Obsolescencia de los paquetes debian

2001-01-20 Thread LACIUS
Antes de plantear la siguiente cuestión deseo explicar algo. Trabajo 
con debian desde hace cuatro años por un lado por simple divertimento, 
por otro lado por la fortaleza de su sistema de gestión de paquetes y 
la gran cantidad de programas que tiene. Por curiosidad he instalado 
otras distribuciones pero siempre vuelvo a debian.
Por lo general, después de instalar el sistema base, eligo los paquetes 
que me interesan y los instalo de un CD con la herramienta dpkg. Suplo 
las dependencias, recomendaciones y sugerencias también con dpkg, 
paquete a paquete. Dselect apenas lo uso y apt todavía no se cómo opera.
Todo ello me ha permitido comprobar la gran cantidad de paquetes que 
versión tras versión -desde la 1.3.6 hasta la potato- se mantienen pero 
que dudo mucho que la mayoría de usuarios operen con ellos alguna vez o 
quizás siquiera sepan que existen. Por mencionar algunos ejemplos, 
quizás no muy significativos, están el gestor de ventana 9wm, o los 
visualizadores xloadimage o xli, pero hay muchos más. Yo sin embargo 
los prefiero, suelo trabajar mas con los desarrollos antiguos o de baja 
carga para el sistema que con los nuevos.
Mi cuestión es simple y va dirigida a cualquiera persona, desarrollador 
o no, que desee aclararme la pertinencia y el futuro de dichos paquetes 
en las distribuciones siguientes.
Un saludo.
José Francisco.

Un saludo.
José Francisco.

Chatea en eresMas con Juan Badiola, asesor científico del Gobierno en 
la crisis de las vacas locas.
El miércoles 24 a las 21:00

Re: Oracle 8i

2001-01-20 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 19 Jan 2001 20:04:25 -0500, c d wrote:
 He visto que habláis de Oracle 8i y mi pregunta es la siguiente:
 En la web de Oracle está la versión de Linux para descargar, hay algún 
 problema para usarla en empresas o hay que pagar licencia?
 Un saludo,

si no lo han cambiado hace poco, la licencia te permite usarlo sin
restricciones para desarrollo,
pero no para producción, que para ello sí que tienes que pagar la


Re: Apache y cgi's

2001-01-20 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Jaime E . Villate wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 01:57:31PM +0100, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:
Efectivamente el problema era del señor SuEXEC. Al parecer
  este 'elemento' quiere que el directorio donde se encuentra
  el cgi y el cgi en sí mismo no sea escribible más que por el
  usuario (ni siquiera el grupo). Desactivando los permisos de
  escritura para el grupo y otros en el cgi y el directorio el
  apache lo ejecuta sin problema.
 Uf, ¿donde descubriste ese secreto?
Lo deducí a partir de los manuales y FAQs de apache en la pagina web del
mismo. Tu comentario me puso sobre la pista de que el problema podía
deberse a que el apache no ejecutaba el script por culpa de algún
permiso. Leyendo los FAQ descubrí que el mensaje que me daba el apache
podía deberse a un problema en el SuEXEC cuando el fichero no cumple los
requisitos de seguridad. En el manual de SuExec fuí comprobando todos
los requisitos de seguridad hasta que me tropecé con este. Probé a
cambiarlo y la cosa funcionó.

O sea, si queremos desactivar el suEXEC hay que borrar el
  fichero suexec y rearrancar apache (vaya forma más bestia de
 Yo ya había leído eso, pero he buscado por todo mi sistema el tal fichero
 suexec y no lo encuentro por ningún lado; sin embargo el suEXEC está activo.
Seguro que has buscado bien? Yo lo tengo en /usr/lib/apache/suexec. No
he probado a borrarlo a ver si se desactiva, pero lo que te puedo
asegurar es que el fichero está allí. Por cierto, mi apache es el que
viene compilado en la Debian potato (no he añadido ni quitado nada).

Quizás esto te sirva de pista: según el manual de apache, cuando el
apache arranca busca el fichero suexec. Si no lo encuentra muestra un
mensaje diciendo que esa característica no está disponible. Tu apache
muestra este mensaje? Si no es así quizas tengas el fichero por algún

Hasta más bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Dept. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación 

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

RE: Configurar las X en un portátil

2001-01-20 Thread Josu Arenas
  Hola, me he comprado un ordenador portátil HP Xe2 y no consigo que
  funcionen las X. He probado con un montón de distribuciones y no

  Lee la página de Linux ON Laptops, tienen ficheros de configuración
  preparados para muchos portátiles. Tienes un enlace en mi docu:


Macho, has tenido una suerte que no veas...te has comprado el mismo
portatil que yo. Yo mire primero las especificaciones y ponia en la pagina
de HP que el XE2 tenia una tarjeta SMI que se soportaba en linux... pero
cuando me vino el portatil ohhh, una Cyberblade. Alguien se debio de
quejar puesto que cambiaron las especificaciones de la pagina web, en el K6
cambia la tarjeta de video y es diferente que la del Celeron, y ademas la
MUY jodida te coge la memoria de video de la memoria principal. Mira la
pagina que te indican hay arriba, pero lo unico que podras hacer por ahora
es poner el framebuffer o utilizar los drivers VESA de las X4.0 que de vez
en cuando petan.

Has tenido suerte con la tarjeta de sonido me parece que ya es soportada
por Alsa, aunque no he probado. Con el modem me parece que na'dena .


Josu Arenas

Re: Obsolescencia de los paquetes debian

2001-01-20 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 06:15:44AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mi cuestión es simple y va dirigida a cualquiera persona, desarrollador 
 o no, que desee aclararme la pertinencia y el futuro de dichos paquetes 
 en las distribuciones siguientes.

Mientras haya un desarrollador interesado por el paquete, este es probable
que no desaparezca. Y aún si el paquete se quedara sin mantenedor, lo
mantendría el equipo de QA, por lo que si no tiene bugs, es probable que el
paquete siga mucho tiempo en Debian (aunque ahora hay gente de QA que piensa
que los paquetes que llevan mucho tiempo sin mantenedor deberían desaparecer
si no los coge alguien).

También es importante que el paquete siga pudiendo recompilarse desde las
fuentes: con los progresivos cambios en X, kernel, libc, etc, algunos
programas que no tienen mantenimiento por parte del autor (ya no se sacan
versiones nuevas, etc) es bastante común que los programas dejen de
compilar. Entonces es bastante posible que el paquete se caiga.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

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telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Obsolescencia de los paquetes debian

2001-01-20 Thread Enzo Alberto Dari
 Antes de plantear la siguiente cuestión deseo explicar algo. Trabajo
 con debian desde hace cuatro años por un lado por simple divertimento,
 por otro lado por la fortaleza de su sistema de gestión de paquetes y
 la gran cantidad de programas que tiene. Por curiosidad he instalado
 otras distribuciones pero siempre vuelvo a debian.
 Por lo general, después de instalar el sistema base, eligo los paquetes
 que me interesan y los instalo de un CD con la herramienta dpkg. Suplo
 las dependencias, recomendaciones y sugerencias también con dpkg,
 paquete a paquete. Dselect apenas lo uso y apt todavía no se cómo opera.
Yo vengo de slackware (hace ya tiempo) y también me gusta el control
que significa instalar los paquetes a mano. Sin embargo uso bastante
el dselect, una vez que te haz acostumbrado con la interfaz es muy
cómodo, aunque más no sea para ver los conflictos que pueden surgir
al intentar instalar un paquete. Siempre tienes la opción de salir
sin hacer nada y luego instalar el paquete con dpkg.

El apt-get lo he comenzado a usar, con bastante cuidado. No me
simpatizan mucho las herramientas inteligentes. Hay que reconocer
que cuando tiene que hacer algo más allá de lo trivial te avisa y
pide confirmación, pero tiene sus detalles. Por ejemplo: no te instala
automáticamente los paquetes que son recommended por el que
quieres instalar. Además si tienes alguna dependencia insatisfecha
(por haber usado dpkg --force-...) directamente se niega a actuar.

 Todo ello me ha permitido comprobar la gran cantidad de paquetes que
 versión tras versión -desde la 1.3.6 hasta la potato- se mantienen pero
 que dudo mucho que la mayoría de usuarios operen con ellos alguna vez o
 quizás siquiera sepan que existen. Por mencionar algunos ejemplos,
 quizás no muy significativos, están el gestor de ventana 9wm, o los
 visualizadores xloadimage o xli, pero hay muchos más. Yo sin embargo
 los prefiero, suelo trabajar mas con los desarrollos antiguos o de baja
 carga para el sistema que con los nuevos.
 Mi cuestión es simple y va dirigida a cualquiera persona, desarrollador
 o no, que desee aclararme la pertinencia y el futuro de dichos paquetes
 en las distribuciones siguientes.
Justamente en el número de esta semana de las Debian weekly news
se anuncia que hay 61 paquetes que serán dados de baja de Debian
en tres semanas, si no aparece nadie que se haga cargo de ellos.
La idea es que si no hay nadie interesado en mantenerlos y no hay
ningún otro paquete en la distribución que dependa de ellos, no
vale la pena tenerlos.

Según se aclara en:
se quitarán de la distribución:
-los paquetes que estén huérfanos por más de 180 días.
-los paquetes que, estando huérfanos por más de 90 días, tengan
bugs de severidad mayor que minor.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page: http://cabmec1.cnea.gov.ar/darie/darie.htm

X4 para Potato

2001-01-20 Thread Jordi Mallach
Creo que hay gente en esta lista a la que le interesa esto también:

Paquetes NO-OFICIALES de XFree86 4.0.2 para Potato:

 deb http://people.debian.org/%7Ecpbotha/ xf402_potato/i386/
 deb http://people.debian.org/%7Ecpbotha/ xf402_potato/all/

No mandeis bugs a la BTS sobre estos paquetes, no están soportados por

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

RE: Acentos, KWord y la Bruja Avería.

2001-01-20 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Zephryn Xirdal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: miércoles 17 de enero de 2001 1:13
Asunto: Re: Acentos, KWord y la Bruja Avería.

 Por lo menos en la 2.2.3 que yo tengo, falla.

He mirado en la lista de bugs de kde y no aparece nada (el único es
parecido en el paquete kxkb (lo que quiera que sea ese paquete), así
que lo
he enviado como fallo de KWord, aunque luego en el texto pongo que es
todo el
KOffice. A mi al menos no me pasa con otras aplicaciones, p. ej. KMail

Es que es posible que tanto en el kmail como en el knode ese bug pueda
pasar más desapercibido. En la ventana principal no hay ningún widget
editable, y seguramente la ventana para escribir correo sea creada cada
vez que se la abre, y como comentaba en mi anterior mensaje, los widgets
recién creados funcionan perfectamente.
Pero estoy casi seguro que, con esta ventana abierta, si abres otro
diálogo (como el de preferencias) donde haya alguna caja de texto
dejarán de funcionar los acentos en la otra ventana.

Por cierto, voy a informar a Troll Tech también del bug.

Ricardo Villalba

Arranque de Potato

2001-01-20 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano

Hace poco instalé Potato con más pena que gloria lo conseguí... pero me 
encontré con varios problemas debido a q aún ando novatillo Pero la que 
más me preocupa es la del arranque NO consigo que ararque desde el disco 
duro y tenfgo que hacerlo desde disquete Así que me eternizo He 
instatentado configurar el LILO pero cuando se supone que ejecuto la tecla 
shift y sale el prefijo para definir que partición arrancar, da igual que 
tecclee 1 que 7 que 20 hace casoomiso (no teclea nada) y al darle al 
enter, arranca el windoce
¿Alguna solución?

Sobre citius

2001-01-20 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano
Tengo la distribución de Debian que dieron en Hispalinux... Supongo que es la 
oficial ya que sólo tiene los 3 binarios Además conseguí el CD de La 
Espiral No tengo ningun NON-US o NON-Free ¿Me recomendáis que consiga 
la Citius?... ¿Me espero a la Woody y sigo aguantando con mi RPM?
Tened en cuenta que soy muy novato y aunque leo que leo y que releo, todavía 
me queda algo de tiempo

Re: Arranque de Potato

2001-01-20 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 instatentado configurar el LILO pero cuando se supone que ejecuto la tecla
 shift y sale el prefijo para definir que partición arrancar, da igual que

creo que es tab lo que deberías presionar (o depende de lilo...)

si con tab no te sale nada, quizás te falta la opción prompt


 tecclee 1 que 7 que 20 hace casoomiso (no teclea nada) y al darle al
 enter, arranca el windoce
 ¿Alguna solución?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
   Hombre invisible busca mujer transparente para hacer lo nunca visto.

Re: Sobre citius

2001-01-20 Thread Javier Coso Gutierrez
El 20 de ene de 2001, a las 07:08 +0100, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano escribio:
 Tengo la distribución de Debian que dieron en Hispalinux... Supongo que es la 
 oficial ya que sólo tiene los 3 binarios Además conseguí el CD de La 
 Espiral No tengo ningun NON-US o NON-Free ¿Me recomendáis que consiga 
 la Citius?... ¿Me espero a la Woody y sigo aguantando con mi RPM?
 Tened en cuenta que soy muy novato y aunque leo que leo y que releo, todavía 
 me queda algo de tiempo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
-- Fin de mensaje original --
De que Hispalinux hablas?? Porque si es el de este año se dio la
Potato. Respecto a tu segunda pregunta que quieres que te diga... Potato
tardo en salir Y no se sabe lo que tardara woody.


Javier Coso Gutierrez  Correo Electronico Para Alumnos
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Servicio de Informatica
Tlf: 916.249.986   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Hay dos cosas que han salido de Berkeley: el LSD y UNIX. No creemos que sea
una coincidencia. (Jeremy S. Anderson)

Re: Arranque de Potato

2001-01-20 Thread Javier Coso Gutierrez
El 20 de ene de 2001, a las 07:05 +0100, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano escribio:
 Hace poco instalé Potato con más pena que gloria lo conseguí... pero me 
 encontré con varios problemas debido a q aún ando novatillo Pero la que 
 más me preocupa es la del arranque NO consigo que ararque desde el disco 
 duro y tenfgo que hacerlo desde disquete Así que me eternizo He 
 instatentado configurar el LILO pero cuando se supone que ejecuto la tecla 
 shift y sale el prefijo para definir que partición arrancar, da igual que 
 tecclee 1 que 7 que 20 hace casoomiso (no teclea nada) y al darle al 
 enter, arranca el windoce
 ¿Alguna solución?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
-- Fin de mensaje original --
COmo te comentan por ahi... No es el tab el que te da las opciones.
De todas formas... despues de configurar lilo, ejecutas lilo??? Te aparecen
todas las opciones??? Y la de por defecto te aparece con un *??? Otra cosa
echale una ojeada a la pagina de manual es muy completilla (man lilo.conf)

Javier Coso Gutierrez  Correo Electronico Para Alumnos
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Servicio de Informatica
Tlf: 916.249.986   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
(Linus Torvalds about the superiority of Linux on the Amterdam
Linux Symposium)

ERROR sound-slot-1 sin ALSA

2001-01-20 Thread Ricardo Pérez

¡Buenas! Me pasa una cosa que me mosquea cantidad. Tengo una Sound Blaster 64 
PCI, es decir, la que tiene el chip Ensoniq ES1371. Esta tarjeta está 
soportada directamente por el kernel con el módulo es1371.o. De hecho, 
siempre lo ha estado desde que tengo mi máquina (casi 2 años).

Pues bien, ahora resulta que cuando entro en kde, o arranco algún programa de 
sonido (no todos), miro en la salida del syslog y me dice esto:

Jan 20 20:27:25 Yuggoth modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-0
Jan 20 20:27:25 Yuggoth modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module 
Jan 20 20:27:25 Yuggoth modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
Jan 20 20:27:25 Yuggoth modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module 

Sin embargo, el sonido funciona perfectamente. Con eso no hay ningún problema.

No lo entiendo. Me pide un módulo que no tengo. Y que yo sepa eso del 
sound-slot y el sound-service son módulos del ALSA, ¿no? Pero si yo no tengo 
el ALSA... ¿por qué me lo pide? Además, me mosquea el hecho de que también me 
pida el sound-slot-1, además del sound-slot-0...

Por cierto, uso el kernel 2.4.0, pero tb me ha pasado con el 2.4.1-pre8.

¿Qué está pasando?



Re: Configuración de Tarjeta de Video

2001-01-20 Thread José Pérez

El vie, 19 de ene de 2001, a las 05:10:47 +, Sergio Valdivielso Gomez se 
expresó así:


   Luego, ejecuto el programa XF86Setup para configurar la tarjeta (menú 
   la elijo de la lista, pero me da el siguiente mensaje de error:
   The selected server by your card is not installed! Please abort, install 
   SVGA Server as /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA and run this program again. 
   ¿Qué hago mal?¿Qué me aconsejan hacer?
  Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
  Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
  Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
  Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601
  correo-e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 ¿tienes instalado el paquete xserver-svga? si no lo tienes instalalo. y
 si tienes instalado el xserver-vga, pues quitalo.

Esto, podrías hacer (para ver qué sucederá):
apt-get install xserver-vga -s

Y para que suceda (si estás de acuerdo con lo que va a hacer, claro, lo
mismo pero sin el parámetro -s):
apt-get install xserver-vga



A ver si llega...
 Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
 Usuario Linux Registrado : 150750
 Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato Kernel 2.2.18
 Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Sobre citius

2001-01-20 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano
Obviamente que es la Potato... Me refiero a la distribución comercial 
Citius Si merece la pena con sus 10 CDs o si aorta algo nuevo a la oficial

El Sábado 20 Enero 2001 20:15, Javier Coso Gutierrez escribió:
 El 20 de ene de 2001, a las 07:08 +0100, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano escribio:
  Tengo la distribución de Debian que dieron en Hispalinux... Supongo que
  es la oficial ya que sólo tiene los 3 binarios Además conseguí el CD
  de La Espiral No tengo ningun NON-US o NON-Free ¿Me recomendáis
  que consiga la Citius?... ¿Me espero a la Woody y sigo aguantando con mi
  RPM? Tened en cuenta que soy muy novato y aunque leo que leo y que releo,
  todavía me queda algo de tiempo
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 -- Fin de mensaje original --
   De que Hispalinux hablas?? Porque si es el de este año se dio la
 Potato. Respecto a tu segunda pregunta que quieres que te diga... Potato
 tardo en salir Y no se sabe lo que tardara woody.


pine y slink

2001-01-20 Thread Alberto Rodríguez
Estoy tratando de compilar las fuentes de pine4.31 en una slink. Según
la información para la instalación de dicho paquete se debe poner:

./build argumento, donde argumento es una opción que hace referencia al
sistema operativo. Para linux existen varias opciones:

lnx Linux using crypt from the C library
lnp Linux using Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
slx Linux using -lcrypt to get the crypt function
sl4 Linux using -lshadow to get the crypt() function
sl5 Linux using shadow passwords, no extra libraries

Yo elegí la opción sl5 por tener las shadow passwords activadas.

El error que obtengo es el siguiente:../c-client/c-client.a(osdep.o): In
function `checkpw':
/tmp/pine/pine4.31/imap/c-client/osdep.c:99: undefined reference to
/tmp/pine/pine4.31/imap/c-client/osdep.c:112: undefined reference to
make: *** [pine] Error 1

creándome sólo los directorios ./bin/pico y ./bin/pilot, pero del
cliente de correo, nada de nada.

Podría alguien darme información para conseguir instalarlo?

Gracias por adelantado.

Re: Inicio de sesión remoto en X-Window

2001-01-20 Thread Manel Marin

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 02:49:39AM -0600, Carlos López wrote:
 A las buenas compañeros.
 Tengo una duda respecto a X-Window. Me acaba de llegar
 una máquina con Tru64 Unix instalado que por defecto
 siempre arranca en consola (no hay opción para
 entrar en entorno gráfico ya que la tarjeta de video
 no lo permite).
 Los servicos de X-Window los levanta, en especial el
 puerto tcp de xdmcp. Mi pregunta es: ¿puedo hacer un
 login gráfico desde una estación con Debian ?. En
 windows los programas para ejecutar las aplicaciones
 X-window de unix lo permiten. ¿Es posible hacer eso
 mismo con Debian y cualquier unix??. La documentación
 que leo me dice que sí, pero no como ...

- sshd en el servidor
- ssh en el cliente + forward X + agente de autenticación = una pasada

Es facil y además el canal es cifrado ;-)
Leete mis chuletas I-ssh e I-ssh2 URL abajo...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en certserver.pgp.com
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en  http://perso.wanadoo.es/manel3
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por http://www.libranet.com/petition.html ;-)


2001-01-20 Thread Pelle Nilsson
Mina mystiska tangentbordsproblem löste sig mycket riktigt när jag
bytte till finskt tangentbord. Nu till nästa problem:

För att installera vissa paket krävs bl.a. libgtk1.2 version 1.2.8-1
eller bättre. Denna version finns varken i potato eller woody, men ska
dock finnas i sid enligt filen Packages. I sid-katalogen på
ftp-servrarna finns det dock inga paket över huvud taget! När kommer
libgtk1.2_1.2.8-1 att bli tillgängligt? Det finns vissa program (t.ex.
galeon) som inte går att installera utan detta paket.


Re: sid?

2001-01-20 Thread Kalle Svensson
 För att installera vissa paket krävs bl.a. libgtk1.2 version 1.2.8-1
 eller bättre. Denna version finns varken i potato eller woody, men ska
 dock finnas i sid enligt filen Packages. I sid-katalogen på
 ftp-servrarna finns det dock inga paket över huvud taget! När kommer
 libgtk1.2_1.2.8-1 att bli tillgängligt? Det finns vissa program (t.ex.
 galeon) som inte går att installera utan detta paket.

De har gått över till package pools.  Kolla i t.ex.

apt brukar klara ut sådana här saker, någon särskild anledning att du inte
använder det?

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | You can tune a filesystem, but you
Web: http://www.gnupung.net/ | can't tune a fish. -- man tunefs(8)
PGP fingerprint: 0C56 B171 8159 327F 1824 F5DE 74D7 80D7 BF3B B1DD

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ferramenta cad

2001-01-20 Thread Christoph Simon
On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 02:54:14 -0200

 Gostaria de saber se alguem conhece algum programa (Open) que seja similar
 ao AutoCad.

qcad, sim tem um pacote, mas não sou usuário dele.

Christoph Simon

Re: Ferramenta cad

2001-01-20 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Existe um artigo no OLinux sobre ferramentas CAD para Linux na area de
programas. Procure em:

 Gostaria de saber se alguem conhece algum programa (Open) que seja similar
 ao AutoCad.
 http://www.zipmail.com.br O e-mail que vai aonde você está.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerente de Operaçoes
Linux Solutions - http://www.linuxsolutions.com.br
O Linux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil - http://www.olinux.com.br


2001-01-20 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Você primeiro deve fazer a configuração plug-and-play dele usando o
e pnpdump e então seguir a configuração de um modem padrão.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

O primeiro sentimento de quem está de dieta é o de revolta. Dá vontade
acabar com tudo, a começar pelo que tem na geladeira


2001-01-20 Thread juliano
Mas mesmo sendo PCI o isapnp e o pnpdump funcionam

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Você primeiro deve fazer a configuração plug-and-play dele usando o
 e pnpdump e então seguir a configuração de um modem padrão.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
 O primeiro sentimento de quem está de dieta é o de revolta. Dá vontade
 acabar com tudo, a começar pelo que tem na geladeira
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 



2001-01-20 Thread Diego Morales
Acho que eu tenho esse mesmo modem. O meu é 2976, mas acho que a mesma 
coisa. Eu tenho ele configurado num conectiva, mas basta configurar ele 
com setserial, e fazer com esse comando seja rodado após o boot (além de 
linkar o /dev/modem com a tty).

Dá uma olhada nesse mini-howto em:

Para não assaltar uma das minhas COMs reais, eu também criei um 
device ttyS4.

Se não der certo, sugiro fazer o caminho que eu fiz quando configurei 
ele. Procurei dentro do arquivo .inf no disquete de drivers para windows 
por algo parecido com PCI\VEN_12B9DEV_1008SUBSYS_00AA12B9REV_01
Depois procurei essa string na página Winmodems are not modems 
(http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html). Lá eu achei o que precisava.

qq coisa, estamos aí.



Mas mesmo sendo PCI o isapnp e o pnpdump funcionam

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Você primeiro deve fazer a configuração plug-and-play dele usando o
e pnpdump e então seguir a configuração de um modem padrão.




with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 


Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

O primeiro sentimento de quem está de dieta é o de revolta. Dá vontade
acabar com tudo, a começar pelo que tem na geladeira

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 


Diego Francisco de Gastal Morales

Técnico em Processamento de Dados e Redes de Computadores

Re: Ferramenta cad

2001-01-20 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
   Existe um artigo no OLinux sobre ferramentas CAD para Linux na area de
   programas. Procure em:


Não é artigo, mas apresentas vários CADs par Linux.


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro 
Floripa - SC - Brazil

Fwd: Fw: (linux-br) Abaixo assinado para o deputado Walter Pinheiro (PT)

2001-01-20 Thread Clovis Fabricio Costa

--  Msg de KrIsSkRoSs postada em Sexta 19 Janeiro 2001 11:16 sobre 
Fw: (linux-br) Abaixo assinado para o deputado Walter Pinheiro (PT) 
encaminhada para VOCÊ!  --
Subject: Fw: (linux-br) Abaixo assinado para o deputado Walter Pinheiro (PT)
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 11:16:14 -0200
To: linux debate [EMAIL PROTECTED], linuxall [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
hack [EMAIL PROTECTED], debian-user 
debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org, comp [EMAIL PROTECTED], 


Vamos colaborar com esta iniciativa.


KrIsSkRoSs kkross at krosszone.org

- Original Message -
From: Ricardo Rabelo Mota [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: linux-br@bazar.conectiva.com.br
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:48 AM
Subject: (linux-br) Abaixo assinado para o deputado Walter Pinheiro (PT)

 Caros amigos,

Foi cadastrado hoje, dia 19/01/2.001, um abaixo assinado apoiando o
 projeto de lei 2269/99. Para quem não sabe, o deputado Walter Pinheiro


 com um projeto em tramitação na câmara dos deputados onde, dentre


 coisas, obrigará o governo federal a utilizar, preferencialmente,


 de código aberto na esfera do governo federal. Tal medida poderá


 à médio prazo, quantias em torno de R$ 100.000.000 (cem milhões de


 por ano, quantia esta que poderá ser aplicada em setores mais carentes


 nossa sociedade, como educação e saúde, por exemplo. Peço a todos que
 acessem o endereço à partir de amanhã, sábado, à partir de 11 horas e
 contribuam com o abaixo assinado que, a cada 50 assinaturas, será

enviado um

 email para o deputado. O endereço é:
 http://www.abaixoassinado.com/cgi-bin/display_ab.pl?ab=3410. Obrigado



 Ricardo Rabelo Mota


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Problems with IPmasq'ing server

2001-01-20 Thread hogan
 :SSH'd to linux box, ran ping flood test.. 6% loss on 100 meg full duplex
 :ethernet - is this right?

 13053 packets transmitted, 12939 packets received, 0% packet loss
 round-trip min/avg/max = 0.2/0.2/8.7 ms

I have removed ipmasq module, disabled syncookies and ipforwarding for time
being, put modem back on windows machine 6% failure now not happening on
rapid pings between linux and wintel box... go figure :)


Uptime:  4:41pm  up 23:06,  1 user,  load average: 0.18, 0.11, 0.04

 I had similar issues probably due to MTU misconfig.  Try lowering the
 MTU on the eth0 to match the ppp0 (1464?), that's kind of a shot in

Hrrm.. will try.

Re: PPPD persist

2001-01-20 Thread Larry Fletcher
It's fixed.  For some reason the supplied redialer script
didn't work, but I was finally able to write a simple redial
script that even I could understand.


On Jan 19, 2001, Larry Fletcher wrote:
 After upgrading from slink to potato the pppd persist option no
 longer reruns the scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d after a connection
 has been broken and then reestablished.  Is there some way to
 configure pppd so the scripts are rerun after persist reconnects?
 If not, is it possible to change from persist to nopersist in a
 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d script?  I know this sounds counterintuitive,
 but if I could do this I can rerun pppd by checking for a leftover
 fetch*.pid after a connection is broken.
 If none of the above, maybe I can figure out how to make use of
 the redialer script in /doc/ppp/examples.

pump: no extra parameters are expected

2001-01-20 Thread Jim Breton
I've got potato 2.2r2 running on a Quantex laptop.

Whenever I insert my ethernet card (Linksys PCMPC100), the drivers for
it load successfully but pump fails to configure it.

In /var/log/daemon.log I see the following:

cardmgr[163]: + /sbin/pump  -i eth0  /dev/null
cardmgr[163]: + pump: no extra parameters are expected
cardmgr[163]: start cmd exited with status 1

Any idea how to fix this?  I can configure the card manually, or by
running pump by hand, but I would like it to work correctly upon card
insertion.  (Fwiw this also happens if the card is already in the laptop
when I turn it on... not that it makes any difference though.)

Re: pump: no extra parameters are expected

2001-01-20 Thread Jim Breton
Please ignore, I was unaware of the debian-laptop list until just now;
will re-post there.  Thanks.

Re: Requirements to Build Gimp 1.2 Help

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan Gift
csj wrote:
 A rather belated reply. But in case somebody's still trying to 
 wrestle with Gimp1.2: I managed to install Ximian Gimp using just the 
 packages for gimp1.2 and libgimp1.2 plus the version of libgtkxmhtml1 
 generated from building the sid source for gnome-libs1.2.8.
 I have some doubts however over my installation, as the output below 
 shows. Why is gimp1.2 still described as Developers' release? Did 
 Ximian really use the final 1.2 sources?

Yes. I got them on the line. They compiled the final Gimp1.2 against
potato/woody/sid. it will work on all three.

Don't forget to get the gimp1.2-nonfree and gimp-data-extras in the same


Buffer cache

2001-01-20 Thread Susumu Takuwa
I have question about Buffer cache and command `free'.

On my debian 2.2 with linux kernel 2.2.17, i get the
memory information using command `free'.

$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 46076  45024   1052   6836   4944  18740
-/+ buffers/cache:  21340  24736
Swap:98748   3952  94796

Well, i understand Buffer cache existing between Block 
device and Filesystem(ex:ext2 filesystem).

|  Filesystem   |
|  Buffer cache |
|  Block device |

And, i understand following:

[1]The sum of `buffers' and `cache' under command `free'
   is the amount of Buffer cache area. 
[2]In Buffer cache area, `buffers' is no data cached
   space and `cache' is the data cached space.

My understanding is correct?


Susumu Takuwa

Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-20 Thread kmself
on Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 07:11:04PM -0800, Bill Wohler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 [Karsten, if you get fresh reasons, be sure to add them to your lists.
 These lists, by the way, should also be on the Debian Web site.
 Perhaps you can make this happen. PR is a good thing. See also the
 recent thread: Why use Debian?]

Um.  Like?

   What I tell folks:
   1) The package manager.
   You can tell it to look in several places at once for a package and
   if you ask for a package that depends on others it automatically
   selects those packages. It then downloads the .debs and installs
   them for you. (I don't think Red Hat has this auto-download
   capability--you have to hunt for the .rpms yourself as far as I
   One of the best demos you can do to convince someone is this:
 $ foo
 foo: command not found
 $ dselect # select and install foo


  $ apt-get install foo

...which gets foo (and dependencies) in one swell foop (a *very* swell
foop, IMO).

...and if you do like dselect (I don't *dislike* it, but it's a sort of
grudging admiration), scope out aptitude.

   2) The elegant disk layout.
   For example, everything about mail is in /etc/mail. In Red Hat some
   stuff is in /etc/mail, some stuff is in /etc. It's all over the
   place. Ditto for bind stuff.

Your and Ethan's comments on RH scavenging to try to piece together WTF
is happening are very well taken.  My two horror stories are:

  - RH's lilo docs.  What the fuck am I supposed to do with a postscript
file on a system that doesn't *boot*, let alone print or display X?
Debian's text docs are fscking marvelous.

  - mysqld init.d script.  Just tell me where RH stuffs its mysql server
log.  In 30 seconds.

   3) The elegant boot scripts.
   Red Hat hides init.d in /etc/rc.d. It also doesn't seem to provide a
   full set of scripts in init.d either. There are a few other details
   in this realm, but I'm forgetting them now.

I've heard that extreme trauma can induce amnesia

RH is moving to the FHS/Debian /etc/init.d / /etc/rc[0-9].d standard.

   5) A mission to get all configuration out of programs/scripts and
   into config files in /etc.

...and more-or-less *flat* in /etc.  Lots of subdirs are wonderfully
organized and tidy, but it makes referencing scripts a fscking pain in
the ass.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-20 Thread kmself
on Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 11:43:24PM -0500, David B . Harris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 To quote Bill Wohler [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 #   1) The package manager.
 Speaking of packages, I think this should be raised.
 In general, I find that the quality of Debian packages is better than
 most others. Why?
 With most distributions, managers are forced to make a compromise -
 spend more time packaging very popular software, and less time
 packaging less popular software, or spread out the available resources
 for all packages. For the former, you'll end up with some very good
 packages, but you'll also end up with lots more that are mediocre, at
 best. In the latter case, you'll end up with a bunch of mediocre
 packages. When you pay your packagers and rely on those packagers for
 your distribution, you have finite resources to work with.
 Debian is really a community - in essence, a community of packagers.
 While there are only a few dozen dedicated packagers(who will package
 anything and everything, and things that everyone uses, like libc and
 such), there are hundreds of packagers who only package the program(s)
 they want to. The ones they use, day to day.
 What you end up with is a nice, even quality to the packages. The
 less-popular packages are still packaged by someone who uses it -
 they'll give just as much attention to detail with their pet package
 as someone who's packaging 'util-linux' or 'file-utils' would. The
 best of both worlds - you have a good, solid, base system of
 well-packaged popular software, and you have hundreds(thousands!) of
 other less-popular software packaged to the same standards and

Mostly.  Though Debian's got its warts.  Look at the open bugs lists
some time -- there's an unhealthy number of them.  Largely noncritical,
and largely associated with lesser-used packages, but still.

What this analysis fails to address, however, is that Debian approches
packaging from a _distribution_ standpoint.  While RPM is really just a
package manager, the Debian tools:  dpkg, apt-get, aptitude, are
_distribution_ management systems concerned with _policy management_.
Well-formed packages understand how they fit *with the system*, not
merely within their own dependency scope.  With a hierarchy of packages,
core, extra, etc., failures to fit within the system are correctly
identified as bugs _of the noncompliant package_.

I do feel that the points you raise regarding the decentralized
(distributed) maintenance of packages are well made, BTW, just that
they're not the whole story.

Note also that the comprehensiveness of the Debian system far exceeds
that of a base RH distro.  Debian's 6700 packages vs. about 750 in core
RH.  Order of magnitude difference.

 There is also the issue of updating. A distribution maker must expend
 enourmous resources into making the next version of their
 distribution.  They also must expend resources to keep their most
 current distribution up-to-date with the rest of the world. Let's look
 at Red Hat for an example. Aside from security fixes, when was the
 last time you were able to update to the latest GNOME desktop, using
 packages specifically designed for your distribution's version, from
 you distribuion vendor?  Not very often, I can tell you. And they
 can't be blamed for that, either. For some things, it can be a
 near-full-time job for twenty or thirty packages. Considering a modern
 Linux distribution comes with thousands of packages, this is obviously
 a time-consuming prospect.

Naw -- see above.  Them RH users only have to deal with 10% of the
issues we've got g.

In fairness, RH has been attackign this problem of late, though IMO
their approach is still flawed.  Unfortunately, business models have a
bad habit of getting in the way of good systems and development
practice.  Fortunately, the Debian effort appears to be largely

 I'm rambling a bit. Sorry, I'm tired. Maybe I'll write an essay :)

Definitely some good bits in there.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

CD-ROM compatibility

2001-01-20 Thread Melvin Rogers

I have a 484/33 with a Creative Lab CD-Rom 
connected via a Sound Blaster 16. The install program will not mount the 
CD-Rom. I tried all available types, hda through hdh. I tried some 
mount commands that I found within the Debian GNU/Linux book via an alternate 
console. My question is, is my cd-rom a supported device, if it is, what 
should the mount command look like? Where do I find out what devices are 
supported, where can I get device drivers?

My next step, if the creative labs cd-rom is not 
going to work, is put my hard drive in a my other machine, load Linux and 
applications, then put the hard drive back into the 486.

Mel Rogers

changing console resolution?

2001-01-20 Thread forrest
well, since i've completely failed to get x working beyond a messed up
640x480 res that flickers and uses really wacky colors on this
machine...  is there a way to change the console resolution to somthing a
little higher?

or someone who has a thinpad 365XD w/ an active matrix screen could
respond, and say that it works perfectly for them... here's how ;)


Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-20 Thread CaT
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 12:12:34AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
5) A mission to get all configuration out of programs/scripts and
into config files in /etc.
 ...and more-or-less *flat* in /etc.  Lots of subdirs are wonderfully
 organized and tidy, but it makes referencing scripts a fscking pain in
 the ass.

How so?


'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
-- The Backstreet Boys

Re: Suspend to RAM on a desktop computer

2001-01-20 Thread kmself
on Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 10:42:14PM -0500, Arcady Genkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I've got this new ASUS CUSL2-C motherboard which supports suspending
 to RAM function.  In the manual, though, it says that one needs
 Windows operating system to do that.
 Is there any chance to utilize this functionality with Linux?
 Many thanks,

You might look at the apmd support in Debian.  I suspect this is similar
to it, though I don't have specific information on your system.  I'd
also check other lists for reports on use of this mobo.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Stability of testing

2001-01-20 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 19 Jan 2001, John Galt wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Bill Wohler wrote:
   If the stability of stable is 10 and the stability of unstable is 1,
   how would you rate the testing distribution? (This might be a useful
   metric to post on the Debian site to help Debian users decide which
   distribution is for them.)
 5-7.  Packages may change daily, but have (some of the) bugs worked out.
 Extremely bleeding edge software won't make it in to testing, because of
 the requirements to move a package from unstable to testing include
 usability on all architectures and some other things that imply letting it
 cook a little longer.  If unstable is raw, and stable is well done, call
 testing rare to medium rare.

I've been tracking testing every day or two since its inception and so
far (fingers crossed) everything has worked flawlessly.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Over 100 book reviews: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/bookreviews/
Skeptical essays: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/freethinker/

The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the
palpably absurd. It is the chief occupation of mankind. - H.L. Mencken

locale problems -- LANG=en_US and iso-8859-1 fsckups

2001-01-20 Thread kmself
This is driving me nuts.

Objective:  Specify a locale value which:

  - Renders standard shell output properly.
  - Supports international (iso-8859-1 aka latin-1) charactersets.
  - Is supported by common text-mode utilities such as vim, mutt, tin,
and w3m.
  - Doesn't cause Perl to choke.
My current setting of LANG=en_US fails on the last three points.

International characters under mutt and other utilities appear as octal

Perl reports that the locale is not supported:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = en-US
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

I've run /usr/sbin/locale-gen as root.  Checked FAQs and manpages.
Google turns up little of help, though there appears to be mention of
this problem on Debian lists.

Anyone?  I mean, just shoot me now if I'm being stupid or something.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: those problems where the easiest thing to do seems to be to reboot...

2001-01-20 Thread Robert Waldner
(I don´t have the thread, and no access to the archives right now, so 
 forgive me if I repeat something. Just trying to be helpful...)

 1) you 'cat' a file you shouldn't in the console mode. before you know
 it everything on the commandline becomes an unreadable mess of ascii
 characters you didn't know you had.

Try eval `resize`, although it seems to be targeted only at xterms it 
often also works when being on a plain console. If your screen is 
garbled enough, you´ll have to type it blind, but that´s usually no 
real problem.

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: those problems where the easiest thing to do seems to be to reboot...

2001-01-20 Thread Angel
 (I don´t have the thread, and no access to the archives right now, so
  forgive me if I repeat something. Just trying to be helpful...)
  1) you 'cat' a file you shouldn't in the console mode. before you know
  it everything on the commandline becomes an unreadable mess of ascii
  characters you didn't know you had.

I think that the command you must use to solve it is setterm -reset,
I have just test now and it works.

Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread Dale Morris
When I issue the apt-setup command I get an error message, ..command not
found. What apt package am I missing? Otherwise apt works just fine.

will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 03:49:08AM +0100, Norman Schmidt wrote:
  Hi all!
  Another apt-problem...
  I use dselect to maintain my potato servers and fetch my files via ftp.
 from slink (2.1) onward, the recommended choise is APT-GET...
  At the moment, my list for the packages looks like this:
  deb ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/debian potato main contrib non-free
  deb ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/debian potato/non-US main contrib non-free
  deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security potato/updates contrib main 
  Now I want to add the lines to get the updates. Do I need and if yes,
  how do I include the paths?
  (which is a link to potato-proposed-updates in the same directory)
  Since I use the non-US-version, do I need (and how do I get) 
  deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-non-US/dists/proposed-updates ?
  The problem seems to be that the proposed-updates - directories are not
  under a special distribution. I do not know how to tell this to
  The manpage doesn´t make this clear to me...
  And one last one: What do I have to add to get sources as well?
  Thanx a lot, Norman.
 main thing to try is
 to set your sources.list...
 my 'potato' sources.list looks mostly like this:
   # deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
   # deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib 
   deb http://security.debian.org potato/updates main contrib non-free
   deb http://ftp.digex.net/debian/ stable main non-free contrib
   # deb-src http://ftp.digex.net/debian/ stable main non-free contrib
   deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib 
   # deb-src http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main 
 contrib non-free
 use mirrors that are shortest hops from you (try traceroute
 to see which respond best).
 frequently do
   apt-get update
 and then
   apt-get upgrade
 to make sure the packages you've got installed are kept sparkly
 See, if you were allowed to keep the money, you wouldn't
 create jobs with it. You'd throw it in the bushes or
 something.  But the government will spend it, thereby
 creating jobs.  -- Dave Barry
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]***http://www.dontUthink.com/
 volunteer to document your experience for next week's
 newbies -- http://www.eGroups.com/messages/newbieDoc
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[no subject]

2001-01-20 Thread thor

attachment: WINMAIL.DAT

Re: locale problems -- LANG=en_US and iso-8859-1 fsckups

2001-01-20 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 02:10:29AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 Objective:  Specify a locale value which:
   - Renders standard shell output properly.
   - Supports international (iso-8859-1 aka latin-1) charactersets.
   - Is supported by common text-mode utilities such as vim, mutt, tin,
 and w3m.
   - Doesn't cause Perl to choke.
 My current setting of LANG=en_US fails on the last three points.

As you seem to be mainly interested in getting the character set correct,
you should propably set LC_CTYPE instead of LANG. Actually, I don't really
even know what LANG is supposed to do :-]

 International characters under mutt and other utilities appear as octal

Setting LC_CTYPE properly fixes this.

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Re: locale problems -- LANG=en_US and iso-8859-1 fsckups

2001-01-20 Thread Mario Vukelic
On 20 Jan 2001 02:10:29 -0800,  wrote:
 This is driving me nuts.
 Objective:  Specify a locale value which:
   - Renders standard shell output properly.
   - Supports international (iso-8859-1 aka latin-1) charactersets.
   - Is supported by common text-mode utilities such as vim, mutt, tin,
 and w3m.
   - Doesn't cause Perl to choke.
 My current setting of LANG=en_US fails on the last three points.
 International characters under mutt and other utilities appear as octal
 Perl reports that the locale is not supported:
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
   LANGUAGE = (unset),
   LC_ALL = (unset),
   LANG = en-US
   are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
 I've run /usr/sbin/locale-gen as root.  Checked FAQs and manpages.
 Google turns up little of help, though there appears to be mention of
 this problem on Debian lists.
 Anyone?  I mean, just shoot me now if I'm being stupid or something.


I've fought the same problems.
summarizes what I've learned and what I've never found out. I couldn't
raise anyone's interest, unfortunately. But 
I think it works for me now. These are my settings as given by locale
(click the given link for an explanation for 
some aspects):


I set them in /etc/language-de (which is installed by task-language-de)
like this:

LC_CTYPE=de_DE.ISO-8859-15 ; export LC_CTYPE
LC_TIME=de_DE ; export LC_TIME
LC_ALL= ; export LC_ALL

# set LANG: in /etc/environment
# LANG=de_DE ; export LANG

Setting it in /etc/environment in the following fashion is possible,
too, maybe also more correct :


(no exports needed).

Good luck


I did not vote for the Austrian government


2001-01-20 Thread Bostjan Muller

I can't get automount to work. Has anyone had any success with it? I have the
autofs module compiled for my kernel and loaded (2.2.18), and the autofs
mounter is running, and scripts for it area appended.

THX in advance!

Boštjan Müller [NEONATUS], [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://neonatus.net/~neonatus
For my PGP key finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED], RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX , Student of VFUL
  Loose bits sink chips.
# $Id: auto.master,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:03 hpa Exp $
# Sample auto.master file
# Format of this file:
# mountpoint map options
# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
/floppy /etc/auto.floppy--timeout 10
/cd-rw  /etc/auto.cd-rw --timeout 10
# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage

#kernel -ro 
#boot   -fstype=ext2:/dev/hda5
#removable  -fstype=ext2,sync,nodev,nosuid  :/dev/hdd
#cd -fstype=iso9660,ro,nodev,nosuid :/dev/scd1
#floppy -fstype=auto,sync,nodev,nosuid  :/dev/fd0
floppy   -fstype=auto,umask=000   :/dev/fd0
# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
cd  -fstype=iso9660,ro,nodev,nosuid :/dev/scd1

Re: curious: Re: running another X from within X

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 06:27:04PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
:on Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 01:59:56PM -0500, Jonathan D. Proulx ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
: The question didn't involve xapps over the network, but a lazyman's
: way to start a full xsession on the local machine from within a
: running xsession (for use with different display depth I belive)
:I've been ignoring this thread, but any mention xnest yet?


problem compiling kernels

2001-01-20 Thread Philipp Bliedung

I'm new to Debian and fairly new to Linux.
I compiled some kernels (I'm using kernel 2.2.17) for terminals in a
network (so I removed everything they don't need from the kernel except
the network stuff, etc.) I compiled them on my laptop b/c it's a lot
faster. Anyway I did the following after I made the configuration with
'make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make
Well then I moved the kernels to these machines and everything worked
out fine!!  But now, when I boot the original kernel on my laptop I get
these errors while booting:

depmod: *** unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/ppp.o
depmod: *** unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/dummy.o
now I can't use my modem using ppp anymore b/c when I start 'pon' I get

ioctl(TIOCSETD(PPP)): Invalid argument(22)
/usr/sbin/pppd: This system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be
the PPP kernel module could not be loaded, or because PPP was not
included in the kernel configuration. If PPP was included as a
module, try '/sbin/modprobe -v ppp'

--'modprobe -v ppp' fails too.

I don't know why this is happening b/c everything was working fine
before I started compiling kernels.
I don't know if 'make modules_install' is the cause for this but I guess
it is.
(I don't have a lot of experience in compiling kernels)

Can anybody tell what causes this and how I can avoid this in the


Re: 2nd NIC seen but ifup fails

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 08:49:40PM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
:I  have two identical NIC's the both came up fine before reboot.  Now
:ifup eth0 works fine.  ifup eth1 says no such interface.  cat /proc/pci
:shows both nics.
:Any ideas?

Did you setup eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces?

If so try using ifconfig to bring it up manually

ifconfig eth1 netmask up


Re: problem compiling kernels

2001-01-20 Thread Casey Webster
your problem is that you ran make modules_install on your laptop, which
installs your newly built modules over your laptops modules.  You may also
notice that there are no modules on your terminals.


On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Philipp Bliedung wrote:

 I'm new to Debian and fairly new to Linux.
 I compiled some kernels (I'm using kernel 2.2.17) for terminals in a
 network (so I removed everything they don't need from the kernel except
 the network stuff, etc.) I compiled them on my laptop b/c it's a lot
 faster. Anyway I did the following after I made the configuration with
 'make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make
 Well then I moved the kernels to these machines and everything worked
 out fine!!  But now, when I boot the original kernel on my laptop I get
 these errors while booting:
 depmod: *** unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/ppp.o
 depmod: *** unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/dummy.o
 now I can't use my modem using ppp anymore b/c when I start 'pon' I get
 ioctl(TIOCSETD(PPP)): Invalid argument(22)
 /usr/sbin/pppd: This system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be
 the PPP kernel module could not be loaded, or because PPP was not
 included in the kernel configuration. If PPP was included as a
 module, try '/sbin/modprobe -v ppp'
 --'modprobe -v ppp' fails too.
 I don't know why this is happening b/c everything was working fine
 before I started compiling kernels.
 I don't know if 'make modules_install' is the cause for this but I guess
 it is.
 (I don't have a lot of experience in compiling kernels)
 Can anybody tell what causes this and how I can avoid this in the
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: automount

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 02:03:54PM +0100, Bostjan Muller wrote:
:I can't get automount to work. Has anyone had any success with it? I have the
:autofs module compiled for my kernel and loaded (2.2.18), and the autofs
:mounter is running, and scripts for it area appended.

I live and die by this, though my setup is different (using NIS based
auto.foo maps)

I suspect it's working but not how you expect.  Put a CDROM in and cd
/cd-rw/cd. note that you may create the /cd-rw directory (if it
doesnt't exist that's ok too), you must *not* create any

Like wise the floppy disk will be mounted as /floppy/floppy with this setup.

The : in :/dev/fd0 seems odd to me, but that seems part of the
example.  All my automount are NFS so they're host:/path


:# $Id: auto.master,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:03 hpa Exp $
:# Sample auto.master file
:# Format of this file:
:# mountpoint map options
:# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
:/var/autofs/misc   /etc/auto.misc
:/floppy/etc/auto.floppy--timeout 10
:/cd-rw /etc/auto.cd-rw --timeout 10

:# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
:# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
:# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
:# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
:#boot  -fstype=ext2:/dev/hda5
:#removable -fstype=ext2,sync,nodev,nosuid  :/dev/hdd
:#cd-fstype=iso9660,ro,nodev,nosuid :/dev/scd1
:#floppy-fstype=auto,sync,nodev,nosuid  :/dev/fd0

:floppy   -fstype=auto,umask=000   :/dev/fd0

:# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
:# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
:# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
:# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
:cd -fstype=iso9660,ro,nodev,nosuid :/dev/scd1

Get the Facts on Net Businesses!

2001-01-20 Thread info
Title: Factsdisc

your mail client cannot read the message below, you can visit our site at www.factsdisc.com. 
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2001 EVA, Inc. 

Re: changing console resolution?

2001-01-20 Thread ktb
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 12:55:30AM -0800, forrest wrote:
 well, since i've completely failed to get x working beyond a messed up
 640x480 res that flickers and uses really wacky colors on this
 machine...  is there a way to change the console resolution to somthing a
 little higher?
 or someone who has a thinpad 365XD w/ an active matrix screen could
 respond, and say that it works perfectly for them... here's how ;)

Maybe there is an easier way but you can stick -
vga = ask
into your /etc/lilo.conf
Reboot and you will be asked to make a choice.
It may take a few reboots (that is the part I don't like).  Then once
you have decided which number your going with you would put -
vga = number
in /etc/lilo.conf

Remember to run /sbin/lilo.

I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread ktb
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 03:41:52AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
 When I issue the apt-setup command I get an error message, ..command not
 found. What apt package am I missing? Otherwise apt works just fine.

You have to use apt-setup as root.

I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

Re: problem compiling kernels

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

The easies (though perhaps not most elegant) way to prevent this in
the future is to move your modules directory befor the make
modules_install, tar up the modules directory from the build then move
your old modules back.

Your probably going to need to either use the kernel you build or if
that's not possible rebuild the kernel on your laptop.

The official Debian way is to use make-kpkg to do the kernel build
which will create a .deb of the new kernel and modules.  Very cool and
works well for lots of folks.

Personally I've built alot of kernels, but have never got kpkg to
behave.  Probably because I can build a kernel without it and thus
haven't spent the time to really learn how to use this tool.


Re: changing console resolution?

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 12:55:30AM -0800, forrest wrote:
:well, since i've completely failed to get x working beyond a messed up
:640x480 res that flickers and uses really wacky colors on this
:machine...  is there a way to change the console resolution to somthing a
:little higher?
:or someone who has a thinpad 365XD w/ an active matrix screen could
:respond, and say that it works perfectly for them... here's how ;)

There's probably some magic number for vga= in /etc/lilo.conf, and (if
my viao is any indication) ask probably won't show it as an option...

Your best source of info for this and the X problem is the Linux
Laptop page  http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/


Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread Dale Morris
I am using it as root. Here's the error message:

lymond:/home/dlm# apt-setup
bash: apt-setup: command not found

I am sure there's another part of apt I need to install, but can't remember
what it is..

ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 03:41:52AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
  When I issue the apt-setup command I get an error message, ..command not
  found. What apt package am I missing? Otherwise apt works just fine.
 You have to use apt-setup as root.
 I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No available ptys

2001-01-20 Thread bish
Ever since upgrading from Slink to Stormix Hail, I have been having
the following problems:

a) When in X, I am not able to open xterm as a user. As root it is
   fine. Other terms like rxvt, kterm etc are working fine as user. 
   The error message I receive is  xterm: no available ptys.

b) I seem to lose my personal preferences in .profile while in X as
   an user, whereas on console mode everything is fine.

c) I cannot run the script program as user. As root there are no 
   problems. The error message I get is openpty failed. This happens
   in X as well as in console mode.

Any clues in this regard ?


USM Bish

Re: locale problems -- LANG=en_US and iso-8859-1 fsckups

2001-01-20 Thread Chris Gray
On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 This is driving me nuts.
 My current setting of LANG=en_US fails on the last three points.
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
   LANGUAGE = (unset),
   LC_ALL = (unset),
   LANG = en-US
 Anyone?  I mean, just shoot me now if I'm being stupid or something.



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Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread ktb
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 07:01:21AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
 I am using it as root. Here's the error message:
 lymond:/home/dlm# apt-setup
 bash: apt-setup: command not found
 I am sure there's another part of apt I need to install, but can't remember
 what it is..

My apt-get is in -

See if it is there.  There are only four apt realated packages in stable
apt-zip 0.9   (9.8k) 
Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media

aptitude 0.0.4a-4.1   (144.7k) 
Console based apt frontend

apt-move 3.0-13   (30k) 
Move cache of Debian packages into a mirror hierarchy

apt 0.3.19   (471.7k) 
Advanced front-end for dpkg

You should only have to have the apt package.

I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 09:30:21AM -0600, ktb wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 07:01:21AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
  I am using it as root. Here's the error message:
  lymond:/home/dlm# apt-setup
  bash: apt-setup: command not found
  I am sure there's another part of apt I need to install, but can't remember
  what it is..
 My apt-get is in -
 See if it is there.  There are only four apt realated packages in stable
 apt-zip 0.9   (9.8k) 
 Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media
 aptitude 0.0.4a-4.1   (144.7k) 
 Console based apt frontend
 apt-move 3.0-13   (30k) 
 Move cache of Debian packages into a mirror hierarchy
 apt 0.3.19   (471.7k) 
 Advanced front-end for dpkg
 You should only have to have the apt package.

actually it appears to be in the package base-config which i don't
have installed on any of my systems except a recently install potato
box. (all my others were installed when potato was unstable) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

LVM, MD, what's what?

2001-01-20 Thread Alec Smith
Right now I've got a 10GB drive split into 4 partitions (/, /boot, /home, 
and swap). I'd like to add another drive to the system, adding its space to 
/home, which is /dev/hda7 under my current setup. The machine currently 
runs kernel 2.2.18 and will be upgraded to 2.4.x once a few point releases 
are out.

How can I go about using Multiple Disks and/or LVM to manage this addition? 
Is there a HOWTO someplace I should be looking at? I'm also thinking about 
converting from ext2 to ReiserFS at some point and would be interested in 
knowing about any gotchas it would involve as far as MD/LVM are concerned.


Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread ktb

 On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 09:30:21AM -0600, ktb wrote:
  You should only have to have the apt package.

On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 06:43:30AM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 actually it appears to be in the package base-config which i don't
 have installed on any of my systems except a recently install potato
 box. (all my others were installed when potato was unstable) 

Note to myself dpkg-S is my friend;)
$ dpkg -S apt-setup
base-config: /usr/sbin/apt-setup

I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-20 Thread Rick Loga
I want to get sound working on my woody box with kernel version 2.2.12.  I was 
originally slink and a half with kernel 2.2.12.  I upgraded to potato and then 
woody.  I have ready numerous how-to's, articles, tutorials, and mailing lists 
trying to figure out how to get my isa Sound Blaster 16 (mocel CT2291) working. 
 Several things I have read said slink needed sound compiled into the kernel.  
Other things have said with kernel 2.2, you use modules rather than compile the 
kernel.  I have tried modconf and found no modules related to sound.  I found 
articles on SB16 that say I need modules adlib_card, opl3, sb, sound, and 
uart401.  I did a locate on these names with the .o extension and found 
nothing.  I downloaded sndconfig from unstable which will help configure the 
sound card but it needs modules loaded, it says, and so does other 
documentation.  So, I guess my questions are:

Do I have to compile the kernel?
If so, could I replace the kernel with a newer one instead?  (I've never done 
this and would rather wait until I learn linux more before compiling a kernel.)

If 2.2.12 does not need recompiling, how do get the modules needed?  I've 
looked at all the packages and find no help there.

Want a new web-based email account ? --- http://www.firstlinux.net

Re: apt- source.list

2001-01-20 Thread Dale Morris
It works now, after installing the base-config package

ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 09:30:21AM -0600, ktb wrote:
   You should only have to have the apt package.
 On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 06:43:30AM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
  actually it appears to be in the package base-config which i don't
  have installed on any of my systems except a recently install potato
  box. (all my others were installed when potato was unstable) 
 Note to myself dpkg-S is my friend;)
 $ dpkg -S apt-setup
 base-config: /usr/sbin/apt-setup
 I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-20 Thread William Leese
..try su -ing to root and run /usr/sbin/modconf

this will present you with a screen not unlike the one encountered when 
installing potato. use the arrow keys to navigate to misc.. ..there you 
will find the modules for soundcards.. ..first select Sound OSS (or 
something similar), then low-level sound support (i dont think this is 
needed for sb16 but i load it anyhow, just to be certain) and finally select 
the module named sb.o.. ..and voila, that is.. ..if your SB16 uses the 
default settings..

compiling a kernel isnt hard at all, aslong as you read the Kernel HOWTO..


How to obtain a listing of packages installed that may be used to clone config

2001-01-20 Thread hogan
I've seen some vague reference to this before. But can't figure out when or

A friend is going to switch from Debian to Win2K (I know - completely evil)
for their cable modem sharing machine. I set up the Debian box and would like
to take a snapshot of the config.. They're happy to get rid of old 486 that's
currently doing it as they realise a 486 won't hack it for Win2K, but they
want to put existing HDD (and hence blow away config) into Win2K machine.

Would like to know how to obtain a listing of installed packages on the system
in a format such that I may easily feed this listing to a new install to have
exactly the same packages.

I assume in addition to this package listing, I'd need to take a copy of
existing /etc dir (ignoring parts that are OK in package supplied format)


Re: How to obtain a listing of packages installed that may be used to clone config

2001-01-20 Thread Defresne Sylvain
* hogan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I've seen some vague reference to this before. But can't figure out when or
 A friend is going to switch from Debian to Win2K (I know - completely evil)
 for their cable modem sharing machine. I set up the Debian box and would like
 to take a snapshot of the config.. They're happy to get rid of old 486 that's
 currently doing it as they realise a 486 won't hack it for Win2K, but they
 want to put existing HDD (and hence blow away config) into Win2K machine.
 Would like to know how to obtain a listing of installed packages on the system
 in a format such that I may easily feed this listing to a new install to have
 exactly the same packages.

dpkg --get-selections
dpkg --set-selections

For more info : man dpkg

 I assume in addition to this package listing, I'd need to take a copy of
 existing /etc dir (ignoring parts that are OK in package supplied format)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan Gift
William Leese wrote:
 the module named sb.o.. ..and voila, that is.. ..if your SB16 uses the 
 default settings..

I wondered if you could help me out here... I have a SB16 and have
succesfully compiled the sound options in the kernel and can hear sound
fine. But I saw somewhere someone with the same card having additional

My question is, do I need those modules, and if so, where are they in
the kernel config section? ie What options do I turn on that I missed in
the sound section?

I have in modules:
sb io...




Re: CD-ROM compatibility

2001-01-20 Thread Jeff Hornsberger
Hi. I'm pretty sure I had the exact same cd-rom
setup on a Dell 486/33 that I had. You need the cdu31a driver. I don't remember
all the exact details of how I got it to work, just that I did. Check out
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/cdu31a if you have the kernel source installed
or else I can send it to you if you want. I didn't have to compile a custom
kernel on the red hat 6.2 installation that i did on that 486, the cdu31a
driver was included, but I had to configure it and pass it some addresses
or something. Hope this helps. -Jeff

Melvin Rogers wrote:

  I have a 484/33 with a Creative Lab CD-Rom 
connected via a Sound Blaster 16. The install program will not mount the 
CD-Rom. I tried all available types, hda through hdh. I tried some 
mount commands that I found within the Debian GNU/Linux book via an alternate 
console. My question is, is my cd-rom a supported device, if it is, what 
should the mount command look like? Where do I find out what devices are 
supported, where can I get device drivers?
  My next step, if the creative labs cd-rom is not 
going to work, is put my hard drive in a my other machine, load Linux and 
applications, then put the hard drive back into the 486.
  Mel Rogers

Re: 2nd NIC seen but ifup fails

2001-01-20 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 08:49:40PM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
 I  have two identical NIC's the both came up fine before reboot.  Now
 ifup eth0 works fine.  ifup eth1 says no such interface.  cat /proc/pci
 shows both nics.

you'll have to specify the second nic on the `mod-line'
see for examples in the manuals, e.g. the Ethernet HOWTO.

looked it up:
put in /etc/modules.conf something like:

alias eth0 3c501
alias eth1 3c501
options eth0 -o 3c501-0 io=0x280 irq=5
options eth1 -o 3c501-1 io=0x300 irq=7

Oh, and to put something in /etc/modules.conf you actually should use

groetjes, carel

problem with cups and g-brief

2001-01-20 Thread GBechly

I am using Debian unstable with Kernel 2.4.0, and yesterday finally made
the transition from lprng to cups. Everything works quite well, except
for a single problem with the LaTeX package g-brief:
Compared to the printout with lprng, the printout of g-brief is now
shifted upwards for about 2 mm with cups, so that the letter head is
slightly cut off above, and the address field does not fit exactly
anymore into the envelope's window.
Of course I did configure cups for the correct (German) paper size A4 as
default, just like I did previously with lprng and magicfilter. Thus, it
is not a problem of incorrect paper size.
The command 'lp -o page-top=1 foo' does not have any effect, and any
attempt to change the paper margins with the frontends gtklp, kups or
qtcups was without any effect either.
Thus, how could this problem be solved?

Best wishes,

Linux: Who needs GATES in a world without fences?

Re: netscape ftp vs http

2001-01-20 Thread csj
On Saturday 20 January 2001 06:24, Svante Signell wrote:
 What am I doing wrong trying to download files from
 eg. http/:www.fileplanet.com or http://www,3ddownloads.com using
 Netscape (4.76)?

 You don't get the possibility to shiftclick on the file, it
 just starts downloading to the Netscape buffer!! Not as expected.
 I'm moving to mozilla ASAP, but meanwhile, what to do?? Any
 settings to change? Maybe this is IE behavior copied to NS, but you
 should get a question, whether to download or to view. Is this

I think you'd be better off using a dedicated web file downloader 
like wget or pavuk, especially if you have lots of files to download.

Re: LVM, MD, what's what?

2001-01-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 10:45:25AM -0500, Alec Smith wrote:
 Right now I've got a 10GB drive split into 4 partitions (/, /boot, /home, 
 and swap). I'd like to add another drive to the system, adding its space to 
 /home, which is /dev/hda7 under my current setup. The machine currently 
 runs kernel 2.2.18 and will be upgraded to 2.4.x once a few point releases 
 are out.
 How can I go about using Multiple Disks and/or LVM to manage this addition? 
 Is there a HOWTO someplace I should be looking at? I'm also thinking about 
 converting from ext2 to ReiserFS at some point and would be interested in 
 knowing about any gotchas it would involve as far as MD/LVM are concerned.

There is a HOWTO. apt-get install doc-linux-html or

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: No available ptys

2001-01-20 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 20:38:57 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The error message I receive is  xterm: no available ptys.

 c) I cannot run the script program as user. As root there are no 
problems. The error message I get is openpty failed. This happens
in X as well as in console mode.

I suspect you don't have the devpts pseudo-filesystem mounted. Try adding
something like
devpts  /dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0   0
to /etc/fstab.

On Debian, libc6's /etc/init.d/devpts.sh takes care of mounting the devpts

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

strange files, break-in?

2001-01-20 Thread Igor Mozetic
I've noticed three strange files in /root dir:

host:~# ls -al /root
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1024 Jan  5 11:20 ..hwm
-rw-r--r--1 root root   214184 Jan  5 11:20 ..pwd
-rw-r--r--1 root root11356 Jan  5 11:20 ..pwi

..pwd is ascii with a lot of control chars in it, the other
two are binaries. Is this a side product of running some
program or maybe some break-in leftover?

-Igor Mozetic

Re: 2nd NIC seen but ifup fails

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 06:23:47PM +0100, Carel Fellinger wrote:
:On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 08:49:40PM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
: I  have two identical NIC's the both came up fine before reboot.  Now
: ifup eth0 works fine.  ifup eth1 says no such interface.  cat /proc/pci
: shows both nics.
:you'll have to specify the second nic on the `mod-line'
:see for examples in the manuals, e.g. the Ethernet HOWTO.

Is this still required with the kernel autoloader?

I don't have any eth aliases in my /etc/modules, though I don't have
any multihomed machines with matched cards (usually eepro100 on board
ant tulip based PCI)


Re: 2nd NIC seen but ifup fails

2001-01-20 Thread Igor Mozetic
 I  have two identical NIC's the both came up fine before reboot.  Now
 ifup eth0 works fine.  ifup eth1 says no such interface.  cat /proc/pci
 shows both nics.

What do you have in /etc/network/interfaces ?

-Igor Mozetic

Re: strange files, break-in?

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 07:20:52PM +0100, Igor Mozetic wrote:
:I've noticed three strange files in /root dir:
:host:~# ls -al /root
:-rw-r--r--1 root root 1024 Jan  5 11:20 ..hwm
:-rw-r--r--1 root root   214184 Jan  5 11:20 ..pwd
:-rw-r--r--1 root root11356 Jan  5 11:20 ..pwi
:..pwd is ascii with a lot of control chars in it, the other
:two are binaries. Is this a side product of running some
:program or maybe some break-in leftover?

I vote for break-in I can think of no legitimate programs that create
double dot files (did sombody thik this would make them harder to

a couple of things to do:

run strings on the binary files, some times you can figure out what
they are this way.

do a netstat -tap|less as root this will show all(-a) active tcp(-t)
connections and listening sockes and the processes (-p) that own them

do a find /dev -type f this will find any regular files in /dev,
there shouldn't be any they're all device special files (except the
MAKEDEV script which may be a regular file but on current debian
systems is a symlink to /sbin/MAKEDEV and not a regular file)

look at /etc/inetd.conf some backdoors are put in this file (usually
at the end)

It would be best to copy over known good versions of find and netstat
as these may be trojaned (find usally isn't netstat often is)


Re: CD-ROM compatibility

2001-01-20 Thread Bob Nielsen
Creative used several models of CD-ROMs with Sound Blaster cards.  Some
used a proprietary interface, while others used an IDE interface (the
cards had both).  I believe different modules are required for the
different varieties, but I would first try 'insmod sb'.


On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 12:56:05PM -0800, Melvin Rogers wrote:
 I have a 484/33 with a Creative Lab CD-Rom connected via a Sound Blaster 16.  
 The install program will not mount the CD-Rom.  I tried all available types, 
 hda through hdh.  I tried some mount commands that I found within the Debian 
 GNU/Linux book via an alternate console. My question is,  is my cd-rom a 
 supported device, if it is, what should the mount command look like? Where do 
 I find out what devices are supported, where can I get device drivers?
 My next step, if the creative labs cd-rom is not going to work, is put my 
 hard drive in a my other machine, load Linux and applications, then put the 
 hard drive back into the 486.
 Mel Rogers

Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

rpm vs deb

2001-01-20 Thread Tino Ionescu
Hi , 
I am confused over one topic. If you install a rpm package will it be known to 
the system? 
Basicly what I am tring to do,is to install Java1.3 from IBM, because the one 
from Blackdown has a bug(can't use the debugger) and I would like to avoid a 
lot of warning against dependacies.
Can anybody clarify this for me, or direct me where to read please ? 

Thank you , Florentin.
Greetings ,
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: rpm vs deb

2001-01-20 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 13:57:29 -0500, Tino Ionescu wrote:
 I am confused over one topic. If you install a rpm package will it be
 known to the system? 

Not if you install it using rpm. If you use alien it will be registered
with the packaging system.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

[Q] creating deb from source...just curious

2001-01-20 Thread W. Crowshaw
Although I successfully created a powerpc deb of qmail, I have 
several questions about my methods.
I knew I need to start with the source, so using apt-get and the 
following sources.list line:

#deb-src ftp://ftp.eecs.umich.edu/debian stable main contrib non-free
I retrieved (If i remember exactly) qmail_1.0.3-14.diff.gz, 
qmail_1.0.3-14.dsc, and qmail_1.0.3.orig.tar.gz.  As I soon found 
out, I couldn't make these into a powerpc, even though there was a 
debian directory in qmail...tar.gz which referred to making a deb 
package. Compile would always fail.

O.K. second try, I instead found another package 
qmail-src_1.03-14.deb, so I thought I would try this one. 
Installing this package, however, in and of itself did not create a 
new powerpc deb based on this source.  Instead, it generated in 
/usr/src/qmail a folder with all its source, just like I found in the 
previously downloaded .tar file.  Yet, in this one, there was no 
debian directory.  After installing qmail-src_1.03-14.deb, the 
install notified me that I would have to build the powerpc deb myself 
using: build-qmail.

I couldn't find any such command, until I looked at the debian 
directory of the previously untarred qmail_1.0.3.orig.tar.gz. 
Curiously, there was a file name build-PACKAGE.  After several 
attempts at running this script, it turned out that I needed to 
rename it 'build-qmail'  Running the script with this name indeed 
produced what I needed: qmail_1.03-14_powerpc.deb.

So I got really lucky. I just happened to find the build-PACKAGE 
script stashed among source code that i couldn't compile myself.  So 
my question is:  where was I suppose to get build-PACKAGE if I hadn't 
downloaded the original tar source?  Is it automatically provided 
somewhere by another package, and I just couldn't find it? If so, 
which one and where is it installed in Debian potato?  Seems like 
there should be a README or a HOWTO about making such debs.

W. Crowshaw

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[Q]apt-get'ting x4 debs...

2001-01-20 Thread W. Crowshaw
So, I found the necessary X4 debs for my powerpc debian. At this 
mirror location, they are
.  How do I set up sources.list so that it downloads the necessary 
packages.  I have tried combinations such as

deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian/pool/main/x/xfree86/
deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian/ pool/main/x/xfree86
deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian/pool/
None of these works (No surprise there).  Do I need to instead 
download the necessary packages individually using an ftp session?  I 
rather have apt-get do it, because of its ability to partially 
download files and then resume downloads later?

W. Crowshaw

Do You Yahoo!?
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How to make apt-get upgrade interactive?

2001-01-20 Thread Richard Cobbe
Hello, all.

While I generally trust apt-get upgrade, I'd like to have it print out a
list of the packages to be upgraded and possibly check with me before it
actually does anything.  I'm a little unsure how to do this, though.  Based
on the manpage, I added 

APT::Get::Show-Upgraded true;

to /etc/apt/apt.conf, but this didn't seem to have any effect.

What's happening here?

ii  apt0.3.19 Advanced front-end for dpkg



cant compile gtk theme

2001-01-20 Thread Marcial Zamora III
hey all. im tryin to install a gtk theme from source, and am getting this error:

checking for gtk-config... no
checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... no
*** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found
*** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to gtk-config.
configure: error: *** GTK 1.2 not installed - please install first ***

I am running potato, and do have libgtk1.2 installed, along with 
gtk-engines-pixmaps package as well..
any ideas ? new to debian, so any input would be appreciated  =)

Re: mailing list digest splitting

2001-01-20 Thread Rajesh Fowkar
Matias Vidal saw fit to inform me that: 
Hi, you can split the digest if you use procmail to organize your
In your .procmailrc add a rule that catch the digest and execute formail
+1 -ds FullPathToTheMailbox

Something like this:
Start .procmailrc
* ^Subjet:.*Debian-user-digest.* 
| formail +1 -ds /home/matias/mail/listas/debian-user

* ^TOdebian-user
| formail +2 -ds  Today_debian

works perfectly well. 

Thanks to all for the help.


Rajesh Fowkar
* SiS6215 Card Configuration, RAID Configuration, Oracle 8i Installation under 
* - Visit My Web Site
* WebSite:http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com  
* The expert at anything was once a beginner.
* -Hayes 

Re: How to make apt-get upgrade interactive?

2001-01-20 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 01:09:30PM -0600, Richard Cobbe wrote:
 APT::Get::Show-Upgraded true;

I have the following and it works:

APT::Get::Show-Upgraded yes;

{sum += $2} END {print sum}, said Tom awkwardly.

Re: cant compile gtk theme

2001-01-20 Thread Philippe Marzouk
Le sam, 20 jan 2001 20:26:19, Marcial Zamora III a écrit :
 hey all. im tryin to install a gtk theme from source, and am getting
 this error:
 checking for gtk-config... no
 checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... no
 *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found
 *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
 *** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the
 *** full path to gtk-config.
 configure: error: *** GTK 1.2 not installed - please install first ***
 I am running potato, and do have libgtk1.2 installed, along with
 gtk-engines-pixmaps package as well..
 any ideas ? new to debian, so any input would be appreciated  =)

When you want to compile you need the -dev package associated with the
libraries (libgtk1.2-dev in this case) in order to get the header files
and so on.

Philippe Marzouk.

Re: cant compile gtk theme

2001-01-20 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Marcial Zamora III [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# hey all. im tryin to install a gtk theme from source, and am getting
this error:
# checking for gtk-config... no
# checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... no
# *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found
# *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
# *** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the
# *** full path to gtk-config.
# configure: error: *** GTK 1.2 not installed - please install first ***
# I am running potato, and do have libgtk1.2 installed, along with
gtk-engines-pixmaps package as well..
# any ideas ? new to debian, so any input would be appreciated  =)

There are lots of extra things you need to compile. Headers, little
config programs, you name it, it's required. Rather than include all
those extra things in the libgtk1.2 package, it's seperated -
libgtk1.2-dev is what you're looking for. So, to compile an app that
uses libgtk1.2 , you'll need libgtk1.2-dev . This is the same for most
library-like packages - they'll also have a -dev package which you can
use to compile apps that use that library.

Incidentally, compiling and installing from source into your regular
system is generally not a good idea. You should seperate those packages
which you compile and install yourself. Add something like
'--prefix=/extras --sysconfdir=/extras/etc' to the ./configure command.
That'll likely keep the package management system happy.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: How to make apt-get upgrade interactive?

2001-01-20 Thread Hall Stevenson
* Richard Cobbe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010120 09:10]:
 Hello, all.
 While I generally trust apt-get upgrade, I'd like to have it print out a
 list of the packages to be upgraded and possibly check with me before it
 actually does anything.  I'm a little unsure how to do this, though.  Based
 on the manpage, I added 

I always run apt-get -u upgrade. I think that is what you're looking
for. You can't control which of the packages it will install this way,
but at least if there's one you don't want, you can go about upgrading
some other way.


syslogd and exim cron job every 20 minutes

2001-01-20 Thread Arcady Genkin
How would I get rid of the message about exim cron job being printed
at /dev/xconsole?  This job runs every 20 minutes and I would like not
to see reports of it unless there was an error.

,[ /dev/xconsole ]
| Jan 20 14:38:01 tea /USR/SBIN/CRON[5850]: (mail) CMD ( if [ -x \
|  /usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q \
|  /dev/null 21; fi)

I tried changing /etc/syslog.conf in several ways, but it seems like I
can't put my finger on just the right thing to say there.  I tried
putting mail.!* and cron.!* into the last rule (the one that ends
in |/dev/xconsole), but it doesn't do the trick.

Any input greately appreciated!
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-20 Thread John Galt
On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Rick Loga wrote:

I want to get sound working on my woody box with kernel version 2.2.12.
I was originally slink and a half with kernel 2.2.12.  I upgraded to
potato and then woody.  I have ready numerous how-to's, articles,
tutorials, and mailing lists trying to figure out how to get my isa Sound
Blaster 16 (mocel CT2291) working.  Several things I have read said slink
needed sound compiled into the kernel.  Other things have said with
kernel 2.2, you use modules rather than compile the kernel.  I have tried
modconf and found no modules related to sound.  I found articles on SB16
that say I need modules adlib_card, opl3, sb, sound, and uart401.  I did

The important one here is sb.  The rest should come along for the ride

a locate on these names with the .o extension and found nothing.  I

look in /lib/modules/2.2.12/misc

downloaded sndconfig from unstable which will help configure the sound
card but it needs modules loaded, it says, and so does other
documentation.  So, I guess my questions are:

Do I have to compile the kernel?

If you can't find the sb module easily, that IS a way to ensure you have

If so, could I replace the kernel with a newer one instead?  (I've never

Nothing stopping you.  apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.18 (2.4.0 is
packaged, but I think it's in sid...).  2.2.18 WILL have module sb in

done this and would rather wait until I learn linux more before compiling
a kernel.)

If 2.2.12 does not need recompiling, how do get the modules needed?  I've
looked at all the packages and find no help there.

modprobe sb

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EMACS == Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Re: Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-20 Thread John Galt
On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Jonathan Gift wrote:

William Leese wrote:
 the module named sb.o.. ..and voila, that is.. ..if your SB16 uses the
 default settings..

I wondered if you could help me out here... I have a SB16 and have
succesfully compiled the sound options in the kernel and can hear sound
fine. But I saw somewhere someone with the same card having additional

My question is, do I need those modules, and if so, where are they in
the kernel config section? ie What options do I turn on that I missed in
the sound section?

I have in modules:
sb io...


These mostly deal with midi.  mpu is mpu 401 support (NOT for SB) which
is self explanatory why you shouldn't need it, and opl3 is ymf 2XXX/opl3
support.  My advice to you on the opl3 is don't get too het up about
recompiling specifically for it, but make sure you do it the next time
you build a kernel...



EMACS == Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Re: How to make apt-get upgrade interactive?

2001-01-20 Thread John Galt

You could run it dry once with apt-get -s...

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Richard Cobbe wrote:

Hello, all.

While I generally trust apt-get upgrade, I'd like to have it print out a
list of the packages to be upgraded and possibly check with me before it
actually does anything.  I'm a little unsure how to do this, though.  Based
on the manpage, I added

APT::Get::Show-Upgraded true;

to /etc/apt/apt.conf, but this didn't seem to have any effect.

What's happening here?

ii  apt0.3.19 Advanced front-end for dpkg



EMACS == Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Re: [Q]apt-get'ting x4 debs...

2001-01-20 Thread Defresne Sylvain
* W. Crowshaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 So, I found the necessary X4 debs for my powerpc debian. At this 
 mirror location, they are
 .  How do I set up sources.list so that it downloads the necessary 
 packages.  I have tried combinations such as
 deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian/pool/main/x/xfree86/
 deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian/ pool/main/x/xfree86
 deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian/pool/
 None of these works (No surprise there).  Do I need to instead 
 download the necessary packages individually using an ftp session?  I 
 rather have apt-get do it, because of its ability to partially 
 download files and then resume downloads later?

You need to put the following line :

deb ftp://ftp.digex.net/debian unstable main

In fact, need a file Packages.gz that indicate where the
differents packages can be found. This file is located in :



Re: gppp

2001-01-20 Thread Frank Preut
On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 06:51:10PM -0200, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 I am running potato 2.2r plus ximian-gnome. The dial-up utility which appears 
 in the foot menu under the internet submenu is the gnome-ppp 0.99.0. When I 
 try to run it 
 (as an alternative to pon/poff) I received an error: The ppp daemon died 
 unexpectedly, quite vage, isn't?
 Any help will be very appreciated!

same problem here, i guess.. syslog comments this with a laconic modem 
hangup.. strange humor.. i managed to take a few more steps in the login 
procedure when i used the script option but then i only got a bunch of random 
characters thrown at me after the password is sent, the connection is still 
unusable and dies anyway.. it's not a life-or-death issue since one can always 
use billions of other methods to connect but if anyone has some suggestions i'd 
appreciate that, too..

Re: How to make apt-get upgrade interactive?

2001-01-20 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Saturday, January 20, Hall Stevenson did write:

 * Richard Cobbe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010120 09:10]:
  Hello, all.
  While I generally trust apt-get upgrade, I'd like to have it print out a
  list of the packages to be upgraded and possibly check with me before it
  actually does anything.  I'm a little unsure how to do this, though.  Based
  on the manpage, I added 
 I always run apt-get -u upgrade. I think that is what you're looking
 for. You can't control which of the packages it will install this way,
 but at least if there's one you don't want, you can go about upgrading
 some other way.

Yes, this is what I was looking for, but I'd prefer a way to do it via the
config file rather than supply the option each time.

However, Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] suggested in another post using

APT::Get::Show-Upgraded yes;

I was using true instead of yes; none of the man pages that I found
specified the set of possible values for boolean options.  I'll have to try
this next time I need to update a package.

Thanks to all who replied,


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