 chmod 660 /dev/somedevice 
 and have it stick.  (past reboots)

With devfsd this is also very simple possible.

Until the next mail...,

Re: Cannot Open /dev/dsp device

2001-01-07 Thread Nate Amsden
Aaron Maxwell wrote:
 Hi.  xanim complains that it cannot open the /dev/dsp
 device.  Funny thing is, I'm in the audio group and the
 device's permissions seem legit:

first be sure your audio driver is installed and is working.
i suggest playing a mp3 as root in single user mode (init 1)
to make it easiest to rule out anything else using the device.

and/or run

lsof | grep dsp

get the lsof-2.2 package for this im assuming your using
kernel 2.2 ..dont know if the package works on kernel 2.4
as i have never used 2.4.

from what i see 2 things could be wrong either something
is using the device, or something WAS using the device
but hasn't let it go, or #2 would be the audio driver
is not installed/not compadible/broken/etc.

also could be a hardware conflict which would be
related to the audio driver as it cannot load properly
if there is a conflict.


ICQ: 75132336

ISO problems (rsync is silently exiting)

2001-01-07 Thread Mark Symonds


Trying to make an ISO of potato on a windows 
box here.  Following the instructions, I ran
make-pseudo-image and now have a file called
binary-i386-1.iso in the directory which is 
634,220KB in size.  Finally, I am to patch 
this file to make the Official ISO.  Per
the instructions:

c:\windows\desktop\debian rsync --verbose --progress --stats --block-size=8192 .
motd from here

... and that's it.  The hdd goes wild for about five minutes, and then 
it silently drops me back to a prompt.  The pseudo-image is unchanged.
hrmm ... maybe it downloaded PERFECTLY?!  Try to burn it to a CD with 
Adaptec Easy CD Creator, this is not a valid ISO.  md5sums don't 
match either.

Any ideas?  


Re: [2.4.0] migration to devfs

2001-01-07 Thread Stefan Nobis
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Andreas == Andreas Jellinghaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Andreas 2.) boot. fsck will fail. do manual fsck, remount / rw,
 Andreas edit /etc/fstab: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
 Andreas /boot ext2 defaults 0 2
 Andreas /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 none swap sw 0 0
 Andreas /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5 / ext2 defaults 0
 Andreas 1 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part6 /local ext2
 Andreas defaults 0 2 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/tagret1/lun0/cd /cdrom
 Andreas iso9660 ro,user,noauto
 This seems to be overly complex, even for devfs. Or is the
 documentation found in
 linux-2.4.0-test10/Documentation/filesystems/devfs/README out-of-date
 or wrong?

No, but Andreas stated clearly that he don't want to use devfsd. And the above
are the internal names of devfs and the device drivers. The other names like
/dev/discs/disc0 and the like are the user friendly naming scheme which is
brought to you with devfsd. So if you don't use devfsd you don't get the new,
shorter names but only the very long internal names (which are deprecated to

Until the next mail...,

Re: [2.4.0] migration to devfs

2001-01-07 Thread Stefan Nobis
Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 very funny, im sure you would like it if someone FORCED you to use
 *only* KDE or *only* gnome.  the Free software movement is about
 freedom and choices and *options*  i should have the *option* to turn
 that `feature' off.  

 don't force your preferences on others.  you like devfs use it, don't
 force me to do the same.  

 as soon as there is no longer any choices or options in GNU/Linux is
 it no better for me then Windows.  

Hey, than Linux is no better then Windows. Did you know that they changed the
way the caching and the VM works? And the worst: They let you no choice to use
the old system! How could they do without asking you! These bad guys!

Until the next mail...,

Re: another mkisofs question

2001-01-07 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 21:28:35 GMT, Peter Horton writes:
 bash-2.03# mount -o loop -t iso9660 test.iso /mnt/loop/
 bash-2.03# ls -la /mnt/loop/
 total 5
 dr-xr-xr-x1 root root 2048 Jan  6  2001 .
 drwxrwxrwx6 root root 1024 Jul  5  2000 ..
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jan  6  2001 firstfile
 dr-xr-xr-x1 root root 2048 Jan  6  2001 seconddirectory
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jan  6  2001 secondfile

mkisofs takes a path not a file spec.

try 'mkisofs -l -v -o test.iso .' ...

ah, thanks. that does it.

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

busted Partition Table - How to Fix?

2001-01-07 Thread Greg Strockbine
Is there any way to fix a busted partition table?

I have Linux installed on the primary master drive, /dev/hda.
I have a seconday IDE drive,  /dev/hdc, a 40 gig Maxtor, containing
The partitions on /dev/hdc are in FAT32 format.  There is
also some raw space on the drive.

I thought I would do some partiton creation and resizing on
/dev/hdc using partition magic, but it complained that the
partition table was busted, something about start and end.

I tried GNU parted and it gave me this when I did a print cmd:
Error: Invalid partition table on /dev/hdc - wrong signature 1

How do I fix this?

What surprises me is that I am able to mount all the partitions
on /dev/hdc and access all the files there.

- greg strockbine

package searching soundcard issues

2001-01-07 Thread Mark Phillips


question 1:
does anyone know how to go about finding what package a file belongs to
when the package is not currently installed?  i remember seeing a method
to do this a little while back, i think it involved downloading and
zgrepping a file called Packages.gz or something, but i can't seem to find
the file anymore.

question 2:
on my debian installation, root seems to be the only user who can access
the soundcard (with xmms, etc.).  if i'm not mistaken, the souncard is
/dev/dsp. on my machine this is:

crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Jul  5  2000 /dev/dsp

i tried doing an `addgroup mark audio', but i still get `Permission
denied' when i try `cat /dev/dsp'.  can anyone give me a hand?  thanks.


Re: busted Partition Table - How to Fix?

2001-01-07 Thread Sebastiaan

in DOS you can restore the MBR with
fdisk /mbr

that will install the standard MBR for M$.

I do not know how M$-fdisk behaves when having more than one hd in the
computer, so boot with a win98 bootfloppy with only one hd installed, run
fdisk /mbr and see if you are able to do something.

To rewrite your partition table, you can use any fdisk (DOS or Linux,
AFAIK) and rewrite the partition table. Maybe scandisk will help too.


On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Greg Strockbine wrote:

 Is there any way to fix a busted partition table?
 I have Linux installed on the primary master drive, /dev/hda.
 I have a seconday IDE drive,  /dev/hdc, a 40 gig Maxtor, containing
 The partitions on /dev/hdc are in FAT32 format.  There is
 also some raw space on the drive.
 I thought I would do some partiton creation and resizing on
 /dev/hdc using partition magic, but it complained that the
 partition table was busted, something about start and end.
 I tried GNU parted and it gave me this when I did a print cmd:
 Error: Invalid partition table on /dev/hdc - wrong signature 1
 How do I fix this?
 What surprises me is that I am able to mount all the partitions
 on /dev/hdc and access all the files there.
 - greg strockbine
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: package searching soundcard issues

2001-01-07 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 05:55:02AM -0600, Mark Phillips wrote:
 question 2:
 on my debian installation, root seems to be the only user who can access
 the soundcard (with xmms, etc.).  if i'm not mistaken, the souncard is
 /dev/dsp. on my machine this is:
 crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Jul  5  2000 /dev/dsp
 i tried doing an `addgroup mark audio', but i still get `Permission
 denied' when i try `cat /dev/dsp'.  can anyone give me a hand?  thanks.

Have you logged out and logged back in after you added yourself to the
group?  Apologies if this is obvious to you, just thought I'd toss it


Re: package searching soundcard issues

2001-01-07 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 05:55:02AM -0600, Mark Phillips wrote:
 i tried doing an `addgroup mark audio', but i still get `Permission
 denied' when i try `cat /dev/dsp'.  can anyone give me a hand?  thanks.

you have to logout and relogin for group changes to take effect.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Packaging Policy.

2001-01-07 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Sun, 07 Jan 2001, Corey Popelier wrote:
 Correct, I'm sure as hell not about to do that :) But I was thinking along
 the lines of saying look, here's an unofficial .deb of fetchmail since it
 appears to be a tad outdated, and I've had considerable problems with
 the existing one which appear to be resolved in a later version.

FYI fetchmail was officialy adopted this morning with the blessings of Paul
(the former fetchmail maintainer). I'll be sponsoring the uploads, as Chris
Ball (the new fetchmail maintainer) is in the NM queue.

BUT this doesn't mean your help is not appreciated :)  Just mail patches to
the BTS, and you'll be helping a new release of the fetchmail package to
come out faster.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Description: PGP signature

Re: Parallel Printer Port Problem

2001-01-07 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Jeffrey S. Coppock wrote:
 lprng several times, I decided to try lpr.  LPR WORKS!  I don't know
 what the difference is, but it's enough.  I reinstalled magicfilter

Great. But i'm still wondering what whet wrong with lprng. In that
previous mail with the result of the -d switch, i couldn't see anything
wrong. But what the heck, it's working, so many happy printing
:-). Meanwhile my printer broke down :(. It's a matter of life and death


Re: [debian-user] mutt w/IMAP4+SSL?

2001-01-07 Thread Rüdiger Kuhlmann


--[Nate Amsden]--[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mutt does now officially support IMAP. Please upgrade to a 
 recent version and use --enable-imap and preferably 
 --with-ssl if you have OpenSSL installed to get
 SSL encryption for your IMAP connections.

$ mutt -v
Mutt 1.3.12i (2000-11-27

So it's just not compiled in (because openssl is incompatibel
to the GPL or some such nonsense).

Yours, Rüdiger.


Re: CPU optimization

2001-01-07 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: Mircea Luca writes:

 I guess that recompiling every package is not worth the
 trouble, but recompiling multimedia and CPU intensive ones may
 be a major gain (say, MPEG players and such).

 Yes,I was thinking more like X ,KDE ,Gnome and multimedia so I guess
 the few things left won't take that much time.:-).

Is it safe to recompile X with different flags? IIRC, X 3.3.6
shouldn't even be compiled with gcc 2.95.2 (the Makefile would look
for gcc272), because 2.95 would miscompile it. (I could be wrong).

 BTW, you can use -O6 for your programs. If I remember
 correctly, it will fallback to whatever is the highest mode of
 optimization (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong -- I
 read this a long time ago and didn't find it listed in the
 current documentation now; the funny thing is that it's not
 mentioned in the current potato manpage).
 I also don't know if -O6 does the same thing as -O9.
 []s, Roger...

 I've read something on a archive of a gcc mailing list but apparently it
 doesn't relate to the gcc we use-don't remember the link ,I
 researched this for a few hours.I got stuck at the debian/rules when
 I decided to ask for help.

Yes... I saw a few Makefiles using -O9 and -O10.

I've made some tests here modifying pentium-builder. I think the
prolem with changing it is that, if I call

gcc -O2 -O3

That'll be the same as gcc -O3

So it'll work if you set an env. variable to O3 and override the
-O2, but will not work the other way araound (you can't force it to
use a lower optimization level than the one in the command line).

That's because -O2 will just enable a set of optimizations, and -O3
will enable a superset of -O2.

Unless the code was changed in order to strip the previous -O
setting from the arguments (Joey, if you're reading this: is it

Anyway, the difference between -O2 and -O3 seems to be loop-unrolling;
I'm not sure if it's worth recompiling everything with -O3...


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: CPU optimization

2001-01-07 Thread CaT
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 11:21:58AM -0200, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
 :: Mircea Luca writes:
  I guess that recompiling every package is not worth the
  trouble, but recompiling multimedia and CPU intensive ones may
  be a major gain (say, MPEG players and such).
  Yes,I was thinking more like X ,KDE ,Gnome and multimedia so I guess
  the few things left won't take that much time.:-).
 Is it safe to recompile X with different flags? IIRC, X 3.3.6
 shouldn't even be compiled with gcc 2.95.2 (the Makefile would look
 for gcc272), because 2.95 would miscompile it. (I could be wrong).

I've been running an X compiled with 2.95.2 since that version of
gcc has been released (I compiled it too :). I've not had X crash 
on me. Not once.

So there. :)


'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
-- The Backstreet Boys

undo extraction

2001-01-07 Thread M.B.Midden

if extracted GCC_2.95.2.1.tar.gz  because i wanted to compile ProFTPd , and
i want to undo it because i have no space left now in my root partition. How
can i undo the extraction or remove the files?


Re: undo extraction

2001-01-07 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 02:44:38PM +0100, M.B.Midden wrote:
 if extracted GCC_2.95.2.1.tar.gz  because i wanted to compile ProFTPd , and
 i want to undo it because i have no space left now in my root partition. How
 can i undo the extraction or remove the files?

rm -rf GCC_2.95.2.1

or whatever directory name was created, all sanly created tarballs
extract one directory with all the files under that.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Netscape 6 for Linux ?

2001-01-07 Thread irvine

Hi all

I was reading that there is a netscape 
version 6 available for Linux. Has anyone
tried it out? Can anyone foresee any 
problems in me downloading it and installing 
on my computer.

I'm using debian 2.2.


Re: Packaging Policy.

2001-01-07 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 09:55:26PM +0800, Corey Popelier wrote:
 My issue is this, 5.5.3 is actually about 5 or 6 versions behind the
 times. It was from about Sept last year if I recall. Now I don't know what
 the status of the maintainer of this package is, but what are the Debian
 policy/ethical issues involved if I suddenly piped up and said I had
 [unofficial?] packages available for this?

As others pointed out this is quit acceptable.  But there is a but:)
Official packages are tested/screned, and at least uptill now I trust
them.  Now comes some one I don't no, telling me he has fixed some
probs.  Nice nice, but would I want to handover my system to this guy?
No, I wouldn't. Installing a deb has to be done as root, and noway am
I going to run a prog as root of someone I don't know.  No doubt
you're trustworthy, but I don't know for sure.  But if you would
provide the diffs, I could check for myself that you did you job and
nothing more and would be able to compile it for myself.  So please
put the diffs up somewhere too so that apt-get source package would

A few days ago someone posted he had deb-ed the latest exim (with
the rewriting stuff per router/transporter).  I tried to do it myself,
but failed. I asked for help, but he didn't anwser anymore:( so I'm
stuck with the old version.

Had he put up somewhere the diffs I could have checked that no evil
deeds were incorperated and could have been running the latest and

groetjes, carel

Re: package searching soundcard issues

2001-01-07 Thread Defresne Sylvain

* Mark Phillips ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 question 1:
 does anyone know how to go about finding what package a file belongs to
 when the package is not currently installed?  i remember seeing a method
 to do this a little while back, i think it involved downloading and
 zgrepping a file called Packages.gz or something, but i can't seem to find
 the file anymore.

The file you need to grep is Contents-architecture.gz that can
be found on each Debain mirror in the distributions directory
(something like /pub/debian/dists/unstable).


Re: gpm and wheelmouse

2001-01-07 Thread Nicolas Bertolissio
 now the wheelie doodad is working happily in mozilla (not ns4 tho---gotta
 play around some more) and xterm and who knows where else...
 One question...does anyone know if it's possible for the wheelie in xterm
 (wterm) to scroll through the command history rather than up the scroll
 thanks again,

create a ~/.imwheelrc

here is mine :
Terminal  -- title of 
the window (xterm for you ?) I have gnome-terminal
None,   Up, Up  -- up button
None,   Down,   Down-- down button

modifierwheel   simulated
key button  key

for more explanation, try man imwheel


Re: Netscape 6 for Linux ?

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
irvine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I was reading that there is a netscape 
 version 6 available for Linux. Has anyone
 tried it out? Can anyone foresee any 
 problems in me downloading it and installing 
 on my computer.

I tried it.  No problems installing it at all. BUT, I don't recommend
using it.  NN6 is just a re-packaged Mozilla milestone 18, which is
not very fresh.  There have been at least two more releases of Mozilla
since M18, so NN6 is quite outdated.  Also, you have to register NN6,
which I found a cumbersome pocess; you don't have to register Mozilla.

All that said, either of the browsers is by no means a finished
product.  They are slow, bulky, and buggy.  Gotta say that I love
Mozilla's rendering engine + international languages support.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Netscape 6 for Linux ?

2001-01-07 Thread Jens Luedicke
 Hi all
 I was reading that there is a netscape 
 version 6 available for Linux. Has anyone
 tried it out? Can anyone foresee any 
 problems in me downloading it and installing 
 on my computer.
 I'm using debian 2.2.

There shouldn't be a problem with the installation.
I would recommend Mozilla, but actually there is not much defference
between Netscape and Mozilla. Both browsers are a bloated piece of crap...

with friendly regards
jens luedicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PMC - Perl Mail Client
wget it: wget -m -nH 

 President BU-ll-SH-it ...
If's Beste Freundin: Else

Re: GCC and EGCS

2001-01-07 Thread staf wagemakers
On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 09:29:20PM -0200, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
 :: staf wagemakers writes:
  The latest gcc sersion 2.96 ( which is the default compiler on Red Hat 7 ) 
  a few bugs and isn't able to compile the Linux kernel. This version of gcc 
  only a pre-release therefor I wouldn't use this version at all...
 There was some flame war in linux-kernel and elsewhere I guess because
 of that. It's not pre-release. They actually picked a CVS snapshot
 that was not binary-compatible with anything else, and with unknown
 bugs, and packaged it.
 I'd call our version of gcc (2.95.3) a prerelease, but not Red
 Hat's 2.96.
 The gcc people had to publicaly announce that there has never been an
 official 2.96 gcc version...

Ok, then I wouldn't never use Red Hat 7.0 :)


Staf Wagemakers

homepage   :

Re: ldap, ldap everywhere

2001-01-07 Thread Tibor D.

Known Human Nick Rusnov wrote:


I'm going to be running a moderately sized network, and I was wondering how
difficult it would be to setup ldap as teh authentication for it?

That's exactly what I tried today to set up, but I didn't get it really 
to work yet. But try to install slapd (openldapd) and try to get the 
authentication done with libpam-ldap in adition to the 
The idea behind the pam-stuff is that the authentication works 
transparently, so you have not to change anything, just configure pam 
right. But I don't now how far this goes. I think some more work is to 
be done, like make that exim will get the correct users for mail 
delivery, and I don't think that adduser, passwd ... will just work on 
ldap. Does anyone know more about this?
One more thing: in the testing distribution there isn't yet the openldap 
version 2.x. If you need ldap-v3 support, you'll need v2.x, maybe it is 
in unstable?

Good luck,

Re: ATA-100 disk under 2.2.18 -- horrible performance

2001-01-07 Thread mikpolniak

On 07 Jan 2001 03:58:45 -0500, Arcady Genkin said:

 I have an IBM ATA-100 30G harddrive, attached to a ASUS CUSL2-C (Intel
  815EP-based) mobo.
  The kernel is not even using the drive in UDMA mode.  The performance
  is *horrible*: every time I copy to the disk the CPU usage goes up all
  the way and I'm seeing things like load average: 5.47, 5.02, 3.27,
  which is only caused by disk access.
  ,[ dmesg ]
  | PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086, DID=244b
  | PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
  | ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa800-0xa807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
  | ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa808-0xa80f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
  | hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, ATA DISK drive
  | ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
  | ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
  | hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM10.2, 9797MB w/1900kB Cache, CHS=19906/16/63, UDMA
  | hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, 29314MB w/1916kB Cache, CHS=59560/16/63
  As you can see, the other HD (which is an ATA-66 Quantum) is at least
  used in UDMA mode.
  What is the reason the kernel dislikes the drive so much? ;^)
  Do you suppose I've missed some option in kernel configuration?  Any
  other possible reasons?  Could the fact that the whole drive is one
  30G ext2fs partition have anything to do with the slowness?
Well i am using the identical ibm drive on an abit mb without
ATA100 support. In my kernel config i  set IDEDMA_AUTO=y so the
kernel automatically enables DMA.
When i run hdparm  -i  it shows:
 UDMA modes: mode0 mode1 mode2 mode3 *mode4 mode5 
And hdparm -t shows disk reads about 30MB/sec.
Maybe you have to manually enable DMA for this drive.

Re: Turning off services SOLVED

2001-01-07 Thread Stefan Frank
Hi Ross!

On Sat, 06 Jan 2001, Ross Boylan wrote:

 At various times I have wanted to turn off certain daemons without
 uninstalling their packages.  I couldn't find any good way to do this,
 so I wrote a little script.  I'm making it available under the GPL.
 I've since discovered that the some packages also create a bunch of
 crontab jobs, and they are still cluttering things up a bit.
 If there's a better way to do this, I'd love to hear it.

Original script deleted.

What i'm doing usually is to rename the init-script under /etc/init.d/ to
original-filename.NO. This will affect all runlevels but i don't care.
IMO it's simple and quite obvious (for me at least).

Anyone got a better idea ?

Regards, Stefan

Re: Turning off services SOLVED

2001-01-07 Thread sena
On 07/01/2001 at 16:31 +0100, Stefan Frank wrote:
 What i'm doing usually is to rename the init-script under /etc/init.d/ to
 original-filename.NO. This will affect all runlevels but i don't care.
 IMO it's simple and quite obvious (for me at least).
 Anyone got a better idea ?
Debian has an excellent set of scripts for this and much more..

Why don't you do (as root) update-rc.d -f service-name remove and later,
when you want to enable it again, do a update-rc.d service-name defaults?

Simple, quick and effective. :)

Regards, sena...

gpg fingerprint: F20B 12A8 A8F6 FD1F 9B1D BA62 C424 8E73 DD2E 47C8

Re: ATA-100 disk under 2.2.18 -- horrible performance

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ,[ dmesg ]
  | PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086, 
  | PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 looks like the system doesn't know what kind of controller it is
 try patching from


,[ dmesg ]
| PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev f9
| PIIX4: chipset revision 1
| ...
| hdc: IBM-DTLA-307030, 29314MB w/1916kB Cache, CHS=59560/16/63, UDMA(100)


The only question is whether I used the right patch.  There seem to be
two different kinds of patches (judging from the filename format), but
no documentation about the difference between them.  Any idea what the
difference would be between:

ide. and ide.2.2.18-27.all.20001208.patch.gz

besides that the first one is newer?

I used the first patch.

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

strange cron.daily message

2001-01-07 Thread Diego Biurrun

I'm getting this email with the subject

Anacron job 'cron.daily

from anacron every day. The body of the message says:

{module_list} {module_list_R__ver_module_list}
Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.

Can somebody enlighten me what it means?


Diego Biurrun

Re: Turning off services SOLVED

2001-01-07 Thread Arcady Genkin
Stefan Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What i'm doing usually is to rename the init-script under /etc/init.d/ to
 original-filename.NO. This will affect all runlevels but i don't care.
 IMO it's simple and quite obvious (for me at least).
 Anyone got a better idea ?

What I do is ``chmod -x'' on the unwanted file in /etc/init.d/.  This
prevents them from being loaded.  Essentially the same thing as you
do, but I think that this way the script is going to be deleted if
the package it belongs to is removed.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: ISO problems (rsync is silently exiting)

2001-01-07 Thread mikpolniak

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 01:46:48 -0800, Mark Symonds said:

  Trying to make an ISO of potato on a windows 
  box here.  Following the instructions, I ran
  make-pseudo-image and now have a file called
  binary-i386-1.iso in the directory which is 
  634,220KB in size.  Finally, I am to patch 
  this file to make the Official ISO.  Per
  the instructions:
  c:\windows\desktop\debian rsync --verbose --progress --stats 
 --block-size=8192 .
  motd from here
   and that's it.  The hdd goes wild for about five minutes, and then 
  it silently drops me back to a prompt.  The pseudo-image is unchanged.
  hrmm ... maybe it downloaded PERFECTLY?!  Try to burn it to a CD with 
  Adaptec Easy CD Creator, this is not a valid ISO.  md5sums don't 
  match either.
  Any ideas?  
I did this a while back and what i remeber is that i had to
remove the block-size option to get rsync to work.

Re: Netscape 6 for Linux ?

2001-01-07 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
let me be more specific:

1. auto URL completion  (big whoop).
2. renders CSS, even if you turn javascript off (NICE)
3. it crashes less from what i've seen.

1. they took away the bookmark button.  maybe this is small potatoes for
   some, but it's relevant to me.  i liked being able to file my bookmarks.
   this is what i find most annoying.
2. kerberos is completely broken (i can't access my school grades with ns6).
3. very, very, very slow to load.  even slower than previous NS incarnations
4. more junk.  if the mozilla project/AOL really wanted to do anyone any
  good, they would concentrate less on the sidebar and more on speed and
  stability issues.  no, i don't want to see little icons at the bottom of the
  browser that give me 'convenient access' to instant messenger or NS mail.
  i hate icons and the sidebar makes me puke.
5. assigning helper applications is now very inconvenient; i can't seem to
  make it work.  well, i was able to assign gv to postscript, but that was
  after 10 minutes of trial and error.  i think this subsystem is broken,
  because even though gv is summoned when i display a postscript object, the
  helper display doesn't show the postscript/gv entry; it's like the entry
  is invisible.   shit, i can't write for beans.  i hope you understand what
  i'm saying here.

i'd recommend against netscape 6.  i love CSS, so it's almost worth it for
me.  i'm thinking of going back though.


On Sun 07 Jan 01, 10:10 AM, Arcady Genkin said...
 irvine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I was reading that there is a netscape 
  version 6 available for Linux. Has anyone
  tried it out? Can anyone foresee any 
  problems in me downloading it and installing 
  on my computer.
 I tried it.  No problems installing it at all. BUT, I don't recommend
 using it.  NN6 is just a re-packaged Mozilla milestone 18, which is
 not very fresh.  There have been at least two more releases of Mozilla
 since M18, so NN6 is quite outdated.  Also, you have to register NN6,
 which I found a cumbersome pocess; you don't have to register Mozilla.
 All that said, either of the browsers is by no means a finished
 product.  They are slow, bulky, and buggy.  Gotta say that I love
 Mozilla's rendering engine + international languages support.
 Arcady Genkin
 Don't read everything you believe.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just upgraded to Woody?  Don't have permission to run X?  linux
In Xwrapper.config, change allowed_users from root to console.  -
The only true science is physics. The rest is  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/v\
simply stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford   // \\
---   ^^ ^^
GPG Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D   rules

Description: PGP signature

Re: Turning off services SOLVED

2001-01-07 Thread mikpolniak

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 15:52:17 +, sena said:

 On 07/01/2001 at 16:31 +0100, Stefan Frank wrote:
   What i'm doing usually is to rename the init-script under /etc/init.d/ to
   original-filename.NO. This will affect all runlevels but i don't care.
   IMO it's simple and quite obvious (for me at least).
   Anyone got a better idea ?
  Debian has an excellent set of scripts for this and much more..
  Why don't you do (as root) update-rc.d -f service-name remove and later,
  when you want to enable it again, do a update-rc.d service-name defaults?
  Simple, quick and effective. :)
Not that simple or effective when you need to reset the
links which are not defaults. You'll have to save the original non-
default runlevels and two-digit sequence code used by init to
decide which order to run the scripts in.
When defaults is used the service starts in runlevels 2345
and stops in 016 and the links will have sequence code 20.
You will need to explicitly specify anything that does not
have these default values. 

Command line search and replace

2001-01-07 Thread csj
Is there a tool to do a search-and-replace from the command line? 
Something along the lines of:

replace string one string foo files-to-process

I find it a bit of a hassle to keep 100+ files open just to change an 
.html to an .htm. Note however that I intend to use the tool on 
other text files besides runaway web pages, such as processing a list 
of files to feed to tar.

  1   2   >